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mrsharrington83 · 1 year ago
Idiots in Love
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REQUESTED – My asks are open if you have a request ^_^
Summary; (For the sake of this fic, Steve and Nancy never happened) Steve and reader being dumb and having moments of being iconic together. Since everyone knows that Steve isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, maybe he just needs another person to be as dumb as him or maybe he just needs someone else to match him mentally.
Words; 3.4k
warnings; swearing, usual stranger things, things, slight mention of drug use, blood and injury. not proof read.
A/N; thank you for all the requests! I apologise for taking so long getting through them all. i cant write a 0.5k-1.0k fic for the life of me at the minute! Its 2am for me now, but i really wanted to get this out!
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Dustin said Steve was an idiot because he had too much hair on top of his head which left too much room for air. For you, Dustin said it was because you’d been around Steve for far too long.
Hawkins, Indiana, 1983.
School was a bore, you tried your hardest and whilst you did ace some classes, you also completely failed in others. Picking up extra tuition and getting help from anyone who would give it to you was a struggle. You didn’t like asking for help, it made you feel dumb, but more than that, it made you feel useless. Why did you struggle so much in certain classes and not in others?
You honestly thought it was from a fall you had as a child when you were learning how to ride a bike. Your father had stupidly taken off your stabiliser wheels and let you go on the hill of your childhood garden, right into a tree. Whilst you were fine overall, you did end up with a nasty bump on your head.
Not only were you not that smart academically, but you were also very accident-prone, which is how you met Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington. You weren’t the most popular person in school, you had a small group of friends and that was enough for you. You didn’t want to be known by everyone. As you walked down the busy hall to your locker, hardly taking in your surroundings and paying attention, you slammed into someone’s back. Your extra tuition books and folders fell to the floor,
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going!” The person you slammed into turned around, Steve Harrington, one of the most popular, sought for guys in school looking down at you, “I- I” you stuttered and he smiled, placing his sunglasses on the top of his head, he always found your first meeting adorable, it was something the party had heard several times and not got bored of hearing it. The nervousness in your eyes, the way you pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. The way you bent down to get your books, just as he was doing the same. Your heads collided and bounced off each other, his glasses joining your books on the floor, thankfully not broken,
“Shit! Sorry!” It was Steve’s turn to apologise as he slipped his discarded glasses into his pocket and pulled all of your books and folders into his arms, standing quickly so as not to embarrass himself further, “are you okay?” you just laughed and nodded, taking the books from his arms as you thanked him. That was the start of yours twos budding romance.
Hawkins, Indiana, October, 1984
It was a constant source of amusement for the party, they couldn’t believe some of the stuff you and Steve came out with half the time and how you were both so in sync,
“Maybe if we set this on fire,” Mike stated as he looked toward all the drawings on the floor,
“Oh, yeah. That’s a no.” Steve bites back, shaking his head, throwing a tea towel over his shoulder as he leaned on one foot, hand on his hip,
“A double no at that,” you called back to scrambling kids who were already gathering supplies and pointing at drawings on the floor,
“The mind flayer would call away his army,”
“They’d all come to stop us,”
“We circle back to the exit,”
“Guys.” Steve interrupted the party as they carried on talking between themselves, rushing around, completely ignoring the two older people in the house,
“By the time they realise we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate,”
“HEY, HEY, HEY, this is not happening!” You and Steve bellowed over the party as they stopped to look at the both of you, your arms falling around as Steve grabbed the tea towel from his shoulder, whipping the air,
“Do you two share the same brain cell?” Dustin looked towards you both,
“No!” you both shouted in unison again, looking towards each other before laughing, the kids joining you.
They were all ecstatic when they found out you were both dating, though they did have to push you both in the right direction, this whole thing was an unlikely friendship between people. The only reason you were involved with Dustin and his friends was because you babysat him whilst his mum was at work, this caused you to get involved with the disappearance of Will last year and in turn, with you being close to Steve. He was brought into the mix also.
It was so obvious to others, how you both felt about each other, but it wasn’t for you and Steve. After some coxing and words of wisdom from the younger party, as you called it. You and Steve were finally an item, though they didn’t find out until months later when Steve let it slip,
“Dustin, stop picking on my girlfriend, would you?” Steve looked up from his plate of food as he moved bacon around with his fork, leaning back against the dining room chair as he stretched,
“But she just- wait? What... girlfriend?” Dustin looked back and forth between you both, the pair of you looking confused, “you’re meant to tell us!” Steve carried on moving food around his plate as you took a bite of toast leaning against the counter,
“Tell you what?” you asked wiping the crumbs off your hands onto a discarded tea towel,
“Have you been listening to any of this conversation?!” Dustin questioned, “That you’re together! I can’t believe this! How long have you two been a thing?! Wait until the others find out about this!” You picked up your plate with half a slice of toast left and took a seat opposite Steve as Dustin still stood shocked, playing with his walkie,
Steve finished up his food and stood up to put his plate in the sink, he looked at the calendar furrowing his brows slightly at the small writing, “Like seven months? Right?” he looked back at you as you nodded, your mouth full of toast.
Dustin once again stood dumbfounded, his mouth visibly agape as he pressed a button on his walkie, “you are not going to believe this, guys.”
Hawkins, Indiana, June 1985
“Oh, this is ridiculous.” You smoothed out part of your Scoops uniform that was now creased and bloody from your split lip and Steve’s as he was continuously hunching over you in a Russian loading car trying to gather his senses and not be knocked from pillar to post by Dustin’s driving up front, laughter bubbling in your throat, the situation was anything, but funny. All three of you (Steve, Y/N, and Robin) had been interrogated to the max, but once they found out there was a tie between you and Steve, they took advantage of that.
“Who do you work for?” the guard got down into your face once more, holding the arms of the chair you were tied to, his eyes glaring into your own,
“How many times do I have to tell you I work for Scoops Ahoy? I scoop ice cream for a living!” you cried out as you earned another slap across your already throbbing jaw. Steve was tied up behind you already passed out, they’d done a number on him and all you wanted to do was get out of this place and tend to his injuries, he didn’t deserve any of this. Robin was tied to the corner of the room having to witness her two new best friends being treated like this.
The Russian guard got in your face once more, “it looks like your friend here needs a doctor. Just as well we have the very best.” A smirk across his face made you see red, and without thinking you spat at him. A slight tinge of blood from your split lip was dripping down your chin, staining the collar of your uniform, “you’re going to regret that little one.” With that he muttered something else in Russian before leaving the room with the other guards, leaving you three on your own once more, but not without Robin calling them all bastards and yelling to let you all out of there.
“Steve?” you called gently as Robin tried to manoeuvre her arms from her binds to no avail. Unlike you two, she was tied to a bench so she couldn’t do much whilst she was bound up. Steve started to stir, pain evident in the way he groaned, “oh thank god... are you okay?” you asked quietly not wanting to be too loud,
“Ears are ringing, I can barely breathe and, my eye feels like it’s about to pop out of my skull, but apart from that I’m doing pretty good.” His voice was laced with pain and sarcasm.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as you came to an abrupt end, all three of you hitting already pained parts of your body as Dustin crashed into something,
“You guys alright back there?” Dustin asked as he looked to Erica with a slight shrug, “They’re fine, come on. Let’s go.” Dustin hurried out and opened the back of the loading car, hurrying you all out. Time was of the essence after all. This definitely made him think about how he acted sometimes, it was a handful and the fact you and Steve cared for him and all of his friends ample times made him furrow his brow slightly, not that he would change after they got out of this mess, he had an excuse, he was still younger than you.
 “Guys! Come on!” Dustin bellowed as he huffed in annoyance, slapping his wrist, and ushering everyone into the elevator.
“Oh my god! A skateboard!” you screamed out in joy, jumping on a red platform truck as Dustin got to work pressing buttons and hoping for the best, once the elevator started to move, you started to struggle. Steve grabbed hold of the platform truck to stop it from moving too much,
“It looks like you're surfing!” Robin pointed at you as Dustin and Erica glanced at each other quite clearly done with your shit.
“They look drunk,” Erica stated, all of you now splayed on the floor talking about food, “why are they drunk, or drugged?” she questioned as Dustin felt Steve’s forehead,
“He’s burning up,” Dustin spoke to Erica alarmed,
“You’re burning up” Steve bit back, trying to push Dustin away with his hand whilst you and Robin laughed at the ceiling,
 “Eyes are bloodshot, pupils dilated, Steve,” Dustin pat his cheek lightly, “are you drugged?”
“How many times, Dad? I don’t do drugs. It’s only marijuana.” Steve poked Dustin’s cheek and started laughing again as you and Robin shot up,
“you have marijuana?!” you crawled over to Steve and laid next to him, “gimme!” more laughs erupted from the three of you as Dustin and Erica watched on, wondering what the hell they were going to do to get you all out of this mess in one piece.
Getting you all back to the mall safely was a lot harder than Dustin could have imagined, Robin was picking at her uniform whilst tripping up over thin air whilst you and Steve were trailing behind humming and drumming the air to Simple Minds- Don’t You (Forget About Me) a song that had been on the radio continuously for the past month- a song Dustin thought you were both getting annoyed with as it came on the radio hours before you were in this mess and you were both scrambling with the radio to turn it off with rushed words of, fuck sake, turn it off, not this again, if I hear this song one more time I swear,
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
“Don’t, don’t, don’t, don’t.”
“Don’t you, forget about me.”
Keeping you all hidden from the Russians was a lot harder than it could have been, with you three wanting food, and then trying to separate to find food, Dustin thought of a quick solution and got you all into the movie theatre but not before Steve reached into the bin to pull out a bag of discarded popcorn,
“You three sit.” Dustin pointed at the three vacant chairs as you all complained about being too close, and how the seats sucked. “Well then don’t watch the movie!”
“But we want to watch the movie!” Robin exclaimed as other people around you started to get agitated,
“Then watch it!” Dustin apologised to other people trying to shush you all, changing his tone to a hushed annoyed whisper, “Whatever you do. Don’t... go... anywhere.”
“Fine, Dad.” Steve perked up shaking his shoulders slightly as you and Robin snickered, taking handfuls of popcorn and shoving it in your mouth.
“That settles it,” Dustin huffed, “I'm never having kids." The pair sat down a few seats away, keeping their eyes off you trying to fetch up a plan.
Once they both realised you three had left the movie theatre, Dustin let out an audible sigh from his chest, this day, was not it.
“So, like, I wasn’t totally focused in there or anything, but... I’m pretty sure...that mum was trying to bang her son.” Robin leaned against the wall as you and Steve took turns drinking water from the fountain,
“But they’re the same age.” you stopped drinking and looked towards Robin,
“No, but he went back in time.” Robin looked up to the ceiling, balancing on one foot and then the other,
“Then why is it called back to the future?” Steve asked confused as he stopped drinking, letting Robin get to the fountain.
“It doesn’t make any sense,” you stated “Back means past so how could he be travelling back to something that hasn’t even happened yet?” you questioned Robin, Steve looking at you doe-eyed, completely agreeing with you,
“He has to go back to the future because he’s in the past, so, the future is actually the present, which is his time” Robin added as you looked confused,
“wh...What?” you and Steve looked at each other astonished before you both got distracted by the ceiling lights, dizziness, and churning in your stomach had you all rushing to the toilet, bringing up everything that happened in the day.
“Well that was no fun,” your voice was harsh, your throat sore as you leaned back against the cold wall of the cubical, no longer dizzy, everything still, the walls no longer moving around you, “Back to the Future though, I can’t get over that.”
Hawkins, Indiana, March 1986
Walking into the creel house was way more disturbing than it looked outside, creaking floorboards, furnishings covered in dust and cobwebs, completely derelict, wherever you stood, something creaked.
Lucas went to check on a small lamp for some light, probably to take the edge off an already eerie situation, “looks like someone forgot to pay their electric bill.” He stated as Dustin turned on his flashlight, you and Steve stood behind him glancing back and forth to each other,
“Where’d everyone get those?” Steve asked noticing that everyone had one except you and him.
Dustin looked back at the both of you as if to say unbelievable, “Do you two need to be told everything? You’re not children.”
“Thank you.” You said under your breath a little, huffing as Dustin took his backpack off,
“Back pocket.” He was used to you both forgetting things like that, you were both usually good with weapons and things you might need, and everything you didn’t, but never flashlights. You really did need to be told.
Max pointed out a big grandfather clock, hoping that everyone else could see it taking you away from looking at the scattered furniture,
“Why is this wizard obsessed with clocks?” you asked looking at the hands that were still,
“Maybe he’s, like, a clockmaker or something?” Steve said next to you, as you pursed your lips actually thinking about it,
"I think you cracked the case, Steve.” Dustin chimed in, shaking his head in disapproval as you watched on, nudging Dustin slightly. Nancy told everyone to go in groups of two leaving you, Steve and a smiling Dustin. Steve let out a sigh and walked off signalling you to follow, “Was that a sigh?”
“No, I did not sigh.”
“Why’d you sigh?”
“I didn’t sigh. Just come on, dude.”
“I heard you.”
“We were just always partnered up with you, okay?”
“You have a problem with that?”
“It’d just be nice to, I don’t know, mix it up a bit.”
You continued to walk the stairs, creaking with every other step, as Dustin hurried up behind you, the pair of them starting to bicker a bit, a usual occurrence, “I’m boring to you? Is that it?”
“No it’s the opposite,” Steve added as he moved his (Dustin’s) flashlight around careful not to knock anything off the walls,
“Maybe me and Y/N should partner up and you go around this creepy house alone, is that what you want?” Dustin asked as Steve shot his head around almost tumbling back down the stairs,
“No! I don’t want that, sorry man.” Steve moved his hair that had fallen a little flat huffing once more. “We do make a good team, The Three Musketeers and all that.” You smiled at Steve’s remark, it was a book you both had to read when you were at school, though boring at the time, the lessons you learned from the book stayed with you. Chivalry, honour, heroics, and willingness. It was true. You, Steve, and Dustin probably had spent the most time together because even though you could both be a bit daft from time to time, you were both reliable and trustworthy with any problem Dustin had, even if that meant issues outside of the upside down. You both never found anything that Dustin had to say daft.
“Hey, uh, Henderson?” Steve asked, looking at the cobwebs that littered the place, “could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we’re supposed to be looking for here?”
“I second that,” you cut in,
“The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” Dustin looked back at the both of you smiling, “Sherlock Holmes.” Seeing you both confused he huffed sincerely.
“That’s great. Thanks. That’s great. Really helpful” You huffed and shook your head, feeling dumb as Steve placed a hand on your shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly, a knowing glance only the both of you understood.
“You're not stupid, not to me anyway.” Steve smiled as a small laugh escaped your lips a small vent in the floor catching your eyeline as you walked over to it, “Y/N, let me.” Steve crouched down in front of you lifting the metal from the floor, jars of preserved insects had you grimacing before Steve shot up alarmed, shaking his arm and flailing his hand to get a spider off, both of you clumsily falling through cobwebs and the door, into Nancy,
“Hey, hey, both of you, stay still. Stop moving.” She took time to rid you both of cobwebs as she lightly dusted dust off your arm, you and Steve then looking over each other,
“It was a black widow.” Steve lets out a breath of air, calmer than he was before, “Don’t go in there.” He shut the door adverting his attention back to you, moving a stray piece of your hair behind your ear, kissing your nose lightly. “So uh, Nance. Maybe after we find Vecna, kill him, save the world, and stuff. Maybe we can all go out. You know? Me, Y/N, you, Jonathan, when he’s back.”
“I’d love to.” Nancy looked at you both endearingly, she was glad you both had each other. Everyone needed someone. She knew you both back in school, but never really spoke to either of you. She was too wrapped up in perfecting her grades, reading the next book on the shelf, but she was so thankful to be in your lives now.
Steve was finally with someone he could be himself around without feeling bad or awkward, even in this messed up world the both of you bounced off each other as though it were effortless. Although you were sometimes the biggest idiots, you were the biggest idiots in love.
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thaliagracesgf · 7 months ago
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coco-cinnamon · 4 months ago
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౨ৎ Warnings: cursing, smut, virginity, oral sex, mentions of sex, some fluff, 18+ MDNI.
౨ৎ Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fawn!Reader.
౨ৎ Summary: In which Steve and Y/N have their first time together.
౨ৎ Author's Note: I'd just like to put out there that, the first part of this fic shows that Y/N feels kinda shameful about being a virgin but seriously.. there is nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about when it comes to being inexperienced. Everyone is ready at different times, some sooner than others but it's okay not to be ready right away 💗
coco-cinnamon. please do not steal, copy, modify, repost, or translate my work.
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While making out with your boyfriend Steve at his place, you planned to stay the night, as it was the weekend. Though you had spent many nights at his house before, this was the first time your kissing had become so intense and heated. Feeling inexperienced, you were unsure how to proceed, as you had never been in such an intimate situation. Steve was aware of your relative inexperience, though unaware of the full extent of it.
You pulled away from him mid-kiss, avoiding his gaze. "What's wrong?" He asked, his brow furrowed with concern. He could always tell when something was bothering you.
