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-- 西方音樂内化成功的例子
《憶兒時》 李叔同 詞
春去秋來,歲月如流,遊子傷飄泊。 回憶兒時,家居嬉戲,光景宛如昨。 茅屋三椽,老梅一樹,樹底迷藏捉。 高枝啼嗚,小川游魚,曾把閑情託。 兒時歡樂,斯樂不可作。 兒時歡樂,斯樂不可作。
《送别》 李叔同 詞
長亭外,古道邊,芳草碧連天 晚風拂柳笛聲殘,夕陽山外山 天之涯,地之角,知交半零落 一瓢濁酒盡餘歡,今宵別夢寒
李叔同 (1880 - 1942) 膾炙人口的歌曲 《憶兒時》 和 《送别》,因為很多台灣歌星翻唱,文字是熟悉的近體中文,旋律也很有古味,我們四年級生將之列為民國時期(包含在台灣族群融合時期)的歌曲。然這两首曲子的原作曲者居然都是美國人。
首先,《憶兒時》之原作為 “My Dear Old Sunny Home” 作者為 William Shakespeare Hays (July 19, 1837 – July 23, 1907), who was an American poet and lyricist. 《送别》 原曲為 “Dreaming of Home and Mother” an 1868 song by John P. Ordway, an American medical doctor and composer.
上面是李叔同大師(經由日本)内化美國民謠成功的例子。另外,更有内化古典西洋交響樂(布拉姆斯, 德弗乍克)的。《遊子吟》 和 《念故鄉》 & 《老大徒傷悲》(後两者為同一旋律,不同歌詞)用道地唐宋古文(孟郊)和優美的近體中文(李抱忱,韋瀚章)將西洋古典音樂旋律成功地,不鑿痕跡地内化了。
《遊子吟》 孟郊 (西元 751年 ~ 814年)詞
《念故鄉》 和 《老大徒傷悲》
《念故鄉》 李抱忱 詞 念故鄉,念故鄉,故鄉真可愛, 天甚清,風甚涼,鄉愁陣陣來。 故鄉人,今如何,常念念不忘, 在他鄉,一孤客,寂寞又淒涼。 我願意,回故鄉,重返舊家園, 眾親友,聚一堂,同享從前樂。
《老大徒傷悲》 韋瀚章 詞
歌曲 《遊子吟》 來自布拉姆斯 (Brahms) 的 《大學慶典序曲》 (Academic Festival Overture). 歌曲 《念故鄉》 和 《老大徒傷悲》 ��用同一大家十分熟悉的旋律,即捷克名作曲家德弗乍克Dvorak的 《第九交響曲》(來自新世界)的第二樂章緩板Largo。這段樂章曾被名音樂家李抱忱(1907~ 1979)填上了中文的歌詞 《念故鄉》,早年曾經廣受歡迎傳唱;而同曲也被詞人韋瀚章填為 《老大徒傷悲》。两原汁原味的西洋音樂套上了優美的古代和近代中文歌詞,讓我們以為是道地的民國作品。德弗乍克的學生Fisher也將此緩板轉為可傳唱的歌曲 《Goin‘ Home》.
在筆者初中期間列為音樂教材的歌曲 《遊子吟》,《老大徒傷悲》,《憶兒時》,《送别》 不知如今是否還在,不得而知?每聽到這些曲子,依然可以清楚地記得其古雅的中文歌詞(長亭外,古道邊,芳草碧連天;天之涯,地之角,知交半零落 《送别》;茅屋三椽,老梅一樹,樹底迷藏捉 《憶兒時》;深悔蹉跎,深悔蹉跎 《老大徒傷悲》。。)和旋律。經由旋律加深了古雅文字的記憶及感染力,何嘗不是成功的人文教育?
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區桂芝: 108 課綱無恥
首先,「去中國化」的議題不是由區桂芝所認為的108課綱禍首開始的。文化大革命 破四舊,誰催毁了中國文化?誰提倡簡體字,澈底地去中國化?區桂芝心中的祖國都如此瘋狂地去中國化,妳還要求台灣一昧地死守中國化,明月照溝渠?
