survey addict
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surveyjunkie · 4 years ago
Has anybody ever told you that you're too young to be in love? when i was younger, yes
Did you learn anything from the last BIG mistake you made? do i ever learn? no, i don’t
Do you have a favorite brand of shoes?   no, i kinda just wear whatever is cheap and/or comfortable
Do you like rollercoasters with big drops? i haaaate big drops. but i do like rollercoasters.
Do you have any inside jokes with your parents? yes
Have you ever thrown a surprise party for somebody? i’ve helped with one
Did you ever want a pony for a gift as a kid? Nah. I wasn’t into that.
Do you know who your mom's favorite singer is?   david cassidy?? i think??
What year were you born in?   1992
The last time you got dressed up - where were you going? out to a bar, soooo forever ago hahah.
Have you ever gone to a school that made you wear uniforms?   yes, in elementary school
What is your favorite card game? uno
Have you ever tried to surf? once haha
Do you want to learn? nah
Honestly, have you ever mooned anybody?   i think a few times back in my “wild” days lmao
Have you ever had a song dedicated to you? What was it?   Nope.
What accent do you like the most? Australian, i could literally listen to it alllll day
What color eyes does your best friend have? blue
When was the last time you fought with a friend? like a year ago
Did you pick out the furniture in your bedroom? yes
Yes or no: Apple pie? yes
Yes or no: Candy apples?   no
Are you a heavy sleeper?   yes
Do you know how to make those paper fortune tellers? i used to
Honestly, have you ever re-gifted something? What was it? i’ve regifted an unopened wine bottle before. i was going to a last minute christmas party and  i didn’t have anything so i just brought that haha.
How many months away is your birthday? 8
Have you ever been on a blind date?   nah
Is the closet in your bedroom a walk-in closet? nope
Do you enjoy cooking? it can be fun, sometimes. i just don’t do it very often because our kitchen is extremely tiny and there’s no counter space.
Which one of your family members do you wish you could see more often? i guess my cousins, i haven’t seen them in ages
What room in your house is the messiest? the bathroom
Do you know any sign language? Only a few simple signs.
Have you ever requested a song on the radio? once in 7th grade
Are you proud of your parents? Yes.
What was the last amusement park you went to? Who were you with? hmmm, if you count great wolf lodge it was last summer (2019) with Josh, Ava, his brother and his brother’s wife and their kids
Have you ever (accidentally or not) set off a car alarm? yuuuuup!
Do you call it sitting "criss-cross" or "Indian-style"? indian style
Do you like pudding? yes
Have you ever used a "puppy face" to get your way? yes
Do you have dimples when you smile?  kiiiind of?
Do you find graveyards scary? nah
Honestly - have you ever written something on a bathroom stall? yes
Have you ever carved anything into a tree? nope
Do you read those celebrity gossip magazines?   I did when I was a teenager.
Do you give or get advice more often? idk, i guess a little bit of both. probably give more.
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surveyjunkie · 5 years ago
When was the last time you baked something for someone? I baked cookies for my fiance and I a few weeks ago
Do you ever spend the night at random people’s houses? No...
What did you eat for dinner tonight? Was it any good at all? It’s only 10:33 AM here, but Josh made barbacoa tacos for dinner and they were excellent
What is the most annoying thing that your parents do? Lecture me about things that they also do themselves
Would you be mad if your mom showed your boyfriend your baby pictures? No, he’s seen most of them lol
Would you say you’re someone who has good manners? Yes.
When was the last time you went to an amusement park? Which one? King’s Island 8 years ago
Would you rather be kissed on the neck or on the lips? Both are nice.
Do you completely trust the person you’re dating? Yes.
Has someone ever called you heartless before? Why is that? I’ve been called cold, but never heartless.
What color was the shirt you wore yesterday? Grey, it’s the same one I’m wearing today lol
Have you ever completely given up on someone any time in life? Yep
What is one thing you’re not looking forward to in the next week? Having to go inside T-Mobile to cancel my service. Actually, I have to do that today. Ughhh.
Would you consider Christmas your favorite holiday? Would you rather give someone presents or receive them? I love the Christmas season but the actual day is usually meh - I’d rather give presents but I obviously don’t mind receiving.
How many chances do you normally give someone before giving up on them? I’ve given out lots of chances - usually after the fourth or fifth time if nothing changes and they keep pulling the same BS, I cut them off.
 Did you parents know what gender you were before you were born? I think so? 
Are any of your really close friends pregnant right now? No.
Are you for or against inter-racial relationships? Who the fuck in this day and age is against inter-racial relationships?? Oh yeah, we have a racist for a president so I guess it’s still a thing in 2020.
Would you say you’re more of a pessimist or optimist? I feel like I flip between the two frequently.
Do you know what your true typing speed is? What is it? I want to say it’s around 80 WPM
What would you say is the longest survey you’ve ever taken? I think it was only 100 questions long, maybe
Do you get bored by things really easily, or not so much? I do get bored easily, yes.
Do you hate it when people pronounce ‘potatoes’ as ‘taters?’ No. I live in Ohio and tons of people here pronounce them that way lol.
Have you ever been addicted to something unhealthy? Yes
Do you wear a lot of make-up on a daily basis? I’ve probably worn make up once or twice since the stay-at-home order started
Who makes the best desserts in your entire family? My mom makes pretty decent ones during the holidays, but we don’t bake a whole lot in our family
 When was the last time your received a hug? Who was this hug from? Josh, last night
Do you have good dreams or nightmares more? It’s about 50/50. Now that I take my meds right before I go to bed, I’ve been having more vivid, bizarre yet realistic dreams. And sometimes they’re so specific to the point where I can’t remember if I dreamed something or if it actually happened.
Would you rather color pictures with markers or crayons? Colored pencils
Do people come to you for advice a lot of the time? No - I don’t think I give the best advice
When the holidays come around, do you watch holiday movies? Sometimes
Would you say you’re a friendly person or not so much? I mean I’m not rude, but I’m not...overly friendly?
Have you ever / do you ever recycle? We don’t have a recycling bin at our apartment but we plan to get one when we move into a house
When was the last time you ate something from Burger King? Definitely over a year ago.
When someone mentions a song, does it make you wanna listen to it? Sometimes
Do you usually talk more than you should about things? I either don’t talk enough, or talk too much about it. <<
Who is the nosiest person you know? Do you like them anyways? Josh’s sister in law, who we no longer speak to, so no, I definitely don’t like them.
When did you last talk to one of your teachers? I mean it’s been nearly a decade at this point.
How many class periods does your school have? What are the classes? Haven’t been to high school in 10 years
Would you say you’re a faster or slow learner? It depends on the subject. 
Are you one of those people who like The Nightmare Before Christmas? I could never get into it.
Do you fully understand the concept of ‘love?’ I’d like to think so
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surveyjunkie · 5 years ago
Is there always going to be that one person you and a friend makes fun of? yes, but it’s probably because they were mean to us back in high school
Would you confess an otherwise safe secret, or keep it to yourself? unless people are going to get hurt, i always keep secrets
What color are your nails? They’re not painted.
