#but i want dean and sam to be fucked up for eternity
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sorry but the only reason destiel even works is because wincest did it first and also better
i've been thinking a LOT about this and want to get it all out so here it is. if dean was truly in love with cas, he would not have hesitated to tell him so when he literally knew cas was about to DIE. we don't see that. we see shock, grief, disbelief (an angel loves me!), we see him trying desperately to process his best friend is leaving him but nowhere does dean say, or imply, with his eyes, or words, that he's in love with cas. of course he loves cas - cas is family - and cas is not exactly his brother, (closest is brother-in-arms), despite his insistence in an earlier episode - but he's not in the kind of soul-crushing love that cas is with him. he's not in love with cas, and can't be, because he's already in love with sam.
when dean dies, he gets as close as he possibly can to confessing to sam he's in love with him without actually crossing the line. he would never to that to sam - he would never do to sam what cas did to him - because he would NEVER do anything to make sam lose his agency (sidebar: not that cas doesn't respect dean. but his love confession is almost wish fulfillment - i'm going to confess to dean i love him and go out in a blaze of glory and then leave without dean ever even having to reciprocate because i know he doesn't love me back. and he's absolutely right).
dean has already had years and years of not having his own agency from john his whole fucking life! john did whatever he wanted to dean and dean took it because like hell was he going to subject sam to that bullshit. which brings us to sam and dean's childhood - not much is known of their early years before sam went to stanford and that's fully on purpose. we can almost see dean as not only a brother figure to sam but also a father figure. john leaving for weeks maybe even months at a time - how the hell did dean and sam manage to survive? by dean doing whatever he had to do. emphasis on whatever.
you see, john absolutely knows that dean is beautiful. whether you read their relationship as purely abusive or abusive with a sexual component - dean definitely did questionable things to get food on the table for sam, an aspect that's more in fanon that canon but reads true to the heart of the show. sam doesn't know because dean wanted a normal childhood for him. and dean would rather die and go to hell for 800 years than force sam to make a choice, make any choice, of a romantic and/or sexual nature related to him.
back to dean's death. this is again the closest thing to a love confession that dean can make - my baby brother - take out the word brother and it would be not only romantic but stunningly true - he raised sam, this child who grew up to be a man, this child who loves him - waiting outside sam's dorm for hours - can you picture him pacing in the snow, waiting for the one thing he wants but can't have??? why does that sound familiar? oh, right, because that's what cas said but in dean and sam's case it would be actually true. how cruel and unbelievably insane it is to find your soulmate in your brother, the one person you have that you love unconditionally, not just because they are your family but because you are in love with them, and you can never have them as long as you live.
re: american gothic and soulmatism. very different from crimson peak where thomas fully realizes the unhealthiness of the codependent incestuous relationship with his sister and wants to be free and happy with edith. but sam and dean don't want to be free. in their minds, they already are free as long as they have each other and only each other. not getting in all the other romantic relationships that the brothers have with other people bc it would take too long, but they already fulfill that need for each other and don't need anyone else...like i'm sorry i love my sister but i want to get married one day to someone else. if you read their relationship as purely platonic, it doesn't work at ALL.
the kripke early seasons fully leaned into the gothic horror aspect of it all and incest is definitely a part of that...dean and sam literally cannot live without each other. they can't do it! sam dies in dean's arms and dean can't even wait five fucking minutes without making a deal with a demon lmao. he can't eat. he can't sleep. their love is a perpetual resurrection; they keep killing each other and bringing each other back to life. because they don't know how to stop. they are a singular mangled fucked up entity. i read a fic once where the author described sam as hating his own body because it was separate from dean's and dean's whole presence was a phantom pain. and yeah. just yeah. they can't live without each other because they ARE each other.
seasons 1-3 to me are spn at its soul. that's it. cas only works as a side character, if he's a brother (like, purely platonically) to both sam and dean or just unrequited romantic love for dean. the trope of an angel falling in love with a faithless man who can't pray only works if dean hasn't been in love with sam the whole time.
#wincest#anti destiel#supernatural#dean/sam#deansam#samdean#supernatural meta#spn#spn meta#meta#*#i actually don't hate destiel but come on....everything about destiel can be applied to wincest. everything!#“i'd rather have you cursed or not” - like are you kidding me? who is more cursed than sam#the vessel of lucifer?!?!?!#also destiel is too sweet for me. there i said it. cas makes dean better and a little less codependent with sam#but i want dean and sam to be fucked up for eternity#buried alive together.#arms reaching out for each other. do you get me#this also works SO well if you keep in mind cas was insanely rude to sam when they first met#because he fucking KNEW that sam was in love with dean#and dean felt the same way
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I don’t think people fully understand the sheer gravity of Destiel.
Like, this isn’t just a story about an angel falling in love with a human or another fanon ship that was created just because two dudes were standing too close.
This is an angel, a being forged by God, programmed to follow orders, incapable of free will, the literal embodiment of divine obedience!!! choosing to rebel. For one man. For Dean Winchester.
Think about it. Castiel wasn’t made to feel. He wasn’t made to question. He was made to serve, to follow heaven’s will without hesitation and then he meets Dean. He saves him from hell and in that moment, that exact fucking moment, his entire purpose shifts. Dean didn’t just change his mind cause we are not talking about another mortal being. He changed his entire fucking existence.
And here’s the kicker of it all. God, the all-knowing, all-powerful storyteller, couldn’t stop it. God, who controlled the narrative, who created Castiel and set the rules of the universe, couldn’t stop him from falling. Cas didn’t just disobey orders!!!!!!! He shattered the divine design. He looked at Heaven, at the eternity he was promised and said, "No. I choose him." Insane.
Do you understand how fucking huge that is? This isn’t a simple love story. This is cosmic rebellion and the writers couldn’t even grasp the insanity of what they created for a CW show.
It’s tragic and overwhelming because Cas didn’t fall in love with Dean for any selfish reasons. He didn’t want anything back. He didn’t expect Dean to love him, didn’t need his affection or validation. He never got to touch him or kiss him or get the "I love you too" that all of us wanted to hear. He just wanted to be near him. To help him. To save him, over and over, to make sure that Dean knew that he had someone who was looking after him.
And the cost? It was everything and people just brush over that.
Cas gave up Heaven. He gave up grace. He gave up the safety of eternity and purpose to stay in Dean’s proximity. Not because he was destined to, not because God told him to but because he *chose* to. That’s what makes it so tragic. It wasn’t written. It wasn’t meant to happen. Castiel broke the rules of his existence for someone who didn’t even realise the depth of it until it was too late.
Then THAT moment. When Cas says, "You changed me, Dean." It just hits different, doesn’t it??? Cause it’s not just a love confession. it’s a revelation. He confirms it right there that it was Dean's humanity that did it. Not some grand cosmic force, not some divine intervention. Dean himself, in all his flawed, beautiful, self-sacrificial mess, changed everything.
Dean, who always put others before himself, who had to raise himself, who gave everything to Sam and kept nothing for him. Dean, who was destined to always be second, to always sacrifice his own needs for someone else. Dean, whose car that he loved so much, his only constant, even that belonged to his father. Dean, whose clothes were probably second-hand, whose childhood was spent taking care of his little brother. Dean, whose purpose was always for the world, for the greater good and never for himself.
For the first time, Dean had something that was his. Something that wasn’t meant for anyone but him. Cas was HIS. Not for God, not for his father, not for Sam or the world.
This isn’t just a story about love!!! It’s *the* story about love. It’s messy and painful and romantic in the most devastating way cause Cas didn’t just rebel against heaven, people!!! He rewrote the entire concept of free will, of devotion, of sacrifice!!!!
He loved Dean with everything he was and that love was strong enough to defy God himself.
It’s the greatest, most tragic, most insane fictional story of our lifetime. Nothing will ever come close.
#I could talk about them for hours#I probably do#but i can't get over how they accidentally created the most beautiful love tale.#destiel#deancas#dean winchester#castiel#supernatural#spn
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any plans for another wincest fic since say something is ending soon (maybe?) love love your sam + dean and ur poly dynamics are a god send i love luis jess sam and all his uni friends so much i love love love his powers <333 ur fic is like a self indulgent fic written just for me thank you <3333
thank you!!
mmmm the thing is in spite of obviously liking wincest i did mostly get into it just because the fic is that damn good, it was very much build it and they will come. my first inclination tends to be platonic brothers who are freaks about each other. see something say something was initially not wincest but once their freak dynamic was happening right alongside jess i was like. it's actually so much weirder and uncomfortable if they don't want to fuck actually. so why not, fine, let's see where this goes
(i actually think dean would have come off as way more of a threat to their relationship if he wasn't in love with sam because then he'd never have a reason to try and curb his jealousy and possessiveness, just like in canon. ironically it actually gives him some practice at self control and not feeling entitled to every piece of sam, something that he otherwise has no reason to put the breaks on)
the problem with platonic sam and dean is that fic writers tend to just make them really close brothers and i'm like no, you don't understand. the freakness is inherit. sex if anything makes them more normal. (as goshen said in one of my favorite fics of theirs [Acid] Sam said, "You know I wish you just wanted to fuck me? That would be easy, they've got words for that kind of messed up.")
like when i wrote dumb luck or good ghost it was so important that they were not even a little bit normal even though it's completely platonic. and it's set before john's death, when they're arguably the most normal and healthy about each other in the whole canon.
what was so fun about writing that fic for me was that it's from dean's pov and we get to see him trying to deal with sam's death and falling the fuck apart, even with his dad still alive, in ways that are just unhinged. and we get these pinprick moments of awareness from dean that what he's doing and feeling is insane (asking john for a picture, wanting to lie on top of sam's grave, digging him up) but most of the time he's moving like he's being normal about this but we, the audience, read between the lines and go jesus christ you're holding on by a thread. by contrast it makes the moments when he actually thinks he's going insane (seeing sam) seem almost grounded in comparison.
and sam's gone and it's all dean pov so we the audience go okay deans' a freak about sam, that doesn't mean sam is a freak back. sure, signs point to him giving up his life for his brother, but some brothers would do that, it's not that crazy. and then you find out mr. i just want to be normal and safe actually agreed to go off to hell and be trained with the demon that killed their mother and gave up his humanity for literally eternity! all to make sure his brother didn't die
and you're like oooooohhh. yeah no they're both fucked
that's the part i love. and it works for me whether there's wincest or not, it's just that wincest writers tend to land there as a matter of course
that said i still have the s1 sam getting sent to the endverse fic outlined and again that was initially conceived as platonic but also the dynamic of oblivious s1 sam and tortured in love broken endverse dean?? delicious. so who knows
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I've had a revelation
I have a plot idea and I'm gonna attempt (key word attempt) to write it out. I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN FAN FICTION but the fan fics just ain't hitting right no more so it it goes. Please let me know if it's decent
Plot: you get zapped into supernatural the same way Dean and Sam got zapped into Scooby do. (You also have a massive crush on Castiel)
You arrive home after a long day working as a nurse, you hated that job. People always treated you like you were worthless whether that was doctors, patients or other nurses. You were planning on quitting your job for weeks now but you couldn't seem to find the courage.
