#but i thought this was still a neat idea and i couldnt stop thinking about it today
claitea · 2 years
thinking about a volo redemption arc au, where volo gets sent forward in time by arceus after the events of legends arceus.
he has no memory of the past, only that arceus gave him the mission of "seeking out past mistakes", not even telling him who's mistakes they were. he has to do research around sinnoh to piece together his past, and he eventually realizes the "mistakes" were his own. but he's also seen how good the future is during his travels, and how *waves hands vaguely* whatever caused him to lose faith in the world while he was in hisui is fixed, people lived on happily without the need for volo to completely restart the universe.
essentially, arceus giving volo a restart, wiping his slate clean, so he wouldn't go down the path he once did
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galaticrow546 · 3 years
Ok so i started to write this before chapter 9 even came out sooo yeh :'), idk i just wanted to write something about a "what If Blue and Ink finally got little Dream back but Dream is acting in a way they didnt expect" and yeh i tried-
Anyways, OSD belongs to @calcium-cat ( seriously go check them out the story is good and her art is neat af )
Ah yes, a new day, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, everything is peaceful, Blue sighs relieved and sips his coffee while sitting on the fluffy blue couch, reading a book about a hero perhaps? Blue noticed how little he was paying attention, but its fine right? He feels like today is going to be a good day-
Well, today WAS a good day, It seems that the tiny guardian just woke up, and unfortunately, Dream hasnt been in the best mood or behavior ever since they got him out of Night’s castle, he has no Idea why Dream is so angry at them, Neither Blue nor Ink know why, but Dream sure wasnt taking It well.
As the small angry child approached the couch, Blue quickly stood up and faced him:
-“Good morning dear, how are yo-“
Blue paused and blinked, its not a new thing that Dream wasnt up for talking, but for one month straight? Blue wouldnt say It out loud, but he was getting sad at the situation:
-“....right” Blue said sadly
As the angry looking child stared at Blue, Ink got down the stairs in a white blue-striped pajamas:
-“Hey yall, good morni-“
Dream quickly hissed and got ready to jump at Ink, in which Ink hissed playfully in return, but this got the toddler even more angry, after a minute, the toddler started to hit ink’s legs with his tiny hands, but they hardly hurt Ink, as Ink playfully mocks Dream, he gets more motivated to hit Ink like there is no tommorrow, Blue silently watches them from afar, he wished the toddler didnt hit or hiss at Ink so much.
Blue silently left the living room and went to the kitchen to grab something for Ink to eat, today was his turn to patrol the multiverse while Blue stays and takes care of Dream, as he explored the kitchen, he quickly made a sandwich and took a banana, then placing It in the bag and wrapping it up nicely, as he finished, he quickly left the kitchen and went back into the living room:
-“Ink, take this bag with you in the patrol, remember to drink water and to take a little break If you want to- oh c’mon“
Blue glared at the scene in front of him, Ink was holding Dream wrapped in a blanket, the toddler was screaming and wriggling in the blanket furiously, Ink just giggled and sometimes told him to calm down, only to be answered with a death stare from the child in return.
Ink quickly stared at Blue with a grin:
-“Uh, oh? Were you saying something Blue?”
Blue quietly glared at Ink with a tired gaze and then pointed at the bag, the bag had a text written in It saying “for patrol”, Ink silently looked at It:
Ink quickly left the angry toddler at the sofa as It squirmed himself free from the blanket, hurried towards Blue and took the bag, as he was heading towards the door, Blue quickly grabbed a fistfull of his clothes, as Ink looked back at him with a confused glare:
-“Your clothes, you are still in pajamas Ink“ Blue slightly grinned
Ink paused and glared at himself, and then a look of realization made its way on his face, he thanked Blue for reminding him and hurriedly ran back to his bedroom to change.
The toddler in the sofa eventually made his way out of the blanket and slowly walked towards Blue with the blanket in hands, eventually he silently gave It to Blue and then walked away to the kitchen.
Blue stood confused and with the blanket in hands, eventually folding It and heading to Dream’s bedroom, eventually placing It on his yellow fluffy bed, Blue looked at the bed for a while, its hard to not remember the times when Dream was with them and when he wasnt a angry child, he wished Dream could open up to them just like he did in the past.
He hasnt realized that Ink was staring at him from the bedroom door, silently waiting for Blue to turn around, but eventually, Ink went in and hugged Blue from the side of his body, Blue jumped a little and looked at Ink, he just stared back with a serious expression, eventually smiling at Blue, this made Blue giggle a little as they both made their way outside Dream’s bedroom.
As they were getting down the stairs, Dream silently stared at them with a bored face, Ink playfully greets him as Dream ignores the greeting, eventually, Ink and Blue made their ways to the front door, Ink hurriedly says goodbye to both of them as he left, Blue quickly screamed behind:
Ink looked back and waved at Blue, and then, he was gone, Blue sighed as he returned back home, he was about to sit down before hearing a strange sound in the kitchen, he blinked and sighed yet again, heading to the kitchen
Blue arrived at the kitchen only to see Dream sitting in the counter drinking a cup of water while looking bored, he paused and stared at Blue, he then looked back at his water and kept drinking It:
-“Dream, get down from there please” Blue started
-“Hmmmmmm no” replied Dream while looking at his now empty cup
Blue stared at Dream with a serious expression, as he approached the tiny guardian, Dream was busy refilling his cup:
-“Dream im serious-“
Blue paused in front of Dream, the guardian stared back with a bored but relaxed look as he sipped from his now refilled cup, but quickly screamed a little when Blue suddenly grabbed him and brought him to his eye level, Blue looked at him silently before he spoke up:
-“Get off the counter, you might fall and get hurt“
Dream stayed silently and looked nervously at Blue, only to gulp and slowly wrap his hands around Blue, as Blue brought him down gently
Dream nervously looked up at Blue with cup on hands, the other stared back with a sigh and a frown, Dream quickly drank his water and gave the empty wet cup to the skeleton in front of him, only to run away right after, Blue blinks silently, and then immediatly follows him after putting the cup on the counter
As Blue got in the living room, Dream was sitting on the sofa with a bored expression, that quickly changed to a angry stare once he spotted Blue:
Dream stayed silent, but after a while, spoke up:
-“Why what?“
-“Why did you guys take me away from my brother?”
-“Your brother is evi-“
Dream gasped in offense, eyes wide and with a expression of disgust:
-“MY brother is the sweetest and nicest person i know! Stop saying nonsense!“
Blue paused terrified at the sudden reply, did Night brainwash him somehow? If he did, how could he fix that now? He needed to act quick:
-“But the people he is with are also evi-“
Blue stared at the angry child, he felt himself getting more determined to tell Dream the truth about his “family” as Dream likes to call them, but apparently, the kid didnt want to listen, as Blue opened his mouth to say something else, Dream interrupted:
-“Do you even know what you’re talking about? I dont want to talk with someone who associates himself with the mean Ink guy who hurt my brother and who also hurt Cross, dont think i forgot the day you both took me away“
Blue stood silent, the kid had a point, but he didnt think Dream would actually hold a grudge against Ink or him, coming to think about It, the grudge with Ink should be stronger now, after all, Cross was alone with Dream when they invaded Night’s castle, It was weird, but a opportunity to get their friend back, and Dream tried to protect Cross so much, but It was all in vain as Ink injured Cross severely, he will never forget the horrified look on Dream’s face when he saw Cross hurt and almost passing out, and the expression of anger that came right after was dreadful.
Ink grabbed Dream with no problem, but then constantly tried to keep Dream from squirming and hitting them, begging to be let go, Blue just followed right after, but It seems that their relationship became even more strained when Ink began taking almost everything he said as a joke, Dream didnt even talk with them that day, and hissed angrily whenever they tried to approach him, its weird to think that this happened a month ago.
Blue didnt notice how long he has been silent and lost in thought, by the time he noticed that, he also noticed that the child was still staring at him angrily, as If he was expecting a response, but It quickly turned into an annoyed expression as Dream spoke up annoyed:
-“Ugh, nevermind, I’ll just go to my room“
Blue tried to tell Dream to wait up, but the toddler could care less to hear him, as Dream’s bedroom door closed up with a loud thud.
Blue looked up to the closed door sadly, but he knew that Dream needed some time, everytime those fights happened, It would always end with Dream getting in his room angrily, Blue cant help but feel bad whenever he heard sniffles coming from inside the room when he walked in front of It.
Blue heads to the kitchen to perhaps make something to eat for himself, that will distract him right? right.
He forgot how long Dream usually stayed there, sometimes It would last hours upon hours, but sometimes only minutes, but no matter how long It lasted, It still hurts Blue to the core, he hated seeing Dream all sad, he could manage to deal with na angry Dream, but with a sad Dream who is not willing to talk? He just couldnt.
Blue was sitting on the sofa yet again while he was thinking about It, as he looked outside the nearby window, It was already sunset, he decided to at least see how Dream was doing since the sniffling and the muffled cries have stopped, as he got up from the sofa and walked towards the bedroom door, he paused and looked at the door sadly, carefully paying attention to the sounds, but nothing was heard from inside, with a worried feeling, Blue slowly turned the handle to the side, opening the door carefully and taking a peep inside, only to see Dream silently looking at a piece of paper with tears on his eyes, he seemed so tired, yet so sad, Blue felt a heartbreak start to become clearer on his soul, he slowly and careful got in, carefully approaching the sad child, hoping that he could at least comfort It, but as he approached further, Dream quickly looked scared at his direction while hiding the paper from Blue’s view:
-“...its ok, you dont have to show It to me“
Dream stayed silent, tears still on his eyes, he began to curl up protectively and shake, Blue looked nervously and stopped approaching, just looking at the child with an sad look, they both stayed in silence staring at each other until Blue asked softly:
-“Are you ok with me approaching you a little?“
Dream stared silently, some minutes have passed before he nodded slowly, Blue began slowly approaching the crying child, being careful to not make any moves that might scare Dream further, Dream began to slowly uncurl himself up and looked up at Blue, with his arms protecting the paper, Blue stopped and began assuring the kid:
-“Its ok, I wont take It or destroy It in any way, you can stay with It“
The tiny child seemed relieved but doubtful when Blue assured that, Blue began to once again approach the small child, then bending to his level once he got close enough, Blue stared at Dream with a soft look, Dream stared back with a blank stare, heavy breaths could be heard from the tiny kid, Blue carefully approached his hand towards Dream, the little one staring at It with a worried look, but then, as Blue’s hand touched his skull gently, Dream stopped breathing for a moment, confused as to why Blue was doing this and why was his gloves so soft, Dream didnt move at all for a moment, but then slowly rubbed his head on Blue’s hand, Blue moved along and asked the child If he was ok with It, Dream nodded gently as Blue took his hand away.
Dream blinked confused, but as Blue’s hands began drying his tears, he started speaking:
-“...I want to suggest something, but I will only do so If you are willing to hear me“
Dream stared at Blue, and then nodded curiously, Blue wont admit It, but he feels incredibly happy that Dream is starting to somewhat trust him:
-“A-alrighty, so, I suggest that we try to start listening to each other carefully-“
Dream opened his mouth with a little angry expression, but quickly backed down when Blue started to speak again:
-“It doesnt have to be a fight, It can be a calm conversation where we listen to each other and maybe even understand each other“
The little child softly stared at Blue, then looking to the side as If he was thinking about the suggestion, and then asked softly:
-“...will you be willing to listen to me?“
Blue smiled softly:
-“Of course Dream“
Dream sighed in relief, and gently approached Blue, his hand gently wrapping around the tiny guardian, Dream slowly analizes Blue, staring at his clothes and his face as Blue just let him, and before Blue knew It, he was shaking with joy, his little friend was now trusting him and looked somewhat calm, but for Blue, It was everything, Dream worriedly looked up at him when he noticed the sudden shaking and the overly happy look on the skeleton’s face:
-“Uhhhh, are you ok mister?“
-“Y-yeah“ Blue answered happily
Dream’s face approached further and started to analize the monster’s excited face, and It seemed to get even more excited the more Dream approached, but Blue couldnt handle It when a tiny hand started poking his face, Blue fell on his back and Dream squeaked in surprise, falling over to his back as well, but then getting up and rushing to Blue:
-“Um, uh, are you sure you’re ok?“
Blue stayed silent, little Dream approached further and poked his cheek various times, he was getting worried about the tall skeleton, but then noticed the big smile on Its face, Dream paused and looked at the smile, poking It at the process, Blue got spooked and looked up at the child poking him:
-“Huh? Uhhh...oh! Yeah im fine, dont worry Dreamy“
The child gave a small relieved sigh, and then smiled softly while lightly hitting Blue’s arm:
-“You scared me for a moment“
-“Heh, sorry“
Blue stared at Dream with a wide grin, as Dream suddenly turned around and laid down on his back above Blue like he was a matress, Blue squeaked with surprise and was about to ask what he was doing before noticing his eyes closed, Dream looked quite relaxed, and Blue didnt want to ruin that, so he watched as the child slowly fell asleep on his body, petting him gently as he did so, he doesnt know exactly what will happen from now on, but he is excited to see what the future holds.
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arcadianstuff · 3 years
Can ask for a cheerleader reader and douxie, like they are from rival schools but meet at a game and they really like each other
I love this !! 1000% yes !!!
“Come on girls, hair and makeup needs to be done in ten minutes !” You called out into the changing room filled with giggling cheerleaders.
It was a Saturday evening, and a big football game was happening between your school, Arcadia Oaks High, and their arch rival, Arcadia Oaks Academy. Even thinking about the school made your blood boil. They had a nasty tradition of pranking your school the night before a game. One year you’d ended up drenched in red paint, ruining your hair and makeup. It took ages to wash it all off.
Not only that but the student were the worst. Tight Jeans Hank was a player if you’d ever seen it, and had broken Mary’s heart. But the worst had to be Hisirdoux Casperan. His name alone made your blood boil and hands clench into fists. Since the day he’d moved into town the two of you had been at odds. As another magical being you felt threatened that he’d stumbled into your territory. You didn’t trust outsiders, certainly not strange guys with rude cat famialirs.
Also He worked at Mr. Benoits as one of your coworkers so there was no escaping him. You hated his stupid skull necklace and black hair with blue dyed tips. Who did he think he was, coming onto your turf as a sorcerer and stealing all the good magical items ?! Not only that but he always seemed to go out of his way to piss you off.
Also that English accent was definitely not real ! He was totally faking it !
“(Y/n) I need help with my hair it just won’t behave !” Mary yelled upset, flinging her hairbrush onto the side in frustration. You were brought out of your angry, rage filled thoughts by her whining, and quickly ran over to stop her tantrum.
“I’ve got you, no worries girl.” You said reassuringly smiling at her as you picked up the comb, and started to pull her hair up into a high ponytail.
As the head cheerleader you felt a level of protectiveness over your team, plus you were the oldest as a senior in the high school (and nearly 800 years old as a magical being). Girls like Mary and Shannon (who you had struggled to convince to join the team since she was very shy and not to confident) looked up to you.
There was no pressure on your team to look or act a certain way. You hated all the stereotypes about cheerleaders and were trying to get rid of them. For one the uniform ou guys wore came in a variety of styles. If a girl wanted they could wear a short skirt and crop top, but if they didn’t there was also shorts, T-shirt’s or leggings instead. All had your schools logo and colours.
You personally liked the short skirt and cropped top, you knew it bugged Douxie to see you wearing it. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you and it pissed him off that you could do that to him. You on the other hand loved the power it gave you.
“There we go, you look great Mary.” Tying a neat bow into her hair you stepped back to let her eye your work in the mirror.
“You’re the best (y/n) !! I look fabulous !” She whipped out her phone to take a selfie which you rolled your eyes at.
Douxie rarely came to things like high school football games, he wasn’t one for school events. Zoe has to drag him to prom, and he spent the short, thirty minutes he could manage there complaining about the awful music. However he knew that this game was against Arcadia Oaks high school. And he also knew that a certain girl was head of the cheerleading squad.
Douxie had laughed so loudly when he found out you were a cheerleader at work in one of your sarcasm-filled conversations. The amount of jokes he made like ‘give me a C for (y/n) can’t count properly’ or you being a ‘dumb cheerleader’. He’d planned on coming today to enjoy watching you embarrass yourself so he could tease you about it at work.
But then Douxie saw you and your team run onto the field And any thoughts of mocking you flew out of his mind, along with his drink which he dropped in shock, splashing the poor person in front of him.
You were clad in a skirt and top, both in your school colours, with a neat bow tied in your hair. The lively smile on your face made you look electric.
You looked really good. Like Douxie, who’s been alive for 919 years, has never seen anything that good good.
“Mordrax’s miracles.” He whispered, breathless as you and the other girls danced along to the music, pom poms flying in the air.
From atop of the pyramid formation, you and your team had taken, you noticed a certain punk rock guy in the bleachers surrounding the field. And you also noticed his shell shocked expression.
A mischievous grin spread across your face as you were launched into the air, flipping gracefully before the bases caught you. You weren’t daft. Douxie had practically been drooling the way he was looking at you, and it made your heart leap.
There might be some tension between the two of you but it wasn’t all bad.
For some reason Douxie hung back when the game ended. Even though everybody else was filing out of the bleachers, and into the streets of Arcadia, he found himself rooted to his seat. Well he had some idea why.
Maybe, just maybe, he’d get to see a certain cheerleader.
You bid the girls farewell, hugging Mary and Shannon goodbye as you headed out of the changing rooms. As your skin met the bitter winters night air you started to regret not brining a jacket. Shivering a little you rubbed your arms up and down as you turned to walk out of the field, lit by a few lampposts.
“Cold love ?” A British-accented voice asked aloud.
