#but if someone offends harry they meet death
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Harry : so, what do we do, if someone offends me. We've been over this may times, Tom, do answer wisely.
Tom : we do nothing to them, we just move on
Harry : *relived* so you did learn smtg
Tom : we lull them into a false sense of security and then wait for them to have kids, then wait for their kids to have children. And, then we wipe all three generations of their family together.
Harry : TOM NO-
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saintsenara · 3 months ago
It’s so funny to me that Dumbledore has no friends. Like we know for a fact that other eccentric, old sages must exist but Dumbledore has never enlisted even one sidekick… hahahaha, loser. He’s literally hanging around with people 80 years younger than him, my man get friends your own age. Like those are literally his schoolmates’ grandchildren.
i find what this says about dumbledore's role in the creation and maintenance of his benign post-grindelwald public image - and why, therefore, he spends the period after 1945 as an entrenched, profoundly unradical member of the wizarding establishment - fascinating.
it really stands out to me that the characters we meet in canon who adore dumbledore and assume that he is truly the heroic, sensible legend the pre-deathly hallows series presents him as were either adults when dumbledore was a teenager - griselda marchbanks, who examined him for his newts and must, therefore, be around twenty years his senior, for example - and were impressed by the prodigiously and precociously talented boy, or all reached adulthood after - and, indeed, were often born after - his reputation as the vanquisher of the magical world's version of hitler was established.
but anyone we meet of a similar age - someone who could feasibly have known dumbledore in the period between his mother and sister's deaths and grindelwald's defeat - is generally much, much less inclined to see him as a great and morally-spotless genius.
and - to talk about my favourite boy - this adds such an interesting layer to voldemort's attitude towards dumbledore. it's entirely plausible that - when voldemort returns from the continent, which seems to take place in the mid-to-late sixties - he encounters a dumbledore who is suddenly regarded as infallible and unimpeachable, in a way which was very much not the case in the forties. and that this is a major contributing factor to his obvious belief that dumbledore is a hypocrite...
we know from what muriel says to harry at bill and fleur's wedding that rumours about the circumstances surrounding ariana's death circulated widely. many of voldemort's cohort must have been aware of them - their fathers and grandfathers would be dumbledore's age, after all - and i find the idea that it was an open secret that dumbledore, despite his academic brilliance, ended up as a schoolteacher because he was beset by scandals extremely compelling.
[i don't think anyone knew about his relationship with grindelwald - to be clear - but i do think that dumbledore was widely suspected to have killed his sister - or perhaps to have knowingly covered up for aberforth doing so - and to have escaped charges on extremely dodgy grounds...]
after all, you can't tell me voldemort isn't trying to needle him by saying - during his job interview - that he's surprised that dumbledore never left the school for the ministry... since he brings it up in response to dumbledore offending him by calling him "tom", and since he's so transparently pissed off when dumbledore pretends that his only motivation for staying at hogwarts was an altruistic desire to hone young minds...
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pascaloverx · 10 months ago
To Begin Again
Summary: You're a new teacher at a large and influential school. It's a risky step for you, as you've been running from your ex for almost two years. But when Dumbledore asks you to take on a class at the renowned Hogwarts, you can't refuse. However, your life as a newly arrived teacher won't be easy. Especially when the other teachers don't seem eager to make friends. Or rather, two teachers in particular: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin.
Author's Note: Welcome, dear readers. Please leave your comments if you enjoy fanfiction. This fanfic takes place almost in the real world (with the addition of werewolves) and is not a wizarding fanfic. There will be some differences and changes in things from the Harry Potter story or other fanfics in the HP universe, but I promise to do my best writing this fanfic. There will be a love triangle coming in this fanfic.
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You open your eyes, feeling a strange pain in your head but relief in your back. You're lying on a very soft bed. But you don't recognize the place; it seems to be someone else's room. There's more light in the room, fewer scattered books. The furniture looks expensive, all in a dark tone. You try to get up from the bed, but you end up staggering. Once again, your body is back on the bed. You think it might be best to go back to sleep until someone shows up. It's exactly at that moment that Sirius enters through the door. He carries a cup and is watching you almost without making any noise.
"How long are you going to keep watching me?" You ask while still lying in bed. Sirius laughs, and you feel relieved that you've broken what could have been an awkward moment between you.
"Is that how you're going to talk to the man who saved you from death twice? I thought you'd know how to be more grateful." Sirius responds as he leans his body against the desk in the room. You sit up in bed, after some effort, and stare at Sirius. He's wearing new, elegant, dark clothes.
"If you're expecting gratitude from me, you'll have to wait until I'm in a better mood. My head is a mess. Did you bring me here?" You wonder how you ended up in Sirius's room. Then you wonder where Remus is. Did you hallucinate meeting someone named Remus? And if he does exist, why did he leave you with Sirius?
"Remus and I. It was teamwork. We didn't want you to get hurt anymore. Before you ask, Remus and I are very close. When you're Lupin's problem, you're my problem too." Sirius then hands you the cup. There's what seems to be herbal tea inside, and you don't waste time asking whether you should drink it or not. You quickly ingest the tea, and almost instantly, you feel relief from the pain in your head.
"I'm grateful and offended at the same time. What do you mean, problem? I'm not a problem for either of you. In fact, I find it rather rude of you to refer to me as a problem." You say as soon as you finish the tea. Apparently, you managed to rise and stand up immediately after getting angry with Sirius. He seems to have a talent for irritating you.
"Hey, hey, hey princess. Relax. I didn't mean to offend you, but let's just say taking care of you was an inconvenience. Remus had to go teach, but today is my day off. A day away from the little ones." Sirius says, smiling slyly. You look into Sirius's eyes and wonder how he can be someone's teacher.
"You're a bit childish for a teacher. Not that I'm saying you're not qualified to teach, but..." you say, being suggestive. You notice he's no longer smiling, which is a pity. His smile is beautiful. As beautiful as he is.
"I'll forgive you for the attitude and offer to take you to the room where you should be going to teach. Right now." Sirius says, somewhat arrogantly, and pretending to be modest. At least, that's what it seems like he's doing.
"How? I just arrived, I can't just already have to teach, can I?" You had no idea that there would already be a class waiting for you. Things at Hogwarts seem to happen too quickly.
"McGonagall doesn't mess around. Apparently, you'll be substituting for my esteemed friend Lily Potter. Her health is fragile at the moment. But enough details. Let's go. The brats are eager to meet you." Sirius says, almost excitedly. Then he puts his hand out in front of you as if he wants you to take his hand. And you hold his hand, which is as cold as winter. But soft; very soft. And then he guides you, holding your hand with some firmness.
"Shouldn't I meet with this McGonagall or Dumbledore? Am I just going to arrive and start teaching?" You speak as you practically run through the corridors behind Sirius. He seems focused.
"McGonagall is busy dealing with a student who locked herself in the bathroom, and now everyone can hear her moans, and many students are nervous about it. As for Dumbledore, he's traveled to a meeting between some influential school directors in London. He won't be back for a few weeks. But trust me, you're in good hands." Sirius says, almost breathless as you're both almost running everywhere. Oh dear, how will you manage to teach after sprinting through almost the entire school at this speed?
"Tell me we've arrived. My feet can't handle climbing another staircase. At this rate, you'll have to carry me." You say, letting go of Sirius's hand for a moment and catching your breath.
"Nice way to flirt with me, but we've arrived. You're new here, they probably tried to intimidate you. I hope you survive. Take good care of my godson. See you later, Y/N." Sirius says quickly, with a playful smirk on his face, and then he disappears. How does he manage to be so fast?
Summoning courage, you enter the classroom. It's a room with an old-fashioned style, furniture made of the finest wood, and several students who look at you as if you've committed a crime.You compose yourself as you walk to the teacher's desk. It's a large desk, with a big book on top of it and a attendance list. You look at the class and notice that the boys who were fighting when you arrived are your students.
"So, students. I'm your substitute teacher. I'll be taking over this class until the previous teacher can return. I hope you'll receive me with the same respect that I'll give to you." You speak in a steady tone, neither too loud nor too soft.
"You hear that, Potter? Now you won't be privileged with high grades just for being the teacher's son. Finally, all of Hogwarts will discover what a loser you are." The boy, whom you believe to be called Draco, speaks almost across the room, addressing the dark-haired boy.
"You continue to delude yourself with your nonsense, Malfoy. If you put half as much effort into studying as you do into trying to belittle me, you'd probably be smarter." Potter speaks, and you just observe them with a serious expression.
"You know what? I think you two need to learn to put your energy into something other than taunts and senseless aggression. Malfoy and Potter, pair up and be the first to do today's class activity. For the other students, pair up as you prefer and start drawing. Today's task for everyone is to draw an animal that represents you as a pair. The best pair will earn extra credit. I suggest that Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter showcase their skills if they truly want to measure intelligence." You walk around the room as you write the task on the board and listen to the students forming their pairs. Everyone except the two mortal enemies. Apparently, they really don't want to do this task together.
"Teacher, with all due respect, it's not possible for you to believe that Draco Malfoy and I will do well in this task." Potter says as he adjusts his glasses on his face. He speaks assertively, and you look at him, trying to decide what to respond to him.
"Even though Potter is a fool, he's right. Not to mention that you've just arrived here and are already treating the two of us differently. It's not fair that the others can choose their partners and we have to stay together." Draco speaks, all full of himself, as if he's making a beautiful defense of why he's being unjustly treated. You chuckle lightly.
"I'll be clearer. You're going to work together, you're going to do a good job, and all of this in harmony. Otherwise, neither of you will receive a grade. Now, save all that energy for the beautiful drawing you're going to make. I'll be sitting at my desk waiting to evaluate you and all the other obedient classmates you have." You say, sitting in the comfortable chair designated for the teacher and opening the book on the desk. Malfoy and Potter must have realized that you wouldn't change your mind and decided to pair up. You took attendance, finally discovering that Potter's name is Harry, that the smart girl who draws beautifully is Hermione Granger, and that the boy she's paired with, who spends most of his time distracting her, is named Ron Weasley. Time passes quickly, and soon you're collecting the class's drawings to evaluate later. Draco and Harry did a great job together, but that didn't stop Malfoy from threatening to call his father to the school if you forced him to be near Potter.
"How was your first day?" Remus asks as soon as all your students leave the room for recess, and you stay behind to organize some things.
"A madness. Seriously, I thought my night was a mess, but waking up in Sirius's room in the early afternoon and then coming to teach was insane. Not to mention that the students I separated from a fight this morning are my students. And I think both of them will end up hating me by the end of my time here. And I lost my suitcase. But don't let me overwhelm your ears with my nonsense." You say, feeling lighter when you finish speaking, as if a weight has been lifted off your chest. Remus seems somewhat enchanted by your moment of venting. Or maybe his eyes always look too friendly? The smile is charming too.
"I can try to solve some of your problems. Harry is like a nephew to me, not to mention he's Sirius's godson. I can talk to him about this situation with Malfoy. As for your suitcase, it might be with me. I was walking through the forest a little before I found you in my room, and I saw this strange suitcase there. It was dirty with blood, so I preferred to clean it first, but I can take you to the suitcase. And then, of course, you can have a coffee with me." Remus says in a very sweet way, which leaves you a bit enchanted. For some reason, you feel that being near him is refreshing or comforting, something like that. You can't quite explain it yourself. You feel the impulse to hug him, which is quite strange. But you manage to control yourself.
"I can't refuse an invitation like that, especially when you offer me a solution not only to one but to two of my problems. Lead the way to the cafeteria because I'm dying for a cappuccino." You say, walking with Remus, who is walking quite calmly. Then you go together to the cafeteria, and you feel like you might enjoy your time at Hogwarts, even if it's short-lived.
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aethon-recs · 2 years ago
Hi! First I wanted to say: Thank you for all your hard work these these fic recommendations <3 There has been many I did not know of till you have shared them! So thank you so much!
Okay for the ask: Do you have any recommendations for creature fics for the tomarrymort boys? It can feature either or both of them being non-human. Thank you again for all your hard work, and I love seeing you on my dash!
