#but if you’d like to send more asks in
Also, Aaravos said the unicorns disappeared and Art of the Dragon Prince said it was almost impossible to hunt unicorns.
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grimxark · 1 year
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Purple Rodimus edits that r made to cater to my tastes specifically
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adrift-in-thyme · 5 months
I have fallen in love with your fairy Time fics and would love to read more about it. More fics or more ideas about it, anything you want to share would be lovely.
Whether you share anything more or not Thank you for sharing what you have so far. Don't forget to drink some water, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
I waited to answer this cause you made my day and I wanted to give you a ficlet in return but my inspiration has yet to return from the war (alas finals). I do have a handful of fics I’m working on rn I just…can’t seem to finish them. So I’ll offer you some headcanons and thoughts instead!
I have a lot so I’ll just put them under the cut XD
Time’s mother was a fairy who left the forest to explore and fell for a mortal man she met during her travels. Like Hyrule, she could transform into a human whenever she wanted to and vice versa.
Time’s transformation is much like his mother’s. He can change at will. However, if he comes into direct contact with fae magic his body will automatically start to transform. If he doesn’t want this to happen he has to focus on funneling magic away from that particular ability, which is exhausting.
He feels even more comfortable in his fairy form than in his Hylian one. It makes him feel closer to Navi and the Kokiri.
Malon is the first — and for a long time only — person outside of the Kokiri to know Time’s secret. She thinks he’s absolutely adorable in that form…fae mischief and all. She loves her tiny chaos husband
Warriors found out that Time can transform during the war. Time — then Mask — turned into a fairy solely to fly up and tell off the Great Fairy who had the captain trapped in a bottle to her face. Surprisingly, she listened to him and set Warriors free
Time can heal people like most fairies can, but it isn’t his strong suit. While he can mend even severe wounds, it takes a lot of strength and concentration for him to do so. He usually conks out seconds later — something that causes him to only rely on this power as a last resort.
Time’s wings are a cross between the Luna Moth
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And a Crecopia Moth (the largest moth in North America!
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While I imagine Hyrule having powerful but small wings, Time’s are HUGE. And though they’re almost transparent (similar to the Luna Moth), they sport the same false eyes you see on the Crecopia. They freak people out when they look closer
I’m still undecided on the coloring of his wings. In my first fic I described them as green and pink (inspired by the Great Fairy mask from Majora’s Mask and his home in the forest). But now I’m pondering changing that to shades of blue and red FD style (with veins of gold). Idk I like the menacing air that would have.
Last but not least, Sky and Time actually get along better after he finds out Time’s secret (every boy eventually finds out; secrets are bound to get out somehow in a group of nosy heroes XD). He gets to see a side of Time he hasn’t before and Time realizes how deeply he can trust him. (You’ll know why when I write the fic hehe)
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sapphicsoldierwriting · 3 months
Elmax for the "send me a ship" ask game
Ty for asking me, sorry I’m a bit late!
Elmax hcs based on this post:
Who said “I love you” first
Max. She let it slip while they were cuddling and then kinda panicked about it, but her nerves were immediately calmed when El said it back.
Who would have the others picture as their phone background
They both would. On one of their dates, Max snaps a picture of El and sets it as her background. Once El realizes, she does the same thing. (In a modern au lol)
Who leaves notes written on the fog in the bathroom mirror
They both do. El starts it by writing little messages every so often, like “I love you,” “E + M,” or “Max” with a bunch of hearts next to it. Max calls her cheesy but eventually starts leaving them too, although they aren’t always romantic. Sometimes she slides her hand down the mirror to make it look like a bloody handprint, accompanied by ominous notes like “help,” or “he’s coming.”
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
El. She’s a huge hopeless romantic. She gets inspired by movies and bases a lot of her gifts and date ideas based on those. She’d definitely be the type of girlfriend to give huge bouquets and heart shaped chocolate boxes with little hand written notes attached to them. Max has a box of all the teddy bears El has given her for holidays and sometimes for no reason at all.
Who initiated the first kiss
El. It was during one of their sleepovers late at night, when they were lying in the bed giggling about anything that came to their minds. It got quiet for a moment and El just went for it. It felt right to her. Max was super shocked and confused, but she was over the moon obviously.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
El, most of the time. She’s a natural early riser, and after she’s had her morning coffee, she loves to wake Max up with a bunch of kisses all over her face (normally resulting in a groan and “five more minutes”). There are a few rare occasions though, when Max wakes up first and returns the favor.