A scowl crossed your features as you recognised the smug owner of said voice. With a dramatic sigh you turned on your heel to glower at the one and only Hisirdoux Casperan.
“What’s it to you Casperan ? Also quick side note scene hasn’t been a thing since the early 2000s.” You sneered at him, putting your hands on your hips.
“Well darling I was going to offer you my jacket but I don’t feel quite so compelled now.” He answered smirking at the annoyed look on your face.
In all honesty he did feel a little bad for you. It was a chilly night and yet here you were in a tiny skirt and top. Honestly he knew you were dumb but really.
“Well I don’t want your stupid jacket ! It’s a lovely clear night !” You yelled at him, before turning around marching away. however you only got two steps before the heavens decided to open.
It began to rain, the droplets hitting your bare skin, making your slight shivering turn into fall on shaking. You cursed the gods who decided your life was a comedy routine.
However you kept walking, not wanting to be near Douxie anymore. The giddy feeling in your chest at being near him was quickly being overtaken by sheer annoyance. With a huff you tried to march away until Douxie reached out and grabbed your hand.
“Love as stubborn as you are, you can’t walk home in this. Come on I’ll give you a lift back.” He offered, for once sounding sincere.
Hesitating for a moment you looked him up and down, noting how his face had softened, the way his lovely dark eyes were focused on your so intently.
“Thanks.....Casperan.” You said awkwardly, unused to being civil with Douxie.
The boy smiled at you, chuckling a little at your awkward tone. As you both turned to walk to his car he unzipped his jacket and threw it at you.
“What the hell casperan !” You yelled, before quietening down once you realised he’d given you his jacket - abruptly sure, but he’d still done it.
Without saying anything you slipped the dark blue jacket on loving the feeling of warmth. The faint smell of pine trees and old books mixed with scent of the falling rain, and you couldnt help but take a deep breath in.
Douxie watched a content smile grace your face, and could feel his heart beat start to pick up. He prayed to Merlín that his cheeks weren’t as red as tomatoes. The sight of you in his jacket was doing things to him.
A sudden clap of thunder startled the pair of you and hurriedly you chased after Douxie, who made his way over to his car. You were dripping wet once you got inside the comfort of the vehicle, letting out a sheepish laugh.
“Sorry about your car seat.” You mumbled, rubbing your arm sheepishly. The leather of Douxies jacket was covered in rain and it dampened your fingers.
From beside you, Douxie glanced your way as he turned his keys in the ignition. The roar of the car was overtaken by another clap of thunder, a bolt of lightning shimmering through the sky.
It’s golden light lit up your face for a few seconds and Douxie’s breath caught in his throat, stunned for a second time today at your appearance. A few strands of hair were stuck to your cheeks, which were coloured with pink. Completed with your glowing eyes he couldn’t help but think how beautiful you were, especially when you weren’t saying something sarcastic.
“It’s no problem at all love....” he flashed you a small smile before reversing out of the parking lot and driving steadily down the streets of Arcadia.
The two of you, soaking wet form the rain, driving through the quiet streets to the soundtrack of a thunderstorm; it was quite romantic. For the first time you both were enjoying each other’s company, in peace and quiet.
It left you almost feeling unnerved, a slight tension building in the close confinement’s of Douxies car. You went to break the ice first but Douxie already started to speak;
“So umm where should I drop you ?” He asked, finally realising he actually had no idea where you lived.
“Oh uh Peach street, I live in an apartment above the flower shop there.” You quickly responded, a little embarrassed that you’d been so stupid.
Quickly, the pair of you were both engulfed in silence once again, as Douxie turned left down the street. He was struggling to think of anything to say. You guys had the odd witty, sarcastic conversation but never really spoke. There was attraction definitely, but your interests remained unvoiced. Hell the pair of you had never even spoken about your shared magical talents.
Until now.
“I know you’re a wizard.” Blunt as a butter knife, your words caught him off guard a little. He’d wondered when you would have this conversation.
Since the moment Douxie first met you, at Benoit’s on his first day at work, he knew you were a wizard like him, or soreceress rather.
He could easily sense your magic, an aura of red, so fiery and bright it caught him off guard, surrounded you. Whereas you felt the cool blue aura that shrouded the teen, calm but telling of how powerful he was.
“Blunt as ever love. And I know you’re a sorceress. A pretty powerful one at that, or just pretty.” He winked at you, a smirk on his face as he saw you roll your eyes.
“So....now that’s our in the open. Why did you come here ? You know this is my territory right ?” Your long buried resentment at his arrival here was starting to surface, an edge to your tone.
Douxie sucked in a breath, “it’s a long story really, but this place it’s special. I’m sure you’re aware of everything’s that’s go on here.”
A smirk made its way across your face as you thought about the magical nature of Arcadia. You were all too aware of what happened in this town.
“Trust me Im aware. Last week I had to send an incubus back to purgatory outside my school. And then after, spent the day cleaning up the messes left behind by a bunch of chanelings.”
Before you knew it, you were ranting all about your magical problems. It felt nice to have someone to talk to, besides your familair there was nobody else you could vent to.
“It’s nice you know, to actually be able to talk to someone about this...” You started, trailing off as you felt your nerves growing.
Douxie pulled up outside your apartment, the car rolling to a stop. He turned to you and noted the small pink tint on your cheeks, and the way you were fiddling with the hem of his jacket. A pang rang through his chest at the fact that you would go now.
“Well if you want to talk some more we could go grab something to eat ?” He asked a little unsure but hopeful.
Your face broke out into a large grin.
“I’d love to Casperan.”
With a quick turn of the wheel, you both sped down your street, laughter filling the car.
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Radio Silence (Pt.1)
Logan Devros was a very odd man, short, not particularly fit, with round black glasses that just barely left room for the rest of his face, and a rather large gap just between his teeth. But there was one thing that stood out more about Logan than any physical feature. Logan was mute, except when he had his hands on a radio.
Logan had always been a very inquisitive child, and at age sixteen he'd discovered something very much convenient, radio waves could be manipulated from an outside source to connect the words stored within into a neat string of sentences. He knew of course that other devices could do this just as effectively, but he liked to think that his own discovery was much more sentimental.
Another thing that was quite well known about Logan, was his prowess in terms of guitar, he couldnt tell stories with words, so instead he told them with strings, and what stories they were.
You could always tell what mood he was in by the songs he played, a low and somber tone brought in questions about his life and living conditions, a high and energetic tone gathered crowds of excited people, ready to toss a coin or a dollar into a guitar case which lay in front of a bar stool.
Logan lived in a small town, so it was no surprise that he knew all his patrons, and they knew him just as well.
But soon things began to change, people began moving away to bigger and better things, opportunities opened up in large cities with loud noises and bright lights that made Logan's skin crawl just thinking about them.
And so the crowds dwindled, until what had once been at least a hundred, was hardly more than a handful.
So Logan had stopped playing, it didnt make any sense to spin stories that no one would listen to, after all, he was quite tired of that from his childhood as it was.
So he stayed in his room, head resting on a desk as the sun peaked through the curtains, tapping his fingers and twisting dials on a radio, repeating the same phrases over and over again.
Like some cruel melody that would never make it's way to the strings of the old guitar laying on his bed, just those four words, over, and over, until he got up to eat or sleep or whatever else required him to leave his room for a few seconds.
And it all came crashing further down within the next month, the town was all but abandoned, and was soon on it's way to being bulldozed into an amusement park.
Which meant Logan had to move.
So he took his four favorite words, and he wandered the streets for the next few days, not daring to think of all he had to give away to simply move somewhere safer.
Not daring to think of the memories.
Not daring to think of the people, the family he'd be leaving.
And two years later it still hurt, but at least now he could use a few new words.
Order up!
Refill at table seven!
Have a good day!
The bakery and boarding house he'd found himself situated in had been a very ironic bittersweet opportunity.
Patton Boleyn had inherited the company from his parents, he was very chatty, and very interested in Logan's radio, and his music. Logan would sometimes play for the patrons when he wasnt serving, that seemed to satiate the obvious hunger for violence that swam in the eyes of those just itching for a reason to gain money rather than spend it.
Patton didnt seem to mind that Logan only spoke through radio waves, and for the most part neither did the locals, it was only ever tourists that seemed to have trouble understanding that he could very easily hear their orders despite not being able to repeat them back.
"Pretty good haul tonight huh Logie?" Patton said as he checked the register.
New books replied the radio, Logan smiling as he counted out his share of that nights earnings.
"Oh! That reminds me, theres a book club starting tonight! I think you should go," Patton smiled, Logan froze slightly.
No socializing protested the radio, Patton pouted slightly.
"Just try it out? You barely interact with anyone but me, it's not good for you!" Patton nudged Logan slightly in the arm.
Logan let out a resound sigh, one of the few sounds he could make without static.
One night replied the radio, and despite the distinctly hyper-tone of the song the words had been pulled from, Logan's expression conveyed disdain for the idea.
And yet, soon enough he was sitting in a library, wishing he'd remembered to get a hair cut when the resident little old lady had commented on how nice it looked, checking every few seconds to make sure the black beanie he was wearing still sat securely on his head.
The radio was held tightly to his chest, hidden behind a large black hoodie, and emitting a faint buzz that he hoped was another case of his ears picking up the Forbidden Sounds that most couldnt hear.
The only discussion occurring seemed to be of what to read, and how you should interpret what you're reading. Logan thought about drifting off soon after someone mentioned how the color of someones curtains could be used to determine what mental illness they might be suffering from, until someone else spoke up.
"Cheryl I hope you are aware that the words that just came out of your mouth may very well be the dumbest sentence ever constructed by a person." Logan looked across the table to see a man in a torn denim vest and black tank top leaning over the table, honey-colored eyes staring down the woman across from him.
"You cant tell that someone suffers from a disorder based purely on their curtain color, and while those suffering from certain illnesses may be more inclined to pick colors that would be less than ideal, but would reflect how they feel, a man hanging up the color black hardly indicates a depressive state so much as a fear of the unknown, which you would know had you actually finished the chapter and reached the part where he's confronted with a rip in the curtains that allows him to see what goes on outside his home," said the man, straightening up and checking his nails through fingerless black leather gloves. The woman across from him seemed floored.
Logan let out an involuntary snicker, and froze up immeadietly as attention became refocused on him. He felt like putty under the gaze of those honey yellow eyes.
"Am I to assume you agree then?" Said the man, leaning his head on his hand and letting his elbow rest on the table.
He reminded Logan somewhat of a snake, from his eyes, to the pattern of brown and tan that made of his complexion.
Yes came the radio from behind Logan's jacket.
"Oh it's that little mute boy from the bakery!" Logan's face flushed with color at the comment from somewhere else in the room.
"I believe his name is Logan." Snarled the man in the denim vest.
Logan spent the rest of the meeting wishing he could disappear again, because it seemed that now that they were aware he was here, people interrupted conversation of books with questions about his personal life and how awful it must be to have no voice to speak with, to which he replied with a quick rendition of his favorite song by Lilly Allen from the radio.
Eventually it was over, but to Logan's momentary dismay, he was stopped before he could head home, only to discover the man from before had been the one to catch his attention.
"I'm Janus by the way," he said simply.
Nice to meet you the radio chimed, Logan flashing a small smile to accompany the words.
"Wanna head back to my place for a drink or two? I feel kind of bad about what happened in there," Janus said, Logan merely nodded.
What he hadnt expected from Janus' house, was the very active roommate he had roomed with.
"Oh I didnt realize he was so tiny! Janus look at him I could probably hold him over my shoulder with one arm!" The roommate, Remus, was rather tall and lanky, almost like if someone had taken a worm on a string and given it limbs.
I am not short replied the radio as Logan crossed his arms and glared up at Remus.
"Aaawww, hes in denial," Remus replied.
This conversation carried on for a short while before Janus arrived with drinks, not that Logan minded, it was actually kind of fun.
And he found himself thinking that Janus and Remus themselves were actually quite nice as well.
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bakugous-abs · 4 years
Day 5 of Halloween 2020
~Brought to you today by Admin Bomb!
October First
Halloween. God, Bakugou couldn't tell if it was his favorite or least favorite time of the year. 
No, he definitely wasn't one to wear a costume and go out trick or treating. That time was way past him and he couldn't remember why and how the hell he was able to trust getting candy from strangers. Frankly that whole aspect of Halloween seemed so hypocritical!
Every other time of the year we’re told to not take candy from strangers. Never ever once were we allowed to take candy from them. But on this specific day? Sure! Go right ahead. Infact, take candy from MULTIPLE strangers!! Nothing could go wrong with that.
The countless reports of needles being stuck in licorice and suckers already being sucked in told a different story.
And the fucking  k i d s. They were so annoying. Screaming and running after each other. Throwing a fit when they didn't get the kind of candy they want or when their siblings got one extra piece. The snot and tears. It was so gross.
That part of Halloween, Bakugou said fuck off to.
However the scaring? And the terrified faces? That's something he could look forward to. 
Seeing the look of horror Pikachu got when he prayed on one of his fears was so exciting. The heightened anxiety in the Yuuei hallways made for some easy targets to make scream and run away.
That, is why Bakugou liked Halloween. 
“Yo Bakubro, we’re gonna head out and get our costumes. You wanna come with?” Kirishima barged into his room, flicking on the light.
“Fuck no.” Bakugou cursed. The sudden brightness was stinging his eyes, the red irises struggling to adjust to sudden change. “I already told you last week you dumbass, I don’t do trick or treating.”
Kirishima's shoulders visibly went limp, a pout occupying his lips. “Come on man, it’ll be fun. You even get to scare some little kids.”
“I can do that without the help of a costume. Now get out.”
He huffed. “If you say so, man. We’ll be back later! See ya.” And with that Bakugou's door shut with a click, the lights left on.
The blond cursed the redhead under his breath. Why was it so hard to shut off the light when they leave! He has it off every single time they open the door, so why not shut it off again when they leave!?
Bakugou got up to shut the light off, but stopped in his tracks when he noticed a letter on his neat floor. When did that get there? Did shitty-hair leave it there when he left?
It was a pretty white envelope with a splotch of red to the left of the center. As he got closer he read his name in very intricate cursive. Had it not been for the date in a nice fine print, and the fact that he didn't like anyone and fully expected no one to like him back, in the upper corner he would have assumed this was an old valentines letter.
He picked it up. What the fuck was this doing here? The handwriting was very obviously not Shittyhairs. His was too rough and sharp to ever resemble something like this. 
“10-1-xxxx <3 Bakugou”
Hesitantly, he turned it around and found a wax seal on the back. A simple circle, nothing more.
The letter was ripped open, the wax seal completely forgotten. If the letter inside got ripped, that wasn’t his problem. Unfortunately, the letter went completely unscathed.
He took it out and unfolded it, careful to hold it horizontally in case this was a prank gift from one of the dunces that called him his friend, but there was no such thing. Infact, the letter seemed virtually empty except for right smack dab in the middle. A small word written in what seemed to be a font designed to replicate human writing.
Bakugou's eyebrows crinkled. That's it? He turned the paper over, flipped it back, then turned it over once more. Nothing.
“Such a waste of fucking paper.” He muttered, crushing the note within his palm and lit off his explosions, a caramel scent wafting through the air and black smoke trailing along with it.
He threw what was left of it into his trash, dusted it off his hands, and flicked the lights back off.
Whoever wrote that letter had a pretty terrible sense of humor
October Second
Bakugou woke up the next morning like usual. Stretch, pop his joints and spark a few explosions, then sit up and get ready for school. The letter from yesterday lingered in the back of his mind, still annoyed that someone thought something like that would even be considered funny.
How the hell just writes a tiny Hi on a whole sheet of paper. Its such a fucking waste! It was irritating him more than anything.
That's why when he got a second letter this morning, also slid underneath his door, he just threw it on his bed to be dealt with later. He didn’t need to get any more pissed off about something before going to school and getting pissed off even more. No, that can wait till after he got his homework done.
And it did wait. During the day he completely forgot about the existence of the letter. Going to classes, almost blowing Dekus face off in training, shouting at the group that seemed to be stuck to his thighs, going to more classes. Completely normal.
But when he got home and locked himself in his room to do homework and calm down, he saw the letter on his bed and immediately became pissed again.
He marched on over to it and picked it, opening it in the same fashion he did yesterday and again, the letter managed to come out unscathed.
He opened the paper, preparing to see another waste of paper. Unfortunately the universe was granting his wishes, but not to the extent he was thinking.
This time, there was a sentence, a sentence that made his heart stop for a second. 
“You have lovely skin.”
What. The actual. Fuck.
Who the hell is this? Why are they talking about his skin? How do they know anything about his skin?
Subconsciously his eyes darted around him. Everything looked the exact same. He looked behind him, no one was there. But there was a nagging feeling in the middle of his back, like someone was staring there no matter where he turned.
Fuck this.
His eyes glided toward the balcony. The curtain were wide open. But they were facing the 1-B building. No one could be watching him…
The curtains were closed in a matter of seconds.
October Seventh
The letters kept coming. Every day they got creepier. Complimenting a feature about him and details this person would only know if they got close to him.
He was losing sleep. His eight hour nights shortening rapidly to only around four hours and it wasn't consecutive. 
Yesterday he became so sick of it he grabbed the five letters he had received, first still burnt in his trash can, and stomped down to the lounge room, confronting them of the letters asking whoever it was that was sending them to step the fuck up.
No one had any idea what he was talking about. 
He attacked all the girls first, not physically no, but yelling at them to confess who done it. No dude in their class would have this good of handwriting other than that belly button laser guy.
But he had no idea later, saying Bakugou was not exactly his type, which he got a yelling for as well.
Todays letter… wasnt any better than the last.
"This is almost as much fun as watching you sleep."
He held the latter in his hand, not noticing the grip slowly getting tighter and tighter, and suddenly the ends were crinkled and charred, the only thing left was a single word.
