#but i also would like this pain to go away 🙃
stillwanderingflame · 3 months
Surely, KT tape will fix this. Ibuprofen will fix this. Icing will fix this. Biofreeze will fix this.
Starting to think this elbow pain can't be fixed. đŸ„Č Dear body, what did I do to you to warrant such treatment?
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judes-hoe · 2 months
Here for you ~ JB5
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Parrings ~ Jude Bellingham x reader
Summary ~ trying to comfort Jude after losing the eurosđŸ„ș.
Warnings ~ comfort and angst
A/N ~ tried my best🙃
Sitting with Jude’s family and the final whistle blew. It was sad, England had just lost the euros, again. It was devastating watching Jude go through this again.
As they were setting up the ceremony Jude had come to you and his parents. He hugged his parents and they praised him and told him he did amazing. Then he came to you, you knew how frustrated he was, you watched him kick the cooler. He hugged you and tucked his head in your neck just wanting to hide away.
You rubbed his back in a comforting way, no words were needed all he needed was to hug you at the moment. Before he left the hug you whispered. “I’m always here for you, anytime.” And he knew you were, it was just you reassuring him he can.
The ceremony passed and everyone was leaving now, his parents had left and you waited by the locker room for him. When he did come out he just glanced at you and walked past you. Did it hurt you yes, but Jude’s hurting more and you know you need to give time.
You and Jude had gotten back to your hotel room you’ve been staying in for the euros. He hasn’t said anything to you, you were both just laid in the bed scrolling on your phones before you decided to speak up. “Jude I know you’re hurting, but please talk to me, I know I can’t take this pain away but I just wanna help.” It was silent, he just ignored you completely.
You let out a slightly annoyed huff, and plug your phone in before turning your back to him and pulling the covers tighter to you as you attempt to go to sleep.
Jude watched you, he knew all you wanted to do was help him, comfort him, he wanted it so bad. But he didn’t let you, he’s just pushing you away, he hates it, the way he gets like this.
About 30 minutes past before he also puts his phone down and lays down. Facing your backside and wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you close, he knew you weren’t asleep yet. He just kissed the side of your head. That was his way of saying sorry for pushing you away. Sometimes you and Jude never needed words to communicate. Right now all he needed was you and your comfort, cause tomorrow he’s going back to England with the team and you’re going back to Madrid so it would be a few days till he saw you.
You smiled softly to yourself and push your back against his chest. “I love you.” You whispered softly. “Love you too.” You hear Jude mumbled back and kissed the side of your head again and holding you tighter against him.
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leennaan · 9 months
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Alessia Russo// Take on the world pt1
Warnings: fluff, mentions of anxiety, sickness-corona, it gets a bit angsty at the end, English isn’t my first language so there could be some grammar and spelling mistakes, it got pretty long so I hope you don’t mind
This story is based on the song „Take on the world“ by You me at six. The song gets a bigger role in the next part so if you haven’t heard it before go check it out🙃
The first time that you had met Alessia was in 2019 when you started your Freshman Year at UNC.
Alessia being a Junior and also Captain of the Tar Heels soon took you under her wing.
The two of you became inseparable in a really short time.
The team started to tease you endlessly but you didn’t mind it.
Lotte was the one that made you realize that you felt a bit more than just friendship for Alessia. She came to you after a really intense practice and basically told you to make a move already. And you did. After you ignored her for a week because you got to much into your own head.
Alessia noticed your absence and forced you to speak to her. It was the best thing that she could’ve done.
„Y/N what happend? Did I do something wrong?“ She had cornered you after the last training session of the week.
You just shook your head, painfully aware of how close she was.
„Just say the word. Whatever it is. I can see, see the pain in your eyes. I care for you. You know.“
„I’m sorry. I just
 it just got all too much and than Lotte got me thinking
 and you are my best friend I don’t want to lose you
„Hey hey breath. Look in my eyes, I will never desert you.“
And you did. Her blue eyes were filled with concern and something else. Something that was reflected in your own. She was just as scared as you.
In that moment you remembered something that your father had said to you when you were younger.
„You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.“
So your took your chance, be damned the consequences.
You leaned in and kissed her, slowly and with out much pressure, prepared for her stepping back or even pushing you away but she didn’t.
Alessia tensed for just a second before she realized what had happened.
She was the one to deepen the kiss, pulling you towards her.
The both of you couldn’t help the smile that broke out on your faces, that ultimately made you both stop the kiss.
„You have no idea how long I wanted to do that.“ Said the blonde when you looked at each other again.
She pulled you into a bone crushing hug. Oh how you loved Alessias hugs.
„If I didn’t make myself clear. I really really like you Lessi.“ You whispered in her ear still scared that she was somehow only messing with you.
„I really like you too. Y/n I would love for you to be my girlfriend, i care so much for you.“
Instead of giving her a verbal answer you just leaned in again and kissed her . This time the blonde striker kissed right back. It felt so right. It wasn’t your first kiss, but it felt so much better than any other kiss you had before.
Lotte would later tease the both of you that she was the reason the two of you had got together but she would shut up when the two of you started to kiss each other in front of her.
„Alright alright I stop, I don’t need to see the two of you shoving each other’s tongue down the other’s throat. O what have I done.“ Lotte shook her head disgusted but the smile on her face betrayed her. You could see how happy the defender was for you and her best friend.
Your first year at college was one of the best years of your life.
You felt like you were on cloud nine. Alessia and you were stronger than ever, wether it be on the field or off.
Alessia scored the goals, you gave the assists.
So when the new year came you were exited for what was coming.
2020 started as good as 2019 had ended. Alessia and you had both been called up for the senior team for the first time.
It was the highlight of your young career, something that you hade dreamed of since you were a little kid. But boy were you nervous and you weren’t the only one.
The day before you were meant to travel to base camp was spent with Alessia.
The whole day you could feel how nervous she was.
At lunch with your friends she zoned out every few minutes, her leg bouncing up and down until you laid your hand on her leg in silent support.
But that didn’t stop her from biting her lip.
You didn’t comment on it, just silently supporting her. You knew that she was in her own head and that it wouldn’t help her to draw attention to her fidgety nervous self.
You were glad when Alessia asked you to sleep at hers and Lottes because you knew she wouldn’t be able to fall asleep otherwise and also because it would help you too.
She pulled you close once the two of you had settled in bed, silently rubbing her hand up and down your back. It was not only helping her but you too. The both of you relaxing for the first time today.
“Silence the voices, that haunt you inside.” You whispered in the blondes ear and you couldn’t see her smile slightly. Glad that the both out you knew each other so well.
“You deserve to be called up, you deserve this place. You don’t have to be great, hell you don’t even have to be anything. It’s our first camp, they don’t have any expectations. Just show them what you are made of, what you train for every day. And most importantly just be you.”
You smiled proudly at Alessia and kissed her forehead.
When she looked up into your eyes she could only see trust and love.
The national camps went better than expected for you as well as for Alessia.
But shortly after the international break everything became a lot messier.
In early March you watched the news at one training, seeing how the whole world started to shut down.
You could see the uncertainty in a lot of your international teammates.
Lotte and Lessi also looking on in concern, especially when pictures from the hospitals in Italy were showed.
You could see the worry in Alessias eyes, so you pulled her into your arms, squeezing her tight.
The next evening you walked with Lotte to her dorm after class.
When Lotte opened her dorm room you saw Lessi sitting on her bed, talking on her phone, tears silently running down her cheeks.
You immediately walked over to her, pulling her into you and silently supporting her.
“Yeah mum, I
 look into flights
 I try to be home as soon as possible.”
She said and your heart sank.
Lotte had come over as well and had sat down on your Girlfriends bed.
Alessia ended the call and sunk into your arms.
“My Nonno got covid, he was admitted to the hospital yesterday but my Nonna said that they don’t have enough rooms anymore so he ha sto stay in the corridor.
My Mother is scared for him, the situation in Italy is escalating so quickly. She wants me home before we are not allowed to travel home anymore.” She said and you watched as more tears streamed down her face.
“My mother called me this morning. She wants me back home too.” Said Lotte and pulled her best friend into her own arms.
You remained quiet.
Of course you understood that Alessias and Lottes parents wanted them home. The virus was spreading quicker than anyone had anticipated.
But you couldn’t help but feel a bit selfish. You didn’t want them to go back to England, to leave you here in America, but most of all you were scared what that would mean for yours and Lessis relationship, but you loved her and you knew that it was the best for her to go back.
„I don’t want to leave. I know I am selfish and that it’s best to go home and be with my family but I don’t want to leave you.“ Alessia was close to tears again when she looked at you, her lip quivering.
„I know Baby, I don’t want you to leave either, but it is the right decision.“
You noticed that Lotte had slipped out of the room to give you some space and you were grateful.
You kissed her soft lips, trying to convey your own feelings, your love for her.
„Love, I think over the last few months was fortunate to get to know you and I would say that I sometimes know you better than you know yourself.“ You were glad when Less chuckled.
„Do you remember what you said to me that day, we got together? Look in my eyes, I will never desert you. I say the same to you now. I know it will not be easy, but you just need to say the word and we will take on the world together, okay?!“
The smile on Alessias face was all you needed for you to know that whatever may happen in the future the two of you would be alright. You knew that even around 6.500 kilometers wouldn’t destroy what Alessia and you had.
Still you were not prepared for the day were Alessia and Lotte actually left.
It was one week after that fateful evening. Lotte and Alessia had talked with your coaches and teachers and they weren’t the only international students that were leaving campus.
The Virus had only spread and even your own family became increasingly worried. So you too were thinking about leaving campus to go back to your family in New York.
With the pressure of international flights being canceled left and right, the English girls had booked the next possible flight. So with in 5 days they had packed their thinks and were now standing with you at the airport, luggage by there side.
All three of you had tears streaming down your faces. No one knew what the next few days, weeks or even months would bring.
„I will miss you guys! Just promise that whatever happens we stay in contact, okay?!“
Alessia was hugging you her face hidden in your hair, hands grabbing your shirt as if she could take you with her.
„I love you so much! No matter what ok? We will call and face time and we will back in no time.“ Your heart shattered hearing her broken voice. And you couldn’t help but just nod. You pulled Lotte into your hug, you would miss the brown haired defender almost as much as Alessia. She had become one of your closest friends over the last year.
„I am just one phone call away. No matter the time difference. Just call me whenever alright? You too Lotte! You don’t know how much the two of you mean to me.“
„You too Y/n. We will see each other soon.“
With one last hug you said goodbye to Lotte before pulling Lessi into you for one last time.
„I‘ll miss you so much!“ You whispered and kissed her hard. A promise of Love and forever.
„Remember, we will face the world together ok? We will be alright.“
Alessia was looking into your eyes with so much love that you could only smile before kissing her one last time.
With a heavy heart you watched as the two girls left for security. One last wave from the two and they were gone.
Gone for an unknown amount of time
Pt 2 is already in the works so stay tuned 😀
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adventuresasmrsfindley · 5 months
TGIF! What a week it's been. This may be a TMI post but we're all friends here right? 😅
I went in for the colposcopy (reminder, this is for the cervix, not a colonoscopy) on Wednesday. My PCP said this was precautionary but I was still pretty nervous for the procedure. Imagine my shock when the OBGYN was talking to me before and said the cells they found were more on the side of concerning and this was an "absolutely need to do further testing" scenario. Not just "let's be extra cautious". I completely broke down in that poor woman's exam room. After coming off the breast scare, her throwing around the word cancer again was too much for me. I cried for a good 10 mins while she talked me through everything. I explained what had been going on recently and apologized for being such a mess. She totally understood and was great considering this was the first time we met lol. Anyways, she said that she definitely wanted to do biopsies which I was hoping wouldn't be needed but I trusted her judgement and let her proceed with the procedure. She took 3 total, and it was definitely not a pleasant experience. The last one sucked the worst. I took ibuprofen before the appointment just in case and I'm glad I did. Luckily it was over pretty quick but I had quite a bit of bleeding (duh - she basically hole punched my cervix 3 times) so she had to use extra of the solution that is supposed to stop the bleeding and lemme tell you. It's gross. It looks like coffee grounds coming out and I'm still dealing with it 2 days later. I was pretty sore the night of but haven't had much pain after that. It's more just annoying. It's also annoying because she said the results take about a week. If they come back a level 1 or lower we will just continue to monitor with yearly paps, but if they are higher than that she is going to recommend a LEEP. You can Google that if you want to know what I'm in for 🙃 all the research I did before said most places do it in the office but she said they are not equipped for that and it would be done in an outpatient surgery room and I would be put under general anesthesia. I am hoping soooo hard that my results come back good but a week is a long time to wait!!! I am so over this year.
On top of that, I found out I'm going to be traveling to CA multiple times this summer for work. I knew one trip was very likely but was not prepared for probably having to go once a month. It's going to be a great career opportunity so I'm not going to pass it up but I am not stoked about being away from my guys so much. I'm not in a great place with my MIL either right now and she's the best equipped to help us out while I'm gone because she's retired. So we will see how that plays out...
It's a lot going on right now. I just really need some good news back from the doctor and then I feel like I can fully focus on getting our summer planned and setting us up for success since things are going to get pretty crazy I'm sure.
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
Hi Court!! I saw your requests were open and I SPRINTED here :) I love your Frank fics and I wanted to switch to angst, because I’m a mean woman sometimes. I watched that movie called southpaw with the death scene and I thought that it’d be amazing with frank. Like he is in love with a very cute woman but in secret, she’s a friend and doesn’t know that frank is pining for her, but one of his enemies find him while they’re hanging out together and they start a fight and a stray bullet hits her. This is the scene (maybe it inspires you and also the acting is brilliant): https://youtu.be/bPL13UXFGr8 (minute 3:30)
nonnie nonnie nonnie nonnie. I am also a mean woman sometimes (so thank you for making me feel seen) and when I tell you this movie was an emotional trainwreck for me...like there wasn't a single second of it that didn't hurt. I switched it up just a little in a way that made more sense for me (I hope that's okay) and absolutely wrecked myself in the process. 🙃 I don't even know if I should tell you to enjoy or not...but...happy crying??
psa: this one is rough. if y'all thought violets was bad...this one might not be for you. this is all angst. all pain. no comfort whatsoever. if you are on the more sensitive side & need to skip this one, you will not hurt my feelings! my inbox is open if you wanna yell at me, or if you need tissues or hugs. I am profusely apologizing in advance (pls don't hate me for this one).
warning: swearing, mentions of blood & violence, death, mentions of gun violence word count: 1.7k
let that go.
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He should’ve walked away. He should’ve just fucking walked away. You’d asked him to, begged him to, but he hadn’t listened. Instead he was reckless, and let that violent storm of chaos that always lingered in his bones take over, clouding his vision and dulling his vigilance with blinding shades of rage. They were just words, they didn’t mean anything. They certainly weren’t worth losing you over. But how could he just stand by while that asshole talked about you like that? 
C’mon, baby. You ain’t been with a real man before. He can’t take care of you like I can. 
You can’t handle a woman like that, bro. She’s way too damn fine for you. How about we play for her?
He was just another drunk shithead talking out of his ass, looking for a fight. You had grabbed onto Frank’s arm the second he had started mouthing off, giving him a soft smile as you shook your head slowly and squeezed his wrist.
He’s just trying to get a rise out of you, Frankie. Don’t listen to him. 
C’mon, Castle. You promised me a night with no fighting.
You had told him to leave it alone. To focus on you, and continue telling the story about how he and Curtis had snuck into Billy’s bunk one night and shaved off his eyebrows. Why didn’t he finish the fucking story? Why didn’t he leave when you asked him to?
You know what, let’s just go. I’ve got drinks at my place, we can order a pizza or something. Come on, let’s just go.
Let’s just go.
Let’s just go.
He was so close. Your hand was so soft as you held his, guiding him towards the exit of the dive bar you two hung out in all the time. The door was right there. Less than ten feet away, just a few more steps, and you two would’ve been out of there. Frank would be on your couch, right now, cold beer in hand, admiring you as you spoke like he always did. Laughing along with whatever joke you were telling. Smiling as he enjoyed how animated your hands were as you painted him a picture of whatever story you were telling. Maybe tonight would’ve been the night he finally worked up the courage to tell you he loved you. Maybe he would’ve kissed you. Maybe you would’ve kissed him.
What’s up man, I gotta fuck your bitch to get your attention?
The butterflies that had filled his stomach from the way your hand fit perfectly in his were immediately incinerated with rage as those words hit his ears. He abruptly stopped, dropping his hand from yours as he turned around swiftly to face the man, jaw setting in a hard line at the way he and his buddies were laughing.
Oh shit, there he is. That got his attention. What’s up, man?
Frank barely registered the feeling of your palms futilely pushing at his chest, trying to force him closer to the door as you pleaded with him. He only tore his eyes down to yours when you grabbed onto the back of his neck, cradling his face in your other palm as you stared up at him with an expression of pure concern.
Frankie, please. Let that go. Please, keep walking. Come on, come home with me. Don’t listen to him. Just let that go.
Let that go.
Let that go.
He should’ve listened to you. He should’ve just done what you asked. He should’ve fucking listened.
Don’t worry, bro. I’ll film it for you. That way you have a little tutorial on how to treat a piece of pussy like th-
Your voice sounded miles away in the back of Frank’s head as he charged forward like a vengeful bull, seeing nothing but red as his fist cracked across the man’s jaw, sending a rain cloud of blood from his mouth onto the floor. It all happened so fast. Frank’s fury completely took over, and anyone that dared to deter his merciless path of revenge was treated with the same unrelenting violence that surged through his fists. He could barely hear you screaming in the background, begging him to stop, pleading cries of his name leaving your lips.
But he couldn’t stop.
That bloodthirsty thing inside of him he thought was gone had only been lying dormant all this time, waiting for that first taste of crimson to reignite its craving, and now it wanted its pound of flesh. Everything passed by in a blur, and Frank had lost track of who exactly he was fighting at this point, but it didn’t even matter. His inner demons weren’t prejudiced about where their offerings came from.
The entire bar went silent the second a gunshot rang through the small space, and everyone immediately dropped to the floor. An ear splitting scream cut through the eerie stillness, and the sound seemed to snap Frank out of the haze of wrath he had been stuck in.
Frank had never heard your voice sound so small. He instantly whipped his head in your direction, seeming to sober up as he took in the twisted up look of pain and confusion on your face. 
Hey. Hey, sweetheart? What is it? What’s wrong?
I don’t
I don’t know

Frank was over to you in two short strides, cradling your face in his large bloodied hands as he searched your face with furrowed brows. 
What happened?
something happened

As he glanced down to scan your body, he noticed the way your hand clutched at your side. Fear suddenly sent an icy chill down his spine seeing the hints of deep red that started to seep through your fingers. Tugging your wrist away gently, Frank’s entire body went rigid seeing the maroon stain on your shirt that was beginning to spread like a wine stain on white carpet. 
Am I
am I okay? Am I okay?
fuck you’re alright, sweetheart. You’re alright. I got you, yeah? I got you, just hang on. 
A loud cry of pain pierced through your chest when Frank pressed his palm firmly against your side to apply pressure, wrapping you up in his arms as he glanced around frantically for help.
I know
I know, baby, I’m sorry. I gotta stop the bleedin’, okay? I know it hurts, just stay with me, alright? Fuck
someone call a fuckin’ ambulance now!
You gripped onto the collar of Frank’s shirt like a lifeline, staring up at him with wide panicked eyes as you started to hyperventilate. 
Here, let me lay you back-
no no no no, I don’t wanna lay down. I don’t wanna lay down!
okay, you don’t have to. You don’t have to, baby. I got you
I got you sweetheart, it’s alright. It’s gonna be alright.
Tears formed in the corners of Frank’s eyes hearing the fear in your voice. He held you as tightly to his chest as he could, keeping pressure on the wound. The bartender knelt beside him and handed him a rag for the blood, informing him an ambulance was on the way. 

