#but hypomania maybe????
yoursuicidalcupcake · 3 months
why do I feel so good all of a sudden and it's the 3rd day!?!? I have no idea if I'm in remission, got healed by some holy power (still bpding but I'm aware of things???). Like, I suddenly know I have a body and that things around me are real, I want to get to know my body (this and crossover with ovulation in few days will be wild), I want to change it and transition, I want to clean my room, I'm euphoric way more often???, I finished my wips and want to draw more, I don't need sleep suddenly too and my brain is so fast now. Also I can get into rabbit hole researches again????
Libe bfrI have no idea what's going on lmaoo
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ohposhers · 26 days
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little bit of BP2 humor fo today that i had made to cope smh
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insanekyles · 1 year
Firmly believe stan and kyle are both bipolar but stan is much more prone to depressive episodes whereas kyle is much more prone to manic episodes
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221bluescarf · 4 months
This week hasn't been great. I've been extra on edge. Now suddenly im having bursts of euphoria followed by complete emotional overload. My brain is like mud but every inch of my body is on fire. Then I'm fine. Then it starts all over again. I'm singing! I can't stop smiling! and then I feel awful and I can't take this. Yet I feel like I have to continue. I can't decide. Am I sleeping tonight? What if I blossom? what if it makes a beautiful explosion and I feel alive for once in what feels like an eternity of nothing? I can do everything and I can do nothing. I spent all last night talking to myself and life isn't real anymore. I'm a sucker and I'm weak. Let it all burn.
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strawberrybyers · 10 months
realizing i’m so funny and talking a lot and making a million plans right now is not because i am healing for a new year new me era but because i am entering a state of ✨hypomania✨
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wakkoroni · 8 months
hey so i saw your post about nico being happy and the line about him being manic: could you expand on that hc, I'm curious now you've said it
Heyyy sorry im kinda answering this a little late but id love to expand on it!
I’m glad you asked I was kinda waiting for someone to comment on that and I was going to expand on it and then… forgot- I actually had like a whole fic planned for it and never followed through because idk life happened or smth BUT
Just want to clarify that I have done research to the best of my ability and although this may not be the most medically accurate hc, it is a hc so don’t take it too personally
So manic episodes can happen regardless if the person is bipolar or not, someone doesn’t have to be bipolar to experience manic episodes. Sometimes highly stressful situations and trauma and cause manic episodes (both of which Nico very much has and if Nico is bipolar I wouldn’t be suprised but anyway-)
I don’t think the headcanon of Nico being manic is too far-fetched because have you seen him??? Like I just think it fits because he is pretty impulsive and I feel like there would be times where Nico just has really high energy levels (which is a good and a bad thing) and when it first starts Will is like “oh yay- are you okay?” Nico dismisses it as like “I’m getting better” and Dionysus is just staring at him like “I have news for you-“ and ruins his day
With the help of Dionysus he learns to manage it and Will helps out too by noticing the signs. Mania has different levels so maybe his might not be a high extreme so maybe hypomania or smth but it’s there.
It’s the little things that sell the hc really
Thanks for the ask! I wish I could explain how I got to this hc but I really don’t remember how- I just have the hc running around in my head
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undedkat · 10 months
We need to take away the word “manic” from TikTok.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 month
I've been really focused on researching bipolar disorder for fic writing purposes lately.
Thing is, the last time I had this much focus, interest/fascination, and emotional connection to a mental condition that I was only researching "for story purposes," it was autism. Then years later I ended up identifying as autistic based on input from friends and getting a formal diagnosis of ADHD (closely related to/comorbid with autism)
So... lowkey starting to wonder if this fascination with researching bipolar is gonna turn out the same way considering what happened last time shdhskdjshd
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CW: medical
food, disordered eating (not really but included for people who have the words filtered! let me know if people want any other things tagged -- I will literally never not make sure the word gets filtered for you)
Two totally unrelated questions but I'm going to put them in one post because I've been posting a lot about my heatlh recently and very little about writing which... is what this blog was intended for (I'm sorry I'm just exhausted and overwhelmed)
I might have found a treatment that works for my bipolar disorder!!! Everyone told me lithium had terrifying side effects so I was scared of it because, as my therapist put it, 'if there is a side effect, your body will find it'. But no side effects so far! I've not had a major depressive episode since I've been on it (barring post-op depression and normal emotional reactions to my health falling apart). I've also not had a diagnosable hypomanic episode but I have had weird shortened ones that last a couple hours at a time. I used to get the shortened ones but also the diagnosable ones (4+ days). Does this count as it working? Even if my blood serum lithium level is low?
Can someone explain what options there are for gastroparesis treatment? I don't know it's gastroparesis but I have been desperately trying to convince my doctors to do a gastric emptying test and no one is taking it seriously. I've had feeding issues literally since I was a breastfed infant and they've now gotten to what multiple friends have deemed 'feeding tube level of bad'. I am personally okay with a feeding tube even though, because this is Canada, the cost would come almost completely out of pocket. I just don't think that's something I could convince my doctors of so does anyone know what treatments there are between dietary changes (absolute bullshit in my scenario I've tried it for almost a decade) and NJ tube?
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twist3dserenity · 2 months
It’s been too long since I’ve been useful to someone, don’t you think?I’m rather useless. I can’t do anything right. I just take up valuable space in this world. And you know what? If I’m going to continue to be worthless, then I should be punished. it is now my job to stop eating, stop drinking, stop sleeping, hurt myself, and isolate myself. Counterintuitive? Yes. But if I really want to be alive, then I’ll start being worth something. If not. Then I’ll just suffer.
that’s just how it is everyone.
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besties I have just learned that apparently most people can't kick themselves into an adrenaline rush of productivity and focus for weeks or months at a time. apparently it doesn't usually last for more than an hour. why did no one tell me this before
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sketchedgazin · 3 months
yeahhhhh I have decided I'll make a new blog . once I get a general idea scraped together
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vdemon-weeb · 9 months
I changed my Discord name in the server with my teammates from work... Now thinking about shifting a little to masculine language about myself when speaking Polish. Won't work when communicating over email with people I don't meet, but it should be working when talking with people face-to-face. I'm talking either English (where you don't gender yourself) or Polish (where you do). I'm already automatically slipping into masc language in Polish just like I do in Ukrainian and Russian, so it should be enough.
We'll see how it'll go from here. Probably will start using he/him in the Discord instead of avoiding self-gendering TODAY or tomorrow, and over work communication - since Monday...
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kakusboyfriend · 8 months
Ohhhhh god i know I'm going to get struck by the shedding soon enough b/c I'm now experiencing the overwhelming urge to hold Kid Buu like this
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gloomyhours · 9 months
me looking in the tag I use when I’m in a manic episode: huh, I do not remember posting any of this. wonder why that is.
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rodrickheffley · 10 months
for years i was like i was wrong about being bipolar but now im like actually maybe i am
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