October Fifteenth
Bakugou finally cracked and told the teachers about the letters. To say they overreacted was,,, actually just about right.
There were now teachers stationed on top of the buildings, around the perimeter, and on Bakugous floor.
He hated to admit it but having a few pro heroes there eased his edge a little. A felt safer. Safer than he had in the last two weeks.
But unfortunately, that wasnt enough.
For in the middle of the night, to his absolute horror, the rustling of paper was heard across his room.
His body went cold. Eyes wide as all hell. He used his feet to curl all his blanket away from the edges of his bed and under his legs and over his body. 
'Please,' his mind pleaded. 'Please fucking tell me thats not another letter.'
And to his absolute horror, when he sat up, just a little bit… there, visible in the light shining under the crack of his door, was a letter, with the same red heart and perfect cursive handwriting that spelled out his name.
"Please dont scream, they'll hear you"
October Twenty-sixth
Its been a few days since hes gone out of his room. The pros thought hed feel safer in his room where they could keep an eye on him but in reality.
Bakugou didnt feel safe at all.
Everywhere he went his anxiety told him someone was there. With beady eyes that went unblinking just… staring at him. Like he was a slab of meat for a hungry starving lion.
But he wasnt allowed to complain, even though he did, and was expected to remain still. 
He was expected to wait.
And wait.
He didn't want to wait. He didn't want to be here anymore.
He was behind on his classes, but he couldn't focus long enough on the work to get it done anyway.
He had nothing else to distract him. Hes read through all his books, played all his games, watched all his movies. There was nothing else to do other than wait like a sitting duck.
So what the hell was he supposed to do?
And while he had his door shut, he finally broke down, tears streaming down his face and fear coursing through his veins as he knew, by the sound of paper sliding under his door, that he wasnt safe anywhere anymore.
"Dont struggle, I hate when they struggle"
October 31st. Halloween Night
Halloween. Bakugou hated Halloween.
He hated Halloween. He hated being scared. Scared all the time. 
He couldnt handle the sound of paper anymore. Not the sound of it wrinkling, folding, unfolding, ripping, he hated paper.
All kinds of paper.
Wrappers, notebook, printer.
It was all terrible.
And now… he can't even handle unwrapping his own candy.
Bakugou hated Halloween.
And has another letter slid under his door, now in direct daylight, and got up and looked at it.
The cursive was now just scratches. The heart too dark to be artificial. 
He opened it, slipping the paper out and reading the note. One word. Tiny in the middle of the paper, resembling the first ever note he got. One word.
However, this time, when he turned the note over, he found something else. Another word- no, a sentence.
'Till next year… Bakugou Katsuki.'
And just like that, his body ran cold, and his vision went dark.
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planetjisungie · 4 years
lucky charms- h.rj
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characters; ravenclaw! renjun x hufflepuff! reader ft. gryffindor! mark and gryffindor! jeno (sigh)
summary; with the exams coming up, you need a little help with your charms. well you dont, you just needed an excuse to talk to your long time crush, huang renjun
an; i literally changed this on the spot 🤡 plot holes here i come- (also id like to think jeno is more of a hufflepuff but idk man)
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sigh okay this is a long boi
end of year exams were in just a few weeks
yay, your absolute favourite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now, charms
in room 99, classroom 2E in the south tower
i did my research
you were pretty good at charms, not nearly as good as you were in the care of magical creatures and herbology though
still above averagely good
you know who else was good at charms?
huang renjun
the star ravenclaw prince boy, the pride of the house and a very beautiful boy
best boi renjun
if jeno was being quite honest he was SICK AND TIRED of hearing you two pine over eachother
jeno met you in first year, and you quickly became best friends and even ended up in the same house as eachother
despite having different friend groups (your friend group consisted of you and eunji), you stayed best friends until now aka 5th year
just go with it okay
so as he was saying before i digressed, jeno physically is pained as he watched the longing glances both you and renjun throw when the other isnt looking
but it isnt his business to meddle with your lack of relationship problems
best boi part 2
BUT! but! he will give you both a tiny! eensy! little! minuscule! nudge
that nudge being forming a plan with you
you were slightly reluctant when jenos very enthusiastic face greeted you at the table saying he had ‘a totally brilliant, spectacular, show stopping, wonderful, flawless plan’
this was jeno we were talking about
the same boy who planned the failed midnight snack run a few weeks before
and as soon as he mentioned renjun your eyes narrowed
the plan was for jeno to ask renjun to tutor his friend who was falling behind in charms
said friend was you
and you were ahead of the class
bUT!! you agreed because he wasnt in your class, so there was no way he could know that right?
who was in your class?
mark lee. one of renjuns best friends.
also the boyfriend of eunji and the reason you wanted to gauge your eyeballs out everytime you turned around to talk to them
thats right eunji ditched you to sit next to her little markie. bitch.
nonetheless, you agreed because your dumb, spontaneous ass forgot that renjun even knew mark, because if someone said ‘whos mark?’ you would go ‘eunjis boyfriend’
so of course, when all the students were making their way to their class, jeno caught up with renjun seeing as they both had muggle studdies
"hey man, i have a favour to ask"
stage one of operation: stop the oblivious fuckers from pining over eachother (that name may need some revamping) was a-go
"depends what said favour is"
smart boi™️
"is it possible to tutor one of my friends in charms for the upcoming OWLs?"
oh? this piqued china pretty boys interest
"i mean, sure, i could do with some revision too. tell them to meet me at the library after school"
and so jeno walked away with a smug smirk, victorious
and when jeno told you he had agreed later in potions, you were yet you werent surprised
so of you trotted after last period, kinda nervous because youre about to be in the literal breathing proximity of renjun
like obviously youve talked to him before but this time it was just you and him
no get those thoughts out of your head
n e ways u perv
renjun sat at the back table, textbooks and notebooks with his neat writing in both chinese and korean all over the pages
smart boi part 2
so seeing him not looking at you
attention whore
wow why am i so mean today
you sat down and cleared your throat, placing your blank notebooks on the table so the boy wouldnt get suspicious
you had to pray to whatever gods were listening for your cheeks not to flare up the colour of the strawberries you had for breakfast
healthy girl™️
and the gods apparently answered your prayers
because as soon as renjun looked up and into your eyes you swore you were too distracted for your blood cells to even think about moving towards your face
and renjun nearly had a heart attack (by aoa)
poor boy
jeno had NOT told him that he would be tutoring you
he was going to be choked later
"sorry im late"
renjun was nearly offended that you would even apologise to him for being late by
2 minutes and 48 seconds
"no no its okay i havent been here long"
that was a lie he had study period last and has been sat in the same goddamn chair for an hour already but your presence made his ass cheeks ache less
so he started teaching you, but ???
you seemed to fully grasp the concepts
confused boi
excuse me ma’am/sir/señor/señorita whatever you prefer to go by-
you need to brush up on your acting skills dude
appalling smh your drama teacher back from your muggle school would be completely distraught
so for the next hour renjun ‘tutored’ you
things you already knew but this was a dream-
and actually he was a funny guy
he was also muggle born, so you could both relate over things you experienced as a kid
this lead to a raging debate over dora the explorer
that bitch was shaded in said debate, fully annihilated
hola soy dora your asshole
but,, it was fun. because jeno was pureblood and grew up knowing about all his magicky stuff so he was kinda boring sometimes
no tea no shade
but you ended the session with smiles on both your faces, cheeks literally aching with how hard youd been laughing and smiling
so lads
the next day at breakfast renjun was all happy, plonking himself next to mark at the gryffindor table because
man does not give a SHIT about the looks he was getting. he is huang renjun.
"why are you so smiley this morning? and why didn’t you come to my common room last night"
the gryffindor common room was the dreamie hang out
no one dared tell THE mark lee to go somewhere else with his friends
"sorry, last night i was tutoring y/n in charms" smiley boy still
mark seagull eyebrows: activated
excuse him?? charms?? you?? the one who got an outstanding in your report card??
something smells fishy here
"renjun... y/n got an outstanding on her charms"
eunji who had magically appeared next to mark basically said what he was just thinking
confused boi part ??
"wait what?"
but later on he didnt question you about it
he silently observed you
he told himself that anyway
quite honestly if you were spending time with him he was not about to complain
he was staring at you, simply put
my leng bby (thats you, youre my leng bby)
so for the next 2 weeks every day after school you would meet up to ‘catch up’ on your charms
that being said it literally always, every time, ended up with you two talking about something unrelated
like the 5th day you had a conversation about which series of power rangers was better
"SPD, obviously"
AM I THAT OLD?? on god i hate it here
"no, y/n, we all know that dino force is better"
i agree with y/n on this one pal
on the 7th day you talked about muggle sports that you both enjoyed
"i played a lot of cricket"
"cricket? okay tory"
"i am NOT a tory"
on the last day when you should have been, you know, LEARNING
you were having a lovely old chinwag about the x factor
"simon cowell is a king"
"i agree"
legend behaviour if you ask me
wait does chinwag exist in other countries??? translation: chat
so of course the exams came up
but you were dreading them for a different reason
this meant the end of tutoring with renjun
this was super bittersweet, you wanted to spend more time with eachother
you literally could it wasn’t that deep both of you are so dumb smh aint nothing stopping you
jeno agrees with me too, mans pulling out his hair still as you had somehow not gotten together yet
it was like watching snails race, incredibly frustrating but you know that there is the finish line somwhere over the horizon
so you took your exams and both of you passed with flying colours, obviously
smart kids
and you ran right to renjun to celebrate
seeing as he had
not really helped you but you thought that he thought he helped you
oh no honey he knew that you didnt need help
but he didnt know whether to confront you about it?
rip your guilty conscience
so after a long discussion with mark, our china boy decided to ask why the heck you wanted his help when you were absolutely fully capable
unlike mark
and when you saw him approach you first in the halls your heart went
that was the sound of a fast motorbike
"hi y/n"
‘damn renjun, couldnt have thought of anything better than that?’
"uhh hi renjun"
awkward silence by stray kids
"i just wanted to know why you asked for my help"
okay where is the nearest shovel and what is the most efficient way to dig a large hole-
as if renjun sensed your panic radiating off you in waves
which he did
"not that it was an issue! i enjoyed spending time with you, it was just, you didnt really need help"
he was a pure boy
so you puffed your cheeks and decided to just come clean
somewhere, jeno felt his senses tingling
"genuinely i just wanted to spend some time with you because i really like you"
renjun froze and wanted to smack his head into a wall
you noticed his expression and panicked yet again
stop panicking man its okay i gotchu
"it was jenos idea"
blame jeno is always a fool-proof plan b
unless you get pregnant, that would not be a good idea
so i guess its not fool proof
renjun face palms and groans
"youre kidding me! all this time we wasted doing boringass charms work when we couldve gone on dates"
but?? you felt hopeful??
"i dont think im on the same wavelength"
"i like you too dumbass"
oH so YOURE the dumbass??
yes, yes you are renjun is best boi, accept the L which is really a W bc renjun likes you back
jeno who had found his way to you, listening from around the corner sighed in happiness
"fucking finally!!"
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Re zero anon :) ok so for doctor stone I had considered watching it when it came out but I did not like how the girls eyes were drawn... it’s kind of funny that that’s what threw me off it really was the one and only thing that stopped me from watching it when it came out. but like I said I saw you posting about it and it sounded nice so I thought I’d give it a shot and I really really liked it! I had no idea I would like it so much actually, but I love the characters and even though I have no idea how concrete the actual science is it’s a neat concept done well enough and it’s always so crazy! I just always have a good time watching dcst even when it’s sad it has a nice feeling to it... I feel like no matter how many times I watch it I’m always gonna be so excited to see how Senku pulls off all his crazy science stuff he’s such a great character, I love how he cares for his friends even if he’s not the best at showing it LOL also I cried over his dad he loved him so much it literally saved humanity his dad LOVES HIM!!!!!! 😭
for YNM it was the “sorry if this looks gay to the viewers” and “it’s gay af to deduce another man” posts that actually got me curious even before I’d watched it I thought they were really funny... I saw a couple more people talking about it too and it really is so satisfying, like seeing a bunch of rich assholes die? Excellent. 10/10 concept and the characters are likable too, the live action Sherlock could never. I love how even though the Moriartys are the “bad guys” in the grand scheme of things they’re not bad people and they are truly making the world a better place and doing it all for the good of the people. Also it is literally the best version of Sherlock I’ve ever seen he is so funny. I love that he’s still smart and dedicated but he’s also allowed to have fun and joke around with the other characters, he is just very endearing to me.
Also I think it’s really sweet that you want to hear my thoughts too, it’s really nice to have someone to talk to about it! (๑>◡<๑) you always make whatever you’re watching seem super enjoyable it’s really fun to see even secondhand :)
REZERO ANON SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND !!! Holds ur hand OKAY I AGREE WIYH LIKE EVERYRHING H SAID AAAAAA so YEAH. Like it’s incredible to me how like. The men in dcst are drawn SO WELL. They’re all GENUINELy so pretty 😭😭 and then u see the women Ans it’s like 😃 what happened . Please go outside . Look at a woman please please THEURE drawn in that horrible like. Comic book way? Where like where are their organs. The spine. Hello.... it’s their proportions and the eyes.... I just don’t get why they COULDNT be drawn the same way.... and it suxks so bad bc I ADORE kohaku and Yuzuriha .... kohaku is so so funny and I love how she jumps to violence so fast 😭😭 And yeah a major part of why I love DCST so much is because of the characters and their relationships?? Like it’s so fucking sweet how much they all care for each other like they’re literally a family. I can go more in depth into like my fav relationships bc they make me so soft .... OH who are ur fav characters??? I have a handful like . It’s hard to pick one when it comes to DCST 😭😭 and iirc actual scientists get involved and like fact check the science that goes on with dr stone so for the most part it is legit or at least grounded in logic.... AND YEAH LIKE. I did not expect it to be as emotional as it was .... AND FOR YNM YESYEYSYSYSYSYZ like it genuinely such a good series I do wish it was more popular >:/ like again I love how like. It’s just GOOD like the crimes and stuff is kinda cool and I adore the sherliam dynamic 😭😭 also like again like DCST I love the characters and the relationships likw how the Moriarty crew are a found family. Like Albert, Liam, and Louis’ relationship with one another is so heart warming and so sweet to see 🥺 and I do love that like. They’re considered to be the “bad” guys but the narrative doesn’t rlly condemn them.... like even Sherlock, the supposed hero doesn’t hate Liam for being behind the crimes he actually wanted that 😭 AND WHAAA u remember those posts 🥺🥺🥺 AND RIGHT LIKE I ALWAYS SAY YNM SHERLOCK IS LIKE RHE BEST INTERPRETATION. (I do love the dgs Sherlock too ) AND EXACTLY LIKE I love that Sherlock is a brat and can kinda be an asshole but he genuinely loves the people arounf him (like how John and Hudson are like family to him) and yeah he’s so funny I LOVE WHEN HES JUST ANNOYING . ALSO WTF WTF UR LAST PARAGRAPH IM PINING THAT MESSAGE IN MY HEAD THATS SO SWEET .... AND YEA it’s so nice to be able to talk to this kinda stuff with someone who gets it first hand, yanno?
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I feel like today was a lost day but I know it actually wasnt. It just felt like a weird day. And I just had a guy I used to work with at ships come on my facebook and make me upset. But I unfriended him so whatever. He's just the type to like. Keep going. Like Im half expecting an email from him. Lets home not. 
I slept okay last night. And I woke up around 9 feeling okay. I just laid in bed for a long time playing on my phone. But eventually I did get up and I did make the bed and I did go get a shower and washed my hair. Made me feel a lot better about myself.
I sat with James and he read and then went to go do laundry. Somehow he fills our entire laundry and I have like 4 things in there. I dont understand how he makes so much laundry but he is working in a kitchen so it makes some sense. 
We had a nice morning. I had some of the leftover pizza. But I was unsettled. I changed my outfit like 5 times. I just couldnt get comfortable. James called the bike shop and my bike was ready to pick up. So it was decided we would walk there and then go to the BMA because they had a bunch of goats eating the overgrown hill. A program they have called "Goats on the Slope" incredible. 
It was chilly today. Like surprisingly so. I knew it was going to be a little rainy so I brought a raincoat but I ended up wearing it because I was cold more than anything. But it was a nice walk.
We ran into Mr Will and he said he's going to come by tomorrow to check out a weird thing in our bathroom closet. It wasnt to bad of a walk. I thought we had to go a differnt way but James showed me a secret staircase and we were there quickly. 
We waited outside, as no one is allowed in the shop. There were two other people there. The one got his son's bike quickly. The other was a woman and they came out and said they had bad news, they had realized one of the spokes on her bike wasnt fixed correctly. And she was like oh thank god I thought you were going to say you threw my bike away. That made me laugh. 
My bike was ready though! I havent ridden my bike since basically feburary. So I was a little nervous about my stamina but it ended up being fine. Well not as bad as it could have been.
We left and biked up to the museum. I had to stop once because my breaks were rubbing and I was like fighting my bike. But we sorted it out and that was fine. I did scream at a driver who decided it didnt matter that I had a green light. But soon enough we made it to the park. 
I was very out of breath though. I was overheated and shaking. I was uncomfortable. I had to sit down. 
James took our bikes and I went and sat on the stairs for a few minutes and drank some water. But man. I was uncomfortable. It was scary hyperventilating like that. I do not do well with hills. 
But once I was calmed down We walked over to see the goats. They were very cute. I hope to go back before they leave and I hope they are all eating the brush and having a great time. Only 2 goats were out of their little trailer. But I was glad we still went. 
