#but he's still very pregnant and it's sirius's fault!!!!!
impishtubist · 6 months
happy birthday, krabapple <3
Your fics have brought me such joy since the LiveJournal days, so here, I knocked up Remus for you. I hope you have a great rest of your day <3 @lizlemonbennet
(many thanks to the discord for doing a plot spitballing session with me many many moons ago regarding remus getting pregnant and his students being mad about it, y'all are the real mvps. also I hope someone writes the 100K version of this someday.)
At first, Harry didn’t bat an eye at the owls that swept in periodically throughout breakfast that morning, dropping off letters for Sirius before flying off again. Out of everyone in the household, Sirius got the most correspondence, and it wasn’t unusual for there to be a flurry of owls in their home for the first few hours of the morning. 
He did take notice when the pile grew to be twenty letters, and then thirty. Even more noticeable, Sirius wasn’t even opening them. 
“Er, Sirius,” he said, after the fortieth owl swept in and then out again. “You didn’t get voted Sexiest Wizard Alive again, did you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Harry,” Sirius said, giving him a smile that was only slightly strained. “That contest isn’t until May.”
“Do you have another fan club?” Teddy asked.
“Okay,” Harry said, “then why aren’t you opening your mail?”
“I want to enjoy breakfast with my boys!” Sirius said, though the cheer in his voice sounded slightly forced. “It’s your first day home from school. I can read the mail later.” 
“Isn’t that Hermione’s handwriting?” Teddy piped up, pointing at a letter near the top of the pile. Before he could stop himself, Harry snatched it up, his Seeker’s reflexes outwitting Sirius’s. 
“Dear Lord Black,” he read out loud, fending off Sirius’s attempts to grab the letter with one hand, “I am incredibly disappointed to learn that Professor Lupin will be unable to teach for the rest of the school year--and, most importantly, will be unable to oversee our NEWTs--thanks to your actions, and I hope that you take this into consideration in the future should you decide to procreate again…”
Harry wrinkled his nose and tossed the letter at Sirius. “Gross, Sirius.” 
“I didn’t write the letter! Take it up with Hermione.”
“Are they all like that?”
“At least there aren’t any Howlers this time,” Sirius said, slumping back in his chair. “I’ve been getting them for days, ever since Remus announced his pregnancy and his intention to take a leave of absence starting at the holidays. Your classmates are very upset.”
“Your timing could have been better,” Harry said. “In more ways than one.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Come on, Sirius.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Remus is almost five months, yeah? You know what else was almost five months ago? My birthday. You two are gross and I hate you.” 
“No, you don’t.” Sirius got up for more coffee. As he passed behind Harry and Teddy, he kissed them both on top of the head. “Your friends do, though.” 
“It is your fault their favorite and most competent professor is out of commission for the rest of the year.”
“I will personally write every single OWL and NEWT student a glowing letter of recommendation. No matter what their scores are this year while Professor Lupin is on sabbatical, they will have their pick of jobs after graduation. Happy?” 
“That includes us, right?”
“Yes, of course it does.”
Harry stuck out his hand. “Deal.”
Sirius shook his hand, and then Teddy’s, and at that moment Remus came into the kitchen. He had stopped being able to fit into his own clothes, and was now stealing Sirius’s sweaters and joggers. Those wouldn’t do for much longer, Harry thought, but figured that was a battle his guardians could fight on their own.
“Oh, dear,” Remus said, spotting the pile of letters. Several had fallen to the floor. “That’s…”
“At least a quarter of the student body,” Sirius said. 
“I’m sorry, love.” 
“As your eldest has so helpfully pointed out, it is all my fault.”
“Well,” Remus said with a wink, “not all your fault.”
“Right!” Harry said, standing abruptly. “I’m off! Come on, Teds. Let’s get out of here before they get more disgusting.”
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Part 3 of regulus!brother-in-law?
Heyy! Sorry, it took so long to get this out, I've been swamped and trying to write a one-shot that is just not coming out right, so for now I hope this little dabble is enough! Part 1 Part 2
When you finally start showing, everything comes to a halt. Suddenly everything turns real, and your in-laws don't know that Sirius isn't the father.
They start to come over every day using excuses as to why they are there. Oh, you had an appointment today to check on the baby? They are there. You need help decorating the nursery? They are there. You need maternity clothes? They are right there with a tailor in tow. And it would be nice, but these are Walburga and Orion Black, so they are everything but nice. They are only there to make sure that you're not messing up and that the baby gets raised how they wish. And you're tired. And Sirius is tired. And furious. He still hasn't gotten over the fact that you're pregnant with his brother's child and his parents' constant presence isn't helping.
So one day Regulus shows up at the house and tries to talk to Sirius about everything. And Sirius blows up (because it's what he always does). But then he calms down and thinks rationally (because it's what he always does). So he teams up with Regulus to shoo his parents away and to help you with the pregnancy. What Sirius didn't realise is that Regulus wants the child, he wants to be a father to them and to help you through the entire pregnancy. 
He realises this after his parents relent and stop coming over every day, which takes a couple of months. He starts to realise that he is missing more and more appointments, Regulus always makes excuses to go in his place. "Mother and Father want to discuss schooling options for their grandchild, you need to go. You don't want your pregnant wife to get stressed and have complications during the rest of the pregnancy, right?"
Sirius starts to see all the things he has missed besides the doctor's appointments. He hasn't chosen a singular piece of furniture in the whole nursery, or a single toy, nor even a single onesie. So he blows up again (because, say it with me, that is what he always does.) and goes to confront Regulus (again), and they fight (again), but this time the very pregnant lady is in the room. So you're pregnant, heavy with a child that's kicking your ribs, your feet are swollen, and you're full of hormones, so you just start to cry. Full-on ugly sob, snot coming out of your nose kinda cry. And they stop screaming at each other and rush to your side. And now you're angry because this is not your fault (it is a little bit your fault) they both got you in this situation (which you enjoyed both gettings of the situation, iykyk), and now they are making the pregnancy harder for you.
So when they manage to calm you down, they make a pact. They decide that from that day on, they are both the dad of the child between you three. When it comes to your other in-laws, they still believe that Sirius is the father, but that doesn't bother Regulus, because he gets to raise his kid and spend time with the most amazing woman he's ever met. And so they start going to every one of your appointments together, and they begin choosing things for the baby and being there for every need you have. And with your second child is a lot harder to know which of the two is the father (wink, wink), not that you would want to know because they both are amazing fathers and lovers (hehehe).
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arliedraws · 2 months
Okay I really need to know about James's and Sirius's past in the infidelity AU!
When and how did it all started? When did it stop? When did they start again? Were they just messing around in a "that's what boys in boarding school do" - way? How did they handle their past-(relationship) after they just found themselves a wive and started New lives as "real men"? How did all this lead to the bathroom incident?
As discussed in-depth with @impishtubist, James and Sirius engaged in adolescent sexual exploration fairly early on in school—at thirteen/fourteen, they talk about how they’re always hard or something and then start giving each other advice on how to take care of it.
Maybe by fifteen, they’re helping each other out—but of course, it’s not queer when you’re helping out a friend (right?). By sixteen, they are constantly touching and sleeping in each other’s beds but they’ve “grown out” of mutual masturbation. Then, by sixth year, Sirius has moved in with the Potters and shares a room with James. Without privacy, they can hear the other getting off in the dark until finally, they’re having sex. Constantly. Any time James’s parents aren’t around, they’re just doing it. But it’s just what you DO. You play around with someone you trust, you don’t talk about it, and you don’t get caught.
Then James is pining after Lily, and she finally agrees to go out with him. James and Sirius are still sleeping together, but James eventually puts a stop to it, saying that they ought to grow up. This kills Sirius but he pretends to agree.
The story continues as it does in canon, except that Snape never hears the prophecy; therefore, Jily have Harry as normal. The only person who knows there’s a prophecy is Dumbledore, so it never comes true. After Lily falls pregnant, Sirius knows that he’ll never have James now. I wonder if he kisses James as a last “this is what we could have” and James tells him firmly that “those days” are over, and now they’ve got to grow up. Sirius is devastated. He’s been sleeping with the Auror Marlene McKinnon—a witch who is nearly ten years his senior—and decides that the only way to show James that he’s grown up is to marry.
Marlene is politically-minded. Loving but also calculating. Sirius has a strong, influential name but also possesses the reputation of being vehemently anti-Voldemort, so she’s happy to marry Sirius. And they have a few good years together! He likes her—he definitely feels love towards her, maybe something like a best friend, and it’s all very fine.
But underneath the glimmer of heteronormative life, the fault of Prongsfoot is grinding together, building pressure, just waiting for the cataclysmic earthquake :)
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neongreenllama · 1 year
More omega Remus for one greedy @impishtubist
Remus punched his arm. “What did you do!”
“Ow!” Sirius exclaimed, rubbing his arm despite it not being painful. “I didn’t do anything!”
“Fuck you and your super sperm!”
A laugh escaped him. “My what?”
“Sirius!” his Remus whined, but Sirius really didn’t see himself at fault here. All he did was fulfill his omega’s wishes.
“I didn’t do anything!” he maintained.
“What’s this then?” Remus shoved the pregnancy test in his face as if he hadn’t already seen the result.
A smile started to spread on Sirius’ face, he couldn’t help it. “I only did what you told me to.”
“You know I don’t actually mean that! It’s the breeding instinct!”
Sirius laughed. He loved Remus so much and now he was pregnant with their baby. He really couldn’t see the problem, but Remus was of a different opinion and huffed angrily. “This is not funny. This is not good. This is bad! Do you know how painful giving birth is?”
Sirius felt his grin grow wider. “I guess you’re going to tell me in seven months and two weeks.” Remus scowled and hit his arm again, but this time Sirius grabbed his wrist, holding him in place. The omega didn’t fight it but also didn’t meet his eyes. “Just think of how cute they’ll be. They’ll look like you.”
“That is not a good thing,” he replied petulantly.
“I think it is.” He lifted the back of his hand to kiss it. “If it helps, they’ll also look like me.”
Remus ignored his, in Sirius’ opinion, very good argument, and instead listed all the things he thought were wrong with him that the baby might get, such as his weak immune system or his large nose.
Sirius let him go on for a while before he kissed him on the cheek, successfully interrupting the list. “We’d get the best doctors. Money isn’t an issue. I could work less; we’d still have enough. We could move to the country. I mean, think about it, we have everything we need. I’d take care of you. Just think about it, Moony.”
“You really want to keep it?” Remus asked quietly after a moment, still not meeting his eyes.
“You know I love children. And if you really don’t want to, I’ll still have a litter of godchildren to pamper,” he added at the pained expression on his omega’s face. “But … think about it, baby?” He kissed his reddening cheeks, once, twice, began to pepper kisses all over his face. He couldn’t help it, it made him so happy, the thought that their baby was growing in Remus’ tummy right this moment. He knew it was going to be perfect, whichever way it turned out. So he moved down to pepper kisses all over his stomach, until Remus raked his hand through his hair and pushed him further down.
With a smirk Sirius dutifully opened his fly and went to work. It was the least he could do in exchange.
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demonbanisher · 10 months
Some crack which is all @impishtubist fault. Hope you enjoy this little cursed drabble. I have a splitting headache and can’t be bothered to edit this before I go to bed so sorry if there’s any issues.
The Potter family - designation and ages next to names. Partners are in brackets
Sirius O47 and James O47
- Harry A30 (Ginny O29)
- Otto B27 (Cedric B30)
- Yvaine A25 (Luna A27)
- Leo O24 (Timothy O26)
- Cyrus O23 (Eros A28)
- Ella B22 (Victorie B22)
- Teddy O20 (Oliver A30)
Teddy knew his parents weren’t going to be quite happy with him being pregnant with a man ten years his senior. His Dad (Sirius) had been so overprotective of his older brother Cyrus when he started dating Eros and they only had a five year age gap. His Pa (James) had to talk Dad down from castrating Eros on more than one occasion.
On top of that, the family had a bit of a history with unplanned pregnancies. Poor sex education at Hogwarts meant his fathers had been unaware of the possibility of pregnancy between two male Omegas. It took James fainting during a Quidditch match to find out about their little surprise. His fathers had made sure that all of them had a thorough sex education. As much as they loved Harry, becoming parents at 17 presented challenges they didn’t want to see their own kids face.
So, Teddy had put together a fool proof plan to soften the blow of his news. Pregnancy roulette.
He knew his family and he knew they were all into pranks and mischief courtesy of their fathers. He got his sister in on it and after Yvaine casually dropped that she was late, Teddy was able to swoop in and propose the game.
The problem came when Teddy dumped out the box full of pregnancy tests to find not one but three positives.
“Well then,” Harry said “that makes things interesting.”
“Pressures off us darling,” Cedric said kissing his husband. “Unless we have a surrogate the two of us don’t know about.”
“We’re out too,” Ginny added. “I took the test for shits and giggles but I made Harry get snipped last year. No more buns in this oven.”
