#but if oboro comes back just know I will be pretending it never happened
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teatitty · 1 year ago
It took like 400 days for Bakugou to come back to the manga and it's been 24 chapters since Aizawa, Mic and Kurogiri disappeared so I do think it'd be really funny if Horikoshi does just forget about them and we never see them again. They're just gone until he finally gives us an epilogue chapter to finish this trainwreck of an arc. If he kills them off screen like he did with Nemuri and only gives a passing mention to it I want you all to know that I'll be wheez laughing myself into an early grave
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confused-stars · 4 years ago
concept: Kurogiri and the "I know you're in there somewhere!" fight... except TOMURA is the one starting the fight, on the newest addition to UA's 2A- Shirakumo Oboro, who doesn't have any memories between the day before internships and waking up to see Eri and Adult versions of his best friends
okay, yes, absolutely i got you
There’s not even the slightest flicker of recognition. Nothing in those eyes - blue, they’re blue and alive and worried, but not scared - that would show any hint that Kurogiri knows he’s looking at his family. 
Kurogiri who is Shirakumo Oboro, who is seventeen years old again and a hero student. On their side.
“Boss, we need to go,” Dabi urges behind him, and it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking with his usual raspy voice. But his grip is more gentle than usual. The fact that he even reached out to touch says a lot about the state of distress Tomura is in.
“I don’t care if you’ve made your peace with parental abandonment. I’m not that far gone yet,” Tomura spits. The hand around his elbow heats up and then lets go.
“We’re not going anywhere,” Tomura grits out, still not taking his eyes off the boy who is crouched a few feet away, ready to launch himself into an attack or a run, depending on what they do next. He looks so much like a hero and nothing like Kurogiri, but Tomura can’t accept that. He won’t. Heroes have already taken so much from him, they’re not going to take Kurogiri, too.
So what if Sensei hurt him to make him into Tomura’s caretaker? That doesn’t give them the right to turn him into something else again, and just pretend the last fifteen years never happened! They’re hypocrites, just as bad as the villains they claim to be above.
“Tomura,” Dabi says, his name unfamiliar in that voice. It’s always ‘Boss’ or ‘Creep’ or ‘Crusty’ or ‘Shigs’ or ‘Shigaraki’ when things are really serious. If he’s abandoning all of that, then Tomura must be a real mess.
“Low blow, Shigaraki,” Dabi says quietly, “... do what you want. They’re coming, and I’m not gonna risk my skin so you can have a one-sided touching reunion.”
Right, because Dabi only risks his skin for himself. How could Tomura forget? It’s not like Kurogiri took care of him, too, when he was homeless and starving. It’s not like they all owe Kurogiri.
Steps move away over the gravel, and Tomura doesn’t turn his head. “Just try to think,” he pleads, again.
Shirakumo has dropped his defensive stance, but still seems cautious. He shakes his head. “I can’t. I’ve tried. And I’m sorry you lost your... that you lost Kurogiri, but he’s not here anymore. He’s not me.”
But he’s a hero, Tomura thinks. And heroes lie.
A yell reaches their ears, too far away to hurt, but Tomura knows that it’ll get closer quickly. Present Mic is an enemy they’re not equipped to deal with. Not when he’s unhinged and angry, and Eraserhead is probably around somewhere nearby. Not to mention that class of brats. Not to mention Deku.
“I don’t need your apologies.” He’s already broken the skin on his neck, and he keeps scratching through the pain. This will be another scar. “I don’t need your pity. Stop looking at me like that.”
Shirakumo has that hero look. That warmth and compassion that are always so fake. Tomura feels a little sick seeing it. It’s not the way Kurogiri looked at him at all. He can’t... no, Kurogiri has to still be in there. Has to. They probably don’t want him to remember because Kurogiri was a danger to them. Because they have their precious young hero back and why would they care if he used to be a different person?
Tomura imagines it much like if they turned Dabi into a child and took his memories, and then they would end up fighting Todoroki Touya one day because the kid doesn’t know any better. It’s wrong. It’s... taking away someone’s agency, and Tomura has had some recent, very unpleasant experiences with that. If they wanted to help Kurogiri think freely and remember who he used to be, fine. He could have made the decision not to come back to Tomura, then. But that decision was taken from him.
“Tomura,” Shirakumo tries, and Tomura recoils. It’s the same, except his voice is much higher and more emotional. But it is the same.
“They hurt you,” he says, “They took you and they hurt you and you can’t even make an informed choice about how you want to react because you don’t remember. I bet they told you how we’re all monsters. That you were forced to take care of me.” And wasn’t that a hard pill to swallow when he first learned about it? But he knows now, is completely sure, that Kurogiri loved him anyway. Loves him. Kurogiri is not dead.
“We were your family,” Tomura continues, and his voice cracks, “You lived an entire life. And they took that from you and you’re just going along with it?”
“No!” Shirakumo shakes his head and takes a careful step closer. “I want to know. I do! But I can’t promise you I’ll remember anything. And if I can’t give you what you want, what are you gonna do to me?”
Tomura doesn’t know the answer to that. He wouldn’t hurt Kurogiri. He doesn’t even particularly want to hurt any kids anymore. But he also doesn’t know what to do if he can’t get him back. Tomura has already felt close to breaking so often in recent months, and he’s not sure how long he’ll be able to last. Especially if he gives up on Kurogiri.
“Please stop doing that,” Shirakumo says, and now he’s right in front of him, and Tomura blinks as the kid reaches up to grab his wrist and pull his bloodied hand away from his neck.
Tomura stares at him. “... do you have a death wish?” People don’t just touch him. Heroes certainly don’t. They tend to run in the opposite direction. Unless they’re called Midoriya.
“I don’t want you to hurt yourself. That looks really painful,” Shirakumo explains, reaching into his belt for what looks like one of those compressed hero first-aid kits.
“I don’t feel it,” Tomura tells him, even as the kid is distracted fumbling with his gear. He takes the opportunity to take a step back. “Your friends will be here any minute.” Shirakumo’s eyes snap up to look at him. There’s relief in them, and Tomura feels a different emotion settle heavy in his own stomach. He forces himself to take another step back. The telltale sound of a storm of flames is calling to him. It’s good to know the others apparently didn’t allow Dabi to just walk away. They’re buying time for him. Tomura shouldn’t risk their lives and their freedom like this.
“I’m sorry,” Shirakumo says again, “Really. He... he meant a lot to you, didn’t he?”
Tomura shakes his head. “He does,” he corrects, “He’s not gone. I’ll find you again, and then we’ll have longer to talk.”
He starts to turn just as the ground shakes with the impact of pure power, and the crackle of lightning lights up their surroundings.
Tomura gives Deku a glance, nothing more, and starts to walk away.
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smokedstorybara · 4 years ago
I have so many bnha fanfic ideas, they’ve just been popping into my head every few days for weeks now
So I’m just gonna share them all on this one post instead of making a million new fandom posts out of nowhere (ok, it’s closer to, like, ten - but still!)
If any of y’all want me to actually write any of them, don’t hesitate to say so - or if you just want to ask questions and talk about the ideas I’d be totally down for that too
Also, if any of them inspire you to write or draw something, please send me a link when you’re done!
(under a readmore cause it’s long and also there’s spoilers)
Fae courts AU
Nedzu - Spring King
U.A. / The Spring Court - also known as the Court of Lost Children, all members of the Court were once human children or children of one of the other Courts and they view it as their duty to care for the lost, neglected, and abused children of the world (one of two child stealing Courts)
All Might - Summer King
All For One - Winter King
Objectively, the Summer and Winter Courts are not as different as they like to believe - a Summer fae is just as likely to trick or turn on you as a Winter fae, they just prefer to play at benevolence while Winter fae make no secret of their nature
Shie Hassaikai / The Autumn Court - used to be more like a lesser version of the Summer and Winter Courts, until Overhaul put the King to sleep and made his research into humanity the Court’s focus - they’re now the second child stealing Court
Eraserhead was once human but has made enough deals over the years - most notably with Nezu himself - that he’s practically fae now
Deku and Kachan are human children who were taken in by the Spring Court, though Deku only after catching the attention of All Might
Endeavor - High Fae in the Summer Court - wants to become Summer King but knows he’s not powerful enough to overthrow All Might, married a High Winter Fae in hopes that combining their powers would make one of their kids powerful enough
Dabi fakes his death and eventually becomes a High Fae in the Winter Court
Shouto seeks sanctuary in the Spring Court’s halls
(I don’t actually have a plot for it, but I’m enjoying figuring out the world and stuff)
Evil All Might AU
The underworld knows that young Yagi Toshinori is a con-artist, and a very good one
The kid’s quirkless, and from a bad neighborhood, so of course he gets involved in shady dealings to get by
But he never ever gets caught
See, he’s mastered the eager, innocent, “I know I’m quirkless, but it’s my dream to be a hero! To fight crime! To be someone people can look up to, put their faith in! To be a… a symbol!” act, he’s been running that con any time he’s found in the wrong place at the wrong time since he first started walking - no one with even a single good bone in their body ever questions it
He gets involved with AFO, who’s like “I could give you one of my lesser quirks in exchange for your loyalty, or you could do a long undercover mission for me and get one of the most powerful quirks in existence out of it”
His mission: pulling his signature con on Shimura Nana, being given One for All, becoming a hero, becoming the Number One Hero and Symbol of Peace and the singular pillar holding up hero society, maintaining that status for long enough that everyone grows a little complacent, finding a weak and manipulable child to pass One for All on to, setting them up to fail, and then retiring
(I’d either have this one be All Might-focused and end with the reveal, or have it be Izuku-focused and give it a happy ending where All Might totally chose the wrong kid, cause nothing about Izuku is weak)
Commission analyst Izuku au
Member of the commission overhears him muttering/catches a glance at his notebook while watching a hero fight, strikes up a conversation
The commission tracks him down, shows up at his home with a similar offer to the one they gave Hawks - but instead of a hero they want him to be an analyst for them
Like Hawks, they take away his name, only calling him something like Eagle Eye or something (I’d go with Hawkeye but Hawks already exists so it might be weird?)
(Basically this fic idea is just an excuse to have Izuku and Hawks as the ultimate team, and helping each other get out from under the commission’s thumb - maybe revolutionizing hero society along the way)
Canon rewrite w/ Monoma as main character, somehow
All I have for this one so far is just:
Monoma copies afo, uses copied afo to steal afo, AFO is now defeated
After getting better at controlling her quirk, Eri rewinds Kurogiri back into Shirakumo Oboro
But he’s the age he was when he died
So he joins the current class 2-A
As in Izuku’s class
Basically it’s just his old best friends having to teach him and him making friends with all Aizawa’s problem children
Time travel
(I have multiple cause I really like time travel)
Aizawa-centric time loop fic
Loop stretching from day before Oboro’s death to towards the end of the liberation war (diverging from canon in at least the first loop cause he fucking dies during the fight)
At first he thinks maybe he just, like, dreamt up those 14(?) years
But then things are happening the same way and so he starts changing things and he dies and wakes up the day before Oboro’s death again
He experiments a lot with the loops, figuring out that they’re definitely not time based - unless it’d loop back at the end of the liberation war even if he survives? Requires further testing
Details he changes throughout the loops (culminating in a loop in which he successfully changes all of them):
Oboro’s death
Shimura Tenko being taken in by All for One, All Might’s injury(?), Izuku accepting One for All, and more I haven’t fully decided on
Time travel fic where Pro Hero Deku accidentally time travels back to just before Aizawa’s first year as a student at ua and somehow gets hired as a teacher
Gonna be a two-parter
Part one: Izuku has to teach teen versions of his old high school teachers, channels their future selves a little
Part two: Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama have to teach the teen version of their old favorite high school teacher, and end up channeling his future self - in different ways
(I’ve come across a couple different “Izuku gets accidentally sent back in time to when his teachers were students” fanfics and they keep making me think about how Aizawa & co would react to meeting him in canon timeline after meeting him in high school and then I took the natural step forward from there to “let’s parallel their nostalgia, make him their high school teacher so it can really hit hard”)
Izuku is related to rooftop trio aus
(I’ve come across a bunch of “Izuku is the biological son of at least one member of the rooftop trio” aus but only one acknowledges that in canon he’s only 15 years younger than them and that one has a very angsty explanation, so I wanted some that fit with canon and also aren’t too heavy - cause like, sure you could go with the complex extremely angsty trauma reason or you could go with the “these 13-16-year-olds(idk Inko’s canon age and as long as I never look it up I can pretend I’m not going against canon by making her only 2-ish years older than them) did what teenagers do and went to a party and made some relatively innocent mistakes and ended up with a pregnancy”)
Oboro and Inko have been neighbors and best friends their whole childhood, despite being a couple years separated in age
The fall before Oboro starts high school, Inko takes him along to a party with her high school friends
They get drunk and sleep together
Inko gets pregnant
They talk it through with each other and their families and agree to keep the baby (they’re both actually pretty excited to be parents) and raise it together platonically
Some months into first year (maybe second), Oboro tells his friends about his kid
Spends the rest of his life gushing about Izuku to all his friends (sorry for the word choice fjdhshshx)
Oboro dies and his friends make pact to help Inko take care of Izuku once they have steady income and stuff
But Inko’s family has moved and she’s married and they can’t find her
They keep searching, for roughly 14 years
And then Midoriya Izuku enrolls in UA’s hero course and his big green eyes and curly green hair match the pictures Oboro used to show them and his smile is identical to their old friend’s
And his mom’s name is Inko
But they’re not sure (His quirk doesn’t match Oboro’s nor his Inko’s after all)
Not until after the first term and the summer training disaster camp and Kamino, when All Might and Aizawa go house to house talking to parents about the dorms and All Might tries to insist on visiting the Midoriyas alone but Aizawa insists right back cause this is the closest he’s come to confirmation
and then he’s face to face with a woman he’s only ever seen in photographs
And then they talk about everything or something idk I haven’t got that far
Dadzawa and Dadmic (trans!aizawa)
A year and a half before he starts high school(I know I changed the timeline a whole year here but shush, how’s he supposed to get into U.A.’s hero course while pregnant?), Aizawa’s middle school and one or two others have a Joint Event, at which he meets a loud but cute blonde who keeps flirting with him
They hook up
He gets pregnant
His dad insists he get an abortion but he doesn’t want to and his mom supports his decision, they convince his dad to let him go through with the pregnancy on the condition that he gives the baby up for adoption immediately
He has twins, both boys (one with green eyes like the blonde’s(but darker) and the other with purple like Shouta’s mother’s)(that’s right, Shinsou is also their son in this, you’re welcome), and he gives them up for adoption to separate families
But with conditions
No one from his blood family is allowed to initiate contact with either boy without the kid’s knowing consent (he’s terrified of his father changing his mind, tracking them down, and hurting them)
With the one exception being that he’s allowed to send each one a birthday present and card every year
Which he does
Then he starts at UA and then gets into the hero course and there he is… the blonde… the father of Shouta’s children… who does not recognize him now that he’s started transitioning
This time Shouta’s the one who flirts - or tries to, the kid’s a little too oblivious
Of course they do eventually get together, and even end up married! (Haven’t decided if they get together during high school or after they start teaching there or what(probably the latter, for plot reasons))
The first time Midoriya Inko contacts Shouta is after Izuku is diagnosed quirkless - she knows the young man loves her son as much as she does and might be able to reassure him where she already failed
His next birthday, Izuku’s mystery card says he can be a hero even without a quirk; it makes Izuku’s year
Hitoshi’s parents also contact Shouta that year, the boy struggling to make and keep friends ever since his quirk came in; Shouta’s birthday card to him isn’t much different from Izuku’s, really
The Shinsous get in an accident and Hitoshi is placed in foster care and suddenly Shouta can’t send him his yearly gift and card anymore cause nobody will tell him where the boy is now because of the contact portion of the adoption contract
They also won’t tell Hitoshi that he was adopted and his birth father is out there looking for him, so Shouta’s pretty sure they’re trying to hide that he’s being mistreated wherever he is
Inko continues to contact Shouta now and then whenever she thinks Izuku will need extra encouragement come his birthday (she never tells Izuku about being adopted - even after he enters his teen years - cause after his diagnosis, everyone but her left him and she doesn’t want him to internalize the idea that his birth parents didn’t want him - Shouta’s not happy with the decision, but he understands)
Then one year he sends Izuku a Present Mic figurine and she writes him to share how excited the boy was and how Present Mic is one of his favorite heroes and he listens to his radio show all the time and Shouta simultaneously melts and has a minor breakdown at the realization that he hasn’t told his husband that they have sons, he can’t tell Hizashi that their son listens to his radio show regularly when Hizashi doesn’t know Izuku even exists
So of course, being the rational man he is, he finally tells Hizashi about Izuku and Hitoshi
Hizashi freaks, of course (in a good way(mostly))
And then, one of the worst days of Shouta’s life
He’s on patrol and sees a figure on a rooftop and rushes to get there - just in case it’s a jumper - and it’s his son, his Izuku
They talk(it doesn’t breach the adoption contract, he didn’t know it was Izuku when he approached and the kid spoke first) and Izuku tells him “everything” about his encounter with All Might, Shouta tells him to tell his parents - they’re there to support him - and also that All Might’s full of shit and a quirkless hero is totally possible with the right training and enough willpower
Then after they leave the rooftop his kid gets in trouble again, rushing in to save a classmate from the same sludge villain that attacked him earlier that day
Of course Shouta swoops in and pulls the kids out of danger before All Might arrives to “save the day”
This time Shouta insists on walking Izuku home to make sure he actually gets there safely
But then All Might shows up again wanting to talk to his kid privately and he wants to tell the man to fuck off but he’s not legally allowed, really, so when Izuku says it’s fine he reluctantly leaves
Inko asks to meet him just days later
She tells him that Izuku told her everything about what happened that day - including what Shouta told him - and she tells him that she’s realized she needs to properly support her son in pursuing his dream
She understands that Shouta wouldn’t feel comfortable training him one-on-one with the kid not knowing who they are to each other, and she’s still not ready to tell him yet, so she asks for a list, for him to help her get in touch with people who can train Izuku or ways for Izuku to train on his own, ways for her to help
He puts her in contact with seven pro heroes (Midnight, Gunhead, the Wild Wild Pussycats, and - somehow - Sir Nighteye) and a vigilante team (the Naruhata Crawler and his team), all of whom he talks into helping - and has to tell about his connection to this boy they’ll be teaching
(Each have something important to teach him: Midnight - using words and body language to throw off opponents, Gunhead - martial arts, Wild Wild Pussycats - stamina, teamwork and use of your environment when out in nature, Sir Nighteye - analysis and planning, the Naruhata Vigilantes - use of gadgets and weapons, use of your environment when in the city, having the heart of a hero, and - most importantly - that quirkless people can be fucking strong and skilled and terrifying and certainly aren’t weak or useless (they were trained by a quirkless vigilante after all, they’re bound to have a different perspective on the idea of a quirkless hero than anyone else, a perspective Izuku could really benefit from))
Ten months later, Izuku passes UA’s entrance exam and is placed in Shouta’s class (he’s pretty sure Nezu did that on purpose)
When the school year starts, he and Hizashi discover that Izuku isn’t the only one in one of their classes - Hitoshi is in Hizashi’s homeroom
They are, of course, fucking extatic
They just need to, y’know, figure out how to tell him that they’re his parents and maybe possibly would love custody of him if he wants
(Again I haven’t gotten any further than that yet)
(Also, if you can’t tell, in this au Izuku turns down All Might’s offer of One for All, cause Eraserhead said he could be a hero without a quirk and was honestly a lot kinder and more responsible (like, making sure the kid got home safely instead of leaving him on a roof) and stuff than All Might and honestly might be his new favorite hero)
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fairymadnessyeah · 4 years ago
Piss Off your Parents
Shigadabi week day 5
AO3 Link
Summary: Tenko is tired of being treated like a kid. He knows that his dad is worried, but he is an adult and it's time his old man understands that. Luckily, he has a hot new boyfriend who is more than willing to help him.
Civilian / Steampunk / Teamwork
"YOU GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Tenko cried as a moving company placed his furniture on the UA teacher's dormitory.
Tenko had always been an unlucky bastard. He was born with a destructive quirk that made him dangerous to others and valuable to villains. Or, more specifically, one villain. All for One. The man wanted to grab hold of him since he was a child and had his first accident with his quirk. He had luckily been found by a hero instead of the super-villain though. Loud Cloud, or Shirakumo Oboro had come across the scared, skinny, bloodied child and helped him out. The two, along with his friends Aizawa Shota and Yamada Hizashi, had learned that he was the grandson of Nana Shimura, the mentor of All Might.
Suddenly, he had gone from murdering his family to being adopted by the cloud hero and gaining three hero uncles and one hero aunt. His life had gone from nightmare to dream-come-true in a matter of seconds. And after years of taking care of him and being the best possible dad he could have asked for, the man who saved him was stabbing him in the back.
"Tenko, this is only temporary," the cloud haired man says trying to calm him down. "You only have to stay here for a few months, until it's safe for you to live alone again," the hero teacher explains.
"I have my own life now, dad. I have art classes and friends and a life outside of UA, unlike you," Tenko hadn't followed on his new family's career. He didn't want to be a hero. After everything he had gone through, he just wanted a simple life. And he almost suceeded.
He might have gone to UA, but only because his father and uncles worked there and he went to General Studies. Once he graduated, he got a scholarship for an Art course of studies in a good university, he sold commission pieces of his drawings on patron and got his own apartment. It was not the luxury and excitement of a pro-hero, but he was happy. He had a great neighbour, Twice, who introduced him to his gang of misfits and outcast where he fitted perfectly.
There was Giran, Twice's boyfriend, who ran a Personal Manager office. Magne, one of the girls who worked there. Toga, an upcoming idol who the office represented. Spinner, a friend of Toga's. Mustard, Giran's intern. And Dabi, another one of the represented clients of their office and his boyfriend.
How had he gotten that? Don't ask him. One day, Jin was introducing the two to each other, and the next Dabi was taking him out on dates. Tenko had never had a boyfriend before, and his relationship with Dabi was rather new, so he hadn't told his dad yet. For the most part, he didn't want to freak him out. Oboro had grown very protective of him with having a crazy super-powerful villain going after him. But with how things were going, he was starting to not care that much about it.
"It's already been decided, Tenko," Oboro sighs. "You have to stay here..." Oboro tried to place a hand on his hair, but he quickly moved away and stomped inside.
"Fuck you!" he cried at his dad first. "And fuck all of you too!" and he continued with the rest of the faculty members hanging around in the Common room before heading upstairs to what will be his new place.
If he was honest, he didn't care much about living for a few months in UA. He loved his dad and his uncles and didn't really mind spending more time with them. But they couldn't keep treating him like a child. They couldn't take such a big decision for him believing that they knew better. He was an adult now. They had to talk things over with him and understand that he could make his own responsible choices. Usually Shouta, Hizashi and Yagi would have his back, but with their paternal instincts turned on again with the arrival of Midoriya and Eri, there was no such luck.
He stomped all the way to his room and once inside, flopped face down on his couch. Unlike the students dormitories, UA faculty members had bigger quarters. Instead of a one-bedroom, they had a private bathroom, a separate bedroom and a main lounge area. It was better than his apartment, but the fact that it had been his and this wasn't, made the entire thing pale in comparison to his eyes. But maybe it was just his anger. He was still pissed at his father, and it frustrated him that screaming at him wouldn't help the situation. He wanted to get back at him somehow, teach him a lesson. But how?
His answer came in the form of text message. His phone pinged in his pocket, and when he checked who it was, he couldn't help but smile.
Dumbass <3
Why are ppl taking stuff out of your home?
Are you moving out?
Dad is worried and made me move with him
Well, Fuck
And I had a plan to surprise you with cooking and a nerdy movie...
Guess we'll have to wait
Don't cry, babe
We can sneak you out.
I am an expert, after all
An expert?
What? Did you sneak out of your house late at night to go to some concert or some shit?
Like the rebel that you are?
Hell yeah,
I'm the disappointment your parents don't want you near
That's right...
You are a disappointment
Okay... Rude
Do you still want to help me with my body-art project?
Are you free tomorrow? It might take a while
I thought you were going to paint over me and take some pictures.
How long can that take?
A lot
We might get distracted~
And I want to reward you after such a long day of work~
I have a clear schedule on Friday.
It's a date!
"What the..."
School had just finished, and the teachers were just returning to their dormitory. Thought the sight that welcomed them wasn't one they were expecting.
It had been a couple of days since Tenko had moved in with them. The rest of the staff didn't see a problem with it. They knew the kid, and he was a polite and responsible young man. That morning, for example, he had asked all of them if he could use the Common room of the dorm for one of his art projects and if they were alright with somebody else coming too (Apparently he needed help with the project). It was a good change, though. Lately, the art student had been in a foul mood, ever since he moved. But that morning, it had been as if he was a whole other person. Oboro had been glad his son's mood had improved. He thought once he could focus on his art, it would happen. Boy, was he wrong...
When the teachers entered their new shared home, Tenko was there with a plastic rug covering the floor, some paintbrushes scattered around and kneeling in front of a half-naked person. It was definitely not what they expected.
"Oh, hey," the nudist greets them with a nod.
The sound makes the man kneeling turn around, revealing the other was not fully naked, but wearing underwear thank god and Tenko was painting near his crotch area. Aizawa, who was holding Eri and covering her eyes, and the rest of the teachers, let out a relieved sigh, except Oboro. He is still staring in disbelief and surprise, not understanding what is going on. Why is his son with this stripper stranger? Why was he so close to him?
"Sorry about the mess, I didn't know this would take so long," Tenko apologises as he goes back to painting on his live canvas.
Said canvas was a tall red-haired man with blue eyes who couldn't have been a few years older than Tenko. The guy had painted on patches of black ashy paint on half of his face, his neck, arms and shoulders. He probably had more on his back and legs, but the teachers couldn't see that. His front was left bare, but Tenko was making a weird patterns that were rising through his abdomen and chest, leading to a giant rainbow heart in his left pectoral.
"What type of classes are you taking?" Yamada asks.
"This is for my Alternative Art and Style class," Tenko explains. "Now, could you not bother me? It's a delicate process, and I don't want to start over again. Pretend we are not here," he calls them off.
The teachers do, and so he continues. Once he finishes with the chest, he takes a weird tool with a round end and dips it in water. He gently starts to trace patterns on one of the black patches, revealing a multitude of colours behind it. It's rather magical, seeing the colour come to life on the other's skin. Eri, who had become too curious and escaped Aizawa's censoring, even asks if she could try. Tenko lets her, and she does a small heart in the behind the redhead's ear.
An hour later, Tenko is done, and he and the live canvas start to take pictures of his work. The teachers are not paying it too much attention now, letting the student finish in peace as they grade papers, sometimes glancing back at them from the corner of their eye. All of them but one, who was too busy glaring daggers at the canvas. Oboro can't help but notice the weird tension between his son and the naked man. There's something in the way their gazes cross, and their touches linger that is making him mad. He used to be able to read his son like an open book. There weren't any secrets between them. But now, he is not so sure.
After a few shots with the guy spread-eagle against one of the white walls, the two left towards another room to take more pictures. Oboro fought against all his instincts telling him to stop them, to go with them, to not leave them alone for a second, and stayed with the rest of his co-workers and friends. He didn't know why, but he felt as if he had let his son walk straight to hell.
