#but i'm scared of what the titan is gonna be like since they're taking so long to reveal it
wereh0gz · 2 years
The ancients invented pinball, apparently
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jay-zzz87 · 1 year
Lumity and B!Lumity fluff
Warning, there is implied smut. Not actual, just implied through jokes. Also it's only with Betas cuz they're 18. Anyways I lowkey kind miss doing writing prompts.
Luz: Amityyyyyyy
Luz is standing outside Amity's balcony with a bouquet of flowers for her awesome girlfriend.
Luz: I'm ready for our daaaate!
Suddenly the door swung open and a taller figure came out. It was Amelia, Amity's oldest sister.
Luz: Oh, hi Amelia
Amelia: Hello Luz
While Amelia is definitely intimidating given that she's taller, older, and has an attitude, she still has a sweet spot for Luz given her circumstances and how happy she makes Amity.
Luz: I'm here to take Amity out on a date
Amelia: She's inside getting ready
Luz: Ok, I'll wait
There's silence for a brief moment until Luz starts up again.
Luz: How are Ed and Em?
Amelia rolls her eyes.
Amelia: As annoying as ever.
Luz lets out a nervous laugh: Hehe....siblings
Then, she looks at the flowers she got Amity.
Amelia sighs: How's your sister?
Luz looks up: Lucia?
Amelia, sarcastically: What, you got another sister I don't know about?
Luz: N-No, I-I um....she's good. She's just at home....doing stuff
Amelia: Doing what?
Amelia wants to know but is hoping that she doesn't sound too interested.
Luz: I don't know. Watching oracle or something?
Amelia: Hmm....ok
There's a moment of silence again until Amity comes out of the room to the balcony.
Amity: Hey batata
Luz can't help but stare at how beautiful her girlfriend looks.
Luz: Whoa
Amity blushes: You like it? Amelia helped me pick it out
Luz: You look amazing amor
Luz quickly goes up to Amity and gives her a hug. When they seperate, Amity notices the bouquet in Luz's hand.
Amity: Ooo, are those for me?
Luz sheepishly laughs: Yeah, I picked them out myself.
Amity: They're beautiful love
Suddenly, Amelia clears her thoat loudly to imply she's still around.
Amity gets annoyed and tolls her eyes.
Amity : Really? You don't have to be here
Amelia, sly: I don't have to cover for you. I can always tell mom about your batata
Amity growls but Luz holds her hand to calm her down.
Luz: C'mon amor. Let's just get on with our date.
Amity: Yeah, ok
Luz summons Owlbert and they both get on and fly away. Amelia scoffs as she's a little irritated that her little sister would talk to her that way. Especially since she's covering her and could easily get her into trouble with their mother if she wanted to. Although there is a part of her that's is proud of her for sticking up for herself. She won't deny that it is definitely something Amity needs to work on. In the meantime while they're gone, she's gonna have a bit of fun. She summons her staff and flies to the owl house.
Lucia is on the couch sleeping her ass off. The previous night left her drained from having to complete a bounty just so she can get Luz enough money to atleast afford a nice restaurant to take Amity. Lucia usually doesn't care about Luz and Amity's relationship, but she does care about Luz. That was enough to help out Luz to get some snails. After that, she immediately went to bed and knocked out.
Amelia arrived to the house and was immediately greeted by the bird tube.
Hooty: Hello!
Amelia: Titan! Don't scare me like that!
Hooty retreat back to the door
Hooty: But that's my job! Anyways, Lucia is inside and sleeping! Thou shall not- ow!
Amelia kicked the door open to force herself in, then shut it. She can here Hooty on the other side complaining.
Amelia: Titan he's annoying
Lucia is suddenly awake with a line of saliva on her cheek.
Amelia: Hey
Lucia looks around and lets her eyes adjust before landing them on Amelia.
Lucia: Oh hey. What brings you here?
She does a quick stretch.
Amelia: I got bored
Lucia: Oh, sucks
Lucia lays back down. Amelia grabs one of the pillows and hits her with it.
Lucia: Hey!
Amelia: Asshole
Lucia sits up: Profanity
Amelia: Shut up. You spit shit all the time. And it's not like your sister is here.
Lucia: Ok ok. Chill girl
Lucia rubs her face.
Lucia: What do you want?
Amelia: I just wanna do something
Lucia: ....well it better not be me cuz I'm tired as fuck
Amelia hits her again
Lucia couldn't help but laugh.
Amelia: You're such a child
Lucia: If I'm a child, then you're a pedo-
Amelia hits her again, this time repeatedly.
Lucia grabs the pillow and pulls it away.
Luz: Ya, I'll stop Ames
Amelia rolls her eyes: Whatever
Lucia grabs her waist and pulls her close.
Lucia: Don't whatever me baby
Amelia and Lucia have been dating for a while. They definitely dated after Amity and Luz got together but had relations before then. Eventually they fell for eachother and Lucia took out Amelia for a date. Amelia made it clear if they dated it had to be kept a secret. She's afraid of her mom and ex knowing. She knows that Lucia's life would be on the line if they ever found out. Lucia claims that she's not afraid and could take them on, but Amelia wants to be safe. She can't stand the thought of losing someone that actually cares for her for who she is and not her popularity.
Amelia pushes Lucia away.
Amelia: Not here stupid
Lucia lets go and giggles. She loves seeing Amelia get nervous and mad. It's really cute to her. Almost reminds her of a mad cat.
Lucia: Ok. You wanna go somewhere else?
Amelia: Yeah. Did you have something in mind?
Lucia: Not really. Like I said, I'm tired.
Amelia: We can go to your room and.....I don't know, cuddle.
Lucia: ....yeah sure. Lets go
They get up and go to the upstairs room. Lucia gets the sleeping bag comfy for them. Amelia is aware of the situation Lucia and Luz are in. There are times where she wishes she could just give them a bed since it's not much to her, but Lucia is stubborn and always wants to earn everything. She managed to get one for Luz so at least she doesn't have to suffer due to Lucia's ideals. Lucia lays on the bag and Amelia lays on top of her. Lucia holds her and kisses her head. Amelia has her head on Lucia's chest. She likes hearing Lucia's heart beat. It's very calming to her for some reason.
Lucia: Did you wanna do something later?
Amelia: Maybe, if you're ok with it.
Lucia: Yeah baby, I don't mind. I just wanna rest a bit first
Amelia looks up at her
Amelia: Ok babe
Lucia pecks her lips and rubs her waist. Amelia couldn't be happier that she's with Lucia. She wants them to be public just so they can at least hold hands all the time, but she can't risk anything. She needs Lucia and Luz to be safe, no matter what.
One day
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youcancallmesina · 2 years
Open for better quality✨
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I'm bored so I filled this thing and I'm gonna rave about each individual slider(?) and their dynamic because I can. (This is a usuk blog mainly after all lol)
I'll only go in depth for certain ones not all of them btw.
It's under the cut since it's quite long, I really decided to info dumb lol.
(All of these are personal headcanons which you can obviously disagree with, I just wanted to share what's in my head)
(Also note that most of these headcanons are mostly for the human Au but some also apply for canon too)
So for genders:
Arthur: Tbh I've always kinda flipped between him being cis or trans but recently I've been leaning more towards trans just because it feels right for me. He feels comfortable wearing suits just as well as dresses (because clothes don't take away or add to trans men's masculinity in my opinion, it's just a piece of cloth). I also sometimes headcanon for Arthur that he uses they/them pronounces too but I haven't really settled on it yet.
Alfred: He's just a cis man. I've also sometimes considered him using they/them as well as he/him and other times I've thought of Alfred just being non-binary but I also still haven't settled for which yet. While Alfred dresses mostly in pants I think he also doesn't mind wearing skirts for fun (he also thinks they're super comfortable!) But yeah Hoodies, Jean's, and sweatpants are his usual go to fits.
Alfred: I have always headcanoned him as bi honestly but recently I have been leaning into him being biromantic and demisexual. I hc Alfred that he hadn’t even realised he was demisexual until way later (probably after he met Arthur). Like he had always known he swung both ways and has flirted a few times here and there but when it came down to serious business he either felt uncomfortable or confused. He had tried watching pron but never found it as interesting as his peers made it sound like. The way the relationship between Alfred and Arthur has developed was from friendship, Alfred found himself craving Arthur more the more they spent time together (but not sexually) and eventually after they started going out and Alfred has developed a deep connection with Arthur, he found himself also craving him sexually but he was confused because it was somewhat foreign to him, when he had talked about it with Arthur, he found out through him what demisexuality means.
Frequently Argues:
By frequently argues I mostly mean that they tend to bicker like and old, married couple and not necessarily viciously. Sure, sometimes they have serious fights but at the end of the day they talk about it and make up. Arthur tends to nag more, and it's usually like: "Alfred fold your clothes", "Alfred don't leave the bathroom light on when you're not using it.", "don't leave cans scattered about", etc. Alfred prefers to avoid arguing with Arthur but sometimes he'll snap if he's in a bad mood, but he'll always come back and apologise because guilt eats him up once he cools down.
Arthur is a huge crybaby in my opinion and no one can convince me otherwise. He acts tough and all but he's actually a softie. Although horror movies don't affect him at all, he's the type of person who cries while watching a sad scene in a romantic movie or a scene that is overwhelmingly wholesome and happy. Alfred had teased him a couple of times for it but he secretly thinks it's adorable and loves holding him close to comfort him. Alfred is also quite emotional himself and also cries at emotional scenes (he absolutely bawled at Gwen's death scene from that one spiderman movie, and they both cried during the titanic).
Alfred and Arthur cherish each other and they're not scared of throwing hands if anyone hurts the other. When Arthur runs into transphobes, Alfred immediately goes into attack mode (not necessarily physically, sometimes anyway) at whoever they are and becomes absolutely furious and while Arthur could easily handle them on his own he secretly enjoys it when Alfred jumps in to defend him with so much fierceness. Viceversa, Arthur gets mad at anyone who makes Alfred feel insicure about himself, and he definitely goes, "He's my idiot and I'm the only one who can call him that!" When someone calls Alfred stupid or an idiot.
Secretive vs Openbook:
In here I don't mean that Arthur doesn't trust Alfred specifically but he has trust issues in general. While yes at the beginning of the friendship Arthur was much more secretive, the more he had gotten to know Alfred, the more he felt comfortable sharing more and opening up a bit and although at the beginning of the relationship there were some communication issues, and misunderstandings (mainly on Arthur’s side) they slowly made fixed their way through it and Arthur feels much more comfortable expressing himself to Alfred although he still struggles with strangers and some friends. Alfred on the other hand is literally an open book, you could look at his face and know exactly what's going through his head except for the few times when he deliberately chooses to conceal his thoughts but those are on rarer occasions.
Gives Gifts vs Does Favors:
Arthur loves making handmade things and giving them as gifts. He had knitted for Alfred countless of sweaters, scarves, hats, and even once knitted him an alien plushie which Alfred absolutely adores and is a necessity for him to sleep with ever since he received it. Alfred on the other hand likes doing things for Arthur even he doesn't necessarily need the favor but he won't complain if Alfred insists on fixing his stuff or running errands for him or drives him to his appointments even when he can go on his own and the poor guy will get horribly bored during it.
Sporty vs Dormant:
While Alfred does like spending hours playing video games, he also likes being active and unless he's fixated on a game he is very hyper and jittery. When he can't go outside for whatever reason, he will pace the entirety of the house, follow Arthur around, move about the bookshelves sometimes he randomly starts doing mini workouts in the middle of the living room and Arthur swears that the American will climb the walls if he could soon. When he can go outside, he loves running, playing with dogs at the park, playing with the neighbourhood children, sometimes he goes as far to running errands for the neighbours and Arthur will have to drag his ass back home to cuddle with him or eat his food. Arthur on the other hand prefers lounging somewhere with a book or a knitting/embroidery project as he listens to his favourite music and sips his tea. Whenever Alfred drags him outside, he stars whining and complaining and it usually goes something like this: "My feet hurt. Are we done yet? Ugghhh, it's so hot/ I'm bloody freezing. Can we go home now? Do you have to play with every dog you see? Can we go and relax somewhere? I want to go home." And Alfred sometimes finds it amusing while replying with a "Stop whining like a spoiled brat." Which usually raises Arthur’s hackles.
Submissive vs Dominant:
I honestly don't mind it at all when people write Arthur as submissive but I personally headcanon him to be quiet feisty and kind of a brat too which Alfred does like, he finds it interesting. When it's in bed, I like to think Arthur is either a power bottom or just a brat who likes testing Alfred's patience, maybe both lol. Alfred finds it both frustrating and exhilarating.
