#but hope this serves as a good start to it!
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My chickens have not been lucky this winter—the youngest one, Louise Michel, despite her revolutionary name, was eaten by a fox earlier this year. At least this new year was off to an auspicious start for this fox and her family. It made me think about Fantastic Mr Fox and how this book indoctrinates small children into directing their empathy towards the beleaguered fox family, while the hen characters are complete non-people—they are even called stupid at one point, even though they are just sitting in their coop, doing their chicken job!
Anyway. Dru survived the fox attack unscathed and non-traumatised, which made me respect her even more than I already did. Drusilla is quite old by now, and she has survived everything—the fox attack that killed her first coopmate, Cordélia; several air strikes by birds of prey; Pandolf trying to scare her to serve his own dog interests... Even though she has long stopped laying eggs, she is a precious asset to my chicken coop: I am going to get new baby hens in the spring and I need Dru to teach them her strategies to win the Darwinian struggle for existence. As an elderly hen, her job is no longer to provide eggs, but wisdom.
And then I heard Dru cry out one afternoon, as if she had been attacked by something.
I felt confused as I ran out to rescue her—I'd seen her just five minutes before when I went out to distribute hay, she was near the pasture gate hanging out with the llamas, donkey, and dog. There's no way a fox would attack a chicken surrounded by such a security detail. I quickly found her, sitting just outside the pasture, in her normal brooding position, she didn't seem hurt—but Pandolf ran towards her as well, and she didn't move out of his way. That was very unusual. Pandolf runs at things and people like a fluffy corrida bull, happy to knock you over with the force of his love (there's a reason the French equivalent of "like a bull in a china shop" is "like a dog in a bowling game"), and Dru always makes sure to jump out of his way, boosting herself with her wings if necessary.
I wondered if she had a broken wing, but when I started examining her she made a very eloquent "urghh go away" gesture at me with both of her wings, so she could move them. Her legs didn't seem injured either, but she refused to get up. I ended up carrying her back to her coop so she could sit in peace and process her feelings, but she wasn't feeling better the next morning. She clucked at me amicably when I visited her but she didn't go outside all day, so I had to leave food and water outside her room like a bemused parent trying to accommodate an angsty teenager.

Since I hadn't been able to detect any injuries and she was eating normally, I thought she might be depressed. Maybe it had taken her some time to understand that she had lost her friend and was all alone in her coop, and then the realisation had hit her, and her normal chicken activities suddenly felt meaningless. That didn't really explain the sharp cry I'd heard the day before, though.
(I hadn't noticed until I took a closer look at the above photo that there is a dirty stain on the wall of the laying box! Embarrassing. But to my defence, chickens are not very clean creatures and keeping their coop clean is a Sisyphean task. I guess I always focus on cleaning the parts where the hens sit and walk, and hadn't leaned over to look at the inside wall. I've now cleaned it up with a brush—but I almost regret doing so, because a friend gave the stain a beautiful and mystical interpretation:
I waited a couple of days to see if Dru's agoraphobia got better, but on Day 3 of her refusing to leave her coop, I decided to take her to the vet.

The farmer who was sitting next to Dru and me in the waiting room seemed very puzzled about my decision to bring a chicken past her prime and no longer laying eggs to the vet for a diagnosis. At first he assumed that I hoped to have her diagnosed as Safe To Eat.
I told him about how this hen is very good at surviving, and I want her to pass on her knowledge to future generations.
Dru looked cranky at the vet, maybe because there was a poster on the wall that said "What's for dinner tonight?" and she took it personally.

Fun chicken fact: the rounder a hen is, the angrier. She may look like an adorable cream puff, but she is a ball of rage:

The vet noticed that her leg was a bit swollen, and said it could be an infection, or maybe some heavy animal had stepped on her foot. He gave me antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and then I had fun trying to make my cranky chicken take her meds every day. Do you think getting a cat to take a pill is difficult? Try it with an animal who evolved from raptors.
Here are screenshots from a video (which my wifi refused to load)—Dru wasn't having a good time, but trust me, neither was I. It was a daily struggle. On the other hand, I discovered that she loves cherry tomatoes! I had a cherry tomato plant in my greenhouse that was only here to keep the aquaponic system going in the winter, I wasn't eating the fruit as they were bitter February tomatoes, and for some reason it didn't occur to me to offer them to my chicken until I was walking around the greenhouse looking for some insect to reward her for taking her medicine. The daily tomato treat delighted her a lot more than some boring insect :)
Well, we are reaching the end of this adventure—Dru will get new coopmates soon (and hopefully start teaching them her secrets immediately) and the vet visit was very worth it 😊 She still has trouble going down the ladder of her coop so I go get her every morning and carry her near my house, but she is walking and, more importantly, scratching around for food again! Here's a little video:
Oh, no, wait, we aren't done—I must ask everyone to take part in the Trial of Pirlouit.
The vet did say it looked as if some heavy animal had stepped on Dru's foot... Considering the llamas are very delicate walkers, and Pandolf is a reckless brute but isn't heavy enough to break a chicken's leg, this makes Pirlouit the main suspect.

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yunjin & kazuha x m reader
31k words

Alright - this is kind of one of those cliché, freeze-frame moments from those sitcoms that puts you right in the middle of the action, or- when you wake up with a pounding headache of hangover after having an apocalyptic night out and somehow everything you’re trying to remember is nothing but a complete blank.
Yunjin sells the part right away, groggily after waking up saying: “God, can you believe what the hell happened last night?”
Sadly, you don’t recall it from the get go.
Kazuha’s body curling the pillow serves as the first piece of information at the scene of the crime: your bed.
“She’s gonna give us an earful of this when she's up,” you say. “We’d be lucky if she’s in a good mood by then.”
“There’s nothing to freak out about,” and Yunjin’s reassurance gives you a warming glimmer of hope. “I’ll tell you this. She came to me, first.”
“Are we talking back then or earlier?”
Yunjin slaps your arm, laughing. She’s aware that the inquiry was entirely rhetorical, a minor press to her buttons. Her thumb rubs Kazuha’s temple, moving a few strands of messy hair away from her face. Bright rays of sunlight breaking through the drapes and the evidence is riddled all over her: the marks, the dry streaks of cum at her legs, sweat glistening across her skin. Your mental checklist is filling up by the minute.
“To be fair,” and it’s a realization to be made: “She did ask for this.”
“Yes," Concurs Yunjin. "Yes she did.”
Let’s summarize it like this: post-grad life is absolutely no joke.
Your realization of this has been deeply humbling.
And you’re reminded, again - from one of your friends who’s on the same boat as you: taking things day by day is always the way to go, don’t ever forget that.
It sounds easier said than done.
The lovely chime of the lock popping out from its hole plays a nice tune of pomp and circumstance, your humble abode of trinkets and gadgets and items greeting you a ‘welcome home!’ after a long day of work. It’s worth noting: you’re not actually working - not yet, but the job search in the pool has been quite dry.
You sigh, get your shoes off at the doorstep, and toss your jacket on the nearby chair you lay your eyes on.
When you finally hobble over to the couch, Yunjin appears right on cue; half hair up, half down, fresh out of the shower and in one of your shirts. You know her schedule by heart: the day was Thursday, which meant that she was out for a pickleball run with Somi and Giselle who convinced her to give the sport a try. She had some prior experience with tennis, so most of the skills easily transferred over. Talk about being multi-talented.
“Hey,” she greets, tapping your thigh as a signal to give her some space on the seat. “Long day today?
“Yeah,” you say, rubbing the sleepiness off your face and graze your thumb on the top of Yunjin’s thigh. “Nothing much to report- oh. I managed to get a callback from that one place I told you about last week.”
“The start up Sian’s working in? Any good news?” Her voice lights up in excitement, brows elevated and head at an angle like a golden retriever. “I thought that place was only fifth in your options.”
“It was, but figured that I’d work backwards on the list from bottom to top.”
Yunjin smirks, nails to your knuckles, tic bouncing off her tongue, agreeing. “What an innovator.”
“A different angle,” you laugh, “Worth giving it a try.”
“We all have to start somewhere,” she tells you, voice light-hearted and calming. “Besides, life isn’t a linear graph that one follows. Everybody has their ups and downs they don’t want to admit.”
She does have a point, so you nod.
“Don’t be discouraged if there’s no results right away,” she adds on, lifting her hand up for you to momentarily give you a handshake as if she was your brother or something, curling your fingers with hers before ending it off with the pull down, gently slapping your cheek to force a smile out of you. Yunjin’s got all the remedies you can ask to boost your mood up, no point arguing otherwise. “You also said that you didn’t like the one other place second on your list.”
“That cafe would be nice. Can finally cross off how to make the perfect matcha drink, too,” you reply, sitting up and sliding your arm across her waist, bringing her closer.
“Mhm,” she hums, smiling the more she leans into your touch. If there was anything that you know very well to do: is how easily it is for her to let these things slide - more so like you can literally sweep her off her feet and suck the life out of her, without having the guilt lingering whatsoever. She’s so agonizingly pretty in your eyes and the fact she can say some of the coolest things in her perspective about life because she realizes that it cuts both ways. You could listen to her talk smart all day, until she plays into the dirty ditz where it gets closer to one familiar end far faster than you would like to admit. “I’ll say this compliment, then: you already have the best cup of coffee in town,” Yunjin says, a smirk with a chin lifted up and your tongue pressing the inner side of your lip. Her gaze goes hazy, and the half-lidded eyes coming from you really sends the message either way. “I actually like the whole package you’re selling. It’s sweet.”
“You think of me as sweet? I guess so too.”
“That’s not the only thing sweet about you,” says Yunjin, palming your crotch and scratches the fabric, her breath at your teeth. “You’re dangerous.”
“Jen, what are you trying,” you chuckle, slow and low; the tone like you’re wanting to find something without putting too much force into suspicion. “Need I remind you that you were almost late to practice earlier?”
As Yunjin bites her lip at the lean in, only to be interrupted by the same chime at the door. A second later, the sound gets replaced by another girl’s huff, keys jangling and boots clattering on the floor before making their way further into the apartment. Both of you look towards her direction out of curiosity.
“Back already, Zuha?” Yunjin asks, leaning out more to the point she’s almost perpendicular to the seat of the couch, “How’d the hair appointment go?”
“Good!” Kazuha beams, shrugging off her handbag and straightening her denim jacket outshined by her new color of hair - she mentioned it in the group chat between you three with a picture of her head wrapped up in tinfoil, so the input paid off. “Thought it would take longer, but I really like this shade much more than the blonde I had a year ago.”
“Oh god,” you breathe, “I can’t stress how much I hated the blonde shade back then.”
Kazuha’s brows crinkle, lips inward. She doesn’t want to admit it herself, but she did say her blonde hair wasn’t the right choice. “Dickhead. I thought I told you to take that opinion outside.”
“I’m not going to apologize for saying what’s right.”
“Guess I don’t have to ask you what you think about my hair and go directly to Yunjin instead.”
“Ash blonde is more of your style, Kazuha,” you admit, Yunjin also agreeing with a little nod of her own. “If you were to ask me, I’d prefer this one over the blonde you had from last year.”
“He does have a valid reason,” Yunjin adds, palm to your chest when she stands up from the couch with a water bottle in her hand from the table. Tosses it towards Kazuha who catches it without an issue. “You staying in or stopping by tonight?”
Kazuha chugs half the bottle down, smacks her lips soon after. “Got an hour to chill, told Saku and Chaewon we’re eating out tonight. Since Sakura’s boytoy leaves tomorrow to-”
“Study abroad,” you input, “I remember she was talking to me about him a few weeks ago.”
“So no more dick for me or her,” Kazuha says.
“You’re serious,” you say back. “Dude.”
Kazuha twists her face, hands wrapped tighter around the plastic. “Dude. It is serious. A total loss for the home team.”
“He wasn’t even your boyfriend to begin with.” Yunjin butts in, almost ad-libbed.
“That’s what makes it fun!”
“This girl can’t be helped,” Yunjin, shifting her attention to the cutting board of chicken and vegetables. “Sucks for her to be put out of commission all because she can’t get her pussy filled up this weekend.”
“I heard that, bitch.” Kazuha yells deep in the hallway. “Why don’t you tell Chaewon while you’re at it too with her boyfriend.”
You laugh at the annoyance Kazuha has in her voice. Yunjin rolls her eyes and wheels around in the kitchen. The pair part ways into doing their own activities around the place and that’s really the end of that. There’s a sense of comfort you find yourself in within these walls. When the world outside you doesn’t swing the way you want it to, it’s always nice to lay back and relax - save the problems of today to tomorrow. You lace your fingers together, put them over your waist and cross your ankles up to the armrest, closing your eyes.
“I’ll be here,” you’re saying aloud, a usual announcement during these hours: “Wake me up when the food’s ready, or if Kazuha leaves, whichever happens to come first.”
Among the never ending loop of emails, interviews, and outings at different food spots to brush up the resume, you’re getting sick and tired of the daily activities as a whole. You’re doubtful, like a running inside joke you’re not in on.
You tell Yunjin about the struggles, to which she tells you: “there’s no such thing as mistakes in a plan that’s meant for you, babe.” God bless her, the literary ability this woman has reminds you again as to why she wanted to be an english teacher or writer. Hell, philosophy might’ve been her forte, but it’s another debate topic to save for later.
Kazuha’s outlook is a bit more abrasive; more real and a little less innocent, doesn’t mince her words at all. “Look, I know we give much shit between us at times,” she blurts out on a random afternoon, “but I think those people who do the hiring don’t know what you’re capable of yet, and it angers me about them not caring about you.”
“Didn’t think you’d have the heart to say that to my face.”
Kazuha squints, confused. Yunjin looks up from her book, eavesdropping.
“If we’re being honest,” Kazuha continues with a wave of her hand. “this is basically like you getting me through college apps back in senior year, me having the breakdowns on a nightly basis because you shat on my essays being complete trash-”
“Somewhat relevant, yes. Still isn’t as close to what I feel.”
Ever since graduation (and even before then), the pair have gotten used to each other in no time flat. Yunjin eventually had to end the lease on her apartment at the beginning of summer and it was a no brainer when you popped the question of moving in. They both have similar tastes, similar styles - the list goes on and on. But hey: two of the hottest girls on campus are living with you and every time someone brings it up you just give them a shrug.
(The non-verbal message presents itself like it’s no big deal.
Or one quiet way of answering: ‘fuck you, stay out of my business’.)
Yujin closes her book and treats herself to the cup of tea on the table. “It’s pretty much a similar experience across the board, no need to overcomplicate it.”
You check your phone with the same kind of energy in receiving a text. Quick skim here, no luck. “Whoopty-fucking-do, still no message back from Minnie about the software position.”
“No stress babe, it’s Friday night after all.”
“I’d text her personally to see if there’s any hold up, rush the process a bit.” Kazuha suggests.
You pull your lip. “I could, but what do you want me to do? It’s not my fault that the job market and economy as a whole is in shambles, toying with the idea of teasing me like it’s some ‘will they, won’t they’ kind of situation. But seriously-” and here your hands are in your face in a small sign of frustration, “it’s a bit discouraging on the latter when I could be spending my time on-”
“Pressure isn’t a good look on you,” Kazuha tuts, snorting. She reclines back on the seat, sliding her heels on the floor, “I’m sure someone will swoop you on their ship sooner or later. The strategy here is just sit and wait, taking into account the number of places you dropped by today and they can’t look at the CV the moment you hand it to them. Ever heard the saying: “Rome wasn’t built in a day?”
“Classic for the kids.” Yunjin recites, hands bracing her chin. “Patience is always the everlasting virtue.”
“Both of you are dead last in lecturing me about practicing a positive mindset.”
Here they laugh in midst of deliberation. Because Yunjin’s shaking her head while Kazuha’s turning her attention away to something that isn’t on you. The heat starts to rise on your face in embarrassment. Yunjin’s gaze lowers on Kazuha as she crosses her arms, fingers tapping along the opposite limb, sharing the same look before she looks over to you once again. Silence fills the table for a moment until Kazuha’s phone vibrates on the table, prompting her to swipe it off the surface and check the notifications in mere milliseconds.
Kazuha’s eyes briskly shimmers from the screen, face lighting up once she’s finished reading. “Oh shit,” she breathes. “I forgot I was going out with Sakura tonight.”
“Where to this time?”
“Eunchae’s,” she answers, briskly standing up and typing her life away. “Just a quick outing, doughnut run, nothing too big. Yunjin, you still coming?”
“Can’t.” Yunjin yawns. “Tired and plus I had a movie date planned with this one,” she says with a head bob towards you.
“Ew- gross,” Kazuha mutters. You look at her dumbfounded while Yunjin smirks. “Whatever, enjoy your impromptu movie date.”
“Prayers up for the dick that’s about to cross paths with you,” you remark over your shoulder. “Whoever’s the lucky one to bend you over tonight, I’ll drink to that too.”
Kazuha smacks your head then walks away. “I’ll take that same fucking bottle when I come back and smash it over your head.”
“Ouch.” Yunjin sighs, putting on her glasses and stretching. “I’ve been telling you it’s a lost cause for her.”
“Hey. That’s her problem, not mine.”
Kazuha’s problems, whether you like it or not, usually end up becoming yours.
Not that it’s her fault or anything. The girl just spills out one word and it turns into a never ending ramble of sentences.
Fifteen minutes have passed since dinner, for the ones who are curious - fifteen minutes of valuable time lost in Kazuha’s eyes because she can’t seem to get her life together when it comes to proper efficiency. You and Yunjin are bundled up on the couch, watching some dating series on netflix that’s been all the rage across social media. The cast upon preliminary assessment are all attractive - some with a stronger bias than others, but you deduced Yunjin’s opinion was much more important than what’s happening on screen.
Self-insertion is a matter of conceptual perspective, is what she’s trying to tell you.
“All I’m saying is-” she groans after your pitiful laugh, “we put ourselves in that scenario, and I guarantee the ratings would go up.”
“Pretty high pedestal you’re putting me there,” you comment.
Yunjin slaps your shoulder and gawks at you, playfully offended. “Oh please, if you didn’t take me to paradise, how else would you make your case compared to the other good looking guys?”
“Don’t need to, since I’ve already got you.”
She coos at the remark, laughing at you playing it off in the coolest way imaginable. It’s cringy, but who the fuck cares? The fact that she agrees with the statement only solidifies the pull you have on her. A win-win situation.
“What about Kazuha?” Yunjin follows up shortly after. “I think she’d be a great fit there.”
“If I were one of the guys on that show and she was one of the contestants, I’d try everything to date her in a heartbeat,” you tell her.
“Really what?” Kazuha walks in a second after your reply, with a zip-up to her frame and peeping over to see what was on the screen. “I heard my name down the hallway.”
“Oh nothing, Zu,” answers Yunjin, waving her hand to shoo her off. “We were just saying that you’d be a great addition to the dating show cast. I can’t lie, some of the guys in this are super hot.”
“Ahem,” you cough.
“Shut up,” Yunjin says. “You were literally just telling me that you’d date Kazuha if you had the chance.”
“Never in a million years,” you hear Kazuha say, disgusted. “That can of worms stays shut for a reason.”
“A fun topic to talk about,” you’re laughing out loud again, shaking your head. Kazuha squints her eyes and her lips are spread wide in annoyance. A common expression she does whenever she can’t comprehend the bullshit coming out of your mouth at times - for most occasions is all sarcasm and nothing more. “You may not like it, but who’s living with who here, hm?”
“I’ll kick your ass again if I have to,” Kazuha chuckles - a tilt of her head to keep it subtle, but you know well she intends that.
you say
“Can’t beat my ass if you haven’t gone out yet,” you retort, pursing your lips. Kazuha glances at the clock and realizes what time it was, cursing under her breath. She shoves a hand in her pocket and bolts for the door, throwing up a peace sign to you and Yunjin, letting you both know she’s finally on her way out.
“Bye Zuha, have fun!” Yunjin yells in a light tone.
“Don’t burn the place down until I get back, but the noise complaints are fine,” Kazuha says, slotting herself through the door the next second, into the cold.
“That girl with the dark blonde hair looks like Kazuha,” Yunjin tells you, pointing at the screen. She’s right. The one on the show appears to be at the right height, similar body build, not to mention the abs highlighted from her swimsuit. “I’m telling you, it’s a carbon copy.”
It’s been a little over an hour since Kazuha left, maybe more - you haven’t been keeping track, really. The episodes and runtimes are starting to mesh together to the point where Yunjin’s starting to get other ideas with that mischievous hand of hers, working at your shorts.
“She’s hella popular with the others - so you might be right, considering Kazuha’s the mix of an extroverted introvert,” you say, paying no attention to the slip of Yunjin’s hand into your boxers, fingers snaking the length. She can feel you getting hard.
You’re on the same wavelength as Yunjin: hand trailing up her thigh, thumb and index pinching the waistband of her panties beneath the blanket before curling your fingers across the fabric, hearing a hitched breath.
“There’s no way they don’t hook up while recording, right? Like- the fuckable scales are off the charts,” she assesses, squirming her hips to the fingers circling over her clothed clit. She cocks her head as you pull your lips inward, trying to see the transmitting message in her eyes.
You press a little further in at the opening, feel the dampness spread across. Oh yeah, she’s soaking them.
“We wouldn’t know, per se, since the whole point of inferno is all about exclusivity. Getting to know the person without any outside distractions, that kind of thing,” you conclude. You’re paying more attention to your hand than the show.
“Them having sex on camera would be so normal,” Yunjin says, a word slips out but her mouth forms to something else when you slip a finger inside without a warning. “So normal.”
“You’d be right.”
“Definitely,” she breathes and it’s heavy. This segment has been slowly building in the background; the part where few words are said and relied more on the action: Yunjin’s thumb presses down on the head of your cock and grips around it, languidly stroking; your breathing stops for a moment, bobbing the air down your throat, coming up with a proper response, ending with nothing. You can feel your lower body tense and relax with the ticks of the clock, an indicator for what’s about to happen if you keep this up. You don’t fight it - nor want to, since you’re both well aware that the teasing is a better way to eat up the time with your bodies rather than everything else.
It’s only natural to do things like these. You’d always make time for being horny.
Before you know it, your shorts are on the floor. The same could be said with her panties, tossed away to a corner in the room for you to ask yourself “well how the fuck did that get there?” later when the damage has been done. Her shirt’s being held up by her teeth and you’re taking all the sights of her upper half uncovered past her shirt. Nothing but porcelain skin and amber nipples waiting to be marked up and bitten. Your hips get put in place and your mouth is taken over by Yunjin’s, feeling the glide of her folds across your cock and the slickness of her cunt on your fingers, smearing her thigh.
Her breath is warm, just like her face; mouth hung open when she settles her pussy on your shaft. She finds joy in the loose and unraveling expressions: all wide-eyed and nowhere else to go. Your head falls back once the grip registers in the nerves.
All in the rise and fall of her hips. She’s gyrating them as a test like it’s a given - which it is. She loves it when you’re raring to go, dicking her hips down or fucking herself on your cock. It’s all the same.
“Babe,” she whispers into your ear. The blanket uncovering your lower halves, barren skin now out to the open air. “I want it.”
Fuck, she could meet you halfway with the wetness of her pussy and already be there. You hold her hips and waist steady and she begins to ride.
Here is where the story - or rather, the ordeal - truly unravels. As Anakin Skywalker famously declares on the glowing screen before the darkened room: ‘This is where the fun begins.’
You’re woken up to the incessant buzzing of your phone on the nightstand, blinded by the glare of the television, drowsy as fuck, and slightly sweating. You also don’t even bother looking at the time because your lock screen is basically a flashbang of your selfie with Yunjin even with the caller ID blurring it. It’s from an unknown number (it isn’t but you can barely see as it is) and even if you’re entertaining the idea of not answering it, you do anyway.
“Hello?” Your voice graveled and deep, clearly tired. “Who is this?”
“Oh, you’re Yunjin’s boyfriend, right?” The girl on the other end asks. Her voice is surprisingly masculine. You would’ve mistaken her for a guy in that case. The line goes quiet for a few seconds, afraid that she possibly called the wrong number. “You sound like Yunjin’s boyfriend. By the way, it’s Eunchae.”
Crap, you remember that Kazuha was with her for tonight’s activities. Wondering what the hell happened this time for her to call instead of Sakura as the usual standby.
“We have a situation here,” she continues, mouth ticked with a hint of annoyance. “Kazuha’s hammered and Sakura’s getting her business on with some guy out in the alleyway. Told me to call you if she didn’t come back in five minutes. And it’s been more than five minutes.”
“Shit, I didn’t think it’d be that serious.”
“The fuck were you expecting?”
“I dunno- just a simple doughnut dine and dash? Neither of them told me about a party.”
“That’s because the two of them tagged along with the guy they met there and it’s been downhill ever since. I wanna go home.”
Can’t help but feel bad for Eunchae, since you were in her shoes before.
“Mind hurrying it up a bit? I can hear Sakura’s moaning behind me and it’s looking like she won’t be going home tonight.”
You scratch the back of your head, raking off the sleepiness before rubbing your eyes. “Alright, be there in a few. Where do you want to meet?”
“I’ll send my location, my house isn’t far from here.”
In a slight reiteration, you’ve become used to Kazuha’s antics.
Kazuha brings in Sakura and her plus one late at night, you know how that goes; Kazuha can’t decide which top goes well with her loose pants for the grocery run; Kazuha procrastinates on some of the chores around the apartment and leaves you alone to pick up her slack. She smacks your ass for fun and runs away into her room - goes to show the years of friendship you have between you two. When you’re up late studying for midterms or finals, the noise cancelling headphones serve well to block out the sounds of Kazuha touching herself -or, the fact that you’re putting her pile of laundry on her bed and it’s riddled with the assortment of playboy magazines, dirty clothes, and the vibrator (which you don’t question) next to it. She’s an agent of chaos. A perfect anthesis to your very livelihood.
It’s certainly no exception when you mentally add alcohol into the mix.
“Do I want to know how she ended up like this?” You ask Eunchae upon arriving, kneeling down to a slumped Kazuha against the brickwall on the sidewalk - hand to the back of her head to get a better look of her drunk gaze: one eye open and giggling like an idiot, her words slurring.
“She literally grabbed the first beer handed to her when we got here,” Eunchae replies, showing you a picture of the moments before disaster. “I thought she was a heavy weight.”
“Depends on what they were passing out in that party.” You move Kazuha’s head around to ensure nothing happened to her. So far: face blushed with pink, a lazy eye, messy hair and sweaty skin. But most importantly: no marks. “Did Saki tell you to stick with her while at the party?”
“Yes, she did.”
“Well that’s the good news,” you’re saying to yourself. Kazuha might be a pain in your ass, but she is your longtime friend, after all. Like anyone else, you’d go the extra mile to keep an eye out for her.
You then glance back at Eunchae, her shadow casted by the glare of the overhanging streetlight, arms crossed with the light tap of her foot. Her thumb subconsciously swipes the phone screen as you both look at Kazuha when she snorts, playfully hitting your arm.
“She’ll be fine,” you softly say, hoisting Kazuha’s arms over your shoulders and adjusting her on your back. “Given the fact that Sakura’s getting her fuck-fix for the weekend, I’ll leave that be.”
“Mhm, girl’s a piece of work,” Eunchae concurs, lashes fluttering in the dim lighting, air to the left side of her cheek. “And here I thought we were getting our box and heading back home but-” she then motions a hand to Kazuha murmuring behind you. “-this shit unfolded and, yeah.”
“The regular stuff,” you admit, because it really is. You twitch your head the opposite way from the house party. “My car’s this way, I’ll drop you off on the way back.”
(Dealing with a drunk Kazuha in the car was simple math:
Make sure she’s comfy, for one. Recline the seat all the way back since her feet will most likely end up on the dashboard for another. And almost beating every red light at the intersections so that she doesn’t get cranky with all the stops and turns for the third note.
A long list and every contingency written in the book: you know her that well.)
3:00 in the morning is usually classified as ‘primetime hours’ for Kazuha.
Except for tonight.
You’re running through the standard procedure: get out the car, walk up the stairs, hook a right, second door past the balcony.
Left shoulder, right shoulder, right foot up, then left; fix Kazuha’s weight on your backside so you don’t throw your back out early, lean a little too forward she’ll fall right off, look back when she’s secure.
For a girl like her to be 5’7” and 105 pounds, it doesn’t add everything up in your head. She’s humming a song - the lyrics incoherent, tone consistent - then all of a sudden she yelps in surprise. Keep her quiet - a fifth noise complaint from the neighbors in the span of three days was not on the agenda for this week.
She smacks your head, half awake. “Hey, how did I get home? Put me down.” Kazuha pushes herself off, landing on her feet with a stumble, prompting you to hover your hand to her waist so that she doesn’t lose balance. It’s 3 in the fucking morning and Kazuha’s drunk out of her goddamn mind. “Wait, when did you get here?”
“I drove us,” you tell her, moving her arm over your shoulder and walking her towards the door. “Looks like you had fun tonight.”
“I did,” Kazuha hiccups, blinking slowly. “Super fun time.” Her gaze freezes. You can’t tell if she’s grumpy or plain tired (trick question: it’s the second answer); she then closes her eyes with that neat, flat eye smile of hers to where you see the slightest dimple on her face. You could imagine the stars shimmering over her head. Kazuha has so many spirit animals that you could pair her up with, but if you had to choose one-
“Ehe-” she giggles, staggering her right foot before readjusting her balance, doing the same laugh again.
(She would definitely be a samoyed.)
So you stifle a laugh and close your mouth, opening the door.
You’re leading the way back into the apartment while Kazuha tries to walk on her own. She fails. Her forearm bracing the doorway while you shift your body back around out of concern. Her body lurches forward like she just went twelve rounds in a boxing ring, fatigued. She straightens herself up with a hand on top of her head, chin tilted higher when she leans forward, about to fall. Like any other caring friend would do in this situation: you catch her.
“Easy, easy.” You hold yourself steady, accepting the weight. Or- when you’re stumbling too and shuffle your feet for proper placement. “You said you didn’t drink that much, tell me the truth.”
Kazuha hums, mindlessly bobbing her head in the form of a yes.
Her gaze is sleepy. Both of your hands are at her shoulders, keeping her upright. Kazuha’s zip-up slips off her shoulder, exposing her collarbone, covering the tubetop she was wearing with a set of underwear you haven’t seen before. Probably new, you assume. “Kazuha, stand up straight for me, please?”
“Mmkay,” she slurs.
“Think you can walk back to your room by yourself?”
“Nope.” Kazuha beams with her head to the left.
You sigh. Pat the side of her face to wake her up a bit. “Guess you can’t be helped.” A hand’s extended like a peace offering. “C’mere, I’ll take you there right now.”
“If you take good care, I’ll let you fuck me.”
Oh, hell no-
You weren’t prepared for this kind of Kazuha at all. There was no plan. Not even a proper response in your head could cover for it.
Kazuha being drunk was always the marker for attention. Put her with the right people (like Sakura, Chaewon, even fucking Yunjin), and it’s guaranteed to be a never ending stream of laughs throughout the day and into the night. Not one second goes by when you’re out with friends to look over the shoulder and see the most questionable acts coming from her that twists the creases across your face and forces you to bear no mind to what’s happening behind you; stay focused now, ask questions later. When you do bring up the topic, it gets brushed over and eventually ignored. You have so many ‘why’s’ as it is, but you find it best to save it for the morning.
“Kazuha, you’re clapped. There’s no way you just asked me to-”
“But I’ll be good for you. C’mon, don’t you think I should repay you in some way?”
“You getting sleep right now will be good for me. Now let’s go, I’m tired as it is-”
Her arms wrap around your shoulder and middle lazily. You can’t afford to handle another minute of this nonsense and just get your ass back to bed. That alone should be a right in itself, but this girl won’t fucking let go.
Next thing you know, her lips graze the bottom of your neck before resting on your collarbone. Your name is heard into your shirt, and you huff in annoyance. Plus, your voices could be a little louder than usual since Yunjin’s a heavy sleeper. At this point, you’ve had enough: so you slip your fingers into Kazuha’s hair and yank her head back to see her face wince at the sudden pain. There’s no shame when you see her biting her lip, half-lidded eyes gazing with no care of the lust behind them. “Just help me to my room, I promise not to give you trouble. I owe you. Need to thank,” she mumbles, licking her lips. “I’ll be a good girl.”
“Christ- Kazuha, we’re not doing this.” But talking to her while she’s intoxicated isn’t going to do you any good.
Now you carry on, dragging her closer to the room, ignoring the assault of mindless kisses she’s placing all over your neck. She ups the ante when her hand palms your sweats, trying to play it off in standing upright.
“Jesus- Kazuha,” you angrily swear, similar to all the times she pissed you off.
“What? You don’t like that?” Kazuha asks, lips parted when she rests her fingers at your crotch.
“Fucks sake, no.”
“Aw come onnnn,’ she whines, trilling the last bit of the words. “Yunjin always has her fun, why can’t I?”
“Because I said no.”
“You won’t even let me suck you off? What if I just wanna stay here and sit so I can do that?”
You can’t stand her being like this.
“I always hear you and Yunjin getting it on in your room.” She leans on the wall next to the open door, curling her hand around your arm while the other doesn’t move. “How would it feel if I called you daddy again for once?”
The scrunch in your nose shuts down the thought immediately. You’re sensible enough to not entertain the idea, despite how tempting it is. No. You know better. You know damn well what that shit does to you even if it slapped you in the face. No one casually spills the word ‘daddy’ like it’s nothing and expect no reaction. Her mind’s swimming in alcohol. You’re starting to wonder what the hell she drank at that party.
“Again- God. Zuha.” You flicker your eyes into the void of the hallway. The nickname only comes up at times where she’s really getting on your nerves. “For the last time, you are getting your ass to bed and we’ll talk about it in the morning.” Kazuha winces at the sharp tone, realizing she’s overstepped her bounds. Bless the last bits of common sense she has left; you don’t know where you’d be if she didn’t use her brain cells for something else that required her to think.
“Ugh, fine,” she tells you, and the tamped down ego in your head is satisfied in victory, stepping into her room. You hold her at the arms and help slip out of her jacket, tossing it on her chair as she does her part in sitting on the bed, waiting for you to lie her down. “I was hoping that you could fuck me.”
“In your dreams,” you rebut firmly.
Right before you walk away, Kazuha grabs your wrist. A few wisps of her hair fall over her forehead. “Wait,” she says, and that should’ve been the red flag to swipe your hand away from the imposing threat - a dangerous risk you’re not willing to take. You clench your teeth and swallow hard, with the slightest bit of pull in your arm. “At least-”
You actually don’t move forward, but backward.
“At least touch me, just this once.” Before you know what she’s doing, it’s already too late. Her hand guides yours to her thigh, working the curve of your thumb and index up her waist. Part of you is impressed at the amount of work she put in maintaining a chiseled frame, the muscle very much present the more your fingers press down on the skin. “For a little bit.”
(Should’ve left the room when you had the chance.)
Your eyes continue to gaze and drift all over Kazuha’s body, hand to her chest with the thumb curling below her breast. Her humming rumbles low, safe. It hadn’t been that long since she was out in the cold, but she’s surprisingly warm.
She makes sure every single part of your hand feels it, flipping it over to the knuckles past her hips, fingertips making contact to the patterned lace of her panties - the fabric clearly damp when she starts to shift her hips at your touch. It’s all gone wrong - a mess, one really fucked up mess - her lower half continues to move with both of her legs pressing your hand in, holding you tight at her sensitive clit, the huffs rising and falling along with her chest the more she used your fingers to get herself off.
Drunk Kazuha was easy to deal with. Sleepy drunk Kazuha was a cakewalk in caring for. But never in your years of knowing her where she would be like this. Let alone the fact you’re in a relationship with her best friend and you’re staring further and further away from the door towards freedom.
The reality check will be cashed in once it’s all over.
You say her name, which spills out in a stutter; your state of mind incomprehensible to the stacked hands working the heat and slick between Kazuha’s legs, head unable to stay still and lolling side to side, elbows digging into the mattress.
How does she not feel embarrassed with what she’s doing? Sarcasm applied: how are you not ashamed of this?
It hits you right then and there: in the retracted hand of yours, eliciting another small tantrum of Kazuha kicking and waving her arms like a kid. You take a second to pause, remember how you got here in the first place and why, clouded with anger and confusion, hindering a sizable amount of time to reflect. Soon, you found it best to retreat from the situation and into the kitchen, grab a glass of water and wash your hands to calm yourself.
(Even as your thumb grazes the glass in a period of contemplating, the whole ordeal can't be swallowed down that easily, as much as you want it to. Not when you’re achingly hard in your sweatpants and that serves a few more strings of curses out your mouth.)
One last thing that you could do before heading back to your room was set the small bottle of aspirin at the side of her bed for when she wakes up. Maybe convince her to use that body pillow of hers to mimic the warmth; you nod your head at the thought, it could work and it should. It’s been a few minutes since her mini breakdown and you assume that she’d be asleep by now.
You couldn’t wait until the morning to tease her about being a horny drunk - worry about being her personal punching bag later.
Apparently the teasing would have to wait. Because your personal ideal about Kazuha was about to be shifted again.