“You know,” Otto said with a mischievous grin, “things can get unsnipped sometimes.”
Ginny turned a little green. “Don’t even joke about that.”
“Okay,” Teddy said stepping in to get a hold on the situation. “Everyone here who can bear a child take another pregnancy test. When you finish cap it and give it to your partner. Then we’ll go around the circle and reveal them.”
So a few hours and many pee breaks later, the group was back in a decidedly less jovial circle.
Harry went first. “Negative,” he said and both him and Ginny breathed a sigh of relief.
Timothy and Leo looked at each others next. “Both negative,” Leo grinned. “Some of us listened to our dads sex ed talks.”
Eros flipped Cyrus’s next. “Negative mi amor,” he said, kissing his husband on the cheek.
Then Sirius went, flipping James’s test. “We’ll fuck,” he said, turning his head expecting to find James looking at the test in Sirius’s hand but instead he was looking at the test in his own hand with a look of horror on his face. Sirius leaned over to look at his test. “Well double fuck.”
“You don’t mean…?” Yvaine started.
“Um, how do you all feel about having two more siblings?” Sirius asked.
The room erupted into noise. A few of them were retching at their fathers clearly still very active sex lives while others were telling them off for not using protection and demanding to know how this happpened.
“James was having problems with his birth control! The doctor recommended we both come off of them cause of our age. He said the risk of pregnancy was low.”
“But not zero!” Harry howled. “Use a fucking condom!”
“Sometimes you don’t have one on hand,” Sirius said as the room erupted into noise again. This time there was a unanimous decision of how gross it was that their fathers were so horny for each other that they couldn’t keep it in their pants long enough to get home.
“Wait a minute!” Otto shouted, cutting through the din. “That explains two of the tests but what about the third.”
Oliver sheepishly held up Teddy’s. “Surprise,” Teddy said. “I, um, thought this would be a fun way to reveal it. I didn’t think any of the other tests would come back positive.”
Teddy watched his Dad’s blood boil as he got ready to tell off Oliver for getting his baby pregnant at only twenty. James stopped him with a steady hand on his wrist. “Don’t think we’re in a place to judge others decisions love.”
Sirius’s face soften. “Well I guess my grandchild will get to grow up with his uncles.”
The boos erupted again and James and Sirius retreated from the shower of snacks their children threw at them. It was gonna be a long nine months.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Hey there Snitch!!! Big OLT fan over here 👆👆 ok so here is my question, after the big father and son meeting, James is not intrigued by the fact that Lily never told him that she was pregnant in the first place? He's not mad at her at all? Just upset about being kind of an idiot? I would love to read more about his (and yours consequently) thoughts and feelings about it. And I'm guessing we going to see them talking about Harry, I was just wondering if this hasn't crossed his mind. Can't wait to the final chapter!! This is by far the fic that has instigued me the most in a very long time. Thank you for sharing it with us
Oh thank you darling! I'm so glad you love it so much. I've had this fic brewing for so long that I'm loving sharing it with you all. It's a bit bittersweet to post the final chapter and be done with it. What if I don't post Monday and just keep it open for a bit longer? 🤔 (just kidding, i wouldn't do that to you all!)
So let's talk angry James.
I had several comments and messages about how angry James would be at Lily/Mary/Remus/etc when he found out, and to me, that feels like a mischaracterization of James--at least OLT James. Maybe Ignite James, but he has way more fire and fight than OLT James. He's feeling a lot of emotions, and maybe he's a bit upset, but I don't even think that is an overwhelming feeling for him.
First, consider the moment that he figures it out. He's not talking to Lily, he's looking at his son. James, who was an only child of older parents, has always wanted kids--plural, as in a big family. He was never going to be angry about having a kid. I don't think, in that moment, he is thinking about why he didn't already know about Harry, he's just thinking I have a kid.
When Lily shows up, I think he's still in awe of Harry, who has just hugged him, and I think he picks up on the fact that Lily is upset EVEN THOUGH he doesn't know why. He does love her (despite the way he's been acting) and I think that he doesn't want to fight with her right then, especially if she's upset.
Tiny spoiler for the next chapter, but there's a small time jump before the next chapter (days, not weeks or months), and I think James had a lot of time to think (and talk to Remus and Sirius) in that time, and I think he's done a lot of thinking about how they got there. I don't think he'd blame Lily enough that he'd ever reach the point of anger.
The thing is, they both have fault here (I know the debate in the comments has been raging over Team James and Team Lily, and maybe you agree or disagree with who is MORE to blame, but they have both taken steps that prevented a resolution here). James has to take some of the blame here, and being mad at Lily would mean he'd have to at least deny that he had a part in this. (also, to be fair, James is definitely mad at himself too).
I do think they have a lot of discussions to have, and that this is definitely one that would come up. It is not in chapter 9. However, if it were to exist somewhere, it would probably look a little something like....
James pulls Lily closer to him, her head resting on his chest as the sweat cools on their bodies. He twirls a finger in her hair, the question lingering in his mind until it just comes out. “Did you ever think about telling me?” 
Lily turns, resting her chin on his chest so she can look at him properly. “Hm? When?”
“While you were hiding. Did you ever think about telling me? Sending an owl or something?”
“Of course I did.” Lily pushes herself up a little more, so they are face to face, and he can see the storm of emotions brewing there. “I wanted to tell you every day. If it had been any other situation, I would have told you immediately.” 
“You did?” He hates the uncertainty in his voice.
“Yes, James.” She bends to kiss him. “I wanted to, but we had just broken up because we couldn’t keep each other safe. A baby? He was safer if no one, including you, knew he existed. What if the owl was intercepted? They would have used him against you, and I couldn’t let that happen.” 
“No, I know that. I get why you made that choice.” James tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “I guess… I just need to know that you wanted to.” 
Lily cups his face with her hand. “Every day. Every single day, I wanted to tell you. I was so afraid, and my body was changing, and I wanted to share every single moment with you. It was the best and worst time of my life.” 
“I wish I could have been there. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to see you pregnant.” He sees her face drop at this, and he immediately regrets it. “I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. I don’t blame you for it.” 
“No, I know. I wish you could have been there too.” 
Lily laid her head down on his chest, and James bites back the words he wants to say. We could do it again. I can be there this time.
It’s too soon. They’ve only just started to come back to each other, to trust each other. But soon, James thinks, he’ll have to grab that ring his mother is keeping for him, the one that belonged to his grandmother and was always meant to be for Lily. Soon, they’ll talk about more. 
For now, he’s content with her and Harry, and it’s enough.
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puuvillaa · 2 years
I'm going to move my twitter thread of my mwpp sims game here because it's hilarious and I want to be able to find it more easily.
Contains wolfstar, James/Peter, Teddy/Harry
I find it hilarious that Sirius thinks James is 10/10 and Remus 1/10, but he started dating Remus anyway because James is too busy to chat
James and Peter got together because they both find each other super hot and I didn’t want to bring more sims into the house. Sirius and Remus are engaged and still find each other terribly unattractive
Remus also developed a smoking problem and will be grumpy for the next 15 days because I made him quit since he ran out of cigarettes and I got tired of him having to smoke one every two hours so the stress of not having smoked doesn't keep turning him into his wolf form
Here's Remus quitting smoking:
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Remus turned Sirius into a werewolf and they finally got married. I didn’t think about their surnames at all, but managed to make Sirius a Lupin. Sirius got abducted by aliens in the middle of fucking Remus. James and Peter got engaged. I'm debating having a baby in the household
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For some reason Peter has been running everywhere he goes for days now, and I don’t understand why. Also sadly Sirius got stuck in the tattoo chair so I had to quit without saving and he lost his crappy tattoos
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Remus wanted a baby so I went okay. He couldn’t turn into a werewolf during the full moon due to being pregnant, so he pissed himself during Peter's birthday party instead. He then rode his fucking bicycle to give birth in the hospital, but at least they now have a baby boy
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Sirius cried during James and Peter's wedding. James was pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. Peter went through a midlife crisis and now has a silly moustache as well as a new expensive car, but I drew the line at divorcing James when they only just married
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Sirius and Remus had a fight bc Peter flirted with Sirius who flirted back. Sirius tried asking Remus out but was turned down, so he yelled at Remus, who yelled back and then went to sulk for several hours. Sirius worked hard to appease him. Harry was hungry. James was working
Here's are a couple of cute pictures of Remus and Teddy:
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Teddy is now a teenager, but because he didn’t do well enough in school (which I find unfair because they had so many snow days he could only attend once, it's not my fault) the trait he was assigned was kleptomaniac
Here's Sirius and Teddy:
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James was supposed to read Harry a bedtime story, but he then needed to pee and left, so Harry got stuck in his bed. I waited for a full day to see if anything would get him to move but nothing did, so I had to quit without saving and can't remember what happened after I'd saved
Here's Remus reading Harry a bedtime story instead:
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I'm considering ditching this game soon anyway, it's no longer fun enough with so many sims in the same household, especially because James and Peter are already turning elderly, and I had forgotten how much I hate playing the elderly sims. I'll have to adjust the age settings
The game suddenly decided to reset all my settings yesterday. Fun. I had forgotten that celebrities are a thing so I didn’t disable them, so Remus turned into a celebrity, which is very annoying. But yeah, he's now a 1-star celebrity author. I will take that away from him, though
Luckily I had forgotten to save after James turned old, so after tweaking the age settings, I can keep going with this game for a while yet. Couldn't figure out how to remove Remus’s celebrity status for some reason, so we'll see how that goes
God damn it, the game decided to age James anyway because it was the day of his birthday already. Not sure if I'll de-age him or just wait for him to get to the end of his life
Nooooo fuck you, why is the celebrity status still contagious after I turned it off! Does it not affect the game I'm already playing? Ugh I hate this!
Sirius has started to think that Remus is a 10/10 hottie. I suspect that this sudden change of heart has something to do with Remus’s 2-star celebrity rating. Meanwhile, Teddy went to the prom with his only friend and they're now boyfriends
Remus and Sirius had their anniversary and went on an elaborate date. That night, James passed away. Peter immediately wished to resurrect him but also to have a stag do. I suppose we all grieve in our own ways. Harry has been learning hacking, and Teddy wants to nick something
I have no idea what happened, but some interaction with either Sirius or Teddy made Remus all sulky and he wanted to hide in his room to contemplate the meaninglessness of life. This wasn't funny, I just thought it was cute. Then Sirius wanted to grow a beard, so he now has one
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Oh, speaking of Sirius and his wishes, during his midlife crisis, he wished for a new $10k+ car twice, so he got a new car and then got another new car. He really is rich (I mean, the whole family's rich, they have a 3-car garage (James used to get around in his cop car))
Oh, I made Remus tell Sirius a secret and his secret was "I'm glad we'll be together forever." 🥺
In less cute news, Teddy was in a bad mood so he skipped school to have a date, but his bf wasn't into any romantic stuff so Teddy broke up with him. On top of that, he came home too early, so Sirius got angry with him for skipping school
Lol rereading this like what the hell. "Wasn't into any romantic stuff" = he was reacting to it negatively for some reason. Anyway, Teddy and Harry are now dating, we'll see if that lasts once Teddy grows up
You know what, I'll tell you the story of wolfstar's first kiss and how they ended up being a couple. Sirius was (and still is) an alchemist, and after messing up a potion, he turned into a frog. He was friends with James only, but James was busy right then, while Remus was free
So, Sirius went to talk to Remus until they were friends, and then Remus kissed him to turn him human again. And that was their first kiss, and that’s how they fell in love, even though they both found each other unattractive
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So, Peter set off some fireworks. Cool, except he did it in their hallway and set it on fire, then went to faint on the porch. Later the same day, he set off more fireworks (this time outside) and set their lawn on fire. He's banned from handling fireworks
Teddy grew up, and the game decided that you know what, his breakup with his first boyfriend wasn't a proper breakup, so he now has two boyfriends. In other Teddy related news, Remus wishes that he'll become a doctor
Teddy went on a date with his first bf and confessed to cheating on him, so they had a fight and broke up for real. Which might be good because turns out the bf is malicious, which conflicts with Teddy being nice
Sirius tells a secret to Remus: "I find the hiccups fun!"
Remus and Sirius went on a date. They visited a haunted house, and Remus was so terrified that he pissed himself. Because he's a celebrity, the whole fucking town now knows about it and he's ashamed 😔
(now I kind of feel like playing this game again)
(there are only so many pictures because I was actually never going to post them anywhere, I just kept ones that I found funny)
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heartofspells · 2 years
We’re taking a short break from 5SOS5, to discuss Chicago by Louis Tomlinson, because I really think this will be heartbreaking and it brings me joy to inflict this on everyone reading this. Note, I got all these lyrics off of Google, so if they messed up the lyrics, it’s not totally my fault.
“I saw you had a baby / Did you use any of the names we liked?”
