#but excited for the alpine thing lol
comradejoanmir · 2 years
If there’s one thing formula one will do. Is exploit relationships for pr
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mecachrome · 2 months
notes from nicole piastri's interview on red flags pod
oscar started playing monopoly and chess when he was 4-5 but he was too good at chess (relative to nicole) that she boycotted it
nicole opened her twitter account because oscar wasn't replying to her at boarding school and she needed a place to chastise him ("can you not answer... i KNOW you're on your phone") (it worked because he started replying to her there)
instead of unflappable she calls him "conservative"
even during christmas and birthdays he was never super excited, one time they went with a group of 5 mums and 5 kids to a hi-5 concert (popular australian kids' musical group) and while all the kids were "going nuts" oscar just sat there "focused the whole time" and didn't smile or move lmfao. they were like 3 years old
didn't know what she was doing with oscar as a baby because he was her first child and her mothers' group was her only reference and they went "isn't the best part of the day when you wake up and go to their crib and they smile at you?" and she was like ??? because oscar would wake up and just SCREAM every single day needing to be out of there immediately and she thought that was just normal... then she had the girls and went "ahhhh... so that's what they're talking about"
when he was younger than 2 he needed them to read car magazines to him and was already obsessed with all things automotive and while they were driving would just name off and point out car brands by their badges
for a long period of time he behaved like he was a car and would "spin" his wheels and pretend to accelerate and run like a car lol
did a big burnout the first time he was on a bike (it had training wheels but he still learned very early)
as a mum she wishes he'd chosen golf or tennis since it's much safer than f1 and sometimes people tell her that she technically had a say in that when he was a kid and she said "but i didn't! it was just in him!!!"
won an academic award when he was 13 and she was president of the parents' community so she presented it to him, normally these events are super formal and you simply shake hands but she gave him a big kiss and instead of acting embarrassed or spluttering he looked at the crowd, nodded silently, and walked off
came back for the summer a few years ago and they were biking on the beach together when she had to brake hard to avoid a kid and went over, when she recovered and got back on he went "are you all right?" very deadpan but after they got home they checked his heart rate monitor and saw that he was totally steady the whole time except for when she crashed and his heart rate went through the roof, told him "ah so you do have a heart... we just don't see it"
"there's no sibling that can piss him off?" "well he's a boy with three girls so he just doesn't go there because he's never going to win"
met lily in person for the first time when he came home for the melbourne grand prix (was still alpine reserve), at midnight oscar was like "hey mum you know the dts film crew are coming tomorrow morning right?" and she was like WHAT... and he was like yeah it'll be chill they just want to film us having breakfast like a normal family or whatever and she was like Mate you haven't lived here for 5 years now do you know what breakfast looks like. it looks like your sisters storming downstairs and grabbing an inappropriate breakfast and storming out the door giving me the finger!!! and then the next morning lily comes down and nicole is like "oh is oscar up?" and lily is like no... i think he's still in bed... (many such cases) and then mae refused to be in it so she got dressed and ran off to school 2 hours early to escape them. and then the mclaren fiasco happened and the whole thing got cut out of dts anyway
when she said "oh my god you met matt damon!" he was just like (shrugs) "yeah... yeah..."
they communicate by facetiming and he's Always lying in bed. one time in bahrain he was leaning back on an ornate tapestry and she asked what hotel he was staying at and he was like oh i'm at the royal palace i'm like a guest of the crown prince. she freaked out and was like "oh my god!!! get your head off the tapestry!!!" and he just looked back like ? no it's fine it looks pretty old lol
called her to tell her that he signed his f1 contract and when he said mclaren she Realized and was like oh no i love daniel!! and he straight up deadpanned "yeah everyone loves daniel. that's going to be a problem..." and said verbatim "of all the f1 drivers ever daniel is the worst one to be replacing"
one time in f4 chris couldn't go to a race and billy monger had just had his crash so she flew to the uk for the weekend to support him and when she was driving him back to boarding school she was happy because she had 2 hours to spend with him and she wasn't sure when she'd see him again but instead he slept the whole way through and the moment they got back to school he went "ahhhh... home sweet home" and she wanted to slap him lmfao
first day of primary school when he was 5 years old he said he didn't need her to walk him to school and she was like "well i actually do mate" so he forced her to walk behind him the whole way and the moment they got there he turned to her and went "all right i'm here you can go now" 😭
the chinese & italian & yugoslavian is on chris's side of the family while nicole's is scottish & irish ("that's where the pasty skin comes from")
red flags pod sent her a shirt with oscar's face composed of His Tweet and she showed it to him and he immediately said he wanted it
he gave her a small warning before he posted the tweet but it was just like "mum so this is going to happen just don't worry about it. it's all under control. it'll be fine" and was very calm the whole time
"we just had to trust that his personality would come through at some point, because the way he came across was not at all what he's like. people will work out who the real you is so just continue to do what you do" 🥺
all of the kids were obsessed with Cars (2006)
likes his mum's golden syrup dumplings and grandmother's rumballs
AT THE SINGAPORE GP IN 2023 HATTIE DISAPPEARED FOR HOURS TO GO SEE A K-POP CONCERT 😭😭😭😭 i think it was p1h lmfao (nicole was asked for her favorite group and went "i have no idea. five boys") ((it's txt)) meanwhile oscar is only into house music and she thinks everything he plays is the same song
did pilates when he went home but never with her and thinks it's a lot harder than it looks
takes him minimum 24 hours to respond to anything she sends
she had an exact conversation with oscar where she asked who he wanted to be teammates with and he said "well if i go up against lando i don't even have to get close the first year because everyone knows how good he is" 😭
oscar you are so you 🧡
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reidsworld · 14 days
Beekeeping Age
Summary: Who knew having a crush on your best friends dad would turn out so good? Based on this request.
Pairing: Hugh Jackman x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: Age Gap (25 and 55), Secret Relationship, not proofread
Mars speaks... Thank you so much for the request, I'm sorry it took me so long to respond! Also I'm pretty sure his daughter is like 19 but for the sake of this, she's like 25 lol.
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You and Ava had met in your first year of university. She was studying communications, and you were pursuing cinema, but your friendship clicked immediately. Movie nights turned into inside jokes, and your shared love for Formula 1 only solidified the bond. By the time you were finishing your degree, her house felt like a second home.
And her dad? Well, Hugh Jackman was always around, friendly and easy to talk to. Over time, your admiration for him began to grow into something more, though you’d never admit it out loud… until one day, a TikTok joke set things in motion.
“You know what we should do?” Ava said, sitting beside you on the living room floor, phone in hand.
“This audio!” She played a popular audio on tiktok about beekeeping age.
You snorted, shaking your head. “Seriously? You wanna do that?”
“Come on, it’ll be hilarious,” she said, nudging you playfully. “Besides, half the world already has a crush on my dad.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine.”