同時,區桂芝引用蔡英文2016年說過 「沒有人需要為他的認同而道歉」 來為自己堅持的言論辯護。首先,在她思思念念的中國可以嗎?在那裏,有些人為了堅持他/她的認同,甘冒被失蹤的危險,其實是很可怕的(很多實例的,如李明哲)。其次,區桂芝藉蔡英文2016年說過「沒有人需要為他的認同而道歉」的話,就是老娘不怕被失蹤,也不欲道歉,這不就是間接地歌頌台灣的民主嗎?
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Blowin' In The Wind
by Bob Dylan
How many roads must a man walk down Before you call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand? Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind
Yes, and how many years must a mountain exist Before it is washed to the sea? And how many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head And pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind
Yes, and how many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? And how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind
How many roads must a man walk down 人究竟要走過多少路程 Before they call him a man 才能被稱為一個男子 How many seas must a white dove sail 一隻白鴿必須飛越多少海洋 Before she sleeps in the sand 才能在沙灘上安息 How many times must the cannon balls fly 砲彈要發射多少發 Before they’re forever banned 人們才會永遠禁止它
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 親愛的朋友 答案隨風飄盪 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案隨風飄盪
How many years must a mountain exist 一座山究竟要屹立不搖多少年 Before it is washed to the sea 才會被沖刷入海 How many years can some people exist 人們還要被囚禁多少年 Before they’re allowed to be free 才能獲得自由 How many times can a man turn his head 人們要再閃避目光多少次 And pretend that he just doesn’t see 對世上的苦難視而不見
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 親愛的朋友 答案隨風飄盪 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案隨風飄盪
How many times must a man look up 人們要抬頭仰望多少次 Before he can see the sky 才能看見藍天 How many ears must one man have 一個人要有多少隻耳朵 Before he can hear people cry 才能聽見求救哭喊 How many deaths will it take 還要再犧牲多少條性命 ‘Till he knows that too many people have died 人們才會懂得生命的可貴
The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 親愛的朋友 答案隨風飄盪 The answer is blowing in the wind 答案隨風飄盪
(adopted Lineday.co, with changes)
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Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
雪晚林邊歇馬 余光中翻譯
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誰是林登 詹森?
“誰是林登 詹森?” 他是推動或支持1964 民權法案,1965 投票權法案,1965 移民與公民法案,Medicare/Medicaid等等重大法案的總統。這些法案都是保守派深惡痛絕的,然身為南方保守的民主黨人,他為什麼跟著楊基民主黨總統羅斯福,甘乃迪的腳步走progressive 的政治?下回分解。
“誰是林登 詹森?” 詹身為南方保守的民主黨人,他為什麼跟著楊基民主黨總統羅斯福,甘乃迪的腳步走progressive 的政治?因為他是一個對窮人,黑人有熱情compassion 的南方民主黨人士。詹的下人(窮又是黒人)到詹家幫忙的路上,不得搭公車,不得上廁所,為此,詹感到十分不公平,不應該。雖然是甘乃迪(民主黨)的副總統,但是一般認為他是羅斯福總統(楊基民主黨)的傳人。羅倡議New Deal, 詹倡議Great Society; 兩者都是民主價值的倡議。但詹與甘兩人其實配合非常好:甘是學院派,講理想但卻無法通過法案,詹來的自眾院,參院,熟悉法案運作。甘的理念剛好在甘過世後,在詹的運作下通過了。這好像是天意吧?聽說詹與羅伯甘乃迪有過節?沒錯,下回分解。
