elakha-house-cube · 17 hours
@ {Echo!Timeline} Vivi
Anything you want to tell us about yourself?
I'm having difficulty imagining how this timeline would affect Vivi, but I bet this is one of the timelines where she and Raha live together. Maybe Lyhia too, depending on how you want to approach that whole plot element.
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elakha-house-cube · 4 days
Attempt #2 to follow up: TBH I assumed they were like a one company thing and since it was on Defunctland I figured they were gone. Didn't realize they were so popular, we don't have them here. I'm still halfway through the episode. I imagine Evan and Inari would both engage in some form of shadiness
"Oh, absolutely. I'd probably go just to see that."
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elakha-house-cube · 4 days
{Echo!Timeline} @ everyone- how are things, notice anything strange?
"Everything looks about the same as it normally does, I think," Achille says with a shrug.
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elakha-house-cube · 4 days
{Echo!Timeline}Hallie, what do you think of Seto Kaiba, the billionaire who allows orphans free access to his theme parks? He seems like a nice guy!
"Well he's still a billionaire, so I automatically assume he's exploiting something, most likely his workers. But if not them, definitely something else. Maybe he's a nice guy on a personal level, but you just don't become a billionaire by earning it honestly."
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elakha-house-cube · 6 days
{Echo!Timeline} Hallie, you excited to watch Yugi's Tin Pin match with Shooter?
"Hell yeah I am! It's the Tin Pin match of the century!"
"Tin Pin isn't even a century old yet."
"My point stands!"
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elakha-house-cube · 6 days
{Echo!Timeline} Thunderbolt System, any insight on the rumors that gaming legend and local celebrity Yugi Muto is plural?
"Rumors? I thought this was common knowledge!
"Most people don't hang out in plural Discords, dear.
"Yeah well... well... isn't it super obvious?! You shouldn't need a bunch of super online systems to tell you when you can just look!
"I wanna say something like 'singlets can be real oblivious sometimes', but that wouldn't have prevented them from seeing the facts, it would have prevented them from connecting the facts to their cause. Odd."
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elakha-house-cube · 6 days
Watching the new Defunctland now
Hallie, Hitomi, Thunderbolt system
Had these still been around when you were growing up, think you would have enjoyed going to one?
"Those stopped existing? That's a shame, I had fun when I went as a kid."
"Really? They sound like a capitalist nightmare."
"Admittedly, I was a lot less aware of that sort of thing at that age. Still, I do think the idea has merit, it would just need to be... less mercenary."
"I'd probably have gone just for the fact that it's probably a one-time thing, but I'm not sure whether I'd have enjoyed it. And Hal, I'm sure you'd have opted to stay home."
"Nah, I was still in my bitch phase at that age, I'd have gone and tried to become the emperor of the place somehow. How about y'all, Thunderbolt?"
They look up from their phone. "Wow, this really does sound terrible! We definitely wouldn't have gone because we're French and this doesn't appear to have existed in France. I mean we also wouldn't have gone because it sounds ridiculous, but the fact that it wouldn't actually be an option is a bigger reason."
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elakha-house-cube · 7 days
{Echo!Timeline} Hallie, you play Yu-Gi-Oh, right? How long have you been a fan?
"A couple years. I actually got into it by reading the manga; Vivi has a shelf that's just the first bunch of volumes and I spent a few days just binging all of that. I kinda wish they'd stuck with the original game-a-week format, that was really cool, but I know writing for just the card game is way easier over an extended time."
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elakha-house-cube · 7 days
Koppi, how do you feel about your Miraculous being used for Tin Pin slammer?
"It's hilarious!"
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elakha-house-cube · 7 days
So Hallie, Thunderbolt system, how has your day at the community center been so far. You got to meet some of Hallie's friends, right Thunderbolt? Remind me, what were their names again?
"Yeah! Dawn and Kawika and -"
If Tumblr allowed inline images, this would be the part where I put a rapidly flickering gif of all of the protag's names, but they don't, so you'll have to just imagine it.
"- they're all cool! And playing Tin Pin with our new pin was real interesting!"
"Hey, Achille, this is a non-canon zone, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Cause I wanna talk about playing Tin Pin with a Miraculous! That seems like it shouldn't be possible!"
"It does, but we tested it. ... Not that this in any way explains how it's possible, but we did check in advance."
"Oh, I can explain that. Tin Pin is just a conduit for energy from the UG."
"The what now?"
"Uh, don't worry about that. Anyway, it's the structure of the game itself that channels the energy; the pins aren't special at all. You could make your own pin in a craft shop and it'd automatically work in Tin Pin! Though pins made for Tin Pin tend to have a lot better stats, probably from the intent put into their creation."
"I... see? This seems to amount to 'it's magic'."
"So does a lot of other stuff around here." Celine shrugs. "I've been rolling with it since I woke up."
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elakha-house-cube · 12 days
Hallie, thoughts on Porno Graffitti?
"That sounds like the name of a band." Hal pulls out their phone and does a quick search. "... Yeah, that's a band all right. ... Music is definitely listenable. Sounds like it'd hit harder if I understood the lyrics."
"Hal. My sibling. Surely you're not telling me that a weeb of your level doesn't know Japanese."
"When would I have learned it? Who would I have practiced it with?"
"Me and Mom?"
"... Well! I only moved in recently, I haven't had time yet! ... I guess I should start on that!"
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elakha-house-cube · 12 days
Ikarus, Koppi, how did it feel to be back in action against that new supervillain... what was their name again?
"Spinwhirl, wasn't it? That pinwheel of theirs looked nasty. Good job we've got access to such a versatile power, huh."
Yeah! It's so great being able to help when people are in trouble.
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elakha-house-cube · 12 days
Ikarus,do you have power inkantations for the Perfection transformations?
"Huh, that's a good question. Do we?"
Do we ever! Here -
Ikarus holds up a hand and ink begins to flow down their arm. Perfection, absolute control, and the majesty of water - "Ink Octopus!" Their body liquifies and they flow... well, nowhere, because this is just a demonstration. After sitting there a moment they coalesce back into flesh. "Huh, neat!"
I am so glad I had a few thousand years to come up with that one.
"What, you can't just copy the regular phrase?"
I mean I can, but I don't wanna! It's boring to do it like that!
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elakha-house-cube · 12 days
Thunderbolt system, thoughts on Tin Pin Slammer? (Have I asked this before?)
I don't think we've had this question before. I had some fun with it. People online suggest it was more fun on the DS, but we don't have a DS on hand for that, so.
The flicky hand is a silly power! It's basically a free extra life!
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elakha-house-cube · 15 days
Ooh, I wanna participate too!
Of course you do... We weren't even there for the first one.
And why should that stop me?
Hi, I'm the anon that asked the kitchen appliance question- I am so sorry for what I have inadvertantly caused-
(Good choice with the espresso maker though, I respect that.)
Thank ya~
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elakha-house-cube · 15 days
So, Sylvi, want to tell everyone about the new timeline in development?
I mean it's @facultativeactivity's timeline, not mine 😝
... But since we're already here, they're making a cool thing where people get magic powers and borrowing some of our and Kira's OCs for it. And possibly some other people's, I know @fluffybunnybadass and @comicallycubicalcassie have participated in the discussion.
It'll be neat as heck, Vivi is gonna be a teacher.
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elakha-house-cube · 16 days
So everyone, you excited about the new timeline?
I know I am.
"That is... still not my favorite tone of voice."
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