"Finally," Snipe sighs relieved once the two younger adults leave.
"Yeah, Shirakumo-san, you didn't tell us your son had a boyfriend-," Thirteen comments.
"He doesn't!" the delusional man interrupts. "That guy is not- he isn't- Tenko would tell me if he had a boyfriend, alright!?" he tries to convince them or himself, he isn't sure at this point. Shota hums by his side, in that ' I agree, but we both know you are wrong'  tone.
"Honey, the only reason why they didn't jump each other is because we were there," Nemuri goes straight for the punch, covering Eri's ears and giving him a little wink.
"No! No, no. NO." he splutters before going back to paperwork. Shota hums again.
They don't see Tenko again until after dinner. They were cleaning the table when the young man came down wearing a new set of clothes. Instead of the dirty sweatpants and tank top he used for painting, he had a black pair of pants and a black hoodie that was too big for him. The neckline didn't cover one of his shoulders and the sleeves pooled in his wrists. The hoodie also had a fire design on the back with blue flames.
"Hey, you missed dinner," Oboro tells him as he dries while Yagi cleans. "There's some leftover the fridge, if you want them," he tells him.
"No need, there's still some pizza left from my lunch with Dabi," he says and starts taking out what he needs.
"Dabi?" Yagi asks. "That's the name of the model who wore your art today? He seemed familiar,"
"Yeah, he's a professional model, maybe you saw him in a billboard or something," Tenko explains and starts heading out of the kitchen.
"You might wanna take another shower, Ten, you still have paint on your neck," Oboro points out.
"That isn't paint, dad..." Tenko grins as he disappears upstairs.
"Oboro-san! The plates!"
Saturday morning at UA always started slow. The weight of the week was still present, and the usual energy was not there yet. The staff of UA began their day with a quiet morning and a cup of coffee. Not all of the teachers stayed though. Some returned to their homes for the weekend, like Hizashi and Shota with Eri. They would take turns to stay with the students during Saturdays' and Sundays'. This weekend, Oboro, Nemuri, Snipe and All Might stayed.
"Fucking married fools..." Snipe groans as he arrives at the Common room.
"What are you complaining about now?" Nemuri asks, confused as the rest of them also come down.
"Last Night, Yamada and Aizawa," he grunts and spreads on the couch. "I know that they are married and that they love each other, but can't they keep it down?" he moans tired, making everybody confused.
"What do you mean? They left yesterday with Eri, they didn't even spend the night here," Oboro tells the hero, voicing everybody confusion.
"But then who were the ones having sex yesterday in the room on top of mine?" Snipe asks baffled.
"Sorry about that," a low voice comes from the kitchen. The teachers all turn towards it and find the model from yesterday leaning against the kitchen door with two steaming cups of coffee one was Tenko's favourite one, Oboro noticed and no shirt.
"What- Why- What are you still doing here?" Oboro asks, fearing the answer.
"My baby was lonely, and he never says no to Daddy's attention," Dabi grins and walks back upstairs.
"So, how long are you going to torture your dad?" Dabi asks his boyfriend, giving him the steaming cup in his new bed before he lays down next to him.
"For a while," Tenko hums and sips his sugar monstrosity he referred to as 'coffee'. "I'm guessing in a month, he'll finally get tired of it, learn his lesson," Dabi hums as he sips with him. "You don't have to follow along if you don't want to. I know what I'm doing is stupid," he says, lightly scratching his neck.
"Are you kidding me!? I love every second of it," Dabi chuckles. "How about on winter holidays you came to my family's home, and we do the same to my old man?" he suggests, a mischievous grin forming in his face.
"Are these going to be our dates from now on? Pissing off each other's parents?" Tenko rolls his eyes at his boyfriend's daddy issues.
"Hell, yeah. We are a team, aren't we? If you succeed, then so do I," he kisses him in the cheek, making the younger man's cheek turn pink. "Speaking of which, I need to leave more marks on you, babe," The brunette traces a path with his lips to the crook of his neck.
"Dabi..." the artist moans. Suddenly, the body besides him steps away from the bed, taking the heat with him. "No, don't leave..." he pouts and watches as his boyfriend rummages through his overnight bag. A second later, the taller male drops a dozen lipstick tubes on the bed and a box of make-up removing tissues on the bed. He then sits in the mattress again, in front of him, making the new objects bounce. "What are those for?"
"A game I know. Pick one," Tomura looks between the object and his boyfriend, trying to decipher what he was planning on doing. With a shaky gloved finger, he takes the tube nearest to him. Dabi takes it from him and spins it open, displaying a hot pink colour and applies it rapidly on his lips.
He is about to ask him something else, but he is interrupted by a pair of wet lips connecting with his. After his mouth, Dabi kisses his cheek then his jaw, his neck and collar bone before once again returning to his lips. He then separates from him once again and reaches for one the wipes, leaving Tomura panting. "Pick another one," he is instructed as the brunette takes off the pink lipstick. Without taking his eyes off Dabi, grabs another tube and hands it to him. The man on top opens the new one, a deep red, applies it and goes back to Tenko's lips. This time though, instead of continuing on his neck, the other dips down lower and tugs his shirt upwards. He starts to outline a straight line from his hip to his heart before returning to his lips again. "Another one and take that shirt off, I plan on making you a masterpiece," Dabi softly whispers in his ear before wiping off the make-up.
Colour after colour, Dabi stayed true to his word. His collar and neck ended up pink, his chest had three lines of kiss marks in red, purple and blue, his shoulders and wrists got green and yellow on his right and left and his crotch covered in black. He would start and end with his lips, making them swollen and full of colour. Dabi kissed him slowly and sensually everywhere, tearing him apart with every touch of his lips, smearing make-up all over his body. He felt his affection and care, leaving him breathless and dizzy. They didn't do anything overly sexual, his bottom was still sore from yesterday, though Dabi did blow him.
As the two laid next to each other after it, Tenko couldn't believe how happy the other made him. Dabi was his first relationship, and the man had been nothing if not patient with him. He let him set a pace he was comfortable with, teaching him the ropes and calming his anxiety whenever he got nervous. He even went along with his petty scheme. Tenko knew he was falling for the guy and it terrified him and thrilled him at the time. The fact that he could just be next to a person and be happy and content was new. He could stay in this bed forever, staring back into those blue eyes, and be in peace.
Suddenly, a phone rings in the background, interrupting the moment. Dabi huffs annoyed and picks up the phone on the nightstand. "What, Giran!?" he answers the call. "What? No, I'm busy. Can't you postpone it?" he says after a second. "Yeah, yeah, I know, I know. But I'm with Shirakumo right now," he moans and sighs once he gets an answer. "Alright, alright, I'm going. I'll see you there," he hangs up the phone and sighs again.
"You have work?" Tenko asks him.
"Yeah, the photoshoot for that new perfume brand, 'Angel's Tears', got moved to today. They want to release the product earlier, to win against a rival brand," he explains annoyed. "I don't wanna leave..." he moans and hides his face in the crook of his neck.
"You can come back later, I don't want you to miss work," he tells him, stroking the model's naked back. Dabi groans in protest and cuddles closer, hanging on to hin tighter. "Come on, you lazy bum, get up," he tells him and tries to get out of his hold.
It takes him a minute, but he is able to get out of bed and go into the bathroom. When he is in there, he gets to look at the end piece of Dabi's game. His body is a battlefield of lip marks of different colours in a chaotic yet very eye-catching way. He had a lot of issues like a LOT of issues and his dislike for his body was one of them. But looking at himself like this? With the clear evidence that someone loved his frail, pale form, it made his stomach flutter. Taking advantage of his new-found confidence, he goes for his phone and takes a picture in the mirror. As the camera goes off, Dabi appears behind him, placing his arms in his stomach and his chin in his shoulder. He takes another one.
"I told you I would make you a Masterpiece," he whispers in his ear and then kisses it.
The two try to get presentable, or at least Tenko does, covering the lipstick with clothes. The make-up is dry now, so the wipes don't take much of it off. He might need to take a shower once Dabi leaves. Once the two are ready, they go to the gate hand in hand to wait for Giran. The manager is going to drive the model there, since he doesn't have a car.
They depart with a kiss and a promise to call the other once they're free again.
Once he is gone, he makes his way back to the small dormitory-apartment, where he sees his dad sitting in one of the couch with his face in his hands. Yagi by his side, was trying to comfort him. He ignored them, but he can feel their eyes in his back and neck. Especially on the make-up he yet had to remove. He is feeling a little bad for his dad. He knows it's very pitiful what he is doing. But he guessed for now he learned his lesson. He could back down a little and attack once he went back to his habits. He was prepared if that happened. Unlike his dad, whose strategy was unplanned and sprung in the moment, he had a hot-blooded boyfriend he could use as very effective ammo.
He took a shower when he got to his room, which took him while. The lipstick was a pain to scrub off, and it made him question how worth it would be to do it. But then he remembers how good it was to be kissed stupid by his boyfriend and how he would love to do the same to him, and thinks that maybe it's worth the mess. He steps out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist but stops in his tracks.
"Dad!? What are you doing with my phone!?" he yells when he sees his dad there, messing with his phone.
'Quick, Oboro, act stupid!'
"...what's a phone?" the older man utters. 'Not that stupid!'
Tenko feels like he's about to explode with anger. Screw going on the defensive! Screw his dad and his overprotective nurture! Screw being treated like a child or an innocent teenager! This meant war and his dad was going to relive hell on earth!
Tenko takes a deep breath to calm down first. He isn't wearing his gloves right now, and while his control is pretty good, he doesn't want to accidentally decay his phone or his possessions in a fit of anger. Or worse, his dad.
"I'm going to change, and then  you  are going to apologise for disrespecting my privacy," he tells him in his meanest and darkest tone. "Also, if I were you, I wouldn't open the camera roll," he warns as he enters his bedroom.
The scream he hears once the door is close is strangely satisfying.
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queenangst · 4 years ago
white sails, section v,,, the whole series got me tearing up but that part was. a lot
INTERESTING section pick. also i love the hunger games au, i think it’s some of my best recent work, so... thanks. 
After Izuku’s interview, Aizawa is waiting for him by the elevator. Kacchan is already gone.
“Sensei,” Izuku says; they’ve taken to calling him that, and Aizawa, for some reason, has let them. “My- my interview wasn’t too good, huh.”
“It was fine.”
So.. this scene. Interviews. At first during writing I wasn’t sure whether or not I wanted to write the actual interview, but I thought it would be more interesting to simply suggest what happened instead. The interview itself isn’t important.
Also: Izuku and Bakugou calling Aizawa sensei... Aizawa’s softening to them, even though he tries not to. 
Aizawa is a quiet man. Eri said once, proudly, that he used to sing to her; Izuku has not heard a single note.
If you read white sails and you hadn’t read draw and quarter, I genuinely think you’re missing out on Aizawa’s story. (And I know some people didn’t!)
Song, and Aizawa singing, is really important to him. It’s a sign of hope. As Aizawa healed from coming out of the Hunger Games alive, he sang to Eri. And now he’s lost hope again, and is back to being bitter and in pain.
They step into the elevator, and the doors shut behind them. They pass one floor, then another, in complete silence.
When they reach the right floor, Aizawa steps forward and holds a button. The doors stay closed.
Aizawa holding the elevator closed, keeping them somewhere private. So they can talk.
“I never thanked you,” Aizawa says. He’s not looking at Izuku, but in the glossy metal of the elevator Izuku can still see his reflection. “For volunteering.”
Izuku swallows hard. “She- she’s only twelve.”
“I know.”
“I— just couldn’t let her.”
“She means a lot to me,” Aizawa tells him. “Eri is all I have.”
Aizawa... he has to thank Izuku for volunteering. Eri is twelve. She’s so young, she’s a child, and Aizawa knows she probably would have died had she gone into the Hunger Games. 
He doesn’t want Izuku to die. He doesn’t want to say, “I would rather you die than her” or “I would rather you go to the Hunger Games than her.” But that’s the sort of thing that the Hunger Games forces, that’s terrible. Aizawa spends this scene thinking about that, because he doesn’t want Eri in the Hunger Games... but that means having to watch another person die in her place. So he feels indebted to Izuku, and has to thank him. 
And he’s not lying. Eri is all Aizawa has. Everything. After being a victor, he was completely alone (see: end of draw and quarter) until he has Eri. He also has Mic, but Mic doesn’t count even though they’re friends and trust each other because Mic is still bound to the Capitol, and they don’t see each other that often.
Izuku looks at Aizawa’s reflection and sees a lonely sixteen-year-old, defeat in his shoulders as he is declared the victor. Dying is a loss. Living is, perhaps, even more so.  
There’s no true answer, but... dying is a loss of life, yes. But what this line references is that Aizawa living is him facing everything he’s lost: Oboro, his childhood, his innocence, his happiness. He lives, and suffers.
“Why did you volunteer?”
“Like I said,” Izuku musters, “she’s only a child.”
“So are you.” Aizawa tilts his head.
Aizawa doesn’t really know what to expect at this point. He’s grappling with that question, with his gratefulness. And the thing that makes it the most difficult is that both Eri and Izuku are children. Everyone is a child! Everyone is being sent to their deaths! 
“Do you really think I have a chance?”
“Giving up is easier,” Aizawa admits, and sighs. “Midoriya. You understand that for you to win, Bakugou will have to die.”
Aizawa tells the truth that he’s been saying since the beginning when the two volunteered. If one of them wins, the other has to die. He knows it. He’s lived it. He hates it, but he’s resigned to this truth and the system. So he says “Giving up is easier,” or else Izuku will have to become like Aizawa... and Aizawa doesn’t wish that fate on anyone, really.
No rushes forward, with the same fire that made Izuku volunteer. He won’t let that happen.
“We can be different,” Izuku challenges, and Aizawa flinches hard. Aizawa doesn’t flinch.
Another miss if anyone didn’t read draw and quarter. Something that Oboro tells Aizawa that really makes them friends, that makes Aizawa let down his walls is:
“We don’t have to be friends,” Shirakumo says, voice low. They stand, waiting, as chariot after chariot lines up and a row of tributes begins to parade in front of a cheering crowd. “But—can we at least pretend to be allies?”
Shirakumo tilts his head to the side. He has a draw to him that Shouta lacks, a sort of natural magnetism. His blue eyes gleam.
“Everyone is out for blood,” Shirakumo replies, nodding towards the ring as District Ten is called. “Isn’t there power in being different?”
Aizawa flinches hard, followed by a fact: Aizawa doesn’t flinch. What I’m conveying with this is that what Izuku says hits Aizawa in just the right spot. It’s so similar to what Oboro told him... and Oboro failed, and died. Aizawa never forgot that.
But it makes him think.
“You say that to anyone else and you’ll find a noose around your neck,” Aizawa threatens. Then he lowers his voice, so soft Izuku almost misses his words. “But maybe you can prove me wrong.”
This is Aizawa warning Izuku more than threatening him. That if he makes himself too different right now, then something bad will happen. 
But... here’s the first moment that Aizawa truly considers that maybe Izuku and Bakugou can be different. That they can succeed where he didn’t. 
send me your favorite scene/chapter from one of my works + i’ll write commentary on it!
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katsukiboom · 5 years ago
I have seen one (1) ONE SMALL FIC for chubby chaser present mic, would you be willing to change that to 2 perhaps? Also 💖💕❣️💗💓💝💟 - 👀👀👀 anon
👀👀👀 anon, what an honor to have this request! I hope I did it well too, and that you enjoy it ;;
Ko-Fi || Commissions
In his teenage years, there were momentswhen it felt like there was nothing Hizashi couldn’t do: he had a good quirk,great friends, did well in school and had come up with what he felt was thebest pro-hero name for him. He truly felt like he was the best person he couldbe, but something was escaping from between his fingers and he didn’t like howthat one hit him.
It was, to put it shortly, love. The loud blond was astounded byhow his heart picked up its pace whenever you walked by and waved hello at him,clutching your books close to your body and the uniform adjusting nicely aroundyour plump form, and ever since he pretended to crash onto you just to talkwith you two months prior he could never get your perfume out of his mind. You werelike a deity in his mind, someone so beautiful and perfect that it almost feltsurreal, but you were there in all of your ethereal and chubby glory and he washaving a feast just by gazing at you for mere seconds.
He wasn’t prepared, however, for the kindof rejection you gave him when he dared to tell you his feelings – he had rushedto your classroom as soon as the lunch bell rang that day and asked to talk toyou before you could exit the room, the two of you alone after you assured yourfriends you’d meet them later. He wasn’t sure if his face felt flushed from runningor from having you so close, but he was certain he was far from feelingembarrassed.
“So, what is it Yamada-san?” you asked,your eyes looking at him with an innocent glint that only made the words getstuck in his throat. “Is something wrong?”
Hizashi smiled gently at you and thenrealized he was still standing by the door; moving forward, he stood only a fewsteps away from you and removed his glasses. He opened his mouth and then shutit again as he looked around the room, repeating the action a few times whileyou slightly tilted your head to the side with a confused expression, your shortfringe falling softly to cover one of your eyes. “I’m sorry,” he finally saidas he let out a little laugh. Sighing, he gathered his courage and finallyturned back into his Present Mic persona as he looked at you straight in theeye. “Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry,” his eyebrow twitched just a little and hewondered just what could be going through your head as he blurted out thefollowing words. “I just came by to ask if… maybe, you’d like to go out with mesome time?”
He deeply bowed and, while he didn’t seeit, he was sure his head almost hit your body but didn’t feel brave at all tocheck. There was silence filling the place as he waited for a response, butwhat came out of your mouth felt more like a thousand arrows to his back. “I… I’msorry…” you started muttering, and he stood back up with a worried look. “I-Ican’t, why…” but just before he could even ask what was going on you said onemore sorry and proceeded to runoff  to the hallway, leaving a crushedYamada Hizashi behind.
A few more moments passed before he couldeven move to look at the open door, the trail of your presence still lingeringin the air. He approached the door and tried to find you among the studentsgathering in little groups outside but you were nowhere to be seen, and feelingutterly defeated Hizashi started making his way back to his friends’ usuallunch spot.
Opening the door to the rooftop aftermaking sure there were no teachers around, he heard the boys’ voices and quicklylocated them sitting against the railings. “Wow, you look really shitty today,”Oboro said with a side glance and a playful smile on his lips – there were afew rice grains clinging to the corners, and Hizashi only sighed as he joinedthem and laid down on the floor, putting one arm over his eyes and wishing hecould just implode. “Was it that bad?”
“They just ran off and didn’t even say no,”was all Hizashi answered.
“I should’ve given you more advice,”pondered the white-haired teen, bringing a piece of mackerel to his mouth and quietlymunching on it. Pointing his chopsticks at the third person in the group, heasked with his mouth full, “What do you think he should do now Shouta?”
Aizawa Shouta was someone more on therational side, and Hizashi groaned at the question since he knew that askinghim anything about love matters would be like asking a cat to solve acomplicated equation. “Are you happy you got to confess?” he asked, directing ajudging gaze at Oboro’s questionable eating manners. A weak ‘yes’ came out of the blond’s lips andShouta sighed. “Then stick with that – you did what you thought you had to do,and that’s what’s important. If they didn’t accept, it’s their loss really.”
“Wow, Shouta, I would’ve never taken youfor the sentimental type!” Oboro joked and Hizashi could hear the small slap tohis friend’s shoulder right before he zoned out of the conversation, and whenno response came from him, his friends understood that he only needed a bit oftime to feel better. Their following chatter focused on the upcoming tests and herooffices’ recruitments, discussing which agencies would be better for their     internships, and Hizashi was grateful theyhad changed the topic and tried his best to forget what had happened.
The bell rang again and took them out oftheir heated debate and the three teens rushed to gather their things and maketheir way back downstairs to their respective floor, but just as theyapproached their classroom Hizashi spotted a familiar figure leaning againstthe wall next to the door. He stopped on his tracks as his eyes met yours, andhis friends noticed he wasn’t with them anymore; turning around to look at himand then following his gaze, you lowered yours when they looked at you. With anunderstanding look, Shouta dragged a beaming Oboro inside the classroom as youapproached the blond with an apologetic look on your face.
“H-hey,” you whispered as you stood infront of him, your round cheeks as red as they could be. He was speechless forthe first time in a while. “So,” you started, your eyes fixing on the floor assoon as you spoke. “I’m sorry for what I did earlier. It was rude, and it wasn’tthe best way to go about things.” Stopping, you looked up at him but he didn’treply and you bit your lower lip. “I guess all I wanted to say was that I… likeyou too, but why me? You could have anyone you want yet you want someone likeme?”
“Don’t say that,” he quickly retorted inthe most delicate voice he had in him, which was a pleasant change from hisloud tone. He ignored the way your words had made a shiver run down his spinefor the time being, yet he remembered the sensation. “Why wouldn’t I want you? You’re beautiful, soft-spoken, gentle, and I reallycan’t look at anyone else whenever you’re around.” Listing a few of the thingshe liked the most about you, he noticed a small smile appearing on your lips,and he was set on making you smile even more while keeping his serious façade. “That’swhy I want the chance to get to know you better, because I already know thatwhat’s here is the best of the best.”
“Do you really think like that?” you asked.He reached out and softly took your hands on his, eyeing you up and down whileyou only stared at him wide-eyed. Your skin was smooth and your perfume oncemore reached him, going straight for the deepest parts of him.
Looking at you over his glasses, Hizashigave you his best smile as he felt his face flush again. “I do,” he said, “andI could tell you so many more things, but I want to know you. I’d love it if you gave me the chance.”
The hallway was already emptying as thelast remaining students got into their classrooms along with the teachers. “Here,”you put a hand in your pocket and slipped him a piece of paper with somethingscrabbled. “Text me and I’ll meet you after classes outside. We could talk alittle bit more there.” Now your lips were stretched in the same kind smile heloved to see so much, but it was the last thing he saw before you took off toyour class, and he rushed inside his own right before the teacher made hisentrance as well.
As he got to his seat, Oboro and Shoutasent him questioning glances and he replied only with two thumbs up, to whichhe received silent cheers from both of them in response. Hizashi had neverwanted to scream more than in that very moment, as he saved your number andthought about all the things you could talk about when you met later that day,daydreaming about having your hand on his once again.
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fatesdeepdive · 4 years ago
Entry 13: Corrin’s Boat Dreams
The arena is open now, which means I can force units to fight to feed my gambling addiction. The game choses a random unit and random enemy for you and you get resources if they win. It’s very lacking, especially when compared to arenas in other Fire Emblem games.
At the end of the last entry we got a new unit: Kagero. So, time to do the thing I do in these entries and talk about her.
Kagero is Ryoma’s other retainer, also a ninja, who has stats that make her a glass canon. Her personal skill makes her better at fighting other units who wield shurikens. She hasn’t really shown much personality yet, so I can’t talk about that, but I can definitely talk about her design. I love the scarf and the hair that covers her face. On the other hand, tiddies. This royal guard has massive boobs and deep cleavage, because Intelligent Systems knows their audience. To be fair, attractive female characters aren’t necessarily bad, and the game at the very least does have female characters who aren’t super fanservicey. I actually don’t mind Kagero as much as say, Tharja or Camilla, because she seems to have a personality beyond sexy. Probably. Been a while since I played this game.
Support: Corrin/Takumi
C: Corrin tries striking up a chat with Takumi, but he is hostile towards her, because of the whole backstory thing. See entry six for clarification. Anyway, Corrin suggests Takumi teaches her archery as an excuse for the two of them to spend time with one another.
B: Takumi is a stern teacher, but Corrin slowly improves. Corrin accidentally hurts herself and Takumi cancels the training session, quietly admitting to himself that he pushed Corrin too hard.
A: Takumi apologizes to Corrin and admits that she’s talented and fiercely devoted to Hoshido.
S: Corrin improves greatly at archery, thanks to Takumi’s training. Then we get the obligatory not really incest handwave and the two of them get married. Yay. This one actually has Corrin ask who her father is, if it isn’t Garon or Summeragi, and Takumi says that Mikoto didn’t write it down, which feels like a shitty thing for her to do.
Review: This is a weird conversation, considering the fact that Takumi learning to trust Corrin also happens in the main plot. Still, Takumi softening up a bit when Corrin gets hurt is a nice character moment. As for the S-Rank, you all know how I feel about the bullshit deus ex machina to excuse incest this game does.
Support: Oboro/Takumi
C: Oboro and Takumi talk about fashion, which reminds Oboro about her murdered parents. He asks if she wishes to return to fashion and she brushes it off, saying that she is more than happy serving him.
B: Oboro begins making a ceremonial outfit for Takumi and contemplates that her parents would be proud of her for being the seamstress for a prince.
A: Takumi sets Oboro up with a job helping other people with fashion in her spare time. She thanks him for the extra work.
S: Oboro attempts to quit both her fashion job and retainer job, because she is in love with Takumi. He says that he already knows, which makes sense, because that thirst was palpable. Takumi proposes to her and explains that he gave her extra work so she can start her own business after the war, which is nice but is also something he should have probably discussed with her in advance.
Review: This is a very laid back conversation that portrays Oboro much kinder than the game often does. I actually think Takumi comes off as a bit controlling, which is why retainers dating their masters is a bad idea, but overall it isn’t an awful support line.
Support: Corrin/Silas
C: Corrin asks Silas about why she doesn’t remember being friends with him and he brushes it off, because apparently everyone completely forgets about their childhood friend who was so devoted to them he became a knight for the slim chance he might see them again. Silas mentions that he and Corrin made a list of all the places she wanted to travel to and the two of them agree to go on a trip together.
B: Silas recreates the list from their childhood, which is filled with non-specific things like “a festival” and “a street food stall”. It’s actually a little cute. Corrin broods over why she can’t remember Silas and he tells her to ask her retinue, which is a word I had never seen before.
A: Corrin, after asking her retinue, reveals that she cried for days after they took Silas away. The two of them discuss how good friends they are.
S: Silas tells Corrin that she’s hot now and he loves her because she’s hot. He admits that Corrin’s out of his league, but they get married anyway because Corrin will have sex with anything with a pulse.
Review: So Silas is telling the truth? Really? He was so suspicious! This would have been much better if Silas was lying about his past and never knew Corrin. It at least would have had a resolution, as opposed to the half-hearted shrug that is this conversation. It set up a mystery and then just pretended it didn’t exist, which is infuriating.
Support: Hinata/Subaki
C: Hinata finds Subaki staring at his own reflection in love, because Subaki is literally a narcissist. As in, he’s doing the same shit Narcissus did that was so cartoonishly arrogant that the word narcissist is named after him. Also Subaki makes fun of Hinata for being a slob and agrees to teach him how to be more classy.
B: Subaki teaches Hinata basic cleanliness tips, like bathing, and combing your hair, and ironing your clothes. Hinata says that Subaki’s being ridiculous, and it’s framed as him being a slob, but I kinda think he’s right? The two of them are soldiers fighting behind enemy lines, they can afford to have wrinkled clothes.
A: Subaki recommends taking minor steps towards cleanliness.
Review: This is a mediocre, but ultimately harmless, fluff conversation that makes Subaki look like an asshole.
