canvasdawah-blog · 9 years
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Stesen berikutnya, Kematian.
Next station, Death.
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canvasdawah-blog · 10 years
Top Israeli MK: ‘Solution’ for Gaza is to ‘Repopulate It with Jews’ As the Israeli military advances into Gaza, using massive military force to flatten homes and families, the deputy speaker of the Knesset, Moshe Feiglin, has published a statement on his website in which he describes his “Outline for a Solution for Gaza.” In the document, he describes how the military operation will ensure that Gaza “will become part of sovereign Israel and will be populated by Jews.” He says that the indigenous Palestinians must be forced to leave, adding that “those who were not involved in anti-Israel activity will be offered a generous international emigration package.” The first point of Feiglin’s seven-point plan is called ‘Ultimatum’. It states: “One warning from the Prime Minister of Israel to the enemy population, in which he announces that Israel is about to attack military targets in their area and urges those who are not involved and do not wish to be harmed to leave immediately. Sinai is not far from Gaza and they can leave. This will be the limit of Israel’s humanitarian efforts. Hamas may unconditionally surrender and prevent the attack.” Point two, called ‘Attack’, states: “Attack of the entire ‘target bank’ throughout the Gaza Strip with the IDF’s maximum force (and not a tiny fraction of it) with all the conventional means at its disposal. All the military and infrastructural targets will be attacked with no consideration for ‘human shields’ or ‘environmental damage’. It is enough that we are hitting exact targets and that we gave them advance warning.” In the next two points, he urges a full and total siege on the population of Gaza to make conditions for the civilians so desperate that they will have to leave. He urges a full military assault on Gaza, with no regard for what he calls ‘human shields’ (by which he presumably means the entire civilian population of Gaza) or ‘environmental damage’. And in point five, ‘Conquer’, Feiglin states: “After the [Israeli military] will complete the softening of the targets with its aerial and long distance fire-power, it will send in infantry to conquer the entire Gaza Strip, using all the means necessary to minimize any harm to our soldiers, with no other considerations.” Feiglin is one of Israel’s top legislators, and was elected on the platform of pushing Palestinians out of all parts of the West Bank and Gaza and taking over that land by force for, as he put it, “repopulation by Jews”. From S.M. via imemc
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canvasdawah-blog · 10 years
Letter from Norwegian hero doctor who is in Gaza right now 
Dr. Mads Gilbert MD PhD
Dearest friends - The last night was extreme. The "ground invasion" of Gaza resulted in scores and carloads with maimed, torn apart, bleeding, shivering, dying - all sorts of injured Palestinians, all ages, all civilians, all innocent. The heroes in the ambulances and in all of Gaza's hospitals are working 12-24hrs shifts, grey from fatigue and inhuman workloads (without payment all in Shifa for the last 4 months), they care, triage, try to understand the incomprehensible chaos of bodies, sizes, limbs, walking, not walking, breathing, not breathing, bleeding, not bleeding humans. HUMANS! Now, once more treated like animals by "the most moral army in the world" (sic!). My respect for the wounded is endless, in their contained determination in the midst of pain, agony and shock; my admiration for the staff and volunteers is endless, my closeness to the Palestinian "sumud" gives me strength, although in glimpses I just want to scream, hold someone tight, cry, smell the skin and hair of the warm child, covered in blood, protect ourselves in an endless embrace - but we cannot afford that, nor can they. Ashy grey faces - Oh NO! not one more load of tens of maimed and bleeding, we still have lakes of blood on the floor in the ER, piles of dripping, blood-soaked bandages to clear out - oh - the cleaners, everywhere, swiftly shovelling the blood and discarded tissues, hair, clothes,cannulas - the leftovers from death - all taken away...to be prepared again, to be repeated all over. More then 100 cases came to Shifa last 24 hrs. enough for a large well trained hospital with everything, but here - almost nothing: electricity, water, disposables, drugs, OR-tables, instruments, monitors - all rusted and as if taken from museums of yesterdays hospitals.But they do not complain, these heroes. They get on with it, like warriors, head on, enormous resolute.t
And as I write these words to you, alone, on a bed, my tears flows, the warm but useless tears of pain and grief, of anger and fear. This is not happening! An then, just now, the orchestra of the Israeli war-machine starts its gruesome symphony again, just now: salvos of artillery from the navy boats just down on the shores, the roaring F16, the sickening drones (Arabic 'Zennanis', the hummers), and the cluttering Apaches. So much made and paid in and by US. Mr. Obama - do you have a heart? I invite you - spend one night - just one night - with us in Shifa. Disguised as a cleaner, maybe. I am convinced, 100%, it would change history. Nobody with a heart AND power could ever walk away from a night in Shifa without being determined to end the slaughter of the Palestinian people. But the heartless and merciless have done their calculations and planned another "dahyia" onslaught on Gaza. The rivers of blood will keep running the coming night. I can hear they have tuned their instruments of death. Please. Do what you can. This, THIS cannot continue.
Mads Gilbert MD PhD Professor and Clinical Head Clinic of Emergency Medicine University Hospital of North Norway
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canvasdawah-blog · 10 years
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This isn't war. It's genocide.
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canvasdawah-blog · 10 years
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Terror will not stop us.
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canvasdawah-blog · 10 years
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No rocket sirens in Gaza...
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canvasdawah-blog · 10 years
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Just because our appearance is religious does not give us the right to be arrogant towards others. In fact, nothing does. - Mufti Ismail Menk
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canvasdawah-blog · 10 years
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10 Ways to Attain Khushoo' in Your Salah. Advice by Sheikh Navaid Aziz.
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
Alhamdulillah we just got an Instagram account. Follow us and let's spread the beauty of Islam! 😄
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
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Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar. Print available, please contact us!
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
Assalamualaikum. Thank you, dear new followers. May Allah help us in spreading the beauty of this perfect religion -- insyaAllah.
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
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Islam. Print available -- email to [email protected]
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
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9 Practical Tips on Giving Da'wah. Full article: http://is.gd/GzWdPp
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
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"Should I not be a thankful servant?"
When Aisha ra. saw the Prophet saw. praying for so long that his feet became swollen, she said to him:
"O Messenger of Allah, why do you undergo so much hardship despite the fact that Allah has pardoned for you your earlier and later sins?"
He responded:
"Afala akuna abdan shakura?" - "Should I not be a thankful servant?"
Sahih Bukhari
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
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If you give in charity openly, it is well. But if you hide it and give it to the poor, it is better for you.
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
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'Abid di malam hari -- Singa di siang hari
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canvasdawah-blog · 11 years
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