James still had an hour until he had to be at work. I asked to go down to the bottom of the hill, I wanted to see how much brush the goats needed to eat. And so we did that. We got in a little argument about our ballots. Because I feel overwhelmed by it and I have asked for help but he just keeps telling me to fill it out and that isnt helpful! But finally I just said that this conversation was not helpful and we would table it. I didnt want to be upset. 
We sat on a wall and I enjoyed looking at the park. We talked for a while. And James said we had time to walk him to work if we left then. He would even have time to get a sandwich and a coffee. So off we went. 
It was a nice walk. Long but wasnt bad. I like that part of town. It is amazing to me how different the different neighborhoods are here. Its super redlined and generationally influenced. And Hopkins is a huge influence on the neighborhoods they occupy. And there is a lot of nature is that part of town. 
It was a nice walk. And soon we were in Hampden. I held our bikes while he went in Royal Farms and I people watched for a while. I thought about going to get a thai tea but the idea of going inside a cafe didnt feel good. I dont know why. Maybe next time. 
I said goodbye to James once we got to the restaurant. And off I went. I was happy to bike. I had a podcast. I was in a good mood. 
I followed the jones falls trail and its such a nice little path by the water. It reminds me of penny pack. I ended up parking my bike w Ihen I saw this bridge (James called it Hippy bridge when I texted him about it) that the fence was tore down on and was covered in graffiti. I climbed down the hill and sat on it high above the water. It was neat.  I hope I can get myself to go on more adventures like that. 
I took my time getting home. I stopped at a bench before a big hill. Took my time. Got home in one piece. 
I took a break when I got back here. I was overheated from the biking. But once I cooled down I felt a lot better. I chilled for a while. Laid with sweetP and read. But eventually I decided I wanted to go for a drive. 
I saw hi to Kimberly in the hall. And then drove out to Target. Lots of terrible drivers. It was rush hour I guess but people were just so mad they had to wait and kept trying to go around people? Obnoxious. I just enjoyed the drive. 
I went to target. Enjoyed wandering around. Picked up a few things. Got poptarts that are cinnamon pretzel flavored. So fancy. 
After I finished there I went to the art store to buy spray paint. To paint my bike. But I knew that was going to be a production. 
I had five guys. It was fine. But I have had five guys way to often lately. So I think I will be taking a break from that. But I sat in the car and ate and watched the sun set. Saw someone throw a cup out of their window. Terrible trashy behavior. I hate people who litter. Especially from their car. You are going to go somewhere with a trash can!! What is wrong with you!!!
I headed home after that. And then the sun was down and I was like. Very Unmotivated. But then someone upset me on facebook so to distract myself I started stripping the paint off my bike. 
This took forever. And honestly I could do more. But I worked on it for 2 hours. I used a blade and there are so many layers. My bike is so fat. But it was fun doing the work. I hope to paint it tomorrow but I think its going to have weird lumps. Well see how it goes. 
I have been hanging out since I finished cleaning up all the paint and trash. I just washed my face and had one of those poptarts. I think I am going to drink water and wait for James. I am very much ready for sleep. 
I hope you all have a good rest of the night. Take care of yourselves. Goodngiht. 
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todorokis-left-shoe · 5 years
Metal was only three when Lee decided it was time to give him the signature bowl cut. But Metal, like many other kids his age, was afraid of the sharp scissors coming near his face. Lee had actually hyped up the hair cut to make it seem much more exciting, copying Hinata and Naruto when they had to give Boruto a haircut. But then when it came time to actually cut it, Metal put up a fight, which was quite the opposite to how Boruto had reacted— Metal just wasn't excited anymore. He hid under his arms, he shook his head when Lee even came within 10 inches of his head, he even screamed "no" in a big hissy.
Lee was at a loss. The season was getting hotter and hotter as the days went by and Metal's hair went past his chin, unruly and thick— defiantly an unfit summer hair style. Metal would roast with this mop covering his scalp. He had the bowl— that he was going to use as a mold of sorts— off to the side on the counter top, the scissors next it, both long abandoned. Metal had his little arms crossed over his chest, cheeks puffed out, and bushy brows furrowed tightly into a determined angry pount. Lee looked at his son, sitting in one of the two kitchen chairs wrapped up, quite messily from the prior struggles, in an old beat up bed sheet; he should have expected this. Metal was a timid child that ran away from things he didnt want to do, but when he wanted to be he could easily put his feet down and refuse to do something with more stubborn confidence than a bull! Lee eas told this would end after turning three but that was obviously a lie.
Lee leaned futher onto the counter, looking up to the ceiling for an answer— at least a hint of what to do would appease him. Lee scanned the uneven, very bumpy, surface above him as if it would give him any rational insight. Which was ridiculous to say the least. Its a ceiling! An inanimate object! Lee hung his head with a huff, exasperated and defeated equally. The ceiling can't so neither can his feet. This is hopeless!
"Daddy?" Metal's little voice piped up. Lee popped his head back up, seeing the little boy with sheepish eyes and a sad lip. His eyes looked bigger with slight guilt lingering in solid black. "Daddy, did I make you sad? Did I do somedin' wrong?" To reassure the boy that his troubles weren't real the older male broke out into a wide smile, although his eyes still hid worry inside— hopefully the boy couldnt read into that.
He waved the little one off, smile persistent. "No no son! I am fine!" He pushed himself off the counter ledge, straightening his posture to look more organized. "I was just thinking, don't worry." He chuckled.
Metal pushed the bed sheet further off his shoulders. "Okay. Can I go now?" Lee hung his head, defeated by his son's nonchalant manner. Metal tried his best to climbed down the chair while the sheet still stuck to his collar and wrapped around his body, however Lee stopped him midway, scooping the boy up in his arms. The younger didn't struggle out of his grasp, he only tugged at the sheet even more, ignoring his father's soft giggles. "No Metal, you are not getting out of this. Your hair is much too long now."
The three year old pouted again. The jounin loosened the bed sheet around his son's neck, keeping it tucked in his collar enough so he still couldn't pull it off easily. He lowered the boy down on the chair once again and knelt down to his level. He cocked his head to the side and stared the boy in the eyes, looking for an answer. "Metal," Said boy's face lit up at the mention of his name, expecting a stern talking to judging by the adult's steely tone. "Why do you not want to get your hair cut? I promise I will not hurt you or make you look bad."
Metal shook his head but said nothing.
"What is it that makes you so scared? Please tell me, son."
Metal looked away and pointed behind the other. Lee twisted around following the boy's finger to the pair of scissors. He reached for the sharp instrument. "These?" He held them by the blades, handle face up in the air. Metal rapidly nodded, still looking away. "Why—"
"'Cuz they hurt people! They cut open and they hurt!" It took a minute for the dotd to connect in in brain; he thought the scissors were kunai.
Lee thought back to a few weeks ago when he brought Metal along to watch him train, preparing for the start of his own training. Lee had set his tool pouch on the ground to avoid them from falling out as he did handstands— you know, to entertain the little one— however, as much of a watchfull eye he prided himself on, he made the mistake of looking away for a couple minutes. Metal had grown curious of his tool pouch and decided a kunai was a smart thing to play with. Lee, his paternal side kicking in full force, dashed for the boy to keep the sharp object out of his untrained hands. But the shock of his father coming at him with what looked like anger made the kunai slip and cut his hand. It wasnt a deep cut but it did bleed, much more than it had when he tripped and scrapped his knee running. Obviously, the little one did cry, it must of hurt much more to him than it would to Lee or any other adult. He is a child afterall.
Metal must of formed some sort of vendetta against them since then. Lee had to clear this up or else the kid could carry this mentality through life.
"Can you hold out your hands please?" Lee asked. Metal did so, not at all knowing what was happening. He was just doing what his dad told him to. Without another word Lee set the pair of scissors in Metal's palms. He thought about dropping them by the looks of it but ultimately decided not to. "These do not hurt people, son. And you definitely do not throw them! O-or run with them!" He quickly added the last bits— a fatherly lesson if you will.
"They dont?" Metal asked, a squeak in his voice. Lee shook his head. "They are for cutting hair. See," Lee took the instrument back and cut a couple of small strands of is own hair. He kept the strands in his palm and presented it to Metal. "For hair." He smiled.
Metal was still unconvinced. Lee let out sigh.
And then he got a potentially idiotic idea.
Lee carefully handed the scissors back and leaned forward, presenting a bit of his bang to Metal. "You try it! Go ahead!" He encouraged with a gleeful grin.
Metal looked at the object perplexingly. He took a hold of the handle like Lee had, trying his best to hold them with his tiny hands. Lee egged him on with a wider smile. Metal opened the mouth of the cutting tool, the older man watching closely. Lee leaned forward a couple more inches and Metal made contact with his hair. He closed the mouth and snip.
The hair strands fell gently down on the floor. The cut wasnt clean of course, more diagonal than straight, but nothing a little trimming couldn't fix. Not a big deal.
Lee was about to pull away when Metal pulled him down and he began to cut at the middle. Lee watched with horror as his hair fell, one strand after another. "M-M-M-Metal!? What are you doing!?" Lee managed to pull away while Metal hovered the scissors for a second. He covered the top of his head with his hands, panicked look as Metal's twisted into confusion.
"I was cuttin' daddy's hair." He said innocently.
Lee softened his face, leaving one hand on his head— very much fearful of the bald spot he might have now— and took the scissors back. He stood, Metal watching his every movement, and grabbed the large mixing bowl behind him. "Are you okay with these now?" Lee asked. Metal nodded, a slightly more confident look on his face. It still looked to be full of worry and fear but it seemed Metal was trying get past it. Lee smiled again and lightly nodded just before going behind his son and placing the bowl atop his head.
His shaggy black hair spilt out from the mouth, messy and tangled as usual. Lee put the scissors in his nondominate hand, blades facing away from Metal, and he took out one of the three combs he had in his back pouch. He combed through his son's hair, straightening it out. He finished it up, the ends threatening to curl upwards.
Lee got to work on neatly cutting away, leaving a neat undercut to keep his ears showing rather than to copy his own style. As Lee moved from the back to the front, Metal remained completely still and well behaved.
Later in the day, after neatening up his own hair, Lee took Metal out for groceries— and a new hat. He was on his way up to the counter when Tenten had spotted him and Metal, stopping them to say hi and compliment little Metal on his new haircut.
"Say Lee..." Tenten brought her attention to Lee's hair, noticing something different. "Did you get a haircut too?"
Lee rubbed at the back of his head, pushing Metal back a bit so he wouldnt point the embarrassing mess out. "W-what do you mean?" Tenten leaned in on Lee's personal space, trying to see the difference. Lee nerously sweat under her gaze.
Metal pulled on her pants leg, getting her attention. She looked down with a sweet smile, telling him to go on. "I c—"
Lee whisked him up in his arms, dropping the shopping basket full of nonperishables. "HE CAN RUN REALLY FAST NOW! BYE!"
Tenten watched the visibly panicked man run off with his son, and then it hit her. She hit the palm of her hand with her fist and said, "He has a bald spot now!" She laughed. "Guess being a dad has made him age faster, huh? Old man."
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ivydcmir-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
☁☼☁( ****. simay barlas. cis female. 21 ). welcome back to your summer paradise, IVY DEMIR we were wondering when you’d finally show up! the town’s really missed how MESMERIZING you are, even if you can be a bit AMORAL at times. we hear back home they call you the CHERRY PIT, makes sense considering you remind everyone of IMPORTED CIGARETTES, OLD LOVE SONGS COMING FROM A RECORD PLAYER, PERFUME AT THE BASE OF A THROAT, & FAST CARS AT MIDNIGHT.  ☁☼☁    
oh she’s extra late to the party ! im she .... my name’s xan im 22 and from the est timezone i go by she / her pronouns and ur watching disney channel <3 i am....so excited to bring ivy to life ... shes been my sleep paralysis demon for weeks its time for me to set her free baby ! lets go !
first things first ivy is inspired by characters like effy from skins, georgina & serena from gossip girl, and just a TINY bit of villanelle from killing eve ( not the....assassin part.... ) 
her daddy’s side of the family are oil tycoons and her mom’s side ? well ivy has no idea what they do or who they were
basically a little after ivy turned a year old her mother just . poofed...vanished into thin air and didn’t leave a trace behind. growing up ivy would hear a lot of rumors from the staff abt what kind of person her mom was or where she went but the one person who could tell her the truth ( her dad ) just refused to talk abt it. he got super angry anytime she used to try so ivy stopped asking !
she was born in tokyo actually ( on her parents anniversary trip, which was another mystery ) but was raised in manhattan ! she is absolutely in love with nyc and definitely considers it her home
so shes filthy rich and i mean like ... disgusting billionaire rich to the point that it’s just not right and you know, that definitely shaped her upbringing. even as a little girl ivy found it very clear the amount of power she has just by being born into the right family 
she was....kind of a strange child ! she was abnormally sharp for her age and intuitive and without that maternal figure in her life, ivy grew very attached to her father. he’d even take her along to business meetings because she was well behaved
as she grew up it started to become apparent ivy liked to play games. the more she observed the people around her ( the staff, her dad, his business partners, the kids at school, etc. ) the better she got at finding out what made people tick. sometimes her games were harmless ( like flirting with the boys she knew her friends were crushing on ) and sometimes they were more intense ( like setting up empty pill bottles around her and pretending she’d overdosed to freak out the maids ) ask ivy why she did any of it and she’d simply tell you she was bored
high school ivy was very much reckless like this. she found the upper east side teen drama so dreary she’d often act out just for a change of pace. i’d like to think she broke the record for most detentions at whatever private school she went to. she was definitely someone just about everyone knew just because of all the rumors she stirred up doing crazy things 
despite all the misdemeanors she got into yale ! her dad is basically on of the biggest donors to the university. there’s probably a building somewhere on campus with her last name on it, but ivy really couldnt care less. she didnt exactly want to go to college and she definitely didnt want to leave nyc, but shes got this weird complex with her dad and really cannot tell the man no ! so she majors in classics just bc she thought it’d be neat to have to learn latin 
of course ... she starts to get bored. she’s already barely attending classes and on academic probation so when it leaks to the dean she’s sleeping with a professor ? ivy was sure it’d be expulsion.....but then it wasn’t ! turned out her dad had made a special deal with yale and after a nice monetary exchange it was like ivy never did anything....
after her dad announced he was going to turkey for his brother’s funeral last august she decided to "take a gap year” from yale but really she’s got no plan to ever go back ! instead she disappeared much like her mother did for a whole year without a trace. she told absolutely no one where she was going or what she was doing.....and she’s come back to the hamptons for the summer with no warning ! 
so ivy is....all over the place ! most of the way she behaves is because she finds it a bit too easy to grow bored. still very much into playing games with people bc she gets a kick out of it ! it takes a lot for ivy to take anything seriously so she’s not exactly the best person to come to if you need advice or comfort. if you’re looking for excitement? trouble? an out of body experience ? then she is 100% your girl 
for someone so chaotic she is weirdly nostalgic and sentimental about things. she’s obsessed with greek heroes and foreign poets and superstitions and it’s not uncommon to find her getting existential with you with a cigarette dangling from her fingertips and a foggy look in her eyes. she’ll say something that seems entirely deep and profound one minute, and the next she’s blowing smoke in your face asking if you want to do a line in the bathroom with a wicked smile on her painted lips
a huge flirt ! she will and she does hit on absolutely everyone. definitely not the traditionally romantic type but she does go through phases where she tends to hyper fixate on others for specific periods of time. until she gets bored. it’s a vicious cycle
full of unhealthy habits that include drinking, smoking, doing drugs, fucking around, but the worst is how little she sleeps. she’s been prone to nightmares ever since she was a kid but she’s never acknowledged it as a problem despite it obviously being one
once she flew to paris with nothing but a cheap pink wig. wore it the whole time she was there and called herself yvette. 
picked up her father’s obsession with luxury cars. not only does she collect them, she races them, too. most infamous stint was showing up to a race in an evening gown and winning. 
speaks about five languages fluently. often likes to fuck with snobby rich people at high society events by pretending she can’t speak or understand english, only to turn around and speak to someone else in perfect english
it’s rumored she once snuck onto the yacht of a ceo to a fortune 500 company, only for him to find her in nothing but a bath towel eating chocolates while flipping through his playboy magazines, and that he was so taken with her instead of pressing charges he decided to name the boat after ivy.  
rumors are rumors, but you really never know with ivy....
thats it !!! if you’re reading this you made it !! please come plot with me i know im late but i have a lot of heart memes saved up and i cant use those by myself </3 we can message through im’s but im 100% easier to get in contact with over discord @  EL i love u 💖✨🌙#8172
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phoenixfeatherquill · 5 years
Chaos Theory
AN: I guess I’m writing Timeless fic now.  Sigh.  My take on what may have happened when she spent the night with Flynn.
“You’re attracted to chaos.” 
 Lucy’s eyes narrowed. The vodka burned as she swallowed slowly, enjoying the exquisite pain. A year ago, the drink would’ve made her eyes sting and her throat close, but nowadays…since her sister’s disappearance…since Wyatt’s wife returned from the dead…she was growing accustomed to the pain. 
Flynn watched her, perhaps expecting an angry retort. She did not give him that satisfaction, merely asked, “How do you figure?” 
He opened his mouth to respond and she quickly interjected, “You better not quote from that damn journal.” 
Flynn chuckled. His glass of vodka was still half-full, an unacceptable imbalance. She frowned and leaned over to pour him more. He watched her actions in utter fascination and she avoided staring directly into his eyes. She used to hate those awful, penetrating green eyes. Snake eyes. Hypnotic, intense, disturbing. She already didn’t like that he knew so much about her from the journal, it was even more disconcerting that his unsettling snake eyes seemed to read her expressions just as well. 
