#isat magical girl au
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glassladyoftheopera · 2 days ago
You say Odile might not want a blessing from her mother, but to me that just makes it an even more intriguing option. Maybe she's had the pendant for many years but has never tried to use it. It's only after meeting the rest of the party, and feeling like she needs to do more to help them, that she bites the bullet and uses the pendant. And maybe fore a while there's a weird disconnect with her powers / transformation that is only resolved when she more properly deals with her feelings about her mother / the party / etc.
I unfortunately don't have many ideas for Isabeau, but maybe a particular person who helped Isa during his Change? Someone he looked up to?
ISAT Magical Girl AU - Blessings?
Formulating stuff for my ISAT magical girl au again, and I'm struggling to figure out who Isabeau and Odile would get their blessings from?
Like Magical ISAT, the person has to receive a blessing from someone they deem important, and store that blessing in a pendant, which they use to make a wish. That's what grants them their powers and transformation, and I call it Magical Craft
So far in the au, Siffrin gets a blessing from Loop, Mirabelle gets one from Euphrasie, and Bonnie from their sister Nille.
Now for Odile and Isabeau... I'm unsure. I thought about Isa getting one from the Change God, and Odile from one of the Ka Buan Expressions...
Bur i want them to be PERSONAL! Like higher powers giving blessings are one thing, but blessings from someone who cares about and believes in you? That's kind of the ethos of this whole AU. Magical Girls are all about the power of friendship and hope and all that!!
So like... what would you guys do? Cause I think it'd be interesting to have an arc of Odile and Isabeau getting their blessings last, cause they have their own issues to work through.
Isa struggles to be honest around people, changing his personality on a whim out of a desire to be accepted. He also seems to have hang ups about feeling like people are ashamed of knowing him, and doesn't like to show off his intelligence, as it "puts people off". (that poor sweet man I love him so much)
Meanwhile, Odile has conflicting feelings on her own family. She's said her father was a good man, but it seems she's struggled to express her own feelings to others too, along with having... stalker problems??? Not to mention to whole thing about her absent mother... who I doubt she'd even want a blessing from.
so I dunno... maybe I could write a thing where the two of them get blessings from the party? Maybe Odile gets one from her dad? Regardless, her and especially Isa are the hardest to write for this. ( I love it)
Let me know what you guys think?
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oriorchids · 21 days ago
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the bonnie
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cb-writes-stuff · 17 days ago
I think it would be a funny au where Siffrin and Loop have Aika and Hoshi’s dynamic, respectively
And yes Loop would be a little guy who floats around
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eldritchred · 8 months ago
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artfight attack on magical girl siffrin by @parsnip-p :3 puts this in a canon and fires it directly at you. they are SO cute. i love them.. anyway i. like. hyperfocused and forgot time existed for 6-10 hours? unclear?? and then he was on my screen fully formed dw about it
edit oh yes also you can find my artfight account here!!
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llilyrose · 9 months ago
sighhhh the isat discord recieved these sketches really well and now I'm posting them. i love democracy and free will.
here's the king in magical girl poses
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"bright one... hit the slay button...." GET IT KING!!!!
^^ that ones actually part of some doodles I've been doing for an isat au.......... lol.......... ill post it when i figure everything out
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siffrin and loop!!!
"they should kiss" - dear raybluesock of isat discord
that was not the intention,,, but,,,,,,,, i mwan yeah . yeah.............. shut up .. .......... ..
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parsnip-p · 9 months ago
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Magical girl siffrin AU! (spoilers under cut)
What if they were a magical girl and that was their trauma. I think it would be so cool for the outfit of the character to reflect something deep about them, this outfit reflecting their connection to the island and the night sky.
In universe magical girls are similar to house maidens, the islands versions of saviors crafted via wish craft.   They made a wish to become a magical girl to protect their family when the island was first under attack from the universe. They failed their sacred duty to save those they care about. So, as they see it, they are fit to suffer forever and must eternally protect those they can save. Covered in scars from each battle, eternally letting themselves get more injured. They meet the main ISAT group pretty late into this whole trauma shtick and can't even remember who they are anymore. Just that they failed. They had already lost their eye at this point but still got severely injured saving the group, so they are basically forced to spend a long time around a single group (abandonment issues 10000, they try to run away out of guilt multiple times). They find themselves terrified of staying but even more terrified of the first people they've cared about in years leaving... cue silly angst teehe :) suffering. and healing also!! ILY MAGICAL GIRL SIFFRIN I didn't make them a normal outfit because I'm tired. I imagine it would be similar to canon but without the hat. Because I think the star crown would stay after transforming back. ALSO!! transforming uses a lot of energy and hurts them because I SAID SO!! and they do it OFTEN!! Artfight link if you wanna attack them or any of my other characters<3
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startagainaprologue · 1 year ago
If you would be open to it I'd love to hear about your precure au
YEASSS admittedly i dont. have much? in way of plot. it was more so "wow mira really fits for a precure protagonist she is so magical girl" and i just kinda went from there? its just kinda. the pregame plot but also now they are precures and thats how they fight sadnesses off. i wanna come up with more for it but weh. Isabeau i think would be so hyped abt the outfit. and Odile. . i dont think she is as hyped this is not what she was expecting nor rlly what she wanted but sucks for her! become magical girl.
