#but i think eddie and spongebob would get along! they talk about how much they both love their jobs
indecisive-dizzy · 24 days
Eddie means me and Mr. Krabs are friends?
being so honest right now, I have No idea what this means or what it's referring to 😅
but you know, I don't think Eddie and Mr. Krabs would be friends. They'd be acquaintances at most
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rubykgrant · 2 years
having au brainrot today and I want ur hot opinions on the theory/concept thingy that the ai base their ‘human’ names off their hosts… like O’Malley being a combo of Omega and Allison, Gary being a mix of Gamma and Reginald etc….
cause…. I know we don’t know the freelancers names but…. Please imagine a universe where epsilon calls himself Eddie or something…. Cause pls I’m 🥺
anyway hope ur having a good day lmao
Oooh, OK so, I have several ideas about this!
For the obvious canon in the show, we know that Alpha initially thought his name was Church because of some left-over thoughts regarding the Director, and Epsilon also liked using that name (I think because Caboose gave it to him and he just kinda liked how it sounds, but not in the sense that he was "the same Church", y'know?). As for the other AI, we never know FOR SURE why they picked certain nick-names/personal names (except the combination of the Meta, but that was a whole other situation). The idea that they kinda want to use different names together to make something of their own is really cool though! I'm not sure what they would all pick for themselves, but it would be really sweet to see them have different names they liked~
The awesome @leonardalphachurch once made a post that stated Gamma named himself after the snail from Spongebob, and honestly? Yeah, I totally accept that as factual. The thing about RVB is; sometimes the meanings behind what the characters do is very deep... and sometimes, it's just because of Spongebob haha. My thoughts behind that though; at some point, Gamma was finally allowed the chance to watch TV, and he genuinely enjoys cartoons, it just supremely vibed with his sense of humor (for a long time, the AI weren't allowed to experience much within Project Freelancer, so just being able to watch TV was actually a really important thing... what better way to get a glimpse of humanity than to see what humans create, and just enjoy it like people do?)
Personal thoughts about the Omega/O'Malley name (and why it continued with Doc); in sort of an extra/deleted backstory, there was a bit in which Omega left Tex and temporarily was in the head of some other dude... she got him to return, but the AI commented on the man's name being "O'Malley", and that he liked how it sounded. This isn't technically canon, but it is interesting. Caboose also seemed to imply that his name WAS O'Malley, but everybody was calling him Caboose, so he went along with it to avoid being difficult. That is VERY up in the air, what with all the confusion going on at the time. In my head, I imagine that maybe Caboose's parents didn't take a shared last name , and his father's last name IS O'Malley. If I want to include that little bit of the backstory, perhaps the person Omega was talking about was Caboose's father! Thus, the name stuck (and it didn't even seem too weird for Caboose at first, because he knew that name). As for Doc... I have a whole thought process that he has actually had his O'Malley since childhood; it was extremely traumatic after his brother died, and unfortunately the people around him decided that the best way for Frank DuFresne to "get over it" was to just STOP talking about the things that made him sad. Basically, keep acting happy until you are happy! Which is NOT good... also, his family listened to a lot of alternative medicine advice, which is why Doc thinks that drinking orange juice is a cure-all. As he grew up, Frank DuFresne ignored the part of himself that needed to vent his frustrations and express his needs, while also avoiding anything that reminded him of his brother...so he totally forgot that they used to watch a cartoon show together, which had an over-the-top villain named Malloy (this is why when Omega became part of Doc for a while, he was EXTREMELY more excitable and talkative; that was always Doc's O'Malley, he had just been denied an outlet for too long)
Last thoughts about AI names; I once thought of a "slightly more normal" High School AU, in which Church is indeed still a system (with his own fragments being named after the Greek Alphabet, as the AI are named in the actual series), but he also has extended family members who share certain traits; Dillon (Delta), Thaddeus "Thad" (Theta), Emmet and Isaac (Eta and Iota), Gary (Gamma, obviously), Owen (Omega, though his dad is the one with a genuine rage problem. Owen has anger issues as a result, and Church doesn't care much for that uncle), Silas (Sigma). In this AU, the Director is Church's older brother, and they were both named after their grandfather Leonard; the elder brother is Leonard L Church, and the younger is Leonard A Church (the A is for Allen, but this is also symbolic of him being Alpha. Epsilon is who comes forward when Alpha is no longer there... he's obviously not "dead", like the actual series, but he's dormant if that makes sense, so Epsilon is there to kinda be The Guy now. He doesn't legally change his name or whatever, but for his own purposes, he chose the middle name Elliott for himself to differentiate). LL Church was married to a woman named Allison, who had a younger cousin named Bethany. LA Church and her met on their own, not even realizing that their families already had a connection (Alpha HATES his older bro), and then they found out they were technically cousins by marriage, and went EWW WE CAN'T DATE GROSS (they were teens at the time). At some point, Allison and LL had a child together, whom LA never met; he was literally in the hospital with a head injury. By the time he woke up, he had memory loss, and Allison was dead... Beth was there to try and help LA recover, and this was where they actually started their own relationship, as well as calling each other Church and Tex. Church has several more problems with getting hurt and losing memories (just bad luck!), and down the road Epsilon finally reconnects with his niece, Carolina. Tex actually met her as well, but never knew this was her cousin Allison's daughter.
Sorry that was A LOT, haha. Thanks for asking~
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snarkwrites · 4 years
sprung spring | milf is not a bad word | eddie brock {m}
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“Milf isn’t a bad word.” + Neighbors / friends with benefits + single mom au + “Did you just slap my ass?” / “Actually, I firmly grasped it.” / “Did you just quote Spongebob?” + heavy flirting / teasing + “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together. + on the kitchen table + quickie
Okay, warning here... I haven’t really ever... written Eddie before. So, this is just the way I kinda see him and my thirst combined... Nobody kill me pls?
Also, if enough people bother me, I miiight be tempted to make a fic of this at some point bc I do have some ideas...
Uhh.. almost sex on a table, bad humor ( Eddie, ftw ), sappy moments (Eddie... again.) unprotected sex, 69 / oral sex and body fluids.. Oh and a nosy sentinent who pops in and out at the beginning ( lookin at you, Venom, you lil shit.) 
Eddie Brock x OFC, Maya
@micolegg​ | @missjenniferb​ | @cabotcoves​ | @kyleoreillysknee​ | @chasingeverybreaking wave bc they asked / are into Eddie and/or are on my taglist. If you wanna be tagged in my multifandom stuff, please go [here] and add yourself. 
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Hunk ← Lucy is spending the night with my sister, so… If you wanted to come by…
Hunk ← There’s something we need to talk about. If that’s okay with you?
Hunk ← Also, you realize you don’t play fair, right? That voice of yours on the radio this morning… I have not been able to get it out of my head all day.
Maya almost deleted the texts and didn’t send them, but she took a deep breath and hit send instead. Rita was right. She needed to stop dancing around it and go for what she wanted. The longer she waited, the more reason she gave herself to chicken out. And Eddie Brock made her happier than she’d been in a really long time. Eddie and Lucy got along well, he doted on her. Lucy loved Eddie to death, even when Venom decided to crop up in the middle of storytime some nights. Things just felt right with Eddie.
