#but i cant believe i didn’t read this when i was a kid :(
just finished the poppy war trilogy what the FUCK WAS THATTTT
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wabbitears · 11 months
feddy movie
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winterf4iryy · 1 year
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latetaektalk · 6 months
love to hate you | jjk [viii, preview]
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“when obnoxiously rich and spoiled frat boy jeon jungkook comes up to you one day and asks you to fake date him for money, you definitely should have said no. because before you knew it, you were going on insta dates with him and having lunch with his equally obnoxiously rich and spoiled friends.”
— genre: fratboy! AU, fake dating! AU, college! AU, rich kid! AU, enemies to lovers! AU, angst, fluff, sexual themes (later chapters)
— pairing: jungkook x female reader
— word count: estimated 100k for the entire series, 970 for this preview
— warnings: none for this preview
— playlist: to be added
— a/n: i cant believe we've gotten this far into the story. we're slowly but surely nearing the end and i hope you guys will have as much fun reading this as i did writing it bc this is by far my favourite chapter ive written so far for those two idiots <3
— find it here
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Your friends followed your gaze.
Jungkook had his backpack strapped to his shoulder and the red scarf wrapped around his neck. It shouldn’t be possible. You were technically too far for you to properly see, but you saw it—the tension in his shoulders, the strain in his nape, the deep knit between his brows. He was…. annoyed. It was new to you. For a moment, you almost expected to find Narae walking behind him, bugging him, hot on his trail. It would explain it to you, and you would just simply walk over there and pull him to your table. Just like that, you would ease the knit between your brows, take the tension out of his shoulders and neck-
But it wasn’t Narae. 
It was Taehyung. 
He said something to Jungkook that made him roll his eyes. Jungkook didn’t seem to want to respond, shaking his head and waving his hand around, an attempt to end the conversation. But Taehyung wasn’t so kind, going on, even taking hold of his shoulder.
“Someone is in a mood,” Namjoon mumbled, cringing.
“What are they talking about, Y/N?” Jimin asked, looking at you, and you stared right back at him, frowning.
“How would I know?”
“You’re his girlfriend.”
“Go find out.”
“What? I just walk up to them and say,” you raised your voice a few pitches, “‘Oh my God, hi, you guys are clearly fighting. Care to share?’ Is that what you want?”
Jimin blinked, shrugging. “Sure, that would work.”
“You’re so ridiculous, Jimin,” you hissed, touching a hand to your forehead. “That wouldn’t work.”
“Of course, it would. Kook’s absolutely obsessed-”
“Oh my God, shut up,” Chaeyoung hissed, slapping Jimin. “They’re looking!”
“You guys are always so loud,” Hoseok sighed, and you sent him a glare because no, you don’t! It’s just Jimin!
But they were right. Taehyung and Jungkook were both looking at you, their conversation having come to an end. When you met his gaze, Jungkook’s face contorted into something else, features twitching. You couldn’t pinpoint what it was, but it wasn’t the usual. He didn’t soften in the way you were used to when he would see you. And when you tried a smile, Jungkook struggled to return it. You felt shot, and your smile faltered.
But Jimin didn’t sense it at all, wildly waving his hand around, gesturing for the two to come this way. And as if it wasn’t more obvious, he yelled it too, “Hey, Tae and Kook! Come join us!”
Jisoo sighed, “He’s such an idiot.”
Chaeyoung and Hoseok shrugged, as if to say well, it’s Jimin. They were right, it was just Jimin being himself, unaware and impulsive. Namjoon didn’t have any words, shaking his head. 
Jungkook and Taehyung looked at each other, exchanging a few words before the latter glanced at his watch and shook his head. He had to go. Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, whispering something into his ear. You must have imagined it but it looked like he glanced in your direction. But before you could think about it, Taehyung headed in the same direction he had previously come from, and Jungkook slowly made his way over, not meeting your eyes once.
“What were you arguing about?” Jimin asked when Jungkook stood in front of you, and you watched him grip the strap of his backpack, the skin over his knuckles stretching thin.
“Jimin!” Jisoo hissed, punching him. 
“Right, yeah, of course, you’d ask,” he smiled. “It’s fine.”
Jungkook said it with a laugh, but it was all wrong. 
“We weren’t arguing.” 
And as if it wasn’t enough, Jungkook put on his brightest and biggest smile. He showed it to everyone. Like a stone plunged into the deep sea, your heart sank. You had seen it before, that smile. It had decorated his lips during the Halloween party when you first walked in, or when you had first hurt his feelings while you had gone costume shopping. 
Namjoon and you looked at each other shortly, both of you sensing it. 
“Is everything-”
“Well, it looked like you were,” Jimin mumbled, accidentally interrupting Namjoon. He waited for Jungkook to budge and cave under his gaze, but when he wouldn’t, he shrugged. “Come sit.”
Maybe he could feel your burning gaze on him, but Jungkook finally glanced in your direction. If only for a second, so very brief. But it dug into your heart and split it open, gutted you and left you utterly empty. You had seen him just yesterday, picked out your dress together, parted ways this morning a few hours ago, and now he seemed like another person. He looked so sad, sad in a way you hadn’t seen before. You didn’t think that any emotion close to that had ever crossed his features, not in your presence at least. It was so new and surprising to you—because somehow in your mind, you had forgotten he had the ability to feel… upset—you froze.
“I’m sorry, I have to go,” Jungkook said, nailing that same smile back onto his lips as before. “But I’ll see you guys around.”
And before any of you could protest, he was gone, back turned to your table and heading into the crowd. 
“Well, that was… weird,” Chaeyoung said, pointing out the elephant in the room. And as if she had said your name, everyone turned to you for some kind of answer.
You blinked back at them. “Yeah, I-I don’t know.”
There was another beat of silence before ultimately your friends shrugged.
“Maybe it’s just not a good day?” Hoseok proposed, and they were all quick to agree, moving on. And though you didn’t voice it, you knew it wasn’t that. It couldn’t just be that. 
You knew it was about you. It had to be.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 8 months
Keeping up with the Bhangs
This is a one shot from the little series. Read it if you would like it’s on my master list :))
Warning: Angst
Pairing: Bangchan x reader
Summary: Being a mum is hard when you have to constantly play good cop, bad cop.
"Chan?" She called for her husband. "Chan come look at what your daughter did!" Y/n called again. The sight infront of her was painful. Her little girl was stood in the middle of the room looking so innocent but she had created a huge train wreck around her. She couldn’t believe it.
She tried to keep her cool, she really did but she couldn’t. She heard the quiet footsteps making their way up towards their daughters room. Her anger was being tested and she felt like she was about to blow.
"What is it Y/n? I have a really important-" he paused when he looked up from his phone as he stared at the sight in front of him. "What the hell?" He let out a gasp.
The room was a mess. There was paint everywhere and crayons all over the wall. The collections of toys chan had gotten Soo-min where spread all over the place and her clothers (Soo-min) was covered in dirt, paint and crayons as she stood there looking innocent with the crayon in her hand. 
"Chan look what your daughter did!" Y/n raised her voice a little causing Soo-min to jump. She took little steps quickly to hide behind her father who was now standing fully in the room. It had been obvious she was scolded before this because her little hands were shaking and her lips were quivering.
Chans eyes soften as he loosened the tie that wrapped around his neck and unbuttoned his shirt. He was determined to keep his wife calm and fix whatever was going on. If he had time of course.
"Hey, Y/n calm down. Don’t stress out baby. Its okay," He picked up his little girl with one hand trying to remove the paint of her face. Her eyes on the verge of tears as she pouted. "We can just get the cleaners to clean it-"
Chan being calm about the whole situation pissed of Y/n to the fullest because why was he so put together? Why was he such a good calm dad.
"Chan! you dont get it! this is not okay, she constantly disobeys, this is a huge mess! i left her for only a few minutes!" Y/n groaned frustrated as she threw the cups she had collected from the ground into a basket. 
"Y/n, its fine. She's a baby-" the glare Y/n gave him instantly made him shut up and look at his little girl that was basically holding onto his shirt for dear life. 
"M' sorry," Soo-min chocked on her sobs as tears started to spill and she Sniffed. She didn’t understand why her mum was being so scary. She only wanted to draw to make her happy cause she knew how sad she had been.
Chans heart melted at her little pout.
"Its okay mama, no need to cry. Daddy's got you," Chan wiped the tears from her cheeks and grabbed the crayon and paint brush from her tiny little hands. "Y/n look what you've done, now she's crying."
"Chan you cant honestly think this is okay-" Y/n was buffled. Chan didn't think this was okay, did he?
"she's a kid! kids make mistakes, she's still learning. You don't scold her, you teach her," His voice was now loud aswell. He was getting frustrated. He didnt want his children growing up in a toxic enviroment where they get yelled at or abused. That was his worst nightmare. 
“Then fine! You raise them if ur such a good teacher,”
“I don’t have time for this Y/n I have a big meeting coming-“
“Of course you fucking do, why don’t you just move into your office and abandon your kids and pregnant wife!”
Her blood was boiling. It was like she was getting everything off her chest and she needed it.
“Y/n that’s enough. Your acting like a child in front of her!” Chan growled. “You can’t even control this situation without calling and crying for me,” his chest was moving up and down as he was huffing. Trying so hard to control himself but he was stressed and tired and it was like she wanted to pick a fight every chance she got.