You stepped into your grungy one bedroom apartment and kicked your shoes off. The apartment wasn't great but it was your home. You sighed and couldn't wait to just lay in bed and turn on your favorite show. Not bothering to take off your scrubs you plopped down on your bed and turned on the TV.
As you clicked play you noticed a weird purple light in the background of the TV. "No fucking way"
You immediately stood up and stepped close, tilting your head with a confused and almost curious expression. You reached your hand out touching the light before everything went black for a moment.
You opened your eyes after what felt like an eternity and looked around assessing your surroundings. 'what the hell is going on' you thought to yourself. You were smack dab in the middle of the forest late at night. You were never one for nature and to be here at night freaked you out even more.
Standing up you dusted off your scrubs and looked around before three men came running in your direction...with guns pointed at you?
"who the hell are you?!" The shorter one yelled out with a tone that was anything but friendly. It took you a moment but you recognized all three of them. You stood frozen before your jaw dropped to the floor.
"no..fucking way" you spoke, stunned at what was currently your state of life right now. Of course you loved supernatural but to be in the show, hell that was terrifying.
"answer the damn question!" Dean barked causing Castiel to put a hand on his shoulder and Sam to turn to him.
"Dean I'm pretty sure she's just..human" Sam spoke
"a human doesn't just appear out if thin air Sam!" Dean snapped.
"No no he's right, I am human, test me! Splash me with holy water and cut me with silver if you have to but you guys have to listen to me" you spoke frantically, you didn't want to end up dead here, well maybe it would've been better than back home, at least here you knew what happened afterwards.
"how do you know-?" Castiel started and was almost immediately cut off by Dean
"because she's a monster that's how!"
"Dean, let's just test her" Sam spoke as he dug into the duffle bag he had around his shoulder. He pulled out a flask and a silver knife and walked over to you. He splashed a bit of holy water over your face.
"Jesus, a bit dramatic are we?" You wiped the water off of your face and held your arm out as Sam slid the knife across.
"see? I'm human!, but I need you three to listen to me" you spoke trying to get to your point before the real monsters showed up.
"we're listening" Castiel spoke, you always loved Cas, his gruffy voice made something in your stomach drop. Hearing him in person wow you could barely stop the heat from rising to your face. Sure Misha Collins was hot but Castiel? Castiel who thought he was real? You were almost fangirling in your own head.
"this is going to sound insane" you started off, mentally preparing yourself. "Remember that time all three of you were zapped into Scooby Doo because of some haunted TV? I'm pretty sure that just happened to me..oh and yeah you guys are a show, sorta like how you guys are also books"
Dean stood there debating on whether or not to believe you. Meanwhile Castiel was trying to find some sort of sign of lying and Sam's jaw was practically on the floor.
"and how exactly did you know that happened?" Sam spoke first.
"your lives, your story, everything that's ever happened to you guys is in a TV show called supernatural" you stood there awkwardly and tried to find anything that would prove it. You dug around in your pockets before pulling out an air freshener with Sam's face on a strawberry.
"see? Merch!"
"is that..?" Sam spoke
"dude you're a freaking fruit" Dean laughed
"oh no I have one of you too Dean" you pulled out another one with Dean on a banana
"guys were getting distracted" Castiel butted in.
"right" you spoke, "I need help getting home"
Authors note
PLEASE LMK IF I DID GOOD AND ILL CONTINUE THE STORY eventually it'll lead to Castiel x reader stuff if that's what you guys want. I literally came up with this plot last night before I fell asleep and I haven't been able to find good fanfiction in a MINUTE so it's up to me now. Let me know if it's worth continuing
#castiel fanfiction#supernatural#castiel x reader#dean winchester#spn#spn fanfic#castiel#sam winchester#spn x you#spn x reader#dean x reader
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Are You Here?
Summary: Reader is a shifter, Dean is in love, Rowena is here to save the day.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Cursing (It's me. So of course), Self-deprecation, Shifting Realities, Threatening Gun Violence (kinda? I think you'll get it when you get there), no use of y/n. if i missed anything please let me know.
A/N: This one should cross off "Star Crossed Lovers" for my @jacklesversebingo card! I'm going to be turning this one into a three ? part series. I know I know I've promised series for a while, but this time I'm serious. lmao If you'd like to be tagged just let me know!
Word Count: 1.6k
Dont copy my work, i worked really hard on it and i might cry if you do. You don't want me to cry do you? Comment, reblog, and like if you want! All mistakes are mine, if you notice any errors...my bad.
She had been lying in bed for hours, those fucking TikTok videos repeating over and over behind the lids of her eyes. ‘Keep a journal’ one had said. ‘If you just keep trying it’s bound to happen!’ another had enthusiastically exclaimed. ‘Try this position, that position, only think of your DR!’ came another. And still nothing. The frustrated sigh that left her was heavy as she rose from the bed to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. All she wanted was to escape this world and all its problems, to hit the road with Sam and Dean in another reality. A dark chuckle escaped her lips at the thought. Yeah right, you should’ve known better than to believe in all that crap. Nothing will get you out of this boring life.
She leaned against the counter as she filled a small glass and took a long swig before laughing again, “So fucking silly. Why would I even think that would work?” She mumbled to herself, shaking her head slowly, “Multiverse? What a joke…” She carefully placed the glass down into the sink, deciding to head back to bed for the night. She placed an episode at low volume and dozed off to the sound of Sam and Dean’s adventures.
The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. The two brothers had been sitting with their heads buried in books for what felt like an eternity as they tried, and failed, to wake the sleeping woman across the room. Page after page of unanswered questions had only fueled the fire raging in Deans mind.
“She’s been like this for days! Why won’t she wake up?” Dean’s gruff voice echoed around the library as he stared in frustration at the love of his life, “It’s never taken this long before.”
Sam glanced up from the large book in front of him, peering over at his older brother. Dean’s shoulders were slumped, the bags under his eyes somehow darker as exhaustion set in, and yet he never left her side. Sam sighs as he placed his head in his hands, frustration radiating off him. Before he can respond to the rhetorical question from his older sibling, the door at the top of the stairs slammed open, metal clanging against the wall. The cold metal of his pistol touched his palm as he rose from his seat, hand firmly wrapped around the weapon on his side. He glanced again over at Dean who had already raised his own gun, pointing it in the direction of the stairs when a pile of books carried by a bundle of bouncing red curls came struggling into the room.
“If you don’t mind!” Rowena’s annoyed voice came muffled from behind the lore and Sam jumped forward to grab the books before they fell. The red-headed woman wiped her hands along the sides of her long dress as she glared up at the two Winchesters, “Buffoons.”
Dean slotted his pistol back in his jacket and sent a narrow look down at the witch while nodding in the direction of Sam who was placing the books down on the table, “What’s all this?”
“Help.” She stated confidently before strutting across the room to peer down at the unconscious woman laying across the infirmary cot, “How long has she been like this?”
“A couple days.” Dean mumbled, stepping closely behind the witch, “Why do you care?”
His poor attitude didn’t go unnoticed. Jaw ticking, Rowena glanced back up at him, hands clasped firmly at her waist, “Well, while I don’t particularly enjoy your presence…” She sends him a pointed look before softening her gaze on the woman below them, “She has wormed her way into my heart. And I would hate to be stuck in this world where she doesn’t exist and you’re a mopey, brooding mess again.”
“Gee, thanks for that.” Dean replied, sarcasm dripping from his tone. He slipped down into the chair beside the cot, his hand clasping hers unconsciously as the hardness in his tone slips away, “Have you found anything that could help? I know she does this a lot…you know sleeps or whatever this is, but I’ve always been able to wake her.”
The sigh that left Rowena’s lips brought Dean no comfort, his head hanging a bit as he waited for her reply. None came, however, instead Sam piped in from his place still at the table, “What do you mean ‘stuck in this world where she doesn’t exist’?”
“I was hoping one of you would catch that.” Rowena began, a smile obvious in her tone, “I should’ve known it would be the one with the big brain.”
“Watch it.” Dean starts, “I read.”
“Of course you do, Dear Boy. Anywho,” Rowena spun on her heel and grabbed a small book from the top of the stack, “I assume you both recall that Chuck was destroying worlds before his tragic demise at the Nephilim’s hands?”
“Kinda hard to forget.” Sam’s sarcastic response cut in, the grimace on his face only spurring Rowena on.
“Well, there are many, many universes out there, boys.” She continued, flipping through the book as she spoke, “Many universes with many people who no longer wish to be in their universes.”
“Yeah, and what does that have to do with her?” Dean piped in, nodding at the body beside him.
“Well, Dearie, it seems that the love of your life is from one of those universes.” Rowena’s brash response hit Dean like a train. From another universe? No way, she knows so much about this one, so much about this life. It could be possible, it could be…but she would’ve said something by now, wouldn’t she? She would’ve told me. His rampant thoughts ran wild as he tried to process what Rowena was telling them.
“From somewhere else? Like from one of the universes Chuck was trying to destroy?” Dean’s head snapped in Sam’s direction, his younger brother jumping into action where Dean could not.
