#but i am not going to argue with anyone who thinks otherwise because idc that much
quantumshade · 7 months
thoughts on whouffaldi?
it's a stupid ass outdated name that makes me cringe every time i read it-- oh you mean like as a ship. yeah i mean i love twelve and clara's relationship i want to study them under a microscope, but to me they're more interesting as a sort of fucked up platonic codependency than anything romantic or sexual. i think those lines between them are somewhat blurry, intentionally so, and any effort to define their relationship as simple "oh they loved each other" or whatever automatically makes them boring to me. that's personal preference though you can do whatever you want forever & i am not getting in any fights with people who Do find them interesting as a romantic dynamic. i don't think those people are inherently wrong & i have plenty of friends and mutuals who feel that way. it's just how i personally read them. who care
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Addressing Everything
So by now, most of you have probably seen all the drama that is occurring for the past week. I've been aware of it since it started. I haven't said anything as I was hoping it would die down on its own, but that's clearly not happening.
Mrs-monaghan, along with a few others do not like me. She thinks I'm toxic, a bully, forcing people to agree with me or get blocked, etc. I don't regret my choice to block people when I block them, and I will continue to utilize the block button whenever I feel the need to. I will say that I am not blocking anyone for a difference of opinion. I'm blocking someone when I feel the need to remove their posts or comments from the content I consume on this site, my content is part of that consumption and interaction i have on here. I am a believer in curating your timeline to best fit you. That is what I'm using the block button for. I don't want to see hateful posts, I don't need people in my comments calling me names either for my opinion. I've always been willing to agree to disagree and a lot of the times, the comment section in my posts over more "controversial" topics shows that.
Alot has been claimed about me being different in DMs than I am on the timeline. I don't think that's true. I'm usually more willing to discuss things more in depth and have a more lengthy back and forth discussion over a topic in DMs than I am in an anon ask. But that is something I've also made clear in many of my posts. I also do generally curse more in my language as its vernacular that i use a lot in my daily life and ill have more typos/be less polished. Which I think is fair during a less formal conversation. I am also more than willing to post Screenshots of my DM history with Mrs-monaghan if anyone feels the need to see them since that has been a sticking point for her. I don't mind. I dont want to, but not because im worried about it, but because i didnt/dont feel the need to continually fan the flames of all of this or fight with her about it. She is entitled to not like me and i dont need to try to convince anyone otherwise.
I don't think anyone should be name calling when addressing another blogger and if the name wasn't intended to be derogatory, then it could be changed when making future comments about them, now that other people have gotten involved. I do think that should be said. Call me what you want, but if a mean idc about you nickname is derogatory in nature and it's not intended to be, maybe come up with something else. But honestly, none of this is really the point of my post here right now.
I've seen all the mean posts being made and sent in about me after I said I would start blocking people for shady posts against Tae (shady, not critical or questioning, but posts that were rude and mean in nature.) And honestly, that's fine. I cannot control what other people think or how they feel about me. They are all entitled to those opinions and feelings. I wont lie that i was a little surprised at some of the people who participated in these posts and signed off on them. But thats okay.
I did not and still do not want people going to her blog or any of the others who have said things to defend me or shame anyone in anyway. Losing followers if people believe their posts is okay. I've never been here for the numbers. I can't control what people do or say about me and I don't want to. If people end up not liking me because of that, that's honestly okay. I don't need people Bullying (in anyway you want to consider the word) anyone in defense of me. I don't appreciate that. If i get an ask and I answer it with my opinion and it disagrees with other peoples, that's where I want that to end. I don't need anyone telling other bloggers I'm right and they are wrong. It's all just opinions in the end. I've never wanted anyone to use my posts as a way to argue with other people. Everyone can choose to engage and interact with the content on here that they choose and how they choose to do so.
I do just want anyone else here to know that if I have offended or upset anyone on here, I am always willing to talk about it. My DMs have been open for that reason. I am willing to agree to disagree if that energy is also returned. I'm willing to bend on a lot honestly. I won't apologize for blocking the people who have been interacting with posts that are hateful to me or about how they don't like me. That is something I am doing for my own mental well being and safety. I don't need people who actively dislike me around me. And I think that is fair.
That's all. Just if anyone is making more posts or going to plan to send in asks, I'm asking you not to and to let it go. I don't need to change anyone's mind about me. They are free to not like me as much as they want. That's okay. I don't need anyone defending me.
Thank you for reading if you got this far. If you choose to unfollow, that's fair and totally up to you. I hope everyone has a good day.
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kllrorca · 27 days
- Hai!!!! I'm Orca also now known as Mylo (bc the name is pretty and i wanna feel pretty :3) I'm an alter who's LITERALLY our host but I also have some fictionkins I'll need to regulate later on umm!!!!
- I age with the body and rn, we are 17 :3 I DON'T HAVE A DNI (beside the basic one!!) I'm just existing ^_^ I USE THEY/THEM!!!!!!!!
- I CAN'T FOLLOW BACK!! This is a side blog and even tho host doesn't use tumblr to post, ik he wouldn't want any proshippers in his following so I'm gna respect that :3 (feel free to follow me anywhere else that DOESN'T connect this type of stuff)
- I AM A PROSHIPPER AND PROFIC(??! I need to search more about it but it seems fun :3)
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Tsdr [Too short didn't read];
ITS ME!!! - KllrOrca :3
— Mylo/Orca ; Minor ; They/Them ; Headmate
- SIDE BLOG. Other socials will be put later!
- I'm usually fronting, if I'm not fronting u have the permission to ask about me!! The host might not respond but sooner or later I will instead :3
- I am a proshipper & Profic, I'm still getting used to being public about it so I'll put emojis down at some point!!!
- We are bodily Black & Puerto Rican :3 I WILL make jokes eluding to racism and slavery with friends, its something I picked up and will NOT let go!!! If that makes u uncomfortable just tell me ^_^
— Activity Varies depending on how much people perceive me ^_^ If you dont perceive me I won't be on for long, since I'll be bored!