Do sluts make you mad? seeing as i used to be one, i can’t say they do Are you waiting for a phone call? no
Do you look forward to swimsuit season, or get really nervous? ewww i just pictured myself in a swimsuit with my current weight and eeeeww
Have you kissed the last friend that called you? the only phone calls i get are from my fiance and my parents
Describe the perfect cozy outfit for being sick in that you have: i have these really giant sweatpants that i wear with a large, soft, cotton t shirt. that seems to do the job.
If you could live for a year with any foreign family, where would you go? japan
What is a bad habit of yours that you’re actually trying to fix? obsessing over things i can’t change or control
Think of a friend you know; how would you feel if they kissed you? awkward
Do you write out your feelings? i’m getting back to that. i was looking through old surveys earlier and forgot how therapeutic it can be.
Do you have bills to pay yet? i always have bills to pay. always. 
Will you be changing your hair any time soon? ive thought about getting straight cut bangs across my forehead but idk
Does your mom have a celebrity look-alike? no
Do you have a current favorite song stuck in your head? no
Are you afraid of living alone? yep. i lived alone for a week before my boyfriend moved in a few years ago. it’s pretty pathetic.
Are all crushes something to take seriously and consider going after? of course not. a lot of times crushes are based on looks and you may find you have nothing in common.
Is there something you wish you could learn to do? so many things. mainly artistic. i’d love to be able to play an instrument well and sing. singing would help me so much with my depression, but i just don’t feel like i’m that good at it. 
If you could be amazing at ONE thing, what would it be? I wish I could sing. <<
What do you wish people would pay you to do? play video games
Could you describe your bed? it’s a full size bed with white sheets and a black comforter, and random pillows everywhere. and it’s on a box spring on the floor because apparently i’m still in college and don’t own a bed frame or head board like a normal 27 year old adult should.
What does your lotion smell like? i’m not using any
Do you regret kissing anybody? it’s not the people i kissed, it’s the people i had sex with.
Do you still sleep with stuffed animals? no
Do you take good pictures? sometimes
Should you be doing something else right now? i mean, i guess i should be leaving the office now but i kind of want to finish this.
Did that question make you nervous? no...
Do you automatically apologize if you walk into somebody? i say “ope” like the Midwestern girl that i am.
Why don’t girls like porn? girls absolutely watch porn.
Tell me a memory of this summer: wellp, i got engaged on a beach so that was pretty cool
Do you think it’s pretty when 100s of balloons are let loose into the sky? “99 red balloons floating in the summer sky…”
How do you feel about people with two different colored eyes? I think that’s cool.
What’s something that you don’t need, but really want? i kind of want the new iphone
Are you hungry or lusting after anything right now? i’m not hungry at all. i had a pretty late lunch and my stomach is kind of crampy.
What do you draw more than anything else? I don’t draw.
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surveyjunkie · 5 years ago
Did you go to your high school’s homecoming dance? i went all four because i was a loser When was the last time you got your hair done professionally? it’s been 84 years Do you like TGI Fridays? i actually love their chicken fingers, but everything else is a bit overpriced
Have you ever gotten your legs waxed? no Do you know anyone that is on a soccer team? my cousin? What was the last thing you said on the phone? "love you bye” (a building collapsed near where my mom works and i was making sure she was still alive) Do you enjoy singing? yes, especially in the car What was the last thing you stood up for to go get? i got up to refill my water bottle What is your favorite genre of music? i mean is music from my childhood a genre of music because that’s the only music i can stand to listen to lately Have you ever read anything by Edgar Allen Poe? yes Do you know anyone named Hunter? not personally What was the reason for the last time you restarted your computer? idk What was the last color you painted your nails? i think red. it’s been a while.  Do you know any Honduran people? no
What was the last black object your purchased? ummm, i want to say it was my laptop Do you like Mad Libs? they can be funny Can you say anything in Korean? If so, please do: i can’t Do you know anyone in a band or orchestra? i know a few people in a band, i guess. haven’t talked to them in years. Do you label people? i feel like i use ways to describe people that might be seen as labeling but that isn’t my intention. for example, there are certain people i work with that i consider “type a” personalities but idk if that’s labeling, you know? When was the last time it rained where you live? saturday Do you like horses? they’re beautiful but i probably won’t ride one again. it’s too easy to get severely injured or killed when you’re inexperienced. What is your favorite winter scent? balsam  Have you ever read the ‘Clique’ series? no Do you know anyone who wastes loads of money on designer things? not personally Do you own any designer knock-offs? yeah What is your opinion on air pollution? lmao, what kind of question is this?  Do you own any CLOTHES from Victoria’s Secret? i have a pair of sweatpants from PINK that i’m quickly growing out of. What is the number one “Most Played” song on your iTunes? i don’t use iTunes anymore Have you ever taken crazy pictures at the Apple Store with your friends? in high school, yes What is or was your lowest grade in school? an F What are your grandfathers’ names? juan & santiago. rip juan. Were you forced to read ‘The Odyssey’ in high school? not only were we forced to read it, but we had to sit there and read along while the teacher narrated the whole thing. it was the first time i had ever fallen asleep in class. Who was the last person to come visit you? josh’s parents Have you ever seen a snake in real life? yes Do you remember your favorite field trip from when you were little? we didn’t go on very exciting field trips in elementary school - our senior trip to chi town was lit tho Do you know anyone that has been held hostage before? nah fam What do you think ever happened to Elvis Presley? he overdosed Are you against seances? i’m not against them, no Have you ever been to a carnival? yes Do you like funnel cakes? yes When was the last time you shaved your legs? A week ago maybe, or maybe sooner. Idk. Do you own any superhero shirts? i have a batman shirt that isn’t mine. basically josh’s mom gave it us to give to his older brother, who isn’t talking to her so he told us to keep it. so yeah. i also have a little Caesar's gift card just chilling in my wallet. What is your opinion on the “Team Edward/Team Jacob” shirts? oh hey 2008. nice to see you again. Do you like ketchup? only with french fries
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
What are three things that were in style when you were in high school? LOVE PINK sweatpants, sidekick phones, and foundation that was 2x darker than your natural skin tone.
What is one random fact about you? I’m right handed but I write like a leftie
Do you spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer? I try to, if it’s not too hot and I have bug spray on hand.
What is your favorite summer month? June
What do you want to be for Halloween this year? I have no idea, I really haven’t thought about it
When do you plan to start decorating for fall? October 1st
Every September, do you always wish you were going back to school? Ew no
What was your favorite class in high school? Anatomy 
Do you have a desk in your room? If so, do you use it as a desk that you sit and work at? I do have a desk in my room and I use it for school, gaming, and my channel.
Do you have a hope chest? If so, what do you keep in it? No.
What’s one goal that you have for yourself this year? Have a decent amount of money in my savings account
Do you use a backpack? If I’m going away for the weekend then I normally take a backpack
What did your favorite backpack in high school look like? It was white and my friends wrote all over it with sharpies.
Have you ever shopped at Limited Too? If yes, what was your favorite thing you owned from there? Yes, I was obsessed with this purple frilly shirt that had glitter on it. My 9 year old self thought she was sooo cute everytime I wore it.