“Oh, I’m sure Chuck would’ve destroyed it eventually. But no. I believe our sweet girl is trying to escape the life she lived there. I believe she’s looking for something…more.” Rowena responded with a curt nod and a smile down at the woman, “I can’t know her reasoning for certain without asking, but I’ve had suspicions for quite some time that we had a Shifter on our hands.”
“She’s not a shifter, Rowena. I did all the tests on her when we found her. She didn’t have any reaction to silver except cussing me out after I sliced her palm.” Dean replied with a small grin, the memory causing a slight chuckle to escape him.
“Not your kind of shifter, Dean.” Rowena placed a hand on his shoulder as she peered down at him. The hunters green eyes meet hers in confusion as she finally answers the unspoken question between them, “A Reality Shifter.”
“Reality?” Dean whispers, “Like she came here on purpose?”
“Yes. But She doesn’t seem to know that she isn’t truly from here; Honestly, I can’t say that she knows she’s shifting at all.” Rowena answered, “I’m unsure how she did it, but I’ve been keeping my eyes on her for a while and I don’t think she’s realized that this isn’t where she belongs.”
Dean jerked his shoulder from her grasp, standing to his feet, “She belongs here. With us. With me.”
Rowena dropped her hand back to her side, sending a scowl at Dean’s reaction, “Of course, Dearie. I do think she belongs with you, soulmates and all the disgusting things that come with it; I just mean that this isn’t her true reality.”
Sam’s chair scraped against the floor as he moved to stand beside his brother, realizing what Rowena was trying to tell them before Dean, “Are you trying to say that they’re meant to be, but they can never be? Like star-crossed lovers?”
Sam could practically hear Dean’s eyes roll, “This isn’t some Romeo and Juliet crap. This is my life, our life.”
“Exactly.” Sam mumbled, sending Dean a grimace, “When has either one of us ever been lucky enough to be as happy as the two of you’ve been?”
“I do mean star-crossed lovers, Dean.” Rowena interjected, “You can’t honestly believe that Chuck would allow you to find your soulmate before he died without some kind of catch?”
Dean felt the air leave his lungs, that thought hadn’t even crossed his mind, but it should’ve. Why wouldn’t Chuck try to ruin his life again from The Great Beyond? He could never have anything good in his life. Never be happy, never truly love and be loved. He was meant for death and destruction, and that Apple Pie life would always and forever be just out of reach. No, He shakes the negative thoughts from his mind, finally deciding to come to his senses as he stares down at the beautiful woman sleeping peacefully next to him, I’m waking her up. I’m getting her back and then I’m gonna throttle her for ever doing this shit in the first place.
“Well, how do we wake her up?” He growled out, “Can we wake her up?”
“I believe we can. But it’s going to take a while, and she’s going to need to be told everything when she comes to.” Rowena answered, pilfering through the titles she brought with her, “It’s going to be time consuming, but I brought everything I could think of to help.”
“And I’m sure we’ll owe you after this?” Sam grunted in response.
A sweet smile crossed Rowena’s face, and she peered back at the body laying across the cot, “I owe her, consider this me repaying my debt.”
“Then let’s figure this shit out.” Dean sternly replied as he dropped a hand to the top of her head, leaning down to whisper in her ear before placing a sweet kiss to her head, “I’m gonna fix this and when I get you back, you’re never doing this shit again.”
Taglist: @lmhf1 @whimsyfinny @enigmalynne @k-slla @envysarchive
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#jacklesversebingo24#supernatural#dean winchester#dean winchester x reader#jensen fucking ackles#spnfandom#jensen ackles#dean winchester x you#sam winchester#spn fanfic#sam and dean#jackles
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This Sam who accidentally gets turned into a werewolf (I imagine demon!Dean getting payback on Sam for when he got him turned into a vamp in season 6. Except lycanthropy is irreversible.) This Sam who tries to keep himself together and act human when all he wants to do is roll around in your bed after a hunt and absolutely smother you so you smell like *him*. Werewolf!Sam who's canines are just a little sharper than normal and he forgets about it sometimes so when he bites during sex he breaks blood and gets all whimpery in apology and licks it clean but doesn't stop pounding into you because honestly, you smell fucking great. Werewolf!Sam who tries out different cultural foods at first that include animal hearts but after a few tries gives up because he finds it tastes better raw. Werewolf!Sam who honestly feels dirty. He's never been clean. Infected with demon blood since he was 6 months and now he's a werewolf- doomed for purgatory. Werewolf!Sam who one night confesses to you after a hard full moon. He's woozy, all tired from scratching the flooring of the dungeon in the bunker. He confesses that he wishes he was just normal for you. To which you deny his claims- because yes, he's not entirely normal. But that's fine. He insists it's not. Because one day when the sun sets for the last time for you two, you'll be up in the sky while he'll be in purgatory with all the other dogs. You who comfort him and then ask him something that toes the line between being selfless and selfish. You ask him to turn you. Because you'd rather spend eternity in purgatory with him and the leviathans you'd put away than sip pina coladas in heaven all while knowing he was suffering. That you'd never see eachother again. Sam, who gets mad at you for even asking him such a thing. Who practically growls at you to not even think of that because he doesn't want to damn you to the same fate as him. And you, selfish yet selfless you who gets him to bite you when it's the full moon. You almost regret it. But you'd rather fight Chuck himself than be apart from him.
his canines :,) absolutely crying his canines would be so pretty.. i really like him licking up the little scratches he gives you :,)
super obsessed with this... thinking about madison here too... him feeling sooo guilty for being alive but having had to kill her OOO BROTHER just give him everything in the world to be guilty about won't we T_T IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT BABYGIRL I SWEARRR
NO BUT I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THE PURGATORY THING UNTIL YOU BROUGHT IT UP... I'M DYING SCREAMING CRYING THIS IS NOT OKAYYYY WAHHHHH and yeah sam would be like never never never i would never do that :/// and to have him bite you when he's out of control during a full moon... oh man that's so fucked UPPP I CAN'TTT like ugh yes you'll be in purgatory together forever, you'll fight off everything you can together, you'll survive together just like always. but he'll be so hurt and upset :(( because honestly it feels like another violation of his autonomy. i mean he's so relieved to have you with him. but he thinks he deserves to go through this alone and he feels horrid that you're now stuck with him here forever :,) crying
but agh i love werewolf sam hehehe muah <33 and i love you!!!
#. >> asks !#. >> mooties !#. >> beatlewishes !#. >> sammy !#sam winchester blurb#sam winchester x reader#he's so beautiful
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ageswap!au, continuation of these two things.
"i used to daydream about dying," dean blurts.
as soon as he fucking says it, he wants to swallow the words back down. his only excuse is that he is absolutely smashed, sam actually letting him drink tonight, in light of it all.
sure, dean's nineteen, and sam is always super uptight about his "normal" milestones, but considering dean's eternal soul is about to be dragged into hell in five months, sam's been letting him have some allowances.
it's a quiet night, pulled over in a mid-size town a few hours outside of davenport. their motel is right next to the highway, and dean can hear the swish of cars and the rumble of motors as they speed past their despondent tableau.
dean's big brother doesn't even look at him for a long moment, both hands tight around his beer bottle on his bed, shoes and jacket still on like a nutcase.
dean thinks it's because he's going out tonight, but he doesn't know where sam even has to go. maybe that's why he said it. another weak, selfish grab for attention. trying to get sam to stay. he takes another swig of his beer. it tastes like a granary's armpit.
dean is slumped against the motel table, the bottle opener and the graveyard of bent bottle caps litter the formica surface.
sam's tilted away from him, and dean can't tear his eyes away from him, even has dean's shoulders relax. yeah. he must not have heard him.
"what?" sam says, and dean's stomach seizes, almost a full six pack of cheap ass beer about to make a reappearance. dean's heard his big brother sound like that maybe four times in his entire life, and he'd be happy to never hear it again. the last memory he has of it, he was crawling back to consciousness while their dad lay dead on the floor.
"nothin'," dean babbles, taking another swig, and almost forgetting to swallow before he talks again. "i just...y'know. i just meant."
sam turns to look at him, movements slow. his eyes are sunken, cheeks hollow, and he has aged decades in the time since they popped the first tin cap off of these bottles. dean wants to leave. he needs to get the fuck out of here. but sam's implacable eyes pin him to the bed, and dean swallows thickly.
"y'know. i mean. you and dad used to fight. and fight and fight and fight. it never ended." dean closes his mouth so he doesn't emit a nauseous belch directly in sam's direction. "the only thing you'd ever get along over was me. sometimes."
sam doesn't react. his eyes are as hollow and blank as they have been since they pulled over to sleep a few hours ago.
"y'know." dean chuckles awkwardly, forced. "in--in my head, you'd always. i don't know. i'd save your asses on a hunt or s'mthing. you'd both uh. shake your fists at the sky and rue the day and agree to get along and be a. i don't know. a team."
dean tries to grin viciously, for effect, but it feels rubbery on his cheeks.
"avenge me good and bloody, y'know?" sam still doesn't react, so dean continues, "and of course i'd be like 'i told you so.' in my halo or whatever."
sam's eyes slide right past dean, over his shoulder, like dean isn't even there. dean's starting to feel defensive, starting to feel annoyed. sam hasn't let him out of his sight, but dean can feel him already pulling away. sam has to have dean within arms' distance, but can't look at him for longer than a few minutes at a time.
maybe it'd be easier that way. can't be too torn up about your baby brother in hell if you try to forget you even have one. or if you barely care he exists.
