Nature and Mushrooms
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likalex · 7 years ago
Growing mushrooms at home
This method is suitable if the frost-free period lasts for more than six months. With this method of cultivation in the summer (average temperature, good moisture) mushrooms give a good harvest, and in the open ground, if, in addition to provide easy shelter. This ensures that no compost overheating and normal air-heat mode.
Method description
 Available method in which the cultivation of mushrooms, is held under the plastic wrap or roofing material, can be harvested in the first year drop-off mycelium in the soil. However, an important condition of the breeding of fungi is the lack of interaction with the soil and protection from direct sun luchey.Poetomu can use and wall-teplichku mushroom, located on the north side of the brick or stone building. Even urban conditions allow to grow mushrooms. To do this, fit a specially equipped basements or cellars, where the 7-stillazhnaya greenhouse system is located.
 For landing grain spawn directly into the ground, it is necessary to dig the groove width okolo60 cm and a depth of about 30 cm. It is possible to plant the mycelium and in a staggered manner. Then the wells must be removed from each other by 20 cm. Necessary to lay out the bottom drain (thickness: 10 cm). On top of his stack prepared and pressed compost. After temperature stabilization, in a few days, make a bookmark mycelium in the soil. When the planned cultivation of mushrooms at home, it is best to buy from reliable suppliers in the prepared containers. The compost is necessary to make a small depression in which lay the mycelium. Planting material upbeat cover compost and a little pressed. At congenial growth after 7 days will be visible overgrown mycelium strands.
 After 3 weeks, the beds should be covered with a damp layer of earth (goptirovka) with a thickness not exceeding 30 cm. Only then will the formation of mushroom. The composition of the cover necessarily need to include chalk, peat, turf soil for the formation of optimal acidity of the soil. After laying the ground cover, the beds should be lightly compacted. It is important to monitor the conditions of development of fungi: a sufficient level of air circulation and humidity stable. The most suitable temperature for the awakening of the fungus spores is considered to 22-28 degrees, to attack the fruiting - 16-18 degrees. Excellent cope with this sheds or straw layer (15 cm). If the compost becomes noticeable white crust, the straw is temporarily removed, moisten the compost.
 The first crop of mushrooms can be harvested after 1.5 months, and the next - over 4 months. From one square meter can be collected in an average 15 kg of fungi. But because these mushrooms gentle enough, it is important to collect them immediately after ripening. The first wave of fruiting will last about 3-4 days. The highest yield (approximately 70%) occur within the first two waves.
 Cultivation of mushrooms in industrial scale.
  For commercial cultivation of mushroom today build special facilities, consisting usually of a composting plant, cultivation chambers and ancillary facilities. Industrial production is similar to mushroom cultivation oyster for mass sale. There are two ways to organize mushroom: underground and above ground.
 The advantage of underground gribovodcheskih farms that climate is relatively constant. Typically, a single-zone or multi-zone system. This method of production is characterized by low investment costs, but require additional labor costs of workers who are forced to work under zemley.Nazemny mode of production organization allows you to receive the crop all year round, since the whole process put on the conveyor, and does not depend on seasonal changes. Full cycle of growing mushrooms in this manner is 4 months. Therefore, it implies the presence of 12 cameras for the cultivation of mushrooms.
Usually, before grow champignons industrial environments, gotovyatkompost. If you previously used for this horse manure, but now increasingly prefer to incorporate a mixture of chicken manure compost. Another essential element is the fresh cereal straw golden color. The last component are mineral additives (gypsum, chalk, urea, nitrate, meat and bone meal). But to obtain high yields need proper composting, which excludes ingress of pests. Straw soaked in sterile conditions for two days. Then it was mixed with additives is formed and a high shoulder (2x2 m), leaving it to heat for 5-7 days. Periodically produce cutaways shoulder (18, 22 and 25 days). After that, make a bookmark mycelium.
