#but idk how reliable that really is
biruesque · 2 months
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one time i dreamt i was the second mind in the body of a girl. i couldn't control her, only watch her thoughts, feelings, and memories. i woke up when she died of suicide. if my dream diary clearly says i was her, why do i really feel like we're two different people?
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daily-hanamura · 8 months
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shadowslocked · 4 months
Everybody, understandably angry: the QSMP admins aren’t being paid?!? 😡
Me, confused: we thought they were getting paid???
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lilydvoratrelundar · 1 year
On the one hand Moffat coming back makes sense in the same way rtd and tennant returning does because getting back old shit is always good for publicity. On the other hand. The reason chibnall took the job was to diversify the production and allow people who historically didn't get a chance to write for dr who very often (women, people of colour, women of colour) to write, direct, etc their version of the show, and apparently spent a lot of time creating the writers room process which wasn't really a thing in the UK before. Rtd taking a step back from that by hiring all his cis white men from pre 2018 Who (or at least, hiring back this very notorious cis white man from pre 2018 Who) feels like a step in the other direction from that. Moffat's been writing televised Doctor Who since 1999. We can give other people a go now.
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mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Book of the Week: To Be a Virtuous Wife
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Author: Butterfly's Shadow Beneath the Moon/Yue Xia Die Ying (月下蝶影)
Genre: transmigration, ancient setting, revenge, josei
Rating: M
My Synopsis: Qu Qing Ju lives by one philosophy: here for a good time, not a long time. That means eating well, dressing beautifully, and, due to lack of modern entertainment, outmaneuvering all the tyrants who bullied her original host. It doesn't hurt that this life comes ready-set with a handsome husband in tow. Said husband, He Heng—between scheming against his brothers for the throne—just wants to know if his new wife has always been this interesting.
My Actual Review: In order to understand Qu Qing Ju as a character, you need to understand that despite her being a girls girl, that doesn't mean she'll take shit. So she's all for empowering the women around her—as long as they don't fuck with her bottom line. For the characters who meet that condition, she coexists peacefully with them, and they love her. Fuck with her, though? You'll never have another peaceful day, if you’re so lucky to even have a long life. There's probably more I could say about He Heng, but honestly, the thing that most stuck with me was how much man just really loved his wife and desperately wanted to know she loved him back.
As much as this story involves the main character getting revenge against those who transgressed against the original host, I feel like a good deal of tension in the story comes from He Heng trying to convince Qu Qing Ju that he is not a useless man that'll abandon her the moment something new and shiny comes along. Lots of narrative discussion about the role of women in ancient China, the unreliability of men, and how women need to be able to depend on each other for aid rather than clinging to the power of others in hopes of earning a secure life, which is a common discussion in all of this author's josei novels. Speaking of which: content warnings for the usual with this author, including underage marriage, pregnancy, etc. (if you want to count it, since technically the mc transmigrates in as an adult, but the original host's body is a teen). Other than this, a little bit of suspense and a whole lot of comedy is the mood of this novel!
Translation: complete
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brown-little-robin · 6 months
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leqclerc · 1 month
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#idk how accurate the source is [formu1a__uno] bc ive heard conflicting opinions about them and their reliability#but either way that's just really fucking disrespectful if true?#like this isn't even xavi had to go because bono was available to be charles's engineer#you just axed a man that worked with your driver for almost 5 years and gave the job to a guy who's afaik never been a race engineer before#without consulting said driver or yknow even making him aware before/during the miami weekend#so he could have some closure and say goodbye to his long-time race engineer and trusted confidant in whatever way he saw fit#which would've like. the bare minimum decent thing to do just on like a human level???#and you're telling me with your whole chest this is an upgrade. um. pass 🙅🏻‍♀️#and if it was xavi's decision (hearing this i highly doubt it was tbh) then i dont see why he wouldn't have told charles beforehand?#this is so messy#i love how when the news was made public so many people defended & justified it#saying this was something either charles wanted himself or at least was consulted about and approved of#lmao tell me you don't know how ferrari moves without telling me#just like they praised binotto for as long as they could until it became obvious that his relationship w charles is strained#and then suddenly people started noticing that oh maybe he's not actually fit for the tp job after all...#like im sorry but if we heard that charles fought to keep xavi as his RE when binotto wanted him gone#and now fred's basically done exactly that without taking it up w charles or letting him know in advance#then uh. :)#xavi marcos#ferrari
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I do think it's really overplayed and unfortunate and honestly probably dl racism that lance is the stereotypical flirty playboy but I think that aspect can be salvaged if you factor in that he's probably a loverboy at heart and is just scared to give people too much of himself
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jewelleria · 1 month
You need to examine some of these shady sources you're presenting. Makes you seem even dumber than you actually are
how, exactly, is video footage and photographic evidence “shady”? the fact that you won’t come off anon and say this to me with your full chest is what’s really shady, if you ask me. seems like you’re just pissed off i haven’t cited al jazeera as a source.
