#but i probably should do some chores soon...
lyricfulloflight · 6 months
11, 13, 14 please!
11. What' your ideal date?
Sometime in September. Perfect fall weather.
Seriously, lately Mr. Lyric and I have been enjoying going to hockey games together. Also love dinner and bowling.
We've been married with kids for quite a while now. Any date is exciting at this point because we get to be kid free for a while.
13. What' your comfort food?
Comfort if I'm sick: soup. Anything with broth and noodles.
Comfort if its cold: Shepard's Pie
Comfort if its hot: Very fruity smoothies with tropical fruits like mango.
14. Favourite feel-good show?
911 has been my comfort show for the past year. Started watching it while in a negative mental health space. Still completely obsessed now even though I'm feeing better.
Historically the first 3 season of Gilmore Girls are comforting for me. Or sitcoms that always make me laugh, like Brooklyn 99 or Superstore. Or Taskmaster (I will be in fits watching clips of Taskmaster on Youtube)
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snekdood · 4 days
idg bullies bc if you think someone is committing some sort of social sin... why aren't u stepping in to help them, why are you watching them fuck up? clearly its important enough to you that you try to socially punish the fellow, if this is a social cause you are so very impassioned about, why not help that person not fuck up?
or... did you just want to laugh at someone fucking up? bc at that point you're providing nothing to anyone besides just being an asshole but hey ig some people are proud of their assholes so
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arolesbianism · 5 months
I'm starting to see ppl talk abt updating their artfight pages and at first I was like what why it's still months away and then it hit me that by months it was two months and now I'm just silently sweating as my anual side project to remake the eternal gales refs and give them all icons comes back to haunt me
#rat rambles#oc posting#well I mean the good news is that all the staliens are already done and Ive already started on the human kids#the bad news is that theres still 5 more refs for me to remake and 9 icons if I decide to commit to that#the only one Ill probably force myself to do is sprinkles since shes the only stalien that doesnt have one and I dont want to leave her out#the human kids might just not get them tho especially since theres other characters Id like to make refs and icons for too#not as many newbies to the field this year which is a good thing since I do not have a lot of space left for new characters lol#Im probably going to take it easy this year in terms of my goals for artfight since last year I crashed and burned Hard#hopefully Ill have the time and motivation to draw a decent amount but if I dont Ill try not to be too broken up about it#especially since Ill probably burn myself out a bit doing the last minute ref rush lol#its not necessary especially since all the guys who needed the new refs most got theirs but Id like for them to be on the same page#I also went ahead and cleaned up my page a lil bit to make my life easier in the future#I should probably update bios and stuff but I dont feel like it Im too tired#tomorrow Im definitely going to need to clean some more as I have been for nearly every day#I mean guess thats why Im here in part#last week of pet sitting tho so soon Ill be back home again#Im not sure if Im excited or dreading it cause while I miss my family I also have been rly enjoying a house to myself#like its not necessary easy to do all the chores and stuff but it's a lot easier to do said chores when Im alone#and Ive actually been waking up at reasonable times too like not having my mom floating around is doing wonders#its almost making me rethink my insistence that I couldnt live alone but I definitely think itd get to me in the long term I need people#I just wish there was a better middleground since having people constantly in the house stresses me out so bad#it leads to me hiding out all day in my room and that's just not good for me#but its not like I could live by myself even if I wanted to#at this rate I dont think Ill ever move out but lets not think abt how much worse that could be for me thats future me's problem
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morewyckedthanyou · 2 years
aaaaand i'm back to eating antidepressants again.
i also got prescribed a low dose of another antidepressant to help me sleep - i really hope it does help because my sleep has been shit for a long while now and melatonin has made no difference no matter how strong the dosage.
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mgsdelta · 1 month
being poor is literally so miserable
#i hate this so much i hope one day there is enough money for me to actually do something go somewhere buy something i want#and my bday is coming up and i have literally $0. i wish there was anything beyond just enough to pay rent (barely) and eat (sometimes)#idk im just bitching i guess but like holy fuck im so stressed 100% if the time and just wish i had room for a tiny bit of retail therapy#things should turn around soon i hope but then again it seems like money just evaporates no matter how much math i do#idk im just a leech anyways so i have no claim to any of it#and obviously when people are in the same situation as me their first thought isnt to give it away as a gift to someone else its to get#somerhing for themselves like i am saying i want to do. obviously. i would be in the same boat#but holy fuck i dont get graphic design commissions anymore because logos dont get changed very often so my only repeat customer hasnt come#back for more any time recently#and no one buys any of the products i make#and i dont have supplies to make anything new#and so i just wont have money.#god being poor fucking sucks so badly it sucks so fucking badly#i should be grateful i have a roof over my head but like holy fuck i wish i could relax let alone buy something for myself WITHOUT THE#PRESSURE OF FEELING LIKE IT HAS TO BE SOMETHING I CAN MAKE MY MONEY BACK FROM. i have a bad habit of thinking anything i do for myself that#doesnt somehow streamline a chore or produce soemthing i can sell or serve some purpose to other people aside from myself i shouldnt get it#even if i really want it#so i have a wishlist of like 1500 items ill probably never buy despite me still wanting them after years#i just look at them and imagine what itd be like to have them lmfao is that pathetic?#fellas is it pathetic to have desires#idk ive been stuck in this same exact spot for years and thats just how it goes#idk when the last time was that i actually bought something i just Wanted tbh. its all been needs or something rhat in my mind if i could#force myself to keep at it and really Create something that i could Sell it and get money out of it because thats all i fucking get a#chance to think about is money#another pathetic birthday for another dismal fucking year#^ peak pessimism#слова-паразиты
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nanaslutt · 1 year
Geto def gets off to being called a pervert
I see the vision clear as day anon, i hope you enjoy<3
Geto is so dirty in this holy........
contains: fem reader, roomate!geto, panty thief, teasing, dirty talk, degradation, praise, accidental voyeurism, mating press, unprotected sex, creampie, oral (reader receiving), cum eating, geto is nasttyyyyyy, slight crack at the end, shoko makes an appearance :p
“Suguru can I borrow that band tee you were wearing the other day? I’m about to go out with shoko.” you scrolled on some social media site on the sofa while you called out for your roommate in the kitchen.
Head hanging upside down off the armrest, looking at his naked back in your twisted view, waiting for his response.
Geto peeked his head briefly over his shoulder from the counter he faced, letting out a short laugh before he replied, wanting to ask if the ridiculous positions you came up with were actually comfortable.
Saving his smart remark for another day and responding that he didn’t care, followed by the location of the tshirt.
Picking up your body you placed one foot in front of the other, making quick work for his room, voice ringing out in the hall, “thanks!”
“Shoko said she’s heading here soon so I should probably start getting ready.” you shouted from his room, reaching for his second dresser drawer, where he said it would be.
Pulling the nob back and messing up his carefully folded clothes as you pulled out shirt after shirt, unfolding it to get a better view of the piece before shoving it back in when it ultimately wasn’t what you were looking for.
Eyebrows scrunching inwards when your sights landed on a piece of bright pink fabric shoved deep in the bottom of the drawer. Not remembering suguru ever wear anything like it, you pulled it out.
And you really don’t remember him wearing anything like this.
Because what you were holding between your fingers was your panties.
Jaw dropping slightly in disbelief, head turning back towards the doorway you just walked through, before snapping your neck back in front of you and digging deeper.
“Where are you guys going?” he questioned, yelling from the kitchen as he chopped up some vegetables, back facing the direction of his room.
A decent sized pile was forming of the undergarments you thought you had lost the deeper you looked. You were fuming.
Between Suguru and yourself, you divided the chores up evenly the day you moved in together. Him opting to be on laundry duty over trash, both splitting the dishes.
Never once did the thought even cross your mind that they might’ve been kidnapped by your usually sweet roommate; who is in charge of handling those same panties every day; when you were unable to find them anywhere in your space.
You scoffed in disbeleif at his antics, tongue poking the inside of your ckeek, making it bulge.
You heard him say your name from the kitchen when you didnt answer his question.
Wading up the thieved panties in your fist, you stormed out of his room. Stomping down the hall at a much hastier pace than before, his toned back once agains came into your view.
Geto paused his chopping, muscles in his body going rigid, because he swears you just threw something at his back.
Turning his body to face you, he looked down at the underwear at his feet, a smirk creeping onto his face when he drags his sights back up, making eye contact with your furious expression, brain racing with questions only he could answer.
"Whoops," he says, not an ounce of remorse in his tone. He could practically see the steam coming off of the top of your head when your face scrunched up in a scowl.
"What the fuck were you doing with my panties, do you have any idea how long I've been looking for some of those!?", he feels the anger in the air with your every word.
"You sure you want me to answer that?" he giggles, crossing his arms over his bulging pecs, letting the weight off one of his legs as he braced his lower back into the counter.
"Oh my god!" you shook your head, "you're such a fucking pervert!" you shouted.
"Woah, you don't even know what I did with them yet. Don't you think you're jumping to conclusions when you call me that, huh?" he retaliated, faux offense gracing his features before a more smug look took its place.
"There is no non..." throwing your hands up in search of the right word, "freaky explanation as to why you hid my PANTIES suguru!" Lip curled up in frustration again when laughed at your retort, “so I think my choice of words was fitting." you finished, referring to the name you called him.
"Haha! yeahh, you might be right." both hands dropped from his chest and slid into his pockets. "I wrapped them around my cock a couple of times when I was jerkin' off." An amused look sticking to his face when your jaw dropped in speechlessness, face turning completely red at his confession.
"Came all over the crotch of ur pretty panties too, pretended it was ur pussy." his big mouth continued spilling his dirty secrets out into the open air.
"Y-you," stuttering as you felt the air around you shifting into a heavier one, one that you both picked up on, heart racing in your chest matching the throbbing between your legs as you spoke, "pervert."
"F-fucking pervert, fuck!" you moaned into the air when his curved cock drilled perfectly into the most sensitive spot inside you for the nth time that evening.
Really hoping Shoko was taking her time as Suguru held your thighs open by your head, pushing your flexability to the limits as he bullied his thick cock inside your gushing pussy.
"Yeah? tell me how fucking nasty I am baby," he groaned with a smile. Eyes not being able to choose their favorite sight as he looked between where the two of you were connected; your cum making a ring form around the base of his cock; and your pretty drooling face that was looking so fucked out.
"S-so f-fucking disgusting for st-ealin' my dirty panties sugu-ru." words getting broken up by your pleasured moans as he brought his hips back till just the tip of his cock was caught on the rim of your little hole, before fucking it back in with such force it made you dizzy.
"C-cant believe you would d-o that." whining loudly when his thick thumb came down to rub circles into your throbbing bud.
Geto felt a tingling sensation of pleasure jolt through his spine at your harsh words, "M' sorry baby," he lied between his teeth, "got tired of seein’ ur cute little ass walk around the house in basically nothing." cooing at you when you squeezed your cunt tightly around his length at his filthy words, "h-had to do something about it,"
The both of you bounced against the bed as you let out loud Ah's and curses in response to his mean thrusts.
"Nothin' compares to this tho," Geto smiled, rubbing your clit faster when he noticed it made you tighten up your pussy, "Fucking ur pretty little pussy like this is so much better than my fist 'n holdin' ur panties against my face."
"S-suguru thats so nas-tyyy." you drawled out when he picked up his pace, fucking into you with such force and speed you thought you were gonna pass out.
Leaning his body into yours, practically crushing you with his weight with your legs dangling over his shoulders, he brought his face just inches from yours, lips grazing each others at his rough thrusts jolting you both around.
"Is it?" he replied to your declaration, opening his mouth and moaning against your lips before he closed the distance, " Felt so fucking good tho," he laughed against you, pushing his tongue into your mouth, his groans mixing with your squeals.
Less of a kiss and more of him just crushing his jaw into your own as he overwhelmed you with his tongue. Greedily inhaling your moans into his lungs as he continued his assult on your sensitive clit.
"Sugu' 'm gonna cum, fuck-" you mumbled against his wet lips. His own high-creeping rapidly up on him, feeling his balls tighten as they slapped against your ass.
"Me too baby m-me too," eyes squeezing together and eyebrows furrowing, thumb against your clit becoming sloppy as he started to lose himself, "gonna let this pervert fill you up, huh?" he babbled, breaking the kiss and buring his head in the crook of your neck while he messily sucked and kissed the skin there.
"Gonna take a-all my fucking cum like a good girl?" his moans raising in pitch, goosebumbs forming on the back of his neck hearing your loud whines and moans go straight into his ear.
"P-please, give it to me, please." you begged, "fu-ck, c-coming," you managed to voice before your cunt constricted around him, squelching noises increasing when your pussy forced your orgasm out around him, "oh m-y go-d" you repeated as he fucked you through it.
Getting thrown into overstimulation as he repeatedly hit your g-spot, not being able to move his thumb off your clit, or even voice him to do so, "cum inside me sugu-ru," you whimpered into his ear, helping him reach his end. Squealing at his rough thrusts losing their once steady pace when he came.
He bit down hard on your neck, groaning and whining into the skin as he fucked his cum into your womb. Timing his heavy thrusts with the ropes of warm seed spurting out of his dick, pressing his balls hard into your ass each time he did, making sure he really filled you up.
Geto’s eyes rolled back in his head feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm spasm around his twitching dick, milking him for all he was worth. "holy shittt." you voiced at how full he was making you feel.
Your overstimulation died down when his brain was no longer able to function well enough to remind him to play with your clit, something you were grateful for.