Kinky vs Vanilla:
We all know damn well who introduced who into the kinky devil's tango lol but yeah Arthur was initially worried Alfred wouldn't like kinky things such as handcuffing, gagging, etch, etc what's with him being demisexual, he wasn't sure how much the other was willing to try but was pleasantly surprised when Alfred agreed and even started initiating kinky things after he was introduced to it (I'm trying to remain sfw as much as I can here).
I have even more things I want to share but I'll do them separately in another post because I'm tired lol.
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I’ve been wanting to get into reading more ghost stories, so send me all your recs please!!
ok ok!! i fucking love ghost stories
(sorry i didn't italicize titles, i'm probably gonna add it in later -- tumblr mobile is just really shitty about that for some reason)
so if you're into kids books at all, the all time ghost story master is mary downing hahn. she's got several middle grade ghost stories (and some witch stuff too), and they're all excellent. legitimately scared me as a kid and hold their own now. there's one with a haunted lake, one about pranks turning into real hauntings, one set in victorian london, one set during the Spanish flu pandemic, lots of spooky dolls, several involving some lite time travel... highly recommend, and not just bc of nostalgia. other middle grade ghost story favorites: the dollhouse murders (a betty ren wright classic) and the ghost of fossil glen
if we're talking young adult, katie alender is a particular standout. she has several good ones, but my personal favorite is bad girls don't die, a story about sisters and ghost stories and spooky dolls.
if we're talking adult books...
stephen king is kind of a horror cliche but i legitimately love some of his stuff... his ghost stories are the shining, and pet sematary (what, shut up, it totally counts), and these are both special favorites of mine. frequent rereads (especially now that i have better copies!).
thirteen storeys by jonathan sims (writer/narrator on the magnus archives!) is a tremendous ghost story -- or more like thirteen ghost storeys fit into one (lol). i haven't actually read his newest, family business, but i actually just downloaded the audio book and plan to listen on my impending 7 hour drive friday. fairly sure it's a ghost story and i'm sure it's excellent
the deep by alma katsu is one i remember enjoying a lot. it's a ghostly spin on the titanic and brittanic and features real historical figures as well as fictional characters. (it's not a ghost story, but i loved her other novel the hunger, which is a horror take on the donner party, so maybe check that out if you enjoy the deep! she's got another historical horror novel out that i need to read.)
shamefully, i haven't finished this one -- but heart shaped box by joe hill is also a very good ghost story. i don't actually know why i didn't finish it. it's legitimately spooky and awesome. the premise is an aging rock star who collects spooky shit buys a haunted suit.
one of my favorite ghost story novels is the drowning kind by jennifer mcmahon. it's about a haunted swimming pool, and is set in the 1920s and present day. super spooky and a poignant family story. i also enjoyed the invited by mcmahon, a story about the construction of a haunted house. mcmahon has several other ghost stories that i haven't read yet, but plan to soon!
not exactly ghost stories -- although one, cackle, does contain ghosts -- but i have been love love loving the work of rachel harrison lately. like reread her books about five times since october crazy. she has three books: the return, probably closest structurally to a ghost story, but it isn't exactly one -- about a friend group who reunites after one comes back after two years of being missing; cackle is a story about a woman who moves to a new town after a break up and befriends a witch; such sharp teeth is about a woman being turned into a werewolf while staying in her hometown with her pregnant twin sister. all are tremendous both as spooky reads and as moving character driven stories about female relationships. also, rachel harrison has some short stories out there: an anthology of four spooky short stories called bad dolls (one of the four is definitely a ghost story); an audible original short story that's also a ghost story called the veil (in the process of listening [edit: i actually finished listening while making this post and can confirm it is excellent); and a short story here.
old country by query and query is one that i bought and read recently... it's actually based off of a no sleep story on reddit. its about a couple who move to the country in idaho and learn from their neighbors that there is a spirit who will haunt the land differently each season. i found it to be unique and fun, and legitimately unsettling. (mixed feelings on the ending but otherwise a fun ghostie read.)
a head full of ghosts by paul tremblay is sort of a ghost story and sort of a demon story? a young woman recounts the supposed demonic possession of her older sister that occurred when she was a child. there was a reality TV series made about the possession and exorcism; years later, the main character is grappling with that legacy.
if you're looking for more vintage ghost stories, i remember legitimately enjoying the haunting of hill house, despite finding it a little hard to read. (thats just me, i have a hard time with older-sounding texts. i would like to reread it soon.) it's nothing like the 2018 TV show (although that show draws heavily from it in certain ways), but it's an excellent novel in its own right, and a big inspiration to the horror genre.
the only good indians by stephen graham jones is sort of a ghost/folklore/slasher story, but it is excellent all the same. it reads like a movie, which i love. i remember loving it when i read it. four native american men are forced to reckon with a hunting accident from their youth when a supernatural force comes back for revenge. very spooky, but also a slasher in its own right, if that is at all your thing.
for a festive ghost story: a christmas carol is great on so SO many levels (listen to the podcast jacob marley is dead!!) but also excellent as a ghost story, and there is an excellent audio book version on spotify that i love
the broken girls by simone james is a ghost story i remember enjoying. it's got a haunted boarding school and operates on two different timeliness. simone st. james has some other ghostie stories i haven't read but that i intend to.
beloved by toni morrison is a book that i've only read once, and that i need to read again, but that i remember really liking. it's an excellent read. sethe, a former slave struggles to escape her past, particularly the death of her beloved young daughter many years before. her life is upended by the arrival of a mysterious young girl called beloved.
when the reckoning comes by latanya mcqueen is one i really enjoyed. a woman travels to her white friend's wedding at a former plantation, where she is one of only two Black guests, and the ghosts of the slaves who lived and died there linger.
nothing but blackened teeth by cassandra khaw is a novella that i thought was really fun. a group of friends attend a small wedding at a haunted house in japan. the house is said to be the site of a bride who was sacrificed and buried under the house.
hex is an honest to god unique ghost story. a town is haunted, and essentially held captive, by the ghost of an executed witch. eventually yknow. horrible hijinks ensue.
some popular books will make you think they're ghost stories but there really was never a ghost all along!?!! this annoys me DEEPLY.
honestly check back in a couple months and i'll probably have more. i have a whole stack of ghost story books in my reading queue ❤️
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lollytea · 2 years
Gus: It's been a wild week. Willow and Hunter are dating now. Well, I mean, okay, they're not like dating dating but they're....they're trying to, y'know? They're making an honest attempt and I'm proud of their efforts, bless their hearts, but it's...okay here's where it gets complicated. They make me come along on all their dates. All of them. And I get it. Gus the Illusion Master is in very high demand around the Boiling Isles and nobody is crazier about me than those two and I'm just plain awesome to hang out with. But....I think there's something deeper going on here and they're not self aware enough to realize it. See, I'm a buffer. I'm their good ol' buddy Gus. I'm familiar. I'm a comfort to have around. It doesn't feel so much like a date when I'm standing right between them. Cause like, they want to date, they really do, but they're terrified of what will happen if they take that leap. And I understand. That way of thinking is normal.
First of all, you can imagine how jittery Willow must be, with her severe abandonment issues n' all. She's also got this huge imposter syndrome and worries deep down that all the people she cares about are gonna get bored of her one day.
And Hunter, man, where to begin with him? Dude's got an inferiority complex the size of the Titan's butt. What do you expect when he was raised with the ingrained belief that he's replaceable and he feels the need to break his back just to justify his existence?
Like don't get me wrong. Both of their confidence has skyrocketed. Willow’s improved a ton since she switched to the plant track and Hunter is NOT the hot mess he was when I met him. They're ready for this. I know they are. But here's the thing. Navigating your first romantic relationship can really put you in a vulnerable position, and that in turn makes your biggest insecurities flare up like a rash.
The trauma the two of them have endured is effecting the way they approach their relationship. They're so desperate to hold on to each other that their brains are playing tricks on them. They're magnifying a perceived notion that this thing between them is fragile. It's not. They should know it’s not. But being scared out of your mind can really warp the perception of logical people like Willow and Hunter.
In their eyes, it's as though even the tiniest mistake could shatter their friendship beyond repair. They're terrified of that happening. They can't fathom losing each other. They want this so bad, they really do, but they're so afraid of what could go wrong that they're still using me as a safety net. As long as I'm around, it's just like always, right? When it's the three of us, it's just a bunch a pals and they can actually perceive their bond with each other through a clear lense.
It's only when I'm out of the picture that they get their jitters and it causes them to spiral. It's a barrier. New relationships should be experimental, right? It's all about figuring our boundaries and what aspects you want to explore. But this here is preventing them from doing that. Because experimentation is risky. Titan forbid they take a risk. I can't even decide which one is more likely to make the first move.
I know, Willow's always been braver in the romantic department. But here's the thing. When she sets her mind to something, she can be really really stubborn. She's never done something like this before. Once that half-a-witch mentality of hers rears its ugly head, she's a goner. She becomes paralysed by hesitation.
And man, don't even get me started on how much Hunter is struggling with this. As I said, relationships are experimental and Hunter is a very by-the-book guy. Especially if it's a subject he doesn't know a lot about. Then he holds on to that book like a life line. There's no book out there written about how to date Willow Park. And you can tell that it's really bugging him.
So now we're here and I'm kinda stuck in the middle of it so like....what do I do? Do I sit them both down and force them to confront the psychological root of their reservations? Break the news to them that their pal Gus can't keep coming on all their dates? I know it's bound to break their hearts but TITAN I have my own life.
Buuuuut then again every time we go out they buy me candy and eyescream. I do have a good thing going here. Maybe I.....no I gotta tell them. Hmmmmm unless....you know the carnival is coming to Bonesborough next week? If they bring me with them they'll buy me a ticket, I know they would. They'll probably buy me whatever I want. Heck, Willow will probably give me a piggy back ride when my legs get tired. Man they're such good friends. So...okay okay maybe I'll hold back on their intervention until after the carnival is over. That seems reasonable, right? But...hm. is that a jerk move? Maybe that's a jerk move. I dunno, I'd have to consider it a little more. Anyway. Thoughts?
Hooty: Can we talk about my uvula warts now?
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batstorm93672 · 2 years
The Fear of Losing
Robin was odd when affected by Fear Toxin, he wasn't in fear like the others. His first reaction was violence, he would attack anything that moved, it was difficult getting him to stop. After his violent stage, he became silent and would barely move which in turn scared the others.
What took everyone off guard one night was when he spoke so eerily as if his voice wasn't his own. "Where is he..?" Batman looked confused "Who are you talking about?" Red Robin frowned "He's never spoken, he isn't even violent"
"Akhi... must find him"
"Who's Akhi?"
"Jason... my Akhi, what did you do to him!?" Robin took his katana and raised it against the two. "I take it back, he's very violent!" "But he has an objective, the question is why?" "Well B from what I know, recently the two have been hanging out since Dick went to go help the Titans with some mission" "I see, well we have to stop him either way"
"Uuuuhh what do we say?"
Batman raised his hands "Son, Jason is busy right now. So come with us and we'll help you get to him"
"I don't need you!" Robin ran, giving chase as Robin kept throwing batarangs and any type of gadget he could use to stop them. Finally Robin took out a smoke bomb and disappeared in the end.
"Red, contact Hood, tell him to be careful"
"You got it"
He reacted differently, he's sorta violent, but he's looking for you for some reason
"For me? What did that demon spawn get into?"
No clue, we're coming over now
"Alright, see ya"
Jason turned off the call and looked around, nothing so far. The comfort of his apartment not feeling so nice anymore, if Damian is violent who knows what he may do.
"Akhi..!" The window, Jason should have realized that Damian always enters his apartment that way "Damian, listen to me. I'm not gonna hurt you"
"It's not you, it's the assassins after you. I must protect you Akhi"
What..? Was Damian afraid that Jason would get hurt? So his violent reaction was mixed with the need to protect him... it would be adorable if not problematic. "Damian there's no one after me" "They chased me. If they find us they'll take you from me! I can't let that happen!" Damian grabbed to the sides of Jason's shirt "I can't lose you! I'll protect you with my life Akhi, if they try anything I'll stop them!" "Damian. Listen to me carefully, the only people coming over are Tim and Bruce. Their going to help you" "I- No! Lies all lies, Akhi please you must trust me on this. I only wish to save you"
Jason heard sounds and Batman came in through the window, next to show was Red Robin. Jason held Damian "Alright no one do anything! He's convinced you are both assassins here to kill me and he is literally willing to protect me with his own life. So please, let me talk him down from it"
Damian meanwhile was glaring daggers at the two, standing in front of Jason. "Approach my brother and I will kill you without a second thought!" "Damian, that's Bruce and Tim, they're not here to hurt me. Please, I trust you very well, all I ask is that you do the same" Damian faltered as Jason kept hold of him "I- N-No... I trust you... but I can't-" Damian gasped and looked at Jason in horror "What... what did you do?" He looked back at Batman, his look of fury increasing tenfold "He... why? I'LL KILL YOU!" Damian held his katana up, shouting as he rushed over, aiming to chop their heads off, luckily they got away.