- I USE MY HOSTS ARTSTYLE THAT SEEMS EASY TO USE!! I don't want to hurt my hands OR make others think my host is a proshipper when he's not 😞 I wanna get in drama for ME not him srry
- Everyone has full permission to draw my sona and use my sona in anything EVEN hate drawings :3 I love everything!!!! Give it to meee ^q^
— I'M NOT EXACTLY AGENDER BUT I DON'T EXACTLY HAVE A GENDER EITHER!! I guess I AM agender but on a more feminine + masculine side without the neutral ??? I don't really care :3
- My sexuality is... idk!! I haven't thought about it
- I AM APART OF THE LGBT THOUFH!! I KNOW THAT :3 Idk if I'm pan, i don't think so and besides; I wanna be myself !!!
— HAI thw main blog to get to any OTHER blog IS strictly [ANTI PROSHIPPERS] + variations, so I can't send it here :3 incase any anti proshippers want it to date back to my host (who rlly just wants me to stop bothering him about everything) then dm me and I'll send it!!! idm ^w^
- I'll make a carrd/rentry/strawpage at some point :3 maybe :3 idk .. maybe I shouldn't but also Should once I have all my socials ready
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— I don't have a dni (beside the basic one!!) :3 You can interact with me idc! Even if its for arguing! One thing I ask though is that u DON'T attempt to dox me, bc at the end of the day I can just stop fronting snd you'll be doxxing an innocent person instead who got so tired of hearing me yap and yap!!
- I won't be doing the time, my host will :3 and it'll only traumatize us more!!! Don't be stupid :D
- ACTUALLY don't harass ANYBODY!!!! u can Harass ME but don't harass anyone else PLEASE!!!! I won't like talking to u otherwise sorry
- I DON'T CARE ABOUT SYSCOURSE UR ALL PEOPLE AT THE END OF THE DAY and I want people to talk to me ^_^ Talk to me Rachel...!! /ref
- IF YOU feel uncomfortable talking to me since im an alter (confusing but wtvr) DON'T FEEL FORCED TO INTERACT if I interact first :3
- Ai generators can kiss my ass also btw I don't like Ai but i can like the person typing the prompt in the computer if ur cool !!!!
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MYYYY Final notes :3
— ANY ANON EMOJIS ARE WELCOMED TO ASK FOR A SPOT HERE OR A SPECIAL TAG :3 U can dm me and ask me abt things idm!! I have the mindset of NOT SENDING HARASSMENT OR hating on people who haven't done anything :3
- u can request me art from me :3 but know thay sending nsfw to minors IS illegal so I can't do nsfw!! sexual nsfw!
0 notes
val-aquenta · 3 years
1,4, and 22 for the salty asks?
Hoo boy, this is just enabling me to rant lmao. But thank you so much for the ask. <333
1. What OTP's in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Gotta say Obitine. Uhh... I didn't get it when I first watched the cartoon, and I hated the implication that they gave Obi-Wan a romance to make Obi-Wan more 'human' (something I've heard other people push on the narrative.) I do like that it kind of showed the choice between being a Jedi and being in a commited relationship, but beyond that nothing. I also don't really like how most of Satine's whole story is determined by her romance to Obi-Wan. She's killed because of their relationship, most of the arcs with her surround the 'are they still in love and going to get with each other' narrative, and frankly it bores me. I am personally not into shipping in general, and I prefer more platonic and familial relationships like the Jedi-Clone and inter-Jedi relationships, so ships are kind of meh in general to me. I also didn't even see the appeal of their 'romance' tbh. They just seemed to argue a lot, and their confessions kind of came out of nowhere to me. If they did love each other, it really must have been a long time ago. I don't see it working?
Uhmmm off the top of my head are a few that I don't get, but I don't feel as strongly about. Qui-Gon x Shmi (never really understood why?), Rey x literally anyone lol (especially not our genocidal buddy kyle), Rose x Finn (not developed enough and then completely forgotten lmao, Ahsoka x Lux (ok this one is basically a notp tbh. Just... ew), and basically every Obi-Wan ship that I know (look he doesn't need fucing romance ok.) I didn't really want to go in depth with these because if we did heh yikes, we'd be here forever.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
Hah. Anidala lol. From the top of my head, I think it's a very selfish relationship. I mean Anakin cares more about his feelings to Padmè than Padmè herself, and I feel like Padmè wants the clandestine romance vibes that come with being married to a person who is meant to be a neutral party. Especially during a war. Anakin's willingness to commit genocide for his 'love' for Padmè isn't a large sweeping romantic thing. The idea that he'd do anything for his love is pretty scary and I'm pretty sure Padmè, to some degree, knew of it. The fact that she continued to stay with him and live this double life means that she doesn't care about the consequences really. Idk I just feel like this relationship brings out the worst in both parties. The fact that Padmè is willing to deny that Anakin's fallen even when Obi-Wan comes to her door and tells her that Anakin killed Jedi could be that Padmè doesn't think Anakin capable of doing such a thing, but due to the fact that she was with him for the Tusken massacre and the whole Rush Clovis shit (and probably other tcw I don't remember) makes me think otherwise. Imo, I think that had the war ended and Palps been aprehended and everything gone well, their relationship would not have worked, because a large part of it was the fact that it was a secret thing, and that Anakin was not with Padmè that much. I don't see it working without outside factors imo, but whatever.
And, similar to many things, a lot of anidala fans are not willing to confront this truth that their relationship is built on lies and deceit and therefore will not continue to hold strong. So many of them ignore how Anakin broke his oaths as a Jedi to be impartial and place others over single people, and we all know that he did not do that when it came to Padmè. I know a lot of anidala fans aren't like this, and I'm not particularly vehement about this. This notp is more me not wanting to read anidala fics or see anidala art, and I've filtered it out. But yeah, some fan's vehemence that this was the one true thing and that if Anakin had been able to love openly (like he could... he just didn't have to be a Jedi to. Dang he really wants to eat his cak and have it too) and whatever he wouldn't have fallen just makes me... cringe a lot. Also I can't really separate what their relationship caused with the relationship itself.
