#but his friend(s) luv him very much
luc3ks · 2 months
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I really like michael because every further progression I make of his character it just makes him a worse and worse person. like oh wow. he is awful. and he knows it
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kaleldobrev · 9 months
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Pairing: Soldier Boy (Ben) x F. Reader
Summary: Ben is highly against when other men hit on you
Original Prompt: Requested by anonymous | HEYYY THERE. First of all- I love your work so freaking much. Second of all- if you’re still accepting requests I was wondering if I could ask for a soldier boy x reader where they’re out at a bar and some creepy guys hits on her?? Basically how Ben would react and everything. THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE <333
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Cursing (21x) & Possessive!Ben
Authors Note: I re-wrote this I think like a handful of times cause I honestly wasn’t happy with it. But now I am finally happy with it | I really hope you guys liked the way this turned out | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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“So tell me why you fucking dragged me here again?” Ben asked, walking very close behind you that he might as well be attached to your back.
“Hughie’s birthday,” you reminded him.
“Remind me again why he invited me?” Ben asked. “Because we aren’t really buddy-buddy babe.”
“Because believe it or not, he doesn’t hate you,” you said. “Besides, even if he didn’t invite you, I would have dragged you here anyway cause he said I could bring a plus one. And you my guy, are my plus one.”
He rolled his eyes. “I seriously do not want to fucking be here. I have other things I could be doing than hanging out with your friends.”
You turned to him, cocking a brow. “Like what? Smashing bennies on our kitchen counter while you watch re-runs of M*A*S*H?”
He furrowed his brow, hating that you knew him all too well. “Fuck you,” was how he chose to respond.
“Fuck you too,” you smirked. “Now let’s go grandpa,” you said, taking his hand in yours and making your way to the back table where your friends probably already were.
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“Y/N!” Hughie exclaimed, holding a beer in his hand. “You made it!”
“Of course I did,” you smiled; him and you exchanging hug. “I wouldn’t miss actually seeing Butcher let loose,” you winked.
“You’ve seen it plenty of times luv,” he said, picking up a shot of vodka.
“Yeah but, that was when strictly murder was involved,” you clarified. He shrugged his shoulders in response, knocking back the shot.
“Hey. I’m shocked you actually came,” Hughie said, gesturing toward Ben.
“She dr—” he started to say, but changed his mind when he saw you, looking at him with the biggest ‘do not piss me off’ look. “Wouldn’t have missed it.”
“So, what’s everyone drinking?” You asked.
“White claw as usual for me. But we have beer and vodka shots too,” Annie replied, gesturing around the table as your eyes followed the drinks.
“Anyone in the mood for some rum?” You asked. “Kinda in the mood for a rum and coke myself.”
“You’re always in the mood for rum and coke,” Ben mumbled. “Rum and my coc—” He mumbled again, but you quickly cut him off, not wanting him to finish his sentence.
“Okay!” You clapped. “I’m gonna go get some rum and coke. Ben, you wanna come with me?” You asked, turning in his direction.
Ben weighed his options: he could either sit at this table making small talk with your friends that he had nothing in common with, or he could go with you to the bar and maybe have the chance to convince you to have a quickie in the bathroom. “I’ll come with you.”
“Perfect!” You clapped again, aggressively taking his hand as the two of you started making your way toward the bar.
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As soon as you and Ben were out of ear and eyeshot, Annie was the first one to break the silence. “So, what’s going on with them? Because whenever I bring up their relationship she always changes the subject.”
“They aren’t in a relationship,” Butcher clarified. “Not a real one anyway.”
“I mean, friends with benefits is kind of a relationship,” Annie said. “I mean, it’s not like the two of them don’t have feelings for each other ya know?”
“How do you figure?” Butcher asked.
“You don’t see the way the two of them look at each other? Those are more than ‘I only fuck you cause you’re convenient eyes’,” she explained.
“He doesn’t love her. Dont think the cunt is even capable of love,” Butcher replied, taking another shot of vodka.
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“Did you actually want rum and coke or did you just want us to have some alone time?” He smirked. “Come and cock if you will.”
“Why does everything that comes out of your mouth sound disgusting?” You asked, not nearly as disgusted as you were over a year ago when you had first met him. Because you had been around him for as long as you have, you had basically become desensitized to basically everything he had said or did. Him walking around naked? Just an average Tuesday. Him snorting coke while you make pasta? Just an average Friday.
“I thought you liked the things that came out of my mouth,” he winked.
“We are not doing this right now,” you warned him.
“I mean we could. Your heart is beatin’ rather fast right now. And your cheeks are turning that pinkish color they usually get whenever you wanna jump me,” he smirked.
“Either go and sit down or stay quiet. Cause I don’t need these random people in this bar to know about our sex life,” you whispered yelled.
“Where’s your sense of adventure Sweetheart?” He smirked again, starting to tug on your empty belt loop on your jeans.
“Ben,” you whispered through gritted teeth.
“What?” He asked, whispering in your ear. “It’s not like anyone’s paying attention to us. This bar is fucking crowded.” He pulled you close, and kissed your neck; which caused you to let you a tiny moan. “There she is,” he smirked against your skin.
“Okay. I need you to go sit down,” you said, Ben still very much kissing your neck.
“You really want me to go and do that when we can go into the bathroom and have a good and quick fuck?” He whispered.
His offer was tempting, more tempting than you would have liked to admit. But you had to restrain yourself, at least right now — because you didn’t want to get fucked in a dirty bar bathroom. “Ben,” your voice stern.
He knew that voice all too well, and he immediately stopped what he was doing. “Fine,” his voice annoyed. “Gonna go sit by your friends.”
“Ben, you can still stand here. Just keep your hands to yourself,” you told him, but he was already half way across the room. “Fucking child,” you whispered, full well knowing that he would still be able to hear you.
“Pain in my fucking ass,” he mumbled to himself.
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“They’re been over there a long time,” Hughie said, trying to see over the sea of people. “Oh wait! Here they come.” But instead of you and Ben coming back toward the table, it was just Ben; and everyone looked at him with slight confusion. “Where’s Y/N?”
“Getting her rum and coke. Weren’t you paying attention?” Ben slightly snapped.
“Jesus,” Hughie mumbled.
“I think what he means is, I thought you were getting one with her,” Annie said.
“Trouble in paradise?” Butcher asked slightly smirking; holding up a shot of vodka for Ben to take. Ben just rolled his eyes and took the shot. “That’s what I thought.”
“Can someone fucking move so I can sit the fuck down?” Ben asked, his voice full of annoyance.
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As you waited at the bar for yours and Ben’s drinks, you tapped your fingers along to the music that was playing even though it was very muffled sounding due to the immense crowd in the bar tonight. “Hey little lady,” you heard a male voice say, but you ignored it, thinking that he was probably talking to the girl next to you. But then you felt an aggressive tapping on your shoulders. For a split second you thought that maybe it was Ben, but you knew he would never do something like that to you.
When you turned around, a man about a few inches taller than you stood in front of you. “You talking to me?” You asked.
He scoffed. “Yeah, who else would I be talking to pretty lady?” His words made you shudder. “Cold?”
“Uh yeah…I uh…I run a little cold,” you lied. Fuck, he noticed the shuddering, you thought.
“You can borrow my jacket,” he said, starting to take off a leather jacket that reeked of menthol and cheap whiskey.
“No I’m good, thanks though,” you said, trying your best to be nice. “Besides, I’d never see you again, so you would never get your jacket back.”
“See, I fully intend on seeing you Sweetheart,” he said. “In more ways than one,” he winked. Again, you felt your body shudder. “Are you sure you don’t want my jacket? It’s honestly really fucking hot. Kinda like you.”
Oh sweet baby Jesus, you thought. “I’m good honestly. And plus, I’m sure my friends have a jacket I can borrow.”
“Your friends uh?” He cocked a brow. “They as hot as you?” You honestly didn’t know how to answer that, so you just stood there a little dumbfounded. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you my number and we can meet up later for a little party.”
“I don’t thin—” you started to answer.
“And before you say no. I’m sure you would love it, it’s a sex party. Like uh, that Herogasm. Ever been to Herogasm?” He asked.
Of course you’ve been to Herogasm; but it wasn’t for pleasure on any account (as that kind of thing wasn’t remotely your thing). You were strictly there to make sure things didn’t go more south than they already did. “That’s not really my —”
“I really think you’d enjoy it,” he said. “The guy who created it must of been such a freak.” You have no idea, you wanted to say.
“Soldier Boy,” you said, and the man looked at you with slight confusion, furrowing his brow. “Created it…Hero…gasm…”
“Oh shit he did! Man, that guy is a fucking legend,” the man said. “Hey, you think he would still be going to those if he didn’t get killed in that nuclear thing in Ohio back in the eighties?”
“I honestly wouldn’t know,” you said, starting to actually get embarrassed.
“Anyway, enough about that guy. Have you ever had a threesome?” He asked, abruptly changing the subject.
“Hey Sugar,” you heard Ben say from behind you.
“Get in line pal,” the guy said. “She’s with me.”
Ben raised a brow out of amusement. “Oh she is, is she?”
“Yeah and—hey, has anyone ever told you that you kinda look like Soldier Boy? Man, he was my favorite,” the man said. If Ben’s ego couldn’t get any higher…
“He gets that a lot,” you chimed in.
“Shit, you two know each other?” The man said, looking back and forth between you and Ben.
“Yeah,” Ben said. “We’re real familiar with each other. So why don’t you scam before I break your nose for hitting on my girlfriend here?”
The man couldn’t help himself but scoff. “Girlfriend? Dude, you wish.” Oh no.
“Excuse me?” Ben asked. “I don’t think I heard you quite right.”
“Of course you didn’t, cause you’re an old, fucking —”
Ben’s hands went into fists, and you felt him start to push past you, but you stopped him by pressing a firm hand on his chest, which was starting to get unbelievably hot. “Let’s go sit down. Annie just texted me asking me where we are.”
The drinks that the bartender made you and Ben got slid toward you, and you picked them up, attempting to hand a glass for him to hold to replace one of his fists. “Don’t wanna worry her now would we?” Ben said, his voice still full of anger, but it was attempting to sound calm.
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“You’re pissed at me aren’t you?” Ben asked, as the two of you started making your way toward the table.
“Why do you think I’m pissed at you?” You questioned.
“Because I didn’t let you handle that yourself,” he answered. “I know you’re all about feminism or whatever, but I didn’t like the way he was talking to you.”
“I admit what you did was slightly more alpha than I would have liked but, I’m not remotely pissed at you,” you told him. “It was kinda…hot actually,” you confessed. “I’m just more intrigued by the choice of words you used.”
“What words?” He raised a brow, the two of you stopping in your tracks mere feet away from the table.
“The fact that you called me your girlfriend,” you said. “You could have just said friend, but you choose to use the word girlfriend.”
“Jesus Christ,” he rolled his eyes. “We are not having this conversation now.”
“But you can grope me in a crowded bar?” You asked, cocking your head.
“That’s different,” he said.
“H-okay, I’m not gonna touch that. But seriously? I think we should really talk about this at some point because you’ve been doing that a lot lately,” you said.
“Doing what?” It was his turn to cock his head, and look at you with slight confusion.
“Calling me your girlfriend,” you stated.
He rolled his eyes again. “Tell me one time before this time that I called you my girlfriend.”
“Literally yesterday,” you responded all too quickly.
“Because some creep was hitting on you. To be fair, you call me your boyfriend,” he said, trying to turn this conversation in his favor somehow.
“I have never once called you my boyfriend,” you stated.
“You did. Yesterday when you were on the phone with your mom,” he told you.
“A conversation that I told you not to listen in on might I add,” you retorted.
“Okay, that’s besides the point. Point is —”
“Look, I’m gonna make this simple. Do you want me to be your actual girlfriend or not?” You asked bluntly, cutting him off.
“What?” He asked, for some reason acting like he was confused.
"I'm tired of beating around the bush okay? We like fucking, we already live together, and we genuinely like spending time with each other. So, why not just make things official?" Ben knew that you had a point. "So, do you want to be my boyfriend or not?"
"Yes," he replied, sounding slightly annoyed.
"What?" You asked, sighing.
"I wanted to be the one to ask," he mumbled.
"Fucking Christ," you mumbled.
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jellyfiishatr · 1 year
Being friends with them!!
a/n : just some friendly hang out sessions with the great spider four >_<★!!
Characters : Miles Morales / Gwen Stacy / Pavitr Prabhakar / Hobie Brown
content : headcanon / fluff / platonic / pure silliness
Miles Morales!! (Small Ganke mention!!)