"It's the fear part, he's convinced you... died" Batman looked at Jason as he spoke and Jason looked at Damian "Damian I'm right here, your Akhi is here Habibi" Damian groaned, clutching his head "He's gone! Stop speaking to me!" "Do you really think I'd die like that? You know me better than that" "H-He... he can't be gone..." Damian dropped down, tears going down his face "He can't be... not another brother" Jason kneeled down to Damian and held him "I'm okay, I'm right here" Jason beckoned to Batman and Batman tossed the antidote, Jason caught it without hesitation and carefully injected it into Damian's arm. "There you go I'm here for you" Damian went limp, Jason kept holding him in his arms. "I'm coming with you to the Manor" No one argued against Jason's words and got into the Batmobile.
"So... Akhi?"
Jason glared at Tim who was grinning like an idiot, well more than usual that is. "He kept calling you Akhi and you called him Habibi, I'm just curious"
"Well stop being curious, it's just something he and I say"
Then Batman decided to join in "That's Arabic right? When did you learn?" Would it be so wrong if Jason strangled the two of them... yeah might be, nevermind then "During the League. I was sometimes tasked with watching over demon spawn and he... probably doesn't remember it cause he was so young, but he taught me a bit even though I rarely spoke. Something about him being so bored he decided to teach me Arabic..." Jason shook his head, realizing he spoke more than he wanted about how felt on it as the smug face of Tim irked him and he's certain that B might be the same "Ugh that's all and none of you better mention this to golden boy wonder or anyone you got it?" "Can I call you Akhi?" "Hell no Replacment. As sappy as it is, that shit stays between us. If anything, if Damian heard it he might try to kill you" Tim shrugged and scoffed "I mean, wouldn't be the first" "Whatever"
Jason kept watch over Damian as he slept, is this how Bruce or Dick felt? When their family is no longer feeling like themselves anymore and almost break? It's... scary, the way Damian was frantic when approaching Jason, trying to convince Jason and possibly himself that what's happening is real and a threat. Then when he got angry and aimed to kill Bruce and Tim for him... Jason couldn't tell if he felt honored or afraid for him, maybe both. Is the loss of Jason so impactful to such a young boy? Damian is more connected to Dick cause the perfect boy is a ray of sunshine to him. So what was Jason, how much was Jason to Damian that he went to lengths to protect him? Maybe more than Jason ever thought, maybe more than anyone figured. Jason can tell that Damian cares for the whole family even if he rarely admits it. A part of Jason was kinda happy that the first thought was to protect him. Made him feel special, granted if he ever told Damian he would reply with a 'Tt Is your ego in so much need of praise? Get yourself together Todd' but those words would have layers to it, possibly a 'Sorry for acting out like that' and a 'Mention this to anyone and I will stab you'
Honestly speaking, Jason could get used to this, no wonder Dick feels like taking care of everyone 24/7, the rewards of understanding and bonding were worth it.
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Brat
Pairings: levi x fem! Reader
Summary: Instead of Titans, vampires are the one causing horrors in towns, Survey Corps are the vampire slayers who stayed out every night to protect the town together with the Garrison. You accidentally stayed past curfew because you missed your bus. (Time setting in modern times)
Warnings: None
Word count: 2000+
Typographical and grammatical errors ahead!
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The sky is already dark, the pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. The wind was howling as you walk alone, it's not ideal and it's not comfortable to be alone in the streets. You look around you, you couldn't help but shiver as your eyes settled at the big ass trees. It's damn scary.
You can already see your Mother's angry face as she waits for you at home. It's already past curfew, not everyone is brave enough to stay outside their houses at this time of the night, not when there are vampires lurking all over the town.
You silently prayed that the Garrison deployed troops to patrol in this part of the street and if you're lucky enough you hope that the Survey Corps are also around to kill vampires since they're the ones expert in doing so.
The cold wind slapped your face and you shivered, you hugged yourself and held the strap of your sling bag tightly, you still failed to sight any uniformed men around, they're probably late in patrolling again or they already left. Either way, you're in big trouble now.
“Need someone to accompany you, little kitten?” says a deep bloodcurdling voice. Your blood ran cold as you stopped dead on your tracks, you couldn't see where the hell was that voice came from but it's damn near. ”You are a fool to stay outside. Wanting to get eaten aren't you?” that was when a man wearing a black shirt appeared out of the dark part of the street.
“I can already smell your blood from where I stood, I wonder if they taste as delicious as you look.”
You took a step back, both knees trembling as the man slowly close your distance. Given that the man is a vampire—you can see his fangs, you're much slower than him, you focused on your peripheral vision, if you'd run towards the woods, it would be more dangerous, other vampires are probably in there waiting for their preys.
You cussed mentally, before running as fast as you could while you scream at the top pf your lungs, hoping that somebody would hear you. You occasionally look back to see the vampire smiling at you coldly, he's enjoying the chase, purposely running after you in a slow manner so you would get tired and give up but there's no way you'd willingly let him suck off every ounce of your blood.
As you kept on running away from the hideous vampire you suddenly bumped into someone, you gasped in horror, thinking that it was another vampire but you saw a short man wearing a Survey Corps uniform with a light gray button up shirt underneath it along with a white ascot.
He's hot not gonna lie.
“You're a stupid bastard for choosing to hunt while the Survey Corps is around.”
When you looked back at the vampire you can already see the terrified look in his eyes, slowly stepping back from you and the man. “Petra, take this girl somewhere safe. We'll be questioning her later for staying outside at this time of the night.” a short woman with blonde hair and brown eyes appeared, wearing the same uniform that the man wears. She offered her hand to you and you gladly took it so you could stand up, wanting to get away from the danger.
The woman took you somewhere far enough from the short man and the vampire but still near enough to hear whatever they are talking about. “Is it okay that you left him there?" You asked the woman named Petra, she laughed at your question as she shrugged her shoulders. “I would be more scared of that Vampire's fate. Captain Levi's not an easy guy, he has killed hundreds of vampires.” your mouth gaped open at the way she spoke so fondly of the man, you deduced that she's crushing hard on him but who wouldn't? He's looking like a full course meal, he'd probably be arrested for killing all the ladies because of that face.
But that wasn't your business, your eyes went back to the man and the vampire, the vampire was obviously frightened yet he still stood in front of Levi who was calmly holding his swords in both his hands, his green hooded cloak danced with the wind.
Levi smirked at the vampire, “You're not gonna piss your pants right now, are you?” he stepped forward and looked at the vampire with his dull gray eyes, “Don't you even dare think of running.” after that, the vampire already ran away while Levi chased him with ease, his outstanding skills in using vertical maneuvering equipment evidently shows as he chased down the vampire.
When he landed in front of the vampire, he gave him a cold smirk, “What makes you think that you can escape from me?” the vampire charged himself towards Levi but Levi swiftly avoided his blow, he kicked his knees and stepped on his back. “You will see where your boastfulness would bring you, Ackerman.” Levi flipped the vampire over and pointed his sword at his heart, his foot firmly pressed against his stomach, making him incapable of moving.
“Shut up and die.”
He struck his sword on the vampire's heart, killing him instantly, it only took seconds for him to turn into ashes, Levi boredly placed his sword back to its place as he quielty walked away from the scene heading back to where you are.
Your knees quivered when he stopped in front of you, you are short yourself and he's still an inch taller than you, despite of the not so big height difference you couldn't help but be intimidated as his dull gray eyes pierced onto your soul. “Captain, we should interrogate her at the nearest headquarters, Commander Erwin would—” Levi raised his hand to stopped Petra from talking, “There's no need for that. This brat's parents are probably looking for her now.” he said in a monotone.
“Captain Levi!”
Your head snapped towards the direction of the voices you heard, you see four men running as they shout Levi's name over and over but as they got closer you've come to recognize one of them. “Eren?!” you shouted when he finally stopped in front of you. “Y/N?! What are you doing in here?! You're the one attacked by a vampire?!” he shouted as he held both of your shoulders, shaking you violently.
Eren is a friend of yours, you met him because of his parents, you two knew each other since you were kids. “Are you okay?! Did that vampire do anything bad to you?” he looked at you from head to foot before shaking you again.
Before you could even scold him, Levi's hand flew to the back of his head. Eren winced as he rubbed the sore spot, staring at his Captain with wide eyes.
“The vampire wasn't even able to touch her loud brat, you're the one making so much damage. She'd probably lose more of her brain cells because of how violent you shook her.” Levi deadpanned.
Eren blinked twice as he pouted, you suddenly felt Levi held your elbow and turned you so you could face him. “Before we let you go, what the fuck are you doing outside? You could've been one of the corpse we'd take at the town's morgue.” You frowned at him as you removed his hand on your elbow, “I was at the school library, I missed the last bus. I got no choice but to walk.” Levi crossed his arms over his chest as he narrowed his eyes at you.
Gunther slowly pulled back Petra away from you and Levi, “He looks so pissed.” Eren whispered worriedly as he stood beside Eld. Oluo snickered beside Eren before leaning in to whisper, “He always look like that, kid. Get used to it.” Eren gulped and his eyes settled at you and Levi once more.
“Are you even thinking? Troops are dying everyday to save this town and here you are, roaming the streets past curfew as if offering yourself to the vampires. What kind of stupidity is this?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, imitating his pose as you raise your chin up. “Look, I'm thankful that you saved my life but you better watch your mouth, Shorty." Gunther, Eld, Oluo, Eren and Petra coughed to surpress their laughter. They never heard anyone talk back to their captain the way you do and it was very amusing.
“Did you just call me, Shorty?” he tilted his head looking at you from head to toe before smirking deviously, “You're not the one to talk.” he insulted back, his grey eyes staring into yours.
You gasped. “Are we done now, shorty? My Mom's probably looking for me now. I have no time for your childish shits.” the man is hot but he's getting on your nerves, those gray eyes are mesmerizing but he's too much to handle.
Levi was amused, it was the very first time that someone bravely insulted him back, as much as his pride was hurt at the shorty comment he commends you for entertaining him. It was fun to have someone shot back insults at him, his comrades are always afraid to talk back to him but you, you're different, very different.
“Did somebody ever told you that you're such a brat?”
“Did somebody ever told you that you're a dick?”
Eren stepped in between the two of you, he slowly pushed you away from Levi as he whispered at you, “I'll take you home, we have to get away from here as soon as possible.” you grimaced, “What? He insulted me first!” you complained but Eren shook his head at you, telling you to stop talking.
He's not really ready to face Levi's wrath, not when he just got kicked by his captain few days ago, it was painful as fuck.
He knew Levi wouldn't dare hit a girl but no shit Sherlock the heated argument between the two of you might escalate more and he doesn't know how it would end but he's sure it wouldn't end really well.
“Captain, I'll be meeting you at the headquarters, I just gotta take Y/N home.” Eren smiled awkwardly.
Levi shook his head firmly as he took a step forward to pull Eren away from you. “You have to stay with them, Eren. You know exactly why, I'll take her home.” Eren's eyes widened as he hold onto Levi's arms. “Captain, my friend was just joking about everything she said.” Levi's eyes settled on Eren's hands that are clutched onto his sleeve.
“If I saw that there's a dirt in my sleeve because of your filthy hand, you'll sleep at the basement.”
Eren immediately let go of Levi's sleeves. He's afraid for what might happen if Levi would be the one to accompany you to your home but he's more afraid of his own fate, you're a strong independent woman, he's damn sure you can handle yourself.
“Wait right here. Watch out for vampires.” Levi ordered.
You stared up at him as his bangs got blown by the wind, he looks so good with that undercut, those gray eyes are attractive too but you also noticed the dark circles around it, he's probably sleep deprived, given that he works in the Survey corps. Poor little beaitiful thing, wait, what? “What, brat? You gonna stay here staring at me or we'll get going so you could go home?” you snapped out of your thoughts and rolled your eyes.
“Ugh. Fine, bye Eren.” you waved at your friend and he waved back with an awkward smile. “Bless you, Y/N.” Petra couldn't help but stare at you and Levi with genuine shock written all over her face, why Levi is insisting to take you home? He's not the type to do such thing.
“Captain we could—” before she could suggest that she'll walk you home herself, Levi already talked over her. “Save it, Petra. Stay here and wait for me to get back.” he commanded before he gently pushed you so you could start walking.
The first few minutes of walking with Levi was filled by awful silence but he was the first one to talk.
“Just so you know, once we spotted you roaming the streets past curfew again, I'll bring you to Erwin.”
“This is the first time I stayed out past curfew. Not doing it again.” you snickered and Levi let out a low chuckle.
