#but everyone other character is livesies
kellyscowboy · 1 year
some hcs for wild westsies (the newsies wild west au that i'm writing a oneshot for & MIGHT write a fanfic for):
david & jack are both very feared cowboys
deadwood david
people are more scared of david than they are of jack
spot conlon owns a saloon (spot's shootin' saddle saloon)
racetrack is a saloon girl
albert is a story teller & plays guitar (he sits in the corner and just strums random notes unless someone asks him to play a specific song or tells a story)
jack is more or less friends with everyone in town, but they have a healthy fear of him
but david is only 'friends' with spot, everyone else would rather die than even look at him
sheriff crutchie, but he doesn't really want the job
so when the opportunity shows itself, he gives up the title of sheriff super quick & goes to play the piano at spot's saloon
katherine & elmer both teach at the school, elmer works w/ the younger kids & kath with the older kids
all of them were raised in santa fe, minus david who's from deadwood, south dakota
so more or less they're all good friends
finch is a ranch worker
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saysflora · 6 months
you know how there’s that “black cat x golden retriever” trope that sprung up a while ago?
‘92!javid are both black cats and livesies!javey are both golden retrievers, and that is the fundamental difference between them
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moonlitgraffiti · 2 months
S o. As few people are probably aware, over a year ago, I made a joke post that Joseph Pulitzer and Theodore Roosevelt are bitter exes in Livesies and that I would not be elaborating.
... As many fandom things tend to go, it is Definitely not a joke anymore. As such, I will now be elaborating as I did not all those months ago. For those of y'all willing to at the very least entertain it, strap in.
A l r i g h t so for everyone coming along for the ride, let us begin at the basics: the canon we are given to start with. Early in act I, we see even m e n t i o n of Roosevelt gets under Pulitzer's skin; he gets loud, he gets angry, he has to rein himself in. He will find any means he can to criticize and does not shy away from it.
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Roosevelt does not come up again until late, l a t e game, where he shows up unannounced in Pulitzer's office. And it's where things start getting very interesting.
Pulitzer tries to be professional with him, tries to address him in a proper manner, calling him "Governor", trying to lay out his case before him from the start. But Roosevelt doesn't display much interest in this propriety. When he first lays eyes on him, he calls him "Joseph", and nothing more. Medda gets her full name, and he does not address anyone else. It's familiarity, and also some slight disrespect on Roosevelt's behalf. But it's also t e a s i n g, he smiles, he seems to enjoy watching him squirm. Not to mention the comfort in Pulitzer's personal space.
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(Now kiss.)
He waves his power in Pulitzer's face, all the while refusing to call him anything other than "Joseph", despite Pulitzer trying to iron out the interaction into anything vaguely professional.
We also have the "hard heart, soft head" exchange.
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Theodore where are you l o o k i n g??
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After Jack manages to get a deal from Pulitzer and these two are standing up on the platform together, they continue to antagonize each other. But Pulitzer seems to be sliding into Roosevelt's game: he calls him "Teddy", a name which Roosevelt's real life counterpart despised. He moves to push his cane into Pulitzer's chest, and when Jack interrupts them, they both turn to give him this look:
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I'm sorry, was he interrupting something?
Sadly, here is where our canonical events end. However, now we jump into the richness of the relationship.
In the events we see in Newsies, I see this pair as bitter exes. As it so happens, based on the timeline of reality, Pulitzer and Roosevelt were in New York City at the exact same time for a while, immediately after Roosevelt's wife died. (I feel it important to note here that while I draw from real events, this is not to be intended as RPF. This is for the characters Newsies, specifically Livesies, has made of them both and only these characters. The real Pulitzer and Roosevelt led vastly different lives and neither were even present for the strike at all. So Newsies is fudging it, and so will I.)
At any rate, Roosevelt would have been young and vulnerable and emotional during this time. He and Pulitzer catch each other's eye, and after an age begin a tentative love affair. But Pulitzer can't bring himself to be open and honest with his emotions, especially not in a way that a vulnerable Roosevelt would so desperately need, and is too blinded by his own ego to see that he is causing problems.
Feeling ignored and twice brokenhearted, Roosevelt takes off to the Dakotas after the end of the legislative session without telling Pulitzer. This leaves Joseph confused and hurting, bitter and angry, and never wanting to see him ever again.
Years pass, and Roosevelt's fame grows. Pulitzer grows more and more bitter, thinking about the abandonment he's convinced himself was his reality. Until they meet again. Roosevelt as governor to confront him as a titan.
And so brings us to canon day. When your skinny, fiery, weak voiced lover crashes back into your life and he is big, loud, confident, and sexier than he's ever been.
I'm not asking you to ship it, but I'm asking you to at least consider how it can be compelling. Rekindling a love affair that ended so badly when both parties are older, wiser, and much better equipped. For those of you that want to see Pulitzer suffer, he will! That personal growth to force him out of his closed off emotional constipation, to make him confront that he isn't alone and doesn't have to be. And to slowly trust each other again.
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i-got-poisenality · 2 months
i'd love to hear some assorted Crutchie headcanons if you have them, I am collecting them like shiny rocks :)
thank you for the ask!! and now i shall go feral beast mode because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CRUTCHIE, HES MY DREAM ROLE AND I PICKED MY NAME BASED OFF OF HIS IN THE JR VERSION!!! and this is mostly for livesies bc he’s more of a major character there
Crutchie is transmasc, asexual, and homoromantic
bridging off of the trans thing, he wears a lot of layers to hide the fact that he is not cis (totally not projecting on that one hahaaaaa)
this man is NOT neurotypical
also he really likes animal crackers
also he’s super casual about any health issues and does not like getting babied(as in he absolutely hates it and steams with rage when people baby him)
his favorite color is 💛yellow💛
this one is really specific but he has freckles on the bridge of his nose
he has called Miss Medda mom on multiple occasions, he eventually just started calling her “Mama Medda” (and Miss Medda’s heart completely melted)
he also always gets Mama Medda flowers for mother’s day, they may or may not be taken from central park
he gives the absolute best hugs and is the best at comforting people
he is the definition of the terms “walk softly but carry a big stick” and “do no harm, take no shit” as he doesn’t like causing problems or starting fights, but he has nearly broken people’s knees by wailing on them with his crutch to defend others
yeah, he’s a lover, not a fighter, but that doesn’t mean he won’t fight if he has to
animals love him and he loves animals, he is physically incapable of walking past a dog(or cat, or horse, or bug, or spider) on the street without petting it
branching off of this, he has brought SO MANY LITTLE CRITTERS BACK TO THE LODGING HOUSE (one time he brought a spider and that was the exact day Jack decided he was sleeping outside full time because the spider escaped and they never found it)
in the summertime, he likes sitting outside in the rain(if it’s light enough, that is) because he finds it really refreshing (it scares the heck out of everyone who cares about him because they’re worried he’ll get sick (this drives him a little bit crazy))
he loves hugs, like, adores them. giving, receiving, just seeing people happy when they get hugs, the warm and fuzzy feeling of them
Davey taught him about flower language(i hc that Davey likes flower language) and now he loves leaving little flowers with hidden meanings around for his friends
he just generally likes getting little gifts for his friends (even if some of them are just small fragments of metal he found on the ground or neat rocks)
very sentimental boy <3
he’s kinda bad at math so Elmer has to help him with it sometimes
still has some ptsd from The Refuge and this tends to mostly show up in nightmares, getting really scared/upset when people yell(especially if it’s at him and ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY if it’s an older man bc that reminds him of Snyder), having panic attacks when passing by the building that used to be The Refuge, and windows with bars over them(that last one is more specifically for 92’sies bc of how The Refuge was)
on a lighter note, he loves his friends/found family/just about everyone more than most people even thought was possible
and if he ever got the chance to ride one, he’d absolutely adore ferris wheels
i know the crutchtrack shippers are few and far between BUT I AM ONE OF THEM SO HERES THE CRUTCHIE SIDE OF THAT
he was the most adorably awkward, painfully obvious, and painfully oblivious goober
it took MONTHS for both Race and Crutchie to actually realize the other was into them
Crutchie ended up actually confessing through a letter that he shoved in Races hands before skedaddling as fast as possible
once they do get together, they’re both absolute cuddle monsters
Crutchie still gets SO UNBELIEVABLY FLUSTERED every time Race flirts with him
that’s it for now, I WILL ABSOLUTELY TALK MORE ABOUT CRUTCHTRACK IF YOUSE WANT, but yes thank you so much for letting me rant about my favorite boy and sorry that this got sorta long <3
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baura-bear · 1 year
What are the *official* newsies drinking game rules?
Ok so the way we are playing is very much that these rules can be interpreted any way you want depending on how much you want to drink and also I haven’t show Maria the rules yet… sooo they might change but I made these with the help of everyone who commented on my earlier post so thank you anyone who did that :)
Drink when Davey loses item of clothing (we love character development)
Drink when someone messes up choreo (looking at you Christian Bale)
Drink when there’s a pelvic thrust in choreography
Drink when lyric is different from livesies (you might die if you do this accurately)
Drink when Jack has solo emo moment (basically the entirety of Santa Fe)
Drink when Race talks about betting
Drink when Sarah smiles (Added this rule for Maria)
SHOT when Jack/Dave have a near kiss (tie pull, seize the day hug, jack’s escape)
Maria and I each came up with our own rule, the catch is that neither of us know what the other’s rule is. So as we watch we have to try to guess what the secret rule is. (I’ll tell you guys once she guesses)
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sl-newsie · 1 year
My Review of Livesies
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Really Jack? You chose this face? You look both angry and confused! 👆
Set: understandable, considering that it’s confined to a stage. Favorite set piece is probably the famous newsstand that they get their picture taken from.