☆ study sessions with these two ofcourse
☆ ^and by study sessions I mean Miles is doing work and Ganke's been done and has been playing videos games since you came over to their dorm
☆ Miles asks for help with English, and you ask for help with whatever you're missing
☆ if not study sesh, then definitely out and about spray painting a new wall
☆ ^I can imagine late night talks with him after he's finished a piece are very heart to heart, he loves to speak his mind to you and hopes you do aswell
☆ I can imagine you meeting his parents are a little nerve wracking since he's mentioned that they didn't like ganke or Gwen
☆ so you tried to be as respectful and kind to them as you possibly could (probably also kissing up to them idk I would too)
☆ if you also do art, you guys compare drawings and give eachother advice on what you need to work on
☆ ^definitely the type to steal your notes and draw in them during class
☆ ^will also steal said notes for a week and forger he has them till your banging on his door in the middle of the night before your assignments due and those notes are very much important to you
Gwen stacy!!
☆ it took a long time for her to actually consider you a friend, a lot of the time you just stayed following her and talking
☆ ^anything you said in those few months prior to her considering you a friend, went through one ear and out the other
☆ She's definitely a teaser, making fun of you in a friendly manner
☆ movie night, or weekly sleepovers at one another's house is a must with her
☆ ^she says she's into horror/action but is really into romcoms, she won't admit that outloud though
☆ I feel like she's really bad at cooking so teaching her how better her cooking skills has definitely happened once or twice
☆ ^she loves when you make her lunches, she usually buys you lunch for the next two days in return
☆ when she's playing the drums you usually sit right outside her window with headphones because she's likes to have her room shut off
☆ ^but she still wants to hang out so she makes you wait outside for about an hour till she's done and has you back inside for dinner
Pavitr Prabhakar!!
☆ Study sessions pt2!
☆ he's a straight A, top of the class student. He doesn't really need to do homework because he does it in class
☆ he does help you with yours though, especially if you're failing
☆ early morning walks, he's an early bird and makes you walk with him because "It's good for the mind!"
☆ if you're not an earlybird, you're grumbling the entire walk about how it's a "weekend" and how "you do this everyday pavitr" and how "you need to stop making me do this"
☆ he doesn't understand whatever you're trying to say and pushes you lightly the rest of the walk (that last part definitelywasnt written by pavitr, no definitely not)
☆ he loves to rant about his girlfriend, talking about how they sneaked out and went on a late night walk that week
☆ if you have an s/o you're definitely talking about them with pavitr, telling him all about them
☆ he's definitely a dog person, he always has a dog following him no matter what
☆ you guys are walking to school? There's a dog right behind you. Hanging out at his house? There's a dog right outside his bedroom window. LITERALLY IN SCHOOL?? A DOG HAS WALKED IN DURING THE MIDDLE OF CLASS AND SAT DOWN NEXT TO HIM WHILE THE TEACHER WAS AWAY
☆ ^everyone think he just has some sort of dog treats on him always but it's really from just recognizing his face from him always feeding them, such a sweetheart
Hobie Brown!!
☆ draws on your hand a lot
☆ ^you always have faded sharpie on you no matter what because of him
☆ you tease him for his accent constantly, saying "pip pip cheerio," or "ello luv." In the most horrible accent ever
☆ You have to go to protests or big government events with him, whether you're political or not he's dragging you along
☆ Always has little trinkets for you everytime you hang out
☆ hang outs in an abandoned building are a daily thing
☆ ^he's probably made you carry a big couch for him to put in a new hang out spot because he said he "knew a place."
☆ he did infact know a place
☆ the playlist guy, he's the one with fire songs to hype everyone up at rallies/protests
☆ knows how to design, outfits, or banners whatever. He knows how to do it right
☆ you'll always have heart to heart conversations with him, early in the morning, mid-day, or late at night
☆ if you ever bring up the topic, "you think we're friends in another universe?" He just looks at you and nods (I've mentioned this before in my hobie hcs)
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idlerin · 7 months
nonsense — epilogue: 43. utterly nonsensical
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masterlist — previous | fin.
✦ fun facts !
oikawa does make sure that he proposes when [name] leasts expects it (and in clothes she would approve of)
its been two years since the final chapter, by this time, [name] already has a stable job as a screenwriter while oikawa’s acting career is still booming.
[name]’s friends know oikawa has been wanting to propose for months.
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nonsense ! an oikawa tooru social media au
synopsis. you were oikawa tooru’s #1 fan, until you became his #1 hater. you hated him so much you went viral on twitter (accidentally) and literally became known as “the oikawa tooru hater”, doesn’t help that he keeps fueling the fire by subtweeting you. everyone is all in for this new drama. what isn’t known to the public, is that this particular drama’s been on hold for three years (him being your ex and all).
a/n — 3/3! i don’t even know where to begin, nonsense has been an integral part of my life for around 2-3 years, even before i began posting the story on tumblr, before it was even called ‘nonsense’. it’s been on the back of my mind for ages, and when i started this story i didn’t even think it would take me this long to finish it. there has been a lot of times where i lost motivation in writing, and i never forced myself to create because then i just know the content i would put out wouldn’t be the same. so i wrote when i felt like it, when i wanted to, because i think you should never force yourself to continue something if you don’t feel like doing it anymore.
i’m also the type of person that would persist when i love something, and i really really love nonsense. i love this little world that i created and i hope other people loved it too. it’s funny how nonsense began as a silly little thought just because i ran out of smaus to read, and i really did not know how to even make one! i just relied mostly on my gut and thought to myself what i would like to read :). nonsense is very dear to me because it’s the first smau i ever made, i started this last year and i think the story grew with me!
i would just like to thank everyone who read, liked, commented, reblogged, interacted, and spared time for nonsense. i can never say enough how every single one of you mean the world to me, you guys were part of the reason i kept coming back and finishing what i left of. motivation is really the key problem i have, and i can say what motivates me is my love for the story, haikyuu, and you guys ❤️
i love all of you so so so much, thank you for being part of this story and hopefully reading nonsense had made you smile or even made your day.
now, onto my next work! (that i will most likely procrastinate on too, bare with me my darlings)
taglist is closed ! + (1/2) @kawaii-angelanne @ceneridiankaa @kittycasie @rukia-uchiha-98 @polish-cereal @kellesvt @rockleeisbaeeee @kashxyou @imsoluvly @jjulliette @tooruchiiscribs @littlefreakjulia @gomjohs @qualitygiantshoepsychic @mellowknightcolorfarm @konzumeken @migosple @kuroogguk @sangwooooo @katsu-shi @wolffmaiden @rijhi @2baddies-1porsche @yeehawcity @aishkaaa @crueldinasty @renardiererin @yyuiz @llamakenma @penguinlovestowrite @princelingperfect @hearts4faey @yoonabeo @pantherhappy @julia-1901 @godsbiggestmenace @angel-luv-04 @noideawhothatis @bethbat @natsvmie @luna-mothii @lylovw @apinu @leave-rae-alone @kamikokii @bananasquash @eitaababe @minimari415 @hanabihwa @nilopillo
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noellefan101 · 10 months
Your First Date-Genshin pt 3
Characters: Lyney, Freminet, Wriothesley, Neuvillette, Alhaitham x gn reader
Summary: Your first date with them,
Warnings: lyney flirting, tea
Note: omg im finally done, i really liked writing these tho, ye thats all i have to say school literally destroyed my brain, love you
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he would definitely preform a TON of magic tricks during your first date, both romantic, some are just pretty to look at and then there´s the brother-you're-just-embarrassing-yourself magic tricks
: said ever so kindly by Lynette
wouldn't make your date as public as his shows, since he wants to share the moments and magic tricks with you only
(+ Lynette, Fremi and "father" if she asked him so, but yk, they're only made for you)
after he had given you more rainbow roses than you could ever count to, he set out some homemade goods, like cookies, a cake, cupcakes(whatever you lik)
(in which he definitely didn´t spend a few days learning to make)
overall 10/10 (if you dont ask lynette, she had to leave bc of the amount of secondhand embarrassment(she was there at the start)) and it was enjoyable for u.
yes, you would be underwater for your first date, but if you really don´t like it(yet)he can just take you some other time
^^but he would prefer to show take you on your first
[and yes, Lyney and Lynette (+his other siblings at home)did bet on when he would finally confesses and take you on a date]
he would let you wear his diving helmet if you really wanted to, but he would also just wear it if he felt embarrassed, or wanted to tell you a story (most likely abt pers)
he aslo ended up showing you a few of his mechanics(robots?)
and showed you some works in progresses other people haven´t seen, other than him and pers ofc
he would drink tea with you in his office
^^maybe Sigewinne baked you something too,
but you mainly drank tea and just talked the whole time
(bro likes tea so much, someone pls make him shut up abt it)
well other than showing you and talking about his (absolutely massive) tea collection (and cake/bakery(sry))
if he´ll ever let you talk, ofc he will(its a very unfunny joke), he´ll listen to you for as long as you´d want to talk
you also laughed a little when he told about how melusines and stickers dont work well
and he liked seeing and hearing your laugh, so he might go for a date number two
he would take you out to a fancy restaurant or he would just sit and talk with you somewhere more private
but maybe include a Melusine passing by here and there, checking on you both or for some work-related reasons (that they then put off, just a little, when seeing you both together)
i imagine that you would try some different types of water with him, by his request, and tried your dam best to find a difference.
but he would also get you any kind of drink, dessert or food you´d like
all in all its pretty easy bonding with him, and he just likes being beside you and spending time with you
he would take you to a quiet cafe where you could sit in peace, since he doesn´t like loud places and want you two to be alone for the most part
he would pay 100% he doesn't even give you a chance to try and pay for anything (he´s nice when he wants to be)
he definitely brought a book with him to read(+ one for you) and would either let you talk while he reads a "little", or he would just read out loud so you know what kind of books he likes
he´s not good at doing any kind of romantic things, but he did try and do something
that including:
taking you out on the date later in the evening so he later could show you the stars, and point out some constellations
asking your friends (and maybe family) what you like food-wise, so he knows what kind of place he should have in mind when picking the place of your date
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thank you for reading i don´t think i´ll make any more of these, but if you want it i´ll do it, luv ya-Masterlist
You are welcome to reblog and like any of my posts, but you CAN NOT translate, copy or hate on anybody for liking my posts
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spidey-bie · 1 year
A/N: This is gonna be very self indulgent. Also I've never written headcanons before so bare with me. Also disabled was too wide of a field so I narrowed it down to just joint issues/chronic pain.
Hobie With a Disabled S/O or Friend:
I can definitely see him helping you decorate your mobility aids with different cpunk slogans. Much to the dismay of your family.
"Oh honey you got a new sticker on your cane, what does it say?"
"Big Pharma can suck my dick."
"Oh....that's nice."
His hands are probably rough but I guarantee you that this man gives the best massages. You just tell him what's hurting and he's got you.
If you're having a bad pain day and you don't feel like moving he'll bring you what you need and just vibe with you in bed all day.
"Don't you have to go into HQ today?"
"And leave you here to fend for yourself? Come off it luv."
Always keeps some sort of pain reliever on hand whether it's medicine or homemade ice/heat packs.
He steals your medicine for you if you can't afford it. (Honestly he probably still does even if you can. People should never have to pay so that they don't suffer.)
Definitely helps you on your wash days when your joint pain flares up.
Despite him and his damn long legs he makes sure to match your pace when you both walk together.
He'll side eye you at first but he'd carry you if you asked him too (this is for me)
"Hobie please? My ankles hurt. It'll just for a couple minutes." 🥺
"Bug we could just sit down and rest for a minute if you're in pain."
"And here I thought that Spiderman was supposed to be strong. It's fine. I'll ju-"
He picks you up and slings you over his shoulders like a sack of potatos.
"This isn't what I meant and you know it."
He laughs and then he carries you correctly.
Actively advocates with you for your needs and rights.
Also after he introduces you to Sun Spider y'all become close friends who exchange tips.
E/N: I spent most of my time watching YouTube videos of the same clips of Hobie from the movie over and over again instead of writing this so yay. Hope you like and reblog this. Might write some more idk.
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naruto--imagines · 7 months
Hi Luv! I recently came across your blog and found it to be so cuteee! If it isn't too much to ask, I'd like to request a HC of Neji with a fem S/O that's curvy and shy but very vocal when talking about her passions? Please and Thank you! :)
Honestly, people would not have assumed the two of you were dating.
Neji was, well, Neji.
And you, you were such a drastic difference to him.
Kind, compassionate, and often soft-spoken - compared to his rigid, subdued, and confident exterior.
But honestly, the pairing made sense, you two balanced each other out where it was needed. Neji appreciated that you spoke enough for the both of you, and that you were patient enough to put up with your friends, while you appreciated that he was willing to send your food back on your behalf when it was messed up
Something that he won't admit to out loud is just how much he adores you (poor boy is easily embarrassed by that stuff). Holding hands with you, hugging you, even kissing you is all second nature to him and it all just feels right.
But his all-time favorite thing is when you find a topic that you can't stop talking about. Your face lights up, your rate of speech increases, and there is a twinkle in your eyes that sparks a little brighter.