Birthright Chapter 11: To The Sea
The gang sails to Nohr. Takumi brings up the fact that Iago is probably a spy, but Corrin says she trusts him because, and I quote, he stood with us through one battle without stabbing anyone in the back. Such high standards our hero has.
Corrin says that she likes the sea and wants to buy a boat. The game better end with us getting that boat. Suddenly, the weather gets bad and the boat shakes. The ghost dude who killed Mikoto flies out of the water and attacks Azura. A battle begins against the ghost dude and an army of ghost pegasi riders. Weirdly, the ghost swordmaster dude isn’t actually an enemy in this map.
Early on in the battle, a new character named Reina shows up. She flies over to Corrin and explains that she was sent by Yukimura to help.She also brags about killing a shitload of enemies.
Reina, according to her unit text, is one of Mikoto’s retainers. She’s our first pre-promoted unit, an upgraded Sky Knight called a Kinshi Knight that can wield bows. I love the idea of flying anti-air units, but from what I remember they have bad growths. Design wise, I like that she has scars and looks a bit older than most of the female units. It establishes that she’s an experienced warrior. The halo thing is a bit weird though. Personality wise, she seems insanely violent, to the point of having a mini version of Lifetaker as her personal skill. But like, in a comedic way. Unfortunately, Reina only has supports with Corrin, which means she’s a bit of a throwaway character.
This was our obligatory Fire Emblem boat chapter. Stationed around the boat are Dragon Veins that create wind to keep the fliers at bay, but honestly I didn’t need them. I played this map defensively, bating the fliers with Rinkah or Silas then sniping them with Setsuna, Takumi, and our new flying death machine. Side note, what even is this ship? It’s covered and filled with market stalls, which I’ve never seen before.
After the battle, ghost dude, who we never actually fought and thus is still here, attacks Takumi. Zola sacrifices himself to protect Takumi and the ghost just kinda disappears. Sakura heals Zola’s wounds and Takumi apologizes for doubting him.
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lugiepie · 4 years ago
um im gonna do 2 of the character asks: first one is Camilla FeFates because i know youll have a lot of Opinions about her lol
here goes oh boy yes i do have Several Opinions...
fav thing: i appreciate strong mom energy!!! her freakin end credits thing where she adopted like, what, 11 WHOLE KIDS is amazing. amazing. she’s doing so well i’m so proud
least fav thing: massive... uhhhhh. yeah. those things. on her chest. with the strap that draws your eyes to that area. and the fact that armor tailored to look like that would suck in combat
favorite line: brave camilla’s “do you need a hug?” because yes i do
brotp: her and beruka. like wouldn’t that be fun if camilla got her to come out of her shell via forcing her to help take care of the 11 WHOLE KIDS postgame??? gal pals forever hands down wyvern gang. check out this small army of children and their two big dogs with wings
otp: i mean i never really got invested in camilla as a character since conquest was just so freakin hard as a game that i was more focused on the actual gameplay than the sub-par development happening around me... so for fun let’s say oboro, her hoshidan counterpart. there could be potential where they bond over being super protective or obsessed with two certain hoshidans UH dudes (corrin for camilla and takumi for oboro). then of course go back to the 11 WHOLE KIDS idea and bam. done next
notp: male corrin and camilla. a.) he doesn’t deserve this, all of his sibling pairings are super awkard and weird and i die a little inside b.) this is also because their a support is corrin turning down her offer of taking a bath with her where he’s like “no that’s weird you’re my sister” and then ten seconds later in their s support it’s just “ok let’s get married” LIKE WHAT. WAS THAT. DON’T PRETEND YOU DIDN’T JUST SAY THAT??
random head canon: asexual camilla. that’s all i’m gonna say about it
unpopular opinion: i don’t think i have one but. camilla suffered heavily from the whole “fates’ writing is Bad” thing but i’d argue she got hit worse than even someone like xander. like her design pretty much set her up to fail, but like man the only times i really resonated with her was when she was mentioned by some other character and she was off screen or like her supports where she suddenly gets Big Mom Energy. at the end of the day i just look at her and i’m like “why. what happened to you.” i enjoy camilla more as a concept than an actual character does that make sense
song i associate with her: Born This Way. honestly it’s got some Big Mom Energy sprinkled in there but like... her brave alt makes her seem like a nice queen. and she wouldn’t care what corrin or heck even the rest of her siblings identified as, she’d still love them to death and have her wyvern eat people for making fun of them :) also the only actual songs i know are from like early 2000’s lmao
favorite picture: i mean i don’t really enjoy looking at her BUT. her adrift alt do be lookin’ kinda 👏👀 also white wyvern looks *smack* noice
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natewallace · 5 years ago
COMMISSION:  The Sound of a Voice
After confronting Kurogiri/Oboro at Tartarus, Hizashi has a falling-out with his friends and partner.
for: @scattered-imagination ♡ by Sam WC: 3802
                                 Thank you so much! this was lovely to write.                                                                      commission info + AO3 + ko-fi
Shouta Aizawa likes the quiet of the faculty room at the end of the day. In the fall, the midday sun pours gentle light in through the window and casts a warm glow over Shouta’s spot by the window, allowing him time to think and grade papers before returning home. 
It’s not often that someone him this late in the day. But when Yagi Toshinori’s hesitant face peers through the door of the lounge, Aizawa greets him with a low hum.
“I figured I’d see you here,” Toshinori says with a small smile. Aizawa nods, looking up from the stack of papers to be graded at the table. 
“You don’t usually stay this late,” Aizawa murmurs.
Toshinori rubs the back of his head. “I know. I, erm...I wanted to talk about — about Yamada.”
Aizawa sighs. The very way in which Aizawa’s posture shifts at the mention of the other man is enough to make Toshinori flinch. 
“He’s burning himself out, Aizawa.”
Aizawa blinks and remains silent.
Toshinori takes a careful step inside the. With a glance at the floor, he moves to stand across the table where Aizawa sits. 
“And you can’t...can’t reach him at all, can you?” 
Aizawa glares at him under hooded eyelids. Behind the thick strands of his hair, the former number-one hero almost feels intimidated.
“I’m not delving into the details of my relationship with — with him, right now. We don’t speak as much as we used to. That’s it. I can’t reach him any better than you, Nemuri, or Tensei can. Admittedly, I...I haven’t noticed the change in his behavior until you and Nemuri brought it up to me today. This...this thing he does isn’t entirely abnormal. He goes on these crazy energy-splurges and then sleeps for a week.”
Aizawa sigh as a pang of guilt creeps through his stomach. Estranged or not (and God, Aizawa hates that word), he should have seen this for what it is. This behavior isn’t Hizashi — this is far, far worse. And he’d been ignoring it; he’d been ignoring a lot of things, save for work, since their visit to Tartarus.
“But this isn’t normal, no.”
Toshinori sighs. Aizawa watches him with measured eyes.
“What do you propose we do?” 
Aizawa’s voice is strained around the question, and Toshinori notices a desperation in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. When he speaks again, it’s hardly above a whisper.
“I...I don’t want to see him get hurt.” Toshinori manages a small smile. 
“None of us do, Aizawa. Nemuri proposed we go to his apartment tomorrow night. It would technically be breaking and entering, but erm — we figured you’d have a spare key. Just know I’m not supporting this, and that it’s highly illegal and — “
Aizawa gives him a flat stare. Toshinori shrugs sheepishly.
“I’ll be there, then,” he says quickly. “With the key.”
That seems to please Toshinori well enough.
The racing in Hizashis head shows no sign of slowing. Even as he pushes open the door to his apartment, no one train of thought seems to settle enough for him to follow it long enough to make any sense. His eyelids dance like hummingbird wings and unfocused eyes dart every which way as his hand trembles to unlock the door. 
He needs to sleep. Or to sit down. But something deep in his chest looms within him like a vast, inky trench that he dare not let anywhere near the surface of his own psyche. He scratches his head idly, almost throwing off his directional speaker before he notices the four people sitting on his couch with a sudden jolt.
Across from him, Shouta is slumped across the couch cushion, a sigh that makes his chest ache. He sputters, feeling like he needs to say something. They had hardly spoken in weeks. Since speaking with Oboro — Kurogiri — at Tartarus, meeting Shouta’s eyes has been a near-impossible feat. That looming, dark expanse of water threatens its way up Hizashi’s throat, and he quickly shoves it down with a weak smile.
Nemuri is leaning on the back of a chair beside the couch, and to Shota’s right, Toshinori stands awkwardly near the corner, his hand on the back of his head. Tensei has his head bowed, his hands clasped tightly together until he looks up when Hizashi enters the room.
“Oh hey!” he chirps. He curses inwardly as his voice cracks. He’s mentally exhausted, and he’s suddenly vividly aware that it’s painted all over his face.
Nemuri offers a small smile. Toshinori just sighs, looking around with a weak wave. Shouta and Tensei look away.
“This is a pleasant surprise,” Hizashi continues. He takes off his speaker, placing it on the table in the middle of the four. “Let me put some dinner on, yeah? You four have gotta be starving.”
“That won’t be necessary, Yamada,” Toshinori says with a raise of his hand. Nemuri nods in agreement. 
“Hizashi…” she begins carefully. “We actually wanted to talk to you. About that. We don’t want you to take care of us. We want you to talk to us.”
He swallows thickly. He feels their eyes burning into the front of his skull, no matter how much he tries to look away.
“Oh. Well, we could’ve all gotten a drink or something. Not that I don’t love when you guys come over and all, I’d just like to clean up a little first!”
“You wouldn’t have agreed to come,” Shouta says lowly. He takes an uneven breath, forcing himself to meet his eyes. “Because this isn’t a friendly call. Hizashi…”
He sighs softly. Shouta feels suffocated — why were Tensei, Toshinori, and Kayama here when they weren’t the ones in Tartarus? Nemuri had been Oboro’s friend, but they didn’t have to watch as Oboro all but clawed his way out of Kurogiri —
He shoves the thought aside.
“You haven’t been yourself,” Tensei points out when Shouta is clearly lost for words. “Not since you and Shouta visited Tartarus.”
Hizashi freezes where he stands. “Look, man, I don’t wanna talk about what happened at Tartarus, okay? That was me and Shouta’s business.”
“He was our friend, too,” Nemuri says softly. The hurt in her eyes is enough to make Hizashi want to cry.
“And I may not have known him,” Toshinori says quietly, “But I consider Oboro Shirakumo’s...situation...to be a failure of hero society itself. And as a representative of what is meant to be the best of the best of Pro Heroes here in Japan, I consider this to be a personal matter in regards to your well-being. I also consider you to be my friend, Yamada, and I worry about your well-being.”
Hizashi presses his lips together as Toshinori looks at the ground with a hard expression.
“Guys, I appreciate this,” Hizashi says softly. “But I’m fine. Really.”
“You’re not,” Shouta snaps. He clamps his mouth shut when Tensei gives him a warning glance. His tone had been far too harsh.
“You’re not fine,” he says again, slowly this time. He stands up, if a bit awkwardly, to approach Hizashi. His hands twitch to take the other man’s hands in his own — to hug him and cling to him as he had before. But he can’t. Their relationship had deteriorated in the past few weeks, and they both know it.
“We want you to talk to us, Hizashi.”
Hizashi raises his hands defensively. “I told you! I’m fine.”
“Hizashi...you’ve lost weight,” Toshinori says gently. “Your smile used to be the brightest smile across U.A. and...I can tell when someone is forcing a smile, Hizashi. I’ve had to do it many times myself. You aren’t smiling — you’re acting.”
Hizashi looks at them in disbelief. He shakes his head, his eyes wide and unfocused as he harshly grabs a chair and drags it into the makeshift circle. He sits down, worrying his chapped bottom lip between his teeth before staring at the four of them in silence.
“I’m tired,” he admits. “I’m really, really tired. I want to help you all. I love it — it makes me happy. But sometimes, I feel like I’m on the outside looking in. You know?”
The four of them look at one another in silent confusion, unsure of what to say. He stares at Shouta, first.
“You’ve been complaining that I’m too loud,” he whispers. “You almost never do that. You forgot about all of our dates last week.”
Shouta’s lower lip trembles, but before he can respond, Hizashi turns to Tensei.
“Tensei — you locked me out of your classroom when I was shaking. You couldn’t handle it. I — I don’t blame you. I haven’t had a panic attack since I was a kid, and — and I know I — I hurt someone the last time that happened. My voice got out of control. But I needed you, Tensei.”
His gaze darts to Nemuri when Tensei, too, is at a loss for words.
“You’re drinking more,” he points out. Her face flushes.
“Hizashi, I — “
“No,” he snaps. He bares his teeth. “Nemuri — let me continue. Please.”
Never one for being told what to do, she bows her head in meek obedience.
“You were drinking,” he says again. “And wouldn’t let me stop you. You blacked out. Thank God you were at home, or else you would’ve been destroyed by the press and God knows what else.”
Speechless, she blinks and says nothing more.
“So,” he continues, addressing the group. “You see? This is why I’m tired. I love you — all of you. But...I can’t do this anymore. We lost Oboro as children, and it was devastating. I’m done lying to myself — I changed, that day. We all did. Seeing him like that again at Tartarus made me feel like a scared, lost little kid who suddenly got smacked in the face with the reality of Pro Hero work at the age of fifteen all over again. And now, I’m stuck wishing he had just stayed dead. You know how screwed up it is to wish your old best friend was dead instead of — instead of a monster?”
His voice cracks in the silent room.
“I can’t pretend to know what you have seen,” Toshinori says softly. “But I know that it’s a burden that not even a Pro Hero should have to bear.”
Hizashi manages a weak, tearful smile. “Then at least you, Toshinori, understand why trying to be there for all of you all of the time has not been working for me. I can’t do it anymore. I’m sorry.”
He sighs. He hadn’t expected to feel better after letting everything air out — but Hizashi feels lighter, somehow, even amidst the struck and devastated faces of his friends. He winces, unable to meet their eyes. He hadn’t wanted to hurt them — but he couldn’t keep it in any longer.
“I think Hizashi is right,” Tensei murmurs. Shouta looks up and meets Hizashi’s eyes, but the two say nothing at all. Nemuri nods.
“We’re sorry, Hizashi,” Nemuri says quietly. “We...we’ve hurt you. I think...I think it would be good if we spent some time alone. None of us have been processing this well. I’m glad you told us.”
Hizashi bites his lip. He wants to cry; he doesn’t want them to go, but he knows there is nothing else to be done. Nothing else to be said.
“I’d like to stay,” Toshinori murmurs. “If that’s okay with you, Yamada.” He looks around the room, stricken by the others’ response. Maybe this was for the best, but is leaving Yamada really what’s best right now? He doesn’t know.
Hizashi offers him a weak smile and, much to Toshinori’s relief, nods in weary agreement. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs. The rest murmur pained goodbyes, and Hizashi wishes them well. Shouta opens his mouth as though to say something more, but Hizashi only shakes his head.
“Shouta. Not now.”
Shouta looks down and nods. Shuffling out the door, he follows his friends out of the apartment door, leaving Hizashi alone with Toshinori. The silence that follows feels stifling, and when Hizashi hides his face in his hands in a barely-concealed sob. Maybe it’s the way Toshinori approaches him and places a hand comfortingly on his shoulder; maybe it’s the way he says nothing at all, merely lets Hizashi cry and cry until there’s nothing left in him to weep for any longer.
His silence and his simple, gentle touch are enough for Hizashi to let go.
“You can’t be there for everybody all the time,” Toshinori murmurs. “You have to separate that roll from yourself. Without learning to do that from a young age, I would have destroyed myself much more quickly than I already did. You can’t do that to yourself, too. You have a bright and promising career that is still years ahead of you, Yamada. Embrace it for you, and don’t let yourself be dragged down by impossible expectations.”
Hizashi nods in agreement. Toshinori smiles and offers him a hug, which Hizashi gladly accepts.
Over the weekend, Toshinori comes to visit Hizashi frequently, offering to cook for him and bring him takeout on Sunday night. They laugh and talk about television shows and work. Toshinori even helps Hizashi clean the apartment, which Hizashi had, admittedly, let get to an unacceptable level of disaster over the past couple of weeks. All at once, Hizashi vividly understands just why Yagi Toshinori is Japan’s Number One Hero. He’s kind — terribly, terribly kind and patient beyond even Hizashi’s own understanding.
Maybe, having someone simply let Hizashi let go had been exactly what he had needed.
On Monday night at the bar, Nemuri, Shouta, and Tensei drink in uneasy silence. Shouta nearly didn’t come. His silence weighs on them all like a heavy blanket.
“We need to do better,” Nemuri murmurs. “All of us.”
The other two nod in agreement.
“We’re all struggling. But it was no excuse to treat Hizashi the way we did,” Tensei points out. “We’re all at fault. We need to get over our own crap and get through this together. We did before — we can do it again.”
As doubtful as Shouta is, he agrees for the sake of agreeing.
The following week, Hizashi’s behavior is strange, to say the least. He says nothing of their conversation at his apartment and seems to almost back to his usual self — but without Hizashi’s typical and endearing over-the-top cheer. He calls Shouta ‘Aizawa’ even when they’re alone, which isn’t often. And while he gives pointers on grading and offers to help open a door when Tensei is carrying an armful of books and other supplies, it’s as far as the extent of his help goes. Hizashi keeps a measured, practical distance, and it’s enough to leave Shouta dumbstruck and quietly scrambling for any sign of his old partner and friend.
“Distance,” Toshinori had told Hizashi gently before leaving on Sunday night, “might be the kindest way of taking care of yourself. I am not suggesting you abandon your friends. But you have to place yourself at a distance away from them that they relearn to take care of themselves while you heal, too.”
Hizashi had agreed. And once he’d committed to the practice, it had been easier than he had expected. But he’s angry — angry at himself, angry at them, and angry at the world, most of all. He doesn’t like the invisible emotional barrier he’s committed to placing between him and his friends. But, at the end of the day, he can’t deny that it just might be helping him. Even his distance from Shouta seems to be taking some of the weight off his shoulders when he returns home after teaching class. 
At the end of the day, Shouta checks his phone. Hizashi would have texted him at least twice by now — be it about a date, or even just a stupid picture of a cat that he found online. But there’s nothing. He had grown used to that ridiculous point of contact from the other so much that he hadn’t realized just how much he’d relied on it until now.
One, single text from Nemuri sent to him and Tensei vibrates across his phone.
We’re losing him.
Shouta doesn’t respond; but he knows that the simple statement is nothing but the raw, unyielding truth.
A week of Hizashi’s emotional and psychological distance comes and goes, and Shouta isn’t so sure he can handle it anymore. He misses Hizashi more than he ever thought he could miss a person he sees almost every single day. He wants him back, not as a caretaker or a bearer of Shouta’s own tight-knit emotional burden, but as a partner; as someone to spend the weekends with, someone who can make him laugh ‘till he’s snorting and red in the face, and someone he can simply spend time with without the weight of the world across their backs. He never thought he’d find himself craving the physical touch that Hizashi so willingly doles out — even when Shouta isn’t exactly in the mood for it — or the way they used to embrace late at night, quiet and unrelenting in the dark of Hizashi’s quiet bedroom.
He’d treated Hizashi like something disposable. He, Tensei, and Nemuri all had. Not willingly, no — but in their own, self-centered grief, Hizashi had been the last ray of sunshine they’d clung to in hopes that the world might treat them kinder once they’d dragged their feet to the end of whatever long, relentless tunnel that seeing Kurogiri at Tartarus had thrust them into. 
They just hadn’t realized Hizashi had been left behind, unable to reach the light they had to believe existed, even if they couldn’t see it just yet.
Shouta lays in his bed early that Friday night and stares at the dull, unchanging ceiling of his bedroom. Hizashi had always brought so much color into the dullest of places. His bedroom never felt so barren as it did when Hizashi wasn’t here. Sighing, Shouta grabs his phone off the nightstand and all but jams his fingers into the buttons to dial Hizashi’s phone number he’d memorized long ago.
Hizashi picks up on the fourth ring. 
It takes Shouta a moment to answer. He feels his pulse race in his throat like he’s a teenager talking to Hizashi for the very first time all over again.
“Hey, Hizashi.”
“Hey, man.”
They remain silent on the line, and Shouta sighs.
“How are you?” Shouta asks quietly. He drapes an arm over his eyes, gritting his teeth. His voice sounds fake, and he hates it.
“I’m alright!” Hizashi chirps. “Hands Up Radio just got another sponsor last night, and I’ve been freaking out about it. It’s great news, y’know?”
Shouta breathes a quiet laugh. “That’s good to hear,” he murmurs. “I’m proud of you.”
The line goes silent again. Shouta closes his eyes and takes a steady breath, choosing his words carefully.
“Would you want to get coffee this Friday night? Maybe to celebrate?” Shouta asks. “I’ll buy.”
Hizashi is hesitant to respond.
“You want to get coffee?”
“Yeah. Honestly, Hizashi, I miss you and I feel like shit for the way I’ve been treating you.”
Shouta hears Hizashi sigh quietly. “Shouta, it’s — “
“Don’t say it’s okay, because it’s not,” Shouta snaps. He bites his lip as he tries not to sound harsher than he intends to. Emotional vulnerability is completely and utterly not Shouta’s thing. And maybe, just maybe, his precise lack of emotional vulnerability is partly what got him into this very particular mess in the first place. Swallowing his pride, Shouta grits his teeth and lets the words come out as honestly as he can muster.
“It’s not okay to treat you like a disposable therapist just because you cope with shit by throwing yourself into the midst like an eager cocker spaniel while the rest of us sit on our asses and mope. We all lost someone, and yeah, it’s especially fucked up to lose someone this way. They didn’t teach us this stuff in school. But we didn’t become heroes for the ease of it all, Hizashi.”
Shouta clenches his teeth, gripping the phone harshly in his hand as he forces himself to keep his voice steady over the line. Doing this is hard; but so is everything else about this situation. He’s never given up before when something was hard, and he doesn’t intend to start now.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me,” he says slowly. “But my last, lingering shred of narcissism makes me think that maybe I’m worth it enough for a second chance.”
After a moment, Hizashi sighs again.
“You’re so lucky you’re hot, you know that?” he says finally.
Shouta lets out a sound between a harsh laugh and a sob.
“I know I am,” he croaks, laughing quietly into the receiver. “Trust me.”
Hizashi lets out a soft giggle.
“Thank you, Shouta,” Hizashi says seriously. “Thank you for...thank you for apologizing. Look, in your defense, I should have said something sooner. I shouldn’t have kept how I felt bottled up for so long. I didn’t communicate what I felt because I was afraid it would only push you all further away. This past week...I just needed space. And...maybe a small part of me needed to know whether or not you would reach out when I pulled away. I guess at heart, I’m still a kid desperate to be the center of attention.”
They both laugh bitterly.
“We’re all emotionally stunted,” Shouta mumbles. “I don’t know how Toshinori does what he does without losing his goddamn mind. Number one hero and that man still has it in him to smile. I know some of the shit he’s seen, but there’s gotta be stuff that he just doesn’t talk about.”
“I don’t know,” Hizashi admits.
Shouta hums. “Have Tensei and Nemuri reached out to you?”
“No, they haven’t.”
“They will. Just — give them time.”
That seems to please Hizashi well enough, and he agrees that he would.
“So, coffee this Friday?” Shouta asks again.
“Yes!” Hizashi chirps. “Maybe we can...head back to my place afterward..?”
“That sounds good to me.”
“And have sex?”
Hizashi’s small, hopeful voice makes Shouta laugh harder than he has in weeks.
“And have sex,” he confirms. Shouta’s smile never leaves his face. “And maybe,” he continues, “We can even cuddle and watch a movie after.”
Hizashi’s pleased yelp hurts Shouta’s ears, but the sound is quite possibly the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard.
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theeeveetamer · 6 years ago
Helloo! Hm, if you don't mind, I have a request for some more of the modern omegaverse? Particularly how Leo and Takumi met, or the scene with good ol protective Ryoma :)
Alright here we go. I know nothing about this is specific to high school, but in my modern Omegaverse I always envisioned Leo and Takumi being high school sweethearts.
I had a lot of fun writing this, so it ended up being really damn long. Like, almost 40 pages. Couple of notes: I know Mikoto isn’t their canon mother but since she has an established relationship with all of the Hoshidan sibs I think she’s easier to write and makes more sense in Omegaverse. I based this on my high school’s class scheduling, which was four classes a semester, 90 minutes per class. We called them blocks but most places have ‘periods’ so they’re referred to as such for simplicity sake. Finally, I’ve arbitrarily decided that America’s drinking age is 18 in this fic because it should be.
Tags: Omegaverse, High School AU, Omega!Takumi, Alpha!Leo, falling in love, Lower Middle Class Leokumis, Mentions of child abuse/alcoholism
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17282396
“Alright are we ready?”
“Yep! On three!”
Takumi slid his finger under the lip of the envelope, and his friends followed suit.
“One… Two… Three!”
They all tore the glue seal, some more elegantly than others. Hinata got impatient half way through and just ripped the envelope down the middle. Oboro’s wasn’t much better, but at least she’d managed to tear it lengthwise like she was supposed to.
They all pulled out their class schedules at the same time and compared.
“Alright I have geometry first thing… Ugh.” He groaned. He liked math as much as the next guy, but that early in the morning?
“Damn, I have it third.” Oboro pointed out. “But we have the same teacher, so we can at least do the homework together.”
“Wait, I thought we were taking that next semester!”
They tried to schedule their class preferences so that they matched up, but that still didn’t guarantee they would get classes together. Hinata always mixed up at least one class and took it in the wrong semester.
“No, Hinata. We were going to take art next semester, remember?”
“Well shit.” He laughed. “You guys’ll still help me, right?”
Takumi rolled his eyes. “Of course.”
“C’mon Takumi, what do you have next?”
It didn’t take them long to hash out the schedules. He was on his own first period, but he and Oboro had gym together fourth period. He and Hinata shared American History during third period, which also meant they had lunch together. They were all taking different language courses anyways, so he knew he’d have at least one class by himself.
With that settled he was scanning his schedule again just to ensure they shared the same teachers.
“Fuck…” He muttered under his breath.
“What is it?”
“I just realized that we have Izana for history.”
Hinata was the oldest in his family and Oboro was an only child, so they didn’t have the ‘benefit’ of having older siblings go before them. Sometimes it was nice because he knew which teachers were good, and sometimes it was awful. If he had a quarter for every time a teacher said ‘Oh, Shirasagi? Are you Ryoma’s little brother? Well he was a joy to have in class!’ he’d be loaded.
“Ryoma and Hinoka both had him! They say he likes to play matchmaker with the Omegas in the class. Plus, he assigns a lot of group projects.”
“Ugh, great! You’ll be my partner right?”
“Obviously, dude.” Even though working with Hinata usually resulted in both of them getting distracted and goofing off until last minute, he wouldn’t have it any other way. As long as he got his A he didn’t really care how the project got done.
Though, he was concerned about a little more than just the group projects. There were definitely more Alphas in their school than Omegas, and ever since he’d presented he’d been dealing with dumb ‘matchmaking’ teachers. Heck, they were doing it before he’d even presented! And pretty much every time it happened the Alpha fell head over heels for him, and he absolutely did not reciprocate.
