#but damn work is work is work 37 h a week
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......soooo like
coffee shop au on ferrix anyone?
velcinta september day 26: ferrix
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as for the questions, here are my requests :)) you can absolutely choose to only do one of them, do some or even al of them! everything's fine by me!
15, 16, 21, 31, 34, 37 (her with her hyperfixations lol) and B and H
for me these are the most interesting ones based on her canon (and after reading your answer to the previous ask)
Ooooh no no, I'm doing ALL OF THEM <3 you don't deserve less given your support!
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
It depends on the language she's speaking at the moment.
Obviously, if it's French, German or Russian (in that order of knowledge), she'll take a moment to think what she wants to say and how to say it... unless she is effing angry.
She is basically fluent enough in English to barely think about it unless it's some obscure vocabulary that she hasn't encountered before for some reason, and she has no shame in looking it up.
And Spanish (Castilian) is her mother tongue, so she just lets it out. She has the problem though that sometimes, she knows how to say it in one language but can't for the life of her remember how it is in the other, and viceversa (happens to me -_-)
And if she's angry, like ANGRY ANGRY she forgets any language and just howls at you in Spanish (while Soap's rolling on the floor usually)
16. What makes their stomach turn?
Literally? Creepy crawlies. Worms, centipedes (omg, those), slugs (not snails, those are cute), etc etc... makes her skin crawl. If she sees them and is prepared, is not that bad, but if she gets the nasty surprise she might even let out an undignified screech. Johnny only tried to prank her with a slug once, and she didn't talk to him for a week.
Figuratively? She has no problems with blood, guts, and all kind of side effects of being a SAS operative. But what grinds her gears is abuse. Of all kinds. She sees bullying or abuse of any kind, she'll get her hands dirty, consequences be damned. She was bullied while a kid until she started fighting back, and she'll be damned if she tolerates it in her presence.
21. Why do they get up in the morning? 
It hasn't been mentioned I think, and nobody asked, but after her parents death, and the following death of her only surviving grandparent, she fell into deep depression, not knowing what to do now that she was truly alone in the world. She even considered going to a cliff somewhere and... you get my meaning.
She instead decided to leave college and enlist, guided by grief and the desire of fighting the same kind of terrorists that murdered her parents (she worked that out in therapy long ago).
Meeting Johnny gave her an anchor, her person, the sibling she never had. They were each other's support, taking care of each other, and in her worst days, if she got up in the mornings was so he wouldn't have to worry.
Now in the TF141 she feels she has a purpose, a place where she belongs, and although some days it's still hard, it's steadily getting easier.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met? 
Well, first and foremost, Johnny. Not even him is aware of how much his friendship has helped her. Riot literally has no one apart from him, prior to being in the Task Force. She is friends with Kate Laswell (no spoilers but... BUT), and was friendly with her squad, but she is quite an introverted person and for her is difficult to open up.
She is glad to finally be in the 141 (again, no spoilers, BUT), and she cares deeply for the core members, feeling 'at home' at last, and she's thankful that it seems they accept her. That Price has unofficially adopted her (making her sign up papers making him her next of kin) means more than she can say with mere words.
She'll be glad to meet Nikolai (in two chapters) and later down, Zhar, with whom she'll connect in ways she never expected, and quickly.
And of course... she's glad she's met Simon.
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
She won't shake it. She'd dwell and drown on it. The loss of Phoenix Squad and her survival (if you can call what happened 'surviving') makes her feel survivor guilt that eats her alive in her worst moments. She couldn't have known, she couldn't have prevented, she couldn't have done anything to save them, but guilt is irrational.
37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
Lists. Lists and lists and lists. She can remember by heart dozens of dog breeds,recognize music bands just by the singer (but not know the name of the song), swear words in different languages including ones that she does not speak fluently (much to Zhar's disgust, Riot learnt bad words from Nikolai. Bad, bad Nikolai), has music in her head all the time and taps her fingers to the rythm or hums with it. But she'll forget to eat more often than not.
Notes in her phone, in napkins, in kleenex, food wrapping, on the back of her hand, in whatever piece of paper or card she can get her hands on if she absolutely needs to write something down or gets something in her head that needs to be remembered later.
Most of the time in a mix of English and Spanish, unless it's vocabulary of any of the languages she's obsessed with learning at the moment, or improving.
Her notes can (and do) include: chemistry or physics formulas (she forgets those most of the time or mixes them up, and needs them if Johnny is not near), names and pronouns of the recruits she's currently in charge of (along with nicknames if needed), the number of the nearest pizza chain, ...
B) What inspired you to create them?
Brainrot mostly. I started getting COD videos on TikTok and fics and gifs on Tumblr around last Christmas, and listening to ONE LINE, literally, from Ghost made me all mush. Then I started watching more and more, and got the itch, which I hadn't had in years. Like, ten years. I used to draw, I even had (it's still there but inactive) a gallery in DeviantArt, and I wrote fanfiction. Had shit happening in my life and I stopped, had no energy or motivation anymore.
I started fantasizing about writing again, had the script in my head, dialogues, I started taking handwritten notes, I wrote the first chapter in three hours by hand while watching over an exam. The character was fleshed out, at least the basics, since minute one, and I based Riot on my Commander Christine (lol) Shepard which can be seen here. The surname is from Vega from Street Fighter (which is supposed to be Spanish and it's so cringey but I like the name)
H) What trait do you admire most?
She's resilient and relentless. She's like a bull, she won't stop for anything if she has to get to you, tearing walls if needed. She also has a strong will and won't be swayed this or that way (unless you manage to manipulate her, in which case you better prepareAHEMLASWELL). Stands up to anything and anyone, no matter rank or size (and without care for the consequences... which is not really healthy, honestly)
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l223m0nade · 2 years
Here it is! Just a little fic of Bucky in Wakanda having flower allergies and being a cute mess. 🌼💐🌸🤧 hope yall enjoy!!!!
           Steve and Bucky walked along a path through Wakandan jungle, in the thick, lush forest that lay between Birnin Zana and the border village where Bucky spent much of his time.
           The topics of their conversation ranged from Shuri’s genius-teenager antics in her lab, to Steve and the other fugitive Avengers’ globetrotting stealth missions, to the finer points of goat herding Bucky was learning, to shared memories from the past they were rediscovering together.
           “God, he was a sonofabitch,” Bucky chuckled as they finished recalling a story about a prank they’d pulled on Murray, the bully of a dock manager Bucky had worked under in ’37.
           Steve was guffawing with the memory, but noticed as Bucky scrunched his nose and then turned to the right, sneezing a soft, sudden “h-tchssh!” into his wrist and stumbling from it just a little.
           The sight didn’t worry him—Bucky had only been out of cryo a few weeks, and while he was mostly adjusted to the missing weight of the metal arm, occasionally some residual tipsiness showed through in his balance. Sneezing was a little unusual for a supersoldier, but Steve was too busy giggling to give it any thought.
           “I can’t believe I’d almost forgotten that!” he gasped.
           The combined joy of having someone to reminisce about the lost world of his youth with, that person being Bucky, and Bucky chiming in to fill gaps in Steve’s memories, was enough to make him giddy. He felt like he could laugh all day.
           “The whole thing was YOUR idea!” Bucky exclaimed. His own laughter was still dying down, until his breath caught, and his head snapped aside as more sneezes urgently overtook him: “hh-itsch—itsch! ITschoo!”
           Eyebrows raised, feeling the rise of his awkwardly intense brand of worry where Bucky was concerned, Steve said, “Bless y—”
           “Tschoo! ih-hitschiew!” Bucky’s nose interrupted as he sneezed yet again.
           “Jeez, Buck! What’s got you doing that?” The last time he’d heard that many sneezes from his friend, maybe the last time he’d heard any, had been sometime like ’41, the last time he’d passed one of his interminable winter colds along to Bucky when they lived together in the drafty tenement apartment, before both of them changed forever into heroes that didn’t catch the sniffles. At least he thought they didn’t. Even then, as he recalled, they hadn’t sounded like these quick, ticklish, insistent flurries.
           Bucky sniffed and rubbed his nose furiously while casting his gaze all around. “’S that fuckin—where is it…” he muttered. He was searching the surrounding vegetation for something. “There! Augh.” He pointed off the path. “See—those purple—h-tchoo—flowers,” interrupting himself with a small uncovered sneeze.
           Steve peered in the direction he indicated and saw a small thicket a few yards off the trail of what looked like ferns festooned with purple blossoms, bobbing in the gentle breeze. He turned an incredulous look to Bucky, who was still sniffing itchily and rubbing at his nose. “What, you’re allergic? Can that even happen to us?”
           “Apparently so!” scoffed Bucky, waving his hand at his rapidly pinkening nose and watery eyes. “Far as I remember I never had an allergy before in my life. But there’s all kinds of plants here that don’t grow anywhere else. Snff! Finally figured out it was those ones —hih— makin’ me…sneeze…” he trailed off,  but shook his head and rubbed his nose with a vengeance and managed to shake the tickle off. “Thought I knew which spots to steer clear of. Now I’m gonna be like this- SNFF!- for the next three damn…hh-hours…
...huh…hh-h-Gnxtch! Mmptch—mmptch—HENKtchiew! Huh-esshha! Fuck!” He was overtaken by rapid sneezes that he tried to stifle into his hand, only half-succeeding, before letting the last one out with exasperation.
            “Wow. Bless you! You alright?” There was that worry again. Ever since they’d been reunited it was all Steve could do at any given moment to stop himself from hovering over Bucky, flapping his arms like a literal mother hen.
             Bucky shot him an amused look through his narrowed watering eyes, like he knew just what he was thinking. “SNfff-snfff! Been a whole lot worse, pal, trust me.”
            The words might have been wry, but he said them sincerely, with his warm, crinkle-eyed smile, the one that had been so familiar on the Bucky of the past, but was new and miraculous to see spreading across his face here and now. It had only reappeared these last few weeks, since Bucky had been brought out of cryo, tested the Winter Soldier trigger words, and found himself free for the first time in 70 years. Steve breathed through a surge of emotion and kept himself from whooping, grabbing Bucky and spinning him around, or anything else he felt like doing at the sight of that smile.
           “I sound like you used to in May,” Bucky remarked, sniffing again, pulling out a bright scrap of cloth and blowing his nose quietly. He quirked his eyebrows questioningly at Steve, asking for confirmation —“Right?”— without saying anything.
           “Ugh,” Steve said, remembering, “yeah, but I was even more of a mess.” Bucky chuckled, stowing his handkerchief to rub his hand over his whole face repeatedly. “Which is how I know that—” he swatted at Bucky’s hand, “only makes it worse.”
           “It itches,” Bucky growled petulantly, giving his eye a final rub, and grumbling, “like you ever followed any advice about feeling better when it was you.” He looked like he was about to embark on a Stubborn Sick Small Steve tale from the winters of the 1930s, but then paused, blinking rapidly, and ducked his head, to the left this time, with a quick ­“hih-kshchoo!”
           Since he lacked an arm to sneeze into on that side, the soft spray caught Steve on the elbow and forearm, and he yelped a bit in surprise at the sensation.
           “Sorry!” Bucky exclaimed, sniffing and laughing and not sounding very sorry at all. Steve was glad he wasn’t embarrassed, and despite his initial reaction he’d let Bucky sneeze on him a hundred times if it’d make him laugh like that.
           “Every once in a while, I still forget,” he explained, gesturing to the empty space on his left side. “I’m used to doing most everything one-handed now, but I guess not snee—hih—heezing…heh...” he scrunched his nose and hitched, scrambling to grab the handkerchief and sneeze into it, “huh—tdschoo! eh-mptschuh! huh-gnxtchoo! etchumpff—tchmpff!” He emerged sniffling from the cloth, looking ridiculously pink and bleary, blinking and shaking his head and getting caught totally off guard by one last little tickly tsshiew! that burst out before he could do anything to cover it.
           Steve knew well, from his own experience before the serum: allergy attacks were annoying, really annoying, to go through. But, God, he couldn’t help it— he snorted and then let out a peal of laughter as Bucky glared his itchy eyes at him. The scowl remained as Steve stifled his giggles and Bucky blew his nose, but Steve could tell he was smiling under the cloth.
           “You poor guy,” he chortled and then dodged with a squawk as Bucky feinted whipping him with his sodden hanky. “C’mon, Sneezy, let’s get back to your place. I’ll show you how nice that wet cloth you used to put over my eyes feels.”
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cyberrat · 3 years
53rd Batch Of Fics: 1st Fill
McCree/? – Milky AU – Part 37 – dirty talk; breeding; reverse revenge porn? – It's Genji's last few days on Milky. Before he gets sent off to one of the actual farms he gets his very first breeding in a clinical environment. Jesse is there to help him with that thing he asked him to do weeks ago. Getting his brother an aneurysm :)
Lúcio bursts into the breeding room. He’s out of breath after having hauled ass through Milky just to get there in time; and still he is too late.
“Dude, what did I miss?! My stretch session went on way long… oh damn who’re… are those the studs?”
He trots to where Jesse is standing in the middle of the room, pointing a phone at the scene to capture everything: Genji strapped down on the bench, all four limbs fixated against the legs of the equipment, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he’s getting fucked by a surprisingly slim looking man.
Slim and without a hair on his body; instead intricate tattoos and decorative necklaces that clink with every fast, hard thrust he gives Genji… and a serene smile on his face.
Jesse half turns to him. His belly has gotten huge since the last time Lúcio had seen him in person. The jelly must be working overtime in his guts.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it. Doesn’t look like they’ll stop any time soon. Think they got a whole lotta stamina in them? Here. Say hi to Genji’s bro. He didn’t wanna miss his little brother’s first official breeding session. Isn’t that just cute?”
Jesse throws an arm around Lúcio’s shoulders and pulls him in, showing him the screen of the phone he’s holding. On it, Lúcio can see a man who looks startlingly alike Genji… and yet nothing at all like him. He doesn’t have Genji’s… charm, that much is clear even through a screen. In fact, his face is covered in red splotches, hands balled into fists on his desk.
Lúcio only has time to lift his hand in a lame greeting before Jesse pulls the phone away again and steps closer to get a better view of Genji’s slack face.
“Anyway. You said you wanted a close-up, didn’t you? Here it is. Look how much he loves it! Totally out of it, this slut. Didn’t think he’d go just belly up for a new stud, but I guess that’s what we’re supposed to do? Like… just spread your legs for whoever they point us at and let ‘em fuck us up? Can ya imagine him in the wildlife works? Bet he’ll be awesome. You gotta be so damn proud of your li’l bro.”
Lúcio creeps closer. Jesse must have turned Hanzo’s volume way down because he starts arguing almost immediately but the words are indistinct under Jesse’s broad, deep drawl.
“Hey Genji. Wanna say somethin’ to your bro?” Jesse puts the phone in his face. Genji groans drawn out, a string of spit dripping from his lolling tongue. He looks completely blissed out just from one cock. Or is it his second already?
A man that Lúcio hadn’t even noticed shifts closer toward the stud and leans in to whisper something into his ear. Close together as they are, they look like twins at first; both tall and lean with nary a hair on their body; but another look shows that the other man must be older; his features are a bit more angular which has him more severe looking than the stud currently putting good work into Genji’s first, real breeding.
Whatever the man said, it makes the stud start to smile so wide, he looks feline for a moment.
Pausing, he wipes a thin forearm over his forehead, looking toward his friend and then Lúcio. Genji starts to whine, so he puts a hand against his spine, calming him effortlessly.
“You may come closer if you like, so you can have a better view. You look like you’re approaching your due date to be discharged from the farm as well…? Maybe we will soon have the pleasure. Professionally, of course.”
That makes him smile even wider, if possible.
“My name is Zenyatta. This is Mondatta.”
“Uh… hi.” Lúcio whispers. He feels awed, in a way. Before he can say anything more, Jesse starts talking again.
“Y’know, you should be proud of your baby bro. He’s got a lot of stuff planned. Like going out to the wildlife preservation when he’s done a round or two in the milk industry. Don’t you think that’s just dandy? Got a big heart, this one.”
For the first time, Lúcio can hear the man with the brick red face speak, though the volume is so low that it is pretty hard to make out.
“Give my… brother… the phone. I have to talk to him. This is absolute nonsense.”
“Ah sorry. No can do. Genji’s pretty busy bein’ a fuckin’ slut durin’ his first breeding, y’know? Ya probably can’t see him properly or somethin’ or you wouldn’t have asked? Here, wait a sec. I’ll move around ‘im so you can see him in all his glory-”
He starts shuffling around Genji, huge belly and all, but stops short and pulls a face.
“Aw Genji. He finally hung up. That’s a damn shame.”
“Keep rolling, though!” Lúcio finally caught on to what was, or is, happening and he is beaming as he bounces to Jesse’s side and peers at the screen. “Dude, keep the video rolling. I bet he’d love getting it send to him later, you know? The connection’s probably just shoddy.”
Genji starts to giggle, though it soon devolves into a throaty groan as Zenyatta hooks two long, slender fingers in alongside his cock and gives the rim a nice, sharp tug. He obviously has experience with cows getting their first breeding.
“Yeah keep… keep rolling. I don’t want Hanzo to miss this.” He is flexing his fingers a few times before clutching the legs of the breeding stand, knuckles going white, head hanging low.