 Well proven multi-zone system of production. Advantages of this method in the presence of one and a maximum pasteurization chamber 2 vegetative cells. If any box is infected, it can be processed or removed from the camera. But with this method, great effort must be considered. You can save on a separate preparation of compost and cover the mixture.
 shampinon small farms growing technology also begins with the preparation turners. Pasteurization is as follows: after thrashing the compost is left to rise in temperature (60 ° C) and complete evaporation of ammonia. Then the compost is cooled to 24 ° C and produce mycelium bookmark. It is best to make a bookmark in layers (layer 2-3). After laying temperature should be between 23 ° C. Application rate of mycelium: 8 kg of grain spawn - 1 ton of substrate. Ready substrate are placed in boxes, shelves or plastic bags. To avoid drying out the substrate is covered with a layer of newspaper, which from time to time to moisturize. Ventilation is carried out as necessary.
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likalex · 7 years ago
Mushroom cultivation at home
Amateur mushroom cultivation we recommend starting with oyster mushrooms. This delicious mushroom is the best adapted to cultivation at home. He has a number of valuable qualities: unpretentious and early appearance of fruit, from planting to first harvest is 30-40 days; high yielding - 1m2 can be removed up to 10 kg of mushrooms per month. Oyster mushrooms the easiest and least expensive in the artificial cultivation. They grow luxuriantly on all kinds of solid wood, wood by-products (sawdust, paper, straw of cereals, stalks and cobs of corn to dry the crushed fibers of sugar cane, coffee residues (shell, husk, stems and leaves of coffee), the husk of seeds of cotton, sunflower husk and other materials, too numerous to mention.
In nature, the oyster mushroom is widely distributed and she can often be seen in autumn on weakened and dead trees, stumps, Valere. She loves cool weather, not even afraid of the frost, its fruit bodies are not afraid of frosts to -5C.
To grow oyster began relatively recently, in the beginning of our century. First used extensively, the method of cultivation of mushroom. Logs of deciduous trees were cut into blocks, drilled holes in them and put the pieces of the pileus and later the mycelium. Of these artificially infested bars in forest clearings arranged mushroom plantation. That is growing so mushroom are on the path of imitation of nature, i.e. cultivated oyster mushroom on stumps and logs. The extensive method is suitable for those lovers who have a wood burning wood has little time to care for mushrooms.
But we will not discuss in detail this method of growing oyster mushrooms, because he has a lot of disadvantages: complete dependence on the vagaries of the weather, overgrown lasts 2 - 3 months, a very low yield. Those who do not like to sit and wait when you can harvest, there is a simple way to produce mushrooms regardless of climatic factors and even the time of year. For growing oyster mushrooms at home, we recommend that the substrate is to use a straw cereals (wheat, rye, barley) or a husk of sunflower. The processing of these substrates is somewhat different, so we will consider them separately, but ANY SUBSTRATE MUST BE DRY, CLEAN, WITHOUT IMPURITIES, ODORS AND MOLD. 
Straw of cereals in this respect, the most common raw material for oyster mushrooms. The degree of reduction of yield of oyster mushroom substrates of straw of various cereal crops are the following: wheat, rye, barley, oats. The straw should be broad, porous, moist and not infected. Straw require grinding, and better conditioning, but on the whole it produces good yields. Characteristics of substrates made of straw cereal crops that, depending on the species, cultivar, maturity, method of storage, different is the water saturation. If, for example, from wheat straw is sufficient for 40 minutes of soaking in cold water, for straw this year, especially recently, after collection, may require a day or more treatment chemical substances or mechanisms for the partial destruction of the wax layer. Similar fluctuations are typical for batches of straw with different fields, different methods of storing, crushed and not crushed, stahovanie or briquetted. Therefore, it is desirable to take the straw from the same manufacturer, if it is not possible to stock up in normal annual demand. If the straw is fresh and with a thick waxy coating, it requires more soaking up to 12 hours.
At home widespread hydrothermal treatment (water treatment).
Take a container (a pot, a barrel) a large amount, tamp it in the straw. The substrate is compacted tightly, but not excessively, pour water (preferably warm) and heated to bring to a temperature of 65-70C (straw not to cook!). Be kept at this temperature for 3 hours, drain the water, cooling to 20-25C. The substrate can be spread on any surface, the main objective is to remove excess water, suitable for bath or table, under which two legs, put bars to form an angle of inclination.
When the temperature of the substrate is decreased to + 20-25C, proceed to landing. While the substrate cools down (15-30 minutes), You have time to prepare the site, which will host inoculation (it must be as pure as possible), a plastic bag and seed mycelium. Plastic bags are used a wide variety of sizes. It is not recommended to use bags wider than 50 cm.