He couldn’t even count the number of calls Mama needed to make to the school about it on both hands. And whatever number that was, he’d probably have to double it to even get close to the number of overstepping Alphas Ryoma beat the shit out of on his behalf. In fact, most Alphas were beginning to treat being seated next to him as a death sentence, which wasn’t exactly doing wonders for his romantic life. The only Alphas in their grade willing to go within fifteen feet of him were Hinata and Oboro.
He tugged anxiously at his collar. Oboro seemed to notice because she finally changed the subject.
“Well, we only have a few weeks left of summer! Let’s not waste it thinking about school!”
“Damn straight!” Hinata agreed.
“Come on, Mama said dinner would be done around six. And hey, she bought a ton of popcorn for movie night!”
The first day back was always the worst. Farewell to staying up until four am and waking up at noon, hello dragging his ass out of bed at seven am. At least Ryoma was a senior this year, so Mama let him take the car to school. Hinoka took shotgun and he sat in the back with Sakura. She was fiddling with the strap of her messenger bag and biting her lip nervously.
“You look cute today, baby sister.” She really did. He could tell she’d woken up early to do her hair and makeup, and she’d picked out one of her favorite dresses. It was a far cry from his ratty old jeans and tshirt or Hinoka’s athletic shorts and tank top. He hadn’t even bothered to comb his hair out when he woke up, he’d just thrown it in it’s regular ponytail. He almost envied his sisters’ shorter hair.
“T-Thanks! I’m just so n-nervous, you know?”
“You’ll see! High school isn’t so scary!” Hinoka threw over her shoulder from the passenger seat. “Heck, you’ll be sick of it before long!”
“Come on Hinoka. Let her have one day before you make her jaded.” Ryoma chuckled.
“You’ll do great.” He patted her hand. “Let me know if you get lost okay? I can help you walk to class.”
The day went pretty quickly. It was the first day, so most of the teachers were just going over their syllabi and doing some dumb icebreakers so the class could get to know each other. It was mind numbing, but at least he could doodle in his notebooks and just pretend to be paying attention.
He’d been silently dreading third period all day, and all was well until then. He wasn’t sure what he wanted. It would be nice to sit next to Hinata, but if Izana really was a matchmaker then that could make things awkward. Then again, he’d rather things be a little awkward with his best friend than get harassed by some Alpha that needed to learn the definition of ‘boundaries’.
Hinata was already inside the classroom. He waved at Takumi from around the middle of the classroom and motioned to the empty seat beside him. The desks were laid out very strangely: Each row had six desks, and  three columns consisting of two desks pushed together.
“No alphabetical order?”
Hinata shrugged. “He just told us to sit wherever.”
The man in question was currently behind his computer at the front of the room. The bell rang, but he still seemed intent on whatever he was working on. A few minutes of idle chatting later he stood up and stepped to the center of the room.
“Good afternoon everyone. I’ve created a randomized seating chart for you all. Please come sit in your new seat when I call your name.”
They were about ten desks in when the pattern became obvious. Of course every Omega just so happened to be paired with an alpha, despite the sizable portion of Betas in the class. Randomized. Sure.
“… Shirasagi, Takumi!” He squinted his eyes at the paper for a moment. “Weird, I think I had your brother. Or was it a sister?”
“It was both…” He mumbled dejectedly as he took his seat.
“Alright then let’s see… Windmire, Leo!”
Oh gods. Anyone but him.
Their brothers had been feuding since Ryoma’s freshman year, he couldn’t even remember what about. Something about a failed science project that both of them insisted wasn’t their fault. After that it was pretty much silently agreed upon that the Shirasagis would avoid the Windmires, and they would do the same. He’d never personally met Leo, but he’d heard stories. Mainly about how he was a stuck up pretty boy.
And yeah, just looking at him walk across the room he’d believe those rumors. He had a way about him that was hard to miss. He never slouched or shuffled; He strode along like he was above it all. And he was tall. At least six foot or so. Which, Takumi supposed wasn’t all that impressive for Alphas in general, but at fifteen or sixteen most of them were still growing and stood at around five foot eight to five foot ten. That meant he was constantly looking down his nose at everyone else. It was a little intimidating, at five foot six he’d pretty much stopped growing, and he was considered tall for an Omega. Sakura was only five foot two.
The blonde dropped his newly acquired textbook and notebooks down on the desk next to him. They didn’t say a word to each other as Izana finished assigning seats. It seemed like his siblings hadn’t exaggerated: Every Omega in the class was paired off with an Alpha. When that was done he handed out the syllabi and moved back to the front of the class to go over it.
“In this class I believe in learning the value of teamwork! So, you’ll have four group projects. Three due throughout the semester and one final project. Your project partners will be the person you’re sitting next to. No exceptions. These are big projects and will require outside work, so be sure to get your partner’s contact information.”
He heard the Alpha beside him audibly groan. He was, quite frankly, a little offended. Sure he and Hinata goofed off, but he was still a straight A student damn it! Where did this asshole get off?
They suffered silently through the remaining eighty minutes of class until lunch. When the bell rang he reluctantly turned to his seatmate.
“So…” He was loathe to do it, but unfortunately he had to. “We should probably exchange numbers.”
The Alpha rolled his eyes as he pulled out his phone.
“I’m sorry, do you have a problem with me?”
“Just don’t tank my grade. It’s bad enough that I have to associate with a Shirasagi, but an Omega?”
Ah, there it was. The old stereotype that an Omega couldn’t be smart, too. Boy, was this asshole in for a rude awakening.
“Look, I’m not happy about this either.” He growled as he typed his number in. “But I’m not about to get a B just because I’m stuck with you as a partner.”
With the exchange done he collected up his backpack and met up with Hinata, who was waiting by the door for him.
“Ugh, can you believe that guy!” He groused, shoving his sandwich into his mouth. Hinata was similarly scarfing down his food, but they were sitting on their own because Oboro had a different lunch.
Between complaining he was also scanning the room for Sakura. She’d texted him that they had the same lunch and he wanted to make sure she wasn’t sitting on her own. He finally caught sight of her – she was kind of hard to miss with the pink hair – sitting a few tables away with her friend Hana and some blonde girl he’d never met. Reasonably assured she was in good hands, he continued his complaining about Leo.
“I mean, the nerve of the guy! Implying that I can’t do work just because I’m an Omega!”
“Yeah, I can’t believe it either.” Hinata added through a mouthful of chips. “I mean, I’m pretty sure I would have failed algebra if it wasn’t for you.”
“Exactly! I mean–” He realized quickly that he probably shouldn’t be insulting his friend’s intelligence just to prove a point. “Sorry, Hinata.”
His friend just waved him off. “Don’t worry about it. Come on, let’s talk about something else.”
He tried to keep his attention off of the blonde Alpha, but he kept catching him out of the corner of his eye and getting infuriated all over again.
The rest of the day was, thankfully, pretty uneventful. He’d almost forgotten all about Leo and his prissy attitude until he got home and he and Sakura were helping Mama with dinner. He and Sakura were chopping up vegetables while she prepared the meats. Hinoka was still at baseball practice and Ryoma was in his room working on his college essays.
“So how was school?”
“Great!” Sakura started excitedly chattering. “Hana and I have a lot of classes together s-so that was good! And I met a r-really nice girl named Elise in first period!”
“That’s great, sweetie! What about you Takumi, did you have fun? Make any new friends?”
He shrugged. “Not really. But there was this one guy in my history class…”
“Oh? You met a boy?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Mama! It’s not like that! He’s… He’s completely insufferable!” He let out a frustrated sigh. “Mister Izana paired us up for every class project, and this dumb Alpha thinks I’m stupid just because I’m an Omega!”
“Oh dear… Well I’m sure it won’t be so bad. Once he gets to know you I’m sure he’ll warm up.”
“I dunno, he’s a Windmire. They’re, like, predisposed to hate us or something!”
“I’m sure he can’t be that bad. You know what I always say, never judge a book by its cover!”
“Yes, Mama.” He rolled his eyes. Of course she didn’t get it. She hadn’t even met Leo, she had no idea how rude he’d been!
He finished up slicing the vegetables and Mama shooed them both out of the kitchen so she could finish cooking. He didn’t have much to do since there wasn’t any homework, so he decided to bum around on his laptop until dinner.
He hadn’t really intended to start cyberstalking Leo, it had just kind of happened. It started when he tried looking up the Alpha’s social media, but the guy was a ghost. None of the Windmires seemed to have any online presence, and the only pictures he found were from what he was guessing were Leo’s friends. He’d just wanted to get a general idea of the guy, but after an hour of coming up blank finding anything became an obsession. How could he not have anything online? It was just so weird!
He finally stopped when Mama called them all down to dinner, and he realized how ridiculous he was being. So what if he couldn’t find any information? Why should he care about this asshole anyways? He shut the laptop and hurried to the dining room.
The first month or so went by without too many problems. He and Leo mostly just ignored each other during class, and once it was over he made a quick escape to lunch with Hinata. They didn’t get the details about their first project until late September. It wasn’t much, just a paper. It was about three pages and due in two weeks, so he wasn’t too worried about it just yet.
He stuck the project requirements into his folder and headed down to lunch. The second he left the room his phone buzzed in his pocket.
We should get started on this project today.
He glanced over his shoulder. Leo was literally standing ten feet away from him. Was he for real?
He pulled his phone back out to respond.
Dude, you’re literally standing right there. You couldn’t talk to me?
He watched as the blonde’s phone buzzed and he typed his response. This was ridiculous, was he really so conceited that he couldn’t even talk to him?
Look who’s talking.
“Ugh!” He stuffed his phone back in his pocket. “Come on Hinata, let’s go.”
All of lunch was a back and forth.
The project isn’t even due until two weeks from now.
I’m not going to fail this class because you wanted to wait until last minute.
Fine! We can start working on it tonight then! Your house or mine?
Better do yours.
Alright, meet me by the exit after school. My brother will drive us.
Gods, what an arrogant asshole! As if waiting a week would kill them! If he were working alone he could get it done in two days! Not to mention the fact that he wanted to start working on it on a Friday night! Sure, Takumi had just planned to stay in and watch movies, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have had plans!
Sakura was already waiting by the door, along with her blonde friend. She waved at him as he approached. “B-Big brother! This is my friend, Elise.”
“Oh, uh, nice to meet you.” Now that he was closer he could see that she was an Omega as well. The heat suppressants could make it hard to tell sometimes, but only Omegas wore collars like that. Hers was made of dyed black leather and it was studded with little purple rhinestones to match her black and purple dress.
“Ta-ku-mi,” She enunciated every syllable in his name carefully. “Did I say it right?”
“Y-Yeah, that’s right.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you too, Takumi!” She beamed up at him. Geez when Sakura said Elise was friendly she wasn’t kidding. They hadn’t known each other five minutes and she was already chattering away like they’d been friends for decades.
Leo turned up a few minutes later. Takumi caught sight of him down the hall, and he seemed confused as he approached.
“Elise? What are you doing here?”
Did they know each other?
“Aw, Leo! Did you make friends too?”
The Alpha side-eyed him and then shook his head. “Absolutely not. We’re just working on a project together. What are you doing?”
“Xander said I could stay over at Sakura’s tonight! We’re gonna get together with Hana and Effie to do girl stuff!”
“Did you ask father too?”
She pouted. “You know how he is.”
“… Alright, but you need to finish your homework beforehand.”
“Yeah, yeah. Camilla already gave me the lecture. Sakura and I are gonna get it all done before dinner.”
So, Elise was Leo’s little sister? He hadn’t really considered the possibility that Sakura’s new friend was a Windmire, but he supposed it made sense. He’d forgotten about the youngest sibling since she was the grade below him and they’d never had classes together or anything.
It was almost cute watching them; It reminded him a lot of his relationship with Sakura. That didn’t mean Leo wasn’t still a complete asshole, but he supposed even assholes had their moments.
Ryoma finally came down the hall, backpack slung over one shoulder and spinning his keys around his finger.
“Who are your friends?”
“We aren’t friends.” He and Leo said it in unison. Ryoma raised and eyebrow, and Sakura giggled.
“W-We’re just working on a project.” He finished lamely.
His brother shrugged his shoulders, but he was glaring daggers at Leo already. It wasn’t angry, more like don’t you dare fuck with my little brother, asshole. Leo shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.
“Alright, well let’s get home.”
He’d never really felt self-conscious about his house before. It wasn’t the biggest, and it certainly wasn’t the nicest. He’d known Hinata and Oboro for so long that none of it mattered because… Well it never had before. He didn’t know much about Leo, but this stuck up pretty boy was probably used to nicer stuff.
Mama couldn’t work because she didn’t have an Alpha to sign off on it. Papa made pretty good money, but after he died they had to cut back and make do on the insurance money. They only owned one car since Mama only left to do errands, and she could do those once they got home from school.
Their house was a standard split-level with three bedrooms and a basement. He and Sakura actually shared a room, and Ryoma and Hinoka did the same. Mama took the smallest room and his older siblings had the master bedroom. The basement was a general family room, with a nice but old flat screen TV, an old Nintendo that he’d found for twenty bucks at a neighbor’s garage sale, and a big sectional couch. The upstairs had a much smaller TV and couch that Mama mainly used to watch the news. Or to stop arguments when everyone wanted to watch something at the same time.
The nicest piece of furniture they owned was probably their dining table. Mama had been saving up for a new one for years because the old one was too small for a family of five, and she liked it when they all ate together. Plus, one or more of their friends usually came over for dinner more often than not and she liked entertaining company. It made the small space a little cramped but Mama always made sure it was clean and overall it was pretty cozy.
They all kicked their shoes off, and Takumi tried not to look at their guests faces when they stepped inside. He wasn’t sure if he could stop himself from punching Leo in the face if he got condescending about it.
“Come on. We can work on our project in my room. Sakura, are you and Elise okay in the living room?”
“Y-Yeah no problem!”
It would be a little too cramped in their small space with four people in there. Usually when they did homework they all set up on the dining room table and did it together. But he didn’t want to disturb Ryoma and Sakura since he and Leo would probably be pretty distracting with their talking.
Mama greeted them at the top of the stairs.
“Perfect timing. Ryoma dear can you give me the keys? I need to go grocery shopping.”
“They’re in the key bowl by the door.”
“Great!” She looked over their two guests. “Are you two going to be staying for dinner?”
“Oh, right! Mama this is Leo, and that’s Sakura’s friend Elise.”
“Nice to meet you Missus Shirasagi.” Leo extended a hand for her to shake.
“Please, you can just call me Mikoto.”
“I don’t know how long Leo and I will be working on our project, but Elise will definitely be here for dinner.”
“Alright I’ll buy a little extra then!” That went without saying, though. Mama always bought extra for guests. She grabbed the keys and headed out, and Takumi led Leo down the hall to his room.
“Takumi!” Ryoma called out to him from the living room.
“Leave the door open!”
“Ryoma!” He could feel his face heating up. Gods, like he would ever do anything with this guy!
He left the door open anyways, mostly because it was better than having Ryoma randomly barge in and “need something” like he always did if Takumi shut the door.
There wasn’t a whole lot of room to spread out. Most of the space was taken up by two twin beds. Their room was about ten feet wide, and there was about four feet of open space between the beds. They each had their own nightstand, and there was a dresser shoved in the closet. It was a pretty wide closet, but they had to share. Three of the four dresser drawers belonged to him, but two thirds of the closet belonged to Sakura because she owned so many dresses.
All in all, it was pretty obvious what belonged to whom in the room. Sakura had a lot of decor of her namesake: Her lampshade and bedspread both featured cherry blossom patterns, and she had a variety of little bobbles including a little glass cherry blossom tree that Mama made for her by hand. She also had a few canvasses hanging from the walls with several different designs, one of which featured cherry blossoms once again. Most of it wasn’t her choice, it was just what people bought her for birthdays and Christmas. It was a good thing she liked pink.
His side was a little plainer decor-wise. In addition to his bed and nightstand he also had a bookshelf that was overflowing with books on history and philosophy. There were so many that he’d begun stacking them on top of the shelf as well. On top of those books an old Shogi board was perched, just in case any of his siblings ever wanted to play with him again. They had a few other board games on the top shelf of the closet. Sometimes they had game nights on the weekend, but for the most part they went untouched. His bow and a quiverfull of arrows were currently leaning in the space between the nightstands. He didn’t really have anywhere else for it, since his kendo equipment was underneath the bed and there was no more room in the closet.
“Sorry it’s not very big.” He dropped his backpack on his bed and pulled out his laptop. Mama bought them all the same cheap little chromebook one year for Christmas when they were on sale. It wasn’t the best, but it got the job done.
Leo just shrugged and followed suit. His laptop was bigger, but it also looked pretty old. He brought out the charger as well.
“Got an outlet somewhere? The battery on this damn thing is burnt out.”
Once they were finally set up on the floor he pulled the assignment sheet back out of his folder.
“Alright, looks like we have to discuss the fallout after the civil war. Three pages, double spaced, yadda yadda. And a presentation to the class.”
“You haven’t even read the assignment yet?”
“When was I supposed to read it? Izana gave it to us at the end of class, and I wasn’t going to read it over during gym class!”
“Gods I’m going to fail.” The Alpha muttered under his breath.
“Hey!” Takumi growled. “Would you stop treating me like I’m some ditz! I’m trying to get an A too, you know! So just start the damn powerpoint and I’ll start the paper.”
He flipped his textbook open to the relevant chapter and started scanning for information.
The Alpha sighed. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I’m just used to my partners slacking.”
Well of all the things he’d been expecting, he certainly hadn’t seen an apology coming.
“I-It’s fine. Let’s just get this done so I can actually enjoy this weekend.”
They worked for a solid hour, only talking to ensure that their points matched up. He was probably a third of the way done with the rough draft of their paper, and Leo was about half done with the powerpoint when they were interrupted by Elise entering the room.
“Leeeeooo!” She called from the door.
“What is it, Elise?”
“Can you help me with math?”
“Have you done all of the problems you can solve?”
“Yep! And Sakura helped me with some, but there are a couple we can’t get.”
“And you finished your other subjects?”
“Uh huh! We did those first.”
“Alright, I’ll come help you in a few minutes.”
“Okay!” She skipped back down the hall and sat down with Sakura at the dining room table.
Leo shut his laptop and shoved his books back into his backpack.
“I thought you wanted to get this project done?”
The blonde rolled his eyes. He was just now noticing, but had they always been that color? Or was the dim light in his room playing tricks on his eyes? He hadn’t really been paying attention, but he swore he would have remembered such vivid red eyes.
“This is exactly why I start projects when they’re assigned. We don’t have to do it all today.”
He left all of his things on the floor of Takumi’s room and headed back out into the main living area.
Takumi had managed to get all of his homework done in class today. He was pretty bored in geometry, so he usually did the homework as he was taking notes. Plus with ninety minute classes their teacher usually gave them half of that time for homework. His language class usually made it a point not to assign any homework, and their history class assigned the project in lieu of any real homework. So he decided to take his laptop into the living room and start picking out a movie for tonight. Ryoma had disappeared to somewhere, probably over to Saizo’s house to hang out.
He was actually currently stealing his good friend’s netflix, and with October on the horizon most of the queue was horror movies. It was just easier to stay logged in since they usually hung out at his house. Hinata didn’t usually mind, as long as he didn’t hog it or remove things from his list.
Elise and Sakura really only had two math problems they couldn’t get on their own, and once Leo walked them through the first one they didn’t even need help on the second. He got the sense that this was something Leo did a lot, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed by it. Maybe he wasn’t as stuck up as everyone seemed to imply.
“So,” The Alpha finally spoke directly to him. He’d been so focused on his computer that it startled him. “You like horror movies?”
He shuddered at the thought. Horror movies always made his nightmares so much worse. “No, actually. This is my friend’s account. I take it you do?”
“Mhmm. That’s too bad, I know a few good ones you might enjoy.”
“… Nothing too scary?”
“I suppose that depends on your definition of scary.”
“Hmm… Well I don’t do paranormal. Hard no on anything paranormal. I also don’t really like monsters or ghouls or anything like that.”
“Home invasion?”
“Yeah I think I could do that.” If he were being honest he would have said not in a million years, but he also didn’t want to seem like a complete wuss.
He grinned. “I have the perfect movie. Do you want to watch it on my laptop?”
“W-What? You mean, right now?”
He shrugged. “I’m here, and obviously we’ve both already checked out of this project for today. Besides, I don’t want to leave in case Elise needs me for something else.”
Just then he was saved by the bell – or rather, his mother.
“Takumi! Come help me get the groceries in!”
He hopped up and ran to the car, thankful to get out of that conversation. Maybe he wouldn’t have to watch a horror movie after all.
“Would you like some help with those?” Leo asked, indicating the bags she was carrying. She handed them off to him gratefully and he finished getting them into the kitchen. Then Leo helped him bring in the few bags from the car, and they were done in one trip. He tried to help put things away, but Mama shooed him back out into the living room.
Leo was standing by, waiting for him to get done.
“So, how about it?”
“I don’t know if we have time for a movie. Mama when is dinner?”
“Oh don’t worry about it sweetie. There’s plenty of time for a movie.”
Fuck. Looks like he was doing this.
“Alright, sure. Sakura will probably want the basement so she can get ready for her sleepover, so we can watch it in my room.”
With Ryoma out he could finally shut his door. It wasn’t that he wanted to do anything, he just liked having the privacy. Leo set his laptop up on the bed.
“Turn off the lights.”
“Come on, it’s a horror movie. You have to set the mood!”
He flicked the lights off and sat down. He tried to keep a respectable distance, but it was hard when they were watching on a laptop. They had three or four inches between their shoulders at best.
It was a little weird, if he was being honest. He’d never had an Alpha on his bed unless it was Hinata or Oboro. He hadn’t realized how weirdly intimate it was until he was sitting with the blonde. His heart was racing, though that was probably just from the movie. Though, by the end of it he was actually clinging to Leo’s arm and hiding his face in the sleeve of the blonde’s hoodie.
They were nearing the end of the movie. By now there had been a few tense moments of this woman trying to escape her would-be killer, and a few jump scares to set his nerves on edge. She was trying to crawl back in her window while the killer chased her, and he had to stop himself from shouting go, go, go, go!
The door to his room slammed open and he screamed. Not a yelp or a cry of surprise, he actually yelled out in terror and hid his face behind the Alpha’s shoulder.
“Takumi?” It was just Ryoma. Apparently he hadn’t been as gone as Takumi thought him.
“Gods, Ryoma! You scared the shit out of me!”
“My apologies. I just wanted to know if you needed anything.”
“Yeah! A new damn pair of underwear! Geez Ryoma, can’t I have the door closed for five minutes without you barging in!”
His brother put his hands up in surrender. “Alright, alright. Finish your movie, mother said that dinner will be ready soon.
As soon as he backed out Leo chuckled. “I didn’t think you would be that scared by this movie!”
“I-I wasn’t scared! He just surprised me is all!” He scooted away from Leo and drew his knees up to his chest.
“Of course, obviously.” Leo nodded. “Alright pay attention. We’re almost at the end.”
They very end of the movie was more action packed and didn’t have as many jump scares, so it was a little easier to get through. She managed to fight off her attacker and call the police in the end. And hey, the cat didn’t even die. When the credits started rolling Leo shut his laptop.
“So, what did you think?”
“The entire plot of this movie could have been avoided if this woman just owned a landline.”
“That’s… Exactly what I always say.”
There was an awkward lull in the conversation. After a moment he finally responded again.
“W-We should get to the dining room. Mama is probably waiting for us.”
He reached for the light, but in the dark he didn’t see the stack of books hanging a few inches over the edge of his bookshelf. He accidentally bumped them and brought the entire pile down.
“Shit!” He muttered. He managed to flick the light on. Only five or six books ended up on the ground, and he quickly picked them up and re-stacked them on the shelf.
“The Stranger?” Leo picked the top paperback off the stack and flipped it over.
“Well aren’t you nosy!” He shot back, defensively. Most people that saw his book collection automatically labelled him a huge nerd, including his older siblings.
“I’ve been trying my hardest not to snoop, but it’s kind of hard not to notice when you’re a complete klutz and knock over piles of books. Besides, it’s one of my favorites, I couldn’t help bringing it up.”
“I actually haven’t finished it yet.” He admitted. “Nihilism isn’t really my thing, and I can’t stand the main character!”
“Really? I think it leans more absurdist myself. How far did you get?”
“Uh, I think I was about half way through part one.”
“You should try again. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”
He took the book from the Alpha and tossed it on his nightstand.
“You know, for a pretty boy you’re kind of a dork.”
He was into philosophy and history? What was next? Would Leo tell him that he’s on the school’s chess team?
“I could say the same of you, Takumi.”
Wait, did Leo just call him pretty? Did he just call Leo pretty? To his face? Oh gods, like he needed another reason to go red as a tomato. He hurried past the Alpha and took his seat at the table with the rest of his family and Elise. There were seven places set at the table. Ryoma was sitting on one end, Mama on the other, and Elise, Sakura, and Hinoka on one side. That left two places on the other for he and Leo to sit. He took his usual seat nearest Mama, but Leo hung back a moment. He checked his watch.
“Actually I think it’s time I headed home.”
He wasn’t about to stop Leo, though he was a little disappointed. He’d just found out that they had so much in common, and he’d been kind of hoping that they could chat more.
“Please stay for dinner at least! Sakura was just telling me about how helpful you’ve been, it’s the least I can do.”
He looked conflicted, but he ultimately sat down.
“Thank you, ma’am.”
Mama smiled at him, then leaned over and whispered conspiratorially in his ear.
“Is this the boy you’ve been complaining about? He’s so polite!”
“Mama please!” His face was already red enough from that earlier pretty boy comment.
“So, Leo.” Oh gods. Ryoma was going to do this to him? Tonight? “You’re working on a project with Takumi?”
“That’s right.”
“Uh huh. How’s your GPA?”
“Ryoma…” He muttered under his breath.
“I have a perfect GPA, actually.”
“Good, good… Because, you know, my brother doesn’t waste his time with stupid men.”
“Ryoma!” He growled. Mama patted him on the arm.
“Now come on Ryoma, he’s our guest. There’s no need for this.” Yet. He could hear it in her voice. Gods, had his entire family gone crazy?
The rest of dinner went pretty normally, aside from Ryoma’s incessant what-are-your-intentions-with-my-brother grilling. When it was over he helped Mama clear the table, and Leo excused himself.
“I really must get going.”
“Do you live far? I can drive you home, if you’d like?” Mama called out from the kitchen. She was in the middle of doing the dishes, and Ryoma was helping her dry.
“It’s not far.” He answered quickly. “Really, I’d prefer to walk.”
“Alright. It was nice meeting you!”
Ryoma was just glaring daggers at him over her shoulder. Takumi pushed him toward the stairs and followed him into the entryway.
“Uh, sorry about him.”
Leo just shrugged. “Believe me, I’ve seen worse. Why don’t we get together on Sunday to finish the project?”
“Y-Yeah, sure. Sounds good.”
“I’ll text you.”
He headed out and Takumi shut the door behind him. It was still pretty warm out, but he hoped Leo didn’t have to walk too far. It was starting to get dark, and it looked like it might rain later that night.
All in all he was no longer absolutely dreading seeing Leo again. Hell, he was a completely different person than he usually was in school! He’d even called Mama ‘ma’am’!