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starlooove · 3 months
He is in fact not cool with his friends killing people he just can’t do shit about it and the fact that he thinks he can do smth about (and does!) when it comes to his kids is like a major point
#like one of the main#Idk if theme is the right word#but issues surrounding Batman in general and Gotham specifically#is the high standards he holds not just those closest to him to but also the people he controls#NOW DONT GET CAUGHT UP IN UR GUT REACTION CONTROL IS A STRONG WORD BUT IM USING IT FOR A REASON#like i think the fandomification of the batfamily and seeing every character as reliable in the way they tell their own stories#is making people forget that yes bruce lowkey controls them#like not in a mean way or whatever but as much as dick and Jason rebel and say ‘fuck you old man I have my own people to take care of’#at a snap of Bruce’s fingers where are they?#right back in Gotham#which ppl say is an issue with writing and I agree like they really just can’t take anyone away from Gotham#but THATS meta like the in universe conclusion is what creates in universe analysis#and these issues are being spoken about from an in universe pov#that was just me justifying my point anywayyyd#what im saying is that like#in conclusion Ppl are forgetting that Bruce is scary and still runs this shit lmao#like a few snappy quips about emotional distance and some ‘X deserves better’ fics is making yall forget shit like spyral#or at least how it went down and ended up today and what that says about the characters involved#it’s tragic and Ik we like to ignore that but like. when look at shit like the no killing rule#yes bruce thinks he’s being slighted or failing whenever his kids kill someone and they to an extent think that too which is why they don’t#do it#or at least partly#even for Jason that’s why the killing is not just what needs to be done it’s a form of rebellion for him#everyone who agrees jason should just leave Gotham but still present as pure rebellion and anger and spitting at Bruce don’t get why Jason#should leave is all I’m saying#that’s why Dick never got away#it’s still all about Bruce#even if we don’t want it to be#reading this back it’s disjointed as hell but I’m not fixing it if u get it ily heh just a peek into my dark mind#if u don’t it’s not ur fault not everyone can withstand the alphas prowess…
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chipped-chimera · 8 months
I hate money💀
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fivefeetfangirl · 1 year
Okay so i tried finding out more about the tickets to purcon 8, which are all sold out now (except 1-day tickets). It seems like the silver and premium are sold out for sure, but gold and vip have some left which will be released in July (some said June). The section 6-7 tickets will be released 14th and 30th september, as it says on the website
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mmmmuffins · 2 years
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anyway did yall know that i love daichi
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primordialchoice · 7 months
Spicy Opinions
I honestly don't see it happening o_o I don't know if it's because things go down while I'm AFK, I'm fortunate the people I follow don't spread it on the dash, or I just have that good of a mental filtering that I don't notice it.
I think it's best drama stays private. It's hard to sort through tense feelings and situations while you're caught in the middle of a storm. Better to learn how to journal about it in private and talk to a friend. Maybe you can even find a mediator who can help you get closure.
Once closure is achieved, make sure you all let the subjects die and move on. The horse is dead lol let it rot
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godblooded · 2 years
me dipping back into the mess that is asoiaf : but what if dany’s vision wasn’t rhae but was in fact aegon in a vision of something that never was and it was not rhae whispering lyanna’s name but instead a false past dany saw at the house of the undying and we do not know whose name was whispered since ‘a dying prince’ could easily be aegon as well as rhaerhae and we know that the visions are unreliable.
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thefictionshelf · 2 years
listen I’m not really qualified on A.I or art so maybe this is a dumb take but like. I think the fact that the AI essentially takes the average of a mildly curated huge database (and the fact that those same A.I generated images will end up in those databases) of images is going to make the technology a lot less job-destroy-y than (some) people are predicting. I’m not saying it won’t shake up the industry but I think that A.I art, especially for vague inputs, and stuff that people are making a lot of, is going to start to have a look. The first time I saw one of those AI fantastical cityscapes/libraries (you know the ones) my socks were knocked off, the second one was pretty cool too... now? I mean they’re pretty... but eh. This might totally be my internal biases, but i’ve found repetitive A.I art to get boring in a way that I haven’t from human artists, even when they’re repetitive in style and subjects. There’s still a freshness to it.
There’s a photographer I follow on instagram, and they’ve started this series where they take a photo, ask an A.I to expand it x4 and ask the audience to guess which quadrant is the original picture. and you know what? it’s really easy. Not because the generated portions look unrealistic, or uncanny, or because there’s some awkwardness at the seam between the original picture and the newly generated one. That’s all flawless (at least to my untrained eye.) It’s that the human taken picture is always the most interesting part. The most unusual, strange, unique, new, challenging. It always ends up drawing the eye, becoming the focal point, even when it’s not as busy as the rest of the photo. Three quadrants of these photos are clearly mined from the average of a million ~aesthetic~ pinterest photos, and one is the result of a strong, bold, consistent creative vision. 
If you’re a company and you want a quality, (sometimes they care about that) brand recognizable (they always care about that) piece of art, it’s probably better to start with a human artist. I’m not saying that there’s no room for A.I and for those who know how to use it in the process, but I can’t imagine constructing a truly strong, unique, piece, from a game asset, to a logo, without human input at multiple points during the process.
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