#tcog spoilers
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ali3nboyfriend · 2 months ago
one of the things that actually kinda bothered me re: tfone was that uh
so prefacing with in my opinion orion like… at no point showed any real leadership abilities. he starts off just kinda dragging megatron along unwillingly on most of his schemes (and no i’m not calling megatron by his serial number it feels gross when i do) in a way megatron was clearly pretty uncomfortable with. orion was constantly ignoring his best friend’s boundaries. this behavior can make for a lot of good story tension and i honestly didn’t mind it, but when we hit the parts of the story where normally the hero who’s supposed to grow into a leader actually, like, grows, he then ignores his best friend’s emotional needs. if one of my before that point nonviolent friends suddenly said to me “i am going to kill that man” and i knew they were being serious, i might be uncomfortable but my first instinct would be to reach out to see if they are okay because of how unlike them that would be. orion never seems to consider this.
(whether or not megatron was justified in the stance he takes is another topic, but the fact that he jumped there and no one, not even his best friend, checked in with him? that feels so bad to me)
and orion never steps up! megatron takes charge. after megatron is taken, it’s elita that takes charge, and she for some reason just???? tosses the ball to him???? basically goes “okay slugger this is your fight”????
and that’s the part that really bugs me. there’s no real given reason why elita would think orion is best suited to lead. he’s at no point before in this movie given any real indication he has leadership abilities. she has. the people around her are more than willing to follow her command. what’s more, she seems willing and ready to take the reigns. so why????????? is she deciding to step back for orion?????????? when he doesn’t even seem to really want to?????????????
it kinda just. feels disrespectful to elita as a character. it would be one thing if they’d actually built orion up into a leaderly role up to that point, but imho they never really did.
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a-blog-for-venting-i-guess · 6 months ago
Gotta defend Orion Pax here but spoilers below the line.
Orion didn’t get the chance to explain why he thought killing Sentinel even after he was exposed was a bad idea. We get to see for ourselves why it was a bad call. D-16’s anger and rage were not quelled. It just expanded. He started destroying the city. He fired his death cannon at a random building that could’ve easily been filled with people who agreed with him about Sentinel.
In that moment it stopped being about what Sentinel and his followers deserved. It became D-16 taking out his anger on others and trying to prove to everyone all at once not to fuck with him because he, Megatron, was the strongest now.
When Optimus appeared, Megatron is pissed that the Matrix chose him. There is no “OMG you’re alive,” no. It jumps straight to “this is BS why did you get the power?” Megatron’s sense of entitlement is key, and it’s with him from the second he realizes his tcog lets him fight back. The high guard’s “one bot triumphing over another,” bit just gave D-16 an ideology to channel his anger through. A new code to replace Sentinel’s but one he actually believed in.
I believe Orion could see this and maybe could’ve stopped it had they not been caught by the high guard. At the very least I think Orion knew that killing Sentinel would lead to a sort of reign of terror and was trying to communicate that to D-16. Of course by the time we get there it’s too late.
Big picture is I do believe Orion was in the right here. This isn’t a Batman refusing to kill the Joker scenario. This is Europe refusing to kill Napoleon because it would martyr him and could cause France to riot/tear the continent apart again.
To quote Arcane, you can’t make a deal with a snake by cutting off its head.
And the thing is we don’t know if everyone unanimously decided to follow Optimus excluding Megs and his goons.
A potential sequel could very much show people still loyal to Sentinel decide to betray everyone for the Quintessons.
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jessicatheshark · 6 months ago
tf one spoilers//
yes, it was funny realizing just how much bigger they got after getting their tcogs at the part where Orion meets up with the other miners, but for me it was also really cool because something about that scene has a very Renaissance painting feel to it or something like that, dare I say a depiction of Christ and his disciples to be specific
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thedarkermelody · 6 months ago
includes transformers one spoilers under this i have thoughts that need an outlet after seeing the movie [after writing: this is basically a fanfic idea at this point. whoops]
the birth of megatron was so fucking hard hitting, the utter disgust megatron associates with primes thanks to sentinel that his exe friend now reps? ow anyways just, scenario idea where in sometime with the civil war between autobot and decepticons has been on for awhile you got megatron waking one day to himself as the supreme decepticon emperor of cybertron. the idea he was just fighting to take cybertron is almost distance in this strange scenario, just out of reach as he basks in his empire. before he thinks of Optimus. and of course he does, though he would love nothing more to crush and finally destroy the system of primes, all their lies and threat to his power forever, the problem with that lies in one thing. the matrix. sentinel pried it from zeta only for it to flee. megatron is better then sentinel that monster he is superior and right but the whims of a god just whisking away their source of energy is one he knows he cannot overcome for now until they learn to trap the matrix for good without a prime needed. but of course his call for prime has a reminder they smelted sentinel and buried him deep in the earth to rot for his crimes after his execution as justice to the miners who died. what? he wants to know where optimus prime is! which sparks confusion. A. New Prime? no one questions their lord to his face other then starscream asking if he's having hallucinations about a new prime since he didn't get to savor ending the