“You better keep your words, brat.” he whispered as he raked his fingers in his jet black hair, as the two of you walk in silence again, you couldn't help but observe him in your peripheral view.
Levi is quite short but his physique is well developed, the man has the charm to make every girls crazy just by the way he walks like he owns the streets, he's attractive only if he's not so sassy.
You snorted at the thought and Levi's gaze landed at you, “Still cursing me in your head?" He smirked, triggering you to talk back to him but you chose not to, you were too preoccupied because of his scent, he smells like fresh soap with a calming aroma of manliness.
Sweet Lord, he smells so damn good.
Levi noticed how your cheeks slowly turned to crimson red, he doesn't have any idea why but he assumed that you're red because you're so pissed because of him. He found himself staring at you for so long, as you walk with your head slightly down, your hair freely sway with the cold breeze, its vanilla scent tickles his nostrils and he almost cussed underneath his breath as he inhaled your feminine scent.
“Ahm, Captain...we're already here in front of our house.”
Levi jerked out of his thoughts and he stared at the house in front of him. “Hmm, you should go inside.” he told you as he pointed the brown metal gate of your house, you awkwardly held onto the strap of your sling bag, shifting your weight from foot to foot as you stared at Levi.
“Well, ahm. Sorry for acting like a brat earlier and thank you for saving me.” you told him in a low voice as you looked down trying to hide the blush creeping in your cheeks.
Levi found it adorable, he clicked his tongue as he clasped his hands together. “It's fine, go inside your house, brat. You better be home before curfew on the next days and don't spend much time with Eren.” you looked up at him, confused why you were being told not to spend too much time with your best friend.
“He's my best friend.”
“Just follow my orders, he doesn't need a distraction in our duties.”
Levi wouldn't be able to say that Eren is now a vampire, it's a classfied information and it shall stay within the members of the Survey Corps but he has to warn you, Eren is unstable every time he'll turn into a vampire, they're still looking for ways to turn him back to normal.
“Fine. I gotta go inside, thank you.” you gave him a small smile and Levi somehow froze in his position but he managed to nod at you as he turned his back, ready to walk away but you called after him.
When Levi looked back, you were already standing in front of him, his lips inches away from yours, he breathed heavily but you didn't notice. You just fished something out of your pocket, you took Levi's hand and placed a pack of wet wipes in his hand.
“There's a dirt on your sleeve. You better wipe it, it looks filthy.” You winked before running towards the gate of your house, opening it silently as you walked to the main door calling out your Mother's name while Levi was stucked from where he stood.
His eyes was fixated on the pack of wet wipes and slowly, he smiled at the sight of it but his smile quickly faded when his gaze landed on his sleeves, it was indeed dirty, Eren's dirty hands left a mark on it.
“Fuck it, Eren.” he growled.
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Fandom: DC Titans
Title: Not the Last but One of Many
Pairings/Relationships: Dickkory, Core Four
Summary: He can't think of it as their last kiss, because it isn't. It can't be. It's only one of many they have ahead of them - a whole lifetime they will spend together because he is not losing her today.
Kory is the only one who can finish Blackfire and put an end to this. But there's no way Dick is gonna let her turn this into a goodbye.
Kisses | 10. goodbye kisses and 27. desperate kisses - for candlelit
Also for my besties and Graysonfam royalty @wonderbatwayne and @undertheknightwing 👑👑
"Kory, no. You can't do this!"
"This is my only chance, Dick! Our only chance!"
Dick's grip on her arm is steel but his brown eyes stay soft as satin sheets when they bore into her green ones, pleading and begging her to listen. But once Kory sets her mind on something, there's no going back. That resistance, that perseverance is in her blood, a DNA stamp of the Royal Family of Tamaran. It's the strength she says she got from her mother, the spark her father once ignited in her, the Starfire of her people running through her veins. Unfortunately those same things are now posing a threat to her new home, a threat in the form of her own sister and one look at Kory's face tells Dick she's willing to go fight against her own flesh and blood, to kill and to die, so that home lives to see another day.
A battle like the Earth has never seen is raging around them, spaceships hang above their hands like boots of giants, ready to squash them like they are nothing but ants. Shots are being fired, laser bolts make the ground around them shake and explode, the noise of the chaos is piercing their brains. The rest of their team is out there somewhere, fighting tooth and nail with Tamaranean soldiers puppeteered but Blackfire, standing their ground, protecting their planet.
But here, in this little bubble of stillness, it's all quiet. It's just the four of them, standing in a tight circle, fighting a battle of their own. A battle with much higher stakes than the fate of the world. It's Dick pulling Kory closer and keeping her by his side when she's determined to tear herself away from him. It's Gar and Rachel, two shining stars in his dark sky, watching them with tight jaws and straight backs, holding their breaths waiting on how this is gonna end.
"Kory, please." Rachel pleads as she takes a step closer and puts her shaking hand on her shoulder. Stubborn teardrops hang on her long eyelashes, not willing to fall just yet. "Stay. We can fight her. Together, like we always do."
"You can't go alone." Gar joins her, pale as a sheet and trembling, but still keeping his chin up. "We can't lose you."
Dick can't help but smile at the strength his children display in that moment. The way they stand next to Kory, high and proud and stubborn as hell, it feels like a mirror image of her. Or maybe it's a mirror image of them both because overtime Gar and Rachel syphoned the best parts of both him and Kory and infused them into themselves. They're both scared, terrified of losing her just like he is but Rachel's eyes, despite being glazed with tears, burn with Dick's fire when she's staring into her mother's eyes and Gar keeps his head up with confidence and royal dignity, throwing Kory a challenge. You won't dare to leave us, his face seems to say.
And Kory sees it too, she sees it all, but this time it's not enough to convince her. Biting her trembling lip she reaches out to cup their cheeks, looking from one beloved face to the other.
"My angels," she sighs and her voice cracks from emotion. "You know as well as I do that this time it's not that easy. I'm the only one who can stop her. I'm the only one strong enough to put an end to this."
Gar's eyes close as his fingers curl around her wrist.
"But we can make you stronger."
"You already did." Kory smiles at him, brushing her thumb over his cheek. "You both are my force and I will use every ounce of it to keep you safe."
"There's no way to change your mind, isn't it?" Rachel more states a fact than asks, her voice brittle and so small Dick's heart shatters to milion sharp-edged pieces in his chest. 
"I'm sorry, honey, but no." Kory shakes her head, then crushes them both to her, burying her face in their shoulders. Rachel and Gar cling to her, digging their fingers into the fabric of her suit. Kory's hands brush gently through their hair as she speaks. "I love you both. I've never loved anyone more in my entire life."
"Stop making it sound like a goodbye." Rachel chokes out into her neck, holding on tighter. Dick feels his throat closing, tears burning behind his eyes like acid.
"It's not, okay? It's a reminder." Kory insists and pulls back, her hands sliding to their shoulders and gripping tightly. And just like that the tears in her eyes dry out, the fear disappears from her face, replaced by pride and strength worthy of both a mother and a queen. "Now go out there, watch each other's backs and kick some ass."
The two young faces harden as well, abandoning their child-like features in a matter of seconds. The cold steel comes back to their eyes as they nod simultaneously.
"Yes, ma'am." They speak in unison and Kory smiles, pride written all over her face.
Then she turns to him, slides her hands into his and suddenly Dick is out of breath. She comes to stand so close their faces are mere inches apart and presses her forehead to his. He sucks in a sharp breath, feeling his heart racing in his chest.
"Fight, my love." she whispers, brushing her nose against his. Her breath is warm and familiar on his face and all Dick wants to do is pull her, closer, closer, closer and keep her there forever. "Fight for our home, for our kids. Fight for us, just like I will."
"I have to go." She interrupts him and steps back. She straightens her back, lifts her chin up and just like that he finds himself in the presence of a warrior, a queen, a goddess. She towers over him, making him want to kneel in front of her. He would, of course he would, he would bow his head and pledge his allegiance to her with his dying breath. 
"Take care of them." She says after sending one last glance to their children. He nods once, gulping down a lump in his throat.
"You know I will."
They hold each other's gaze for a moment longer, lingering to it like it's a lifeline keeping them alive, until Kory turns her back to him. But before she flies away Dick steps forward. There's one more thing he has to do, one thing he won't survive without, the world be damned. He grabs her arm and turns her back, then pulls her to him, curling his arms around her waist and presses his lips to hers.
It takes his breath away, drags him to his knees, sets his nerves ablaze as if she injected him with her fire. He's hungry and desperate, holding her tightly against his chest as he kisses her with fiery passion that makes his vision go red. Kory answers with the same heat and hunger, arching her back and running her fingers through his hair. It takes him back to their first night together, to the soft yellow glow of a bedside lamp and an old squeaky mattress of that motel bed under their tangled bodies. It takes him back to the starry night and clear sky over Gotham when he took her to the rooftop of the Wayne Manor and kissed her like his life depended on it, for the first time since the night after the asylum. He couldn't take it anymore, being with but still without her, having her so close yet out of reach. 
Just like back then, Dick loses himself in the kiss, in her, trying to savour the taste, to remember it, stash it in a deposit box of his mind under lock and key. He can't think of it as their last kiss, because it isn't. It can't be. It's only one of many they have ahead of them - a whole lifetime they will spend together because he is not losing her today.
When they force themselves to break apart, they're both breathless. Kory leans her forehead against his again and smiles, grins like the sunshine she is. 
"Come back to me, Kory." Dick whispers, squeezing her tighter. She nods, stroking her fingers over his cheek and jaw.
"I love you, Grayson."
And then she's gone between the clouds, only a trail of orange glow left behind her. He keeps his eyes on the sky, straining them to spot her, but there's no use, she must be too high up. He keeps observing though, even when two sets of arms circle around his waist and shoulders. He pulls his kids closer, letting Rachel curl herself to his side and pressing Gar's head to his shoulder. Their eyes are pointed at the clouds as well and together they stand there, three out of four, waiting.
Everyone must have sensed what is about to happen because the battlefield around them goes still and deadly silent. Fighting stops, there's no head that isn't turned towards the sky. The world pauses, holding its breath and Dick starts to pray.
Then the clouds start glowing, explosions of purple and green light against the red sunset. There's no way to hear what's happening, they can only observe as the two sisters take over the skyline. The two colors whirl around each other in a complicated, centuries old dance, tangled together one moment then breaking apart the next. Dick doesn't know where to look, his breath caught in his chest watching as the purple light and green light fly right at each other, coming closer and closer and closer. Rachel shivers against him and he presses her to him even tighter, already knowing what is gonna happen, just like she does.
Then the two lights clash in an explosion so bright they all need to look away to not have their eyes burned. It's like a supernova went off in front of them, turning into stardust.
And everything goes still.
One minute passes. Two. Three. Nothing is happening, neither of the sisters is coming down to announce their victory. The sky is clear and empty and the sight only makes Dick's insides twist into tight knots.
"What's going on?" Gar's confused voice echoes next to his ear.
"Dick, where is she?" Rachel asks him, staring at him with those baby blues like he has all the answers in the world.
He doesn't.
"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon." he whispers at the sky, wrapping his arms tighter around the kids. Rachel hides her face in the crook of his neck, he can feel her hot tears damping his skin. Gar rests his forehead on his shoulder and chokes on a sob. Dick can only hold them tight, kiss their heads and pray.
Pray and pray until his prayer is answered.
It's a blink of an eye. A twink of the first star in the night sky. And then she's there, falling down slowly with the grace of a goddess, embedded in golden light. Her eyes glow green, hair a red flame and she touches down to the ground with the lightness of a feather.
She smiles at him and that's all it takes for him to run to her. With Gar and Rachel on his heel he gets to her in a few quick strides and she falls right into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck and kissing him fiercely. Gar and Rachel tug themselves under their arms and they both pull them closer, locking them in the safety of their embrace.
Dick smiles, pressing his lips to Kory's forehead. Not the last kiss, but one of many. 
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mixxoh · 4 years
Save You | One
Contents/Warnings: Swearing, Violence, Gore
Word Count: 7.3k
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It had been a while since Veena had been comfortable. The constant feeling of fear and uncertainty had dwindled as the years went by but never went away, a reminder of that time three years ago in Shiganshina.
Veena was only a young teenager at the time of the attack on Shiganshina District. Living with her parents and older sister, she had a happy life living in the quaint yet busy district. Her parents owned a small shop around the corner where she often worked to pass time with her older sister, Olivia. Olivia had been the sweetheart of the district, captivating the hearts of men in Shiganshina and the surrounding districts. She is beautiful, ethereal, and has a way with her words that ensured the likeness of everyone she met. Those characteristics didn't pass well to Veena, however. Veena is pretty, but not beautiful. She's charismatic, but not as much as Olivia. She's well liked, but not as popular. In a way, Veena has always envied her older sister but ever since the fall of Shiganshina, the envy she held for her sister slowly diminished until it no longer existed.