“From the beginning,” Flynn’s hands tapped the glass musingly. “Wyatt had only one thing on his mind when he discovered the time machine. His wife. He was desperate to get her back. Would stop at nothing. And who could blame him?” 
It struck Lucy that Flynn and Wyatt had a great deal more in common than Wyatt liked to admit. Flynn, however, seemed perfectly comfortable with their parallels. 
“He told me he wanted to move on,” Lucy murmured, pouring herself another glass. She flinched at Flynn’s snort. 
“You knew there would be no moving on,” Flynn pointed out. “You were attracted to his chaos. The unattainable burden, the longing for something that could never truly be yours. You like the chaos, Lucy. Even when it cuts you down.” 
“I don’t buy it,” Lucy informed him. “I’ve spent my life trying to have control. Why would I be attracted to something I couldn’t control?” 
He took a thoughtful sip of vodka and they sat in silence for a moment. They’d be running low on drinks in a moment. She ought to wander off to the rec room to get more…perhaps she could send Flynn. If she heard Wyatt and Jessica through the walls again, she wasn’t sure how she’d react. 
“Where there is control,” Flynn spoke suddenly. “There is no passion. And you…crave passion, despite all the neat little ordered boxes you’ve placed around you.” 
Lucy didn’t entirely know how to respond to this. She took another gulp of vodka and mulled over his words. 
“Anyway,” Flynn said smoothly, readjusting himself on his chair. “Even if Jessica hadn’t returned—I doubt you and Wyatt would have lasted.” 
Lucy choked. “Oh yeah? And why’s that?” 
“He is too predictable. You would’ve gotten bored.” 
“And who would’ve been better for me?” Alcohol buzzed through her veins and she spoke the forbidden word. “You?” 
The sudden silence was deafening. She could feel the heat in her cheeks but she determinedly stared his snake eyes down, refusing to give an inch. She absolutely hated how she couldn’t read his expression, particularly when he seemed so good at reading hers. 
Flynn took his time to answer. He finished his drink and slowly set his glass down. 
“Hardly,” He said finally. “I would be terrible for you.” 
The tense silence broke and she let out a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “You’re the one who said I was attracted to chaos. You’re the most chaotic person I know.” 
He smirked. “I didn’t deny an attraction. I simply said I would be a terrible man to be with.” 
“I never said I was attracted to you!” Lucy found herself at her feet. The room was spinning slightly and she wobbled as she stomped towards her. He half-rose, as though expecting her to fall over herself. 
“I didn’t come here for—whatever you think I came here for. I just came to drink, okay? So knock it off!” 
The amusement in his eyes was infuriating. “Knock what off?” 
“Acting like you know so much!” Lucy resisted the urge to stomp her foot like a child. “I’m not the Lucy in the journal! You have no idea who or what I’m attracted to and you don’t get to pick who I’m with!” 
“I know you’re not,” He said gently. “I apologize for offending you. You’ve had a hard night. I shouldn’t tease.” 
She glanced at his clock. 2:37AM. What was that sitcom that said nothing good happened after 2AM? She couldn’t remember, the vodka was making everything hazy. She knew her night would be patchy and disjointed in the morning, like an unfinished puzzle. The knowledge of this, however, made her feel particularly reckless. 
Lucy took a step—backwards or forwards, she wasn’t particularly sure. But she tripped, naturally, and immediately Flynn was up like a shot, steadying her. He led her to his bed and sat her down carefully. 
“Shall I return you to your room?” He asked and she tried not to look into his snake eyes. Too glittering, too enchanting, she was losing all sense of self… 
The certainty in her voice gave him pause. He seemed a little startled at this turn of events. 
She scooted over a little. “Sit.” 
His eyes flicked over towards the rumpled bedsheets. “Perhaps I should…” 
“Sit,” Lucy commanded. “Two shots left in this bottle.” She waved it tantalizingly. 
Flynn sat gingerly, giving her a wide berth. But she was past the point of caring. She poured him a glass and swigged the remainder. 
 “One more drink,” She told him and pointed at his glass. 
 “And then you’ll go to bed?” 
Lucy nodded. She felt as though she were floating like a ghost, like she was watching herself do vodka shots with the man who shot Lincoln. Amusingly enough, the terrorist seemed both amused and uncomfortable with how the night was turning out. 
Still, he finished off his last drink obediently. Lucy stood up from the bed to take his glass. 
“What are you doing?” Flynn complained. “You said you’d go to bed.” 
“I am,” Lucy said with great dignity. “Clean up first. I will not be accused of trashing your room.” 
She promptly tripped on an empty bottle and fell backwards into Flynn. She expected him to shove her off his lap, but instead, he froze. 
Lucy looked up at him curiously. She caught his gaze and wondered how long he would allow her to remain on his lap. 
“You’re drunk,” He said very softly. “I’ve never seen you drunk.” 
She poked his chin. “I’ve never seen you drunk.” 
“You have. But not yet.” 
Stupid, stupid, time loop. She scowled and poked his chin again. “Do you want me to get off you?” 
He hesitated. Interesting. A wave of recklessness that only vodka could supply swept over Lucy. She traced the outline of his chin and watched with interest as his green eyes darkened a shade. This was the first time she thought she could read his expression. 
“Yes,” Flynn said finally, though he made no move to extricate her from his lap. 
“Took too long to answer. Now I’m comfortable.” 
He exhaled noisily and she smirked. There seemed to be an intense conflict of interests warring across his features and she rather wanted to know how it would play out. 
“Lucy,” Flynn growled. “Do not—do not tempt me.” 
At that, she pulled down his collar and kissed him. 
You’re attracted to chaos. His words rang through her mind as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She had shocked him and it pleased her. He thought he knew everything about her, didn’t he? But he hadn’t seen this coming. 
His lips remained firmly closed. It was a little like kissing a statue. Undeterred, she kissed him again, gently massaging his lower lip with her tongue. This seemed to break whatever resolve he had and he finally gave way, allowing her to explore the taste of him. Smoke and vodka, something sweet…like cinnamon. 
He pulled her closer to him and she moved in harmony, until she was straddling him. His fingers twitched against her back and she threaded her fingers through his dark hair, marveling a little at its softness. She liked the way he growled a bit when she kissed him and she tugged impatiently as his sweater, slipping her hands underneath. 
“No, no, no.” He broke away from her and to her delight he was flushed and his green eyes almost looked black. “No. Go to sleep, Lucy. I’ll take you back to your room.” 
“I don’t want to go back to my room.” The idea of her cold, lonely bunker was intolerable. 
“Fine. You can sleep here.” 
He lifted her up like a child and lay her down gently. Exhaustion was overcoming desire now, and she allowed him to tuck her in and only mumbled a little in displeasure. 
“Go to sleep,” His voice was raspy. 
She sighed impatiently. 
“Not like this, Lucy. Not with you intoxicated. Go to sleep.” 
Lucy wondered if she’d remember this adventure in the morning. It was her last thought before she fell asleep.
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mrsimoshen · 5 years
Winding  Down
Title: Winding Down
Link:Winding Down
Square filled: Bondage
Ship: Michael/Sam
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Bondage, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Toys, a bit of topping from the bottom I think?,
Summary: Michael won a hard case. Sam decides to fulfill his lover a wish and celebrate a little while he’s at it.
Word count: 2155
created for @spnkinkbingo​ and for @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell​, who got me into this pairing ^^
Tagging @dreamyarchangel​, @silvaxus​, @masterpieceofturkeycleverness​, @ajcza​, @blakechaos08​
Fic below the cut:
Sam grins broadly as he reads the single line text message.
We won, it says, nothing more, but to Sam, it could as well be a formally written declaration of victory.
The conviction of serial killer brothers Alistair and Azazel Roarke is something his lover has worked for tirelessly for the past year, sacrificing national holidays and uncounted weekends to make sure every single loophole they might find was plugged before he took the case to court. And that single line text tells Sam it worked. Two of the most notorious killers of the past decade are going to spend the rest of their lives behind bars, and Sam has a celebration to prepare.
Michael arrives home late that evening, having been held up by a myriad of different issues. First, the press wanted a statement, then he had to talk to several important people, who all wanted to congratulate him on his hard work, and then a few of the paralegals conspired to throw an impromptu office party that he couldn’t just leave.
His conscience is weighing heavy on him – he’s pretty sure Sam waited for him since he sent that text, and his lover has suffered enough already under Michael’s dedication to this case.
When he unlocks their front door, however, he’s not greeted by a frowning Sam or an empty house. Instead, he blinks in confusion as he steps into the hallway.
The lights are dimmed everywhere, leaving him just enough light to see by as he drops his keys and wallet and briefcase and hangs up his coat. “Sam?”
“In the living room,” comes the immediate answer, and Michael slips out of his shoes and walks further into the apartment on sock-clad feet, expecting to find his lover curled up on their sofa with a book and maybe a cup of coffee. He smiles at the mental image, already thinking about stretching out  with his head in Sam’s lap and just relaxing.
Instead, he stops dead in his tracks when he rounds the corner to the living room.
Sam started a fire in their fire place – one of the reasons they decided on this rather big house, instead of a smaller one – and his lover is lying stretched out on the shaggy rug in front of the fire. He’d obviously been reading, because he’s just lowering a book onto his chest, but that’s not what caught Michael’s eye and short-circuited his brain.
His lover is almost entirely naked, safe for a pair of black silk boxer briefs, and his tanned skin and the silk are gleaming in the firelight.
“Fuck, Sam,” Michael breathes, his brain slowly remembering what speech is. “You look amazing.”
Sam laughs, low and a little wicked. “Thank you. Come a little closer, baby, I won’t bite.”
Michael blinks, and steps closer slowly. He reaches up to pull his tie loose and unbutton his cuffs on autopilot, and when he sinks to his knees by Sam’s side, he gets pulled into a slow, deep kiss immediately.
“Congratulations,” Sam murmurs after he’s been kissed breathless, “I’m so fucking proud of you, Michael.”
Michael can’t help the smile. “Thank you, Sam.”
Sam smiles back, still with that slightly wicked tilt to it, and reaches up to pull the tie free and undo the first few buttons on Michael’s white shirt. “Sooo… I thought we’d have a little celebration, just you and me.”
Michael likes where this is going, he really does. “What did you have in mind, love?”
Sam laughs again and sinks back down onto his back, stretching out on the rug. Michael follows the line of his body, up his arms – and forgets to breathe for a second.
“Are you sure, love?”
“Never been more certain of anything else in my life, baby.” Sam smiles reassurance at his lover, his eyes calm and warm.
Michael takes a deep breath and reaches up to pick up the neat coil of soft rope. He and Sam talked about this before, and Sam hadn’t been quite comfortable with the thought of tying Michael up before he’d had some practice. Michael had been more than fine with giving him time to decide, and they’d only played with loosely binding Michael’s wrists to the headboard with his ties, wide loops he could easily slip out of. This… is a step further than that.
“What brought this on?” Michael asks, running a bit of rope through his fingers lightly. “You weren’t too keen on the idea before.”
“I had a lot of time on my hands lately,” Sam murmurs, smiling to take any accusation out of his words. “So, I watched a bit of really good porn, and then I had a long conversation with Nick, and then with Lucifer… and I may have let him tie me up for practice a little.”
Michael growls. “You let my brother and his lover tie you up?”
“Everyone was fully dressed, I promise,” Sam murmurs, still smiling. “But Nick was right, Lucifer is that good with ropes. He showed me how to do it… and I want to do this for you, baby.”
Michael melts, leaning down to kiss Sam. “You’re amazing, love.”
Sam chuckles, loosely wrapping his arms around Michael’s shoulders. “I know,” he replies playfully, leaning up to nip his lover’s lower lip. “We don’t have to do it right now, baby. I just wanted you to know that I’m fine with the idea. We can curl up and cuddle if you’re too tired.”
Michael is tired, but it’s not the physical kind of tired. He needs to recharge, and his mind is still buzzing with everything that happened today. He rests his forehead on Sam’s for a moment, closing his eyes. “Do it.”
“Yes, sir,” Sam teases with a low laugh, stroking his hands down Michael’s back. “Get rid of the suit, baby.”
Michael laughs, handing the coiled rope back to Sam and standing to shed his clothes. Usually, he’d hang them up or at least drape them over a chair, but the case is done, he is off work for the next few days, and Sam looks at him with hunger in his eyes as he strips, so he simply lets the garments fall in a heap before sinking back down onto the rug with Sam. “How do you want me, love?”
“Like this is fine,” Sam tells him, sitting up and crawling around to Michael’s back. “Give me your arms, baby.”
Michael complies, and sighs as Sam grasps each limb to tie him up, elbow to wrist. “Tell me your safeword,” his younger lover murmurs into his ear after, wrapping his arms around Michael from behind. Michael leans into him with a sigh.
“It’s pomegranate,” he murmurs, resting against Sam’s body and feeling himself relax for what feels like the first time in months. Sam’s arms around him, the warmth of the room and the low lights, the tight rope around his arms combine into a potent mix that already has his cock hardening between his legs.
“Thank you,” Sam kisses his neck softly, nipping at sensitive skin. “Now, let’s get you comfortable, yes?”
Michael hums agreement, following Sam’s gentle guidance when his lover helps him sink down onto his back. Then he groans as Sam spreads his legs apart and swallows his cock down in one go.
“Fuck, Sam!”
Sam rubs his hands over Michael’s thighs, setting a slow rhythm as he sucks his cock to full hardness. Michael pulls at his bonds once before settling in with a moan, arching up a little into Sam’s mouth. “Fuck, your mouth is incredible, Sam.”
Sam pulls off his cock with a pop and grins, bringing one hand up to keep stroking  him. “Thank you.” He licks up the shaft once. “Want to know a naughty little secret?”
“Oh,” Michael mewls, twisting a little, “yes, please.”
“So polite,” Sam teases gently, licking again. “Very well, baby.” He sits up and turns around, and then he sheds his boxer briefs and bends forward to let Michael see the glinting green jewel set into the bottom of the metal plug he’s wearing.
Michael groans, pulling at the rope again. “Fuck, Sam.”
“Been wearing this little gem for hours already,” Sam tells him, reaching back with one hand to lightly pull on the plug. He moans. “Put it in maybe half an hour after I got your text. I’m sooo sensitive by now.”
“Let me see,” Michael breathes. “Come on, love, play with it. I want to see.”
“Since you’re asking so nicely,” Sam gasps out, fingers tugging on the plug until it’s halfway out, spreading him open. Michael can see his lover picked one of the larger ones in their collection, and he yearns to touch, to play with it, make Sam mewl and moan and whine.
“Beautiful,” he tells his lover, straining to keep his head up and keep watching. Sam grins over his shoulder, pulling the plug out entirely and letting Michael watch as his hole twitches.
“Want to fuck me, Mike?” he teases, setting the plug aside to run a finger over the lube-glistening muscle.
“Fucking tease,” Michael groans, arching up. “I always want to fuck you, Sam.”
“True,” Sam laughs, turning back around and crawling up Michael’s prone form. He reaches past Michael and returns with a bottle of lube, flicking it open to slick up his fingers. “Which is why I planned ahead.”
Michael grits his teeth as Sam’s warm, slick fingers wrap around his cock, stroking and massaging him with all the skill Sam’s accumulated over the years they’ve been fucking. “Sam, please…”
“Hush, baby.” Sam leans up to kiss him. “Just a moment. Need to make sure you’re gonna slide in nice and easy, yes?”
“Yes,” Michael agrees with a moan, letting his head sink back down. He flexes his hands in his bonds, the restraints heightening his arousal even more. “Oh fuck…”
“Going to feel amazing inside me,” Sam breathes, crawling up further and positioning himself over Michael’s cock. “Ready, baby?”
“Yes!” Michael almost shouts the word, then whimpers as Sam sinks down onto him in one long, slow glide until he’s as deep as he can go. “Fuck!”
“Yeah,” Sam agrees breathlessly, resting his hands on Michael’s chest for balance as his hole flutters around Michael’s cock. He looks breathtaking, Michael thinks with the two brain cells that haven’t yet given up on thought: a flush on his cheeks, his lips full and bitten red from Sam’s own teeth, his impressive cock hard and leaking onto Michael’s belly. “So fucking full, Mike.”
“Move,” Michael pleads, “fuck, Sam, please move.”
Sam complies, rising slowly and then sinking back down. He moans, picking up his pace slowly until he’s riding Michael at the hard pace they both prefer. He angles his hips until he shouts and clenches, and Michael grins breathlessly.
“Found your prostate, love?”
“Uh-huh,” Sam breathes, keeps moving at that angle. “Feels fucking amazing.”
“You do,” Michael agrees with a moan as Sam clenches down on him, arching up into his lover. “Fuck, do that again.”
Sam grins, his lower lip between his teeth, and clenches down on Michael’s cock again, and Michael groans and twitches up again. “Close,” he warns his lover.
“Yeah,” Sam agrees, letting his head fall back. His nails dig lightly into Michael’s chest. “Come on, baby. Fill me up.”
Michael groans, pulling at his bonds again. He wants to grab Sam’s hips, hold him still to pound into him, or even better, flip them over and fuck his lover’s fluttering hole until they’re both a sweaty, exhausted mess, but he can’t, and it feels amazing.
“Michael,” Sam mewls, lifting one hand from Michael’s chest to wrap around his own cock and stroke. “Please, Mike, fill me up, want to come with you.”
Michael moans at the image, rocking up into Sam. One thrust, two, three, and then he’s arching up and coming with a shout. He can feel Sam clench down on him, hard, and his lover painting his belly with his release.
For a long moment, they rest like that, Sam slumped forward over Michael, both of them breathing hard. Then, Sam stirs and slowly pulls himself off Michael’s cock.
