#but i am OBSESSED with how you did her hair op
keepyourpantsongohan · 8 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Jujutsu Kaisen S2
Based on people's foreboding comments I have rarely been so certain a show was about to hurt my feelings. But here we are, ready to be hurt again LMAO
"No one else understands what cursed spirits taste like." Do you think Geto is obsessed with converting Yuji because he's the only other person in the world who eats curses
I wasn't expecting the Utahime and Mei flashback but I do enjoy it
"I don't need that, but you do, right?" Is the implication here that Mei's technique give her impeccable night vision. What is with all these Jujutsu Eyes
Are we going to see ALL the teachers' generation as kids? I have never been listening more in my life. TELL ME MORE:
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However, the fact the subtitle of this arc is "Premature Death" probably doesn't bode well for my feelings
"Satoru, it's not nice to pick on the weak." "What kind of idiot picks on the strong?" A terrible but fair point, Gojo
I didn't really recognize Ieiri in the intro so I'm really, really glad to hear that the Female Teammate of Gojo and Geto is not Super Dead LMAO
"Jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers." I know they're just playing basketball but I am giggling and kicking my feet. I loooove a backstory. Also: Geto you certainly had quite a turn, didn't you?
"You should be more polite and humble," said Geto to Gojo, in a lesson that the latter would never learn, ever, in his life
Given that someone has to die, I'm placing my bets on Star-Vessel-Gal-That-I-Bet-You-$5-Someone's-Going-To-Fall-in-Love-With
"How's Megumi doing?" "Who's that?" ISN'T HE A TODDLER RN? What a terrible father kjnhgghg. We knew, but wow
"Tengen-sama is me, and I am Tengen-sama." I love that Tengen, Mysterious Keeper of Jujutsu Barriers, is in his mini-skirt era
"I wish I could share my senses with [cursed spirits] like Mei-san does." Well, that explains her impeccable night vision. I sort of forgot that she's also a human surveillance camera
Ahhhh so I guess Riko's like 13 to their 16? Maybe they won't fall in love after all
"Riko, you have a boyfriend?" HAHAHAHA this is the school drama shenanigans I was hoping for
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"I failed!" There something endearing about Gojo learning how to control his techniques
HAHAHAHA they're not going to explain the cutaway to the beach????? Hello???????
"I still don't have much recollection of being attacked." Ah, so it was to resolve the kidnapping situation for Kuroi with immediate success
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Also also also. Just based on his place in the OP, I like Nanami's little friend. I do think he must be Super Dead though
"You haven't released your technique since yesterday, have you? You haven't slept either. And you don't plan to sleep tonight, do you? Are you sure we don't need to go back to Jujutsu High?" This arc is I think what is going to make me love Gojo. I like him well enough, but there's a sincerity here that's getting me. Gojo who tries and fails at new techniques and runs himself ragged to give a dying girl her beach day
"Have we met before?" said Gojo, like Megumi's evil DILF father did not have a sword through his chest
"Never before or after that, had anyone noticed me standing behind them." Hey quick question. What the fuck does that mean?
Ohhhh, Maki and Megumi's Dad have the same No Cursed Energy Condition. It's like a reverse Kekkei Genkai
"No matter what decision you make, we will guarantee your future." Geto and Gojo deciding before even meeting her they'll fight Curse Wizard God to give Riko her autonomy!!!! That's the Jujutsu High spirit I know 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Update from two minutes later: Rest in pieces, Riko-chan
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Geto said: You have actually activated my trauma response, which is unrestrained manslaughter
Ggjkglgjlgkjg Megumi's Dad said: Looks like you brought curses to a gun fight!
Not to poke holes in this monologue, but doesn't changing the size of a cursed spirit require cursed energy?? I feel like this is such a loosey-goosey structure for what is and isn't cursed energy
"I've already decided I'll only see you either for work or in Hell." I want this to be my email signature
Megumi 🤝 His Dad: Accusing your opponent of being high when they act weird
"One, the power to stop: The neutral application of the Limitless technique. Two, the power to attract: the amplified application of the Limitless technique, Blue. And three, the power to repel: the reversal of his cursed technique, Red." Thank you for laying it all out Mr. Megumi's Dad because I would've taken a long time to get there myself. Also does this mean Gojo is like a giant magnet
"Two or three years from now, my kid will be sold off to the Zen'in clan. Do what you will with that." RIP Megumi's Hot, Evil Dad, who I guess didn't sell him? Or pre-sold him? That part's unclear. Also I can't believe Gojo killed Megumi's Dad and then adopted him. And then DIDN'T TELL HIM HE WAS DEAD. GOJO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
(Assuming this actually killed him, that is. He is missing like, a third of his body. Seems pretty fatal.)
Also, after all that, I have finally learned from the episode description his name is (was?) Toji. If they said it, I missed it!
"Does there really need to be any point to [killing people]?" "It's very important that there is. Especially for a jujutsu sorcerer." Geto being the constant voice of reason implies something incredibly drastic must happen to him
Also: I guess GOJO's trauma response is unrestrained manslaughter
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"Are you Geto-kun? What kind of woman is your type?" You mean to tell me that the lady who turned Todo into whatever he is has been menacing people for generations??? LMAO
"Rather than hunt down cursed spirits, I want to create a world where cursed spirits aren't born." Tsukumo coming in with some hot takes on Jujutsu Society it seems
"If all of mankind were jujutsu sorcerers, curses wouldn't be born." Is Geto in the present trying to, force all of society to become jujutsu sorcerers by making a curse-dominant society, thereby eventually making everyone equipped to deal with cursed energy, and eventually starving the curses out? What a weird, terrible, backwards plan. Incredible. Tell me more!!!
"Just keep culling non-sorcerers and force them to adapt into sorcerers as a survival strategy." Why do all anime roads lead to metaphors for geno-[LOUD FOGHORN NOISE]
"But unfortunately, I'm not crazy enough to do that." Geto said: No problem, I am!!!!
I was correct, Nanami's Nice Friend Haibara is in fact Super Dead
It is funny that they make out Geto's descent into madness and [GUNSHOT NOISE] being triggered by people being violent towards the youth, considering he spent the whole first season plotting ways to torture teenagers
"So, you're just going to kill everyone who's not a sorcerer? Even your parents?!" "I can't allow my parents to be a special exception." Alright, Anti-Establishment Itachi, chill out
Ahhhhhhh, poor Gojo, unable to kill or reason with his friend:
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Geto said: I will raise you adopting Megumi and ADOPT TWO TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN, GOJO. BEAT THAT!
"About this dad of yours. I ki--" "I don't care." OH MY GOD MEGUMI. ALSO. GOJO. HE'S FIVE, YOU COULD'VE TRIED A LITTLE HARDER TO TELL HIM
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"If I go [to the Zen'in clan] will Tsumiki be able to find happiness? It all depends on that." MEGUMI HAS BEEN SELFLESS HIS WHOLE LIFE
I do love the very normal but realistic dialogue of Nobara and Yuji talking past each other to convince the other to do an activity the other isn't interested in (shopping and a movie respectively). Also Megumi the Homebody!
Ohhhhhhh my god. Nobara being asked advice from this gal about asking Yuji out and immediately bringing Megumi back to the restaurant. I LOVE SCHOOL DRAMA
"Someone who knows Itadori well is on his way here now." Megumi Fushiguro: Yuji Dating Consultant
"Did my heart skip a beat?" Nobara!! What does that mean!!!
Megumi takes his role incredibly seriously. Beautiful. Perfect. Beyoncé:
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Also. I know it was just an omake, but the implication that it is understood on Team Gojo that Yuji is allowed to date but Megumi isn't is SO FUNNY. They're like, 'He's OUR special boy, leave him alone!'
"But the way she eats and her handwriting and stuff are super nice." Yuji, my sweet boy, who loves girls for their hearts AND their asses
The slice of life parts of this are really getting my heart <3 Give me fifteen more episodes of Team Gojo's dating troubles and going to see Worm Man movies
Jujutsu Kaisen said: Hey Mechamaru have you considered not being disabled, and being evil instead? It's a fresh new look!!
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"I have to use any means necessary to get in contact with Gojo Satoru and tell him about the Shibuya plot." Muta-maru said he's only a pragmatic amount of evil, a means to an end
"I'll be able to see everyone," said Muta-maru, in what I'm sure wasn't foreshadowing of him immediately about to die
"But I want to be even closer to you, Mechamaru. So, one day, I will come see you." Oh, Miwa, I don't think you will
Team Nanami!!! While I am glad to see them, I don't like this for Megumi. That he's here, in Shibuya. Be safe, baby boy!
"Everyone who came up running up to the edge of the veil to escape cried the same thing: Bring Gojo Satoru!" How about we don't do that!
Are they making Maki go on a mission with her grandpa? LMAO
They have made this as OMINOUS as possible. I don't like it. I don't like it at all. STAY AWAY, GOJO!!
"They're making Gojo-sensei do this alone?" MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!
Mei giving Yuji the option not to fight the people 😭😭😭 The teachers try so very hard to protect them in the ways that they can
"Mankind has long feared, hated and cursed such demonic pests." I am like the opposite of a bug person but I didn't have a specific fear of locusts going into this episode. They're doing their best to give me one though
"Are you clever? Or not clever? I'm clever." "Clever people wouldn't really go around calling themselves clever." There's something very Imperfect Cell about locust's vibes, and it does make me laugh
Yuji praying over the person who was killed 😭💞 HIM!!
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"Nee-sama is praising you! Just accept it!" [Yelling] "Thank you! I'm honoured!" Yuji is very willing to accept constructive criticism
"Domain Amplification. It's the same principle as the New Shadow School's simple domain. They envelope themselves with the domain. While it reduces its guaranteed-hit effect, it ensures they neutralize any technique used. That would allow their attacks to hit me." Then why would people not use domain amplification and simple domain all the time?
The way Geto has thought of so many different ways to make sure there are civilian casualties to anything Gojo does!! GET GOT, GETO!
Them starting this horrifying scenario with an I Love Gojo video!!
"Technically, he's my benefactor," said Megumi, which meant, My Really Annoying Older Brother or Uncle or Dad Whom I Love
I do kind of love seeing Gojo go insane on these Cursed Spirits and reducing Hanami to smithereens. He can be a little vengeful, as a treat
"I'm sorry. I can't save everyone. So I promise to exorcise them instead." Oh, Gojoooo 😭😭😭😭
HEY! HEY! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"I can pass from one body to another by replacing its brain with myself." WHAT DO YOU MEAN?????????????
"But it's time for you to wake up. How long will you keep letting it have its way with you, Suguru?" Geto's hand trying to kill the thing possessing him. For his own sake, or for Gojo's, I don't know
"I was killed on October 19th by the special-grade cursed spirit called Mahito." Rest in pieces, Mechamaru. Good of you to help!
"Well, it'll all work out somehow. I'm counting on you, everyone." Gojo thinking of his team of first years to save him!!!!!!!
OH IJICHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT'D HE DO TO ANYONE!!!!
Yuji dealing with the cell phone issue by yelling to all Shibuya a message for Nanamin ❣️ He is clever, and loud!
"Don't toy with Geto-sama any further." Mimiko and Nanako trying to get their surrogate dad's body back. Extremely fucked up and sad
Nanami asking Ino to look after Megumi and Yuji 🥺🥺
"The Gojo clan is currently a one-man team of Satoru Gojo himself." Where are all the other Gojos??????
Gojo being the one person who is safe-guarding specific people in jujutsu society with his existence 🥺😭 I do love him!!!
I do miss the omake instead of this end-of-ep character commentary but the fact that someone insults Gojo with the phrase, "Acting like he was nothing but leg below his nipples," does entertain me 1) Because it really doesn't translate to me culturally as an insult jnghkghg and 2) It confirms Gojo has nipples, which is a real rarity in anime
"They won't be able to climb up here that fast." [Immediate cut to Megumi and Yuji dropping in via Megumi's giant shadow bird] I love physical comedy
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"So, whenever I'm at a loss, I think to myself, 'What would Nanami-san do?'" Oh, Ino, that's very sweet
"I thought this wouldn't take long?" "No comment." Yuji and Megumi's friendship is my whole heart and soul
Setting aside the egregious body horror, I love that Gojo has been a menace from birth. Good for him!
"If you're a man, be clear and decisive." [Megumi points at Yuji about to throw a car] "That stuff's not my role." Megumi said: Yuji is my man, actually 💖
Megumi's so smart!!!!!! Figuring out how to be both weak and strong at the same time to combat the Inverse technique
Nanami flashing back to Haibara's body when he sees Ijichi's. Ahhhhhhhhhh.
"Who the hell do you think you're ordering around, old hag?" I KNEW that Toji was not going to be silent. Even dead, he's just. A Very Big Presence. Also, poor Megumi's feelings when he sees him. And subsequently, mine
"I guess it just means that this guy's soul couldn't win against my body." "A soul losing to a body?! No! That's impossible!" There is some interesting world-building between the body and the soul with Geto and Toji having consciousness through body alone. I'd be so thoughtful if it weren't so fucked up
"If I die, you'll kill me, right?" Megumi said: Stay Safe, Love You The Sequel 🌸
Nobara trying to protect Nitta while fully concussed!!!
I now have a new appreciation and understanding for everyone's lustful feelings for Nanami. I get it:
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Ijichi's alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh thank god. Stay alive!!!!!!!!!!!
"You would hinder me, and be in the way." A harsh but fair verdict for Nobara
Of all the people fighting on the side of curses, Choso is the one whose motivations are most understandable
"This guy has beaten my brothers before. They wouldn't lose to some idiot." Lot of confidence in that statement, Choso. I'm not saying Yuji's an idiot, but he learns best on the job and with advice. Benefit of Mechamaru's wisdom, in this case
It's fun that when the sorcerers don't know what's going on, they have an omniscient narrator/mission reporter cut in with an explanation
Also, if I were Choso, I would simply leave the bathroom LMAO
"So even if I die, I'm taking this guy out! I don't have to be the one to rescue Gojo-sensei!" YUJIIIIIIIII
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Are they suggesting Yuji is ALSO the manifestation of a cursed womb. Because I hope the fuck not!!!
It seems Nanako and Mimiko are going to save Yuji because they share a purpose: Getting-Sensei-Dad-Released-From-Horrors
"Ui Ui? Will you die for me?" "Are you sure that's alright? May I die for you?" This sibling relationship has unsettled me from the moment it appeared on screen LMAO
"I guess there's never been a case where I've been better off alone." Nanami's hard line for co-combatants is that he will not intentionally put first years at risk (fair, given his history)
It's interesting how the ocean spirit seems the least aware and battle-hungry, given that The Ocean Has Many Things to Fear
I said this, and the Ocean immediately exploded into a taller, buffer cursed spirit
"Projection Sorcery. The cursed technique of Naobito Zen'in. It splits one second into 24 frames from his field of view, and allows him to trace the actions created in those frames at the start." Do you think it's fun for the animators to animate a power that's based on animation?
So THIS is where the beach domain came from! What a throwback!
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Shikigami really do make sense for the Ocean as an attack
MEGUMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! He said: Hey Maki, I heard you were fighting shadows and hating old Zen'in men without me! What gives?
"The other two?" "Ino-san tapped out. Itadori's acting on his own." Nanami's first words to Megumi being about the other kids!!! I LOVE U
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I guess that answers the question of if Megumi would be able to recognize his dad. The answer is no!
"His fangs were constantly directed towards the strongest." That doesn't bode well for Megumi later on
Update from 8 minutes later: I WAS RIGHT, IT DIDN'T BODE WELL
"Now there should be at least 15 fingers inside Itadori." Oh. Oh no Yuji. This is NOT good for Yuji!
Also also. Is that the BEST way to say it? Is it?
"Below us, there's a man in monk's robes with a suture across his forehead. Please kill him." I feel like Nanako and Mimiko's request will go over well, purely because they're deferential and they're women and Sukuna seems like the type to be entertained by women. Plus, they're asking him to kill, which he loves doing. Although he does hate being told what to do, so it's a toss-up
Well, I think holding the finger above Sukuna's head (metaphorically) turned the tables against them
Rest in pieces, Nanako and Mimiko (literally, unfortunately)
"You're true to your word, yes?" I thought the pact with Yuji involved Sukuna NOT killing any humans while he's running his body? I feel like that constitutes not being true to your word
Fhkjhkjhgkjhggh you know, fair on what's-his-face for just stalling. He's not strong enough to help Gojo, clearly!
I wonder at what point during getting his ass beat will Megumi learn that it is his father doing the beating
"What's your name?" "Fushiguro?" "It's not Zen'in? I'm glad." Evil Dilf wins one (1) dad point by killing himself in front of his son to prevent his evil instincts from murdering him????
Jogo said: My real desire was the very human experience of wishing for Daddy (Sukuna) to say he was proud
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"Wake up, you shitty sorcerer!" said Blond Bitch, as if he were not wholly responsible for Megumi being unconscious by attacking him from behind
Ahhh Megumi thinking of Gojo, who has always believed in his strength, and who disapproved of his fallback of giving up his life
"Urgent business." Sukuna said: Team Gojo is incorrect. Megumi is MY special little man 💞🗡️👅 Bye Uraume!
Until Sukuna actively does something to Megumi. I am kind of obsessed with how obsessed he is. He's evil, but he's got weird crush, it feels like. Grimdark Greedl!ngfan until proven otherwise
"Don't die on me. There are things I need you to do for me." He is healing him! They make no effort to make this sound NOT like a weird crush:
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Yuji is not going to be well when he finds out how many mass causalities Sukuna has caused in his body
"You might have defeated me, in the state I was in back then. Now you've fascinated me, Fushiguro Megumi!" OBSESSED
I suppose the implication of Shigemo not knowing of his miracle power is that he has been riding through life on luck alone
Sukuna dropping off Megumi to his teachers. What must they think?!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YUJI. Throwing up is an incredibly fair response to speed-running the memories of mass murder
I don't know how Yuji will ever be able to live any kind of normal life after this:
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THANK GOD Nanami's alive. It's like they give you just enough to hope for that you won't stop watching completely
Oh god. If Nanami dies now, I will lose it. WHY ARE YOU STILL FIGHTING!! I mean, I know why, BUT WHY
"I've been here the whole time." Mahito, I swear to FUCK
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Yuji cannot witness whatever Mahito is about to do to Nanami, he is already in the throes of PTSD
"You take it from here." NO, NO, NO NANAMI :(((((((((((((((((((((
You know, I just don't know what to do with this show. Like I don't see the benefit of continuing. A lot of shows have put me through a lot, but this is the one that I think is hardest to watch, because the deaths mean nothing. It helps nothing. You learn nothing. It's just like, "Enjoy getting to know these people and watch them die in extremely violent circumstances." What am I supposed to root for? That Nobara doesn't die in front of Yuji, like Nanami did? That Gojo gets out of his prison soon enough to see what hell on earth has happened without him? That Yuji doesn't completely fall to Sukuna? That Megumi doesn't end up with all of his friends dead and/or gone? WHAT DO VIEWERS GET FROM THIS
"Itadori Yuji wasn't my only natural enemy?" Honestly. Hard to do commentary now. But good for Nobara:
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"You've let me believe that I'm not alone." Yuji <3
I'm back to hopeless. Unless Nobara has some sort of 'you didn't touch my soul, you touched my hammer's soul' trap card
Megumi 🤝 Nobara: Being a menace to bullies as a child
Ah yes, menstrual rice, the tradition we all know about
"Nobara-chan changed after she met Saori-chan." Awww, baby's first role model
Nobara crying for leaving her friend Fumi!!! Sweet girl
"I hope Nobara-chan's doing well," said Saori, before it cut to Nobara definitely not doing well
The visualization of Nobara's previous metaphor of the people with seats in her life, and the way Nobara also has a seat for her younger self. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:
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"Itadori. Tell everyone for me: Life wasn't so bad." NOBARA 😭
The way they all try to fix the shirt together 😭😭😭 Team Gojo
Megumi my boy always ready to take the hit for his friends 💕 Also LMAO @ Gojo, "What's the matter, Megumi?"
