#but eventually they would walk back into the forest where the plot is taking place
the-owl-tree · 1 year
make it so the clans are bigger but bc the iskeai'd cat only knows the main cast, she just fucking ignores them all. Maybe make a gag that one character who wasnt in the books is actually somewhat important (but just got axed in the book) and despite their continued relevance, the main character keeps going "nope completely irrelevant" and ignores them despite everything.
SDAJKSDJSALHDJHLAK this reminds me of that episode of tawog that parodied my so called life
honey, guide, and honeypaw but with this scene:
29 notes · View notes
thepaperpanda · 1 year
Under His Watchful Eye || Douma x fem!reader
Summary: you are found injured by worshippers of Douma after being attacked by a wild animal in the mountains. You're taken to his temple where you're cared for and nursed back to health under the watchful eye of his. As time passes, Douma becomes attached to you, but when you disobey his order one day, he becomes angry and decides to punish you accordingly 
Warnings: smut with plot 🔞 & the reader asking far too many questions in the end 😀
Word count: 7792
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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As you hiked through the mountain trails, the fresh air and beautiful scenery made you feel invigorated. However, that feeling quickly vanished when a wild animal attacked you out of nowhere. You tried to defend yourself, but the creature was too strong and vicious, leaving you badly injured and alone. You were almost certain you would die.
Just when you thought you couldn't go any further after attempting to getting back home, a group of strange individuals appeared before you. They were dressed in long, flowing robes and had a serene look on their faces.
You felt weak in your knees and fell down to the frozen ground, shaking uncontrollably all over your exhausted body.
"Are you okay?" A female voice asked.
You tried to speak, but your throat was dry. You managed to nod, and they helped you to your feet. You leaned on one of them as they guided you into an unknown direction. "You must come with us," one of them said softly, taking your arm. 
"Poor thing, look at all those wounds," the other person added within sad tone.
You were too weak to resist as they led you deeper into the forest, eventually arriving at a small sanctuary.
As you walked, you couldn't help but notice the strange symbols painted on the rocks and trees around you. The people were quiet, and you could only hear the sound of the wind and the snow under their feet.
The last thing you remembered was the warmness of the interiors surrounding you. Then you lost your consciousness.
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Douma was pleasantly surprised today by something he did not expect. A very attractive female human was brought into his shrine, which he would even call a miracle; he wouldn't have to take any efforts to find someone new for his pleasures. He had to keep the girl there.
"Don't look at me like that. You should know what I expect. Take care of this poor thing. Treat her wounds, give her a bath, and dress her. Let her rest," he instructed.
He smiled at two of his dear followers, who were not really sure what to do with the newcomer. He was growing curious about how the girl really looked without all the blood and dirt on her. Sadly, he would have to wait to satisfy his curiosity.
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As time passed, you found yourself gradually regaining your strength. Though you still spent most of your days sleeping, you were surprised to find that a group of women were taking excellent care of you.
One day, as you slowly opened your eyes, you noticed a woman sitting beside you. "Oh, you're awake!" She exclaimed with a smile.
You rubbed your eyes and sat up a little, taking in your surroundings. The room was cozy and filled with dim light of candles. "Where am I?"
"You're in our sanctuary, in our lord's place," the woman replied. "My name is Aka, and I'm one of those who found you in the woods. You were very ill and injured, and we've been taking care of you for the past few weeks."
You felt a wave of gratitude wash over you, as well as shock when you realized how much time had passed. "You said weeks?" You inquired, your voice barely above a whisper. "Oh, my.... Thank you for everything."
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As the days passed, you continued to regain your strength. You were amazed at the kindness and compassion of these strangers who had taken you in and nursed you back to health. And as you looked around at the warm and welcoming home they had created, you knew that you were in good hands. At least that was the impression you'd received.
Meantime, Douma made sure to take care of you by sending someone to fetch something nice for you, and finally, he had a chance to see you in your full glory - free of any life-threatening illness, clean, and dressed in fine clothes. 
He personally couldn't wait to meet you and learn who you were. There were so many things he could do with and to you! It made him so excited that a shiver ran down his spine.
As Douma walked into the room that served you as your chamber, he hummed melodically, "My, my, my! Why did no one tell me that you are awake? I would have come sooner to see you." 
However, he stopped when he saw your surprised expression and turned to face the other woman standing near the door, "Oh, Aka, my dear. Haven't you told her everything yet?"
Aka, one of your trusted followers, approached the tall man with a heavy heart. She informed him that she had not been able to tell you everything that she had wanted to, and she was deeply sorry for letting him down.
You bowed your head to the man after softening your kimono, overwhelmed with gratitude for the kindness he had shown you. "Thank you so much, sir," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for taking care of me," you added with your head still bowed, "but I will never forget the hospitality you have offered me. I am forever in your debt."
He had to admit that you were a pretty one. You must have been tasty, but on the other hand, it would be a shame to simply consume you. Perhaps he could keep you around as a pet? He had tried it before, but it didn't work out as he had wanted. Maybe if you behaved, who knows?
With a smile, he said, "Oh, no need to thank me, sweetheart! How could I say no to someone in need? I am happy to finally see you in good shape. What's your name, dear?"
You dared to raise your head a little to take a closer look at him.
He stood before you with an imposing presence. He was a tall and muscular young man with a noticeably pale complexion, and his long and pointed nails seemed stained with a pale blue color. His hair was either silver or a pale golden blond, parted to the left, with shorter strands flaring out to either side of his face and a longer spiral drape down his back. His eyes were incredibly rare and beautiful, appearing to be made up of an array of rainbow pastel tones that faded into one another as they circled his irises. You caught yourself staring in his eyes a little longer than you were supposed to, so you instantly bowed your head once more, trying to pay proper respect to him. "My name's Y/N, sir. If not you and your people, I'd be long dead, eaten by wild animals or maybe even demons themselves."
If only you knew! Douma couldn't help but giggle softly at the idea of how oblivious you were. It was adorable!
"Well, then I guess you are the lucky one. Do you have any family or a home?"
You hesitated for a moment before admitting, "It's just that I don't have a family or a home. Sometimes it feels like something's missing."
He quickly walked up to you and cupped your cheeks, rubbing your soft, warm skin with his slender, cold thumbs. "Well, well, Y/N, not only were you saved, but you have also found a new home. You can stay here, and I will gladly take care of you."
You were shocked by how cold his hands were. You could feel the icy chill radiating from his fingers as they pressed against your skin. The sudden coldness caught you off guard, and you couldn't help but shiver at the sensation. You had never felt hands that cold before, and it left you momentarily speechless. Despite the coldness, however, his touch was gentle, and you could sense the kindness in his eyes as he spoke to you. You forced yourself to focus on his words, trying to ignore the frigid sensation spreading through your cheeks.
You were shocked by the man's kindness and hospitality he and his people had shown you. 
He had taken you in when you were lost, hurt and alone, and had even offered to help you still. You couldn't believe that someone who was a stranger to you could be so generous. "Thank you so much," you said, your voice filled with gratitude. "I don't know how to repay you for your kindness, sir."
"You don't need to thank me, sweetheart. I only hope that dear Aka will explain everything you need to know," he said, looking at the other woman significantly. "Now, rest some more and make sure you eat well. I will come back later to have a private conversation with you."
"Sir," you whispered hesitantly, barely moving your lips. "Can I at least have your name?"
"It's Douma," he said with a smile. "If you listen carefully to what Aka says, my dear Y/N, you will know everything."
As you and Aka were speaking together after Douma had left the chamber, she began to describe him to you. "He is a wise man," Aka said, her voice soft with reminiscence. "He has a way of seeing the world that few others could match. When he speaks, it is as if the entire room fell silent, hanging on his every word."
You nodded, listening intently as Aka continued to speak.
"Master Douma is also fiercely loyal to his followers," she added, a small smile crossing her lips. "He would do anything to protect us, to ensure our safety and happiness."
You couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the man she described. Even though you had only met him briefly, you could sense that there was something special about him.
As your conversation with Aka continued, you couldn't help but feel a growing sense of curiosity about the man known as Douma. What other secrets and wisdom had he imparted to his followers? And what was his ultimate goal in life? These were questions that you knew you would have to seek answers to in the days and weeks to come.
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The longer you stayed with Douma, the more he grew fond of you. It was obvious that you had become his favorite, as you were the only one living with him permanently. He kept you safe and took care of you the best way he could.
You were like his little pet, and he loved making sure that you were happy because you looked better that way. You were always so eager to talk to him and spend time with him, which he found simply adorable. He could have feasted on you, but keeping you around was much better - it made the boring times more interesting.
"What's going through that little head of yours?" Douma asked, getting comfortable on a big pillow while he played with your hair, your head resting on his lap.
You lay with your head rested on Douma's lap, looking up at the ceiling of his room with a mixture of thoughtfulness and disbelief. "I can't believe you took me under your wings," you told him. "And you never wanted anything in return." You closed your eyes, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you.
The past few weeks you spent by Douma's side were a whirlwind of new experiences and insights. You followed him everywhere, learning who he was and how he lived his life. He introduced you to his followers, who welcomed you with open arms and showed you the ropes.
However, as you grew closer to Douma, you began to notice some of his followers becoming jealous. They would shoot you looks of disdain and make snide remarks when you were around. At first, you tried to brush it off, but as time went on, their behavior began to wear on you.
Despite the jealousy of some of his followers, Douma continued to show you kindness and respect. He patiently answered your questions and taught you his ways, never once making you feel inferior. You were grateful for his guidance and felt privileged to be so close to him.
In the end, you knew that Douma's influence had changed you for the better. You had learned so much from him, not only about his ways but about yourself as well.
As the weeks went by, you felt yourself growing more and more fond of him, and sometimes even felt strange tickling within your abdomen when he was casting you a glance over the room full of his followers.
You turned to Douma, feeling at ease in his presence. "I feel very well here," you told him, "but I'd like to visit my little hut and take some things from there. I'd also like to visit my brother's grave."
"And for what? You have everything here. You don't need your old stuff or to visit your brother," he rolled his eyes, growing slightly annoyed with your idea. He had given you everything, and yet you still cared about something so silly and trivial. Your brother was nothing but a corpse, rotting in the ground. "Besides, would you really leave me here all alone and sad? Do you want me to die of a broken heart?" He asked dramatically.
"I..." You whispered, turning your glance away from him. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you, Douma."
Your mind wandered to your brother's grave. You thought about how much you missed him and how you wished you could visit him more often. The cemetery was only a few miles away probably, and you knew you could easily sneak out during the night for just an hour or two. You promised yourself that you'd do it, that night or some other time when Douma wouldn't notice, being busy with his errands.
"You didn't upset me, my dear Y/N. It just hurts me that you worry about those things when I make sure you have everything," he purred, easily pulling you up and setting you comfortably on his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist as he hugged you. "Don't you feel good here, with me?"
You looked deeply into Douma's eyes, feeling the warmth of his presence wash over you. "Douma," you whispered, reaching out slowly to caress one of his cheeks gently, "I want you to know that I feel really good by your side. You make me feel safe and sound, and I'm grateful for that." You paused for a moment, taking in the way his eyes sparkled in the dim light casted by a lot of candles set around the room. "You know, I never thought I could trust someone so completely, but with you, it just comes naturally."
The demon purred at your touch and nodded. You were his and there was no need for you to seek anything else beyond what he could give you. "Now you see, I can give you everything you ask for, so there is no need to visit your old life, my sweet little Y/N," he whispered before kissing your cheek.
As Douma leaned in to kiss your cheek, you felt your face flushing with a warm hue. His lips were cold, yet soft and tender against your skin, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your chest. "Douma," a weak whisper left your parted lips as you clutched on his shoulders. You moved your head to face him, your cheeks still tinged with pink. "You're right, just as always, my dear master."
He laughed, gently grabbing and squeezing your cheeks. "Look at you! So pretty and cute," Douma chuckled as he played with your soft skin, grazing it with his sharp nails. "I am wondering... If this made you blush so much, then what will this do?"
He grasped your cheeks a bit harder than before and kissed your lips.
Once Douma's lips were pressed to yours, you couldn't help but let out a quiet gasp that quickly turned into a moan. Despite his lips being rather cold, the kiss he offered tasted sweet like honey. The way his tongue moved along your teeth, the way his perfect teeth grabbed your tongue, everything about the kiss was igniting emotions you didn't know you still held within you.
You found yourself wrapping your arms around Douma's neck, pulling him closer to you. You felt his body pressing against yours, his closeness enveloping you. The scent of him filled your nostrils, a heady mix of sandalwood and musk.
Your heart raced as you lost yourself in the moment, feeling completely consumed by the passion between you. For a moment, nothing else mattered but the two of you, locked in a fiery embrace.
You pulled yourself away from Douma after a while, looking him in the rainbow-coloured eyes; his eyes were mesmerizing, and you couldn't help but get lost in them for a moment. "Douma…"
"So pretty and so full of color," he laughed, moving his thumbs across your skin.
Douma indeed enjoyed having you here. He loved that you were such a good pet. He had grown used to having you around, especially loving it when you sat on his lap.
Of course, Douma was aware of the jealousy of some followers, and as a good owner, he took care of some of those who were a threat to his beloved pet. When you noticed this, he explained that they had just left. Thankfully, you always accepted this explanation.
"It's getting late. Aren't you tired?" Douma asked, a hint of worry within his tone.
"Just a little bit, my master," you replied, your cheeks still flushed. You bit your lower lip after his comment about you having a lot of colours. You didn't know how he was doing it, but he was always making your heart skipping a beat.
"Well, then don't sit up late, little one. I want my little girl to be well-rested," he kissed your cheek one last time before gently pushing you off his lap.
You tried your best to keep your composure, but your heart was racing and your felt like whining as Douma pushed you off his lap. Your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Good night, my master," you smiled at him, bowing your head down. 
After that you left his chamber. Of course you had to bump on a group of his the most dedicated followers; their led you down the corridor with a mean glances, and you could swear you heard them whispering about you. Yet, you decided to not pay attention.
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You had trouble sleeping, tossing and turning in your bed as the memory of Douma's anger haunted you. You had mentioned leaving the shrine, hoping to visit your brother's grave, but the expression on Douma's face had been rather a nasty one; you'd never seen him like that; the change within him was immediate and unexpected.
You tried to push the memory away, to think of other things, but it kept coming back to you, replaying over and over in your mind. You wondered for a second or two if you had made a mistake in confiding in him, in trusting him with your deepest desires and fears.
As the night wore on, you grew more and more exhausted, but still, you couldn't sleep. You finally decided that you couldn't stay in the bed any longer. 
You got up from your bed, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake anyone. You changed into some other clothes, careful to pick things that wouldn't make too much noise as you moved. You didn't want anyone to know that you were leaving, especially not Douma. After putting on a thick fur Douma gifted you with some time before, you were ready.
You didn't want to attract attention by carrying too much, so you decided to leave your bag in the room. You checked your pockets for anything important, making sure you had your keys. 
Finally, you took a deep breath and opened the door to your room. You stepped out into the hallway, the floorboards creaking softly beneath your feet. You listened carefully for any sounds, but the shrine was quiet.
You made your way to the front door, your heart pounding in your chest. You turned the handle slowly, hoping it wouldn't make too much noise, and pushed the door open. A gust of cool air hit your face, and you stepped outside into the night. You closed the door behind you, trying to be as quiet as possible, and set off down the path, hoping that you were making the right decision.
Douma could come across as a silly man with his overly friendly behavior. He could seem like someone easy to fool, but oh, you were so mistaken!
A pair of rainbow eyes watched you leave from behind the golden fan. He knew it would happen, he knew you wouldn't really sit on your ass as you should. Douma knew you would be back, of course you would for there was nothing waiting for you out there. You had no reason to leave for good, but of course, you had to fulfill your little ideas.
"Bad, bad pet," Douma whispered to himself. He already planned how he was going to punish you and make you stay with him forever.
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As you arrived at the old graveyard, you felt a sense of melancholy wash over you. Memories of childhood days spent with your brother came flooding back, as you made your way to his final resting place. The grave was still and silent, surrounded by the peaceful stillness of the cemetery.
You took out the bouquet of flowers you had managed to gather. With careful hands, you placed them gently on your brother's grave. As you stepped back, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as you remembered the good times you shared with him. Before you managed to regain your composure, you shed a tear.
The wind picked up, blowing gently through the trees, rustling the leaves and reminding you of the fleeting nature of life. You stood there for a few moments longer, lost in your thoughts, before finally turning to leave. As you walked away, you promised yourself that you would always remember your brother, and keep his memory alive in your heart.
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As you made your way towards the Eternal Paradise Faith shrine, you couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. The sky was beginning to brighten, and you knew that the sun would soon rise. You quickened your pace, determined to reach the shrine before dawn.
Finally, you arrived at the entrance, and were greeted by the serene surroundings of the shrine. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the sound of chanting people filled your ears. You took a moment to take in your surroundings, appreciating the peaceful atmosphere and the stunning architecture of the shrine.
Oh, you were a little oblivious bunny, so sure that you could get away with this little thing. 
He was going to let you think you were the smart one, that you could go behind his back. Douma honestly wondered if maybe you would tell him at some point, admit to your wrongdoings, and beg for forgiveness.
So he waited, pretending he knew nothing, letting you believe he was naive.
The whole day passed, and he heard nothing from you, and it made him mad. He summoned you to see him, just like he did every evening.
Despite feeling curious and a bit uneasy, you went straight to meet him after taking a long bath.
You stepped forward and pushed open the door to Douma's chamber, the hinges creaking as you entered. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles casting flickering shadows across the walls. "My master, you summoned me."
He looked at you with a sweet smile, resting his cheek on his hand. "Here comes my favorite. Don't be scared, I simply missed you, my little Y/N."
You felt that there was something off about his behavior. It was difficult to put your finger on it, but there was a sense that he was holding something back or not being entirely truthful. Maybe it was the way his rainbow-coloured eyes were looking at you, as if they were about to pierce right through your soul or the hesitation in his voice when he spoke. Whatever it was, you couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right. 
Taking a few steps, you came closer to his bed.
He blinked, feigning concern for you. "Is something wrong, my dear? Come here," he said, beckoning you to sit on his lap.
Once you were seated comfortably, he took your palm in his and gave your hand a little kiss. "What is bothering you? Is someone talking bad about you again?"
"It's not that, my master," you replied, trying to regain the control over your uncontrollably shaking body. "I... I just did something bad."
"Oh, you poor, little thing! You did something bad?" Douma hummed as both of his hands rested on your waist, caressing the soft curves. "Oh, I am sure you did... Or maybe you decided to go behind my back and visit your brother?" He asked. "Will you be a good girl and answer my question?"
As you sat on his lap, listening to him speak, your heart began to race when he mentioned your brother. Memories of last night's trip occupied your mind, and your anxiety only grew stronger with each passing moment. "I left the shrine without your permission."
"I understand that. So, now, can you be a good girl and answer my question?"
You only nodded your head, lowering your chin to avoid his gaze.
"Look at me," Douma ordered.
Once you looked at him, he gave you his kind smile, but his hands tightened on your waist, his long nails digging into your skin through the clothes. "Do you think I am stupid? Do you think I am a fool you can play around with?"
"Of course not, my master. I apologize for not obeying your order. Please, forgive me my reckless behavior, master Douma," you begged, most likely sounding like a pathetic whore.
"I should throw you out!" Douma snapped, squeezing you even harder. "I should throw you away and let you die in the wilderness like I didn't when my people found you."
His words grew louder and more aggressive with each passing moment, and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
As he continued to speak, you felt the tears forming in your eyes. You tried your best to hold them back, but the emotion was simply too overwhelming. You could feel the hot tears trickling down your cheeks, and you quickly wiped them away with the back of your hand.
"Oh, you're crying now? How pathetic," Douma chuckled. "You're alive only because I allowed you to live. I saved your life and didn't turn you into my next meal. You should be grateful for what I did! I gave you everything that you lacked in your life, and this is how you repay me?!"
In that moment, you wished you could simply disappear. You wanted nothing more than to escape from Douma's presence and find solace in the comfort of your own home. But you knew that you had to stay strong and face the situation head-on, even if it meant enduring the pain and discomfort that came with it. "I'm sorry. Please, master, forgive me."
"And what should I forgive you for? I should just get rid of you," he said, and soon after, he smiled. "You are a pretty, little thing. I should just end your life by devouring you."
As Douma continued to speak, you mustered up all of the courage you had left and spoke up. "I suspected that you were a demon," you said firmly, looking him straight in the eyes. "I've known for a few weeks now," you explained. "But I wasn't sure until now. Thank you for confirming it."
Douma looked at you and let out a maniacal laugh. "And what? Should I feel scared? Oh no! Y/N knows what I am," he pretended to be shocked before pushing you hard off his lap, so you fell to the cold floor.
Licking his lips, Douma looked at you. "And what shall I do with you now? It would be a shame to eat you, but it would be a waste to simply murder you and throw you away. I really don't want to stain my floors with your blood."
As Douma's words continued to cut deep, you sat frozen in shock, unable to move or even speak. Your body felt numb, as if you had been plunged into icy water, and your mind raced with a million different thoughts and emotions.
Despite the discomfort of the cold, hard floor beneath you, you remained in the same position for what felt like an eternity. But eventually, you were able to improve your posture, sitting back on your knees for better support. Your muscles were tense, and your fingers tingled with a strange numbness. "Well. You can do whatever you want. It's not that I have any influence here though."
Douma accepted the offer of 'doing whatever he wants,' which was an interesting proposal and he intended to make use of it. "If you say so, my dear. Let's consider it your way of apologizing to me."
Douma sat up and leant forward to you. His long fingers gently touched your cheek and then moved down, across the skin of your neck, until they reached the fabric of your kimono. He had personally picked it out to make you look even more beautiful. It was a shame to destroy it, but he could always get you a new one.
Douma's cold hands easily ripped the fabric open. "Look at you. So beautiful, yet so disobedient," he remarked, slowly running the tip of his tongue across his lower lip.