Tonight, Maya thought to herself with a silly grin, tonight is the night I tell him I’m done keeping us low key. I know that’s been bothering him and I need to fix that. She placed her phone on the counter and stripped down, stepping beneath the warm water. By the time she’d finished her shower, her cell phone was ringing.
She stepped out of the shower and grabbed for it, thinking it would be Eddie. When she realized it was Randy, another neighbor who’s relentless pursuit as of late was growing tiresome, she frowned at the phone and answered.
“Randy, hi.” “Hey, I was wondering…Are you busy tonight?”
… Hopefully… Maya thought to herself as she bit her lip and listened to Randy’s idea for a date, his pleading with her to give him one chance as she dug around in her closet, trying to settle on an outfit for the night, … I should just answer the door naked… that’ll really throw Eddie for a loop…
“So.. about that date?” Randy finished up, pacing his living room, scowling to himself when Maya offered up an excuse for a third time, “I’m real busy. Trying to finish remodeling Lucy’s big girl bedroom… Maybe later?”. He took a deep breath, reminded himself that if he wanted her, he had to keep trying and he offered to come over later and help out, frowning when he heard dial tone and realized that Maya had abruptly ended the call before he even got the offer out. Maya put her phone back down, rolling her eyes. Randy wasn’t fooling anyone. He was irritated and frankly, coming off a little pushy with his advances lately and honestly, Maya didn’t care because she’d made her mind up and she was over Randy’s attempts. Taking herself off the market.
She hadn’t clicked with him like she’d clicked with Eddie. Putting the conversation out of her mind, she stared anxiously at her cell phone. Eddie hadn’t texted back yet and it wasn’t like him. Just as she was about to sit down the phone again, it lit up.
She bit her lip as she realized that Eddie was texting back.
Eddie stared intently at the cell phone in her hand. Bumping into his ex and her new fiance earlier had him really thinking about his own thing with Maya. And apparently, it wasn’t just him thinking about it, because as he tried to come up with a response, Venom butted in ,, Tell her how you feel, Eddie Brock. Tell her that you no longer wish to keep things private.”
“But I don’t wanna make her uncomfortable, either. There’s a way to do shit, buddy.” Eddie muttered as he took a deep breath, biting back a quiet groan at her slightly suggestive second text. By the time he reached the third one, he was torn between anxious and horny. Anxious because she hinted that they needed to talk and in his past, that had never been a good thing and horny because the whole tone of the string of texts was… Somewhat racier than normal for her. He was getting mixed feelings here and he wasn’t sure how to respond.
Kitten → On my way now. Too bad Luce is at Rita’s. Venom was gonna share these chicken nuggets with her. ;P Kitten → Oh? What about, hm? Kitten → Hey, listen… If my voice was stuck in your head all day, consider it payback because I have not been able to stop thinkin about you all day either.
“I’m a fuckin sap, that’s what I am.” Eddie shoved the phone back into his pockets, slipping the motorcycle helmet down over his head and straddling his motorcycle, revving the engine. The drive across town seemed to both fly by and take hours and by the time he was parking his motorcycle at the curb in front of the 2 story townhouse next door to his own, he’d already started to brace himself in preparation of what she might want to talk to him about.
By the time he was standing in front of her door, she was opening it, pulling him through the door and into the house by the collars of his leather jacket. Her body molded against his and she rose to tiptoe, crashing glossy and soft red lips against his mouth almost hungrily. His hands moved down her back, stopping on her ass, squeezing and rubbing. It made her rub against him and she gave a needy little whimper as Eddie muttered amused into the kiss, “Thought you said ya needed to talk to me, hm?”
,, Let it be, Eddie Brock” Venom piped up. But naturally Venom would be in favor of… whatever was happening right now, because Venom had apparently ‘bonded’ with the two females in question.
,, So have you, Eddie Brock.” Venom took joy in reminding him. Eddie cleared his throat as a warning for Venom to pipe down and thought his answer, ,, yeah well, you know how the whole we gotta talk thing goes, buddy”.
Once Venom was silent again, amusing himself within, Eddie turned his attention back to waiting on Maya to say something. Instead, she seemed to be distracted, her hands resting against his jacket, working it down and off his body, tossing it at the bench next to the door where her purse and keys sat. Eddie chuckled against her mouth as he muttered again, “Not gonna answer me, kitten?”
Maya pouted up at him, pulling away to catch her breath, heavily distracted at the moment. Her heart was racing in her chest and she knew that he’d be curious and that she couldn’t just show him how she truly felt about their current arrangement, she’d actually have to tell him too, but for some reason, it all seemed so much easier in her head.
… because if I keep the words in my head just a little longer, then this can’t go badly… He can’t just decide that this is too serious for him and end it… the thought had her frowning a little and trying to shove it out as quickly as it came. She pressed into him a little more, Eddie’s back meeting the door frame with a soft smack as his arms wrapped around her and he gazed down at her, slightly panicked look in those blue green eyes of his.
Again, she took a deep breath, locking eyes with him this time. “Well, I’ve been thinking and I… I can’t keep on like this…”
His face fell and Maya swore, giving a soft laugh as she shook her head. “I’m not breaking it off, you dork. Will you let me explain? Please?”
Eddie took a deep breath, preparing himself. ,, Sure, she’s sayin she’s not endin things. Means nothin.” he thought as he gave a nod. “I’m listenin, kitten.”
“Well, all our friends have a bet going on...And earlier, me and Rita were talking… And it made me realize something… I don’t want to keep this just between us. I don’t want this to just be hooking up all the time or spending nights at each other’s place.. I mean I love it, don’t get me wrong but I… I want more, okay? I want you. And me.. Together.” Maya finished rambling, gazing down at the front of his tee shirt intently, walking her fingers up and down his chest as she held her breath.
Was she about to lose him? Why was it taking so long for him to answer?
Eddie’s jaw dropped, because he hadn’t been expecting her to say that,  at all. He’d been expecting her to end things.
,, Well? Are you going to answer her, Eddie Brock?” Venom roared to life, almost insistent. Eddie cleared his throat in warning again and after a second or two, his mouth opening and closing as he dragged his palm over the back of his head, it hit him.
The whole reason he’d been feeling antsy and restless lately was because she seemed to be in favor of keeping this between the two of them. She didn’t want more and he did. Rather than waste even more time, because he could see it in those big brown eyes of hers, she was starting to panic a little, he slid her up his body, stepping across the hall and into her kitchen and dining room, sitting her on the counter as his mouth attacked her own hungrily, messy and biting sloppy kisses, the soft smacking sound of mouth against mouth filling the quiet and sexually charged tension between the two of them.
“Fuckin awesome.” he breathed against her neck, the warmth of his breath tickling her skin as she wrapped her legs around his hips and laughed softly. He was leaning in closer, nearly pressing her back against the table, muttering almost distractedly, “I was going to take you to bed but I just don’t think we’re gonna make it.”