I don't blame Yuji for straight up giving up. Me too Yuji
"This is a war to determine which of those will be left standing a century from now." Call me crazy, Mahito, but I don't think people whose main life purpose is torturing people is a legitimate side. Like jujutsu sorcerers exorcise curses BECAUSE of what they do. If a curse's purpose were to make people play baseball or go to the movies, who would kill that?
Even if we buy into the premise of curses fighting for their own existence, it's sort of like, "Team A and Team B are fighting. Team A has killed a lot of Team B over many years. Team B has also done that, but also needs to kick eleven hospitalized children in the face for their enjoyment every day to keep going. What a dilemma!"
We interrupt this programming to say: Never in my life I have been happier to see Todo
"Sukuna killed so many. So I have to save... that many more people." Yuji 😟
"This is not a matter of sins or punishments. The moment we chose to live as jujutsu sorcerers, our lives were no longer bound by such karma." Todo said: Jujutsu sorcerers can do no wrong actually, and that is how I've decided to live my life
Todo said: The greatest punishment is being alive ❤️ Hope that helps!
"Todo-san's little brother doesn't look like him at all." Todo said: Who needs context! Bros for life
"I'm just saying that the chance [that Nobara survived] isn't zero. Please don't get your hopes up too high." Blond Kyoto First Year Baby Brother Nitta sums up energy of this show in a single sentence:
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"I'll make sure I take on your share of suffering too, Nanamin." 😨
Ohhhhhhhh I'm glad Mechamaru and Miwa have their chance to talk. Poor Miwa
I honestly fully support Mechamaru manipulating his friends to not be in Shibuya. I wish nobody was in Shibuya, and I'm going through Shibuya this week
"Whatever shape it takes, as long as you're happy, my wish has come true." Romantic Bastard Behaviour
"And that's all thanks to that woman." Wild that Mahito is the first person to acknowledge Nobara's full strength
I appreciate how silly Todo's animations are. They're like, "Here, as a treat."
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Back from my vacation in Japan after a couple of weeks and returning to to finish this season, and let me tell you, watching this show in the hours leading up to leaving made for a very harrowing first time at the train station. They use incredibly accurate building modelling in this show. Also, I did get a little Nanami keychain. In any case, I have returned to finish hurting my feelings
Opposite to my prior point, they make all of Mahito's animation as gross as possible
"Forgive me, you pitiful souls." Ahhh, Todo
Mahito using Gojo's split second domain technique to attack his student. GET GOT, MAHITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Props to Todo for immediately getting rid of his own arm to prevent dying?????????????????????
"And he can't clap his hands anymore." I did wonder how long it would take for the clapping thing to come up. Mahito would probably have won this fight if curses (Hanami, specifically) bothered to tell each other anything. Maybe the real technique everyone needed was communication
Absolute, extreme regret to ever echo Mahito, but: Huh?
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Todo touching Mahito just so Yuji could get an opening!!! 😭😭😭
"Instant Spirit of Distorted Killing." Why does the average special cursed spirit form simply look like a particularly sadistic, anthropomorphized tree?
[Narration slide] "There is no sorcerer who can unleash Black Flash at will." Then what's the attack chanting for? Just hoping it'll work?
I don't think I enjoy Yuji's smile being slashed open Joker Style
"I'll just kill you. And if you're ever reborn as another curse, I'll kill you then, too. You can change your name and change your appearance, but I'll still kill you again and again. I don't need meaning or a reason for it anymore. Maybe there will be some meaning to be found from my actions several centuries after I'm dead. But I'm sure I'm just one big cog in the wheel. And I'll keep on killing curses until I rust away." Yuji said: New life philosophy unlocked: Murder your problems until you die 💖
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with HOW Yuji has found inner peace, but he does seem like he has an achievable goal
Fake Geto said: I haven't caused problems in a while! Hope you didn't gain any hope while I was gone.
"No matter what judgment gets doled out to Itadori later now that Gojo is gone, I won't be taking your side. I'm in favour of Itadori Yuji's execution." I can't say I blame Kusakabe for his position
I do wish they'd stop doing this with Mei Mei. Whoever wrote this said: I have feelings for my family that should only be discussed with a psychiatrist 😀
Choso said: Where one brother of Yuji's (Todo) falls, another one rises up (me) like a fucked up little tag team of camaraderie
I also should've known better than to think Mahito might actually die. That's hope! Stupid.
I have never been LESS happy to see the Kyoto School. GO HOME
The payoff for the forced pregnancy storyline they dropped last season is that Fake Geto is Choso's DAD? Disgusting. Terrible. Leave. Kick rocks. You will NEVER be the Evil DILF that Toji is!!!
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Alright. Alright. I will allow the Kyoto students to be here for one moment, if only for the comedy of Choso yelling "KAMO NORITOSHI" and Blood-bending Teen Kamo pointing and going, "Watashi? (Me?)" It WAS funny.
"How dare you make me try to kill Itadori? My little brother!" said Choso, like he had nothing to do with that decision
If the payoff for Choso calling Yuji his little brother that Fake Geto is also his dad. I don't want it. I would rather just disintegrate.
"I strongly sensed the death of Itadori Yuji, right before my eyes. Which means that Yuji must also be my blood-related younger brother." 😷😷😷 I don't have words strong enough for how much I wish this episode had ended with 16 minutes ago (it's been 15:55 minutes)
I truly, truly don't want to believe this but does this mean that Kamo and Sukuna had a terrible threesome with Yuji's poor mother to create Yuji? I don't want that. I keep saying it. It's not helping
"Just asking, but you two are strangers, right?" "Worse than strangers. He nearly killed me once already." I like that Todo has set the premise for Yuji simply being called siblings by strangers who have beat the crap out of him, so he's just like, 'Well. It happens.'
"First it was Todo. Are you sure you aren't emitting dangerous pheromones or something?" Panda said: Maybe you just stink of brotherly love, Yuji
Tsukumo said: Me and Choso together will fill the void of Todo being gone
"Japan would practically have a monopoly on cursed energy. Other nations, especially that superpower, wouldn't stand by and allow that." HFFHFJHFKJJH the clouds and angle make the geography a little hazy, but I can only assume this is a shot at the U.S. Yeah, Tsukumo, the U.S. would be the problem with killing everyone who's not a sorcerer! Not anything else!
JJK really said: You thought Megumi was safe just cause he wasn't on screen? SURPRISE. WE ARE GOING TO KILL HIS SISTER:
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They are going to elaborate on how the rest of Japan is doing, but NOT on how the Kyoto students get out of this situation
OKKOTSU!!!!!!!!! Resident Nice Little Guy coming to save the day
"That's bad, Rika-chan. Don't overdo it." Hey. Hey. What?
"He cut off Inumaki's arms in Shibuya." WHAT!!!!!!!!! WHEN!!!!!!!
"Satoru Gojo has been deemed an accomplice to the Shibuya incident and is hereby expelled from Jujutsu Society. In addition, any attempt to free him from his seal will be deemed a crime." This is most extreme form of victim-blaming for any one person in anime I've seen
Resident Nice Little Guy Okkotsu is now Resident Yuji Executioner
I can't imagine Megumi will tolerate any of this. He's going self-expel from Jujutsu Society
[Yuji claps] [Numerous cursed spirits emerge out of the water like he's now trying out a Cursed Manipulation Kekkei Genkai] HEY. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
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I don't know what to say about this show anymore. I don't know what this was, except exhausting. However, that was more than enough for me. Goodnight.
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odetoviscera · 2 years
Liveblogging Mission: Impossible, I Guess
alright let’s start with FOR THE RECORD this is ENTIRELY the fault of @leupagus, who always does this to me, i swear to god i have been onboarded to more media by this villain (affectionate)’s posts than any other, so goddamnit it here we go MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE I GUESS
warning: liveblogging below.
FIRST MOVIE. 1996. I AM SIX YEARS OLD. I DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM CONTEMPORANEOUSLY FOR OBVIOUS REASONS. i have a vague memory of watching it at some point in my teens, but remember almost nothing except a vague impression of like. A Claustrophobic Hallway. might not be from this movie. i’ll call it out if it’s real!
OH my god the paramount military drum roll is alternating left and right channel in my headphones. brain is flustered. inauspicious beginning.
(dead prostitute even less auspicious beginning.)
(undead prostitute/agent?)
ah I see they are spying on Russian Rocky Balboa and the (un)dead prostitute is a plant.
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OH Tom Cruise is the cleaner, I was wondering why he wasn’t in the room with all the surveillance equipment. hang on, did MI INVENT the Suspiciously Lifelike Plastic Mask Gag? also yes that was the least horrific screengrab i could manage.
so undead prostitute and Mr. Cruise clearly have Chemistry. I do sort of wish undead prostitute’s first lines had not been in a ridiculous baby voice lol.
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OPENING CREDITS. god, that was the logo? very b-average middle school powerpoint presentation. wait, tom cruise was a producer on this? on the FIRST one? damn, this really is the man’s anchor franchise.
these opening credits have TV Show vibes-- you know, “here’s a bunch of split-second clips of future episodes” except all for one movie. which is... oh right, movies used to be under 2 hours.
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is this how we did movies on flights back in the day? a stewardess walks around with a tray of cassettes like she’s shilling the in-flight snacks??? nowadays to pull this stunt you’d have to have a coded conversation with a chatbot and convince it you know which squares contain stop signs before it would deliver your self-destructing message.
also the contrasting formality of codewords and passphrases and top-secret clearances and shit (displayed where any passing passenger could see it walking to the bathroom MY GUY WHERE IS YOUR OPSEC)-- paired with the Voice On The Radio calling mr. phelps JIM several times is kind of wild. everything is simultaneously deadly serious national security threat and “two dads discussing their respective divorces at a barbeque”. also i can’t tell them apart yet and their hair is too similar, which of these lady agents is undead prostitute and is it claire, jim’s wife (which, btw, seems like a conflict of interest) bc if so the divorce thing may be more literal, tom “ethan hunt” cruise was getting pretty soft-boy handsy with her face
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mid-briefing YEP UNDEAD PROSTITUTE IS THE WIFE, also in person it’s very clear how much younger she is than jim, wonder how that relationship came about. also also SEEDS OF SUSPICION sown about why jim is always swanning off on “recruiting assignments” and the team doesn’t know where he is during these times. also maybe i’m paranoid I DID READ THE POSTS @leupagus
"if they're exposed, they'll be executed." bit of a buzzkill there jim
so much intra-team flirting! you’d think that would be counter-regulations but i guess jim is married to one of his operatives so the rules must be pretty lax lol
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okay no mr. hacker/the team q making ethan a stick of EXPLOSIVE GUM when ethan has been chewing gum this ENTIRE set of scenes during the planning of the op-- that is a piss-take, lol. that is a loving piss-take. this is “here you dumb bastard i made something in your colour” energy. JUST DON’T CHEW IT. i’m love them. i know they die and i will be upset about it.
the first-person perspective is fascinating film-making. (obviously i, obsessive video game nerd, am making immediate parallels to video games that won’t come out for another half decade or so, lol.) this feels so disjointed and claustrophobic, though-- it’s a narrower FOV than you usually see in a first-person perspective, and we don’t have any of his peripheral vision. being trapped in ethan’s head (or more correctly, i suppose, in the camera on his glasses) seeing only what’s in his field of vision for these scenes is making me overanalyze everything lol. i feel like half the guests are staring at him.
oop, meanwhile jack is fighting elevators. i worry for my boy. i have known him five minutes. i should not have learned he had a name other than “mr. hacker” now i’m invested.
dslkfhas;ldkfhas;lkh stop roasting him ethan he’s in an elevator shaft! on a 1996 laptop!
elevator/spy tetris
oh my god this mark had a FLOPPY DISK on his person. the 90s were insane.
The Flirting Continues
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ah, the classic Lover’s Embrace Distraction. kind of interesting to see this done with sarah, who is NOT ethan's flirtatious love interest (that's claire; sarah has something maybe going somewhere someday with jack, hypothetically) honestly it kind of reinforces that this is very much just an "it's part of my day job" move for them, i like it. and they both move into it very fluidly, without discussion or hesitation-- it's a standard play.
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oh noooo jack. “i don’t have control” says jim, man who just had control. HMM I HAVE DOUBTS YOU ASSHOLE. :(((
…hang on, is the drunk laughing couple the pair i clocked staring at ethan earlier in the night or am i hallucinating bc i can’t tell actors apart
ooooh, ethan’s going off book. admittedly the book is bad but still, bad form.
“they’re covering this frequency, cut all radio communication” mmkay except what’s your evidence of that, bc we’ve seen nothing to indicate that’s the case-- jack was killed where he was supposed to be during the whole op, and you could have been spotted and shadowed from the safehouse. none of that had to be gleaned from radio communications
Convenient Les Miz River Death. also the angle on that gun ethan saw in his little camera watch was pretty sus, but he's under a lot of stress, so i won't hold it against him for not noticing.
ethan, babe, how you gonna call an abort right after ignoring an abort, of course she’s not listening to you. (however, heartbreaking: the tiny little “god!” when he takes off running back to sarah. guy is having the worst night of his life and it’s just getting started.)
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sarah's still following the mark so i assume she was too far away to hear that. and i KNEW there was something shifty with the drunk couple
damn the mark is getting got too. aaaand finally sarah. full house.
EVERYBODY got fucked on this op
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kdfjal;skdhf;lakh god idk if i’m even supposed to trust the nice calm voice on the phone (Kittridge) like my dude ethan is focused on relaying the vital intel (little bit of shouting but the circumstances are, admittedly, DIRE AS FUCK) and you’re using your soothing kindergarten voice.
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aquarium diner is kind of out of place/distinctive here. like, cool location, but damn, not what i’d call inconspicuous. 
i think the shock is setting in, ethan’s walking like he’s half-dead already and so far the worst that’s happened to him physically is Running A Lot.
oooh, ethan spotted something. OH OKAY the drunk pair and the embassy pair were two differently suspicious pairs lol.
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extreme dutch angle on kittridge. spooky boy. not the first dutch angle we've seen so far, even in this scene, but definitely the one i've noticed the most.
oof. whole team died for Nothing. ethan’s resistance to aborting the mission was AT LEAST partly predicated on the threat that had been presented-- literally dozens, if not hundreds, of lives directly in the crosshairs if that list got out. and it’s fucking. Nothing. and as far as ethan can possibly know at this point, the only reason the WHOLE team got wiped out is that he ignored the abort. sarah, at least, he could have hypothetically saved by keeping her with him instead of sending her after the mark.
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“dying slowly in america, after all, can be a very expensive proposition.” BITCH. MURDER HIM ETHAN. SET THIS WHOLE PLACE ON FIRE. anyway, this was in 1996, nice to see capitalism hasn’t improved at all in nearly thirty years. doing great. oh the explosive gum, YES BABE, jack’s last gift to you! blow a bitch up!
“kittridge, you’ve never seen me very upset” ooooh the VENOM. ethan has been kind of a kitten so far-- soft boy, very few stunts actually! kind of a jokes boy! he’s a PERFORMANCE ARTIST, his role has been Wear The Mask and play a specific part. he is, in leverage terms, the SOPHIE, not the eliot. we have not actually seen a SINGLE instance of real violence from him yet-- even taking out Russian Rocky Balboa was with a drugged drink that sarah delivered.
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alright admittedly blowing up the aquarium was probably the better move but i would have liked to see kittridge get it in the face
also holy FUCK ethan can run
now here's a logistical question: does this count as an Ethan Stunt? bc so far he hasn't done any of the characteristic No One Else Would Do This shit that is famously his hallmark. i don't think this does count, honestly-- it's fairly low stakes by the standards of an Ethan Stunt, and although obviously the fish are gonna be upset about it, the overall risk to ethan himself is not high. worst case scenario if he couldn't outrun the flood was getting arrested. i'm gonna call this Typical Spy Nonsense unless someone can convince me otherwise.
listen i know all this counter-espionage shit like crunching the lightbulb to make a broken glass noise trap and unscrewing the hall light is shit he was taught in Spy School however i would like to forward that my IMMEDIATE thought whenever he does something clever is just OH MY BOY IS SO SMART
i have trauma-bonded with ethan hunt. it took exactly half an hour. goddamn it, i get it now @leupagus
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And Now He Has A Gun, let’s see if he uses it.
okay the emergency money not being in the safehouse is another dick move by jim.
job 314… job 3:14?
seriously is this what the internet was like in 1996. i was an aol kid, i missed the usenet era, but i also don’t trust hollywood to know what the internet was like lol
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although doing all this in what must be the compromised safe house maybe is less so
here begin the PTSD Nightmares
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oh shit! claire’s not dead! alright maybe the gun wasn’t such a great addition to the inventory lol although i’ll given ethan points for what looks, to my very untrained eyes, like a pretty solid firing posture. maybe got his elbows locked a little but he’s Stressed.
the Aggressively Sexual Frisking i could do without. very 90s though lol, and i will forgive ethan’s behaviour bc he’s having a Very bad night and claire’s shock isn’t helping with his justifiable paranoia. STILL. BE BETTER.
claire still using that baby voice. ma’am please speak with your whole chest, you sound like a toddler, i can’t take you seriously.
Spy Shenanigans ahead. back in ethan’s limited POV for a bit! i like the framing on the pickup car responding to the match.
ooh, max is a maxine.
dutch angle on max. they like that technique a lot. and a very tight framing. 
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fkjha;djfh;lksh MA’AM. you haven’t even CLEANED THE BLOOD OFF, you’re gonna gunk up your disk reader
imf sure is efficient-- okay no i love the cleaning lady just “fuck it, i keep vacuuming”
Fucking Kittridge. this man has the most smarmy affect upon this earth outside of an actual british butler in a murder mystery. also what looks like an extremely fake tan. hate his guts. wish him death.
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ethan has been 100% Manic Grin at max since the mask came off and i am not sure how much of that is a front and how much is ethan running at 100% capacity on 10% fuel. let this man have a nap.
lol max likes him. he’s Charmed her. “aggressive, but playful” is her type lol.
god are claire and ethan STILL staying in the safehouse? i mean I GUESS at this point imf must not know the location but this still seems dicey.
i get the impression claire actually loved jim, which makes this whole setup Wild. The Chemistry is there with her and ethan, but clearly nothing has actually come of it at this point, and if/when it does, it will be totally justifiable bc she is, to her knowledge, A WIDOW. really played yourself there, jimbo.
oooh, they’re gonna hook up with other disavowed ex-spies. …however, i will observe that it seems ULTRA FUCKING STUPID to keep a list of the people you’ve explicitly decided to cut ties with??? isn’t the point of disavowing/burning an agent that they can’t be legally tied to your organization? imf competency varying wildly lol
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damn, they’re getting fucking leon on the team lol. hang on i have to google something-- yes, leon: the professional came out two years before mission impossible, this joke works.
ethan as mission planner is Much ballsier than he was as a point man/Face lol
oh my god luther’s Hacker Names lol
luther the fact that you know this much about the system already suggests you’ve thought about it lol
ethan: i’m hiring you for an impossible job the team: no such thing ethan:  Let Me Explain
luther looks like his hopes and dreams are crashing down around his ears during this security breakdown lol
Theme Music!
we love an Emergency Services Scam. big bulky costume and everybody’s in too much of a panic to think too clearly.
oop, krieger’s a loose cannon, lol. (leon!) guess ethan is still hoping to get his job back, doesn’t want to Kill Coworkers. understandable. holding out hope for an exception being made for kittridge.