"it'd keep me busy while y'all were going at it." bitter. too bitter. dean takes another large swallow of his drink. too large. he chokes on it a little bit and coughs, taking another swallow. "anyway. it's ironic. my death won't even bring y'all together anymore. 'swhy i mentioned it."
sam's eyes slide back to his face, dazed, but his blank expression doesn't so much as twitch.
dean doesn't say that these fantasties often had sam pulling dean's tragically limp body into his arms and wailing, peppering dean's hairline with kisses like he hadn't done since dean was young enough to be picked up. he'd haul dean into his lap and curse at the sky, big wet tears hitting dean's cheeks. maybe he'd try to give dean CPR. maybe it would be raining. regardless, it'd be very cinematic.
maybe dean would jump between dad and a werewolf claw, or shove sam out of the way of a drowner's grasping hand. his favourite, though, was blowing up a building with a bunch of ghost artifacts. it'd be over quick, he'd save both of them, and he'd kill a bunch of sons-of-bitches with him. it'd be very die hard. or independence day. very cool, is what dean's saying.
in that particular scenario, sam didn't get to wail over his body, but hey. nothing's perfect.
sam jerks to life, suddenly, but it's just to put his beer on the nightstand woodenly. he turns, rising. his knees creak and crack. he's twenty-three, too young for his bones to sound like that. dean realizes, as he stands, that sam hadn't even taken his wallet or keys out of his pockets. he just sat down in his heavy coat, three layers of shirts, jeans, boots, and all.
dean's palms break out in a cold sweat as sam approaches him, hands limp at his sides. dean's hand spasms around the warm beer bottle, mouth opening but unsure what to say.
sam's close enough to smell now, warm sweat and leather and outside air and that unique something that makes dean's brain light up like a switchboard.
dean's ready to say it, he has the two words on his tongue sitting pretty like a gift: i'm sorry, and is trying to get his throat moving. dean looks up at his big brother, feeling five years old again, as sam's bangs shadow his eyes and make the hulking outline of him blot out the light of the lamp completely.
sam doesn't look at dean when he falls to his knees, the sharp thuds of his knees slamming into thin, worn motel carpet over the concrete foundation making dean jolt in reflex pain.
dean's heart shoots up into his throat, but his brain doesn't even have time to process the image of sam on his knees, or the implications that have haunted dean since he first saw his first pair of work boots sticking the wrong way out underneath a truck stop bathroom door stall.
because sam leans forward, into dean's open knees, and wraps his arms around dean's middle. sam's so big, and dean is so not, that he touches his own armpits. he buries his head deep in dean's stomach, so deep that he can probably feel dean's heartbeat thudding against his temple.
sam's been doing everything he can to pack pounds on dean since they reunited, and succeeded on moving dean up a weight class, but dean is still more wiry than bulky. dean can feel it now when sam's entire hand spans his waist. dean was reckless with his money when dad wasn't around, and lived for about a month on nothing but gas station slim jims and energy drinks. it was only in the few months before dad's disappearance that they found a way to keep doing their credit card scams after the nationwide crackdown on fraud. dean had been eating three hamburgers a day when he finally showed his face through sam's window, but sam still got onto him about eating "actual food."
and clearly, the time with dean has been doing some good to sam, too.
dean's thighs are awkwardly spread around his big brother's bulk, a few inches underneath his arms. he can feel the shift of sam's growing muscles underneath the thin, sensitive skin of his inner thighs. dean's arms are raised high like he's wading through waist-deep water, and afraid to get his arms wet. he can't see sam's face, only feel his slow, shuddering breaths against the sliver of his bare stomach that sam bared when he slid his arms around dean.
he awkwardly puts the bottle on the table, so dazed that he puts it on top of one of the bottle caps and the bottle tips over, right off of the table, and spraying its last few mouthfuls over the carpet. the bottle rolls, and rolls, and hits the metal leg of sam's bed.
dean puts a hand on sam's hair, confused.
and sam begins to cry.
his chest heaves, once, and dean hears the high, wheezing whine of his lungs as they squeeze around a wail. sam's face is so warm, nose so hot that it takes a second for dean to distinguish between the wet, hot gasps of his breath and the feeling of dripping tears, soaking into dean's shirt.
dean blinks down at his big brother, in his arms, in his lap. dean's frozen. something roiling and sickly and nauseating makes his stomach twist, as sam tries to burrow his way into dean's abdominal cavity.
sam used to let him play with his hair for hours when he was younger, dean twisting the strands between his pointer finger and thumb. sam asked a girl at school to teach him how to braid hair, and he came home and showed dean one night. dean pshaw-ed and called it girly shit, but would braid little plaits into sam's shaggy hair before unravelling it, for hours. from when dean was seven to thirteen, he'd often wake up with strings of sam's hair in his fist, half-braided. dean can only think of that, now, as sam shakes apart in his lap, and dean's fingers twist through limp, greasy hair.
it's pathetic to hear and see sam sob, in the truest, purest definition of the word. it's pathetic in the way a sick, mewling puppy is, in the way a child lost in a park is, in the way a lone person sitting in a graveyard is.
sam has always been bigger than life--dean's perfect, brilliant, beautiful, strong, brave big brother. sam taught him how to tie his shoes and how to throw a punch and how to love a world that has taken so much.
and sam sits at his feet and wails. it feels like something dean should've never been allowed to see. it feels like finding out swayze and grey hated each other the entire time. it feels like stripping the beloved exterior of an animatronic off and seeing all of the inhumane, mechanical pieces that make it up. like finding out batman is just some scared guy in a mask.
dean bends over sam's body, making a cave out of his torso for sam's head, and wrapping his arms around the top of his back. sam grapples for him desperately, one of his arms coming up to go around dean's back and hold him there, so they're pressed together like two 'c's.
"it's okay, sammy." dean says, brokenly.
his body hurts. his mouth tastes like shit. he's exhausted, and he's sweaty, and his head is spinning from too much terrible beer, too fast. dean's in the middle of nowhere, iowa, and the room smells like old cigarettes and lonely sex. and dean's an orphan, at nineteen. and the only other person in the whole world that cares if he lives or dies is in his lap, sobbing like the world is ending.
his eyes burn, and before he knows it, dean is crying, too. he tries to keep his breath even, letting burning, acidic tears roll out of the corners of his eyes, and onto his crossed arms.
sam's hands shake against dean's sides, his fists balling until he's holding handfuls of dean's shirt, that's actually sam's. dean stole it out of his duffle earlier, instead of taking a shower.
dean moves so one of his hands is completely flat on sam's back, and feels the bones that make his brother up, the calcium and marrow and collagen. feels how his bones grind together and separate as he gasps dean in, the smell of sam's shirt on dean's skin.
dean quickly wipes a tear before it can fall onto sam's shirt. he doesn't want sam to know that he's crying. he doesn't want sam to know that he's scared shitless. he doesn't want sam to know that he's barely holding it together. he never thought he'd last long, but dying a few months after his twentieth birthday makes him shake and quail and feel ice-cold adrenaline down to his toes.
sam doesn't need to know that. sam might get angry again. sam had already been through the anger stage, and dean can't die if his big brother is angry at him. he just can't. and dean also doesn't want sam blaming himself, which he will if dean falls apart now.
dee, dee, dee, sam mutters into his stomach, more teeth than human speech. it sounds like a death groan, the last breaths of a battlefield body. dean had snapped at him a year ago for saying it, when sam had tried to wrap an arm around him in his apartment complex's parking lot, his girlfriend upstairs. don't call me that. dee is a chubby twelve-year-old, he spat.
it chokes another few tears out of him, and he aches to be a little boy again, the one that sam would run out of first grade to swoop up in his arms and swing around. he tries to picture himself at age six, wants to shake him by the shoulders and tell him to take more time, because he only has fourteen years left.
dean wipes the tears away again, harsher this time, and it makes his eyes burn. the pain sharpens his gaze a little, and sam, head still buried in dean's stomach, lets loose a lung-rending wail. his arms tighten, and he holds dean impossibly closer, their bones grinding together uncomfortably.
dean inhales sharply, trying to chase his snot away. he swallows thickly, and clears his throat.
tears are over.
he'll have time to be scared later. for a long time, dean can be as scared as he wants. sam has been brave for dean for nineteen years. dean can be brave for sam for five more months.
he pets down sam's back, his sides, sliding soothing fingers into his hair, like sam used to do when he had a fever.
"it's okay, sammy," dean murmurs, as sam trembles apart underneath his palms. dean's voice doesn't shake. not even a little. "it's going to be okay."
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How spn s16 should start:
…heat of the moment ♪
Sam’s eyes flew open. He glanced around in confusion.
♫ Telling me what my heart meant ♪
It’s his old room in the bunker. How? What? Last he remembered he was an old man on his deathbed. Dying. Wait. He did die.
♪ The heat of the moment showed in your eyes ♫
Is this heaven? No. He flailed his arm wildly at the clock radio trying to silence that infernal song. No, Asia would be the last thing playing in Sam’s personal heaven.
The music just wouldn’t stop, even after several attempts of hasty button mashing in the dark.
♫ 'Cause it's the heat of the moment The heat of the moment The heat of the moment ♪
Giving up on the alarm clock, Sam scrambled out of bed to click on a light—and caught his reflection in the mirror.
♪ The heat of the moment showed in your eyes ♫
He’s young again. Not a single grey hair in sight. Oh god, his family, his wife! Wait, what was her name again? Did he marry Eileen? The memories of an entire life were fading so quickly now. He was left with only a blurry face when he tried to picture the woman he married.
♫ And when your looks have gone and you're alone ♪
Okay this is freaky. Who is doing this? What is going on?
♪ How many nights you sit beside the phone? ♫
That raises a good question, Sam thought. Where even is my phone? It wasn’t on the bedside charger, or anywhere on his person. The one thing that could clear up many of his uncertainties such as what year it is was mysteriously nowhere to be found.
♫ What were the things you wanted for yourself? ♪
That’s enough, Sam thought, unplugging the clock radio entirely and returning silence to the room.
It was quiet enough that he could hear footsteps outside.
"Planning on sleeping all day, Sammy?"
"Dean." You’re alive. I haven’t seen you in years. I lived a whole life without you in it.
"You alright, Sammy?" Dean asked carefully, as he took in the disheveled look of the room that Sam had practically torn apart trying to locate his phone. That and Sam was looking at Dean like he could cry. "Rough night?"
"Fine. Everything’s fine." Sam said stiffly. "How are you?"
"Awesome," Dean replied, stretching in his hotdog jammies and dead-guy robe. "Or I would be if someone would quit hogging all of the hot water." He gestured down the hallway. "Anyway, coffee and breakfast awaits."
"Wait, what?" Sam said, quickly tossing on a hoodie and following Dean down the hallway.
"…says he likes the way the water molecules feel, but we all know that the only reason anyone takes that long is…" Dean punctuated his sentence with a rude gesture with his fist and a waggle of his eyebrows.