He headed back upstairs to see if any more help was needed. Sakura and Elise had long since retreated into the basement to get things set up, and Hana and Effie would probably be there soon.
“Your friend seemed nice.” Mama was just finishing up the dishes and wiping her hands on a nearby towel.
“I don’t like him.” Ryoma slammed a plate down in the cupboard a little harder than usual.
He rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to like him, Ryoma. We’re just doing a class project together. Besides, he hates me anyways.”
It was true. Just because he was polite didn’t mean he liked Takumi. He was probably just minding his manners for once.
“Oh I don’t know about that, sweetie. The two of you seemed to get on just fine.” She had this glint in her eye.
“I told you, Mama, it’s not like that.”
“Good.” Ryoma muttered under his breath.
Gods, what a pain! He loved his brother, but he could be too overprotective sometimes. Heck, he still glared daggers at Hinata, and they’d been friends since they were five!
“I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
He spent the rest of the night watching dumb youtube videos to try and shake the horror movie from his mind.
Saturday went by pretty uneventfully. He and Hinata went to kendo practice in the morning and then they spent the rest of the day bumming around the park while the weather was still warm. Then later that night Oboro came over for their regular movie night.
Hinata hooked his laptop into the TV and started flicking through the movies. He and Oboro were already sitting on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn between them.
“So how did working on your project with Mister Prissy-pants go yesterday?”
“Actually, not terribly. It was, uh, actually kind of fun.”
Both of his friends stopped what they were doing and looked at him.
“Woah, hold the phone. You had fun. With Leo?”
“I mean… Look, he was still kind of a dick but I don’t know. We have a lot in common, and he was actually really sweet with Mama and his sister.”
Hinata whistled. “Well looks like it’s the end of the world everybody. Oboro, do you still have that zombie invasion action plan we wrote up?”
She shoved him. “Who said it was going to be a zombie invasion?”
“Who said it wasn’t?”
He was thankful that they didn’t push the subject, at least. Mama had been giving him that look ever since and Ryoma kept pulling him aside to have the talk. Just the memory of it made him shudder, and he was glad that Hinoka needed him for something before he could really get into it.
“I know you don’t like them, but can we please watch a horror movie? I know of a really good zombie flick now that you mention it!” Hinata urged.
Zombie movies, strangely enough, didn’t really bother him. Maybe because he knew how unlikely a zombie apocalypse was, and most of the movies were pretty bad anyways.
“Fine. But no more until Halloween!”
He started playing the movie and sat down on the couch next to Oboro. They were only about ten minutes in when he got distracted by a text from Leo.
Hey, sorry but I’m not going to be able to meet tomorrow.
What? Why?
Some family stuff came up. Sorry, we can talk about it more on Monday?
Alright, just don’t go tanking my grade with your slacking.
“Hey!” Oboro snapped her fingers. “Eyes on the screen!”
“Sorry, sorry!” He shut his phone off and set it aside.
He was a little disappointed. Maybe Leo got scared off by his family after all? But still, they could have met up at the library or something. He just hoped his overbearing brother wasn’t about to be the reason he failed a class.
After awhile he started wondering what exactly came up to stop Leo from working on their project. Just three days ago he’d been so insistent that they get the project done immediately, but now he was delaying?
Though, it didn’t take him long to figure out what had happened. He walked into third period, and the first thing he noticed was the blonde in the second row. His left eye was swollen and bruised up. Takumi took his seat and set his backpack down.
“Geez, what happened?”
“Oh this? It’s nothing.” He brushed it off. He didn’t seem interested in talking about it, so he dropped it. Whatever it was, it wasn’t pleasant.
“… Did you want to get the rest of this project done today? I was thinking we could go to the library after school.”
“Yeah, sure. Sound’s good.”
He couldn’t pay attention for the rest of class. He knew it wasn’t any of his business, but he couldn’t help speculating. What the hell happened? Heck, he wouldn’t be at all surprised if Ryoma hunted him down after he left their house. Not that it’d happened, he could think of plenty of people that would want to punch Leo in the face.
They decided to head to the library separately after school. Takumi arrived first. It was a pretty big library, and they’d agreed to meet near the back. There was a section specifically designed for teens to hang around in. There were a few tables, some computers, and a couple of board games, TVs, and even a game console. He didn’t usually come back to this section, but it was the most recognizable one so he’d picked it on a whim.
He was currently sitting at the chess table they had back there. He didn’t really have anything to do until Leo got there, and his phone was running low on battery so he was absentmindedly moving the pieces around.
There wasn’t really anyone else around, so he perked up immediately once Leo came in.
The Alpha nodded at the board. “You play?”
“Oh gods, you are a chess nerd. I knew it.”
Leo shrugged and dropped his backpack on the ground next to his chair. “My father used to play with me when I was a kid.”
“That’s nice.”
“Yeah, it was… Do you want to play a game?”
“Sure, but I’m not that good. I prefer shogi.”
“Show-gee? Is that like chess?”
“Yeah, a bit.”
As it turned out, Leo was quite good. He won pretty easily, and as much as he wanted to let his competitive spirit out he pushed his chair out and moved to one of the tables.
“You don’t want to play another game?”
“Oh believe me, I’m going to kick your ass in the future. But Mama wants me home for dinner so we should probably work on the project.”
They managed to finish up their project over the next two hours of working. He finished the paper, Leo finished the powerpoint, and then they swapped to proof read. He was pretty happy with the work overall, but he did veto some of Leo’s color choices for the slides.
When they were done he packed up his things, and Leo did the same.
“Would you like me to walk you home?”
He didn’t live too far from the library. It was about half way between their high school and his house. All together it would be about a fifteen minute walk from there to his house, but Mama and Ryoma wouldn’t usually let him walk anywhere by himself. They lived in an okay neighborhood, but they definitely bordered on a bad part of town. Another fifteen minutes of walking past his house and there was nothing but ramshackle ranch houses and trailers. He’d originally planned to call up Ryoma or Hinoka to get a ride, but it was a nice day, and if he had Leo with him…
“Are you sure? I can get a ride?”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s on my way.”
“Y-Yeah, sure.”
It would be nice to get some time to talk without his family or school projects getting in the way. He was vaguely aware of the fact that he was actually starting to like Leo. But hey, how couldn’t he? It was like someone reached into his head, pulled out all of his favorite things, and stuffed them into the body of a tall, pretty Alpha. And those eyes? Gods, those piercing, red eyes. It almost wasn’t fair.
He found out that they had even more in common on the walk home. His favorite food was beef stew, which was kind of like a soup. Though it was second only in his heart to tomatoes. Takumi had brought up the subject accidentally, and Leo had begun rambling on about them.
“… And when you bite into them! Gods it’s divine!”
“Woah, hold up. You eat raw tomatoes?”
“Yes, don’t you?”
“No. Actually, I don’t think anyone does.”
“You’re missing out.”
He scrunched up his nose. “Gross.”
Leo gently nudged him as they walked. “Hey, don’t make fun. Someday I’m going to have a garden full of just tomato plants. Then you’ll see.”
Takumi pushed him back, just a little harder. “Don’t be such a weirdo, then!”
Those fifteen minutes almost went by too fast, and before he knew it they were standing at his front door. He didn’t really want to say goodbye, but Ryoma would probably just embarrass the hell out of him, and if he didn’t come home for dinner Mama would be upset.
“So I’ll uh, see you in class tomorrow?”
“Couldn’t miss it if I wanted to.” He answered dryly. It was one of those jokes that wasn’t really a joke, the kind Takumi couldn’t help laughing at.
Leo waited for him to get inside the house before he left.
“Takumi? I thought you were going to call for a ride? You didn’t walk home alone, did you?”
“No Mama, Leo walked with me.”
“Really, he did?”
He rolled his eyes. “He was just being polite. He said it was on his way anyways.”
“Is it?”
He shrugged. He’d just taken Leo’s word for it but he didn’t check to see if the Alpha had turned back the way they came or not.
“I’m going to finish up the rest of my homework. Do you need anything?”
“No I’m fine dear. Dinner in an hour.”
Ryoma and Sakura had long since finished their homework, but Hinoka was still sitting at the dining room table when he put his backpack down. She’d probably just walked home from practice and taken a shower – Mama always made her take a shower before dinner so she didn’t stink up the place.
He loved Hinoka, but he didn’t really get to spend that much time with her. Once she got to high school most of her free time was spent either at practice or hanging out with her teammates. That, and she and Ryoma were quite close. Pretty much anything he shared with her got passed on to his brother, whether he wanted it to be or not. He supposed it made sense, he was far closer to Sakura and they were far closer to each other, but it made it much harder to relate to her.
“So…” She opened up the conversation. “Leo?”
“Oh gods, not you too!”
“Hey, I’m not judging! I think it’s great that you’re getting along! He’s a good kid.”
“He’s sixteen, he’s not a kid. And how would you know what he’s like?”
She shrugged. “Just the impression I got from him at dinner. And sometimes his sister helps out at bake sales and things for the team. She talks about him a lot.”
He did vaguely recall a busty, purple haired Alpha coming by a few times in the past to see Hinoka. She hadn’t been around long enough for him to register the connection, but now that he thought about it he did hear quite a bit about Camilla. Mostly jealous rumors from the girls in his grade, or the guys bemoaning how she only ever seemed to flirt with other girls.
“Well you don’t have to go running to Ryoma. Like I told him, we’re just doing our class projects together.”
“Alright little brother. I believe you.”
The due date for their first project came and went. They got an A, obviously, and strangely enough Takumi couldn’t wait for the next one. He and Leo worked well together, and it was nice having a project partner that didn’t distract the hell out of him for once.
In the meantime, they started spending more and more time together. In addition to his Saturday movie nights with Hinata and Oboro, he and Leo had a Friday movie night now too. Sometimes they watched them in his room, sometimes the basement. They’d begun switching off between B horror movies and terrible sci-fi flicks. Sometimes they didn’t watch a movie at all, they just played video games or a board game or just talked.
It was a few days before Thanksgiving, so they’d decided to have their movie night after school on that Tuesday instead. Though they’d never gotten around to picking a movie. His computer was lying a few feet away, HDMI cable plugged in and idling on the Netflix home screen.
He was lying down on one end of the couch, knees bent, and Leo was on the other. Their legs were just barely close enough to touch.
“What do you guys do for Thanksgiving?”
“Nothing really.”
“Really? Nothing?”
“Father hates holidays.”
“Your father sounds like a dick.”
The Alpha snorted. “You don’t know the half of it.”
He’d been wondering for awhile. Leo never talked about his family, or at least he didn’t talk about his dad. Over the past few months he’d been slowly piecing some things together, but the picture was still frustratingly incomplete.
“… Hey Leo?”
“You remember that black eye you had a few months ago?”
“What about it?”
“… How did you get it?”
He immediately regretted asking. Leo sat up, and Takumi mirrored him.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
Leo just shrugged. “Why bother hiding it? My father isn’t exactly the most even tempered guy. He kind of flipped his lid when Elise came home that Saturday morning. Kept ranting about how she was whoring around with Alphas – I guess he smelled your siblings on her. I tried to stop him from throwing her out.”
“Oh… I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It is what it is.”
Takumi scooted closer to him. He didn’t really know what to say, so he did what he always did when one of his siblings was upset. He hugged him. The Alpha seemed surprised, but he didn’t pull away.
Leo smelled nice. Like a forest on a sunny, warm day. Like dirt and grass and… honeysuckle? It was a lot to take in at once. And he was so warm and his skin was so soft…
Footsteps pounded down the stairs, and he pushed the Alpha away quickly just before Ryoma could see them. Leo scooted back quickly and he turned to his computer screen so Ryoma wouldn’t suspect anything.
“Are you two doing okay down here?”
“Get out of here, Ryoma! Mama told you not to bug us!”
He was trying to hide his blushing face from his brother, but it was a losing battle. He might have been mistaken, but he thought he saw a small tint to Leo’s cheeks too.
“As long as the two of you are… getting along.” He gave Leo the I hope you aren’t fucking around down here look before he went back upstairs. Gods, he was only fifteen, why did Ryoma not trust him to keep his hormones in check?
“A-Anyways… Do you want to spend Thanksgiving here? I’m sure Mama won’t mind, she always makes too much food.”
“You don’t have to be nice to me just because of my father.”
“It’s not because of that! I would have invited you, anyways. Geez, who doesn’t have a holiday celebration?”
“… I’ll think about it. And thanks for the offer.”
He’d been friends with Hinata and Oboro for a long time. They were both Alphas, but he’d never felt anything special for them. He’d never gotten butterflies in his stomach thinking about them, and he’d never spent hours going through his closet to find the right outfit before he saw them. But here he was, Thanksgiving morning, doing exactly that.
He tried to justify it. Well we’ve never had guests before. At least, no guests that weren’t Hinata, Oboro, or one of his siblings’ friends.
But then wasn’t Leo just one of his friends, too?
Mama was okay with him coming over, just like he knew she would be. Ryoma was less than thrilled, something about how he was “too young to be dating”. Whatever, he’d get over it. He and Leo weren’t even dating. He wasn’t even sure if the Alpha liked him.
He pulled at least five things out of the closet and laid them over the bed. He was staring at them hopelessly when Sakura came into the room. She was already dressed for the day in an oversized orange sweater-dress and some plain black leggings. She even had a pair of matching orange slippers and a matching headband and gods he’d never envied girls for having so many cute clothing options, but he was right now.
“A-Are you trying to look good for Leo?”
He’d never in a million years admit to crushing on someone to his older siblings, but Sakura was different.
“J-Just be yourself! I’m s-sure he likes you just the way you are!”
“Yeah, but I still want to look nice! But I also don’t want to look like I’m trying to look nice, you know?” He’d been wearing sweatpants and plain v-neck t-shirts the last couple of times they’d hung out. He couldn’t help himself, it’d been Friday! That was his comfy day!
“A-Alright, let me see what I can do.” She giggled.
It wasn’t too far off what he’d normally wear, in the end. She pulled out one of his usual black v-necks and a pair of jeans, but she also managed to dig out an old button down that he was pretty sure he’d gotten as a hand-me-down from Ryoma. The sleeves were a little long, so he just rolled them up to the elbows and left the front unbuttoned.
The only accessory he really owned an extensive collection of was hair ribbons. Mama usually bought him the same thing for every birthday or Christmas: A book and a hair ribbon. He loved both, so he wasn’t complaining. Sakura found a plain orange one to match the Thanksgiving theme and he quickly tied his hair up with it.
With that all sorted, they spent most of the rest of the day cooking with Mama while Ryoma and Hinoka cleaned up. They didn’t really do the traditional American thanksgiving, instead Mama tried to cook everyone’s favorite foods. There was almost always miso soup for him, salmon for Ryoma, and pickled vegetables for Hinoka along with rice, duck, a salad, and some stir-fried vegetables. She also made tea, and Sakura’s favorite mochi for dessert.
It was a pretty big task to cook it all, and they always had a ton of leftovers. Mama joked that she was glad they were finally old enough to help her out, since she used to do all of it by herself.
Hinoka popped her head in around four o’clock.
“How many places should we set?”
“Hmm… I think we’ll be having nine?”
“Nine? Who all is coming?”
“Well there’s the five of us, Leo and Elise makes seven… And since they’re coming I told them to just invite their whole family, so Xander and Camilla makes nine.”
He heard Ryoma groan from the living room. “You invited Xander?”
“Well I wasn’t going to invite everyone but Xander! That would be rude, Ryoma!” She yelled back.
He’d considered inviting Oboro and Hinata as well, but Oboro was travelling to visit family this year and Hinata’s parents were inviting over some relatives so he had to be at home. Plus, he’d avoided having Leo meet his friends thus far. Not that he was embarrassed of them or anything, he just wasn’t sure how well they’d all get along.
Everyone arrived around five, and he ran down to get the door before Ryoma could jump at it. Only Camilla, Leo, and Elise were at the door, and the eldest was holding a bottle of something. It was lightly snowing outside, so he ushered them in quickly.
“Thank you so much for inviting us, dear!” She handed over the bottle.
“Yeah, no problem. Make yourselves at home.” He hung their coats up on the nearby coat rack. Camilla and Elise ran upstairs, but Leo hung back with him.
He pulled the bottle out of the bag to get a better look at it.
“Sake? Where did you guys even get this?” As far as he knew, none of them were of age. Well, Xander might be eighteen, but he wasn’t there.
“Father won’t miss one bottle. He doesn’t even like sake, it’s just been sitting around the house.”
He shrugged. Mama sometimes drank sake, and usually she would let them have a taste around the holidays. He just put it on the kitchen counter and started getting down the serving dishes for the food. Camilla wandered in a few minutes later.
“Is there anything at all I can help with?”
He’d never seen an Alpha offer to help with kitchen stuff, but there was a first time for everything. Ryoma and Hinoka would usually help out, but only if directly asked.
“Oh don’t worry about it. You’re a guest! Besides, we’re almost done here. Just go take a seat, dinner will be in a few minutes.”
He caught a few snippets of conversation as he and Sakura carried dishes out to the table. Mainly Hinoka and Camilla discussing what the baseball season would look like come spring. Ryoma occasionally added to the conversation, but overall it was nothing he was too interested in. Elise must have been in the bathroom, and Leo was boredly sitting at the table. It didn’t take long to get everything on the table, so when it was all ready he took his usual seat next to Leo.
“Won’t Xander be joining us?”
“I’m afraid he had to work, actually.” Camilla answered. Mama took the empty plate away and he, Leo, and Hinoka all shifted over a little to make things even. He ended up sitting directly across from Sakura, Leo was in front of Elise, and Hinoka was facing Camilla.
“This all looks wonderful ma’am! I hope you had some help!” Camilla added as they began passing things around the table.
“Yes, Takumi and Sakura are quite the little chefs now!” She laughed. “I remember when they were little they tried to help cook and they nearly burnt the house down! Little Takumi came sprinting down the hall, hair singed to drag me out of bed… And what do I find in the kitchen? Ryoma and Hinoka standing over a smoking pan and Sakura crying in the corner!”
They all laughed about it now, but he remembered that year all too well. That was the year Papa died. He was maybe five? Mama didn’t get out of bed for weeks unless it was to take care of them, and little seven year old Ryoma thought it might help cheer her up if they cooked for her. Of course they were kids so none of them knew how to cook. It got her out of bed, though. It was easy to laugh at in retrospect, but at the time it had probably shocked her back into being alive and a mother.
But it wasn’t really the time for such discussions, so he laughed along.
“Mama kept the knives out of reach and I wanted to make soup. So I just dumped whole vegetables into a pot of water. Didn’t even turn the stove on. I thought her head was going to explode!”
“Kids just do the strangest things, don’t they?” Camilla added. Though, wasn’t she still a kid herself? “When we were little Elise wanted to play princesses, and unfortunately poor Leo was the only one around at the time. Elise dressed them both up in mother’s clothes and used up every last bit of her makeup! By the end they both looked like something straight out of a clown horror movie!”
“Oh? Is that where the love of headbands stems from?” He teased, nudging Leo’s foot under the table. The Alpha scoffed.
“Coming from the guy with a collection of hair ribbons.”
“Hey, don’t knock ‘em. Do you even know how hard it is to use scrunchies when you have all of this hair?”
“Why not just cut it?”
He mock-gasped. “Blasphemy.”
Leo kicked him playfully under the table, and he laughed.
Thankfully, it ended up being a very bearable holiday. Ryoma didn’t spend half of dinner re-grilling Leo like he usually did when the Alpha came over, and his brother even seemed to get along with Camilla. Plus, after dinner they all went down to the basement to watch dumb holiday movies. It was a pretty big couch, but with eight people was still a squeeze. So, naturally in the interest of making space he had to get as close to Leo as possible.
He wasn’t on top of him or anything, but he was practically glued to his side. They also didn’t have too many blankets in the basement, so he and Leo had to share. About half way through the movie the overwhelming scent of honeysuckle and grass and Leo was starting to get to his head, and he was getting antsy. They didn’t normally sit this close when they were alone, and his Alpha scent was doing very weird things to his hormones.
He started fidgeting with his hands, scratching his nails down the leg of his jeans or tapping his fingers. Leo tapped the back of his hand with his knuckles. He froze, and once he was still the Alpha grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together under the blanket.
He was at a complete loss for words. At no point did Leo’s eyes leave the screen, but he did squeeze his hand when Takumi looked over at him from the corner of his eye. He felt like he was about to explode. Leo was holding his hand. He could have died happy then and there.
When they left he was on top of the moon. Maybe Leo did like him back. He was so giddy he could barely get to sleep.
He was hopeful when he returned to school the following week, but the Alpha didn’t seem keen on acknowledging that anything had happened. He didn’t bring it up, and it certainly didn’t happen again. Even when they were completely alone in his basement.
He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting to happen after Thanksgiving, but it certainly wasn’t nothing. They finished their last two projects together, and they kept their regular Friday night hangouts, but nothing happened.
Tomorrow was their last day before the end of the semester. He and Sakura were already in their pajamas and ready for bed, but they weren’t sleeping just yet. He was lying face down with his head buried in the pillow, and she was sitting on the end of his bed with him.
“I don’t know Sakura, maybe I’m an idiot. I thought he liked me.”
“Maybe he does? I m-mean, he did hold your hand.”
“But that was a month ago! Why hasn’t he done anything else? I thought he’d ask me out or try to kiss me or something, but he’s acting like nothing happened!”
“W-Why don’t you ask him out then?”
“Are you crazy? What if he said no? Gods it’d be so embarrassing!”
“Maybe he’s j-just waiting until the end of the semester?”
He looked up from his pillow. She had a look to her that immediately set something off in his head.
“Sakura… Do you know something?”
She giggled. It wouldn’t be unusual… She was friends with Leo’s little sister, and Elise was becoming notorious for being a bit of a blabber mouth. Sakura got up and scurried back to her bed.
“C-Come on, it’s late. Worry about it t-tomorrow.”
It didn’t make him feel better, but it did give him a little hope.
He waited anxiously for third period. It was the last day of classes before winter break, so most teachers didn’t have anything for them to do. He had his Geometry final in the morning, but that was about it. He hadn’t even bothered studying because even if he completely failed he’d still be getting an A in the class. Third period they were just doing presentations for their final projects, and he and Leo had already presented theirs.
Leo leaned over to him when he sat down in class.
“Hey… Can you wait for me after school? I want to ask you something.”
His heart was already pounding, but now it was doing double time.
The rest of the day couldn’t go by fast enough. He barely even touched his lunch, and Hinata spent the entire time teasing him about his “future boyfriend”. He didn’t want to get his hopes up too high. For all he knew Leo wanted to talk about something completely unrelated.
When the end of the day came he anxiously waited by the exit for Leo. Ryoma still had to drive them home, but he hoped that his brother wouldn’t show up and kill the moment until after Leo had asked him whatever he was going to ask him.
The Alpha was with one of his friends, the white-haired one with the eyepatch. They looked like they were debating something, and eventually Leo gave an exasperated sigh. His friend apparently got his way, at least if his giddy look was any indication. The other Alpha sniggered and pushed the blonde his way.
“Hey, Leo!” He tried to be casual, but his excitement was bleeding through in his voice.
“Hey, uh… Look this is going to sound stupid, but Niles wanted me to ask…”
“Uh huh?”
“I was just wondering…”
“Yeah?” He tried not to get his hopes up, but damn were his hopes up.
Leo sighed.
“How much would it be?”
“For what?”
“For you to blow me in the bathroom.”
He had no words. He just gaped at the Alpha for a minute, and finally stuttered out an “Excuse me?”
Ryoma was less calm about it. He’d apparently been coming down the hall behind Leo, and unfortunately for the blonde Alpha he’d heard the whole thing. His backpack thunked to the ground behind him. Leo’s eyes widened as Ryoma grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around.
“What makes you think that you can talk to my brother like that?”
“W-Woah, hey hold on-”
But he didn’t get to finish his sentence. Ryoma punched him straight in the mouth. Leo recoiled, then bolted in the opposite direction. His brother tried to run after him, but Takumi grabbed him by the arm.
“Ryoma no!”
“You’re just going to let him disrespect you like that? I know you like him, but come on Takumi!”
“He’s not worth it. You only have one semester left until graduation, do you really want to get suspended or worse?”
That seemed to level his head. He took a deep breath, then picked his backpack up off of the floor.
“Come on. We’d better get home before I change my mind.”
The drive home was a quiet one. As soon as they were home he dropped his backpack in the entryway.
“Hey how was school?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He called over his shoulder and ran up to his room. Mama tried to follow him, but he slammed the door and curled up in bed.
What an asshole! Just when he’d started actually liking Leo, he goes and acts like every other Alpha! Was that all he was to these people? A set of fucking holes? They had so much in common, they’d had so much fun together over the past few months, but all he cared about was getting his knot swallowed? Fuck it, he was never talking to another Alpha ever again. They could all shove it, for what he cared. He’d just die alone.
He’d just resigned himself to wallowing in self-pity when there was a soft knock on the door.
“Not now, Mama.”
She came in anyways and sat down on the end of his bed.
“Ryoma told me what happened. Do you want to talk about it?”
He sat up and let her wrap an arm around his shoulders. He buried his face in her shirt and just let the tears loose.
“I thought he r-really liked me! I’m s-such an idiot!”
“Shh, it’s okay baby. There’ll be other Alphas.”
“They’re all the same! They’re just looking for somewhere to stick their dicks!”
“You’re still young. There’ll be other Alphas. I didn’t meet your father until I was in my twenties.”
“Yeah, but Papa wasn’t awful!”
She let him cry it out, until his chest hurt and his eyes were dry and he was sniffling and hiccuping. It probably took a good three hours, but she didn’t leave his side. She just held him and waited. Only once he’d cried himself dry did she speak up again.
“Why don’t I take you all out for dinner?”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Consider it a reward for your good grades?”
“We haven’t even gotten our report cards back.”
“But I know you all did wonderfully. Come on, it’ll be fun. You can have all the miso soup you want!”
“… Alright. Thanks, Mama.”
He blew his nose and washed his face off. His eyes were still a little red and puffy still, but he grabbed his coat anyways.
Everyone else was already ready to go. Ryoma must have filled them in too because Sakura ran over and gave him a hug as soon as he got to the living room.
They almost always went to the same restaurant when they went out for dinner. It was a little Japanese place on the other side of town. Mama liked to go there sometimes because that was where she and Papa met when she used to waitress there. The food was pretty good, and they ran special all-you-can-eat sushi deals so they could get a lot for pretty cheap. Plus, Mama got a discount.
Everyone tried their best to keep it light. He ate about five bowls of miso soup, and by the end of it he was feeling a lot better. He even managed to smile at a few of Hinoka’s dumb jokes.
By the time they were done it was snowing pretty hard outside, and it took them awhile to get home in the blizzard. It was already pitch black outside, but when they pulled up to the house there was someone sitting clearly on their front stoop. He caught a flash of blonde hair as their lights went past, and he heard Ryoma swear from the front seat.
“That bastard!”
Mama pushed him inside the house as soon as they were in the garage. Takumi tried to follow her, but she stopped him.
“Just go talk to him, sweetheart.”
“But Mama–”
“I understand, just ask if he wants a ride home. I’d send your brother to do it but…”
He rolled his eyes and pulled his scarf over his nose. Leo stood up when he saw him come out of the garage. His lip was busted and bloody, and he was shivering but otherwise he seemed fine. He brushed off a fine dusting of snow from his shoulders.