Sirius to Remus, after Teddy has been born. They used to discuss the idea of adoption, talking about an ideal life once they finally won the war, but that obviously didn’t happen for them. Sirius spent 12 years in Azkaban while Remus spent those same 12 years hating Sirius, and neither of them could repair their old relationship once Sirius escaped, because that kind of distrust destroys anything; it was nothing short of a miracle they repaired their friendship, a romantic relationship is impossible. Not to mention, 12 years of hating Sirius wrecked the romantic love Remus once had for him, and 12 years with Dementors shredded Sirius’s mind and there’s huge gaps in his memories; he remembers enough to know he loved Remus and they had good memories, but he remembers almost nothing of the good times. He has very clear memories of the bad though, the Dementors left him with that; Sirius can’t recall the first time he and Remus told the other they were in love, he can’t remember moving into a flat together, but the first time Remus told him he was nothing but a Black, that time Remus snapped at him that he wished they’d never met, the fact that Remus truly believed Sirius was capable of handing the Potters over to Voldemort? Those memories are crystal clear.
Sirius is very happy for Remus and Tonks, up in the afterlife, but it’s still bittersweet knowing that Remus and Sirius once spoke about that for them and that Sirius will never meet the son of one of his best friends. (Also, know that Sirius heard that Remus was planning on leaving Tonks pregnant, and Sirius most definitely expected Andromeda to just murder Remus. Had Remus actually left Tonks, it would have been on sight, forget Bellatrix, it’s Andromeda that’s the threat)
(Me, going off on an entire tangent based on two lines? More likely than you think or hope for)
“And is your brother doing okay? / Is he still getting out of fights?”
Do I even need to say anything to make it obvious who I’m making this about? Probably not. Will I? Of course.
It’s obviously about Regulus, and to make it even more painful, it’s taking place the very day Sirius learns his little brother is dead. On one hand, he is technically getting out of fights, but he’s definitely not okay because he’s dead. Also, wanna know how Regulus always got out fights? He reminded people he was Sirius Black’s little brother and that hurting him meant Sirius would be out for blood. He couldn’t protect Regulus in the end though; the only time Sirius isn’t there, and his brother dies.
“I'm sorry that your mum don't like me / I'm sorry that I brought that on myself”
This can actually take a humorous turn, because Walburga would despise Remus, but that might actually be a plus in Sirius’s eyes, my sweet rebellious son. Feel free to only think of this take on the line.
For angst though, it’s when Remus thinks Sirius is a spy, and he’s realizing that this relationship is doomed, because a Sirius working for Voldemort, a Sirius who is a blood purist, will never stay with a man who isn’t Pureblood-approved, and a werewolf half-blood will never ever get that approval. Remus fell in love with a lie, and the most painful thing of all is that Remus still loves him. Remus loves the Sirius he spent 7 years in Gryffindor with, he loves the Sirius who grinned brightly enough to put the stars to shame when Remus agreed to move in with him, he loves the Sirius that can’t help but smile every time he sees Remus because of how much Sirius loves him, but Remus also has the heartbreaking knowledge that that Sirius is nothing but a lie made up to be a lethal weapon for Voldemort. Remus knows that to the Death Eaters, Remus is nothing but a halfblood beast and no Pureblood would ever approve of him, so the future Remus imagined with Sirius will never come to life because Remus fell in love with a lie (well, he didn’t, but Remus doesn’t realize until far too late, and by then it’s too hard to repair their relationship). Remus brought this on himself by staying with Sirius even after he stopped trusting him, by not just walking away even though that would’ve destroyed him, because falling for a pureblood Black is the worst idea for a half-blood werewolf and to make it even worse, Remus fell for the Black working as a spy, for the Black who’s not only trying to kill people like Remus but the Black who can spend years with Remus and still feel no true affection for him (Sirius loved him with everything in him and never betrayed the Order, but Remus didn’t learn this until far too late; Peter’s actions wrecked them both).
“They say bitter ends turn sweet in time / Is that true of yours and mine?”
Well, not really, sorry Remus. There’s 12 years in Azkaban, 12 years of believing Sirius to be someone capable of betraying his closest friend and handing his godson over to be killed; there’s the knowledge that when it mattered, neither of them had faith in the other, they both believed the other to be the traitor; and then Sirius is killed just 2 years after escaping Azkaban and the war that took everything from them has started again, they never have time to sit down and discuss their relationship and why they fell apart and how to put them back together again. Sirius will always be Remus’s biggest what-if: what if they’d trusted each other during the First War, what if someone addressed the lack of a trial, what if Remus could bear to think of that fateful Halloween and realized something was off about the official series of events, what if Sirius’s name was cleared while he was alive, what if they had more time, what if Sirius stayed at Grimmauld during the DOM battle, what if what if what if?
“'Cause if you're lonely in Chicago / You can call me baby / Has it been long enough that you can forgive me? / Just because it didn't work / Doesn't mean it's meaningless to me / It just wasn't meant to be”
I’m incapable of remaining rational when it comes to the chorus, I cannot believe this exists and I’m expected not to go feral over it.
Now, onto the HP aspects of it all. “Has it been long enough that you can forgive me?” is Sirius in POA about that Halloween, begging Remus to forgive him for not trusting Remus, for recommending Peter to be the Keeper, for doubting Remus’s loyalty to the Order and to James. Even though Sirius doubts Remus can ever forgive him (Sirius knows he’ll never forgive himself), Sirius desperately wants Remus to love him still, to always have Remus as a safe place to land, to feel Remus wrap his arms around Sirius and tell Sirius that Remus will never stop loving him and Remus will never walk away; it’s Remus once he hears the full story of October 31, 1981, realizing that he falsely believed his best friend (the person Remus was in love with) to be capable of horrific crimes, crimes that Remus should’ve known Sirius was never capable of because everyone who knew Sirius knew how much Sirius loved James, knew that James was half of Sirius’s soul (Sirius had two soulmates: a romantic one in Remus and a platonic one in James). Sirius and Remus forgive each other, how can they not when they both did the same thing (albeit their time lengths were different), but they can never truly go back to how they were right after graduation.
We’re onto the good stuff with “Just because it didn't work / Doesn't mean it's meaningless to me / It just wasn't meant to be” because even though Sirius and Remus didn’t make it, even though their relationship wasn’t strong enough to withstand the First Wizarding War, their relationship still had a profound impact on the both of them and was one of the most important relationships either one will ever have. Remus was one of the people to show Sirius how to love, Remus was the first person Sirius was ever in love with (Remus was the only person Sirius ever had time to fall in love with, he dies before he ever feels that kind of love again) and Sirius can never forget that Remus was the first person Sirius ever trusted with his heart like that and trusted not to break it (Sirius’s trust wasn’t misplaced, but his heart got broken regardless during the war); Remus fell in love right alongside Sirius and both learned how to open their hearts that way together, Sirius showed Remus what it’s like to meet people and decide they’re worth everything (Sirius was a person who grew up being taught all the wrong things but met the right people and decided they were worth defying his family, they were worth giving up everything he knew because Sirius knew that what’s easy isn’t always what’s right [Remus doubted everything about this during the War, because maybe nothing about Sirius was true, maybe Sirius chose easy over right, maybe Sirius was laughing at them the entire time and never intended to fight against his family and childhood friends] and Remus can never forget watching Sirius’s heart break when he heard his parents disowned him, before looking at Remus and James and Peter and Lily and all their friends, and visibly deciding that they were what truly mattered and Sirius could get through this with them at his side. Sirius lost everything he knew, but made the decision to stay with what he believed to be right, and Remus will never forget that). They couldn’t withstand the test of time, but they’ll never forget what they learned from each other and they’ll never regret loving each other.
“Have you seen how my life's been going? / 'Cause I've been wondering what you'd say / Would you have told me to keep going / Or would you say to walk away?”
Remus to Sirius after Sirius dies and everything is just falling apart. The war os getting worse, the Order still doesn’t know how Voldemort survived the First War and doesn’t know how to prevent it from happening again, Sirius is dead and Harry has just lost yet another parental figure and Harry has to know that Sirius was only there because Harry rushed into a trap, the Order almost got annihilated the first time and it’s not looking that much better this time, and Remus has just lost the last of his best friends. Remus’s world is falling apart, but he won’t give up because he’s not letting James and Lily and Sirius have died for nothing; even with that, he still wants to know what Sirius would say if Sirius knew what was going on.
(Slightly humorous note, Sirius is decking Dumbledore the second he sees the man in the afterlife, for not telling the Order about horcruxes. James is screaming that “strength in numbers” is a saying for a reason while restraining Lily, who might actually murder Dumbledore in the afterlife for placing the burden of war almost solely on her son’s shoulders rather than trusting the adults too; James is only restraining her because he’s not sure what would happen if a murder occurred there, but he doesn’t particularly want to discover the consequences right then and he’s quite sure that Lily and Sirius agree).
“You always made me feel much better / And I'll always be grateful for that”
Sirius was always Remus’s first thought when asked to think of “home” and that will never change. Even when having the worst day possible, just seeing Sirius made everything better. The way Sirius would grin at Remus and his eyes would light up like just seeing Remus made him happier than anything else, the way Sirius would just sit beside Remus if Remus didn’t want to talk, absolutely everything with Sirius made things better. Even though the memories hurt now that Sirius is dead (even though the memories were tainted for 12 years by Sirius’s betrayal), Remus will never stop being grateful for his relationship with Sirius and loving what they had, even though they didn’t last as long as they hoped they would.
“I didn't have to search 'cause I still know your number / I bet that you didn't think that I'd remember” and “Oh, I didn't have to search 'cause I still know your number / I bet sometimes you still like to wear my jumper”
Remus still remembers everything about his relationship with Sirius, he still knows the exact address of their old flat and he still remembers the address of the flat Sirius moved into straight after graduation (Sirius can remember very little of their history thanks to the Dementors, he’s got no clue where Remus used to live and he doesn’t remember where their old flat was. He can still remember their first fight in their flat and how Remus stormed out and the fear Sirius had that Remus wouldn’t return) (Remus feels his heart break when he realizes how much the Dementors took from Sirius, how little Sirius can remember of their relationship, because even though Padfoot helped, it took time for Sirius to realize that and not even an animagus form can totally neutralize the effects of Dementors). Remus still has Sirius’s old clothes from Grimmauld because it’s the only thing he has left now, he burned all of the things that reminded him of Sirius after 1981 because he wanted nothing to remind him of the traitor that wrecked Remus’s world, so now he only has these clothes (Remus tries to ignore that Sirius would hate to see Remus clinging to the clothing 16 year old Sirius left behind in Grimmauld, but Remus has nothing else to remember Sirius by, he can only use what teenaged Sirius left in Grimmauld [Remus has to ignore the voice pointing out that he left these things behind for a reason because he has nothing else to remember Sirius with])
This thing might actually qualify as an essay, sorry for the length
I STILL have not listened to this song more than once. But alkdjfalkjsf
@fonkeloog have your pain. I cannot. Goodbye
(i did a word count on this, btw. 2479. you are insane, but in the absolute best way)
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pregnant-piggy · 2 years
Past midnight
Sirius Black x pregnant!reader  
part of the dad!marauders series
words: 1.7k
warnings: pregnant reader
A/N: the timeline of this story is a little messed up but i guess it around februari or march :)
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It was way past midnight as you lay in bed listening to the sounds of the night. Far away a cat cried and the wind was howling around the house, but the streets had gone to sleep hours ago. As had Sirius, his right arm lazily slung over your waist, but you had not been so lucky. Ever since you had lain down in bed, all sleep that you had felt during the evening had left you. You had been staring at the wall for hours now, luring the sleep into your system, but nothing had helped—you were still awake.
Very carefully, as to not wake the man behind you, you slipped from the sheets. Shivering as your feet touched the cold floor, you sat up and kneaded a knot out of your shoulder; a small, relieved breath leaving you as you felt your arm relax. You looked back at Sirius, but it seemed he had noticed nothing. His arm was lying aimlessly on the mattress, the place where you had just been lying, and his fingers curled into a fist as a huff of air passed his lips.
When you had first gotten together with Sirius, the sounds he made during the night had kept you awake for hours but now you had gotten used to them and you could even say that they brought you comfort. Falling asleep in a completely silent room felt wrong to you now. You would miss his hot breath against the back of your neck or the fingers that moved over your skin while he did not even realize. Some nights, when he was especially restless, he kept you awake, but you never told him, knowing he would feel guilty while there was nothing he could do about it.
This night, however, it was not Sirius who was keeping you awake. You had been tossing and turning before he had even fallen asleep.
Your fingers ran over the back of your neck and you were surprised to find the dampness of sweat there. You were not even hot, but as you concentrated you found that your entire body was warm and sticky. Sighing, you ran a hand over your face. The pregnancy had been having some effects on you already and now it seemed it had found something new to pester you with.
