#(the more pure the fairy is the stronger they are at magic !)
cubbihue · 8 days
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Although Fairies appear humanoid in nature, they actually have a more pure form unseen by the naked eye. This is because Humans lack the ability to perceive anything beyond the fourth dimension. Given enough magic, a Fairy can manifest their true form onto all planes of existence.
This is usually not recommended, as seeing a Fairy's purest form can cause madness. A Fairy should only use their pure form when necessary, such as containing uncontrollable wishes, or high quantities of magic. Especially since there's heavy drawbacks and sacrifices to manifesting one's pure form.
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Story Ideas I'm Never Going to Write #1: The Midnight Door
A mashup retelling of "Cinderella" and "The Twelve Dancing Princesses"
Main character is a young woman who is heiress to an estate and fortune that can pass down along the female line. Her father has remarried a woman with two sons of her own. Stepmother resents that Cinderella is going to get everything while she has two sons who get nothing.
Cinderella is in love with a seventh son who's also a soldier. An upcoming ball is going to be Cinderella's last chance to see him before he goes off to war.
Cinderella's father disapproves of this relationship, believing the soldier to be a fortune hunter. To keep Cinderella away from him, he forbids her from going to the ball and the family leaves her behind.
As Cinderella is mourning this, she is visited by a fairy who offers to help, giving her a ballgown and transportation to the ball (as well as magically ensuring that her family doesn't recognize her) so long as she returns by midnight.
Cinderella has a wonderful evening, bids her beloved a fond farewell after promises of everlasting devotion, and returns at the stroke of twelve. She thanks the fairy profusely, wondering how she can ever repay her.
The fairy says she'll think of something.
The next night, at the stroke of midnight, a door appears in Cinderella's room. When Cinderella walks through, she finds herself in a magical garden. The fairy states that the door will appear in Cinderella's room each night, which will allow her to come to the fairy's home and complete a few small tasks to show her gratitude for the help she received in getting to the ball. If Cinderella refuses, this will be proof that she is a wicked, ungrateful child deserving of magical punishment.
Cinderella has no choice but to agree. The door appears each night, and Cinderella spends each night completing tasks for the fairy--sometimes ordinary cleaning or gardening tasks that she doesn't want to waste magic on, sometimes on quests into the magical wilds to find items that are best retrieved by a pure-hearted human. Sometimes, the fairy offers magical help with these tasks, which only gives Cinderella more debt to work off.
This leaves Cinderella exhausted during the daytime, and eventually, her family notices. The stepmother thinks that this is proof that Cinderella is living a pampered, worthless lifestyle, and she convinces her husband that Cinderella needs to take up more responsibilities if she wants to live up to her role as heiress to the estate.
Cinderella tries not going through the door a few times, but time always stays frozen at the stroke of midnight until she goes through the door.
Cinderella's father figures out that she's going somewhere at night, but since the magic keeps everyone in the house asleep while she's gone, and keeps her from telling anyone the truth, he's unable to figure it out.
He recruits the help of some eligible young men in the area (hoping that this will also help her forget about the soldier and agree to marry a suitable man). Since the bonds of marriage are stronger than the bonds of gratitude that bind Cinderella to the fairy's service, the fairy gets worried that she might lose the best servant she's ever had, so she takes the precaution of stealing away the young men who try to solve the mystery, turning them to stone, and leaving them as statues in her garden.
The fairy has a brother who eventually comes by and learns about the situation. The brother doesn't approve of his sister's cruelty in general (which is why he interacts with her as little as possible), and he has a sympathy for humans after spending a portion of his young life as a changeling. He learns that his sister has no intention of ever allowing Cinderella to work off the debt, and he tries to force her to set Cinderella (and the stone suitors) free.
The sister is enraged, and with her stronger magic, she casts her brother out into the human world, leaving him weak and nearly powerless .
He's in this weakened state when a soldier comes by and offers help. Taking food from a human will leave the fairy in a debt to him similar to the one that binds Cinderella to his sister's service, but he's too weak to care much.
A conversation with the soldier reveals that he's actually Cinderella's sweetheart, newly returned from the war. The fairy is unable to directly tell him what's happening to Cinderella, but since he's now bound to the soldier's service, it is totally legal for him to set up a situation where the soldier can figure out what's going on for himself.
The fairy gives the soldier an invisibility cloak, and advises him to go to Cinderella's father and offer to solve the mystery. The father figures that this is a win-win situation--either the soldier solves the mystery and they resolve the situation that's harming Cinderella and stealing away these young men, or the soldier will get stolen away and her father won't have to worry about this unsuitable suitor chasing after her.
The cloak and the fairy bound to his service protect the soldier from any detection by the sister's magic, and he follows Cinderella and figures out what's going on. They could break Cinderella's bond of service by getting married, but Cinderella refuses to free herself until she can free all the innocent men who've been caught up in this.
The three of them figure out a way to save the suitors and defeat the evil fairy, Cinderella's father learns the truth and agrees to let Cinderella marry her true love, and everyone lives happily ever after.
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arkacarian · 6 months
Ripple Star Fairy Headcanons Part 2!
By the request of more people than I expected
You can (and should) read part one here!
- Fairies make a very unique chittering sound when happy. The shiny crystal collect noise? Not actually the crystal, that’s Ribbon!
- They aren’t that good at using their legs, despite being some of the only creatures in the universe to have actual legs. Most fairies just choose to flutter around because walking is tiring
- Fairies love to perch on high places! This can be up on top of shelves, on fences, rooftops. Pretty much any elevated place. They’ll also sit on the head of a certain artist. Adeleine doesn’t mind though. She enjoys when Ribbon does that
- They’re a lot stronger than you’d expect! Your average fairy can carry something up to 10x their own weight! And because flying doesn’t tire them out, they can carry it indefinitely
- They all have some form of magic. Usually it’s nothing more than harmless little light shows for normal fairies, but royal fairies have a much more diverse and more powerful spread of magic
- All of them hate rainy weather. It makes their wings too wet to use. Usually they’ll stay inside, but if they have to go out, they’re awkwardly using their legs and dressed in big raincoats. Despite the always warm and sunny weather of Ripple Star, it doesn’t rain often, so this is usually only an issue when they’re off planet
- They love being scratched under the chin or on their backs. Unsurprisingly, they’re also fond of belly rubs
- Young fairies will often gnaw on crystals. They can’t eat them, but they still chew on them anyway. Some claim that different crystals have different flavors
- Fairies are all very affectionate! They love touch, hence why they sleep in piles. They aren’t overbearingly cuddly and warm to someone they just met, but once they get to know them, they basically become a magnet
- They’re very emotionally intelligent and good at picking up on how others feel. Natural empaths
- Fairies all love music and other arts! Music is definitely their favorite, with many fairies taking up song making in some way and others doing kinds of dance. Ribbon is a proficient ribbon dancer, of course. There’s also often festivals held at the palace centered around music
- Fairies are quite literally made of magic. They come about when two fairies who are in love just… are. A couple can just be sleeping and in the middle of the night be woken up by the chirping and chittering of a child made from pure magic and love. This is also how royal fairies are born although it’s just the Queen by herself, because the royal family is all one lineage
- They have a lot nectar-based drinks and really enjoy the taste of the stuff (it’s also sweet, which they love)
- When young, fairies will cling on to their mothers to fly around, because their wings are still drying
- There’s always a fairy who’s designated to be the Guardian of the Crystal. The Guardian is often a noble and is able to use the crystal to make it a weapon and armor that aligns with them. Or it’s Ribbon, who is technically a noble…
- Ribbon was found as a very, very newborn baby orphaned outside the palace by Ripple, who immediately took the young child to her mother. Ribbon was raised by the former queen and, while not considered part of the royal family, is seen as a fairy of nobility despite nobody knowing who her parents actually are
- Ripple was the first fairy, let alone royal, to need glasses in a very long time
- Ripple Star has a lot of cave systems that form all sorts of crystals, even some that are considered “unnatural” in other places! A lot of fairies make jewelry and most of them at least own some if they don’t wear it, and Ripple Star sells a lot of it to other planets
- Even though Ripple Star is neighbors with Shiver Star, fairies and humans never interacted until Adeleine showed up
- Sometimes they’ll chase and catch small bugs, just for fun. They always just gently put them back where they found them though
- Fairies have a phrase unique to them: “crystal strong”. It means being nigh unbreakable and able to be put back together even in the darkest times. It’s usually used about friendships
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ssukidesu · 3 months
what friends do
Fandom: Fairy Tail
Pairing: Nalu
Rating: T
Nalu Week 2024 ( @allaboutnalu @thenaluarchive )
Summary: Lucy gets a little too happy and does something (maybe not) regrettable.
