#but if you only create for validation you might burn out!
solargeist · 9 months
i think saying "if you like but don't reblog i'm blocking you" is a bit extreme, bc at the end of the day thats still someone that liked your art. also, whats the time limit? sometimes i "like" things to queue later, since reblogging/tagging on mobile can be annoying
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pikahlua · 2 months
Fourteen Days of MHA: Day 1
WARNING: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood spoilers (seasons 1 and 2)
You: Huh!?!?!?!?
Oh yeah, it's time for a little mini-meta.
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Okay, well, we're not going to get into the ENDING yet, but there's actually a lot going on in MHA that looks eerily familiar if you're an FMA fan. MHA itself is in many ways a referential work, and I don't think all of these parallels are coincidences (though surely some are).
Let's talk about the symbolism of the home.
My Hero Academia has three major examples of "home" that it highlights as symbols: those of the villains Tomura Shigaraki, Himiko Toga, and Touya Todoroki. The villains view their homes as symbols of oppression and pain. We know the home is seen as the image of all that oppression based on how various characters treat the houses themselves.
When Touya returned home after his miraculous survival, he found the home hadn't changed as a result of his death. The "scene" there always looks the same.
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And when Endeavor tries to atone, Endeavor acknowledges that the "house" he raised his children in is full of bad memories to the extent that he decides to build his family a new home where they can live without him.
Touya's opportunity to demonstrate his feelings about his home arises with Himiko Toga. She returns to her abandoned childhood home out of curiosity and finds it full of hatred and derision, symbolizing her experiences there.
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Touya does her a "kindness" by destroying the house.
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Then he reveals that doing so, to him, is a way to get back at Endeavor--at the man who created Touya's own broken childhood home.
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This scene in particular evokes the famous imagery of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood of the Elric Brothers burning down their own childhood home.
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The act of destroying their own home is so important to them that Edward chooses to commemorate the date by engraving it inside his pocketwatch, "Don't Forget 3.Oct.11." To the brothers, this act is a symbol of their resolve--of their chosen path to atone for their sins and restore their bodies. There can be no going back home if there is no home to return to.
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In other words, the purposeful destruction of one's home represents a threshold, a point of no return. By destroying their homes, the villains of MHA demonstrate their conviction for the paths they've chosen.
The problem is, there's another reason one might destroy their own home.
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To run away. To hide. To forget.
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Why does Himiko call Touya's act of destruction a kindness, even if Touya denies it? Because he has destroyed the largest reminder of the pain of her childhood.
The League of Villains seek to destroy the world because they were rejected by the world and wish to reject it back. Those homes were the world to them at one point, when they were children. To them, the world is just an extension of the suffering they experienced.
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Tomura wants to destroy the world to justify his existence as a destroyer, but in reality he doesn't want to face the fact that he killed his family by accident.
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The tragedy of his childhood was so traumatic he repressed the memory and only found his concrete motivation to destroy the world once he remembered his past in Deika City. As soon as he remembers that house, he wishes to destroy it again. It's already been destroyed, but the memory of it continues to hurt him long after. By destroying the world, maybe he can forget it again. Maybe the pain will make sense and he won't have to think about it anymore. Maybe he'll stop being a crying child deep down.
The villains seek to destroy their own origins, which is by nature a self-destructive cause. Paradoxically, they will end up destroyed in the end no matter if they succeed or fail in their goals. Either the world will be destroyed and they along with it, or they will die trying.
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To save Tenko's heart, Izuku has to bring that memory of the house to the surface. He has to recontextualize it to validate Tenko as he is.
And the recontexualization is All For One.
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By contextualizing Tenko's life as a product of All For One's machinations, it gives Tomura a new reason to destroy that memory and that house: to destroy All For One.
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And with that comes a new justification for Tomura's existence.
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The destruction of All For One.
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kutputli · 2 months
It's been two days since I finished watching Interview with the Vampire, and the show has been consuming all my brain space. I didn't have the energy to live blog each episode of season 2, but I want to get my reactions down, before I go in search of reading other people's. This will be a haphazard collection of thoughts, so I think what I will do is start talking character by character and see if that helps me organise things any.
This one is the beating heart of the show, and I don't see how it would have worked if they had not made him a Black man. Everything stems from what he learned during his life of how to survive and thrive and yet remain kind and compassionate, and watching him be fragile and loving and grieving is soul stirring. Perhaps other people might still have found the show engaging with the role played by a white character (given fandom's embrace of the slave owning pirates in Our Flag Means Death, I am sure a slave owning Louis would not have been an insurmountable problem).
But this story belongs to the Black Louis, and to what Jacob Anderson made of him. Just impeccable acting choices, all down the line. I am mesmerised by him.
Praise for the character aside, he is the moral heart of the show. (I know there is a case to be made for Claudia, but I will get to her after this.) I don't actually much enjoy villains presented as anti-heroes, and Louis engenders so much empathy in a show filled with rather awful people.
Of course, he loves Claudia. And I do see him putting her first to the best of his ability. Claudia may be entitled to her resentment, but that doesn't make it rational fact. Louis encouraging her to leave the first time, knowing that Lestat would follow him if he left, that's a valid choice. And then choosing not to burn Lestat... I am reminded of how few victims of domestic abuse actually murder their abusers. The main desire is always to get away. I don't condemn Louis for choosing to not kill his lover.
Claudia had no roots laid down in New Orleans, but Louis did, and he gave all of that up to support her really rather nonsensical search for mystical vampires who were not as awful as Lestat. He helped her join the coven even if he could see it was a cult. And when she introduced him to Madeline, he listened to her. He turned her for Claudia. I don't ever see a moment where he stopped actively caring for her and doing the labour to prove it. I took the line about her being a burden as fully just transparent bait for Armand.
And when Lestat shows up at the trial, its Claudia that Louis is focussed on. He Always. Puts. Her. First.
The way that Louis finds his way into a relationship with Armand is so heartbreakingly soft. We never see them in their intimate moments as dom and sub, but I get the sense that he would be a tender lover -what he wants is to be respected, to have control.
And then we come to the post-trial choices.
I can somewhat buy him sparing Armand's life during his vengeance murder spree, because it wasn't just that Armand said he had saved him during the trial - if you remember, Armand was only encouraging him to leave Paris. Louis was the one who asked. But also, Armand was the one who let him out of the coffin. He did save Louis, and Louis would have tasted the blood of the person who saved him and known it was him.
I think maybe Louis was able to get over Armand facilitating Claudia's murder, because he saw him as a victim paralysed in the same way that he himself had been. Louis knows about having to keep his head down and be complicit with an oppressive system, and I think he offered the benefit of the doubt to Armand because of that. Perhaps also - Louis forgave Claudia for attempting to murder Lestat because he could see her desparation and why she needed to do it. Maybe Louis created a story for himself where Armand was similarly trapped. I don't know. To me, his choice of staying with Armand is the one I am the most questioning of.
(All of this is presupposing that what we saw was what actually happened. There are indications that there is yet another layer to the trial that we don't know about, and because Louis wasn't there as primary witness for the end, maybe some new facts will emerge to make Armand either more sympathetic, or more manipulative.)
Louis's relationship with Daniel is endearing and charming and all things adorable. I hope they whatsapp each other often and have some uncomplicated relaxing stress-relieving sex.
As for Louis and Lestat... see, I was ok with what I saw on the screen. I saw an abuse survivor leave his second marriage the instant he found out he had been lied to, and I saw him visit the parent of his child for closure. Taking on the burden of Claudia's death is nonsense, of course, but it was believeable nonsense. In that I accept that Louis, after having learned that Lestat did lift a finger to partially save his life, spilled out from all his generosity and love, what he thought might help the wretched ex he saw eating on rats and playing on a plank.
But what I am not ok with, what repulses me to the core, is the apparent conviction of the show producers that Louis and Lestat are destined to return to each other, as the great love of each other's lives. It is true that some domestic abuse survivors never manage to completely free themselves from their abuser, and some spouses continue to stay with the abuser of their child (Alice Munro, looking at you). But that storyline is a horror story. Nothing in the framing of the show indicates that horror. And I do not wish for a season 3 that walks down that road.
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ratmanzhq · 8 months
I just found your steam siblings Au and I am in love with it ! Please forgive me for the many questions I have…
1. Would they sometimes use their other element unintentionally? For example, when Kai gets mad (if Jay flirts with his sister) the water pipes break
2. In Season 4 during the tournament of elements, would Chen only require one of the twins to steal both elements ?
I can imagine that the Ninja would try to keep that a secret but Skylor would figure it out while copying Kai‘s powers
3. Will the twins one day be able to use both powers at the same time ?
4. Season 5, will Nya create this big wave like she did in the final episode of that season or will Kai save everyone (or perhaps they do it together) ?