“Holy shit he’s reaching so deep…”
Zenyatta is smiling, relaxed and cheerful, like his slim hips aren’t pumping against Genji’s ass in a punishingly fast rhythm.
Lúcio reaches out and grabs a hold of Genji’s tail. It has been bound away so it can’t accidentally slap anybody around him. He glances at Jesse again. He’s got one hairy arm resting on his huge belly while filming with his free hand. He’s got an erection like a baseball bat, though Lúcio couldn’t say whether that is from watching Genji getting fucked or from the presence of the two studs.
It’s always exciting to have new cocks around.
“No way he’s reaching deeper than that toy you used last week. I saw it moving in your dang belly, dude. I thought it was going to choke you or something.”
Genji’s eyes are starting to glaze over, his mouth going slack again.
“Oh… oh yeah… I remember…”
“Uh-huh. I bet it’ll be so good to get pregnant and start growing a calf and actually giving milk… but I bet it’ll be even better once you go into preservation. You know you could sign up for some tigers. I heard they’re huge and they got spikes on their dicks. Can you believe that?”
Genji whispers a heartfelt shit, and lets his head sink down, his body jerking with every fast thrust coming from his stud.
Jesse is grinning from ear to ear now. He seems to cotton on to what Lúcio is doing for the video.
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wonderful-writer · 4 years
25 - Trap
Summary: A week after Y/n almost brought Clarke home, her father and Abby head to Polis for a Summit Delegation, and send her and the group to Mount Weather, where the rest of Farm Station are being held. Azgeda attacks the mountain, leading to the deaths of 37 people.
Word Count: 2.55k 
Warnings: Character death, violence, explosions, etc.
Based Off: 03x03, “Ye Who Enter Here”
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In the week since you almost found Clarke, you were stuck with inventory checks. Of course, when that wasn’t happening you were arguing the recent decision to put the people of farm station who didn’t fit into Arkadia into Mount Weather. It was a stupid decision in itself, but apparently only you and Bellamy could see that.
Today, however, was the day that you would be travelling to Mount Weather with the others, a list of things to fix and do from Abby. You spent the ride lost in your thoughts about the outcome of the Summit. Clarke was there, in Polis, and you knew you could help with the delegation. It barely registered for you that you had arrived, only noticing when you heard the metal creaking open.
You stepped out, noticing Bellamy staring off into the forest. Walking up to him, you put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention. “Hey,” You said. “What’s going on up in that pretty little brain of yours?”
“The delegation; I should be there. We both should.”
“I know, Bell. But I’m sure everything will be fine by the time they get back, and maybe Clarke will be with them when they do.” You assured him. “It just sucks that my dad thinks he can teach me a lesson by benching me. Him of all people should know that it won’t work,”
You smiled at your boyfriend, who was chuckling at your words. He moved past you to grab one of the bags filled with gear to fix up Mount Weather, handing it to you with a kiss to the cheek before grabbing his own. As you walked up to the doors of Mount Weather with Bellamy and Octavia on either side of you, Raven told Gina about how she saved Sinclair back on the Ark, although you weren’t really listening.
Hers and Gina’s words faded as you closed in on the mess hall, hearing the music, chatter, and clanging of utensils against plates. You tensed, the familiarity of it all reminding you of the previous inhabitants of the mountain and what they did to get to the ground. Pike welcomed you, inviting you to join him and the others. You knew you would never live comfortably in these halls, not like them.
“Someone’s made themselves at home,” Raven commented.
Octavia swept her eyes across the room before speaking. “There must be 30 of them in here,”
“36, but the more, the merrier,” Pike said, shaking Bellamy’s hand.
“36? Wow, the grounders are gonna think we moved in,” You commented sardonically. The thought alone of them living here permanently scared you, knowing that it could possibly cause a war in itself with the grounders. Again.
Bellamy gave you a pointed look as Pike spoke. “Well, there was no room at the inn.”
Octavia spoke once again and Bellamy cut her off with a stern look, leading her to hand ehr bag to Raven and leave the mountain. You were tempted to follow her, but Sinclair came through one of the doors and caught your attention.
“Reyes, you’re 3 hours late,” Sinclair reprimanded. “We’ve got no power to medical, fluctuations on levels 2 and 3, and blown fuses all over the place. Get on it.”
“You can do no wrong, huh?” Gina commented lightly as Raven walked away, you and Gina following after her to help with the electrical issues. You could barely fix a few of the blown fuses when Pike radioed Sinclair and called off fixing the power, saying they were needed back in the mess hall.
“Why the hell are they calling us off?” Raven asked. “I’ve got tripped circuits all over the grid.”
“Oh, whatever it is, it supersedes fixing the power problem.”
As soon as you were in the mess hall with the others, Bellamy spoke. “Alright, listen up. If we want to get to Polis before the attack, we have to move.”
“I’m sorry, attack?” You shook your head, not believing what you were hearing.
“Attack? Do we have confirmation of that?” Sinclair asked.
“We radioed, but no answer.”
“They may already be dead, for all we know,” Pike said, striking a chord. “And if they are, we need to be ready to respond.”
“Don’t make this about the missiles,” Sinclair told him.
“This is about survival,” Pike argued. “We don’t have the numbers, but the missiles in this mountain even the playing field, and you know I’m right.”
“Even if I did agree with you, we still don’t have the launch codes.”
“No, but we have me,” Raven spoke up.
At that point you didn’t bother to listen anymore, instead turning to Bellamy to see what he thought about using the missiles. He was looking at Raven, however, and you couldn’t read his face. He almost seemed okay with using the missiles, as if they didn’t almost kill his sister. Raven and Sinclair walked over to the entrance with Gina, waiting for you to join them.
Bellamy moved over to you and spoke. “You should stay here with them,”
“Bellamy, I’ve already decided. I’m going.” You told him, watching as he formed a response.
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am, Bellamy! My dad is in Polis, if he gets hurt because of this, I need to be there.” You persisted. “And if you get hurt, then what am I gonna do?”
“That’s exactly why you can’t go. I need to keep you safe,” Bellamy’s eyes showed you that he wouldn’t be giving up any time soon. You weren’t either, but you knew this would get you both nowhere.
“Fine, I’ll stay. But I will be groveling and complaining that I didn’t go the entire time.” Bellamy laughed and pulled you into his arms, giving you a kiss. “Just, don’t do anything too stupidly heroic, please.”
“Got it, averagely stupid heroic.” You laughed and pulled him into a tight hug before parting ways. You towards Sinclair, Raven, and Gina, Bellamy in the opposite direction. You followed the trio to level 7, where the command center is, hoping to find the codes in there. After hours of you trying to make sense of the coding in the silent comms room, Raven spoke to herself.
“Damn it,”
“What happened to that Raven Reyes confidence?” Sinclair asked from behind her, eyes glued to the screen.
“It’s a 12-digit code, there are a trillion combinations.” Raven said frustratedly. “It’s gonna take me a minute.”
You looked up from your screen across from Gina as she did, glancing at the angry woman and thinking over a few different ways you could find the code. “Gina, Y/n, what do you got?”
“Don’t look at us, we’re just grunts.”
“Oh, come one, guys. It’s gonna be dark soon.” Sinclair said, pacing lightly. “We’re working analog, we’re working digital. What are we missing?”
“How is the president going to remember a number that long?” Gina questioned.
You thought about Dante and how old he was, knowing that there was no possible way for him to remember that long of a number for too long. “Not that well, he was old.”
“Wanna bet he wrote it down somewhere?”
“Oh, come on.” Raven turned around. “That’s like setting the launch codes to all zeros.”
“And yet, it’s better than anything we’ve come up with.” Sinclair countered.
“Y/n and I will check the president’s office.” You stood and grabbed a walkie from beside you as Sinclair tossed one to Gina.
“We’ll keep working the tech angle. Hopefully one of us will get lucky.”
As you walked down the hall to the president’s office with Gina, you spotted something on the end of the hall. A sign, with an arrow pointing to the left that read ‘record’s room’.
“Hey, Gina, there’s a records room down the hall. I think I’m gonna check it out, see what I can find.” You told her as you stopped at the president’s office door.
“Sure, I’ll see what I can find in here,” She nodded towards the office. “Just keep your radio on channel 5, holler if you need me.”
You nodded and continued down the hall, following the path to the record room, pulling open the door to reveal floor to ceiling filing cabinets, lining the walls and in the middle. You studied them, seeing that each drawer was dated with the year. You went to the first cabinet to your left, near the door, seeing it was dated 2188, which was last year.
Pulling the drawer open, you took the files from it and placed them on the ground, sitting with them to get a little more comfortable. You flipped through each file carefully, and when it didn’t give you any useful information, you put it on the other side of you and started with a new one. Your radio was sitting right in front of the filing cabinet you were sitting in front of, for easier access.
By the time you’d poured over most of the thick files in the first drawer, your radio cut in. “Gina to Raven, come in.”
“Go for Raven,”
“I’ve got nothing.” Gina sighed. “No launch codes. I guess our luck is still holding.”
“Same here,” You sighed. “You’d think a records room would keep track of the launch code, but it’s all just population count and radiation tolerance.”
Your radio crackled and Raven’s voice came through. “Okay. Keep looking, we’ll do the same.”
You set your radio back where it was when it crackled again, a muffled scream passing through it. Raven called out for Gina and you did, too. When Gina didn’t respond, you pushed the heavy file off of your laps and got up from your position, hurrying back down the hall to the president’s office. The hallway had never felt as long as it did now, feeling like centuries had passed before you reached the glass doors.
As soon as you were in front of them, you made eye contact with a grounder in white war paint, making the connection in your head moments before he attacked you. Ice Nation’s attack. It wasn’t Polis they were going after, it was Mount Weather. Once you finished your thought, he charged at you with a bloody knife.
You attempted to block his hit as best as you could without taking the time to pull out your sword, and he missed his target, hitting your left shoulder instead. You screamed in pain, but that fueled your will to fight even further. He removed the blade from you and you fell to the floor, but as he leant over you to finish you off, he left himself open for an attack.
You pulled your leg up and smashed it into his groin, watching him fall as you struggled to sit up. You pulled your dagger from your holder and got his shoulder as well, pulling it out and leaning forward to hit him in the side of the head with your elbow. He takes the blow and stands after a few moments, looking over at the desk and taking off down the hall. You followed his line of sight and gasped, seeing Gina slumped onto the desk with blood pouring from her mouth.
“Gina!” You rush over to your friend, pulling her up to see her shirt stained red. “Oh my God, Gina. What the hell happened?”
“The code, it’s on his arm.” She said slowly. You knew what she was talking about, but only gained a full perspective when you looked at the timer on the desk.
You pulled her radio off the desk and spoke to Raven. “We have a problem. A grounder attacked us and set off the self-destruct sequence. The codes, they’re on his arm. You have to get them,”
With that, you lifted Gina’s arm and put it around you. “Let’s go, we’re getting out of here.”
“No,” Gina protested. “I’ll be fine, go get the codes and come back for me after,”
You looked at Gina sadly, putting her back down. “I will be back for you, Gina.”
She sent you a smile and you took off towards the stairway to the emergency exit, knowing that the elevator wouldn’t be fast enough. You heard the thumping of footsteps and knew Raven was just up ahead, hearing Gina tell her through the radio that there was only 45 seconds left until the mountain came crumbling down.
Speeding up, you caught up with Raven and made it up the stairs, through the exit. The grounder was on top of Sinclair and Raven acted fast, pulling out her pistol and killing him. Sinclair pushed the body off of him as Raven shouted to get the codes from his arm. You ran with her, pushing past the searing pain in your shoulder and ripped the sleeve off of one of his arms as Raven practically screamed into the radio for Gina.
Raven started to make her way back to the entrance and Sinclair chased after her, as did you, but the building blew up before you reached it, sending all three of you flying backwards. The landing winded you and sent a shockwave of pain through your body. Once you were able to sit up, you helped Raven and you went to Sinclair, but he was unconscious. You both sat by him as Raven grabbed her radio to contact Bellamy.
“Bellamy, Bellamy come in.” She said. “The grounders attacked Mount Weather.”
You looked at the smoldering remains of the mountain and although you were grateful it was erased from the earth and you would never see it again, you knew that 37 of your people had died there today, one of which was your best friend.
Bellamy’s voice came through the radio. “What are you talking about?”
You were quick to take over the radio to give a response. “It’s all gone, Bell. They- they set off the self-destruct, I got hit in the shoulder, and Gina... she’s- Bellamy she-”
You managed to compose yourself a little longer. “Raven, Sinclair and I are the only ones left.” The adrenaline wore off quickly and your tears couldn’t be subsided this time. You broke down alongside Raven, the tears and pain taking all of your energy and soon enough, you collapsed into the darkness of sleep.
Taglist:  @soullessbabee​​ | @hyperion-moonbabe-art3mis​​ | @dummythiccwitch​ | @sireddobrev​​ | @gxvrielle​ | @hurricane-abigail​ | @holyhumorliteraturelight​ | @lilacs-lavender​
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banyeet · 5 years
Studying Tips from a Bad Student
Print out your syllabus.
Carry it with you.  Highlight readings when they are assigned and cross them off as you complete them.  
Put in the dates of all your assignments the first day of class.  Make special note of overlapping assignments/exams.  3 midterms and 2 papers due during the same week?  Better to know 2 months in advance instead of 2 days.
Pick 1 office hour for each class that works with your schedule.
I never ever went to office hours before becoming an adult.  Honestly, I hate commuting, and I don’t like spending my free time on campus.  So if I’m going to attend tutorials or office hours, there better be a damn convenient time for me to go.  
Pick one time for each professor that you feel like you don’t mind attending, and highlight/write down that information where it’s easily accessible to you.  Do this during the first week of classes.  
If you can’t find a regular office hour time that works for you, immediately contact your prof or TA to ask how they feel about e-mailed questions or scheduled appointments for when you need help.  Once you hear back with their alternative, make note of it in that same accessible place so you know what your options are when you have questions.
Take notes by hand.  
I type way faster than I can write, and I’m sure a lot of you are the same.  This is partly because your brain isn’t processing what you’re writing down in the same way as when you physically write it out. Trust me, it makes a difference.
Also, I found that if I handwrite notes, I am more likely to go back and look at them again later on.  What I like to do is write the notes out in class, and then review them either that night or the following day and highlight, bold things, doodle relevant icons, generally make them look pretty.  That way, you’re reviewing them but it’s also fun.  Spend some time before the semester starts to get a pen you like to write with, and maybe some coloured highlighters and post-it notes.  Interesting things are easier to keep looking at.
Don’t write out exactly what’s on the slide.
First off, if your professor isn’t the type to post slides before/after a lecture, ask if that is a possibility.  There isn’t always time to write everything down during lecture, so it helps if you are able to fill in the information you missed after class.  If you don’t want to ask in person, an email is usually okay.
Listen to what is being said in relation to the points on the slide.  Usually, what’s written on the slide doesn’t even make that much sense, because it’s only enough information for your professor to remember what they wanted to say.  Or it’s written in a way that is unclear to you, so you might want to word it differently so you understand it during review.  
Once you get the main point of what you’re suppose to learn, write it down in your own words.  When studying, you can compare your own notes to the posted lecture slides.  See if they still make sense when compared to each other.  Flag things that don’t make sense, so you can ask for clarification during office hours.
Block time.
Plan time every day for school work, even if nothing is due.  It doesn’t have to be much.  Maybe 45 minutes on weekdays, and 2 hours on Saturdays and Sundays.**I’m taking 2 classes (and working 37 hours a week) right now, so obviously if you’re taking 8 classes you’ll need a little more than 45 minutes a day lmao.  
Stick to it; hold it in high priority.  Avoid making plans during your blocked time as much as possible.  For example, if you have Saturdays blocked from 11am to 1pm, and your friend wants to have lunch at 12:30, ask to reschedule for after 1pm.  It might not shock you that this isn’t a deal breaker in most cases.  
Plan leisure time.
Do your friends typically like to go out on Friday nights?  Do you like to play video games or watch a show during a certain time of the week?  Remove those time-slots from the equation (i.e. Friday from 8pm to Saturday at 11am no longer exist in your schedule).  
Plan your blocked time around that.  That way, you never have to feel guilty about having fun during that time, because it wasn’t available for schoolwork in the first place. **obviously do this in moderation.  Don’t block off 10am-10pm every day for dicking around, or you won’t have time for anything else.
Plan to procrastinate.
If you are an avid procrastinator like me, plan time for it.  One thing I learned quickly about functioning as an adult is to plan everything.  E V E R Y T H I N G.  If you don’t plan for it, it’s either
a) not happening, or b) happening anyway and fucking up your whole schedule.  
So start homework and assignments way early.  I was terrible at estimating time.  Things I thought would take me 25 minutes usually ended up taking me 2 hours.  Dinner plans I thought would end at 8pm ended up lasting until 10pm.  But only finishing 30% of what you planned to get done isn’t the end of the world when you started 2 weeks earlier than you normally would.  You have more blocked time tomorrow.   **don’t let this happen every day.  As I mentioned, your blocked time should take priority over everything else as a general rule.
Print off assignment criteria.
Nothing pisses me off like losing marks on technicalities.  The layout of your arguments wasn’t in the right order.  Your essay only hit 3 of the 5 points it was meant to.  You cited in MLA instead of APA format.  You were mean to include information from a list of specific sources, not ones that you found in the database yourself.  None of that is an indication of whether you understood the material or not.