“Takumi I–”
“Look, I understand if you don’t want to talk to me, and after I say this I’ll leave if you want me to.”
“Fine. What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?”
“Why? Why would you say that to me in the first place?”
“It was just a stupid dare. I was going to apologize afterwards, but your brother kind of decked me and I wanted to avoid being beaten to a bloody pulp.”
He shook his head. “You don’t get it! It isn’t funny! Do you know how many times I’ve had Alphas seriously say that kind of stuff to me?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you would be so hurt by it, I thought it would just be a dumb, harmless joke. There’s no excuse, and all I can do is apologize.”
He was shivering like crazy now, and his cheeks and nose were bright red. He must have been standing out there for awhile if he was in such a shape. He knew Alphas ran a little warmer, but Leo’s coat wasn’t very thick to begin with and he didn’t have a hat, gloves, or scarf.
He let out an exasperated sigh and grabbed the Alpha by the wrist.
“You’re going to freeze to death out here, come on.”
He dragged him into the house. Ryoma was already waiting for them in the foyer.
“What is he doing here?”
“Don’t start, Ryoma.”
Takumi pulled him into his room and swapped Leo’s coat out for one of his thick wool blankets. He tossed his own coat and scarf aside and sat down next to the Alpha on the bed.
“… Thank you.”
“You looked so pathetic out there.”
Leo chuckled. “I must have just missed you, I’ve been waiting for an hour.”
An hour? It must have been ten below out there!
He bumped him with his shoulder. “You’re an idiot. Why didn’t you just text me?”
“Because I felt like an ass, and my father took my phone away when he saw the split lip.”
“Still, it could have waited until tomorrow. You could have frozen to death.”
“But I didn’t.”
“No, I guess you didn’t.”
Leo shivered under the blanket. He pulled one half of the oversized blanket over his shoulder and scooted closer. Leo’s skin was cold to the touch, and now that they were in the light he could see his lips had been turning a bit blue. His blonde hair was dripping as the snow melted off of it, but he rested his head on Leo’s wet shoulder anyways.
“I wanted to ask you something, too. I mean, I meant to ask you something after I completed Niles’s stupid dare.”
His heart was beating out of his chest. “What was it?”
“I wanted to know if you would go out with me? I mean, the theater is doing some showings of old documentaries and I thought you might want to go with me… But I understand if you don’t want to, after all of this.”
“Y-You mean like… On a date?”
“Well… Yes, that was the intention?”
He’d been waiting for this for months now. And, in spite of the events of the day he was still ecstatic.
“… Swear you’ll never talk to me like that again?”
“For as long as I live.”
Leo didn’t hesitate in his response. So, neither did he.
“Alright, but you’re on probation. And you’re buying the popcorn to make it up to me.”
“Of course, I am a gentleman after all.”
“A gentleman that asks Omegas to choke on his dick?”
“Not all Omegas, just the ones I like.”
He laughed in spite of himself.
“Well, good luck getting Ryoma to like you after that one.”
“Baby steps, Takumi. Baby steps.”
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confused-stars · 4 years ago
For the sign au Aizawa has a clue connecting Oboro to Kurogiri but it will probably confuse him more than anything. Since Oboro is supposed to be dead??? He'll probably discuss this with Present Mic then try to investigate. Maybe he'll try capturing Kurogiri for answers though that'll be hard. Or maybe he'll search for info on Kurogiri, his history and such. He won't find much unless he manages to break into one of the Doctors labs, but those are hard to find. Or are they???
fear not, for i come bearing answers
this is a bit of a timeline hopping thing since the first part is after Shigaraki was captured and the second is after the Eri rescue!!
ko-fi link (✿◡‿◡)
He finds Hizashi on the roof. That’s the first surprise.  Shouta comes up here sometimes, because he has the destructive habit of picking at old wounds until they’re bleeding and raw again, but Hizashi has always been the opposite of that. It’s not that he ever tried to pretend Oboro hadn’t existed, but he did use to pretend his loss didn’t affect him nearly as much as it actually did. Hizashi was always pushing forward where Shouta lingered on the past. Maybe that makes him a healthier person.
Shouta clears his throat as he approaches, but Hizashi gives no indication of having heard him. He’s sitting at the edge of the roof, legs dangling and arms resting on the railing as he looks out over the UA campus. The view has changed so much since they were teenagers. Since Oboro was up here with them.
There’s about a million places Shouta would rather be at the moment, but this is a conversation that needs to happen. They haven’t talked since Shouta had All Might call up his detective friend and demanded he use his quirk on Hizashi so they could be assured he wasn’t the traitor. The vindication followed by pure hollowness of Hizashi’s gaze after Tsukauchi’s nod has been haunting Shouta for weeks now. There were no words that would have repaired the broken bridge between them, so Shouta decided to give it some time. That might have been a mistake, too. Them drifting apart has always been something that hurt both of them in the process. Hizashi would have likely much rather had a big yelling match and then hugged it out. But Shouta couldn’t do that. He’s been... punishing himself, staying away from his best friend. His ‘something’. His ‘maybe’.  Because it’s Shouta’s fault that he’s hurting in the first place. Shouta’s stupid lack of trust and paranoia. He should have never, ever doubted him, even for a second. There’s a ton of excuses there. How he was injured, how he’s traumatized, how he was always only trying to protect the students. How being cautious was the logical choice. The professional choice for a hero. But none of that actually matters, does it? Hizashi is Hizashi. That should have been enough.
Either way, that’s a problem for later. He has to prioritize right now. There’s something much more pressing, and that’s forcing him to speak with Hizashi even though he still doesn’t know how to even begin repairing their relationship. Shouta has always had this tendency of ducking away from personal conflict like this. It’s much along the same vein as leaving a cat behind in the rain. It’s the easier way, when he gets overwhelmed and doesn’t know what to do. He despises that cowardly part of himself. Usually, he can push it away alright nowadays. But that’s only because he has Hizashi and Nemuri right with him.
Nemuri has firmly taken Hizashi’s side this time, though it’s not like she’s showing Shouta the cold shoulder, either. She’s just fussing over Hizashi more. Which is fine. Shouta is the one who caused the hurt, and it’s not like he enjoys her fussing. It’s probably good that they’re not talking much right now, because Nemuri... that’s going to be another painful conversation.
Shouta sits at the edge of the roof beside Hizashi and gazes out over their school grounds. It still makes him feel nostalgic to be up here. He breathes.
“How was your talk with Shigaraki?” Hizashi speaks first. Of course he does. Even if his voice is carefully blank, void of the usual emotion.
Shouta grimaces and flexes his freshly healed arm. The burns weren’t deep, but they were still painful. “... enlightening.”
Hizashi glances at him over his sunglasses. “So you found out who the traitor is?”
That was one of the questions Shouta knows All Might and Tsukauchi asked and got no answer to. He shakes his head. “But I did find out where he learned my name.”
Hizashi says nothing, waits with a raised eyebrow.
Shouta has no fucking idea how to do this. It feels like there’s a lead weight stuck in his chest. He breathes. Almost wants a cigarette even though he hasn’t smoked in nearly a decade.
He looks over towards the dorms instead of facing Hizashi any longer. “He told me Kurogiri taught him. Apparently they’ve been together for a while.”
“Kurogiri?” Hizashi repeats, “But... then we’re back to square one, aren’t we? How does he know?”
It’s nice, to hear him say ‘we’, even though of course they’re still in this together, as heroes. As teachers at this school. But ‘we’ has always meant something different to them.
‘We’ used to be a team of three or, occasionally, four.
“Shigaraki went nonverbal because of the stress of the interrogation, I think.” Shouta has never been one to dance around the point, he’s more known for being brutally honest, but this might be his limit right here. It’s like stumbling through the dark and knowing there’s a fall coming up ahead. “So... he signed.” Hizashi says nothing, allowing him to sort out his thoughts, but Shouta can feel his eyes boring into the side of his head. Is Hizashi concerned because all this hesitating isn’t like him? He should be. That still would in no way be enough to prepare him for what Shouta’s about to say.
“He spelled it out for me first. Kurogiri. But then, when he wasn’t thinking about it, he used his sign name instead.” Shouta turns to face Hizashi, slowly moving his hands in front of him. He signs, very slowly and deliberately.
Hizashi stares for a second. Then he huffs out a laugh. “That’s ridiculous, Shouta.”
Shouta raises a brow. “Is it?”
The reaction was a predictable one, of course, but Shigaraki wasn’t lying. And how else would he have known?
“He’s dead,” Hizashi insists, shaking his head again, “There’s just... no way. His quirk wasn’t even close to Kurogiri’s!”
“Wasn’t it, though?” Shouta asks quietly, tiredly. “Clouds, mist, it’s all humidity.”
“Teleportation isn’t.” Hizashi takes off his sunglasses, rubs at his eyes. “Are you hearing yourself talk? You seriously believe this?”
Shouta knows that he’s bringing his walls up because denying the possibility hurts less. It’s an old pain brought back up that they both only just started to heal from. But they need to be facing this together. If they’re still afforded that.
“Noumu are creatures created by combining multiple quirks inside a dead body and reviving them.” At least those are the bare bones of the process that Shouta understands. A lot of it is confidential. Need to know basis only. He doesn’t want the details... except now, maybe he does.
“They can’t speak or think!” Hizashi throws up his hands. “And they don’t look like that.”
Shouta’s jaw works for a moment. He looks back out over UA. “Who knows what Kurogiri looks like underneath all that mist?”
Hizashi has no answer for that, apparently, because he just pushes himself to his feet. “This is... I... I need to go. Somewhere else. Work. I have patrol. Yeah, that.”
He’s shaken enough that Shouta knows he’s not completely rejecting the possibility anymore. It’s about as much as he could have hoped for.
Shouta leans his chin on the railing and closes his eyes. “Be careful out there.” He pauses. “... and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ever doubted you.”
Hizashi laughs, and it’s a bit bitter, but not as biting as it could have been. “At this rate, me being a traitor would have been a better outcome.”
Their conversation bears heavily on Shouta’s mind, even two weeks later when he’s doing his usual patrol across the rooftops. It’s dangerous to let himself get distracted like this. Not his style at all.
Shirakumo does that to him.
And Hizashi, too.
He has no idea if things will get better now or not. It would be... helpful to have Hizashi at his side for this. And he knows that, as a hero, he won’t abandon Shouta when it comes to capturing a villain. But as a friend? As... someone Shouta has hurt, deeply and recently? Maybe not.
To be fair though, Shouta was always the one pushing him away before. If this is what his own medicine tastes like, then he’s surprised Hizashi stuck around this long.
His capture cloth is hovering around his head even before the voice speaks up, his body tense and his mind... not as clear as he’d like it to be. But he knows the sound of these portals by now. He knows.
With one quick movement, he’s up from his perch on the corner of the roof and facing the shadowy figure that wasn’t there a moment earlier.
‘Oboro?’ he signs.
Kurogiri’s eyes flicker and narrow. “I didn’t come here for conversation.” He’s not signing, one of his hands behind his back.
Shouta doesn’t blink. He didn’t deny it, did he? Does he know? Shigaraki didn’t. Is Kurogiri able to keep secrets from him? “... but I need to talk to you.”
Against the backdrop of the night sky, it’s difficult to tell where Kurogiri starts and stops. It’s like he’s a part of the night itself.
Oboro liked the stars well enough, but he always preferred lazy afternoons in the sun. Shouta was the nocturnal one.
It’s all wrong.
There’s something that’s not even entirely human in the way Kurogiri tilts his head... if he even has a physical one underneath the mist. “There’s more pressing matters than the... tragedy of Shirakumo Oboro.” There’s a shudder going through him when he says the name, and part of Shouta wants to pounce on that.
If he’s still reacting to the name... then he must remember. And if he does... then he must be forced to help Shigaraki in some way. They already suspected something like that from his demeanor, but without being able to pin Kurogiri down for an interrogation, no one could be sure.
Shouta is, though. The most heroic boy he ever knew would never willingly become a villain.
He opens his mouth, but then Kurogiri is stepping aside, and revealing, behind him... Shouta freezes.
The child can’t be older than six, maybe seven years old. She’s wearing an adult size sweater that reaches past her knees, and her feet are bare. She’s trembling, her eyes big and red and filled with unshed tears that shine in the faint lights of the city below.
“This is Eri,” Kurogiri says.
Shouta knows. He’s been told about her, after all. He was part of an entire rescue operation that culminated in finding Chisaki near bleeding out in a room locked from the inside, and a missing girl. Now that part at least makes sense.
She was an asset. Did the League...? Would they? They’re not above kidnapping teenagers, but small children?
“We did not hurt her,” Kurogiri assures, and somehow he sounds almost affronted at the accusation that Shouta is sure doesn’t even show through the goggles hiding his eyes. “Chisaki took one of our own, so we decided it was time for his downfall. When I saw Eri...”
“You couldn’t just leave her behind,” Shouta concludes the thought. His chest hurts. If there needed to be any more proof, there it is.
Kurogiri makes a noise of affirmation. “I am a caretaker. I am not the kind of person who can leave someone in need.”
“An odd trait for a villain,” Shouta manages, then shakes himself out of it. Because he’s a hero and there’s a scared child.
Kurogiri pats Eri on the head gently and she seems to calm a bit.
Shouta takes a slow step closer, then crouches down, reaching out a hand. “Hello, Eri. My name is Eraserhead. I’m a pro hero.”
Eri looks up at Kurogiri. “... what does that mean?”
“It means -” Kurogiri’s voice is so, so gentle with her. “- that he’s going to help you and keep you safe. We’re unable to provide that kind of safety.”
“Oh.” Eri looks to the ground. “ ‘cause of what I did to the man with the burns.”
Kurogiri crouches now, too. “No. No, that was not your fault. I want you to remember that. And I do believe he will be fine, once he has calmed down a little. You did not hurt him. If anything... you may have healed him.”
Eri raises her gaze, eyes wide. “I... did? I didn’t hurt him?”
Kurogiri shakes his head. “He will be fine,” he repeats, “But your quirk is very powerful and we only managed to break the connection by using my portals in time, to create physical distance.” He stops himself, as if remembering he’s talking to a child. “... what that means is, you need to learn how to control your quirk, and with how powerful it is, Eraserhead is the only one I would trust with that.”
Shouta feels a little dazed. This is nothing like what he experienced from Kurogiri so far, but to be fair, he only ever experienced him on a battlefield beside Shigaraki. Is Shigaraki behind this, too? Is Shigaraki giving up on such a powerful asset out of... kindness? Human decency? Or does he simply not know how deep Eri’s powers supposedly go?
“I can stop your quirk if you ever feel like it’s getting out of control,” he promises, then looks to Kurogiri. A silent question, signed slowly in the dark of night.
Kurogiri signs back after a moment. ‘No repayment needed. This is for her.’
He hesitates. ‘Children like T-O-M-U-R-A should be safe.”
Shouta takes in Eri again. Big, red eyes. Blueish white hair. A powerful quirk. Was Shigaraki to All for One what Eri was to Chisaki? It’s possible. Even if Shigaraki doesn’t seem to see it that way.
‘Understood,’ Shouta signs, ‘I’ll protect her.’
Kurogiri nods and gives Eri a little nudge. “I suppose this is goodbye, then, little bunny.”
Eri swallows and bows her head politely. “I... will you tell them all thank you?” she asks very quietly.
Kurogiri seems to smile, in a way that’s more felt than seen. “I will. Perhaps you will see us again eventually.”
Not if Shouta has anything to say about it. But Eri nods and bravely closes the distance between her and him. Shouta pushes his goggles up so she can see his eyes, and smiles at her.
Eri clutches at her sweater and does not meet his eyes. He didn’t expect her to.
Another portal appears, and Shouta lifts his head. “... Kurogiri.” The villain pauses. “Contact me if you need to talk. It... can be on neutral grounds. Just a conversation.” It aches, to allow him to leave, but he has Eri to think of right now. And somehow, it would feel wrong to try to arrest him after all of this. After seeing him so gentle and caring with this traumatized child. Oboro always was good with children.
Kurogiri watches him for a long moment. Then he nods. “Take care, Shouta.” And he’s gone.
Shouta exhaled forcefully, feeling the tension seep from his body. “... come on, Eri. Let’s get you out of this cold.”
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echoedfates-archive · 7 years ago
1. Oboro x Frankie: Well there’s an obvious way for them to have met i.e. Oboro is summoned. But imagine her seeing Frankie’s clothes from back home and getting hella curious because she’s never seen that kind of thing before? And she wants to learn how to make them and eventually does and gifts Frankie stuff in their style and size? And just general bonding as friends idk about romance but it could gradually get there.
2. Frederick x Zeke: You know I was high-key hoping rng would let Camus x Zeke happen but ah well. Zeke is very devoted to Tatiana but pretending she is just a friend, it would probably have started off with the two simply respecting each other immensely as knights. From then, training buddies and a natural friendship budding. Like with the above ship idea, potential for a gradual romance maybe. Or keep Tatiana in and just knight buddies.
3. Nina x Maribelle: Okay but Nina hearing dodgy rumour about House Themis and deciding to plunder the place to give to the poor. She runs into Maribelle and once caught, accuses her family of hurting the lower classes which she obviously denies. Turns out it was another house and they’re trying to frame Themis so given Maribelle’s strong sense of justice, she asks that Nina be let go and they work together??? Idk the idea just sort of popped into my head like they’re both very wilful when it comes to doing what’s right, and with Maribelle questioning the current laws and Nina’s outright disregard for them, there could be some very interesting commentary between them. The main issue is that Nina’s gen can be Maribelle’s gen’s grandkids...Um...
4. Tharja x Florina: this is where I’m going to struggle, as fe6/7′s world is the only one I’ve not properly touched. Just reading briefly, if they had theoretical supports it could be to do with Florina asking if Tharja’s hexes and dark magic can be used for good. The further in we get, the more we see Florina asking things like could her spells be used to make food, or hexes to ignore hunger, and Tharja starts to guess that this has to do with the pegasus knight’s background and feels some sympathy? If that’s way off for Florina’s personality, I’m really sorry I know hardly anything about her.
5. Camilla x Florina: HEY THANKS RNG. Camilla sees cute girl
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ourkarlanicoleuniverse · 4 years ago
Sweet Nothing (MHA Staff AU Fanfiction)
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Chapter 13
Warnings: None, Swf. Pretty Long, but all my chapters are long so nothing new with that. Contains use of flashbacks.
Aizawa x OC (Mai Montoya, Pro Hero Zion)
Chapter Synopsis: Counselor Mai Montoya focuses on preparing the students for their work study in this chapter. It also mentions a little more about her past in work study and mentions more about her relationship with her mom. Maybe some slight romantic moments with Aizawa...
If you want to read of the events before this chapter here is the Master List 😊
"Now, I don't know why you insist on healing you faster when I told you that you have two weeks left with a normal check-up." Recovery Girl stood up on the bed as she was checking Aizawa's injuries.
"I just want to be over with it. Plus, I'm tired of having Mai over." Ouch. Recovery Girl didn't look amused, so she smacked Aizawa in the shoulder, making him wince, "What the hell?"
"Don't be rude to my Mai. She didn't have to take care of you for this long." She then kissed him on the head, activating her healing quirk. "I'll heal the injuries on your face and make it so you can use your arms, but you have to promise me to keep them bandaged up. As for the rest of your injuries, your legs seem to be okay enough that you don't need my quirk. The same for your abdominal area." Recovery Girl then reached over for my hand for assistance when she wanted to get off the hospital bed. "You can't push yourself too much, Aizawa. Mai, sweetheart, can you help me with wrapping Aizawa up? The gauze is on the counter over there. I have to go check on a student."
The little old lady scurried off with her cane to check on a student that came in with symptoms of a cold. I stood up from the seat next to the bed to grab the gauze she pointed out to me. To be fair, I only think Aizawa was rushing to heal, so that way, his students didn't have to worry about him anymore. Either that or he just wanted to avoid the fact that he almost died, and his injuries are a reminder of that. I don't blame him; I would've been the same way. I went closer to Aizawa and motioned him to move his arms up. He stayed quiet as I moved to wrap the gauze around him. I tried to avoid caressing the bruises and scars littering his porcelain skin. That was all nothing compared to any mental pain he's endured. Every muscle, every scar, all came from hard work to improve himself as a hero. And that motivation came from losing the one person that embodied what it meant to be a hero. I remember Aizawa back when he was an insecure lanky string bean. A person who never thought he was good enough to be a hero because of his quirk.
Seeing that boy turn into this man before me struck me both with pride and worry. Aizawa clearly proved himself wrong and became a great, even selfless, hero. But he still held the burden that all of us did when Oboro died. So, it's not like he or any of us could really be happy with ourselves. I mean, he literally told Recovery Girl to heal him faster so he can go back to work properly instead of being held back by his injuries. Once I was done wrapping his abdomen, I told him to put his arms back down as I went to look at his head and face.
His grey tired eyes searched my face while I examined his head. It looked like Recovery Girl did what she said and healed whatever was left of his injuries in that area. I held his face in both of my hands while I observed it. Nothing out of the ordinary, he practically looked the same as he did before aside from this scar under his right eye. He was still as effortlessly pretty as always. Not even the scar could change that. We made eye contact, but no words were exchanged. I felt that same gravitational pull tugging at the two of us. It was specifically pulling at my heart because it was aching to have him hold it. But I ignored the pull. I moved my hand to move his hair out of his face pretending to check his forehead. "Well, it looks like the old lady did a good job with your head injuries; you're practically good as new."
I felt hands resting above my hips as the rumble sang through, "Practically?"
I went to caress the scar under his eye with my thumb, "Yeah, she left a scar. But I'm sure it's not a big deal to you. I'll just replace the gauzing on your arms, and you could go to the classroom."
I leaned over to grab more gauze and the scissors when Aizawa tightened his grip, "Make sure the students won't be able to see the gauze. I don't want them to know I'm not fully healed." I paused my movement and looked back at him. "I don't want them to worry. Or be reminded of the attack. So don't give me that face."
"Don't want them to be reminded of the attack. Are you sure it's just them?" I muttered.
"Call me, Shota." I sighed and started wrapping his left arm, avoiding eye contact. "You used to call me by Shota. What happened?"
"I'm trying to be formal. Not familiar. And I am a counselor, so I know when someone has unresolved issues. You could always just ask me for a therapy session."
"Okay. Well, I hate that you don't call me Shota." I gave him an irritated look. "You wanted me to talk. I'm talking. You let me call you, Mai."
"Because I'm American, I'm used to it." I stopped wrapping the gauze around once I got to his wrist. Hopefully, it wouldn't show as he wanted. "Plus, we haven't been close to each other enough for me to call you by Shota anymore. I only called you Shota because you never told me not to, especially when I needed to be comforted by a friend. But that's not our relationship currently, so I call you by Aizawa or Eraserhead." I felt the hands that were previously on my hips fall slowly, hesitantly, as if they didn't want to let go. I didn't want them to let go. "If you want me to call you Shota, I could start. I just won't during work hours."
"It's not that. It's just that... I notice you stop yourself from calling me by my name, so I just wanted you to know it was okay if you do." Aizawa averted his eyes from mine with slight embarrassment tinting his cheeks. I went to hold his hand and gave him a small smile.
"Thanks for letting me know that it's okay." He gave me a small genuine smile back. One of those rare Shota Aizawa smiles that didn't resemble the Joker's. And as always, those rare smiles made me feel nothing but warmth. Aizawa then handed me his other arm to wrap up.
"Alright, how are my two favorite students doing?" Recovery Girl came trotting in. "Aizawa treated you nicely, right?" She gave me a wink while poking Aizawa's knee.
We both nodded in response.
"Alright, good. Aizawa, please, as I said, take it easy. And please, Mai, make sure he does. Do whatever spell you have that gets him not to be his workaholic zombie self because the boy needs it." Recovery Girl then went to grab a bottle of over the counter pain medication. "When I'm done with you today, you should only be needing the over the counter stuff and not the prescribed medication you were given." She then looked over to me after handing him the medicine, "You can leave now, sweetie. I'll take care of him from here on out." I simply nodded and kneeled to give her a quick kiss on the cheek while ruffling Aizawa's hair on my way out.
On my way out, I ran into All Might as he headed towards the teacher's lounge. "Oh, Mai, I'm glad to run into you. I needed to talk to you about something."
I tried to slow down my steps for him to catch up, which didn't take him too long to do, "What did you need?"
"It's about the work-study the first years are doing. I was thinking maybe training Young Midoriya, but I wanted your advice on it since it might look like I'm being..."
"Biased? Playing favorites? Yeah, I wouldn't suggest having him work under you." I bluntly spoke as I looked over to the tall, muscular form of my former mentor.
"I trained you. And you turned out to be a great pro." He defended.
"It was still a biased situation. You had me intern under you after my incident with the yakuza and my grandfather. Where you saved me."
The man pouted, "I guess you're right. Maybe he can train under you?"
"I'm not on active duty, so I can't take him as a work-study student." I thought for a moment about Midoriya's training. He needed someone who understood how his quirk worked and will build his strength and work with his limitations. Someone who had experience in teaching. If he's truly to be All Might's successor, he needed someone who could handle teaching him. I was most definitely not that person. Especially right now, I can't let any of my students follow down that path with my suspension. Then one person came into mind that I thought was perfect. "What about Gran Torino? Do you know if he has his teaching license still? I talk to him from time to time, but I never ask."
The symbol of peace's face turned pale as his sunken eyes nearly popped out of his eye sockets. I couldn't help but look at him with a confused expression. "No. We are not calling Gran Torino to teach Midoriya."
"Oh, come on. He's not that bad. He was nothing but a sweet teacher to me. Have you not told him about Izuku Midoriya yet?" I brushed off his concerns. Clearly, he was overreacting.
"He was sweet to you but not to me! I highly doubt he would treat Midoriya the same way he treats you." The man visibly shivered at the thought of his old teacher training Midoriya.
"I'm sure Izuku Midoriya will handle whatever the old man throws at him. I'll send him a message asking if he's interested in teaching him." The symbol of peace choked up and coughed up a little. I had to go and make sure that he was okay while we were walking, "Honestly, I wished Recovery Girl, and I could've found a way to heal your injuries better so that way you wouldn't be slowly dying."
My old mentor chuckled and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief. "With my recklessness, I highly doubt any more healing would've done anything." He patted my head, "It's not your responsibility to take care of me. You need to remember that." He said that, but I remember that day. It's hard to forget. It took everything in me to forget about it. It was my fault that he was injured so badly.
"You know that's not true. You're like a father to me! I take up the responsibility because you mean so much to me." I gave him a stern worrisome face while he sucked in a breath. Beads of sweat glistening from his forehead. Poor guy only masks being strong. I grabbed the tissue pack I kept in my bag, levitated myself to reach up to his height, and gently wiped his face. "You, Nezu, Gran Torino, even Nighteye, were all I had to raise me when I couldn't be with my mom. Taking care of all of you is the least I can do to repay you for all you did for me. I love you all." Toshinori just let out a large sigh and let the worry in his face fall to a relaxed one.