With a laugh, you both set up the shot. Ava played the part of the daughter, gushing over her dad’s wholesome bee-keeping hobby, while you delivered the punchline.
When you finished recording, Ava burst out laughing. “Oh my God, that was perfect.”
You laughed along, but you couldn’t help but feel the warmth creeping up your face. The joke hit a little too close to home. Ava raised an eyebrow, catching your expression.
“Wait…” she began, eyes twinkling with amusement. “You don’t actually—”
“What? No!” you quickly protested, but she kept laughing.
“Oh, come on. Everyone’s into him! I mean, he’s Hugh Jackman. It’s fine,” she teased.
You flushed but waved it off. She had no idea how much truth there was behind that joke.
A few days later, you found yourself chatting with Hugh after one of his early morning runs. You were both sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee in comfortable silence.
“Ava tells me you’re a big F1 fan too.” Hugh said, glancing over with a grin.
“Yeah, I’ve been obsessed for years,” you said, grateful for the change in subject. “I actually studied cinematography partly because I loved the way F1 races are filmed.”
Hugh’s eyes lit up with interest. “No kidding? I didn’t realize that’s what got you into it.”
You nodded, feeling more at ease. “I’ve always loved how dynamic the sport is—the speed, the angles, the tension.”
“Well,” Hugh said, leaning back in his chair, “speaking of F1, Ryan just gave me tickets to the next race with Alpine. I was thinking of taking Ava and… maybe you, if you’re interested?”
Your eyes widened in excitement. “Wait, really? You’re inviting me to watch the race from the garage?”
He chuckled at your reaction. “Absolutely. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you’d enjoy it.”
The race weekend was a dream come true. Standing in the Alpine garage, so close to the action, was something you’d always fantasized about. Hugh was at your side, just as enthusiastic, and you found yourself growing more comfortable around him. As the weekend progressed, your conversations flowed effortlessly—from F1 to films to life, and everything in between.
By the end of the trip, there was an undeniable connection between the two of you. You couldn’t help but feel that spark.
What started as innocent conversations turned into something more over time. Hugh would call or text you when he wasn’t busy, and the two of you found more excuses to spend time together. Coffee runs became long walks, and movie nights became opportunities to hang out alone. It wasn’t long before you realized your feelings for him were deeper than a crush.
The sneaking around was thrilling, but it also felt right. You and Hugh kept things under wraps for a while, not wanting to complicate your friendship with Ava.
One evening, you were relaxing on the couch, scrolling through TikTok when an edit of Hugh popped up on your feed. It was a compilation of his movie moments, and you couldn’t help but smile at how good he looked in each clip. As the video played, you whispered to yourself, “He really is amazing…”
You didn’t notice Hugh walk into the room until he chuckled from behind you. Startled, you looked up, realizing he’d seen the reflection in your glasses.
“Why watch videos when you have the real thing right here?” he teased with a playful smirk.
You blushed, embarrassed. “I—uh, I wasn’t—”
But he just laughed and sat down beside you. “It’s alright. Still nice to know I’ve got some fans out there.”
Eventually, you both knew you couldn’t keep the relationship a secret forever. The guilt was starting to weigh on you, and Ava had always been too important to lie to.
Sitting in the kitchen one afternoon, you glanced at Hugh nervously. “I think it’s time we tell Ava.”
He nodded, though he looked just as apprehensive. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”
You sat down with Ava, your heart pounding in your chest. “Ava, I need to talk to you about something important.”
She looked up from her phone, sensing the seriousness in your tone. “What’s going on?”
You exchanged a quick glance with Hugh before speaking. “I’ve been seeing someone… and it’s your dad.”
Her eyes widened, and the room fell silent. You could see the surprise and confusion on her face as she processed what you had said. The tension in the air was thick as you braced yourself for her reaction.
“This is… really weird,” she finally said, rubbing her forehead, “but I still love you guys. I guess I just wasn’t expecting that.” She looked between the two of you, a small smile forming. “Just treat him well, alright?”
Relief washed over you as the tension melted away. You hadn’t known what to expect, but Ava’s acceptance lifted a weight off your shoulders.
“I promise,” you said with a smile.
Mars speaks... Thank you for reading, any and all feedback is always appreciated 🫶
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bekkathyst · 1 year
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The lights in here unfortunately make everything look crusty, but as soon as I wake up tomorrow and the sun is out I’m taking a bunch of preview pictures! I got some incredible specimens that I’m just so excited about. The best part of doing shows like this is talking to all the people who mine and collect these specimens and listening to the stories they have to tell.
The two main highlights of today: meeting a man who collects from mines all over China with some of the most unique specimens I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing. If the items do well tomorrow I’m certainly going back to buy more! I wish I could have bought out his table lol. He said the show has been slow for him and he was so happy with our purchase. I don’t understand why all of his things weren’t sold honestly! He was in a weird spot all the way at the end so maybe that had something to do with it.
And the second highlight was talking to a man who mines all over the French alps. I got to see some of the nicest alpine quartz specimens I’ve ever seen, and I took two back with me! As well as some little faden quartz crystals also from the French alps.
Tomorrow is the day I try to fill the rest of the requests as well as build the mystery boxes everyone has ordered. Really excited to see what else I can find 🙏🥰
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panthertown · 8 months
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after years of gardening I have learned that I hate starting shit from seed indoors, I'm too scatterbrained and also we don't have a very good setup for it. I can't resist buying seed packets tho so I am just going to limit myself to five things this year.
Senna up by the peach tree, to have something dramatic and showy at the top of the hill
Everything else will go in the terraced beds. The purslane and ground cherries will self seed and the lovage is perennial, so that's less work next year. And the terraces are isolated from the rest of the yard by a strip of concrete so the self-seeding plants can't go ape shit and take over.
I will probably save seeds from the molokhia -- I'm told it likes this climate and I'm excited to try growing it. Not the mustard tho every attempt at cole crops has been a flop on this property.
The soil in the terraces should be in good shape this year. Last spring I put in composted horse and sheep manure and a thick layer of mulch. Nothing planted in them now but shallots, sage, and some monarda and sweet grass; the fucking groundhog ate everything else. Including my alpine strawberries wtf. The hardscaped borders of the terraces tho....lol. I need to replace one stone border with a wattle fence and build it up with more soil before planting.