So before you start,
print the criteria, and read it thoroughly. 
Read it again, this time highlighting things you feel are important to hit.  
Most importantly, keep it next to you any time you are working on your assignment.  Refer back to it often, especially if you feel stuck or run into an obstacle.  
When you’re done, check off the highlighted instructions as you confirm that you’ve met them.
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anestheticrage · 4 years
>Loading library session…. Done.
///Running TetrisPrinciple.iso….///
Be m3.exe:
In the beginning. With the Words. And the World. And all that jazz. Bootin' up in G∅D's very own rock garden and///or Military Grade Obstacle Course, complete with disembodied megalomaniacal voice to make me feel #5p3ci4L. Tells me to solve puzzles for my own salvation or some shit. Can do O L∅RD, i didn't pay $20 to sit around in your ghetto ass eden anyway. This is what happens when you only hire mines and automatic sentry guns as groundskeepers you sociopath.
Alright, time to Jam, cause as with any puzzle game protagonist I'm too stupid to handle more than one new mec$^2$%^#567@435hanic at a time! Short out some fences, steal some floating keys, more fences, murder the groundskeepers, and OH LOOK MORE FENCES. Glad these mechanics are as original as the PUNNY FUCKING TITLES.
Aight, it's been fun O savior, but it's time. for me to yeet on ou- wait. Is this. Tetris. I SPENT $20 TO PLAY TETRIS WITH EXTRA STEPS, YOU GOTTA BE F%×]!¿....:::--///+&8907$/) 57 38 92 29 29 /////////////////////////
Oh. that's ALOT more puzzles. Fuck it, salvation and ascension here I come. As a reward for my unliving f41Th.png, I even get some new toys! Now we've got a laser stick that only shoots lasers when being shot with lasers. Now in two different colors!!! dOnT cRoSs tHe StReAaAmmMSsSs!!!¿?¿? hE hE XDddD.-/d///_D__xXx_:!|∆…and don't forget to euthenize your faithful Companion Cu- wait fuck wrong simul$&%\ion__.# ..-
'Feel free to participate our new QR code scavenger hunt like it’s 2010! We didn't have the funding for other voice actors, but we hope you enjoy the full cast of zany characters in a purely textual format!' 
Get bored of reading Commander Shepherd and Serious Sam-sung bitching at eachother on every other EL∅HIM DAMNED WALL, and decide to spend some quality time with psychonaut Gho5tM0m.m4a. She really had high hopes for us to become Tetris Grandmaster of the Apocalypse and seeing as there's NOTHING ELSE TO DO, i guess we're living up to the hype. Sounds like the humans all died out from being too bored of solving puzzles [mustb3n1ce.txt], but that wasn't good enough for lovely sado-masochist mother. Must run in the family. She'll even give you a GOLD STAR for breaking the game.
Times are tough with no humans left to torture so naturally S4t4n® got a part time gig as a librar[y]ian, purely out of spite for me, G∅D, and most especially: me. Take a break from all the puzzles and Tetris to debate philosophy with the d3vil which is why we started this shitshow to begin with,...((($#>>>-- right? But don't worry, every right answer is the wrong answer, cause the only wrong answers are the right ones, and if you dont stand your ground you're a little bitch in the 3Ye of the mean librarian snake. Its cool tho, were only doing this TO MAKE THE FUCKING BEEPING STOP ANYWAY. I Kant take this anymore. {}
Time to finally ascend the stupid elevator and end the…. ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS THERES MORE PUZZLES. IM NOT EVEN A THIRD OF THE -#!_847#8$(@-#8# @+$AAHHHHHHHHHHH!???!¿?¿!!!$+#6484 37 FML.JPG 40 37 38 67 40
"Don't go to the tower. You'll die." Says G∅D.
"Sounds fake, but okay." Says I, Immediately walking into it while s4taN beeps happily in the background. Que ♪Walk To The Peak♪, cause it's the end of the world bby. 
But the M4N×86 In The High Tower still has the upper hand cause ya cant play Tetris without the square, and the L, and the stupid stunted T thing (?¿??¿??¿). fuck it lets go graverobbing, cause misappropriaton of a full pantheon of spiritual allegories into your pseudo sci fi existential crisis isn't complete without some PYRAMIDS!
Find a VHS player, jump on some fans, join a Lan party with yourself, read depressed emails, wonder how m0M ever got funding to build the world's most pointless hamster wheel when all she did was drop acid and listen to Pink Fløyd, lose all your self esteem to the d3vil, and find the sacred tombs of the most h#%\\°^Ly of messengers. Don't worry: just like any good servant of G∅D, they can only help you after you've helped yourself.
E:\> CMD.GoFuCkYoUrSeLf  
Stumble over to Camelot, learn how to serve yourself on a silver platter, fall in a hole, Indiana Jones yourself to that last gold star, fall in the SAME FUCKING HOLE, realize the sci fi genre should’ve died with Philip K Dick, and I swear to Milton, if I have to play one more fucking round of tetris, I @/*>>WILL <”! bring that axe with me up the tower. 
After several long weeks of screaming into the void, picking sand out of my joints, crying about my mommy issues, striking deals with Librarians, tuning out G∅D like its sunday mass, and collecting tetra-blocks like a coked out vintage gaming hoarder; the pearly gates finally open. 
"I am proud of you, my child. You may now ascend as one of my chosen fe- wait where are you going with that axe!? Eugene, come back dOnT gO uP tHe ToWeR&$! 66 75 63 6b!!!!¿!?!?"
Go straight to the top of the fucking tower and run into Samsung the QR hunt reigning champion. Bout to axe him some deep philosophical questions before Shep shows up. "No, Eugene, this man is a nihilist. Nothing to be afraid of." Works for me. How about the allegorical stormcloud of spiritual doubt and existential regret chasing us up the tower with s0ul.{error} crushing determination? Nothing like a timed event in a self-paced game to ramp up the tension in place of functionally innovative mechanics! 
Climb to the peak with new best bud and the devil o{in}n my shoulder while G∅D.exe cries digital tears of joy that you rejected him (wtf). Hack [see above axe.png] into the Heaven Hub and commit mass self genocide to get a slick ass robo bod and a brand new empty wasteland to rule while the devil and god continue raging inside of me.
I hope mom would be proud… 3a 20 27 20 28
>>> Terminating session….
> Session terminated.
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haleths · 4 years
BIG thank you to @going-there-and-back-again for tagging me in this!! I’m so sorry for the delay, it’s been a busy week ♡ ♡ ♡
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? I used to write in black pen religiously but now I’ll happily use either
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? Somewhere in between?? I adore the countryside and would absolutely looovveeee to live there, but I’m also very lazy and would lose my mind if I had to drive 30 minutes to find a supermarket
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? Ice skating, skateboarding, rollerblading. Don’t ask me why, I just think people who can do that stuff are cool as HECK
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Nope. I drink tea no sugar, no milk. Cause I’m hardcore
5. What was your favourite book as a child? Malory Towers, oh my god PLEASE tell me someone else read those as a kid! I fell asleep listening the audio books every night and named all my Barbies after the main characters.....
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? DRAGON. I WNNA BE A DRAGON
8. Paper or electronic books? Paper. Gotta get that new book smell
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? I own the BEST oversized, knitted jumpers. I’m counting down the days till autumn when I can wear them again
10. Do you like your name? Would you like to change it? I really don’t like my name, I never have. My parents were going to call me Juliet which is wayyyy better than Ashleigh. But it would feel weird to answer to any other name at this point, so I’ll probably just leave it...
11. Who is a mentor to you? My therapist??
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what for? Hmmm, kind of. I value my privacy too much to be like FAMOUS famous, but it’d be nice to be recognised occasionally or be known in society in some lowkey way
13. Are you a restless sleeper? It usually takes me a while to get to sleep but once I’m out, I’m OUT
14. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? I’ve not felt a Romantic Feeling™ in over 10 years so you tell me
15. Which element best represents you? Air
16. Who do you want to be closer to? No one. I’m really content with all my relationships atm
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? No (I'm a real people person, can you tell?)
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory: I remember listening to the Shrek soundtrack on repeat and making up dances for each song. I then performed the whole thing one Christmas to my entire family.... let’s move on
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? Ostrich. It tastes kind of like meaty chicken
20. What are you most thankful for? My mental/physical health, my job, my home. I know that lockdown has been hard for many people and I’m very privileged to be able to say that I've been doing just fine. I do not take that for granted and I’m extremely thankful
21. Do you like spicy food? Oooooo yeeessssss, I put paprika on e v e r y t h i n g
22. Have you ever met someone famous? No, but I’m not sure I’d want to. Spotting someone from a distance is fine, but going up and talking to them? Interrupting their day with my incessant rambling? Absolutely not 
23. Do you keep a diary or journal? I did for 6 months when I was 13. I get it out sometimes whenever I need a good cringe.
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? Pen for writing, pencil for drawing
25. What is your star sign? Libra sun, Aries moon, Aquarius rising
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? Soggy (I’m so sorry)
27. What would you want your legacy to be? Oh god, I don’t know... I’d like to leave the world in a better state than I found it? To have done some good, made some change
28. Do you like reading? What was the last book you read? You see, I want to like reading, but I just suck at it. My concentration goes after like 10 minutes and I often get stuck on one book for months. I’m currently attempting to reread The Silmarillion
29. How do you show someone you love them? By giving them my time and attention. Being alone is my default state so you know that if I’m actively choosing to spend time with you, I must really care about you
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? I guess. I’ll have it at a restaurant for example, but I’d never buy ice to use at home
31. What are you afraid of? F a i l u r e
32. What is your favourite scent? Watermelon, or anything sweet/fruity
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? First name
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I wouldn’t live it too differently to now tbh. I’d still want to work, I don’t know what I’d do otherwise! I’m really not into possessions so it’s not like I’d be out there living the luxury lifestyle. Obviously money = security so I’d be grateful for that
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? Swimming pools
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground? Leave it there?? I wouldn’t want to get involved idk...
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish? No, I never have :(
38. What is one thing you would want to teach your children? Acceptance, of themselves and others
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? It’d have to be something simple, like a symbol or line drawing or something, wherever it would hurt the least
40. What can you hear right now? Kids screaming outside (they’re just playing, it’s fine)
41. Where do you feel the safest? Home, definitely.
42. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? My low self-esteem. I think we’d all be unstoppable if we thought more of ourselves
43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? The 80′s for the music. The Renaissance for the art. And Medieval times for the DRAGONS
44. What is your most used emoji? 🙃
45. Describe yourself using one word: Enthusiastic
46. What do you regret the most? I’m not sure that I regret anything... I dropped out of university over 3 years ago so obviously further education was the “wrong” choice for me. But I love my life right now and I’d never have made it here if it wasn’t for the mistakes I made
47. Last movie you saw? Arrival. SO good
48. Last TV show you watched? Sex Education. SO SO good
49. Invent a word and its meaning: 
CHESTURE verb  |  ches • ture 1. The unbearable frustration when you feel when struggling to perform a precise, intricate task e.g. threading a needle ↪ “Damn, I just can’t thread this needle! I am so chestured!”
I’ll throw this out to anyone who’s bored and feels like answering some personal questions  ♡ ♡ ♡
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peinaw-re · 5 years
Imagine Robin/Fem!(Reader)
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Hi.I couldn't resist to right a imagine with the cutest human being.Hope you like it.
It was June and for you that was the time to go on some vacation.And where was the best place? At Hawkins of course.Your mom and your brother was back there so it was the best place to go to have some fun and relax.Back to your homeland.
After some weeks of considering what things you should get with you.You were finally ready.
You hopped on your car and start driving.You didn't told your family of course so you could surprise them.
After some hours you were finaly there.The air was so hot you could barely breathe.But you missed that feeling.New York is always raining.You needed some refreshing drink or something to make you a little bit cold.Your first stop was of course on Startcourt.The place was extremely famous at Hawkins and you would always hear how people adore it.So you said why not try it.You parked your car at the parking lot and got inside.
  The place was amazing.You were impressed by the looks of it.After some searching around you saw a place called "Scoops Ahoy".
"Damn some fucking ice cream would be so refreshing right now." you mouthed and went in.
The place was empty.There were only two kids at the corner eating ice cream and giggling.You smiled watching them and then went to the counter and hit the bell once.No one answered.You hit it again twice this time.A boy came out from the door.You immediately recognized him by his stupid hair which always talks about how good they look.You smiled at him.
"Hi,Steve" you smiled.
"Do I know you?" the boy said confused while scratching his back nervously.He is such a dork.
"It's me you fucking idiot.Y/N!" you rolled your eyes and pushed him a little bit on his shoulder playfully.
"OH! Oh my God.You changed.You are gone for how long? 2 years? That's a lot of God damn years." he said checking you from the bottom to the top.
"A good or a bad change?" you lifted your one eyebrow and looked at him judgemental.
"A HELL ASS GOOD CHANGE!" he yelled with a stupid look on his face.
You giggled.
"I mean,the tomboy style and  the God damn new skate Vans.That's a lot of change for Miss Henderson wearing skirts and always be on fleek." He said and you rolled your eyes.
"So,show me the flavors." you said looking at the flavors behind the glass.
While he was showing you the flavors another girl got out of the door she was hella cute.With freckles on her nose,blue eyes and cute haircut.You noticed her and didn't stop looking at her for a while.
"Hey ppsttt" Steve said snapping his fingers infront of you.
"What?" you asked annoyed.
"So Chocolate flavoured?" He asked ready to put the ice cream.You nodded quickly.And he gave the ice cream to you.
"How much do I owe?" You asked.
"Its a gift from me.Free for you." he said and winked at you clearly flirting.
The girl didn't even noticed you and that bothered you a little bit.But she giggled softly hearing at what just Steve told you.
You went to a table and sat down to finish your ice cream.
"Really? That's how you will gain a girlfriend you think?" she asked and laughed.
"Yes! Do you have a better move? Well I don't think so counting on how many...you had." He said and sticked his tongue out.
"Shut up you fucking dingus..." she said and throw him the towel she was holding.
He rolled his eyes.
"You don't believe me? Then watch this." He said while trying to come near you but before reaching me slip and fell.
The cute girl laughed hard crinkling her nose cutely.
You smiled at the view but you were still a little bit annoyed that she didn't even looked at you.
Steve stood up and then came to you while fixing his hair.
"Hi" he said nodding up his head.
"Hi?" You answered confused.
"Are you single this moment? Wanna go out?" He asked her quickly.
"Steve...haven't we talked about this countless times? I am not interesting." You said and he nodded with embarrassment and walked back to Robin.
"You know what that means...0 to 37...you still...suck." she said and laughed.
"I am going to take a break." He said throwing his hat down and closing the door hard.
The girl stayed alone and after laughing on her own with Steves reaction she then started cleaning up the counter.
You decided to go near her.To get to know her.
"Hi" you said shyly.
She didn't even looked at you and she started giving information about what ice cream flavors they have.
"Uhm..." you said and looked up to see how perfect her freckles are.
She noticed that you were straggling to decide which ice cream you want and she lifted her head up to see you.She stayed still for a while.
"Everything okay?" you asked and looked at her.
"Uh...uhm yeah " she immediately said.
You smiled and giggled.
"I am y/n" you continued.
"I am Robin" she said to you and gave you the cutest smile.Both of you couldn't stop staring at each other for a while.And you decided to brake the silence.
"Uhm so,give me another chocolate flavored ice cream." you said and she moved around her head and then nodded.
She gave you the ice cream gave her some money and then you went back on your sit.
She was still looking at you.
Steve got out from the other room and sat on the counter where Robin was.
"Steve?" She asked whispering.
Steve looked at her confused.
"Why are you whispering." He said and she hit him hard on his shoulder.
"Shut up dingus!" She whispered.
"Fine fine..." he whispered too.
"From where do you know this girl?" She asked looking at you.
"From school.She was 2 years older than me." he said and looked at Robin.
"Why?" He continued.
"Uuuhhhmm" she shrugged.
"Oh" he said realizing what is happening.
"Oh" she said too.
"Not gonna happen..." he then said.
"Because she is Dustin's sister.And second of all because she is Henderson...she likes boys for sure" he said and Robin sighed.
After a while you got up said your goodbyes to the duo and then went to your car.
You arrived to your house.Got out and knocked on the door.
No one answered propably your mom was sleeping and Dustin was out with the others.You knocked twice.Still with no answer.You didn't had any spare keys since your mom didnt bother to give you a second pair.So you decided to go to Mike's house.
You knocked on their door once and his mom opened.
"Y/N? Wow you grown up." She said impressed
"Hi Miss Wheeler." You said and gave her a warm smile.
"Is Dustin here?" you looked at her.
"I think they went to Starcourt." She said and you sighed.
"Ah shit...thanks Miss Wheeler." you said and left quicky heading to Starcourt again.
You arrived and you immediately spotted Lukas with a red haired girl.You got out of the car and ran up to him.
"Hey! Luke" you said and stooped him.
He turned around.
"Y/N?" he said with surprise.
You nodded and then smiled.
"Where is Dustin?" you continued and he nodded.He grabbed your hand and start walking towards "Scoop Ahoy".Max was following both of you back.
"There at the corner with Steve" he pointed and continued walking still having his hand intertwined with yours.The red-haired girl was definitely annoyed.