“誰是林登 詹森?” 上次提到聽說詹與羅伯甘乃迪有過節,是的。詹森個性有陰暗面,即1 害怕失敗(fear of failure); 2 不足感(inadequacy). 第一點,來自他父親曾經失敗過,這對他影響很大的。比如,1964大選他遲遲不表態競選(怕失敗),甘請他當副手。直到甘乃迪的旋風起來,他才感覺事態嚴重。正好,甘請他當副手。第二點,他上的大學是師範大學,比甘的幕僚多來自東北角長春藤聯盟似有點不足。這一點由日後他成為總統後全面接受甘的幕僚可以看出。另外我覺得正因爲不足感使得他面對咄咄逼人的羅伯甘乃迪(哈佛大學)有些招架不住。两人無法好好相處是白宫人士多有所聞的事。下次再聊詹森如何形容自己當VP不受歡迎,到他如何吐了這口怨氣。真有天壤之別,下回分解。
“誰是林登 詹森?” 上次提到詹森形容自己當VP如何不受歡迎的窘境。詹森擔任副總統時因為南北地緣不同,文化不同,個性不同,與總統的弟弟羅伯相處極為不恰。他經常受到羅伯的故意冷落,或總統的無意疏遠,開會經常沒邀請他。雖然常代表總統出訪,內心感到十分地不受重视。詹森甚至自嘲「幹VP一職就像一條被閹了的狗」。然而11月22日(1963),一切改變,詹森成了總統,換羅伯夜夜不得好眠。詹收編了甘的團隊,意氣風發,甚至在他的德州農莊擺國宴款待外賓德國總理。在國宴上一切都是德州式,五花馬 ,千金裘(五百磅的牛肉,三百磅的豬排,西部牛仔泥帽)。他的老婆Lady Bird 高興地嬉笑,拋飛吻,送禮物,其狀況當然不是11月22日前鬱鬱不樂當VP時可以預想得到的。真是時也,命也,運也。吳教授提到越戰升级是致使詹放棄連任之主因。下次我們一起來看是否有什麼脈絡可尋,注定他沒辦法處理好越戰,下回分解。
“誰是林登 詹森?” 上次説到詹森總統因為為越戰上昇,擴大以致於放棄連任(類似吳教授的comments),其實本人覺得會有如此的情況,是有脈絡可尋的。在古巴危機時刻,他就是強調快速出兵一舉殲滅對手的那一派,不像甘比較鴿派,會give and take. 我們都知道越南被轟炸得死去活來,加上他對於古巴事件的建議來看與詹森總統不無關係(肌肉強硬派,少negotiations ,少 finesse 細緻的本質;此為本人推估,會再查證)。下次談詹森總統的 「任性」,這與詹森以非高壽(至少八,九十)而終有關。請待下回分解。
“誰是林登 詹森?” 上回說到 「任性」 的個性與詹森以非高壽(至少八,九十)而終有關。詹的 「任性」 直接唤回他中斷了十五年的抽煙習慣,他的女兒反對他抽煙,他怎麼說呢? 「我總統都幹過了,有什麼可以阻止我抽個小煙呢?」 可惜的是他不只抽小煙,相反地,他卻是一個chain smoker,一天三包的煙。這麼一抽,他在短短地於卸任後四年又兩天,在64歲的低齡與世長辭了。早逝神奇之處就跟他1963年11月22日突然從人生的最低潮的VP,徹底地改運成總統的一國之尊同樣地amazing. 時也,命也,運也,What can you say?!
“誰是林登 詹森?” 就此打住,感謝各位收看。
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Who is LBJ?
A person with compassion, Who was his mentor, FDR or JFK?
Before reading the book [1], we knew only a few facts about LBJ (Lyndon Baines Johnson); for example, he was catapulted to Presidency from VP on the death of JFK, the President; he and Robert, JFK's brother, had serious conflicts; he treated the widow Jackie fairly well; and he may not handle the Vietnam War as well as he liked, which had become his liability.
After reading [1], we learned that he actually was a person with compassion; he passed many important laws: 1964 Civil Rights, 1965 Voting Rights, Medicare and Medicaid (as Social Security amendment), and Immigration and Nationality Act 1965. He passed these important Democratic legislatures, not because he was VP of JFK, but, indeed, he was a protégé of FDR, who promoted New Deal, and LBJ himself worked whole life to promote Great Society. Most importantly, he did these because of, from what I can gather, compassion he had for common people, especially, the poor and blacks. He felt deeply for his servants (both poor and black) who had to walk a long way no bus, no restroom along the way, endured in-human treatment of the society to reach LBJ’s home.