You let out a heavy sigh. "Well, it's just... I mean, I'm inexperienced." You admitted, sounding slightly embarrassed.
"I already knew that, babe." Steve replied, tilting his head as he tried to discern the root of your unease.
"Yeah, but you only know a little of the truth." You said.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
You felt embarrassed, but knew you had to tell him eventually. "Well... I'm still a virgin." You said quietly.
Steve sat in silence, leaving you worried about his reaction. As an experienced sexual partner, you feared that revealing your virginity might turn him off for good
"Are you mad?" You finally asked, breaking the awkward silence. Steve looked over at you, his expression puzzled. "Mad? Why would I be mad, sweetheart?" He asked.
You averted your eyes. "Well...it's because I'm a virgin and...I never told you until now." You said quietly.
Steve's brow furrowed as he took your hands in his. "Oh, baby," he said softly. "That would never upset me. It's completely fine that you're a virgin, and I would never pressure you to have sex before you're ready."
You bit your lip. "But you're so experienced, and I have no experience at all, other than making out." You said with a frown.
"I understand," he said reassuringly. "Everyone starts out inexperienced. But when you decide to have sex and with whom is entirely up to you. If you want to wait, that's your choice. Everyone's different, but you should never feel ashamed about being a virgin or inexperienced." He gave a small smile.
"About being ready," you said, looking up at him. "I am ready to have sex. I trust you, and I know you're the one I've been saving myself for." "Wait, are you sure?" He asked, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "Because it's okay if you aren't ready. You don't need to have sex with me just to make me happy."
You smiled. "No, I'm not just saying it, Steve. I really am ready. I know I am. I want to do this with you." He nodded and leaned in, kissing you softly at first. The kiss quickly grew passionate and hungry. You tangled your fingers in his brown locks as you made out. Steve broke the kiss, then stood and scooped you up into his arms, making you giggle.
He led you upstairs to his bedroom and gently laid you down on his bed. He resumed kissing you, trailing down your neck and leaving a trail of hickies on your soft skin. As he continued kissing down your body, he slowly removed all your clothes until you were completely naked. He stood at the foot of the bed, admiring you. "God, you're so gorgeous laid out on my bed like this." He said, biting his lip. Spreading your legs, he took in the sight of your pussy. You propped yourself up on your elbows, feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation, wondering what he would do next.
Steve climbed onto the bed and nestled his head between your legs. He licked a slow, sensual stripe up your folds, eliciting a gasp and a sigh from you as you rested your head back on the soft pillow. Encouraged, he licked up your folds once more before gently spreading them.
He looked up at you hungrily before diving in, licking and sucking at your sensitive clit. "Fuck, baby." You moaned as he ate you out with abandon, like a starved man.
The familiar tension began to build in your core, and soon a wave of intense pleasure washed over you, causing your legs to tremble.
You uttered Steve's name breathlessly as you climaxed. He pulled back, a satisfied smirk on his face. "You're so alluring, princess. I can't wait to fill that pretty pussy of yours with my cock." He said with a glint in his eye. You gazed up at him, biting your lip coyly. "What are you waiting for?" You replied. "Oh baby, I'm gonna make sure that I ruin you for anyone else tonight." He said with a devilish smirk.
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coco-cinnamon. please do not steal, copy, modify, repost, or translate my work.
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stevieswhore · 1 year ago
"what, baby?"
bestfriend!steveharrington x reader
word count: 1.1K words
content warnings: just giggly drunkenness and you and your best friend not knowing what personal space is..
let me know if you guys want a part 2!!!
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“hi pretty girl.” steve slurs with a dopey smile, as you stumble over to him.
you giggle, letting him catch you as you pull him into the couch. “hi stevie..” you coo.
“where’ve you been?” he mumbles, shifting so he’s at your side, your leg draped over him.
“mmm- i’s’with eddie..” you slur, as steve pushes your hair behind your ear. “ohhh..” he trails off, letting his eyes drift down to your lips. you giggle and lean in, pressing your cheek against his as you wrap your arms around him and robin calls your name.
“y/n- woah- look! look look look!” she yells, dragging vickie over to show you that she has arrived.
you wave with a smile, trying to be polite, despite feeling steve’s open mouth on your throat, lips twisted into a smile as he hugs you tightly against him. you feel him laugh against your neck as eddie stumbles over to offer a drink to the new arrival, and you instinctually grab his arm.
“s-steve-“ you breathe. “what, baby?” he smiles. you look down at him and meet his glazed eyes and blown out pupils. “yeah?” he hums.
the tequila catches up to you as you mumble “I wanna kiss you..” an inch away from his open mouth. he groans, his eyebrows furrowing. “aw- you can’t just say that baby..” he shakes his head, but doesn’t stop inching even closer.
“mmm.. but I wanna-“ “I know I know.. me too- but I can’t- we can’t-“ he cuts himself off.
you pout, pushing your bottom lip out, and feel him harden under your leg. “alright- up…” he shakes his head, patting your hip. your jaw drops open as he starts to move towards the opposite side of the couch.
“wha- steve!” you whine, not caring how desperate you might look.
“we’re not- not doin this- we’re drunk-“ he tries to rationalize out loud. you huff but back off a little, knowing he’s right.
“what if we kissed when we were sober?” you suggest. he looks at you for a minute. “that’s not- you would still wanto?” he slurs. you nod instantly. “wanna do a lot with you..” you smile, pushing your lips into his neck, not quite kissing him.
his breathing picks up and you feel him groan softly. “y’gotta st-fuck..” he whimpers, pushing himself further into your touch. “just one..” you plead.
he sighs, pulling you on top of him. you giggle and throw your arms around his neck. “hi..” you breathe, resting your forehead against his. “hey..” he smiles. “we shouldn’t do this..” you admit, coming to your senses for just a second before sinking into him again. the corner of his mouth turns up a little. “yeah no- def- definitely shouldn’t..” he trails off, as your lips ghost over his.
“makes me wanna do it m-“ he cuts you off with his lips against yours and you moan softly before kissing him back.
he grabs at your back and you tangle your hands in his hair, making him quickly pull back. “mm.. y-cant..” he winces, making you giggle as you pull him in for another kiss and feel him get harder against your inner thigh.
“fuck..” you whimper softly, making him groan into the kiss.
“woah! what do we have here!!” eddie yells, snapping you out of it as he sits down right on the arm of the couch. steves head falls back and he shuts his eyes tight as he lets his hands fall to your waist.
he's a sight for sore eyes. his lips swollen and red and his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath that you stole.
eddie’s eyebrows are raised and his mouth hangs open as he looks between the two of you.
“wow harrington, never thought you’d actually grow the balls.” he teases. you open your mouth to make an out of pocket, alcohol-induced comment about how his ball’s definitely grew, but steve quickly slaps a hand over your mouth, as if reading your mind.
he gives you a look and you giggle, sinking into his chest. he lets his arm wrap around you and the two of you look up at eddie, who was even more shocked than before.
“aw.. well I’m happy for you two lovebirds.. make sure I’m invited to the wedding..” he winks before hopping up and leaving you alone.
you glance down at steve, who is still catching the last of his breaths.
“y’in there?” you ask softly. he nods, looking up at you. “mhm just- thinking..” he mumbles. you gasp. “steve harrington? thinking??” you tease. he glares at you and starts to throw you off of him. “no no no! I’m sorry, I’m sorry..” you giggle, clinging onto him as he brings you back into his lap. he’s smiling now and you sit up a little to get a good look at him.
“what’re you thinking about?” you ask genuinely.
“you.” he answers immediately.
“what about me?” you push a little more. “nothin in particular.. just always thinking about you..” he admits easily. your heart jumps but you try not to show it. “oh yeah?” you smile. he nods before subtly trying to pull you closer.
“aww does stevie wan’another kiss?” you coo. he rolls his eyes but still pulls your neck down to him in a bruising kiss. you smile against his lips and try to get even closer to him.
“steve I want- mmm..” you cut yourself off, knowing you were probably going too far. he pulls away to hear you out. “whatdya want baby?” he asks softly. you groan softly at the nickname.
“want you..” you look down at your lap, scared to meet his eyes.
“y/n..” he groans, his voice getting lower. you quickly meet his eyes to find them dark, his pupils taking them up. “m’sorry..” you apologize. “mm mm baby- don’t apologize.. want you too, s’just- we’re way too drunk to make decisions like that..” he explains. you know he’s right but you still tease him a little.
“what’re you talkin about? m’not drunk..” you giggle, sinking your face into his neck and placing a kiss there. he smiles, making his jaw tense up. “yeah me neither..” he chuckles, as you finally roll off of him. his hand follows you and comes to a rest on your thigh when you settle next to him.
“m gonna go get some water.. y’want some?” you ask, starting to stand up.
“sure.. y’tryin to sober up for me?” he smirks as you start to walk away.
you shake your head and smile at him. “just trying to put some distance between us!” you call before turning and heading for the kitchen.....
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sleepyangelkami · 11 months ago
TOUCH STARVED s.harrington
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 2.5K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - you were too shy to speak up for what you wanted, even to your boyfriend for something so simple. fortunately for you, he always seem to know exactly what you need.
 ☆ WARNINGS - mention of pussy whipped, reader has hair, light insecurity, (1) use of y/n, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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walking into family video, steve swore he'd never seen such a glum face.
your expression was saddened, not enough to look upset over something but just enough to tell steve what kind of day you'd been having. and believe me, he'd had his fair share of these kind of days.
"you doofus, that's not how you do it." robin argued, as she always was. nothing steve could do for her ever deemed to be the 'right way' however, before he could give back a snappy argument, he snapped his head towards you, the bells of the store giving a quick ring.
robin looked up confused as she received no snarky comeback before glancing towards you. she could have rolled her eyes, how pussy-whipped was this guy? "hey, y/n." she greeted first, watching as steve stepped away from the counter.
"hi, rob." you gave her a sweet, almost shy smile, she returned it in full. robin was very well used to you getting in these little moods, sort of where you shy into yourself. she'd never mentioned it, though, sort of assuming that was just how you were.
"hey, honey." steve was by your side in an instant, snatching up your bag from you so he could hold it. the sight of him had you leaning into him, almost fluttering your eyes shut. a sudden overwhelming feeling of tiredness fell over you. "you okay?"
he was craning his neck to look at you, you merely nodded. "tired." you answered before making your way behind the counter with him.
technically, you shouldn't be behind the counter and if keith were here, he'd surely have something to say about it. but he wasn't.
family video was having one of them slow days that consisted in hardly five customers an hour while steve and robin argued relentlessly on working the stupid computer that had been around way too long for anyone's liking.
you sat on one of the chairs with steve's arm around you. for as long as you could remember, he'd always been like this. touchy.
and truthfully? you were thankful. some days, all you needed was his touch and you didn't even have to ask, merely hold out a hand shyly and it was in yours. but on days like this, even an arm constantly around your shoulder wasn't enough.
your fingers had trailed up to mess with his. his large hand was relatively big in yours, you could lean against his shoulder all the while. in all of this, you could have fallen asleep.
though, that deemed hard with robin and steve's constant arguing. "you idiot!" steve yelled, pushing buttons at the computer and sort of dragging you as he did so. "you're gonna break it!"
"and what if i did?" she argued back. "not like it's worth anything." she would have kicked the computer, had she been right. unfortunately, the computer was worth something, her job.
steve sat himself back on the chair with a scowl before glancing to you.
even the mere sight of you was always enough to calm him down.
"sorry." he mumbled, knowing he was disturbing whatever peace you were getting. you merely waved him off before going back to playing with his fingers.
a couple more customers came in and fled all the same, renting movies that robin and steve would then gossip about as soon as they'd leave the store. oh yeah, horrible movie. i heard the sequels even worse!
it was best for you to leave them do this.
and by seven, it was time to lock up. you stood outside, waiting for steve who was using the key to pull down the store gate.
robin's head came out from underneath, holding her satchel bag. "night guys!" she called after you without turning around. she didn't even have a drivers license so you weren't entirely sure how she was getting home. nonetheless, you'd learned that it was better not to question robin.
"night!" steve called back before turning to you and rolling his eyes. "that girl." he only shook his head and shut his eyes, concealing his obvious irritation towards his best friend.
you only grinned back sheepishly, knowing they despised yet loved one another dearly.
it wasn't until you were sat in the passenger seat of his car, gazing out the window while your hands fiddled with his fingers that sat atop your thigh that he noticed something was wrong. earlier, you'd shrugged it off as mere tiredness and he supposed he believed you.
the night sky was dark and the hot air coming from the car was enough to lull anyone to sleep. yet still, he had a gnawing feeling that you weren't telling him the whole truth.
you weren't a liar, no. steve would say you were many things, never a liar.
however, you had the tendency to hide things from him. not overly important things like seeing someone else or something or other. you just had the tendency to not speak much about your feelings unless directly asked. you'd shy away and sheepishly shrug, not wanting to bother him.
you always had that fear of burdening him.
as the relationship progressed, he noticed this. he too had the fear of burdening. but slowly, you both began to break out of your shells. him undeniably much faster than you.
the stillness of his house told you it was home. the porch lights were on as he led you inside, hand on the small of your back. a couple lights were left on in the house too.
not the large, centre lights.
the warm lamps illuminating the entire house in a cozy aura.
you weren't too sure how you moved from the door to the couch so quickly. nonetheless, you relaxed into the material as the sound of you and steve's show began to play. a new episode every week. it was a ritual in the harrington house. and by that, i mean just you and him.
steve didn't miss the glances you kept shooting him. whether intentional or not, he could see from the corner of his eye, your head move to look at him and suddenly look back at the screen before he could catch you.
when he did, though, he caught exactly what he needed.
you were looking at him all doey, presumably tired however there was something else in your eye, something that gave you completely away.
a longing.
suddenly, everything clicked.
there was a reason you'd been leaning into him so much today, following him around silently like a lost puppy dog. not that he minded, no, he never minded. but he knew something had been wrong and that you didn't think you had voice enough to speak on it.
"what's wrong with you, huh?" he nudged you, voice ever so gentle. though he knew what you wanted, he sort of wanted you to tell him. "been quiet all day."
you leaned your head against the back of the couch, eyes travelling over his pretty features. and he looked especially pretty in the dim lighting of the enormous living room. "'m always quiet." you countered.
in a way, you were far from wrong. more often than not, steve would have to beg you to speak to more people, try get out there because he knew you wanted to. once again, you feared your voice was much too small. "fair point. but you're more quieter today."
you pursed your lips at him. "just quieter." he hummed in confusion. "it's just 'quieter', more quieter isn't the right grammer."
a roll of his eyes was paired with a pretty grin. "see? there's my smart girl. where was she all day, hm? head cloudy?"
truthfully, you didn't know what was wrong. everything just felt so off, all day you'd wanted to be surrounded by him. his embrace, his words, his scent, his everything. and that was becoming a little too much when the cruel world reminded you that it was, in fact, impossible to morph into another human being by hugging them hard enough. "i don' know." you shrugged, voice sort of small.
but steve had been in the game much longer than you.
it started with the simple feeling of his fingers tracing against your cheeks, grasping a strand of hair and curling it between his index finger. he always thought you looked pretty with your hair framing your face. though you were undeniably beautiful in all aspects.
"there something you want?" he didn't ask it in an accusing way that made you sheepishly look away. he spoke ever so quietly, as if careful of disturbing the peace of his rarely quiet house.
once again, you shrugged.
"sweetheart." he gave you this look. this convincing, knowing, look. steve always had a way of communicating to you, even just through his eyes. it was enough for your heart to quench.
he looked as though he knew exactly what had been troubling you, like he knew exactly how to fix it.
how is it that steve harrington seemingly knew everything in the world? sometimes, even he made you feel a little silly. i mean, he was more tuned in with your emotions than you were.
the show that was playing on the tv was low, barely heard as his eyes searched your own. "you know you can ask for anything, yeah?" you nodded your head while chewing your bottom lip. because you did know. steve always made it easy for you to come to him with anything. yet even then, your own shy nature still prevented you from saying all the words that sat against the tip of your tongue. the universe tended to be cruel like that. "c'mere, honey."
his outstretched arms looked like the heaven you'd been searching for.
without second thought, you found yourself climbing into them, breathing out a sigh of relief as your cheek sat itself against his sweater-covered chest.
this is what you wanted.
his legs were outstretched, somewhere for you to sit against while your own wrapped themselves against his torso. there was something so comforting about the feeling of him against you.
he let you relax your face against him, lips shut tight as one of your hands came beneath your chin. while watching the animations flash across the television, you could feel his own arms slinging loosely around your waist, one hand gently playing with the strands of hair while the other traced against your back.
you supposed you weren't morphed into him but this was as good as it was going to get.
perhaps, this was all you needed.
he was gentle, soft and welcoming.
everything you'd been hoping for.
"this all you needed, hm?" the shapes he drew against your back began to feel a lot like words, a lot like 'i love you'. you nodded, humming ever so softly. "should've just asked, baby."
