#but he could also turn it into other stuff
babyleostuff · 2 days
─ meaning of pet names w/ vernon chwe 𝜗𝜚 hc's under the cut
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𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ᰔᩚ babe
a low key and laid back pet name - something that perfectly fits vernon's personality. he finds most of the nickname's for your significant other a bit cringe and while he doesn't mind other people using them, he just cannot imagine himself using them.
but babe - it's cute but super chill at the same time, it doesn't make him want to rip his eyes out whenever he says it and it's low key enough that he doesn’t turn into a burned tomato if he uses it in public! 10/10 vernon chwe would recommend.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ᰔᩚ your name
if you’d ask vernon about his favourite pet name, he’d say fuck pet names, i love your name. and he truly does, like: 
he loves the sound of it. for vernon, your name is the nr. 1 name in the entire universe, and he has probably scribbled a few songs with your name in them in his notebook.
for some reason, it feels intimate to use your name. he doesn’t know why since it’s technically just a name, but he has a feeling that because it’s your name, it makes everything so much more different.
again, he could not explain it if you asked, but using your name adds to the domesticity. and he loves that. 
in conclusion - your name rules.
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ᰔᩚ sweetheart
all of the “chill” and “laid back” and “low key” stuff aside, vernon is also a sensitive person that, obviously, has his moments of vulnerability. he just doesn’t share that side of him often, not even with his friends. but, you are not like anyone else and vernon doesn’t feel the need to hide anything from you. 
so, in his moments of vulnerability, when he craves your touch, hugs and kisses, there’s a high possibility of him using “sweetheart” instead of calling you by your name or “babe”. the pet name is sweet, but not overly so, and it perfectly conveys all the love that vernon has for you.
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taglist (if you want to be added, check my masterlist): @jeonghansshitester @weird-bookworm @sea-moon-star @hanniehaee @wonwooz1 @byprettymar @edgaralienpoe @staranghae @itza-meee @eightlightstar @immabecreepin @whatsgyud @hyneyedfiz @honestlydopetree @vicehectic @dkswife @uniq-tastic @marisblogg @aaniag @daegutowns @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @embrace-themagic @ohmyhuenings @nidda13 @hrts4hanniehae @k-drama-adict @isabellah29 @f4iryjjosh @bangantokchy @mrswonwooo @bangtancultsposts @lllucere @athanasiasakura @onlyyjeonghan @haecien @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @hannahhbahng @valgracia @ohmygodwhyareallusernamestaken @mirxzii @hhusbuds @wonranghaeee @rosiesauriostuff @gyuguys @tomodachiii @veryfabday @lilmochiandsuga @asasilentreader @mrsnervous @bewoyewo @sharonxdevi @wondipity @gyuguys @raginghellfire @treehouse-mouse @waldau @wonootnoot @hellodefthings @dokyeomkyeom @sourkimchi @bbysnw @hoichi02 @aaa-sia @haneulparadx @minvrsev @zozojella @wonootnoot @kimingyuslover @wntrei @honglynights @jihoonsbbygirl @uhdrienne @bloodcanbehot  @iamawkwardandshy  @icyminghao @heeseungthel0ml @goyangiiwonu @bath1lda @ruurooozz @ny0sang @luuxian @onerubii  @hurrican3-insert-nam3 @mekuiikore @luvseungcheol @thenotoriousegg @yuuyeonie @soffiyuhh @svtficsarchive @hyperdramas @huen1ngk41 @lesuneczka @oc3anfloor @gyuguys @fr-freak @bewoyewo 
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I've had a fantasy/medieval AU in mind for ages and I will write it one day, but the idea just wants out now. So have a brief summary.
Steve works in a small town in the middle of nowhere, he's doing odd jobs and helping to tame the local children. He's very protective because he knows the world outside is dangerous, and yeah, maybe their town is borning, but at least it's safe. Ever since his former fiancées friend got dragged into a river and drowned by a water demon, he's been even more protective of the children (and has saved them from a bunch of close calls too, even though they hate to admit it).
Eddie is a travelling bard, and Steve wants to tear his hair out and weave it into a basket or something. Because where he's trying to make sure the six kids get to grow up, Eddie is filling their heads with adventures, dragons, treasure and all that beautiful stuff that gets people killed one day. But the kids love him and Steve can only stay nearby and pray they don't run off one day with makeshift swords.
He just wants the kids safe. That's why he always accompanies them when Eddie is in town. So what if he sits nearby when Eddie spins his stories, it's just to protect them all from wolves if they decide to come. So what if he inches closer when the tale gets more tense and the protagonist is in danger. So what if he holds his breath until he knows whether the adventurers lived to see another day! It's all for the children, he says to himself.
And Eddie? Eddie sees the wonder in Steve's eyes. He sees a young man who has been walking in circles for too long, who has given up all of his future to give one to these six children. He sees in him what he sees in all of the adventurers and heroes he sings about, whose tales he carries with him. He sees all he wants to give.
So Eddie comes to the town more often than to the other ones. But whenever the children start raving about going on adventures, he just throws his head back and laughs. "You, going on an adventure? Please. Can you hold a weapon? Can you dodge an attack? Hm? Show me." The kids fail, of course. And Eddie says: "Do you know what the adventurers I sing about have in common? They came back from their adventures. And why? Because they were prepared! No one is going to sing about you if you drop dead during your first fight."
It doesn't take long for the kids to come to Steve for advice and training. And Steve knows somewhere deep in his heart that he can't protect them forever. He talks to the captain of the guard, Hopper, and he actually gets someone to train with the kids - and himself. He watches with pride as the children pick weapons best suited to their strengths, all too heavy for them, but that doesn't curb their enthusiasm.
He also asks his ex-fiancée, Nancy, to provide some basic training regarding edible herbs, remedies and poisons. He goes to Robin for a geography lesson, so that the little shits at least know where they're going and where their kingdom ends. He asks Jonathan to speed up their reading and writing lessons, and Argyle prepares a bunch of easy recipes from things that grow around them, and teaches them how to start a fire in almost any conditions.
When the kids turn fifteen, they are ready to go on an adventure with Eddie. Steve has done all he could, but he still feels they aren't ready, that he isn't ready. He'll die of worrying, he knows it. What is he even going to do now that the kids are gone?
But Eddie just smiles at him. "What, you put in all this work for them and now you don't even get to see them in action? Don't be stupid. Go and pack, we'll wait for you."
If Steve keeps thinking of Eddie's smile the whole time he's packing, it's only his business.
And that's how, with much of the kids' grumbling, Steve also leaves on adventure.
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batboyblog · 2 days
I frankly also get the impression that a lot of these people genuinely think another Trump term will just be “business as usual” or “it’ll only hurt the people who deserve to suffer” and that they’ll just be able to hide away from the consequences for four years before someone comes along and fixes the mess for them and they get to benefit.
I don’t think they have any realization of just how bad this is gonna get the second time around, because the first time Trump was metaphorically behind a chained fence and held back by strong rope. This time he’s being let loose alongside his fascist theocratic friends.
I've puzzled about this for some time, because like do people honestly not remember what it was like? what those 4 years were like? the fear, the chaos, the national embarrassment. Every day waking up and going "oh god! what did he DO! while I was asleep!" and how often you'd wake up to some story that he'd tweeted something scary and dangerous at 4am. I believe him threatening to nuke North Korea (the "Fire and Fury" tweet) was one of those very early AM specials that we all woke up to.
I mean for people like Chappell, its hard to remember, but Trump has been the more or less national main character for 9 years, since the fall of 2015. I mean an 18 year old first time voter could have been 8 years old when Trump came down the gold escalators told us all that Mexicans were rapists and he was running for President. So for anyone under 30, Trump is normal since every election they've been able to vote in, he's been the Republican nominee. I've spent 9 years of my life, across 5 elections fighting Trump directly or indirectly. Depressing thought that.
but past that there's been a national effort to gaslight us all into thinking "yeah no it was normal" I mean I remember the media coverage of 2017, the first year or so of Trump's Presidency, every few weeks or so there'd be some "is it time for the 25th amendment now?" story about if Trump's weird behavior this time for his cabinet to step it and remove him. (A quick google turned up CNN Oct 2017, New York Times May 2017, The Guardian July 2017, and Vox February 2017) compare that to coverage today? The term "Sane-washing" has been coined where when Trump says something bonkers it gets characterized as "sometimes meandering" rather than "incomprehensible" and "worrying"
figures in the media have gone so far as to claim there's just no point to covering new Trump scandals because "they won't move the needle" which really should not be a journalist standard. And we see that they do, take North Carolina's Mark Robinson. Caught in a massive scandal, involving sex, porn, and being a Nazi, he's now down massively in the polls after nation wide coverage. Trump just had new court documents opened that showed he wanted a riot on January 6th, that his reaction to a mob threatening the life of his Vice-President was "so what?" and they he knew full well that he had lost but was going to "fight like hell" any ways. And its not much of a story, indeed I'm seeing more news about a NY Republican Congress having worn black face (new story today) than Trump's effort to over throw the government and kill Mike Pence.
past the media's gaslighting of course there's been a major and on-going campaign to effect how we see reality. I know that sounds very woo-woo, but to step back for second, most of what we know about the world is stuff people tell us, so you know Joe Biden is the President because other people have said so, most likely you've never met him or even seen him in person. Well as more and more people turn away from traditional media, and traditional media turns more and more to making of money by confirming the bias of people, it becomes easier and easier to slip things that are not real into "facts we are told". So for example "Joe Biden is President, and also in decline" there's never been any real evidence of that, but if on social media you are bombarded with it 4,000 times a day... you start to take it as understood wisdom.
people are also getting worse and worse at not just taking what they're told if it confirms biases they already have. Former Vice-President Al Gore wrote a book nearly 20 years ago now, called "The Assault on Reason" which had a ton of very interest neuroscience about the ways that moving images, TV he was talking about, by-pass the logic centers of the mind, the way we relate and trust someone talking to us in a way the written word does not. I can't help but reflect on that with the rise of TikTok and short form video as a "source of information" (lol)
any ways this is a long winded way of saying bad faith players, Republicans, left wing grifters, and agents of chaos, have been very good at flooding the zone all through the Biden Presidency with stuff "student loan debt" remember when that was SO! important SO big and Biden "not doing anything" (untrue) was the biggest deal? well yesterday his newest plan got unlocked in court and 3 out of every 4 people with loan debt will get relief.... oh you're just now hearing about that from me? huh... funny... I thought it was the number one issue and reason we should never trust Biden and the Democrats... weird....
but there have been other issues pushed up as THE! issue, its all misdirection, its all meant to get natural Democratic voters to feel frustrated, upset, and hopeless, and not to vote their interest. The world is a big complex multi moving machine, and anyone telling you that one issue either fixes every other issue or totally totally outweighs everything else and should for everyone, is most likely BSing you and doesn't have your best interests at heart.
and lets be clear, Trump is a Rapist he's a lot of things, traitor, racist, scumbag, criminal, scab, tax cheat, fraud, etc but for me any ways, I'm not gonna vote for a rapist to be President and if other people aren't gonna do everything they can to stop a rapist from being the President I don't want to hear how much they care about progressive issues.