He could listen to you for hours, and sometimes he does, depending on the topic you've chosen. For example, right now you're going on about something drastic that just happened in the show you've been watching. You started the conversation explaining all the minute details to him before you even made it to the most recent episode.
Neji finds himself simply smiling along to everything you said., just thinking about how perfect you are to him.
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taeraeszn · 1 year
Hi love 😋 Can I please request ZB1's reactions to their jealous s/o. I love your way of writing so much /actually. Have a good day and always rest bby 🤟🏻
how would zb1 react to their jealous s/o?
hi luv! thank you for the request and the kind comment! it really made my day :) i hope this fulfills your request! i was actually really excited to write this since i had lots of ideas in my mind that i could use for each member hehe
these scenarios are a bit longer than my usual ones so enjoy <3
warnings: mentions of food, lmk if there's any more!
kim jiwoong
jiwoong decided to bring over one of his friend's who you weren't a huge fan of, they were often rude to you and didn't bother to speak to you whenever they visited. but today you got even more pissed when they kept clinging onto jiwoong as if he was their boyfriend, worst was that jiwoong did absolutely nothing to stop them!
you could only sigh as you watched on. seeing how close they were really made you feel jealous when you were aware that jiwoong only loved you.
your heart couldn't handle the hurt inside, especially since jiwoong barely paid attention to you despite asking you to come over that day. in the end, your inside feelings won you over and you decided to leave early than you were planning on.
"babe? i'm leaving." you abruptly announced, rushing to the front door to put your shoes on
jiwoong quickly ran over, "why? did something happen?" he asked in a concerned tone. you tried to play it off like you weren't jealous a minute ago.
"oh nothing happened, i have something to do." it seemed to work and jiwoong kissed you goodbye. just as you shut his apartment door, you suddenly felt your heart ache
fast forward a few hours later, you were in your bedroom when you suddenly got a call from your boyfriend. you were hesitant to answer but nonetheless swiped to accept the call
"hello?" you heard shuffling on the other end
"babe be honest with me, you left because of my friend right?"
"how did you expect me to feel when they were all over you? the worst was that you didn't even stop them and let them touch you like that.." your voice cracked at the end
he sighed, "you know i don't love them like that. you are always the person that i love and want to be with. i'm sorry for not paying attention to you and your feelings. please forgive me (name). i love you."
rest of the members are under the cut!
zhang hao
you were able to find a day that accommodated the both of you despite hao's schedule as a member of zb1 and took that day to go shopping together and just spend time together as a couple
well that was what you were expecting to happen until one of hao's friend was also at the mall. his friend spoke mandarin so you had no idea what they were talking about
"hao? it's been so long!" they exclaimed. hao seemed surprised and greeted them
"it really has! how come your in seoul?" and before you knew it they began conversing in mandarin leaving you confused on what else that they were saying
hao then turned to face you, "babe, is it ok if i hang out with them? it's been a while since i've seen them and i want to catch up."
it would be a lie to say that you were happy with this, but even still you allowed him and they left together
all your planning went to waste as it was thrown away that quickly. you were so thrilled to meet up with your boyfriend and find a date that both of you were free on. you knew it would be even more harder to find another day since he had a comeback and a tour approaching
you shut off your phone for the day and headed home on the bus with mixed emotions, mostly jealousy
at around night time you were sitting in your living room when the doorbell suddenly rang, you were surprised that someone was here this late but when you opened it, it was hao!
"uh, hi?" he showed you his recent calls that you missed
"i called you four times today, how come you didn't pick up?" his voice sounding very firm
"oh i thought that you were busy with your friend.." you didn't even mean to say that but it slipped out, hao raised his brow at this
"what?" you shrugged replying, "i don't know. i was excited to hang out with you today knowing it'll be hard to do this again only for you to leave me stranded to hang out with someone else."
hao's frown slowly disappeared as he cupped your cheeks, kissing you gently. "i'm sorry baby. i didn't know you were this hurt over the situation. i promise we can find another day to meet up, i'll make it up to you."
sung hanbin
you decided to stop by the wakeone building to deliver the food you brought for the members after a long day of practice that burnt out the boys
hanbin had also personally asked for you to visit since he missed you, and of course you listened and did exactly that!
you were holding two bags of food in your hand and headed up to the practice room
just as you opened the door, everyone gasped at the food and ran towards you, hanbin being especially excited to see you more than the food
"you guys must've been hungry..." you said, watching as everyone stuffed their faces with the food you bought. gyuvin nodded, "yeah we barely had anything today!"
you then felt a hand touch your shoulder, as you turned to your side, hanbin was right there
"thank you love." he said, pecking your temple.
"of course! you all deserve it after working so hard!"
as they finished eating, they returned to practicing again. you were about to leave when hanbin stopped you at the door
"don't go yet!" he pouted, "at least watch our new choreography!"
you couldn't resist your hamcat boyfriend and decided to stay for a little longer than planned
but what you weren't expecting was a backup dancer that arrived. the music played and one of hanbin's part involved a solo dance with them. his hands were all over them and you could only watch in shock
it was as if you paused in real life, did you actually witness that? you couldn't help but feel jealousy seeping through you
as the music finished, everyone gave hanbin and the dancer compliments and cheers. hanbin then approached you where you were feeling less cheerful than before
"hey what's wrong?" he asked. you shook your head, "nothing. it's just...i wasn't expecting your solo dance to be with someone else."
he then chuckled, showing off his cat whiskers, "don't worry babe. it's just a dance. i don't have any actual feelings for them when i have you."
seok matthew
you've been noticing that matthew has been in the wakeone building more often than usual. he would usually be able to hang out with you but it had been nearly three weeks since you last saw each other
you didn't think you did anything wrong so you were puzzled as to why matthew hadn't proposed a date to go on. you've also been noticing that matthew was sending you lots of voice chats of him singing, sharing how well he was doing
so one day you decided to reach out to one of his members and see what was going on
the contact you called the most was taerae, matthew's 02 friend. you pressed the call button and waited
about 5 seconds later, taerae picked up and gave you a cheerful hello
"hey taerae! i was just wondering, what has matthew been up to recently?"
"matthew? i thought you would know since you two are dating."
"yeah but the past few weeks he's barely texted me and when he does their just voice chats sharing some songs he sang." you heard taerae chuckling on the other end
"oh he must've done that after meeting with that new vocal trainer." new vocal trainer?!
"huh?" taerae once again laughed, "he didn't tell you? he hired his own vocal trainer, they've apparently worked with huge artists."
you understood that it was his job to sing but he wasn't meeting up because of this? you didn't know why but your heart starting beating quickly, worried over matthew losing interest in you
"oh...okay. thanks for telling me taerae." you hung up.
the next hour you got a call from matthew, you were thrilled but still side eyeing him
"hey matt." you said, he noticed your lack of enthusiasm right away. "what's wrong?"
you sighed, "i heard you were getting trained by a new vocal trainer, is that why you've haven't asked to go on any dates?"
"i know and i'm sorry we haven't honey. i'll cancel my training tomorrow to make time for you. your always my first priority and i'm sorry for neglecting you."
kim taerae
you and taerae were walking in the park together, promotions had just wrapped up and the first he thing was call you to ask if you wanted to meet up, of course you agreed!
he was telling you about all the new friends he recently made while at the music shows, it made you proud to see taerae living out his long time dream of becoming a singer
but just as you were about to speak, someone else called out taerae's name from afar
you noticed that taerae smiled at his name being called. his cute dimples popping out right away
"taerae! it's such a coincidence that were both at the park!" the person exclaimed, taerae giggled, "right?"
as they continued talking, you felt as if you were absent since he didn't even say anything to you, it wasn't until you introduced yourself as taerae's partner that the person acknowledged your existence
"oh. hi." was all they said to you before returning to their conversation with taerae
and after that it became a date with those two with you as the third wheel, just trailing behind them as if this wasn't your date with taerae
taerae seemed really happy to talk with them so you didn't want to barge into their conversation, but it still hurt you how taerae was ignoring you
you couldn't take it anymore and tapped your boyfriend's shoulder. he turned and faced you
"i'm heading home, something urgent happened to my sister." you lied, taerae tried to stop you but you were already far gone
you began walking to the nearby station to head home. just as you were about to enter the train, you heard someone shouting at you from behind
"(name)! (name)!" you could immediately recognize the voice to be taerae's. you were hesitant to speak to him
"please don't go, i know nothing happened to your sister. i'm sorry for ignoring you, i admit it's my fault." he said
"i understand that taerae but you barely spoke to me after your friend noticed you. i was really looking forward to spend some time together."
"i know, please tell me whatever i can do make up for this. i love you so much, i can't imagine a life without you."
shen ricky
you were hanging out at the dorms with the members, ricky had invited you since he wanted you to be there as they were going to watch that reality show you've been telling him all about
the lights dimmed and the show played on the screen, everyone was coddled up in blankets with you cuddled up next to ricky
but you noticed that ricky's phone would continuously brighten as he received a notification on wechat. you didn't think too much of it at first but it got to the point where every second it would occur
even gyuvin began to yell at ricky to get his phone or leave it in his shared bedroom
eventually ricky checked it, a smile tugged at his lips reading the notification
curiousity got the best of you as you couldn't even focus on the show playing, your mind filled with thoughts of the worst. you knew ricky would never do anything like cheating but your naturally an overthinker
just then, ricky got up to pick up a call. making the members sigh in relief that they wouldn't have to deal with the notifications during the show
instead of staying in your spot you went to investigate and caught ricky speaking to someone in mandarin. you heard him chuckling and pacing around his dorm room
but before you could return to your spot, the door swung open and you were met with a confused ricky
"what are you doing here?" he asked
"who were you speaking to?" you replied, completely ignoring his question
"oh it was just a friend! they arrived back to shanghai and wanted me to know."
you were still unsure, "but they were texting you a lot when we were watching the show."
"they were telling me every detail of their trip but then decided to call me instead." the way ricky calmly explained the situation made you feel much more at ease. he even showed you their conversation and translated everything
"oh..i was just overthinking the situation." you shyly responded. he ruffled your hair and chuckled
"we tell each other everything right? i don't want you to think that something has come between us."
kim gyuvin
you've noticed that gyuvin was posting on his story a lot, most of them including someone you've never seen before. most of their stories consisted of their hangouts and selfies of them together
at first you didn't mind it but gyuvin gradually began replying slower to your texts or taking hours to even read them, sometimes he'd even read them but not reply. but whenever he did read them, you'd see that he posted on his story with that same person
jealousy got the best of you, how come he couldn't make time to message you but hang out with this person nearly everyday?
not to mention that gyuvin has never acted like this before. he always replies to your messages quickly and didn't just leave you on seen for hours on end
in response to this behaviour, you just stopped messaging him or even contacting him. it was totally out of character for you to do this but this was what you thought was the best decision
and before you knew it, you were getting bombarded with texts from your boyfriend, continuously asking why you haven't texted him and what you were up to, it made you smile
but you weren't responding to them like he did. you thought that was the end and shut your phone off, not even an hour later he called you. you couldn't decline it and picked it up
"hey, why haven't you responding to my text messages? i miss youuuu."
"why haven't YOU been messaging me as often?" you replied
"what do you mean?" is he trying to act like this past week hasn't been him ignoring you for something else?
"don't act coy, i saw the stories you posted with someone else when we've haven't seen each other in so long. have you been purposely not replying to my texts?"
"of course not! they were studying abroad in australia and recently returned to korea so i've been wanting to catch up with them. i'm sorry if you got the wrong idea though babe. if you want, i can cancel all my plans next week to dedicate it for you, and only you."
"i would love that."
park gunwook
at lunch time you were planning on heading to gunwook's homeroom to see if he was available, but he unexpectedly wasn't there
you approached one of his friends and asked but they informed you that gunwook had actually left early
you did a whole circle around the school but still couldn't find your boyfriend. this was odd since gunwook was always waiting for you in his homeroom so you two could eat lunch together and just spend time together
you thought he was busy playing soccer in the field so you went outside, but to your surprise, gunwook was with someone else
as you got a bit closer you saw that they were sitting on a bench, giggling with one another. you noticed how the other person nudged gunwook's shoulder as they were laughing at something
it made your heart sting for no reason, gunwook always dedicated his lunch time to you, he would've told you beforehand if he was going to be with someone else
the only thing you could do was watch from afar, you weren't being replaced, right?
but just as you were going to head back inside, you heard gunwook call your name
"oh great.." you whispered. he began running after you and catched up to you in a few seconds, soccer really does help with his fast pace
"what are you doing here?" his adorable grinned showed
"uh, nothing really, i was just looking for you."
"ah, i see! i was showing around my friend who recently transferred to our school. we went to middle school together and haven't seen each other in a while."
suddenly all the jealousy you had evaporated as you worried over nothing
"oh okay! i'm glad you two met again!"