"Chan! why do you always have to be good cop. Why cant you see this is wrong? Stop being a bad parent and-'
"Bad parent?" He scoffs and looked up at her buffled, "I'm the bad parent? just cause you were abused when you were younger doesn't mean you have to put your trauma on my children..." His eyes go wide. He didn't mean it. He was just angry. He didn't mean any of it. 
The tension in the air wise thick. The shocked gasp that left her mouth was painful. Her head started to spin. Her eyes turning red as her body started to overheat. The emotions she felt were overwhelming. A panic attack was coming on. Her eyes landed on her daughter, the little girl was covering her ears trying to cover her face in her fathers chest. Was she a monster?
"Papa? no fighting," The little girl squealed as she still continued to cover her ears. This made Y/n's heart break. was it true? was she becoming her toxic mother. 
 "It's okay mama," He comforted her shivering body, "I-Im going to get her changed so i can go back to my meeting. I'll tell the maids to come clean up," he so badly wanted to hold his wife and apologize but with the way she stood in one place he knew he couldn't have the conversation, well not right now. 
The door closed behind him as her little girls sniffles slowly faded in the distance. Y/n was in shock. Her brain was taking long to react. Her hands were cold and all of a sudden she couldnt hear anything around her.
Was she the problem? Was she being hard on the kids? she never yelled at any of them unless they did something horrible, she never intended for the father of her kids to call her toxic. To embarrass her like that.
It was too much, she was done playing tough guy. she was tired of the constant fight of depression. She was tired of her husband degrading her as she stayed home while he was out all night partying doing God knows what. 
She wanted her life back. she wanted to be fun again. She didnt want to be tired all the time. She was tired of being pregnant.
Her face felt wet. Her hands automatically covering her eyes. Heart wrenching sobs leaving her body as she placed a hand on her belly. The doubt of being a mother was creeping back up. The sudden urge to run away and dissapear haunted her conscious. Truth is she was tired of the fake smiles and the big parties and important business people.
Yes, she loved the big house her husband built for them, she loved the grand cars and the golden credit cards but she wanted to feel again. She wanted to be loved again. By her husband. She wanted to be a teenager again, falling in love and being young and free.
She laid on the called floor. Her arms supporting the heavy bump she was carrying. The tiled sending shivers down her spine. The tears still spilling from her eyes until eventually she grew tired and fell asleep.
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mrsharrington83 · 6 months
Idiots in Love
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REQUESTED – My asks are open if you have a request ^_^
Summary; (For the sake of this fic, Steve and Nancy never happened) Steve and reader being dumb and having moments of being iconic together. Since everyone knows that Steve isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, maybe he just needs another person to be as dumb as him or maybe he just needs someone else to match him mentally.
Words; 3.4k
warnings; swearing, usual stranger things, things, slight mention of drug use, blood and injury. not proof read.
A/N; thank you for all the requests! I apologise for taking so long getting through them all. i cant write a 0.5k-1.0k fic for the life of me at the minute! Its 2am for me now, but i really wanted to get this out!
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Dustin said Steve was an idiot because he had too much hair on top of his head which left too much room for air. For you, Dustin said it was because you’d been around Steve for far too long.
Hawkins, Indiana, 1983.
School was a bore, you tried your hardest and whilst you did ace some classes, you also completely failed in others. Picking up extra tuition and getting help from anyone who would give it to you was a struggle. You didn’t like asking for help, it made you feel dumb, but more than that, it made you feel useless. Why did you struggle so much in certain classes and not in others?
You honestly thought it was from a fall you had as a child when you were learning how to ride a bike. Your father had stupidly taken off your stabiliser wheels and let you go on the hill of your childhood garden, right into a tree. Whilst you were fine overall, you did end up with a nasty bump on your head.
Not only were you not that smart academically, but you were also very accident-prone, which is how you met Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. You weren’t the most popular person in school, you had a small group of friends and that was enough for you. You didn’t want to be known by everyone. As you walked down the busy hall to your locker, hardly taking in your surroundings and paying attention, you slammed into someone’s back. Your extra tuition books and folders fell to the floor,
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going!” The person you slammed into turned around, Steve Harrington, one of the most popular, sought for guys in school looking down at you, “I- I” you stuttered and he smiled, placing his sunglasses on the top of his head, he always found your first meeting adorable, it was something the party had heard several times and not got bored of hearing it. The nervousness in your eyes, the way you pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. The way you bent down to get your books, just as he was doing the same. Your heads collided and bounced off each other, his glasses joining your books on the floor, thankfully not broken,
“Shit! Sorry!” It was Steve’s turn to apologise as he slipped his discarded glasses into his pocket and pulled all of your books and folders into his arms, standing quickly so as not to embarrass himself further, “are you okay?” you just laughed and nodded, taking the books from his arms as you thanked him. That was the start of yours twos budding romance.
Hawkins, Indiana, October, 1984
It was a constant source of amusement for the party, they couldn’t believe some of the stuff you and Steve came out with half the time and how you were both so in sync,
“Maybe if we set this on fire,” Mike stated as he looked toward all the drawings on the floor,
“Oh, yeah. That’s a no.” Steve bites back, shaking his head, throwing a tea towel over his shoulder as he leaned on one foot, hand on his hip,
“A double no at that,” you called back to scrambling kids who were already gathering supplies and pointing at drawings on the floor,
“The mind flayer would call away his army,”
“They’d all come to stop us,”
“We circle back to the exit,”
“Guys.” Steve interrupted the party as they carried on talking between themselves, rushing around, completely ignoring the two older people in the house,
“By the time they realise we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate,”
“HEY, HEY, HEY, this is not happening!” You and Steve bellowed over the party as they stopped to look at the both of you, your arms falling around as Steve grabbed the tea towel from his shoulder, whipping the air,
“Do you two share the same brain cell?” Dustin looked towards you both,
“No!” you both shouted in unison again, looking towards each other before laughing, the kids joining you.
They were all ecstatic when they found out you were both dating, though they did have to push you both in the right direction, this whole thing was an unlikely friendship between people. The only reason you were involved with Dustin and his friends was because you babysat him whilst his mum was at work, this caused you to get involved with the disappearance of Will last year and in turn, with you being close to Steve. He was brought into the mix also.
It was so obvious to others, how you both felt about each other, but it wasn’t for you and Steve. After some coxing and words of wisdom from the younger party, as you called it. You and Steve were finally an item, though they didn’t find out until months later when Steve let it slip,
“Dustin, stop picking on my girlfriend, would you?” Steve looked up from his plate of food as he moved bacon around with his fork, leaning back against the dining room chair as he stretched,
“But she just- wait? What... girlfriend?” Dustin looked back and forth between you both, the pair of you looking confused, “you’re meant to tell us!” Steve carried on moving food around his plate as you took a bite of toast leaning against the counter,
“Tell you what?” you asked wiping the crumbs off your hands onto a discarded tea towel,
“Have you been listening to any of this conversation?!” Dustin questioned, “That you’re together! I can’t believe this! How long have you two been a thing?! Wait until the others find out about this!” You picked up your plate with half a slice of toast left and took a seat opposite Steve as Dustin still stood shocked, playing with his walkie,
Steve finished up his food and stood up to put his plate in the sink, he looked at the calendar furrowing his brows slightly at the small writing, “Like seven months? Right?” he looked back at you as you nodded, your mouth full of toast.
Dustin once again stood dumbfounded, his mouth visibly agape as he pressed a button on his walkie, “you are not going to believe this, guys.”
Hawkins, Indiana, June 1985
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” You smoothed out part of your Scoops uniform that was now creased and bloody from your split lip and Steve’s as he was continuously hunching over you in a Russian loading car trying to gather his senses and not be knocked from pillar to post by Dustin’s driving up front, laughter bubbling in your throat, the situation was anything, but funny. All three of you (Steve, Y/N, and Robin) had been interrogated to the max, but once they found out there was a tie between you and Steve, they took advantage of that.
“Who do you work for?” the guard got down into your face once more, holding the arms of the chair you were tied to, his eyes glaring into your own,
“How many times do I have to tell you I work for Scoops Ahoy? I scoop ice cream for a living!” you cried out as you earned another slap across your already throbbing jaw. Steve was tied up behind you already passed out, they’d done a number on him and all you wanted to do was get out of this place and tend to his injuries, he didn’t deserve any of this. Robin was tied to the corner of the room having to witness her two new best friends being treated like this.
The Russian guard got in your face once more, “it looks like your friend here needs a doctor. Just as well we have the very best.” A smirk across his face made you see red, and without thinking you spat at him. A slight tinge of blood from your split lip was dripping down your chin, staining the collar of your uniform, “you’re going to regret that little one.” With that he muttered something else in Russian before leaving the room with the other guards, leaving you three on your own once more, but not without Robin calling them all bastards and yelling to let you all out of there.
“Steve?” you called gently as Robin tried to manoeuvre her arms from her binds to no avail. Unlike you two, she was tied to a bench so she couldn’t do much whilst she was bound up. Steve started to stir, pain evident in the way he groaned, “oh thank god... are you okay?” you asked quietly not wanting to be too loud,
“Ears are ringing, I can barely breathe and, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I’m doing pretty good.” His voice was laced with pain and sarcasm.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you came to an abrupt end, all three of you hitting already pained parts of your body as Dustin crashed into something,
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin asked as he looked to Erica with a slight shrug, “They’re fine, come on. Let’s go.” Dustin hurried out and opened the back of the loading car, hurrying you all out. Time was of the essence after all. This definitely made him think about how he acted sometimes, it was a handful and the fact you and Steve cared for him and all of his friends ample times made him furrow his brow slightly, not that he would change after they got out of this mess, he had an excuse, he was still younger than you.