He silently lifted his head from the crook of your neck and pulled his incredibly sensitive cock out of your warmth. Staring between the two of you to watch his cum drip out of you, his mouth watering.
Your own arm being draped over your face while you tried to catch your breath, blocking you from seeing his next moves.
Holding your legs up and spread by your calves, he leaned down to your pussy and started sucking on your folds.
Caught off gaurd at the simulation you shot your hands down to his head, trying to push him off you at the intense feeling of his fat tongue on your mound.
He forced his tongue into the tight ring of your cunt, greedily drinking up your combined cum and moaning at the taste. Your thighs twitched with the need to shut around his head at the vibration.
Detaching his mouth from your pussy with a 'pop' he sat back on his heels, your calves still in his large palms as he stared at your abused pussy, licking his lips clean.
"So much fucking tastier than your panties." He grinned.
"You really are disgusting Suguru." Shaking your head against the sheets as he finally let your legs drop back down to the mattress.
"Careful, my cock likes when you talk to me like that." He teases, meaning every word as he tucks his drenched cock back into his boxers,
"Whatever, take me to the bathroom please." You said, ignoring his previous comment, "Cant stand and I need to pee." Holding your arms out to him.
He giggled at your dramatics; even tho he really did fuck the strength out of your legs; scooping his palms under your thighs as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He raised you from the bed in a princess cradle and started walking you to the bathroom, "You need to learn how to take it easy. Seriously." you chastised, noticing the bruises and bite marks on your neck when you walked past a mirror, "If this is how you're going to treat me when we fuck, you're better off sticking to stealing my panties, at least they won't feel what you do to them." you complained, only partially meaning your words, which he knew.
"Don't act like your pussy doesn't throb when you see how I marked you up." you rolled your eyes at his retort, making it to the bathroom that neighbors a wall with the kitchen. He placed you down on the seat of the toilet before backing up and leaning against the doorway, facing the doorframe parallel to him as he let you do your business.
"I just had to listen to you guys fuck each other like rabbits for ten minutes, please don't make me listen to you dirty talk each other outside of the bedroom too."
You knew that voice.
"Shoko! good to see you, didn't realize you made yourself at home." Geto snarkily remarked.
"Your pretty roomie gave me a key you big oaf, now go hide in your room for awhile kay?" she brushed her hand in the air, signaling him to fuck off, "Was suposed to take her out but its sounding like you broke her legs so.. well just watch a movie here." she sighed.
Geto brought his attention back to you once more. He had to fight back the laugh burning in his lungs when he saw your crimson face buried in your hands, shinji posing on the toilet in embarrassment.
Stupid fucking panty thief.
“pt.2” here
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 6 months
Cadets Queen
A/N: This was inspired by a Tumblr Post I saw which got deleted 😭
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“Look at that ass.” Reiner mumbled as he looked towards the shorter girl in the dining hall.
”You’re not talking about Y/N are you? She’s a bit older than us from what I heard.” Jean muttered as he placed boxes of food down.
”If I had to guess, she’s in her early 20s. Maximum.” Connie said as he looked at the beautiful girl.
”I got a chance then.” Reiner said as he smirked mischievously and crossed his arms over his chest, still staring at the girl in the distance.
“Reiner, you’re so different from the older brother figure when you say stuff like this..” Armin mentioned, getting Reiner to turn his head to him, a shocked expression spread across his face.
”I don’t blame you for saying that though, she does have nice uhm boobs too.” Connie admitted as everyone looked at him, shocked.
”H-have some respect you guys! That’s a female you’re talking about..” Armin stuttered as he looked at Y/N, talking to Petra.
”She’s got good thighs.” Jean simply said, ignoring Armin’s comment and smirking straight after he stared at them.
”Armin is right you guys. Y/N may be pretty but you shouldn’t stare at a woman like that!” Eren said as he gripped the broom he held in his hand.
”What a hypocrite you are Eren! You say that like you don’t look up and down at her all the time.” Jean yelled, Erens face going red from embarrassment. “You really think no one sees?!”
”S-shut up Horse Face!” Eren shouted. “And I do not!”
”You g-guys should quieten d-down!” Bertolt interrupted as he tried breaking up the small argument. Looking up, they all saw Y/N glancing at the scene before them along with Petra. “S-she’s staring..”
Quickly waving at the group, Y/N awkwardly smiled before rushing away with Petra to the training ground. Blushing red, the boys began somewhat celebrating the small interaction with her.
”S-she smiled at me.!” Bertolt said as his face was flushed dark red.
”Bertolt don’t lie! She obviously saw how amazing I was at challenging Eren me ran away after she took a glimpse of me!” Jean exclaimed.
”Like hell! She probably ran away after seeing you horse face! She waved at me since I’m in the same squad as her.” Eren shouted.
”She looked so hot.” Connie said as he stood still, his face tinted pink.
”Did you see the way her body swayed as she left.?! I’m gonna marry her.” Reiner muttered to himself, which Armin heard.
”S-she was probably t-trying to be nice you guys!” Armin explained as he covered his bright red face.
“Oi.” A voice called out from behind them. Turning around, the emotion from their faces washed out as they met eyes with Captain Levi.
”C-captain!” Eren stuttered as he stood tall and saluted to Levi. “Do you need anything.?”
”Your cleaning is shitty as always. We have another experiment ready for you to do, so come with me.” Levi said bluntly as he walked forward.
”Will the Squad be their.?!” Eren asked enthusiastically, stopping the Captain is his tracks.
”Yes.” Levi grumbled, not wanting to turn back to see Eren sticking out his tongue at the other boys, but soon spoke up. “Y/N won’t be their since she’s busy helping with paperwork, Hange will be in her place.”
“Hah!” Jean exclaimed before zipping shut and allowing the Captain to leave.
”Dammit.” Eren muttered as he headed towards the hallway, leaving his guy friends alone. “Hange replaced with Y/N too..”
”She’s doing paperwork huh?” Reiner asked as he smirked again. “I’ll just walk by and y’know, ask if she needs help.”
”Reiner no.”  Connie grumbled as he held onto his leg as if it would stop him. “PLEASE! WE’LL SPLIT THE TIME! I BEG YOU.”
”You guys, that’s an invasion of privacy.!” Bertolt said as he follows after them, coming up with excuses to stop them from bothering Y/N.
”Reiner you damn bastard. Thinking you can allow yourself to do that to a woman!” Jean argued as he followed after them.
”You guys! We have actual chores to do y’know!” Armin said before running after the group. Meanwhile, Levi stood behind a large pillar listening to what they all had said. Even before he had stepped in, he listened in from the hallway right beside them. 
None of them ended up hanging out with Y/N.
Weeks went by and each and every one of the newer recruits got to know Y/N and talk to her more, to which the other cadets seemed to sigh at or shake their heads. Some of the recruits even receiving compliments and nicknames made them think they had a chance.
”Y/N is allowed to sit with higher ups?” Armin asked confused as most of the newer recruits turned to see her. Y/N sat between Hange and Levi, Erwin’s seat being empty due to an overload of work. Mike sat down in front of the trio before zoning out once Hange talked about Titans.
”She must be a highly skilled soldier then, she gets to sit with her Captain too.” Connie suggested before munching on his stale bread.
“Hey Levi, can I go sit with Petra.?” Y/N whispered subtly.
”….” Levi thought as he looked at his Squads table. “No. Too many guys.”
”Please! I’ll only talk to Petra when I’m there.” Y/N promised. Levi nodded before sipping on his tea, Y/N got up before strolling towards the Squad. Most of the new recruits and some of the older ones stared as she walked over to the distant table and sat down beside the short haired girl.
”These new recruits never know yet still try and make a move.” Mike mumbled to Levi as he watched Erwin walk in. “Surprised it doesn’t piss you off every time.”
”Trust me Moustache, you don’t know what to feel.” Levi grumbled as he sipped on his drink moodily.
“Good Afternoon. What're we discussing?” Erwin asked as he sat down beside Mike.
”We’re talking about the new recruits and Y/N.” Hange giggled before stifling her laugh. “Not to mention Levi being jealous.”
”I’m not jealous.” Levi bluntly said.
”Doesnt she call those new recruits nicknames?” Hange teased. “I don’t think I’ve heard her ever say anything like the names she calls them.”
”She doesn’t need to, we already have trust with one another. Besides, ‘Levi’ is enough.” Levi answered, still curious on what the other nicknames Y/N called the newer recruits.
Eren made sure to sit at a good distance from Y/N but still close enough to her, Eld and Gunther talked together and stopped Oluo from trying to make a move on you. Meanwhile back at the newer and much louder recruits table, Reiner and Connie began arguing along with Jean talking some nonsense whilst Armin and Bertolt tried calling them all down. 
“I clearly have a better chance with Y/N. You’re a horse-face in case you didn’t know!” Connie said as he looked at Jean.
”And you’re bald, what’s she gonna do with that bald head you got? Use it as a deodorant?” Jean angrily exclaimed.
”You guys really need to stop yelling..” Armin whispered to the duo.
”Yeah, yelling nonsense.” Reiner muttered. “Eren sitting next to Y/N, puckering up to her. Besides I have the best nickname so that means Y/N likes me best.”
”What’s your nickname then huh?!” Connie asked.
”You don’t need to know that, what happens with me and Y/N stays between us. That’s loyalty.” Reiner snickered.
”Calm down meathead. Y/N calls me the Great Stallion!” Jean said smugly.
”Only because Y/N was being nice to you. You really do have a horse-face.” Connie argued.
”You guys! Stop arguing, other cadets are getting annoyed.. especially the veterans.” Bertolt whispered shyly.
”Shut your mouth Mr Shy smile!” Connie said angrily, causing Bertolt to blush dark shades of red.
”Man those new recruits sure are noisy..” Nanaba muttered to Gelgar.
”I’m just glad one of them hasn’t said something too stupid yet.” Gelgar replied before chuckling.
”I’m just saying, I think I could take Y/N to the beds first and I’d be the best.” Reiner said confidently, loud enough for Levi to hear.
The cup in Levi’s hand had cracked as soon as the words left Reiner’s mouth, Erwin kept his calm posture however deep inside he was startled by the comment. Hange was close to balling her eyes off, whilst Mike had smirked.
”Never mind.” Gelgar muttered as he kept his head down.
”We spoke too soon.. Levi’s not going to take that right?” Nanaba asked quietly as she looked over at Levi’s table. All of a sudden, Levi stood up and walked over to his Squads table, heading towards Y/N. 
“Captain, is there something you need-“ Y/N began to say. Very quickly Levi kissed her temple before grabbing her hand and kissing her knuckles too, in front of the Survey Corps.
”I’m going to do my paperwork.” Levi bluntly said as he tried dragging her off. “Let’s go.”
”O-okay.” Y/N stuttered before strolling away with Levi, smiling at his confidence. Meanwhile the whole of Mess Hall was quiet as they stared at the doors that the duo left in.
”She’s dating Captain Levi?!” Connie exclaimed, quickly breaking the silence.
”Isn’t he a lot older than Y/N? He’s like 35 and she’s probably 17!” Jean yelled, confused.
”She’s isn’t 17, who told you guys that?!” Eld asked from the distance. “Y/N is the same age as Captain Levi y’know!”
”WHAT?!” Eren exclaimed as he stood up, shocked at the announcement.
”Yeah! And she’s not dating Levi, she’s been married to him for the past… 7 years?” Petra said as she began pondering at the thought of their marriage length.
”God fucking dammit. All of the hot ones are always taken.” Reiner muttered as he slumped in his seat unhappily.
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fandoms-x-reader · 2 months
Teenage!MC with ADHD
Summary: The brothers and side characters reaction to a teenage MC who had ADHD. The Demon Brothers and Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon. Platonic/Sibling Relationship A/N: Please forgive me if this isn't completely accurate. I don't personally know anyone with ADHD and I know there are different types but I did my best!
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Lucifer struggled a bit with your ADHD at first. But it was only because he had a hard time getting you to focus on your tasks. 
He would ask you to do something at school or chores around the house, and he would notice that you always had a hard time completing them.
You would either completely forget the fact that he had asked you to do it, or you would get distracted in the middle of it and the task would remain undone.
Lucifer didn't know that you had ADHD and he was having a particularly bad day. He snapped the slightest bit at you when he noticed that you had once again forgotten to do something he asked.
You apologized and explained that you weren’t doing it on purpose and as soon as you told Lucifer that you had ADHD he understood that this was something beyond your complete control.
He felt bad for snapping at you and went easier on you from then on, simply asking you again or reminding you if he wanted you to get something done.
And, he made sure that Diavolo knew about your ADHD so that he didn’t end up in the same confused state Lucifer had been in.
He sees you as family just like he sees his little brothers and he would never think negatively of you having ADHD.
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Mammon exhibits signs of ADHD himself so you and him probably have a lot in common.
He’ll constantly interrupt others and is always on the move. He can never sit still and is easily distracted. He’s the whole package.
Honestly, when it comes to the House of Lamentation the others make small bets to see which of you was going interrupt the other one first.
Mammon doesn’t really notice that you had ADHD and even if you told him that you had it, he wouldn’t understand what you were talking about. Do all teenagers talk in abbreviations?
When you explain what it is, Mammon does admit that it has some similarities to his own personality. But, he didn’t care at all.
If you and he acted the same way then even better! You should consider yourself lucky that the Great Mammon and you have similarities.
In all actuality though, you’d probably have a better grasp of things than Mammon and he ends up learning tricks from you on how to control his impulsive behavior and manage his restlessness.
Mammon is really grateful to have you. 