Also here's my seed box, which I woodburned
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parkeryangs · 10 months
ooooh please tell me more about texas boy parker
i would be DELIGHTED anon; you have no idea how excited this ask made me ahahah. a lot of this is related to the apocalypse au specifically, but texan parker is a forever hc for me
firstly this fic i wrote (though its in the college band au) is, among other things, about texas boy parker so 👀 might be worth a read lol
he grew up in southwest texas, in a town called alpine! it's an "everyone knows everyone" type of place, and as he also has a twin sister (who he hasn't heard from since the apocalypse starts in this au ,,, ahaha,,,,,) he had a lot of trouble determining who he was/his plsce in the world apart from his family
thus, leaving feels just like a necessary step within self-discovery. its not so much that he hates where he came from, but he struggles for a long time about what alpine repesents overall in his life. he has a lot of fondness for the town itself, but doesn't ever really what to think on what that "fondness" actually is (ie just nostalgia vs genuinely still caring)
though he had a period of time as a teenager where he heavily rejected any cowboy/western motif, thougu it was always pretty natural to who he was and by the time he hit college he'd returned to embracing southern culture :]
when he was in school, his classmates would tease him for the way he talked, as most of them didn't have parents who'd grown up rural and consequently had no discernible accent. thus he trained it out of his voice the best he could (though it wasn't perfect)
^ later, after moving to arkham, he realized that he didn't want to be ashamed of his roots and stopped "fighting" it when it slipped out, which eventually devolved back into the drawl that faroe also ends up gaining in the apocalypse au. its also much stronger whenever his emotions are heightened (upset/excited/etc)
he plays guitar (and teaches faroe the basics :)) gravitating towards bluegrass chords before anything else as that was the colloquial music heard around his hometown, even if he lightheartedly denies the preference. (his guitar also has a sticker of the texas flag on it :))
oscar calls him cowboy, he acts like he hates it but tbh he really likes it lol despite pointing out that he isn't technically even a cowboy
being queer in a small, religious, southern town was a recipe for disaster, so he kept his head down and his mouth shut. he wasn't even worried about himself, but, for a multitude of reasons, how it would reflect on his parents. it made him cagey about his identity even after leaving tx, to the point he had a lot of trouble opening up to/growing closer with arthur because of it.
i think texas overall just represents SO MUCH for his character as a whole; he chases danger with the sort of spark that only starts in a dead-end small town, he doesn't look it but he can 100% hold his own in a fight, he's always moving not in pursuit of anything, but in fleeing of what he's scared of accepting
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bright-and-burning · 9 months
11 & 22 for the ask game! :)
from here
11. if you could have a race in a country that doesn't have a race, which country would it be?
FRANCE!!!!!! i am literally known irl for getting uh. passionately french when ive had alcohol (see attachment w my full name redacted talking abt what im like drunk lol). but france!!!!! if only so i could go and kill many birds w one stone (visit really distant family + the little one room house outside of paris where my family used to live which apparently still stands, see f1 race, go to the LOUVRE, many many historical and art things to see……)
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22. which livery do you like the most/are you most excited for?
mclaren girlie excited abt mclaren,……. fork found in kitchen….
ok but their whole thing like at the abu dhabi gp like having a local artist design their livery is soooooo cool. so like. yeah. i like bright colors!!! oh wait that actually reminds me of alpine now im torn. either alpine or mclaren tbh.
i was googling to make sure i was remembering the local artist thing properly and omg 2021's local-artist-designed abu dhabi gp livery is SOOOO cool. i love colors
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f0point5 · 9 months
I can’t say I agree with you about Lando
I kinda like Lando in his slutty and jealously rra. I mean, It’s probably gonna irritate me if he continues to act like a little bitch next season.
But he showed more of his true face than almost all of the other drivers. I’m sure he’s hell to work with for his PR team, but at least he’s entertaining.
Totally get you!
The vibe is not for me personally, I miss his baby bean thing he had going lol. Jealous slut is so Carlos/Alpine coded to me I just don’t find it cute on Lando.
Maybe if I hadn’t liked him so much before I would feel more excited about this new dawn. I was just kinda attached to his chaotic but kind persona.
But yeah, he is great for a headline and I have no doubt that will continue.
McLaren like
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I....just realised that my whole alpine crossing will be mostly happening at pretty solid altitude lol, lets go covid lungs, jesus christ...i really get moments almost every day where I get scared of this whole thing and then I have to remind myself how excited I am too and how amazing its gonna be but its easily gonna be the most brutal and crazy thing I'm gonna do with my body, possibly in my lifetime, at least so far.
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snakarscrolls · 1 year
people often say its far easier to comprehend something and just as easy to get excited about things you know about in advance, when speaking of spoilers to media, reading wikis before engaging with firsthand, and while i certainly agree, i feel like the uncertainty and initial confusion are severely underrated parts of the human experience... its a real ride when you first attempt to make sense of something, interpreting and misinterpreting stuff as you go, symbolism everchanging and free. when i first played ahit i had no idea what to expect, id seen a few letsplays but couldnt make sense of anything happening or what any locations were supposed to represent at all, i was also far too annoyed by the players skipping collecting every visible pon lol... my first playthrough was detached and level headed, i didnt really react to anything, but i did go "oh the express owls are my favorite characters.. the badge seller is my favorite character... subconites are my favorite now, i think?.. no, its nomads... alpine skyline is my favorite location, no, scratch that, its subcon.. but i like mafia town too..." like i was completely entangled in everything. it felt like a really huge and complex game, like when i first approached vanessas manor i was absolutely convinced in her huge and empty and oppressive ice glove there were npcs and maybe a passage to another village... not necessarily connected to her in any way, just present. i always describe ahit as a game that feels like dreamed of it, and yet its real and fully playable. i think thats why i vastly prefer the base game to the dlcs, the wonky and disjointed graphics add to the comfort of it all
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majormeilani · 1 year
Drops your door holding wormy and the horror film person holds yhrm like a wanted poster and grabs you puts you under investigation
> 12 , 15 , 23 , 9 , 7 go.
*cracks knuckles* this might get a lil lengthy but. let's GOOO-
for wormie:
12. where does your character's name come from?
if we're talking in her story, her name came from snatcher. when she defrosted from her containment in ice from the kingdom's freeze over, snatcher noticed that she had a glowstick hung around her neck and it was able to glow again. (which is something that can actually happen if you freeze one irl!!!!) so at first, he named her "glow" because she couldn't recall her name when he asked for it. she also had an affinity a worm on a string toy he found and started calling her "glow worm" most times she goes by wormie. snatcher also often gives her glowsticks too to keep her happy.
as far as why I personally chose that name for her, i can't recall the specific reason i ultimately chose that name aside from it aligning with aspects of her design. since she has a very glowy aesthetic and her hair was meant to look like worms on a string. also bc i wanted it to fit her personality, given she's like a scene kid in a way lol.
her name before her death was "ella" because it's meant to somewhat reference the name cinderella, which snatcher calls her once when a party outfit she has gets destroyed.
15. what are your character's opinions on Mustache Girl and/or her motives?
wormie would probably want to be mu's friend but if she labelled her as a bad guy for hurting her friend's feelings on accident, she might think of her as a meanie. but i think wormie would also somewhat understand mu's motives or feelings of being lonely. but once mu starts taking over the planet wormie might think of her as a "big meanie!!" for trapping people she regards as friends.........