"me too! but i promise tomorrow we can spend lunch time together. i'm sorry for not telling you beforehand." gunwook could never fail to make you smile
han yujin
you and yujin were in the same homeroom class which meant you could see your boyfriend more often in school, so you thought that when you had a project to do in class, yujin would choose you as his partner. but that wasn't the case at all
he ended up working with someone who you had a bad past with, that person was never nice to you and had a crush on yujin for a while before you two began dating. they got even more angry when they found out about your relationship
after that day, each time you would ask to walk home together or head out to get food at lunch, he would decline to be with them and work on the project
before you knew it, jealousy began brewing inside of you. you understood that there was a project they had to complete but even after the project was completed, they continued to hang out.
it got to the point where yujin would stop walking home with you and instead with them. they were enjoying it too, giving you smirks whenever they left together. you felt neglected by your own boyfriend
after that you gave up on trying to get your boyfriend's attention. you stopped messaging, calling or speaking to him in school.
yujin noticed this and tried multiple times to talk to you but you would leave class early and head to the academy instead of straight home
one day yujin couldn't handle it and approached you before you could leave.
"can we talk?" he asked. his tone sounded serious so you agreed, he took you out to the hallway where it became a ghost town
"why have you stopped speaking to me? do you know how much i missed seeing you?"
you sighed, "i don't know, it seemed that you were pretty happy speaking with them instead and going home with them."
yujin then realized what you were talking about. you were jealous, he giggled and held your hand
"i'm sorry for ignoring you. they kept asking if we could go places together but i didn't know how you felt."
"so will you walk home with me today instead?" you crossed your arms playfully. he looked down and smiled, then nodding
"yes. from now on."
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headfullofpresley · 2 years
More Than Friends
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Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Summary: You and Elvis have been best friends since birth. You have been each others' first for pretty much everything so you couldn't picture yourself losing your virginity to anyone else.
Word count: 4,4K
Warning(s): fluff, inaccurate timelines etc, reader and Elvis are both 17 (you can picture them a lil older if you want), 1950s!Elvis, virgin!reader, virgin!Elvis, smut; oral (f. and m. receiving), vaginal penetration, accidental creampie, unprotected sex.
Author's note: this was requested by (i believe) anon a while ago but i never got around to write it, woops. something light and cute this time - enjoy luvs <3
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You and Elvis had been friends for as long as you could remember.
Gladys and your mother went to school together and had been inseperable the moment they exchanged ‘hello’s’, so it was only natural for them to let their kids grow up together.
The two women were pregnant around the same time and you were born on the 8th of February, exactly one month after Elvis. Just like your mothers, you and Elvis were glued to the hip ever since you could walk and talk.
Once the Presley’s moved out of Tupelo to Memphis, your family followed not long after. Sunday dinners and holidays were always spend together, as well as birthdays.
Elvis was the only boy who was allowed to stay the night in your household, your parents not too worried about anything happening as you two got older because you could bicker like brother and sister.
What they didn’t know was that Elvis had been your first kiss and you were his. And the older you got, the further you two were taking things.
In your adolescence mind, you weren’t in love with Elvis and he wasn’t in love with you.
You couldn't be. He was your best friend, nothing more, nothing less.
You hated how he flirted with every girl in school and his young arrogance. You hated how loud he was whenever his male friends were around and he put up this facade of a bad boy to appear cooler. You hated that stupid sailor hat he started wearing everywhere he went.
He hated how every boy, including his friends, fawned over you when you’d walk down the halls. He hated how every year the tops and dresses you wore filled up more and more. And he especially hated that you were entertaining those boys that gave you attention.
Because truth was, you both were jealous of the attention the other received. Despite you telling yourself it wasn’t so, you were in love with your best friend and he was in love with you. But both of you were too stupid and too scared to admit it, not wanting jeopardize your friendship.
Both of you were at an age where you wanted to experiment, getting more and more curious about sex. While you and Elvis had enough people to choose from to do this with, because you were confident enough to say you belonged to the popular crowds at school, it just felt right to do this together.
Maybe this could ruin your friendship, maybe things would never be the same anymore but the more you thought about the deal you and Elvis made, the more excited you got.
Your parents trusted you both enough to go out on a Saturday night and leave the house in your hands. Because both your parents were all together, you knew it wouldn’t be a while until they’d come home and that was exactly what you hoped for.
“A-Are you sure?” Elvis whispered softly as you sat on the edge of your bed together, the reason why you were in this position very obvious tonight.
The bad boy that he’d often pretend to be around his guys was nowhere to be seen. It never was when you had him alone.
“Yes.. yes, I’m sure. I’m a little nervous though,” you laughed softly, looking at him as you kept your hands in your lap, picking at the fabric of your dress. You decided to wear your favorite one tonight; baby blue, tight on top and flowy skirt sprawling out graciously. You had worn white flats with it, but kicked them off minutes ago.
“Do you still want this?”
“Yes!” Elvis immediately exclaimed, clearing his throat a little before he spoke again – this time hopefully not as eager and desperate he did the first time. “Yes, I-I still want this.. I wouldn’t want this with anyone else,”
You smiled at him and nodded, swinging your legs back and forth a little as silence fell over you two again.
You two had kissed before – had full out make out sessions during sleep overs and study sessions. He had touched your boobs over the fabric of your clothing a few times and you felt him up, feeling how kissing you got him hard every time. But you had never touched each other without clothing, never been able to give each other the pleasure you heard your girlfriends brag about so many times.
They had all lost their virginities already, so other than their stories, you had nothing to go off on. The only education you got was in school and you never paid attention, feeling too awkward at the young age of 13. But now you and Elvis were both 17 and you felt like you were blossoming into your womanhood – this was simply the last step that needed to be taken for you to turn into the flower that you wanted to become.
Elvis startled you by jumping up from the bed and walking to your record player in the corner of your room. He turned it on, letting the record that was already in there play. He didn’t care what it was, he just needed something to fill the silence that hung above your heads.
Your heartbeat quickened alarmingly fast as he walked over to you, looking down at you as he stood in front of you. A small gasp got stuck in your throat as he leaned forward, your body automatically moving back until you were laying on your bed. He was on top of you now, his lips pressed against yours.
Kissing him wasn’t foreign, but knowing that wasn’t the only thing about to happen tonight got you even more nervous.
Elvis wasn’t doing much better than you. Just like you, he had nothing to go off on other than stories he had heard from friends. While nervous, he was excited as well, blood rushing to his cock from the feeling of you sucking on his lower lip.
He was curious how your lips would feel on other parts of his body.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispered after you managed to crawl further up your bed, laying against your pillows with Elvis still hovering above you. He had managed to get in between your legs now, your skirt tightening around your thighs as he pressed his pelvis against you firmly. No friction was created due to the fabric in between your bodies, but the pressure was enough for arousal to tingle in between your legs. “Just.. just do like we always do,”
You nodded your head slowly, kissing him again when he leaned back down into you. You held your arms around his neck, gasping softly as he creeped one hand underneath the skirt of your dress to caress your thigh. His hand was moving closer and closer to your panties and it felt as if your entire body was set ablaze, your heart thumping in your ears.
Sliding your hands down over his shoulders to plant them against his chest, he pulled back and looked at you. Before he had time to question if you were okay, you pushed him further back and sat up. Reaching your hand behind your back, your fingers were quick to pull down the zipper of your dress, pulling the fabric down your torso.
Elvis immediately mimicked your actions, pulling his shirt over his head and taking off his trousers with shaky hands. He took his socks along with it, knowing from the stories of his friends that girls didn’t like if boys kept them on in bed. He wanted this to be perfect, a fond memory to look back on – not only for himself, but also for you.
Especially for you.
When the both of you were in nothing but your underwear, he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering down your body, drinking in every detail of your bare skin as if you were the sweetest tea on a hot summer’s day. He had only ever seen you in a bikini and this was so much more intense and exciting.
He was as hard as rock, his underwear sitting tight around his waist. And when he noticed the white panties you were wearing, a small stain of arousal seeped into them, he could feel his cock twitching as if his body had a mind on its own.
At this point, he was pretty sure it did.
“Y-You’re p-pretty,” he complimented, sitting on his knees in front of you. A blush crept upon your cheeks as you squeezed your thighs together, embarrassed at the view he had of you.
“You too,” you whispered, watching as he placed his hands on your knees, spreading your legs again. Although a little shy, you didn’t stop him because you wanted him just as bad. You wanted him to touch and kiss and taste you in places no one ever had.
As he placed shaky kisses along your thighs and hooked his fingertips behind the elastic of your panties to pull them down, you grabbed onto the small stuffed panda bear that was on your bed.
He had gotten it for you at last summer’s fair and you hadn’t slept without it ever since.
While you usually cuddled it up to you, now you were squeezing its face so firm the eyes nearly bulged out. Neither you or Elvis paid attention to it, far too occupied with other things.
Elvis let out a shaky breath, the cool wind of it accidentally hitting your clit and it made your hips stutter at the feeling. He looked up at you, wide eyed. “S-Sorry,”
“N-No.. It felt nice..”
He licked his lips as he smiled softly, looking down at your exposed pussy in front of him. He could see the slick of your arousal and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore, too turned on and too curious to wait any longer. Leaning in, he licked hesitantly.
The taste was nothing like he had ever tasted before, but he soon found himself wanting more of it. He went in again, his movements gaining confidence as he heard the moans leaving your mouth. He didn’t know if it were those pretty little noises coming from you or the way you tasted so good that made him more and more turned on, but he didn’t have control over his hips as he grinded himself against the bed.
His tongue flicked at your clit curiously and when your moans got a little louder, he realised that was probably your most sensitive spot. He did it again, and again, and again, until he suddenly sucked on it and your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your back arching off the bed.
“Does that feel good?” he asked as he pulled back, his fingers slipping through the wetness of your folds as he looked up at you. His voice was raspy and deep, making you look at him as a moan rolled off your tongue.
“Y-yes.. Elvis.. please.. please don’t stop,” you whined, bucking your hips up at him and he smiled as he leaned back in to repeat the action. You were greatly stroking his ego, but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
He decided to take things a step further, slowly sinking in his middlefinger. Your hand let go of the stuffed animal, clasping both of your palms over your mouth to muffle the shriek that left you. He looked up at you with worried eyes, afraid that he was hurting you but before he could pull his mouth away from you once more, your hand flew into his hair. He let out a small huff as you pushed him firmly against you but immediately went back to stimulating your clit as he slowly moved his finger in and out of you.
You never had an orgasm before. You’d touch yourself now and then but you always stopped it as soon as you felt that knot in your tummy threatening to explode. You were afraid of making too much noise all alone in your bedroom or dirtying the sheets, because your mother was the one who did the laundry.
The fact that Elvis was about to give you your first one was almost poetic to you. After all, he had already given you so many of your firsts.
You didn’t want anyone else to be in his place.
Elvis kept his eyes on you the entire time as you came undone, grinding harder against the bed as he felt your walls tightening firmly around his digit. The way you were moaning and writhing on the bed made him nearly lose his mind and while he removed his finger out of you, he didn’t pull back. Not yet. He wanted more.
You weren’t able to keep your hips still as his mouth nearly engulfed your entire pussy, tongue eagerly lapping up your essence. It was becoming too much but you didn’t have the strength to pull him away – all you could do was moan and whine and tug at your own hair.
Once he did pull away and raised his head to look at you with his lips and nose glistening of your arousal, your heart skipped a beat. His hair was messy because of your hands and he looked so pretty, you never wanted this night to end.
“W-was that good?” he asked as he laid down beside you, throwing the stuffed animal to the end of the bed. You laughed softly, still catching your breath as you nodded.
“Really.. really good,” you told him honestly and he smiled, leaning closer to you to kiss the corner of your lips.
“It was good for me too,” he whispered, his eyes meeting your eyes as you turned your head to look at him. He brought his hand up to your face, thumb caressing your lower lip. “You taste sweet,”
You blushed at his words and at the way he was looking at you. As far as you knew, he had never looked at you like this. As if you were the only person on the planet.
It made your heart jump for joy against your ribcage.
“I want to taste you too,” you whispered as you smiled sweetly at him, moving away from him and further down the bed. You sat on your knees as you pulled his underwear down, watching how prettily his cock bounced free against his lower abdomen before standing upright in front of you.
He spread his legs a little as you got in between them, making yourself comfortable by laying on your tummy. You kept your eyes on his cock as you wrapped your hand around it, moving it up and down once, taking his foreskin down to expose the tip. A drip of pre-cum wandered down his shaft and to your fingertips, making him let out a deep breath.
He raised himself up by pressing his elbows in the bed, too curious to look away as you stuck out your tongue and lapped at the head of his cock once, his toes curling.
“Oh my God,” he whispered to himself as you looked up at him and boldly wrapped your lips around him, slowly sinking down onto his length. He gasped, hands grasping onto the sheets firmly as he tried his best to keep his hips from thrusting upwards.
He had no idea where you learned all of this, but he sure as hell wasn’t complaining as you were bobbing your head up and down, sucking him off hungrily. The sight of saliva dribbling down the corner of your mouth and your hand wrapped around him to help your movements had him moaning freely, shamelessly.