“Let me free you,” he rasps, gently rolling Michael to his side. A moment later, the pressure vanishes, and Michael groans as he pulls his arms to his front. Sam helps him, and then he tugs the throw off the sofa to cover them with it, pulls him against his chest and gently massages the muscles.
Michael purrs contentment, tangling their legs. “That was great,” he finally murmurs, stroking his fingers over Sam’s arm around him.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” Sam replies, just as softly. Michael smiles, and lets his eyes drift shut with a yawn.
“I love you, Sam Winchester,” he breathes, and the answering “I love you, too, Michael Milton,” warms him through and through.
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ghostandblog · 5 years
Talking about Movies
FF / AO3
Summary: Bored in the library, Hannah and Barbara play a small game thinking about their friends.
Pairing: Sucy/Akko, Hannah/Amanda, Barbara/Lotte ( all characters are mentioned but not all appear, this is mostly about H&B talking).
Word count: 1,890
“Alright, let’s start with…Diana.”
Hannah’s tone is low, almost like a whisper, despite the library being pretty much empty. She looks at her friend with an inquisitive look.
Barbara rests her hand on her chin, with a concentrated expression as she thinks of their overachieving roommate. She considers her proper body posture, aristocrat upbringing, and the way she always goes for the most complex words at the moment of talking, which Barbara was sure it was a conscious decision on her part. It reminds her of black and white films, stories of powerful yet vulnerable heroes, beautifully designed yet simple dresses, and a sense of elegance that is just absent in most modern movies. With a clear answer on her mind, she looks back at Hannah.
“Diana would be… Classic Hollywood.”
Hannah raises her eyebrow a little bit. “That’s an odd connection.”
“Not at all, it makes perfect sense. Think of her as…Gone with the Wind or Citizen Kane”. Once she figures that her redheaded friend is convinced, she clasps her fingers together with a small smirk. “Alright, my turn. Give me a movie genre for… Amanda.”
Hannah narrows her eyes for a moment. “Amanda…Amanda would be adventure films. Movies that provide an… exciting sense of wonder. Purposely throwing yourself to danger in order to find new experiences, marvelously choreographed action scenes. You know, stories about the discoveries of ancient secrets and hidden treasures that also would lead to the discovery of…new aspects of yourself.” Hannah feels her lips forming a smile, then looks at Barbara’s grinning expression and worries that she may have flattered their american classmate a bit too much. “B-but there would not be, like, anything meaningful in them! always B-rated flicks with zero substance, yeah! That’s Amanda.”
She looks around them, worried that maybe she spoke a little too loud, but finds the library as empty as it was when they came for their now-paused study session. Hoping that her blush isn’t too noticeable, Hannah points at Barbara.
“Your turn now! Constanze?”
Barbara giggles a little bit, this was definitely a no-brainer. “Well duh, science fiction movies!” Giant robots, scientists working on their laboratories creating complex machines. Barbara entertains the idea that the short girl’s birthplace and silent nature is reminiscent of german expressionism cinema, but she knows she may be reaching with that one. “Jasminka?”
Hannah lets out a mocking chuckle. “I dunno. The cooking channel?”. After both share a small laugh, she tries to give a more thoughtful response. “But like, seriously, there is a sort of…warmth in her, you know? Always offering a tiny bit of what she’s eating, always with that calm smile of hers, it kind of reminds me of those feel-good movies that you watch as a kid with your parents, the ones with happy endings no matter what, or no matter how cheesy. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, if you will.”
Barbara nods, not really having anything to add.
Hannah raises her eyebrow again, this time placing a hand under her chin. “Now what would Lotte be?”
Barbara’s mind goes back to the finnish girl and remembers how she got to know her better thanks to their shared interest in Nightfall. She thinks of impossible love stories, star-crossed lovers, and above all, stories of girls that at some point may have been perceived as plain-looking or invisible, but later prove themselves beautifully unique and irreplaceable to the eyes of the previously dismissive hero. Unlike Hannah, she is not ashamed of her blushing face neither tries to hide it. She lets out a sigh before speaking.
“Lotte would be romance. Definitely.”
“Hehe. Of course she would.”
“You now. How about…Kagari?”
Hannah blinks, not really sure what to say at first, then finds a clear answer just by looking at Barbara’s smirk, knowing for sure that she is thinking the same thing as her.
“Comedy!”, they both say almost in unison, covering the giggling with their hands, more like a habit than a genuine attempt at keeping it quiet.
Atsuko Kagari. Always tripping over something, always making a mistake in her potions that resulted in some kind of explosion and her face covered in ashes. It’s like she was born to make every situation around her funny, and her almost negative intellect didn’t help, either. Everything she did was a source of laughs. Comedy certainly suited her alright.
Hannah wipes a small tear from her eye after laughing maybe a little too much, remembering it was her turn to ask.
“Okay Barb, what about creepy Susie?”
“Yeah. What about me?”
The monotone tone of voice is familiar, but the surprise is still there when they turn around and see the figure of a pale girl with long purple hair, her only visible eye looking directly at them with a tired expression, bangs covering the other one.
Hannah tries to stand back almost instinctively, accidentally tripping with one of her feet and falling out of her chair in a very unflattering manner, not unlike the way of the clumsy girl they were laughing at recently.
Barbara remains sitting where she is, petrified, with her hands placed in front of her as if she were trying to stop a sudden attack coming from Sucy. She attempts to keep her cool, but still can feel the sweat on the back of her neck.
Sucy just stands there, her expression unfazed. Is only the slow, uninterested way she blinks that reminds Hannah and Barbara that the girl standing before them is still alive (as far as they know).
“S-sucy! Hannah and I were just, we-” Still doing her best to keep whatever remains of her composure, Barbara hopes that she can get them out of there alive by sweet-talking somehow.
“How long have you been just STANDING there!?” Hannah’s usual temper doesn’t make it easy for Barbara, though.
Sucy just gives her a quick, dismissive glance, before looking directly at Barbara, who is now wishing that her sweating isn’t as noticeable as she thinks it is.
“So? What movie genre I am?”
“Ah! Well, we- uhm, we thought that you, erm, obviously-”
As Barbara attempts to form a coherent lie, Sucy just gets closer to the point that their faces are mere inches to each other, as if to remind her that there would not be a way out of this unless she tells her what she wants to know.
“Answer the question. Which one I am?”
Barbara lets out a loud gulp. She can’t really think of a convincing lie, so she decides to just answer honestly, ready to face the lavender witch’s wrath.
“Horror. I…i was gonna say that you would be a horror movie.”
Her expression doesn’t change for the next seconds that to Barbara, felt like hours. Then a smile seems to form on her lips, just enough to let Barbara know that she was amused by her answer.
“Haha. Neat.”
“Yo, Sucy! Hurry up! I already found the book that Lotte asked us to get!”
Hearing the familiar, loud voice that doesn’t even try to pretend to be in a place meant for silence and studying, the three girls look at the other end of the library, where Akko is waving at them while holding an old, dusty book on her other hand. Sucy looks back at Hannah and Barbara, wearing the same uninterested expression as before.
“Gotta go now”.
Feeling like she dodged a mushroom-shaped bullet, Barbara tries to keep the tiny bit of composedness that she barely had, but lets out a deep breath the very moment Sucy turns back and goes to where Akko is. She keeps looking at their direction, though, if only to make sure that the creepy girl actually leaves and doesn’t have any kind of last card, snake or potion under her sleeve. While hearing them chat as they walk, Barbara can notice, once again, how Sucy’s body language changes just a little bit when walking alongside Akko.
“Hey Suz, what were you doing with Hannah and Barbara just now?”
“Eh. We were just talking.”
“About what?”
As they leave the library, the two blue team members can’t hear their conversation anymore. Hannah, still shaking due to their near-Sucy experience, tries to regain her collectedness and opens her books again without saying anything, willing to forget anything related to the game they were playing to slack off studying. Barbara’s attention is somewhere else, still looking at the door even after the two girls are no longer there.
If Barbara had to be honest, she didn’t particularly care for either of them… even if Lotte was still trying to get her to know them better. But despite her own indifference, she couldn’t deny that there was something…charming in how the weird, creepy, and off-putting girl with lavender hair managed to develop a soft spot for the clumsiest girl in school, and how it was hard to ignore given that she herself managed to notice certain patterns as she was looking for stuff to make fun of them. Back when she still found enjoyment in bullying the three red team members, she considered the idea to tease Sucy about her potential feelings towards her roommate, but even then her own sense of survival knew better than that.
The expression on her face softens up just a tiny bit, enough for Hannah to notice when she turns to talk to her again.
“Did you know, that despite how different and irreconcilable they may seem, the horror and comedy genres have a lot in common? Many film and literally critics agree on that.”
Hannah just looks at her with a confounded expression.
“If you pay attention, you would notice how many of the most acclaimed horror movies have a little bit of comedy in them. Not even as a foil, mostly as…a small piece that you didn’t know it would be missing. Something that you never thought would fit, but it does amazingly so. Yes, comedy and horror movies can exist on their own and work perfectly fine alone…”, pausing her words for a moment, she looks for her notes scrapped on the table to resume her studies, “…But is only when placed alongside with comedy that the horror genre gets to truly shine to its full potential.”
“What the heck are you going on about now?”
As if taken back from a trance, Barbara blinks a little, then just shrugs.
“I guess I just thought it was interesting.” She says almost instantly forgetting why that particular comparison came to her mind. “What about us though?”
“Yeah, what movie genre would we be?”
Hannah scratches her head. She considers the options left, even if at this point she is not really interested to keep playing the little game they both made up. “I dunno. Animation?”
Seemingly considering the answer for a moment, Barbara lets out a dismissive laugh while opening one of her books. “Ha! As if.”
“Yeah, you are right. I’m not a big fan of cartoons, in all honesty.” Hannah says as she thinks of repetitive Saturday-morning animated shows, the ones with talking animals wearing funny clothes, stock sound effects, and the same background scene over and over. “Is just stuff for little kids anyway. Like, who has time for that kind of crap?”
Hannah and Barbara being named after Hanna-Barbera will never not be funny to me.
Has something like this been done before? at first i wanted to compare the characters to music genres and bands but besides picking Kraftwerk for Constanze i've got nothing. Kinda not very really convinced how this one turned out, but still, i think is better to just publish it instead of letting it accumulate metaphorical dust in my drafts forever lol. I think I also better look for some beta readers for my next fic, i have a couple of other unfinished ideas even if I am not really sure what do…writing-wise? Guess we’ll see.
Amanda being Hannah’s gay awakening is a really cute concept. Is really growing on me!
Still, thank you for reading! Hope you all enjoyed this.
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canadiankazz · 5 years
The Seventh Time - An L.A. by Night Fanfic
Annabelle and an invisible Jasper go to a gothic vampire-themed bar so Annabelle can find someone to feed from. They end up having a rather erotic evening involving a mortal female bartender.
(Carries on directly from the end of The Sixth Time)
This is my L.A. By Night Alternative Universe where Jasper has been feeding from Annabelle for several weeks/months and they have developed a Blood Bond. SPOILERS for the end of Campaign 1 including the one-shots. This was written before Season 2, Episode 4.
It’s worth reading the rest of the series before this part:
The Entire ‘Feeds From’ Master List Can be Found Here
I lay no claim to owning any of the characters involved.
This fic was co-written with @cravatfiend, and really would not have been possible without their help. Special love to @gokaiyellow for the inspiration when they asked me  "How could she NOT touch herself while he's biting her?" Thank you also to everyone else who has enjoyed this series so far.
Also posted to the author’s Ao3.
First posted Feb. 14th 2019 (Happy Valentine’s Day!)
The Seventh Time Jasper Fed From Annabelle
Annabelle stripped in her bathroom and left her clothes in a more or less neat pile next to the clean ones she had brought in to change into after her shower. She kept her ears perked for any sounds of Jasper moving about or doing things in her home, but she couldn’t hear him. Of course, if he didn't want to be heard by her, he wouldn't. That didn’t stop her from listening.
She had invited Jasper over this weekend to spend time with her while Mark and Elle were out of town. He had arrived last night. They had watched TV, and he had fed on her. She swallowed at the memory of it, thinking of his fangs in her neck, him pressing her hand into her groin and the very intense pleasure that had followed. Annabelle sighed. She was starting to think she might have a kink for this stuff.
She turned on the warm water and stepped into the shower. She tilted her face up and just let the spray hit her chest and run down her body for a minute. Her body was cold again, but she could feel it start to warm slightly in the heat and steam of the shower. Annabelle reached for soap and let her thoughts turn around in her head.
Complicated, that was definitely how she would describe her feelings for Jasper and their relationship. Very complicated. On the surface, they were friends, and one could make a very solid argument that they were also firmly in the friends with benefits category. What they did, with him feeding on her and her body reacting to it the way it did, it felt very much to her like sex. She supposed, to Kindred, it was basically sex. Sex without the sex. But she didn't consider Jasper to be her boyfriend, or even her lover, not really. She didn't know if there was a name for what he was to her. There might have been a fancy Kindred term for it, but she didn't know what it was. She wondered if Jasper thought of her as a lover, or any other term. She suspected he didn't, but she had never asked. She made a mental note to ask him about it.
Annabelle rinsed her body and started to wash and condition her hair. She thought about what Jasper had told her about their Blood Bond. A tiny part of her was tempted to test it, to see if he really would come if she silently called out to him, but a much larger part of her knew that was not a good idea. It would feel like crying wolf, and it would be an abuse of whatever power she might have over him now. She was honoured by how much Jasper trusted her. It made her feel a great affection for him. She wondered if he felt the same for her, and all the evidence she could think of told her that he did. He was increasingly physically affectionate with her – never in front of their coterie or anyone else, but in their private moments, especially after feeding, he seemed to enjoy physical contact with her. That may have been her Vitae influencing him somewhat, but Annabelle also believed that he might have cared strongly about her even without the Blood Bond.
She rinsed her hair and luxuriated in the warm water. She had offered Jasper a shower before she took one, but he had politely declined. In a great many ways, he was still a mystery to her. She was deeply curious about him, but respecting his privacy was more important. Everyone had their secrets, and she suspected he had always been a very private person even in life. That was okay. She could live with not knowing everything about him.
Annabelle turned off the water and stepped out of the shower to dry herself. She felt refreshed. She took her time drying and re-dressing. She had chosen black jeans to wear tonight and suspected that may have been Jasper's subtle influence. Her Beast growled at her, reminding her of her hunger. That was one of the biggest downsides to this relationship. Every time Jasper fed from her body, it made her Beast upset. That hunger could only be ignored for so long. It was a literal drain on her system. Annabelle promised herself that she would feed tonight. They would go out and she would find someone who would give her permission to drink a little of their blood. She had it all planned out in her head as she applied make-up in the bathroom mirror. Then, after she fed, she would come back home and... maybe she and Jasper could have some more fun. She smirked to herself as she winged her eye liner.
When she emerged from the bathroom, Annabelle found Jasper in the lounge. He was looking at a book of urban Los Angeles photography that Elle had bought. Annabelle sat next to him and smiled. “Hey.”
Jasper closed the book. “Hey.”
“I have a plan for tonight. Nothing set in stone, though.”
“Go on.”
“I'm going to go out and feed. You're welcome to come with me. And then we'll come back here and... hang out.”
“Hang out?” He inquired in mock innocence.
“Yeah... you know...” Annabelle touched his knee and bit her lip.
“Yeah... I know.” Jasper smirked and Annabelle knew he has been playing with her a little.
She smiled again. Tonight was going to be fun.
“There's a gothy, kind of vampire themed bar I found,” Annabelle told him, “and I'm going to try my luck there.”
“And you want me to come with you?”
“Well, yeah! Or you can go do your own thing for a few hours and I'll call you... or...” Annabelle shrugged. She did want Jasper to come along, even though she knew he would be hidden from sight the whole time. If he said no though, she'd be disappointed but understanding.
“I'll come if you'd like, but I'll have to be unseen,” Jasper said.
“Okay... don't feel like you have to come or anything,” Annabelle said, worried about the Blood Bond. “Like, I’m not forcing you to.”
He gave her a reassuring little smile. “No, it's okay. I want to.”
She smiled as well, relieved. “Well, I'm ready to go, so...”
Jasper patted himself, showing that he hadn't come with a lot. “Me too.”
Annabelle jumped up and grabbed her red leather jacket, keys, phone and wallet. This wasn't a date, she told herself, but she sure as hell had to admit it felt like one.
Jasper made himself disappear as she locked up the house. It gave her the chills. One second, he was standing next to her, but when she looked back after putting her keys away, he was gone.
“I'm... hoping you're still here?” she asked quietly.
“Of course,” he replied. She could hear him smile.
“Right. Good. Let's go.” She headed for transport to get them to the bar.
Annabelle activated both Awe and Blush of Life as she and an invisible Jasper stepped into the bar. It was small and dark, but with a very charming gothic aesthetic. It looked like it was a slow night, not surprising for a Sunday. Annabelle took a seat at the bar. The bartender was a curvy woman with a pale face and long, dark hair tied back in a high ponytail. She had several ear piercings, including a large safety clip through one ear. The bartender looked bored, but perked up when she saw Annabelle.
“Hey, hun,” she said, approaching Annabelle. “What can I get ya?”
Annabelle smiled. “Hi! Um...” she glanced at the wall of bottles behind the bartender. “I'm not sure. What do you recommend?”
“The house favourite's the 'Vampire's Kiss,' but we've got everything.”
Annabelle grinned. “Ooh, what's in that?” She couldn’t see Jasper, but she assumed he was nearby and also grinning.
“Berry vodka, berry liqueur, cranberry juice. It tastes deceptively non-alcoholic,” the bartender said with a wink.
