#but i'm mad at other people who don't Stop
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group-dynamic · 3 days ago
The Pitt Episode 9 Spoilers Okay, processing that scene with Santos and Langdon. At first, it felt SO good, but now I'm thinking about the writing and trying to figure out: what's the plan?
I find it hard to imagine that we're NOT meant to enjoy that scene. Santos has been pretty unlikable: cruel to the other interns even when they tell her to stop, manipulating them / using them for personal gain, being a loose canon, but the writers are also pulling out all the classic stops to make us sympathize with her, like:
highlighting her history of abuse
having her give Dr. Mohan credit for her save
And I, unfortunately, do think they're trying to make us like and understand her, not just continuing to create a fleshed out unlikeable character, because the abuse backstory and self-sacrifice are classic cheap tropes used to garner audiences sympathy for a character when they were accidentally made too unlikable.
I sincerely felt that Santos saying Mohan actually saved the patient was an eye-roll worthy attempt by the writers to paint her as secretly good and selfless. I even considered that maybe they were suggesting that she was "taking the fall" in a way that an abuse victim might to protect a sibling, but honestly, it still felt . . . selfish and manipulative. She's a professional. Her lying seemed to have no purpose other than creating further discord and unnecessary drama. I don't doubt her emotion (which was conveyed spectacularly by the actor), but I couldn't sympathize with her even when Langdon was way over the top. I mean, let's be fair, he didn't give her any credit or support her like he would Mel in the question and answer portion of the scene. If he only likes the "unproblematic interns" then Robbie's right, he's not a great teacher.
But I still couldn't feel sympathy toward Santos. So I watched again to sort out my feelings and caught that she specifically said, "Dr. Mohan made the save by choosing to treat her even before her labs came back" and suddenly her phrasing sounded like a test of Langdon. And by congratulating Dr. Mohan and yelling at Santos, he confirmed exactly what Santos thought: he just hates her. He doesn't like her as a person, and he treats her differently because of it. (Earned or not, true or not, that's what she saw in that moment). Santos had just suggested that Mohan was the one who made a decision without him and without lab results, and rather than getting yelled at the way she would have, Mohan got praise for it. Santos doesn't even actually need to prove that she would have been yelled at if Langdon thought it was her idea, because he yelled at her anyway.
Also, having Langdon as her enemy is interesting, because it doesn't seem like we're supposed to dislike him. He's poignantly great to Mel in that same episode, he's usually in the right, gets the job done well, etc. so his attacks on Santos feel jarring. I don't know how complexly the writer's are thinking about this, it's possible they're just fumbling the story line, but it's deeply interesting that they made sure Dr. Robbie called Langdon out because Robbie's the voice of the show, you know? He's the teacher. We're supposed to listen to him. (But honestly, Santos has been painted so negatively by the writers that we even find ourselves as an audience getting mad at him for defending her!)
NOW! Theories:
There's no grand plan, here. They want to be sure every character has flaws and positive qualities and it was just Langdon's turn to be wrong / over-stressed / spin out and Santos's turn to be somewhat vindicated.
Santos is being set up as the "boy who cried wolf," who even the audience won't believe over the conventionally attractive white boy when it turns out she's right about (the drugs or something, take your pick.)
Santos and Langdon are being set up as parallels in an "when I was her age, I was a maverick and people died, I'm trying to course correct my younger self" way
The audience's hatred of her is intended and moments like her yelling at the intubated potential abuser is not a poor attempt to paint her in a heroic light, but actually further evidence that Langdon is right about her: she's going to kill someone before the end of the shift or seriously hurts herself.
They're trying to flesh out Santos's mental and emotional landscape by demonstrating how a history of abuse impacts how she thinks and reacts to men like Langdon. This one's hard to accept without insulting both characters, honestly, but he really got out of control insulting her when he was yelling at her, and she put herself in a situation to be yelled at. Cycle of abuse / revictimizing, something something??
I am ready to be surprised by whatever direction they're intending to take this, but if they want the audience to start liking Santos they shot themselves in the foot with her characterization early on. Langdon's yelling at her was way over the top and undeserved in that moment, and he's definitely picking on her at this point, but. . .we grew impatient toward her at the same rate that he did, so the audience is going to be on his side even in inappropriate moments like this.
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angelltheninth · 2 days ago
What's That Falling From the Sky
Pairing: Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor
Febuwhump Day 27: Post Victory Collapse
Tags: fluff, angst, injury, passing out, kissing, relationship reveal
Word count: 1.2k
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions | Event Masterlist
A/N: Supercorp not being canon is angsty enough. Their existence alone should be enough to fill a prompt.