Silently, you got up from the bed and pulled a jumper from the chair in the corner of the room as you walked out of the bedroom. The hallway was colder than the bedroom and you longed for the comfort of your bed, but you knew that you would eventually wake Sirius with your restlessness and you wanted to let him sleep peacefully.
You chose the kitchen as you destination and carefully treaded down the stairs, making sure you avoided stepping in the middle of the last step, that always creaked. Even in the dark you knew your way through the house perfectly and you were quite certain that even with your eyes closed you could have found your way to the kitchen.
Upon visiting the house for the first time, you had fallen in love with it. Others might have found fault in the small spaces and steep stairs, but you had seen yourself there with Sirius. Maybe it would not be your forever-home but that did not matter. This was the place you wanted to be now, with the living room full of books and plants and the kitchen never quite big enough. And there was never ruling out the possibility that you would be old and grey and still climbing that narrow stairwell every day. In fact, you even enjoyed that thought.
Sirius had left open the window above the sink after dinner and a soft breeze blew in your face as you stepped onto the tiled floor of the kitchen. You welcomed the fresh air with closed eyes and a deep breath and you felt immediately better.
It was not until you had pulled the jumper over your head that you realised it was Sirius’s. His heavy scent, mixed with the lingering smell of your dinner, washed over you like a warm blanket around your shoulders and you held the collar to your nose, just breathing him in for a moment. He smelled like smoke and the cologne you had gotten him for his birthday and the gel he used for his hair. Although he had changed cologne and gel multiple times since you had started dating, there was still that smell of him that had stayed there for all those years. A scent that you had trouble naming, but could pick out of a thousand others.
You placed both hands on the counter and just stared outside. From the window in the kitchen you could look into the garden. Small like the rest of the house, but one of your favourite places to be. In the summer you had enjoyed many warm nights under the tree in the corner, book in your hand and legs stretched out under you in the grass. Some nights Sirius had been working in the garden, something that had become his hobby after you had moved into the house, or he had been lying with his head in your lap. Closed eyes and nose scrunching whenever you scratched your nails over his scalp.
You could not wait for next summer, when it would no longer be just the two of you, but a third little one there too. The doctor had told you that your due date was in June, so there would be plenty of summer time to enjoy after your baby arrived.
The calming thoughts made you relax more, but still they did not bring you sleep. You made a cup of tea for yourself and just watched the dark garden with your hands wrapped around the hot mug.
Lost in thoughts, you did not notice Sirius entering the kitchen until two hands wrapped around your waist and a chin was placed on your shoulder.
“Why’re you awake, darling?” Sirius mumbled, his head heavy on your shoulder. You heard the sleep laced through his voice and your heart warmed at the fact that he had woken up and searched for you.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you said, one hand releasing the mug to bury your fingers in Sirius’s hair. He sighed softly and his head drooped even more. “Did I wake you?”
Sirius shook his head, though if you hadn’t felt it you wouldn’t have noticed. “No, your absence did.”
You chuckled softly and moved your head to look at Sirius. He had his eyes closed. “Sorry,” you said, pressing a kiss to his temple.
Sirius only hummed and he moved his hands under the jumper, resting them on the small bump that you had gotten. His thumbs caressed your bare skin and you had to bite the inside of your mouth to not shiver, even though Sirius’s hands were always warm.
“’S everything okay?” Sirius asked, still not opening his eyes.
“It’s fine, love.” You took a sip of your tea. “I just couldn’t sleep.”
Sirius was silent for a while and then he said, “You’re warm.”
You couldn’t help the bubble of laughter that flew from your throat. Sirius’s head bounced on your shoulder as you laughed and his hands flinched on your belly. He released a long breath, but you could tell it was not of annoyance.
“I know,” you said, patting Sirius’s head with your free hand. “Something else to bother me. I thought being pregnant would be fun.”
“Lily did warn you.” You could hear Sirius’s grin without such as a glance.
“I should’ve listened to her,” you mumbled. “Still, I would take this and a hundred times worse if it means our baby is safe.”  
Now, Sirius did open his eyes as he lifted his head off your shoulder. His hands slipped from your belly and instead took the hem of the jumper you were wearing as he stepped in front of you. In the darkness you noticed the glitter of his eye.
“I’ll stand by your side all hundred times. Hundred and one, this one included.” He flashed you a smile, hands letting go off the jumper and wrapping around your shoulders. You barely had enough time to put the mug of tea down before it spilled over Sirius. “I’m so proud of you, darling,” Sirius mumbled against the top of your head.
You closed your eyes as you buried your face in his chest, hands flat on his back. Once again you were embraced by his scent, even more now it was actually him and not just his jumper. You breathed him in for a while, relaxing in his hug and wondering how you had even gotten so lucky that this was your life.
“Come back to bed?” Sirius asked, stepping back and taking your hand.
You smiled. Even after so many years of being together, the simple questions like that could make you feel like you were a teenager in love again. Although you liked the relationship you were in now much better than what you had had with Sirius when you were only seventeen, you did not mind going back in time once in a while. A reminder that what you had fallen for at age seventeen was still there, but now so many times better.
Sirius led you back to the bedroom, where, as soon as you had lain down, he wrapped his arms around you again, pulling you close to his chest. Your legs entangled with his and listening to his heartbeat you finally felt that sliver of sleep finding its way into your body.
“I love you, Sirius,” you mumbled, not even sure if he was still awake or already asleep.
His fingers, however, dug into your skin as he pulled you even closer and his breath was hot on your skin as he muttered. “Love you more, darling.”
Now, you did fall asleep and you did not wake until it was way past sunrise. But still, you were in the only arms that you ever wanted to be in.
- - - - - - -
taglists (idk if you all still exist oops):
dad!marauders: @twilightlover2007​​ @alice-grant-rogers​​ @anonymousreader79​​ @sivords​​
HP taglist: @harry-pottery-barn @kingalrdy @missswriter @figlia--della--luna @sexysirius @awritingtree @bi-andready-tocry @lilulo-12fanfiction @ananad1 @treestarrrrrrrr @your-hispanichufflepuff @thefandomplace @theeicedamericano @girllety @swearingsolemnly @weasleydream @secretsthathauntus @amixedwitch @izzyyy-1 @gryffindorgirl @kitkatkl​ @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts​ @nyotamalfoy​ @d22malfoys​ @xxinvisiblexx​ @idli-dosa​
marauders: @tomshollandz​ @fific7​ @cheoco​ @classicrocketqueen​ @natashxromanovfreads​ @lonegryffindor2005​​
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krethes · 2 years
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@wolfstarmicrofic Day Twenty-Four: popsicle
Part four of the firefighter AU (links to come oops). This one is much lighter, and ofc 18+.
Read: Part One (Wildfire), Part Two (Inhale), Part Three (Accident)
"You're ridiculous."
"I'm working!"
"The point remains."
"Bah! Remus, you just don't understand fine art."
"I hardly think sitting half-naked on the back of the fire engine deepthroating your THIRD melted popsicle qualifies as 'fine art'."
"See, that's where you're wrong. I'm mostly naked. And this is my fourth." Sirius, sitting shirtless and in a pair of indecently tiny white briefs, covered only by a helmet between his spread thighs wags the mostly-gone ice pop at him. His lips have been stained red by the popsicle, and if Remus wasn't so cross with him, he might actually find this is a little...hot.
"We're here to pose for a fundraising calendar, not...whatever it is you're doing!"
Sirius leans forward suddenly, pressing the helmet against his washboard torso, and fucking leers at him. "If you're confused, Lieutenant Lupin, maybe I can give you a play-by-play later?" he purrs.
Remus feels his face heat up and has to clench his thighs, willing his body to listen to him and not show, through the robe covering his own mostly-nakedness, the effect that Sirius has on him. Fucker. He advances on him with a little growl, and is pleased to see a flicker of excited apprehension flash across Sirius's face. "You little-
"Captain Potter! How good to see-"
"I leave you alone for three minutes to pee because I'm, if you haven't noticed, massively pregnant, and you're at this again?" Lily snaps as she comes back to the tripod (the camera, not either of them, though Remus thinks Sirius could give it a run for its money).
Sirius does his best to look contrite, but the overall effect is wholly ruined by the drip of cherry popsicle sliding down his wrists. Remus can't look away. He's spent the last half-hour watching Sirius put on this obscene display. Letting Sirius go first seemed like a good idea at the time, because when he gets bored, he gets a little (a lot) chaotic, and there is plenty of chaos to be made in the station. But now, his boxer briefs uncomfortably tight and his mind soaked with images of Sirius taking the ice pop down his throat, sucking and slurping and making the worst (best) sounds deep in his chest... Remus can see he miscalculated.
There's no way he can go on next, not like this. It's a shirtless fireman calendar, not X-rated pornography!
"Cover yourself back up, you menace," Lily scolds, waving vaguely at Sirius's very obvious and helmet-less bulge. "Save your foreplay for when you're off-duty."
"I AM off-duty, as a matter of fact. You're just jea-... Ah, hello, Chiefy."
Alastor somehow pins them both with his one good eye. "Captain Potter, is there a delay? Tweedledee and Tweedledum over there are getting restless and loosening all the caps to the pepper shakers."
Sure enough, Fabian and Gideon Prewett emerge from the cafeteria with shit-eating grins on their faces. They see Chief Moody and Lily and beat a hasty retreat.
Lily shoots Sirius a mutinous look from around the Chief's shoulder. "No, sir, I-"
"It's my fault, Chief Moody, sir," Remus interrupts. Alastor is a good Fire Chief, fair if a bit brusque, but he's had quite a lot to say about Lily still working as Captain during these late stages of her pregnancy. Remus doesn't want to draw any further heat to her than necessary. "Heckling my husband, sir, sorry."
Alastor doesn't look entirely convinced, but he's clearly bored with the whole affair. "You have eleven more to get through, Captain Potter," he says gruffly, and walks off.
In the end, Lily thanks Remus with the night off to match Sirius's, and Remus thinks, or as much as he can with his husband's head bobbing away between his spread thighs, that perhaps the popsicle fiasco wasn't so bad.
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What would a cw adaptation of Harry Potter look like?
Having not watched too many cw shows myself (I just hear about their nonsense), I phoned @therealvinelle who made the poor life choices of having watched much more of The Vampire Diaries than I have and watching any Supernatural.
The following is her beautiful response:
So for starters, we merge Snape and Tom's characters. This is because Snape isn't hot, and because Tom needs to be near the kids. Tom still looks like Tom Riddle, and he's a teacher who seduces Hermione. At no point are any thoughts about the fact that he's a teacher sleeping with a student had
Harry is a blond now, and he's also dating Hermione. A love triangle ensues, one where Tom will hover sexily but dangerously in empty classrooms and make vague threats that Hermione find very sexually arousing.
The love triangle is the focal point of this show.
Voldemort is Tom's evil alter ego, who killed Harry's parents over that prophecy. He wants to kill Harry as well, but it's not the season finale yet so he's not actually doing anything about it. Too busy seducing Hermione.
Instead he just does vaguely sinister things, like release a basilisk that Harry heroically saves Hermione from.
He every so often has charged conversations with McGonagall (Who has been aged down and is in her thirties. She's still considered ancient), implying they had an affair once.
Harry and Hermione piece together that Tom and Voldemort aRe ThE sAmE pErSoN.
(Piece together meaning that Dumbledore, who only appeared in the second half of the first season and the show never bothers to clarify what his job actually is, gets a focal episode where he tells them the story of Tom Riddle through flashbacks. Terrible flashback wigs and costumes galore.)
Tom will later, in season 3 where he goes full woobie and we learn that none of his evil deeds were ever his fault, reveal that there's more to the story. That orphanage he grew up in? It was a special school for muggle-borns where they trained a future wizarding militia. Tom was the only one who broke free of their oppressive regime. The other children... GREW UP TO BECOME THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX.
But I'm skipping how season 1 ended. The answer is that Hermione disavowed Tom in the season 1 finale since he was evil, he was too sexy bad boy to care except subtle wigglings of his eyebrow told the captive Tomione-shipping audience that he did in fact care. Harmione shippers think they're all delusional. She then jumped into Harry's arms.
Which was poor decision making on her end, because in season 2 Harry joins the dark side. This lasts for half a season, mostly because the arc featured so much filler. Tom, who was imprisoned in season 1, becomes Hermione's supportive pen pal through this ordeal and she starts to wonder if maybe there's good in him after all.
Sirius Black is introduced, he's a lawyer living in the Muggle world and he was in love with Lily. We get a flashback showing us how sad Sirius was when she married James, and there is buildup for an arc where Harry's paternity will be questioned. This arc is scrapped, and Sirius is written out of the show altogether, never to be mentioned again.
Ginny gets pregnant by Neville. Neville dies tragically shortly afterwards, killed by Harry because Harry is a dark wizard now. This is actually the spinoff door episode to the new show the CW is trying to launch, "The Weasleys".
Neville's death has no real consequences, Harry returns to the light and is forgiven in time to become the child's godfather.
