#thanks for askng!
lyricfulloflight · 6 months
11, 13, 14 please!
11. What' your ideal date?
Sometime in September. Perfect fall weather.
Seriously, lately Mr. Lyric and I have been enjoying going to hockey games together. Also love dinner and bowling.
We've been married with kids for quite a while now. Any date is exciting at this point because we get to be kid free for a while.
13. What' your comfort food?
Comfort if I'm sick: soup. Anything with broth and noodles.
Comfort if its cold: Shepard's Pie
Comfort if its hot: Very fruity smoothies with tropical fruits like mango.
14. Favourite feel-good show?
911 has been my comfort show for the past year. Started watching it while in a negative mental health space. Still completely obsessed now even though I'm feeing better.
Historically the first 3 season of Gilmore Girls are comforting for me. Or sitcoms that always make me laugh, like Brooklyn 99 or Superstore. Or Taskmaster (I will be in fits watching clips of Taskmaster on Youtube)
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glamfellens · 1 year
idk a lot of dnd/bg3 lore, do u wanna talk abt what draws u to tempus? ∠( ᐛ 」∠)__
ok i'll be real the initial pull is very boring and it was simply because when i first played bg3 i wanted to play a more neutrally aligned character and tempus was the first neutral god i saw on the list lol. but since then....... one of my favourite things about tempus is that he forbids his clerics and followers to attack clerics of eldath, the goddess of peace, or to desecrate her temples or shrines. because while peace and war are diametrically opposed he takes the view that there is little point to war if there is no peace to follow it! i also find it interesting that tempus's focus is the act of war itself rather than the justification for waging it (which i guess would be more in the domain of a god of justice like tyr or helm). so he can side with one army and then switch to another, because war is messy, its violent, its chaotic, and this is what he himself represents. but at the same time he maintains a code of honour!! making war into a thing of rules, forbidding salting the fields of your enemies, forbidding the burning of their houses - the focus on honourable combat that promotes an equal fight between two sides without hurting people who cant defend themselves. because where is the skill or honour in cutting down people who cant put up a fair fight? it just felt like a nice change of pace from having a god of war who is mindlessly violent and bloodthirsty :) this is a very generalised take but to me tempus has always felt like a nice balance between athena and ares he also sponsored the goddess of strategy's divine ascension which i think speaks to how he values strategy, planning and thinking over mindless blood thirst and rage and a side note. the church of tempus is responsible for faerun's equivalent of the geneva convention. lmao
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underappreciated fnaf women hours
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commoncoel · 1 year
i am!! big huge exciting life changing things are coming up for me soon (like in the next few weeks!! soon) and its all just a bit overwhelming :''')
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senbons · 1 month
For the fic ask game: 😂 (funniest comment on a fic), 👻 (any holiday themed stories), ✏️ (fav fic from another writer), 🔪 (fmk three tropes: fake dating, coffee shop au, friends to lovers), and also 📚 (ur most common grammar mistakes). Thank you! I love everything you write! 💕💕
😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
oh man idk there are so many funny ones. every story has someone saying a hilarious comment (more than one) that i quote to myself forever afterward (i.e. patriotism v. pussy). i love every single comment i get.
👻 Have you written holiday-themed fics? If yes, which is your fave? If not, what’s one holiday you’d want to write for, and which character(s) would the fic be for?
Hm I don't think I have any holiday fics except for valentine's day. and some bday references, but i think that's all
✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer?
ooooooh tough. I absolutely cannot choose. Not shikatema, I'd say the ones that are coming to mind are a teen wolf one, an inception one, and a merlin one. all of those i kept thinking about long after reading them... ooh some oryx and crake. there are so many though. and everything i bookmarked on ao3 is because i came back and read it more than once.
🔪 (fmk three tropes: fake dating, coffee shop au, friends to lovers),
ah okay! i'd fuck around with some fake dating (y'all know i love a good arranged marriage trope), i'd marry coffee shop au (the classic, the absolute amount of drafts i have of various shikatema coffee shops aus i have that will never see the light of day! And let's ax friends to lovers. never been my personal cup of tea ~
📚 What grammar mistakes do you always make?
already answered but my end advice the more i think of it is don't read my work if you're trying to learn to write i am a horrible example i make up words on the daily. and not making shit up in a shakespeare way, more like a sarah palin way
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some-random-dunce · 2 months
"My son is fine." Ma'am, your daughter made an angst playlist to cope with a mental breakdown
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dannybobany · 4 months
you should like totally share any omori headcanons u have... in a no pressure way at all take however much time as u need way....