Hi anon — thanks for your kind words. I’m really glad to hear there were a lot of fics rec'ed that you haven’t come across yet, that totally made my week!
In terms of creature fic recs, there’s quite a good number of them, so I will separate by category and will try to keep the descriptions short. Enjoy!
Tomarrymort Recs – Creature Fics 
🐍 Naga / Snake
A Rather Useless Inheritance by Blood_Stained_Fingers (T, 28k, complete)
Harry comes into his Parseltongue inheritance. It’s rather less useful than he expected.
Renanthera by @zarasu (E, 6k, complete)
To brew a potion that could give someone the ability to talk to snakes, Harry would first need to find a bit of Basilisk blood. He stumbles on a powerful Naga instead.
Venom by @katsitting (M, 9k, complete)
Naga Voldemort lures Harry into her trap and has her way with him.
Venomous by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 4k, complete)
Sirius Black should know better than to set a Naga loose in a room full of people. Harry is the only one who happens to survive the Naga’s murder spree.
Viceroy by @vestiges-of-light (E, 7k, complete)
Harry will marry Voldemort to end the war. Harry also takes a potion that turns him into a Naga every night. This is hardly a problem for Voldemort.
worship at your altar by anon (E, 3k, complete)
Harry finds himself drawn to an old altar in the woods dedicated to the ancient Naga god Voldemort.
🩸 Vampire 
Blood in the wine by @girl-with-goats (E, 31k, complete)
Tom Riddle achieves immortality by the means of vampirism. Enter young copper Harry Potter, fresh recruit from Scotland Yard, sent to investigate the mysterious disappearances of all the young men who uncannily look like him.
chiaroscuro by @cindle-writes (E, 7k, complete)
Immortal children are illegal. Harry makes one anyway.
effervescent by @duplicitywrites (M, 5k, WIP)
Sometimes a relationship is you (ie, Voldemort), the vampire brat you made (Tom), and his human blood bag boyfriend (Harry).
Family Dynamics by RenderedReversed (T, 1k, complete)
In which Harry is a dragon for hire, Voldemort is a vampire who is probably plotting world domination, Tom is a vampire hunter with a one-track mind, and they all live under the same roof.
found you sleeping in my coffin by @orangemoustache (M, 6k, complete)
Harry gets turned into a vampire. For better or worse, Tom is there to help.
Hinnom by rightonthelimit (E, 7k, complete)
Harry is a member of an ancient vampire Pureblood family. To be even seen with a Spawn is punished with death. But he can’t help falling in love with Tom.
Hypnotic Kind of Dance by @acciotomriddle (E, 2k, complete)
In a club where humans willingly offer themselves to vampires in exchange for the high that comes from a bite, Harry meets an incredibly charming vampire named Tom.
Matriphagy by @being-luminous  (M, 2k, complete)
For years now, Lord Voldemort has hunted Harry and his parents. First because of a prophecy, then… Then, for something else. 
Not a Single Bite by @vdoshu (M, 2k, complete)
They’ve been at the restaurant for an hour and a half, but Harry hasn’t eaten a single bite. Tom is beginning to think that maybe their date isn’t going so well.
Scent of Death by @dividawrites (E, 3k, complete)
Voldemort discovers a new, submissive side of himself when he feels Harry's teeth on his neck.
the little death by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger (E, 2k, complete)
"You brought a vampire into my study?" Voldemort asks, more tired than offended. 
The Resurrectionist by @bluesundaycake (E, 12k, complete)
Tom (vampire) runs a nighttime coffee shop, and Harry (sleep-deprived human) is a regular customer and Tom thinks he is a vampire.
🧜‍♀️ Mermaid / Siren 
Call of the Deep by @hikarimeroperiddle (E, 17k, complete)
Harry is a captain of a pirate crew. A dangerous siren that lurks in the deep seems to have set its eyes on Harry himself.
liquid luck by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger (E, 12k, complete)
Harry is a mermaid who happens upon sea monster Voldemort, who has nefarious plans for her.
Siren Song by The_Fictionist (NR, 11k, complete)
Tom is a siren. He offers Harry a deal. "I'll help you out, and you get ten years to live on the surface. Then you're mine."
Undertow by @katsitting (M, 10k, complete)
Harry is a pirate. Voldemort is a siren that lures him in. “Harry. Come to me.”
we may sink and settle on the waves by @greenbriars (M, 22k, complete)
A retelling of The Little Mermaid, wherein Harry is Prince Eric, and Tom vies with Ginny for Harry’s affection.
🐺 Werewolf
the first full moon (part 1) / midnight snack (part 2) by @greenbriars (E, 4k, complete)
It's Harry's first full moon since he started dating a vampire.
🌟 Veela
Love at First Sight by @dividawrites (E, 5k, complete)
Voldemort rises from the cauldron with two dicks and a newfound Veela inheritance. Harry is mesmerized.
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months ago
Master of death Harry at UA who accidentally summons Oboro’s ghost and doesn’t get why Shota and Hizashi are crying but doesn’t say anything as they cry
I read this as MoD Harry as a student doing this which makes this funnier and also more heartbreaking.
Like Harry leaving after the battle and needing to do something different, something that doesn’t involve a castle of ghosts and the memory of blood on his hands and screams in his ears, he ends up, through a letter sent to him at exactly the right moment courtesy of Nezu (and how he managed to get a letter delivered to an unplayable address Harry isn’t sure he wants to know), as the oldest member of 1-A.
He doesn’t really know what to claim as a quirk because his magic is fucked and telling people is illegal but then he summons a ghost (the previous tenant of his apartment who had a heart attack and Merlin he is going to have words with his realtor) literally the night before and decides “Necromancer” is close enough. Besides the dead flock to him now (had they always?) whether he wants them to or not, it’s only fair that he gets something out of it other than a terrible sleep schedule and the world’s first anti-ghost ward outside his bathroom.
And UA has no shortage of ghosts. Students, alumni, and former teachers alike follow Harry’s every step from the moment he enters the gates a day before everyone else (for a meeting with his new teachers to “see where he places due to his unique circumstances” which sounded like kind way to say “we know you have a year four education in non magical subjects”) but one in particular shoos the others away with a smile and whisper of… something herding them off. He doesn’t fully manifest, invisible to everyone but Harry, as he follows his steps.
“Hey, kid, you’re the transfer right?”
If Harry was less used to ghosts he would be a little offended about being called “kid” by someone who looked the same age as him, but Ghosts were frozen as how they were when they died. For better or worse.
At least when around Harry they didn’t show their death wounds. Instead appearing whole and unblemished.
The meeting room was full when Harry entered, the ghost at his shoulder, and he fought the urge to check for exits. He didn’t need a window to get away with his magic, didn’t think any of the people here were strong enough to stop him if he wanted to leave, quirks or no, not since he had collected the hallows and everything changed.
“Er, hello.”
Well, maybe not everything changed.
Several of the teachers smile, one with the most ridiculous hairstyle he has ever seen beaming particularly brightly, but it was Nezu that drew his eye.
Nezu who smiled at him and gestured to where a steaming cup of tea waited at the empty space on the table. “Potter-kun. How lovely it is to meet you in person.”
Harry had barely made it to table when he felt the familiar yank of his power slipping the leash — less common now but always at the worst moments — and a moment later the ghost still following him gasped as color flooded him.
Huh. His hair was blue. Teddy would like that.
The blond teacher stood so quickly their chair flipped behind them followed by two others wide eyed and disbelieving as they stared at the ghost. The ghost who watched them with eyes just as wide, wiggling his fingers and gasping when their eyes followed the movement.
“You can see me?!”
Harry froze, not daring to breathe. Fuck this was bad, but the question was how bad.
Then one of the teachers, the woman who Harry was very careful to not look below her shoulders, sobbed.
Right… this was… not a great way to start a new school. “Traumatize your professors” was usually a term four activity for him not before school had officially started. Still it couldn’t hurt to let them talk for a while. He could always send the ghost away if things went south… probably… maybe… eventually.
Harry sank into his seat and drained his tea in one long swallow. This was going to be along day.
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moonbread123-wattpad · 9 months ago
The Red Means I Love You
TW: death, murder, yandere themes. New charcters (from my wattpad fanfiction- Abhishta, Y/n's Indian best friend; Alex- Y/n's twin brother, Abhishta's lover or suitor), some use of hindi.
Type: fluff + angst
Pairing: Yandere!Harry Potter x Indian!fem!reader
Year: Sixth year
Summary: A mysterious murder has been discovereed on the Hogwarts express, and the culprit may be closer than expected...
Feel free to leave comments, I love reading them
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Y/n was running along the corridor with her owl and trunk, looking for Abhishta, when she found Harry and was soon absorbed in a  conversation with him. Or rather, she ranted on about random things while he listened intently, with his lopsided grin. The grin which always sent butterflies flying in her stomach.
Suddenly, a tall boy ran into her, knocking her off her feet. And as cliché, as it sounds, Harry caught her under her arm, breaking her fall. He was yelling at the boy, and Y/n realized his hands were balled into fists.
'Harry' the girl said to divert his attention.
'Yeah?' he said, all his attention suddenly fixed on her.
'I need to look for Abhishta.'
His face looked bitter for a second. As though the idea offended him.
'I saw her a few compartments down. I'll show you.'
As she entered the said compartment, Abhishta caught sight of the boy and grinned knowingly.
'Thanks, Harry!' Y/n said to the boy and turned to Abhishta 'No' she added blankly.
'You know it's true.'
'Just because it was true for you doesn't mean it's true for me.'
'He's my future jijoo until I'm proven wrong.'
'Look behind you' Abhishta said.
Y/n did as told and saw Harry smiling at her from outside the compartment.
'I think you should meet him.'
Y/n sighed. 'Do not tease me when I'm back' she mumbled and walked, out shutting the door behind her.
The boy smiled 'I got you some food' he said, handing her a bag. He was already in his robes. His clothes were in his hands. Blue shirt, red sweatpants- wait, weren't they grey?
'Thank you' She replied. She looked into his emerald/blue eyes. Harry tucked a flyaway hair behind her ear. A soft wolf whistle sounded somewhere (or rather a hoot since Abhishta couldn't whistle). There was a silent agreement: this would never be spoken of. 'You didn't have to.'
'I was passing by so I thought I would.'
'See you around then?'
'I'd like that.'
Y/n entered the compartment.
'What are you wearing? On your wrist?'
'A bracelet. Harry gave it to  me. On my birthday last year.'
The other girl faked a look of anger.
'The profanities I could hurl at you right now are countless. I've won the bet for a whole seven months and three days.'
'Just because I'm wearing his bracelet does not mean I like him.'
There was a sudden commotion outside. A scream. A few more yelps, shrieks and gasps, footsteps running down the corridor. Y/n looked outside. A group of people was huddled around the washrooms.
'What's going on?' She asked.
'I really don't know...'
At the Great Hall, a rumor spread like wildfire the next day.
Someone was murdered in the train washrooms. A boy with curly hair. He was found killed in a muggle way. His throat was almost slit. There were multiple stab wounds. He put up a fight, judging from the fact that his wand was in his hand, albeit half of it was blown away. There was a muffling charm on that stall. It seemed to be a slow, painful death.
Y/n and Abhishta were walking to the library after breakfast.
'Y/n!' Harry's voice called.
'Good morning,' he smiled as he caught up.
She chuckled 'You came here just to greet me?'
'Well, no. Do we have any classes together?'
Alex appeared suddenly.
'May I borrow your friend?' He asked Y/n.
'I'm busy I-' the other girl started.
'Thanks', he said as he whisked her away.
'The fuck boy-', she protested.
And Y/n was left with Harry.
'I think we should walk to class together' Harry said.
'I noticed some boys look at you when you laugh. You know how boys are.'
Did he just say he finds her laugh attractive? 'You're a boy.'
'I'm not like them.' 
A boy ran up to them.
'Y/n L/n?'
'That's me.'
'Madam Pince tells me you have a spare key to the restricted section-' he pulled out a note 'Can you accompany me?'
'I'm a little busy for now, sorry.'