The last thing you would’ve expected was for her to be sound asleep. Instead, she’s got her tube top up to her upper chest, one delicate hand furiously rubbing sloppy circles into her clit, the other gripping into the mattress as she’s on her knees, body pillow between her legs, grinding into the cushions. Her pants are at the foot of the bed, panties loosely around her right ankle. She’s an insufferable cocktease.
It’s something straight out of your wet dreams, from a time when everything revolved around Kazuha. You’re sucked into an inescapable vacuum of thoughts you’d never think of again (with things like those, it’s all a lie, they always are). You can’t stop peering through the crack in the door, opening it wider to watch Kazuha grab a handful of her tit and ride her own hand. She’s too into it to pay attention to you, and you’re fighting every urge in the fingers sliding down your thigh, unable to move.
She only seemed to have one thing on her lips, the only thing plaguing her intoxicated mind. The tube top at her pits and the gush of her cunt soaking up the last pillowcase, but you’re seeing it clear as day.
You can’t help but think how good your name sounds on her lips.
Kazuha then gropes both of her tits, pinching both buds of her nipples to keep her from stopping, finally figuring out that she can continue without the support, falling back on the bed, unfolding her legs like butterfly wings to reveal how wet she was. The small webbing of her slick coating her index and middle fingers, leaving more spots on the bed sheets beneath her.
There’s a deathly, fucked up part of you in the back of your mind: that wants to give in to the temptation. Oh, you could give Kazuha the same treatment as Yunjin when you have her in a blithering wreck, fucking her full as she creams on your cock, grab her by the hair and press her to the closest thing nearby to reatalite on the slightly abusive attitude. Get your tongue all over her cunt like it’s the last meal you’d ever have on your knees and have her cumming and hands full of every single part of her body until she’s had enough (which will most likely be never in this case). The need for more is an absolute certainty, a greater purpose. You'll consciously be happier in being rough, be a pain in her ass (quite literally, sooner than you think), and completely forget about the resistance or consequences.
You’re holding yourself back for now, placing the water and two tablets of aspirin on the dresser, lean your shoulder to the door frame - inhaling and exhaling quietly to not make her realize you were still in the room.
She doesn’t stop her fingers from dipping inside her leaking slit, wagging it across her folds with every passing shudder of her breathing, sinking it back in soon two digits at a time. Debauched, impure, sinful; you could go through the list of your lexicon to describe this present moment and still won’t give an explanation as to why you can’t look away. You watch as her eyes wander, flickering when she looks down and plop her head back on the pillow when the finger curl rubs at a sensitive spot.
And it’s almost instinctual, close to second nature: your hand tugging your dick out, paying close attention to how the slenderness of her hand widely spreading her pussy folds. How Kazuha wished her own hand was a dildo or a vibrator or your cock - they won’t stretch in the way she imagines it.
The third finger she inserted was a good try, you’ll give her that. You can’t help but be enamored.
Suddenly, she’s switching out names. First, your name and then Yunjin’s. That’s a new piece of information you’ll save for later. Ignoring the question of how weird because this was already fucking insane as it is; you’re slowly pumping your shaft in time with her upward thrusts, grip your shaft to mimic the pressure and emulate how the skin would be coated in her soaking wetness, listening closely to the squelching getting louder and louder it seems.
Kazuha’s legs are flush against the mattress, as far as she could get them. She’s flexible enough to do it, opening up more room for her other hand to get a fill of her desperate cunt. A sweet view. You’re lucky to have witnessed it in real time.
Shit, you’re silently cursing to yourself. Wishing that you would’ve abstained in committing such a wicked act.
But you keep pumping, delusion plaguing your mind. You’re lost in the sights, the sounds, her face wobbling to more rapturous, tucking her hand and tilting her hips like those other guys have done to her, the heat tugging them tightly - God, she doesn’t let up with the lovely moaning.
“Mmm, yes, right there-”
Seeing Kazuha like this feels undeserved.
“Please, please-”
“What is it. Kazuha? Want some help there?” You ask mindlessly, slipping out of your sweats some more to open up your legs.
And when she says your name again: “I need you here with me.”
“I’m not far,” you answer, gaze crestfallen and wistful.
You lower your guard when the rush of euphoria begins to spread within. The sensation of jerking yourself had the capacity to wear you out just how you wanted. Because of this, when you eventually look back up, you can see the glint of watered eyes watch across from you - in between the valley of her breasts, toned legs and reddened knees. “Look at you, so handsome,” she says, hand circling her clit faster. Harder. Fingers increasing in pace to match your strokes rather than the other way around.
“Fuck, you look so good-” you grunt with buckling knees. A familiar, aching tension in your stomach, the pin rising to the peak in your balls. The wonders of having a pretty best friend.
“Yeah?” she murmurs. “Like this? My pussy out wide open for you? Why don’t you walk back here and plug it up?”
“No need. You’re doing good, so fucking good. I’ll keep myself here- holy shit.”
“Would feel-” Kazuha wheezes, a relieving proposition. “Even better, with you.” She says it like it’s some forbidden truth.
In an alternate reality, she’d be right.
“Think so?” Jesus fucking christ, you’ve lost it. In the current affair, this is all that mattered. “You’d prefer my dick to split your guts up instead of your fingers?”
“God, yes.”
“Want me to take care of that pretty little cunt of yours?”
Kazuha sighs once more, confirming the question for you. It didn’t take much to work her up in general; if you didn’t have the remaining ounces of common sense, you could’ve dropped your pants right at the door and get even more dirty with the arousal pouring relentlessly out of her stuffed hole. It wouldn’t be a bad idea right? Cleaning up her mess with your hands, your mouth, gurgle down the endless stream of her pussy where there’d be multiple threads dripping down her legs. Fucking hell, you really could if you wanted to.
Though you don’t move a single muscle besides your hand.
“C’mon, more. Just a little more,” she groans, breath hitching every other second. You can feel the air get tighter, the vibrations in your throat tremoring along with every tense fiber of muscle. Coming down to a fine point, overtaking you.
You’re just as shameless as her.
The piercing wail of your name off her lips sounds broken, eyes clenched shut when you finally fall off that peak. You cum all over your fingers, spurting and smearing across the skin - fuck, it comes in a panic when some of it spills on the hardwood, but you could care less since it blends in well with the color. How you managed to remain standing from your high was a mystery, knees bending forward while the twitching continued to pass.
Kazuha tenses her body from the erratic movement of her chest, struggling to calm down from her orgasm. Through your sated, lidded eyes, you watch her frame relax, head falling over to the side, hand plopping over to the edge like someone shot a bullet through her on the spot.
“Kazuha.” You huff, hoping for a response. “Kazuha?”
Yep, she’s knocked out.
You take a minute or two to return to your senses, looking back at Kazuha’s body to ensure she was fast asleep. Staring at the gentle shift of her arm cuddling the pillow she just rode on, you found it best to let her deal with the clean up later in the morning when she’s fully sobered up.
A really big ‘if’ for later: her remembering everything she did from last night. You’re swearing that it doesn’t happen - hoping you don’t breathe a word of what you’ve seen or did.
(It would be a huge problem on your hands, and an even worse one if it becomes hers.)
Fuck, she would be mortified.
“You look like shit,” Yunjin tells you later that morning, chin perched up and eyes squinted. “Didn’t you and Kazuha come back together 30 minutes later?”
“Something like that,” you sigh, giving up the effort in holding back your yawn. “Slow mornings are always harder than the actual day.”
“Hangovers are never kind.”
You shrug. “Some of us can handle it better than others.”
Right on cue, you and Yunjin glance over to see a tired Kazuha sitting alone on one of the chairs near the kitchen. Her hoodie is up and both hands are on her face to hide the subtle cough. She looks like she could sleep for another eight hours after breakfast, and it most definitely could happen. The plate in front of her is cleaned off: holding the knife and fork, coated with syrup and clearly ran through.
Yunjin gives you a look, probably along the lines of: ‘are you sure nothing bad happened to her?’
You purse your lips and open the fridge, with a cold water bottle now in your hand.
From then on it’s a silent exchange: Yunjin walking over to Kazuha and caressing the back of her head, Kazuha looking and nodding to let her know she’s alright before going on with the rest of her unproductive day.
As for your part: you slide the bottle over to her with two more tablets of aspirin for her to take. For insurance, you insist. She’s someone you know very well who can’t function properly unless there’s some sort of responsible figure who can facilitate and keep an eye on her condition.
It isn’t like her to be awfully quiet at times, so you fill in that role of the opposite as needed.
“How’s your head?” You ask, voice lowered that you don’t scare the poor girl. “Gotta say, I’m jealous you got better sleep than me for once.”
Kazuha leans back on the chair with her eyes trained on you. The occasional beep of the smoke detector above goes on for a few seconds when you see the tip of her tongue peek out and runs it along her teeth, contemplating.
“Better,” she says. Her first words of the day. A small win. “Thank you.”
You nod in approval, poking her forehead for some fun. “Great. No going out for you today. Not until you’re back to normal. You know the rules.”
The gentle clatter of the silverware along the plate compliments the soft scuffle of your feet along the floor. You’re not thinking too much about what happened last night, drawing up the conclusions that it was a one-time thing. Anything beyond that reason would bring in plausible deniability.
But you carry on with the simple house chore with Kazuha unknowingly staring from behind: biting her lip.
Ironic about the unproductive day, you do everything but that.
Emails, papers, evaluations, your endless editing of the resume, the Spoitfy window with the classical music playlist, all of it eats up the time. With the occasional step out to grab some food or a cup of water - or maybe Yunjin piggybacking you as an attempt to get you away from the desk-
“I know you big baby,” you wheeze, feeling Yunjin’s nose against the nape of your neck, “Just let me finish one more thing and then we can do something. Promise.”
“You said that last time,” she groans, corralling her arms tighter on your shoulders, toes barely touching the floor, “Maybe I should change the password to your desktop so you don’t go to it first thing in the morning. It’s a dangerous addiction.”
“It’s called a routine,” you rebuke.
“I know your password,” argues Yunjin.
“Might have to change it again.”
She gets off when you settle back in the office chair, her arms still wrapped and pressing her lips on to your cheek, making you giggle at the sudden assault of touches. To her defense, they’re pretty effective - her way of swaying you to lose your concentration. You don’t think twice when she forces you to put down the phone before lunch or dinner, or when you’re out with friends and she thinks it would be a great idea to send you nudes knowing very well that it’s not meant to be seen publicly. Her hair starts to pool over your front, smelling like apple rose and aloe. “So you’re saying it’s not ‘huhyun108’? Are you serious?” And she’s got you all figured out - the many angles of pressure points to slowly give in towards. Picking and choosing her battles carefully, but you don’t go down from a fight that easily.
“Gonna change it now, actually,” you say, fast tapping on the keyboard. “Find it best for you not to look.”
Yunjin cackles as you’re pushing her face away, pulling the chair along with you.
Yunjin doesn’t have to do too much: all it takes is one breath and a few sly words and she gets what she wants.
She’s adamant with what’s hers: lipstick mark on your neck? That’s Yunjin. Her white scrunchie on deck at your wrist for when she can’t deal with her hair? Also Yunjin - supplying to the demand was always her kind of thing.
It’s midweek, at the point in the day where things get stagnant and there isn’t anything of interest to note, the usual grace period where the thought of doing nothing is considered the best option. Yunjin keeps watching that same netflix series, dissatisfied with how the current season played out. To compensate: she rewatches the second season for the sixth time and her key point was the fact the two most popular contestants really hit it off, but never got together.
That wasn’t the main concern, however.
“She hasn’t been out of her room since yesterday,” Yunjin pouts, long legs stacked on top of yours and restraining. “I’m getting a little worried.”
“I saw her go to the kitchen and back earlier,” you inform, tossing popcorn into your mouth. “She did have that pilates session around lunch. You know Zuha, and her cardio.”
“That door’s been shut a little too long,” she mumbles, not entirely ruling out your observation. “I know that there’s the unspoken rule for privacy, but I’m genuinely curious what the girl’s been up to. She seems a bit-”
“Closed off?” You fill in, completing the train of thought. “You may be right with that.”
“Mmm,” Yunjin agrees.
“Wait it out some more, then we’ll see what happens.”
(You wonder a bit too much, and get caught off guard as a consequence.
You haven’t moved from the couch, with Yunjin fast asleep at your side. The position so comfortable, you could honestly pass out here and wake up eons later - a tempting idea to entertain, and a plausible action to consider.
Kazuha appears from the hallway, rubbing the tiredness off from her three hour nap. A bit bizarre to nap past 8 PM, but that’s her thing. Her shirt is so baggy that it covers some of her thighs, toes spread on the floor before she continues to make headway to the fridge. Hair frizzled in messy waves and moving gently in every step.
So you initiate first, “Hey,” and you layer that with a lean back of the head of the couch so she can see you better in the dim light. “Everything good?”
Kazuha twists her body towards your voice, gaze stoic and quiet, fingers twisting the bottle cap open and fiddling it around. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired, that’s all.”
“Good to know,” and your words come casual. Unbothered. As if you heard enough to carry on and leave her be, aware that she’s able to interact again. “Happy to hear your voice, like alive- or something.”
“You sound worried,” says Kazuha, cringing. “Ew, don’t do that. It’s weird.”
She doesn’t know you can hear her snort from the couch.
“But you are okay, right?” You ask again. Kazuha’s backside twisting once more to face you, blinking carefully. Her expression shifts to something more misty, unclear. All she gives is a nod and hum. Doesn’t say anything after.
At least she tells you that much.)
Okay, it’s probably bad that you’re keeping an eye on Kazuha - reserving a spot in your head to revisit that night over and over. Maybe it means something, or it doesn’t.
It really, really shouldn’t. Like at all. But the recurring thought fills your mind at some point between the passing days.
“I’m heading out now.” Kazuha says to you sweeping through the kitchen, bag in hand and behind Yunjin. “Won’t be back until later probably.”
“Where are you headed this time?” Yunjin leans over, resting her head.
“Sakura called me to be her muse for her fashion portfolio. Said I fit the profile with the outfits she has in mind. Girl can crochet, but clothes? She has a really good fucking talent for them. I can see her go places.”
“That’s our Saki,” Yunjin muses, hand up for Kazuha to acknowledge before making her way around the kitchen island, causing you to turn about face. She isn’t going to confront you about that (for God’s sake, you can’t stop thinking about it anyway), but rather stare you down because it’s the usual thing with her.
It’s a little intimidating that she’s almost your height, with a body well maintained she could go twelve rounds if she wanted. Yunjin watches as Kazuha squints her eyes - works through the fridge for another cold bottle with her gaze trained on you. You and her exchange eyebrow expressions and read into the message through your eyes, Kazuha tilting her chin then breaking eye contact as you twist the other cheek. Next thing you know, her hand smacks your ass.
“The fuck was that for?” You groan, clearly offended. “You’re the one who wanted the face-off.”
“For being a dickhead,” Kazuha says with no color in her voice. “Also, thanks for saving me at the party while Sakura was getting railed outside. I owe you one.”
“Amazing how you say things like that so casually,” you muse, cocking your head. “You’re welcome, I suppose.”
Kazuha then flashes a look back with her hands now in the pocket of her hoodie. You can’t help but glance over to the defined frame of her face, the slope of her nose, her lack of makeup knowing very well that she’ll get a touch up from Sakura before the lookbook photoshoot. She’s painting a false picture with those baggy clothes she wears on a daily basis, but you and Yunjin are waiting to see the photos once they’re done.
“Yunjin,” she says.
“Hm?” Yunjin hums with food in her mouth.
“Did I ever tell you about his decent looking face?” Kazuha concludes, tilting her head side to side for better angles. “Still a dickhead, though.”
“Ha. Thanks.”
She points her lips at you, a quirk of hers that she made as her habit. Her hand goes up in lieu of a goodbye and slides past the wall.
“It’s hilarious because,” Yunjin catches herself mid snort, hand hiding her mouth, “The way they say Jurassic World is so funny to me. And the guy repeats it as ‘Jorassic Wurold’ like- the pronunciation is slightly off when he asks her about the movie.”
You test the wording with your own mouth but emphasize on the syllables, trying to emulate what she observed from watching the other day. It distracts you from the assortment of ingredients spread out on the cutting table, falling into Yunjin’s shenanigans was always the daily driver no matter what the mood was on the hour.
Midway through slicing some meats, you’re still practicing the wording on your lips. “Y’know, english is not everyone’s strong suit,” you tell her, portions set aside for some vegetables, leaning the other way to get a better view of your fingers, rolled up and not in the blade’s way, “gotta commend him keeping the conversation going. That takes effort.”
Yunjin tilts the cup into her face, nodding in agreement; she’s got her legs crossed off the counter, feet pointed up when you glance back to see a hinted eyebrow. Bare face and long lashes fluttering - a light blush on her cheeks as she leans back and puts the bottom of the beverage upwards.
She smacks her lips soon after, licking her teeth. “He was really into her, you saw it too.”
The metal blade clacks against the wood. “Huh?”
“Don’t ‘huh’ me. You know who.”
“Dex,” she repeats, pointing the empty cup in your direction.
“I saw it happening, don’t worry,” you say, attention drawn back to the chopped up greens now being placed into a bowl. “Part of me was convinced that they would be together when they met from the get-go.”
For a quick fill-in: it hasn’t been that long since Kazuha went out, a little over thirty to forty-five minutes at most. In that time, you and Yunjin managed to get through a third of a series she picked at random before she started to get more touchy with you. Like the good boyfriend you are - ready at every beck and call, you oblige. Yunjin swung both of her legs onto the seat of the couch, easing into the slow graze of your hands on her thigh, hand cupping her hips and raising the arch in her back when she felt the hard press of your hips against hers. She hates it when it comes to the teasing, but she’s actually a hypocrite on the fact that she does it all the time when you have your legs spread either sitting or laying down; when your brains are fucked into oblivion while she’s on top, bouncing on your balls without a care in the world for damage control. But you broke her brain a little when you grinded into her clothed cunt for fifteen minutes until one of your guys’ stomachs grumbled which put everything on hold for now.
(There’s always a red herring to be said. For this one in particular, you coined it as: “gotta have that fuel for later, especially if we’re going for more than two rounds.”)
“Thought so too,” says Yunjin, projecting her own insights when she lets herself down from the polished marble, setting her bearings headway towards you, tending to the ingredients.
A pot gets put on top of the stove behind you, along with the chopped veggies. “Didn’t he also say that it was a bit late for him to pursue her?” You ask, twisting the dial until the clicking sets the burner to life, gaze locked on Yunjin who stops an inch away. “Something about not being a reliability because of what she’s doing for her career?”
“Somewhere along those lines, the gap wasn’t too bad either, five years if I recall,” Yunjin supplies, unsure.
“She was a neuro major, Yunjin.”
“Dex has his own thing going too, doesn't he?”
“If you really think about it, I thought it could’ve worked between the two. Yes, he was into her. He was also very amazed with what she was doing with her life. Not to mention the fact that these two clicked the moment he entered the competition as the wild card compared to the other guys. Oh, and that bombshell reveal that she was attending Harvard? Literally gagged the hosts when it first happened. Don’t forget that she was attracted to him for a minute before nothing eventually came to be? I remember showing you the video of those two after the season aired and you can still see the chemistry in them. Some people say that it wouldn’t work out since the scenario is long-distance, but the mother approved of the guy for crying out loud-” You grin and shake your head. Yunjin’s left completely baffled because of it. “-okay, I’m still a firm believer that those two are endgame. That’s my point. I have evidence and a solid reason to back it up. Go ahead, try and test me.”
“No, I hear you.” You reel her in for a hug while her hands are on her hips. “If it were me, I would’ve thought long and hard about making a big commitment like that.”
Yunjin sighs, hands sliding up your back. “I know. I really liked their vibe together.”
Your hands get full of her ass, beneath the fabric of her shirt, laying prints in the mix of skin and threads. Yunjin puts her arms around your neck loosely, stacked and hanging with the slightest pull from her elbows. It’s in the most innocent of pretense, the suggestion heavily implied without the use of words at all. She leans up while you tilt down, meeting in the middle for that overdue relapse of addiction: the lips. She sighs, teeth claiming your mouth as her own, pulling the lovely part of flesh that makes you want to hear those familiar octaves as her body crumbles from the greediness and weight of your touch.
Every kiss feels like a swan song; the desire of never letting go, press your face deeper into hers, leave a mark on the refreshed canvas waiting to be painted in inspiration and curated for no one else in the world to see. You’re aware that she’s willing to incite change, create something new, get in the right mindset of a familiar avenue in your head where there’s nothing but desperation. It’s in how her fingers rake through your hair, weave down your waist, to your hips, close to the spot where she wants to bring you out the most.
Think of it as her picking up where she left off on the couch. You could’ve done it right then and there, but you didn’t.
“Should’ve thought long and hard about earlier, right?” Yunjin teases, half-drunk already with her slack lips.
“There’s a reason why I set you on the counter in the first place,” you huff, pushing her body past the stove, pinning her against the drawer. “Because of this. I know you, Yunjin.” You then lift her back up to the spot where she started, height difference elevated by a mere few inches. The top of her forehead rests on yours.
“Such a buzzkill,” she concedes, pouting her heart away like it doesn’t do anything to you. Arms holding you hostage as you try to break free from her grasp. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some kisses around here?”
“Not a lot,” you offer.
“Says the person who’s trying to get rid of me.” She doubles down, ankles to your backside and limits the movement. Her exhale is satirical, hoping you’ll dish out the punishment.
“Your stomach thinks otherwise.” You declare. Pushing her legs apart and retreating. You look over to the kitchen for anything within reach, and settle for an apple. You further the distance between Yunjin to grab it, toss it over as she catches it effortlessly - bites down the fruit in defeat, satiating the cravings. “There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
(She would much rather have your lips again or even your cock. The fire’s already started, and the water begins to boil.)
The space feels so far between you two, yet so small. Yunjin holds the apple with her teeth, watches you round the corner of the counter - sees your eyes dart to an open box, the bundle of pasta in the plastic, a knife- something to divert your attention for the time being while you’re forming a strategy in your head - a game plan as to how you’ll deal with her tonight.
You see: you think you know Yunjin, every part of her body and mind, inside and out.
She debunks the theory right out of the gate. In a million ways you can’t wrap your head around.
All she does is straighten her posture, spreads her legs across the glossy wood, and lifts up the fabric past her hips.
There’s nothing fucking underneath. Just sweet, smooth thighs and her pretty pink glistening pussy lips.
It gets your mind racing in confusion:
“Since when did you-” you’re taken aback, torn from being half-shocked and not-so surprised, also doubling down on the fact she definitely had panties on beneath that shirt. “Didn’t you have something there just a few minutes ago?”
Yunjin is a master of her art, the trickery in the highest rank imaginable. You envy her intellect at times - her charms, the ways that she can make you speechless just by being herself. This very girl within the walls of your home she claimed as hers, who managed to seep into the nooks of your brain, poisoning you from within until you can’t go for a second longer without wanting to see her gorgeous face, hear her voice; feel her pull you down back to earth while also sending you straight to heaven. None of it really makes sense with her, nor is supposed to. You could go through multiple lifetimes in the existence of the universe and she’ll still find a way to be in all of them.
Though, she doesn’t give you any chance of solitude with your thoughts. She raises her right hand behind her back, middle and ring finger holding the nylon as her admission of guilt.
It earns her a small shake of your head, disappointed and impressed in the same moment.
“Sleight of hand, mister,” she tuts, victorious. Her thumb then grazes against the nylon before falling into its fated purgatory of the floor below. She catches you zoning out, doing two loud clicks of her tongue to keep your eyes on the prize. “My eyes are up here, by the way.”
“Where did you think I was looking?”
“Probably at something that matters.”
“And that is?”
“Fuck if I know- oh wait, I do know. You’re just not doing anything about it.”
“Want me to proclaim it out loud?” You inquire, sardonically - as if you were willing to play along with her little game of pragmatics, read into the lines of a script and catch the nuances of a hidden message past the sentences. “State the obvious since the naivety is starting to become unbearable for you?”
“I never said that,” Yunjin rebukes. Hand sliding down to her legs - those dainty fingers having their own fun.
And you begin your endeavor back to her. One graciously little step at a time.
Your ears tick at the sudden hitch of breath, muffled by the apple blocking her mouth. It’s on purpose. God help her. She curls her fingertips at the first dip inside her cunt the more you glide over the floor. The weight of your feet becomes less heavier and lighter in every move. Yunjin’s head bumps the cabinet, hips tensing at the rush of her fingers sliding across her folds. She won’t fuck herself like this. No- she would prefer to have you deal the actual blows to her body when you’ve finally decided enough is enough. We’re getting there, don’t worry. Just. A little. Push.
She finally lets the apple go from her mouth, off to where it’ll most likely be disregarded into the sink or the trash. You can’t stop the constant twitching your hands are doing; so while the pathway is clear, you take into account of the bubbling pot next to you, putting a lid on to make the gurgling much more muted, zero in on the vibrations rumbling in Yunjin’s throat, focus on the rise of her chest.
Her head drops and to the side, the pull of fabric molding to her figure. Emphasizing on the curves of her waist, those mounds, the present appearance of her hard nipples. The implications clear as day in the form of a seductive summoning.
But you start slowly: a hand to her knee, then the other. Anticipation is killing you both.
“What am I gonna do with you?” You sigh, looking down at the sight of Yunjin touching herself, thick air being expelled from your lungs, wiping your inner self clean before repurposing to acclimate the need of getting dirty again.
Yunjin pulls a lazy grin, beautifully - and leans back while her hips slips forward. Her grip guides your wrists over her skin, shirt hiked up past her waist and into her hips by the second. “You don’t have to say or do if you want to.” She offers, but that’s the setup. “Just wisely biding your time.”
Not much of it has changed, the way you willingly sink down to your knees. You’re romantic about it - deserves a smirk for the appreciation. You glance up to her toffee shaded eyes, fingers rotating to hook firm on the peak of her thighs, extend your arms up high like she’s some sacred treasure, proffering. “Darling,” and the singular word sets the rest of the testament into place, the burgeoning intention of her demise at your hands. You think back to a week ago: where she found herself in the familiar pecking order, back on the linoleum with her elbow as faulty support, splitting her open and feel her body go limp when you made her cum like she suggested. Your mouth freezes with a gasp when you look closely at her seeping slit, heart stopped as you examine in awe. “I’ll have all the time in the world,” you mumble - or what’s close, honestly - into the plush surface of her thighs, brush your lips down a familiar path you know very well. “But you, gotta slowly show me you deserve it.”
Her breath hitches again, hesitating. Nerves seizing muscle right where they are.
“At this rate we’ll be here all night,” she hums, eyes torn from gazing down and spacing out to something in the distance. “Not that I mind, of course, but-” she then nibbles on her lip at the feeling of yours on her legs, deluded and washed over with lust to forget about everything else, “dinner’s still on the cards, yes?”
“Pick up that apple. You eat while I eat, how bout that?” You propose the solution. One which Yunjin can’t ignore.
She reaches for the apple and stares into the yellow crater, taking another bite. Cheeks full of fruity bits. “I could get used to this,” her jaw trembling and breath spilling out in a shudder. “Wouldn’t you rather hear-”
Her neck loosens at the swipe of your tongue over her folds, apple tossed off to the side one more likely never to be eaten again. She leaks out a little more slick for you to clean up, and it’s delightful. Yunjin fancies the idea of scooting her hips forward, thighs hanging out and barely her ass on the counter, providing you more space to work with when your arms hook around the swell of her ass and pull her closer, hand quick to the crease of her knee to put her heel on your collarbone and takes her fingers into your hair, spread one side of her folds and dip your tongue in some more, consuming the warmth down your throat and eat her out alive.
“Honey,” you proclaim with an arch to your eyebrow, breathless, “You’re fucking leaking.”
Yunjin pulls this devilish grin, yanks your head back a little further back for you to look up, face twisted with madness. Staring deep into your soul, insatiable. “Your turn to eat, baby.”
Very few people can play your game, but Yunjin was a whirlwind full of surprises. Each one more shocking than the last.
“What’s wrong? Speechless?” she asks, but doesn’t give you a second to respond when she reels your head back in.
So you put your mouth back what’s rightfully yours: press your tongue into her aching cunt and save the words for later.
You hear her wince, picturing the pained expression in the creased eyebrows, eyes closed shut, jaw hung low. She grinds your face deeper, much deeper to the point where she’s needy enough to feel the light graze of your teeth.
You slide your fingers into her, unfazed when her knees close your head in, giving you no chance to breathe. Her pants increase in pace, falling apart just a few inches above you. The sounds are absolutely wonderful, blessing you with the harmonious repertoire of moaning spilling out of her mouth - lapping up the wetness at the curl of your finger, cleaning up the salty sweetness of her arousal, slick spread across skin and the sensitive response of her clawing hand into your hair.
Yunjin’s hair starts to pool over the front of her face, the sight alone is a delight in itself. The ripped collar showing more of her pale shoulder, handfuls of the shirt now undone as her other hand joins the fray on your head, body clenching and relaxing - unsure on which choice is the right one. You and her both listen in to the soft licks and wet smacks of skin and folds, hear her giggle in relief until your nose brushes up against her clit, throbbing core given a quick second of grace before you dive back in and don’t spare a chance for her to breathe. She asked for this, and you expect her to handle it as best she can. Until she’s whimpering and desperate and begging to be more useful than just your mouth and hands. Till she has to say the very words herself in what she wants, while her frame trembles delicately.
More, more. The boiling pot next to you starts to bubble past the cover, droplets of water hitting the grill and sizzling. You push your tongue in deeper, get the gloss over your lips, pull her folds apart wider and hit the same spot where it kills her over and over, notice the curl of her toes into your shirt, dig her heel deep into the threads. Yunjin bites down her teeth, hand to her breast and gripping tightly. The bubbles start to lift the lid, popping.
“Can you - be - even more - god, holy fuck-” she spits, words stuttering as her hips slide out over the edge, prompting you to hold her high, drop your jaw even more, kiss and suck the untouched areas and spread her legs. She gasps. “Baby,” she laughs even louder, slapping her palm down on the countertop, “God, I can’t believe-”
She rucks her hips upward, mimicking a thrust. Your head fades out the rest of the outside noise.
“-you, of all people-” And a moan pierces your ears, the sound heavenly. Yunjin’s hand palms the back of your head as you start to alternate an up and down motion. Her high imminent, in the curl of your knuckle and lick of your tongue pushing her closer to that pedestal. You push and pull, let the grip of her fingers guide you to the spots where she needs it. Her way of life: the taste of her; warm and addicting. “Fuck, s-shit, there- there! Right there-”
You open your mouth even more, drinking her mess until she has you drowning in it. Her swollen cunt’s quivering. You can’t help yourself but smile.
“Need your mouth, your tongue- your- fuck-”
You’re happily swimming.
It’s even better when her chest is puffed up, back arched. At a loss for words and just straight up gone. You hold her down as she’s shaking and suck her pussy for your own benefit - devouring her relentlessly, voice broken to a shriek as her juices gush around your tongue and fingers, groaning lowly while you carry on licking the mix of plush-soaked skin, feel the lingering effects of her orgasm leave her body with a harsh pull of her clit on your lips.
She’s trying everything to calm down, head lightly tapping the cabinet behind her. Clawed fingers releasing their grasp as you help yourself up, legs loosely wrapped around yours and posture reduced to a slouch. “Hate you, by the way. I hate you the way that you are.” She tells you, arms barely placed on your shoulders, slipping. “Why do you have to be so good at being a douche?”
“Don’t follow your point,” you dart back with a sigh. Height restored and hands back to where they started: on her knees; you cock your head to the right, get a closer look at Yunjin’s messy hair, rumpled shirt, thighs glistening and pink-
She smacks the side of your neck, earning a pitiful laugh. You’re aware that she loves these kinds of treatments: the kind of treatment where you want her to tenderly run her hand down your face, whisper in your ear of all the things she wants you to do, sliding deep into her cunt and let the heat consume you, wanting - you’ve got get a grip, seriously. She has your head spiraling and somehow you always come out on top of it; the usual bouts where the victor has already been decided. “One day, you’ll see what I mean.”
“I have a hard time understanding you and Kazuha as it is,” mouth agape, bearing no mind to the act she’s trying to pull. Unpredictability was one of Yunjin’s strong suits and that was no surprise: peeling her shirt off over her shoulders and lifting the veil hiding the endless curves of her body - the slutty little waist, long thighs, her breasts-
“Maybe I can help you with that,” she offers, lacking judgement. Her hand slips underneath your sweats, fingers taking hold of your cock, confirming her suspicions. Your mouths meet once again, sloppily, you giving leeway after eating out her cunt and in return she has you twitching. “Goodness me,” she mutters into the warmth of your mouth, tempted, rubbing that effect on you. “I bet you’re just dying to stick this inside of me already.”
“Watch your mouth.”
“Or what-” she grins lazily.
You grasp the skin a little bit tightly as your other hand cups her cunt, the heel of your palm digging into her clit.
“-fuck, that’s what you meant,” her voice diminishing with lidded eyes.
You then quickly take into account the small funnel of air blowing from the cover; the whirr of the vent above coming to life.
Yunjin scoots herself over the counter, sees you tug your cock out of pants, lip to teeth as it gently touches her skin. It’s all part of the pecking order, how things build up high to eventually fall - second nature, muscle memory, all the same.
She’s got her arms and legs around you, inching her hips forward to speed up the process, hopeful in you wrecking her body as always: “You know, not talking isn’t gonna get you everywhere if you don’t do it,” she goes on, no care for your fidgeting hands rubbing up and down her thighs.
“What the hell is this, a silent treatment?” she asks again, impatience starting to get to her. “C’mon, say something.”
You serve her anything but that, slicking your fingers with her cum and tap the pads into her skin, gently feeling her sensitive clit to make her lose her train of thought. She’s incessant, but it’s rare for her to be less on the offensive in pressing you for once, so you’ll take full advantage of it.
“What do you want me to say? I’ve already told you about my observations,” you answer, digits sliding in her cunt and the girl just nods. She’ll notice but still talk out of her ass, since she loves the thrill. Her accompanying grin along with the lip bite and wink sells the whole image, leans you in with the shirt wrapped around your neck, pulling. The small twinge of romance attached.
The shirt then crumples on the floor when she lets go.
“That I’m fucking leaking? You sucked me clean, I can barely feel my legs.”
“Right,” you laugh, working her face some more until her hands go languid.
Her look goes curt, dismissive. Lashes fluttering in every blink because that’s the second best thing she has in her bag of tricks, aware of the double-edgedness it ensues. She inhales sharply, quick, sudden, bracing the tip of your cock sliding across her folds. “How long has it been since you last fucked me? Yesterday? Two days ago? Finally having your fun since I sucked you off last time, hm?”
“I don’t need to answer that,” you rebuke. “There’s no point to it.” Is the everlasting conclusion.
She cocks her head to the left. Elbow holding her up in the best way she can, arching her back again, your cock in position at her awaiting entrance, cup your fingers into her hip. “Don’t blame me for killing you this time.”
Her face steadies, frozen. Then: the lines of her face warble, mouth dropping. Cunt inviting your tip pressing in.
“Like I ever would,” she scoffs, right hand to the back of your neck, clinging. “This is what I wanted, remember?”
(The way that she’s spread, heel hooking to your knee, she’s stripped and defenseless against you. It’s the guilty pleasure you have as her pussy accommodates you, all wet and inviting that it won’t be a struggle to fit in one seamless push. Regardless: that part alone makes sense.)
“Question is,” you murmur during the break of eye contact, staring lower at the view of your cock finally slips inside and see the quick contraction of her stomach - like she was ready to take a punch to the gut - glancing back up and watch her eyelids flutter at the feeling. “You can’t do anything in this situation, can you?” This girl just came in your mouth a few minutes ago but she’s takes you in with no problem: filling every inch of you in a beautifully fucked up missing piece that she’s constantly deprived of every time. You dig your fingers deep into the skin, stop halfway, then continue to wrench out every inch of her walls.
“God,” Yunjin grits, breath seething in the gaps of her teeth, brows furrowed. “Go to- fuck-”
She doesn’t even finish the sentence when you push further. Replaced with a moan instead; her cheeks and nose wrinkle, fingers balled up to a fist behind and her elbow shaking. Her head barely keeping herself together with the cabinet as a last support, failing terribly.
You stop your movements because the lines on her face are forming toward a familiarity: nervous, dazed, hesitant. A quick twitch of your head negates all of those thoughts away and instead focuses on ramming your hips into her, the clash of skin rippling through you and her both.
It’s the bravado that she carries, the playfulness, her shift of her sly words, withering and fading at the amount of you: she’s fighting every fiber of muscle to sputter out her needs, though the sweat and slick spread out over body make up in the defilement of her undoing. You can see through her bullshit, and all she sees is the glide of your shaft back into her pussy - the width of you stretching so effortlessly her body forms a jagged line along the frame, mewling and bucking forward. Your fingers hold her hips still, drag your cock along the tightness, fill her up until she says otherwise.
“Makes no sense,” Yunjin huffs, gasping, head halfway in the gutter, trying to form a point. Her hands try to carry out her words, clinging, cock-full at the lean up, foreheads clashing. She whines into your skin, “Jesus- holy shit, dear fucking Christ-”
You’ll swallow her words and understand her completely.
Well- to say that her hot cunt is incredible would suffice so much. The more you push, the more the connection feels like it’s meant to be, in all the filth and the intimacy that’s thrown without thinking of the repercussions after.