Chapter 6: what counts as a cheap shot (injury)
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5
Read on AO3
Read under the cut
1… 2… 3… 4…
Shit, shit, shit!
Lucy’s mind raced through her options and found them limited, to say the very least.
The man pinning her front to the floor was laughing cruelly. His knee was on the center of her back, and her hands were pinned together beneath it, right on the meat of his calf. She felt a bead of sweat drip onto her neck from above.
5… 6… 7…
Options… options… what were her options? She could try to dig her nails into his hands, but that almost never worked. She could try to buck him off, but she could tell he was pushing almost all his body weight onto her back—she had no shot. She could…
He was leaning on her from her right side, and the leg that wasn’t digging into her back had to be bracing somewhere for balance. From what she could tell, it was probably somewhere by the bottom half of her legs. If she could just…
8… 9…
In one movement, Lucy bent her right knee and swung back her foot—and prayed. Thankfully, her toes clipped his shin, and she managed to sweep his leg off the ground, throwing off his balance. Immediately, the weight on her back lessened, and she rolled onto her back. He still had her hands gripped together, but the momentum of her movement ruined his balance even more, and she landed her knee right into his stomach.
With the wind knocked out of him, she could yank her hands free and scramble back to her feet.
Fists poised near her face, Lucy bounced on her toes.
And smiled.
“Damn, Lucy… really thought I had ya there,” said her sparring partner, Natsu, who was flicking the sweat off his bangs and shaking loose his stiff fingers. “And at the last second, too!”
“What can I say?” she bragged. “I’m getting better.”
Natsu and Lucy began to circle each other again, both trying to spy an opportunity to lunge.
This scene was becoming a more frequent one lately. No magic, no tricks—just pure, hand-to-hand sparring. It was Lucy’s idea; Natsu was always asking her to fight him, but she knew she had no shot in hell if it was a real spar with magic. So, after coming up with some stipulations, she proposed this compromise.
While the rules were appropriately adjusted for a male-versus-female fight, she knew he’d never go easy on her. Yes, the requirements were that he had to pin her for ten seconds while she only had to pin him for three—but no one would be fooled to think that he was being nice.
The evidence?
…She had never won.
Don’t misunderstand—she’d gotten close, a few times. But it was just like him to pull through in the last moment and, if anything, manipulate his previous vulnerability into being an advantage in the very next moment. She’d complain about it, but, well… would she love him if he were any different than how he was?
Lucy pursed her lips and blew a puff of air upward to get her bangs out of her eyes. She knew he’d come at her any second, and that would be her moment to attack. There’d be no openings until then.
His expression was concentrated—it was confident and competitive. He knew he had the upper hand, as he always did, but Lucy recognized that Natsu truly did find joy in making her stronger—in testing to see if this time was when she’d finally beat him.
He lunged. He went for her middle, his shoulder lowering so that he could get her around the waist. He was fast, but she was hoping he’d make this move; it was one with which he’d defeated her many times before.
Yes—this time, she was ready for it.
She went lower. She was almost on the ground; if he was a taller man, she wouldn’t have to sweep so close to the floor to avoid his arms. She passed by him on the left, clipped his foot with hers, and reveled in the sound of his body thunking heavily on the mat. His momentum had already been moving forward—he’d normally be too sturdy to trip outright, but his own shifting body weight worked against him.
Now behind him, she moved like lightning to grab his right leg. She gripped his ankle with her right hand, then threw her entire body over his shirtless back so that his ankle would be lodged over her shoulder. She had no hope of holding it with just her hand, but if she could manage to keep her own body down, she might be able to hold him in place.
Her left hand perhaps pulled a cheap shot—but those were allowed for her (with obvious exceptions, such as his eyes and his family jewels). She tangled her fingers into his hair at the base and clenched her fist. She wasn’t mean enough to pull his hair, but this, she hoped, would provide a big enough distraction from the rest of his body that the three seconds could pass.
Since his hands were free, his first instinct was to grope at the hand in his hair. He was muttering all the while, “Shit… Lucy—” in a gritty voice that might have made her stomach flip.
But he was a quick thinker. Noticing the mobility he still had with both hands, he pushed his torso off the ground—much like a regular push up—and to get his leg and back free of her, he tucked to crash down on his left side. Lucy went with him, of course—and unfortunately, it jostled her off his back.
Ugh! So close—!
But she couldn’t dwell on that now: she was still on the ground, and he’d be a fool not to take advantage. She was propped up on her side, but as he flung himself to grab her, she learned that he was set on forcing her on her back. In a flash, he had her wrists in his left hand, her hips pressed down under his right forearm, and her two legs raised so that her hamstrings were pinned under his thighs. She could move them slightly and straighten her knees, but that sort of thing didn’t matter. With her hips pinned down, she wouldn’t be able to buck him off.
Well, she thought—his hot, panting breaths washing over her face—this is a new one.
There’s no way I can get out of this one, she thought, trying desperately to wrench her wrists from his grip. He smiled pridefully at her fruitless efforts.
2… 3…
He’s so close. Their eyes were locked—hers wide in panic, his half-mast in arrogance. If I wanted to, I could…
…That might work.
Let it be known that, for the record, there was a lot of blood pumping into Lucy’s brain at that moment, and whether this idea was a reasonable one would be an object of her own future scrutiny.
“I really do appreciate this, Natsu,” she muttered, her lungs tight from her raised arms.
4… 5…
He blinked, pupils dilating. Their faces might have been three inches apart. “‘Course,” he said amiably, though his brow quirked in suspicion.
“I’m happy that I’m getting stronger because of you,” she mused.
His breathing halted. His eyes widened, and he froze.
Her blond hair was splayed out beneath her. It had shaken so loose from its ponytail that it might as well have not been tied at all. With the little mobility she had, she raised her chin and lifted her head off the ground. His eyes widened further, but he didn’t pull himself away.
Her lips pressed against his cheek, close to his jaw. It was covered in sweat, but not the kind that made his skin slick. It was sticky, and the tender skin of her lips clung to the touch in a way that made the action seem even more intimate than it was.
Or maybe that was due to the fact that he was pressed quite thoroughly against her in a manner that was more than a little suggestive.
She pulled away, and his half-lidded eyes were fixated on her mouth.
She felt his grip on her wrists weaken.
In one mighty test of strength, Lucy jerked her hands from his hold, placed them on his head for leverage, and pushed herself upward just enough that her legs were freed from the hold of his own. She gripped the wrist of the arm that had been below her stomach, hooked the underside of her knee around his torso, and heaved until she’d flipped them both. At the end of it, he was on his back, and she had his right arm bent behind his back—just shy of the point of dislocation. Her legs were on either side of him; she’d sat herself just below his groin.
Lucy was relieved to be free, but she knew her success would be short-lived; there was no way she could keep him in this hold. Other than her body weight on top of him and his one (much stronger) hand in the grip of her own, she had no way to secure him.
So why wasn’t he moving?
Natsu was just staring up at her, lips parted and brows furrowed. His left hand, which was completely free, was splayed out to the side, motionless.
Lucy wondered if she’d hurt him in the movement somehow—but she scratched away the thought just as quickly. This guy could take a boulder to the skull and break the boulder; surely there was nothing she did in that tussle that hurt him.
Well, except maybe one thing…
“Three,” she breathed.
Neither moved. She watched a couple different emotions flash over his face; first, confusion—as if he wasn’t sure what she was talking about; then, self-abhorring displeasure. He exhaled loudly through his nose and let his head drop an inch to rest fully on the ground.
His lip curled, and his eyes narrowed. “Ouch.”
Lucy released a single laugh. She let go of his arm and brought both of hers to brace on his chest. “What, did I hurt you somewhere?” she asked doubtfully.
“Nope,” he huffed. “Just my pride.”
She smiled with her tongue between her teeth. “Finally,” she giggled against his skin. “I finally won!”
Natsu scoffed, but he brought his newly-freed hand to play with her hair, which had devolved into tangles around the elastic band. He fumbled to loosen it, but gave up after figuring it was a lost cause.
Lucy rolled off of him and stood before offering him a hand. He took it despondently, and they made their way to the bench.
“I think we should add that to the list of cheap shots you aren’t allowed to take,” he grumbled, chugging from his water bottle.
“Don’t be a sore loser,” she drawled. “I was just thanking you for all your help. What’s cheap about that?”
He gave her a flat look that seemed to say, You know exactly what was cheap about it.
Lucy shrugged. “I guess I might have been hoping it’d throw you off…”
“Hoping? Lucy, it wasn’t fair! You’d be saying the same thing if I’d done it to you!”
Lucy had to take care not to choke on her water as she took a sip. The image of him kissing her on the cheek in the middle of any of the positions he’d had her in before…
Well. She supposed she understood his point.