On the bottom of the package pour the substrate, tamp well, put a layer of mycelium, etc. until you complete the whole package. Free of cavities, the film should not be. The rate of planting of mycelium of oyster mushrooms 3-5% by weight of the finished substrate.
Sunflower husk, despite the apparent adaptability and the lack of necessary grinding is a complex substrate. Every party with a different processing plants must be inspected for the presence of residues of the kernel. If the amount is in the range of 3-5% by weight - this is normal and helps to increase the yield of mushrooms during the processing. Unlike straw, husk, use fresh, since prolonged storage it is heavily infected and becomes unsuitable for cultivation.
The negative is that in the summer due to the strong heating inside the blocks, the mycelium dies and work on this raw material only from October to may. Special relationships require the selection of the method of heat treatment, the application rates of planting material, temperature of incubation, the ratio of diameter and height of bags.
Husk is recommended for the shortest period of time to bring to a temperature of 90 ° C, stand 1-2 hours, drain, rinse with cold water, allow to drain 15 to 30 minutes and produce inoculation.
 Remember the following rules.
1. Try to disperse the mycelium throughout the area so that 80% was closer to the walls of the package and 20% in the middle.
2. The more layers in Your bag (at least 12), the faster the substrate overgrown with mycelium.
3. Ramming ending, leave room for a drawstring.
4. Utrambovyvaya substrate with maximum effort.
5. Perforation of the package is done in the form of holes (10-20 per bag), parts or sections (4X4 7-8 cm).
6. Package filled with substrate and mycelium is called a “block”.
7. Put the blocks in a dark place with the temperature +20C, the excess moisture may drain through the cut corners of the package.
8. The air temperature is above +24C may lead to the death of the mycelium, because the inside of the substrate rises to 30-35C.
9. In 2-3 days you will notice around the grains of the mycelium arises a white halo of thin white threads - hyphae of the fungus.
10. If everything was done correctly, after 14-16 days, Your unit will be fully utilized by the mycelium and will have a kind of white solid block. If you have a small number of infected competing moldy places, oyster mushrooms will fruit, but the final yield will be reduced.
11. Shift the unit into place fruiting - it should be light, cool, hidden from direct sunlight place (basement, barn, North side shaded by trees).
12. Even after 10 days you will notice how near the holes appear bumps is primordia (future ovaries fungi).
13. Throughout the period before the advent of primordial, all care is to maintain the required temperature and humidity, regular spraying of the unit.
14. A few days of primordial adults grow mushrooms, and the higher the temperature, the faster the development. But the quality of fruiting bodies at an elevated temperature worse.
15. During the growth of mushrooms are very sensitive to dry air and insufficient ventilation. Failure to comply with the conditions of cultivation may lead to reduction of crops and the appearance of small mushrooms light in colour, the development of a deformed mushroom, the death of germs.
16. Mushrooms love humidity, but they do not fish in the water do not live. Directly beginnings of mushrooms to water should not be, it can lead to their death.
17. When the mushroom caps on top of the splice aligned edges, it is time to harvest. Fungi disrupt aggregates.
18. Using this method, and a little experimenting, You will not only provide your home with valuable, nutritious and delicious product, but also learn to harvest in advance of the scheduled date.
19. You cannot use the methods homemade Amateur cultivation for industrial cultivation of mushrooms.
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likalex · 7 years ago
Mushroom cultivation mistakes
Novice mushroom growers very often step on the same rake. You should try to avoid common mistakes.
Usually the first mushrooms are obtained at all. Could be the lack of productivity, or the fruit of the body is not perfect, but the first mushrooms bring untold joy and gives the illusion that the mushroom cultivation is easy.
Learn the information and do not repeat common mistakes:
1. Use as raw materials of hay instead of straw. Hay contains little cellulose, but a lot of nitrogen, and quickly preobrazhaetsya. The mycelium of oyster mushrooms on hay grows poorly and Trichoderma and other pathogens is well. It is permissible to use a small amount of hay as Supplement to straw to improve crop yield.
2. The use of rotting straw. This straw is so infected with microorganisms and mold spores that no boiling it won’t kill. In half-decayed straw the oyster is nothing to do is a readily available food for their competitors.