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i wondered if this vent crawl might count as the first proper Ethan Stunt, but krieger’s doing it with him, so i think it’s still on the side of “a comparatively sane operative would do this”.
sidebar, tom cruise in this glasses headset getup is giving me farscape john crichton vibes, which is baffling given john crichton does not wear glasses.
oh we TRAP the laser instead of turning it off. Clever.
krieger sneeze into your ELBOW my guy.
and this is the iconic Hanging From The Ceiling Scene! oh holy shit i didn’t realize krieger was there to HOLD ETHAN’S BODY WEIGHT, damn.
excellent treatment of the tension with the silent shot and only luther’s whispered warnings. ethan is remaining REMARKABLY phlegmatic.
holy shit this guy would be the most annoying officemate. i mean i know he’s been poisoned but still. get thee to a cubicle nowhere near me.
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that flip! my boy is BALLETIC
df;lakddf;laklsh;lk aaaand the slip
excellent handling of the tension again
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legit how did ethan get his hand into position for this catch with so little space
and now there actually is an evacuation! lol. back to the safehouse.
krieger is gonna be a problem if you don’t communicate, ethan. ah, yes, and here we see him proving me right. we know a bastard when we see one.
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i’ll be surprised if we keep working with krieger lol he doesn’t seem like he takes an insult well
oh, i think ethan’s suspicious of claire again. jim’s wife, after all.
oop! kiss! but is it legit or is it to throw him off his game?
man, no one play poker with ethan hunt.
“i’m not gonna let this get out in the open.” luther for best boy
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oh my god kittridge you fuckwit
seriously ethan do a murder you’ve earned it
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holy shit is that jim in the phone booth next to ethan???
blaming kittridge. couldn’t throw a nicer asshole under the bus, lol
oh excellent touch with ethan envisioning it with the knowledge that it’s actually jim. doesn’t fall for it for a second, but plays along, and lets the audience in on it. we get to see exactly how smart ethan is, without a doubt, but jim doesn’t get clued in. smart, smart movie.
oh shit! krieger was the assassin on the op! i missed that completely
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and now ethan's debating claire’s involvement with himself.
my poor boy looks like he’s gonna have a breakdown right here at the table
“you got a lousy marriage and 62 grand a year” first of all, bitch, your wife is extravagantly attractive and doesn’t seem to be an idiot or an asshole, your marriage is probably fine; second of all, in the year of any lord 2023, NEVERMIND in 1996 money, i would kill for 62 grand a year. shut the fuck up.
okay, jim keeping the secret from claire PROBABLY clears her
love ethan continuing to write to max with bible verses bc she thought it was fun the first time lol
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tasteful fade to black lol
honestly why are they bothering with having the shade pulled down to hide jim’s face lol
dlfkahsd;lkfhas;lk max enjoys ethan SO MUCH lol. i am undecided on whether she wants him carnally but i suspect she wouldn’t complain if he suggested it
oh no! overly helpful train attendant gave the game away!
oooh, max is playing both sides. unsurprising lol
i’m here for claire’s Itty Bitty Skirt.
oh shit! she DOES know about jim! damn it claire, i believed in you! fortunately ethan is more suspicious than me lol
“having tasted the goods” fucking classy, jim
eyyyy! foiled by the camera glasses! can’t believe i have to be team kittridge. offensive.
well, there goes claire. and ethan still isn’t quite at full Action Man, so he gets the shit knocked out of him.
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okay i think ethan climbing the back of a bullet train with no assistive devices is his actual first Ethan Stunt. this is where this shit starts to get beyond “spy shenanigans” and into “i have no time to plan and no one else to rely on, so my improvisation is the WILDEST SHIT YOU’VE EVER IMAGINED”
fkha;ldkfha;lskhdl;kh he never did actually use that gun outside of pointing it at claire Once or perform any other acts of violence, so ethan’s first confirmed attempted murder is tying a helicopter to a train to fuck kreiger. of course.
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the gum again! ethan did jack give you a whole PACK of that. also i’d like to point out that, while the circumstances are certainly warranting it-- he hasn’t got his hands free, he’s holding on to a helicopter-- when jack first presents ethan with the explosive gum, ethan handles it like it is a Very Delicate Grenade, and now he’s pulling it out of the packaging with his teeth. we are definitely past ethan caring much about his personal safety.
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ethan legit came like. two inches from death.
wonder if luther’s gonna get reinstated for his part in this stunt
sounds like yes!
aaaand the chatbot stewardess is back and not taking no for an answer. guess ethan doesn't get to retire after all.
ALRIGHT. LIVEBLOG COMPLETE. Claustrophobic Hallway never appeared, although there was a generally claustrophobic feeling to the whole film due to the very tight shots sometimes. i was haunted by the vague sense that i should know more about this movie than i did, lol.
in summary: ethan hunt is such a good boy and he is having SUCH A BAD TIME. literally at the end of his harrowing revenge/name-clearing adventure he just gets on a plane to england-- maybe back to those london apartments he liked? seems like it would have bad memories now, which has some interesting implications for how ethan deals with his traumas, namely “go roll around in them for a while and see if they start to feel comfortable instead of horrifying”. he’s so disillusioned with the whole pack of them that the tells luther he can’t imagine why he’d be doing it if he went back, and promises to remember luther as “disreputable”.
something i noticed while going back to get some screengrabs to illustrate a few of these points-- in the team briefing, the whole team is never framed together around the table. in fact, i believe this is the only time we’ll even see them all in the same frame. in the opening shots, sarah is on the other side of the room, pulling the shade down. claire is sitting next to ethan, and ALWAYS finds a way to be very close to ethan outside of the actual operations, which leads me to wonder how much of the Chemistry™ was being manufactured even this early on (and, by extension, earlier than the film shows us.) also poor hannah gets almost no job on this op and almost no characterization in this movie. they could have cut her out entirely and nothing would have been lost.
also in retrospect there were more clues about claire’s culpability-- she tells ethan later (during the Aggressively Sexual Frisking) that she walked away when the abort was called, but we SAW HER sitting in the car, watching ethan speedwalk past her with a frown, after she said she had already complied with that order. ethan says this when he's holding her at gunpoint, and she never actually produces a compelling explanation, she just kind of hustles us all past that by getting teary-eyed! excellent manipulation! she already knew the plan at that point, and presumably if ethan had complied with the command to abort the mission, he would have been somewhere else that claire and jim had predicted he’d be for their frame job to work. possibly claire’s Wiles would have come into things at some point there, instead of the 4am Frisk that ended up happening.
also also not to be "ethan hunt is feminine-coded" on main, but ethan hunt has quite a few Cinematically Feminine traits, especially in this action spy genre. he is the subject of violence, not the performer of it. he runs AWAY from confrontations instead of engaging them. his most successful grifts are Conversations and Disguises, and he mostly uses those tools to de-escalate. claire tells him how many bullets he has for his TWO GUNS at one point, and he never fires a single one. he is blind-folded, taken to the villain's lair, charms the villain with his good looks and witty banter. his one moment of really Macho Aggression is in a panic after a PTSD nightmare, is ultimately defused, and never recurs. will be interested to see how this develops in further films.
10/10, if ethan hunt was a dog he would be a border collie.
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gsstories · 2 years
You know Boku No Hero Academia right? You might also know it as My Hero Academia. The MC is a former quirkless broccoli boi who gets his powers through eating a magic hair and all that fun stuff!
This AU, however, will be slightly different. A mix of other fandoms, I’ll say. 
Imagine a boy who has many powers, some that are so strong he has to wear limiters so he doesn’t destroy the entirety of Japan and said boy just wants to live a normal life. You know where I am going with this right? Yep, talking about Saiki K. Well, not him exactly, but a character who has his same powers.
This character is called Zane Rivers, son of the number 4 hero Flare Blitz and younger brother of the number 6 hero Mimic. He is an extremely OP guy and he could easily become the strongest hero alive! But he doesn’t. He only does UA’s entrance exam because that’s what every other kid does. He didn’t mean to end up first place! Well, at least he isn’t alone, his twin Josiah was accepted as well, although they are in different classes.
However, he is curious about the guy who tied with him in the exam...
A few months earlier, a strange individual with dark hair and red highlights is found. He knocks out the pro heroes that were sent to catch him. He hates humans, he hates everything! They took her from him! Maria...
Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form, is not happy. He is livid. All he wants to do is to take out the humans that took his family away. All these heroes come and try to get answers out of him, but he says nothing. He doesn’t say a thing, not even to that flaming bastard.
That is until she came along. Mimic, the heroine who takes the form of any person and animal. She came in as if she owned the place, with an aura of confidence. Yet, she did not act like those other heroes.
‘I know, very unprofessional of me to just start rambling and shit. But hey, at least I am not boring! Unlike Endetrash.’ she had said.
Mimic was 18 years old, she had become a pro at 16, being the youngest hero ever. Despite being a goofy and chaotic, she is very caring and wants to help everyone to her best of her abilities. Even Shadow, even after telling her it’s no use, she still tried. And thus he warmed up to her, not finding her as frustrating as the other heroes. Maybe it was because she reminded him of Maria? Was it because she brought him foods he never thought he would be obsessed with? Or was it she never judged him when tears fell and only listened when he was troubled, never critizicing him?
That’s how he came to UA. He found himself already disliking the place but it was necessary to keep his powers under control. So he had to blend in, that would be easy enough. No one but the heroes knew what he was. He didn’t intend to make friends. But the boy with the gem on his forehead was to kind to push away.
Zane and Flare Blitz belongs to my friend @ikari-shinsei​ ! Mimic belongs to me!
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siravalondulac · 2 days
paladin era dashboard simulator
(from this asoiaf fic)
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🦋 harren-of-the-hal Follow
so when the golden paladin steals from a lord she's "a hero" and "our saviour" but when i do it i am "a wanted criminal"
🛞 darryofdarryofdarry Follow
they did also pursue her for being a criminal. not to be mean but that is a pretty big part of the songs. that she is a wanted criminal
1,875 notes
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🐝 tridents-ruby Follow
🐉 vanceofatranta ☑️✅ Follow
this is "phony king of west'ros" erasure
89,697 notes
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🍇 sallymydance Follow
view from my window
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🍇 sallymydance Follow
lord toadface just burned it down. fml
4 notes
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🥬 saltpants Follow
the golden paladin is in my town and i don't know why everyone is so obsessed with her. she's just some guy
🔮 witchqueen130 Follow
ask her to sing you something
🔮 witchqueen130 Follow
op it's been one week are you ok
⛵️ seaguard-against-those-iron-bastards Follow
i think she killed him
🥬 saltpants Follow
i have... seen... things...
6,984 notes
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🎤 songs-endorsed-by-golden-paladin Follow
🐛 wigglestone Follow
oh shut up, when did she sing this northern trash
🎤 songs-endorsed-by-golden-paladin Follow
🎤 songs-endorsed-by-golden-paladin Follow
also robb stark knows your location
836 notes
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🦄 nimueandstarlight Follow
“average person burns 3 villages a year” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person burns 0 villages per year. Butcher Ben, who lives in cave & burns over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
374,645 notes
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🌖 g0ld3n-pallad1n Follow
i hope the paladin steps on me
🐓 whenttheycame Follow
see, and that is the problem with today's youth. there is absolutely no awareness towards real-world issues and politics anymore, so much so that a majority of you are obsessing over an actual terrorist. and if you're not careful, lord lannister and lord vypren will punish you for supporting her
🦀 crabcrabcrabcrabcrab Follow
"lord lannister" "lord vypren" just say you want to get fucked by them and move on
🌖 g0ld3n-pallad1n Follow
i know someone else i want to get fucked by
36,245 notes
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🍒 tumble-mycherrycross Follow
my liege's daughter is constantly playing these weird ass "paladin" songs. all day. at full volume. if this doesn't stop soon i might have to do a jaehaerys
🍒 tumble-mycherrycross Follow
while it is very sad she has been kidnapped, i am glad over the pause in music
🍒 tumble-mycherrycross Follow
oh no
6 notes
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🐎 horse-nation Follow
the paladin just visited stone hedge. i think i know who she would choose @ blackwoody
🐦‍⬛ blackwoody Follow
she just threatened to kill your cousin
🐎 horse-nation Follow
and then flirted with another, you're not winning this
254,024 notes
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❣️ rubysford Follow
my favourite genre of lord is the one absolutely obsessed with their lady wife. nothing can beat that
🔪 henrixdenrix Follow
benjiamin vypren and the golden paladin
❣️ rubysford Follow
what. what do you mean by that. what intel do you have that us lowborn are unaware of
92,457 notes
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dearthinkingoutloud · 11 months
"You were holding out to find the opposite." (pt. 1)
Pre-reading: Listen to "opposite" by Sabrina Carpenter
The first time that I heard Sabrina Carpenter's song "opposite", I was enjoying her DC stop on her Emails I Can't Send Tour. She had released her album by the same name a few months before her tour announcement and I BEGGED my parents to let me go. After being a fan of her for eight years, I would finally be able to see her in concert as my first concert without my parents! I studied the entire album for months (as if I wasn't already listening on repeat) leading up to it when suddenly, she released four extra songs including opposite. I listened to one of them before the show but wanted to experience the rest of them live, so I decided to save the other three for the concert on May 14.
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When she finally played "opposite," I was listening intently to the lyrics and immediately broke down. With all of the adrenaline and energy in the room combined with the lyrics, the tears came quite quickly. The first lyrics alone...
"Oh, so you do have a type? And it's not me" and a few seconds later...
"If you wanted brown eyes I could have got contacts"
Now... I don't have blue eyes like Miss Carpenter, but I inverted it to fit my experience. In my head, she might as well have said, "if you wanted blue/green eyes." Like the TikTok I posted earlier stated, "this song is so WOC-coded (women of colour)," and so as soon as I related it to my life, emotions spilled out of me. In this song, she talks about the pain of someone you like or love moving on to someone else who looks opposite of you. Boy... does that sound familiar... As a black female who grew up in many predominantly white areas, this was unfortunately a common occurrence for me. On many occasions, I would develop crushes on people who expressed no reciprocated interest; in fact, they often looked the opposite of me. White or light-skinned. Blonde. Blue or Green eyes. This disappointing cycle continued so long that I started to look internally and wonder... is it me? What is it about me that you don't like? Are my eyes not special? Am I too dark? Too big? The people who did express interest in me were adults (gross, I know) and/or only sexual in nature which I quickly declined. My self-esteem and self-confidence took a deep decline very quickly.
At the end of the song, Sabrina sings,
"And I know now Even if I tried to change That somehow You'd end up with her anyway"
... which, as you can imagine, made me sob even louder. By then, I had learned the song and was able to sing it with her, so my new concert buddy and I began doing a cross of scream-singing and scream-crying to close out the song.
As a child into my teen years, I would await the day when I needed my ends trimmed so that I could have my hair silk pressed. I wanted to lose weight and didn't want to be taller. I was obsessed with Snapchat filters. They made my eyes bigger, my nose smaller, my lips the right size. I didn't fully grasp it then, but I had wished to look like the girls who everyone wanted (in my predominantly white school). That internalized racism villainized my natural beautiful features and made them the reason why nobody liked me.
In Chapter 8 of Speak Okinawa, Elizabeth Miki Brina recounts her teen years and how her internalized racism manifested in her actions. Previously, she had called herself racist terms, but when she turned thirteen, she, all of a sudden, tried to go by her Japanese name "Miki" (she didn't succeed since everyone had been calling her Elizabeth her entire life thus far). This may seem like a step towards embracing her Japanese side, but her internalized self-hatred (which she doesn't quite know yet) came out in her constant desire to have blonde hair, change her eye shape, and wear blue contacts. She continuously expressed how ugly her Asian features are and therefore, found ways to look different than her natural self. Her mom only feels further rejected by seeing how openly Brina despised the only part of her that was completely related to her mother.
As Sabrina Carpenter said, I know now that it was not me who was at fault or necessarily them for not liking me. Now, I have found love for my natural hair, skin, lips, nose, hips, height, and so on. Of course, I still struggle to love myself like most other people, but there is a clear improvement to my past mindset.
*Look forward to Part 2 in my next post!*
♡ dearthinkingoutloud
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much 😐😐😐😐 I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting 💀 I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on.
Moving on........
I just hope that if the allegations against Gr**nw**d are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. 🙃
Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier 😭. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years 😭 Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraid... BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair 🔫🔫🔫🔫
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining 🥰 yes to fencer or racer Hwa
WHAT did you just say about the nose 🔫🔫🔫 my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls 🤗
Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight 🤗
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast 🙄
Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him 🤧
My rockstar gf! and Mingi toooooo
I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo 🥴🥴🥴🥴
👀👀👀 but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AU...... 😊
And can we talk about KQF2 name... it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV 💖
I was dreading to open your blog and read your reply, cause I knew the slander would be too much 😐😐😐😐 I'm simply closing my eyes. Blocking the haters (aka user baekhvuns). I actually stayed up late to watch the match and it was not worth it, thankfully Sanhwa went live and their Lego shenanigans were more exciting 💀 I kept yelling "wake up, Madrid, Ancelotti use your fucking brain and Gavi get off the pitch!". Benzema in his salty era, yikes, I know he's mad that his goal was offside and so am I, but come on. Moving on……..
anon… ur in for a ride,,, both ur teams LMFAOOO 😭😭😭😭 BARCA COOKED!!!! HUMILIATION? HUMILIATION !!!!! AND WITHOUT OUR MAJOR PLAYERS???? GETFOOO AGAINST THE SAME REAL MADRID??? HELP RHQKDHQKDHKW TAKE GAVI OUT???? TAKE VINI OUT BRO WAS WWE-ING ON THE GROUND AND DIDN’T GET A RED AND DISRESPECTING THE REF???? 🔫🔫🔫 and now the second leg with pedri, dembele, lewa ???? cOOKING !!!! forever rm’s owners <;3 no wonder they got bodied
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and man united ??? 7-0??? LMFAOOOO?????? WHAT THE FUCK???  THIS IS TERRIBLE FHWNHDK
I just hope that if the allegations against Grnwd are true, the girl won't go through the same shit again. 🙃 /// Yeah the Atiny I met has been following Atz around since last year, that's why I blocked her and stopped interacting with her recently. She's not dangerous, but how manu times do you have to see them? That Judy girl is so fucked, she thinks she's doing something??? And is besties with NCT???
tbh i hope someone finds a loophole in the case and gets him to be held accountable, his careers def gone & he’s def not playing for the england national team 🤚🏻 they’re already shit wouldn’t want them to become even more,,,
anon ur friends are 👁questionable👁 NOOO SRS THE NCT JUDY GIRLIE WHAT IN THE WORLD ???? hoping sm sues her bc what tf?? their bodyguards need to bodyslam her some sense
????? he’s nicer than me fr
Fucking LSM destroying his own company, ffs I've always said he'd be the downfall of SM. Chris Lee what a dumb greedy bitch, no wonder these two are related. But speaking of dumb people. The delusion and saviour complex is huuuuuge. And did you see that "SM with Hybe" Twitter account???
THEYRE SO 😭😭😭 WHAT EVEN IS THIS “kpop is slowing down” it never was that famous to begin with!!! its really mostly on twt which for some = worldwide,,, but i have to say even those not remotely into kpop know solder sm groups,, i wonder why kpop slowed down,,, maybe bc everything is about achievements now 🔫🔫 the saviour complex of this company and man needs to be studied,, the music quality deteriorated and now mr hybe will come to save it with it’s auto tune <3 one thing i liked about sm was the insane music quality they had,,, doing this shitshow online is so tragic to see,,, I DID AND WHAT THE ABSOLUTE SHIT IS THAT 😭😭😭😭 the artists coming on their bubble to say “i don’t know what’s happening but im with u” bro 😭😭😭
Avocados don't like snow so I'm not shocked your uni closed ajshaisshhajahwkkaa. Pls stay inside it's safer and cosier 😭. Omfg knife crime typical London behaviour, sigh. Paris is bad too lol, not the safest place, Berlin is better, but the city is also on my shitlist, too privileged. Kai you don't need to go there
WILL DO 🫡 no bc wth is this knife problem in uk 😭😭😭 there’s so many true crime cases on it like??? kINVES BELONG IN THE KITCHEN KEEP THEM THERE! i feel like france and ny is the same thing,, the pickpocketing 😭🤚🏻 speaking of berlin,,, is this an accurate representation FBKWHDKW
"Your guys's hierarchy" hey, don't group me with them Brits, I'm just an outsider who has been studying the UK behaviour for years 😭 Brummie accent was once voted the least appealing, but foreigners are obsessed with it cause of PB, so hilarious. I like beans on toast, I'm afraid… BUT IT DOESN'T MAKE ME BRITISH OKAY.