Olivia and Veena were working in their parents shop when the Colossal and Armored Titans destroyed the wall. Veena was behind the counter counting the money they made so far in the day while Olivia was assisting the customers in the shop itself.
"Ven," Olivia called out. Looking up from the cash in her hands, Veena found her sister deeper in the store assisting a man, giving Veena a soft smile with a book in her hands. "Can you check him out? Give him the discount, please!" She asked while handing the book back to the customer, her smile growing larger.
Giving her a small smile back, she looks back down at the cash in her hands. Putting the cash in an envelope, she hears Olivia and the man exchange a few more words. The discount that Olivia gives out isn't much, really, only about 5% off, but she gives it out only to the nicer guys that hit on her. Their parents don't mind either, taking advantage of their daughter's good looks and personality to keep men coming back to the shop. Hearing the customer walk up the the small wooden counter, Veena glances up. Meeting his eyes, she gives him a smile while grabbing the book he handed out to her.
"Just the journal is going to b-"
Suddenly, a loud boom interrupted their conversation. Startled, Veena locks eyes with Olivia across the room, her eyes wide.
"Ven-" Screaming interrupted what Olivia was going to say to Veena. Veena's head snaps to the front windows of the store, breaking eye contact with her sister to see a mass of people running past the store. Now very much scared rather than concerned, Veena puts the book down on the counter and rounds the wooden counter to crosses the store to the set of windows, her gaze set on the chaos outside. Looking out to where the now even larger mass of people are running from, her fear only grows larger. As the smoke dissipates, Veena sees a large titan peering over the wall.
"There's no way..." Veena mutters to herself.
"No way, what? Veena!" Olivia screams at Veena, hearing Veena's muttering over the sound of screaming and shoes on pavement outside. Meeting Veena at the window, Olivia can feel her heart drop into her stomach as she sees the titan for the first time. "Is that...?" She mutters.
Their gaze is interrupted by another loud boom. Casting her eyes slightly downward from the large titan peering at them from behind the wall, Veena sees a large hole in the wall with titans now coming through into the district. Olivia must have seen the event too, quickly grabbing Veena's hand and squeezing it tightly. Veena was frozen in fear, not even wincing at the death grip that Olivia was giving her hand, while Olivia starting shaking in fear, feeling tears form in her eyes as she began to sob. After hearing her older sister's whimpers, Veena snaps out of her daze. Turning to face her sister, Veena grabs her attention.
"Olivia, we gotta go." Olivia's head snaps to meet Veena's gaze, her eyes wide as her heart starts to beat impossibly faster.
"Veena, are you crazy? We can't go out there, there are titans!"
"Are you kidding? We can't stay here, Liv." Veena observes the scene in front of the shop, trying to piece together a plan of what to do. Her mind was scrambling, her eyes fitting everywhere almost all at once, observing the people running by, the titans pooling into Shiganshina, and the large titan that continues to peer at the chaos it's caused.
"Crap." Veena jumps, surprised by the male voice behind her. She had completely forgotten about the customer in the shop. He's peering outside the windows with Veena and Olivia, his eyes wide and breathe hard and fast. This sisters watch as he rushes to the front door of the shop, forcing it open despite the large crowd of people running against the door. Immediately, he's knocked down as the rush of people push past him, no one caring about the grown man knocked to the ground being trampled on.
Olivia starts to sob harder, watching the man being trampled to death in front of her. Staring in horror, Veena struggles to think of a plan to get out of this situation. They need to leave immediately before the titans reach their location and they get eaten, but they can't leave through the front door or else they'll be killed by their own people during the chaos.
"Olivia, we need to go, now." Veena emphasizes to her sister. Turning towards each other, Veena has problem focusing as she watches her sister crumbles to the ground and break down in front of her.
"We'll, um, yeah we'll leave through the back door into the alleyway and follow the crowd. The alleyway should be empty. I'm sure the Garrison is doing something about the crowd right now." Veena concludes out loud. "Liv, let's go." Grabbing her hand roughly, Veena pulls her sister up to her feet and starts to make for the back door on the opposite end of the shop. Pushing the door open, Veena pulls a sobbing Olivia into the alleyway. Looking at the open end of the alley, another large crowd of people are rushing by. "C'mon Olivia." Pulling her sister's hand hard, Veena and Olivia start running to the open end of the alley to the mass of chaos. Meeting the crowd, Veena pushes herself and Olivia into the swarm and beginning sprinting with the flow of people.
It's absolute chaos, the sounds of people's screams and cries are deafening as they run to who knows where. The sight of everything are traumatizing itself, lone children crying for anyone to listen, dead bodies already littering the streets, and destroyed homes.
As they continue to run, Veena can feel Olivia pulling back on her arm. "Ven, what about mom and dad?" She manages to say despite her sobbing and her being out of breath due to the running.
Veena's blood runs cold, forgetting completely about her parents during everything happening. Truthfully, she's doesn't know what to do. She's conflicted, because if she risks finding her parents, her and Olivia's lives are even more at risk than they are now. However, if they were to continue with their current plan, they may not even see their parents again. Veena realizes she has to decide quickly seeing as they're approaching the market where their parent's were shopping at during the time of the break on the wall.
"Fuck, okay," Veena hesitates, "we'll swing by since the market's close, but we're gonna be quick, okay? We can't risk wasting too much time." She concludes as she tells Olivia. She can hear Olivia hold in her sobs, grateful that Veena is taking over in this situation.
Olivia had always envied her sister. Veena had always been headstrong and quick to think and move. She's incredibly strong mentally, never allowing things to bother her, or at least if it does, she never shows it for the sake of those around her. Olivia wasn't dumb like many thought, she knows many girls of the district were jealous of her beauty and charisma and many men wanted her. She knows her reputation in Shiganshina, but never truly understood why her sister didn't have the same reputation alongside her.
Honestly, Olivia was scared. Her mind is racing with thoughts of what will happen, what did happen, and is happening. She desperately wanted her parents here to help them and to make sure they were safe. Olivia felt immensely guilty right now, having her younger sister take over and protect the both of them during a time like this.
Turning right, Veena continues to pull Olivia throughout Shiganshina, weaving themselves around people, rubble, and bodies. After a few more minutes, they reach the almost deserted market. The market was a large area filled with booths of vendors selling anything you need or can think of, however, now it was just an area of destruction. The usually large, empty, area was now littered with broken booths, produce, bloodied bodies, and stone from the now destroyed wall. With barely any people making their way through the area, it was easier for Veena and Olivia to look around.
"Remember, Liv, make it quick. Okay?" Veena tells Olivia. After Olivia makes her understanding known, they separate their hands. Veena and Olivia begin to look in every spot they can for anything to identify their parents with. They look under pieces of booths, around corners, and even under rocks in their desperate search for their parents.
Suddenly, Veena hears Olivia release a scream. Snapping her head in Olivia's direction, just a few feet to the right of her, Veena finds her older sister with her knees on the pavement, her shoulders shaking as she sobs. Veena feels her stomach drop, immediately running in the direction of her sister. Meeting her, Veena feels her heart break at the sight in front of her. Sinking to her knees next to her sister, she too starts to cry at the sight of their parents dead bodies. Veena couldn't believe, just a while ago her parents were leaving the shop with a smile and a wave, claiming they'd be back soon.
Olivia starts sobbing harder and hides behind her hands, not believing her eyes while Veena sits still, tears running down her cheeks as she's frozen, not being able to process what she's seeing. Closing her eyes, Veena leans her head back, facing the sky, and inhales deeply. After she lets out a breath, Veena brings her head back down looking one last time at her parents. As Olivia continues to sob, Veena reaches for her parents' hands and grabs their wedding rings. She pockets them after slipping them off of their fingers and moves to stand up. As she leans back, she feels the ground rumble. Alarmed, Veena looks up and around, trying to find the source of the noise. Wiping the tears from her blurry eyes, the sound continues. Veena attempts to find it while she stands up, getting ready to grab Olivia and run. The rumble gets louder each time it occurs. Footsteps, Veena realizes. Now very alarmed, Veena attempts to get the attention of her still sobbing sister.
"Olivia, we need to go right now." Veena emphasizes, reaching down to grab her sister's shoulders, still searching for the source of the footsteps.
"Ven," Olivia manages to choke out, "I don't think I can go." Her hands still holding her head, covering her eyes.
Veena snaps her head to the back of her sister's, "Olivia, you're kidding me right? We can't stay here, let's go." Veena's grip on Olivia's shoulder's tighten as she attempts to pull her sister up to her feet. Olivia struggles, wanting nothing more than to be with her parents right now.
Veena's eyes sting with fresh tears, "Liv, please, we need to go."
"I can't leave them, Ven!" Olivia for the first time since finding their parents lifts her head from her hands and locks eyes with her sister's. Veena's heart aches more, if that were possible, as she looks at her sister with red eyes and tears threatening to spill out, but trying her hardest to hide it for her older sister's sake.
"Olivia, please, I can't lose you too. Let's go before-" Suddenly, Veena realizes the footsteps are much, much closer than just a minute ago. The thuds becoming louder and louder with each passing second.
"Hey!" Veena whips her head behind her to the sound of the deep voice calling out to them to find two Garrison soldiers running their way. "What are you guys doing? Get to the boats!" One screams as they make their way to Veena and Olivia.
A loud thud distracts Veena however, bringing her gaze to the area before her, locking eyes with a titan standing at the opposite end of the market. Her breathe hitches and her adrenaline rushes through her, her blood turning cold with panic at the sight of a titan just mere meters in front of them. Olivia either doesn't notice or fails to care, continuing to grieve their parents' deaths with her head buried in her hands.
The Garrison soldiers arrive to the sisters, noticing the titan standing just in front of them. "Shit," one of them mutters, "Smith, grab her and run before that titan decides to move for us, alright?"
The other soldier swallows thickly and nods, moving to grab Olivia's elbows to pull her up from the pavement. The soldier that spoke grabs Veena's shoulder, spinning her around and taking her frozen gaze from the titan that still hasn't moved.
"Are you okay? You both need to get to the boats immediately. Let's go." He says to her as he pushes her in the direction the soldiers came from on the opposite end of the market from the titan that continues to stare at them.
"Wait-" Veena tries to reason, not wanting to be separated from her sister.
"No, you need to leave now. Understood? The boats are waiting, you know where they are. We'll deal with her. Just focus on your safety right now." The Garrison soldier interrupted.
Veena knew he was right, in times like this you need to be selfish and think for yourself, no one else. However, Veena had already lost her parents and didn't want to lose her sister too. Veena's mind was racing with what to do, either she stays and risks her life, or she leaves and risks never seeing her sister again, whether that be death or being separated wherever they end up as refugees. She felt herself finally break down. Veena always prided herself in keeping her stress and fear hidden from others, in knowing when to step up and be there for everyone else. But she was tired. As the seconds ticked by, she felt her resolve dwindle little by little until she could barely hold herself up. She felt her eyes stinging with tears, threatening to slip out at any moment. Veena felt sick with herself. She's ashamed that the one thing she prided herself in is failing. She's ashamed that she can't support her sister who needs her right now more than ever, that all she wants to do is run and never look back.
"Liv, please, let's go." Veena pleaded with her older sister as her tears finally slipped out, staining her cheeks. She stood just a meter behind Olivia, watching as Olivia shook her head no. In a way, Veena was mad. She was extremely frustrated at her sister, her collected façade finally fading away at her sister's constant denial to save herself and her sister. Veena felt herself get angrier as the seconds ticked by. Why is her older sister acting like this, a child? Veena shouldn't be the one calling the shots, being the comforting hand in a time like this. She's only so old, being 15 years young and having to save her older sister's life as well as her own.
Veena sense movement in front of her, noticing the titan beginning to move slowly toward the group.
"Shit, Olivia, get your ass up and let's go the boats, now." Veena demanded with her sister one last time, her patience stretching thin as the situation gets worse and her stress level rises.
"Smith, bring this one to the boats," motioning towards Veena, frozen in fear as she watches the titan slowly but surely make its way towards them, "I'll carry that one to the boats. Move now!" the Garrison soldier ordered to the other. Immediately, Smith sits up and makes his way to Veena, grabbing her elbow and pulling her with him to the boats. Veena wants to struggle, wants to stay with her sister, but she can't find herself doing so, allowing the Garrison soldier to pull her in the direction of the boats. After taking a final glance at her older sister, Veena turns around and runs to the boats with the soldier, making a silent final goodbye to her family.