'Surely you  can make some time?'
'She can't, didn't you hear her?' Harry snapped.
'Harry it's okay', Y/n said, startled. 'It's just accompanying him to the library', she said as she handed her the key and he stalked off, muttering something.
How could he steal her from him? How could he dare to take her away?
Y/n suddenly realized. Curly hair... The boy who pushed her on the train...
She grabbed Harry's wrist. His eyes widened and his face became flushed.
'Harry... did you kill the boy?'
'Why would I?'
His pulse increases. A flicker of... something came over his face. A manic glint. His face twisted in a sickening grin. Y/n noticed they were alone. Somehow she hadn't noticed where they had wandered. This wasn't Harry. This wasn't the boy who'd skip stones with her. The awkward yet sarcastic boy whose smile sent butterflies in her stomach. This wasn't him.
'Why would I, Y/n?' He repeated, with a voice of deadly calm. His eyes now half-closed, as though finding this amusing.
A hand extracting a blood-stained knife from his robes.
They could stay together now.
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smallcatwoman · 2 years ago
Thoughts on Carmen
I’m a fan of @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and @therealvinelle works and blogs of course. You may want to read some of their metas if you’re not familiar with them or else some of what I say is going to sound insane. I especially love their delightfully horrendous Eleazar from their fics. x x x
He’s so much fun to read and to write, and between those two excellent writers and several fans inspired by them, Eleazar has been quite thoroughly dragged through the mud multiple times over. (Not that I have any intention of stopping, provided I have enough inspiration/fanfic prompts.)
Carmen, however, isn’t discussed nearly as much, but this woman fascinates me. 
Carmen is barely in canon and has almost no speaking lines in fanfics (because of a bingo card maybe? Idk.) The only thing that sticks out in my mind from rereading every chapter of breaking dawn featuring the denali fifty times (for reasons that may or may not become clearer mid July) is that she was the first to accept Renesmee and be charmed by her, and seems like a sweet enough person the couple of times that she says anything at all. 
I just have to wonder what goes on in the brain of someone who is happily married to Eleazar of all people. 
She’s obviously not a moral person, considering that she enables the shenanigans that the Denali sisters/Eleazar get up to, and probably participates in it as well. But I do think she is very pleasant and “nice” in terms of the way she talks and interacts with people. Similar ish to how Umbridge from Harry Potter is evil, but acts like a very sugary sweet kind of person. 
And tbf I agree with muffin/vinelle that the Denali are completely unaware of the fact that they are serial rapists and that the men they sleep with are probably terrified of saying no to them. Carmen has good intentions, and thinks that she and Eleazar are paragons of morality, and even if she and Eleazar woohoo people to death in hot tubs, at least they don’t eat them. 
I also think that she’s probably an insanely easygoing person, who is nigh impossible to annoy or offend. She would also have to be fairly quiet, and a good listener, since Eleazar loves the sound of his own voice. 
I think that if her circumstances were different and she didn’t meet Eleazar, she could have been a sweet, easygoing, and supportive partner to anyone. Either another horrible obnoxious person where she would just be similarly chill and accepting, no matter what nonsense they get up to. Or she could end up with a sane, normal person who doesn’t have weird kinks of woohooing with their food. 
Honestly, the human equivalent of  what Edward and the denali are into is like if a person was sexually attracted to a hot apple crumble, fresh out of the oven. Compared to sleeping with another person, it’s way too warm, way too squishy, and smells like food. Plus you would destroy a perfectly good apple crumble, which is just a shame.
Anyway, that’s all. tdlr Carmen is a very supporting and easygoing person, and very interesting to me considering she is happily married to the worst person in the universe.
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disorganizedkitten · 1 year ago
Hello! You've found The Blog! Welcome to the Masterlist!
Ao3 | Discord | Main Blog | Reblog Blog | Writing Archive
Links may be finicky, in the meantime, if something looks interesting ask me about it!
Coldest Girl In Coldtown
And I Loved You So Much I Turned Around
Behind Borrowed Blood
Bloody Phosphenes
By Definition, We’re Not Insane Yet
If Home Is Where The Heart Is, Where Do The Heartless Rest?
Infected Pearl au
No Pandemic Au
Pearl Bach And The Horrible Terrible No Good Very Bad (88) Days
Thorns and Tombstones
Time Loop
"1800s" au
Harry Potter
A Conspiracy Of Errors
A Week In A Day
And Salt The Earth Behind You
Antithesis / Charlie's Demons
Arial Anarchy
Cobra Lily
Dark As Dried Blood
Dark Magic For Dummies
Emotional Support Cookies
Gentle As Flaking Blood
Harry Potter Does Not Exist (A Presentation)
I'm Gonna Kill Santa Claus (But Uno Reverse)
It’s Only Right As A Math Problem
Judge My Carmine Fingertips (It Won't Make Them Clean)
No Rest For The Wicked
Not Every Open Wound (Is Simply Healed By Time)
Not (Our Parents’) Children 
Nothing Like A Trail Of Blood To Lead You Home
Seven Months Away
Swing a Scepter, Wear A Crown
The Potter-Riddle foundation for abandoned children
The Soul Feels Like The Universe / I Feel As Though I've Been On This Earth Before
There Is Magic In Every Living Thing
Three War Orphans In A Magic Castle
War Crimes Verse
Win Come Late
You Held My Heart In Your Hands
Miraculous Ladybug
A Bug To Bee Talk
A Day In The Life Of - Mafia Au
A Miraculous Mix Up
A Study In Friendship
Be Still My Undead Heart
Bursting Bubbles of Bad Luck
Chronicles of Ladybug and Baset
Climbing the Louvre
Depth of Cold
Four is Quantic but five is too
G-day: a celebration of Girlfriends and Glitter
Going outside (for more than the view)
Is It Really Safe?
It's in the blood
I’m Literally Right Here
Luck of the claws
Miracle Fighters
Moving Places
My Safety Isn’t The Concern
No Longer A Villian
Paper Lanterns
Plume Reign
Red’s the Color Of Your Heart
Scarlet Swords
Shades of Warmth
Sharing is Caring
Skipped a Step
Sunshine and Roses
The Marinette Lucky Charm
These Hopeless Helpless Miraculous-Wielding Romantics
We Recover Only To Be Broken Again
You’ll Survive
Crossover Fics
Carrying capacity
Circus au / Into The Mixing Bowl
Closer Than Friends
Exchange of blades
Feathers and Shells
Geronimo Weasley
Gifts Between Girls
How To Live (When You've Long Been Dead)
Immortal Children
Ivory Shadows
Jaded eyes, stolen stories (Jaded eyes, poached prophecies)
Jagged Leaves
Life goes on
Location Soulmate au
Marinette's Guide To Adopting The Local Vigilante
Power he knows not
Princess Mara au
Queen, Devil, Champion
Recruiting Red
Robbery chatfic
Seven Faces over Seven Continents
Switching and Swapping
Tales of the Tacticional Twins
Talon mindshare
Tim Drake-Wayne vs Albus Dumbledore
Trained Together
Two Can Keep A Secret If One Of Them Is Dead
Wine Aunts Salt au
Wishes Fishes
My Hero Academia
Hold Your Bloody Head Up High
How Long Can Someone Be Lost
Lost In Translation
They Call Them Feral
We're All Dead Here
Eldritch Doos au 
Gang Soulmate au
Summer camp au
The one where Dagur is a good brother
The one where Dragon Riders are their own tribe | Feral Hiccup au #1
The One where Dragons are actually Aliens
The one where everyone is secretly friends
The one where Heather and Mala pop in during HTTYD1
The one where Hiccup and his brother kill the red death before realizing they’re brothers | Feral Hiccup au #4
The one where Hiccup Gets Hurt in the ring
The one where Hiccup Runs Away (and meets the wingmaidens) | Feral Hiccup au #2
The One Where Stoick Suffers Despite His Best Efforts | Feral Hiccup au #5
The one with the human sacrifice except Dagur is a faithful husband and very offended | Feral Hiccup au #3
Danny Phantom
Age Swap Au
Three Feet To The Left
Walk Beside My Corpse (It's the memory that decays)
Welfare Check
In The Vacuum You Left Behind
Keep Me In Balance
The Fuzzy Duckling
The Name of Frankenstein
The Paris Fic
We Dared Open The Door
Some fics did not make the list. Considering how many I have, that’s not a surprise. They can live in the docs for a little while longer.
If you wanna chat; ask box is always open, and otherwise there’s the shared discord (mostly HP but I WILL eventually get us an entire CGIC area).
 If you’re interested in other topics! Nino Lahiffe Appreciation Squad Discord - Ethereal Grimoire Discord - Maribat Insanity II (link upon request)
 Otherwise, a wild DK may be spotted but I don’t have rights to those links and I’d rather catch you by the throat from behind. ^~^
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electronickingdomfox · 1 year ago
"Death's Angel" review
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A novel from 1981, by Kathleen Sky. After the terrible Vulcan!, this is the second (and last) Star Trek novel of this author. Not as awful as the other, but still pretty bad. Though there are some good things in the plot. The book revolves around a murder mystery which has enough intrigue. The circumstances of the case are also so bizarre, that the real culprit isn't obvious (or not until the very end).
On the other hand, and just as it happened in the first novel, there's a level of sexism that would make Harry Mudd facepalm. And the characters behave again like immature children (worst offender being Kirk this time). Though the Star Trek regulars mostly disappear around one third into the novel. At that point, the book becomes rather "the adventures of Detective Mary Sue and her Pokémon alien ambassadors". The ambassadors are so outlandish, though, that they're kind of fun.
Spoilers under the cut (I won't spoil the real culprit, in case someone wants to read this novel; though you shouldn't, really).
The first part is fairly decent. While exploring a new planet, Kirk decides to go smell the flowers. But these flowers turn out to be full of spores, that infect the landing party. Several members die, while others (Kirk and Spock among them) fall into a coma. Upon recovering consciousness, they start noticing some strange patterns in their dreams: most of them stop dreaming altogether, while Kirk has sometimes odd feelings of not knowing whether he's awake or not. Investigation reveals that the flowers are telepathic, and their spores cause the planet's rats to astral project themselves, to carry the spores far away, without even moving from the spot. So yeah, the flowers mistook Kirk and co. for rats, and pollinated them, which is pretty... great.
The spores issue is soon forgotten, though, as the Enterprise has to pick up a bunch of ambassadors to bring them to an important meeting, where it will be decided whether the Federation signs an alliance with the Romulan empire. The ambassadors include Sarek and a collection of strange creatures: a giant insect, a vampire, a couple of furries, a sentient pyramid, a feathered snake... Kirk meets one of the ambassadors, Sirenia, who looks like a woman covered in scales, and five minutes later he's in love with her. That is, until he learns that her species only has no-contact sex, and only for reproduction needs. Then he immediately loses interest in her, showing just how deep his love went. Anyway, Sirenia is more interested in another ambassador, Agnatha, who looks like an eel. Kirk is jealous of the eel, and has a dream where he follows Sirenia through the ship corridors, to Agnatha's cabin. The next morning, ambassador Agnatha is found dead in his cabin, his environmental tank cracked from the inside, as if he had thrashed around in a panic. And soon thereafter, yet another ambassador is found dead. Both of them belonged to the anti-Romulan faction. Although their autopsies don't reveal anything, there are suspicions of murder. Ambassador Neja then claims to have received a visit from the Angel of Death, and requests an agent from the Special Security Division (SSD) to investigate the case.
The SSD is a rather seedy organization inside the Federation. I'm not familiar with later Trek, but I suppose it's similar to Section 31. Among other things, their agents have the right to be judge, jury and executioner of any suspect. They have also the authority to blow up an entire ship and kill everyone onboard, if they suspect the ship carries some infectious element. Their black uniforms, and the literal comparison of the SSD with the Gestapo don't help either (and all of a sudden, the Klingons don't seem that bad, right?). Well, this organization sends Colonel Mary Sue Elizabeth Schaeffer to the Enterprise. She's described in the most over-the-top, ridiculous way you can imagine. Perhaps at the time this book was written, when people weren't so familiar with the concept of a "Mary Sue", it didn't seem so bad; but nowadays it's hard not to laugh at it. Anyway, Elizabeth isn't a terrible character. She has a couple of idiocy moments, but given how unsympathetic and childish everyone is around her, she can be forgiven. Of course, Kirk falls in love immediately (again), and Spock starts babbling as soon as he sees her.