23. how does your oc feel about the nyakuza?
wormie would probably be so excited to see them and be like "OH EM GEE!! KITTIES!!!" and she would float around the metro after them and maybe try to pet or play with them. she'd also probably love the metro for its glow and neon-ness.
9. does your oc know any of the main cast?
she is very familiar with the residents of subcon, namely snatcher since she's considered one of his minions/dwellers. when it comes to the rest of the planet, she knows a few who have wandered into the forest but she always tries to make friends everywhere that she goes.
7. how would you character feel in alpine?
wormie would probably be enchanted with the colors and sights of alpine. she would pet the goats and play games with the nomads. i have always thought of wormie visiting the twilight bell and feeling rather......... at home... there.
for cassidy:
12. where does your character's name come from?
for cassidy's name i can't remember why i chose the name cassidy to represent him? i guess for some reason the name really stuck in my mind when i heard it and typically i name my characters the first thing that comes to mind. i also decided to give him a name-name rather than following the vague naming convention most in-game characters do. if he didn't have an actual name, he'd probably be named "the hotelier," which is what you call someone who runs a hotel, which he does.
the name he has in-storywise with his character, the name he goes by is actually his last name, which he prefers over his first name. his first name is actually "paris" but he isn't as fond of it and in a sense is trying to reclaim the name he was given by his parents, since their surname is the name of the hotel anyway. the name paris comes from mice and i joking about this song called "paris & nicole" fitting the duo's vibes. (the duo being her ahit oc nicole and cassidy)
15. what are your character's opinions on Mustache Girl and/or her motives?
cassidy doesn't really consider mu to be all that much of a threat at first and kinda gets where she's coming from. but once he's accused of being a bad guy he kinda grows a grudge against her. he likes to portray himself to be perfect and wonderful and being recognized and perceived for his flaws can set him off, and for mu to see through that would anger him.
23. how does your oc feel about the nyakuza?
i think cassidy has met them once or twice when they've taken up residence in his hotel. i think he's also met with empress before and probably bought something from her jewelry store before.
9. does your oc know any of the main cast?
cassidy has met dj grooves and conductor for the first time on a red carpet meet up and at awards ceremonies. they are aware of one another but are a bit at odds for sharing a common goal. cassidy has also knows snatcher fairly "well," if breaking into his forest for movie related purposes often counts. cassidy is also familiar with many of the express owls, crows (caw agents and lil baby ones) and some of the moon penguins. he of course also has met hat kid and bow kid before as well.
everyone else he knows very vaguely, possibly even been customers at his hotels once before.
7. how would you character feel in alpine?
he probably loves alpine tbh. i do imagine he's probably been there many times before in the past and it's probably where he's met the crows and gained a lot of his employees from.
THANKSSS and thanks if you read all this PHEW.
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mickcedesagenda · 2 years
16.02.2023 | ALPINE CAR LAUNCH
I'm going to be completely honest… I saw almost nothing of this live stream. It was so boooring. They put 15 minutes of car commercials. I know these brands are in Formula 1 to sell their actual cars, but still! The only commercial I enjoyed was the one with Esteban and Pierre. That was fun. The crowd was bored, the interviews bored me since the start, and I closed the live stream after the car reveal. I'm sorry, but after all the reveals my mind can't take more.
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I don't hate the car, it looks good ??? I love-hate the pink - I think it's the ugliest shade of pink, but all the other teams are cowards and would never dare to use pink, and I'm too girly not to support the only pink team.
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They'll use the BWT livery only for the first three races and the blue for the rest. Boo. Cowards.
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I love these race suits, they're pretty cool. The pink looks good with the black. I realize that Pierre seems short compared to Esteban, but I can't laugh too much because I'm even shorter than him lol.
On my scale of reveals, Haas (simple), Williams (ideal), and Red Bull (unnecessarily complicated), Alpine is ranking next to Red Bull! I couldn't watch it all!
Next on the calendar: Pre-Season Testing! I'm excited for it, and hopefully, things will go well for the people I'm rooting for.
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
AATSEEL prizes announced & unfortunately I will have to be reading these two for Fake Thesis. If my intuition and like, the basic premise of...my preliminary idea is right. The first one is a variation on the theme of the latter. Not just the Russian Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire too. "Turizm" is also of course steeped in the 19th-century "age of exploration-as-adventure," archaeological-heritage-preservation-society, [heavy sigh] of course Orientalist, but specifically alpine-Romanticism Orientalist thing, like, mountain-climbing / hiking societies, & the conflation of those landscapes with the primitive, the authentic, the pan-human back-to-the-garden universal emotions of Communing With Nature. Likewise could the vocabulary of internationalist "struggle" be "translated & localized" and slotted into the mythological & historical lexicons of other cultures, other nations. And then there is Stefania's idea of Europe, of Eurasia--the literary commons she worked, with Wat & others, to actualize in the 1930s. A translational cosmopole. But at its core, still, for so many of these people, was the legacy of empire, right? Stefania conversed with Soviet publishers in French; many Russian AND Polish figures who populated this eclectic milieu studied abroad. Jews, especially Russian Jews, in places like Switzerland, given university quotas, and Jews from the Russian partition; Polish left-leaning intellectuals from aristocratic backgrounds studied in Berlin, in Moscow, in Vienna, in Paris, before returning home. Bohdan Zahorski, a petty aristocrat from present-day Belarus in the Russian partition who listed his ethnicity as Lithuanian and spoke Polish as his first language, trained as an engineer in Germany with expectations that he'd follow his father's footsteps as a military engineer FOR THE TSAR! He ended up deserting his post, writing an antiwar pamphlet in German, and marrying an assimilated Jewish woman who took her matura in Hungarian and was involved with the Kraków political prisoners organization that agitated to free Lenin. But they met at UJ and traveled in the same upper middle class circles, yeah? They both studied abroad. Anyway am excited to read these books lol
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russilton · 2 years
Ok Mark I’m a bit at loss with everyone’s FP1 runs today lol. Except for RB, not even sure what AM actual pace is, not Ferrari’s nor Mercedes. Only thing that seem clear is McLaren taking another L and Alpine being less exciting than what some said they would look like this weekend. I also have a weird feeling Ferrari is even more all over the place than Mercedes this year, like, they changed engine (hence both are on their second already) on both drivers’ cars today “just to be sure” because of the reliability problems they’ve had in Bahrain… hmm…
Honestly you can’t conclude much out of fp1’s in races like jeddah because the track is in the sun and not representative, you can’t change the car much because you’re chasing times that won’t matter in the cooler temps of qualifying and the race. It’s more about drivers getting used to the track. And that’s compounded with it being race two, everyone is jumping to try and adapt/cover off the visible improvements of their closes rivals, you really can’t start concluding much this early other than looking at people like redbull and aston who have clear massive improvements, and knowing they’re the ones to catch.
Mercedes are ones to watch because they will be scrambling most desperately to catch, and Ferrari, because something is seriously wrong over there.
