#fairy time au
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adrift-in-thyme · 3 months ago
🎉Congrats on the milestone! 🎉 Your fics are always so lovely, I love reading your work! ❤️
As for a fic request, could I ask for something with Four? Could be something with Colors, with the chain or with fairy!Time or just by himself, whatever you feel like. I would like him to have just a small, slow, happy moment.
Awww tysm!! <33
Certainly! This was such fun to write. I hope you enjoy it!
“Mind if I ask what you’re doing, smithy?”
Slowly, Four cranes his neck to look behind him. Normally, in this small form he would feel a thrill of panic at the sound of someone’s approach. But the voice is familiar, and today has been surprisingly devoid of threats upon the heroes’ lives. He is safe to indulge in the comfort of remaining where he is, lying on his back upon the ground. 
His hands rest upon his abdomen, his hair splays out like a halo around his head. The earth is soft beneath him, warm from baking all day in the summer’s heat, and the proud blades of grass stand as shields from the afternoon sun. 
“Watching the clouds,” he says. 
Time cocks his head. The light reflects off of his wings in delicate fractals of red and blue. His hair looks the color of spun gold. Twinkling with mirth, his eye matches the joyful sky above. Silhouetted against the vibrancy of a joyful day, the hero looks far less severe than he does when leading and protecting their little group. More like a simple man, rather than the famed Hero of Time. 
Four likes that. He always appreciates the moments when he gets to see his brothers comfortable, free. They bear responsibilities too great for even the broadest shoulders. If he, in his small and quiet way, can allow them to soothe the fractures within for just a moment, he is glad of it. 
And the fact that Time has grown comfortable being around him in his fae form makes him even happier. He knows all too well the burden of being so very different. 
So very vulnerable. 
He has seen the haunted looks he and Rulie get sometimes, the scars they cannot conceal, the way they eye certain travelers they meet upon the road. It is good to see some of that guarded trepidation flee. 
“Watching the clouds, eh?” With a sigh, Time sits down beside him. “What does that entail?”
His tone is teasing, and an easy smile is on his face. Four returns it. 
“It’s something Grandpa and I did when I was young.” He points up at a sizable puff of gallant white speeding across the heavens. “You catch the clouds and make shapes out of them. That one looks like an octorok.”
Time chuckles. “Ah, yes, I’m familiar with the concept. Malon and I did it many years ago when we were children.” He sighs and a mischievous grin tugs at his lips. “Of course, now I’m too dull and old for such trivialities.”
Four sends him a flat look. “You may fool the others with those comments about your age, but not me.” 
Time lifts a brow. “No?”
“Nope.” Four shakes his head. “I’ve seen you fight. You’re hardly dull, and you’re certainly not old.”
Time lays back, keeping enough distance between them that his wings don’t drift into Four’s face. With a somber expression, he gazes up at the sky.
“Don’t you dare tell the others that. It’s difficult enough leading them without them realizing I do not, in fact, possess the wisdom of the elderly.”
If he didn’t know him quite so well, Four would think he was being serious, that this matter truly was a dire one prone to wound him. He can’t help the bark of laughter that escapes.
“Alright.” He squints, watching as a cloud that vaguely resembles a chu drifts by, lazier than its fellows and falling behind. “I’ll keep your secret on one condition.”
“I swear that one looks like a Deku scrub,” Time says, pointing, then turns a quizzical eye to him. “What is your condition?”
Four grins. “You tell me how old you actually are. You know, on the inside.”
Time’s expression instantly morphs into a scowl. 
“I reject your condition.”
Four’s grin grows larger, tugging at his cheeks. 
“Why? It’s only an innocent question. Malon refused to tell us, so I thought maybe you would.”
“I see. Malon respected my privacy, leading you all to seek out the dark truth for yourselves.” 
“When you say it like that, it sounds as if you’re hiding something dastardly.” Four giggles as he turns his gaze back to the sky. “Are you truly that ancient?”
Time blows out a sigh. “You wound me, smithy. Here I thought we could sit in restful silence and watch the clouds, only to find that you are as set upon destroying me as the others. I still reject your condition. I will rest easy with the knowledge belonging solely to me. Besides” — there is a definite smile in his voice, brimming with mirth — “your secret-keeping abilities are quite poor.” 
“Hey!” Scowling, Four lightly smacks the older hero on the arm. “They are not!”