3.  Sowing of mycelium into a hot substrate, immediately after the hydrothermal treatment. The mycelium is the mycelium, and the hot straw kills him. I remembered how as a child he learned to bake pies and diluted yeast in warm water…
4.  Adding substrate fertilizers and even manure. A gross error! You will create a fertile ground for the rapid growth of Trichoderma, of dung, but not oyster mushrooms! The chase for yield will lead to loss of entire harvest. Better try to create an optimal microclimate.
5.  Buying in retail is long overdue dried mycelium of unknown manufacturer. And at exorbitant prices. Take your time, look on the Internet offers from manufacturers of mycelium. Not the fact that the dry mycelium will revive and will continue to grow strongly. As you sow, so shall you reap!
6.  Dry substrate. The straw in the water POPs up, and if not put the load and make sure that it is in the tank covered by water completely, the part of the straw may be difficult to wet. The dry substrate may turn white, but the harvest will be weak mycelium can in General give only one wave.
7.  Waterlogged substrate. Straw can peruvianis if it keep long immersed in water. Particularly easy preobrazhaetsya oat straw, and straw mixed with hay from weeds. In waterlogged substrate little air, and the mycelium of the oyster mushroom does not grow well, some areas do not grow at all. But there will soon be a Trichoderma, dung beetles and other unexpected guests. In waterlogged mycelium block, if overgrown , may not give a second wave, the harvest will be small.
 8.  The use of big bags for blocks (50 cm and more). The unit most likely turn white and it would appear that everything is in order. However, the unit will not give the yield that You expect , as the mycelium will grow only the outer layer of the substrate, and in the middle of the mycelium is not enough air, or it will overheat during incubation.
9.  Mushroom cultivation in a dry place. Primordia dry up almost overnight if left mushroom block in the room with hot batteries. Humidity growth of fungi is of vital importance – the growing fungus takes moisture from the air! Follow the moisture all the time, especially in the summer. On hot days, spray the foil and pour the floor several times a day.
10. The cultivation of mushrooms in a wet basement with stale air without ventilation. In addition to moisture for the growing of mushroom an important inflow of fresh air. If you do not organized an ventilation - poor results are obvious! View the photographs again, with the mushrooms looking for fresh air.
 11. Watering the growing mushrooms with water. Will lead to the soaking, rotting mushrooms and the death of the primordium. It is necessary to spray the foil on the unit around mushrooms – the mushrooms only take the moisture out of the air.
12.  Dizziness from success. If You ran into complications, and grew wonderful
13.  mushrooms, it does not mean that it will always be! With Trichoderma have to meet sooner or later to all mushroom growers. And the straw can come across various. If the rains came in July-August - weeds a lot, and also roll up into a roll, it can be wet after rain. Then wait for surprises. And mycelium may be poor. But most often the effects of dizziness from success – violation of the technology and the neglect of disease prevention. Be alert, and if there is a suspicion that something is wrong – re-read the book and take action, or email us!
14.   Experiments with other fungi. If You try the described way to grow mushrooms, You hardly will succeed! Even calculatorcredit honey agaric, shiitake, Reishi require different technologies, so as the mycelium they grow much longer, and the climate they need another. What can we say about mushrooms, white mushrooms, chanterelles! Their mycelium is sold in the retail trade, but need completely different substrates and mycorrhizal fungi need the trees-the neighbours, with whom they will engage in symbiosis. Buy mycelium from the professionals, additionally require clear instructions for growing, and read different books on mushroom cultivation, to see the basic deception.
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likalex · 7 years ago
How to make grain mushroom spawn at home
Looking information on various forums, I found out that I was starting to grow mushrooms from mycelium the following types:
- grain mycelium
- mycelium on agar
- mycelium on sticks
First let’s explain what it means to find the mycelium. For this you have to go into the woods to find the mushroom you want to cultivate. Basically, this fungus can become a noble White mushroom. A portion of the mushroom 2 mm cut with a sterile knife and forceps from the middle of the legs. Sterility can be achieved by dropping them into alcohol. This will be our initial mycelium, which then will increase the grain.
On the Internet sell mostly grain and mycelium on sticks. But on the grain buy expensive and not know how it is going to be good. So I decided to buy some oyster mushroom mycelium on sticks, and these sticks to plant the seed, thereby to obtain high-quality grain mycelium.