Immediately I think about my Basil headcanons because he’s my favorite
basil headcanons I have:
-Basil and Polly have a found family relationship and nobody can convince me otherwise (I HATE BASILS PARENTS <3 <3)
-Basil actually has some decent muscle on him from frequent physical activity out in the garden, I also headcanon that he and Aubrey do workouts together post good-end as a way to bond and rebuild thier relationship
-Basil is vaguely spiritual in a casual way..like, he believes in herbal remedies and many different luck or good-will superstitions, he’ll put out bushels of rosemary and light incense and hang a horseshoe over his door, stuff like that (it helps with the paranoia)
-Basil goes to coffee shops and orders the worst tasting most high caffeine drinks imaginable, like you’d expect him to go for something sweet but Basils not actually that into sweets since too much sugar gives him a headache, and he does get awful caffeine jitters of course but refuses to stop drinking coffee “it helps he focus” he says (it doesn’t)
-Basil can dance. If you can convince him to actually get out there he will TEAR UP that carpet like it’s nobody’s business, nobody knows where he learned that and the first time he and the gang all go to a party together Kel and Aubrey are just left flabbergasted watching him absolutely KILL IT to Rasputin on a Saturday night
That’s about all for Basil but I think I have some Sunny ones too let me think..
-I headcanon Sunny as trans FTM… am I projecting? Maybe a little…
-Sunny is a really sore looser when it comes to games, do not play monopoly with Sunny he won’t even look at you for days, and don’t even THINK about Mario kart with this guy
-Sunny has high tolerance for horror content and is constantly consuming some form of horror media, everyone hates when it’s Sunny’s turn to pick the movie on movie night because he will find the goriest stuff imaginable (he knows Basil and Kel are wimps, he thinks it’s funny)
-Sunny can be incredibly insightful out of the blue, like you’ll say something to him about a problem you have and he’ll drop the soundest advice you’ve ever heard (he and Mari got that from their mom)
-post good-end Sunny sleeps with a nightlight to prevent sleep paralysis
That’s all for sunny right now but I’ll probably have more later …
Here’s some miscellaneous headcanons for other characters:
-Hero plays table tennis
-Aubrey hosts a monthly “rage night” out behind the Othermart where all her friends get together and break stuff, they drag out wooden crates and old furniture and occasional a personal item they’d like destroyed and just smash it with bats and pipes and whathaveyou
-Aubrey was the one who shaved the side of Kim’s head, Kim’s mom was not happy
-Mikhael secretly loves baking, he just won’t admit it because he knows his siblings will tease him for how he’d been acting
-Kel goes to party’s, accepts drinks, then pours them out when nobody’s looking and pretends to be drunk when he isn’t
-Kels first car was an old station wagon, surprisingly he’s an incredibly responsible and good driver, he’s also everyone else’s chauffeur for several years until the rest of the teenagers in town get thier licenses
I think that’s all I got for now- but that was fun!!! Thank you for askng!!
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 9 months
which don quixote movie did you watch and where did you watch it? i feel like i already asked but i forgot sorryy :) hope youre doing well eric!!
@snailvee AH IM SO SORRY I DIDNT SEE THIS UNTIL NOW IM DOING REALLY WELL THANK YOU FOR ASKNG ILYSM SNAIL YOURE THE BESTEST EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched the 1957 version of Don Quixote on YouTube and I’m still looking for others to watch cuz there’s like. A L O T DHWNEHENDJDNDJ
I am B E G G I N G E V E R Y O N E IN THIS UNIVERSE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE COMPLETELY BLIND ITS MY FAVOURITE MOVIE EVER ITS SO BATSHIT INSANE (only thing I’ll forewarn is that the English voice actors that voice over the characters (cuz it was originally made in Russian weirdly enough) change like. At random points throughout the movie so it sounds like a different character talking every time but it’s still them it’s just really confusing BDNEHENEJSN)
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ghostlycoze · 1 year
i am askng about your rw ocs :eyes:
:eyes back:
you have blessed me by giving me the opportunity to ramble about these little idiots thank you very much >:D
claps hands together
The lore of Ever Changing Fates is a total mess rn but it's very fun to just kind of mess with
I kinda like throwing ideas out there and just bouncing off people and seeing what they come up with lmao
The general deal is:
Fates is a newer generation iterator, probably around the same age as Pebbles. Long after the Ancients vanished, he kind of just went.