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People weren't scared when Supergirl fought and beat a supervillain. They were scared when she collapsed and crashed into the road below afterwards. Lena wasn't just scared, she was terrified and worried sick. So much so that she stormed right out of her meeting and stormed into the DEO.
No one there was panicking nearly as much as she was. Which was a good sign she supposed, if Kara was in any real danger she would have heard Alex yelling already. But she wasn't, she was sitting next to Kara, who looked fine, safe for some minor bruises and scratches that were already in the healing stages.
"You can't keep overdoing it Kara, one of these days a punch like that could send you into a coma." Kara didn't seem too worried about it, in fact she started laughing it off but stopped as soon as she spotted Lena standing at the door.
"Oh, Lena! You're here!" She was smiling. Like the whole City, if not more, hadn't just seen her crash from the sky. Like she wasn't injured and there was never any danger to begin with.
Pissed off Lena marched into the room, confusing Kara, Alex and the staff. But what confused them more was the kiss that followed. She would have thrown herself at Kara were she not worried about hurting her, so she settled for a passionate embrace instead. Kara gasped in surprise, allowing Lena to deepen the kiss. It wasn't like Kara didn't have the lung capacity.
But she did have shame, a whole lot of it.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again, is that clear, Kara?!" Lena still held onto her, her shoulder, her cape, while she blinked away tears of frustration.
Kara was more scared of Lena's fury than any other enemy, and of hurting her. "Scare you? It was just a little fight, Lena. You've seen me do it before." Slapping her would probably break Lena's hand but maybe it was worth it when her girlfriend seemed to have so little regard for her own safety. "Besides I'm fine. Look!" Kara struck a pose and flexed, then another, and another. "Good as new, babe!"
"Babe?" Kara paused mid flex and looked at her sister, who looked angry and horrified. "And since when exactly have you two had this kind of a relationship? And why wasn't I informed?"
The staff already made their quiet exit, sensing it was probably best to pretend that they didn't see or hear anything.
"Well... you know... we were gonna tell you, Alex. Tell everyone. Eventually." Kara looked like a puppy that got caught doing something bad. "Eventually for sure."
"Right. I was eventually gonna be told that my little sister was dating the CEO of L-Corp. Instead I had to witness a make out session. Yuck. Don't ever do that in front of me again because I don't want to think about my baby sister doing that with anyone." She would rather go into the Phantom Zone.
But that was just the idea that Lena needed. She needed to talk to Kara alone and unlike Kara she didn't have the shame needed to prevent her from doing anything scandalous. She hugged Kara again. "I was so worried about you. I couldn't help myself. Kara." Kara blushed when Lena's lips brushed against her cheek.
"You... keep it in your pants!" Alex stood up abruptly and narrowed her eyes at the couple. "We will talk about keeping secrets later. And you, Luthor, I'll talk to you about seducing my sister." She pointed her finger at Lena and didn't stop until the door closed.
"You made my sister mad. It was nice dating you, Lena." Kara sighed but she leaned in, to kiss Lena anyways. However Lena moved away, leaving Kara looking confused mid-kiss.
"Do you have any self-preservation instincts at all? In your entire body is there one cell decided to it. Or in that big brain of yours is there ever a thought that tells you that you should keep yourself alive for your own sake?!" Lena's voice rose with every question, her hands gripping at Kara harder.
"Yes? I have to come back to you and everyone else don't I?" Kara hugged her. "So you never have to worry about-"
"But I do worry! I worry every time, can't you see that?!" Lena knew she wasn't doing anything by smacking her fists against Kara's front but she couldn't help herself. "Every time you fight even if you come back completely fine, I will still worry about you. I'm your girlfriend and your best friend, Kara. Worrying about you is part of the description."
"Lena, I'm sorry. I don't want you to worry. Ever. But I guess it's kind of inevitable huh, with me being a superhero and all." She lightly cupped Lena's face and looked deep into her eyes. She really wanted to make her feel better. But how? She couldn't stop doing what she was doing, the world, the universe, the multiverse, needed her.
Lena worried about her, but Kara had to worry about the well-being of everyone else. It wasn't something she could just quit.
"Next time... I call in for back-up. I know Alex is always telling me I shouldn't rush in alone. But that's about all I can do. Everyone's counting on me to be strong for them. And you... I know there were times where you were strong for me too. I see it, feel it. When you hold me, kiss me, when you insist on taking me to all those fancy places to treat me, when you praise me, when you offer to help me. I see it Lena. Thank you, for being strong for me." Lena chewed on her bottom lip, not as used to praise as Kara was.