 “Guys! Come on!” Dustin bellowed as he huffed in annoyance, slapping his wrist, and ushering everyone into the elevator.
“Oh my god! A skateboard!” you screamed out in joy, jumping on a red platform truck as Dustin got to work pressing buttons and hoping for the best, once the elevator started to move, you started to struggle. Steve grabbed hold of the platform truck to stop it from moving too much,
“It looks like you're surfing!” Robin pointed at you as Dustin and Erica glanced at each other quite clearly done with your shit.
“They look drunk,” Erica stated, all of you now splayed on the floor talking about food, “why are they drunk, or drugged?” she questioned as Dustin felt Steve’s forehead,
“He’s burning up,” Dustin spoke to Erica alarmed,
“You’re burning up” Steve bit back, trying to push Dustin away with his hand whilst you and Robin laughed at the ceiling,
 “Eyes are bloodshot, pupils dilated, Steve,” Dustin pat his cheek lightly, “are you drugged?”
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” Steve poked Dustin’s cheek and started laughing again as you and Robin shot up,
“you have marijuana?!” you crawled over to Steve and laid next to him, “gimme!” more laughs erupted from the three of you as Dustin and Erica watched on, wondering what the hell they were going to do to get you all out of this mess in one piece.
Getting you all back to the mall safely was a lot harder than Dustin could have imagined, Robin was picking at her uniform whilst tripping up over thin air whilst you and Steve were trailing behind humming and drumming the air to Simple Minds- Don’t You (Forget About Me) a song that had been on the radio continuously for the past month- a song Dustin thought you were both getting annoyed with as it came on the radio hours before you were in this mess and you were both scrambling with the radio to turn it off with rushed words of, fuck sake, turn it off, not this again, if I hear this song one more time I swear,
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.”
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
Keeping you all hidden from the Russians was a lot harder than it could have been, with you three wanting food, and then trying to separate to find food, Dustin thought of a quick solution and got you all into the movie theatre but not before Steve reached into the bin to pull out a bag of discarded popcorn,
“You three sit.” Dustin pointed at the three vacant chairs as you all complained about being too close, and how the seats sucked. “Well then don’t watch the movie!”
“But we want to watch the movie!” Robin exclaimed as other people around you started to get agitated,
“Then watch it!” Dustin apologised to other people trying to shush you all, changing his tone to a hushed annoyed whisper, “Whatever you do. Don’t... go... anywhere.”
“Fine, Dad.” Steve perked up shaking his shoulders slightly as you and Robin snickered, taking handfuls of popcorn and shoving it in your mouth.
“That settles it,” Dustin huffed, “I'm never having kids." The pair sat down a few seats away, keeping their eyes off you trying to fetch up a plan.
Once they both realised you three had left the movie theatre, Dustin let out an audible sigh from his chest, this day, was not it.
“So, like, I wasn’t totally focused in there or anything, but... I’m pretty sure...that mum was trying to bang her son.” Robin leaned against the wall as you and Steve took turns drinking water from the fountain,
“But they’re the same age.” you stopped drinking and looked towards Robin,
“No, but he went back in time.” Robin looked up to the ceiling, balancing on one foot and then the other,
“Then why is it called back to the future?” Steve asked confused as he stopped drinking, letting Robin get to the fountain.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” you stated “Back means past so how could he be travelling back to something that hasn’t even happened yet?” you questioned Robin, Steve looking at you doe-eyed, completely agreeing with you,
“He has to go back to the future because he’s in the past, so, the future is actually the present, which is his time” Robin added as you looked confused,
“wh...What?” you and Steve looked at each other astonished before you both got distracted by the ceiling lights, dizziness, and churning in your stomach had you all rushing to the toilet, bringing up everything that happened in the day.
“Well that was no fun,” your voice was harsh, your throat sore as you leaned back against the cold wall of the cubical, no longer dizzy, everything still, the walls no longer moving around you, “Back to the Future though, I can’t get over that.”
Hawkins, Indiana, March 1986
Walking into the creel house was way more disturbing than it looked outside, creaking floorboards, furnishings covered in dust and cobwebs, completely derelict, wherever you stood, something creaked.
Lucas went to check on a small lamp for some light, probably to take the edge off an already eerie situation, “looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill.” He stated as Dustin turned on his flashlight, you and Steve stood behind him glancing back and forth to each other,
“Where’d everyone get those?” Steve asked noticing that everyone had one except you and him.
Dustin looked back at the both of you as if to say unbelievable, “Do you two need to be told everything? You’re not children.”
“Thank you.” You said under your breath a little, huffing as Dustin took his backpack off,
“Back pocket.” He was used to you both forgetting things like that, you were both usually good with weapons and things you might need, and everything you didn’t, but never flashlights. You really did need to be told.
Max pointed out a big grandfather clock, hoping that everyone else could see it taking you away from looking at the scattered furniture,
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?” you asked looking at the hands that were still,
“Maybe he’s, like, a clockmaker or something?” Steve said next to you, as you pursed your lips actually thinking about it,
"I think you cracked the case, Steve.” Dustin chimed in, shaking his head in disapproval as you watched on, nudging Dustin slightly. Nancy told everyone to go in groups of two leaving you, Steve and a smiling Dustin. Steve let out a sigh and walked off signalling you to follow, “Was that a sigh?”
“No, I did not sigh.”
“Why’d you sigh?”
“I didn’t sigh. Just come on, dude.”
“I heard you.”
“We were just always partnered up with you, okay?”
“You have a problem with that?”
“It’d just be nice to, I don’t know, mix it up a bit.”
You continued to walk the stairs, creaking with every other step, as Dustin hurried up behind you, the pair of them starting to bicker a bit, a usual occurrence, “I’m boring to you? Is that it?”
“No it’s the opposite,” Steve added as he moved his (Dustin’s) flashlight around careful not to knock anything off the walls,
“Maybe me and Y/N should partner up and you go around this creepy house alone, is that what you want?” Dustin asked as Steve shot his head around almost tumbling back down the stairs,
“No! I don’t want that, sorry man.” Steve moved his hair that had fallen a little flat huffing once more. “We do make a good team, The Three Musketeers and all that.” You smiled at Steve’s remark, it was a book you both had to read when you were at school, though boring at the time, the lessons you learned from the book stayed with you. Chivalry, honour, heroics, and willingness. It was true. You, Steve, and Dustin probably had spent the most time together because even though you could both be a bit daft from time to time, you were both reliable and trustworthy with any problem Dustin had, even if that meant issues outside of the upside down. You both never found anything that Dustin had to say daft.
“Hey, uh, Henderson?” Steve asked, looking at the cobwebs that littered the place, “could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we’re supposed to be looking for here?”
“I second that,” you cut in,
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” Dustin looked back at the both of you smiling, “Sherlock Holmes.” Seeing you both confused he huffed sincerely.
“That’s great. Thanks. That’s great. Really helpful” You huffed and shook your head, feeling dumb as Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly, a knowing glance only the both of you understood.
“You're not stupid, not to me anyway.” Steve smiled as a small laugh escaped your lips a small vent in the floor catching your eyeline as you walked over to it, “Y/N, let me.” Steve crouched down in front of you lifting the metal from the floor, jars of preserved insects had you grimacing before Steve shot up alarmed, shaking his arm and flailing his hand to get a spider off, both of you clumsily falling through cobwebs and the door, into Nancy,
“Hey, hey, both of you, stay still. Stop moving.” She took time to rid you both of cobwebs as she lightly dusted dust off your arm, you and Steve then looking over each other,
“It was a black widow.” Steve lets out a breath of air, calmer than he was before, “Don’t go in there.” He shut the door adverting his attention back to you, moving a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, kissing your nose lightly. “So uh, Nance. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world, and stuff. Maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, Y/N, you, Jonathan, when he’s back.”
“I’d love to.” Nancy looked at you both endearingly, she was glad you both had each other. Everyone needed someone. She knew you both back in school, but never really spoke to either of you. She was too wrapped up in perfecting her grades, reading the next book on the shelf, but she was so thankful to be in your lives now.
Steve was finally with someone he could be himself around without feeling bad or awkward, even in this messed up world the both of you bounced off each other as though it were effortless. Although you were sometimes the biggest idiots, you were the biggest idiots in love.
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s0urw00lf · 1 month
Rewrite the stars
Pairing: Sirius black x reader
Summary: you and Sirius have been in love since you were mere teenagers, but life seems to have other plans for the both of you.
Warning: angst and heartbreak
AN: I hope this makes you cry because I cried writing it. This was supposed to be a song fic but I don’t know how I feel about making characters sing I feel so awkward writing it so this is what it ended up as.
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Your life had been damned since the day you were born. At a young age you Sirius and regulus would sit in the garden under the stars as you rambled on about random things. “I think our lives are written out in the stars.” You said laying on your back. Sirius and regulus turned to you “how do you mean?” Sirius asked, regulus hummed along as he always does, he’s the more quiet out of the three of you. You smiled looking at the stars with so much adoration “we all have a destiny right? I believe it was written in the stars, and we just cant read it how we would if it was in a book” seven year old you said. “I think each star represents one person's destiny, that’s why some shine brighter than others”. Sirius smiled “do you think were written in the stars?” He asked, causing regulus to sit up, also wondering. You giggled “I don’t know silly, that’s kind of the point.” You said, “but, i like to think we are” you said pointing to the brightly shining row of three stars. Two closer together than the other.
