#Meredith gets an ask
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magpod-confessions · 8 months ago
i can’t stand onceler elias. no he would not be showing up to work in eyeliner and heels with a ridiculously expensive bright green suit embroidered with eyes, a perpetual evil smirk, eye jewelry, and a villain goatee.
i feel like there’s a difference between putting a character in a funky outfit for the fun of it, and misinterpreting a character so badly it’s clear you don’t understand them in the slightest. like sure put him in a nice suit or eye themed outfit for fun! that’s cool! but he’s a boring middle aged man and that’s a good thing! you don’t need to be allergic to wrinkles or larger body types. he probably wouldn’t look like a thin and muscular 20 year old (with slight eyebags to convey age) who goes to his daily office job in full glam and makeup. he’s a loser academic who finds paperwork enjoyable and has spent centuries perfectly content managing an eldritch little research nonprofit. he doesn’t need to be a scrawny little fucking twink onceler oc from 2012 that i could snap like a twig. bitch looks like he’d be semi-ironically shipped with sans. i want to hit him with a car.
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bog-mummies · 6 months ago
Why did your inquisitor and Cullen try to kill each other???
long story VERY short they both worked for meredith during da2. hal (inquisitor) sided against her but while cullen stayed loyal, so they fought
hal incapacitated cullen so cullen didn't have a chance to turn against meredith at the very end (he gets his character development later). they didnt actually want to kill eachother since they have sort of a sibling dynamic but they both felt like they had no choice but to fight.
it was super tense and awkward between them after meredith's death but they eventually made up. took a few years though
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try-set-me-on-fire · 2 years ago
Optimistically working on the cover image for trapped buck and chris fic even though I probably have another 2-3k to write…. Interact with this post if you want to be tagged when I post it?
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dontbehorridhenry95 · 9 months ago
“Named Henry’s mum Meredith cuz she looks like one” actually that’s so on point and true
thank you nonny
i love pushing the name meredith onto henrys mum
it's gotten to the point where i just exclusively CALL her that
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cianmarstoo · 1 year ago
What is one Headcannon that you haven’t been able to input into your fics yet! P.s I’m obsessed with anything you write
Ahhh thank you so very much!!!!! like the fact that others are enjoying my writing means the world to me because I'm loving writing the verses!! :D
In the Not Too Much Verse -
They end up getting a child harness backpack thing for Alex- he's very much a wanderer, and after a million times of him wandering off and them losing him he eventually gets a little hurt (literally just bloody knees) after he disappears one time, they decide that it's better than him wandering off and getting hurt
Alex is an absolute daredevil, with him unable to open the stairgates (with them having technology for Littles biology) he decides to climb over the banister and slide down it to get down the stairs - he's in major time out after that
Derek decides to build the house on the property his trailer's on after watching Meredith and Alex fall in love with the place as much as he was - they go a lot for walks around the woods nearby for hikes, he also takes Alex there when he needs to calm down or run off some energy
Alex still sneaks back to Seattle when he's supposed to be in the hotel taking his boards, Derek naturally catches him and he's in so much trouble, especially as he knew it was wrong- taking his old passport which claims hes a Little rather than his newer one.
Meredith and Derek have their sticky note 'marriage' but they also file with city hall; their massive found family tell them they need a big one that they can all go to, so they decide to throw one - of course it doesn't go to plan, with a lot of their friends being called in to sort out an emergency at the hospital, terrible weather, cancelled flights for Derek's family, and all three of the kids having strep - they end up moving it to inside of their house, with the kids all in pjs instead of their wedding clothes. They say it's the only way they'd want their wedding to go
Did things I didn't wanna (was too afraid to tell ya) Verse-
Alex gets very frustrated with Derek when he's big because he doesn't understand why he seems to want to be around Derek, because its not like he needs or wants a dad... he kicks off a lot to try and get Derek to get too angry at him so Alex has a reason to hate him. It doesn't work, he gets in trouble but the understanable amount, and Alex continues to follow Derek around.
Meredith is less of a push over than Derek when it comes to Alex, she does also realise that she was basically parenting Alex since she had met him, it was just more official now.
Derek and Meredith are having their dream house built, not doing it themselves. Not long after they take Alex in they amend some of the plans to make the nursery and the bedroom for Littles to be tailored for Alex, despite not thinking that they're going to keep Alex.