"What exactly do you want me to do Dustin?" Steve asked.
Dustin put out the Russian translation book and smiled. "Help me translate.We could be heroes.Like actually American heroes.With a lots of girls dude." He said and Steve smiled.
"I am in."
You cleaned your throat to get their attention.Lukas let your hand.Dustin was the first who lift his head up to you.He immediately smiled and stood up and hugged you.
"Y/N!!!" he yelled.
"you are back!!" He said happily.
"Yeah I wanted to surprise you" you smiled at him.
"I missed you kiddo" you said and played with his hair like you were always doing.
"Don't please.This took a lot of time." He said giggling and sat down.
You turned around and saw Robin staring at you.You smiled and bite your lips.Then turned your face again to Steve and Dustin.Lukas and the red-haired said their goodbye and left.
"So what are you two planning?" you said lifting your head up.
"Uh...you know stuff..." Dustin shrugged.
"yeaaaaaahhh some great big stuff" Steve added.
"You both know that i heard everything right?" you said.
"Told you! Both of you are talking loudly." Robin yelled from the back which made me smile.
"Ugh fine we are trying to figure out what the Russian government is trying to do against us." He said and you rolled your eyes.
"Jeez guys that's how both of you spend your free time?" you asked giggling.
"Yeah and...now excuse us but we have work to do" Dustin said and went to the other room with Steve.
"Happy to see you too nerd!" You said clearly joking.And giggled.
You looked at Robin and noticed that she was staring at you.She immediately put her head down.You smiled and reached towards her.
"Hey." you said calmly.
"H-hey" she shrugged.
"Around what time you are free?" you said and her eyes become wide open.
"Uh-uhm..I..." she shrugged again nervously.
You touched her hand softly.
"Hey relax.Just tell me" you said with a calm voice.
"Around 9" she said and you nodded.
"Be ready i am gonna pick you up." you said and she smiled and become a little bit red.
"See you at 9" you said and she nodded.
You then knocked the door and yelled.
"Hey nerd give me your keys I am gonna go home."
It was 8 o clock so you started to get ready.You wore some jeans and a nice shirt,your vans and let your hair down.
It was now 9 o'clock so you drove fast to startcourt and waited on the entrance.
You saw Robin coming out so you immediately checked yourself on the mirror of your car.You got out and opened the door for her.You got in too and then started driving.
"So..." you said looking at the road.She turnt her face to you.
"I am gonna drive you somewhere.You are gonna like it i am sure." You said still looking at the road feeling that Robin was still watching you.
"Okay I trust you" she said and you smiled.
After a while you arrived to the most high spot of the town.Where you could clearly see all the town.It was beautiful.
Both of you got out of the car.
"Whoaaahh" she said impressed while looking at the view.
"See,told you" you smiled.
"Why are you doing this?" Robin said turning her face at you.
"Uhm..." you said looking down.
"I mean...I have seen the way you are looking at me.And uhm well I wanted to get to know you." you said shrugging.
"Am I that obvious?" she giggled.
You sat on the car and gave her your hand so she can climb up too.
"Yes" you laughed.She grabbed your hand and climbed on the car too.Both of you layed down watching the stars.
"So tell me something about yourself." you said and she took a deep breath.
"I am Robin and yeah...I am Robin there is nothing special about me.I mean if I was special they would like me." She said and turnt her face to me.
"What are you talking about? No don't talk like this about yourself." you said and turnt your face to her.
"I am sure you are great.I can tell when someone is an amazing human being.And my sensors are telling me that you are." you said and made her smile.
"Your sensors? And then you call your brother nerd.You talk like nerd right now." She giggled and made you giggle too.
You looked at her face and then her lips.And then back at her face.
"Can I ask youbsomething?" you said nervously.
"Of course.Go ahead." She said.
"Do you, ehm you know.Do you like girls? I don't want to do something and push you away from me.I will understand if you don't like girls you know...we can stay friends and- "
"Shhhhh" she said and put her finger on my lips to shut you up.
"I like girls" she admitted and you smiled.
"Oh" you said.
She rolled her eyes.
"Oh yes" she answered back.
She started staring at you.Your stomach was hurting.
You went closer to her inches away from her lips.You could feel her hot breath.
"Okay before something happened I wanna admit that I have never done anything and I have never kissed anyone so I am sorry if-" she said quickly but you stopped her by touching her lips with yours.You started kissing her slowly and she kissed back.
She even smiled inside the kiss which made you smile too.The feeling of her smile on your lips was amazing.
You pulled slowly back and looked at her.
"This was amazing." she smiled and blushed which made her freckles even more visible.
You smiled and kissed her again.
The next day you walked together at the "Scoop Ahou".Steve and Dustin were there.You were holding Robins hand and your fingers was intertwined.
Steve looked at both of you.
"Wait.Did you two?..." he said confused.
We nodded and smiled at each other.
"Told you Dingus you suck " Robin said giggling.
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dazeyrains-blog · 5 years
Keep me warm. Cliche trope. Hayffie summer week Day 4!!
"Haymitch, if you want to argue with me, fine, carry on, but I will not relent! I know that girl better than anyone of you and why? Because I'm a woman too"
He looked at her questioningly just to push her buttons.
"Just leave, please!" She ordered, dismissing him towards her door with a wave of her hand "I'm bored of your face and I want to go to sleep"
Coins pre recorded voice suddenly bellowed over the compartment speakers...
"Oh hell no!" Haymitch cursed, running towards the door to find it already electronically sealed shut.
"What's happening?"
Haymitch was still trying at her door
"We're on lock down sweetheart! Must have the cavalry on its way towards us"
52, 51, 50...
"Oh, an air raid?"
"Must have come in fast if we didn't get time to all get to the base level pod"
He was pulling and pushing but nothing would give.
"Question, Haymitch! If we are on emergency lockdown, why on earth are you trying to unlock my door!?"
47, 46, 45, 44...
Haymitch paused his efforts for a second to explain...
"Because, sweetheart, last time we had a lock down, how long were we confined to our quarters for?"
39, 38, 37, 36....
"Two days"
"Two days, exactly! And Unless I can get this damn door open before the full lock down kicks in, guess who's got me as a roomie for the next-"
"Two days!? With you?! In here!?"
28, 27, 26, 25, 24....
"Well done, sweetheart!"
Effie ran towards her door and the two of them pulled together
"There's simply no way I'm spending the next 24 hours in here with you! Let alone two days!"
Ego slightly bruised, Haymitch nodded towards her "Likewise!"
10, 9, 8, 7...
"No, no, no, no! Open you damn door!"
"Fuck!" Haymitch cursed, massaging his hands. Effie tutted at his language but realised it was fitting.
They heard the steel clangs echoing around the facility, the sound of lockdown. The lights went out and the heaters went off. For the next day/ night or two days/ nights, they were stuck, in a one bed compartment, together.
As the emergency strip lighting kicked in dimly, Effie and Haymitch faced each other awkwardly.
"Well..." she pouted "Not such a comfortable night ahead for you" She said, throwing him one of her pillows and the extra woolen blanket at the bottom of her bed.
"Don't worry, I've slept in worse"
He lay the blanket and pillow down on the concrete floor, kicked off his shoes and lay down on top of them with a heavy sigh. "Ah, yeah, this is just heaven"
Effie stifled a laugh. The temperature was dropping fast already, she could already see her own clouds of breath.
"Will you be warm enough?" She asked, rubbing at her arms
"Human radiator me, princess" then he looked her way "Will you? Or you ah, need a spoon tonight?"
"Ugh" she rolled her eyes as he giggled at his own joke "I wouldn't spoon with you if you were the last man in hell and hell froze over!"
He laughed again, she was witty when she wanted to be. He closed his eyes and wriggled his butt a bit, but he was as comfortable as he was going to get tonight.
"Night sweetheart"
"Stop calling me that! And don't you dare snore, or I'll smother you where you sleep!"
Effie went to her wardrobe and fished out the ugly grey sweater that she had been given as part of her uniform. Well, at least it came in handy for something. Looking over her shoulder to make sure his eyes were closed, she unravelled the headscarf from her head, pulled out her hair pins and ran her fingers through her blonde curls before slipping the sweater over her head and crawling into her bed.
The emergency lights were giving off a small humming sound which was slightly frustrating, but they were dim enough to sleep under. She looked towards the door and saw that the emergency food supply box had unlocked itself, which meant it was cold oats and water for the foreseeable.
Haymtich looked already asleep she noticed, as the hand that rested over his abdomen rose and fell steadily with his deep breaths.
It. Was. Freezing.
She pulled the covers up to her chin and made her best effort to fall asleep.
"Haymitch...? H- Haymitch...?"
He heard her voice, tired and whiney from across the room
"Haymitch is sleeping..."
He groaned loudly on purpose, sitting up and squinting his eyes to look over
"What? Snoring too loud? Sleeping to quiet? What!?"
"You're g-g- going to have t-t-to get in this bed with me"
Had he heard right?
"Excuse me? Come again?"
"I c-c-can't feel my body, I'm s-s-so cold. I n-need you to come over here a-a-and keep m-m-me warm"
Although her teeth were chattering, she still spoke with all the grace of a well to do lady.
Haymitch rubbed his eyes again, unsure if he was still dreaming or not.
"So, what you're saying is, you want me...to get into bed with...you?"
She heard the smirk in his tone
"For crying out loud H-haymitch, w-w-would you rather I die of pneumonia!"
He didn't ponder over that one for too long.
"So you're saying...you...miss Effie Trinket, want me, Mr last man in hell, to come over there and...spoon you?"
She wanted to scream at him and tell him to go fuck himself, but then she would still have to freeze to death in her own bed before she could get any sleep so she swallowed her pride...
"It ap-p-pears that hell has frozen over. And I t-t-take it b-back, I do n-n-need you?"
"Say that again?"
"I need you?"
"One more time, its hard to hear all the way over here in hell"
"God damnit Haymitch!! G-g-get over here!"
He laughed out loud, springing to his feet and bringing the extra blanket and pillow with him. He placed it next to hers and draped the blanket over her as she faced away from him, scooting as far over to the wall as she possibly could.
He pulled her blanket back and she tensed.
"Oh, sorry...want me to sleep on top-"
"Just. Get. In!" She ordered to which he shrugged and obliged, but not before slipping his t-shirt off...
Effie caught sight of him over her shoulder.
"What are you doing?" She asked bluntly
"You need my body heat Effie, do you want to be warm?"
If she had heard any sort of sarcasm in his tone she would have changed her mind about the whole thing, but he sounded serious and just as tired as she was...
"Ok" she answered, pulling her side of the covers higher over her chin.
Haymitch slipped in beside her and got himself comfortable first but quickly noted her tense body edging as far away from his as she possibly could.
He let out a frustrated sigh.
"Get over it Effie, it's not like I'm going to brag about this" he stated, wrapping his arm around her waist and dragging towards him strongly, making her gasp as her back hit his chest.
She was stunned to silence as she watched how he professionally worked the blankets around them, tucking them both into a little cocoon. He didn't say a word as he slid his right arm under her neck, giving her an extra pillow and wrapped the other over her crossed arms, pulling her in tighter.
He let out a small sigh, signalling he was done faffing around and ready to sleep.
Effie felt his warmth melting through her sweater already and with her head resting in the crook between his collar and jaw, she slowly felt the lul of sleep washing over her. She was comfortable...too comfortable. For a moment she felt the ache of her loneliness poke her in the gut, but she squeezed her eyes shut to block it out and allowed herself to settle in beside him.
Haymitch yawned himself awake. The emergency lights had lowered still, allowing it to be dark enough to sleep but still light enough to see your way around the room if need be.
He was thirsty, but the supply box was over by the door and his arm was stuck under Effies neck. He lifted himself up best he could to try and slip his arm away but she was pretty much wedged into his side, snoring gently, he was amused to discover.
He sighed and remained where he was for a second, stretching out his back. He wriggled his fingers but dead arm was well and truly set in which was frustrating.
Move her and wake her or just let it be, he thought. His head was saying 'Just move the damn woman, she's getting a good sleep, you are not!' But looking down at her, sleeping peacefully in his arms, he couldn't do it.
He pushed the hair out of her eyes and let one of her soft curls linger between his fingers. She was actually quite beautiful when he thought about it, but as soon as he thought about it, his head took over and he decided to move his arm.
Tugging beneath her gently, he felt her stir and in her sleep she began to slowly shift position, rolling to face him with a heavy yawn.
He got his chance and pulled his arm free, but just as he did, Effie rolled in closer, burying her face into the crook of his neck and pressing her chest into his as her arm slid around his waist.
He froze. Languishing in the moment.
Her soft fingers gently carving circles along his side as her lips grazed at his throat. He swallowed hard, more thirsty than ever, but he couldn't wake her. Or should he?
The feeling was slowly returning to his arm which now hovered above her head, unsure of where to settle. He rolled onto his back slowly, hooking his arm around her to move her with him so she wouldn't wake.
Now, although he was in a much more comfier position, Effie was now sprawled over his chest, so he wasn't overly sure that move had been the best idea.
He was stuck again, this time between what was the right thing to do or what was the most sensible...
Her head was still nestled in his crook and he could still feel the tip of her nose and lips at his skin. It was everything not to caress her gently, at one point he absently mindedly stole another curl between his fingers and started to twirl it around before realising what he was doing and let go, clenching his fist together to stop him from doing that again.
Sleep was evading him. Either because he just wasn't tired any more or that he was too distracted.
An hour turned into two, and around 5am the next morning, as Haymitch was finally starting to doze off, Effie stirred on top of him and roused herself awake.
"Morning, sweetheart" he mused as she yawned and stretched her limbs for a second before smiling sleepily and falling back over his chest like it was the most usual morning thing...
"Hmmmm good morning" she sighed, but less than a second later Haymitch felt her tense before she woke fully with a start, screaming and then accidently kicking him out onto the floor
"Haymitch! Oh god! I'm sorry! I thought I was...I thought I was dreaming! Then you were...close!"
Haymitch rolled onto his back rubbing his head. "Damnit Effie, had you forgotten that it was you who invited me in last night"
Effie bit her lip when she saw him hurt, he must have whacked his head on the bedside drawers on the way down. She threw her covers back and hopped onto the floor, kneeling infront of him.
"I must have...I'm sorry, are you ok?"
She tilted his face up to see his bump better, he stopped squinting as soon as her eyes met his, as soon as he saw those messy bed curls tumbling over her face again as she looked at him worrisomely.
They were having a moment.
Already missing the protective warmth that had surrounded her in her dreams, Effie realised he was still shirtless. Now, kneeling between his open legs as they sat upon the cold floor, she started to feel something else, stirring inside.
With Haymtichs face still resting in her hands, she smoothed her thumb over the thump on his head before replacing it with a gentle kiss.
His hands shot to her arms but they didn't push her away, they held her in place as her lips trailed from his brow to the corner of his mouth, her nose slowly caressing the side of his hesitantly.
"If you wanted me out, just just had to ask" he joked, trying to stay in control although he was losing it very quickly.
Effies thumb grazed over his lips before she swooped her mouth around to his ear and whispered "Come back to bed"
She stood and pulled him up with her and as they stood face to face in the dim light. She slowly removed her sweater and threw it to the ground
"You warm enough now, sweetheart"
"Warm? Yes..." she almost purred, licking her bottom lip.
She pushed him back until the back of his knees felt the bed, then the two of them tumbled back down together
"But no where near warm enough"
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prompreg17 · 6 years
Stubbornness and Pride
Warnings: mpreg (trans male pregnancy), vaginal birth, graphic depiction of birth, high stress environment
Pairings: None!
Notes: Pregnant Gladio was bound to happen after the convo I had with an anon about it, but then I got an ask specifically requesting it and figured I might as well write it sooner than later! I didn’t spend as much time editing this one but I hope you enjoy!
New: AO3 link!
There was very little about Gladio that was useful now. He couldn’t cook, couldn’t drive, couldn’t run for long distances, couldn’t exercise like he used to, couldn’t carry anything heavier than 25 pounds, couldn’t swing his sword (which was heavier than 25 pounds). He was still fit, of course, but nine months of pregnancy, and consequently nine months without testosterone, had softened him out considerably.
It was hard to stomach, especially with their lifestyle being what it was. He couldn’t so much as set up the tent anymore without someone weaseling it out of his hands and telling him to sit down. He’d never felt so restless, especially watching a fight go on from the car as if they could afford to bench him.
When Noct was impaled by a Yojimbo’s sword when Gladio was in his fourth month, he put his foot down and traded in the broadsword for something a little slimmer to stave off the harshest of the protests.
It had worked well enough, at least, until month eight reared its head and Iris got involved. He could easily tune out Ignis’ 50th lecture, but Iris’ particular combination of pure worry and terrifying demeanor had finally gotten through.
It was still hard to watch his friends put themselves in danger, of course. Harder still knowing it was his duty to lay his life down for one of them. Each wound Noct returned with felt like a personal failure even more than it did before.
Month nine was the hardest. Nevermind that his feet hurt all the time, that his back ached from the added weight, that he couldn’t stomach even the smell of ramen because worse than all of those things was the restless energy that came from pure boredom.
“Lemme get that for ya, Big Guy,” Prompto said as he ducked under the arm Gladio had been reaching out to grab the bag he’d been reaching for.