Elizabeth places the Enterprise in quarantine until the murderer (now nicknamed the "Angel of Death") is found. She spends the first night on watch in Neja's cabin, as the ambassador suspects he's next in the Angel's list. However, Neja dies of old age this same night, so there's nothing suspicious in his death. After this, Elizabeth continues her investigations and interviews of all the ambassadors, aided by one of the diplomats: a giant crocodile who loves role-playing. These interviews take the bulk of the novel. In the meantime, Elizabeth receives calls from her estranged husband, that she's about to divorce. And Kirk, smelling carnage, falls upon her in true vulture style to make his move. A couple of days later, he already wants to marry her, even though I don't think they have even kissed. And I don't know why the novel goes out of its way to villainize Elizabeth's husband, as clingy and immature, when Kirk appears to be no better. But whatever, they're in love, I guess. (Ah, yes, Elizabeth also receives propositions from the giant crocodile).
A bit later, yet another anti-Romulan ambassador appears dead, in a really gruesome way. And this happens while Elizabeth was getting drunk with her crocodile friend. But everyone forgives her soon for this bit of unprofessionalism (the privilege of being a Mary Sue). At this point, she starts suspecting that there's a relation with the spores and the Angel of Death. Specially after Sirenia tells her that she really was followed by Kirk that night (even if he believes it was a dream). She also discovers that Spock has showed signs of astral projection recently. Which Spock took advantage of, to have sex with a crewmember while she slept (WTF!!?). Spock is very ashamed, but Elizabeth reassures him with the idea that it wasn't really abuse, because the crewmember was asleep, and probably liked it anyway (and I'm no expert in laws but... I'm pretty sure that's still abuse, you know).
Towards the ending, Elizabeth's husband (also an SSD agent) lifts the quarantine on the Enterprise, to reunite with her sooner. Elizabeth destroys her cabin in frustration, since she hasn't resolved the case yet. And McCoy wonders why she had such a fit of rage, if she's not having her period (yeah, that's his medical opinion, and yeah, this book was written by a woman). A meeting is called onboard the Enterprise, to discuss the lift of the quarantine. There, McCoy expresses anti-Romulan sentiments in public, blaming them for the murders. Then Elizabeth slams McCoy into a wall for being an idiot (thank you), as all the murdered people belonged to the anti-Romulan faction, so now he's going to be next for the Angel of Death. Thus, Elizabeth spends that night watching over McCoy's sleep, ready to finally come face to face with the mysterious Angel. Ah, yes! And McCoy doesn't want to undress to sleep, since he considers that being naked in bed, while there's a beautiful woman in his cabin, would distract him from his imminent demise (which proves that McCoy would totally wank in the face of death, so... good for you, McCoy. I suppose).
Spirk Meter: 0/10*. Kirk is too busy playing Nice Guy with every woman he comes across. And Spock is busy assaulting women in their sleep. So nothing at all.
There's a bit of McKirk at the beginning, though. While there are a bunch of people in coma because of the spores, McCoy is all "Jim, Jim!", and seems to only care about him. Further emphasized by the parallelism with Chapel, who goes to tend Spock first. McCoy also caresses Kirk's face, while he's unconscious. And even though he has the obligatory appreciation lines for Elizabeth's beauty, McCoy seems more interested in dissecting her, to find out which improvements did the SSD on her (jealous much?).
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years ago
badun detective agency fluff where they just gotta help someone find their missing pet that accidentally ran away! Reza and some of his friends maybe! (Or maybe the entire agency? Hmmm)
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Trigger warnings; missing pets, animal attacks, illness, and mention of death.
"I'm sorry, what?" Harry must have heard Hook wrong because there was absolutely no possible way—
"I said I need ya to find Gil's cat," Hook growled with frustration, thrusting a single piece of parchment paper into his face as his eyes shifted around the room. Refusing to meet his own.
Harry was too baffled to be offended and didn't even bother glaring at the older boy as he examined the sheet.
It had a nicely done ink drawing of a white cat with an eye patch covering its left eye and the word 'Lost' above its head. A drawing that was frankly too nicely done to be drawn by Uma (who was only good at drawing sea and pirate related things) or Gil (who wasn't the best at drawing things that weren't egg or weight related).
Harry glanced at Hook over the poster, subtly, studying him for a moment as he wondered where Hook had gotten the drawing from. Only to pause when he spotted a quill in Harry's coat pocket, ink smudges on his fingertips, and an ink splatter on his shirt.
It didn't take a genius to deduce that he had cut out the middleman and drawn it himself so that Gil's supposed cat could be found quicker. Which brought him back to one of his other many questions...
"Since when does Gil have a cat? "
Harry had never heard of the LeGumes having any pets other than Gaston's hellion of a dog that sent shivers down his spine every time he came across it after the summer of shortages and sepsis a few years back.
No one had ever mentioned a cat.
And Gastin hated cats.
He chewed on his lip, annoyed by the information he was just now finding out.  The information which was completely contradictory to what was common knowledge.
It didn't make any sense.
Harry hated it when things didn't make sense.
"He's had the damned thing for a fortnight and it doesn't leave the ship for obvious reasons," Hook replied looking miserable.
"How long has it been missing?"
"Since this mornin'. Sunshine asked me to look after it while he watched mini-sunshine and he won't be back till Monday, and I took my eye off of the blasted little welt for five minutes and now it's gone—"
Harry put a hand up to silence him, already sensing that his nickname buddy frenemy was about to blow a fuse.
"Alright Alright, chill. We'll find the cat before Gil gets back. What's its name?"
"Who names a cat, Patchy?" was the first question that his team asked after he and Jace debriefed them on their newest case.
Harry wasn't surprised in the slightest that it was Reza of all people who asked the question.
"Really, Re, that's the part you focus on?" Yzla sighed, resting her head in his lap. No doubt exhausted from the emotional reunion between her, Zevon, and their family the other night.
Harry really wished she had stayed home and rested instead of answering his call on the walkie. But after 9 years of working with her, he knew better than to try and send her back home when they had a case. No matter the circumstances.
"What? It's a valid inquiry!"
Eddie rolled his eyes from the beat up bean bag chair in the corner, sipping on a slushie he somehow managed to get his hands on. Hermie was halfway asleep in his lap, playing with the zipper on his jacket.
"What else would he have named it? Anophthalmia?"
"Anything would have been a more suitable name than 'Patchy'! It's undignified!"
"I highly doubt Patchy is insecure about his name—"
"You cannot say for sure that he is not!"
"I'm sorry, which one of us has a cat?"
"You're not special, Eddie. Yzla has a cat as well—"
"I never said I was—"
"Guys can we please not fight—
"Stay out of this Jace!"
Jace let out a long suffering sigh from beside him and Harry couldn't help but think that just maybe his cousin didn't get paid enough for this.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty—” 
“Are you expecting the cat to answer you back?” Reza asked, looking at Eddie as if he had lost his mind. 
Eddie ignored him and kept calling out for the cat, hoping they’d find it soon and relatively unharmed—while also trying very hard not to think of his and his mother’s own cats back home. He couldn’t stand to think of them scared and all alone, and possibly hurt or worse. It hurt too much.
He hoped Gil wouldn’t even notice Patchy was gone. At least until they found him. He had enough to worry about without adding this on top of it.
“Here kitty, kitty, kitty! Come out, come out, come out wherever you are!”
Harry rested his chin on his fist from where he sat atop a rock. Eyes cold and calculating as they scanned the area around them for clues.
Jace could practically hear the gears turning inside his head. 
He wondered if it would be inappropriate to make a joke about being happy that his cousin was actually using his brain for once instead of just throwing himself head first into their investigation before deciding against it.
They couldn’t giggle (or fight): They were at a crime scene. Well, if the last place one saw a missing pet counted as a crime scene. 
Either way, they were on a case. It wouldn’t be right to giggle when Gil was at home watching his sister—completely unaware that his beloved kitten had been lost by his best friend. Who was probably somewhere freaking out about the fact that said beloved kitten was probably, maybe dead.
Jace was torn away from his thoughts by a long, loud, tired sounding sigh that originated from his cousin. Who was now pinching the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated at their lack of progress.
Like always.
“Now if I was a cat, where would I wander off to?”
Jace bit back a groan. Just knowing that they were most certainly gonna require a first aid kit when they got back to base because of whatever Harry was about to do.
"Hermie get down from there!" Yzla called out, cringing at the sheer height of the tree Hermie was in.
"Relax, 'Zla! I'll be fine. I'm an acrobat, remember?" Hermie replied, her voice airy. Head in the clouds and not a care in the world. 
"Being an acrobat won't save you from a broken neck!"
"You worry too much!"
"Hermie, I'm not kidding–"
Yzla could hear the frantic thump, thump, thump of her heart as Hermie grew smaller and smaller in the air. 
Was this what it felt like to have a heart attack?
"I'm fine—AHH!" 
Hermie plummeted to the ground, branches of the thin tree just barely slowing her descent in time for Yzla to sprint over and catch her. 
The beating of her heart was almost deafening now. 
Hermie gave her a sheepish look, holding up a very scared kitten. The exact kitten they'd been looking for.
"Found him!"
Yzla said nothing, giving her a death glare. Far from amused and still too terrified to be in a celebratory mood.
"I'm banned from field work for the foreseeable future again, aren't I?"
Yzla nodded as she slowly began the track back to their base. Still carrying Hermie and the kitten. 
At least Hermie wouldn't be alone in her field work ban, since knowing Harry, he'd probably gotten hurt too and far worse than her. 
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years ago
(i suppose this has been long overdue—
i will be taking down WIP from ao3 today as I am genuinely uncertain when it will no longer be a WIP. i understand that this can cause a bit of contention among readers/writers about deleting work but the idea of having an unfinished work on my page is not the vibe for me.
alot has happened since i decided to post my first fic in april of 2021. at that time, i was living in a new state where i knew very few people, and was transitioning my career. it was (and is) the middle of a pandemic that was (and is) very heartbreaking and taxing in my field. i was also just coming off two very hard deaths in my life. i was lonely and frustrated and took to making art and writing to find a way through. i connected to a new community of folks who were online, i started putting my art in galleries and shows and fairs. and then i started a new degree program, my lorge bebe started high school, i found my footing as a parent, i found my footing in my career again, i found my footing as a person, and my ambitious art endeavors tapered out.
i also fell in love, something ive kept so secret and private, not wanting my ideas and stories of romance to interfere with what was happening in front of me and blooming so perfectly.
and i always think about...sharing, and how much of myself i am willing to share. whether or not we admit it, art is very much a part of me.
i told myself earlier this year that what i was feeling regards to writing was burn-out. i burnt myself out after writing so much in such a short period of time.
but the truth is, i have been writing. I have been making art. it's just no longer something i am sharing as often and prolifically in this space. (also, all my inspiration atm is coming in the form of muggle au's and well, as someone once told me, if you're going to write a muggle au...why wouldn't you just write OG fiction?)
i say this because a lot of new folks have come here, and are wondering whats next. a lot of old folks are waiting. and to answer both of these- i don't know. and i'm not going to make false promises and pretend it'll be "when i have time" because..that's just not true.
to be clear, i am not leaving tumblr, and will resume shit posting and ask games and interacting and posting things i find engaging. but i have no idea about writing-- and will not be offended if you unfollow because you came here for the content.
sirius and harry are forever throwing a frisbee on a beach
remus is forever gawking at football butts
kingsley and sirius are forever flirting and blushing after a first meeting.
and i am very okay with that. these endings seem pretty happy to me
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jimblejamblewritings · 3 years ago
yes, i’m a squib | part 24
Summary: Y/N Black has always been a squib, to the dismay of her pureblood family. Cast out to the orphanage at a young age, she thought that was her life. Until her relative Sirius Black breaks out of Azkaban. Suddenly a letter to Hogwarts in thrusted into her hand and Y/N becomes a true part of the magical Wizarding World.