siiif.. idk abt him. also a precure for sure but idk how that happens for him. shrugs. and bonnie i do not know. r they also a precure but the others just. dont let em fight. i dont know! eek!!
Loop is a mascot creature. (idk if there. is another mascot critter that mira would have beforehand or if there just. is a lack of one through the entire journey.erm)
aaas for what colors they are. 1: isat universe is still monochrome!! i just think.itd be funny if their outfits were the only thing in color. for funsies! anyways 2: Mira is pink, Isabeau is red, Odile blue, Bonnie (if they are a precure) yellow, aand Siffrin white (rare color in precure but..siffy can get it. as a treat) with red accents. midseason cure..
there r !! reasonings behind these color choices buuut. id like for my dear friend my bestie @unabashedmagicalgirlfan to explain em since she was the one who helped a lot with coming up with reasonings and i dont wanna take credit for that -w-'
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sploon-fic-fan · 4 months ago
figured out how to log into my tumblr on my phone. now you get ibis paint drawings as well as the ms paint ones ig.
here’s some random old art i did i have in my gallery (ibis paint menu thing)
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the second is for an au idea i had where the isat gang become superheroes (like magical girls but gender neutral and without the costumes maybe) using the elements of harmony from my little pony: friendship is magic
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oriorchids · 16 days ago
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and now
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oriorchids · 2 months ago
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magical girl! mirabelle!! miraaaa!
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oriorchids · 3 months ago
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my love for sparkly things, frilly outfits, magical girl media, and my love for hit video game in stars and time have mixed. magical girl au
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oriorchids · 16 days ago
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and the final party member... isabeau!
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wishcraft-uponastar · 2 months ago
Adding onto my ISAT magical girl au, which I recently posted about HERE , how funny would it be that you gain colours but only in your magical girl form?
Suddenly some cosmic horror/comedy level shit happens where Siffrin transforms for the first time, he gently opens his eyes and sees his reflection, and then him and the party promptly scream because one of his main colours is red so THEY THINK A WISH IS BREAKING AND ARMAGEDDON 2.0 IS HAPPENING AKZKLD
anyways I think it'd be fun I might post about colour palettes later. but just in case I don't bring in any colours, I'll still give each of the party their own symbols and shapes to allow for fun silhouettes! here's my ideas! vvv
- Siffrin of course will have a 4 pointed star (closely tying them the King which is fun, we love parallels)
- Mirabelle has a circle inside a circle inside a circle of course! Change God, and Euphrasie approved!
- Isabeau is tricky but I noticed he has a lot of rectangles and particularly stripes, so I think a set of three rectangles resembling sun beams!!
- Odile gets a diamond obvs, gems and all thqt
- Bonnie I'm not sure!! I like the idea of a flower or maybe a clover? Idk if yall have any ideas feel free to pitch them
Iiughhh I'll reblog tomorrow with more ideas if yall are interested..
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wishcraft-uponastar · 2 months ago
Okay I am a little tired atm, but currently my idea for an ISAT magical girl AU is as follows!
It would probably have something to do with the forgotten island and Wish Craft.
I think a lot of hints in game point to the people of the island actually being the ISAT equivalent of wizards, from their focus on the Universe, to the way Siffrin is dressed like a wizard even though according to some people in game, "wizards aren't real".
(Also the fact they know about and are familiar with Wish Craft in general, that shit can be powerful.)
Now you're probably asking, how does one get the magical transformation? By using something called Magical Craft! (Idk if I'll keep that name but I like that it's simple and to the point)
My idea is that Magical Craft is a specialised craft like Wish Craft, and requires steps to obtain and use.
These are very rough guidelines atm but they'd probably do the following.
1. A life ending disaster happens (say for example the King causing havoc or a Wish breaking in a big way.) requiring intervention from a savior or a group of them.
2. Once you have your savior, they must receive a blessing from someone they deem "important", and they instill a value in them like say, bravery, or loyalty, or determination.