5.When Kai loses his fire, will that also lead to him losing his and Nyas water power ? And how will that arc with Aspheera affect them both
6. Will Kai be afraid of the ocean until he becomes one with the sea ? It feels like a better conclusion of his story with his fear of the sea ? Imagine he was always afraid of it because it has always called for him. He didn’t know what he was hearing or feeling but it scared him, until he under his destiny 👀 ( Am I thinking to mich about it ?!)
If you have read through them all, thanks for that ! I love your art and the au is great. Have a nice day ✌️
Oh man oh man oh man
I'm late, buuut
I like the idea, but in the show, they have to concentrate on using their powers and don't really have accidents like that(not that I remember). But in this AU, it would be funny as hell. Like neither can cook because the water evaporites, pans too hot and burn everything and so on. Only after they master their elements can they cook.
Maybe? That or he has like half of each power and needs both of them to have full fire and water, yknow. Chen would go mad scientist on them.
Well, they would be OP if they had both powers, so maybe not. The drama and steaks would be lowered, but in certain settings, they might. Or they only can use both powers at the same time together?
That whole plot in the season would be sooo different. But I like the idea they do it together as a ☆*Family Bonging*☆ moment.
Depending on if they both have the power or they have one power that zip zap between them like tennis. But I feel like they both have the powers, they can't just use it? So Nay would have fire when Aspirah takes Kais fire and the switch their roles (Kai is water ninja/Nya is fire ninja).
I loooove the idea Kai fears the ocean and then becomes the ocean. Like, it validates his fear?? Kinda?? He loses everything when he's the ocean, even if he did it to protect his Family. But he also accepts his destiny and isn't afraid of the ocean anymore? The drama. The angst. Love it. But hearing the ocean his whole life. Now that's an idea. Like fire powers are from Spijitsu mater Uno and water is from the big ass snake. And maybe that affects them! Fire and water in them in constant conflict Ugh. Love it
Thanx my fellow rat for the qustion
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stranger-opinions · 7 days
maybe it's not a writers-block; maybe you just need a break
creativity is a muscle, right?
you need to exercise it to keep it in good shape, to have it ready when you need it and don't we all love those hyperfocused sprints of writing where the words just spill out of our fingertips...
but muscles get sore when you overuse them, will strain when you force them past their limits, they need nourishment to stay healthy and in shape
fandom today has a competitive atmosphere. many wouldn't admit that; it's supposed to be fun after all. just vibing with our mutuals, playing with the blorbos having a fun time online to scratch a few itches.
but the truth is that it can become a lot of pressure rather fast.
putting out several k of (edited) writing a month, setting up painstakingly formatted posts with the right tags and a fun header we spent hours on to look effortlessly cool and eye-catching just to hit post and then feel... nervous. excited too, sure...
but damn, when will the next chapter be finished? or the next one shot? will there be enough time to put a few blubs in between so that the few people who actually seem to care won't forget about us and move on?
writing for writing's sake is a nice notion. the myth of the self-sustaining artist who needs nothing more than a passion and their tools of choice.
but shit isn't just created out of nothing.
what has that all to do with the title of this post do you ask?
very few people can just keep going and going making art like that without needing any breaks and a good portion of those people very likely have very different conditions than most of us have with full-time jobs, families, school and so on.
For many of us writing is a main outlet, an important hobby and a safe space but that still doesn't change that it is a creative hobby, an outlet that demands energy: emotional, mental and physical (typing for hours is hard work if you want to believe it or not) and that sometimes makes it impossible to accept that we just need a fucking break.
"writers-block", in my own experience, is my brain telling me that something is off and that it's on strike until I fucking fix that.
and sometimes it's just that I need a break.
that I need to recharge my creative batteries, take in things that inspire me, that make me happy and get me excited without having to make anything myself. to just be. take some walks amongst trees, watch a new series, read a new book, go into a deep dive of some random topic on wikipedia until I don't know where the fuck I started from.
sometimes I just need to log out, cut the overstimulation of a never ending dashboard, turn off what everybody else on tumblr is doing, how much everbody is putting out, get away from my frustration about "my flopped fic" or the latest fandom drama and reconnect with the real reason I am doing this.
the love for stories and the source material.
for some people those breaks can be as short as two days, for other is might be weeks or months and that is not only okay but totally normal.
sometimes you might realize that the reason you are not writing is that you actually don't want to. sometimes you just want to daydream without the extra work sometimes you're just not in a writing mood and it's not much deeper than that.
that doesn't have to mean you're done with your blorbos. it just means that there are more valid and fun ways to play with them.
don't worry, the fandom will still be there when you decide to pick up the keyboard again. maybe with less people, maybe with many different people but you will always find someone who cares. those who have moved on to different things not come back wouldn't likely have stayed if you had powered through.
fandom shouldn't be a you're in or you're out thing but a place you come to when you want to.
contentification of fandom has had a lot of negative effects on the way we create and so many people fade from their hobby because they simply burn themselves out to a point where it leaves a scar.
so. find something that makes you happy that does not require you to invest too much creational energy. rest those muscles as long as it takes.
nothing you can get on tumblr or ao3 is worth the sore brain, the frustration with yourself and the stress you add onto your mental health ontop of everything else in your life.
recharge, reevaluate, reconnect
have fun
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anonzentimes · 6 months
What is your opinion on servant/despair nagito?
AUGH! hello autism activating anon thank you from your ask!
Servant I think honestly is pretty well written and doesn't erase any of Nagito's character which I really love. Also he's in like the most bdsm outfit??? ever??? HUH?? it's kind of hilarious tbh.
Mostly, I really enjoy that as a Despair Nagito's beliefs aren't just erased. He's willing to do even more for hope than before, becoming despair himself, whereas before he seemed to have a limit he wouldn't cross. Which is honestly saying something since he thinks murder can be valid in the name of hope beforehand anyways.
I also like the funny detail that he's a servant with a chain on his neck at all times, but no one is really pulling the strings? Like, he's a "servant," to the warriors of hope but truly he has control over the situation. He chooses to stay there, if he truly desired to he could have left. His chain is there, he has the appearance of a servant, but no one is tugging on it, he's the one truly in control. Hopefully that makes sense lmao!!
I also thought that him seeing Komaru being a normal girl and knowing Makoto had hidden hope as a talent thinking she might have hope as well is pretty well written! It definitely makes sense why he'd think that.
Also, as weird as it is I actually really like how he looks as servant. The artwork for his sprites and the fanart I've seen is really awesome honestly!!
I used to think that he was just in Ultra Despair Girls for fan service, which probably a bit, but I do actually really enjoy how they use his role as a contributing antagonist properly. It's mostly expanding upon the idea of him as a Despair that we see in Chapter 0 of Danganronpa 2 with his love and hate obsession with Junko. He wants to be more involved than ever before and has no limit for how far he'll go, he actively will create the despair needed himself for hope to thrive. And that's so cool!!! It's basically pulling him and his beliefs their utmost extreme to explain how someone like him could become a despair, and the best part is that it makes sense! You can understand it given his character. He hates despair, so the only way he'd ever be okay with becoming despair is if it was in the name of hope, and that's exactly what they do!
I also think it's SO funny that out of all of the despairs, he's the most harmless out of them. Like, Sonia burned her own country to the GROUND, Teruteru ate his OWN MOTHER, but Nagito? He was just a servant to some weird terrorist kids, and ultimately was the main contributing factor to hope winning in the end. He brought Komaru so there could be a fair fight with Hope and Despair after all!
I think Mocaca's character after Ultra Despair Girls was kind of treated badly lmao, like, I feel like there was a lot of missed potential but they just threw her to the side because they never planned to do anything with her. However the Idea Nagito's ramblings just made her sick of the world is HILARIOUS though. Kind of Ironic that he saved her in hopes to be a successor to Junko for more hope to win in the end when his contributions led her to becoming nothing.
Also pretty Ironic that he KNEW what Izuru was going to do, and he wanted to see Junko again. But he never did, he died before he got to see what him as a Despair wanted to see. By his own hands nonetheless!!
Nagito as a Despair is really fucking weird with his outfit and all, but I actually really do love him. I really love the outfit, the approach they take to the only way he could become a despair with his beliefs, and his role in the story.