Oh, and can't believe I forgot: they've all been aged up to 17.
End of season 2, Tom escapes prison.
Season 3, we get the whole "DUMBLEDORE is the real villain!" arc. Tom killing Harry's parents in season 1 is forgotten, the show doesn't outright retcon it but it doesn't want the viewers to remember it either.
Hermione is once again in a love triangle, only this time Tom and Harry have both done bad things (but we'll only bring up the 2 bad things Harry did (killed Neville and said a mean thing to Hermione) and none of the 282985204592 bad things Tom did) so Hermione has a hard time.
Hermione also discovers that she's a uniquely powerful witch. She has the power to make windows shatter, candles flicker, and wind blow all about. Everyone is frightfully impressed with this.
Mid-season 3 finale, Dumbledore destroys Tom's body. It's terribly dramatic, but then turns out to only be a mild inconvenience as he is resurrected four episodes later. He's resurrected by Hermione's window shattering powering, she closed her eyes very intensely and bam, he's back.
We learn about the horcruxes, which by themselves are shockingly similar to the horcruxes of the original books. The big change, however, is that this Tom didn't know he had horcruxes, those evil bastards at the orphanage split his soul in the night through ominous rituals (another flashback here). He has no idea where this other half of his soul is.
Season finale, we learn that Hermione is in fact his horcrux. This is why they had so much in common (they don't have anything in common) and why she got through his bad boy persona (he hasn't been a bad boy since season 1!). They were soulmates this whole time!
Harry despairs in the face of this, and he and Hermione have a teary conversation where she confirms that yes, the Tomione shippers won.
He also has a pleasant conversation with Tom, as a bromance has bloomed between the two.
Alas. The episode ends on a cliffhanger, as the door flings open dramatically. Dumbledore walks in, bearing proof that Tom made an Unbreakable Vow to always serve the Order, a Vow that was obliviated from him. He drags Tom kicking and screaming away from a crying Hermione, the season ends with her resolve to find a way to save him.
(Sorry, I'm on a roll here)
Season 4, a year later. Harry and Hermione have been searching ever since Tom disappeared. They've become closer than ever, but apart from three or four moments of extreme sexual tension per episode, Hermione is Faithful™
News of Tom's terrorist actions as an Order member reach them with regular intervals. Hermione remains convinced that he's being forced to do all this and doesn't actually want to hurt anybody, Harry's not so sure.
They catch up to him in Minneapolis (did I mention this entire show takes place in the states? All the actors are American.) and he tells them to stop trying to save him. Hermione, devastated, takes this to mean he never loved her, he was only ever a psychopath playing with her feelings. She tells him as much, and Tom confirms, yeah, he's a cold-hearted son of a bitch (Harry's favorite insult for him).
They break up, and Hermione gets back with Harry. They return to their home city in North Dakota.
At the very end of that same episode, Tom is able to visit Harry for 15 seconds in the form of a specter and very dramatically tell him how he does love Hermione but he's not good for her, better to make a clean break, yada yada. DON'T LOOK FOR ME.
Harry agrees, sure no problem, he can do that. Just one noble bro to another.
Tom nods, thanks for having sex with my girl while I rot in hell, bro.
It is in this same season premier episode that the show introduces the Blacks. Remember Sirius Black? Yeah, this is sexy family.
They become instant fan favorites, and one of them is shipped with Tom (the fans now hate both Harry and Hermione).
Pandering as always, the show lets said character run into Tom. And it's not Bellatrix, oh no. It's Athena, a CW original Black. She's indistinguishable from the original Bellatrix and it's unclear why she's not just Bellatrix.
Tom is ordered to kill her, but they have a moment of truly intense eye contact so he only injures her (the killing curse doesn't exist in this show. Don't ask how Harry got his scar. No really, don't ask, the show never explained it). Shippers go wild.
Tom is eventually able to break free of the Unbreakable Vow through the power of true love (book fans are sobbing, this show gets nothing right), and he returns to Hermione, begs her to take him back. She rebuffs him, and he goes to get drunk at a bar. This is where Narcissa (aged down to 25) finds him. They have sex.
He has a brief fling with her, only to get into a more serious relationship with Athena. This leads to Hermione getting jealous.
We're now dealing with a love pentagon, of sorts. Harry and Tom love Hermione, Tom also loves Athena, Narcissa wants Harry but she has undeniable sexual chemistry with Tom.
The show descends into back-and-forth-ing, and does not get renewed.
The end.
The oddly popular side character that the CW never wanted to be popular at all and keeps having to make mysteriously vanish for half a season so that the plot(?) can avoid being derailed is Draco.
He's super competent but the show will never admit that.
Later, Athena plays this same role.
- @therealvinelle
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cedricslover · 3 years
can you write a oneshot with wolfstars daughter dating george
Here you go bestie<33 thank u for requesting!!
As a wolfstar shipper and a George girl myself😌, I hope you like this bestie<33
Pairings: Sirius x Remus, George x Fem! Reader
Warnings: some homophobia at the beginning, teasing Sirius Black lmaooo
Word Count: 2.4k
“You want a future with me?”
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“Hello dear” you turned around and saw one of your fathers, “Dad!” you jumped and hugged him, you just got off the Hogwarts express, this would be your last summer break since you’re going to be seventh year the next time you step at Hogwarts. 
“How’s my baby girl?” He looked at you as you broke the hug, you smiled at the sight of him “Doing great, where’s dad?” you looked around while he picked up your trunk, “Here!” you heard the voice of your other father and your heart jumped out of joy when you saw him, you ran to him and hugged him too. 
“Here’s a chocolate for our princess” he handed you a bar of chocolate, “Remus! You ruined my moment with her, you should show up at the exit, not here, you’re ruining my quality time with our daughter!” suddenly Sirius was having a tantrum, not likely a tantrum actually, he was just whining. 
“No” Remus answered and looked away while he bit into his own chocolate bar. You laughed at them, “Stop acting like kids” you said and linked your arms to theirs. 
“Excuse us?” They both said in unison and looked at you, their forehead creasing that made you laugh even more. 
“You may” you nodded while closing your eyes and your parents just looked at each other, and it seemed like they were blaming the other one as to why you are so sarcastic.
“Let’s just go home” you dragged them by the arms since theirs are still linked to yours. You giggled as you saw Sirius not even struggling while carrying your trunk and at the same time being dragged by his daughter, and giggled even more when you saw your other dad who was just eating his chocolate quietly while observing the surroundings. 
You three were just like a happy family, parents picking up their child that came from a boarding school, if it weren’t just the ugly looks the people gave you.
It seems like Sirius was also bothered by how people looked at the three of you, seriously? Can’t they just manage their own business. 
Remus on the other hand was like used to it, he didn’t show any bothered expression, he didn't want to feed their satisfaction. That is something you got from him, that’s why you just let the people be, but of course, Sirius being Sirius.
He removed his arms from your link and grabbed Remus' face and took a bite from the chocolate that was centimeters away from his lips-being that he was eating it, your eyes widened registering how did that happen so fast, your jaw dropped, and a smile slowly formed in your lips as you saw Remus turning scarlet. 
 “Gross” you removed your arm that was around Remus’ and walked past them, your smile didn’t left your lips as you see mixed reactions from the crowd at the station, some were smiling, some were confused, some were probably uncomfortable, and of course, the people who were obvious to be insulted or disgusted. 
Needless to say, Sirius is your father, so you flicked those people who looked openly disgusted by them, they were sneering, frowning, and rolling their eyes.
“Fuck off git” you mouthed as you walk, turning to them while your middle fingers were greeting them. 
“Good job princess” Sirius laughed and high fived you as you three arrived at the front of number 12 Grimmauld Place, you weren’t sure what was the good job for, is it for flicking those people off or for successfully apparating, you decided to shrug it off and just viewed the house, it was your father’s ancestral home, it was filled by terrible memories of his childhood but with you three living there, it was all buried deep down. 
You unconsciously stared at the beautiful house that was concealed in the muggles eyes. You felt nostalgic seeing your dads walking towards the door, memories from your childhood appeared in front of you.
A girl in a yellow flowy dress, around the age of four, was running towards two men with their arms open wide, expecting that the little girl would run to them instead of the other, but what they didn’t expect was the little girl would run straight to the space between them and both hug them from the necks. 
The little girl was giggling while her dads were teary eyed, that’s when they realized, she never had favorites, if she had the choice to not choose, she wouldn’t. 
“Y/N?” Remus called you from the doorstep, his head was cocking from the door. “Oh!” you ran to the door “call me before dinner yeah?” you told Remus as you removed your shoes. You raised your gaze to him with flashing eyes and maintained eye contact, waiting for his answer. 
“Alright” he replied to you, you felt sudden joy not even sure why but it did make you kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks!, Love you dad!” you shouted as you ran towards the stairs, 
“HOW ABOUT ME?!” you heard Sirius who was probably at the kitchen doing Merlin knows what, “I LOVE YOU TOO!” you yelled while you ran the stairway. 
“YOU BETTER BE NOT PREGNANT WITH THAT WEASLEY BOY’S CHILD Y/N!” Remus’ voice echoed and you laughed and stopped from entering your room and peeked down while holding at the stair rails.
“DON’T WORRY, I’M NOT PREGNANT!” you shouted back and you heard his sigh of relief, “YET!” you added and sprinted to your room and closed the door. 
You heard both of their voices shouting your name. You cackle while heading to your study table, your room was cozy, it was filled with different drawings you made when you were a child, there was your very first black leather jacket that Sirius gave you before he bought you a bicycle, it was hanging from a corner, properly displayed, he was expecting you to like motorbikes like he did, and you did, you like riding motorbikes. 
There was also your very first hair accessories that Remus bought for you, hair pins, hair clips, headbands, and many more. He was the one who likes to tidy you up, even before you make yourself dirty by running and riding the bike. Of course Remus struggled but thankfully, Lily did teach him a few hairstyles when they were teenagers, and the rest of his knowledge came from going to different hair salons just to ask how to style his daughter’s hair. 
An owl bumped on your window that made your brows raise and shift your head to that direction. 
“Errol?” you said the name of the owl and he dropped a letter to your hand before he headed to your table and lay down, acting very exhausted, of course to your utter panic you immediately got water and placed it in front of him. You sighed as he drank through the container, enough for him to drink. 
While he relaxed you opened the letter. 
Hello beautiful, 
                   I’ll arrive there at six, see you. 
Your husband, 
You bit your lower lip and smiled, then you forgot, you haven’t told your dads yet. Without wasting any time, you apparated to the kitchen. 
“Hey” you voice lingered behind their backs and they jumped, they turned their heads to you with wide eyes, “You don’t do that here” Sirius said while holding his chest, “I almost had a heart attack” he glared at you while you just tried to not laugh,
“You’re just getting old dad” you stated that made him glare at you more, Remus smiled very very sweetly at you, trying to bribe you to not say it “and you too” you smiled back, looking at their sour faces. 
“Enough” Remus raised both of his hands and shaked it, trying to shoo you. “I was about to say that George’s arriving at si-” you didn’t have the chance to finish your sentence when someone knocked at the door. 
“I’ll get it” you announced, you three were quite tensed as to who might be at the door, you weren’t expecting visitors this early, it wasn't 6 o'clock yet. 
You opened the door, ready to run back to the kitchen if something goes wrong, but what greeted who was something-or someone, who had a mischievous smile, his red hair shining because of the sun, and his brown eyes gleaming at you. 
“Hello dove” his smile became wider as he caught the perfect view of his girlfriend, her Y/H/C hair complimenting her skin, the eyes that were obviously shocked to see him, and the smile that slowly formed on her soft lips. 
“George!” you mentioned his name when you processed who was standing in front of you, he gave you a peck on the lips before he grabbed your waist and pushed you carefully to the side so he can walk, “hello Sirs” he cleared his throat and rubbed both of his hand on his pants before giving your fathers a hand shake. 
This would probably be their very first ‘formal’ meeting, they already met each other at Hogwarts, during the Triwizard tournament, but that wasn’t formal enough, unlike now. 
George was scratching the back of his neck and was being really nervous, you just surveyed them, and when you noticed something it was too late because your mouth opened before you can even think twice
“Dad, you’re the smallest” you told Sirius that made the three of them look at you, firstly George was shaking his head slightly, trying to tell you that it was not the right time, then Remus was also looking at you, he was trying his best to cross his brows but you can see the ghost of smile that was in his face, on the other hand, Sirius was there shooting daggers at you with his eyes like you’re not his child, then he slowly looked at Remus and George. 
George was obviously the tallest, but only an inch taller than Remus, while Sirius, he’s just not a six footer. 
“I-uh come George let’s prepare the table” even though it was still early, you reached for George’s hand, still feeling the stares of your father, you wanted to laugh, so hard, but he might not buy you your favorite cereal, so you chose to suck it up.