Yeah? Yeah, what is it baby? 
I wanna go home, Frank. I wanna go home-
Okay, okay baby. We’ll go home. We’ll go home, I promise. Yeah? 
I wanna go home. I wanna go home, Frank. Please
I wanna go home. I wanna-
Frank hugged you tightly to his chest when you started to cry, nodding quickly as his frantic eyes quickly scanned over your body. His bottom lip trembled as he leaned in to press a kiss to your forehead, reaching a shaky hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
Just stay with me, sweetheart. It’s not that bad, yeah? 
lot of blood
it’s a lot of blood-
It’s not that bad, sweetheart. Just stay with me. Hey
hey c’mon, look at me. Look at me in my eyes, baby. C’mon, look at me honey.
Frank felt panic start to rise even higher in his chest as you coughed, blood spluttering out of your mouth and staining your lips and teeth a bright cherry red. Shaking his head quickly, Frank cradled your face and distraughtly tried to wipe it off of your lips.
Oh baby
fuck, baby baby baby-no, no no no, c’mon. Here-
It’s okay
it’s okay, Frankie
it’s okay-
It’s just a little blood, sweetheart. S’alright, it’s not that bad.
Frank leaned into your touch as your shaky hand cradled his face, staring down at you with glassy eyes as his lips trembled with regret. He shook his head slowly, mumbling endless apologies as your mouth pulled into the faintest of smiles, tears turning the lingering traces of blood on your face into transparent shades of pink.
I love you, Frank.
Pressing his forehead against yours, Frank let out a choked sob as he cradled the back of your head, tasting the familiar metallic tang of blood as he gently captured your lips in a soft kiss.
I love you, baby. I’m sorry. I’m so fuckin’ sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry, baby. I love you. I love you. I love you.
I can
I can go home
we can go home

We’re gonna go home, I promise. We’re gonna go home real soon. It’s just a little blood, that’s all. Just a little, yeah?
Full blown panic set in when your hand slowly dropped from Frank’s face, and your grip on his collar loosened into nothing. There wasn’t anymore fear in your eyes as your lids became heavy, and your chest didn’t shake as it struggled to take in oxygen. Frank pulled you fully into his lap, holding your head against his chest as he kept a light grip on your face, searching your face fervently with denial.
No no no
no no no wait wait wait wait. Baby
c’mon, look at me. Look at me in my eyes. C’mon sweetheart, let me see those pretty eyes. No no no no, please
please baby
stay stay stay
c’mon baby stay
baby wait please
no no no

Frank squeezed his eyes shut as he buried his face into your neck, hugging onto your lifeless body as tightly as he could. A howl of pain ripped through his chest as he sobbed, rocking you back and forth in his arms, repeatedly pouring apologies into your ear.
He should’ve listened. 
He could’ve been holding you in his arms, saying hello to a new life with you.
But instead he was holding you in his arms, saying goodbye as you took your last breath.
tags: @day-dreaming-goddess @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism: Rendezvous 🔞 (Ch. V) || Gun Park x Fem! Reader ♡
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Author’s Note: It is the moment that you’ve ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. 💀 Finally, the snu snu! The literal ice cream, not the cherry on top. As you may have noticed from the last chapter, the final part of Ch. IV was the opening part from the Introduction with the teaser. In the Intro., it was just a summary of what would lead up to Ch. IV. Which means, that from this chapter onwards, the story will now be taken place in the “now”. Anything can happen at this point. đŸ€­ It’s time to turn your mind off for this one, and I hope you enjoy the spice in this chapter. 🌚 (Also, I apologize but the format for this chapter is a little weird. I tried spacing out paragraphs and stuff but it won’t let me so the text is all clumped together. 🙃)
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NSFW Warning: Strong language/cursing, sexual language, and sexual content (teasing, marking, degrading, praise, oral, penetration, rough sex, edging, etc.).
Story Summary: You traveled abroad to help support your mother who is sick, back home in Japan. However, once you reached Korea, everything went downhill until you met a stranger who offered you a deal that could benefit you. But who knew that this special encounter would turn your whole life around

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Both of your lips collided with each other without any hesitation. With your hands running down his scarred muscular back, and the muffled moans coming from Gun’s hungry kiss for you, it only just turned him on even more. There was no time to waste when the two of you were so greedy for each other.
Gun’s lips slowly went down on you, as he took his time to plant hickies in almost every bare spot he sees on your body. First, your neck was detected by his beastly eyes as he left a collar of marks on your delicate skin. And every time a mark appears on your skin, he gets to hear those beautiful moans of yours. To Gun, it was like music to his ears. A literal symphony, not even Fur Elise could compare to the wonderful tones of your voice in pure bliss.
His lips then traveled down to your chest. Gun’s strong lean arms hugged your figure to support your body, forcing you to sit up on the bed for him to suck on your soft breasts. While hugging your waist close to him, his tongue played with each of your succulent breasts, making sure to pleasure your nipples to the point that they harden. As his mouth sucked on one of your breasts, one of his hands got busy with the other as he repeatedly brushed your nipple with his thumb in circular motions and pinched it, making you gasp in pleasure. Even though he’s been sucking your nipples, your bare chest didn’t go unnoticed since he started sucking on almost every spot he could find on your chest that’s worth marking. On top of each breast and on the center of your chest was where he made sure that the hickies he’d planted would last for a week, as you groaned in sweet pain from his marks.
Afterwards, his lips traveled farther south towards your legs. He got in between your legs, forcing them to open up for him. Your face flushed, thinking that Gun will finally take you there and now, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, he knew that whatever you were anticipating was not going to happen yet, so he decided to tease you to make you beg for him to conquer you.
While maintaining his eye contact with you, he held onto both of your legs, caressing them both with his attractive hands. Then, he started at your right foot, by holding onto it firmly. His mouth met the base of your foot, slowly brushing his lips up towards your ankle. While doing so, his lips crept up your right leg, leaving wet kisses on each soft spot of your leg. The eye contact he was making while seductively teasing you made your core pulsate in need and your breathing heavy, lighting something up inside of you. At the same time, you were embarrassed that your legs was spreading wider and wider every time his lips got closer and closer to your wet heat. Gun never dared to look away from your eyes, enjoying the sight of your face turning red from embarrassment. That’s just the sight that kept him going.
Finally, his lips stopped right on your inner thigh. As he pulled your inner thigh up to his face, he began leaving wet kisses up your thigh, slowly making his way more towards your heat. Your leg started quivering from his heated kisses, which made you pant uncontrollably.
He noticed you breathing heavily from how turned on he was making you, as he gave you a wicked smirk. “Eventually, you’ll be moaning more for me in no time. See? You’re already panting like a bitch in heat.”
You covered your mouth with the back of your hand then glared at him, replying through clenched teeth with, “Shut up.”
Gun chuckled devilishly, loving your rebellious retorts every time he teases you. However, that rebellious spirit of yours would eventually break for him. Boldly, he pulled your leg much more closer to him, leveling his face with your thigh before pressing his lips onto the top part of your inner thigh, right next to your core. When he pulled onto your leg, he forced you to lay on your back while your eyes looked up at him. The rest of your right leg was resting on his shoulder as your foot was now pointing up towards the ceiling. As he readied your leg for himself, he held onto your thigh with both of his hands before he started sucking on your inner thigh, making you gasp in pain and pleasure. His eyes met yours while doing so, making you blush at the sight of him looking at your pleasured face as he was sucking on your thigh, with his face so close to your private part.
He pulled away from your thigh, as he observed a purple blemish making its appearance on your thigh. After that, he proudly kissed it, making your thigh his.
“Are you ready for me to finally ravish you whole?”
Mischievously, he grabbed onto your other leg without warning before pulling both of your legs even closer to him, having your cunt centered to match the level of his face. Your whole back was now completely flat against the mattress, tilting your head up to see what he’s about to do next while your hands stayed flat on the surface of the bed. Now, Gun can see the view of your face below him even when your heat was right in front of his face.
“I wonder what kind of sounds you’d make when I do this
While he was still holding up your legs, you saw his tongue starting to lick your cunt in a very provocative way. He looked straight into your eyes, still holding onto the eye contact between you two, as he started to tease your clit with his tongue. At the same time, you reacted with such a soft moan at first until your moans started to emit itself more vocally as his tongue flicks your knob with more pressure. You gripped onto the sheets due to the exponential amount of pleasure that’s starting to build up from the stimulation of your cunt’s nerves. Unconsciously, you moved your hips more towards Gun’s tongue, making him pull back from your clit smirking.
“Why are you bucking your hips towards me? Do you want me to make you cum that badly? Well, you’re just going to have to wait. I need to loosen you up a bit, so I’m not done with you yet. What a naughty girl
All of a sudden, his grip on your legs became much harder, spreading both of your legs apart in front of his face while still gripping onto them before his tongue entered your hot insides, making it even more wetter than before.
“Ahhh~” you moaned in bliss, feeling his tongue explore the inside of your heat. While he was eating you out like a starving man, he groans from the taste of your sweet cunt and from him pleasing you. His tongue, however, wasn’t enough to break your hymen. Wet slurping noises coming from the contact of his tongue inside of you had filled the room with your dirty moans. As his tongue started to pick up speed while caressing your walls, your legs started to shake and you felt something building up inside of you, making you clench the bed sheets even tighter.
“O-oh god, I feel something coming
 I think I’m about to
In a moment’s notice, an intense amount of pleasure hit your body all at once like a tidal wave. Your insides clenched around his tongue and suddenly, you released your vaginal juices onto his tongue. He watched your body twitch during your climax, as he finally took his tongue out from you. You watched a trail of his saliva leaving your cunt, leaving you to lay there exhausted from cumming so hard.
Once he released your legs, he sat down facing you on the bed before he grabbed onto one of your arms to pull you up towards him. Your eyes widened in surprise as you leaned against his chest. Within a second, he grabbed onto your chin to tilt your head up to kiss you feverishly, missing your lips on his. When he was kissing you, he sneaked his tongue into your mouth, forcing you to taste your own sweet insides. You moaned into the kiss while you placed both of your hands on his chest. His lips, however, parted from yours as a mixed line of saliva and your juices left both of your mouths.
“How do you like the taste of yourself?”
The reaction he got from you was priceless as your face turned to a bright tint of red, which made him chuckle before he repositioned himself on the bed by laying flat next to you.
“Now service me.”
Your eyes traveled from his handsome face, to his strong chest full of scars, to his solid abs, until they made it all the way down to where your eyes stopped at his thick, huge phallus. He hithered you to come closer towards his cock, which made you feel your heart pound. When you scooted closer to his hard member, your chest started pounding from how close it is to you.
 how do I
 ‘service’ you?”
Gun blankly pointed at his own mouth, then pointed at his cock. “Use your mouth to suck me off.”
“Ah, okay
The more that you got your face closer to his phallic dick, the more your heart started to race faster and faster. Your eyes stared at his hard figure in front of you, until your eyes shifted to his face. His gaze was piercing straight into your eyes, as he observed your every move. Quickly, you looked away from him as your focus was back on his cock.
This is so embarrassing. I can’t do it when he’s just staring at me like this. But I have to. He made me feel good, and I want to make him feel good too.
Before gathering the courage to “service” him, you took a deep breath then sighed.
Here goes nothing