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Levi had a tendency to excessively talk when it came to something that he cared about.
Though he rarely had the opportunity where someone would actually listen to what he had to say.
When he realized that you also rambled on Levi was excited to have someone else in the House of Lamentation that was like him.
If you took an interest in the things that he liked, he would love having conversations with you.
Those conversations would be long and full of interesting points of view but they left you both feeling heard on your opinions.
Levi had a bit of trouble playing games with you because you got easily bored and liked switching between games.
He didn’t mind changing games as long as you least let him get to the save point first.
He’s one of the brothers that would handle your ADHD well.
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Satan didn’t quite understand why he was having such a hard time getting you to focus on your schoolwork at first.
He had been tasked with making sure you stayed on top of your studies but whenever the two of you sat down to study, you would either zone or just get completely distracted by something else.
The first time it happened, Satan thought that you were just particularly tired that day. But, when it kept happening, Satan realized it was more than being tired.
He did some research on his own and when he believed he had found the diagnosis he asked you if you had ADHD.
When you told him that you did have ADHD, he felt a sense of accomplishment that he had found the answer.
He’ll continue to do more and more research to try and find a way to help you focus.
By the end of it all, he knows more about ADHD than you do. 
And he’s always trying to give you tips and tricks on help to manage it.
He wasn’t trying to be annoying. He was just trying to help.
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Asmo was trying really hard to bond with you. But, he was having a hard time, because it seemed like every time the two of you were talking you completely ignored him.
You either looked like you were in a different world or your attention was on something that was completely unimportant.
Asmo thought that you didn’t like him or that you thought he was boring and his feelings were genuinely a bit hurt.
He just wanted to bond with you like his brothers had.
When you explained that it wasn’t him but your ADHD he felt relieved and when you told him what having ADHD was like he felt like you shouldn’t have to apologize for it.
Asmo doesn’t want anyone else misinterpreting you so he’ll take photos or short videos and post them to social media - with your permission, of course - to help spread awareness.
Now that he knows what it is, Asmo finds your ADHD adorable. Humans can have the funniest quirks sometimes.
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Beel may not fully grasp the concept of ADHD, but he knows that it’s a part of you, and because of that, he finds it precious. 
He loves it whenever he sees a symptom of your ADHD.
If you were zoning out, he would make sure you were doing it somewhere safe.
After all, he had a lot of practice with people zoning out thanks to Belphie.
If you were feeling restless, Beel would make sure to go with you wherever you wanted to go or do whatever you wanted to do.
He knew demons didn’t know what ADHD was but he dared someone to try and make fun of you for having it.
He would be so quick to defend you. He won’t let anyone try to make you feel bad for something that you can’t control.
And he made sure that you knew that if you ever needed anything to come to him. You were part of his family now.
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When Belphie first found out that you had ADHD, he thought that you were just messing with him.
He was sleeping on the couch next to you and you had constantly been moving, shaking the couch a bit.
Belphie thought that you were just trying to prevent him from sleeping as a joke.
But when he asked you to stop he noticed how uncomfortable you looked just sitting completely still.
He asked if something was wrong and you told him it was hard for you to sit still because of your ADHD. 
He had a blank expression on his face, not understanding what you had said to him so you went further into your explanation.
Belphie understood by the end of it and allowed you to continue moving if you needed to. He was the Avatar of Sloth and he could fall asleep anywhere under any circumstances.
He found it funny when you would space out and just stare at nothing in particular.
It reminded him of himself before he passed out.
But you didn’t seem to have the same tendency he had to just fall asleep after daydreaming.
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Lucifer had been the one to tell Diavolo about your ADHD and as much as he hated to admit it, he had to do some research to understand what exactly it was.
Once he understood it though, Diavolo did everything he could to ensure you would be comfortable down here in the Devildom.
He made sure that your workload wasn’t too much because he didn’t want to overwhelm you and he knew that you would have a hard time completing large amounts of work.
With how busy he was, Diavolo didn’t get much of a chance to see your ADHD in action. But when you came over for the retreat at the castle, Diavolo noticed all of the traits that Lucifer had told him about. 
He couldn’t help but be curious about your symptoms. He paid close attention and made sure to incorporate what he had learned into your future days in the Devildom.
It was his job as the future King of the Devildom to ensure that everyone enjoyed their time in his kingdom and you were no exception.
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Barbatos, like Lucifer, struggled with your ADHD at first. He was a very punctual demon so when he noticed you consistently showing up late or not completing your tasks, he was slightly irritated. 
He thought you were just being a typical teenager and neglecting your tasks because you simply didn’t feel like doing them.
Lucifer was also the one who told Barbatos that you had ADHD and what all that entailed. 
Barbatos was determined to help you get some sense of order in your life. 
He knew that you couldn’t always control when you got distracted and that you had a hard time focusing.
But, he was hoping that he would be able to help you - at least enough to stay on top of your school work.
Barbatos would reward you when you managed to stay on track, feeling proud as if he had raised you himself.
He doesn’t mind your other symptoms at all. He believed they were all things that helped make you unique. Things that everyone in the Devildom had come to admire.
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The first time Simeon had watched you zone out, he thought that there was something wrong with you.
He wasn’t sure if someone had placed a curse on you or if you were having a human problem - a stroke maybe? Either way, he was panicking.
He immediately started calling for Lucifer and his worried voice pulled out of your thoughts. “Simeon, what’s wrong?” you asked him and he had never breathed such a big sigh of relief. 
He told you that he thought there had been something wrong with you and it made you laugh.
You assured him that you were okay and explained your ADHD. 
Simeon was much better prepared the next time it happened and he did not freak out.
He did find it interesting that humans could have something like ADHD. The human species was a strange one.
Simeon likes it when you explain your symptoms to him. He loves learning about humans from you and if you ever need any help from him, he won’t hesitate.
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Solomon immediately knew the signs of ADHD. He had known many people in the human world who had it as well.
So he wasn’t panicked or confused when you would zone out or fidget. And he was incredibly patient when it came to you accidentally talking over him or rambling on.
He knew how to react to people with ADHD and it was comforting to talk to him because of how good he was with you. 
You and Solomon ended up getting along pretty well because of this.
You were lucky that he had been chosen as the other human exchange student because you weren’t sure how long you would have survived down here without him.
Solomon enjoyed your presence a lot because he thought of you like a little sibling and couldn’t help but find it adorable when one of your ADHD symptoms would present itself. 
He definitely will try to give you charms that he created to keep with you at school to try and help improve your focus.
He didn’t want to think about the demon brothers’ reactions if you started failing your classes. Especially Lucifer and Satan.
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locallixie · 1 year
housemates — lee know
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> summary . how can you live your life peacefully with having your housemate constantly seducing you like that?!
> genre . smut, fluff, housemates au, forced proximity, housemate!minho, gn!reader.
> warnings . sexual tension, general sexual themes, minor language, oral (receiving), unprotected sex, tipsy sex.
(wc) > 6.3k
(sunny's note) ☆ "and they were roommates.” wanted to be sweet and cute, until lee minho is in the equation. sorry for the late upload, i had a really bad writing slump and progress was slow. but i made it!
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You shouldn’t have agreed to this if you knew this was how it would turn out. What a mistake, your kindness that yourself and other has taken for granted. And currently stuck in a living situation that tested your patience every waking hours, your dormitory experience was no match for this.
Jisung had asked you for a ‘small’ favour a couple months earlier, about how his friend got evicted and was now homeless, wondering if you could let him stay for a while until he find a new place. First of all, that was not a small favor. Secondly, you didn’t even know this friend that he was talking about. And you were reluctant to let a stranger stay in your house right off the bat. You lived in a dorm before, but that was a dorm and not your own house.
“Please, [Y/N], just a couple months.” Jisung pushed over the phone, you could tell he was outside from the loud and slightly muffled noise that the speaker picked up upon.
Sighing, your soft spot for him would be the death of you. Agreed with hesitation, since you were glad you were out of the dorm life and regained your privacy, but it seemed that life had came to pull you back in. Jisung should be expecting your complaints if something bad happened between you and your new housemate.
From the first initial meeting, you got some of the weirdest vibe from this guy. Maybe it was the amount of black and leather he was dressed up in, or the bitchy look on his face that could kill with a single stare. How the fuck was Jisung friends with a person like this? They were the complete opposite of one another, the guy looked as if he committed first degree murders as his favourite past-time. What you meant was you were convinced that he was a sociopathic killer, and he was probably plotting yours and Jisung’s death soon.
For one person, he sure did had a lot of stuff. You three brought around eight or ten different sized carton boxes up to your apartment, not counting the two gigantic suitcases that he had to take a second trip with Jisung to go get. He must have been living in his old place for very long to have that much stuff, wonder why he got kicked out? Possibly because the landlord found the bodies with how sharp his eyes always glared at.
“Don’t worry about the rent, Minho can pay for his half.” Jisung reassured, starting his car. The engine roared loudly, it had been through a rough day of carrying all that stuff to here.
Before he left, Jisung told you one last thing. “Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask him for help around the house, Minho may look intimidating but he’s quite a sweet guy.” With that sentence stuck in the back of your head, he drove away. If you could even have enough courage to ask him to take the trash out, maybe that statement would be proven.
You did all the house chores yourself, you didn't ask for any assistance from Minho. Wether it was because you were used to having to do everything yourself, or he was just still as unapproachable as the first time you two met. But he too, barely talked to you. You heard his voice once or twice when he was on the phone, but he did not speak a full sentence to you and ought for short few words replies.
"Do you need any help?" Another voice emerged from behind your back, offering assistance.
You pulled the trash bag out of the can, "I'm good, thanks,"
"Whatever, suit yourself." Minho walked away. Not even a bit of small talk? It frustrated you of how aloof he was acting, he didn't want to get to know you at all. However, it pissed him off just as much, you would always shrug him off every-time he offered to help you. As you two had made it clear before, you hardly knew each other, and here you were living together as people of unfamiliarity.
You didn't know his last name, or how he met your three years best friend—Jisung. Neither did he held any personal information about you, he wasn't even sure which variation of your name was the correct one. Already a month has passed by and no one was willing to start up a conversation with the other person. This ice between you and Minho just kept getting thicker and colder.
Ranting on the phone, "I'm telling you, I can not get through him! I think he hate me!"
"Calm down, [Y/N], he doesn't hate you." Jisung reassured, sighing as this was the third phone call of the month that you were expressing your discontent for the same subject. "It's simple, just talk to him, even if it's small talk."
Hearing the front door opened, "Fuck, he's back, I'll talk to you later." You didn't let Jisung say 'bye', hanging up in the midst of his sentence.
Minho worked a nine-to-five job, you weren't sure of his occupation in particular. You got a sense of his routine, he would leave the house at exactly seven-fifty in the morning and usually came home around five or six—depending on the traffic that day. On few occasions, he was nice enough to bring food home for the both of you.
"Hey, you're back quite late today?" You asked, seeing the clock already hitting six at the moment.
He set down a few plastic bags on the table, "I got groceries on the way, I'll cook dinner." He explained shortly, bringing ingredients to the kitchen for preparation.
That was a first, he had never offered to cook before, much less thanking you for the meals you made for dinner. Guessed he was just hot and cold like that, and this was his way of showing his gratitude. You weren't mad, on what normal day would you have someone cook for you enjoy? You technically did everything yourself when you moved out a few years ago.
Watching his figure diligently cooking in the kitchen, it comforted you in an unusual way. He was like your own personal boyfriend—for tonight at least, he would cook and then sit at the table with you to eat, maybe he might even offer to wash the dishes. A fine, hard-working young man? Anyone who could scored him would probably be winning in life. You couldn’t hide your jealousy if he ever bring home a date.
He walked over to you, holding out a spoon with a small portion of thick orange liquid. Minho asked, “Try it, tell me if it suit your taste.”
The tangy flavour stood out immediately, he must have put something citrusy as it melt into your tastebuds. It was good, no, amazing even! This hidden talent of his was worth all the waiting you had done, you never knew Minho could be such a great chef. For a while, you thought this guy couldn’t possibly hold a knife correctly, yet you were proven wrong of your assumptions.
You nodded, the sound you made when encountered good food already told him enough. Everything smelled so mouth-watering, and the presentation was tempting you to devour everything in on sitting.
"Thanks for the food!" As soon as he placed the last dish onto the table, you immediately picked up your utensils. You could not hold yourself back when face with good home-cooked food, good home-cooked food made by an equally good-looking guy.
Minho sat down beside you—he usually sat across from you which kept a nice distance between the two of you—he was very close today. Asked he, "How is it? Good?"
You didn't hold back on your praises, "God, why didn't you cook sooner? This is actual heaven~!"
He simply smiled in a humble manner. Your face was a little puffed up when you eat, which he found quite endearing. Watching you stuffed your entire face with rice, sweet and sour ribs, and eggrolls. Flattered by how much you were enjoying it, yet concerned from how fast you were eating.
"Slow down, wouldn't want you to choke." He gazed at you as he advised.
"Unless you like it like that." Immediately, you started coughing profusely. A grain of rice flew up to your nose, making everything worse the longer it stayed stuck up there.
Minho patted your back, "Woah, are you alright?" Uh, obviously no?! You were coughing out rice over here, how could you even be remotely okay? And how did he expect you to be okay after that suggestive comment he just made? This guy was unbelievable. The smile laced with deviousness, as if he was silently planning something that would catch you off guard—which certainly did a minute ago.
He picked up a single rib and ate it with his chopsticks, he probably mind getting his hands dirty from that sticky sauce he used. How could Minho looked so graceful while eating while you were here devouring everything down like a fucking caveman. Work on your image a bit, would you? Especially when you were living with someone that wouldn't use their hands to eat ribs.