You’ll give your praises and thanks - how her pussy grips around your cock so snug and tight and perfect, sing it into the skin and walls around you, paint it over as many times you’d like. To have a girl like her: a muse, with the desire and hunger impossible to resist, make you sink deeper and deeper where it won’t feel suffocating.
“Yeah?” you hear yourself say. Like you needed to explain yourself again. “Wouldn’t you know it.”
The strokes. You’re fucking up into her so nicely, give her no chance to breathe, legs hooked around your thighs. She’s opening up her body to you - you’re marking your own territory: shower her face with kisses, suck the skin across her neck, slide your arms underneath her back and keep pounding at the one angle where the trembling reaches her throat, presses her tongue to the back row of her teeth.
Christ, you really have no care; roughing her up on the kitchen counter right before dinner time. The fan above you two continues to whirr the smoke in the air where it masks the bundle of moans and curses spewing out of her lips. You could feel her fingers drag across your back, keeping herself close to you, fearful that you’ll stop like earlier and make her beg for more until she has her fix.
“Baby, baby, holy fuck,” you follow her voice, brushed up against your ear, sift your eyes back onto her and watch her loose mouth. She swallows, grazing the crown of her head to yours. “This cock, I fucking love it. I fucking love it so much, I could die here with how you’re-”
You shut her up, meet in the middle. Line up the beating of your heart to the move of your hips, lock your arms around her back; she’ll come crawling for that high again, blinded by the guarantee of you forcing her orgasm later.
“Yunjin,” you grit. Nearing that inevitable crash-out. It’s a never ending cycle of madness. Her cunt is eating your cock alive, soaking your waist. You want it all.
You want her to cum again: this time on your cock; you want to carry her in her arms, fuck your cock without her feet touching the ground; you want her to scream your name so loudly that it breaks the windows around the house. You’ll never have enough of the indescribable body and feeling that she has, ruining you over and over - not to mention her mouth - that too, is another dangerous addiction.
A fair bout. The fight for who's bolder. Who can make the other person more vulgar by the second.
These things have been decided right from the start.
Yunjin muffles a whimper behind her lips, cock clogging up her cunt like she’s backing away, hiding.
“Need it, need it so fucking much,” she hushes. “You- your cock. Can never get enough of my pretty little cunt - fuck I should just let you fuck me all day, all night, whenever you feel like it.” Her voice is rasped, the words alone sinister: “Warm you up when you least expect it, yeah? You’d like that, don’t you-” She yelps, nose scrunching when you bottom out and press your groin up against her clit, stomach contracting and relaxing as if she’d done five minutes of planking.
So you drag out and thrust in - slam your hips into hers, holding the motion there, repeating it soon after. Her hand files up to the cabinet door above and shove your cock down to the hottest point, where the wobbles of her waist finally reach up to her tits.
Because that’s really the only thing there is to it. Brain fucked out to mush with the marks and glistening sweat spread across, remnants of what the short period has passed.
Like you can’t help yourself. It’s in the enamored looks, the pockets of air siphoned before it’s coughed out, in the blissful enjoyment of fucking your slick cock in and out. “Holy shit,” she’s saying, head toppled off and arm going limp. She saves the energy for other than talking - let the waves of pleasure sweep her body and have you project her thoughts out for her: delirious and maniacal. “I hear- yeah- Okay. Okay, you said it yourself.”
Of course she agrees, and she knows. Whittled down to the fine rawness of it. What else is there left to say?
She’s amazingly gorgeous and beautiful - a gift from God himself. You remind her every time like it’s the first. When her lips met the end of your cock months ago, blowing your world away, the stretch of her pussy swallowing you whole and the tension was undoubtedly abysmal. Another second passes a shared breath: Yunjin-god-fucking-dammit, and there’s a bunch of other shit that gets said, listless and nonsensical where the only thing left to do is let the blistering warmth and clashing tongues do all the work for the both of you.
It’s normal: the way that she clings like she hasn’t seen you for days - leaning back with an arch and quite literally her feet off the ground.
Every moan sounds punctuated lazily, whining and whimpering and in a pitch where she almost sounds scared.
Still, she’s lost the plot: “Fuck me.”
That’s where everything clicks, a flame extinguished and replaced for something new, something profound: her face clenches in the quick swap of pain to relief, when you’ve put your cock at a spot inside where she sobs; the pleasure so intense the both of you exhale in unison, almost like a ‘got you’ moment entirely.
“Honey,” you say against her cheek, fingers planted in the divot of her lower back, spreading her so well the motion is absolutely seamless, a perfect fit and pace to ruin. “Look at you, so lovely; this fucking cunt feels amazing; oh my goodness.” Your words are making sense, barely, but it’s always on this path since you’ve met the girl; you just can’t help yourself. “I adore this pussy a little too much, don’t you think?”
“So funny, ah-” she quips, a smile brandished across her lip, eyes rolling to the back of her head, holding on to the last bits of common sense left, knowing well there’s no point. “I’d let you, to be honest. A good deal: my pussy for your cock. Fair trade?”
“Fuck yes,” is what slips out of your mouth, a truth to savor for eternity. “Want it all.”
It goes both ways: she wants to peg complete bullshit to you, say her fantasies of how big of a slut she can actually be, fuck that snark out of her until she’s satisfied - but then you watch and listen to the more mundane things she does, and your head can’t comprehend it either. You want her, her mind, her body, the secrets that she keeps locked up in a box sunk in the bottom of a river; things that she doesn’t want anyone to find out about; where the dares of admission only comes once in a blue moon and she tries to pass it along in conversation.
You could make an endless list as to what makes Yunjin a treasure to behold, to keep - proclaim it out loud like you haven’t done so already - a collapsing, beautiful madness, honestly. She’s holding you so close and you can’t afford to let go. That’s just how it is. All it takes is one look into her eyes and you never want to leave.
“You’re amazing,” you say to her, breathless.
Yunjin’s lashes flutter shut immediately after. As if you had to tell her again and again.
Her hips stay still while yours continue to move, every aftershock sent through her body creates these ridges you’re proud of, ankles to the swell of your ass, clamping around your cock, grinding teeth with her voice croaking: “-good, so good, so fucking good, please, for the love of God-”
Her upper lip arches the more she inhales, mouth hung open as the moans crumble on top of each other. Most have complained about the increase in occupancy, the hollers of a drinking game, midnight conversations about relationship mishaps and failures, bassline of a song that reverberates on the drywall and the occasional shouting battles that usually ended up stopping after a few minutes. Your neighbors do hear the constant pounding at some point during the day, annoyed and fed up like they didn’t want to have the fun themselves, each thrust bouncing her where her breasts jiggle on the upstrokes, palm full of them, the feel firm and heavy; and you look at her face again - where a certain crease of skin, above her brow, and you know that she’s going to lose it over your cock, how her limbs will surrender willingly, reduced to mush and cradling the fuck through her.
Yunjin’s arm springs forward over your shoulder. You pull her up, sit upright, body bouncing with her ass well off the counter, the angle primed and ready where the shocks to her ass start to become a cushion, tits wobbling and hypnotic and bouncing; you keep- keep fucking her little hole with no regard for her life.
It’s right where she wants you to be.
You’ll lay your flowers later, if you’re even alive to tell the tale: how Yunjin is completely destroyed by your shaft. Her hair frazzled, eyes half open and head tilted towards shame and in the closest iteration of a cocksleeve it could get. She’s so fucked into oblivion where it’s worth having served the verdict. The last moments of light that you want to keep forever, stay as long as you can.
When her lips meet yours, sweeping: a part of you starts to break beneath the cracks.
She’s trying so hard to keep a hand to your waist, then the counter, but you’re holding with every bottom out at the base and you entertain the idea where you could go any deeper, fuck her harder-
“Just-” she pleads, into your mouth, right on your tongue. “Yours. All yours. Fuck me like it’s the only thing that matters-”
“Jen,” you groan out raggedly, lock your elbows to her chest, matching the drag of her nails.
“Gonna cum so much,” is what you think she says. “Look at you, such a good boy.” Her pointer finger grazes the line of your jaw. “Plugging me full, I know you love it,” she dryly laughs, lightly pinching your hip when she hears the hint of a squelch of your cock sliding back in her, “this big, fucking cock,” and she’s really not helping you in this situation, claiming you as her own, soul snatched with no hope of returning it: “Pumping and pumping until I can’t get enough. Fuck. You’re so good at this, so fucking naughty. Got you all hard and needy for me - pounding my poor little pussy just to set me right,” this girl is fucking demonic, with the stuff that she’s telling you, her body right there in your hands; you haven’t been thinking straight since you’ve gone down on her - that cunt, her pussy lips gliding your cock with her slick soaking you endlessly-
“Shut the fuck up,” is what you manage, a futile attempt to stop her. Like it would ever work at all. “Don’t do that. Don’t do this to me.” It’s impossible. You’re so easy to trick, gullible enough to fall for anything that comes out of her mouth, let her take the advantage and leave you with nothing at the end. She believes that you’ve had your fun, and the turn switches back to her.
“Or what?” Yunjin smiles, nearing bliss. “Wanna cum on me? In me? Use your words, baby boy.”
You swear, or something close to that.
The rush becomes too much to bear, the thought of doing what she exactly wants: pulling your cock out of her tight cunt and paint your load all over her stomach, or- the more addicting idea of burying your dick inside her so deep that your release has a one way trip - you simply just- can’t. You shouldn’t. Not because to play it safe, but you’re safeguarding the responsibility of the filthiness that comes with it - what you could do - what you’ve done to her. Instead, you should throw her onto the floor, on her knees, shove your cock down her dirty mouth and cum in her throat or on her face, watch her clean up the mess you’ve made, press the thick tip of your cock on her plump lips and have her taste the sweetness of you. Have her drink it down until she has those doe brown eyes of hers looking up in acceptance. She’s beautiful: in the most fucked up, soaking, ginger-haired possible way imaginable.
“Let- let me-” you sputter towards a growl, but you can’t keep up with her words and replace it with the pace - how her cunt fits your cock so well like a perfect shoe, lengthy frame detrimental to yours. “Fuck, just let me-”
“Mhm,” she hums, unfazed.
“Fuck this slutty little cunt of yours,” you finally manage, and more of a promise already written; you continue to fuck into her, snap your hips in where your balls start knocking above the pucker of her ass, working your cock along those velvety walls, feel the gush with every squeeze of muscle along her pussy, stretching amazingly with the clench.
“Keep going.” She prods at your waist.
Oh, she knows where this is going. It’s hot. It’s diabolical. It just feels right. You’re convinced that she’s figured you out, but playing dumb on purpose to see you admit it right in front of her. She sees the quick rise and fall of your chest - your shoulders, fingers grasping pale skin as it turns to something crimson, glance at the devilish smile she possesses that severs all the nerves in your brain: you are so fucking down bad for this woman, and you can’t do anything about it.
“I know,” and you do.
“Love this. Love you. Love everything that’s happening,” says Yunjin, praising. “Tell me all the things- the things you want to do to me.”
“Sweetie,” you gasp at the next firm thrust, “gonna put my cock in your mouth, fuck your throat until you choke,” you snap, madness fully consmed, “fuck your holes full and then-”
Then what? Have her ask to pound her ass? Ride you? Make her scream with the doors wide open? What more could you say or do that isn’t in the cauldron of pure insanity-
“Use me more,” Yunjin sighs, and that’s the crystal clear thought pulled right out of your cock, “take me, grab wherever, I just need- god, your cum- want your cum so fucking much,” each word in that sentence rising an octave, “Cum,” a simple mantra, a demand. Yunjin’s creaming cunt, filling her up whole, you’re gonna burst inside and she’ll happily accept it as a gift, getting off on the sound ripping through your chest, hips bucking, legs tensing, her lower half quivers beneath you; attitude reduced to soft sounds, you taking full advantage with the fall-off imminent.
Some of these things, you can’t afford to think; fucked up as it is, it’s better to revel in the silliness and disregard the common sense.
“Oh fuck,” you hear her breathe, tone low and insanely turned on, her smile already showing she’s won. “Fuck yes-”
But even if you’re splitting her insides apart, a small fraction of control rests within you, feeling the curves of her body ripple, in a slowing rhythm, pound her cunt for one more second and finally give her the reward.
A rope of cum is all she gets on the inside; as for the rest-
“Yes- wait no, fuck- what are you doing?” Yunjin sounds completely in shock for what you’ve committed, snuff the flame out from her pulsing cunt, slide yourself out of the tightness, hold her leg up since she’s too weak to resist. You’re going to hell, but so is she. Painting all over the flat plane of her stomach, coating her pale skin with your cum. “You fucking bitch- that doesn’t belong there,” but she’s too fucked out to do anything about it, and you don’t even bother to dish out a good comeback, let the actions do the talking for you: “Put it back, please, please,” and you do as she says.
It’s a fresh feeling, the way her warmth envelops your soft cock, holding it so nicely as you help her sit back up properly. Mouth back on you instantaneously.
“I’m gonna get back at you,” is what she says against your grazing lips, brushing her cheek along the tip of your nose. Her nails lightly scratch your back, ruffles into your hair. “If you’re up for it, you’ll follow.”
“Challenging me? A bit crude, even for you,” you remark - she grins into your face, slides off the counter, fingers dancing along your slick, softening cock.
A familiar look in her eyes. Telling you, yeah, I know - underlying the surface, but she’s got her entire hand in every crook of your brain, unfaltering: “We’ll see.” Then she says, “Get your ass on the sofa.”
If there’s anything you learned about Yunjin: she never backs down from her word.
Oh- and your mouth’s formed in the way she wants it to be. You’ve got it all wrong there, too.
She tells you to keep your hands on the seat, at the sides and on the ready; impulsively, you want to pick up right where you left off from the kitchen, eyes locked between your legs, her head graciously bobbing up and down, vibrations all over the sensitive surface - feeling the pinching cramp in your backside, tensing the muscle, swallowing the opposite end of you with ease.
Her lips stop halfway when you raise your hand a bit too high for her liking.
“Fuck me, Yunjin,” you mutter, watching her sink your cock into her throat. “Don’t do that.”
Yunjin flashes a glare, flutters her eyelids shut, drags her head back up and gasps. Her mouth is one thing. Her hands? They show you no mercy. You’ve been in this scenario before - a lot of times for some quick context, so tonight isn’t any different. She’s working you tightly at your balls and the base, intending to wring you clean of the release you should’ve left inside her. The one-two punch killer enough to leave you paralyzed from the waist down; she runs her mouth on the tip, tongue tracing a vein and the underside, curling her fingers and stroking so delicately-
Yeah. You’re pretty much fucked like this. It’s a losing situation.
Your head falls back while your hips slide forward, turning your body over to her mouth which earns a moan in response. The look on her face is deadly, and the sounds ripping through your chest implicates your high not far to reach. Those fucking plump lips: well parted and sliding all over her spit, moving back up and sinking again, the suction a bit more forceful the second time around, cheeks puffing and hollowing, blinking dutifully.
She knows how badly you want to fuck her face, shove your cock into her mouth and expect a reward in return. Yunjin knows you want to get there, eventually, pulling herself off and twists your shaft, sees the tilt of your chin to the ceiling, relishing the submission.
“So fucking hard,” she grins, examining the mix of her spit and slick all over you, listening to the wet noises she created. “I can’t wait to taste your cum again.”
She’s too good for your own sake, and you can’t fight back on it.
“Be a good little toy and relax,” Yunjin instructs gently. Puckering her lips and slapping your sensitive head all over them. Soft. Lucious. Sinful. Her innocent blinks fail to cover it, nor the fact how pretty she looks with a pensive expression: it’s evil. “Let me take care of you, okay?”
You nod right away and she dives back down. Her tongue rubs around the tip between her lips, flattening to slide you into the softness and sleek feeling of her throat, bathing you with spit when your hips produce the slightest hitch. She’s had enough practice with you - to know how her tongue moves in all the ways she knows you love, easily bottoming the whole length like she has before, determined to hear you groan in rapture, and you do.
“Christ, Yunjin- baby-” you grit, and your head falls back to the head of the couch.
When she sucks, you flex your ankles forward. The mess worsens before it gets better, streams of drool leaking over your cock. She spreads it around with her mouth, her fingers, palm flattening, her lips fully sealed at the root, her nose digging into your waist. You’re amazed and how well she takes you, holding her head down for a few seconds - that’s the personal trial she set for herself: how long she could keep you there, the flex in her neck, gurgling and choking. It’s also dangerous in the fast switch up from the clamp of her throat to the alternating pace of her flushing your cock in and out, deepthroating you to the point where she can feel your whole body twitch. A pressure point, cutting the line until it’s completely severed.
You’re sucking so much air into your lungs, creating a pocket at your waist. She pops her mouth off the tip and has the audacity to cackle in your face.
She’s testing the endurance to it’s limit, her slick hands wrapped well around your shaft when she tends to your balls, getting mouthful of each one and peppering them with licks and kisses, hair pooling over your waist and to your thighs, knowing how good she as at fucking breaking you. There’s no denying that your girlfriend is an irresistible cockslut and personal toy, since the part goes both ways when it’s the right occurrence. Once she’s through the few moments of breathing, her jaw slacks and takes you back in, hearing you huff at the subtle graze of her teeth.
The moan sputters out on impulse as you get careless and place your hand to Yunjin’s cheek, rubbing a thumb below her eye, and you could see the tick at the corner of her mouth break into a smile. She lifts her head up, giggles at the shudder of your thighs when her teeth taps your cockhead. “Aw, are you worked up already?”
“More or less,” you answer, and it’s a sudden moment of grace, a blessing in disguise, mind telling the rest of your body to calm down as she slowly jerks you off. “You know me, I wouldn’t back down on your escapades,” and you moan again when she speeds up the pace, “Seriously, it’ll be on you if I cum like this.”
She kisses your cock and licks. This girl can’t be helped. “What a shame. Hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“We can do this all night if we have to, so why not?”
Yunjin lets out a dry laugh. “We will, don’t worry,” she says, carefully pumping you and swipes her thumb over the slit, seeing the thread of precum bridged across, twisting at the middle. “It’s just been a while since we’ve had a conversation while I gave you head.”
“What’s on your mind this time?” you inquire, playing into the deliberation, “Probably something intriguing, I assume.”
Yunjin blinks, locks her finger and thumb around the base of your shaft. “You think Kazuha’s fucked a cock like this?”
You stare, pondering, it takes a second longer for the question to set in because it’s entirely out of left field. “You’re asking me out of all people? How the fuck would I know? She doesn’t bring those kinds of details up with me whenever we talk about it.”
“But I can’t help but wonder,” Yunjin tuts, hand carelessly sliding around you, nicking her head back. “Have you ever fantasized about your best friend?”
“Yunjin, that’s just weird. Fuck no-”
“Aw, you can be honest with me. You and I don’t keep secrets with her as it is, no need to hide.”
She then tips her head, flickers her eyes up at the heavy sigh your mouth makes when her lips make contact with your cock. Her smile goes even wider, noticing the twitch at your eyebrow, how you’re clenching your teeth and bring your chest up to your shoulders - where she’s managed to work you up with the finesse and enchantment that’s simply exuded from her.
There’s nothing much for you to do except sitting back and let Yunjin take your whole length into her mouth. No notes or objections for her to hear, but the sticky wet sounds slathering your shaft and your body moments away from finally giving the reward she rightfully deserves.
“Pretty fucked up sense,” you’re mumbling your head off, moving wisps of her hair out of her face, thinking less and less as she stuffs her throat of you, keeling and leaning forward to where you’re lifting your ass off the couch. “Shit-”
This is her version of a truth serum, a polygraph; her mouth and hands working beautifully in tandem, her collarbone vanishing into her neck, guiding you to the well-wrapped grip she has with her fingers, fucking you with panache in the hot curves of her throat.
She loves it when you’re like this: bending to her will and getting you off with the tightest fist. Wringing you clean now that you’ve done the hard work.
Her hand cups your balls, nails scratching the ridges. The pace she keeps is relentless, alternating from base to tip so excruciatingly well, twisting and jerking and fucking-
“You’d be surprised if I said yes.”
Yunjin slides her mouth off once more, spits the underside, lapping up the slick. “No fucking way. You’ve thought about it before?”
“Predates you, if you want me to be more specific.”
She flashes the same wicked grin you’ve seen before, tongue tracing a path at the root. Pursing her lips when she inhales, taking in the scent. Legitimately, fuck her. Lashes fluttering heavy with the eyelids, pupils dilating and too faded for you to notice. “If it makes you feel better, I came to that conclusion a while back, just didn’t say anything.”
“Were you sparing me?”
Yunjin ticks her lips, still smiling, taking pride at the concurrence. “It is also hot for you to finally confess about her.” Her hand plants firmly at your thigh and you consciously thrust your hips back in, gasping in beautiful bliss. She swallows you back up again, clenching her throat and sealing where you’re blinking a lot more faster this time. That rose colored mouth humming along the skin with every puff of her cheeks, flushing it perfectly like it’s practiced. Her back arches and bends, unfazed with the constant shake of your right leg, all the motions culminating in your muscles and hers, rising and rising-
“Yeah, okay, alright, I’m- holy shit-”
Your composure snaps, hand now to her head, a death grip in her hair, fucking her face ruthlessly, drunk at the feeling of her mouth and the obscene gawking noises and the bob of her throat curling your cock, lips smaking and drooling more that you regret not putting a towel on the hardwood floor beneath you two.
It’s incredibly difficult to internalize, let alone imagine the wish you could capture this feeling for eternity, bring it out from a bottle at the shortest convenience. Yunjin doesn’t falter with the moaning, friction slippery and neurons overloaded, delusion finally high and head still to you - plugging her hot mouth full of your cock, sliding in the smooth muscle, throbbing.
She takes another deep breath, earning a palm to her face, gaze wistful and deep into your soul. “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”
Damn right you are.
Yunjin doesn’t need to clarify what she said, since she already knew. Instead, the flicks of her wrist are astonishingly meticulous, amazed that you’re rock solid not just because of her, but rather the thought of Kazuha doing the same thing to you, given with the experience.
“I think you’re ready,” she declares, and the sentence alone is loaded with different interpretations.
She doesn’t savor the moment of grace soon after, siphons the breath out of you when she puts her lips back on your cock. Your mind’s no longer there, thinking: Yunjin, Kazuha - the pair doing numerous things to you all at once. Trading your cock between their hot mouths, hands stacked along your shaft, pressing into their slick cunts and watch them keen of being split apart. Yunjin’s sloppy mouth fucking you brings it back to reality, slit leaking and ready to burst. She licks once, twice, thrice, lips wrapped around your cockhead and hand twisting the shaft, aiming in one direction where the load should go.
Your thighs tense, breathing ragged, shoulders back and chest out when her eyes go wide - shocked at the first thread of cum caught in the roof of her mouth. A pillow falls off from the couch as you’re fighting the urge to push her face away from your hips and that’s when it get worse.
It hadn’t been that long since you last came, but the surprise was a welcome one when more shots of white start spilling over your stomach, her hands, her face, on her button nose, your shaft twitching in her hands when she hovers her mouth over your tip and seals it to safeguard remnants of the damage.
“Yunjin, fuck- oh, fuck-”
“Mmm,” she hums gleefully, licking the mess off of you and squinting at the leaking slit, pulsing out more. Your cock softening again and body in a complete mess, fingertips carefully moving on your belly and brain falling in and out of consciousness. “Oh my god. You came so fucking much.”
She nuzzles her face into your side, observing your chest calming down: “didn’t think I had more in me.” And that’s pretty ironic coming from you. “Congrats, babe. Consider me dead.”
“There’s more where that came from,” replies Yunjin, orange hair swirling over your shoulder. “We’re even now.”
Doesn’t get any better than that, really. The score stands at one-to-one.
“By the way,” Yunjin starts off again, spent and roughed up on the mattress after going back to back rounds a little less than thirty minutes later. First in the shower and the second on the bed; a restoration to the pecking order, actually on the same page. “She drunkenly confessed to me about it while you were gone one night. Poor girl can’t keep a secret. I felt bad.”
“Her loss, honestly. Sucks to be her for having the issue.”
“You don’t think it’s a problem.”
“Well that depends on your solution.”
“Well,” says Yunjin, expectant. “I was gonna propose-”
(You can kind of see where this is going.)
“-maybe the both of us could- y’know, deal with her as we see fit.”
“Emulate a porn plot towards her, the typical one where the girlfriend shares with her best friend.”
You plop on the mattress, tilting your head.
“Like a collaborative effort?” You’re then asking; the thought not too far-fetched, but still brazenly out of her mind. Even for Yunjin’s standards. “What’s worse is the idea of you sharing me? With Zuha? I swear you were possessive about me, where did that go?”
Yunjin bends her leg up against yours, brushing a thigh before her knee nestles at your waist. Nothing but smooth, soft skin just there for you to touch, to feel, and just- right on your lap.
“Consider us sharing. Communal, I guess.” Her brain’s working next to you, then it hits. “A communal cock for the both of us.” She snorts, bursts out laughing once she’s created the twisted hypothesis. “Our cock. Kazuha and I. Please, tell me you’re loving the idea.”
“I don’t hate it,” you’re stating, hand slipping lower to the swell of her ass. There you go again: thinking about Kazuha and Yunjin together. It’s supposed to be a silly theory.
“So, will you help me? Unless there’s something I don’t know about.”
“I’m not really in a position to say no, but I’ll let you do your thing.”
“Take that as a yes, then,” Yunjin rests a cheek along your chest, prompting you to move your other arm around and fully embrace her, paying no attention to her kneecap pressing up against your balls, “you wouldn’t want to hear my plan to get our girl set up for what’s coming?”
“You can brief me sometime later.” Another thing added to the agenda, with the rest of the responsibilities filling up your notifications and inbox. “Unless you want to surprise me.”
Yunjin squints her eyes, purses her lips at you the next second; fingers dancing along your jaw, your throat. “If that’s what you want,” she concurs, retrieving your hand to her hip. “One more for the night?”
“Don’t blame me if you can’t walk the next morning.”
And so she gets herself off like that. Your cock in Yunjin’s hand and pressed up against the skin, feel the rush of her pussy lips coating you in slick. Her fingers too dainty and delicate, precise at the touch. You’re alternating from slipping inside her hot cunt - eventually stuck between her impossibly tight thighs crushing the shaft.
Your throat and hers rumble low, locking legs and letting the hinged hips do their own thing, listening to each other’s nuances of groans and curses and names traded until the overdue exhaustion following the pleasure washes over you two. Yunjin’s face is dazed, relaxed and satisfied with the spill between her legs, her whole body wrapping around you; conserving the heat in any way she can - even if it means to sink your cock back into your cunt.
You’re hoping the next wet dream you have turns into reality.
A quick look into the inner lens of manifests and proclamations: most of the intents are put in a good light. Speak it into existence and great things will soon come its way - that type of thing.
When you want something - you’re holding your breath for what’s to happen.
As for Yunjin, it’s quite the opposite:
“Imagine all the ideas you could have if you just- let it happen?” She’s on your back and flipping pancakes, breath tickling your ear and putting her down becomes a favorable option than the latter. “Look at it this way, Party A can only take action if the conditions are met in agreement with Party B.”
“Please allow me to ask, but who the fuck is Party B?” You swivel in place and swing Yunjin’s long legs around the kitchen, the wrap of her arms hooking deeper at your neck.
“I’m not answering that,” Yunjin says, foot to your thigh and altering your attention to a low-ponytailed Kazuha sitting across, ready and raring to go for her run.
Kazuha looks dumbfounded, lost, predictable. “What are you guys talking about a Party B?”
“Huh?” you and Yunjin say in unison.
“Huh?” Kazuha repeats the utterance.
Then all three of you say: “What?” Queue the laugh track - somebody, please.
“Enough of this,” you declare, setting Yunjin down so she can finish cooking the meal. You glance at the glowing screen of your phone, see a few new messages pop up, and a notification from one of the places you applied to. “Crap,” you then say, realizing what’s on the attachment, “It got moved up?! Gotta run.”
“You too, hm?” Kazuha chides, with an eye smile and a slice of banana in her mouth. “Cute.”
“Make sure you bring your lunch with you, honey!” Yunjin yells while you blitz back into the bedroom to get changed. “Can’t own the interviews on an empty stomach!”
Various managers you keep in touch with praise your skills and determination, saying that you would be a good fit for the team. It’s a waiting game now; only a matter of time before someone steps forward, claims you as theirs.
Some places you’re fielding calls from, shortening the list. You’re forwarding it back to home base: hit or miss for today’s adventures, thinking about taking either minnie’s offer or sian’s.
Yunjen 💟: i loooove sian! miss that girl so much (;-;)
Yunjen 💟: pls say yes to her next time, for me? 🥺
🍑: u forgot ur water bottle at home, idiot 🥸
You: great, now i gotta wash it because you touched it
🍑: you’re really bout it today, huh?
🍑: i’m gonna kick your ass when you get back
You: please, whatever you throw, i’ll catch
Yunjen 💟: aw, i won’t be there to see you school her in mario kart again 😭😭😭
🍑: if i can beat your ass at racing, jennifer, i can def beat him
🍑: u think too low of me.
Yunjen 💟: you two play nice now, i’ll be back by dinnerrrr
Yunjen 💟: let me know how it goes
Kazuha greets you at the door, sighing with disappointment, like she owns the place - that’s partly true: she pays for half the rent but always forgets until you remind her.
“What’s with the look?” you ask flatly.
“Nothing,” she shrugs, face tugged to a scowl. “Just thought that you’d be back in high spirits after landing the job.”
“Results don’t come that fast,” you remark, following her in the apartment, feet scruffing and leggings skin tight around her figure. Hair clumped together after being tied for a long period. “They said that they’re gonna do one more week of evaluations and see from there.”
“I get the job, which means more money; if not, we keep looking.”
Kazuha chuckles, settling herself on the couch with her legs curled, watches as you drop your things and join soon after. “Is this the part where I ask how your day was like old times?”
“Zuha, I’m gonna walk right out that door if you do. Please don’t.”
“Not even this once?”
You stare at Kazuha’s delighted wink, rolling her eyes back and cringing. “Well shit, my day hasn’t been that interesting either, thanks for asking.” She says, palm sliding down her face with a sheepish smile. “Can’t even have drinks until Yunjin gets back.”
“What’d you suggest we do for the meantime?”
Kazuha grabs the controller, treating it like a deck of cards for a party trick. She lifts her eyebrows, tempting.
“You weren’t kidding.” you say, amazed.
“Unless you have a better idea,” she drawls, shaking it to double down the offer. “What, too much of a pussy to play me?”
“You’re on. Give me the other controller.”
Full disclosure aside.
Moments like these with Kazuha have always been the usual bread and butter for you two to bond over on. With the amount of years carried in between - part of you has imagined what it would be like if the relationship label found its way to you two instead of the opposite.
(You remember it vividly, the brief period was short lived for a few months after keeping the emotions at bay for a long ass time. Going into high school was the usual phase where the feelings aren’t exactly certain, and eventually change. She could’ve left you out of her life then, but didn’t. Attached wasn’t the right word you or her would say, though, you’re glad she stayed either way.)
Even after she started to come out of her shell, be talkative, get more active, fit in clothes that make you and every other horny guy on campus drop their jaws at, she’s still the same girl you met back in kindergarten: a true friend at your side going places, while also doing stupid stuff for the fun.
“This goddamn blue shell, I swear to god-”
As for you, well- you’ve got tunnel vision, deathly locked to the screen, blocking all outside noise and focusing on the mario character and the amount of asphalt you got on the tires. Kazuha was all up in your ear, talking about how she managed to build a gap after a poor start on your end with the amount of bananas being tossed up track and dropped along the kerbs. She also thought racing at 200cc was a great idea - when in reality she’s only raced nothing above 50cc.
She’s using every trick in the arsenal: the hand to your face, kicking your side; hell, even covering your end of the screen if it meant being in last place. Her definition of victory was seeing you not succeed.
All in all, it was a good way to have fun.
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” she asks, when she’s fully calmed down and actually playing properly. “That night where you had to pick me up from the kickback,” her body leaning with the steering motion of the kart when the controls were strictly to the joystick. “No one told me I didn’t get hooked up with anybody.”
“Because you didn’t.” you say tiredly. Explaining the gauntlet she gave you to bring her back home safely.
You’re finishing first ahead of Kazuha - the girl can’t drive in real life as it is.
Her legs cross over yours, paying no attention to the spread of her toes and flex of her calves. Heel grazing your crotch before resting along your thigh, fighting the urge to break composure and adjust yourself. “Hmph, that’s a shame. Since you did see me drunk after all-”
“Happens multiple times than I would like to count,” you’re saying mildly, glancing, “I was also hoping that Sakura would take you home instead of Eunchae calling me.”
“Is that what happened?” Kazuha asks, and it abrupts your thoughts quickly. “Sorry- I know I asked the morning after but - still don’t remember much.”
You look away, down to your hips. Your mind and body clearly not in sync.
Which begs the question: “So, what do you actually remember? From that night?”
The answer she gives goes in one ear and out the other. Vividly telling you the details.
“You’re not very slick about me; you know that, right?” Kazuha concedes. And you agree, completely cornered.
“What do you want me to do about it?”
“Gonna keep talking?”
“Please, I can do more than just talk.”
Kazuha bites her lip, pulls her legs back, shakes her head, the intent easy for you to read. There’s a few shared secrets with her you’d like to keep.
What’s one more thing to hide from Kazuha and Yunjin?
Think of it this way, racing’s got a lot to offer: the thrill, the rush, the risk. Kazuha loves to put you in the dust; always making you chase until you’ve got one over her. She’s screwed you over in other lifetimes - including this one - but, it’s worth noting the exception: a rare occasion where you’re back at the starting line and finishing all the same.
Kazuha doesn’t look over her shoulder often; disregards the terror she leaves behind without a care, and you ought to remind her where it lands as soon as you can.
“Jesus christ-” is what leaks out of her lips, biting down another moan in her throat. You cup her chin and force the look up, hands slipping on the glass. “Your fucking cock is just-”
Amazing? Well, she took the words from Yunjin, and you know.
It’s extravagantly fucked up: turning back time as if it was yesterday - you’re railing her in the shower, warm water falling from above, steam fogging up beneath.
She sure knows how to make you shut up, just like old times, and a small part of you wishes how things might’ve been different if you or her if you said something back then, but you’ll let your bodies do the talking - her cunt clenching around your shaft, skin rippling the water off with every wet slap in, hand reaching for your thigh for stability. You’re just holding on and having her do most of the work in throwing her ass back, begging you for more, press her against the wall, take your cock like she always does - she may treat you like shit in the most affectionate way possible, but that layer is stripped entirely if her heart and mind allowed it. You’re going to fuck her pretty cunt, make her remember that night where she got herself off with you watching and act like nothing happened despite the raw marks of red on her creamy skin.
That too, and she’ll be a pain in your ass still: “What’s wrong? Worried Yunjin will walk in on us?”
“Kind of counting on it,” you relent, and she hunches. You pull her back up and feel her breath hit your chin. “Who knows? Maybe she’d want to join us.”
“You think so?” Her arms flush with the tile.
“If you’ve forgotten,” you manage, bracketing her waist - grip hard enough to make her yelp, and you’re loving every second. She’s a brat and a bitch and a slut rolled up into one; someone who has no care for others, except - oh, right; you’ve put up with it long enough. It’s the perfect opposite. “You’re the one who made the first move.”
“That’s bullshit and we both know it,” she denies, dishonored and deflective, so you drag your hips and push back in, grab her face, watch her jaw go slack. “Oh god. Baby, yes-”
The water’s streaming down her chest, her abs, spraying off to the walls and glass - you snake your hand to her neck, a muscle memory: everything else is an easy line to follow.
One of her legs are lifted for you to hook, so that you can reach the familiar angle you’ve lost the feeling for too long, where you’ve made her scream, swear out more obscene stuff. She’s bracing herself along the wall properly when you’ve slid your cock back inside her; she’s groaning a lot louder now, tensing, moaning - you’re supporting her and she’s taking it like you promised, her head bobbing all over the place, mouth canted, skin flushed hot-pink. A smile breaks at the corner of her lips. It’s the easy position, the natural flow of motion, keeping pace, a simple solution to a problem - all of the qualifications applied in different situations. Except, your hands find themselves on the rise of her hips, ass hypnotizing you all over your eyes; she’s leaking on your cock, cunt split open and ready to ruin - and you think you’ve finally won the argument, somewhere hidden past the heavy breathing.
“Fuck- fuck me. Oh- shit- ah-” spills out, and it’s another win to take in, soaking the moment of bliss - that’s so fucking good, i’ve missed this so much, keep going, yes- right there, harder - she’s lost her mind entirely.
You shouldn’t be grinning wickedly, but you are - it’s relieving in bend a girl like her to your will who can’t hold herself to the end.
“The worst kind,” she’s huffing, gasping, mewling, trying so hard to keep her posture up while you work her towards the orgasm she’s been asking for since her feet skimmed over the bulge in your pants, playing it off like nothing terribly as it’s a routine for her. You’re aware that she’s probably touched herself while you and Yunjin fucked throughout the night. The walls around here are thin as it is, and so much for that.
You don’t let up, fucking her hard and fast, like she wanted - praising you for finally breaking that unspoken rule left behind years ago and promise to keep it on the low. You and her both knew it would happen again eventually. How could you not? Just one little change of impulse and you’re on the one way track to hell.
