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literatelogan · 4 years ago
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it’s your first year teaching at u.a. high school and you would be lying to say you weren’t intimidated. school is months away from starting but principal nezu has taken it upon himself to set you up for success. all of the teachers will be helping you onboard but shouta aizawa has been assigned to be your mentor. he hates this but does he hate you? yes. will he stop hating you? maybe.
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pairing - shouta aizawa x gn!reader
genre - fluff, angst, humor
tws - angst, rejection, sexual comments, light mentions of violence
status - completed 12/9 
updates - every mon, wed, fri @ noon CST
a/n - welcome to my first smau! any posts i make talking about this smau will be using this tag. this one will take place in somewhat canon u.a. but it is also present day and because ~pandemic~ all of the prep work with the teachers is going to be remote until they have to return to school in the fall. be prepared for date and time marks to be totally off so please ignore them. i am preemptively rating this a 18+ because i know there will be later bits in later parts. this will be gender neutral and will not reference specifics when it comes to y/n’s appearance. i am trying to be as inclusive as possible. quirk is also vague. there will be many parts! at least 30. i will also be having some that are post relationship so that you get some cute fluff after the build up.
part zero - introductions
part one - i never call & i never text
part two - only fools
part three - twenty questions
part four - he memed
part five - squash this
part six - new mentor
part seven - on some clown shit
part eight - kirby’s fucking pissed
part nine -  the one where everyone’s horny except mic
part ten - please keep smiling
part eleven - it’s l/n now
part twelve -  his plan
part thirteen - the present
part fourteen - ignore her, kitten
part fifteen - what the fuck is a capture weapon? nsfw bonus: afab | amab
part sixteen - mine
part seventeen - hotaka
part eighteen - hubby material 
part nineteen - zawa is being mad sus 
part twenty - you better be the world 
part twenty-one - pure euphoria
part twenty-two - the date
part twenty-three - my darling
part twenty-four - matchmaker matchmaker make me a match
part twenty-five - competition 
part twenty-six - shut up
part twenty-seven - day one
part twenty-eight - alone at last nsfw bonus: afab | amab
part twenty-nine - play it cool
part thirty - i never said friends
bonus chapters:
taishiro’s love routes
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archxvxd · 4 years ago
send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going.
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Aaaaahhhhh this is so cute<3 Tysm, Love🥺👉👈
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iwaisa · 4 years ago
accidentally confessing to your crush series makes brain go brrrrrrr
i love doing them sm akdsjdjej
i’m glad you’re enjoying it so far ! ٩( ᐛ )و
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literatelogan · 4 years ago
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part thirty - i never said friends
masterlist | previous 
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pairing - shota aizawa x gn!reader
genre - fluff, angst, humor
summary - it’s your first year teaching at u.a. high school and you would be lying to say you weren’t intimidated. school is months away from starting but principal nezu has taken it upon himself to set you up for success. all of the teachers will be helping you onboard but shouta aizawa has been assigned to be your mentor. he hates this but does he hate you? yes. will he stop hating you? maybe.    
tws - pure fluff. mention of hotaka and mention of betrayal but very lightly.
a/n - thank you to my beta reader @freyafolkvangr​! EEEE okay there is a lot but also make sure you read until the end because there’s more texts at the end and they are pretty great so make sure you read themmmm. also more author’s notes above the tag list. 
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The journey from your room to the little empty classroom that had become your private space with Shouta, well it felt like forever. Your heart felt like it was going to explode. Maybe you were blowing this out of proportion? I mean he had given you a lot of presents by now. He wouldn’t stop giving you presents. Usually, his surprises were presents, so that must be what it is, right? You rounded the hallway corner as you walked closer and closer to the classroom. What the two of you had initially thought was just an empty classroom, turned out to be the business law classroom. Explained why it was completely undecorated. Grab the doorknob. Just grab it. Your fingers hovered over it, scared of what was on the other side. 