Who starts tickle fights
They both do. Ever since El discovered tickling, she started randomly running up to Max and attacking her with tickles. After a while Max started seeking revenge. Now it’s a challenge for who ever can make the other laugh the longest before they break free.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
El. She likes spontaneously showing up from time to time with a box of a sandwich, fruit, and sometimes candy. Occasionally though, when El is having a bad day, Max will show up with a plate of eggos or a bouquet.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Mostly Max. She had never dated a girl before and was unsure of what the “rules” were, and was really scared of messing things up. (El had never dated a girl either but was less nervous about the social aspects and stuff, due to her upbringing.)
Who kills/takes out the spiders
They both do. When they see a spider, it’s on sight. They show no mercy.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
El. She’s a very giggly drunk and loves to go on and on about her amazing girlfriend. Max thinks it’s very cute but knows it’s a sign to get her home and drinking water.
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fawndlyvenus · 5 months
You know, some people are gonna get pissed, but fuck it.
I believe that several characters in the KPTS universe are acespec and/or arospec, and that as well ties into their sexual relationships, experiences, etc.
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boytumms · 3 months
It’s Jae anon! I’m an aspiring artist and I’ve been struggling on how to even begin anatomy for drawing lol. You’ve inspired me though, and I was wondering if you had any tips?
Omg a writer and an artist? You’ll be unstoppable :O I think I pretty much just picked it up after years of drawing and looking at other peoples art and trying to imitate that, but the better and probably faster way is to do some life drawing and figure studies (I should be doing more of these too lol), I don’t have any specific recommendations but you can probably find some free art anatomy book PDFs online somewhere to check out. I also like to look anatomy simplification guides on Pinterest and stuff like that. Also don’t be afraid to use references when you draw! I pull up pictures of poses or body parts or just take pictures of my own hands all the time :)
Not sure how helpful my advise is, but I hope it helps!
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accirax · 6 months
does anybody happen to know where I can find the drdt time loop theory written (or spoken, if it’s a video) out? I got an anonymous asker asking for my thoughts on it, and while I have a general sense of what the theory is, I figured it would be good to read up before I start trying to write anything. assuming anyone has officially explained it, that is…
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brb-brained · 6 months
Ok random but best/favorite species of bird and why fellow bird enthusiast?
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask, this literally made my day.
Hmmm… for favorite bird, I would have to go with either a crow or a magpie. What can I say, I’m a sucker for corvids! Crows are really cool because they can memorize faces associated with traumatic and/or stressful situations, same thing with people who are kind to them and feed them. They can also pass knowledge down through generations and too other birds, which I think is just. So funny. Imagine, you piss off one bird on accident one day, and then you spend the rest of your life being harassed by its entire bloodline. I love a bird that can hold a grudge. Relatable.
As for magpies, I just think they’re neat. They are super talented mimics and can make the coolest noises. They are quite pretty too. Their coloring is also really mesmerizing to look at and their distinct plumage makes them stand out from other common birds. I’ve seen a lot of them the past couple days, which has been great for understanding of their behavior and tendencies. (Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a photo)
As a bonus, here are some pictures of a billboard a found:
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(Sorry for the word vomit btw, I really enjoyed answering.)
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14thcommander · 1 year
Please ignore if you are uncomfortable.
Hi! I hope you are doing well, if you don't mind, I would like to make a request.
What do you think about hange and pet play? Do you think they would indulge in this kink, or is it a big no-no? If it was fine with them, how would it work? Thank you <3
hello anon!
i think hange would be into pet play, yeah. as i stated before, they’re definitely more on the dom side of things (if not fully). i think their dominance comes from a place of passion and care. and, of course, what’s better than taking care of their little pet?
hange is a cat person, let’s be honest. that’s why they adore your fake little ears and tail, the gray faux fur adorning your body. i think they’re pretty serious about whatever they’re into, as in they won’t just bring it up during sex and expect you to follow so suddenly. no, i think hange would most likely bring the topic into a more casual conversation, checking if it’s okay with you or if they’re making you uncomfortable. after deciding that yea, you want it — really bad, actually — then hange won’t waste any time.
they go all for it, too — personalized collar, tail, ears and whatever it takes for them to turn you into their pretty kitten.
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zippityzap · 1 year
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Adjusted my pony Sonic design! Im here to sell you on the concept of pegasus!Sonic who still prefers running on the ground.