Now ten years later you sat alone at the end of the slytherin table, body rigid, just as anyone’s would be these days. But for you especially, you were terrified, and the only person who could bring you out of that headspace was sitting across the room with his longtime group of friends. You stared at him, the light in his eyes made you envious, angry that your eyes no longer shone like that. But it made you happy that he got out, out of this life. At least one of you had. You and regulus hadn’t been able to, now your parents are forcing you into a marriage. You and regulus are best friends with no romantic feelings for eachother whatsoever. But your parents had not one care and had been best friends with his parents since they were young and in hogwarts themselves. The deal had been set in stone some before you were born. Except it was supposed to be with Sirius. “Your staring again” You hadn’t noticed when regulus had sat down but you were happy he broke your trance before you had the chance to humiliate yourself yet again.
“Have i ever told you how grateful i am for you” you joked, though your tone had nothing humorous about it. He filled his plate not even looking up at you “not nearly enough as you should, but yes” he answered. You huffed out a laugh “yeah well i am” regulus hummed, like he did since you were kids. You never really minded that he was quiet, more so because you were too but also because it left you alone with your thoughts. “You should eat, you’ve been doing a lot less of that lately” he said pushing a plate towards you. You sighed looking down at the plate of food you weren’t even aware he prepared. You ate a little over half of the food before you felt eyes on you.
immediately you knew where it was coming from. You looked across the room, meeting eyes with this brown ones your heart longed to wake up every morning to. You longed to be with him so bad it made your chest hurt physically. The only thing that had kept you going so far were the meetings you had in a room you didn’t know existed until Sirius caught you walking alone in the halls and dragged you to it.
He nodded his head slightly, and you nodded back. That was the confirmation that you’d meet tonight after dinner. You broke eye contact with him and looked to the darke he aired curly head in front of you who’s head was down as he read his book while eating. “Can you cover for me again?” You asked. His eyes looked up at you from his heads lowered position. Rolling his eyes he nodded “just don’t stay out as late again” he said. You smiled “regulus black you are a gift sent straight from heaven” you joked before finishing your food.
Now it’s around 11:00 at night and you and regulars were finishing your rounds around the school. Somehow (very obvious how) you both had been elected as prefects. So you had a little more freedom after the other kids went to bed. You not to subtly parted from regulus, when you reached the corridor that lead to the room you and Sirius had been meeting in.
When you arrived he was already there in all of his glory. He was sat with his head down and brown locks covered his face. You guessed he hadn’t heard you come in because hes head remained down. “Siri?” You spoke, his head immediately shot up, his brown eyes slightly wide. “Are you okay?” You asked, he nodded standing up to walk toward you. “I’m fine, love” he confirmed. Your heart soared at the nickname.
he grabbed your hand softly and just held it examining your face with soft eyes. “I- i have a crazy, probably very idiotic idea.” He murmured, you giggled “you have a lot of those” you joked lightly, “i know i do” he laughed but his expression quickly grew serious “But i want you to hear me out”
the air in the room grew tense, “Sirius what are you on about?” You asked, growing worried. There were very few scenarios where Sirius was actually serious ‘Ironic’. Worry etched onto your face, and Sirius saw that. He leaned in to kiss your forehead bringing his hands to hold the back of your head. His lips were soft and gentle as always. He pulled away but the tip of his nose was still grazing your hairline “come live at the potters with me” he said. Your heart dropped, you pulled away to see if he was toying with you. He wasn’t, his expression mirrored determination. “You must be joking” you muttered, still not believing the words that slipped through his soft lips. He shook his head “i'm not”.
you pulled away completely, turning away from him while running a hand through your hair, your heart raced with anxiety at the mere thought of it. Puting all of these people in danger. “Sirius, that is absolutely insane, even for you. I mean you can't possibly have thought this through” you stressed. He rushed toward you and quickly but gently turned you face him again. “I have i swear” he defended. You shook your head “you cant have. All of the people that would endanger. All of your friends, regulus, you, me?” You listed. “I’ve talked to James and his parents, love they miss you. I miss you” he begged. You frowned tears filling your eyes “and I you, but you know the lengths my parents will go to keep me under their control, and regulus, i can't just leave him.”
“We can bring him too” you laughed incredulously at his statement. “You and regulus have barely spoken a word to each other since you left home” you stated. A silence covered the room like a blanket, both of you not sure what to say “i would do… anything… to have you back” he murmured, his eyes were glossy and full of tears. “I would too, but i guess we weren’t written in the stars” you mumbled, not trusting your voice to speak at full volume.
At that moment you could see recognition and hurt flash in his eyes. The reminder of that night all that time ago, when he’d asked you if the two of you were written in the stars. So much had changed since then and you wasn’t sure when it all started and you hated that it had to be this way but you had to protect him.
Sirius then dropped down to his knees, grabbing bit of your hands “Y/n please. I am begging you, come with me. We can protect each other, we’ll run away and hide” his voice shook as tears flowed freely down his face. You held back a sob, tears clouded your vision and all you could see was a muddy outline of him. “There is not a place in this planet that they wouldn’t find me, if I go I’m a danger to you all and I won’t let that happen.” You cried, Sirius dropped his head against your lower stomach and cried, you felt his tears soaking your sock.
You joined him on your knees resting your head on his shoulder, and he rested his on yours. “There is nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you. To have children and watch them grow up. To see them off to Hogwarts every year. Nothing.” You whispered broken.
“But we can’t” Sirius finished for you, you nodded “but we can’t” you repeated almost inaudibly. After a while of sitting in each other's embrace Sirius lifted his head from your shoulder, causing you to lift yours. You took in his broken expression. red eyes, rosy cheeks and nose, and you were sure he was doing the same to you. “Kiss me, before we part ways Sirius please” you begged, you would’ve felt pathetic begging for anyone else but Sirius was different. You were meant to be, just maybe not in this life.
He gently placed his hands on your cheeks, thumbs rubbing your skin “are you sure?” He asked. You nodded frantically, “yes just please” your tone pleaded. He nodded with a soft smile, he began to lean in and your breath hitched, you could feel your body tingling from excitement and desire. You were sure your cheeks were red from how hot your face felt. When his lips met yours butterflies erupted in your stomach. His lips were soft and you could taste hints of honey from the chapstick he wore all the time. Your lips moved in unison almost like a practiced routine. Your hands found his hair and the kiss deepened, nothing harsh you just poured your hearts into this one kiss. You pulled away, feeling your chest tightening from the lack of breath.
You both breathed heavily in efforts to catch your breath, your eyes eventually met, and the air released all tension. “I’m glad we did that,” he whispered. “Me too,” you replied with a smile.
“When this war is over and your parents are gone, I’m gonna marry you” he said. You smiled sadly, you both knew the possibility of the good winning the war were slim and your parents dying were even slimmer but it wouldn’t stop you from keeping up hope. “I should go” you forced yourself to say. Sirius frowned. He knew that this was probably your last spontaneous meeting and he wasn’t ready to watch you walk away yet but in all honesty he wouldn’t ever be ready. So he nodded “okay” he said, he didn’t fight or resist and you thanked the heavens above because is he had you weren’t sure you would’ve left. “I love you Sirius black” your voice broke. “And I you y/n l/n”
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hannicorpse · 3 months
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stupid cupid.
kim rian x fem reader | wc: 0.7k | genre: drama, romanceish | warnings: none
note : written in 3rd person because i dont like using y/n
you couldnt say you were one to believe in theoretical situations. but, after one day out with your friends, you recall how woojin said cupid could sometimes miss when shooting his arrow. you thought it was silly, but later began to think about how it was possible.
ever since you and your friends were young, it was a well known fact between you, woojin, and hera, that you had a huge crush on rian. to others, it seemed obvious. but to rian? he was completely oblivious. for most of your childhood, he only ever had eyes on jae-i.
after jae-i came back from the states and back to school, of course, people only saw her as the queen of jooshin. so when you heard from hera that rian had been dumped at the racetrack, (after you weren’t able to make it), she was determined to help you dethrone jae-i.
maybe cupid was able to shoot his arrow twice, because you’ve never felt this close to having such an opportunity.
despite growing up in the same friend group, rian has always seemed to be the most distant from you. so naturally, you were beyond surprised when he had reached out to you after the break up.
rian 💞 : help me
you : with what?
rian 💞 : help me win back jae-i
you: surprised ur not asking woojin
rian 💞 : he doesnt get girls. and hera would just sabotage me. again.
‘is he serious right now?’ you thought to yourself with your brows furrowed. ‘how desperate..’
you: come to my house
rian had you left you on read for 15 minutes. and you didn’t doubt the fact that you knew he was already on his way.
as if right on schedule, there he was, already knocking on your door.
“so will you help me, or not?” rian asked impatiently as he followed you upstairs to your room.
“fine. you wanna win her back? make her jealous.” you briefly suggested, walking into your room and guiding him to sit on your bed. “how?”
“you saw how she was with that scholarship kid at the party. she didn’t even push him off. she wants to get under your skin. so get under hers. like, fake a relationship or something.”
“i don’t know if i want that. but if i were to go with it, who would it be?” he questioned, with a confused look on his face.
“well, since you asked, ill do it.” you replied, biting back a small grin.