But Kara always gave it so liberally. Her love, it wasn't something Lena had to prove herself worthy of. She just had it. "I'm scared of losing you. We've been friends for years, Kara. Dating for over a year now, and the amount of love you've given me is more than I ever hoped for. I don't want to lose you."
"And you won't. I would escape the Phantom Zone to get home to you. I love you too much to die." She was the Woman of Steel who was too in love to die.
"One of these days you need to stop thinking like that. I don't want you to go to the Phantom Zone, ever. I'd much rather you stay with me the whole time." She hugged Kara close, just the sound of her heartbeat was enough to give Kara strength. "By the way, I'm sorry about revealing our relationship, I know it wasn't how we planned it."
"It certainly didn't involve kissing in front of my sister." Alex will either scold her for keeping secrets, or tease her about finally getting with Lena.
Lena hummed, her hands massaging Kara's shoulders. "Well, she's not here now."
"That... is true." Kara already liked where this was going even before Lena unbuttoned her shirt. "Are you trying to motivate me to come back in good condition? Cause um... this is a good way to do it, Lena."
"Good to know. A way to get you to do what I want. Love, food and boobs." She teased before kissing her again, the cameras in the DEO be damned. After all she had more than enough money to bribe every single person working here into forgetting everything they saw.
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vellichorom · 9 months ago
You absolutely don't deserve it with the mischaracterization. :(
All the ocs you make are so wonderful and full of personality. I'm so sorry they get reduced down to single traits or made fun of.
I personally love checking in with your blog seeing your ocs.
They may not be my absolutely favorite ocs of all time. But I can still tell the thought you put into them!!
Keep drawing them if they make you happy!
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huuu hweeb..... thank youou........ that genuinely means a lot to hear,
i feel very bashful referring to thierry AS an OC ( although let's face it, he's Pretty Much my OC by this point or very easily could be ) but GOD. it's like...
as i began to rise in popularity, i noticed a very Significant escalation in my narrator being used as the butt of numerous jokes; painted as this slobbish pig, horrible person nobody can stand to be around be it for attitude or " smell " & just get treated TERRIBLY. numerous asks getting sent to me asking if he bathes or describing him as someone who doesn't, numerous other jokes painting him as this homely bum or incompetent-
fucking sad-ist themselves referring to thierry as homeless-lookinh at least twice to my face,
getting kicked around by people & characters in roleplay alike & just! so disrespected & reduced to jokes, mischaracterized to hell & back & having this be assumed as his canon. it's genuinely upsetting.
& it's like, yeah- this is the fandom that sees the narrator as ONLY a twink sexyman, i GUESS anything else that breaches the norm wouldn't be nearly as respected, but my god !!!!!! i seriously wonder if some people think i created thierry's design as a joke, to LOOK homely or unrespectable, to BE the punching bag for everyone else.
when in reality, i'm just sharing my perspective, made with love & dedication, with other people & it's getting shit on for reasons i'm not even sure about, & it makes ME feel terrible as a creator & feel bad about my interpretation. THANKFULLY, this isn't everyone & this perspective IS very well loved & i do appreciate that from everyone who's ever made that known - INCLUDING YOU ANON, it means SO much more than i can say & especially in these harder periods.
but it seems like now thierry's gotten this reputation AS a joke, AS lesser than the character he's supposed to be, so stuck to him as a character that it's hard for ME, the creator, to chase? even if it's been awhile since anyone's directly made a " huehue stinky " joke at me.
& it sounds so STUPID being mad about that when i type this out, but the reality is that people are taking unfunny stupid jokes & using that to characterize MY character rendition & impression of him & to see that is EXTREMELY DISCOURAGING.
this isn't even the first i've had to address the disrespect i face, this is just the first i've made it public on tumblr. i've had to say how much i hate this treatment at LEAST 3 times in private discord servers & continue to scream over people when they insist upon it otherwise. it's REALLY made me unhappy to be apart of this fandom in the latter half of my being here,
but. i'm not going to let that get me down forever, i know i won't.
just, you know? if there's anything to take from this? be nice about people's characters & make your jokes ( if so the creator allows ) but don't act like that's all the character is reduced to, & listen when a creator tells you stuff about them & don't reduce them down to whatever trait you think is funniest for the meme ???? just be respectful ?????