He was turning to putty in your hands, hips rolling up out of his control and his head hanging back as his eyes fluttered shut. He couldn’t stop himself from moaning, not caring that some of them sounded high pitched. He remembered his friends telling him girls didn’t like that, but he simply did not give a damn.
Just like you had been doing to him, he was feeding your ego now as well, motivating you to pick up your pace.
And when your other hand found his balls to fondle them softly, he was an absolute goner.
“Fuck.. my G-God.. yes.. Y/N,” he looked back down at you, his breathing growing more erratic as he couldn’t keep himself quiet even if he wanted to. “So good, baby.. shit.. M’close, so close,”
Compared to you, Elvis had given himself an orgasm plenty of times and he was familiar with the feeling, but now that you were the one giving it to him, it was so much more intense.
So so so much better.
You weren’t sure how you could tell, but you pulled back just in time, watching as he came undone right before your eyes. He painted your fingers that were still wrapped around him and his own abdomen white, a long moan escaping his throat. His head was pressed in the pillow, hips stuttering up into nothingness.
You slowly took your hand off him and giggled softly as you laid down next to him, watching him catch his breath as his eyes were screwed shut, shade of crimson on his cheeks.
“You taste sweet too,” you whispered to him as you snuggled up to him, kissing his neck. He tilted his head, wrapping one arm around you to tangle his fingers in your hair, keeping you in his neck.
“Fuck,” he sighed, biting his lip as you were ghosting your lips over the shell of his ear now. “Where’d ya learn that, baby? You were so good,”
The both of you froze at the pet name. He called you the same when you had his cock in your mouth but you figured it was because he was close to climax. Maybe it was because of the sex haze you were still in, but the sound of it made the beat of your heart speed up again.
He had never called you that. Sure, he used pet names with you occasionally, but in this moment it felt… different.
Like you were the only girl he had a name for. Something you knew definitely wasn’t true, but you liked the delusion of it.
His eyes met yours as you pulled your head out of his neck, a small smile on your face. He let out a soft sigh of relief, pushing your head closer to him with the hand that was still in your hair. You kissed him back immediately when he firmly pressed his lips against yours and allowed him to push you back onto the bed.
In your state of arousal, you quickly took off your bra and threw it over his shoulder. His eyes wandered down to your exposed breasts immediately, leaning in to kiss his way across your chest, dipping down further. Your hands flew into his hair again as he wrapped his lips around your nipple, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud.
“Wanna be inside of you,” he whispered against your skin as he had kissed his way back up to your neck after giving both nipples equal attention. He couldn’t keep himself in one place, wanting to kiss you all over. As he pulled back and raised himself on his hands to hover above you, both of you looked down and you giggled softly at the way he was hard already again.
“Don’t laugh,” he whined softly with a chuckle of his own as he hid his face in your neck, his cock heavy against your folds because he pushed his hips forward. “S’because of you… you make me so excited,”
“I’m not laughing,” you whispered with a smile on your face, kissing his shoulder as you wrapped your arms around him. “I want you, Elvis,”
He pulled back to look at you, smiling sweetly as he nodded and kissed your lips. Moving his hand in between your bodies, he wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped himself into his fist a few times before he aligned himself at your entrance.
“P-Please go slow,” you warned him with a shaky voice as you looked up at him, hands holding onto his shoulders. He nodded as he frowned in concetration, slowly pushing himself into you. Your nails dug into his skin, thighs shaking as you let out a soft cry, squeezing your eyes shut.
It took him a while to bottom out and once he did, he was too afraid to move. You were so incredibly warm and tight and he had no idea how long he would last once he’d start to move. The fact that you were close to tears and shaking like a leaf underneath him didn’t help either.
“Baby, do you want to stop?” he whispered as he looked down at you with worried eyes, one of his hands reaching up to caress some hair out of your face. He was leaning on the bed with his forearms on either side of your head, chest pressed against yours while he was buried deep inside of you. “You’re cryin’,”
You could hear the worry in his voice and opened your eyes, shaking your head. It hurt – God, it hurt like hell, but you didn’t want to stop.
You wanted him to take your first time, even if it meant you would have to bite down on your teeth for a little bit.
“S-Sorry,” you apologized, not wanting to ruin this experience for him. He leaned down and kissed your tears away, shaking his head.
“Don’t say that. You’re allowed to cry,” he smiled softly, pecking your lips before looking at you again. “We’ll go at your.. at your tempo, okay? I’ll go slow,”
You sniffed, nodding your head as you cupped his cheeks. You told him to move, because it had to happen eventually and despite the sting and the feeling of being so full, you were curious.
You were positive the pain would go away soon.
He thrusted slowly and gentle, moaning softly as he watched your face the entire time. You couldn’t seem to relax around him, walls firmly tightening around him as you held onto him for dear life. But the longer he thrusted, the more pleasure crept its way into your bones to take over the sting between your legs.
“F-Feels good now,” you moaned softly and his eyes lit up a little, grin tugging at his lips.
“Can I go.. go f-faster?”
All you could do was nod, the both of you moaning together as he picked up his pace a bit and kept himself up, fingers sprawled out against your sheets. You lifted your legs a little, wrapping them around his waist and grabbed onto his arms.
He looked so pretty on top of you like this – upper lip tugged upwards as he grunted, eyes squeezed shut as he snapped his hips forward faster every time to chase his second release of the night. Despite it not being completely painless, you couldn’t care less. You didn’t want him to ever leave you, wanted him inside of you every minute of the day from now on.
You didn’t want this to be the first and last time you’d ever see him like this.
Due to his inexperience, he didn’t have much control yet. His orgasm reared its head around the corner sooner than he wanted and he couldn’t stop it – nor did he have enough self control to pull out of you before he came.
You were both too far gone to think about using a condom or about the fact you were playing a dangerous game. You weren’t on birth control.
Your mother would have a heart attack if you would ask her to put you on it.
The thought of pregnancy never occured to you and Elvis, not even right now.
You were too enchanted by the way his hips stuttered into you, your name falling off his tongue in a string of moans and grunts as his eyes were boring into yours.
You didn’t cum the second time, but you didn’t care. To you, it was just as good and seeing your best friend like this was worth it.
As he slowly pulled out of you, you whined softly and kissed his lips before he rolled off of you and next to you on the bed. Other than the sounds of both of you catching your breath and the music from the record player, silence lingered between you.
Before you could, Elvis was the first to break it. “That was… really nice,”
“Y-yeah,” you agreed softly, turning your head to look at him. “I’m glad it was with you,”
He looked at you and smiled, nodding. “Me too,” he mumbled as he reached his hand out to caress his finger along your cheek, to your lips. “I wanna ask you somethin’,”
You turned on your side and watched him do the same, leaning on his elbow as his hand wandered to your hair. He didn’t look at you, rather at his fingers and the way he was tugging a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I-I wanted.. wanted to ask this b-before, but, uh..” he cleared his throat a little, looking at you for a second but he avoided eye contact as soon as he continued. “Do you.. Would you like.. d-do you wanna be.. be my g-girlfriend?”
You stared at him, feeling your cheeks heat up as your heart was embarrassingly skipping beats again before it’d drum in your ears. You were quiet longer than you realised and Elvis pulled his hand from your hair, coughing a little as he looked at the bracelet around his wrist as if he had never seen it before.
“I mean, it’s okay.. if you don’t want to,” he mumbled, his ego bruised. “You can just tell me,”
“I want to!” you immediately said, laughing softly as he looked up at you with wide eyes. “But only if you stop feeling sorry for yourself,”
He gasped softly, about to tell you he definitely wasn’t feeling that way, but you had already pressed your lips against his. He laughed softly before he kissed you back, pulling you into his arms as he let himself fall back on the bed.
Maybe your friends and Elvis’ friends had plenty of stories to tell about how they slept with different people already, bragging about what they had done in the bedroom. Maybe you and Elvis were more inexperienced and still had a lot to learn.
But at least, you got to do it together. Being intimate with someone you truly cared for and loved sounded way better to you than with a person you barely knew.
Your best friend was your first everything, maybe he’d even be your last. And nobody in this whole wide world could take that away from you.
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packsvlog · 3 months
Hey there! New follower here 👀 heard your ask is open (disclaimer: it's been a while since I've sent asks so I forgot how to format these) I was wondering if you could matchmake me with a character of your choice 🫶🏼
My characteristics:
• I'm an academic girlie and like helping peoplel around me (I take a lot of leader roles in uni)
•I can be quite bitchy in a way because I don't tolerate shit (or you can call it headstrong)
•I think I have a pretty good moral compass
•Very reasonable and logical when it comes to problems
•People say that I'm an independent woman (I am but I also secretly want to be babied by my S/O
•Plays volleyball
•Physically chubby but confident with my body
•Loves books, reading, and dancing
Thank you so much! On another note I hope we can interact more in the future, I'm looking forward to new moots/friends on this app🫶🏼🥹
hii luv, first of all, i want to say that you seem like a role model, i love intelligent strong woman! and pls, let’s interact, i would love to as well.
✶ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: nanami and gojo.
ps: this are different relationships, not a throuple.
The thing that made Nanami Kento entranced by you was your strong input on whatever displeased you. Some people might think you’re an unpleasant company, but he loves to hear your complains on anything, mostly because he shares them as well. You both are the couple that “tsk.” whenever anyone pisses you off, and side eye each other, as a way of saying “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
This man loves your independence, he is a feminist (that’s a fact), he encourages you to do anything in this world, says it’s all yours to conquer. But, let’s be real, you haven’t payed for anything since he started to take you out. You dare whine, although is something you secretly loves, Nanami just smirks. He knows you, this facade you are putting only makes his smile larger. Nanami believes your money is yours and his money is for the both of you.
Your relationship is a very mature one, something the two of you are grateful for, because whenever a problem arrives or there is a slightly miscommunication, you sit down and talk your feelings to the other — that’s how you both have engraved in your minds the other’s mannerisms.
Whatever your job is, your academic inclination makes you his students’s favorite person to go whenever in need of help. Yuuji is always scratching his head with homework but you teach him well, Megumi is smart himself and just need clarification in some topics, while Nobara tries to girly talk with you. Your way of teaching her is through painting her nails and pretending the subject is gossip, as a result, her grades are top of the class.
Nanami tries to give you space when the students are over at your house individually, studying in your dinning table, but he’s always pulled by something and sits on your sofa, catching glimpses of you teaching, it makes his heart swell with pride and love — he hopes in the future is you with your babies, actually.
Nanami, as said before, loves to spoil you. He knows all your tastes, once every three weeks he stalks your cart from your favorite stores’s app and chooses what to buy. All is gifted to you with a bouquet of different flowers surrounding your favorite one and sweets. The audacity he has to be the most perfect man ever.
He does take you by surprise with a small weekend getaway for a little island, presenting you with tanning, all massages he can provide and playing volleyball with you. He is not as good as you, but Nanami can make some points. He blames the sand or sun on his skin, forgetting he have sunglasses on.
You love your body, Nanami loves it more. He likes to buy the dresses for your most expensive date nights, all eyes on you, but only his matter. He knows that, that fuels him a lot. Seeing you in summer dresses and bikinis does make him salivate — is summer, hot and sweaty, but he is by your side all the time. You haven’t applied sunscreen on your self since you arrived, his hands do it for you.
Every night on the trip, and every night on your home dates, Nanami and you are always at some point slow dancing to a calm song in the background, while you both whisper love confessions and asks about the day. He kisses your head every chance he has, and you peck his lips in response.
Loving Nanami is an easy task, you both fit each other perfectly, like mind reading. He loves to spoil you and at the same time to let you be the strong woman you are, letting to baby you inside your house, where all he does is hug you and say many many many “I love you.”
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· What made him fall for you was you snapping and shouting at Gojo — it was also the first time ever he saw you.
◛ ₊· He has a collection of watches to wear on special days, some of those he bought with a matching bracelet to always use with you.
◛ ₊· You used to be a jujutsu sorcerer, by your headstrong and moral compass, I think you would leave it all at some point after meeting Nanami to purchase a normal career, he hopes secretly to do the same some day and starts a new life with you.
◛ ₊· In the future, you both would be living in a coastal area, he is going be a bakery owner, making pastries, and his most famous piece is named after you.
──── ✿ ──── ✿ ──── ✿ ────
Gojo Satoru loves to be an annoying ass, but annoying you specifically has his knees weak. It’s not that he is an asshole, he just likes to pretend to be so he will get a reaction out of you — he always succeed.
Let’s say that you are still studying, maybe even purchasing a doctorate. Satoru is the proudest person ever, but he still will come behind you on your desk and kiss your most sensitive spot on your neck and behind your ears. His tactic works, unfortunately.
Every exam season, on your last one, Gojo always comes picks you up in his clearly expensive car, with bouquets and chocolate. He once tried holding a sign of “so proud of you” but you threatened to empty his snack drawer.
