#but haven't got around to doing it until now
CoD Headcanons: Back From a Mission Gone Wrong
A/N: Hello friends! So sorry for not posting in a while. Will try to post some hcs and fics more often!
Please check out my 200 follower giveaway if you want a chance to win a customized fic!!
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He's so pissed
At first, he doesn't say a thing 
But finally he explodes
Yelling, getting up close
He won't back down until he's got it all out
And once he does, he just walks away to cool down
"You're fucking insane! You're a trained soldier, not some war hero in a movie!" 
"LT, it was just-"
His voice raised even higher until he was shouting. "No excuses! It was fucking reckless and you know it!"
"What, and you don't get to-"
"Shut the fuck up! This isn't a fucking game! I'm so sick of you trying to pull these stunts. You wanna be punished for insubordination? This is the third fucking time you haven't listened to me! And I'm so fucking sick of it!"
You felt your face growing hot. Everyone stared at the two of you as Ghost continued to yell at you. It felt so unfair. You were just doing what you thought was right. But now he was acting like you have never done a single thing right. With a thick swallow, you lowered your head. You couldn't say a thing. He eventually stopped. And once he did, he walked away, leaving you to face the stares of everyone else.
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Absolutely in shambles
He was so scared that you were gonna die 
He's dealt with this before, but not in a way like this
Soap has never been so terrified
So as soon as he sees you, he clings onto you
Soap's arms were wrapped securely around you. Normally, you wouldn't mind the affection. But now that your arm was in a sling and you were trying to eat lunch, this was more of a nuisance. You groaned, trying to shake off your clingy boyfriend. He didn't budge. It's been only one day since you came back, but he's acting like you'd disappear in a puff of smoke.
"Soap, I need to eat."
He shook his head. "Five more minutes."
"Are you not embarrassed? We're literally in the cafeteria and everyone is staring." You tried pushing him off once again. No luck. 
"I don't care. I almost lost you, so I'm never letting you go again."
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He tries to make it seem like he was calm
He knows your strengths and how you manage to pull through
But Gaz can't help but let out a sigh of relief when he sees you in the infirmary
Gaz would sit down next to you and flash you a smile
Crack a joke about how you're immortal
"Well, well, well. You made it back. How unlucky." Gaz sat next to you on the cot. 
You snorted and rolled your eyes. "Wow. I love your concern for me."
"I can't be concerned." He reached out, grabbing your hand. "I know you'll always come back to me."
"Of course I will."
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A mix of anger and concern
The type to be super silent 
That's when you know you've fucked up
Lecture in his office
Will hug you after
The office was silent except for the ticking of his clock. You watched as Price sat back in his seat, smoking a cigar. Your uninjured hand tapped nervously against your thigh. He had just spent the past twenty minutes lecturing you on being more careful and vigilant on missions. But now was the scary part. The silence.
"Captain, I'm really sorry." You finally managed to speak. "I thought I was in the clear. They just came out of nowhere, and I-"
Your words were interrupted as he suddenly got up from his desk. He stalked over to you and leaned down. He hugged you tightly. Cigar smoke curled around the both of you like a second embrace. Your body relaxed.
"Don't ever do that again."
"Yes, sir."
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He's there when you arrive on base
Immediately looks you over to make sure you're okay
Will mutter under his breath at how reckless you are
But praises you for getting out of there alive
Alejandro was staring at you with his arms crossed as you limped off the aircraft. You could already see the gears turning in his mind, deciding if he should scold you or immediately send you to the infirmary. When you finally stood in front of him, he lifted your chin with his fingers.
"Look at you. How reckless." He mumbled under his breath. His eyes traveled over your face.
"I know. But you did good, getting out of there alive. I'm proud of you."
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The type of anxious guy that has to be doing something
He knows your hurt when you come back, but he isn't there to see you
Instead, he's in the gym, working out
You actually have to find him 
When he sees you, he just kinda breaks down a bit
König wasn't waiting for you when you got back from the mission. You wanted nothing more than to collapse in his arms and complain about how everything went wrong. And yet, he was nowhere to be found. You searched practically the whole base before finding him in the gym, lifting weights.