22. Popular characters you hate?
Oh... uhh... this one makes me nervous ahhh. Well there are a few that I don't like as much as most people do and only a couple I hate hate. I really hate our lovely boy kyle. Uhh... mass murdering manipulator who tortures Rey and co, dude who stands by as entire planets are destroyed, and a genocidal maniac overall. I'm scared of some of his fans because yikes they're really fervent and trying to make kyle a morally grey character because of his 'redemption' during tros. Like... I don't care. You can say the same about Anakin/Vader tbh, but I think a lot of my hate for our buddy kyle comes from his fans and r*ylo stans who are very... intent on excusing Kyle's shitty actions. At least most Anakin/Vader fans know he's a shitty person and don't try and morally grey-ify him if you get what I'm saying.
Jango Fett too. I mean, I haven't read any of the books featuring him, but I'm gonna say it. Jango decided to enter that contract to create the army of clones. Essentially, he signed them up for the army in that contract with Dooku, so idc about your 'but he'd be such a good mand'alor and dad to the clones' bs, because he really wouldn't. He's incredibly selfish, and idk a lot of people seem to think he's the next best thing since sliced bread. I guess I should add Bo-Katan as well, because she's very hypocritical. the whole 'shouldn't you care about my sister' thing was not a good look because Bo-Katan, who helped bring the group of people there to destabalise her reign and kill her? Did you think deathwatch would just let her go freely? lmao with these two it's more I just don't like them that much. It's not like I hate them a whole bunch.
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thejilyship · 5 years
Blind Dates and Good Graces
I wrote a one shot!
I know, what? I don’t do that very often. And when I do, I write them in one go and very spur of the moment.This one was inspired by a prompt, but very loosely so I’m not going to bother posting the prompt. 
Summary: Mary wants to set Lily up with a stranger. She’s not interested because she’s not in the market to get murdered, but also because she’s crushing on someone else. Mary, however, won’t let up. 
college/texting au
WC: 2.2K 
ff.net | ao3
Lily sat down in her lab seat with a dramatic sigh. She should shove her phone into her bag and ignore her friends for the next two hours. She should pull out her notebook and look over her notes from last class. She should, quite possibly, get new friends all together and just call it with Mary. They’d had a good ten years of friendship, but all good things come to an end eventually, and maybe this was the anthill that they couldn’t get over.
But instead, she pulled out her phone and continued to feed the troll.
Mary: You never do anything I tell you. It’s not fair.
Marlene: It’s like you don’t trust her, Lily
Lily: Marlene, stay out of this, you’re not helping
Mary: I feel like you don’t TRUST ME
Lily: See what you did?
Marlene: She just wants you to meet the bloke. What’s the worst that could happen?
Marlene: Pretend I didn’t say that
Mary: Why would you say that??? Men are the worst, literally anything could happen at any time!
Lily: Men are the worst. So why do you want me to go out with one of them?
Lily: One that I’ve never met before?
Mary: yes, I understand your very valid points, but! I have met him, and he is hilarious and charming and dorky and sweet and exactly the kind of guy that you’d like
Lily: This conversation is making me itchy
Marlene: Come on, Mary. You know Lily is allergic to dating, lay off a bit
Mary: Who’s side are you on, Marlene?
Marlene: idk and idC
Lily: Alright, class is starting. You can harass me later
Mary: Just agree to meeting him! I can be there! It doesn’t have to be a date!
Lily shut off her phone and pushed it to the far corner of her desk. Once it was no longer in her hands, she went about getting ready for class.
“Lo, Evans,” She turned and smiled at the boy who took a seat next to her. The boy who was probably the real reason that she didn’t really want anything to do with Mary’s hilarious and charming boy.
“Afternoon, Potter,” He smiled back at her and pushed his hair back, away from his forehead and then ruffled it up. He was always doing that, but Lily, who had spent much time inspecting his hair during the course of their shared class, thought that it would probably have been just as unruly if he hadn’t. She thought it looked soft too.
And one time, he’d dropped his pencil and she leaned over to get it for him just a second after he had, and she got a face full of his hair. It smelled amazing. She couldn’t identify the smell, but whatever it was, she wanted to smell it again.
“You ready for lecture?” He asked, putting his notebook on an angle so he was facing her as much as he was facing the board. He’d been doing that lately. Lily ducked her head and smiled to herself as she dug through her bag for a pen.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.” She said. This wasn’t anyone’s favorite lecture, and it was a long one. But at some point in the last couple of weeks, this had been the class that Lily was most looking forward to.
Her phone started buzzing again and Lily closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head.
“What’s going on there?” James asked, glancing at her phone and then going back to doodling. “Sounds like someone really wants to talk to you.”
“Yeah, it’s my friend Mary. And probably Marlene too. They’re harassing me.”
“Ah,” He smiled, adding more lines to his doodle. “And what are they harassing you about?”
Lily felt herself flush a little and she started tapping her pen on the table. “Mary wants to set me up on a blind date.” She blurted out.
“A blind date? I didn’t know people still did those.”
“Right?” Lily relaxed now that he seemed to be agreeing with her. “And she won’t let it go. But I don’t want to go out with someone that I don’t even know. That sounds terrible.”
“It does sound terrible.” James put his pencil down and ran a hand through his hair. “So she’s not listening to you then? I mean, I assume you’ve told her that you don’t want to do it.”
Her phone buzzed again.
“Of course she’s not listening!” Lily pulled her phone over to her again.
Mary: He and his mates are throwing a party this weekend
Marlene: I like parties
Mary: I was invited and you could come with me and Reggie! That would be a super lowkey way to meet him
Mary: Marlene, I was talking to Lily, not you.
Marlene: Sometimes I feel like you don’t love me
Mary: there’s no need to be dramatic
Marlene: Really? I thought that was kind of our MO
Mary: Okay, but our MO is like fight club. We don’t talk about it
Marlene: Why do you want Lily to date this boy so much?
Mary: I don’t even know! I normally am a strong advocate for everyone staying single as long as they can, otherwise you end up like me, married and boringly monogamous at a ridiculously young age, but I just feel like they’re supposed to know each other
Mary: Does that make sense?