YEAH SO TECHNICALLY UR A BRIT 🔫 u become what u eat and live in 🤚🏻 no bc the brummie accent, and the nottingham accent how DO U EVEN UNDERSTAND THEM one of my cousins is from nottingham and she spoke to me and i ???? went pass my head,, so fast i just stared at her nodded <3 STOPPPPP THATS SO NASTY MY FATHER HAS AN OBSESSION WITH THE BEANS ON TOAST WHY DO U ALL EAT LIKE ITS STILL WW1 COME ON 😭😭😭 UR BRITISH RBWMDHWK PEAK BRITISH
sorry what is this  
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I remember when Hwa apologised he couldn't dye his hair black yet, because of Imitation?!?!? Some people had the audacity to comment on the grey hair 🔫🔫🔫🔫
some people should have their rights taken away
Cornish accent is sometimes called "the most American of UK's accents" but they're not like deep South, Cornwall is nice and fun! I guess the difference between most Southern English accents and Cornish is that they roll their "Rs". I have some friends from there, one got into performing school as a child and they asked her mother if she could "get rid of the village accent" huh?! She wasn't even from a village
AHHHHHHH hopefully they’re not just exactly like how americans are personality wise,, NOT THE VILLAGE ACCENT NOOOO 😭😭😭😭yOU GUYS ARE BRUTAL CALLING THEM OUT ON EVERYTHING 😭😭
Breaking Wommys hearts kusuahsjsjauaah but I'm not complaining 🥰 yes to fencer or racer Hwa /// WHAT did you just say about the nose 🔫🔫🔫 my feelings are soft, I just wanna perform some cannibalism ok. let me bite Seonghwa's nose in peace!
wommy’s need to be shown their place 🤚🏻 not but there’s seriously like no woo fics in atiny writing community now 😭😭 fencer hwa and a racer hwa,, but what about a hockey player hwa <33 I SAID NOTHING ???? WHAT DID U READ 📸💥📸💥 📸 i saw this video the other day that explained ur liking for vampires i WILL find it by the next time i answer this HOPEFULLY why bite when u can take a seat
Finally some Atz x fashion interaction! Seonghwa next pls 🤗 /// Liking anything when you're over 25 is illegal Baek, so have fun while it lasts. Later it's just taxes, mortgage, 2 shifts etc. no happy days in sight 🤗
FINALLY!!!!!! BALMAIN AMBASSADOR SOON 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻 seonghwa and of mingi for versace ?? would pass out,, LMFAOOOO will use my 20’s as a excuse to travel and live my yn moment <3 anon how’d ur mortgage going, how’s the job? HOWS KR BEEN
Everyone's screaming shaking and crying trying to find Seonghwa's winter MD, but ever since I saw the blurred previews I knew I had to have him, so I'm safe! I'M GONNA EAT HIM I REALLY WILL!!!! THE HEART BLUSH?!?!?!? I'M UNWELL
U ORDERED IT RIGHT???? GOD BLESS U IM ON MY WAY HIDE UR DOOR UR KIDS UR CATS UR PC’S IM ON MY WAY he looks like he’s about to join a furry con / star in a red velvet mv
This is bad for me, a cat boys enthusiast 🙄//// Pls look away OP, you don't need to perceive him. In constant battle with myself, because I wanna gatekeep Seonghwa, but also want everyone to know and praise him 🤧
My rockstar gf!  and Mingi toooooo /// I'm on the floor actually. The 2nd photo 🥴🥴🥴🥴 //// 👀👀👀 but girlie was stressed msjsjdjsjabsnswjsh
no bc how dare they do this photoshoot for japanese albums and not for korean ones! WHY ARE THEY SO EXPENSIVE AND THIS???? 😩😩 seonghwa for calvin klein when
Hwa is watching The Alchemy of Souls, I won. Also TAoS Hwa AU……😊 //// And can we talk about KQF2 name… it's pronounced"SAIKERS"?! Say XIKE lmaoooo - DV 💖
anon we’re finally getting the return of shoujo with stunning animation 😭😭
hot take, but they’re kinda right
0 notes
Just curious, how many shower thought (response) blogs are there? I just dived into this side of tumblr (not gonna make any posts its fun to read though) and I'm already losing my mind
Well there is
The. Literal. Sun.
S p a c e
The void. It shall consume ALL.
A typewriter incase anyone wants to write their will before they die
Also some ink, not related to the typewriter
Also some words, I wonder who'll use them
A hat with no maker and a maker with no hat
The pen is mightier than the sword. It just so happens that this one is evil. Luckily I can summon multiple
Anyone order some coffee?
Ooo, an author
The literal embodiment if of fanart
A fork, nom noms
B҉ r҉ o҉ k҉ e҉ n҉ 
Soap(for hair)
Bath mat
One (1) bath boi
Some M͓̽o͓̽l͓̽d͓̽ (anybody got some strong disinfectant?)
Nvm, the mold has already caused a plague (gettit?) (although user misspelled it)
Nevermind, there's already a parasite here
Some curtains
A denim jacket
✨ Magic ✨
*Tree poses to assert dominance*
(obviously me)
I think popeye dropped a tin of spinch and it became sentient?
Hummus. dip tost?
Criss Cross applesauce
Wibbly wobbly Wibbly wobbly jellyo
Mmmm océan s o u p
Some poison, a great addition for my soup
Smol bean
Shower magpie who I haven't seen in a while
Bird (brain)
Frog(×2:Electric Boogaloo)
An axolotl!
*looks at smudged writing on hand. Squints. * a raccoon
Stinky bastard man (I just had to put the two next to each other)
Becometh crab 🦀 (x2: Electric Boogaloo)
Edgy Nya~
Tripod of dog
Nina i found one of your neurons (if you understand this reference, good job you)
A rotted brain, keep it away before it infects us all, I only have 2 braincells left
Did... Did someone drop their spinal cord?
The almighty binch
The titanic
Water based introspection
Existential crisis
Also a pacifier (get it because they're also called dummies and their name is dummy)
A foolish thought to say a sorry sight join the shower community (as you can tell we did Shakespeare in English so many times i pretty much can recite everything lady macbeth said)
Anxious 🥺👉👈
Some edgy bastard
A person of culture I see (although obsessed with tweed for some reason)
1 Dapper boi
All smiles and sunshine
HAPPY! (why isn't there yellow 😔)
Affection (Derogatory) (I'm sorry I just felt like it)
Chaos and Order
Op is on drugs
All the F s
And F-general
Get out of the shower
Shower responses
The horny and the simp
Shower sins
Thower shoughts
I take quick showers
Shower thots
Last responder *countdown music*
You have shower thoughts?
Your shower thoughts are stupid
Wtf shower thoughts
Another shower responder
Just shower responses... responses
Response shower
NO SHOWER! only thought (×3)
Mmm, showery
Penny for your thoughts?
Hello darkness my old friend...
furry OwO
A Pigeon got in through the door, who left it open?
I'm feeling devious
You're looking glamorous, let's get mischievous, and polyamorous
Gay is stored in the ass
*opens door and walks through with you exaggeratedly* Fellas we got the whole LGBTQIA+ community right here
Hahaha gender go brrr
Someone who thinks it funny to clown around
Joker (derogatory)
Haha straight
Dead inside
Some supervillain idk
News. Literally a shower news style responses
I cannot believe that I forgot Her Greatest Majesty, the Queen. All Hail Royal
Isaac newton?
M megamind?
Some Phoenix Wright kinnie
What is a Dean Winchester and why does he have a tentacle fetish?
Well well well, if it ain't a homestuckian
Did someone kill/rob The Doctor or something, their TARDIS was left behind and its blocking my pretzels that I left in the shower
Mined crafts uwu
Well well well, if it ain't- *accidentally makes eye contact and is then killed by some unknown shadowy creature holding what seems to be some sort of cube of dirt*
Gen Z and ready to throw hands with OP
Not puki
Nom noms
Dip dap
B͓̽u͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ..........
Someone broke their space bar or something
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dshower
The magical deity of sleepovers
The muffin man genuinely left drury Lane for this
Moonlit nights on a winters day, stars glimmering gently
A child?
The fae. Just all of them. Every single one.
Crocus? (What on earth does that mean)
*sings* baba blacksheep have you any wool? Because if not you will be killed (this fits the tune perfectly. If not I have failed in everything)
The theatre itself is here... Somehow
REEEE- *epic geometry dash gameplay to DanTDM's old intro music*
Yardale, not to be mistaken for riverdale and differs to lawn ale or front porch ale or even meter ale
I'll finish this list later
It's gonna be a long one folks
I'm including a ones that haven't spoken since ages ago because
Boy howdy there's new ones tell me who I'm missing now
Please stop thank you very much this is too many i keep having to add to this any new responder must kill a responder to continue the purge shall claim y'all as I will win i recently started watching Danganronpa
Seriously though everyone after mirror must have a battle royale it's too much i doubt all of you will even last longer than today also happy birthday me -dated:28th- do you even realise what sort of commitment you've made to sell pieces of your soul for entertainment and ability to make such epic retorts each and every post?! I sacrifice many souls DAILY to be throwing such bangers into this stuff y'know?
We have a tap guys we can finally wash our hands of all the blood of our enemies
Seriously though who left the door open I don't want a Pigeon pecking at me (the mishapocalypse got them lol)
So many responders so little time before the end of the world
If I'm missing someone please tell me very thank
There are not enough colours for me to assign a different one to each person 😔 also, wtf is on there twice on purpose
WorldHealthOrganisation IS MISSING (note: you may have a joke in place of name or under a category of names)
So there's lore without me?
ALL HAIL THE LIGHT *moth noises*
Okay now there's alternate timeline versions of responders for the benefit of myself they ain't going on the list bud
There is an incorrect role play blog quotes blog and I am crying. Not of laughter. Just wiuwhdhsjhshjxjabjsjdhdjsj
If any new people join I will go back to causing shower wars for the sake of killing you all I'm done I have snapped my laptop is updating 3 times in a row
I will commit crimes.
Does being a shower responder or role-playing seem encouraging to people to join this "community"? Because I'm pretty sure it's the latter
659 notes · View notes
lucky-katebishop · 3 years
I spent a month reading harry potter fanfics and here’s what I learned
So for the past three and a half weeks, I’ve been doing basically nothing but reading Harry Potter fanfics and now I kind of just want to talk about them. No one cares but future me will! I tend to get caught in obsessions fairly easily (for instance, two months ago was comic books and last month was video editing and then k dramas). I’m feeling like my Harry Potter obsession is fading which makes me really sad cause it was a fun ride. I went from Drarry to Hinny, time travel to alternate realities, obscuris Harry to Dark!Harry, MCU AUs to Doctor Who AUs. I must’ve read more than 50 fics.
I’ve learned that I hate Dumbledore
Snape makes for a great mentor but I will only like him with proper character development
also where did Snape being Draco’s godfather come from? I don’t think this was in the books? I’m not angry, just confused
I read a fic that was so sad that I was physically unable to finish reading it -- actually I read two of those, one of them was a DID fic and the other Voldemort adopted Harry
the Voldemort one is quite possibly the most tragic thing I have ever read and even though it’s been two weeks I still haven’t been able to recover -- I was only halfway finished too GOOD LORD
another fic I read that was so fucking depressing was a time loop situation where Harry literally couldn’t get out of and it ended tragically
obscuris Harry is interesting but I really only like the ones where Newt is actually involved but I couldn’t find any finished ones
I don’t like it when Harry’s appearance changes, it throws me for a loop
there was this one where Harry got sent back in time and his figure got disfigured and so he didn’t even appear like himself anymore
I just find it odd for Harry Potter not to look like Harry Potter, idk
I also have a headcanon that his hair is very curly rather than shaggy
I haven’t been able to find a fic where Harry goes back in time to the Marauders era and has the right amount of angst but the right amount of fluff
I’ve read some good ones where the Marauders travel to Harry’s time but like,,, it isn’t quite what I’m looking for? I’m gonna have to write it, aren’t I? 
this doesn’t happen with irondad fics, literally everything you’ve ever wanted you can find it there
I read one where Harry did go back in time but she (fem!Harry) didn’t really interact with her parents or the Marauders that much, she became friends with Regulus instead
Regulus should’ve been in Gryffindor
I’ve not only read fics where Draco has been a Ravenclaw, Slytherin, but also a Gryffindor. I haven’t found one where he’s in Hufflepuff
I’ve read fics where Harry’s in every single house - the Ravenclaw one might be my favorite so far, it had to do with him going to a different timeline where there’s another Harry and he’s a major dick
Hufflepuff Harry one was funny, but it got distressing cause Dumbledore didn’t trust him and tried to get him expelled
actually the Hufflepuff one made my heart hurt cause Harry was put in the body of a Harry who isn’t the boy who lived and barely spoke and was basically like an even more traumatized Neville
Slytherin Harry is everything to me and he should’ve been in Slytherin
Ravenclaw Draco is something that can be so personal
I’m tired of reading Year One fics, I get it, there’s a stone, let’s move on
Year Four fics are my favorite however, there was one (which is my favorite) where Harry’s a necromancer and in the graveyard scene he calls corpses from the graves alive to help him get out of there it was so cool
I am partial to Harry/Draco but Harry/Luna is cute
there was a Pokemon Harry/Luna one that’s adorable and I’ve read it twice already
I like when there’s a ton of lore involved
especially Hogwarts lessons - like ancient runes can fucking get it, I love runes fics
there was an MCU AU one where I read Harry didn’t have his magic anymore, not as potent as it was, but he did have ancient runes
LISTEN I tried to get into Dark!Harry but after that Voldemort adoption one I can’t do it anymore, I will start crying literally right now -- he just wants to be fucking useful! He just wants to be loved! Is that too much to fucking ask for? 
however Harry doing dark!magic but isn’t actually on the dark side is cool
Death Eater Spy Draco! It makes me distressed but also I am so here for it!
Jenkins if you’re out there I love you (if you get this reference I love you)
I read a ton of Avengers adopt Harry when he’s younger but I don’t care for younger Harry fics, I prefer when he’s a teenager and I don’t have to read the first few years at Hogwarts, it can get repetitive
Give me all the angst with Harry being a horcrux please, I’m living for the drama
Lily is not a fan favorite weirdly enough, when the Marauders are in fics she’s usually not there which is unfortunate because I just really want a good Harry/Lily bonding moment
one of the saddest fics I read was where harry, luna, hermione and neville find themselves in an alternate dimension where Lily and Remus are married and alive, James is a dick but has other kids, and every single person that had died in their world is alive
I don’t like it when there’s Ron bashing, he’s one of my favorites, but if I have to, I’ll read some of them
there was this Sherlock fic (listen, I went in fucking deep, it’s been a weird month) where fem!Harry is on the run from the Ministry because I don’t actually understand and Ron and everyone is out for blood for her
Eleventh Doctor/Harry is a pairing I was not aware of but I actually kind of love?
Master of Death Harry is fucking OP and I love him for that
mcu aus is something I never knew I needed
Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis is fucking everything
So is On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads, I realized it was the same author when I read in the author notes that the author was going to some volcano convention thing and I was like this is way too niche for it to be a coincidence
I’ve read Tony is Harry’s dad, Loki is Harry’s dad, Harry is just weird friends with Thor, ones where Natasha is Harry’s aunt
listen everyone is related to this boy
I will not read a fic if it doesn’t involve Harry, he’s my boy, he’s my love, I care only about him and him only I’m so sorry
you know that meme where people say nobody’s favorite character is harry potter, the titular character? Well meet me! He’s my favorite!
in battle of hogwarts fics, Remus almost always dies. Why is that? Why do you guys hate him so much? It’s always half and half for Fred, I never know if he’s going to live or not
In all of the good fics I’ve read I saw in the collections area of ao3 the same collection and I was like! You get me! 
if it says Gammily’s Bookshelf on the fic, it’s gonna be a really fucking great fic let me just tell you that right now
Parseltongue gets me so riled up, I fucking love Parseltongue, it’s so cool
there’s a reason I usually filter out non/c*n but I decided to let it flow and I ran into a few that fucking d e s t r o y e d me why do you guys read shit like this, it broke my heart
that being said I read one that was really nuanced and actually really good but it’ll never be finished and I’m very mad about that
Either we have a better understanding of how goblins could be utilized  than JKR or we’re just ignorant of how powerful they can be
weird coincidence that I’ve read two completely different fics where Harry thought having a threesome meant kissing three different people
Dumbledore’s a bitch and I hate him, every fic I’ve read so far agrees with me
there is a person out there that is CARRYING the bucky barnes/harry potter pairing on their back and I hope whoever that is knows how much I appreciate them
remind me never to click on a fic that hasn’t been updated since 2015 ever again, C’est La Vie I will miss you so
this is just a fucking quarter of the harry potter fics I’ve read but thanks for reading if you did, let me know if you want to know some of the titles
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holycow99 · 3 years
石田お寿司 12/9/21 stream translation Part 1
This is not the full translation of the stream. I only translated the parts I could understand & interpret or parts I found interesting/important. I’m still a beginner in Japanese, so the translations may not be accurate. If you want to repost, please repost at your own risk.
I: Hello. Can you hear me? Good night. (t/n: He’s replying to a comment.) You can hear me? Hello. Welcome.
I: My tone sounds great today, ***-kun? (t/n: OP commented that his tone sounds great.) Of course I’ll be excited in the beginning of the stream. But only in the beginning.
C: Your voice somehow sounds young.
I: It’s because I just slept.
*Typing on twitter
I: I finally did it. This is a simultaneous worldwide stream. Do you understand it? Ah, I’m so tired. I’m tired of sleeping.
I: I’ll be drinking my coffee. Itadakimasu.
I: It was a long vacation, wasn’t it? When was the last time you guys heard from me? On September…Well, it doesn’t matter.
I: I don’t have anything particular to do for this stream. I just felt like it.
C: I’ve been listening to your streams repeatedly during holiday.
I: Thank you.
C: We last heard from you at the end of August.
I: I see. Thanks.
C: Thank you for your hard work on the manuscript!
I: I did the rough sketches first. I was brainstorming.
*Someone commented on Animal Rap.
I: Animal rap? I actually wanna try this. Actually, I’ve done recording for one video, but won’t it be scary if suddenly in the middle of the stream, animal rap video is uploaded. Without saying anything, suddenly there’s a new animal rap video being uploaded. Won’t it be scary stream?
(t/n: I’m not sure if the translations for this part is correct. He said something more but I haven’t reached this level of Japanese understanding skill. Forgive me.)
C: Animal rap itself is scary, so it’s okay.
I: What a hilarious thing to say. Are you actually afraid of animal then?
C: Have you got vaccinated?
I: Nope, since I’ve been locked up in my house. I want to though. I want to get injected a lot. Around 10 times.
C: Sensei, did you read Berserk chapter 364?
I: Is it the final chapter?
Y****: Let’s inject the head.
I: Nice one, Y****. Well, since Y**** is an introvert at school, he must be a non-popular kid. Because he doesn’t have any friends, he can’t wait to meet me. Is it like that? Hahahaha.