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gguk-n · 3 days
Turned Page (Franco Colapinto x Park Jimin's ex!Reader)
Series Masterlist
No hate to anyone this is all fiction
Face Claim- Jenna Ortega
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{Reader's POV}
Jimin and I met at an award show back in 2017. I had just started acting in shows away from Disney and this was my first gig as an MC at a major award show. I had the honour of presenting an award to BTS. That's how we became friends and the eventually started dating.
Dating Jimin was like a fairytale, he was my prince charming. He would buy me flowers, plan intricate and elaborate dates. Being with him felt like I was on cloud nine sometimes and other time, I felt like complete and utter crap. There would be time when Jimin would completely ignore me, air all my calls and leave my messages on delivered. In those times, I wished I could fly to him and ask what's up? I did do that a few times and those were the times I had the biggest fights with him. I thought we would break up whenever we fought like that, but he would always apologise and his sweet words and voice would lull me back into a sense of security I never had.
Jimin was busy prepare for stuff before he enlist, recording 2 albums and the content to go with it kept him busy. As a kind gesture, I sent him coffee trucks and on one of his music video shoots, I even went to see him. But he didn't look happy to see me. He dragged me into his dressing room, "How can you be so careless?" he snarked. "I wasn't. I'm here as a friend to see you" I mumbled. "Friend? ha, every one knows a girl and a guy can't be friends. Especially if you pull the shit you just did" he almost shouted. "I'm sorry. I thought you would be tired and wanted to cheer you up" I muttered. "Y/N, Jagiya, I'm tired of how you behave sometimes. Grow up, you know how the Korean industry is, why do you want me to fail?" Jimin asked. "I don't" I said as tears started to fall. "Don't start this now, I didn't say anything and you're crying" Jimin sighed exasperated running a hand through his perfectly styled hair. "Look what you made me do, I have to have my hair done again" Jimin huffed. "I'm sorry. I'll do better" I begged. "You can't. If you had to you would've by now" Jimin chuckled. "I thought you'd mature by now but I was wrong. You're too stupid. What if we get caught? Then what?" he asked. "You can just tell them we're dating" I croaked out swallowing the lump in my throat. "I don't think you get it. In the west, people date and whatever, it's not like that here. I have a reputation to withhold." he sighed. "Am I not good enough?" I cried out. "No, you are too immature for me" Jimin said.
"We're done. I can't deal with a dating scandal right now" he said calling his hair dresser. I was stood there shocked while Jimin got ready for the next shot. I had tears streaming down my cheeks, my eyes were red as I rubbed them trying to stop crying. "You are an asshole, Park Jimin. I hope you rot in misery of your own making" screamed leaving his dressing room
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Liked by francocolapinto and 1,368,080 others
y/n.y/l/n Cheering my mate to healing myself
user7 What happened???🥺🥺 user8 everyone loves mate❤️❤️ user9 I hope you're doing well🥹😭❤️ user10 she looks so much better lately🫢🫢 francocolapinto come back, I have more mate Liked by Author user11 okay who is this franco dude and why did she like his comment??👀
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Liked by y/n.y/l/n and 587,982 others
francocolapinto What an unforgettable day!! I can't explain how much I enjoyed my first race in F1. Great pace and we work very well with the team. Also had the honour of celebrating it with my most special person❤️❤️
y/n.y/l/n congratulations!! So proud of you😭😭 user12 Y/N dating Franco wasn't on my 2024 bingo card🫣🫣 user13 user12 neither was Franco debuting in F1🥹😭 user14 Power couple😭❤️ user15 so cute!! They are just the cutessssttt❤️❤️❤️
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Liked by y/n.y/l/n and 811,297 others
francocolapinto mix de un finde muy feliz💫 mix of a very happy weekend
y/n.y/l/n Can't wait to watch you win a race soon!!😭 francocolapinto y/n.y/l/n my lucky charm🍀 user16 miss rabbit has fainted😭 user17 The Lewis and Y/N and Lewis and Franco interaction was everything!!🥹❤️❤️ user18 my fav couple everrr❤️❤️ user19 the second picture 😂😂 user20 I hope Y/N comes to all the races👀
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Liked by francocolapinto, 1,297,280 others
y/n.y/l/n my boyfriend scored points in his second f1 race!!! Can't explain how proud I am😭😏
francocolapinto can you stop crying now? y/n.y/l/n francocolapinto never, I'm just so happy for you🥹🥹 user21 she is literally glowing!!!😍😍 user22 they are so in love it's sickening❤️❤️ user23 Franco is a gentleman thru and thru❤️ user24 I'm sure Franco has baby fever from the third picture😌😌 francocolapinto user24 yes I do👀 user24 francocolapinto OMMGGGG!!!😭 user25 she said, this my man, no more flirting with him🤤😍
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cosyvelvetorchid · 24 hours
angsty, and the word is toaster
I don’t get a lot of opportunities to write angsty stuff so thank you.
Buck sat on the bench in the locker room; his jacket on and bag by his feet, ready to go home. Except he didn’t know where to go.
He was supposed to be going to Tommy’s after shift—that had been the plan they made, but he didn’t know if he should. Or could. Not after their fight 48 hours ago.
The only communication they’d had for the last 2 days was Tommy letting him know when he was going in the air and when he’d safely landed back at the station, and Buck hearting the messages so Tommy knew he’d seen them.
Buck was still just so pissed at him. And worse still Tommy didn’t even seem to grasp the reason why. Or if he did he didn’t seem to think it was important.
Buck knew what he had to do—everybody he’d asked had told him to just get his head out of his ass and talk to Tommy.
As he walked up to Tommys front door, he hesitated in using the key that Tommy had given him last week. He thought about how happy he’d been when Tommy had presented it to him, and how he’d almost been late for his own shift the next day because he wanted to get a key to his apartment cut to give back to him.
The door opened making him jump. Tommy stood in his loose shorts and tank top—his usual Muay Thai get up—and was covered in glistening sweat. This would usually turn Bucks brain to goo, but not tonight.
“I heard the Jeep.” He said plainly. “You hungry?” He stepped aside allowing Buck in. His voice wasn’t the usual happy one he greeted Buck with, but it wasn’t angry either. He sounded tired.
“Yeah. You wanna order in?” He dropped his bag next to Tommy’s by the door.
Tommy nodded. “Order wherever. I’m gonna take a quick shower.” He placed a quick kiss onto Bucks cheek and climbed the stairs. This was the first time in three months that they hadn’t greeted each other with a full on mouth assault. Buck didn’t know what to do with that.
His stomach was beginning to twist. This was the point in every relationship he’d had to far where the cracks began and inevitably led to an eventual break up.
In part because, as he had realised since meeting Tommy, that they just weren’t right for him. But also because he tended to stick his head in the sand and not confront the problem at hand.
Buck 3.0 (Taylor’s version), would ignore the problem, order dinner and hope that they could just move on from the issue. But he wasn’t him anymore—he needed to confront the problem and deal with it.
No matter the outcome.
He quickly climbed the stairs to Tommy’s bedroom. Tommy was removing clean clothes from his dresser whilst waiting for the shower to heat up.
“You order something?” He asked.
“Uh, no.” Buck replied. “We, uh.. we need to talk about this Tommy.” He said, releasing a shaky breath.
Tommy sighed. “There’s nothing to talk about, Evan. Everything’s fine.”
“No. No it isn’t. You.. you’re being.. different, and-and I can’t.. I don’t want to ignore what happened.”
Tommy shut the drawer and turned to face him. “What is there left to say, Evan? I saved a kids life. I’m not sorry for that. You seem to think there’s something wrong with that. I don’t. Neither of us are going to win this fight so why continue it?”
That got bucks hackles up.
“You think I have a problem with you saving a kids life?!” His voice was raised “Tommy, the problem is that you were so reckless when you did it!”
Tommy scoffed. “Really? You want to accuse me of being reckless?”
“Running into a burning apartment without proper equipment is reckless. Don’t play dumb—you know that.”
“He would have died, Evan. And as for the reckless part, I’ve heard the stories of your past behaviour—hell, you’ve told me most of them. I think it’s pretty hypocritical to chastise me for something you’ve done more than once.”
Tommy wasn’t wrong—it was hypocritical for Buck to be pissed off when he’s done some really stupid shit himself.
“You’re right—it probably is hypocritical. Maybe karma is teaching me a lesson, or maybe the universe is showing me what it feels like to be on the other side of it to change me or something, I dunno. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that what you did was dangerous and reckless.”
“What should I have done? Let the kid die?” Tommy threw back, his own voice raised.
Buck ran an angry hand through his hair. “No, Tommy. Of course not!”
“You want me to not do my job?” Tommy said and Buck tried to keep calm but god damnit he just wasn’t getting it!
“No, Tommy! I want you to understand that I love you and don’t want you to die!”
And there it was. Those three words that he’d been skirting around saying for weeks. Neither had said it yet and Buck was trying to take it slow and not get ahead of himself by saying it too soon.
His loud voice echoed around the room, followed by a deathly silence as Tommy’s face softened, taking in Evan’s words. Buck continued talking; needing to get the words about before his nerves got the bed to him.
“It’s not about you saving a kids life—I’m proud of you for doing that. It’s that you-you just went ahead and-and did it, no questions asked, without thinking about the fact that you have someone that wants you to come home.” He closed some of the distance between them as his voice softened more. “Of course I don’t want you to not do your job, or stop saving kids or stop saving anyone. I just.. I just need to feel like you care enough to come home to me; that you’ll be more careful so that you can. Because Tommy I.. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”
His voice began to crack at the end and tears were threatening to spill.
Tommy closed the remaining distance and wrapped his arms around him. Buck leaned into Tommy’s warmth and gripped the back of his shirt tightly.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He whispered into Bucks ear. “I promise from now on I’ll be more careful.”