(Don’t act like this wasn’t your doing, either.)
“I don’t hate,” she says, urging, whining and whimpering and you’re dying to hear more of it for her - “please, just- it’s incredible, I fucking love it, this fucking cock- all for me-”
You grab a handful of her slick hair and yank, watch the arch in her spine rise, the fluttering eyelids and shape of her mouth. Kazuha drops her jaw even lower and winces when you pound her pussy deeper; the imaginary line in your head fades with the steam. She’s clenching tightly around your shaft, and you know that this won’t be a singular occurrence. She’s gonna be coming back for more, becoming addicted, clingy. “You like? S’that feel good?” you’re asking anyway, waiting to hear the same answer.
You want this to last. Her cunt quivers around your length, clamping. You’ve fucked her through the first orgasm, onto the second or third, neither of you are keeping track - you’re chasing for your own - but there’s a sense of grandeur to this, in addition of the gratification to the reward from watching how astonishlingy you can dick her down and put her back in her place.
Kazuha’s putting effort where it counts. Says: “Need- I need it- fucking christ, please, do it already-” And - fuck, not in a polite way, but good note for trying.
Kazuha sobs along with a low huff that’s one of the hottest things you’ve heard from her in a while - a long time - contracting and expanding and clenching around you. Great job, baby. You did a good job keeping up with me. I don’t mind you cumming first. I’d prefer to finish second. Holy shit, you don’t realize how long it’s been since you stepped in the shower, mind focusing on Kazuha and legitimately nothing else.
“Shh, shh,” you’re saying, a finger to her lips, feel her tongue run against the side of it - and the nod is small, but you’re thinking ahead to what she’ll do next.
You pull yourself out and slap the tip on her pussy lips, listen closely to the squelch when you slip in again, deeper. You can’t tell if the water on her face is from the shower head or her tears, trickling down as her mouth meets yours. God, her kisses are just like the first ones.
“Gonna cum again?” you ask, delicately. “You are. Let it out.”
And Kazuha can breathlessly say yes without the words - she’s cumming, cumming, and wants to show you how badly. You could spend a few more minutes here, conserve the water. Paying the bill and next rounds of games can wait.
There’s no complexity behind it. The sun comes up and the world still spins.
Some days, Kazuha flutters to you - bare cunt underneath her shirt and you’re catching a second glance. Slaps your ass like every other time and expects you to bring it up later. Which you do.
You’re taking her by surprise, as some lousy excuse to pin her down on the nearest hard surface within reach, perch her hips up to yours until you have to carry her to the shower or bed - only for the mess to come back around again. She tugs the ends of the panties, faintly smacking on her skin, wiggles her perky ass and touches her hair - bundles it up in her hands, her slender back towards you and another spot to deal with some other time.
“You sure you don't want Yunjin to know?” She asks, snapping you out of your daydream.
With a quirk of your lips, “Maybe she already knows. But if I speak, I’d be in big trouble.”
Kazuha tsks. “So wrong for you to leave her out of the fun.” To be fair, she’s more right than wrong. If you were honorable enough to tell the truth, you could’ve told Yunjin to commensurate something with the shared dynamics - albeit way more confusing than it is, because it’s all just for fun, a wacky journey with no destination.
A rerun of you, fucking Kazuha into puddled pile of pure putty, watch her eyes shimmer when you cum in her mouth, in her hair, paint her pussy with your mess and see her relieved - a deal slipped under the table, unspoken. Yunjin might’ve swapped roles with her in being gullible or oblivious to the signs now - or even back then, you’re not quite convinced. Bottomline: you’ve missed this version of Kazuha. It’s a nice switch up and a way to disconnect and destress from the pressures of the outside world, sheltering and confining yourself since that’s always the best option to have - besides, there’s some work to do still: you got the notice of the final evaluation, from both jobs at the top of your list, somewhat nerve wracking. You’ll have to make a decision, find what fits best for you, which one pays more. Maybe get a second opinion from Yunjin or Kazuha.
You’ll figure it out as you go along.
When you do ask Yunjin about your little dilemma, part of her attention is on you - at a distance.
She’s too busy watching Phantom of the Opera after you ate her cunt out while her hourly reading earlier in the day, only because she kept teasing you underneath the desk while on call with the same friend who managed to land a position at their new job. Relax, they’re saying at the time, don’t worry too much and just be ready for what’s to come.
“Huh? Sorry, ask me again,” Yunjin’s telling you, chin on her shoulder and glances over at you at the kitchen preparing dinner. “The actress’s high note caught me off guard.”
Kazuha laughs, sitting on the counter and at your side, peeling off lettuce for her salad - proximity minimized to where your hand’s grazing her thigh. “Are you sure Sian’s job is the right one for you?” she asks, rephrasing the question as her own. “I mean, you say you liked the offer from her.”
“Possibly,” you answer, slicing a carrot, placing the knife down. “She told me she’ll call sometime tomorrow to confirm.”
“Makes sense,” Yunjin supplies. “Good pay. Office isn’t far, convenient. Also on the fact that she’s pretty to be a manager or in charge? Heavy on the pretty, though.”
“Right,” you agree, looking at Kazuha, fingers slipping over the rise of her thigh and in. You quirk your eyebrow in suspicion, noticing the lack of underwear (once again) and her folds already soaking. “She really is pretty.”
Kazuha bites her lip, dips her head down.
“I think I've made up my mind,” you say, pushing- sliding deeper in, quirk your lip in a ‘shh’ so that Kazuha can keep her voice low. “Might’ve been a pure choice from the start.”
“You think so?” Yunjin says, puzzled. “That was easy.”
You and Kazuha both give a confused look at her. Knuckles curled in Kazuha’s walls, inconspicuous and hidden - a familiar reflex and motion of the hand. She’s so slick for you, it’s unfathomable. A whimper rumbles within her chest, and you cough loudly to cover the sound.
Yunjin glances over for a third time. “Everything okay there?”
Kazuha sniffles, seamlessly playing along without a proper cue. “The onions,” you’re saying, sheepishly grinning like a dumbass. “Zuha got the first wave of them.” To that, Yunjin laughs, wiggling her head the other direction. “Should’ve been helping me over here instead.”
“I would,” replies Yunjin, waving her hand up in the air. “But my legs have lost their feeling. Wonder whose fault is that.”
You shrug your shoulders and carry on your work at the counter.
You’re fielding calls from the shortlist, waiting for one contact.
Then the phone rings.
Greetings are exchanged and it’s right down to business: “Drop by the office later. It’ll be brief, I promise. Just checking in one last time on how you feel about the offer.” Sian’s telling you. “Apologies for making you wait.”
“Nonsense,” you’re beaming, swiping through your belongings and whatever you can fill in your hand. “Wasn’t doing much besides keeping myself busy.”
Soon you’re on the way out of the door, noticing a box next to your shoes. You don’t remember ordering anything in the past few days, so that theory is eliminated automatically. Yunjin’s made her way to see you off, arms crossed and partially excited.
You pull your phone away, pointing to the package. You’re mouthing the curiosity, and Yunjin nods. There’s not much to assume: it’s probably a new batch of books for her to read, or some clothes. You don’t suspect much.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be on my way now. See you soon.”
(The interview goes exactly as Sian said it would.
She’s telling you about the perks about the office and benefits within the first few months. They’re all really good, you can’t deny that. Not to mention the signing bonus. You can’t stop smiling at the new opportunity, ecstatic for what’s in store.
You’re driving home later and feel like the sun’s burning a little bit brighter than usual - clouds filling up the endless blue sky.
An attempt is made to call Yunjin, but no answer. You try Kazuha too, no luck.
There’s the simple assumption that they’re both busy and they’ll see the missed calls before you get back.
A cleared schedule opens up a lot of things.)
Everything seems a lot easier when there isn’t a weight on your shoulders, relieved of stress and the only current worry is hobbling back to your bed and sleeping there for the rest of the day. You click the deadbolt out of place and swing the door open, letting yourself in. “I’m home,” you’re calling out, slipping out of your shoes and the bag gets placed next to the small table where the keys go. “Genuinely thought it was going to take longer-”
You freeze your movements when you hear the spill of moans close by.
Because you peek the corner like a kid waiting for Santa Claus - but instead of seeing a red man placing gifts and stealing milk and cookies, you see Kazuha leaning back on the kitchen counter, sitting on the chair with someone else on top of her, leaving fresh marks it could be mistaken of her being bitten from a vampire - the person on top presses her hips up, diving down to her neck, pushing and yanking before you realize she’s getting fucked by-
“Yunjin, what the fuck!?” you exclaim.
Yunjin rests her head on Kazuha’s chest, fingers clasping to her shoulder - you’ve seen that wicked look on her face before, devilish and corrupt. Now, in your place: it’s Kazuha pulling her close, tilting her head back when Yunjin shifts her hips up between Kazuha’s legs, dragging out another moan.
“Welp, I guess we got caught,” says Yunjin, and her strap-on slips out of Kazuha in one simple pull.
Clearly, you’re confused, bamboozled. Yunjin’s coming back to her senses as she swipes a hair behind her ear, playing the innocent role poorly and none of it makes sense, at all. Your girlfriend and roommate - roommate and girlfriend, and you start to remember-
“Thought I said that I wasn’t finished,” Kazuha sputters, oblivious of your presence. She’s sitting back up on the chair and clinging to the edge of the counter. “You told me that I’ll have my turn with the strap when you’re done - we barely started.” She’s hitting Yunjin’s arm, hair falling over and panting erratically. “Yunjin, please-”
“Zuha,” Yunjin taps Kazuha’s shoulder, flicks a finger towards you - authoritative and calm. “I think we have other things to worry about. Also hey hi, I didn’t hear the door open or you walk in.”
“Well I did,” you say, walking further inside and assessing the scene. Kazuha then sees you in her view and her jaw drops, both shocked and disappointed. “Didn’t want to interrupt your fun little session going on here.”
“She knows about-” Kazuha tries to speak, covered by Yunjin’s hand, and stops her sentence.
“You? Us?” you ask.
“Should’ve told me sooner,” Yunjin butts in, unimpressed with a smirk. “I didn’t expect you’d have a headstart with my suggestion.”
“Guilty as charged.”
“Mmfph,” Kazuha tries to say, but the press of Yunjin’s hand is a lot more firm. She’s lost her talking privileges for now. This wasn’t even the worst bit of this incident, you think.
You’re sighing, undecided, at a crossroads: two girls on your shoulders with very similar, contrasting perspectives and ideals. Yunjin’s the purest of angels in human form, Kazuha the devil’s advocate living in your house. The thought of you being walked in by Kazuha with Yunjin on your cock was a thing of the past. With Yunjin’s strap filling up Kazuha-
“How do you suppose we deal with her?” You’re asking, playing into the role of second fiddle to Yunjin’s wishes, wherever she wants to take them, burying your nose into her hair and looking down at Kazuha’s eyes light up in excitement.
“I think you can help me with that,” declares Yunjin, and for the thousandth time it’s something you’re following through. “Give this girl a proper work up for once.”
“With pleasure.”
“But first-”
Kazuha’s body tenses. “Mmrph??”
Yunjin’s head dips, licking her lips. Her fingers tap the fabric of your crotch. “Not yet,” she sighs, and she’s teasing the pink head of plastic on Kazuha’s folds. “Actually,” Yunjin’s hearty laugh gives you an idea where this is going, and it’s not looking pretty. “We’re gonna have you watch.”
Where do you even begin with these two? That’s the golden question.
Think of it this way, a coming of age story would have all the highs and the lows, a sunset drive into the horizon with the top down and music blasting for everyone else to hear, romanticizing both the achievements and shortcomings of each character, tossing snacks to each other and clinking glasses while letting the end credits roll.
Kazuha and Yunjin, however, lock lips at the couch; you’re breathing deep - you’re slipping down the chair, not quite shameful that you’re not in the act.
Maybe it’s the fantasy written up in your head - in its purest form and in real time. The ambiance settling down to a space meant to be locked away; shelved behind a drawer and door, never to be seen in the light of day, exclusively for your eyes only.
Yunjin tilts her head one side with Kazuha on the other, playing along well. Everything about it is down to the last vivid detail: her fingers carding into her hair, gripping, pulling her head up so Kazuha can get more air - slip an arm underneath the arching back and bring her leg up against her heat. You give Yunjin a look when she locks eyes with you, paying no attention to Kazuha peppering her cheek with more kisses and clearly asking for more, giggling as she indulges her request. Their hands trailing all over their unclad bodies, miles of skin between them. They both sigh in relief, finally showing what they cherished the most with each other. There’s no regrets of your actions: you’ve got a piece of Yunjin - what she’s like, same for Kazuha from another period lost to time, but it’s all culminated to this. Soon you’re towering the pair and see the crimson and sweat spread across, willing to have your fill be satisfied by both.
If your sympathy was a knife, you’d turn the blade around and twist it inside yourself.
Kazuha’s hand grips the belt loop, grinning. Yunjin tugs your hand to her face, kissing it. Wraps her plump pretty lips on your thumb. An unspoken testament of what’s to come. The credence of raw, unfiltered, sin.
“Is this what you wanted?” Yunjin asks, very silently. Kazuha opens her neck up as an invitation.
“Oh,” you breathe, softly. Kneeling down at the couch and exchanging glances. “You have no idea.”
(Show me everything. Show us everything, they said, partially devious. How bad your impurities are. We want it all. We deserve it all.)
Maybe all of this was the long-awaited culmination; Kazuha’s mind is so far gone, back pinned against the wall like she knows you and Yunjin are about to ruin every part of her body. Clothes are being slipped off your frame, pooling onto the floor and soon to be ignored till the next morning. Yunjin’s hands graze your middle, feeling the hardened muscle - sighing into your neck and flashes a look across.
“Should I know how long you two kept this from me?” she asks, half-curious. Well aware of the answer.
You keep your gaze on Kazuha while pulling your head back - observing, but flicking your eyes back and forth. “Would it be best to hear it from the person responsible?” you say, seeing Kazuha’s face shift from her to yours and unsure who to choose.
“Figured there were signs,” Kazuha answers, lifting her leg up at the crease of her knee, giving an implication. It’s not a pressure point - not yet, at least - an angle where you can jump in and double down on. “If they weren’t obvious enough.”
“Are we seriously playing dumb here?” Yunjin then follows up, twisting her head. “Right now? Of all times?”
“Choose your words wisely,” you’re saying, towering over the girl in your arms - a subtle warning.
“You’ll be a good girl, yes?” Yunjin adds. “Then we’ll see if you deserve it.”
Kazuha snickers, sound bouncing off the hallway, and you and Yunjin both sigh in dejection - though, Yunjin slaps Kazuha’s thigh, prompting you to pin her lower half to the drywall. “I see we’re at a bad start already,” she’s saying, and her arm slithers up to your chest, “you keep acting like this, Zuha, we’re gonna have some issues. Not to mention,” she’s rambling, taking a step back to open the space in flipping Kazuha around with her back in view, arms up instinctually and hips moving back, Yunjin’s arms crossed over her chest with the strap-on in her hand, instigating. “I think it’s best if he takes the first crack in breaking you.”
“How generous,” you tell her, leaning down to kiss the fine line of Kazuha’s spine. “I thought you’d be more cruel.”
Yunjin grins, finger to her teeth. “That’s more of your thing rather than mine.”
“Liar,” you growl, and it’s a small reveal of your true intent, bringing them close and never letting go - your arm pulls Yunjin back in, gasping at the sudden move. Yunjin giggles, teetering into a small moan; you look down and she takes the hint in feeling Kazuha’s ass, listening to the hitched breaths, see the slightest scrunch of her shoulder. “Don’t think that you can hide away from me, either,” And you slap your hand firmly on the fresh skin, Kazuha slipping out a yelp in response - “I know you want your fun as well, baby.” Your thumb and index pinch both of her cheeks, squishing. “Unless you’d prefer to watch.”
“You know me. I’ll have my go if you’re willing.”
“I’m still down here,” interrupts Kazuha. “Why don’t you-”
Here was the perfect time to show Kazuha again what you’re made of - you grip both of your hands to the swell of her hips, pushing them up until all of her chest is flush with the wall in front - her hand flies back to yours; clawing the skin on your arm, your hips-
“Watch it,” you snarl, grabbing her wrist and putting it along the small of her back, hoping to break the tension. Technically, she’s doing the opposite.
She squirms in your hands for a few more seconds, resisting. The grunts coming out of her mouth don’t apply to you; Kazuha’s feet skating across the floor, widening the stance, spilling out pleas-
“Fucking swear to God,” she harshly swears, and you’re with her; Yunjin’s taking another step back, leaning. She can’t help but smile at the authority, the general hierarchy you’re used to giving her. Throwing out orders and demands - Kazuha with her insightful snarks, nowhere to be heard or seen as she’s finally getting a taste of her own medicine-
Both of Kazuha’s arms are behind her back. She’s helpless once you’ve finally got a hold on her.
“How long is it gonna take you to fuck me or force me to watch you fuck Yunjin instead?” she whines, persistent. Her hands cup the sides of your hips, pushing her ass back - you don’t fight it, laser focused on her face. “Didn’t realize that we’re dishing out my punishment like this right off the bat.”
“We’re getting there,” you agree, and you’re palming her breast beneath the shirt, clumping up the fabric - thumbing a nipple and pinching. “Yunjin will have her fun too when I’m done with you.”
You look right at Yunjin and she nods.
She’s keeping herself occupied with the strap-on in her hand, putting her pouty lips on the silicone tip, licking shamelessly and her other hand to her legs - cheeks flushed in a hot pink and eyes trained on you. You’d expect her to watch - let her have her own fun in the meantime. She’s so good; fucking you and Kazuha both, though it’s somewhat on par or incomparable to the roughing up you’re gonna do to Kazuha as a means of staying true to your word. Her tongue laves the side of plastic, lowers it down to her hips, hoping to tease and have that ache sated until her turn comes along to be taken, fucked mercissely, ruthlessly.
You lift a brow for the final confirmation, and Yunjin matches it.
“You can watch of course, baby,” you say, and Yunjin’s face lights up. “Go ahead, do what you need to do.”
Yunjin twists her back to the wall, head tilted while her legs spread wider to welcome the space of the strap-on between her legs - you’ve curled your arm around Kauzha’s hip, rub her clit from that angle, stroking slowly at her leaking slit; so yeah, this girl leaks sex. As for you: you’re eating it up. Knowing that there’s another pair of eyes on you, greedily staring once you get on one knee, place a trail of kisses to the backside of Kazuha’s thigh, bundle up the oversized shirt in your hands. You hook your palms to the fold of her legs, brush your nose in her cunt, taste the droplets on your tongue-
“Are we observing?” You ask Yunjin. “Not the first time I’ve seen you use a dildo in front of me.” Your mouth sucks in the dripping slick of Kazuha’s pussy, earns you a sharp inhale through her teeth. Biting down on one of her folds and pulling. “I wanna see you ruined before I have the chance myself.”
Your gaze shifts back to Kazuha because you know Yunjin will follow whatever you say. Even when your cock is brushing up against Kazuha’s slit, pushing in her pussy and the girl sings a broken note.
Kazuha, by instinct, tilts her head down, overwhelmed, choking on the bob in her throat; all it takes is one firm snap of your hips in and it’s not enough time to get accustomed to the stretch - that deep, open stretch, her cunt pressuring you so tight, addicting - you’re amazed at how she can pick up things quickly, breathing steadily with every stroke, see her eyes at the corners, upping the intensity, twisting her head back forcefully and curve the arch a bit more deeper-
A makeshift ponytail is created without a second thought, locking the stare in and keeping it frozen, failing to maintain composure when she’s moments away from finally breaking in front of you, or Yunjin. Kazuha’s pride is always one thing she holds close. Snuff it out of her and there’s nothing, and she can’t deny it: the way that she’s trying so hard to not be a completely needy, slutty bitch.
“What’s wrong, huh?” you’re taunting - imitating her snark - man, it’s so nice not to be on the receiving end in one of those. “Wasn’t this the punishment you asked for? Well guess what?” You’re grasping at her cheek that it brushes yours. “It’s here, Zuha. Just me, you, Yunjin, and your dirty little cunt, all for us to have.”
“All talk, still,” Kazuha remarks, syllables barely stable. She’s so shrunk down over your presence that when your cock is in play, it splits her body in two, crumbling her: she can spit out words for days, but knows that she’s vulnerable in a fight. “You’re not even putting effort into me. Fucking christ- asshole. Just-”
You can’t help but chuckle - actually laugh, because the insults don’t hurt like they used to back then, that added layer in the dynamic where you’ll take the punch and send it right back. You’re slamming your hips in, press your fingers into her hip; Kazuha can keep giving you shit, but you see her head hit the drywall, eyes lidded and mouth quirked to keep it all in. There’s no point - she’s gushing on your cock, clamping.
“Just what?” You yank her hips out and in, make her yelp at the change in pace. “Stop? Keep going? I can’t tell what you’re asking for and neither can Yunjin.” Yunjin herself lets out a breathy sigh - the strap-on’s worked well inside her cunt, matching the strokes as best she can; at this point, you’re just waiting for her to squirt on the floor. “Could’ve sworn you were greedy a few days ago when I fucked you in the back of the car, don’t lie to me.”
“Maybe.” You slide in - genuinely fucking her. Kazuha tries to let it go casually the way you’re cock’s tearing inside her - you’ll give her the ‘A’ for attempting. That feeling can’t be ignored - she’s close, rising within - it’s in the lines of her face, her body, it’s showing. “Fuck - that’s not the point. I couldn’t be more desperate for your cock unlike Yunjin.”
She’s not saying it for Yunjin’s sake, but also for her own: smiling through the pleasure despite her body nearly shutting down and breaking on your cock. All that ego, that bullshit given all these years, it’s all gone in an instant. It was a pipe dream to fuck the boldness out of her - you’ll come close, but not close enough. You’ll fuck her truly in the way that she wants - and the glint over her shoulder pierces through your eyes. Do your worst, you imagine her saying. I’d love to see you try.
So, you’ll give exactly the worst thing to her. You’ll make her cum on your cock.
You let go of her face, grab her tit before sliding down to her pussy. “Look at you,” you tell her, matching the smirk she gave you on the couch the other day, recalling, “nowhere to go.”
Kazuha parts her mouth, ready to dart back with a witty response - or tries to - rocked with her high so intense that it’s bubbling in her throat, on her tongue. She’s there, thanks to you; Yunjin’s honoring your request, wincing, sliding that silicone cock inside-
She’s up next, you’re not forgetting. You take Kazuha - all the way in, past her orgasm, let her shoulders go slack, breath in thin wisps, hand losing grip and slipping from your sweat, and you’re grinding your cock deep in her - all the way down to the base, where the blowback of your balls tapping her clit, prolongs the feeling - a new sensation; fuck, she feels so fucking good-
“How do we deal this out, you suppose?” You ask Yunjin, breathless, head held high, breaking your gaze and towards your girlfriend. “Should I carry on what I’m doing?” Kazuha whimpers when you’re massaging her ass, slowly driving your cock back in, softening the blow. “Do whatever our little slut wishes?”
You and Kazuha both glance at Yunjin together, slick dripping down her thighs, small threads plastered on your hips, and Yunjin slides the strap-on out of her like it’s a restraint. Kazuha slides off your cock, leans back to your embrace, legs quivering - you gave her a lot to handle, that’s for sure. But you’re not done yet. Not until Yunjin’s got her chance.
Yunjin herself is treated to such a sight, cum soaked on the plastic in her hand, but when you sweep her close she’s already falling: like she knows you’ll catch her whenever and doesn’t have to worry about a damn thing. You’re eying her eyes, those plump pretty lips, her long legs rivaling Kazuha’s, her leaking cunt - she’s shifting in your arm, like one look sends sparkles in her eyes. She’s waiting, patiently - lets you do anything to her without saying a single word.
“Enjoyed the show, love?” You’re scratching the sweet spot behind her head and her neck relaxes. It’s those earthy eyes you can’t get enough of, love drunk and over her head with her switch flipped - hot and crazy in love she’ll want everything. “How does it feel seeing lovely little Zuha finally get humbled?”
“I’ll literally cut your dick off if you don’t shut your fucking mouth,” retorts Kazuha, twisting her neck so she could face you. No matter how much of a pain in the ass she is while getting fucked, she’ll own that role close to her heart.
Yunjin flashes a smile, and you smile back. Coming to a consensus. “Not enough for her, sadly.”
Kazuha takes advantage for once, hurling your body against the hallway now, and making you shuffle back past the open door to the room. Yunjin fails at the mediary with her chin on her shoulder, pushing her weight so that the ratio is two-to-one. Both of their eyes are insane, glittering crystals and with a primal ferocity behind them - holy fuck, is it sexy, moments away from victory. Backing you into a corner where there’s no opening for escape.
“Make you eat your fucking words out,” Kazuha says, voice unfazed when she just came on your cock a few minutes ago, “Better hope you won’t get the chance again.”
“Careful Zuha,” Yunjin butts in, hoping to alleviate the tenacious threat. “You wouldn’t want to get on his bad side again.”
“What she said,” you remark - leaving it at that for now.
“Okay then,” Kazuha tuts, grabbing your face for a kiss, clawing your hair, soothing it. “I’m tagging Jen Jen in.”
With that, Yunjin pushes Kazuha off to the foot of the bed and topples over you, claiming her prize.
There’s a passing of the torch in the form of the strap-on - Kazuha takes it and wiggles on the bed - while you’re wrestling for control with Yunjin, grasping her waist and flipping her over so that she’s under, fingers in familiar spots where you’ve left marks and bruises before - ready to it again. “Guess you’re up,” you mumble - feeling the knuckles of Yunjin’s hand on your face before she fiddles with the cuff of your ear, pinching. You’re surveying the planes of her body, targeting the areas where it’ll hurt. “You could never have enough of my cock as it is.”
An instant curveball when you slap her inner thigh twice, flip her over and slap her ass, then roll back to her cunt.
Yunjin shrieks - Kazuha inhales deep at the sound when she pushes the strap-on in her cunt. You smack again, put your mouth to hers and funnel the noise down your neck. This was new to the script, and you’re certain it’ll stay.
There’s no other pretense to act on, and you bury your cock inside her cunt.
She is fucking dripping; given the mewls and moans petering out of her mouth, your ears focus on the sweet sound of slick as her pussy takes all of you, stretching and sliding in the ways you made her break, the noises heavenly, a symphony alone as you get back into true pace - you’re fucking her cunt so hard that it’s almost snapping her spine in half, or make her lose the feeling in her legs. Ah, you’re just treating yourself - possibly. Kazuha’s fucking herself right next to you two and has a front row seat of the one in many acts about to unfold-
Her pussy is incredible - that’s just the jist of it, the meaning already written to existence long before you came along, Yunjin’s just huffing along, the size too grand to bear-
“Good?” You know for damn sure it’s good. Her neck is a nice place for your hand to rest, siphoning the remaining air trapped in her lungs. The last gasp for more, taken away. “Yeah, you know it’s good. Same kind of sluttiness I expected with Kazuha. What would I ever do without you - getting off with your cunt and fucking you as I please. God, baby- it’s so fucking tight down there, I could never-”
You’re left speechless when you abruptly pull out, slap your cockhead along her clit and she’s gushing everywhere, spraying the sheets, squirting in mere seconds. Kazuha drops her jaw in shock, ecstatic, amazed-
“Kazuha’s in her own world, and she’s living in it,” You snap your hips, yank her body, sending another aftershock - your hands will never leave. “It shouldn’t be this easy, babe - the way that you’re just one, insufferable, cocktease-”
Yunjin crunches her eyes, and her lower half subconsciously rolls with yours. She’s one to have her moment, but the way that she’s just taking it - so fucking well-
“This strap couldn’t fill her enough,” Kazuha chides. And that’s the daunting realization - it’s one thing to keep things mundane, by the book, but this: the degrading, the power going to your head, the advantages you seized for yourself, you’re speaking listless shit and giving less of a fuck for your own benefit. “Now you got a taste of your own medicine, honey. All that talk about having all of him when he clearly has sights for others. Now he’s got me to deal with if you’re not around; and look at him, he’s really greedy.
Yunjin’s sobbing, tears seeping at the corners. You’re close - everything in your body expanding and rushing to the peak - but her scared expression makes you think otherwise, spares a second thought.
“Do you believe that, sweetheart?” You grit, releasing your grip around her throat, leaning for a kiss and it brings her back to life. “Tell us how it feels.”
Kazuha’s scooting closer, the silicon impaled deep in her cunt, tapping her clit at a fast pace. She’s conservative, yet so smug that it’s rubbing on Yunjin instead, the build up is there, voices rising, crescendoing-
“It’s so good, so- fuck, so fucking good,” she spits, mouth trembling and the rest of the words are in tongues - and you’re sure that you’ve broke her once again. “I love this cock so much - I can’t even begin to describe how well it fucks me, taking me just to dump your cum, come back for more - please, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop-”
On instinct, she taps your thigh. A signal to let you know she has a different play in mind.
You snap your gaze back to Kazuha and she immediately takes the hint, a wicked grin spread on her lips to sell the implied message.
From there it’s a simple one-two, a bait and switch. You slide out of Yunjin’s well fucked cunt and swoop Kazuha’s legs, pulling her over to you while Yunjin staggers back on the bed, taking the strap-on tossed to her so she can simmer down the aching heat engulfing her stomach. You don’t even register the quick inhale Kazuha does when you seamlessly slip back inside her waiting cunt and pick up right where you left off with her - and the screams level with the incessant slaps of skin on skin.
“Back for more, are you?” Kazuha grunts, sucking in her gut from the pull on her shoulders and into your cock. “Such a shameless boy.”
“Shut your fucking mouth, whore.” You’re bearing no mind to the word sputtered out. The only thing in your head is taking your roommate’s pussy and making it yours. Nothing more, nothing less. “Gonna ruin this cunt now.”
“Hold still and look pretty,” demands Yunjin, and she’s on Kazuha’s side, strap-drunk as Kazuha’s head tips back and slides her hand down her abs to her cunt, watching you fuck and fuck and fuck into Kazuha - wrecked and full of your cock, like you needed this to relieve the stress out your body, and Yunjin’s face twists to something more evil, twisted, witnessing a prophecy come to fruition-
“Look at our cute cocksleeve go.” Yunjin’s fingers tap your forearm, nails clawing curves into your skin - the sting going unnoticed as the thrusts keep moving - another sense acquired, you’re sweating, overheating. “I’m sure he came in you already, and guess what? He’s gonna ruin your tight cunt and fill you up to the brim - when we’re done with you, you’re gonna have to be carried around the house-”
Kazuha cries and cums on your waist - Yunjin sits up, fingers fast to the crease of her legs, surprised and seeing it all unfold. As for you, you’re tensing, gritting teeth together, cumming inside her cunt, the release sought after now tumbling in true bliss-
“Oh, no. We can’t have you be that loud now.”
Yunjin waddles over on her knees to Kazuha’s head, angles her head, and pushes the plastic cock between her lips, smothering with her own spit - see the bob form in her throat when she takes it halfway in.
You’re still going, pulling out and sliding your tip across her folds, soaked in white and convinced that there’s more for you to offer. The strokes are consistent, long enough for another minute or so until you’re spilling a second load in her walls, pumping her full.
“God, fucking- Jesus. Kazuha-”
“Mmfrjmph,” she’s got herself full of other things to worry about than your leaking cum in her pussy.
“Jen, switch.” You give the order and your girlfriend drags her hips away from Kazuha’s face. From the second you pull your cock out, white strips start to drip onto the sheets. Your mind’s barely there, putting every fiber of muscle from the nerves to get you at the headboard of the bed and settle into a comfortable position - and Yunjin flips Kazuha over, hooks her hands to her hips, dragging it towards her crotch, she managed to get the strap-on in time, pointing the length to her cunt, picking up small ribbons at the tip.
“Think she needs a little clean up before you have your fun,” you suggest, fingers buried deep into the threads of Kazuha’s hair and forming it into a lazy bun, ignoring the little ‘ah’ from her lips and focusing her head on your softening cock. “Unless you’re gonna jump right in and get sloppy.”
“You’ve made my point beautifully,” Yunjin agrees, lowering her head and raising Kazuha’s hips up so she can get the taste of both, pushing her back down and deepening the arch with a lick of her lips. “You taste good.”
“Are you saying that to me? Or Zuha?”
“Whatever answer you like.”
Kazuha, as always, refuses to pay attention. Rather- her attention is drawn back to your cock, tongue sweeping the underside, your head falling back and hitting the wood behind, feeling her mouth lap up the mess of your cum slicked cock and slide your hips deeper into the mattress. This is heaven for her, for Yunjin too. A truce made once the damage has been done-
“Don’t go too hard on Zuha, she’s been through a lot.” you tell her, but it’s more of a blessing in disguise when you and Yunjin are on the same page in most cases. A girl like Kazuha on her hands and knees, a collective effort fulfilled.
Yunjin cackles and there’s no further meaning there, the tone sweet, syrupy - you could get drunk on it every single time her face brightens up. She’s leaning over to kiss you, arms wobbling in support so that she doesn’t fall on top of Kazuha, and it’s happened before. “Aw, well that’s too bad. I was gonna give her that and nothing else,” she tells you, smacking her lips off of you. Her hands rest at the swell of Kazuha’s waist, kneading and slapping lightly as a light tease. “You think I can’t hold my own.”
You’re seeing a warble in the room somewhere - on Yunjin. The outer line of her stature warps in your vision - hot, messy, maliciously - jerking Kazuha’s hips back and brushes her hips to her ass.”
“Yunjin, fuck- holy shit-”
Kazuha gasps, smiling. The babbles are complete gibberish, filthy - Yunjin’s ramming her strap inside her ass, cum being pushed well into Kazuha’s womb, poking a little bump in her stomach, speeding up the motion and clawing wherever she can. Kazuha swallows up your cock, brushing the head at the top of her throat, humming - the vibrations bringing you back to life-
“She’s built for taking pain,” Yunjin assesses, experimental. She has no regard for her best friend - and you see the whites in Kazuha’s eyes roll back, her lips sealed at the base and understands where she lies between you two. It’s where she’s meant to be, it seems. You could drop witty drawls and creative comebacks; when it comes to fucking her, neither of you expected her to this soaked. “What a slut. Not even a proper dick-down and spanking can’t shut you up.”
Kazuha’s slurps mesh with the words. “I - mmrfph - fine, I swear. Okay-”
It’s somewhat comprehending to have her like this, split in two and mouth full of your cock. “Yeah, she’s good. Kazuha- Kazuha, baby.”
There’s nothing better than this.
Kazuha getting her hole fucked, sucking you dry.
She sucks.
And sucks.
“If there’s anything that we’ve learned,” Yunjin says mid-thrust, pointing Kazuha’s leg up to the ceiling, deepening the angle, “We both can fuck her brains to mush if we wanted to. Any time in the day, just pull her aside and tell her what to do. What do ya think?”
You’re nodding, stuttering. Kazuha’s mouth has you speechless. “I have no objections,” you barely say, thighs tensing and shaking. “Yunjin, I’m gonna cum in her mouth.”
“Then go ahead,” Yunjin tells you, and you do. Kazuha cheeks puff up at the eruption, streams of white leaking at the corners, satisfied.
Yunjin gives one more good thrust for measure, slides the strap-on out of her fucked cunt, exhaustion collapsing her body, pleased and content with her end of the bargain - the strap-on gets tossed off the bed and onto the floor, made well with its use and disregarded.
She rolls over to your side soon after, glancing. Kazuha’s face clearly spent and drifting off to sleep. For the time being.
“We might’ve killed her,” you tell Yunjin peepingyour head past the door frame to see Kazuha’s unmoving body on the bed, “Is it worth checking if she’s breathing?”
There’s the last remnants of what unfolded hours ago, the quick debrief - that kind of thing. You’ve got your head full of mixed emotions; each one of them occurring in passing seconds: happiness, satisfaction, remorse - unsure and nervous, kind of, it’s been a long night anyway.
(She’ll wake up in the morning and feel sore. But if her first words of the day are related to bearing you, that’s a clear sign she’s back to normal.)
“Kazuha’s a good catch,” Yunjin says. “If anything, she’ll complain about her thighs being tight.”
“In relation to her pilates?” You flip the cup over and let the water flow into the drain. Yunjin’s patting your face with a damp towel. “Or the sex?”
“Both,” and she smiles. You purse your lips in agreement. “Gotta say, I didn’t expect you to match her energy well.”
“How could I not? C’mon, the girl was asking for it.” You laugh dryly.
“Point taken,” Yunjin concedes and opens her limbs to let you in the middle, wrap them around and embrace you fully. Her borrowed shirt crumpling in, folding and forming creases alike. “You’re too good at this.”
You give her a fond grin. “Wanna tell me that again?”
To suffice, she slots her lips to yours, leans back and taps the bathroom mirror. “Okay, it’s past our bedtime already.”
You find yourself slipping through the chestnut pools and the titian waves - an endless valley to get lost in, the light radiating perfectly to where it highlights and complements the shades well. You’ve said a lot of things to her, more than you can probably count.
“Love us,” you’re proclaiming, preaching to the open air. Her dragged grin pulls you deeper, and you spot the scrunch at the bridge of her brows: she couldn’t agree more. Then it reverts back to normal: “lose the shirt, we’ll share the body heat under the sheets.”
