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samsblades · 3 months ago
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This Sam who accidentally gets turned into a werewolf (I imagine demon!Dean getting payback on Sam for when he got him turned into a vamp in season 6. Except lycanthropy is irreversible.) This Sam who tries to keep himself together and act human when all he wants to do is roll around in your bed after a hunt and absolutely smother you so you smell like *him*. Werewolf!Sam who's canines are just a little sharper than normal and he forgets about it sometimes so when he bites during sex he breaks blood and gets all whimpery in apology and licks it clean but doesn't stop pounding into you because honestly, you smell fucking great. Werewolf!Sam who tries out different cultural foods at first that include animal hearts but after a few tries gives up because he finds it tastes better raw. Werewolf!Sam who honestly feels dirty. He's never been clean. Infected with demon blood since he was 6 months and now he's a werewolf- doomed for purgatory. Werewolf!Sam who one night confesses to you after a hard full moon. He's woozy, all tired from scratching the flooring of the dungeon in the bunker. He confesses that he wishes he was just normal for you. To which you deny his claims- because yes, he's not entirely normal. But that's fine. He insists it's not. Because one day when the sun sets for the last time for you two, you'll be up in the sky while he'll be in purgatory with all the other dogs. You who comfort him and then ask him something that toes the line between being selfless and selfish. You ask him to turn you. Because you'd rather spend eternity in purgatory with him and the leviathans you'd put away than sip pina coladas in heaven all while knowing he was suffering. That you'd never see eachother again. Sam, who gets mad at you for even asking him such a thing. Who practically growls at you to not even think of that because he doesn't want to damn you to the same fate as him. And you, selfish yet selfless you who gets him to bite you when it's the full moon. You almost regret it. But you'd rather fight Chuck himself than be apart from him.
his canines :,) absolutely crying his canines would be so pretty.. i really like him licking up the little scratches he gives you :,)
super obsessed with this... thinking about madison here too... him feeling sooo guilty for being alive but having had to kill her OOO BROTHER just give him everything in the world to be guilty about won't we T_T IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT BABYGIRL I SWEARRR
NO BUT I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT THE PURGATORY THING UNTIL YOU BROUGHT IT UP... I'M DYING SCREAMING CRYING THIS IS NOT OKAYYYY WAHHHHH and yeah sam would be like never never never i would never do that :/// and to have him bite you when he's out of control during a full moon... oh man that's so fucked UPPP I CAN'TTT like ugh yes you'll be in purgatory together forever, you'll fight off everything you can together, you'll survive together just like always. but he'll be so hurt and upset :(( because honestly it feels like another violation of his autonomy. i mean he's so relieved to have you with him. but he thinks he deserves to go through this alone and he feels horrid that you're now stuck with him here forever :,) crying
but agh i love werewolf sam hehehe muah <33 and i love you!!!
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samsblades · 1 month ago
Omg I forgot to ask for the person 💀 sorry. Can u please do Sam fifteen/summer for the Valentines event <3
lolol it's okay!! you got it my love!! <33
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you can tell me how you feel, pour your heart out if it's real. we can dance 'til three in the morning
ʚ ⋆ maybe a date at an east coast beach in february is a poor idea, but neither you nor sam care at all. it’s still beautiful, and no one says that you have to dare dipping your toes in the freezing water if you don’t want to. neither of you even wear swimsuits, but you do pick each other’s outfits after sleeping in to a gloriously late time in the morning. he’s wearing a green crew neck that you feel like you haven’t seen in years, and you’re very in love with him. he is, of course, just as in love with you. things are light and airy, heart warm despite a chill wind and he chases you over the sand with a grin on his face and a laugh ringing out into the empty air. and when you let him catch you, he tucks concert tickets to an artist you’ve always wanted to see into you pocket and plants a kiss on your forehead, his hand cupping your cheek with all the tenderness in the world. and he looks at you like your smile is the most beautiful thing in the world, deeper and more untameable than the ocean. he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
ʚ ⋆ your song is : summer nights by the millennial club !