"I'm back." You said, walking closer to him.
His back was facing you. "I know."
"Can you look at me?"
He turned around. You could just see his shoulders deflate as he looked at your injured body. You sighed and walked up to him. He buried you in a tight hug, his cheek resting on your head. He squeezed you as tightly as possibly. You felt almost bad for messing up on the mission and worrying him.
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Calls you idiotic, but brave
Has a bright smile on his face
Can't believe you got out of there alive
Tells you to not do that shit again
Keegan's hands slowly ran down your arms as he looked over you. His eyes were shining with pride. You had just come stumbling out of the Humvee, dizzy and disoriented. After throwing off your helmet, you stare up at Keegan.
"I didn't die!"
"No, you didn't. You're so stupid."
"But brave, right?"
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Will make fun of you
Never thought you would fuck up a mission that badly
Will be incredibly annoying about it
Doesn't even offer to help you?!
Graves couldn't stop laughing. He was doubled over, his hand clutching his stomach. You stood in front of him, battered and bruised. A glare was on your face as you waited for him to finish. Of course he wasn't concerned. He was an asshole, why would he be?
"I can't believe you fucked up so badly!"
"You crashed into a ditch!"
"Graves, I am bleeding profusely! Shut up and help me!"
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cuckaracha · 1 day
Ohhh please give Ace opinions. I love seeing people yap about Ace
With pleasure ^_^!
V spoilers talk! V
Most of my opinions were revealed to be sort of true on the last episode so it wouldn't surprise me if this is one-to-one what everyone believes now: Ace to me seems like an extremely love starved person, like, its so painfully obvious that he's faced some sort of neglect in his life. So much so to the point that he keeps himself guarded all the time to avoid falling for the trap of liking someone and then they immediately turn on him. Hence what he said to Levi during the trial. Ace is feels too much. He's well aware of his surroundings and how shitty he acts, but if he doesn't feel anger or fear, the loneliness kicks in. It's a toxic cycle of self-hatred, low self-esteem and cynicism. Though I do believe that it's mostly the situation making his bad habits shine more brightly, because during the prologue/chapter1, Ace is kind of just a bratty jock. He cracks jokes, he hangs out with everyone and he seems to not be plagued as much by his fear unless you breach the topic.
Hence why I personally think that there's no other person like Levi to be used as foil for him. Regardless of how you think on their relationship, be it romantic or platonic or whatever, it's nothing new that their attitudes clash so much, it comes back around to them covering each other's weakness very well. A little guy that feels to much and is scared of giving out of fear of being hurt, and a big guy that feels too little that gives to others out of necessity. So when taken to their natural extreme, they would very obviously have problems, specially under the circumstances that they're both in. Ace, tragically believing the one thing he knew he shouldn't have, and Levi hopelessly attempting to fix what he inadvertently broke. It's peak toxic yaoi imo.
(which also, at least in my opinion, makes Levi the one true Ace lover. None of the other boys have as much of their nuance intrinsically mangle with Ace's as him. But again, that's just me. Ship this little freak with however boy you want. Fuck it. Make him a slut even.)
The other thing that has popped in my mind a lot is his family situation. I know with my take of his family, he's like a middle child or whatever, but that was just me wanting to be contrarian to the obvious, more solid interpretation of Ace being the eldest of the 9 brothers. Because when you think about, him being forced into jockeying by his family to maintain them economically makes sense. He hates it, but if he doesn't do it, he'll be the loser everyone knows him to be. He'd be disposed of by his family, believing that they only care about him for his talent and the money that comes from it. And if he doesn't do it, the job might fall to one of his younger siblings. Something he can't morally do. Because as much of a stupid little shithead as he is, he's not an idiot. Ace knows what's right and what's wrong. He understands the cruelty of the world to an extent. And as such. He's forced into being the breadmaker for his big ass family until the day he either retires or dies.