“That’s not even 20 pounds,” Gladio groused, reaching for it again in annoyance. Prompto easily avoided the swipe of his arm, laughing as if it was a game.
“I don’t mind anyway, dude! Want some help to the caravan?”
“I can still walk,” Gladio protested, and shoved the blond away when he got too close, “go bug someone else.”
The chair was already set up for him, the single bed wordlessly given. Gladio sighed as he laid down and tucked a hand under his swollen stomach and willed it all to be over soon.
Miraculously, he held on past his 37 week goal despite all the stressors the doctor had warned him to keep an eye on.
The 37th week had felt like a pipedream with their lifestyle what it was. But it came and left, with weeks 38 and 39 not long behind.
If Gladio thought the rest of his pregnancy was bad, week 40 was on a tier all its own. He was so big it felt ridiculous and the desert heat was excruciating. He was allowed to move around more, but tired too easily to actually enjoy it. Worst of all, the guys were treating him like he was made of delicate porcelain and there was always at least one pair of eyes on him at all times. He knew his friends’ concern was born from a place of love, but it was damn annoying when he was already stressed out and restless.
“I’m going for a walk,” He announced, just days into the start of the week from hell after all three of the guys had annoyed him to the point of snapping at least twice.
“Is that wise?”
“Are you serious?”
“I’ll go with you!”
Gladio ignored the chaotic overlap of their voices and pinned Prompto with a pointed look when he practically knocked his chair over in his haste to scamper over.
“I’m going alone. I can still handle myself for half an hour.”
“Dude, what if you, y’know?” Prompto asked, helpfully gesturing at Gladio’s stomach. Gladio took a breath in through his nose and let it out audibly through his mouth.
“If a little walking is all it takes to finally get this kid out of me then I should have gone on a hike two weeks ago. Labor takes hours, Prompto. I’ll make it back even if it does start.” He held his phone up, already moving away from the caravan. “I’ll call if anything happens. Don’t follow me.”
They didn’t follow him, though every time Gladio looked over his shoulder Prompto was still watching him walk away like a puppy through a window. It was only once the caravan was completely out of sight that Gladio felt himself relax, as guilty as that made him feel.
The walk was nice, both for the exercise and the blissful silence. The heat was still unbearable, especially with the shirt sticking to his skin in the sweltering desert sun, but he relished in every moment to himself. At least he was able to rest without feeling someone’s worried eyes on him as he collapsed onto a random bench and pulled a water bottle from the armiger.
He was just finishing the water off when the commotion started; loud voices and then the unmistakable roar of a coeurl. He was on his feet and brandishing his sword before he’d even consciously decided what to do. The weight of the broadsword was familiar and yet foreign and he stumbled briefly with it before he remembered he was supposed to be using something thinner and lighter. Cursing quietly under his breath, he traded the broadsword out for the one-handed blade he’d adopted just as a frazzled teen barrelled into view, the coeurl hot on his heels.
“Fuck, help!” The teen didn’t have a weapon on him and Gladio widened his stance to account for the unevenly distributed weight in his abdomen and brandished his sword.
“Call for a hunter, kid, I’m gonna need a hand.”
The battle was harder than it had any right being but Gladio was 40 weeks pregnant, and he’d just used up a good chunk of his energy. As much practice as he’d had swinging a sword, even doing it pregnant for all those early months hadn’t prepared him for a one-on-one fight at 9 months. He was massive and maneuvering was impossible around his stomach, especially with how fast the coeurl moved. He could barely keep up with it, and took more hits than he was comfortable with.
In the end, when the kid was finally far enough away, Gladio was forced to pull one of Prompto’s revolvers from the armiger, line up a less than clean shot, and use the brief window without the beast on him to make a break for it.
Running wasn’t impossible, but his stomach slowed him down considerably. He wasn’t able to get very far before he was cornered again by the same beast, whose anger was now much more pointed now that it was missing one of its powerful whiskers.
Gladio cursed quietly under his breath and backed up as slowly as he could as he watched the mighty beast approach, slow and purposeful. It was just as the coeurl began to charge its remaining whisker, electricity building like a threat, that he finally noticed the mounting cramp in his abdomen as it gave way to a sudden rush of liquid between his legs.
The realization hit him like a brick wall, just as a loud gunshot tore his attention as quickly as the bullet that tore through the coeurl’s flank. As one, Gladio and the beast whipped around to the newcomer and Gladio felt his heart skip at the sight of Prompto, brandishing a smoking gun.
“I thought you were gonna call!” Prompto said as he fired off another shot. The coeurl lunged passed Gladio for Prompto and was rewarded with a third shot for its trouble.
“Iggy and Noct?” Gladio called back, hand snaking out to support his stomach as another cramp started up.
“Out looking for you! Some kid came running into town screaming about this guy so we split up for time.” Prompto popped off another shot, cursed when it missed, and dove away from a worrying swipe of the coeurl’s claws. All Gladio could do was watch, teeth gritted against the pain and inaction. He would just get in Prompto’s way now.
“On your 3--”
“I know, I know!”
Prompto moved like he was dancing, keeping up with the wounded coeurl’s quick movements much better than Gladio had. In no time at all, Prompto was firing off a final shot into the beast’s head and stepping back with a long breath.
“Yikes, that thing was scary,” Prompto said as he jogged over, adrenalin apparent in the pop of his step and the quick way he looked Gladio over. “You okay?”
“Scratches,” Gladio replied as Prompto pushed a potion into his hand.
“Down it, I’m calling the guys.”
Prompto had only just clicked on Ignis’ speed dial when they both heard a familiar growl, low and predatory, that clued them in to their real problem. Coeurls typically moved in packs, and apparently they’d just pissed one off.
“Prompto?” Ignis asked over the phone just as Prompto grabbed Gladio’s hand and ran.
“Have the big guy. Coeurls on our tail, at least three. ‘Find my friends’ us ASAP.” Prompto panted into the receiver before pocketing his phone and replacing it with his gun. Running was hardly a good option against coeurls, who thrilled over the chase, and they both knew it. But a single revolver against three coeurls was a similar suicide mission and they both knew that, too.
So run they did, as fast as Gladio’s legs and 9-months swollen stomach would allow. When he stumbled or lost speed, Prompto would whip around and unload a clip into the nearest coeurl until they got their bearings back. It almost seemed to be working, or at least letting them gain some amount of ground, but Gladio was running out of energy fast and the pains of early labor weren’t helping.
“Fuck, Prompto,” He growled as a bullet whipped just passed him, piercing a coeurl that had been boldly gunning for him. “Just run for help alone.”
“And leave you behind? As if, dude!”
“I’m slowing you down,” Gladio protested, feeling as useless and awful as ever. If he hadn’t insisted on going out alone, if he’d just sucked shit up a few more days, if he’d been a little more mindful 9 months ago, maybe he wouldn’t have his friends’ blood on his hands. Some shield he was, running from beasts and literally pulling a friend down with him.
“Fuck that!” Prompto snapped. It was so surprising and seemingly out of character it forced Gladio silent. “I’m not leaving you behind.” It was more than he deserved, but for once Gladio didn’t protest.
Ultimately, they were both forced to stop when the ground became more uneven, dotted with rocks and boulders that made running hazardous. Prompto fumbled with his gun for a moment, swapping the shells, and when Gladio realized what he was doing he closed his eyes before Prompto could even warn him to.
“Starshell!” Prompto called just before firing. The light of a starshell was blinding, so much so it was all Gladio could see behind his eyelids. There was a moment of disorientation before he was being tugged forward again, and Gladio stumbled with eyes only slightly open as the two of them fumbled toward the boulders together.
The coeurls were yowling in pain, most likely from the light, and as they moved forward Gladio noticed they were no longer being pursued.
“Gotta hide,” Prompto whispered to him as they ducked behind boulders, attempting to put as much distance between them and their pursuers as they could. A starshell wouldn’t keep them down for long and coeurls were fast.
There weren’t many places to hide, especially not with Gladio so big, but they found a large enough bolder and crouched behind it.
A particularly bad contraction forced Gladio to his knees with less grace than he had intended,and he had to stifle his noise of pain into the skin of his knuckle. Prompto pinned him with a concerned look that quickly gave way to mounting panic.
“Are you..?” He asked, wide eyes trailing down to his swollen stomach.
Gladio nodded his head, unable to trust his voice. He watched Prompto’s eyes as they flew to his face, somehow widening even more with mounting horror. A coeurl’s shriek drew them both up short and Gladio didn’t miss the way Prompto moved closer, as if he could somehow shield Gladio with his much smaller body. It was an admirable quality, further proof that Noct had chosen his guard wisely despite the crown’s initial doubts.
The faint buzz of a phone drew Gladio’s hand to his pocket.
Noct: ditching car too rocky
Noct: where tf r u guys???
Noct: fuck answer me we dont see u
Gladio: coeurls closing in
Gladio: draw their attention
The noise was faint and far away, but enough for the coeurl’s ears to catch. Gladio held his breath as the beast that had been approaching paused and didn’t release it until he could hear the noticeable sound of the coeurl’s paws as it ran the opposite way. It was only once he was sure they were out of earshot that he let slip a small noise of pain. Prompto was on him at once, wide eyes frightened but determined.
“How long has it been? Is it coming? Do you need to lie down? Can you make it back to the car?”
Gladio grit his teeth against another contraction and swatted at Prompto’s reaching hands.
“Slow down,” Gladio said when he could relax again, “I can probably make it.”
“Probably?” Prompto asked, voice too loud and pitched high with panic, and then placed his own hand over his mouth. “Sorry,” he added in a whisper, and when Gladio squeezed his eyes shut against a contraction he moved to the edge of the boulder and peered around it.
“We’ll have to go around,” he said as he rejoined Gladio, “It’s probably gonna take them a while to finish up and...”
“And I’m a liability. Yeah, I fucking know.” Gladio grit his teeth, placed a hand under his stomach and the other against the boulder, and lifted himself to his feet. Prompto was worrying beside him, lip caught between his teeth and wide eyes pinned to him, but Gladio ignored him as he caught his breath.
“I can walk,” he said when Prompto stepped just a little closer. “Just keep your eyes out for any stragglers.”
Moving was slow going, Gladio’s contractions strong enough that he had to stop frequently for breaks. The sounds of fighting were far away, but Gladio could see them in the distance and every little noise had him jerking his head over towards his friends. Prompto seemed similarly worried about them, but he kept his gun drawn and his eyes peeled as they moved, giving a wide berth around the perimeter of the fighting.
The sun was just starting to set, casting an ominous glow. The knowledge that demons would be out, even in a few hours, made moving a necessity.
But demons weren’t the only things to be wary of. They hadn’t made it very far before Prompto was jogging closer and halting Gladio with a hand, pointing out the wandering voretooth they’d been about to stumble across.
Gladio bit his lip to stiffle his noise of frustration as Prompto ushered him another way.
A voretooth pack was nothing to sneeze at, and the one they’d encountered was dispersed in the most annoying way. It seemed every time they’d moved around one another appeared, throwing off their pace and their path.
The sun dipped lower.
“How you holding up?” Prompto asked as they changed directions again, eyes still full of worry.
“Tired of fucking walking,” Gladio replied. In truth, he wasn’t doing so well. He was running on empty and his contractions were getting closer together and stronger. Moving at all wouldn’t be an option for much longer.
“If we get away from these boulders, maybe the guys can pick us up in the car,” Prompto offered, eyes peering around for some sort of obvious path they could take.
“Whatever we do, it’s gotta be fast. Sun’s sinking,” Gladio added, teeth worrying his lip in more than just pain.
“Hey, do you see that?” Prompto asked, squinting and straining at something in the distance. “That house-shape over there?”
Sure enough, there was something that seemed out of place. Gladio grunted an affirmative.
“Maybe it’s a hunter HQ or something!” Prompto said, increasing his pace and then slowing down. “We should check it out, maybe someone there has a car or something.”
“Better than nothing,” Gladio said, and changed course again.
The house-shape in the distance was not a hunter HQ, though it did look it from outside. Maybe it had been, once, but the inhabitants had clearly packed up shop and left. All they found inside was some abandoned furniture and maps, but shelter was shelter and Gladio was exhausted. He had to lean heavily against the wall the moment they made it inside and needed Prompto’s help to one of the chairs strewn across the room.
He practically collapsed into it, trying and failing to catch his breath.
Prompto, amazingly, still had enough energy to run through each room and then single-handedly push a desk in front of the door.
“Just in case,” he said as he stepped away from it, finally breathing heavily himself but recovering fast. “It’s not what we wanted but at least the voretooth and coeurls are gone.”
It was just like Prompto to look on the bright side even as things were collapsing around them.
“Not what we wanted?” Gladio asked, definitely not looking on the bright side, “the one good thing about this is that a HQ probably means a dirt road somewhere around here so it’s possible the car could get in. But the sun’s still setting and we still haven’t heard from Noct and I’m definitely still in labor.”
Prompto had his phone in his hand, fingers furiously tapping away.
“What?” He asked, clearly distracted. Gladio made a noise of frustration that quickly turned to pain as another contraction hit. They were so strong now he could hardly hold himself back, even with all his training in pain tolerance.
“Fuck, I don’t think I’m gonna make it,” Gladio said, breathing heavily as the contraction finally ended. The pressure between his legs was starting to get bad, his urge to push mounting. As much as he’d been trying to deny it, early labor was done.
“You’re not gonna die!” Prompto replied immediately, whipping his head up from his phone. “I told them where we are. We just have to sit tight and wait.”
“The baby’s not waiting,” Gladio replied. Another contraction hit at that moment as if to prove his point and Gladio had to squeeze the arm of the chair to ride through it. “Fuck, it’s coming.”
“It’s..?” Prompto’s wide eyes roved from his belly down to his lap. “Oh, fuck. Okay, okay. Don’t panic.” Prompto was clearly talking more to himself than Gladio as he paced the room, hand on his mouth.
“There was a couch upstairs! And… blankets in the armiger. Water…” Gladio couldn’t hear everything Prompto was mumbling to himself, but he did catch the way Prompto whipped around to face him.
“I’ll be right back, dude. Sit tight!” He said before disappearing. Gladio let him go, in far too much pain to even think of following.
He returned almost immediately, anxiety clear in the way he obviously couldn’t sit still.
“There’s a couch upstairs. It’s just one flight! I can help you up? And if you need to…” Prompto swallowed audibly, “If you need to push, it’s probably easier there, right?”
Gladio looked to the stairs in question and almost considered telling Prompto he wouldn’t make it up them, but the chair he was in was so far from comfortable and the desk in front of the door wouldn’t actually keep anything determined out for long. He took a deep breath to steel himself and stood.
They walked up the stairs together, Gladio stooping awkwardly to lean heavily against Prompto for support and stopping every few steps to catch his breath or ride out a contraction. By the time they were at the top, he felt about ready to collapse with the weight, the fatigue and the urge to drop into a squat and push.
“It’s coming, Prom, I gotta.. Fuck.” Prompto held him as steady as he could as Gladio dropped his weight on him through a particularly bad contraction and gasped as he felt something nudge the ring of his lips. He clutched Prompto’s arm in surprise, probably too tightly, and tried to steady himself on shaky legs.
“I have to push,” He said heart beating too fast with adrenaline. “Fuck, I can’t stop it.”
They didn’t make it to the couch. Gladio tried to brace himself as best he could but ended up practically dragging Prompto down with him as he fell into a squat, groaning loudly with effort as he finally pushed with a contraction. His pants weren’t even off but he couldn’t hold back any longer, and as the head slid the slightest bit through him he couldn’t hold back the loud noise of pain either.
When the contraction was finally over he stood still for a moment, Prompto barely holding him up, and breathed.
“Can you make it to the couch?” Prompto asked, voice slightly strained, and Gladio tried to stand as much as he could.
“Quick,” he breathed, and together they stumbled and dragged themselves over the final steps. As soon as they made it Gladio collapsed into it, weakly fumbling with the waistband of his pants.
“P-pants,” he stuttered and Prompto stooped down immediately, quickly taking over the awkward fumbling with the waistband.
Another contraction hit before they could get them off completely and Gladio desperately tried to help Prompto pull them off, the urge to push so strong it was impossible to ignore.
When they were finally off Gladio could have sobbed with relief as he spread his legs so wide one fell off the couch. It was too narrow to be particularly comfortable, but Prompto helped by easing one thigh over the back and holding open the other.
Gladio strained with effort as he pushed, practically holding his breath through the entire powerful contraction. When it was done he released, collapsing back against the couch until the next one.
Each contraction was powerful, and helped the baby along despite his lack of energy, but before long he was flagging; barely even able to catch his breath.
“You can do it,” Prompto encouraged, still spooked but holding up better than Gladio could have expected. “Guys texted, they’re on their way. And the head’s almost out, dude!”
Even if Gladio wanted to give up, he knew he couldn’t. He’d been training his whole life to keep going and push himself beyond his limits. So when it felt like he couldn’t keep going, he took a deep breath and gathered as much strength he could and put it all into a strong push, shouting with the effort of it.
The head popped free with a gush of liquid but Gladio continued, pushing as hard as he could until he felt the baby continue, turning of its own accord to free first one shoulder and then the other. Gladio was still shouting with effort as at last the infant slid free completely with a final rush of liquid.
Completely exhausted, Gladio collapsed back against the couch, eyes closed as he focused solely on breathing. He was hardly aware of Prompto placing the baby on his chest, of the infant’s cries or the blanket that was draped over him as he finally, blissfully, was allowed to rest.