The door opened without you and you were met with a wide smile from Shouta. “Darling.” He pulled you in and gave you a kiss on the forehead before closing the door. The room was not covered in balloons or flowers or anything extravagant, this realization had you letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. The tables were cleared away from a small bench that faced the window which let in a lovely amount of natural light. You sat down when Sho motioned for you too and he joined you. “Breathe.” Hey! That’s your line. “I’m not proposing. I know that’s what you’re thinking.” You gave him a small nod. “You have me nervous. This is the first surprise you’re giving me in person.” His arm wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you closer to him as he gazed out the window.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Shouta started. “I love you. I am in love with you. Excessively so. I am deeply, madly, crazily in love with you, Y/N.” His eyes shifted from the window to you and the look on his face implied so many emotions. Love, kindness, happiness but also some sadness and fear. Your hand cupped his cheek, fingers brushing through his scruff. “I love you too, Sho. You’re going to make me cry. I never thought I’d even consider loving someone again but you’re just so stubborn.” His lips brushed against yours as he leaned his forehead against yours, not kissing you yet just staying there for a minute.  You sniffled a little and he pulled back right away, immediately noticing a small teardrop forming in your eye. He quickly reached up to hold your face and wipe it away with his thumb. “Darling…I didn’t mean to make you cry…I-“ You shook your head as it rested in his hand. “Good tears, Sho.” 
The two of you sat there looking out the window for a while, just appreciating the silence with each other. The sun was setting outside and the pinkish-purple glow was coloring the room. Shouta took a deep breath and you looked over at him, he looked even more nervous than before. “There’s something else I need to say. So please let me talk. I just need to get the words out of my head.” You gave him a small smile and a nod, so he continued. “I knew I was pretty much doomed since we met. It only took a week or so before I had a crush on you and I don’t think I’ve ever actually had a real crush before.” Both of you chuckled at that. “When you told me about…. when you told me about Hotaka. When you told me what an idiot I was… and I said all of that. I meant every single word of it. The person you spend the rest of your life with will be the luckiest person on this planet.” He reached out and took both of your hands in his, pulling them to his lips and giving them little kisses. 
“With you, I’ve smiled more, laughed more, opened myself up like I haven’t in a very long time. I didn’t think anyone would be able to give me that. There you came into my life and it was like…you had been here all along. You make everything better.” His hands released yours as he moved to grab something out of his pocket. A small box. “I can’t imagine a future where I’m not spending the rest of my life with you. I know that right now isn’t the time to be discussing marriage but I want you to know I’m not going anywhere.” The box opened and showed two matching rings. They were clear with little pieces of something black and lines of sparkling gold. “I was looking for something to show that and I discovered what is called a promise ring. A promise that I am committed to you even if we aren’t ready for those steps.” His fingers picked up one of the rings and showed it to you. “I had them specially made. There are petals from the roses I gave you inside them. Now they will really last forever, just like my love for you. I promise to you that I will never stop loving you, Y/N. You have trusted me with your heart and I would sooner die than betray that trust. We will have moments of struggle and moments where we might fight but I will never stop loving you.” 
Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion and you could feel your heartbeat in your fingertips as you reached out for the other ring and took it from the box, holding it up to his hand. “Shouta, I came to U.A. because I hoped that I would get a fresh start. I brought all of my trust issues and fears with me, though. I tried so hard to not love you. I fought it because I didn’t want to be hurt again. I didn’t want it to be real because I was scared. I’m not scared anymore.” You took his hand and slipped the ring onto his finger. “Shouta Aizawa, I promise that I will never stop loving you. If you will love me forever, I will love you forever and a day. I’ve never loved somebody the way I love you and I never will.” Shouta took your finger and slipped your ring onto it. 
As you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss he paused before leaning in to kiss you. “I love you, Y/N. God, it feels good to say it out loud.” He was in love with the laugh that fell from your lips. “I love you too, Shouta. Now can I kiss my darling?”