"Have you been talking to Jisung recently?" Minho suddenly questioned, setting down his bowl as to show respect.
You turned to him, confusion sitting on your shoulders and your heart sinking with a bit of guilt. By any chance, did he overheard your conversations? "Yeah, I have." Continued by another question, "What? Are you two not talking?"
Minho's eyes was bigger than you expected, now seeing him a bit closer from your distance from each other. It curved in a very pretty way, and glistened upon every reflections of his soul. You couldn't help, couldn't help but get a little sad every-time you gazed into his eyes, or when they would unknowingly stared back at you. He looked at you, as if through his eyes saw you as the most precious person to exist in the short timespan that was the human life.
"He haven't been answering my texts and calls, I don't know if he's upset with me or something?" Minho sighed, "Can you...just ask him for me?"
In a bit of hesitation, "Would it be a bit rude for an outsider to chime in? Whatever it is you and Jisung are going through, it's best if you two worked it out together...privately." You told, trying to offer other solutions.
Minho let out a tired breath, "I don't know, I'm not sure what I did wrong that made him upset with me, that's what I'm most worried about."
You patted his back, "Just talk it out with him, communication is key!" How ironic, you could hardly hold a conversation with him, and now you were here giving out communication advise? Unreliable source. You knew you shouldn't interfere with whatever beef Jisung and Minho was having between each other, but you were making it seem like you wouldn't ask Jisung for details. Or Jisung would tell you himself from how much he like to rant to you.
Minho flashed a genuine smile towards you, "Thanks, I owe you one!"
Your heart skipped a beat, just one enough for your whole system to go the very bit haywire. You were finally making some good progress with Minho, and his entire intimidating and remote façade all came crashing down when he smiled. Keep up the good work!
“Are you and Minho back on speaking terms yet?” The other line went quiet for a few seconds, you heard a sigh being let out.
Jisung replied with a question, “He told you?”
Fuck, your nosy tendencies were acting up again, it slipped out of you like a natural instinct. “No—um, yeah he did but I don’t know the details or anything! He was just wondering if you were mad at him or something since you stop contacting him.” You went on to explain, trying to tell Jisung that you weren’t intending to be impolite and simply wanted to help your friend out.
The other giggled at your tone of voice, of how freaked out he got you. You acted as if the people you were working for to take down started suspecting you to be a double agent, but unlike those action films, you were terrible at hiding the truth.
“My girlfriend don’t like the fact that I’m still friends with my exes, so she wiped out their contacts from my phone.” The whole problem was finally solved as the explanation came out.
Wait, one thing. “Minho is your ex?!” You exclaimed at the sudden realization.
Jisung was absolutely enjoying this from the other line, “What? You want him?” He teased.
Your face went red, denying the question thrown at you. This whole time, this was the relationship your housemate has with your best friend? And he had never cared to tell you about anything regarding this romance he once had? All these people do was lie. Struggling through your words, you outwardly rejected the idea. “No—! No– I don’t! I—!”
Jisung interrupted, “It’s fine, he’s all yours.”
You tried denying, “No, I don’t want him—!” Quickly being cut of by Jisung once more.
“And he’s a really great kisser—”
“Jisung, shut the fuck up!” You hanged up in embarrassment, throwing your phone away in a state of panic. Why would he tell you that? As if you needed to be more careful around Minho now that you knew these things about him. God, how did he expect you to continue living with this knowledge? Unlike Jisung, you saw Minho everyday of the week.
The door to your bedroom suddenly opened, “Are you okay? I heard a thud.” Minho was still in his work attire, a tad bit sweaty from the heated summer air, the first two buttons of his shirt were left undone. Solely from the condition of his appearance was in, you were mentally restraining yourself.
“Did you just came back?” You asked, begging that he didn’t heard your conversation with Jisung on the phone a few minutes ago.
He replied shortly, “Yeah, I’ll go shower now so we can eat.” Closing your door as he left without another word, left silently with knowing what you said earlier. He heard enough of your phone call, you were too caught up with talking that you didn’t hear the front door open. Minho was halfway across the hall to his room when he heard you shouted, his name fell out from your mouth as clear as day.
Oh, Jisung never told you that he and Minho were a thing? Now it was kind of awkward for the both of you. But if you wanted him, he wanted you too. He saw the way you would look at him, stealing glances from across the table. He was a very attractive guy, you were sure he wholeheartedly knew this, and he used it to his advantage.
Coming out of a cold shower, his hair was wet and dripping water down his back and shoulders, but at least have some respect for you by covering up his entire bare torso. At the dinner table? Was he going to be half-naked for the whole duration of dinner? He wanted you dead, you boldly claimed.
“So…how was work?” You opened up a topic, hoping he would start talking to fill the silence that was ongoing between the two of you.
Minho let out a chuckle, "Not fun." Handing you a pair of chopsticks and a ceramic bowl. That was understandable, he did looked quite worn out coming home after work.
"What do you do, if you don't mind me asking." You raised a question into his occupation.
He began picking up food from the many plates into his bowl, the wondrous scent controlled his chopsticks faster than his mind. Minho answered while pouring the meat broth over his rice, "I'm an accountant."
An accountant? Was that a code word for sex workers? No one in their right mind would go into accounting. Minho out of all people, worked as an accountant? You had no negative comments on his intelligences, or his work ethics. But accounting sounded so boring for someone as interesting as Minho, you thought what he said was a joke of some sort. Maybe he had a side hustle doing unconventional and dirty jobs.
"It's not fun, but I got bills to pay." Minho joked to lighten up the mood, filling in the empty pauses with yours and his joyful laughs.
He shook his head in a subtle yet prominent dissappointment, smiling to hide his actual emotion on his feeling of unfulfillment. "I wish I became a singer back then."
What he said piqued your interest, you looked up at him with a spark of excitement. Straight into his eyes, you asked. "You sing?"
His vocals was almost professional singer level, for a first in the short timespan of knowing him, you saw such happiness on his face. Holding the microphone as he sang you a love song, the amount of money you spent on that karaoke machine paid off. Minho wasn't wrong or thought too highly of himself when he said he should had became a singer, you would have said the same thing if you knew him sooner. And if he did, you would support him with your all.
The atmosphere got a bit hotter and hotter as the night went on, with alcohol entering the table as an uninvited guest. When a sensual song came on, the mood totally changed for better or worse. His loose t-shirt was showing some skin, it was too a little short as it was showing peeks of his toned stomach underneath. Your mind was going places, wether it was because of the alcohol getting you tipsy or it was your inner desires for intimacy.
Minho did not broke eyes-contact with you, in a hushed voice, stating that you were the only beauty he would keep in his sight tonight. Gently holding your hand in his, he placed it on his chest. Did you feel it? Under the warm and shaking palm of yours. His heart beating at a tiny bit quicker pace than usual, beating for you with all of these temptations in him.
"Minho, I should go to bed now, it's getting awfully late." You told, diverting away in a flustered mess. Yet, despite your attempt at diluting the air, Minho persuasion didn't seem to back down. Too heated, too close as you could now smell his liquor-laced breath.
Eyes half-lidded which made his desires just the more prominent, he was serious with no control. Before your lips could touch one another, a loud vibration emerged abruptly that pulled both of you out of that drunken trance.
Blindly grabbing for your phone, your eyelids were giving up as each minute continued to pass by. You didn't look at the contact name, the alcohol was taking over your system like a pernicious poison. A voice echoed out from your phone speaker, it took you a few seconds to register the other line’s speaking and its distinct frequency.
“Where is your report?! [Y/N], you are driving me crazy with your constant delays!” They roared at you, annoyed and angered.
You got off from your place on the couch, walking away with your phone in hand as you used your last few excuses to save yourself. “Seungmin, it’s not really a good time right now, can I call you back?”
Seeing you caught up with work on the line, he figured he would clean up this mess you two made on the coffee table for you. For a moment, he thought you felt it too. He might had read the room wrong, but the way you tried to avert from the situation felt almost like a reassurance for him. As if you wanted to go further with him, go little deeper, but you were unsure if he was onboard as well. He thought of apologizing, after you sober up more than the state you were in at the moment.
You swore, you couldn't remember anything from the night before. Went to bed at nearly one in the morning, woke up head-empty and half of the blankets and pillows were off your bed. Come on, you could confidently say that you did not exceed your limit. Yet as shown this morning, you had a rough night yesterday with the leftover liquor running through your veins.
You were absolutely dumb-founded when he said he was sorry for what happened last night, as if you remembered everything clearly to its very details. Let's see, you ate dinner, you talked, sang a couple songs out of boredom you assumed, then it all when foggy after that.
"What are you on about? I have no idea of whatever the hell you are apologizing for." Telling him straight up, you could not register anything he was saying to make any sense.
Frustrated, and a bit taken over by the shame from yesterday. "No, it's okay, you're better off not knowing anyway. Sorry for making a scene so early in the morning."
Minho finished the few last sips of his Americano, grabbing his laptop bag from under the dining table in a hurry. "I have to go now, see you again at six." He bid goodbye at the front door.
Before he go for the next ten hours, you told him tonight's plan. "I have a few friends over tonight, if you don't mind their companies."
"How many are coming?" Minho asked.
You tilted your head as you tried to remind yourself of the size of your party, maybe even the identities of your guests as well. "Just three. Jisung is going to be there too, if you want to see him."
You could forget anything, anything that you deemed important. But one thing that you couldn't seem to shake off your mind, as it has been bugging you ever since you knew of it, was the bygone romance Minho had with your best friend—happened to be Jisung. Now that you were non-actively trying to persue the guy, it left a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Though Jisung had affirmed that the past was in the past, you could court his ex-boyfriend all you want.
Minho looked down, "We'll talk later, okay? I'm late for work." Leaving things unfinished between you, he closed the door as he left.
You didn't work until around noon, you could work from home if you wanted, yet you still came into the office everyday since things moved faster with you being physically there. But after that call from Seungmin—head of your department, you were already considered brave for the mere thought of showing up. Despite how nice Seungmin actually was, his anger was incomparable to anything you had ever seen.
After your short shift, you went back home to get things prepare. On the way home, you had already picked up a few ingredients. Said ingredients were just a six-pack of cold beers and Gochujang sauce for the beef. The others wouldn't come for another hour, for the time being, you would have to get everything ready by yourself.
Pray to god that the table grill was still working today since you haven't brought it out for a good few years now, it was collecting dust in the very far back of your cupboard. The hangout had been planned for a little while already, you got most of the things a day or two prior.
Was Minho going to join you? His expression carried a bit of hesitation when you asked this morning, though you would be happy to have him if he did changed his mind. The more the merrier!
Hyunjin and Jisung came over just a tiny bit earlier than Felix, guessed he was caught up with some baking for desert. You and your friends were all gathered up together at the dining table, it felt crowded by how small of a space you had to eat for four people. Happy that Hyunjin’s beer wasn’t on the floor since it was standing so confidently at the edge.
“When is Minho coming home?” Jisung suddenly turned to you.
“I don’t know, usually he would be back by now.” You shrugged, just now noticing today’s abnormalities. Maybe something came up at the office, or he had something else he needed to do beside from work matter. Whatever it was, you just hoped he would get home safety.
Speak of the devil, not even ten minutes had passed and the front door softly rang of clicking keys. You came to open the door for Minho, meeting his slightly stunned expression. His glossy tired eyes under the dirty frames of his glasses gazed back at you, his hair disheveled and sticking to his forehead as if he ran his way home. God, he looked rough, but so strangely enticing at the same time.
"Hey, we were just talking about you!" You beamed.
"Sorry, I'm late. My digital files got corrupted, so I had to get I.T to check that bitch out." Minho sighed deeply, you could imagine how long it took to resolve it purely from how worn out he presented.
The others greeted him at the dining table, getting a stool for him to sit since you were out of chairs. Minho was sandwiched between you and Hyunjin, one he knew, one he didn’t. He felt the tiniest bit uncomfortable sitting in such a tight spot, especially when yours and his thighs were rubbing against each other. He didn’t mind it too much, he liked you anyways.
“Ah, Minho! This is Hyunjin, and that’s Felix, they’re my college friends.” You introduced. Though he was a year older, they treated him with a casual formality. Felt more like meeting old friends than new people, your group broke the ice a lot quicker than he had previously expected. Soon you all were drinking and chatting, learning a bit too much about each other for the first meeting.
Felix tapped out, “No more, I’m driving tonight.” With Jisung following along as most had already decided to stop drinking, including you.
You placed your hand on the shoulder of the person next to you, “Are you still going? Damn, you must know how to handle your liquor.”
Minho stared back at you as you spoke to him, his eyes half-lidded like the night before. The first few buttons were unfastened, his bare and defined chest laid underneath the thin fabric. A sheer cast of sweat made his body glistened by the overhead light, his glasses was slowly slipping off his nose bridge which reflected the sweat even more than it should have. His face was flushed red and pink everywhere, flushed from a love confession of a drunken mind. Any minute now, he might just be making out with you.
His heart and guts was burning up with these carnal desires, if your friends weren't here, you could bet he would be fucking your brains out like how you so desperately wanted him to. He wanted you just as much, so shamelessly wanted you.
Minho leaned in suddenly, his lips and hot intoxicated breath lingered your ears. Whispered gently with his mellow, sleepy tone of voice, "When are they leaving?"