At first you only gasped, looking up at him with wide opened eyes. You wanted to ask what does he think he's doing, you wanted to run, you wanted to vanish; too many different emotions filled you up at the same time. "What..." You managed to whisper.
"Oh, don't play dumb, Y/N. I know you want me, no matter if I'm a demon or not," he smirked wryly. "I've always felt that, you little needy thing."
Looking him deep in the eyes, you sat up a little and removed your ripped kimono off; now only your black underwear was keeping you from his hungry eyes.
Douma observed you and nodded. "Now you're acting as you should, but as far as I'm concerned, you're still wearing too many clothes."
You slowly got up and reached to your back, unclasping your bra; your eyes never left his. You pushed the straps of your bra down your shoulders, letting it fall to the ground.
In the next step, you slipped fingers beneath the fabric of your panties and pushed them down your legs, stepping out of them in the end.
Finally, you listened to him as you should have from the very beginning. Finally, the bunny followed its master's wishes. "Good girl," he praised before getting comfortable on his favorite pillow. "What will you do now, I wonder?"
"May I get closer, my master?"
He gave you a nod, observing you curiously to see what would happen next; a ery smirk still glued to his lips.
You sauntered towards his bed, swaying your hips from left to right, and gradually seated yourself on the cushion. With a tinge of embarrassment coloring your face, you cautiously straddled his lap, trying to conceal your shyness.
"Now you feel embarrassed, sweetheart? Be brave, just like when you decided to betray my trust," Douma instructed, stroking your thighs.
His lap felt comfortable and welcoming, just as they always did.
Looking him in the eye, you reached your hands out and started unbuckling his belt with a sense of desire burning within your chest. You reached down and fumbled with the buckle for a moment, your fingers clumsy with anticipation. Finally, you managed to get it undone, and you let out a sigh of relief. The belt slipped free from his waist, and you felt a wave of satisfaction wash over you, as you licked your lower lip briefly.
Douma was already enjoying the sight of you. Finally, you knew your rightful place. He rested his chin on his palm as he observed you working.
Now that you were behaving, he was interested in seeing what you planned to do. "Just don't stop, little one. Show me how sorry you are."
With an unhurried pace, you opened the fly of his trousers and met his gaze, only to pause. "I... Well, I haven't done any of those things before, except for one time, but I was drunk and don't remember anything."
He looked at you in disbelief, raising one of his brows up, and sighed softly. Douma shouldn't have been that mad; at least he could teach you a thing or two.
He grabbed you and effortlessly flipped you both so that you were under him. "Oh, my poor, little bunny. I'm gonna teach you, don't worry."
His cold lips pressed a few gentle kisses to your cheeks before he started moving down your naked body, right between your legs.
Your abdomen swelled with an intense burning sensation, accompanied by an unbearable feeling of shame. "Douma, I deeply apologize for letting you down again..." You whispered quietly, and since you didn't know what to do with your hands, you tried to cover your breasts with them.
"Stop covering your body if you wish to avoid disappointing me once more. My dear, unwind and let yourself be at ease," he whispered, kissing the soft flesh of your thigh. He then dived between your parted thighs and started slowly lapping at your beautiful pussy.
You let out a moan as he continued to lap and lick at your sensitive areas, sending waves of pleasure throughout your body. 
You had never felt this way before with anyone else. The sensation that Douma was causing was intense and overwhelming. You couldn't believe that someone could make you feel this good.
As the pleasure spread throughout your body, filling every single cell with desire, you let go of your prudery and slipped your hands into his beautiful, blonde locks, moaning his name and trying to buck your hips to gain more friction.
His rainbow eyes looked up and took in the pretty expression you made for him. He couldn't wait to see that face again when he fucks you. 
He pulled away from you and bit the inside of your thigh.
As his teeth sank into your soft flesh, you couldn't help but moan. The bite was so powerful that his canines punctured through your skin, causing a few droplets of blood to surface. 
You grabbed him be a sleeve of his turtleneck and pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs tightly around his waist, kissing all over his sharp, perfect jawline.
"Oh, you're an eager one, aren't you?" He chuckled, pulling away to undress for you. Since you were in need, he couldn't keep you waiting for much longer.
Douma quickly got rid of his clothes and smiled, wrapping your legs around his waist tightly. He grasped his member and gave it a few jerks before moving it through your lips, teasing your clit. "Are you ready, sweetheart?" 
You watche him getting undressed while biting your lower lip, slipping one of your hands between your parted thighs to tease your clitoris.
Douma was a man with a lean and muscular build. He had striking features - a sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and beautiful lips. His eyes were an unusual rainbow color, and they glimmered with a mischievous and seductive light. His skin was cold to the touch, and he exuded an aura of danger and mystery. 
It all made you blush even harder, but a soft moan escaped through your parted lips when you felt his rock-hard cock rubbing through your folds. "Fuck me," you whimpered, looking him directly into his eyes.
He didn't think twice before pushing into you, watching your face twist in pleasure. His hand grasped your waist, pulling you gently as he thrusted in. He lowered himself and started whispering into your ear, "Look at you, getting fucked by a demon. I'm going to breed you nice and full."
Your nails dug into the skin on his back as he snapped his hips into you. 
The pleasure was immense, and all you could do was moan his name softly while rolling your head back, resting it on his pillow.
Douma didn't give you time to adjust, so at first, all of his thrusts felt like a burning fire within your core. Yet, with time, your walls loosened, welcoming his girth with anticipation.
Douma wrapped his hand around your neck, squeezing it as his hips moved even faster. His other hand moved between your bodies, pinching your clit. "That's it, my little flower, that's it."
Your whimpers and moans grew louder as he increased his brutal pace. You wrapped one of your hands around his wrist, which was set on your neck, and begged him to fuck you even harder. "Douma! Ah! Just like that!" You moaned loudly, trying to buck your hips into his to deepen his thrusts.
"My little whore, soon you will be nice and full, and then everyone will have a reason to be really jealous of you," he growled, snapping his hips even harder into you. The grip on your throat tightened; he was curious about how much you could take.
"H-harder!" You begged. "Can I... Can I try?"
He stopped and looked at you while stroking your calf. "Tell me what you want."
With all your strength, you flipped both of you over so that you were on top of him, his member still deeply buried inside your pussy. "That's better," you whispered, resting your hands on his broad chest and slowly bucking your hips back and forth, making sure to sink on his cock fully, deepening each thrust.
"You little fucking liar!" Douma growled through clenched teeth, grabbing your hips strongly, digging his digits in your soft flesh. "You said you haven't done any of those things, but look at you now, riding me like a whore."
"I didn't lie, master Douma," you moaned, rolling your head back a little at the pleasure spreading throughout your body. His grasp of your hips left you certain you would find some bruises there the next day. "I'm a quick learner."
"Show me what you have learned."
Supporting your weight on his chest, you increased your pace; your pussy started spasming around his already throbbing cock. "Oh! Oh! I'll cum!"
Douma smiled widely, "Very good, my little petal. Cum and let me fill your little, tight cunt up."
You grasped one of his hands and moved it up to your neck. With each movement you were feeling how his throbbing cock massaged your walls, pressing the sweet spot hidden there.
Douma's hand wrapped tightly around your neck as he sat up to thrust his hips into you even harder. "Don't hold it back, Y/N, cum for me."
Your movements became sloppy and the knot that once formed within your abdomen snapped; your cum milked his cock as you screamed his name, rolling your head back in an immense pleasure.
Douma let out a loud, guttural grunt as he came deep inside of you. The feeling of your warm insides filled with his slickly cum was something he craved so much since the day he laid his eyes on you. "That's my good girl. I think I can forgive you for that little thing from today."
You wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and hugged him, still letting him nestle his cock in you; gasping for air you barely understood what he was talking to you. His scent filled your nostrils and in the end, after calming down from your peak, you asked him quietly, "Aren't you mad at me anymore? I promise I won't be disobedient."
"If you keep that promise, I won't be mad. You know I like it when you listen to me, especially since I do a lot to take care of you," he said, slipping his hand in your hair, in the end resting it at the crown of your head, holding you there.
Slowly and carefully getting off of him, you looked him in the eyes. "Douma?"
"What is it, my little pet?"
"Do you really like me?"
"Obviously, I do. If I didn't, you would be dead as soon as you recovered. But here you are, and I am taking care of you."
After a few seconds of silence, you dropped another question. "Can I stay... Can I stay for the rest of the night with you?"
Douma rubbed his chin, pretending to think, before giving you a nod moments later. "Of course, I can't say no to my favorite girl."
After making yourself comfortable by his side, you blushed slightly, feeling your mixed, slick cums oozing out of your pussy. "Have you slept with your other worshippers, too?"
"Yes. I have been with both men and women before," he said simply with a little shrug. It wasn't anything special for him. "But it was a long time ago. Don't worry, you are my special girl, my one and only."
Your eyes widened and you truly wanted to comment and asked more questions about that, but you decided to stay quiet. Instead, you dropped yet another question. "Can I be a demon too?"
"Oh no, you are too cute for that," he chuckled and booped your nose. "But maybe one day, if I decide that I want you to stay with me for eternity, we'll think about that."
"So if you're a demon, my lord, are there other demons out there? I heard a lot of stories, and people were always talking, but I haven't seen one myself. Are they having their cults as well?"
"Oh yes, there are, and they won't hesitate to eat you up. So be grateful I took you into my care. With me, you will be safe," he assured you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "And no, they don't have cults, as far as I know."
After resting your head upon his chest, you went silent for a moment, only to return to asking questions again. "Are you going to devour me one day?"
Douma let out a loud laughter and shook his head. "I don't fancy playing with my food, and I have decided that I want you to stay with me. Of course, if you keep being a brat and completely strip me of my patience, with a heavy heart, but yes, I will devour you."
You shivered and tried to hide your head under his shoulder. "Can I meet other demons? Are you having demon friends? Are they coming here to devour people as well?"
He looked at you, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, we do have afternoon tea quite often, but none of my friends enjoy it. Quite a shame, truly, but oh well, that's their problem. And no, I am not letting any of them lay an eye, or even six, on you."
You gritted your teeth and shivered once again, not being sure if he was being serious. "Have I ever bumped into one of them, not being aware?"
Douma looked at you and placed his hand over your beating heart. "Well, since you are alive and here with me, the answer is no. You surely didn't bump into any demons without being aware."
You placed a few tiny kisses to his chest. "One last question, and I promise I'll let you rest. Why did you choose not to eat me once I was taken to your temple by your people? Oh, and are you the strongest demon? I think you must be."
Douma watched you, resting his head on his hand. "I just decided to let you live. Honestly, I planned to eat you as soon as you were nursed back to health, but I changed my mind," he shrugged a little, pointing at his eyes. "Not to brag, my dear, but I am the number two."
You once again tried to hide your head under his arm, but after a moment, you straddled his lap again, cupping his cheeks in your hands, taking a closer look into his eyes. Only then you noticed the number written in his irises. "Oh, my, how silly I was to not notice it! But truly, I don't care. To me, my lord is the strongest."
He grabbed your cheeks and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. "That's my smart girl. This is how things should be, little one. You make me more proud with every moment when you're acting like a good, obedient pet."
After the kiss you looked him deeply in his eyes. "Aren't you tired, my lord?"
"No, I am fine but you can rest, as all humans do. I will make sure my little petal is safe."
"Lord Douma?"
"I love you…"
Douma was taken aback by your confession of love to him. Since he was a child, he was unable to fully understand human emotions, and the concept of love was something foreign to him. He stared at you for a moment, trying to process your words. In the end, with a soft smile, he gently grasped your chin between his slender fingers and kissed the bridge of your pretty nose. "I appreciate your feelings, but love is not something that I am familiar with. I care for you deeply, that's the fact, but I do not know if I can reciprocate your feelings in the same way."
"I understand, my lord. It means the world to me still," you got off of him again and made yourself comfortable on his chest, oh he was so soft, even if a little cold. 
With time, your eyes started closing and eventually you drifted off to sleep.
All Douma knew was that he wanted to keep you around. It seemed like you were already a much better pet than the last one, but he was going to keep watching you with his careful eye. If you ever got on his nerves again, he wouldn't hesitate to get rid of you in the most brutal way possible.
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bouncybongfairy · 7 months
Can you please do a live action jet x reader? Literally do whatever plot you'd like I just want smut for him so bad, thank youuu
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Caught Off Guard
Jet x Fem Reader
Summary: On your way home from the market, Jet catches you by yourself. He loves a good chase before getting what he wants.
Word Count: 1.0k+
Ref Account: @kaionyx
TW: Knife play, CNC kink, Blood kink, Nasty Smut, Masochism Kink
You were walking home from the market. It was dark and navigating your way home through the dense forest was becoming increasingly harder. Your anxiety was running through the roof, worried you’d run into a fire nation soldier or a wild animal. Walking as fast as you could because hearing random noises makes you paranoid. Your breathing becomes harder, hearing the sound of metal clanking together, you drop your bags and start running. As you stop for a couple seconds trying to figure out where to go, someone drops down in front of you from the tree above. Falling to the ground from being taken so off guard. The first thing you noticed was the two hook swords hanging by his side. His head hangs low, allowing his shaggy hair to flop onto his forehead, covering his eyes. You stood up, scrambling to get your footing before taking off. 
“Go on, the chase is the best part!” You hear him call out. 
For a while you could hear the crunching of the forest floor as he chased you from behind. Eventually you have to stop running, giving yourself a second to catch your breath. Trying to be as quiet as possible even though you were doing a terrible job. Your mind was spinning and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears. Waiting there for a couple minutes until you were fully settled. Little did you know Jet was watching from above, humored by the fact that you were letting your guard down. He drops down again, laughing at how scared you become, yet again. 
“Please, you can have all my bags that I dropped, they have my leftover money just please let me go home!” you pleaded. 
“This isn’t about what you have or money. I want power, and right now I have all the power in the world over you,” he said, using one of his blades to pin your long skirt to the forest floor. You pulled away hard enough that it sliced the fabric, letting you run once again. At this point, you were completely lost and disoriented. Unsure of whether to continue running or find a place to hide. Tears ran down your face, hearing him laugh as he chased. Becoming over exerted and stimulated, you stopped running. Unwilling to take the torment anymore, he chuckled as he walked towards you. Backing you up into a tree, pressing one blade between your legs and the other against your throat. 
“From the way you gave up so early, I'd say you’d wanted me to catch you,” he said, breathing hard into your ear. 
“Please,” you whisper out, gasping as he applies more pressure to the blade. Just barely breaking the skin, you began to squirm and shake. 
“Aww you’re shaking? That’s cute,” he said, finally pulling back on the amount of pressure the blade had on your throat. 
Keeping the sword that was between your legs in place and putting the other in its sheath. Using his free hand to trace your lip with tongue, eventually pushing the digit into your mouth. Gagging and pushing your tongue back, he would let out a small groan every time he made you gag on his fingers. For a second, you find yourself enjoying it before snapping back out of it. Biting down on his fingers as hard as you can, he yanks his hand away. Attempting to run but being stopped by the blade between your legs cutting your inner thigh. He grabs you by the hair, shoving you onto your knees. Immediately you go to tend the wound on your thigh. He grabs you by the chin, forcing your attention onto him. 
“Bite me again and I’ll slice your tongue out,” he growled, shoving your head back. Stepping onto both of your hands before unzipping his pants. Trying you best to get away but not being able to was making you panic. Revealing his cock, completely erect and pre-cum dripping off the tip. Trying to press past your lips but being stopped by you turning your head to the side. Being enraged by the audacity you had, he uses both hands and forces the back of your head against the tree. 
“You won’t be getting out of this sweetheart,” he chuckled before finally pressing past your lips and starting to fuck your mouth. 
Becoming dizzy from blood loss was starting to make you more pliable. Not fighting back as much, even at times leaning into these thrusts. He noticed this, once you stopped trying to free your hands from under his boots. Letting out a moan as he looked down at you. Saliva dripping down your chin and the sides of your mouth; eyes glossy and blinking slowly. 
“Awe see, I knew you’d learn to like it,” he teases, skull fucking you at a merciless pace. Pressing his pelvis hard against your mouth, pinning your head against him and the tree. Feeling him throb and spasm as he pumped cum down your throat. Grunting every time your throat involuntarily swallows around him. Once he finishes he pulls out, still holding onto your hair as you cried. 
“Fuck I don’t know if you think your tears make me pity you but they only make me want to fuck you more,” he said, pushing you onto your back. 
Climbing on top of you, securing your wrists above your matted hair. Lining his tip with your entrance, lifting your legs up for him to penetrate easier. 
“Mm, I knew you were a fucking whore,” he said, fucking into you. 
Feeling his dick stretch you open made you scream. The burning from how rough he was pounding into you felt good. Fully giving into his will as he used your body to please himself. Knowing you were too weak to fight back, he lets go of your wrists. Reaching down and grabbing a smaller knife that was fastened to his belt. Flicking it open and looking for the perfect place to mark you. Smacking your chest and pinching your nipples for a while before beginning the real fun. Carving his name across your chest, watching the blood start to drip down towards your shoulders. You were letting out a mix of moans, whimpers and cries as he did this. Still too drained from tightening and cumming around his cock. 
“I love feeling how greedy your hole is, just can’t get enough can you?” he said, dropping the knife and continuing to abuse your pussy until he came again. Pressing himself as deep as he could while he released inside you. Collecting his clothes and things, leaving you passed out on the forest floor.
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theetherealbloom · 2 years
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Chapter Three: Light Carries On Endlessly Even After Death
Summary: The Reader is dragged into the Last of Us universe and has no choice but to watch the events unfold or will she be able to change what was already written?
Paring: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Age-gap Romance, Violence, ANGST, tiny fluff, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Crying, Singing, Suggestive content, the pandemic, character death, Zombies, eventual SMUT, MY SCIENCE IS WONKY, probable plot holes, rusty writing
Word Count: 9.7k
A/N: This chapter is inspired by a mix of quotes and songs! Super unrelated, but it occurred to me, if I was in TLOU universe, I would not survive. I need my antidepressants and immediately would call it quits LMAO. (I know dark humor sorry :,) If you want to see my thought process (idk if you want to) I’ll put it at the end notes! Thank you for your comments, reblogs, and notes! I genuinely appreciate it and it means alot to me &lt;3
Song: Make You Feel My Love by Adele
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You trek your way into the forest, you hear your footsteps squishing through the mud and dirt, and the pounding of your breath. The sun is beginning to set, dusk then brings you moonlight, a time to reflect on the day that has past and look forward to the day that will be refreshed by the glow of the sun. It is the time when the birds sing farewell till the stars call them to sleep under the wings. Each color intensifies in beautiful solemnity, uniting in the darkness. 
No one spoke for the entirety of the hike, the silence carries your melancholy, yet it is a permanent friend of your subconsciousness. The deafness is only broken by ragged breaths and the beating of human hearts. Joel comes to a stop, his back facing you and Ellie as he speaks, “We’ll camp here for the night. I’ll take watch.”
You look to Ellie who merely shrugs, the two of you say nothing and begin to set up camp on the forest floor. You hear the rushing water of a river nearby and realize where you’ve ended up. Placing your backpack on the floor, you raise your arms and stretch to the sky, undoing the painful knots in your back and neck. You let out a sigh of relief and prepare for the inevitable. Joel calls out your name and you turn to face him, ready to take on the brunt of his pain and rage.
His eyebrows lower slightly, and the tone of his voice goes down a pitch, “You and I need to talk.” You take an uneasy breath and nod in agreement despite the sweat coating both palms. He takes a step closer to you and asks, “Did you know?” he raises his voice a little, “Did you know about Tess?” You look down in shame and whisper, “Yes.”
It takes everything he has to keep his control, jaw clenched and narrowed eyes, “Why?” he says. A question so simple, a three-letter word holding so much weight, and so much anger towards you. “Why didn’t you tell me?” You swallow and avoid responding, choosing silence over an argument. He scoffs and shakes his head, and you cross your arms across your chest. The more he fumed, the smaller you made herself.
You shift your weight from one foot to the other, and only look up to see his broad shoulders and back facing you, he mumbles with a quiet rage, “I’m gonna go check the area and make sure it’s safe and that there aren’t any infected nearby.”
“This ain’ gonna work if you keep hidin’ secrets from me Hummin’ bird.” He turns and walks away, disappearing into the woods. “Well, that was dramatic.” You turn to find Ellie sitting comfortably, back resting against the pine tree in a crisscross position, you open your mouth to ask if she was okay but decided against it. Instead, you nod, “Yeah. I’m, um, sorry about that.” Ellie only shrugs, “He must’ve loved her or something.” Your gaze softens as you whisper into the cool navy twilight, “Or something.”
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The sleeves of your white lab coat itch your arms as you focused on typing up your report. The clacking sound of your keyboard could be heard from around the lab as you typed. You were invited to assist in a study focusing on quantum mechanics and theory. The lab wasn’t as busy today, most of them had decided to join the conference that was being held at Harvard, busy networking and connecting with possible investors or fellow researchers.
It was only you and Adam that was left in the lab, his excuse was he would rather put acid in his eyes than shake hands and give fake niceties. He’s nearby testing his new hypothesis, and decides to make conversation with you, “If we manage to prove this, then it is possible, somewhere in the many worlds, a pandemic happened earlier in a different universe.” You roll your eyes in amusement, “Yeah, I guess so.” You’re in thought for a moment before asking, “Do you think humanity won? Like, they overcame it?” He hums, “Maybe. Or maybe they lost.” You snort and throw a careless joke, “Everyone would blame our shitty government and us, the scientists. How ignorant must you be for it to happen twice?” 
“Well, all disaster movies start with a scientist being ignored.” He says matter-of-factly, and you give no response,  and you continue typing up your report. Silently hoping that if it were true, that humanity would still have hope, small but just enough to let the shine through, and believe that they haven’t lost yet. You look at the time and log out of your work computer, packing up your things, and asking Adam if he would like to join you for lunch he politely declines, so you bid him farewell as you head out the doors to step on the grey pavement of the campus and make your way to a nearby restaurant. It’s a beautiful day, you think to yourself, clear blue skies and a cool breeze that caresses your skin. You take notice of the blue butterfly fluttering its wings and flying right past you, you smile as it leaves an afterimage of change.