Music: why the new lyrics? The old ones were just fine! Why the electric guitar?
Crutchy acts more naive, why so dumb? ‘You wanna bust yer odda leg too?’ Yes Cruchy, why?
Yeah Jack, you’re totally 17 Jeremy 😑
Everyone’s accent: good, Jeremy’s accent: x100
So Jack goes from wanting a family to roping Crutchy into a fantasy life out west and then he completely abandons him later?
In 92sies it focuses on Jack and him interacting with the other Newsies, whereas here it’s Jack wanting to get away so badly that it’s all he literally talks about.  
Race and Albert: both handsome and annoying
Albert steals Race’s cigar, so what they just forgot about Snipeshooter?
‘Bath time at the zoo?’ so I guess ‘we got woik to do’ just wasn’t good enough and they had to write something completely bonkers?
Right away: enter a bunch-a newsies that I don’t know and never get a chance to see their characters play out because they’re moving too fast. They completely erased some of the original characters and wrote in new ones that make me miss the old ones!
Romeo: is actually a character that sticks with me because he’s given personality
Enter Katherine: I just don’t like her. I never liked how Kara Lindsay portrayed her and always think she looks mad, confused, and dazed. 🤷‍♀️
Jack, if you’re so keen on leaving then why are you flirting with Katherine? You’re digging yourself into this!
In the dvd version they cut the ‘smile that spreads like butter,’ which I always wondered why.
I’m seeing all these newsies and don’t know who half of them are!
Elmer: introduced by nuns, another character I actually remember
LUV the added acro tricks!!!
I think it’s clear now why Jack’s not dancing. Good way to hide it, Jeremy!
‘What is that unpleasant aroma?’- Max did it better!  
Race briefly mentions betting Jack against the Delancys and then never mentions gambling again. I guess half his original character is nothing?
Applause for the clean scene changes! 👏
Seriously Race what is this face? 👇
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Race flirts with Weasel rather than gamble? Preposterous!
Enter Davey and Les- ‘I’m new too!’  I can tell that’s gonna get annoying…
Davey just wants his papes and nervously tries to escape the other newsies while Les is already introducing them and is already chummy with Jack
Les knows an awful lot about wages for a 10-year-old
Les in 92sies: shy, cute, innocent, curious Livesies Les: obnoxious, loud, cocky, hyper
Romeo and Albert on Pulitzer’s desk during the scene change is surprisingly funny
Hannah is so good!!! I don’t know why they emphasize on Katherine struggling to make it through work when Hannah already shows that a woman can get a good career.
Pulitzer is even more cocky, brash, and egotistical than Robert Duvall’s portrayal. Historically Pulitzer wasn’t that mean to the newsies.
‘Shave me too close and you could cut my throat.’ Sweeney Todd reference? 🪒
Hannah: ‘We don’t sell papers, newsies sell papers.’ Ummm Jack? Your line is ‘headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes.’ Ya missed it! 🗞️
Pulitzer: Yes, 6-year-olds need to work harder let’s charge them more and they’ll thank me later.
I wonder if the dance choreographers just sat down and thought: ok, we need to think of every dance stunt that can be done with a newsboy hat and newspaper bag.
Davey and Les are bantering and then Les runs up- oh yeah, you’re still annoying.
Why is Jack so shaken up about hearing about Davey and Les’ folks? Other newsies got folks, so it ain’t like he’s never heard it before.
‘Come home with us!’ ‘Mom’s a great cook!’ All are potential suggestions for Jack to go meet the Jacobs, but no! Sarah apparently doesn’t even exist! The original story is about Jack seeing how happy the Jacobs family is and wanting a family too, but instead he’s an angry painter who just wants to leave without second thoughts.
Why does Snyder just taunt ‘Kelly!’ before he starts chasing him? You don’t call out and say you’re gonna attack before you attack!
Davey and Jack talk about the Refuge and then it’s never mentioned again after Crutchy gets taken. In the movie Jack goes and tries to break him out but Crutchy refuses. Here we got Jack not wanting anything to do with the Refuge even after Crutchy gets locked up!
Medda? Medda is on fire! I still luv her character in this, especially her feather hat! 💜💗
‘No kids allowed in the theatre!’ and yet she encourages Les to look at the Bowery Beauties for ‘educational’ purposes?
Les stares at the Beauties as if he’s never seen a girl before. He’s enthralled by their costumes and then Davey just waves it off
‘Where better to escape trouble than a theatre?’ truer words were never spoken, Miss Medda! 🎭
Jack is all like: screw being a cowboy, I’m a painter! 🤠🧑‍🎨
‘You’re on!’ ‘I am? How’m I doing?’ Nice way to break the 4th wall, Medda!
That’s Rich compared to Lovey Dovey Baby is hard because Anne Margaret’s performance is more dreamy and soft
Ok gotta say that Les and Davey’s faces poking out is very cute
Am I the only one who’s disappointed that we never get to see the full Bowery Beauties act?
‘Twice in one day! Think it’s fate?’ No, Jack. You’re stalking this poor girl!
Katherine just begs Jack to leave the box, whereas Sarah would just punch an intruder in the face. 👊
Never Planned On You, ummm why? First Jack wants to go to Santa Fe, then he likes Katherine after a 2-minute conversation? ‘Til I find someone new,’ umm how many girls have you dated, Jackie boy? In 92sies he never even mentions this kind of stuff.
In the next scene change whoever the newsies with no shirt on is, they are obviously trying to take away from 92sies Mush’s shirtless scene and I will not stand for it!
So now Race’s only personality trait is that he luvs cigars more than his mom? 🚬  
‘LET THE MAN WORK IT OUT!’ Okayyyy it’s confirmed Les has anger issues
Everybody talks about how Crutchy’s smile spreads like butter, but when I see Ben Cook’s smile all I see is a ray of sunshine 😄
‘You need membership.’ ‘Whattya call these guys?’  👋
Why is Jack president when Davey is doing all the talking?
The World Will Know is an introduction to Jeremy’s angry Jack, which conflicts with Christian Bale’s daydreamer Jack and Corey Cott’s sad Jack. In all honesty, angry Jack can get scary!
Again, why the electric guitar? 🎸
How does losing a shoe have to do with this song? 👞
So the scene after Jack, Davey, and Les walk into Pulitzer’s doors and then we get a shot of the newsies behinds, um… did they just give half the fansies what they wanted?  
I do like how they made Jacobi’s like a newsies meeting place, I don’t know why it just fits
And behold, the reason behind why I know what a seltzer is! Thanks, Albert! 🥛
Tommy Boy, Finch, Buttons… this would be a lot more convincing if I knew who each newsie was!
‘But that Spot Colon gets me a little jittery.’ Oh yes, in the brief moments we see him in this musical we definitely get that vibe. Not! Spot’s barely in this!
Oh yay, Katherine’s back. And she still sounds confused and awkward, which I guess makes sense since she’s in a different atmosphere but after a while it gets annoying.
Ok right off the bat Katherine and Jack already have a toxic relationship because they are constantly fighting! They look like they wanna kill each other!
Now Jack’s all whiny and I don’t like it! The original Jack would not whine about a girl.
I always skip Watch What Happens because it’s just Katherine worrying. Again, I stand by my opinion of not liking Katherine. Where’s Denton? They could've had Katherine be his apprentice or something instead of just deleting him altogether!
I hear Watch What Happens and all I can think of is how much longer until I can hear Davey sing about how the poor guy’s head is spinning?
Les: ‘Are we doing the right thing?’ I donno kid, you seemed pretty confident yesterday. What happened?
Race: ‘That’s great! That’s pitiful.’ Race would never say that about Crutchy.
Gotta admit that the trio part of Davey, Jack, and Crutchy singing Seize the Day is pretty cool
Aaaaand angry Jack’s back. While the other newsies look hopeful Jack looks like he could commit murder. Whis is he always angry? 😳
I don’t know why but Davey standing on a pile of newspapers is hilarious! 😁
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Ok finally time to start a swear count: bastards, asses, Hell… sheesh this show’s got ‘such language!’
Uh why the awkward stomping? Just let Jeremy get offstage without the stomping so i can watch more twirling Sky and Ben?
Yeeesssss!!! Dancing on newspapers? BRILLIANT! I luv this part so much! 📰
Honestly not gonna lie if I was in the crowd I would be fighting to the death for one of the papes they throw out
Ha! I caught the spot of Race kicking himself in the face!!!
Seeing all these jumps, flips, and twirls is making me tired… God they must’ve been exhausted!
In the original, Jack wanted everyone out safely. But here I guess Jack wants to intentionally start a fight?
Why is Les being rolled around in a barrel? Then he sticks his head out, it’s like c’mon is this a cartoon?
Uh, Jack? CRUTCHY’S BEING BEATEN HELPLESS AND YOU’RE JUST WATCHING?! But it’s ok you’re gonna go sing about how mad you are and how you wanna leave so I guess it’s fine. ‘Save my best friend? Hell no let me abandon all the newsies!’ said Jack never!
Jack, you called Crutchy a ‘dumb crip?’ How could you do that?!
‘No more running, no more lying.’ Um, what have you been lying about? In the original, Jack lied about his parents and his name. Here Jack’s never called Francis Sullivan and he comes right out and says he’s got no folks. So what’s all this lying talk about?
Ahh! Please, no more angry Jack! I’d appreciate Jeremy’s performance and emotion if he didn’t look like has was gonna kill me!
Alright, Act 2… Where’s Jack? Oh right, instead of being in King of New York he’s sukling.
‘Jack don’t run from no fight!’ Apparently he does, since he’s working to buy a train ticket.
Here it comes… ‘erster.’ People either like it or hate it, I don’t mind it. Guess it adds to Race’s character since gambling’s out the window? ♠️♥️♣️♦️🃏
Whoa whoa whoa! Only Race can sing ‘a permanent box at the Sheepshead Races!’ Duh!