“We’re just going to have some tea and brownies, they’ll be on their way soon. Why do you ask?” You returned, asking in with a bit of hesitation in the back of you mind. Could it be he was overloaded enough, or did he not like your friends? You doubted the second one, since they had so much fun together. But that didn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
He didn’t further elaborate, ending the subject then and there with no other explanation. His intentions were unclear, as if he was hiding something from you but you couldn’t figure out what it was. Hopefully not something shady, or would leave you with a bad image of Minho. Keep it simple, he was probably tired and he needed a bit more peace and quiet. And he couldn't get any peace and quiet if your friends were here, right?
You wanted him to take off his shirt, take every single piece of fabric on his body off, let you admire all of his grace and beauty. Occupied with drooling over your housemate, the teapot seemed to had slipped your mind.
"Fuck!" Yelped you, the heat of the hot tea finally burned your skin.
Hearing pain from your voice, Minho and the others were already there to aid you. Especially Minho, he grabbed your hand into his as soon as he noticed. Luckily for you, the injury was minor and running it through cool water was good enough.
Minho really has you in a chokehold, metaphorically speaking obviously—unless. If you two did become a thing, would it be a little awkward? Maybe not for Jisung, but you were unsure of how or what to think in a situation like this. Though, despite how much you might try to push the idea away due to having quite a lot of repect for your best friend, you couldn't help yourself.
Seduction existed in his eyes and body language, it was subtle yet effective. An absolute disaster that the two of you also lived together, which pumped you up with an amount of hormone that a high-school student would have.
The way he dressed may be ordinary, office worker fashion. His shoulders flexing in his fitted button-up, straight dress pant hugging his thighs. His thick frame glasses further accentuated his winsome features. There was no exaggeration that he, for a definite, has a lot of admirers from work. You too, would be weak on your knees if Minho was your colleague.
It was around eight o’ clock by the time you finished up, which wasn’t late—at least to your definition—but tomorrow was still a work day. Especially for Hyunjin, who was flying out of the country for a business trip, of which it was crucial for him to leave early morning for his flight.
“I’m catching a cab home.” Jisung answered when you asked him how he was going to get home without a car, since the other two already left on their separate ways.
“No, I’ll drive you home.” You offered kindly.
“You drank a lot tonight, you really shouldn’t be driving, [Y/N].” Jisung denied, pointing out the slight alcoholic haze you were in. He wasn’t wrong, you were a literally beast with the bottle. However, you were awake enough to still talk normally and sort of think, like being half asleep.
Reassuring you that he would be fine on his own, and that he would be sure to text you when he arrived at his place. You knew Jisung for too long for you to be worried about him on trivial things, it simply felt like the right thing or a common habitual saying you had going on. You just wanted to take extra precautions since you both had been drinking the whole night, and there were quite a lot of problems existing because of it.
"Don't worry about me too much," Jisung soothed you once more. However he had no regards for what a sentimental moment that was happening between the two of you, immediately back to his ways of joking to dilute the air. "You should be worrying about if Minho can keep his dick in his pants near you."
You smacked him on his shoulder, "Shut up, he's right over there!"
"I mean...I see the way y'all look at each other, we all know, [Y/N]." He commented, giving you a playful look. You wanted to murder Jisung, and you would make it look like an accident too. Were you being that obvious about your feelings? But the way Minho acted around you didn't help too!
Jisung waved goodbye to you and to Minho—who was in the kitchen, washing up dishes and shot glasses. "I'll see you on Saturday for coffee if you can even get out of bed, bye!"
Nodding, as you watched him walk away from your apartment to the main elevator, realization hit later than expected. You yelled out in annoyance but Jisung would definitely laughed it off and ignore you. "Hey, we're not fucking!"
You had to stay up to finish a few reports and lone documents, so that meant you wouldn't be able to see Minho during his morning coffee. Coming over to offer another hand in cleaning up, it wasn't a big mess but was a mess nonetheless. You might take care of everything for Minho to get some well-deserved rest that he has been needing.
Minho turned around as he felt a tap on his shoulder, "Let me take it from here, you should be getting ready for bed by now."
"No, I'll help." Minho single-mindedly refused your offer. "And too, I can't sleep with this raging boner you gave me."
Too sudden, too out of nowhere, your neck snapped to him when you heard him said those words. His expression was neutral, as natural as if he had said and had done nothing wrong. Still washing dishes and bowls, scrubbing and rinsing like he has been doing the same thing for years. Did he heard himself at least, or was it a thought that went loose.
"Oh, sorry." What the fuck were you supposed to reply to that? Thank you? Was that a compliment in disguise of some sort? Feuling the fire even more, the desires becoming stronger and intense, he had agreed to throw away his principles already.
Minho inched closer to you, his eyes on yours as he asked nicely for attention. "If I tell you that I want to fuck you right here right now, would you be mad?"
Face flushed, hot as when you would place your hand on your tea cup to check the temperature. He was evil, disregarding your state of mental stability by saying things of the same kind so out of pocket. He, for a fact, waited for the right time to confess his sins. The kettle was boiling all night, the heat and steams were his deepest thoughts.
You turned off the sink, your hands cool and wet and smell of dish soap from the water. For a split moment, you were solely looking at each other, begging either one to make a move. Minho leaned in towards your direction, his bare forearms brushed gently against yours. The alcohol in both of your bodies made the moment all the more intimate, slowly yet steadily closing your distance between each other, breaking down the wall of sexual tension you had unconsciously built that stood with all its might.
The faint taste of his strawberry chapstick on your tongue, his lips was a little sticky but so soft that you didn’t quite mind. There was no way of stopping him, as you too, did not want to stop the thrill ride that was ongoing. Letting out heavy breaths as he sucked dark red marks onto your skin, lips painting your blank canvas. May he be the only alcohol you would get drunk on, let you drink him up like your sorrows and distress.
“Oh, Minho.” You breathed, moaning out his name as his hands rushing to take off your pants. Hot tongue making a line on your stomach down to your sex, freely as his mouth worked on you like how you dearly enjoyed his food. Both your legs resting on his broad shoulders just did nothing but helped spread you wider.
Your sweet voice singing out to encourage him, using his tongue in all directions that favoured you. Stomach knotting with alcohol and dinner and a heaven he had created for you, coming onto his lips, a result of prolonged temptations.
Every fabric that touched yours and his bodies that day were all scattered on the floor by second round. Never even seen your best friend naked, and here you were admiring his ex-boyfriend’s entire unclothed figure with no ounce of shame left in yourself. You could not keep your hands away from him, so greedily touching him in different places.
Neither could wait any longer, deciding to lay each other’s pride out on the dining table. Minho placed his lips on yours, closing his eyes yet still seeing the vivid image of you in his dark mind. With each passing second, his cock making its way into the very depths of you. You hugged him quite tightly, as if you haven’t scored anyone in a while.
Your eyes told him everything he needed to know, you body twitching and squirming under his embrace, the silent language that told him every one of your secrets. Thrusting faster and harder, wanting to hear you make some more music for his aching soul. Minho grabbed your legs, pushing them against your torso as his cock went deeper into you. You could barely keep your eyes open, or could you stay present with him. This pleasure felt like a dream, a dream that softly pulled you in.
Minho kissed your lips once again, “Baby, don’t sleep on me, I’m not done with you just yet.”
But as much confidence that he may has in him, he was nearing his high and coming apart for you along the way. Minho’s vocals were heavenly when he sang for you, and were just as heavenly when he came into you. He kept going despite being out of breath and tired for you, he started something and he was going to finish it.
Second time felt much more powerful than the first, almost like he gave his all. You could feel his seeds dripping out from inside of you, onto the dining table and even the chairs. Dirtying everything all over again, now you had more cleaning to add onto your list. Guessed neither of you were going to get any sleep tonight.
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asimpwithfreetime · 2 years
Hi, I really like your work and if you didn't mind, could I ask of yandere Neteyam x Na'vi reader, you can choose the promt and setting.
Obliviously if you don't mind!
Idea: Yandere Neteyam forcing the bond because he is jealous
You belong with me (Yandere! Neteyam x Na’vi reader)
Content warnings: English isn’t my first language, this hasn’t been proofread yet, Neteyam is aged up
General warnings: yandere Neteyam, yandere behavior, obsessive behavior, manipulative yandere! Neteyam, violent! Neteyam, bonding without consent (even though they had planned it just for a few days later), animalistic growling, Neteyam crying just like yandere Jake
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[ 3rd Person POV ]
Y/n and Neteyam had promised each other they would mate before Eywa once they turned into adulthood. They promised that since the beginning of their relationship.
The time was near and Y/n seemed quite nervous. Mating with the future Olo’eyktan isn’t the easiest thing to do. Knowing the judging glares some female omatikaya gave her.
With that, she tried to keep herself distracted during the day (when she didn’t have chores or errands). Neteyam didn’t mind at all, he was nervous himself too. And there was an obsessive thought that was taking over his mind, the closeness of having Y/n all for himself had him excited with the idea.
He felt anger any time a male talked to her, even if it was his own father. She shouldn’t be beaming at any other Na’vi. Her sweet smile and kind words should be all his.
And when there were just a few days away from the mating, he snapped. All the omatikaya knew that Y/n was with Neteyam and Neteyam was with Y/n. Quite literally, everyone knew it.
But there he was, a young Na’vi warrior trying to court Neteyam’s soon to be mate. She seemed shy but she was telling him (nicely) that she didn’t want anything to do with him.
He seemed like he had desisted. But it wasn’t like that. Y/n felt bad for the boy, but she knew she wanted Neteyam. She had chosen long ago.
That evening, Y/n went to the tree of souls, asking Eywa to help her ease the tension and nervousness that she had been feeling cooling up in her stomach.
She didn’t hear the Na’vi approaching her. The same boy from that morning. He started talking, going on and on, saying that he was a way better potential mate than Neteyam. The boy wasn’t aggressive or tried to impose, he was just a little bit of annoying. Y/n, once again, declined nicely.
The boy seemed to not get it. Probably one of the young warriors who had just finished one big hunt and thought they owned the place.
From between the bioluminescent plants, Neteyam emerged. “She is mine! Back off” the tone was harsh, she didn’t remember the dark look over Neteyam’s eyes.
“You guys haven’t bonded yet” the boy said, trying to sound confident, the figure of Neteyam making his voice crack, “She isn’t from anyone yet”.
Neteyam growled low in his throat. He then hissed, showing of his fangs and the Max look in his eyes. He jumped over the other boy and started punching him. Y/n suppressed a scream. “Neteyam! Stop!” She found her voice back once the other boy started bleeding.
Neteyam didn’t stop, the low growls coming from deep inside of him. Y/n started crying the moment she saw the bloody state the other Na’vi was in. Neteyam stopped the moment he heard her sobs.
He got up and got close to her kneeling down. “I’m so sorry baby, didn’t mean to scare you” he said, hugging her, some of the blood painting her body as well. “Please, please, don’t cry” he said, his own eyes watering and his lip quivering.
“Please, baby, look at me” his pleadings weren’t heard, Y/n was not only mad, but scared. She looked at his as if she was seeing a demon. “Get away from me!” She hollered, her own hisses scarring Neteyam. “But I was protecting you” he cried, lowering more onto the floor. She got away from him, trying to pry him away. He cried, he whimpered and tried in all ways possible to get a hold of her. He was uncontrollable, like a baby crying and wailing for his mother. He reached for her and used all his force to get to her.
She couldn’t resist it. Seeing him crying so hard made her feel bad, until she saw the other boy almost unconscious. But he had already reached her. She couldn’t react fast enough to stop him form connecting both braids together. “There” he said crying. “Now that we are mated before Eywa in the tree of our ancestors, you are mine and I am yours” he cuddled her, even when she tried to get away form his grasp.
“You belong with me now” Neteyam’s voice softened little by little, his body jerking while he was catching his breath. Y/n looked around dumbfounded. What had just happened?