Your lips crashed together with so much feeling that another tear rolled down your cheek. As he held you in his arms, you knew that you would never have to worry about getting your heart broken again. You had found the one. The one. The one you would spend your entire life with. You never wanted to leave this embrace, this kiss, and you never had to.  You would never be alone again.
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a/n - i wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read and hopefully enjoyed “i never said friends” this was definitely a labor of love. it’s my first full and completed fic in more than a decade and it’s my first smau. i hope you enjoyed this ending. there will be some more posts as they come to me and there will be an ending with tai soon. i’ll be doing routes for each character and a poly route depending who you ship most. also the ring would look similar to this because i feel like that can be gender neutral depending on preferred thickness and they could both wear well. but with the petals instead of the smokiness.
tag list:  @thatcutewerewolf​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @goodgodimaweirdperson​ @moon-spirit-yue​ @ravenkake​ @grungelovebug​ @freyafolkvangr​ @punicorn999​ @courtneypaigemartin​ @pasteldaze​ @therealwalmartjesus​ @ethylalcoholforfandoms​ @ineedmorefanfics​ @lunarentity​ @delightfully-anonymous​ @moremilkforkags​ @noonewouldlisten25​ @jazzylove​ @megalomango​​ @bluefaeriefury​​ @kizzannebaby​​ @thepuckishrogue​
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smileybokuto · 4 years ago
some of my favorite people here 🥺
8.and lastly my sweet pie anon
y’all are too good to me 💕
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archxvxd · 4 years ago
Just a daily PSA saying @literatelogan is a talented human being that deserves the recognition they’re getting😠 (But also don’t stress yourself out too much with your writing. Take your time. Anyone that has a problem with it can FIGHT me)
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iwaisa · 4 years ago
send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep the game going.
hxisdndj thank you lovie 🥺💞💞
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literatelogan · 4 years ago
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part twenty-seven - day one
masterlist | previous - next
updates every mon, wed, fri @ noon CST
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pairing - shota aizawa x gn!reader
genre - fluff, angst, humor
summary - it’s your first year teaching at u.a. high school and you would be lying to say you weren’t intimidated. school is months away from starting but principal nezu has taken it upon himself to set you up for success. all of the teachers will be helping you onboard but shouta aizawa has been assigned to be your mentor. he hates this but does he hate you? yes. will he stop hating you? maybe.    
tws - you might cry. but it’s pure fluff.
a/n - 1.1k EEEEEEEEEE!!!! it’s here. y’all it’s here. i hope this reaches your expectations. i didn’t want to make one post for the first day so it’s going to be over a couple of posts because like...it’s a whole day and there’s a lot going on. and yes of course there will be smut coming. 
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It didn’t feel real. This was the day that you had been waiting for. One that was so many major things at once. Meeting Shouta in person aside, this was your first day at U.A. High School. Getting ready felt like a monumental task. You had gotten up even earlier than normal to make sure you looked your very best. You were going to see him today. No. You were going to feel him today. His hair as you weave your fingertips through it. The scruff of his chin. His lips against yours. You had a hard time believing it but as you cleaned your face, the cool water helped jolt you a bit more awake. Being late wasn’t an option. Everything had to be perfect. Your hands were trembling all day. What if everything went wrong? 
You put even more effort than normal into this morning’s coffee run. Out of your way to the place that you only went when you were treating yourself. It was worth it today. As you walked onto the campus, you couldn’t help but take as deep a breath as your mask allowed. It was new. It was going to be scary. But it would be great. You had a massive support team behind you and you were going to totally kick ass. As you looked at the campus map on your phone, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Your head snapped up so fast you probably could have snapped your neck. “Toshi! Wow. You really are massive in person.” Both of you let out a soft chuckle as you leaned into your mentor’s hand. “It is very nice to finally meet you, L/N. We should be getting to our meeting.” 