Do you wear band tees? if yes, which one is your favorite? I have a few, but my favorite is my SOAD one. It goes with everything.
What color is your desk in your room, if you have one? Brown
Would you ever want to live in a home with all-white walls and furniture? As long as I could add my own touch to everything and fill it with plants, I honestly wouldn’t mind.
Do you have pajama days often? I try to have one lazy day a week where I just wear PJs.
What was the last flavor of tea you drank? Raspberry
What was the last thing you ordered from Starbucks? They had some type of blueberry waffle frappuccino at the one by Cedar Point when we were there last month, so I ordered that.
Do you have a favorite barista at Starbucks? I barely even go to Starbucks
What is one thing you’re behind on? rEnT
Do you ever re-arrange your room? Not our bedroom but we re-arrange the living room quite a bit
Do you share a room with anyone? My boyfriend
Who was your first roommate? Alyssa
Do you ever talk to your first roommate? I haven’t talked to her in years, she was my college dorm roommate and we kind of lost touch after junior year
What season do you want to get married in ? Spring or Summer
Do you own a teepee? No
Frosting: chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate
Ice cream: chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.
Milkshake: chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla.
Do you drink protein shakes? No.
What was the last type of candy you ate? I wanna say it was nerds
Do you take birth control pills? Yes
What was the last craft project you completed? I can’t remember Which is better: starting things or finishing them? Depends on the thing.
Is your style Bohemian at all? No
What is the highest name-brand thing you own? I have a coach purse that was fairly pricey
Have you ever sold on Poshmark? No.
Do you have a Poshmark account? No.
What color GameBoy did you have as a kid? Purple.
What was your favorite GameBoy game? Super Mario World
What was your favorite Backstreet Boys song? SHOW ME THE MEANING, OF BEEEEING LONELY
Did you ever wonder what it felt like to get slimed? What 90′s kid didn’t?
Did you ever name a pet after an imaginary friend? Nope.
Have you ever hallucinated? No
Do you believe in angels and demons? Eh.
What is holding you back from living your dreams? Money.
Do you have a paypal account? Yeah.
Do you like your hair better curly or straight? I prefer it straight
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
Is there something you said you wouldn’t do, but in the end you did it? When I was 11 or 12 I said I would never ever suck a dick but here we are Are you originally an American, or are you some other kind of nationality? I’m 50% Peruvian
Do you sometimes pretend to do things you don’t know how to do? Yes...oops. 
What was the last compliment you remember someone gave to you? Who was it? Jess said my hair looked really good today
Have you ever had one of those pregnancy scares? When did this take place? I have those a few times a year, having a live-in boyfriend and all
Are you someone who puts ranch dressing on everything you eat? Grosss. I really only like to dip my french fries in ranch.
Have you ever personally been friends with a stripper or prostitute? No
What kind of iPod or mp3 player do you own at this moment in time? iPhone, bih. It’s 2019.
What, to you, is the best way a guy can smell? Give examples? Fresh with a bit of musk...
Does it seem to bother you when someone doesn’t reply to your messages? If it happens consistently yes, or if it’s a very important or urgent question
How many times a day, on average, do you think critically about something?  A few times a day but not a whole lot, lmao.
Are you someone who speaks their mind, or do you hold it all in? I pretty much hold it all in
Is anyone who lives with you at the moment, really loud and annoying? No, thankfully
Name at least one interesting fact almost no one knows about you? A lot of people don’t know I was born overseas, and I usually don’t tell a whole lot of people bc the reason is complicated and usually ends up confusing people about my nationality. 
Where do you work at this moment in time? Does this place have insurance? I work at a doctor’s office/imaging center and yes they have insurance.
If you have tattoos, which one that you have was the most painful? i don’t
Who is someone on television at the moment that you feel sorry for? i don’t watch tv
Are you currently in the process of ‘bettering’ yourself as a person? yes, i’m trying to get better with my money and keeping up on the house. i’ve been following a few minimalist vlogs on YT and it’s inspired me to get rid of a ton of stuff i’ve hoarded over the past few years. i’m also trying to get back into an exercise routine as well.
What is something you tend to not be able to stand in the least bit at all? rude people
Are there any foods out there that can make you puke, just by seeing it? i can’t think of anything i hate that much. 
Does it make you angry when people complain about an excessive amount around you? i guess it depends what they’re complaining about
Do you like watching people fight or do you stay out of the way of things? I like watching a drama from afar, but I don’t ever want to be part of it. That’s a pretty human thing, I think. We all need some entertaining drama in our mundane lives.<< this
Do you encourage people or do you tend to put them down for things? i never try to put anyone down
What would you consider your favorite pattern? (zebra print, floral, etc.) floral 
At what age did you actually hit puberty? Was it hard for you to handle? i got my period at 11, and it wasn’t really that hard to get used to. period cramps were the WORST though, I can’t believe i didn’t get put on birth control until 16.
Do you tend to make the people around you angry or are you very subtle? no
Are you considered a graceful person or are you more clumsy? clumsy for sure
Do you fall up the stairs more than you actually tend to fall down them? fall up
Have you ever sucked on helium? Did your voice change at all? yes i have and yes it did
Do you know any girls who have an overly manly voice and features? sure
Are you normally someone who tries to grab everyone else’s attention? Not at all. I’m a wallflower. <<
Have you ever actually met and talked to someone who’s famous? No.
When was the last time you got a parking ticket for anything at all? A few years ago, and I’m trying to keep it that way!
What color are your bedsheets and when did you buy them? Grey from wal-mart
Does it bother you when a lot of people try to fit into a small space? YES, especially on an elevator. Like no there isn’t room for one more Patricia, wait for the next one.
Do you play any sports? If so, did you meet new friends that way? I played softball in high school, and I met a few new people but for the most part, all of my friends were already on the team
Where are you planning on going to college if you’re planning on going? I graduated college, I’m in grad school now.
Do people ever make fun of you for something you really cant help? I’m sure they do
If you definitely had to, what would you label yourself, and why? I’d label myself as a nerd. I may not look or “dress” like a nerd but I enjoy nerdy things. 
Do you have any pets who will bite anyone else out there, besides you? JW has never really “bit” anyone so much as nipped at heels when I first adopted him, but he doesn’t do that anymore luckily.
Have you ever tried chocolate chip waffles? Are they now your favorite? I’ve had them from Waffle House and I love them.
What company are you signed up for car insurance, if any at all? Geico
Are you someone who really likes to cook? What’s your favorite meal? I don’t cook, sadly. But I love when my boyfriend makes steak and corn on the cob.
Do you own any scarves? How many and what colors are all of them? I have a brown one, a black and grey one, and a grey one.
As a kid, did you ever go to camp? Which one did you go to anyway? I never went to overnight camp, just the YMCA day camp.