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You wake up with a deep inhale, your eyes struggle to open, and try to understand where you were. Tired from the dream, well, a memory that replayed like a cassette tape on a player that pressed rewind. You blink a couple of times before rubbing your eyes awake and retrace your steps in your mind as you recall what happened last night, only to remember giving Ellie your jacket and waiting up for Joel to come back from scouting the area for any signs of danger.
You sit up a little straighter and crack the aching parts of your neck, you look next to yourself and see Ellie lightly snoring up against a tree, still asleep. You look at the familiar jacket draped over your body that had kept you warm during the cold night. Joel must’ve placed it on top of you when he found you barely awake and functioning.
You can’t help but smile and feel your heart flutter at the thought of him taking care of you. You feel the muscles of your cheeks tighten as you try to hide away your smile and hoist yourself up quietly, not wanting to disturb Ellie’s slumber. Letting Joel’s jacket drape off of your shoulders, you use your hands to hold the collar, creating a cape that drapes behind you. 
You head towards the sound of the stream, it burbles as it travels along its bed, bubbling over rocks and branches. It was a delicate duck-egg blue, like the delicate sweep of a painter's brush. It snuck and snuck its way past all impediments, even the river's stones. Twigs spun across its murmuring surface, small messengers from the mountain trees that had brought them there. The creek rushed across the riverbed's pebbles. It sounded like a starling flock's airy, silky spin.
In the background, the mountains stood silently, a sullen presence of sky-punching glory. Snow brooches adorned their lofty peaks, which were encircled in angel-white wreaths. A weeping torrent cascaded down the granite wall. It appeared to be a silk-blue slide pouring down the mountain. It looked to be bound in silver as it carried its burden of ice crystals. It emitted a distant thrumming sound, similar to the constant rumble of a drum roll. It glowed brightly as it fed the riverbed, the forest's lifeblood. It was a breathtaking sight.
Your gaze turns to fine Joel’s figure kneeling, hunched over, and quietly picking stones from the river’s edge. You watch from a distance as he silently stacks a pile of stones to create a cairn, a memorial for Tess. You make sure your footsteps can be heard as you approach him, but he gave no acknowledgment as you decide to sit atop a large rock. It takes a while before he looks at you, and finds you staring right through him with sorrowful eyes. 
You let out a huff of air before speaking in a neutral tone, “I don’t mean to keep secrets from you. If I had come here a day before the pandemic, a day before your birthday, I would have done everything to make sure this never happened.” You paused for a moment then continued, “You asked me why I didn’t tell you. I didn’t tell you because I thought I could do it on my own. I’ve been doing this for my whole life, keeping the peace and fixing things by myself, and I got it right every time. And the one time I get it wrong it cost someone’s life.” 
You feel your voice quiver as you spoke, eyes darting to look past him, afraid of the rage and grief he feels, “Someone you loved is gone. I’m sorry, Joel. But God, I know that will never be enough and no amount of apologies will bring her back. I had a chance and I fucked up. If I could… If I could press rewind and trade her life for mine I would if that would make it any better for you.”
“No.” Joel states and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, and slowly bring your eyes to look at him, “No?” And he shakes his head and picks up another rock as he says, “I accept your apology, but stop doin’ that.” You tilt your head quizzically, “Don’t do what?” He gruffly replies, “Minimize your life as if it doesn’t matter. As if it ain’t just as important.” She felt her breathing pause and peered intently at him before trying to argue, “But–” He shuts her down before she could go on, “Stop it, as you said, no amount of apologizin’ is gonna bring her back. She’s gone. I made a promise to her that I’m plannin’ on keepin’, you gonna help me or not?”
That throws you off balance, you expected him to lash out, maybe throwing a rock or two at you, not this. Slowly you nod, “Yes. Yes, I will.” Joel looks and searches for any form of malice or lies and finds none. He simply stretches his arm to you, the rock he previously took from the river’s edge, and holds it out to you like an olive branch. You slide off the rock you were sitting on and take the rock from his hand, crouching down and quietly placing it on top of the cairn. 
You stare at the pile of rocks for a moment, quiet in thought, but then Joel says your name in a whisper that wouldn’t even fog the glass, you raise your eyes to look at him as he asks, “Was she, in your world, did she, um, already um…” And you already know what he’s wondering before he tries and say the words, so you save him the trouble of continuing, giving him a nod you reply solemnly, “Yes.”
“And when we get to Bill and Frank’s? What do you know about that?” He says, and you blink back your tears, flashbacks of that episode occur in your mind, remembering their love for each other and what would happen once we got there. You apologetically smile at him, “Out of respect for the both of them. It’s best to find out when you get there.”
His eyebrows arch inwards in concern, “Are they okay?” And you hesitate, thinking how to appropriately word this without lying, but then you remember, “Yes, they’re content.”
Joel’s eyes look back down at the cairn the decides to get up. You see him hold out his hand for you, and you take it to hoist yourself up. “Let’s go back and see if Ellie’s awake.” He states, then let’s go of your hand, making his way back to the kid. You stand there for a second, glancing at the pile of stones that represent her legacy, then back at Joel, you decide to walk forward toward your future beginning to unfold.
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The sound of birds chirping can be heard as you walk behind Joel, finding Ellie awake with her sitting upright with her knees pulled to her chest and your jacket still being used as a makeshift blanket. Joel goes through his pack to get a bark of food and Ellie breaks the silence to question you, “You want your jacket back?”
You nod and grab it from her as she holds it out to you, putting it on, you remove Joel’s brown jacket to place it on top of Ellie. Her face drops, “Seriously?” And you shrug to whisper, “You guys need to talk too.” You begin to pack up and wear your backpack.
Joel takes a bite from his food only to crumple the wrapper to throw it at Ellie as if she was some dog. You look at him in slight annoyance as Ellie rolls her eyes and takes picks it up from the ground to also take a bite of food. He makes himself busy as he adjusts the strap of his worn-out backpack, trying to ignore the kid, but Ellie is persistent, “I’ve never been in the woods.” She chews before continuing, “More bugs than I thought.” Joel doesn’t respond, disregarding her statement, and fidgets with the buckles and straps. Ellie huffs, her shoulders tense and her voice louder as says, “Look, I’ve been thinking about…”
Joel shoots straight up to swing his backpack over his shoulder, “I don’t want your sorries.” Your eyes swing over to Ellie as she retorts, “I wasn’t gonna say I’m sorry. I was gonna say I’ve been thinking about what happened. Nobody made you or Tess take me. Nobody made you go along with this plan.” Joel stands there as he listens to her go on, “You needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice.” Then her voice lowers an octave and slightly quivers, “So don’t blame me for something that isn’t my fault.”
Joel has his jaw clenched and you could see the vein in his neck preparing to burst, but all he does is give a silent nod at Ellie, then she looks away. Joel picks up his rifle and Ellie stands up to walk to him, backpack, and food, in one hand and Joel’s jacket in the other. She stretches out her arm for Joel to take it from her, a truce, as he gently grabs it and folds it. A small smile stretches across your face and you relax.
“How much longer?” Ellie asks him, and he responds calmly, “Five-hour hike.” The kid nods and states, “We can manage that.” 
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You take note of the trees arching and twisting from above you, the leaves creating patterns with their shadows, and not a single blade of grass out of place. It’s surprisingly quiet and almost peaceful as you follow Joel and Ellie across the wooden bridge, letting your mind wander, and quietly hum tunes that remind you of home. And when you no longer wanted to hum, you reflected on what happened on September 26, 2003. When it all fell apart on Joel’s birthday. The day seemed so normal, with clear blue skies and a celebration of life between a father and a daughter. You should have known, but now you learn, blue skies were a sight you never trusted again. 
“You’ve gone this way a lot? No infected?” Ellie asks, seemingly exhausted from not talking for so long. “Not often, no,” Joel replies, steadily looking for any form of danger, “What are you looking for?” And you respond for him, “People.” Ellie hums in acknowledgment, “Are Bill and Frank nice?” Joel replies lightly, “Frank is.” Glad you’re behind the two, and maybe it’s the past that’s talking, but flashes of their love come back to you in a blur. 
Ellie continues asking Joel the question, “Where’d you get that scar on your head?” You frown at that and remember exactly how he got it, he sighs at her. “What? Is it something lame? Like you fell down the stairs or something?” Ellie teasingly said, and his whiskey-deep voice gravelly replied, “I didn’t fall down any stairs.” 
“I fell down the stairs a lot in high school. Every year for four years.” You mumble your input without any thought and Ellie looks over at you with concern, “How the fuck are you still alive.” And you frown slightly, “To be honest, I have no fucking clue either.” The kid turns back to Joel, “Okay, so what then?” Ellie asks and Joel vaguely replies, “Someone shot at me and missed.”
“See, that’s cool. Did you shoot back?” The young girl states and looks at Joel with so much wonder and amazement, Joel glances at her and then responds, “Yeah.” Ellie continues, “You get him?” He’s practically done with her asking so many questions but replies anyway, “No, I missed too. It happens more often than you think.” 
“Because you suck at shooting or, like, in general?” You then bite back a laugh at Ellie’s comment, however, your eyes crinkle as you do. Vexed, Joel turns to look at Ellie, then away from her, “In general.” You snort at his response and this time he looks over his shoulder to look at you and you stare right back at him. 
Ellie glances at Joel’s revolver gun in its holder and looks back up at Joel, “You know, seeing as it’s just the three of us, and she has a gun already, I was thinking I should pro–” Joel doesn’t hesitate with his response, “No.” Ellie only rolls her eyes at his response and keeps quiet for a bit.
The three of you step over a fallen electric pole and turn a corner, “Cumberland Farms.” Ellie reads out the sign as you pass by it, Joel hurries his pace a bit before saying to you both, “Hang back a minute. I gotta grab some stuff I stashed.” 
“Stashed? Why do you have stuff stashed here?” Ellie asks still following Joel, irritated he says, “You ask a lot of goddamn questions.” She smirks, “Yes, I do.” Joel opens the door to the store, the sound of metal scraping against the floor as he does. “So, you gonna answer me or what?” Joel sighs and gives in, “We hide supplies on routes in case we find ourselves short on gear which I currently am because…”
“No way!” Ellie exclaims happily, and hurriedly makes her way to a Mortal Kombat machine, “You ever play this one?” You watch her mash buttons and mess with the joystick, while Joel lingers around, “I had a friend who knew everything about this game. There’s this one character named Mileena who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and barfs out your bones.” She sighs, “Oh man.” You look to Joel, entertained by him looking through a bunch of junk, Ellie turns to notice what you're looking at, “You forgot where you put your stuff.”
Joel shakes his head and denies, “No. I’m just zeroing in on it. It’s been a couple of years.” You lightly laugh, your shoulders slightly bouncing up and down as you do, “So, what? You’re using echolocation to look for it?” Joel only glances at you and sighs. Ellie smiles and says, “Okay, well, I’m gonna take a look around. See if there’s anything good.” Joel kicks something and replies, “Trust me, it’s all been picked over already.” Ellie hums thoughtfully, “Maybe, maybe not.” She makes her way to an open door and asks, “Is there anything bad in here?”
“Just you.” He retorts, and Ellie sighs, “Ah, getting funnier.” 
Joel shoves something and it doesn’t budge, “Fuck.” You laugh again at his struggle, and he looks at you unimpressed, “Do you, by any chance know where it is?” You smirk, “Yep.” He raises his eyebrows at you, “Do you wanna, maybe, I dunno, help me?” You twist your mouth to the side, cross your arms across your chest, and look up, mockingly thinking, “Eventually.”
Joel sighs at you, one hand on his hip as he does, then he says your name in a low-pitched voice, and you smile innocently at him from across the store. “And why won’t you tell me where it is?” You shrug and playfully say, “I like seeing you struggle.”
Electricity fills the air and you feel the warmth on your face, his brown eyes have now turned a shade darker than usual, and you watch him breathe a little deeper. Your tongue darts out a little bit to wet your lower lip and feel your heart race wildly. He stands there confidently, you notice his salt and pepper hair, his beautiful tan skin, and how the lines under his eyes and forehead remind you of maps you wish to trace your fingers on as they stretch, and there are too many miles to count. 
Wide-eyed in realization, you open your mouth, finding words to explain or excuse yourself but found none. Closing your gaping mouth, you quickly turn around to walk out of the store. Joel says your name, low and thick, you can feel the vibrations through your bones, it stops you in your tracks with your back facing him, “Where do you think your goin’? Turn around.”
You close your eyes for a second and try to quiet your beating heart, you follow his command, like a puppet on a string. “Where is it?” He asks as you feel his stare roam all over your body even from the large gap between you two, and you blink owlishly at him and out of breath, “Um, it’s at, um…” You clear your throat and try again, “It’s at the end of the aisle, underneath the newspapers.” 
“Come over here and help me lift this shit.” And your feet move forward to the man who is now crouched down and waiting for you. You kneel next to him, and as you tilt your head to look at him, you are now inches apart and unknowingly even closer at heart. You shyly look down on the piece of wood hiding his stash, “You should um, probably open it.”
He says nothing in response and you watch as he pulls his knife out and slices through the wood to create a small gap to lift it off the ground. You help him move it to the side, fingertips brushing against each other, feather-light touches that ignite a fire within you. In the corner of your eye, you see him begin to dig through the supplies he had left behind. It then occurs to you that you haven’t heard from Ellie in a while, you look to Joel with a concerned look, “We haven’t heard Ellie in a while,” you whisper.
He nods and proceeds to call for her, “Ellie?” He receives no response and the worry expands in your belly. Joel gets up and so do you, this time you try to call for her, “Ellie.” Getting nothing as well. Joel pulls out his revolver and turns to you, “Wait here.” You nod and follow his request, he approaches the door, “Ellie?” and she walks out fine and unscathed, “Picked over, my ass.” She says holding up a box of tampons. 
You let out a sigh of relief, even though you knew she would be fine, but the nagging voice in the back of your mind reminds you that things could change for the better or worse in any situation. Your being in this universe has an effect now, especially the fact you’re running around with the two main characters of this story. Whatever you say or choose not to say will have repercussions if you’re not careful. That’s something you learned the hard way.
Joel puts his gun away as Ellie shoves her find into her pack. He kneels down to put away the green toolbox and rifle under his stash, Ellie watches and asks, “What are you doing?” He responds, “There’s not much ammo out there for this thing. Makes it mostly useless.” You help him put the board back on and to no one’s surprise she tries to take advantage of the opportunity, “Well, if you’re just gonna leave it there…” Joel stands and you follow suit, he looks at Ellie sternly, “No.”
He turns to walk out of the store and Ellie follows after him, defeated. You watch the two go-ahead before glancing at the open door, knowing exactly what Ellie had found down there. Swallowing down your fear, you force yourself to keep going.
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You continue to walk along the road, the clouds march on and the trees bow down to give their leaves, to offer you some shade along your journey. Walking by you see the wreckage of an airplane atop a hill, broken parts, and pieces scattered along the field. Ellie breathes out, “Holy shit.” The three of you stop walking to gaze at it fondly, “You fly in one of those?” The kid asks you and Joel, and he replies, “Few times, sure.”
Ellie is looking up at you, searching for your answer, and you give her a nod, “Yeah, a couple of times.” She brings her focus back to the wreckage and sighs, “So lucky.” Joel disagrees, “Didn’t feel like it at the time. Get shoved into a middle seat, pay 12 bucks for a sandwich.”
“Dude, you got to go up in the sky,” Ellie says, and you frown, simple things that got taken for granted, you knew all too well. “Yeah, well, so did they,” Joel says with dejection in his voice, then decides to keep moving. Something all he’s ever known. Ellie mutters, “Grim.”
“So everything came crashing down in one day?” Ellie questions and Joel nods, “Pretty much.” Ellie doesn’t settle for that and chooses to follow up with a, “How? I mean, no one was infected with cordyceps. Everybody’s fine eating in restaurants and flying in planes. And then, all at once? How did it even start? If you have to get bit to get infected, then who bit the first person?” She pauses, “Was it a monkey? I bet it was a monkey.”
You huff in amusement, “If it were a monkey, this wouldn’t have happened.” Joel looks at you then turns back to Ellie and replies, “It wasn’t a monkey. I thought you went to school?” Ellie frowns, “FEDRA school. They don’t teach us how their shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic.”
You flinch at her statement and think for a nanosecond, fuck. You hear your memories echo back to you. You snort and throw a careless joke, “Everyone would blame our shitty government and all the scientists. How ignorant must you be for it to happen twice?” Adam replies, “Well, all disaster movies start with a scientist being ignored.”
You painfully exhale and look to Ellie, parroting back the words you heard not long ago, “All disasters start with a scientist being ignored.” Joel and Ellie listen to you intently as you remember what had happened, and you continue on, “A scientist named Dr. Neuman sometime in the 1960s had feared this would happen. People laughed and brushed it off.” 
You close your eyes and try and untangle the strings of memories and information about their world, “Your outbreak started in Jakarta, Indonesia on September 24, 2003. A flour and grain factory,  on the west side of the city. The perfect substrate. A normal woman suddenly turned violent, attacked four of her coworkers, and bit three of them. They locked her in the bathroom and when the police arrived, she tried to attack them, and they shot her. The people she bit were taken for observation. You could imagine what happened a few hours later.”
You open your eyes to realize you had stopped walking and see Joel and Ellie analyzing the new information, you press on, “No one knows who bit her first, but there were fourteen coworkers missing. Possibly already spreading the virus. The cordyceps mutated because the world got warmer, and some of it go into the food supply. Flour was the case, and there were certain brands of food that were sold everywhere all across the country, and across the world. Bread, cereal… pancake mix.” You paused, unable to go on, so Joel picked it up from there and continued walking as he spoke, “If you eat enough of it, it’ll get you infected. So the tainted food all hits the store shelves around the same time Thursday. People bought it ate some Thursday night or Friday morning. Day goes on, they started to get sick. Afternoon, evening… they got worse. Then they started biting. Friday night, September 26, 2003. And by Monday, everything was gone.”
Ellie is quiet for a bit then nods, “It makes more sense than monkeys. Thanks.” Joel lifts a shoulder, “Sure,” while you only nod with the silence that you continue to carry. Joel raises his arm to stop you and Ellie, “What?” She asks him. He exhales, “We’ll cut across the woods here.” Ellie looks at him skeptically, “Isn’t the road easier?”
“Yeah, it’s just… There’s some stuff up there you shouldn’t see.” Joel says, the tone in his voice very fatherly. You look to Ellie expectantly, as she cheekily smiles at him and walks ahead, “Well, now I have to see.”
“I don’t want you to.” Joel comments disapprovingly, but Ellie marches on, and he grunts, “Serious. Ellie.” You follow after the two, and the young girl asks, “Can it hurt me?” Joel replies straightforwardly, “No.” She turns and walks backward as she talks to him, “You’re too honest man. Should’ve said ax murderer.” Ellie carries on walking normally, while you and Joel look at each other consciously, with full awareness. 
You decide to take a risky leap, gently take his hand, and squeeze it reassuringly. His weary eyes are drawn to your linked hands, fingers interlaced like a beautiful zipper of prayer. Hands are the maps and compasses we use to navigate our lives. Some people read palms to predict the future but you read hands to predict the past. Every scar has a tale worth sharing. Each calloused palm and fractured knuckle represents a missed punch or years spent in a factory. Your eyes tell him, ‘It’s okay, let her know.’ And he seems to understand, giving you a short nod. Because, what is a girl if not a buzzing creature discovering what the world will take from her?
“Whatever it is, I think it’s gone,” Ellie yells out to you both, only to stop short moments after to look at the ditch below. Skeletons were jumbled together and littered the dirt. You and Joel reach Ellie, with hands still intertwined, she’s looking up at you both for an explanation. Joel emits a long, deep, audible breath expressing his sadness, “About a week after Outbreak Day, soldiers… went through the countryside and evacuated the small towns. Told you you were going to a QZ, and you were… if there was room.” He hesitates, “If there wasn’t…” 
These people were wiped clean away, leaving only a wristwatch or a blanket. The only proof that they ever existed. Ellie feels out of sorts as she mutters, “These people weren’t sick?” Joel replies fixed and controlled, “No, probably not.” The girl nods while blinking away her melancholy and frustration she asks quietly, “Why kill them? Why not just leave them be?” You take a shaky inhale before responding, “Because dead people can’t get infected.” 
Joel squeezes your hand in reassurance, and it grounds you from remembering what had happened that sunny day. How easy it was for the government and military to manipulate everyone into believing everything was under control. People that you trusted and elected for a hopeful cause only for them to betray you in the end. You tip your head up to Joel and he looks at your sparkling eyes, looking up at him searching for some kind of answer. But he gazes at you, with no answers, instead, is filled with promises. Because what is an adult if not a terrified being desperate to protect something you can't save?
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You, Joel, and Ellie approach the electric fence gate surrounding the small town of Lincoln. The site is hauntingly beautiful, a white large house can be seen from a distance, while trees dance in the wind, you can picture this neighborhood having plenty of kids playing out on the street without a care in the world. As you approach the gate, there’s a number keypad attached to the side, he glances at you and Ellie, “Stay there.” He punches in the four-digit code and there is a high pitch ring, indicating that the passcode was correct, and the metal gate unlocks.
Joel opens the gate for Ellie to walk through first, and then you. He closes the gate behind him as he follows you both inside. The environment is suspenseful and suspiciously quiet, Joel places his hand on his revolver while noticing the wilting yellow flowers outside the house. He pushes down on the door handle, surprised that it was left unlocked, he removes his revolver from the holster and cautiously walks inside. Ellie mumbles, “What the fuck?” while Joel yells out, “Bill? Frank?” Your palms begin to sweat and you discreetly wipe them down on your pants, Joel turns to look at you and Ellie, “You stay there. You hear anything… you see anything yell.” 