The brainwashing plot is a little clumsy, but I do enjoy that the way they treat brainwashing in the Danganronpa franchise is that the despair video manipulates your emotions. It doesn't overwrite anything, it just adds a desire to cause despair or excuses causing despair more. I think it's a little more realistic than just a whole bunch of teenagers being talked into becoming terrorists anyway.
servant you are iconic mwa <3
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piviani · 1 year
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what enhypen members needs to work on
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to become the best version of themselves
( disclaimer: please do remember to take my readings with a grain of salt. i am in no way a professional tarot reader and all of this are alleged and is for entertainment purposes only. )
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yang jungwon
ten of swords
somehow swords always shows up to him. what he really needs to work on is his are emotions and his charasteristic where he has no confidence at all. low self esteem. he tends to burden himself with responsibilities alot. so it would be better if he starts on working on himself not for the sake of others but for his own sake alone.
he may have the mentality to always feel or need to catch others for their own problems? i dont wanna cause issues, but whenever i do a reading on jungwon he always feels burned out, exhausted, and sad. it seems like he wants to crave validation from people. someone who could feel what he feels. he doesnt show his emotions alot. so it would be a really great start to befriend with a non-toxic circle and a non toxic environment that understands why hes like he is and why its hard with opening up.
lee heeseung
king of pentacles in reverse
oh what he needs to work on are his characteristics of being overly workaholic and stubborn at times. he may be too quick on his shoes especially if it involves his work without even roughly thinking about the consequences he might face and things he might lose along the way. as long as theres a starter lane he can run over its already enough for him. theres times he might leave things as it is if it doesn’t benefit him anymore.
heeseung has the tendencies to lose touch with the reality too, he might be overly intune with the idealism world he creates. sometimes losing touch with the reality has its side effects. (nothing bad about dreaming, he just might be into it that he might start to abandon it will actually need consistent hardwork) so he should work on these things to improve his life and become the best version of himself.
park jongseong
wheel of fortune - queen of pentacles
i was wondering what the wheel of fortune meant cause this doesnt seem like something that could be worked on. its one of the major symbolic cards. probably the only thing i could consider as slightly negative is where it will always have ups and downs. its a wheel after all—and in every transition, a big change occurs. so anyway, i pulled for confirmation and queen of pentacles came out. well—with the former card, it might be true in a sense that fate are always there for him. however we should take queen of pentacles into an account. he may take responsibilities for his loved ones too much so he should tone it down. things dont always look good just because it is for the external. best believe as unfortunate it sounds being a giver always causes troubles too. may tend to neglect himself while taking focus on the others thinking it could help him. so he should work on this :) hes too nurturing it backfires him.
sim jaeyun
two of wands
2 of wands, for jake to become the best version of himself—he should learn to focus on his personal goals. tha card shows a man standing holding an earth (or basically his world) with his right hand and a wand in his left, and with my own interpretation, it’s saying him that jake should learn to focus more on what’s infront of him than just standing. its the actions that matters. you cant be standing for so long or you could be left behind. he should learn not to settle for less with this. he may always be indecisive too—whether he should just stand and stay, or move forward by wanting more. he may be a thinker more than a taker. or like idealistic more than realistic. though there’s the passion, drive don’t do everything. he needs his own resolve so he could become the best version of himself.
park sunghoon
queen of wands
another wands, though queen of wands may mostly have an uplifting and positive meaning, this could also mean that sunghoon may have tendencies to be too self centered because of his confidence with his individuality. may be too independent as well. he should learn how to rely on others too as too much independence can cause you to isolate with others making it hard to open up his scars and wounds. he may be the type to be closed off yet helps with people with their own certain circumstances with his drive and force? just really not with himself which causes this destruction. so its really adviced for him to be communicative. (ive noticed most enha are not really great with communication and would rather keep it all by themselves, including sunghoon himself) like though they might everything’s alright already it might not be? sunghoon needs to stay still and allow others to walk through his inner. its not bad to be dependent sometimes.
kim sunoo
the tower in reverse
tower in reverse.. it seems like sunoo doesn’t face his personal problems because he believes walking through it causes more trouble than running away. so he turns his back instead. sunoo’s always scared to change that it becomes a toxic repetitive cycle. this seems like it will not change any time soon either. he will try and try to resist any transitions until it exhausts him. he may have low self esteem which causes this. sunoo doesn’t really see a light behind the darkness? neither would like to change this cycle. he would rather keep running instead of facing it. change are inevitable, sunoo should learn how to take this into an account and accept the undeniable transformations that needs to be taken for the future as this is a major part when growing up. (as much as i wouldve loved to deep dive more and pull a card but i dont think im allowed further. such heavy energy, this is all i can do.)
nishimura riki
the hanged man in reverse
the hanged man usually symbolizes detachment, discontentment and impulsiveness. these are what riki should take into an account for him to become the best version of himself. he seems to be the type to make his impulsiveness a mechanism to direct the fact that he always feels low, like just so he could feel thrill. he’s young so there seems to be days where impulsiveness takes over. im seeing impatience in his part as well. a bit naive. originally in the upright—we can see the man hanging there by his own free will, but this is in reversed—so im seeing some certain circumstances where he just let people control him rather than fighting for what he feels symbolizes him more. or hes standing in standards that doesn’t align with his will. this could also be the problem. he should learn how to let his thinking be aligned with his will. impulsiveness are not always the answer. he shouldnt retrain himself just because others said so. he needs how to form his own freedom of speech lol.
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tokiro07 · 4 months
Undead Unluck ch.206 thoughts
[Mazel Tov]
(Contents: Character analysis - Feng/Soul/Language)
And with that, the Medaka Box shiritori arc is concluded, and man what an arc it was! I think it's a bit unfortunate it had to come after the Golden Week break, that kind of took the steam out of this finale a little bit for me, but damn it was still so good!
Might just be recency bias, but I think this might be one of my overall favorite arcs. It facilitated two different major character arcs (Nico and Feng), gave Ichico some much-needed characterization, showed just how much personality the current antagonists can have, had easily my favorite concept for a fight so far, and elaborated on the power system in a very fun and interesting way. This finale was especially fitting because it managed to touch on all of those concepts, like it was reviewing everything that happened up to now
Starting with Feng, seeing him continue to play the lone-wolf card only to rescind it and actually thank Nico for helping him is just so satisfying, as it illustrates the major change in Feng's character that we've been hoping for all along. By offering his strength in return for the new heights he was able to bring that strength to, Feng directly acknowledges that he wouldn't have been able to reach that level alone, at least not so quickly, and suggests that he's finally begun to learn what Fuuko was trying to teach him about fighting for the sake of others. He hasn't necessarily internalized that lesson yet, but this was an absolutely necessary step on the way to completing that particular character arc
Of course, Feng is still Feng; when he notices a twinge of doubt and weakness in Language, he derides her "what kind of buffoon would think of anything other than victory during mortal combat?" Of course, there's tons of valid answers to that question, but I think the important thing here is that this line suggests that Feng's overall focus, self-improvement and victory, remains unchanged, and that's okay. Feng wants to be strong and defeat others, that's what makes him happy, and he's not wrong for it. What was wrong was his approach, which made it seem like his goal was wrong. Now that he's on a better path, his goals no longer seem like a justification for cruel behavior, just lofty aspirations
This line also harkens back to a major theme of this arc: imagination. The ability to visualize the outcome you want is vital to creating it. This principle was applied very literally in the shiritori battle, where one's imagination was necessary to conjure viable attacks or defenses, so when Language had the thought "this can beat me," that was as good as confirming that she had already lost. I think this is also why "living" conjurations would damage the user upon their destruction; while a wall or a meteor would still be constructed from the user's soul, those things can't be "hurt," but a dragon or a yokai or a god can. They are alive, and being killed is much easier to empathize with than something being broken. You can imagine what it feels like to be cut or burned, so since it's a part of you, the destruction of that piece of your soul is inherently shared with you. Basically, if Language had been able to think something to the effect of "I can still save this," she might have been capable of turning things around, but instead she admitted defeat before she'd even realized it
Speaking of, the look on Soul's face as Language apologized for losing was so utterly human. We've seen UMA have feelings before, but Soul was heartbroken there. His eyes widened by surprise, fear and sadness as she called out his name, how they narrowed with resignation and acceptance upon hearing her admit defeat...it was like seeing Fuuko watch her friends die fighting Sun
The Master Rules have died before, and presuming they win, they'll come back for sure, but that doesn't mean it has to be easy on them emotionally. It's hard to say how the Master Rules feel about each other as a whole, but Soul was definitely affected by Beast's death just as much as he is here by Language's. Whatever they think of him, I think it's very clear that they're Soul's friends and family, and I'm very interested to see how Language's death spurs him into action next
On the subject of the Master Rules dying, I've seen some criticism of Language's core just being her head popping off of her body, but it's not really that different conceptually from Ichico's soul being her head, is it? They both even have the hair tentacles. I think this is meant to further convey just how close to human the Master Rules are, something I imagine is going to be expanded much further upon in the near future, so I'm not going to go much further into it now aside from the surface level symbolism
Language does clearly have a much more nuanced level of sentimentality than most any previous UMA, though. We've seen Burn express his desire to meet God, Clothes jumping through hoops to justify helping Fuuko to himself, and Spring actively wanting to be accepted by humans, but Language had a personal, vested interest in one person. Language viewed Nico as her rival, and used that rivalry to propel herself to greater heights (another way this arc ties into Feng's themes, by the way), but she also loved him. She wasn't waiting for billions of years just to get revenge, she was waiting for someone who could make her feel fulfilled. If she just wanted revenge, she would be cursing him as she died this time around, but instead she sends him off with congratulations and well-wishes. She died with a smile on her face and told Nico to have a happy marriage; how can that possibly be taken as anything other than an act of humanity?