Your mouth closed in on his tip, while your tongue swirled against his tip in a circular motion, tasting his pre-cum that had already accumulated from how aroused he was. Gun let out a heavy sigh, watching you slowly take him into your mouth little by little. Despite his thick size, you decided to try and go deeper as your mouth slowly went down on his long shaft. By watching his own cock slowly being swallowed up by your pretty little mouth, he began to grow impatient.
“I can’t take this anymore.”
All of a sudden, he sat up to grab a handful of your hair from behind your head, then pulled down onto your long curled locks.
Consequently, he forced your mouth all the way down onto his length, which made you gag as it hit the back of your throat. Because of that, you looked at him in alarm.
What the hell is he doing?!
Gun stared at you intimidatingly while still holding onto your hair as he said, “Now, suck on it and do it properly this time. Use your hands while you’re at it.”
You obeyed him willingly, as you began to pump his shaft and bobbed your head up and down onto his dick. He groaned in pleasure, thinking how you’re not bad for a beginner who hasn’t sucked dick before. The way you were making eye contact with him while trying to satisfy him with your sloppy blowjob had turned him on even more, in which you felt his huge member got even larger in size than before, inside your mouth. Your eyes widened in surprise from his unexpected increase in size, but you caught yourself from gagging onto his cock.
Holy crap, did it just get bigger or something???
As a result, he started to forcefully arch his dick into your mouth, tugging onto your hair downwards while fucking your mouth mercilessly, resulting in your eyes to water from how big his cock was.
“Mmm, yeah
 take it all in for me. Just like that, good girl.”
Gagging, you breathed in through your nose trying to match his intense pace. You closed your eyes, while your mouth was still going down on him. When he caught you shutting your eyes, his hand automatically yanked on your hair, which made you open them once more as you turned your gaze back onto his dark intimidating eyes.
“Look at me when you’re sucking me off. I want to see your eyes on me when I cum into that dirty little mouth of yours.” he hissed, while still hitting the back of your throat with his solid length.
His own demands made Gun seem like he was the king of the bed, which made you submit to his every instruction. Weirdly enough, you found his dominating personality to be attractive in his own way. He already seemed like an alpha male when you first met him, but you didn’t expect him to be this domineering.
When you were massaging his dick in your hand while simultaneously pleasuring him with your mouth, you noticed his breathing was starting to hitch.
“Fuck, almost there
” he said through his sexually arousing groans.
At this moment, you believed that this was a sign to speed things up and give him what he needed. While you were still sucking him off, you picked up the pace as your head started to bob on his dick in a quicker speed. Surprised by your sudden change of pace, Gun held onto your hair even tighter as he pushed his hips towards your mouth even more. The sounds of his cock hitting the back of your throat and the sounds you were making while servicing him with your wet mouth made Gun feel like he was in a high rush.
When Gun felt the need to climax, he gave one last shove of his cock into your throat while pulling your handful of hair all the way down onto his shaft, making you take every inch of him. When he released his loads of his seed down your throat, your mouth was about to release his cock, but he still held his grasp onto your hair saying, “Swallow it, and I mean ALL of it. I want every last drop to go down your throat and let it stay there inside your stomach.” You did as you were told, as you swallowed all of his load in one gulp. While Gun was watching you follow his orders, he slowly released your hair, allowing you to finally free your mouth from his moist cock. His eyes stared at the thin line of saliva that was connected from his dick to your mouth to disappear as you backed away from his wet member. The resulting mess on his cock had your leftover saliva dripping down from the tip of his length all the way down to his balls. Just by looking at the aftermath of that sloppy top, his dick still remained firm and solid. You were surprised by how hard his member still was after you have finished pleasing him with your own mouth.
“You were really feeling it at the end, huh? I’m impressed. For such a naughty woman, you really are a fast learner. It makes me even proud to have become your personal trainer. And just by looking at how focused you were on my cock like that gets me turned on even more...”
In the speed of light, he grabbed onto your arm and pulled you next to him onto the bed, making you lay flat on your back. He flipped over swiftly onto your side, as he is now on top of you. Anxiously, your heart started to palpitate wildly knowing that this is it. It is now the time that you’ve been anticipating for.
“Spread your legs for me.”
At this point, you were hypnotized by his words and you couldn’t refuse his strong power over you. Obediently, you followed his command as your legs parted in front of him. He slowly got in between your long legs, as he pulled you closer to him by the legs.
“I’m guessing that you’re a virgin. Am I right?”
You slowly nodded at him, averting his eyes bashfully.
“Alright, then I’ll give you two options. Since this will be your first time, we can either do this with condoms or without condoms and I’ll just get you an After-Pill tomorrow. I don’t mind either option, as long as we’re safe about the way we go about this. So, you decide.”
As he informed you of the situation at hand, you thought about it for a minute. You turned your attention back to his eyes then explained your decision to him in confidence. “Since it’s my first time, I want to make this special. So, I want to
” However, the built up confidence that you’ve gathered faded in an instant as you looked to the side, avoiding his eyes awkwardly. “I-I want to
 feel you
Ugh, I can’t look him in the eyes. This is so embarrassing. I can’t believe that these words just came out of my mouth just now.
Gun’s expression looked taken aback, until he smirked mischievously at your blushing caricature. “I had a feeling you’d say that
” he said as he leaned closer towards your neck then gave you a kiss on a hickey that he made on the side of your neck.
Suddenly, his voice converted to a low husky whisper saying, “Who knew you’d be such a shameless woman?”
You felt heat rising in your cheeks, when you instantly felt his hard erection rubbing against your entrance at a slow speed, causing for soft moans to escape from your mouth. The tip of his cock repeatedly poked your entrance a few times and afterwards, his whole entire length rubbed back and forth onto your clit, which made you gasp in light pleasure.
“If you want it, beg for it. Tell me. What do you want, (Y/N)?”
You looked into his eyes in need but the words couldn’t come out as you struggled to respond through your moans. Gun was planning to break your mind at some point, and he’s getting close to doing so.
With his devilish smirk still printed on his face, he tauntingly repeated himself once more but in a more assertive tone. “Beg for it and tell me NOW, (Y/N). What DO you want?”
With the last amount of sanity you had left, you whimpered with a broken, “P-please
 I want you
 inside me
At that moment, you witnessed a look on Gun’s face that you’ve never seen before. His facial expression became manic, like a demon that had been granted access to possess someone’s body. A triumphant grin started to form on his face, as he positioned his cock steadily on the entrance of your craving heat. Before entering, he leaned in closer to your face meeting eye contact with you, as he gave a lowly whisper once more.
“Good girl. You already know, that there’s no turning back. I’ll turn you into a blossomed woman and I’ll make sure to reward you with immense pleasure, to the point that I’ll make you go insane
And with that, his stiff member slowly entered your core little by little. Pain started to surge throughout your body, as you felt your flesh being torn from the inside of your private, along with your hymen. You reacted by wrapping your arms around Gun’s body desperately, pulling him closer to you as you cry out in pain. Every inch of him became wrapped by your walls, spreading your tight cunt for the first time. When all of him had reached your cervix, he gave a satisfied groan. At the same time of when you released your arms around him after his entrance, he looked down below him to marvel at the sight of his cock finally inside you. However, there was a bit of blood trickling out from your cunt due to your broken hymen and your torn flesh from inside you.
“Oh, you’re bleeding
Quickly, you sat up to look at the sight of how the both of you are now connected in body. Your eyes widened as you saw the stain of blood on his bedsheets, from your bleeding vagina. Gun could see the worry in your eyes, making him snicker deeply in amusement.
“Don’t worry, this is natural. This happens whenever a virgin has sex for the first time, so don’t worry about it. Right now, worry about something else.”
“B-but what about the blo-”
Without any warning, he started to thrust his hips into you, starting off slow. You yelped in pain, as your arms returned around his body, making you cling onto him for comfort. While he kept thrusting into you, you felt the pain starting to subside as it was now replaced by pleasure. Gun noticed the change in your voice, as your painful gasps turned into pleased moans, in which he began to pick up speed. “From now on, you better get used to this.” he warned dangerously.
The sounds of skin slapping against skin and the sloshing wet noises of your pussy being rammed by his cock was all that you and Gun could hear. Nothing but moans and groans of immense pleasure had filled the room, including the creaking of Gun’s bed rocking. His eyes stared at your blissful reactions, as he rammed his dick into your sweet spot over and over again with intensity. At that moment, Gun thought that he was in heaven. A literal paradise, where he can finally escape from the outside world of chaotic violence for one night and just be with you, pleasuring each other till the both of you break. It was truly a significant ordeal for him.
Gun’s mouth curved to a wicked grin, as he looked down at you writhing in pleasure from his own body. Of course, he felt satisfied that he was the one to give you a taste of pleasure for the first time. Just making you his had became his obsession. An addiction. One that made him promise to himself that, that night was the night that you officially became his. It will be unforgettable.
Unexpectedly, he eagerly pulled his cock out right away just to position both of your thighs up to the level of your head and your feet to be pointing towards the ceiling, making you gasp in surprise and emit a needy groan from the loss of skin-to-skin contact. Your body was now bent in a weird ninety degree angle, with your ass and pussy positioned towards the ceiling, while your back still laid flat on the bed. He repositioned himself, bending his knees down over your gaping vaginal hole, then hovered his dick for only a second over a glorious sight of you beneath him. And without hesitation, he plunged his thick member into you for another time. You screamed in pleasure once more, when his thrusts became much rougher than from the previous position. At this newer position, you could feel his cock angled perfectly, hitting your g-spot just right while making your toes curl in the air. His strong hands held onto your shoulders tightly as he continued to plunge himself into you at such an incredible speed, that your hands were shaking from his intensely quick and powerful movements. Gun loved the sight of you starting to lose your senses from his aggressive mating-press, as he decided to tease you harshly while he fucks you senseless.
“So (Y/N), about that little apology you came up with earlier
 go ahead and apologize to me properly this time.”
“Go on. I’m listening.”
“I- mmmph
Your mind couldn’t process what he was currently asking you. Right now, you were living in the moment of pure pleasure and every time he rams his thick cock inside of you, your mind resets and goes blank. He enjoyed how you were unable to barely form any words, due to the overwhelming feeling that his own dick was giving you. All he heard were just babbles of broken words and audible moaning, making him pleased with himself in how much of a wreck he had made of you.
“You don’t have anything to say to me? About how much of a whore you were being tonight? Especially, back at that restaurant. You were DYING to get me to do this to you, right? That’s right
 indecent women like you need to be punished and I’m here to discipline you.”
The erotic moans that were coming out of your mouth started to intensify, as you were nearing for another climax. Again, right when he felt you grab onto his strong muscular arms while digging your nails into his skin from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure that was building up inside of you, he took his cock out immediately, leaving you in a cold sweat of shock. When he did that, you looked up at him desperately with need. You wanted him to finish you off that bad as it shows on your face, and that gets a good kick out of him. That look on your face that tells him that you wanted him, really turned him into a madman.
“Get on all fours.”
A look of confusion appeared on your face, making him glare down right at your direction.
“Don’t make me fucking wait.”
There it is again. His alpha male personality is showing.
Nodding, you followed his order right away as you got on your hands and knees.
“L-like this
Gun gave a sly sneer while shaking his head slightly.
“You’ve got ways to go, (Y/N). However, you learn quickly, so you’ll get it if you practice.”
Instantly, your face blushed as the word “practice” caught your attention.
? Does that mean that we’ll be doing this again?
The thought of doing sexual acts with Gun over and over again made your heart do summersaults. It also made you flustered, to the point that you weren’t aware that he was touching you from behind, trying to modify how you position yourself.
You felt his strong hands smooth out your back, forcibly pressing them against your upper back for your chest and face to be buried onto the bed sheets. Afterwards his hands grabbed onto your hips, angling your ass up more, over where his dick is leveled at.
“Good, now you’re all ready for me.”
As you heard him murmur those words, the sensation of his hands holding onto your plump ass and his cock rubbing onto you to get you wet again had you let out a blissful sigh.
“Oh? You already feeling good just from when I touch you lightly like this? Hmm
 you’re such a lewd woman. I’ve already converted you into my own personal toy so quickly that you make me want to break you right here, right now.”
“Personal toy”? Is that really how he sees me? Am I just an ordinary woman for him that he can just do on the side? I know that I accepted this, but does he really feel how I feel towards him?
He leaned onto you from behind, feeling his chest pressed up against your back as he ran his hand down your long curled locks from your head. He started combing strands of your hair from behind your ear with his fingers gently before gathering a whole lock of it from behind, to pull your head up with it like a leash. This sudden act had caused you to yelp in surprise, from the unexpected roughness, making you grit your teeth in humiliation.
He really is trying everything on me, like Iïżœïżœïżœm his test subject.
For some reason, Gun gets a high out of dominating the hell out of you through many ways. Your vulnerability really does make him express things that he normally doesn’t do or show and that really became a rare sight for him. A true mystery that he’s about to test out right about now.
“‘Bastard’ huh? Your mouth is as dirty as your corrupted mind. I’ve never felt this challenged by a woman who is beneath me in bed before. Not to mention, your reactions always surprise me. You truly are an amazing woman.” he said it with such proudness that his words made you even more confused about how he viewed you.
“Oh please, Gun. Make up your damn mind already. What am I really to you? Aren’t I just your ‘personal toy’ just like you said?”
When he heard your words, it made him ponder about it for a minute. What were you really to him? Both of you already crossed the line of trainer and student, so
 what was his relationship to you labeled as now? It got complicated too quickly.
“I’ve already delved in too deeply into our relationship to the point that it won’t be the same as what we were from the beginning. So, I apologize that I was being pushy and rough with you when we first started doing this. I am somewhat at a loss of morale, ever since I said that I wouldn’t cross the line before. But now that I see you in front of me, I just couldn’t resist. I’m a greedy man, (Y/N). If I want something, then I’ll do anything to get it. Even if that means, having you all to myself like this
Gun slowly released his tight grip on your hair, now running his fingers through your long hair delicately down your back. When he reached the tip of your hair, his hand brushed along your spine, making you shiver from just the light sensual touch of his fingers. Just watching you shiver from his touch like that sparked a new fire inside of him. Not just his burning desire for you, but his passion that he wants to give you so badly.
When you heard him call your name from behind, you turned your head around until you felt the presence of his lips meet yours. His kiss wasn’t rough this time, as his lips brushed against yours gently. As you kissed him back, you felt his tongue enter your mouth again, making your tongue dance with his. The kiss was way different than before, ever since the two of you started kissing each other passionately. The mood changed between you two as you felt longing coming from him, as if he didn’t want to ever let you go.
Once he pulled his lips away from yours, you felt his length rubbing against your private once again. You felt one of his arms wrapped around your waist from behind, before saying, “Sorry (Y/N), I can’t wait any longer.”
From those words, he abruptly inserted himself into you once more. Starting off slow, he kept his speed mildly controlled this time, just for you. However, you didn’t expect his slow thrusts to drive you crazy. His slow movements were basically torture for you. The more he did you slowly, the more you felt the pleasure teasing your insides. It made you feel greedy for more, as you suddenly grabbed onto his arm from behind you. He made eye contact with your desperate eyes, in which he interpreted it the way that you wanted.
“After I changed my pace for you, you’re still as needy as ever. My woman became such a slut for me in such a short amount of time. We haven’t even reached a whole month together yet, and you’re already losing it. Bad girl...”
Gun rubbed his hands on both of your ass cheeks sensually, before sending one of his hands down onto your right cheek, smacking it which left a red mark on the spot. When you felt the sharp blow of his hand on your ass, you let out a cry of pain.
“Hey!!! What are you- ahhhn~!!”
Gun’s thrusting speed quickened rapidly, as he started to fuck you like a rabid dog, just how your body wanted. His movements felt like they were inhumane, as if you were making love to an actual beast. The way he held you firmly by your love handles while repeatedly jabbing his dick into you made your eyes roll back into their eye sockets a few times, seeing stars.
While fucking your brains out, Gun loved watching your strong character crumble just from his touch. Eyes watering, saliva dripping from the sides of your mouth, and the heavy panting and moans coming out of your pretty little mouth. The woman whom he have built to become an unbeatable warrior to help destroy his own creations, was now vulnerable and weakened by him. Somehow, it made him feel like a god. No. Not just a god. THE God.
The way you were moaning underneath him, and the power he had over you was enough for him to replenish his ongoing strength over and over again. Your moans, in specific, were like sounds that were worshipping his heavenly dick and he took that interpretation of himself personally. He never got tired of seeing your desperate cries, your teared-up face, and the way your sensitive body reacts to him as you struggle to keep yourself up from him breaking you from behind was all too good to be true. And he felt relieved that this all wasn’t a dream.
“You’re so beautiful, taking all of me in like that. I’ll make sure that your insides form into the shape of my cock and I’ll etch that idea into your head until all you ever think about is me. No other man would dare appear in that pretty little head of yours. Only me
The erratic movements of his hips smashing into yours was starting to increase energetically, forcing you to grip onto the bed sheets again for support. You could feel a knot inside you building up, while the huge amount of pleasure was starting to ease into your orgasm. With one final thrust into you, you felt his girthy length hit your cervix, causing his cock to twitch and shoot his thick cum inside of you. Simultaneously, your walls contracted around his thick cock while your whole entire body quivered from a great wave of pleasure right when you felt him cum inside you, making you cum as well. His cock stayed inside of you for a whole long minute, filling you up to the brim until finally, he slowly pulled out of you with a satisfied groan. As a result, your upper body collapsed onto the bed from exhaustion while your knees were still bent and your ass was still hanging up in the air. Gun looked down at the sweet creampie that he just gave you, as he watched streams of his milky white cum flow out from your tight cunt. Too much of his seed overflowed from your violated hole, as he viewed some of his seed dripping down your trembling legs. He eyed this scene in awe like he just saw the most beautiful artwork of all. After all, he did create this masterpiece. A 2-in-1 masterpiece, with its strong warrior and her disheveled self violated by God. Now THAT is what he’d interpret, as fine quality art.
Gun sat on the bed beside you, staring at the mess he made out of you while trying to catch his own breath to regain his stamina for another round. On the other hand, you were still in a blissful high, trying to regain your consciousness from your first sexual intercourse.
So this is sex
? I had no idea that it can be THIS intense. I don’t think I can remember what just happened. What EVEN happened???
When he sensed that you’ve regained your consciousness back, he laid his hand on your head, stroking your hair gently that was covering part of your face.
“Was your first time that mind-blowing that you couldn’t even speak?”
” you awkwardly cleared your throat while trying to pull yourself up to sit properly beside him. “Well, it wasn’t
 bad.” you looked away shyly, unable to look at him in the eyes.
A mischievous smirk began to reveal itself on his face. “Oh? So you don’t mind if we go for another round?”
Your head immediately turned around to look at him in shock. “W-what?! Why are you so eager to do it again?! Geez, show some restraint Gun
“I can’t, if your beautiful body is displayed to me like that. Plus, you didn’t want me to show restraint a minute ago.”
Your cheeks flushed from his comments, turning your face very red. He chuckled at your bashful reaction, as he came towards you from behind then wrapped his arms around you. While doing so, he then laid his head on your right shoulder, and let out a peaceful sigh. For the first time, you were surprised to see him act like this when he’s with you. That intimidating aura and that strict demeanor of his, became much calmer than when you usually see him. It made you question his actions and how he felt about the two of you now.
“When did you become this straightforward?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean
 this. What we’re doing right now. It’s more of a
 ‘couple thing’ right?”
“I’m just tired. But if that’s what you’d like to think of from what we’re doing right now, then you can believe what you want to believe.”
 does that mean we’re ‘that’ now?”
“You can say whatever you want. Labels don’t matter to me.”
His replies were starting to annoy you as you crossed your arms sternly over your chest. “Okay, what’s up with the indirect answers? It’s a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. And what I’m getting from you right now is that you’re experienced in bed, but not in relationships. Have you ever been in a relationship before?”
Gun reached for an open cigarette pack that was laying on top of a nearby bed stand table next to an ash tray, along with his high polished chrome lighter. He lit a cigarette before he could finally reply to you. “I don’t do romance. It doesn’t go with my principles.”
“‘Principles’ huh? That’s some bullshit when I hear one
” you mumbled underneath your breath in irritation.
“I’ve only slept with women just to gain power. Or, even to satisfy my own lust sometimes just on a whim, nothing serious. Even from a young age, I’ve been exposed to many things that ‘normal’ people didn’t grow up with. Violence, greed for money, ambitions to get stronger, lust, and so on so forth. I didn’t think that romance was necessary for my lifestyle.”
” while you were learning more about himself, you poked his left cheek with your finger playfully. “Then
 would you consider experiencing romance
 if it was with me?”
He turned his head towards you nonchalantly, unaffected by your teasing. “We’ll see.”
“Wait, what? Really? But, why would you consider it with me, and not with someone else? There’s a lot of women out there who could be
 more compatible with you
I even expected him to turn me down directly with the whole “romance” thing since he said it isn’t really his thing. But
 what does “we’ll see” even mean?
“Well, isn’t that a mystery? I still can’t believe that I’ve been seduced by you who is an airhead, shameless, greedy, whiny, [
“H-hey!!! Now you’re just being rude!”
“What? Am I wrong though?”
“Ohoho, look who’s talking! You’re the selfish, self-entitled, arrogant, crazy, annoying, [
The two of you butt heads for about an hour until Gun finally decided to shut you up with a melting kiss after he set down his cigarette and extinguished it on his ash tray. Your eyes widened, taken in surprise from his unexpected move, but you then decided to kiss him back amorously, letting your actions guide you into another dream-like state for the night.
. . .
Throughout the whole night, the two of you tired each other out by drowning yourselves in deep pleasure. Both of your sweaty bodies collided in heat repeatedly, that you’ve lost count of how many times Gun had made you cum.
At that time, he put you in so many positions that it was hard to keep track of them when you’re literally going mad from the intensity of how good you were feeling because of him. His hands were all over you, hitting and rubbing all of your sensitive spots, making you arch your back whenever you felt his touch. Even when he used that godly mouth of his to satisfy your throbbing cunt, you couldn’t help but moan his name every time he felt that you were almost about to climax.
Your legs were spread out for him, while his face was buried into your pussy, digging his tongue deep into you while playing with your clit by rubbing it with his thumb. One of his hands were holding you by the ankle, making sure that you couldn’t escape from experiencing another mind-blowing orgasm. He knew that your body has been overstimulated, resulting in your sensitivity increasing every time he touches you. In a way, he finds it sexually arousing to see tears stream down your face from overstimulation, ruining your make-up from earlier. Gun could feel your hand running through his messy hair, while you were throwing your head back in pleasure. The grip on his hair signaled when he should ravish you quickly. Once it gets tighter, that’s when he gives you no mercy. Oddly enough, whenever his hair was grabbed tightly by you, this became a turn on for him now. Before, he would get annoyed and beat up anyone who would mess with his hair. But now, it became a major game changer and that was all thanks to you. (But he’d still beat up the bastards who mess with his hair if it wasn’t you.)
“Gun, I’m gonna cum~!!!”
His dark eyes met your teary ones, as he said in a low demanding voice saying, “Cum for me, (Y/N).”
When you heard his sultry voice command you before he started to roughly play with your sensitive button, his tongue went wild. The slurps and the sucking noises that he was creating from your wet heat made it unbearable for you to even try and stop your orgasm. Finally, your walls squeezed around his tongue, causing you to squirt all over his mouth. Panting, you watched his face come up from your pussy. When he made eye contact with you, he licked his lips in such an erotically attractive manner, which was dripping of your sweet juices.
“You taste so sweet (Y/N), just like candy. I just couldn’t resist your taste.” he let out a devious snicker, making you anxious of what was about to come next.
Eventually, he got on top of you as his lips crashed down onto yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to your body with affection. As the both of you sloppily kissed each other, Gun didn’t hesitate to force your legs open, shoving himself inside you for the millionth time. It was his body that had a mind of its own, repeating the same sinful actions over and over again. For only a moment, Gun questioned himself whether or not he was really himself. He was losing himself to a woman he knew for in less than a month, which made him question whether or not the two of you were going too fast.
“No, it doesn’t matter.” he reassured himself in a hushed voice repeatedly. But his own reassurance to himself made him unnecessarily frustrated with himself and annoyed by something that was so trivial, thinking that he’d turned himself into a lovesick lunatic.
Unconsciously he sped up the pace of his thrusting, pounding into you while making you gasp, which turned into loud moans. You were wondering why his movements were getting rougher, which got you worried for him. His eyes says it all as they were looking down in aggravation, not at your face, but towards your lower stomach as he watched his own phallus form a bulge on your stomach from inside you every time he bruised your cervix.
What’s gotten into him all of a sudden? Why is he acting like this?
You decided to help calm him, as both of your hands reached out to him to gently hold onto his face on both sides, his eyes were automatically drawn to the movement of your hands holding onto him. When you caught his attention, you leaned your face towards him for a warm-hearted kiss. When he caught your lips in his, he deepened the kiss by leaning into your lips more to match your power. His facial expression became less tense, resulting in him to close his eyes.
It amazes Gun that you managed to take his mind off of his worries, like that time when you helped tend to his wounds. Whenever he’s with you, it felt like the world around him began to move in slow motion. It was like time had stopped only for the two of you to indulge in each other’s comfort to the fullest. While intimately engaging in one another’s presence, you also felt like the Earth’s rotation had paused, even though you knew that it was merely impossible. It was just you and him, and nothing is going to interfere with your love-making.
Instantaneously, you felt your walls starting to constrict around Gun’s length, indicating that you were about to cum onto his dick. You moaned into his mouth until finally, you came hard on his cock, squeezing every last drop out of him. The amount of times that his semen had painted your walls was countless. Every time he came inside you, you could feel how hot and sticky it was when it overflows out of your tight pussy, making you shiver when the bodily fluids run down your legs.
The physical fatigue was getting to you, as your eyelids started to feel heavy. You tried to keep your eyes open, keeping your focus on Gun who had grabbed onto one of your hands to intertwine his fingers through yours onto the mattress. He brought your hand onto his lips, kissing the back of your hand tenderly with an infatuated gaze. You heard him murmur something while he had his lips pressed against your hand, but it was inaudible to you as your senses were starting to shut down. However, the last instance that you remembered before drifting off to sleep was his handsome face looking down onto yours dreamily, with a charming rare smile on his face.
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Bright rays of sunlight shined through the window, greeting the room for another warm day. Faint sounds of birds chirping can be heard from outside, even when the windows were shut.
Randomly your eyelids twitched, until they slowly opened up for only a second. Unfortunately, you were too tired to even try and open up your eyes at the moment as you decided to try and do it in a few minutes. You laid in bed for a bit, trying to recall what happened to you.
 what happened to me yesterday
With your eyes still shut, you were going to move parts of your body such as your arms and legs. Yet, when one of your arms jolted in movement, you felt something heavy that was weighing down on your body, restricting you from even moving properly.
What am I feeling
Your eyes sluggishly opened, seeing the room lit up in under the bright sunlight. Until you realized