Taking a penalty on race two is insane, there’s no other way to describe it. Both drivers having to swap control electronics is bad, Charles getting a DNF in the first race and penalty on two is ridiculous. No it’s not a personal crime on Charles like some of the posts I’ve seen, but something is seeeeeriously out of sync behind the scenes there. God knows if they’ll ever acknowledge it to fix it, but as we know, mark is not a Ferrari fan, so I can’t say.
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lovelybarnes · 3 years
birthday boy- b. barnes
pairings: bucky barnes x reader, mentions of some other characters, alpine and my fav fanfiction dog: thorgi warnings: none about: a @youneedsomeprompts prompt: Person A is a grouch about birthdays so Person B decides to throw them a birthday party with just their pet(s) present. a/n: okay okay so i totally imagine bucky liking this better than a huge birthday party, and also thorgi is a corgi that is named thorgi and i always include in fanfics because i dream of him okay so i am aware it is nowhere near bucky's birthday but i wrote this so here you go lol i really liked this at first but i think i've read it too much because i'm kind of really not liking it anymore
you’re buzzing nervously, hands hovering over the food you’d made and the gifts you’d positioned on the table. a small smile pulls at your lips when you scan the array for the nth time and decide it’s perfectly adequate for your boyfriend. your oven dings, and you turn around to look at it, the smell of the warm dessert rushing up to your nose. grinning, you turn and head to the kitchen, the subsequent pattering of your pets’ paws following your excited footsteps. “oh, oh this smells good, doesn’t it, thorg?” you ask while putting on oven mitts, glancing at your dog, who sniffs the air happily as he sits next to you.
you open the oven, eyeing the pie you baked and biting your lip. you pull it out, careful to not burn your hands, and place it on top of your stove. alpine leans over from her place on the counter, staring at the pie for a few seconds before looking back at you. “looks good, huh, alpine?” she meows in response, sitting down as her tail swishes around. you look at it for a few more moments, grinning at how perfect it looked.
“d’you think daddy will like it?” you query anxiously, eyes flitting between your two fur babies. thorgi wags his tail at you, giving you a quiet dog noise in response, and alpine meows again. you take it as a yes. “that’s good… i had to learn how to bake,” you say with a light laugh, poking a toothpick into the pie to make sure it was fully baked. humming when it comes out clean, you cover it with a towel and put it back into the turned-off oven.
“okay, okay,” you mumble, going over everything you’d done in your head. “cake? no, sam’s surprising him with it tomorrow, favorite dinner? done. plum pie? done. uh- something’s missing, i’m forgetting something.” you look around yourself, eyeing alpine and thorgi. you squint at them.
thorgi grunts at you, sitting down.
“clothes,” you suddenly realize, looking down at your food-stained clothing. “thank you, thorg,” you say, reaching down to scratch behind his ears and rushing to your room. you’re barely in the living room again before the front door’s doorknob is jiggling and the door is opening, your soldier’s foot inside the apartment while your jeans are covered in flour. thorgi is walking to the door, in no particular hurry, and alpine has already pranced to the couch next to you, looking at you and then bucky as if to say, ‘he’s here.’
“bucky!” you exclaim, the clothes you set apart for today forgotten when your boyfriend smiles at you. he shuts the doors behind him, greeting you with a kiss when you get closer to him.
“hey doll,” he murmurs, ignoring the bags in his arms to hug you. “how’s your day been?” he questions, pecking your lips again and making you giggle.
“good. how about yours, birthday boy?”
bucky shrugs, “like you’d expect. sam’s called me old about five times already, ‘says he won’t blame you if you put me in a home.” you chuckle, trying to help him with the bags but huffing when he refuses. he walks toward the kitchen, pausing when he sees what you’ve done. “i see you’ve been busy,” he comments teasingly, pushing some things aside to set down the groceries you’d asked him to get.
“ah, you haven’t even seen the worst of it. i’ve had to clean the kitchen like three times already,” you inform, grabbing his hand when it’s free. he hums when you press your lips to his, his other hand reaching up to tug your jaw closer. “ah, ah, i still have to show you something,” you say, pulling away and watching him groan.
“i really hope it’s what i’m thinking-”
you push his shoulder gently, “bucky!”
“it’s my birthday!” he points out, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you in again.
“i know,” you whisper, “which is why-” you draw back, tugging on his hand, “i have something for you.”
thorgi barks suddenly, and you both turn to see your pets sitting next to each other, clearly bothered. you laugh when you realize what they want, pushing your shoulder into bucky’s chest, “they’re upset you didn’t say hi to them,” you explain, letting go of bucky’s hand.
“i’m sorry,” he starts, crouching down to be closer to them, “how rude of me,” he whispers, petting alpine’s head and rubbing thorgi’s belly when he turns. alpine sits elegantly when she decides she’s forgiven bucky, hopping onto the counter next to you to rub at your arm.
“hi honey,” you coo at her, rolling your eyes playfully when bucky responds immediately, “hey sweetheart.”
“i think he’s happy,” bucky notes after a few seconds of thorgi’s happy wiggling, standing to his towering height and tilting his head at you, “what smells so good?” your eyes brighten impossibly at him.
“oh, my surprise, look,” you instruct, grabbing his hand again to lead him to the dining room. “ta da!” you cheer, extending your arms to showcase your work, “your birthday party! i made your favorite food and a bunch of cookies and plum pie- it was going to be way bigger, but you’ve never really liked that, and i convinced tony to make it smaller and not actually on your birthday so you could rest and celebrate it with alpine and thorgi and me- like you said you wanted last year,” you ramble, scanning bucky’s face for his thoughts.
“d’you like it?” you question, nerves dissipating into nothing when bucky’s face breaks out in a grin and he embraces you again, lifting you off your feet by accident.
“it’s perfect, doll. thank you.”
“of course,” you promise, pressing your lips all over his face. “you deserve the best.”
when he puts you down, you cringe at the flour you leave on his attire, trying to swat it away, “i’m sorry, i meant to go change into something nicer-”
bucky shakes his head, “no, no, you look great. and it’s my birthday so i say don’t change. never change.”
you shake your head at him, chuckling, “you’re so cheesy,” you inform, kissing his nose. “c’mon, birthday boy, let’s celebrate you.”
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justreadingfics · 4 years
Best Gift Ever - an “It’s a Deal” one-shot
Summary: It’s almost time for your first Christmas with Bucky and he really wants you to open his present for you early.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: one-shot part of a complete series’ universe, smut, 18+, masturbation, use of sex toy, dirty talk, praise kink, the characters celebrate Christmas.
A/N: I miss these two too much, so here’s our first one-shot to see what they’re up to these days… and what they’re up to is a surprise to absolutely no one who knows them, lol. You can read it as a stand-alone story, but this is part of the universe of a series of mine (It’s a Deal). I have no words that can thank @callmeluna​, @addikted-2-dopamine​, @gogolucky13​ and @whisperlullaby​ enough for jumping right in to help me when I asked. You all rock. 