You walked side by side with All Might into the school. Once you were inside he shrunk into the form you had only seen on TV and facetime. The blood that spewed from his mouth was pretty terrifying and you jumped. “Oh my god, Toshi! Are you going to be okay?” You moved towards him but he held his hand out to stop you. “I’ll be fine. Now I think someone is waiting for you.” You turned away from Toshi to see who he was looking at behind you. You knew who, obviously, but seeing him was still a shock. You both slowly started walking towards each other with looks of amazement. 
“My darling.” Shouta said as he pulled you into him. You weren’t sure how long you two stayed still just holding each other. You only knew that you could do it forever. Your fingertips wrapped around his coffee traced circles on his back. “HEY LOVEBIRDS! YOU’VE GOT TEN MINUTES!” Hizashi’s booming voice jolted you both out of your dazed state. Nemuri joined you in laughing but Sho was not amused. He pulled you around the corner away from the meeting room. “He always has to ruin everything.” 
Sho’s voice sounded deeper in person and it was different hearing him talk to someone else. He was so different with you. His hand wrapped around yours as he took his coffee from you. “How did you know that one was yours?” You asked with a bit of a smirk at him. “You were holding it with your non-dominant hand.” He chuckled a little at the funny look of confusion on your face as he took a sip. “You would have wanted to focus on not spilling mine more than yours. So you held it with your non-dominant hand which wouldn’t be opening things as much as your dominant would be.” You stared at him in amazement. “I forget sometimes how big that brain of yours is.” Brushing your fingers through a bit of his hair to tap his head, he let out a soft gasp. His head nuzzled into your hand as his eyes closed. You tangled your fingers in the strands and rubbed circles and little scratches along his scalp. “Not the only thing that’s big.” He whispered with a little bit of a whimper at your movements. 
Your mouth went dry and you stilled. Flirting in person. Oh god. Flirting in person. You knew this would be happening but you hadn’t realized how much you were not prepared for it. Shouta felt you tense up a little and smiled at you. The smile that you knew was just for you. No one got to see that smile but you and it was everything. His finger brushed along your jaw and curled under your chin to nudge your face higher. You didn’t realize that your gaze had dropped until it met Shouta’s again. His intense eyes could be terrifying. You saw that enough on your calls whenever you did something especially dumb. They were intense but it was different this time. Slowly he moved towards you and wrapped one arm around your shoulders, careful not to spill the coffee on you, as the other moved to the back of your head. 
Lips. Lips. His lips. You had pictured what it would feel like so many times before but you never would have been able to picture this. They were a little rough but his pressure was gentle. Eyes fluttering closed as you sunk into it and him. Your bodies were almost one with how close you were to each other. You could have sworn there were actual sparks coming off of his lips. Your skin felt like it was on fire but it shivered a little at the same time. Bliss. That was the only way to describe this. You didn’t know how long it had been. All you knew that it wasn’t long enough before he was pulling his mouth away from yours. “We need to get to the meeting now, darling.” His lips brushed yours as he spoke and you both hesitated before pulling away from each other. The loss of his body against yours was an overwhelmingly empty feeling. Once you had it, you didn’t want it to ever leave. 
Shouta grabbed your free hand and entangled his fingers in yours, pulling them up to his mouth to press a soft kiss to the back of your hand. Walking back into the meeting room felt like walking onto a stage. Everyone was staring at you. Some smiling. Snipe was making a joking gagging face at you that made you chuckle. You both knew that you couldn’t sit next to each other. You would get nothing done. So you settled between Toshi and Nemmy as he sat on the other side of her with Nezu next to him. This was going to be a long day. Focusing was a priority and you wanted to enjoy your very first day at your new job. At the same time, you couldn’t help but want the meetings to be over as soon as you could.
You needed him now. You were changed now. You were definitely in love with Shouta Aizawa.  