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happy valentine's day ♡♡♡ the be mine event is open !
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samsblades · 1 month ago
Sam Winchester who's never really gotten over Jess. It lingers. Though he's had many one night stands and such she's always there afterward. In his dreams- he wakes up with her in their shared bedroom. The one in the small town house they used to rent out near Stanford. When he was younger he'd have dreams of growing up with her in that house. Either that or moving out to a better place- one he cab afford with his new job as a lawyer. Move to a house where it doesn't have that annoying leaky tap in the bathroom. Where there aren't slightly suspicious discolouring spots on the ceiling. Where the neighbours don't hold parties every Thursday. Looking back- anywhere would be fine where she is. He misses her. Every waking moment. Sometimes he feels so guilty about ever coming into her life- blaming himself for it all. Other times he thinks about driving down to visit her grave again. Has it been well kept? Has anyone left flowers for her? He feels guilty for not having done it in a while. He feels guilty most days. That and an unrelenting rage. When it's all over he thinks he'd like to lay down and die. Fall back into her arms. Would she come as daisies or poppy's? He thinks of that sometimes when he and Dean dig out someone's grave. On the day he meets you he talks to her that night. Hoping for an answer maybe. If she's okay with it. She is. A part of Sam wishes she wasn't. It makes the guilt a little heavier. He lives with this guilt. It's not some ball and chain he's dragging around- it's an organ that's been transferred into him. Though, rather than keep him alive it just makes him sick. He doesn't know though. Hard to see a ships holes when you're on it. Maybe at some point Jess starts to fade. Like left over food on a plate when you rise it under the tap. This one is kind of leaky. It starts slow, he doesn't even realise it until he can't remember what she looked or sounded like. He regrets not buying that camera she told him about. Was it a camera? He's starting to forget. She's more like a lingering scent in the breeze nowadays than the aromatic perfume she was. He misses her. He doesn't think he'll ever stop. But as she rinses away, she makes room for you. Because it's what Sam needs. Or maybe it's what he really wants, the guilt just taunts him everyday. Or perhaps him imagining her is his coping mechanism. He wouldn't be the first. With you around now though, he's becoming more grounded. Letting himself rest a little longer in the comfort of your hold. You're not Jess. Never will be. But you're you and that's a beauty in itself that can never be recreated. He's learning to love you. Carefully. He's scared you might burst into flames too- or some other horrific way to die. But you're there. After all of it. You're still there. Nestled tentatively in his heart. You haven't taken Jess' space. You're not her. You have your own and you're just as precious. Perhaps more considering how careful Sam is around you.
(Hope you feel better soon! Lock in on that studying!!)
i've always always felt like jess just lingers and lingers and lingers and lingers and aches and aches and aches and aches forever and ever and ever and ever. and all of this is just yes.
he learns to love again with you, but he never stops loving her. he never stops feeling guilty about her. he never really stops being afraid for you, because of her. she's always there, and he's glad because that's the least he could do for her after what happened. she deserves to be there, forever loved and remembered and mourned for. it's just lovely because you're there too, and sam wonders if it's real or not. if he could ever have something nice that truly lasts. you stay and you stay and you stay and sam thinks it must be a long, long dream.
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samsblades · 7 days ago
Hiii, I'm back with more Sam stuff :) Just thinking ab maybe Prince Sam who got cursed and became a dragon and knight!Reader who comes to save him from the dragon (not knowing the dragon is him). Reader, however strong and gallant they may be is nothing compared to the absolute beast that is Sam now. And he's taken a liking to you- like many of his other treasures he's collected. It's an odd habit that he's gained since he was cursed. Your armour is shiny, sure- lain with small blue gems too but your hair is the shiniest and softest he's felt. He hasn't felt that in a long time. The animals of the forest all have coarse hair. Anyway- now you're stuck there in the cave with him as he practically just plucks you from where you stand and turns you into his own stuffed toy to cuddle with. Rambling under his breath about how it's been so long since he's seen anyone and that he's so glad that someone has FINALLY come for him (he's a bit of a bratty prince). He's missed warmth as well and you're oh so squishy and soft. It's a little disturbing, cuddling so close to him at night that when you put your ear up to his scaly chest you can hear the beat of his humongous heart.