She watched him tug his shirt back on, and she threw the strap of her bag over her shoulder. “I’m sorry, Natsu,” she began, as cute as she could manage. She walked backwards to look at him as she led the way out of the gym. “What can I do to make it up to you?”
Natsu always liked questions like that. His lips tilted into a smirk. “Cook me dinner.”
She should have known he’d say that. Rolling her eyes, she turned her back to him and pushed open the door. “Fine,” she said sulkily.
But the stubborn grin on her face wouldn’t go away.
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jaydenix · 1 month
Winx Club Transformations Tier List
I'm getting flamed for this one.
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Okay, I'm gonna go through my explanations for each transformation, but here's how I look at it: I take five main factors when it comes to judging a transformation:
Obtainment: How is the transformation obtained? What do the Winx have to go through or prove to get it? Are they all given it at once (bad) or do they all get it separately through their own actions (good)?
Aesthetics: How good are the outfits? Are they visually appealing? Do they fit the theme of the transformation nicely? Are they able to compliment the individual's personality or are they all just copy and pasted to save precious time and money? On that last point the way I look at it is: if I was to draw an OC in a given transformation, someone else should be able to tell which transformation it is without it just being a carbon copy and without being told.
Sequence: Pretty simple: Is the sequence fun to watch? And does it go well with the music? Speaking of which
Music: How good is the song(s) to go with the sequence? (this is important trust me)
Power: What do the Winx get from having it? Are the unique powers it has interesting? And does it make sense for what they're trying to accomplish?
So, why have I ranked each transformation the way I have? Let's dive right in.
Magic Winx (S-Tier): Can't go wrong with the original. Magic Winx is one of the most iconic magical girl forms of all time and for good reason. There is so much beauty in simplicity, the outfits look amazing even though they're very simple. The sequence is very fun and factors in the personalities of the Winxes nicely like with the disc Musa spins on, something that many of the other transformations didn't do. All topped off by banger songs from both the 4Kids and RAI dubs. Magic Winx is a classic and very deserving of S-Tier.
Charmix (B-Tier): This one is hard to comment on because it really should be considered a powerup similar to the Believix wings, not a full transformation. But it seems to be included more because it's the closest thing season 2 has to its own transformation and it's also just from the original trilogy so it seems to get this consideration. In any case, the way of making fairies temporarily stronger is logical especially with how powerful Darkar is. It's also one of the few to be obtained incrementally, as in each Winx gets it on their own which is something I really like even if it's a bit quick, it makes them feel less like a hivemind. Kinda weird it never gets used beyond season 2 but whatever.
Enchantix (S-Tier): What hasn't been said about Enchantix at this point? It's just awesome all around. The outfits are magnificent. The visuals of the sequence look superb and it combines together with an absolute banger of a song that is so intensive but also fits the elegance of Enchantix perfectly. And there's the fairy dust theme which is amazing too. And also the second fairy dust theme which only plays like two or three times but it feels like you're ascending to a higher plain it's just majestic and incredible I can't describe it. It is also the only true incremental transformation in my view. Taking a good 10 episodes from Aisha getting it in S3E6 to Bloom in E16. Every time it's obtained is a great moment for the Winx and they desperately need it's advanced powers to take on Valtor and his series of new threats. Enchantix is the best transformation through and through (very original opinion I know).
Believix (A-Tier): The "level above Enchantix" bullshit Faragonda what are you chatting about? Anyway, Believix is great. The outfits look fabulous and the sequence is very fun to watch. Especially with the outfits we're just before the point where they start to look way too similar and not reflecting the characters' personality. If I'm honest, ranked purely on music it would probably be on the lower end but the song is still amazing, it's just the competition is extremely high in that category. This would be probably be S-Tier but the way it's obtained is definitely a good few steps below Enchantix where they all get it once, it made sense for the occasion but I just love how they all gain Enchantix separately. In any case: Believix is still one of the best transformations.
Sophix (A-Tier): The first sub-transformation on the list. It's good, only used for a couple episodes and like probably existed to sell dolls but it's fine. The outfits look fine and the song is super underrated, more people need to talk about it because it feels so majestic and beautiful.
Lovix (A-Tier): Sophix's twin sister doesn't disappoint, I probably like the outfits even more and the music is really good as well. I think I prefer Sophix just a little more but Lovix is still A-Tier for me.
Harmonix (D-Tier): Oh here we go, everything up until this point has been pretty uncontroversial but I think this one will ruffle some feathers. I'm sorry Harmonix fans, I know you're out there but I don't like Harmonix at all. The outfits are carbon copies of each other and I don't like them at all. The music is pretty good but the sequence is whatever and just a good song won't save it. Additionally, Harmonix has zero reason to exist, it's just Sirenix training wheels and you know it's true. They just get given similar powers to Sirenix whilst completing the Sirenix Quest? Why couldn't they have just kept Believix for that? It would've made it even harder to get things done and proved they wanted it more. Maybe some people think differently but I think that's pretty lame, I really don't know what purpose it was meant to ser- oh yeah they have to sell dolls don't they. But yeah, I make no apologies that I don't like Harmonix at all, excluding the season 7 transformations I think it's the worst in the entire series and might be the most unnecessary.
Sirenix (B-Tier): May be the most popular post-S4 transformation but I've always had a difficult relationship with it. Historically it's been my least favourite but in recent times I've come around to liking it. The best thing about it is the Sirenix Quest they have to go on. This might be the highest stakes of any transformation, they have to go through a lot to get the transformation and it comes down to the wire with them nearly losing their magic entirely making for a tense watch. So why only B-Tier? I hate the outfits, they're way too similar and just don't look good at all. I really don't like them. But otherwise it's easily one of the best, and I still feel like I'm gonna warm up to it more with time so the next time I do this don't be surprised if it goes up.
Bloomix (A-Tier): Yes, just yes, Bloomix is so cool. The warrior aesthetic is very different from others but I love it so so much. They're pretty similar but there are worse offenders for sure (lookin' at you Harmonix), and also Tecna's outfit is perfect, she looks like a tech support girl which I love. Plus the song is banger (I know I say banger a lot but just work with me here) and the sequence is really cool too. The way it's obtained is a little lame, Bloom sharing the dragonflame is cool but I don't really get the whole "defeating some bad guy" to get it thing it just didn't make sense to me, Bloom more or less created it why can't they just get it there and then? On a side note: I feel like season 6 has to be the most disappointing season, the season aesthetically was cool with the theme of mythology and legends and shit and that went along with Bloomix, it really could've been something good to drag the show out of the hole it was beginning to dig. But in the end it was just good ideas and bad execution. But I digress.
Mythix (C-Tier): A lot of people seem to really hate Mythix and I do get why. To me though I think it's the most average in a way, like if you ranked every transformation out of 10, Mythix to me is like halfway between the best and the worst transformation wherever those lie, hence C-Tier. The outfits are... okay I guess, the music is good and they did have to go through quite a bit to get it. Though I will say the wands are dumb and childish and I wish they didn't have them. I don't know, Mythix is just "fine" to me.
Butterflix (F-Tier): Oh lord here we are, we made it to season 7. Like with Enchantix but the inverse: what bad hasn't been said about Butterflix? The outfits are tacky and all look literally identical besides the colours like oh my god this is so bad. That dance is just... what. The way it's obtained is pretty bland and lame too. The one good thing is the music which is one of the best tracks in the entire show, I made a post about it a while back because goddamn is it catchy, but it's not gonna save what is fundamentally the worst transformation in the show.
Tynix (D-Tier): What do I say about Tynix? Like the music's decent and some of the visuals are good. But it's still got the season 7 factor of just feeling so childish and stupid, do you get me? I don't know, all this shit about mini worlds and magical animals is just so lame, I hate this show so much sometimes.
Dreamix (A-Tier): Banger all around. It has what might be the coolest sequence in the entire series, the visuals are amazing and go along really well with an absolutely beautiful song. The outfits are pretty unique and I like them a lot. I've seen a good chunk of people who dislike Dreamix but I don't get it at all, what's there not to love? It's great.
Onyrix (C-Tier): Onyrix is like Dreamix but worse in every way. It didn't really feel that essential especially considering how similar it is aesthetically. The song isn't as good, the sequence isn't as good, like I said, it's just a worse version of Dreamix which just makes it disappointing. I really wish they tried to make more disctinctive. It feels like an unused early version of Dreamix.
Cosmix (A-Tier): Yep, I am a Cosmix defender until the day I die. Where do I even start with this? Well the music for one is soooooooo good. And the sequence visually looks cool too with the Winxes fading in from a starry outline. The outfits look pretty good too in my opinion and are about as distinct as Bloomix was so I'll give it that. In terms of obtaining it was kinda boring (I think? I haven't watched season 8 in a while lol) but like what can you do? Cosmix is cool and more people need to realise it.