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Veena was sitting on the soft grass outside, basking in the cool air of the autumn season as she looked at the calming scenery in front of her. She was enjoying the view when she heard footsteps behind her, the sound of flattening grass causing her to turn her head as she observed who had decided to interrupt her intended time alone that she sets time for everyday. The bright sun behind Veena had blinded her momentarily as she shifted her gaze to the intruder, quickly covering her eyes to protect them from the bright sunlight. She curses, turning her gaze back around to the view of the small town below her from the hill. Veena heard a deep chuckle resonate from behind, the person coming to interrupt her peace and quiet now just inches behind her. Immediately, she scoffs, knowing exactly who is now taking their seat next to her on the grass to join her.
She rolls her eyes, "Shut up, Marco."
He fully laughs this time, always amused by way of conversation. "Oh please, Fischer. You're a dumbass, I can't help it."
She felt herself crack a smile at that, "You're such a fucking smartass, Marco. Now leave me alone, you know 5pm is my alone hour." Out of everyone in the 104th Training Corps, Veena was closest to Marco. After the fall of Shiganshina, she had been alone for years, her witty and quick to engage attitude long gone. Veena never looking anyone in the eye, never stood up for herself, and never bothered to befriend anyone. In a way, Veena did this to punish herself. She greatly regretted what she did to her only sister, Olivia, leaving her to die in order to save herself. Veena had always hated selfish people, but had turned into one even with family involved. Her life had no direction during those years, only living to survive. Granted, there wasn't much she could do as a refugee. She constantly felt like a burden to those around her and the locals made sure the refugees knew that with either their words or their actions. Veena felt empty during those years, at some points just waiting to die, the loneliness and guilt eating at her constantly. Everyday, she wished to go back and do things differently on that day in Shiganshina.
She finally started to feel like less of a burden and more of a person when she joined the 104th Training Corps. Seeing it as a way out of being a refugee, Veena reluctantly signed up and started her training. As the days went by however, she started to actually enjoy herself. She made friends with those training alongside her and felt her burdens slowly lift off her shoulders.
Veena began actually looking forward to being a soldier, getting the opportunity make up for her sins and protect others rather than herself. She trained hard everyday, never backing down without a fight, in hopes to make it to the Military Police to live a quiet and comfortable life. Granted, it would be more rewarding for her to join the Survey Corps or even the Garrison, but even after the fall of her home district, she was still a selfish person on the inside now matter how much she hated it. Veena definitely wasn't the best cadet out there, far from it really, but her dedication to improve had caught the eyes of her superiors and fellow cadets to where she was seen as a respectable soldier, despite her skills. However, she wasn't as skilled as she had hoped, choosing to join the Survey Corps after failing to make the top 10 cadets during her training.
Veena felt Marco place his hand on her shoulder from beside her, giving it a small squeeze as he said, "Yeah, well, dinner's ready. I thought I should be a good person and grab you before all the food ran out and you just got the scraps."
Feeling herself scoff, she muttered out, "Fucking Sascha. I swear, she hasn't gotten better about this food thing after all these years, even with everyone beating her ass about it everyday." Looking to her right, she sees Marco pull a large grin, silently agreeing with her.
"She is crazy, that's for sure." He agreed. "Eat with me, we haven't eaten together ever since our first day of training."
Veena felt her blood boil, getting annoyed with what Marco was requesting despite knowing how his bestfriends act around each other. "Marco, you know I can't do that. Meals are Jean's time with you." She reasoned with him. She loves Marco, she really does, but she would definitely rather spend less time with him if it meant she could avoid Jean.
Jean and Veena used to get along, them two with Marco making an iconic trio. However, Veena and Jean's friendship ended suddenly, for reasons both of them couldn't identify. Now, it's a mutual hatred, both competing for Marco's attention. Granted, Veena knows she doesn't need to prove her friendship with Marco to Jean, very confident that her friendship with Marco is strong. Normally, she would find this type of behavior childish, wanting nothing to do with it. But for a reason unknown to her, Jean frustrates her to no end, to the point of her participating in his childish competition.
Looking to her right, she sees Marco frown, still looking at the scenery of the small town in front of him. "Yeah, I know." He mutters to his friend to his left.
She leaves it at that, feeling Marco's obvious disappointment but not wanting to get into it, knowing her attitude would get the best of her. Jean and Veena's constant competing has affected Marco the most, no doubt. Constantly being called to one of the two while the other is present, having no choice but to be in the middle of whatever their trying to prove to each other. It was hard on him, his usual nice and friendly demeaner running thin when the two of them are together. Veena obviously senses this, so she tries her hardest to either avoid Jean or ignore him, for the sake of her and Marco's sanity. Jean makes it hard to do so, however, loving how he can rile her up and see what reactions he can get out of Veena.
Veena moves to stand up, Marco's hand sliding off her shoulder at the movement. Brushing the dirt off of her pants, she holds her hand out for Marco to grab. After reaching his own to her, Veena helps him up. "C'mon, let's go eat before Sascha gets a chance at the food."
They make their way back to the Mess Hall, the sun now setting behind them. "I'll stop by your dorm after dinner for a little, I promise." Veena says, peering up at the tall man next to her. His happy eyes fit to hers, giving her a warm smile at the promise.
"Good," he says, turning his gaze back to the Mess Hall, "I miss you, Fischer, we don't hang out anymore." He informs her, the pair getting closer to the doors of the cafeteria.
Veena scoffs, rolling her eyes in annoyance.
Marco interrupts her before she can say anything, "I don't wanna hear it, Fischer, I know. It's always Jean. Why can't you guys just get along? Like old times?" Marco asks Veena, he voice softening. He really did miss his best friends getting along.
Veena sighs at that, not wanting to continue the conversation. "I don't know Marco, ask him." She stops the conversation at that. Arriving at the doors of the Mess Hall, Veena gives Marco a small wave and smile as she opens the doors and walks in, "I'll see you after dinner, I promise!"
Marco gives her a small smile back, following behind her and making his way to sit with Jean, Sascha, and Conny. He takes a seat next to Jean, saying his hello's and settling into the conversation at the table. Sascha and Conny are complaining adamantly about training tomorrow, not looking forward to the hand-to-hand combat that was scheduled for the cadets. Jean was listening to the two friends complain, saying things here and there, but never saying too much in the fear that their captain, Levi, will hear, who will not hesitate to enforce the harshest of punishments on his scouts.
"I cannot be paired up with Mikasa again this time." Sascha emphasized to their group, remembering Mikasa landing Sascha on her back every time they re-matched. "She's insane, I was sore for a week after that."
Conny nodded enthusiastically, "She really did beat your ass over and over again, it was impressive you didn't die from embarrassment, honestly." At that, Sascha smacks Conny's arm next to her, "Ow!" He exclaims, rubbing his somewhat sore arm.
"Annie's insanely good, too." Marco butts in, remembering her spar with Ymir just last week.
"Fischer's really good too, definitely not on the same level as Annie or Mikasa, but definitely a good fight." Conny commented, watching her spar last week with Christa. Granted, Christa wasn't much of a fight, but Veena made very good technical points.
Jean scoffed at this, "Please, I could take Veena in a fight." Glancing to a table a few meters in front of him, where Veena sat eating with Reiner and Bertoldt. This made Conny and Sascha laugh hysterically, eyes wide at the claim.
"Jean, you're hilarious! There's no way you'd win in a fight against Fischer, but I'd definitely pay to see you try." Conny managed to let out in between his laughs, his mouth set in a wide grin as he looked at Jean. However, Jean had his hard gaze already fixed on Veena, planning to prove his friends wrong by beating her at training tomorrow. Jean pushes up off the table suddenly, standing up and beginning to make his way to Veena.
"Oi! Jean, where are you going?" Conny calls out to him but Jean ignores him, already close to the table Veena resides at with Reiner and Bertholdt.
"Hey." Veena jumps, startled at the sudden intrusion that interrupted her conversation with her friends. Looking up, she sees none other than Jean making his way to her table. Instantly, her mood sours.
She rolls her eyes, "What do you want, Kirstein?" She asks, fitting her gaze onto his.
"Pair up with me tomorrow."
Her eyes widen, amusement starting to settle in as her lips start to curl into a smile. "Are you serious right now?"
This infuriates Jean, seeing her amusement in her eyes.
"Um, Jean, no offense, but I really don't think that's a good idea." Bertholdt butts in, sitting to Veena's left.
Jean scoffs, "What's that supposed to mean?" He accuses.
"Jean, listen, we don't mean to be rude to you when we say she would easily put your ass on the ground." Reiner points out from across the table, causing Veena's smile to turn into a grin.
She meets Jean's eyes again, "Why would you even want to pair up with me Kirstein?" She asks him, confused by his request.
"Well, Veena, everyone seems to think you're good at hand-to-hand combat." Her smirk grows at this, "But," he continues, "I disagree, you're average, at best."
Immediately, her smirk vanishes and her eyes narrow at him. At this, Jean wears his own smirk, satisfied with her reaction.
"Excuse me?" She asks him, offended. She can't believe his words, her ego definitely wounded as he insults the one of her defining features as a scout. They have the attention of the whole cafeteria now, everyone watching the scene unfold, nervous as to what's going to happen next. Veena and Jean are known to get aggressive with each other, constantly bickering, with some of their arguments almost reaching physical. This sort of thing was common for the group, Jean and Veena always finding something to argue about.
Veena chuckles darkly, standing up from her seat and leaning onto her hands that sit on the table in front of her, eyes set firmly on the man in front of him. Their eyes narrow at each other, trying to figure the other one out. Veena rounds the table, making her way to stand in front of Jean, never breaking eye contact with him.
"Y'know what, Kirstein, why even wait for tomorrow? We can find out right now if my 'skills are average, at best.'" She challenges, blood boiling and adrenaline running. They step closer to each other, challenging each other with their eyes as they continue to stare, eyes never fitting anywhere else. Veena can hear someone stand, the sound interrupting the silence that had fallen throughout the Mess Hall, shoes hitting the wooden floor as whoever it is comes closer to the pair. Eren put his hands on Veena and Jean's shoulders in an attempt to calm the situation.
"Guys," Eren said to the pair, "break it up before Captain gets here."
"Shut the fuck up, Jeager."
"Stay out of this, Eren." Veena and Jean snap at Eren at once. Eren backs off, removing his hands from their shoulders and huffs out a sigh, returning to his table with Mikasa and Armin.
"I'll take you up on that offer, Veena." Jean mutters to Veena, his voice quiet and deep.
Ignoring how he called her by her first name, Veena's eyes widen slightly at the sound of his voice, a shiver running down her spine and her body warming up, not expecting it to sound so deep. She's startled at how she reacted to his voice, realizing that she sort of liked hearing him say her name like that. Scoffing, she rolls her eyes, annoyed with herself.
Jean notices the actions. Thinking her attitude was a result of what he said, he feels his annoyance at the girl grow. He takes another step closer to her, watching as she instinctively takes a step back at his intrusion.
"Watch yourself, Kirstein, don't cross a line with me." Veena warns him, feeling uncomfortable with how close he's gotten to her, not enjoying how her body is reacting to him being so close.
Jean, of course, is unfazed by her warning, staying where he is. If he's being honest, Jean is worried. His body is on fire being this close to Veena and he doesn't understand why. He's never been this close to her, even when they were good friends, and a small part of him doesn't mind being this close to her. However, the majority of him had sirens going off in his head, telling him to back away before he did something dumb.
Before he was able to, though, the doors of the Mess Hall slammed open, revealing Captain Levi alongside a nervous-looking scout. His eyes fall on Jean and Veena immediately. "You two," his voice booms in the quiet Mess Hall, grabbing everyone's attentions immediately. Jean and Veena salute him, turning away from each other and facing their captain. Veena can finally feel like she can breath, the situation far too tense for her liking. "Come with me," Levi orders, turning on his heel and walking outside.
Nervously, the pair follow. After meeting Levi outside, he stares at them for an uncomfortably long period of time.
Jean and Veena stare back, too scared to move or say anything. After a few more long minutes, Jean begins to speak, "Um, Captain-"
"No," Levi cuts him off. "You'll speak when I allow it. Now, one of you, tell me why I just had a scout interrupt my meeting with the Commander so I can make my way over here to break up a potentially physical altercation, which, as I saw when I arrived, was very close to being violent." He orders at the pair, his eyes flickering between Veena and Jean, waiting for an answer.
Veena's heart starts racing, trying to get a grip to give her superior an answer before Jean ruins it by opening his mouth. "I apologize sir," she starts, her eyes meeting Levi's, "Our argument got out of hand, it won't happen again, sir." She apologizes, starting to feel ashamed she let Jean get to her and for things to get so far.
Levi is not satisfied with her apology, he will not condone behavior like this from his squad. "I will administer your punishments tomorrow," Levi informs, "now, finish your dinners and don't let this happen again. You're supposed to work with each other, not kill each other," He warns, "If you desperately want to fight each other, do so during training." He finishes, leaving the pair as he returns to his office.