"i didn't wanna bother you." you mumbled, suddenly feeling like the whole thing had been just a little silly.
you felt his hand against your chin, gently tilting it upwards so you could meet his eye. "you never bother me." and you could tell by the chocolatey swirl in his eyes. he wasn't lying.
perhaps two hours passed since that very moment. steve watched the show episode until it ended, flicking on the television programme that was simply on. he could feel your soft breaths against the nape of his neck, hands outstretched towards him.
you'd fallen asleep in his embrace.
he often told you not to watch the show so late if you would fall asleep albeit you always insisted that you wouldn't. low and behold, he was right. he was always right.
and when the final programme ended, and he deemed it was late enough, he decided it was time to get you into bed.
instead of waking you, he opted to pick you up, carrying you upstairs and surely almost dropping you a total of three times because he couldn't register where he was putting his feet. yet eventually, he made it towards the bedroom and placed you against the bed. the warm blankets soon were draped over your body.
and after all the rustling, the thing that stirred you was the creek of the door.
he watched as your eyes parted, obviously still slick with sleep, and cursed himself. he thought, who, as rich as him, would own a door that creeks so loudly? and made a mental note to get new hinges.
"you okay, angel?" he mumbled into the darkness of the room, slipping off his jeans and slipping into bed with you.
"mm." you hummed as he grasped your body again, holding you close. your arms hugged themselves around his neck, shutting your eyes closed. "wanna melt into you." you mumbled, obviously too tired to register what you were saying.
"yeah?" a chuckle fell from his lips, knowing you would never have the confidence to say such a thing while wide awake. nonetheless, he took it as a compliment anyway. "we should try turkey then."
"what's in turkey?" you questioned tiredly.
"i don't know. everything? i mean, if they can give you a new set of teeth, surely they have the answer to your problems too. we can like, melt ourselves together." he was talking nonesence, though it was lulling you back to sleep anyway.
the sound of your sleepy giggle had him holding his breath, wondering if this was all real. "let's go to turkey then."
"i'll put it on our bucket list, angel." you nodded your head, without response. "you goin' to sleep on me? hm?"
"can you..." you cut yourself off with a breath. then, you reminded yourself that it was steve harrington, the boy you loved more than yourself. and you could ask him anything. "can you keep talking?"
"careful what you wish for, i might not shut up." you only giggled gently before allowing him to continue. "did i ever tell you about dustin's girlfriend?" you shook your head. "oh god, you should have seen it..."
this, you were sure, is where you could actually die happy.
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baabydoll212 · 5 months ago
steve harrington x reader x eddie munson.
summary: eddie teaches steve how to fuck reader after finding out in a playful game of truth or dare that he was still a virgin despite all the rumors
it wasnt uncommon to find the three of you together. in fact it was more uncommon to find you apart, espically during the summer. the heat was intense, luckily it was cooler the later it got in the evening but the sun still beamed threw the gap in steves curtains.
the trio of you, were sitting in different places sprawled out across steves bedroom. eddie sitting with his legs thrown out infront of him on steves bed,dark curls falling infront of his face as he rolls another joint.
steve sitting by the window, one foot placed fully on the floor the other bent with his head leant against it. the window open next to him the slight breeze that blew in feeling amazing against his burnt shoulders.
and finally you, sitting on the floor, laid out on your stomach flicking threw a comic book you found under steves bed. your legs just swinging slightly behind you as you hum along to the distant sound of whatever song was coming out of the jukebox on steves desk.
"cant you think of something more interesting?" you sighs rolling your eyes slightly.
the group of you had been playing truth or day for the past 20 minuets. and the truths and dares were boring. nothing out of the ordianary 'i dare you to lick your own foot' eddie's dare always were distgusting. or steves 'truth: how many lies have you told?'
"like what?" eddie scoffs, himself brushing his hair out of his face aagain as he packs up the rolling tray and grinder on his lap tucking them back away into his little box.
"i dont know, something a bit more fun" you mutter, your eyes darting away from your comic to glance over at steve seeing him looking between the two of you, an almost bored expession on his face to match yours.
“Okay...okay, so who’s next?” Eddie grinned, running a hand through his messy hair as he shuffles to the end of the bed the joint being pushed to sit behind his ear making you look over at him.
His deep brown eyes danced with mischief as the group of friends stared at each other, a mix of curiosity and anticipation hanging in the air, in hopes that the large feeling of boredem would quickly fade.
“I’ll go” Steve grunts, trying to mask the slight yawn in his voice. He leaned forward, his heart pounding a little faster than usual as he notices the gimmer in eddies eyes. that wasnt there before was it?He was always nervous around Eddie—there was something magnetic about him that both thrilled and intimidated Steve.
but he wouldnt ever admit that to anyone.
“Alright, Steve!” Eddie leaned back, eyes glinting with delight. “Truth or dare?”
“Uhh, truth,” Steve replied, his face warming under Eddie’s playful gaze.
Eddie’s lips curled into a smirk as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Is it true that all those rumors about you being a stud in the bedroom are actually just rumors?”
the question made Steve’s cheeks flushed a deeper shade of crimson, his timid façade crumbling under the scrutiny.
your quick to look at eddie with wide eyes, yes the three of you wasnt shy when it came to sex but this was a big change compareed the previous questions that had been asked.
" you dont have to answer steve eddies just being an asshole" you speak quickly sitting up a small smile on your face as you look at steve before glancing back at eddie with wide eyes.
“Actually… that’s really not true. I’m… well, I’m still a virgin.” His confession hung heavily in the air, and the room fell silent, where laughter had just flowed freely.
Eddie was momentarily stunned, his mouth slightly agape as he processed Steve’s words. “No way. Really?” His tone was teasing but there was an underlying sense of curiosity in his voice.
your were shocked, there was no way. not with how you had heard rumors all the way threw school so far, about steve harrington. king steve.
"so you and nancy never?" i ask staring at him making the blush more apparent on his cheeks, he shakes his head his feet now both coming to firmly lay on the ground infront of him as he turns fully towards me and eddie.
“no erm...yeah, well, I guess it’s just never been the right time, you know?” Steve shrugged, trying to play it cool despite the heat radiating from his face. you could see the way that he was getting uncomfortable....in his mind his body was racing, he felt flushed. hot. and was confused by the way you was frowning up at him.
A sly grin broke across Eddie’s face. “Well, well, well! I think it’s time someone taught you how to have some fun, don’t you?” His eyes flicked toward you, a glint suggesting he had a devious plan forming, he stood up quickly, both yourself and steve looking at him with confused and shocked eyes.
You felt a flutter of excitement mixed with trepidation. You loved Eddie—his slightly dominant persona always made your heart race. But there was a curiosity and closeness with Steve that made you feel equally drawn to him. You looked between the two boys, sensing the charge in the air.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Steve asked, his brows furrowing slightly, though you could see the intrigue building.
"eds?" you ask watching eddie walk past you, his hand reaching out to pet your head a small shush coming out of his lips as he walks over to steve.
standing just infront of him, steve looks up at eddie. now that the munson boy was closer he could see the pink flushed look on steves cheeks and the way that his eyes were glazed over just the smallest amount.
eddie would have to fix that he thought.
“Dare!” Eddie smirked, a challenge in his tone., as he reaches out and took steves chin in his hand. you wacthed from your place sat on the floor, the way steve was looking up at eddie, the hold your boyfriend had on his bestfriends chin making your cheeks match steves.“I dare you, Steve, to… you know, make sweet love to my girlfriend here.” He flashed a cocky smile, his eyes sparkling with mischief, the implication weighting his words.
You gasped, feeling your heart race. “Eddie, wait!” But deep down, there was a part of you that was curious, that wanted to explore this dynamic.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” Eddie said smoothly, as he walked over to you holding a hand out for you stand up, instantly taking it, a concerned look in your eyes as you glance over to steve before feeling eddie push your face to look at him instead. leaning in and placing a soft kiss against your temple. "it'll be fine."
The air thickened with intensity as you looked into Steve’s eyes—his nervousness apparent but laced with a hint of excitement. You bit your lip, feeling the swirl of emotions ready to erupt.
"is this what you want?" you whisper eyes slowly falling back onto steve as he sits on the window bench still, his eyes stuck on the two of you.
you left eddies arms as you walked over to steve, eddie making his way to sit back down on the bed. the whole tone in the room and air thickening as you stepped over to steve and stood between his legs.
"if you dont-" you go to speak but feel steve slowly reach up and place his hands on your hips.
"i...erm...i want...to" steve stutters slightly, the way his fingers brush lightly against your hips is a good contrast compared to the way eddie normally grabs you and tugs you against him, leaving bruises in his shadows.
“Okay,” you murmured, feeling a strange new warmth rush through you. “But… how?”
you and steve found yourselfs standing by the bed awaiting eddies comands, on one had you wasnt shy when it came to sex. you and eddies sex life was fairly acivate. you and steve just didnt want to cross a line. after all you were still eddies girl.
Eddie took charge, motioning for you both to lie back on the bed. “First, just relax, Steve. It’s all about the connection, alright? You’ve got to feel the moment.”
Steve nodded, visibly trying to suppress his anxiety as he settled himself on the bed, his back leaning against the headbpard, leans parted slightly. eyes just starig over at eddie. The chemistry crackled—Eddie’s dominant nature mingling effortlessly with your sweetness, and Steve’s shyness turning into a compelling curiosity.
You shivered slightly as Eddie placed his hands on your waist,lifting you up, and placing you on steves lap, instantly your legs widening to strddle his waist, knees digging into the sheets on either side of his hips.
“No pressure, okay? Just be yourself, Steve. You’re a sweet boy, and I know you can do this.” Eddie’s praise wrapped around Steve like a warm embrace, igniting a spark of confidence in him.
you glanced over at eddie as he went to sit on the bench by the window tugging the joint from behind his ear, he smirks feeling the way both me and steve were looking at him for direction.
"well dont look at me" eddie chuckles before gesturing towards us again, in an almost shooing motion.
the blush on yours and steves cheeks were incredibley apparent as you both turned to look back at each other. steves hands lifting to rest on your hips again.
"kiss her then"eddie chuckles once again, he couldnt believe how adorable king steve really was. it was shocking, to watch the way steve fumbled at first his hand slowly raising to rest on your cheek before you both brought your lips together.
steve slowly kisses you, you could feel how unsure he was, how he didnt really know what he was doing. moving his mouth with yours slowly, you placed your arms around the back of his neck just leaning into him as your kiss deepened. eddie smirked in the background lighting his joint.
the smacking noise of your lips together was ringing threw the room, as a sudden confidence in steve made him lower his other hand to your behind, and slowly rolling your hips into his
eddie watched a smile on his face as he smokes his joint, his eyes training onto the way steve had his tongue in your mouth, the way he grinds your hips into his, a sudden quiet whimper slipping from your lips.
"alright alright"eddie's words made you and steve quickly pull away, staring at each other, it was apparent by the way you both pant and stare darkly into each others faces. you both wanted each other.
With coaxing laughter and gentle touches, a newfound intimacy blossomed. Eddie guided Steve’s hands to your body, whispering encouragement, reminding him of the thrilling dance of exploration. Every tentative caress sent shivers along your spine, your head quickly becoming floaty with anticipation.
“Eddie… I—” Steve’s voice wavered, confusion and wonder mingling together as he gazed at you, before slowly looking over to the munson boy smoking.
eddie runs his tongue across his top teeth before balencing his joint on the window and walking over to the bed.
“It's okay, just follow my lead,” Eddie said, a commanding tone lacing his voice, but filled with care.he grabbed a hold of the back of your neck, pulling your hazing eyes away from steve to stare up at him. he rgins looking down at how flustured you were,He captured your lips in a heated kiss, igniting the fire within you, and you felt your heart thrumming in sync with the moment.
As Eddie’s lips found yours, you felt Steve’s hesitant hands grow bolder, exploring your curves. You whined softly against Eddie’s mouth, the pleasure brewing inside you feeling the way that steve ground your body against his again, the thrill of being the center of their attention making your heart race.
you could feel how wet you were, how hard steve was under you.a whimper coming from your lips made eddie pull away, his hand still holding the back of your head.
"you want to show stevie how much of a good girl you can be?"eddie's tone was full of domiance, but so much care. you knew he was just double checking again that you wanted this.
you nod, a small smile on your face as eddie lets go of your neck making you quick to look at steve.
"take em off pretty boy"eddie also turns his attention to steve, the boy quickly looking at him with a glazed expression. eddie lifting you off the harringtons lap to help you remove your joggers and t-shirt, leaving you in just your bra and panties.
steve did just that taking off his jeans with shaky hands, leaving him still in his boxers, eddies eyes roaming over the large buldge in the boys underwear. the small trail of hair that leads out from benith the fabric running up to his chest.
without saying anything else eddie lifts your body back onto steves, a gasp coming out of the both of you feeling the way your cores brush against each other as you straddle him and sit on his lap again.
"kiss her"eddie's gruff voice spits out, he couldnt deny the way that this was making him feel. watching the way that steve brings your lips to his again hungrily.more confident in his moves this time.
eddie had to strip himself of his own t-shirt and jeans before sitting down on the edge of the bed his hands slowly reaching over to placy with the hair at the back of steves neck. steve shivers his hips that were once slowly starting to rut again yours, shaking slightly at the feeling of both of you touching him.
"relax" eddies calm voice speaks out to him, guiding him slightly, his hand moving from steves hair to the hand that he had on your waist. fingers interlocking before eddie showed him exactly how to grind your hips against his in the best way, the best way to make the both of you feel good.
the moment he did a groan left steves lips, a whimper leaving yours.
"thats it,harrington..doesnt she sound pretty"eddie smirks, he was smug with the way that you and steve's lips pulled a way from each other, lips red and swollen, eyes heavy and filled with lust.
eddie reached up again this time, his hand locking in your hair tugging your head back slightly, a gasp leaving your mouth as your neck was revealed to steve.
"this little spot right here"eddie his breath was hot against the side of your neck as he brought himself closer to the two of you, now kneeling on the bed. he leans down sucking a harsh mark into your soft skin just behind your ear making you fill the room with a whimper, holding back the moan that was threatening to fall."thats the spot, have a go"eddie says a proud grin on his lips, seeing the way steve was watching so closely.
with eddies hand still in your hair, your neck still revealed steve tiltings his head towards you before going to the same spot, his breath hot like eddies but more shakey as he pressed his hot lips against your skin and started to suck.
the way your hips shook was like nothing you'd felt before. yes whilst eddie was amazing and felt rough and raw. steves lips felt soft againt your skin the way he was sucking your skin into his mouth felt needy, making you release that moan that was building up.
steve contiuned to leave kisses across your neck, leaving slightly lighter bite marks than eddie normally does but it still felt amazing.
you gasped when you felt eddies ringed finger brushing against the side of your panties.
"just gonna get you ready for him doll"eddies soft voice speaks as he nudges your underwear to the side, his fingers quick to slip onto your clit, the way he rubbed slow circles against it at first, and the feeling of steves wet sloppy kisses to your neck had your whining out. hands tugging at the hairs at the back of steves neck.
the whine made steve pull away and his eyes darted down to see what eddie was doing, eyes mesmerised by the way he was able to pull whimpering whines from your lips.
"i...i..." you try to speak, eyes going to eddie, finding him staring back at you. a smug expression on his face as he brushes your hair behind your ear.
"shhhh" his hand comes to brush over your head, tugging your face towards his as he brings your lips against his again, steve watching the way you submit into eddies hold straight away.
whilst eddies tongue easily pushed it's way into your mouth his fingers stopped there circles and moved to push at the enterance to your hole.
"p-please" you whimper against eddies lips, forgetting steve was even there for a moment.
"eyes on stevie baby"eddie whispers to you, making him whimper, the munson boy turning your head to look at steve.
meeting the harrington boys eyes, he smiles warmly at you, both of you hot and flushed,you both looked like a pair of horny teenagers.
when eddie pushed a finger into you, your mouth feel open, eyes quickly closing and body leaning into steves.
quick gasps leaving your lips as eddie moved his fingers inside of you.
eddie knew it wouldnt take long to stretch you open enough to take steve. he glanced over to the two of you noticing the way steve was holding your body against his lips back onto your neck.
it seemed like he liked leaving those small brusies into your skin. the thought made eddie pick up his pace, your body was shaking on steves lap. his own grunts were starting to leave his lips, as you rutted against him.
eddie slowly pulled his fingers out of you, your eyes shooting up to glare at him quickly.
"but-" you go to speak but you noticed the way he was shaking his head,
"you wanna cum on his cock or not you slut?"his words were mean but had you smiling. stevees eyes widening at the name he gave you.
whilst you climbed off steves lap to remove your underwear, eddie sat down next to steve.