They replaced Spot’s porcelain tub with a sandwich? A sandwich?!
Thank you, Ben Cook, for gracing us with your sensational tap dancing!
Ok stop adding new lyrics and just skip to the tap dancing, please!
Never once did I ever think newsies would shout ‘spoon fight!’
The way Davey jabs ‘That’s it?’ at Katherine is priceless!
Just imagine the director looking at the cast and saying ‘now during scene changes the audience can’t be bored, so I need you to stall ‘em,’ and then the cast does a bunch-a random dance moves across the stage and the director says ‘perfect!’
Greetings from the Refuge is ok I guess, but I still wished Jack would actually try to get Crutchy out!
When I see Andrew’s messy hair I just picture him messing it up as the total opposite of keeping it nice-looking. Don’t know why, it’s just funny
‘Protect one anodda,’ Sure Crutchy, I’ll tell them before I run off to Santa Fe.
Even Medda points out how chicken Jack is!  
It’s so cute how Davey perks up about being above the fold!
Les, please abstain from telling us about your date. It’s just annoying. ✋
Katherine: ‘You look like Hell.’ Heathers reference? ‘I just got back.’ ❤️💚💛💙
‘This go west young man routine is getting old.’ Is manifest destiny a joke to you, Kath?
More toxic relationship stuff, how is Jatherine a thing again?
‘The pooooor guy’s head is spinning!’ Yeeeessss! 🤣
‘And I’ve got a date!’ Shut up, Les.
Uh-oh, Katherine’s in trouble.
Jack Kelly, not Francis Sullivan? Are we just gonna go along with that?
Katherine, Pulitzer’s daughter? Why? Seriously what does that add?
Finally, the highlight of the show: Brooklyn’s Here! I really like how they added in this song! Brooklyn Bridge and all! Brooklyn gets their own ‘uniform,’ plus the fact that my crush on Spot Colon will rage on forever. I luv this song!
Um, where’s Smalls? Only she can sing ‘So’s tha Bronx!’
Sad that Spot makes this big entrance and then just stands intimidatingly in the background.
I like how Spot just casually waltzes up and then realizes ‘hey Jack, thanks for wasting my time!’ and then goes all murder-face on him!
Gee thanks Katherine for invading my penthouse and snooping through my drawings only to yell at me more.
Katherine’s scared to hit Jack and instead kisses him, but Sarah would never hesitate to soak a guy in the face!
So wait Jack goes to keep kissing Katherine and she backs out, even though she started it?
‘What if they came to newsies square?’ Where’s that, Kath? No one’s ever talked about that until now.
Jack points out dead-on that they need to talk about their relationship issues and Katherine just laughs.
O-K, I do NOT do sappy luv songs so let’s just skip Something To Believe In…
‘It’s good to have you back again!’ ‘Shut up!’ Gee really appreciative Jack, especially after you literally just betrayed everybody!
Darcy? Bill? Who? How are these guys just thrown in?  
Once And For All… Pretty good… Ooh! Spot’s back! 😄
Wow that paper-tossing routine must’ve taken a while to perfect!
Again, why the electric guitar? It’s 1899 not 1959!
Spot why are you up there with Jack? You’ve barely said a word why are you suddenly involved?
I’m a Teddy Roosevelt fan so of course I ain’t gonna complain about him  👍
Hannah’s discrete clapping is so funny!
I do appreciate how they kept the historically accurate deal the newsies made with Pulitzer. In 92sies they just say ‘we beat ‘em!’ and then leave it at that.
Wow Albert looks cute without his hat  
And we now get the famous shot of dazed Race staring off into space
Wait a minute so now after winning the strike, finding a girlfriend, and getting Crutchy back Jack still wants to leave?
Enough mushy talk, give me dancing newsies!
It’s funny how Jeremy tries to fit in with the others’ dancing right before bows
Wow. Just… wow. That’s a lotta stunts!
Nice bell-kick, Jeremy! Gotta mozie along with the music! 😆
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 9 months
spot for this post you reblogged?
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Spot for the ask game!!! :D (This is both 92sies and Livesies Spot)
Favorite thing about him- I absolutely love the scene at the rally when he makes that gesture and the entire theater quiets down- I love the authority that just kind of radiates off of him whenever he’s on stage/onscreen.
Least favorite thing about him- In the Broadway version, he’s barely ever there- he mostly just sort of stays in the background. 92sies Spot has more of a presence, especially since he’s more of a main character in the ‘92 version.
Favorite line- “On the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor.”
BrOTP- Spot and Davey (like I said for the ask about Davey), or Spot and Sarah. Honestly, Spot and Sarah would be such a chaotic duo, especially with my own headcanons about Sarah (they’d commit arson together, 100%)
OTP- Sprace, 100%. I just love them sm
nOTP- Spot and Crutchie. Like with the Davey ask, I just don’t think they’d ever see each other as anything more than someone to be respected (or, at the most, friends).
Random headcanon- Spot plays the violin. His mother and father used to play little songs on the street for some extra cash, and sometimes when selling is slow he’ll break out his father’s old violin, find a street corner where he won’t be recognized, and play with his hat set out to collect coins given to him by people.
Unpopular opinion- (This probably isn’t unpopular, but whatever lol) honestly, I do not think he’d be the Heartless Asshole With A Soft Spot For One Specific Person Only that some people paint him as sometimes. I feel like he’d care a lot about everyone he loves, and he’d definitely show it, even if it’s just a smile every once in a while or a few words of affirmation.
Song I associate with him- Sleeping On The Blacktop by Colter Wall
Favorite picture of him-
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He is so enjoying all of the applause lol
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noxexistant · 1 year
thank u for the ask!!! ily!!
🤝 which character are you most like?
[head in hands] jack kelly. i actually didn’t really connect to him much, or at least didn’t feel like i did, the first time i watched livesies, but watching 92sies knocked something loose and ohhh my god. he just like me fr and all that. parentless and lies about it not bothering him, has this big easy personality to cover up any ounce of vulnerability, always ends up in charge of situations looking after everybody, no real home just the kids he loved and looked after in each place he stayed, avoidant, dreamer, bisexual, stupid. he’s me.
👴 favourite oldsie?
oldsies my beloved! they’re all my dads. i’m not sure if this means the characters or the actors, but for the characters i love snyder and pulitzer, they’re such fantastic villains - and that post you sent me about bunsen being the real villain for being the one to make the suggestion to raise the price!! fantastic. also, nunzio shoutout. i know that, whatever he gets paid, it is not enough.
🩸 opinion on blood drips heavily on newsies square?
genuinely a cinematic masterpiece. like, even without the context of newsies and it being the cast, if i stumbled upon it i would still love it. i love ridiculous campy horror, and i love boys having fun.
i would give anything to know the discussions and conversations that went into every single scene, particularly each that involved getting other people involved.
🎟️ favourite cast member(s)?
george crawford (uk morris) and matthew duckett (uk crutchie) my absolute beloveds. i’ve met them both twice now and they were both unbelievably sweet both times, they bring amazing depth to the characters and are both insanely talented (especially george covering jack kelly) in playing every part of the characters from humour to honesty to the depths of their traumas, and they’re both hilarious on social media. i miss alex jh (original uk oscar) so dang much, he was also unbelievably fantastic. and mike faist and brendon stimson (obc morris and oscar respectively).
😈 any unpopular opinions?
oh boy. i feel like almost all my delancey opinions are unpopular opinions, mostly boiling down to the fact that they’re not mindless monsters and they’re not meant to be. they’re villains and assholes, obviously and unquestionably, but there’s depth there and there’s always been depth, built right into the script (“i guess he didn’t take care of me”, etc etc), and intentionally dug deeper by practically everyone that’s played them.
also, the newsies are scrappy and ruthless and rude. they’re trouble, and they do it on purpose. they’re assholes almost every chance they get. they’re all kids in rough situations, and kids like that will do anything for a bit of power. it’s not necessarily a reflection of character, it’s just how stuff like trauma manifests, particularly at that age. characterising them as well-socialised and always well-meaning, etc, is a disservice.
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regina-cordium · 1 year
literally nobody asked for this, but if i’m not bringing half-baked daemon aus to every fandom i’m vaguely in, literally what is the point of me
things to keep in mind:
I literally have the daemon forum open in another tab. this is essentially stream of consciousness. virginia woolf who?
mostly based on livesies if only because that’s the one i’ve seen the most, but there’s some touches of 92sies (aka Sarah Jacobs is here because I love her and it’s pride month, this is my lesbian agenda)
Literally only two characters have canon ages (Jack at 17 and Les at 9). The actors in livesies are obviously a lot older than the actors in 92sies so i’m kinda like. averaging the ages out lmao
that being said, a lot of the kids’ daemons wouldn’t be settled so i think this will just focus on the ones whose would be
also i don’t know the name of all the newsies i didnt get sucked TOO deep into the fandom in 2012 or 2017, so i’m playing catch up like a full decade later, pls be gentle with me
OH ALSO probably no daemon names bc i tend to put a fair amount of research into the names and i don’t have the brain cells for that right now lol
JACK -- francis “jack kelly” sullivan. loyal, warm, welcoming, protective, friendly, flirty, desperately wants to be selfish but knows in his heart of hearts he can’t. street smart but maybe not too book smart. clever, quick thinker, dreamer (”i can’t spend my whole life dreaming/even thought that’s all i seem inclined to do”)
His daemon’s a blue jay, for sure. look at those core traits:
socially flexible extrovert -- out going, loyal to his boys but still open to new friendships/connections (he looked at davey and went “oh im gonna be his best friend.” was ready and willing to work with the other boroughs during the strike. the charismatic leader who makes everyone feel welcome and listened to
aggressive/confrontational -- my man started a strike. duh.