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
What kind of bottled water do you drink? It’s usually store brand but if not, Ice Mountain Do you collect stuff someone else would consider junk? If so, then what? When I was in middle school, I used to collect movie tickets and fortunes from fortune cookies. I just throw them away now. Do you download and burn music illegally? Again, I did that in middle school. Lol. Now I just have a YouTube playlist. Whats the most your electricity bill has ever reached? I wanna say 220? How much was your tax refund this year or did you pay? It’s usually around 1500 dollars bc I don’t make shit
How are the kids doing? Uhhh Do you see a bright light at the end of your tunnel? Yes Is your heart safely locked up or is it with someone else? My heart is in my chest like everyone’s heart is? << Can you actually remember high school? Unfortunately How many TVs are in your house? Two Do you drink real coffee, and not the starbucks crap? Sometimes I’ll randomly crave a fancy espresso drink from Starbucks but I don’t drink coffee by itself. Do you remember your first love? Yes. Do you own a bicycle and do you actually ride it? No Can you still play sports? Haha, nooo Whats your longest road trip? Cincinnati, OH to Miami, FL.  Whats the most you’ve ever lost gambling? $80 What is something you can never give up (that’s not love or family)? Cheese What is the worst job you’ve ever held? Pet Palace. Management was a nightmare, co-workers had shitty attitudes and the customers were rude ASF.
Where’s the worst party you’ve ever been too? It was some weird frat party with like 4 people that this one creepy guy invited me to. At the time, I only said yes because he was friends with one of my best friends and I figured I would give him a chance. He kept trying to get me alone and I wasn’t feeling it. My friends and I literally hid in the bathroom trying to figure out an escape plan. Have you ever waited in line overnight for something? No Is there such a thing as being too rich or too poor? Of course. Who do you take for granted? My parents, sometimes. Could you easily give up 3 close friends for a love, that you know, may not Huhhh? Whats worse: a crime of passion murder or a premeditated bank heist? Murder, obviously. How many concerts have you attended? I’ve been to two music festivals and 8 concerts. Do you think having an expensive phone is a good investment? No Do you have a 401k and if so, how much have you lost during the recession? I honestly don’t even know if I have a 401k with this job. I’m assuming I do. That’s bad, I should probably find out. Any tattoos? and how many do you need or want to cover up because they were No tattoos How many funerals have you attended? 5 Have you lost anyone your age to death? That’s a weird way of phrasing it, but yes.  Have you ever witnessed a birth in person? Nope Whats your guilty pleasure (thats not sexual)? Gossip Girl Go back to your freshman year, what kind of music were you listening to? Emo shit
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
What city is the person you wish you were with in right now? He’s in the same city as me at the moment. What are your plans for the day? Working til 6, hanging out with Josh and Ava, then I’m probably going to finish the house I’ve been working on in The Sims once she goes to bed. What did you have for breakfast? Cereal and milk Have you had sex this year? Yeah. What kind of booze did you last take shots of? Tequila at Dave & Buster’s lolol
What are you wearing currently? My work clothes Have you slept over at a member of the opposite sex’s house in their bed? Yes  Who last slept in your bed besides you? Josh What time did you wake up today? 8:50 If the last person you had sex with asked you to date them, would you? I’m already dating them How long until your next birthday? 11 months What color is your car? (Or the one you drive most often) Red What’s your favorite kind of cereal? Fruit loops How long have you been single? (Or dating your current interest) I’ve been with Josh for almost 3 years
When you lost your virginity, were you sober? No What was the last movie you watched? Watchmen Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you that you were sexy? Yeah. Do you own any books written by musicians? I don’t think so When was the last time you received a massage? Josh gave me one a few weeks ago
When did you last consume something that had peanut butter? I had a reeses cup two days ago
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
[RED] You have a fiery personality You get angry easily Red is your favorite color Spicy food is your favorite You’re a red-head You like fire You’re patriotic You’ve had sex this week Cherries or strawberries are your favorite fruit You blush easily Number: 2
[ORANGE] You love tropical vacations You put cheese on almost everything Orange is your favorite color You’re Irish You watch Orange Is the New Black You’ve been to prison You’re a very cautious person You’re from Florida You’ve lost someone to Leukemia Aquaman is your favorite superhero Number: 4
[YELLOW] You’re blonde You get scared easily You love the sunshine Summer is your favorite season Yellow is your favorite color You’re very loyal Lemon is your favorite scent You like to take things slowly You don’t brush your teeth everyday You have a lot of friends Number: 6
[GREEN] You love money You like to smoke weed You get jealous easily You’ve had absinthe Your birthday is in May Green is your favorite color You’ve been in the army/are an Army brat You love nature Reptiles are your favorite animals You’re always on the go Number: 4
[BLUE] You love the ocean You suffer from depression You’re pretty good at staying calm Blue is your favorite color You enjoy studying the sky You’re related to royalty Swimming is your favorite thing to do in the summer You spend too much time on Facebook People find you soothing Blueberries are your favorite fruit Number: 5
[PURPLE] You get bruised easily You’re not straight Grape is your favorite fruit Purple is your favorite color You watched Barney as a kid You use Instagram You like eggplants You’re loyal Your birthday is in February You have dark skin Number: 3
[PINK] You like your steaks rare You’re very feminine You’re in love Pink is your favorite color You shop at Victoria’s Secret You own at least one Polo You like to kiss Mean Girls is your favorite movie You like ham sandwiches You’re very upbeat Number: 5
[SILVER] You feel like an afterthought a lot You’re classy You’re middle class You enjoy classical music New Year’s Eve is your favorite holiday Silver is your favorite color You save change You like to build people up You have a pet horse You’re great at keeping your cool Number: 5
[GOLD] You’re a show-off You enjoy the finer things in life Gold is your favorite color You own your own car You like getting attention You listen to hip-hop You wear a lot of jewelry People borrow money from you a lot You demand to come first in people’s lives You own a lot of things with glitter Number: 5
[BLACK] You’re very serious You have a lot of tattoos You’re obsessed with death You listen to metal regularly Black is your favorite color You watch a lot of old movies You wear a lot of eyeliner Hot Topic is your favorite store in the mall You buy things off Etsy You can name at least one Edgar Allen Poe poem Number: 2
[WHITE] You love snow You’ve done cocaine You expect to get whatever you want White is your favorite color You’re a virgin You want a big wedding You love to go sailing or skiing You’re a very honest person You’re pale You like the simple things in life Number: 5
[GREY] You’re morally ambiguous Elephants are your favorite animal You’re older than 50 You have grey hairs Grey is your favorite color You love big cities Thunderstorms are your favorite kind of weather You cry often You like to be different than the average person You like to work with electronics Number: 4
[BROWN] You’re very down to earth You love outdoorsy activities You don’t wash your hair every day You enjoy eating nuts Bread is your favorite food Brown is your favorite color You like to work with wood You hate shaving Dogs are your favorite animal You like to go antiquing Number: 4
Your color is: Yellow <333
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
01. Do you consider yourself a goal-oriented person? Do you find it difficult to commit to doing things if there’s no achievable end goal? I think I am especially as I grow older - I set specific goals for myself and then make a plan of how I am going to achieve them. Right now the goal is to pay off my debt and save money for an apartment. It definitely is difficult to commit to things if there’s no end goal. 02. What’s a habit your friend or significant other has that you find annoying? My significant other smokes cigarettes which I find not only annoying but concerning.  03. Do you believe in the idea that everyone has a “purpose”? If so, what do you think your “purpose” is, or do you think you’ve even found it yet? I used to think that way but now it’s clear to me that some people are just a waste of space. 04. When was the last time you tried to talk someone out of doing something? Were you successful? If not, what ended up happening? I have had to talk my sister in law out of telling off our mother in law but it happened anyway. Lol.