“What if they’re gone?” Ellie asks and Joel doesn’t respond, only looking at her before turning and opening the door to the kitchen. She sighs and proceeds to look around the house. A grand piano sits in the living room, and Ellie curiously presses on a bunch of keys to listen to the notes play. And then you spot it, head tilting, you carefully take the envelope and key that sat on top of the wooden table, and feel the sense of sorrow you knew followed you around like a shadow. 
You look to Ellie who was staring at you expectantly and then hand her the letter. You didn’t need to read what you already knew. Your footsteps are heavy as you pull out a seat from the dining room table, and fold your arms atop the desk before bending your head down. Your muscles were aching and exhausted, while the pounding in your head decided to return for another round. Ellie pulls out the chair next to you and opens the letter, quietly reading it.
You hear Joel from down the hall, trying to knock and unlock the door of Bill and Frank’s room, but hear the front door shut from the wind. This causes him to jump and call out for you and Ellie. None of you decide to reply. He stalks down the hall and turns right to the dining room, to find you quiet and resting your head against the dining table with Ellie reading the letter.
“It’s from Bill.” The girl says, and Joel decides to holster his revolver again. She reads aloud,  “‘To whomever, but probably Joel’. I figured I fell into ‘whomever.’” And then shrugs, “It came with this,” she pushes a key across the dusty table adjacent to her and he removes his backpack before tossing it to the floor. He grabs the key to inspect it and then states, “So they’re dead?” Ellie nods, “Mhm. You wanna…” Joel shakes his head no, “Go ahead. You do it.” 
Ellie clears her throat before reading out loud the words you cried over for a good week, “August 29, 2023. If you find this, please do not come into the bedroom. We left a window open so the house wouldn’t smell but it will probably be a sight. I’m guessing you found this, Joel, because anyone else would’ve been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps. Hehehehehehehehe.” She pauses in confusion but goes on, “Take anything you need. The bunker code is the same as the gate code but in reverse. Anyway, I never liked you but still, it’s like we’re friends, almost. And I respect you.”
You can already feel the flip in your stomach before you’ve even heard the part that would hit him the most, “So I’m gonna tell you something because you’re probably the only person who will understand. I used to hate the world, and I was happy when everyone died. But I was wrong because there was one person worth saving.” 
And it all comes rushing back to you, the love story of Bill and Frank, a chance meeting that would have only happened during the end of the times. You quietly tried your best to sit up straight, but your posture is still drooping and sagging. Placing your elbows on the table, and folding your hands, interlocking your fingers, you closed your eyes and let your head rest against your hands. And when your eyes closed, your guards came down, tears freely flowed down your cheeks, mentally deadened, tired, and nauseous as you listened, “That’s what I did. I saved him. Then I protected him. That’s why men like you and me are here. We have a job to do and God help any motherfuckers who stand in our way. I leave you all of my weapons and equipment. Use them to keep…” Ellie stops abruptly, not wanting to continue. 
Ellie purses her lips together in a line while Joel snatches the letter to read what she could not. To keep Tess safe. He swallows down his guilt and anger, “Stay here.” You open your puffy, bloodshot eyes as you hear him storm out of the house leaving the door open behind him. Feeling out of focus and indisposed, like a single loose thread that comes all undone. You curl one leg up to your chest and let your chin rest on top of it, and you can feel the snot dripping down your nose as you do. Bring the sleeve of your jacket, to wipe it off from your face, then use the palms of your hands to wipe the tears away. 
But it proves useless as the tears continue to flow, Ellie silently moves to stand next to you and then gives an unexpected, but not unwelcomed, hug. You continue to cry harder, choking on every breath you take as you do, as you wrap your arms around Ellie’s waist and silently stroke your hair. Joel comes back to the house finding the sight of you broken and sobbing uncontrollably. Ellie only looks at him with saddened eyes, and a silent plea to help you.
You’re uncomfortably shattering into pieces,  stitch by stitch it tears you apart, and a stained-glass variation of the truth leaves your brokenness on display. Joel walks behind you, unsure what to do or say, but he can feel the magnetic pull of wanting and needing to help you, quietly he asks you, “What do you need?”
He wouldn’t have heard it if it wasn’t incredibly silent if your voice hadn’t echoed off the walls, your voice hiccuping, so small and soft as you admit, “I don’t know…” But Joel does. Without question, Ellie gently lets go of you, to be replaced by Joel’s large arms wrapped around your shaking frame.
The seasons will eventually change, and you may choose to go into them shattered and busted, with stiff souls, wounded hearts, and raggedy spirits. But the tiny part of you will continue on because hope endures the agony of sadness; it does not require your protection or defense. For now, you will allow yourself to cry, sigh, and wish for things to be different in the comfort of the two people you’ve grown close with. Later, you will discover raw, wrung-out calm when you allow yourself to be human.
After a reprieve, you willed yourself to stop crying. You take a shaky inhale and be the first one to pull away from Joel. Sweaty, puffy, and slightly dehydrated, from the amount of crying you’ve managed to do in a small amount of time. You feel drowsy, exhausted, overwhelmed, and embarrassed. Rubbing your face with both hands, you heavily exhale and try to regroup yourself as you do.
Joel gently holds your wrist to reveal your face, he’s kneeling down in front of you, “You good?” Your eyes shift uncontrollably across his face, not able to focus on him properly but you nod anyway, you have to keep going, “Mhm, yes. I’m good now,” you said. He gives you a short nod and slowly pushes himself up to face Ellie who was quietly sitting down again, “Show me your arm.”
Ellie stands up and lifts her sleeve to reveal the bite on her arm already healing. Joel nods and says, “I just finished making a truck battery. It’s charging right now.” Ellie nods back, “Okay.” He continues on, “I have a brother out in Wyoming. He’s in some kind of trouble and I’m headin’ out there to find ‘em. He used to be a Firefly.” Ellie continues to silently nod, indicating that she was listening to him as he spoke, “And my guess is he knows where some of them are out there. Maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is.” 
Ellie blinks, “All right. Listen about Tess…” But Joel shuts that down pretty quickly, he lifts his hand to stop her, “If I’m taking you with me, there’s some rules you gotta follow. Rule one, you don’t bring up Tess. Ever. Matter of fact, we can keep our histories to ourselves. Rule two, you don’t tell anyone about your… condition. They see that bite mark, they won’t think it through. They’ll just shoot you. Rule three, you do what I say when I say it.” 
Joel looks at you pointedly, “Rule three applies to you too Hummin’ bird.” Your face scrunches up in annoyance and exclaim, “But I’m a grown adult!” Joel only lifts his eyebrows, “Do you know exactly what happens now from here on out? You ever lived in an apocalyptic world?” You move your eyes away from him and mumble defeatedly, “No, and just a few hunches and theories, I guess.” He harrumphs and looks at you and Ellie, “Are we clear?” He says. You both respond, “Yes.”Joel’s eyes narrow and says without smiling, “Repeat it.”
“What you say goes,” Ellie says and he looks to you for the same statement, “What you say goes, Cowboy.” He lets out a huff and shifts his weight to his other foot, “Okay,” he mumbles. The kid questions aloud, “So what now?” And Joel decides it’s time to start preparing, “We grab what we can.”
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Loud footsteps are heard as the three of you descend the metal stairs, Joel flicks on a switch and the lights flicker open. The sound of the 80s playlist playing can be heard filling the room. Joel goes to pause it while Ellie takes a good walk around the bunker, and looks at the wall of guns, “Holy shit. This guy was a genius.” You laugh lightly at her comment, walk over to Joel’s side to look at the playlist and security cameras, saying “Well, under normal circumstances, this would be seen as paranoid.”
Ellie snorts in amusement and acknowledgment, she turns to Joel and asks, “Why was the music on?” Joel places his hands on the table and replies contemplatively, “If he doesn’t reset the countdown every few weeks, this playlist would run over the radio.” Ellie makes her way to the side of the monitor, she peeks at it and states, “‘80s.” He glances from behind him, not wanting to dwell on it any longer, and tells the kid, “Grab some cans from over there. Nothin’ dented or swollen.” She lingers a bit by the wall of guns on display and points at it saying, “Dude.” Only to be replied with Joel’s firm, “No.” Ellie exasperated, “There’s a wall of them.” He gives her one hard look and Ellie pinches her lips into a thin line, walking away to start grabbing the canned food.
Joel’s gaze turns to you, while you tilt your head to the side to look up at him, and you feel a question forming on the tip of your tongue, the way you hold your breath as you wonder if it’s even worth bringing up, you and him inches away from touching, lingering and wanting you to say something. Instead, you pull away from his malt-musing mountain gaze, away from the comfort of his warmth and inviting pull. Afraid of what this could mean, or the possibility you might wake up and find yourself alone again. To only find his ghost wandering in your kitchen, haunting you if this all turns out to be nothing.
“I’m gonna go, um, help Ellie.” You say pointing behind you with your thumb, and then stumble your way around the bunker to look for the young girl. He watches you leave his side, and if he could have one wish it would be to have more time. He’d like to stop the clock and make time stand still because this is just how he always wants to feel. To hear the way she stumbles when she answers, and just for a little bit, secretly, he forgets about his cynicism because he can't wait to see what happens next.
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You three end up going through everything in Bill and Frank’s home. On the upper floor, you and Ellie look around the bedroom as Joel opens the door to a closet, pulls on the pull cord switch of the light, and grabs a box of women’s clothes in Ellie’s size and yours. You and her open the box and happily dig through the pile of clothes that had been left behind. Eventually, you settle on a basic white tee, a pair of cargo pants, new white socks, and a lovely maroon leather jacket.
All three of you decide to check on the battery, Joel turns the knob of the charger and grunts, “Needs another hour.” Ellie checks the faucet by the sink and turns it to the right and happy squeals, “They have hot water! I’m taking a shower.” She then looks to Joel who was busy sorting through the clutter, “And then you’re both showering. Because seriously…” And before walking away she makes a sound to signal you both that you reeked of sweat and more stench imaginable. She walks away to go back inside the house and leaves you both alone together. 
Not knowing what to do or say, you give yourself a hug, arms folding in front of your middle, eyes darting to everything but him. Joel watches the way you shift around the bunker. He does not know what you are thinking, how you prefer your tea, if you take sugar in your coffee, or whether you like walking in the rain. He takes notice of the way you keep going just like he does, when you laugh it sounds like a melody he’s all too familiar with but there’s a different hidden note between each breath you take. 
You are impossible. Impossible is admitting you came from a different universe, it’s also attempting to connect in this world, trying to hang on to others while everything around you is exploding. And yet you’re standing there in front of him, real and full of light. He does not want to believe it, he worries in his mind that he will destroy each and every part of you, engrossing darkness and bitterness he has accumulated for the past twenty years. Beginning on the day the world fell apart, when it took Sarah away from him. And the weight of the world was placed on his shoulders.
You begin to hum to yourself as you take a walk around the bunker and appreciate the lengths Bill went through to keep him and Frank safe. Joel finally gives in to the tug of war in his mind and asks, “What song were you hummin’ on the hike here, Birdie? I didn’t recognize the melody this time.” His question pulls your attention away from the wall of guns and you incline your head toward him, “Oh? Uh, just a song from my world, I guess…” He looks at you expectantly and you take it as a cue to continue, “It’s a song by Adele.” You said as you scrunched your nose a bit.  A look of puzzlement crossed his face, “Who’s Adele?” he says. You slowly blink at him, “Damn, your world ended too soon and robbed you of Adele.”
The conversation continues on, it goes from books to favorite drinks, and bit by bit you’re beginning to piece together the man in front of you. It astounds you, how he kept going even when the world took away the people he loved. And later you hear Ellie yelling from the house, telling you both she’s done, you look to Joel and he tells you to use the shower first. You smile at him and give him a small thanks as you head up the stairs. The small talk you both had left him floating and hates that his mind continues to think about worse-case scenarios and look for emergency exits just in case. But is it courage or faith that he shows up every day? And maybe one day he won’t be afraid.
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After the nice steaming hot shower, and changing into your new-ish clothes, you yell Joel’s name to tell him it’s his turn. He proceeds to go into the bathroom and you go downstairs to see Ellie messing with the piano keys, you gently tap her shoulder and she looks up at you with adorable eyes full of wonder, “Scoot over.” The kid moves and you sit down on the piano bench next to her, you mumble, “I’m surprised it’s still tuned after all these years.” Ellie’s ears perk up, “You know how to play?” and you tilt your head to the left, “Just enough to impress friends now and then.” She smiles, “Can you show me? Please?”
Your mouth pinches in thought, wondering which song you could play, “Hrm, I guess I could. But you might not recognize this piece of music since it was never released here.” She nods excitedly, “It’s no big deal. I need to hear you sing since you keep humming all the time.” You roll your eyes at that, “Okay, okay.”
You ready yourself, comfortably slouched, and your head down. Your fingers glide over the keys and you begin to sway as you play the starting notes of Adele’s ‘Make You Feel My Love’. “When the rain is blowing in your face. And the whole world is on your case. I could offer you a warm embrace. To make you feel my love,” You sang softly as your fingers continued to dance over the ivory keys, your spirit became virtually an allure with each small sway of your head and body. Joel silently walks down the stairs, enchanted and allured by your melodious voice. He leans on the frame of the foyer, slicked back salt and pepper hair, and currently has the softest eyes for you.
“The storms are raging on the rollin' sea. And on the highway of regret. The winds of change are blowing wild and free… You ain't seen nothing like me yet.” You sang and the buildup as it developed into a slow roll that shattered into the souls of everyone who listened like a tremendous tsunami. Joel and Ellie were entranced by the enticing music emanating from your voice, resulting in a tranquil silence. The lyrics soared and swelled from the depths of your spirit as if everyone in that room could sense your hope and affection. Your love became their love, and the audience and singer became one.
“I could make you happy, make your dreams come true… Nothing that I wouldn't do. Go to the ends of the earth for you, to make you feel my love. To make you feel my love.” You vocalized and slowly stopped playing on the ivory keys, letting out a sigh of relief you turn to Ellie who is in awe of your talent and skill. “Damn, I wish we could bring this with us.” She says and you throw your head back in laughter, your shoulder moving as you catch your breath, “Joel would break his back carrying this thing.” 
“You callin’ me old, sweetheart?” Joel says smugly, you and Ellie swiftly turn to look behind you, to find him relaxed, happy, and all cleaned up. You can feel your body begin to burn in embarrassment and attraction to the pet name he called you. Including the fact, he’s pulling off the wet look pretty damn fucking well. Ellie saves you from having to explain yourself and comments on his appearance, “Well, don’t you look pretty.” 
That brings him back to reality and begins to become grumpy old Joel once more, “Shut up.” He mutters and then tosses her a stick of deodorant which she catches. The kid looks at it and comments, “Nice,” then proceeds to get up from the bench with you following after the both of them.
You make your way to the blue Chevy S-10, Ellie goes to the front passenger seat but Joel clicks his tongue, “Go sit in the back, Ellie.” She groans and as she was about to walk to the back of the Chevy you shake your head, “It’s okay, you can take it for the meantime, I suspect you haven’t been in a car before.” And Ellie is practically vibrating with joy as she hops inside the car, Joel looks at you from the rearview mirror and you give a thumbs up while Ellie continues to explore parts of the car, “It’s like a spaceship,” she says and you hide a laugh while Joel mumbles, “It’s like a piece of shit Chevy S-10 but it’ll get us there.” And after a moment he adds, “I think.”
Joel begins to put on his seatbelt and he tells Ellie to do the same, but she only gives him a perplexed look, which he then shows her and she clicks it in place while smiling, “So cool.”
He turns the key and the engine rives to life, Ellie opens the glove compartment and finds a cassette tape, he glances at her, “Would you leave it?” Ellie gives him a cheeky grin to slide it into the radio. “Put it back. Ellie.” Joel states in a serious tone. Linda Ronstadt’s ‘Long Long Time’ begins to play, the first ever song you hummed a couple of days ago. You look out the window to the left, Joel and Ellie converse as you tune out the rest of the world, only listening to the music. You hear the buzzing of the gate open and Joel drives into the open road, and the lovely voice of Linda Ronstadt reminds you that love will transcend into every universe, and the thought of that lulls you to gently close your eyes and let yourself fall asleep.
Previous Chapter -> Next Chapter
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End Notes: (Idk do people read this? Btw this is lengthy since lol almost 10k words o-o)
Yes, Type 9 is The Runner-away-er of Conflict… hecking I had this whole argument planned out at first, all the yelling and fighting between the reader and Joel and nearly going through with that concept, but in the end decided against it. Because to me, it felt too soon. It wouldn’t progress the story forward, it would have just taken twenty steps back lmao. Joel is the type to keep going, to keep moving cuz he has to. So him reminiscing would be out of character and the reader getting mad and confronting him wOULD ALSO BE OUT OF CHARACTER LMAO
Anyways, as you read, I ended up giving them a moment to mourn and talk it out, because I felt like you needed to hear those words too. Do not throw away your life just to make someone happy. That’s destructive. 
I tried my best to write about grief this chapter, and had to rewatch Episode 3 to put myself through the torture again hooray! Towards the end, you can see my writing become somewhat poetic(?) but honest. I didn’t want to extremely exaggerate it but just enough to hopefully make u cry a bit. If you did cry pls tell me, it tells me that I wrote okay enough for you to cry)
But I also wanted it to give you some hope and to remind you that you are a light in many people's lives I promise.
Furthermore, I lowkey procrastinated on this chapter, I was hoping it would be out by Wednesday but the new Hogwarts Legacy game has me in a chokehold so I 1000% got distracted!
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blackberry-bloody · 10 months
Dayzel's rescue Pt. 1
Something that's been in the works for a long time-
CWs: "broken" whumpee/ no longer defiant whumpee, whumpee plotting suicide by proxy (implied but not described), whumpee thinking caretaker is new whumper (briefly at the end), whumpee blaming themself for treatment.
Dayzel supposed, he really should have seen it coming. He’d long since grown tired of fighting, and simply lay where Rupert put him. Did as Rupert told him. And for a time, things seemed better. He was allowed a bed and certain comforts. Physically he was left mostly unharmed.
But… Rupert was spending less and less time with him. Gone for longer and longer periods of time. Leaving him chained in bed half the time, and drugged out of his mind the other half. He didn’t even have it in him to flinch when the door would burst open, and angered shouting filled the room. He simply lay there in a haze of nothing. He’d let Rupert turn him into the perfect, obedient doll he’d wanted. He’d become… Boring. It’d taken only two years, which he knew should have made him angry. But he was just so numb now.
He heard the lock mechanism turning in the heavy door, making him sigh and slowly shift to watch as Rupert entered. He just barely mustered the energy to plaster on a smile and stiffly sit up. Careful not to yank on the chain around his ankle. “Welcome back!-” 
“Shut up.” Rupert snapped at him and ran a hand through his own hair, clearly agitated already.
Dayzel snapped his jaw shut so quickly he bit his tongue. He curled his hands around the blankets… So it was going to be one of those days again. 
“You know… I went through a lot of trouble to get you.” Rupert took a deep breath, taking a step closer, leaning over the bed. Dayzel nodded, even though he knew Rupert was just rambling at him. “And even more trouble to get you… Like this.” He reached his hand and gestured to Dayzel’s much more frail… Much more broken self. Dayzel nodded again.
Rupert stood back up to his full height before walking over to Dayzel fully. Placing a hand against his bare shoulder and trailing it up to cup Dayzel’s cheek, gently lifting it so he could look Rupert in the eyes. Dayzel gave no resistance, but he did notice that there was something in the fire demon’s face that screamed dangers. Long dead alarms ringing in Dayzel’s fuzzy mind.
Rupert’s grin looked wild. Like watching a forest fire from far too close for comfort. Dangerous, all consuming, unpredictable… Hungry.
“But after today, you won’t cause me any more trouble.”
Dayzel felt such a visceral chill run down his spine, he was sure branches of his frost were crawling along it. He felt as though his own grave had been walked over.
Rupert rolled his eyes and tsked, retracting his hand. “Don’t give me that look. You had to know eventually it would come to this.” He pulled back the covers and looked at Dayzel with revulsion. Marred and scarred by his own hand. Dayzel closed his eyes, his mind racing with things he would never be able to say. His thoughts spiraled into chaos until- “Lucky for you, I found a buyer.” 
The statement hit Dayzel like a freight train. And he snapped his eyes open. An odd mix of relief and fear taking over, but he simply nodded in acknowledgement. Careful not to express either in his forced smile. Although he couldn’t hide the tremor in his hands as he placed them in his lap, while he waited for Rupert to continue.
“They’ll be here tonight, and you’re making me a good amount of money. A last gift to myself for all the shit you put me through. So… While we’re waiting-” Rupert’s expression hardened again as he brushed a strand of hair out of Dayzel’s face. “Let’s get you all prettied up one last time, huh? I don’t want them seeing you for what you actually are. Otherwise they might back out of the deal…” He patted Dayzel’s cheek. “After all… Who in their right mind would want this?” he stood up and gestured vaguely at Dayzel.
Dayzel took a deep breath. “And… If they do-…?” His voice was barely above a whisper, “If they do back out? You’d kill me?” He needed to hear him actually say it. Needed absolute confirmation.
Rupert gave him a leveled look. “Yes. So don’t try anything stupid…” He reached out to the cuff chaining Dayzel’s ankle to the bed and unlocked it. Dayzel nodded in understanding. The last spark of his defiance suddenly lighting up… He would make sure whoever was coming to get him didn’t want him. And thus ending his nightmare once and for all. What else did he have left for him after all? Rupert backed up allowing Dayzel to weakly stand up and follow him out, already forming plans to be the absolute menace he used to be for this new buyer.
Dayzel limped behind Rupert, an old confidence steeling himself against whoever was waiting in the next room. Rupert had taken the time to cover his scars and tattoos, only leaving his claim mark visible. He’d done his damnedest to make Dayzel seem desirable and Dayzel was determined to make it all a waste. His expression was void of emotion as Rupert pushed open the door and pulled him in behind him. There was someone at the opposite end. Their back facing the two of them. A boiling rage was bubbling to his surface as Dayzel’s arm twitched. He had to do it now. 