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taglist -  @thatcutewerewolf @propertyofpoeandbucky @goodgodimaweirdperson @moon-spirit-yue @ravenkake @grungelovebug @freyafolkvangr @punicorn999 @courtneypaigemartin @pasteldaze @therealwalmartjesus @ethylalcoholforfandoms @ineedmorefanfics @lunarentity @delightfully-anonymous @moremilkforkags @noonewouldlisten25 @jazzylove @megalomango @bluefaeriefury
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archxvxd · 4 years ago
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I’m gonna be honest, I completely expected to get Suga. This s h o o k me. But also, kinda makes sense? I love my bb monster💘
Tagging: Anyone that wants to do this bc it was sm funnnn
Found a kin quiz... let me know who you got 👀
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literatelogan · 4 years ago
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marriage lyric prank with the haikyuu!! captains + coach ukai
including - daichi sawamura, keishin ukai, wakatoshi ushijima, tetsuro kuroo & kotaro bokuto
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tw - marriage references, references to breaking up
a/n - they’re all post time skip except ukai. bokuto gets a bonus bit because i had to. he’s just too precious. i got this in my head while listening to single ladies and was like...yeah daichi would have a ring the second he realized he loved you. this is my first time writing these characters so please be gentle with me.
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literatelogan · 4 years ago
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part twenty-six - shut up
masterlist | previous - next
updates every mon, wed, fri @ noon CST
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pairing - shota aizawa x gn!reader
genre - fluff, angst, humor
summary - it’s your first year teaching at u.a. high school and you would be lying to say you weren’t intimidated. school is months away from starting but principal nezu has taken it upon himself to set you up for success. all of the teachers will be helping you onboard but shouta aizawa has been assigned to be your mentor. he hates this but does he hate you? yes. will he stop hating you? maybe.    
tws - ehhh aizawa is being a dick again but that’s it
a/n - i’m back! thank you all for your patience. it means a lot that y’all didn’t yell at me or tell me to fuck off or anything. i’ve already got another part basically ready so i’ll be able to post regularly again. woo! also if i lost you off the tag list i’m so so sorry. i’m trying to be as careful as possible.
taglist -  @thatcutewerewolf @propertyofpoeandbucky @goodgodimaweirdperson @moon-spirit-yue @ravenkake @grungelovebug @freyafolkvangr​ @punicorn999 @courtneypaigemartin @pasteldaze @therealwalmartjesus @ethylalcoholforfandoms @ineedmorefanfics @lunarentity @delightfully-anonymous @moremilkforkags @noonewouldlisten25 @jazzylove @megalomango @bluefaeriefury
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sarahbear8771 · 4 years ago
✨🥺🥰😭❤️ I feel like it’s accurate. Wbu @freyafolkvangr @literatelogan @marshmallow-witch
your first column of emojis describes your personality! what’s yours?
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literatelogan · 4 years ago
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shouta aizawa with an extremely shy reader
including - shouta aizawa
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Aizawa is an extremely observant guy. You saw how fast he dodged Dabi. I feel like he would notice something was up. Especially with being so flustered.
Present Mic would be the one to tell him to talk to you about it, after Aizawa asked if he was doing anything weird to warrant your behavior.
He’d be really stiff and maybe a little harsh when asking why you were so weird with him, not really knowing what to do about it.
“Y/N, may I speak to you for a moment.” The deep voice pulled you out of the group of teachers that were going to lunch, you turned to see the dreamy grump you couldn’t stop thinking about and he was talking to you. “I won’t take much of your time.” The words barely processed as you looked at him obviously flustered. “That is just fine. I do not need to be anywhere for a while, Aizawa Senpai.” He adjusted his posture at the honorific. “Yes, well. You act differently with me than you do with the other professors. Do I scare you?” A small yelp of surprise left your lips and your eyes widened before dropping to the ground. “I don’t mean to scare you, Y/N.” You shook your head a little, gaze not moving up from the floor as you did so. “Y-you d-don’t, sir.” A finger hooked under the side of your jaw and moved your face up to look at him, standing there composed and casual as you were freaking out. “Do you have a crush on me, Y/N?” He asked without his finger moving from your chin, you couldn’t drop your head back down and you were like a deer in headlights as you tried to make eye contact. You felt like you were going to faint as the finger moved up to brush against your lips. This was a dream, right? “Can I kiss you?” You nodded still in a daze and half convinced that it wasn’t at all real. The finger swiped over your lips again. “Out loud.” He was smiling now. You’d never actually seen him smile, a matching smile spread on your face. “Yes.”