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demiesworld · 1 year
hantengu quad squad (brothers!headcanon)
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characters: sekido, karaku, aizetsu, and urogi
synopsis: my headcanons on the clones if they were born in modern times and were quadruplets. a little bit of a character analysis as well if you squint.
note: purely fictional. i do not own the rights to these characters etc.
credits to the original artist of the photo.
in my pov, i see sekido as the oldest ofc. karaku is the second born, then aizetsu as the third, and lastly urogi.
i know what most of you are thinking, aizetsu should be the youngest he screams that sort of energy. you are right, but technically you're wrong. in s3 ep4, i noticed how sekido was telling aizetsu to cut genya in half and to hurry it up. when he said that it reminded me of how middle children commonly get chastised by their parents or overshadowed by their other siblings bc they are the "middle child" so aizetsu is the middle child imo.
urogi is the youngest simply bc he does not give a shit about anything. this dude is literally living life just to have fun, just like karaku and can be reckless with their actions. to him rules are meant to be broken and he does not listen well to authoritative figures (looking at you sekido)
living together as siblings for the four of them is a fucking mess. sekido who's always irritated by his brothers probably has a chore list that nobody, except for aizetsu, follows. but even if aizetsu follows it he still gets chewed out for not meeting sekido's expectations of cleaning, and sekido just ends up doing the chore himself. karaku and urogi both have weekly chores to do, but they put it off on aizetsu because he's easier to manipulate into doing their bidding.
aizetsu often gets mistaken for being the youngest sibling out in public bc he's so timid and has dejected pout on his face in comparison to his other siblings.
their heights from tallest to shortest: karaku (187cm;6ft 2in), sekido (186cm;6ft 1in), aizetsu (184cm;6ft 1in), and urogi (182cm;6ft 0in)
in my headcanon, karaku and urogi are both identical twins, and the rest of them are fraternal.
sekido and karaku always gets into arguments over karaku's lack of respect for bringing random women into their home. like sekido woke up one morning to find some stranger in his fridge eating HIS leftover takeout that clearly said "DO NOT TOUCH -SEKIDO"
karaku and him both have gotten into very violent and physical fights. one time it gotten so bad karaku was bleeding out and he had to leave the house. didn't return back for a week.
none of the other brothers know if one or the other apologized, but they ended up being brotherly again so-
aizetsu is shy around attractive women so he relies on urogi to be his wingman no pun intended.
this backfires bc urogi ends up shit talking about aizetsu, flirting with the girl and absolutely forgetting why he was talking to the girl in the first place.
aizetsu witnessed urogi leaving with one of his crushes at a party and he went back home crying into his pillow over it.
urogi made it up to him by giving aizetsu the girls ripped panties (urogi you little shit)
urogi has a pet female cockatiel that he named "bandit" bc he taught her how to steal food from people's plates and drop them into trash cans.
when he's butting heads with sekido as a way to piss him off he lets bandit fly around the house and knock things over. particularly vases, glass jars, etc. before putting her back in the cage when sekido is about to murder him.
sekido breathes through his mouth when he sleeps, karaku sleeps with two fans on bc he's always hot and ends up with a congested nose in the morning, aizetsu is a light sleeper and listens to white noise (you'll find out why soon), urogi snores very loud and talks in his sleep at night.
since the home they live in is a three bedroom (aha) sekido has his own room which is the masters, karaku has his own room too, leaving the youngest of the quad squad aizetsu and urogi to share a room.
i headcanon that karaku likes to walk around the house wearing grey sweatpants (no underwear) and is shirtless. sekido sleeps in one of those satin or silk pajamas and wears a robe when he's in the house on a weekend. aizetsu sleeps in a sweatshirt and shorts, sometimes wears his snorlax slippers but urogi teases him about it whenever he sees aizetsu wearing them. urogi sleeps butt ass naked. yes. i shit you not. like he'll wear boxers or briefs to bed, but somehow he takes them off while he's sleeping and he wakes up naked.
on a scale of most to least who takes care of their appearance & hygiene? karaku, aizetsu, sekido, and urogi.
karaku showers at least three times a day, follows a religiously dedicated skin care routine, and wears his retainers for his teeth at night. i headcanon he sleeps with a bonnet on his head to protect his luscious locks. he regularly goes to the hair salon to get his hair fixed. visits the nail salon too for a mani, pedi, and a facial if he has enough money for all three. face card never declines. hes immune to breakouts and flare ups on his skin. lowkey wears makeup to hide the dark circles underneath his eyes. brushes his teeth in the morning and the night. girls say he smells like a roasted peach kinda citrusy. very sensual smelling.
aizetsu showers once or twice a day usually before he sleeps. he washes his face with some affordable brand like clean&clear or neutrogena and puts lotion on his face. always shaves his facial hair and body hair. brushes his teeth in the morning but he always forgets so he does it before bed. i headcanon he used to wear braces up until the age of 15 and they got removed. he goes to a salon to do his hair and only trusts that one stylist to do it. ppl says he smells like fresh laundry and lavender.
sekido only showers once and that is before bed. he doesn't wash his face that often bc his skin is sensitive and even branded sensitive skin products don't work for him. so he ends up just using expensive dermatologist recommended products. besides from that his skin is soft and he does have a flare up when it gets to be the summer time. he shaves his face, doesnt shave his armpits, or down there. his chest has some hairs, but he gets them waxed. has hairy ass legs. brushes his teeth after a meal and before bed. sleeps with a mouthguard bc he grinds his teeth at night. he doesn't take care of his hair very well. doesn't know what products will work for his hair texture so its usually unkempt. he smells like cinnamon.
urogi was the child that did not want to shower. his mother had to fight with him to get him to take one. so i believe that he showers twice a week. he doesn't smell bad unless he's been sweating really hard. he knows he is very prone to breakouts but he doesn't wash his face. instead he just splashes water on his skin and scrubs the dirt off with a towel. surprisingly enough it works for him. he will shave his face but not anywhere else on his body. he has hairy legs. he washes his hair with 2 in 1, combs through the knots while its wet and lets it air dry. remarkably his hair remains thick, voluminous, and doesn't shed. i headcanon he smells like sandalwood, kinda earthy smell.
who is most likely to move out first? aizetsu. he's been saving up money for a long time to move out of the hantengu household. he's unable to deal with his brothers attitudes. tired of sleeping in the same room as urogi especially since bro has a pet fucking bird.
who will get married first? karaku. he would date the person for maybe 2 years, then propose that they get married. he wants to be sure that he person he marries is the right one for him.
who's the better cook? despite being so damn perfect karaku can't cook for shit. sekido can cook a decent meal FOR HIMSELF but not for his brothers. aizetsu is not allowed in the kitchen bc he left a pizza in the oven on BROIL NOT BAKE and it almost burned down their kitchen. he is only allowed to use the microwave. urogi is a good cook so they assign him to cook them breakfast on the weekends mornings and nights.
who has better grades in school? sekido. he turns in his assignments before the due date, he's always on the principal's list, and is a member of the student council as president. the rest of them aren't as academically well as he is. aizetsu may come in second place, but he struggles with math (i headcanon aizetsu is dyslexic) & anything related to public speech. urogi does struggle with math and for some reason he's an ace at world history. karaku tends to skip some classes on fridays by hanging out at the gym with the gym coach. he's smart in literature, science, and world history. like aizetsu he struggles with math.
from most to least who works out more? karaku, urogi, sekido, aizetsu. we all seen karaku's body like tell me this man does not lift weights. karaku is always at the gym in the early morning hours bc according to him "the early bird gets the worm" urogi works out at the gym too, he's one of those dudes you see doing pull ups and does leg presses. never misses out on leg day. sekido does workout but only focuses on his arms, chest, and shoulders. doesn't care too much about have a muscular build. aizetsu doesn't step one foot into the gym. he was blessed with a high metabolism so it's easy for him to stay with a slim figure. he does have some muscle on him because he does bojutsu and jujutsu.
what are their vices? karaku has a bad habit of smoking weed. not that it's dangerous for him, but none of the others like the smell of some of the flowers he uses (homie got that gas). so he smokes outside on the patio. meanwhile sekido smokes cigarettes (specifically malboro special select 100 gold) and he always drinks a can of white claw on a saturday evening while he's watching fucking debates on tv. aizetsu vapes and he smokes weed by himself. doesn't like to smoke with urogi bc he laughs at the stupidest of shit and it blows aizetsu's high. he does drink but not a lot. poor boy is a lightweight. urogi vapes and drinks twisted teas. he drinks that bc, and i quote, "beer tastes like bitter like sekido's soul, seltzers are just spiked waters for depressive queers like aizetsu, and liquor is as problematic as karaku's dating history. :P" (everybody let's side eye him)
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notes: i would add more but i don't want to get too ahead of myself here. this may develop into a series. idk yet. depends on how much ppl like my headcanon of them lol
© demiesworld
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6emo6zombie6 · 10 months
RDR fem!relationship/sexual headcanons pt.2
Got some shower thoughts and had to write them down, this time for Charles, Javier, and Sadie. My last headcanons were received very well so I hope this one is as good! :)
The sweetest and most gentle boyfriend ever. He’ll smile at you and blush whenever you walk into the room.
Enjoys taking you on long, calm horse rides. Usually, you end up cuddling on some beach or somewhere in a big field.
Loves when you play with his hair or swoop it over his shoulder so you can press kisses against his neck.
Always petting your head for some reason, whether you’re sitting in between his legs by the campfire or if you’re huddled in his cot together, he always seems to be petting your head.
Hand holding!!!!! This man will always hold your hand, he enjoys it especially if your hand is smaller than his (which, let’s be honest, it probably is).
Never stops smiling after you kiss him. It doesn’t matter if it’s a soft peck on his jaw or a long, passionate kiss, he just can’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the day.
Very slow and gentle, he doesn’t see why sex should be rushed.
He tries to hide it, but he’s actually super needy. He can’t help but get hard quickly, even if you’re just making out.
Super into sleepy sex. He loves seeing you sleepy and needy for him, completely under his mercy as he fucks you gently. He doesn’t mind in the slightest if you wake him up and ask him if he can help you out.
“You’re too horny to sleep? Aw, baby, let me take care of that for you.”
Not specifically into public stuff, but the two of you undoubtedly have fucked around in the woods a couple of times.
Always too shy to make any noise at first, but you’ll have him groaning and whining as soon as he warms up to you.
Obsessed with your thighs. He’ll fuck them or have his head between them if he can.
Ashamed to admit that he likes some light bondage every now and then.  
It initially took her a while to warm up to you, even If she fell in love from the first time she laid eyes on you.
Always laughing at your jokes, there isn’t a second that she thinks you’re unfunny or boring.
She loves that little sparkle in your eyes when she gives you a gift, so she’ll make sure to get you a shiny new ring or necklace every so often.
Always showing you off. She’ll make a smooth comment on how amazing you look every so often, causing all of the people at camp to look at you.
Always takes you along to bars, her arm either around your shoulders or your waist to make sure you don’t get hurt.
Offended by people who assume the two of you are just friends, you’re her girlfriend and everyone needs to know.
Definitely beats people up if they try to either flirt with or annoy you.
Loves it when you get clingy, she has all the attention in the world for you.
Not ashamed in the slightest to make out with you in public.
Hickeys and scratches are her other ways to show everyone whose girlfriend you are.
Always grabbing your boobs when nobody’s looking.
She’ll whisper dirty things into your ear while you’re doing your daily chores just to watch you get embarrassed.
Lets you ride her thigh whenever.
Does the knee thing, no doubt.
Very spontaneous when she wants sex, usually she’s pushing you into your tent with little to no words. You never have reason to complain though.
Not always rushed with sex, but she has her moments. Usually, she isn’t aware of how fast she’s going, just focused on making you cum.
Definitely the type of guy to kiss your hands.
Loves it when you wear his clothes, he’ll somehow always find a way to offer you his jacket.
Always calls you “Mi amor,” “Mi Corazón,” “Cariño,”… Etc.
Writes songs for you on his guitar.
Helps you practice playing guitar if he’s got time.
Loves sitting in between your thighs or laying his head between them.
Weirdly likes It when you touch his arms and trace his muscles.
Likes carrying you—it doesn’t matter what reason, and he’ll just make one up if there is none. He’ll carry you to your tent when you’re drunk or when you’re tired, if not, he’ll carry you to your horse like a princess.
Always worried if you’re too cold.
I’m telling you right now, this man for sure has an oral fixation. He’s always pushing his fingers into your mouth and making you suck them.
Blowjobs!! He’ll take them in any way, as long as his cock is in your mouth.
Enjoys pulling your hair.
Bends you over anything he can.
Absolutely goes wild when you sit on his lap and grind your hips against his bulge.
Always manhandling you while you’re making out.
Starts out slow and sensual during sex, then ends up getting rough and making you cum multiple times.
Prefers if you’re more bratty or confident during sex so he can try his best to bring you down.
Very vocal during sex, whether it is grunting and moaning or talking to you in Spanish.
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uchihaharlot · 9 months
Hello! I hope you are fine <3🤲💗
I wanted to ask you about some Uchiha HCs as parents (especially Shisui haha). Idk, things like "How they would react if their Y/N told them they were going to be parents" or "How many children would they have if they had them and how would they treat them?"
🥹 mmm Shisui. Yes. 🙌🏻 Since I’m in a fog, I’ll choose Obito and Shisui — I will probably add more later and reblog then. Focusing more on Shisui though.
(I sort of expanded on this a bit. Leading up to birth etc).
Suggestive themes — mostly N/SFW; pregnancy reactions; and some other cute shit idk how to categorize. Ok yea, I went a bit crazy on Shisui, he’s my blorbo.
• Even if it’s planned, he’s going to spiral. It worked on the first time? Duh, Uchiha. Really just stupid luck.
• ‘Already?’ — Obito; ‘….I mean…that’s what happens when you have sex..’ — her. She’s so patient though with him.
• Obito will spend the next few days not necessarily moping, but in minor distress. The whole thing about having a baby this soon, even though it was planned. Has really got him thinking.
• ‘I need to get my shit together.’ He’s not wrong, but they’re not in a bad place. All the financial matters were sorted out before she even went off the pill. She’s going to spend a lot of time easing his worries when he should be settling hers.
• He thinks they can’t have sex anymore 😂 ‘I’ll hurt the baby.’ This woman will have to coax him to satisfy her needs and being hormonal, he’s going to get scared and cave.
• Every time she’s sick, he’s sick. lol. Obito is one of those husbands that are sympathy ill when their wife is unwell, pregnant or not. Though the morning sickness he had worse than her.
• When she actually starts showing, the tables are turned. Obito can’t keep his hands off her. This is amazing! ‘I put that in you…’ —🫠 👈🏻 her. Yea, he did, that big dummy stuffed her good.
• When she is too big to do anything for herself, Obito takes center stage in everything. He matured rather quickly, strange how the prospect of becoming a dad alters an individual.
• 😅 Hit it from the back too rough and ultimately the orgasm she had made her go into labor (I know this is false advertisement but it’s Obito, he’s that guy).
• Nearly passes out as his wife is sprawled up on the stirrups, looks anyways and dear lord, ‘are you recording this?’ She says. Yea, he is. Unintentionally the sharingan populates and he might as well.