bold/adventurous -- his whole santa fe thing, wants to DO THINGS. i had more words to say here but they have abandoned me.
resourceful/innovative -- decided to start a strike after, like, 10 seconds of thinking. after flirting with katherine, his whole “today we stopped the scabbers, tomorrow we stop the wagons” speech (i definitely misremembered the first half). though he Does have to be bullied into it, he does know each step the strike needs to take, and knows how to do it even after plan a fails. the whole once and for all/using pulitzer’s own fucking printing press to print the children’s crusade?? c’mon man, who would’ve thought of it
shrewd -- observant!! sees what’s place in front of him and immediately knows how to work with it. looks at his boys and knows immediately what they need!
communicative -- okay, he has A Little trouble with this, but he’s also a 17 year old boy. they’d rather die than communicate. HOWEVER. he goes himself to speak with spot conlon and the brooklyn newsies, aka the most important allies they’ve got. turns davey’s big/expressive words into those the other newsies would understand (jack would’ve explained what auspicious meant. i know he would’ve)
status-orientated -- i’m interpreting this differently than i’m probably meant to. i think he’s more status AWARE. he knows who to go after for the biggest impact. he knows the leaders of the other boroughs and how to sweet talk them. he knows that going after weasel and the delanceys ultimately accomplishes nothing and he has to go straight to the top, etc etc
DAVID -- davey jacobs. one strong breeze away from a panic attack. SO good at hiding it. yknow the song razzle dazzle from chicago, that’s essentially “if you’re really good at making people think you know what you’re doing, they won’t stop to consider you’re full of shit” that’s kinda davey. he’s the most educated of the newsies and uses that to his advantage. talks himself out of trouble, which would be better if he hadn’t talked himself INTO the trouble in the first place. one day, like, 2 years into him being a newsie, race stops and is like “hey. do we even know davey’s favorite color?” is so good at letting people think they know all about him without actually giving away the actual deep knowledge of himself. he’s so tired. he’s not the group mom, he’s the exhausted uncle who was asked to babysit for a day that turned into him adopting the fucking kids.
okay, i’m torn between two, but I think caracal is my ultimate decision (the giant otter shrew was my other choice, if anyone cares)
socially tolerant introvert -- he’ll step forward as the co-leader of the manhattan boys during the strike, but by god is gonna have a panic attack about it later. he understands it’s important, though, that he put the idea in jack’s head and that jack relies on him to be the brains to his brawn. besides, it’s not hard to stand up for the newsies when he genuinely likes the kids (yes, even albert. it surprised him, too). after the strike, he’s perfectly content to let jack go back to sole leader and race back to second-in-command
adaptable -- went from schoolboy to newsie to strike leader in less than 24 hours. he showed up for his first day of selling papes. went to bed. showed up for his second day. saw the prices went up. made the mistake of saying the word “strike” around jack. suddenly is running a strike. and my man Did Not Falter
sensing/aware -- knows exactly what to say to boost the newsies (”seize the day”, anyone?). he can take stock of a situation in, like, .02 seconds and know how to move from there
communicative/expressive -- he’s called the walking mouth. need i say more.
confident/assertive -- during “world will know” he joins jack up on the scaffolding to get the chalk from the guy who writes out the headlines. when jack’s aggressiveness didn’t work, davey stepped up and talked the guy into stepping aside. just because he’s anxious doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to project confidence (it helps that the newsies all have his back and hype him up)
opportunistic -- like. literally everything that happens. something or someone stumbles, he steps right up and takes over. jack scabs? well, fuck him i’m the leader now. also during “watch what happens (reprise)” when jack is like “joe’s a jerk/he’s a rattlesnake” davey is IMMEDIATE with the “you’re right!/and you know why a snake starts to rattle?” like “oop jackie said something i can use against him! haha!”
focused/patient -- literally wwhr again!! jack is being bitter and refusing to help and davey’s like “well, i’m gonna go win a strike soooo”
a lot of the implied/negotiable traits fit really well too
KATHERINE -- katherine pulitzer plumber. could’ve let her father pave the way to her future, but went and got it for herself. refused to let herself stay in the social pages. hell, she decided she wanted a CAREER and WENT OUT AND GOT IT despite it being 1899!! (”a girl? it’s a girl! how the hell? is that even legal???”). smart as a whip (davey fully believes she’s smarter than him, and he’s right!)
i do kinda like the idea of her having one of those prissy-looking white cats with the long hair, mostly because the kat/kitty jokes would be hilarious. however, katherine herself isn’t prissy, so i ultimately don’t think it’d work.
she would be a black-billed magpie (although i think an argument could be made for black-winged kite)
extroverted/socially flexible -- she’s a reporter, she’s gotta be out there making friends and shaking hands. she’s literally friends with other children of newspaper tycoons AND the newsies. nobody is wrong as a friend
opportunistic/adaptable -- it’s not said How she first hears about the strike, but it’s safe to assume it’s her father. she bursts into jacobi’s deli and is like “hi i’m covering your strike now, good luck getting rid of me.” she saw an opportunity to FINALLY get out of the social pages, and by god is gonna grab it with both hands
confident -- i mean, look at her. katherine knows who she is and what she wants, and she doesn’t really give a shit what everyone else thinks
proactive/short-term planner -- listen. she’s confident, she knows what she wants. i NEVER said she thought out all the steps before hand. she’s just VERY good at making people believe she’s got it all figured out (much like davey)
manipulative -- okay, this is another one where i’m definitely not taking it the way i should. BUT. i mean. she’s a reporter. what reporter hasn’t twisted some words (”a little hyperbole never hurt anyone”)
cooperative -- literally working with a small army of newsies to spread their cause
perceptive -- again. reporter. She Sees All. yknow how moms always convince their kids they have eyes on the back of their head? that’s katherine. mush is convinced she knows when he’s lying. she doesn’t, but he overcompensates for it that it becomes obvious
again, a lot of the inferred and negotiable traits also fit
RACETRACK -- racetrack higgins. this lanky motherfucker.  he’s jack’s second in command so i do think he’s one of the older newsies, mayyyybe 16? i think he was only like 13 in 92sies, but meh. canon is a toy box and i’m a destructive toddler. i really like the headcanon going around that he’s a wiz with numbers and just assumes everyone else is too. he’s a bitch (affectionate) and sarcastic and literally doesn’t even sell in manhattan, but he’s ride or die for his boys.
his daemon is a raccoon, and he was furious when he settled (i. did not mean to type he, been having a lot of trouble typing today, but yknow what fuck it race has a male daemon. fuck you thats why) like. “people already see us as literaly garbage, why the fuck did you have to settle as a raccoon are you fucking kidding me?”
independent -- again. his second-in-command of the manhattan newsies, yet sells every day in brooklyn.i cannot for the life of me find it, or even remember Which actor it was, but one of the guys who played race said that he does his own thing and doesn’t keep himself stuck in manhattan (really takes “we goes were we wishes/we as free as fishes” literally)
socially flexible -- again, will make friends with kids from other boroughs (fully unrelated but i have not spelled boroughs correctly once in this post, shoutout to spell check lmao), while still being loyal to manhattan. might be a little in love with a newsie from brooklyn, who knows! not him! definitely doesn’t know that for sure!
conflict-avoidant -- look. he’ll roughhouse with the guys and get in stupid squabbles with other newsies and throw a punch or two when he absolutely has to, but he’s not a fighter. much like davey, he prefers to talk his way out of the trouble he talked himself into. he wasn’t immediately on board with the strike, seemed like a lot of trouble for AT BEST no change
intuitive/curious -- look, a man doesn’t walk across an entire bridge every day because he’s not curious about what’s going on in other places. he’s jack’s eyes and ears, because he’s just a fucking nosy little shit who wants to know everybody’s business
adaptable/opportunistic -- yall sensing a theme here? (”got a feeling ‘bout a headline/i’ll make up a headline/and i’ll say anything i hafta”). after jack scabs and fucks off, he has to step up with davey. really wish there was time in the movie OR musical for a scene about it, but davey needed support and race was right there to help
unambitious -- look. he’s pretty sure he’s only jack’s second because he’s been there the longest. he doesn’t know why jack picked him otherwise. he’s not gunning for leadership, he’s perfectly happy with where he is and what he’s go
SPOT -- sean “spot” conlon (yes i know sean is kinda a fanon name. i like it). the man, the myth, the legend. the reason everyone’s so scared of brooklyn. abrasive, rude, violent, looks out for his boys first and himself second, didn’t beat the shit out of race for selling in his borough.
i typically give assholes with hearts of gold pitbull daemons bc i think it’s funny, but like. pitbulls weren’t considered “bully” breeds in 1899 (i have a rant abt dogs being called “bully” breeds but i’ll keep my mouth shut) and idk what would’ve been. he definitely has a canine though.
this is a bit of a different analysis, because i’m using both the daemon forum AND wikipedia to get the time-appropriate facts, but i’m feeling english bulldog
in historical record, bulldogs were used for bull-baiting (which is insane. these small ass dogs baiting LITERAL BULLS. they really just did Whatever in the past, huh). they were athletic, with powerful jaws, high stamina, and short fuses. modern bulldogs are, uh. a little goofier and decidedly less athletic. poor spot. at least a lot of traditional domestic dog traits still apply
playing fast and loose with the core traits from tdf here, but self-assured/confident -- did yall see “brooklyn’s here”? my man has the cockiest grin i’ve ever seen in my LIFE
stubborn/determined -- sticks to his word of waiting to see if jack would fold before getting brooklyn involved in the strike (and he was right!! jack fucking folded!!). once he makes a decision, he sticks to it. it’s fucking impossible to change his mind (race finds it charming; hotspot finds it makes him wanna bash his head against a wall)
under the overview section on tdf, the “social” and “stress” sections fit very well. while spot has the WORST rb and comes off as cold towards others, he cares DEEPLY abt brooklyn and puts their needs first, no matter what. he’s loyal and caring to those who he claims as His
he’s thick-skinned, adaptable, and willing to forgive jack once jack comes back with a plan and a new fire under his ass
i just processed giving the kid named SPOT a dog daemon. god i’m hilarious.