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luvtonique · 3 days ago
I didn't delete any replies. If someone blocks the OP their reply disappears as well.
Very nice try though.
Yes, I am fatphobic. I'm also 400lbs myself and have horrible health issues and eating disorders and have been desperately trying to improve my health while people on this website keep telling me and other people that the only problem with me is that I don't "love myself" and that I shouldn't be "blinded by conventional beauty to the point of thinking I need to lose weight."
Yes, I am fatphobic and everyone should be. It is unhealthy and you're a complete dumbshit if you disagree. You can be mad, you can call me names, but at the end of the day, I'm still right and you're still a pervert with an obesity fetish.
Look up "1000lb Sisters" and the story of the sister who kept gaining weight because her husband was a feeder who was getting off to her gaining weight and ruining her bodily health and risking death, and then come back to me and tell me I'm a worse person than that because I think fat fuckers need to stop fetishizing themselves and put the goddamn fork down.
Sorry, should I have just ignored you and deleted your comment like you think I do? I ain't a pussy, bitch. Come at me.
Also while we're here, maybe you should actually read the comments.
I'm agreeing with both of them.
Remember in the 90s when feminists were like "Hey, telling girls they're only attractive if they're skinny is harmful to their psyches"
Hey, so, can the feminists hear me out on a new movement of mine?
It's called "Can we stop fetishizing and normalizing morbid obesity in women because that is significantly more harmful to women both physically and mentally, and when I say significantly more I mean literally millions of times worse. This is literally leading to women having eating disorders, health problems, self image issues, and to make matters significantly worse they're feeding their daughters donuts for breakfast to push their obsession with fat-positivity onto their children, which originates in free-sex and fetish culture in the first place. And if you try to tell me Freddie Mercury wasn't a free-sex fetish culture icon I'll tell you you're a dumb motherfucker."
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hallaburger · 10 months ago
i'm actually really upset at the watcher "fandom"
y'all seem like a lot of fair-weather fans to a group of guys who have consistently put out shows that you love, you've gone to their live shows, you've bought their merch, you've followed them over the years as they've grown and built their own brand
and then when they come out to say "hey, we're proud to announce the next big step for us as creators, producers, talent, and directors," you fucking scream and rail and throw a fit because they are launching a paid service that allows them MUCH more creative control and freedom while also supporting their staff in a more sustainable way???
that's sick and pathological, and i wonder how many of y'all were blogging in support of the wga/sag-aftra strike, because if you were and you're pitching a fit now? check yourself. not fucking cute to say you support those folks and then bitch and moan when your so-called favorite creators take the initiative to support themselves in a way that they feel more confident in.
"but we liked the old content that looked like it was made in a basement and the blue and yellow text and--" okay, did you ever think that maybe?? MAYBE???? the guys wanted to do something better??? if you really supported them, you'd be in support of their creative ambitions, too.
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hanzajesthanza · 6 months ago
also i realize i'm saying all these noble and beautiful things about the channel from the purest depths of my heart. but actually i'm also just doing this because i fucking love the witcher books and it pisses me off that people don't know about them that much in english and i can only go for so long (seven years) with people not knowing that there are books. or that the witcher is from the 90s. or polish.