“Why’d you do that?” George started talking as you fetched his wand and used it to prepare the table using magic, “it was my mouth’s fault, anyway, you told me you're arriving at six, it's not six yet” you answered and watched the floating plates and utensils. 
“I was trying my best not to laugh dove, please don’t do that again in front of your parents, I might lose goodie points, and I meant six minutes not six o'clock” he chuckled as he hugged you from the back, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his chin on the top of your head. 
“Even if you lose goodie points, I’ll still love you don’t worry” you faced him and cupped his face, his face that was always as perfect, those freckles that can make a constellation, his eyes that you would prefer to look at rather than the stars, and his hair that would always stand out. 
It was like a magnetic pull, your faces was slowly getting nearer and nearer, almost there, the finish line, his lips onto yours, inches turned to an inch, heartbeats getting fast, and you can feel his breath, then his soft lips was supposed to be next 
Not until someone cleared their throat that made you push George out of reflex. 
“No snogging in this house, you understand that angel?” Sirius crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, “Yes dad” you replied, slightly embarrassed so you chose to continue to prepare the table while George can’t maintain eye contact with you or anyone in the room. 
“Sorry dad” you walked to Sirius who was still in the entrance of the kitchen, surprisingly he smiled at you, “Yeah that’s for bullying me” he wrapped his arms over your shoulder “But about that almost kiss? I’m not mad don’t worry, we all kiss someone at some time” he added like it was just common sense for him to not get mad.
“I love you” you said out of the blue while you two watched Remus and George laughing at the dinner table, you rested your head on his chest, “I love you more princess” you felt him kiss the top of your head. 
“Just walk with the boy outside while we clean here alright?” Remus looked at you and George, he tapped George’s shoulder before he turned his back to the both of you and be with Sirius who was still drinking wine at the table. 
“Come on” George called you and touched your back to guide you, your eyes were still looking at your parents, mesmerized by their strong bond. 
“Georgie?” you tried to get his attention while you two walked the dim lighted streets, only the flickering lamp posts and the moon were the sources of light. 
“Hmm?” he was busy playing your hand, touching every bit of it, and even comparing it to his. “You think we would be like them?” you stopped on your tracks, feeling the night summer breeze brushing your skin, "Like who love?" He stared at you, now holding your hand firmly, "Sirius and Remus" you answered and tucked the few strands of hair that was bothering your face because of the wind,  you looked at his eyes and saw amusement and adoration all over it.
“You’re asking me that?” a lopsided smile appeared on his face, you nodded slightly as an answer, “You’re thinking of marrying me?” he asked you again, now giving a full smile, you nodded again, “You," he pointed to you "want a future with me?” he pointed to himself, his eyes smiling the same as his lips, you nodded again, oblivious of how that made George’s inner monologues that was doubting what would happen with the both of you disappear, because who wouldn’t, you’re Y/N, raised by two amazing people, you’re beautiful, intelligent, bold, and many more that he would even consider you as perfect. 
And you’re here, saying that you wanted a future with him. 
Now, with the moon smiling at the both of you, the stars being your cheerleaders, your lips met, you hooked your arms around his neck while he cups your face with one hand and the other holding your waist. 
At this night, two teenagers shared a kiss under a lamp post, during the summer of 1995. 
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jamesandthedog · 3 years
I think it’s still @blitheringmcgonagall ‘s birthday where she lives so happy birthday you vaguely shining light of my life! No present could express how glad I am to have you as a friend, but have a little bit of fast written and very unedited Jily:)
Stuffed in Sirius’ drawer
James remembered Lily’s voice and how her hand felt wrapped around his own. At least he thought it was her hand. He remembered seeing the familiar features of his best friend hovering high above him and he thought he had heard voices. He may have slept somewhere between those thoughts, he wasn’t sure. Everything felt a little groggy, dream-like, just like the pain he remembered vaguely in the back of his mind, or those white-clothed witches and wizards he thought he’d seen walk by.
When he really put his mind into it, he could remember fighting Death Eaters near Portobello Road, but now it all seemed fuzzy. It had been late evening, but it wasn’t dark anymore. Where was he?
“James, are you awake?”
There was the voice again, her voice. This was James’ favourite dream, the one were Lily talked to him. Sometimes it was just a voice, sometimes a touch or blurry outlines of her face disappearing before he could quite see them. Though now something in this drowsy state of mind felt different, as if she was closer.
When James tried really hard, he could imagine Lily was holding his hand with both of hers, sitting beside a hospital bed. The image was shattering, there was too much light and he thought she looked tired, worried.
“Great. We’ve wanted him to shut up for years and this is when he decides to listen.”
“Shut up, Sirius,” Lily said and it came out almost as a cry.
“He’s going to be alright,” said a third voice, more soothing.
Remus, James realised.
This dream felt more real than the ones before.
“Stop pissing her off, Padfoot,” James muttered.
He heard Sirius laugh. Maybe he heard Lily whisper a Muggle prayer.
It took James some time to open his eyes and realise that Lily really was there. He couldn’t see her properly, he didn’t have his glasses on, but she was there, smiling, her lips kissing his fingers. Then he saw Remus, one hand on Lily’s shoulder as if he’d been massaging her shoulder to calm her down. Sirius was on the other side of the bed, leaning on the window frame, looking like he hadn’t had a shower in days.
“Should’ve known you’d come back from death just to defend Lily,” Sirius said.
James smiled.
“How are you?” Lily asked, placing his glasses on his face and kissing his forehead.
James thought about it. He felt a little sore, not much.
“You’re in St Mungo’s. You’ve been passed out for three days,” Remus added as Sirius walked on the edge of the bed.
That explained the bandages. Three days? Had they given him a sleeping potion? Shit. He moved a little and his whole body ached, making him grimace. Shit.
“Never better,” he smiled.
Lily took a long, shaky breath. James looked at her, and now that he was able to see her clearly, he could see she was upset. She had tears in her eyes. It felt was worse than the actual aching in his chest. James squeezed her hand that was still holding his.
“Good. You really scared Lily,” Sirius grinned.
“Scared me?” Lily scoffed. “You were the one considering going back to your parent’s house to do research on dark magic in case we needed to bring James back from the death!”
“I’d say it’s fair to say you scared all of us,” Remus concluded. “If Peter wasn’t on Order duty, he’d be here to worry over you too.”
James looked at them. He could see the worry boiling in Lily, and he knew Sirius could act calm but the idea of losing any one of his friends got to him. Remus was probably the most sensible one when it came to death, he’d given the idea some thought a long before the war started. He’d probably been the one to guide the others through the past three days, and James didn’t think he could even thank Remus enough for doing so.
“So… You all got out of there unharmed? What happened?” James asked.
Lily bit her lip. She didn’t look at him.
“Snivellus hit you with that curse. Remember the one that cut you at school?” Sirius said, anger in his voice. “Only he’s gotten better at it because it wasn’t just a cut of two, you were bleeding all over. And you know how Bella gets, I couldn’t get to you past her and fucking Snape.”
Lily looked down at their hands and took a long breath collecting herself. James hated putting her through this. Whatever Snape did wasn’t her fault. James squeezed her hand.
“I managed to disparate you, but that was after Snape had thrown a Crusiatus at you,” Lily said quietly. “It took ages for the heelers to stop the bleeding.”
“Your girlfriend hasn’t left the hospital since. And neither has Padfoot,” Remus concluded.
James took a breath and nodded. That explained why he felt his whole body ache. James remembered some of it now. Battling against Snape, the man had sought him out like he always did when he couldn’t see Lily around.
“Thanks. For getting me out of there and, everything,” James said, looking at each of them.
“Thanks for not dying,” Sirius shrugged.
“Me, shutting up for live?” James asked remembering the first words he’d heard Sirius speak. “No way I’d give you the pleasure.”
“I’d hit you if you weren’t looking so crappy already, you know?” Sirius grinned.
“Can I… Can we have a moment?” Lily asked, looking at the two boys.
Remus nodded. “Yeah. I’ll take Sirius home so you can talk. That mutt needs a bath anyway.”
They left, and James was left with Lily. Now that the others were gone she had hard time keeping her eyes dry.
“Hey, I’m here. I’m okay,” James said, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing her palm. “Are you okay?”
A sob escaped her lips, but she nodded, pressing her lips together.
“If you ever – EVER – scare me like that again I swear I-“ Lily started.
“Showcase your Muggle swearwords?” James raised a brow as he interrupted her. He loved listening her swear the Muggle way with all her Gods and Christs.
“Don’t start joking mister couldn’t-wake-up-for-three-days,” Lily snapped, but he knew she was relieved to hear him being back to his joking self. “Besides you told me you’d always win him in a battle!”
He had sworn that not too long ago, when Lily had witnessed Snape seeking James out in a battle two times in a row. It had happened earlier too, and James had a feeling Snape only did it when he thought Lily wasn’t around. But she had caught up to it, so James was forced to talk to her about it. He didn’t want her to worry, and honestly he was better at combat, so he had told her she didn’t need to worry about it.
“I’m sorry,” he said softly, apologetically.
“I don’t need you to be sorry, I need you to stay alive, you idiot!”
She was sobbing now through the anger and yelling. James tried to sit up, but it was too fast and hurt his chest where Snape’s first curse had hit him. Lily stood up to stop him, but he got up sitting anyway, this time slowly. He pulled Lily closer by the hand until he could hug her. It wasn’t a full hug, not the type of warmth and comfort he was able to give when his chest wasn’t covered in wounds.
Lily cried, her tears wetting the skin on James’ neck as his fingertips draw calming patterns on her back.
“I am alive. I’m not going anywhere,” he hushed, pressing a kiss into her neck.
“You better not,” Lily said. “I’m pregnant.”
James’s fingers stopped petting her back. He let the air escape his lungs and pulled back just enough to see her face, it still hurt but it was the fastest thing on his mind.
“You what?” He asked, wiping a tear from her cheek.
“You heard me, Potter,” she said with defiance in her voice.
James snorted at it and glanced somewhere above just to take time to comprehend it. It was definitely not something they had been planning. They had been careful. Except maybe… Well, they may have not always waited quite as long as they should have after Lily took the potion preventing this sorts of thing from happening.
“And I’m keeping it so you better not die on us,” Lily added when James looked at her again.
It was a war and bringing a child into that certainly didn’t seem like a responsible thing to do. But when he looked at Lily, he knew what he had known for years. He wanted her. The chaos of war had only made him more certain of it. He hadn’t dare to dream of live after war for quite some time, but there had always been that distant idea of creating a family with her. Their little life together.
James nodded, giving her a smile. “Can you send an owl to Pads?”
Lily raised her eyebrows.
“You really want to write Sirius a letter right now?”
“I need him to bring me something,” James smiled.
“I tell you I’m pregnant and the only comment I get is your need to write to Sirius?”, she asked.
James rolled his eyes and kissed her softly.
“Fine,” he gave up on the letter and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “But if this is going to be very lame because I can’t even get off the bed, you’re the one to blame.”
“James? That makes literally no sense,” Lily frowned. “Are you alright? I’m going to call a heeler.”
James laughed and kissed her again before she had time to move away from him.
“No,” he shook his head and kissed her once more, slowly, bringing his hand in her neck. “I just mean, I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. And I can’t promise you I won’t ever die. But I swear I’ll do anything to keep us all safe. I can’t get on one knee-“
“James what-“
“And the ring is stuffed in Sirius’ drawer –“
“I fucking love you, Evans-“
“Oh my god.”
“I love your laughter. I love your fierceness. I love your wit. I love how big heart you have. I loved to wake up to your voice today. I love everything about you, even the things that annoy me. And I’m not saying this just because you’re pregnant. Will marry me, Evans?”
There were tears in Lily’s eyes again. His hands had moved to cup her face as he’d spoken and she was holding onto his wrists. He tried to read her expression but he was too nervous to catch her thoughts just by reading her.
“You have a ring stuffed in Sirius’ drawer?” She asked.
“He said I should commit to a ring at least for three months before chaining myself for life.”
“How long has it been there?”
“Around two months.”
Lily nodded. “He’s going to be pissed.”
James raised his eyebrows. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
“You’re really going to marry me, Evans?”
“I’m really going to marry you, Potter,” she laughed, and pulled him gently closer, pressing her lips on his.
In that moment James was sure no death eater, not even Voldemort could stop them from winning the war. He had simply too much to live for. So he kissed her back, and felt nothing but utter joy until twenty minutes later when the tiredness took over his aching body and he fell asleep smiling.
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neongreenllama · 1 year
Tell me about omega Remus begging for Sirius's babies.
it is my pleasure.
so i think when he's not in heat remus is very Rational about this and always says he doesn't want children and makes sirius promise not to knock him up. but when his heat creeps close he finds himself looking at other babies, or in the shop windows at the cute lil jumpers and the little socks and wouldn't it be so cute?? but he's still intent he doesn't want to be pregnant and life's easier without children.
and then he goes into heat and all that is thrown out the window and he's begging for sirius to come in him and "knot me, please, Alpha! I wanna have your babies!" etc, etc, you get the gist.
thankfully, there is birth control because right after his heat he goes back to "you better not have knocked me up!" *pathetic irritated puff*
when sirius does finally get him pregnant it's on accident and remus gives him the fault for the next nine months even though it was probably his own bc he forgot to take the pill or something.