"Dude," Sam frowned, but then had a sudden realization. "Cas is in the shower?"
This was all happening so fast. Sam couldn’t even begin to process that not only was he suddenly young again, Dean didn’t die years ago on a rusty nail, and Castiel was alive and well and thoroughly enjoying the bunker’s facilities.
"Hello Dean," Castiel greeted warmly, appearing in the hallway still dripping wet from his shower wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. "Apologies, I forgot to bring a change of clothes into the bathroom."
Sam watched as his brother fought to keep his eyes on Castiel’s face, but kept flicking over his expansive bare chest to his wide shoulders and back around to his lips. Huh.
"No problem, sunshine," Dean said, quickly averting his eyes. "Just get your ass to the kitchen table before your omelet gets cold."
"Yes, Dean." Castiel replied, eyeing Dean like he was the only breakfast menu item he was interested in devouring today.
If I’m dead, there’s no way this is my personal heaven because I would not want to be reliving my brother and his best friend eye-fucking each other every damn day for the rest of eternity.
#destiel#supernatural#spn season 16#fanfic#spn fanfiction#supernatural fic#ficlet#pov sam winchester#dean winchester x castiel#my fanfiction#spn#it was all a dream and cas was just in the shower???
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Idea for a post-canon Destiel set up. It's long so bear with me but I'm never gonna write this but if someone else wants to or takes some inspiration from this-- feel free to do so. Castiel is saved from the Empty. One day, maybe a month after trying to get him back-- Jack just plops him into the Bunker. One little hiccup tho: Cas is human. Temporarily at least. Jack couldn't get Cas out of the Empty as is bc the entity had its hooks in him deep. And Jack thought the simplest thing to do was to cut Cas' grace out of him. You can't keep Castiel if he's a human. Jack plans to replace Cas' grace once he has a better grasp of his God Powers. Promises Cas will be extra-charged up eventually but for now, he'll have to remain human for the time being and has to chill with Sam and Dean in the bunker. And Dean's cool with that. He's been wanting Cas back for ages since the black goo swallowed him up. Only there's one problem that's screaming in Dean's head. He doesn't love Cas back.
Look, Dean cares about Cas so much. Cas is one of the most important people in the world to Dean and he wasn't gonna be able to live without Cas and function normally. That being said, that's just normal friendship stuff right? Or at least for their friendship it's normal to know that, had Cas been stuck in the Empty for eternity, Dean would have killed himself and eventually found a way to dismantle his soul. Because the thought of existence, even in death, without Cas in unbearable. BUT THAT'S NORMAL FOR FRIENDS TO FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT JUST FRIENDS! So Dean doesn't love Cas back and he's trying to be cool about it. Trying too hard to be casual about it. But it's fine enough. He cooks Cas food, they watch t.v, get updates on Jack about re-making Cas' grace, and Dean even makes Cas laugh and smile sometimes. So yeah, maybe Dean doesn't love Cas back but this might be enough. Right?
There's a hunt. Dean's hesitant on Cas going as a human but Cas says he was a soldier for a millennia, he'll be more than capable of handling his own in a fight. People are going missing and then being found weeks later, their bodies showing signs that before they died they were in deep distress. It's a monster Sam finds out tortures the victims mentally because it feeds off emotions. This one seems to feed off their victims feeling despair. Utter fucking despair. Great, Dean thinks. This will go fucking great. Cas gets caught so of course Dean goes after him. He's always gonna go after Cas. It's a shit show. They're tied up together and the monster can read human Cas' mind, no longer able to protect all his wants and desires with the shield that was his angel grace. The monster starts doing the cliche bad guy monologue and talks about it's seeing into Cas' mind and sees how badly he wants Dean.
Dean rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I already know pal. You're not gonna win this." Because it can't. It won't. Cas already confessed his unrequited love to Dean and yeah, it must hurt Cas to be reminded of it. But this isn't a secret. Dean knows and the monster can't use this against them right? (wrong. So very fucking wrong)
The monster keeps pushing, keeps revealing Cas' wants. His desires. "I'm surprised an angel's thoughts could be this sinful. Or is that why you're not an angel anymore?" it mocks. And look-- Dean's not shocked by Cas wanting sex with him. Because yeah, the guy's in love with him so Dean figured there was a good chance that Cas wanted to fuck him. And who could blame him? Dean knows he's a good looking guy and well-- he can't fault Cas for that. That's easy to understand. What's not easy to understand is what the monster continues to say. Says that's not even what Cas wants most from Dean. What could Cas want from Dean more than sex? Intimacy. Not just sexual intimacy but intimacy at its purest form. The monster says it's pathetic, Cas' thoughts. How Cas secretly cherishes every moment they touch. How he's felt selfish for liking when they hug after a dangerous fight and how he's reprimanded himself for even allowing himself to like those hugs. How when he heals Dean, it was something he hated himself for liking. How now he longs for those casual moments. A touch on the shoulder, feeling Dean brush by him in the doorway, a pat on the back, etc. How Cas has only been able to fall asleep some nights since becoming human when he pretends it's Dean he's holding in his arms and not a pillow. How he pretends he's watching over and protecting him because the highest honor he'd ever be given would be to watch over and hold Dean. How Cas thinks that if he had a heaven, it would be that.
The monster reveals all of this to Dean.
Cas' eyes are shining with tears. He's not looking at Dean. He's trying so hard to hold his emotions in, to keep them from spilling out but Dean's terrified. He's only seen Cas cry twice. Once from the confession and now. This is worse. Cas is humiliated. Heartbroken. Shattered. The monster's gotten what its wanted. Cas is broken and feeling nothing but pain. It starts feeding off him and Dean has no choice but to watch, still tied up. Sam saves the day just in the nick of time. The monster gets away. Sam unties them. Dean goes to check on Cas and Cas flinches away from him. He doesn't want Dean to touch him. Not now after Dean knows how much Cas craves the touch. It's too humiliating, too revealing. Dean tries to make things okay but it's not working. He thinks maybe Cas will get over it, that they'll go back to normal in a day or two. Weeks pass and Dean is going crazy. Cas and him have had no physical contact in ages. Not since before that monster humiliated Cas and then got away. Dean puts all his anger and hurt and every emotion he's feeling into hunting that son of a bitch down. he blames the monster for Cas ignoring him. It's not just that they've not had their usual causal touches, it's that Cas is completely different around him. No more movie nights. Tries to eat at different times than Dean-- going so far as to try and learn cooking for himself. Tells Dean he's busy when he wants to hang out. It's awful. Sam tells Dean he just needs to talk to Cas but god fucking dammit he's TRIED and Cas won't give him the time of day. It's like he's lost Cas all over again. Cas won't even look at him most days. Dean wants to cry over it but doesn't let himself think it. Dean wants to find that fucker who ruined his friendship bc none of this would be happening if that emotional bloodsucking dick hadn't revealed Cas' wants to feed off his despair. Dean spends days doing nothing but tracking that monster down and he does. He goes on a hunt alone. It goes poorly. Cas kills the monster and saves the day. Dean is injured. Not enough to warrant a hospital but he's in rough shape. Cas gets him to the motel. He's trying so hard to patch him up but without his powers he can't heal Dean the way he used to. He hates not being able to help Dean more. Hates seeing his face bruised and hearing Dean wince when he shifts in the motel bed he's laying down in. All he's been able to do is put on bandages and give him water. He asks Dean what he can do to help. What can he do that will have Dean feel better because Cas hates feeling useless. Dean looks at him from the bed and asks for one simple thing.
"Hold me"
Cas is hesitant. He doesn't know what to say, if he should even do it. Because is this a pity thing. But all his reluctance goes out the window when Dean says, "please". Weak and tired. And truly just wanting to be held. How could Cas say no? He's never been a strong angel man when it comes to Dean Winchester. So he gets into the bed and holds Dean. Dean cries. It all comes out now. The emotions he's been holding in since Cas got taken. Losing Cas the first time, the second time, third, forth, fifth--- and this distance that's come between them which has felt like losing Cas in another way. It all spills over and Dean just wants Cas closer to him. Impossibly closer but it doesn't stop him from holding him tighter. He tells Cas he wants this too. That he wants to be held. To hold Cas as well. To be with him. To be together. They're better together aren't they? He doesn't even know if Cas is in love with Dean anymore, it hasn't felt like it. Dean just wants his best friend back because he's missed him desperately. But if Cas wants him-- he's got him. He's got all of him forever and always. Eternity. Death won't separate them again. Dean doesn't want 'til death do us part'. Dean wants eternity with Cas, if Cas will have him.
#destiel#dean and cas#dean winchester#castiel#castiel is touch starved#so is dean#sorry this is so long but tbf this is an average Monday thought for me#Dean Winchester loves Castiel#and he needs to stop being an idiot about it#sorry that this is soooooo long#whoopsie#destiel fic idea#spn fic idea#post-canon spn#the empty#cas is saved from the empty but there's still issues before happily ever after
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saw the WIP challenge from @wanderingcas about posting a snippet from something you're working on and getting some motivation for it. I've gotten all in my head about my post-canon SPN fic and completely stalled out on it, so I thought I'd just... try this and see if it helps.
“You’re in heaven?” Sam speaks up, when Dean can’t seem to find any words.
“Oh. Yes. I suppose that would be news. To be fair, Jack having the power to bring me there was news to me.”
Dean is so, so fucking stupid. Obviously Jack came to get Cas, that would still be part of fixing all of the shit from before, not interfering in new stuff. Obviously Cas isn’t just suffering in the Empty for eternity, holy shit. It makes him so relieved that he kind of has to lean on one of the posts for a minute.
“Dean?” Cas asks, tensing up immediately.
“M’good,” he mumbles, waving him off. He just… needs to breathe.
Sam rushes in and pulls Cas into an absolutely crushing hug, saying, “Thanks for coming. Is… is Jack...?”
“He can’t visit without violating the rules. He asked me to say hello on his behalf, though.”
“Oh,” Sam says, deflating a little. “That’s okay. Glad you’re here, anyway. Are you, uh, do you have to go back right away? Does the interference thing include, you know, talking to us?”
“I’m not Jack. I am free to do as I wish,” Cas says.