“Thank you.” Buck mumbled into Tommys shoulder.
“And hey-“ Tommy added pulling back to look at Buck. “I love you too.”
Buck couldn’t hide the grin that formed on his face and Tommy just had to kiss him about it.
After Tommy eventually got his shower—with Buck joining him so that they could properly make up, of course—they lounged on the sofa, eating pizza and watching one of Bucks documentaries.
“Oh hey, did they find the source of that fire?” Buck asked.
“Half an apartment building burnt down and it was all because of a toaster?”
“Technically, it was the kid who put his Lego men in to the toaster because they were cold that did it.”
“Oh. Well, yeah that’ll do it.”
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helslastangel · 2 days
Mars in 1H & 7H Synastry: From My Experiences 🔞
Minors, do not interact. This one's not for you.
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I know this is widely known with 1H Mars synastry, but it bears repeating: this is such an electric and sexy aspect to have!
...IF you like each other. But if you don't?
Especially if the attraction is one-sided? It is SO cringe. One of you could end up hating the other easily.
In fact, let me tell you two stories that show just how differently things can go with this aspect.
Positive 1H Mars Synastry
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Guy A: Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer Rising & Venus
I have my Mars in his 1H and his Venus is in my 1H.
This a VERY physical aspect, so if you're the type who loves long hugs, hugs from behind, poking, nibbling, cuddling, kissing and a LOT of sex, even after YEARS together, then keep an eye out for this aspect.
Guy A was my boyfriend of 4 years and we broke up right around the time we would have been talking engagement and such. He was also my best friend for 8 years (which would be 15 years now if we hadn't stopped talking a year after the break up).
I was wildly attracted to this guy from day one. And vice versa! And when we finally got together? Literally could not stop touching each other. It was so funny at times. You know those annoying couples trying to hold hands, steer the cart, and pick stuff up all at once in the grocery store? Yeah, we were that couple. Typically, if I wasn't literally on his lap, I'd be under his arm or pretty much pressed up beside him somehow-and vice versa. Watching TV? Someone's head would be in the other's lap, someone's hands would be in the other's hair, or rubbing their arm or belly.
I remember the first time Guy A and I went on a cute lunch date, before we officially got together. Everyone was pointing and giggling at us because it was sooooo obvious we both couldn't keep our hands off each other at all. 😂
To this day, neither his parents nor mine can believe we didn't get married. We probably should have, tbh. Lol.
Negative 1H Mars Synastry:
Guy B: Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon & Rising, Aries Venus.
I also have my Mars in his 1H. (His moon is in my 1H).
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Mars in 1st synastry in one-sided connections is the absolute worst because one of you is madly (VERY madly) in lust confused for love, and the other is perpetually annoyed but attached to the adrenaline rush from all the static, especially if life isn't otherwise exciting at the time.
Guy B was long-term frenemy who I did NOT like romantically and barely liked platonically. We met on a dating site and the conversation was great but from the 1st date in person, I was instantly turned off. All his mannerisms annoyed me, I wasn't attracted to him, and I didn't want him to touch me at all. My reflex was to pull away when he tried. He was extremely attracted to me for some reason despite this, and never let it go. Not even years later. He begged to stay friends when I declined a 2nd date and I was too nice back then so I reluctantly agreed.
Every time he touched me, I wanted to backflip into a volcano. A simple hug made me irrationally angry if he tried to linger half a second too long. It didn't help that he'd always complain about me giving "church hugs."
And before the men start carrying on about how he must have been short, yada yada yada... no, lol he's 6' 5" and fairly good-looking. Just didn't like him then and still don't now.
Our dynamic was always very aggressive, especially from my end. Even our mutual friends noticed that I seemed like a different person specifically around him and not in a good way. I was verbally combative and physically tense around him, even my voice sounded less soft and I was extremely sarcastic. I don't know if he's into girls who are normally like that or if his Aries Venus just liked the challenge, but that annoyed me even more. My dad met him once and immediately acted like he wasn't even there and my mom was like "Yeah, no, don't ever date each other because one of you won't make it out of that alive, it's very obvious."
She's definitely not wrong, our entire "friendship" was a strange anomaly defined around me being perpetually annoyed that he existed but also finding entertainment in all the toxicity and him pretending not to notice that Id happily sell him to the devil for a bag of chips and continuously convincing himself that I secretly liked him.
I told him multiple times he was free to react like a normal human being and not talk to me and his response was, "Eh, I know but somehow even though I hate arguing, I don't really mind arguing with you. Like I hate it but at the same time, it's you. I'm used to it now."
Idk to say about that but yeah, there you have it folks. The moral of the story is: there are always two sides to a coin 😂
Synastry is something that can go two (if not more) ways. No placement or aspect is ever guaranteed to be positive or negative, though some skew one way or the other. If they were, we could all find our perfect matches just by picking birth charts out of a jar and studying them. Be mindful and listen to what your heart and gut tell you and then use your head.
All that being said though, can I talk about 7H Mars synastry for a sec? GOSH I LOVE when someone's Mars is in my 7H.
Mars in 7H Synastry (Positive)
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Guy C: Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Scorpio Rising, Aries Venus
He has Capricorn Mars in my 7H and my gawd. So intentional. This was eons ago. Technically my second boyfriend, but this was the first serious boyfriend who I had all my first times with. The moment my very own McSteamy decided he wanted to date me, there was no long drawn out "should I, shouldn't I, she loves me, she loves me not" - none of that wishy-washy shit. He strolled right up to me and said, "Look, you're allowed to say yes, no, or "get lost, fool" -whatever you want. And I know this may seem a bit soon, and to be honest when I first met you, I didn't know what to think, you kinda seemed like a miss-goody-two-shoes type. But getting to know you for a couple months? I realize you're actually quite a rebel and adventurous like me, but also smart and know how to lay low and play a character when you need to. Anyway, I'd really like to kiss you, but I'm gonna ask you to be my girlfriend first, so let me know."
Well, hell I said yes before he was even done talking and he picked me right up and kissed me against the wall. That was my first kiss too, and a great memory. I love direct people who know what they want, aren't scared to take a risk and are comfortable taking the lead, especially when it's a relationship. That's a Capricorn Mars right there. With Capricorn moon in my 7H that was literally like hitting the jackpot- except I was so young. He was 8 years older than me and ready to settle down. I was just about to fly the nest and see the world and he was kind enough to realize this and not hold me back when I decided to leave.
I will say this placement is excellent if you're sure about wanting a family, kids, and the whole white picket fence thing. I made the right choice as I'm still childfree by choice now and would rather live a semi-nomadic life, working and traveling the world with someone who is the same kind of crazy as me.
I'm not sure if I've experienced any negative Mars 7H house synastry. There are so people I've connected with whose birthdays I've either forgotten or didn't ask for, so I don't have their charts. Of the charts I do have, Guy C is the only one I have this aspect with. I haven't quite felt the same 100% confident, 'all-in' relationship energy from anyone else.
I am curious about how the negative side of this would go, so if any of you have had bad experiences with Mars 7H synastry and want to share, let's meet in the comments 😹
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dovesdreaming · 1 day
Randonauts Assemble: Logan, Wade, and the Scariest Night Ever
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Summary: Wade has the stupid idea of going randonaughting at night with the intention to see something ‘scary’. While you and Wade are left scared for your lives, Logan is left annoyed by the whole thing. (Logan x reader)
It was supposed to be a chill night. A quiet evening at the X-Mansion, maybe some beers, maybe a movie, or better yet, a night where Logan didn’t have to deal with Wade Wilson’s endless stream of insanity. But that was before Wade burst into the mansion at 10 p.m. with his mask half-on, his phone in his hand, and Dogpool under his arm like a furry football. "Logan! Y/n! Prepare yourselves! We are going... randonauting!" Logan didn't even look up from his cigar. "What the hell's randonauting?" You, seated next to Logan on the couch, glanced between Wade and Logan. You had heard of it. Randonauting was this weird app that used random coordinates to send you to strange, sometimes creepy, places based on whatever "intention" you set. It was the latest social media trend, a mix of spooky adventure and internet oddness.
"We’re not doing that” Logan growled, his usual “I’m too old for this nonsense” look firmly in place. But Wade was relentless, as always. "Come on, Wolvie! Don’t you want to live a little? Have a little spooky fun?" Wade practically sang, leaning down and waving the phone in Logan’s face. "We can pick an intention! I’m thinking... scary or creepy because it’s dark, and it’s way more fun to do stuff that might involve ghosts or abandoned places or finding a cursed treasure!" You snorted, trying to hold back a laugh. The idea was ridiculous, but... also kind of fun. "It could be interesting, Logan”.
Logan turned to you, eyebrow raised. "You too?"
You shrugged. "Well, I mean... we don’t have anything else planned. Might as well".
Logan groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I’m surrounded by idiots”. Wade, sensing victory, grinned so widely under his mask you could see the fabric stretch. "Yesss! And Dogpool’s coming too!" The small, mutated dog barked in approval, wiggling out of Wade’s grip to scamper across the floor. Logan stood up, his cigar clenched between his teeth. “Fine. But if this turns out to be as stupid as I think it is, I’m letting Wade get eaten by whatever creepy monster we run into”.
An hour later, you were all in Logan’s truck, winding down a dark, narrow road surrounded by dense woods. Wade was in the backseat, leaning between the front seats with his phone out like some kind of insane navigator, and Dogpool was perched on his lap. “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this” you muttered, glancing at Logan, who was stoically staring at the road ahead like he’d been forced to endure worse than this in his long, long life. He probably had. But still. “Yeah, well,” Logan grunted, “you wanted to come”. “Are we there yet?” Wade sang from the back, shaking the phone. “Randonautica says we’re getting close! The coordinates are up ahead, and guess what? It’s taking us into the woods. Oooh, spooky!” Dogpool barked, as if in agreement with Wade's exaggerated excitement.
You, on the other hand, felt the nerves creeping in. It was one thing to laugh about this kind of stuff when you were safe at home. It was another to actually be driving toward an unknown, creepy location in the middle of nowhere at night. “Logan” you said, your voice a little quieter, “what if this place is actually dangerous? Like, what if it’s-“ “It’ll be fine” he cut you off, his hand finding yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Nothin’ out here we can’t handle”.