He gave no warning before charging, running full sprint towards the figure. Even Rupert was caught off guard as he let go of Dayzel’s leash in surprise. Good…
He snarled, resembling a vicious animal rather than a person. But he wasn’t a person anymore was he? And he wouldn’t live to regret this either way… But then the person turned around and Dayzel froze in his tracks. He was so thrown that his legs gave out under him in his horror. Full body trembling overtook him as frost rapidly inched across his skin. It couldn’t be… But it was. 
He pulled himself into a kneeling position with his head bowed, his wings spread behind him. A demon’s sign of utter submission. “Mibium…” Dayzel breathed. Mibum… Mibium was the one buying him. How had he screwed up so royally that Mibium wanted to buy him back as a pet rather than as a boyfriend.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 1 year
Heaven is a place in hell with you pt. 6
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Member: San as Hades X Persephone reader
Plot: it is loosely inspired from the myth but with some changes to fit what I had in mind
Genre: Fluff, Angst, eventual smut
It's been two weeks. Two long weeks without hearing from you. He was growing impatient but for the most part he was worried. What if you said something to Artemis and she couldn't control her rage. What if Artemis threw you out and you were wondering around the forest. But if that was the case, you'd surely come to him, right? Maybe Artemis tried to change your mind and she made it. Now he'd have to mourn his love for you that never had the chance to blossom for the rest of his life. That's an awfully long time. He doesn't have the luxury of death to make him forget about you.
Even Thanatos wasn't his usual bubbly self, sympathizing with his master after seeing that all the jokes he pulled weren't making the atmosphere lighter.
"You won't go for women hunting?" Hades asked noticing how his friend has been avoiding to leave his side for the last week.
"No I'm fine. I'm over it to be honest. It feels nice to flirt and stuff, but it gets repetitive after some time and you grow tired of it".
"I'd never grow tired of being with her. If anything I'm grateful I'm immortal so I'd have more time to be with her than mortals do."
Thanatos sighed. He wanted to say a white lie to make his master believe it's not such a big deal but Hades made his mind already about how crucial his love for you was.
"I'll be right back". Thanatos bluntly said and left through the now hated portal.
He had to check on you because his master was going insane and he couldn't sit there and watch. It didn't take him long to find the area of the forest in which nymphs lived.
Elpenike, an old flame of his, widen her eyes when she saw him.
"What are you doing here?" She said after running towards his side.
"We are dead if Artemis see you here".
"Well, that's my specialty" Thanatos smirked.
"You aren't funny." Elpenike deadpan.
Thanatos had to find a way to find you without specifically asking for you because this would cause suspicion. He was someone that always respected boundaries and never used his hypnotizing abilities to get what he wanted but there was no other way for that to happen. Thanatos' black eyes turned golden and he stared deep into the poor nymph's eyes. After seconds, her eyes matched his color wise and she was gonna obay him without a second thought.
"Where is Persephone?" He asked.
"She is in her room. She's been there for days due to her high fever".
"Get me to her".
Elpenike started walking and she stopped outside the third house Thanatos could see from where he was standing. He followed her suit and entered the room after taking a glimpse from the window to make sure Artemis wasn't inside.
When he opened the door, he saw you laying in bed and another nymph attending to your needs. You looked tired and a faint blush was adorning your cheeks, the result of your fever.
"Who are you?" The nymp asked, very clearly defensive but her stance was more dynamic than yours had been when you first met him.
"Thanatos..". You said when you saw him standing at the door step.
"Come in and close the door, I don't want anyone to see you here".
He did as he was told.
The nymp spoke again.
"Thanatos? Hades' side kick?"
"Yes" you replied.
"Hey! I'm not the side kick. I'm a whole main character actually".
You laughed at that. He did make a place in your heart at the end.
"What is it? Did something happen to Hades?"
Oh you were just as whipped. You, a fragile little human that was currently sick, felt worried over a powerful God's well being. Love is crazy indeed.
"He is fine physically. But he misses you a lot. He doesn't know I'm here but I wanted to check on you because he's been so worried he's gonna lose his mind".
You smiled and felt like tearing up after learning about Hades' caring feelings for you.
"I've been sick that's why he didn't hear any news from me yet. When I'm gonna feel better, I'll come visit him. No matter what my decision would be. Please tell him what I said"
Thanatos nodded.
"Does she know?" He gestured to your friend.
"I have a name actually...."
You laughed at Nefeli's hot temper, always ready to defend herself or others.
"She does. She is the only one that does."
"Ah. So I guess you are Persephone's side kick then". Thanatos looked at Nefeli in a playful and mischievous way.
"You said he was kind of annoying but that's annoying annoying and I've been in his presence for 10 minutes".
Thanatos gasped but you and Nefeli laughed.
"You told her I'm annoying?"
"I said just a little bit. In a cute way. Like little puppies".
Thanatos liked being compared to a puppy so he could let that slide.
"I'm gonna accept that because I'm cute indeed".
Nefeli side eyed him and you loved how funny those two were being. It made you escape your misery for a bit.
"I think you should go. It's late and Artemis might come to check on me. Please before you go, take this shawl with you. Give it to Hades".
Thanatos took the piece of cloth and he left in a hurry. He felt so relieved you were well, he did grow fond of you too. He couldn't wait to tell Hades the good news.
"She gave me this and said I should give it to you". Thanatos gave the shawl to his lord and Hades took it in his hand and a smile was formed on his handsome face.
"I'm so happy she is well! Is she very sick?" He asked worried.
"No she wasn't. She said she is feeling better already. She'll be back to you in no time, I'm sure".
Hades couldn't wait for that moment to come, till then he was gonna sleep holding your shawl.
Thanatos came closer and patted his lord's shoulder.
"I mean I've never been in love but I've heard that it helps when you share your feelings with someone else. Would you mind if you shared them with me?" He asked and took a seat without waiting for a response because he knew that Hades was gonna accept.
"You know how you can be seemingly so different with someone but deep down you are made from the same kind? I feel like we can relate on a deeper level, both restricted by our very own nature, trying to break away from it and find our deepest desires. But at the same time she reminds me about a part of me that I forgot about, the vulnerable one. There's nothing more scary, to the living or the dead, than being that. But it's like vulnerability is all she knows and she makes this typically powerless state, her greatest strength. Her pure intention too. There's so much drama in our world, but when I see her I feel like she doesn't hide anything from me. An open book, if you will. You know how much I love my books after all. I could go on for hours praising her. Even if Eros couldn't find me in the deepest parts of the world, I'd fall for her on my own. When we say falling in love it sounds a bit passive, but that's not how i feel. I'd actively choose her again and again."
Thanatos was positive at this point, his master was whipped. It was sweet and he was happy for him because he knew-although Hades never outwardly said it- that he wanted a companion, a love to call his, for a long time. But at the same time, he was worried. He knew of your position, and he knew it was a big decision to come to Hades and change your surroundings and friends for a life of darkness. It was such a big sacrifice that few were willing to take. He didn't know if you were among those. But he did wish you were, for Hades' sake.
Next chapter:
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
Crossover Fic ideas between Dominic Craven from The Dare and John from He’s Out There! Pls tag me if you’re inspired by any of these ideas and I’d love to read it! I just think a crossover between these two men would be so cool since their masks/character design, personalities, and movie settings are all pretty similar in my opinion! 🪵🤎🪓
I’m not sure what the plot would be exactly. It could be romantic where both of these masked men are in love with you and maybe a little obsessed. They might spend days or weeks stalking you from the woods, building up to them inevitably kidnapping you. They might leave non-poisoned cupcakes and other gifts for you in the woods to find. If you take any of their gifts home, it means you love them back! If you ignore their gifts, it just means they have to try harder at earning your love! Are you long lost childhood friends reunited? Their teenage sweetheart who decided to go with them and live in the woods together sometime after John was 18? A former victim of theirs that they fell in love with and released from captivity after you became loyal and proved yourself to them? Someone with an uncanny resemblance to their past love and their new obsession because they think you’re her and/or want you to be her replacement after she died tragically from accident or sickness (the woods isn’t exactly the safest or healthiest place to live in)? Or maybe you met and fell in love with both of these men in a different way. It’s all up to you! What do you think a romantic poly relationship with both John and Dominic would look like?
Maybe something platonic where you’re their long lost baby sister whom they still remember and love even after 20 years of you being gone. Some time when he was 18, something happened that caused John to flee into the woods. Your other brother, Dominic, went missing in those same woods when he was 9. Neither of them were ever found, so you and your family eventually moved out of the house and started living in a trailer. You stayed outside all day to escape your abusive father and by the time you made the long walk back, the trailer was up in flames. Both your parents were dead. You were found by police/forest rangers and taken away, put into foster care or adopted into a new family. You were separated from your brothers for years, and the house was eventually sold to another family. The children found some of John and Dominic’s old stuff that they left behind, such as morbid children's books, weird stick figure drawings, and creepy handmade dolls.
Unbeknownst to the children, these dolls were meant as welcome home gifts for you. Your brothers are patient as they anticipate your return. They found each other and reunited sometime after Dominic murdered the farmer, so they’re hopeful you’ll find them again and come home. When that day finally comes, neither of your brothers will ever let you get away from them again. They lost you once, and they couldn’t bear to let it happen a second time. Neither of them would survive it. You’re their little sister and always will be. Now that they’re all grown up, they’ll take really good care of you. They’ll protect you from any threats or dangers that may cause you harm. They wished they could’ve done a better job of defending you when you were children, but now as big strong men they can be your shield! They may kidnap you and hold you captive, but it’s all done out of love and concern for your well-being! The outside world is a very scary and dangerous place, full of strangers and shady people who’d want to hurt or corrupt you! They love you more than anything or anyone and just want to keep you safe and make you happy! You’re not allowed to have friends, but who needs those when you have your big brothers! (Or maybe they’ll cave in and get you “pets” to play with so you don’t get too lonely or bored.)
Whether romantic or platonic, you’d be the only living person fortunate enough to see their faces. They trust you enough to unmask themselves in front of you. They’re willing to show vulnerability in front of you and only you. You’re the only one who can make them feel comfortable in their own skin, the only one who can make them feel loved. And they both love you in return.
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A Monologue, of Sorts
Fandom: Dragon Age Summary: A good return-from-the-dead plot twist reveal requires a little rehearsal. Monologues of painful emotional honesty are much easier to give when there's no one else to hear you.
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'Surprise! I'm not dead!' 
No, that's bad. That's not even funny. 
'Guess what!' 
Maker , that's even worse. Hm. 
Ugh . 
'Knock knock, who's there, me, I'm alive!' That’s stupid, this is stupid . This is worse than being in the Fade. At least in the Fade I didn’t need to worry about the best way to greet the demons before I bashed them over the head.
Now I'm talking to myself. No one else to talk to, I suppose. Just trees and rocks. Hardly pleasant company. Maybe I’m just going mad. Maybe I’ve already gone mad, and I’m actually still in the–
No. No, I’m here. I know I’m here. I can tell the difference. I can.
I’m here. 
…I need to sit. 
Ow. Bloody tree roots everywhere, can never find a decent place to rest. I'm starting to understand why Varric hates the outdoors so much. At least when he's here I have someone to complain to. Although that stump does sort of look like Varric. If he was a stump. 
Hello, Varric, so nice of you to drop by! It's simply been ages, how delightful to see you. You're looking very...mossy. In a good way, of course. The mushrooms really bring out your eyes. 
No, I didn't beat the Nightmare. Didn't you see the size of that thing? It was a mountain-sized spider! I'm not going to fight that! I just ran away. You remember how good I am at that. I was less good at hiding, but eventually I managed to get to a part of the Fade where it couldn’t reach me. Then I just wandered around til I found a Fade rift and popped back through to the real world. 
Popped isn’t the best word. It was more ‘hurled myself bodily through it while three pride demons tried to grab me and tear me in half’. 
Yes, I'm glad I’m out, too. Let's see...Then I decided to take a vacation, a little time for myself. I found a very nice cave - I say cave, more of a crevice, really - and hid in there for a few days. It was quite cozy. I meant to invite you, but between the fits and vomiting black sludge everywhere, I simply wasn't in any state to entertain. 
There's no need to worry! I'm in tip-top shape now. Better than ever. Once I could walk in a straight line again and was reasonably sure I wasn’t going to die, I started to make my way to Skyhold. It's been rather slow going, unfortunately. I have to stay off the roads–far too many bandits. It would be so obnoxiously tragic to survive the Deep Roads and the qunari and Meredith and the Fade, only to get taken out by some common thug. I refuse to die such a cliche death. 
Yes, I thought you would appreciate that.
Why am I sitting in a clearing in the middle of a forest? Ah. Well. It occurred to me that I should probably think of how to properly reveal that I'm still alive. One really only gets one chance at this sort of thing, so it has to be done just right. I mean, it is possible I'll be assumed dead again at some point, but after the first time, it rather loses its narrative impact. 
I could be casual, walk into Skyhold and ask what's for lunch. Or I could wait for a storm to roll in, wear a big cloak and then throw back the hood just as the lightning crashes. Maybe even make a little mist to swirl around me as I do it. 
Over the top? Don't be ridiculous, Varric. Where's your sense of drama? 
...Yes, I suppose a heroic sacrifice is enough drama for one lifetime. Or even two. That's the real reason I'm here, I suppose. A truly great performance requires that one knows one's audience, and I'm really not sure what sort of reception I should expect. Tears of joy and a great big cake would be ideal, but things are so rarely ideal these days. Far more likely everyone will be annoyed with me for causing so much unnecessary distress. Even you. 
Maybe even especially you. 
Do you remember, once, when I said I'd never leave you? 'Where would I be without my trusty dwarf.' But I did, didn't I? I left Kirkwall. I let them drag you off to Haven. Now this . All I ever wanted to do was keep you safe, but even when I'm not there I'm getting you into trouble. You're probably sick to death of it all. And now I've gone and... 
I know. You're furious. You don't even want me to come back. You absolutely hate me. You despise me, you wish I really was dead. 
Of course I remember! But all those little speeches – yes, speeches , you talk too much – were ages ago. A lot can change in four years. Four years of your whole world coming crashing down around your ears, and every bit of it my fault. 
What do you know? You’re not even real! You’re a tree stump, and I’m talking to myself like an absolute loon because I don’t want to have to hear the real you tell me how much he hates me!
Hello, Varric. Funny meeting you here.  
It's very rude to listen in on other people's conversations, you know. At the very least you could have made some noise. Although I suppose it saves me the trouble of having to repeat myself.    
No, don't you dare start crying, because if you–if you start then, then I'll– Tethras, you absolute bastard –
It’ll dry off eventually. It’s just a shirt, Hawke, there’s more important things. 
It is so in character for me; you’ve just never seen me in this type of scenario before. Besides, I already ruined your dramatic reveal, I’m not going to make it worse by getting mad at you over a wet shirt. …Or anything else, for that matter. 
But I’m not. And I sure as hell don’t hate you. 
Oh no you don’t. The role of guilt-stricken former comic relief has already been filled by yours truly, and there’s not enough blame for the both of us. 
What have you got to be guilty about? 
I know you did; this is me turning your question back on you. You’re supposed to be struck by the realization that you are not, in fact, at fault for every terrible thing that happens in the– Oh. 
Yeah, alright, you’re very clever. You don’t have to look so smug about it. 
You realize you can only be victorious if you also acknowledge you’re not at fault for everything. 
I only make it look easy. Listen, if we’re going to debate fault and the morality of cause and effect, I’d rather do it indoors with alcohol available, not sitting around in the dirt. There’s plenty of taverns between here and Skyhold. 
Sure we can. I’ll even let you win a few hands.
Nugs? No, they do not serve nugs in Skyhold. Alright, that’s it, we need to get you to civilization before you go any crazier. 
Lightning fried– Maker help us, it might already be too late.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Loki's Di-Lama 🦙🦙🦙- The good, the Bad and the Loki.....
Pairing: Eventual Loki x Reader but right now he thinks she's a stinky mess and she thinks he's a hot jerk. Together they're a hot mess.
Warnings: Some innuendos and euphemisms about what Loki is packing down under and the effect it may have on some people. 🤨🤨 mild swearing, attempted poisoning, pining, enemies to lovers.....no llamas or cats were harmed in the making if this fic, and imma dip into some implied smut.....nothing graphic tho don't worry!!
Summary: In the land of Asgard, King Loki is selfish and vain. His arrogance causes others to plot against him. When he's turned into a llama, will humble peasant Y/N help Loki even though he plans to knock down her beloved village and build...a closet for his clothes?!
A/N: written with the wonderful and amazing @xorpsbane as my coauthor, who will be picking up the pen for the next part!! 💚💚
Part four-
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"Aaaahhhhh ruuuunnnn!" Nat heard scream from her kids room. She ran up to see what was going on when she saw her son flailing on the bed "Hey brucie, what's wrong?" She asked shaking him awake "I had the worst dream, auntie y/n was running through the forest being chased by jaguars and there was this squirrel names jason.....and she fell and cascaded down a raging river of DEATH!" He said panting "hey hey your aunt Is fine, she just went back to see the king." Nat said smiling "did you tell her to take panties? He'll definitely see her then." He said "well I had a dream auntie kissed a llama!" Your daughter wamda ran in jumping on the bed. "Ew..that would never happen." Brucie said "it could!" She yelled "NU UH!" He yelled "YA HUH!" She yelled back "alright!! Go to sleep you two." Nat said turning the light off as the children continue to bicker.
Meanwhile......deep in the forest........
You dove into the river head first, coming up shaking your head, looking over seeing Loki laying on his back with his tongue sticking out. "Good...stupid llama." You growled swimming over to the bank grabbing your soap. You tried to ignore his constant rude remarks about how you smelled but if you were being honest it was making you a tad self conscious, so you decided to wash up while he slept. You lathered the bar in your hand, scrubbing the last couple of days off of you inhaling the sweet scent of the soap before getting enough on your hands to wash your hair. Dipping your head under to rinse you came up seeing Loki looking at you wide eyed "Holy shit! What the hell are you doing!?" You yelled sinking down, trying to forget your chest was entirely exposed to him two seconds ago.
"Um...well you see....I was....and you were....I'm gonna go." He said darting off back to where you made camp. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment but the fact that he was flustered made you smile. You got out, drying off you put on some clean clothes that you had packed before walking back over by the fire. Sitting down you looked over seeing Loki's back to you "it's safe to turn around you know." You said laughing as he grabbed your poncho with his teeth and slowly walked over to you dropping it next to you "umm, so thanks....for that" He said looking everywhere but at you. "Well, I know it's not panties but..." you trailed off picking it up. "So, I was um thinking, maybe I could possibly consider building my closet...somewhere else." He said quietly looking down.
You looked at him wide eyed for a minute "does this have anything to do with you seeing my breasts a minute ago?" You asked "what!? Absolutely not! I've seen lots of breasts....more then you I'm sure." He said bragginly "I'm sure." You smiled pulling your poncho on "see here, I can have any breasts I choose...and I do not need stinky peasent breasts thank you." He sneered walking off making you roll your eyes "so...your choosing to be nice?" You asked "Well yeah, is that so hard to believe?" He asked as you stared at him. "I mean, there are nicer places for a closet instead of that dirt heap you call a village." He said.
You glared at him a minute, trying to decide if he was lying "what is your problem?" He asked "so, I take you back to the palace and you'll leave my village alone?" You asked "thats what I said....your ears do work don't they?" He asked sarcastically. You held out your hand deciding to trust him when he lifted his hoof "don't shake unless you mean what you say." You said stently as he looked at you hesitantly before shaking your hand. "Awesome! Let's get you back to your pantie collection." You said standing up. "Thank the norns!" He said following behind you. You made it to a clearing, seeing the bridge you smiled "ok, once we reach the other side its only about an hour." You said as he pushed past you "kings first..." he said starting to cross the bridge.
You made it about half way, hearing the wood groan with your combined weight. "Hey, maybe we should..." you started as a board cracked, sending you down between the two planks, barely grabbing a piece of rope before plummeting to the river below. "Loki! Help me!" You yelled, seeing him walk back looking down at you "mm....no I'm good." He said smiling "your just gonna leave me here?" You asked glaring at him "Well, I had considered having you flogged....maybe imprisoned, but I do like this" He smiled "now if you'll excuse me, I have people to see and panties to collect." He said turning around. "But we shook hands you ungrateful little..." you yelled gripping the rope.
"You know, it doesn't really count...if you don't have hands!" He smirked "ok...bu-bye." He said walking off again when a board snapped sending him down with you, his limbs tangling in the ropes "Oh gods, are you ok?" You asked seeing the panicked look on his face "y..yeah...I think so." He said shakely "ok good" You said kicking him hard, sending him into the cliff face. "That's for lieing to me!" You yelled he swung back knocking you into the other cliff face "that's for kidnapping me and making me smell you you stinky peasant..oh, and I'm still gonna knock your village down." He said laughing "Hey! Now wait just a minute!" He said as you pushed off, ramming into him hard knocking him to the other side.
"I don't know why I risked my life for a selfish little ass like you!" You yelled bracing against the cliff "I used to think there was good in eveyone, but your just rotten!" You yelled "awww now i feel really bad... bad llama." He mocked slapping himself. "I should have let you die out there from your own stupidity, and all my problems would be solved." You sneered "Well that makes you stinky aaaand stupid then." He sneered from the other side. "Let's end this" you glared "peasents first." He smiled. You both pushed off, ready to rip him apart when you heard several cracks above you. You both stopped, looking up seeing the bridge fall apart "shit.." you sighed as you both plummeted down towards the river, the canyon walls closing in on you the further you fell.