All this to say. I love Ace Markey. He's such a silly little goofball full of depression and anxiety that is one fart away from going insane. Like I haven't even touched on my thoughts on Taylor (which I also got right on my earlier theory) and how that affects the Ace economy. I relate so much to this guy it's fucking unreal. I don't think I've ever hyperfixated on a character this much. Like. So much so that I even got a fucking custom plushie made out of him and am constantly drawing him.
Anyways thanks for listening to my old man ramble, have an Ace my friend Fennex made.
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yanderes-galore · 2 days
Oooh how about yandere scenario where Macaque grows obsessed with the platonic female travel healer reader who’s also a monkey demon , who was around him when he came back from the dead, and nurse him back to health, but what if reader had to leave after his treatment was done👀 (if you want to include a prompt , maybe 1 “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” From ddarker-dreams)
I assume you meant they're both platonic with each other and not just the obsession being platonic. Either way, I struggled on this plot-wise... but I hope it came out okay.
Familiar Face
Yandere! Platonic! Macaque with Healer! Monkey Demon! Darling Scenario
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Macaque has a thing for scents, Kidnapping, Forced companionship.
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Macaque was a face you haven't seen in a long time.
You already knew of him, as a fellow monkey demon you naturally knew of the others. You were on friendly terms with Wukong and Macaque when the two got along with one another. Yet after their falling out, and Macaque being sent to the Underworld to suffer, you took up the job of a wandering healer.
While Wukong became a hero as the Monkey King, you wandered the lands helping those in need. Many knew you as a helpful monkey demon compared to your more mischievous compatriots. Always finding those in need to help... before leaving on your way again.
You've had many patients. Human and demon alike. However... you don't think you could have ever been prepared for meeting who you did today.
Macaque himself, a thousand-yard stare on his face as he looks... lost? Confused?
You kept your distance until he collapsed on the ground, then you felt obligated to help.
Your usual routine was to set up a camp to help your patients. Quickly you got to work setting up a tent with two bedrolls before doing your best to pick up the other monkey demon. Once setting him inside... you got to work.
You started with an herbal remedy for exhaustion, making a tea before waking Macaque up. Naturally... your old friend was... combative. You should've expected that from someone supposedly straight out of the underworld.
It took a lot of reasoning, bickering, and some restraints before Macaque calmed down. It appeared the other monkey didn't recognize you at first. Yet once you calmed him and passed over your remedy, you saw a glint of recognition in his eyes.
There's a long silence as Macaque recovers. You let him keep quiet, sitting back in your tent as he sips your remedy. What feels like a half an hour passes before he acknowledges you properly.
"... So... it's you...?" Macaque murmurs, still recovering as he sips the tea you gave him. It's not entirely his thing but it is helping. You snort, looking him over as your tail sways.
"Yeah, you're lucky I crossed your path when I did...." You sigh, curiously watching the shadow monkey. "You aren't supposed to be here... How'd you even get here?"
There's a long awkward pause before Macaque laughs nervously.
"Long story! I guess you could say I got some help... I promise I'll... behave this time." Macaque laughs softly, although you can tell it's a bit forced. "Geez... You're doing this now? Running around doing...?"
"I help people, Macaque." You answer, checking over your supplies. "That's what I've chosen to dedicate my time to. I roam and help people."
"You're playing hero?" Macaque scoffs, immediately reminded of the fact you and Wukong got to be helpful while he was cast into the depths. "You taking after him?"
"It's nothing like that." You huff, sitting in front of him. Macaque can't help but watch you intently... despite the edge in his tone. "I get restless sitting still. People look to me for help. I enjoy doing that."
Macaque merely gives a grunt of disapproval as he curls his tail around himself. It was... pleasant to see a familiar face. He's just... envious he had to suffer for so long.
You're still just as helpful as he remembers... it's both pleasant and infuriating.
"Right, of course, free spirit and all...." Macaque murmurs, golden eyes trained on you before freezing when you came closer.