05. Do you consider yourself an independent person? In what ways are you independent and in what ways could you be more so? Definitely not, I depend on Josh for a lot of things - mainly cleaning and cooking. My only claim to independence is the fact that I’ve been able to maintain a full time job and am relatively good with balancing finances. 06. Have you ever named a pet after a famous person? My last cat’s name was Winston, my brother named him after Winston Churchill. And my dog’s name is John Wayne (we call him JW), but that was already his name when I rescued him and I didn’t want to confuse him by changing it...I would never intentionally name an animal after a racist. 07. Do you feel uncomfortable going to the movies by yourself? I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable, but it might be boring.  08. Do you like doing other things while watching TV, or do you dedicate your attention solely to what you’re watching? Unless it’s a show I’m absolutely invested in, I am guilty of being on my phone or laptop while the TV is on. But if we’re watching a movie together, I make it a point to put my phone away. 09. Have you ever sleepwalked? Nope. 10. When was the last time you mistook someone for someone else? At what point did you realize your mistake? I used to do that with my mom a lot as a child, and one time I could have sworn I saw my friend Emily while I was driving and I kept shouting her name and she turned around and went “Oh, I’m not Emily” was the most embarrassing thing ever! 11. Do you generally enjoy school? What aspects specifically do you enjoy? I really enjoyed middle school - especially 7th grade. I loved seeing my friends and I genuinely liked all of my teachers and was interested in the subjects. But the older I got the more I hated it. College was okay the first year then it started to get worse. I’m hoping I will enjoy grad school this year. 12. When thinking about your dream home, what do you think would be your favorite thing to shop for? Plants and decor, just filling my house with pretty things. 13. If you use Spotify, go here and list your top artists for the short term (past four weeks). Lana Del Rey, Fleetwood Mac, Taking Back Sunday, Dixie Chicks, Say Anything, The Spill Canvas, Sia, My Chemical Romance
14. Do you ever listen to those lo-fi hip hop/study music playlists on YouTube/Spotify? Yes I do. And I use them a lot for background music in my videos. 15. Have any particular national/global events had serious impacts on your values, life outlook, etc., whether they’ve directly affected you or not? Definitely 9/11. I was afraid to fly for the longest time after that, afraid of visiting big cities, and I admit that I developed a bit of xenophobia as a child (which I obviously grew out of) and it just caused me to have a much more cynical view of the world at such a young age. 16. Do you think you are capable of being attracted to someone based on looks alone, or must there be something else about them that attracts you? There has to be something else about them that attracts me. When I was single, I’d see guys I thought were really good looking but once I talked to them I immediately got turned off. 
17. Are you likelier to work harder if you’re being paid? If not, what drives you to give your best effort? I wouldn’t work if I wasn’t being paid.
18. On social media, do most of your followers/people you follow tend to be of a certain gender? Do you purposefully surround yourself with one gender more than another? On Twitter, most of my followers are women because most people in the Sims Community are women. 19. Are you interesting in owning a home? What aspects of homeownership would you enjoy most? I would love to own a home in the near future. I would enjoy having a lower “rent” aka mortgage and being able to change anything I wanted and not having to deal with a landlord. 20. Does the fashion sense of a potential partner matter to you? Of course. I aint getting married to a dude who wears crocs. 21. If you had to give up every entertainment medium but one, which would you keep and why? My computer - it has everything I need. I can talk to people, watch shows, and most importantly it has all of my games. 22. Is there anything that you prefer to write down rather than type? I prefer having a physical planner where I write things down than having a planner on my phone. 23. If you download/torrent things, do you remember the first thing you ever torrented? Lmao I think it was a Nirvana or Weezer song off Limewire.  
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
Is there a bus stop near your house?: I’m not sure, I don’t take the bus anywhere
Do you prefer red wine or white wine?: White wine for sure
What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there?: I was at CVG because I was coming back from vacation
Who do you live with?: My boyfriend and his brother
Do you read Reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like?: No. I think I’ve been on there like four times and I never understood the appeal. The layout is so messy and confusing, but maybe that’s the point, Idk. < Yeah, I’ve been on there a few times too but I agree, the layout is really messy and old-school. < same
Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend?: no
What’s the weather like today? Is it nice enough to go outside?: it’s hot and sunny. it’s nice enough to go outside but not stay outside for too long unless you plan on going to the pool.
Do you know anyone who’s had a baby recently?: my coworker’s daughter just had a baby, if that counts?
Have you used a pen or pencil today? What did you write down?: i used a pen to write down events in my brand new PLANNER
What does your last text message say and who is it from?: “i love you :)” - josh
Can you count how many times you’ve seen your favorite film?: i have a few favorites, i’ve seen them all at least 30 times each
When was the last time you ate marshmallows?: probably the last time i made hot back in April?
Do you listen to any podcasts? How do you listen to them?: sometimes! i listen on my phone but also sometimes on my computer
How old will you be in the year 2030?: 38....vomit
How often does the kettle in your house get used?: we don’t even have a kettle, if we want tea we just boil or microwave water
Does your skin bruise easily? Do you have any bruises right now? What from?: i do, but i’m not sure if i have any right now or where they are
What was the last thing you spent $150 or more on?: a car payment
Do you prefer yes or no questions or more open-ended questions?: open-ended
What brand of toilet paper do you usually buy?: the cheapest brand, but never the store brand bc it sucks.
If I knocked on your door right now, would you be acceptably dressed?: i’m at go right ahead.
Why did you leave your last job?: they weren’t giving me any hours after i got a second job, so it made more sense to just go full time at the second place and quit the first. also, i was kind of sick of retail.
What color were the last socks you wore?: black.
Are you studying currently? What level of education and what do you study?: in the fall i’m starting my 1st year of grad school in health informatics (aka bio-statistics) so i can finally start making some real money
Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying?: no
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?: there was a funny situation that just happened at work
What’s your favorite scent of air freshener?: i have one in my car right now that i really like called bay breeze or something like that. it’s just one of those little tree air fresheners.
How many weddings have you ever been to?: 7 i think??
Do you know anyone named Nora?: yes, that’s Josh’s grandma’s name
Are your hands and feet in good condition or could you do with a mani-pedi? I just painted my nails but I need to go over them again, and my toes need painted.