#'whatt i didnt know the witcher was polish. wait where is poland' funky music stops.#like statements that just crush your soul?? my god netflix did a number on the witcher's perception#'so is it based on the video game? the book? there is a book?'#'waaait the second season wasn't accurate to the books? wdym...?'#>knowing the witcher >knowing henry cavill >not knowing who andrzej sapkowski is#when the literal writing is like inseparable from polish and that's why the translation is so hard#when the literal story is like chock full of allegories and references to real life polish history#and it only exists because of a very interesting time in contemporary polish history#like i'm not mad at the PEOPLE who don't know about the witcher i'm mad about how it's been TREATED#with witcher 3's fame at least people who knew the game generally knew a little more maybe#with netflix it's like no one knew anything about the actual witcher and it was really really sad#i do blame the artistic direction but i also blame the marketing and the writing and everything to do with everything#because how are they supposed to know if no one told them. if witcher here has been so separated from what it actually is and is about#like why not just leave witcher alone and get into any other fantasy. there is so much other fantasy out there. witcher is just one of them#yes and that is the plan in 10 years time but#it's not just about reading for personal enjoyment but for what witcher deserves in the english language space now#the witcher series is about suffering but idk if its characters or IT ITSELF has suffered more#zoltan chivay voice 'there IS something like reciprocity after all'#witcher helped me so now i want to help it. i will not abandon you in your time of need !#maybe people know more about the witcher than i think and i've just been incredibly unlucky in my experiences but#people thinking there is only netflix and the third game maybe would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking sad#IV
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silusvesuius · 8 months ago
traditional pencil art is the only form of art that won't have you ripping your hair out trying to make colors interesting in any way. how pure is that
#text#pencils...so pure and innocent....like..like t*****#i'm at the point with my art where i don't need any outside input or editing to get the colors where i want them to be usually -#- but sometimes it still makes me so mad bcos the color pilled tryhard vibe is ingrained into my subconscious#the only way to get “Good” at colors is to be a tryhard and try really hard#being good with colors is literally a nonexistent cloutchaser concept tho .. i lol'd#i say 'i think' a LOT but i rly think that by good colors people usually mean attention grabbing#but isn't that the point ...? (< my good twin talking to me from the mirror)#no...#like wat colors will make random people go 'wow' most which isn't even alldat esoteric-thinking#i'm always artsy elite pilling#i also want to put all people that pair their OCs with t*ldryn sero or just really want him in a battle Royale#and the person that wins gets euthanized#not related#idk... annyway... putting art online ...(chewing) (chewing)that means i'm pondering#there's a lot of love put into my art done with pencils than there is in my digital work#which is flaunty#hmph#all i need in this world to survive is to talk about art in a broad sense as a person that only draws sk*rim twink on ossan action -#- and to talk about the psychology of that twink and ossan. and those 4 who are in civil warfare#other people from that winterland wonder .. idk#Vapid!#the only thing stopping me from entering the 'Twitter artist' mindspace is not adding any recycled filters and overstimulating editing on -#- my spawn#sorry i'm mad cause i sensed the Twitter artist mindspace in me like it was a demon last night while drawing
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thedickcavettshow · 3 months ago
I might write up a mini bio on Peggy Caserta because I'm still pissed at how all the articles covering her death have used very incorrect and downright offensive misinformation on her. It seems like when it comes to anything involving Janis Joplin, people would rather tell an "interesting" story than a truthful one, which results in people like Peggy being treated incredibly disrespectfully even in the reporting of her death.
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match-your-steps · 4 months ago
just read a review of the lego movie from 2014 and it is genuinely a horrible piece of literature and through perusing the comments underneath the review, I have gained an intense dislike of the reviewer. it's not even that I liked the lego movie and he didn't it's just that a lot of the stuff he says is factually incorrect, really stupid-sounding, or he doesn't provide any real reason, and in the comments, he reacts to even the friendliest and politest constructive criticism as if it's a personal attack on him.
#listen I DON'T CARE THAT YOU DIDN'T LIKE THE MOVIE#I mean I'm slightly saddened because I did like it#but he straight-up says it's fully actual physical stop-motion animation at the beginning (factually incorrect)#then later says you won't appreciate the movie unless you like lego a lot and know all about it#specifically saying 'if you can tell the Lego Wild West town from its pirate ship from its spaceman set' (direct quote)#like um idk bro... are you saying you can't???#also this does insinuate that there is one specific set for each of these#which is also factually incorrect but I'm not really mad about that#and then in the comments he kept trying to defend himself by saying stuff about how the movie has a 90%ish rating on rotten tomatoes#and therefore 10% of people didn't like the movie#which is actually. an insane oversimplification of statistics. that's like saying if there are 10 children with an average of 4.5 apples#per child and each child can have a maximum of 5 apples#then 9 of the children must have 5 apples and the other 1 must have none#the 90% in fact includes a large number of people who rated it at 3.5-4.5 stars which is means a lot of them really actually did like it#and just didn't think it was the best movie ever ever in existence or maybe they just had some small qualm with it#the final straw was that someone left a very nice very kindly written piece of constructive criticism asking if maybe the reviewer would#consider saying what about the humor he didn't like (or what kind of humor it was) next time so that the viewer would know whether they#would like it or not as well and I read this and thought 'surely he will respond courteously to at least this one' and he said.#basically 'it's not that the kind of humor didn't suit my tastes. it just wasn't funny'#WHAT THE FREAK#WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT#ALL THIS GOING ON AND ON ABOUT WRITING A NEGATIVE REVIEW BECAUSE IT'S YOUR ACTUAL OPINION AND NOT BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO BE CONTRARY#BUT I THINK YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT AN OPINION IS??????#it's MY opinion that it was funny#it's YOUR opinion that it wasn't#you don't get to arbitrarily say that the only reason you disliked the humor was because it was 'bad'#even ethics aren't this black and white#there was another thread where a commenter pointed out that the reviewer seemed to assume there was such a thing as a universal definition#of a good movie and he repeatedly refused to explain himself. like in an 'are you stupid. this isn't worth my time' way#but I won't get into that