You relaxed a bit at his words, even though the thought of wandering through the woods still made your stomach flip. “Yeah, Y/n” Wade chimed in, leaning even closer so his masked face was right beside your ear. “What’s the worst that could happen? We get murdered by ghost lumberjacks? Ohhh, spooky axe-men, please don’t hurt us! We’re just innocent explorers!” He threw his arm dramatically over his forehead, almost knocking over Dogpool in the process. Logan shoved Wade’s face away with a growl. “Sit down”.
Finally, Wade’s phone chimed. “We’re here!” he announced, like some deranged tour guide. “It’s up ahead! Right through those creepy trees. Looks like… an abandoned building or something?” You squinted through the windshield, barely making out the shape of something large and dilapidated looming in the distance. It looked like an old school, or maybe a hospital. Definitely abandoned. Definitely creepy. “Of course it’s an abandoned building” Logan muttered as he killed the engine. “Because why wouldn’t it be?” The four of you trekked through the woods, the only light coming from Wade’s flashlight and the faint glow of your phone screen as you followed the coordinates. The building loomed ahead, its windows shattered, the structure itself looking like something straight out of a horror movie. Vines had grown up the sides, and the front doors were hanging off their hinges, creaking softly in the night breeze.
“I don’t like this” you whispered, instinctively moving closer to Logan. “This feels… too creepy”. Logan, unfazed, wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you both approached the entrance. “It’s just a building. Ain’t nothin’ here to be scared of”. “Speak for yourself,” Wade muttered, holding Dogpool tighter as the little dog let out a low growl at the darkened interior of the building. “This place is way too on-the-nose for a horror movie. I bet there’s ghosts. And zombies. Probably zombie ghosts”. You gave Wade a look. “Those aren’t real”. He narrowed his eyes behind his mask. “Says you. I’ve seen some stuff, Y/n. Don’t come crying to me when we’re being chased by a ghost janitor with an axe”. “Both of you shut it” Logan grunted, pushing the door open with a loud creak.
The inside of the building was worse than the outside. Dark, damp, and filled with debris. The faint smell of mildew and rot filled the air, and the flicker of Wade’s flashlight cast long, eerie shadows along the walls. “Alright, split up and look for clues” Wade said, holding up Dogpool like a furry detective. “No one’s splittin’ up” Logan said sharply, keeping you close to him as the two of you started to walk down one of the darkened hallways. You held onto his arm tightly, every sound making your heart race. Logan, of course, was the picture of calm, as if this was just a normal stroll through a perfectly fine building.
Wade, on the other hand, was trying to act calm, but you could tell he was freaked out. He kept muttering under his breath, occasionally yelping when his flashlight flickered or when Dogpool barked at some random piece of debris. “This is fine. Everything’s fine” Wade said, his voice a little higher than usual. “I’ve been through way worse. I’ve fought aliens. I’ve fought, uh, time-traveling cyborgs. This is nothing. Totally not scary. At all”. You couldn’t help but smirk. “You scared, Wade?” “Pffft, no” he said, though the way he held Dogpool like a security blanket told a different story. “Just… keeping my guard up. Gotta protect the team, you know?” Logan rolled his eyes. “We’re leavin’ in five minutes. There’s nothin’ here”.
As if on cue, there was a loud bang from somewhere deeper in the building. You jumped, clinging to Logan’s arm even tighter. Wade let out a high-pitched yelp and nearly dropped Dogpool. “What the-was that a ghost?!” Wade shrieked. Logan sighed. “It’s just the wind”. You weren’t convinced. “That sounded a little too-”Another bang echoed through the building, followed by the unmistakable sound of something scraping along the floor. Wade’s eyes widened behind his mask. “Alright, that’s it! Time to go! I’m not gettin’ murdered by ghost janitors or demon hospital patients tonight, thank you very much”. You nodded vigorously. “Yeah, let’s leave”. Logan, to his credit, didn’t seem remotely phased. “You two are ridiculous” he muttered, though even he turned back toward the entrance, his arm still around you.
As you hurried back out into the safety of the woods, Wade was still mumbling to himself about haunted hospitals and vowing never to trust an app again. Logan just shook his head, pulling you closer as the two of you walked toward the truck. “Told you nothin’ scary would happen” he said.“Except that sound back there” you pointed out, still glancing over your shoulder. “Yeah, well” Logan shrugged, “could’ve been worse. Could’ve had to listen to Wade all night”. “Hey! I heard that!” Wade called, huffing as he cradled Dogpool protectively. “You’re all just mad because I brought adventure into your lives”. You and Logan just shared a look to say ‘sureee’.
You held onto Logan very tightly the rest of the night still freaked out about what you had heard, just glad you got out of there before something worse happened. In the next room over Wade clung onto dogpool saying calming things to the dog, who was already asleep, to calm his own racing heart. Maybe haunted houses are just too scary for superhero’s.
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kleine-joost · 1 day
Joost Dating Headcanons
a/n: who tf am i updating daily?? idk where this motivation has come from lmao
WARNINGS: there's some general smutty headcanons at the end, i'd appreciate no minors interact thanks xxx
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- Ok so first off, I’m so so so convinced that this man is absolutely the clingiest person EVER. Like anything you’re doing, he’ll happily join you, he asks you to travel with him., Basically everything either of you do will become a two-man job
- The only thing he’s tentative about with your relationship would be the overall publicness of it. The real fans (😎😎😎) have spotted you a couple times in photos and videos in the background of things and kind of just speculated, but mostly you’re unknown.
- But in private and with friends and stuff? Hangs on you all the time, bringing you into conversations he’s in so you can add more details to his stories.
- Also I have this picture in my head, like say you had to work late or you went out with some friends and he didn’t go, when you get home, you find him in bed, duvet up to his chin and just waiting for you to get home so you can tell him everything and you can go to sleep together
- He’s not a huge movie buff, but he’ll watch whatever you want because he just loves seeing you enjoy things, seeing you happy. Even if he’s not the direct cause of it, he likes to just be there for you
- And another thing, I think he’s probably really forgetful. So if you aren’t, I like the idea of leaving little sticky notes around to remind him of things like meetings, or even just to drink water
- So supportive too. He is your biggest cheerleader in everything you do, and always knows how to comfort you if you’re down
- I imagine you also being super supportive of him, like you’re always the first person he shows a new song to, and he genuinely favours your opinion on things and will fight Tantu to change things you think could be changed
- Big flower vibes. He loves buying you flowers, even when there’s no special occasion. Just because he thought they were pretty.
- I also think he would LOVE to do like coordinating outfits and stuff
- Just a stylish couple in general
- And if like your collar isn’t sitting right or something, he’d fixed it straight away
- On a similar note, he loves when your shoelaces become untied because it's his favourite thing to just do whatever he can for you
- He’s tried to cook you dinner a total of about 3 times, all of them resulting in an inedible meal. But it’s the thought that counts
- And when you’re out eating dinner somewhere, he’ll always beg for a bite of your food in exchange for a bite of his, because “your’s just looks so good, liefde”
- I also think he’s one of those boyfriends that’ll just walk up to you and start shadow boxing at you for funsies, complete with fake huffs of effort, until it eventually just evolves into who can hold each others’ arms down for the longest time (spoiler, he wins most of the time cause he just wraps his arms around your shoulders so you can’t move)
- Going back to the travelling thing, I like the idea that if you’re not able to go with him, he always buys you some kind of souvenir like a fridge magnet or like socks or something so you feel like you were there
- And so he feels like you’re with him, he always carries a picture of you with him in his wallet bc cute
- Guess what kind of picture it is teeheehee
- I can’t decide between just a picture of your tits or one that he took while yall were fucking and you didn’t even notice that he had his phone out and was taking a photo of your face all scrunched together in pleasure
- Boy would that have been an interesting day at wherever he got it printed
- ALSO travelling means….you guessed it! Phone and FaceTime sex!!
- Most of the time it doesn’t even start out sexy, you’re just telling each other about your days
- But Joost misses you so much, he can’t help get turned on even by just the sound of your voice
- He tries to be quiet but let’s get real, that man WHINES and WHIMPERS so even when he’s trying to hold it in as he’s palming himself through his jeans, you know what’s up
- “Baby?” He hums in response. “Are you touching yourself?” “...Maybe”
- And it just devolves from there
- Omg and REUNION SEX? Don’t even get me started
- ok do get me started, the SECOND he’s home it is shoes off, clothes off, carrying you to the bedroom
- It would be a perfect mix of tender and filthy
- He missed you and wants to tell you that, but he’s also just so pent up. He needs to get all his energy out
- When he gets horny, there’s nothing he won’t do get at you
- Like when he can’t sleep at night and he’s just really bored, wakes you up and eats you out
- Walks in on you in the shower, he’s getting in
- You guys go shopping and he’s watching you try on clothes, you have to tear him off of you
- You get my point.
- I think he’s an everywhere kind of guy
- Everything, Everywhere, All At Once lol
- Definitely pulled you into a club bathroom stall on more than one occasion
- Oh and one more thing, underwear goblin. After any time you guys fuck, there’s at least a 60% chance he’ll steal your panties as a memento.
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woncon · 2 days
hi i read your stories and you're awesome!! can i please request a san and wooyoung scenario where they're making coffee for you in the morning?
Hi dear Anon! 🥰
Thank you for the kind words & the request. I'd a fun time writing it. I hope you'll like it too! 💗💗
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➳ a cup of care
➶ poly!woosan x gn!reader 。˚ °
-ˏ` ✎﹏ San forgot to take the coffee machine to the mechanic. But instead of admitting it, he wants to become a home barista, making coffee for you every morning until he can actually take the machine to the repairman.
When Wooyoung finds out what he's up to, he won't tell you. He decides to help to keep San's secret and make nice coffee so you won't tell the difference.
Keeping it from you may seem easy.
It's not.
➴ genre: fluff, light angst, estabilished relationship, polyamory
: ̗̀➛ warnings: half-naked san, who is also a baby
⌨ :: 2.3K words ♡ ︵ . .
⁀➷ kisses and hugs for @honeytwo!!
➳ ateez masterlist | main masterlist
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At 5:30 on a Monday morning, Wooyoung strode out into the kitchen. He was looking for San to drag him back to bed. You both slept easier and deeper when the boy was there. You clung to him eagerly, and he usually couldn't even slip away without you being alarmed that he was gently shaking you off him.
Wooyoung expected San to come for a glass of water. That was not the case. The broad-shouldered boy in his pyjamas leaned against the kitchen counter and watched a video in contemplation. At his fingertips were a colander, a bag of what looked like cat food, mugs and the kitchen scale.
Wooyoung curiously ventured closer. The parquet floor creaked under his socked feet.