The knock on her patio door had the pair springing apart and Eddie scowling as he glanced back. Randy, Maya’s neighbor on the opposite side stood there, gaping, giving Eddie a glare that had Eddie rolling his eyes. Maya swore to herself and muttered against Eddie’s neck breathlessly, “What the fuck made him think I wanted him to come over, I wonder?”
“Well, to be fair, kitten… you’re kinda passive. Took you five minutes of dancing around it to tell me to get lost that night I came by.”
“Yeah, but I didn’t want you to get lost. I want him to get lost.” Maya nodded to the patio, giving a sarcastic wave of sorts at Randy, who was still outside knocking.
“Maybe we should give him a show, huh?” Eddie teased, but Maya rubbed herself against him, her arms wrapping tighter around his neck as she mumbled lazily against his lips, “Don’t you dare tempt me, Eddie.”
“Maybe I want to tempt you.” Eddie laughed, the corner of her mouth connecting with his mouth lazily as he went in for another kiss. She pouted and cleared her throat, nodding to the door and reluctantly, Eddie pried himself away from her, walking over to the patio door, sliding it open long enough to say, “Hey Randy… Maya’s busy right now. Try not coming back, yeah?” and sliding the door shut, locking it behind him because something about the guy just screamed creepy as hell and frankly, Eddie wasn’t in the mood to let Venom out to play, ruining his own current fun for the night.
He scooped Maya off her kitchen table, carrying her up the stairs, kicking the door to her bedroom open with his foot and stepping inside. After sweeping the top of the dresser free of the clothes on top of it, he was stepping between her legs, his mouth latching onto her bottom lip, sucking as his hands went straight for the tie in the leopard print silk robe.
The robe pooled around her and Eddie gave a quiet growl as his eyes roamed over her body and he smirked. “Well shit, kitten.” he raked a hand over his head, flashing her a teasing smirk, “You know tearing off your clothes is the fun part, right? The hell am I supposed to do now?” as he tilted her head to the side, pushing her hair out of the way, his mouth moving down the side of her neck, littering soft skin with bite and suck marks as his hands moved up and down her body. Her legs wrapped around his hips, squeezing tight and Eddie groaned quietly when she rubbed herself against him again, more urgently.
“Well, you could fuck me.” Maya managed to whimper as her mouth moved down the front of his throat, leaving marks of her own behind on him, smirking as she did so. Her hands went down to the hem of his tee shirt and she started to tug it upward and throwing it onto her bedroom floor as soon as she had it over his head, lowering her mouth and  settling it sporadically on his chest and abdomen in various spots after slipping off the top of the dresser, stepping so that she stood in front of him. His eyes fluttered open and shut as the blunt of her teeth scraped at his chest, her mouth latching onto a patch of skin, sucking. Fingertips dug into her body and he stared down at her, muttering quietly, “ Oh no, kitten. What I’m about to do to you is more than fuckin you. We’re past fuckin you now, kitten. This is making love.” as she stared back up at him, biting her lip, her hand hovering over the button on his favorite pair of jeans.
She gave a soft smile and a giggle, working the button out of the buttonhole and then slowly unzipping his jeans, giving a tug to jeans and underwear so that they hit the floor. As her lips moved in a line over his abdomen, he tensed and a growl slipped out of his mouth, his fingers catching in her hair as she hit her knees in front of him. Her tongue danced over the tip of his cock and as she took more of him into her mouth, he groaned, thrusting carefully against her mouth, his head falling back as his fingers curled, gripping the edges of the dresser, pressing his back into it just a little more in an attempt to stay on his feet. “Fuck.” his toes curled against hardwood flooring and the hand tangled in her hair tugged at it as he thrust his hips against her mouth a little faster and she took him deeper in her throat, teasing her tongue over the vein that ran the length of his cock.
“Kitten, look up at me.” Eddie coaxed, staring down at her intently, an adoring and oh so hungry look in his eyes as they locked on her.
Maya pulled away, wiping at her mouth, biting that lip. Eddie nodded to the queen sized bed behind her and leaning down, he gripped her chin, pulling her mouth against him as he muttered into a deep and almost bruising kiss, “On the bed, kitten. Right now. On your knees...”
Maya swallowed hard, slinking over to the bed, settling on it on all fours and Eddie made his way over, flopping down, the mattresses giving a slow creak at the sudden motion. Once he’d settled in, he reached up, gripping Maya’s hips and pulling her up his body, his nose bumping against her cunt as he inhaled deep and growled quietly. “ Wanted to make this fair, kitten.” Eddie muttered as his tongue traveled up the inside of her thighs, and her mouth wrapped around his cock all over again, her head bobbing up and down. As his tongue worked over her clit and then his lips latched on, she whimpered aloud, her body tensing a little, the humming sound she made vibrating through his length and making him grip her hips tighter, rocking them back against his face as he continued to suck at her clit. Maya’s hands gripped his thighs and for a few seconds, it felt so good that she almost forgot to breathe, the bobbing of her mouth as she took him deeper into her throat. The sucking sounds of his mouth latching onto her clit over and over shattered through the silence, competing with the sound of her tongue lapping greedily at his cock. His grip on her hips tightened and he growled, feeling her starting to drip, his tongue darting down her inner thigh to clean up the mess, smirking against soft skin as he did so.
“So fucking sweet. Like candy.” Eddie mused, his teeth scraping against her thigh, latching on erratically, littering up the insides with bite and suck marks, starting the slow and torturous journey back up, his nose bumping against her cunt, Eddie inhaling deep and latching his teeth onto dripping folds as the suction from her mouth tightened around his cock. “Fuck. That’s it, kitten.” his voice came out more of a growl than anything, and he plunged his tongue deep into her dripping sex, slurping and licking her clean as he felt her legs starting to shake. “Get on your back, kitten. Let me take care of you, hm?” his breath tickled the insides of her thighs and her cunt as he muttered the words quietly against.
All Maya could do was nod, let him pull her down onto the bed. As he settled himself on top of her, she went to wrap her legs around him but instead, she bent them at the knee, resting a leg on either side of his body as he lined himself up, his face lowering, his mouth crashing against her own hungrily as his teeth tugged at her lips, kissing until she felt her lips aching and swelling on impact.
Tonight felt different. There wasn’t any rush, they weren’t just tearing each other’s clothes off and going at it like they’d gone mad. Eddie caught her gaze as his cock sank into her, inch by inch. He bit his lip and gave her that crooked grin, leaning down to mutter lazily against her mouth, “Ah, this was better than a quickie on the kitchen table anyway, right kitten?”
“Fuck.. Oh god yes.” Maya breathed against his neck as she dug her fingers into his shoulders and tugged at his hair, rocking her hips upward to meet his slow and deep drives, the smack of skin against skin competing with the quiet creaking of the bed beneath them with every little move they made. His hips connected with her body hard; almost enough to leave bruising behind. His mouth latched onto her neck, dancing across her throat, littering her skin with more bite marks and bruises and when it met her mouth again, she was almost breathless. She held on tighter, a muffled sigh soft against his neck, sending a shiver racing through him as he chuckled and stopped, planting noisy and playful kisses on her face. “That sigh was a good thing right, kitten?”