• Holds his son for the first time and cries. I think most men do, he’s the most precious thing in this world. Obito didn’t think he could ever make up for what he did in the past, but this one human. This tiny, itty bitty baby boy might just be his Hail Mary. That he could even bring something so good into the world makes him soften even more.
• Family man. 100%. They’ve been trying, and it’s not taking. Not because they’re incapable of it, both healthy and young. He’s just so busy. The days they end up trying don’t line up with her cycle and I mean they’re not just going to not have sex. Any chance he gets to put a bit of him and a little Uchiha inside her are precious moments.
• Firm believer in holding her legs up for a half hour 😂 ‘it has to marinate.’ Big eye rolls from his wife, who just lets him do things his way. After a few months, she finally begs him to just take a week off when she’s the most susceptible of his seed taking root.
• The mere idea that she is rearing and ready to go has Shisui taking his wife at the most unexpected of times. Maybe a week off was a good idea. Needless to say, the house chores are piling up. She wasn’t particularly fond of being shoved head first in the dryer either.
• ‘Making baby is the fun part…’ is his excuse when she chides him for it. Dear lord, this man shooting blanks and still trying.
• Then the unimaginable is announced, well not unimaginable but it felt like too long to actually confirm they were successful. Shisui from this point forward makes sure his pregnant wife gets everything she wants and then some.
• There is no shock period. This was all planned, Shisui is eternally grateful that his wife will be ushering their next of kin into the world. All the hard work is on her now and he is going to make sure she is treated like royalty.
• Though he questions some of her cravings, ‘…really? Ok….’ He won’t judge her, but goddamn it’s not something he’d eat.
• Copious amounts of pampering. Spends ridiculous amounts of money to have her swollen feet pedicured once a month, if she doesn’t want that he will do it himself. Her care is nonnegotiable and she is getting big with life inside of her! She needs some reprieve from the constant drain on her body.
• We aren’t even going to lie, they pretty much have sex up until the baby is born, though not like how Obito did. It’s maybe twice a week, which is less often but enough. If she’s not in the mood for it herself, she would offer to relieve him. Though he might feel guilty, so he would just use his mouth in return if she wasn’t opposed to something less invasive on her aching body. She’ll agree, Shisui is talented in those regards.
• She was making tea in the kitchen when her water broke, Shisui was out on a mission!!! She had to get Itachi to send word of bird and less than an hour he’s back. Exhausted and tired, he made it for the birth. He knew that he shouldn’t have taken that mission but she was adamant he do what he felt necessary for their village. Such a understanding woman!
• Is planting kisses to her forehead, cheeks and lips whenever she starts pushing. Holds one of her legs when the baby is finally crowning, and watches the miracle of birth. The fruit of their passion and love is wayfered into this big world. So beautiful and precious. A son, I often hc Shisui would name his first son Kagami. (I’m pretty sure the series alluded them being related).
• 🥹🥹🥹🥹 👈🏻 shisui 👉🏻 🥴😴 his wife after labor. He is wholly enamored at the tiny being in his arms. Takes the time to figure out which features their baby got from who. Undoubtedly this kid has his mop head of curls. Her nose and eye color, his eye shape and ears. 100% them.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Weiss: We need to get you something casual to wear. Even I don't just have dresses. I have skirts, and jeans and yoga pants.
Jaune: What's wrong with this shirt? It's cotton. It's comfortable.
Weiss: You don't have any other shoes just those heavy boots.
Jaune: What's wrong with my boots? They're comfortable and I know if I have to I can crush somebody's skull with them.
Weiss: Besides the fact they are on my new coffee table? Get some slippers, sandals, or tennis shoes and I'll let the shirt and pants go.
Jaune: I have jeans...
Weiss: One pair? I've seen your closet. Face it. You've gone all hunter with no relaxation.
Jaune: I sleep shirtless in gym shorts. Are you complaining about that? It's not typically something a loving wife tells their husband. 'Put on more clothes.'
Weiss: You also only have one pair of gym shorts. You're so military it would make a Spartan cringe. It's not like you don't have the money for clothes.
Jaune: I've been busy.
Weiss: But now you're not.
Ruby: Ooh! We should dress him up!
Jaune: What am I? A doll?
Weiss: It's settled then.
Jaune: Settled how? Since when are we putting things to a vote. That's not allowed. Everyone has to be onboard.
Ruby: Get democratized.
Weiss: What happened to your onesie? At least you had that. At least it existed even if I am glad you just sleep in gym shorts.
Ruby: Your chest is nice to sleep on. How is it soft and hard at the same time? But we aren't hoofing it around anima anymore and you're not clawing your way back to Vale. Let us dress you up.
Jaune: Again like a doll?
Ruby: Yeah. But you're our doll. Please? For me?
Jaune: *makes the mistake of looking into her eyes, gets up with a sigh*
Weiss: We don't mean right this minute. Good gods.
Jaune: *sits back down* You know where to find me.
Weiss: You have to teach me how to do that Ruby.
Jaune: You both do that to me. You looked at me, folded your arms, and told me to get a psychiatrist and I did.
Weiss: True. But there’s something special about the way Ruby says ‘please? For me?’ Isn’t there? She does it to me too. She’s like ‘I know you like this color of paint for the bedroom but I like this one. Won’t you agree to it? For me?
Ruby: *has this look of 'who? Me? I'm not familiar*
Jaune: As far as I’m concerned you both cheat hard and ruthlessly. How often do you walk around singing in the kitchen while you’re making coffee? You cheat. You both do. You both do it as much as you can get away with and that’s quite a lot. And what am I supposed to do? I’ve got nothing. I have neither defense or offense.
Weiss: How is doing things you love cheating? I happen to sing while I’m doing chores. That’s for me. If you happen to like it, then that is on you. I am talking about how Ruby actively uses her charms to get us both to do what she wants.
Jaune: And I’m just saying you’re not innocent. As soon as you found out it turns me on when you sing you started singing at me all the time.
Weiss: Okay. I did do that.
Jaune: Bangarang. And everyone in this house knows that Ruby just looks up at you with those big silver eyes and asks nicely and gets her wishes granted. Everyone knows that. Especially Ruby. She knows we can’t help ourselves and she knows that we know that she knows. But there’s nothing to be done. What am I going to do to get what I want?
Weiss: You don’t want anything though. You don’t really care what color the annex office gets painted. You hardly care what you eat for dinner. You could probably eat the same thing every day without complaint.
Jaune: That’s exactly what I used to do at Beacon until you moved in with me. I ate the same thing every single day. And you know what? I liked it.
Weiss: You’re schizophrenic. You have to stop with these mentally unwell behaviors. That’s a part of fighting back against your illness. It’s not enough to just take the meds.
Ruby: Yeah, that’s a sign of mental unwellness… You should eat different things…
Jaune: Exactly how long term am I supposed to be thinking here?
Weiss: *Smacks his chest gently with the back of her hand*
Ruby: *much less flirtatiously and aggressively hits the inside of his thigh*
Jaune: And you both abuse me.
Weiss: Oh shut up.
Ruby: Big baby.
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sweetprfct · 3 months
The Hate Formula
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Living in the same building, across from each other shouldn't be much of a problem, right? But how come you and Joe tend to always push each other's buttons every day? Is it because you both truly just hated each other or is it because there was something more to it?
Author's Note: I know this is late. I apologize, work has been stressing me out so much. So, I also apologize if this is a little dry. I swear, the rest of the chapters will be more chaotic and fun! But anyway, let's welcome back our other favorite couple.
Disclaimer: 18+
Wordcount: 3.8K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
Sundays were great for you. 
It was always quiet and more mellow. You and Sara tend to do all your chores and errands on Saturdays, so you could relax on Sundays. Ever since you both have been busy with work lately, you both barely saw each other unless it was the weekend. You couldn’t even remember the last time you two hung out outside of the apartment building. You couldn’t help but wonder if you two should take today as an opportunity to go out and have brunch somewhere. It was a nice summer day after all.
Since it was Sunday, you woke up pretty late. Stretching your limbs before getting up from your bed, you groaned softly and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You were barely awake when you had walked out of your bedroom to make yourself a cup of coffee. If you wanted to, you would stay in your bed all day, but you felt like you couldn’t do that or else, you would just feel lazy for the rest of the day. 
As you yawned softly, you lazily walked towards the kitchen and immediately paused when you heard noises and saw an unfamiliar man, opening one of your cupboards. Silently grabbing the pan that was sitting on the stove, you held it up high next to your head and walked up behind him. 
“Who are you?!” You exclaimed as soon as he closed the cupboard and saw you standing there in front of him. 
The man dropped the tea bag that was in his hand and held his hands up in the air, his eyes widening in fear. 
“Woah! Woah! I’m with Sara.” He said, an English accent slipping through his voice. 
You definitely knew he was lying because Sara was with Lucy, right?! She told you she really liked her. This man was probably a stalker or something because how the hell did he know her name? How the hell did he even get inside your apartment?
You held the pan higher, ready to swing at him as he took a small step back from you. His hands were still up in the air as he shook his head at you. 
“Liar!” You argued. “Who are you?!”
He flinched as he saw you take another step forward towards him. You were ready to swing the pan across his face as he took another step back from you. Your thoughts were in a flight or fight mode, and you were ready to hurt this stranger in front of you if he ever tried to do anything. The audacity that he had to use Sara as an excuse! This man could just be anyone. He could be robbing the apartment right now. He could be some creep. 
Oh my god. 
He could have touched Sara!
“I…I’m Wes. My name is Wes. I’m with Sara. I’ve been seeing her for two weeks now.” 
You knitted your brows, ready to argue with him again when you heard Sara’s bedroom door swung open. Her hazel eyes widened as soon as she saw the scene that was going on in the kitchen. She immediately ran and stood between the both of you, her hands reaching for the pan that you were holding.
“Woah! Put the pan down. He’s with me.” Sara confirmed.
Tilting your head at her, feeling so confused at the moment, you lowered the pan down and placed it back on the stove as Wes and Sara sighed in relief. You watched as Sara looked over her shoulder and gave Wes her apologetic eyes, but he only gave her an understanding smile before she turned her attention back to you. 
“This is Wes.” Sara introduced the both of you to each other. 
You furrowed your brows, giving Sara a questioning look. She immediately shook her head at you, giving you the answer to the question that you were silently asking her about Lucy. With the expression that she was giving you, you knew then that it didn’t work out with Lucy. 
Taking a deep breath, you introduced yourself as Wes shook your hand gently, giving you a nice genuine smile.
“Nice to finally meet you.” Wes said. “I heard a lot of things about you.”
You watched as Sara looked over her shoulder. Wes gazed down at her, his brows raised before clearing his throat and looking back at you. You were still sort of confused with what was happening. You saw the look in their eyes, and you wondered what they were silently talking to each other about. 
“Anyway,” Wes grabbed the pan from the stove. “Do you girls want breakfast?”
You and Sara exchanged looks before Sara turned to Wes and nodded her head. She had a cheeky smile on her face and even if she still looked sleepy, you could tell she liked this man a lot. You didn’t exactly know what happened between her and Lucy, but you just went along with it. You saw the twinkling in Sara’s eyes when she looked at Wes, and who were you to dim that, right? 
Setting up the table later that morning, you couldn’t help but watch Wes and Sara in the kitchen. Wes was cooking the pancakes, while Sara stood next to him. Her hand was caressing his back softly, while Wes would turn his head towards her from time to time. You couldn’t help but smile when Wes leaned over and whispered something in her ear. Immediately, you saw the blood rush to Sara’s cheeks as she looked Wes through her lashes, giggling softly. 
“Stop.” Sara whispered, cheekily grinning at Wes. 
You technically still didn’t know what happened between her and Lucy and how she met Wes but seeing her like this, you couldn’t help but feel happy for her. 
She was glowing. 
“So, how did you guys meet again?” You asked them when you all had settled on the dining table. 
Sara and Wes exchanged looks before they both chuckled softly together. Wes suppressed an embarrassed laugh as he scratched the back of his head, his cheeks flushing red. 
“Actually, we saw each other in the hall.” Wes replied. 
Your eyes widened in surprise, shifting your eyes at Sara. She let out a small shy laugh and nodded her head at you. You didn’t realize that Wes was living in the same building. Though, it sort of made sense since you haven’t heard or seen Sara go out lately due to all the busy work she needed to get done.
“Oh.” That was all you could manage. “I didn’t realize you lived in this building.” 
“Yeah, I just moved in actually.” Wes explained. “I bumped into Sara one night when she was coming home from work, and we sort of hit it off.”
You smiled happily at both of them and asked, “So, you live on the same floor then?”
Sara cleared her throat, getting up from her chair and asked, “Anyone wants fruit on their pancakes?”
“I got it, darling.” Wes quickly got up from his seat. 
As Wes disappeared towards the kitchen, you looked over to Sara and gave her a look of astonishment. You still couldn’t believe what was happening right now. You still couldn’t believe that Sara had snuck Wes in last night, and you didn’t even know? Has she snuck him in the last two weeks? Why did she keep this from you? 
“What?” She mouthed. 
You couldn’t help but laugh softly and whispered, “How come you never told me about him before?
Sara shrugged, playing with her pancakes with her fork. “I just wanted to see if it works out first.”
“Well, I like him so far.” You grinned happily at her. 
You saw the hesitation in Sara’s eyes but before you could continue your conversation, Wes came back with a bowl of mixed berries. You watched as he handed Sara some before handing the bowl to you. You couldn’t help but study Wes for a moment, wondering as to why Sara seemed uncertain about him. You saw how she looked at him earlier. That was someone who definitely was sure about their feelings towards someone they like.