Gojo is a sucker for your “bitchy” personality. Wether is directed to him or anyone else, he loves how snappy you become and your comebacks. That’s why he loves to get you worked up, kissing your angry self is something he desires from time to time.
You try to make sure your boyfriend knows how important your independence is for you, but Satoru doesn’t care. He sends you the money for your whole school tuition, so you can leave your part time shitty job and focus on college (you begrudgingly accepts), he wants you to achieve your dreams, and hard work is really important to build character, but Gojo thinks you already are perfect and humble, and you have the right to have things easier — he is begging for you to use his money.
He pays for everything the two of you do, he only lets you pay for his sweet treats from time to time. Satoru loves the date nights and random trips to anywhere in the world, but mostly he actually loves paying for anything college related, he wants you to achieve your dreams. Besides the tuition, he gives you a new notebook, ipad, comfortable clothes, pays for any side courses you may want to take and study trips for conventions.
Satoru may be annoying, but he is the most supporting person ever. If any presentation you have is open to the public, your man is going. After, he gives you a lot of hugs and takes you out to dinner in any place you want.
Gojo does enjoy to test your buttons, but in sincerity, you would’ve never chose any other way! A man who worships any achievement of yours, that encourages all your desires and still, at the end of the day, hidden in your apartment, treats your as if you were a delicate flower to his touches and kisses, yeah, you are not letting him go — and he doesn’t want that either.
────〃✿ FUN FACTS.
◛ ₊· Gojo first thought of you was how pretty you looked with a scowl on your face.
◛ ₊· If given the chance to change his eye color, he would chose yours.
◛ ₊· Whenever you are studying in your house, he likes to sit by your side. Once he told you that he read somewhere the best way to learn something, is to teach others. He may be lost in whatever you are explaining to him, but he is wonderstruck with how smart and perfect you are.
◛ ₊· He loves to feed you his favorite candies so he can kiss you after and taste them on you.
◛ ₊· Satoru is easily satisfied! You once paid for strawberry ice cream, randomly, and he was the sappiest person on the planet for the rest of the day.
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aechii · 2 years
a.k.a good luck charm pt. 2
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{read part 1}
PAiRiNG ?! childhoodfriend!kylian x black! femreader
GENRE ?! romance, angst if you have 15/15 vision, fluff (😞)
SYNOPSiS ?! in which kylian and y/n bond over a decade-and-a-half old time capsule that has old feelings reflourishing.
C/W ?! just too sweet sweetness, kylian has ****** **** ** ****, small mention of dismembering (it's not serious at all, i promise), kiss kiss
A/N ?! the part two of 'good luck charm' that was requested many a time 😋 divine romance at its finest, i think i luv this 🖤 anyways, enjoy this kinda long fic :D
TAGLiST ?! @mrs-bellingham
[y/n] slides an unbranded shoebox into the centre of the carpet. vertices still crisp, crooked and wavering hand doodles tattooed all over cardboard brown, with assorted stickers stuck haphazardly, in no particular order. it very much screamed 10 year old kylian and [y/n], infected with chaos and eagerness to fill any empty space.
"my mum gave this to me over the weekend," [y/n]'s voice is whimsical, "do you remember it?"
kylian scratches his head, contemplative, "not necessarily. though, i can recognise my atrocious handwriting."
[y/n] is chuckling, shuffling closer to kylian and the box, which has currently found purchase in the midst of his palms, "with you on that one. you've never been one to have good writing."
a fact that kylian couldn't deny, so he stays silent, not without emitting a surrendering grunt.
he reads that words written in block bold with black, a failed attempt at times new roman capitals.
"'bondy's golden duo- kylian mbappé & [y/n] [y/l/n]', " he snorts and [y/n] does the same.
"so corny."
"yet who made it?"
kylian is taken aback, mouth slightly agape, "right— okay then."
[y/n]'s laughs seep into the air of the room, bouncing off the walls and sinking into the skin of the man in front of her. leave goosebumps in their wake and kylian has to clench his fists to extinguish the jitter in his stomach.
giggles diminuendo, and she urges him on to open it with a light nudge.
kylian picks at the tape that edges the lid on all its four sides, sticking it to the body. the sound of tearing is swift, ends no sooner than 5 seconds later, and kylian is quick to flip the top off.
the first thing noticed is two pieces of paper, folded twice and inscribed to their respective person.
both adults look at each other, a silent gesture signalling the other to read theirs first. but none seem to want to move.
"come on, [y/n]," a smirk, "ladies first."
she rolls her eyes, complying as she picks the letter with two fingers.
"ah, won't you kill me with your chivalry."
kylian snickers, and she pries the folds open, seeing the first few words that initiate a smile, "we wrote these for each other."
kylian's lips curve into a grin too, "really?"
[y/n] nods, causing kylian to take his, hurriedly opening it as his fingers fumble, "then i definitely can't wait to read this."
"i was probably just spewing shit, i don't even remember, to be honest," [y/n] tries to excuse the impending nonsense past her had written to kylian. yet, it rather makes the man more excited.
"that's why i wanna read it... first."
[y/n] sighs, groaning into her hands, "go ahead, then."
smiling, his lips begin to move as he says what his eyes scan, aloud, " 'dear ky, i don't even know what to write but i see you speeding ahead so i'm pretending i do right now'- do you really hate me that much?"
[y/n] is quick to deny, "no! ky, you know i'm not good with words."
he pushes the use of the nickname into the depths of his mind, somewhere he could reach later to daydream over.
"i know, i know. i'm sorry." his smile portrays otherwise, and [y/n] clicks her tongue.
"just continue reading, kylian."
he does so, uttering his best friend's words through his.
"'i think i'll start this letter by saying how much i love appreciate you. sappy and all, yes, but your smile makes me smile, and your laugh makes me laugh. i don't see us as best friends, but soulmates? i think that's what it's called. anyways, i hope you stay being kylian, whatever that means. continue kicking the BALL and not my LEGS, and kick your way stardom!! i wanna see you on my screen one day. imagine it: kylian mbappé, france's best footballer (not the world's, you can never beat LIONEL MESSI!!). how cool would that be??? anyways, love adore you forever, and see you in 10 years. can't wait to open this with you haha.' "
the silence that follows is not awkward, or filled with embarassment, but instead, holds too much emotion to bear the weight of words. kylian is sure he has read it countless times within the space of deafness, ensuring that every syllable is etched into his subconscious, memorising every word so that he could proclaim them by heart.
"10 years, huh?" a number that had been exceeded by 5 years, numbs [y/n]'s oesophagus as if boiled water trickled down the walls of her throat. it seems as if all their friendship had were fraying ends of broken promises and loosening bonds.
"i'm sorry, [y/n], so so sorry." his tone leaks pained regret, [y/n] hates that.
"and, as i said before, you don't need to be."
kylian doesn't look convinced, avoids the girl's eyes as he stares at the paper for so long that the loops and leaning lines of [y/n]'s writing turns into a swirl of black in his vision.
"but you know it didn't have to be that way, [y/n]. a friendship doesn't have to end just so a career can start."
stays quiet because she truly has nothing to say. knows that if she retorts with a blame on herself, kylian would be more angry than he already is at himself.
"we departed on good terms, didn't we? so i have nothing against you."
"i didn't even know if you were alive, [y/n]!"
leaves a quiet room after, and [y/n] sighs, moving closer to kylian.
"but i did. i knew you were doing what younger you wanted, and as much as it hurt that i wasn't a part of it, you being happy made me happy."
tugs at the loose strings of a pillow that graces her lap, then continues, "you had neymar, achraf, sergio, the whole of the france national team, as your support system-"
"but they aren't you, [y/n]," blinks the burning sensation of accumulating tears away, "i wanted to experience all of this, with you, and i hate myself for pushing you away."
she doesn't like how her heart jolts in her chest, sending a ripple of shivers down her spine. they've only just gotten back into contact, yet her body is replenishing the old feelings she pushed down, because kylian couldn't like her back.
"don't hate you, never did and never will, ky," doesn't know what to say and so urgently tries to fill the air with something, "we've reunited now, so why focus on the past?
her words are final and she goes to reopen her letter. kylian stops her however. remembers what he had written, messily but passionately, and would rather she read it when he wasn't there to bear the humiliation and ache of butterflies.
"open yours later." his smile is shaky, but deems it reassuring enough.
[y/n] is skeptical, and raises and eyebrow, "why? i want to know what you wrote about me."
kylian fiddles with the thread that rings his wrist, "and i want to see what would put in there."
[y/n] says nothing, just gazes at him, but gives in and sighs.
kylian cheers, removing the novelty gift wrap that had covered the contents of the box. the laughs that follow are loud, full of disbelief.
"no way!" [y/n] reaches into the box, and takes out a metal case. the things within in hit against the corners, and she feels the weight of the box tilt to one side as they roll inside.
"i forgot about these!"
kylian is dumbfounded, "marble crash?"
she nods, opening the container. there's only a couple of the glass spheres in there, but that's all needed to complete a heated game. reads the small note stuck beneath the lid, and laughs after. it's obvious that it was written by kylian.
"'demand a rematch when you open this. [y/n] cheated in our last match before we put this in here.'" followed by angry face and a sad one.
"there you go— telling lies."
"lies?! [y/n], you never played a marble crash game fairly, and you know that."
she ponders for a few beats, shrugs her shoulders and dips her hands into the box for the next item.
"a win is a win, kylian."
he side eyes her, expression incredulous.
cut off by a scoff, before a soft object is hurled into his direction. he catches it before it hits his face, and recognises the matted fur and missing space of where an arm should be.
"armless messi ?" smiles as he notices ]y/n]'s disdained look. recalls the memory like it was yesterday, and can't help but feel sorry for the footballer-named teddy bear.
"i'm still angry at you for that, kylian. don't look at me."
he cackles, mouth wide and he falls backwards. [y/n] climbs over to snatch her sentiment back.
"you know i didn't mean to rip his arm off." pants as he attempts to recover. fails, and starts laughing again.
"i will kick you out-"
"okay, okay! i'll stop."
[y/n] stares at the odd, white stitches situated near the bear's right shoulder, traces the abstract lines of string before settling it beside her.
"you're not touching messi ever again."
kylian whines, latching onto his friend's arm, "come on, i'm more responsible now."
[y/n] sarcastically replies, "i believe you."
kylian lets her go, and pulls out two figurines. the girl beside lets out a gasp, and grabs her respective one.
"letting this go was the worst decision of my life," she hugs the kim possible doll as kylian twists the legs of ron stoppable.
"still functioning."
"and why wouldn't it be, kylian— i swear, you have an obsession with dismembering dolls-"
"i do not!"
"yes you do!"
the back and forth continues until they get tired, lips stretched wide and upwards, teeth showcased and glimmering in the dim, warm light of [y/n]'s room.
something distinct, yet minutely incinerating surges through their bones as the sun begins to sink below the horizon and the air loses it energy. doors of locked events in the past fly open with the key of nostalgia and gasping surprise.
from a picture of kylian in a leg cast and [y/n] signing it, to outdated souvenirs from when they both went to portugal with their parents.
a staggering reminder of what they once were, and wish to be.
hours pass like seconds, the box is now only one item empty- another sheet of paper, so much for 'not being able to put things into words'- and steaming mugs of coffee warm their hands.
"are you gonna read it, or should i?" kylian asks [y/n] as she takes a sip. her head juts towards him, and he obeys, ridding the box of its last content. it's only half an a4 sheet, and it's titled '5 questions to answer', which [y/n] laughs at when she's told. decorated with more stickers and weirdly drawn stickmen, courtesy of kylian.
"what's the first one?"
"'how's life like 10 years later? '"
a chuckle, light and forced, leaves [y/n]'s lips, and she shrugs, "i wouldn't be able to remember life 5 years ago, to be honest. i guess i was just studying and living life as it came. you?"
kylian takes time to think, "won the world cup, was on loan at psg. that's pretty much it."
"you say it as if winning the world cup is nothing, kylian!"
"i'm happy about it, but still salty over the last one."
"ah," [y/n] grins, picking up armless messi as she makes him dance in the air, "he's truly the goat, isn't he, messi?"
kylian is quick to disagree, "i may play with him at home, but ronaldo tops him, by far."
"i'll tell him you said that."
"how?" he cocks his head, "and even so, he's already aware."
doesn't give her a chance to reply, reading the next question beneath, "'is [y/n] still taller than kylian?' oh wouldn't past me be glad."
[y/n] huffs, "i'm still supposed to be taller, you just had an odd growth spurt."
"it was bound to happen."
looks at him disdainfully as he snickers, "next one, kylian."
"is kylian famous yet? like as famous as ronaldo?"
"i guess you already speak for yourself," [y/n] says, smiling, "i'm proud of you."
kylian returns the grin, gives the girl a look that forces her to avert her eyes elsewhere, "thank you."