Marlene: I guess
Marlene: You def got married to young
Mary: Yeah, why did you let me do that
Marlene: Because you and Reggie are soulmates and it made your taxes cheaper
Mary: Right, I forgot about the monetary advantages
Marlene: not for long if you keep yelling at her!
Lily: I’m in class. I’m going to mute you both if you don’t stop.
Marlene: Don’t be jealous, Lily. Mary and I can talk without you if we want
Mary: Yeah, and we can talk about you if we want
Lily: I’m busy this weekend. I’m not going to any party with you
Mary: What are you doing this weekend? I live with you. I know you don’t do shit.
 She clicked off the screen and pushed it away again with another huff.
James chuckled. “She’s still not letting up?”
“No,” Lily whispered, as their professor had now started the lecture. “Now she wants me to go to a party he’s throwing with his friends this weekend. I don’t know him or his friends, why do I want to go to their party?”
“I wouldn’t want to go to a party where I don’t know anyone,” James once again, agreed with her and she sat up straighter.
“Exactly! See, why can’t Mary agree with me like you do!”
“She’s probably not trying to get in your good graces.” He said this a bit quieter and Lily bit her tongue.
“And what makes you think you’re not already in my good graces?”
James let out a breathy laugh and pretended as though he was paying attention to the professor. “Alright, but her position in your good graces is probably a lot more secure than mine. If I started needling you to go to a party this weekend and meet new people, then you might just stop talking to me. Our history only goes back a couple weeks.”
“Well before you came in, I was mentally tallying the pros and cons of never speaking to Mary again so, you’re probably right.” She cleared her throat to keep from laughing and then leaned a bit closer to him so she wouldn’t have to talk as loud. “I’m not a stick in the mud or anything, normally I like going out and making new friends, but she’s just being… I don’t know. She never acts like this- I mean she’s always very loud and in your face- but she never wants me to date people!” She shook her head and glared at her phone again.
“Can I ask you something?”
Lily frowned at him, but nodded.
“Do you, uh, have feelings for this girl? For Mary, I mean?”
Lily smiled, pressing her lips together. “I get asked that quite often, actually.” She shook her head. “And I suppose that would be one explanation for why I’m so upset about this. But no, I just don’t like her being pushy. I mean if I did have feelings for her, I’d probably be much more upset about the fact that she’s married than her trying to set me up with someone I don’t know.”
“Married? Okay, I have one more question now.” He brow was knit together. “Is her name Mary MacDonald?”
Lily frowned at him and blinked a few times before she nodded her head. “You know Mary?”
“I play football with Reggie.” His furrowed brow relaxed, and he started smiling. “You know, my mates and I are throwing a party this weekend.”
Lily was still frowning.
“Do you think…” She started but then shook her head because that would be impossibly and ridiculous. “No.” She kept shaking her head. “Maybe,” She looked back at him and bit the tip of her tongue.
“She hasn’t been trying to set me up with anyone,” James put his hands up, “So she might be trying to introduce you to Remus. I doubt it’d be Sirius or Peter. She’s always arguing with Sirius and Peter is a little frightened of her, so they don’t talk much. But she has a couple classes with Remus. Could be him.”
Lily’s frown was still in place and her heart was beating too quickly. “Is Remus hilarious and charming and dorky and sweet?” Her voice was too quiet, but he heard her, and he was smirking.
“Well see, that sounds like me.” But then his hand was in his hair. “But yeah, I suppose Remus is pretty great too.”
“Hold on,” Lily reached out and pulled her phone close, keeping it on the desk so it wasn’t too obvious to any TA who might be looking that she was on her phone.
There were more texts between Mary and Marlene about how difficult Lily could be and how she was such a jealous girl when it came to their friendship and Lily rolled her eyes.
Lily: Hey, quick quesh
Lily: I’m in my lab, sitting next to James Potter and he told me that he plays football with Reggie and that you, Mary, know him and his friends, who are throwing a party this weekend
Lily: Could this mystery guy you’ve been trying to get me to go out with be my lab partner???????
Mary: Does he know that I’m trying to set the two of you up? I haven’t told him yet, I knew that you would be more difficult to convince
Marlene: Wait, what is going on?
Marlene: Lab boy is the boy Mary wants you to date?
Marlene: How perfect!
Mary: Perfect?
Marlene: Yeah, Lily’s been crushing on lab boy for weeks now
Mary: you fancied someone and you didn’t tell me??
Lily: I don’t fancy him
Lily: I didn’t tell Marlene that I fancy him
Lily: I just sit next to him
Marlene: And stare at his hair
Lily: He’s got really nice hair!
Lily: Why must you be like this. I’ll talk to you later
Marlene: Yeah! Get it girl!!!
Mary: twirl that hair, flutter those lashes
 She clicked off her screen again and clicked her tongue before turning back to James. “So yeah, she was trying to set me up with you.”
He was looking up at the board, a smirk on his lips.
The both of them took a few minutes to write down some of the notes that they’d missed of the last fifteen minutes or so.
Then he cleared his throat. “So?”
She turned toward her.
“Any interest in coming to the party now?” He was still smiling, and his smile was a bit contagious, so she found herself smiling too.
She shifted in her seat. “You know, I might be interested. I mean, you’re not a stranger anymore so I don’t have that excuse anymore.”
“I’m not. And I’m in your good graces.”
“For now.”
“For now.” He agreed and she laughed.
“I can’t believe this.”
“It is quite the coincidence.” James nodded. He laughed quietly and shook his head. “You know, I was going to invite you to the party before you started saying how much you didn’t like going to parties where you didn’t know people.”
“I don’t like being Mary and Reggie’s third wheel- Though Marlene wants to come… wait, you were?”
James nodded, turned back toward her. “Yeah,” He smiled. “Actually, I wanted to start with dinner.”
“I like food.” Lily grinned.
“You do?” James chuckled. “Well were you planning on eating any after class?”
She snorted. “I think so.”
“You think I can take you out? Even though Mary’s been harassing you about me?”
“Fuck Mary.” Lily waved her hand and James laughed. “I’d really like to go out with you.”