“A very good thing, Eddie.” Maya crashed her mouth against his, softly smiling into the kiss. He tilted her hips upward slightly, driving into her deep and slow, over and over, almost as if he were hell bent on fucking her deep into the mattress on her bed, that goofy smirk on his face as his gaze settled on her, pinned below. “Good.” he muttered softly against the shell of her ear as he buried his cock inside her even deeper, panting against her ear, “Because all I wanna do is make ya happy, kitten. You know that, yeah?”
“Yes.” Maya moaned, her head tilting, her eyes fluttering open and shut. Her orgasm was building at almost a blinding speed and she was literally almost seeing stars, her body tense, her grip on Eddie tight and only getting tighter, “Oh fuck.. Yeah baby, c’mon.. Faster. Please?”
Eddie chuckled, shaking his head no. “We got all night, you and me.” “But… ah fuck… I’m so close, please.” Maya whimpered out, her teeth grazing against the edge of his ear as her legs gripped his hips tighter and she rocked herself up against him, trying desperately to get her own way, pouting when Eddie’s hips pinned her in tighter. Eddie growled against her mouth, his teeth tugging at her lower lip, his lips clenching around it as he muttered with a dark chuckle, “Not yet, kitten. You gonna be good for me?”
“Yes.” Maya said it quickly, because he was starting to slow to a full stop and she wanted him to keep going, keep fucking into her like he was because it felt too good for him to stop now. And she knew what a tease he could be.
“So wet, kitten. Feels so good, burying my cock inside you.” Eddie grunted against her throat as his mouth danced over it, his teeth latching sporadically in different spots. Oh, he was making it his mission to leave her completely covered in his marks.
He wanted it obvious whose woman she was now. If he could, he’d hire a skywriter and have them fly over the city, advertising it. His heart raced at the reminder that she wanted to be with him. He still hadn’t fully gotten his head around it.
“You’re mine. Right, kitten?” Eddie breathed against her skin, catching her gaze, flashing her that smirk she loved so much. Maya bit her lip and nodded, no hesitation. “All yours, baby.” she clung to him as he continued to fuck into her, slow and deep. His cock slammed into her G spot over and over and all she could do was moan and whimper, begging for her release.
Eddie groaned as he felt himself getting even closer. He tried stopping again, it didn’t work. Staring down at her, he bit his lip. “You gonna cum for me, kitten?”
“Yes.. Fuck yes.” Maya moaned out, digging her nails into his shoulders and dragging them down his back, making him buck into her harder and faster, so fast that the smack of skin against skin echoed through the room and almost overpowered the sound of her headboard hitting the wall at a steady pace. HIs hips stammered and she rocked herself against his thrusts eagerly, her orgasm ripping through, leaving her shaking and moaning, whimpering his name even louder, Eddie joining in when he felt her walls vise his cock, milking him of his seed, his mouth crashing against her mouth, deep and heavy kisses, the soft sound of their smacking lips and heavy breathing filling the air as he fucked them both through their orgasm.
Spent and sated, Maya pulled Eddie down on top of her and Eddie rolled onto the mattress, pulling her into his arms, kissing the bridge of her nose as she nuzzled against him. “Fuck. I know I say this every time, kitten, but that was amazing.” Eddie muttered, raising a hand to brush hair out of her eyes.
“It always is, baby. Are you thirsty? I can go get us some water.” “A little, yeah. Don’t want you to move though.” Eddie pouted as Maya pried herself out of his embrace and stood, tugging his tee shirt down over her head. Eddie reached out, lightly smacking her ass and Maya turned, poking out her tongue. “Did you just smack my ass?”
“Actually, I firmly grasped it.” Eddie chuckled, pulling her back down onto the edge of the bed. Maya laughed against his mouth, “You totally just quoted Spongebob… This isn’t getting us water, baby.”
“Okay, fine.. But hurry back, kitten. A guy gets lonely up here without ya.” Eddie planted a noisy kiss on her lips and let her loose so that she could go downstairs and get them both a glass of water...
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surveyjunkie · 6 years
Do you own a dreamcatcher? No What is the last thing that you bought for somebody else? Food Opinions of That 70’s Show? I really don’t like it as much as I used to
Do you often find yourself talking to inanimate objects? Not really inanimate objects, unless I’m pissed at my computer, but I do talk to myself sometimes. What was the last book that you read? Was it any good? I can’t remember because I don’t read anymore.
Have you seen the commercials for Fushigi? No Have you ever painted a room? What colour? I painted my old room at my mom’s house teal Which flavour of popsicle is the best? Red Have you ever pantsed/been pantsed by someone? My bf pantses me on the daily, and not in a sexual way. He does it for fun and to annoy me. Lava lamps; yay or nay? They’re cool. Do you have the DVR feature with your cable? I think? We have the Spectrum streaming service so idk. How many drawers does your dresser have? 5, I believe. Who is the most opinionated person that you know? My bf, but I love that about him Movie theater popcorn is better than microwave popcorn, right? Duh When was the last time that you caught lightnin’ bugs? Last summer, but we didn’t have a whole lot which was sad. Do you enjoy attending family reunions? We don’t really have family reunions. My dad’s side of the family is dysfunctional and doesn’t get along and my mom’s side just does their own thing...so yeah. I get to see my grandparents around holidays and my cousins at funerals so there’s that. Have you ever been to a race track? No Is your closet a mess? It could use some organizing. Have you ever read A Series Of Unfortunate Events? Yep. Bobble-heads; yay or nay? Nay. Which web browser do you use? Chrome. Do you still listen to CD’s? Nah. Do you comment on stupid things that characters do in books, out loud? Not in books but in shows and movies. Have you ever seen the blade-less fans? Okay I just looked one up and I am slightly confused. Why does the dog always die in the end of stories? Because the author wants to rip our hearts out, apparently. Have you ever silkscreened a tshirt? No. What was your favourite cartoon growing up? Sailor Moon, Teen Titans, Spongebob, Powerpuff Girls, Ed, Edd, and Eddy.  If you put ‘Count’ in front of your name, then you’d be? Count Tasha Have you ever solved a Rubix cube? Nope. Did you ever have a rock collection? I used to yeah. Do you have a favourite bromance? From tv or a movie. Rust and Marty from True Detective: Season 1. Buffy The Vampire Slayer; yay or nay? I never got into it. Do you like The Offspring? Love them
Are you a fan of delicious flavour? What kinda question is this. Describe to me your favourite pair of pajama pants. They are actually grey marbled sweatpants from PINK and they’re super comfy. Do you find flea markets and thrift stores enjoyable? Yes What colour is your wallet? Black and white Have you ever left a note in a book at a library or book store? Yes Do you tweet excessively? Not excessively. I tweet maybe 3 times a day. Have you ever been to a Renaissance Faire? Yes. Can you play the drums? No. Do you like those SkullCandy earphones? Yes. Have you ever been somebody’s photography subject? Yes. Have you met amazing people online? Yes. Would you be happy if I coloured a picture for you? Sure. What show do you think MADE the 90’s? Cartoonwise, Rugrats. Sitcomwise, Friends. Have you ever called somebody a hot mess? Yes, myself
Orange Julius is godly, yes? Never had it Has a music video ever given you the chills? Yes The Goonies or Stand By Me? Stand By Me, because I’ve never watched The Goonies all the way through (I know, I’m awful) Who is your favourite Lord Of The Rings character? I don’t know, honestly. Jimmy Eat World; yay or nay? Yay. Do you think more than six impossible things before breakfast? I don’t even eat breakfast. Why is a raven like a writing desk? No idea. Who taught/will teach you how to drive? Both parents, my driving instructor. What was the last thing that you ordered online? Food from Donato’s Do you have the emotional range of a teaspoon? I’m either hungry, grumpy, depressed, or happy. So yeah. Have you ever given a ‘World’s Best Mom/Dad’ mug? Yes Are you using headphones right now at this very moment? I was a few minutes ago but I took them out.