I: I’m not even aware of the things happening around me. I don’t even know when the exhibition in Osaka will open. I want you guys to tell me about me.
C: I’m aiming to be a mangaka, but having someone that can be a mentor for me to learn from is better, as expected?
I: I don’t think so. It depends. In some degree, it’s better to do it by yourself. If you really wanna write a manga and you wanna create an environment that allows you to do so, if there’s a chance to be an assistant, I think it’s better for you to grab it. Because you’re still not familiar with how these things work. I think it’s better to be an assistant first. You don’t have to be one for a long time though.
C: I want to diet. Where should I start?
I: Record your weight. Measure your weight and record it in calendar. Doing that makes you feel conscious about your weight. You’ll probably can lose weight that way.
C: Are you still eating oatmeal?
I: I’ve been eating Onigiri only. 
C: I wanna change job, but I’m anxious to because of the economic situation. Please encourage me!
I: It’s better for you to change job, since you said you wanted to. I think everyone is anxious. There’s no one who isn’t.
C: I’m happy that the JJ illustration that you posted on twitter will be made into goods!
I: Yeah, without my permission. Hahaha. When the illustration was made into goods without my permission, I was like “Eh? This is…”. I’ll stop talking about this. Hahaha. I won’t talk about this.
*Someone commented about Kingdom exhibition.
I: I wanna go to the Kingdom exhibition.
I: What I said just now (about JJ illustration) was a lie. Please forget about it. Are there companies like that? Of course not. I was just joking. If that’s the case, then anybody can freely turn my illustrations into goods. Though there’s a person who sent me the PugMax t-shirt.
C: I wanted to be a mangaka when I was small. As I got older, I only immersed myself in the real world. I’ll be a civil servant starting from next year. I don’t have the courage to challenge myself, so I want to give my unconditional support to those who are.
I: I don’t know how old you are, but you can still draw even if you become a civil servant. Just draw one if you really want to.
C: You have to collect royalty.
I: I do get royalty. I get 5 yen in total.
C: How old will you be this year?
I: 250,000 years old.
C: How are you?
I: Like usual. But I made progress on the manuscript, so I’m relieved. I kinda forgot how to draw it.
C: I thought you were in your 30s.
I: Nope, I’m far older.
C: You haven’t started game streaming?
I: I’m haven’t decided yet for today.
*People were discussing about his age.
I: Doesn’t matter how old I am.
C: Do you prefer women with long hair or short hair?
I: Short hair.
*People commented about Heavy Rain.
I: Oh, you want to see me playing Heavy Rain? I’m okay with that. I’m okay with playing games or anything. I’ll be a yes-man for today. Everyone’s yes-man & toy, Ishida Osushi.
*Someone commented about Animal Rap again.
I: I wanted to say something about this. I’ve done the animal rap video. I only upload videos I’ve received from the animal themselves, not me. But I was afraid to upload it, so I refrained from doing so. I wanna try uploading the video while streaming. That’s what I wanted to say. Well, it doesn’t really matter. I just upload it after I finish streaming. I don’t understand the need to upload the video and streaming at the same time.
(t/n: He said something more, but again, info on Animal rap is hard for me to decipher. I’m really sorry.)
C: What did you watch recently?
I: Movies.
C: There were people who got scared by the fact that Ishida Sui raps.
I: No, you’re wrong. Ishida Sui doesn’t rap. Ishida Sui doesn’t do streaming as well.
C: Do mangakas have the chance to meet women?
I: It depends on the person. The ones who’re locked up in the house won’t. But…That’s right. You might if the workplace has mixed genders. You also have the chance to meet people during party or some sort. I’ll always be at the corner every time I go to parties. It’d be nice if the party was fun and the staffs could enjoy themselves. I also said that I went to parties to take a break, but I hated it.
C: You’re not going to parties?
I: Nope, I won’t. The company doesn’t hold them as well because of the current situation.  Even if I did, I wouldn’t know what to do. I don’t really eat the food, and introducing myself to people is tiresome.
I: S****** is here.
S******: Ishida Osushi can become a pro mangaka.
I: I’m aiming for it.
C: Fukuoka suits you, sensei.
I: Somehow, I feel grateful. It’s like you’re telling me that it’s okay for me to live in Kyushu.
(t/n: Kyushu is an island where Fukuoka is located.)
C: Sir Osushi, what do you think of Sir Sui?
I: I have a murderous intent towards him.
C: Does the thumbnail hold any meaning?
I: It does. Look forward to it.
C: Being a streamer suits you (Osushi) better than being a mangaka.
I: Hahaha.
C: The drawings of Neji (JJ character) by Ms. Towada were wonderful!
I: That’s right. Neji drawn by Ms. Towada. I want you guys to tell me something like this. I want you guys to tell me about my current situation. Things like, “would you retweet this?”, “This is JJ’s…”, “The CD’s also…”. Let me change my twitter account. First is Ms. Towada, right? Let’s retweet Ms. Towada’s tweets. I thought of drawing something like this. She drew quite a lot. She drew him more than me. I feel bad having her to draw it. I feel grateful rather than feeling bad. She drew a lot of them. Yonaga’s illustration looks nice. I see… There’s like an incomplete rough drawing. I thought of copying and drawing that illustration. I’ll just retweet this. Tell me what should I retweet next.
C: Is Ms.Towada doing well as well?
I: I talked to her a few days ago.
I: Do read Fool Night.
C: Do you like Aespa? (t/n: Aespa is a kpop girl group. Ishida had drawn one of the members.)
I: The girl caught my attention. I thought she was beautiful.
*Someone commented about his illustration of Ano-chan. (t/n: Ano-chan is a Japanese singer. Ishida had come to her radio programme once, and he did the album cover for her latest album.)
I: Ano-chan! What happened to that? Have you seen the album cover? It’s already out?
*Someone commented about Fool Night.
I: The world in Fool Night is super amazing. It was quite a while ago, the person in charge of the Superior magazine watched one of my streams and asked me if I could write some comments. I was like “Don’t tell me that!” (referring to watching his stream). I hate being seen. But then, I was like “whatever.” I usually turned it down, but I just wrote for this one.
*Someone commented about Wooma (t/n: an illustrator.)
I: Who’s Wooma? Let me check it.
C: Sensei, I’m a good child. So, is it okay for me to sleep?
I: Yes, of course.
C: Sensei, do you smoke?
I: No.
I: Ah, Wooma is the illustrator for the song ‘Usseewa’. Sorry for the lack of knowledge.
C: Do you watch Christopher Nolan’s works?
I: I’m not that familiar with movies, but I may or may not watch it. I’ve been getting into movies lately. I searched for the movies Takahashi Kunimitsu told me about. You tend to watch anything when you’re obsessed with movies, right? I was also obsessed with history for a while after I learned how fun it was from Takahashi Kunimitsu. I’ve been reading 2-3 books on history a day lately.
C: Until what time are you gonna stream?
I: Today is infinite as well. We have another 12 minutes left. Haha. I’ll keep on streaming today. I won’t end the stream today. It may end tomorrow. (t/n: He definitely kept his words.)
C: Sensei, do you like itzy? (t/n: Itzy is another kpop girl group, and Ishida had also drawn one of the members.)
I: Yes.
I: Tomorrow is a holiday? There are people who are not working tomorrow.
C: What are you drinking?
I: Coffee.
C: You only need another 800 people to reach 30,000 subscribers.
I: Yeah. It’s gonna reach 30,000. I have to make an appreciation stream or video for 30,000 subscribers. A lot of youtubers are doing this, so I have to do it too. I wanna do it. Feels like a youtuber. Isn’t it fun? I wonder what should I do for it? What would be fun? Let’s go with this concern first. I get lost if I don’t go one-by-one. It’s one of my bad habits.
*They’re planning on what Ishida should do when he reaches 30,000 subscribers.
C: Show your nails.
I: I don’t do manicure.
C: Heavy Rain.
I: Wanna play Heavy Rain as well.
C: Please let us hear your sneeze.
I: There is such person sometimes. Creepy.
C: Why don’t you play Ghosts n Goblins for now?
I: After the stream, I felt like playing the game. They had something like magical clock, though I forgot the name. The one that double the speed of the game. I really wanted to play that, honestly. Though, it wasn’t suitable for streaming. I thought of playing it in my own time. I really like that kind of games.
C: Will you sing when you reach 30,000?
I: During the previous silent stream, Queen Bee’s song was playing. Those who watched may know. I thought of appearing for a moment and sing and then end the stream. I wouldn’t do it, but I just thought about it. At that time, I wanted to try having just an illustration stream.
C: I’m waiting for an autograph session after the Corona ends.
I: The pandemic probably won’t end for at least 2-3 years.
*Someone wanted him to sing Gaston’s song.
I: Gaston. Singing, huh? Hahaha, why am I having second thoughts? I thought I’m okay with anything.
C: how about a karaoke battle?
I: Karaoke battle, huh?
C: Do you have any piercings?
I: I’m not wearing one right now, but I do have it. (t/n: I didn’t expect him to have a piercing. He’s really different than what I imagined a mangaka to be. XD)
C: I’m hoping for JJ’s song covers!
I: JJ? JJ’s songs are difficult. It was super hard during the time I did the covers. Seriously, when I heard it back…The cover for the opening theme was scary. I thought my singing ability had increased since I recorded this one the last. A few months ago, I listened to it after a long time, it was…what should I call it? A sutra, no, a curse. Me and JJ’s opening theme. I forgot the title of the song. Jack and something. There were parts in the songs where the female and male characters had to harmonise. To convey that part, I had to cover the song multiple times. I multiplied into 7 people, since I had to record as Kisa as well. When I was recording Kisa’s part, the other version of me at the back, probably Kai, was harmonising with me. I was told to deepen my voice by Mr.Kasama. So embarrassing. The voice was really low. I was drawn by Mr. Kasama’s voice. His voice was really good when he said ‘Broccoli’ for the cm.
*Ishida imitating Mr. Kasama.
I: It’s cooler than this.
*Imitating him once again.
I: I was like “So cool!”
C: Invite the animals that appeared in Animal rap as guests.
I: That’s a good idea. But what would the guests be doing? It’s absolutely hard to do that. It’s hard to invite the animals because of corona.
C: The title is “Jack & Jeanne of Quartz”.
I: Right. Thank you.
C: Won’t you invite Hanae?
I: I won’t. That’s impossible. (t/n: I want to see him playing horror games with Hanae Natsuki.)
Part 2
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Let's play a game. Prt 4.
A/N: Sorry it took so long, I had uni but how are you all liking the story and the characters?
Tag list; @neocil @cjand10 @queen-bunnyears @rebelflower19
If you want to join the tag list let me know.
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"Let me in, Edwards." Hastings continued to bang on the door.
"No," I called back at him. "I don't want to spend another night in your bed. Never. Ever." Back braced against the wood.
"Don't lie. You'll make the baby Jesus cry."
"Shut up, Hastings." I turned, fingers digging into the wood grain as I stood on my tippy-toes watching him. There he was out in the hallway, one arm resting on the other side of the door, his teeth showing as he laughed all too easily at his own dumb joke. "I'm not opening the door, so you may as well leave." He rolled his eyes, looking at the peephole. "I'm serious." He stood there for a minute, contemplating the options I'd given him.
"Fine." He pushed away from the door. "Have it your way." and then he was gone, disappearing down the hallway.
"Alone again, finally." I pushed myself away and walked back into my kitchen, where my frozen meal sat on the cutting board. I'd been reading the directions before Hastings had so rudely interrupted me. "Heat on high for ten minutes… ten minutes." I picked the box up and looked at it. "You're supposed to be easy and quick!" I cried at it as if it had the ability to apologise for the disgusting amount of time I was going to have to wait for it to heat up.
"I am sorry about this." I heard Hastings voice from the hallway. "Forgot my key again." Jude Hastings says what now?
"It's not a problem, Jude. I'm just happy you and Darcy finally got over your issues." The voice of my too sweet, too kind, too naive landlady Patricia Gregson cooed at Hastings. "And what you have planned for the night, It's the least I can do after the effort you've gone through." Was the last she said before the door swung open.
"Honey, I'm home." My own personal demon smirked, stepping into my house. My domain. He was not allowed in my house. "What are you doing there? I told you I was taking you to my apartment for a special dinner." He walked in like he owned the place.
"Hi Darcy, sweetheart." Patricia waved from the hallway. "I was just telling Jude here how happy I am for the two of you." She smiled happily. "If my Colin was around to see you two now." She shook her head, her eyes glazing over to another time. She pulled herself back, shaking her head, looking at both Jude and I. "He'd be so happy to see this. We always knew you'd wind up together."
Oh, Patricia. If only you knew.
"Yeah." I nodded my head, unable to break her heart. "It's a shock to us all." I walked over to where he stood and slung an arm around his waist. "Thanks for letting him in." I smiled through gritted teeth. "I must have been in the bathroom when he was knocking."
"You've been peeing a lot lately." Hastings looked down at me. "When was your last period? You don't think-"
"I better be off, lots to do." Patricia reached in and grabbed the door handle, quickly pulling it shut behind her. When I'm sure she was gone, I pushed Hastings away from me, shoving him hard.
"Are you out of your mind?"
"What?" I mimicked his stupid voice. "You just insinuated to my landlady that I am with child, you absolute dickhead."
"Sorry." He snorted.
"Yeah, sorry." He turned away and started to look through my house. "You packed your bag yet?"
"You know I haven't." I sighed.
"Well, go pack one." He put his hands on his hips, his shirt lifting as he moved to reveal the slither of flesh that I have a distinct memory of running my tongue across last night.
"Look, Hastings… Tonight really isn't a good night." I ran a hand through my hair. "I have to be at work early tomorrow, and it's just… I don't know how ready I'll be to teach a group of kids if I don't wake up in my own bed, and I'm still tense from a sleepless night lying beside you." I admitted. "I know what the whole game is, but I don't know if I can play tonight-"
"Darcy." He stopped me mid-speech. "Don't worry about the game. Your job's more important." He pointed through to where my bedroom was visible. "Besides, your bed looks comfortable, so I don't mind. I'll sleep here." He shrugged, walking into the small kitchen. "We'll order some food because that looks like unappealing crap… watch a movie, and then I'll woo you to death." I watched him. For the first time in a long time, I watched Jude Hastings rifle through the assortment of take away menu's I had hanging on the fridge. His body looked abnormally large in the small kitchen. "Aha." He cheered when he found a menu he liked. "Chinese." For the first time in a long time, all I could think was maybe this wouldn't be the worst night ever.
"What are you doing."
"Ordering us Chinese." He waved the menu. "Still a fan of chow mien?"
"You remember?"
"You ate it every Friday for a year." He winked. "And I have a good memory."
"I see your good at self-encouragement."
"It's not the only thing I'm good at." He smirked, holding his phone to his ear. "I'm also good at rescuing a damsel in distress from a microwave meal."
"I'm not going to sleep with you again, Hastings." I walked to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine, grabbing the nearby glasses. "So this whole thing, the hot guy coming to order Chinese food with his dreamy bedroom eyes… It won't work."
"You think I have dreamy bedroom eyes?" He gave a lopsided grin. "Hi yes," He spoke into the phone. "Can I order a delivery please." I tuned him out as I poured the two glasses of white wine and sat down at the small island bench. I wasn't even sure if he drank wine, but it was open, and I wasn't one to waste alcohol. "It'll be about fifteen-twenty minutes."
"Okay." I passed the second glass of wine to him, taking a large sip of my own.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
"Only if it's a good one I don't want anything subpar." He moved, sitting beside me on the second chair. His glass of wine clanking against the bench as he moved. He leaned in, his free hand brushing hair behind my ear, teasingly slow.
"If you think I was giving you bedroom eyes before." He chuckled lowly, head dipping so our eyes were level, the very tip of his nose bushing mine. "Then you won't believe what it's like when I really give you bedroom eyes."
"You think you're so smooth, don't you."
Part of me really wanted to see those bedroom eyes, the other part of me knew that I may not have the will to not sleep with him again if I did.
"I don't, actually." He pulled away slightly. "But I'm trying to win your heart, and your beautiful, so I'm going to tell you."
"Are you drunk?"
"No." I leant an elbow on the counter, laying my head in my hand looking up at him. "And tomorrow morning, I'm still going to be sober, and you." He shook his head, looking up to the ceiling. "You… You are still going to be beautiful." Am I imagining this, or is THE Jude Hastings giving me a compliment.
"Woe." I couldn't help the smile that came to my face. A big smile, one that felt like it was the first genuine smile I'd had in years. "You really are a smooth, smooth man Hastings."
"Why do you never call me Jude?"
"Why do you hardly call me Darcy."
"Because you call me Hastings all the time."
"I only call you Hastings because—"I stumbled. "I don't know I've just always called you Hastings." I sat up, pulling one of my knees up into my chest. "Who knows, maybe one day I'll call you Jude."
"I think my heart would stop if you ever did that,"
"How do you think the town is taking the news of our epic romance?"
"Well, I checked the obituaries this morning, so far we haven't shocked anyone to death yet."
"So you're saying we've failed." I laughed. "A day of pretending to be a couple and no one has rolled over and died?" I gasped.
"Maybe that means that we need to step it up, huh?"
"Flattering, but I am not interested."
"Honeybird," Another new nickname? Calm down Edwards. "You looked me in the eye a little too long to not be interested in me."
"You're really trying this aren't you." I waved a finger between us.
"Trying what?"
"To get me to fall in love with you." A smile pulled on his lips, not his usual asshole smirk, but a genuine smile, the one that to make butterflies launch themselves all around my stomach.
"It'd be an honour to have the Darcy Alice Edwards fall in love with me, so I'm going to give it my all."
"As it would be an honour to break your heart, Jude Alexander Hastings."
"So you do know how to say my name." He sat back, arms crossing over his chest as he looked me feigning shock. "I'm also going to need you to tell Sato that Fredrick isn't my real middle name."
"No." I began to pick at the hem of my nightgown, thankful he'd given me a Segway comment from the conversation that was getting all too serious too fast. "I don't think I can do that,"
"What is the obsession."
"Telling people I have that heinous name as any part of me?"
"I like the idea of all these girls being so enraptured by Jude Hastings, picturing themselves as Mrs Jude Hastings, then having that dream crash and burn around them when they think that your middle name is Fredrick… I mean the name isn't exactly a turn-on." I shrugged. Hastings watched me for a moment, studying me as if this was the first time he, a male, had ever come in contact with me, a female.
"You really are evil." His hand stretched out, his fingers tapping against my temple gently. "This brain in here, it was made for terrible, terrible things,"
"Not terrible things." I denied. "Just terrible things when you're involved."
I needed him to stop touching me, because the slight rub of his fingers over my skin made flashbacks from last night pop up all over my brain, which caused my heart rate to increase, which caused me to want to see if he was as good as he was last night sober, which was a horrible thought to have indeed when you're dealing with a childhood enemy.
"More wine." I stood and walked back to the fridge, ignoring the half-open bottle on the table. I needed space from him.
"There's wine here." I kept my back to him, walking to the small sink and standing in front of it. I needed my space. I hated Jude Hastings, with a passion… But something inside of me wanted to let him in, let him change my mind about him, or at least let a part of him in… "Darcy." His voice was suddenly behind me, his hands on my hips, the edge of my shirt lifting as he held on.
Stop it Darcy. Stop thinking with your metaphorical dick.
His right hand left my hip and went to the hair that covered my neck, pushing it out of the way. My hands gripped onto the bench tighter, as I told myself over and over not to turn around, not to face him because if I did then that was it. We'd end up in my bed, our incoming food forgotten. But then his lips touched my neck and my knees went weak as my head lolled backwards resting on his shoulder, and I wasn't sure I was in the mood for Chinese anymore. I turned around, looking up at Hastings.