"You're a dumbass, Jean." Veena breathes out after the Captain is a good distance away. She's exhausted from everything that has occurred in the past 15 minutes, feeling a headache take over. She turns, intending to walk back into the Mess Hall to finish her dinner before bed, seeing as she needs to shower and chat with Marco before heading back to her own dorm for the night.
"Fuck you." Jean counters, saying the first thing that can come to his mind as he trails behind her. She ignores him, and continues to her table. She plops back down on her seat, her elbows resting on the table in front of her. Veena brings her head into her hands, shielding her eyes from the views of everyone and massaging her temples.
"Are you okay, Fischer? What happened out there with Levi?" Reiner asks her, moving across the bench to sit in front of her.
She lifts her head looks at him, "He's deciding our punishments for tomorrow. I just have a major headache right now. I think I'm gonna leave dinner early and head the showers, I'll see you guys tomorrow, yeah?" She says to the two, standing from her seat.
"Yeah, see you. Let us know if you need anything." Reiner ensures, sliding her dinner his way to finish. She smiles at that, appreciating that the food won't be going to waste due to her loss in appetite. She waves them a goodbye, turning around and entering the hallway to head to her dorm to prepare for her shower.
Veena's mind is racing, if she's being honest, not quite used to her reaction to Jean being so close to her. She hates him, that fact is obvious, and the way her body started heating up at his deep voice and close proximity made her feel sick. She decided to ignore this for the time being, pushing it to the back of her mind. Arriving to the room she shares with Christa, Veena walks to her side and begins rummaging through her dresser. Finding her pajamas and grabbing a towel, she begins her trek to the showers. After her shower, she arrives back to her shared room, finding Christa also getting ready for her shower.
"Veena! Oh my god, are you okay? You seemed really stressed out after talking to Levi." Christa expressed her concern, wanting to make sure her roommate wasn't hurt as Levi is known to be harsh with his punishments.
Veena smiled at this, looking at her roommate, "Don't worry, Christa, I'm fine. He's telling us our punishments tomorrow. I'm just exhausted, is all. Jean infuriates me too much. Also, you know-"
"Yeah, yeah, 'Only call me by my last name,' whatever." Christa rolls her eyes. "But Jean can be a pain," Christa agreed, "be sure not to let him get you too worked up, okay? I'm worried about you."
Veena laughs at this, genuinely happy that she has someone to look after her. "Thanks Christa, but don't worry about me, I'll be fine." She promises to her roommate. After getting dressed, Veena turns her attention to Christa, watching as she grabs what she needs to freshen up before bed. "I'm going to chat with Marco for a bit, so don't wait up!" Veena says to Christa as she opens the door, heading out into the hallway. After hearing Christa throw out a, 'See ya!', Veena shuts the door behind her and begins her walk to the other side of the dorms that house the boy's rooms. After walking only a short few minutes, she arrives at Marco's door, giving it a knock. After a minute of waiting, the door swings open to Jean with his shower supplies being carried under his arm.
At the sight of Veena standing outside his door, Jean lets out an annoyed huff, turning his head to Marco, who was sitting on his bed reading a book, already having taken his shower. "You didn't tell me she was coming over, dude. Warn me next time so I can be out of here before I have to look at her."
Veena scoffs at Jean's annoyance, shouldering him to push into the shared dorm room. "Shut it, Kirstein, I'll only be a minute." She says, making her way to sit on Marco's bed with him.
Jean watches her pull herself onto Marco's bed, leaning her back against the wall next to him. "Whatever," he says, "Just be sure you're out of here before I get back." He finishes, heading out the door and shutting it behind him.
Jean couldn't help but feel annoyed. He hated how she was everywhere, whether that be in the same area as him, hearing her name slip out of other people's mouths, or now, even in his head. He hadn't thought of her like this until recently, tonight's events at dinner riling him up. Jean wasn't sure if it was due to annoyance or something else, but his body reacted to her in a way he didn't want to happen again, embarrassed by how caught up in the moment he got. Yes, he likes to push her buttons to see how far he can push her before she cracks (he honestly couldn't believe he almost got her to crack tonight), but tries to restrain himself from going too far, before things get physical or things are said that can't be taken back.
Veena misses hanging out with Marco, this fact becoming much more present as they talk on his bed. They were laughing, Marco bringing up what his friends were talking about at dinner tonight, specifically about what made Jean snap and challenge Veena. She was laughing hard as Marco recounted what Conny and Sascha had said of Jean when he left the table to find her. The door to Marco and Jean's dorm swings open suddenly, causing Veena to halt her laughter and snap her gaze to the front, startled by the sudden intrusion. In walks a topless Jean, his towel hanging around his hips and his hair still dripping with water. Veena's eyes widen an embarrassing amount, her eyes glued to Jean as he steps in the room. Holy shit, Veena thinks, her cheeks starting to burn. Immediately, Veena whips her head to the side, taking her eyes off of the man in the doorway as she shuts her eyes, Ew, she thinks to herself, disgusted that she had this kind of reaction to Jean.
"Fuck dude, put some clothes on next time, yeah?" She shouts angrily at him, her head turning back around to face him, eyes concentrating on his as she glares at him.
Jean scoffs, turning away from her as he rummages through his drawer to find some clothes to change into. "Shut it, Veena, I thought I told you to be gone by the time I got back. Plus, this is my room, don't overstep." He warns her, annoyance creeping up on him. It was embarrassing enough to have to walk around the halls in nothing but his towel, and now he really didn't want to be reminded that the reason he had to do that in the first place was due to Veena's presence. He had completely forgotten about his change of clothes, for some reason his mind wiping clean when he opened his door to her small figure waiting on the other side.
Veena rolls her eyes as she jumps off Marco's bed, smoothing out her clothes after her feet land on the wooden floor beneath her. "Alright, whatever, I'm leaving now." She announces to the pair, turning her body back in Marco's direction behind her. "See ya tomorrow, Marco." She says to him, giving a wave. She makes her way to the door, "Later, asswipe. By the way, stop calling me by my name, you know it pisses me off." She calls out to Jean as she opens their door, continuing through the doorway as she hears him respond with, "Yeah, whatever."
After pulling on his clothes, Jean climbs onto his bed on the opposite wall of Marco's, leaning his back against the wall. He looks at Marco, who pulled his book back out after Veena had made her leave.
"You still like her, don't you?" Jean asks Marco. Pulling his eyes from his book, Marco cracks a smile as he looks back at Jean.
"Oh please, Jean, that was ages ago, I'm over it. You never got over your crush for her, huh?" Marco cracks a smile, the memories of those years ago resurfacing as he turns his attention back to the book in his hand. Marco had always thought about this, assuming the reason Jean had changed his attitude with Veena was because of some dumb crush, but as the days turned into months and the months now turned into years, Marco isn't confident in his theory anymore.
Jean doesn't even hesitate as he scoffs, "I never liked her like that, Marco, you know that. She pisses me off too much."
Marco knows Jean is lying, "I really don't believe you, Jean. You know, it's okay to like her, she's cute, you gotta admit." Marco teases, enjoying this (one-sided) playful banter.
Jean is really annoyed now, "I'm not talking about this right now."
"Life for us is short, Jean, don't waste too much of it with petty arguments and being in denial, yeah?" Marco lectures. Jean lays down now, pulling the covers over intending to go to sleep soon. He can hear Marco sigh, putting his book on the nightstand next to him. As Marco puts out the oil lamp, hiding their room in darkness, Jean can't help but replay Marco's words in his head over and over again, annoyed knowing Marco is right about having a short life in this world.
Yay! First part! I'm not sure how many part there are going to be total, I didn't plan that far ahead. You can also find this work on my Wattpad and AO3 account! I'll be combining chapters here since I'm anticipating over 20 chapter so far and I don't want to have that many on here! Let me know how you think of Save You so far!
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
If this Bruce doesn't adopt Tim I will! But I'm kinda scared for Tim I mean he's either gonna end up with Buce or the titans at some point, im afraid that something terrible is gonna happen his family and then titans/bruce takes him in? That boy loves batman and robin so much like even his family seeing the news knew how much it would upset him although I will say that for the brain that kid has he makes some pretty stupid decisions, hes driving around GOTHAM plastered in the bat-symbol that's not a good idea! the amount of lunatics that roam free in Gotham (and possibly have escaped from arkham) and hate the bat and hes driving around with the bat symbol on him KID be careful!
Some kind of Anti-fear toxin does seem more accurate cuz he's clearly taking something to not be afraid. Maybe it's something he found in Gotham and decided to try it and got addicted so he's using that lab place to try recreate it? and maybe he can't recreate it perfectly cuz in the crowbarring scene he seemed kinda anxious about his surroundings and he'd just taken that inhaler thing to overcome fear so I dunno?? Or maybe he went to arkham to see Crane for some reason and Crane has orchestrated the whole thing and told him about the drug but then wouldn't Crane have to know everyone's identity then? Dude I dunno I need more episodes even tho the low quality glitchyness is painful lol
There's probably an abundance of rooms to choose from at Wayne manor yet Jason takes Dicks old room and keeps the flying graysons posters up! I like to think that he does view dick as an older brother and just took his room to kind of have a connection to him and that he admires him hence the graysons posters being left up, yooo dick calling him his brother! I really want a nice family reunion with dick jason and bruce 💕
Babs was too mean to bruce when she went off like I get where she's coming from but yo lady his son just died dial it down like a notch yikes but also babs being like 'i wonder how long it'll take for bruce to replace jason and dick is all 'what no the last thing bruce is gonna do is rope another kid into this mess'. Cut to scene of Bruces potential robin folder 😅 but I also like that dick was trying to be considerate and compose himself for bruce but once he found out that bruce is idiot enough to pull another kid into this, that that's when he got mad and bruce so brokenly begging dick to come back and be robin 😢😢😢
I know the show is constantly trying to push bruce out/sideline him cuz it's a titans show not a bruce wayne show and I know they're going for a different portrayal of bruce which I'm not complaining about I do like this version of bruce (more than I thought actually) and this universe but I feel like they could have gave more cracks you know, I like that they showed him trying to avoid the reality of jasons death and just not stopping not even for a second and just immediately jump into another case and that breakdown verge where he's begging dick to be robin and then when he finally I guess let's the weight of jasons loss sit on him to the point where he whacks in jokers head with a crowbar just like he killed jason (he could have killed joker so many other ways like a less violent bullet to the head but oh no brucey crowbars him to death!!)
There's a lot of character stuff that i do like but that scene where he's in the cave on his knees scrubbing his sons blood out of the suit he died in, the suit that he only ever wore because of batman. 😢 I feel like they could have had him crack there and let out a gut wrenching scream and then just continue on doing what he was doing as if nothing happened and dick walking in on that should have had more of a reaction!? like he could have stopped in his tracks at the sight of his brothers blood all over his father and bruce screaming, dick could have like took a step back almost like he's gonna run but forces himself to stay there, because who wouldn't want to run from that and no matter how much horrible things you've dealt with before sometimes your brain does just take over against your will and makes you react, the rest of the scene just could have played out the way it did. Literally one ounce more emotion is all I wanted.
No one really emotionally cracked at jasons death. I get that it just happened and that people put walls up and denial can be such a prominent thing when a loved one dies but it couldn't have been that difficult to put in little mannerisms now and again to show that everyone is deeply hurt but holding it in. Honestly gar seemed more hurt to me than dick did. But I do like that dick reacted in detective mode and started trying to figure things out from jasons side so at least there's that.
This redhood is defo not an anti hero he has well and truly landslided into villian territory and I dunno how that's gonna be reconciled? they better not kill him off! and they better not just straight up keep redhood/jason as a full on villian! but if they do get through to jason and bring him back a little how the heck is that little man gonna deal with what he did to Hank?? I feel like they had a bond you know and for all Hanks talk about putting Jason down I really don't think that Hank would actually have killed him even if it came down to Hanks life vs Jasons I think Hank would rather die than kill Jason (but that's heavily biased cuz in my mind jason is my son and I freaking love hank sooo) but Hank to me puts on a hard front like 'yeah I'll get in your face I'll come at you b*tch' but internally he's like 'yeah I'll come at you to help you' 😅 like internally he defo has a lot of soft spots though that's not to say he'd be like this for someone like the joker or scarecrow or whatever guys like that he'd be like no screw you you die or go to arkham like byeee
Nevermind how jason is gonna come back from this though HOW IN THE ACTUAL SH*T is dawn gonna come back from this!!?!!