Dragon Sam. Save me dragon Sam.
This could be the other way around as well! I'd love to be a big firebreathing dragon with my own knight!
I LOVE THIS ONE OMGGGG IT'S SO CUTEEE yeah i love both ways!! i want to be a big dragon with my little sammy knight to cuddle and pick up from the back of his shirt and carry around and accidentally knock over when playing with him hehehehhe
and the other way around is much too good!! he's so friendly and he just keeps you around because he's lonely, and then because he grows very attached to you. he's really like a huge puppy T_T i love the idea of dragon sam :,) cyring
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samsblades · 29 days ago
Thinking ab vampy reader again in a lowkey toxic relationship w Sam...oml Sam. Thinking ab a time when Dean resurrects n Sam tries to cover up for reader n act like they're a totally normal human (which reader doesn't really like because he never had a problem with how open they was about it before and he knew they had problems coming to terms with their monstrous self now- it hurts when he tries hiding it from his own family.) N after that whole thing, she kinda storms off (think like how Ruby did when Dean came back but different cause this is sort of angry and hurt.) Cue to Sam going looking for them late in the night. They don't stray far because they care about Sam too much and they'd wait for him like a dog under a park bench. Which he does find them on one, in a park. They're pretty soaked as it'd rained as they sat there. But they stayed and didn't move. What's time and sickness to an immortal vampire, right? Cue angsty talk and confessions of insecurities. Maybe after arguing a little bit reader gets an idea in their head about how Sam will someday die too but they'll keep living forever- or maybe something about purgatory and reader not knowing how they'll stomach existing without him. Ofc they don't say that though. They don't really know what to think- it's obviously not clearly though. They decide to stay by his side, like they always have. He's all they have left and it's sort of chipping away at them now that he has Dean back- now that he has someone else to rely on and care about. Maybe more than themselves even. But reader bites their tongue about it because a good dog doesn't bark at their owner or who they love. They sit and keep up by their side. Or maybe behind them. Like how Reader has to start sitting behind Sam in the back of the impala as Dean takes his rightful place back. Maybe reader has to start keeping their distance whenever they have to feed now. Instead of going to Sam they ransack some hospital. It's all to keep reader safe, right? Because Dean would kill her at a moments notice. All for the greater good. All for Sam. That's the only reason they do this. To stay close to him. All without realising that the harder they try the more they fall apart. All without ever getting to let those three words fall past their rows of fangs and pretty lips. But since when can a dog ever say "I love you" with a speech their owners would understand?
(I may have an unhealthy fixation on dog metaphors/similies/analogies...)
AHHHH VAMP READER MY BELOVEDDD honestly to this day i think this hc is my favorite you have blessed me with!! it's so good! though i don't make or use bots anymore, it may have been my favorite bot i did tbh. anyways!!
i love this so much :,) i'm normally not really into toxic relationships as a genre or whatever you might call it, but i love it with this pairing. idk it just works and it's too interesting not to love.
THE PARALLELS T_T i'm going insane. sam trying to act like you're "normal" when he himself isn't. but it's to protect you from dean! so fucked up bc dean does the same thing to sam sometimes AHH i love it. and like. this was never going to go anywhere good!
for anyone that doesn't know the "premise" or whatever to this pairing; sam meets reader on a vamp hunt during the time that dean was in hell. reader is best friends with one of the vamps, but doesn't know it. he ends up telling them the truth and they help him, but they get turned by their friend! they end up killing the friend who turned them (on accident or whatever you like) and then show up at sam's motel room door. he tells them he'll take care of them and basically lowkey takes advantage of their vulnerable state because he's lonely and in a poor mental state bc yk. dean's dead LOL and he lets them feed off of him and steals blood bags for them etc and they become sort of dependent on him AHHH anyways okay back to the continuation
idk i just love it all because reader comes to need sam so much, but he only needed them until dean comes back. so there's this split in their relationship and i LOVE the dog analogies/metaphors for this because it fits so well and i just love love love this whole thing!!!