Annabelle knew that with Blush of Life, she could drink or eat like a human, but she would have to throw it up again later. For a little while, she could keep it down though, to sell the illusion of life. “I'll take one of those, thanks.”
The bartender smiled. “Coming right up!” She got to work mixing the drink with a little extra showmanship. Annabelle watched her, but looked at her phone when it buzzed. It was Jasper texting her privately.
“She looks cute,” his message said.
“The bartender?” Annabelle texted back.
“You think I have a chance?”
“She's checking you out. I think you're good.”
“Waiting on someone?” the bartender asked, sliding Annabelle the drink. The cocktail was a deep red.
“Um, no... not really,” Annabelle lied. “Just a girls' night out kind of thing, but I'm on my own, I guess.” She smiled a little awkwardly. She still didn't like lying. “I'd heard about this place and wanted to check it out.”
“Ahh, you're the curious type huh?” the bartender said knowingly. “We get a lot of people looking to flirt with the darkness a little.” She winked at Annabelle again. “Don't be nervous, hun. That's why we're all here.”
Annabelle giggled, as charmed by the bartender and she seemed to be by her.
“Although on Sunday nights it seems to just be the six of us.” The bartender chuckled and gestured to herself, Annabelle, the few staff members and meagre other bar patrons present.
“Yeah, slow night?”
“I guess this just isn't a hot feeding night in L.A. for vampires,” the bartender sighed. “Shame.”
Annabelle laughed. It was a little nervous and for a split second, she thought the bartender might have known about the Masquerade, but then she remembered she was in a vampire themed bar, after all. “Well, I don't know? Maybe we could change that?” Annabelle cringed to herself. That wasn't a very good line, and she knew it.
The bartender's eyebrow arched slowly at her, but she didn't seem put off.
Annabelle blushed pink. “Sorry, that was a horrible line.”
The bartender laughed. “At least you want to use lines on me! I'm flattered.”
Annabelle sipped her drink. It was good, but it did nothing to satisfy her Beast, and her Beast was hungry indeed.
“So...” the bartender leaned in towards her a little. “You're here looking for some mortals to play with?”
Annabelle swallowed. Did she know, or was she just playing? Surely she was just playing. “Uh, yeah. I guess. I'm Annabelle.”
“That's a cute name!” The bartender extended her hand for Annabelle to shake. “Lisa.”
Annabelle smiled and shook Lisa's hand. “Nice to meet you.” The handshake seemed to linger. Annabelle bit her lower lip. She wasn't sure if it was the Awe, or if Lisa genuinely liked her. Either way, she was definitely being flirted with.
“What do I owe you for the drink?” Annabelle asked.
“Oh, no, hun, don't worry about it,” Lisa winked. “It's on the house.”
“No, I insist!” Annabelle got her wallet out and put some money on the bar. It was more than enough to pay for the cocktail.
“Well... if you insist,” Lisa relented, taking the money and putting it in the register. “Thanks, hun.”
Annabelle glanced at the tip jar, thinking to add something there too. It had been almost empty when she had sat down, but there was a large note in there now. Annabelle blinked. She hadn't noticed anyone put anything in there... but that didn't mean that no one did. She smirked and texted Jasper.
“Where did you get that money?”
“Never you mind. Not from you though,” he replied.
A few more minutes passed, during which time no one else entered the bar. Lisa and Annabelle kept making eye contact with each other and smiling. Eventually, Lisa came back over to her.
“So, I think other than me, you might be out of luck tonight,” Lisa told Annabelle. “We'll be closing up early fairly soon if more people don't come in.” She smiled at Annabelle and lowered her voice a little. “Although, if you want to hang out while I close...?”
There was a secret proposal there that Annabelle picked up on. She blushed a little redder. “Sure... I'd love to hang out with you, if you'd like.” She couldn't believe her luck. Even with Awe, sometimes she had to work to pick someone up. Not this night. This night, she had hit the jackpot.
“You can stay as long as you like,” Lisa said.
“Thank you!” Annabelle sipped more of her drink and complemented Lisa on her bartending skills.
Lisa smiled and started to pack up, getting ready to close early. She checked in on security and cleaned, all the while shooting Annabelle flirtatious glances. With every glance Annabelle caught, she would smile or wave a little, keen on Lisa's attention. She texted Jasper again as well.
“Looks good,” she told him.
“I can see that,” he replied. She still didn't know exactly where he was in the room, but she imagined he was still smiling and watching with interest. After all, if Annabelle fed tonight, then he fed tonight too.
Annabelle felt a rumble in her stomach. Her undead body was getting ready to reject her cocktail. She got up and asked Lisa for directions to the bathroom and Lisa pointed it out to her.
“I'll be waiting for when you get back,” Lisa said.
Annabelle shot her a smile and went into the ladies' room. She entered a stall and let herself throw up the cocktail into the toilet. It looked like a bloody mess, and felt disgusting, but Annabelle felt better once it was out of her system. She flushed the toilet, took a few deep breaths and reactivated Blush of Life. Her Beast growled, but she calmed it down with a promise that yes, tonight she was going to feed, and not on any more alcohol. There was a pretty bartender waiting for her who seemed to have a thing for vampires.
Annabelle emerged from the bathrooms and approached Lisa, who was waiting with her purse. “Um... my place or yours?” she asked with a little smile.
“Mine's nearby, if you're comfortable.”
“Yeah, sure! Um... but I will have to get home later tonight though, so...”
To Annabelle's surprise, Lisa smiled. “That's fine, hun. No strings, okay?”
It seemed like Lisa was used to this kind of temporary hook-up. Annabelle knew there was an underground culture for this kind of thing, but hadn't really explored too much of it before. “No strings,” she agreed, excited.
Lisa took Annabelle's hand and they walked out of the bar together, Lisa pausing to lock up and set the alarm. Annabelle hoped Jasper got out okay, but assumed he did by the very briefest of his touches on her free hand.
Lisa led Annabelle down the street a few blocks towards an apartment block. Conveniently, she only seemed to live a short walk away from her work.
“So... you're obviously into vampire stuff,” Annabelle said.
Lisa laughed. “Yeah, how could you tell?” She smiled at her. “I don't know why, exactly, but all that stuff with embracing and blood has always seemed kind of... intimate to me.”
“Oh yeah, totally.” Annabelle grinned. “'Intimate' is definitely the word for it.” She hesitated, then chanced a question. Lisa did seem pretty heavily into the vampire kink. “Have you done... biting or blood stuff before?”
“Yeah, I've... dabbled a fair bit. It's kind of hard not to in this scene. It's been pretty fun!”
Annabelle was relieved. “Yeah, I have too.” She felt that a person with this kind of interest would have been more likely to have been in Nelli's extended social circle, so she was glad to have found one too. She took a deep breath and made the metaphorical plunge. “Um... would you like to? Tonight?”
A dawning smile appeared on Lisa's pale face. “Sure. It'd love that.”
“Yeah?” Annabelle smiled back, adding some sensuality of her own into it. Things were going very well. “Cool.”
Lisa's apartment was a tiny, studio-style space. It was mostly one room with a small kitchenette and another door that led to a bathroom. A large wrought iron bed took up a large chuck of space in the main room. Dark wood bookcases lined the walls, full of novels and other gothic paraphernalia, with the odd piece of pop culture or nerd stuff here and there. Annabelle was pleased to find not one, but two complete sets of the Harry Potter books, including the special Slytherin House edition. Most of the rest of the décor was in a black and red theme.
Lisa paused and frowned after inviting Annabelle in and closing the door. “Huh.”
Annabelle glanced back at her. “What?”
“Nothing.” Lisa shook off her sudden chill. “Just a draft or something.”
Annabelle nodded and glanced around the room. Her eyes landed briefly on the darkest corner, and it might have been her imagination, but the shadow there seemed a little bigger than it had been a moment ago. She nodded again, seemingly to herself, but mostly to the shadow, and had another look around the room.
“Anyway,” Lisa said. “I'll give you the tour.” She spread her arms and gestured to the room, taking in the kitchenette and toilet door as well. “This is it!”
She smiled. “I love your place!” She took a step towards a shelf to look at some obscure vampire novels and films she hadn't heard of before.
“Thank you.”
Annabelle turned back to Lisa after a moment. “Seriously, this is great.”
Lisa smiled. “I tend to collect stuff, which is not great when you live this small, but hey, I know what I like!”
“I like it,” Annabelle said. “I like you.”
Lisa smiled knowingly and sat on the bed. She patted a spot next to her for Annabelle to sit. She did and pushed her long, black hair back behind her ear.
“So,” Annabelle asked, a little shyness creeping back in. She could almost feel Jasper watching them from his shadow in the corner, but Lisa was unaware. She wondered if Lisa would have minded if she did know. “Do you like to bite, or be bitten?”
Lisa was not shy at all. This was obviously not her first time with someone experimenting with a blood kink. “I prefer being bitten, but I'm flexible. I have a blade if you want to make a little cut, or you can just bite...”
Annabelle's eyes widened a little, surprised at Lisa's initiative. She felt very lucky to have met this sexy, kinky bartender, and made a mental note to try to keep in touch with her after this. “That works for me,” she said, with a sensual little smile. She put a hand on Lisa's knee, which Lisa did not mind at all. “I usually prefer to bite, but... if you want to cut, I'm okay with that. Are you sure you're okay with me tasting your blood?”
“Yeah,” Lisa assured her, and blushed slightly herself. “It... kinda does it for me... and you're really cute.”
Annabelle felt her cheeks go warm again. “Thanks. I think you're beautiful,” she said honestly.
Lisa put her hand on Annabelle's.
“I promise I don't have any, like, diseases or anything,” Annabelle added softly.
Lisa smiled and chuckled quietly. “Good to know. Me too. I'm really careful and test regularly, otherwise, I wouldn’t do this.”
Annabelle nodded, reassured.
Lisa's voice got low and sensual. “Anyway, now that that's out of the way... feel free to play. Unless I say 'foxtrot,' it's not too far.”
Annabelle made a mental note of the new safe word as Lisa went in for a kiss. Annabelle welcomed and returned it tenderly, and any final nerves she had about the evening melted away.
The two women relaxed back onto the bed, kissing and touching each other. Soft sighs and gentle moans filled the tiny apartment. Annabelle felt herself getting lost in the moment, almost forgetting for a little while why she was there, including forgetting about the Nosferatu in the dark corner. Her Beast didn't let her forget for long though, and when Lisa deliberately exposed her neck to Annabelle, she bit her gently, giving Lisa a hickey, but not breaking the skin yet. She held back, like she remembered Jasper doing, to listen for the safe word. Instead of saying 'foxtrot,' Lisa moaned. Annabelle took that as permission to continue and bit properly into Lisa's throat. She felt Lisa tense in the pain, then relax into the pleasure as Annabelle fed. She let her hands roam again over Lisa's body as she did so. The blood was good, nourishing and sweet, and her Beast whispered at her to take a little more, just a little more...
Annabelle pulled back, as full as she dared, and licked Lisa's skin to close the wound. Lisa was near breathless on the bed with a dizzy, happy little smile. There was a very faint snarl from the shadows and Annabelle looked up, mildly startled. She realised that Jasper had just watched every second of that and blushed again. Lisa hadn’t seemed to notice at all, lost in her haze of pleasure.
“Damn...” Lisa mumbled. “You... you're very good at that...”
“Thanks,” Annabelle said, a little humble, turning her attention back to Lisa. “You're good too.”
“If you say so.” She tried to sit up, but her body betrayed her and she landed back on her dark pillow. “Woah... I doubt I'm getting up for a while,” she giggled.
Annabelle giggled too. “Yeah. I'll get you some water?”
“Aww... thanks!”
Annabelle got off the bed and headed to the kitchenette. Glasses were easy to find and she filled one with water to bring back. It was the very least she could do. Lisa took it gladly and drank some.
“This was good,” Annabelle said, genuinely. “I had fun.”
“I'm really glad.” Lisa chuckled. “I think it's obvious I did too. So... you said you'd need to get home? It's cool if you do.” She sounded a little like she wished Annabelle could stay longer. Annabelle kind of wished that too, but knew she shouldn’t.
“Yeah, I do, sorry. But... I'll be sure the come by the bar again another time,” she promised.
“Yeah,” Lisa smiled. She seemed to like the sound of that. “You know where to find me. Be safe getting home, okay?”
“I will! Thanks again, Lisa, and... um...” Annabelle's voice dropped to a whisper, hoping to convince Lisa to keep a secret. “Don't tell anyone, okay?”
Lisa smiled again. It seemed like she had had this talk with others before too. “Sure. Your secret's safe with me.”
“Thank you,” Annabelle said. She leaned in to give Lisa one last long, sweet goodbye kiss, then went to the door. “See you.”
Lisa waved goodbye. Annabelle opened the door and made sure to do it wide enough to give Jasper time to slip out too. The door closed slowly behind them with a click.
Annabelle welcomed the cool night air on her face when she and Jasper got back out onto the street. She heard a soft, snarly chuckle by her side.
“Looked like you had fun.”
She glanced at where she had heard his voice. She still had Blush of Life on and her face turned red again. “Yes, I did.”
“She seemed... nice.”
“Yeah...” Annabelle glanced back up at the apartment building, to where she thought Lisa's window might be. She definitely intended to make good on her promise to return to that bar at some point in the near future. “She was.”
“Into vampires too. That's convenient.”
“You know... she might have been into you too, you know.”
She could hear him snicker very quietly. “I doubt it.”
“I don't know... she was really kinky... and besides... I'm into you.”
Annabelle paused and blinked. She hadn't really meant to say that, but it was out now. She cleared her throat. “Jasper?”
“Let's get back to your place,” he said in her ear.
She shivered, as she always did when he did that. She nodded and hurried home.
Annabelle made sure the door was securely locked behind her after she and Jasper got back to her house. Jasper let his Obfuscate drop once he was safely inside. It was the first time Annabelle had seen him since they had left, several hours ago. He looked hungry. She squinted at him, feeling bold and aroused by Lisa's blood.
“If I didn't know better, I'd say you liked watching me feed on her just now,” she said.
Jasper licked his fangs and smiled in the way he knew did funny things to Annabelle's insides. “Maybe.”
Annabelle’s Blush of Life was still active. Her heart thudded in her chest. She was already turned on from earlier. Her mouth felt suddenly a little dry and she swallowed. “Would you... like to... have some too?”
“Yes, please,” Jasper growled.
Annabelle nodded. “Bedroom.” She hastened there with Jasper looming behind her, hot on her heels.
Annabelle's red jacket was off as soon as she got to the bedroom. She tossed it onto her chair, which was already laden with other clothing. Jasper took a step towards her, but hesitated when she held up a finger. She took her shoes off before getting onto the bed. She smiled at him and beckoned him over when she was ready. He crawled onto the bed and came up beside her. She reached towards his head, then stopped.
“May I?” she asked quietly.
Annabelle gently pulled his hood off, exposing his hairless, black-veined skin. “I want you to be comfortable here,” she said softly.
“I am,” he replied. “You've been a lovely host.”
“Thanks.” She fidgeted a little. “So... how would you like me?”
Jasper smiled. “Like this is fine.” He touched her hand and trailed his hand up to her shoulder and throat. He could feel her goosebumps. He let his fingers linger on her artificial pulse, which was racing away. “You seem very excited,” he observed.
Annabelle giggled. His hands were cold, but she didn't mind. The contrast to her warm skin was exhilarating. She could tell he was dragging this out. The anticipation was killing her. Her jeans felt too tight. “I am excited,” she said.
“I would very much like to taste that.” Annabelle recognised the hunger in his growl. Her stomach twisted. She felt tingly.
Annabelle tilted her neck to give him easy access to the veins and arteries in her throat. She closed her eyes as she heard and felt him draw himself in. She felt his hands on her shoulders and upper arms. He held her close to him, his body firm against hers. He gave her skin a sniff, then opened his mouth and bit into her.
She gasped, feeling his fangs sink into her jugular again. Her Vitae flowed into his hungry mouth. She winced at the pain and bit her lip, but as soon as the pleasure hit she relaxed into his arms, clinging to him with one of her own. She soon became light-headed as the blood left her brain. As if it had a mind of her own, her other hand drifted down to the button and zipper of her jeans and undid them enough to slide her hand into her pants and under her underwear. Her fingers moved against herself in a delicious and well-practiced fashion. She moaned loudly as Jasper bit a little harder and drank a little deeper. The pleasure rolling across her body was strong, and getting stronger by the millisecond. Annabelle was soon quaking with it and couldn’t hold on for long. She clung desperately to Jasper's back and screamed her climax through gritted teeth.
She felt like she was floating afterwards. She was dimly aware of his tongue licking her neck and her Beast grumbling and growling within. She relaxed back onto the pillows, one hand still in her pants. Every now and then she shook with a little aftershock.
A minute later, Annabelle opened her eyes again. Jasper was watching her. He had a hand on her hip. She realised she was still touching herself and, with no small degree of embarrassment, removed her hand. Her fingers were wet. She wiped them on a tissue, her cheeks red. “Sorry...” she mumbled.
“What for? Enjoying yourself?”
“Um...” Annabelle looked at him. He didn't seem bothered in the slightest.
He relaxed beside her, stretching his long body out on her large bed. “I think it's really great that you get so much...” he grinned, “pleasure out of these feedings, Annabelle. It's done wonders for my ego.”
Annabelle suppressed a little laugh and snuggled into him. “Nice to know I can boost your ego?”
“Not many things do, any more.” He stroked her hair. She wished she could feel what he was thinking, like how he could feel her. She figured they might have to have another talk about the Blood Bond soon, but not right at that moment.
“Do you really have to go tomorrow?” she asked very quietly.
“Yeah,” he said, just as softly. “I've got... responsibilities. And besides... what would your girlfriend say when she came home to find me in your bed?”