San turned around like the hyperventilating protagonist of a horror film.
“Hi!” He paused the video so quickly that his phone fell on its face.
“Hi…” Wooyoung took a closer look at the prepared equipment. He picked up the filter and poked the bag. There was something hard inside. “What are you doing? Is this some kind of workout stuff? Or poison?”
“Poison?” San laughed awkwardly and shook his head as if he'd been caught.
“Are you... okay?”
“Of course. I just, uh, wanted to surprise you. Could you go back to bed and keep it a surprise?” San patted Wooyoung's waist. “I promise I'll be ready quickly.”
Wooyoung took pity on him. It was like San to wake up at sunrise to surprise the two people he loved the most. He didn't want to bother him any longer. He pressed a consenting kiss to San's cheek and would have turned back to try to fall back asleep in your embrance, but noticed the pattern at the bottom of the bag.
It was minimalist and almost blended into the caramel colour of the bag, but it was there nonetheless. Three coffee beans. It wasn't cat food, then.
Wooyoung blinked. He walked around San then held the bag in front of his face, and the heavy scent emanating from it immediately hit him in the nose. He pointed incredulously at San, whose neck was flushed.
“You forgot!” he said in disbelief.
“I have not!”
The other walked over to the coffee machine, plugged it in and tried to turn it on. It did the same thing it had been doing for the last few days: all the buttons flickered red and the machine whined, as if it would die at any moment and couldn't make the slightest coffee.
“Oh, but you forgot.” Wooyoung patted the poor steam and turned off the power. “Y/n specifically asked you to do that, remember? They even made your breakfast so you'd write down in your diary the appointment they'd booked with the plumber. And you forgot.”
San pouted in surrender. “Why are you mocking me now?”
“I'm just having a little fun.” Wooyoung grinned. “I'm usually the bad boyfriend here.”
“You're not a bad boyfriend.”
“But I forget more often than you, pearl of men.” Wooyoung looked through the assorted tools again. “So?”
“So what?”
“How can I help you?”
“You want to help?” San was surprised. “I thought you were going to tell our baby.”
“‘Course not. I don't want them to be sad. I'll help make sure they get their coffee and don't notice the difference until the machine is fixed.”
“See, Woo?” San's all brightened up. He stroked Wooyoung's face. “You're not a bad boyfriend.”
“Still, I'll help you cover up your forgetfulness.”
“Because you're my great boyfriend.” San pulled him close and showered him with kisses.
Wooyoung carefully pushed him away. It wouldn't have ended well if the coffee project hadn't progressed, because they were kissing and slowly forgetting about everything but each other.
“So where do we start?”
San set up his phone, tilted it at the microwave again, and they both dug into the information presented to them on how to make quality, home-brewed coffee.
Only five days. That's how long they had to wait before San could actually take the coffee machine to the mechanic. The earliest the man could meet San was Saturday afternoon. In the meantime, the two boys not only had to make homemade coffee by grinding and filtering, but also to make the coffee taste very similar to the one the machine made. Wooyoung took on the role of the pre-taster.
You liked the coffee on Monday. Although you noted that the program seemed to be quieter this time, you didn't find the taste strange. San laughed and wiped a spot of coffee off the edge of your mouth.
"I think you just slept too deeply. In the kitchen it was as loud and lively as ever. The mechanic did a good job."
As you took your next sip, he glanced warily at Woooyung.
The next day, Wooyoung played coffee machine sounds from his phone while San ground coffee beans. You drank again, this time making no comment on the missing mechanical sounds.
On the third day, Wednesday, you resented that neither of them were with you anymore. You got up early and called them.
“Shit! They're coming!” San tried to cover up his intimate parts like a caught-in-act lover: the filter, the cups, and of course the bag of coffee beans he hid in various places around the apartment as if they were a dangerous piece of his tainted past - even though he had no tainted past.
“Go, distract them!” Wooyoung took up the grind that day. He didn't want to stop, especially since his skin had soaked up the smell of coffee beans that his sense of smell was completely dulled. Of course, you would have smelled it. 
Wooyoung didn't want questions about why he smelled thick and heavy like fresh coffee beans.
"Okay," San nodded. “Okay.”
Then he took off his pyjama top. Wooyoung's eyes widened. He didn't mean it that way, he would have added, but San and his refreshing body were gone.
“Do you want to take a shower with me?” his question filtered out from the living room. “I'd be happy to wash your back.”
Of course, you couldn't say no to that.
San had handled the emergency well enough, Wooyoung admitted. He had meanwhile finished his fresh coffee peacefully and even toyed with the idea of opening a coffee shop for a moment. He served it with a wide smile, and bathed contentedly in the showery scent of your neck and the melody of your appreciative humming, as if you knew he made it for you, not the coffee machine.
Everything went smoothly on Thursday, they even finished faster than before. They were really practiced and coordinated. They had time to lie back down next to you and gently caress you into wakefulness.
Wooyoung enjoyed the week, and even if the thought of failing at some point occurred to him, he dismissed the idea. They were a good team, and so far they'd done a great job, making delicious coffees and putting big smiles on your face with their hot brews. If you'd mentioned the coffee smell, he'd have bought a coffee shower gel to explain it. He and San ran through many scenarios to prepare for possible danger. Two more days was not the end of the world.
Although, you seemed to want to bring the world to an end. You also wanted to have a cup of coffee on Friday afternoon.
“Since the coffee machine got fixed, the coffee tastes better. And I'm busy, I need to recharge,” you said.
Your boyfriends couldn't let you touch the machine. The minute you turn it on, they're busted, even though they've been so good at hiding San's screw-up. They had another quick look.
“How about we go to that coffee shop you always daydreams about?” Wooyoung suggested.
“Really?” You froze, a faint frown of thought appearing on your face. “But it's an expensive place.”
"We want to make you happy," San nodded. “It's worth every penny.”
And of course they would have gone to great lengths to make sure you didn't even look at the coffee machine for a few more days.
“Well, okay," you smiled in agreement.
Friday's panic situation had been well averted. Wooyoung now really thought they were on the straight and narrow, only one brewed coffee away from success. 
Well, Wooyoung hadn't factored San's Saturday morning breakdown into his immediate future.
As usual, they divided the duties. San ground the coffee beans, and Wooyoung set the Bluetooth speaker at just the right angle to make sure you could hear the coffee machine sounds playing and soothe you half asleep.
Wooyoung looked up. It was rare to see San like that. He was a strong mountain, straight and taut. But now he was hunched over the counter, looking powerless. His eyes radiated uncertainty.
“I think I am the bad boyfriend.”
“What?” Wooyoung tried to process the information as quickly as possible. “You? You're literally boyfriend material. If you were single, everyone would be fighting for you. Even though you're ours, Y/n and I have to be careful not to let them take you away from us.” Wooyoung stroked the back of San’s hand. “You're not a bad friend, Sanie. You're absolutely not.”
“I've been lying to Y/n for almost a week.”
“Because you don't want them to drink powdered coffee. You take care of them. You ordered quality coffee from some classy guy.” Wooyoung took over the grinder from him. “And you can tell them the truth in the afternoon, if you want. I don't think they'll be angry, they'll probably just laugh at us.”
San still pouted ruefully, but he no longer hunched forward so tragically.
“Go and cuddle them. I'll finish this.”
“Can you?”
“Of course I can.” Wooyoung pulled the bag of coffee beans in front of him and smiled encouragingly at the other. “You know, thanks to you, I became a coffee master.”
Before Wooyoung could concentrate on making your morning coffee, San pulled him close and planted a long, sloppy kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you.”
“It is the least I can do. Now go. And don't let our baby out of bed!”
“Careful, careful," Wooyoung murmured as he handed you the mug. “It's hot. Very hot. Like your skin... hmm… let me lie back a bit.”
Wooyoung stretched out beside you, satisfied, once the coffee was safely in the palm of your hand. He rested his head against your waist and was about to look for a blanket that would hopefully preserve some body heat, but instead he got San himself as a blanket. He didn't complain.
“Gosh, the kitchen stone is so cold,” he whimpered.
“Well,” one of your hands went into his hair and gently massaged his scalp. “Next time, put on another layer of socks. Or don't go out. I can make my own coffee.”
“I wanted to be nice to you so you wouldn't leave me for this sexy guy behind me.”
While you giggled, San hugged Wooyoung even tighter, and the boy was reminded of how strong San is. And how much he loves it when he has time to spend the morning with the two of you.
“Oh, that can't happen. What would we do without you?” You stroked his cheek and San hummed in agreement.
What's for sure, at this point Wooyoung didn't feel like a bad boyfriend. In fact, he was proud that he could be here, that you both loved him.
“And thanks for the whipped cream, too, Woo.”
“You're welcome. I made it with love. I would have also put cinnamon on it, but I couldn't find any.”
"You must not have seen it from the bag of coffee beans," you said.
San's body tensed around Wooyoung. Wooyoung himself twitched.
“The coffee bean bag. The one you hid as if it were a drug. A few days ago, it just covered up the cinnamon.”
San let Wooyoung go and sat up. He just blinked and waited for you to say something else. You didn't. You drank your coffee peacefully, your face smeared with whipped cream without a spoon to use.
“Don't look at me like that. I wasn't complaining about not liking it. In fact, you made it delicious.”
“You knew?” San was stunned. “Why didn't you tell us?”
“Because the coffee is delicious,” you drank some more. “And you've been very enthusiastic all week. I think you guys had fun too. Or am I wrong?”
“When did you find out?” Wooyoung asked, pulling his knees to his chest.
You frowned thoughtfully.
“I think it was Wednesday. Sannie got a call from the 'coffee guy'. I thought it was about the mechanic, so I picked it up while Sannie was getting dressed. The guy asked if I was happy with the merchandise and if I wanted to order another package. When I asked if he was talking about capsules, he hung up. I may or may not offended him.”
San crawled closer to you on the mattress. He took your face in the palm of his hand and kissed the whipped cream off. “I’m sorry.”
“I'm not mad. After all, you showed me that my boyfriends could make better coffee than my machine.” You pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. "However, I don't want you to spend every day sculpting in the kitchen to make me happy. I'd rather have you here with me and the coffee machine do my coffee.”
“That's what we want.” Wooyoung nodded, then leaned his head on your shoulder. He was very happy that you were not angry with them. Though he expected nothing less from your kind, loving heart. “And the coffee machine could be working tomorrow... If San didn't forget again.”
“Hey! This can't happen, I swear! I've been dreaming about this for two days. Even if I had amnesia, I couldn't forget it.”