I can only hope that we see that level of humanity from the other Master Rules, but fingers crossed it won't be for a little while. After this arc, I could sure use a breather chapter or six!
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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authurials · 2 years
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 . you had worked too hard to lose aemond to the pathetic whispers of a pious court
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 . two​
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 . @holy-minseok​
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 . 18+ situations, referenced sexual situations, referenced violence/mild gore, language
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 . took me awhile to get this out because i’ve been struggling with a chest infection but i’ve finally recovered enough to get back to writing; this isn’t the best thing i’ve written in my opinion, but i think it’s a good start to getting back into the swing of things--remember to like, comment and reblog if you enjoy reading! do not repost/claim as your own please
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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒 burned in your ears as you made your way down the halls of court, head held high and hands folded together primly in front of you. Although ladened with the regalia of the Seven, you did not allow the stone walls that surrounded you to intimidate you into submission. You were the eldest daughter of a king, who though a monarch of a smaller and lesser known kingdom than Westeros raised you to be cunning and prideful–to never accept less than what you deserved; and you deserved better than what the cunts of King’s Landing and possibly beyond were saying about you. You were a princess, wife to the king of Westeros’ second eldest son, and you would not bend or break to the ugly rumors being levied against you.
Even if there was truth to their whispers, you thought, smiling tugging tightly at your lips; flanked on either side by knights of the Kingsguard, you obediently allowed yourself to be escorted to the small council who no doubt wanted to discuss the validity of the  ‘concerning’ words being spoken about your name. Even before your carefully crafted facade had begun to slip in the eyes of those at court you had begun to put into place your defense, plotting it carefully so that you might have a better chance at salvaging all your hard work. And hard work it had been, you thought irritably as you recalled the first time you had made the acquaintance of Aemond Targaryen.
Right from the start you had intended him for your husband, having found him to be a suitable and advantageous match that would bring future notoriety to your house and grow your father’s influence. When your father was invited to attend King Viserys in court in hopes of creating a bond between the two kingdoms, you knew that this was your chance to put your plan into action. From your first meeting though, when the second born prince had gazed at you with barely a hint of interest in his one pearlescent blue eye, you knew you had your work cut out for you. He proved to be a pious boy you observed within your first few days in the capital; watching as he attended services in the sept with his mother, and how he dutifully carried out grace before each feast could commence between the two families.
Your attempts at seduction would not work, that much you knew for sure; if anything, any sign of loose morals would only have served to draw the prince’s ire and disgust. He had not wanted a whore for a companion, but someone who concerningly resembled his mother in her piety and devotion–so that is what you gave him. Luckily, pretending to be chaste was not an unknown concept for you; high morality was a character trait you had pulled upon quite frequently in the past, using it to titillate many of the men and even women you had welcomed into your bed over the years. There was something alluring about the debauchery of innocence, and to be the one to take it you had found was a prize not many were willing to pass up–except for Aemond, you came to find out.
You had been tending to the homeless and downtrodden of Flea Bottom when the pair of you engaged in your first conversation, one that was not forced by the close proximity of your families’ shared suppers or the everyday required pleasantries. Though the lesser work of caring for those who could not care for themselves in part disgusted you, you did not let it show that day as Aemond forwent his responsibility of finding his drunkard brother in exchange for escorting you through the lower rungs of King’s Landing. It would become the first of many ‘coincidental’ encounters with the prince in which you were able to show off how unconcerned you were with the finer things of royal life, and instead wished to dedicate your time to those less fortunate; not only that, but how interested you were in familiarizing yourself with the Faith of the Seven, as your own kingdom had no such dedicated religion. And the prince was all too happy to be your tutor, though he always made it a point of the pair of you having a chaperone–lest your virtue be called into question.
The questioning had not begun until recently, many moons after the consummation of yours and Aemond’s marriage; it had been the prince’s first time, that you were certain of. You recalled the way he had clung to you as he reached his completion, hips stuttering into yours as he panted and eventually held himself there inside of you–allowing his seed to take. Though you had found your own pleasure in the act it paled in comparison to some of your other lovers, one of which had taken up within the Keep as part of your family’s holding of servants. Ultimately, this servant–a man you had bedded many times over the years–would be your downfall. He had been the one to let your affairs slip from drunken lips, cockily expressing how he had managed to bed the prince’s wife, whose lips were not only made for the hymns of the Seven but also to service a cock. You had managed to take his tongue before your incarceration into your bed chambers, ordered by the Queen Mother while she sorted everything out.
And what a shame it was, you recalled spitefully, it was a very good tongue after all.
You stopped outside the double doors to the council room, the guard posted outside entering beforehand to ensure the council was ready to receive you. Taking a deep breath, you square your shoulders, determined to hold your head high and meet their eyes–you would give them no reason to doubt your words. From within you could hear the guard announcing your presence, and the proceeding muffled voice of who you gauged to be your good mother, Queen Alicent. The guard returned, this time holding the door open as the knight on your left side gently prodded you to move forward. Resisting the urge to spew venom at him for treating you in such a manner unbefitting your station, you stepped forward into the room to face the people that were your judge and jury.
As expected, Alicent sat in the middle of the congregation, flanked on either side of the table by the men of her husband’s small council–including the Hand and Alicent’s father, Otto Hightower. The man had never liked you or your family, and the feeling was mutual; he was as much of a snake as you, and it took one’s own kin to see through the facade both sides had been crafting for their own benefit for years. You saw each other as threats, and this proved true as their judgment of you began and Otto stood in opposition of showing you mercy. All the while your husband stood quietly in the corner, head bowed and hands folded behind his back; his lack of eye contact with you made it clear that you would stand alone today, that it would be up to you alone to clear your name and salvage what you could of this mess.
“You stand here today accused of impropriety unbefitting of your station,” Alicent spoke, clearing her throat; you made note of how uncomfortable she looked to be there, to have to be the one hosting the proceedings against her son’s wife–perhaps you could use this to your advantage. “What say you, good daughter?”
“I say….” You put on your best face, hands gripping each other nervously as you bowed your head as if in prayer. “I say that these accusations have wounded me deeply, and I cannot fathom as to why anyone would speak such horrid things about me into existence.”
“Exactly,” Otto hummed, “what reason would anyone have to create such a story if there was no validity to it, my lady?”
“That is a fair point,” another man of council interjected, nodding; you lifted your head to gaze at him coolly before bowing your head once more. “This volume of rumors cannot be ignored. Not to mention your quick dispatching of the first man who spoke out against you-”
“His vile words are the reason I stand before you!” You found yourself spitting out, lifting your head; you could feel the fire burning in your eyes, quickly squashing it as you blinked and took another deep breath to calm yourself. “Apologies, I find the reminder of that disgusting man too much to bear. It is he who disparaged my good name, bringing into question my purity when I have always been and will continue to be….loyal to my husband, Prince Aemond.”
You once more found yourself glancing over at Aemond, hoping he would’ve been looking up and your eyes would lock, allowing you to soften his doubts about you; mayhaps then he would speak out in your favor, squashing the awful questioning of his family and the council. Alas, your hopes were the only thing squashed when all you saw was the tightening of his jaw as he continued to look down at your feet.
“Your words prove pretty as always, my lady,” Otto continued, a smirk discernible beneath his beard, “but they will do nothing to repair the damage that these accusations have caused. You have brought shame upon the Targaryen name, and have left us with no choice but to-”
“Who are you to judge me?” You interrupted him, finding that fire within growing once more; you had always prided yourself on maintaining your coolness in situations such as this, but Lord Hightower’s cockyness was proving too much for you today. Truly, who was he to judge you? You were not blind to his own transgressions against the crown–the way he puppeteered his own family for his own personal gain. “Who are any of you to judge me?”
You looked at each small council member in turn, daring them to meet your eye but none other than Otto were brave enough to do so; Alicent herself could only muster up a look of pity as your gaze fell on her, it was only a brief stare but you saw it plain as day. Your good queen mother pitied you, being the only one in the room who understood the precarious position of a woman in court–how delicate a balance it was, how one false step could lead to a downfall.
“The only judgment I see fit to pass upon me is that of the Seven,” you spat out. “They are the ones who see me as I truly am, my soul having been bared to them since my good mother and husband were so kind to teach me their ways–is that not right, my husband?”
Finally, Aemond had no choice but look upon you, his one eye scaling up your figure, watching the way your hands now gripped at the skirts of your dress and how your chest lifted with each breath you took; you willed him to see the woman he had fallen in love with, the one you had made him worship like he did at your false altar. Yet, there was nothing there but the pain of betrayal, the tight set of his jaw as he looked away from you and towards his grandfather, to whom he gave a stiff nod. It was then that you knew you had lost him, that there was nothing more that you could say or do to repair the damage your own hubris had created; the game you had so eloquently played over the past several moons was over, and there was no victor but that of Otto Hightower as he passed down your sentence–
An annulment, that was the only course of action anyone on the small council saw fit to take; it would leave Aemond open to a more suitable match Otto claimed as you still stood there in that room, finally stunned to silence, no ally in your room unless the sympathetic glance of the queen counted for anything. You would be sent back to your father’s kingdom in shame, where the grasp of the court’s whispers had surely already reached, leaving you with little other prospects in terms of another marriage other than a low ranking lord or even worse a merchant with no titles. It was truly a fate unbefitting of your natural born status as princess, a fitting punishment in the eyes of the men of the council.