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bluezey · 6 years
Bluesy ramblings about Spongebob SquarePants
@scribblinglee made a post about Spongebob as a cartoon currently, and it's basically what I hear about a lot. Usually people who talk about the show miss the older seasons and believe the current seasons are hollow or utter trash. Which makes me think, where do I fit in this? Because, I'm not sure myself. So, I thought I decide to talk about my experience with the show.
So, Spongebob began in 1999. And, here's where things get interesting from my perspective: I was a freshman in high school at the time. Maybe that's not weird cause the show can reach teenagers and adults, but I dunno, it still baffles me. And what did I think of the show when it came out? I thought it was a good show. I wasn't obsessed with it, it lived it, but I did see it's potential. I liked it enough to watch it and have a few favorite episodes. One was Pizza Delivery. I think one reason I liked it was how in the end of the episode Squidward stood up for SpongeBob. He does in other episodes, but how he did it in this one felt perfectly Squidward. Another all time favorite of mine was Band Geeks, but that's for a biased reason as I was a band geek in high school. So, seeing an episode about a marching band was awesome to me, and also amazing as I don't remember watching another cartoon that focused on marching bands. While in the end it didn't show off marching bands as accurately, compared to the movie Drumline, Band Geeks was as accurate as band geeks are gonna get. Also, I love the ending of the episode, and how Squidward came out on top.
You know, I'm noticing now that even back then I may have found a favorite character with Squidward. I have my reasons for liking him now, but back then I had no favoritism, I just liked him out of the others. My best guess was even back then his character seemed to be the straight man of the series. He was gruff and mean, but you could sympathize with him as you can tell he got that way from life beating him down when he chased his dreams, while others kept chasing their dreams in the show and not getting much of a beating from life. I think Squidward was and is representing how jaded adults got after trying to pursue their dreams, and every decade I'm seeing people become jaded sooner in life, even before they graduate high school.
But, back to the show. The episodes were funny, clever at times, and even brash with it's humor. I mean, looking back, they got away with a lot of crap in the early seasons. Like the Christmas episode has aired fir nearly two decades, and every year they get away with blatantly calling Squidward a jackass. Oh, and how Sailor Mouth got away with swearing, and the infamous cut scene from Just One Bite and how it managed to make it to air for a while before being cut from future airings. And the characters were loveable, funny and relateable, but if I had to make one critique they did hammer in one particular aspect of their personality. It didn't make them one dimensional, but enough that we only knew Spongebob as happy, Patrick as dumb, Krabs as money loving, Sandy as a cowgirl and Squidward as grumpy. The one who barely had a blatant personality trait to me was Plankton, and that's barely as his motivation for being the villain flipped between evil and jealousy. One episode he just wants the formula to destroy the Krusty Krab, and another episode it's world domination. But they weren't blatant flaws, just little speed bumps that kept a great show from being perfect.
Now I remember watching the Spongebob SquarePants movie in 2005 on DVD, and I thought it was fun and simple like the show. But, I'll admit, as we went into the era of seasons 5-8, I did see a slump in in the show. But, believe it or not, I couldn't grasp why. I just assumed it was going through the same slump all shows go through when they've been on the air for that long. Every show hits their slope, and usually it's a sign that the show would end if it didn't hit that upswing back to what it once was. But, looking back, I can see the problems some fans gripe about. Mr Krabs got a little too greedy for money that he came off as evil as Plankton at times. Patrick would be mean, and at first I thought it was because he was too dumb to know any better, but there are times when even I couldn't see that as an excuse. I mean bratty toddlers don't know right from wrong, but eventually someone would step in and talk some sense into the kid. Squidward kept getting brow beaten by life for seemingly no reason. I mean, I actually believe Squidward getting the shirt end of the stick would work if he did something to deserve it. Like in Scavenger Pants, the more dangerous the tasks he gave the two, the bigger his coneuppance. But in these seasons, most of the time he didn't do anything to get what life gave him, so the joke fell flat because it was a punchline with no setup. And, yeah, eventually it just look like cruel torture at his expense. But, despite these major flaws and the show losing it's spark, I could still see it's potential. It had it's okay episodes, some good episodes, and even some jokes that would get a big laugh. I could still see effort, and the crew trying to make the show work. So while many call seasons 5-8 it's dark times, I just see it as a rough patch. This was after the creator left, and the show was showing that they were running out of ideas.
So, eventually I stopped watching Spongebob around season eight. Now, you may think it's because I gave up on the show. But, funny enough, it was an outside source that pulled me away from the show, as well as Nickelodeon. That's when my college roommates introduced me to Cartoon Network, and their shows were better, funnier and more bizarre than what Nick was making at the time. So I quit watching Spongebob and whatever Nicktoons the network was trying or failing with, and was watching shows like Kids Next Door, Camp Lazlo, Foster's, and Ed, Edd and Eddy. Oh, Chowder and Flapjack too. And, they still had reruns of Courage and the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and I was surprised with how much Cartoon Network got away with such scares.
So, for years I was watching Cartoon Network. I went through it's dark times of CN Real, and it's next generation of classic cartoons such as Adventure Time, Regular Show and Steven Universe. While I switched over to Nick for Avatar and Monsters vs Aliens (I liked the DreamWorks movie and Dr Cockroach okay? Also Staabi was a great character too), I hardly ever saw Spongebob, and when I did catch it it was an episode I saw before.
I did come back to the show, and how is kinda as strange as how I left it. It was also kinda an outside force. It was when I saw the cast of the Spongebob musical perform Bikini Bottom Day at the Macy's Parade. After that, it was a full month of following clips and pictures from the musical, until I came to a point where I needed more, but the bootleg wasn't out yet. (By the way, I keep losing my link to the bootleg!! Can someone link me a good copy of the Broadway show so I can FINALLY see this thing??) So, I went back to the show by watching a livestream on YouTube, full of never seen episodes from seasons nine and ten. And guys, it's like seeing the light of heaven. This is Spongebob! This is the show! They got back on track and are making new episodes for a new generation!