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a/n - @reality-is-often-disappointing​ sorry this took forever! you’re always so kind. i did notttt drink water but i’m going to right now i promise.
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sarahbear8771 · 4 years ago
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Sounds like I’m from bridgerton now.... but I liked this one ☺️
Psssst @freyafolkvangr @literatelogan this is a cute short quiz
i made a new quiz! which lover are you? 🌿
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literatelogan · 4 years ago
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part twenty - you better be the world
masterlist | previous - next
updates every other day @ noon CST
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pairing - shota aizawa x gn!reader
genre - fluff, angst, humor
summary - it’s your first year teaching at u.a. high school and you would be lying to say you weren’t intimidated. school is months away from starting but principal nezu has taken it upon himself to set you up for success. all of the teachers will be helping you onboard but shouta aizawa has been assigned to be your mentor. he hates this but does he hate you? yes. will he stop hating you? maybe.    
tws - mention of murder?
a/n - the screaming is continuing. the pay off! the date is coming. with no interruptions or issues. right? right??
taglist - @thatcutewerewolf  @propertyofpoeandbucky @goodgodimaweirdperson @moon-spirit-yue @ravenkake​ @grungelovebug​ @freyafolkvangr​
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literatelogan · 4 years ago
part twenty-eight - alone at last
part twenty-eight bonus: nsfw of their first time. assigned male route. assigned female route. both have gender neutral pronouns.
masterlist | previous - next
updates every mon, wed, fri @ noon CST
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pairing - shota aizawa x gn!reader
genre - fluff, angst, humor
summary - it’s your first year teaching at u.a. high school and you would be lying to say you weren’t intimidated. school is months away from starting but principal nezu has taken it upon himself to set you up for success. all of the teachers will be helping you onboard but shouta aizawa has been assigned to be your mentor. he hates this but does he hate you? yes. will he stop hating you? maybe.    
tws - you still might cry. but it’s pure fluff.
a/n - 1.1k ahhhhh holy crap! okay yeah this is the rest of the first day together. i will be doing the smut separately and it will be posted sometime this weekend. also i am here for the friendships of y/n with ecto, vlad and cementoss. 
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The first day felt like each moment was in slow motion. The meetings were intense and required so much concentration that it was a bit hard to make it through. Toshi was great about that though. He was an amazing mentor even when in person. Being the newest staff member before you definitely helped that. There were a few times that you felt like more than just a couple pairs of eyes were on you. Being the newbie was always stressful but some of those looks were very questioning. Not mean. Just confused. During one of the breaks, you actually made it your goal to spend time getting to know your other coworkers. While spending the entire day with Shouta would have been wonderful, your job did come first, and only socializing with him wasn’t healthy. Ecto had so many questions. He wanted to know the play by play. When you showed him, Vlad, and Cementoss the pictures of all the presents, they were shocked. Snipe loved poking fun at Shouta. He kept jabbing him in the side. “Someone’s a softie. What happened to the asshole we all knew and tolerated?” You couldn’t help but laugh. Sho gave you an annoyed glare at that but you didn’t care. “He even uses memes now. All the time! Oh! Do you want to see pictures of him smiling? I have a ton. He’s not great at it but he’s cute so it’s okay.” Shouta had moved behind you now, wrapping his arms around your shoulders making you think he was about to hug you before he snatched your phone out of your hand. “Hey!” He shook his head. “You’ve lost phone privileges. You’re lucky I’m not giving you detention.” That promptly earned a “Kinky!” from Nemmy. Shouta was blushing now and that only made it worse.