"I'm checking you over for wounds...." You reassure him, taking note of his suddenly flicking tail. "Stop acting so damn grumpy... I'm trying to help...."
Macaque is stunned by your comment but reluctantly relents. He can't deny he always enjoyed your scent and touch. You were always soothing... always easing his stress even around Wukong.
The word fate flashes into his mind but he flinches and ignores it. He was simply... lucky. Lucky to have met you again... one of his best companions...
Fate and destiny are such silly concepts.
But as Macaque lets you check him over, he can't help but... admire you still. You two weren't just on "friendly terms" to him. To him... you two were true friends.
Yet when he confronted Wukong and the two fought... He saw his female monkey friend nowhere.
At the time, and a little now, Macaque resented you for that. You were no doubt either told by Wukong to leave or were off helping someone else. All while Macaque was left to suffer without your presence.
Smelling your scent, the distinct scent of herbs and female monkey, only brought up memories. Memories of he, Wukong, and you together. Memories before all the hurt.
The thought nearly brings tears to his golden eyes but he hides it. He shakes a bit at the feeling, causing you to look up at him confused. Macaque merely glares... even when he doesn't mean it.
Having you help him felt like no coincidence...
If fate... destiny really brought you two together...
Macaque would be a fool to let you slip out of his grasp again.
Recovery didn't take long for Macaque. Yet the fellow mystic monkey managed to drag out your stay for an entire week and a half. He excused it as 'catching up'... all in hopes of seeing his healer monkey friend again.
You often monitored Macaque carefully throughout his recovery. While normally cunning and mischievous, he seemed strangely behaved with you. He took every remedy you gave him with no complaint and overall just acted playful.
It reminded you of old times when your only concerns was eating fruit with your friends. You could tell Macaque was particularly fond of those times. Throughout the week he kept bringing them up, smiling as he clung to you.
Your reunion was surprisingly sweet with him. You were so caught up in remembering those pleasant memories you nearly didn't notice his change in demeanor. The longer he was with you... the clingier he was.
Despite being friends, Macaque often wrapped his arms around you. His tail always right around your waist or entwined with your own. You don't recall him being this clingy before...
But you could only guess what he went through.
Your time with him was pleasant yet you couldn't shake the thought of there being something... off. Not only was his appearance suspicious, but he seemed way too... clingy. You enjoyed seeing your old friend again...
Yet you should really continue on your way....
"You're all healed." You comment, putting your things away. "It was nice to see you again, old friend... Behave, will you?"
Macaque watches you pack up your supplies, dread pooling in his gut for a moment. He... had originally made it his goal to get revenge on Wukong... but he didn't want you to leave. He should let you leave and go about his original plan...
Yet the idea of losing your scent, your warmth...
You freeze when Macaque grabs your tail, peeking over your shoulder. He forces a grin when you glance back at him. You feel intimidated immediately as his grip tightens.
"Leaving so soon, friend?" Macaque purrs playfully, his voice barely hiding a dangerous tone. "I thought you liked me around?
"Macaque, let me go. We'll meet again some other day..." You reason, only for Macaque to shake his head with a chuckle.
"Sorry, girl..." Macaque whispers, pulling you close. "Don't think I can let you do that...."
"Let go, Macaque...!" You growl, earning another chuckle from the shadow behind you.
"Why ever would I do that?" Macaque muses, slinking in front of you. "Don't you know I missed you, my friend? I missed the girl of our mystic friend group... and how she always helped people..."
Macaque steps closer, his stance predatory.
"Even if the person she helped was dangerous..." Macaque coos, leaning in to place a hand on your shoulder. "She still helped... even if it got her into trouble... isn't that right, friend?"
"Wh—?" You go to respond, yet dark hands erupt from your own shadow and trap you. You struggle the best you can, panicking. Macaque only watches with a grin, tail swaying.
"So sorry to do this... but I can't just let you go now, can I?" Macaque pouts, circling you. "I haven't seen you for what feels like millennium. Being lonely really hurts...."