3. Store that blessing in a special pendant. The savior can make the pendant themself, or find one, the Magical Craft just needs something to embed itself into.
4. Which the blessing in mind, and the pendant in their hands, the savior must make a wish to ask for the power to protect, or fight or solve an issue in said disaster, in the name of the person who blessed them.
I tried to make it a sort of specialised craft that works a bit like the magical powers in like Tokyo Mew Mew, bestowed upon people to allow them to fight for a cause!
But the blessings can also have a personal touch, as they can even be bestowed by regular people, as long as they have a connection to the user. The savior, in true Magical girl fashion, must have something to fight for, and something that drives them.
Like for example, in this AU, Mirabelle would receive her blessing from Euphrasie, who has immense craft power yes, but most importantly, has a personal connection to Mirabelle as she helped her in her youth.
The biggest factor however, is that the blessing must come from someone that the user deems important. Think about how in ISAT, Siffrin can give the King a flower if you've carried it all the way to the King Fight.
Even if you're directly opposing the person, you can still receive a blessing from them.
A few people were actually asking for me to involve Bonnie's sister Nille in this AU, and I really thought it'd be fun! So hey, why not have Nille be the one to give Bonnie a blessing? Nille is important to Bonnie after all!
How about Loop giving Siffrin a blessing? Siffrin is fond of Loop and so, they're important to him as well!
As for Isabeau and Odile, they're gonna be tricky... I want each of the party members to have a personal blessing, but I'm unsure who these two would receive a blessing from.
Maybe Odile recieves a blessing from her father, but idk if he's even alive in ISAT, unclear. Isabeau is the hardest, but I'm sure I'll come up with something!
Let me know what you guys think! When I get over this sore neck I'll try to share some doodles of this concept !
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wishcraft-uponastar · 2 months ago
What's stopping me from making an ISAT post canon AU where the party become magical girls?
What if its just an excuse to draw the ISAT squad in cool outfits and doing cool poses and having cool transformation sequences???
Huh??? What then????
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cb-writes-stuff · 8 months ago
Yes I would like to see some in hats and time stuff,,, and also maybe an explanation of what a hat in time is I know barely anything about it
Firstly, A Hat in Time is a 3D collectathon platformer by indie studio Gears for Breakfast. It stars Hat Kid (and, if you’re playing two-player, Bow Kid) who has to collect magical hourglasses called Time Pieces, which are the fuel for her spaceship, so that she can go home. Her enemy is Mustache Girl, a precocious rebel with a strong sense of justice, who is collecting Time Pieces for her own nefarious purposes—to deal with anyone she deems a “bad guy”.
Basically, the idea behind IHAT that it’s a crossover AU between In Stars and Time and A Hat in Time, with AHIT characters in ISAT. The idea came from the similarity in names, hence the title In Hats and Time. Up until now, it’s just been a couple art wips, but now, I’m gonna write some stuff, so buckle up.
Picture this. Siffrin and Isabeau, lying down in the field, stargazing. It’s Act 4 (because that’s as far as I’ve gotten so far). Isabeau excitedly tells Siffrin to look—a shooting star! Oddly, he interrupted them, unlike every other time. As usual, Siffrin doesn’t wanna turn away. But the script calls for it, so they do—and they freeze. Burning across the sky is a massive ball of fire. Way too big to be a shooting star. And it’s getting bigger.
Meanwhile, on board the Spaceship (Mk. 14 Custom), Hat Kid is in a panic. There was some sort of distortion, the ship went haywire, and now she’s crashing through the atmosphere of an unknown planet. Bow Kid disappeared somewhere, which sucks because she would’ve been a big help right now. The computer is screaming something about “escape pod ejected” as she desperately pulls back on the controls. She manages to bring the ship up, but not enough to avoid crashing. She blacks out.
Siffrin is shook. Completely shook. Something new happened. New things aren’t supposed to happen. He doesn’t know what to do when new things happen. He blanks on all his lines when Bonnie, Mirabelle, and Odile show up. Nothing goes right.
That night, he can’t sleep. Can’t even pretend to sleep. So he sneaks out and goes to the banana peel. The meteor, or whatever it was, was weird. But it’s just a one-off. An outlier. If it keeps happening, then something’s gone wrong, but if it doesn’t happen again, then it’s okay. So he loops back to that morning. No harm, no foul.
So yeah! That’s basically how it starts. I’ll be posting more stuff as I write it, probably not in chronological order, but I’m also very worried that I’ll make a fool of myself by not knowing all the ISAT lore, so it’ll probably be slow until I beat the game.
(Edit: I put “as usual” twice, so I removed the second one. It was past midnight and I was tired. Don’t judge me.)
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