Have you ever been to a festival for beer or other types of alcohol?: many times
Do you own a record player and/or vinyl?: no
When was the last time you went out for drinks?: unless you count grabbing beers with dinner, a few weeks ago is the last time i went out to a “real” bar. Have you ever been to a strip club?: i’ve only gone twice in my whole life
What’s your favorite kind of smoothie?: mango or strawberry banana
Do you know anyone with a ‘virtue name’? (Google it): yep
Would you ever wear real authentic leather?: nah
Have you taken out the trash today?: no but thanks for reminding me bc it’s being picked up tomorrow lmao How often do you wear make-up?: like, once a week if that
What’s your opinion on The Simpsons?: it’s not really for me, i’ve watched a few episodes with Josh and found them funny but i probably wouldn’t watch it on my own time
Do you prefer horizontal or vertical stripes?: horizontal
What’s your favorite brand of deodorant/antiperspirant?: i just found a new one i love but i forget the name, it comes in a green matte container
Do you know anyone who has been through a divorce?: yes
If you had the money, would you take taxis everywhere instead of driving?: i live in a small town so there’s no need for taxis, but if i lived in the city then maybe
Have you ever done a juice cleanse?: no
Do you have any friends who you can’t decide if they’re attractive or not?: honestly, yes Is the inside of your fridge clean right now or does it need a cleanout?: it could do with a cleanout
When was the last time you washed the dishes?: Josh takes care of that, he washed them all on Saturday but we’ve been eating out since then. 
Are there any magazines that you read on a regular basis?: sometimes i read Game Informer but that’s literally it
Do you have to pay for parking in most places in the town/city you live in?: nope.
What’s the first thing you tend to do when you have a headache?: lay down or take an ibuprofen, drink lots of water
Tell me about your responsibilities at work: i’m a patient registrar at a doctor’s office, i check people in, verify their information/insurance, collect payments, scan orders, all that good stuff.
Can you hear lots of traffic from your house? Does it bother you?: no, it’s really quiet where i live. Have you ever had proper Canadian poutine with the squeaky cheese?: i’ve had poutine, but i don’t know what squeaky cheese is so i guess it wasn’t proper Canadian?
Do your parents know how to operate smartphones and/or computers?: yes
How old are your parents, anyway?: my dad is 56 and my mom is 57
Are you allergic to anything? What do you have to do to prevent them?: mosquitos, i don’t do anything
What song is stuck in your head at the moment?: shooting stars by....i forget the artist. 
Do you hate it when people try really hard or do you kinda like it?: it bothers me a bit
What’s your boss’ first name? Do you call him/her by that name?: amy. yes.
When was the last time you wore a uniform of any kind? What color was it? i’m wearing one right now, it’s a blue long-sleeved sporty looking collared shirt. 
Do you complete a survey before taking this one? Will you take one after?: nah this is my first. it got really slow at work and i needed something to do. Have you ever lost enough weight to drop a dress size?: yep. my weight fluctuates really bad. i go back and forth between a size 4 and a size 8 depending on the type of job i have. right now, i have a desk job so i’m chunky again. 
What’s your favorite kind of bread?: french
When was the last time you got pizza? What toppings did you get?: i can’t remember
Do you own Monopoly? Is it the original or a special version?: no
What was the last thing you said out loud?: bless you, cause someone sneezed
You have to choose one: cats or dogs?: dogs
Would someone being either a cat or dog person affect you dating them?: no, i love both cats and dogs. i’m just biased towards dogs right now.
How do you travel to and from work?: car
Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why?: card
Have you ever been to a stadium concert?: yuuup
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
mostly pop playlist
1. Song Title: Are You That Somebody - Aaliyah
Do you know the words to this song? I don’t know all of them but I know most
2. Song Title: Style - Taylor Swift
What’s your favorite line from this song? And I’ve got that good girl look with the tight little skirt
3. Song Title: Into You - Fabolous ft. Ashanti
How does this song make you feel? This songs makes me feel like I’m back in the 7th grade, waiting for someone to ask me to dance at canteen (our middle school dances)
4. Song Title: In The Night - The Weeknd
What genre of music is this song? Pop 
5. Song Title: Gods and Monsters - Lana Del Rey
Favourite instrument in this song? The piano in the beginning
6. Song Title: Good Morning - Kanye West
Have you ever heard this song in the car on the radio? First time I heard it was from a dude in college, even though the album had been out for years before that. I don’t know if I ever heard it on the radio.
7. Song Title: Someday - The Strokes
How many times have you listened to this song? At least 300 times
8. Song Title: Where’s Your Head At - Basement Jaxx
Would you consider this song to be underground, overplayed, mainstream or rarely heard of? I wouldn’t consider it mainstream because it’s techno but it was relatively well known in the early 00′s.
9. Song Title: Alejandro - Lady Gaga
Was this song on a movie? Maybe??
10. Song Title: Just What I Am - Kid Cudi
Is this song in English? Yes
11. Song Title: Green Light - Lorde
Where is the band from? Lorde is from New Zealand.
12. Song Title: Sure Thing - Miguel
Would you have this song as a ringback tone? Probably not, it is old and a bit of a guilty pleasure.
13. Song Title: Hold On, We’re Going Home - Drake
How did you first discover this song? On the radio back in 2014
14. Song Title: Pursuit of Happiness (Steve Aoki Remix) - Kid Cudi
Best dance move to do to this song? I would imagine that people just jump and down really fast to this song. It’s very rave-y.
15. Song Title: You and Me (Flume Remix) - Disclosure
Is this a remake of another song? It’s a remix of a song, so kind of.
16. Song Title: Hey Baby - Pitbull feat. T-Pain
Can you play this song on any instrument? Lmao no
17. Song Title: Cheerleader - OMI
Which line in the song describes you? She is always right there when I need her 
18. Song Title: Feel So Close - Calvin Harris
Which of your friends reminds you most of this song? It reminds me of a few people I don’t talk to anymore :( But I still love it 
19. Song Title: You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Does this song describe a period of time in your life? Well, it just came out so there’s no nostalgia with it yet, and none of the lyrics really describe a time in my life because it’s about protestors at gay pride parades.
20. Song Title: The Trip - Still Corners
Do you have a t-shirt supporting the singer/band of this song? No, this is the only song I know by Still Corners
21. Song Title: Anything Could Happen - Ellie Goulding
Is this your best friend’s favorite song? No
22. Song Title: Claire De Lune - Flight Facilities
If this song played at a dance, what would you do? This would never play at a dance, it’s too slow
23. Song Title: Don’t Matter - Akon
What’s the best sounding instrument in this song? Piano
24. Song Title: Too Little Too Late - JoJo
Does your favorite band sing this song? I love JoJo but she’s nowhere near my favorite
25. Song Title: Calabria 2008 - Enur
Is this appropriate to be played at a funeral? Hell no. Lmao.
26. Song Title: Push It - Salt n Peppa
Have you ever heard this song live in concert? No :(
27. Song Title: Walking on a Dream - Empire of The Sun
Great sex song or not? Maybe?? It’s definitely got a chill beat to it
28. Song Title: Rather Be - Clean Bandit
What comes to mind when you hear this song? The days when I worked at Victoria’s Secret and heard it for the first time
29. Song Title: Pump Up The Jam - Technotronic
Is this one of those songs you hate but have anyway? I love this song
30. Song Title: 2 AM - Slightly Stoopid
Does your ex like this song? Probably because it’s a stoner song
31. Song Title: Latch - Disclosure
Could this song be considered for a “fight scene”? No, but it’s a great sex song
32. Song Title: Be The One - Dua Lipa
Is this song recent or old? It came out in 2016 and got popular in 2017, so it’s fairly recent (at least to me)
33. Song Title: Team - Lorde
Do your parents know this song? I don’t think so?