The first day with drastic changes beckoning are scary.
This is nothing new.
Starting from scratch, conceptually, is always a new brush of inspiration, no matter what the event is. Luckily, it’s reassuring that you’re not facing these new horizons alone. With a guy like you, that has wonderful people in your corner - willing to support any endeavor you indulge in, it’s empowering. You’re convinced that the clouds part in the sky for the sun to fill the endless canvas of blue and you feel that whatever’s manifested in your mind will eventually come true.
You have the same old pattern with Yunjin: take her out somewhere nice every now and then, waste your time doing nothing on some days, hold her heels or bag without her asking, let her treat you well whenever she feels like it. You share the usual banter, fuck her if things get boring, give her a lot of things to deal with that she’ll brush off later.
With Kazuha, it’s a dice roll:
She still spits out shit to you with no reason, and you return the favor and fuck her till she begs for more, gets into petty arguments until she comes walking back without saying a word, unable to take compliments, rambles endless fantasies waiting to be fulfilled more than just once. And you accept that she won’t let you off easily.
When the two of them are together, sitting across from you or on their knees; backs on the bed or one eating out the other's cunt, it’s a place of a guaranteed connection; one that’s massively fucked up and with a million ways to go about with the pair. You and Yunjin know this - and between the three of you, it remains unsaid.
“Got everything?” Yunjin asks, handing your trusted tumbler and ruffling up your hair, dusting off your windbreaker like a mom seeing off their child for school. “Expecting a slow day, aren’t you?”
“You know me,” you drawl, grinning. “I’d much rather waste my time here and get paid for it.”
The back of your head nicks forward as a response from behind, looking past your shoulder to see Kazuha tilt her head in view, getting a closer look of your appearance and drawing up her own assessment. “Until one of us get another job, it seems like you’re the main breadwinner of the household.”
“Zuha, him and I were expecting your half of the rent for this month,” says Yunjin, hand to her hip and pouting, “Wanna tell us where the fuck it is?”
Kazuha sashays herself next to Yunjin, inciting a staredown that ends after two seconds, shaking her head and dodging the question entirely. “Don’t worry about it. But I have the money, I swear.”
“And what if you don’t have it when he comes back?” Yunjin asks Kazuha, rolling her eyes before shifting her gaze back to normal, “Then what?”
You’re making your way out as the two continue with the quick argument, disregarding their attention. “If it’s all the same to you, I’ll be heading out now.”
“Can I fuck her again while you’re gone?’ Yunjin then asks, shouldering her weight to Kazuha. “At least until-”
You sigh.
“I’d like to ask the same question, but do it on Yunjin,” Kazuha replies.
(It’s a lot on your plate with Yunjin. Sure. Kazuha’s added herself to the mix - and it’s a tad bit more complicated. Maybe worse. Fuck all you know: you like them both.)
“I’ll handle you two later,” you’re telling the pair, and they know you mean every word - a promise. “Feel free to get started.” After, you see yourself out the door.
#le sserafim smut#yunjin smut#kazuha smut#le sserafim yunjin smut#le sserafim kazuha smut#kpop x male reader#kpop smut#kpop fanfic
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Takin' All of Their Air
Hwang Yeji, Aeri Uchinaga (Giselle), Julie Han x Male Reader, 2 original chacaters
Tags: airtight, (lots of) anal, ass stacking, bukkake, couch sex, deepthroating, double penetration, facefucking, faces turning red, floor sex, mounting on top, orgy, out of breath, party, prone bone, (lots of) rimming, rough sex, sixsome, spanking, twerking
Word count: 5696
Yeji, Giselle, and Julie had just finished recording their performance of Toxic. The girls chatted with each other until Yeji suddenly received a message. "What happened?" Giselle and Julie ask her as they see her friend blush.

"My solo just got approved; I'll be debuting soon," Yeji answers. "Oh, that's incredible," Giselle replies. "I think we should throw a party," she continues.
"But we are going on tour soon," Julie warns them. Giselle remembers that's also the case for her, so she asks her friend.
"When are you gonna debut?" Giselle asks Yeji. "March," Yeji answers. "Damn, our tours will be on the way; we won't be around," Julie says. "We need a plan; I still want her to celebrate with us," Giselle says.
"Girls, I've got a plan; let's do it tomorrow," Yeji says. "Alright," Julie replies. "Done," Giselle says as well. On the next day, the girls go to the house Yeji has indicated to them.
"Hello," Yeji greets Giselle and Julie as they arrive. Some black balloons cover the walls, matching the theme of her solo. Yeji pops a bottle of champagne, serving Giselle and Julie as well. "Our special guests will be coming soon," she tells them.
"Hmmm, what kind of special guests?" Giselle asks. "You're always curious, Gigi, just let them come," Yeji answers her. "Oh, I hope we are gonna have a good party tonight," Julie adds.
The girls chat a little bit more, waiting for the guests arrival. "It's taking a really long time," Giselle says. "Don't worry, they already texted me; they are coming soon," Yeji answers her as the girls keep playing with each other and chatting about some really naughty stuff.
The trio of guests finally arrive, you leading your two friends Danny and Johnny as the girls wait on the couch. "Show me your gifts," Yeji says. Giselle and Julie don't get it at first, as you three don't have anything in hand. "What kind of gift is she talking about?" Julie asks.
But soon, the girls get the answer as your cock pops out of your pants, and soon Danny and Johnny also follow suit. "Hmmm, so that was the gift she was talking about," Giselle says.
"Let's go, girls; there is no better way to celebrate a debut than a sex party," Yeji says as she quickly starts bobbing her head on your cock and choking on it. Giselle and Julie follow suit, gagging on Danny's and Johnny's dicks, respectively.
The party has begun; the beautiful shot of three girls bending over on the couch and sucking their partners cocks is an amazing way to start it. While Giselle and Julie take it slow at first, Yeji quickly shows her prowess as a deepthroat queen, taking your cock all as deep as possible in her mouth and moving it hard up and down your shaft, pushing you to the edge right from the get-go.
"You seem really hungry, feeling really motivated by that solo debut, aren't you?" you ask Yeji, who obviously doesn't answer as she turns her whole attention into sucking that enormous pole. "Shake that ass for me," you tell her, Yeji wiggling that tail as she bobs her head on your shaft.
"Your partners got some great asses; you really never miss when it comes to selecting your sexiest friends to join you," you tell Yeji as you take a peek from above at Giselle and Julie's butts almost popping off their pants, while Yeji gets louder and louder with her mouth.
"FUCK," the first cursing of the night comes from Giselle as Danny spanks her fat ass. If you noticed Yeji's friends packed butts, it wouldn't take long for your friends to notice it as well.
Yeji gets on her knees on the floor and sucks your cock louder than ever, harder than ever. "You really like a big microphone in your mouth, don't you? That's why you wanted to debut solo so much," you tell her. Giselle and Julie look from afar, watching her suck your cock and thinking that she must be crazy, quickly trying to follow Yeji's footsteps.
"AHHHH," Giselle loses her breath as you fuck her face while she takes your cock deep in her throat, losing her air for a bit while saliva comes out of her mouth. Julie lines up to her side, taking on Johnny's cock with her perfect dick-sucking lips but still taking it at a very slow pace, Giselle soon joining them as she takes on Danny.
"Suck my balls, slut," you command to Yeji as she makes a mess under your sack, closing her eyes and taking it all in her mouth. "Oh shit," you groan, and so does Johnny as Julie now gives him a no-hands blowjob, still very far from Yeji's sheer insanity, as the new soloist in town takes your cock literally balls deep in her mouth, you shoving your shaft and balls down her throat and making the so-called deepthroat queen gag for real for the first time.
Julie watches the mess Yeji makes on your cock, using it as motivation as she deepthroats Johnny. "It's getting so fucking wet," Julie tells him. Well, not as wet as yours, as Yeji is already turning her face into a mess full of spit. "Look at me and tell me how much you love that cock," you command to her.
"Oh, I love it so much; I can't wait to have it in all my holes," Yeji says. "Then show me," you tell her, fucking her face one more time while Julie has fun with Johnny's balls to her side. "Damn, such a hungry slut," you tell her.
Giselle soon joins the fun, letting Danny shove his cock down her mouth, him grabbing her neck and making her deepthroat it. "Take it, baby, come on," Danny tells her, trying to shove his 9-inch cock plus his balls in Aeri's hungry mouth. On the other side of the room, Yeji is so hungry she has made your pants come completely off, finding ways you didn't even know were possible to suck your cock.
"There you go, baby, take all those fucking balls," Danny says, praising Giselle's cock-sucking skills as she chokes on his dick. "You want it inside you?" he asks her, Giselle answering by nodding her head positively. "Then get it fucking wet," he tells her, shoving it even harder as Giselle's face is the next one to get full of spit.
Giselle's face turns red as Danny's cock in her mouth quickly takes all her air out. The party has just begun, yet she's already losing her senses, slapping his big cock all over her face as she dives for his balls too. "This is the best cock ever," she says, and she's definitely not saying it for the sake of it.
Yeji keeps the insanity going on as she strips you fully naked. You do the same to her, leaving only the fishnets she's wearing under her pants. Your balls are all over her pretty face as she now dives to rim your asshole, not satisfied with the mess she already made on your cock.
"Who told you to eat my fucking ass?" you tell Yeji, regaining control and pushing her face against the couch, plowing it. "I'm gonna take all your fucking air," you tell her, climbing on top of the couch and manhandling her slutty throat, making your huge sword bulge it while her perky tits jiggle with your thrusts.
"Look at her taking all that cock," Julie says about Yeji, pushing Johnny to the couch right by your side as she rims his ass and takes off his and her clothes. "AHHHH," Yeji screams as your cock pops out of her mouth for a bit, her moving her hands towards her pussy to start fingering herself.
Giselle is the last to take her clothes off, the three girls now wearing matching fishnets. Danny can't resist the urge and quickly rips her apart, unveiling Gigi's big fat butt in all its glory. "Oh yeah, look at this fucking ass," he says, marveled, as he starts fingering her anus.
The craziness continues on the other side. Julie tongues Johnny's ass deeper and deeper while you challenge Yeji to take on your cock as deep as possible. "OH FUCK, GOD DAMN IT!" Yeji screams. As Julie stays on all fours, Danny rips her fishnets too, Julie starting to do her signature twerk as soon as her ass is out in the open, while he gives her pussy a little massage.
You take Yeji's air out one more time before taking advantage of all the saliva she left on your cock to open the works by sticking it on Julie's juicy booty, sliding it with ease. "OHHHHH," the Hawaiian girl suddenly screams as she finds your meat stuffed in her asshole. "OHHH FUCKK, AHHHH, OH SHIT, OH MY GOD," she suddenly starts screaming as you drill her ass with no regard, mounting on top of the little big butt cutie while Yeji watches.
"Damn, he's really hungry," Yeji says as you pound Julie's ass. "And I bet you're hungry to taste it," you tell Yeji, finishing the quick fuck to feed your cock straight back in her mouth. "Very dirty, isn't it?" you ask as you impale her throat, Yeji only nodding.
Giselle opens the works on the other side, riding a still-clothed Danny as she sits her pink pussy on his cock, working her big ass out as she rides him. "OH FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK," she moans as his 10-inch monster stretches her cunt out. Julie soon follows suit, taking Johnny in her pussy and twerking her ass, her fast bounces contrasting with Giselle's powerful squats.
"OH SHIT, YES, DO IT LIKE THAT," Julie screams as Johnny spanks her ass while she rides him. "OH DAMN, I'M SO FULL OF COCK," Giselle also screams as she increases the pace of her ride on Danny. Only you and Yeji stay on the throat game, but really, given her crazy cock-sucking skills, it's hard to blame you.
"Look at your friends; I think it's time for you to sit on my fucking cock too," you tell Yeji, ripping her fishnets in one go. "God damn it, you're so fast," she tells you. By her side, Julie keeps riding, her cheeks turning red as Johnny can't seem to stop spanking her fat ass.
"It's not as big as your slutty friends but still a great piece of work," you say to Yeji about her ass as she rides your cock. "OH SHIT, FUCK," Yeji moans as your massive meat impales her cunt, her and Julie bouncing side by side. "Damn girl, you're really fast with that bounce," Yeji says to Julie.
Yeji picks up the pace, you spanking her ass so you two match Johnny and Julie, both couples working hard to see who can fuck the hardest. You two spread their cheeks, pushing their bodies down and sucking their perky tits while pounding them from down low.
"OH MY GOD, HOLY FUCK!" Yeji moans as you pound her. Julie quickly moves to the next challenge, letting Johnny take her in the ass too after you opened it up first, showing why she's the next anal queen in town. Finally, Giselle is rimming the hell out of Danny, getting him ready for his turn to finally fuck her ass.
"FUCK THAT ASS LIKE THAT," Julie begs as Danny stuffs her butt. You do the same but to Yeji's pussy, pounding it harder than ever and then letting her bounce hard. "I want you to stretch that big fat ass," Giselle tells Danny, turning around as she stuffs his 10-inch monster up her butt like a pro, riding it in reverse cowgirl and giving him the best possible angle of her big fat butt getting impaled.
"YES, BABY, STRETCH MY ASS, SHIT, THAT FUCKING DICK IS SO BIG," Giselle moans as Danny pumps her ass upward. "FUCK, I LOVE IT SO MUCH, AHHHHH," she moans as Danny's pounding quickly makes her lose her breath. "FUCK, FILL ME WITH THAT BIG DICK," Giselle begs.
Yeji and Julie switch partners; the Itzy girl is now bouncing her pussy on Johnny's cock while you impale Julie's pussy, wrapping your arms around the Hawaiian girl and fucking her pussy as she twerks nonstop on your cock. Giselle lies on the couch, letting Danny pound her in her favorite position, prone bone.
"I NEED YOUR FUCKING COCK IN MY ASS, PLEASE, PLEASE," Giselle begs as Danny stuffs her asshole one more time, using her big butt as a pillow while landing his hard thrusts. "OH MY GOD, I LOVE, USE ALL MY FUCKING HOLES, TREAT ME LIKE A FUCKING SLUT, I'M THE BEST WHORE YOU'LL EVER FIND," Giselle tells him as Danny takes turns between her ass and her pussy.
"DESTROY ME, PLEASE," Giselle continues to beg as Danny keeps pounding. Back to you, Julie now deepthroats your cock, tasting her wet cunt from it and bobbing her head on your massive pole while Yeji continues to ride Johnny. Julie shows you how nasty she can be, getting down on the floor and tonguing your asshole as you jerk your cock off, sending you to the heavens. "FUCKKKK," you groan as Julie's magic tongue hits your anus, sweeping it to the fullest, her twerking her ass while eating yours.
"GIVE ME MORE OF THAT BIG FUCKING DICK," Giselle begs as her prone bone session keeps going. Yeji grabs Johnny's cock, letting him be the first to take her in the ass. Meanwhile, you pin Julie against the couch and give her a hard mating press as you top her tiny body, destroying her big butt as all three girls now compete to see who can get fucked the best in their asses.
"YEAH, YEAH, YEAH, PLEASE GIVE ME ALL," Julie begs as you pound her ass hard. "YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CUM, OHHHHH, FUCK," she keeps screaming as your balls clap her cheeks hard. Danny spanks Giselle's butt hard, choking her as he now switches to her pussy. Meanwhile, your anal destruction of Julie just ramps up, her asshole getting used like a fleshlight as your cock fucks it balls deep.
The sounds of their three butts getting spanked fill the room as the anal pounding of Yeji, Giselle, and Julie continues, each girl's cheeks turning redder and redder. Julie gets even nastier as you let her stop to taste her ass from your cock before her little body ducks under your legs and tongues your anus one more time. "You're getting good at this," you tell her, fucking her face as a reward.
Giselle squirts all over the couch as you and Johnny swap partners once again, you taking your cock right from Julie's ass back to your favorite hole: Yeji's meaty pussy. "Damn, he spanked you really good," you say to her as you notice her very red cheeks. Julie does to Johnny what she did to you, showing her evolving rimming skills on his asshole this time.
"Go fuck her," Danny tells Johnny as they swap Giselle and Julie between themselves, while you attack Yeji's cunt at full speed, sucking her perky tits while she creams all over your cock. Julie moves in Giselle's direction, sitting on her face and suffocating Gigi with her fat ass as she watches Johnny fuck her.
Meanwhile, Yeji is about to get her air taken out once again.
"OH SHIT, THAT DICK IS SO BIG!" Yeji screams hard as Danny's monster cock finds its way into her ass. You and he work in perfect sync, fucking her holes together to perfection right from the start, giving her the pounding she deserves. "Is that what you want for your party, isn't it?" you ask Yeji as she gets double stuffed.
"OH FUCK, OH MY GOD, OH SHIT, THESE COCKS ARE SO FUCKING BIG" is all Yeji can say as she gets her pussy and ass destroyed at the same time, just ducking her head and bracing herself for the wreckage your cock and Danny's impose in her holes. "OH GOD DAMN IT, OH SHITTTT," Yeji screams again as both girls enjoy her getting double penetrated. "Yes, destroy her," Julie says as he watches. Meanwhile, Johnny is having a good time just switching between Giselle's already heavily stretched-out holes nonstop, surveying to see which one he can go deeper.
Julie gets taken by surprise as Danny switches from Yeji's ass into hers, becoming the first one to take on all three assholes. You quickly fill the void, taking your cock on Yeji's ass while Julie gets spit-roasted. "Let's destroy this fucking asshole," Danny tells her. "OH FUCK," Julie screams.
"You're such a fucking bitch," Johnny tells Giselle, hitting her face as he fucks her ass. Julie gets in the couch, Danny pounding her in a spooning position while you drag Yeji around. "OH MY GOD, IT'S SO HUGE, YES," Julie screams as she gets her ass pounded from behind.
"GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE IT TO ME," Yeji begs as she gets on all fours as you hand her to Johnny to fuck her ass next, turning your attention to Giselle for the first time. You quickly show your prowess, choking Gigi and attacking her ass with fast-paced thrusts. Johnny pins Yeji against the couch, mounting on top of her while Danny keeps drilling Julie with his big dick. "OH GOD DAMN IT," Yej screams as she gets pounded like crazy.
Back to you, Giselle kneels down and becomes the final girl to have a taste of your asshole. "If you want me to fuck your asshole more, you better taste mine," you tell her as Giselle quickly obliges and goes down that dirty hole with her tongue.
As Johnny feeds his cock for Yeji to taste, you let Giselle mount on top of yours, taking her pussy first. "Twerk on that dick," you ask her with a little spank on her big butt, Gigi obliging as she is soon riding it like a maniac, you enjoying her bouncing on your cock while Johnny drills Yeji by your side. "OH FUCK ME LIKE THAT," the party host screams as he does a number in her ass.
Giselle's hard bounces on your cock are like an earthquake; she's really strong, and her cheeks hit hard against your crotch every time she takes your full length deep in her cunt. "GIVE IT TO ME, BABY," Giselle begs, matching your thrusts with bounces of her own. By your side, Yeji turns into a squirting machine, fingering her cunt as Johnny pounds it while groping her perky tits, her legs shaking. "ME ME CUM, OH MY GOD, YEAHHHH," Yeji screams, Julie right there to taste the juices erupting from her cunt.
You and Danny decide to do more teamwork, double stuffing Giselle this time. "FUCK, TWO BIG DICKS INSIDE ME, I LOVE IT," Gigi screams as she becomes subject to the same hard DP you two gave Yeji earlier in the night. "AHHHH FUCK, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, THESE COCKS ARE SO FUCKING HUGE," Giselle screams.
"Don't back down; take those fucking cocks balls deep, you big ass bitch," you tell Giselle as you and Danny increase the pace inside her fuckholes, pumping her like a pair of pistons. "USE MY FUCKING HOLES," Giselle begs as the DP gets more and more intense, both you and Danny grabbing her neck.
Meanwhile, Johnny is in heaven, having the four holes of two girls at his disposal. "Fuck her, Johnny," Yeji tells him as Julie stacks her juicy booty on top of her body; Johnny happily obliges, switching between Yeji's butt and Julie's nonstop. "AHHHH FUCK," Julie screams, shaking her ass as she gets pounded, Yeji smiling as she watches.
"Feed me that cock, let me taste that ass," Yeji says as Johnny gives her his cock, Yeji bobbing her head all over it like usual and giving him the lube he needs to fuck Julie's big ass. By their side, Guselle gets spit-roasted, impaling her face on your cock while Danny spanks her big ass and fucks her pussy, putting her arms behind her back. "Eat my ass too, you fucking bitch," you tell Giselle, moving your body for her to rim your asshole.
Julie twerks on top of Johnny, Yeji coming in to get his cock wet from time to time and get her face fucked. "GULP, GULP, GULP, GULP," the sound comes out of Yeji's mouth, Julie turning her face around to watch. "Suck that dick," she commands, enjoying Yeji's face getting impaled before shoving that prick straight into Julie's ass. "OH MY GOD," Julie screams, as Yeji doesn't go for long without a cock to play with, Danny plugging her ass next.
"You fucking cock is so fucking huge," Yeji says as Danny takes the air out of her. On the other side, you're mounting on top of Giselle, destroying her fat ass with powerful thrusts. Each girl now does what he does best: Giselle getting pounded from behind, Julie twerking on Johnny's cock, and Yeji deepthroating Danny's 10-inch meat.
"FUCK, THAT'S SO AMAZING, USE ME LIKE A FUCKING WHORE," Giselle begs as you destroy her ass with all your strength, your cock attacking it nonstop and turning her into your personal anal fleshlight, her big butt getting clapped like crazy as you top her like a raging bull. "Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm," you groan. "I wanna fuck that ass for the rest of my life," you tell her.
You give Giselle a little break and watch her go insane, her taking Johnny and bobbing her head on his cock. "Looks like she's cock-drunk," you say, watching the scene unfold as Giselle suddenly lifts him up and sucks his cock up in the air before flipping him upside down. "WHAT IS SHE DOING?" Julie asks, giggling. "GIGI, ARE YOU CRAZY?" Yeji asks her, baffled at what she's seeing, the two then diving to take on his cock too.
"Oh my God, Gigi is a champ," Julie says as the girls watch her get cock-drunk on Johnny before taking some turns themselves. You feed your cock to Yeji, giving her privileged first dibs on tasting Giselle's ass while Danny goes for another round on it, taking the Japanese girl in a spooning position. "OH FUCK," Gselle screams as his big cock is back inside her sore ass.
"FUCK, FUCK, YOU'RE DESTROYING MY ASS, GOD DAMN IT, YOU'RE FUCKING ME SO GOOD." Giselle screams as Danny claps her cheeks hard. On the other side, you continue your raging bull spree, mounting on top of Yeji this time. "AHHHHHH," the party host screams, your cock feeling too big for her tiny little ass sometimes despite all her experience. You take turns fucking her ass and her face, being rough at all times.
"God, I love your dick," Giselle tells Danny as he keeps fucking her. Meanwhile, you go all-in to tame the wild wolf Yeji, giving her the same anal mating press you gave Julie early on, but this time pushing even harder. "FUCK, FUCK, OH MY GOD, IT'S SO DEEP, YOU'RE PUSHING IT SO HARD," Yeji screams, her face turning redder and redder at each thrust. "YOU KEEP TAKIN' ALL OF MY AIR, AHHH, AHHH, AHHH," she moans as your anal invasion of her continues, as you can't slow yourself, pumping her ass 258 times.
The more Yeji loses her sight, the harder you fuck her; she's nothing but your fucktoy, as you put her feet up in the air and let Julie use it to muffle her moans as Johnny gets back in her ass. "Smack that cock against my face; I love it so much," Giselle begs Danny as he uses his meat as a stick to shove it all over her face. "Choke me too," she continues to beg as he shoves it down her throat as well.
Yeji, Giselle, and Julie's faces turn redder and redder, but they can't stop sucking cock. You grab Julie's face now, making her deepthroat your meat. "Get on the floor," you tell her. But Julie decides to do something better, stacking her body on top of Giselle's as both girls present their big asses for your wet cock. Meanwhile, Yeji takes on Johnny, riding his cock all by herself.
Julie twerks her ass in anticipation, shaking it as she stays on top of Giselle, their holes already heavily stretched out but ready for more, as their assholes wink for you. "AHHHHH," Julie screams as you pound her butt first, attacking it relentlessly before switching to Giselle's. The two girls moan and scream, as your anal rampage makes them see stars.
"OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!" Julie screams when her next turn arrives. You then go back to Giselle, clapping her cheeks hard and making her scream. Then back to Julie. "Shake your ass, slut," you tell her as Julie bounces on top of Giselle.
"OH FUCKKKK," Yeji screams as she squirts on the couch with Johnny fingering her cunt as he fucks her ass. You keep taking turns between Julie's and Giselle's fat asses, both girls begging you to fuck them even harder. Julie pleads to god while Giselle screams about the size of your dick as you keep pounding their asses.
While you keep having fun with Giselle and Julie's butts, Danny and Johnny turn their attention to Yeji, double stuffing her for the second time in the night. "OH SHIT, DON'T STOP," Yeji screams as she gets double penetrated on the couch again. "OH MY GOD, ALL THAT FUCKING COCK STRETCHING ME OUT," she moans. "YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING BIG," she keeps screaming.
"Make her go airtight," Giselle tells you as you switch back to Yeji, feeding your cock into her mouth. "AIRTIGHT, AIRTIGHT, AIRTIGHT," the other girls clap their hands and chant as Yeji gets stuffed in all her holes. "Take all this cock, you fucking bitch," you tell Yeji.
As Yeji's DP session comes to an end, you sit on the couch, Julie going back to rim your ass. "You really like that asshole, don't you?" you ask Julie as she ducks down. "Come back up," you tell Julie, sticking your cock back in her pussy and letting her show you the power of her twerking, bouncing her ass hard on your cock.
"Come here, Danny; her asshole is begging for more cock," you tell one of your friends, who promptly obliges and sticks his cock on Julie's wide-open butthole, making her the final girl to join the DP fun. "FUCKKKK," Julie screams as both your cocks pump her like a piston, clinging to Giselle's tits in her sight while both her holes get destroyed.
"FUCK ME LIKE THAT, HARDER, DON'T STOP," Julie begs as she gets double stuffed. "How do these cocks feel?" Giselle asks her. "SO FUCKING AMAZING, Julie answers, screaming as both of you stuff your cocks all the way deep in her. "OH MY GOD, YOU FUCK ME SO HARD, I'M NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO SHIT FOR A WEEK," she screams as the pounding only gets harder. "Take those dicks; show them you're an anal and DP queen," Giselle pushes her as Julie starts rolling her eyes, her holes getting sore as both your cocks attack them hard, more so than you ever did to Yeji and Giselle.
Julie's DP is over, but you guys still want more. "We aren't finished with you yet," Danny says, spanking her ass. "You said we aren't gonna shit for a week; how about we make it a month?" you tell her, letting Danny start first for another round of rough anal pounding. "OH MY GOD, THAT DICK IS SO FUCKING BIG, AHHHH," Julie screams as Danny sticks his 10-inch prick balls deep in her.
"She's got such a nice asshole; no wonder you guys want to fuck it so hard," Giselle says. "You want more dick in there?" she asks Julie. "Yes," Julie answers as you're next to take a turn in her asshole, giving your characteristic mounting on top of her. "OH MY GOD, FUCKKK," Julie screams. "She really wants some dick," Giselle says, as she also watches Yeji get pounded in her pussy while Johnny chokes her.
"FUCK, THAT DICK IS SO GOOD," Julie screams as you keep pounding her. "GIVE ME MORE, POUND THAT PUSSY," Yeji begs to Johnny as well. Giselle giggles as she watches both her friends get fucked hard. "AHHHHH, AHHHH, AHHHHH," you turn Julie into a screaming machine, showing no mercy for her asshole, knocking her out of breath. "OH MY GOD, ALL THAT DICK IN MY ASS, IT'S SO LONG, IT'S SO BIG, OH FUCK," Julie screams as you wreck her asshole, toying with her massive gape. "FUCK, YES, YES, YES," she begs.
Giselle gets back into action as she sits on Johnny's cock. But you suddenly hit her by surprise. "OH SHIT, OH SHIT, SHIT, SHIT," she screams as you go from one big ass to another, sticking your cock in her butthole for another round of DP. "Fuck, I was so tired to be that anchor guy; I need to pound some ass too," you tell her as you carry your hard pounding of Julie into her.
"THAT'S IT, THAT'S IT, GOD, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, I LOVE GETTING TWO COCKS INSIDE ME AT THE SAME TIME," Giselle screams as you clap her cheeks hard, Johnny barely moving in her pussy as you do all the action, while Yeji watches.
"How about we do some riding competition next?" Yeji asks the girls after you and Johnny finish double stuffing Giselle. After the trio bends over on the floor a little to suck more cock and eat more ass, Yeji is the first to jump, ready to ride your cock in her ass as you spank her butt. "You really missed it, didn't you?" you ask her. "Oh definitely, she answers.
"Oh Jesus, put it in me, oh fuck," Yeji begs as she lets you pump her from down low, fingering her cunt while you grope her tits. "OH MY GOD, I LOVE THAT COCK, she moans. Giselle is next, riding on Danny's pole, then Julie as she takes on Johnny. The girls alternate between bouncing on the trio of cocks and getting pumped from down low, competing to see who can move faster and squirt the hardest. Yeji takes a little time to deepthroat your cock, almost making you cum, while Julie and Giselle bounce hard on the other guys.
It's been nearly an hour, and the girls are really exhausted at this point, but you keep pumping, attacking Yeji's ass as if things had just started. Julie twerks on Johnny's cock, getting her asshole stuffed one more time. "FUCKKK," Yeji screams as she's the next girl to feel the wrath of your cock when it comes to fucking an asshole, just floating in the air while she gets her guts rearranged by your monster meat. Meanwhile, Giselle takes Danny in her pussy but lets him first in her stretched-out butthole while she rides his prick.
"OH GOD," Yeji screams as you clearly seem to be the most committed of the three guys to ass-fucking all the girls until they are sore. After a while, the girls keep taking a break, but you only transfer your wrath from Yeji's ass to her face, fucking it hard before finally letting her lick your balls. Everybody seems to be on their last legs except for you, showing formidable stamina to pound the party host's asshole, putting Yeji in a spooning position for one more round of drilling.
"MAKE ME SCREAM, BABY, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, DAMN IT, YES," Yeji screams and curses as you pound her ass nonstop, her cheeks redder than ever. You then switch to her pussy, pushing her body in your direction and continuing the fucking, her getting out of air the longer you fuck her.
"Let's go to the floor for one last round," Giselle tells the girls. Julie is the first to take it, getting on all fours on the floor as she lets Johnny fuck her ass. Giselle is next, getting on her favorite prone bone position. Yeji is busy with your balls for a bit but finally follows them.
The three girls get pounded side by side on the floor. They have taken so much cock over the past hour their entire bodies are red after screaming and moaning for so long. You three are also very close to cumming, barely able to hold it for long.
"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, YES, YES, YES, FUCK OUR ASSES, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!" the girls scream together. "Where should we cum?" you ask them. "How about you cum all over our host Yeji?" Giselle asks.
"YEJI, YEJI, YEJI," Giselle and Julie start to chant as the guys finish fucking and point their cocks towards the Itzy leader and soon-to-be soloist. She licks Johnny's balls and soon makes him become the first to blast his load in her face. "Feed me with that fucking cum," Yeji says as he glazes her face, letting Julie and Giselle taste his cock afterward. You come next, delivering a bullseye cumshot to Yeji that spills into Julie, Danny finishing with a strong cumshot that spills into Giselle's face.
"Share with us," Giselle and Julie ask Yeji as they stare at her bukkaked face. Yeji happily obliges, letting them clean her cum-filled face while she kisses them, you guys watching and enjoying the scene between the three.
The party is finally over; each girl heads back to their home. As Julie and Giselle embark on their group's tours, Yeji prepares the final touches of her solo, not seeing you for many months until she finally gets to hold her debut showcase and spots you.

"I missed you," you tell her.
"Let's pick up right where we left off. I want you takin' all of my air," she says.
#yeji smut#giselle smut#julie smut#itzy smut#aespa smut#kiss of life smut#female idol smut#girl group smut#kpop smut#male reader smut#Spotify
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pairing: okkotsu yuuta x idol!f!reader
tags: noncon, stalking, yandere, breaking in, unreliable narrator (mostly yuuta pov), aged up charas (yuuta’s in his 20s), solo male masturbation, squirting, breeding/pregnancy talk/baby trapping, multiple orgasms, overstim, cunnilingus, fingering, yuuji makes a short guest appearance in the intro lol
wc: ~8.6k (... idk how this happened)
summary: Yuuta’s oshi is a horrible enabler.
a/n: happy belated birthday yuuta! atp you can rip underground idol!reader from my cold dead hands. based off of a post i made a while ago. thank you @infinitatis-ink for beta reading :> dividers by @/adornedwithlight
ao3 link here
It’s not Yuuta’s usual scene, but he felt bad when nobody responded to Yuuji’s invitation to spend a night out in Shinjuku. In Yuuta’s defense, he thought they would maybe go to an izakaya or two, get a meal and a few drinks before heading home. However, what Yuuta was unable to predict was Yuuji deciding to go to an idol show on the fly. Yuuji was practically begging him to go, making promises that it’ll be a lot of fun. And when words don’t work, Yuuji grabs Yuuta by the wrist and leads him to the venue despite his protests.
So that’s how Yuuta finds himself in a random basement venue crowded with sweaty guys on a Saturday night. Again, not necessarily his idea of a night out. But Yuuta’s a good sport, so he’ll do his best to enjoy the show anyways.
What starts as a murmur bursts into a boisterous cheer as soon as the stage lights flash on. It’s radiant, nearly blinding. It’s not the lights that sear a black hole into his vision. No, it’s you.
In that fluffy costume that makes you look like a slice of cake personified. The way your skirt bounces exemplifies the pep in your step as you make your way around the stage. Your eyes meet his as you wave into the crowd, and he thinks he’s having a heart attack.
“Good evening everyone! We really hope you enjoy the show we have in store for you tonight!” you speak into the mic, exuding a blissful aura like it's second nature. Yuuta swears he can feel it embrace him, the first warm ray of sunlight you feel after a barren winter.
The crowd roars in response before quieting down. The silence only serves to spur the anticipation drumming throughout his body, his heart beating loudly in his ears, catching in his throat.
The instrumental starts with a sweet chiptune lead, and all hell breaks loose. The rhythmic chants and clapping nearly blow out his ear drums, and he loses Yuuji in the chaos of fans rushing closer to the stage. It’s disorienting, trying to follow along while not losing his sights on you.
He moves along with the crowd, ebbs and flows like the ocean’s waves. No matter how much he’s pushed, he’s focused on you. Once he finds his footing, it gets a bit easier. It lets him focus on other things, like learning your name through the fan chants. It’s a cute one, one he savors on his tongue whenever he yells along with the crowd as you sing.
With every step, every graceful note that spills from your lips, he can only feel himself falling deeper. It’s like you’re a siren, and him, the unfortunate sailor who’s all too willing to walk to his demise. He yells and cheers even louder in his trance, just to see if you’ll grace him with another look.
And you do.
It’s brief but you look right at him again for the second time tonight, with a dazzling smile that puts the sun to shame.
How can he keep your attention? Maybe he should’ve stopped by and bought a lightstick or two before coming in.
Song after song after song, he roots for you with a frenzied energy he didn’t know he had in him. It’s a battle against his parched throat to force the words out and really make sure you can hear him. Every time you look his way, he feels electric. It’s like static, all his hair standing on edge like he’s rubbed a balloon and your gaze is the point of contact that zaps you both.
Before he knows it, the show’s over. It’s far too soon for his liking. Even though it was Yuuji’s idea, Yuuta’s really warmed up to the whole thing–far more enthusiastically than he thought he’d ever be, so much so he’s tallying the number of times you looked his way.
Six. Six times he’s felt that electricity run through him, six times you’ve made him catch his breath and nearly choke on it. Did you feel it too? There’s no way you didn’t. He could see it in the way your eyes sparkled, in the smile that was hand-delivered to him. It’s too many times to be a coincidence.
Yuuta only manages to snap out of his trance when all the lights turn back on and Yuuji slings his arm around him.
“Sorry I lost ya earlier,” Yuuji apologizes, out of breath, presumably from dancing and chanting with the wotas, “how was it?”
“It was,” he pauses for a moment, “fun.”
“See, I told you it’d be fun!” Yuuji beams at the confession. “You wanna get chekis?”
“Yeah, like a picture with one of the girls. I already know who I’m choosing tonight!” Yuuji pats Yuuta on the back, a friendly gesture Yuuta returns in kind. “But since you don’t know the members, you can just choose a color. Doesn’t really matter.”
It doesn’t really matter, he said, but it really does. Because if Yuuta chose differently he never would have been able to meet you.
So once he gets to the front of the line, he points at the laminated picture of you.
It shouldn’t be this overwhelming. Idols are normal people too. It’s a lot more obvious with underground idols, in the dingy live venues they book, in the way they stumble over their words on stage or occasionally forget a dance move or lyric. There’s appeal in the imperfect, a diamond in the rough.
But that’s the thing, you still shine bright, blindingly so.