Time chuckles and gestures upward. “There’s one that looks like the pigs in Wind’s Hyrule.” 
“You’re not getting out of this that easily.” 
But the cloud does truly resemble a plump little pig, something that suddenly seems very comical to Four. He dissolves into laughter and Time joins him. Time’s jab is soon forgotten in the breathless freedom of open joy. 
And when the laughter subsides, they remain in comfortable silence, laying side-by-side, gazing up at the sky. 
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rika-mortis · 7 months ago
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nebulanightsky · 8 months ago
Someone asked to see the bonus, and I'm giving them the bonus..
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bunnieswithknives · 7 months ago
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In which Dev finally talks about what happened to Peri :3
part (1/2): next
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adrift-in-thyme · 9 months ago
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The way I squealed when I saw this
I’m OBSESSED with this!! The colors, the glow of the fairy dust, the flow of the wings, his expression, SKDJDKDKSKS SO GOOD
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a doodle of @adrift-in-thyme's fairy time au cause im a sucker for pretty wings hehe
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zu-is-here · 6 months ago
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The Frog Princess ✧ Your Culture Day
Dream & Nightmare by jokublog
Cross from xtaleunderverse by jakei95
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lara-cairncross · 11 months ago
some quick notes about Mikey :D
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The quality and quantity of the light in his environment can have different effects on him!
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I exaggerated the emotions a bit here, but lighting *does* have an impact on his mood. It’s typically not a super extreme effect— more so just, like, overcast days will make him moodier than usual or slightly more fatigued— but he’s still a lot more sensitive to the light in his environment than other light-talent fairies :]
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im debating making refs for each of the boys which some little notes about their appearance/powers, but that might take a while lol
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aalien-s · 3 months ago
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i just find this funny @lara-cairncross
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brendathedoodler · 3 months ago
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The fairy chain meeting Hylian time!
(For which fairy is which hero, look here!)
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
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Although Fairies appear humanoid in nature, they actually have a more pure form unseen by the naked eye. This is because Humans lack the ability to perceive anything beyond the fourth dimension. Given enough magic, a Fairy can manifest their true form onto all planes of existence.
This is usually not recommended, as seeing a Fairy's purest form can cause madness. A Fairy should only use their pure form when necessary, such as containing uncontrollable wishes, or high quantities of magic. Especially since there's heavy drawbacks and sacrifices to manifesting one's pure form.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
Instability: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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mistydragonflyart · 4 months ago
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I wonder who he's waiting for...
I am obssessed with @neytui's fairy au that's been living rent free in my head and for this year I wanted to do something different. So I drew Jack as a winter fairy on the bridge that connects the seasons, like the one in secret of the wings.
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adrift-in-thyme · 4 months ago
May I request Fairy Time and Hyrule doing some wing care or teaching the others how to help them take care of their wings?
Yes you absolutely may! Tysm anon!! I hope you don’t mind a bit of angst with all the softness
CW for one mention of blood
“How long has it been since you did this?”
Hyrule runs gentle fingers over Time’s wings. They spread grandly on either side, hues of soft greens and delicate blue-violets reflecting the sun’s smiling rays. Usually, they are colored in bold crimson and royal blue, which clash like swords on a battlefield. But today they take on a more tired appearance. Faded, they have begun to droop discouragingly.
Time has never admitted it, but Hyrule has eyes. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that his wings change when something is wrong. More often than not, they herald the disturbance before it can truly become known. A flash of forest green and the next thing he knows Time is fading into the mist in search of solitude.
…or collapsing in the middle of the trail.
Now, Time hums, sounding distracted. His hands lie in his lap. Absently, he twists his wedding band back and forth so quickly it is liable to rub a rash into his skin.
(Another nervous habit of his Hyrule has picked up on.)
“I’m not certain,” he admits, after a moment of quiet contemplation. The words are spoken with an air of something so desperate to be flippant. “I’ve been occupied with other matters.”
Hyrule blows out a weary sigh.
Other matters like worrying about all of us.
True, things have been strained amongst the heroes since Twilight’s injury. And as unofficial leader — and the rancher’s ancestor — Time has borne the brunt of it all. But still….
Malon had warned him about this.
“Oh, he just doesn’t take care of himself.” She had whispered during a visit to the ranch months ago after Time had fallen asleep at the dinner table. Head resting on her shoulder, he slept far deeper than he had in days.