Warnings for the Series: violence, death, light smut, angst, fluff
Pairing: harry potter x black!reader, cedric diggory x black!reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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St. Mungo’s arranged for a Floo Powder transportation connection. Harry followed you as you made your way back to the Janus Ward. You stopped when you saw the room was empty. You were doing your check-up in the same room you had left. It hadn’t been taken by anyone and that made you more nervous. Harry grabbed your hand. You both looked at where you were connected. It felt weird. You had switched to linking arms so as not to offend partners the two of you no longer had that you hadn’t held hands in so long. He squeezed once and let you know that it was okay. The nurses directed you to the bed and Harry to the visitor chair. The healer repeated the instructions that you actually started to forget. You took a deep breath.
“A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M… N… O…”
The healer smiled.
“Not there yet but tremendously better, you might even get to speak by New Year’s. Definitely by the time you need to take your O.W.L.s. We’re going to keep you on the same medication for that. Now, we were informed that recovery might not be going as well as we hoped by someone on your school’s faculty. Unfortunately, we will have to carry out the Cruciatus test.”
You nodded and let them bring in the spider. Harry watched with discomfort as you closed your eyes and grabbed at your skirt, wringing the fabric in your hand. You were sure that you were holding your breath the entire time. The nurse tapped the timer and the healer dropped the spider.
“Well, the concern while well-meaning was unnecessary. You seem to be experiencing slight trauma from the event but nothing we wouldn’t expect from a victim of the Cruciatus Curse. You can go back to school now, Ms. Black.”
You nodded and jumped down from the desk.  
“Is that what they did while you were there?” Harry asked as you walked up the castle stairs.
Being completely silent, not even moving your head gave him enough of an answer. Harry grabbed your hand again and apologized even though he didn’t do anything. Hermione ran up to you two when you got to the Gryffindor common room.
“We don’t need to keep using (Y/N) as a messenger.”
She held up a fake galleon. You tried to convey to Hermione that she was absolutely brilliant. The numbers on the coin weren’t the serial numbers but a date. If the meeting couldn’t be on Wednesday or had to be at a different time, the coin would heat up and let you know. You just had to check the date change. The galleons were much needed as you neared winter break, the dates started changing more frequently to accommodate for everyone’s changing schedules.
Everyone walked into the Room of Requirement feeling weird. The club would be back but it was technically the last meeting of the semester. The room was decorated cutely for Christmas— with a menorah near the front for the Jewish members of the club. At first, you all thought Harry did it but Dobby and Kreacher appeared to flaunt their good work— and their Christmas sweaters. Luna complimented the mistletoe, something about keeping out nargles. You honestly didn’t know what nargles were but she seemed to say it was a good thing the mistletoe was there so you agreed. Others were pushing each other underneath the mistletoe and threatening to kiss each other.
Harry wanted to make the last meeting light and special, deciding on teaching the Patronus charm. He told everyone not to worry, they could practice older spells if they wanted to. He would go more in depth on the Patronus charm later. It was meant to be a fun weekend morning. You watched in delight as some people managed to conjure corporeal patronuses. The silver animals danced around the room.
Almost as if celebrating your accomplishments for you all, The Room of Requirement suddenly produced food and drinks from the kitchen— poor Winky the house-elf had been dragged along with one of the trays. She assured you all that she was okay because she was helping serve a bunch of nice students. The club sat down on the floor— the room didn’t feel the need to provide chairs— to talk and have a round of butterbeer before people started to pack and leave for the holidays.
“What do you think (Y/N)’s patronus would be?” Angelina asked.
They began listing random animals. You adamantly shook your head when Colin said a duck. You were not going to let ducks follow you forever.
“Well, what’s Sirius’ patronus?” Ron asked.
You changed into your Animagus and back.
“Well, if his patronus is his Animagus then why wouldn’t yours be a duck… ow.”
You smacked Ron on the shoulder and everyone else laughed. Dumbledore’s Army wasn’t just a class or a club to learn lessons but you guys felt like a sort of family. You thought to yourself that you truly were a younger version of the Order and at that moment, the Room of Requirement produced a camera. Everyone stood up to take a picture. You set the timer and ran to join the group. The picture marked the end to a great start and soon everyone started leaving. Harry called your name and you stopped. He waited for everyone else to leave the room.
“Let’s try the Patronus Charm, just once.”
You rolled your eyes and helped up three fingers.
Harry chuckled. “I remember third year but it never hurts to try. You got the Cheering Charm and your Reparo is perfect.”
Rolling your eyes, you were about to say something when you froze. The floor wasn’t the Room of Requirement but some black tile. It was smooth and shiny. And the slithering got louder and louder. You walked past a man who was slumped over. A silver orb fell out of his hand and you looked up to see lots of silver orbs on shelves. The scent of freshly baked pie and sweaters flooded your nose. You looked down to see the man’s head had rolled back, two pinpricks on his neck leaked blood. His red hair was undeniable.
Harry covered his ears as you screamed. He was prepared to catch you, normally you dropped to the floor. But he was unprepared for you running. He followed you as you ran in a panic to McGonagall’s office. You banged on the door until she opened, very alarmed that someone was knocking so hard when there was clearly a sign that said for students not to disturb. Harry became very aware of the faculty having a meeting while you were only focused on McGonagall.  
“Ms. Black, wh—”
“Mr. Weasley is in trouble!”
“He’s in trouble.”
“Albus, what do we do?”
Dumbledore stood up and moved to two of the paintings in McGonagall’s office. He told the one in vintage looking wizard’s robes to make his way to a Ministry painting and alert them about the potential danger Arthur Weasley might be in. The other painting, a quidditch player, Dumbledore told to make their way to the Fat Lady and the other Gryffindor paintings to alert the Weasley children to come to McGonagall’s office. Umbridge set down her teacup with such a ferocity that you thought the porcelain might break.
“And how do you know that? This isn’t a fellow student but someone far away from Hogwarts. Dear, are we sure this isn’t simply paranoia? Isn’t that common with your kind?”
“I’M NOT PARANOID!” Everyone clutched their heads at your screaming. “You don’t beli— why don’t you believe me?”
Harry grabbed your hand and made you turn to look at him. Your breath was really shallow— you were practically panting. You know what you heard and saw but no one believed you. He rubbed your shoulders.
“Hey, hey, (Y/N), we believe you.”
“No, she doesn—”
“I believe you. Okay. I believe you and we’re going to get Mr. Weasley help.”
Professor Trelawney cleared her throat. “My dear—”
“Don’t call her that,” Harry snapped.
Professor Trelawney looked in confusion because she was sure she just heard Umbridge call you that. She looked at Umbridge and then back to you.
“Ms. Black, correct? Ms. Black, have you considered studying Divination? You have a gift.”
“Sybil,” McGonagall said, almost exasperated. “Now is not the time. You can inquire about her choice in studies later.”
“Oh, yes, right, of course.”
Your head snapped to where you thought you heard a slither get louder. Aside from occasional screams, the faculty had never seen your dark senses in full force. You were frightening to them as you stared at nothing. Harry turned your head back to him, trying to get you to focus on him or the present room. Anything but whatever you were envisioning. The painting returned and motioned Dumbledore over. At the same time, all the Weasleys came in. Dumbledore turned.
“They’ve rushed him to St. Mungo’s. He was apparently the wrong target for an attack… if the rest of you could leave me and the children. We need to arrange for the Wealseys to leave and until further notice, I am permitting them to use magic outside of Hogwarts. Their safety is important.”
The other faculty rushed out of the room, giving their apologies to all the kids. Umbridge looked pissed. Clearly she didn’t like the word attack and had a problem with Dumbledore permitting you all to use magic outside of school while underage. It didn’t matter that it was only waived because there was a chance someone else would attack. Mr. Weasley was in the hospital. You weren’t getting special benefits for nothing. The hope was that you didn’t have to use it and could come back to Hogwarts after break with no issues. Dumbledore waited a moment. You all huddled around as he told the truth. Mr. Weasley was doing work for the Order when he was attacked. You were all being sent to Grimmauld by portkey.
Your dad immediately pulled you into a hug. You all were rushed into the living room. Mrs. Weasley said not to come to the hospital. It didn’t matter that you were a banshee. You knowing about Arthur’s attack was suspicious because he shouldn’t have been found where he was. Dumbledore was fabricating a story and they needed to make sure no one cornered any of you to ask questions without a story. Grimmauld was close to St. Mungo’s— closer than the Burrow. The Order already used Grimmauld as a hideout so Sirius saw no problem with letting all the Weasleys stay there. Everyone’s trunks were sent over. It wasn’t as joyous to watch Kreacher start to decorate the Christmas tree.
Everyone agreed that this wasn’t the best way to start the holiday break. The only good thing that morning brought was Hermione arriving. Your father tried to liven the mood with his bad Christmas songs. It worked for the most part. The Weasleys were in a good mood because St. Mungo’s sent a report that Arthur was stable and could come home relatively soon. The doorbell rang and you left the kitchen where you were baking cookies and pies with Kreacher and Mrs. Weasley. A woman who looked just like Tonks stood at the door.
“Bloody hell, you have the same expressions as your father.”
If you all thought Sirius was bad, he was even worse with his favorite cousin around. Andromeda and Sirius were the extroverted version of you and Draco. The two of them filled the house with the cacophony of noises that they considered singing. You weren’t sure if you always liked having everyone around. You weren’t sure if you liked sharing a room but as you prepared for bed you decided that Grimmauld Place was meant to have people in it. That was one statement you knew to be true. The house itself seemed more lively with everyone in it. The dark green walls almost sparkled from within versus when you first arrived and they just seemed like shadows.
You woke up coughing. Grabbing a jumper, you left the room almost immediately so as not to disturb Hermione or Ginny. Padfoot had woken up, slightly annoyed that you woke him instead of the other way around. He followed you as you made your way to the kitchen to grab your medicine. Meowing in appreciation, Padfoot went to the bowl of food you set down. You looked over at the calendar. It was Christmas. Everyone would be getting up soon to exchange presents and just be with family and friends. You and Kreacher had prepped the pumpkin pasties the other day so you could just warm them up. You set the tray in the oven.
“Happy Christmas.”
You turned to see Harry, giving him a wave as he walked further in. He gave Padfoot a scratch on the head before standing up to get himself a cup of water. You watched him tilt his head back and drain the whole cup down. Harry looked at you.  
“We never got to try the Patronus Charm.”
You gave a silent laugh and crossed your arms. He was insistent on something that wasn’t going to happen. Ignoring Harry, you checked on the pumpkin pasties. The dough had browned a little on top and you were positive the pumpkin puree in the middle was warmed up and once again a soft consistency. You took the tray out and set it down on the table— the whole place flooded with the smell of pumpkin. You picked up two pastries, split one in half, and gave half to Harry.
He followed you out of the kitchen and up to the attic as you chewed on your half of the treat. No one had been up to the attic. They were surprised Sirius wasn’t using it for extra space but that’s because he said it was yours. The attic connected to the rooftop, both parts flooded with plants. No one would sleep comfortably in the attic with some of the more talkative flowers and the rooftop was outside. It was charmed so no one would find them but it was still outside. The air was chilly as snow covered the roof and unfortunately some of the plants. You stood and looked at Harry. If he was so adamant, it was going to be done where no one else would see you fail.      
“I’ll help you every step of the way,” He said before finishing his half of pumpkin pasties. “My Christmas present, discovering your patronus. Accio wand.”
Your wand flew into your hand and you adjusted your grip. You rarely held your wand that honestly you weren’t sure if it was proper form. That was confirmed when Harry adjusted it for you. Harry stood behind you, holding your arm with one hand and your waist with the other.
“Think of a happy memory.”
That was easy. No matter what, your go-to happy memory was you and Sirius having dinner for the first time at the muggle pizza shop. The milkshake, your dad taking your picture, and the pizza the size of your face. Sirius walking around as a free man. That was forever the first thing you thought when someone asked you what’s happiness. You nodded at Harry when you had the thought locked into your mind.