They frame the note Meredith wrote saying 'we should foster alex', it goes on a gallery wall of the dream house, along with the wedding sticky note, and about a million photos of their little family.
Alex continues to try to work his sidejob a few times in order to get money to pay Jimmy off, once Jimmy threatens to both distrupt Alex's life with MerDer, and threatens to get back in touch with Helen, Aaron, and April - Meredith and Derek find out and go and deal with both whichever asshole it is, and with Jimmy. Alex thinks they're going to be very pissed off at him, but they're not, they wish he had told them, and aren't happy he snuck out and went somewhere unsafe, and he's definitely going to be attached to their sides, but they know it's Jimmy's fault.
In both verses -
Alex loved to do acrobatics as a kid, his maternal grandfather took him to do it, but once he hit a certain age his dad got into his head and called it 'girly' so Alex stopped, this was also when he last saw his grandfather as Alex's family moved not long after Alex quit
Alex is bi - big bi vibes from him, though mostly just in general, he doesn't date or experience sexual attraction being Little
Alex has ADHD which he doesn't find out about until is being fostered, he also has dyslexia which he was diagnosed with in college, he typically uses a gren clear plastic sheet to help him read/study.
Meredith went to private schools once they moved to Boston when she was a kid, when they moved back to Seattle she went to a private day school still, but acted out a llittle (it didn't gain her mother's attention)
Derek's family sold their store after his dad died, this also meant that they had quite a bit of money as it was prime Manhattan real estate - they had never had to count their pennies, but once it was sold they definitely became wealthy enough to not have any debt from 5 kids going to medical school
Alex is forever the baby of the Terrible Trio- he's both the youngest while dropped, and the youngest in birth order - Jackson November, April is April (hence her name), and Alex is June. He tries to, but will never been the baby cousin accusations.
Whenever Meredith, or Meredith and Addison, are away all three of the Terrible Trio act out, getting into more trouble with thier days because the boys are both unsettled by not having their moms, and April get dragged into it. This typically ends up with the kids clinging to their dads.
if you have anymore questions, shoot them to me here! :D
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petitgalaxy · 1 year ago
i know i’m approximately 17 years late to this but i HATE george grey’s anatomy
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this show is undeniably awful in certain ways but it does friendships so well that I simply cannot look away
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idolbound · 5 months ago
With regards to my last post, there's another example of Meredith's charisma and manipulation tactics, again, in response to a more aggressive Hawke, where she pushes the Champion to find out about the conspiracy by using Leandra's death as a point of guilt (for the 2nd time in Act 3):
We see how she makes her voice softer, and takes her position against mages while bringing in hard evidence for it, which happens to have a personal connection directly to Hawke. She knows that they are not an easily moved force, but if she can find the right 'emotional' strings to pull, then she knows she can get someone to agree to do as she's asked of them.
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ask-prankster-sunnyyy · 1 year ago
Do you miss your Frank?
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uh oh my birds getting existential again
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milesmentis · 7 months ago
DA asks for Gil!
6) attitude towards the Qun? 13) their thoughts on the Grey Warden order? 14) who are they closest to from their family?
Thank you! The Hawke brainrot lowkey has me in a vice xD
6) Already answered (and in way more depth than I expected)
13) While Anders (and Carver to a lesser extent) do their best to temper her opinion, she valorizes the hell out of the Wardens! They saved her little brother, they helped during the Qunari invasion, yes ... they are doing some shady blood magic stuff but ... like ... they saved the world FIVE TIMES ... cut them some slack okay!! She survives the Fade and goes to Weisshapt so I have my fingers crossed for at least a codex extry or passing mention of what she's been up to in the Anderfels.
14) Before everything started falling apart, it was her dad. Bethany was the stronger mage but I feel like Gil really was Malcolm's favorite and it showed. She adored her dad and as a result the Legacy DLC is really difficult for her. If I can also answer for FusionVerse, it's her twin brother Marion (of course) which is good since both of the younger siblings are inducted into the Wardens.
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ifmywishescametrue · 1 year ago
A DEREK SHEPHERD GIRLY i knew i could trust you 😌
yes!!!! i've been a derek sheperd girl since i was thirteen haha i think he was the first tv character i ever truly obsessed over. season three derek sheperd lives rent free in my mind 😌 he is The Blueprint
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rickybaby · 10 months ago
Guillaume Dezoteux (Head of Vehicle Performance): "Our target remains to keep improving our car."