traitor. of course megatron wouldn't like that kind of quip or snipe remark starscream might say, and choke out the seeker as his thoughts clash Optimus who? the thought is so wild so rage inducing cause OPTIMUS! OPTIMUS PRIME! HIS VILE ENEMY. The- -the traitor he dropped to his death? megatron throws starscream and orders everyone out, who run from their unpredictable leader as he sits on his throne clutching his helm. prime. PRIME DAMMIT. there isn't a prime, he killed the last one and ended their lies, WHERE IS OPTIMUS-! his thoughts fight against each other as conflicting memories clash against another mech's who finds it hard to even think of prime and his rise. which is insane- the traitor died for daring to defend sentinel- OPTIMUS ROSE with his DEATH- he killed elita and b and took the helm of cybertron- No, Prime came and fought him and banished him like the coward he is- never was willing to finish the job which is why he died- the clarity of just what the other voice in his head saying hits as hard as the day he learned his life was a lie. He killed Orion Pax and no one rose in his place. The Primes are dead in this world. and doesn't that hurt, the owner of this body starts to rips through the memory files that has be inserted in his helm for the one of a new enemy rising, sees video of him with the matrix and thinks 'why.' megatron fights back against, seeing a world never had energy flow again, everyone who dared voice against him and rein having tcogs ripped out for the victims of the system to reclaim something ravenous claws at the memories of megatron, of life flowing on their world again, of orion pax optimus prime and what they had stolen, taken, refused to them, their world dying without the matrix, struggling to fight the quintessons and steal back what was taken from him in the first place. but this brief event that caused this eventually boots megatron back to his own world, leaving behind a mech who cackles with a fevor that belies the insanity in them. the one on the throne rises his helm and swears it. He will have what that world has. -ending notes! i briefly considered having this other world's leader now be a galvatron, didn't follow through on the idea but you can consider it him if you want. -i imagine a world where op never rose is a very hard one for the transformers to just survive much less thrive, seeing a world where your friend didn't stay dead from what you did with natural energy resources again? would be the kind of thing any leader would crave for themselves in this situation.
-if this other worlder would try and find a way to get to that world or try and force find a prime to have that for themselves is your call.
in the case of a galvatron on the throne world, can have a hot rod in a scenario of trying to find a prime to bring underheel to win their war and restore their planet makes sense, though if galvatron exists in this one cause of a deal for power from unicorn then that would be awkward...
though a far more hardened megatron kidnapping op whose in the middle of two front war is also a very hilarious vision cause you know that guy would inspite of the kidnapping want to help this other version of his home, though he'd REALLY like to go home
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maplesyruplover · 6 months ago
I'd like to theorize something from TFOne with people that my husband brought up-
Since its a spoiler, it's below the cut.
How do you think Sentinel decided who got to keep their t-cogs and who didn't?
I think since they were "born" it was more like how the batches with the cold constructs were in IDW, like this batch is for a, this batch is for b, etc etc. And so he'd choose a "batch" to be miners and pull their tcogs.
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candychameleon · 6 months ago
tfone spoilers but i had a thought
i wonder if cogless TFs consume less energon? it'd make sense to me that changing shape would expend a lot of energy + having to power a larger frame with more parts. sentinel takes their tcogs and sticks them in the mines for maximum efficiency
idk why this thought crossed my mind, i was just thinking abt like huh...in the entire movie we don't really see the main 4 rlly consume energon save for that one part in the beginning when orion's shoving little cubes of it in his mouth as he's running
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irradiatedradio · 6 months ago
! tf one spoilers !
sorry i’m ratchetbrained but since ratchet was mentioned offhandedly once i think in tf one. do you think he knows sentinel removes bots’ tcogs. do you think he’s the one who does this.
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theconsequenceofgods · 2 years ago
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Introducing: Ester Faye ♕
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A woman who would gladly spend her days playing video games and never leaving her room, but ends up in the affairs of the elites and the state of the world. ➵ Read more on her character page or wiki (Major Spoilers)
• Other Characters • Master Post (ramblings, render info, and etc. under the cut) ...
One of the 2 (technically 3?) protagonists of TCOG. There are honestly a lot of major characters, but anywaaay- let's start these character renders off with a bang ✨✨ Tarot card inspired because they're cool 😌
♦ Games/Programs Used: Sims 4, Blender 3D, After Effects, Photoshop
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transformerskinfessions · 6 months ago
Tf1 spoilers I think?
Seeing all the miners who had their tcogs forcibly removed fucked with me so bad, it's part of us, a incredibly deep part of us. Yet someone would have the nerve to take it from us?
I don't know, maybe it's just the fact I'm mourning the loss of being able to transform still.
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chibiveneficus · 6 months ago
thoughts and spoilers under the cut
things I liked:
the animation was so good!! it could be a bit hard to follow in bigger scenes with a lot of action going on but they did a good job keeping it mostly centered.
and the color!! the subtle glitter of their paint jobs when they get t-cogs, the surface of cybertron and the fact that you could see distant nebulas in the sky, the grunge of the mines contrasting with how shinier the higher levels are. if i could slurp it up through a straw i would.