Crystal Sirenix (C-Tier): One of the strangest ones, like why did they need another form of Sirenix randomly at the end of season 8? I'm not sure don't ask me. Though tbh I think I like the outfits slightly more than regular Sirenix just because I don't like those at all as I've expressed, but for the most part it feels fairly unnecessary and forgettable.
Aaaaaaaaaand that is my thoughts on the transformations. Plenty of good and plenty of bad. I've probably lost my entire following by now but if you don't hate me by this point uhhhh that's cool? Thanks for reading this thing it took fucking ages to write lmao. Have a good day.
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fairy-verse · 1 year
What's the fairies' opinion about hybrids? Are they ok with them or do they see them as weird and hard to accept in their community?
The season fairies try their best at accepting hybrids within their communities, but sometimes they’re unable to properly hide their feelings for them. It’s not that they inherently dislike them, it’s just that hybrids are sometimes a little odd, with strange behaviours and moods, that sort of thing. Some hybrids are good at playing pretend and ignoring the part of themselves that is the weakest, but for some, this becomes difficult to impossible, and they struggle with finding a place to fit in. Often, they’re left on the outside. Some become guards near the borders and keep to themselves, others leave the land of the Firstborn altogether and find themselves a new home on the island. What happens to these hybrids is rarely documented.
There are two hybrids I may mention that have similar, yet different life experiences. One has equal parts of two seasons within himself, whilst the other has more from one side than the other. So, let’s take a look at both Cross and Killer.
Cross struggles. Summer is too hot; winter is too cold. His mother was a summer fairy who gave birth to him within Error’s Mountain halls, but even so he never fully adapted to living there. The mountain felt claustrophobic, and when he tried to go back with her to Dream’s valley, then he found himself somewhat uncomfortable with the heat and humidity, not to mention that the moss-clad forest felt confusing and dizzying. His parents didn’t stay together either, so he’s never felt the comfort of living in a nest where two loving caregivers coddle him until he’s old enough to fly. His mother tried her best to give him what he needed as a young faerling, but when she tragically passed from an unexpected troll attack to their nest, then he was instead forced to go back and live with his father, who in contrast to his mother wasn’t quite as nurturing.
He is an example of a hybrid who doesn’t quite fit in anywhere, and these hybrids tend to not live for long, as loneliness and grief tend to make their Souls weak. It is only because he found a home in Dream that he began to flourish and grow stronger.
Unknown to Cross, and everyone else for that matter, is that his father is not a pure-born winter fairy but is instead also a hybrid of his own. Cross’s soul is much stronger than he believes, thanks to the magic that intertwined perfectly with what he got from his mother and father.
Killer thrives. He is a hybrid who has more from one side than the other, and therefore he’s able to pretend and fool other fairies into believing that he’s just a quirky spring fairy with a knack for grace and elegance, when he wishes it. His mother was an autumn fairy who chose to make a nest with his father at the border separating Nightmare and Ink’s domains. There they raised Killer in loving comforts, and although his mother tried to teach him the slow ways of the autumn fairies, he was much more inclined to follow his father to cause mischief. He loves to play and tease, and there is nothing more he enjoys than pestering the Big Folk and drinking their blood; laughing as he sees their paranoia settle as his painful bite causes their Souls to become more open to the magic of the world around them, though they believe they’re hallucinating and growing mad.
Killer was still young when his mother was tragically caught by the Big Folk, and while he acts like it never bothered him that much, it is clear in the way he began to fully distance himself from his autumn side that it secretly pained him. He became so used to acting like a pure spring fairy that he himself began to think that he was one. By the time he caught sight of Nightmare, he’d nearly forgotten everything his mother had taught him, but to properly court the Firstborn of autumn, he knew he had to incorporate that long-neglected side of himself, and well… It felt good to be graceful and slow in the way he danced, and it was with this rediscovering of himself that he was able to catch Nightmare’s eye.
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karishrtstlen · 7 months
🕊 I’ll crawl home to her.
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Obamitsu // Obanai and Mitsuri remember important moments before their wedding
Inspired by Hard Work-Hozier
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Mitsuri paced around her bedroom with sweaty palms and eyes filled with tears out of pure stress. One day from now would be her big day and she couldn’t believe she was marrying someone as perfect as him. Someone like him. Someone like Obanai. Shinobu had come over to calm her down as well as Shinobus sisters, Kanae Kanao and Aoi, as of now there were no results.
“Oh god Shinobu he’s just so. Amazing why would he even consider marrying me?” She asked her friend who sighed and rubbed her temple
“Why wouldn’t he? That man’s completely smitten over you. Don’t you remember how he asked you out?” Shinobu reminded her
and how could she forget?
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Summer of their senior year in highschool. This was their last summer before they would have to mature.
Shinobu had suggested that their entire friend group take a small trip to the mountains, Where Giyuu’s adoptive father lived, To relax and so they did. They spent the entire summer there.
Mitsuri remembers two weeks before they left quite well.
“Lyubov” Obanai called out for her. She wasn’t sure where he got the nickname from, all she knew was that he had called her that ever since their trip to Ukraine Sophmore year.
“Whats wrong Oba?” She asked quietly, it was nighttime and she wasn’t supposed to be awake but of course Obanai knew she would be awake.
She forgot to bring her favorite bunny plush she can’t sleep without it.
“Can you come with me please i have a surprise” He said quietly knowing she was tired and hadn’t rested properly. A tired Mitsuri made her a little bit more anxious than usual, But not with Obanai. Obanai felt like home to her and she would never give that up. She took his hand.
Her bigger softer hands from baking into his smaller calloused hands from writing so much. Mitsuri has always thought their hands, though opposites, fit each other like puzzle pieces that were missing. She thought their mere beings were meant to find each other.
Like how though she’s taller and a lot stronger everything about her screamed feminine no matter how many people tried to make her seem masculine for her build
And Obanai was the opposite that completed her.
He, unlike many of the boys she’s liked, had never objectified her, sexualized her body and its proportions, never tried to make her seem masculine for her strength, and never not ONCE judged her for how she decided to eat.
He led her outside into the forest secretly praying she would trust him just a little longer he could feel in his heart that she was getting scared. Two hours passed before Obanai asked her gently to close her eyes while turning off their flashlight. Underneath her palms she could see a glow as Obanai held her arm and led her deeper into the forest.
“Open them now, Lyubov” He said gently letting go of her as if she’ll break if he did way too fast.
When she opened her eyes she was met with a sight so magical she could barely breathe. An entire grove of Wisteria trees with fairy lights covering them and polaroids hanging on the lines their friends standing on the side of a projection screen playing videos of her and Obanai from the day they met to now. In her shock she failed to notice Rengoku giving Obanai something and patting his shoulder with a stern look before going back to his spot next to Tengen.
“Do you know why I call you Lyubov Mitsu” He asked
she shook her head and he smiled.
“When we took our trip to Ukraine you mentioned how beautiful you thought the language was and how much you loved it. So for you i learned it. That way you could hear the beauty of a language you love even if you don’t know it. In Ukrainian Lyubov… Lyubov means Love” He took a deep breath looking at Mitsuri who had tears falling already. “Back during the Taishō period there were these fierce swordsmen and women who fought against something no one knows yet but its said to be beasts so fierce coming back with just a busted eardrum and broken ribs was considered a miracle” He laughed a bit looking down
“What i found interesting was that there were two whose looks are described similarly to us, they loved each other yet made no move to confess a push and pull out of fear. They died in each other’s arms confessing too late.”
Mitsuri looked into Obanai’s glassy eyes and felt butterflies erupt. “I don’t want to be like them Kanroji.” He said getting on one knee “So to you i want to say that you are my best friend. For the longest i believed that’s all you were but my heart said otherwise. If i have to die with you in my arms I want it yo be with you as my girlfriend and the promise of marriage sealed from the get go. Mitsuri Kanroji I want to make this promise to love you and soon marry you. I promise to work hard and make sure you never feel worthless because in my eyes you’re more than this world and this universe combined, to me Kanroji you are everything. The waves the moon the sun the flowers the planets the stars the galaxy everything. So please, Be my girlfriend and more than that my future wife” He finished by taking out a promise ring the diamond being in the shape of a heart with a snake going around it.
and how could she not say yes while sobbing and giving him small gentle kisses all over his face in fear if breaking him?
her precious boyfriend and future husband
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Tomorrow is the day Obanai would be marrying the woman he loves with his soul. Right now he was with Rengoku, Tengen, Giyuu, and Sanemi at the spa instead of a bachelors party.