She could already hear Mary singing a song about how she was right and now Lily would have to listen to everything she ever said.
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aw-eather · 4 years
Heather Watches SG1: s2ep22 Out of Mind and s3ep01 Into the Fire
Ah two of my all time favourites. Maybe even THE favourites. They’re just SO good. Also my shipper heart cannot take it but we love torturing ourselves here so lets go. 
I’m gonna try and do enough that y’all get at least one post a day and scheduel them to go up periodically :) 
This go very long so I hope it posts properly. 
Ooooh mysterious tank
I mean honestly this was suspicious from the get go
Don’t trust this guy
Is he? 
Are they dead tho? Are you sure? Cause that sounds fake... 
You see, the year is now.............. 2077
Teal’c looks all big and scary but really he’s a precious boy
End credits
honestly that device looks very Star Trek
Missed opportunity to make a 69 joke
Girl he has been asleep for 79 years he probably remembers shit all 
Good boy, answer nothing. Don‘t trust the random men that woke you up
thats not sarcasm, I don’t trust them either 
“the rest of the facility” riiiiiight
Wizard of Oz reference
38 teams is a lot of teams
General whats his face just dropped something on the ground
Jack is handsome
Me: I’m gay
Jack O’Neill: Yeah sure ya bethcha 
Are ya just? What makes ya think Jack can help? he’s been asleep for 79 years
Tok’ra mind probe
Benefical alliance my ass, what did they ever really do for the Tau’ri??
Except promise to send a ship when they “had one available”
So thinking of Sam right now would be BAD Jack. 
look at them, they’re so sweet
Jack stop thinking and showing them shit 
Could be a great weapon but the Nox are peaceful and beautiful and I love them
Thats a big ship
This is the only “look at all the shit we’ve managed to do so far” episode that is actually any good
Why don’t we meet the Furlings?
I wanna meet them 
They sound fluffy
I love the baby asgards look at ‘em so cuuuuute
Kathrine! You’re great girly
“Touch it” *Jack touches it without knowing what it does, could die*
Jack waving his gun to touch the molecules seems like a bad idea
Yeah let him rest stop bullying him
purple goop
stop the pruple goop Jack
purple goop is never a good thing
Oh look... ANOTHER tank
Please cover your nipples
I don’t wanna see your man nipples
A third tank... funny that
Funny how none of them are ACTUALLY dead
Get these people some clothes
leaving her wrapped in a blanket is rude
Blanket looks like a mat tbh
Daniels hair is so bad in this episode I’m not sorry its HORRIBLE 
He has a SHIELD Jack
I love Hathor hosts
She’s great honestly
Sam and janet and the girls kicking ass is the best
RIP Hathor 
No seriously Daniel’s hair is BAD
ah yes, unusual 
Teal’c is so passionate and caring about his friends I love him so much
janet is such an angel you can’t convince me otherwise
Are they tho? 
Yeah he would but Teal’c with do anything for his F A M I L Y
Well he will leave
Aw Teal’c I love you with my entire heart
That zoom in on the patch is nice 
Nice kick! 
#SorryNotSorry but Jack looks so fucking good in this outfit 
Like... he looks sooooo good
God I am questioning my sexuality left right and centre today
But seriously can he dress like that more often? 
Go get ya girl, Jack!
Oh look... not the SGC 
Serpant and Horus guards! :O
she also looks good but like he looks better???
sorry I’ll stop with the caps
I just physically cannot with those two
i love them so much
and i hate how they were treatd
Hathor you idiot, 
LOL Jack 
Servants in the royal court? Yeah sounds great
Rude Jack
lol the pat on the shoulder Jack you dick
I hate them the same way Jack does tbh
they make me squirm
Give it to Daniel. Why is Daniel the only one that never has a snake in him... wait... 
sorry but I just wanna talk with the national captions institute... 
Alright! On to Into the Fire! 
Dramatic zooooom on Hathors name for E M P H A S I S 
I love how Hammond is like EVERYONE is saving SG1
How DARE you, Daivs. They are THE team, rude!
I love that everyone steps forward because everyone loves SG1 but also everyone knows you don’t leave anyone else behind. 
I love Hammond
He is a great director
Ew snake
Jack still looks fucking good 
Jack now is not the time for sass 
Give it to Daniel. No one cares
Sam is like “I’m not scared bitch bring it”
Of course it wants Jack
Poor Jack
Why is it always him?? 
You tried, buddy
Sam literally hates watching Jack in any pain 
Poor Jack
Hathor fuck off
What exactly was the point of ripping his shirt? It makes no difference to the snake going in the back of HIS HEAD
oh gross
i hate it
I hate it so much
ugh the chills I currently have
Suanne Baun is super pretty though
Another Wizard of Oz reference 
Sorry Daniel looks so bad
its the hair honestly, the little dorky fringe
Sam’s hair, on the other hand *chefs kiss*
Yeah but he’ll be fine, Tok’ra lady saved the day <3 
NOOO Poor Tok’ra lady
Sorry fam, I forgot her name lol 
Sam pulling that jacket on, Sam in a jacket thats a little too big for her , Sam in a white shirt.. Sam
Yeah they are Teal’c. 
Dead and false and dead... or is he???
Hand dance
Energy barrier is in the way, boys continue to shoot
oh no shooting towers of death are never a good sign
And of course Daniel got hurt so we have to baby him for the rest of the fucking episode jfc just sit him down somewhere and Sam and the rest of the teams can do the hard work... again
Cool Tok’ra tunnels are Cool
Lol Daniel being sassy (oh its just a deep, bleeding gash, it’ll be fine) lol sorry he is funny when he’s sassy
I’m sick of your army already, Hathor
OOOOH a barrier 
Hammond is awaiting 
Why do they give them such short time periods to do shit? Like they know things go wrong literally ALL THE TIME 
6 hours is a long time to sit on your hands and do nothing tho. Ah well might as well go and save the boyfriend
The president can suck a rotten potatoe
Davis, you can’t really argue with him, he outranks you about 4 times
Sam’s sleeves are too long and baggy and its SO CUTE
Hammond visiting Chulak 
because he’s an angel baby
and the best dad ever to his four kids; Major Dr Science Space Baby, Sassy Grumpy Fruit Loop and Sam Carter Loving Space Baby, Warrior Gentle Giant Space Baby and Annoying, Doesn’t know shit, Archaeologist Space Baby.