Okay, now that we got my initial reaction out of the way, let's talk about seasons 9-11. First, drastic change in animation. But, you have to expect that for being on for twenty years. There's a wider aspect ratio, and the animation is now digital. But, it's not that distracting, it's just the show, only brighter and bouncier. Now, the controversial thought, I like the bouncy animation. It reminds me of bouncy animation from the 50s, 60, hell, even 90s, and Spongebob is a 90s show. Is it reminding me of Ren and Stimpy? Only because Ren and Stimpy does bouncy, expressive and over detailed still. If anything, the bright and bouncy reminds me more of Superjail. Nice to know where those animators went. (Oh, can we have the Warden guest star?) The characters are back to how they started, mostly. Patrick can be mean, but usually he's just dumb. Krabs isn't mean for money, but damn is he still hungry for it. Squidward gets some torture, but now there's setup and reason. Also, he's not tortured in every episode he's in. Mustard O'Mine had him following along, hell he was happy at times. Mermaid Pants may had him grumpy, but man was his shift at the end perfect! Pate Horse, horse puns. Squid Noir. Squid Noir. Other changes, I can see they're being inventive. Some shows are mixing up character dynamics. At least two episodes have Squidward and Plankton. One episode had Sandy and Karen. An upcoming episode has Squidward and Pearl. Hell, Mall Girl Pearl was all Pearl. They're doing small things that surprisingly make a big difference. For example, Spongebob isn't always happy. Yeah, he can not be happy, like sad, but it was so rare yes almost one dimensional. In Drive Happy, however, we see him get sad, tired and even pissed. In Old Man Patrick, he starts acting like an adult when babysitting the old folks at Bun E Buns. And back to Squidward, but did you know he's germophobic, claustrophobic, allergic to nuts and snails (but he can handle one or two snails in a room) and apparently has an inking problem. Okay, I could go on and on about this part, now controversial thanks to Ink Lemonade, but did you know Stephen Hillenberg himself wanted ink jokes to begin with? The biggest character change I believe is Plankton. Ever since Sponge Out of Water (and yes, I saw that too, a lot, Nick plays it every other week) Plankton has become somewhat of a friend, at least with Spongebob. Sure he's the villain, but Spongebob sees him as a friend who happens to be a competitor, and I think the others do too since the second film. I mean, Grandmum's the Word would never had worked before the second film.
So, we've gone from classic from the 90s, to so downhill that I switched to Cartoon Network, to back to it's original stride. But, is it the same show or us it a hollow shell? Guys, it's neither. Spongebob has gone through a lot of development over the years. It's had it's golden times, it's been out of ideas, it's had it's instant classic and it's blunders. The characters are still the same, but if they appear different it's because they've been through a lot. We all act different after twenty years of life's crap. And yes, to reiterate, this show has been on for twenty years!! It has it's own big task of changing for a new generation while entertaining the old one. It needs to bring in new viewers while keeping the old ones. It needs to be fresh and relevant while remaining classic and timeless. It will follow the trend of theonth, but it will try not to steer too far from it's core of being a 90s cartoon. Will it lose viewers? Yeah. It even lost me for a time. Will it deserve it? No. Even it's bad episodes have a silver lining. Did you know I watched a list of dark kids episodes where the reviewers said good things about Are You Happy Now? (Please send all flames to where they will most likely ignore you https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hXwhVUWwHlM) Through it's ups and downs, Spongebob's going to be on for years. But, just years. Sadly, the creator has ALS, and if the show doesn't retire after the creator does, every show has to end sometime. But through it's ups and downs, and even the praise and criticisms, we can all agree that fans young and old will enjoy the ride.
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rayman-25 · 6 years
Podcast 5 Summary and Ideas
Summary: Instead of taking place in Manhattan, New York, the family Du Bois moved to California for about three months. And while settling there with a new life. Dipper Pines, the only son of the family, has met new friends. But the strangest he met was 4 giant mutant turtles that can do ninjutsu. See what adventures turtles and Louds are launching! 
Summary and ideas
Hi everyone, Rayman20 here, today I plan to do a crossover series TMNT, Bart Lisa Simpson, Gravity Falls, SpongeBob, Mario, Youtube, Phineas and Ferb and Mortal Kombat titled "Podcast 5". Here is the summary: 
In the USA, the family Du Bois moved from Danville, California about 3 months ago. Dipper Pines, the only boy in a family of his twin sister, feels very stressed and worried about his new life on foot and new friends like Bart, SpongeBob, Milhouse Marc and April. But one day, as he was pursued by purple dragons, he was saved by 4 strange strangers who turn out to be 4 giant talking mutant tortoises who can do ninjitsu! With these new friends / brothers, Dipper, his sisters, April, his friends and turtles will live with the difficulties of normal life and embark on many adventures and fight against the ninja, mutant, extraterrestrial and mystical threats, all remembering the importance of family. This is a series of crosses that shows the connection between two unusual families.
Main TMNT characters: Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, April, Splinter, Barron Draxum, etc. Main Simpson characters: Bart Simpson, Lisa Simpson, Milhouse Van Houten, Martin Prince, Nelson Mountz, Jessica Lovejoy, Jeff Albertson and Kumiko etc. Main YouTube characters: Christivoirien, Marc Chirstivoirien, Squeezie, Moketo, Alice, etc. Main characters of SpongeBob: Spongebob, Patrick the Starfish, etc. Main characters of TMNT: Irving Wood, Albert, Nathalie Du Bois, etc. Main characters of MK: Mortal Kombat X's character, Cassie Cage, Takashi Takeda, etc. Main characters of TMNT: Dipper, Mabel, Wendy, Dandinou, Moss, etc. Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Coming-of-Age, Slice of Life, Friendship, Family. Note: T (For drama, dark violence, blood, etc.) Pairings: Cassie / Jin, Dipper / Candy, John / Alice, Albert / Wendy, Takeda / Jacqui, Mark / Pacifiqua, Milhouse / Lisa, Johnny / Sonya, Irving / Unilateral / April etc.
Notes from the author: · The idea of ​​making this crossover series was influenced by the story of Gemturtles' The Ninjas Turtle and The Loud, which is a crossover series between TMNT and TLH. Just like its history, it also takes place in another universe where the 2 series coexist with each other. I first thought of this idea when I saw the episode of LH "One of the Boys" where the older brothers had the voice of turtles and more, they all love PIZZA ! So I said to myself, and if Jean Crytpe, (me,) (Leonardo) Moketo (Raphael) and Koretech (Michelangelo) and they have the same voice of turtles? At first, I wanted to be a simple single crossover, but I just wanted them to interact as much as possible and see how well they work together. I could imagine Dipper, Mabel, Bart, SpongeBob and Milhouse seeing the turtles as the coolest "superheroes" with them being pretty much like a nice monster, and they would probably have the same interest (reading comic books , playing video games, watching cartoons, etc.) The Albert, Jean, Wendy and the other Podcast team will meet them from the Turtle Bow 2 for spending a lot of time with the small team of Dipper. I want to see Dipper and Mabel's classmates and even the teacher trying to help turtles fight evil while interacting in different life situations, which is difficult for turtles since they have to stay in shadow. So I thought about doing something similar to Ninjas turtles and the Loud and got that idea. In addition, Bob Sponge and TMNT are both properties of NICKELODEON, so it is possible that we could see a cross with these 2 someday. But for the moment, I would like to create this series.