"take these off for me"eddie speaks tapping steves hip, the boy nodding his hesd quickly like an obedient dog. his hips lifting to shift his boxers down quickly before throwing them off the side of the bed.
eddies eyes roamed over steves cock, as did yours. your eyes widening.. he was big. bigger than eddie. made not as thick as him but definetly longer.
you bit your lip watching the way eddie glances up at steve face before slowly reaching out placing his hand around the base of the body cock.
the gasp that left steves throat, oh my you wanted to hear that again and again. with a small grin you climbed back onto the bed too. watching the way eddie slowly brings his mouth down onto the tip of steve's cock. the way steve threw his head back instantly, had yourubbing your thighs together as you knelt on the bed.
you knew eddie wasnt exactly straight, you knew that he had a fantacy of wanting to share you with someone else. you just never believed how hot it would make you feel. watching your boyfriend open his mouth futher and take his bestfriends cock deeper into his mouth had you whimpering.
watching the spit that drooled out of eddies mouth and into the small amount of steve pubic hair.
steve was gasping, groaning, any sort of noise that could leave his lips was, before eddie pulled off him, a smirk on his face as he brings his thumb to the side of his mouth wiping away a mixture of precum and spit.
"come ere pretty" eddie speaks holding a hand out for you making you smile at him before taking his hand and shuffling back over to kneel, knees either side of steves hips.
steve looks up, still breathing heavily, his eyes scanning your naked frame, eyes roaming over your chest before landing on your pussy.
staring at the way eddie brings his hand to his mouth mouth you watch as he spits into his palm before slowly rubbing his fingers between your folds.
a whimper leaving your lips as you lift your hips upwards, eddies other hand coming to land on steves cokc, holding the base of it.
"go slow baby"eddie talks to you as you nod, your eyes going to steves as you look at him once again, checking he was okay with this. seeing nothing but list and pleasure and want, you slowly lower yourself down.
feeling his head brushing against your folds you gasp, steve quickly reaching out to grab your hips.
"ah ah slow"eddie tuts, his other hand that wasnt holding steves shaft coming to pick steves fingers off your hips.
steve grunts slightly as you slowly lower your self down onto him, taking him deeper and deeper the two of you breathing heavily, steves eyes watching the whole time as you sink onto him. your eyes closing, squeezing shut,
at first it was painful, you'd not even taken anyone or anything this big before, but when you finally felt the way steve was bottomed out. the feelin of all of your weight now resting on his own. the way he was burried as deep as he could be inside of you
slowly, eddies hands gripped your hips and pulled you up, his own cock was pushed painfully against his own boxers left and forgotten about. tonight was about steve.
"fuck..."steve groans out, feeling the way your inside's clenched around him as eddie lifted you off his cock slightly before lowering you back down again.
"just like that huh?"eddie taunts, a smirk on his lisp as he watches steves face closely, he couldnt deny the way his own cock was leaking seeing the please steve was experiancing. the way his breaths were short, a layer of sweat starting to wet the tips of his hair that brush against his forehead."your turn"eddie speaks, his words gentle as he takes steves hands in his and places them on your hips slowly guidng steve on how to rock your hips into him and lift you up enough that you could sink back down.
your body felt like it was on fire, everything was so hot, the way steves fingers lightly held your hips, the way his cock was slowly moving in and out of you. it was a stark contrast to the way that you and eddie normally fucked.
not rough and needy, not raw and harsh. no steve was slowly guidng himself in and out of you at a steady rythm, his eyes stcuk on your enterance taking him.
your own whimpers left your lips as you held yourself up right,eyes watching his face like eddies did. you felt eddie movng behind you and expected him to place his hands on you again but he didnt.
instead he climbed off the bed and went back to the window, you tossing your head over your shoulder confused, a throaty whine leaving your moan.
"eddi-" you try to whimper, steve moving slowly still inside you.
"pay attention to steve dollface" eddie gestures to the other boy making you whimper but turn to face steve, your hand now landing to rest on his chest.
eddie sits down on the bench by the window, his fingers reaching out to pull his own cock out of his boxers, his hand quickly grabbing the base of it and tugging at it. the angle he had was incredible. he wacthed the way steves balls bounced against your skin each time that he thrusted inside of you. the way your head was throan back slightly, the sunlight that was shining into the room showing the sweat that was rolling down your back.
“Good boy, just like that, Steve,” Eddie encouraged, his voice sultry and deep. “You’re doing so great.”
eddies voice made steve whimper himself, your eyes opening to stare at his face as he makes that noise. you'd never heard eddie make such a vunerable noise before. it made you grind your hips down deeper onto him, wanting him to make the noise again.
"fuck, feels so good" steves voice was short and almost whiny as he speaks, your own whimpers matching his as he starts to quicken his pace.
Steve’s initial shyness peeled away layer by layer in the wake of Eddie’s guidance. With every gentle kiss and soft sigh, the connection between the three of you only intensified. when eddie praised Steve, the dominant energy mixing with soft encouragement, made steve beam with newfound confidence that was intoxicating to witness.
You found yourself floating in a haze of pleasure, both from Eddie’s steely gaze and Steve’s delicate exploration. It was a whirlwind of sensations—the way their energies merged together, molding a dance that was both thrilling and intimate.
in the background you could hear the way eddie was fisting his own cock, the scene making himself grunt into his own hand.
when steves hips started to stutter, you knew he was close and you knew you was to. seeing the way a frown etched into his forehead as he focused on thrusting up into you, your head is throne back as you gasp turning to look over at eddie.
"close princess?"eddies voice comes out gruff and deep as you stare at him rubbing his hand up and down his own shaft at the same speed steve was pushing himself into you.
"yeah" steves reply made both you and eddie look at him, eddie smirking seeing the completely fucked out expression on the harrington boys face, his hips still moving, hands digging more into your hips.
"let go stevie, fill her up for me"eddies voice was strong and domianting as he watches steves eyes screw shut quickly, his hips shooting up to thrust a particullar deep thrust into you, shoving himself so deep inside you it had you coming undone at the same time.
your own eyes screwing shut, lip bitten between your teeth as you feel him stuttering inside you, your walls clenching around him quickly. steve doesnt bother to pull out of you, or even move as you both ride your highs. the feeling you was both feeling was intense, amazing euphoria.
you laid on his chest his cock still inside you, both of you sweaty and out of breath, one of his hands lifting to wrap around your waist.
5 minutes passed and neither of you had moved but you was both breathing more slowly, when you felt eddies rough palm brush against your back you jumped at first, before he started to rub it up and down.
"just me baby, come ere" he speaks slowly, his tone more gentle now compared to the rough and domiant one he once used.
he lifts you up slowly, when steves dick slides out of you the pair of you groan slightly before eddie lays you on the bed next to steve. a wet rag he must have grabbed from the bathroom made its way between your legs cleaning you up before he helped you slide a t-shirt over your head.
"lay back down" eddie speaks slowly pushing you to lay down, before he walks over to steves side of the bed.
the harrington boy was blushing still, now sitting up more with his back against the headboard.
"got you a fresh pair"eddie speaks holding out a pair of clean boxers for steve making him smile appreciatively at him before shifting to slide them on.
"did you-" you quickly speak looking over at eddie, your eyes roaming down his body noticing the way he was wearing his boxers once again, the tent he once had, no longer there.
"yeah sweetheart, dont worry about me"eddie chuckles warmly, before he pushed steve to lay back down, you quick to cuddle into steves side which made eddie smile.
steve felt a bit awkward at first, when eddie walked back over to the window, and sat smoking his joint. laid in bed with his girlfriend after just fucking her. your head rested on steves chest, the blanket that eddie had pulled over the two of you resting just above your hips.
but steve smiles slightly, as eddie comes walking over to the bed and climbed in next to him, himself wrapping his arm around the boy making steve sigh happily leaning into his touch.
"so harrington? how was that?"eddie asks, one hand reaching up to brush his fingers threw steves hair, his legs intertwining with yours under the blanket.
"that was.....amazing"steve didnt have the words, he was glad that he got to lose his virginity in such a happy and safe enviroment. glad that he had someone to show he how to do it. he couldt deny the way that after all of that he felt.
but he tensed slightly now thinking of what was going to happen next. even if eddie and you wanted to do this again, steve wasnt sure he could. he wasnt just going to be the person you two come to when you want to spice up your sex life.
"i should erm, go i think robin wanted to hang out" steve mutters trying to sit up making you frown sitting up too, eddie quickly pushing him back down, hand on his shoulder,
" whatever your head is telling you right now, it aint true"eddie grunts, shaking his head, his eyes sticking into steves as steve sighs.
"do...do you want to go?"your voice speaks up, it was quiet and unsure as you saw steves nervous face.
"i erm...i dont wanna intrude"steve mutters, still staying put however. not moving after eddie told him to stay
"sweetheart after what we just did, you aint going anywhere"eddie chuckles laying back down tugging steve and you closer to himself.a relief filled sigh leaving steves mouth as he hum happily one hand around your waist, his head resting on eddies chest"but can we talk about the whole princess thing" eddie chuckles looking down at steve with a knowing look, the boy just blushing back at him.
you watched the two of them with a warm smile, knowing things were going to be much different from this day on, and you honestly prefered it. after today you found yourself looking at steve in a way that you never did before.
you couldnt imagine doing anything without him, or eddie.You felt complete, the puzzle pieces of your relationships fitting together in a way you had never anticipated. You had opened a door to new experiences, ensuring laughter, warmth, and a whole new understanding would linger well beyond the melding of your bodies.
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heartburriedinvenice · 1 month ago
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the end is undeniably near (and i keep running towards it) - steve h.
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(steve harrington x hopper!reader)
a part of my phoebe challenge 🎞🪐💌🕯
based on the song "i know the end" by phoebe bridgers
in which you always wanted to escape hawkins, indiana, until you didn't anymore.
in which the billboard said "the end is near"
content warning post season 3 (SO SPOILERS), mild cursing (maybe), ANGST like the whole time, unhealthy coping, and hawkins being hawkins, reader is an implied theater kid (im sorry not sorry)
a / n i disappeared on y’all, I’m sorry!! you know life is getting weird when i randomly return to tumblr.  just dipping my toes back in the water of all this so i apologize if i am a little rusty. this is just a piece of a hopper!reader show rewrite that has been in the works for a while so if anyone likes it enough, lmk, I’d be be happy to start posting the whole thing,starting from season 1! any feedback would be awesome (and also requests cause I need inspo back). okay enjoy some angst!
No one ever got out of Hawkins, Indiana. Like the town was somehow enclosed within some heavy-duty bubble, only a few people ever got the nerves to squeeze through. Until you did, until you did the one thing you believed was impossible. You packed your bags, loaded up your car, and left hell. And you did it without a goodbye because the only way to do the impossible was without one. And deep down you knew you were a coward, even after fighting monsters and otherworldly creatures, you were a coward. You could not face what was left behind or allow yourself to acknowledge it.
And it ate away at you in a way you could have never imagined. Too busy pretending like it never crossed your mind, like Hawkins never existed in the first place. Still, it chipped at you piece by piece until the guilt of escaping Hawkins, Indiana finally caught up with you. Until one day that guilt would sneak up and trip you, sending you tumbling all the way back down a hill to only land right back at the gates of Hawkins, at its green sign, Welcome to Hawkins! That warm welcome, the warmest welcome, with its murders and second dimensions and its people. Those people. Those people who worked their way so deep into your heart before you could even realize it. So deep that leaving felt like removing deeply grown roots from a garden, so impossible, so hard to tell where they even stopped growing.  You weren’t sure entirely when they grew so deep, you don’t really remember at all how they got there. When you let them? Why did you let them? After everything, you should have known better. You shouldn’t have let them.
You were fifteen when you knew you could never live in Hawkins, Indiana your whole life. It never felt real, artificial, fake. Mass-produced nuclear families and white picket fence houses and stale dead-end jobs. 
And then Steve Harrington needed an extra art credit and found his way as the lead in Hawkins High’s production of Romeo and Juliet. When rehearsing turned into giving Steve girl advice and driving with him to drop off flowers. When running lines became swinging a bat of nails and finding an alien in a fridge. When the day before the play performance had turned into icing Steve's bruises on your couch as you ran lines back and forth because neither of you could sleep. When a whole group of middle schoolers sat in the front row and your dad sat center with a bouquet of flowers. They were your family. Your strange and messy family all pretending to be interested in the gibberish mess of Shakespeare on stage. Them watching with stifled laughs as Steve stumbled through lines, as the balcony scene turned into him and you having a staring contest trying to figure out whose lines were next. And though your director would have your heads later, the two of you sat giggling during intermission and had to hold the laughter again when your director asked why you didn’t have time to be memorized to perfection. Because you had all the time in the world, didn’t you?. 
Unbelievable as it was, you began to question what you at fifteen had promised you would do. Because you had found more than stale every day Hawkins. You had found their odd-balls who taught you to play Dungeons and Dragons in their basement, who reminded you so much of your sister. And you had found Steve Harrington, a pretty boy with a heart of gold, who risked his life for his Juliet that night at the mall. Who held you tight when it all got too much.
When you moved back to Hawkins, Indiana, after Sara, after your parents split, you were sure life would never be the same again. You needed a fresh start, to completely reconfigure your life and pretend none of what had happened had happened. That you never had a sister, that your dad hadn’t completely changed, burrowing himself under alcohol and late shifts. That your mom wasn’t actively trying to forget and build another life over the one that had been left abandoned in that New York apartment. You were so sure you would have to move on, cut it all out the minute you graduated from high school. You were sure you had to escape on your rickety old bike right out of town.
Then things happened and somehow you found yourself again, found your father again as you sat together for your first Christmas dinner in years. Celebrating the return of the young Will Byers and the return of something else, something more, something familiar and warm. It wasn’t perfect, far from it, but it was yours. You saw your father again for the first time in years that night, Christmas Eve, sitting on the porch as light snow fell and hit your heads, bundled in warm jackets, pretending the coffee you made was not mediocre at best. The police chief and his daughter, a messy duo. And that was perfect to you.
And then things happened again and again and again and finally everything just shattered.
And you left. You did what you had always hoped to do. But you didn’t feel the pride you had thought you would feel when you dreamed it at fifteen. You weren’t heading towards a new life, you were sitting in a stuffy apartment in the city. You were stuck again at what felt like the beginning. Unable to go with the Byers, you immediately made other plans, back at the apartment you had spent so many nights trying to forget. 
No one ever got out of Hawkins, Indiana. Like the town was somehow enclosed within some heavy-duty bubble, only a few people ever got the nerves to squeeze through. Until you did, until you did the one thing you believed was impossible. You packed your bags, loaded up your car, and left hell. And you did it without a goodbye because the only way to do the impossible was without one. And deep down you knew you were a coward, even after fighting monsters and otherworldly creatures, you were a coward. You could not face what was left behind or allow yourself to acknowledge it.
And it ate away at you in a way you could have never imagined or wanted to imagine. Too busy pretending like it never crossed your mind, like Hawkins never existed in the first place. Still, it chipped at you piece by piece until the guilt of escaping Hawkins, Indiana finally caught up with you. Until one day that guilt would sneak up and trip you, sending you tumbling all the way back down a hill to only land right back at the gates of Hawkins, at its green sign, Welcome to Hawkins! That warm welcome, the warmest welcome, with its murders and second dimensions and its people. Those people. Those people who worked their way so deep into your heart before you could even realize it. So deep that leaving felt like removing deeply grown roots from a garden, so impossible, so hard to tell where they even stopped growing.  You weren’t sure entirely when they grew so deep, you don’t really remember at all how they got there. When you let them? Why did you let them? After everything, you should have known better. You shouldn’t have let them.
You were fifteen when you knew you could never live in Hawkins, Indiana your whole life. It never felt real, artificial, fake. Mass-produced nuclear families and white picket fence houses and stale dead-end jobs. 
And then Steve Harrington needed an extra art credit and found his way as the lead in Hawkins High’s production of Romeo and Juliet. When rehearsing turned into giving Steve girl advice and driving with him to drop off flowers. When running lines became swinging a bat of nails and finding an alien in a fridge. Or jumping into a hole in the ground and lighting up never-ending tunnels of vines straight from those horror movies you used to watch with your sister. When the day before the play performance had turned into icing Steve's bruises on your couch as you ran lines back and forth because neither of you could sleep. When a whole group of middle schoolers sat in the front row and your dad sat center with a crumble bouquet of flowers. They were your family. Your strange and messy family all pretending to be interested in the gibberish mess of Shakespeare on stage. Them watching with stifled laughs as Steve stumbled through lines, as the balcony scene turned into him and you having a staring contest trying to figure out whose lines were next. And though your director would have your heads later, the two of you sat giggling during intermission and had to hold the laughter again when your director asked why you didn’t have time to be memorized to perfection. Because you had all the time in the world, didn’t you?. 
Unbelievable as it was, you began to question what you at fifteen had promised you would do. Because you had found more than stale every day Hawkins, you had found their odd-balls who taught you to play Dungeons and Dragons in their basement who reminded you so much of your sister. And you had found Steve Harrington, a pretty boy with a heart of gold, who risked his life for his Juliet that night at the mall, pulling you up when you twisted your ankle running up a flight of stairs and getting you out to paramedics when it was over. Icing your ankle and holding you when it all got too much. When you watched everyone exit the mall but the only real family you felt like you had left. When the police told you your fathers body couldn’t be found, buried under ash and grime in the mall fire. That he was the hero, that he saved your lives sacrificing himself. 