Yas Teal’c, spill that tea
I will join you, bb
Hammond in a toga will also join you cause he a babe
and he needs your help cause Davis said No. 
Sam: I’m gonna go and shut this shield down
Sam: but not until I have tried to save my Future Husband. 
Poor Tok’ra lady
Hand on chest again
Fucking Hathor man
Go away boo, you’re ruining the moment 
Stop hurting Sam
I love his response to it too
Like the shock and fear
This hug goes on a long time
I know he’s cold or whatever but like... 
and I know he’s in shock and so is she a bit
he’s doing it for her as much as him
but they’re STILL hugging
They literally never do this again
Its so sweet because after this its just... nothing? Like POV happens and then Upgrade and Divide and Conquer and they go ah fuck we can’t hug anymore so all we get is platonic shoulder holding and using shoulders as pillows. The closes we get to a hug is Death Knell and emotional trauma Threads. I want a REAL hug
And he holds her arms for ages and helps her up
Wow they’re so fucking in love this hurts
“Found ‘em” Jack stop so cute
C4! Who’d have thought it
Ah shit they’re surrounded 
He still looks good
They BOTH look good 
They make a great couple 
Nope, not really but its what ya got so you’re gonna have to deal with it
This general guy is a bit of a dick
Thats right Sam, don’t listen. Good job, Danny boy.
Only 1? Thats not a lot of time
Get out there, Jack! Buy that time
Gun Bum! (if you know Sanctuary, you’ll get it)
He’s really not doing a great job of pretending to be a Goa’uld
Its really not impossible 
ex-goddess lol 
“She’s Gone. She is no more.” I’m honestly shocked people didn’t shoot him more often 
I love him tho
Thank god, thats good timing
Hammond is IN. HIS. ELEMENT 
There is no way she heard hiom say now but she still knew. I love them. I love how well they know each other and they’ve only known each other a little over two years
ooh coming in from behind, sneaky
Sam going straight to Jack and it looks like she goes to put her arm around him. 
I hate them ffs
Bra’tac and Human fuck me thats so cute
Sam’s smile when they see Teal’c and Hammond is Gorgeous
and Hammond patting her on the back! stop! I love Space Dad and his idiot Space babies. 
Final Thoughts:
Seriously guys this is my favourite Final and First eps of a season. 
100% one of my favourite two parters, if not my all time favourite two parter
Great direction, good story, excellent bad guys, good acting, just enough suspense with out being too drawn out, something for everyone, comes of the back of a fun as fuck episode (1969), Hammond has a big part, Davis is there, lots of cute Sam/Jack and of course, Daniel’s Elf Hair. 
Also the Tok’ra are actually useful in this one which is SHOCKING 
Lemme know your thoghts friends, I’m excited to hear them! 
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gimmeeshelter · 5 years
hi babe I wanna talk music with u. tell me what you think is the decade defining album(s) of the 60s-80s and why? x
oh prepare for a long-ish ask. I think the 70′s and 80′s it’s kind of clear what albums were decade-defining but the 60′s really was when music made its largest shift ? if that makes sense my brain is fried from after writing this paper lol 
1. The Velvet Underground & Nico// The Velvet Underground
- Even though i hardly talk about the velvet undergound on my blog i am incredibly fond of this band. i think their sound brought something totally different to the music scene at the time, and the warhol influence fused music and art into an incredible union. i think the velvet underground is like the band of the art rock scene, with just a touch of mod? they’re incredible. 
2. Revolver// The Beatles
- In my opinion, Revolver is the best beatles album like its a banger from start to finish (except yellow submarine fuck that) I feel like this album has a really good balance between their original sound, while also adding so many different elements its just a really interesting album to me. I think this album is a really good example of the progression of rock throughout the 60s, especially compared to their earlier albums
3. Highway 61 Revisited// Bob Dylan
- okay i really could’ve put any dylan album on here from the 60s because theyre all so good and i think they all made such an influence on folk/rock music. his songwriting is literally indescribable (i know i dont need to tell you this). I picked highway 61 because it’s my favorite at the moment (from the 60s, my favorite dylan album is desire) I also think this shows the versatility of dylan i dunno ? Similar to revolver, highway 61 encapsulates the changing tides of the music scene in the 60s
4. Let It Bleed// The Rolling Stones
- oh my FUCK when i thnk of the 60s i think of this album almost immediately. It’s not my all time favorite stones album but god its up there. opening with such an apocolyptic song like gimme shelter ? bold ass move and im glad they did it. That song literally is a beacon for the end of the 60s, especially when you look back at all the crazy ass shit that happened in 69. That song sends fucking chills through my spine. And the end of the album with you cant always get what you want, i think the album starts with some deep, kind of menacing song but ends with this shining light? i dunno how to explain what im trying to say i hope you understand what im saying. I think everyone near the end of the 60s needed that shining light, and let it bleed is symbolic of that. 
5. Are You Experienced// The Jimi Hendrix Experience 
- Jimi Hendrix was one of the first artists to capatalize off of guitar based music (if that makes sense this is getting really long and im starting to ramble). I’m not saying he was the first person to have cool guitar solos or do any intricate playing (he low key was though) but he really revolutionized the way rock music was being played at the time and was one of the game changers. I firmly believe that without him and the music he made, music of the late 60′s and even 70s wouldnt have been what it was. 
6. Led Zeppelin II// Led Zeppelin
- okay im really torn between putting this album on the list. Because when I think of Zeppelin i don’t really think of the 60s because they are The band of the 70s ya know ? I was tempted to put this album in the 70s section of this ask but i feel like people would give me flack for that. I think this album really shows where music was heading going into the 70s. They pioneered that hard rock sound ya know ? I think this album, like let it bleed, is a good indicator for where music was heading. also cant forget about the wack ass lyrics that are in that album, talking about balls and shit how Foul. 