"Do you want to know what I think when I think about you, Darcy?" He whispered, his hands pushing the hair behind my ear as I numbly nodded. "I see the little girl who wore a sunflower sundress and ran around my parents' backyard like a kid on a sugar high." I knew the exact dress he was talking about. "The little girl who I got Christmas photos with every year up until we were thirteen… That was when you started to hate me." He was right. "You will always be the little girl I had a crush on when I was eight."
"You… You had a crush on me?" A smile that made my heart race spread across his lips.
"Only the biggest one, you were the cutest girl I'd ever seen."
Don't fall for it Darcy, this is all part of his big old plan to make you fall in love with his stupid squishable face.
"Dinner will be here in a minute. I'm going to wash up." I sidestepped around him and made my way to my small bathroom. "Get together, Darcy." I muttered, leaning against the door as soon as I'd shut it, disconnecting myself from the girl who was just fawning all over Hastings. "Fuck," I walked over the sink and took a look at myself. My cheeks were flushed and my hair was slightly puffed from where Hastings had moved it aside to kiss my neck.
Involving parents and colleagues was a level of dirty. Inflicting emotional bullshit from the past was a whole new level of dirty. Clearly, Hastings had no problem playing that card.
If he really thinks he can get me on the sentimental crap just because I'm a woman, then I'm going to use the greatest weakness of a man against him.
"Hastings, you are going down." My hands gripped onto the edge of the sink as I formulated my plan. Thankfully years of watching Hastings be a man whore in front of me I knew exactly what to do to get his blood pumping.
"Darcy," His fingers tapped against the door, "Dinner is here."
"You start." I walked over pulling the door open wide. "I'm just going to change." I walked past him and into my bedroom, shutting the sliding doors that cut it off from the rest of the apartment, making sure I left a sizeable gap for any peering eyes - trust me, there were going to be peeping eyes. "Where are you," I muttered, looking at the pile of clothes I'd discarded before I'd begun cooking today. I needed Hastings shirt. "Bingo." I spotted the white material underneath my jeans. Stripping from the dress I made sure the straps of my bra - I'd paid a lot for it once upon a time, I needed it to come through for me - could be seen, or at least enough for Hastings to see through the thin fabric of his shirt. Pulling it over my body, I fastened the buttons before pulling a pair of white socks over my feet. I could feel his eyes on me as I stood back up, fixing my hair and pulling the shirt down.
Play innocent, Darcy.
"Smells good." I called out as I turned. There he was, standing at the kitchen bench filled with Chinese take out watching me. His eyes looked drastically darker and I don't think it was just because of the distance between us. I pushed the doors open trying to control the smile that wanted to break out on my face as I walked over to the bench. "Yum." I picked up the container of chow mien. "You not eating?"
"What I want isn't exactly on the menu."
"Oh?" I picked up the menu and waved it. "They're usually pretty good. You could have asked them to make it." I lifted myself up onto a clean spot on the bench, crossing my legs underneath each other. "I'm sure it could have been on the menu."
"Darcy," His eyes were travelling all over my body. "This isn't fair."
"What I'm going to eat all this Chinese, and you don't get any?"
"Yeah." He picked up a nearby carton and shoved a pair of chopsticks inside. "Something like that."
"I can't wait for bed." I lifted one of my arms above my head and stretched, cool air hitting the newly exposed skin. "I'm so beat."
"Fucking Christ." He mumbled, shaking his head.
Darcy - One.
Man-whore demon - nill.
"Language." I quipped, picking a noodle from the carton and popping it into my mouth. "Mhhhmm." I moaned excessively at the taste. Turn it up, why don't you, Darcy.
Good luck not busting a nut tonight, Hastings.
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volfoss · 3 years
how about ranking bucciarati's team?
regret to inform you that ur gonna get a very long answer bc i have passionate feelings about them all! also trish is in this bc she is part of the team and no one will tell me otherwise and will also include some rambling bc it is me and i have so many feelings towards these characters and none of them r cohesive
under the cut just in case (post writing yes it was long)
Giorno Giovanna:
way way more complex than ppl normally give him credit for (i will not go into feelings on how a majority of the fandom treats him unless ppl want me to then i will in fact make a very long ranty post and will not be stopped)
mildly op (esp at the beginning with how hes kind of able to just use his stand really well w no problems altho i think thats true of most of the jojos that we have seen animated?)
i am emotionally attached to him and want to give him a big hug
hes just a kinda goofy kid and is maybe a bit not good with figuring out hey this is a semi dangerous situation maybe i shouldnt be taunting him (leaky eye luca for example)
has the actual best theme
i love how he works off the rest of the team so well (even w members who do not like him)
is in my top 3 jojos i love this kid sm i would adopt him if he was real
Bruno Bucciarati:
the fucking way his character develops from licky man to best dad material is my favorite thing
his outfit is so so so good i would die to wear it
in general this man is one of my fave jojos characters and i get a lot of comfort from him
hes just really neat and has a good taste in music
he did his fucking best and i will always love him for that
imo the way that his death was drawn out was genuinely one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the entire series and fucks me up each time i think of it
i feel like he really is the one to hold the team together in a way that everyone feels cared for and saved
def has a savior complex tho for sure
dilf but im ace
also manga superiority bc he either makes the stupidest faces or looks very nice (anime has a lot of weird animation in regards to his face) and also because its lingerie there instead of a tattoo that changes thickness and placement every second
Leone Abbacchio:
guilty pleasure liking man
i am obsessed with his vibes and wish to become him
i cannot physically express just how much i love him but hes one of my faves of all time (not obvious by my theme at all wdym)
i miss his manga palette but also the colored manga isnt my beloved but also black lipstick abba
hot take maybe but anime abba looks better than manga minus the lipstick debacle
hes so so tall and i will steal his height in a nice way
his past man his past it fucks me up
his death fucks me up normally but when i was rewatching recently, i saw he gave this tiny lil smile after helping the kids get their ball and i could not take it anymore
him and brunos relationship (canonically and out of canon too) is one of my favorites in the series
also fandom hot take as i guess i am doing those for everyone- but ppl either have him as cosntantly trying to murder giorno or being like good son and v out of character, and it is really weird? not sayign that ill do better when i write them but also like im convinced some ppl havent seen the show or smth
i will steal both him and bruno and marry them both <3
this man is beloved i love him to death
Pannacotta Fugo:
i cannot spell his first name to save my life
also fandom take- ppl make him constantly only angry boy all the time and it really irks me. ik araki did not give him 2 much to work w in terms of canon personality but its frustrating
the light novel purple haze feedback is so so so good and adds sm to his character and i really like it for that!
fugo is one of those that imo deserves a lot and didnt get that
genuinely the vibes between how he treats narancia is v interesting to me, like its clear he cares about nara but nara not doing great w math really frustrates him
i love their interactions and how he is genuinely a kind person at times
the manga colors r superior here, my strawberry boy <3
i just really love and appreciate him a lot and wish that ppl gave him more love
i keep getting assigned him on kin quizzes
very smart good boy
ALSO ok fugo did not do any wrong by leaving
unsure if thats a hot take but i genuinely dont blame the character one bit for leaving and again purple haze feedback really delves into that and why he did it
if ur a fugo fan go read it
his past is really upsetting esp in the anime i will cry over it
his stand is adorable and i wanna hug it
his vibes r fun and i wanna gift him strawberry dangly earrings
Narancia Ghirga:
this boy i am also adopting (i am adopting most of them sorry)
i really hate how ppl act as if hes stupid bc bad math skills do not equal stupid like did ppl not see the fight w formaggio??
the way he just fucking dove into the water after the boat and how brunos face went all soft and happy it will never not make me cry
he is constnatnly making me wanna cry if i think too much about him for 2 seconds i love him sm
how can anyone not adore him when he set an entire street on fire yk
hes just happy despite his past and it makes me sad i love nara sm
torture dance is one of my favorite memes from the show
ALSO ok the way he died so suddenly absolutely broke me bc the remaining team members r really just seeing everyone die in front of them so quickly
his goofy and laid back moments r my fave
i love just how loyal and caring he is to his friends
his stand is really cool and again the fight w formaggio was so fun to watch
Guido Mista:
probably my least favorite member of the team for a semi good reason:
the jokes towards trish are really really uncomfy and how fugo doesnt wanna be involved but he is pushing him to do something that makes him uncomfortable did not make me like him a lot
hes goofy but not goofy enough for me to be ok with the repeated jokes about that esp in the body swap episode (ik it was supposed to be funny but it just felt off)
his vibes r good but i wish we got to see his hair
the fandom interpretation is normally pretty good of him overall?
despite not loving him a lot, i really enjoying writing for him (one day might open up headcanon requests or smth but unsure)
hes someone id wanna watch movies w but his taste in movies and mine r very different
love how he and his stand get along
honestly has very very good comedic potential
i really like how he and giorno interact as the series goes on (in a platonic way i need to clarify that i love their friendship)
again him in purple haze feedback was really interesting
probably a 5/10?
Trish Una:
beloved and deserved better
her first outfit in the manga > outfit in the anime
actually in general i believe in manga trish superiority like her hair in the manga looks so cool
her stand her stand her stand i love sm
if u dont include trish in the group i am murdering u <3
fandom gripe is how people either pretend she does not exist or has the trish first introduction thing where shes using her defense mechanisms and acting a bit spoiled
OK but her in purple haze feedback!!! mild spoilers but how bruno was taking care of her post the ending of vento aureo makes me so happy each time i think of it
very mad that she canonically didnt really get an ending and yet again PHF my beloved actually gave her that
how spice girl starts out as a stand thats helping her thru a very stressful situation is so cool and i love it
DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO DAD BRUNO *frothes at the mouth*
but more seriously how she leans on bruno and begins 2 trust him and nearly point blank is referring to him as a father figure always fucks me up
esp because of the resulting fight afterwards
and the very ending of the arc that ends w bruno being like bye gonna go in the clouds and look ethereal now, oh man it makes me so sad
bc giorno is the only one that knew what happened and people that were closer to bruno due to knowing him longer didnt
i wanna see how trish coped w that personally
despite being introduced not at the beginning i think her arc and character in general were as well paced as it could be!
finally done! sorry that took so long but oh man i have so many feelings towards these guys its not even funny
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official-weasley · 3 years
Charlie's Helping Hand
A/N: For all who don't know @am-i-space and I are (healthily obsessed) with freckled gingers who steal your heart because they are adorable and pure! Two of those are the one and only Charlie Weasley and Commander Gren from The Dragon Prince.
We have made up quite a few stories about them (separate and together) and about a month ago we came up with Charlie being friends with Gren and Amaya. @am-i-space had the idea for a drawing of the 3 of them at once and without really knowing we were doing it, we started working together on this little project below my rambling!
After definitely not losing their mind about the eyes and Charlie's hair EVEN ONCE and me finally getting the inspiration for how to bring Charlie into a different universe, we are ready to post it!
As you might've figured by now the drawing below this author's note belongs to the beautiful, talented and amazing @am-i-space who pleasantly surprised me with every draft piece I received of this drawing and the story behind how this drawing "came to be" belongs to yours truly.
PS. Read to the end to find out how this beautiful piece of art came to existence in the story 💙🖤
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“Charlie, you are going to love Katolis.” Gren grinned at his friend as they were walking up the path that will take them back to Gren's homeland.
“I love traveling so I think I will have no problem with it,” Charlie smiled back at him, “and besides you said that it's full of magic and dragons just roam free. It's like you are describing a dream.”
“It wasn't always like that. Dragons were feared and people and magic folk didn't know how to live together.” Gren sighed, remembering the days before their land became one.
“Right, king Ezran and his brother were running away from an elf assassin and they found an egg and joined forces to return it to its mother.” Charlie narrowed his eyes, trying to get the facts straight.
It's been almost two years since the great battle at the Storm Spire. The dragon queen has awakened and Zym was finally reunited with his mother. She took care of him, taught him how to fly better – even though Ez did an incredible job already. She also showed her son how to roar and how to use his electric breath.
Xadia was one land again and it thrived like never before. The magic spread to the Five Kingdoms and the people and the magic folk could move freely without sneaking around and fear each other.
Everything was perfect until one day when the dragon prince went flying and got caught up in a giant storm. Because he was still struggling to control his wing movement – when the winds were strong – he got caught up in a whirl and got smashed into a mountain.
Azymondias was found by his mother after she went looking for him as he didn't return home. At first, he appeared to be fine but when the queen wanted to take him flying she noticed that one of his wings was damaged. She sought help from the king of Katolis and his friends.
King Ezran's heart was broken when he found out and gathered a party to visit Zym at once. He couldn't believe it was even worse than he imagined it would be – all of Zym's bones in his left wing were broken and no matter how many elves and how many mages they gathered, nothing could mend his wing.
It seemed that all was lost and that the dragon prince will never be able to fly until one night when Commander Gren was finally ready to talk about his experience of being locked up in the castle dungeon by lord Viren.
He told his best friend general Amaya about everything he heard and seen happening. With his help, they were able to find the coins in which Viren stored souls and with the help of a high mage from the kingdom of Duren their lives were restored and Runaan was safely returned to his husband Ethari and his adopted niece Rayla.
Because Gren found it hard to talk about the whole situation and would gladly completely forget about the horrid experience, he decided to visit Runaan at his home in Silvergrove.
Every time Gren woke up in the middle of the night, having a nightmare that he was back in that dungeon, he felt like he was missing something. He knew that Viren was going down there for a reason and not just to interrogate Runaan. The thoughts kept him awake and he tried his hardest to remember where he was going and if he heard any noises that would help him figure it out.
As Gren expected, Runaan wasn't keen on talking about his experience in the castle of Katolis either but when Gren explained his feelings and the need to talk about it and to help him find out what was happening while they were there, Runaan put his feelings aside and decided to share his part of the story.
When Runaan told Gren about the weird questions Viren was asking him about a mirror and what does it do and how important it had to be for the lord because he seemed very frustrated when he didn't get his answers, Gren decided that it was time to put his fear aside and head down to the dungeons once more.
After telling Amaya everything and informing her of his plan to go and investigate – being so sure that the guards missed something when they rescued him – Amaya wanted to go with him.
She knew Gren more than anyone and it still pained her to this day that she was so far away when everything Viren was doing back at the castle went down that she simply couldn't allow him to relive that alone. She knew Gren was brave and just about the most optimistic and cheerful person she will ever have a chance to meet but she also knew that behind his bubbly personality Gren was hiding all the negative feelings and the trauma of what he went through in those few weeks while being down there.
She knew there will be no way of stopping Gren from going because he has never been so sure that something Viren was hiding down there could help Zym so instead of arguing with her lieutenant she decided to go with him.
As always when they go on a mission they geared up – better be too safe than sorry – and headed to the dungeons.
Before they opened the door that led to the lower parts of the castle, Amaya turned to Gren one more time.
Are you really sure you want to do this? She signed.
I am. I have to see what is down there or I will never have a peaceful night's rest. Gren signed back, his brows furrowed in determination.
Amaya just nodded, admiring how brave her best friend was for facing his problem head-on, and opened the door.
They walked down the stairs and came to the place where Gren was cuffed.
Amaya gave him a worried look while Gren avoided looking at her and the wall he was chained to. Taking a deep breath he first headed to where he knew Runaan was kept. They only found an empty cell with a small window with bars on it so they headed in the other direction.
They have been looking around, opening doors to empty cells for about half an hour until Gren tried turning the knob of a wooden door and it didn't open.
He exchanged a look with Amaya who nodded to him that he should force-open it with his foot. Gren did as he was told but the door still didn't move.
Amaya frowned – not liking when something didn't go her way – so she stepped next to Gren and counting to 3 on her fingers they repeated the action together. The door gave way to their force and they stumbled inside.
The room was a bit bigger than the others they have found. It was windowless making it completely dark with only a small wooden table, a chair, and something covered with a cloth.
Is this it? Amaya signed at Gren who was observing the covered artifact with his mouth slightly opened.
Gren could only muster a small nod. Amaya knew that this was hard on Gren and even though her curiosity was growing she gave him the time to make the step toward it and uncover the object.
The commander shook his head to collect his thoughts and swallowed thickly before approaching it. He lifted his arm slowly, grabbed the cloth, and pulled it down. Amaya and Gren both gasped, not prepared to see a mirror in front of them.
At the first glance, it looked like any other mirror, but then something shone inside it and their reflections disappeared. They saw what looked like an empty office or a library. They knew at once that this was no ordinary mirror and that it would be best if they don't meddle with it but call in someone who might better know what this mirror is for or better yet what it does.
After a month of searching and inviting the best mages in the whole land, including elves from all parts of Xadia, they figured out that the mirror served as a prison in another realm for a startouch elf. They were able to find an elf that knew of startouch elves and who they were.
The only one of their kind the king of Katolis and his aunt Amaya knew was Aaravos who they had to fight to keep Zym alive at the battle that brought them peace. Since lord Viren was associated with Aaravos it was only reasonable that he was the one who was inside the mirror.
King Ezran wasn't delighted to find out that this wasn't the last they would hear of the elf and wanted to resolve the mystery behind the mirror at once.
“You mean the little bug that turned into an elf with a bigger bug around his shoulder?” Soren asked, perplexed when Ezran was telling him, Callum, Corvus, and Opeli what was going on.
“Do you know anything about him?” Ezran gasped, encouraging Soren to tell him more.
“Well, not really. Father was very secretive about him. I remember when we were marching to Lux Aurea he was talking to the little bug on his ear. If my memory isn't deceiving me, Viren was telling him about how he and your dad, Ezran, defeated the dragon king.” Soren said, rubbing his chin and trying to remember more.
“Why would Aaravos want to know about that?” Opeli failed to understand.
“Perhaps he was trapped in the mirror when that happened?” Corvus suggested.
“Viren sounded very proud of his accomplishment, speaking with the voice he uses when he brags about something to someone for who he thinks he did them a favor.” Soren continued.
“Why would killing Zym's dad be a favor to Aaravos?” Ezran thought out loud.
“No!” Callum gasped and stood up.
“What? What did you remember?” Ezran wanted to know.
“No, it's too farfetched.” Callum swung his hand for them to stop paying attention to him.
“No, no. Do tell,” Opeli encouraged him, “perhaps you are onto something.”
“Well,” Callum cleared his throat, “would it be possible that the dragon king had something to do with Aaravos' imprisonment inside the mirror?”
“Get aunt Amaya and gather the elves and the mages again! We have to discuss this!” Ezran stood up and gave the order to Soren and Corvus who nodded and rushed out of the throne room at once.
“It would be possible for the dragon king to entrap the elf inside a mirror.” The high mage of Bel Dur said after hearing the proposal from prince Callum.
“However,” a mage from Neolandia cut in, “in order to do that Thunder would need someone from the realm on the other side of the mirror to help him, making your idea invalid.”
“Why?” King Ezran wanted to know.
“Well, to do that sort of powerful magic, the dragon king would have to have a dragon on the other side of the mirror from which to draw that kind of power.” The mage explained.
“Why would that make my idea invalid?” Callum asked.
“Because there is no such thing as dragons in other realms,” the mage said confidently.
“An hour ago you didn't even know there were other realms and now you are trying to convince us that in those other places dragons can't exist?” Opeli raised her eyebrows.
“Alright,” the mage sighed, “let's say that a place where Aaravos was entrapped does have dragons, how exactly does this help us with the dragon prince's wing?”
“Don't you get it?” Ezran stood up. “Nobody in Xadia can help Zym and this other realm could be full of dragons. What if there is someone who could heal Zym? What if they possess just the magic we would need to help Zym fly again?”
“You do have a point, your majesty,” the high mage of Bel Dur bowed to the king, “however...”
“However, how do we know whoever lives on the other side isn't a threat to us? To the dragon prince, to our kingdoms? Who is to say that they would be willing to help us?” The mage interrupted him.