“Man, it would be nice if you wished to help us get rid of some vamp bodies,” Dean mutters, because the enormity of what just happened is slamming into him like a truck, and he kind of wants to do the rest of this debrief somewhere that isn’t covered in his own blood, maybe after getting those kids home to their deeply traumatized mother.
Cas just looks at him for a long time, but that’s not new. Dean just looks back. He’s so, so tired and there’s work to do, and this is how they operate, right? Do the job until the job’s done, and then they do the celebrating. Cas knows that as well as anybody.
“Fine,” Cas says, short and clipped. And then the bodies are just gone, and so is the blood, from one blink to the next.
Dean chuckles in spite of himself. “You that eager to get to the part where you yell at me, ya big fuckin’ hypocrite?”
Read the rest (approx. 500 more words) under the cut
Cas flinches away from that, actually, and goes striding back out of the barn. “The children are hiding behind a large tree roughly fifteen yards that direction,” he says, waving vaguely. “I assume there wouldn’t be room in the car if you need to transport them, so I’ll meet you in town.”
Sam and Dean stare at each other.
“Jesus,” Dean mutters. “Well, it’s definitely Cas, huh?”
Sam’s face twitches. Dean’s twitches right back.
A few seconds later, they are fully busting-up, clutching-their-guts, howling-like-animals laughing. They collapse into each other’s arms, and yeah, there are a couple of tears thrown in there. Just like, a few. Because hell, Dean had been dying, literally and actually dying, and they had been having a fucking Moment, and it’s not that easy to shake off.
Eventually they get their shit together and find the boys, and they bring them to their mom, who is not great, but is obviously better for having her kids back. There’s a lot of crying going on when Sam and Dean retreat, but their job is done and the part with the tissues and trying to put lives back together doesn’t have anything to do with them.
Cas is waiting by the car when they come back out. Sam immediately rushes in and gives him another hug, the sap, saying, “Sorry, man, I just… it’s really good to see you.”
Cas gives him a huge smile and return hug. “You too, Sam,” he says.
“Let’s get this show on the road,” Dean says, already making for the driver’s seat. “I can’t wait to get out of this town.”
“Absolutely the fuck not,” Sam says immediately.
“Dean, it’s a fourteen-hour drive to get home from here.”
“And I’m not having this conversation in the car! And no, I’m not sitting in the world’s most uncomfortable silence for fourteen hours either! We’re taking our happy asses to a motel or something and finishing what we started in the barn, and it wouldn’t kill us to get some sleep, either.”
Dean stutters something that is trying to be a protest, but isn’t. Sam’s just scowling at him and still pitching a bitch-fit.
“And you’re talking to Cas, too, because you obviously need to!”
“Do I get a say in this?” Cas asks with his eyebrows raised.
“No!” Dean and Sam snap at him at the same time.
“The most recent person to do self-sacrificial bullshit in this family loses voting privileges until the next person screws up,” Dean adds. Cas opens his mouth, scowling, and Dean points a finger at him. “Just now in there does not count, because I did not fucking do that on purpose and you know it.”
Cas closes his mouth.
#spn#spn fic#my shit#wip#is this even remotely good I can't tell anymore#a.k.a. the file on my computer titled “romantic as shit ace fic”#destiel#sam winchester#dean winchester#castiel#fix it fic
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do u have hcs for sams post canon family life
Ok so gonna preface this with the fact that I hold opinions that I think are relatively uncommon in this corner of Samblr which is that as a general overarching thing Sam was relatively happy, he and blurry partner stayed together and were mostly happy, and Sam was on the whole a pretty good dad. Not that everything was perfect, far from it, but that generally it all worked out ok. I feel this way mostly tbh because if I didn't I would genuinely struggle to get any enjoyment out of the finale. I'm a FAKE Sam suffering enjoyer lmao. It's already deeply fucking depressing to me to imagine Sam spending eternity in heaven with Dean being squished back into The Roles, I need SOMETHING so cling too lol.
ANYWAYS that being said:
Said this before but although I am fairly flexible on identity of blurry partner my personal favourite thing to come back to is that she is Amelia. So I'm gonna run with her for the rest of these.
Related to this is that I think when we see Sam leave the bunker in the finale to go on the hunt in Texas that ended up being the last time he ever returned. He didn't mean it to be, it just happened. Maybe subconsciously he knew because he'd packed the little memory box with pictures etc in the trunk of the Impala without thinking about it. Anyway keeping this on track, he ends up staying in Texas and eventually, he and Amelia run into each other again - her having left Don again after things didn't work out a few years ago (gonna be real with you I think Don was abusive) and end up reconnecting.
Riot and Miricle are kinda grumpy but tolerant about each other.
They also eventually adopt an old lady tabby cat from the local shelter who absolutely terrorises both dogs, but dotes on Sam.
Sam ends up telling Amelia the truth about his life about 3 months into their relationship restarting, not all of it, but enough to keep her aware. She says that honestly even though it sounds crazy it makes a LOT of sense of how Sam was when they first met. This is the point at which they decide they do want their relationship to last and be serious. Amelia suggests they do couple's counselling together, given both their past issues if they really want to make this work.
He and Amelia never marry for a variety of reasons, but it works for them.
Sam ends up getting a degree - I think in something like anthropology (me an archaeologist totally not biased here lol), he does it through a distance learning program so mostly online but with some in-person classes and workshops.
DJ wasn't a planned pregnancy and it took a lot of discussion between them to decide to go ahead. Sam in particular was very anxious about the idea of being an actual dad to an actual baby, as much as he was kinda one to Jack he knows this is a whole different level. Amelia never wanted kids with Don. Amelia is also in her 40s by the time it happens so there are extra potential complications to consider. In the end they both agree that they want go ahead, and they both acknowledge that this will probably be their only kid.
Already mentioned Sam and DJ being autistic elsewhere but that's very precious to me.
Sam does struggle to find a balance between making sure he's there for DJ in a way his dad wasn't for him and being too much of a helicopter parent. He's SO conscious of DJ being an only child and the potential for loneliness stemming from that (absolutely projecting his own childhood loneliness SO hard and of course, his ideas on sibling companionship are NOT normal lol). As DJ get's older Sam does manage to relax a little, although it is still an issue from time to time.
That being said as I mentioned previously re the autism headcannon this level of worry also means that Sam puts in SO much work and research into being a supportive dad to an autistic kid.
Amelia is the 'breadwinner' in the relationship, continuing to work as a vet, Sam works a series of different part-time jobs over the years, mostly involving fixing stuff. After he gets his degree he works a couple of days a week at the local library as an assistant.
Related, finally stopping hunting gave him time to really catch up with and assess his body, and a lot of the weight and wear and tear of what he'd been through hit him quite suddenly. He has chronic fatigue issues in particular for the rest of his life which is why part-time work ends up being the best solution for him. Although Amelia, and DJ when he's a teenager, do still frequently have to sit him down and force him to stop trying to do too much at once.
Amelia passes away before Sam. She had been dead for about 5 years by the time Sam died.
Sam keeps very little contact with the hunting world, but Jody does still come to visit. DJ is very fond of her, much to Sam's delight.
The first time Sam had to look after DJ on his own after Amelia went back to work full time and was working a nightshift he was stuck to him like glue, Amelia came home to find him curled up on the floor asleep right next to DJs cot.
Sam loves helping DJ with his homework, and DJ loves it too - its their special time together, and its when Sam is able to be most emotionally open and present.
Sam's issues with food never go away, and its one thing he and Amelia do get into fights over is Sam (unintentionally) putting some of his issues on DJ (think Sam telling Jack he shouldn't eat sugary cereal).
Sam and Amelia both discover a love of gardening and they spend a lot of their free time together working on their garden. Amelia particularly loves roses and has a little rose garden that becomes their little sanctuary (Amelia's ashes are buried there). Sam creates a little healing herbs garden, he doesn't actively practice witchcraft but he likes to make little tinctures and teas and stuff.
I'll stop there lol
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Separate Showers
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Words: 996
Summary: A little post-hunt recovery
Warnings: Ambiguous Reader gender, non-sexual nudity, the bunker's shower room (thank god for Jerry Wanek's set photos lol), fluff
A/N: Just a dumb lil thing I wrote to get it out of my brain.
To say today was a long one would be an understatement. It feels like an eternity before you’re finally making your way down the bunker steps ahead of the Winchesters. You feel gross from the long drive. You might enjoy a road trip but even you have a limit and you definitely reached it sometime during these last few hunts.
“I need a fucking shower,” you complain.
“I think we all need a shower.” Dean’s right behind you on the steps, stinking like road sweat. You wrinkle your nose and he gives your shoulder a little shove. “Shut up. Like you’re any better.”
That’s true. The Impala’s AC went out just into Kansas and the last few hours of the drive were absolutely miserable as a result, even with all four windows rolled down. You don’t want to even think about how you might smell.
Sam is quiet as he follows you back to your bedroom. It’s clear your big-brained boyfriend is feeling more than a little overwhelmed and exhausted. He needs some non-diner food, some quiet time, and maybe a nap. Or a run. Knowing Sam, probably a run.
“Separate showers?” you suggest and Sam’s hazel eyes are grateful as he nods. “All right. I’ll meet you back here.”
It took you a little while to get used to the gym shower set-up the bunker has. Even now, you have a strong preference for the stall furthest from the door so the boys won’t walk past you on their way to their own shower. Not like it’s anything Sam hasn’t seen before but there are no shower curtains! It’s the principle of the thing.
Awkward set-up aside, the bunker showers are downright magical. Probably literally magical, knowing the Men of Letters. The hot water never seems to run out, either, which is fantastic. You take your time scrubbing all the sweat and dirt from the road from your body and then waste a little more time just enjoying the steady pounding of water on your shoulders and neck.
When you do finally step out of the showers, the boys are in their own stalls. Sam’s clothes are in a pile on the floor outside the stall right next to yours and as you stop to gather them up along with your own, you can resist peeking in.
“Hi,” Sam says with a soft smile, pushing his hair out of his face.
You can’t help a grin as you lean against the dividing wall, taking in the sight of him. The way the water highlights every perfect curve and point of his body as he tips his head back to get his hair fully under the spray. “Hey, gorgeous.”