This doesn’t look like my room
As you looked down at your stretched out arms on the bed, there were another pair of arms wrapped around your body next to yours.
What the-
You flipped around to see where these pair of arms belonged to and it was from none other than Jong Gun Park. His arms were wrapped around you the whole time even while the two of you were sleeping together. His face looked so relaxed as your face was close to his, watching him sleep so peacefully in front of you. You observed his facial features, with his messy hair down, his scar that ran across his closed eyes, his high-nose bridge, his smooth lips, and his sharp chin. He really did look like a handsome movie star who could play a strong lead role in an action movie. Your eyes traveled down to his broad muscular chest covered in scars and his chiseled abs. While staring at him, you noticed that his body was half naked, from the bed sheets that was barely covering his lower body. As your eyes trailed farther down his fit figure, you noticed that it seems like he wasn’t wearing anything underneath the sheets that you were sharing with him, in which he was ACTUALLY naked. Which indicated that

Oh my god. So that WASN’T A DREAM?!
Warmth started to rise onto your face as you started to recall the memories that have occurred from last night. The moments that you two shared in bed together made your heart race, with those R-Rated XXX scenes going through your head. You never would’ve imagined anything like last night to ever happen to you as you swiftly turned your back to him in shame.
What the hell?! Have I gone insane?! Why did I let my emotions dictate my actions like that? I even threw away the only remaining dignity I had, just because I

You peeked back at him, still sleeping without a care in the world. Sighing, you were now facing the edge of the bed with his arms still wrapped around your body.
This is crazy. I can’t face him like this. Ugh, (Y/N)! Have you lost your own self-respect?! I just know mom would be so ashamed of me if she ever finds out about this
 Geez, I guess there’s no point in turning back time. I just need to get out of here before he wakes up soon and as an apology for my obscenity, I should
 make him breakfast! Yeah, that should do it!
Slowly while trying not to cause any disturbing movements or make any noise, your hand grabbed onto his left wrist lightly to pick his entire left arm up, which was laying on top of your body. Gently, you placed it behind you where it now laid close to his body. While rolling onto your left side, you did the same for his right arm. After gently setting down his right arm, you scooted towards the edge of the bed inch by inch while checking to see if he was still asleep. Once your entire right leg was hanging off of the edge of the bed, you tried to feel for the floor at the bottom of the bed before trying to lift yourself up and off of the mattress as quiet as possible. However, every time you did so, your heart jumped whenever the bed creaked from your sudden outbursts of sound that you made, almost giving you a heart attack. But all that hard work and patience paid off as you were now finally free. You stood there triumphantly, silently pumping your fists in the air in short celebration. Without any hesitation, you quickly tip-toed your naked self towards his door, then held onto the door knob while slowly turning it to open. Once you opened the door enough for you to slip through a space fit for your body, you quickly passed through the doorframe before gently shutting the door behind you. It didn’t take long for you to sprint towards your room and shut the door behind you.
“Owww, my body hurts all over from running over here but whew, I made it out of there alive! Gun must’ve been really tired from THAT if he was sleeping so soundly. Like a baby
 how cute.” the thought of him sleeping peacefully made you giggle in glee.
“And I guess we aren’t having training today if he’s still sleeping right now. Oh well. But man, I should go and shower first. My body feels icky
You walked inside the bathroom then saw a peek of your reflection in the mirror, as there were now lots of hickies all over your body. Thanks to Gun, you now look like a good slice of pepperoni pizza.
“Tch, I take it back. That bastard isn’t cute. He’s a psychopath
. . .
After cleaning yourself up and getting dressed in fresh new clothes, you went to your bedside table to check your phone but you realized that it wasn’t there.
 where did it go? Maybe it’s downstairs. I remembered that the bag from yesterday is down on top of that table.”
You decided to leave your room to go downstairs, and while you were walking down the steps, you heard the doorbell suddenly ring. The doorbell startled you, making you jump down the last step of the stairs.
What should I do? Should I ignore it? If he was awake right now, I would’ve called him to go and get the door himself.
The doorbell rang a few times, as you stood in front of the door, making you even more anxious.
Is it possible to see who it is from behind the door? I remembered he had some type of monitor installed here somewhere

Next to the door, you were fiddling with a security monitor, trying to navigate its touch-screen functions. Somehow, you managed to pull up the camera outside of the door. However, the person that was standing in front of the door wasn’t someone that you’ve met before, like Goo. This time, it was a woman. Her face was very beautiful, and you could tell that her body was very fit, regardless of the rich business-like attire that she was wearing. The woman started banging on the door, while yelling out loud outside of the door.
“Hello?! Jong Gun?! You forgot about our meeting with the rest of the members today! It’s already one in the afternoon, and the meeting was supposed to be at eleven!”
Who is she? Does she work with him? And holy crap, ONE IN THE AFTERNOON?! I thought it was just ten in the morning! Also, it sounds like he had important plans for today, but he overslept because of me. Ughhh
 (Y/N) good job, you made him miss something that was really important to him. Now I REALLY need to apologize to him this time.
In frustration, you hit your head against the door. Immediately, you realized what you’ve just done as you backed away from the door in terror.
“Hello? Is anyone there?”
The woman’s facial expression on the intercom looked so confused. You had no choice but to reply to her. When you pressed the button on the screen to turn on the mic that was connected from the inside, you spoke out to her.
“H-hello? Who is this?”
The woman’s face looked surprised, as she was taken aback by your unexpected voice.
“I should be the one asking that question. Who are YOU?”
“Oh, I’m uh
Crap, what should I say? I can’t tell her that I’m his roommate or his student that he’s training. It might cause unnecessary suspicion. Quick (Y/N), think!
“I’m his
 maid! I was recently hired by Mr. Park to clean his house whenever he leaves the house unattended.”
“I see. You sound a bit young to be his maid. I would expect an older woman to be hired as a maid. Are you sure that’s what you really are?”
Why is she still questioning me even though I told her who I am? Tch. Is she suspecting that I’m someone else?
“Yes ma’am, I’m SURE about my own position. I find your questioning to be quite rude, since Mr. Park didn’t mention anything about having visitors at this time.”
“Oh, yes. Well, I came here without notice because Jong Gun and I have some important matters to discuss but he was unexpectedly late today. He normally is right on time, so I decided to come here and see if he was doing alright.”
“Ah, alright...”
“Is he there?”
“Yes, he’s still in the house ma’am.”
“Great. Then let me in.”
“Since you said he’s there, then let me in. I need to discuss something with him urgently.”
Didn’t he tell me not to open the door, even if someone “claims” to be associated with him? Well, rules ARE rules

“I’m sorry ma’am, but I cannot do that.”
“And why not?”
“Mr. Park didn’t authorize me to open the door just for ANYONE.”
The woman on the intercom scoffed while face-palming herself.
“This is outrageous
 Do you know who I am?! I am the chairman’s daughter of HNH Group, Crystal Choi. I don’t know if he told you this, but Jong Gun Park works for ME as my bodyguard. So, as his boss, I advise you to let me in. I don’t have time for this.”
“Well, Ms. Crystal Choi, my boss Mr. Park, didn’t say anything about letting people into his own home without his permission. Therefore, I simply CANNOT do that.”
“What type of maid won’t let an important figure in?!”
“Regardless of how important you think of yourself, ma’am, I still can’t let you in. The rules are absolute!”
“You know, for a maid, you’re really rude! No sense of proper education at all!”
The remark that Crystal gave you caused you to scowl as your blood was now boiling in rage.
“Oh yeah?! Well at least I know how to follow some easy rules around here! Unlike, a certain SOMEONE WHO-”
Alarmed, you turned around to see Gun standing furiously at the bottom of the stairs, with a towel covering his lower half of his body while his upper half was still glistening with a bit of water. He was glaring daggers at you, while drying his hair with a smaller towel in his hands. You assumed that he just got out of the shower.
 someone’s here to see you
Gun stormed towards you to see who it was on the security monitor. Frightened by his sudden outburst of anger, you backed away from the monitor without any hesitation then looked down at your feet in shame, like a little puppy who got scolded by their master.
There goes my opportunity to surprise him with a meal

“Crystal, what are you doing here?”
“Jong Gun, is that you? I came because you missed the meeting today! This morning, everyone was there except for you. They were getting impatient just from waiting for you, so I took responsibility as your employer and I proposed an alternative time for the meeting. I told my father that I’ll be bringing you to the meeting which will now be at three o’ clock. We were all wondering why you didn’t show up at all.”
“I see
 I apologize, I went to bed late last night trying to organize some business-related matters.”
While listening to their conversation, you snickered behind him while your arms crossed.
“Yeah, ‘business-related matters’, let’s go with that. What a liar
Gun heard you from behind, which resulted in him to turn around to look at you with a deadly stare. When your eyes met, you quickly avoided his hard gaze by turning your head to your side to stare at the TV across the lounge area while whistling to yourself.
“Oh, Jong Gun
Gun turned his attention back to Crystal who was still there outside of the door.
“Tell your maid to open the door next time whenever I visit. Apparently, she doesn’t know who I am.”
Damn. She HAD to tell on me, huh? Is she really going to get a free pass or what?
Gun didn’t say anything, as there was an awkward pause of silence until Crystal decided to say something else.
“Alright, get ready so that we’ll get there by two thirty. I’ll wait for you in the car outside.”
As Gun watched her leave the front door from the intercom, he turned his attention back to you.
“So, maid?”
“A-ah, well you see
 I couldn’t say ‘roommate’ or ‘student’ because they both sound like terrible backstories to explain. It would’ve been a pain for you to explain to her, so I chose ‘maid’ as an easier option. ”
“That explains the ‘maid’ part. But why were you yelling at her?”
“It’s because she kept insisting that I’d open the door for her, when I don’t even know who the HELL SHE WAS!!! I only followed your rules, and I did NOT open the door for anybody, even if they said that they knew you. There’s no way I’m opening that damn door, especially if I didn’t have your permission in the first place. Hmph.”
Gun took a few steps closer to you then gave you an adoring pat on your head. His hand gently pet your head a few times, like a master would for a loyal dog. His comforting touch made you feel lightheaded, as if you were floating in a really fluffy cloud.
“You remembered my words, good job. And for that, you deserve a reward.”
You looked up at him in curiosity. “A reward?”
Without any warning, he picked you up into his arms bridal-style, carrying you towards the lounge area.
“Hey, Gun! What the hell are you-”
When he reached the couch, he threw you down onto it before he removed the towel covering his now, erected member. You gulped in nervousness as your legs trembled at the sight of him fully naked in front of you. Setting aside the towels he was occupied with, he got on top of you once again while your body was laying down on the couch. His attractive body was now hovering above you, and you didn’t know what to do.
“G-Gun, what are you
“Five minutes.”
“Give me five minutes for me to send your body all the way to heaven.”
What the hell is this man even on?!
[End of Ch. V]
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starbeltconstellation · 3 months
So I gotta ask, do you have any headcannons(or cannons I guess since you're the author) about Melanie and Anakin that you can share without spoilers to much.
I'm going through Rewrite the stars withdrawal lol
Awww, thank you so very much for the ask, dear! (And so sorry again about your Rewrite the Stars withdrawal. 😭 Things have been crazyyy in my life. My bro was in the hospital for a while, but he’s okay now though. Also just me fighting my never ending depression spells 🙃). 😅😂
I would be happy to offer some “head” canons! Or canons, technically, as you said. 😂 Lol.
Essentially, this has become like one big, long SW meta analysis and meta analysis on my SW fic, Rewrite the Stars, and Anakin and Melanie’s characters. Sorry for the long response. 😭 I got really into explaining my thoughts. Haha.
I’ll put this under a read more, as it’s VERYYY long:
I’ll just say that the entire reason I started this story is because well, I wanted a fix it fic of course. 😂 But also just because I wanted to write this kind of grand, epic tale in general, just like Star Wars is supposed to be.
A lot of fics I’ve seen like this completely demonize the Jedi most of the time and blame them for their own genocide. And the ones that don’t, also flip it the complete opposite way around and demonize Anakin to where he’s nothing but a cackling demon who kicks puppies for fun (and well
 would he do that AFTER the prequel trilogy when he’s in his emo Darth Vader era? Probably. 😂 But he wouldn’t be CACKLING while doing it. He’d be very bitter and callous about it, because Anakin likes to take out his anger on the world when he’s in pain, so by GOD the entire galaxy is gonna be in pain along with him).
But anyways, I’m kinda getting off track.
My point is: the whole reason I started my SW fic is because I wanted to write the type of epic, grand tale of a fic that I’ve been looking for that treats all of its characters with love and respect while ALSO still calling out their flaws and allowing them to grow. That includes everyone: Anakin, PadmĂ©, Ahsoka, Barriss, Mace, Obi-Wan, Dooku, Satine, etc—EVERYONE.
I feel like fandom has become this toxic environment where if you’re criticizing a character, then
 (le gasp đŸ˜±)
 you don’t really LIKE themmm. (Untrue. 😂).
I love, love, LOVE Anakin. He is my hot, insane, child killing bastard of a mans.