Orion "Gremlin" Pax
they went with War for/Fall of Cybertron's road system which was cool then and is still cool now
THE FIGHT SCENES LIKE??? holy fuck they were soooo good. they had them fight like actual robots that could transform and they pulled off such cool shit (also that callback when orion got his head stuck when he was transforming for the first time and then he deliberately does it when fighting megatron to avoid blaster shots like. god. that was so good ((megatron also does this callback to being stuck transforming when he's fighting sentinel and using it as an attack. so fucking good (((just the entire megatron/optimus break up fight scene at the end was a fucking masterpiece i need to watch thrity times in a row stat))))))
keeping up the tradition of sentinel being an absolute ass. yay!
once they got their tcogs they just kept changing to survive what they were facing and i really liked that. 'change or die' it felt like
shout out to one OP for almost beating animated OP's record of shortest time dying and coming back
making the autobots the miners and the high guard the decepticons is a nice little twist
they are SO SMOL without tcogs omg
Elita "I am surrounded by idiots" One
when Jazz got a tcog and his doorwings pop up and he's just like :D
wheeljack causing the mine explosion. classic
honestly, all the little nods sprinkled throughout the film. you can tell that people who actually like transformers made this
things i didn't like:
bee. you could literally just take him out and nothing would be different. he didn't contribute anything other than leading them out of lvl 50? and i'm 100000% orion would have thought to climb the garbage chute given five seconds. (I know he's like the comic relief/kid appeal character but. still.)
why did orion tell the high guard to just...go with megatron? i would have bought it if they were like 'yeah, nah, we're going with this guy' but starscream literally said they follow the strongest and orion kicked megatron's ass so.........? though it's possible i missed hearing something (thanks apd), or was this a 'we're never trusting another prime again' thing
megatron's optics changing colors the more 'evil' he gets. i would have liked it better if they had stayed gold until he plugged in megatronus' tcog
things that i thought were silly:
the whole part where dead OP is falling down into primus and receiving the matrix. I'm sorry, it was really hard not to laugh
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rxng · 1 year ago
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"Let me just--"
He bites his lip and pulls at metal, just a touch. The TCog in his hand is so delicate, so sensitive, but it shows no sign of stress from his alterations.
He pulls himself out and closes Adaptus back up. "There. You've got one more mode you can scan now. I'll still need a mass shifter to unlock more options, but it'll get you that sportscar you've been looking at."
"There is something timeless about the curve and spoiler of a paltry attempt at flying." Adaptus sighs, wistful and whimsical. "Shame I have to wear wheels. They're so dirty. Can you fuss with my subspace link a bit? I'd prefer to have those tucked away."
Rung yawns, washes his hands, and gets back in. It's easier to do this now, rather than have to navigate a time later.
Still, he'll have to grab a warm cup of Ambrosia tea on his way to bed. Solomus gets so nervous when their schedule changes.
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chiefnooniensingh · 3 years ago
finally some confirmation that Ariana was an Obscurial
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a-blog-for-venting-i-guess · 6 months ago
Random transformers one sequel ideas compiled, concepts build off of TF One events so here’s your TF one spoiler warning
1. Ratchet was one of many medical bots that systematically removed various transformers’ t-cogs before they came online.
2. The class divide between transformers who always had tcogs and those who didn’t still exists, sort of. Optimus’ attempts to integrate everyone leads to tensions that the Quintessons exploit. Some who never had their cogs removed want things to go back to how they were since now they’re preparing for war against two enemies and would rather not fight.
3. Autobots and Decepticons team up to defeat Quintessons once and for all.
4. Megatron, Ratchet, Optimus, Soundwave, and Bumblebee all get caught by the Quintessons together.
5. Ratchet is torn between wanting to join Optimus and the autobots and thinking he doesn’t deserve another chance for what he did. Sorta paralleling Optimus using the truce as a way to give Megatron another chance.
6. At some point, Megaton asks Optimus if he wish they’d never met, and Optimus doesn’t have an answer.
7. I’m debating if and how Bumblebee should lose his voice in this. For the sake of being different while still keeping some elements, I say Megatron still rips it out. But only because he thought Bumblebee was about to crack under Quintesson torture. A move that is made pointless because they hack Bumblebee’s memories. Proving might doesn’t make right and that Megatron’s impulsive rage costs him, even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
8. Truce ends almost immediately with decepticons using everyone’s guards being down, or perhaps taking over Quintesson ships as an way to take over the planet. Exiling the autobots.
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sakura-haruka · 6 years ago
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#cutest family ever
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blackthornkisses · 5 years ago
i was reading the breakup scene between james and grace and i realized that i felt kind of numb towards it. it didn’t make me feeling anything close to what cassie’s work usually does. then i realized that this is literally a teenage breakup. super dramatic for no reason. but they’re teenagers so it doesn’t matter. i forget that they are the same age as me sometimes lol
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hyacinths-bridgerton · 6 years ago
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