“you cant be serious.”
“it wont work if it’s not believable. why? am i not worthy of the king of jooshin?”
“that’s not what i’m saying,” rian scoffed. “i mean, i see your point, but this sounds like a plan b.” “looks like she’s gonna need a plan b pill with that scholarship kid if you don’t make a move.”
“fine. i’ll do it.”
it was nearly impossible to stop yourself from smiling as much as you did, but you managed to contain yourself (for the most part).
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the next day initiated the first step of your plan to ‘help’ rian ‘win back’ jae-i.
step one. make it seem like you’re dating in front of everyone.
step two. the news goes school wide and it reaches jae-i
step three. jae-i realizes what she did and apologizes to rian so they get back together.
rian picked you up from your house so you could enter school together. but when you received a text from hera about how jae-i walked into school holding hands with the scholarship kid, you just had to let rian know. his blood almost boiled when you told him the news. he realized, he’d soon have to step up and try harder.
when you walked through jooshins entrance, hand in hand with rian, the news spread like a wildfire. even more than jae-i and the scholarship kid. your phone was blowing up with notifications from the schools gossip page.
kim2004 : rian and jaei are no more?
0808leelvv : so much for king and queen
kang04oo : you guys wont believe who dethroned jaei
with rian and woojin on the school football team, naturally, it meant you and hera would follow as cheerleaders.
“big game today, good luck.” you whispered to rian as you saw jae-i passing by, being extra sure to kiss his cheek when you knew she was looking. she subtlety rolled her eyes, before turning back around in the opposite direction to go towards the bleachers.
the game was nearing its end, and jooshin was 3 points down. but when woojin passed the ball to rian, he was determined to get a touchdown. he shoved and hurdled over any player who got in his way, taking all his previous anger and transferring it as motivation to get across the field.
nothing less of the expectations set for him, rian scored a touchdown, ultimately winning the game.
he ignores his clamoring teammates celebrating their victory, immediately going towards you. rian throws his helmet to the side and pulls you in by the waist, connecting your lips in a deep kiss.
you heard hera and woojin teasing you two in the background, but it didn’t seem to matter. in this moment, the moment you’ve fantasized about for oh so long, was here, and it was real. it was just you, and rian.
for a second, you felt that this wasn’t something to piss off jae-i. this was real. and rian felt the same way.
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lucysarah-c · 6 months
Hi! Happy new years eve ✨🥂 hope you had an awesome 2023 and all my best wishes and blessings for 2024 🫶🏼
Now, I can’t get this idea out of my head. Levi adopting a kitten with his girl. I always thought of Levi like a cat person, idk he just seem to fit on it. And as a cat person myself I would love to read something about it.
I can imagine him thinking is a bad idea but then he cant go anywhere in the house without the kitty 🫶🏼 so adorable I guess
Ahhh happy new year!! Thank you for all your well wishes and sending them back to you! I'm sorry it took me this long to write this for you sweetie! T-T so sorry
It started in the least expected way. Levi and his group of friends had been trying to find new ways to spend time together in their difficult adult lives. They wanted to revisit certain activities they used to enjoy in their glory college days and bond a little. You, of course, didn’t complain. If Levi decided to go camping with his friends or hiking on any weekend, it was also a chance for you to hang out with your friends at home, maybe watch a movie he doesn’t like, and have a “me” afternoon. It was all positive until Levi began to notice something during their hangouts.
All of them, particularly Mike and Erwin, had their own respective big, fluffy, loyal-to-death dogs that they would take with them on hikes, jogs, or even camping trips. You could see from the look in your boyfriend's eyes that he was envious. The only reason you and Levi hadn’t adopted any pets before wasn’t because of you in particular. You grew up with pets, loved them, and felt that the house was missing something without a fluffy companion. And don’t get me wrong, Levi had always had a soft spot for animals. But, in his own words, “As a kid, my family could never afford one… and Kenny hated them so.”
When you two moved in together, he didn’t want any pets due to "too much hair, too much mess, and too much money spent on the vet." But now, you could see in his eyes that he desired one, especially when they took pictures with his friends' dogs, and Levi hardly ever took pictures himself. Sooner or later, you brought up the idea, and he seemed excited. You quickly guessed that he wasn’t going to be the one to suggest it since perhaps his pride stopped him from admitting that now all the previous reasons he had given you to say no weren’t that important.
One lazy Saturday, you were walking past the doors of a shelter. Both of you admitted that if you were going to get a pet, it would be a rescue, giving the chance for an animal to live the American dream (two adults with good salaries, a pretty house, and no kids) after someone had made them believe they were trash. Both of you talked to the receptionist, who said that soon she would walk both of you to the dog’s department to choose. But when the guide came back and you were ready to go in and check out the puppies with your boyfriend, he was nowhere to be found.
Quickly, you followed the sound of people talking, and there he was, talking to a vet at the cat’s side of the shelter. The vet seemed to be deeply engrossed in conversation with him as you reached his side.
“Lev? Love, they are waiting to show us the dogs,” you called to him before smiling softly at the vet, acknowledging their presence.
“Oh, I was just telling him that she never gets close to anyone, not even to us. It was almost magical seeing her trying to reach out to him,” the vet said, and you quickly concluded it was the cat that was rubbing the top of her head against the front of her cage, trying to reach Levi.
“Aww, poor thing,” you said as you bent down slightly to have a better look at her face and perhaps give the cat some love through the small space of the bars. But the cat quickly moved away from your touch and softly hissed.
It hurt you, despite knowing that all cats have their temperament, until the vet spoke again, “Oh, she has always been a little grumpy; she’s not a fan of people.”
Levi also bent down to the cat's level, and he seemed to be the chosen one because the cat was continuously bumping her head against the cage, seeking more love from him. “Well, that makes two of us,” he commented, admitting his antisocial tendencies.
“When we found her, we thought she was feral because of the damage from living on the streets and her attitude, but we found she was chipped. We contacted the owner, but he said that since she couldn’t have more kittens, they left her in the streets,” both of you slightly raised to look at the shelter’s owner with heartbroken faces. “She’s been here for a while, but nobody wants her because she’s old, grumpy, and because of all the pregnancies she had, she has FIV, which is an expensive treatment an-”
“I’m taking her,” Levi interrupted the vet without a second thought, and you were about to comment that the plan was to get a dog, nothing against taking the little cat.
“Are you sure? It’s a lot of responsibility, and she’s rather old,” the vet warned.
“I’m sure. What do I have to do to take her home?” Levi replied with confidence.
That’s how Chai Tea, or just Chai, came into your life. She was a grumpy old lady, but you two loved her to death, especially Levi. She seemed to be a golden brownish Persian, which made sense given her breeding history, but one of her ears was damaged from living on the streets, giving her a permanently angry face. The first sign of her enjoying being a spoiled princess was during her first visit to the vet after her adoption, when the instructions were to reduce her food rations because she was already a bit too chubby.
“Shhh, don’t listen to the vet. You’re perfect,” you heard Levi whispering as he rocked her in his arms in the kitchen. “Here, have some ham.”
She was obsessed with him, and he was obsessed with her. Did Levi complain about the hair? A lot, but at least he took the effort to vacuum and brush her himself. In his own words, “If I can make her life worth it for even a little bit at the end of it, then I’ll do it.”
It was endearing to receive a text message from Levi saying "On my way home," and then witness the little fluffy ball rushing down the hallway with her short legs once you tell her "Chai! Daddy is coming home!"
It was incredibly cute how she would meow all the way to the front door, occasionally looking back at you to make sure both of you were going to greet him.
It’s rather funny how he went to a shelter to get a big dog for his "bro's" adventures and came back with a cat that demanded to be picked up and rocked in his arms while he prepared dinner. Even funnier is how he accepted it. Now your camera phone is full of pictures and videos of Levi humming lullabies, sleeping with a cat on top of him, or holding her up in the air so she can hunt a moth.
A little bit jealous? Perhaps. Sometimes, Levi seems more eager to greet the fluffy cat when he gets home than he is to greet you. But being able to give an elderly cat a second chance was a better experience than anything else.
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @s0meb0dy-0nce-t0ld-me @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @katharinasdiaryy @ackermanswifee Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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soxcietyy · 11 months
Yuta Okkotsu x fem reader
Tw: degrading, hate sex, and more things I cant remember
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Your favorite time of the year has finally come and as your handing candy out you get surprise from Yuta and the collage football team. He was your academic rival and you both had a dislike for each other. Somehow that dislike grew more when he saw that you were dropping raisins in there bags.
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Halloween night had finally arrived after so long. You could see children walking down the street picking which house to knock on. It was your favorite time of the year because you would get to see all the kids have the most adorable costumes on.
You wish you could participate in going out this year but the amount of homework your professors left on a Halloween night was atrocious.
Turning your attention to your laptop you start reading about the history of the land you live in. You let out a sigh not knowing why you had to take such unnecessary classes. If only you would of done this when he first assigned it. Not even a paragraph in you hear the door ring. You perk up from the screen and reach for your bowl of goodies.
Opening the door you could see two kids standing there. "Trick or treat!" They say in union. You smile widely as you admire their costumes. One seemed to be a witch, and the other a wolf.
"Wow you guys are so scary, I almost screamed! Here you guys go." You say as you drop the small boxes into there buckets. You see as they peer down to see what you dropped. There faces morphing from happiness to blank ones. You let out a awkwardly laugh as you closed the door.