I felt a little strange about what he said. It's as if Daniel was on the team to develop the car. And his car will be tested endlessly. I don't know if Yuki's side has given any feedback or made any adjustments.
Looking at the statement in whole, I think he means improve the car generally. But I think, also we have to admit that Daniel is not as yet as comfortable as Yuki is in the car. And when I say that, it’s not because he is facing the same issues as McLaren and it’s the end of the world. Daniel can drive this car but it’s not yet in that window he needs it to be for him to be supremely confident in. There are still improvements to be made and I guess until those upgrades come along that would put the car more towards what Daniel needs, Daniel and his team will keep tinkering with his set-up and it’s always going to be this kind of touch and go weekends
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persephoneggsy · 2 years ago
A sort of follow up to that, "What if Sebastian went to the Wardens instead of the Chantry?" what if...
So you think there was ever thought or discussion about Sebastian going the Templar route in his Chantry service, vs the sworn Brother route? Why or why not? What would a Templar!Sebastian's life end up looking like if it ever did happen?
So I actually had an AU for this — not Templar!Sebastian, but Seeker!Sebastian.
Apparently a Vael served as the leader of the Seekers (Alandra Vael, per the Dragon Age wiki), so instead of being sent to become a brother in the faith, Sebastian’s parents send him to the Seekers of Truth. He’s a bit older than their usual recruits, and he’s certainly more rebellious, but he shows great potential, so they accept him.
Sebastian fights against his training at first, and tries to escape multiple times. He’s always caught, however, and the senior Seekers treat his escape attempts as amusing distractions. Eventually, he has a talk with an older Seeker, Cassandra Pentaghast, who at first disliked him due to his arrogant nature and perceived selfish attitude. She offers him the chance to escape for good, but asks what he plans to do.
This causes him to realize that he has nowhere to go. His family won’t take him back, they might even send him somewhere worse. He breaks down at this revelation, causing Cassandra to feel pity for him. She tells him that the Seekers are a good and noble group, and she thinks he could do very well here, if he chooses.
He calms down and returns to the Seekers. Cassandra opts to supervise his training herself, and true to her word, once he applies himself, he does very well. Archery remains his primary skill, but with some help from Cassandra, he becomes a passable swordsman as well. He also takes his studying more seriously and turns more to his faith.
Soon, he’s able to undergo the process of becoming a proper Seeker; a full year of fasting, prayer, and seclusion. He completes this process, but when he comes out, there’s unfortunate news: two weeks after his seclusion began, his entire family was slaughtered.
Of course, Sebastian is distraught, and furious that no one told him (because they wanted him to complete the ritual uninterrupted). It’s been long enough now that his cousin Goran is seated comfortably on the throne, and due to marry Flora Harimann. The prime window of opportunity for staking his claim to the throne has passed, and his choice is made for him.
It takes him some time, but he has Cassandra and perhaps other Seekers as support, so eventually he accepts his lot in life and faithfully carries out his work as a Seeker. He’s still restless and angry and grieving, but he’s learned to hide it better.
Then, one day, he’s given a task by his superiors to investigate the suspected abuse committed by the templars at the Kirkwall Circle of Magi. As it happens, he’s been conducting his own secret investigation into his family’s deaths, and his last lead also ended in Kirkwall.
Cassandra confides in him before he sets out and tells him she recommended him for the assignment. He’ll have to do his duties as a Seeker first, but if he has free time, she doesn’t see why he can’t look into his own business while he’s there. Touched by her support, Sebastian thanks her, and sets out.
I like to think he arrives sometime before Act 3 starts, and runs into Hawke, the newly-named Champion of Kirkwall…
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ziskandra · 2 years ago
💞 🕯️ and 🎀 for the fic writer asks <3
💞what's the most important part of a story for you?
I think what's most important to me is the narrative (which to me is different to the plot, especially as I often write shorter works). Every time I write something, I tend to ask myself (in one way or another)
why am I writing this story (is it for an event? another gift? am I unable to contain my blorbo brainrot? am I trying to make sense of canon? etc.)
why am I writing this story (as opposed to the multitudes of other things I could be writing)
why am I writing this story (what part of myself am I sharing with the world? How do the emotions and events resonate with me?)