“Now move your wand like this and just say the words. Are you good to speak right now?”
You shrugged your shoulders. Your voice didn’t hurt too much. You had done well on not speaking after the blunder the first couple weeks of school. Aside from warning them about Mr. Weasley, you hadn’t used your voice. Your voice wasn’t perfect but you figured a few words wouldn’t hurt. You coughed into your shoulder and then straightened back up.
“Expecto Patronum,” you said barely above a whisper.
You watched nothing happen. You didn’t think much of it. It was, in fact, expected. Harry moved his hand down your arm and covered your hand in his.
“Try again. We’ll do it together, just like flying,” he said.
“Expecto Patronum.”
The tip of your wand glowed silver slightly. Silver gently flowed out and you watched a badger walk around the snow covered roof before disappearing. Harry chuckled a bit as you gasped.
“You really are Hufflepuff then,” he said.
You turned your head to look at him.
“Thank you.”
“Happy Christmas.”
Harry’s hand slowly lowered your arm. He would be stupid not to act now. You were looking at him with absolute stars in your eyes. There wasn’t going to be another time that you looked at him like that. But he felt like he wasn’t going to be able to say it. The hand that was still on your waist drummed against it. He took in a breath, knowing he’d regret not trying to communicate how he felt. Harry leaned in and slotted his lips between yours. Your eyes closed as you began to kiss back. It was different. Harry’s kiss felt almost desperate which you weren’t used to. You also didn’t have to stretch yourself to meet his lips, only tilting your head back a little. Your hand that was pressed against his chest grabbed at the fabric of his pullover. Harry stopped when he felt you stiffen up. He moved away, not looking at you.
“Right, you and Cedric,” he muttered.
When you didn’t do anything, Harry looked down at your hand that was still tangled in his pullover which made you look as well. His hand that had been by his side moved to your waist as well. He had to say something.
“I don’t know what happened between you two but I j— we don’t have to date right now but I want to be the only one to take you out on dates. Can we try it, take it slow?”
You were supposed to get better to go back to Cedric. That’s why you broke up with him in the first place. In an effort to save your relationship, you ended it. You ended because you were going to come back in a year or two. But you told Cedric that it was fine if he moved on during that time. You didn’t know if he took that to heart or not— you avoid anything that even mentioned Puddlemere United. If it was fine for Cedric to move on maybe it was fine for you. And Harry had been there. It was your fault to push Cedric away because recovering on your own actually wasn’t as helpful as you thought. But that didn’t change the fact that Harry was now the one that had been there.
You opened your mouth when you heard slithering. Harry wrapped his hand around yours, ready to remove it from your sweater and walk away before he could be more embarrassed. He froze for a moment when your lips were suddenly on his before he kissed back. The two of you pulled apart. You buried your head in his shoulder as you coughed.
“When we get… back… do you,” you whispered, voice coming out scratchy. “Want…  to…  see Hufflepuff’s… common room?”
He huffed out a laugh. “You did just produce a patronus, didn’t you?”
The two of you started to walk back downstairs almost awkwardly. Harry looked at the space in between the two of you. His fingers brushed against yours. He watched them twitch before reaching out. You stopped him before reaching the bottom step.  
“I want to… try… with you… slow?”
“Slow,” Harry repeated and he held your hand all the way into the dining room where everyone noticed.
“Mr. Weasley!” Harry said as you waved enthusiastically at seeing the man at the table.
Arthur greeted the two of you and thanked you for helping. Harry finally let go of your hand as you two sat down. Sirius tilted his head as he watched you glance over at Harry ever so often. Meanwhile Ron and Hermione watched with smiles at Harry putting food on your plate. They watched as he immediately cupped the sides of your face— not caring that they were all there— and made you look at him when he noticed you weren’t focused.
“What are you hearing, (Y/N)?” he asked calmly. “Don’t look around, look at me. You’re fine, okay. I believe whatever you’re seeing or hearing but I can’t know what it is if you don’t tell me.”
“I’m not sure,” you whispered.
“Then let’s have breakfast. Breakfast and Christmas first and we’ll figure out what you aren’t sure about later, okay?”
You grabbed both his wrists and nodded. Harry let go, knowing you were fine now. Everyone watched, feeling their hearts melt a little at the scene in front of them. Sirius couldn’t even stop his own smile. Harry treated you with a softness he wished he had treated your mother with during the last week or two of her life.
(Part 25)...
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drarrily-we-row-along · 4 years ago
Day 125.2: Accidental Bonding (Part 2)
(You can read part 1 here but basically all you need to know is that Harry and Draco got accidentally bonded on a case and they are coping with the after effects.)
By the end of the first week Harry very much needed a break from Draco Malfoy.
Robbards assigned them to one another as partners for the remainder of the time they were bonded and that meant that they spent what amounted to every moment of every day together. They worked together, went home together, and slept in the same bed together. And they fought every waking moment about nearly everything.
It hadn't helped that all of the other Aurors were constantly taking the piss and Harry was ready to snap.
On Friday afternoon, while Malfoy was in the loo and Harry had a rare moment of privacy, he sent off a patronus to Ron and Hermione asking them to meet him for dinner at the Leaky. Ron's terrier returned not long after, affirming that they'd be glad to meet him.
For the rest of the day, he kept that at the forefront of his mind, the proverbial carrot dangling in front of him as he fought to make it to the end of the work week.
After they arrived home, Harry changed his clothes and came into the living room where Malfoy was sitting on the sofa, then pressed his hand to Malfoy's shoulder until the bond wasn't humming in the back of his mind. "I'm going out," he informed him as he removed his hand
"I don't want to go out," he replied immediately.
He nodded, "Good because I wasn't inviting you with me anyway."
"But the bond-"
"She said that we'd be okay for two hours. I'm just going to go have dinner with Ron and Hermione and then I'll come back."
Malfoy didn't reply, which Harry might have imagined would be an improvement over the bickering but was actually really fucking annoying.
He took a deep breath and then let it out. It wasn't worth it. "Whatever," he grumbled to himself as he stepped back and apparated to the apparation point near the Leaky.
(Read more below the cut)
Ron and Hermione were already at the table near the fire when he arrived and Harry felt something unwind inside of him at the sight of his friends, it felt like coming home when you'd been away for too long.
"Hi," he said as he approached the table.
Hermione stood up and wrapped him in a tight hug.
"Thanks," he murmured, hugging her back.
She nodded, "You looked like you could use it."
A humorless chuckle left his throat, "You could say that," he replied.
"Come on," she said, tugging him over to the table.
"I can only stay for a few hours," Harry said, sitting down across from Ron, "The bond-"
"Then let's just have a few hours that feel normal and have nothing to do with Malfoy," Ron said and Harry nodded gratefully.
Only an hour into their dinner, Harry started to feel the tug of the bond, a low thrumming through his gut that made him feel restless. He tried to ignore it and was doing fairly well by the sheer force of his stubbornness when a woman came up to them.
"You're Harry Potter, right?" she asked, batting her eyelashes at him.
"Yeah," he replied, "that's me."
"It's so nice to meet you," she said, reaching over and laying a hand on his forearm, scarlet fingernails trailing lightly over his skin.
Harry immediately felt queasy, every fiber of his being screaming that this was wrong. "Nice to meet you, too," he said as politely as he could manage, pulling his arm out of her reach.
"Could I-"
"Sorry," Ron interrupted, "But he's a bit busy. We're having dinner, in case you didn't notice."
She glanced at Ron, then looked back at Harry, "Maybe when you're done," she said, "You could join me for a drink at the bar."
"Maybe another time," Harry said, giving her his best smile which he feared turned out more like a grimace as his stomach rolled.
Fortunately she seemed to take the hint, "Well, it was nice to meet you," she said before turning.
"You too," Harry called. "I've got to go," he said as soon as she was out of earshot.
"What?" Hermione asked, "Why?"
"I don't know, something happened with the bond," he muttered. "I feel awful."
"Go on then," Ron said, nodding at him. "We'll see you later.
"Stop by the house tomorrow, if you'd like," Hermione offered.
"Alright," he nodded. "Sorry," he added as he stood up and fled the bar, apparating straight into Malfoy's house.
"Malfoy," he shouted, the moment his feet touched the floor.
The other man groaned from where he was laying on the sofa in the living room, "What the actual fuck did you do?" he managed. "I was fine and then all of the sudden it felt like I was hit by a train."
Harry made his way over to the sofa and since Malfoy didn't seem like he was going to move he did the only thing his brain could come up with. He crawled on top of him, pressing their bodies together and moaning with relief. "Someone hit on me," he said.
"Poor you," Malfoy grumbled, even as one of his arms wrapped around Harry and pulled him in tighter.
"No, I mean that's what caused the spike. She flirted with me and touched my arm and the bond went crazy."
Malfoy hummed, "Interesting," he said. "People have touched both of us and it hasn't caused this."
"Maybe the bond recognizes intent?" Harry questioned.
"Maybe it recognizes your intent," Malfoy mused. "Was she attractive?"
Harry shrugged, "Maybe? I didn't really notice."
"Pfft," Malfoy huffed, his breath warm and vaguely pleasant against Harry's ear. "You don't have to lie. I won't be offended."
"I'm serious," Harry protested.
"Look, can we just be honest with each other?" he asked. "It's fine if you thought she was attractive-"
"I'm gay!" Harry blurted, "I'm not lying, she might have been attractive but I genuinely didn't notice."
"You're gay?" he asked.
"Yes," Harry replied, starting to pull away because the bond was still tugging but not unbearable, "Go ahead and start making fun of me, let's just end this horrible wee-"
"I'm not going to make fun of you," Malfoy said.
He looked down at the other man, too surprised to come up with words for a moment. "You're not?"
"Well, it would be pretty hypocritical if I did," he replied.
"You're-?" Harry started.
Malfoy shrugged one shoulder and his fingers trailed mindlessly along Harry's spine, "I'm bi," he said.
"Oh." Harry replied and he settled back against Malfoy, "I didn't know."
"You never asked."
"Well neither did you," he protested.
Malfoy looked at him for a long moment, "I didn't know that I was allowed to."
"Why would I be allowed to ask if you weren't?"
He rolled his eyes, "Because you're Harry Potter and you've always thought that the rules didn't apply to you."
"Come off it," he said. "I live by the same rules everyone else does. If anything, I'm held to a higher standard."
"You're held to a higher standard? Potter, you have no idea what it means to be held to a high standard. I'm an ex-death eater, my every move is scrutinized," Malfoy said. "When I started at the DMLE I was told that if I put 'one toe out of line I'd be put in Azkaban faster than I could say Auror.'"
"Someone said that to you?" Harry asked incredulously.
He huffed a bitter laugh, "Multiple people said that to me. So tell me again about being held to a higher standard, Potter."
"It's different," Harry admitted, "But when I do something wrong I get the lecture about how I'm an example for everyone else. The things that I do are a template for what other people will find acceptable. That sort of...stuff," he finished lamely, trailing off uncomfortably.
"I hadn't thought about that," Malfoy confessed.
"I’m just a person," he said. "And I like to think that I learned to respect boundaries and don't ask overly personal questions-"
"Sorry," Malfoy said, stopping the words coming out of Harry's mouth. "You're right. You aren't sixteen anymore."
His initial instinct was to fight about who'd been worse at sixteen and the words were on the tip of his tongue but he swallowed them back, "You're not sixteen anymore either."
The corner of Malfoy's mouth tipped up and they just looked at each other for a long moment before the other man said, "Alright, that's quite enough soul searching. Get off me, Potter. I want to finish my book before bed."
Harry chuckled and climbed off the couch, "I'm going to shower."
"Yes, thank you for the update," Malfoy drawled. "I'll be sure to alert the press."
"Prat," Harry grumbled but it didn't hold the venom that it normally did. He couldn't help but wonder if his improved mood was because of the time he'd spent with his friends or because of the conversation he'd just had with Malfoy.