1. All Things Must Pass// George Harrison 
- if u really thought we weren’t gonna talk abt my fucking baby ur mistaken :((((((. I think this album is such a good example of music in the early 70s, still clinging to a bit of that 60s, peace and love vibe while also making a rock record. I guess the two biggest examples of that would be something like I dig love anf then comparing that to out of the blue. Its definitely got that 60s flare but there’s so much more depth ya know ? george is the best pls block me if u think otherwise bc ur crusty 
2. Dark Side of The Moon// Pink Floyd
- yes. i know this ablum is basic. but its still a good representation of music that defined the 70s. Floyd was the biggest success with the whole psychedelic rock thing, they made it enjoyable for everyone and i think that can be seen in dsotm. 
3. IV// Led Zeppelin
- You know why.
4. Talking Book// Stevie Wonder
- was tempted to put songs in the key of life but… i like talking book better lol. Any of his albums made in the 70s could be considered decade defining albums. Mans got incredible talent, and his lyrics spoke to a wide variety of people i think ? also the combination of funk and soul that hes famous for can later be seen in disco music. I think his music in general just speaks to a lot of people, and a lot of musicians take inspiration from him
5. Rumours// Stevie Nicks
- im gonna be up front with this one, everyone fuck with stevie and i bet u dont know anyone who doesnt like dreams or the chain. shit slaps what else can i say 
6. The Eagles// The Eagles
- The eagles are like the poster child for american rock (more specifically, west coast rock), which became popular in the 70s. I dunno when i think of the 70s i think of driving down the highway and when i think of driving down the highway i think of the eagles, its just common knowledge 
7. London Calling// The Clash
- similar to my problems with putting zeppelin ii in the 60s category, i thnk london calling really belongs in the 80s section maybe ? actually no, i think this album is a good synopsis of the punk movement that started in the mid/late 70s and then carried into the 80s 
time for the sad boissssss
1. The Smiths// The Smiths
- god this melancholy fucker. personally this is my favorite smiths album, you could argue that the queen is dead is more impactful and youre probably right. But i think their first album brings the sadness to the forefront ya know ? like they were one of the first sad boi bands and i respect that shit. Also think this album is like the poster child for a sad teenager in the 80s, and god knows there were a lot of those weirdos. 
2. Purple Rain// Prince
- personally… controversy is my favorite prince album but we wont discuss. This album is so widely popular i grew up on this shit. like every song on it is a banger and defintely splits the line between pop and rock, something we see a lot when looking into music from the 80s 
3. Like A Virgin// Madonna 
- madonna was the first pop princess idc this album is like 80s pop defined. shes amazing, this album is amazing, what else can i say? im right :)
ive been typing for a long time im sorry im gonna end this now i hope this is good enough :( luv u and i hope u enjoyed my thoughts. also i cut a lot of albums out bc i didnt want to make it too long but :((((( okay bye
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neonstatic · 6 years
(transcripted convo)
i’m reposting a discussion i had w a terf. i previously posted screenshots but she messaged me and said she didn’t want her url or avatar displayed. editing the pics to post them again was hell so i’m posting a script instead (i learned my lesson tumblr: you suck). if anyone ends up finding the convo and thus the redacted speaker... idc. this is a public website and we technically had this convo in public - the notes of a post aren’t private spaces afaik. i’m posting this as proof that sometimes calmly reasoning with ppl lead to nothing. (i know anyone could say the same but lmao leave me alone.)
tw for transphobia/transmisogyny 
[redacted] (speaking to a transmasc discourser about the "woman path"): Ok let me explain what I mean :) if your experience was totally different then thats fine :) im 24 and when I was little i was encouraged to play with dolls and learn 'motherly things' like playing with baby dolls while my brother played with toy trucks. There was a lot of pressure at school to wear dresses, and be sweet and polite. @[transmasc discourser] then of course, learning to deal with periods and the shame and taboo around them. Removing body hair because its considered unladylike. Etc
@[transmasc discourser] have you had none of those experiences?
neonbaebae: these are all common experiences for women bc of gender roles/stereotypes but none of that defines womanhood as an identity.
[redacted]: completely agree they are gender roles. But menstruation isnt a gender role. Its a frustrating part of being female. But that said, what IS womanhood then?
(rest under cut)
neonbaebae: menstruation is a biological function that is in no way exclusive to female bodies. remember intersex ppl, who come in all forms and shapes. women aren't all the same and it's likewise for men. there are intersex women who don't fit all the criteria for being "female" yet still identify as women. there is a distinction to make between womanhood as an experience and womanhood as an identity.
the woman experience is what you've described. the woman identity is feeling like one, e.g.: liking female-coded clothes, makeup, hairstyles, feeling comfortable in the societal role of being a woman. identity is essentially abt self perception most of the time
[redacted]: intersex is unique and I respect that not all womens bodies are the same. Intersexuality is complex but it doesnt represent the majority of biological women. I dont have a strong baclground in intersex knowledge so I'm certainly not gonna speak on behalf of intersex women. so if identity is self perception (which I completely agree with) how can a biological man self perceive his femaleness.if he's never experienced it?
neonbaebae: trans women never identify with being male and all in entails. and they can see, thru watching women counterparts and how they interact with the world around them, that they id more w the idea of womanhood and much less w the idea of manhood. it's esp why dysphoria often settles around puberty bc the dissonance manifests physically and that's harder to handle
[redacted]: but what youre talking about is what trans women see women do.  If thats what someone aspires to, its a very basic and narrow understanding of  what womanhood is. Its only what they see. And people are far more complex than this. Does a biological male aspire to periods stigma, beauty conformity and lesser social stance in the world? Or do they aspire to femininity? Something many biological women dont feel comfortable with
neonbaebae: womanhood as an identity is a feeling that is strengthened by a disconnection to manhood, its polar opposite. someone who completely rejects the idea of being man is likely to prefer being a woman (not always but likely!). many trans women do aspire to femininity and it has nothing to do with the cis women who are uncomfortable w it, just like there are many cis women who embrace it too.