So, let’s get to the process of growing mycelium. For this we need the grain, it is better to take the oats or wheat.
1. You need to take the pan to pour it in the grain, and pour water so that it hid the grain. To improve sterility, add to water hydrogen peroxide 100 — 200 grams per 10 liters
2. Then boil the grains for 40 minutes
3. After that it is necessary, drain the water, and the grain dried. You can use the fixture shown in figure 1. Also for best results you can add chalk and gypsum in a ratio of 1 to 100.
4. Drying of grain with the growth of the mycelium. Figure 1 Drying of grains with the growing mycelium. 1 — wooden box with 2 — fan, 3 — melkojacheistym mesh, 4 — grain
5. After the grain had dried out his shift in liter banks. In order not to infect it with mold, you need hands to handle 1-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and use the quartz lamp, you can buy or make up of the choke and the lamp bulb DRL (gently breaking the bulb on the street). Also the quartz lamp can be used in drying grain.fixtures for growing gaboutloeloe for growing mushrooms.
6.  Then, the grain must be sterilized just over an hour. In a big pot pour water and put our banks. Close with aluminum foil or cover with polyethylene. When boiling is necessary to ensure that water does not wet the lid. The figure below shows the growth of mycelium of the fungus. the mycelium of the fungus
7.  Allow the grain to cool slightly and proceed to the next step.
8.  Then the most important step and it can play a crucial role in the growth of the mycelium. Since the air contains a lot of microorganisms. Make a mycelium on sticks or from the fungus to the grain is recommended when a quartz lamp, or over a fire or in a Microlaboratory in the figure below (how to make it read in the next articles). Be sure to handle the tools in alcohol or peroxide. Paid one stick in the jar.Microlaboratory to make mycelium.
9.  After that, banks need to put in a dark room (in the Cabinet) at a temperature of 17-23 ° C
10. After the mycelium of the fungus grows it can be used to sow substructures oyster mushroom mycelium
11. After collecting a good harvest Gribovskaya mushrooms in the basement
12. Traditionally, at the end of the article a useful video on how to properly prepare grain for mycelium. I think it will be very useful, it shows you the grain during the drying process, which materials to use
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likalex · 7 years ago
Forest mushrooms
For artificial cultivation of the most suitable mushrooms belonging to the humic saprotrophs (mushrooms, raincoats) or xylotrupes (oyster mushroom, honey agaric, shiitake). However, the mushroom-lovers have always tried to grow in the artificial conditions of the wild plant, mushrooms. One of these is the most valuable of this group is the white mushroom.
 To grow a plant, mushrooms are quite difficult. This is because their mycelium fuses with the roots of trees, forming a complex symbiosis with trees. And without that connection to grow mushrooms can not. The only way of growing these mushrooms is to grow them near trees (birch, aspen, spruce or pine), growing on the plot, preferably adjacent to the forest or planting. Despite the difficulties of the mushroom still manages to grow a plant, mushrooms.
 At the beginning of last century in Russia were bred on an industrial scale ceps and mushrooms. Today, the mushroom fond of, mainly breeding white fungus. There are a few simple ways to grow in the garden white mushroom. You need to find overripe mushrooms. Put them in a wooden tub or bowl and cover with spring or rain water. To stand for days, then stir well and strain through cheesecloth. The result is a solution with numerous white spores of the fungus, which watered the selected parcels under the trees in the garden or in the forest. You can try another way. In the woods to find a place of growing mushrooms and gently dig out the pieces of the overgrown mushroom. Then, in the selected areas under the trees to dig small holes and put back the pieces of spawn the size of a chicken egg. From top to put a small litter (2-3 cm) of forest soil and slightly wet from the watering can. In any case, do not fill with water — this will lead to rotting and death of the mycelium. During dry weather should be periodically moistened with sprayer or watering the soil around the planted mushroom.
 It is possible, as seed material, to use overripe mushroom’s cap. Prepared for this area under the trees loosen, caps cut into small cubes of size 1 cm and mix them with soil, then lightly moistened the surface. For landing you can use the slightly dried porcini mushrooms, for this they laid out on the loosened soil, watered, and after 5-6 days clean. Located on the surface of the cap millions of spores, white fungus after watering into the soil and can with increasing with tree roots that will lead to the formation of fruit bodies. The favorable development of the mushrooms will only appear next year. For a start grow some mushrooms, then the whole family. In the second year, you can expect to get a good harvest.