Masterlist on my description. 
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 Even with your still half-asleep brain, it is hard to not let the lazy smile curl your lips when you feel the light scratch of his beard brushing your neck before the softness of his mouth touches your cheek. You hum in satisfaction.
“Bucky…” you breathe, stirring as you lay on your stomach, still incapable of opening your eyes at this ungodly hour.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he whispers against your ear, and you can hear the smile in his voice. “I just wanted to say goodbye, didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Goodbye?” You whine. The memory of the reason why he is up so early flashes in your mind. Shooting your eyes open, you turn around to meet his beautiful face above yours while he stands by the bed, uniform on, leaning over with his arms straddling you. Stretching, you curl your arms around him and pull him closer. “No goodbyes…” you mumble, kissing his neck.
Bucky sucks in a breath, looking down at your chest – still bare from the activities of no more than a few hours before. He tilts his head to peck your lips. “Have to go, sweetheart…I’ll be home before you know it, definitely before Christmas.”
“No…” Your hold on his neck tightens while you assault his lips, cheeks, and jaw with sleepy kisses. “Too long… want you here.”
“Alright, then,” he says before swiftly jumping on the bed beside you, already starting to push his boots away from one foot with the other.
“What?” You yelp, holding yourself up with your elbows, shooting him a wide eyed look.
“My baby wants me to stay, I’m staying,” he states, in all seriousness while he tosses a boot across the room. “Screw the bad guys.” He then moves towards you, spreading your legs with a knee to accommodate himself while you promptly put your arms around him, even if your stare at him is of pure astonishment.  “Screw Tony Stark, Nick Fury and by all means-“ He starts kissing your neck down your chest, “-screw Captain America, I’m staying here with my love.” Nuzzling your breasts, he punctuates his resolve by capturing a nipple with his mouth.
The warm sensation makes you gasp and you almost give up on saying what you’re about to say, but you keep yourself strong. “No, baby, no…” You chuckle, pulling his face up and almost melting at the love you find plastered there, “Ugh… no, no you have to go… I was just being silly.” You twist your face in a dismissive way. “And I definitely don’t want Captain America bursting through the door again,” you add, remembering how mortified you were the time Steve and Nat caught the two of you right in the act.
“Screw that jerk,” Bucky spits, tipping his chin up before leaning down to kiss you.  
You laugh but the sound turns into a moan as you meet him halfway to the kiss. “You already said that,” you speak when he once again starts the descent in exploring your body with his mouth. You squirm and giggle once he reaches that ticklish spot of yours right by your clavicle, but pull him up again, cupping his cheeks. “You go on that mission, and I’ll be here, watching Alpine and waiting for you, just like we agreed I would do. Ok?”
He pouts at you and you can’t resist to give his lips a quick peck. “And when you come back, safe and sound, world saved and all, I’ll take good care of you, huh?” You raise your hips against his while one of your hands leaves his face in favor to grab a handful of his ass.  
“Sweetheart,” he groans down at you, “This is not helping your case. Like… at all.”
“Go!” You shout, giving his ass a sharp smack
“Oh, wow, ma’am.” He bites his lip. “Haven’t met this dom side of you yet, and damn… we should explore it…”
“Maybe when you get back.” You wink, before urging him to get up, “Come on, babe, you go Avenge the ass out of this world.”
“Alright, alright…” he relents after pecking your lips, and with a smile plastered on his face, he moves to sit up. “Alpine’s routine is on the fridge,” he says, sitting by the end of the bed with his back to you while he works to put his boots on again.
You chuckle from where you remain laying down and stretch your arms again. He had gone over Alpine’s routine a thousand times the previous day. You're staying at his place to watch over her while he’s away, and you have a guess you’re not the only one he’s having a hard time leaving behind.
“Ok,” he stands up and moves to you for another goodbye kiss, “Will you call me if you need anything?” He asks, his face inches from yours.
“Mhm-hmm,” you nod, laziness invading you again and turning your eyelids heavy, “Love you, come back to me soon.”
“I will,” he promises in a whisper and a kiss on your cheek, “Love you too…Oh, and by the way, I left your Christmas present on the nightstand. I sure hope you open it early.”
You register the mischief in his voice, but sleep wins you over. Snuggling into your pillow, you mumble out just an “ok” and fall into slumber again.
It’s already night time when you step into Bucky’s place again after quickly dropping by in the afternoon to check in on Alpine. Damn you if you leave her alone for a whole day… But it’s been a hectic day at work, and it doesn’t help that you hit the snooze button of your alarm one too many times this morning. 
“Hey, sweet pea.” You lean down to scratch her ear when Alpine greets you by the door with a meow, brushing her head against your calves. You chuckle, remembering the first encounter with the cat—a white ball of fur and anger hissing at you. 
“How was your day, huh? Did you miss dad?” You ask, her eyes closing with delight from the caress on her neck. “I know I did… come here,” you say, standing up and walking towards her food spot.
After changing her water and food, you leave her there, eating contentedly. Then you move towards the bathroom, longing for a long, hot shower to relax a bit, and then, hopefully, try to reach Bucky on the phone.
Within the first few months of finally setting your feelings for each other straight – well, after you finally set your feelings for him straight, because he was there long before you were – your relationship has been like anyone would expect, filled with overwhelming love and…
Lots of sex.
All the time.
You know it has a lot to do with the fact your relationship is still fresh and new, and it doesn’t mean that’s all you two are about. You love him and he loves you. But that’s how you two got together in the first place and how you’ve been primarily expressing the tremendous love you feel for each other. You’ve been attached to him at the hip and every other little part of his body and, boy, do you love it…
This is the first long mission he’s gone on since the two of you got together, and you know it will be especially hard to be away from him after the amazing goodbye night he gave you. Damn… you swear you can still feel it in your bones and every other part of you he’s touched.  
Finishing up your shower, your muscles relaxed, you grab one of Bucky’s shirts from his closet, relishing in the way his smell envelops you when you put it on.
That’s when something on the nightstand catches your attention.
A rectangular pink box with a golden ribbon. Bucky’s gift for you.
The last words he had said to you before he left for the mission resounds in your mind…I sure hope you open it early…
You cock an eyebrow at the package and next thing you know you’re sitting on the bed, untying the ribbon.
What you find inside the unassuming white box kicks the air out of your lungs. The surprised gasp quickly gives place to a large smile, because…Bucky… of course. His Christmas present for you, the first one you’re spending together, is… a rabbit vibrator.
“Hope it keeps you happy while I’m gone. Love you. Bucky.” You read on the card you find inside the box, and your smile widens even more.
You take it out of the black tulle bag to examine your gift further. The baby blue color of it makes you smile and your eyes widen realizing it’s gotta be the girthiest rabbit you’ve ever had the pleasure to see in person… Ah, Bucky… always thinking of your satisfaction, no matter if it’s provided by him or not. He must have figured you would miss him, all of him, that’s why he was so keen on you opening the gift soon.