“Out of everyone I would have expected Tengen to marry his girlfriends first” Sanemi said with a sly smile cucumbers covering his eyes. Tengen rolled his eyes and told him to shut up sinking further into the mud bath. Obanai smiled brightly at them careful not to mess up the stitches around his mouth.
“Marrying her is my biggest accomplishment in life she’s gonna be mine forever and i’ll love her forever till my last breath” he said calmly “Getting her fathers permission was a hassle i remember it so vividly just three months before i asked her to be mine”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Obanai took a deep shaky breath wiping the sweat off his palms onto his school uniform before knocking on the door only to be met with Mitsuri’s mother.
“Oh? well hello young man how can I help you” She said politely and Obanai smiled
“Hello Mrs. Kanroji. My name is Iguro Obanai i’m a friend of Mitsuri’s… I was wondering if I could speak with you and your husband on an important decision I want to make regarding your daughter” He said in a polite tone which shocked Mrs. Kanroji.
Many boys had come to ask for permission to date their daughter but non had been as polite as Obanai. She smiled warmly and invited him inside.
Mr. Kanroji wasn’t as warm as Mrs. Kanroji. He had seen many people promise to love his daughter only to hurt her. He’ll have to die before anyone ever hurts her again his precious baby girl. “What do you want with my daughter” He asked the minute they took a seat.
“I want her heart” Obanai replied sincerely.
“Many say that and many break it how do I believe you?” Mr. Kanroji replied sternly.
“Because I am not them. With all due respect sir I am not here for your daughter’s body nor her strength I am here to love her. To show her she is worth more than the universe and that her soul is pure till i take my last breath. With all due respect sir I am here to show her a love that can only be experienced once in a lifetime through every problem we have i want to love her. With all due respect sir I am her to show her the world and it’s beauty even if i have to risk my life for her I am here to do that. To love her in spite of every obstacle. Through heaven and hell i will love her. If I have to walk down to Hades and demand her soul back in replace of mine I will.” He said finishing with heavy breathing.
Mr. Kanroji gave him a proud smile and nodded.
“Keep my baby happy young man.”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
It was that day and the nerves were everywhere. Obanai wore his hair in a manbun with a few loose strands that he managed to make look neat. His suit was all white with small diamonds on the collar to give the illusion that he’s sparkling in his suit. He wasn’t wearing his mask, for the first time people were seeing the outcome of his surgery. On his big day he will not hide his truth. He will not hide what he was a survivor of from the woman he loved. The woman who saved him from a terrible fate and brought him peace.
The music Mitsuri chose to walk to played, Work Song by Hozier, she walked through those castle like doors memories passed by Obanai.
Her holding him the day he told her what his family had done
Her smile when they adopted their first fur baby
Her eyes when he brought her roses just because
And her tears when he upheld his promise on marrying her.
Seeing her hair in a slick bun with a tiara on carrying a bouquet of pink and white roses her pure white dress with diamonds placed neatly on it giving her this magical look.
A true princess.
Her father handed her to Obanai and as soon as the weddding started they were lost in each other’s eyes.
Then finally the vows
“love is sweet, love is blind, but when I take this hand Ive seen all light. loyalty and happiness comes to one but one that's loyal and happy will be us as one. take this ring as I take your kindness into my soul. flowers too as you may throw to the next lovely beloved below. with my soul and heart I promise to you Obanai, to be the best version of love you have ever seen” Mitsuri said softly
Obanai took a deep breath.
“I didn’t write my vows down because I wanted to tell you my raw feelings and not something rehearsed. Mitsuri Kanroji I have loved you since the day you accidentally bumped into me at the entrance ceremony our freshmen year. You have shown me more love more care more respect than anyone and not only that but you have been my savior and my comfort. Mitsuri Kanroji I may not be perfect and i may not be who you were hoping to marry but I promise to show you im worth it. I’m worth your time energy and love i am worth you. You are my everything. To everyone in the audience I want you to know. When my time comes lay me gently in the cold dark earth but no grave can hold me. I will come back and love her all over again in every life I swear on my life” He finished looking at the tears rolling down Mitsuri’s face.
Tears of genuine happiness.
“Do you Iguro Obanai take Mitsuri Kanroji, to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part?”
“I do”
“Do you Mitsuri Kanroji take Iguro Obanai, to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part?”
“I do.”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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moecartoons · 11 months
So, I've been thinking about my Cybersites AU again recently and fleshing it out some more. It's the one where, originally, the idea was simply just the trio all being from Cyberspace. [Or just Matt, or some variation of who is and who isn't.] Matt is from Mt. Olympus, Inez from Sensible Flats, and Jackie from Happily Ever After.
In this AU, I've decided Motherboard will be a stronger Goddess-like presence. At first, she'll have a physical form and be confined to Control Central. If she leaves it, she becomes weaker. And instead of the trio being accidentally roped into Cyberspace's problems, they'd be hand-picked by destiny, lol.
Motherboard was once told that her heir would betray her and it would be up to a child of her 'once most beloved cybersite' to find the other two. [I was going to say, like, daughters of harmony and magic, but... uh... that sounds familiar, doesn't it? Oops. I promise I'll find better prophecy titles for Jackie and Inez.] Motherboard thought this was nonsense until everything went down with Hacker and she found her powers beginning to weaken and become limited.
Mt. Olympus is one of the oldest Cybersites and Motherboard once had a very close relationship with it. Over the last few centuries, however, the Gods of the cybersite no longer see her as their Mother but as purely an outsider or even rival. Matthias' mother is one of the few Gods left who see Motherboard in good light so she is considered an outsider, which is also due in part her relationship with a minotaur.
So, Motherboard speaks to Matthias and tells him that he's to find two others to help her stop Hacker. He also gets to meet Digit and Dr. Marbles, but they're not allowed on this first journey as it has to be completely up to Matt to find the other two. Or possibly for the other two to find him.
I don't have all the details ironed out, but let's talk about Inez.
Inez is, by Matt's words, a sort of "princess" of Sensible Flats. Her Aunts, Judy and Trudy, brought her in after their brother died. They're highly protective of her. They agree, tho Judy reluctantly so, that she'll be raised be a Judge, not a Sheriff. And in the meantime, she's tasked with taking care of the town's garden and keep up moral. When things get dicey in the Old Western Cybersite, she's the first to be hidden away.
Of course, Inez wants to do more for the town and cybersite she loves. She's seen as far too young and priceless to be allowed to help in any bigger way, though. This is why when Matt, after seeing her skills and intelligence in helping prevent a Hack Attack, offers her to join the Cybersquad, she jumps on it.
Next is Jackie, who is a Fairy Godmother in training in the cybersite of Happily Ever After. She and a few other magical-types of Good are trained under Cinderella's Fairy Godmother. While the others are exceeding, she struggles to keep up. She can't grant wishes or preform tricks in a traditional sense.
She can only conjure up illusions, nothing real. It's considered mostly useless, especially by her self. She would tell you she's only good at flying and making pretty sparkles. This has forced her, however, to become skilled outside of magic. She can sew, cook, draw, act, and even fight better than most fairies can... without their magic, of course.
More than anything, she wants to help, and she fears that she'll fail her story without magic. Matt however thinks Jackie is very powerful, and she happily joins him and Inez. She thinks she can do more good in helping them and Cyberspace then failing back in HEA.
The three of them share a common want to help others and to be seen as more than what they are now.
Matt's story is either revealed at the beginning or throughout this journey. He's seen as a misfit on Mt. Olympus, the son of a Goddess and Minotaur, giving him Herculean-like abilities. He has a dangerous amount of knowledge on all the Gods' business, and his hubris is seen as that of believing he's anything more than dirt. And due to his father, his "Achilles' heel" is covered by the green chlamys.
Digit's story is largely unchanged, but his role is even more fatherly/Uncle-like due to the kids being from Cyberspace. He sees them more often, knows their parents/guardians, and they don't get to be invincible to some things in Cyberspace due to being Earthlies anymore. They also come to him, Dr. Marbles and ofc Motherboard more often and on their own, whether to visit or if they're seeking advice or help.
The trio also know Hacker on a slightly more personal level. While they may have only had a few encounters with him before while he attacks their Cybersties, they also know his story in real time. They were told stories of him being good since they were babies, and witness his betrayal, banishment, and revenge in real-time.
It is during this first adventure that Hacker gives Motherboard the virus. She may possibly lose her physical form, saved by Marbles and placed in a giant computer unless I come up with something else.
The Cybersquad's adventures continue from this point forward similarly to the show, except they have an extensive knowledge on Cyberspace, there's no mentions of Earth, and there's ofc possibilities for more stories surrounding their new backgrounds. If you read all the way to the end wow ty!