You said nothing as they passed down your sentence, simply standing with your head held high and hands now folded behind your back. There was no need to pretend anymore….
So you simply smiled and began to laugh.
Your laughter stopped Otto in his tracks as he made plans to write to your father, and instructed his daughter to ensure the servants began packing up your belongings that day. They all looked at you in confused silence, even Aemond who had a frown on his lips as he looked upon you.
“Is something funny? Or have you simply finally gone mad?” Otto asked, standing from his seat at the council’s table.
“Oh, I am surely mad,” you laugh, shoulders shaking, “but not as much as you are about to be, lord hand.”
“What nonsense do you speak of, whore?” A council member spat out.
You noticed Aemond instinctively lay a hand on the pommel of his sword ready to defend you, and in that moment you did feel something akin to affection for your husband; maybe there was a chance of saving this union yet, but first you had to deal with the council of idiots before you.
“Did you really think I would just allow you to take away everything I worked so hard for?” You hummed, walking towards the table they all rested behind. The guards on either side of the table stepped forward, hands on their own swords much like Aemond but you paid them no mind, simply stopping so that you were eye to eye with the Hand. “Then we have gravely underestimated each other, Lord Hightower.”
“What position do you believe you have to stand on, girl?” Otto smirked. “You are nothing more than what your cunt allows, and it appears that even its luck has run out; even my grandson wishes to be rid of your poisonous wiles.”
“Father-” Alicent began, looking pale and faint.
“Even if he has no love for me,” you tilted your head, a pleasant smile on your lips, “I’m sure he would not allow for the mother of his child to be sent away.”
The silence that proceeded settled warmly in your stomach, satisfaction clear on your face as you looked from Otto to his grandson, whose hand had fallen from his sword to hang limply at his side in shock. For many moons the pair of you had been trying for a child, for Aemond Targaryen wanted nothing more than to be a father and you wanted nothing more than to solidify his loyalty to you. It had been a precarious thing to accomplish, ensuring his seed was the one to take root and not one of your lover’s, but you were certain that the child you carried was of no stock but that of the Targaryens.
“How do we know you are simply not spreading more falsities?” A member of the council expressed what everyone else must be thinking. “Or that the child is even Aemond’s?”
“Do you really wish to take that risk?” You pout, lips curving into a smirk. “Especially when I have already told the good news to his grace, the king.”
Easy to manipulate in his current state, King Viserys adored you as his good daughter, believing you a fitting match for Aemond. You had spent many a day by his bedside, lending him your ear as he spoke fondly of past memories, or your voice as you read to him from his favorite books. He was the first you told when you found out you were with child, and at the prospect of another grandchild the good side of his face had lit up with such happiness; it was then that you knew that if Aemond’s loyalty could not be secured then his father’s fondness would have to do. You were all but untouchable as long as you remained in the king’s good graces, and you knew from his eldest daughter and the whispers that followed her that Viserys was not the kind to let rumors sway him.
“You scheming cunt-” Otto grounded out, making it as if he were going to lean over the table and grab you.
“That is quite enough, father,” Alicent finally spoke, raising her hand to silence any further objections. “It appears as if our hands our tied–”
She looked up at you, and the pride was clear in her eyes as she continued.
“We have no choice but to allow her to stay here, at least until the babe is born; we will know for sure if the child is my son’s.”
“You can’t possibly think to allow her to stay here, daughter-”
“As your queen,” Alicent bit out, “this is what I have decided. I will hear no more of annulment or sending my good daughter away until the patronage of the baby is confirmed. Am I understood?”
She looked around at the men, and you noted the uncomfortable way in which each man shifted under her gaze–leaving no room for questions; each of them nodded stiffly before being dismissed, even Otto was given no choice but to take his leave, eyes holding a promise that this wasn’t over as he gave you one last look before he left. Your satisfaction was short lived however as you found yourself alone with your good mother and husband, both of whom had their eyes on you. It appeared you still had your work cut out for you getting back into their good graces, but it was no worry–
You had many moons ahead of you to prove yourself once again worthy of them and their false gods.
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lipstickchainsaw · 3 months
villainizing ask game: Ripley Hurst
This one is evil.
Do we have her stick with Mia and Carson, and grow up to join the family business? Would she? Ironically, I think they've raised her well enough that she would balk at the very idea, even if things didn't go as off the rails for that plan as they did in Claw.
But maybe only if. Ripley has just had an absurdly traumatic couple of days. She's first felt true hate and anger for Natalie, after having been ripped away from her family without anyone explaining anything to her, and things will not have gotten better in the hands of the police, let alone whatever Davie has planned, and while she clearly felt incredibly uncomfortable with those feelings, they were still there, and those feelings do call for a resolution.
I could see her going Valentina's route a little, but where Valentina wants to hurt Addi specifically, I don't think Ripley's going to be interested in such directed revenge. I think her anger and hate and pain and fear would express itself more indiscriminate, just wanting the whole fucking thing to stop, so she stops being pulled this way and that without anyone ever fucking talking to her. In this, I unfortunately think Mia and Carson would fully validate those feelings, and that would be a way for her to be brought into the fold.
If she goes with Natalie, she's stuck in perpetual resentment. She will not come to accept Natalie, regardless of how things unfold, and she will want Mia back. If Mia's still in the game, they'll be looking for each other and find one another, which is less interesting, but if Mia's out of the game, I can see Ripley start to idolise her legacy, wanting to be close to the mom that was cruelly ripped away from her, against everybody else's wishes.
This doesn't make her a villain, I don't think, but what might bring her close would be the fact that the dynamic between Ripley and Natalie would turn the Teale home even more toxic, would create an even more stifling environment for Sterling. In this scenario, Ripley's hatred of Natalie would win out against her desire to be a good big sister to Sterling, and he would wither away even further.
Combine that with the way the release of Ben's documentary would isolate her, and you end up with her trying to follow in Mia's footsteps, but without being as meticulous as Mia was. As a result, Ripley would burn out more quickly, and leave a lot of hurt people in her wake.
And then the worst case scenario is one where Davie gets his hands on her, and does encourage her to express that anger and hatred in a more directed way; against Natalie, and he might still be able to get the daughter he wanted Gio to become
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Developer Interviews And Miyamoto Quotes Are Not The End All Be All Of Mario Lore
So something that I come across way to often is people taking developer interviewers or Miyamoto quotes as gospel, and that anything that contradictions them including the games themself is just wrong. This also something I only see happen with Mario lore, because as soon Miyamoto says something wrong about the Zelda Lore, people get on him for it. Now I am not saying Miyamoto and Developer interviews can't be used for gaining lore about the games. I have done so myself with Waluigi, Captain Toad, and Donkey Kong to name a few. What I am saying it's not always reliable, could have been retconned like with the Star Child Yoshi (I'll explain in a future post), or just straight up wrong.
So for Miyamoto, Miyamoto has had a history people have noticed where often times whenever he's asked questions about lore he either changes the subject, says something blatantly false, or turns it into a Scott Cawthon level joke. So I'll give a few examples here alongside, and I hope to add more to this list in the future, and I'll eventually make a link to my Zelda Lore Blog when I create that list.
The first thing is Bowser's Junior's mother which is in the joke camp, which originates from the video Miyamoto Answers Popular Fan Questions. You have one that is a mix of both humorous and serious in the suggestion Dr. Mario is not a legitimate Doctor. This can be seen in Mario's Creators Answer Burning Questions About The Series, Don't Compare Him To Disney: Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto on The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and Miyamoto Answers Popular Fan Questions. A suggestion that in universe is incorrect, I expand upon this in a future post which I will link. When it came to Miyamoto saying Mario's last name is Mario, he also claimed Link's last name was Link clearly making a joke out of it. This can be seen in the video 51 Rapid-Fire Questions About The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild. More pending. Meanwhile when it comes to other examples we have. Takashi Tezuka claiming Yoshi is a Koopa/Turtle. But in the manuals, descriptions, and in game dialogue Yoshi are only ever established to be Dinosaurs/Dragons. Never once are they implied to be Koopas/ Turtles. Koichi Hayashida once claimed Toads weren't Mushrooms. Another claim that contradicts the manuals, descriptions, and in universe dialogue alongside other details. Something I plan to make a future post about. So you might be wondering, how should can we discern what is useful or not useful at all. Well...
If it's not done in the form of a joke, given that's one of the most obvious.
If there was nothing in game to go off of, and in addition to being repeated elsewhere that further cements it's validity. Like with Donkey Kong for example.
If it is meant to clarify something like with Captain Toad.
If it's something that would have obviously been retconned.