Okay so you might of forgotten about Halloween and grabbed the only thing you have in the pantry, which would be raisins. It’s healthy but sweet like candy and way better for there teeth. Though if you were a kid and also received something like this, you too would be disappointed. Everyone loved raisins these days though, right?
Sitting back down you continue to do work and stand up when the door bell rang. Nothing too interesting happened until around late eleven. The streets began to clear up and kids started going home. The door bell rang once again and you stand up with your bowl.
Opening it you see a group of guys standing there holding there book bags open. You seem to recognize one in the front though. It was Yuta Okkotsu with the rest of the football team wearing there jerseys. So much for the Halloween spirit around here. You weren’t surprised to see him since you lived in a college town. Moms where probably ogling over them.
"Arnt you guys too old for this? Leave it for the kiddos." You raise your brow as you looked at them all. Either way you drop the raisins in there bags.
"We’re just trying to represent the school y/n, no need to be such a Karen over it." One of them said say as they walk off except for one, Yuta.
You’ve had classes with this man and god forbid you’d have another with him. He always had something to say and easily became the teacher’s favorite. You and him would also tie neck n neck during exams,quizzes, homework. When one of you did get the highest scare it would never be you winning. You never even saw him study as much as you which made you dislike him more. He was academically gifted and you hated him for it. The hate wasn’t one sided though. He also had a secret dislike towards you because you spilled beer all over his jersey while at a frat party. He didn’t believe it to have been an accident due to the little rivalry you two had going on. He also disliked how almost everyone that he knew had a crush on you and always had good things to say.
"I know you arnt that great of a person but really? raisins? Seriously?" He says picking it out his bag and inspecting it.
"I know your not talking Okkotsu, your the worst of the worst." You say as you press your finger on his chest. He looks down at where your touching and averts just gaze back at you.
"Why am I the worst? Is it because you can’t beat me in getting a higher grade? Do I make you go home crying every time you come second?" He smirks as he stepped inside your house.
You shake your head in disapproval. The fact that he thought that was embarrassing enough. You couldn’t bare first see his smug face anymore. All you wanted to do was shove him out the door.
"Who gave you permission to be in my house? And no I don’t go home crying. You wish I did because that would mean I actually care about you but I don’t. You’ll never see me crying over a boy like you." You cross your arms.
He looked at you with amusement. It was a miracle seeing him have other facial expression’s other than his stupid stoic one. He always looked at you with his unimpressed face. As if he saw you as a small worthless mouse. Thinking low of you to the point if not treating you nice. He never bothered saying good morning to you. He never held a door open for you. He would even avoid group projects with you. He just always watched you with those judgmental eyes.
The second you walked into class his eyes would land on you until you took a seat. Now they were looking right at you with a glint in them.
"Never see you cry huh? Are you inviting me to try y/n?"
"What, are you going to get another A in the next test to make me cry?"You roll your eyes
He quickly kicks the door shut and stalks towards you. You’re breath hitches not expecting him to actually do something. You back into a wall as he presses both of his hands on the side of your head. Not breaking eye contact with you.
You felt a hard lump in your throat as he dragged his fingers around your body. From your cheeks to down your waist where he played with your pants. He wasn’t really going to do what you though he was right? And if you did you wouldn’t stop him because that would mean you lost to him.
"You better not regret this y/n. You know I will fulfill my promises." He said as his hand gripped your bottoms and yanked them down causing you to gasp. He laughed with a huff, looking at your silly pink thong you decided to wear today. Your cheeks turned bring pink as he ran his big cold hands all over your curves. Taking in the Beauty of your body and what he had been missing. What he might of had if he ever decided to get with you. He then pulled your shirt up and took off your bra faster than you could think of telling him to stop.
The thought of making him cum before you was what you wanted. What would be his reaction? What would he say? Would he admit to being wrong? Would he cry home about it?
Turning you around and bending you over the arm of the couch, you could hear him undo his belt. You take a deep breath before you felt him shove himself in without warning. You unprepared walls being stretched uncomfortably. Hearing you let out a small whine from the sudden intrusion made him smile.
"Any last words before I begin?" He asks you as he groped your behind roughly.
"Are you fully in yet? Because it feels really fucking small." You turn to look at him.
He clearly wasn’t amused by your joke and slammed into you harder making you jolt. He wasn’t nice about it, he didn’t even bother prepping you before putting it in. No kissing and no foreplay. Though why would he even bother to do that to you. He hated you after all and you hated him.
Gripping your hips he goes in and out if you repeatedly as he increased his pace. Filling you up with his long member that you wouldn’t think he had, if you were being honest this had to be the biggest one you’ve taken yet. He wrapped his hand around you hair and yanked it back so you could look at him smile. So he could see your facial reactions to you taking him. So he could see you cry with streaks of tears rolling down your face.
There was absolutely no way you would ever give in to him. You would not loose to him yet again. But something inside your head was telling you maybe he wasn’t that bad. The way he bullied your cunt was better than you expected. The way he looked at you with lust and his mouth parted made squirm. You had no idea why he was turning you on all of a sudden but you decided to blame it on being drunk off his cock. Maybe it was because it’s been a while since you’ve done it. You had to snap out of it thought. You moan as he keeps his pace and rhythm.
He grunted every time he felt your tight hole grip around him. Not wanting to let his member leave your body. He never in his life met someone as tight as what was sucking him in right now.
"I can’t believe such a pretty girl like you has a nasty mouth. So glad I can shut you up like this because you look prettier when your not talking all that shit. So much prettier with my cock deep in you." He says as he rolls his hips in you.
"Wait till the guys find out how much of a slut you are. How this scholar loves dick and does it with anyone. Such a pretty slut." He moans as he gets closer to his release. He rams into you harder making you bite your lip. Suppressing the noises that want to come out of you. Not wanting to bring his ego up nor satisfy him. You bring your hands to your mouth as he fucked you dumb. All you could hear was the wet slapping of his balls on your cunt.
He took a notice of your actions and let go of your hair to pull your arms back. You let out a whine as he used you mercilessly. Hitting your cervix repeatedly until it started to hurt in such a good way. Your legs began to give in as he continued. You felt yourself getting closer and closer to the end and he had yet to release.
Trying to get away you kick him with your foot that he ended up catching and using to get a better angle and grip on you. He hooked his arm around your thigh and opened your legs more as he shoved himself in. You let out a cry as you felt him go way deeper. Water began to pool in the corner of your eyes as you begged him to stop.
"There’s no stopping baby girl. Not until I’m done with you pathetic cunt." He said as he kissed your leg.
You tried your best to get away but couldn’t. You even tried holding in your release but failed to do so. Your legs began to shake uncontrollably as you came all over him.
"Such a good girl, keep still like the good cock sleeve you are." He said as he stood up with him still inside of you. He sat on the couch as he held you over him. Grabbing your face with one hand so he could look at you. The other one snaking around your hip until he slammed you down making you see white. You felt overwhelmed and to the brink of collapsing. He lifted you up and down onto him until he felt like it.
Looking at him was a blur due to the tears in your eyes as they started falling down. "Yuta please stop, you win! I can’t anymore it hurts too much." You cry as you grab onto the hand that held your face.
"If it hurt so bad you wouldn’t be creaming all over my cock." He said as he slammed you down a few more time. You open your mouth to cry in pain while still looking at his stupid stoic one.
You fell onto his chest as you catch your breath. Feeling the way his chest vibrated as he spoke but not being able to hear any of it. His hand grabbing your face to look at him. He wore a smile on his face seeing how out of it you where. He held your body close to his so you could rest comfortably as he picked up his phone that had many missed phone calls. You could feel how he was still in you. Using you as a cock warmer. A few minutes passed before he lifted your face up to his again.
"I fucked you dumb huh princess?" He says with a small smile. "I think I grew a liking to you and your fat cunt. So from now on I think you’ll be mine and mine only." He says kissing your temple. "You still haven’t made me cum yet so let keep going no? It’s okay if you need to rest, I’ll do all the work."
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viscaaelbarcaaa · 2 months
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Warning: fluff
Pairing: Marc Guiu x Fem!reader
Being a exchance student in London was never easy. Big city, bunch of trafic, new language, new school system..and much more
You are working as a student in a nice, cozy caffe near the center of the city where its always crowded. Meeting a bunch of tourists and hearing some new languages. But you never expected to meet a famous footballer.
It was a nice sunny morning. The caffe sign turned to “open” and people already enjoying their morning coffee.
“Y/n can you go get table 9 please?” One of your coworkers asked
“Yeah, right away!” You answered and walked towards table 9
“Hello, how may i hel-“ you froze in place realising who you just met. It was the one and only Marc Guiu, you didn’t really have time to read news about football because of work and school but you did came across a news page where it mentioned a famous Spanish footballer transfering to Chelsea, but you would have never thought that you’ll meet him
“You okay ma’am?” He chuckled
“Yes, sorry…how may i help you today?” You gather your composure
“I’ll just have a Espesso” he answered looking at the menu
“Alright will be right up!” You wrote down his order and walked back to the counter
“Girl, you wont believe who i just met!” You whisper-yelled at your best friend, who happens to be a regular costumer
“Who?!” Her eyes widened with curiosity
“Shh, keep it down he might hear you” you scolded her while preparing his Espresso “You know the footballer whos meant to move here?”