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x-theolivia · 1 year
Please may I have a Fairy tail scenario of when Invel decided to hurt someone rather precious to you (Gray Fullbuster's little brother who is the same age as Wendy and you know the rest about him including that he is rather cold figuratively like Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler but Wendy brought out the best in him and he is a ice mage like his older brother..the pairing between him and Wendy is Platonic because they are children) and the person who Invel decided to hurt..was Wendy and seeing her hurt and unconscious on the floor sparked something in you..and it was anger..the tone of voice you used on Invel..when you told him to "Shut up" was obvious..you were angry and Invel was royally fucked. You admitted to Wendy despite that she couldn't hear it considering that she was unconscious was that you liked her too and you apologised for not giving her an straight answer earlier when you gently lowered the dragon slayer onto the floor after saving her from crashing into hard ice when Invel punched her. You..were angry and the way that your magic was visible to the human eye when you used your demon slayer magic in the same way as your older brother (your father passed his demon slayer magic to you and your older brother..)..you told Invel "I'm gonna kill you!" In a murderous way when you turned to face the guy who injured your close friend (it was obvious that you loved Wendy)..and for the first time Invel felt fear..fear for his own life. You are a S class wizard despite being the same age as Wendy. You gave Invel no chance in defending himself whatsoever..
Big brother Gray's reaction to witnessing the whole thing..
https://youtu.be/TWhJwd3y8kE (to help you with the scenario and the battle)
That is so sad and so cute at the same time
▫▪▫▪▫▪ ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ ▫▪▫▪▫▪
You mess with the wrong
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Summary: you got into the fight with Invel and you do everything you can until Wendy got hurt… you feel something new… a new rage
Word count: 773
Pairing: platonically male!Fullbuster!Reader x Wendy Marvell
Warnings: blood, fighting, threatening of death (if I forget something feel free to tell me)
Author's note: I hope this one is better than my last one :/
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Everyone and everything is turned into ice around you. This demon: Invel is strong, he can freeze your ice magic. You’re the last one standing. Natsu and Lucy got kidnapped by a giant woman, Juvia and Gray have fought each other because of a spell and now both are defeated and Wendy is locked into ice. 
Blood is running out of many wounds around your body and you can’t stand it any longer. You sink on your knees. Invel smirks, he is aware of your defeatless situation and wants to give you the last blow but before he can do this you suddenly feel stronger. You look back to see Wendy healing your wounds, she got out of the ice and wasted no time to rush to your side.
You feel stronger again and can perform your magic again.
“Thanks, Wendy!” you say and she grins at you but it doesn’t last long because Invel blocks your hit again.
“You little witch!” he screams and attacks Wendy, of course you step in front of Wendy to block the hit and it hurls you away.
Wendy is standing alone against a strong demon and she doesn’t know what to do. She performs some spells but it doesn’t work on Invel.
You make your way back to her, you can’t leave her alone in this situation because her wind magic doesn’t work against a demon like Invel. 
But it is too late.
When your eyes focus on the situation between Wendy and Invel you see how scared Wendy is. Everything around her is out of ice and the once warm temperature is even cold for you. And then Invel hit her with a magical spell which throws her backwards in a high arc. Your eyes went wide and you hurry even more to catch Wendy before she can hit the ice. You land on your feets with the unconscious Wendy in your arms. She’s bleeding and her whole face is covered in scratches.
Something new unfolds in you… pure rage.
You remember the night before the big fight. You and Wendy were out alone. Just you, the stars and the moon. She was talking about how glad she was to meet me and how much I mean to her. You were not capable of answering, the fear of losing someone you love in the fight was too big. You couldn't say that you feel the same. 
And in this moment, when Wendy lies unconscious in your arms, you regret this decision. You wish that you would have told her all about your feelings. Everyone knows about your feelings for her, just not herself. You should have told her sooner.
You carefully place her on the ground, careful not to move her that much that could risk more wounds.
“I’m so sorry, Wendy… I should have done more and I should have been honest with you last night. I have feelings for you but I was just so scared” you whisper with tears in your eyes.
“She was just a burden to this fight. So don’t waste much time on her. Fight. Me” Invel demands and your rage rises.
“Shut the hell up!” you hiss in anger and you turn around to him, to face him… the one who hurt Wendy… your Wendy.
The new feeling in you, this rage, makes it easy for you to use the power your father gave you and your brother. His demon slayer magic. Your right arm is coloured in a dark blue and this dark blue draws till your face.
Invel seems to be surprised by the new magic you show. It isn’t a normal ice magic that he can freeze, it’s ice that can kill E.N.D.
A hit from you and Invel is thrown backwards against a wall.
“You sign your own death” you say full of anger.
You’re proud of yourself when you see his fear in his face. The first time during the whole fight you see fear. And it makes you stronger.
During your 1vs1 fight against Invel your brother wakes up. He’s not really awake but can see clearly what was happening. His eyes went wide when he saw your rage. Your eyes were wide and awake and full of fury. He sees Wendy unconscious on the floor and can sum up the situation. He was never more proud of you as in this moment.
You gave Invel a lot to take. And it just needed five punches, seven kicks and three magical spells of your demon slayer magic to get him on his knees… defeated.
“Never mess with Fairy Tail again”
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Please may I have a Fairy tail embarrassing scenario when Happy and Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster accidentally walked in on you (Lucy Heartfilla's older sister who is the same age as Gray Fullbuster *she has the same magic as Gray but hers is slightly stronger* and she is a member of Team Natsu and a member of Fairy tail and she is Gray Fullbuster's girlfriend) changing..you were not expecting for Gray or Natsu to walk in on you in your bedroom when you were practically half naked in your apartment that you brought outright next door to Lucy. You seized your books and threw them at the boys with surprising accuracy when you screamed at them to get out...and they were having a hard time dodging them when they did exactly what you said. They apologised to you for walking in on you like that after that drama was over considering that you were looking rather miffed at the intrusion *you were dressed thankfully* as they sat at your kitchen table with tea right in front of them...you didn't give them copy of your keys so they could barge in whenever they wanted (it was only for emergencies)..Natsu and Happy looked worse off than Gray (you let Gray Fullbuster off lightly considering that he is your boyfriend) and Natsu certainly was covered in bruises from being hit by your books.
https://youtu.be/3vIVip3qCvo (go to 0:23 of when you start screaming*)
Uninvited Guests
Series: Fairy Tail.
Characters: Natsu, Happy, and Gray.
Genre: Crack/Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Female.
Notes: Gotta say the link for that clip you sent was funny LMAO. Seriously got a good laugh out of me I'll have to consider watching Fullmetal Alchemist!
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It was an extremely warm day even for an ice wizard like yourself. The heat was practical making you melt! You were at the Fairy Tail Guild and the heat was just getting to be too much for you.
You didn't decide to tell Gray as you be back soon you just needed a change of clothes. As the clothes you were wearing were making you sweat from the heat. Since it was so warm you decided you should use the pool at the guild so when you returned you'd have your swimsuit with you.
After some more time, you've finally returned home with relief washing over you. Now you can finally get a new change of clothes! You decide to wear an outfit that your younger sister Lucy had bought for you it would be great to wear on a day like this.
You had left the door to your bedroom slightly opened you didn't bother closing it as you were home alone anyway or at least you thought you were. You began to remove the clothing you had been so you could put on your new outfit. Although while you were doing so you almost felt like there were multiple eyes on you.
You looked around your room and you looked over to your now fully open bedroom door. Only to see Natsu, Happy, and your boyfriend Gray looking at you in complete surprise. You then let out a scream which could only be described as blood curdling.
And then full chaos broke out in your bedroom as you began throwing things at the boys. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?! GET OUT!!!" You screamed in pure embarrassment as you began to throw all manner of things at the boys. Pillows, books, stuffed animals, etc. Anything that you could get your hands on was going in their direction.
"Oh! What's in here? Are these your panties Y/N?" Happy spoke with a giggle as he took some of your panties out of the drawer. "DON'T TOUCH THOSE HAPPY!" You screamed as you threw a pillow directly in his face.
"We're sorry! We're sorry!" Natsu and Gray spoke in unison as they scrambled to get out of your room. Objects were still being thrown in their direction as they made their way out. They ran down the stairs and into the kitchen deciding to wait for you there.
It seems the pillow you threw at Happy seems to have knocked him unconscious. Oh well, at least he couldn't see you which is for the best to save you some embarrassment.
After calming yourself down from that... You got changed into your new outfit. Taking some more time to freshen yourself up you grabbed a swimsuit and Happy before descending the stairs and entering the kitchen. Of course, as you expected there was an awkward silence.
I mean what could you say after that? You weren't sure yourself but you still needed to say something. "Well...first of all how did you two get in here? I swear I remember locking my door."
"The key under the pot next to your door your extra key that is. We were worried about you after the quest and because of this heat. So we wanted to come and check up on you."