34. Song Title: This Joint - Slightly Stoopid Is this song a guilty pleasure/Are you ashamed to have it? Definitely not ashamed to love this song, or band
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
1 Do you prefer pancakes or waffles? Waffles all the way
2 What is your favorite breakfast? Biscuits and gravy
3 What kind of weather is your favorite? Warm, but not scorching
4 When was the last time you climbed a tree? High school
5 What was your favorite year in school (so far)? It’s a tie between 7th grade and freshman year. I think freshmen year was more eventful though.
6 What colors has your hair been in your life? Brown, Red, Auburn, Brown with blonde highlights, Brown with blonde ombre, Black, Copper, and Burgundy
7 Do you prefer your hair long or short? Long, it looks better in a pony tail
8 What’s your go to sitting around on the couch food? I eat everything on the couch lmao, but usually a pudding cup or popcorn
9 What clubs do/did you participate in at school? I was in Spanish club for a few years, and I also played softball and did theatre crew for 3 years
10 What’s the first thing you ever legitimately purchased? Uhhh....I don’t know? It would have been with my allowance money and idk how old I was when I started getting allowance.
11 What’s the first album you ever legitimately purchased? Country Grammar by Nelly!!
12 How would you describe your aesthetic? “27 year old woman with no sense of style”
13 What are little things that your good friends know about your that casual friends don’t notice? They’re not really little things....
14 What is something you and your best friend say/do that seems strange to an outsider? Everything! 
15 Do you like to sleep near the wall, the middle, or the open side of the bed? I sleep anywhere where a phone charger is near. Lol.
16 What’s the strangest rumor that has ever been spread about you? I can’t remember
17 What is the most flattering compliment you remember receiving? When people say I’m cool or funny...that really gets me. I could care less about looks as long as people like my personality.
18 How involved were you in the drama of your high school? I tried not to be involved but somehow always was. I hated high school.
19 What’s the most uncomfortable thing a stranger online has said to you? Ohhh where do I begin...
20 What’s an embarrassing thing that has happened to you? The incident in Put-In-Bay where I got way way wayyy too drunk and made an ass out of myself. Literally.
21 When sleeping with another person do you prefer to stay over at your house or theirs? My house
22 Do you ever send anonymous messages of any variety? I did a few times but it’s not for me
23 Do you feel comfortable running into people from your high school? No, haha. 
24 What laws do you feel bothered by? The abortion laws in Alabama, marijuana laws in most of the country, the lack of animal cruelty laws in China, whatever laws are allowing us to prevent detained children from having soap and toothbrushes, the list goes on...
25 Do you like to cuddle while you are sleeping? Not usually
26 Do you know how many people you have kissed? 30 sounds about right
27 What are things you find really sexy in other people? sense of humor, good relationship with family, honesty, hard working
28 What are your favorite parts of your own body? UgHhH, if I had to pick I guess my legs.
29 What are you favorite places to be touched? I don’t really have any favorite place but if you touch my armpits you’re fucking dead.
30 Do you or have you ever owned any sex toys? I used to have a few vibrators but they broke/got lost
31 How many times have you had sex with the last person you slept with? like i can keep track?? he’s my bf of three years and we have sex at least three times a week
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
1. What do you like most about winter? Nothing, actually. I used to look forward to Christmas but everytime it comes around there’s always some family drama whether it’s on my side or Josh’s. And don’t get me started on the weather in Ohio.
2. Do you like the font Century Gothic? Not really 3. If you could excel at one sport, what would it be? Softball, since I played it in high school 4. Would you ever name an animal after another animal? (For example, naming a dog Badger) Depends 5. What is your comfort food? Mozzarella sticks
6. Do you like celery with peanut butter on it? Eh 7. What are you listening to right now? Nothing 8. Do you listen to Nine Inch Nails? I know maybe 3 or 4 of their songs, Josh is a much bigger fan 9. Do you have any rubber ducks? I have one that I got from Italy two years ago, it’s dressed like the Pope
10. Ever saved an animal’s life? How? I adopted him
11. Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle? Squirtle for sure 12. Read any good books lately? Nope 13. Why aren’t you sleeping right now? Because I’m workingg! Plus it’s like 1 PM 14. Do you have a favourite pair of undies? Yeah 15. Ever buy boxers as a present for someone? Yes 16. How many Asians are you friends with? None 17. How comfortable is your bed? It’s comfortable. 18. Is your parent’s bed bigger than yours? Yes 19. Why am I sitting here making surveys when I could be sleeping? To entertain people like me who are stuck at work with no customers 20. Do carrot sticks make a good snack? Eh 21. Ever seen the movie 21? Did you like it? I haven’t 22. Isn’t Michael J. Fox a dreamboat? No. 23. What about The Number 23? Ever see that movie? No. 24. Can you skateboard? No. 25. How easy is it to annoy you? I’m pretty easily annoyed/irritated. 26. How many people did you hug today? Zero. 27. Witness any random acts of kindness today? No 28. What do you really want to buy? I just bought a tapestry and LED lights from Amazon for like 25 bucks. My room will finally look cool. 29. The only place to find freedom is? Within yourself. 30. Is your laundry basket/hamper full? It just has a couple things in it.
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
1. Do you currently feel like you have pretty stable career goals/a pretty stable life plan? Have you ever felt this way? My current goal is to start an accelerated grad school program this fall so I can get my Master’s Degree by the end of 2020, then hopefully find a job in that field by 2021. After that, work and save for a year until we can afford to buy a house, then start a family by the time I’m 30. 
2. How do you react when you have taken on too much responsibility? I usually panic
3. Would you rather spend a day amongst your peers and superiors while wearing no makeup or share an anonymous nude photograph of your body from the neck down online? I already don’t wear makeup to work sooo...
4. What is a classic look for you, that is your go-to fashion ensemble? Please feel free to share a picture! I tend to wear loose fitting basic shirts with leggings or jeans, then sandals or toms depending on the weather
5. Is there a song where you like the verse but it’s the chorus that you can’t stand? No...?
6. Is there a band/musician that seems to be well-known but for some reason you were never exposed to them as well as others? Pretty much any artist nowadays....especially if they’re a rapper
7. Has there ever been a time where you thought you wouldn’t want any new friends, even if you struck it up with someone interesting? Why wouldn’t you want new friends? I’m an introvert, and I’ve learned in the past that more friends equals more drama. I’d love to make a new close friend, but I’m not pining for one right now.
8. If you could buy an android that was was convincingly human and could be tailored to be your perfect partner, would you want one? Probably not...that’d be a little creepy and I don’t think I could get attached like I could a human.
9. What is a book that you have started but not finished more than once? There’s a few
10. Have you ever told someone they were a terrible person? What would someone have to do for you to say such a thing? Not to their face, but I called them that because they were, indeed, a terrible person. 