“Yeah, what about him?” she answered with a curious voice while sipping on her own drink
“He is sitting right there!” You point at the table. What you didn’t notice was him literally looking straight at you, he smirks at you
You smile back nervously
“Oh girl he wants you” you best friend said
“No he doesn’t, he doesn’t even know me, we just meet!” You explain
“Oh but he does, smirking and staring at you, girl you got yourself a husband” she laughed
“Shut up” you place the espresso on the tray and add a little muffin on the side
While carrying the tray, you cant help yourself but steal a couple of glances of the footballer
“Here you go, sir” placing the espresso and the plate on the table infront of him
“Thank you” he thanks you with a smile, appreciation evident in it
God, that man just took your breath away, you just stand there staring at his gorgeous smile that could make the whole London shimmer and his dimples.
You snap out of it and return the smile
“Sorry, dont wanna sound weird but i just transfered here and dont know much about the city..maybe you could give me a little tour?” He offered
“Absolutely!” You agreed
“Alright, perfect..will Saturday do for you?” he asked
“Yeah sure..but can i you know get your number so we could text where we meet and if theres any change of plans?” You hesitated abit
“Oh yeah right” you exchange numbers
You walk back to the counter, grinning like a kid when they get a new toy
Authors note: kinda rushed so sorry hope you like it and also apologising for any grammar issues, spelling mistakes
Made this cuz of Marc’s transfer to Chelsea which literally broke me to pieces but oh well
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candy-cloud-system · 2 months
I have Never seen an endo shit on traumagenic systems - i have seen them shit on people discrediting their experiences but its wild that ur acting like a victim when ur the one being weird. Psychology largely agrees that we do not know enough abt the human brain - specific dissociative disorders - to claim they can Only be caused one way. Also forcing people to reflect on if they're traumatized or not just for them to be "allowed" to use system terminology is Wild - even if every single system is caused by trauma, so many traumatized people have no recollection of the trauma. This isnt black and white and youre silly for caring so much abt internet strangers repressed memories or lack thereof 🩷
First off, learn to read . D N I. Means DO NOT INTERACT! I don’t understand what’s so hard about that, literally you have to go through the effort to read a whole message that’s literally saying don’t interact, go to my account, which tells you not to interact, and then type a whole message and never once do you think “oh! I’m breaking DNI! I’m crossing boundaries! Hm! Maybe I shouldn’t do that!”
So I’m gonna be a bitch to you now cus you broke my DNI and I’ve already stated I’d start being a bitch to people who do that
“I’ve never seen endos shit on traumagenic systems 🥺🥺🥺” okay explain the constant death threats we get. Explain the people LIKE YOU! Who break DNI to tell us shit we literally do not want to hear, explain the people who go into our comment and tell us to off ourselves, call us names, make up slurs. Tell us no one loves us and everyone will leave. Do you understand how fucking stupid you sound?
Traumagenic systems get SOOOO much bullshit from endos and that’s why it’s such a problem. They bully trauma survivors and victims, making them spiral and feel like fucking shit because they didn’t want people mocking a disorder that makes their lives harder. The amount of times I’ve seen endos telling traumagenic systems to die simply because they fucking EXISTED is fucking insane.
Even if you could be a system without trauma, you wouldn’t be in the same groups as us, you wouldn’t have the same terms you wouldn’t be classified with the disorder. Because our disorder stems from TRAUMA! You have to have trauma.
You can have trauma you don’t remember, BUT THAT DOESNT MAKE YOU AN ENDO. It makes you a traumagenic system who doesn’t remember their trauma! You guys fucking groom people into believing their trauma isnt enough or that they’re endo because they can’t remember and it fucking disgusts me.
I’m not making people reflect on their fucking trauma, IM TRYING NOT TO GET HARASSED FOR MINE.
Get off my fucking blog. Never come back. Endos and their supporters are NOT fucking welcome here. Respect my fucking DNI.
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raineandsky · 3 months
Ur writing is soooo delicious 🤌 love it
Could u write a story about hero who is villain’s older brother and who is desperately trying to protect his little bro despite their completely different life attitudes . So villain is getting hurt and of course his older brother comes to his aid
Bonus points if there also is sidekick who doesn’t like villain but is still helping, cause he literally admires hero
I’d be really happy to read such story🩷
oooooh i loved this!! cant go wrong with some messed up family dynamics - thank you, hope you enjoy :)
(part 1) (part 2)
No one wants to see their brother hurt. Not even the hero, not even when his brother has so clearly already chosen his side.
It had happened so fast. The villain was facing off with someone. Another hero, at the distracted villain’s back. A kick, the slash of a blade. The two heroes had laughed and shared a friendly high-five when the villain had gone down.
Heroism hasn’t been what the hero had expected—it seems the hero is one of the only ones that doesn’t hunt villains down in the name of fun.
Waiting for the other heroes to leave had felt like an eternity. The villain—his brother—left suffering on the pavement whilst the pair look for food places on their phones. Eventually, though, finally, they make a decision and casually make their way to the end of the block.
The hero can’t leap up fast enough. His sidekick lags slightly behind, glancing nervously at the road around like it might eat him.
The hero sinks to his knees in front of the villain, earning half a second of attention before the villain scoffs irritably. “Oh my god,” he says flatly. “Go away.”
The hero fights a roll of bandages out of his bag. “I’m helping, you moron.”
“I don’t want you to.”
“Well I want to.”
Despite the attitude, the villain’s breathing is laboured, his face scrunched up slightly in pain. Blood is smeared on his clothes like the world’s ugliest, most heart wrenching painting.
“Ugh,” the villain says faintly. “You always had a thing for showing me up, didn’t you?”
“Saving your life isn’t me showing you up. I’m saving your goddamn life.”
“Don’t give yourself so much credit.”
The hero laughs, and the villain manages a a weak smile. The sidekick lingers awkwardly behind the hero, watching with wide eyes when the hero beckons him onto the ground next to him. “Hold that,” the hero says, holding the bundle of bandages to the sidekick, and he takes it without question so the hero can sever a strip from the roll.
The villain’s gaze flits up to him momentarily, like he’s just realising the sidekick’s there. He probably is, given the state he’s in. “Wow,” he says in the tones of brash sarcasm. “You brought your agency-sanctioned child with you and all.”
“I’m not a child!” the sidekick snaps, even though his voice has that traitorous childish squeak to it. “I’m a hero in training.”
“You go ahead and believe that, kid,” the villain says with a laugh that seems to pain him the moment it comes out.
The hero lays the bandage to the villain’s side, trying to ignore the way he winces at the contact. “Where’s your base?” the hero cuts in. If he didn’t, his brother would start an argument and then he’d never get a word in edgeways.
The villain rolls his eyes. “I don’t like you enough to tell you.”
“I’m trying to get you home, [Villain], I swear to god—”
“Give me one good reason to tell you.”
The hero thinks for a moment as he pulls the villain’s shirt back down and takes the roll back from the sidekick. “I’ll tell dad you ate his last cinnamon bun last year.”
The villain doesn’t look any less like shit, but he suddenly looks a little more alive. “You wouldn’t.”
“Where’s your base?”
“[Hero], that wasn’t me, I didn’t—”
“I saw you come in through the window and take it off the kitchen counter. Where is it?”
“You saw that?”
The villain groans in defeat. “You suck. It’s in that abandoned library at the other end of town.”
“Thank you. Right, [Sidekick], get his other side.”
The sidekick hesitates for a moment. “Is there a policy that we can drop villains off at home?”
“Of course not.” The hero fights off a slap as he helps the villain sit upright. “But if we don’t make sure people don’t die, who will?”
The ghost of a smile pulls at the sidekick’s lips. “That’s why I wanted to train with you. It’s just, I don’t know…”
He glances at the villain, who happily gives him a cold glare in return. “Only the best familial relations,” the villain says coolly.
“He’s my brother.” The hero ruffles the villain’s hair a little, earning a second, much harder slap. “We’re not on the same side, but at least he’s alive to be on the other side. I try to think of everyone we help as someone else’s brother.”
“I wish you were someone else’s brother,” the villain snaps, much to the hero’s amusement.
“Ah, that’s too bad for you then.” The hero gestures for the sidekick to take his spot, and together they heft the villain to his feet. “Because even when we’re on different sides of this war, you’re still my little brother.”
“Ew.” The villain makes an attempt to kick the hero and misses. “Don’t say that in front of your child.”
The hero laughs, and for a moment, it feels like they’re young again. Still at home. Still on the same side.
(next part)
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f10werfae · 2 years
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Pairing: Husband!Henry x Pregnant!Reader
summary: fans on social media are absolutely in love with Henry and Y/n's relationship, and can’t ignore the fact that the woman is stunningly glowing !Fluff!
- Requests are open!
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Henry Cavill Masterlist💫
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We’re Building our baby’s Crib‼️
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@/tokyodrifter129: Ok but who knew watching a man building a crib could be such a turn on?!