"Put your feet out." You yelled, doing the same when yout backs met, you both sliding to a stop. Looking down seeing alligators swarming in the river just below you "oh my gods we're gonna die! I'm too pretty to die!" He cried out. "What are we going to do?" He asked, your grip beginning to slip. You looked up seeing a rope hanging down from the now broken bridge "ok, stop whining, I have an idea." You said "I beg your pardon. I was not whining." He said sternly "would you please shut up for once." You said "ok, this is what we're gonna do." You reached back, looping your arms with his "ok, push against my back, and we're going to walk up the cliff." You said.
"And go." You said, pressing yourself against him as you slowly made your way up. "Ok, almost....there..." you said reaching up grabbing the rope, pulling on it seeing it tangled in a small bush higher up "shit...it's stuck." You said pulling hard "no worries, take your time...I have all day." He sighed when you pulled as hard as you could, not realizing there was a nest of scorpions until it was soon late. "Your smell is getting a tad overwhelming, so if you could...." he trailed off feeling something fall onto his chest "SCORPIONS!" He screeched, letting go of your arms he began flailing when his feet slipped. "Shit...Loki!" You yelled grabbing his tail before he fell, slamming him into the cliff wall. "Why is it always my face!" He yelled.
You looked down, trying to figure out how you were going to pull you both up when you felt something slide down your back "aaahhh no no no!" You screamed, slamming your back against the cliff "what are you..." Loki trailed off, hearing a strange sound coming from a hole in the cliff face "umm...y/n..." he said trying to get your attention as you continued frantically trying to get them off you. "Y/N!" He yelled "WHAT!?" You yelled back looking down as a swarm of bats shot out of the rock into Loki's face. "What is happening!?" You yelled, trying to pull him up as he failed and swung frantically trying to get them away from him when he bolted up the cliff face, dragging you behind him, holding the rope for dear life. "Loki...stop!" You yelled when he jumped, you both landing hard at the top of the cliff.
You groaned, rolling over seeing him wide eyed and panting "are...are you ok?" You asked "y..yeah I think so.." he trailed off trying to stand up. You got to your knees, looking down trying to comprehend everything that just happened when the rock beneath you shifted and began to slide down "Y/n!" Loki yelled, grabbing your poncho in his mouth he pulled you back throwing you aside as the rock broke off and tumbled down the cliff. "Oo...did you see that! I snatched you from the jaws of death itself." He bragged puffing his chest out "oh...I'm a crumbly canyon wall and I'm taking you with...well not today sir" He yelled. Was he dancing? "Mm uh huh uh huh uh huh..." he continued as you sat up "y..you...saved me life.." you trailed off making him freeze.
"I..well...I still need you to get back to the palace." He said sternly. "No...you could have made it...you like me." You smirked standing up "what!? Absolutely not..." he said looking around "Come on...admit it..." you said walking closer "nope..nu uh..." he said looking around "Loooki...." you cooed smiling "what's the big deal!? No one's that heartless." He rushed out, his nervousness making you giggle "don't read too much into it...it was a one time thing." He said non chalantly. "Yeah...ok." you said brushing the dirt off of you. "Well, with that bridge out, it's a four day walk to the palace, we should get going." You said walking back the way you came "your...your still taking me back?" He asked running up to you. "I said i would didn't i?" You said shrugging. "Well yeah....but I'm still building my epic closet when I get back." He smiled walking beside you.
"Well, four days is a pretty long time..who knows, you may change your mind." You said smiling. "Riiiight...." he said "so...what are the chances you'll carry me?" He asked nudging you. "Not Good." You said looking ahead. You walked side by side for awhile, chancing small glances at him smiling, as much as you hated to admit it the ass was growing on you. Underneath that spoiled, pampered facade there was a decent man, you just had to pull him out. Maybe in the next four days you could...
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eykismyfav · 2 years
The North Star
Genre: Hurt/Comfort? and oh so fluffy
Warnings: *sigh* I really don’t know what to put here...Canon typical violence, and some swearing, Maybe spoilers for 1899 please don’t read if you have not watched the show I will not make sense if you do.
Pairing: Eyk Larsen x Reader
Authors note: This is not proof read and might make no sense but I needed to write for him and i need to right for him now. Anyways here I am feeding my lovely readers with content for this underrepresented king. @maddieluvvvv​ you did not say who was comforting who...I am sorry. Also this for sure changes some plot points but just go with me please. I might edit later
Just a reminder that comment and feedback are very much appreciated!
italics are in your memory
Word Count: 940
Taglist: @maddieluvvvv and @justmasblack I have come to provide I hope you like it!
Request Open For Eyk Larsen
1899 Masterlist
Prompt List
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You take a moment to observe your surroundings as you stand beside Eyk in a landscape that should not exist on a ship. You find yourself in a forest which you do not recognise but when you look at Eyk to ask where you were it was clear that he knew exactly where you were. You see the funny thing about the simulations is that with each new attempt something small or big will change. Most of the time it is a small bit you can never know until you encounter the change. There were two things you could always rely on however, one, you were always aware you were in a simulation from the very beginning and, two, Eyk would alway find his way back to you. It seems in this version of the simulation Eyk's past had changed.  “Eyk? Where are we?” You ask as you gently touch his shoulder. Eyk doesn’t respond to you, instead he starts to run through the woods towards an unknown goal.“No, no, no...” Eyk mutters as he runs.“Eyk! Wait!” You shout chasing after him. Somehow you manage not to lose him as you make your way into a clearing. “Jesus Christ! Eyk where are we...” Your voice teeters out as your eyes land on a house in the center of the clearing.“Nina?” His voice is barely above a whisper as he looks at the young girl in the window. Just then another figure comes to the window for you to see this one seems older, closer to Eyk’s age. As soon as she enters your line of sight flames erupt behind the two.“Oh shit...Eyk!” You grasp his arm as he looks like he is about to run in. “Eyk! No...” there is a struggle to keep him from rushing forward, “it isn’t real! You can’t save them, please stop struggling.” Your soft begging voice seems to snap him back to the present reality as he stops struggling, seeming to notice you for the first time since you had entered his memory.“Y/N what is going on? What do you mean this isn’t real? this is my memory, my dream, how are you even here?” The man turns to look at you grabbing your shoulders to keep you from backing away even though you both know you had no intention of leaving him anytime soon.“Eyk that is a very complicated and difficult question to answer...I don’t know how to tell you this...I never do though you think I would eventually get better at this.” You say the last part to yourself but given your close proximity he can hear every word.“What do you mean?”“It’ll be easier to just show you follow me.” You grab his hand leading him away from the fire and into a new memory, this one belonging to you.
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You walk into your apartment and are hit by the delicious smell of dinner being cooked. Gently placing your bag on the ground you make your way into the kitchen. Upon entering you find Eyk standing with his back to you cooking over the stove with light background music playing. You smile lightly to yourself thinking about just how lucky you are to have him in your life. Silently you make your way up behind him wrapping your arms around his toned middle and resting your head between his shoulder blades. 
“Hello..” Comes your muffled voice as you nuzzle your nose deeper into his back.
“Hello my star, how was your day?”Eyk chuckles upon hearing your groan in response to his question.
“Long,” You grab a bite of whatever it is he was cooking before taking a seat on the countertop. “My boss is such a piece of work sometimes I really can’t stand her you know!” Eyk in the meantime has resumed cooking, nodding along as you rant on and on about your day. Eventually you stop rambling and just watch as he cooks admiring his beauty. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he pauses what he is doing to walk up to you standing between your legs. “What do you want?”
“Am I not allowed to just say I love you?”
“No,” He smirks at you. “Now, what do you want?”
“Ugh...Fine you caught me. I would like a kiss from my handsome husband please.” Eyk grins at you.
“Very well what the woman wants she shall receive.”  He leans in and kisses you softly cupping your face in his hands. All too soon you two are forced to pull away from each other.
“Umm Eyk?”
“Yes my love?” he seems slightly lost in a trace so you can’t really blame him for not noticing what you had noticed.
“I think something is burning...”
“Shit!” He exclaims rushing over to the stove but it was too late.
“I’ll order us a pizza.” You giggle hopping off the counter and placing a light kiss on his cheek as he huffs out some air in frustration
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Eyk looks at you after you show him your memory, his hand gently raising to cup you cheek. For the first time in all the attempts at the simulation he says something that truly shocks you.
“I remember.” With those two simple words spoken so softly and with such tenderness it reduces you to tears. 
“You...you remember?”
“Yes I am so sorry for my beautiful North Star. It all makes sense now why I always looked to you for directions why I always find you in a crowd. You always have shined the brightest. Thank you for helping me remember.”
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psychotic-nonsense · 2 months
Alright folks, I have a question for you. A dumb question, yes, but a question nonetheless.
In an alternate universe scenario - where such a situation arises, and no one ends up dying or seriously (physically) wounded - with the S4 Hawkins Party and Chrissy all bearing witness...
(Context below)
This is part of one of the oldest Stranger Things AU ideas I have.
Vecna, in a desperate attempt to distract/manipulate the town, decides to bring back every single person in Hawkins he's ever killed. Didn't matter the way, if the Upside Down killed them, they were back.
But they aren't exactly themselves. Their memories are locked away in their brains by those Upside Down slugs, all of them trapped in the same day as the dimension itself; November 6, 1983 (unless killed before this date). Alongside that, their bodies aren't theirs, and are instead exact replicas made purely of Upside Down goo. Vecna plans to gain the town's trust using them, and when the time comes, activate the slugs to turn the revived into his personal soldiers (think the season 3 Billy plot but without the flesh Mind Flayer)
Eddie wakes up in the forest, exactly how he is supposed to be. But when he discoveres Chrissy beside him, he panics, and tries to remember what happened. He's unable to, but he knows something is keeping the truth locked away. So, extremely painfully, he finds a way to extract the slug from his brain, freeing himself and his memories from Vecna's control.
But soon, Chrissy wakes up. One who's mind is stuck in 1983 and has no idea who Eddie is. Still, since they're all each other has, she decides to believe and trust him, eventually befriending Eddie all over again.
They spend their days walking through the woods, terrified to return to town. They need no food, and scrapes from the woods never go further than skin deep, yet they remain unaware of their undead status. Eddie spends the whole time theorizing, trying to figure out what purpose this could serve, and how to get back to the group without inciting mass panic.
That is until the group finds them. Everyone he fought alongside, traveling through the woods with Wayne Munson in tow. They're taking him to a hidden grave for Eddie, one far from the vandals in town, to give him a place to grieve in peace. They still can't tell him the truth of what happened, but hope that this makes up for the lies they keep spinning.
But Wayne's gone mad with his grief. He's brought a gun with him and points it at the group, demanding answers for what happened to his boy. Eddie watches in fear, urged away from intervening by Chrissy's own terror.
Just before things get too bad, Steve steps up. Takes the blame, says that it was his word that put Eddie in danger, and inevitably got him killed. The group tries to deny it, but Steve persists. Wayne needs someone to blame, so blame him.
And at first Wayne looks satisfied. He has an answer, finally, one that might actually be sincere considering Harrington's sobs as he confesses.
But his grief and pain and confusion and anger simply aren't. So he raises the gun, pointed right at Steve-
-and that's where Eddie intervenes. Shoving Steve out of the way, barely getting out a desperate "WAYNE, DON'T!!" ...before the gun goes off.
After that, the story could go two ways.
The original outline - El goes with the group to Eddie's grave (for reasons I'm not sure of honestly). She watches the whole skirmish with Wayne, not wanting to expose him to her powers until she has to. When Wayne goes to shoot, she redirects his arm, just in time to catch Eddie in the leg.
In this one, Eddie's vocal. A screech of fear before he crumbles to one knee, hunched over and clutching at his leg, groaning in pain. Everyone can see him, hear him, and though they can't believe it, they know for sure it's Eddie. They saw him fall but they don't know how bad it is, and they're too shocked to come any closer.
The changed idea - El isn't there. Everything proceeds as before, with Wayne actually aiming for Steve's shoulder. Just a flesh wound, something to satisfy the squirming in his limbs. But due to Eddie's shove, his position is a little further to the left than Steve's, catching him straight in the heart.
In this one, Eddie drops, hard, with barely a sound. Everyone sees his side recoil with the impact, so they know exactly where he was hit. He lands on his front, the wind effectively knocked out of him, so he's gasping for air the whole way. Everyone sees his clothes, heard his voice, but they're almost hoping it's someone else, please don't let it be Eddie, please.
No matter where Eddie gets shot, the story progresses the same.
Chrissy freaks out, running to Eddie and trying to help him, begging him to stay alive. Eventually he regains his bearings, slowly sitting up, hissing between gasping breaths with a hand clenched firmly over the wound. He slowly peels back his hand, terrified of what he'll see.
But beneath the hole in his clothes is... nothing. No blood, no bullet, no cuts. Just a steadily growing dark bruise, and the pain not progressing past an appropriate ache and some mild burning.
As he tries to process this, Eddie's eyes unfocus, and catch a slight glint of metal in the grass. With shaking hands, he grabs it. When he sees it, he hastily tries to stand, Chrissy rushing to help him. As they do, they turn just enough for everyone - from Wayne's trembling unmoving stance, to the group's collective huddle of fear, to Steve's laid out position on the dirt - to see what Eddie found.
The bullet. Or at least, what's left of it, its entire front bent flat.
Crushed upon impact with Eddie's skin.
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delicatenightfury · 1 year
Star of the Mountain: Chapter 13
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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon-level violence, spoilers for the Hobbit films
Pairing: OC x Thorin Oakenshield
Beta'd By: @mistys-blerbz
Author's Note: please do not steal my work! I do not own the Hobbit or the characters, but I do own my OCs and the parts of the plot that are not part of the movies. I have worked very hard on this fic. Please be respectful and do not steal.
Please comment, reblog, and like!
Masterlist - Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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Kili groaned as he saddled his pony. His muscles ached so much, he wasn’t quite sure how he would fare riding the ponies to Mirkwood.
“Are you all right there, Kili?” Oreliell asked as she passed, a small smile on her face.
“Oh yes, just fine,” he replied, putting on a confident facade and standing up straighter.
“Need any help?”
“Nope! I’ve got it perfectly handled, thank you.”
Oreliell smiled and walked away. As soon as her back was turned, Kili slumped his shoulders again. Gloin chuckled from behind him. 
“All right, brother?” Fili asked, approaching him with his own pony already saddled.
“I don’t understand how you’re not sore after yesterday.”
“I wasn’t the one knocked down four times.”
Kili shot a glare at his brother, who laughed. The two mounted their ponies, settling in as the company prepared to leave while Gandalf talked with Beorn a distance away. While they waited, they chose to observe what was happening around them. Or at least Kili was. Fili was making sure that he had all of his knives safely in their secured spots within his coat, shirt, and shoes. Several of the dwarves were helping each other mount the ponies. Bilbo still looked a bit ridiculous sitting on a pony.
Kili’s eyes eventually fell on his uncle after he called out to Gandalf. Thorin was talking to Dwalin and Balin, most likely discussing their travel plans. Not long after, Oreliell approached, her horse right alongside her. Kili watched the small group talk for several minutes before talking to his brother.
“What are your thoughts about Oreliell?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” Fili said.
“What do you think of her?”
Fili looked at his brother in confusion before glancing over at the elf in question.
“I don’t know. I mean she’s a great warrior and she and her sister have been incredibly helpful since we met them. Not to mention she has been really friendly with the lot of us, despite some of the hesitation we showed at first. I don’t think I can say something negative about her.”
Kili nodded.
“And what about her relationship with Thorin?”
Fili stopped.
“Oreliell and Thorin!” He motioned to the two of them. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed how close they are.”
“They’ve been friends for several years, Kili. Of course they’re going to be close.”
“But when was the last time you saw uncle look at a woman, or anyone that way?”
“Tell me I’m wrong. Actually look and tell me I’m wrong, Fili.”
Before they could turn their attention to the couple in question, Gandalf joined the company and mounted his horse. Everyone urged their ponies forward. Orcs were after them, so they needed to move quickly. 
The ride didn’t seem to take too long, which they were all thankful for. Gandalf slowed in the lead as they approached a large forest. It looked overgrown, yet also withered in places.
“The Elven Gate,” Gandalf said after dismounting and examining the forest entrance. “Here lies our path through Mirkwood.”
“No sign of the orcs,” Dwalin said. “We have luck on our side.”
The company dismounted and set to work on gathering their supplies from the ponies. 
“Set the ponies loose! Let them return to their master.”
“This forest feels sick,” Bilbo said. “As if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?”
“Not unless we go two hundred miles north,” Oreliell said, “or twice that distance south.”
A couple of the dwarves grumbled as they unloaded their ponies. Soon enough, the ponies were released. They seemed to know where to go as they turned around and ran back the way they had come.
“Not my horse!” Gandalf suddenly cried, returning to them. His shout caused everyone to turn toward him. “I need it.”
“You’re not leaving us,” Bilbo said.
“I would not do this unless I had to.”
Fili looked at his brother as it began to rain lightly.
“What good is a wizard if he keeps leaving?” he muttered.
They heard someone shuffle behind them. The princes looked over their shoulders. Vedis had a smile on her face, and raised an amused eyebrow at the two of them.
“I’ll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor,” Gandalf said, turning away from Bilbo and toward Thorin. “Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me. This is not the Greenwood of old. There is a stream in the woods that carries a dark enchantment. Do not touch the water. Cross only by the stone bridge. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray. You must stay on the path. Do not leave it. If you do, you will never find it again.” He finally mounted his horse and rode away. “No matter what may come, stay on the path!”
Thorin made his way through the company, heading to the gate.
“Come on,” he said. “We must reach the mountain before the sun sets on Durin’s Day.”
“Let’s go,” Dwalin said, following after him. Kili nudged Fili’s arm and went in after Dwalin.
“This is our one chance to find the hidden door.”
The company filed after Thorin and proceeded to make their way into the forest. No one really spoke as they walked, too focused on keeping the path under their feet. The further they moved inward, the more twisted the trees seemed to become. Like Bilbo had said before, everything looked sickly.
However, Kili also seemed to notice that his mind was becoming slightly foggy. He shook his head, as if to clear it. He stumbled over a tree root and nearly fell face forward. He only barely managed to keep his balance when Oreliell grabbed the back of his coat.
“Easy,” she said.
He nodded to her, managing to gain a little clarity. Meanwhile, the others made comments about their own dizziness.
Kili looked up and noticed that the path seemed to come to a stop. But then he realized why.
“We found the bridge,” he said.
A few others pushed by him to see, quickly noticing their predicament. The bridge had collapsed.
“We could try and swim it,” Bofur suggested.
“Didn’t you not hear what Gandalf said?” Thorin said. “A dark magic lies upon this forest. The waters of this stream are enchanted.”
“Doesn’t look very enchanting to me.”
“We must find another way across.”
Kili noticed a collection of vines off to the side. He went over and grabbed the nearest one, testing its strength against his own.
“These vines look strong enough,” he said.
He went to start crossing, but was stopped by Thorin.
“Kili! We send the lightest first.”
Kili stepped away from the vines. A few things happened in that next moment. Most of the company turned to look at Bilbo. However, Kili noticed that Oreliell moved to step forward, only to be stopped by Thorin. Kili looked at them. They spoke in hushed voices so no one could hear, but they seemed to be arguing. Before Kili could truly comprehend what he was seeing, the two separated and went back to their previous positions. It all happened so fast that Kili wondered if he had imagined the whole thing. The forest couldn’t have been messing with his mind that much, could it?
Bilbo came forward and began to slowly cross the river. He stumbled every now and then. Several times, Kili thought he was going to fall in. Bilbo finally made it across, landing in a heap on the ground.
Thorin motioned for the company to start moving. He took the lead, following a path similar to Bilbo’s. Kili exchanged a brief look with his brother as the other dwarves started their journey across the river. He grabbed hold of a vine, testing its strength again before stepping onto another vine.
It was slow moving, but they made progress. Just a little bit further and they would reach the other side.
Suddenly, there was a splash. Kili looked down to see Bombur floating in the river, sound asleep.
“Bombur!” Bofur said. “Hang on, cousin!”
“Don’t!” Oreliell called.
The company looked back at her, finding her and Vedis still standing on the other side of the river.
“What are you two still doing over there?” Dori asked.
“Everyone finish crossing,” Oreliell said. “Vedis and I will pull Bombur out. Start making a stretcher though, he’s going to be asleep for a while still.”
Several dwarves seemed hesitant to keep moving, but eventually did with some nudging from the others. When they touched dry land again, they started assembling a stretcher using supplies Bilbo had grabbed. Kili watched as the sisters easily crossed through the vines.
They got to where Bombur was and lowered themselves close to the water. Each drew their sword and cut down several of the more sturdy vines around them. Kili watched in amazement as they worked together to guide Bombur toward the shore while still moving gently across the hanging vines. They took their time, making sure to keep their balance while keeping Bombur within reach. Vedis touched the shore first and grabbed hold of Bombur’s feet to keep him steady. Oreliell joined her and together, they pulled Bombur to shore.
“Is the stretcher ready?” Oreliell said. Nori and Ori brought it forward. “Help us get him on. We’ll have to carry him.”
Once Bombur was settled on the stretcher, they started moving again. They were slower this time than before thanks to the added weight. The company took turns carrying Bombur. Eventually, it was Fili, Kili, Dwalin, and Bofur’s turn.
The further they walked, the more disoriented Kili felt. His mind felt foggy and he had stumbled over his feet several times. The others seemed to be in a similar state. All except for Oreliell and Vedis. Kili wondered if it had to do with their elven heritage that they weren’t as affected as the rest of them.
It was Nori who ended up calling for a rest. The company came to a halt, mumbling to themselves as they swayed.
“Voices,” Bilbo suddenly said. “Can you hear them?”
“I hear nothing,” Thorin replied. “No wind. No birdsong. What hour is it?”
“I do not know,” Dwalin said from behind Kili. “I do not even know what day it is.”
“This is taking too long. Is there no end to this accursed forest?”
“None that I can see,” Gloin said. “Only trees and more trees.”
“We are making good time,” Oreliell spoke up. “The forest’s magic alters the mind’s perceptions.”
Thorin suddenly started pushing through the dwarves. 