 These methods are only used in Amateur breeding. The industry is not mastered to date, no one method of growing white fungus on an industrial scale. However, among mushroom-lovers, these methods quite often and successfully applied, especially where there are suitable for these purposes, the trees and the availability of quality planting material.
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likalex · 7 years ago
The technology of growing mushrooms in the basement
The technology of growing mushrooms in the basement
Microclimatic conditions of the cellar are ideal for growing mushrooms. Buy the mycelium and master the technology of growing mushrooms in the basement was under the power of everyone. If you want to get a good harvest, in the first place, it is necessary to pay attention to such things as: preparation of the nutrient substrate, equipment, facilities, disinfection, control of temperature and humidity. Let’s review these and other questions.
What should be the cellar?
To grow mushrooms in any well-made cellar. In the cellar floor should be of concrete, not dirt. In General, the more clean and isolated from external influences will be the room the better.
Unlike green onions and other plants, mushrooms additional lighting is not needed. Them perfectly can be grown in the dark. The light bulb is screwed only to the cellar or basement was convenient to operate.
 The cellar should be equipped with a ventilation system, as the compost on which the mushrooms grow, if active decomposition releases carbon dioxide. And the mustiness of mushrooms can not tolerate. Carbon dioxide must be removed, and in its place to receive fresh air. However, it is not necessary to prevent drafts. Vent pipe close fine-mesh netting, to not enter into insects
Temperature and humidity
To control these parameters set the premises for the mushroom growing thermometer and hygrometer. To raise humidity you can use spray racks and floor from the spray. Reduce – through ventilation.
The temperature in summer can be controlled by means of ventilation, but if you plan to grow mushrooms year-round, take care of the additional heating of the cellar.
Space zoning
If you have a cellar big enough, it makes sense to divide it into two zones. One premise you will use to incubation (proliferation of mycelium in the substrate) and the second for direct distillation of mushrooms (fruiting bodies). The temperature for the success of these processes requires a different. The mycelium is growing at about 23 degrees, and fruiting occurs at 16-17 degrees.
 Maintaining stable temperature conditions in each room, you can simply carry the drawers with the substrate. This way you can grow mushrooms continuously until half boxes of fruits in different growing mycelium and so on. If necessary, you can add a third area for compost preparation
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likalex · 7 years ago
Mushroom cultivation as a business
For industrial production, as a rule, choose these types of fungi: mushrooms; oyster mushrooms; mushrooms; truffles; porcini mushrooms; shiitake. It is worth noting that the last two varieties are very capricious in care, because many pickers believe in their cultivation unprofitable. What mushrooms as a business to grow, each business determines for itself, based on market and price situation in his region. In addition, there are a number of additional factors.
Organization of cultivation
Mushroom business requires capital investment, because a good harvest is necessary to create special conditions. This and maintaining a stable air temperature, and stability a certain level of humidity, and soil preparation and organization of artificial lighting, etc. For production of mushrooms need the space, the size of which will directly depend on the technology used and planned volumes. In short, the investment will result in: irrigation, sewage and ventilation systems; preparation of ground for germination of the mycelium and the mushrooms themselves; the equipment for manufacture of substrate (mushroom soil); a steam generator for disinfection. the preparation of the premises (repair, installation of artificial lighting, heating systems). Important! If you decide to prepare the seed yourself, for the cultivation of mycelium and the mushroom bodies will require two different rooms because they require the maintenance of different temperature conditions and humidity.
Technical conditions to produce a crop of mushrooms
 1. Technological features will depend on the specific species of mushroom you wish to grow. For example, growing mushrooms as a business will require the availability of land with the prepared soil and growing near trees of such species as birch, pine, oak, etc. But the mushrooms and oyster mushrooms can be cultivated in specially prepared a greenhouse or the basement, getting large year-round yields. That is why mushroom hunters often choose for entrepreneurship is one of these types of mushrooms.
2. Mycelium and substrate for production, you can buy ready-made from companies involved in their manufacture. This will involve additional costs, but will simplify and accelerate your business.