11. If you do not identify as being “straight,” can you remember back to your childhood some things you did that were, in hindsight, possible indicators of your future sexuality? -
12. When you consume media (movies, books, etc) with a romantic element, what sort of romance scenarios interest you most? I enjoy a “star-crossed” lovers scenario or any situation that might be atypical or odd for a romance to blossom in
13. Have you ever read a book or watched a movie that affected you so negatively you wish you had never consumed it? Would you actively dissuade others from consuming it? Uh, the movie “Terrifier” scarred me for life, which is weird because I’m usually okay with gore, but...I just can’t shake a few scenes from that movie. I don’t recommend it unless you’re looking to be scarred.
14. Can you think of an issue that you have a strong position on and name one instance where you might make an exception? Think of specific policies/actions and not the underlying ideologies (e.g., the death penalty not “fascism,” or eating meat not “animal cruelty”). I don’t know if it’s so much making exceptions when it comes to controversial topics as it is just finding a balance. For example, I’m all for better gun laws and restrictions that would make our country safer, but we shouldn’t completely ban them either? 
15. If you are female, do you feel connected to other women as a class? What sort of things make you feel a strong sense of sisterhood or female empowerment?
Sometimes I do, other times I don’t. I guess maybe the fact that we all struggle with similar issues help me feel connected to other women, but there are times when I feel alienated hanging out with a group of women or am paranoid that they are talking about my back? I know it’s a toxic mentality to have, and it’s sexist (even from a woman’s perspective) to assume that all women are catty, but having been a part of an all female “clique” in high school and having a terrible experience with that just makes me hesitant to become close to other women.
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
When was the last time you cleaned out a bath tub? It’s been a few weeks, it’s definitely due for another cleaning Have you ever had an encounter with the paranormal? As much as I’d like to count the experience I had with a ouija board years ago,no Does being in love make you nervous? Yes Would you do your own surgery so keep yourself alive? (Ex. stitches) If I had to? I don’t have the first clue about surgery though so I’m not sure I’d survive anyway
Would you rather read poetry or write poetry? Read, I used to be good with poetry but I haven’t practiced in a while
Have you ever had any really infected injuries? Nah Have you ever gotten so discouraged with something that you gave up? I get that way a lot with job applications Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? The Academy Is... or Coheed and Cambria Do you prefer long surveys or short surveys? Somewhere in between Would you ever work for Google? That would be sweet. They seem to actually care about their employees, unlike my current job. Do people that are ungrateful for everything bother you? Yep, absolutely Have you ever related yourself to a ‘fallen angel’? No... Do you text people from a cell phone or from the internet? I prefer FB messenger over texting Are you popular on any websites? No haha, unless you count my YT channel. 123 subscribers strong! Have you ever cussed/swore in front of younger children? Most likely. If so, did they eventually imitate what you said? No, surprisingly. I think it went past her head though because she is only 3
Do you think politics are evil? Yes.  Do you have any friends that you almost always joke around with? Yes Will you go to your high school reunion? Probably not, unless Joanna goes, or I magically get invited by one of my old high school friends (doubtful) Have you ever beat up someone because they had different beliefs than you? No.... Have you learned any new words today? Nope. If you hair never got greasy again, would you still wash it? Yeah but not as often, like probably twice a week vs. every other day. What was the last song you listened to? Rather Be by Clean Bandit Are you currently texting anyone right now? No. If you could meet one famous person, who would it be? Eric Andre, or one of my favorite YouTubers
When was the last time you played jump rope? 16 years ago maybe If you have ever jump roped, did you ever trip over the rope? Yeah. Do you give good advice? I’d like to think I do Would you rather help people or hurt people? Help If your enemy lost almost everything, would you be willing to help them? Nah, they don’t deserve it after the way they treated their own children Have you ever prayed for your enemies? No Do you lie in order to tell people what they want to hear? Sure do Or are you honest and tell the truth, good or bad? It depends on the person. I like to tell people how it is but if it’s someone who can’t handle the truth I just shut my mouth or pretend like I’m on their side. I know that sounds bad, but some people are just not worth confronting because they will never change. Would you consider yourself hypocritical? Everyone is a hypocrite. What would you do if you found a suitcase with a million dollars in it? I would be kinda scared to take it with me, maybe I would bring it to the police but take some of the cash heh. << I’d do the same, not gonna get busted with illegal drug money Are you addicted to any energy drinks? No sir Do you know anyone who had had a heart attack under 30 years of age? Not personally Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you were never born? Uhhh, I guess that’s the same as wondering what it would be like if I was dead. Something tragic just happened, does your facial expression show it? Of course. Currently are you relieved about something? I’m relieved that I brought my Starbucks drink with me today to get me through the day, and I’m sitting at a good desk today.  Are you angry about something? How about sad? Nope.  Are you considered popular at school? I was never too popular in school. Do you feel sorry for kids who have celebrity parents? Not unless their parents are dicks If you could invite ANYONE to your house, who would it be? Noone right now
Is there something that you absolutely can’t wait for? Moving closer to the city :)  If you could host your own talk show, would you do it? Nope. I’d be the worst host!! Do you have a phone right next to you? Yep. If you were starving would you eat food out of a garbage can? I don’t know what it feels like to starve so I don’t really know what I’d do. Have you ever told anyone ‘get back, jack!’? No. But I have said “hit the road, jack” Have you ever seen something you wanted in a store but didn’t have money? You mean every single time I go shopping? If so, did you want to steal it or did you actually steal it? No.
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surveyjunkie · 6 years ago
What’s your favourite flavour of soda, pop or whatever else you call it? Pepsi or cherry 7-up
What level of brightness do you usually keep your phone at? Like...medium level?
Have you ever attended a religious or private school? For preschool and kindergarten 
Do you have any pets and are they cuddly? I have a dog but he refuses to cuddle with me! Dick.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Pet Palace do NOT EVER WORK THERE IF YOU HAVE ONE IN YOUR AREA although it could have just been mine
How many cars does your household own? Two
Do you know anyone named Edward or any nickname of that? Not that I can think of
What time do you usually have dinner? 6:30
Are there any cracks or scuffs on your phone? Nope
What’s your favourite meat? Scallops or steak 
Do you need glasses to read or drive or need them all the time? All the time.
How did you celebrate your last New Years Eve? We didn’t, I think I fell asleep at 11 PM lmao
Is the internet fast where you live? Yes. And it has to be because there’s fuck all to do here.
What is your favourite meal of the day and why? Dinner because it means I’m off work 
Do you like long surveys or short surveys better? Long
Xbox, PlayStation or neither? PlayStation
Have you ever been to a cocktail bar? Yes.
Do you consider yourself a fast typer? Yes.
What’s the best amusement park you’ve ever visited? Haha I’ve only been to two
Do you keep the cabinets in your kitchen and bathroom organized? We try....doesn’t always work that way
Have you ever had a romantic fling? Sure
Are you a very forgetful person? Yep
What was the last movie you saw in the cinema? I can’t remember
What colour is your shampoo? White.
Are you doing anything tomorrow? Working.
Do you know anyone who’s gotten pregnant over the age of 40? No
Who does most of the grocery shopping in your home? Josh
Are you listening to music right now? Nope.
What was the last thing you had to eat? Cookies n cream pop tart
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