> @/Y/nCavill: Babe I was thinkin the exact same thing 😭 it’s like porn for me now
@/lizziedwire: Y/n is so cute with her baby bump🥺 The way her hand is just constantly touching on it and the way she smiles at her tummy just makes me wanna cry my eyes out. She’s so precious
> @/marvelledsire: let’s talk about her pregnancy glow though?? Like don’t get me wrong the woman was already stunning before, but even i’m findin her irresistible to look at
@/livingonntheflatearth: Did anyone notice in the video when Henry was reading the instruction manual to the crib, and his other hand was just rubbing Y/n's stomach mindlessly. I just know he positioned her rocking chair right there for that exact reason. But also I can’t blame her if she just wanted to watch him up close 🤪
@/Cavillsfangirl00: Their nursery is so cutely decorated, all the pastel stuffies and toys on the shelves; DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE SUPERHERO BABY BOOKS THEY HAVE. I’m volunteering to be reincarnated as their baby
> @/leavemealonepls: Watching Henry in a vest top and shorts trying to build a crib, is something we didn’t know we needed. Thank you Y/n for posting this😭😭
@/Tacosandcheese: Henry leaning his head up like a kid to ask Y/n for a kiss as a reward gets me all giggly every time. Who knew a man needed a kiss after every hammer hit☠️
> @/clarkentwho: Y/n looks so done with him every time he put his head up for that😭 but did you see how she always ended up smiling into their kiss?! I’m sleeping on the highway tonight for real
@/369girlswannadrink: My favourite part of this video has to be when Henry accidentally dropped a bit of wood too loud and instantly turned around to Y/n, scared that he had “woken the weep chap”
> @/presidentofyourheart: Mine was when he finished the crib and him and Y/n started placing the mattress in it, you could see them both tearing up when they were hugging that dog stuffed toy they had😩
>> @/Saneiofanhere: How about when Y/n was sat eating baby sausages and every few seconds Henry would open his mouth and she’d try to aim one into it, then at one point she just got grouchy cause she ran out and he went and got her more. Sausage queen
@/noobmasterer: Y/n is absolutely stunning in her maternity dress, i’m actually in awe, what a goddess
> @/henrycavill: yeah imagine how I feel waking up to her everyday
@/beyoncesbackupdancer: Yall remember when they just revealed their pregnancy, AND HENRY CHANGED ALL HIS BIOS TO SAY “Future dad” This man is so extra i love it
> @/jellybaby: Can we blame him though? Mans has waited ages for a woman like her and waited even more for his own family. He deserves it sm!!
@/Iminlove: I nearly cried when the baby kicked Y/n’s stomach in the video and Henry dropped everything to go to her side to soothe the baby, with gentle kisses and cuddles😭😭
@/princesspopper: No lie I saw them buying the crib in ikea, and Henry was complaining wondering why the baby couldn’t sleep with them☠️☠️ Y/n had to hit him up the head and remind him that he can’t squish the poor thing
> @/princesspopper: THEN Y/n hugged him but she couldn’t cause of her stomach so he went around and hugged her from behind. I’m jealous can you tell
@/britishenthusiast: Omg the plaster cast of Y/n's bump in the background is so fricking cute, I heard that Henry did it himself at home.
@/bringitonsatan: I hate how there’s still fans hating on this beautiful family, CANT YOU SEE THEYRE LITERAL PERFECTION
> @/emmalovescake: omg yeah i know right, you can clearly see how much love they have for each other just by their eyes, I can’t imagine what they’re going to be like when their baby is here
@/cheesytoes: Ok but Y/n ogling Henry while he’s building the crib is a mood, Henry ogling Y/n while she’s sorting out the toys is also a mood. I’m in love with them both
@/Y/ncavillstan1: I can’t wait for vids of Y/n with their baby and singing them to sleep😭 I need to see it.
@/Y/nCavill: @/HenryCavill you purposely put the bar of this crib too high, I can’t get out of it
> @/Henrycavill: I told you not to get in it pet, luckily it’s big enough for a feckn bear
>> @/Y/nCavill: Please baby i’m gonna piss myself, I just wanted to check if it was comfortable enough for our baby boo 🥺
>>> @/HenryCavill: Alright babs i’m coming up now
>>>> @/supermanreds: stop it. The cuteness is too much.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly
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welldrawnfish · 7 months
Okay... before this starts I apologize for both length and possible butchering of your art. I am not good at this, but your stuff wants to make me try it out. With that, here it goes:
Twig was walking through the brush, looking for stuff to throw in the pile. She thought over what Fish Guts said, “Anything pink good for food pot. Is usually soft and nummy”. She was searching for mushrooms or the occasional stray tongue. She walked through a bush when she saw them
Three humans, two facing away from her and bending over a map but one was facing her. It was a man wearing a breastplate and wielding a sword. His eyes fell on Twig, widening in surprise, before a look of recognition crossed his face.
Twig dashed off into the brush before the knight had a chance to react, running to get away from the group and trying not to lead them to the rest of the Goblins. After a few minutes, she was hiding behind a tree next to a pond, listening to hear if she was being followed. She breathed a sigh of relief and a gloved hand grabbed her shoulder. “Hey- “
Twig shrieked and jumped into the pond, swimming to the bottom. The figure walked to the edge and started speaking to her. “Whoa, Whoa, easy. I’m not going to hurt you.” When she didn’t surface, he continued, “I know you weren’t born a Goblin. I know how to change you back”.
At his last statement, her ears perked up. She’d been looking for ages, and here the solution comes walking into her forest. She surfaces and eyes him suspiciously. He has black hair and an easy smile. He sits down with his back to the tree and indicated for her to do the same. She slunk out of the lake and took a seat across from him. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, I’ve been hired by the two biologists I’ve left behind to guide them here from when I was pint-sized and green. Scare off the bigger critters. Didn’t expect to see someone in the same predicament I was.”
“How do you know about that?”
“Uhh... Sixth sense I guess? I just look at you and see myself. I’m guessing it wasn’t just your nose and propensity for breathing water that’s changed, Huh?”
Twig scowled at him. She didn’t like being read like this.
“Look, I know that this is weird, but the damage can be undone. When you go into town, ask for Larin at The Drunken Fish. Oh, and bring this with you,” he said, bringing out a parchment with a runic symbol on it.
He got up and started walking away. “Wait,” Twig cried after him,”what if I don’t...”
He stopped and smiled back. “Let’s just say, you get to choose what you keep. This thing has a funny way of choosing the right type of people.” With that, he started walking back.
Twig took a last look at the parchment, and started running back to Fish Guts before they start to get worried. She was worried and excited, waiting to see what the future held
Any critiques and suggestions would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you and Good Night (or whatever time it is by you)
Are you kidding me!! You didnt butcher anything!!!
You know how amazing it is to feel like your work has birthed so many people being so creative its like, HOLY COW.
The story isnt even out yet and look how much twig has resonated with people, i love this! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!
like you have NO idea omg
thank you so much this is so fun this si so good i cant believe people love twig that much to be writing fanfics!! it makes me want to share everything ive created and readied but if i do that then there will be nothing for the comic to surprise ya'll with!!
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A ramble of major spoilery thoughts after the prime premiere screening (episodes 1+2)
Under the cut. Very big spoils, I’m warning you.
My head is jumbled after the masterpiece I witnessed and all I’ll summarise are reactions and some stuff y’all already know from other screenings
Episode 1:
CROWLEY AS AN ANGEL OH MY GOODNESS HE WAS SO HAPPY AND JOYFUL AND HIS HAIR WAS STUNNING. Aziraphale definitely had love heart eyes at him and the whole “oh look at you, gorgeous” thing was legit. Crowley said that and Aziraphale smiled thinking it was aimed at him and then turned as he realised what he meant, the whole cinema room went awwwwww.
No one told me Gabriel fucking rubs his naked self fully against Zira whilst hugging him, I actually died.
The whole cinema erupted in laughter when Crowley had to do an apology dance and I was screaming. He did end it with a ballerina pose I cannot. Aziraphale said he had to do that apology dance in 1650, 1793 and 1941 (so I hope we see that in the 40s minisode)
Aziraphale being all adorable listening to his records before he got interrupted by Gabriel aaaaaah
Aziraphale is so sweet with Maggie but he has no fucking clue how to be a landlord i stg. Maggie also mentions the lockdowns, so the lockdown audio clip is canon.
Episode 2 Part 1 The Minisode:
The way Aziraphale enters this episode, dramatic ass bitch
I absolutely loved Azicrow’s initial argument about Crowley being evil and killing the goats and then the reveal he never killed them. ZIRA’S SMUG FACE BECAUSE HE KNEW CROWLEY WOULD NEVER HURT ANYTHING. Plus why do they look like they’re gonna kiss in that argument, I saw Zira looking at his lips… maybe his beard
Ty’s character is so camp when flirting with Zira oh my goodness
Gabriel’s long hair reveal got the crowd roaring
The way they work together to trick the angels into thinking the kids are brand new is comedic gold
The very final scene of the episode is absolutely stunning. They’re both vulnerable and I love the line “I’m a demon, I was lying” comes back in so many ways this episode
Episode 2 Part 2 Present Day:
AZIRAPHALE CALLED THE BENTLEY “OUR CAR” and said he learned how to drive 90 years ago
Crowley’s romantic wooing involves a downpour of rain, sheltering under an awning and looking in to each others eyes to realise whats been there the entire time… ARE YOU OKAY CROWLEY
Crowley didn’t know Jane Austen wrote novels and knew her from a crime background. He picks up Pride and Prejudice in Aziraphale’s bookshop aaaaaaah
When Gabriel is alone alphabetising Zira’s books, he comes across P&P and reads the first sentence. THEN PICKS UP ANOTHER BOOK AND ITS THE FUCKING GOOD OMENS BOOK. NEIL I CANT BELIEVE YOU DID THIS
Anyway these are my initial reactions so sorry for the ramble. I hope y’all who haven’t been to a screening get to indulge and look forward to whats coming in just over a day now!
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