“This way,” he said, starting down an unmarked path. 
“But Gandalf said-”
“Do as I say. Follow me!”
Slowly, the dwarves followed after him.
“Thorin, no-” Oreliell said, trying to stop them.
“Come on!”
“Thorin!” Her voice became more and more distant as Thorin led them deeper into the woods.
They weren’t sure how long they traveled before they realized that they had lost the path. They searched and searched for it, but it seemed to be long gone. Balin pointed out that it would be best to keep moving in the same direction they had been moving in.
“Look,” Ori suddenly said, bending down to pick something up.
“A tobacco pouch,” Dori said. “There’s dwarves in these woods.”
“Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less,” Bofur added. “This is exactly the same as mine.”
“That’s because it is yours,” Bilbo said. “You understand? We’re going round in circles. We are lost.”
“We’re not lost,” Thorin. replied. “We keep heading east.”
“But which way is east? We’ve lost the sun,” Oin whined.
“I thought you were the expert,” Dwalin grumbled.
“I’m not the one who lost the sun!”
The dwarves started shoving one another, arguing about who lost the path or the sun. Kili stumbled as Fili was pushed into him, but regained his footing enough to push back.
“Enough!” Thorin shouted. “Quiet! All of you! We’re being watched.”
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Kili woke up to the sensation of falling. He could barely move his limbs, trapped in some kind of sticky sack. His memory came back to him in flashes. Giant spiders had descended upon them out of nowhere. They had injected them with something that knocked them out and wrapped them in webs. Kili wildly tore at the webs, breaking through and breathing in the stale forest air.
“Fili!” he called.
“Here, Kili!” his brother responded, a few feet away.
Fili had gotten himself free first and moved to help Kili up.
“Quickly!” Thorin shouted. They looked up and saw more spiders climbing down toward them. “Run!”
Everyone had their swords drawn as they ran. Any spider that came close was hacked at and killed swiftly. Despite their efforts, more spiders kept coming. 
“Ori, look out!”
A figure suddenly dropped from the trees, their blade impaling itself into the oncoming spider’s head. The company paused in shock. Vedis looked up at them, a smirk on her face.
“Are we done here?” They spun again, finding Oreliell standing behind them, blood on her clothes and sword. “Because there are more coming.”
Her words seemed to snap them out of their thoughts and they started running. Kili went to go after them, but was grabbed from behind by a spider. He tried to hack at the creature with his sword, but couldn’t get a good enough angle. 
“Help!” he cried. He could barely hear his brother shout his name.
The spider knocked him to the ground, causing him to drop his sword. It then started to drag him back through the leaves by his foot. Out of nowhere, an elf dropped down from the trees and started killing spiders, shooting the one attacking Kili with an arrow. Kili stumbled to his feet, noticing yet another spider coming toward him. Unable to find his sword in the moment, he called to the elf.
“Throw me a dagger! Quick!”
“If you think I’m giving you a weapon, dwarf, you’re mistaken.”
Kili’s head spun again to look at the elf, taken aback that it was a woman who had saved him. He shouldn’t have been that surprised, given how many times the company had been saved by Oreliell and Vedis, but it still caught him off guard. The elven woman spun suddenly and threw a dagger, hitting the spider in the head just before it reached Kili.
Durinu shirumund, Kili thought as the woman stood to her full height. (translation: /By Durin's beard\)
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Fics With Titles That Start With T (2) Masterlist
part one
Take a Picture (It'll Last Longer) (ao3) - phantasticworks
Summary: Dan and Phil meet at 2 a.m. in a coffee shop. Phil is a photographer looking for a model, and Dan can't say no to pretty boys.
Take it Slow (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: A fluffy and smutty oneshot about Dan and Phil’s first time.
Take Off (ao3) - bexcj
Summary: Phil is a flight attendant and he watches the same passenger for years.
Terrifying Truths And Drunken Dares (ao3) - thejigsawtimess
Summary: It's late, they're both drunk, but there's vodka and each other, and hey - you know what sounds great? Truth or frickin dare.
Thank God we're home (ao3) - Shambelina
Summary: Dan and Phil return from touring and they have sex. That's it, that's the plot.
Thank You - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan is homeless and living in this massive abandoned house but then Phil and his family come along to renovate it and they're both like ‘um what are you doing here’ and then they become friends.
That Wasn't In A Plan, Was It? (ao3) - JenCollins, WordsAblaze
Summary: When Dan and Phil are set to be partners in school project things start to happen. They slowly itch closer but will their past let them stay together?
The Fake Boyfriend - dxnhowell
Summary: Phil is at a party when he’s dared to ask Dan Howell out. Phil doesn’t want to do the dare but he has no choice, so instead, he asks Dan to be his fake boyfriend.
theia mania (ao3) - hamartiawrites
Summary: Valentines' Day is coming up, and there are two teachers that the school wants to see together more than anything.
The Dragon Tamer - venusgfs
Summary: Dan Howell is the last dragon tamer alive and a well known mercenary to the Ten Islands, hired to kill Price Phil Lester of the Island Allister.
The Laundry Fic - elliesfics
Summary: So we all know from Dan’s latest video that he spent his early years of Uni travelling down to Phil’s flat to do ‘laundry’. Here’s that fic.
The Odyssey - dansphlevels
Summary: High school au where Phil is bullied for being gay and Dan thinks he should have just stayed in the closet. But it just so happens Phil has a big family and can't get any studying done, and Dan’s house is the perfect place to study.
The Way I Always Do - cafephan
Summary: In which Phil is a famous musician, and Dan struggles to keep up.
Theater Boys - dansleftboob
Summary:  Dan gets accepted into an acting academy in Scotland where he meets Phil. Dan’s parents aren’t very supportive of him, as they want him to become a lawyer and eventually force him to quit and go to law school. However, before Dan can break the news to Phil, Phil tells him he has feelings for him.
They'll Tear Us Apart If You Give Them the Chance (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan and Phil are both princes and they've been taught to hate each other their whole lives. They meet in a forest.
Things We Left Behind (ao3) - blueberryphancakes
Summary: It wasn’t that you expected to live with him forever; you simply forgot that ‘not forever’ meant ‘someday it will end.’
Third Degree (ao3) - sierraadeux
Summary: Dan sets fires. Phil puts them out.
This is my Boyfriend (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: My parents are extremely homophobic and they're visiting, so can you pretend to be my boyfriend as an extra "fuck you"?
thought of you often (ao3) - jestbee
Summary: On Daniel's twenty first birthday, a man walks into his banquet hall that he hasn't seen in years.
Threw a penny on the pavement (ao3) - lovestillaround
Summary: he would lock himself in his room for days
Tire Me Out - darling-phil
Summary: After watching a horror film, Dan struggles to fall asleep. Phil is there to offer his help in a rather unorthodox way...
Time's Tide (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: All men have secrets, and Phil won't let his own be known. But even in 1984's Manchester there is another person that understands.
to the moon and back - marunette
Summary: AU where Phil is an astronomer and Dan is an astronaut.
Tonight, Tonight (ao3) - transdimensional_void
Summary: Goth!Dan has secrets, nerd!Phil has questions, and they both just want to have sex.
too loud in public (ao3) - dizzy, waveydnp
Summary: dan is too busy snogging a cute stranger named phil in a closet at a university party to realize the cops are about to break it up
Took You Long Enough - jilliancares
Summary: Dan keeps stealing Phil’s clothes and Phil doesn’t say anything because they look cute on Dan.
Tumble Into His Arms (ao3) - nebulous_frog
Summary: Dan is a swing dancing instructor that teaches a confused and clumsy Phil how to dance. Cue tripping and falling, flirting, and some teasing from some friends.
Turn and Face the Strange (ao3) - TortiTabby
Summary: Kathryn Lester starts to feel a change in her youngest towards the end of 2009.
turn this house into a home (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: A 2009-centric fic about starting to find pride in your identity for the first time, and finding family who helps you do that (even if it’s not the family you were born into)
two red strings (ao3) - watergator
Summary: phil just wants a lazy sunday
(based off dan's hoodie story)
4 notes · View notes
jordanprice · 1 year
June 7 - Mt. Takao
Happy birthday to Vishnu! He’s been a great roommate to me and is such a nice guy. I’m happy to have him around on this trip and am proud to say I got to be the first to wish him a happy birthday!! Best wishes brother <3
Today we visited Mt. Takao to hike it. The train ride there was pretty long, but not terrible and I’d say it was worth it for sure. Upon getting there, we had time to eat. Lauren, Bianca, and I got food and I tried katsu don (fried pork cutlet on top of rice). The pork wasn’t the best to be honest, and it was overcooked. But the rice definitely made up for it, as it was probably the best I’ve had so far on the trip. We then also got ice cream, which was pretty good.
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Then, we took the chair lift up the mountain. It was a pretty long ride up, but I enjoyed it and the view. I sat with Lauren, and she is afraid of heights, so I made sure to reassure her on the way up. She did a great job and they had a safety platform built up under the lift, which was really nice and helped make it less frightening for her.
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Once we got off the lift, we stopped for a couple pics, and the group had already left us behind. So, Lauren, Bianca, and I just did the hike alone. It was actually pretty nice as we got to take our time, stop where we wanted, and take time for pictures. The way up was a lot of stairs, but I didn’t mind. We eventually made our way up to the temple and the shrine, which were quite cool, then we continued up towards the peak. We did run into the group on their way back down, and fortunately professor Smith was able to catch us up on things.
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Once we made it to the top, we stopped for pictures and headed back down. On the way down, they announced that they were closing down the chair lift at 4:30 and it was 4:23 at the time. We did not feel like doing the 40 min walk back down, so we hurried to get to the lift on time and fortunately were able to. The view on the way back down was even better than the one on the way up, so we take those.
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We then went to a vegan restaurant for dinner and I got tomato soup, French fries, and tortilla chips. The soup was really good, and I was interested as to the fact that it had cabbage in it, which is something I’ve never seen in tomato soup. The fries weren’t the best, but the one sauce they came with went crazy. The only way I can explain it is if ketchup and salsa had a baby. It was actually so so good and it went well both with the fries as ketchup and with the chips as salsa. I was very impressed. The tortilla chips were very fresh, but the salsa they came with wasn’t my favorite.
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After that, Lauren has been wanting to go to this one bar called Bar Lupin. This is because it was a place where famous authors would visit. I’m glad she got to see it at least, but I feel bad for her because they didn’t have enough seats for us and turned us away.
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I had a pretty rough night last night, and was worried about today, but I had a great time overall and things improved throughout the day.
Academic Reflection
Today I learned about Mt. Takao and its forests. I learned that people didn’t really live up on the mountain except for some monks. People also believed that tengu (goblins) resided there. Since the surrounding areas were so densely populated, and since the mountain has many trees, people turned to it for lumber. The poor needed it for fuel and the rich needed it for castles and other buildings. The demand for wood was high, so people started taking it. The daimyo claimed plots of trees for their own usage, but peasants still would chip away more and more at the borders of the land.
There have been preservation efforts since then, and going today I wouldn’t have known it had been so heavily used for its wood. It was cool to see statues of the tengu thought to live there, and I also really liked the trees that were deemed to be spirits. Honestly though, I don’t know why some of the trees in particular were said to be sprits while others were not. Either way, it was a beautiful place to visit and I am glad it is now seemingly well regulated.
0 notes
persphonesorchid · 2 years
Mark of the Arcane || Prologue ||
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Notes: KAKDJAJS ITS HERE!! ITS OFFICIALLY STARTING!! Okay I'm suPER EXCITED TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU GUYS. It's been in the works since forever! It's a labour of love, truly. Now this is just the prologue to kick stuff off for the main story, and nothing that's plot moving happens even though it's like the longest piece so far. I hope you guys enjoy!! And look forward to the first chapter :))
Please leave feedback I love interacting with y'all!! ❤️
| Chapter Archive |
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"You look ridiculous." You deadpan, watching Seokjin model a junky piece of jewelry that hung heavy from his neck. Thick links of silver looped around, and around, meeting at the center where a jade gem sat, glowing ominously alongside the sigils etched around it.
He put his hands on his hips, turning his head to and fro, peering into a mirror that hovered, buzzing with magic. You scan the face of the merchant, watching the way his transparent wings flicker hopefully behind his back. Seokjin fixes the necklace so that it lays perfectly against his chest, flashing a smile at you, "I think I look dashing."
"We came here for a reason, Jin." You frown, sighing when your words went unheard. As your closest friend and guard, you would think that Seokjin would be more than ready to breeze through the bustling village of Daasir and get you in and out as he promised.
Your hood hangs low over your face, a deep shade of earth brown for the sake of being inconspicuous, hiding the way you roll your eyes. You sigh, forced to watch Seokjin, who is dressed in dark shades, parade around while chatting animatedly with the merchant. His hood was down - despite your protests - the soft cotton swaying with his every movement, ebony locks looking a beautiful shade of chocolate brown in the sunlight streaming in through the trees. The pointed tips of his ears twitched at every sound, and you don't envy him, hearing everything a lot louder than you were.
"Seokjin." You call his name quietly, a soft hiss between your teeth to get him moving; he could only ignore you for so long. You tug insistently at his sleeve until he sighs, loud and dramatically.
"Oh, alright." The man huffs, taking the necklace off and returning it to the merchant. The merchant looks a tad disappointed, the red tips of his wings curling slightly downward, but quickly flicker upward as Seokjin passes him a gold coin. "Always so grouchy in the morning."
You shuffle behind him, trying to keep up with his long strides and get through the travelers that filled the space. "I'm not grouchy."
You stick close to Seokjin, who eventually had taken your hand in his to ensure that you weren't lost among the throngs of people in the market.
"I'm just--"
"Anxious?" Seokjin nods, completing your sentence. He knew well your dislike for big crowds, and even though he'd warned you that it would be this way before you both left Jax, you weren't expecting this many people.
Daasir was loud, with merchants shouting their prices to anyone who would listen, and the mindless chatter of the people passing through. It was a small village, tucked away in the forest a good day on horseback from the capital. The pixies resided here, not only because the location kept them close to their source of magic, but because if you were heading towards the capital city, it was the perfect place to stop for anything you would need.
The surrounding forest kept the air cool, and individual rest spots were designed to suit any person that may need them. With their magic, the pixies were able to care for any manner of folk to pass through their village, with the housing area a little walk away from the market.
The trading market sold a manner of things, from weapons to bottled spells, artifacts that only pixies can create and modify, and of course, the one thing you're on the hunt for this morning; a suppressant. It was only found at one place, and that's a good way on the other side of the village. And you would be there by now if Seokjin hadn't the need to stop and gawk at everything he saw as though he's never been here before.
"Would we be staying the day or do you want to head back as soon as we're done? There's a festival later." Seokjin calls over his shoulder, thankfully slowing his pace, "We could stay at my usual place for the night and leave at sunrise."
"I'm sure father wouldn't mind." Lifting your shoulder in a shrug you fall in step next to the taller man, raising your head to try and see over the crowd. Your father probably would very much mind. It was a whole task in itself convincing him to let you tag along with Seokjin this morning; the trek he makes to Daasir at the end of every month was one he always did alone.
You'd bemoaned the fact that you would have to spend an entire day without any source of entertainment. With your need to get out of the walls that seemed to close in around you being too great, you'd begged. You were lucky that Seokjin was someone your father trusted. He probably would have sent the entire garrison trailing behind you both if not for Seokjin reminding him of his oath to protect you with his life.
You tried to take in as much as you could, eyes dancing around at everything like an excited child. Watching the way some pixies would fly from place to place in their much smaller forms, no more than three inches tall, their little wings carrying them quickly through the air. You never know when you'd be able to see it again; always trapped within the walls of the palace, staring out of your window lost in daydreams.
It didn't take you long to realize that Seokjin was very well known in the village, considering he comes by every month. Some of the older merchants greeted him warmly, even if they eyed you with some curiosity, most likely wondering who you were.
You pass by a merchant selling sharp blades and nearly knock into Seokjin's broad back as he stops once again. He ponders over daggers that lined the wooden table, unable to help himself at the new findings of the weapons he mastered.
"Look at this, Y/n." He tugs you forward lightly, pointing at a dagger that was at least twelve inches long, the hilt smooth and a glinting silver under the sun. His hand hovers over it and he hums, eyebrows lost in his bangs, "It's enchanted too!"
"Keen eye, my good fellow!" The merchant smiles, stepping forward to pluck the blade off the table with a flourish. "It will return to you once thrown, and it can never be lost."
Seokjin hums at a higher pitch as the merchant demonstrates, tossing the dagger behind him and into a wooden plank riddled with indents. You and Seokjin both watch as the dagger flies back into the merchant's hand. "I crafted and enchanted it myself. It is perfectly balanced." He turns the hilt towards Seokjin, who takes it, eyes alight with wonder as he balances it on his index and middle finger.
It didn't take much convincing, - The merchant had him sold from enchanted - before Seokjin had added the dagger to his already extensive collection, slipping it under his cloak with a mad grin. He then leads you by hand, weaving through the travelers and merchants chatting on and on about one thing or another. You could barely hear him over the crowd, ears straining as you also tried once again to keep up with his much longer stride.
Your hand slips from his, bumping into a man who scowls down at you. The pixie's wings flutter behind him in agitated flickers, a whiz of pale blue at his back and you wondered how he kept his feet on the ground with the pace they were going.
"Watch it." He growls, your apology dying in your throat when he pushes at your shoulder and sends you stumbling backward.
Seokjin was at your side in an instant, his features calm as he takes your hand again, "Sorry. It was my fault."
The man eyes Seokjin, gazing at the length of his ears, silent, and he narrows his eyes at the point of them. They were shorter than the average pixie but noticeable enough for anyone to identify. "Filthy half-breed."
Seokjin's hand squeezes yours at the man's words, but his face betray no emotion as he apologizes again, bowing slightly. He steps around the man who still glares and tugs you behind, his grip is still tight.
Once out of the market, Seokjin leads you down a winding trail, a good enough distance that the sounds of Daasir fade behind. The trail was well trodden, thickets and foliage lining the sides of it, different flowers swaying in the breeze. It was quiet between you both, a tense silence you're not used to from Seokjin, who was always quick to joke about and leave you in stitches.
"Jin..." His ear twitches at the sound of your voice, the only indication that he was listening. He didn't turn his head, kept looking straight ahead of him, jaw tense.
"It's alright." He mutters after a long while, and it was so quiet, you probably wouldn't have heard it if you weren't walking beside him. "Happens all the time."
His heritage isn't something he talks about often, but you've seen enough to know. Even with him being your guard, as high as he is in the ranks of Jax's armada, discrimination still lingered in whispers behind his back. You know the guards wouldn't dare speak ill of him in front of you, but word gets around quickly in the halls and it was easy to pick apart the backhanded words of Seokjin's peers.
The story of how his mother, a pixie woman, had left him in your father's care was well known. He hated talking about it, though he was ever grateful for everything that had been done for him, it was a sore topic to approach. So, you remained quiet, only squeezing his hand in return to at least let him know that you were there.
The trail comes to an end, and veering off the path was a house, that was seemingly built in the middle of a large tree. The top of the tree extended out from the roof of the house and towers over you with its low-hanging branches and vines. A stained glass of violets and pinks fitted a large window that you could barely see through, a wooden door firmly shut with a hanging sign that said 'CLOSED'.
Seokjin strides forward, completely ignoring the sign and unlocking the door with a flick of his wrist. You make a sound at the back of your throat at his trespassing but follow nervously behind him.
When you walk into the house and the door shuts softly behind you, the lock latching itself. The first thing you notice was the unnatural silence. You couldn't hear the wind blowing outside, or the sound of nature's children in the forest. There was the scent of roses and Cejid in the air, you furrow your brows at the odd combination of sweet and spice, and wondered what the owner could possibly be doing. Along the walls were tall shelves filled top to bottom with books and artifacts. There were vials filled with liquids arranged by color, some of them left in the open, strange smoke rising from the mouths, and some fitted behind a glass case built into the shelf.
Before you is a counter, riddled with things you didn't know the name of and more vials with liquids that faintly glowed in the dimness of the room. There was a neat stack of papers, and a quill that scribbled away against it, a necklace mounted on the wall behind clear glass. Light filtered in through a closed window, and strange flowers swayed in a non-existent breeze, leaves curling and dancing as if music was playing.
Behind the counter was a door, slightly ajar, and stairs that lead down and sharply to the left, and you can only assume it went underground. You share a glance with Seokjin, brows furrowed, there was no one here besides you and him. He smirks as though he heard your thought, but you're not sure if his magic goes to that extent.
Seokjin wanders forward, leaving you to stare at anything you put your eyes on. You could faintly hear Seokjin muttering under his breath - just barely, your ears had an odd low humming within them - as he approached the counter.
"Jimin!" Seokjin calls, leaning over the counter to peer down the stairs. His voice seems louder than he'd intended in the silence and he grimaces at the volume; the tips of his ears flushing red. There was a loud clank from below, followed by the sound of glass shattering, and a string of curses.
You've only ever heard of Jimin. Seokjin would sometimes talk about him when he comes back from his trip, usually in whining tones about the pixie being feisty and not excited enough to see him after such a long time.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to shout?" A light voice asks, irritation clear as a man emerges through the door. The white cotton shirt he wore was stained with something blue, his hair, a light shade of pink that hung in silky strands above his sapphire eyes. Eyes that he narrow at Seokjin, wings twitching in agitation behind him when his squeaky laugh fills the room.
"Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Seokjin retorts once he calmed, "If that's the way you treat all your customers..."
Jimin rolls his eyes, a smile blooming on his plush lips, "No, you're just special." There's no hostility in his words, as he rounded the counter to Seokjin, who suddenly startles at the movement and backs away with his hands up.
"If that's what I think it is on your shirt, do not hug me." He says, and Jimin only grins, wings fluttering as he rises gracefully off the floor, floating towards Seokjin with his arms open. "Jimin."