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samsblades · 13 days ago
Imagining Sam running into a girl at the graveyard. It's nearing nightfall. It's not safe- not under any circumstances really. Who would be out at a graveyard at night? It's creepy, no? She stands there solemnly, looking down at the grave before her. When Sam asks what she's doing here at such a late hour- even cracking a joke about how the zombies would get her (he's not the best at flirting) she replies "How high would those chances be?" With a small glimmer of hope in her voice, though it's quickly shunned away. Sam gets nervous, trying to fix his words by saying that it's just odd to see another person out in the graveyard because its scary. "Graveyards aren't scary." She replies. "They're full of love. Every grave- every person was loved." Her voice cracks. Sam stays silent and she continues. "Don't you see? None of these flowers are old. People come by and they replace them. It isn't scary- what is there to be afraid of? These people are loved- even after they're gone their graves serve as a reminder of their existence. A crutch for those they have left alive to continue to love them- to cherish their memory." Her eyes are wetter now and throat tighter. It physically hurts for her but she carries on. "This is their love- all the affection accumulated over their lifetime. There's nothing scary about this. Many would wish the dead would come back- just to hear their voice again for feel their touch." Maybe she's getting a little worked up now and she takes a breath to calm down. There's a silent pause, it weighs heavy and Sam doesn't know what to do. Neither does the girl. Still, she continues. "And yet...my father will have nothing to show for his." Her voice is meek and quiet. Sam glances at the grave in front of her. Fresh flowers orientated beautifully in a vase. "...It was just me and him. No one else is in our family- no extended relatives. Nothing. It's only me who can grieve over him and show that he was loved...but I can't- I'm going to Princeton and- and I won't be here for him." A few tears finally slip down her cheeks. She doesn't wipe them away. Sam feels really bad now. "Who's going to show that he was loved when I'm gone? Who's- who's going to replace his flowers?" There was no answer. What one could he give? Sam wasn't a liar- he couldn't make empty promises. Not to ease the heavy pain she's obviously dealing with. Jess comes into mind now. Her grave. The pain he felt. Jess has family who are no doubt giving her fresh flowers now and then. Sam loved her in his own way. Perhaps grief is different for hunters.
OOOhh such a haunting scene :,) sam knows that there's no good answer to give. not way to really comfort her, but i think he's too kind not to try. perhaps grief is different for hunters, but can it really? hunters are still humans, and though sam has had a lifetime of grief over and over again, it never gets better. grief is still grief and words won't make it better, but she's all alone and she deserves for someone to tell her the things he's never had the privilege to hear. things like "it's okay" and "you're allowed to go." or "just because there aren't flowers doesn't mean you don't love him. the gesture of flowers is nice. the proof of love can matter. but it's never the most important thing, so long as you remember." he won't lie and say someone will bring flowers for her. he would if he could, but he can't even get to jess's grave. or his mom's or dad's or anyone's at all. he won't lie and say it ever stops hurting or that she'll stop feeling just a little bit guilty. but he might tell her she doesn't have to feel guilty. she's not doing anything wrong. and he'll sit there with her, if she'd like. she doesn't have to be alone, not tonight.
he has to leave in the morning, and so does she, but he'll remember her and feel sorry he never asked her name. he'll probably realize after they've parted ways that he remembers the name on the grave. he could find her if he wanted, he could look and there'd probably be a tiny obituary in the local news column naming her as her late father's next of kin. but he never looks because names can be so heavy, and if he knows her name, he thinks that's probably enough to put her in danger, though it's not really true. he'd hate to ever run into her again because death follows him and she's had enough of that.