When you moved back to Hawkins, Indiana, after Sara, after your parents split, you were sure life would never be the same again. You needed a fresh start, to completely reconfigure your life and pretend none of what had happened had happened. That you never had a sister, that your dad hadn’t completely changed, burrowing himself under alcohol and late shifts. That your mom wasn’t actively trying to forget and build another life over the past one that had been left abandoned in that New York apartment, calling only for holidays and those important life events she was so sad she had to miss. You were so sure you would have to move on, cut it all out the minute you graduated from high school. You were sure you had to escape on your rickety old bike right out of town.
Then things happened and somehow you found yourself again, found your father again as you sat together for their first Christmas dinner in years. Celebrating the return of the young Will Byers and the return of something else, something more, something familiar and warm. It wasn’t perfect, far from it, but it was steps in a direction. You saw your father again for the first time in years that night, Christmas Eve, sitting on the porch as light snow fell and hit your heads, bundled in warm jackets, pretending the coffee you made was not mediocre at best. It wasn’t perfect, but it was something for the two of you. The police chief and his daughter, a messy duo. And that was perfect to you.
And then things happened again and again and again and finally everything just shattered.
And you left. You did what you had always hoped to do. But you didn’t feel the pride you had thought you would feel when you dreamed it at fifteen. You weren’t heading towards a new life, you were sitting in a stuffy apartment in the city. You were stuck again at what felt like the beginning. Unable to go with the Byers, you immediately made other plans, back at the apartment you had spent so many nights trying to forget. 
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Spring of 1986, the New York apartment was driving you insane. You felt like you might start running up the walls if you didn’t get out soon. At least that would be ten times more interesting than sitting and watching your Step-Dad watch golf—a sport you didn't understand. Seeing how bored you were, he tried to explain it, but you didn't process a single word he was saying.
You didn’t want to have something with him, you didn’t want a thing you bonded over and you especially didn’t want that thing to be golf.
You debated moving, you debated being drastic and dying your hair to make your mom upset but what good would that do other than feed the part in yourself that no longer cared, no longer wanted to care. Everything you cared about had slipped from your grasp, had disappeared, no matter how tightly you clutched it was gone.
You stared at the wallpaper, one you knew your mom had probably gushed over at the store and chosen. And you glanced at the patterned carpet, and the family picture you were not in. And even though they all reassured you that you were family, deep down you knew you had uprooted their whole routine. You especially saw it in your moms eyes when she looked at you a little too long, a constant reminder of what she had lost all those years ago.  
You listened to the busy city traffic below the apartment and the sound of wailing sirens you had completely become ignorant of after you lived in Hawkins so long. You glanced at the kitchen, the sink with no dishes and a fridge actually filled with food that wasn’t leftover take-out, mediocre pasta you had cooked, or boxes of Eggos. And you looked at the man beside you, silent, watching golf. It was all so different.
Every day it remained that way, your mom got home from work late, your stepfather came home before you got back from school, and then Liam, your step brother would come home.
He made it all a little more bearable. The littlest but only because he reminded you of home. He reminded you of Dungeons and Dragons in Mike Wheeler's basement, and your found sister, and the party that always had you on your toes. But even you could not warm up to the boy because he would never be them. And it was unfair. It was cruel of you to make comparisons between Hawkins and New York, to allow that to shut out the only family you now had. But it was one habit you could not seem to break no matter how hard you tried.
Hawkins, Indiana was quiet, it was small. Hawkins, Indiana was both a breath of fresh air and a tightening grip that had you gasping, clawing for a second to breathe. New York was loud, so loud that the sounds of sirens and blaring car horns became only white noise in your head. It was big, not big in the welcoming and warming way. Not big in the feeling of catching sight of a friend in a crowded room. It was big in the way you could not point out a single person at school that you had seen more than once.  It was big in a way similar to that of being alone in the middle of a large party. It was so big that being alone in a quiet, dark, empty room would feel the same as walking amidst the large crowds on the street.
And New York didn’t have Steve Harrington. New York didn’t have crazy kids and weird aliens, New York didn’t have Robin Buckley or Nancy Wheeler or Jonathan Byers, New York didn’t have comforting hugs from Joyce, and New York didn’t have your dad and it never would again. The thought of it was enough to make you sick, nausea filling every inch of your body, barely able to swallow down the fact. But you would swallow it down like you always did, like you did everything else.
Your mom would always tell you you could talk to her if you needed to, that no matter how long you were a part she still cared about you. But you still remember the look on her face when you had turned up at the apartment after all those years. Finally back together face to face, the only words she was able to muster was, “you grew up”. 
You kept busy filling the days with nothing. On a good day Liam would show you some project he did in class that day, him seemingly the most unbothered by your move-in. And your stepdad, Bill, would ask you how school was to which you would reply fine. It was fine, it would always be just fine.
And you would stare at the phone on the wall in the kitchen. Dialing and hanging up and dialing and hanging up, hearing him pick up and then slamming the phone down, falling back into the chair at the kitchen table. Sometimes he would call back, you knew he caught on, you would just listen as the phone rang, head in your hands. You couldn’t face it, it was all too much and answering that call, hearing that voice would only throw it all back at you at once. It would knock you down and hold you there as you tried to gain control of the emotions you had locked up so tight once again. You felt sick to your stomach once again and the feeling spread, it spread all throughout your body, all the way to your fingertips and toes. For the first time in your life, you begged your body to just throw up, hoping the feelings would go along with it, until the pit in your stomach was completely washed away. 
It was this sinking feeling every time you heard the phone ring and as much as you wanted to convince yourself otherwise, you weren’t sure if you would ever pick up. Maybe you would just forget about it all. But it was hard when your mind was plagued with images of creatures you could only describe as otherworldly and when every time you looked at yourself in the mirror before a shower your eyes would draw focus to the deep cut scars that littered your body. You would never truly escape Hawkins, Indiana, it was impossible, and it would follow you around until you finally gave up and went back. But you refused to allow it to have that control, until you picked up the phone…by accident.
It was late, a Saturday evening of all things. Your mother was working late that weekend, your step dad was asleep on the couch, and your step brother had abandoned his books on the table and gone to bed. And the phone kept ringing and ringing and ringing, over and over in repeated increments. One call, two minutes passed, another call, three minutes had passed, and a third call with three minutes passing and on and on and on-
“Will you turn the damn thing off!” Yelled the man on the couch, whose deep sleeping was even disturbed by your past trying to creep back in. 
And it worried you, as you apologized and turned back to the phone, head aching from the noise. It worried you because every time before, the phone would ring one, maybe two times before the line went silent. But tonight, you had lost track of just how many times you had slammed the phone down to stop the ringing.
You looked up at the phone again, quiet for much too long, longer than before and RING. RING. RING.
The grunt of your step father filled the empty room and without a second thought, not wanting another lecture from your mom about not getting along with him, you reached for the phone line. Slowly placing it against your ear, you instantly pulled it back as a voice blasted through, louder than the ringing of the phone itself. “Goddammit! please pick up the phone-”
“Hey,” was all you said, it was faint and quiet in contrast, laced with guilt that had piled up from months of avoidance and pretending Hawkins didn’t exist. But it was loud enough to stop the yelling as murmurs and whispers filled the background of wherever your caller was calling from. 
Your Steve Harrington, your Romeo who deserved answers. After everything you had been through he deserved something from you that you had failed to deliver.
“Oh thank god, you don’t know how happy I am to hear your voice,” and what you expected to be anger was anything but, rather the clearest sound of overwhelming relief. Relief that all came crashing down the minute he spoke his next words. “You need to get back here, like... like-“
The sound of struggling came from their end of the phone and your heart rate sped up in a panic, only realizing how tightly you were holding the phone to your ear.
Dustin’s voice quickly came through the line, a complaining Steve evident in the back, “like right now, like ASAP, like as soon as possible.”
Dustin’s voice, his tone did nothing to loosen your grip on the phone, nothing to ease your panic and you almost slammed the phone down again. Back home, back in the familiar, back to memories of people that haunted your every thought. You wondered if they had called the Byers, your sister, you wondered if she was there too. 
“We can pay your bus ticket, but I can’t really explain like this and we just, we need your help,” Dustin practically cried. “We all need you. We can’t let anyone get hurt again.”
That was all you needed. Hawkins had a pull on you, a force you tried to ignore but eventually pulled you back anyways. Steve was back on the line soon after, you already scribbling a note to your mom, phone pressed against your ear by your shoulder. And when you heard his voice again your breath caught in your throat…it seemed to always do that with him.
“Steve, I-”
“You don’t have to say anything.”
“No, but, Steve I really, just…I don’t know where to start,” you tried to explain, losing any of the words you had planned to say while lying awake at night, staring at the ceiling. 
“You don’t have to,” he simply said. But you knew you would, you had too many words to speak. “Just show up, just be here. We need you, even if you don’t believe me. It’s getting crazy again.”
Hawkins would never not be.
“I will be,” you reassured, really reassured. “I will be, I promise.”
And if everyone in Hawkins knew something, you never broke a promise, never. You got close sometimes, sometimes it seemed like you would, but you always met your end of the bargain. You said you would be back in Hawkins, Indiana and you would be. Setting the phone down back on it's holder with a quiet click, you jumped from your chair in the kitchen, as the wood chair quietly screeched against the floor. Open and close, open and close, the drawers in the kitchen were opening and closing until you found a tape role, cutting away a piece. Grabbing your note off the counter, you secured the piece to it and stuck it against the fridge where it would be noticed by your mom.
She would know what it meant, you knew she knew all along, that New York hadn’t been your home in a long time. That Hawkins had grown into something much deeper than you could have ever anticipated. And even then, in that kitchen, in that busy city…you knew, the end was near
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inkdrinkerworld · 10 months ago
Can I request strawberry shortcake ?
adult!steve x single-mom reader? literally anything where they’re in an already established relationship, bonus points if the kid is a daughter bc Steve is such a girl dad
this is a lot closer to 300 words and i really haad to stop myself from writing more but i love this ask! thank you sm for the request and feel free to send more if you enjoy the blurb
“Vi, baby come get your snacks!” You’re in the kitchen while your four-year-old daughter is building puzzles with Steve in the living room. She’s been having a hard time eating lately, so you’ve started just giving her lots of her favourite  fruit and veggies that she loves before dinner so if she doesn’t end up eating a lot at dinner, you know she’s not starving. 
“Coming, momom.” You hear her toddle to you, Steve right behind her with a small smile on his face.
He’s been around to hear the birth of the ‘momom’ over ‘mom’ and he loves it. He genuinely thinks it’s the cutest thing ever. 
“Thanks momom,” she holds her plate in one hand and grabs a couple blueberries and shoves them into her mouth. “What about Stevie?” she asks and he finds that even cuter. 
Violet is just the cutest thing Steve has ever seen, he doesn’t shy away from telling her that either. Before you can even give her an answer, she’s grabbing a handful of the fruits on her plate and holds it out to Steve. 
He opens his hands immediately, accepting the halved grapes, cubed melon and sliced pears she’s shared with him. “Here you go, Stevie. Puzzles?” she’s ready to go again and you have to suppress your laugh at how enthusiastic she is about the ocean puzzle you and Steve had got her last weekend. 
“What about giving momom a kiss first?” she gasps, like she can’t believe she’s forgotten to give you a kiss. 
“Sorry momom, kiss.” she puckers her lips and you scoop her up, kissing her cheeks till she giggles.
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hoe-for-hopper · 1 year ago
Forget About Eddie
Bestfriend!SteveHarrington x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of Eddie being a fuckboy, a lil fluff and a lil smut.
Word Count: 2247
Summary: You and Eddie have just broken up, but you're still hung up on him. Steve hates seeing you so down and just wants to make you feel better (better than Eddie could).
A/N: idk i'm on a smut writing spree, expect some more fics tomorrow (maybe some eddie, maybe some slashers, who really knows). i hardly edited this and i feel like the ending might be a lil rushed, but hey, smut is smut.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SMUT BELOW THE CUT~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I just don’t really know what to do, you know?” You and your best friend, Steve Harrington are walking to his car after your shift at Scoops. You’ve been upset all night over a fight you had with your ex-boyfriend, Eddie. 
You and Eddie had been broken up for a couple of months now, but you were still sneaking over to his trailer in the middle of the night. You couldn’t help it, you were young, horny, and Eddie was pretty good in bed. It was easy enough, until you had to get dressed and do the walk of shame across the trailer park. You know keeping this up wasn’t a smart idea, but a part of you also still loved Eddie. Even if you knew that he was just using you to get what he wanted.
“I don’t know why you’re still so hung up on that loser. You’ve always been too good for him and he didn’t deserve you.” Steve says as he unlocks the car doors and slides into the driver’s seat. He looks over at you and seeing your sad face says, “Alright, we’re going back to my place and having a movie night. I’ll call Robin and see if she’ll come over. You need to have some fun.”
You almost protest, but that does sound like it’ll get your mind off things. And if you’re at Steve’s  you won’t be as tempted to go to Eddie’s.
“Well Robin can’t come over. She’s got a date or something. So I guess it’s just you and me.” He says as he places a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of you. “What do you wanna watch first? I just got a tape of The Outsiders. Remember that movie?” 
“Yeah that sounds good. Thanks for the popcorn.” You reach for the bowl as Steve sits down next to you.
Throughout the movie you can feel Steve looking over at you until he finally reaches over to slide his arm around your shoulders. “Hey, I know you’re upset, but just try to forget about Eddie and whatever stupid fight you guys have had.”
“I know, Steve, It’s just really hard. I miss him and I can’t seem to stay away. I keep going over whenever he calls like I’m just some booty call and not his ex-girlfriend of TWO YEARS! It’s like that’s all he wanted me for in the first place!” You put your hands over your face and shake your head.
“Wait. You’re still going over there and sleeping with him? Why would you do that? You’re way too good to be waiting around for his phone calls just so he can get off and leave you upset.” Steve pauses the movie and turns toward you. You didn’t mean to tell him all of that, you’d been telling Steve and Robin that you hadn’t seen Eddie since the breakup. You never told them that you two had been secretly fucking every other night.
“Uh… I mean it’s hard, Steve! We were together for a long time, I can’t just stop seeing him!” You reach for the remote to play the movie again, but Steve grabs your wrist to stop you.
As you look up at him he says, “I know. I’m sure it is hard. But he can’t be that great that you’re still doing…that with him.” Steve’s arm tightens around your shoulders. He’s staring down at you with a look you’ve never seen from him before. His right hand moves from your wrist to your cheek as he brushes his thumb down to your chin.
“I mean…I don’t know.” It’s hard for you to get words out. Steve has been your best friend since you guys were kids. But all of a sudden something feels a little bit more with him. The way he’s looking at you and lightly gripping your chin is making you dizzy. You’ve never thought about him in any other way, but now your heart is beginning to flutter.
Steve notices it too, his eyes go to where his hand rests on your chin before looking back into your eyes. He slowly tilts your chin up and leans down to plant a gentle kiss on your lips. 
You kiss him back before he pulls away and says “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I think I just got carried away.” He drops his hands, grabs the remote and flips the movie back on.
“It’s… it’s okay.” You can’t think of anything else to say so you sink back into the couch and continue to watch the movie like nothing happened.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get home later that night, you can’t stop replaying that kiss in your head. You’ve never even thought about doing anything like that with Steve. He’s your best friend. You two have practically known each other since you two were in diapers. And besides, he isn’t your type at all. Apparently your type is self obsessed bad boys who break your heart yet still call you up at 1 in the morning. Look where that’s gotten me, you think. Steve is sweet, nice, caring. Everything that Eddie turned out not to be. 
You fall asleep thinking about what would have happened had Steve not come to his senses.
Steve has been thinking about the kiss since he dropped you off at your apartment. He’s not sure what came over him at that moment. But he does know that he enjoyed it. He knows that he definitely wanted more. But he also knows that you’re his best friend and you’re still getting over that asshole, Eddie Munson. He doesn’t want to force you into anything else.
But he still can’t see what you see in that guy. He didn’t know Eddie that well. They ran in different circles when they were in high school, but he still didn’t notice anything particularly great about the guy. 
And he was so tired of seeing you heartbroken over it. Steve thought you deserved so much more than Eddie.
Steve knew he could make you feel better than Eddie ever could.
Steve continued to think about that kiss as his hand slipped beneath the fabric of his boxers.
Two days go by before you see Steve again. He’s giving you a ride home from Robin’s house after a girls night.
“You know, you really didn’t have to come pick me up. I would’ve been fine walking home.” You say as you meet him outside.
“I know, but Robin’s is on my way home from work.”
Not much is said on the drive to your house. You’re still thinking about the kiss from the other night and you’re not sure if Steve is thinking about it as well. And if he is, you’re not sure what he’s thinking about it. Does he think it was a mistake? Does he want to do it again? You’re so lost in your thoughts that you don’t realize you’ve pulled up in front of your house until you hear Steve saying “Hellooooo. Did you hear me? I asked if you were okay with me coming in and hanging out for a while?”