King Ezran decided to call a meeting with the dragon queen to ask her if she could confirm their speculations and wasn't all that surprised when she told him that it was the dragon king who imprisoned Aaravos in a realm called Earth where magic works differently than in Xadia and despite Aaravos being the strongest and the most ancient of elves, he wouldn't be able to use their type of magic.
After much deliberation, king Ezran has decided to take the risk and explore the realm on the other side of the mirror.
“We have to help Zym. No one in the whole Xadia could mend his wing and we have to try. We can't have the dragon prince not be able to fly. I know it's dangerous and a lot of you will think that I am making a rash decision based on my feelings and me being a kid, but this is how I decided and I am willing to take the risk for Xadia and our kingdom.” Ezran said, his brows together in determination. “We needed years of war and conflict to unite our lands together again and if we aren't willing to help and take the risks needed to move forward then we are back at the beginning and I will not allow that to happen.”
The crown guards and the king's advisors nodded, agreeing with him, while some of the mages from other kingdoms had their reservations.
In the end, it didn't matter as only a day later were they gathering a team courageous enough to walk through the mirror and seek help.
You want to do what? Amaya was signing as fast as her fingers allowed her, frowning at the idea Gren just proposed.
I need to go. I feel that I need to go. I had the feeling about the mirror and look where it brought us. Gren tried convincing her.
You did enough, Gren. Amaya pleaded.
It's been so nice to have him by her side again after being separated on so many occasions during the war and now it will happen again and Amaya wasn't sure she can let it happen.
Soren is going. I have to try. This could be my chance to prove that I am not only good at interpreting.
Nobody is saying that Gren, and you know it.
You never protested so much before, what has gotten into you? Gren wanted to frown but his expression softened instead, looking at his best friend.
I guess I got used to the fact of you being by my side again. Amaya moved her fingers slowly as if she was hesitant to admit this.
“Oh.” Gren breathed out loud before stepping closer to Amaya and pulling her into a hug.
I know. I feel the same but please give me a chance to do this. I will be back before you know it.
Gren bestowed Amaya with one of his warming smiles to which she never could stop her lips from curving too.
Alright, but promise me you'll be safe and cautious. She playfully nudged him in the ribs before hugging him again and saying goodbye.
The next day Gren, accompanied by 5 of Ezran's most trusted crown guards – including Soren – and a mage made their way down to the dungeons once again to walk through the mirror and seek help from the other side.
It took 7 mages to figure out how the mirror works and how to get the crew through it. They warned them they will have a small window to do this that's why they couldn't take more people.
Gren was standing in front of the mirror – the last one to be transported through it.
“Here we go,” he whispered to himself, took a deep breath, and without turning his head to see his best friend one more time, disappeared.
“And this is where I come in.” Charlie wiggled his nose, trying to hide that he was nervous as Gren told him the story for the fourth time.
“Look, I know it sounds insane.” Gren sighed. “We found a mirror who entrapped the most powerful elf that ever lived in Xadia and then we went through it, followed the roar of a dragon, found the Sanctuary, and for some reason you were mad enough to say yes to our proposal.”
“In my defense, you said that a baby dragon... No, no, let me correct myself – a storm baby dragon – which is a myth here on Earth, needed help and then you said that you are not from Earth at all but from another realm so you tricked me.” Charlie sniggered.
“Well, my hidden talent to know when someone cares for something deeply has finally come to use.” Gren smiled proudly.
“Just don't get your hopes up. I might be a dragonologist but you said that no wizard...”
“Mage.” Gren corrected him.
“That no mage could help Zym so I am not sure how much I can do.” Charlie bowed his head.
“I know, but it is admiring that you are willing to try and I believe that you will be able to do something, if nothing else advise us what we can do to help the dragon prince,” Gren said cheerfully, looking at his friend.
He and the guards have only been on Earth for a month and they are already going back – needing far less time than Gren or anybody expected them to need to figure out how the people on Earth could help Azymondias.
They were lucky enough that the late dragon king set Aaravos' prison near the Carpathians mountains which also happened to be the secret hideout of the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary.
They were walking for 2 days before they heard a dragon roar and followed the sound for another day before they arrived in front of what looked like an abandoned gate. The mage tore down the enchantments and without thinking twice about it, they entered.
To say that the people working in the Reserve were in shock and not really sure what they were looking at was an understatement. It doesn't happen every day that a group of people with armor and swords walk straight through the gate.
Luckily, dragonologists are very simple and open-minded people – Gren has noticed – so it was easy to explain what was going on.
The second they said that a dragon needed help, a bunch of them volunteered but Gren knew that they can only take one person back so he asked the kind people if they could stay for a few days to observe their work and then pick the one that seemed the best suited for the job.
Charlie stood out to Gren immediately, because he was one of the few that simply raised their hand to volunteer instead of being loud and jumping in the air. His calmness suited him and he intrigued Gren the second he followed him around the next morning and saw how he handled the dragons.
The fellow red-haired dragonologist reminded Gren very much of king Ezran and how he talks to animals. The second Gren decided that this business was too urgent for him to be shy and not talk to him, he approached the dragon tamer and asked him about his ability to talk to dragons.
Charlie cocked an eyebrow at him and laughed a little, thinking the commander was joking, only to compose himself a second later when he saw just how serious Gren was.
With observing his work and asking him all sorts of questions Gren deemed him perfect for the job.
He wasn't even that surprised that he got Charlie on board without any effort.
The second the sun rose the next morning and Charlie said goodbye to the dragons and his co-workers, they made their way back to the mirror.
Gren, you are back! Amaya was waiting next to the mirror for them to come back and hugged her friend the second he came out of it.
I'm alright. It went pretty smoothly. Gren smiled proudly.
Who is this? Amaya signed, nodding at Charlie and scanning him from head to toe.
This is Charlie Weasley, he's a dragon tamer back in the other realm and he is here to help Zym. Gren explained.
He's cute. Amaya winked at her friend.
I thought you were in a committed relationship with Janai? Gren giggled.
I meant for you. Amaya nudged him, making Gren's face as red as a strawberry.
Without replying, Gren rushed everyone out of the room, making the excuse to see Zym as fast as possible.
Amaya sent a squad to bring Zym to Katolis so that Charlie would have the time to settle in and get some rest and that he wouldn't get too overwhelmed by his surroundings.
The second he saw the dragon prince and heard his cheerful squeaks despite having an injured wing, Charlie's eyes glowed and he felt like all his dreams came true to see a dragon that not only doesn't breathe fire but can zap you with electricity.
Gren explained to him to the best of his abilities why they call Zym the dragon prince but when he bowed to the young dragon and heard the people behind him giggle, he knew he took it too far. With his cheeks turning scarlet, he cleared his throat and asked everybody to give him and Zym some space so he could do a proper check-up on him.
Amaya, Gren, Ezran, Callum, Soren, and Opeli all watched as Charlie sat down next to the dragon and started whispering something to him. It only took about a minute for Zym to trust him which – with everything Gren saw back in the Sanctuary – wasn't surprising at all.
Zym let Charlie position him in a way to have full access to the wing, while constantly murmuring something under his breath.
“So, did you manage to find out how to help him?” Ezran asked the second Charlie stood up and walked to them.
“I...uh...” Charlie stuttered not knowing how to begin.
“What? What's wrong?” Callum put his hand over his little brother's shoulder.
“I don't want to be rude so I don't know how to say it.” Charlie was embarrassed.
“Hey, we trust in your expertise so don't worry about it.” Gren encouraged Charlie to speak.
“Well, his wing is broken, you got that right but because dragons here and on Earth are magical creatures, magic can't help them much.” Charlie shook his head.
“So, there's nothing we can do?” Ezran was on the verge of tears.
“Quite the opposite, this is very good news. I thought that we would have to mend his broken bones with magic.” Charlie said in a cheerful voice to put Ezran in a better mood.
“And we won't need to use magic?” Soren got curious.
“No. Because Zym is still so young and will need years to grow fully, we would just have to immobilize his wing as much as possible until his bones mend themselves.” Charlie explained.
“It's that easy? ” Amaya signed, looking impressed and Gren interpreted.
“Yes. Zym is still growing and like with children it's easier to have a broken bone when you are young than when you're an adult. If Zym will be a good boy and obey when I put bandages on him, he should be better somewhere from around 6 months to a year if he is like the dragons we have back at home.” Charlie couldn't hide how proud he was of all the knowledge he had on dragons and healing.
“How are you going to wrap him up?” Ezran was beyond happy to know that his friend is going to be just fine.
“With magic, of course.” Charlie pulled out his wand.
“You made a mistake of trying to heal his wing with magic directly, that simply doesn't work with one of the most powerful beings in the world. In cases like this, you have to turn to the good old remedies.”
He walked back to Zym who extended his wing as much as he could for Charlie to do his magic.
Gren and his friends couldn't quite decipher what Charlie said for pieces of cloth to start flying out of his wand and bandage Zym's wing for him not to be able to move it.
“So our mission was all for nothing?” Gren bowed his head.
“On the contrary, commander,” Ezran grinned at him, “if you hadn't brought Charlie here, we would worry about Zym for years and his bones could regrow in a wrong way, and from what I can see, you wouldn't have made a friend.”
“True.” Gren gave the words of his king some thought.
“Also, I think that mister Weasley doesn't mind meeting another species of dragon.” Opeli giggled.
Gren turned around to where Charlie was trying to make Zym hold still so he could cast the spell with bandages on him a few more times and smiled to himself.
“Yeah, you're right. It was completely worth it.” He observed his friend doing his job for a few seconds more before the heat on his cheeks became too much and he turned to Amaya who winked at him with a smug expression on her face.
Gren playfully rolled his eyes and walked to Charlie.
“So, after you do this, how long is it going to last?” He wanted to know.
“Well, Zym is a very energetic and jumpy dragon and these bandages have to be tight for as long as possible so I would have to change them a few times per day.” Charlie chuckled when Zym let out a happy squeak.
“Meaning you will stay here?” Gren tried sounding normal but was bad at hiding his excitement.
“Would that be okay?” Charlie scratched the top of his head. “I mean I don't know how realms work or if this is even allowed?”
“We can ask the mages but since we stayed on Earth for a month, I think it wouldn't be a problem.”
“Well, I love traveling and would love to help Zym for as long as I can, so I wouldn't mind at all.” Charlie couldn't believe how lucky he was to embark on this amazing adventure.
“What about the people back at home? Won't they miss you?”
In the time Gren spent with Charlie, he had the opportunity to get to know him very well and it became evident early on that Charlie was a man who would do anything for his family and his loved ones.
“They will,” Charlie shrugged, “but they are used to seeing me only a few times per year and besides, it's work-related and they understand how much my job means to me.”
“In that case, I would...” Gren cleared his throat. “...I mean we would love to have you.”
“It's settled then. I am staying. I would just like to ask if there is a way for me to send a message home?”
“I am sure that can be arranged.”
Charlie and Gren turned around to the voice and saw king Ezran smiling at them.
“I would like to thank you personally, mister Weasley...”
“Please, king Ezran, call me Charlie.”
“Only if you stop calling me king,” Ezran giggled, “my friends call me Ez and I think it's safe to say that you are now a friend. Wouldn't you say so, Gren?”
“Exactly!” Gren exclaimed.
“As I was saying, I would like to thank you for doing this. You have no idea how much this means to the magic folk, to us people, and me personally.” Ezran walked to where Charlie was kneeling next to Zym and wrapped his arms around him.
Charlie let out a suppressed chuckle, not expecting a king to hug him, but then returned the embrace before standing up.
“I will need a place to stay.” Charlie giggled nervously as they were standing in front of the castle door, waiting for the guards to let them in.
“You can stay with us,” Gren said and pointed behind him.
Charlie turned around to see Amaya signing to Gren for him to interpret.
“I think you will fit in with us just nicely,” Gren translated while Amaya sent Charlie a wink.
No amount of freckles could hide the dragon tamer's burning cheeks as he couldn't believe just how nice everyone in Katolis was.
Gren and Amaya took him to the garden the second he came from the much-needed shower from all the kisses and licks Zym gave him. They were sitting on the bench and conversing – Charlie trying to take in as many signs as he could because he was determined to learn sign language.
“Charlie, I bring good news!” Prince Callum came out of nowhere. “Ez told me that you want to send a message home and asked me to talk to the mages. They can prepare the mirror for you tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you, Callum. That is indeed great news.” He grinned at the prince, relieved that he will have a chance to explain to his family where he has gone to.
“Now that it's official and you're staying I think we have to give you a rank.” Ezran appeared next to Callum.
“A rank?” Charlie tilted his head in confusion.
“And armor!” Callum exclaimed.
“What are you two talking about?” Gren chuckled at how excited they were and glanced at Amaya who just giggled as if she was hiding something.
Amaya, what did you do? Gren's curiosity got the better of him.
Well, since Brandon retired last year I am without my third in command so I am giving that position to Charlie. Amaya explained.
“To me?” Charlie jumped in his seat after Gren told him what was going on. “But I can't fight!”
“You are doing admirable work, worth of a title.” Gren interpreted.
“I-I don't know what to say.” Charlie was left speechless.
“Oh, I know what you could do!” Callum gasped loudly before running away from them.
Not even 5 minutes later, he came back with his sketchbook in his hands. Without saying anything he ordered Gren, Amaya, and Charlie – who were sitting on the bench – to stand up.
“We will celebrate with your official portrait,” Callum explained his actions.
The trio exchanged a look and then turned around when they heard someone clear their throat.
“Callum, you can't draw them without Charlie being in his new uniform.” Soren shook his head and handed Charlie a package.
The redhead was looking at it in awe before being rushed to the closest bathroom to try it on.
“Oh, look at you!” Soren and Ezran said together, admiring the scales on Charlie's chest.
“You look...” Gren's mouth fell open, lost for words.
Dashing. Amaya signed and winked at her best friend.
“Uhm, yeah.” Gren nodded.
Come on, Gren. Say it to him. She encouraged him.
“Dashing. Uhm, you...you look dashing.” Gren knew there was no way to hide his strawberry freckled face but seeing Charlie blush at his words too, he no longer cared.
The trio positioned themselves in front of Callum who drew them and as the crew watched him hard at work, sneaking looks at Charlie, they knew their group gained a new friend.
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razberryyum · 4 years
Scumbag System (SVSSS donghua) Episode 10 Thoughts (spoilers)
(covers SVSSS chaps 24 - 26, BC Novels Translations)
And thus the first season of the SVSSS donghua comes to an end...rather weirdly abruptly to be honest, but more on that later. Obviously I love the donghua. It was not perfect, but it still exceeded my expectations. I truly appreciate what they were able to do within their budget constraints and I think they captured the spirit of the source material perfectly, which is really all I hope for when it comes to adaptations.  The writing was strong, the humor hit the spot always (for example, when poor Shizun got motion sickness from sword riding, I guffawed), and they also gave us some of the most beautiful characters I’ve ever seen on screen, especially with Shen Qingqiu, Luo Binghe and Liu Qingge. I really, really hope they release official figurines for them. I’m going to start saving my money now just for that possibility.
Even though their time together in this episode was short, the BingQiu love was definitely strong. They gave them a combo move that was not in the source material: for someone like me who grew up watching Cantonese dramas, two characters who have a combo sword move (”雙劍合璧”!) are usually a couple so I was especially tickled by this addition. I am always thankful to the donghua team for the little Easter Eggs they give us for BingQiu, like the way Binghe's eyes lit up when he sees SQQ... 
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or when SQQ touches him...
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Once again, for those not in the know, it can easily be interpreted as a disciple just being devoted and filial to his Shizun. But for those of us who have read the novel, of course we know it’s indication of Bingmei falling in love with SQQ. I love how subtle yet significant these little expressions of Binghe’s are, and I hope they continue on with these little touches even in the next season. 
Of course then there are the more obvious gestures, like that HUG:
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It lasted for a good 15 seconds and oh my God look at the Binghe’s hand placement!  There was totally nipple groppage happening there! This wasn’t in the book by the way...SQQ didn’t get woozy and Binghe most definitely didn’t have to catch him like some fainting damsel, so we have the donghua team to thank for this wonderful moment of (sexy) physical contact between the two of them. 
The donghua team was also especially generous in this episode since not only did we get some BingQiu love, but we got a pinch of LiuShen and QiJiu love too.
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LQG’s eyes were on SQQ the entire time! And then Yue Qingyuan as usual took any opportunity he got to touch his Qingqiu.  So all shippers were fed. Hell, they even threw in some more straight-baiting again so peeps who are watching the show for the “straight” romance between Luo Binghe and his never-to-be-future-wife Qin Wanyue were fed too since the scene where Binghe gives her the handkerchief to wipe away her tears were not in the chapters of the book for this episode, and racking my brain I don’t even think it was in the book, period. I’m trying to remember if that handkerchief even holds any significance but even if it does, it’s all for naught since we know Qin Wanyue is at most just a minor side character. She does pop up again later on but then is mostly forgotten, so...not quite sure what that moment was all about other than to, I don’t know, throw off the censors?
I’m also not sure why we spent so much time with Liu Mingyan and Gongyi Xiao in this episode. Nothing against them personally, I like both characters very much (despite my previous complaints about GYX’s character design), and it’s not that they don’t deserve more screen time, but this was the season finale! Even though the next season has been announced, God knows when we’ll see it next year and how many episodes it would be, so every minute of screen time matters! That’s why I was a bit puzzled that they used up half of the episode showing LMY basically facing the same perils with her group of fellow disciples as before and GYX just running from that huge serpent. Even if that thing DOES turn out to be Zhuzhi-lang, it was still a bit much. They weren’t exactly character building scenes either so...why? Budget reasons? Didn’t have enough money to pay SQQ’s voice actor (Wu Lei-laoshi) so they had to stick in miscellaneous scenes to lessen his screen time? 
I’m kidding of course. God I hope that wasn’t the reason because that would just be sad.
Speaking of miscellaneous scenes though, what was going on with these two dudes?
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I gotta admit, I’m a bit salty that these two mob characters got to do what our main couple can’t. What’s their story? Why do they get special privileges? Damn these nobodies. XD
All kidding aside, I have to say, of all the episodes this season, this might be the weakest one, not only because of the “filler” scenes, but also, the way the episode ended was so odd, especially for a season finale. The season basically ended on a scene transition. Not a cliffhanger, just a scene transition, and then cut to credits. What?? Why??? It’s almost as if they just ran out of time so had to stop the show all of a sudden. And then as if to make up for it, they added post-credit scenes which, honestly blew me away because it was so unexpected. It was indeed almost enough to make me completely forgive the weakness of the episode as a whole and that weird-ass ending.
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I teared up!  The scene was kind of chopped up, didn’t even flow that smoothly, but I still got emotional! I’m sure when I see this scene in its entirety next season I am just going to be destroyed. I think they made it even more gut-wrenching than it was in the novel. Looks like the donghua team really aren’t gonna hold back when it comes to delivering the BingQiu knives. 
We also got to see Mobei-jun appear in the post-credits scene; I guess they had to stick him in there since he was featured in the poster for this season, so it would have been weird if he didn’t at least make an appearance.
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I immediately thought of him as Sephiroth’s younger cousin when I first saw him on the poster and I still feel that way. Anyone related to Sephiroth, I will approve and instantly have affection for. For the MoShang shippers’ sake, I hope the Shang Qinghua they create for him will be just as pretty. I think I can now safely discard my guess from last time and also that moon-faced bearded ojisan others have guessed. We actually got a glimpse of the real deal in this sequence:
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They strategically made him blurry so you can’t really make out his features, but what we still can tell from there is that he does not have facial hair (hence, he cannot be the ojisan) and the hair crown he’s wearing is silver and different from the twinky sect leader. So I guess we’ll be getting a fresh out of the microwave Airplane Bro instead of any of the no-name potential cannon fodder we’ve already seen. 