According to [2], Franklin D. Roosevelt‚ was a great man and a shrewd politician, LBJ, the protégé, is at least shrewder. I cannot find the examples of LBJ’s shrewdness, but I found his dark side mentality (characters: fear of failure, and inadequacy), which is more intriguing (making him a real, tragic, vulnerable human being) than the simple facts people have known about him.
He had complicated indecisive nature, cannot declare the candidacy for the 1964 presidency until it was too late; because of his fear of failure (horror of making mistakes [2]). The fear has a lot to do with his father. His father had failed before which caused the whole family descended into poor.
He was graduated from Southwest Teacher’s College, and considered himself not smart enough (inadequate), like Kennedy’s cabinet members, full of Ivy League graduates.
With these dark side, hidden characters, it was natural he was struggling to manage relations with Robert F Kennedy. As a VP, he was ill-treated, ignored purposely by RFK (or un-intentionally by JFK); and right after he became President, everything was reversed, and it was RFK’s turn to have many sleepless nights. Before November 22, 1963, LBJ even lamented "Being VP like being a cut dog [1, p. 205]." In contrast, on December 29, 1963 he hosted a state dinner from Texas, the first social gathering after the death of JKF. In it (Texas White House Christmas Part), everything is Texas; Stetsons hats, 500 lbs of briskets, 300 lbs of spareribs, special barbecue, while at the background, Lady Bird, accompanying the guest, Erhard (German Chancellor), with Johnson behind, offered smiles, gifts, and hugs [1, p. 508]. What a drastic difference!
As a matter of fact, JFK and LBJ complement each other nicely. He has good sense of power; from observing people, from the mentors, also from practicing it (being a House representative and Senator); his success is a lot attributed to two mentors Roosevelt (a protégé to Roosevelt), House speaker Sam Rayburn. JFK proposed legislatures, and LBJ passed them, since he (LBJ) understood how Senate worked. He was a practical (hands-on) person, however, he lacked finesse that may be needed in complicated political matters, see Vietnam War (Liability) below.
He had self-destructive, self-indulged tendency; he resumed smoking right after his presidency. He consumed 3 packs a day, a true chain smoker. It was sad, because he died at age of 64 (on January 22, 1973, 4 years and 2 days after completed his Presidency); it was really too young to die.
It is also important to mention that he had good family, wife and two daughters.
Great Society (Some failed, though)
During his presidency, he passed, promoted or supported important Democratic legislatures: 1964 Civil Rights, 1965 Voting Rights (first term), War on Poverty, Medicare and Medicaid (Social Security Amendments), 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act. These legislatures have long lasting effects on today’s US society.
He also signed 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, Hart-Celler Act, into law, which abolished National Origins Formula which had been the basis of the U.S. immigration policies since 1920s. Senator Philip Hart and Congressman Emanuel Celler introduced a bill to repeal the . The bill received wide support from both northern Democratic and Republican members of Congress, but strong opposition mostly from Southern Democrats, the latter mostly voting Nay or Not Voting. LBJ, a Southern Democrat himself, supported the legislature [3].
Great Society seems a proper term to summarize his life-time democratic valued efforts (including War on Poverty), as compared to New Deal, which was championed by his mentor FDR.
Vietnam War (Liability)
Vietnam War, under his presidency, became worse . In Cuba crises, Johnson took hawkish stand, as opposed to the more dovish approach taken by his boss. It is no wonder that, in his rein, Vietnam war became worse.
[1] Robert A. Caro, The Years of Lyndon Johnson -- The Passage of Power, May 1, 2012
[2] Michael C. Janeway, “Lyndon Johnson’s Other Wars,” The Atlantic, September 1967 [3] Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Wikipedia.
[3] Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, Wikipedia.