CRUTCHIE -- Charles “Crutchie” Morris. i honestly don’t know what daemon he’d have!! he’s kind, loyal, understanding, an eternal optimist. he also lets himself get stepped over, lets others take advantage of that kindness. stands up for everybody but his damn self.
WAIT okay actually, i think an african wild dog would be perfect
social extrovert -- he’s so friendly!! he likes making other people smile, he’s always there to hype his friends up, he’ll do whatever and talk to whomever he has to to help his friends
conflict avoidant/passive/tolerant -- look. he talks a big game (”y’see this mister pulitzer?!”) but he knows he’s not a fighter. jack’s the brawn. he’s willing to let bygones be bygones. maybe roughhouse with the guys a bit, but nothing intense or serious
determined/hardworking/ambitious -- people look and talk down to him because of his disability, but he doesn’t let that stop him. he’s out selling every day with jack, he’s right out there with everyone during the strike. he doesn’t let anyone stop him from whatever he sets his mind to
cooperative/caring -- i’m putting these two together because i think, for him, they’re hand in hand. he has a massive heart; he cares SO MUCH and wants his friends -- his family -- to be safe and happy. like i said, he’ll work with whomever he has to in order to insure that happens
people pleaser/doormat -- let crutchie be mean 2023!!!! he’s always looking out for the others, he doesn’t have any left to look out for himself!!!!
uh. this got longer than i thought it would it’s 5 am so i hope this all makes sense and also it’s not gonna get buried away because i’m posting at such an awkward time lmao
F U C K i just realized i didn’t even get to sarah. augh. i’ll inevitably end up making another post abt this bc of what i’m like as a person, so i’ll talk abt her then sorrrrryyyyyyy
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taylorroger-s · 2 years
impressions of west endsies (or, why you should see it immediately)
i saw london's new production of newsies sunday. it was everything i imagined and more. if you have the chance, sit in woodside or just any of the side ones. they throw copies of the banner and the torn newspapers into the audience. it now has a place of honor on my wall.
these are the absolute chaotic crackhead thoughts (edited for clarity) that i frantically typed into my notes app, along with post-show additions because i couldn't stop thinking about it.
(tl,dr at the end)
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i bought a pin and it's going right on my nerd jacket
one of them smiled at me
im dying
Jack has sketches all around his penthouse!! and a santa fe postcard he shows crutchie
oh yeah, i am obsessed with this crutchie
they are so chaotic and i am in love
"blind, mute, DEAD" guy jumps on the others
race my beloved,,, less ditzy than broadway and i love him all the same
his cigar actually smokes and he does it the whole act
Davey sounds amazing, pitch perfect pre-strike nervous boi
small thing, but papers in the stacks the delanceys hand out are different sizes corresponding to the number of papes the newsies buy and it makes me happy
Newsies are just vibing during office scene, they are sleeping in the aisles!!!
love Hannah, she's a sassy queen
they don't run on scaffolding, they run in the aisles!!! it really hypes you up and makes you feel involved in the action
newsies come to watch meddas show, and they're adorable
medda has BACKGROUND DANCERS (who become the brooklyn newsies!!!)
no seriously i can't stress enough how awesome the theater scenes are
kathy is a badass bitch and i love her
he hands the drawing right to her
everyone talks very fast
i don't have any notes on "the world will know" because i was too focused getting my mind blown by the entire number
race looks like Jeremy Jordan and he smiled in my general direction earlier
"who wants Brooklyn" they all very dramatically hide, i love it
i like how the newsies visbily and audibly respond to katherine's descriptions of them
my darling davey is less confrontational at this point but so sassy
One of them shouted "for fucks sake" when les went to davey instead of hanging out
Kathy thanks the newsies that bring on her desk
Newspaper sword fight before they dance on the papers!!
there's another ballet boy doing those super hard turns and he did MORE OF THEM
Les got LIFTED INTO THE AIR during the fight scene
ALERT: DAVEY AND JACK ARE IN THE BIG DANCE NUMBERS MORE OFTEN THEN USUAL (not doing the elaborate jumping stuff, but still!!!!)
i was on the cusp of tears the whole time and they spilled over during Santa Fe
on the way to the bathroom i picked up one of the pieces of the newspapers they threw into the crowd during seize the day, it is on my wall now
act two and i am ready to be emotionally damaged even more
les starts the tap of KONY while on a table
there is less tap than in livesies, but more creativity when it comes to involving the whole group
tables as cars!! they pretend to drive around and it's adorable
They saw hadestown's 'wait for me' swinging lights and said "we can do it better" and y'know what??? they fucking nailed it (no shade, i love both numbers more than life)
katherine has a crown of sppooons
jack is painting the same backdrop as broadway during "watch what happens reprise" and i actually squeaked
davey is whipped (at least that's what i see lmao)
i'm loving confident davey, his character development is everything!!
his deliberate way of saying "we are inevitable" really tugs at my heart man
BROOKLYN IS ALL GIRLS!! they start in the audience, then sing on their way to the stage and GET A DANCE NUMBER
no seriously I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
during the rally, the newsies are actually standing in the borough they shout out (the "woodside's here!" gang was like 6 feet away from me on a riser)
the newsies really feel like kids fighting for a cause
love something to believe in; gotta say, wasn't really feeling this jatherine until this scene, because man they killed it
here comes once and for all, which will never fail to hype me up
they changed the "you got your thugs..." lyric and i was too busy mouthing along to the song to remember what is was changed to
lanterns during once and for all! they lit it like it was night and the lanterns added to the ~vibe~
AND they do the bundle tossing thing in the central aisle and towards the exits, i was mesmerized
then they go to the rest of the aisles and throw the banners into the crowd (one of which i have)
love the teddy roosevelt
the newsies vs pulitzer is everything??? spot and davey??? amazing
davey says sandstorms instead of tarantulas
i would die for the whole jacobs family
of course, curtain call for newsies is mindblowing
i made eye contact with race at one point during the show and it made my evening even better
they got MULTIPLE standing ovations during the show and i stood up during the applause for "once and for all" (no one else did) because that one deserved a standing ovation too
when i walked out of the theater, it had started snowing in wembley for the first time this year :)))
a magical, rousing, fantastic show that i eagerly recounted to my friends and boyfriend when i got back to our accommodation
tl;dr please oh please if you have the opportunity, go see newsies! it is unforgettable and worth every penny!!
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mayswift · 2 years
newsies headcanons for my favorite characters😁
-always putting random stuff in his mouth. like chewing on paintbrushes and pencils. he reminds me of my friend that will literally pick up seashells and bite into them.
-literally cannot flirt. like he CAN flirt but if it’s someone he actually has feelings for he’s just a stuttering blushing mess.
-i feel like he’s an extremely picky eater. like in modern day he would be those people who order chicken tenders everywhere they go😭
-big gift giver. he loves making paintings and drawings for people and around holidays and birthdays he would try to sell extra to be able to afford a real gift.
-he’s literally so clueless. like he’s constantly having to be like “huh” and just always has this confused look on his face😭
-constantly reading. like he will read anything he can get his hands on.
-les is his wingman idc what anyone else says
-idk what instrument but he definitely plays an instrument. i’m thinking violin or piano maybe?
-i feel like everyone thinks of him as being like nice and shy and stuff but he’s actually so much more?? like he would literally beat people up if they came near his friends or family and he’s actually like so so smart.
-and also horrible at math
-this man cannot sit still. like he’s always rocking back and forth on his feet or playing with his hands or kicking around a rock or something.
-this one is more livesies race but i think he’s like augustus waters how he always has a cigarette in his mouth but he never lights it.
-this is a common one but him always leaning on people or holding on to them
-literally zones out all the time. like someone could be talking to him and he’ll be like sorry what??
-“glum and dumb” but not like actually. like he has a great sense of humor and stuff hes just a bit moody yk?
-so common but will literally do anything for tumbler. i am the biggest sucker for anything abt skittery and tumbler.
-i feel like he flirts to sell papers but he literally doesn’t mean it like he can and will flirt with anyone he sees to sell papers but has no interest in any of them.
-one day one of the other newsies sees him doing this AND WILL NOT STOP TEASING HIM AND HE GETS SO EMBARRASSED.
-has like some of the worst handwriting ever bc he literally does not give a shit.
-i feel like even though he seems rlly scary he’s actually like?? super nice??
-also 92sies and livesies spot are completely different people in my mind.
-i feel like around other people hes super confident and like sure of himself but when he’s alone he’d actually get really like insecure and deal with sm more than it seems.
-once again this is kind of common but he loves his newsies. might not admit it but especially the younger ones he will do sm to take care of them and make sure they’re okay.
-ik it’s so common that he’s like the happy smily newsie all the time and i feel like he’s one of those people who just kind of forget about any bad feelings by being happy all the time. like he constantly sees the best in everyone and everything.
-can and will fall asleep anywhere. on a table? on a bench? on top of someone else? on the FLOOR?! sound asleep.
-this is a common hc and possibly canon(?) but POLISH ELMER. bc twins.