“Oh. Um. Absolutely, that’s totally fine.” Both of you got out of the car and walked into your small apartment. “So uh, what did you want to do?” You weren’t sure why you were this nervous. You felt like the dynamic between you and your best friend had completely changed since the other night, yet Steve seemed perfectly normal.
“I was actually just wanting to talk to you. You know, make sure you’re doing okay? After that fight with Eddie?” Steve sat down on your small sofa and kicked his shoes off.
You sat down next to Steve, taking your shoes off as well. “Yeah, actually I’m doing a lot better. He hasn’t called since the fight which helps too. I’ve still thought about calling him though.”
Steve just stares at you. You recognize the look on his face as the same one from the other night. The look right before you kissed you. You’re trying not to get your hopes up that it’ll happen again, but your heart is beating a thousand beats per minute. Finally, he says “Look, I hate seeing you like this. I know you two were together for a long time, but he doesn’t deserve you. He never has. He took you completely for granted.”
You weren’t sure what to say. Steve continued, inching closer to you, “I guess I just don’t see what’s so great about Eddie.” He placed his hand on top of your thigh and slowly inched his other hand along the tops of your shoulder. He said what he’d been thinking about the other night. “I bet I could make you feel better than he ever did.” Steve tilted your head up once again and kissed your lips. Rougher than the first time, but still tender. He didn’t pull away this time. 
You reached up to grab his face in your hands, kissing him with more force. Steve took hold of your hips, pulling you onto his lap before running his hands through your hair. The two of you were holding so tightly onto each other it was almost painful.
You were the first to pull away, gasping for breath. “Are we… is this…” the words died on your lips as you noticed the way Steve was looking at you with lust filled eyes.
“It’s okay. Let me make you feel good. Let me make you forget about him.” Steve lifted you up and sat you down on the couch, pushing your legs open so he could kneel between them. He peppered kisses from your neck to the top of your jeans. He began unbuttoning your pants and slipping them off of you as he looked up at you through his long lashes. He pulled down your panties and tossed them to the side before trailing his fingers around your swollen clit.
You almost couldn’t believe what was happening. Steve Harrington, your best friend, was on his knees with his face dangerously close to your core. Steve Harrington was rubbing circles on your sensitive bud. You threw your head back and let your moans escape.
“That’s it, baby.” Steve continued rubbing circles as he leaned forward and inserted his tongue inside your soaking hole. Your hands flew down to grab and pull at his hair and he hummed in response sending vibrations throughout your body.
You almost couldn’t take it anymore, you had to have him now. You were too impatient, too needy, for something you didn’t even know you wanted until right now. “Steve.” you breathed as you pulled him back up to you, foreheads touching.
“Shh.” Steve unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down just enough to release his hard cock. He kissed you one last time, letting his lips linger on yours as he lined himself up with your entrance.
He pushed himself into you slowly, gently, taking his time and relishing the feeling of your walls clenching around him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, moaning into his ear. “God, you feel amazing. I bet I feel better than him.” He said it with a sneer as he pumped in and out of you. You couldn’t respond, you just continued to moan. “Mhm, that’s what I thought.” 
Steve leaned back and started rubbing circles around your clit. You almost couldn’t hold yourself together any longer. The tension that had been building in your stomach was about to explode. “Steve, I- I’m gonna come.” You managed to breathe out in between your moans.
“Come for me, baby, come on.” Steve’s thrusts grow faster as you reach your climax. He puts his hands on your face, the pads of his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks as you come down from your high. “That’s it, sweetheart.” 
He bends forward to kiss your forehead before moving his hands to your hips, gripping them a little too hard. His thrusts grow more erratic as his own climax nears. Steve’s mouth grazes your ear as he continues to pump in and out of you. “Fuck, baby. You feel so good.” He almost can’t hold himself together any longer. He pumps one last time before pulling out and shooting thick white ropes onto your stomach. He slumps forward laying next to your side and runs his hands through his hair. 
Steve stands up and pulls his jeans back up. He takes his shirt off and wipes your stomach clean before sitting on the couch next to you and pulling you towards him. With your head resting on his chest, you say, “Wow. I…wow.”
You can feel his eyes looking down on you as he brushes his hand through your hair. “I know. I’ve been thinking about you since the other night.”
You nuzzled tighter into his chest, “Do you want to stay the night?”
He chuckles as he picks you up and begins carrying you to your room. “Of course, babe.” He lays you down on your bed and slips under the blankets with you, pulling you to his chest once more. You feel so at home cuddled into Steve’s chest.
“So tired, Steve.” You mumble as your eyes begin to close.
“That’s alright baby, get some rest. We can talk in the morning.”
As you start to drift to sleep you can hear Steve say, “So, did you forget about Eddie?”
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babeydollx · 1 year ago
The Fourth Day of Kinkmas: Virginity | Steve Harrington
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Warnings: cursing, smut, virginity, oral sex, mentions of sex, some fluff
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Female Reader
Summary: In which Steve and Y/N have their first time together
Author's Note: I'd just like to put out there that, the first part of this fic shows that Y/N feels kinda shameful about being a virgin but seriously.. there is nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about when it comes to being inexperienced. Everyone is ready at different times, some sooner than others but it's okay not to be ready right away 💗
12 Days of Kinkmas Masterlist
© Maybanks-Luver 2023, please do not steal, copy, modify, repost, or translate my work.
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You were making out with your boyfriend Steve at his place. You were planning on staying the night with him since it was the weekend. You had stayed at your boyfriend's house many times but, this was the first time that your kissing had got this intense and heated. You weren't really sure what to do with yourself since you had never really done anything like this before. Steve knew that you were a little inexperienced but, he doesn't know it to it's full extent.
As the two of you were making out, you pulled away from him before looking away. "I- what's wrong, baby?" Steve asked with a small frown. He could always tell when something was bothering you. "Well it's just.." you sighed before speaking again, "I mean I am unexperienced." You said, sounding almost ashamed. "Well I already knew that you were babe." He said as he tilted his head, trying to figure out what the real thing upsetting you was.
"Yeah you know only a little of the truth though." You said. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "Well..." you felt embarrassed to tell him but you knew that you had to eventually. "It's just.. I'm still a virgin." You said quietly. Steve sat there for a moment in silence which just worried you more. You weren't sure what type of reaction he would have to you telling him this information. He was already super experienced with pretty much all things sexual. You were just scared that if he knew that you were a virgin that that may turn him off of you for good.
"Are you mad?" You finally asked, trying to break the awkward silence. Steve looked over at you with a confused look on his face. "Mad? Why would be mad, baby?" He asked. "Well.. because I'm not a virgin and.. I never told you until now." You said quietly. "Oh sweetheart.." He said with a frown as he took your hands in his own. "Baby that would never upset me. It's completely okay that you're still a virgin and I'd never push you to have sex with me if you weren't ready for it." He said softly. "But you're so experienced and I'm not. I don't even have a shred of experience when it comes to anything sexual other than making out." You said with a frown.
"Well that's okay though. Everyone starts out inexperienced, babe." He said. "And it's totally up to you when you decide to have sex and who you decide to have it with. And if you want to not do it earlier on and wait then that is totally your choice." He said. "Everyone's different baby but, you should never ever be ashamed of yourself because you're a virgin or because you're inexperienced because, it's okay." He said with a small smile. "Well about the being ready part." You said before looking up at him. "I am ready to have sex.. I know I can trust you and I know that you're the one I have been saving myself for." You said.
"Wait, are you sure baby?" He asked. "Because really, it's okay if you aren't ready. You don't need to have sex with me just to make me happy." He said as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. "No I'm not just saying it, Steve. I really am ready. I know I am." You said with a smile. "I want to do this with you.." You said softly. He nodded before leaning in and softly kissing you again. The kiss started off gentle and loving but quickly turned into passion and hunger. You tangled your fingers in his brown locks as the two of you made out passionately. Steve broke the kiss so he could stand up before scooping you up into his arms causing you to giggle.
He took you upstairs to his bedroom before laying you down on his bed gently. He began to kiss you again before kissing down your neck, leaving hickies all over your soft skin. As he kissed down your body, he pulled off all your clothes until you were completely naked. He stood up at the end of the bed so he could admire you. "God, you're so gorgeous laying out on my bed like this." He said as he bit his lip. He spread your legs apart so he could get a look at your pussy. You sat up on your elbows watching him, both nervous and eager to see what he would do next.
He got onto the bed and settled his head between your legs before licking a strip up your folds. You gasped and sighed, rested your head back on the soft pillow behind you. He licked up your folds once more before spreading them. Steve looked up at you before diving in, licking and sucking at your clit. You moaned out as he ate you out like he was a starved man. "I- fuck baby.." You moaned as Steve continued to eat you out. As he was eating you out, you felt a knot starting to tighten in your stomach. And before you knew it you felt a wave of pleasure wash over you causing your legs to tremble.
"I- Steve!" You moaned out his name as you came on his tongue. Steve pulled back with a smirk. "Fuck baby, you're so hot.. I can't wait until I get you on my cock." He smirked devilishly. "What are you waiting for." You said as you looked up at him, biting your lip. "Oh baby, I'm gonna have so much fun with you tonight.
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Author's note: tysm for reading!
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mrsharrington83 · 1 year ago
Code Blue
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Summary; The aftermath leaves Y/N second guessing everything in her life. Losing friends and witnessing her boyfriend of two years getting closer to his ex is enough to push her over the edge. Will they be able to pull themselves out of this hole that’s darker than the Upside Down itself? (For the sake of this fic, what happened at the end of the last episode of season 4 hasn’t yet happened)
Warnings; usual Stranger Things, things. Swearing, blood, injury, alcohol consumption, mentions of death and suicidal thoughts. If any of this is triggering, please don’t read.
A/N; I haven’t written anything in so long! It’s a long fic! 6.5K words, my longest on here yet. I apologise if this is bad, I’ve just been in a writing mood so thought I’d let out a lot of angst and fluff (we love it) I am a British writer (England) so sorry if things don’t make sense to you! Thank you for stopping by, hopefully my writing streak stays strong. Requests are always open. Love to all xoxo
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The aftermath of the supposed earthquake had everyone second guessing. Some people left, other people were packing to leave. Having known what really went down, you sat in silence staring into your vanity mirror as everyone else you knew went to help the community at Hawkins High.
You just couldn’t stomach it. Cuts and grazes over your skin, tiredness evident in your eyes, your hair still clumped with dirt from the Upside Down, dried blood. You hadn’t even showered yet. You didn’t know how to process anything that had happened over the past 72 hours. You were accustomed to this kind of thing having it been a big part of your life for the past few years, the most recent battle however, took the biscuit.
Small Polaroid pictures littered around the back wall of your desk. Smiles, memories, better times. Max and Dustin when she stole his cap. They were in mid laugh so it was blurred a bit, but a happy memory that was stuck in time. That same Max was now in hospital, fractured bones, blind, unresponsive. Not laughing and joking with her friends, not happy, not anything. Doctors didn’t know if she’d ever wake. She was such a selfless soul, way beyond her years, but still so young. Too young. You all were.
Pictures of the group, you and your boyfriend Steve. A picture of you and Eddie during a D&D game. His hair all over the place, tongue sticking out, you laughing, Dustin in the background pulling a stupid face.
Your best friend.
Just like that.
He didn’t run this time, and fuck. You really wished he did.
The tick of your small clock dragged you away from the pictures, the light ticking mocking you, “shut up! Shut the fuck up!” you screamed from deep in your lungs, a howl so painful from your chest, putting what was left of your strength and upset from the past few weeks into knocking the blasted thing to the floor, hearing the glass and mechanics hit the floor in one swoop. It was a gift from Eddie one Christmas as you were pretty much always late. Bittersweet.
Guilt built in your stomach as you stood up fast, pushing your stool back with your legs, failing to the floor, cupping the bits of broken glass as sobs wracked your body, not realising your hands were clenched around the shards, the all too familiar claret running through the lines in your palm and down your fingers, dripping into a pool on the wooden flooring of the bedroom.
Your breathing hitched as you remembered Eddie die in your arms, the way blood trickled from his mouth. The look of pure terror on his face. He knew he was dying, but he kept it together till the very end for the sake of you and Dustin. His best friends, the people that were there for him no matter what everyone else was saying. You didn’t want to believe it. Dustin’s screams and sobs as the light left his eyes. You saw them gloss over. The way you both shook him, screamed into his ear, telling him not to leave you both behind. Your hands covered in blood. His blood.
Dropping the bits of glass on the floor, you pushed your feet and newly cut hands against the floor, the small slitters of glass that were still on your palm slicing deeper into your flesh until your back met the wall, your hands and body shaking, the tightness in your chest getting worse and you struggled to fill your lungs with air. You felt like you were about to pass out.
The past 72 hours had been, by far, the worst time of your life. You’d witnessed what you thought was your boyfriend of two years get closer to his ex, eyes can be deceiving, but there was something in his own eyes that glimmered whenever he spoke to Nancy, deep down you always wondered what Steve saw in you. Maybe you were just a knock off version of Nancy. Someone to keep him grounded in all of this. A warm body to forget all the wrongdoing in the world. Someone he knew cared about him. Perhaps more than he cared for you. You didn’t know that of course, it was just what your mind was telling you.
Your best friend had died for a town that hated him, Max, the girl who had adopted you as a cooler older sister after Billie died was lying in a hospital bed with the looming same fate, Vecna was still out there somewhere and you were sure there was even more danger on the horizon.
Even after everything that happened, your mum hadn’t bothered coming home. She was always away with her new man for weeks on end. She had called up one night before the phone lines cut out to make sure the house was still standing after witnessing the news, but other than that all you got was, ‘with everything that’s happened in Hawkins, I’m going to stay with carl for another few weeks, maybe more. Be careful out there.’”
You’d never felt more alone. You didn’t blame your friends or Steve. They wanted to help out, of course they did. You did too, but you were in no way the right frame of mind to be seeing people crying for their loved ones, talking to people that had lost others whilst you were reeling from losing your own.
You pulled yourself off the floor with great difficulty. It felt like you had a ton of bricks weighed down on you. Metaphorically speaking, you did. Though it wasn’t bricks, it was the weight of hurt and anger, of death piling up one by one. “Get yourself together Y/N. get your fucking self together.” Rummaging through your dresser, careful not to get blood on everything, you pulled out some comfortable lounge clothes that were bigger in size, purposely avoiding one of Steve’s t-shirts as you dragged yourself to the bathroom.
Putting down the toilet seat, you placed your clothes and rinsed your hands under the cold tap. Water on open cuts made you wince, but at least you felt something other than emotional pain. Watching your fresh blood mix with water and into the sink like a mini whirlpool was almost mesmerising. Picking out the last few shards of glass making the water redder with each bit. You were lucky water was still running. There were some parts of Hawkins that had no water.
Turning the dial on the shower you undressed. Peeling your clothes from your skin. Clothes you wouldn’t bother to wash. They would go straight in the bin. You had enough awful reminders on that night, you didn’t need more. Stepping into the shower, careful not to slip, you submerged yourself in warm, running water and closed your eyes, feeling old blood, mud and debris leave your tired body.
Steve had come home early, with both of your parents almost always being away you basically lived with each other. When your mum was away, he’d stay with you and if his parents were away, you’d stay with him. He had his own keys to your place, and you had your own to his.
Steve kicked his shoes off in the hallway, tiredness in his bones. The house was silent apart from the sound of water from the shower, you were at least out of bed. When Steve left this morning you were curled up in a ball with covers over your head, blocking out the world. He leant down and burrowed his head in your blankets kissing the top of your head, saying how much he loved you and that he’d be back as soon as he’d helped out in Hawkins High, with a running car it was easier for him to pick up robin and bundle Dustin, Will and Mike in the back of along with all the supplies, it was a squeeze, but not a long drive and with everything that had happened, the kids didn’t mind being on top of each other, breathing, alive. In truth, Steve didn’t want to get out of bed either. His temples ached, his bones felt heavy and the wounds he had were still throbbing, not letting him forget about the events.
He sighed and flopped onto the sofa, leaning his head back hoping to get the knots out of the muscles in his neck, tension. He didn’t want to disturb you in the shower, even though all he wanted to do was bury his face in your hair, your skin, breathe in the only place he felt safe, the only thing that made sense to him. Seeing everyone at Hawkins High, the missing persons post filled with faces he knew, faces he didn’t, the heartbreak of all of Hawkins. All he wanted was you, but instead he just sat there.
You pressed your head against the cool tiles in the bathroom as you turned off the shower, the familiar car engine shutting off in the drive, you knew Steve was back, yet you didn’t think you could see him face to face yet. You breathed out heavily and stepped out of the shower pulling a towel from the back of the door, wrapping it around yourself and another for your hair. Red staining the white cotton as you’d opened old wounds as well as your still bleeding palms that stung. You bent down to get the first aid kit from under the sink as you got to work on your wounds. You at least looked cleaner, your split lip and eyebrow not looking as bad now you’d washed, half of these injuries you didn’t even know when you’d got them, from fighting demobats to being thrown across the floor by Eddie when you tried to help, bruises from being pulled away from your friend as his lifeless body lay motionless, wounds from yourself from hitting the wall in desperation. You looked how you felt. Completely broken. You wrapped bandages around your hands and left it at that. Drying off and throwing oversized clothes on, you reached for the door handle, your hand visibly shaking.