If it is backed up by the games and manuals like with Waluigi or the Bowser Kingdom.
If it doesn't contradict the games and manuals like with Yoshi.
If it's not a quote mine.(This happens a lot)
Priority for lore should be in-game dialogue and descriptions, then the Japanese manuals, then the manuals, then website information, then developer interviews, and then stuff Miyamoto says.
In addition to that last one, if only one source claims it and everything else contradicts that one source then the single source is wrong. Case in point, DK64's line.
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alwida10 · 6 months
Bestie, you keep talking about the viewership article of Loki for ages. When will you put it up? I'm going insane with people claiming its the best thing ever
Ahhhh 😱 my bad conscience learned to send Tumblr asks!!!! 😱😱 /joke
And yes. You got me there. 😭 after season 2 ended, I told myself it was necessary to wait a bit so the Google Trends graphs wouldn’t look so chopped off, and ended up procrastinating the post because I never wanted to think about *that* show ever again. 😭
But yes - be assured - while the defenders of the show are often vicious and try to make it look like it was generally loved, the stats paint another picture. (The same was true for season 1, though. I recommend taking a look at this amazing analysis posted on Reddit.) For now, let’s take the rough overview of season 2 from Google Trends here.
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Google Trends only provides relative graphs (=percentages of a maximum), but in a way this makes it even better. The public interest in Loki peaked with season 1 (airing from 09. June - 14. July 2021). Season two (5. October - 9. November 2023) sparked about half of the interest. Overall, that’s a pretty clear picture season 2 lost a lot of viewer interest.
But let’s look into the details, meaning the single episodes. Here we have the first three ones (released on the 5th, 12th and 19th October).
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Each episode marks a small peak in interest. Typically, the interest decreases over a season, so the first episode being the biggest hit is no surprise. The decrease however is. As a reminder: season 1 suffered a 30% decrease in viewership between episodes 1 and 3, which was considered horrible at the time. While this graph does not reflect viewership but Google searches, the decrease between episodes 1 and 3 is still 50%. (Also, I kinda prefer Google stats to viewership stats since they reflect how much real interest the series managed to create, leaving out all those people who mindlessly consumed the series without thinking further. It does however have the bias that an incomprehensible plot might inflate the numbers because people look for explanations online.)
The first peak in the next pic is again episode 3, followed by 4 (26. October), 5 (2. November), and the last episode (9. November). It’s easily visible that the finale has created the most interest. Sadly, Google Trends did not provide a graph where all the episodes could be compared, but based on the fact that the episode 3 peak was half as high as the one for episode 1, we can estimate that the episode 1 peak would have been at approximately 55-60% in this graph.
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So why is that interesting? The two most interesting episodes were the opening and the finale. That’s not that unusual, but in the end, it still burns down to the fact that people kinda tuned out in between. I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that the major questions regarding Loki’s future (is he dead now? Can people visit him? How did this work?) inflated the peak for the finale.
Ok, but what about the actual views?
Well, I can never compete with thochi-1’s analysis, but I’ll do my best. But first this gem:
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So, apparently, the 50% drop in Google Trends is associated with a 39% drop in viewed minutes.
For the overall season, the Hollywood reporter says this:
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Summarized: only two-thirds of viewers from season 1 returned for season 2. The ones who did return showed about 15% less engagement in googling our beloved god of mischief.
I have another, personal reason to find that little fact particularly interesting. In the Loki survey, 26% of all respondents indicated they disliked the show. At the time of the survey, some people assumed this number to be falsely inflated, because I was more active in the “anti-series fandom”. Given the viewing numbers of season 2, I feel sadly validated. After all, the drop of 35% is even higher than my estimates.
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 years
The road to Chenford - The Love Interests
Let me preface this (very) long post by saying this is only my opinion. This is about how I interpret the whole Chenford arc. The show is vague enough that pretty much all interpretations are valid. But if you feel differently, that's perfectly fine.
There's a lot of things that made me fall in love with Chenford, and I'll talk more about it in another post. But one aspect I found intriguing was the way the different love interests Lucy and Tim had throughout the show were used. Usually love interests are brought as a plot device to separate the main characters and bring all the angst... It's something that pretty much every TV shows do. The jealousy trope has to be one of the most common one... And yet, here, it was never really used the usual way.
Let's start at the beginning.
// Isabel & Nolan
It is rather interesting that we got love interests for both Lucy and Tim right from the start (probably because Chenford was unplanned). And how much their story is still impacted by that. With Isabel, we had front row seat to the trauma her addiction was having on Tim : the spiralling, the heartbreak, the guilt and the walls he had to put up to protect himself. But we also witnessed how far his loyalty goes and how deeply he can love. It was an important tool to give us some insight on a character that could otherwise have been a stereotype. And from there, we were able to get a view of what he is looking for : someone who can love him just as much, who will fight for him and who will make him feel like he's enough. With Nolan, we saw a completely different side of love. The hot affair (their words, not mine), the sneaking around and the impact it could have on Lucy's career. And what she wants is explained during the breakup fight : someone who thinks she is worth fighting for. Lucy is not upset because she is being dumped, she had come to the same conclusion after all. It's how easily Nolan seems to be able to discard her and their relationship that truly hurt her.
Now, the irony is her arc was supposed to be for her relationship with John… Kudos to the writers for adapting it seamlessly to Chenford. It is quite uncanny. On one hand, we had one relationship that was formed while they were rookies and made it work until UC work destroyed it ; on the other hand, we had one who flamed out before it could even truly start. If they keep Lucy doing UC work, I really hope we will have some conversation between Chenford to tie up this part of their arc : they both need to be reassured that the work won't come between them, because in the end, that was the downfall for their first (on-screen) romance.
(Little side note : I understand Alexi might have planned for NoChen to be endgame, and as much as we give him shit, as we should it's what keep showrunners honest, I appreciate that not only he agreed to change that part of his plan (the last true shipping moment for NoChen was in 1.12 I think, so really early), he was graceful enough not to destroy Chenford out of spite or even downplay their bond (he could have had John save Lucy in Day of Death, have her stay with him after Jackson's death etc). I'm not saying it's all perfect. And I'm sure he protested. But imagine creating a story around the main couple, only to realise that one part of that couple has more chemistry and works better with another character. With the exception of Fillion, I doubt he had any say about the casting. And even if he did, chemistry tests only work so far (Melissa and Eric probably didn't even have one). My past experience with showrunners is that they'd rather kill their show and blame the audience for being too stupid than admit they're wrong or should change their plans... The past few years are full of cautionary tales of TV shows that burned down. He may have been petty about it on his interviews, I don't read them so I can't say, but at least it didn't let it impact on the story. Cheers to that I guess).
// Rachel & Emmett
After the trauma Tim experienced, it was a nice change of pace to see him in an uncomplicated relationship, see him relax and simply enjoy himself. With Rachel, it was all about healing and it's not by mistake that Lucy set him up with someone she knows to be easy-going, calm and nurturing if we consider her job (I know it was for a bet and she didn't exactly choose Rachel. But do we think she would have done this if she didn't think it could be a good thing?). And we can never have too much of Tim smiling. Or shirtless Tim. We saw Lucy interfere even more - with Isabel, she got caught in the middle at first, she didn't really decide to cross his personal boundaries on her own. She was just trying to help Tim not go down with the ship. But we did learn that she kept in touch with his ex-wife. With Rachel, she had a direct hand in the set-up and she did soften some of his edges as well (the birthday gift for instance). Most importantly, it never had a negative impact on Chenford. If anything it brought them closer. But in the end, we saw the same problem that with Isabel : Tim was not enough. Rachel put her career first (nothing wrong with that by the way!). The red flag, so to speak, was the clear lack of communication : she never mentioned to Tim being interested by a job in New-York, let alone warned him about the interview. I mean, if you're seriously committed, a conversation beforehand might have been nice. And while Tim entertains her idea of them moving, it seems to be more by curiosity. We don't really see him hesitate or have a full grown-up talk about how they should move forward. The ending was… Well.. Hey does Rachel even know they broke up? Cos we didn't! So who knows! Jokes aside, I wonder if we were supposed to see her again in season 03 but with COVID, they changed it. Still could have been nice to have her name mentioned at one point.
Now, Emmett was supposed to be a mirror to Rachel : Tim's friend and a healing step in Lucy's journey. After what she went through with Caleb, seeing her be able to take that step forward was really great. Flirty and carefree Lucy is the best. I wished we had seen a little more of them (the actor got a main part on another show + Covid rules = not possible) so it was less abrupt. Having Emmett treat Lucy as someone in need of protection was also a nice callback to Nolan, who broke up with her "to protect her". No comment on the breakup by text. That's just petty. Although I did like he involved Tim in it... I wonder how that meeting went.