"I should greet you properly, no? Friends hug each other!" Seokjin was just barely able to dodge Jimin's swift movement, ducking out of the way to run around to the other side of the counter, and you could only watch on with amusement. Your presence was forgotten by Jin and went completely unnoticed by Jimin.
"You know I'm allergic to--"
Jimin lunges over the counter, grabbing Seokjin around the shoulders in a hug, pressing his nose right into his soaked shirt before swiftly pulling away with a tinkling laugh.
Seokjin makes an affronted sound, wiping at his face with the sleeves of his cloak. "You--!" He sneezes, once, twice and a third time for good measure, eyes watering and nose and cheeks flushing pink. He whines, loudly in the silence, glaring at Jimin who still laughed.
"Ah, don't be such a baby." He picks up a glowing vial from the counter and tosses it at Seokjin, "Drink that, and next time don't be so loud barging in here."
His feet meet the ground soundlessly, and he turns, finally seeing you, and startles, wings straightening before they relax and flutter. "Oh!" Jimin suddenly turns sheepish, pink dusting his cheeks and the tips of his ears, the color almost rivaling his vibrant hair. "You brought someone..."
"You can take your hood down," Seokjin says, his voice nasally, as he pulls the stopper from the glass vial in his hand. He drinks it with a grimace, frowning as he swallowed, "Ew."
You pull your hood back, and Jimin's eyes widen just a bit. His wings flutter mindlessly in his surprise, "Your Highness." He bends in a bow and Seokjin snorts, shaking his head at the action.
"Oh, there's no need to--" You wave your hands in front of you, moments late as Jimin had already swooped upward from his bow. Your voice sounds a bit muddled to your ears, as though your head was under water and you frown at the faint humming that turned into a low ringing in them.
Jimin notices your change, "Sorry,"
You were confused about his seemingly random apology but didn't have the time to ponder it further as sound suddenly floods your ears. You could hear the wind outside and the chirping of birds, a tinkling sound that sounds like wind chimes. The ringing in your ears slowly dissipates, clearing fully like someone had pulled cotton out of them.
"I usually work in silence," Jimin supplies with an apologetic smile, "I forget that humans react differently to our magic."
He turns to Seokjin, tilting his head at him, "You're a week early."
Seokjin was distracted, watching the dancing flowers, and he hums, "It burnt out a lot faster this time, I did send a letter."
Jimin walks around the counter, shuffling through his things with a frown, "A letter I barely pried from the claws of that beast you sent it with. That crow nearly took my eye out."
"Ha, I told you before. Let him drop it, don't take it from him, he hates that." Seokjin shrugs used to Jimin's complaints by now. He turns from the flowers, "I would deliver it myself, but Jax is so far away."
Jimin rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he continues to riffle through his belongings. "I used a different metal, one that's strong enough to withstand the push. Had to tweak the enchantment, too, so it'll last longer when his arcane lashes out." He finally uncovers what he was looking for, something small that was wrapped in linen, and passes it to Seokjin. "How is Tae anyway? I haven't heard from him in a while."
"He's been alright, he's staying with Hoseok at the moment." Seokjin frowns as he says this, eyebrows drawn together and creasing. He tucks the wrapped object into his cloak, distracted once again by the dancing flowers. You suspect that the way he was lost looking at them was only mock interest. "That's why you haven't heard from him. Hoseok's trying to find a way to help him control the outburst."
Jimin hums, a light sound that was barely there, and then a smile brightens his features. "He's in good hands."
Seokjin nods, "He'll be better once he gets this."
He pats the pocket he'd slipped the item into, smiling at Jimin. "Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the festival?" He asks, fingers poking at the dancing leaves of Jimin's strange plant.
"Don't touch that, it bites," Jimin warns, just as the flower itself rears back, the bud of its petals opening to a mouth of sharp teeth that snaps at Seokjin's hand. He yelps and pulls away, just shy of losing his curious fingers. Jimin shakes his head, "Anyway, yes I should. My mother wouldn't let me hear the end of it. But, I have way more pressing things to do right now. I told her to wait until next spring, but when does she ever listen to me?"
"Is the festival something important?" You ask curiously, and Jimin smiles, a little forced and you regret asking. He nods, but says nothing and you leave it as that.
"You're going to go anyway, Min. The festival is for you, you do know that."
You're a bit confused, Seokjin clearly knows more than you do, but Jimin sends a glare his way and Seokjin only sighs. "Alright, we should get going. We'll be at the festival if you decide to stop hiding away." His words have a double meaning because Jimin's glare didn't waver.
His eyes soften as they meet yours, and he smiles, eyes forming crescents and cheeks puffing up. "It was lovely to meet you, Your Highness."
"Likewise, and, just Y/n would do." You offer a kind smile and Jimin bows his head shyly. You follow Seokjin as he leads you out of Jimin's workshop, throwing a wave over his shoulder and his parting words.
You walk back up the trail, and Seokjin seems a lot lighter than he had been when you first walked this way. There was a mischievous glint in his eye, pixie nature unable to fully hide under his human one. "Bet you're curious."
"I am. But Jimin didn't want to talk about it..."
"It's not a secret, everyone just chooses to turn a blind eye because they can't exactly say anything about it." Seokjin's words were vague, as he steps over a large tree root that wasn't there before and stops to wonder at it with a frown. He looks behind him and groans, prompting you to look too.
The path looks completely different, with a different set of trees than the ones you'd passed earlier, and flowers no long danced at the edges. "It's going to take ages to find him again. Why does he always change the path?"
He sighs, pulling you along behind him as you marvel at the changed forest with wide eyes. Seokjin hums lightly, "He's the Prince."
You almost stop walking, lips parting, "Really?"
"Yes," Seokjin chuckles, "He'd rather be doing what he's doing now though, never been much for the court. The festival tonight is supposed to be his coming of age."
"I see..." You mumble, and you wonder just how old Jimin is, as pixies live for a long time and age slower than humans do.
You and Seokjin go past the market again, now bustling with festival preparations. A little further into the forest, were the inns and special housing for travelers, at the entrance was a wooden booth, where a red-haired pixie sat, looking beyond bored even as you approached.
"Minxine!" Seokjin greets, all bright smiles and waving arms, but the girl simply blinks at him, expression unchanged, "Ah, you're a ball of sunshine as always."
Seokjin fishes a handful of gold coins from his pockets, passing them to Minxine with a smile as she nudges a thick open book towards him. Seokjin signs his name with the feathered quill before walking on, with you following behind him.
The housing area was as large as the marketplace, with houses of different sizes lining the twisting roads. There are a lot of people settling down for the evening, some like you were just arriving.
"Most of them are here for the festival tonight, well, if Jimin decides he wants to show up," Seokjin says as he leads you towards a decent-sized cottage. Something in your ears pops as you get closer to the door, and the air around you ripples when Seokjin puts his palm against the door. "You should get some rest before tonight. I'll be back in about an hour, don't go anywhere."
"Wake up!" Jin startles you awake, sending you tumbling out of the bed and onto the floor with a thud, his eyes were wide and you could see the panic within them even in the dark. "We need to leave."
"What's happening?" You slur, barely awake but getting off the ground with Seokjin's help. You stumble a bit when he guides you before him, mind confused and limbs tired. "Jin?"
"Forgive me." Seokjin hastily wraps your cloak around your shoulders, and faintly, you can hear something in the distance. "I need to get you as far from here as I can."
"Seokjin." You grab onto his hand, stilling his frantic movements, "What's happening?"
He stares at you for a moment, quiet, serious, and it was scaring you. "There's been an attack in the village. We need to leave now before it gets worse."
He pulls the door open, pushing you through it and into the cold of night. Now that you're standing outside the house and it's enchantment, you can clearly hear the sound that had been faint before; screaming. It was coming from the village, and you can see smoke rising over the treetops and the orange hue that can only be fire.
"Wait. The villagers..."
"No. We can't. The pixies can handle themselves. My first and only priority is you. Don't make this difficult by arguing with me." Seokjin sends a glare your way, one that makes you immediately shut up. You watch him as he puts his fingers to his mouth to release a loud, high pitched whistle.
You wait, standing close to Seokjin. You're more than capable of defending yourself should the need arise, you were trained for combat. Though, Seokjin would never allow it, you would rather avoid the earful he would give you. The sounds from the village is getting closer, no doubt whoever caused the rukus already breached the gates.
Seokjin looks in the direction of the noise, brows furrowed as he listens.
"Do you know who attacked?" You ask softly, heart thundering away in your chest at the loud sounds of a fight.
Seokjin shakes his head, "They're all wearing cloaks, no crests, and not colors of any court. They're using Arcane magic as far as I saw."
There's a loud sound from the sky, trees swaying violently with the sound of wings flapping and a dark mass descends, landing on the ground with a heavy thud. The animal was smart enough not to make a sound, as it's cry would be heard for miles off. Seokjin's crow was something gifted to him by your father, along with the enchanted metal rings around it's talons that allows it to change size. The gigantic bird blinks it's beady black eyes at you, as though it could sense you're about to protest.
"I am not getting on that thing!" You say, and Seokjin turns to face you.
"You are. Whether you like it or not." He snaps, dragging you by the hand towards his pet crow. The bird ruffles it's feathers, the enchanted bands on it's leg glows softly in the darkness. Seokjin wastes no time before he hoists you up onto its back, insuring that you settled into the saddle and was holding the reigns tightly between your fingers. When he steps back, you frown, reaching for him but he's too far down.
"What are you doing?" You nearly shout.
Seokjin gives you a strange sort of smile, one that twists your stomach into knots. "Take her home. I'll need you, so return quickly." The crow makes an odd chittering sound that rumbles beneath you and you can feel it preparing to lift off the ground.
"Seokjin!" You squeeze your eyes shut when the crow lifts off the ground with a powerful flap of its wings. You don't have the forethought to assess the damage of the village, as Seokjin's form gets further and further away, until you can no longer see him.
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Permatag: @allhobbitstoisengard @dontstoptime @astormunchar @eren-fall @taestefully-in-luv @main-bangtansmauyeondan @xpeachesncream @doneimnida
Series tags: @3sriracha @loveyoongles @studiosakuras @amon-rei
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delimeful · 3 years
how easy you are to need (redux) (1)
the first chapter of my HEYATN rewrite! find the original here!
warnings: panic attacks, fear, hypervigilance, paranoia, mentions of freezing/starving
The first sign of the humans had been the smoke.
The scent had caught Virgil’s attention from the moment he woke, the light grey plumes curling over the tips of the trees in the distance. There’d been no recent storm to strike a flame, which meant that human hands had crafted it.
It wasn’t the first time. His forest was wide and sprawling, and it was near enough to a few well-worn traveling paths that humans thought it a fair place to set up camp for a night or two. The otherworldly aura of the forest itself tended to dissuade any longer stays.
(Eerie howling in the night also tended to do the trick.)
Virgil still had to check it out, of course, both as his home’s protector and to soothe his own agitation at the sight. It didn’t matter that they were almost always peaceful travelers, the presence of humans put him on edge every time.
And if the sensation of being watched drove the intruders away quicker? All the better.
He headed down the hillside, winding his way through the edges of his normal patrol route as he went. Nothing was amiss there, the wildlife scampering away at the sight of him, the natural magic of the area still abundant and thriving.
The source of the smoke was closer than he’d anticipated, though. It was rare that any were bold enough to camp any further than the edges of his territory, and yet here he was in the middle of the forest, the smell rapidly growing stronger.
He slowed, close enough now that the smoketrail was hidden by the long branches overhead. This was a familiar spot, there was a clearing up ahead, and—
Virgil stopped dead at the edge of the trees, staring at the abandoned cabin that had sat quietly in this clearing since he’d first stumbled into his forest.
There was smoke rising from the chimney.
He could smell the humans now, tracks and scent trails to and from the apparently formerly abandoned cabin. They must have trekked through a good quarter of his territory to get here, and he’d slept through the intrusion like an idiot. He paced back and forth agitatedly, circling around the clearing and remaining carefully out of sight as he did.
He’d been in that cabin before. How could he not have? Alone in these woods, there wasn’t much to do for fun except explore. Once he’d gotten past his initial skittishness, he’d been determined to investigate every inch of the dusty old place.
And then he’d realized it was a former den for hunters. He’d spent weeks on the other side of the woods, slowly working his way through the panic that had risen up in him at the simple thought: what if they return?
Even so, as time passed, he’d only grown more sure that the place was well and truly harmless. Nobody had been in there for years prior to Virgil’s arrival in the woods. Whatever use its hunters might have had for it, it had clearly been long abandoned and left to rot.
Of course, now there was smoke in the chimney, and the windows had been carefully pushed open, and there was a horse, grazing mildly.
Virgil took a deep breath, pausing his pacing to try and calm his racing heart. He couldn’t jump to conclusions.
Just because it was an old hunters’ den didn’t mean the new occupants were hunters. It might have been a simple act of opportunity, like a vole taking up an abandoned burrow.
The back door swung open, and Virgil went still, watching as a human donned in red strode over to the horse, patting its snout and murmuring softly to it. He offered it a handful of some sort of grain, which it seemed to enjoy, and then made his way to the center of the clearing and drew a sword from the sheathe at his hip.
Even from here, Virgil felt his skin prickle at the way the blade sang, radiating protective magics as the human moved through blocks and attacks against an invisible enemy. It had to be pure silver, and likely warded as thoroughly as possible against creatures like him. One didn’t simply obtain a weapon like that without knowing what it was, what it was meant for.
He backed away slowly, fading into the underbrush, until he was absolutely certain that he was free from the human— the hunter’s range of sight.
Then, mind full of white noise, he turned and bolted.
He lost a day and a half to the blinding panic, cycling between fear-anger-exhaustion-terror until he’d finally burnt all the emotions out and collapsed.
It was an awful decision. He’d kept as far as possible from the cabin, even in his haze, and now he had no idea what the humans had done in his absence. If they knew he was there— if they’d set up traps— it would only take one slip and everything would be over.
No, if he was going to get rid of them, he needed to be as prepared as they no doubt were.
He spent sleepless nights scouring the forest, searching for any traces of them-- searching for their patrol routes, their traps, the damage to the forest they left in their wake.
But there was none. Not even a faded scent trail to suggest they’d ever been through at all. It seemed they were sticking close to the cabin.
For the first time, Virgil wondered if they’d really come for him. He hadn’t been seen by humans in years, often sticking to the shadows to scare off travelers that had overextended their stays. It was possible that they didn’t even know a shifter lived in the forest, let alone a werewolf. He couldn’t bet on it, but it was possible.
Whether he wanted to find out what they were doing here or just know what human tricks he’d be facing, he had to return to the cabin. He spent less time sleeping so that he could continue patrolling through his woods and also keep a wary eye on the humans when they roused.
The hunter was the easiest to spy on. He spent most of his time outdoors, running through a series of daily tasks that ranged from caring for the horse to gathering firewood to hauling water from the well. He practiced drills with that sword less frequently than Virgil would have expected, but when he did, he moved with the well-balanced motions and sure strikes of someone who knew their way around a weapon.
The other two were more difficult to get a read on. They didn’t seem like hunters in physique or manner, and they spent significantly more time indoors.
One had hands that carried the sharp, chemical smell of ink, and only made regular excursions from the house to mess with a plot of upturned land he’d had the hunter help him fence in. It was a garden, Virgil was fairly sure, though it looked nothing like the ones he’d planted, all careful rows and even spacing.
The other spent most of his time indoors, though he was anything but stagnant. Where the hunter focused on heavy labor and maintaining the exterior of the home, this one seemed to focus his attention on the interior care. Virgil often caught glimpses of him opening windows to air out dusty old linen or set sweet-smelling baked items along the sill.
Most interesting of all were the ways the three of them intersected.
The baker would bring simple food and drink to the scholar when he spent longer than usual wrist-deep in the dirt, and sneak the horse treats while the hunter wasn’t looking, completely unrepentant whenever he was caught.
The scholar would sit and watch the hunter run through drills, occasionally calling out an imaginary attack for him to counter, or share quiet conversation with the baker as dusk fell and the lantern bugs began to emerge.
Even the hunter was gentle, presenting freshly-plucked berries to the baker with a dramatic bow and excited smile, or crouching in the garden to listen as the scholar excitedly explained how well the new sprouts were doing.
It wasn’t like anything he’d ever seen from humans before.
He eventually decided they couldn’t know he was there; any hunter worth their salt would know that encroaching on a pack’s territory was tantamount to declaring war. The other two didn’t even seem to be combatants. If Virgil was anything other than an undersized, scrappy outlier, he could have killed all three of them at any point.
He probably still could, now that he knew when they slept and was well familiar with the ins and outs of that cabin. Unless they’d set up new defenses, or sealed off the secret passages, or randomly deviated from their normal sleeping schedule. Unless, unless, unless.
The forest had been as uneasy as him at first, but surprisingly enough, these new residents worked hard to avoid wreaking the casual destruction humans were known for. They didn’t clear swaths of land of all life or hunt the new season’s young.
As the days passed, they continued to just… exist there, long enough that deer passed through the clearing with barely the flick of an ear at the voices from inside the house.
Over time, the forest’s reluctance turned to ambivalence, and then to amusement at Virgil’s expense. He was the only one who seemed to be taking the threat seriously anymore, much to his annoyance. Sure, they hadn’t done anything yet, but the key word there was ‘yet’.
It was well into the moon’s cycle that his patience in watching the human’s was rewarded with witnessing a change in their routine. As dusk fell, the three of them left the clearing entirely, trekking into the woods with careful steps. Virgil followed at a safe distance, feeling suspicious about their uncharacteristic silence.
The hunter led the way with a glowing lantern, wary but with no sword at his hip. The baker walked behind him, carrying a wrapped, slightly bulky package in his arms, and the scholar brought up the rear with a lantern of his own. Every so often, the scholar would pause and then murmur directions.
It took Virgil an embarrassingly long time to realize they were following a leyline, and sure enough, once they reached an intersection point, they stopped and set up a brightly colored cloth, a few wooden dishes, and bound, dried herbs from the garden.
An offering, the forest seemed to croon around him, pleased with the cuts of meat and burnt herbs. Virgil couldn’t hear what the scholar said, the words quiet and slow, but with the forest present in the back of his mind, he got the general idea.
Reciprocity. Giving for what they had taken, a declaration of their intent.
The forest accepted the claim as it had accepted his offer years ago, the sound of it in the buzzing of the insects and the breeze rustling the leaves. The humans returned home, as much residents of these woods as Virgil was, now.
Between the forest’s new fondness and their own persistent harmlessness, Virgil couldn’t justify getting rid of the humans.
So instead, he stayed well away from them, only venturing out of his corner of the forest to supervise the offering trips they made into the heart of the woods on every half-moon, both waxing and waning. If the humans noticed either the forest's fond touch in the brush of its greenery against them or the weight of his narrow-eyed gaze upon them, they didn't show it.
The season shifted slowly, and then all at once. The forest grew quiet again, its greenery fading away as it and many of its inhabitants dropped into snowsleep. Virgil wished his own winter could pass so simply.
The humans’ arrival had dragged his attention away from his usual preparations, and he had enough difficulties hunting alone without adding new complications to the mix. As it stood, he had barely any body fat to speak of, and even his winter coat felt pitiful against the cutting winds and heavy snow.
Whenever he wasn’t hunting, he was curled up in his cave, wishing for the warmth of a pack to surround him. He usually ran warm, enough that even the night’s chill didn’t bother him, but it was a different story in this weather. Shifting wasn’t an option either— His human form could barely withstand minutes in the cold, let alone hours.
Looking back, he wasn’t sure whether he’d drifted towards the cabin on purpose or simply subconsciously followed the smell of smoke. The result had been the same either way.
The house had looked unbearably warm against the bleak landscape, and Virgil had spent ages arguing with himself before slinking towards the abode, unable to bear another sleepless night having any scrap of heat leached away. Honestly, he’d been half-surprised to wake up this morning.
He slunk around the edges of the building, his heart pounding at the muffled voices inside. They had no reason to believe a werewolf resided here. He was small enough to resemble a normal wolf if they caught him. He might simply be earning himself a quicker death, put down like a simple wild animal, but he felt too numb to care.
The cabin’s foundation was solid, but Virgil had spent a fair amount of time exploring the human den as a pup, telling himself he was conquering his fear. It was certainly a hunter’s hideout; he’d found a staggering number of secret passages and hidey-holes built into it for easy escape. With a little prying, they could also be used for easy entrance.
The boarded up entrance to the crawl space was just where he remembered it, faded defensive runes carved into the wood. The enchantments were long defunct, the boards old and rotted, and he’d wriggled through the crawl space enough as a kid to know that there were no lingering traps in wait.
He braced himself, and then shifted with low cracks of bone and flesh. This close to the full moon, it ached like sore muscles, but not as bad as the cold stung at his now-human body. Gritting his teeth, he quickly dug his nails into the wood, able to pry the planks free even with half-frozen fingers. Task done, he shifted back as quick as he could and waited for an agonizing moment, listening for any signs that he’d been heard.
Nothing. The distant voices carried on without a pause.
He hesitated again, but in mere seconds, meager warmth began trickling out from the opening, baiting him more effectively than any supernatural lure. He ducked his head and crawled into the passage, which was more cramped than he’d recalled but still manageable. Step by silent step, he crept through the crawl space, letting the growing heat sink into him until the biting cold was barely more than a memory.
He hadn’t realized just how far under the cabin he’d ventured until a voice rang out directly above him, the actual words lost in the rush of panic he felt, crouched and vulnerable with a human was only meters away.
He wasn’t sure how long he spent like that, tremors vibrating through him as old memories came rushing back. It was small things that brought him back; the smell of ink, the crackling of a hearth, shared laughter. He’d had none of those, back then, but they were here now. He was here now.
The humans continued to chatter casually, none of them aware that there was a beast lying in wait just under the floorboards. They didn’t know he was there. He was safely hidden away.
Slowly, inch by inch, Virgil relaxed, head tucked against his paws, adjusting bit by bit until even the creaks of the humans moving about over his head didn’t register as a threat.
Finally warm, he dropped into sleep between one exhale and the next.
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