“I believe you, big boy. I hope you haven't forgotten either that you promised me marathon hugs today.”
“Finish your coffee and you won't get away.” San nodded towards you, then looked at Wooyoung. He winked and smiled mischievously. “None of you will get away.”
For the record, Wooyung didn't intend to. It's well known that sometimes even the lovestruck coffee maker needs a break.
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accio-victuuri · 10 hours
okay, let’s do a part two of birthday cpns. part one is here incase you missed it ✌🏼
let’s start with this wardrobe match. xzs posted another set of photos and this time, xz is all dressed up. well it turns out it’s from the same brand/collection as what yibo wore at yh concert which is amiri. it’s kinda special cause that’s what he used to perform somebody else’s arms which i think is personal. and adding the cpn that the design on wyb’s side had WX on it.
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it’s like the tom ford thing ( among others ) all over again. granted that this is a good brand that they have used before but it’s so sus! do they have the same taste? lol. i imagine them talking about clothes and sharing what they think looks good on them. and personally, that collection had some v interesting pieces. so glad they get to wear stuff like this and not just plain black suits.
now we move on to yibo’s usual photoset related to exploring the unknown 🗺️. he does share personal photos he took from his time shooting for the past saturdays so we knew he will post today. fans have noticed that the number 33 ( gg’s age now ) is somehow incorporated.
his past posts only had one emoji or none. that’s how short and simple he is and we got used to that pattern. but for today, he had 9. and it’s 3 emojis reposted 3x. 33. when people also check this on weibo, it’s coming up as 33 characters. this exact combination. you can put in 9 other emojis that use the hand but it’s not 33. this may be a coincidence. you can say that there are lots of emojis because it’s the last weekend he is expressing his thanks.
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also, if you count all the photos/videos in sets he shared ever since he started it’s 33. not including the one posted today.
the universe is truly clowning us. 🤡🤡🤡
and oh, the photoset of wyb and xzs new photoshoot were posted a minute apart. did wyb miss the 16:23? or maybe he was really going for 16:24. I found an explanation here of what it means and it’s so sweet?!
The number 1624 represents love and romance. it can be explained in two ways: 1. Pinyin homophony: In Chinese, "one hundred sixty-two four" is harmonious to "all the way". the sound means smooth progress and smooth development on the road to love. therefore, some people will do it on the occasion of marriage proposal or anniversary.
Digit Split: Split the number, i.e. "1 6" and "24". "16" represents the meaning of "one heart and one mind". it means giving and serving wholeheartedly in love and "24" represents the hours of each day of your life. The number implies that the two of them will spend a whole life together. Day and night, we accompany each other and never leave.
some are also talking about the closed loop of yibo starting his bday with a photo in the desert. and then posting about it again on xz’s bday. 💛
it seems so similar to xz’s bday photoshoot before in a desert where he wore the GUCCI couple necklace. i don’t think i have to explain much, if you were there or read about it — you would know how chaotically sweet that year was.
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and the first emoji yibo used ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻 is the same as the gestured they did in this photo ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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this photo too, maybe i’m wrong but when i saw it i was like — two sets of tableware? Is he on a date? lol. or maybe it’s the girlfriend fantasy they are serving here. you and gege on a date? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
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FINALLY, xz studio shared 18 photos for the first set. and 9 on the second. they could easily made it 18 + 18 cause that’s the max and i’m sure they have lots of photos. but no. it’s 18 + 9 = 27 which is yibo’s age.
I honestly thought it was gonna be chill considering the kinds of cpns we picked up on part one. but this is kinda insane. lol. I think we will still get a video? the behind the scenes of the photoshoots ( hopefully ) and i’m excited to see it!!!!!!
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panlight · 2 days
you know, last night out of boredom I was scrolling around tv tropes site and fell into a rabbit hole, and thru that I found entries for the Twilight Saga on the "Unintentionally Unsympathetic" and "Protagonist-Centered Morality" tropes that I found intriguing. Specifically about the Cullens:
In Unintentionally Unsympathetic
They are held up as the epitome of generosity and goodness. Even so, they generally are cold and anti-social to anyone who isn't another vampire or Bella, they are hostile towards the werewolves even though some (for example, Alice) never even met the werewolves before, and they are perfectly fine with letting vampires that do drink human blood hang around the area.
There's a scene in Breaking Dawn where the Cullens invite a bunch of vampires into town and give them keys to their cars so that they can feed on humans from out of town, because apparently their friends murdering people is okay so long as they don't know the people being murdered.
In Protagonist-Centered Morality
And by Breaking Dawn, the Cullens have agreed that they need backup if the Volturi are coming to get their murder on, so they call in every favor they have with the other vampires. Now, the Cullens have sworn to feed only on the blood of animals, these vampires have not, and yet the Cullens are happy to lend them their car to go hunting for humans (and vampires in the setting inevitably kill any human they feed on, unless they're turned) — just as long as Bella doesn't get hurt. Oh, and that they hunt outside Forks so people Bella knows won't die.
Yeaaa,, come to think of it, what was up with that?
My memory of the book is foggy but I did recall some narration where Bella sees the garage empty of some cars and notes that "the vampires had gone off to hunt" (even though??? they can run faster than any car so why bother? ??) and I can't remember if the movie addresses or acknowledges it but.. I DO remember the part where Aro considers having the La Push packs as "guard dogs" and Edward talks about how the idea won't work because the werewolves, being committed to protecting human life can coexist better with them/The Cullens more than the Volturi and now that I read those entries I'm just sitting here like But you're no different letting all those human-eating vampires chill at your place and causing a werewolf explosion?? And being soooo hospitable as to lend your cars for them lol!! At worse you're enabling it!! (facepalm)
Yeah this has always bothered me.
I think in the book it's specifically Edward who is lending out his keys to the visiting vampires. And, genuinely, why would these hundreds of years old nomadic vampires who don't live among humans like the Cullens do even know how to drive??
And also, they aren't even there THAT long? It's like, what? 2 weeks, max? And they don't have to feed that often. Could they really just . . . not hunt during their stay, or try the vegetarian thing to humor their supposed friends? If your vegan friend invited you to their house and you accepted their invitation, you wouldn't expect to be served bacon cheeseburgers for dinner. Or have Carlisle buy more donated human blood as he's been doing for most of the book and offer it to his guests as a 'nice compromise?'
Again, it's like SM didn't actual want to deal with any of the vampire stuff and just kind of swept it under the rug with Bella being "uncomfortable" with their hunting habits. Either a) deal with it! Show us Carlisle trying to persuade people, Emmett betting Garrett, Benjamin, Peter and Charlotte that they couldn't do it, an angry exchange when someone comes back with freshly bright red eyes, something!! or b) explain it away with an alternative like donated human blood, everyone agreeing to try the vegetarian thing, not being there long enough that hunting is necessary, etc.
If you're going to make it not matter you might as well go all the way and actually remove the moral quandary entirely. Instead we're in this sort of unsatisfying middle option when get one paragraph acknowledging that's happening but neither the 'good' vampires nor the shifters (!!) do anything about it because everything is justified in the protection of Renesmee and the furtherance of Bella's happily ever after.
Even though earlier in the! same! book! Sam says: "And inflict the menace on others? When blood drinkers cross our land, we destroy them, no matter where they plan to hunt. We protect everyone we can."
(I mean I GUESS they aren't technically crossing Quileute land but still like . . . c'mon.)
It could have been a cool source of conflict in a section of the book that really kind of needed some! Instead of Bella's little subplot with Jenks not going anywhere and fight training for a fight that never happened, we could have had something more than just, "well I don't like that they're killing people but we need them to witness so, meh."
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jazeswhbhaven · 18 hours
The Encounter of Two Flames | React | Spoilers
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HOW WE DOIN' LOVELIES? We've got ourselves a Gehenna eventtttt<3 Why not have one during the anniversary of WHB launching? Satan was our first and he's here to tell us his story.
I for one feel like it's nice getting know "young" Satan and seeing this new sprite of his.
I waited for compile the first four days together because making a post for each damn day was becoming tedious lol. Sure it's good for spreading out screenshots but my adhd is k i l l i n g me.
Let's get started tho yeah?
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"As they always do"....
Like good fucking lord Gehenna is always being attacked. I've said this once and I'll say it again like the angels really have fucking beef with Satan it seems. They barely touch the other parts of Hell.
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Cameo from the bae, thank you for letting us know your thoughts boo. ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘) ♡´
So anyways Gehenna is under fire for a different reason today, it is none other than Sitri that's burning up the entire place and even his sprite is just nothing but blue fire.
In science class ya'll, we remember that blue flames are actually hotter than the orange ones. So I can imagine it's a good thing that Solomon or MC weren't here cause yeah they would of been instantly vaporized.
But all the devils are trying to put the fire out, can't cause water ofc won't help here.
I imagine Sitri's fire is more of a energy/essence sourced fire though so ofc it can't be extinguished by "normal" methods.
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Young Satan is peak I swear. He's spunky, full of life, catty, I feel he's easily annoyed more, and just got that "it" factor. Not to say the older him is drained and used up, but definitely more mature.
So he goes to his demonic monster form, which as far as we've seen he's the only one that has a form like that. I'd like to assume the others do too but don't have to use it as often or at all.
cough we should have a h-scene with monster demon satan cough
So....why did Sitri burn up Gehenna??
Well it turns out that Sitri wasn't necessarily doing this on purpose.
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Normally, our blue haired mr perfect shoes has everything together. Here he doesn't. Phew....Sitri I know something ain't right when your room is as messy as Paimon's (canon stuff that Paimon doesn't keep his room clean lmao)
Like? even Sitri's appearance is all kinds of fucked. Dry cracked lips, fucked up hair, like our baby is not doing well ya'll.
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Andddd Belialllllll the bae <3 comes to visit. Jjyu and his loud mouthed self..
What kills me is that Sitri literally was like "I didn't hear you."
And then we find out through Belial writing it down because he didn't want Jjyu making shit worse (good call) that it wasn't Sitri's fault that the recent battle went all wrong and a lot of devils were killed in the process.
Sitri feels responsible for their deaths and is spiraling right now overthinking the past and thinking how it could have been better.
I feel sorry for him, because there was a time in my life where I would do the same and basically be so deep in my regret and guilt I neglected my health, my surroundings, my friendships...pretty much everything. It wasn't a good time so I know what Sitri is going through.