“Don’t you dare have shower sex right now,” Dean calls from a couple of stalls down and you can’t hold back a laugh.
Sam shoots you a smirk and leans out of the spray to kiss you softly. While he might look absolutely amazing, especially naked and wet like this, neither of you is really in the mood to do anything even if Dean wasn’t in the room.
“Don’t worry, you’re delicate ears are safe,” you tease as you shoot Sam one last little smile and begin making your way from the room. You don’t look but you’d bet money that Dean flips you the bird as you go by.
You’re sitting on the end of the bed, having completed your post-shower routine, when Sam comes into the room. He’s dressed in just an old pair of lounge pants and the sight of him padding barefoot into the room warms you to your core.
“Feeling a bit better?” you ask as he rubs at his hair with a towel.
He nods, wiping water droplets from his forehead. His eyes are on the item in your hand. You smile and hold the hairbrush out in offering.
“Want me to?”
“Hell yeah,” Sam sighs and you laugh softly.
“Well, c’mere then.”
Sam tosses his towel in the hamper and lowers himself to sit on the floor between your feet, back against the side of the mattress. His hair doesn’t really need to be brushed like this. The man was blessed with magic hair that just needs fingers combed through it after a shower or in the morning to look perfect. It’s really not fair. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy the process of it, though.
You work methodically, taking your time as you start with his ends and make your way up. Sam is practically melting under your hands. When you’re done with the brush, you set it aside and begin gently massaging his scalp. Sam moans softly. His head tips forward and you move your ministrations to his neck and shoulders. In no time, he’s leaning heavy and sleepy against your knee.
“Sa-am,” you murmur, leaning down to press a kiss to his temple. “C’mon. Up.”
He grumbles but allows you to guide him up onto the bed. Once he’s snuggled up against you, head resting on your chest, he’s out in seconds. It’s only early afternoon but you don’t mind holding him while he naps. Not when he snuffles softly and nuzzles against your T-shirt.
A soft knock on the doorframe draws your attention from Sam’s relaxed face to the open doorway where Dean’s standing. He’s dressed completely in his usual jeans and layers but his hair is still damp from his shower, sticking up all over like it does in the mornings before he’s gotten around to style it. You give a little wave.
“He sleeping?” Dean asks, careful to keep his voice low.
You nod.
“All right. I’m going to get started on dinner in a bit. Think he’d be up for something light? I’m thinking some soup and grilled cheese.”
That sounds delicious. Hopefully, Sam will agree. You nod again and Dean shoots you a thumbs up, flipping off the lights and closing the door as he leaves you to watch over Sam’s nap.
#my writing#supernatural#spn fanfic#supernatural fanfiction#sam x reader#supernatural fic#spn fanfiction#sam winchester x reader#sam winchester/reader
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Me, who hasn’t even gotten to s15 yet, writing a fix-it fic? More likely than you think!
“I made a deal with the empty,” Cas whispers to the space between him and Sam. “I offered it my life in place of Jack’s. And the empty agreed if it got to take me the moment I felt true happiness.” Cas steadies himself to say the words for a second time— the words he never even thought he’d say one time. “I knew that we were out of options and that if I summoned the empty, I would be able to take Billie with me so that Dean would make it out. So I— I told Dean that I love him.”
The sharp breath Sam takes this time is tinged with so much sadness that it’s tangible.
“Fucking hell.” Sam mutters, shaking his head and ignoring the longer pieces of his hair that fall into his eyes. “Now I’m mad at you. Fuck, no wonder Dean took it so much harder this time.”
“I never intended to tell him how I felt, Sam. But it was the only way for him to make it out alive and I— I needed him to survive. That was the only thing that mattered.” Cas doesn’t regret it, even now. He knows that he’d do it a million times over if it was still the only way to save Dean and he’d never regret it. “And I know it’s not something he wants, which is why I had assumed that he would simply try to erase any memory of that night, so he’d never have to deal with a confession such as that.”
When he looks up, Sam is pinching the bridge of his nose and staring down it at Cas. True to what he’d said a moment ago, he does look mad at Cas, but not in the same way that Dean had looked mad at Cas before he’d stormed out earlier.
“For the fact that you know Dean as well as you do, you sure don’t seem to know shit about him when it relates to you.” Sam mumbles, finally dropping his hand with a sigh. “Okay, listen. I won’t speak to Dean’s feelings— not because I don’t know them but because Dean’s already going to kick my ass for telling you all that I’ve already told you and even I know that his feelings are something he should tell you. But I will tell you this: Dean blames himself for everything bad that’s happened to you. He blames himself for you falling, for every ounce of blood that’s on your hands, and every hard time you’ve had in the last twelve goddamn years. That shit keeps him up at night, trust me.”
“Everything I’ve done, I’ve done for Dean, to some extent.” Cas replies. “But that doesn’t make it Dean’s fault. They were all my decisions.”
“I know that. And you know that. But Dean? Trust me, Cas, he’s put everything that happened to you high on the list of reasons he hates himself. And it’s a long ass list.”
“I know it is.” Cas mumbles.
“So you must understand that not only did you tell Dean you love him— something he wouldn’t have reacted poorly to, by the way— but you used it to— to die. Literally you made loving Dean the cause of your death, you realize that, right? And I know, Cas, I know you didn’t mean it like that. But to Dean and his fucked up brain, he got you killed. The one thing he’s never been able to tolerate and he is now the direct cause of it.” Sam explains and it’s so stupid, it’s so stupid—
But it’s exactly how Dean’s brain works and Cas knows that.
And that’s fine, sort of, because he still wouldn’t change the fact that he confessed to save Dean. He didn’t have time in that moment to think about how it would mess Dean up and a messed up but alive Dean was better than the alternative so that was fine. What wasn’t fine, however, was the fact that Cas never thought about it after. Now that he’s back, now that he’s had time to see how Dean reacted and how he handled Cas’s death, he still hasn’t spent any time to think about the role he played in that or the ways he could have made it worse. And that is unacceptable.
Cas sighs and deflates in the seat. He feels like his strings have been cut, like there isn’t an ounce of fight left in him. He feels like he could simply sit here, glued to this chair, for the rest of eternity.
The thing is— Cas isn’t unaccustomed to messing up or hurting Dean. He’s not inexperienced at crossing lines he both does and does not see. It’s not new for him to let Dean down or betray him. But this— this is something else entirely and they all know it. Because Sam is right, Cas is one of very few people who has been gifted Dean’s trust. He knows that and has spent twelve years cherishing that fact on a daily basis, grateful and awestruck that he had been given something so beautiful and precious. He knows that he has been granted insight into Dean that nobody else, not even Sam, gets. That he has been the only one that has been able to get through to him sometimes.
He has been indescribably privileged to be this close to Dean at all, let alone for this long. He knows that, it’s the greatest blessing of his eternal life and he knows with an unbridled sort of certainty that nothing else will ever honor him in the same way, nothing else will ever even come close.
And through one careless remark, one remark made out of an attempt to deflect his own shortcomings, he has shattered twelve years of a bond that has held strong through everything else. He has laughed in the face of the greatest gift he has ever been given and he was too blinded by his own shortcomings to even realize he was doing any of this.
“I’ve really fucked this up, haven’t I?” Cas asks, looking ruefully at Sam.
Sam’s smile and huff of a laugh in response is sad and a little amused. “Yeah,” He says after a minute. “You have. But like I said, Dean’s never been one to deny you second, third, or even fiftieth chances.”
“I’ve never hurt him like this before.” Cas points out.
“Nobody has ever hurt him like this before.” Sam remarks, and it’s clear that he doesn’t mean the statement to hurt, but it does anyways. “But that’s because he’s never cared about anybody like this. The way he is with you, Cas it’s— he never has been and never could be that way with anyone else. Whatever you two have, it’s completely irreplaceable.”
“That doesn’t mean it’s unbreakable,” Cas says dejectedly.
Sam stands up then, walking around the table to clap Cas on the shoulder in the way the Winchesters always do when they’re trying to be heartfelt or encouraging. It’s the closest they come to physical affection when nobody’s life is immediately on the line and it helps Cas feel a little better.
“Cas, if there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that Dean will never let you go now that you’re back. He could spent the rest of his life spitting mad at you, and he’d still do it from no more than five feet away. When he comes back— and he will— he’ll be mad and he’ll be hurt, but he’ll be right here. You’ll have a chance to fix this.” It’s encouraging and terrifying in the same moment but Cas is grateful for Sam’s vote of confidence nonetheless. “Just don’t ask me how to fix it, because I sure as shit don’t know. You two have never gone about things in a way I can understand.”
Cas looks up at Sam, meeting his gaze. “Thank you for your insight, Sam.”
“Just remember,” Sam’s hand slips off of his shoulder. “There’s a reason that Dean cares as much as he does and takes your death as hard as he does. And the reason sounds a lot like something you said to him.”
“I thought you weren’t going to tell me how Dean feels.”
“I’m not.” Sam answers as he heads towards the door. “I’m just hinting at it. It’s different.”
He swings through the doorway and around the corner before Cas has a chance to say anything else.
#literally I have no excuse for this#I’m on s10#but I’ve read so many goddamn fix its#that I just want to write my own now#it’s cathartic somehow#destiel#deancas#spn#supernatural
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Jeannie in a bottle (1)
Summary: Jackpot. Dean found a genie bottle.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x genie!Reader
Warnings: magic, mentions of entrapment, genie!reader, mentions of stalking (very implied)
Jeannie in a bottle masterlist
“Don’t rub the bottle,” the owner of the antique shop warns. “It’s a dangerous object! Stop!”
Sam looks up from the book just in time as his brother is about to rub the Arabian-styled genie bottle he found on one of the dusty shelves.
“Look at this Sammy,” the hunter grins. “They sell genie bottles here. Do you think I’ll get a pretty little Jeannie just for myself when I rub it?”
“DON’T!!!” the owner screams at Dean. The hunter almost drops the bottle. He catches it mid-fall and presses it to his chest.
“Dude! It almost broke because of you,” Dean grunts. He carefully lifts the bottle to his face, humming as he reads the encryption. “Love me to find heaven. Forsake me to find hell. Nice.”