 But I also hate him too. 😭😂
I HATE what he’s done and what he believes in after the war and how he just wallows like a child in his pain. I HATE how selfish he is (while at the same time heavily relate to his fear of death and losing those he loves to them dying/growing older). And I also HATE how damn close he was to making a better choice, but he DIDN’T, because in the end, it didn’t MATTER if Anakin technically knew the ‘right’ way to act. He purposely went against it, because he was just too selfish to let go of PadmĂ© (he kinda did a self fulfilling prophecy with her death, but we’re not gonna talk about that part right now), and so he decided his happiness meant more than the entire galaxy, and burned down his childhood home like a school shooter and helped genocide his friends just for the CHANCE to save his wife.
And all of this, in the usual fics I’ve seen, can somehow be undone, just by changing a few little moments in Anakin’s life where he doesn’t get his feelings hurt: ie; Obi-Wan faking his death, Ahsoka leaving the Order/being framed by Barriss, or Mace/Qui-Gon/whoever-the-fuck-you-want-to-say being assigned as his Master instead of Obi-Wan.
And just
 no. 😂
As shown through this wonderful SW blog here:
Anakin doesn’t do what he did because, oh, “This, this, and THIS happened to him”, and if you take that away and help him avoid it, he’ll suddenly change and be all warm and fuzzy inside and won’t burn the whole fucking galaxy just because HE cannot handle PadmĂ© (MAYBE) dying and leaving him alone (when he wouldn’t even really BE alone, but Anakin also clearly puts PadmĂ©/romantic love above all else. He might care for his friends and family, but he’d throw them all under the bus if it came down to the wire between them and PadmĂ©). This is something I will go into in the fic as Anakin slowly starts to take a look at himself as he realizes: “wait
 wtf? Do I even KNOW what Rex does outside of work? đŸ€”đŸ˜šâ€ for him to realize that he’s so obsessive over one person
 that everyone else is slowly becoming put to the wayside.
Stopping one or two little things in Anakin’s life during the Clone Wars isn’t going to magically make him see the light and not be a currently ticking time bomb.
That is not how change WORKS. Not REAL change anyway. All of the fics I’ve seen written, usually hand wave a lot of Anakin’s misdeeds and flaws away, and pretend like if you hold Anakin’s hand through certain parts of the war and help him avoid THESE certain moments, that he’ll suddenly just magically become a better person who understands what being selfless and less greedy actually means.
 is not true change. TRUE change is Anakin HIMSELF realizing slowly but surely as the war goes on that he’s slowly becoming someone he doesn’t recognize in the mirror anymore (*cough* Mel line drop from upcoming chapter? 👀✹ *cough*). TRUE change is Anakin HIMSELF working through his flaws and inner demons, before he gradually begins to realize with a sense of sickening horror that he has been WRONG: ie; massacring an entire Tusken village down to the last child while never telling another soul except PadmĂ© about it and whistling happily to himself without a care in the world as the war rages on.
TRUE change (as you might’ve started to guess from the most recent chapter of my fic) is Anakin HIMSELF slowly but surely starting to question his actions, by comparing them to other people he respects and cares for.
Which brings us to your question on “headcanons”.
The entire purpose of the relationship between Melanie and Anakin (besides me living vicariously through her 😂) is that they are a MIRROR for each other.
Melanie and Anakin, while very different, aren’t COMPLETE and total opposites. There are purposeful parallels between them: their moms, their care of droids, their fear of losing those they love to death, and the PURPOSEFUL CHOICE GIVEN TO MELANIE BY THE SHOPKEEPER 👀 that parallels the choice Anakin is given at the end of ROTS by Palpatine himself in their choice to help the galaxy or be selfish and choose themselves/their own wants instead.
There is a quote I have based their relationship off of. I will share it here (if you are still with me, because I know I ramble a lot 😅😂):
People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.
A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake.
—Elizabeth Gilbert
Melanie and Anakin are meant to have parallel journeys, even though their personalities are very different. But it’s more than that: their fatal flaws are in direct conflict with each other.
Anakin’s fatal flaw is: greed/selfishness.
Melanie’s fatal flaw is: fear/judgement.
BUT as they are forced into working together
 the more they interact with each other
 the more their fatal flaws are FORCED to be challenged by the other.
Anakin’s more selfish nature is challenged more and more by just being in Melanie’s presence and watching how she acts with complete compassion and selflessness in certain situations, which makes him slowly start to look at himself internally and take a look at his own actions and thoughts, gradually beginning to realize how selfish he’s slowly become without even realizing it.
Melanie, in turn, has the purposeful flaw of judgment, which can make her self righteous at times (even if she IS correct most of the time 😂), and also the flaw of fear, which as readers have seen, makes her a bit more cautious than she should be in her actions on trying to outsmart Palpatine to save the galaxy.
It’s kind of ironic: just being AROUND Anakin slowly begins to challenge Melanie’s fatal flaws (since she was completely fucking terrified of him the very first moment she realized she was in the SW universe and realized Anakin/Darth Vader was real now 😂). She sees things in such a black and white way at first, but as time goes on, Anakin’s need to be gentle with her and prove himself to Mel, makes her question her judgment with him, which allows her the ability to give him a chance. In turn, just being in his PRESENCE challenges her other fatal flaw on fear, since he’s a walking nightmare PTSD trigger for her pounding heart (and not always in the fun way đŸ‘€đŸ’“â€ïžâ€đŸ”„â˜ ïžđŸ˜‚).
Anyway, my point is that they aren’t just meant to be together romantically to be TOGETHER. It’s because I have purposefully tried to develop a romantic slow burn relationship that comes with my story to weave itself against the original theme of Rewrite the Stars, which is this: TRUE change and atonement/redemption.
Anakin physically CANNOT get closer to Mel, until he forced himself to take a step back and give her some space. If he wants to get anywhere with her, he HAS to start looking internally at himself to try and change and be more gentle with her.
Melanie, in turn, CANNOT outsmart Palpatine and win the war without Anakin’s help and working together with him over the next three years of The Clone Wars. She HAS to get past her judgment and allow herself to swallow her terror enough to give him a chance, because she NEEDS him to win.
This is a chess match between her and Palpatine, remember? And if you lose the king, you lose the game.
ANAKIN is the king. 👀
I bet you can’t guess what chess piece Melanie is. 😂 Lol.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve done a whole lot of taking in circles (sorry about that 😅), because I wanted to go ahead and explain my whole process for this fic while I had the time, so I can also refer this post if I ever need to again.
Now! Getting into some more FUN Stuff:
Idk if you’ve looked up my fic on Wattpad, but I have a lot of cool graphics posted there from my mind and from other artists/authors that have gifted me such wonderful cover art ( @shoniwake ! đŸ‘€âœšâ€ïž), and in a certain subsection, I have a whole playlist page dedicated as a type of ‘outline’ for the entire story of my fic (fair warning, it’s a lot 😅), just because I think it helps me with planning stuff out.
I won’t tell you all of them, of course. But I’ll share a few of my favorite songs that I always think are the PERFECT songs for Melanie and Anakin’s relationship and their slow burn romantic development. 😭đŸ„șđŸ’”â€ïžđŸ’•âœš
Innocence by Nathan Wagner
Stronger Together by Lou & SQVARE
Now I See by Lou & SQVARE
I love these three songs so much, because of their theme of two people coming together as a team and/or learning to open up their hearts to the other and to help the other person the see world in a different way. đŸ„čâ€ïžđŸ’•
This is basically what I want for Melanie and Anakin. Their relationship isn’t just about having a romance in the story (although that’s part of it. Haha 😂💕). It’s about how their relationship meshes in with the rest of the themes of the story: TRUE change and growth into something better.
Melakin is purposely written to be in direct contrast to Anidala (which is still written with care and not erasing their genuine affection, by the way! I think it’s extremely lazy writing to write a canon relationship OOC just to prop up your OC’s own), which shows the difference between a more healthy developing relationship that is based on genuine care and respect (Melakin) and in contrast with one that is more based around idealizing the other person/ignoring their faults and putting them up on a pedestal that is sure to lead to disappointment (Anidala).
This is, as you know from reading the fic, slowly starting to be shown in how Anidala acts with each other in their trash fire (in my opinion! Don’t kill meeee! 🙌😂) of a marriage, which has them basically talking past each other/not really caring about anything that isn’t SPECIFICALLY RELEVANT to the other person (ie; them. Not anything with their family or job. Just THEM. Because while the love is genuine, it’s also eerily obsessive, which was GL’s whole point of them being star crossed lovers that burn out from their own flawed choices in regards to being together and trying to have it all).
This is also shown in my fic with Melakin vs Anidala contrasting each other in Anakin’s choices and how he interacts with them. Anakin REMEMBERS stuff about Mel’s life and choices that really he has no need to care about, but he does anyway. In contrast, there is a scene in the latest chapter of my SW fic where Anakin forgets a very
 important member
 of Padmé’s family 😭 (If you know, you know đŸ‘€đŸ«ŁđŸ˜Ź). 😂
I guess what I’m saying is is that I’m trying to not PREACH to the readers of my fic. I’m trying to write scenes that SHOW them what I believe to be true in regards to Anidala’s toxic relationship/the Jedi being scapegoats that everyone cruelly blames for their own genocide/how the Jedi culture might not be how THE READERS want to live, but it doesn’t change the fact that it IS a valid culture/way to live, and it doesn’t deserve to be eradicated just because you don’t understand/like/agree with it.
I’m trying to lead up into the themes and lessons of my fic as I go along, is what I’m saying. 😂 Which is a really heavy feat, considering how long it’ll end up being as a grand, epic tale. đŸ˜©
And a big part of the theme of my SW Fic: genuine change and growth into something better than you were before (ie; TRUE redemption) cannot happen to Anakin as easily as some of the time travel fix-it fics/other fix-it fics I’ve seen written on A03 before. Changing a few little things so Anakin doesn’t have to deal with a few moments in his life is not GENUINE and TRUE change. What that is is essentially placation. It’s PLACATING and CODDLING someone dangerous, which allows them (for the MOMENT) to calm down, because they are generally happy and have the things they want and aren’t under stress like Anakin was in the ending of ROTS when there was nobody there to hold his hand for him to ‘guide’ him in the right direction.
For TRUE change and redemption to happen for Anakin, he has to admit to himself that he was WRONG.
He has to ADMIT and ACKNOWLEDGE that actions he has taken are horrific (the Tusken Massacre), and accept people’s/the Jedi’s judgment on it without becoming defensive and acting like he’s being unfairly attacked and punished for something not that big of a deal. He has to ADMIT and ACKNOWLEDGE that his thought process has slowly but surely become corrupted over the years without him even realizing it, whether that’s from the war or Palpatine stroking his ego or from the trauma of his childhood making him cling to things too hard—it doesn’t really matter. He has to RECOGNIZE that he has become someone over the years that he can’t even recognize in the mirror in relation to that little nine year old boy on Tatooine (about how selfish he has become), and what he can do to change that.
I know some fans will think I am attacking Anakin and that I hate him or something (and well
 I DO hate him
 but I also love him đŸ«Łâ˜ ïžâ€ïžđŸ˜‚), but that is not the case. I LOVE Anakin’s character and truly relate to him on such a deep level in terms of how terrified he is of losing the people he loves to death. I can recognize myself and some of my worst fears deeply in him.
However, at the same time, I can also acknowledge that Anakin’s trauma from his childhood (from slavery/his mother dying in front of him), has essentially made his entire personality completely self serving. Because yes, Anakin can care about other people. He cares about and loves his friends. He’d do anything he could to keep them from harm (at least in TCW era đŸ„¶â˜ ïž), but the hard truth is
 he doesn’t think of his relationships and saving them from death in terms of what his LOVED ONES deserve or what THEY will lose if they die. He thinks about it in terms of what HE will lose if they die.
He straight up says it in the scene with Mace and then the scene with Palpatine: He NEEDS to keep Palpatine (who he KNOWS is an evil Sith Lord) alive, because it’s the only way he can keep PadmĂ© alive. HE can’t live without HER.
There’s genuine love there. I am not denying that. Anakin isn’t a cackling villain like Palpatine (it’s the whole reason Anakin CAN be talked into coming back to the Light Side by Luke, whereas Palpatine would melt Luke’s fucking face off without hesitation if he tried). He cares and loves his family and friends and wife and kids
 in a TOXIC way. In an OBSESSIVE way. In a way that is essentially all about HIM: ie; selfish.
Example 1:
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Out of context, this sounds very romantic and simply just a reasonable amount of worry. But in relation to all the other things Anakin will end up saying while referring to PadmĂ© as essentially a possession, I’m placing it here anyway as perhaps a sign of his darkening thoughts.
Example 2:
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Yes, yes, I knowwww
 some of you ladies will be like: đŸ„ș💔 at the sad murder puppy moment. And I suppose it’s still very evil wet cat bastard level/blorbo of him in a intoxicating way for people who want to feel loved—at the same time, he’s essentially saying: look, man, I don’t care if I gotta murder some kids and betray my friends and descend the galaxy and Republic into darkness (which I know my wife will be fucking horrified at). It’s very important that I DO NOT have to deal with this pain, okay?? 😭 Everyone else can be in pain, but not meeee. I’ll crush and stab my friends in the back just so I won’t be left alone from my wife dying.
Very sad. Very wet cat villain blorbo of him.
And yet—VERY selfish and evil. đŸ˜­đŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ‘€đŸ˜‚
He’s essentially saying—fuck the galaxy. Let me get mine, and I’ll go home. ☠
Example 3:
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This one’s pretty obvious. By this point, he’s lost his shit. His mind’s already cracking at the seams as he tries to keep justifying the actions he’s taken, which will eventually lead into his 20 year long dissociation where he essentially goes, “Nahhh, that wasn’t meee. That was DARTH VADER. Anakin didn’t do that, because ANAKIN is still a good person (he mutters to himself over and over like a maniac at night in his emo villain lair), whereas I AM THE DARK INCARNATE. đŸ˜ŒđŸ–€â€ so he doesn’t have to admit to himself that HE—yes, THAT he, Anakin fucking Skywalker—has become an actual terrible fucking person with no heart. đŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ˜­đŸ˜Ź
I don’t see why this is so hard for SW fandom to get. It’s a METAPHOR George Lucas uses to say Darth Vader killed Anakin (and also just a way to plug up the plot hole of what Obi-Wan originally told Luke in the first movie). It doesn’t mean that Anakin’s consciousness is sleeping inside Vader’s head like a fucking cat. Lmao. 😭
Not only would that not make SENSE in terms of how GL wrote it, but it also just essentially makes Anakin’s ‘redemption’ (I don’t really view it as a true redemption. More like just the Christian version of salvation for his soul by the skin of his teeth. Although GL did say Anakin was redeemed in the eyes of LUKE only, because he said some crap about being redeemed in the eyes of our children) all but useless. 😭 You can’t say on one hand that Darth Vader’s ‘redemption’ is the most iconic one of all time, while at the same time saying on the other hand that “Anakin never did any of those things. It was DaRtH VaDeR! đŸ€ȘđŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș” because then you’re essentially absolving Anakin of all of his crimes while on the Dark Side, and if Anakin is absolved of all of his crimes
 then wtf is there TO make him the most iconic ‘redemption’ of all time??? đŸ˜­đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I mean, like—what IS there to ‘redeem’ at that point??? Ya can’t have both, kids. Lol. 😂
This is also essentially what Anakin wanted in terms of his relationship with PadmĂ© and the Jedi Order. He wanted it ALL. He wanted BOTH. Sureee, he TALKED about quitting the Jedi Order eventually after the war to be with PadmĂ© in a little space cottage. But could he WALK THE WALK? Could he really give up the thrill of chasing an enemy, or the twitch of his fingers in reaching for his lightsaber? đŸ˜‘đŸ€” Me myself has some doubtssss.
He wanted it ALL. He wanted to be married while ALSO having the strength and power that came from being a Jedi Knight. He didn’t WANT to choose. He even SAYS it.
Example 4: Essentially this SW meme
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He doesn’t want to CHOOSE. And it’s why it’s BS when it’s argued he was put in this position by the Council’s rules on marriage, because it’s LITERALLY just like a vow of a priest at a Catholic Church. They can’t marry either, just like the Jedi Order. BUT (unlike what fandom likes to believe), the Order isn’t some cult, and you are free to leave at any time (and hell, they’ll even build a statue after you leave, apparently, if the one they built of Dooku that’s in the Archives (I think) is anything to go by), just as a priest is free to leave the Catholic Church at any time. Because it’s a COMMITMENT to that place. And people might think it’s dumb/stupid/not like it—or even understand it! And you don’t HAVE to like something from a religion/culture/belief, or understand something, to still respect it (another theme drop for the next chapter of my SW fic? 👀😂).
So, what some people will probably wonder is—“But, Starbelt! (Le gasp đŸ˜±) Then how is the Jedi culture going to be respected in my fic, if Melakin is still endgame at the end of their slow, slow burn?”
And to that question, I say, “I am not a by-the-book-to-the-very-LETTER interpreter of the Jedi Code (although I’m not saying the code of an entire culture is gonna be ‘changed’ for legit one person/couple. Lmao. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚), but I AM a Jedi lover who is of the belief that—even if you don’t completely AGREE or even UNDERSTAND the Jedi Order and their code—it shouldn’t matter. It shouldn’t be difficult to respect it. It shouldn’t be difficult to not scold a culture on their beliefs, while essentially saying that belief is the reason it is ‘good’ for The Force/galaxy that they were genocided as a ‘clean slate’. đŸ˜ŹđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžâ˜ ïžâ€
What I WILL say, is that I am going to explore the Jedi Order and the different interpretations of the Code and The Force in general in this fic, and what that means in terms of coexistence, instead of the frankly childish notion of just painting an entire culture as emotionless and wrong in their beliefs, like they are some kind of stuck up, snooty and rich culture that ‘deserved what they got’. đŸ™„đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ˜Źâ˜ ïž
ANYWAY, back to my point with Anakin, and how my fic is trying to complete the most massive and epic of all writing tasks: making Anakin slowly change and grow out of his greed and selfishness into a better person in such an organic way, that perhaps may one day be compared with the likes of Zuko’s redemption from ATLA (I know, I knowww. Pretty high hopes for myself. Lol. 😂).
So, essentially, in the original “timeline” of ROTS, Anakin is freaking losing it, and since nobody is there to hold his hand, he descends right into the core selfishness that is buried inside of him, where he basically just decides, “Fuck it,” and throws all of his morals out the window so he can keep himself from the pain of losing PadmĂ© (ie; it’s really about HIM and his fear, and not about PadmĂ© deserving to live and see more beauty in the world) by cutting off Mace’s hand to stop him from killing Palpatine, because—in Anakin’s OWN words:
Example 5:
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People like to sing “Lalalala,” and plug their ears by pretending Anakin is just so shocked in this scene (le gasp đŸ˜±) that Mace is being so UN-JEDI-LIKE, and that it just convinced him that the Jedi Order truly has been ‘corrupted’. đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ™„
Now see
 that might hold some water if Anakin literally didn’t scream “I NeEd HiM! 😡” at Mace like an unhinged five year old, which literally PROVES that the only reason Anakin wants Mace to keep Palpatine alive and not to kill the guy yet is because he needs to learn the super-secret-Dark-Side-magicy way of how to save himself from the pain of losing PadmĂ© to dying in childbirth.