// Ashley & Chris
All right, there goes the very unpopular opinion : I actually didn't mind them. Much. I mean I could have done without them, but since we never really had to see their full respective relationship, Lucy or Tim being pretty much always around, it worked for me. Mainly. Don't get me wrong, I'm mostly indifferent towards Ashley because she was just dull. And I dispised Chris cos he reminded me of so many people I met in law school, it's not even funny (right down to the lack of empathy and inability to read the room. So spooky). It's the journey that I didn't mind.
After Angela's wedding and Lucy staying at Tim's place, the attraction between Chenford was front and center. But as I will talk about in my other post, I don't think they were ready to go there (grief is not the best foundation). And the writers didn't want to either, so that's moot. Now, as I said earlier, the most common trope in TV shows is to introduce new love interests to play up the tension and jealousy, have some pining on the side… And after the revelation in 3.14/4.01, it would have been the perfect timing. Only we didn't get this here, hence the frustration that I think many experienced. What's the point of having to suffer if we don't get the goodies.
Except, like I said, I absolutely love we didn't go the typical route. Why? Because jealousy is rarely written properly on TV. More often than not, you end up with people being used, hurt, acting childish and/or petty. Not a really good look for all the characters involved. It gets even worse when the ship still don't get together after all that hustle. I love angst, but come on. So instead of the promised angst, we kept on the same path than with Rachel and Emmett : the progression of Chenford's bond. It was never about Ashley and Chris. It was always about Lucy and Tim's story and how they were different and the perfect person. How their bond was special and how they NOT ONCE wondered if they should spend less time together. Even after the double date. Especially after the double date. They are close, period. They're willing to make efforts for Ash or Chris, but not change their interaction between them. It was about how, despite love interests, they were still each other's person and the one constant. And to me, that is so much more powerful.
Case in point. 4.06 - Ash is introduced but the episode spends more time about the bet between Tim & Lucy 4.08 - About Lucy finding out Ash is now in the picture (who is not even present on screen) 4.10 - About Lucy's dog even though she only had him for a couple of days so it should be irrelevant and yet it's not. And how Lucy helps Tim navigates in his relationship (when clearly he is half assing it). 4.11 - About Lucy trying to help young adults in-need and Tim helping her with Tamara instead of belittling her 4.12 - All about how Lucy and Tim are each other's safe place 4.15 - About Lucy being at the right job and doing it well (and about Chris willing to cut corners to get the job done when we saw Tim refused to do the same in previous episodes) 4.17 - About how Tim was able to empower Lucy through her ordeal instead of triggering her like a certain ADA who should not even had access to her file in the first place, because hello conflict of interest 4.21 - About the next step they are supposed to take in their respective relationship but clearly are nowhere near that headspace (as much as Tim says he can himself marrying Ash, the boy was still panicking throughout the episode at the mere idea… So who are you trying to convince here?! And Lucy shutting that parent meeting so fast) 4.22 / 5.01 - What significant others? Don't know them. Who's dying on the couch? 5.02 - How Tim is the one who truly knows her and whose opinion she values the most 5.03 - How Tim is missing her 5.05 - How Lucy is the one always staying 5.06 - How Lucy can find ways to make him feel better 5.08 - How Tim can immediately see she's uncomfortable and help her talk things through as she needs to do 5.09 - How Tim knows her taste
Now could it have been done better? Yes. I think the execution got lost in the middle. It could have been clearer and sharper. And I can absolutely see how it was frustrating to have to go through other LI, especially if you ship then since season 01. And could it have been done without Ashley and Chris? Sure. But I can understand Tim and Lucy wanting to date other people (especially if like me, you think they were still mainly unaware of their feelings. Attraction, yes. Romantic feelings, not yet... For me. It's clearly up for interpretation).
By not going the traditional route, we also avoided some pitfalls and do some disservice to what is otherwise a mature and healthy relationship. And I really love that we didn't go with the easy evil trope. Lucy and Tim have enough trauma to work through the rest of their lives… Having Chris being a minion for Rosalind would have set them both back. Lucy would have to go through all that process again and Tim would only have more guilt on this plate. Not to mention that having them end up together because they're the only person they can now fully trust is not exactly the best foundation. Are they together because they want to? Or because they don't trust anyone else? Considering all their lingering doubts from their previous relationships, that's definitely not what they needed for their own personal growth. Besides, I doubt it's the last time we've seen Chris : the door was wide open when he left Lucy's place, and I don't think it was by coincidence. So we are going to have some mess on our hands... And I much prefer having it with Chenford as one unit. But then again, personal preferences here.
Anyway, not saying it was perfect. It was downright messy at some points… I also wonder if Ash and Chris got introduced because we lost Rachel and Emmett somewhere in the process.
And in the end, Ashley and Chris were instrumental to Chenford getting together. But that's for my other post, this one is already long enough!
I hope I didn't make too many mistakes by the way! I was a little nervous to post this.
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squadrah · 1 year
la squadra + vulnerable moments? How do they deal with these, do they even embrace these moments?
Risotto: Given the position he's in as leader of an isolated and maligned group, he is doing his best to ignore his vulnerabilities, which sometimes means that he is genuinely caught unawares. The instinct to quash his emotions before they get out of hand is strong, so he usually retreats as soon as possible; it would take immense trust on his part to admit to these moments to anyone, let alone elaborate (and even then he would be very curt about it.)
Formaggio: He toes the fine line between cheerfully shrugging off vulnerable moments and indulging them in a self-deprecating and somewhat dramatic manner. The type who, if he was hurt at just the right moment by just the right type of asshole, might rattle off and make it uncomfortable for everyone involved, as a means of warding others off of trying again. Only in his most elevated moments would he, without any effort, be able to sound sincere about any of it.
Prosciutto: He learned very early that being vulnerable in any capacity is dangerous, so he has thoroughly suppressed any signs of weakness in himself. He also learned how to walk others through their vulnerabilities, but when it comes to his own, he doesn't know how to deal with any of it. He will start to harden as soon as anything comes up and get violent if not left alone so he can figure out what activities to do until the feeling passes and he's calm again.
Pesci: It's the other way around: vulnerable moments deal with him. When they come, that sense of being small or weak feels so natural and reasonable to his self-conscious mind that he just bows to the idea and gives in to the anxious urge to babble about it. It is also his gateway to getting attention and encouragement from others (Prosciutto), so he is honestly a little addicted to laying his vulnerabilities bare as they arise and receiving sweet validation.
Ghiaccio: He grew up feeling that being vulnerable was possibly the most humiliating thing you could experience, which actually exacerbated the problem because now the shame of feeling vulnerable is added on top, which makes him prone to loud and even violent outbursts. His best means of dealing with it is pummeling his punching bag and screaming the whole way, but when that's not possible, the meltdowns can get very ugly very fast.
Melone: The best way to sum it up is "observation without judgment" because one of his coping mechanisms is to adopt the scientific approach and basically study himself, analyzing the minutiae like he's writing a paper on how something someone said has created a burning sensation behind his eyes and the exact percentages of the different emotions he can feel rising. He often talks himself through these stages, whether he is alone or around someone safe.
Illuso: His vulnerabilities are like an elephant in the room, everyone including him can tell that they are on display, but his desire to ignore this and appear in control compels him to be dismissive to the point of lying in everyone's faces and forcing a facade of smugness. If pressed, he will go on the offensive similarly to Formaggio, but with the aim of shifting the focus to someone else's problems instead so he can fade into the background and cry it out in the mirror.
Sorbet: He is caught in the crossfire between resenting his vulnerable side and wanting to have a heart of stone, and finding a sort of raw power in being able to honestly confess to them. This leads him to utilizing girl power by staying in bed all day nursing liquor with a boa around his neck and blasting opera for hours on end until his insides congeal into something more bearable, at which point he will rise again and pretend that it's all fine, actually.
Gelato: Now here is a man who is mostly normal about his vulnerabilities, if only because he is in a position where he doesn't have to worry about being taken advantage of: he's just an ordinary human after all, and if his feelings are loud tonight, then that is all the more reason to share them, have a little drink and a laugh and maybe a brawl, and see if stargazing on the roof with a shiner and a torn sleeve brings a change of perspective (it usually does).
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notrightnowsblog · 1 year
The more I think about it the more valid the Chuck won theory becomes. Because if you take the finale at face value it doesn’t make a lick of sense.
Cas sacrifices himself to save Dean. He does so by confessing his love to Dean, thereby paying off a multi season arc. Whether you interpret that love as romantic or platonic it is presented on screen in canon that just speaking it to Dean without Dean responding is enough for Cas to experience true happiness and summon the empty.
To reiterate no matter what you think about the nature of Cas’s love or if you think Dean feels the same way or not, in canon Cas loved Dean so much he gave his life to save Dean. All the other things he says he cares about during the speech, Sam, Jack, the whole world, are also in immediate danger, but Cas dies to save Dean.
Then the world gets saved, Jack becomes god and leaves Earth and six months later Dean dies in a hunt and goes to Heaven. This is all exactly as it happens on the show. Except they don’t specify how much time has passed between Jack leaving and Dean dying but we are told later it was six months. Regardless there is no indication on screen that a long time passed before Dean died. He had a very short life post Cas is what we’re meant to believe.