"my pleasure. what's the one after?"
kylian straightens the sheet of paper, "asks if you're a graphic designer now."
[y/n] smiles and nods, "can strongly confirm."
"always been a picasso-" his words make the girl laugh, "-how's that going?"
"stressful at times, but honestly, it's fun. didn't feel pressured into pursuing a career i didn't want so, i'm not gonna lie, i had things easy."
"but that's good, right?"
"of course. never envisioned myself in the stem industry, don't know why."
"you were smart, though. too smart," kylian playful retorts. [y/n] slides out a chuckle, "it was obligated intelligence, not necessarily welcomed, you know."
"something smart people say," he rolls his eyes after, causing y/n to shove him.
"shut up, rich man, and read the last question."
kylian is humoured, shaking his head as he goes on to read the last words on the sheet. his amused expression falls and eyebrows raise as he is reminded of what he had written as the final question.
"what is it, ky?"
inhales, then reads the words out loud, "'are we living together as promised? remember, it has to be a large mansion in the heart of paris!' "
[y/n] tries to formulate words, fails at doing so, and leaves the room silent.
as promised.
kylian remembers. frankly speaking, it was the only thing he wanted to remember because it was something that he looked forward to in the future.
then things fucked up, [y/n] had moved away from paris as a whole and kylian tried to fill his apartment with only one presence, but failed everytime.
"it's not too late, is it?"
he doesn't know what he's saying, his mouth moves on its own accord.
"what?" [y/n] sounds winded, feels the stare on her face and turns to look at who's guilty for it. her eyes are everywhere, all over his face, all at once. from his hardened eyes to his pouted, blushed lips.
looks at the kylian mbappé now, and sees the kylian mbappé then. aged, and that's it, but devious childishness still remains.
she doesn't realise that he has moved closer, and can suddenly see the fine lines of his textured skin, and feel his breath tickle her cheeks.
"what are you doing, kylian?" she whispers, can't muster a volume louder than that.
fingers pick at her stray braid, tucking it behind her back, "i don't know... should i stop? i will if you wan-"
"no," she cringes at how desperate she sounds, "it's okay. i want you to."
kylian's thumb traces the dip of her lip, out of breath as her eyes absorb every intake of air from him. [y/n] had always caught his eye, been the only one who had, and kylian knows he would be downright stupid to let her slip through his fingers again.
a ringing phone cuts through the static silence, and they both jolt violently in shock. [y/n] distances herself from him, numb all the way to her fingertips in anxiety, as kylian huffs, digging his pockets for the source of the loud sound.
picks it up, and [y/n] doesn't hear who exactly he's speaking to, but rules them as important when kylian's eyebrows furrow inwards and mumbles a chorus of 'yes's and 'okay's. ends the call just as quick as it started, and sighs, looking apologetic.
"i have to go."
"that's okay," ascends from the floor, and stretches out an arm to help kylian do the same. knows he's too heavy for the girl so he doesn't dump all of his weight on her, using his other arm to push him upwards.
grabs his coat from the hanger by the door, and slides into his shoes, but stops as he remembers something.
"kylian, where are you going?"
"one second, wait," shuffles into the room again, and immediately notices the ron stoppable doll lying on its back on the carpet. smiles, bends to pick it up, then shoves it into his pocket. looks at the room one more time, then closes the door behind him, ambling back to the front door.
"what did you forget?"
"nothing, i thought i had."
she doesn't look convinced but lets it go, opening the door.
"call me when you get home, okay?"
nods and says an 'i will', but remains stood on the doorstep.
he truly has no clue where his confidence surfaces from, but the next second, his lips are flush against [y/n]'s. they're soft, he notices, taste slightly of cherry and it's fucking addicting.
breaks it before he loses himself within it, a small smile upon his face as his mind becomes hazed and dizzy.
[y/n] is still, eyes wide, and the thrumming of her heartbeat upon her skin is... thrilling.
"see you later, [y/n]."
'dear [y/n],
i think letters are old fashioned and something people in the 17th century do, but for you, i guess i will suck it up and write one anyways.
i hope when you read this, you smile like you always do. have i told you that you look pretty when you smile? i'm only saying it once, and you'll never hear me say it again.
life with you is fun. i don't think i would be alive if God didn't put you with me, so i'm thankful everyday that you're my best friend. i really hope we stay friends forever, and that when i become the world's best footballer of all time (after cristiano ronaldo of course!), i can show off to everybody that you helped me get to the top of the top!!
anyways, this is getting too long and you know i don't write. so, bye bye, and see you in 10 years.
i love you.'
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sh1-n0bu · 5 months
So I have an idea where reader is going on holiday let say for about 1 or 2 months on a business trip and she has to leave her dragon s/o behind for that period of time and well i can tell that hes grown fond of her and super clingy thnks of her as a mate etc soo inlove with her so imagine how he will take the news of you leaving him! just imagine his stoic demeanor cracking as he gives you puppy dog eyes and starts pathetically tearing up, either begging you to not go or at least let him come with you .BUT I THINK HES WORRIED OF DEALING WITH HIS HEAT CYCLE ALONE AGAIN…since she left he was struggling with his heat cycle so badly that he developed a separation anxiety thingY (I forgot what its called but now hes super possessive and clingy of you) and goes feral without her touch. he feels like hes gonna loose it , he needs you sooo bad to the point hes sobbing and slowly starts to loose it because clearly he needs your touch to feel relieved .. as soon as reader arrives from her trip with cute souvenirs and yummy foreign snacks reader is greeted with a overgrown lizard dashing straight toward her and entrapping her in a bone crushing hug pleading hungry eyes meeting her surprised ones she could sense the possessiveness and horniness seeping from him..aand im gonna leave he rest to your genius and amazing mind
Bonus of sub dragon s/o getting jealous if she mentions any male friends she made and during nsfw tail pulling and horn touching ,( I've heard they r sensitive 🤭)
but for the dragon fic,,,,,,,,, idk currently i have absolutely ZERO ideas if i were to continue the fic. like all of my brain juices are finished with the duo fic. i mean i can maybe add one or two more parts to it but it would probably just have the same fingering vent thing and it would get very old very fast yknow????? so i MAY continue it but im genuinely out of new ideas for the fic. but if i am going to continue it, i will add ur ideas luv<33
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bethelighthalazia · 6 months
Dance Lessons
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Summary:  Taehyun and you have a lot of fun while dancing.
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Taehyun x gn!reader
Word Count:  738
Warnings: none. (not beta´d, not very long and i don´t know anything about dancing)
[note: This one was requested by the lovely @itsnotmydejavu! Thank you for requesting this, luv <3]
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© by bethelighthalazia. Do not repost, copy or translate. Unless stated otherwise, those works are mine and born from my own ideas. I don't have any claim on the mentioned real existing Idols whatsoever.
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When your friend Soobin told you to just ask his band´s member Taehyun for dance lessons, you were hesitant at first. You had interacted with the other before, but not as much as it would have taken you to gather the courage to ask him. This problem solved itself when you and Soobin were talking about your wish to learn to dance and Taehyun walked into the room as well. He just sat down with the two of you, talking and this way, you got to know each other a bit better.
Now, you´re in the practice room, laying on the ground and laughing. Taehyun was trying to teach you one of their dances, but somehow, you managed to dance into him and bring both of you to the ground. His blonde hair sticking to his face, the boy was just laughing freely, he didn't feel shy or hesitant in your presence at all. He did have to remind himself that you were there to learn, so he picked himself up before helping you up as well.
“Okay, one more time. Just try to do it exactly like I do,” Taehyun chuckles, showing you the dance move one more time, slow enough for you to copy it. when you copy his movements, he shakes his head with a smile, stepping closer to you, his hand placed against your chest. “No, lean a bit further back. Don´t worry about falling, just let go.” pushing your upper body back a bit more, he smiles contently. you don't know if he can feel your heart pounding heavily in your ribcage, if he does he hides it well though. Taehyun does react very quickly when you slip again and lose balance, his arm wrapping around your body to prevent you from falling, but in this move, he pulls you against himself. 
This causes him to lose balance himself and soon, both of you land on the floor, he is on top of you. Neither of you can suppress a hearty laugh as he rolls aside and sits up. “Are you hurt?” The blonde asks, still chuckling and when you shake your head no, he seems to relax again. “You know, y/n, somehow i get the feeling that you like the floor more than dancing.” Breathless from laughing, Taehyun gets up, offering you a hand to pull you up into a stand as well. 
“Let's try one more time, yes?” You laugh, ready to try over and over until you manage to get at least a few dance moves right. Taehyun nods and restarts the music before getting in position next to you, so you can copy his moves once again. This time, it goes really well and you actually get most of the moves to work properly, that is until Taehyun has to lean against you in the choreography and does it with such an energy that lets you tilt and fall over once again. With you instinctively wrapping your arms around him to steady yourself, you pull him down with you, both of you rolling over a few times and then come to a stop.
At first, it's quiet in the room, you already fear that Taehyun might have gotten hurt, but after a few moments in which you swear one could have heard your heart thump against your ribcage very loudly, the blonde starts laughing heartily, holding his belly. You could feel your cheeks heat up, hiding your face in your hands. 
“Huh? What's wrong, y/n?” Taehyun asks, stopping his laughter as he tilts his head to look at you, a small frown appearing on his face now. “I- Is my dancing really that bad?” Your voice is quiet, but he can clearly notice the shyness in it, which you didn't have before. Gently taking your hands to uncover your face, Taehyun smiles and shakes his head. 
“No, you dance a lot better than Yeonjun did in the beginning, or even me. I didn't laugh about your dancing, but because I really have fun with you. I feel comfortable around you, y/n that's something not many can say about themselves.” With a little wink, he then gets up and helps you up too, now even placing his arm around your shoulders. “Let's take a break and get some energy before we try again, okay? And I promise, by nightfall, you´ll be a better dancer than I am.”
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taglist: @mingis-mizu, @tinyelfperson, @hotteokkay, @minkilicious, @bunnliix, @gong-fourz, @yeosangiess, @jayshoneybee, @dinossaurz
(if you want to be added to a taglist, follow the taglist-link in my pinned post)
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asseenontv · 11 months
Sorry I didn’t mean to!-
A Hobie brown fic (fluff, angst)
CW⚠️ anxiety, crying, consent
No use of Y/N, gender neutral, consent, kissing, reader has anxiety
Summary: You and Hobie are best-friends and he turns up at your apartment window at night while it’s raining, trader acts on what they think are hints and kiss him and then start crying when they thought they messed up, Hobie returns feeling and one thing leads to another and they are a thing :3
Reader: Blue
Hobie: Red
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You had a pretty shit day at university and we’re now cuddled up in bed with your favourite blankets and stuffies. You had your earbuds in and were listening to (your favourite musician[s]) to calm your nerves and slowly closing your eyes but staying awake to make sure you didn’t run out of battery on your phone-
When you heard faint tapping outside of your window, so naturally you flinched slightly and looked up at your window and saw Hobie there! He did an awkward smile while shielding his face from the rain and pointing at the latch on your window to open it. You scrambled out of bed and almost tripped over your ungodly amount of blankets and scurried over to your window and slid it up
“What the fuck are you doing here?”You say backing away from the window and helping him inside
“Sorry Luv, just wanted to check up on you since you said you had a shit day.” He murmured while taking his boots, vest and guitar off and leaving them at the area around the foot of your bed.
“No I’m uh- sorry for snapping, you know the reason.” You said chuckling nervously and sitting down on your bed again
“Wanna talk about it?” Hobie asked softly and sitting down next to you.
“Rather not, it’ll just get me worked up again.”
“Aight, I won’ press you for it. Just know if you wanna talk, I’m here.”
You think for a second and then turn to Hobie
“Can I play with your hair? I’ve never actually touched wicks before and they look so fluffy.”
Hobie chuckles before nodding as you scoot closer on the bed and slowly take your hand up to his hair
After a minute of playing with Hobie’s hair you notice him looking at you with a soft expression as he glances away when he sees you side-eyeing him slightly
You giggle to yourself while continuing to play with his hair as he keeps making quick glances at you and eventually putting a hand on the one you currently weren’t using
You look down at your hands and then at him as he looks at you
You take your hand out of his hair and brush it against his other one
He glances up at you and you lean in slightly, hesitate but you kiss him softly, it was a quick one that lasted five seconds but meant so much to you… until you pulled away
He looked at you with a surprised face
“I didn’t expect that to happen.” He says with a nervous laugh
You look at him as regret set in and ripped your hand from him and backed away and stood up from your bed while trembling slightly
“Holy shit I-Im so sorry, I don’t mean to, I thought you were hinting at something and I guess I took it too far. Im so sorry Hobie.”
You start tearing up as you speak and it leads to soft crying
“Fuck! I just thought you wanted me to kiss you I’m so sorry Hobie!” You spit out through choked crying
Hobie gets up and slowly takes your hands softly as he tilts your head up and wipes your tears away
“Don’t be sorry, if I’m honest… I liked it..”