As Yuuta walks up to you, his nerves only get worse. His senses are running on overdrive taking you in, in all your ruffly glory. Something sweet and floral hits his nostrils as he breathes in. He didn’t consider you’d be wearing perfume. It’s the right amount – just enough to whet the palate and bite his tongue in fear of saying something wrong.
He thinks he’s seeing things when he’s barely an arms width away from you, and everything about you seems to sparkle.
You look giddy when he gets up to you, a large smile plastered on your face with open arms as if you’re reuniting with an old friend.
Is he supposed to hug you?
While he hesitates, you’re quick to close the distance, wrapping your arms around his waist. Yuuta carefully does the same to you, doing his best to not implode on the spot. When you let go, he’s flushed in the face and has to think about something else to calm himself down.
“Ah! I haven’t seen you around,” you ask with your hands behind your back and eyes wandering like you’re examining him, “you’re new here, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah, you could say that,” he says. The room feels ten degrees hotter.
“What’s your name?”
“Yuuta…” you repeat carefully, as if you’re tasting it on your lips, “Cute name for a cute guy. Is it ok if I call you Yuu-tan?” You look at him with this doe-eyed expression that makes his chest taut.
When you say it like that, with your eyes glimmering under the stage lights, how could he say no? Yuuta’s stumbling over his words, babbling like an idiot before he’s finally able to get out a meek, “sure.”
You seem to like that, your face lighting up with pure glee.
“Alright Yuu-tan, what kind of pose did you have in mind?”
He absolutely did not think this far ahead. He has to tell himself to calm down, breathe in, breathe out, before asking, “what kind of poses do you usually do?”
“Mmm… Hearts are pretty common I’d say.” You gently grab his hand and the softness of your skin triggers alarm bells in his head. He’s in danger. “But since it’s your first time, how about we do something special?”
You say it in a way that has him blushing harder – first times.
“S-special?” he repeats.
Carefully, you wrap your arms around his waist. Softer than when you first grabbed him. Like there’s a gentle affection weaved within your embrace.
Your face is pressed against his chest. It’s enough for his breathing to shorten, to be far too aware of the pressure you place on him.
With an innocent pout you look at him, softly reassuring him, “Just pretend I’m like your girlfriend or something.”
You’re close–too close. And this whole situation is just too much for him. There’s no escape from you–your smell, your warmth, the softness of your skin.
“Do you have a girlfriend, Yuu-tan?” you ask, leaning into him more.
Did he hear you right? Every time you talk it feels like you do so with the express purpose of stealing the air from his lungs. But still, there’s no way that’s what you asked him. Right?
“I said,” you purr into his ear before repeating your question, “do you have a girlfriend, Yuu-tan?”
So, he did hear you right. Now he’s scrambling again for an answer, blood pumping so hard he can hear it steadily pulsing in his ears.
“Then you can think of me as yours!” you exclaim, far too easily. It echoes like a clocktower’s bell at noon. If he listens close enough, he swears he can hear the notes of a wedding march.
The only anchor that can bring him back down to Earth is a tug on his shirt, a whisper of your touch against his chest. When his eyes meet yours, he’s starstruck. The glitter around your eyes only serves to make his heart beat faster, how it sparkles and makes you look even sweeter.
“Alright, look at the camera for me, okay?”
So he does. You get in position too, soft lips pressing against his flushed cheek. It happens too quickly for him to react, and with a countdown from three and a flash, the picture’s taken.
You’re quick to sign the polaroid, and Yuuta can barely get a look at what you’re writing before you finish.
“Hold it carefully, ok? The ink can smudge,” you instruct him, gently passing over the picture. “And don’t shake it! The whole shake it like a polaroid thing is a myth.”
He silently takes the picture in his hand, carefully taking it in. You’re able to fit a decent amount on the picture. In the top left corner, “To my beloved Yuu-tan,” and in the bottom right, “Thank you for coming!”
“I hope you’ll come back again,” you say sheepishly, a bit like a girl who just confessed to their crush on the school rooftop.
“O-Of course!” Yuuta’s practically forcing the words out of his words, doing his best not to choke.
“Pinky promise?” You lay out your pinky for him, waiting expectantly. Yuuta, on the other hand, is struggling to recollect himself.
“Mmhm.” He brings his pinky over to yours, and you wrap around each other’s fingers. Yuuta thinks it’s just that until you bring your hand back to kiss your thumb.
“Seal it with a kiss?” you ask with an innocent smile.
You don’t repeat yourself, simply look at him in a way that makes his cheeks red. After a moment, Yuuta repeats the motion, nearly shaking as he brings both of your hands closer to his lips before kissing his thumb.
By the time he finds the courage to look you in the eyes, he’s sure there’s steam coming out of his ears. His gaze shifts down, but darts back up as soon as he hears you giggle.
“You promised! No take-backsies. I don’t like broken promises.” You pout before breaking back into that picture perfect smile of yours. “Thanks for coming by, Yuu-tan!”
– The post concert dress down is the same as usual. Struggling to get out of polyester costumes clinging to your skin from sweat, doing your best to fold your ruffled layered skirt into a manageable mass and failing the first couple of times. It’s a routine you’ve gotten used to.
What you’re not used to, is receiving a warning from one of your groupmates.
“Hey.” Your group leader stands over you as you attempt to continue packing your costume away. “You've gotta be a bit more careful.”
You look up at her with a raised brow, taking in her disappointed expression. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she relents, her tone becoming more annoyed than disappointed.
So this is what you think it’s about. But it really isn’t any of her concern. You haven’t had any problems until now, so what’s the harm in continuing? If anything, she should be grateful. If you were to crunch the numbers, you’re sure you bring in a decent amount of fans by playing up the girlfriend experience schtick. And not just any type of fans – devoted ones. Those that return to night after night to spend a minute of their time with you. Those that would empty out their wallets at a snap of your fingers.
If you were to be honest with yourself, you like the power you hold. There’s a thrill that rushes to your head when your fans are stumbling over their words, stringing along a response for the sole purpose of pleasing you. But there’s no way you’d ever admit that to her. She just wouldn’t get it.
You let out a deep sigh. “It’s fine! This type of crowd is harmless. I’m just trying to do my job, you know.”
“You’re going to attract some crazies if you keep going down this path.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You shrug her off as you finally fit your costume into your luggage, swiftly zipping it close before it has the chance to recoil.
“Hey.” She grasps your shoulder to grab your attention. “Listen, I’m being serious,” she says, and there’s a genuine tinge of concern in her voice.
“Me too. I’m making us money. Good money. And if it means I have to bat my lashes and put on an act, then that’s what it is.”
She sighs, defeated. “Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
In the days after the concert, Yuuta falls into a rabbit hole. It’s just too easy – your group is pretty active on social media, trying and promoting just about anything that’ll stick. It starts simple enough with a livestream here and there. Just listening to you talk makes his heart all warm and fuzzy.
The longer he lurks and follows, the more he realizes just how many opportunities there are to take you in. You being an underground idol works in his favor. Desperation’s the name of the game, with you selling just about anything you can get your likeness on – signed polaroids, acrylic standees, can buttons, the list goes on.
Eventually, he’ll put in orders for those as well, but none of them replace the sensation of holding your hand in person, of your soft lips against his face.
At the end of the day, there’s no way you can’t see his devotion towards you. At this point he knows everything there is to know about you–through the selfies you post online, the memes you retweet, even the daily blog post where you write about your day.
There’s more than that as well. There’s an inherent intimacy he feels in the single shot chekis he orders as soon as the shop link drops on Twitter, in the comments he leaves on your livestreams, with the username you unknowingly gave him.
And in the short weeks he’s been following your account, he’s greeted with a rare chance encounter. A custom video, made by you, just for him. And though the price is probably hefty for what it is, he’s quick to seize the opportunity.
Sure, he’s burning a hole in his wallet. But how can he complain? When he can hear your sweet voice again, talking to him like he’s the only one in the room. It’s the closest thing he can get to seeing you for now. Things have just been so busy these days. He wonders how other sorcerers play the balancing act between dating and work.
But just a couple weeks later he gets an e-mail. He nearly jumps in his seat in his room when he sees the e-mail notification with the subject line “to my beloved yuu-tan~”.
His phone comes alive with you in frame, sitting in something different from your usual stage costume. Something cute, something that sends butterflies to his stomach and a blush to his cheeks. A comfy sweater that seems just a little bit too big for you, along with a matching skirt. The hem dangerously brushes against your upper thighs, and he has to make a considerable effort to draw his gaze back to your eyes.
The background is a simple white backdrop, and judging from the lighting situation, it’s probably something you filmed in your room. You’re filming this. In your room. Just for him. The thought is enough to make his heart race.
“Is this on?” Your finger taps on to the camera, face getting closer to the lens before moving back. Even when you’re clueless, you’re adorable. “Ah, it is.”
“Yuu-tan! Thanks for supporting me so much as you always have!~” Your voice is bright as always. The way your nickname for him dances on your tongue feels like a salve for even the most mortal of wounds.
“Your support is number one in my heart, you know. But Yuu-tan…”You drag out his name in a way that’s too much for him, and the way you pout up at the camera? This has to be attempted murder, he thinks. But he continues listening attentively. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. I miss you, I really do.” Your voice pulls on his heartstrings and makes him ridden with guilt. It genuinely pains him to hear you like this, his chest tightening at the sound. But then your voice lightens up, your expression brightens with the next words that slip past your lips, “you’ll come to the next show, won’t you?”
Yuuta finds himself nodding at his phone, as if you’ll be able to see his response if he’s enthusiastic enough. Yet, it’s as if you knew exactly how he’d reply.
“Alright, I’ll see you there then! This is a promise.” You lift your pinky up to the camera before pulling it back. “Oh wait, I don’t think I can do this through the camera, haha. Guess you’ll just have to finish it in person! Bye bye!” you sign off, and the video ends there, paused on your angelic smile.
Yuuta nearly breaks his phone replaying the video over and over again. It’s surprising the image of you hasn’t been burned onto his screen. But there’s one part in particular that’s his favorite.
It’s when you pout and disarmingly look up at the camera. Bat your eyelashes in just the right way to make him pitch a tent in his pants. That combined with the way you say his name, it’s no surprise the next thing he does is frantically search for the bottle of lube in one of his drawers.
What happens next, there’s no way you can fault him for it. All he can think about is how cute you are as he dispenses lube on to his right hand and unzips his pants with his left. Once his cock’s free, he groans as he palms himself, daydreaming about how you’d hold him. His other hand finds his phone, repeatedly going back to the same timestamp where you’re practically moaning for him.
He finds a rhythm, fast. Not just for jerking off, but looping your voice in a way that makes him light-headed. It just adds another layer to the image of you playing in his head. If he times it just right, he can pretend that slick wet sound of him fucking his hand is your sweet pussy instead. His pace gets faster, thinking about the other kinds of sounds he could wring from you.
You would moan so sweetly for him. He’d do everything in his power to make sure of it. He’s far from a selfish lover. He’d be sure to prep you beforehand, his hands tracing the curve of your body before delving into your underwear. Start a bit slow, teasing you into asking for more as he plays with your clit. He wonders what kind of expression you’d wear.
Maybe you’d be a bit shy. Maybe you’d be needy, desperate to ask him for more. Whatever’s the case it doesn’t matter, as long as he gets to hear your sweet voice.
Once he’s tested the waters he’d go faster, and he thinks about the heave of your chest, the short breaths you’d give him as you’re getting closer. Would you call him by his real name, or the nickname you’ve given him? He doesn’t really mind either way, but part of him hopes for the former. Regardless, the mental image of you cumming on his fingers along with your voice played on loop is enough to send him over the edge with a choked moan, hot ropes of his seed spilling from his slit. Yuuta’s body nearly gives out as he relaxes back into his chair, exhausted and out of breath.
“Alright, I’ll see you there then! This is a promise!” Your voice plays again through his phone as he finally comes down from his high.
So he steels himself. Tells himself that it doesn’t matter what the occasion is, he’ll make sure to go to the next live show, the one after, and the one after that. It’s a promise, after all.
The next time Yuuta goes to see you, he’s a bit more prepared. At least, that’s what he likes to tell himself.
In reality, he’s still just as nervous as the first time. While the video was nice, it just doesn’t hold a light to seeing you in person. Getting a waft of that sweet, floral perfume of yours as he approaches you, relishing at how the smell of the live venue just seems to disappear in your presence. Then there’s the ball that forms in his throat that he can’t swallow as he gets closer.
You light up as soon as you see him, star-bright.
“Yuu-tan!” you shuffle up to him with your arms outstretched for a hug, “I missed you!”
“I missed you too,” he says, and it feels like a weight’s been lifted off his chest. He brings you in closer, but feels a bit self conscious when he realizes just how tight you’re holding on to him. Tight enough that he can feel the curve of your tits pressed against him. Then he finds himself panicking and letting go.
“Did you have a good time at the show?” you ask, seemingly unphased by his internal plight.
”I did, I did,” he replies, nodding a bit too enthusiastically.
“I’m so happy you remembered our promise.”
”O-Of course.”
“What kind of pose did you want today?” Your expression softens as you put your hands behind your back and bend slightly, look up at him doe-eyed and curious.
After all he put into coming to the show, he’s stunned into silence. He had one in mind, but the idea simply melted as soon as he saw you. He can’t help it, it’s just what you do to him. He’s sure he’s making a fool out of himself again, and can feel it in the way his cheeks burn with embarrassment.
”Could you choose again?” he asks meekly.
“Hmm…” you muse, pouting dramatically and placing your chin in between your thumb and index finger. Yuuta waits with bated breath.
“Could you make a circle with your arms?” you say with a snap of your fingers.
”H-Huh? Sure.” He awkwardly follows your instructions, his fingertips meeting one another, miming the act of holding a large box against his chest.
You bend down and disappear from his vision, only to reappear between his arms.
“Boo!” you exclaim, palms faced outward with your fingers spread apart.
Yuuta’s startled. It isn’t that the act itself is scary, but the way you press against his chest and grin at him awakens a gnawing desire in his head. The lengths he would go to see you smile like this for him–just for him. By the time he’s shaking out the thoughts out his mind, he realizes you’ve been waiting for a response.
“Ah, you really scared me,” Yuuta jokes, feigning a scared expression to soothe his nerves.
“Hm? You think I’m scary, Yuu-tan?” you quip back, but then you’re pouting your lips, and the way the glitter glimmers under the stage lights makes it look like you’re going to cry.
It’s like you’ve pierced his heart, he swears he can feel it. Maybe with Cupid’s arrow. It seems like a side effect of this is becoming a blubbering mess every time he tries to speak.
“N-No, that’s not what I meant!”
“Don’t worry,” you giggle with a bright smile that soothes his heart, “I’m just messing with you.”
Gently, you adjust his position until his arms are wrapped tightly around your waist.
But when you press up against him, Yuuta thinks you’re approaching dangerous territory. Even with all the layers in your skirt, he swears he can make out the shape of your ass. It doesn’t help that you keep adjusting your position, brushing against his clothed cock multiple times over. All he can do is bite his tongue and hope that nothing comes to light.
“Yuu-tan, is this ok?” You look back at him with that innocent glimmer in your eyes.
”Y-Yeah, it’s perfect,” he replies, nearly biting his lip as he does so.
You give the cameraman the okay to take the picture, and with a countdown that feels longer than last time, the picture’s taken.
“You’ll come to the next show, right, Yuu-tan?”
“Of course.”
“Pinky promise?” You outstretch your pinky again, and this time, Yuuta’s swift on the uptake, wrapping his pinky around yours with more enthusiasm than last time. It’s such a simple gesture, but Yuuta is fond of promises and all they represent. Love intertwined in a simple hook of pinkies. The gentleness of your thumbs pressing against each other, the giggle that leaves your lips as you make a heart with your hands.
“Pinky promise,” he repeats with a gentle smile.
In the days that follow, Yuuta’s come to a realization.
Don’t get him wrong, seeing you perform is great and all, but his favorite moments with you are the intimate ones. The one on ones, the short and sweet conversations where he can tune out the rest of the world. And when he does the math, they’re too few and far between.
Simply put, he can’t wait for the next show. So, he forges his own opportunities. It’s just too easy to do when you post selfies of where you’re handing out flyers for the night. Part of him thinks your agency should be a little more conscious of internet safety, but then again he wouldn’t have been able to find out where you were if that were the case.
Thanks to your social media posts, it doesn’t take that long to find you. It’s busy in Shinjuku but it’s pretty easy to follow the endless trail of girls hanging out flyers. Even though you’re lined up with all the other idols, hostesses, and maids dressed to the nines to promote themselves, he could easily pick you out of the crowd. They just don’t hold a candle to you.
“Please come to our show!” you exclaim with a smile, waving the flyer and hoping the random man in front of you will take it. And for once, he does. So you look up. “Oh! Yuu-tan! What’re you doing here?”
Yuuta feels all warm and fuzzy at the mention of the pet name.
“Ah, I was just running some errands,” he says sheepishly.
“Really?” you ask back in a hushed whisper before breaking into a smile, “what a coincidence!”
Before you can comment any further, a man sneaks into your field of vision and interrupts the conversation, shyly waving his hand at you and asking for a flyer. Your eyes light up for a second before you turn to give him your attention.
“Please come to our show!” you casually hand over the flyer to the stranger with a smile.
Yuuta doesn’t like that.
For a split second, he thinks you should quit being an idol. But then the thought boomerangs back, sits and marinates as he considers it further.
Yeah. That might be a good idea.
“It was nice chatting with you Yuu-tan, but I really gotta get back to work.” You pout at him. It hits him differently this time. He almost mistakes it for guilt, but it’s not quite that. It’s not as surface level, gets deep under his skin like poison and spreads unease throughout his body.
“I’ll see you at the next show, Yuu-tan!” you send him off with a wave and a smile, one he thinks is too soon.
Yuuta waits for you to brand your pinky for him, but it never comes.
Disappointment. It’s disappointment.
He’s been a fool. You’re distracted by all these so-called fans that you can’t see what’s right in front of you. Worse of all, your agency is putting you up to it. He really thinks it’s time for you to quit.
So Yuuta waits.
For an idol, you lack a crucial sense of self-awareness. You don’t even notice when Yuuta follows behind you once you finish your shift. Even as the bustle of the city crowd quiets down as you make your way to your agency building on a random side street, you don’t notice he’s trailing behind. Imagine how much danger you’d be in if some crazy fan were to follow you. You’re lucky to have Yuuta there for you, he just needs to make you see it too.
He almost loses you when you leave the agency building in much more normal and muted. He nearly has to stop himself from drooling at the sight of it. He can see it so clearly, the image of you wearing it on a date with him. Maybe it’d be at a cafe, somewhere he can see you laugh and smile with him as he feeds you an intricate, overpriced slice of cake. But before he gets too lost in his imagination, Yuuta shakes it off and resolves himself to continue following you.
The longer he follows you, the more Yuuta starts to feel invisible. You don’t notice him when he’s right behind you at the turnstill. When he follows you through all the twists and turns of the station, hell, even when he’s three spots behind you in line for the train. The lack of self-preservation is stunning, he thinks. More than that, how could you not notice your number one fan, your boyfriend, putting in all this effort to make sure nobody hurt you? But it doesn’t matter–soon enough you won’t have to worry about that.
You step off the train after a few stops, and Yuuta’s always behind you, not that you’re aware. The rush of people leaving the train is enough to help him blend in, but once you leave the station he adds some slack to the distance.
Another fifteen minutes of walking and he’s there, watching from a distance as you unlock your apartment and go inside.
Yuuta waits a minute before approaching the unit you just walked into. The lock to your apartment isn’t anything he can’t break through, and with a pointed blast of cursed energy, the lock breaks with a quiet snap. He makes a note to himself to tell you to get a better place.
Then again, it’d be best if you just lived with him anyways. He’d take care of anything, everything, as long as it’s for you.
The door creaks just a little as he opens it slowly, careful not to disturb you.
The apartment is cramped, narrow halls made even smaller by the coats you have hanging on wall hooks, but just down the corridor he can see your living room. Calmly, he takes off his shoes and places them down neatly next to yours before quietly walking over. You aren’t there.
He backtracks to where the hallway splits, approaching the bedroom door. It’s slightly ajar, tantalizing like a bow on top of a present. It’s as if you were expecting him.
When he pushes the door open with a slight tap, Yuuta’s greeted by a half naked figure. You were probably in the middle of undressing. He takes a moment to mentally thank whatever higher up there gave him the blessing of perfect timing.
“Get out of my apartment!” you yell, throwing whatever you can at him, but it doesn’t seem to do any damage. He walks casually towards you, even as you tremble. He doesn’t understand why you’re shaking, but he knows he can fix it. You have nothing to worry about, everything will be better now that he’s here.
His expression softens as soon as you look him in the eyes.
“Hey, hey, it’s just me,” Yuuta coos.
“Y-Yuu-tan?” you ask, voice out of breath from thrashing around, “what are you doing here?” your voice drops in a way that he hasn’t heard before. It’s intimate, he thinks.
“I’ve been worried about you,” he says, a tenderness wrapped in his words.
“Worried?” you ask in the softest tone he’s ever heard. It endears him.
“Yeah. You didn’t pinky promise me today.”
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You usually pinky promise me before you say bye. But you were so distracted today.”
There’s a brief pause, but it feels like it lasts a lifetime. Yuuta studies your expression, one he doesn’t recognize. When your eyes meet his, he takes it as a sign to explain himself further.
“And it’s not just that. During your lives, I see you looking at other guys and it really hurts me,” his voice softens, his chest tightening at the confession. He notices the tears falling down your face, and scrambles to make it better. “But you don’t need to do any of this anymore. You have me,” he says with a hand against his heart.
It doesn’t seem to help as your barely contained cries become louder.
“Yuu-tan, you’re scaring me,” you confess.
He tilts his head.
“I don’t think I’ve said anything scary?”
Another pause. He waits for an answer but isn’t given one he wants as you run for the door. It’s a losing game to run from him, his body quick to shield you from the door, his hand tightly wrapping around your wrist.
“Why are you running?” he asks, genuine hurt in his voice.
“Because you’re scaring me, Yuu-tan,” you reply, voice trembling.
“I’m not trying to be scary, I just want to be a good boyfriend for you,” he whispers softly against your ear, and to prove his point, his hand grazes your thigh, traveling further until his fingers hook around the waistband of your underwear. “Make you feel good like you’ve done for me,” he says breathlessly.
“N-No, I don’t want this, please,” you beg.
Your words are rearranged by the time they hit his ears. For all intents and purposes, all he hears is “I want this, please” and that’s all he needs to kiss you. It’s soft for a moment, but then it’s as if something snapped inside him.
There’s no patience behind it; he’s waited so long after all. He kisses like his time with you is sand trickling down an hourglass and he’s on his last grains. All groans and grasping at your cheeks to keep you with him, hot and heavy.
“Y-Yuu-tan, please,” you plead shakily.
There’s something at the end of your words he doesn’t catch, but he’s all too willing to give you what you want, especially when you’re asking so nicely.
Your breathing quickens as his hand presses down on your legs so you can’t escape. Yuuta’s hand gingerly traces up your thigh until he gets to your underwear. The soft breath you let out when he brushes over your clit sends blood rushing straight down to his cock.
His tongue brushes against the cotton fabric of your underwear, a cute moan leaving your lips, just for him. It’s what he’s been craving to hear, the subject of all his sweetest dreams and basest fantasies, and it’s better than he could have ever imagined. Now that he has it, he needs more.
There’s no warning, no tact to his movements, he can’t hold himself back any longer. There's only pure, unadulterated desperation with every stroke of his tongue against your underwear until he finally pulls the fabric to the side.
When your hand grasps his hair, he’s taken by surprise but he doesn’t dislike it. He indulges you and even lets out a throaty moan when you tighten your grip. He didn’t take you for the rowdy type, but you’re full of surprises, aren’t you?
It enables him further to dive into you and lap around your clit to hear those short gasps that sound like music to his ears. His arms wrap around your thighs to bring you in further, his nose pressing into you as he starts to build a steady tempo.
It seems to be too much for you with the way your body keeps shifting, but Yuuta is nothing if not determined. Maybe you’re testing the depths of his dedication, but there’s no universe where he’d ever fail you. No matter how much you move, he’s stuck to you like a leech, sucking at your clit with fervor. There’s intention with every motion, in the way he huffs and inhales deeply through his nostrils, in the messy way he sucks and slurps at your slick.
Even though he’s working so hard to please you, something’s not quite right. You’re so… quiet. It makes Yuuta think you’re holding yourself back. There’s no need for that, especially between lovers. Soulmates, even.
“Let me hear how good you feel,” he pants between breaths, “it’s okay.”
His movements become more pointed, determination lighting a fire in his stomach just to hear how sweet you get when you cum. The anticipation is killing him, but he thinks there’s been a breakthrough when your thighs tighten around his head, your breaths getting shorter by the second.
When you finally cum, it’s nothing short of heavenly. Sweeter than any note he’s heard you sing on stage, better than what he’s heard in his dreams. It’s not just that, but the full body reaction as well. The trembling, the taut muscles, the rise and fall of your chest– it’s all so erotic.
So your love language is words of affirmation. He makes note of that.
The only complaint Yuuta has is that the moment was far too short lived for his tastes. He has to hear more. See more. Have more. His fingers press gently against your wet hole, one small push from penetrating.
“W-Wait, it’s sensitive–”
Yuuta cuts you off by slipping it in with ease, quickly followed by another. Hungrily looks at the point where he’s connected to you. He starts slowly, fingers carefully pressing and curling until he finds a spot that gives him the reaction he’s looking for.
“Too-too much, stop-”
He doesn’t. Why would he ever deprive you of pleasure? He presses in further, bullies the spot that makes you scream louder. It’s not long until he sends you tumbling into another climax. It’s far more drawn out than the first. He can feel it in the way your walls convulse around his fingers.
Even though it might be too much, Yuuta still fingers you through it. He can’t help it. You just look so cute like this, reduced to a sputtering mess. And knowing that he’s the only one who has the privilege of seeing this side of you? He’s on cloud nine.
He knows he’s being a bit mean right now. But there’s so much lost time to make up for. He might also be letting his jealousy of seeing you with another man get the better of him right now, but it’s ok. At the end of the day, he’s making you feel good.
Yuuta watches with wonder and amusement as you cum again. He almost feels bad for pushing you this far, seeing the way you squeeze your eyes shut and thrash around through your orgasm. While he’s not a fan of your pain, he loves being your source of comfort, the one to clean up your tears. It’s a necessary evil, he tells himself.
Yuuta plants a trail of kisses down your neck to help shoulder the burden, and it seems to help as you come down from your high.
“You’re doing so good for me,” he sighs, adoration laced in his voice as he kisses your forehead.
“Y-Yuu-tan,” you pant, “you’ve already made me feel so good. D-Don’t you think that’s enough?”
“Of course not,” he responds with a soft gasp as if he’s incredulous at the idea, “I have so much more I want to give you.”
“More?” you ask shakily.
“Mhm,” he purrs with a soft smile, unphased by the tremor in your voice. His fingers slide in and out of you with ease, drawing another soft lewd sound out of you.
“No, no, no, I can’t, I can’t-” you plead, before you’re cut off by a kiss. Yuuta notices you have this habit of denying yourself anything good for you, but you don’t need to do that. What are boyfriends for? He doesn’t stop, even when you scratch and leave blossoming trails of rose on his skin. It only makes him intensify his movements, picking a fast rhythmic pace to hit that spot that makes you moan so sweetly.
When you cum with a wail, Yuuta’s there to swallow every cry you give him, tongue swirling against yours to help you through it. There’s a tenderness to it, as if he’s telling you it’ll all be okay. In between labored breaths he huffs in your ear with a neediness in his tone, “let it all out for me.”
He didn’t mean it literally, but he’s not displeased with the results either. That being said, it does catch him by surprise when you clench and gush all over him and the sheets. The warmth of you soaking his pants makes him feel dizzy with lust. Next thing he knows he’s nose deep into your folds, lapping up at everything you have to give. Not a drop goes to waste, not when he lifts your legs and traces the trail of juices from the fat of your ass to your inner thigh.
It’s just too much for him. When he comes up for air, he’s hastily picking at his pants.
“Have you done this for anyone else?” he asks as he unbuckles his belt and slides down his pants.
You shake your head furiously in embarrassment. It’s cute. Part of him wishes he could record a video of it and save it for later. But there’s more pressing matters at hand.
Yuuta’s hard cock presses against the fabric of his boxers, begging to be freed. His hand barely breaks through the elastic when it springs free, slapping his stomach from the recoil. Seeing your hole slick with arousal for him is almost enough to make him cum right there. He takes a deep breath and tries to collect himself.
Yuuta strokes his cock before pressing it between your folds, collecting all your arousal along the way. Even this is enough to make him shiver, feel it deep in his core. He bites his lip and lines himself up with your entrance. The sight of your hole quivering as he taps his tip against it makes him lightheaded.
So he starts slow, presses against your cunt steadily until he gets past that first ring of muscle that makes you gasp. From there, it’s just a matter of patience and self control, pushing further and further until he finally bottoms out with a groan. It goes in so easily, it’s like you were made for this–for him. Yuuta feels like he’s floating.
While Yuuta’s never been one to think about his size, he still sees you squeezing your eyes shut. His hand caresses your cheek before he reaches for your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours. He brings your hand up to his lips and gives your fingers a chaste kiss, from one lover trying to comfort another.
“Hey, it’s in. It wasn’t that bad, right?” he asks softly, like he’s letting you in on a secret.
You give him a shy nod, and he smiles at that.
“You’re doing so good for me,” he praises, gently wiping the tears from your eyes. Even in the afterglow of your tears, you look beautiful. Then again, he’d find beauty in anything you give him. It doesn’t matter what kind of expression you wear, as long as it’s just for him.
“I’ll start slow, ok?” Yuuta brandishes his pinky.
There’s a moment of pause, a shake to your hand as you wrap your pinky around his. He’s already one step ahead of you and swiftly seals it with a kiss and a giggle.
Yuuta keeps his promise, as he languidly rolls his hips into yours. It takes every ounce of self control to keep a slower pace, but he has to savor his first time with you. You feel perfect around him–your warmth enveloping him like a blanket, almost suffocating with its embrace. It’s too much for him, he can’t keep biting his lip and holding back his moans. Then again, he’d be a hypocrite holding himself back, wouldn’t he?
So he lets whatever sounds caught in his throat escape through his lips, lets you hear just how much you’re messing him up. All broken groans and whimpers of your name. And maybe it’s a bit too much for you, seeing you grab the pillow to cover your face. But Yuuta isn’t embarrassed, and you shouldn’t be either, so he’s quick to toss the pillow off the side of the bed.
“Y-Yuu-tan, please,” you ask.
It sounds like there’s something else you were going to say, but the noise thins out into a hushed whine. But Yuuta can read between the lines. His hands spread your legs apart further for leverage, his lips pressing against yours until he builds it up to a slew of open mouthed kisses. Tongue against tongue, choked gasps and moans escaping into each other’s mouths. He kisses you like he wants to consume you, breathes in so intensely like you’re the air he needs in his lungs.
It’s everything he’s ever wanted. He can’t help himself from rutting his hips into yours a little harder, losing himself in the soft plush of your walls squeezing him tighter with every passing moment. Even the wet sounds of his cock fucking into you is melodic to him, along with your staccatoed gasps, it’s an earworm he wouldn’t mind keeping.
He can’t let himself all the fun though, his fingers making their way to your throbbing clit. It seems to catch you by surprise, earning a yelp from you that soon melts into a moan.
The world stops moving. It’s as if he’s frozen in place as soon as he hears his name from your lips. No nickname, no extra letter. Just Yuuta. It’s enough to make his head spin, his nerves go haywire as he snaps his hips into yours faster, desperate to hear it again.
“Say it again,” he groans breathlessly, desperately trying to keep himself from cumming right then and there.
“Yuuta, Yuuta-” you whine in that tone he’s dreamt of, stroked himself to on lonely nights and he’s so close. All self control goes out the window as he practically fucks you into the mattress. He feels delirious feverish with an ailment that can only be cured through you. He can’t let you go; not now, not ever.
An idea hits him like a strike of lightning, reverberates throughout his entire being. His pace slows for a second. There’s a look of confusion on your face.
“If we have a baby, you’ll have to quit, right?” he asks, his finger gently tracing a heart around your stomach.
Your pupils dilate. Yuuta recalls that it’s a sign of love. Affection. His heart skips a beat.
“Y-Yuu-tan,” you mumble, a tremor in your voice, “what are you saying?”
“You’ll have to stay if we have a baby,” he whispers into your ear before his hips snap into yours, “right?”
You make some unintelligible noise in response, but he knows it’s just because you’re overwhelmed with joy at the idea. Knowing you’re happy makes him happy too.
There’s no time to waste, an urgency to Yuuta’s movements as he pushes against your legs until you’re folded into a mating press. His hips pick up a steady rhythm, the loud slap of skin echoing throughout the room.
Yuuta fucks you like he means to make good his proposal–his body pressed flush against yours, his hands wrapping around the back of your head to bring you into his embrace. He throws caution to the wind, lets lust take over.
Everything about you is overwhelming. How you scratch at his back, how you bite down on his neck hard enough to draw blood, how your legs tremble with each stroke. It’s like you want it just as bad as he does.
And who is he to deny you? His hand slips between your sweat covered bodies, trails down to your throbbing clit to show it some love. He wants you to feel as good as he does, or better. Preferably the latter.
He knows he’s doing a good job when he hears that tell-tale sign of your breaths quickening, along with your heart beating faster against his chest.
But something’s off.
You won’t stop throwing your body around, as if you’re trying to loosen his grip around you.
If this is your way of testing his love, then he’s passing with flying colors. It only lights a fire in him, determination ablaze in his fingertips as he draws tighter circles around your clit, the roll of his hips morphing to something slower, but deeper. It’s only a matter of seconds before your body gives in to his love and affection, cries sputtering from your mouth as your muscles tense up around him.
Yuuta can’t control himself any longer with your pussy convulsing around him, his pace becoming erratic, his breathing heavier. His voice breaks, a shaky whine catches in his throat before he goes over the edge.
“Love you, love you so much,” he cries before cumming, burying himself deep inside and making sure to give you everything he has. Every twitch of his cock leads to the undeniable warmth of his seed painting your insides white.
He takes a moment to collect himself and catch his breath, but he doesn’t take himself out of you. It’s like the intensity catches up with him all at once as he collapses onto you. Even in his state of exhaustion, he finds the energy to gingerly kiss your forehead.
“We’ll be so happy together, I promise.”
#okkotsu yuuta x reader#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jjk smut#jujutsu kaisen smut#okkotsu yuuta smut#sen writes#s.jjk#sen fics#idoltalk#cw.stalking#cw.noncon#yandere jjk
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Hi, Tori (*^-^*)
I hope I'm not too late with requests, but I have a few ideas.
First, how about mistletoe kiss? A bit cheesy and cliché, but I think it would be great for holiday season rn.
Second, how about learning y/n to fly on the broom? Like we know that our boys are badasses and play quidditch really good. So maybe they want to show off their skills and teach the reader how to fly, or overcome the fear of heights, or just have a lovely moment with them under the stars, something like that.
Third, magical bond thing. Like a reader or one of our favorite boys open the box with some dark artifact and make them stuck together. It could be enemies to lovers to add some juices 🤭
I think that's all. Otherwise, I'd dash out a whole bunch of my ideas. As for who should it be with, I don't know. It's totally up to you. But I'm a huge simp for Mattheo *cough, cough*.
If you would like to write something based on any of these ideas, I'd be happy. If not, it's still cool. I will just wait for your other great writings from the other's asks.
Loves 💕
I kinda chose the second one. I hope this works for you.
Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Warnings: lots of cussing and some mentions of violence and hexing
Last thing you wanted to do was spend your time in detention with the boy who annoys you the most-Mattheo Riddle. You two hated each other, always bickered, always had competitions, always had nasty remarks to say to one another. Sure, you might find him handsome if it wasn't for his asshole personality. He has nice hair and a nice face and all, but, Merlin, every word out of his mouth wanted you to either jam knives in your ears or hex his mouth closed.
You don't even remember how this rivalry started. But it's been going on for as long as you've known him. Everyone knew that. Everyone either dreaded or loved having class with you two because of the fighting.
But maybe it went a little too far when you threw a hex his way that was supposed to swell his tongue to the point he couldn't talk properly. Unfortunately, he saw it and deflected it, only for it to hit poor Neville behind him.
So now the two of you were cleaning in the Room of Requirements. It was massive and was never going to get done, even if you spent a whole year cleaning it, but that wasn't the point. It was supposed to be a little lesson for you two, a punishment. So you got assigned a section and were supposed to clean together. ‘Figure out how to work together’ or something like that McGonagall told you two.
“This is entirely your fault.” Mattheo grumbled as soon as the Professor was gone.
“You wouldn't have been sent here with me if you just took the hex like a man instead of blocking it.” You retorted before looking around the section you were assigned, hands on your hips.
“I'm not that fucking dumb, sweetheart. I'm not letting you hex me. I think Longbottom is still in the hospital wing because of your nasty hex.” He complained, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well, sit there and bitch all you want. I'm getting this done, with or without you.” You said, walking over towards one of the piles of random things and began cleaning and sorting it out.
“Then you can do it without me.” He huffed, walking away.