Annabelle laughed at the mental image. “She might be into it?”
She could feel Jasper shake his head. “I think she'd be horrified, Annabelle.”
“Mmm... she'd be surprised, for sure.”
“Have you told her about me?”
“I've... mentioned you, but only in that I have friends who are vampires. She doesn't know about the feeding.”
Jasper gave a little disapproving snarl. “I still wish you hadn't told her anything.”
“I know... but I can't take it back now.” Annabelle sighed.
“What about Mark?”
“He’s not been around as much. Victor’s mostly kept him away.” There was a note of sadness in Annabelle’s voice. She gently traced one of the lines on Jasper’s hoodie with her finger.
“I've had a good time with you this weekend,” Annabelle said, changing the subject and telling the truth. “A very good time. I've missed this.”
“I've missed this too,” Jasper confessed.
“Let's... not go so long between breaks next time?” she said hopefully.
“We'll see, but it would be nice,” Jasper agreed.
When dawn arrived, the two of them remained snuggled in each other's arms as they slept. Annabelle's Blush of Life faded and her body cooled to its usual undead temperature. For a little while, she could pretend that Jasper didn't have to leave the next night. She promised herself to invite him back as soon as she was able to. She sensed he wouldn’t say 'no.'
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tumblunni · 5 years
Misc thoughts of rambling development for my new yokai watch ocs family of hugs and sadness (blythe the Dimmy and amber the Gorgeous Ambassador)
* Amber was totally still Gorgeous Ambassador at heart even back when he was human. I feel like he probably dressed very plain and was very self concious for a long time, as well as also being poor as dirt so it wasnt really easy to be super fashion time. Perhaps the only way he was really able to be remotely flambouyant or pretty was just having a long ponytail that he was very proud of. It would have been easier to maintain a shorter hairstyle when you're struggling to even find somethibg to eat each day let alone a bath, but it just helped him hold on to a tiny bit of confidence. Even when he reincarnated as Gorgeous Ambassador he was still unconfident for a long time and it took all these centuries to fully embrace The Power Of Gorgeous. He was probably really shocked when he got his medal registered and heard his new yokai name, like uhh excuse me "must beautiful man who spreads beauty through the world with his smile" are you sure there hasnt been a mixup??? And nowadays he's become so happy with himself that he maybe dresses a little bit gaudy sometimes, but if you saw how he used to feel then you'd absolutely be cheering for him!
* he was probably worried that Blythe wouldn't recognise him when he finally managed to reunite with them, but i think the lil shadow ghost instantly knew it was their brother and ran straight into the biggest hug ever. "Im worried they'll think im all cringe and gaudy" NO UR LIL SIB IS IN AWE OF YOUR FASHION POWER AND HAPPY FOR YOUR CONFIDENCE
* I also think Amber would absolutely be proud of how much confidence Blythe has gained through travelling with the protagonist and co. Like "aaa the last time i saw you you were so tiny and shy!" "Yes, now i'm tall and shy!" "NUUUU STOP PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN"
* basically they are absolutely Shyness Fam, and Amber just approaches his anxieties differently with over-the-top fake boasting about his greatness instead of being honest about how bad he feels. So thats why itd be so heartwarming to see him genuinely making progress and genuinely seeing good parts of himself. ALL THANKS TO THE INTERNATIONAL GORGEOUSNESS ASSOCIATION OF THE AFTERLIFE, YES *cheesy makeover ads fly by in the background*
* Dimmy's fave food is rice balls not just cos ninja monster = rice balls, but cos for Blythe specifically it brings back happy memories of backstory ninja Amber in ye olden days packing lunches of love for his tiny friend. He was always broke in between finding bountys to hunt, so he was never able to cook anything too fancy, but those simple meals became associated with childhood in Blythe's heart. All the times this big strong human swordsman would have a moment of gentleness and offer his last bit of food to a useless little yokai like them. ("No!! You're a valued part of the team!! And growing children need this more than i do!! Besides, i'm so tough i don't need to eat." *stands up for a minute and blacks out*)
* Since this backstory took place before thee yokai watch was invented, you cant technically say Amber was Blythe's previous watchholder but like.. He totally was? Same formula of being a human you partner with and then go around fighting/befriending other yokai. I like to think that maybe before yokai medals became the latest trend and they set up the whole official regulated medal registration process, yokai would still give their human friends some sort of token of their friendship but it was just less organised. Like imbuing their soul energy into all sorts of shit like This Leaf I Found or One Shoe. Which could be used in the same way to summon them but obv was less conveinient, haha! I'm thinking maybe Blythe's bond object was just a neat rock, cos they were so young and didnt really own anything else to gift to this human. Like all they had was the coal from the hearth in the house they used to haunt, but thatd be too crumbly so they dug through to find the sturdiest and prettiest rock and Amber was like straigjt up crying from how touched this whole thing made him. I WILL TREASURE THIS PEBBLE MY TINY MONSTER CHILD...
* oh but just to rub salt in the wound i think he couldnt find it again when he woke up floating over his own burned corpse in the wreckage of his final fateful battle. There uhh..wasnt much of himself left, let alone anything he was holding. Itd kinda have to be that way cos if it worked like a yokai medal itd mean Amber could have instantly reunited with his friend and cut out all of these years of sad backstory, alas
* ok but imagine the cute and sweet emotionalness of then being able to swap medals when they see each other again, and have an actual magical guarantee of never losing their family ever again.
* I feel like Amber only initially agreed to join the Gorgeous Association because he wanted to get a job in the yokai world and save up to buy a decent house and decent level of income so that there would be a hapoy home waiting for his child whenever he finally found them. He didnt really believe that he had the potential to be a fashion icon, he just went along with it as an employment opportunity in his weird new ghost life. But OH NO, accidental self confidence!! (We are all very proud of him)
* oh and the Gorgeous Association doesnt work 100% identical to the anime version, i just like the anime's general concept. I feel like Gorgeous Ambassador is indeed a yokai species and not just a title, its less 'you were chosen by random lottery' and more 'you were chosen by destiny'...? Shy people who have potential to be fashion icons just tend to end up becoming the shy-people-with-potential-to-become-fashion-icons yokai, aka this. And the Gorgeous Association takes responsibility for finding all new Gorgeouses and training them to use their new powers instead of just staying in their shyness. Its more of a self help club? Oh and also the membership is full of other types of fashion yokai too, its not just Gorgeous Ambassadors. Just its only Gorgeous Ambassadors that get visited by the president as soon as they die and given a special invitation to join. So basically interpreting Gorgeous Ambassador as more 'this yokai is named that cos its powers are about encouraging people to be more confident aka introducing them to the world of fashion'. And less the idea that all Gorgeous Ambassadors used to be a different type of yokai and you can only become one by being picked by the club lottery. And also that its just a costume with no actual powers?? That was funny in the anime but i prefer if they actually could inspirit people and make them more confident and stuff.
* I FEEL LIKE IM EXPLAINING THIS BADLY, SORRY! Ok so uhh like yknow some clubs are all exclusive entry "you are not this thing til you join"? Like you cant be a country club member til you join the country club, and the sense of comeraderie there is just all being rich enough to pay for membership rather than having anything in common. But then there's stuff like lgbt groups or mental health support groups where youre all already the same thing and thats WHY you join the club. Anime version had Gorgeous Association be a country club and Gorgeous Ambassador be just a membership name rather than a real yokai form. Which, again, was really funny but i feel like it only works in a more gag focused series like the anime. Here i'm interpreting it that you can just be born in the species Gorgeous Ambassador, same as any other yokai like jibanyan or whatever, and it actually does have its own special powers and stuff. And its just that the Gorgeous Association sends out invites to any newborn yokai that have fashion related powers. So not all Gorgeous Ambassadors actually join the Gorgeous Association. Oh and Kageusuo is the actual yokai species name for those unaffiliated ones. The anime seemed to say that kageusuo was an unrelated new yokai that isnt in the games, that was just invented to have a form that Gorgeous Ambassador had before he became Gorgeous Ambassador. But i have Other Ideas
* i'll make it a new bullet point cos im getting all disorganized now aaaa
* ok so Kageusuo (or my fanmade eng dub name Shamshade) is Gorgeous Ambassador. Same thing. Same species. Kageusuo is a yokai personifying the idea of a fashionable beautiful person who never reached their potential in life due to social anxiety/bullying. Like an 'ugly duckling' story. Their default form is this shadowy looking depressed dude because their power is that they drain shadows from people, vampire style. This makes you 'less overshadowed", so you become more confident and people notice your unique style! But kageusuo cant use its powers on itself, so a lot of them stay in this shy form forever and just continue repeating the same overshadowed life they have as a human. The fabulous form that Gorgeous Ambassador has in the games is just simply the same yokai dressing differently- a kageusuo that managed to conquer its anxieties from its past life and take steps to embrace its true self! But theyre not actually any different in terms of powers, theyre still shadow vampires and their power to make people fabulous is just them eating your shadow. It was something they could already do before they became fabulous themself, now theyre just confident enough to match their powers, yknow? And also unrelatedly there's a club called Gorgeous Association that this particular kageusuo joined, which personally helped him in his journey of self confidence so he goes by the nickname Gorgeous Ambassador to advertise it. (Which is even more nicknamed into Amber cos he thinks it sounds cute)
* anyway just imagine a vampire movie but its a supermodel lurching out of the shadows groaning "I VANT TO SUCK YOUR ANXIETY" and then when he bites you you become more confident. This is a Good Concept so i will somehow find a way to use it, dammit!! *b movie music* "OH NO THE MONSTER GOT TERRY" *terry suddenly wearing applebottom jeans*
* also imagine all of that but also the dude is a weird samurai being all "wow the wonders of the future" about thos applebottom jeans
* why do all my headcanons start as angst and end up as nonsense like this
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beverlyr0ad · 6 years
crimes of grindelwald thoughts
alright obvious spoilers not that it matters bc i have one follower lmao but !! i need somewhere to scream abt this movie
first of all i love jacob and newt so much. best parts of this movie honestly i love them and i want them to be happy 
but to be fair i actually rlly rlly enjoyed watching this movie!! like,, there are a looot of things i dont understand about it and i have no idea how they happened or why theyre happening but thats Okay i would still recommend everyone watch it! its so good!!!
good things:
- grindelwald !! i mean,, no hes not a good thing but i really liked how they wrote his character. like i can UNDERSTAND the power he has over people and how hes manipulating them. hes really not just a Voldemort 2.0 and i respect that a lot bc thats not what an entirely different villain should be like. but casting issues and all aside i really liked this
- i also liked the interaction between leta lestrange and dumbledore that was some good stuff and the actors were rlly good too !!! - i like the direction queenie is going in. i mean i dont actually of course but it seems realistic and i think its important and its good character development n stuff so hhh hope that works out later tho !! i am Suspense
- jacob walked into that movie and i was like !!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD i love him so much and it was rlly nice to see him back even if i dont think it was that neat to have him lose his memory of everything that happened for significance and in this movie have everything go like WHOOMP hes back but i uhhhh loved it anyway so this is not a complaint its a good thing - i still loved newt and having a good main character makes the whole movie a better watch in general. ive seen sequels where i just Cant get attatched to the new characters but wow i didnt really have much of a problem with that here
- it was also never boring and i really just loved n enjoyed this movie a lot!!!  okay hhh bad things/things that i personally disliked:
- ive seen different opinions on this but??? what was that blood pact????? what are u doing??????????????? i cant even be coherent properly so here are the main reasons that was rlly dumb
1- w-who does that in a romantic relationship ever :o and yes jkr has literally said dumbledore n grindelwald were in LOVE HELLO feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything but if ur gonna say it u should show it,,,, Continuity Please. anyway separate issue but if u love someone youre not gonna be like “hey lets make SURE we dont fight each other ever” because youll trust that the other person?? isnt gonna fight u???!!!???? im
2- thats literally not the reason he “cannot move against grindelwald” okay like it shouldnt be. this conversation literally happens in dh and dumbledore says he was scared of facing what rlly happened when ariana died!! there was no actual physical thing stopping him!!! the only acceptable justification is that he doesnt want to face this ghosts of his past and that moment and he is SCARED okay so COME ON give dumbledore his faults! hes scared of his past and that IS the reason!!
3- wait how did grindelwald, aberforth, and albus fight if they had already entered a blood pact. like i dont think albus would aim for his own brother EVER but could he even attack grindelwald if they had a blood pact?? not sure how this works lol but who was he aiming for then??? just firing everywhere randomly without intention cause that sounds,,, significantly harder to believe and makes that scene loads messier esp if grindelwald couldnt aim for albus either so
4- the blood pact was so frickin unnecessary im sobbing. like there was the scene where its all like “oh some say you were as close as brothers” and dumbledore is like “oh we were closer than brothers...” and im like OK! the little scene in the air doesnt explicitly reveal anything either so thats ok but the closer than brothers line was rlly revealing for me. at least for like two minutes and then dumbledore looked in the mirror and saw himself making a blood pact w grindelwald. like ok is That what u meant by closer than brothers bc thats what everythings pointing to but it shouldnt be and i.............ugh
5- im honestly just kind of hhhhhhhhhhhh. i can concede that the blood pact might be significant in later films and i look forward to watching them! but. at the same time i. wish that if you were going to say dumbledore was gay it would actually be explicitly referenced in the movie, instead of dancing around that and dropping it in hints and pieces that fans of the series who know this information will understand and others can just dismiss as friendship! there were So Many good places in this movie to include this fact (altho feel free to disagree w me haha) and i think that not including this fact was honestly tiring.
- nagini...........obv this isnt a huge problem bc idk where her story will go next n it might develop n become important but as of rn, i have no idea what her role in this movie is. i wonder if her reappearance in the harry potter series will actually be of significance and if itll be explained how she will end up under servitude to voldemort bc i genuinely dont understand right now. it just seems like a cameo to draw attention in the trailer ghgdjh
- leta lestrange’s death didnt feel right or impactful and im sad . definitely a huge opinion here but it felt like a mandatory character snuff to make the movie sad and ghdsjgfh oh well :(
- little continuity issues?? dumbledore being DADA professor instead of transfiguration bc Boggarts Are Important For Foreshadowing. also how is mcgonagall an adult or actually how is she even alive and um of course the fact that this movie doesnt confirm what jkr has said about dumbledore and grindelwald beforehand. 
- im actually going to totally repeat myself bc this deserves a separate point umm why arent dumbledore and grindelwald actually shown as in love with each other as young men. its completely relevant to the movie and its not hard to put it in there instead of the bLOOD PACT (ask anyone irl ive been screaming abt the blood pact ever since i came out of that movie). anyway i know david yates said he wouldnt be including that as part of the movie as fans are aware of that aNyway but its not that hard to understand. people are asking for actual representation?? not smt vague??? because this is just here to Please People. if u refuse to see this ship, ure just gonna see them as having a friendship! maybe u havent heard about what jkr said or maybe ure choosing to ignore it bc,, idk that says smt about u, or maybe another reason idk! but if u go into this knowing they were In Love and hoping to see confirmation of dumbledore being canonically gay, youre going to hear that “oh, we were more than brothers” line and be like oh yeah we been knew, or more seriously like hey! maybe we’re getting a canon confirmation, not just floaty young people leaning towards each other! like when he looked in the mirror i was like okay This Is It this is gna be confirmation but then it wasnt oop. it was the !!! bloooood paaact !!! which means that people could interpret the “closer than brothers” line as meaning oh we done did a blood pact that means we blood related look at us go! Wow! so this is basically just a half azzed attempt at pleasing people w stereotypical viewpoints and people happy to see representation. hmmmmmmmmmm.. (psst if u actually ship older dumbledore n grindelwald tho What Are You Doing Stop !! thats not a healthy relationship, grindelwald is an awful person and dumbledore deserves to grow from the person he was before!!! he deserves so much better!!! im not saying to ship them but im saying that if we’re gonna say they were in love as young men and if we are going to confirm that dumbledore is gay well,,, lets put that in canon pls!!!! we need canon representation but we dont need to pretend this ship is healthy or good bc its representation either. this isnt shipping this is asking to acknowledge that dumbledore was gay and in love with grindelwald and its confirmed that grindelwald was in love with him too. in the place the story of tcog is now, that relationship is not ever going to happen again and if u actually think it is ure suffering from some next-level delusion. just be definitive and acknowledge that your characters are LGBT tho pls!! u said they were!!! actually i would be so much happier to see a Happy And Healthy LGBT Pairing can we have that? please?)
- big spoiler but hOW IS CREDENCE ALBUS’ BROTHER WHAT IS HAPPENING DKFJDKSH i need to separate my thoughts again
1- AGE DIFFERENCE........apparently dumbledore is like 46 in this movie right?? credence doesnt look over 20. okay percival dumbledore is put in azkaban before albus starts school right?? so the maximum age albus can be is 11. now im gonna say that kendra was not having any more kids w anyone else after that incident fs so the oldest albus can be when ariana is born is 12, leaving room for some other stuff okay. ALBUS AND CREDENCE DONT LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE A 12 YEAR AGE GAP WHAT IS HAPPENINF
2- i saw people theorizing that credence is ariana’s son and NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PLS NO
3- not an actual issue but i thought grindelwald said his name was berrylius dumbledore which i later remembered as berrylium dumbledore and anyway thank god for the internet
4- okay at this point i cant tell if this has just been brought in for shock value or smt like. is this relevant to the plot. is grindelwald even telling the truth. w-why did the movie end there. help....... i think thats it but i do want to say that i respect the rights of the creator jkr to do whatever she wants w these characters. its her world! but i can have a whole bunch of opinions n feelings about this movie and still support it. after all, i love harry potter and the whole wizarding world w my whole heart. 
did anyone even read that LOOOL that was so long sorry
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