He says smiling softly and rubbing your hands slowly with his calloused thumbs
You look up at him through tears and puffy cheeks
“What..? You actually liked the kiss..?”
“It was probably one of the best I’ve had, the most emotionally driven too” He says chuckling a bit and smiling at you
Your cheeks turn pink with blush as you look anywhere but his eyes
He moves his hand up and moves a piece of hair out of your face as he looks at your lips and then up at your eyes as if asking for approval to continue
You nod slowly and you both move your heads in and softly kiss each other, it was slow, soft and most importantly, very good
You both pull away and look at each other as he strokes your cheek
“Sorry for makin’ y’feel like I didn’t want to kiss you.”
“No it’s fine.” You say smiling and lightly laughing
“Can you stay over tonight..?”
“‘Course luv.” He said taking your hand and sitting back on your bed with you
You slowly lay down on your side as you pull him down with you while giggling
He lays down next to you and tucks your hair behind your ear before kissing your forehead and wrapping his arms around your waist
You cuddle into him as you pull the sheets over both of you and wrap your arms over him and put your head in the crook of his neck
“I’ll never leave you, Luv. You deserve the world and I love you.” He says as he kisses your forehead again
You smile up at him and cuddle him tighter as you yawn and slowly close your eyes
“Goodnight Luv..”
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Holy shit that was so fun to write even tho it was my first fic!! If you liked this please recommend things to write about, I’ll only do smut if I feel like it, don’t expect it often and as always, I love you guys! :3 -Jesse!!
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
And my man, thank you to my man 😝💖👨🏿‍❤️‍👨🏾
Miles happily smiles as he received a bouquet of Sunflowers, stuffed patched up teddy bear with markers drawn on it, and Jamaican take out for his lunch. The 18 year old saw his two friends looking at the gifts, while they decided to eat outside of the cafeteria. A nice change in location, to enjoy the view of Miguel's world.
Gwen: What's all of this? -one hand on her hip, she placed her tray of Mexican take out down on the table-
Pav nodded having his Chinese take out for lunch, he's so hungry he shove noodles into his mouth then spoke: Yeah?
Miles playfully said: They're gifts! -he sniff the bouquet of flowers loving the scent- They smell so fresh!🥰
Gwen: Let me guess, Hobie?
Miles nodded his head very fast with excitement: You know, he likes to spoil me. ☺️ -he couldn't help but snuggle his teddy bear- He made this for me! Isn't that cute?
Pav sips his soda: Whoa, he did! Wow, what did you get him?
Miles: My love! -He laughs playfully- I should, huh? Let me think... hmm🤔
Gwen: It should be something functional. It's the best way to use the gift.
Pav: or romantic!
Miles snaps his fingers: I know! I can get him a new guitar pick with our names on it! 🥰
Gwen: That is a great gift.
Hobie appears with his arms wrapping behind Mies' shoulder: Gift? What gift? -He kisses Miles' cheek- Aye, luv. Love your gifts?
Miles smiles widely showing off his teeth: Yes, bae! The bear is so cute! -He gave many kisses on his boyfriend's cheeks, and his hand caressing Hobie's arms- I love'em! 😘
Hobie smiles widely: I'm glad. You know, you don't have to give me nothing, dear.
Miles pouts: But I should. You're my man!
Hobie's face flustered: That's enough for me. 🥰
Pav giggles: Awwwweeeee.
Gwen: What if Miles' want to give you something to show that he loves you as much as you do.
Hobie: Oh he can never love me as much as I love him. -He sits besides his boyfriend, then lowly said- I would conquer the world for him!
Miles hearts flutter: Awe, I know you would! -he hugs his boyfriend with his arms around Hobie's neck- And you would make me a God?
Hobie grins widely: Of course, luv! I would make everyone worship you!
Gwen: Sounds like fascism...
Pav: Yeah! Wouldn't that go against what you believe in, Hobs?
Hobie chuckles lowly almost a bit amusing: Heh, funny, ain't it. It will be different because it will be my Sunflower! And everyone would get to worship my darling! -He playfully tap his boyfriend's nose- He's too precious!😌
Miles snuggles against: Love you, baby! 🥰😍
Hobie: Love you, darling. 😘 Oh I almost forgot -he handed Miles' his favorite soda, OK Kola Champagne- I forgot to give you this!
Miles gladly took his drink with his eyes widen: No way, bae! How did you get this? The Cafeteria doesn't sell this! 😲 -He grew up with this soda, one of his favorites. His mom would buy them in glass bottles and they would always drink together as a way of bonding. He opens the can hearing a small hiss then sips- Mmm, so good!
Gwen looks at Hobie, who's already pink: Man, you gotta stop spoiling him!
Pav chuckles: Damn, I'm not even like that with Gayatri... maybe I should be 🤔
Miles giggles having to share his lunch with his boyfriend, he offers him to try the soda: Here, have a sip. -he watches Hobie taking a sip then shrugs- Too sweet?
Hobie: You know me, luv. I rather drink ale than a Pop... -He use to drink a lot of beer before meeting Miles. Now, he rarely drinks it.- But this isn't bad.
Miles wraps his arms around Hobie's left arm, his head snuggling against him. Hobie's body turns red with magazine words of love and hearts: Well, I still need you to try Pegao and other Puerto Rican snacks.
Gwen only eats as she listen to the couple then asked: What's Peg-Ow?
Pav burst out laughing: Gwen, what?
Miles: Pegao? It''s crispy rice. It's so good. Dominicans call it Concón.
Hobie said with a smile on his face: I'll try anything for you, Sunflower.
Miles: I know, you will, baby! Mwah! -he kisses Hobie's lips-
Gwen: Oh brother, here they go again. -The lovey dovey sometimes be too much for her-
Pav: They are here for the long run!
Hobie: For sure!
Miles turns to his friend: Yeah, he's my baby!
Gwen turns to Pav: And he will be the first one to proudly let everyone.
Pav: Miles would give a whole speech about Hobie!
Hobie smiles widely hearing his boyfriend: I would! I would like to thank my bae for these gifts and lunch -then chuckles- And my man, thank you to my man! -he playfully stuck his tongue out while hugging his boyfriend-
Hobie could only chuckles having to put Miles on his lap: Amazing speech, luv! 🥰 It's the best one I heard!
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itsliyahhbih · 9 months
Ambivalent Love Pt 2.
Sum: You and Hobie are both Spider people who met at HQ, always tend to go on missions together and have been friends with benefits for 6 years. After a victory celebration you’ve started to realize you want more out of him, but Hobie doesn’t necessarily get it till you stood business.
Warnings: None for this part, hope you enjoy ☺️
“...I don’t know Hobie..” Hobie feels as though his heart just sank to his ass and kinda looks at her shocked. “Alright..My bad, have a good rest of ya day luv’.” He goes to kiss her cheek but he stops and just walks out the door. Y/n closes it behind him simultaneously and lets out the biggest gasp for air ever, as if she held her breath the entire time, but really she was just fighting back tears. Soon as she let that gasp go she broke down crying and leaning on her front door. Y/n sits there wallowing in her tears, the numb feeling , the feeling of regret and heartbreak for hours after that.
Five days passed by and no one really got her to move. Not her best friends, not even her mom or dad whom she was really close to...So eventually her sister stopped by too when she finally got the time from her busy lifestyle and after getting so many messages from the others about Y/n.
“Y/n honey, I know you wanted him to make the choice you were hoping he was gonna make..but he didn’t okay?” She rubs her sisters back softly as Y/n laid on her. “And I hate to be so blunt with you during this time of need, but at this point maybe it’s what you need..Y/n you’re an amazing girl. You’re so talented, smart..beautiful inside and out.” She smiles and sits her sister up wiping away her tears. She gets up from the bed and goes to the bathroom to start her little sister a shower and picks out an outfit for her. “My whole point is behind this, if he wanted to he would , okay? And he would’ve by now I can assure you of that! I mean maybeee ! Just mother fucking maybee he is misunderstood and there’s some underlying issue behind this, who knows!” Her sister throws her hands up looking at Y/N then walks over pulling her up. “But he isn’t communicating that with you and fulfilling your needs emotionally and mentally. Are you really gonna keep sulking around over this man who isn’t doing the same about you?” She pulls up Y/n from out of her bed. “Your New York needs you honey, you have a job and a life to live..So start living it for me okay? ” She smiles sweetly at her sister and finally, Y/n cracks a smile back and speaks “you’re right Sis...I think I just, I don’t know. I needed the time to process and sulk. To have that crybaby era. I don’t get it much as Spider woman. ” She stands up “Y/B/F is definitely going to get on my ass once she sees I’m up and functioning again because I let myself be so down” she lets out a heavy sigh with a bit of a laugh “But I deserve it after all the crying and venting she had to hear these past five days
,and here you come, only taking 45 minutes.” Her sister smirks and shrugs looking very proud of herself. “Yeah what can I say, I got the older sister touch.” Y/n looks at her sister unamused , about to give that actual attention and reply, but she doesn’t. “Mmmhm I bet you do!” Y/n speaks sarcastically and takes her stuff heading to the bathroom. “Give me like an hour to get ready!” Her sister blinks rapidly and looks at the time “An hour?! Y/n we’re just gonna go work on the Atom adjuster !” She waits for a reply back , seeing she doesn’t get one she does a silent scream and stomps towards the bathroom door when it closed, then goes to sit in Y/n’s living room to wait. “Fucking hour..who says I got an hour? What the fuck you gotta look good for in a lab..” H/S/N rambles on and turns on the tv sitting in wait.
Later on that day what turned into what was supposed to be a few hours of working on this turned into Y/N deciding to stay in the lab overnight to work. H/S/N hesitated to leave her alone, but she knew this was a bit of a better coping mechanism than what Y/N was doing previously. Couple hours into her work night she starts to yawn a bit “I think ima need more coffee and a snack this time.” She glances up at the time seeing it read ‘3:42’ “Yeahh I’ll ignore that” She walks to the kitchen area, placing her mug under the Keurig and popping in a new K-cup to refill her cup. She sits at the table inside the small kitchen and scrolls through her phone waiting , then suddenly she hears some small bangs in the distance. “Great and I didn’t even have my 5th cup of coffee…” She rolls her eyes and walks out the kitchen down the hall towards the noise. “Alright IF , you’re Y/B/F and I just didn’t notice you asleep in your lab that’s my fault ,but you better speak now or forever be webbed !” She calls out in a sing-song tone, then her spidey senses tingle.
She slightly jumps as she turns her body around and moves back to web the intruder down. As she does so she shoots a web to turn on the hallway light “Hobie..” He looks up and smiles weakly “hey there beautiful, mind putting me down..I just came here to talk, Luv’..please just let me talk.” Y/N crosses her arms and leaves him in the webs. “You have the floor..” Hobie looks at his placement on the wall then looks down at the ground to see his feet aren’t touching the floor “Yeahh, I don’t know bout that one love” She rolls her eyes and walks over using a laser outta her suit cutting him down. “Hobie, start talking before I throw you outta here..” she turns away from him, her arms back to being crossed, trying her best to remain cold with him.
Hobie watches her for a minute and bites at his lip piercing a bit “Lover.. I’m sorry, okay? I’m ah pure idiot and as thick as a brick when It comes to you. Our friendship, our relationship..It means the world to me Doll, you..you mean the world to me darling.” She still doesn’t turn around and hobie looks a bit shocked “Y/n, please could you just fuckin’ look at me mate!” His tone raises and he walks over turning her around “I’m not the one to beg and you know this, but I will sit here and beg for you. I fucked up. I made you feel gross , I’m sure of it.. like you’re just a lump of ass , and you’re not ! You’re gorgeous, I miss your nerdy comments over physics, I miss the fangirling at my concerts...I just miss having you at my side.” His eyes wander around thinking of what to say to her “You’re so optimistic and smart Y/N , I admire you for who you are, and I want you to know.. I was a bloody coward for not being able to say this to you sooner. I miss you at my concerts , I miss seeing you in the morning in my boat! Swallowed in my t-shirt as you make food! " Hobie groans and walks up to her grabbing her face “I’ll break any rule for you, I’ll sound like a gushing idiot right now if I have to, but love I need you back…” She tries not to make much eye to eye contact with Hobie. She’s never seen him like this, so vulnerable and actually expressing his emotions to her..It’s making her insides flutter, her knees go weak. Hobie’s her weakness..She tries to remain cold but she can’t help but muzzle her face into his large warm hands becoming putty in his hands..”Go on..say what you really want to say Hobs..” Hobie rolls his eyes slightly and chuckles “Oh you’re getting ah’ kick outta this aren’t cha’…” A smirk grows on her face and a smile grows on his..
A/N: To be continued…🖤 Pt.3 is the last part and fair warning, there will be Smut. Thank you for all the love, support and your patience! 🫶🏼
Link to part 3 🫶🏼
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