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my-thirteenth-reason · 8 months ago
kicking my feet and giggling (<- just got apologised to)
#guys i have worth??? im actually a human being deserving of basic respect and SHOULD be apologised to if i am not given that??? holy shit#ok but like i actually was pretty mad and i just wasn't going to talk to them when the weekend ended but to think they'd actually apologise#guys i am a friend worth apologising to omg this is so nice#(<- was fuming over how i was a “friend” not even worthy of her basic decency and respect an hour ago)#LIKE IM STILL MAD#okay i actually cant vaguepost to save my life but basically this girl whos a friend i recently got close to and formed a friendgroup with#shes really fucking whiny and ive been tolerating it for so long but on friday she was extremely whiny and rude whenever i just asked a#simple question#and it's really draining and humiliating to be spoken to like poop on the sidewalk in front of other people#but anyway other than that i was really upset because during pe i wanted to show her my hip injury cuz i thought it was funny#(it wasn't diagnosed yet i just felt my joints moving weirdly)#and like that involves her putting her hand on my hip#so i asked her to do that then she started whining about how she doesn't want to touch me and that i'm weird for asking ppl to touch me#then she started telling like the 3 other ppl around us i was weird and wanted ppl to touch me#then this other cool girl overheard and looked at us funny i guess cuz then the friend said 'haha now [cool girls name] is also laughing'#i was so fucking embarrassed and humiliated i still want to tear up thinking about it#like are you actually my friend wtf i don't even need enemies w a friend like you#i wanted to cry so bad then#ugh i hate it#like you couldve just said no thanks bro what is ur problem#this just made me realise how much i hate how she talks to me sometimes#and i know i need to stop surrounding myself with negative vibes in order to feel happy#but its still so frustrating#we were doing so well the other day and google meeting everyday#then this happened and then she got mad and started ignoring me on the way home#bro idk i hate ts i should just stop making friends#rant
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marinerainbow · 1 year ago
//I imagine when Kitty first gets mad at the weasels after they lied to her (they tried to garner symapthy by saying Judge Doom burned off their tails with Dip when in reality they were just never drawn with them) she just kind if shuns them temporarily. Before if they laughed or made some comments at her she'd have yelled or quipped back but now she just won't say anything.
And that makes them uncomfortable.
Smarty: Ohhh I see how it is. The silent treatment. You puts us in the dog-house because we told a little 'amalgamation' about ourselves. Ya don't gotta get so angry, doll.
Kitty: I'm not angry...I'm just disappointed.
Smarty: Ehhh...
Oooooohhhhh Smartass and the boys are gonna learn the hard way that disappointment is sooo much worse than anger. How will they fix this with Kitty?
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seventeendeer · 2 years ago
I am this () close to making a sonic the hedgehog sideblog to quarantine my insane rambling in a place where people might actually be looking for it
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bixiaoshi · 2 years ago
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#thinking abt my dad as often as i do pisses me off bcs i've tried to convince myself for years that i dont care abt him and he's irrelevant#to me but i just. i think of him so often. he's so present in my life without being and it makes me mad. it makes me furious#i can't do shit without thinking my dad used to take me here i can't go places i went w him without thinking i was here w my dad once i ate#this food w him once and i hate thinking of him on his birthday bcs out of the 8 years i stopped seeing him he has msged me like 3 times in#all my birthdays and i feel bad bcs i take those fucking msges as oh maybe he is trying to reconnect w me but is he really? can i take a#maximum of 3 msges a year as trying hard to reconnect with me? even tho he has been told time and time again speaking to him doesn't do me#any good?#last time i saw him was 6 years ago. is he rlly trying?#ever since i stopped going to his house i've seen him. 3 times. in 8 years. 3 times. and is he rlly trying?#and i hate craving love from him bcs i know will never get it. i will never get him to be a father to me bcs he's simply not able to be a#good father to me. other ppl yeah. he's present in other people's lives but not mine. he was a good person to everyone but me#and yet even tho i am aware of everything he put me through is not smth dads who love their kids do i still wish for him to be my father#is he even aware i'm supposed to graduate this year#i don't miss him. i don't. but i still wish he was the dad he once was#and i think what makes me sadder is the fact that he was a good dad once he was a present father once but smth happened along the way and#he chose another person above me and decided i just wasn't worth the effort of being a good parent#jo.txt
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buildarocketboys · 2 years ago
Basically, overuse of machine translation is a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself. If my company stopped using machine translation for everything today, would that stop translators being underpaid or force companies to only ever produce good translations? Absolutely not. We would still be paid the same, and probably still be expected to produce the same amount of work at the same rate, but this time without a useful tool to make our work go faster. And if we couldn't keep up to those rates or the quality took a dip because of it (and it would, if only because having to work even faster would introduce more errors), then companies would simply go somewhere else where prices were lower or where they still use machine translation or, worst case scenario, actually not bother using a translator at all and just use machine translation which is what people in that post are scaremongering about in the first place!! As with literally every other industry, capitalism is the problem, but that doesn't get solved by attacking one aspect that, while it can have disadvantages and be used to devalue translators' work, is also an incredibly useful tool when used correctly.