A thought crosses your mind and makes you bite your lower lip. Just the fact of Bucky hoping you would use the gift twists your core in a very naughty way and you wonder whether you should give it a try right now… Well, he did tell you to open it early, which means he wanted you to use it… you better not disappoint him.
You’re quick on sanitizing it like the manual told you to. You check on Alpine, spotting her taking a nap on the couch, before shutting the door to Bucky’s room and grabbing the lube on the nightstand. You take off your underwear and, wearing just Bucky’s shirt, you sit comfortably on the bed with your back  against the headboard, lube and rabbit in hands.
You take in a deep breath to figure out how to get started. You sure are a bit excited already just by the thought of doing it, and you know the lube would certainly come in handy. However, considering the remarkably thick toy Bucky has chosen, you figure you should prep yourself better before starting. Grabbing your cell phone, you set the lube and the rabbit aside while you search through some porn videos.
Scrolling through some old favorites of yours, you realize it’s been a while since you’ve watched them. Not that it would be a problem with Bucky – like it would have certainly been with your ex, Eddie- but because you just didn’t have the time, always being too lost in each other to need anything else to excite you. After two or three videos, you notice / realize it’s not bringing the same effect they did before… they’re just not enough. You groan in frustration… has Bucky not only ruined any other man for you, but now also porn, too?
Well, if that’s the case, you might as well appeal to the vivid images right there in your mind. And that’s precisely what you do. Tossing the cell phone somewhere in on the bed and closing your eyes while leaning against the headboard, the little private show in your imagination begins.
The first image that flashes in your mind is his head between your legs on the very first night you two got together. The way he lapped and sucked and kissed, feasting on you like you were the most delicious meal he was ever fed. The image of him jerking himself off while eating you out that night twists the knot in your belly.
Your breathing becomes deeper and the knot twists further when you recall that night in some dark alley of the city after getting out of a rooftop bar. The thrill of the possibility of someone spotting you two while his cock was deep inside you makes you gasp again. The way he talked to you, with filthy praises… God… your hand slides down your body to between your open legs. Hot, soft and now perfectly wet… You hum in delight thinking how he would praise you for feeling so good…
With a finger you circle your clit and moan… you do feel good… with Bucky you’ve learned how to appreciate yourself in that way and damn… that’s one of the hottest things ever.
Feeling as ready as you could be, you open your eyes and retract your hand to grab the toy. You position it between your legs, and it makes you shiver when the velvet sensation of it meets your heat. You still need to lube it up, but you’re wet enough to let it slide between your folds. Your other hand flies to grab a handful of the sheets at the feeling and it stumbles against your phone in the way.
You just leave the toy there for a while, allowing the temperatures and textures to get acquainted. The heat flushes up your core and you experiment with the first of many levels of vibrations.
“Oh…” it slips from your lips and your head falls back against the headboard.
You guide the tip of the toy to your clit and push the button to the next level. And then the next…The sensation of Bucky’s tongue on that very same spot invades your senses, “Oh, yes, fuck... Bucky…” you moan loudly.
“Goddammit, baby, what are you up to?”
You scream and jump on the bed, tossing the rabbit away at the sound of your boyfriend's voice. 
“Bucky?” You call, widened eyes at the door, imagining you would see him there.
“Down here, babe.”
You follow his voice to see the cheeky grin on his face through your phone’s screen, which was tossed on the mattress beside you. You must’ve accidentally video called him at some point.
“Fuck…” you say under your breath while you swiftly work on swiping away the thin coat of sweat off your forehead and attempt to fix your hair a bit before grabbing your phone. “H-hey, Bucky.”
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he says, the grin on his face lingering. He’s still in his uniform, but you notice he’s sitting on an armchair in a bedroom. He must have just arrived in their safe house. “I take it you liked my present. It hasn’t even been a full day, yet,” he adds with amusement and, to your mortification, the buzzing of the still vibrating rabbit resounds in the room.
The embarrassment burns your cheeks, and leaves you speechless, but it doesn’t last long, because you know Bucky too well. You know he’s given you this present with your enjoyment in mind, but you do spot a glint of mischievous interest in his eyes.
Oh… you love that man.
“Yeah… I did love it. You have excellent taste.” Embarrassment completely gone, you decide that if he’s going to be cheeky about it, two can play this game. You slowly lick your lips before you give the lower one a long bite. Bucky’s eyes drop immediately to them, “You did say I should open it earlier,” you add, a tad of innocence in your tone.   
His chest heaves… he notices what you’re doing, “Fuck…” he breathes, eyes on your lips, “Damn me for getting in your way...” The camera of his phone is focused on his upper body, but by the position of his arm, you have an idea on where his hand lays now. You gulp down at the mental image of him rubbing himself through his pants, “Do you mind if I watch you, sweetheart?”
You absolutely love that he asks you that in that way, like he’s so eager to watch you but he would hate to be an intruder in your moment, even though all you’re thinking about in this moment is him. You smile when you hear he’s already working on opening his trousers. Definitely a perv, but your perv.
“You’re the one who gave me the gift… You’re more than welcome to join me.” You wink and move to put the cellphone on the phone holder on the nightstand. You position the camera towards you while you sit on the bed in a way that would give him a privileged view of your body.
His hooded gaze is unyieldingly on you as you place your feet on the mattress and open your legs. Widely. He sure enjoys the generous view as his eyes now drop to your exposed pussy and his jaw goes slack.
“Fucking hell, babe,” he barely whispers, his arms moving slowly on himself, “I love my shirt on you, but why don’t you take it off and let me see all of you babe? Show me those tits, will ya?” He nods towards the shirt you have on.
You promptly obey him, pulling it over your head and tossing it aside. The vision of yourself on the phone, completely exposed, makes your cheeks burn and you almost forget the cheeky performance you’ve been putting on so far. But the look he has for you … that look… the one that assures you’re the most beautiful woman in the world keeps you grounded… and hot… so fucking hot. Your fingers move on their own and find your dampened and swollen clit again. Your jaw drops at the sensation of you touching yourself.
Right there on the other side of the screen, Bucky brings his hand to his mouth, and, with his sultry eyes on yours, he draws his tongue out, licks his palm and spits on it before bringing it down again. Fuck… you’re about to come just by that image itself and the touch of your fingers on your pussy. You can’t even see his cock but you know it must look big and hard and damn beautiful in his hand. You gasp while your fingers race up against your clit and you hold yourself by twisting a fist on the sheets.
“Shhhh…. Slow down, babe…” Bucky warns in a restrained groan, “Don’t you have a gift to use?”
At that, your fingers freeze. Catching your breath, you reach for the rabbit. Knowing you’re wet enough to take that toy perfectly, you decide to tease Bucky as you put the length of it in your mouth, giving it a sultry lick before engulfing it with your lips, coating it with your saliva.