· Rob Paulsen plays the role of an unknown character · I told myself that what will be different from this series between TMNT and Gravity Falls and Phineas and Ferb (The Wood Family) is that instead of Danville and New York in Manhattan, the TMNT characters will all live in California because it's an important parameter for Gravity Falls characters. · Like The Turtle Ninjas and The Loud, this series will be divided into arcs with about 10-12 stories each instead of 26 episodes each season as both Podcast 2016 and 2017. I intend to adapt some stories from the suite of MK and GF to my series and rewrite them so that they have a more accurate continuity than the current show and I hope not to add as many "Dipper Wolf" since I want to do this less mean and more authentic, I also plan to reduce the amount of toilet-humor (I do not particularly like this trope). So there will be some that I will not do that I do not like (like Making the Case, The Green House, Brawl in the Family, No Such Luck, etc.). As for the TMNT side, which will be very interesting about this crossover, I will not use any previous incarnation of TMNT (Mirage, 1987, 2003, 2012, etc.) but to make it a new incarnation, so I can create the own version of TMNT 2018 characters to interact with the characters TS, MK, GF, BL, SMB and Youtube. Now, I do not know how many arcs will be created, it all depends on how long the TLH show can go or how many TMNT stories I can adapt.
· Leo in this series will be more influenced by his counterpart of 2018, but he is also a lover of extreme anime, mostly listening to classical music, creates fans art with his name of the designer. He would not be a bit like the "Star-Lord" of the TMNT series, so he and Robbie would get along well. In addition, he will also have a wonderful relationship with Bart, Milhouse, SpongeBob, Dipper and Irving as he would likely consider Leo as his personal hero and a true role model, and Leo would look at him to never give up for a child his age. . · Mikey is also the same goofball joker we all know and love, and who will be the most open minded character in the series. He collected stickers to put his shell. · Raph will be the same leader and hot as he has always been, but he has a sweet and friendly side for Robbie, Marc, Moketo and Tambry. · Donnie would be the kind nerd with a big brain. For him, I thought he'd be a little smarter than Lisa, Martin and Dipper, but he'd be more of a nerve wreck and a clean monster like Ed's Double D, Eddy and Eddy. I also think that it could also not have gynophobia (fear of women) of a traumatic experience. While he will be used to April, it would give him a hard time with Cassie and Sarah
· April would also be a teenager like her counterpart of 2012, she will be at the age of 16. Unlike meeting them as in previous incarnations, she would have met the turtles at the age of 11 and parents and pupil of Splinter. She would also have developed some training as kunoichi. She is friends with Tambry and Mabel, but she would still be friends with the Podcast team. And instead of Cristina, I thought Irving would have an un-shared crush with April for the first few episodes, until he got in touch with Mabel Pines. · I am still wondering whether to make Splinter who was mutated into a rat or reincarnate Yoshi and his sons in turtles and rats as in the IDW comics, as well as the origin of Baron Draxum. Splinter will not only bring wisdom to the turtles, but also to Dipper, his sister and his friends. · There will be violence in the street, blood and intense battles in this crossing. · I also thought Dipper, Mark, Bart, Milhouse, Nelson, Mabel, Candy, Grenda Lisa, Jessica, Moss. Jeff, Kumiku, Mario, Robbie, Moketo Tambry and April keep the secret turtles on the Podcast team until the end of the second bow and Irving's mother, Socrate's mother, Johnny, etc. do not notice it until the third · I also want to make multiple crossings in the future too; such as Ghostbusters, Batman, Usagi Yojimbo, etc. · Like April, I'm going to change the skin of youtubers except Koretech, Alison and Cosmo That's essentially it. What do you think about this? Think that might be a good idea? How do you think Loud brothers and sisters will react to meeting turtles? How are they going to be interactions? Which TMNT characters would you like to see in this crossover? Could you see Splinter giving Louds wisdom? How will Dipper Mabel prents and Irvign mother react to turtles? What kind of stories would you like to see? Let me know in the comments.
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wbwest · 7 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/05/26/west-week-ever-pop-culture-review-52617/
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 5/26/17
Here we are, on the verge of a 3-day weekend, which means nobody’s gonna read this thing. Still, “the show must go on”…
Well, the week was filled with spider news, as last Friday Sony announced that Tom Hardy will star in a Venom film. If you’re not “in the know”, Venom is a Spider-Man villain comprised of an alien symbiote suit and Peter Parker’s professional rival, Eddie Brock. Sadly, the film’s not meant to cross over with Spider-Man: Homecoming or any bit of Tom Holland’s portrayal. I’m starting to think Sony’s deal with Marvel Studios is actually a bad thing, as it seems like Spidey’s addition to the MCU is to the detriment of his expanded universe to which Sony still owns the rights. I don’t really care about a Venom without a Spider-Man. To add to that, yesterday, Sony announced a film starring Spider-Man supporting cast members Silver Sable and Black Cat, to be directed by Gina Prince-Bythewood (Love & Basketball). I really don’t think there’s much to say about these characters without the possibility of a Spider-Man cameo. I get where Sony’s coming from; they have all these characters, so they might as well do something with them. That said, earlier talks made it sound like they were building their own Spider-Man-centric film universe, but since the MCU deal went through, Spider-Man no longer seems to be part of the equation.
Meanwhile, the Licensing Expo was this week, and we got our first look at the poster for the animated Spider-Man movie, starring Miles Morales. Apparently it was created by a child. Maybe a Make-A-Wish kid? Seriously, that thing is terrible.
It wasn’t all bad Spider News, however, as we got the third trailer for Spider-Man: Homecoming. They’re basically giving away the movie at this point, but I’m still a guaranteed butt in a seat. A lot of people are having issues with it, but I kinda like that this is basically Iron Man 4. I really didn’t need a new Spider-Man, so throwing Tony Stark in there is a good way to get me interested. I mean, I liked Tobey Maguire. I liked Andrew Garfield. I’m sure I’ll like Holland, but I’m kinda tired of the Spider-Man revolving door. Now that he’s tied into the MCU, I hope the Holland casting sticks. Then again, we’ve had three Hulks already, so…
This poster, however, is horrendous, but endearingly so. I mean, it’s really bad Photoshop, but I still kinda like it. It’s busier than Times Square at rush hour, but I love it in all its ugliness. It looks like it should be airbrushed on a denim jacket at the mall.
Across the aisle, things aren’t going so well for the DC movie slate, either. First up, Doug Liman has dropped out of directing the Justice League Dark film due to his commitment to Lionsgate’s adaptation of the young adult series Chaos Walking. In case you didn’t know, Justice League Dark would focus on the more mystical DC Comics characters, like John Constantine, Zatanna, Deadman and others, battling supernatural threats – ya know, like the kind the Suicide Squad had no business fighting. I’ve got no interest in this, but that’s ’cause I don’t really like magic. If they manage to get Swamp Thing into the movie, though, I think it’ll increase its appeal. Right now, though, they’re just a bunch of magical nobodies coasting on the Justice League name which might not even hold any power if that movie fails this Fall.