3. At the same time, all you need for growing mushrooms, you can prepare yourself. The substrate is typically made from fresh grain straw or sunflower husks, chicken manure or cattle manure, chalk and fertilizer
4. To increase the yield in it can be added to sawdust, chips, bark, chaff, etc.
5. Aging of soil is carried out within 22 to 26 days, depending on its composition. The cost may be minimal when purchasing straw in the fields during harvest time and self-Assembly of other materials in the nature
6. Growing mycelium requires specialized knowledge and skills. It is made from the mother cultures under certain conditions for continuous update in order to avoid degeneration. In itself, the growing mycelium can become quite a lucrative business.
 The technology of growing mushrooms: a quick, step by step
 1.  Preparation of soil and planting of mycelium.
2.  Sprouting mushroom for about two weeks at a temperature of about 22-24 degrees, relative humidity 60-70% and well ventilated.
The harvest is collected in three stages, lasting 5-7 days with breaks in 12-14 days between them, after which the substrate mycelium is utilized, disinfection and a new cycle begins.
Implementation and profitability
 The cultivation of mushrooms as a business requires a reliable and stable distribution channels because the product is quite perishable. Mushrooms can be implemented:
- on the market with the help of hired implementer
- in shops and supermarkets (need certification)
- sites and shops for the sale of eco-products (products must have an impeccable view);
- independently by opening your own shop or organizing the work of the online store
- companies engaged in wholesale trade.
Business on the mushrooms requires incurring ongoing costs for soil and planting material, the necessary temperature and humidity, the salary to employees (and at large enough volumes without hired labour will not do), disinfection, as well as the transportation of raw materials and finished products. Important! For growing about 6 tons of mushrooms, you will need to expend approximately 200 thousand roubles for current needs. At an average price of mushrooms in the 100 rubles for 1 kg, revenue will be 600 thousand rubles, and net profit can reach 400 thousand rubles.
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likalex · 7 years ago
How to grow mushrooms at home
Mushrooms today were a species of mushroom that is available for growing at home. The period between planting the mycelium in a substrate and receiving the first fruits of the minimum. For mushroom cultivation does not require special conditions. It is sufficient to make a cool room with high humidity. Make a basement or cellar.
Mushrooms can be grown both for personal use and for sale. But it is important to know that substrate for their growth in the wet form exudes a very strong smell. Keep it in a residential area is not desirable.
Planting of mycelium and care of the mycelium
Take a piece of mycelium the size of a chicken egg and bury it in the substrate of about 5 cm Each portion of the mushroom located at a distance of 20 cm from each other. For planting use a staggered arrangement. The other method assumes a uniform distribution (powder) mycelium all over the substrate surface. Bury also have no more than 5 cm. Further actions include the provision of necessary conditions for the engraftment and germination of mycelium. The humidity should be maintained at about 90 %. The substrate also needs to be in a constant wet condition. To prevent it from drying out and the mycelium can be covered with a sheet of paper. Watering of the substrate is carried out through the paper. Important conditions for the engraftment of the mycelium – to constantly maintain the temperature of the substrate at the level from 22 to 27 degrees. Any temperature deviation from the norm needs to be immediately adjusted. Germination time of mycelium is about 7 to 14 days. The substrate at the end of this period needs to be prisypanija a covering soil layer of about 3 cm It is prepared independently of one part sand to nine parts peat. Per square meter of mushroom will take approximately 50 kg of soil cover. The cover layer is kept on the substrate for three days, then the temperature of the air in the basement or cellar, reduced to 15-17 degrees. Cover the soil moistened with spray, and the room is constantly ventilated. Drafts are unacceptable
The process of self-cultivation of mushroom in the conditions of the cellar or basement is not too difficult and time-consuming. The period from planting to first harvest is 120 days. For food fit only those fungi in which the plate under the bonnet are not visible yet. Those mushrooms which are large in size, perestali and plastics a dark brown color, forbidden to use in food. They can cause poisoning. The mushroom should not be cut, and gently pluck vykruchivalis movement. The resulting deepening sprinkle with a cover substrate and moisturize. The mycelium will fruit for about 2 weeks. The number of harvests collected over this period equals 7. With one square, the area harvested up to 14 kg of the crop.
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