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samsblades · 15 days ago
Just had a nice big juicy thought. Imagine Sam going on a hunt and they find another "hunter". Not American by any means though, Romanian and there's something oddly haunting and old about them but Sam just can't put his finger on it. Ends up falling head over heals tho for them. That "hunter" is you! A very, very old vampire who came all the way from Romania just to find him. This so called "demon-boy". You're smitten just at the first sight of him. How adorable it is- seeing him run around the country like a dog- trying to save the world and all that or whatever. It's charming, in a way. Even the way that he has no idea that you're a vampire is adorable in its own way. I mean- the accent, the odd superstitions you hold to your heart and the way you view humanity is nearly concerning. All of these should've been blaring signs but no vampire could be that...stereotypical...right? (This is nearly 100% like Interview with The Vampire bc the shit Lestat is on is what I need to be on. The yearning, the weeping, the sacrifice, the love, the crying, the making a record calling out to your ex-boyfriend and calling him a whore so he can come marching in your home while ur mid fuck with your side piece and then fuck you instead? UGH WHO IS HIS DEALER???) Anyway I just think it'd be so funny. You're literally stopping time and he's just like "They got tricks- that's all" yuh huh Sam. Cue me doing the little bite on him- ugh LORD.
OMG I LOVE THIS. somehow clueless sam is so funny to me LMAO he's so silly and cute hahaha. i have no idea what this reference is about the vampire and lestat and this interview you speak of but i trust you that we should find his dealer <3
"they got tricks" HAHA TOO GOOD blindly in love sammy, but you're not manipulating him so it's okay <333 this would be such a fun character to write and think about though, i seriously love it muah
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samsblades · 2 months ago
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Just gonna leave this here for you...as well as some thoughts <3
DEMON! Reader who is actually a little bit good. Sure, reader is evil. A little piece of shit but they know when to be kind. They know the difference between hell and earth. It's easy to point out the bad things when you see them in yourself but it's also easy to point out the good when you see it in Sam. You know it's bad to give him your blood- you know it is. It's corrupting him. But you can't bear to have him beg to you for it. Witness him having withdrawals- you just can't. So you let him. Let him drink up the blood from you that he needs- from wherever he wants. Sometimes he gets a little too needy or too excited so he'll bite your inner thigh a bit too hard and draw blood as he sucks you off or eats you out. Sometimes you can't tell who's the dog and who's the owner in the relationship. Your both devoted to eachother in a way. You just can't seem to stop tailing him and his brother everywhere while he always somehow ends up at your door with sour gummy worms as if they're a stick he got for you between his teeth.
USDGFHSIKJ YAGDFHISAJ RARRARARARRRRAHHHHH not sam winning me over with sour gummy worms what. jk that would work on me... could be real worms and i'd be like. wow this the greatest gift i've ever received let's have some crazy sex now !!!!
no but i'm thoroughly obsessed with UGHHHH... like it's impossible not to give him what he wants. and damn maybe he just wants your blood, but that's only at first, if ever at all. he wants your blood. it's never as sweet from any other demon.
and his eyes, god his eyes are so pretty, you feel so terrible letting him keep sucking the blood from your pretty thighs, but it feels so good and there's no going back when he looks like he could cry if you don't give it him. you hate when his hands shake, so you have to give it to him. and maybe you know it's bad, but you can't deny your nature. you're built to corrupt, made to taint. being with him is giving into your everything. your evil, your love, your compulsions, your sympathy. your pleasure, your greed, your lust, your odd attraction to good. at the end of the day, you're both the dog.
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samsblades · 2 months ago
Idk if this is Ur thing but there's this Hybrid stuff going around. Like basically a cross of a human and an animal but it's not like werecreatures- idk how to describe it but I just imagine Sam being like a deer hybrid- proud and big antlers nearly scraping the ceiling and cute ahh little tail. I imagine he had bigger antlers at the very beginning- especially when he was at Stanford but when Jess died they fell off (due to built up stress. My own headcannon with hybrids is that the more stressed n shit they r the more it'll show on them physically, just like humans but a lil different.) And while hunting he's sort of going through phases where he's growing them back or they then fall off- or get cut off as torture :(
He's such a cutie patootie to me. Don't even get me started on tfem deer hybrid Sam cause I imagine her putting little white spots on herself with white out or some cheap drugstore make-up. She wants to be pretty too so she ducks down lower and doesn't grow out her antlers- politely asking Dean to help wrap them so they stay stumpy for a little longer before she can't stop them.