"Sometimes, it feels like I failed you as a mentor, so hearing you think of me as a father figure really impacts me. I might be the symbol of peace, but hearing what you think of me is my greatest achievement and honor, Mai." I couldn't help but smile brightly at him and gave him a small nod in reassurance.
"I'll definitely tell Gran Torino to train him the way he did me; otherwise, he could forget me sending him his favorite homemade desserts from me, so you don't have to worry about Midoriya." I gave the man a quick pat on the head before levitating back to the ground.
"What will you be doing while the students are in work-study?"
"I'll still be on-call to all my students. But with Aizawa not needing me anymore, I'll probably be going back to my apartment and finally finish unpacking." I scratched the back of my head sheepishly while Toshinori gave me a fake look of sternness. "I might also finally get back to my mom, she's been emailing me since the incident, but I've avoided responding."
"Why have you been avoiding talking to her?"
"Oh, the usual, don't want to hear how she expected differently from me with how I was brought up. Especially since all the emails involve her wanting me to move to I-Island with her and Uncle Dave." I shrugged while I noticed Toshinori grew rigged.
"I'm sure she's just worried and wants what is best for you. It's probably difficult to hear that your only child has been through so much hardship and not having any control over it." He grew defensive but still tried to be kind to me. "You're not the only one that had to endure trauma involving your grandparents. Your mother dealt with it longer."
I squinted my eyes in suspicion at him, "How would you know if my mom dealt with abuse from my grandparents. The only thing you knew about them was how obsessed they were with getting rid of quirks. I've never mentioned anything about my mom's relationship with them."
His sunken eyes widened slightly, "Uhh, I just assumed. It's hard to believe loving parents could make a switch as they did. But you're right. I don't know anything about your mother..." He bit his lip. Something told me that he knew more about her than he led on, but I didn't have the time to interrogate him about it. "Anyhoo, I am glad to hear that Aizawa is feeling better. How are you two doing?"
I accidentally let out a small groan.
"That bad..."
"No. It's not, I swear. I just get annoyed that that's all anyone asks me about when they bring him up. Recently, it didn't bother me too much because it was understandable. After all, he's injured, and I'm taking care of him. But when it comes to work, everyone asks how our dynamic is because of our past." I turned to him, "It's like everyone assumes that we can't be efficiently working together because we have a past."
"Well, he was your first real friend, and when you left, you didn't speak for about a decade. I can see why it's a little concerning."
"But we're fine. We pushed it aside and just... "
"Act like it didn't happen until it gets awkward."
"No.... maybe... I hate you sometimes. You know that?" Toshinori just laughed at me and pointed out that I still made my pouty disgruntled face that made me resemble a child. "All I ask is to bring up other things. I have other things going on. My life doesn't revolve around Aizawa!"
"Okay, okay, I get that. I'll make sure never to bring up you and Aizawa. But you do need to remember that half of the staff you hang around all were around you and him during your youth. So, it's natural for them to be curious."
"Stop being so wise. It's weird. I'm used to quirk himbo you." Toshinori just laughed at me again while I just huffed.
After both of the hero courses had their lessons and learned about their work studies, they all were left the rest of the day to review their offers and decide which pro to work under. Each of the students blew up my phone with messages and emails about wanting my help with their decisions. It was annoying the whole teacher lounge as my phone continued buzzing. I gave up and opened my phone and saw that my students were all waiting in their homeroom and the same with Class 1-B. I'll make sure to spend at least an hour with both of the classes and make time later while I take my stuff back to my apartment to handle any more questions they have. I got up from my desk and decided to make my way to Class 1-A, not bothering to take any stuff with me. I wanted to make this more casual talk with the students rather than me counseling them.
I scrolled through the messages as I walked over:
Mina: MS. MONTOYA SOS (btw Denki also needs help)
Bakugo: I know I normally don't message you, but I want your opinion on Best Jeanist.
Todoroki: Ms. Montoya... Should I work under my father or another pro?
Momo: Hello, Ms. Montoya. I have a list of high ranking female pros that I would like to review with you.
Iida: Hello, Mai. I don't really need help deciding who I want to work under, but I would like to talk to you about my decision to work under Manual in Hosu.
Midoriya: Hi, Ms. Montoya! I have some questions about finding work-study opportunities since I didn't have any offers.
Iida... Hosu... Why do I have a bad feeling about this? I walked in to see all my kids in the midst of having mental breakdowns. Like the first day I met them, they didn't automatically notice me right away, so it gave me the advantage to sneak around them to the podium. They were really loud, so I had no other choice but to raise my voice... with Mic's voice quirk.
"HELLO, CLASS!" Of course, I turned it down a bit to avoid blowing their eardrums up.
Nothing but a sea of eyes blinked at me. And then a roar of relief, cheers, and sighs erupted in the class. "Oh my god, Ms. Montoya, thank god you're here! We need your help!"
I simply chuckled at their cuteness. "Okay, okay, calm down. All of you take a deep breath and put your shoulders back." I demonstrated, and they all sat and followed my actions. "Now, exhale slowly and relax your shoulders." I opened my eyes to see my kids all calmed down now. "Okay, so how are we going to do this?"
Mina raised her hand, "Can you just tell us about your experience with work-study? I feel like hearing someone talk about what they did might help us a lot. Plus, we love hearing you talk about your life." She smiled brightly as her horns slightly wiggled... Her horns wiggle... adorable!
Wait, my experience with work-study... shit... that's not really the nicest story... I'm sure I can just mention the nicer sides of it. I gulped slightly before beginning to speak. "Alright, well, I transferred to UA late, so I didn't have any offers for work-study. But luckily, I made friends who recommended me to the pro they were working with, and they took me in."
"So, do you all understand the protocol, my little chickadees?" Aizawa, Oboro, and I were all standing in front of the Pro Hero His Purple Highness and Midnight as he explained how he ran his agency. To say this is the oddest thing to happen to me since my move to Japan is more an understatement. I still had the first day I met Oboro undressing in front of the whole class to beat that. "You think you'll be fine to catch up with us right, Montoya?"
I was a little nervous. It was all of our first work-study, so it wasn't something I was behind on experience-wise. But it was my first time outside of the school, outside of my dorm, and I had to use my quirk. Use it to help people, so it was a little unnerving. I didn't know if I was ready for it, but I had to rush myself to be whether I wanted to or not. I simply nodded in response.
"Good, I'm very excited to have another girl on my team to be paired with Midnight." His Purple Highness gave me a warm smirk, "Nemuri has mentioned that you have a lot of potential, and I hope your time here shows it."
Oboro gave me a small nudge and gave me a wink, "Look, you're already the favorite."
Aizawa simply gave me a small smile that didn't go unnoticed by His Purple Highness, "Oi, Aizawa. You see that smile you have right there. You must give that smile to every civilian you meet, so they know they will be okay." He then turned to me, "You too, Montoya. It is important to smile. Be friendly. You're all too cute not to be smiling." That comment made all three of us blush. Aizawa was practically a nervous peach. His smile faltered, and he looked mortified that the pro called him out. I couldn't help but reach my hand out to him and hold his left hand lightly, giving him a tiny smile, which he returned.
I continued to tell the students about my first day of work-study at the Purple Revolution Agency. The more I talked, the more they relaxed, and their excitement bloomed. I didn't go into full detail about all the other days of the work-study. I felt that the first day was the most important story to talk about. "And so, for me, it wasn't my choice to work at the Purple Revolution. But my experience there did help me grow as a hero and as a person. I didn't have a lot of experience with other people and my quirk, but I luckily got stuck with a good mentor to help me build a foundation. Heck, I never even smiled before working there. It really helped me a lot. So, I would make sure no matter who you work under, you take into consideration their teachings and thinking. You are meant to learn, after all. Also, make friends with whoever else is working at the agency with you. Think of it as an extended family."
"So you really did know Aizawa since you were kids. No wonder you guys work so well together!" Asuyu pointed out.
"It's hard to believe Aizawa showing any type of emotions..." Kaminari muttered.
"I think it's cute how close you guys were! It's almost like you guys had a crush on each other!" Mina said excitedly. Her eyes were practically heart-shaped.
"Did you guys listen to the point of my story?"
They all nodded, and Mina spoke out again, "Yes, but the way you talked about your friendship with Aizawa was also so interesting. So, am I right that you and Mr. Aizawa used to like each other? I'm assuming from your blushing that I am." She smiled proudly. "'Cause if so... Now I want to know more about what happened between you two?"
The rest of the class all looked intently at me, waiting for me to respond. I collected myself internally to avoid showing any embarrassment. "Nothing happened because we didn't like each other."
"Aw, why'd you have to break my heart, Ms. Montoya..." Mina pouted.
"I feel like she's lying. I've noticed that she and Mr. Aizawa linger around each other, whether through looking at each other when the other isn't noticing or simply by the way he always has her favorite coffee and breakfast ready for her when she comes to class. Or how she always makes sure to keep an extra bottle of eye drops for him." Everyone, including myself, all stared at Aoyama. The class switched their gaze between him and me.
I was heated in embarrassment. Damn, kids do notice things you don't. I went to look at the clock and then my phone. "Oh, look at the time. I need to get to talking to Class 1-B about their work-study as well. So I have to go. You guys can ask me more questions later. Love you all, good luck!" I practically ran out of the classroom... Despite the door being closed, I could still make out what they were talking about after I left.
"Aoyama is right. I mean, Ms. Montoya even took up the responsibility of taking care of him while he recovered. You can't tell me that they're just friends by that alone." Asuyu mentioned.
"They would be so cute if they got together. It's like the whole opposites attract thing." Mina gushed.
"It's kind of like, a love story where they could've been together when they were younger, but it never happened, but now that they're older and more mature, they can finally be together. Ugh, those are my favorite kind!" Momo admitted. Gah, I hate kids...
"Maybe we shouldn't be romanticizing our teacher and our counselor's friendship. Friends can do all of that too." Kirishima butted in. I always knew you were my favorite, Kirishima. Thank you.
I decided to compose myself and make my way over to Class 1-B. I already made them wait long enough. First, my friends, now my students are going to tease me about my old crush on Aizawa. Love that.
Tag List: 
@inumorph​ @multifandoms916​ @thatgirlwithcamera​ @mel-sanch​
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literatelogan · 5 years ago
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the binding of two forces | a love that never lost momentum 
{3: become who you want to be} wattpad | ao3
kobayashi kei is a teacher at U.A. who has an established relationship with aizawa shouta. kei and shouta have known each other ever since they started at UA together. their friendship had always been strong but this is the story of how they came to be as a couple and what the future holds.
a/n - !manga spoilers! slightly divergent of the main plot but it will be caught up to the current season of the anime after the time skip. she is the homeroom teacher for 1B but don't worry we still stan vlad in this house so he's now 2B. bit of a promotion for the trouble. her quirk is fatigue manipulation. she has the ability to manipulate the fatigue of oneself or others, both mental and physical. she can increase, decrease, cause or prevent fatigue. in order to increase someone's fatigue, she needs to either leech from another person or herself. her fatigue is only affected if she is using a lot of energy either giving or transferring. if she takes energy from someone else, she will gain it. she cannot rest or sleep until she gets all of her energy out either by wearing herself out mentally or physically. she cannot kill someone easily but she can make some lose consciousness.
The school year seemed to move faster than Kei could keep up with. Before she knew it, they were preparing for the amazing U.A. Sports Festival. While Kei would have loved to be in the top ranks, she knew her quirk wasn't flashy enough. Regardless, she worked on her combat training until she was barely able to get into bed. She woke up early and did longer runs. She wore weights to increase her strength and stamina. The boys worked hard as well. Of course, Hizashi and Oboro did amazingly. Kei did pretty well and so did Aizawa but she had expected him to blow everyone away. After learning more about his quirk, she would have expected him to be closer to top ranks. The first years were never completely dazzling. People watched for the third years. As the school year went along Kei got to know the boys even more and considered them some of her best friends. Every night that they couldn't catch up after class, Kayama and Kei would talk on the phone for at least half an hour about their days. While Kei pretended she hated talking about Shouta, she really didn't. It was an excuse to gush about how cute he was. How sweet he was. He was a boy of few words and few actions but the ones he had were meaningful. Oboro and Hizashi were great. Always a hint of flirtation in their banter. Shouta was different though. It was the time of year where they had to pick their hero names. At least the ones they would start out with. Oboro and Hizashi knew theirs already but Shouta and Kei were still out of ideas. Oboro or as he was now known, Loud Cloud, suggested the very creative Energy Girl. Hizashi thought Agent Energy was a bit better. She might have gone with that if she didn't think about how silly Shouta's new name was. Eraser Head. It fit him but at the same time, it was a bit goofy. "I'm not sure. This could be my name forever. Those just sound...not serious enough. I want people to know I mean business." Kei hit her fist on the table with a little too much force and everyone in the classroom snapped their heads back to glare before going back to coming up with their own names. 
  "Vitality." Just one word from Shouta. Vitality. Kei smiled at him. "I think I like that." "Me too! Present Mic introduces the Energy Hero: Vitality!" Oboro cheered with Kei. Earning them even more glares. After class, Kei grabbed Shouta's arm just enough to stop him from leaving with the rest of the class. "Hey." She smiled at him and she could feel her cheeks turning pink just from looking at him so closely without the others around. "Thank you. I really like my new name." Her eyes were deceiving her. Was Shouta actually smiling so wide directly at her? Not at anything the boys said. Not a little smirk. A big smile. She tucked her face down a little embarrassed looking up at him. "You need a name that fits you. Something straight forward. And pretty." Kei gasped looking back up at him. Shouta was starting to blush too but before he could do or say anything more. "I- um...thank you! I really should go. Have a good night! See you tomorrow." She almost bolted for the door. She didn't know what to do. "Did he just call me pretty? Or was that just the name. But he said it had to fit me and that it was pretty so does that mean he thinks I'm pretty?" She found Kayama and told her everything. The girls gushed outside of the school for a little while trying to figure out what it meant. "Obviously he thinks you're pretty and wants to kiss you. It's so obvious." Kei shook her head. "You haven't even met him!" She laughed lightly.  The girls parted ways and Kei thought about what he said all night long. The next day, Shouta sat the farthest from her of the three boys. He didn't say a word to her. Didn't even look at her. Kei was trying to pretend like everything was normal with Hizashi and Oboro but she was still awkward. Mr. Blue hair noticed. "What's wrong with you today?" She had been staring at the lines of her palm and was tracing them with a finger on her other hand. "What?" She responded when she snapped out of it. "I said what is wrong with you today, Kei. Are you okay?" Oboro put a hand on her shoulder and looked at her with a facial expression that showed actual concern. A serious moment at least as far as he went. "Oh. I'm fine." She nodded giving him a half-smile. "Just didn't get enough sleep." Not wanting to draw any more attention to her weirdness she stayed mostly quiet until it was time to leave. "See you tomorrow!" She told the guys before leaving as fast as she could again. 
  {aizawa pov}
Kobayashi was acting weird. Of course, she was acting weird. He freaked her out and now she was avoiding him. Shirakumo noticed she was acting weird too. He was apparently using both of the brain cells he shared with Yamada who was yelling about whatever. Shouta stole glances at her when he could. He just wanted to make sure he hadn't hurt her, right? All he did was say she was pretty. Sort of. I mean not really but he hinted that she was. He had been so careful to not blow his cover. It only took a couple weeks of school for Yamada to notice the way Shouta looked at Kobayashi. The way he'd hide his smiles whenever she made a dumb joke. He wouldn't call her dumb when she was doing the same stupid things Shirakumo and Yamada were doing. It took until the U.A. Sports Festival for Shirakumo to notice. Now Kobayashi was acting weird the day after she pulled him aside. When she said she hadn't gotten enough sleep, Shouta sighed. "Is that a lie or did I really make her lose sleep? I should have never said anything." She left class just as quickly as she had the day before leaving the three of them in the dust. She was just barely gone when Aizawa felt a punch in the arm. "What did you do to her?" Shirakumo looked a little mad. "Nothing. I didn't do anything." Yamada had figured it out by now and was also giving Aizawa a look. "Shouta, what the hell? She's fun to have around. Don't scare her off because you can't keep your eyes off her.", Yamada said actually at a fairly normal volume. Though he was probably trying to be quiet so people wouldn't hear them and make everything worse. "She thanked me for coming up with the name and I might have accidentally called her pretty." Another punch in the arm but this time it was from Yamada. "Now who's the idiot. You have to fix this." Shirakumo interjected. "Don't. You'll probably only make a bigger mess of things. I'll see if I can help." 
  {back to kei's pov}
The next day was still agonizing. Now it seemed like Yamada knew something was going on, too. Kayama had been no help the night before. Her idea of flirting is just smiling and watching boys fall to their knees in front of her. She could get any boy in school, easily. Probably any boy in Japan, honestly. This time instead of Shouta staying behind to talk to Kei it was Oboro. Which confused her even more. "What is he going to ask? Is he going to tell me Shouta hates me? I bet that's it." She didn't know what to expect but Oboro putting his arm around her wouldn't have been her first guess. "Not getting enough sleep, huh? Wouldn't happen to do with a certain quiet dreamy type, would it?" Kei's whole body tensed up and her blood rushed to her cheeks. "Oh god, he knows. Does everyone know? Hizashi wouldn't be able to keep a secret. The whole school knows by now. Shouta knows. I'm just going to move to America." She didn't know how to respond. "I'm going to take that as a yes. Look, Shouta is great and all but that boy doesn't know how to talk to girls. Not like me. I'm just so charming." He gave Kei a huge grin which actually got a laugh out of her and she relaxed a little. "I think he called me pretty." She scrunched her nose trying to contain her excitement and come off as cool and collected. "I heard. But...you have to be careful if you two are going to be a mushy gushy couple. Hizashi and I are going to have to start dating then and he's hot but he could use a push-up bra." An abrupt laugh came out of Kei's mouth. "I don't know what I'm even thinking. We have internships soon and then Finals. I can't think about a boy during this." Oboro smiled and gave her a nod. "That's probably a good idea. I'll smack him every time he's staring at you." Kei looked up at him, her face just as red as it can be. "He stares at me?"
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sambart93 · 7 years ago
2017.10.24 Show By Rock (Cross Ambivalence) Review!
I literally had to get this out asap! I stayed up to write this damn thing! xD I saw the very first one when it came out (review here); but I’m not sure we should include it in this new cast/series xD
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Official Site here Official Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Video Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4
Shingancrimsonz: Yonehara Kousuke as Crow Teruma as Aion Torigoe Yuuki as Yaiba Naoya Goumoto (Takigawa Eiji) as Rom
Trichronika: Kamakari Kenta as Shuuzo Yutaro as Riku Kihara Rui as Kai
Arcareafact: Itokawa Yojiro as Titan Tanaka Ryosei as Orion Itagaki Rihito as Selen Takikawa Koudai as Argon
Ninjinriot: Tsuji Ryo as Arashi Isaka Ikumi as Oboro Takahashi Kensuke as Rin Akazawa Ryotaro as Kamui
Judas JR: Kubo Yukito, Matsumoto Kento, Abe Daichi, Masumoto Kenichi
Other: KIMERU as Adam Yoshioka Yu as Eve Toba Jun as Jii Kon Takuya as Maple Arisugawa
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Overall: That was so much fun!! It might as well have been a real live! Lots of audience participation, lots of singing, wooing, dancing along etc. It was so. much. fun! I even cried! I cried at one point because it was sad. And I cried another time just because it was so much fun, I didn’t want it to end! It was so good! For me, the MVP was either Yojiro and/or Kensuke xD I’m happy they did a story from the anime. They’ve left it open enough to continue too! I hope we get another stage AND another live! Also I want a CD asap! Rating: 8.5-9/10
Seriously all the stages I’ve seen lately have been amazing! YumeStage, EnStage, (spoiler alert >) Honoo no Mirage, Captain Tsubasa, UtaPuri, now this!!
The story is about another battle of the bands but, we have the ex-members of Amatelast who are trying to get the band back together and plotting ways of breaking Rom and Shuuzo up from their current bands; with Rom and Shuuzo’s past coming up and both of their groups think they’re going to leave them. We also have a band coming from the future to warn them that everything is bad.
Where to start?!??!!? xD
The opening straight away was hilarious because after Trichronika performed, Kai gave Shuuzo some water but Shuuzo/KenKen coughed on his water hard, couldn’t get his line out, and everyone was dying of laughter so he ‘started over’ and take a sip of water again xD Rui’s faced cracked hard when it happened.
There’s a scene where Crow looks and acts trashed out of his head drunk; but he’s just milk-drunk xD it’s so adorable and cute! 
There’s a scene with Crow on a bike (he’s doing his part time job), and he ends up banging into Adam twice, and the second time even YoneChan cracked up and laughed his line out.
I was lucky enough to be right next to the break between the front seating area and the back seating area. I got so many good views and closeness from people <3 I was super happy that Naoya and KenKen came in from my side and they were like BAM right there! Also, there’s a scene where KenKen gets carried by Judas Jrs across this aisle area and because I was right next to the exit door for him, he was so slow leaving my eye line <3 and he waved to all of us as he went past too! In fact almost ALL of them walked past at one point because they wall came out in a line when they time traveled back to when Amatelast (Shuuzo, Rom, Adam and Eve) were together. And Akazawa walked so slowly in that outfit of his that he took ages to walk past me xD
Another golden moment thanks to me seat was Teruma headbanging almost AGAINST the girl in front of me - his hair was ALL in her face; she was dying of laughter as was I xD She was super duper happy after he left though - NOT because he left, but she got such direct fanservice. And Torigoe was across from me, leaning over the front area bar to give some girls fanservice too.
There’s a scene where Shingan are in a bar finding out about the Battle of the Bands tournament, but while Rom and Crow are trying to get sense of their manager, Yaiba/Torigoe was pretending to be a cat and was following Teruma’s tail around and Teruma was purposely playing with his tail and putting it in Torigoe’s face. Then Crow ends up with a flower and he uses it on both Teruma and Torigoe who became cats xD I’m pretty sure this is a higawari. Which Naoya/Rom could always perfect stop with his mighty fists and punches xD
OH! One major thing I love about this stage is that EVERYONE’S mics are on so if (for example) 8 characters are on stage, you can hear everything; also they’re pretty much able to play around and do stuff and interact stupidly if it’s not their line or if they’re not a major point to the scene so we saw a lot of hilarious things going on; both planned and unplanned.
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Speaking of Rom’s fists! When he punches the teddy version of Manager Maple and then a mini teddy of him  drops from the sky xD so funny!
But also speaking of fists and punches; Crow and Rom’s showdown fight broke my heart and it was during such a sad song sung by Teruma, Torigoe and Kimeru too! BUT it was impressive seeing YoneChan have such energy to keep falling almost every time Naoya ‘hit’ him. It was very well choreographed.
Related to Teruma! There’s a part of a song where he has to do screamo and oh my! Teruma’s screamo!!! It was good! His singing is always great but I didn’t know he could do screamo singing too!
OH! And those damn Shingen aprons are back! I was great seeing those again! And when Torigoe and Teruma’s part time ob involved cleaning the Judas Studio and they had to pretend to not be Yaiba and Aion so they could overheard Arcareafact’s conversation. Aion cleaned the floor in front of Argon as if he was playing Curling. And Torigoe put on an old woman’s voice and potted around. At one point Teruma always span around wipping the broom around too which was very funny.
Another funny part is when Kimeru finds Riku late at night but accidentally scares him by shouting, and so Riku runs of stage screaming, BUT Riku’s screaming also caused Kimeru to panic and scream too in return and he sort of ducked where he was. Then Kimeru went backstage to grab a weeping Riku and pulled him back on stage xD
I really love when the Manager actor sings too! There’s two great parrts! The first is when he sings on stage and slowly the rest of Shingan join in except Rom who’s just like ‘wtf are you all doing?’ but eventually Crow drags him to join in xD the other time is when he’s talking to Shuuzo in the aisle and he sings all his lines and also walks off singing. Shuuzo ends the scene by going ‘it seems like someone’s listening to us (meaning the audience xD)’.
I cried so easily and so hard when Shuuzo got to the hospital and was like (to Riku - who had gotten himself into a car accident because he was so miserable and upset about Shuuzo possibly leaving them) ‘YOU IDIOT! I WAS SO WORRIED!’ And then he hugged Riku and Kai like ‘I’ll never leave you two’. Shortly after this moment, we also have Kimeru breaking down which also broke my heart, especially because the scene fades to black with Kimeru just scream-crying his heart out =[ To then have the bands start performing straight after... it took me a good song to calm down and get back to enjoying it. But then I fully enjoyed it! SO MUCH FUN!
You can tell those that have Live/Band experience because they went ALL out and you can hear it in their voices by how well trained their vocals are and how amazing their range it and how they can blast out a song and not get tired: YoneChan, KenKen, Kimeru. Their love of performing just oozes out from them and very obvious to see.
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I NEED a second live so I can do and support them!! They were all amazing! All the songs are great!!
I need another LIVE, another STAGE, AND I want a CD released please!!
I won’t mention everyone, sorry(!)
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Yonehara Kousuke as Crow: YONE IS THE PERFECT CROW! Need I say an more? He has so much DAMN energy and he’s just loud and crazy and does stupid things but also cares so much for his friends; he is EXACTLY as Crow should be. And that tummy, am-I-right?!
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Naoya Goumoto (Takigawa Eiji) as Rom: While what happened to Eiji is terrible and unfortunate, I was so happy when Naoya got announced as his replacement. And he did not disappoint; he was enough Naoya as he was Rom <3 Rom is a character both he and Eiji suit very well. And we got to see Naoya WITHOUT a shirt! Like waaah! And he’s well toned too! I was goooogling a lot xD 
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I assume it’s a higawari but there’s one part when Rom is a salaryman and begging his boss for money and the boss says if he wants the money then he should do a Monomane/Impersonation. A girl in the audience told him to be a bicycle and YoneChan (who was on stage with Kimeru, looking on at Naoya and the boss) pointed to the bicycle on stage like ‘there’s one here!’ . But Naoya did the bicycle and used his tail to make it look like a seat but as he left the room as a bicycle, he blurted out ‘ISN’T THIS THE WRONG SHOW?! (referring to YowaMushi Pedal xD)’. It was hilarious.
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Kamakari Kenta as Shuuzo: I love how KenKen just OWNS his mistkes in a way that he pretends they didn’t happen while everyone else is dying of laughter. Before the after event live started, he came on stage and fucked up his own bands name AND the name of the music tournament and he just ignored the fact he made the mistakes, smiled to the audience and continued his lines xD
By the way, Mitsuya Ryo (who played Shuuzo previously) was there tonight; KenKen did sing directly at someone in the audience at once point, so could’ve been him. I have so much respect for Mitsuya; he went to a musical where he was replaced and it’s clearly obvious KenKen is doing the FAR superior performance, yet he is all buddy buddy and smiles with KenKen and it looks genuine. If it had been me, I wouldn’t be going anywhere NEAR stages I get replaced in.
AND I’M SO HAPPY WE GOT TO SEE HIM AS DARK SHUUZO!! I love dark Shuuzo and his outfit was so pretty and sparkly!! *dead*
Yutaro as Riku: His singing has gotten a tad better than Hatsukoi Monster, but he definitely should not be cast in musicals. He’s able to act so he can stay in the stage world but he shouldn’t force his voice vocally so muhc xD BUThe character was so cute and adorable! He was the cutest whenhe was in hospital and had these white pjs on <3 And he was totally cute in the AfterEvent; he was the last one to put his instrument back, and KenKen and Rui waited so patiently for him. When he turned around and saw they were already waiting, he was a little flustered and hurried down to them; so cute! His character in this is very similar to his character in Hatsukoi Monster (review here).