Macaque then embraces you from the front after he finishes his circle, his tail wrapping around yours securely.
"Don't you know we were meant to meet again?" Macaque whispers with a mischievous grin. "You were meant to help me. Us, two friends, together again...!"
You still try to struggle, but Macaque's grip tightens.
"Afraid I can't let you go anywhere, friend." Macaque purrs, patting your head.
"You're stuck with me now... destiny demands it...." Macaque hums, playful as he nuzzles into your fur.
"You've always been too naive for your own good... Helping people can be dangerous, y'know...!"
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salemsimss · 2 years
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I finally did it! Thank you @whalesims for the tag <3
Blank Template | Credit: @enniewritesathing
Tagging: @helltrait @blackfern @okruee @hazelsnakes @deathbypufferfish @veone @red-simulation @emeraldpixels @rebouks and YOU
Hope you guys don't mind being tagged aaaa
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releasing this from the hj discord dungeon because the public populace was in agreement also i'm chronically offline on tumblr and need to fix that for my chronically online ahh
#hand jumper#webtoon#sayeon lee#she couldn't even enjoy herself once she gets into the decent university because she got sent to the corps sayeon lee my giiirl#SHE'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO BASK IN THE GLORY OF VALEDICTORIAN BECAUSE SHE WAS CONSCRIPTED 😭#bro she's built like those kids in school who dump social interaction the moment exam season comes around#she's built like and earned that first honours fr.#but the corps said nah so she did the one thing those kids do make life even HARDER for themselves#even if in context it's no even hard it's just a matter of survival in the corps so success is the only option lest you die#hj reminds me of kaiji a lot with how they handle this but they're like two different genres but i digress#so she created TWO short term goals that forced her to hammer down her if not reinforce her previous values/beliefs#and if you read fp or wait until this tuesday lemme tell you rn it gets worse#which force her back into her shell and wall she's built#which is fucked up bc juni's wall is coming down when cell 4 didn't die as quick as she'd thought and surpassed her expectations#sayeon try not to be any characters narrative foil/parallel challenge fail 1000% speedrun#this only gets worse in fp and while this was in my drafts since the morning#i will say i literally just had a conversation abt this with my g bigbrainmanyvibes before prematurely leaving for lunch#but i set an alarm to actually post all the memes i made here so imma do this one now then the rest later#JOIN THE HJ DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND WAY EASIER TO USE!!!!![to me......]#PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#that's it for my obligatory plug for the hj discord you can stop reading now i you haven't already stopped because i make this thing a diar#anw GLORY TO SAYJIN NATION!!!!!!!!!
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xxxemilyg1996 · 2 months
It's been a good week. The first good week I've had in a while. I hope you all also have better days coming your way
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neriyon · 3 months
Gotta ask for 15 and 20 for the pre-dawntrail wol questions! 😌
Pre-Dawntrail WoL questions
15. What would your wol be if they weren't the wol? What would they do as a job or career? Would they be happier?
Hawu'li would be some sort of travelling healer! Slowly going around from village to village, focusing on helping places that might not have their own resident healer. So technically not that different from now haha - just with a lot less god-killing and world saving, and more focus on individual cases.
As for how happy he would be: he'd defenitely like that and could not think of a better career, but he'd never meet even half of the people he meets now and I feel like that'd be a huge loss for him. Not to mention his separation anxiety would probably always stay around the ARR/HW levels (bad), since he might not have companions he'd slowly grow to trust to be there even when he can't see them at that exact moment.
20. What is your wol's best quality? What's the thing that they do that really gets stuff done of makes people like them? Hard mode: their own perception vs. a friend or partner's perception.
Hmm, I was first gonna say kindness, but maybe his very social nature? He's not afraid to start conversations and seems to naturally get along with people he meets. Like every time Scions arrive to a new location and start the "time to do some chores to get friends", chances are Hawu'li's already chatting up some random passerby. Leave him at it for a hour or so and he'll most likely return with 5 new friends ready to answer questions.