“Nice?” Sam rolls his eyes. “Dean just put it back. We don’t need decoration but these.” He points at the pile of books he placed on the counter.
“I want this,” his brother insists. “It’s…shiny…”
Sam frowns as his brother’s eyes look glassy. “Dean. Put the bottle back. I don’t think it’s decoration.”
“He needs to put it away, Sir. Please,” the owner freaks out. He runs toward Dean, almost tackling the hunter. Dean moves out of the way, huffing as the man trips over his feet.
“I want it. How much?” Dean gets his wallet out. “I think it belongs to me. I’ll give you fifty bucks.”
“It’s irreplaceable,” the man cries. “Please give it back!”
“Dean. He’s going to lose his mind if you don’t give it back.”
“Yeah. Not going to happen.”
Dean looks at the golden bottle, as he carefully runs his hand over it. “Dean!”
“Shiny, and beautiful. All mine,” Dean purrs as the bottle begins to glow. “Look, Sammy. So pretty…”
Sam drops the book in his hands to run toward his brother.
It’s too late.
The bottle drops to the ground. It bursts open and pink smoke covers his brother seconds later. “DEAN!”
“Sammy, I—oh hello there,” Dean purrs. “I got myself a genie, Sammy! A genie!”
Sam can’t see anything but the smoke enveloping his brother. He calls for Dean and tries to cut through the smoke with the demon killing knife. “DEAN!”
“I won’t harm him,” a soft voice whispers in Sam’s ear. “I wasn’t out of the bottle for so long. I need time to put myself back together.”
“What? I-“ Sam watches the smoke form a figure. His eyes grow wide, as the smoke turns into a woman. “How?”
“I told you I got myself a genie,” Dean lies on the ground, grinning dopily. He watches you run your hands over your body and licks his lips. “Isn’t she wonderful?”
You crouch down to pat Dean’s cheek. “It will fade soon, Dean. Sorry for this. The smoke turns the one rubbing the bottle into a love-sick puppy.”
“You don’t look like a genie,” Sam clears his throat. He looks you up and down, drinking your appearance in. “I mean…you’re wearing jeans and a tee.”
“I’m not a genie, you genius,” you sass back. “I’m a huntress…or was.” You sigh deeply as you look down at your body. “What year do we have?”
“Okay, don’t panic but it’s 2022,” Sam says.
“Fuck! I was in that bottle for ten fucking years?” you exclaim loudly and put your hands on your hips. “YOU FUCKING FREAK!”
You storm toward the owner of the antique shop. He crawls away, mumbling another spell under his breath. “Stop that!”
Dean suddenly stands right next to you. He aims a gun at the man’s head, unlocking it. “I said, stop. I got witch-killing bullets in my gun. If you don’t stop. You will die!”
“Well go ahead,” the man grins. “But then my genie will go back and live in the bottle for eternity. She’s only mine…only mine.”
“Shoot him,” you grunt. “I don’t care if I go back in there. He stalked me for a year, and right when I got hold of him, he used a spell and entrapped me.”
“Sonofabitch! Sammy. We need the handcuffs,” Dean smirks darkly. “We will take that bastard with us and put him in the dungeon.”
“I said, kill him,” you grunt.
“Hey, aren’t you supposed to follow my orders and fulfill all of my wishes?” Dean cocks his head to glance at you.
“I’m not that kind of genie,” you retort. “He banned me inside the bottle because I refused to become his girlfriend. That sick bastard is a little creep.”
“No magical powers then?” Dean sighs deeply. “There I was, believing I found my private genie.”
“Fine. I will grant you three wishes, Dean,” you snap your fingers to change clothing. You’re wearing the costume from I Dream of Jeannie, smirking at the hunter. “Better?”
“Much better,” he purrs while drinking your new outfit in.
“So…what do you want, Dean? But remember, you only go three wishes. And don’t come up with the crap that you wish for more wishes...”
>> Part 2
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Sam Winchester x angel!reader
Then you came along, a friend of Castiel, just not as grumpy as the male angel was, no,you were sweet,kind,polite and Sam just wanted to wrap you in bubble wrap and protect you from the outside world.
He didn't wanted to act on his feelings,scared you don't feel the same way, he knew about all those stupid rules in heaven, although he never understood it, why would it be so wrong if an angel loved a moral? he always thought of it as something beautiful and raw, that someone from above can look past all the bad things someone did just simply because they made them feel like human,cause that's what Sam did to you, he never treated you like you're something else, he took his time to help you understand things on Earth, explained every single thing you mentioned, helped you settle in and in that time,he felt like maybe he do deserve love.
It was a quiet day in the bunker, Castiel and Dean went away to get food and Sam took it as his chance to try and ask you out, and why just try? basically because whenever he looked at you his brain stopped working.
He stepped inside the library where you currently were, he saw you sitting at the table, lost in some book that you found in the bookstore where you two were the other day.He walked over to you and stood behind your chair, he gently touched your shoulder and his other hand caressed your back.
"You like the book?" He leaned down
"yes, it's very sweet" you answered and nodded your head "you didn't go with the boys?"
"no, thought I spend some time with you" he answered and sat down "but don't worry, I made Dean write down your order so they won't forget"
"thank you" you answered smiling "so..what are you doing here?"
"just..uhm..wanted to talk to you" he fidgeted with his fingers "about something important"
"is everything alright?" You asked concerned
"no,no, everything is fine (y/n)" Sam said immadetly "I just..look,I can't keep it in any longer, I have..feelings for you, more than a liking,more than a friend,I just..(y/n), I love you" his voice was filled with emotions "i'm so in love with you that I don't think I can go on another day with you not being mine"
For a few seconds you just stared at him, mostly suprised, you would lie if you said you didn't felt the same way,but it scared you, you were never in a relationship before and in your mind you thought that you would screw it up with him anyway,but hearing this made you feel like you could give this a chance.
"But.. i'm an angel,you know the rules-''
"fuck those rules" he interrupted "(y/n), I would rather die than be without you, I would rather spend an eternity in hell if that means I get a day on earth with you"
"You mean that?" Your voice came out as a whisper, you almost though he didn't hear it and you wanted to repeat it when he pulled you in his lap, crashing his lips against yours, his hands gripped your waist, it was almost like he was a man starving, his tongue slipped into your mouth deepening your kiss.
Eventually he pulled away, he cupped your cheeks "is this enough proof that I mean it?that I want this with you?" he whispered against your lips, instead of giving him a verbal answer you kissed him.
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"No." It comes out quiet and full of grief.
Dean stares at him, from a distance, just a couple steps away, the war room table between them, but he could well be all the way up in the Moon, just by the cold look in his eyes as they meet Cas'.
Sam gives him a confused look, coming to a halt half-way to where Cas is standing at the end of the stairs.
"Dean, it's me, Castiel." He will let them run all the test they have to to prove he is himself. Holy water, silver, whatever it takes, he doesn't care as long as by the end of it Dean is staring at him as he usually does.
Maybe that's too much to ask for, taking into account the way he left on the first place.
They can talk it out, they can fix it.
Sam starts walking again and, as soon as he is close enough, he hugs Cas tightly, "give him some time," he whispers, patting his back, "it's been bad." The cold grip of guilt's hand around his neck is tight, but Castiel makes an effort to breathe through it. Sam steps back, "It's good to have you back."
He hears him, but Castiel doesn't reply, focused as he is on the man on the other side of the room, on his hurt expression, on the way his hands open and close in fist, on how he takes a step forward, unconsciously, and then takes two back when he notices he has gotten a bit closer.
"You don't get to do this, man."
"I can explain-"
"I can't, Castiel," and his name shouldn't sound like an insult but it does, because for that voice he hasn't been Castiel for a long time, he was always Cas, "I can't keep doing this, I let you in and then you are gone, over and over again." He has stepped closer to the table, keeping something between them, and he is leans towards it, forcefully resting his palms against its surface, he lets his head fall down, hiding his face, "you told me you loved and then you were gone." Sam, who clearly wasn't aware of what happened in those last moments, gasps loudly at that, eyes widening as he stares at them, first at Dean, then at Cas.
"I don't want you to say anything back, we can forget it even happened, I am terribly sorry I keep hurting you like this."
"You told me you loved me," Dean keeps talking, ignoring Castiel or simply too overwhelmed to have heard him, "and you were gone," his voice breaks slightly at the last word, Sam eyes the door, knowing he should leave them, but also aware of how any distraction could ruin this moment, "and I couldn't even fucking say it back." He rises his voice, using his hand to push himself back and away from the table and turning around.
"What?" Castiel mutters.
"You heard me."
"Okay, that's it, I am leaving you two to talk this out." Sam doesn't give a shit anymore about being a distraction, he needs to get out of here, now. So he does, aware neither his brother nor Cas are paying him any attention.
"Dean?" Castiel dares to take a step forwards, he dares to take another one, and he dares to circle the table to stand right behind Dean. He reaches out and touches Dean's left shoulder, a brief thing that stars and it's over in the blink of an eye,"I would have never left if I hadn't been forced to by the circumstances, I would have stayed."
"I never asked you to, anyway, because i was a coward." Castiel sighs.
"Would you turn around and look at me, please?" At that Dean takes a deep breath and he tilts his head up, staring at the ceiling but, after what feels as an eternity, he turns around, eyes red-rimmed and avoidant, mouth pressed in a thin, tense line. "You won't ever see me again if that's what you want, but I won't leave without telling you that, even if I apologize for what I put you through, I don't regret what I did that day. I had to do it, for the world, and for all of us, and for you. I wanted to give you another chance. And," he makes a pause and smiles, feeling a familiar wetness in his eyes, " I don't regret what I said either." Dean has every right to push him away, to never forgive him.
"You are back for good, then?" Castiel can't help but hold on tightly onto that timid spark of hope in Dean's eyes. He nods a couple times.
"I will tell you all about it later, right now I just want-" he doesn't finish because he doesn't quiet know what he wants, to be with you, yes, to make things right. That too.
He doesn't finish because a pair of lips pressed against his own effectively cut him off mid-sentence, "I love you too." The words fall from them as soon as they part ways with Castiel's.
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