“Fuck yeah… suck it, baby, suck it good,” Bucky encourages through a tightened jaw as his arm speeds up on himself.
You twirl your tongue around the toy a few more times before bringing it down. Under his lustful gaze, you slide the rabbit between your folds, sinking it in your wetness before guiding the tip to your clit again and turning the vibration on.
“Oh, Bucky,” your voice is a whisper through the sound of the vibrator buzzing in the room.
“Does that feel good, babe?” Bucky questions and you can tell he’s slowing down his rhythm to prolong his own pleasure
“Oh, yeah… so good,” you moan.
“Then take it, sweetheart, take it good and let me see you. You’re so damn beautiful,” he coos, knowing exactly what a sucker you are for a few praises.
Your cunt clenches at his words and you guide the toy to your entrance. There’s a bit of a sting that hits your senses once you push the tip inside. Your jaw drops as you push it further. The length and girth are almost a challenge, but a delicious one that you’re willing to take.
“That’s it… so fucking sexy…”
With Bucky’s praise you let out a languid and loud moan, having the whole length of the toy deep inside you. Your other hand twists the fabric of the sheet and your head falls back.
Eager and dripping wet, you start pumping in and out, not slowly, not gently, as the knot inside you gets tighter and tighter, longing for a release. The vibrating little rabbit hits your clit every time you push in, and your vision becomes glossy and blurry, your mind lost in the pleasure you’re giving yourself under Bucky’s eyes.
“Baby that feels so good,“ you tell him, not caring about the sloppy sounds of your wetness, knowing that, if he can hear them, he’s losing his fucking mind right now.
“Shit… fuck… I’m so fucking lucky… look at that… look at you… fucking yourself so hard like that,” Bucky speaks in a raspy voice and between heavy breaths, jerking himself in a hasty pace, “God I miss that pussy so much already.”
“Fucking shitballs,” you choke, clenching around the toy. You have your eyes shut so you don’t see it, but you do hear the heavy chuckle Bucky lets out at your favorite curse.
More than willing to put on a show for him – and for your own pleasure, since you have a thing for that position - you remove the toy from you just quick enough to turn on all fours.  
“Oh shit…baby, you’re killing me here with that sexy ass of yours,” Bucky’s voice is a raspy sound from behind you, “You love that, don’t you? You love when I take you from behind, my cock deep in that sweet pussy... fuck.”
You look over your shoulder to spot his arm moving frantically, hypnotized by the vision of you. Hooded eyes focus on your ass as you pump the toy in and out of your pussy from behind. You glance at your own image, too and fuck, yeah, you do look exposed and sexy as hell.
Your eyes shut and your cheek meets the mattress.  You quicken your pace, letting yourself be guided by the increasing spark in your core. … you’re there. You’re almost there.
“Ride it… ride it good baby,” he groans through heavy breathing.
“Fuck… I’m gonna cum.” You pant and, for a moment, you forget all about putting on a show for Bucky. Your mind and body focus solely on fucking yourself, on the toy in your cunt… the thickness of it…the slide through your wetness… the sweet vibrations on your clit…
Your legs start shaking and you let out a loud moan when the tightening pleasure in your core breaks into a powerful orgasm. Your body moves in waves with the sparks of sheer pleasure washing over every little part of you, making your mind nothing but a fog.
With a relieved cry, you let yourself fall flat on the mattress, but still hold the toy inside you, allowing the vibrations on your clit until it’s too much. You yelp as you pull it out and toss it aside. Still trying to catch your breath and your senses, you turn on your side and reach over to grab the phone from the holder and bring it close to your face as you support your head on your straightened arm.
You could come all over again just by the image of Bucky there, face red and sweating, jaw clenched, and arm moving frantically on himself.
“Goddammit, goddammit,” he growls.
In your blissful state, you smirk. You know him too well to know he’s holding himself back, which means the sensation is just too good for him to easily let go, “Let me see…” you whisper before biting your lip.
Bucky promptly moves the camera down to his cock. Big and hard and pulsing in his flesh hand. You draw blood out of your lips at the sight, and can’t help but to press your thighs together to scratch the itch growing back between your legs.
The tingle in your pussy only sprouts once Bucky moans out his finish. and You watch the big spurts of come spilling down his hand and clothed belly, making a mess of his uniform. Pressing your thighs tighter, another orgasm hits you and takes your breath away all over again, prompted by the filthy vision of him and the eager still lodged between your legs. A small, yet greatly satisfying orgasm as you watch your boyfriend come all over himself through the phone screen.
“Shit… that was something… Best gift ever…” Bucky declares when you two manage to breathe properly and his camera is now back to his grinning face.
Your head falls back as you laugh. “I’m glad you liked it, but I thought the present was for me?” You cock an eyebrow at him.
“It is, but I know you’re generous enough to include me sometimes. Aren’t you, beautiful?” He winks that mischievous wink of his.
“I’m sure we can figure something out,” you answer, the smile never leaving your face or his, before turning to lay on your back, holding the phone up as you rest your head on his pillow, “So, how was your day?”.  
Bucky shrugs, “Same old same old, bad guys being assholes, Avengers being awesome… and my hot as fuck girlfriend at the end of the day to make it all worth it.”
The fondness in his voice and face, a complete contrast to him calling you “hot as fuck”, makes your heart jump funny and you can’t help but giggle. It turns out Bucky is, not just a real Sex God, but also the sappiest and sweetest man on earth. A combination that makes him almost irresistible… damn… who are you kidding? There’s is no  “almost”. He’s thoroughly and deliciously irresistible. 
“How’s Alpine?” He then asks, laying back on the chair and placing an arm comfortably behind his head. 
“She’s great. I think she didn’t even notice you’re gone.”  
Hurt falls upon his face as he aims a kicked puppy look at you.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” you’re quick to add with a chuckle, “The cat is miserable”, you lie. Now that Alpine has warmed up to you, she’s very comfortable and happy in your presence, even in Bucky’s absence. So when you see the pout on his face, you decide it’s enough for you to not break that man’s heart, which is as soft as cotton, you’ve come to learn. “Come back to her soon, will ya?” As relief shows on his face, you plead, not talking solely about Alpine anymore. It’s been a day and you already miss him like crazy.  
“I will,” he answers with a smile and a meaningful look, before the mischief is back again, “So tell me, how did you prep yourself to try out my present? Just by thinking of me?” The cockiness is obvious in his voice.
“Yeah, actually…” You see no point in hiding that from him, “But don’t get too cocky…” You point a warning finger, “I couldn’t find any good porn.”
Bucky’s laugh lights up the room even miles away and through a tiny screen.  “Well, well, that’s too bad,” he says, nonchalantly, “Maybe we should make our own for next time, then.” He bites his lip and wiggles his eyebrows.
You register the wicked promise in his words and smile, as cheekily as he does.  
You’re so here for that.
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