We even hear him mention that Zagan was badly injured (Astaroth too)
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Jjyu shut the hell up omg lmaooooo
(him in response to Sitri explaining that Zagan could barely speak he was hurt so badly) Belial glares at him for that btw lmao
Satan also got injured it seems so it sounds like this battle went really bad.
Sitri even asks to be alone, and well Belial gets it and leaves promptly. I really like seeing Belial be more interactive this go around because we barely get that from the Gehenna devils in the main story and the last event in Gehenna was mostly just Minhyeok and Ppyong.
This gives me an insight as to how Belial is in personality, and really aside from Jjyu, he's really just chill and seems very pleasant to be around in general. I wish we could see what his eyes look like. It would change me forever.
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So we're at the meeting that happens a few days later and well Sitri is still in a sullen mood. Since Zagan and Astaroth are out of commission, Amy was invited to come.
Oh so it seems Amy is going to be popping up since we got introduced. That's pretty nifty.
And Leraye is definitely worried about Sitri, wondering if he's sleeping, eating, and his condition has gotten worse. I imagine Sitri hasn't sleep in days since the event.
Paimon tries to lighten the mood but bless his heart it doesn't work when...
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Amy starts going off about Sitri ordering him and his men to go east, and well that was the wrong call this time. I see it as a simple miscalculation but in the heat of war...perhaps things like this can't just be mistakes. lives are at stake, and devils aren't being re-produced anymore. Their extinction is literally inevitable during these battles.
Even if it weren't, lives were still lost and Amy takes this personally because it was HIS men who were affected the most.
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I guess this seemed like the "best" time to bring up why Amy hates Sitri so much but it's like???? "because he looks like a girl?"
I'm just going to take this as Amy just not liking how elegant Sitri is with everything and how it compares to his rough and rash behavior. I don't think he truly would care if anyone looks more feminine.
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And well because Amy started some shit, Sitri took a piece of paper, spat in it and threw it at Amy. So naturally...here we are.
Now a couple things about this scene...Zagan is present...and then there's a random devil there which this a private meeting for the nobles so why????
idk....let's just keep going lol
So Amy goes on to further berate Sitri and saying that he's aware that him and his subordinates have to follow orders once they get them from the center, so if the orders were better thought out his men wouldn't of died.
Sitri tells him why doesn't he kill him then since it was as if he did it himself and Amy is all like ????
And here we see more of their banter dynamic and it's almost as if Amy literally just holds back and only fights with words. Sitri physically maims and does things to him just as we saw in the previous event.
He even broke his wrist here like damn. And came in like-
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Like good lord Sitri chill
And then Sitri starts to smack the shit out of him and cuss him out some more and Paimon stops the fight because Amy is literally about to give him a concussion at this point. Paimon invited Amy because he felt it would be good to go over the battle with him there but he realizes all it did was make things worse.
Leraye goes to even try and talk with Sitri to see if he's taking care of himself and well, obviously he's not. He's still focused on the battle and his mistakes.
A few days later happens and Sitri is front and center because Amy pretty much said he isn't listening to him anymore and doing what he thinks is best.
And Sitri isn't doing so hot in battle either. He's shooting without a plan or strategy, other devils are just standing around. Yes angel's are dying but he's just...doing whatever and hasn't had proper sleep or anything.
He's such a mess Satan had to come in and kick his ass in the middle of battle and set him straight.
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So it's safe to say that Satan doesn't like tasteless and useless anger. There has to be a purpose for your anger and for him to thrive on it and he just ain't diggin' it from Sitri at the moment.
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Oh boy...I don't have a good feeling about that.
So we go back to the time when Gehenna was up in flames. We have Leraye snippin' and doin' his thing and Ppyong helping with bringing over bullets. They then notice Sitri on the battlefield and he seems to be killing every single angel accurately but....our boy Leraye knows best.
He tells Ppyong to STOP Sitri because this isn't a planned attack, he is literally killing everyone that gets in his range. Doesn't matter if it's angel or devil.
Sitri is literally so damn tired he can't even notice or care anymore and is just going at it.
And that's when everyone notices the flames at the same time. They are erupting from Sitri's body.
Belial even uses his hoarse voice to call out to Sitri and we know that's serious.
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And sorry like I know that Sitri is in a bad place and bad spot rn but he looks so pretty here. The blue and pink contrasts are definitely a Sitri signature look.
But yeah that fire is way too hot for anyone to do anything. Even Leraye is told that he can't help. So Ppyong runs off to find Amy to help.
Leraye does attempt though, but it's no use, and Paimon had to come and save him. (they're so cute I love them)
And ya'll it was THREE damn days that fires were going and THREE days that Sitri was like that just in the middle of the square. Also...damn why did it take three days for Ppyong to go find Amy? (he explains later that the teleportation talisman just couldn't keep up with Amy)
But the Gehenna bois are all going over how they don't blame Sitri, they blame themselves for letting him hold that weight of being responsible for everything that happens. It's that weight that led to his current state and now things were worse off for everyone but they feared most for Sitri's life and well-being.
But Amy finally shows up and well his attempts to help the situation were hopeful at first...but sadly...
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Amy gets stabbed in the stomach with one of the iron maiden spikes...which at this point are surrounding Sitri like vines to protect him. This raw power is actually quite impressive if it weren't ya know killing everyone around him in a blind haze.
I wonder if he was able to tap into that while training in Hades?
But...yeah I was rooting for Amy to bring him back here because you know frenemies and stuff like that (or for those who ship them only Amy can bring him back)
BUT Satan comes to the rescue!
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Poor Amy, I swear he's always gettin' tossed around and shit lol
Also as many times Amy has been slashed and punctured in the stomach you would assume he'd never recover from that.
But we have something important here that I'd like to talk about for a minute that Satan reveals...
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He mentions that Sitri is dealing with depression and that he must have gotten it from him. If we remember from his info card he is the embodiment of depression in Hell. He is depression. So his right hand devil that's always around him? Yeah eventually he's gonna get bit by the bug.
And I like that Satan isn't the typical representation of depression either. He always seems upbeat, active, and doing everything and anything. But as we have seen in the main story he has emotional wounds that haven't healed and he wonders if they will. He was speaking of the loss of Solomon, but I'm sure there's more to it than that which existed way before he even met him.
Now we see that Sitri is literally not taking care of himself, wallowing, self destructing, that's what most folks usually see and demonize when folks are going through IRL depression. They never seem to pay attention to the person who has it all together because why would they have depression? they're doing fine right?
n o p e.
So here we are...knowing the source. And why Satan has decided to be the one to save Sitri. And well since he can't do that as himself he has to transform to his monster form to do it.
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I'd just like to bring up that he's so damn cute here. The jokester.
But it seems that Satan doesn't take his monster form often. We've seen it first when he met Solomon to test him, we see it when he fights Mammon that one time in one of the comics iirc, and we see it now.
I wonder when was the first time he ever had to use his monster form?
But either way, he carries Sitri out of the flames, and even though Sitri is still on fucking fire burning on his back Satan can handle it. Even Astaroth is concerned and comes to see if Satan is okay.
Satan starts traveling somewhere..."where memories flicker" to go put out the fire though, and everyone is following him.
Satan keeps mentioning that Sitri kept a promise to him that he wouldn't die. And I think we will get to the root of that soon.
And that's when we go to a F L A S H B A C K
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So...with this bit of info this is what I've gathered-
-Satan, Belphie, Mammon, and Leviathan all were already here before Lucifer was
-Gehenna was not in existence yet, but Tartaros and Hades were
-This possibly happened around the same time that Mammon was trapped (or after)
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S T O P fueling my damn SHIP (and by stop I mean keep doing it.)
So apparently in a land assuming early Gehenna there were rumors of a beautiful beast, and Satan was like "oh levi??? :D" but clearly not him lol
I just think it's funny that his first thought was Leviathan. (he'd be like yeah think of me first you idiot)
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the babiessssssssssss
They must have been before Ppyong because I don't see him here. So hopefully we get to see when Ppyong arrived!!
So what Satan is doing right now is traveling with these three going to find what this beast is and if he can find his right hand devil in order to help him build his kingdom.
Coming of age story it seems...lol
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Now this background made me be like oh....it's a pond literally full of rank ass blood.
Now i'm gonna gross ya'll out, but every time I see things like this I think of how period blood smells when it's been sitting on a pad for too long or in the trashcan with other bloody pads and it just smells really bad like tissue and blood because that's what it is....
But yeah I scrunched my nose because I'm like Hell is not the place for me and my nose I'd literally wish for sense of smell to vanish.
one of the red lumps throws up and well I don't blame him...lol
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nice to know that he says that to basically everyone and everything even in his past lol
BUT it seems tomorrow we're going to see who it is he's calling out to, my guess is it's probably Sitri because well...the story IS about them meeting after all.
There we have it ya'll, day one through four! I think for the rest of the days I'm just going to do two days at a time for each post I make instead of waiting four days because phew this was lot of catching up and writing lol
I'm realllyyyy feelin' Satan's look here btw. I've mentioned that already but Imma do it again lol
But overall so far I think I'm learning a lot about Sitri in a way I'd like to know more about Bael or Foras tbh since they are the right hand devils. I know we had a Niflheim event that showed Beleth, but I want to know what it is he did to fall to Hell and what that scar around his neck is about. And for those who didn't get Beel's bathcard we do get some of Bael's lore in there but only a crumb.
But alas...possibly may or may not get this but we'll see...
ANYWAYS thanks for reading and see ya'll on the next react ^^
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absolutebl · 3 hours
I've been out of the bl loop for a while (give or take a year tbh) and I am honestly overwhelmed at all the stuff coming up recently in bl... Is there top five you'd suggest from the past year among thai stuff (the rest bl-producing countries have a manageable lists of releases ig)
Thank you so much for your time and patience! :D
Top 5 Thai BLs from the past year? (2024)
Well it's a contentious field and there has been a lot, so I'll narrow it further and give you 2024 so far, from my personal favorites but specifically ones that I believe added to the zeitgeist in some significant way.
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The Sign
This show is literally everything (except straight) all at once. It's BL, queer, band of brothers, romcom, erotica, PNR, fated mates, police procedural, fantasy, mystery, suspense, and slasher. It’s the king of genre mash-up chaos. Sure, it's madness but there is genius in it. Was it a crazy unhinged mess +1 roll for damage? Yes. Yes it was. Did it manage to hold all those tangled threads together? No it did not. Was it also a charming, sexy, engaging, non-stop piece of entertainment? Sure thing. I think this show is basically my KinnPorsche, and frankly I’ve been chasing that dragon naga since KP aired. Is it perfect? No. But it was balls to the wall FUN.