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pomeraniandancer · 11 months ago
The only thing I'd add to this is that I don't think cats are the largest invasive species in the world...that dubious prize goes to the humans.
I've been seeing a lot of Discourse around outdoor cats that talks past one of the biggest problems addressing community cats/outdoor working cats so I thought I'd chime in with my two cents.
Many arguments I see just... don't think about the cats at all? Or don't consider the logistics of actually addressing the feral cat problem in a humane way. It's always about how outdoor cats shouldn't be outdoors, which is neither realistic nor helpful.
I used to volunteer at an municipal animal shelter in the USA that had a TNR program (Trap, Neuter, Return) and also adopted out community cats to local farms and businesses. Here's my side of the story.
"Your cat doesn't need to be outside" -- Yes, correct. Your domesticated (non-feral) house cat does not need to go outside at all. They can have a fully actualized life safely indoors. When I see this argument, proponents of indoor only cats are correct in most or all their arguments regarding this.
"Outdoor cats are the largest invasive species in the world, and decimate bird populations." -- This is also correct, and part of the reason why you can help by bringing your house cat indoors. Cats are the largest invasive species. Spay and Neuter your cats, bring them inside, and socialize them so they don't become feral.
"TNR doesn't work." -- False. Whether we like it or not, feral cats exist. We have two methods by which we can address the feral cat population -- decimating them (humanely euthanizing the whole colony) or TNR. For a long time, euthanasia was the preferred way to address the feral cat problem. Afterall, if the cats aren't there, doesn't that save the local wildlife population?
Except that we found, studying these colonies, that when a colony is wiped out, the cats of another colony will spread into their territory and continue to have kittens and the population of feral cats is neither controlled nor diminished.
Hence, TNR. What we found performing TNR on cat colonies was that this controlled the population of the colonies, allowing them to stay in their territory, which kept other colonies from spreading (especially colonies we hadn't performed TNR on yet). We at the shelter felt this was the most humane way to control the feral cat population and safely deflate their existence without dealing with the population blooms that euthanasia caused.
"What about kittens?" -- Kittens from these colonies were brought into the shelter, socialized, and fostered out until they could be adopted. Some of these semi-feral kittens needed special homes to be adopted into, but this was the best quality of life for these cats.
"What about cats that get missed during TNR?" -- We would return to the colony several times over a period of several years to perform TNR on the same colony. We mark cats that have been neutered by clipping their ear (this is done humanely, but is the most reliable way to tell if a cat has been neutered so the poor thing doesn't have to have surgery 3-4 times in their life). Also, during the TNR process the cats would be vaccinated to ensure disease did not spread from the colony (i.e. rabies). Still, even getting 60% of the colony TNR'd would dramatically reduce the number of kittens being added to the colony each year. This controlled the population by allowing the territory to naturally deflate in size over time, buying us time to address the larger feral cat problem.
"What if the colony was in an unsafe location?" -- There were two ways we addressed unsafe colony locations -- remember, we know that when the colony is removed, a new colony will move into its place, so we tried not to move the colony unless we really felt the cats or the public was unsafe -- one was to move the whole colony to a new location. Preferably someplace like a warehouse where we have an agreement with the owners of the warehouse. Some of the cats were even relocated to shelter grounds as our community cats. If the colony was small enough we would bring them into our Feral Cats room and adopt them out as community cats.