Sometimes the answer is as simple as '"friend things character X is sexy and I want to make friend happy :)" and other times, it's a bit more complicated than that 😅 🕯️ was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you? Oh gosh, I think the fic that had the biggest unexpected affect on me was the blackest night, the kid!meredith fic I wrote for @debts-to-the-dead for the neurodiversity flash last year! Ever since @venatohru and I tumbled into the depths of Meredith hell last year, we'd talked about how Meredith's sister Amelia displays a lot more... stereotypical autistic traits, for lack of a better word, and that eventually led to us discussing how Meredith herself could also quite easily be read as autistic (albeit with a different presentation). And as a sensory-seeking, socially confident autistic myself, I wanted to explore this depiction more in fiction... hence the fic! What I was not as aware of at the time was that one of the reasons Meredith really resonates with me is the survivor guilt: how do I stop something like this happening again? How can I prevent others from feeling that pain? How can I save myself from feeling this pain again? It is especially poignant to me that Amelia was Meredith's older sister, because the person I lost was also like an older sister to me, and I feel like that's a dynamic that's not explored as much when it comes to depicting grief in fiction. Often it's dealing with the loss of a younger sibling, or a much-idolised older sibling. But I feel especially with a close-fin-age older sibling, there's still that feeling of "I should have been able to do something", but it's coupled with that frankly terrifying and overwhelming realisation of "if the Actual Adults couldn't do anything, then what could I have done?" But instead of the thoughts cancelling each other out as they should, it just results in despair x 2. Because, like, what do you do when the person who you've known your entire life is no longer there any more? What if it's someone who was both a great source of love and also pain? What if your parents compared you so often you barely knew where you ended and they began? And then... they're just. Gone. my own experiences with grief were just. something I kind of tiptoed around until I started working on that fic, and as I wrote it it's like every repressed feeling I had about the situation just rushed into my brain at once and oh boy. I think if it hadn't been for an exchange, I would have just been like, "okay, not thinking about that for a few years", but because it was, and the minimum was small, I knew I could put together something that didn't poke the most tender of the feelings as hard. but yeah. writing that little fic actually made me able to put my feelings into words for myself which then enabled me to like. actually talk to my psychologist about it and get. actual help and support. ✨healing✨
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing I'll keep this short because I rambled so much above 🙈. I think my best qualities as a writer are writing engaging in-character dialogue, as well as describing powerful emotions in simple words! [fic writer asks]
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cxldtyrant · 1 year ago
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send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
@athenafire asked: 🖤
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Meredith Fables
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
          “When I believed her to be nothing more than an Earthling farmgirl, she seemed reasonably fair-looking despite her unkempt attire,” Cooler admitted, his obsidian lips thinning distastefully as he released a scoff. “Now, having seen what she truly is beneath that unassuming veneer, I feel nothing more than disgust in her presence.”
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
          “Idiotic, vexatious, and dangerous. An undesirable combination,” he seethed, drumming his fingers against the armrest of his hoverchair. “Nonetheless, I can applaud her bravado, however misplaced it is. And knowing what she truly is now…I’m quite curious to see what other secrets this little planet has hidden before I conquer it.”  
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
          “Also no. She is an unpredictable threat that needs to be dealt with.”
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
          “As I have previously stated, her human visage gave an unassuming veneer that I had foolishly overlooked. I didn’t particularly care a thing for her, deeming her a mere annoyance that could be ignored. I was wrong,” he sneered, ceasing the motions of his digits as he shifted forward, propping his elbows over his armrests and folding his hands just below his chin. His scarlet eyes narrowed. “I don’t think well of her, but perhaps she may be of some use to me. She’s a threat, certainly…but more so to this planet than anything else. Something triggered that form. If I could find out triggered her into becoming that monstrosity…she could make an effective weapon against this planet, if needed…”
          His frown curved upward into a small smirk, haughtily resting on his sharp features. “But if nothing else, sparing her did provide me with some satisfaction, getting to hold it over the head of a certain baker…”
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jazzmckay · 1 year ago
played merrill's act 3 personal quest today
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i was already "fuck you" about her the first time around but i understand merrill and the lore even more now and things always sink in better for me on round 2 so i was just. so mad at everything she said lmao i picked the option that doesn't lead to a massacre again because i already know which it is from round 1 but imho if the clan dies, that isn't remotely merrill's fault, that's marethari's fault for handling literally everything in the worst possible way ever. the clan shouldn't have even still BEEN THERE
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