At lunch, the two of you ventured away from the others to an empty classroom. Alone. For an hour. And not allowed to have sex. The Shouta you knew and…god. The one you knew and loved was back once the other teachers weren’t around. Laughing at your dumb jokes and staring at you with that look in his eyes as you rattled on about your plan for your classroom. Once you were done actually eating, it was a bit more difficult to follow Nezu’s rules. You still had twenty minutes before you had to be back. Just a couple little kisses as you moved closer to each other, head leaned against each other. “You’re not a bad kisser.” He pulled back a little and gave you an inquisitive look. “Not bad? That’s not a great compliment, darling.” He pulled you in for another kiss but this one was more heated. Your lips parted as his tongue pressed against them. Your mouths fit so well together. They were made to join. You pulled apart and rested your foreheads together. “I want to do so many things to you, darling. It is taking all of my composure. Do we really need this job? What if we just leave and spend two weeks quarantining with each other?” You gave him a little bop on the head. “You’re thinking with your downstairs brain and it’s not as intelligent as your upstairs one.” He grumbled but immediately relaxed as your hand started to run through his hair again.
He pulled away from your face and moved to lay down in your lap. As promised, you ran your fingers through his hair and played with it. It was surprisingly soft. He could do with a better comb though. Untangling pieces as you went and rubbing little circles onto his scalp until your fingers tingled a little. The timer on your phone went off to let you know that you only had about five minutes to get back to the meeting room. “Darling, we need to go back.” No response. “Sho, seriously. I don’t want to either but we need to.” The only response was a soft snore and you couldn’t help the chuckle. He was conked out. Waking him was painful. He looked so peaceful. But you knew that you needed to go or everyone else would be even more suspicious than they probably were. You would get to see him sleeping so many more times. Maybe even wake up to that cute face. Your fingers weaved through his hair as you gently jostled him until he opened his eyes. “Darling, you need to wake up. We have to go.” With a grumble and some rubbing of his eyes, he got back up and you both rushed to get back to the others. Hizashi and Nemmy looked like they might explode if they didn’t hit you with a snide remark.
The rest of the day passed by just fine. Sure it was an exciting day as your first one both working and with Shouta but it was still work. Ecto was a sweetheart and the two of you worked on plans for decorating his classroom as well. When you told him earlier about Shouta’s present, he couldn’t hold back his excitement. “I can’t believe he’s been hiding you from all of us.” It was sweet and reassured you that you wouldn’t just be Shouta’s partner or the new teacher but a welcomed part of the staff. The end of the day could not come soon enough and as you all gathered your things to leave, Shouta hovered behind you. “Breathe. You can wait.” He pouted a little but quickly hid it when Vlad burst out laughing. “It’s cute, right?” Vlad’s nodding was accompanied by his almost silent wheezing laugh. Walking out was extremely exciting. If you could run without everyone making fun of you, you would. Once you stepped off campus grounds, you knew you wouldn’t last long.
The walk to your place was a mostly silent one. You were pretty sure that if either of you said two words, you would jump each other right in the next alleyway. Once you were on the other side of the door of your apartment, his arms were around you tight. His face was snuggled into your shoulder and you could feel him smiling against you. Your head rested on his as you stood in silence. It was warm but not just in a physical way. Your heart felt warm in a way it hadn’t in a very long time. Your skin tingled under his in the few places it touched around your clothing. After a while, Shouta’s face peeked up from your shoulder and nuzzled against your chin. His stubble brushing against your skin and making it itch a little. “We should go to your bedroom.” He pulled away just enough to move to your side and wrap his arm with you, grasping your hand in his. You led him through your apartment. Your skin on fire. You had thought about this moment so many times.
It was happening.
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