Random side note here but imagine Jasons first time in the batcave he would be so excited and trying to mess with everything and being like ohh what's that do and pressing random buttons and bruce having a hernia trying to get jason to stop before he accidentally blows the cave up 😅 also he has probably been caught several times trying to 'borrow' the batmobile, I can just picture him trying to sneak down the halls of the manor without the floor creaking and making it all the way into the cave and doing a victory dance cuz he didn't get caught and he hops on into the batmobile in his pj's and let's out a scream cuz alfred is sitting in the freakin passenger seat waiting for him and then they just hang out in the batmobile alfred had the good foresight to bring a flask of tea books and a blanket for jason
Speaking of Alfred I think it would have been more angsty and hurtful if Alfred died shortly after Jason and after a few days Jason claws his way out his grave and the first thing he sees is Alfreds headstone and that's how he finds out Alfred died : (((
This is so long girl I'm sorry I know it doesn't seem like it but I did restrain myself 😅 one more thing before I go maybe this Dick is the absolute worst mf and the reason babs feels betrayed by him and is so upset with him could be that he left her (or cheated on her) with Dawn cuz of that weird flashback thingy in the other season where dick dawn was a thing I dunno I hope not though that would be ughhh
Oh crap, you right about probably something bad will happen to Tim for Bruce or Titans to take him in, I was gonna say he could just demand to be in their lives to save Bruce/Dick like in the comics but he also has kinda shitty parents normally and these people seem cool so really it could go either direction, but like it’s Titans so it doesn’t look good lol. Also, I wonder if it’s gonna be Dick who is basically gonna adopt him this time since we already had a huge track record in just 2 seasons lmao. But I know right, true I like how his parents knew immediately how much the news would effect him 😭 I hope he goes down the making himself robin and forcing himself in Dick and Bruce’s life xD I love that route. Lmao, the kid is all book smart, very little street smart when it doesn’t have to do with outsmarting someone XD
I was also rewatching and that gas he takes def has to be some anti fear toxin cause he mentions fear so many times and flash backed to his near death fall, which he felt was probably holding him and back and thus had to prove himself and adds to whatever is influencing him. But ohhh he did seem pretty dang anxious at the carnival grounds, that’s a really interesting theory but recreating something he found hmm, I can see that.
Apparently according to a YouTube who got to see the first 5 episodes, we find out what his deal is a lot more in episode 5, so one more week hopefully
Brooo trueee, I couldn’t believe jason took dick’s room and like didn’t even change anything. Like Jason looks or at least use to look up to Dick SO much, like in his first episode in the first season, he went on quite a lot about how much he had always wanted to meet him and how much he looked up to him, which is probably also fueling his red hood rage, being hurt by your idol and brother like he did in S2 must have really just killed the boy. But yes omg, there freaking better be a dang family reunion scene like, after so much angst we deserve that 😭
And yesss, I loved seeing how mature Dick is getting and just how much he is growing as a character, the fact he was so calm and considerate with Bruce at first really shows that compared to s1 Dick, only breaking when Bruce tried to get more kids involved. That scene by Brenton was sooo well acted omg, the way he yelled that he doesn’t want to robin again, heartbreaking man. And Bruce begging like that omg
Yeah, this version of Bruce is def so different than any Bruce we have seen on screen before, like def the most emotionally constipated, and that’s saying something xD But I like how they are taking a risk, it also helps Dick’s character more and give him more of an arc, as he seems to be taking on Bruce’s normal role with Jason and red hood. Bro, you are so right omg, like the fact Bruce could have killed the joker in any way and he does it with the dang crowbar. It really shows how broken he really was and why the man shouldn’t depressing any and every damn feeling and emotion lol.
Omg, I love how you have the exact details of what you wanted to happen in that one Bruce and Dick scene 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 bro if you dont already you should totally write fanfics cause that was so detailed, I love it
Yeah, I do wish someone cracked (other than Bruce lmao) a bit more, but I do think each character reacted in character though, like it is very Dick(at least this version of Dick, other versions may break down tbh) to put everything into solving the case and figuring out what was up, that’s more this version’s way of caring than just breaking down, like he rarely ever has broken down completely. I think dawn could have been a little more emotional about the death (tho she has enough coming for her lmao). Connor didn’t know Jason that well so it makes sense he would just be sad. Gar seemed pretty sad and in character about it, maybe could have had a bit more, same with Kori, tho she showed it by being almost angry and fiercely protective of everyone else, so I think that makes sense for her. It would have been interesting to see how Rachel and Rose would have reacted though (where did rose go btw?! She would so have a reaction to Jason’s death). But yeah, i wish there was more resolution and break downs for Jason, but also it may have just not felt real since they weren’t there? But I agree
You think? Idk, I think they could def still make him an anti hero towards the end, especially if it’s crane behind the whole thing. Cause if they don’t they are gonna have to go down the gosh awful overused villain gets redeemed while he dies/only to die right freaking after , and I will be so freaking livid if they do that omg. Like they better freaking not. But true, he would be broken by what he did to Hank, oh yikes. But I can see him then that leading to the anti hero path, like he would never go back to be on the titans cause he would feel too guilty, thus giving more of a reason for the anti hero life. But I know, I loved Jason and Hank’s love hate relationship 😭😭😭😭 You know Hank secretly loved the kid and probably saw himself in him.
Yikes poor dawn, you right. Like I have no idea how she is gonna be now like wow.
OMG GIRL, You are on a hc angst train today!!!! That scenario of Alfred dying right after jason and Jason climbing out to see Alfred’s?! Heartbreaking!
But I can’t believe they killed Alfred off so casually tho😭
Omg I swear if they freaking show Dick having cheated on Babs I will be so freaking pissed omg, he better have not! Im hoping they had a more high school romance thing/grew up together then got together type of thing
And omg don’t apologize I LOVED IT and reading your asks!!! I feel ya too!
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monochrome-monarch · 5 years
Tthis took longer than expected buuut
Guess who finally gave in to making fankids again?
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Am I being original yet, ma? Also, Idk how to draw babies so here have hem at their adult forms with little bad doodles of them as babbies
I know, The names aren't the best but they're stand ins until I find better names. Except Alphard. Alphard sounds cool and has meaningful name all over it, dude.
Anyway, here are some notes regarding these kids:
- Name is from the name Lepidoptra, the order where Moths belong to
- She's a bit bigger and bulkier than Mothra and sadly my art doesn't portray it well but still significantly smaller than Godzilla.
- Probably has gills but wings are definitely water resistant. Larva stage likely has gills, tho I guess
- Dorsals, Eyes and Wings light up when charging up and firing
- Might get a fankid sibling if I'm feeling productive or creative. However, regarding her parents' canon children, Lep is sorta like the Megan to Minya and Mothra Leo's Drake and Josh. Still cares about them, tho
- Rather peaceful and keeps to herself. Almost borders distant as she ignores humans and has no interest of starting a cult (however she is kinda interested in continuing her mother's cult) but doesn't mind them as long as they don't provoke her in anyway. Has a pretty long fuse so it's hard to piss her off, though.
- Isn't much to interfere with human affairs and mostly ignores them, unless A) One or Both parents are involved and/or B) Her mother's followers are being threatened or attacked.
- Plays peacekeeper/tired mom friend with her mom but will fight when desperate times call for desperate measures. Prefers intimidating the enemy into standing down but, again, will fight if necessary.
- Mommy and Daddy's Little Princess but they will call her out when she steps out of line
- Loves lamps and other bright lights
- Either fires atom blasts or light blasts, whichever works but will stick with atomic blasts for now
- Can reincarnate like her mom
- Has an unexpected friendship with the Three-Headed Heir with a lot of expected reactions and controversy buuuut Lep doesn't care much. Also is more or less the trio's impulse control. Will still kick their ass if they do anything destructive
All Three
- Name is from the name Alphard, the brightest star in the Hydra constellation. Also, the word Alpha is there so
- Is small compared to Rodan and Ghidorah but they're still growing. Derecha is impatiently waiting lol
- They're gonna be three-headed because I wanted to be unique but I added a two-headed option because I was feeling a bit curious
- Strangely, the heads look different from each other. Then again, could be because they're a hybrid
- They either breath fire or gravity beams, might change but will kinda stick to fire for now
- Can regenerate but strangely, Izquierda's horn is regenerating in a slower pace than usual
- Speaking of Iz's broken horn, the three of them refuse to spill on how it got broken
- Can so far only start up hurricanes when they fly but there are hints of lightning there so there's a chance that they can start up storms
- Heads spend more time bickering than doing anything serious or destructive but when they agree on something, they would put their heads together haha and make for a scary team until something goes wrong in an also sitcom like fashion
- Can survive intense heat and is seen lazing around in lava more than once
- Has an unexpected friendship with the Little Princess with a lot of expected reactions and controversy buuuut the trio doesn't care much. Also is more or less her bodyguards(???).
- Name is the Spanish word for Right
- The one head that takes after Ghidorah more
- Angry and aggressive, jokingly referred to as his parents' combined rage in titan form. Will fight anyone, even his parents and other heads but he never wins, especially against his parents since his other heads don't have a death wish. Also the only head who would gladly fight Godzilla at the Area 51 parking lot. Respects fighters, even if they lose, though.
- Despite his firey nature, he cares about his loved ones and would fight tooth and claw for them even if he does fight them a lot. Reacts even more erratic and angrier when anyone the heads gets beheaded. Loyal af, however, will follow you no matter who the Alpha is or what the Alpha says. He's never much for obeying authority, anyway
- While he's wild, he does, reluctantly, follow Centro's orders but will gleefully participate when Centro and Izquierda are in a mood for destruction
- Distrustful towards anything that doesn't remotely look like his parents or siblings. Hates humans and has breath fire at any humans or human vehicles that come too close or was at the wrong place at the wrong time
- Not the smartest head but he is by no means stupid and is actually quite a quick-thinker and makes decent, pragmatic decisions
- Doesn't care much about ruling the monsters or destroying/terraforming the Earth, he just wants to fight. Becoming king of the monsters or destroying the Earth is merely a bonus
- Is pretty annoyed that he isn't center head/leader and makes it known. Dislikes Centro's 'passiveness' and 'laidback' nature and wants him to show his true colors and act on his destructive tendencies more. Encourages Iz's trigger happy tendencies but does feel bad if he goes too far. Has no idea how to calm him but tries
- Name is the Spanish word for Center
- The head that's a nice balance of both parents or well, I hope he does
- Is seemingly the 'nicer' head. He seems pretty easygoing and laidback, uninterested in wrecking havoc. Doesn't pick fights with any of the other titans or attacks any human settlements, hell, he's even friends with the Princess. Doesn't even mind humans approaching him. Seems to be rather indifferent and content with minding his own business.
- However, He doesn't mind wrecking havoc, either, especially if he and his heads would get some benefits from this, even if it's something as petty as relieving boredom. He doesn't care how much destruction they cause, if they get something out of it, then who cares? He does, however have some standards but its mostly just "We won't get anything out of this."
- Openly cares about his loved ones, especially his brothers, even if they fight a lot and he wants to dunk their heads in lava
- Is rather laidback in how he reigns in Der and Iz. He mostly lets them do their own thing but he does pull them by the horn when they're getting too wild/stupid, mostly Der. He's usually the one that calms Iz down, especially when their parents aren't around
- Interested in becoming King of the Monsters and maybe terraforming the Earth, having no interest in destroying their only home, but is waiting for the perfect time to strike. Is also lowkey kinda scared of Godzilla but hahaha, as if he'll ever admit it
- Name is Spanish for Left
- Head that takes after Rodan more
- Curious if cautious, wants to explore but is paranoid, knows very well that in any moment, they might die because of their parentage. Thinks everything and everyone is out to get them. Is rather trigger happy because of it but luckily, he only fires really, really close warning shots
- The incident where his horn got broken made it worse, especially as his horn is growing back slower than normal. Really adamantly refuses to say how his horn got busted
- Feels safer and calmer when around family and friend. Lepittra is the only outsider he trusts. He's calm around his brothers but if they're both beheaded or if he's the only conscious head, he'd start becoming erratic and get closer to a breakdown.
- Is more cheerful and calm when not being scared. Chatty too, only shuts up when he gets scared and paranoid again. Also shown to be focused and a quick-learner when not panicking.
- The mediator between Der and Cen's arguments, as Der only encourages fights between Cen and Iz and Cen doesn't intervene immediately. . . But that is if Iz isn't arguing with them too. Then Leppitra is called in. And butts their heads together
- Distrustful towards humans. Has seen what they can do and speculated on what they are capable of but isn't stupid enough to kill. Only warning shots. Not destructive but will still participate if Cen is on board
- Kinda interested in becoming King of the Monsters? He knows it's their birthright or whatever but he's definitely scared of Godzilla. More interested in terraforming the planet, though but well, he can't if he's not king of the monsters so "Ugh, fine!"
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