Going back into your room you sighed at the mess. Somewhat thankful that Steve had stayed downstairs. Glass and blood everywhere. You grabbed a dustpan and a brush from a small closet next to the bathroom as well as the small towel you used for your hair, sweeping up the small shards of glass and discarding them in a small bin next to your bed. Wiping the claret up with the small towel and putting that in the bin too. You sat on the end of your bed once again staring at the pictures behind your vanity desk.
“Y/N?” Steve called up the stairs noting that the shower had been turned off for a while, worry lacing his voice. You could hear it.
“Yeah, I’m coming down.” You stood up and dragged yourself to the top of the landing. You could just throw yourself down the stairs and hope for the best. Hope you’d have an ounce of peace from your racing mind, but you couldn’t do that. You couldn’t bring yourself to take yourself over that edge, to make the people that cared about you lose another. You’d all lost too much. Begrudgingly you walked down the stairs, the illuminating light from the sun almost blinding you, you’d been living in darkness for the past few days, being in the Upside Down and then closing all the curtains upstairs as soon as you’d got back home. You’d almost forgotten how bright daylight could be.
Steve was waiting in the kitchen for you, his eyes visibly glowing when you walked into the room, as though you lit up the small space when you stepped in. A smile tugged on your lips that suddenly dropped when you remembered he was looking at Nancy exactly the same not too long ago. The same nagging thoughts you had earlier pulling you back. Knock off version of Nancy. Now that Johnathan was back, of course he came running back to you. Steve looked down to your hands and frowned, he didn’t remember you hurting your hands so much they needed bandaging,
“Sweetheart? What happened?” Steve was by your side in an instant his hands gently over yours as he inspects the bandages,
“I dropped some glass, not a big deal. Just got a little cut up in the process of cleaning it up.” You lied through your teeth, you couldn’t be bothered to talk about Eddie again and how you’d broken the last gift he would ever give to you out of anger. Steve continued to look at your hands, careful not to disturb the bandages around them,
“Do you want me to have a look? I can bandage these a bit better for you, make sure there’s no glass and...” you cut him off with a, ‘I’m fine.’ And pulled your hands away from his warmth, Steve looked a little deflated, but understood. All of you had patched each other up countless times that it was almost routine now, you’d learnt how to stitch wounds, what ointments and antiseptics to use, you basically had a mini pharmacy under your sink for things that people would never believe.
“Honestly, I’m fine Steve.” You forced a smile and went round the Kitchen Island feeling his eyes burning through you. Your house wasn’t the biggest, it was snug. The kitchen was weirdly one of the bigger rooms and probably the nicest, it was one of the only rooms your mum put any effort into before she started gallivanting around the globe. It was bright with several flowers littering the windowsills, yellow lace curtains to match some of the décor. How the flowers hadn’t died yet, you didn’t know. You never watered them.
You and the rest of the group had spent ample time in this kitchen cooking cookies and brownies for movie night, Max and Lucas always managing to burn popcorn, Steve rushing to open windows and flail a tea towel at the fire alarm to stop it beeping whilst Robin was toppling over laughing at Dustin with brownie mix all over his mouth, You’d also spent ample time in here with the older lot of the group, your mum had quite the alcohol stash. Probably enough to open a bar downtown. From several different bottles of vodka, gin, whiskey to wine, beer, cider and god knows what other potent liquid that did the job, which is exactly what you were heading for now.
Steve was slumped against one of the dining chairs as he watched you move around the island, he knew exactly what cabinet you were riffling through, “Ahhh, there it is.” You picked out an unopened bottle of vodka and put it on the side as you went through a different cupboard to pick out a decent glass.
“Do you really think that’s a good idea?” Steve sighed as he watched your every move, “I know things aren’t great at the minute, but we really need to pull together.” You opened the vodka and poured a small glass, turning around and leaning against the counter with your ankles crossed, the glass of vodka in your hand. You shrugged and took a gulp, the burning from the alcohol igniting your insides.
“Look, sweetheart, please.” Steve ran a hand through his hair, the lack of product evident, no one ever saw Steve walking around with no product in his hair, probably because without it, it was so fluffy and never sat in the right place according to him, “this isn’t the answer, that isn’t going to help. It’s not going to bring...”
“Shut up!” you screeched, smashing the glass back onto the counter, thankfully not breaking it, “you think I don’t know that, Steve? For goodness sake! How stupid do you think I am?!” Steve is taken aback, he’s over stepped a line and he knows it, “I know it’s not going to bring Eddie back it’s not going to stop what’s going on here,” you look around the room, “it’s not going to stop Max from being in hospital, it’s not going to stop those poor kids dreaming about what happened over and over again, how fucked they’re going to be in years’ time if they even make it that far, from losing countless people and battling these things over and over again, but maybe, just maybe it will stop my racing thoughts, the hurt, the anger, the resentment I have for this stupid fucking town for five goddamn minutes, okay?! everything is falling apart at the seams, we’ve all lost so much, I even thought you were getting cosy with Nancy again!” you bite your tongue getting caught up in the rift, Steve looked towards you bewildered. You turn back to the vodka bottle, filling your glass halfway, drinking it down like water and filling it up again, “I’m not asking you to understand Steve, I’m not even asking you to deal with this, you know where the fucking door is.”
Steve stood up from the table and walked over to you slowly, turning you to face him, moving the hair that had fallen so effortlessly over your features, “I love you Y/N, whatever you thought you saw between me and Nancy was not that. I’m happy for her and Johnathan, really. I’m so glad were now with the right people, the people who ground us and make this stupid crazy life worth living, you’re my muse. I would never do that to you, sweetheart. Not ever,” moving his hands over your covered arms, to your hands, holding them gently in his, “I’m not going anywhere Y/N, just please, I don’t want to lose you too. I can’t.”
You looked Steve dead in the eyes, his glassed over, tears threatening to fall. The beautiful honey eyes you’d got lost in time and time again, “Maybe you already have.” His hands let go of yours as he visibly slumped, and took a step back, you might as well have been holding a gun, a bullet to his chest with the way he was looking at you. Turning your back to him, your own tears threatening to fall, you grabbed the bottle again unscrewing the cap, pouring yourself another glass.
“What do you mean?” Steve is silent again, his presence still behind you, feelings of uncertainty heavy in the air, “Y/N, look at me please...” the defeat in his voice made you feel awful, this was your boyfriend of two years, the person that had stayed by your side that whole time, through everything. The good times and the bad, the way you both laughed, the random dates he took you on, sometimes even after work, some of which ended up being group outings as one of the kids had seen you both and then got on the walkie talkies as quickly as possible, they ended up calling that ‘code blue’ as the first time it happened Steve was in his Scoops Ahoy uniform, the movie nights, the late night talks, walks, your safety net, the countless jokes that weren’t even funny. Helping him with his hair, the days he was sick and you’d take care of him, and the days he would do exactly the same back for you. He never faltered, he was always brave, always stayed strong for you, for everyone, but here he was, seconds away from breaking down. A painful ache in his voice that cut you in half, the same ache breaking the last pieces of your heart that were still intact, you wiped your tears away with the back of your sweater, turning around to see Steve once more, pain drowning his features,
“I’m sorry, Steve. I can’t do this anymore.” he sucked in a shaky breath as a sob broke from his lips. Pain. Pain that you had caused. You finished your glass of vodka, keeping your back to Steve, you couldn’t watch him break, you couldn’t see the sadness and heartache on his face. As if he hadn’t been through enough recently,
“Y/N, please,” his voice was low, strained, as though he was bleeding out on the spot behind you, “don’t do this, we can get through this, we can get through anything, please just don’t...” you turned round to Steve his eyes visibly blood shot probably from tiredness and the tears that were free flowing down his cheeks,
“I’m sorry Steve.” You walked past him, a slight sway to your walk from too much alcohol in a short space of time on an empty stomach as you tackled the stairs, all you wanted to do was sleep, before you even got half way up the stairs you heard the front door close causing you to stop on the spot, your own sobs now tearing way through your body, this pain was tearing you apart, so much loss, but you had caused this last one.
You found yourself sitting on the end of your bed looking at the pictures behind your desk once again, would you ever feel that kind of happiness again or was this the new norm? A burning hole in the middle of your chest that was once whole and pushed together in the shape of the people you loved. All of those memories seemed like a lifetime ago, how time and life could be fleeting, oh how you took it all for granted.
Two weeks had passed.
Two long weeks.
Probably the longest two weeks of your life.
In those two weeks you’d had almost everyone knock on your door, mainly Robin and Dustin, “Y/N, open this door right now or I promise you I’ll put a brick through your window and climb in there myself.” Dustin shouted as he looked through the small glass patterns on the front door for signs of movement, “I’m not joking Y/N.” Dustin looked around your drive and picked up half a brick, “ten seconds, Y/N!” finally he saw movement and put the brick down on the grass, you opened the door and huffed,
“Dustin, every day for two weeks, ae you not bored yet?” He pushed you aside gently and kicked his shoes off before throwing himself onto the sofa and turning on the small TV as if he lived there, “and how can I be of assistance today?” you stood in the doorway of the living room, you no longer had the bandages on your hands, the cuts on your hands were hardly visible now, your other physical injuries were also doing much better, some might not even scar, not that you cared about a bit of scarring,
“You look like shit,” Dustin looked back at you and scoffed, he wasn’t wrong, you’d been wearing the same kind of clothes for two weeks, anything you could get your hands on. Mix matched sweats and sweaters, sometimes Steve’s t-shirts, on a very rare occasion you treated yourself by wearing a pair of jeans. Your usual full of life hair was lifeless and scraggly from the lack of brushing, your eyes blood shot from lack of sleep, red lips from gnawing at them constantly,
“Well, love you too, Dustin,” you rolled your eyes and went to the kitchen fetching juice and cookies on a tray, “so what is it today?” Dustin cleared his throat and made his way into the kitchen, taking a few cookies off the tray as he took a seat around the table drinking juice you’d bought specially for him,
“It’s Steve,” your breathing hitched as you looked to the floor, biting at your already raw lips, you pulled a second chair out and sat opposite Dustin, taking your own cookie and nibbling at it. You hadn’t eaten well for two weeks now,
“What about him?” you took a swig of your own juice and sit looking towards your younger friend,
“Don’t give me that, Y/N. I know you still care, Robin tells me things, y’know, and you’re not someone that doesn’t care about people,” Dustin shook his head, “this act is bullshit, Y/N. Steve is over there wondering what he did wrong, what he can do to help you, he’s broken, Y/N and none of us can get through to him, ne needs you and you need him and we need you both. We need our kick ass non babysitters back. We need to stick together. We can’t all break otherwise what do we have?” you bit the inside of your cheek letting Dustin talk, you had been unfair, everything in this world was so wrong and you were breaking the only good thing in it,
“I’m scared, Dusty,” you looked to him and he nodded, not wasting time to eat more cookies, all the kids loved your cookies,
“We all are, Y/N. you know this isn’t over right?” you looked down knowingly and started to play with the patterned table cover, “Steve needs you, I need you, we all need you. You know Eddie wouldn’t want this right?” you breathed deeply at the mention of his name, “you’re the bravest person he knew, he told me, and do you know what else?” you looked up from the table, “he loved you and Steve together, he saw how happy he made you and that’s what he wanted for you. He wanted you to be happy.” You sighed, breath shaky as a tear fell from your lashes onto the tablecloth you were playing with moments before,
“Well he got one thing wrong, he was the bravest.” Dustin put his hand over yours and gave it a light squeeze,
“Please just come and see Steve? Everyone is round there trying to cheer him up and he looks just as shit as you, if not more. If you don’t come with me, the others are going to try one by one, I’m the nicer one.” He stood up from the table, hopeful,
“Dustin I can’t,” disappointment clouded his eyes, “I can’t go over there empty handed, help me make some cookies?” the usual toothy grin from Dustin was back, one you hadn’t seen for a such a long time, one that made your heart swell. You loved those kids so much and you’d do anything to protect them, you felt bad for wallowing in in your own self-pity when everyone you cared about was going through the exact same thing as you. You’d nearly lost the one thing that made sense and you were going to try and not let that slip any further. You and Dustin got to work on the cookies, not failing to get flour all over the surface and yourselves. Once the cookies were in the oven and cooking, you looked over to Dustin, “Keep an eye on the cookies for me? I’m going to try and sort this out a bit,” you pointed to your mop of a hair as he grinned and nodded, picking up his walkie as you left the room,
“Guys, it’s Dustin, over.” He waited for the usual static of the walkie patiently as he pressed more buttons hoping to hear from the others,
“Hearing you loud and clear, Dustin, what’s the status, over.” Mike was on the other end, uncertainty in his voice, but hugged by hope, Will, El and even Lucas in the background hugging over the other walkie talkie hoping for a shred of good news. Max was still in hospital, though in good hands. There was hope that she’d still wake up, she was strong and a fighter. Lucas sat by her bedside every chance he got, but he too needed fresh air sometimes, to see his friends. Being cooped up waiting for someone to wake up wouldn’t do anyone any good if it was constant. Same four walls day in, day out. It took some time for him to realise that however.
“Guys, we have ourselves a code blue. Over.” Dustin chimed excitedly as the rest of the youngsters screamed in joy, they were out of ear shot from Steve and Robin, all around the pool as it was such a lovely day in Hawkins, warm with a light breeze hitting the trees and pool every now and then causing small ripples, birds still chirping. Even amidst all the uncertainty and heartache, life could be beautiful.
You looked into the mirror having put a little bit of makeup on, an extreme rarity for you with everything that had gone on the past few years, you’d finally put a brush through your washed hair and changed into something more you, high waisted jeans, a black t-shirt and a light denim jacket you could take off if you wanted, you felt the warmth through the bathroom window as you looked at yourself in the mirror once more, “presentable.” You could smell cookies downstairs signalling Dustin had kept to his word and kept an eye on then, not letting them burn. You hurried down the stairs with a skip to your step and twirled to Dustin who was standing in the hall with a cookie jar in hand, ready to pack them once they’d cooled a little,
“There’s the Y/N I know! Yes!” Dustin fist bumped the air with his free hand wishing the cookies would cool down faster. You gathered your shoes and a small bag to put your keys and anything else you needed in,
“what if he doesn’t want to see me?,” you stopped in your tracks, looking at Dustin unsure, “what if I’ve hurt him too much and he never wants to see me again?” you play with the hem of your denim jacket, backtracking, wondering if this was a good idea after all,
“you’re the only person he wants to see, Y/N. we just invite ourselves in and he’s too nice to tell us to get out,” you shake your head,
“You know that isn’t true, he loves you guys as much as I do, even if he’s in the worst mood possible, he’d always rather have you guys around, you know that,” Dustin nodded, putting the cooler cookies into the jar sealing them tightly, “did you bike over here?” you questioned as Dustin shook his head,
“I didn’t,” he grinned and dug his hand in his back pocket, pulling Steve’s car keys out and waving them in your face, “he doesn’t know, obviously,” Dustin shrugged as you shook your head and put your head in your hand laughing in disbelief, a real laugh, something you forgot you could do,
“Dustin! You could have caused an accident!” you tried to sound serious over your laughing that just wouldn’t stop,
“well, you don’t see many cars on the road these days after what happened, maybe people are too scared,” he shrugged once more, “not me, now. Let’s gooooo!” Dustin ran for the front door, cookies in hand, and his small backpack you didn’t realise he had draped over a shoulder,
“Ahhh. Not so fast, keys!” you extended your hand to Dustin, Steve absolutely loved that car, sometimes you wondered if he loved that car more than you and okay, Dustin got there safely, but now he was in your care he wouldn’t be driving that thing,
“Spoil sport,” he ginned as he handed you the keys stepping out into the outside. You took a deep breath. The smell of the outside you hadn’t seen in weeks. The light breeze through your hair the sun tingling against your skin, butterflies and birds, nature. Things you hasn’t stopped to look at for such a long time, “earth to Y/N,” you shook your head and walked towards the car, opening it for you both.
 You hadn’t driven in forever, was it something you could forget? Fastening your seatbelt, making sure Dustin did the same, starting the car and opening the windows, you pulled the sun visor down, a small Polaroid falling onto your lap. You turned it around to see a picture of you and Steve, your heart beating against your chest as you ran your finger over the photo. It was the first one you took together, before you were even official. Halloween 1984. That stupid party, the night Steve and Nancy broke up. You found Steve crying on the back step, you spent the rest of the night trying to cheer him up. One too many beers, weed and a stupid camera, “he kept it...” Dustin looked up at you as you put the photo in the dashboard opposite Dustin,
“Of course he did, he keeps everything,” you didn’t know that, you didn’t say anything further as you pulled off the drive, it wasn’t a long drive. It was actually an easy enough walk, you didn’t live far from Steve. The nights he would randomly turn up at your house and throw pebbles at the window even though no one else was in the house, small memories making you smile.