You just rolled your eyes, annoyed with his attitude. You could hear him going through stuff just out of sight from where you were. You could guess he was rummaging through the random things, opening up boxes and fiddling with stuff to figure out what it did.
It was only about ten minutes before you heard him yell. “Fuck! Son of a bitch!”
It sounded like he either got hurt or stuck on something and it made you snort. Serves him right.
He came around the corner, back over to you. “Help me get this off!”
“Why should I?” You turn to look at him and see something wrapped around his wrist. It looked metal and had some carvings on it.
“Just get this thing off of me! Please!” He nearly snapped, but you could hear the small bit of panic in his voice. It was a fair reaction. No one knew what any of this stuff was or what it could do.
“Fine. Only because you said ‘please’.” You said with a slight teasing tone in your voice.
He rolled his eyes but looked a little relieved.
You reached for the contraption around his wrist, going to tug on the material to test it. But as soon as you touched it, a chain materialized from it and wrapped around your wrist as well, replicating the metal bracelet around Mattheos's wrist with the same carvings.
“What the fuck?” You used your other hand to tug at the new restraint around your wrist. It wouldn't even budge.
“Well, that didn't work.” Was all Mattheo had to say.
“What the fuck did you do to me?” You yelled, trying to fight at the metal.
“I didn't do anything!” He yelled back.
“Why did you have to go through shit instead of helping me?”
“You said you would do it with or without me!”
“And look where we are now!” You both continued yelling, just angry at each other. You sighed, bringing your free hand to your face, rubbing it in annoyance. “Okay, just-we're not getting anywhere.”
“I thought you were smart! Get us out!”
“I'm thinking!” You inspected the cuffs, looking at the carvings. They were words. “Fides, amor, matrimonium.” You muttered aloud. “Ah, fuck. You gotta be fucking kidding me!”
“Fides, amor, matrimonium? What the fuck? Is that talking about marriage and love?” Mattheo started yelling again. The chain connecting the two cuffs started disappearing after he repeated the words that were carved into the cuffs. The metal parts around your wrists were still there.
“You fucking idiot! Do you have any idea what you just did?” You shouted at him, shoving him backwards.
“Obviously not!” He shouted back, catching himself on a random box and straightening back up.
“Those were marital vow chains!” You said like it was obvious and that's when Mattheo's face went pale. You'd heard of them, most people had, they were a very ancient tradition. The people getting married would wear them and repeat the words carved into the cuffs, just like you and Mattheo did, vowing your love and loyalty to one another. If the vow is broken, both people die. They were outlawed a long time ago to prevent any more deaths.
“Oh, fuck.” Mattheo muttered, obviously panicking again but for a whole different reason this time.
“I swear to fuck, Mattheo-if we die because of this, I'm gonna kill you!”
“I didn't mean to fucking marry you!”
“Well, you did! And you can't take it back! We'll both die!”
“Ah, fuck.”
“‘Ah, fuck.’ Indeed. Now what?” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“I-I-I don't-I don't-I don't know.” He stuttered, utterly in shock.
“This was just supposed to be a normal fucking detention!” You started pacing, so mad and upset that you couldn't even sit still.
“I'm sorry!”
“That doesn't fix this!”
“Fucking shit. We're married.”
“Holy fuck!”
“This is your fault, Mattheo!”
“Shit!” By now, he was pacing just as bad as you.
“I'm gonna fucking kill you. You just ruined our lives.”
“It was an accident!”
You finally stopped pacing and faced him and he mimicked you, stopping and facing you too. “You're gonna have to be the best husband in the world or I'm taking us both out. Do you understand me, Mattheo?”
“Yes.” He said and his face looked just like a kid caught doing something he shouldn't have.
“I-” You started but stopped just as fast. “Un-fucking-believable.” You turned around, trying to stop yourself from hitting him.
“You know, though…” Mattheo started stepping towards you slowly. “Since we're married, maybe we should kiss. Like an actual wedding. Since I'm your husband now.”
“Shut the fuck up and walk away before I punch you in the face.” You said, not even turning around to face him.
“Got it. Too soon.” He said before you could hear his footsteps retreating.
Fuck, what were you going to tell your parents?
@jeannie-beannie @mixvchelle @helendeath @evaslytherpuff @leandre2006
@yours-truly-5 @hpnsfwaddict @mayamonroem @brittney-121
@dracoslovergirl @littlemadamred @acornacreacure @opheliamalfoy236
@delulugirl2000 @akira1246 @queenshu @prettypinkprincess15
@jolly4holly @st0n3dbarbi3 @kurumbukaari @whydoireadanymore @sweet-afternoon
@ilovehpb0ys @satosugu4-ever @mattiesgirl @ur-local-wizard
@alwayslatetothefandoms @satosugu4-ever @whydoireadanymore @dustie-faerie
@shaquilles-0atmeal @gillyweeds @pluto-9456
@hereticdance @cindyss @saint-marvel
@simpforromance @yours-truly-5 @kenjikishimotoswifey @fallingblackveils @simpforromance
@strxwberri-s @nickirae @esmerai-artemis @blu3b3rrymuff1ns @yootvi
@roseofsharron438 @abeoavita @rafesba @ter-luer @cminoko
#slytherin boys#ask#slytherin boys x reader#mattheo riddle x reader smut#mattheo riddle x reader#mattheo riddle
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Sick Day
G-Dragon x Reader
Summary: Jiyong takes care of you when you feel ill.
Warnings: None, just all the fluff.
A/N: I hope you feel better soon, nonnie. I hope this can help bring some temporary relief or even just a little comfort with all the crud you have going on. <3
Requests are OPEN
You called out of work yesterday, completely forgetting you and your boyfriend were supposed to go to dinner, so when Jiyong shows up, you mentally slap yourself. You answered the door, blanket wrapped around you, messy hair and an exhausted, and slightly sweaty, look on your face. His smile dropped the minute he saw you and he swore he’d take care of you.
He ordered dinner last night, since you hadn’t had the energy to go grocery shopping, and decided he was going to stay the night to take care of you. He held you when you wanted it, and didn’t when you didn’t. He rubbed on our stomach when it became painful and helped keep track of the fever you had. He was at your every beck and call.
That’s how he wound up getting up early the next morning and grabbing some groceries for homemade comfort meals. He got things for soup, some things for your absolute favorite meal, and he also got you the medications to help your fever and throat, including a humidifier, and something to help you sleep.
“Here, jagi, take this.” Jiyong hands the fever reducer and you take it from him without hesitation. He sets up the humidifier in your room for you and turns it on.
“I don’t want you to catch,” you think for a moment, “Whatever this is. You should go home,” you try to reason with him but he won’t have it.
“Absolutely not, I’m staying right here to take care of my girl,” he smiles and kisses your forehead.
“After dinner you can sleep some more,” he says as he walks out of your room to work on the homemade soup. After a while of laying in bed you start to miss his presence so you get up and walk into the kitchen, your blanket still wrapped around you.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he abandons the pot on the stove and walks over to you, you lay your head on his shoulder, feeling pitiful.
“I missed you,” you mumble as you relax against him. He smiles to himself.
“It’ll be done soon, ok? Go lay back down or get comfortable on the couch. I’ll bring it to you.” He hugs you close and you reluctantly pull your head off his shoulder. Walking over to the couch you sit there and wait for dinner.
Jiyong grabs two bowls and portions out two servings of the delicious meal. The food is great but your energy is depleted. You put the spoon down after only a few bites and he arches his brow as you set the bowl down.
“I can make you something else, or order something if it’s not good,” he says and you shake your head.
“I’m just tired,” you yawn.
“Well, you need to eat, so,” he trails off as he picks up the bowl and gets some of the soup on the spoon. He holds it up to your mouth for you and you give him a second glance before allowing him to feed you.
“This is so stupid,” you mumble feeling slightly embarrassed.
“I’m not a baby,” you whine as you take the soup from him.
“You’re my baby,” he says to give you a different perspective.
“Would you not do the same for me if I needed it,” he asks genuinely.
“Without a second thought.”
“Then stop complaining and let me help you,” he feeds you another bite and you huff. After dinner you get back into bed and Jiyong’s not far behind you with your sleep aid. You lay down and get comfortable and once you do, he’s right next to you pulling you into his side.
“This should help,” he says as he hands you the stuff. You grin in response and before you know it you’re out like a light, he rubs up and down your arm gently, helping lull you to sleep. He closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep next to you.
A couple hours later you stir awake due to the pain in your stomach and you groan, hiding your face in his neck. Jiyong slowly opens his eyes, forgetting for just a moment where he was, until he realizes its you laying next to him.
“Hold on, I’ll be right back.” He grabs you some Ibuprofen for the pain and you take it.
“My throat is killing me,” you rasp out.
“Give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back.” He kisses your forehead before grabbing his keys. About ten minutes later he comes back in with two servings of ice cream.
“This might help,” he says as he hands you your desert.
“You know me so well,” you grin as you take a bite of the delectable dessert. He turns on your favorite movie as you both get comfortable again, and eat your midnight snacks. Once your done, cuddling resumes and you kiss his shoulder.
“Thank you,” you whisper softly in his ear.
“For what?” he peeks down at you.
“For taking care of me, I don’t mean to be a burden,” you look away from his eyes.
“You are never a burden. I like taking care of you,” he reassures you. You smile to yourself and lay your head on his chest, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. As you watch the movie, your eyes slowly start to close and before you know it, you’re out like a light with Jiyong not far behind you.
#g dragon#g dragon x reader#kwon jiyong#kwon jiyong x reader#big bang#g dragon fic#kwon jiyong fic#fanfiction#kpop fanfiction#kpop#kpop x reader#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#masked crawford#g dragon fanfic#kwon jiyong fanfic#x reader#x y/n#x y/n fluff#x reader fluff#big bang x reader#bigbang x reader
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Ollie sits cross-legged on her bed, carefully studying the text of the old book the Cardinal lent her. Il Velo e l’Ombra. The Veil and the Shadow. "It's dense," he had said, and that was an understatement. The pages feel stiff, crinkling whenever she turns the page. Dark yellow edges gradually transition to bone white closer to the spine. Each page contains heavy type-set in columns that slightly angle down like the printing press wasn't calibrated the day this book was printed. It smells like old paper and something faintly herbal, and she imagines it new, sitting on the desk of an old occultist, brewing a concoction nearby.
But it doesn't have any spells or craft in it. She thinks.
She taps her pen against her notebook, frowning at the Latin passage in the next paragraph, and then frowning at her phone. It didn't make sense. Trusting Google Translate is never recommended, but...
Ollie glances at the clock. It's only a little after 8, and the Cardinal said it was okay to contact him, right? She hesitates. Now that she's actually thinking about contacting him, she feels a little nervous. He was kind during class, smarter than she thought the other students gave him credit for, but the way that white eye landed on her. The slice of black through his iris that served as a pupil. It made her shiver.
After a few more moments of hesitation, she inhales sharply and grabs her phone.
Ollie: Hello, Cardinal! I'm so sorry to bother you, but I was going through the book you recommended, and there's a Latin passage that isn't making much sense. Could you help me? I understand completely if you would prefer I wait until next class!
Her finger hovers over the send button, and she closes her eyes tight. Do it, do it, just do it. She presses her thumb down, and the message is off with a whoosh.
She watches with growing anxiety as the text bubble appears, then disappears, than reappears. And finally, her phone buzzes.
Copia: You are not a bother, signorina. Show me the passage?
The breath she was holding escapes in a sudden gush, and her shoulders relax. Okay, he's not mad. Good progress. She snaps a picture of the passage and sends it through.
Ollie: This part, especially the second half. It's not making much sense, and yes, I'm using Google Translate. 🫢
His response takes a little longer this time, and she imagines him flipping through his own books to make sure. Does he keep a Latin dictionary? Latin for Satanists, tucked into his bedside table.
Copia: Perhaps I will make you stay after class to write lines, eh? Ma sì, Google does not know the difference between ecclesiastical Latin and classical.
Copia: Spit, can I call you? The typing is too much.
Copia: I meant spit.
Copia: Spit.
Ollie's phone starts ringing. She went from blushing to laughing in the span of a second, and she picks up with a giggle still on her lips.
"Hello, Cardinal!" She says, her voice warm, whatever nerves she had gone after his typo disaster.
"I meant shit," he says, a growl in his voice. It makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. "Telefono di merda..."
"I could tell," she says, her voice softening. Ollie pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. Italian is gorgeous.
The Cardinal clears his throat, and she can hear a rustle as he shifts. "Anyway! Mi dispiace, signorina. You are finding that the book is just as I said? I hope it is not too dry."
"No, no. I'm enjoying it! I have a lot of notes that I may ask you about later. It's just the Latin."
"Ahh, sì, I see. What you have sent me...ehh...," he pauses, growing quiet for a moment. "I wrote it down, uh, I cannot get the texting back when we are talking. Quod in umbra latet, lumen revelabit. What lies in shadow will be revealed by the light."
"Ohh," Ollie says slowly, a snicker in her voice. "Oh god, I thought it said 'the shadow will hide the lamp.'"
Copia chuckles low in his throat, and her belly flutters. She holds the phone just a little tighter. "You have a good mind for this, I think," he says softly, and she may be imagining it, but his accent sounds thicker. "I look forward to seeing your notes."
Her voice is caught in her throat for a moment, and she's glad he can't see her face. She can't stop smiling. "Thank you so much, Cardinal. I'm excited for next class. I'll let you get back to your night."
"Mm, sì. But do not hesitate to ask if you get stuck again, eh? It is...nice. To be asked." He's quiet, thoughtful. Maybe a little sad, but...that could just be her imagination again.
"I will. Of course. Goodnight, Cardinal."
Copia stares at his phone for a long moment when the call ends, exhaling a breath he didn't realize he was holding.
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proposal - part two
@bucktommyfluffebruary, day 28 cont. rated G.
part one here
If Buck had been nervous before Tommy had arrived, it's nothing compared to how he feels now.
"Sorry, could you give me a second?" he asks Tommy, cursing himself internally when he sees a flicker of something like hurt cross his face.
"Uh, yeah, sure."
"I'll be right back," he says, feeling like he might throw up at any moment, stomach twisting itself in knots as he goes to find Eddie.
"Eddie, he's here," Buck whispers, trying to stay calm when he feels anything but. "What do I do?"
Eddie raises an eyebrow at him as he puts down a stack of plates.
"What do you mean, what do you do? You ask him to marry you, you idiot."
read the rest under the cut or on ao3 // other days here
Buck almost wants to laugh; Eddie makes it sound so easy when in fact it might be the most terrifying thing he's ever done.
"Yeah, but like, when? How do I know when the right moment is?"
Eddie huffs a laugh.
"Buck, if you don't know then I don't know."
"I just want it to be perfect," Buck says quietly, glancing at Tommy, and Eddie's gently teasing look softens.
"It will be because it's you," he says, patting Buck on the shoulder. "Never met anyone so in love as Tommy is with you. Except maybe you."
Buck feels himself blushing, unable to help the giddy grin that breaks across his face.
"I could give you a signal?" Eddie suggests, eyebrow quirked. "When it looks like a good moment?"
"Yes, yeah," Buck replies, a little of the tension leaving him. "Thanks Eddie."
"No problem, man," Eddie grins, looking almost like he knows something Buck doesn't. "I'll wave at you or… throw chips at your head or something."
Eddie grins before heading back inside to finish helping set up.
The next hour passes in a blur as food is served, Buck constantly on edge as he waits for Eddie's signal.
He doesn't get much opportunity to talk with Tommy and he can't decide if that's for better or worse; he's worried he might blurt out marry me if Tommy so much as looks at him and yet he misses his smile, misses the soft reassurance of his hand on the small of his back.
His nerves take another hit when Eddie lobs a crouton at his head, just as Buck spots Bobby with a glint in his eye, nudging Tommy towards him.
Buck smiles, taking a shaky breath as his hopefully soon to be fiancé stops in front of him.
"Hi," he says stupidly, fingers clenching around the ring box in his pocket.
"Hey," Tommy says, smiling back fondly. "Fancy seeing you here."
Buck laughs even as his heart starts pounding in his chest.
"Fancy that."
"While you're here," Tommy starts, taking a deep breath, "I actually wanted to ask you something."
Buck watches as Tommy pulls a small velvet box from his pocket, dropping down to one knee.
"No no no," he blurts, his mind short-circuiting with both panic and joy at the sight of Tommy on one knee.
Tommy's face falls, his eyes welling with tears as he gets up again and a cold horror fills Buck when he realises what he's just said.
"No, wait, I didn't mean no-"
"It's okay, Evan," Tommy interrupts, as everyone falls into a slightly awkward silence around them.
Tommy goes to turn away but Evan grasps him by the cheek, forcing him to meet his gaze.
"I meant, no, I can't believe you beat me to it," he says, watching as Tommy's tear-filled eyes widen when he pulls out his own velvet box. "I was literally about to ask you the same question."
"Oh," Tommy breathes, a tentatively hopeful smile on his face.
"As if I'd ever say no to marrying you," Buck says, his own eyes filling with tears as he leans in to press a soft kiss to Tommy's lips.
"Give each other the rings already!" Chim shouts, drawing laughter as Buck and Tommy both grin sheepishly.
They exchange rings and kiss again, this time to the sound of raucous applause from their loved ones who immediately gather them up into a group hug full of smiles and laughter.
It feel surreal in the best way and Buck glances at Tommy to see him looking just as dazed as he feels.
"Not quite how I thought that might go," Bobby says, laughing as he pats them both on the back, "but we got there in the end."
"Wait," Buck says, pointing at him as realisation hits him, "did you already know Tommy was planning to propose when I told you I was going to?"
"Might have done," Bobby replies, grinning. "Might have conspired with Eddie about the timing too. Though I admit I didn't expect your answer to be no."
Tommy laughs, bright and happy as Buck groans, cheeks turning pink with embarrassment.
"I had a whole romantic speech planned, you know," Tommy says later in bed, once they've recovered their breath and are cuddled up together, warm and content.
Buck looks up from where he's currently using his boyfriend's- no, fiancé's chest as a pillow.
"What were you going to say?" he whispers, tracing a finger across the jut of Tommy's collarbone as he smiles.
"Well, first I was going to tell you how much I love you, obviously," he says, and Buck is already smiling. "Then I was going to say that I feel like I shouldn't be grateful for a hurricane but without it, I might never have met you. Evan, it sounds cheesy as hell but you really did change my life, and I honestly can't wait to spend the rest of it with you."
Buck can't help himself then, eyes filling with happy tears as he reaches up to capture Tommy's lips with his own.
"I had more," Tommy says, grinning in between soft kisses.
"Later," Buck breathes, smiling giddily. "We got time, right?"
Tommy chuckles, sliding his hand to Buck's cheek.,
"Rest of our lives, sweetheart."
#a little late but fluffebruary is done!!#bucktommyfluffebruary#char writes a thing#char does fluffebruary#911#bucktommy
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could you do hyuna and luka (separate) looking after a reader who’s on their period? I love your work!
tangled in love, stuck by you !

☆ thinking abt luka / hyuna + periods . .
☆ hyuna (alnst) ,, luka (alnst) ,, afab reader . . fluff & domestic themes ,, period talk ,, luka is a little clueless. i'll cook up something real good soon guys pls just stay with me here ive got exams in <4 days </3.
hyuna knows what you need from the get—go. if the two of you have known each other for a while, she will even pick up on certain cues that indicate the anticipated start of your period.
the moment she notices those telltale signs, hyuna will make sure that you're stocked up on everything you need. pads, tampons, painkillers, anything that you tend to crave, hyuna has it all covered because she knows what it's like to be bedridden because your uterus is throwing a hissy fit.
if your body is aching a bit too much for your liking, hyuna will offer to give you a massage.
so long as she's free, hyuna will always be within arm's reach and make the week feel like it flew right past you.
luka, on the other hand, is rather clueless.
he knows what periods are, he just doesn't know what they're like and what to do when you are complaining about cramps.
luka will try to comfort you. keyword, try. his body will be a little stiff and his movements a little awkward as he gently pats your back or carefully threads his fingers through your hair.
if your complaints persist, luka will offer to bring you some medicine in hopes that it'll help. if you have any specific cravings, luka will do anything in his power to bring said craving to you — he feels a little guilty because he's so clueless, hence his eagerness to serve.
every month, he learns something new and he gradually gets used to the changes that occur within you during that time period. ba dum tsss.
it's all a learning process for luka. it'll take him a while to become fully accustomed to the slight tweaks that have to be made in both of your daily routines, fumbling around whenever you need something or are in pain to find a solution to your problem.
when luka learns what he needs to know, though, he'll still be very eager to serve and please. except now he isn't panicking as much.
#⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꮺ heartz4luka#⠀⠀⠀⠀Ꮺ heartz4hyuna#alien stage#alnst#alnst x reader#luka alien stage#luka alnst#luka alien stage x reader#luka alnst x reader#hyuna alien stage#hyuna alnst#hyuna alien stage x reader#hyuna alnst x reader
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Ostara - Spring Equinox 20th Mar 2025 Talon Abraxas March Equinox Astrology 2025
This year, the March Equinox arrives during the Eclipse Portal, as we are moving from one state of consciousness to the next. During the Eclipse Portal, the veil is thin, and our spiritual energy is strong, allowing us to further absorb the magical rebalancing energies of the Equinox.
Eclipse Season can always be a challenging time as we feel the winds of change move through our lives, but the Equinox arriving right after the Virgo Blood Moon Eclipse (March 14) and just before the Aries Solar Eclipse (March 29) reminds us to find our center.
Taking deep breaths and allowing the energy grid of mother nature to soak into our cells can help us to balance these potent cosmic cycles.
Mercury and Venus are also both in retrograde under the March 2025 Equinox, indicating a need to slow down and work with the wisdom of the past. We are invited to look over where we have been in order to move forward. We may also find nuggets of wisdom from our past, or the past experiences of others, can help to be our guide.
Venus Retrograde in particular, will be activating some heart healing energies for us and allowing us to see a greater truth when it comes to our relationships. As we begin the new astrological year, we may decide that certain patterns and dynamics have to be released in order to move into deeper states of love and connection.
Neptune is also active under the March 2025 Equinox as it prepares to end its journey in Pisces and move into Aries. Neptune won’t officially move into Aries until March 30, but once again, we have an end point energy to work with.
Neptune is the planet of our hopes, dreams, and wishes, so we may find these areas up for review. How have our dreams and goals evolved and changed since Neptune first entered Pisces back in 2011?
While there are lots of questions to ask ourselves under this March Equinox, it seems that we are really moving through a transition point where we are being called to make changes and to let the old ways that are no longer serving us go.
This March 2025 Equinox, holds some strong spiritual energy that we can use to seek guidance and wisdom from our intuition and from Mother Earth. Move with conscious intention, don’t be in a rush to push ahead, and instead, allow the softer energies to work their magic.
How to Use the Energies of the March Equinox
Allow new inspiration, new ideas, and new perspectives to filter into your being under the March Equinox. Allow yourself to wash away all of the old, outdated and outworn thoughts, feelings, situations, and habits that are no longer serving your highest good.
Move through your body and cleanse and release every cell. Make it a point to take a deep breath and breathe out all that no longer supports. Hold the highest vision of yourself.
This energy is a gift, but it’s up to us to use it. Go outside on this day and surround yourself with the healing power of nature, pull an oracle or tarot card for yourself, meditate, journal, create intentional time around what you wish to fill this new year with and what you wish to heal. The Universe will be on your side.
Here is a quick reference list of some ways to utilize this energy:
Cleanse your auric field
Spend time in nature
Set goals for the new year and take action on those goals (even a micro-action is good)
Start a new healthy habit/ end unhealthy habits
Reorganize your schedule to be more aligned
Clear the clutter and cleanse your space
Pull an oracle/tarot card or have a spiritual reading
Get focused on what you wish to attract
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Imagine PTA meetings for Susan in the near future, lmao.
Susan sitting with Doey, who's far too big for the tiny chair he's sitting on, in the principals office because he (specifically Kevin) chunked some jerk into a cafeteria trashcan for picking on, say, Izzy. From across the room.
(PS: If Kevin's mom is still alive, I hope Susan hunts her down and commits multiple hate crimes. Kevin should obviously be cheering her on from the car.)
This ask was so perfect for an AU i recently thought up and havent gotten to talk about I just frantically typed up the rough idea just so i could share
This would be so funny because at the start Doey would be all squished and shame faced in his chair as the principal tells a very one sided story about the whole thing. Susan nodding along as she sits primly politely taking in his every word.
Principal finishing off with some bs about how they understand Doey's...difficult circumstances (subtle eyebrow quirk of judgement from susan) but she is well aware how high their expectations are for all of their students and that he knows she will handle this matter with the appropriate seriousness. and nod nod uh huh uh huh till he finally finishes talking and there's a beat of silence afterwards.
And her posture relaxes, she slings an arm over the back of the chair as she tilts her head to look over at her son and goes
"So - What actually happened."
and the principal is suddenly not as confident as he was a few seconds ago as Doey perks up and tells the actual story resulting in Susan absolutely laying into how that sort of behavior could be allowed in this sort of establishment, have they even checked on Izzy? Has anybody talked to this other kid about THEIR behavior?
No i do not think this is going to be going on his permanent record unless you want your incompetence noted in yours.
Doey has the most shit eating grin as they leave and they stop off in Anatomy class where Susan opens with
"Del, what the FUCK" and the two have a nice bitch fest about the principal. (by the way in this AU Barb is the class pet and is a cactus)
When they get home George symbolically grounds him for excessive force but say's it's also time served for having a good reason to do it and they all have a talk about other options he can take next time something like that comes up. ranging from actually better solutions to hilariously outlandish over the top stuff.
(PS: Susan doesn't care if Kevins parents are alive or dead they're not worth thinking about. Kevins her kid now. If they showed up however thinking they could take him back or use him to get something then no holds barred beatdown while Doey cheers from the car X3)
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Hallo! :D
Could you write a story where the Reader was Donna's only friend during their childhood, always there to protect her from bullies? Like, whenever someone tried to make fun of Donna, the Reader would step in and start threatening those jerks and stuff like that.
But then, when Donna became a lord, she lost the Reader, and all she could think about was how the Reader would’ve comforted her during those tough times. Even though she missed them, Donna doesn’t try to get the Reader back because she’s still figuring out her powers and is scared of accidentally hurting them.
Fast forward a few years, and the Reader decides to reach out to Donna. They enter her territory and find Donna sitting on that old bench where they used to hang out and chat as kids. They start talking again, and their meetups become more frequent. But every time the Reader leaves, Donna feels this pain; she wants them to stay and make sure they’ll never leave her again.
Finally, Donna opens up about how she feels, and it leads to a sweet moment where they kiss and share all those cute feelings! 🤭
Thank youuu:) xx
Yesss!!!! Thank you for your request!!! I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :)))))
Nothing ever changes
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Donna being Donna
Word count: 7,965
Summary: She was your friend, you promised you'd protect her...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
“N-No... (Y/N), I don't think it's a good idea,” the young girl next to you, your best friend for as long as you can remember, Donna Beneviento, said.
“Why? Come on, Donna, there's a lot to do in the village, we'll have a good time,” you insisted when her feet sank into the snow and her face hardened.
“No, I can't,” she replied with a broken voice, hugging her most faithful companion, the doll her father made for her.
“Are you scared?” you asked innocently, placing a hand on her shoulder.
Your friend shook her head, but held the doll tighter.
“Mamma says there are bad people in the village, people who want to hurt me,” the brunette girl explained. “The people in this village don't like me.”
“Nonsense, it's just that they're jealous of you,” you said, still smiling, taking her hand and forcing her to keep walking. “You know, you live in a very big house, you have a lot of money...”
“That's not...” Donna began, remaining silent for a few seconds. “That doesn't matter to them, (Y/N), all they see when they look at me is... this,” she murmured in an almost imperceptible tone, pointing at her face.
“Oh,” you sighed sadly, looking at your friend's lifeless eye and the scar surrounding it. “I don't think it matters,” you said afterward, with a look of pity. “Besides, I'm with you, and so is Angie, we'll protect you.”
Your friend's gaze slowly lifted, showing a bit of light, a bit of hope.
“Davvero?” she asked with a sigh, bringing her wrist closer to her chest. “Will you protect me?”
“You're my best friend,” you affirmed, jumping in the snow as you moved her weak hand, finally making the young Beneviento girl surrender and walk beside you.
The year was 1981, although in that remote Romanian village, time seemed to stand still. You were an ordinary villager, the daughter of a family of cabinetmakers who, while hardly comparable to the nobility of that place, were close enough to being an important one.
Your father worked with wood, offering his services to anyone who requested them. Such delicate and necessary work didn’t go unnoticed, and granted him certain privileges that made your lives easier.
Among his many clients was the mysterious lady of the castle, Alcina Dimitrescu, one of the Three Lords who, along with the messenger of the Gods, Mother Miranda, and her siblings, served as guides and protection for mere mortals like you.
But these important people weren't the only ones who needed a cabinetmaker. One of your father's best clients was the patriarch of an ancient noble family that lived in a somewhat remote place: Giuseppe Beneviento.
The Beneviento family had noble blood, or so you were told. Apparently, they had dedicated themselves for centuries to the art of making dolls and toys for the village children, although sometimes you heard rumors of some kind of curse that had fallen upon that ancient family.
You never cared much, because the Beneviento family had a daughter, a girl only three years older than you, whom you met when you were very, very young: Donna Beneviento.
You always accompanied your father when he did business; he said your innocent face helped him make better deals, and you loved seeing new places and meeting new people.
So, the dollmakers’ daughter began to be a very special playmate, and over time, she became your best friend.
Donna was a mentally ill child who didn't usually communicate with other people, with anyone other than you, or her parents. But a shyness bordering on mental illness wasn't the worst of her problems. Some time ago, Donna told you about the scar that crossed her right eye, rendering it useless.
According to her, when young Beneviento was just a baby, she cried excessively, disturbing the peace of the old waterfall mansion and the equally wounded mind of the family matriarch.
One day, Donatella Beneviento, tried to silence her daughter's desperate cries by rudely stabbing her in the eye with scissors, leaving her permanently wounded.
The scar left behind as a result of her mother’s illness became her worst complex.
The children laughed at her, mocked her for her appearance, and it made her even more withdrawn. Her only form of communication with the world was the doll her father had given her, Angie.
But that changed when you were with her. With you, she did talk, she expressed her feelings, played, laughed... She was your best friend, the best you'd ever had, and you loved spending time with her.
Donna was a sensitive girl, but tremendously intelligent. You could spend hours listening to the stories she told, the lessons her parents gave her, learning Italian… As a thank you for taking care of her, her father even gave you another doll, because, at least with you, she could speak for herself.
You were nine, she was twelve, and despite the difference, you were inseparable, you thought you’ll be forever.
“See? It's okay,” you said with a smile, holding your friend's hand as you walked through the village.
“(Y/N), no... I'm not feeling well, can we go back home?” Donna asked, looking everywhere.
“Are you sick?”
“I don't like it here, io...” she murmured, lowering her voice and hiding her face behind the porcelain doll. “(Y/N), ho paura.”
“Does that mean you're scared?” you asked, stopping walking to face her, trying to calm her down.
She nodded with a sniffle, making you regret your attempt, rubbing her arm comfortingly.
“Okay, we'll play on your grounds,” you said, a little disappointed, but prioritizing Donna's well-being.
A dull thud followed by a surprised gasp interrupted your return. A ball of mud landed on your friend's face, knocking her to the ground.
“I got her! I got the weirdo!” a boy about your age exclaimed, laughing behind some bushes with some friends.
“Donna, are you okay?” you asked, helping your friend up. The poor girl couldn't stop shaking and couldn't utter any comprehensible words. “Hey, that was mean!” you accused them.
“Oh, the weirdo's friend,” mocked a girl following the bullies, still giggling. “Weirdo!”
“Hey, stop it! It's not right to laugh at others!” you shrieked angrily, standing in front of your friend with a face that was meant to be threatening.
“That's what weirdos are for, to laugh at them,” explained a boy, rolling another ball of mud. “Hey, look at me, weirdo!”
Donna was unable to calm down, and a mud-stained tear began to flow from her good eye.
“One-eyed Beneviento, one-eyed Beneviento!” the children mocked, pointing at the humiliated girl.
“Enough!” you shouted, angrily clenching your fists and running toward them, throwing yourself at a disgusting girl. “You like mud? Then mud you'll have!” you shrieked, struggling with the girl and burying her face in a puddle before the astonished gaze of her friends.
“Stop, stop!” the bully protested, unable to escape your grasp. “You'll pay for this!”
“You don't scare me, Hanna!” you shrieked, struggling against her friends, who came to her aid. “Don't mess with my friend!”
“Oh, her friend,” one of them mocked, managing to pull you away from the girl while you kicked. “Friend of the freak!”
You growled furiously, managing to kick the kid, causing him to let you go with a cry of pain as he doubled over.
“Damn it...” he protested, trying to hit you back, but you were faster, grabbing his arm and sinking your teeth into it. “Hey, she bit me!” he yelled, gesturing to his friends.
“Come on, let's go...” the mud-stained girl said. “It's not worth it.”
“Yeah, run! You're evil!” you yelled as the bullies ran off, glancing at your friend, who was kneeling on the ground. “Donna.”
“Sono un mostro, un mostro...” the brunette babbled, holding her head tightly and fidgeting.
“Donna, don't do that,” you said, unable to control her crisis, fleeing from her nervous swatting. “Donna, stop…”
You were a little girl, and although it wasn't the first time you'd seen your friend in that condition, a pang of pain ran through your chest, along with a wave of guilt. With your abilities diminished by your age and your lack of understanding of what was happening to your sick friend, all you could do was kneel beside her and hold her, hold her tight.
The sobs continued for a while, but eventually your comforting embrace worked, calming poor Donna's madness.
“Come on... let's get you cleaned up, okay?” you said, helping her to her feet, putting your arm around her as you walked back to her grounds.
She nodded, sobbing weakly, slowly escorting you to the riverbank, where you began to remove the mud from her face.
“I'm sorry, it was my fault,” you said, your gaze downcast, unable to look at her face.
“Mamma will be angry... I stained her dress,” Donna said, distracted but letting herself be taken care of.
“That's not fair,” you commented, finishing cleaning up the dirt.
“She says I'm a disgrace to the family,” she explained, making you frown.
“What's a disgrace?”
“Something bad,” Donna replied, looking away and picking up her now-clean Angie doll. “(Y/N), I... gr-grazie... for protecting me,” she said in a sad tone, as you returned to your favorite play spot, an old stone bench.
“You're my best friend, Donna, I'll always protect you,” you said, confident in your words as you sat down next to her.
“Really? Will you always protect me?” the brunette asked, hugging her doll, shedding a tear on the porcelain.
“Always,” you affirmed, rubbing her back. “Come on, let's play. Judy must have gotten tired of waiting for us,” you said next, searching for your doll. “She was grounded for teasing Angie.”
It wasn't the last incident.
Luckily, you were always there to protect your friend from the other children's bullying, always looking out for her, as you promised. You were convinced nothing would separate you.
As the years passed, there weren't too many changes in your afternoons of chatting and playing. Time was a cruel element, and it began to affect your thoughts, your body... When you reached adolescence, things started to look different.
Unlike Donna, who had lessons at home, you attended the village school, and although you hated your classmates for laugh at your friend, age began to change that.
Like any teenager, you began to let the past go and meet up with them to stroll around the village, get into mischief, and forget about your old doll, as well as your old friend Donna. She never left her grounds despite her maturity, and yes, you would visit her every day, or almost every day.
It pained you to admit it, but sitting next to her on that stone bench became less and less common.
Things didn't improve as the years passed, and in 1987, everything changed, everything changed with Donna.
“Okay, it's been fun, but I have to go.” you said, getting up from the ground and dusting off your dress.
“Are you going to see your weirdo friend? Stop wasting time, (Y/N),” your friend Hanna said, her tone dismissive.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, sighing, annoyed at having to abandon that funny afternoon.
“Leave her alone,” you muttered. “Hey, don't do anything funny without me!” you shouted as you waved goodbye, heading back into the lush forest.
In the distance, on your usual bench, was that black figure, Donna, waiting silently next to her doll.
You were already 15, she was 17, about to come of age, but even so, she never abandoned her doll, never let it be consumed by dust, like yours had been.
“Hey, Donna,” you said with a smile, giving your friend a quick hug, who smiled warmly, clinging to your body.
“You... it took you a while,” she commented, slowly pulling away.
Of course, she changed too. She became a truly beautiful young woman despite her flaw, and... well, you'd thought for some time that she really was the most beautiful girl you knew.
In fact, you'd been pretty clear that men weren't your thing, after several failed teenage romances, and... somehow, the connection, the bond between you and Donna, grew a little different, a little more... warm.
“Sorry,” you apologized as you sat down next to her, keeping her hand in yours. “I got a little distracted.”
She sighed, nodding and slowly looking away, disappointment visible on her face, and something else you couldn't quite make out.
“You good, Donna?” you asked gently, moving closer to her. “You don't look well.”
“I've never do,” she murmured with a sad smile. “But you're right. Things aren't going well, (Y/N).”
“Mm,” you murmured, rubbing her back lovingly and holding her soft hand again. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“My mom is handling the pregnancy really badly,” she began.
Of course, you already knew Donna was expecting a little sibling soon, but that wasn't necessarily a good thing, not with her mother's craziness.