Was he giving some hints that he may not be a good guy for her?
“So, you said you just moved here?” You asked Wes, hoping to get to know him better.
He nodded his head, taking a bite of his pancakes and said, “Two weeks ago. I just moved from South London because a job opportunity was given to me here.”
“Oh, that’s nice.” You smiled. “What do you do?”
“Oh, you know…” Sara interrupted. “You and Wes both like the same kind of hobbies.”
You raise your brow at your best friend. She was acting weird, and you didn’t know why. 
“Oh?” You gave Sara a weird look for a moment before shifting your eyes back at Wes again. 
“He likes to travel.” Sara added. 
“Oh, I love doing that!” You smiled excitedly. “I want to travel to Japan one day. I also want to travel to South Korea.” 
“I went to Japan once. My best friend was there for an event and—” Wes turned to Sara, who was giving him a look as she drank her coffee. 
“And it was…fun.” Wes smiled nervously. “You’d love it.”
You let out a soft approving hum before continuing to eat your pancakes. The rest of the conversation was normal. You learned that Wes has always loved New York, and he was thrilled to be moving into the city. He already knew some friends in the city, so he already felt at home, and he seemed to be more excited now that he met Sara. 
Washing the dishes later that morning, Wes had said his goodbyes to you before Sara walked him out of the apartment. 
“I like him.” You murmured as soon as Sara entered the kitchen. 
“Don’t say that yet.” Sara shook her head. “We never know what could happen.”
You let out a breath through your nose, setting the plate down on the sink before grabbing the kitchen towel to dry off your hands. You turned to face Sara, who was cleaning the kitchen counter.
“What’s going on with you?” You asked. 
She stood still and stared at you with a blank expression. 
“What do you mean?” Her voice was almost nonchalant. 
“You’ve been acting weird since this morning.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest and asked, “What is it?”
“I just…” Sara took a deep breath. “I just don’t want you to get your hopes up, you know?... Or mine.”
“But… Do you like him?” 
“Yes.” Sara answered your question too quickly. “I like him a lot. I don’t know how to really describe how I feel, but I know that he understands me. He’s so silly, but he’s also so calm around me.”
You couldn’t help but grin happily as you walked over towards her. 
“Then, don’t be so negative.” You laughed softly. “From just meeting him this morning, I could see why you like him, and I like him too for you.”
“Thanks.” Sara blushed lightly, looking down at her feet. “I just don’t want to hope because maybe he’ll change, you know?”
“I get it.” You nodded your head in understanding. “Just take it slow, but I like him a lot for you.”
Sara gave you a soft smile before turning and walking away from you. 
“I hope so.” Sara murmured under her breath before closing the bathroom door behind her. 
The next few weeks, Wes would come over during the weekend or on some week nights. You were able to get to know him better as the three of you would have a movie night. At the beginning, you sort of felt like a third wheel, and you kept telling Sara that you could spend your night in your bedroom. You really didn’t mind it, especially if it was a week night and you had a long day at work. 
“Wes doesn’t mind it.” Sara whispered to you one night when she was preparing a snack. 
“Okay, but I do.” You argued. “I don’t want to ruin your quality time together.” 
“Shut up, you’re not.” Sara nudged you on your side. “Join us tonight. Just for tonight, please?”
“Why are you begging?” You laughed softly. “Do you not want to spend time with your boyfriend?”
“No, it’s not that.” Sara rolled her eyes. “It’s good if you both get to know each other.”
“Why?” You tilted your head before letting out a small gasp. “Are you two… getting serious?”
“I don’t know… maybe.” Sara shrugged. “Just forget about that and join us, okay?”
You laughed softly as Sara grabbed you gently by your wrist and dragged you towards the living room. Wes was browsing through the movies as Sara set everything up to make the living room all cozy. There were blankets that covered the sofa and soft pillows. It looked like they were about to do a mini sleepover in the living room. 
“Don’t mind me.” You said, settling comfortably on the arm chair. “Just here third wheeling tonight.”
Sara rolled her eyes at your joke, making Wes laugh. Maybe it was just you who felt awkward to do this with them, so you let your humor shield the uneasy feeling in your stomach.
“You’re always welcome here.” Wes chuckled. “Besides I don’t want to interrupt your usual movie nights either. Technically, I’m third wheeling.”
You laughed, shaking your head at Wes’ nice excuse. Sara was lucky that he was a gentleman, and he got along well with you. 
“Nice try.” You rolled your eyes, pulling the throw blanket close to you. 
Wes and Sara had argued for a few minutes about which movie to pick since Wes wanted a horror film, and Sara wasn’t a fan of that at all. You sat there, scrolling through your phone until they decided to compromise on a movie. You couldn’t help but chuckle as the movie started because they both ended up picking a horror film anyway. 
“Don’t worry, babe. If Annabelle comes to your room tonight, I’ll fight her.” Wes teased Sara.
“Stop it!” Sara pouted, nudging him on the arm as Wes pulled her close in his arms. “It’s not Annabelle who’s going to fight you tonight.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head as you shoved a handful of popcorn in your mouth. You couldn’t help but think how adorable they were as you tried to focus your attention on the movie. You wondered if Sara was still feeling hesitant towards Wes but from the looks of it, she seemed to have made up her mind. You felt overjoyed for your best friend that she found someone special. 
“Wes!” Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard Sara scold Wes after yelling “Boo!” at Sara.
You looked over your shoulder and saw Sara used the back of her hand to hit Wes gently on his chest as he continued to laugh. He had scared her just in time when the jumpscare scene had appeared on the screen. 
“You will be sleeping with one eye open tonight.” Sara warned. 
You laughed softly, watching Wes pout at Sara and pulled her in his arms, kissing her softly. Looking away, you bit your lower lip as you hid your smile and focused your attention back on the movie. 
Getting to know Wes as days went by, you were glad that Sara had found someone good. That was why you were also glad that you were getting along with Wes too. He loved to take care of Sara on the nights where she would be exhausted from work, and you would just leave them alone in the living room because you didn’t want to interrupt their time together. 
So, when you came home one Saturday night, you didn’t expect Wes to be leaving your apartment a bit early in the night. You had hung out with your office mates at the bar for a few hours since you thought it would be nice to give Sara and Wes some space in the apartment. You were sort of tipsy when you walked out of the elevator and found Wes just exiting out of your apartment. 
Your eyes couldn’t believe it when he closed your apartment door and immediately walked across the hall and pulled out his keys. 
“Wes?” You furrowed your brows, your eyes widened in surprise.
Wes froze in his place, his keys dangling from his hand as he slowly turned around to face you. A nervous smile planted on his face, and you swore you could see the panic in his eyes. 
“D… Do you live here?” You asked, pointing at Joe’s front door. 
Wes’ mouth parted open, no words escaped from it as he stood still. He didn’t know what to say or do. He was already caught by you, and he knew there was no getting out of it. 
“Ohmygod.” You gasped softly. “You’re Joe’s roommate?” 
“Well, technically…” Wes finally uttered some words as he tilted his head, his eyes gazing up at the ceiling. 
Before he could continue, the front door swung open, and Joe stood there looking at the both of you with curiosity in his eyes. Joe’s eyes studied you and then at Wes. You could tell he was wondering what was going on between the two of you.
“Mate, is she yelling at you too?” Joe asked. 
Your eyes glared at Joe, knowing full well that he was trying to piss you off by teasing you. Right before the three of you could continue the conversation, your front door swung open. You immediately turned around when you heard Sara gasp in surprise. Her hazel eyes wide and big as she stared at the three of you in the middle of the hall. 
“Sara?” You asked, trying to get some answers with what was really going on. “Is Wes Joe’s roommate?”
“It’s not her fault.” Wes interrupted. “I suggested the idea.”
“No, technically… It was both of our ideas.” Sara added. 
“Wait, wait.” Joe interjected, shaking his head as his hands gestured towards Sara and then at Wes. “Sara is the girl you have been seeing?”
God, you were dizzy all of a sudden.
Wes scratched the back of his head before wrapping an arm around Joe’s shoulder and started pushing him towards their apartment. 
“Why don’t we go inside and talk about this?” Wes suggested.
Feeling Sara’s hand curled around your wrist, you saw the pleading look in her eyes as she tugged on your arm lightly. 
“Yeah, let me explain.” Sara stipulated. 
You took a deep breath, trying to understand what was going on. The alcohol in your system certainly wasn’t helping you at all. Looking back at the two men, you watched as they entered their apartment together and closed the door behind them. Without saying a word, you followed Sara inside the apartment and immediately paced back and forth in front of her. 
“You knew about this the whole time?” You asked, your voice so low. 
This whole situation was slowly making you sober up quickly. 
Sara hung her head low for a moment. She had been keeping this as a secret, and she wanted to tell you herself about who Wes really was, but it was too late now. You have found out about it before she could tell you the truth. 
“Yeah.” She nodded her head. “I wanted you to know Wes first before I could tell you that he lives with Joe because I know you would judge him right away the moment you knew that he’s friends with him.”
You scoffed, “Well, yeah. I mean… there are a lot of men out there, Sara.” 
“But I like this one.”
You stared at Sara, eyes blinking and a stunned expression on your face. You couldn’t find the words to even tell Sara how you felt about this because you have seen how she was with Wes for the last few weeks, and you didn’t want to burst her bubble. However, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander back at the thought of Joe. 
“He’s… friends with that… pig.” You murmured. “How do you know he’s not the same?”
Sara tilted her head at you, raising her brow. “You have known him for a few weeks and remember what you said? You said you really like Wes for me.”
“Well…yeah.. But I…” You stumbled on your words. “Yeah, but that’s before I found out he’s friends with Joe.”
“So, now that you found out that he’s friends with Joe, he’s a totally different person than the one you have known for the last few weeks?”
You pursed your lips and kept your mouth shut because Sara had a point. You did find Wes very interesting, and he seemed like a nice guy as you got to know him better, but how did you know it wasn’t a façade that he was putting up either? Joe was always known for that and if they were friends, Wes probably could have learned that easily from Joe, right?
“I really like him.” Sara took your hand in hers, her hazel eyes staring deeply into yours.
“You said that last time with Lucy.” You muttered under your breath. 
“Yes, but this one is different.” Sara replied, making you raise your brow at her. 
You watched as Sara gave you her pleading eyes, and you couldn’t help but let out a deep breath. She was your best friend, and you wanted nothing but happiness for her. If she liked Wes, then maybe you could give him a chance. But you certainly would kick his ass if he ended up just like Joe. 
“Why don’t we all go out for dinner?” Sara suggested. 
“What?” Your eyes widened, scrunching your face at the idea. “Like a double date? No way!”
“It doesn’t have to be a double date.” Sara argued. “Just something we could do, so that you could actually get to know Wes better. Plus, maybe you’ll get to know Joe better than what you just see every day.” 
You gave Sara a glare, tilting your head at her. “I’ve known Joe for two years. I think I already know who he is.”
“How well do you really know Joe besides the fact that you always see him with different girls and that he’s an actor?”
You couldn’t help but sigh and roll your eyes at her argument. You shook your head at her. As much as you hated this idea, Sara had a point, and you couldn’t believe that you were actually agreeing to this. 
“Please?” Sara squeezed your hands softly. “For me?”
“Fine.” You gritted through your teeth. “One dinner.”
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf @mvnsonlover @mdurdenpitt @siriuslysmoking
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aloralika · 2 months
May I request some general relationship with Kurapika headcanons, please?
Kurapika Kurta general relationship
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Sorry for the late delay! Kurapika is my favourite character so I hope that I honour him with that headcanon ! Hope you will like it !
★Kurapika was a little shy at the beginning,since he didn't have any experience,it was a little awkward at first.But he slowly started becoming more comfortable and more confident in the relationship.
★I don't think he would be the type to be in pda he would probably hold your hand when you're on a date or place his hand on your hips,he's a bodyguard for mafia so he has to keep a clean and stoic personality for his job.
★If you'r not a nen user he would be protective of you,he's scared that one of his enemies would want to use you against him.He would maybe suggest you to learn nen in case you need to protect yourself.
★He would always be super gentle with you,always making his best for you to be happy.
★Since he tracks down the phantom troupe day and night he's very busy, when he finally comes home he's very tired so you basically eat and cuddle until he falls asleep.
★I honestly think that when he's tired or just seeks comfort Kurapika will be the little spoon and since he's practically always tired due to his mission, for me he's more the little spoon.But it's not rare that sometimes he's also the big spoon !
★He would blush like CRAZY if you compliment him a lot in a short time,especially on his physical appearance and even more specifically on his eyes.
★At the beginning,I think he would be very stiff about affection and he would take a little time for him to get comfortable.But as soon as he is comfortable he would love your affection.
★He would definitely warn you about the risks of being with him,he is scared that you will be the target of the mafia or worse the phantom troupe.He will also tell you that he won't be able to give you the attention that you deserve if you'r with him.
★He wouldn't be able to help you much with household chores since he's rarely there.
★Kurapika loves calm and soothing dates, It's canon that he loves reading books so I think he would particularly appreciate going to the library with you.He will take this opportunity to recommend a lots of his favorite books to you, and if you do the same it will become a little ritual between the two of you. He will try to read the books that you recommend to him even if it is not his reading style.
" I think you should try that book it brings a very interesting theme !"
★From time to time you will have picnics in the park and you will discuss about lots of different topics while eating together staring at eachother with a loving look.
★I think Kurapika has a box of jewelry that he uses on rare occasions,he would wear some of them when you're on a date.
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