October 30, 2023
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The Six Months ROC Once Owned Taiwan
January 5, 1950, Truman publicly announced that Taiwan is part of China (referring to ROC, not PRC). Secretary of state Dean G. Acheson's speech at the National Press Club on January 12, 1950 was among the most important and controversial US policy statements in the early history of the Cold War in East Asia. He defined the American "defensive perimeter" in the Pacific rim as a line running through Japan, the Ryukyus (琉球), and the Philippines. It denied a guaranteed US military protection to the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan. Effectively, Taiwan under ROC became an internal affair between two sides of Chinese, PRC and ROC. But, most importantly, ROC truly owned Taiwan in early 1950. In legal term, ROC had sovereignty right over Taiwan.
On June 25, the Korean war broke out. Everything, including the sovereignty right, changed. On June 29, the Seventh fleet entered the Taiwan straits, ROC's sovereignty right was taken back. The US claimed that she can legally enter the Straits, and protect Taiwan (or Chiang's government, ROC, then the ruler) only when Taiwan's status is "Undermined,“ to which Chiang agreed. Thinking in this way, if both sides are Chinese, how can the US legally enter the region? Doing so, the Straits becomes a "land" of Freedom of Navigation (FON), and the same time the US had not grabbed a foreign territory (from Chinese, not China, either one), a principle that Truman and Acheson (or the US) firmly abided by.
As a result, the Taiwan straits turned into a "land" of FON, which the US views as a vital national interest. Based on this argument, you probably are able to draw a conclusion on what the US would do when Taiwan is under attack, or, straits' FON right is hampered: the US would enforce FON, regardless Taiwan is safe or not. But, it is obvious if Taiwan falls into PRC's hand, FON is immediately negated.
Later in 1952, FON and Taiwan's status of "Undetermined" are validated through treaties sign by countries in the world community, under guidance of then US special envoy of the president (Truman), John Foster Dulles, who later became the Secretary of state in 1953 under president Eisenhauer.
Seventy years later today, the issue is still hotly debated, if not hotter. China is much stronger, and has rigorously enforced One China policy, and also claims Taiwan is part of China. Ukraine is under attack from Russia, the situation parallels that between China and Taiwan. One important question: with severely un-balanced military might on the two sides, how Taiwan is able to defend herself? In my opinion, Taiwan's government should not rely on the US (to defend Taiwan); on the contrary, Taiwan should learn a lesson from the recent Ukraine war: 自助人助 (Help yourself then there will be help from others, obviously, FON is one of them)。
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謎語 ⸢台中一中,台南一中⸥,打政治口號一
謎底:KMT版的九二共識;即 ⸢一中各表⸥。
由於習進平没收了九二共識裏的 ⸢一中各表⸥,故 ⸢一中各表⸥ 實值不再代表 ⸢中華民國,或中華人民共和國⸥;它僅能代表 ⸢台中一中,或台南一中⸥ 罷了。
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今早甘冒全身淋濕之不當,再不便也選擇要在雨中快步來到學校。從小相信,每遇下雨,考試就會考得很好,是個人的如 「宗教」 般的信念:雨就是會帶來好運。果然,從最近雨終於到來和最近有利台灣的政治發展來講,又得到證明。
1 昨天下午,日航JL809載運了124萬劑AZ疫苗來到臺灣。相對對岸的打壓行為,台日本的相互關懷,好意(原因有跡可尋,李登輝,安倍晉三,安倍母親,小英,清德,長廷,311,國家隊口罩,南六口罩,台北賓館,八田與一。。。對了,還有[注一]所載之報導)在太平洋形成一堅固的島鏈,好像台日再統一。這個號稱十日(5/24起)靠互信的寧靜作戰代表了一個未來可行的新模式,並預告對岸影響力式微。
2 曹興誠批藍營(百年老黨),「唯恐台灣不亂,甘為中共犬馬,品行可謂墮落不堪!」 大快人心。曹興誠何等人也,代表台灣內部開始凝聚共識。
3 Dr. CC Wei 作證Covid-19的疫苗能在短短一年內發展成功是AI的原因。而AI的背後是HPC,HPC的背後是Semiconductor半導體。另外連Atom Smasher也靠AI,其中粒子的軌跡埋藏在圖像的���音裏,因為利用了GPU 和FPGA(AI processors and devices),可以發現這些軌跡。Higgs (named after Peter Higgs, 2013 Nobel Laureate) 的發現據說就是這���來的。
4 對於DOE的真正認識(Replicates 為必要的 Randomization之必然結果;DOE 對Repeats的處理不同於Anova或Gauge R&R;Regression eq. in Coded, Uncoded units, Effects and Coefficients in Coded units 之連結;如何設 LN function,等等),也發現了Montgomery 教授關於Block leaks的錯誤結論(第七版用錯了dataset)。
5 星期五(6/4)的美國股市又勇敢地 「戰」 回來了。個人相信其原因在於融資太多,政治穩定。Harry Dent的六月底雪崩的預測極可能不會實現。
6 TBW on newly interested topics, which include retirement planning (building your own website, home IoT, seeking legal advises on family estate, FY home); what to do in retirement (or just let it go naturally); Inter-generation dialogues and business (if there is culture difference in helping the young ones, in terms of the support, the old exerting influence to help the young, taking advantage of the status, how to communicate between generations; how to manage expectation: young towards old, old towards young, etc..).