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oopskashish · 4 years
Hi! Can I request a one shot Sirius x reader, where she is James sister, and tells Harry how she fell in love with Sirius at Hogwarts? Let’s pretend that Sirius did not die and Harry went to live with him and reader as a family. Thank you :3
A Promised Family
A/N: I am so so so so sorry for making you wait for so long. I was first thinking of writing everything from how he escaped and all that but damn that was too much. Instead I came up with this idea which seems pretty good to me and I am kind of rough with emotions of a reunion I read 5 minutes ago so I wrote something on basis of that. I hope you like it!
Pairing: Sirius Black x Potter!reader, Harry Potter x Potter!Aunt!Reader
Warning: heavy emotions, mentions of death, but there is fluff. And something that SHOULD have been done in the books but Rowling was a bitch to not do that.
Summary: After the war, Sirius, Harry and the reader reunite. They become a proper family as Sirius had promised, and a bittersweet truth from the past comes up.
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Y/N ran through the broken halls of Hogwarts. She pushed her tired legs to their limit, her eyes wildly searching for two most important people in her life. She pushed through the crowds which consisted of people sobbing, laughing, hugging, and kissing each other.
But none of that mattered to her right now.
She came to a stop at the gates of Great Hall. Her eyes were somehow aching yet wide ache. She say the Malfoys hurdled in a corner, holding onto each other, Neville's grandmother hugging him tightly, and then finally she saw the spectacled boy.
Her nephew.
Harry Potter.
Her anxiety which was previously rushing along her veins calmed down by a half when she saw him hugging Ron. His brilliant hazel eyes lifted up and she saw tension leave his body as she saw him.
They both ran towards each other, not caring if a crowd was watching them. She enveloped the boy in her arms, holding him close to her as tears she has held back for months come pouring down her face.
She held him just as she did after the triwizard tournament when he was plagued by nightmares of watching that horrifying moment over and over again. When she laid awake at night, surviving on caffeine, because she didn't want to leave her nephew alone to deal with them. She would hold him to her chest and whisper that none of it was his fault.
But now, it seemed like both of them were doing that job without a word. They held onto each other, feeling the gust of relief wash over them in a blissful manner.
Neither of them could imagine what would they do without each other. She raised him through the most painful moments of her life. She raised him into the wonderful human being he is.
There was only one person in front of whom Harry could truly reveal who he is, his deepest of insecurities without having slightest fear of being judged. Whether it was asking how to ask a girl out for a ball or how to tame a dragon, he could trust his aunt with anything, including his tears.
Sobs wrecked his body as he cried into her neck. All the pain he has felt got undone in her arms through his tears. The world seemed to be a place so dark right now and he could only hold onto her to guide him through the dark he was so terrified of.
"Oh my sweet, sweet boy," Y/N whispers, her voice so heavy with emotions that she could break down into sobs at any moment. "You are so brave, so very brave."
For a moment, she reminicsed how she felt when she held her twin years ago. She had almost died during a mission but she survived, pushing death away and bidding it a farewell, she came back to life.
She remembered holding James in her arms so tightly because both of your biggest fears were the same.
Losing each other to death.
She remembered how they both had to hold each other and assure each other that they're alive for the rest of the day, after their boggarts came out to be each other's dead bodies in DADA class.
The marauders could not comfort him, your friends couldn't comfort you. Only each other's presence helped the two of you in both the situations.
And now, she felt just the same as she held Harry.
The pain only seemed to increase as she heard Harry's sob. Each sob shot a wave of pain which tore her soul into innumerable pieces. Each cry emitted a pain that would make cruciatus curse seem like a mere scratch.
"I am here with you, Harry, until the very end." She whispers in his ear, as his sob only seem to increase at her words.
After what felt like infinities, they both parted away, holding onto each other's hand. She wiped his tears away gently, giving him a watery smile that said words he needed to hear.
"Sirius." She heard him whisper as he stared straight ahead.
She exhaled and turned around to find the man she fell in love with in her sixth year. The man for whose innocence she faught so hard. The man whose innocence she proved to the world after the battle of ministry.
The man who could undo her soul just by looking into her eyes with those shiny grey eyes she found comfort in. The man who could make her feel like she is home just by holding her to his chest.
She seemed to still for a moment, as if someone has put a body binding spell on her. She could only look at him.
She noticed how his hair were tied into a little bun which made her knees week every time she saw it. She noticed a deep scratch over his sinfully handsome face which seemed to have stop bleeding.
Harry first hugged Sirius, seeking his warmth he needed so desparately. Sirius held him just as close, muttering words of comfort in his ear as tears whelmed into his eyes.
At that moment, she realised, she wanted nothing more than to be finally at home and bake something while they both prepared the dinner. She wanted nothing more than midnight conversations with Harry and Sirius, with hot chocolate in their hands.
She wanted nothing more than a proper family with them.
After a few moments, the two of them pulled away. Sirius turned to Y/N and he had a desparate look on his face which made her heart beat faster and faster.
She leapt into his arms, holding him by shoulders and one of his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her impossibly close to him and the other went to cup her jaw.
And they kissed.
They kissed each other slowly, desparately, and so passionately. They held onto each other, as if they would lose each other into the oblivion if they let go.
The sadness, tension, happiness, and a million emotions they were feeling right now all accumulated into a kiss they would never forget. They were like letters of a word, clinging to each to have some meaning and value.
Their kiss was so passionate that it could inspire another universe to be formed, sun to shine, and to create another heaven for each other. The universes could collide and the world could topple over but nothing could have broke them apart.
Y/N parted away, tasting salty tears on her lips. She didn't know if it was his or hers, she didn't know how many traumatic nights were to come, she didn't anything at that moment but that she could not lose him again.
"Y/N." Sirius whispered her name as he pulled her closer, resting his hear in her neck and taking in a deep breath of her scent which and calmed him to an incomprehensible extent.
"I thought I might lose you." Sirius squeezed his eyes close when he heard her voice whisper in that desparate tone. That tone which made him want to take away every ounce of pain that was in her and make it his own. It was that tone that made him want to hold her close and shower her with all his love and happiness till she was filled with it to the brim.
"I am here," he whispers, rocking her back and forth slowly. Holding her as the sky hold its stars. "I am here, and nothing can take me away from you. Nothing."
And nothing ever did.
It had been an year since the battle of Hogwarts. The final battle which left trauma in hearts of so many people, that plagued so many people's sleep, that left so many people haunted with emotions no one deserved to feel.
It was utter chaos but everything was settling back into place. With Kingsley as the minister, everything went as smoothly as it could. The death eaters, all of them, faced trial and litres of Veritaserum was used on everyone.
Mistakes of past couldn't be repeated afterall.
And in the midst of the chaos in the world. Y/N and Sirius were blessed with children of their own. Twins.
The two of them had been clinging to each other and crying out of sheer delight when they got the fantabulous news. Sirius wanted nothing more than settling down with his wife and godson in a place where they could see the sky and feel the sunshine.
And so they did. A quaint little cottage that had just enough rooms to fill in every detail they needed to have. Harry lived with them, and he would have even against his will because neither Sirius or Y/N were going to let him go after the battle for at least a few years, but luckily he needed their presence just as much as they needed his.
And now, as Y/N talked with George on the dining table, her hand resting on her very pregnant belly as Ginny and Harry prepared the dinner.
George had gotten closer with Y/N after the death of his twin because only she could truly understand how it felt to lose a twin. She helped him through emotions he could barely handle and helped him get back into a new life without twin but still managing to be happy.
They both knew it well that a part of them was dead along with their twin but they had to live on and carry on till they could meet each other again.
George had made a joke which made y/n laugh loudly, throwing her head back as she made a remark which made them laugh even harder.
Sirius smiled as he entered with groceries in his hands and set them on table. He made his way to his wife and kissed her lips and her belly, just as he always did when he entered the room in which she was.
"Hello, darling." He smiled.
"Hi, handsome. Got everything that was needed?"
"Yes, I did. Including your Hershey's chocolates and butterbeer." Y/N grinned and kissed his cheek in delight, already reaching for the bag and rummaging through it to find that chocolate that Remus introduced her to during her pregnancy.
"The cravings have gotten even sweeter?" George asks Sirius.
"You have no idea," Sirius says with a sigh, shaking his head. "Either she is having food which can burn her tongue or sickly sweet food. Or sometimes both at times."
"You put these children in me. Don't complain now." She says breezily, taking a sip of her drink and gave Sirius a glare.
Sirius leaned in and kissed her belly and her cheek. "I would never dream of doing that."
Sirius chuckled against her lips and kissed them one more time till he heard three people gag. The couple rolled their eyes and parted away, a little disgruntled.
"Is the dinner ready?" Y/N asks eagerly.
"Yes, Aunt." Harry says, taking the pot off the stove. Sirius got up and helped with him and Ginny to serve while George made the table.
It was almost a rule that y/n couldn't do any household work. Considering she is very near to her expected delivery date and is very heavily pregnant.
At first she threw a fit but when her feet started to swell, she stopped that fit because Merlin knows how hard it is to do chores with them. Ginny had moved in with them recently to help with the pregnancy for which everyone was beyond grateful though she had a little knowledge about it, she was very helpful anyway.
The dinner was served, and y/n had it with a side of chocolate. Her steak was extra spicy, just enough to satisfy her and the babies.
"Have you guys decided the names?" Harry asks them.
"Well, somewhat yes. We are keeping a few options and then we will choose whatever suits the best." Sirius answers him, giving y/n a smile.
"We were meaning to ask you, Harry, if it would be okay if we name one of our sons after James. I will understand if you would want your son to have his name. In that case we can choose another name." Y/N asks him.
Harry thinks for a while before saying. "Actually I never told you this. I am sorry if I cross any boundaries, Sirius, but your brother Regulus was actually a true hero."
Sirius raised an eyebrow, hiding away his pain behind his gorgeous eyes and burying it further in his soul. "What do you mean?"
"Regulus actually hid one of Voldemort's horcrux in his room and had ordered Kreacher to destroy it. He had replaced it with another fake locket. It was what caused his death."
Sirius bows his head, squeezing his eyes shut.
He remembered how his little brother told him not to runaway, how he told him that they had to be together in this. How when Sirius was pushed to his limits, Regulus tried to comfort him.
He remembered pushing Regulus away and calling James his true brother, leaving Regulus in tears. How he ignored his letters after reading them.
He wished he could have done something different.
Something that would have kept his little brother alive. He realised that Regulus was a boy who didn't have a choice. In the seek of approval of his parents, he did things that he himself didn't approve of.
But he was proud of his little brother, for he managed to be braver than Godric Gryffindor himself. He was proud that at least he realised what is right and what is wrong and acted upon it.
Y/N reached for his hand and squeezed it, she leaned in his ear and whispered.
"My love, it's alright. Please don't worry. None of us could have known his actions."
Sirius nods at her, kissing her knuckles as if it could provide him some sort of comfort. He took a deep breath in and pushed away his doubts which he knew y/n would help him with after the dinner.
"I think you should name one of your sons after him, if you wish to." Harry whispers, unsure if his words are pushing his boundary or not.
Sirius squeezed her hand, gesturing her to speak on his behalf. "Thank you Harry, we will think more about it."
Harry bit his lip. "And if it's okay, can you choose another name or change the one of Dad a little? I always wanted to name my son James."
"Of course, sweetheart." She smiled at him.
And after a couple of weeks, Regulus and Rigel Black were born. Some of the, perhaps, most loved children ever to exist.
Sirius would smile at them as the twins would sleep, happy that his promise of having a family with Y/N and Harry was finally complete in the most lovely manner possible.
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General taglist: @bl597 @obsessedwithrandomthings @firewhisky-kisses @pregnant-piggy @remmyswritings @harrypotter289 @mytreec @strawberriesonsummer @yourssuccubus @idont-knowrn
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My Gallant Lad - Part I
So I got a wonderful anon today telling me this is their favourite Lily Rescues James fic, it’s part of my canon marauders fic We Can Be Heroes. But, because it works as a stand alone, I’ll be posting it in 4  parts here. I hope you enjoy it (Lily is very BAMF here but tbh so is James). Set during First Wizarding War...
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James slammed the palms of his hands down on Dumbledore’s desk.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he said, his eyes a hot mess of emotions.
“Get your oafish hands off my desk, now!” Lily said, recovering from the initial shock almost immediately with a flash of anger.
“Your desk?” James said, taking his hands off the desk, nevertheless.