Or or tmasc doe hybrid Sam who is honestly such a knight- being chivalrous and standing with a straight back as he carries around some macrame antlers he made with Jess (which sadly burnt in the fire and he then made some with you after a while). Tmasc Doe Hybrid Sam who uses drugstore make-up as well but to cover up his little white dots. Tmasc Sam who only really works out so he can plow a dildo into you proper- mount you proper- as if he can actually breed you :p in reality he gets all whiny and only bucks his hips into your mouth when you suck off his little t-cock and scissor his pretty little hole while his cute little tail wags under his ass.
Deer Hybrid Sam who didn't start growing out his antlers again after Jess' death for a while until after he met you. Pretty little you. Always there to comfort him- granting him words his brother can't exactly do. He tries not to be perverse about you. Keep his otherwise gutter worthy thoughts to himself and only himself. But sometimes you leave some panties lying around- and tfem Sam just loves trying them on no matter how guilty she feels after it.
Imagine gripping his antlers while riding him or something- ohhhh fuuuckk. Or the way they'd scrape your tummy a bit as he'd eat you out or suck you off- DROOLING FOR HIM. The tail wags...he's so obvious it's almost pitiful and not to mention the way his ears wpuld flick up to hear your voice whenever even a syllable is uttered by you. Dean teases him about it nearly all the time. I imagine in the later seasons- maybe when things are more settled and he grows his antlers out properly he let's you decorate them for Christmas- little baubles hanging and some tinsle. He asks if there's a star but you just tell him to look in the mirror.
Now- idk to what depth you'd be into this but I also like the idea of him having like a deer bottom- legs down. Think the goat man in Narnia- how he had two goat legs but his upper half was human except for the ears n horns. Idk but the little clomps of Sam's hooves... ugh- and cleaning them for him?!? Just euthanise me please I can't go on anymore if he's not real.
Hope you have/had a great day <3
yes i've seen plenty of hybrid stuff, less so in this fandom though so far! it's not hugely my thing tbh but it's definitely enjoyable!!
i think i've always seen/thought of mostly dog hybrid sam so i loveee this concept of deer/doe hybrid makes me so :,) because sam is so deer <33 and it's sooo extra adorable AGH especially trans hybrid sam, must squish their cheeks and help with affirming their gender hehehe.
i just love all of your thoughts on this so much agh!!! too too good the macrame antlers makes me emo actually :,)
OMG not because gripping his antlers while riding him is actually really hot hehehe <3 his cutie patootie ears ugh i love <333 christmas antlers. his pout... pretending he hates it but he can't too much becase it's making you smile.. sigh.