many trans women cannot quite explain their transition in another way than "being a man felt wrong but being a woman feels right and authentic to my true self". i'd suggest to ask an actual trans woman for her pov tho since i'm not one, i'm just basing myself on what i've heard them say
[redacted]: but feeling disconnected with manhood (which is understandable and gender roles are frustrating) doesnt make someone the opposite of a man. As society we need to open our understanding of gender expression. But this isnt the same as thinking 'if I dont feel like a conventional man or connect with male social expectations, then I must be the opposite'. Theres no logic in that
we live in a world where gender stereotype binaries are considered natural, and people who dont fit this understandably feel marginalised. In fact Id argue to a greater or lesser degree, none of us truly fit the prescribed gender binary.
but i find it problematic when a man thinks they're a woman based on what they think 'woman' is.
neonbaebae: you're right in saying that a disconnection from manhood doesn't make someone a woman - a connection to womanhood does. it has v little to do with the upbringing of women which you seem to define thru misogyny and menstruation alone which is frankly a pessimistic view of womanhood. it's less not feeling like a conventional man and more not feeling like a man At All. tru it doesn't sound logical but gender is not logical it's abstract and complex
it seems problematic bc one might think men would gain smth from iding as women but stats show that trans women are at higher risk of assault for being out and open, both of bc of misogyny (not directly related to having a vagina or menstruating after all) & transphobia. it's esp telling that trans men aren't targeted as much. do you disagree w trans men as well?
[redacted]: but as a women i dont connect with womanhood. Lol i am a women. It would be nice to think we live in a world where women are equal, but that's not the world we live in. Womanhood is hard. And we do live under a patriarchal society that's cultivated female inferiority over many centuries. We're still negotiating freedoms today.
Its not about gaining or loss. Its about the male right to self define womanhood on their terms, without the biological or social conditioning. In fact, many have recieved MALE conditioning as children. This comes with its own privileges.
I think transmale is a very different experience so no I categorise them very differently to transwomen
neonbaebae: "as a woman" you say. even if the experiences and stereotypes don't fit you perfectly, even if you reject it, you still id as a woman. you feel like one and you suffer the consequences of being one. believe it or not trans women suffer from iding as a woman as well and thrice as harshly. i can provide sources if you want.
trans women don't think like men bc they feel like women. the thought patterns are different. they don't digest the social messages abt men bc their mind doesn't relate to it. male entitlement and all doesn't apply to them. and in sociology alone womanhood is often defined as more than a biological or upbringing thing. it's a social identity and trans women have a right to it if they don't id and reject manhood altogether
my question tho was do you think trans men aren't men either cus otherwise that'd be hypocritical
[redacted]: my point is its not an identity. Its a reality. Im a woman. I have xx chromosomes and the world treats me as such. Similar to my race. I dont identify as my race, i am treated as the world sees me.
male entitlement does apply. Statistically baby boys are fed for longer than baby girls. And little girls are left to cry for longer than baby boys. Little girls learn many motherly caretaker roles while many of their male counterparts are encouraged to conquer the world. Children are raised by gender. Even subconsciously. I can also provide sources :)
there are many more male leaders and men in authoritive positions in the world. Women fight very hard for the same respect, but womens voices are less valued. It takes no genius to see men have greater standing in the world
about transmen. No I dont consider them men but I'll respectfully use the pronouns anyone prefers, male or female. Its common decency.
I think society needs to get more comfortable with non confirmative gender expression
neonboobear: but it is an identity. that's why there's a distinction between sex (bio) and gender (identity & expression). if it would feel wrong for you to be called a man or nonbinary then that'd be bc you don't id as such. (also there are women with chromosomes other than xx maybe you should avoid phrasing it that way.) i id as my race but race has v different roots & impact than gender historically and it cannot be compared. let's stick with gender.
and i'm not denying gendered socialization but it doesn't shape a child more than their personal feelings on their identity, which can differ v early in life bc (some) would rather engage in activities associated with the opposite gender for example. if it were that simple trans ppl wouldn't go at lengths to "play the part"
you're right society does need to accept gender non conformance but that's v different from the trans experience. i rly think you should have a deep conversation with a trans person to try and see their pov
[redacted]: if womanhood is an identity, it totally invalidates what it means to be female. And yes its arguable that there're are women who arent xx but how about the majority of the population that are. Must we pander to the few at the expense of the majority? also what makes you assume I dont talk to trans people? Critique doesnt mean lack of empathy.
Children and gendered socialization is complex. Maybe if 'feminine' activities werent coded as female and just 'childhood play' we wouldnt have the same degree of dysphoria. It goes back to the irrational logic, 'if I like the pink toy section then I must be a girl.'
neonboobear: i'm afraid that is your pov for the ideology that womanhood is an experience but also an identity is considered a v valid theory in the science field. the fact that there are women with chromosomes other than xx is proof alone that xx chromosomes aren't what makes a woman. and i've suggested a deep conversation and an intention to Understand the Other. not just a talk. i said nothing abt empathy.
there would be less dysphoria but i'm sure it's still be there. many think the abolition of gender would solve everything but i doubt so
[redacted]: i have a close mtf friend and we have the debate constantly. We don't always agree with her but there's a lot more common ground then you might expect :) Gender roles damn us all. Hmmmm... abolition of gender is impossible but theres is a lot that can be done to challenge gender expectations. But not an easy battle! neonbaebae: i mean this with the least offense okay but i sincerely think neither of you should be friends. i’m black and i’d never befriend a racist. that’s a lack of self respect on her part and a plain lack of respect on yours. 
i’d like to end this conversation here. i’ve said my point and i’d only repeat myself by continuing. and since i’m not a trans woman i don’t want to misinterpret them (so sorry if i’ve already did. trans girls feel free to bring up clarifications). might sound tedious but i strongly suggest you watch this 50-min long video essay by youtuber contrapoints. her vids are informative and entertaining and so v easy to digest despite the length. i’ve heard she’s not v liked in terf circles but it’s worth it to listen to what she has to say as a trans women.
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