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bobbie-robron · 3 years
Robert Fanfiction Recommendations (Oct-2021)
The below were/is recommended during Oct-2021 on Twitter! 😉
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In the eyes of the law… (2016) 141.4K words
Robert is a renowned detective known as the ‘Sherlock Holmes’ on the London force assigned a new case, one that of Aaron Livesy who is a fugitive for not only arson but now a suspected murderer as well. It’s up to Robert and his team to track him down. Unbeknownst to Robert, the man he knocks down while drunk is none other than Aaron who’s been injured. What will be more important to Robert, the case or Aaron…
Tentative Steps (2018) 28.3K words
It’s November 2015, months after the chopper crash and Robert has left the village. It’s not until Aaron overhears Chaddy that he is able to track Robert down who’s started a new life. Aaron notices a positive change in Robert and decide to give them it go without the interference of the villagers. But will a surprise in Robert’s life deter Aaron or embrace what they have even more…
Unconditional (2018) 7.9K words
It’s been four years since Robert left with Sebastian and Aaron has moved on and is about to get married to Jayden in a week (love when they are original characters). Robert has returned to the village with Sebastian in tow for him to get to know his aunt. Meanwhile, something just isn’t right about this Jayden bloke that everyone believes is making Aaron so so happy…
Survivors (2016) 51.1K words
Aaron has been back in village for three months with his daughter Alijah when Robert returns after a decade as the new owner of Home Farm. Animosity is still high against him but Aaron sees something in him and Robert feels something there too. After some hesitation they do begin to see each other in private but it’s not gonna be an easy ride as Robert’s past doesn’t remain so and dear ol’ Katie also wants him gone.
Rumours (2017) 109K words
The story starts off at the hospital scenes after SSW2016. Aaron has already said yes to marrying Robert but there’s another secret Aaron needs to know before deciding to really say yes: Robert is a Divinus, someone who is essentially immortal and can live a long life unless they are killed suddenly (as with his birth mum Pat who was also a Divinus). There are a lot of rumours about what a Divinus can do including healing themselves and others. It’s about Aaron’s decision and how it affects their lives and those closest. There’s also a one shot, the url is for both stories.
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newtsies · 3 years
Wish You Were Sober || Ralbert One Shot
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a/n: this one shot is based off the song ‘Wish You Were Sober’ by Conan Gray! anything italicized and bold is lyrics of the song! its from Alberts perspective but its 3rd person if that makes sense idk. includes both  92sies and livesies characters. albert and race are based off of the livesies characters
tw: mentions of alcohol, drunk race, swearing, mentions of weed, mentions of possible drink spiking
modern college newsies au!
word count: 2,401
this party's shit
All Albert wants to do is leave, but he couldn’t do that. Race was drunk, even though he would deny it, it was obvious. Now usually that wouldn’t stop Albert from leaving but, Racetrack had driven himself. He couldn’t let his drunk friend drive himself home.
All Albert wants to do is leave, but he couldn’t do that. Race was drunk, even though he would deny it, it was obvious. Now usually that wouldn’t stop Albert from leaving but, Racetrack had driven himself. He couldn’t let his drunk friend drive himself home.
“Racer,” Albert yelled into Race’s ear over the loud music.
He grinned widely at him and threw his arms around Albert, “Albie!! Have ya had a drink yet? C’monn, juss take a sip!”
Albert winced at the smell of alcohol on the blonde boys breath and shook his head, “You’re drunk, Race. Let’s go. You’re gonna have a horrible hangover tomorrow!”
“Aw, I’m not drunk, Albie!!” He slurred, “C’mon, have some fun! Don’t be soo tense!”
go anywhere but here
“Racetrack, I really don’t want to be here,” Albert begged, “Can’t we go to McDonalds or something? Get you coffee and get you sober?” Race shook his head.
“Noo, they have good drinks! Just try the beer, you’ll see!” Race raised his can but Albert pushed the cup away from him. Race shrugged and walked away into the crowd.
Albert stood on his toes in attempt to follow his friend through the crowd. Race walked towards Jack Kelly, the football captain, who had his arm wrapped around David Jacobs shoulder. As Racetrack sat down, he was offered a blunt from Skittery.
don’t take a hit
Racetrack pulled it to his lips and inhaled. Albert frowned as he watched his friend blow out the smoke and smile. He repeated this action a couple more times.
Albert shook his head again and made his way back to a couch. He sat down, trying to get away from the loudness. The music still boomed, even in the farthest corners of the house. People bumped into his leg and shouted over each other. He closed his eyes and covered his ears in an attempt to escape his reality.
A few seconds passed before he felt someone sit next to him. He opened his eyes to see Racetrack, still holding the joint. Albert was met with a tired looking smile, but he knew his friend was anything but tired. Race started to lean into his face, but Albert pushed his face away lightly.
don’t kiss my lips
Race frowned for a second but shrugged and went back to smoking. Eventually, he got up and handed the blunt back to Skittery. Albert watched as he danced to the music, carefree. Acting as though there was no one else in the world.
Albert was memorized and watched him with a grin. The song ended, Race made his way to the kitchen. Albert jumped up and followed him, pushing through the crowd.
“Race!” He called, finally pushing into the kitchen.
and please don’t drink more beer
Racetrack brought the can of beer up to his lips and chugged it down. Albert winced once more and attempted to pull the drink away. However, he was ignored and pushed away as his friend continued to drink.
“Race, you’re cross-faded,” Albert groaned, “I really think you should go home. I’ll drive you, or walk you.”
“I’m fine, Albie! Honestly. It’s a partyyy, this is supposed to happen!” Race stated confidently, his words slurring every so often. Albert shook his head and looked at Race desperately. His friend ignored him and instead grabbed onto his hand and pulled him through the house.
“Albert! Racetrack!” Spot called out to them, “Hey guys!”
“Spott!” Race slurred and giggled. He pulled Albert towards to Spot.
Spot had a beer in hand but placed a hand on Race’s chest to hold him up, “Jesus, Race. You’re drunk as hell. Having a good time?” Racetrack nodded excitedly at him. Spot smiled and looked at Albert. “Haven’t had a drink yet, man?”
“He wants to goo, can you believe him?” Race scoffed.
“Albert! C’mon, man! You gotta just let loose some times!” Spot quirked his eyebrow and held out his drink to Albert.
Albert shook his head, “No thanks, Spot. This really isn’t my kinda place. Thanks though, it was pretty cool. I had fun.” That was a lie. There was nothing fun about this to him, but you wouldn’t catch him dissing the football captains party.
i’ma crawl out the window now
Albert pulled away from Race’s hand and pushed his way to the front door. Sarah Jacobs was using the door to support her back as she giggled her way through kisses with Elmer. Elmer too was laughing as he kissed her and ran his hands through her hair.
Albert sighed and swerved towards an open window. He climbed through it and fell onto the grass. The grass was cold and wet, possibly from dew or possibly from spilled alcohol. He groaned and walked out.
cause i don’t like anyone around
He was grateful to finally be away from everyone. The music was a lot quieter and he could only faintly hear people talking. Although he had no beer, his head was pounding. He rubbed his forehead and sighed.
kinda hope you’re followin’ me out
He heard someone fall through the window and turned around to see who it was. Instead of being met with Race, as he hoped, he saw Henry on the floor laughing. Henry jumped out and shouted at the boys as he pulled himself back in through the window.
but this is definitely not my crowd
Romeo was passed out on the stairs, his head hanging off the step. His arm was hanging off too but his hand was wrapped firmly around a can of beer. Mush and Kid Blink were making out against the door too, except on the front side. They weren’t giggling either, just kissing each other.
A baseball flew threw one of the windows and nearly hit Albert, who ducked just in time. The whole window was shattered. Albert shook his head and continued to walk throw the lawn until he got to the sidewalk.
19 but you act 25 now
Albert was stopped as he felt a hand on his shoulder, weakly attempting to hold him back. He turned to see Race who was panting and smiling at him. Albert smiled a little back at him and helped him stand up straight.
“They had so much alcohol! It was all amazing- They had- They had the best brands too! The wine made me feel so fancy!” Race rambled.
Albert chuckled a little, “You’re 19, Race. How do you know so much about alcohol? You can’t even legally drink it yet.”
His friend grinned and shrugged as he kept talking about the party.
knees weak, but you talk pretty proud, wow
Race was all but wobbling, leaning against Albert for support. Nonetheless, he continued to talk about his adventures clearly.
“I downed like 5 cans,” He stated proudly, “Hey, did you know Crutchie is like amazing at chugging! He downed like 8 beer cans! Oh, today. Spot taught me that space doesn’t stop expanding, isn’t that crazy?”
Albert nodded, pretending as if they didn’t learn that in 8th grade. Race looked at the cup in his hand, noticing it still had liquid in it. He grinned and brought it to his lips, drinking the practically full cup in just one gulp. Albert sighed.
ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed
Race shivered as cold air hit his knees through the rips in his jeans. His flannel blew behind him and presented the white tank top underneath it. He held the empty cup in his hand.
Albert couldn’t help but watch Race. His friend was very attractive, he wouldn’t deny it to himself, only to other. Racetrack crumpled the cup and tossed it into some yard.
“That’s not good for the environment,” Albert sighed, but Race just shrugged at him. Albert continued, “What was in the cup?”
trade drinks, but you don’t even know her
“Dunno! Me and this reallyyyy pretty girl traded drinks!” He grinned.
“Who was it?”Albert asked.
“No idea,” Race chuckled, “Never seen her before! Didn’t ask for her name, music was too loud.”
“Race!” Albert groaned, “The drink coulda been spiked!”
“Nah,” He laughed, “Saw her drink out of it before we traded. Plus, I feel fine. I left anyways, so it’ll be okay.”
save me ‘til the party is over
“Anyways, I noticed you were gone. Thought you were kidding. Decided I’ll keep you company ‘til the party ended. Consider it me saving you,” Race grinned, his words slurring even more than at the party.
Albert forced a smile and shook his head.