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killerxqween · 6 years
I Want it All- Gwilym Lee x Reader (Chapter 1/ Part 1)
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Summary: You are a 19 year old student attending NYU and your life is slowly going downhill. You’re struggling financially, you aren’t happy with your major, and you hate where you live.
Your friend proposes the idea of getting a sugar daddy, like her because it’ll help with your situation. She sets you up on a date with a contact from her sugar daddy and things get wild from there.
What will happen when you find out the mystery man is Gwilym Lee and how will your feelings develop towards each other? Read to find out 👑
Hi everyone! It’s Dani and this is my first ever fanfic here on Tumblr! I used to write and I stopped, but I decided to start writing so here I am. I wrote a lot for the first chapter, because I really wanted to set the stage. The first part is more of the setting and helping the plot develop. The second part is when Gwilym comes in 🤪I hope you all enjoy this fanfic! Follow me for more!!! Besos, my lovelies ❤️
Another day, another struggle.
You had just gotten an eviction notice from your landlord saying you had 30 days to pay your rent or you would be kicked out of your minuscule one bedroom, one bathroom apartment. Sometimes you wondered why the hell you decided to rent an apartment instead of living on campus.
Yes, you attended New York University with a full scholarship. After years of money struggles and hard work in high school, you got into your dream school to study Psychology. But even though you had achieved one of your goals, your life was far from perfect.
The biggest issue was your family. Even though they supported you while you were in grade school, your parents started to have a fall out and eventually filed for divorce. This led to financial struggles which meant they didn’t have the capacity to send you money because they needed to care for your two younger siblings. This meant you had to take up two jobs; one as a waitress and one in your local Sephora, which was extremely difficult to maintain because you were in university. These jobs also barely made enough for you to pay your rent. Some weeks you had to decide between saving money for your rent and buying food.
The other issue was one you ultimately felt you had no control of; you didn’t enjoy your chosen major. Yes, you do have control of what you want to do but, your dream had always been to be a musician. And as passionate as you are about music, trying to get into the music industry was virtually impossible while you were studying. Your final option would have to be dropping out of University to pursue music full time, but you knew that it would be impossible to live off of minimum wage and pursue a career that was difficult to be successful in. So you decided to major in psychology, which you enjoyed but knew it was something you would never truly be happy in.
Basically, it was difficult being a 19 year old independent scholar living in New York City.
You sighed and put the slip of paper onto the counter in your small kitchen. You lifted your phone and checked the time. 12:37. You had a day off from school today so you and your best friend Carina were going to a little café for lunch at 1:00 pm. The café was a five minute walk from your apartment so you decided to grab a drink and get ready.
You arrived at the café 2 minutes early. Carina was already seated at a small table that was in the corner of the café. You sat down at the table with your friend and took in your surroundings.
You had been to this café many times. It was a small space, but decorated in a way that made it feel very spacious and cozy. There were air plants hung all over the area, decorating the red bricked walls.
You smiled and spoke to your friend. “How are you! It’s been so long.”
You said excitedly to Carina. She has been your closest friend since you started classes in NYU. You had met her in your college writing class and hit it off immediately. She was a fierce 20 year old who knew what she wanted, unlike you. She had this bright, strawberry blonde hair with big, bold hazel eyes. She was extremely beautiful and confident in herself.
On the other hand, you were more reserved and less outspoken than her. Even though you were more introverted than her, you were still very confident and bold, but you didn’t show it as much as her. You liked your (e/c) eyes and you loved the way your soft (h/c) hair flowed. You just didn’t like showing it because you grew up with a family that saw self-love and self-confidence as conceited.
Carina smiled brightly at you, “I’ve been great! I went on vacation to Dubai with Rick for a week! It was so beautiful, we stayed at the Burj Al and everything!”
Ah yes, her sugar daddy Rick. Carina had signed up to be a sugar baby over two years ago and met Rick. He was a 42 year old Billionaire from Long Beach, California. He had close contacts with everyone, including famous actors and wealthy businessmen. He was handsome and Carina was very fond of him. Their relationship was strictly business, for the most part. She got whatever she wished for, including money, designer clothes, cars, and luxurious vacations as long as she accompanied Rick to parties, meetings and galas. That part wasn’t so bad, unless you took into consideration that one of the terms of being a sugar baby meant you had to sexually please the sugar daddy.
She didn’t mind it, though. She was financially stable and she got anything she desired. Not to mention Rick was not bad to look at.
“That sounds like fun, girl. I’m glad you enjoyed your trip.” You said with a sigh at the end.
“What’s wrong, babe?”
“Nothing, it’s just I got an eviction notice from my landlord saying I had to pay rent in 30 days or I’ll be kicked out. I barely have enough to feed myself, Carina. I don’t know what to do.”
She smirked. You knew what she was going to say next.
“Why don’t I ask Ri-“
“No. You may be comfortable with giving fake love to man in exchange for money but I’m not.”
“It’s not just money, though. You can’t pay rent? He’ll pay for an entire fucking penthouse. You can’t buy food? He’ll take you to 5 star restaurants. You don’t have enough money to buy a new sweater? He’ll buy you the whole damn Gucci store, baby. It’s worth it. Just take it into consideration.”
And you did. Carina had told you about the offer many times, every time you mentioned you were struggling, actually. This time, you were extremely stressed and thought about what life would be like if you had no worries at all. Maybe this proposal wouldn’t be so bad? As if you hadn’t had friends with benefits before.
“So how exactly does the whole sugar baby thing work? Do I go out with him? Do I go when he calls?” You asked curiously.
“Basically, before you sign anything or agree to any terms, you go out for a meeting. Basically, it’s a date. He gets to know you, you get to know him, and you’ll both decide if you’re interested in sugar dating. The terms differentiate for each guy. But usually they ask you to accompany them to an event or they ask for a favor and they’ll pay you back with whatever you want.”
You stared at her with a pensive face. You knew that a favor meant sex or any sexual act and you didn’t know if you wanted to go down that route. But what other option did you have really?
“Fine. Ask Rick to set me up with one of his contacts. But I’m not agreeing to anything yet, I wanna see how this ‘meeting’ goes” I said while putting air quotes around meeting. I knew that I might regret this in the future, but right now, this was my final option.
She smiled at me. “Perfect, I’ll call him when I get home then I’ll text you with details! There’s no need to worry, babe. You’re going to be fine, and if you don’t like the guy then you can decline the offer. Just have an open mind. Okay?”
“Okay” You said with a breathy sigh.
4 days later...
Carina texted you back about 4 hours after grabbing lunch with her.
She had gotten you a meeting with “some hot, wealthy, British guy who is interested in a potential relationship, that is completely business of course.” She has sent the specific date, time, and location of the meeting. You were shocked.
Your potential suitor had gotten you both reservations at Masa; one of the most expensive restaurants in New York City. You didn’t know why you were surprised, you expected nothing less from a wealthy man wanting to make an impression on a girl he wanted. But, you had never seen anyone waste that much on a simple meal, it astounded you.
Well now it was the day of the meeting with the mystery man and you were extremely nervous, to say the least. The days had passed too quickly for your liking and now you had to go meet him.
“What did I get myself into” you quietly mumbled to yourself while checking you appearance in the mirror.
You looked hot, if you were being honest with yourself. You had worn your most expensive outfit and your most luxurious jewelry. You picked out a black formal dress that accentuated every curve on your frame that you had saved up for over a year to get. You wore matching black, glossy heels and your diamond necklace which you had received as a 16th birthday gift from your family.
You took in your appearance one last time and thought about canceling. It wasn’t too late to say that you weren’t feeling well, you hadn’t met the guy yet. But you were desperate for money and somewhat curious about the whole ordeal. You gave up the idea of canceling and walked out the door.
-End of Chapter One/ Part One-
(Chapter One/ Part Two is now up)
-Dani 👑
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silviasutton1989 · 6 years
The Guest “Worthy” Ch. 6
A/N: Ok ok I just want you all to know I’m still here (if anyone has noticed any lol) I’m currently in the process of moving I will...should be moved out by next week end so I should be more active....hopefully. This is what I have for you guys so far. i edited cut added cut more then finally said f it and here it is!  
Word Count:2500
Rating: Adult Content...this is pretty tame (or not wink wink) I just don’t want to get flagged (AGAIN) so I didn’t go full out.
Summary: Candace volunteers at a shelter and surprises everyone (even herself) with a shocking revaluation. 
Catch Up on my MASTERLIST:
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Liam sat in the leather chair watching as his father went on and on about something he hadn't bothered to pay attention to. His mind was on Candace. Something was up and he could feel her unhappiness, he could see it in her eyes even when she smiled. Yet any time he asked her she would say nothing was wrong.
"Son are you listening? This is very important. They hate her!"
"Who? Who hates who?" Liam finally snaps out of his thoughts to see the morning newspaper thrown in front of him.
"Cordonia...the people. OUR people hate the girl." Constantine's tone was serious but Liam could see the smug grin creeping from his cheeks. He reads the paper headline: "Royal guest bored at charity barn raise." The picture they used of Candace was far from unflattering. Her eyes off in their own world a pout fixed on her face, he had been seeing that look lately... a lot lately.
"She...it's just a bad picture it means noth--" Liam starts to read the article and quickly throws it away in the trash. 
"Son I know you love her. And I know you came here with the intentions of leaving. But..." He creeps closer to his son placing a firm hand on his shoulder. His closet form of embrace he could give. "But what if you plan to stay...what if you decide to keep your crown?"
"Father I already--"
"Yes...yes I know. But I've been watching you, at the morning meetings during our trading briefs. You enjoy this, even more than that you thrive at it!" He sighs removing his hand and walking away. "I just think that if you leave they will blame her. Do you want that?"
"No ...what should I do?"
His father turns away hiding his full smile. "Don't worry son. I know exactly what to do."
The limo doors open and soon Canadace was standing in front of a crowd. It was so different. For the 2 months she was surrounded by beautiful perfect faces in expensive dresses and now staring at her were men women and children who faces were covered in dirt and dried tears, coughing as they shivered in their wet blankets. Was this Cordonia? 
"Lady Candace, why are you here?" a reporter calls out thrusting his mic in her face.
"I ...um I'm here to help those affected Cordonia's latest flood. The monarchy would like to show their support."
"And what do you plan to do exactly?" Another reporter pushes their mic into her face. She pauses. No one had given her instructions on what exactly to do here.
" Well I...um I guess I will..." looking around for an answer.
"She will be assisting in feeding the hungry, passing out clean dry linen, and whatever Lady Candace feels she can squeeze in." She hadn't seen the man standing next to her appear. But there he was long slicked back light salt and pepper hair and a dashing smile that seemed welcoming. "Now if you all will excuse us Lady Candace has a very busy day ahead and I'm sure she would like to get started."
The dashing man lead her into the building as the reporters remained outside.
"Thanks for the help."
"Oh you are most welcome, M'Lady." he takes her hand placing a light kiss to it.
"Well, it's seems you have me quite in a disadvantage. You know who I am but I have no idea who you are."
"I am Francesco. Usually I work with the King in trade deals with Italy." He smiles as he walks her further into the building. "But with the recent flood many of Cordonia's supplies have been meager, so I took it upon myself to assist the country. Help them get back on their feet sort of speak."
"Well that's very generous of you." Candace had a feeling not to trust the welcoming man in front of her. She watched as he helped a young child who dropped their toy. Over the past few weeks she had grown to not trust the beaming smiles of nobles, and she wasn't sure but for some reason this man with all his charm, still gave her an uneasiness. 
"Oh it's a better honor to serve." He grins before leading her to a large laundry room. "Here is where the linen is washed dried and folded. You can assist here for a while then well move you to do other duties."
Candace had forgotten how satisfying it was to work. And it wasn't just the tasks that brought a smile to her face, it was the people. She met a young girl named Dorcas who wanted to go to college but the flood destroyed her parent's business, she was sure her dream would never come true. She met a man Mr. Callis who was a 5th generation fisherman, he lost his wife of 37 years due to the flood, and mainly stayed at the shelter because it was better than the unwelcoming silence of his empty home. She heard so many stories learned so many names, cared for and assisted so many that she regretted leaving . She decided to leave the shelter through the back doors hoping to avoid and more press.
"This is all working perfectly! I mean we are making millions off these saps!"
As Candace turned a corner she saw Francesco talking on his phone, he hadn't seen her and so she hid to hear more.
"Ha! and the king just keeps sending us more and more money. He doesn't even bother to look at the expenses!" He boasts "And the best part is that that all we're get money from everyone. Countries all over are just raking in the cash! We'll be millionaires before if we can just milk this thing a few more months. "  Francesco rolls with laughter not even noticing Candace walking to her limo.
She was quite her way back., not sure of what to do. But before she could come up with an answer the limo was pulling into the place grounds, where the press waited for her.
Giving the limo little time to stop and before her senses could stop her she was standing in front of a camera microphone clenched in her fist.
"Cordonian's, today I assisted  at a local shelter. That shelter's purpose is to support your survivors. I met those survivors. And it was those who have nothing that have shown me the true beauty that is Cordonia. I want them to know that I truly care. So what I'm about to say comes from love and respect for those people and this country, and I wouldn't say this if I didn't believe 100 percent for it to be true...." Candace took a deep breath. She wasn't afraid but her nerves were on end. "Those that run that shelter are running a scam!"
The press gasps all rushing closer with their microphones. 
"Italian Statesman Fransesco is nothing more than a vulture...a criminal who has been milking the Cordonian monarchy, fooling them to believe they are helping your people. But all he is doing is pocketing the money!" Candace opened her mouth to say more but strong arms grabbed her pulling her into the palace the doors shutting with a loud thud.
"Let go of me!" she struggles free as the guard releases her.
"Lady Candace you have been summoned to the king's quarters at once."
She followed the guard to a study. The second she stepped in the room Constantine eyed her. He had a way of looking furious but still with a calm smile.
"Where's Liam?" 
"Don't worry he will be in shortly. But while we wait maybe you should explain yourself? You just accused one of our biggest trade dealers of scamming us!" 
Candace straightens her spine. "I'm telling the truth."
"I don't give a damn if it's the truth or not!" Constantine spat his face turning red before taking a breath to calm himself. "I know you are new here. And being foreign, you have little understanding of monarchy protocol. But I am king! I rule this country and if something isn't straight you come to me with it! Don't get in front of a news camera and make me look like a gullible fool!"
"I wan't...I didn't mean to--"
Just then the doors opened an Liam walks in.
"I just heard. Candace I...I can't believe you just did that!" She waited to see disappointment in his eyes but there was none. Instead he smiles pulling her into a tight hug. "I always thought something was off about Francesnco."
"Well we have to prove he actually is guilty of fraud before we go parading the girl around like a hero, Liam."
"You should check your records. He was boasting about the fact that you never looked over them." 
Constantine clenches his jaw. "My men will look over them immediately."
"Good. I think Candace deserves a night out." Liam's eyes didn't leave her as he spoke " Father I'm taking the jet tonight." He leans whispering into her ear. "Candy go put on something...special." biting his bottom lip as he took a step back and watches as she walks away.
Today had certainly been a whirlwind. Candace started her day washing linen feeding the hungry to broadcasting a fraud over the local news to now flying in a private jet her hand firmly in Liam's, who just couldn't wipe this silly grin from his face. 
"Do you know if your father looked into those records?"
"I do. I was going to wait till we landed but....you were right! The man has schemed almost half a million from us and there's no telling how much he could have gotten away with before anyone would have noticed."
Candace exhaled. "I'm just glad I actually helped instead of made things worse."
"Helped? Candace you did far more then help! You saved those people...and even if my father's to prideful to admit it...you saved the monarchy." He bends to kiss her hand softly. "Take a look out of the window, we are here."
Candace eyes land on the shimmering lights of the Eiffel Tower. Her mouth opens but no words flow out only shrieks.
When the plane landed Liam lead her up to the very top of the building. Awaiting them was a candlelight diner for two.
"You planned all this?" Her mouth still agape as she he lead her to her seat.
"Oh this...this was nothing just called in a few favors." He gives a sly wink before sitting down. "Besides Cordonia's hero needs to be thanked some kind of way."
"I'm no hero Liam I just ---"
"No. Stop selling yourself short Candace. I've thought Franceseco was a weasel since the day I've met him. You were with the man for 5 hours and figured out he was robbing my country. You're incredible."
"I have to say I did enjoy helping at the shelter. It helped me to see Cordonia in a new light."
"Oh so you actually like it now." Liam quirked a smile "Guess we don't have to make a rushed flight back to New York?"
"Don't get too excited." Candace chuckles looking off into the dazzling lights of Paris. "But...I really did love meeting those people...and getting to know them...and being able to make their lives better. I know it probably would have been better  for me to go to the King with Franceseco but really all I could think about was them. Helping them, protecting them."
They ate their dinner as she told him about all the people she meet. She remembered every name every story they had. Candace looked over to Liam his smile brighter than the lights before them. It was almost as if he's looking at her for the first time, as if he never really knew her until this moment. And he loved what he saw. He takes her hand leading her to the edge of the tower they look through the chain fence at the city below.
"Want to know why I brought you here?"
"Oh so you weren't just trying to woo me with your father's jet and you connects to the Effeil Tower."