 Because like some may recall, Anakin LITERALLY beheaded Dooku himself all but like
 what? 12 hours ago? đŸ˜­đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž
Essentially, this meme:
So, essentially, what I’m getting at here is: Anakin is a goddamn hypocrite. 😂
Now, in relation to my SW fic? What I essentially am TRYING to accomplish, is to have Anakin slowly CHANGE HIMSELF as the war goes on and he interacts more with Melanie and witnesses her compassion, while in turn comparing her actions to his own.
Melanie isn’t supposed to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ Anakin. Anakin is supposed to be INSPIRED to change from how he grows to care and admire Mel’s choices and who she is inside her heart as the Clone Wars rages on.
I do all of this, so in the HOPES that when he is presented with this scene again, it makes perfect sense to all readers of my fic that his choice may become different—essentially choosing for ONCE, a more selfless route, out of no expectation that he will gain anything in return (that only happens with Luke like—20 years later—and it’s not like he had many other options at that point. đŸ˜­đŸ€·â€â™€ïž Lol.).
(And as I said—MAY become different
 👀 After all, Melanie still has a long way to go before the end of the war
But yeah—that’s my plans with my SW Anakin x OC Fic, Rewrite the Stars, and how I’m planning it and Melakin’s relationship to go. I placed a big feat on myself. đŸ˜‚â€ïžđŸ’•
If you wanna see some of my like
 ideas/notes on what I have planned to eventually place in there somewhere, I will show you a few things, because it’s not really SPOILERS, since I already talk about the Jedi genocide a lot anyway (it drives me up the wall when SW fandom refers to it as ThE FaLl Of ThE jEdi đŸ€ȘđŸ€ȘđŸ€Ș). Guess it makes it easier to blame them all for their own deaths that way if you refer to their genocide and slaughter as a “fall”. 😭🙄 Idk. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
I also have some stuff with the history of Churches splitting into different factions (ie: The Great Schism of 1054), which I will be weaving in as a parallel at some point. 👀👀 I will not explain why, as that would be too spoilery, but I’m sure some of my more in depth analysis readers on my work could guess if they thought about it hard enough
There are also some comparisons on the Jedi genocide in the SW universe, and how it parallels the Air Nomad genocide in the ATLA universe pretty much to a T in terms of how fast it all happens in one day, and also how any survivors were hunted down and lured out with relics of their own culture, not to MENTION just the fact that both of these cultures are just non-western inspired in general (seriously, what is with people and killing monks in Temples? Lol. đŸ€·â€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚). It’s also just an interesting comparison in general, because where the ATLA fandom usually is quite sympathetic to the Air Nomad genocide, on the other hand, the SW fandom is so nauseatingly nonchalant and cruel about the Jedi Order’s genocide that it’s almost downright weird. It’s almost like the SW fandom has this THING about never calling the Jedi’s “Fall 🙄” what it actually was—a horrific genocide. I swear to Godddd, SW fandom must be allergic to the word. đŸ˜‚đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž
I also threw in the ‘Hero’s journey’ thing I’ve been using for Melanie to try and make her a relatable protagonist, while also still having her own character arc along with Anakin’s. It was really important to me that she had her OWN arc away from Anakin, and that she had more connections and relationships in the SW universe than just him. Not only does it weaken her character if she had been made to be all about HIM, but it also just makes a certain
 with The Shopkeeper (her antagonist who parallels Palpatine, Anakin’s antagonist) hit all the more harder, because saving the ENTIRE GALAXY isn’t even about saving ANAKIN at all for her. Not at first, anyway.
Instead, from the very beginning, it’s all about how Melanie grows to care and feel compassion for the people she meets in the SW universe and becomes friends with, and how she cannot turn away from them and leave them behind to die, when she has knowledge that can help change their fates. It was SO important to me that Anakin is not even on Mel’s RADAR at first. She doesn’t hate him or anything. She doesn’t want him dead, but it’s not really about SAVING him either (if that happens along the way, it’s a happy bonus for her). Because—as you know—she’s TERRIFIED of him in the beginning, and just plans to avoid him like the plague.
And in doing so, she grows closer to others in the SW universe: Ahsoka, Rex, Yoda, Fives, Obi-Wan, all of the other clones, etc. ALL of that is so important for a certain choice she makes with The Shopkeeper (which I won’t spoil for any new readers who may stumble across this post and want to read my work 👀😂).
So, essentially, my fic is a grand, epic tale, that our main protagonist, Melanie Bains, is going on to save millions of lives in a galaxy far, far away from death and suffering.
No pressure, huh? 😂😬
That’s definitely going to crack and fracture at Mel’s psyche as time goes on
 đŸ„¶ The weight of such a feat on one’s shoulders essentially all alone becomes overwhelming. 😓💔 (*Cough* Hint for next chapter? 👀 *cough*).
So I’m really trying to follow that ‘Hero’s journey’ format. I already have her character arc outlined with a clear beginning and end. I just have to find the will to write the thousands and thousands of words to get there to that point. đŸ˜©đŸ˜­đŸ˜‚
It still makes me so happy how many people relate and enjoy Mel. 😌đŸ„čâ€ïžđŸ’“đŸ„°
Some planned themes I am going to weave in as the story goes along:
Example 1: Genocide
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Air Nomad genocide propaganda from ATLA:
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Jedi Order genocide propaganda (Not sure if it’s from before or after Order 66. Either way, it’s meant to rile the populace up against them and demonize the Jedi as ‘other’, like emotionless wizards that are barely human and aren’t capable of true compassion since they’re a ‘cult’ and not from ‘true’ familial structures, unlike the ‘good ol’ regular populace with their attachments đŸ€Ș’) from SW:
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Example 2: Church factions splitting up/The Great Schism of 1054
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Example 3: Hero’s Journey (Mel’s character arc)
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 Now, moving past that long meta ramble, here’s some more songs from my playlist on Wattpad for Melakin’s developing romantic relationship and it’s slow, slow burnnnn. đŸ‘€đŸ’“â€ïžâ€đŸ”„đŸ˜‚
Borderline by Florrie
Let Me In by Michael Corcoran
The Chain by Ingrid Michaelson
Minefields by Faouzia & John Legend
Unlike the previous songs in the earlier part of this meta post, THESE songs are more about Melakin struggling to open up to each other. I’ll admit, a lot of it is more focused on Anakin trying to get Melanie to open up to him, because he doesn’t understand why she’s acting so terrified of him at first.
The one song that’s more about both of them trying to find common ground is “Borderline”, which is meant to be them both reaching out and trying to meet each other halfway. đŸ˜ŠđŸ„°đŸ„șâ€ïžđŸ’•
And if you’re wondering what my favorite song is out of all of them?
It’s the “Innocence by Nathan Wagner” song. WITHOUT a doubt. It’s the PERFECT Melakin song that is basically what the whole arc of their relationship is supposed to be. 😭đŸ„čâ€ïžđŸ’”đŸ’•
Whew, that was a long post! So sorry about that. đŸ˜…đŸ˜‚đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I just got really into talking about my fic and my writing process. I think this has even helped me with motivation! Losing hyperfixations is a bitchhhh. 😖😖
The only other thing I will add is this to hopefully ease your and everyone else’s minds: I may have to go on hiatuses every now and then because of writer’s block or a family/life problem like the recent one with my brother being in the hospital for a while. BUT! No matter WHAT, I will NEVER abandon this fic. It is literally gonna be my damn life’s work—I swearrrrr. 😖✊😂
To end this long SW meta off, I’m going to link another two great Pro Jedi SW meta posts from the wonderful Pro Jedi blog I mentioned earlier. Feel free to check it out if you want, because it’s a lot of Mel’s thoughts on the Jedi, and part of the problems she has to find a way to solve as the war goes on by trying to keep the Jedi in favor of the public’s eyes:
To any new readers that stumble across this and are curious enough to check out my fic:
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nyxthejinx · 1 year
ʀᎇᎄᎏʀᎅ 1 | êœ±ÊœáŽ€áŽ…áŽáŽĄ áŽĄáŽ€ÊŸáŽ‹
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Wowowow another short and cryptic chapter!! If it doesn't make sense it means it's working :) it will- in due time. For now I just wanna smooch my loves 😔
[ ꜱʏɎᎏ᎘ꜱÉȘꜱ ] You're not part of the script, they must get rid of you. But will the Hunters become the hunted once your true nature is revealed?
[ ᮛᮡ ] talking about dying in the beginning with some graphic description (lots of nihilism on reader's part), generic description of blood, smoking, Kafka lil kissie mwah, lemme know if I'm forgetting anything (it's 5 am 🙃) finally baby Blade enters the scene!!!
[ ꜰ᎛. ] Kafka x GN!Reader x Blade
[ áŽĄáŽÊ€áŽ… ᮄᮏᮜɮᮛ ] 718
ꜱᎇʀÉȘᎇꜱ ᎍᎀꜱ᎛ᎇʀʟÉȘꜱ᎛ | ᮊᮏÉȘÉŽ ᎛ʜᎇ áŽ›áŽ€ÉąÊŸÉȘꜱ᎛ ʜᎇʀᎇ!
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ʏᎏ᎜’Ꭰᎇ áŽ€ÊŸáŽĄáŽ€Êêœ± áŽĄáŽÉŽáŽ…áŽ‡Ê€áŽ‡áŽ… áŽĄÊœáŽ€áŽ› ᎅᎇᎀ᎛ʜ ʟᎏᎏᎋꜱ ʟÉȘᮋᮇ.
If it wore a sword’s, a knife’s or a gun’s clothes. If it appeared as a bottomless pit, staring at the depths of existence, or if it looks like the ground inching closer the more you lose altitude.
You think of sidereal space and the cold it harbours, of those fifteen to thirty seconds necessary to run out of oxygen, of those twelve to twenty-six hours it takes for the body heat to disperse, in the lack of atmosphere.
You imagine how it would be to be torn apart, choked, burned, have your flesh chewed to its bones. You imagine a pain that finally ceases, once the body has been slaughtered.
Going to sleep without the risk of waking up again: you project the image in your mind.
Before Kafka bursts your little bubble, dragging you back into the elevator.
“Your death will not be vain, Drifter. It serves for a greater cause."
She smiles in the corner of your eye, pristine and serene as if she wasn’t asking —ordering— you to die for her cause. Kafka is an amazing dancer when it comes to sticking to the choreography, lest the outcome steer away from what her master foresees.
No matter what it takes. Who it takes: the script has been set in stone already.
Too bad death is the last of your concerns, and so are her empty, poorly crafted words.
“I don’t really care.” You shrug.
Kafka’s brows shoot up in mild surprise, but she’s chuckling the next second already. Her eyes wrinkle at the sides, her shoulders shake gently— the radiant darkness of her soul glows brighter than ever and she’s just something else, straight out of this world.
“Are you mad at me?” She inquires, unfolding her arms to run a knuckle over your cheek.
Trying to process her words feels so impossible under her touch. Your feelings have long faded like cheap colours, brush strokes watered down by time, flowing into a grey puddle at your feet. There’s something stirring inside your chest, you know it- but how can you name it when your skin tingles and your knees go weak?
It’s not fair. But you lean in anyway, letting your eyes fall shut briefly. “Does it matter?”
“Not really, no.” She sighs. “Frilly words won’t change a thing, especially yours.”
“A kiss would, though.” You place a hand over hers, flutter your lashes gingerly. “I’d die with a silly grin on my face.”
“That can be arranged.”
Her smiling lips lock on yours, gentler than last time. There’s no love, no passion, no longing nor lust— it feels like a sorry kiss, a consolation prize, a sop to prevent rebellion. But it’s also one to be broken reluctantly, as both her hands drag you deeper by the jaw and trace your cheekbones with unexpected tenderness.
Maybe there was personal pleasure hiding behind her sense of duty, that night. But it ends all too soon and you will never tell.
Kafka leans back, cleaning the smeared gloss from the corner of your mouth. You glance at the panel in the elevator, see that you’ve almost reached the final destination.
If the Hunter is saddened, she doesn’t show it.
She's busier rummaging through the pocket of her coat now, as she pulls out a cigarette tin you know very well; it’s yours, just like the smoke she extends to your lips. You hold it gladly, waiting for her to light it.
“It wasn’t my choice.” Kafka whispers, voice delicate like the flame of your lighter.
Once the cigarette burns to life, you don't waste time— you inhale until your lungs are full of cloves with a hint of cinnamon, until it invades your senses and makes your mind dizzy in a way that never gets old. It tastes of memories you can’t remember, dreams yet to be dreamed, but most of all nostalgia you have no reason to experience.
"I know." You exhale eventually, as your shoulders sag. “Just remember me, even if it’s meaningless.”
Kafka smiles yet again, brushes your cheek as her other hand returns the two items to you. Inside the pocket above your heart.
And your lips quirk in the slightest, before the elevator stops at the floor where your blood will spill.
"Another one like you, Bladie." Kafka ponders, staring at the merging skin of your freshly wounded neck.
The puddle growing at your knees and the crimson path staining your clothes would convince anyone that a life was taken, today.
But the iridescent purples and blues lining your blood tell another story.
The story of someone who's walked across this universe for many years. Centuries, millenniums even.
Someone just like him.
Who Blade sees smiling at him, as if his sword wasn't dripping with their blood.
"Not yet, so it seems."
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DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
149 notes · View notes
fifis-cosmos · 5 months
Haha I think everyone liked my earlier request with all the notes you got on it đŸ«ŁđŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—
so can you do the other members as well 😋😋
Haha YES!
Sorry I haven’t been on it’s been a busy week. Also, one of you guys reposted and said that they were laughing imagining their dicks bouncing around and I’m FUCKING LOOSING IT
 but also
 that could be kinda sexy


Chris. The part in charmer where he turns around and pulls up his shirt in specific? There was a time I think he held it between his teeth, and I can COMPLETELY imagine him stripping off whatever pair of sweats he’s wearing while he holds his shirt up like that. Then you get to see his yummy abs mmmmm.
Also I’m kinda an enthusiast of their body hair đŸ€­, so I can image his trail is starting to show since he last shaved it and you can see it leading under the band of his boxers and babsbsjajmakzksjndhzjaakkziaoaksjdjjdjdsjsjj
Note on Minho, he would 100% use it as a form of teasing. like, you have to watch him dance like that while he’s naked. With his thighs and his dick out at the end, and you aren’t allowed to touch him or yourself
For Changbin I’m actually drooling this isn’t funny omg. We all know he looks SO GOOD during the maniac choreo, especially at the part where they roll their hips? So seeing him do that in front of you, maybe his dick is out?? Yummm all I’m picturing is thick ass Binnie cock in my face. I feel like he would be very enthusiastic if you asked him to do this for you.
Hannie would probably be a bit shy, maybe impatient. He would still do it, and he would put on that flirty attitude like usual, winking and smiling at you while he takes of his shirt and shows you those delicious tiddies đŸ« 
I support needy Jisung agenda and I think he would get a bit desperate towards the end and start palming himself. or just jump you.
He’s climb up into the couch you’re sitting on quickly, half dressed with music still playing, and starting kissing you and pushing you into position.
“M’ sorry, my baby. I can’t wait. I need you now
” -which would be followed by quick, sharp thrusts into you, face down on the couch. Clawing into your ass, maybe busting on your lower back and watching it run down. I think I got a bit carried away

Felix. So somebody once mentioned that he might have freckles on his dick, and I think I just cummed. (If anybody can find out who that was lmk).
I don’t even know where to start. I know in the last one I mentioned Minho doing the taste choreo, but FELIX?!? I think most of us have seen the way he tilts his head back when he does the chorus part. Honestly, I want felix to give me a lap dance 🙃. Like, if he gets too into it and he starts grinding on you?? Ohhh my god.
He starts off by doing a striptease, then he’s just in his undergarments. Boxers or cute panties, pick your poison. he walks up to you and starts dancing for you, climbing into your lap, which eventually turns from him rolling his hips inches in front of you, dancing seductively, to him leaning down and kissing you all sloppy and covered in spit while the music sings on, nearly forgotten.
One thing or another goes down, but it ends with him grinding on your thigh, or maybe just dry humping. Would 100% cum in his panties. Or if he takes them off and he grinds all over your thigh. it’s a bit dry. Maybe you make him drool on it to make it a bit wetter