"Fuck it. Fuck all of this, I hate all of this. I hate being in a damn cage, look at that weird little cat. It looks happy. Why can't that be me? I wanna be a carefree little creature. >:(" (but in a more lighthearted joking way, as he always is.)
And then immediately proceeded to hatch the most unhinged plan and experimentation process ever.
As a result, his local group......... wasn't impressed. (I will detail more about his group later!)
He did not take the discouragement and lack of support well, and ended up isolating himself to continue his work without their constant messages trying to convince him to stop.
This totally didn't have lasting affects. Totally.
He succeeded, he managed to make alterations like the ear-like antennae casing (used to protect the fragile antennae, as well as used for communication and bonding with the scugs), and the tail (for storage of neurons and whatever else he may need).
Those went well. The removal from his can...... less so. (I do have some rough sketches of it, but I may leave it as a little surprise if I ever get around to writing a comic or little drawings as responses to asks maybe?)
Needless to say, as energetic and bouncy as this little guy is, he has some secrets he's hiding. And he probably needs to rest and take care of himself far more than he would like to admit
Lucky for him, he has his two scugs to take care of him!
They were originally designed as messengers, both with skills based on stealth to allow them to travel back and forth without having to worry about fighting predators much.
The white scug, inspired by white lizards, was created first; though after an injury, Fates created another to help; the black scug.
After seeing how dangerous the path was, he designed the black scug after a mole lizard to help it work best in a new path through the darker regions of his local area, which seemed to be less inhabited. It worked well!
And, after detaching from his can, the two sort of just became guards for him.
(They don't have names yet, but I'm slowly working on it!! Suggestions are totally welcome lol. I'm thinking "Light Refracted, Countless Hues" for the white scug? Not sure for the black scug though)
Aaand not only that, but there is another companion who joins Fates on his adventures!
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So this is Silent Observation (a prototype design of them at the moment), an iterator oc my friend actually made!
For some info on them, Silent is an iterator who was not part of Fates' group, but a neighbouring one. Fates stumbled upon their can, and managed to convince them to join him. Silent isn't great at resisting curiosity.
Silent is an interesting little character, who is almost always mute after their vocal systems were damaged by a group of scavengers who tried to take over their can. Silent often uses overseers to communicate simple messages, and can still make little beeps and humming noises, but not much else. They CAN talk, and
sometimes do, though it is quite painful and tends to break and skip over itself. So, they usually let chatty Fates do the talking.
And yes. Gay robots. They're lovers and we've dubbed their little ship name as clairvoyance (yknow, perceiving (observing) the future (fate)? credit to my friend for that great name idea!)
So yeah, after Fates vanished, chaos ensued— is he dead? Is he alive? Is he hurt? Where is he???
And then the sightings began. Clusters of slugcats, rushing by. One always slightly taller than the rest, built slightly differently—with garments, clothing. Purple, in green robes.
It couldn't be...
Yeah, he became a cryptid. The talk of the town, if you will. I'm sure Unparalelled Innocence was LOVING the gossip.
Especially when reports of a second creature joined; antennae, familiar robes, familiar markings.
Imagine someone suddenly sprouts wings, teaches one other person to sprout wings, and then starts flying around in front of you.
Naturally, absolute chaos. It was like Sliver of Straw's death all over again—but instead of it being about death, ascension, it was about the opposite. Life, descension, yet freedom.
Groups were divided; Those who believed it was them, and they had found a way to free themselves. Those who did not believe it was them, but it was something to be concerned about, to investigate. And those who did not believe it was anything of note at all.