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desire to make my dawntrail release alt a monk main vs. knowledge that queueing as dps sucks actual absolute ass and i am not strong enough to put up with that
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thetriangletattoo · 1 year
what do I do when someone asks to show my art and I only have fandom art like one single fandom art
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ereborne · 5 months
Song of the Day: April 15
"Something in the Way She Moves" by James Taylor
#song of the day#it's been two weeks + two days since the last song of the day#the issue is you see that I started the songs up again in December because my insomnia was fucking up my perception of time#and I wanted some kind of regular marker to help me keep track#and then what happened two weeks + two days ago is that I lost all track of time and subsequently the songs of the day failed#I'm gonna see if I can keep up again for a bit now that I've re-restarted without an alarm on my phone#but if I miss any this week I'll just give in and turn the alarm back on#updates from the last two weeks are going to sound so chaotic let's see#I got a new project at work /and/ I got demoted /and/ I got added to a higher access level /and/ I'm in charge of a new database#yes all of those things together. I'm to be an accountant now! not instead but in addition to my other stuff. should be interesting#I didn't get April Fools off like I was scheduled to because all my scheduled vacation got unapproved#(I was here for about twenty nonsequential minutes to boop people and I'm glad I made time for it. extremely fun to boop)#I lied shamelessly to get eclipse day off and we went on a full-day roadtrip and it was wonderful. everything I dreamed and more#I killed one of my baby succulents through clumsiness and rabbits ate my pea plants but my sage and cabbages look promising#got a massive pot of mint flourishing on my porch and the horseradish is gorgeous#got Duncan lights and plants and a filter system for his frog tank but we haven't set up the substrate yet#so there's just potted plants sitting inside a terrarium. very amusing honestly#I've been playing a little Stardew and eating a /lot/ of hot sauce and tofu#drinking tons of klass aguas frescas--especially the soursop one. holy shit is it good. the mango and hibiscus also#and these past few days I've been sleeping better#for most of those two weeks I was getting a handful of twenty-minute naps each workday and then crashing unwillingly on the weekend#I haven't read any comic books since February :'( this weekend we're going to costco and then I'm reading comics until Monday#what have y'all been up to? I've missed being around#edit: oh shit the actual song part. anyway this is James Taylor! makes me happy and helps me settle. good vibes songs#I'm half-panicked about work all the time recently and then also today was tax day (Nick's taxes. blegh)#James Taylor doing some heavy lifting round here
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sysig · 10 months
I'm almost finished with this notebook with it's horrible paper, and I just finished the first page of my Big Project
#Oh yeah - it's all coming together#Hgggg I am so sick of this notebook! It's wack as fuck!#It has made editing a Chore for the past eight months >:0 Not fun or meditative At All#Even worse is that the paper feels good to draw on but the cleanup is just! Awful!#I've just been completely ignoring my non-lined homemade notebook because it feels bad to draw on lol#The rest of the doodles for this year - yes that's how far the queue is backlogged rn lol - are still on that paper#But at least I'm like ><this close to being done with it ugh#I've got two blank pages and then like three half-doodled on pages that I'm planning to just knock out#It looks so weird 'cause the pages are all out of order lol - the first page was in March and the last in November#But like the next page after the first is /also/ November lol#Like it's largely in chronological order but it jumps around quite a lot! It was an interesting experiment#I also think it's funny since the first page got some fandom stuff that didn't come back around until now but it Looks chronological lol#I think I'll do it again but with some modifications - if I run out of steam/interest/motivation then I can fill it in however I want#Keeping it on-theme is fun but I find myself pushing ideas when I don't actually have any :P That's no good#It's not Always bad - I like quite a few of my spacefiller ideas! But if anything that just proves that finishing things out to make room-#Well like I said it was fun lol#And! As stated! I finished the first page of my big behind-the-scenes project! >:3c#Man I haven't worked on a comic proper-like in uhhhhh#It's gotta be at least five years lol geez#It's been a weird rhythm to try to fall into lol I'm Way out of practice - but it's nice to see it come together!#Lotta steps to get it into the shape I want - hard to sustain - but slowly and surely I've got this one :)#It'll be good to finally have it Out haha
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teacupchimera · 1 year
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girlscience · 1 year
wanting to be upset at someone but also rationalizing all of their actions because they have a huge smattering of trauma, emotional processing problems, adhd, and severe anxiety... sucks ass.