“I’m using it now, yes, I need to get these mission forms finished and signed before bringing them for filing in the Room of Requirement,” Lily said, looking back at James angrily. “What the hell is your problem, Potter?”
“My problem?” James was furious. “I’ll tell you what my problem is, Evans. My problem is that my bloody wife thought it sensible to visit Walburga Black, the same woman who thinks nothing of throwing a Crucio at her children, whose husband tried to kill Sirius, who detests muggleborns, who tried to – oh fucking hell, Lily! What the absolute, ever-living fuck possessed you?”
She had never seen him so angry. She folded her arms defensively and glared back, wondering how he had found out.
“I’ll tell you exactly what possessed me, Potter,” she said coldly. “My problem is my dickhead of a husband who nearly got himself thrown into Azkaban by the Blacks, but then thought it sensible to attend a Black family funeral, and to top it all, decided to call over to chat to Orion’s heir, as you do! Do I need to explain it further? What exactly was I meant to do? Let you read the letter and let you waltz back in there so that bitch could finish you off, once and for all?”
She was standing up now, and he couldn’t quite understand how someone so slender and uncommonly kind could look so intimidating and fierce within the space of a few seconds.
“That letter was addressed to me, damn it!” James said, his voice rising with irritation. “You had no right opening my post!”
“I don’t care!” Lily said, looking more agitated and feeling guilty. “If you think I would have let you just go there, you’re even more stupid than I gave you credit for!”
“You’re a muggleborn, Evans, fucking bloody fucking…” James’ words ran out as he waved his arm about with rage. “You could have been killed, do you understand me? Killed, damn it!”
“Yes, well, so could you, at least I have more sense! Remus and I knew what we were doing!” Lily shot back, feeling angrier by the second.
“You clearly didn’t, Evans! What you did was grossly irresponsible and wilfully sly! I don’t care what you say, you could have been killed, Evans, for fuck’s sake! When I see Moony, I’m going to kill him!”
James made a frustrated noise in the back of his throat and slammed his fist against the wall. Damn it, he was furious and livid and scared out of his wits and fucking sick of this shit.
“Remus didn’t have any choice, I told him I was going, and he decided to come with me, surely a safer bet! Don’t you dare drag Remus into this!” Lily said.
“Don’t you dare, ever, ever go behind my back like that again, ever, do you hear me?” he shouted.
“You can scream all you like, Potter, you don’t get to tell me what to do!” Lily said, her voice rising angrily.
“Don’t you dare act like you’re the innocent one in this Evans, for fuck’s sake!” James said.
“Don’t you dare raise your voice at me, Potter!” Lily said. “Get out!”
Her voice was starting to wobble which made her even madder.
“You know what? Fine!” James said, gripping his wand tightly and watching as furious sparks flew from his wand tip. “If you want to tell yourself that this is my fault, if you want to lie to yourself so you can  – ugh! Lily, don’t you dare defend this!”
“I’m not listening to your ranting any longer!” Lily said, slamming the book shut and flinging her quills and parchment into her well-worn bag.
She marched past him, livid and upset and boiling with rage. They hadn’t spoken since. James had slept at his parents’ house for a while and now, with Sirius and Remus gone, James had taken to sleeping in his friends’ bedroom. He didn’t like leaving her with only Wormy for protection. They avoided each other at mealtimes. Peter had cringed and disappeared into the relative safety of his bedroom. There was simply no way he could win if he took sides. They were both still furious.
“Looks like you swapped into an easy shift,” said Edgar Bones, loosening his collar and placing his cloak over his arm. “Nothing much happening, no handover.”
“Thanks,” said James curtly.
“Lily, James,” Edgar said, tipping his hat at them, sensing something was amiss but too polite to bring it up in conversation.
“Edgar,” said James.
“Bye, Edgar, see you soon,” Lily said, smiling at him half-heartedly.
“If it stays this quiet, I’m going to try going for a kip,” said Frank Longbottom, looking at the fireplace one last time and throwing a blanket over himself.
James nodded absent-mindedly, his left hand restlessly tapping on his thigh, shooting Lily fleeting glances when he knew she wasn’t watching. He hated whenever they fought, and this had been their worst row ever. The night stayed quiet, Lily dozed off on the armchair and James watched her. He was worried about her too, she looked pale and she seemed off her food for weeks now. It added to the leaden feeling of guilt he was carrying. It was his fault. He was right, he was damned well right, and he had nothing to apologise for, but he probably would. Because he knew what he was getting himself into when he married her, didn’t he? And wouldn’t he have done the exact same thing in her place, he told himself for the umpteenth time? He transfigured his jumper into a warm, thick blanket and placed it over her gently, doubling it up and kissing the top of her head tenderly. He watched the magical fairy lights on the tree twinkling merrily. He couldn’t have felt less Christmassy. He fell asleep eventually, having transfigured the rug into a scratchy blanket.
He was woken up by a loud shout emanating from the fireplace.
“You better get your sorry arses down here immediately! I’ve just intercepted intel that a couple of Death Eaters are planning an attack on a muggle school bus in the vicinity of Newcastleton!” Dedalus Diggle’s voice crackled.
“Where’s that?” said James, his voice still croaky from sleep.
“Border between England and Scotland. Dumbledore has left a special portkey in his room that means you should be able to get anywhere, immediately. Hurry! There’s nobody else around.”
“Great!” grumbled Frank, sitting up reluctantly, but shoving his feet into his shoes without hesitation. “Typical Dumbledore, never around when you need him!”
“Get some water and rations and let’s go,” Lily said, standing up and sitting back down rather suddenly.
“Alright, Evans?” James said, with a concerned frown.
“Fine, just feeling a bit sick, probably need to eat something,” she said.
“Maybe you should stay behind?” James said.
“No!” Lily said, forcing herself to stand. “It’s fine. We can’t risk it. It’s children, James!”
James nodded immediately. He wanted to apologise, but not in front of Frank.
“Dedalus, can you try and contact a few of the others in case anyone is available to join us? We’ll be with you in a jiffy,” he said.
“No can do, I’ve also had word of another attack planned in Wales, I’m trying to get in touch with Moody as we speak!”
“Got it,” said Lily, looking at Frank and James. “Don’t worry, we’re on it!”
“This place gives me the creeps,” said James, peering up at the tall trees.
The air felt thick and heavy, the branches seemed to vie with each other to block out the sunlight, suffocating. Thick moss, grey and faded, clung to everything, dried twigs and branches snapped loudly beneath their feet, disturbing the numerous birds whose harsh cries filled the air, as though spying on them, he thought, watching their acrobatic flight.
“Jackdaws,” he said quietly, moving closer to Lily.
Lily gave him a quizzical look.
“That’s their call - a short, loud, ‘kya’ sound, and they have distinctive, beady white eyes,” he added.
“Is there anything you guys don’t know?” grumbled Frank, shooting James a friendly grin.
“Nope,” James grinned back.
He moved closer to Lily, protectively, feeling a threat in the fabric of the forest, ancient memories, secret and forbidding. He had transfigured the portkey into a muggle leather bracelet, insignificant and worthless to any potential Death-Eaters, which he had placed on Lily’s wrist despite her protestations.
“They must be here somewhere,” Frank whispered, holding his wand aloft. “If we just keep walking, we’ll increase the chances of them seeing us.”
“Let’s split up, I’ll hide in there,” Lily said, pointing to a decrepit, large pine, whose gnarly trunk was rotting and held space for one person. “You two get on higher ground. We can all see the road from here. If you spot anything dangerous, send your signal.”
James’ was an owl hooting, Lily’s was the snort of a frightened deer, Frank’s was the harsh screech of a magpie.
“Alright,” James said, turning to look at Lily, feeling awkward and unsure. “Take care, please.”
“You too,” Lily said, her face unreadable.
“I’m glad Alice isn’t on call today,” Frank whispered after a pause, as they moved on carefully. “We just found out she’s pregnant. Bit of a shock really. Took us ages to figure it out, despite her feeling nauseated for a couple of weeks, being off her food, feeling dizzy and tired, you name it!”
He looked excited and pleased.
“Frank!” said James. “Wow, that’s… that’s brave of you, and rather wonderful news.”
He didn’t know what to say.
He stopped short.
Took us ages to figure it out, despite her feeling nauseated for a couple of weeks, being off her food, feeling dizzy and tired, you name it!
The night of Sirius’ twentieth Birthday. They had both forgotten to cast a contraceptive charm. Could that explain…?
“Frank, I forgot something, I need to run back to Lily, go ahead!” James said.
“You okay?” Frank said, seeing James’ face turn grey.
But he was already gone.
“Lily!” James said, catching his breath.
“What is it?” Lily said, wand ready to shoot.
“Lily, have you done a pregnancy charm?”
“A what?”
“To see if you’re pregnant?”
“No, why?”
They stared at each other for a moment. Understanding dawned on her.
“James,” said Lily, her green eyes searching his anxiously.
“Let me,” James whispered, taking hold of his wife’s slender wrist and turning her palm upwards, he pointed his wand tip at her pulse point. “Gravidam!”
They both watched as James’ wand tip glowed green.
“Fuck,” he said hoarsely, staring at her.
“What does that mean, James?” Lily said.
“It means… it means you’re pregnant,” James said, running a hand through his hair in agitation. “Fucking bloody fucking…”
Lily’s eyes were wide as his words sank in. As his reaction sank in. She turned away from him and swiped hastily at the tears that fell down her cheeks silently.
“We need to…” James said urgently. “Fucking Merlin… fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“I’m sorry, alright?” Lily’s voice broke as she spoke, her lower lip trembling. “I should have been more careful. I didn’t mean this to happen now, God I really didn’t mean this to… I understand if that’s how you feel, James, but I-“
“What?” James said, turning her around to face him and taking her face in his hands tenderly. “Lily, Merlin, I don’t mean –“
The screech of a magpie rent the air and they both jumped.
“Incarcerous!” numerous voices shouted, as thick ropes coiled themselves swiftly around them, James’ wand dropping to the floor.
“Expelliarmus!” a recognisable voice added, James’ wand flying through the air. “Where’s the other one’s wand?”
“Mulciber,” James said, the blood draining from his face.
“I said, where’s your wand, bitch?” Mulciber said, grabbing Lily by the throat.
“I dropped it earlier on,” Lily rasped, staring back at him defiantly. “I can’t find it.”
“Accio Lily Evans’ wand!” Mulciber ordered, pointing his wand at Lily.
Lily’s wand flew out of the thicket behind them. Mulciber leered at Lily.
“Grab hold of them and set anti-apparition wards around them! And get them to de Soulis Castle, now!” Mulciber said to the other Death-Eaters who surrounded them. “The Dark Lord will be very disappointed to find that it isn’t Sirius Black we have captured, just a useless blood-traitor and a vile mudblood. The information we received must have been incorrect.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mulciber!” James sprang forwards in fury.
“Quiet!” Mulciber said, coming right up in front of Lily and grabbing hold of her Jacket collar. “Or she gets hurt.”
James swallowed.
I tried to laugh about it Cover it all up with lies I tried to laugh about it Hiding the tears in my eyes 'Cause boys don't cry
The weathered remains of the castle loomed, malevolent, as they crossed the bridge over the moat. Fragments of a tower emerged, the holes in its walls reminiscent of a skull. While the forest around it was dry and parched, wilting and unseasonably warm, as they neared the castle gates mist descended on them. The inside of the castle felt damp and cold. Much colder. Mulciber’s breath condensed in front of him as he spoke, frost clung to the corners of the walls, there were no windows in the great hall.
He had seen this room before… where?
The heavy double doors leading into the main banqueting hall swung open, and four men entered, none of their faces were masked.
“Villiers, Wilkes, Rosier, Snape,” said Mulciber, with a cold laugh. “Your very closest allies, I believe? I failed to retrieve the disowned Black heir, but I found these.”
Villiers and Wilkes giggled. Silence descended as another figure entered the room, the five men bowing immediately. Muciber pushed James and Lily forcefully and they fell forwards onto their knees. James watched as Voldemort approached slowly, with a gleeful expression. He zoned in on Snape, Snape who was watching Lily with terror on his face, before carefully schooling it into neutral.
The room.
McGonagall’s grim tones echoed in his mind.
“So, a group of Death Eaters, who appear to have captured Lily Evans, in an unidentified location?”
Divination class. His vision. He had forseen this.
“Lily,” he said quietly, speaking through his teeth. “Do you trust me to get us out?”
He was sure Voldemort could hear his heart pounding.
“If you have an idea, I’m all in,” Lily murmured, watching Voldemort as he drew nearer.
“Leave it to me,” he whispered.
Taking a deep breath, he turned and locked eyes with Severus Snape.
“Fuck you, Severus Snape! You absolute bastard! Stay the fuck away from my wife, do you hear? Don’t you dare go near her, you fucking piece of shit! I despise you, Snivellus! You fucking coward! Bastard cursed Death Eater! Stay the fuck away from her or I’ll kill you with my bare hands!” James screamed.
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