This is design I colour picked from his Mania sprite, then tweaked the saturation to match the mlp style better.
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rintoorou · 1 month
pls ok sobs err let's see here... i am so not good at recommending songs HELP some of the reality club i listen to: 1. Alexandra 2. Am I bothering You? 3. Anything You want
they have lots of amazing songs so if you're interested to take a deep dive i think you'll find better songs than the mainstream one i reccomended 😭😭
i just listened to all of these and IM IN LOVE ☹️ let me just say some things omg
alexandra — this is my fav out of the three like it’s so ‘i’ll walk you home and linger by the doorway lovestruck bc we just spent the whole night talking’ vibes 😭 i bet sunarin will listen to this a lot lot (maybe try and learn it on the guitar for u..but he keeps that to himself first lawl) HOWEVER…this made me think of iwa and kuroo like JUST IMAGINE THE POTENTIAL for a love at first sight to friends to lovers and they’re just the biggest Dorks about it O___O
am i bothering you? — this song is so cute oml like if this song were in an aloha hawaii edit/montage it’d go back and forth between college and present time ,, this is gonna suit suna’s pov more i feel :3
anything you want — i can’t stress . how much this song IS college era sunayn like i wish i heard this song b4 so i could add it to the series playlist (i’m gonna add it later LMAO) but UGH just you wait omg it’ll make sense when we get to that part AAAAAA i imagine this song being more from yn’s pov but bottomline is: im so elated abt how this song captures college sunayn im in tears
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4 😎
oh! 4 is one of the few that doesn’t really have a sad angle on it!
it’s “cobb and lucanus have fun with jolene” and it’s basically them post-thiala attempting to recognize that they can have fun and don’t need to carry the weight of everything all the time. cobb sees lucanus and jolene are stressed and is like “ok we’re going (something)” (i haven’t figured it out yet which is why this hasn’t been written) and they just have fun. because they deserve to enjoy life. it’s part of my ongoing number of fics that are arguably just about cobb and jolene being best friends.
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Cringe is dead, have a FMAB oc ⚡️ This is Tawny Caputo (she/they), the Electric Alchemist
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ivoryjade · 4 months
Hello, excuse me, can I talk with you? Please
hi love ! i’m only answering asks.
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ongreenergrasses · 5 months
I so badly want to request 21(?) the kiss on a place of insecurity. But I also have no shop preference on this one???
i thought about this one for a while bc it just works so well for everyone but i went with Annie and Johanna because I miss writing them, i hope you enjoy 💜
21. ���on a place of insecurity
It’s stupid. Johanna knows that it’s stupid, but she can’t help it. She’s always hated them, the stretch marks that stripe her thighs. They go away when she’s really in shape, when her legs are more muscular and fill out, but she’s had other shit to think about aside from running as far as she can, until she collapses.
She’s alternating between staring at her legs in the mirror and her singular pair of shorts, which she accidentally cut short enough that most of her stupid stretch marks will be on full display, when the bedroom door opens.
“You’re still up here?”
Johanna shrugs.
Annie crosses her arms. “Out with it. It’s too hot for you to be doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“Giving me attitude.”
“I’m not giving you attitude,” Johanna says, and then realizes that’s exactly what she’s doing.
Annie raises an eyebrow.
“My shorts are too short,” Johanna says.
Annie raises the other eyebrow.
“I don’t like my legs,” Johanna says in a rush. “Not with these.”
Annie’s face softens and she crosses the room to Johanna, and before Johanna understands what’s happening, gets on her knees in front of her.
“What are you - ”
Annie leans in and kisses the inside of Johanna’s thigh, right over her largest stretch mark, and then kisses her way up it. Johanna’s hand drops to the back of Annie’s head and she thinks she’ll push Annie off, but instead she just holds her there.
“I like your legs,” Annie says into her skin, “but you don’t have to. You can borrow my shorts instead.”
“Okay,” Johanna says hoarsely.
send a kiss
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lenorahills · 2 years
I’m really tempted to deactivate and leave this site all together. It’s not worth it anymore. My art gets next to no traction and I’m subjected to seeing shit I have blocked and made clear that I do not want to see on my dash every time I log in. It’s not a fun website to use. 2023 needs to be a year I focus on my health and enjoyment. I just get irritated when I log in and immediately want to log out. Milevens still using this website are fucking stronger than the marines.
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