the deer version of a satyr/faun is a bit silly logistically in terms of certain things to me BUT it's definitely a fun concept! not sure if i find it attractive but i do love a good mythical/supernatural creature in any shape or form!! idk sam's always hot so. yeah hehehe
thank you for your thoughts my love!! i had a good day, i hope you did/do too!! <33 muah muah
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samsblades · 2 months ago
TRANSFEM SAM THOUGHTS UPON YE!!! You going bra shopping with her even tho she hasn't gotten top surgery yet. You teaching her about sizes and demonstrating how they'd feel with some oranges you'd brought so she can get a proper idea of what it'd be like- so it'd be easier for her to choose what size she'd like. You, kissing her neck and calling her your little good girl a few weeks after that day when she bought some lingere and she looks sooo pretty with her cock filling up in those cute lacy panties. Cue her revealing to transmasc you that she picked out a strap on dildo for you to use- one a size she think would suit you <33 Her getting all flustered with your excitement to seeing her in lingere and responds by peppering kisses along your top surgery scars. Then you have cute n a little bit savage sex cause she's a biter at the end of the day. (Btw, what do u think of chastity cages? Cause I have some thoughts ab transfem Sam wearing one sometimes but idk 🤷‍♀️)
OH OH AND AND Imagine on a diff note- you and Sam go on a hunt together after a witch. Which turns out was a minor slip up on her part when they accidentally turned someone into a frog (he was a dick) and when he turned back he made a big fuss and it ended up in the papers so u and Sam went to check it out. Turns out this witch deals with trans people and gives them their dream body (really just a gender swap) in return for a favour (whatever they need. Usually groceries or someone to pay their mortage cause they don't like to leave their home n money is tough to earn.) So when Sam and reader confront the witch, the witch is like "Yall are so mean about this- he deserved it and I do what's good for the people who come to me willingly." Cue a bit of ignorant Sam being like "are you sure about that? Do they get to turn back?" Blah blah blah all that shit and readers tryna shut him up cause he's being a dick and the witch decides to curse them both, treating them a lesson not to mess with them and to get a feel of what it's like being in a body you hate, by swapping both their genders with a curse that only lasts for a month. The witch books it obvi and reader and Sam are left in their home in very very different bodies than when you first entered. Reader is all tall and buff, actually getting to look down at Sam now. He looks really different too. A little shorter than he was before but still tall for a woman. His hair is longer and he's got some softer features- that goes completely without mentioning his huge tits now (I headcannon he's a D) and his clothes are all big on him now. It's embarrassing. The two flounder around in panic (mainly Sam while reader sorta just flexes in the mirror occasionally.) They end up swapping clothes but end up having to go buy Sam and reader undergarments cause it's weird wearing someone's undies and Sam's tits r a lil bit too big for readers bra. I'd honestly love to see this get turned into a fic series or sm where they have to learn to handle their new bodies now (don't get me started on the cycle Sam goes thru ugh and reader getting to help out?!?! Not to mention he's sooo pretty now.) And how to handle the constant misgendering that occurs. Sam hates it but tries not to resent others because he can't blame them for how he looks but its a bunch of dysmorphia and comfort and maybe just maybe Sam teaching reader how to jerk off cause they get blue balls accidentally and reader doing the same for Sam cause he's ovulating and has had the biggest crush on reader since forever <3
Hope u like these thoughts pookie <3
WHOO you know i love your thoughts pookie, muah!! <33
i'm actually. going fucking feral thanks!!! she deserves bra shopping even no matter what.. maybe she has the cutest little boobs from estrogen <33 kissing her and praising her when she shows you the lingerie she got.. or maybe you picked it out for her and you go a little extra feral bc you're seeing her in the bra and panties that you chose... maybe just maybe you're a little possessive <3 god, sammy's girlcock straining against her panties is something i admit to thinking about a lot :D
and RAGHHH extra feral at the part about her getting a strap for you i'm @_@ going insane... like damn. she really picks out the perfect size for you too. god this is so hot i'm foaming out the mouth i need to fuck her :D um yes crazy biting sex with her most certainly ensues <3 as for chastity cages i've never really though about them much at all tbh, not my thing i think but i can definitely imagine that being incredibly hot with her ngl
this second concept is so interesting too omg
i mean :D i'd be living my best life personally HAHAHAH but the witch doesn't have to know that <33 poor sam though lmao. but uhhh super hot teaching each other how to get off in their new bodies :D
on another note i always think about tmasc reader and tfem sam (neither of whom have gotten any surgeries or started hormones yet) getting body swapped by a witch who thinks they're cursing them and they just. don't ever go through the work to break the spell because they prefer it that way LOL and that's like. definitely weird but i find it really hot for some reason :D maybe bc i think me and tfem sam would thrive in each other's bodies hehe <3
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samsblades · 1 month ago
HUGE CONGRATS TO THE ABROAD STUDY PROGRAM!!! Do please watch out and do Ur research about where you're staying before you leave tho- you don't wanna know the horror stories I've heard. Stay safe and study hard!