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Cherry Magic (Thai remake)
A soft charming warm hug of a show about crushes and mind reading and self worth that really worked for me. With no-fuss execution from a consummate team (at GMMTV) and an OG lead pair (proving why they remain eternal and deserve to grow up). Look, here’s the thing, Cherry Magic is a great Thai BL in its own right - not comparing it to any other iteration. But even when I do compare (and I've seen all the Cherries and read the manga) it stands strong. I, personally, like the Thai BL slightly better than the Japanese live action yaoi, but I think that’s because I just really enjoy Thai BL's style and I LOVE TayNew. Also all the kissing was both present and better in this version. As it should be from Thailand.
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Century of Love
This is a very pretty drama about a young man who fell in love with a nice girl 100 years ago, and when she died in his arms, he was cursed to live until he could meet her reborn self. Only this time around, she’s reborn into the body of a man. Or is she? I love it when Thailand gets all up in its own historical business and reincarnation and shizz. I like this pair (it’s not DaouOffroad’s fault I didn’t enjoy their first series.) Daou’s wushu is snazzy and we got a unique meet cute. (Erm… Remeet cute? Meet cute 2.0?) Ultimately, this is I Feel You Linger in the Air + First Love Again, rather than (as one might expect) Until We Meet Again or The Director Who Buys Me Dinner. The leads turned in great performances, although Daou outclassed everybody else on that screen. It’s a good story and a great BL and I can’t find any major faults with it beyond a certain level of camp that is sadly endemic to lakorns. It was, to put it succinctly, a VERY ENJOYABLE show. 
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Wandee Goodday
This is the only "typical" BL I'll be recommending on this list and that's because this is such a FUN show. A charming quintessentially modern Thai BL about a doctor and a boxer who start as a one night stand and then fall in love. Great rep for everything from Muay Thai, to safe sex, to FUN sex, to ace, to bisexuality, to smiley kisses, to the first legal gay wedding in a Thai BL. It’s a delight and I enjoyed (almost) every single moment of it. With out question it's best traits are active positive representations of green flag boys, communication, and grown-up relationships but the chemistry is on point too. Highly recommended as one of 2024's best pick-me-ups. (We need it, been a bit of a downer year.)
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We Are
If Wandee Goodday is your happy pill, We Are is the warmest hug on the planet. Of the ones on this list, this is the only one I've already rewatched. 2x (High praise!) I loved show. It was slow to find its stride (I didn’t get into it until ep 6) but I’m so glad I gave it a chance. It’s a soft ensemble piece with multiple couples and very little plot, but I didn’t care because it’s not trying to be anything more substantial. Essentially this was a series of vignettes covering one year of uni for a queer friendship group finding love, new friends, and laughter. It’s not being harsh with us or it’s characters the way some offerings of this ilk have been (side eyes Friend Zone and Only Friends) nor did it tumble into Gen Y chaos. In fact, this reminded me more than anything of a refined and elevated Love Sick - just with older characters and occurring within a genre that has matured too. In it's own quiet way, it was groundbreaking. It has that close queer friendship group meets earnest gentleness that made me adore Love Sick and Make It Right so much. In other words, this was Thai BL at its finest, finding it roots again 10 years on, but also stretching upwards and showing us what it could do with that original seed. So? I adored it. Did it blow my mind? No. But it left me smiling and made me belly laugh quite a bit.
I hope you give these 5 a chance.
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 18 hours
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Remember those other 3 times I turned sekai characters into dinos (L/N MMJ VBS) I'm back with more of that crap i know Wanshow fans just looove their AUs so maybe this will appeal to a whole 3 people instead of 2 people this time
explanation for my picks below the cut
Tsukasa is a Styracosaurus because I made Saki a Stellosaurus which is another ceratopsian and also its frill is like vaguely star shaped kinda sorta not really
I don't have much to say about him so can i just mention how awful that Stellasaurus drawing is.
Yeah only recently did i start figuring out how the fuck to draw decent ceratopsians I am so sorry (the struggle is real i almost accidentally gave tsukasa 2 left feet here i swear i know what i'm doing)
I should redo that Saki at some point, girl deserves so much better than that wonkey crap. speaking of ceratopsians i opted out of giving him protofeathers unlike Saki idk they just didn't look right on him you can kinda go either way with most ceratopsians so i just do it when the vibe fits and don't when the vibe doesn't fit
Rui is a Troodon because Troodons are often associated with intelligence because they have the biggest brain to skull ratio of any dino, there's kinda no real way to know how intelligent dinos were but troodon just has the reputation of the smart dinosaur and people often depict them using tools like how crows do and that's like kinda like how rui does robot stuff, he also just fits the raptor shape sorta i feel like raptors have that sorta look to them that is like a similar vibe to the one Rui has, even tho Rui is the tallest character in sekai I feel like he's a mid sized dinosaur, does that make sense? no, but it does to me and i make the rules he's also 100% a feathered dino so it fits
Speaking of Troodon all you 2 paleo nerds reading this are getting war flashbacks from the name Troodon because Troodon itself has a interesting history of being a "wastebasket taxon" which is nerd talk for "scientists just threw a bunch of vaguely similar animals into this one category and didn't consider that maybe this was like 5 different animals and what would be the long term consequences of doing that" yes this is a thing that has happened enough times that there is a word for it
that shit still as of now isn't sorted out I don't think, I at least based my Troodon off the big one from Alaska that literally does not have a fucking name and is just like "the Alaska Troodon". I feel like the size fits and imma be real its the Troodon you see everywhere in media these days because its big and cool and it lived with Pachyrhinosaurus and Nanuqsaurus and also people like it cuz drawing dinosaurs in the snow is fucking awesome (boom i just tricked you into learning paleontology history)
Emu is an Archeopteryx because Emu is supposed to be like a phoenix and Archeopteryx could probably fly or glide or smth it's general considered like "the first bird" so like yeah (now that i think about it i could've made her pyroraptor cuz of the name but also she doesn't fit the vibes of a raptor at all i guess pyroraptor has the whole fire bird thing from its name) Emu would also be a small feathered dinosaur for sure so it fits in that sense too.
Nene is a Stegosaurus because the plates kinda look like her hair thing and her outfit in general and i feel like nene would have those tail spikes for some reason idk it just fits her energy, she'd def be a herbivore as well i feel. Also i personally just associate stegosaurus with the color green personally idk why (at first i was thinking she would be iguanodon because that's another dinosaur that's green in my head but she has like nothing in common with iguanodon lmao)
I guess nenerobo would be an Ankylosaurus than because that would like probably be the logical robot version of a stegosaurus maybe idk would nenerobo exist in this universe, you decide idk
i guess next one is that last one unless i wanna redo the vocaloids in this style or redraw saki at some point or whatever see you whenever that happens in however long it takes
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bylerlives · 2 days
byler nation how are we feeling about the supposed love interest for will?
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im not too concerned for a number of reasons:
They got him wearing blue like mike usually does, so if that's not a way of connecting the two of them i'm not sure what is
season 1 and 2 there was a theme of feeling like you were being left behind and getting jealous over a new friend; in season 1 it was lucas being jealous about mike hanging out with el and then in season 2 it was will being jealous of mike for hanging out with el once again and in both instances mike was at the center of the jealousy so it would make sense for season 5 to turn the tables so to speak and have mike experience what his other friends experienced in terms of that jealousy, especially when we know that season 5 is about bringing everything full circle
this new guy is wearing glasses and sure it could be that the actor just needs glasses but it could also be a character trait of this new boy being super observant and maybe noticing how will is acting and befriending him and in turn, helping him see the connection he has with mike
There are only eight episodes and they are in the middle of an apocalypse, and sure, there are time jumps, but i dont think the duffers are going to want to stretch out the byler plot too much, they have a lot of other ships they need to wrangle and creating a new ship when there is already an established one that needs to get it's stuff together (ahem byler) does not make any sense
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foreststarflaime · 1 day
Ok you did swords (fabulous), how about AGSZC as dragons? (Rawr)
Oh you are speaking my language!!! 🐉 You caught me while reading my beloved Loki comics so this turned out rather poetic and metaphysical lol
Angeal: There is a dragon whose scales are as indomitable as proud mountains, known to all the kingdoms throughout the land. Known, but not feared—for his hoard is not one of gold, but of love. He is strict, but fair—if your heart is true, he is quick to love you, and you go forth from his presence with his blessing and protection. It is said by the bards of old that all shields came from his shed scales, gifted so that they might protect their wielders from harm.
Genesis: There is a dragon from whose breath burns the fire of the hearth, a fire around which all storytellers sit to weave their words of glory and doom, to bring hope and awe to any who need it. His tongue is of silver and his scales of burnished ruby, glinting gold in the firelight. His fire can bring ruin to a countryside, but that ruin will also bring rebirth, with new green shoots emerging from the ashes—it will grow stronger, this time. He may kidnap a princess or two from time to time, but that’s mostly so Angeal will come tell him off (give him and his stories the attention they deserve).
Sephiroth: There is a dragon who fell to earth one fateful day. Ever since he could remember, he had soared through the stars, borne aloft on the ethereal winds of the cosmos to wonder at its vast majesty. But this day, he peered too hard in his solitude at a planet bustling with life, and in doing so he strayed too close and was drawn by its gravity to crash upon its soil. His wings, made of the stuff of stardust, could not bear him aloft again, built for the soft breath of space as they were. So now he spends his days gazing at the beauty of the night sky, and finds some solace in the stories of wonder Genesis spins for his mind’s eye, and the stalwart companionship of Angeal.
Zack: There is a dragon who is often seen running amongst the wolves, only a bit larger than them, whose hoard-instinct is fulfilled by treasuring all of life’s experiences. He loves the freedom of running on the open plain, teasing his wolf-friends on occasion by picking them up suddenly for a quick glide down from a larger hill. He is often mistaken for a hatchling, but when he or anyone he loves is threatened, you will be assured by the strength of his teeth in your throat that he is just as fierce as any larger dragon.
Cloud: There is a dragon who was hatched with coal-black scales, smaller than most and quiet. Most were inclined to think him easy prey, and he only seethed at their mistake, but did not correct it. He took each blow the world threw at him, looking to the stars and dreaming of something greater. Eventually, the pressure built up enough that his scales turned diamond-blue and sharper than anything the world had seen. He suffered no bully any longer, to him or to any other.
Um. I’m attached. I guess I have a dragon au now
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