“Give me your keys,” Albert stated. Race tilted his head in confusion but gave him the keys anyway. They walked together to Race’s Rover. Albert held the door open for Race and helped him inside. He then closed the door and climbed into the drivers side.
kiss me in the seat of your rover
As soon as he got into the driver seat, Race grabbed his face and pulled him into a kiss. For a second, Albert forgot his friend was drunk. He slid his hand into Race’s hair and kissed him back, until he opened his mouth and Albert could taste the alcohol Race had drank. Albert pulled away and pushed away Race’s hands away as his friend attempted to pull him into a kiss again.
real sweet but i wish you were sober
Albert looked up and held his eyes open, attempting to hold back tears. He closed his eyes and banged his head gently against the steering wheel.
“Why did you pull away,” Race whispered.
“You’re drunk,” Albert choked out, “You’ll forget tomorrow, anyways. I can’t kiss you. Just drunken feelings, Race, that’s what you’re feeling. I don’t feel that. I got real feeling, sober feelings. Let’s get you home, yeah?”
trip down the road
Albert turned the keys and started the car. Driving off towards Race’s house. Nearly halfway there, the car started sputtering. He pulled off to the side, only to see the gas tank was empty.
He groaned and got out of the car, pulling Race out too. Albert called Tripple-A.
“We can take you boys home,” The tow-truck driver offered. Albert shook his head.
“We’ll walk, it’s only a bit from here,” Albert stated and pulled Race along the sidewalk.
walking you home
Race couldn’t walk straight. Albert was holding his hand and pulling him, but he kept tripping. Albert sighed and ducked under Race’s armpit and supported him. He wrapped his arm around his blonde friend’s waist and held him up.
Albert continued to walk himself and Race towards the rental house his friend lived at. After a bit, they finally arrive at the house. Albert walked him up the porch.
you kiss me at your door
Racetrack grabbed Albert’s face and pulled him into a kiss again. Albert sighed and pulled away, resting his forehead against Race’s. Race sighed too, the alcohol on his breath filled Albert’s nose. He groaned and grabbed his friends keys.
He pulled Race into his own house and sat him down on the couch, moving to the kitchen. Albert quickly made coffee, black coffee, and sat down next to Race. He brought the cup up to Racetrack’s lips and made him drink it.
Race’s nose wrinkled at the bitter taste, but he drank it anyways. Albert brought the cup down and place it on the table.
“Finish drinking the coffee. Take this,” Albert placed an ibuprofen on the table, “Then go to sleep, okay? I’ll come check up on you tomorrow.” He started to get up.
pulling me close, beg me stay over
Race pulled Albert close to him, and looked at him with sad eyes.
“Stay, Albert. Please,” He begged, “You can stay on the couch. Don’t leave me here alone.”
but i’m over the roller coaster
Albert sighed and kissed Race on the forehead, “Not this time, Race. You’ve  kissed me twice today, and you’ll forget that in like 5 minutes. I’m tired, man. It’s been a crazy day. Tomorrow, I’ll be back. I promise. I gotta go.”
i’ma crawl out the window now
He placed the house keys on the table and moved towards the door. Albert figured that Race wouldn’t get up, meaning he wouldn’t lock the door behind Albert. So, he locked the door for him then crawled out of Race’s window. He closed the window behind him and watched Race’s hand lazily lock the window.
getting good at saying, “gotta bounce”
Albert didn’t expect to drag himself home. Usually, he would just go along with what Race said. “Stay,” was all it usually took to get him to stay.
He’s just getting better at saying goodbye, he figures.
honestly you always let me down
Race was always dragging him to things, promising to not drink. It never happened. He would always drag him home and make sure he didn’t die. But, no matter how many times Race let him down, Albert would still go along with him.
Albert grumpily walked into his house, angrily slamming the door behind him. He kissed Race twice today. His friend wouldn’t even remember. He shook back tears before climbing into bed and falling asleep.
He woke up early the next morning due to a consistent ringing of his door bell. A hand banged on the door repeatedly while the door bell rang. Albert climbed out of bed and opened the door.
and i know we’re not just hanging out
Albert didn’t even get a minute to register who was at the door before he was pulled into a kiss.
“I didn’t forget,” Race whispered into his ear before pulling him back into another kiss. Albert grinned and finally kissed him back.
No trace of alcohol was in Race’s system.
He was sober.
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
guys oh my GOD i just found my newsies rants from the first BIG night of my hyperfixation and. hng. there's so much good content in here
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*messages copy and pasted under the cut!
NOTE: all of these messages are from April 19, 2020- the first day of my newsies hyperfixation!
listen racetrack and crutchie are some of my babes and i fucking love them
I CANT LISTEN TO KING OF NEW YORK ANYMORE BECAUSE. IT ISNT RACE. dont get me wrong racetrack from the soundtrack is like. really good but he ain't livesies racetrack good
also everyone ships race and spot which is valid but idk I just feel like race and albert have more in common?? like. spot is a great character and all of the Brooklyn Newsies deserve so much more screentime and so much more content but i just feel like the only reason people like race × spot is because of the Inner-Bourough Relations and the territorial stuff (bc the brooklyn bois are pretty spooky) but race × albert is so much cuter ?? like they're both Manhattan newsies and they share a lot more screentime and they have a lot more in common and like !! their interactions throughout King of New York makes me cry so hard i love them so much
something is telling me that if i dont learn All Of The Newsies by tomorrow i'm gonna scream
so i think later today i'm gonna rewatch livesies, then watch 92sies, then make myself a google slides presentation with a pic of each newsie and their name so i can figure this shit out
if anyone tries to tell me that racetrack ain't Jack's #2 Dude i WILL bite i dont care
like??? we literally see race kinda take charge after the bulls bust up their strike and jack fucks off to be Emo On The Rooftop (which is still valid and i love him for it) but race steps in and lifts everyone's spirits again and god i love him for it
it's real "Loving Racetrack Higgins Hours"
LIKE. FUCK. people kinda got on Jack's case for leaving after the big fight breaks out and the bulls take Crutchie, but what else can he do? jack is 17. he's scared. he's dealing with his own trauma after what happened to him at The Refuge (which is never explicitly stated, but his reaction leads me to believe there was definitely some kind of ab•se (and its canon that the officers at the refuge don't feed the kids as they should)). he's seen as the tough guy, as the leader, as the father figure for all of the newsies, but he's a kid. he put his life on the line for them, but that's too much responsibility for a teenager.
jack got thrown in the refuge- a jail for kids- because he stole food and clothing for the other boys. he did everything he did for everyone else, without ever taking his own feelings into consideration; it was never a case of "what's in it for me?", it was always "will this help the guys i love?" and that is Jack's biggest quality i think.
anyway- so, he disappears after the fight because he's guilty. he watch his best friend- no, his brother- get taken by the bulls and watched the others he loves get hurt, and he couldn't stop it. again, this is a 17 year old we're talking about. his whole Santa Fe scene is the most pivotal part of the show in my opinion? like- we see Jack having a breakdown, essentially. "just be real is all i'm askin', not some paintin' in my head" is such a painful line because he's holding onto the hope that somewhere he's never seen is good enough to risk leaving his life behind for, and we see the struggles between wanting to stay and help his friends and wanting to get out and live and be able to have a life where he doesn't have to live with such a huge responsibility on his shoulders.
like Pulitzer basically said "if you don't tell them to stop this, i'll personally make sure all of them end up in the refuge" and even used Davey as a plot device, since Davey is one of the few that has folks and a little brother, and Pulitzer essentially said "you wouldn't want your pal Davey getting separated from his family, would you?"
Jack believed in the Strike, and he believed in the Newsies, but he couldn't handle the risk of more of his family getting beaten and thrown into The Refuge, and it kills me to see that he couldn't tell the others why he suddenly had a "change of heart", and that they all think that jw just gave up on them until they realize later on that Pulitzer manipulated him right where it hurt most
listen i could write an entire essay over Santa Fe and i love that song and it's just such an iconic "I Want" song and !!! fuck !!!!!! it's so sad but it bops!!!!!
"folks are fightin, bleedin, fallin, thanks to good old Captain Jack! Captain Jack just wants to close his eyes and GO"
and then theres a really long pause and his voice cracks and the next line just ?? hurts me ??
"let me go, far away, somewhere they won't never find me, and tomorrow won't remind me of today"
i just realized ive been ranting for 30 minutes i love u all goodnight
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For the ask game: Newsies (obviously), Ralbert and Elmer. Have a good day! :)
This is days late- i thought I had already done this. And if I have and this is a second version then, damn It.
001 | Newsies (absolutely no idea why)
Favorite character: Spot
Least Favorite character: Buttons, not sorry. Oh and Snyder.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I don’t really have... favorite ships, but ok. Dave and Jack (Both versions). 1992 Spot and Race. Hotshot and Ike. (1992) Mush and Kid. Extremely controversial but... Elmer and Spot. It’s more of the polar opposites, fire and water, dynamic.
Character I find most attractive: Elmer (Livesies) and Henry (both original and Livesies)
Character I would marry: Elmer or Henry or Skittery
Character I would be best friends with: The Brooklyn boys.
a random thought: The way Skittery checks up on Tumbler after Spot breaks up a fight between him and another kid.
An unpopular opinion: Copy and Paste: Elmer and Spot. It’s more of the polar opposites, fire and water, dynamic.
My Canon OTP: David’s folks? 
My Non-canon OTP: I don’t participate in this kind of thing but, Racetrack and Corona cigarets 
Most Badass Character: Spot
Most Epic Villain: If the villains had an epic number like newsies then this could be responded, but since they were just boring adults, this has no answer.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Buttons and Elmer
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Mush, that sweet angel could not sexualize anything. They just put him as a womanizer to have that parallel to the real Mush.