Also imagining him rutting against whatever part of you is closest, likely your torso. The fabric of his undergarments is very restricting and painful, so he pulls it down under his balls so his cock can spring out. The material may be digging into his skin, but it feels too good to care. Then he cums and it gets all over you 😊
I also would like to think Seungmin is mean about it too. Something about that man makes me go feral. I want him to punish meee
So I can 100% see him doing it as a punishment for something. Maybe he’s just being mean, you didn’t even do anything wrong. Dances so sexy. He puts on an outfit he knows you like first.
Then after, he makes you sit at his feet, staring down at you while he jerks his cock. He won’t let you put it in your mouth at all, just make you watch while it’s inches from your face. Maybe he’ll make you collect your spit in your mouth, not allowed to swallow any, while he’s dancing so you can drool on it for him to make it wet.
BONUS THOUGHT: Minsung recreating their sexy dance as a striptease for you.
Also just thought to add this but TYSM FOR THE REQUEST!
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starsomens · 1 year
a home birth with Noah đŸ„člike instead of doing the hospital you both agree that doing it at home would be better, more peaceful and just overall a better birth experience for you.
Noah like we’ve said is super observant and knows that the hospital isn’t the best when it comes to listen to how women want to give birth aside from in their backs (this isn’t prove by facts I’m sure many hospitals do listen to women just go with it)
And yes I am convinced Noah researched different methods and positions for birth and what would make it safer and easier for you. And what’s more safe than at home with him? He will invest into EVERYTHING. A pool, the best most experienced doula/mid wife, supplies, an extra bed in case
I feel like he’s also the type to be the first to spot things before you. Like when you have a contraction and think “oh it’s just a cramp, or they’re just stretching”
“Yea the cramp, lasted about 3 minutes. You’re in labor mama” and he’d come and pet your belly like a dad does to the dog
Ans he was rightđŸ§đŸœâ€â™€ïž you’re in early labor. He’s got the doula on hold and let her know you started early but still too early for her to come. I think he’s the type to document it because it’s such an intimate experience. Not graphically but like candid shots definitely
At first you were both joking about it and watching your stomach stretch and timing it and going “that was different that time” they were too bad at the start. But after a couple of hours he noticed it was starting to get to the part no one rlly liked. The one where pain was too much to ignore, when you had to really focus on it cuz it was intense. The part where he had to be your rock and hold you and support you.
Between contractions he tried to get you to sleep to have some kind of rest even though you weren’t really getting any.
So now it’s his role to step up and be your support physically, emotionally and mentally. He knows birth can take a toll on women in more ways then one and who was he not to support and be there for you???
On top of that no medication, you both went into this knowing you wouldn't have the option for epidural.
“Squeeze my hand baby you got this”
“Where do you need me?”
“You want me to just hold you?”
“Breathe in
and out baby. Good just like that”
“You’re almost dome princess. Almost there”
You both agreed on a water delivery so he had gotten you the best most expensive pool possible. By the time the doula got there you had been in active labor for about 4’hours now. She did be usual check up for heart rate and dilation, you were only at 3 cm at that moment do you had some ways to go.
He’d would walk around the house with you, hand your hands while you used the yoga ball or tried to distract you with some singing, which at one point worked very well. After some strong waves he’d wipe you tears away and give you some water
“I know princess, but you did so good. So strong” he knew his words could have only so much effect on the situation but he was doing everything he was able to do for you. He helps get you in the pool and used a small towel to wash warm water down your back.
“We’re super close babe
what do you think it’s gonna be?” You wanted the sex to be a surprise and you were back and forth with old wives tales
“Mm, I’m still thinking it’s a boy” you said letting your head rest on the edge of the inflatable pool
“Really a Boy? I thought you would have wanted another copy of yourself” he smiles
“A copy of you would be so cute though” you try and smile
“But a copy of you would be perfect. Either way, I’m just so happy they’re finally coming”
Then it’s time for the hardest part 🙃
"Ready baby...push..you got it 1..2..3..4.."
"That was a good push baby, good job"
"I gotchu, I'm right here baby. Good, good..you're doing so good"
Doesn't care about the screaming and if anything he encourages you to while you push. Is very surprised and kinds scared at the grip you had on his hand, but that was the least of his worries.
Entire labor took about 8 hours and ended by the night with about 5 pushes and now you had a beautiful baby boy. lots of crying, Noah cant stop kissing and thanking you. He's just watching you be a mom and he can't look away and he can't wipe the smile off his face.
"He's so perfect princess, he's got your nose"
While he was being weighed and measured Noah helped you get out of the tub and into the shower. He helped get you cleaned up and dressed. After your son was cleaned and swaddled he was brought to you both for some skin to skin and feeding.
It was so intimate, you weren't rushed and didn't have doctors interrupting every hour or so
"You did so good princess...he's perfect "
"Well you were here too, and you did great supporting me. Thank you" you look up at him
"I am at your beck and call, but really you did all the hard work. I'm so proud of you"
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acourtofquestions · 2 months
I wann ask, since you've completed EoS, how do you feel about Lorcan now? he had a redemption arc in koA but honestly, I could never truly forgive him. I wanna know your thoughts on what he did
Good question @mysterylilycheeta! — (Thanks for the ask, you always have great ones & I loved thinking on this one :-) — I’ll definitely have to see how it changes over time. And can totally see your point already! P.S. I’m thinking out loud, feel free to skip to the final chapter for the cliff notes, lol🙃
As of right now, it’s kinda weird (I may still be in shock😅): I’m upset with him, but I’m also not surprised? I’m more angry, than disappointed? — What I mean is I kind of expect this from him; it’s like the old “Frog & Scorpion” tale
 I wasn’t quite as shocked by the betrayal, because I never trusted him not to betray Aelin in the first place. I’m sad that he did
 I’m angry
 at so, so many pieces of those chapters; I want to mentally throttle him a lil bit
 but I also on some level knew that he was always going to make that choice; somehow he would betray her, somehow his tether would remain with Maeve; there were just too many threads between the Cadre, Rowan, the Wyrdkeys
 all of it
 the situation was painful & complicated (all the while feeling a few seconds away from easily comfortable/fixable).
You had some of the most powerful players all on the field, yet completely helpless. Gavriel & Fenrys were trying (even though I was a little mad/confused by Gavriel because I don’t know what the blood oath actually does but, he was acting way more injured than he sounded? & I kinda wanted to shake him & say “GO! NOW!! GET AELIN!!!” If for nothing else, then for your son BECAUSE YOU STILL HAVE HIM; YOU HAVE A SON (who isn’t this psychopath) and THEY NEED YOU)! And Fenrys who might have broken my heart most (or close to Elide; of course Aelin was #1 in that scene but as far as the “watchers” go) because he desperately wanted to help her, he was fighting with everything he had (I think he would have died for her right then & there if that was the price saving her required) and while it’s never been fully clear what his “deal” is with her, his character stands alone & says enough. I have no doubt he loves her both for his friend & for the same reason we all do; she is the future, bright, fierce, powerful, loving, joyous, & overflowing with life. How could he not want to serve a queen like that? And the fact he was trying says a lot because (invisible as it may have been in the moment) it was a high price for him; he is risking his only family, he is risking every torture he’s experienced times 10, and he is doing it for someone he barely knows (yet knows too well). Then you have Manon; who obviously wanted to help, but also knew she had to keep the keys, & get Elide out (even Aelin needed to know she would do that) and while I wanted her to do something, I don’t blame her for not; I don’t think Manon had a better option in that moment with that hand she/they were dealt. And the fact she is flinching, almost moving; it says a lot; Manon doesn’t scare easily, and even she is in pain watching. She is also already under the assumption of rescuing Aelin (even if that ending sentence of why was gutting). Elide quite obviously was impossible to watch, she did everything she could, and if she had been allowed she would have gone with Aelin without doubt on the mere whim it would spare her the slightest. And of course, I’m not angry at anyone on the boat because they literally couldn’t have gone any faster (Rowan; despite the fact he will probably regret it; made the right choice to go with the team + honestly I didn’t want to see him see it, Maeve would’ve made it so much worse
 a part of me keeps wondering if Aelin was hurrying because of that? Or stalling because she thought they’d save her in time?) and oh Aelin
 & then there’s that; beautiful, brave, selfless, Aelin & an idiot😂 (if you think there is a chance in any realm that Aedion & Rowan don’t come for you
 honestly it’s sad
 it’s sad how surprised she was to learn Ansel had tried to save her; it’s sad that she still believes that😭).
Which again, leaves us with Lorcan (in this already long “thinking out loud” kinda post😅😂 sry lol)
 at the end of the day, Lorcan was bound by the oath. Maeve would have found Aelin no matter what. And eventually, he would have had no options even if he had tried. While, he could have pleaded or tried, I think we & he knew Maeve would not listen. And the real problem is in, the fact that is the queen he put his faith in and that is when he did not try. That is who/what he betrayed Elide for. That is what he paid for with Rowan (ROWAN; someone he knows to be a good man; someone he knows cannot live without Aelin
 even had to know on some level; she is what the entire world needs
 and his friend deserved that peace) & he chose to pay with the love of Rowan’s life, on the hope of saving Elide, the denial of the true monster he served, and perhaps the whim of possibly earning back his devout dark queen. He was full of vengeful rage, and he made a very, very bad choice (not a mistake, a choice). One that he was not bound to do. One that he was not forced to make. One that he knew on some level was wrong, and didn’t know just how true that was until it was too late
 and even then, he watched. He watched Cairn maul her, and while he could not look away, he too gave up (and realized that she didn’t, she refused to count, and she would pay a heavy price for resilience, one that was his; honestly it reminded me of Elena
 maybe I’m a little raw from Ch. 68, but it seems a parallel of sorts; Aelin grew & grew up, beyond the Assassin who jumped the window for revenge, but Lorcan the immortal was still too young to understand; to know such love
 it’s sad
 how close he came with Elide
 and how he hurt her anyway) and the moment the oath broke
 perhaps it did shred his soul, but he had to know right then that he had done the same to a better man and when Rowan said those words
 he felt it all. Lorcan wept. He lied, and cheated, and brought death upon them. And I don’t know if anyone will ever forgive him for it, but in a way it reminds me of Chaol; it wasn’t fully his fault (though Chaol had an easier claim to innocence). But for me, in a way, it made sense? I didn’t expect more from him, now the question is will he change; I expect that. Because all cards are on the table, right and wrong is clear, and brutal as it was, he is free; he can make a decision, so
 what will it be? Will he do the right thing? I hope he will
 because now he has no excuses, the frog, and scorpion sank, he lost Elide, he knows it’s more than a “bitch queen”. He knows exactly what he did; to Rowan, to the world, to Elide; he knows, he feels remorse. & now it’s time to see what he makes of it.
So, in summation: Lorcan has always been complex & a dark/gray moral-based character; this book being the first time we see any other side or perspective. And he has an already long list of poor decisions, and this is one of the worst. He trusted the wrong person. He was selfish. He hurt them. He lied. Lorcan was wrong. She (Aelin) paid the price for it, and he lost Elide & Maeve & then watched Rowan lose Aelin, and Elide lost them both
 everyone went down. And I don’t know if I will forgive him; I think this one will always be angering/hurt-filled. But I also don’t think I’ll hate him forever (I’m not even sure I hate him now) I think he is what he is, (not an excuse) and I want a redemption arc. I want Elide to be happy
 I don’t think she will be without him. I want Aelin to be okay, and if she can come to a place to forgive him, then I can too. Like Rowan said, he has punishment enough
 now is that in comparison to Aelin? No. No, not even close
 but he is redeemable. Even if what he did isn’t.
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
is chapter 3 of the monster in me coming this weekend??? pls say yes, also if you've written any of it, here again begging for snippets 🙃
yes bb, unless something unexpected happens (which hopefully nothing will), i am planning on posting the chapter hopefully saturday evening (GMT)
i love it when you guys at for snippets so much, it makes me feel like you care about this story and that only makes me want to finish it even more and try my hardest to make it as good as i can possibly make it xx
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His hand raised and reached to push some unruly strands of hair out of your face, and you couldn’t look away from the soft glimmer in his eyes, that was so at odds with the rest of his face, you wondered if he even knew it was there. You wondered if he knew what it signified, because you didn’t. And despite your best efforts otherwise, you couldn’t deny the curiosity that deluged you to try to find out.
The hint in his molten golden orbs dissipated as quickly as it appeared, and so did any middling emotion that tried you, as you once more found yourself reaching for your knife and unsheathing it, holding it in between both your hands, aiming for a shoulder
 or a neck, and with a feral growl, you pushed your entire forced into the blow, and yelped in pain as one of his hands wrapped around both your wrists and twisted until the knife dropped pitifully on the ground with.a loud clink. Tears threatened you once more at how futile the effort had been, how easy for him to overpower you like you were nothing more than a child, or a doll. He pinned your hands above your head and pushed you until your back painfully collided with the bark of a tree and you felt the wind getting knocked out of your lungs at the contact. 
“Tsk, tsk, tsk
 why must you always resort to violence
 yawne?” Your eyes widened as the hand that wasn’t holding you ghosted over your cheeks, tracing the air right above your lips with his thumb, and you couldn’t understand yet again the feelings that were plaguing you, that made burning appear everywhere his fingers were, burning the travelled down your body until they reached your core, that throbbed and clenched, that desperately asked you for something you would never, ever give it. After exploring your face, and tracing your jaw, his fingers finally settled on your chin, pushing it gently until your face angled upwards to meet his and no further breath could inch its way down your airways at the sight of him, at the way he looked at you, at the way it made you feel. 
“You told me that you won’t mind burning in Hell as long as I burn with you. Well
” he broke eye contact to look around him at the forest surrounding you both. “Do you hear that, yawne? Fire is catching. And looks like your wish is going to come true and we’re going to get to burn together after all.” 
smooches x
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 10 omg and 10 days until s3 👀
Lets go batchers đŸ€Ÿ
The Bad Batch 1x06
I love reading the aurebesh signs hehe
Omega nearly takes out a stranger and literally goes "teehee oopsie" I love her sm
Echo teaching her how to shoot đŸ„ș
Wrecker: "not exactly a natural is she" Hunter: *vague nod/shrug thing* 💀
I'd love to shoo cid out of the bar "scram" @ cid
Tech is playing arcade games !!!! 👀
"I assume you know what a tactical droid is" *3 voted yes, Omega voted no, Tech panicked*
I used to think cid telling the batch they work for her was a kinda funny scene but rewatching it now knowing what I know it just infuriates me 😡
"weak noodle arms" SHES JUST A BABY
"this old trick?" hehe like the one Han did in ESB 👀
"that's your plan? fly there, land, hope they don't spot us and walk in the door?" ~ Obi-Wan about Anakin's plan - me pretending Echo learned this from Anakin đŸ„ș
poor Wrecker with heights, he's so brave fr I'm very proud 💕
"nighty night" đŸ€Ł
everyone is probably gonna hate me for saying this buuuuttt... I kinda wanna see more Martez sisters after this episode lol
Rafa: "grab a weapon" Omega: "I had one 😑"
y'all the banter between Hunter and Rafa 👀 the way he walks behind her with both blasters out
"thanks" hehehe she's so cheeky
sibling banter
Wrecker hits his head count: 7 👀
and he just got shot in the same place on his shoulder for the third time 🙃
"Good soldiers-" screaming sobbing exploding into another dimension
Omega screaming for Hunter 😭
plus Hunter's "hang on Omega!" *checking myself into therapy*
Hunter literally swinging in to save Omega like he's tarzan 👑
that "thank you" was SO sincere I'm going to go cry my eyes out forever
Trace grabbed Omega to pull her behind her đŸ„ș
Rafa: "I still don't like you" Hunter: "I'm used to it" đŸ„Č😂
okay but Wrecker fighting the chip, hearing Tech calling for him sounding so concerned, then Crosshair desperately saying "good soldiers follow orders" is incredibly painful to hear... but it's like he's hearing his brothers both desperately calling him to them, Crosshair's voice is like the chip trying to activate, he's frustrated and confused which is probably exactly how Wrecker feels right now, and Tech's voice is trying to bring Wrecker back away from the chip đŸ„Č like they're both tugging at his brain to go different directions or smth idk I'm emotional about them always
"is there an echo in here?" "Yes, I'm Echo" *salutes* he's just so silly and goofy and I know the domino squad is absolutely cackling rn 😂
Tech's little swirly flip of the datastick like Hunter does with his knife makes me think Tech can also use Hunter's knife and that is something I would love to see pls
Trace has her arm around Omega again! đŸ€Č
Tech is so sneaky hehe
Omega: "it's all about tuning out distractions" SEE CID SHE TOOK ECHOS ADVICE AND NOW SHE'S FINE pfft "weak noodle arms" NO MA'AM
R7 💕💕💕
Omega is so excited about being in a seedy area lmaooo
Omega and Rafa waving at each other as they leave đŸ„ș
Hunter talking about the right reasons I am feeling emotions again
hmm I wonder who this mysterious person on the holo could possibly be đŸ€”đŸ€”đŸ€”
yayyyy episide 6 done y'alls 💕 thanks for joining again ilysm
I'm going to be doing a lot more hehe because I was super busy for a few days and now my timing is off 🙃
see y'all next time for when the fit hits the shan đŸ€Ÿ
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captain19cb97 · 2 years
Hi again lol I know I just asked for a story đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ™ˆbut you wrote so good that I have another idea . Could you write some fluffy fluff again with a bit of angst if you could write of jungkook feeling sick and sad or depressed and girl y/n sees that and she cuddles him with a fluffy blanket and reminds him why she loves him and she also asks him why he loves her and she gets surprise by his words and is shocked that someone loves her because she never thought anyone could ïżŒlove her ect . and basically something warm and comforting.
Well, hi again! Lol Don't apologize, I love that you enjoyed your story so much you wanted another one! Be greedy with your love of stories and ideas, even if it's not me you're asking to write for you.
I hope I was able to do it justice again this time. 💜
Requests are open!
Not Alone :: JJK
Pairing: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.4k (It was like I couldn't stop🙃)
Genre: Fluffy Fluff/Comfort/ very slight Angst, like you have to squint to see it
Warning: Self-doubt, allusions to depression and depictions of lack of self-care, cursing (ass, damn), lack of communication. Crying. If I missed anything, as always, please tell me so I can fix it.
A/N: If you're ever feeling alone, or depressed, or anything similar, please know that there is always someone there for you. I know that sometimes, it might not feel like there is, and that when you feel alone, your mind tells you all sorts of things, but you are never alone, and sometimes, our minds lie to us because we're hurting and it's the only thing that makes us feel more, even if it's more pain. You are always loved more that you think you are. There is always someone who would rather listen to you break down and tell them what is wrong, then to ever be without you. I love you, and if you need someone, come here and talk to me and I will listen, to whatever you want to tell me. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I hope you enjoy!
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Being in a relationship was still new to you, especially one where you found yourself still second guessing a lot of the things that other people probably wouldn’t even blink at.
You’d been with Jungkook for almost 5 months now, and you guys had been friends for about a year before hand, so you had an inkling of how things would be between you both. What you hadn’t expected though, was Jungkook practically dropping off the face of the earth one night- to the point that even the guys hadn’t heard from him in a couple of days and had called you to find out what was going on.
You shook your head, knowing the man on the other end of the line couldn’t see you, as you sighed softly, “I’m sorry, Namjoon, I haven’t talked to him either. Not since Saturday night.”
He made a surprised noise, “You guys haven’t talked in 4 days? Like at all? Did you guys break up or something?”
Your eyes widened slightly, “What? No, of course not. At- at least, I don’t think we did. We didn’t have a fight or anything.”
“What happened on Saturday?” He asked.
You leaned back into your couch as you thought back to the last time you’d seen Jungkook. You’d gone over to his place for dinner after you got off of work, he’d told you that he missed you and just wanted to spend some time with you, and of course, you weren’t going to deny him that- not when you had been thinking the same thing.
Dinner was great, he’d cooked and you guys had a couple drinks, watched a few movies and then when you begrudgingly told him that you needed to go home, he’d called you car since he’d picked you up from work. He was reluctant to let you go, but he knew that you had work in the morning, so, he waited downstairs with you, pulling you into a sweet kiss before you climbed into the car, and he waited until it pulled away, before he went back inside.
“He picked me up from work and made me dinner.” You told Namjoon, frowning slightly, “He didn’t seem like anything was wrong, other than him not wanting me to leave that night.” You commented softly.
Namjoon sighed on the other end of the line, “Okay. If you get ahold of him, please, let one of us know. And we’ll let you know, if we get ahold of him.”
You nodded to yourself, “Yeah, okay. I’ll try to call him as soon as we’re off the phone.”
“Okay. Thank you, Y/n. Bye.”
“Anytime, Joon. Bye.” You sighed again as you dropped your phone to your lap.
You’d been slowly growing more worried, the more days passed without so much as a word from Jungkook, but you figured that he was just really busy with something and that he’d tell you about it when he could. This wouldn’t be the first time something like that was the reason he hadn’t talked to you for a day or two.
But 4 days? And with the added fact that you guys were dating now, it didn’t sit right with you.
You’d texted him a handful of times over the last few days- good morning texts, things that reminded you of him that you wanted to show him, good night texts- the most recent one had been right before Namjoon had called you, you texted Jungkook and just asked if he was okay.
But it still went unread when you looked before you quickly called his phone. When you got his voicemail, you sighed before you waited for the beep.
“Hi, Kookie, I’m getting worried, love. Are you okay? If you need anything, please tell me. The guys are worried about you, too.” You paused for only a second, “Please talk to me, tell me you’re alright.”
After you hung up, dropping your phone back onto the table in front of you, you quickly made the decision that you were going to just go over to his place and check on him. Namjoon had told you when he first called you, that Jungkook hadn’t been to the company since Monday, and that was enough information for you to know that he was home because they’d know if he had left the city.
You moved around your apartment quickly, snagging the hoodie you’d stolen from Jungkook’s closet on Saturday and throwing it on over a long sleeve shirt, you’d changed out of a pair of shorts you only wore at home, and into a pair of sweatpants. When you’d gotten back into the living room, you noticed your phone had just lit up, Jungkook’s personalize text tone ringing out before the screen went black again.
You about dove for your phone, unlocking it as you dropped onto the couch.
Kookie Monster đŸȘ [4:54 p.m.] I don’t need anything.
You frowned at the words, not knowing how to respond at first. You thought about calling him again but decided against it, you were still going to go over to his place so you could talk to him face to face, and really know what was going on.
So you locked your phone and as soon as your shoes were on, you were out the door and calling for a car to his place.
The drive felt longer than usual, and you chalked it up to your nerves, but you’d taken a couple minutes and texted Namjoon and told him you were just going to go check on Jungkook instead of waiting around for him to answer someone- also waiting to tell him that Jungkook had answered you. You wanted to make sure you could give the guys answers finally, and get some answers for yourself, too.
After paying for the ride, and thanking the driver, you headed inside, politely greeting the people in the lobby as you moved towards the elevator. You didn’t know why you were so nervous all of a sudden, but as you leaned against the rail as you took the elevator up, you couldn’t shake the sinking feeling that had settled in the pit of your stomach.
“Did you guys break up or something?”
Namjoon’s words had been swirling around in your mind since he’d said them. Truthfully, you were scared that Jungkook had decided that he didn’t want to be with you anymore finally, and that him having not talked to you since you left last weekend, was his way of breaking things off.
You remembered when Jungkook had asked you out the first time. You’d gotten upset with him because you thought it was a joke and you’d left the company that day in tears- unknowingly leaving a rather bewildered Jungkook, rooted in the same spot as you stormed away.
When he showed up at your apartment that night- morning- at almost 1 am, and told you that he hadn’t been trying to play a joke on you, that he really meant it and that he wanted to take you to dinner and give you flowers and actually date you, you’d cry some more and apologized profusely that you had even thought he’d ever do that to someone in the first place.
 You’d slowly been waiting for the day that he decided he didn’t want you anymore though, and it was through no fault of his. You just couldn’t seem to believe that someone would want you, the way Jungkook acted like he does.