AHH THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! and thank you for the advice!! don't you worry, i likely wouldn't have applied for this place at all if i didn't think it would be safe :)) it is in fact a very very safe place, it's actually been ranked within the last few years to be the safest city for students in an already very safe country!! no where is without its downfalls but it's generally considered a very safe place for solo travelers, women, and queer people, so i'll be very careful but not constantly worried LOL thanks love <33
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samsblades · 1 month ago
Please please please tell me tumblr didn't eat up my ask ab Sam never getting over Jess and the presence she'll always hold in his life
hiya love don't worry! it was not eaten i'm just having trouble answering asks for some reason or another :(( i'm trying to promise i'll answer all of the ones in my inbox tomorrow for valentines day!
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samsblades · 2 months ago
Aaaaa I loved it sm! Ur such a good writer, getting me all teary eyed at 6 am :') Thank you!
yayyyy i'm so glad!! ahhh you flatter me, i hugely appreciate you saying so MUAH <33 thank youuuu <3333
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samsblades · 2 months ago
Hiya, can I pretty please request for a 5 Q or J with loud/talkative reader expressing their insecurities to Sam that people are getting bored or annoyed with them and that they'll leave (they have attachment/abandonment issues). It's not like they even mean to be loud or a blabber mouth- it just happens even after they try to keep it together and act all mysterious (that shit doesn't work ),: ) They're doing this underneath a streetlamp where reader was originally sat on the curb alone but then Sam joined them cause he realised they weren't in the motel room anymore. (Btw Sam and Reader aren't together yet so this is a sort of confession!)
Hope you have fun with this or atleast think of it. Love ya pooks <3
yayyyy hehe hi love!! thanks for the request, i love you too!! here it is <333
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samsblades · 2 months ago
Omg an awakening just occurred- I don't know if you're into it but omegaverse stuff just hits for me personally. Like I'm imagining Sam atm...ugh, he gives off very very big Alpha vibes n I'd die for that literally. Him just being all needy in his rut n practically flopping himself on top of you. Or always just being right beside you. No way is he going to let you out of his sight. I saw someone do Sam as an Alpha and Dean as an Omega and idk it just makes so much sense to me and I feel like it'd fit perfectly w their story. Like imagine John being more proud of Sam as well because not only did he go to Stanford but he's also an Alpha while Dean is his omega son. Not to mention their 4 year age gap, which idk if the terms are right cause it's different for every omegaverse things, but I've heard that they present what they are at that age or sm like that and that's why Sam came four years later. I love hating on John Winchester and will do anything to vilify him. Stone me idc. Anyway- imagine how conflicting it'd be for Dean cause all his life he's been seen as lesser. More useless and tainted than his younger brother cause of his second gender but with literal God and the heavens looking at him to stop the apocalypse and be Michael's vessel at the price of condemning his brother to the cage with lucifer forever...the resentment boils his blood but he'd never do that to Sammy :(
And Sam who doesn't realise how much better he has it as an Alpha. Like literally- the brothers don't talk ab it because growing up it was taught as taboo. Idk what I'm on ab anymore. Anyway- Just Alpha Sam needing you a lot n marking you and fucking you so hard you think you might tear in half. He's very sweet afterwards tho <3
HIII i mean omegaverse is not my thing. shrug nothing against it but i just don't think about it or seek it out ever.
but!!! you do certainly make an interesting case here!! it definitely sounds like it would create a whole other level of tension and character arcs and stuff!! i just loveee anything that makes shit more complicated and devastating T_T at least in sam and deans dynamic here LOL
but yeah <3 i love any version of sam that fucks rough and then is sweet <33
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samsblades · 3 months ago
Hiii- ik it's prolly not the time yet where u r but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I wish you and all of your dear followers a great year ahead filled with good health and fortune <3 mwah mwah
it's not quite yet but HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU !!!! and many many thanks !!! i wish you health, happiness, luck, and love !!! muah muah <333
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