This is going to be a couple more parts- this keeps sucking me in. I'll try to get at least one more part posted today.
Day 125: Accidental Bonding | Part 3
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wisteriavines · 2 years ago
Seventeen Going Under
harry potter prompt:
I was far too scared to hit him But I would hit him in a heartbeat now
⎯ Sam Fender, Seventeen Going Under
: : :
Despite what many would assume, Harry Potter doesn’t die doing something heroic or brave. He doesn’t go out fighting or doing something he was passionate about. He isn’t surrounded by loved ones and he isn’t smiling or at peace. 
He dies feeling worn down and betrayed, exhausted and bitter. He dies alone, sitting in his favorite armchair and waiting for the end he knows is coming. He dies with the knowledge that he never had a choice in his life, manipulated from the beginning to the very end. 
He dies wishing and regretting, but relieved nonetheless that it is all finally over and he can rest. 
So when the jubilant shout of “It’s a boy!” reaches his ears, he can only feel dread forming in his heart. When he opens his eyes and is accosted by white surroundings, the dread sinks into his stomach. When he feels himself be moved around and something appears into his limited field of vision, the dread spikes into full blown panic. 
“Hello, Hadrian,” James Potter, his father, says softly. He looks older than what Harry remembers when he called his family’s spirits to him before he walked to his (first) death. “I’m your Dad.” 
Before he can start to possibly hyperventilate, a new face pushes its way into his view. It’s a young boy that’s bright eyed with wonder and looking far too much like his father for comfort. 
“And I’m Ben!” The boy exclaims in a poor attempt of a whisper, earning a chuckle from James. “I’m your big brother!” 
Harry blinks, mind blank. Then, as someone in the background happily announces “It’s a girl!”, he screams. 
As the newly rebirthed Harry Potter screams, to the offended shock of his older brother and the laughter of his father, in the background his mother can be found heavily breathing and looking at the scene with a smile. 
Her attention is pulled away from the scene as a nurse steps up to the side of her bed, a wide smile on the older woman’s face. In the nurse’s arms is another baby, bundled up in pink cloth and blearily gazing at everything. 
Lily’s smile softens in wonderment, reaching over to hold her daughter. Safely in her arms, she gazes at her third child (and by Merlin, she just had twins! Twins!) with loving eyes, softly tracing her features with a finger. 
Unlike her twin, who Lily only had a few precious moments to hold and look at, it seems her daughter will be the first to inherit her red hair. Lily hopes she’ll have her green eyes too. 
A mini-me, she grins while looking over at her husband and first child. James has finally managed to calm their newborn son down to quiet crying instead of screaming. Benjamin is watching with a pout and furrowed brow. 
Humming, Lily looks back at her daughter. She’s quiet and docile, so unlike her brothers and other children Lily’s had the pleasure of meeting, but the nurse would have told her if something was wrong so Lily pushes away any worries. 
Leaning forward, she places a gentle kiss on her youngest’s head. Pulling back, she murmurs, “Hello, Willow. I’m your Mum.” 
Willow Potter blinks at her slowly, no understanding in her eyes. Shifting, the newborn yawns and closes her eyes to sleep. 
Lily stifles a laugh, looking away when she hears her husband walk towards her bed. James catches her eye and offers a wide grin, vaguely gesturing to the newborn in his arms without moving too much lest he wake the newborn. 
“I sent Ben to wait with Sirius in the hall,” he whispers once he’s close enough and notices her gaze darting around. He gently sits next to her on the bed, leaning forward to both look at his daughter and allow her to look at her son. 
“Beautiful,” James mutters in awe. 
“Aren’t they?” Lily leans into him, exhaustion finally beginning to settle in. 
“Have you decided on a name, then?” James asks quietly, remembering the deal he and his wife made. At the time they didn’t know they’d have twins, having just welcomed Benjamin into their world, but it was decided that he would choose the name if their next child was a boy and she’d choose the name if it was a girl. 
“Willow,” she answers. “Willow Potter.” 
James hums, a soft smile on his face. “Willow. I like it.” 
“And him?” Lily nods to their son. “Have you decided on a name?” 
“Hadrian,” James says happily. “We can call him Harry for short.” 
Lily inspects her son and rolls the name over in her head. “Hadrian.” She smiles. “I like it.” She leans over and presses a soft kiss to her son’s head, much like she did with Willow. “Welcome to the world, Hadrian.” 
Harry, or Hadrian, Potter twitches but does not wake up, relaxing in the presence and love of his parents. 
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dracowars · 4 years ago
Hello! i was wondering if u could do a draco imagine where the reader & draco are prefects and they started to have feelings for each other and they both love to tease each other!! im bad at explaing things but i hope that made sense :) love ur writing btw <3
perfect prefect | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x reader
word count: 1,8k
summary: where y/n and draco love to tease each other
a/n: i hope you like this and that it lives up to your expectations <3
warnings: none
universe: harry potter
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Like a shadow you move as quietly as possible through the dark corridors of the big School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, always careful not to be seen by anyone or to not directly walk into someone. You work your way through Hogwarts and its millions of angled hallways, walking close to the brick walls until you finally reach the stairs leading down to the dungeons and you carefully stride them down.
Just before you get downstairs, you suddenly hear a loud meow in the distance and hurriedly run up the stairs again and hide behind the closest corner, pressing your body firmly against the cold wall, holding your breath.
Carefully looking around the corner with your head, you can see the mean caretaker Filch walking up the stairs with his cat Mrs. Norris in the dark. Filch suspiciously looks in your direction through the straight and long corridor, holding up his dim lantern. Immediately, you pull your head back with a jerk, but thankfully hear his loud footsteps vanish in the distance as he goes away from your current position.
Just when you are about to breathe a sigh of relief and step out of your cover, it meows right in front of your feet, causing you to take a step back in shock.
Mrs. Norris is sitting right in front of you and angrily glares at you through her yellowish eyes while she meows louder and louder to draw her owner's attention to herself. The footsteps that had become quieter a short time before are now getting louder and closer by each second that passes.
Just before Filch is about to turn the corner and you are already preparing yourself for the worst, out of nowhere a hand covers your mouth from behind and pulls you back. Everything blurs in front of your eyes for a moment and when you have a clear view again, you are no longer in the corridor, but in an empty classroom.
Startled, you turn around, ready to fight your attacker, when you realize that the person is only your beloved friend, Draco Malfoy.
"Bloody hell, Draco! You scared me to death!", you sigh out loud, your hand on top of your heart which is pounding hard against your chest.
"But I saved you from Filch and his filthy animal", he proudly exclaims. "Without my help you would probably be on your way to Dumbledore by now."
"I am a prefect. He would probably have thought that I was doing my nightly rounds around Hogwarts and not that I was on my way to meet a certain someone", you defend yourself since you do not want to admit that he actually saved you from expulsion.
"Is this certain someone coincidentally incredibly good looking and does that certain someone have eyes in which you can lose yourself and see the star- Ouch!", he cries out loudly as you loosely slap his upper arm, walking past him to the door of the classroom to get out of there.
"That description does not apply to him at all. I am afraid I have to destroy your dreams", you tease him, a playful smile playing around your lips while you straighten the skirt of your uniform.
"Well, if so, then good luck strutting through the corridors on your own without getting caught", Draco shrugs nonchalantly and gives you a look you cannot quite interpret as he is now the one to walk past you, reaching the door before you can. Turning around to look over your shoulder from behind, you feel his hot breath against your neck.
"But when you have reached your desired destination, you will unfortunately not meet this certain someone, because this certain someone currently has to continue patrolling the hallways", he whispers in your ear, but cannot stop himself from giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. "See you."
Quickly, you turn around and grab his wrist as he was just about to open the door, preventing him from leaving. With a devious grin he looks at you, silently waiting for you to say something.
"Stop it, you dumbass", you roll your eyes in playful annoyance and gently pull him closer to you, your faces now only inches apart. Draco's gaze switches between your beautiful, shimmering eyes to your full lips as he suddenly leans in and you close your eyes automatically.
You already feel Draco's breath against your lips when all of a sudden the door to the classroom is opened and Draco jumps away, quickly hiding you behind him, protecting you from the person that is now stepping into the room at this moment.
"What are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be checking the corridors?", Blaise asks him reproachfully and does not seem to have noticed you until you peek over Draco's shoulder and his eyes widen as he spots you.
"Oh, I see. So that is what you are doing in here. Gross", he says, disgusted, and grimaces accordingly. "Then I will not bother you two any longer-"
"Stop, Blaise! It is not like that!", you interrupt him and come out from behind Draco's back, pretending that there wasn't always something between you and Draco that everyone already knew about before you did yourself.
Blaise nods understandingly, but something on his face tells you that he does not believe a single word you just told him. Nevertheless, he says goodbye and leaves the room again, leaving Draco and you in an uncomfortable silence.
"That was close", Draco breathes out heavily and gently takes your smaller hand in his own. "Let us get out of here as well. I will take you back to your dormitory."
Turning around and wanting to pull you with him, he goes to the door but you do not move, which is why he looks back at you irritated, a big question mark over his head as to why you are not following him.
"I do not want to go", you say, barely audible, and look straight into his gray eyes. "We do not see each other very much lately and now that we have finally made it, you quickly want to get rid of me again. If you do not want to spend time with me anymore, then why don't you just tell me, Draco?"
"What are you even talking about, Y/N? You know that it is not true", Draco assures you, putting his hand on your temple, pulling your head towards him to place a kiss on your forehead. "I like you. Like a lot. I like you more than you know. How about we walk around together and you tell me about your week?"
Your face overflowing with joy, you nod in agreement and a happy smile forms on both of your faces. Draco takes your hand back in his and leads the way out of the empty classroom and into the corridor, but not without checking first that Filch or his cat are not coming around the corner at any moment.
You walk next to each other in silence for a few minutes until Draco finally speaks up as you walk down the stairs to the first floor, your hands still intertwined.
"Actually, you know, I should have deducted house points from you for your naughty nightly excursion", he tells you, looking straight ahead, but you can clearly see the grin on his lips regardless. Offended, you hit his upper arm again, this time a little bit harder than before.
"Very funny, you wag", you giggle softly. "If it wasn't for you, I would not have gotten out of my cozy and warm bed in the first place."
"So you are saying that you are doing all of this just for me?"
"Of course, Draco."
"How do I deserve this?", he abruptly stops you as you have reached the bottom of the stairs and wraps his hands around your waist. Your arms sneak around his neck by themselves and you do your best to fake a real looking thoughtful face.
"Because you are such an incredibly great and responsible prefect", you explain with a smile, but he just shakes his head in disappointment, probably expecting you to say something else, and breaks the eye contact, focusing his gaze to the ground.
"Have you ever doubted that? Who else should become head boy in our seventh year if not me?", he covers up his disappointment, questioningly raising one of his eyebrows at you.
"You?", you snort and move away from him, covering your mouth with your hand to prevent yourself from laughing too loud. Draco give you a extremely offended look while you are busy with keeping your laughing fit as quiet as possible.
"What is so funny!?"
"Oh, it is just.. Who is the one here that is always so extraordinary friendly to the first years? Like the one time last year when-"
"Okay, okay!", he interrupts your ramblings by putting his hand over your mouth. However, he is still not able to stop your giggling. "Can you please shut up?"
"I am in favor of Blaise becoming the head boy anyway. He is really good at what he does", you continue to tease the poor platinum haired boy and he rolls his eyes, this time literally, annoyed and continues on his patrol without you.
"Wait! Hold up! Where are you going?", you call after him before you catch up with him again. Because his facial expression, or rather his pout, already gives it away, you do not even have to ask what is wrong.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy. Are you jealous?"
"You wish."
"So you are", you whisper, more to yourself than to him, and stop in your tracks as he keeps walking.
"Hey, do not walk away like this!", you command and put your hand on his shoulder so that he actually comes to a stop. "You did not really take my words seriously, did you?"
Draco sighs dejectedly and lowers his head, but you are quick to put your hand under his chin and guide it up to make him look at you.