Kihara Rui as Kai: It’s SO weird seeing him so adorable and cute and smiley! The gap between his true self (which I’ve heard is somewhat very straight faced and -__-) and this character is amazing. Also seeing him in Give Up Dance and then in this and seeing the drastic difference even between those characters is amazing! He’s definitely a talented actor and could go a long way. It was totally adorable when Teruma and Torigoe stole his drumsticks xD OH also he does this cool/kakkoi line during his solo song which was so cool yet also laughable xD
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Itokawa Yojiro as Titan: Is there anything this mother fucker can’t do? I mentioned in my non-spoiler that he and/or Kensuke are the MVP of this stage for me. His voice is AMAZING! I didn’t expect him to sing SO WELL! But I should’ve because it seems to be part of the Bancho Boys requirements that they can sing (seriously, they can ALL sing from what I’ve heard so far). His voice was so great! He’s definitely his strongest when he’s NOT doing super high notes but still he was soooo good! I want everyone to hear his pretty voice! I’m trying NOT to be his fan because he already has a loyal and big-ish following but damn... he’s a great actor, he’s in a crap ton of popular shows, he can sing, he’s cute, we practically have the same birth, I enjoy everything he does... ugh... someone stop me from falling indeep with yet another actor. Also, his pants looked really good on him.
I really hope the next stage is Arcareafact’s backstory because Titan has a sad but interesting back story that I want to see on stage. Especially if it’s Yojiro! Goddammit boi.
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Tsuji Ryo as Arashi: He looked freaking adorable! He was soooo cute!
Isaka Ikumi as Oboro: He looked SUCH cool and interesting. Visually he looked great; I want to see his (and the rest of Ninjinriot) developed more in future!
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Takahashi Kensuke as Rin: OMG Kensuke, you know no chill. He was absolutely fabulous in this stage! Surprisingly his boobs become the least interesting part about him very quickly. How he can walk in those heels, constantly up and damn the stairs, with the massive height he already has is IMPRESSIVE. And his skirt was so DAMN short that my eyes were like o_O whenever he was on stage or near me (which he walked past me once and I got a good eyefull of his chest and how flawless his skin is around his arms and back - lucky bugger). With the heels and the skirt, his thighs looked amazing! And then his mannerisms were so feminine and fitted the character so perfectly and he kept in character SO FREAKING WELL! He was so pretty and so beautiful <3 how he suited this character so well is CRAZY! But I just wish he had more lines, more stage time, and actually sang - he didn’t sing at all, just ‘played’ his guitar xD I hope we get to see more of him in future stages/lives.
Akazawa Ryotaro as Kamui: He was so adorable too! But he walked so clunkingly and so slowly in his outfit xD
Judas JR: Were ALL adorable!!
KIMERU as Adam: It’s obvious I’m going to say he was wonderful and perfection in this! Kimeru always is. He KNOWS how to literally put on a show and be entertaining. Kimeru is always fabulous and always the life of the party and you can tell he LOVES performing and singing! 
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After Event
KenKen is amazing at being awkward but also just brushing it off and being normal xD << I already mentioned this moment above.
The special Trikronika live was so much fun! Especially when KenKen couldn’t even say their name properly and Riku and Kai corrected him about three times but pretend he never said it nor that he didn’t hear them xD
The live was A LOT of fun! They sang INSIDE -- when he said that, even lost their shit for some reason -- tis a good song though.
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I, and so many other fans, appreciate it so much that they decided to sell Eiji’s stuff too!
And there we have it! I had to get this one out ASAP because I enjoyed it so much!
12 notes · View notes
legault · 8 years ago
Perfect (Rarepair Week Day 3, Azama/Subaki, Curious)
Title: Perfect
Author: legault/pinksnowboots (fic blog)
Warnings: Brief mentions of blood, vague kink-related content, intentional self-injury (but not in the way that self-harm typically implies), generally unhealthy relationship, non-explicit mentions of sex
Words: 4,665
Summary: Every time Azama catches so much as a glimpse of Subaki, his fingers itch with the desire to take him apart, piece by camellia-scented piece.
An incredibly late contribution for Day 3 of @ferarepair-week2k17-I’m very glad to see that y’all are going to keep reblogging for a week or so because I still am trying to finish out all 7 days but I’m several days behind...whoops.
AO3 Link
Whenever people ask Azama why he decided to become a monk and devote his life to healing others, he tells them it’s because people say the most fascinating things when they think they’re about to die. Most people think it’s a dark joke and laugh uncomfortably, not realizing til much later that he’s entirely serious.
When he first meets Subaki, Subaki doesn’t laugh, just looks at him quizzically, like Azama is an animal that he’s seen before but he just can’t remember the name of.
“This is where most people laugh.” Azama supplies helpfully.
“Why would I laugh?” Subaki says, voice polished smooth as rocks in a stream and flowing like honey. “I didn’t think it was funny.”
Azama’s grin grows even wider. “Oh, it’s going to be very fun to know you.”
“I’m assuming you’re trying to say that it’s nice to meet me,” Subaki’s voice is the epitome of polite disinterest and Azama can’t wait to change that. “And for politeness’ sake, I say likewise to you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to be off.”
Subaki retreats without so much as a glance back at Azama, leaving the scent of camellia blossoms in his wake.
Azama’s mother had been a basara and his father had been a clockmaker; their marriage was peaceful but not particularly joyful and Azama figured out from a young age that they stayed together because it was easier than starting over.
From his mother, Azama had inherited his mild talent for magic and his mild talent for lances. She tried to teach him both and he took to neither, remaining just mediocre enough that she eventually gave up on trying to make him care. His becoming a monk had been as much teenage rebellion against her idea of what he should be able to do as it had been anything else.
Azama had also inherited his father’s insatiable curiosity and propensity for taking things apart to see what makes them tick, the only difference being that Azama found humans infinitely more fascinating than clocks.
Getting under people’s skin in order to get to the machinery underneath was his dearest hobby, nay, his calling, and he never met someone who’s mind he wanted to get into more than Subaki. Every time Azama catches so much as a glimpse of Subaki, his fingers itch with the desire to take him apart, piece by camellia-scented piece.
“You’ve really got the perfect situation figures out with this whole perfection deal.” Azama says conversationally, without preamble. “If anyone ever points out your imperfections, you can brush them off because they are imperfect by sheer virtue of not being you. It’s quite clever, really.”
Subaki looks up from grooming his pegasus, annoyed. “Do you have a point, Azama?”
“Just making conversation. Since you’re perfect, I figured you would be a great conversation partner.”
“I am.” Subaki says. “Perhaps you’re just not cultured enough to appreciate it.”
“Arrogant and rude?” Azama tries to feign shock, but he’s enjoying himself too much. “Doesn’t sound very perfect to me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with confidence and a desire to be treated with respect.” Subaki says, brows furrowed.
“Ah ah, careful! If you leave your face like that, you’ll get wrinkles.” Azama warns gleefully.
Subaki’s face twitches as his desire to maintain his looks conflicts with his absolute annoyance with the entire situation and Azama can’t help laughing out loud.
“Well, I’m off to minister to the weary and cure the sick, but this has been lovely.” He says, giving Subaki a jaunty wave. “I’m still not convinced of the perfection of your conversational skills, so I hope we can chat again later.”
Azama asks almost every member of the Hoshidan court about Subaki. It’s a mixed bag in terms of results; Saizo looks at him as if he’s insane and also potentially suicidal, Oboro sneers and insults his hair, and Hana almost decks him, but he scrapes together some information from Hinata and Orochi.
Hinoka calls him in to ask him about it, looking weary as a mother with too many disobedient children. It is one of Azama’s favorite expressions, second only to her defiant rage.
“Why are you interrogating the whole court about Subaki?” She asks, face pinched in anticipation of the answer.
“I’m providing him with spiritual counseling.” Azama says. The more blatant the lie, the more likely it is to be believed. “The more I know about him, the better I can help him.”
Hinoka looks at him with a face that is part-reproach, part-disbelief, part-throwing her hands up and ridding herself of any responsibility for the situation. It is Azama’s fifth favorite Hinoka expression.
“Did anyone believe that load of pegasus shit?”
“Hinata.” Azama says, and Hinoka rolls her eyes because of course he did. “And Setsuna, of course. Sakura probably would have but I didn’t bother her out of respect for you, and Oboro might have believed me but she didn’t listen to me long enough to find out.”
“If you talked to all the retainers, you’re lucky you got out unscathed. I wouldn’t be responsible for your recovery if Hana put a hole in you.”
“Ah, but then you’d have to find a new retainer,” Azama says. “And I’m irreplaceable.”
“Unfortunately.” Hinoka mumbles, under her breath.
Azama finds out that Subaki had a younger sister who had thought that he could do no wrong, that he was perfect. They had been very close, but she had been killed along with his parents when their village was attacked by bandits. Subaki was the only one who survived long enough to be rescued by the Hoshidan sky knights. Without a home to go back to, he decided to join the sky knights and eventually worked his way up to being a royal retainer.
“You don’t have to worry about being perfect for your sister, you know.” Azama tells Subaki. He’s found that starting conversations with pleasantries does nothing but waste valuable time before Subaki storms off, annoyed.
His words have the desired effect. Subaki stiffens instantly, tension filling his frame.
“What are you talking about?” Subaki asks, voice low and dangerous.
“Your sister. I’m guessing your little perfection thing comes from her idolizing you when she was alive. You feel guilty that you couldn’t protect her and so you strive for perfection to live up to her expectations and to avoid the same thing happening to Lady Sakura, who you view as a proxy for your dead sister.” Azama says, breezily as if he were discussing the weather. “You shouldn’t worry about it though, since you’re sister’s dead and couldn’t care less about whether you’re perfect or not.”
“I prefer to think that my sister is still with me.” Subaki says, body still on high alert.
“You can prefer to think anything you want, but it won’t change the reality of the situation.” Azama says. “Dead is dead is dead. No point moping about it.”
“Aren’t you a monk?” Subaki asks, incredulous. “You’re supposed to believe in the afterlife and bringing peace into people’s lives, not taking it away.”
“Well, the church and I have a few fundamental disagreements, but that’s ok.” Azama says. “I took the job anyway because I look good in the robes.”
Subaki looks at him incredulously. “You’re unbelievable.”
“So I’ve been told.” Azama replies cheerfully.
“I hate you.” Subaki says, voice much more emotional than his normal smooth baritone.
“I think I can live with that. It means that you’re thinking about me.” Azama says, and leaves Subaki glaring and clenching his fists.
Azama has always known how to wield a lance, having been taught by his mother at an early age. But he finds inflicting violence much more boring than watching others do it and then healing them so they can inflict more violence, so when he becomes a monk he embraces the nonviolent lifestyle and pretends to be completely inept with weapons.
“Which end is the stabby end?” He asks Hinoka, holding one of her javelins upside down and tilting it like he would a staff.
“Don’t play dumb.” Hinoka rolls her eyes. “I’ve seen you cleaning my weapons, I can tell you know how to fight.”
“Perhaps.” Azama admits, thrusting with the blunt end of the javelin. “But I’ve taken a solemn vow of nonviolence, so cleaning lances is all I will do.”
“So you’re saying you’d prefer to let people die protecting you rather than fight alongside them?”
“You could interpret it that way, I suppose.” Azama says. “Ideally, they won’t die because I’ll heal them.”
He extends the javelin like he would a heal staff, but the javelin is much longer and the sharp end nicks his leg.
“Whoops.” Azama looks completely unconcerned that he’s bleeding onto his robes. Hinoka has that dumbfounded look on again, the one that she wears whenever she’s asking herself why the hell she choose such worthless retainers.
It’s an expression Azama sees a lot.
“Fine, have it your way.” She says, giving up. “But if we ever get into a situation where things are so dire that we need every last man, I want you to pick up a lance right side up and fight by my side.”
“Sure.” Azama agrees. “But only if I get to pretend that I’ve suddenly learned how to use lances thanks to the magic of master seals. I don’t get many chances to show off my theatrical ability.”
“Whatever.” Hinoka says. “As long as you fight with us afterwards, I couldn’t care less how you reveal it.”
Subaki hasn’t been talking to him lately, and Azama is mildly put out, even though he most likely deserves it. Luckily, Azama doesn’t believe in absolute morality; he also doesn’t believe in fate, which means that he has no problem tracking Subaki down instead of leaving it up to chance.
“Let’s spar.” Azama says as he walks up behind Subaki, who is grooming his pegasus.
Subaki jumps in surprise, turns around to glare at Azama. “What, are you going to hit me with a bloom festal?”
“No, with lances.” Azama says.
Subaki stares at him incredulously, a look that Azama has grown quite familiar with. Luckily, he likes it. “You don’t use lances.” He says, talking slowly like Azama is a child, or a very, very stupid adult.
“Then it should be easy for you to win.”
Subaki hesitates, thinking it over. “Fine.” He eventually agrees. “But only because I need to blow off steam, and you can’t get mad if I hurt you.”
"Same to you.” Azama shoots back.
Subaki leaves his pegasus behind as they head to the training grounds, because even though he is willing to fight someone who doesn’t know how to use a lance, he’s not willing to do so on a pegasus, because that would just be unfair. They both select practice lances and square off against each other, Subaki holding his lance fiercely with perfect form, while Azama waves it around like a flag.
“Ready?” Azama calls out.
“If you are.” Subaki says, and charges.
Much to Subaki’s surprise, Azama blocks his thrust, although he looks like he barely moved. Taking advantage of Subaki’s confusion, he counterstrikes, pushes him backwards. Subaki does not stay stunned for long but the few minutes for which he is are incredibly satisfying.
They trade blows back and forth; it is a good fight, but once Subaki recovers from the shock that Azama does know his way around a lance after all, it becomes clear that Subaki is still the more skilled of the two. He pushes Azama back until his back touches the wall, disarms him with a quick twist of his lance, and presses the end of his lance to Azama’s throat.
“I win.” Subaki says, breathing a little hard.
“Well,” Azama says, pushing the lance away with his hand as casually as if he were swatting a fly. “I suppose you had to at least once.”
“I’m surprised you’re not secretly an archer.” Subaki grumbles as he puts away his lance. “It would be just like you to want to bring me down to your level.”
Azama smiles, showing all his teeth. “I don’t need arrows to do that.”
Every few days, Azama gets bored and bugs Subaki about his perfection, listing ridiculous things upon ridiculous things in an attempt to make Subaki admit that he’s not perfect. Azama has little hope of succeeding, but the game itself is quite fun.
“We know that you take meticulous care of your hair and body.” Azama says. “And we know that you are a first-class Hoshidan Sky Knight. But there’s still so much about you that we don’t know.”
"What’s your point?” Subaki says curtly, unsure where this is going but sure that he is not going to like it.
“I just think it’s interesting that you claim to be perfect, but don’t give us any proof other than that you think you are, and since you’re perfect you can’t be wrong.” Azama shrugs. “It’s a little thing called circular logic, but since you’re perfect, I’m guessing you already know that.”
“Ok, name one flaw of mine.” Subaki challenges.
“That’s not really a fair challenge, because I haven’t gotten the chance to verify your qualities firsthand.” Azama says, voice deceptively light. “I know that you’re a skilled fighter, because we’ve sparred. I know that you have impressive social skills because I’ve observed you talking with others. I know that you have a beautiful face and a very attractive body, because I have eyes. But I don’t know whether you know how to use that body, so it wouldn’t really be fair to call you perfect, now would it?”
“What are you saying?” Subaki grits out, voice strained. “That you won’t admit that I’m perfect unless I fuck you?”
“Well, I’d personally prefer that I be the one to fuck you.” Azama says, casually as if he were discussing the weather. “But in essence, yes.”
“You’re crazy.” Subaki says.
Azama flashes a smile at him. “So I’ve been told.”
“Why do you think,” Subaki says desperately. “That I care what you think about me at all?”
“Maybe you don’t.” Azama shrugs again. “It’s just an offer.”
Subaki stares at him, fists clenched, thinking so hard that Azama can picture his brain working, gears whirring like the insides of a beautiful, beautiful clock that’s been wound much too tight. He doesn’t seem to be sure who he’s more concerned about arguing with, Azama or himself.
“Fine.” Subaki finally says, looking at Azama defiantly.
“What what that?”
“Fine.” Subaki repeats. “I’ll do it. But only to prove you wrong.”
To his surprise, Azama bursts out laughing, loud peals of laughter ringing out through the camp. Subaki looks around frantically, hoping that Azama’s cackling has not drawn the attention of anyone nearby.
“What’s so funny?” Subaki hisses.
“You never stop surprising me.” Azama replies. “I didn’t think you’d actually be willing to let me fuck you just to prove a point.”
“Maybe that shows that you should stop underestimating me.”
“Maybe. Well, this has been fun, but you can stop with the false bravado, I’m not going to call your bluff today.” Azama says. “I wouldn’t fuck someone who’s only agreed because he feels like he was cornered.”
“So you were the one bluffing!” Subaki exclaims, stuck somewhere between frustration and mad, wild relief.
“I wouldn’t say that. I’d be happy to carry through on my end of the deal, but as a man of the cloth, I do have a moral code to uphold, and consent is a very important part of that.” Azama grins toothily. “If you ever decide you want to take me up on the offer of your own free will, you know where I live.”
“Your morals force you to respect consent when it comes to sex, but they don’t prevent you from trying to psychologically torture everyone you meet?”
“What can I say?” Azama says. “The gods move in mysterious ways, and I am but their humble servant.”  
Their battles grow fiercer and more frequent and Hinoka tells Azama that it is time for him to start pulling his weight and using an actual weapon like any other decent retainer, tossing a master seal at him and warning him not to make too big of a scene.
Azama takes full advantage of his fake class change, casting a faulty heal staff to create a burst of light as he pretends to activate the master seal. Before the light subsides, he slips the master seal into his robe and grabs a lance he’d stashed nearby.
“Oh my, I suddenly know how to use a lance!” Azama exclaims, making a few experimental thrusts. “How lovely!”
Subaki peers at him suspiciously from his position nearby. Azama may have chosen this location strategically, knowing that Subaki always cleans his lance hear at this time of day, but that’s neither here nor there.
“Why didn’t your clothes change when you used the master seal?” Subaki asks loudly.
Azama flashes Subaki a bright smile. “Maybe it’s because I’m already perfect, just the way I am.”
“Help me practice.” Azama tells Subaki, interrupting an incredibly boring conversation he and Hana were having about the merits of different types of metal used in forging weapons.
“You do realize that it’s considered good manners to greet someone before launching into a conversation?” Subaki says dryly, unamused. Hana glares at him.
“Manners are a construct created by humans attempting to bring order into a chaotic world by imposing arbitrary moral values onto it.” Azama replies. “But if it makes you feel better, good afternoon Subaki, I hope that you are faring well on this lovely wartime day. If it pleases you, I would greatly appreciate your help in practicing for the next battle.”
Hana looks like she is about to yell at him for deliberately ignoring her, but Subaki puts a hand on her shoulder and instead of yelling, she turns her glare onto Subaki, shrugs his hand off her shoulder, and flounces away.
Subaki looks at Hana’s retreating back, looks back at Azama, looks at Hana again. Azama figures there’s about a 50% chance that he can goad Subaki into doing what he wants, but that might get lower if Subaki’s chivalry thing kicks in.
“Fine.” Subaki says. “Let me go get my lance.”
“Only,” He adds quickly. “Because I’m angry at you and trying to stab you in the name of sparring sounds quite appealing right now.”
Azama follows Subaki to his tent and then to the clearing that the troops like to spar in, letting Subaki get out his lance and drop into fighting stance before saying. “Actually, I didn’t need your help with lances. I need your help to practice healing.”
Subaki looks like he wants to hurl his lance at Azama like a javelin. “What.” He says, intonation more like a threat than a question.
“Healing takes practice too, in case you didn’t realize.” Azama says. “A lot of non-healers think that the rod does all the work, but that’s not true. It takes concentration for the wielder to effectively channel his or her magic through the rod.”
“That doesn’t explain why you need me.”
“I can’t practice healing without wounds, and I can’t heal myself. It’s the rule, you know.” Azama says.
“What rule?” Subaki asks, suspicious.
“The rule of magic, of course.” Azama says. His moral code does not forbid lying, as long as the lies are so blatant that the listener is shocked into believing them.
“The rule of magic...” Subaki repeats incredulously, then shakes his head, deciding that it is not worth it. “So let me get this straight. You want me to injure myself so you can practice healing? Why on earth would I agree to this?”
“Because without practice, I cannot learn to heal more effectively. And my healing skills could make the difference between life and death on the battlefield. Your death, perhaps. Or even the death of Lady Sakura.” Azama says. “If you’d prefer, I can be the one to injure you.”
“No, I’ll do it myself.” Subaki replies quickly, then realizes what he has just said. “Wait, I never said I would do this at all!”
“I believe you just did. You can back out if you want, but I don’t know if that would be very perfect of you.”
Subaki is far too easy to back into a corner, and Azama loves it about him.
Subaki inspects his lance, as if trying to figure out the easiest way to cause an injury without it being too painful.
Azama hands him a knife. “Try this, it might be easier.”
Subaki takes it without meeting Azama’s eyes, holds it over his left forearm and after a moment’s hesitation, draws a shallow gash down his arm, wincing as the knife touches his skin.
Subaki stares at the thin red line as blood begins to well up, barely acknowledging Azama until he murmurs a few words and waves his bloom festal, making the wound close up before Subaki’s eyes, blood seeming to evaporate into thin air.
“This is wrong.” Subaki says, voice sounding far away. “This is not normal.”
“Sure it is.” Azama says. “All you have to do is redefine what you think is normal. Now, again.”
Subaki repeats the motion on the other arm this time, and Azama heals him so quickly that Subaki barely sees any red.
“That was too easy. Do another spot this time, and try to make it deeper.”
Subaki obeys as if entranced, rolling up one leg of his light cotton trousers to reveal the skin of his calf. He brings the knife to his skin again, and Azama can tell by the twitching in his face that he is pushing harder.
Azama heals him again, and Subaki moves onto the other leg without prompting, looking only at the wounds as they open and close without sparing a glance for Azama.
They continue the pattern of harming and healing several times, Subaki creating wounds and Azama making them disappear.
How symbolic. Azama thinks. Or maybe ironic.
With every glow of the bloom festal Subaki looks more and more distant, and Azama thinks that although his experiment has been quite fruitful, it may be time to bring Subaki back to earth.
“Only one more.” Azama says, and Subaki starts at the sound of his voice. “Let me do it this time.”
Wordlessly, Subaki hands him the knife.
Subaki’s shirt has a lower neckline than he usually wears, leaving his collarbone exposed. Azama chooses that spot to place the knife and Subaki shivers when he feels it touch his skin, then grows deathly still as Azama opens up a new wound, longer and deeper than the previous ones.
He puts down the knife and picks up the bloom festal, but pauses before casting the spell, gazing at Subaki as an artist might gaze at their work. Subaki does not shirk from his gaze this time, closes his eyes and runs his fingers along the wound as it closes.
Subaki does not open his eyes until the entire gash is healed.
“Will that leave a scar?” He asks, trying to get a good look at the skin that was just healed.
“No. For a wound that minor, an experienced healer like myself should have to problem healing without leaving a scar.”
“Good.” Subaki says, rubbing his fingers over his collarbone and looking disappointed.
“What do you think love is?” Azama asks Subaki, without preamble. It is a trite question with many stupid answers and few good ones, but Azama finds it interesting to hear which stupid answer people choose.
“Love is when you care for someone despite their flaws.” Subaki answers almost instantly.
It is a trite answer, but it is delicious anyways, and Azama savors it.
“But then, if you have no flaws, how will you ever know if anyone truly loves you?” Azama asks.
Subaki does not answer, and Azama reflects that Subaki’s flaws are what he likes the best.
The battles grow harsher and Azama’s hands become more accustomed to the feel of his lance than of his rod, although they certainly have need of both. Everyone is weary, and when Azama tries to goad Subaki into bickering with him, Subaki only glares.
“Be careful, you’ll get wrinkles!” Azama calls to him, enjoying the sight of Subaki’s furrowed brow.
But Subaki doesn't respond, just turns away in the direction of his tent, and Azama is much more bothered than he has any right to be.
During their next battle, Subaki is struck across the cheek with a shuriken coated with some kind of poison. The shuriken itself barely hurts him, but the poison makes his muscles seize up, and only the combination of Azura’s song and Azama’s staff restore him to a somewhat normal condition.
After the battle, Subaki glances into the reflection of Benny’s armor by accident and sees that the shuriken left a scar. He makes a strangled sound as his hand flies to his cheek, ignoring Benny’s concern.
Stunned, Subaki stables his pegasus, sheds half his armor, stares at himself in the small mirror he keeps in his tent, sheds the other half of his armor, breaks the mirror and does not clean up the pieces, and marches angrily to Azama’s tent.
Azama opens the tent flap before Subaki reaches it and for once, neither of them say anything as Subaki storms in, grabs Azama’s forearms, digging his nails in much too hard, and puts his mouth over Azama’s like a plea.
Even now, Subaki kisses gently and with refinement, the very epitome of a gentleman. It would be perfect for some youngest daughter of a noble family wanting to swept off her feet by a dashing night, but Azama is no blushing maiden. He does not like the way that Subaki kisses and so he does not let Subaki kiss him for long, choosing instead to move his mouth to Subaki’s neck and bite down, hard.
Subaki gasps breathlessly and his entire body shivers, and he lets Azama bite him again, lets Azama draw him down onto his tiny cot and undress him, lets Azama lay him bare and fuck him.
Azama peels off Subaki’s clothes meticulously and with mechanical precision, and Subaki feels his layers removed one by one until all that remains is the clockwork within, whirring madly as his heartbeat quickens every time Azama touches him.
Azama takes him apart with every touch, with deft fingers and chapped lips and sharp teeth unraveling more and more of the identity that Subaki has spent years weaving, and Subaki cannot help but cry out for more.
As he fucks Subaki, Azama caresses his face, surprisingly gentle, and whispers that he is so good, that he is perfect, and Subaki shudders under his touch because he knows that it is a lie.
“What about you? What do you think love is?” Subaki asks out of the blue one day, picking up a thread of conversation that has been hanging loose for weeks.
“If you even believe in love, that is.” He adds.
Azama considers it. “I believe in love, I’m just not sure it’s a concept that applies to me.”
Subaki’s face is contemplative, free of relief or disappointment.
“But if I did want to engage in the silly practice of defining abstract concepts.” Azama adds. “I think I’d say that love is when you never get bored.”
Subaki is naked when they next hear the horns that signal an ambush; he grabs his pants and Azama tosses him a shirt and they rush out of the tent, weapons in hand. Even disheveled and disoriented and pegasus-less, Subaki rushes to the front lines, recklessly brave and bravely reckless.
Azama hangs back and watches him charge into the fray, hair full of tangles, neck covered in bite marks, and mind full of Azama.
Perfect. He thinks.
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