下圖為日本參議員全體起立,一致力挺台灣參與WHO之場面(翻攝自參議院官網)。本圖後附於 6/12/2021。特別好奇什麼力量能使參議員全體起立?莫不與天皇之殷殷期待,上[注一],有關?)
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Ans: 兩者皆為侵犯人權的劣質行為。
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台灣因為政治原因拿不到德國BNT的疫苗,據可靠消息(來自朱鳳蓮:「他們明知不可為而為之」)證實是對岸施壓的結果。 對岸連這種攸關生命的大事,平常說最關心台灣人的都可,並要阻撓,其無人性落後的思維令人費解:這種粗暴的手法徒增兩邊的仇恨而已(其實對岸真的不想,怕統一台灣的,由此可見一斑。況且,人性與無人性思維已經形成不可逆的互不往來的鴻溝)。
就在此時,日本表示可以供給AZ疫苗給台灣。台灣人本來就考慮很多,擔心將來對岸可能會因接受日本來的AZ疫苗而說嘴。很感謝對岸的敵對態度(飛彈對準,飛機,戰機繞台擾台)及手法(阻擋台灣拿德國BNT的疫苗卑劣手段),我們因此可以明正言順地接受日本的AZ 疫苗,讓對岸知道,「徳不孤,必有鄰」,什麽叫真正的關心(對台灣人好),掛在嘴邊的不算。
5/30/2021 -- 梅雨來到高雄了
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朱岳中 5/26/2021 陳凝觀年代向錢看
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「不好意思, 一個,進行xx,做xx的動作,做一個xx的動作,xx的部分, xx的狀況, 是, 有,對,等等」經常在無意間滲入了台灣多數人的口語裏。下面的例子裏,將括弧「xx」裏的字xx拿掉,其意不變,但卻變得比較順了,至少少了很多雞皮疙瘩。
美日在太平洋「做」軍演。 美日在太平洋「進行」軍演「的動作」。
『「不好意思」,現在為您「做一個」加湯「的動作」。 』
『政府設立的平台可以讓廠商「做」協商「的動作」。 』
「不好意思」,其實是台灣人暗藏霸凌 (imposing) 態度的語言。也就是說,有人跟你開口說「不好意思」時,就是你必須勉為其難地讓 (yield) 或順從 (accommodate) 講這句話的人。
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Novel Coronavirus induced opportunities (Extremely low 10-yr note rates, Stock sell-off and bounced-back, Stimulus checks, etc..) is considered as the major factor behind the drastic increase in the net worth (the sum of Banking and Investment, real estate and valuables not included) from February 2020 to April 2021, plotted above (32.85 $wan/yr during the pandemic vs 6.42 $wan/yr from 2008/2009 to 2/2020; $wan = $10,000). The rate of increase from Banking alone cannot explain such a high rate of increase, since the sources of income are well known.
It was a pleasant surprise. But, watch when the Fed takes it all back (by jacking up the discount rate).
April 10, 2021
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