Favourite Friendship: Spot and Kid (1992), Spot and the Brooklyn Boys. Tommy Boy and Finch. Romeo and Elmer.
Character I most identify with: Spot
Character I wish I could be: Spot
002 | Ralbert
When I started shipping them: People keep track of this?
My thoughts: I respect it, I wouldn’t take it away from anymore. I also wouldn’t stand in line for it. Well maybe a short line.
What makes me happy about them: Idiots in love
What makes me sad about them: Thinking about what would happen if one died.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: That they are perfect for each other. No no, that they have to use drugs in order to make a proper story according to a lot of fan fic writters
Things I look for in fanfic: I’ve only read 1 fanfic of them, but i guess either one of them making an idiot out of themselves. 
My wishlist: i don’t know- au
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Albert and Jojo. And I feel like Race would say that he deserves better than the rest of the newsies
My happily ever after for them: Working in the same sort of building, but in different sections. They never get married because they’re against it. But they do have like promise rings that mean as much as marriage or even more. 
003 | Elmer
How I feel about this character: I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I would yell out in a beach that I love him. He is a literally angel fallen to earth. We don’t deserve him whatsoever. 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: myself Spot
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Romeo and Henry and Jojo
My unpopular opinion about this character: not asexual or aromantic
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that he would have said some kind of dorky kinda comment or mentioned something in a smart way
Favorite friendship for this character: Romeo and Henry and Jojo
My crossover ship: nope. But I feel like if he was in a Hogwarts AU, and Newt Scamander was teaching how to care for magical creatures they’d hit it off and newt would be awkward around everyone but his creatures and Elmer. They’d just be a pair of caring Hufflepuffs.
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sl-newsie · 1 year
My Review of 92sies
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Gotta remember this was made in the 90s by the classic Disney intro! 😄
Thank you Max for the great intro monologue! ‘Thank you Max, for that marvelous introduction!’ Hocus Pocus, anyone?
Gotta appreciate how much they were able to make a crammed set look like New York
Oh. My. God! Shirtless Mush is sooo cute! 😍 
No wonder Skittery’s always angry- I’d be too if I was woken up early. 😤
Not even 5 minutes in and Jack’s called Cowboy  🤠
Where was Kloppman in Livesies? Really, where? 
I wanna know how all the newsies characters were created. Was someone reading A Christmas Carol and was like ‘yes, we need teenage Tiny Tim!’
I noticed they have the same audio of the kid yelling ‘c’mon move it! move it!’ later at the end.
Why did they cut out the ‘takes a smile as sweet as butter?’ bit?
Aw Race does the sign of the cross! Is he Catholic?
At first I was confused about the woman singing in the background but over time I feel that she brings the idea that not all the newsies are orphans 
Sorry but Race backing up from being threatened by a stick is hilarious 
Jack is so much calmer in this version! No more angry Jack
Awww! Les is so cuuute! The way he just stares at Jack while he’s running is priceless 😊
Race and Jack show more friendship chemistry in the first 10 minutes than Jack and Race in Livies during the whole show
Already 92sies Les is so much better 
It’s really hard to not picture Jack as Batman
Half the movie is watching all-a the newsies reactions in the background! 
Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes- the entire plot summed up in one sentence. 🗞️
Properly shows how the newsies respect a lady by them removing their hats
‘What’s that deafening noise?’ Uh, that’s your employees doing their job? 
I feel sorry for the guy shaving that Snider just shoves to the side when he runs up the stairs.
LUV Medda’s getup! All of it! Anne-Margret is so good! The way she talks to Les is so cute!
I have spotted the teleporting ventriloquist dummy guy!
I personally don’t ship Javid, but 92sies shows much better chemistry between Jack and David than Livesies.
‘Then you’ll be a real cowboy!’ ‘Yeah.’ What about a painter? Now where would you ever get that idea? 🤠🧑‍🎨
So it’s raining while they’re having dinner, then it stopped when they're on the fire escape, and the ground is dusty enough so when Jack does his Santa Fe ‘dance’ he doesn’t get all muddy? Huh.
Only thing about Sarah is that I feel her New York accent could’ve been better.
I wanna know who made the birthday cake. One of the cast or crew maybe?
I prefer Christian’s daydreamy version of Santa Fe. 🏜️
I’d like know what the people in the street are thinking, like ‘what the heck is this guy randomly singing?’
The streetlights make 92sies at night seem like a very cozy atmosphere
Why did they cut out the scene of Christian using a lasso? Learning how to use a lasso was a big deal for him!
What ever happened to the horse Jack technically stole?
Race and Jack’s friendship never gets old!
Pulitzer’s calculation behavior is… weird. Also why is he imitating Tevye’s If I Were A Rich Man dance?
Ok, we need a class where every newsie is pointed out and named so everyone knows who they are
What are the pedestrians thinking when the newsies start singing?
You’re a leader! Here Jack, have a stick! Now break it!
Hey it’s Lone Star in a bowler hat! 
Now I want to use ‘hoity toity’ every day.
Yeessss! BROOKLYN! But where can I find the music if it’s not in the soundtrack?! 🌉
‘I spent a month there one night.’ Uh what does that mean, Boots?
Why is Spot Colon’s slingshot never brought up in Livesies?
Ok when I first watched this I didn’t know what to expect from Spot Colon but I remember that as soon as I saw him I had a crush on him instantly. 🥰
People always make fun of Spot’s height, whether it be 92sies or Livesies. But being a short person myself and knowing other short people I can honestly say that short people definitely can be scary! Seriously I’ve scared more people than I can count even if I don’t mean to, so imagine Spot Colon intentionally trying to be scary! To quote Yoda: ‘size matters not!’ Spot Colon could kick everyone’s ass if he wanted!
I luv how all the other Brooklyn newsies are just waiting intimidatingly in the background for Spot to either give the all clear or the o-k to soak Davey.
How did numerous fan theories about Spot’s key get started? 🗝️
Seize the Day is on fire! I luv the quick footwork and acro work in the confined space even though the dance number could’ve been held in a bigger area.
Where did the newsies get tomatoes to throw at Wiesel? 🍅
How long did it take to clean up the torn newspapers after they got done filming that scene?
Huh, Jack actually cares enough to try to break Crutchy out? Also how does nobody notice Jack casually standing around with a rope?
It’s cute how Les and the younger newsies made homemade drums!
‘Never fear, Brooklyn is here!’ Oh my God yeessss! 😆
It’s over, Weasel! Brooklyn has the high ground! Star Wars, anybody?
The newsies picture looks like what every attempt at a family picture looks like, with everybody scattered and looking at different places.
King of New York, still my favorite! The way they had all these guys in this tiny room with all these tables, and yet still pull off a decent dance number! Just wow.
Crutchy your positivity is contagious, even though sometimes you gotta learn when to be sad.
Jack how on Earth can you fall asleep on a fire escape?
Nice rooftop backdrop! Wonder if Jack painted it… 🎨🤔😆
Jack still wants to leave, but at least on the rooftop he explains how he’s not used to growing roots anywhere and actually asks Sarah if she cares.
‘...others who would dare to leeee!’ What, Pulitzer?
I luv how the newsies dress up for the rally!  Even though they’re poor they still know when to act ‘proper.’ Also Spot, you look great! 👍
Seeing Medda dance with all the is always fun to watch, especially with Blink and Race completely fawning over her.
Why is it that Davey and Spot immediately see that Denton’s pointing out Snyder but it takes Davey yelling in Jack’s face for him to see it? 
Typical Race to gamble with a judge 🃏
They really make us hate Snyder. Even if you don’t like Jack (don’t know how someone could but whatever), you really feel bad for him when Snyder takes him back to the Refuge. 😣
How in the world does nobody notice the newsies hiding out around the refuge or when Davey rides on the back of the carriage? There’s cops literally 10 feet from them and they still don’t see a group of kids?
Even when Jack’s yelling he’s still less angry then Jeremy’s angry Jack.
All the Refuge gives you to sleep on is a rusty bed frame? Ouch!
‘We was beat when we was born.’ Yikes Jack got some dark thoughts. 😳
It doesn’t take going through a whole day sulking and getting yelled at by Katherine for 92sies Jack to change his mind, it only takes the Delancys beating up the Jacobs for him to finally say no. 
Once And For All is catchier than the Livesies version
I like how they show all the different kids at odds and ends jobs, as well as how some kids back then didn’t know how to read.
Only thing is I wish they would’ve talked about the details with the deal with Pulitzer
Sarah doesn’t need to beg Jack to stay, Jack figures it out that he needs to stay.
Jack, how can you leave? You’re making Les cry! 😖😭
Now Mush is looking cute next to a lamppost 😍
I’m hearing the audio from the beginning!
Yes, Jarah is a relationship I can tolerate! It’s not toxic or annoying, and they don’t look like they wanna kill each other every scene.
Spot riding away in the carriage is perfect! ‘By, Spot!’ 🥰
Overall I’d want to know what the original newsies would think of this. I mean just imagine the ones from 1899 watching this and thinking ‘I don’t think we ever did this much singing and dancing.’
And now to take a moment for the 92sies who did not make it into Livesies: Snipeshooter, Boots, Bumlets, PieEater, Snoddy, Itey, Snitch, Swifty, Jake, Dutchy, Skittery, Snaps, Tumbler, and Flipper. They will be missed. Instead they will be replaced by new newsies that are far more stupid and annoying, but on the bright side are very good dancers. 😔
I feel like 92sies isn’t talked about as much because it’s more dated and not as recent. When people mention that current stars like Ben Cook are in Livesies then everyone talks about it like it’s the best thing since sliced bread. But when people say Christian Bale is in 92sies then they just say ‘oh yeah, he’s Batman’ and just leave it at that. Just because 92sies doesn’t have the A+ Broadway dancing doesn’t mean it’s not a good musical,
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