“Oh,” you commented. “Did she hit you again?”
“No,” she denied, making a strange face. “But her madness is worse than ever... Father says she shouldn't drink alcohol, but... (Y/N), I fear for my brother or sister's life... I don't want the same thing to happen to it.”
“W-Well, I don't know much about that... but at least you're here to protect it, right?” you said with a confident smile, thinking, unintentionally, about how much fun you were having with your friends, and how sad the visits to Donna usually were.
“Just like you're always here to protect me, aren't you?” she sighed with a discreet smile, a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Yes, that's it,” you affirmed, glancing sideways at the doll she was holding and frowning. Young Beneviento was definitely too old for dolls, and that seemed... strange to you.
“I guess you're right,” she said with a weak voice, looking into your eyes. “I'm sorry, (Y/N), you'd probably rather be with your friends than listen to my misery.”
“No,” you lied exaggeratedly. “No, no, Donna, don't say that… I like being with you, you're my best friend. But, hey… you should, I don't know, get some fun out of here. Do you feel like coming to the reservoir tonight? We're going to have a bonfire, it'll be fun.”
“I can't,” Donna denied, as she always did when you suggested hanging out with your friends.
“Are you sure? I think Hanna Petrescu was going to steal beers from her parents and…”
“Hanna? (Y/N)… why…?” the brunette interrupted, with a nasty look on her face. “Why are you hanging out with her? Don't you remember what she did to me?”
“Yeah, well…” you said nervously, looking away. “But she's changed, really, she's not like she used to be.”
“No, (Y/N), those people never change, nothing ever changes,” Donna told you, her tone serious, her gaze darker.
“Uh, that's not true,” you sighed, swinging your legs onto the stone bench. “Come on, you'll have fun, we'll tell scary stories, we'll play spin the bottle...”
“Spin the bottle? What's that?” the young Beneviento asked with a curious look.
You laughed mischievously, lifting your legs onto the bench and crossing them to sound more confident.
“It's a really funny game, you began. They put a bottle on the ground, we stand around it, and spin it.”
“What's so funny about that? I don't get it,” your friend said, her expression innocent.
“Oh, that's the best part,” you said, lowering your voice. “When the bottle stops, the people it's pointing at have to kiss.”
“U-Un bacio?” Donna asked, pulling away slightly with a look of disgust. “Why a kiss?”
You shrugged and laughed playfully.
“That's the way it is,” you said, shaking your head.
“I-I don't understand,” she murmured, pulling away slightly. “Why is kissing funny? That's not... that's not right.”
“Why not?”
“A kiss isn't just given to anyone for a stupid game; it's a declaration of love, it's serious, (Y/N),” Donna explained, showing her complete rejection of your teenage playfulness.
“Oh, that's nonsense,” you said, dismissing it with a wave of your hand. “It's 1987, don't be so old-fashioned.”
“Old-fashioned?” she said, offended, shaking her head.
“It doesn't mean anything, Donna, it's just a game, look,” you said, trying to escape the tense situation in the worst possible way, approaching your friend and stealing a kiss on the lips that left her with her eyes wide open. “See? It's nothing.”
“Why did you do that?!” the young woman shrieked, getting up from the bench in annoyance and placing a hand on her desecrated lips.
“Oh, come on, did it bother you? I wanted to show you it doesn't mean anything,” you said, standing up as well and placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Maybe not to you,” the brunette murmured, crossing her arms with a confused look, caressing her lips.
“What do you mean?” you asked cautiously, looking at your friend's face, feeling something stir inside you, something that had been created inside you after that silly kiss. “Donna, hey, don't take it so seriously, okay?”
“Take this seriously? Y-You kissed me, (Y/N),” she protested, pacing erratically.
“It was a joke...” you began in a calmer, apologetic tone.
“Of course, it doesn't mean anything to you,” she hissed, clenching her fists on either side of her hips. Her gaze was as cold as ice, her eyes reflecting darkness. “Is that it, vero? I don't mean anything to you.”
“What? Come on, Donna, don't be like that, you know that's not true,” you said somewhat nervously, biting the lips that kissed her, and that seemed to demand something more. “You're my best friend.”
“Am I? I thought Hanna Petrescu was now,” she mocked in an ironic, hurtful tone.
“What are you talking about? Donna, relax, will you? You're losing your mind again, count to ten...”
“Stop treating me like I'm a child!” the young lady shrieked, making you back away. “Stop... stop pretending to care about me.”
“I care about you,” you sighed, placing a hand on her cheek. “Donna...”
“No... it's not true, I can see it in your eyes,” she said, sniffling and pushing your touch away from her skin. “You're only coming because you feel sorry for me. You'd rather be with them.”
“Stop talking nonsense, Donna. Anyone might think you're jealous of my friends,” you said in a haughty tone, adopting a cocky pose. “Besides, if you listened to me and came with us, you'd realize what...”
“Do you want me to leave the safety of my home to share glances and words with the people who hurt me when I was little? Is that what you want?” Donna accused you, with a disgusted look on her face.
“Maybe then you'd realize they've changed, and you'd stop sinking into this sinister place and making my life miserable with your sorrows,” you whispered back, instantly regretting it.
“I'm making your life miserable, aren't I?” she said, pain on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Well... well then... go away.”
“Donna, wait, I didn't mean...” you said, grabbing her hand, a hand she jerked away. “Donna, you're my best friend, you always have been…”
“You're lying, and the worst part is that you know it,” the lady hissed, stamping her feet angrily. “N-No… I can't go on like this, I can't stand seeing you when you don't want to, and… maybe believing that… that you and I…”
“Yes?” you asked with an involuntary smile, moving a little closer. “You and I…?”
“Forget it, nothing I feel, nothing I do or say means anything to you, you've shown me that,” she finally said, moving away from your approach, leaving you petrified. “You have fun with them, don’t you? Then go with them.”
“Donna, no… you can't do this to me… I…” you said nervous and scared. Everything seemed to be going terribly wrong. “Hey, I want to be with you.”
“No, I can't stand it,” Donna said, relaxing her expression and wiping away her tears. “Please go…”
“Donna… w-wait a minute, no, you can’t just kick me out of your life,” you pleaded, regretting your actions, your words.
“I can,” she said firmly, pointing down the path that led to the village. “Go, (Y/N)… I never want to see you again.”
“What? No, Donna, wait.”
“Fuori! Fuori, fuori, fuori!" she yellled, frantically, causing you to run away from that place in fear.
That was the last time you saw her, at least for several years.
Losing Donna wasn't as simple as it seemed, as you wanted to believe. You were happy with your friends, but you felt like you were missing something; you missed her presence, her maturity, her always-on advice... They said you don't know what you have until you lose it, and it couldn't be more true.
Despite everything, your teenage life continued to change, blocking your own desire to return to your friend, your best friend, and resume those conversations, those laughs, to see her smile again...
But you didn't. Letting yourself be carried away by youth, you began to forget about Donna, leaving her as nothing but a memory. Yes, you knew about her life, you knew she'd had a little sister named Claudia, a cheerful girl and... well, apparently healthier than Donna herself.
Not wanting to reopen old wounds, you let her live her life, let her take care of her little sister as she promised she would, and let your lives separate completely. Until 1996.
That year wasn't good, it was terrible.
You were already 24, maturity was beginning to arrive in your life, and at just the right time, a horrible tragedy occurred, one Donna could never forget.
Little Claudia Beneviento, only 9 years old, contracted an incurable disease that caused her to die suddenly. Donna's sister, the one she swore to protect, had died, but things could always get worse.
After the death of her young daughter, Donatella Beneviento's madness drove her to commit an atrocious act: to end her life by throwing herself off the cliff next to the mansion. But she didn't do it alone. Giuseppe Beneviento, in a desperate attempt to save his wife, threw himself after her.
Donna was left completely alone, and that was something you couldn't, and didn't want to, ignore.
But despite your attempts to talk to her, to be with her during those terrible moments, you were unsuccessful. She didn't want to see you; she didn't even look at you at her family's funeral; she wouldn't open the door for you, or answer the phone.
You may not have realized it when it happened, but you began to understand that she meant what she said, that you would never be friends again.
Two years after the tragedy, in 1998, you decided to be brave, try one last time, and venture into the forest to give a chance to that special friendship that had united you, and that was broken because of you.
“Hey, Donna,” you said, knocking on the mansion door. “Come on, you can't still be mad at me after everything that's happened. I've... I've grown up and... and I want to apologize, keep you company, be with you like I promised I would. Please, Donna...”
“How loving...” a mysterious voice sounded as the door opened.
You stepped back, frightened by the presence before you, one you hadn't expected. The village's protector, the priestess sent by the Gods, Mother Miranda, came through the door with a satisfied look, analyzing your every gesture.
“Mother Miranda,” you said politely, bowing your head to the priestess, controlling the incipient trembling in your body.
“Mm, (Y/N), right? The cabinetmaker's daughter,” the blonde witch said, leaning against the door frame with a sense of grandeur, justifiably so, of course. “What a surprise to see you here.”
“Same, Mother Miranda,” you whispered discreetly, trying to look over her shoulders, trying to locate your friend. “I came to see Donna.”
“Donna, of course,” she sighed, rolling her eyes. “Oh, right... you were very close friends... I remember seeing you two playing behind the chapel.”
“Yes, ma'am,” you stated fearfully, earning a sinister chuckle from the priestess. “Please, I want to speak with her.”
“Um, I'm afraid Donna is... unwell right now, (Y/N), you'll have to come back later,” Miranda explained, making your concern grow.
“Is something wrong with Donna?” you asked, hopping pathetically around trying to get a glimpse of the inside of the house.
“Well, apart from being completely alone, losing her family, and having a serious mental illness... no, nothing's wrong with her,” the woman mocked, causing you to clench your fists tightly.
“I want to help her. I promised I would,” you said without thinking much. “She was my friend, and...”
"Oh, it's a shame she didn't have you all these years, isn't it?” she mocked again, a sickening darkness in her gaze. “Maybe I wouldn't be here if it had been that way.”
“Y-You have no right to accuse me, she kicked me out of her life,” you explained, unsure, probably because you were so scared of that horrible woman.
“Sure, and you were too busy to come back, right?” she rebuked you again, still smiling.
“I...” you stammered, finding some painful truth in her words. “That's not...”
“I'll give you some advice, little bird,” the woman began, putting her arm around your shoulders, walking down the front steps with you. “Forget about Donna. She's on... a different mission right now.”
“A mission? What have you done to Donna?” you asked, abruptly pulling away from the witch's grasp.
“Help her, my dear, and now if you'll excuse me, I’m busy,” she finally said, pushing you slightly and heading back into the mansion, slamming the door.
“What...? Donna!” you cried desperately. “Donna!”
“Miss (Y/N),” a voice behind you said, a voice that startled you.
When you turned around, you discovered it was Josef, the kind gardener of the Beneviento family. According to rumors, he was left to care for Donna when her family died.
“Mr. Simon,” you said, recovering from your shock. “Tell me, what's going on? What's she doing here?”
“Oh, great news, Miss (Y/N),” he said with a casual smile, escorting you back to the village. “Mother Miranda has taken pity on Mistress Donna, she's saved her.”
“Save her? From what?” you asked, stopping, demanding answers.
“Mistress Donna was... She wasn't well... and... she tried something horrible,” the man explained, leaving you breathless, realizing what he meant.
“Gods,” you sighed, running a hand over your forehead and looking at the elevator that went up to the mansion. “Donna…”
“But don't worry, Miss, Mistress Donna is very well cared for, and besides, I've heard she'll soon be named Lord of the village. It's just what our little Donna deserves, don't you think?”
“Lord? Donna?” you asked, confused. “Gods, is that true?”
“Time will tell, Miss (Y/N)…”
Josef wasn't wrong.
A few days after that strange encounter, there was a mass, but not just any mass, a special mass, to introduce the newest Lord, the fourth pillar that held the village together and kept it under the protection of the Gods: Donna Beneviento.
You remember seeing her at mass, you remember the strange black veil she wore on her face. That day, all your memories came back to haunt you, guilt stabbing at you like a knife. You were the one to blame, you had done that to her.
Now she was powerful, untouchable, and respected. You could feel a little relief at seeing that justice had finally been served, but that feeling was mixed with a touch of fear. You knew the other Lords, you knew what they were capable of.
You were never especially brave; you were only brave when you had to protect her from bullies, when you had to face her crises. In everything else, you were as cowardly as the rest of the villagers.
It was difficult to accept that Donna had changed, that she would never again be the shy little girl who played with you on that old bench, that she would never again be the beautiful young woman who gave you a strange flutter in your stomach.
You had lost her forever, although you never fully accepted it.
You tried to live your life, experiencing one heartbreak after another. No one seemed enough for you. Every time you dared to fall in love, you suffered disappointment. You felt an unpleasant emptiness that prevented you from giving yourself completely to another person.
Two years after that revelation, in 1998, something disturbing happened.
Josef Simon, the Beneviento family's loyal gardener, disappeared under mysterious circumstances. You refused to believe it, denied the truth behind the rumors that Donna had killed him.
The fear this new Lord inspired grew, and legends about her powers and the danger posed by entering her territory began to be evident to the villagers. On one hand, you felt a certain satisfaction seeing how the strange girl everyone mocked now had control of their lives. Now they owed her respect.
The new millennium arrived soon after, but in that place, it didn't mean much more than a different, new year. Everything seemed to remain the same in the village; life passed slowly, and your solitude began to feel comforting.
You were incapable of truly loving anyone; something was holding you back, a feeling you thought you'd forgotten, but at the same time, you couldn't stop feeling. You never tried to cross that forest again, to talk to Donna, to ask her questions, to apologize. The rumors in the village kept you from doing so, but… years later, in 2001, something changed.
“Let's see…” you murmured as you organized your stuff.
After your parents’ death, the business and the house were yours, and you had a lot of things to organize before continuing the family tradition.
“Oh, wow,” you said, taking your old Judy doll, the one Donna's father had given you, out of a chest. “Hi, Judy,” you said amusedly, dusting the old doll, causing something to fall off.
You picked it up slowly, turning it over and discovering an old photograph of two smiling girls hugging each other, Donna and you.
(Y/N) and Donna, 1985
Seeing that photograph awakened something you thought was dormant, a feeling of nostalgia and desire that made you swallow and look toward your window, toward the path that led to the Lord’s mansion.
You were 29 years old, no longer a child, nor a teenager, you were an adult with your whole life ahead of you, but... you felt you had to do something to fix the mistakes of your past, to recover what you longed for.
“Okay, I have to do this,” you said, leaving your house, wrapping yourself up and walking toward the wooden gate, toward your best friend's land.
Everything around you was completely different. The plants Josef lovingly tended had become wild, dominant. The landscape seemed abandoned, decayed, terribly sad and dark.
Despite the chills running through your body, you decided to continue toward the mansion, desperately hoping not to end up like the villagers who entered that place, never to return.
With a strong urge to flee, you kept walking, stopping when you reached that old stone bench so iconic to your childhood, the place where you talked, laughed, and were with Donna.
Your steps slowed as, on the cold stone, sat a black figure, a ghostly figure that couldn't be anyone else: Donna.
“I was hoping you'd come someday.” A hoarse voice emerged from the dark figure, and the black veil danced as it moved toward you.
“Donna?” you asked, slowly approaching the bench. “Gods, is that you?”
“Will you sit with me, (Y/N)?” the husky voice asked, placing a hand at her side as you obeyed, suspicious.
“Donna... it... it's been a long time,” you said nervously, sitting away from her, who simply nodded.
“An eternity,” she murmured.
“I... I feel terrible about what happened. I didn't mean...” you began, stammering, your voice not wanting to leave your throat. “Oh, Donna...” you sighed, throwing yourself into her arms, feeling a nostalgic euphoria that forced you to act unconsciously.
The lady in black didn't return the hug, but you could hear a sigh coming from the black veil as she gently pushed you away.
“I'm sorry, it was disrespectful. After all, you're a Lord now,” you murmured, embarrassed. “It's been a long time, Donna.”
“Mm,” she murmured disinterestedly, playing with her hands in her lap. “You're all grown up now.��
“Yeah, well,” you said, pretending to laugh and shaking your head. “Hey, I... I tried to tell you this many years ago, but... I'm so sorry about what happened to your family.”
“They abandoned me, they left me alone,” she grunted, clenching her fists, her voice the same nervous one you remembered, but perhaps a little more worn from disuse.
“Yeah, and me... me too,” you said, ducking your head, terribly embarrassed and uncomfortable. “You don't know how sorry I am, Donna. I never wanted to...”
You obeyed, remaining silent, a tense and charged silence that became unbearable.
“It... it was my fault,” you whispered cautiously, shaking your head and holding onto the bench for comfort. “That day, in '87, I behaved like a spoiled brat.”
“You mean the day you kissed me?” Donna asked, turning abruptly, but making it impossible for you to see her face.
“Yes, I... I shouldn't have done it,” you apologized, gradually lowering your voice. “I was young and stupid and... I tried to fix it, but... you, you didn't want anything to do with me.”
“That's not true,” she whispered in a tired voice, turning away from you. “I've never forgotten you, (Y/N).”
“Me neither,” you admitted, looking up at the cloudy sky. “I came to see you three years ago, to try to get back what we had, but... I found Mother Miranda, and Josef told me that...”
“Basta,” Donna said nervously, shaking her head. “Y-You said you'd always protect me.”
“I know, and I'm sorry... but hey, you were the one who didn't want to see me, you were always running away from me,” you said, annoyed by that spiteful comment. “I tried to make things right, Donna, I tried.”
“But you failed,” the lady rebuked you, slowly standing up.
“That's not... Ugh,” you protested, crossing your arms. “What could I do if my best friend didn't want to talk to me?”
“Your best friend?” she asked in a stern tone, accentuated by her intimidating presence.
“Yes, my best friend, you always were, Donna,” you defended yourself, sighing in frustration. “You said it yourself: Nothing ever changes.”
“Mm,” she murmured, looking away, turning her back on you. “I have changed.”
With a slow gesture, she brought her hand to the black veil, slowly parting it, allowing you to see her wounded face, a face marred by a horrible scar where her useless eye was supposed to be. Despite everything, the first thing that came to your mind after that discovery was one word: beautiful.
“Gods...” you sighed approaching and placing a hand on her cheek, caressing it despite her trembling. “She did this to you, didn't she?”
“My face isn't the only thing that's changed,” she said, pulling away abruptly. “There are many things that will never be the same as before, (Y/N).”
“I think you're still beautiful,” you sighed with a tender smile, filled with nostalgia, affection, and something else you hadn't felt in too long: those tickles in your stomach.
“And you're still a complacent brat,” Donna whispered, slowly raising her gaze, keeping yours silent.
With a simultaneous gasp, you both threw yourself into each other's arms in a tight embrace, accompanied by soft sobs. Donna's lavender scent flooded your senses, and you buried yourself in her shoulder, feeling her warmth, the warmth of something beautiful that had disappeared years ago, but seemed closer than ever.
“(Y/N)... mi sei mancata,” she whispered in your ear, hurting you with her grip, not wanting to let you go as she sobbed, just like you.
“I've missed you too,” you whispered back, with a tender smile, feeling too comfortable in her arms.
“You understood me... Y-You haven't forgotten,” the lady said, wiping away a tear and slowly pulling away from that intoxicating embrace.
“Of course I haven’t,” you said firmly. “I could never forget you, Donna. Tell me, if... if you missed me so much... Why didn't you come for me? I was so worried about you…”
“I didn't dare do it,” she said, sitting back down, taking your hand, guiding you. “After what happened, I… wanted to, I felt the need to get away from you.”
“I-I understand, but… what about these years? You're a Lord now, you… you have nothing to fear, and…"
“You're wrong, (Y/N), I'm afraid… afraid of myself,” she explained in a sadder voice, playing with the veil in her hands. “When… I changed, when I became… what I am now… I couldn't control my powers. I wanted to call you, I wanted to run and beg you to come back to me, but I was afraid, (Y/N), I was terrified of hurting you.”
You nodded understandingly, placing a hand on her shoulder, but withdrawing it when you remembered something disturbing.
“You... your gardener, Josef... they say... they say...” you stammered, unsure of whether to talk about that subject.
“I killed him,” Donna confessed without much emotion, leaving you cold. “I don't regret doing it, I don't regret having... hurt people who wanted to attack me.”
“I... I-I don't know what to say, that's wrong, Donna,” you whispered, starting to get, honestly, scared.
“I know, but... I just... I've only hurt people who deserved it,” the lady said nervously, taking your hands again. “I would never hurt you, (Y/N), I've... I've spent a lot of time trying to control myself so... so I could be with you here, right now.”
“Donna, that's... a lot to process,” you confessed, pulling away. “You could have asked for my help, called me.”
“I didn't want to disturb you. You had your life and… Well, you're single now, but…”
“How do you know?” you asked curiously, exchanging fear for a mocking smile.
“I have my ways,” she said, winking at you. “Here we are now… I've been coming here every day for two years, dreaming of seeing you appear, like you always did.”
“Yes, the place where it all began, where a naughty little girl tried to steal your lollipop,” you said, reminiscing, looking at the old stone bench.
“I adored that naughty little girl,” she whispered with a nervous laugh, avoiding looking at you directly. “You were always my only friend, (Y/N).”
“Mm, always here, on this very bench,” you sighed, looking at the cracks that time had created in the decoration. “But… but it all ended here too, when… when I kissed you… I don't know what I was thinking… it was. It was a mistake.”
“It wasn't for me,” Donna said sharply, hardening her gaze, holding yours again, causing something to form between you, a pleasant feeling you hadn't felt since that time your lips brushed against hers.
You wanted to speak, to say something, to confess that deep down, it did mean something to you, but you could only open your mouth, closing it after a few seconds.
“It wasn't for me either, Donna, even though I insisted on believing otherwise,” you managed to say, making her sad gaze return to yours, but she looked away instantly. “Who am I kidding... it was all my fault, I... I had so many friends that... for a moment I thought I'd forgotten you, although in reality... I never really did.”
“Me neither,” the brunette whispered, both of you looking away again, staring at some nonexistent place. “You... your memories are what brought me where I am now, you know?”
“Hmm? Being a Lord?” you asked amused.
“No,” she laughed tenderly, shaking her head. “I remember crying and screaming because I was lonely. When I was having a breakdown, you... your memories were the only thing that calmed me. I imagined you were there, holding me, comforting me, telling me everything would be okay. You weren't by my side, but I could feel you, I could feel you protecting me.”
“I really could have, Donna,” you said in a serious tone, moving a little closer to her, to that addictive lavender scent.
“I guess I was always stubborn,” the lady sobbed, wiping away a tear. “When Mother Miranda adopted me, I... I really didn't... I didn't want to live,” she confessed, causing a sad sigh to pass through your lungs. “I believed the world would be better without me, that no one needed a crazy ventriloquist... I let my life slip through my fingers, closing my eyes, and then she arrived.”
“Mother Miranda,” you murmured. You were never her most devoted follower, of course.
“Mm,” Donna nodded, biting her lip. “I wanted to tell her to let me die so I could return to my family, to my little sister, but... but then... I thought... I thought of you, (Y/N),” she said, with a disconcerting look. “I remembered those moments in our lives when we weren't alone. I remembered your hugs, your protection...”
You smiled, shaking your head.
“(Y/N), I wanted to live. I accepted the gift from Mother Miranda and the Gods because... if I had died that day, I would never have been able to see you again. I wouldn't be here, seeing the beautiful woman you've become.”
“That's nice, Donna, you always were a romantic girl,” you joked, nudging her boldly.
“Not the way I would have liked,” she murmured in a very low voice.
“I-I should go,” you finally said, after another comfortable silence. “I'm glad to see you, Donna, but I have errands to do.”
“Un... un attimo, (Y/N),” she said, interrupting your departure for the village. “Will you come back someday?”
“Um... I...” You hesitated, but something drew you, something irresistible that made you smile sincerely and nod. “Of course, I'll see you again tomorrow.”
And so it was. Every day you crossed that dangerous territory to reunite with your old friend. The conversations were somewhat awkward at first. Donna Beneviento certainly wasn't the same for many reasons, but deep down, you still saw in her the sweet little girl who was afraid of everything.
Those visits became a pleasant routine that mutated into laughter, experiences, and memories. It became easier and easier to look at that beautiful woman and smile while doing so.
Months passed and everything continued wonderfully and harmoniously, until suddenly, the dollmaker's attitude changed.
Madness stalked her at very specific moments, when you had to leave. You could see the pain in her eye, the desperation that made her believe that if you left, you'd never return. You couldn't blame her for that; you, too, felt sad to be leaving her side.
“Hanna Petrescu?” you commented, amused, while sharing tea with Donna in her old mansion, one that time hadn't passed by. “She didn't do so well, to be honest. She got pregnant by Marius Doric at 16, and I think she's a family woman now.”
“Mm, it seems she didn't deserve to be happy,” Donna commented with a sinister smile, rejoicing in the bullie misfortune.
“You were right, Donna, she was an idiot,” you said, blowing on your teacup. “You were always right... It didn't go so well for me either, to be honest.”
“W-Well... you didn't get pregnant,” she commented innocently, pointing at your belly, clumsily trying to joke.
“No, of course,” you laughed, shaking your head in amusement. “But... even though I can't complain... I've never... well, I've never been truly happy, you know?”
“I don't understand,” Donna whispered, putting her cup down and blinking in confusion. “You deserved to be happy.”
“I'm not so sure,” you sighed, leaning back on the old couch. “I've spent my whole life searching for someone, a true love who would understand me, who would complete me, but look at me, 29 years old and I'm still single.”
“I-I find that hard to believe. You're beautiful,” she said, her voice timid, with a thick accent that betrayed her nervousness.
“Mm, I've always... I've always felt like something was missing, like a part of me I was looking for in other people,” you explained, beginning, with the time you spent with her, to understand what it was that you were missing, what you longed for so much.
“I'm sure... that you'll find it,” Donna said in a somewhat passive tone, looking away from you with a sigh. “I assure you, whoever dares to hurt you, will pay, (Y/N).”
“Oh, so now you're protecting me, huh?” you joked, making the lady in black smile and her cheeks blush slightly. “I like the idea, Donna, a change is nice.”
“(Y/N),” she murmured suddenly, taking your cup from your hands and placing it on the table. “Nothing ever changes. I-I've always felt you by my side, protecting me even when you weren't around. I... I've always... I've felt the same way about you.”
“Donna,” you sighed, leaning closer, letting her hands caress your face erratically. “I think I know what it is I'm missing.”
“What is it?” Donna asked in a whisper, briefly directing her gaze to your lips, her body trembling with nerves due to the closeness.
“I've always missed you,” you said, also looking at her lips, moving closer as if a strange force were pushing you, as if invisible hands were guiding your head towards her, slowly placing your lips on hers.
A sigh escaped her mouth as that kiss ran through your entire body, sending shivers through your limbs, a comfortable and pleasant burning in your stomach, in your chest.
A soft sound interrupted that kiss, as if your lips refused to separate completely. Your eyes were closed, your foreheads pressed together, your skin burning against each other.
“(Y/N),” the brunette whispered, without breaking contact, without opening her eye. “Please tell me this kiss meant something to you, that it wasn't some kind of game.”
“No, Donna, it was never a game to me,” you whispered back. “If there's one thing I regret in all these years, it's… not telling you the truth about that kiss, about what it meant to me, what it means right now… I was so young, and so stupid…”
“I was so in love with you,” she sighed, kissing you briefly again. “I still am, I always will be, (Y/N).”
“Nothing ever changes, does it?” you said, letting a tear form a salty taste in another, deeper kiss. “Maybe… maybe it's not too late to… to love each other, Donna.”
“No, it's not too late,” she denied, continuing to kiss you, slowly, enjoying the contact. “I can't bear to see you leave. I-I can't bear it, amore mio… Stay with me, I beg you…”
“I… I can't do it, Donna,” you said, making her face crumble instantly, held by a gentle caress of your fingers. “I couldn't leave you again, ever.”
The sadness, the fear turned into a radiant smile, followed by kisses, hugs, whispers, apologies, and a joy that fueled the fire burning inside you, and that you learned to ignore.
“Well, it's about time!” a shrill voice startled you, making you go completely pale.
“Yiaaah!” you squealed as you saw something crawling onto the couch, the Angie doll, Donna's old, inseparable doll that moved on its own. “What the…? Angie?”
“It's not just me who's changed, (Y/N),” Donna said, helping you up with a tender smile. “But don't worry, she'll protect you too.”
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I just watched 911 8x10 and…
Here are random thoughts and impressions in no particular order whatsoever, because my brain is going into overload after this episode. We were served a 10 course meal here.
So first thought of the day:
Maddie Han you are the baddest bitch! I love you!
This episode was stunning from beginning to end. So far 8b has got off on a great start.
Abigail Spencer I did not know your game!!! I had never heard of you before 911, but you can be rest assured that I’m going to look up things you acted in, because you were incredible!
That whole Amber and Maddie storyline was good from beginning to end. I got swept away in it and had to walk around while watching, because it was so full of suspense that I couldn’t stay seated.
That shot of Amber slicing Maddie’s throat was AAAAAH! You should know about me that I do not watch horror movies or any kind of scary movie really. I just can’t handle them. I don’t like too much blood and gore. So this episode really tested me, but I got through it.
The moment when Chimney was on the phone with Athena and Amber was behind him, I was full on screaming at the TV-screen, yelling at Chim. That was sooooo good!
Poor Maddie though. She keeps going through these terrible things. Although I am happy that it turns out that she didn’t talk that guy into killing himself. That was just iffy.
But the baby’s fine and it’s a boy!!! I do wonder how Maddie is able to speak though. Her throat was slashed. She shouldn’t be able to talk for weeks. Ah well—911 magical healing no doubt. 🤷♀️
And the Buddie of it all! AAAAH!
I mean, Buck calling Eddie to come over to Chim’s? Eddie and Chim’s friendly hug compared to that tight Buddie hug in the end? The Chimney & Hen friendship comparison next to whatever it was that Buck & Eddie were doing? Because that was not the same at all.
That scene in the car where Buck summed up all the things that had gone wrong in his life and he tops it off with Eddie leaving as if that was the most important thing to him in that moment. And Eddie’s face as soon as it left Buck’s mouth, with his little “It’s not nothing.”. I died.
The ending was *chef’s kiss*. Their goodbye! Eddie’s “I hope you know you do matter to me.” The music that started with Madney and went into the Buddie scene. That hug, their faces smushed into each other’s neck and Buck’s face in the end when Eddie drives off. It just breaks my heart. I was full on crying at that point. I feel like Eddie was leaving all of us or something like that. Just thinking about it makes me tear up again.
The Abby parallels went insane here.
I’m sore I’ve forgotten a bunch of stuff, but this was just my first reaction. I’ll talk about other stuff as the week progresses.
8b is already turning out to be better than season 7 and 8a combined. Let’s hope they’ll keep up the quality.
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Tim Walz is going on tour. While Taylor Swift had her "Eras Tour", you might call this Tim's "Narrows Tour" – where he visits Congressional districts narrowly won by Republicans in 2024.
Politics is about power, and power depends on elections. Tim Walz's tour is centered on flipping the US House next year the way the blue wave of 2018 did.
Democratic Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota will be touring a series of Republican-held House districts across the country, with his first stops in Iowa and Nebraska. In the wake of President Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s firing of essential federal workers and disastrously unpopular budget plan, the GOP has chosen to refuse their increasingly anxious and angry constituents town halls. Walz’s first stop is in Iowa’s 3rd District, which is represented by Republican Zach Nunn, who narrowly defeated Democrat Lanon Baccam in 2024. When asked why he’s not scheduling any town halls, Nunn released a statement saying that he has “held hundreds of events with Iowans, including open forums and listening sessions in all 21 counties in the Iowa Third Congressional District. My record of delivering wins speaks for itself, and I’ll continue to always put Iowans first in D.C.” But Walz isn’t so sure that Nunn has made himself available to his constituents. “I'm going to go out there and make sure that those folks down in Iowa know that their rep doesn't want to come talk to him, but he voted for this stuff. I hope people show up at that town hall and say, look, governor, what are you offering? Are you offering anything better that's fair not to turn your back and not do it. It's dangerous,” Walz told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.
Gov. Walz served in the US House for a dozen years. He understands the dynamics of elections on a Congressional district level.
Here is a list of the ten closest 2024 House elections for Democrats and for Republicans who won in 2024. The winning margins are not big.

^^^ And those are not the only House elections expected to be close.
If you want to derail Trump, it's necessary to start now. Democrats on that list need to be shored up and Republicans need to be defeated.
Getting involved in races for House in those districts will do far more good than all the petitions and social media clicks in the world.
#us house of representatives#election 2026#tim walz#congressional districts#chris hayes#democrats#power is power
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Hi, Do you by any chance have any movie!shadow angst head canons while he was an experiment at GUN.
Ah headcanons, haven't done these in a good while.
And we got an angst one this time, huh? *cracks knuckles* Okay, here we go.
Pre-Sonic 3
When the scientists started to realize what Shadow was, they began various and multiple experimentations to test his abilities. Unfortunately, due to Shadow being unfamiliar with anything they were doing and being basically in a "newborn ultimate lifeform" state of mind, he wasn't very fond of that.
Each time someone tried to go near him in the temporary box where they kept him, they'd either end up unconscious, a broken limb, or both.
It got to the point where they had to sedate him heavily with tranquilizers just to get close enough for basic readings on him and his growing high patents of energy.
The tranqs would make him feel terribly ill afterward to where he wasn't able to eat, see anything clearly, stand properly or even sleep soundly for a few days, by the time he was starting to go back to normal, they'd do it all over again.
Seeing an unforseen advantage, the head scientist, Gerald Robotnik, took the opportunity to see if he could try and communicate with the creature.
He didn't get much out of him other than sharp glares and some low growling, but he managed to make some connection when he would stay near the cage long enough to where Shadow was curious and studied him and copied his movements.
After earning his trust, running tests him became a lot easier as long as Gerald was in the same vicinity as Shadow to help keep him grounded. But whenever he wasn’t, it was bad news for them to where they had to sedate him even more.
Best to say, Shadow hated being around the scientists. Each time he was, he was always poked and prodded at. They stuck things all over his body that felt uncomfortable on his fur that made him want to just tear it off him. He was viewed as a "scary extraterrestrial" as he would hear them whisper things around him.
The rocket shoes he had on were placed on him by the scientists as well as a way for him to move around quickly (if they decided to put him on the frontline). Initially, they caused great discomfort since he didn't have anything on his feet prior to that and tried to get them off to no avail since they knocked him out while they placed them on.
He got accustomed to them but wasn't fond of the heavy weight they brought whenever he would move
Gerald had told him that he needed to not lash out at the scientists when they would perform tests on him so they wouldn't have to hurt him again.
"You have to behave for them even when I'm not around. They like behaved children, so that's what you must do."
And that worked for the most part. They moved him from the cage to the glass tube that was located in Gerald's quarters, to which he would spend a short period of time. The last time he was in it before being allowed to walk around freely was when Maria came to the base, who voiced her open in letting him be able to be released from it.
Shadow had some trouble adjusting to being outside of his area, which wasn't for testing his abilities. He would stand in one spot, watching everyone and everything moving around him, not knowing what to do.
I also think that sometime after he met Maria and was able to roam free, he was starting to develop having bad anxiety, which eventually became more harsh as he began to have anxiety attacks, the cause of which also is due to how the scientists had treated him prior.
It got to the point where Maria helped ground him by doing a technique that helped her whenever she felt overwhelmed. She would get down to his level, gently take him in her arms, sway their bodies back and forth, and hum a little melody in his ear while petting him until he calmed down enough.
During the night of the raid amd before Gerald came to get them, they were sitting under their pillow tent and one of the last things he asked Maria was, "How is it that you're never scared of anything? You're always smiling and happy, even when I'm sad and you try to cheer me up?"
"It's not that I'm not scared. It's okay to be scared. But I like to be brave so that other people feel brave too."
"I always feel brave when I'm around you, I guess it works for me too."
"See? It's working, and you didn't even realize it. Grandpa says that people with brave hearts run in our family. Now you have it, too."
"I suppose so..."
Only the last thing he felt wasn't bravery as they shoved him in the tank and started filling it up with a liquid with the same stench he despised each time they would put him under. It was sadness, it was pain, it was guilt. But most of all, there was hatred.
#whew that was alot XD#but hope this serves as a good start to it!#asks answered#anonymous#sonic movie 3 spoilers#sonic 3 spoilers#movie!shadow#movie!maria robotnik#gerald robotnik#ark siblings#sonic movie headcanons#sonic movie 3 headcanons#sonic headcanons
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so obsessed with the end of cinderella’s castle when they finally let bryce charles riff her fucking lungs out hatchet town style
#don’t get me wrong she was serving slayarific vocals literally the entire show#that woman is an absolute vocal powerhouse#she reins it in a bit more during all of her songs and we get to see how much control she has over her voice#but it did make me laugh hearing her just start belting like crazy right at the end bc yeah thats what i was waiting the whole show for#and she DELIVERED#vocals in this show were so so good im so excited for a studio recording/cast album#starkid#bryce charles#cinderella’s castle spoilers#cinderella’s castle#tilda rambling#unfortunately did not get a bryce snd jon duet but i will not give up hope
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