"Come on, Draco. You know I did not mean it. I actually think you are a great prefect and that you will become an even better head boy", you smile at him while you fix his green tie with your other hand, your cheeks a little bit red from being so close to him. "I always stand behind you."
Shyly making eye contact with him again, you notice the small smile on his lips and in the next moment you suddenly feel his tender lips pressed against your. He puts so much emotion into the kiss and your heart is about to jump out of your chest as he abruptly stops.
"I love you", he whispers against your lips after breaking the kiss. "I always did."
"I love you too", you smile blissfully happy, although he himself had known for a long time already. "My perfect prefect."
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xanthippe74 · 4 years ago
Drarry ficlet: Momento mei
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2399 words | general audiences | angst with a happy ending
Thanks to @glittering-git for the beta!
Read below or on AO3 here.
Memento mei
It seemed like a blessing at first.
In the months after the war ended, the articles chronicling Harry’s deeds in the Prophet slowly waned from full pages of lavish words and photographs, to barely a mention of his name. Harry felt lighter for it, free. By the time the first term back at Hogwarts was almost over, he could go to Hogsmeade without worrying about flash bulbs startling him every time he stepped out of a shop.
“They finally got tired of you, mate,” Ron said with a laugh as they trudged back to the school after a morning of Christmas shopping. Harry scooped up a handful of snow and rubbed it, none too gently, into Ron’s grinning face.
Harry and Ginny’s break-up didn’t get so much as a mention, even in Rita Skeeter’s gossip column, which had been relegated to an ignominious corner ten pages back from the front page. When he came out as bisexual and briefly dated Terry Boot that spring, he braced himself for a fresh round of publicity. It never materialised.
Harry looked in the mirror of the eighth-year boys’ bathroom and found he was truly comfortable in his own skin for the first time. His life wasn’t going to be scrutinised and dissected for public consumption anymore. The people around him didn’t think he was a freak or a waste of space.
One year after the war, with a handful of NEWTs to his name, Harry was at a loss for what to do next. There was no particular career he felt inclined to pursue, so he put his energy into renovating Grimmauld Place and spending time with his godson. He wondered at times why no one had offered him a job—Ron and Hermione had been deluged with letters—but he never mentioned it to anyone. It would have sounded awfully big-headed to expect anything to be handed to him like that, much less complain about it. While his friends began training programmes and apprenticeships, Harry Vanished broken furniture and stripped mildewy wallpaper off the walls. On the weekends, he met the usual Hogwarts gang for pub night or a party in someone’s cramped flat.
Harry looked in the mirror on his way out to meet his friends, giving his hair one last check. Maybe he’d meet someone new tonight. He winked at his reflection before leaving his newly-renovated bedroom.
Two years after the war, Harry didn’t think twice about walking through Diagon Alley on a busy Saturday. There were no stares or requests for autographs, no whispers when he paused to look into a shop window. He met friends for leisurely lunches. He ate ice cream at a table in front of Fortescue’s and watched people strolling by in the summer sunshine. Once, Harry walked the entire length of Diagon without realising that George had flicked a spell at the back of his head as he’d left the joke shop.
Harry looked in the mirror when he got home and was bemused by the things that didn’t warrant a second glance in the magical world, like hair that shifted between purple and orange every five seconds. He went over to Andromeda’s house to show Teddy, who laughed to see his godfather’s hair change colours like his did.
Three years after the war, Harry’s friends started forgetting to invite him to things. At first, they laughed it off as absentmindedness or a simple oversight. “I’m sorry, Harry! It must have slipped my mind,” was an excuse he began to hear more and more often. And then they began to look confused when he confronted them, like it was strange for Harry to expect to be included at all. As the months went by, the hosts of the get-togethers weren’t the only offenders—not a single person seemed to notice when Harry didn’t show up for something. When he mentioned it later, they would only lament all the fun he’d missed out on. His frustration curdled into self-pity.
Harry looked in the mirror the day he found out he’d missed Lavender’s engagement party, studying his unremarkable features and the unremarkable haircut he’d had since he was eighteen. Was he really so boring and unimportant that nobody thought about him much anymore? He didn’t mind in the least that the wizarding world wasn’t fawning over him, but it cut deeply that the people dearest to him no longer seemed to want or need his company.
It was only when his closest friends stopped recognising him that Harry began to suspect that something was terribly wrong. The first one was Luna, but she was often so lost in her own thoughts that it didn’t strike him as odd that she’d drifted past him in Diagon without saying hello. Then Molly looked at him blankly one day when he arrived at the Burrow for Sunday roast, as if Harry were a stranger who’d wandered in by accident. Thankfully, Ron was passing through the kitchen and greeted him as he usually did. Molly gave herself a little shake and ushered them both into the lounge.
Four years after the war ended, Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt didn’t mention Harry’s name in his speech commemorating the Battle of Hogwarts.
Hagrid didn’t invite Harry to tea for his birthday, as he did every year.
And when Harry popped into Neville’s flower shop to wish him happy birthday, Neville responded to his greeting with a baffled look. Harry watched in horror as he turned to Hannah and mouthed the words, “Who’s that?”
Harry spun on his heel and went right back out the door.
Either he was going mad or everyone else was. He walked around London for half the night, unable to think straight. The city was a vast ocean, and Harry felt like a small boat that had been set adrift, tossed around by waves of panic. When he was calmer, he decided to turn to the two people he knew he could always count on for help.
On his twenty-second birthday, Harry woke up on his sofa and rushed to the Floo to call Hermione before she left for work. He was flooded with relief when he heard footsteps approaching the fireplace. Ron’s face appeared in the flames—and immediately twisted into anger when he saw Harry.
“How did you get this address? Who let you into our wards? Get out!”
Harry sat on the floor for a long time after Ron had slammed the Floo connection closed.
Alone. Alone. Alone.
Oh, god—Teddy. Harry scrambled to his feet. Would Teddy shy away from Harry as he would from a stranger, the next time they saw each other? He stumbled up the stairs and dry heaved over the toilet.
Harry looked in the mirror and prodded his chalky face with his forefinger. Did he look unrecognisable to everyone but himself now? Did they see a different face, a different person when they looked at him? Or were they all under some kind of spell that erased their memories?
How had he been forgotten by everyone who loved him?
You will be forgotten.
The phrase echoed in Harry’s head, causing him to sink down onto the bathroom floor. Over four years ago he’d heard those very words, snarled by a Death Eater as she’d been dragged out of the Great Hall by Aurors after the final battle. Harry had been so exhausted that the dank weight of her magic settling upon him had immediately vanished from his mind.
“The Dark Lord will always be remembered! But you will not, Harry Potter. You are nothing compared to him—utterly insignificant! You will be forgotten!”
Harry went to St Mungo’s to see the Healers, who shook their heads at the young man who insisted he was supposed to be famous. When they couldn’t fix him, they called in an Unspeakable who specialised in breaking obscure curses. After an hour of waiting, a man in hooded grey robes swept into the examining room. He didn’t show the slightest sign of recognition when he introduced himself to Harry as Unspeakable Malfoy.
Harry looked in the mirror above the sink while Malfoy cast diagnostic spells at him. He tried not to cry.
Malfoy didn’t make any promises when he was done with his spells, the results of which he recorded in a small notebook. He promised to send an owl if he found anything and asked for Harry’s name again so he could write it down.
If Malfoy couldn’t fix this, Harry decided on his walk home, he’d have to leave England. If he went someplace where no one had heard of him, they couldn’t forget him, right? The tears he’d held back at St Mungo’s slid down his cheeks as he thought about how much he’d gained, and now lost, since his eleventh birthday. Maybe he didn’t have the most exciting life or a career to boast about, but there were people who loved him. There were happy times and an old house that he’d turned into a home with his own hands.
Harry went back to Grimmauld Place and waited for word from Malfoy. He paced through the high-ceilinged rooms and climbed the long flights of stairs until his legs ached. He caught himself holding his breath, listening for a knock on the door or the roar of the Floo. When they never came, he went out to the back garden instead and lay on its small rectangle of grass. He considered where he might go—California or New Zealand. Or maybe some South Pacific island where it never got cold.
At last, Malfoy’s owl arrived four days after he had examined Harry. He’d identified the curse and, more importantly, found the countercurse.
Back at St Mungo’s, Malfoy greeted Harry coolly and ordered him into a chair. The countercurse was a droning chant in a language that Harry didn’t recognise, accompanied by complex wand motions that made him dizzy to watch. He closed his eyes until it was over, hardly able to breathe.
When the casting was finished and the room silent again, Harry opened his eyes and found Malfoy gaping at him.
“Potter? What the hell?” Malfoy looked over at his notes on the table, then back at Harry, his eyes widening even further. Then he said, faintly, “Well, Scarhead, that was quite the predicament you got yourself—”
He didn’t get the chance to finish. Harry launched himself out of the chair and crushed Malfoy in a hug, laughing tearfully into the shoulder of his Unspeakable robes.
“Gracious, Potter, a simple thank-you would suffice.” Malfoy wriggled out of Harry’s arms and stepped back to cast a diagnostic spell at him. “Do you feel any different?”
Harry thought about it for a moment. “Not really. Lighter, maybe?”
“You’re probably just relieved to be famous again,” Malfoy said, rolling his eyes. “It must have been terrible not to see your own picture in the newspaper every day.”
“No, that part was actually nice. It was having my friends not even recognise me anymore…”
The rest of the words got caught in Harry’s throat. Malfoy’s expression turned sympathetic, and when he spoke again, it was with surprising gentleness.
“Well, then. I suppose you’d better go see them now, hmm?”
He accompanied Harry to the Floo in the reception area. Harry tried to glance at him as they walked, but he’d pulled up his hood to hide his face from the other people in the corridor. No wonder Harry hadn’t heard anything about Malfoy in the past few years—he’d buried himself in the depths of the Ministry, learning to undo Dark curses.
And letting the wizarding world forget him, Harry thought with a pang.
Harry shook Malfoy’s hand and thanked him. Whatever happened next, he knew he wouldn’t stop thinking about Malfoy, with his sharp gaze and clever mind, anytime soon. Malfoy, too, seemed to consider Harry for a few long moments before he stepped into the Floo.
This time, the only reason why Hermione and Ron were surprised to see Harry was because they weren’t expecting him on a Thursday evening as they were squabbling over what to make for dinner. He almost started crying again when Ron cuffed him on the shoulder and asked him if he wanted a beer.
Hermione noticed that he was upset first, of course. When Harry explained the curse, she blamed herself for not catching that something was wrong. Ron looked towards the pictures on the mantelpiece and swore under his breath. There weren’t any pictures of Harry there.
The good parts of Harry’s life returned to normal after that, and he was almost bursting with renewed gratitude for the people around him. Diagon was off limits again, since the vultures at the Prophet remembered to hound him, but that was a small price to pay. Harry threw himself a belated birthday party in Grimmauld Place, and the rooms were filled with music and laughter and shouted toasts in his honour. He never wanted the night to end.
Harry looked in the mirror before going to bed in the wee small hours, and he smiled with contentment at his bleary eyes and the glitter caught in his hair.
He’d invited Malfoy to the party on a whim, but received a polite note declining. Harry tried again and again—a Seekers game? Lunch in Muggle London? Tea at Grimmauld Place?—until Malfoy finally gave in. He showed up on Harry’s doorstep in jeans and a soft, well-fitted jumper. Harry found himself staring.
“Did you forget that you asked me to dinner, Potter?” Malfoy smirked.
“Oh, no,” Harry breathed. “How could I forget you?”
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
Five years after the war ended, Harry spends his Saturdays teaching Teddy how to fly on his first broom and Sundays being climbed on by two or three small Weasleys who know he keeps sweets in pockets. He orders Christmas gifts by owl post to avoid star-struck witches in the Diagon shops. He slips into the Leaky Cauldron under his invisibility cloak to meet his friends for drinks.
And when Draco reads out the ridiculous articles about him from the Daily Prophet, Harry chucks the crusts of his toast across the breakfast table at his boyfriend and says he almost forgot how much of a prat he could be.
“You didn’t forget anything,” Draco says pointedly.
And Harry has to agree. He didn’t.
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