#i want to be upset because they are staying at my apartment#and they have gotten so frustrated about things both days they have gotten into hours long fights both days#and i am viscerally uncomfortable and feel like i'm in the way no matter where i am#but it's my house!!!#but i also feel shitty for being upset because i know that everything i listed makes it hard for them to control this sort of stuff#but i didn't fall asleep until like 2 am last night and today almost as soon as i got home from work it started again#and they are stressing me out so bad#and it is very very much feeling like when i lived with them in college and that was one of the worst years of my life#i am amazed i didn't get an ulcer living with them. they yell and cry and stomp and throw their things around and slam doors#and i just. hate it.#and i know i am probably making excuses for them with everything i said but i also feel bad for feeling this way#but i have so many friends who deal with the exact same things and i never ever feel like this with them#and it makes me not want to be their friend anymore#but i know it would WRECK them if i did because i've seen them lose friends they were close to before#and i don't want to do that to them again#and they aren't like this all the time. but it happens often enough that i get preemptive anxiety about seeing them half the time#but they haven't done it recently and i just.#i was trying to do activities in my bedroom when they were in the living room#and then in the kitchen when they were in my bedroom#but i ran out of things to do so now i'm just sitting as still as possible and making no noise on the farthest corner of my couch#and i just want them to go
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atomskdluffy · 1 year
I really need to get around to finalizing the upgrade to my PC, but after that last attempt I've lost the motivation to try again. I think I know how I'll find it again, and sadly it's not completely up to me: I need someone else here to supervise the process. So as I near the end of Burning Shores and start to wonder what I should stream next, I have to admit that it will not be BG3 for some time yet, not until the stars align and my upgrade is complete. I'll have to find a much smaller-scale game to play first!
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thesecondface · 2 years
Hilarious that I have spent my entire life trying to live up to the standards of my parents, and now that I actually have, neither of them are interested!
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svtskneecaps · 2 years
btw we're dancing ever closer to a large milestone so. congrats. this is terrifying. where did you people come from. how are you still here.
#are the blogs still active#hey. hey. i'm poking you with a stick. do something.#not kpop#shut up vic#anyway i was kicking around an idea where i do like. '1k for 1k' where i post 1k of assorted drafts that died in my google drive#i'd leave it up to audience prompting but ngl i'd never get any lmfao so. it would be mostly my discretion with optional participation#it won't be for a while yet unless i can actually finish a piece for seventeen in the next six months (unlikely)#but i've been thinking about it#somehow people keep managing to find this blog which. how???#i haven't posted in a seventeen tag (purposefully) in almost a year#sorry if this is showing up in the tag btw i didn't mean to but i didn't think about it until right now and i can't edit tags rip#anyway idk where you people are coming from but you're welcome here#maybe one day i'll post writing again#i just got so averse to posting unfinished projects bc then they just. haunt me. especially if i end up needing to go back and edit#wit of the staircase and all that. i hit my stride in the second act and have to go back to fix the first#but you can't edit what's already been posted easily so. no wips leave my google drive.#plus they're mostly horridly self-serving and i'm the one being served so idk if anyone else could enjoy them#my current wip is a stress fic that developed a plot and i'm going to have to edit down the wish fulfillment if i ever post it#but that requires replacing multiple conversations and that's A Lot#anyway tag ramble over i just. think about things. wanted to check in lads.#if you're reading this i appreciate you also how the fuck did you find me#please tell me i'm genuinely so curious anon should be on no one will ever know please tell me please
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