"What is a community cat?" -- The way the program worked, was that anyone who needed a working cat could apply to the program. These were often rural farmers or businesses with warehouses that needed rodent protection. We trained the farmers and businesses on how to acclimatize the cats to their new home, and as part of the agreement, they had to care for the cats (veterinary care, vaccinations, food and water). This gave businesses and farms an alternative to expensive and environmentally unfriendly rodent control, and also gave these feral cats good places to live out their natural lives.
"Can't you just adopt out feral cats?" -- No. Cats that have not been socialized around humans as kittens, or who have several generations of feral cat in them could not interact with humans in a way that did not cause them undue stress. This was not a humane way to handle feral cats. However, when a cat was brought into the feral cat room, they would be monitored for up to a week. If the cat displayed signs of being semi-social or fully social (hanging out outside of their den, allowing staff to pet them, showing interest in staff in the room), then we would either move the cat into the adoption room or place them in foster to be socialized before adoption. Feral cats who displayed signs of being able to live full and healthy lives with human companions were NOT adopted out as community cats. We also observed this behavior during TNRs and would do the same for those cats too.
"But aren't cats bad hunters?" -- Compared to other species, cats are not the most effective form of rodent control. This is true. However, you have to understand that feral cats exist. There is no "undo" button we can push to stop them from existing. We have to deal with the problem we have right now, which is to safely and humanely decrease the number of feral cats in our communities. And yes, we do that by using cats as rodent control in the community.
"What can I do?" -- Stop saying community cats shouldn't exist. That's not helpful and doesn't solve the problem we have. Bring your cat indoors. Spay and neuter your cats. Adopt from shelters. Volunteer with a TNR team. Support TNR efforts in your community. Recognize that those of us actively dealing with the community/feral problem are trying to do what is in the best interest of our communities and the animals we love. We aren't sitting over here saying these cats should exist -- a feral cat will not have the same quality of life as one that is indoors with a family -- but we have to address the problem in practical terms. We don't have the moral high ground to just do nothing while pontificating solutions that have no basis in actuality.
And yes, it's okay to celebrate community cats. If your local farm has a couple of working cats, that means that farm is helping participate in the safe deflation of the feral cat population. Don't shame a farm or business for using community cats. We're all doing the best we can to solve the problem that we have.
#also babes...some people are from poor countries with no infrastructure to support people let alone animals#i'm from one of them#i always maintain that there's no excuse not to provide rabies shots and basic medicine if you're keeping a pet at all#but when i say poor i mean country-level poverty. even i'm lucky to be able to afford all the vaccines and meds#i had to raise money to afford the neutering#i'm utterly mad for my animals and do my best for them but even i can't keep them inside all the time#bc our tropical homes are designed for ventilation and open courtyards#building cat patios and mesh screens takes time‚ money and permission from landlords#i keep trying to tell y'all that poverty in the global south means lack of access and infrastructure at the base socioeconomic level#a lot of these standards for pet protection is very global north oriented and ideal conditions that are out of reach for most#that doesn't excuse people who could fulfill all of them and choose not to bc other people don't#but expecting everyone to explain and justify the living conditions of their pets esp from short videos is oppressive as hell#bc it supposes that global north people are the default and we're just exceptions#in countries like mine with huge uncontrolled cat and dog populations‚ any that have the care of humans at all are lucky#so just...i get most of us have good intentions and invested in their health and safety but you gotta consider the people first#and stop making sweeping statements like 'if you can't afford these standards of care you shouldn't have a pet'#a lot of poor and disabled people are doing their best with what they have#stop assuming that everyone has the same level of access and someone else responsible to entrust their animals to#give people the benefit of the doubt sometimes and mind your own business#the living conditions of animals rise when the living conditions of people do#anna sewell who wrote black beauty 150 years ago understood this and the connection between animal cruelty and human rights#speaking as someone who will and has nearly killed herself to care for animals:#animals are not more important than people#that is a fundamental truth#cattos#animal rights#pets#pet owners#environmentalism#ecology
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paradesgoby · 3 days ago
I know I've talked about this on here before but I can't find where so I'm just going to talk about this again cause it still kind of peeves me. so. Apologies for repeating myself
dnp fans making baseless assumptions that jack and dean aren't friends and actually Hate Each other because of something vague dan and Phil said in a preshow will never not get under my skin. yes I know it wasn't Actually that many people but seeing someone who clearly hasn't kept up with them at all (which!! is fine I don't blame them!!) see something like that and respond with "guys.. wait why do I think this is about jack and dean..." and others agree with them. like. idk man maybe cause all you remember of them is doubles and laundry day.
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