Gray spoke hanging his head in shame. Or embarrassment? You weren't sure honestly it could be one of them or both.
"Ah well thank you for the explanation daring that clears things up for me." You spoke with a blush on your face which could be seen on the faces of the boys as well. Still flustered you weren't sure what to say to continue but you decided it's best to move on and forget about this.
"Alright boys get up it's time to head back to the Guild! We're all going to have a pool party! Except a water fight and I won't lose!"
"You're on!" Gray spoke. "Bring it!" Natsu spoke as they both rose from the seats with a smile on their faces. "Okay, but last one there is a rotten egg!" You spoke running out of your home with a smile on your face as the boys chased after you.
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If you were to make some characters of your choice pokemon gym leaders what would their teams be like?
Ok I always Love Pokemon themed asks so I got a Little carried away on this one. I decided to make pro-heroes, 1A, and villains each their own league of eight gyms! Each one has their position (first gym you encounter, second gym you encounter, etc), their type, and team!
The first gym is Edgeshot, who uses steel types due to ninjas using swords, and his ability to become extremely sharp. He uses a single Honedge as steel is a more powerful type, so I figured giving him 1+ Pokemon would be unfair
For the second gym we have Snipe, who uses ground types due to him being a cowboy, which are generally associated with the American mid/south west and Mexico, which are mostly desert or farmlands. He uses Mudbray, as it evolves into a horse, and Silicobra, as its evolution is based in part on sidewinders (a snake from Mexico and the American Southwest) and double-barreled guns
The third gym would be Present Mic, who uses normal types as it is used as a catchall for sound based Pokemon. He uses Chatot, Loudred, and Jigglypuff all for their relation to sound/singing
The fourth gym is Aizawa, who uses dark types. I'm gonna be honest this was purely a choice of vibes. He uses an Alolan Persian and Purrloin because I couldn't not give him cats, and Morgrem due to it and Grimmsnarl using their hair similar to how Aizawa uses his scarf
Midnight is the fifth gym, and she uses poison types. I was between fairy and poison for her, but went with poison as her quirk kind of acts like an air-borne toxin, and I wanted to give her Salazzle. That being said, she uses Salazzle because Look At It, and Roselia and Glimmora for their pretty, floral looks as her quirk reminds me a lot of the move sweet scent, which is learned by a lot of grass types/flower-based Pokemon
Hawks is up next as the sixth gym, with flying types. Honestly I was pretty uninspired when it came to him, so he has Pidgeot, Swellow, and Talonflame as they're all powerful and/or fast birds that share one or all of their colors with him
Next up is All Might as the seventh gym leader with fighting types, due to his physical strength and fighting style, as well as the fighting type being known for having a lot of "just" Pokemon. He uses Machoke for its appearance, Falinks for their skilled and organized fighting style, and Lucario and Gallade for their just and knightly attributes
Finally Endeavor is the eighth gym leader, and of course uses fire types. His team is exclusively based on physically large and powerful Pokemon, because lets be real thats all he gives a shit about. He uses Magmortar, Emboar, Incineroar, and Camerupt
Class 1A
The first gym is Kirishima, who uses Rock types. He uses Geodude and Rockruff for reasons of them being neat little guys who I think he'd like
The second gym is Iida, who uses Steel types. His only Pokemon is Skarmory, due to it being on the faster end of steel types and sharing a similar color scheme to Iida. Like Edgeshot, he only uses one Pokemon since its so powerful so early on
For the third gym we have Uraraka who uses fairy types as many have magic that can make things float, and they overall match her vibe. She uses Togetic, as I wanted to give her a dual flying type, and Clefable
Kaminari is the fourth gym with electric types. He uses Pikachu (who hasn't seen him called Pikachu before?), as well as Blitzle and Electabuzz as I feel they fit his style and color scheme
The fifth gym is Mina, who uses poison types. Her Pokemon were honestly picked entirely on vibes; she uses Sliggoo, Galarian Slowbro, and Toxapex
Tokoyami is the sixth gym leader with dark types. He uses Honchkrow and Mandibuzz for the bird theme. He also uses a Lokix due to its showdown form. It reminds me a lot of dark shadow as it becomes much stronger but takes a toll on its body, similar to how dark shadow can really strain Tokoyami
The seventh gym, is Midoriya, who uses normal types. I know people usually associate him with fighting types, but I thought it would be cool to give him normal types - he'd be the type to give a chance to one of the weaker types. His team mostly revolves around the Pokemons' personalities. He uses Kangaskhan, as its willing to injure itself to defend its family, Blissey as it attempts to help any person or Pokemon it can, and Lopunny as it looks cute but is a powerful fighter
Finally Todoroki is the eighth gym, and uses ice types. I went with ice since he originally used exclusively ice, but all of his Pokemon have a connection to fire types. He uses Alolan Ninetales, whose regular form is a fire type, Galarian Darmanitan, which is ice/fire type, Glaceon, who is related to the fire type Flareon, and Snowy Form Castform, who can turn into the fire type sunny form
The first gym is Toga, who uses fairy types simply because she thinks theyre cute. She uses Impidimp for its mischievous personality and Spritzee as she finds it cute (also that whole thing with the bird when she was a kid)
The second gym is Muscular with fighting types. He uses a Mankey due to its extremely aggressive temperament, and Machop since Machoke and Machamp sort of look like him
Mr Compress is the third gym leader with psychic types. He uses Kadabra since its based on common real life magicians/magic acts, and Spoink since its pearl is the source of its power similar to how Compress's power is his marbles
Kurogiri is the fourth gym leader and he uses ghost types. He uses Spiritomb due to its resemblance to him, and Yamask as it was formerly a human, the same way he was
The fifth gym leader is Geten with ice type Pokemon. He uses Glalie (I think Snorunt looks like him), as well as Sneasel and Cloyster since theyre powerful and darker/aggressive than a lot of other ice types
Magne is the sixth gym leader and she uses steel types. Her Pokemon are Magneton for its relation to magnets, Tinkatuff for using its hammer how she uses her magnetic pillar, and Metang
The seventh gym is Shigaraki, who uses dark types. He has a Zweilous, as its evolution is known for acting out aggressively due to being disliked/outcast. He also uses Bomberdier for its very childish behavior, and Malamar as it controls others and influences historic events
Finally is Dabi who uses fire types. I wanted him to almost be a dual fire/ghost type user, as a lot of ghost types fit his darker theme, or feelings of abandonment. He uses Alolan Marowak, Chandelure, Houndoom and Ceruledge
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
About Roxy…
So guys I’ve been kicking myself the past 2 weeks over a certain big change that I’m considering for Roxy.
Essentially I don’t really want her to be a fairy of animals, or just animals cause I just don’t see enough ways to make that interesting/bonding potential with certain members of the squad
So, I’ve got 3 thoughts kind of running rampant in my head at the moment and I want to get a general idea of what you guys think (please comment if you’ve got any strong thoughts about this)
1st option: Roxy stays an animal fairy but she has to learn the hard way, essentially she’s not a natural at using magic and it takes a while for her to get the hang of which would be the case no matter what but with animals it’d be like, nearly getting bitten, accidentally sending spiders after Riven or stuff like that
2nd option: instead of being a fairy of animals, she is an empath fairy. She can sense people’s emotions and as soon as she starts using her magic, it gets bad and she needs a lot of training to not go crazy
This would also play into why she loves animals (to still keep the animal motif in a way), their emotions aren’t complicated, they’re pure and she feels a lot of peace when she is with animals and the animals seem to sense this about her
This would have so much potential for angst, not just because it would be that much harder to accept that she’s a fairy because she hates her powers but also like, she doesn’t know that much about the Winx’s past enemies so like, she randomly brushes against Sky and is hit with his truck-load of trauma and is like… you good? Or she tries to wake up Musa from a nightmare and gets glimpses of how she got her enchantix and is like… oh
She would have too much power and since she occasionally just doesn’t even want to learn to control it (cause she doesn’t want to be a fairy) it would overpower her sometimes and just, the potential angst
3rd and final option: Roxy’s magic is to be fairy of animals, but due to her heritage she is also an empath. The more she learns to control her natural magic (her animal magic) the more her empath powers awaken and become stronger and threaten to overpower her.