In Heaven Dean is told that Cas helped Jack revamp Heaven, specifically to make it more pleasant for Dean. But we don’t see either Cas or Jack. We get a very strange “happy ending” where all of the characters we’ve come to care about over 15 seasons are either dead or absent. The show tells us this is a good end but it rings false.
Up until the words “Cas helped” are spoken we the audience believe that Cas is still in the empty. While we aren’t told explicitly that Jack rescued Cas from the Empty, it’s heavily implied. And we don’t know how long he’s been back but it’s been long enough for them to undo the previous version of Heaven and create a new one and customize it for Dean.
And here’s where taking the finale on its surface level falls apart. There were problems with the presented narrative before this but they could be chalked up to the complications of wrapping up a long running series under Covid restrictions. But this is what turns Chuck Won/network interference into a viable theory in my opinion.
I am supposed to believe that the Cas we saw die for the love of Dean Winchester, so that Dean would live on, did not immediately go to save Dean when he was dying only a short time later? That makes sense? It only made sense to the viewer in the moment before you know that Cas is no longer in the empty. But if you accept what the show tells you, then while Dean is bleeding out on a bit of rebar, Cas is busy picking out Heaven’s window treatments.
Alright. Someone could argue that that Cas was still in the Empty while Dean died and his rescue from the Empty happened simultaneously with Dean’s death and then he and Jack did their Heaven refurb while his body was burning with god/Angel power. Alright, that’s a stretchy head canon but let’s go with that. So Cas doesn’t go to Dean as soon as they are both in the same plain of existence? Why? He’s sulking because Dean didn’t say I love you back? (a theory that only works if it was a romantic confession but beside the point)?
The show told us that saying it was enough for true happiness. He would go to Dean. He may feel apprehensive about how will react to seeing him and it might be awkward but he would go to Dean.
A straightforward reading of the finale does not make sense. But you know what does make what we saw make sense? Chuck won. Cas isn’t there because he’s isn’t there. He’s still in the empty. “Cas helped” is a lie. The “happy ending” feels false because it is. Chuck won.
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Hi there, and thanks for giving me a lifetime of validation and confidence in my neurotype to keep pushing through it all.
I'm a writer. I always have been. I love writing, and it's the only thing I consider myself to be legitimately good at. Linguistics is one of my special interests. I love the flow of a grammatically correct English sentence.
Anyway, I have major executive function issues. Specifically with starting tasks. So I already find it hard to sit down and write. But I find it even harder to continue the progress I make in anything. After enough minimal effort, my brain decides it hates this activity and everything related to it, and inside a single hour I'll go from obsessing over a creative task to being indifferent or repulsed by it. But the *feeling* of knowing I had just been so passionate about it a second ago remains. I end up putting myself into a depressive episode every time I try to be creative in any regard.
I've played D&D with my friend group for years, and I've wanted to run my own campaign for a while. But not only does my inability to start completely destroy my progress in worldbuilding and planning, but I can't organize my thoughts at all. I've tried mindmapping and charting and notebooks and binders. When I'm trying to organize my campaign in any way, I revert into this dramatically incapable person. My brain just instantly fogs and clouds, and I don't know how to visually plot my system and lore that helps me in any actual way. But I *love* worldbuilding with a passion. Even when I don't want to engage in it, I am still absolutely fascinated at creating a world from my own brain. Especially one my friends can play in. Yet in this moment, I can't mentally be bothered to do any of it, and I'm subsequently depressed.
I never saw myself ADHD since I aligned with autism so intensely. I still don't find myself relating to ADHD very often. It's also hard enough for me to accept I'm autistic because I feel like an imposter every other hour. My question for you is, how do I overcome this? How do I overcome myself? How can I enjoy an activity I literally love, and continue to enjoy it? These are loaded questions, and of course you'd have to know me personally to answer this the right way. But I just want to know if there's anything I can do about myself. How do I ignite a flame in myself that doesn't burn out in 10 minutes? Moreover, are there any tools available online that help autistic or ADHD or just neurodivergent people focus, plot, plan, and organize in a very visual way? My latest attempt was to find an AI assistant that I can verbally speak with or text, who would do the plotting for me, and ask the questions for me, and I'd just insert my thoughts and ideas. I can't find what I'm looking for. It all feels so hopeless. I can't even amount to a personal desire. I feel this has to do more with depression than anything else, but I'm new to the neurodivergent community at large, as I've mostly dealt with my struggles on my own accord, and learned through books. Maybe there's a billion tools and strategies I've never heard of before. My mind was blown 80 trillion times since downloading Tumblr regarding my mental health, so it's worth asking a profound community member like yourself.
Sorry for the essay, I'm incapable of shortening my thoughts. If I don't type it all out the way I see it in my head, it'll be an itch I can't scratch for the rest of the day. If you do have any advice or recommendations, I would be so grateful. But I'm grateful for your engagement with the community already. You're just awesome.
Thanks for the empowerment and understanding you give me every time I open this app. You're changing people's lives, and that's real.
Cheers ❤️
Hi there,
This was somewhat hard to digest, but I’ll do my best to help.
I couldn’t find much. But I did find one article that lists some ways that might help with executive dysfunction and writing. This excerpt is going to be long, so I apologize in advance:
Executive dysfunction is a term used to describe weaknesses in the cognitive process that organizes thoughts and activities, prioritizes tasks, manages time efficiently, and makes decisions. It’s common in certain disorders, such as Depression, ADHD, and autism. Executive function skills are used to establish structures and strategies and to determine the actions required to move a project forward. So for those of us who struggle with executive dysfunction, dedicating ourselves to a project could get quite overwhelming. Here are some little tips and tricks I’ve compiled throughout my experience.
How to start:
Task initiation is one of the biggest struggles when dealing with executive dysfunction. This is especially hard with writing, since you need time to muster the energy needed to jump into your story. Here are some tips:
1. Start a 1-3 minute timer and force yourself to write something, anything, before it ends. The words that come out don’t matter. You can just write, “I don’t know.” The point is to force yourself into the writing zone.
2. Leave bread crumbs for yourself at the end of each writing session to make picking up where you left off easier. For example, stop in the middle of a sentence or thought, so the next time you write you won’t have to tackle something completely new.  You just have to finish that incomplete thought and continue from there. You could also leave some notes about what happens next, cutting down thinking time in your next session.
3. Try free writing. This is a great way to get those creative juices flowing with minimal effort. Free writing alleviates the pressure of writing something good. Spend a few minutes writing about anything, like your day or a frustrated ramble about your story. It’s like a warm up before your writing session.
How to keep going:
So you’ve started your writing session. How do you keep writing? Most importantly, how do you keep working on your project?  When struggling with executive dysfunction, the regular “set a schedule” approach doesn’t tend to work.
1. Scale down your goal if your big, overarching goal for your project is overwhelming. Try changing your goal to something more manageable and short term. For example, try writing 500 words a day. This might make it less likely for you to lose steam half way through.
2. Try writing sprints if daily goals aren’t working. Instead of hitting a certain word count, you’re setting a timer and writing for its entire duration
3. Don’t feel bad for needing external motivation. Will promising yourself a pizza after you hit your goal motivate you to write? By all means, do so. Maybe you just need a friend to ask you if you’ve written at the end of the day. Find out what motivates you.
4. Find a writing buddy. This can be someone who can sit down and write at the same time to hold you accountable. Or it can be a critique partner that expects you to turn in something by a certain deadline.
5. Try something new. This is one of the best ways to combat how constraining and overwhelming your writing might feel. It’s okay to lose interest in your project for awhile and try something new. Unless you’re racing to meet a deadline, you have no obligation to keep working on a project that isn’t working for you. Setting a project aside doesn’t mean giving up on it. You might only need some time away from it before you are able to finish it.
Trying something new could also mean changing where or how you write. Usually write at home? Try a coffee shop. Do you usually type? Try hand writing. It might or might not work for you. But change could be quite refreshing for your mind.
6. Write whenever you can. Sometimes the urge to write comes while you’re waiting for lunch to heat up, or right before you go to bed. Motivation can be hard to find with executive dysfunction, and designated writing times don’t always work. Have something on hand you can easily pull out to write with to take advantage of these moments. Jotting down a hundred words as you’re waiting for dinner to cool might not seem like much, but it’s still words contributed to your word count.
Some of these tips might work for you. Some might not. Writing successfully is mostly about finding what works and running with it. These are things I found helpful when I embarked on my first novel and I hope it would at least give you some ideas.
The link to the full article will be below:
If that doesn’t help, I did find this Reddit thread that might have some helpful tips.
Reddit Post
I’m sorry that I couldn’t find anyone else or anything visual. Many sources focused on younger children. So it hard to find resources for older teens and adults.
Maybe some of my followers can give some tips/advice?
If you’d like, we can talk personally so I can try to help. I have an associates degree in English if that means anything. Lol.
Anyway, thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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