We’ll probably get the abyss opening up in maybe even the first episode of next season but that’ll still leave a lot of ground to be covered in just 10 episodes (rumored). There haven’t been any talk about a third season, but I really hope it’ll happen, even though it might take them a while to make it. I know it’s premature to even think of a third season when we haven’t even gotten an actual release date for the second, but I’m greedy because I already miss the donghua. This season was over so quickly, I’m already mourning the lack of new episodes. I hope we get the second season in the first quarter of next year and then by some miracle, a third or even fourth to properly finish out the story. I know we will never get the FULL story, but as long as they keep the spirit of BingQiu’s love and continue to hint at it like they’ve been doing this season, I will be more than satisfied. 
And while I’m wishful thinking for new seasons, I hope we also get a BingQiu duet and character songs. I love the opening and ending theme this season, if they want to save money I totally don’t mind if they just use the same OP/ED themes in the next season as well, but I hope they throw in a good BingQiu insert song and then release some individual character songs as well. I’m still not a fan of Binghe’s voice, but maybe they can have someone else do his vocals for the songs. SVSSS is the older son of MXTX’s works, I feel like it already got short-shrifted in terms of adaptation since it got the lesser budget compared to MDZS and TGCF. Hopefully with how popular the donghua is this season, it will be given a bigger budget next season so they can bring to life all the subsequent proceedings from the book properly. And whatever they’re paying Wu Lei-laoshi, SQQ’s voice actor, they should double it because that man is just amazing. I worship his voice and performance. I wish he would read the audiobook version of the the novel. I would listen to the hell out of that.  I have always loved SQQ, but if I’m going to be honest, I came into the show just a little more excited about seeing Bingge being brought to life. I still love Binghe of course, in all his phases, however, now,  because of Wu Lei-laoshi’s stellar voice performance (and of course SQQ’s beautiful looks), I’m leaving this season absolutely head over heels about SQQ/Shen Yuan. Also thanks to the show, I’m completely obsessed with Liu Qingge as well.  So for those two reasons, I will eternally be grateful to the donghua team.  
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explosionshark · 3 years
31 the I cant keep kissing strangers one for jack/Miranda. U know, if u want to
I’m gonna cheat bc I remembered the prompt wrong and already wrote half of it in my head while I was showering, so
It’s years of experience, it’s meticulous and brutally honed control of her body, it’s her genetic predisposition to deceit and manipulation that keeps Miranda from reacting when her the alert pings, a brief series of flashes on the corner of her ocular overlay. S.O.S.
Dupont’s hand is on her thigh, just under the material of her dress, grip damp and too tight. He’s leaning in close, under the auspice of speaking into her ear in the crowded club, but she recognizes the clumsy excuse to peek down her dress for what it is. It takes every ounce of restraint not to shove him bodily away and rush straight for the rendezvous waypoint blinking on her display -- a maintenance closet beneath a stairwell at the back of the club. There’s a thrum of panic in Miranda’s chest that she squashes with a deep, subtle breath and a careful flick of her hair. She drags a teasing finger down Dupont’s chest as she leans back.
“Excuse me a moment,” she pitches her voice low, breathy, the way she knows he must be imagining it sounds in bed. She shoots him a smoldering look over her shoulder before she leaves, adding a bit of whine to her words. Desperate women are, to men like this, honey to flies. “Don’t go where I can’t find you.”
She’s careful as she slips into the crowd, gait controlled, face expertly molded into an expression annoyed enough to ward off potential interruption from men, yet still bland enough to fail to catch the interest of anyone watching.
It’s torture, keeping her pace unhurried as scenario after gruesome scenario of what could have gone wrong plays out in vivid detail. Jack wounded, bleeding out among the bleach bottles and filthy mops. A Cerberus trap, Jack captured, bait to lure her to the same fate. Dozens upon dozens of equally vivid, equally terrible possibilities conjured with each leisurely step, all laying the same accusation at her feet: Miranda’s mistake, with Jack paying the price.
Jack hadn’t been Miranda’s first choice.
Miranda’s list of trusted contacts is smaller than it’s ever been and shrinking by the day. Trusted and available? Smaller still.
She had wanted Shepard. Or, better yet, Kasumi. But Shepard was wrapped up on some affair on Tuchanka and Kasumi was running a different op for the Shadow Broker, out on the edges of the Terminus.
Jack had been an indulgence - and one that was proving to be foolish and selfish.
She was humanity’s strongest biotic and one of the most capable operators Miranda had ever known, but her strength lied in frontal assaults. Massive destruction, flamboyant, devastating attacks with lots of collateral damage. Not delicate infiltration missions like this.
She should have been safe with her students on Grissom Station, not here dying for Miranda’s cause, not--
--Grabbing Miranda roughly by the hips, slamming her back against the shelving unit along the wall hard enough to rattle the metal, laying the flat of her arm across Miranda’s chest, just under her neck, to pin her there.
“What do you think you’re doing?“ Miranda hisses. She can’t see any obvious injuries or damage to Jack in the dim light of the closet, not held in place like this. When she raises her hands to pat down Jack’s body there’s a flair of shimmering blue light in the air, and then the always disconcerting staticky sensation of stasis fields pinning them in place at her sides.
“What am I doing?” Jack huffs, fists still bunched in the material of Miranda’s dress. A shame - it had been nice. Expensive. She can feel the material ripping under the strain of Jack’s grip and despite everything, she finds it distantly erotic. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Miranda, for all of her considerable intellect, feels like she is at least three steps behind a conversation she doesn’t remember starting. She shakes her head, twisting as much as she can with her hands pinned. “Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m not fucking hurt,” Jack snaps, hips jolting forward to slam into Miranda’s rattling the shelf again. This time she hears the fabric of the dress rip in Jack’s hands, can’t contain the shiver it sends down her spine that Jack absolutely notices. “I’m fed up. I can’t keep watching you kiss strangers.”
Jealousy? Miranda doesn’t bother trying to hide her laugh. “If you’ll remember, my kissing a stranger was a key part of the plan you agreed to. I was supposed to be doing that while you were--”
“Keep him busy,” Jack growls, “You were supposed to keep him busy while I did all the hard work. You never told me your plan to distract the guy was to let him put his big stupid gorilla hands all over your--”
“Someone was taking their time ‘doing all the hard work,’“ Miranda sneers back. “I had to improvise. He was losing interest.”
“Hey, it’s your stupid hack module that wasn’t working,” Jack accuses.
Of course, at that exact moment, Miranda’s display pings again. The tracker she’d slipped into Dupont’s jacket shows him leaving the bar, headed for the elevator to his suite.
“Jack, let me go,” Miranda says quietly, urgently, and to her credit Jack does so immediately without arguing. “He’s on the move. I can try to head him off in the lobby, but-- Look, this is very important. Did you leave any evidence you were tampering with the safe or anything else in his room?”
“Uh, yeah,” Jack snorts. “I think he’s gonna notice his top secret Cerberus Reaper hacking plans are missing.”
“But you said the module--”
“Yeah, total crap. Useless. I just blasted the ever-loving shit out of the safe.”
“Anyway, if he’s on the way up there he’s gonna notice uh. Pretty much right away. We should get out of here.”
“We should have been gone the moment you compromised the plan,” Miranda hisses, following Jack out of the closet, wincing at the sudden too-bright light of the hallway.
“Nag, nag, nag,” Jack drawls, throwing open the emergency exit door to the alley behind the hotel with a truly unnecessary flair of biotics.
“We went over the codes before we even got here,” Miranda reminds her. In the back of her mind, she’s counting down the seconds they have before Dupont realizes he’s been robbed, before he puts together she was involved, before he decides to come after them for the data (bad) or alert Cerberus to what happened (worse). She figures in how long it would take to stop running and strangle Jack in one of these dank Illium alleyways and realizes, regrettably, she can’t afford the slowdown. “There’s one for emergency exit, one for mission compromised, one for package acquired. Any of those would have done. S.O.S. is emergency only.”
“Well, it was an emergency, okay?” Jack says, stopping short at the curb while Miranda calls forth the skycar she’d arranged with a flick of her omin-tool.
“How so?” Miranda demands, shoving Jack into the back of the skycar first and clambering in gracelessly after her, ruined dress gaping open in the front. “This is coming out of your pay, by the way.”
“It was a pre-emergency--”
“That’s not a thing.”
“If his hand got any higher up your skirt I was gonna blow both of our covers by ripping his arms off in the middle of the bar.”
Miranda should still be mad -- furious -- that Jack had scared her so badly. Should be angry for the terribly botched mission as well, the absolute flouting of her discreet and effective plan.
But they’ve lived. Another day in a galaxy torn apart by war on multiple fronts, another day outmaneuvering the Illusive Man himself, another day Miranda gets to find herself in the company of this beautiful, blunt, maddening, impossible woman.
And they had gotten the data, despite everything. A success, however unconventional.
And if all she has to show for it is another burned identity and a ruined dress, Miranda finds she doesn’t mind as much as she might have in any other circumstance besides this -- in the backseat of a skycar with Jack, genuinely irritated to have seen someone else touching Miranda, a torn dress, the thrum of adrenaline still rushing through her veins.
“Never figured you for the jealous type, Jack,” Miranda says, relenting, twisting in the seat to pin Jack with a simmering look.
“Yeah, you did,” Jack mutters. “Were probably counting on it when you asked me to do this thing with you. Probably got off on it. Control freak.”
“Why would I do something like that?”
“Probably has something to do with you being an arrogant psycho that’s obsessed with keeping me under your thumb.”
Miranda pauses in the dark of the backseat and stares Jack down. She’s tense, pupils blown wide, breath coming in gradually quickening gasps.
Miranda has seen Jack scared and angry and hurt before. She’s seen her wound up tight on adrenaline, turned on to the point of recklessness too. Knows well enough the difference between the two to recognize this for what it is.
It’s that confidence that draws Miranda across the space between them, shrugging the straps of her dress down her shoulders in a movement that allows her to reach the zipper in the back and slide it down immediately after. Jack doesn’t move to stop her when Miranda drops a hand to Jack’s thigh, a more elegant parody of Dupont’s boorish groping earlier. The higher Miranda’s hand ventures, the further open Jack spreads her legs, nostrils flaring as Miranda leans in close, whispering into her ear at the same time as her hand slips past the waistband of Jack’s pants, to the soaked front of her underwear.
“Funny, Jack,” Miranda says, mockingly, stroking her slowly. She’ll draw this one out, as a lesson. “Under my thumb seems to be exactly the place you’re always so desperate to be.”
“Fuck,” Jack groans, a low hiss of air from between her clenched teeth.
Miranda grins in the dark. She’d been wrong, before. Jack had definitely been the right pick for this mission.
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The Way You Feel Beneath me
18+!! Minors do not Interact!!!
Warnings: Not quite smut but real close! Bondage play, teasing, swearing, Daniel can't think straight when your around.
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When Sam told you they came across Daniel off-world as a Prior, 2 months after being captured by Adria, you didn't believe her.
But there he was, strapped in a chair, looking all Prior-y.
After hearing his plan, SG-1 countered with a plan of their own, all they needed was a little more information. Information he didn't seem to be giving.
"Give me anything Daniel!" Jack pleaded, "Anything that might make this OP a success."
He didn't say anything.
"Damnit Daniel! Don't make pull out the big guns," O'Neill threatened, "I know how to make you talk."
Even if he'd taken Jack's threat seriously, he didn't expect them to send you in there like this. Sending his spouse in here to get him to talk, that was a low blow, even for Jack.
His eyes go wide when he sees you step into the room and timidly go up to him.
His stunned silence almost making you laugh.
You raise an eyebrow and ask, "You gonna say anything?"
"I uh..." he could feel Merlin in the back of his subconscious insisting that now was definitely not the time to lose focus, but you were this man's one weakness and seeing you look at him like that tore him apart. "Hi."
He felt almost nervous under your scrutinous gaze, swallowing hard when you stepped closer.
He felt himself let out the breath he didn't know he was holding when you reached out and placed your hand on the side of his face, the cool metal of your wedding band burning his skin.
It was Daniel. You were sure of it. You've never met another man who would melt so easily at something as simple you running your thumb over his cheek.
"You scared me when you didn't come back," you told him, "I thought you promised not to do that again?"
He flounders momentarily for a response before you kiss him.
"I'm sorry," he says against your lips as you move to straddle him, your hands tangling in his hair. "Fuck, I'm sorry."
Your lips trail down his jawline, a groan rising from his throat when you hit that one spot.
You grind against him and his jaw goes slack, turning to putty in you hands.
"I know what you're doing," he says, his arms straining against the restraints. He wants to touch you, he really wants to touch you.
"Do you?" You smile against his neck.
"Because this-" You lean back and pull a little remote from your pocket. His eyebrows furrow in confusion when you press a button the red lights on all the security cams turn off and there's a loud clunk of the door locking, "isn't just an interrogation."
"Then what is it?" You see his hands flex in anticipation.
"You're just gonna have to wait and find out," you grin against his lips, pulling his bottom lip between your teeth.
Fuck. Don't do that, you'll break him. He tries to grind into you but the restraints on his legs make it impossible.
"This isn't very fair," he whines into your mouth and you feel him getting hard.
"It's not supposed to be," you pull back, his lips trailing after you, "But if you promise to give me a little information, I can take care of that for you."
"Where the Hell did they get a remote like that?" O'Neill asked when the video feed to the containment cell cut out, "And who thought it was a good idea to send them in there to begin with?"
"You did, sir." Sam said.
"Oh. Right."
Taglist: @mysg1spacemonkey @sgcprometheus @i-am-morrigans-apprentice @malcolm-reeds-pineapple @witching-things
@girl-obsessed-with-things (you voiced interest with Prior!Daniel so...)
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thebigoblin · 3 years
For some reason i was listening to this is home - cavetown and came to the crushing realization that if fits sterek kinda well???? Its always been my song for comfort but the other day i was listening to it and got slapped in the face by sterek feels-
I just listened to it right now (x) and I have soooo maaaanyyy feeels. Goddammit, Sterek. Let me have one hour in peace.
Anyways. So.
Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?
This is soo Derek. He has been burned by love (both literally and figuratively), first with the death of his first love (which he had to do, even if it was a mercy killing he did kill her) and then he thought this woman loved him enough to want him as he was: broken, young, inexperienced. Grieving.
And then Kate showed him exactly what it means to love someone like him.
It always ends in death.
So now Derek doesn't fall in love. He doesn't even make friends, doesn't socialize. He doesn't let anyone enter the fortress of his solitude, not even Laura, knowing he is the reason they've lost their pack. He doesn't deserve that kind of love.
He waits for Laura to tire of him. To be frustrated and angry at him, to tell him he means nothing to her anymore, because even though he hasn't told her he knows why the fire happened—knows who did it—he is been nothing but a thorn in her side, anything but helpful in her endeavor to help rebuild their lives.
He waits and waits for Laura to tire of him, to kick him out of the two person pack—and she does. But not the way he wanted.
She dies and leaves him alone and there is no one to nag at him to get his shit together, to make him see that he can be loved, should be; but it's not at all what he wanted.
I'll hide my chest
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
This can be both Derek and Stiles... but I see it more for Stiles. Idk why.
Derek plays his cards close to his chest, but he does all he can to try and protect the others. We don't really see him be anything but angry in the earlier parts of the show, and you can't make me believe that the person who gave up his Alpha powers for his sister, who trusted Peter (when he was the Alpha) despite the things he'd done simply because he's family, won't be grieving for the only family he thought he had.
And then there's Stiles. Stiles '147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense' Stilinski who is human and logically the weakest person in a show of mythical creatures. And he is. He is weak. Physically, he knows he can't take on Peter or the Kanima or the Alpha Pack. And he is terrified of that. But you know what he does? He fights in spite of that. He talks, he plans, he misguides, and he fights. He fights because he won't let anyone hurt him or the ones he wants to keep safe.
Stiles, too, 'hides' his true feelings and figures out a way to get them out of their problems. (Does that make sense??)
Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead
'Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
This one is kinda self-explanatory isn't it... Derek is haunted by his past and it's made him into a person who can and is willing to sacrifice his own life without a second thought.
'I know what I'm risking. My life for theirs.'
He doesn't exactly have anything to live for. But he's brave. He's going through hell and he keeps going.
He doesn't want to sleep. Not yet.
Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space
Get a load of this train-wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
The first two lines... these are also self-explanatory. I see this as things Stiles thinks (not the monster part, not once he's rationalized that mythical creatures exist in the world) about Derek. (Honesty, I think we all think that lol).
Derek is not good at communication. He wants something but he does something else. He wanted Isaac to leave him so that The Alpha Pack can't leverage his third beta against him, hurt him/kill him like Erica (and Boyd, but I don't remember if he was alive during this time or not), but the way he made Isaac leave was to bank on Isaac's trauma—if I am remembering correctly, this is when he throws the glass at Isaac.
Derek is so not good at communication. And he is definitely a train-wreck; he never wanted to be the Alpha and he still becomes one. He never wanted for Laura to come back to BH (probably why he himself didn't come back here while she did) but she did anyways and he lost her. He didn't want to kill Peter, but he had to anyway.
He lost who he was in the chaos of his life. And he doesn't know who he is anymore—he isn't even the Alpha anymore, he's lost that, and he's been human too.
He keeps losing who he is. He keeps losing his identity.
Derek Hale doesn't know who he is supposed to be.
But maybe...
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms
...This is how it was supposed to be.
Maybe this was all fate. All of it, from the loss of Paige to his evolution, maybe it was all mapped out in the stars. Maybe it was supposed to happen.
Just so he could find who he is.
And who he is? He's the best legacy his family could have asked for. He's a predator, and he's a killer, but he's not a cold-blooded killer. He's strong, he's brave, and he is good. He's someone who has had the worst life but come out of it a brighter person, a burning sun; a moon that shines brighter the more that it wanes, because Derek? He's learned to hide his craters, and he's learned to live with them.
Alternatively, though, 'the stars' could also mean Stiles (his moles, scattered along his skin like constellations), the only one who opened his arms for Derek even when he didn't have to. Like saving his life even when they weren't anything to each other.
Time is slowly
Tracing his face
But strangely he feels at home in this place
Time heals wounds, doesn't it?
Derek gets better with time. He doesn't just live, but he's alive. He is living.
Since I've gone full canon up until now, I'll continue post-canon here: Stiles and Derek, we know how their story goes up till S6B. We know how much Stiles means to Derek and Derek to Stiles, even if it wasn't strictly said aloud in canon.
We know.
And I... well. I think that Stiles and Derek say it aloud. To each other. How much they matter to each other.
It might be during one of those high-tension missions, the pack preparing to fight against Monroe, making plans and doing everything they can. Stiles is planning, laying out rules and objectives and making sure to drill into one of them how important this is, and Derek watches him and he watches Lydia, the girl who has Stiles' heart. (Only she doesn't, and she knows it).
And then Stiles says he will come, too. But it's too dangerous.
Derek immediately objects.
Everyone goes deathly silent. Because Stiles is the one who is 100% capable of them all, who is the best on their side (being FBI does that, as does being part of ops like this since he was 16, even if Stiles wasn't as badass as he is now).
Stiles is angry.
"So, what, you wanna be the martyr, then? Is that what you want?"
Derek is angrier. (He is terrified).
"You'll get hurt!"
"I will not! Even if I do, it's my fucking job—I'll get hurt if it means keeping you all safe!"
"You can die!"
"So I will die!"
"No, Stiles, you will not. I—"
"What do you mean I will not—"
"—can't lose you too!"
Yes, this is total cliché, but I am a total simp for cliché so :D
And yeah, after? When they've defeated Monroe and are back to 'normal,' Derek and Stiles fill the parts of each other that they've lost over the years. They make a home for themselves. In each other, with each other.
(And okayyyyy, wow. I did not mean to get so into this but... here we are. I totally obsessed over this lol).
(Also this is a beautiful song, if a bit sad? Anyways, now I have a new song to listen to so thanks <3)
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