(Note: this is set in a sort of AU where they find a way to slow Pebbles' rot, to stabilize Moon to a certain degree, and the group is talking again but still. Not doing the best, panicking and trying to find ways to help the two. Fates' big background-event could be the lightbulb above one of their heads to suggest the idea of tearing Pebbles and Moon from their cans to save them from their own dying bodies. Thanks, Fates lol
This AU doesn't focus on the main group much, more just my OCs. However the idea of them interacting is very fun, and I'm sure Fates' actions reach back to the main group and begin an off-the-string streak or at least have some kind of big effects lmao)
But yeah! That's a not-so-quick rundown of the beginning of this little group's adventures. I'll probably share more and detail how their lives go, how their relationship is and dynamics and certain scenes I've written about them—if I receive more asks maybe I could even try a little interactive thing I've seen others do (though I am. not much of an artist so we'll have to see lol). Regardless, I am so grateful for the excuse to talk about them a bit and I'll probably add some more on the others in Fates' group later on >:)
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bueckersstrap · 2 months
aw pookie are you okay? :(
no i’ve thrown up like eight times this is hell. thank you for askng though i love u
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cassie-moore · 4 months
Coconut and i set the alarm off on our morn walk. Didnt even realize it. Came back to all the police in drive. Theyre all so nice, they knw im in music
Knw me from when i had govt protection for 30 days - remember them clearing home depot garden section for Kinlie and me, flying w me to new orleans for loreals wedding, Kinlie having protection at school. She was so young and oblivious. Still very thankful for all of that to keep me safe, even if we got a taste of the isolated life of a royal
The one offcer laughng w me this morning askng if i had any more “fan situations” - had almost frgttn about guy who showed up on my doorstep
Fckng scary
Gonna chalk this section of my life to the WTF Era. The word era annoys me now…gonna change it to Irie lol
My own personal Eryting Irie Tour
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anonanamantha · 5 months
Okay so my mom is literally, at the moment calling me arrogant despite my obvious self-hate and self-worth issues an I'm like,,, gurl it's called a DEFENSE MECHANISM because it's better people think I love myself than throw me into a mental hospital cause I'm not normal. hahaha
like she says that she "supports" me, gurl you bodyshame me ON THE DAILY and tell me that IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH. like IM SORRY I ACT ARROGANT SO THAT I DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO THINK IM WORTHLESS.
i just
i don't know what i have to do to make you happy anymore
I'm happy with my achievements and suddenly im arrogant
I'm sad with what I don''t do and I should JUST BE BETTER
I'm sorry I'm not what you want me to be
and I'm sorry that I don't always make you proud
but it does not change the fact that I want you to be happy for me
the way I am and not the way you want me to be
"extreme expectations are the most toxic form of pride"
like everything I do, I say, even the music I listen to is my way for askng for help and understanding
I know I'm lucky, and I should be thankful. Others have more difficult lives, and you tell me that constantly. But I just hope, you understand we all have our problems and mine? My problems are me, and you.
I'm not asking for much, just acceptance, and love for my shortcomings and my achivements. I want you to tell me it's okay I'm not perfect, and be proud of what I have accomplished
I know you do your best for me, but please at least remember that I am also doing my best for you.
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yumenofude · 5 years
R & S
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
I do have small ships but I don’t think no one ships them? It’s just very quiet and small (like SpideyNova or KamiKiriBaku) though I used to ship Adamandriel (Adam & Samandriel in SPN) and Hook & Ariel (OUAT) a few years ago not sure anyone else shipped them :’)
S: What’s a headcanon you have?
Zoro and Sanji’s relationship evolves when Sanji smirks and instead of using his usual insults to address the swordsman, just starts talking with sweet words like “Sweetheart” or “Honey” just to destabilise and mock him (it does the work the first time) but Zoro quickly adapts and the crew still doesn’t get how they’re still not together it’s getting ridiculous
By the way, I post some headcanons on @plume8now or on my Twitter account (@yumenomu) :D
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hullomoon · 4 years
Ask game! 21, 39, 70 💙
21.) what is your favorite album? 
you know this is a hard choice how dare you make me decide. right now, probably either gemini or golden hour
39.) what do you do when you’re stressed? 
i touch my face a lot, i usually forget to eat or drink, definitely not a fun person to be around.
70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?
please note this is ridiculously hard and these are my favorite as of today
80s: Tainted Love | Soft Cell (1981)
90s: As a nod to our parents: Standing Outside the Fire | Garth Brooks (1993)
00s: According to my Spotify Wrapped: Oh! Darling | Florence + the Machine (2009)
10s: Butterflies | Kacey Musgraves (2018)
send me some asks!
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camm-6 · 2 years
Can u draw your oc Johnny ???? With the little guy without nose
They're cool.
billy refuses to collaborate in any more images because you called him little
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when-wax-wings-melt · 2 years
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