Did. You thought as you stood in front of his apartment door. You had to remind yourself that he hadn’t talked to you in days. How can you say you want someone, when you don’t even acknowledge their existence?
You took a deep breath and raised your hand to knock on the door. The material felt hard against your knuckles as the sound echoed slightly around you, and you waited with bated breath, to hear anything from inside the apartment.
After a long, few seconds with nothing, you raised your hand to knock again, but right before your skin made contact with the door, it swung open, revealing the man who looked everything like your boyfriend, and yet nothing like him at all.
He had dark circles under his eyes, his hair was the messiest you’d ever seen it- and you’d worked out with him before- his clothes were the same ones he’d been wearing on Saturday. The only difference now was that they were wrinkled to high heaven and disheveled more than you’d ever seen on him.
Jungkook was many things, many wonderful things, but the man in front of you, staring down at you with exhausted, bloodshot eyes, didn’t look anything like the man you knew. This man looked like he hadn’t slept in days, but yet, also looked like somehow all he did was sleep.
Existing somewhere in limbo even as he stood there, chest heaving slowly as he looked down at you with dim eyes.
“What are you doing here?” His voice was rough, like he hadn’t spoken in a while, and it was harsh- harsher than he meant it to sound when he noticed you flinch slightly at the tone.
“I was worried about you.” You whispered, looking him over again. “You haven’t talked to anybody in days, you haven’t been to the company in days, either. Namjoon called me wanting to know what was going on, but I’m just as worried as they are, because I don’t know any more than they do.”
He couldn’t even meet your eyes, stepping aside enough for you to come inside and discard your shoes. He closed the door behind you, once you were far enough, before he ambled back through his dark apartment and into the living room.
“I’m fine.” He told you, stopping before he even got to the couch, “You didn’t have to come over. I told you I didn’t need anything.”
You slowly scanned the apartment as you followed behind him. You noticed things sitting on the kitchen counters than had been there the other night, now mixing with new things that had also been left out, left lying around and forgotten about or ignored. There were dishes everywhere, food wrappers and containers from takeout places littering every surface.
And in the middle of all of it, was Jungkook, looking down at you with a heartbreaking expression that countered his words, when you finally met his eyes again. He wore his heart on his sleeve, his eyes never really able to hide the emotion behind them, and right now, he was pleading silently for something, anything but what his mind was telling him you were going to say.
Even in the darkness of the apartment, you could see his eyes beginning to shimmer with unshed tears, you could see the tremble of his bottom lip even as he pulled it between his teeth, chew the skin raw as you stared back at him with soft eyes, your heart breaking in your chest at just how small and fragile the man in front of you truly looked.
“Baby, what’s going on?” You asked softly, slowly moving to sit beside him on the couch.
He looked away again, more shame filling his body with every second that passed that you continued to look at him as he sat silent.
“Jungkook, please.” You pleaded with him, “Talk to me.”
You gently took his hand in yours, his skin warm to the touch like always- you loved how he ran warmer than you did, you loved how comforting it felt when you two cuddled.
“What do you want me to say, Y/n?” He asked finally, his voice a rough whisper as you linked your fingers together.
“Whatever you want to tell me, love. I’ll listen to anything.” You assured him. Slowly you reached up, cupping his jaw and turning his head so you could actually look at him, and you gently swiped a falling tear from his cheek when he let you. “Where did you go, hmm?” You asked softly, noticing the far off look in his eyes as they roamed your face. “What’s going on in your head, baby?”
Another tear fell, then another, and then all at once, his shoulders dropped and you were pulling him into your chest and wrapping your arms around his body as tightly as you could, hoping that you could piece him back together if he asked you to.
“I’m sorry,” He cried, his face buried in your shoulder as his grip tightened on your body. “I’m so sorry.”
You shushed him gently, running your hand over his hair in a small attempt to tame it as you repeatedly told him it was okay.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, love, nothing at all. Okay?” You muttered, “Whatever is going on, isn’t anything you can’t get through.”
“How-“ He sucked in a breath, “How do you know?” he questioned, no malice in the words as he struggled to even get them out.
You smiled softly, picking his head up to look at him, “Because I know you, and I know that you’re going to get through it. I’ll help you, okay?”
He nodded before you pressed your lips to his forehead, and after taking another shaky, and uneven breath, he told you everything- everything that he’d been feeling for longer than it felt like he’d been feeling it, and with each thing he told you, your mind already had a counter argument to it. No matter what it was, or how much it broke your heart to hear him say it.
Finally, when he went quiet, the only sound being his staggered breathing, you carefully sat you both up and moved to get off the couch.
He panicked, his eyes widening as he gripped your hand in his, “Where are you going?”
You cupped his jaw and smiled, “Just to get a blanket for us, okay? Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.” You waited until he’d dropped your hand to walk down the hallway towards his spare room where he kept all his extra bedding and things.
You searched for a few minutes, moving from the spare room and into his bedroom before your eyes landed on the blanket that you had deemed the best one that he owned- it was dark grey, big enough to cover his whole king sized bed and it was the fluffiest and softest blanket you’d ever held in your life.
You loved it, even when you guys were still friends, always stealing it when you’d come over if the apartment was even slightly chilly, and every time Jungkook saw you wrapped up underneath of it, his heart would flutter at how cute you were, and how utterly fallen he was for you and everything you did.
He’d even started calling it your blanket, because you used it more than he did- until you started dating, and he started leaving it out in the living room even if you weren’t over, because it smelled more and more like you after every use, and he found comfort in the way that you were around, even if you physically weren’t.
You gathered the material in your arms, and made your way back out to the living room, smiling at Jungkook when you realized he’d been staring down the hall at you the second you stepped out of his room with the blanket.
“So I had an idea,” You started softly, standing in front of him, the giant blanket spilling from your arms, “How about we sit here, cuddled up nice and cozy, while I tell you a few things?”
His shoulders moved up and down as he took a deep breath, glancing up at you with curious eyes, “What things?”
“Things I think you need to hear.” Was all you offered up, as you sat back down next to him. “Yes or no?”
He watched you flatten the blanket out a little bit before you opened your arms to him, and nodded, colliding into you once again as you wrapped your arms around him.
Once you both were settling, comfortable in each other’s arms, laying across the whole couch, you took a deep breath as you slowly weaved your fingers through his hair.
“I’ve learned a lot of things about you since we met, but my favorite things I’ve learned, have been since we started dating.” You spoke softly, watching him tilt his head up enough to look at you as you talked.
“I always thought you were an incredible person; generous to a fault, love making people laugh and happy. You love helping other people, doesn’t matter with what, or how. You’re strong, both mentally and physically, you’re sweet and kind and you are genuinely such a good person. You put your heart into everything you do, even if it’s just picking me a cup of coffee before you surprise me at work.” You let out a soft laugh, “And with all of those things, you make it easy for people to love you.” You took a quiet breath, running your finger along his jaw softly as you smiled at him.
“You make it so easy to love you, you know? It’s like breathing. Whenever I look at you, things seem brighter and clearer, and when you hold me, my whole body feels warm- like I’m sitting on a blanket in the park, underneath the sun.”
You watched his eyes flicker back and forth between yours and continued, “You take up a part of my heart that I didn’t even know was empty before you, and it was like it always belonged to you. To see you hurting so badly, and alone, and not even knowing that you were drowning,” You frowned softly, your eyebrows pinched together as you held his chin in your hand, “God, that breaks my heart, baby. I’m sorry you’ve been feeling like you had to deal with this alone.”
His eyes began to tear up, and he sat up enough to lean over you, grabbing the side of your face as he took a deep breath, “I didn’t know how to tell you.” He admitted softly, the waver in his voice catching himself off guard, “It’s always been easier to just go it alone.”
“But you don’t have to, Kookie.” You shook your head, looking up at him, “Let me help you, please? Let me take care of you when you feel like you can’t do it. Let me help you through this.”
He just stared down at you for a moment, before a small, sickly sweet grin found its way to his lips. He gently rubbed his thumb along your cheek, “You said it’s easy to love me.” He mumbled, “You love me?”
You felt your cheeks flush, as you realized you had indeed said that, and meant it of course. Leave it to you to be the one who says it first. You nodded just a little, watching his smile widen, his tears long forgotten by now as he peered down at you.
He took a breath, releasing it through his nose, “I love you, too.” He whispered, leaning down towards you just enough to brush his lips against yours.
“Y-you do?” You stuttered, watching him pull back to look at you fully. Confusion written in his eyes at how much surprise was in your question.
“Why are you surprised?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. “Were you expecting me to not fall in love with you? With everything you do for me?” he questioned.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, watching as realization flashed in his eyes when you just continued to stare up at him.
This isn’t supposed to be about me. It’s about him, he’s the one upset. Fix it! You yelled at yourself, as he sat up both up, much like you’d done earlier.
“Baby?” He said softly, taking your hand in his, “Did you really think I wouldn’t love you?”
You couldn’t look at him, feeling guilty for letting your brain push those thoughts at you constantly.
He grabbed your face, making you look at him, “Hey, if I’m not allowed to listen to the horrible thoughts in my head, why do you get to, huh?” He shook his head, “No. You have no idea how much I love you, how long I’ve been dying to tell you that, but I always held back because I was worried it would scare you away if I said it too soon.”
Your eyes roamed his face for a moment, watching his tongue peak out to wet his lips before he smiled gently at you again, “If you think I’m all those things to you, you’re in for another thing, because god, baby, you’re everything to me. You are the sun that warms me. You are the stars that light up my loneliest nights. You’re everything I’ve thought love could be and you make me want to be better.”
Your bottom lip was quivering, as he took your hands in his, “You make it easier when I feel like this,” He gestured around the living room, “When things are so overwhelming to me, and getting out of bed is the only thing I do that day, you make it easier. Even if you’re not here.” He scoffed softly, gently pulling you closer to him, “Do you have any idea how many times you’ve saved me, just by being in my life?”
You shook your head, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth to hold back the sob that wanted to make itself known.
He grinned, leaning close enough to put his forehead against yours, “You might as well be my guardian angel, baby. Loving you is the easiest, and best, decision of my life. You help me more than you know, even when you do nothing because you’re you and you’re in my life and you’re my girlfriend, and by far, the best damn thing to happen to me.”
He paused, letting you take a moment to fully absorb his words, as he cupped your cheek, “I love you, Y/n.”
You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead to his again, “No one’s ever made me feel the way you do,” You admitted, “Or said I was the best thing to happen to them.”
He chuckled lowly, his hand coming up to the back of your neck, “No one’s ever told me a piece of their heart was always mine.”
Just as you both were leaning towards each other, lips just barely brushing, loud, frantic knocking sounded at the front door.
You both jumped apart, eyes focused on the door as more knocks sounded. “Expecting company?” You asked, looking back at Jungkook as he stood up.
He shook his head, “Nope, you were surprise enough, baby.” He quickly knelt back down enough to connect his lips to yours, before he pulled away with a small smile, “Stay here?”
You just nodded, watching him head for the door, and slowly pulling it open as he peeked around it.
“I’m gonna kick your ass, Jungkook.” You heard Namjoon threaten him, before he was pulled into a hug.
You couldn’t help the laugh that caught their attention as Namjoon pushed his way into the apartment, his eyes immediately landing on you. “Do you know how many times I’ve called you?” He asked exasperatedly, sighing as he crossed his arms over his chest like a disappointed dad.
You made a face, looking away from him, “Sorry, Joon. I was going to text you eventually to tell you he was okay.”
The older man sighed softly, his eyes roaming the room before he looked at Jungkook next to him, his eyes softening, “You didn’t tell us it was getting bad again.”
Jungkook nodded, “I know. You guys have all just been so busy lately, and I thought I could deal with it this time. I’m sorry, Hyung.”
Namjoon quickly pulled him in for another, tighter hug, “Same thing I always tell you, Kook, it’s not something you have to apologize for. We were just worried.” They pulled away from each other and Namjoon looked over at you with a smile, “But, I can see you’re in good hands, so I’ll get out of here.”
A couple minutes later, and with a promise that Jungkook would text everybody before the night was over, Namjoon was out the door, leaving you and Jungkook in a comfortable silence as you crossed the floor towards him.
Without a word, you wrapped your arms around his waist and planted your face on his chest. He snaked his arms around your body and pulled you closer.
“Can you promise me something?” You whispered, not looking up at him.
You let out a quiet sigh, “Will you try to tell me, the next time you start feeling like this?” You asked, finally picking your head up to gaze up at him. “Will you let me help you?”
He blinked a few times, staring into your eyes before a smile pulled at his lips and he nodded slowly, “You already help me, baby. But I promise, I’ll tell you.”
You stood on your tip toes, leaning towards him, “Thank you.” You whispered before you lightly pressed your lips to his, “Why don’t you go shower, and I’ll clean up a bit before I make us something for dinner?”
“I can just order us something.”
You shook your head, pulling yourself from his arms, “I want to cook.”
He saw the look in your eyes, and knew you wouldn’t let him win this, so he smiled down at you again, “I will only agree, if you stay the night? You can borrow some of my clothes and if we’re feeling it in the morning, we can make breakfast together?”
Your heart fluttered in your chest and you smiled, nodded softly, “I think that’s doable.”
His smile seems to grow, and he leaned down to kiss you again before he headed down the hall to shower, quickly turning around before he got too far, “Hey,”
You turned towards him, “Hmm?”
“I love you.”
You could feel the warmth spreading over your cheeks- through you, and you were surprised how easy it was to believe him, and to just know that he meant it.
“I love you, too.”
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centralperkchenford · 1 year
Could you do one we’re Lucy get sick but goes into work anyway and everybody is asking her if she’s ok but then grey makes Tim go home and take care of her
Could you do one we’re Lucy get sick but goes into work anyway and everybody is asking her if she’s ok but then grey makes Tim go home and take care of her
A couple of summers ago I had a bad sinus infection and the headache was so bad I went to the emergency room so this is based on that. Also they never diagnosed me with a sinus infection because my nose wasn’t runny but I definitely had one 😅🙃
Touch me and you'll never be alone
Lucy coughs once and then twice and she groans her chest hurting as she does. She sees Angela give her a concerned look from her desk and Lucy busies herself by looking at the paper on her desk. But she can’t concentrate, everything hurts, from her chest to her head to her muscles. She feels like she can’t move without groaning in pain. Tim left before her today but if he had known she wasn’t feeling well he would have insisted she stay home. And then he would have been worried all day about her.
But Lucy is stubborn and she hates missing work and she hates worrying Tim. So she sucked it up and came to work.
She coughs again and this time she lays her head on her desk for a minute relishing in the coolness of the wood. She lifts her head up to see Angela standing over her.
“Lucy.” She says sternly. “Are you okay?” Lucy licks her dry lips and the nods, trying not to grimace.
“Yes.” She says hoarsely. “I’m fine.” Angela looks around the station as if she’s looking for someone and Lucy shakes her head again despite her head pounding when she does.
“Don’t tell Tim.” She says. “He will freak out and if he’s on a case he will lose concentration.” Angela looks hesitant to agree to that but Lucy smiles at her. “I’m fine. I promise.” She says and takes a drink of water, the coolness feeling good on her now sore throat. Angela nods and goes back to her desk. Lucy feels her eyes on her every so often.
Lucy is not fine and she knows it. But she powers on as she gets up to deliver something to Carradine. She gets dizzy and has to hold onto the edge of a desk before continuing, tears burn in her eyes as the lightheadedness slowly dissipates.
“Woah Chen. You don’t look so good.” Carradine says as soon as he sees her. She waves him off much like she did to Angela.
“Does Bradford know you are sick?” He asks hesitantly. And she does her best to glare at him but she imagines she looks pretty pathetic.
“No. And he doesn’t need to know.” She says quickly. “He will just worry.”
Carradine raises his eyebrows at her in half amusement and half exasperation. “He is your husband Chen. He is suppose to worry.” He says but Lucy waves him off again turning around to do a quick undignified cough. “I’m fine.” She says not looking at him and handing him the papers.
Carradine raises his eyebrows again but doesn’t say anything so Lucy turns around and walks away her eyes burning once again as she does.
Lucy is pretty sure she’s even sicker than she was when she started work. It’s past lunch time but she didn’t have anything, her stomach clenching anytime she thought about food. But once again she powers on knowing she only has a few more hours to get through. She leans back in her chair and closes her eyes. She’s not sure how long she’s been asleep but she feels someone gentling shaking her.
“Lucy.” Comes Grey’s voice and she blinks up at him. Her head still pounding as she tries to focus on him.
“Hmmm.” She mumbles and she hears Grey huff out a laugh.
“Lucy you are sick.” He says gently. “You need to go home.” But Lucy shakes her head and sits up.
“I swear I’m fine.” She says but Grey gives her a dubious look.
“You have been telling everyone that.” He says. “But I don’t buy it.” Lucy sits up pin straight and then grabs her pen from the desk.
“I just have to finish my work.” She says her voice coming out much more nasally than before. “I promise.”
Grey gives her another dubious look and then walks off and she gives a sigh of relief. She looks around to make sure he’s out of sight and then leans back again. Her eyes haven’t even been closed three minutes when she hears yet another voice from above her except this one is.. soothing. Tim
“Luce.” Tim says and she feels his large hand on her forehead smoothing back her hair. She opens her eyes and sees her husband looking at her in concern. “Luce, how long have you been sick?”
Lucy shrugs arching up so she can feel his hand more. “Since this morning. Well technically last night. I suppose.” She admits. Tim shakes his head and then pulls her up into his arms and she immediately nuzzles into his chest. As much as she didn’t want to worry Tim, she can’t resist being in his arms. He is exactly what she needs. Her remedy.
She feels a light kiss on the top of her head and voices around her but all she cares about is Tim’s warmth.
“I’ll take her home.” She hears Tim say to someone. “I got it from here.” She feels Tim gently leading her out but she’s really not aware of where she is. She hears Tim unlock his truck and then lifts her in when she refuses to let go of him.
“Luce.” He mumbles when she is still holding on to his shirt. “I need you to let go baby so we can get home and you can go to bed.” She shakes her head and clings to him tighter not wanting his warmth to go away.
“I will cuddle you when we get home.” He says softly. He places his hand on her forehead, and she hears him growl a little bit. “Did people notice you were sick? Other than Grey.” He asks. Lucy winces a little not wanting to tell him both Angela and Carradine had noticed and insisted she go home.
“I felt fine.” She lies. Tim tuts a little and Lucy finally relents and let’s go.
“I’m going to have a talk with whoever knew you were sick.” He says firmly. “I want to know right away.”
Lucy is about to say something but Tim is gently closing the door and next thing she knows he’s backing out.
She dozes off on the way home, her head still pounding. She feels Tim’s hand on her hand rubbing soothing circles on it. And then she hears the truck turn off and the driver side door opening and closing. And soon Tim is pulling her from the truck and back into his arms. She relaxes immediately as he pulls her into the house. He deposits her on the couch, and in her dizzy and delirious state she just sits there.
Tim comes back pressing two aspirins and a cold water bottle into her hands. “Take these and drink the water.” He commands firmly but softly. “And then you are going to take a shower to clear up your sinuses and then you are going to bed.” Lucy reaches for him and he puts his hand on her cheek, his wedding ring cold against it.
She does as he says and then he’s lifting her up again and pulling her towards the bathroom. He undresses her gently and normally she would want to jump him but she can barely move. He gets her undressed and into the warm shower, the steam helping her breathe a little easier. Tim helps her wash and then wraps a towel around her when she’s done. He pulls out her pajama shorts and one of his shirts knowing those are her favorite thing to wear to bed.
He places her into bed and she’s vaguely aware of him gently kissing her forehead. She falls asleep pretty quickly after that.
Lucy wakes up and she glances out the window, it’s still light out. She groans as she rolls over and buries her face into Tim’s pillow. She breathes in his scent and then realizes it’s not enough and she needs the actual thing. She rolls out of bed slowly, her head wasn’t pounding as hard nor did her muscles ache as much. She makes her way into the living room where she found Tim on the sofa. He looks up as she comes into the living room, he gives her a soft smile as he meets her halfway.
“How do you feel?” He asks kissing her on the forehead. She sways a little bit and Tim leads her to the couch.
“Better.” She says truthfully. Tim purses his lips and pulls her down so her head is in his lap.
“Thanks for taking care of me.” She mutters. Tim pushes some hair out of her face pressing his finger to her pressure point. It immediately soothes her.
“Of course.” He says. “I just wish you would have stayed home. There is no need for you to feel miserable at work.”
Lucy closes her eyes and just hmmms quietly. Tim chuckles softly before grabbing Lucy’s hand and holding it.
“You promised me cuddles.” She says suddenly. Tim runs his hands through her hair, softly and gently.
“We have all night for that baby.” He says and Lucy nods satisfied with his answer. And to be honest they have the rest of their lives to cuddle and take care of each other. And Lucy wouldn’t have it any other way.
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redrum-alice · 1 year
Idk if ive wrote this in one of my Tangled AU HCs tho but regardless...
Look look, listen-- this is just a headcanon for this AU. I know that Vi and Powder's parents fought at the bridge, and it wasn't explicitly said they were close to Vander (muchless Silco). So with all that said, if you're gonna be mad that I used their mother as a love interest for Vander and Silco and that this is inaccurate, then do not read lmao.
When Vander and Silco were young, theyre fighting over a young woman lmao
The woman is close to the two since shes part of the vigilante group that want to fight for Zaun, so they know her very well.
But it turns out she was already engaged to someone else, and few years later, she had a daughter named Vi đŸ„Č
After hearing all this, Silco and Vander tried to forget their little fight and focused on making Zaun independent (that is until they fought again about how to run the city and Vander won over- Silco got the nasty eye)
When the lady's husband died from the war at the bridge, Vander offered to help her out as a stand in uncle for Vi and her soon to be sibling.
So when the woman fell ill all while pregnant with her 2nd child, she asked Vander to take care of her children if she ever passed away.
Silco on the other hand was bitter from his and Vander's fight. Not only that, he despised the fact that Vander gets to be close to his unrequited love all while he has to suffer alone. He soon managed to form a group dedicated to idealistic future for zaun where he gets to rule over it with the use of shimmer, provided by Singed (who agreed bc he is interested in testing humans)
So when Silco heard that the lady he once fell in love with got ill, it was his chance to introduce her to shimmer. He convinced her it was medicine, and overtime she took it regularly. Turns out it did ease the pain but after effects would put her in dire situation.
The Lady didnt know about the quarrel between Vander and Silco, so she didnt shoo away Silco when he approached her with "medicine"
Meanwhile, Vander was oblivious on whats going on at first bc he was busy protecting the citizens from abusive enforcers. It was too late when The Lady was on her last breath while struggling to give birth to Powder
He did what he was told and took in the daughters, but it wasnt long until Silco and his henchmen raided their home and stole Powder.
Funfact: Silco doesn't like Vi because she looks like her later father (terms of hair and eye shape), while Powder/Jinx is his favorite because she resembles a lot like her mother. Thats also the reason why Silco locked her up to keep her safe (and he knows for sure whatever illness her mother has, she might inherit it).
Though ofc he's still ever so distant to Jinx and neglectful of her feelings because she's another man's daughter and that alone tore him. (Look, he really fell for the lady, this was a huge slap to his face 🙃)
Bonus slap was when the lady chose Vander over him to take care of her children bc she trusts him more than anyone else
Another fact: Silco forbid Jinx to wear her hair up in braids because it'll remind him too much of the lady 💀 (her late mother wears her hair in braids, its a signature look for her ✚)
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