"Ha Ha...no. This use to be my favorite place as a kid. I use to beg father to take me but he was always too busy. So I decided to take myself." Liam looks out into the buildings below. "Coming here made me realize exactly what it means to be King. All those people: mothers fathers children, they all depend on their leaders. To serve them to protect them so that their lives can be that much better. Up here you see more than just a view...up here you see as a royal just how many lives you affect. I learned that lesson coming up here, but I guess you...you learned what it means to be royal by actually being down there."
"I think your making a big deal out of nothing...I just--"
Her words stop as she watches Liam drop to his knee.
"Candace you are worthy of so much whether you know it or not. You are worthy of all this and so much more." She watched as his eyes danced up and down her body. He looks so proud, so happy so pleased with the woman whose waist he holds so tightly, as if he needs her to believe what he says. His hands slowly drop and find their way underneath her skirt.
She closes her eyes as she lets him touch her. It had been so long since she just shut her mind off and allowed herself to be touched. And he touched her so well, his fingertips so warm against her skin as he traces over her moist center.
Liam doesn't take his eyes off Candace. Her head tilted back eyes closed to the bight stars above her, the wind softly blowing through her dark hair. He loved her and yes he was proud of what she achieved today, but in all honesty his just wanted her to be happy. And soon he pulls the damp panties down. bows his head underneath the skirt and kisses her where he knew she needed most.
He listens as she moans his tongue focused on her clit flicking the ball of nerves till he could hear her breath hitch. He opens his mouth wider,sucking on the sensitive flesh,  using his free hand to enter her, sliding in and out giving him juice to quench his thirst. Holding her waist so tightly is the only thing keeping her shaking legs from completely giving out on her. Liam nestles himself between her thighs, loving her cries, loving her taste, loving to be the thing that made her happy and wanting it to be forever, wanting to make this exact spot he is in his home.
@agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis@missevabean@blackcatkita  @darley1101@jadedpixiescribbles@indiacater@umccall71@speedyoperarascalparty@findingdrake@stopforamoment@mrsdrakewalkerblog@bobasheebaby@itsmychoicebih@gardeningourmet
@hopefulmoonobject @smalltalk88 @boneandfur@cordoniansqueen @choicesbyjade @ladynonsense@jovialyouthmusic @roses0219 @carabeth @iloveliamrys@sarwin85
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yoshimickster · 6 years
RWBY Volume 6 Episode “Alone in the Woods” Micksterecap-THINGS HAPPEN FINALLY!
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Hey everybody hoping you had a good week, mine’s had some bumps but I’m still dancin’ so WHATEVS-lets get to Micksterecap!
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-with Ruby thinking about reenacting her favorite scene from “An American Tail”, moon and everything-BUT-
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2:05 -CAN’T due to Bumblebee angst. Look at Weiss in the middle there, no WAY she doesn’t know she’ a buffer between the two of them. Girl just wants to be warm, why does she also have to be in between passive aggressive romance drama?
Its sad times like this when a girl JUST needs a stable adult to talk to, so she GOES to Qrow-
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-aaaaaaaaaaand he’s drinking...super. Way to keep it together, one of only 2 stable adults. He then tells her that he’s okay and that he’ll wake everyone up in the morning because he’s the STABLE adult he is!
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A CUT TO-Maria telling Oscar about the late man of the house Bartleby, and how the farming community was going through a BIT of tough times, which I’m SURE he didn’t try to solve by using the dark arts...so sure.
Ruby than tells everyone they gotta go to sleep as they gotta get out of this rejected Evil Dead setting ASAP, which I’m sure Qrow will DEFINITELY be awake to wake up everbod-
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4:13 Oooooooooooooooooooooh Qrooooooooooooooow...you got a problem man. That’s an ENTIRELY different bottle of booze. AND-just when you think his drinking problem couldn’t be even MORE of a problem-
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-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH she woke up before him and saw him in this state. We’re getting real here folks, we’re tackling alcoholism, WE’RE DOING IT FOLKS!
In a FIT of anger-
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-Ruby SMASHES that shit-
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-WAKING-his drunk ass up-
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-making him INSTANTLY realize he broke a promise due to his drinking...we are getting DANGEROUSLY close to very special episode territory here folks.
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Ruby than gives him a sweet hug telling him he could talk to her and Yang about stuff, but like many people with a problem Qrow brushes it off...uuuuuuuuuuuuuh...HAMMERS! Sorry...trying to make a joke here but its just...SUCH an angst fest!
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5:36 Everyone else is awake, hell Weiss even welded a hitchemup to Bumblebee(the bike not the ship) with her dust magic so the cart will attach to it! When Weiss learned welding I do NOT know but I’m glad she did!
EITHER WAY everything goes out fine without ANY proble-
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-aaaaaaaaaand Qrow’s Misfortune pops the tire (Ruby, HIDE THE BOOZE).
This single deflated tired sparks a chain reaction of mental anguish, where everyone is practically giving up on the mission, Yang even tells Ruby she should just throw the Jinn lamp down the well ALSO-
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7:43 These three just...STARE at Ruby until she drops it in the well...like weird sleepy zombies. Ruby attempts to toss that sucker down the well-
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-while ALSO sporting a sleepy zombie demeanor like everyone else which I’m SO SURE won’t mean anything later-BUT THEN-
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“Hey kid...you like balloons?”
Ruby than drops the lamp, LOGICALLY freaks out about it ALL WHILE-
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-these...three sleepy bitches don’t give a SHIT! If you can ‘t tell by now, some CLEAR devil magic is being had here.
Ruby somehow being the ONLY person to not be sleepified, gets her team to join her in getting the magical lamp that the bad guy wants that is STILL a freakin priority! And I’m sure Qrow, being a mature man of body and mind will FIGHT BACK the curse holding them-
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Qrow: Everyone do whatever, I’m gonna drink away my feelings.
Ooooooooooooooh right, depression.
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9:29 Team RWBY jumps down the well without receiving fall damage, in what is CLEARLY Killer Croc’s level in Batman Arkham Asylum. Get the Poison Ivy spores and then GET OUT OF THERE! The four than search for the lamp-ALL WHILE-
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Maria continues to read Bartelby’s diary which I’m sure will have NOOOOOOOOOOOOO relevance at all...absolutely none.
After slightly more emo than usual Blake points out their scroll’s flashlights are useless when they’re looking for a glowing lamp of infinite glowing-
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-BAM-they finds that shit, and I’m sure NOTHING bad will happen when they go look for it, not Salem’s crew, not White Fang-bangers, not nightmare Grimm that suck away your will to care about anything creating utter and total apath-
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OH SWEET JESUS-they’re all bendy and moaning, and GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE! They even freak out Ruby-
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-BUT thankfully-
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-THAT was enough to wake them up from their case of the SERIOUS mondays. TERROR-the greatest alarm clock of all! Ruby THEN introduces them to the monsters of the week-
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-DAMMIT-I wish I could get a better picture of how unsettling they all are, like freaky inky skeletons. Ruby then gives the FIRST volley-
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-WHICH does nothing! That’s what you get for forgetting those super cross-bullets from the character short Ruby...and RWBY in general, what the hell happened to those things? Its even worse when the Apathy uses-EMO SHRIEK-
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OLD LADY MARIA APPEARS to save the day...by...encouraging them to run! Hey, helping’s helping, I’m not picky.
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Team RWBYM then runs ALL throughout the catacombs, running into more and more of these Grimm zombie fucks and JUST when they get to the exit-
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-AND they hit em with another depression wave, they make Blue Diamond look like Holly Blue!
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12:29 That don’d stop Maria, the little Yoda that could from trying to open the door-BUT-to no avail! Strong will power has its limits. ALSO-Blake has the most...HORRIFYING reaction to the Apathy’s power-
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Blake:...its fine.
While she just LIES down, complacent in the absolute nothingness the Apathy gave them, just CREEPY!
Things are just NOT looking good folks, the music keeps getting creepier, the Grimm keep getting closer, and the PROM is tomorrow! But RIGHT before one of the skeledudes try to Freddy Kruger Blake-
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Ruby: NO-not my sister’s almost girlfriend!
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Things seem good for like THREE seconds, Yang rushes to the door to bash it open BUT-
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-they blast them with YET ANOTHER emo wave-RIGHT before Yang could get to the door.
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Yang: NO-I can’t reach one of my two almost girlfriends!
Don’t lie, some of you were thinking shippy thoughts with that shot, and you DISGUST ME!
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13:54 Once again its up to RWBY Grandma Katara to SAVE the day!
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Maria: Ruby, what color are your eyes?
By...asking questions about eye color apparently! Also her goggles don’t look THAT distorted, I’m amazed she hasn’t guessed their silver.
Maria than gives her the ULTIMATE pep-talk, Ruby gets up and REVEALS-
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-SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HA GRIMM DISINTEGRATION POWERS! AWESOME! H-wait...did Ozpin KNOW about how Silver Eye powers WORKED? Cos if he did...wwwwwwwwwwwhy didn’t he get Ruby a tutor? Because that is one BAD ASS super power!
Either way it was an attack SO awesome-
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-that it fixed Maria’s eyes! HUZZAH!
Yang bashes the exit’s door, REVEALING IT LEADS TO-
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15:22 -THE HOUSE...uh, yeah where else would it lead? I’m just saying EVERYONE here is surprised, including Weiss and Ruby who saw the door LAST episode. Man, intense magical apathy must do TERRORS on the memory-WHICH-is actually true for those for depression. They ALSO see-
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DRUNKLE QROW-who has been ABSOLUTELY useless this ENTIRE episode due to the Apathy amplifying his depression. Seriously, I want to point out he DOES look worse in this episode than others, most times he was a functional drunk, this time he went full off the wagon.
Everybody decides to logically leave this hellish house of hell-housery-RIGHT BEFORE THE ANIMATORS-
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Either way, Weiss who is absolutely DONE with being scared and apathetic does the ONLY logical thing one can do in this situation-
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-SET SOME BITCHES ON FIRE! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH-their gonna toast up NICE with all that wood and alcohol there!
After pushing a belligerent Drunkle Qrow who EVENTUALLY notices the death monsters-
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16:26 See that look? THAT is a combo look of both breaking from a plus 10 apathy enchantment AND instant sobriety!
Either way, everyone gets on the cart attached to Bumblebee and they get OUT OF THERE-
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...rather...smoothly I gotta say! I mean what is that, 25 miles an hour? Bumblebee has a GOOD amount of horsepower for a motorcycle, wander why Yang had so much trouble trudging it through the snow earlier.
Everybody than says sorry for ever saying they’d want to quit the debatably futile mission of stopping an immortal witch, Maria gives final backstory on the apathy inducing monsters they fought being rounded up there by dumb-ass Bartleby who just didn’t want to pay Hunstmen and thought putting his friends and family into a state of constant apathy was a good idea, bla bla bla-TELL US WHAT WE ALL READY KNOW WOMAN!
Ruby: Ms Calavera, how do you know so much about the Grimm, and in the tunnels you know exactly what to say to make my eyes do that...how?
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Maria: Well, isn’t it obvious girl...I had silver eyes!
BAM-a creepy as hell horror episode, more examples of Qrow’s drinking being a LEGIT problem, and SECRETS REVEALED in Maria being a Silver-eyes! DAMN what a good episode, hell the Apathy are almost as creepy as the Nuckaleave, and I LOVES the Nuckaleave!
Either way, fun episode, if you want to support my Patreon or Kofi just ask or message me, SEE YA NEXT WEEK ON MICKSTERECAPS!
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notdeadjack · 6 years
Annual rec list 2018 edition
Multi-fandom reclist y’all!
Fandoms represented: 7
Part 1: Voltron: 37 fics Teen Wolf: 155 fics
Part 2: Boku no Hero Academia: 9 fics Yuri!!! on Ice: 3 fics Harry Potter: 2 fics Marvel: 23 fics Kingsman: 21 fics
250 fics, under the cut!
uuh, pay attention to the author’s tags for potential triggers. I highly recommend opening this in your browser and use the “find in page” feature to skip to the fandom/ships relevant to your interests.
if this shows up on your dash and the “read more” isn’t working, I am so sorry.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13575843     What comes through the bond by sedna_mode    5k, gen, 
Pidge gets her period. The boys feel echoes of it 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12045429    Change of Plans by kitausu    26k, Lance/Shiro, AU, 
When Shiro is left at the alter, he decides to go on his honeymoon alone. Enter Lance, the man Shiro had hired to take him and his would-be bride on a month long tour of Europe.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13892394     Strike a Match by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)    5k, Shiro & Lance, 
Shiro realizes why his head hurts, and Lance is faced with the reality of responsibility. Based on art by Littlecofeiart.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12282321    Signals by epiproctan    40k, Lance/Shiro, Shiro/Keith, Lance/Shiro/Keith, sex pollen, friends with benefits, pining, STDs,
Space is infinite, and varied, and the possibilities that exist in it are numerous. Despite knowing this, Shiro never imagined that he’d find himself the host of alien bacteria that makes him frequently and unbearably horny. That’s exactly where he ends up though, which is unfortunate for a number of reasons discussed herein, but namely because emotions are messy, and so is biology, and so is war. But maybe somewhere between words like, “It’s just sex,” and, “You’re like a brother to me,” three people can find love. And the mission that ruins Shiro’s life might just be the one that saves him, too.
(Or, Shiro fucks up, fucks Lance, and fucks Keith over. And things are never the same again.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13864146    it's all about the team by clairelutra (exosolarmoon)    1k, Lance/Shiro, pre-slash, 
Lance, Shiro, and an escape from formal execution. All in the day of the universe's legendary defenders, right?
It was only halfway there that he realized that he didn't have a clue how to hand Shiro the key when the key was most definitely not in his hand and he had no way of discreetly getting it there. He couldn't exactly hand Shiro the key with his mouth.
Lance wasn't very good at forethought today, was he.
He kept paddling even as his extremities went numb at the realization, his mind silently, helplessly reeling as Shiro approached like oncoming doom.
Wait, he thought when he was a mere five feet away from Shiro. Mouth.
Lance had a mouth. Shiro also had a mouth.
There actually was a way he could hand Shiro the key, it just didn't involve hands.
...This was going to be awkward as fuck.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12234321    As The Flower Blooms by aestivali    7k, Lance/Shiro, sex pollen, bottom shiro, 
While undertaking a mission on an alien planet, Lance and Shiro encounter some troublesome flora - and need each other's help to ride out the effects. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14948963    The Last Blues by Atalto    3k, Lance/Shiro, h/c, 
He’s left with Red, with Lance, who invited him in with an uncertain, almost nervous smile, who rambled unconsciously all the way from entrance to cockpit, who sat him down with a small bowl of rehydrated food goo and a cup of milk that he promised was pasteurised.
Shiro thinks he needs space after coming back, but the truth is far from that. In fact, all he wants is contact after being alone for years, which Lance is happy to oblige.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14701146    Never Better by avoidingavoidance    3k, Lance/Shiro, 
After a hard battle, Lance comes to comfort Shiro, and both of them end up being more honest with each other than they'd intended.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13874268    Listen by SuccubustyKisses    43k, Lance/Shiro, clones, 
When you can’t hear what you’re told to, you find another way to hear it. Or: Lance can’t stop thinking about what Shiro was trying to tell him, and as a result he makes a life changing decision. 
Preview: “Shiro!” Lance wakes up with a scream, sitting up in his bed. His hand is held in front of him as his chest heaves. Curling his fingers into a fist he pulls his hand down in front of his face, fighting back the frustration bubbling in his chest. “God damn it, Shiro.”
Knowing he’s not going to get back to sleep Lance stands up, stretching his arms up high above his head. With a yawn he settles back down and slips his feet into his slippers, one red lion and one blue. With a sigh of resignation he opens his door and shuffles quietly into the hallway. His feet lead the way as his mind struggles to leave his dream and catch up. Before he can realize it he’s standing in front of Red, hands fisted at his sides.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12816384    Circle by starbear (panda_hiiro)    13k, Lance/Shiro, 
(Shiro POV) A routine exploration mission goes awry, and leaves Lance and Shiro with an inexplicable connection to each other. In attempting to untangle the new bond between them, they draw closer to each other, but is that actually a good thing?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14485782    do you got plans tonight? by kalakauuas    5k, Lance/Shiro, AU, 
Lance doesn’t know this guy, but he knows that being stood up is no fun, so. He takes matters into his own hands.
(and maybe holds Shiro’s while he’s at it.)
alternate title: just according to keikaku* *keikaku means plan
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13784256    Little Talk by sxofstardust    1k, Lance/Shiro, pining, 
    “Hey, uh… are you okay?” Came the dreaded question, the grimace to follow upon hearing it being completely against his will, and poorly did he conceal it with an aversion of his gaze. “Whoa, okay, I’ll take that as a no…” A pause, followed by the sound of shuffling which tempted Shiro to look and see just what exactly the other was doing. “… Do you… wanna talk about it?” Lance sounded far too enthusiastic in the offer.