There would still be potential for angst from her empath powers, but we would also keep her original powers. And due to it growing overtime, the deeper she gets into ‘fairy life’ the less she wants it due to these new powers that she hates. She loves her animal powers but hates her empath powers
The poll won’t decide this, I just want a general idea of what you think
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paragonrobits · 2 years
so if Kitten plays a completely new instrument absolutely perfectly that would DEFINITELY be big evidence he’s actually a member of the fairy cat tribe, the Celican. One of their entry level Gifts allows them to do such a thing and its subtle ennough you would have no idea it’s magic.
the thing of it, of course, is that Kitten IS a Bastet, he overwhelmingly comes off as not knowing what he actually is. His encounter with a vampire (poor memory of what happened that night, a moment of immense strength) lines up well with a First Change, and if that IS what happened, it would also mean Big D is almost certainly aware of what he is and may be tiptoeing around the issue. Additionally Kitten taking a whole bunch of rapid fire Potence-empowered punches from Shitbeard without being visibly hurt at all ALSO lines up extremely well with the rapid healing and durability commmon to the Fera (werebeasts).
After all, its suggested that Pyotr’s displays of immense strength probably came from a mix of his previously minor skils at Potence fueled by all of Shitbeard’s skill at that Discipline; most of that had to come from Bikerbro Blank and that’s almost enoguh strength to TOSS A CAR. Kitten was getting pummeled with that and showed little signs of being hurt; in terms of gameplay mechanics, he is either EXTREMELY lucky to some outright insane degrees or he’s more than he appears to be.
The other thing about it is that the Bastet are very secretive, and the spiritual powers the Fera learn from spirits and each other are not innate powers. If Kitten DOESN’T know what he is, which seems to be the most likely conclusiion if he really is a werebeast, than he probably doesn’t know any Gifts. Those are TAUGHT, chiefly by other werecats, as the power to step sideways into the spirit world is a rare power only taught to more experienced werecats and its very likely that if he is one, he hasn’t been contacted by any others like him.
This would also add additional dimensions to Big D’s comments about werewolves to him, as werecats are generally every bit as deadly as a werewolf. It depends on the tribe in terms of raw physical power as well as the individual’s own power: the Khan weretigers and Simba lions are every bit as ferocious and terrifying as werewolves in a purely stat-based sense (having very similar stat increase while in beast forms) while the less physically powerful cat-types don’t have as impressive abilities, but are still incredibly powerful in their own right. This COULD be seen as him indirectly telling Kitten that he’s stronger than he believes himself to be, or trying to caution him away from parts of that world, since you have no idea what will happen if he makes contact with another like him.
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physically strongest
Arin: a supernatural 10/10, purely because Guardian. naturally, probably a 4/10, taking into account their height advantage
Abel: 10/10 canonically overhead presses a tree like it’s nothing. ........probably uses lumber as barbells
Ezra: 9/10 is ripped, of course. dude's built for power
Rapunzel: 8.5/10 why is she wielding scissors when she's already got those guns
Lucas: 8/10. no slouch, but is still slimmer and more graceful in build than the guys up there
MMC: 7/10 probably lifts
Darla: 6.5-7/10, does kickboxing
Omar: 6.5-7/10 hobbyist gymnast so is slightly above average, is just overshadowed by a bunch of overpowered magical folks
Lavinia: 5-6/10 not notably strong (correct me if i’m wrong) or visibly muscular. might be stronger than she looks on account of being part-fairy??
FMC, Nora: 5/10 pretty average
Jo: 3/10 a tiny, delicate flower
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cosmic-muses · 10 months
from a psychology pov: do you believe in soulmates and true love?
No. This is actually rather well timed because the Psychology of Love and Relationships is one of my current units of study. Even without that, though? No. Let's address that one at a time, though.
First: Soulmates
That's a diddly damned Bold Claim, my friend, not just in the context of psychology, but in general? To claim that there is a soul from the lens of any scientific study? That's not something you can do without evidence, of which we have none. From a spiritual lense? Maybe you could claim it, but from a psychological lense...? Not happenin', at least no claim on the presence of matching souls.
I'll give you some wiggle room, though.
What about the jdea that two people may be perfect matches, from a romance perspective? This would be unrelated to souls, potentially allowing multiple matches to exist just due to the immensity of our population, but still gives me some room to apply that psychological perspective.
The answer is still no, in my belief. You can be pretty damn good for someone. You can click and have all the chemistry in the world. They are not some psychological whole, though. One can achieve self-actualization without love, one will always have flaws, and just because two people may get alone well doesn't mean they have any kind of psychological resonance.
Second: True Love.
Oh boy. This one is going to be a little bit longer, because the answer is... yes and no.
Or rather: No—at least not in the way you're imagining it.
You see, "True Love" isn't just some pop-culture phenomenon, but it still is a cultural belief. Something that's romanticized and glorified by fiction and media to be considered the end-all-be-all of everything. It's a sensation that people hold upon some kind of pedestal—and guess what? Fairy-tale true love doesn't exist. Love at first sight? Yeah. Pure love? Yeah. I'll get to those later. However, a lot of our ideas about "true love" are just what Andreas wrote in a book once without doing any research and went "welp, this is the Art of Love." People become obsessed with this idea of true love because they want someone who magically makes everything better, who completes them. The idea of true love is just a different flavor of manic pixie dream girl.
Even what most people consider "True Love" isn't actually... that True. The phenomenon most commonly mistaken for or even outright associated with the idea of "True Love" or being "In Love" is called Passionate Love, at least by Sternberg's theories.
This Passionate Love? It isn't "True" or "Pure" at all. It comes in quickly, leading to the idea of "Love at first sight," and it also dies quickly. It's more lust and passion than acrjal love, simply fused with a mixture of intense elated emotions and an idealized distortion of the relationship and partner. This makes the relationship seem "magical" and sex oriented. Full of Passion. It"s explosive, fickle, and doesn't last long. Yet people treat this as the ideal form of love, when it's not.
Most strong and healthy relationships don't have this Passion that lasts for ever. Instead, a strong relationship ends up with what is called Consumate Love. This is about as close as you'll get to a "pure" love but even then, it's not that simple. Consumate Love is a state when your relationship with another includes a balanced amount of Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. These are the three key components of the emotion "love" under Sternberg's theories, which is what I'm using to base my discussion here. Any disbalance and the love is skewed. You end up with Passionate Love or Companionate Love or Infatuation, etc. A strong mix is Consumate, and tends to grow stronger over time. This is about as close as you'll get to a Pure Love—but no one ever realizes this because it's not the "fiery, intense, and highly emotional" experience that Passionate Love is.
Granted, this is all very introductory level stuff on the topic, as I'm not informed enough to provide any stronger arguments. However, within psychology, the general consensus seems to be "No.:
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
Okay top 5 fights you WANT to see happen purely in terms of 'thatd be so cool to watch'
In no particular order:
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1. Rufus Lohr vs. Freed OR Doranbolt
Rufus has a very Rustyrose-like feeling to him, very up his own ass about the creative aspect of his magic, which basically lets him make anything he wants. I was very sad we didn't get to see Gray vs. Rustyrose in an art-fight-to-the-death, and I am happy with how Gray defeated Rufus--overwhelming him with a spell that constantly expanded and couldn't be memorized in time for him to avoid it.
But in the spirit of more on-theme match-ups and one-sided fights, not to mention giving underappreciated heroes their dues, I would've liked to see Rustyrose trying to fight Freed--whose magic also does basically whatever he wants and has any number of uses. That, or Doranbolt, who would've immediately rendered his whole fighting style useless.
2. Laxus vs. Gildarts
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It's very weird how Gildarts is basically the only opponent left Laxus could conceivably fight on even ground, with only the highest-tier opponents of Zeref and Acnologia really out of his reach. I imagine that if I were to say Laxus was actually stronger than Gildarts, at this point I probably wouldn't get too much pushback online for it. I'm a tier whore at the end of the day and I want to see the two strongest Fairy Tail mages go at it. I think Laxus struggling but winning over Gildarts would be a good prelude to him taking over the position of guildmaster.
3. Macao Conbolt and Romeo Conbolt vs...well, anyone really.
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I have a soft spot for Macao and his kid, and I'm a little disappointed we never got to see them have one of those small triumphs that the likes of Elfman and Freed occasionally got. The attempts to include them more in the anime-only Key of the Starry Skies arc fell really flat, with none of their screentime really being effectively used, even against joke characters like Dan Straight. I would've liked to see them have something like the Gildarts and Cana vs. August fight, if not so overly dramatic and dumb as that one.
4. Bickslow vs. Franmalth
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Because the latter would explode. That's all.
5. Gajeel vs. Metalicana
Oh, we were very robbed of this one. Natsu might hold endless affection for Igneel, but you can't tell me someone like Gajeel wouldn't treat Metalicana to a souped-up Iron Dragon's Roar straight to the face. Gajeel was a kid when he got seemingly abandoned by his foster father, and I know for a fact he wound be furious when seeing Metalicana just pop up one day in the middle of the Tartaros struggle. He'd be all
"You don't get to tell me I was 'strong enough to handle it'! I was a kid! I trusted you and you left me!"
And I think we deserved to see that.
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