The drive was quiet, Dustin looking out the window the whole way there, your heart still hammering against your chest, would people be happy to see you, would they hate you, would things be the same, what the fuck were you going to say to Steve? Pulling onto his drive, things got too real, you heard laughter from the other younger people of the group outside as you locked up the car, Dustin rushing to the back gate with cookies, though before he could you were tackled by El, Mike, Will and Lucas, “Y/N OH MY GOD YOU’RE HERE!” mike exclaimed as you laughed with the kids, some of them sopping wet from the pool, of course they still loved you, “we all missed you so much, it’s so good to see you” you ruffled everyone’s hair, something you always used to do when they were younger, something you still hadn’t stopped, tears in your eyes, you smiled, for once they weren’t sad tears,
“I’ve missed you all so much, I’m sorry I haven’t been around, I’m sorry I haven’t been stronger for you all.” They all hugged you tighter, understanding, when did they all grow up?
“we all understand,” Lucas looks at you empathetically, “Max would want us all together, so would Eddie,” you hugged them all just that little bit tighter as they lead you into the back gate, not much had changed in Steve’s back yard except the grass was unkempt, the pool still clean somehow, “we will let you talk to Steve now,” you took a deep breath and looked towards the back sliding doors Robin leaning against them smiling as she ran out to hug you,
“Oh praise the heavens you’re here, I cannot deal with him in there for one minute longer,” you looked towards robin apologetically and she shook her head, “none of that, Y/N. Go see him, bring our Steve back, yeah?” she smiled and sat next to the kids, stealing one of the cookies you made.
You made your way into the house, the house that had so many different memories, you kicked your shoes off and put them where you always do before poking your head into the living room, Steve’s back was towards you as he was staring at the TV something you guessed he’d been doing for the past couple weeks, a lot like you really. His hair was too dishevelled and free of product, but oh fuck did he look like home. “If you’re there to try get me outside in the pool again, Robin I swear to fuck I will change the locks on this house.” He signed defeated and tuned round, his pupils dilating, shock on his face, the evident bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, “Y/N?” he scrambled off the sofa as fast as he could, scared you were a figment of his imagination, “is... is it really you? You’re here...” he stood opposite, reaching out to you,
“Steve...” tears welled in your eyes, “I am so, so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you, I didn’t want what I said, I was so lost in my own mind,” he pulled you into a bone crushing hug, “please forgive me, I’m so sorry,” you pulled away to look at him, tears in his own eyes as he brushed your free falling ones away with his thumb, “I love you so much, I was so scared of losing you too that I fucked up and lost you anyway,” he pulled you back into him, the smell of cedar, bergamot and a slight hint of cigarette smoke, home.
“You didn’t lose me, sweetheart. I love you, more than anything,” he pulled you into him, lips crashing together, cola Popsicle and a small hint of your home cooked cookies that Dustin must have been bringing to him secretly. Everyone loved your cookies. He pulled away and smashed his lips against yours again over and over, the taste of salt now from both of your tears, small lazy kisses planted all over your mouth as he pulled away, your lips slightly swollen, his honey eyes full of life once more, he was never going to let you go. He pulled you flush with his body, your head resting against his chest, as he ran his fingers through your hair, “you’re my home, Y/N. Wherever you are. That’s home to me. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, okay?” you kissed him again, your cherry chapstick smearing over both of your mouths,
“you’re my home too, Mr. Steve ‘the hair’ Harrington,” you looked up to him, a smile on your face, no longer crying as you knocked your hip with his. The emptiness in your heart glazing over a little, the pieces of your broken heart slowly reconnecting, the feeling of life, love, family.
“Have you seen my hair right now?” he ran a hair though it, washed, but lifeless. “Give me a minute, yeah? Put a movie on.” He kissed you softly before sprinting out of the room. You sat on the sofa you’d sat on countless times as you went through old rentals that would probably never be returned as the video store was one of the places to be destroyed, you placed a VHS in the TV as Steve bounded down the stairs, his hair no longer lifeless and messy, but perfect. Your smile so big your jaw could dislocate, “better? The hair is back,” he grinned and jumped over you on the sofa, “Return of the Jedi? One of my favourites.” He pulled your legs over his lap, both of you draped over the sofa like nothing had changed, his hands caressing your knee, smiles not leaving either of your faces.
“GUYS, CODE BLUEEEE.” Dustin shouted from behind the sofa as everyone else bundled in, “and look at that, Farrah Fawcett spray,” Dustin grinned,
“That’s top secret, dude!” Steve shook his head, a genuine laugh falling from his mouth as everyone pulled blankets and cushions around themselves, your cookies in hand. A good old fashioned movie night, things were going to be okay, you looked over to Steve, his eyes glistening as he squeezed your leg. The people you chose as family, Robin in the corner of the room beaming for the both of you. Both of her best friends back together, where they belong. There was a long road ahead for all of you, but at least you’d always face these things together. You were all so much stronger together. A team. A family.
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thaliagracesgf · 7 months ago
kindly why am i only getting eddie munson fics on this app. much peace and love but have i not made it clear to the robots that i'm a steve girl to the max
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djostateofmind · 8 months ago
I just want you guys to come hang out with me in The Harrington Hive and talk about Joe Keery with me 😭
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sleepyangelkami · 11 months ago
BLOODY NOSE s.harrington
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 1.6K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - your clumsy self was used to running into things and hurting yourself, so much so that you practically couldn't even feel the pain anymore. however, a little blood was enough to scare you. thankfully, steve is there to clean your bloody mess up.
 ☆ WARNINGS - blood, kinda gorey, clumsy!reader, ditzy!reader, crybaby!reader (the reader's a lot of things, okay??), worrying, anxiety, mention of knife?, attentive!steve, pre-established relationship, petnames, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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clumsy was your middle name, at least it should be.
you can't recall the last time you'd gone a full week without falling over and skidding your knee or banging your head into the pole you were walking towards. something about hurting yourself came so easy to you. perhaps it was because you were a buzzing ball of energy and no cones would stand in your way.
and steve harrington couldn't have you any other way.
allthough, he'd love if you'd actually look where you were going, he didn't really mind shutting the cupboards after you to make sure you didn't hit your head or switch off the gas when you were finished baking so you didn't light the house on fire, or even snatching your arm and forcing you to one side of the street so you didn't walk straight into the pole right in front of you.
however, sometimes he truly did wish you wouldn't be so clumsy.
as cute as it was, he couldn't deny that he was a worrier. a worrier until his last breath. your every move had him on his tip toes, making him turn grey in his prime and forcing the wrinkled lines on his forehead.
there was no denying that steve was sort of alike a mother to everyone he let into his life. a father? no, no. a mother. which was sort of odd, seeing as he was also your boyfriend.
often times you were strolling into family video with another bruise or scratch. you didn't mind though, because there was no blood. truthfully, steve was always much more worried than you were, trying to hold your leg still as he patched a plaster on it.
you were always swinging your dangling legs across those tables.
as time progressed, so did your relationship.
steve supposed that he never stopped being worried, he just began being prepared. plasters in his pockets, always watching you with a close eye.
until he wasn't.
it was late in the afternoon, a chopping knife in your hand. you were cutting up some fruits, wooden chopping board soaked in many different colours due to the juices that fell from them. steve knew how you loved your snacks in the evening, especially fruit, you had this awful craving for them. perhaps it was due to the dehydration you had when you constantly forgot to drink water. usually, steve had to follow you around with a water bottle.
usually, this was steve's task.
he didn't often leave you alone with a knife. actually, come to think about it he never left you alone with a knife. he knew that the outcome would not be as blissful as one would imagine.
even now, after you'd begged to cut up your own fruit. you'd told him that you were a lady, not a toddler. he had to agree. and as nervous as he was, he sat by the counter. his eyes were strained on your hands, chopping up the fruit.
the knife slid from each piece of fruit, you grasping the little chunks and tossing them in a bowl. "you want any?" you questioned, back sort of turned to him as you sliced the pear.
"no, honey, i'm okay―" smiling at you before realising he was smiling at you meaning your face was turned away from the fruit. "eyes on the fruit, sweetheart." though there was obvious worry laced in his tone, his own throat clenching at the mere thought of you practically slicing your hand off.
honestly? it wasn't too far fetched with what you'd done in the past.
steve watched as you dropped the knife a little too carelessly onto the chopping board before sweeping the bowl into your hands. he'd breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful the worrying and bubbling anxiety of you slicing a limb off was over.
unfortunately, that feeling of relief? yeah, it didn't last too long.
"See that wasn't so hard―" before he could so much as utter out a word of caution, much too wrapped up in the whole knife business, the open cabinet drawer was hitting you right in the face, a loud "ow!" falling from your lips.
"shit." instantly standing from his seat, making his way over towards you.
holding your hand up to your face, you uttered the muffled words. "'m okay, i jus―" turning to place the bowl of fruit onto the counter before "ow!" slapping your face against the same cabinet drawer.
"jesus christ." panic evident in his voice. "just―just don't move, okay?" perhaps that was the best idea, seeing as you moving would possibly result in loosing some form of a limb.
truthfully, it didn't hurt that much.
there was a stinging pain in your nose but you'd felt that familliar feeling many times before. it was almost as if your body had grown numb to the pain. perhaps that was why it was so easy to keep repeating the same mistakes, your body simply didn't care enough to stop.
you said ow due to the pressure though also because you deemed it was sort of necessary. you hit something, you shout "ow" right?
you felt him before you could hear him. "you okay? c'mere, baby, show me a look." the bowl of fruit was discarded on the counter top while one of hands moved to shove the cupboard press closed so you were in a safe proximity, tossing the end of the knife over and tipping it into the sink, out of reach.
finally, his hands came down to your own wrists, gently maneuvering them away from your face so he could take a look at your nose. "'m okay." you quickly quipped, knowing you'd endured much worse than a little bang against some wood. "really, it doesn't hurt that bad." did it even hurt at all? perhaps the feeling of hurt hadn't truly settled in.
steve didn't listen, tipping your head back by his finger against your chin. "doesn't hurt that bad?" you nodded though your head stung a little just by doing so. "yeah, well you're bleeding."
he should have known not to utter those words.
almost instantly, he turned to grab some of the kitchen paper that had been placed on the table, using the roll to grab a couple sheets, knowing you were too far from the bathroom.
the word kept repeating in your head and suddenly you felt dizzy. perhaps it was the hit of the cabinet drawer against your head or maybe it was the way you pushed your hand up to your nose, gazing down at the red crimson that painted your delicate skin.
why did your nose suddenly hurt so bad?
perhaps it was the anxiety building up in your cluttered chest. whatever it was, you could feel stinging in your eyes now, not from any physical pain but instead the pretty silhouette of tears that danced in your waterline, all glossy.
steve took notice of your glassy eyes before you could utter a word. "hey, hey, wh's wrong? does it hurt?" you nodded your head in agreement, despite the dizziness, despite the fact that you didn't know if it was all that entirely true.
he placed the kitchen paper against your nose ever so gently, featherlight. "i didn't... i didn't mean to." your voice came out breathless, sort of wobbly as if you really were going to cry.
steve felt his heart ache a little at that. "no, no, i know you didn't, hey." his large hand moved it's way towards your waist, soothing the skin gently. however, he was suddenly aware of your glance cast down on your hand, covered in a little of the blood from your nose. "hey, c'mon, pretty girl, 's just a little blood, no biggie, okay?"
once again, you nodded as a response, sniffing slightly.
"stupid." you mumbled through the tissue held against your nose, stumping the bleeding. it caused the word to come out muffled, practically unheard.
"you're not stupid." he gushed. "it was an accident, it happens."
however this time, you shook your head. "no, not me." his brows pinched together a little, taking the napkin from your nose, dried blood at the base of your nose. "the stupid cabinet door." grouching like a child.
he couldn't help but grin at you, wiping the dried blood from the bottom of your nose. "yeah, stupid cabinet door." he agreed, thankful your fear of blood didn't last too long.
you see, if it was any other situation, you probably would have cried.
but when steve stood so close to you, the scent of him enveloping you, arms practically encaging you. there was something about it that made the world stop, that made you realise a little blood wasn't all that bad. hey, you got attention from the world's best boyfriend, right?
surely, that had to count for something.
half an hour passed, you laid on the couch with a pack of frozen peas against your already bruising nose while leaning against steve's arm. he used his other one to hold a fork, feeding you the chopped up fruit. "better?" he mumbled, unable to catch your eye when you were so engrossed in the tv in front of you.
practically dazed by the animation, you managed to nod your head. "better." mumbling back, barely uttering the whole word.
steve couldn't help but roll his eyes upon realising how much special treatment he was giving you. truthfully, he was thankful you were okay but there was only one thing on his mind. "never lettin' you cut fruit again." murmuring practically to himself.
however, you heard. you snapped your head up, dodging the strawberry with a shocked look on your face. "what why?" he stared at you with a little shock. "i didn't even get cut!"
he rolled his eyes, shoving the strawberry through your lips. "just eat your fruit."
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main masterlist/steve's masterlist
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baabydoll212 · 5 months ago
ive never done anything like this and i cant promise that they will be up on the right days but im going to try my hardest to get as many of these works up as i can. i really enjoy others kinktober posts and love reader them so wanted to create one of my own.
DAY ONE- teach him- eddie munson x reader x steve harrington ( eddie teaches steve how to fuck reader)
DAY TWO-puppy play- eddie munson x steve harrington (eddie introduces steve to puppy play)
DAY THREE- quiet- steve harrington x reader (steve x reader have sex in a public bathroom)
DAY FOUR- mr harrington-eddie munson x reader x steve harrington (dom eddie introduces/shares his sub with dom steve)
DAY FIVE- blood- eddie munson x reader (eddie marks whats his)
DAY SIX- mean steve- steve harrington x reader (steve takes his frustration from work out on reader)
DAY SEVEN- halloween party fun-steve harrington x reader x eddie munson (eddie x reader x steve have some fun at steves halloween party)
DAY EIGHT- cockwarming- eddie munson x reader ( halloween movie night turns fun)
DAY NINE-subby- eddie munson x reader x steve harrington (reader is feeling deep into their subspace)
DAY TENphone sex- eddie munson x reader x steve harrington (phone sex between the three of them)
DAY ELEVEN-punishments- eddie munson x reader x steve harrington (eddie punishes reader and steve helps)
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reidshearts · 10 months ago
new roomie?
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!henderson reader
content: swearing, mentions of drugs, idiot steve
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y/n henderson had always envies her younger brother. I mean come on, how had Dustin Henderson manage to gain five more friends than her. the only friend y/n had was the infamous willow roth, ex-cheerleader at hawkins high and your current roommate at college. they had been strangers before bumping into each other at a fresher's week party, coincidently studying the same subject; law.
you two became best friends and lived in the same flat until willow got suspended for multiple instances of being caught with weed on the campus along with other drugs, however with a record as clean as her's and straight grades she got lucky and no law enforcements were called.
"do your seriously have to leave!", you exclaimed, laying on your back on the bed with your head dangling off "- i mean it wasn't that bad...right will?"
your best friends mouth curled into a smile as she witnessed your antics, "it was going to happen eventually y/n, anyways robin was telling me about this hot new guy who joined, something about going to high school with him back in Hawkins". now this caught your attention as you roll off the bed with a thud onto your stomach.
"first of all ouch and secondly you say that as if im obsessed and fall in love with every guy i see!" you huff, sitting up against your bed, earning a look of disbelief from willow.
"alright fine! how hot on a scale of ten? also what subject is he taking? does he have a girlfriend because that is the biggest question i need to know-"
"-slow down y/n/n ! and to answer your questions, ten out of ten, i think some sports or doctor related thing, and i dont know ask robin when you next see her! anyways shouldn't you start cleaning the flat since your new roomie should be arriving in 20 minutes?!" replies willow with a hand on her hip.
"jeez okay mum!", reluctantly standing from your position on the floor to fling yourself into willows arms "but first a goodbye hug!!"
after 10 more minutes of goodbyes with lots of tears and laughing, you began the cleaning which didn't take too long seeing as all the rooms were tiny! while wiping the counters in the kitchen you heard the jingle of keys and the opening of the front door, so you threw the cloth in the sink and flattened out your skirt before making your way into the view of the door.
you slightly flinch as the door slammed against the wall behind it as her new roommate came into view lugging suitcases and a backpack inside, looking up at the stranger before you, you struggled to get the words out.
My gods he was pretty, mousy brunette hair with lighter brown highlights were illuminated from the sun streaming through the kitchen blinds. you didn't know whether it was from the heat or if he was naturally glowing that caused your eyes to widen as you shamelessly checked him out. clearing your throat you draw your eyes away and caught yourself from where they were to soon follow his torso down lower and smile back up at him.
"y/n", you exclaimed loudly before clearing your throat and beginning again , "Sorry hi I'm y/n henderson!"
Shaking his head at the abruptness as he takes his turn to admire you and he smiles widely before if falls with shock and confusion after processing what you had just said, "Henderson? shit"
He can not be falling for dustin's sister!
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