In sadder news, Zack Snyder bowed out of Justice League post-production work to spend time with his family as they grieve the loss of his daughter, Autumn, to suicide. It was revealed that Joss Whedon was brought in to finish the film, which now has fans cautiously optimistic. Just last week, there were reports that there had been so many reshoots that the film was basically a different movie from what was originally shot. It’s possible, however, that these reshoots were part of Whedon’s plan. It’s really unfortunate what the Snyder family is going through, and it’s deplorable that some folks are making jokes about the situation.
In other movie news, it was revealed that Tom Cruise’s upcoming film, The Mummy, will kick off a Universal Monsters cinematic universe called Dark Universe. I bet they stayed up real late to think of that one! Anyway, Russell Crowe will portray Dr. Jekyll (who also appears in The Mummy), Javier Bardem will play Frankenstein’s monster, and Johnny Depp will play The Invisible Man. The next film in the franchise will be The Bride of Frankenstein, to be released on Valentine’s Day of 2019. Ya know what’s funny? DC’s Justice League Dark film was also going to be called Dark Universe. Somebody’s gonna have to lawyer up!
In TV news, it was reported that Hamilton scribe and star, Lin-Manuel Miranda, will voice Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera AKA Gizmoduck in the upcoming DuckTales reboot. Cabrera? Really? He’s even brown now to go along with the name change. I know some folks are gonna have an issue with this. Hell, I even kinda have an issue with it. But if they’re gonna inject some diversity into Duckburg, I guess I’d rather them do this than, say, Launchpad McQuack-Jenkins.
While we knew that Bobby Moynihan was leaving Saturday Night Live, just hours before the season finale it was revealed that Vanessa Bayer would also be leaving. Then, Monday morning, it was reported that Sasheer Zamata would also be leaving the show. I’m really gonna miss Vanessa, as she definitely grew on me. Her characters have this adorable aloofness to them that I’ve come to enjoy. She’s got a big future playing the best friend in romantic comedies ahead of her. Sasheer was simply underutilized. She was always in the background of sketches, or only had a line or two. I hear that she really shined in the writers room, coming up with sketches like Black Jeopardy. I feel like SNL will merely be a footnote on her resume, as she goes on to bigger things, like Noël Wells and Jenny Slate.
Last week, I had the pleasure of joining some of my favorite people on the Nerd Lunch podcast, where discussed some of the greatest pop culture deaths. Nobody was safe, from Santa Claus to Michael Knight! And I finally got to join my pal Vincent (@RobotsPJs) on a podcast, which has been years in the making. We had a great time, and I think you’ll have a great time listening to it, so check it out!
Song of the Week
This week, I’ve got “It Ain’t My Fault”, by Brothers Osborne. Not only are they local boys, but I love the fact that this song/video has layers. Read the title and then watch the video. They’re trying to tell us something – the same kind of thing that sank the Dixie Chicks all those years ago. My how times have changed!
Things You Might Have Missed This Week
Fresh off playing nurse Claire Temple in the Marvel Netflix shows, Rosario Dawson is in talks to play Dr. Cecilia Reyes in the X-Men spinoff film New Mutants. Just go to medical school already, Rosario!
Twin Peaks made its triumphant return for those of you who are fans. Based on the ratings, that’s not many of you…
The Get Down was canceled by Netflix after one season.
Chicago Justice was canceled by NBC after one season.
The Ben 10 reboot was renewed for a second season at Cartoon Network.
SpongeBob SquarePants was renewed for season 12 at Nickelodeon, taking it through its 20th anniversary.
Trial & Error was renewed for a second season at NBC.
The Black-ish spinoff, College-ish, received a 13-episode order on Freeform.
TruTV’s Impractical Jokers will enter national weekday strip syndication this Fall.
The bodies haven’t even gone cold and they’re already announcing a reboot of the Resident Evil franchise, this time produced by James Wan (Saw).
Tom Holland has been cast as young Nathan Drake in the film adaptation of the Uncharted video game.
In the realm of musical sequels that no one asked for, Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again! will be released July 20th, 2018.
Elizabeth Banks is producing a Charlie’s Angels reboot, scheduled to be released June 7th, 2019.
Tom Cruise announced that a Top Gun sequel is planned to begin filming next year. Fat Val Kilmer is waiting by the phone.
TJ Miller is leaving HBO’s Silicon Valley at the end of the season.
Surprising no one who’s been paying attention, Power Rangers continues the trend of just adding “Super” to the title of its latest incarnation’s second season with Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel
The Boss Baby 2 is a-coming, March 26th, 2021.
Sophia Bush is leaving Chicago P.D. after last night’s season finale
In the UK, there’s an annual event called Red Nose Day, where they’ve been raising money to end child poverty for nearly 30 years. Launched by the nonprofit Comic Relief, the event has since raised over $1 billion globally. The event came to the US in 2015, where you can buy a red nose at Walgreens for a dollar, with the proceeds going to the charity. One of the co-founders of Comic Relief happens to be Richard Curtis – writer and director of one of my favorite movies, Love Actually. Now, a lot of people hate the film because it gave way to Garry Marshall imitations like Valentine’s Day and New Years Eve. You know, those schlocky romantic comedies with an ensemble cast where all the storylines converge at some point. I don’t care, ’cause I happened to like those movies, too, but I especially like Love Actually.
Well, to celebrate this year’s Red Nose Day, Curtis reunited most of the cast of Love Actually to give us a 15-minute sequel to the film, called Red Nose Day Actually. We get to catch up on the characters 13 years later, and I have to say that I was smiling the entire time. It was great seeing those characters again, from Bill Nighy’s Billy Mack to Hugh Grant’s Prime Minister. I could’ve done without Rowan Atkinson’s meticulous shopkeeper, but it was even sorta nice seeing him again, too. You feel old as shit, though, when you see little Sam, who’s now 26 years old. I think his segment made me the happiest of all. Or maybe it was seeing Jamie and Aurelia and their kids. Or maybe it was seeing Martine McCutcheon again (why doesn’t she get more work stateside?!). I don’t know. I loved the whole damn thing.
The special originally aired in the UK in March for their Red Nose Day, but they’ve gone to great pains to keep it off the internet. Yesterday was the US’s Red Nose Day, and a new version of the short aired last night on NBC. Ya know, they should really have everyone celebrate on the same day worldwide, but what do I know? Anyway, I actually missed the NBC version because of things, but I was intrepid enough to find the UK version online. This morning, however, NBC posted it on their website so I was able to compare and contrast. The only real difference is that the UK version cut out the Laura Linney update, with Patrick Dempsey as her husband. It was a nice aside, but I guess British audiences don’t know who Dempsey is, so they didn’t miss out on much. Anyway, I wish more movies would give us short reunion updates, maybe on anniversary edition Blu Rays or something. It was nice to get just a taste of what everyone’s been up to, without them being burdened by a full film that would be more than likely fall short of the original. If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go watch this thing a few more times, but it’s safe to say that Red Nose Day Actually had the West Week Ever.
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