“I’m not askin’ y’all to hover or anything. Heaven knows you’ve got enough on your plates as it is. But…just check in once in a while, will ya, loves? I don’t want him to lose himself while trying to take care of everyone else.”
Hyrule can’t help but feel that he has failed. The events of the past weeks have left their mark upon him too. Exhaustion has hounded him at every turn, dragging him down so heavily that he has nearly collapsed beneath it. And yet, he had noticed the signs. The quietness, the reservation, the increase in snappishness…the fear. But he had done nothing about them.
It wasn’t until Time had asked if he had taken the time to care for his own wings that he realized he hadn’t seen the older hero settle down to tend to his own lately.
He winces as he weaves the spell into some of the worse areas, mainly gathered around a large scar. These large wings, normally so bright with magic and life, have begun to lose their glimmer. Frightened, they shrivel, curling in one themselves to shield from the light.
With wings like this, flying will soon become agonizing.
Would he have tried to anyway? Hyrule doesn’t want to know the answer to that question.
Solitude can be harmful. He knows that far too well. But sometimes he wonders just how much of his life Time has spent alone to end up believing it is the only way to get by. Even after this family they have formed along the paths of hardship, even after Malon, it seems to be the road most familiar to the hero.
“You can always ask me, you know.”
He has been gentle this entire time, even more so than he is with his own wings. But with this part, he is extra cautious. He threads the healing magic into Time’s veins with the delicacy of one handling glass.
“I know it’s hard to take care of your wings yourself. And I know it’s even harder to trust others to do it for you. But…” He swallows as his fingertips graze the scar.
What had occurred to create such a chasm? To his knowledge, Time has never spoken of the event. Sometimes, he wonders if he ever will.
“You trust me…right, old man?”
Time looks up, fingers stilling at last.
“Of course, I do, traveler,” he says, softly. “I don’t mean to make it seem like I don’t.”
“Then, let me help you. Please?”
“I’m allowing you to now, aren’t I?”
The traveler huffs. “You know what I mean.”
“I do. It doesn’t mean I can’t tease.”
There is a smile in his voice, and Hyrule is glad of it. Even still, if the hero believes he’s going to escape without a proper reply, he is sorely mistaken. If Hyrule is known for anything, it’s his infinite stubbornness.
“Come on, old man,” he urges, softly. “Promise me you’ll ask someone to help tend to your wings when you need it. It doesn’t even have to be me. Just ask someone, please.”
Time’s wings are beginning to improve now. Threads of vibrant red glow from beneath the green. Like blood on new cloth, they spread, engulfing the other colors. He watches, slightly awed.
“I love you, Time,” he murmurs. “I don’t want you enduring pain just cause you don’t want to be a burden.”
For a long moment, Time says nothing. The only sounds are the subdued jingles of the spell twined about Hyrule’s fingers and the harmony of their breaths. It is peaceful in a pensive sort of way.
Then, “alright,” he says in a voice taut with emotion. “But only if you allow me to help you when you need it. Don’t think I don’t see how you struggle to remember your own welfare. You are too selfless for your own good.”
Hyrule chuckles. “Well, I could say the same about you.”
A small smile lifts Time’s lips. “Such is the path of the hero, I suppose.”
“Yeah.” The traveler’s gaze goes to the scar once more. “I guess.”
Silence pads in on soft, silken paws and settles down cozily. Time goes back to rotating his ring, though the motions are slower, calmer this time. Hyrule turns his full attention to finishing his task. Above them, the sun smiles, and Time’s wings transfer it in panes of pale red upon the blades of grass.
“Traveler?” Time’s voice is so quiet it is hardly above a whisper. It nudges aside the quiet, murmurs with the wind.
When the hero is in his fairy form, it is as though he is of the nature that surrounds them; as at home amongst the towering trees and great sky, stones and moss and gurgling streams, as the fleet-footed deer or furtive foxes.
Hyrule looks up, head cocked in question. “Yeah?”
“Thank you. And…” Time smiles, so soft it erases years of anguished hardship from his visage. “I love you too.”
The traveler smiles.
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lidoshka · 5 months ago
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They went camping and forgot to bring suplies for a halloween party, so the boys are improvising.
...and then here come Wild a Hyrule with their scavenged halloween masks
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acnologias-ass · 1 year ago
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I don't know what he expected 🤷
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oriorchids · 18 days ago
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and now
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qdkdraws · 7 months ago
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As promised - a mini pack of sketches with clownfish Natsu
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