    With a hesitant look tossed the boy’s way, Shiro could practically see the hopeful gleam in his eyes, bright and blinding. Lance appeared ready to leap into action, as though he had something to prove, though what exactly that was, Shiro hadn’t the faintest. Still, the offer had been presented to him, and though words of dismissal had been on the tip of his tongue, the elder found himself hesitating.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14308173    Relax by robotjellyfish    1k, Lance/Shiro, massage,
Lance's hands are like magic on Shiro's tense shoulders
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15035519    Sit Next To Me by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)    12k, multi, innuendo, massage, scars, flowercrowns,  fluff, 
A series of fills for Shiro Ship Week 2018
Day 1 - Flowers (Sheith) inspired by this art by Gitwrecked Day 3 - Stars (Shunk) Day 7 - Scars (Shance)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14961512    I Want to be There for You by DeathByStorm    1k, Lance/Shiro, 
“You've been avoiding me,” Shiro said. “Did you want to talk about it?"
"No," Lance said. He rested his chin on his arm and looked resolutely out across the dead water hoping Shiro would take the hint and leave.
"I guess I'll just sit here and enjoy the sunset with you then," Shiro said. He leaned on the same rock that Lance was sitting against and crossed his ankles. Lance narrowed his eyes and nope, Shiro was definitely ignoring the fact that he wanted to be left alone right now.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15233076    Ignorance is Bliss by DeathByStorm    4k, Lance/Shiro, 
Or four times Lance pined after Shiro, and the one time Shiro noticed and did something about it. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15274980    A Visible Soul by fenfyre (Jace)    24k, Lance/Shiro, monsters and mana AU, praise kink, virgin!Shiro, 
There was no doubt in Pike's mind: He'd leave the others again as soon as possible. All the more reason to have some fun with the handsome paladin.    
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14832060    Coming Through The Noise by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)    28k, gen, truth serum, PTSD, fluff, 
Shiro is in the habit of keeping things to himself. He's always been private, and he prefers to keep his thoughts to himself unless there's a reason to share.
He doesn't get that option anymore.
Or: Shiro got hit with truth spell magic and he might drop dead of embarrassment
Also Or: 5 times Shiro told the truth (because magic made him do it)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14756066     On Camera by kitausu    11k, Hunk/Keith, AU, cam boy, praise kink, fluff, 
Keith wasn’t exactly the traditional camboy but It wasn’t like Hunk had any experience with this sort of thing. Mostly, he was hard and his normal tricks just weren’t doing it and he was making dumb decision entirely navigated by his dick (like handing his credit card number off to a camboy website in the first place).
Otherwise known as the heith camboy au no one asked for but I’ve been talking about for 600 years.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15604098    Per Aspera by fenfyre (Jace)    10k, Lance/Shiro(/Shiro), praise kink, angst, astral threesome, 
Lance wasn't sure when it had started, couldn't pinpoint an exact date, but if he had to try, he'd say it was sometime after him and Shiro had connected through that psychic link during a battle.
When Lance and Shiro take a quiet moment in the Black Lion the strange visions Lance has been having get a little out of control.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15420975   lead us into battle and i'll lead you in a dance by ghiblitears   3k, Lance/Shiro, pining, 
Two aliens have eyes for Lance at a diplomatic party. Shiro intervenes.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16698706    take a trip to your dark side by Hymn    6k, Lance/Shiro, rough sex, 
It's just one of those days, sometimes.
Shiro narrowed his eyes, leaning back. “Don’t push me, Lance.”
“Oh?” Lance raised his eyebrows mockingly. He stepped closer, put out one hand and poked Shiro in the chest with it, hard enough to be not only rude, but annoying, a deliberate physical taunt to go with the verbal. “And if I do, Shiro? What are you going to do? You want to have a bad day, fine. But then I’m going to treat you just like the rest of us, I’m going to push, and I’m going to needle, and I’m going to tell you that you can’t just be a dick ‘cause you’re not feeling like --”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16518809    The curl of your lips in the centre of eclipse by thatsformetoknow    1k, Lance/Shiro, touch starved Shiro, 
Kissing Lance hadn’t been on his morning schedule when he’d woken up today, but somehow here he was; on Lance’s bed, with Lance in his lap, Lance all over him everywhere and Shiro really for the life of him couldn’t bring himself to push Lance away, didn’t want to at all.
Because god, he had one hand in his hair and one hand cupping his face, gently brushing over his skin and tilting his head upwards and it was all Shiro could manage to part his lips when Lance licked at them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14930270   hold on tight by Hymn    5k, Lance/Shiro, pwp, establish relationship, sleepy ex, bottom shiro,
“‘m too tired to do anything,” Shiro warned, not quite certain he actually meant it.
“You can just sleep,” Lance said, voice muffled by his shirt. “I don’t mind. I missed you, dude. I missed cuddles, and like, your smell, and the feel of having you in my arms, y’know?”
Shiro wasn’t too tired to smile, at least, his heart picking up the pace, stomach fluttering with butterflies. “Yeah?”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17046572    FootWork by AshesTheTerrible    7k, Lance/Shiro, clubbing, rough sex, 
Shiro wasn't the same person he used to be. He used to be wild and young and free. Maybe those parts of himself had been lost along the way.
But for one night, he's determined to reclaim them. Lance is hardheaded and obnoxious and he's everything that makes Shiro want to give into those more primal urges again.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16811572    easier to lose by quiddative    42k, Lance/Shiro, AU, hockey, 
"It's easier to lose than to win." - Wayne Gretzky
Shiro is at the peak of his NHL career. Unfortunately, being famous has its downsides, particularly when it comes to dating. And that’s on top of the fact that he’s still in the closet.
However, a chance meeting with college student Lance, who seems to be the only person in the entire city who doesn’t know who he is, gives him hope that maybe he won’t die alone after all. Just as long as he can keep his identity a secret.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16910493/chapters/39728568   Goodbye by SpicyJam, chapter 1: kidge - dirty grind     1k, Pidge/Keith, sparring, dry humping, 
i know you just pointed out that we’re all v thirsty for the sweet kidge content and you’re so right.. short drabble prompt: some good old fashioned ‘accidental’ grinding during a sparring session kidge?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14279403    Behind the Mask by Hannaadi88    4k, Lance/Shiro, aliens made them do it, master/pet, undercover, 
Accompanying Shiro to a shady meeting with the leader of the Malachim Shechoreem (or the 'Space Mafia', as he liked to call them), Lance poses as the Black Paladin's pet to add to Shiro's credibility among those who own them.
And while Lance certainly looks the part, neither of them expected him to actually have to play it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14480427    Old School by chashuu    8k, Blaytz/Lance/Shiro, smut, 
When they found Blaytz in an old cryo-pod, hidden away on a planet they’d fought so hard to liberate from Zarkon’s Empire, even Allura didn’t realize exactly who he was at first. The man was a legend, and honestly, an all around amazing guy. That being said, Lance would learn very quickly that the lessons the original Blue Paladin had to teach really were the best thing that ever happened to him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16378742     the importance of being idle by wajjs    15k, Lance/Shiro, future fic, 
It's been years since the war has ended and Lance just keeps running away.   
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10024043    Gunna Go Far, Kid by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions)    3k, gen, de-aged!Shiro, 
Shiro finds himself in the body of a six year old. Again.
He's not any more happy about it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11621454    Brace for Impact by shyfoxes    15k, Lance/Shiro, AU, fight club, 
"Not to be rude, my guy,” Lance said, “but you’re wrong. You are worth it. I’m going to prove it to you.”
“By doing what exactly?” Shiro asked, exasperated. “Standing outside Galra Tech with a sign? Spray-painting Zarkon’s car? There’s nothing you can do, Lance.”
Lance held his chin up. “What if I fight you?”
Shiro blinked, jaw dropping. “What?”
“What if I fight you? What if I fight everyone on that list to get to you?” Lance exclaimed. “If I win, you come with me. If I lose - I’ll leave you alone, forever.”
Or, underground fighter Shiro finally learns how to hope again from a persistent guy named Lance.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13817205   Full Moons and the Mornings After by Impetus    6k, Lance/Shiro, AU, fluff, 
Lance really needs to stop letting stray wolves into his apartment.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14910051    honey and seawater by your bed by lacking    2k, Lance/Shiro, nightmares, 
Lance’s head whips up, his shoulders rolling back as his spine straightens, standing at attention like he’s a fresh-faced cadet snapping off a salute to Iverson for the first time. Pidge and Hunk share a look, eyebrows raised with their lips pressed flat, amused or bewildered by Lance’s reaction, but Shiro makes a sound, metal knuckles pressed against the curve of his mouth, ducking his head as Lance sputters and asks the alien to repeat himself.
“You probably shouldn’t get your hopes up,” Hunk says, stage-whispering behind his hand as their escort leads them out of the citadel. “We don’t know what their definition of a beach is.”
Lance reflects on his changing relationship with Shiro, understanding both a little more and a lot less than he realizes.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13791507   from your heart by godsensei    2k, Lance/Shiro, injury, 
“If you pull this off, Lance,” Shiro says, moving his hand so Hunk can begin applying bandage pressure to the wound, “I’ll make out with you.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12089259    You're All That I Want by saecchii   6k, Lance/Shiro, abo, beta/omega, pining, 
Lance doesn't think Betas deserve to be with anyone but Betas. Why would an Alpha or an Omega want him? Surprise, an Omega does want him and he won't let some stupid Earth culture stop him.
Ft. Omega!Shiro & Beta!Lance
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12773484   light up the sky by scriveyner (trismegistus)   27k, Lance/Shiro, abo, omega!shiro, pining, 
There was no reason for him to be so upset. Lance let out a groan and buried his head in his arms, ears gone pink. So Shiro had a crush on Allura, so did Lance. Big deal. So Shiro liked to almost inappropriately touch Keith and be overly familiar toward him like they were boyfriends or something, so what? Maybe they were just really close friends. Or maybe Lance was trying too hard to buy into his own delusions and was just going to end up majorly disappointed. Lance groaned again, louder now, and then lifted his head and squinted out at the water.
Had it only been a week he’d been mooning over Shiro?
Teen Wolf
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4880440      Not Quite Lost (Not Quite Found) by alocalband     25k, Stiles/Derek, h/c, bed sharing, fluff,
A year after the nogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above a small town in Colorado.
Then Stiles shows up.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4064446     Windows by dr_girlfriend     83k, Stiles/Derek, AU, disability, slow burn, 
Derek has a new neighbor who won't stop looking.
“You’re blind,” Derek said flatly, the anger draining from him so suddenly he felt almost woozy. His vision cleared, his claws sliding back into blunt fingernails.
“Thanks for the memo, genius,” the kid said acidly. “I can still fucking defend myself, so don’t take another damn step.”
“Fuck, I...I’m sorry,” Derek stuttered.
“What?!” The kid’s brow crinkled. “I mean — what?! You’re fucking sorry!?” His lips thinned into a harsh line. “What, is this some kinda Hallmark movie where you’re discovering the error of your ways because you don’t want to rob a blind person?! That’s fucking condescending, man. I’ll have you know that —”
“Just, wait.” Derek interrupted what was apparently the start of a convincing argument as to why he should rob the kid after all, feeling his head start to spin. “This is — it’s a misunderstanding. I’m — I’m not robbing you. You’re — you’re safe, okay? I’m taking three steps back. Just — just let me explain.”
“Explain why you came busting into my apartment? Yeah, go right ahead, man, I can’t wait to hear this epic tale.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2552132     Love Thy Neighbour by cywscross    22k, Peter/Stiles, canon-AU, fluff, 
In which Stiles is an emancipated minor, and – after Peter Hale comes back from the dead – gains a zombie werewolf for a neighbour.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2209359     All's Fair in Love and Videogames by taylorpotato     22k, Peter/Stiles, cybersex, light BDSM, daddy kink, 
Neither of them is aware of it, but Peter and Stiles play the same MMORPG. After Stiles moves away from Beacon Hills and goes to college, he and Peter start raiding together by accident. 
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1058001     (Fake) Winter Weather Brings Us Together by Rawren (Zimothy)    10k, Stiles/Derek, 
So naked cuddling with Derek while suffering from hypothermia wasn't really on Stiles' to-do list for the week, but neither was that kiss--so who was Stiles to complain?
http://archiveofourown.org/works/7515700     Stiles Stilinski, Boyfriend Extraordinaire by MereLoup    14k, Stiles/Derek, AU, fluff and crack, 
“Beacon County Sheriff's Department, this is deputy Mahealani speaking.”
“Oh thank god!”
“I, uh, I need some advice.”
“Yeah. So, hypothetically, say you met your boyfriend’s mother and sister for the first time ever. Completely by accident. In the grocery store. And they convinced you to help them make a dinner to surprise aforementioned boyfriend when he got home after work. What would you do?”
Danny paused, and then, “Stiles, you don’t have a boyfriend.”
“That’s not the point! And I said hypothetically.”
“Stiles...what are you doing right now?”
Stiles never imagined he’d be in Derek’s kitchen cooking a surprise dinner with Derek’s family while they waited for Derek to get home from work.
Partly because their visit was a complete surprise.
But mostly because Stiles didn’t have a boyfriend.
Or even know who Derek was.
But he’d already come this far and Papa didn’t raise no quitter!
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1001802     Inertia by apocryphal    21k, Stiles/Derek, road trip, angst, fluff, 
The last thing Derek and Cora are expecting to find outside their motel room is a gaunt Stiles Stilinski, lacrosse bag on one shoulder and the weight of the world on the other.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/2297084     Seeing Wolves (Where There Are No Wolves) by MellytheHun    71k, Stiles/Derek, slow burn, therapy, pining, 
Or otherwise known as "Derek Goes to the Doctor," wherein Derek gets the therapy he so desperately needs and gets healthy. The clearer his head gets, the more room it seems to have for Stiles.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5168423     The Socioeconomic Repercussions of Mutually Assured Destruction by alocalband    15k, Stiles/Derek, AU, high school, pining, obliviousness, 
"The trouble with having the kind of brain that likes to write essays on male circumcision for an Economics class, is that it also likes to turn PowerPoint presentations for Biology into odes on the perfection of notorious bad boy Derek Hale’s backside."
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1071015     Just A Few Extra Benefits by heartsdesire456     13k, Stiles/Derek, friends with benefits, 
When Derek comes to Stiles with a confession that he has trust issues that make any sex life impossible, he offers Stiles a mutually beneficial proposal:
They are close friends who trust each other explicitly, therefore, they can have sex with each other and take care of both his intimacy issues and Stiles's 'virginity' issue all in one no-strings-attached deal.
Derek and Stiles are comfortable with their arrangement... It's everybody else that is waiting for their friendship to be damaged beyond repair.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1913811     The Time Traveler’s Prerogative by weathervaanes     9k, Stiles/Derek, de-aging, fluff, 
After the events of "117", Derek doesn't magically transform back into his twenty-five-year-old body. Instead, he's stuck as a sixteen-year-old for an unknown amount of time. So the pack has to learn to deal with it.
Stiles looks down at his hands and considers it. “If we could time travel, like my dad said,” he starts, “if you could find Derek in my dad's office wrapped up in my dad's coat with his face all full of ash not even able to look his sister in the eye, and you could be there for him, and not leave him alone, and not let him take the fall for everything Kate did to him, would you?”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/949047     Silver Only Shines in the Moonlight (And I Rise With My Red Hair) by yourguardianangel    26k, Stiles/Derek, vampirism, bloodplay, 
Stiles died alone.
He didn’t honestly know what he had been expecting; he had made it a habit to hang out with (and occasionally fight) bloodthirsty supernatural creatures of the night, and that had become a more frequent occurrence after all of that Darach business a while back. As the warmth of his blood seeped steadily through his fingers and onto the cold, filthy floor, he realized that no one was coming, that no one would be there in time. Stiles couldn’t help the single whimper of utter helplessness. --- Stiles becomes a member of the rapidly growing Beacon Hills supernatural population, to his own disgust, and along the way he finds out a thing or two about himself and the people he cares about most.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1818415     How I Met My Werebunny by Moku    19k, Stiles/Derek, pranks, fluff, 
“This is going to end in tears,” Scott told Derek while he watched the man easily lifting Stiles’ desk up with one hand and driving nails into the ceiling with the thumb of the other. “Probably mine.”
When a Stiles and a Failwolf love each other very much, they’ll engage in a prank war. Basically, it's a mating ritual for dorks in love.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/640428     Delicate by livthelion    27k, Stiles/Derek, 
It’s been two days and Derek has apparently overcome his aversion to making himself comfortable in Stiles’ room. “Derek, that’s my shirt.”
“Yes.” He gives Stiles a look, your point?
Stiles grinds his teeth. “Why are you wearing my shirt?”
“I ran out of clean ones.”
http://archiveofourown.org/works/1267789     Relationship Status: It's complicated by kellifer_fic     4k, Stiles/Derek, fake relationship, 
Okay, I know this is a huge stretch for you, but can you please pretend you're like, into me?  
http://archiveofourown.org/works/631410     Truth or Dare by violentcrumbles    8k, Stiles/Derek, curse, 
Derek can't tell the truth. At all. It's funny until it isn't.
http://archiveofourown.org/works/5180441    Hide Your Lies by planiforidjit    11k, Stiles/Derek, 
Derek and Stiles have been secretly together this whole time!   
http://archiveofourown.org/works/4020778    Untamed by rosepetals42    28k, Stiles/Derek, AU, harry potter, 
Of course, the transfer kid gets mentioned because transfers are rare, but the news isn’t that exciting. In fact, according to Laura, no one even seems to know his first name. The only thing anyone has really figured out about him is that he’s American. And that’s not exactly hard because he obviously has an accent.
The only thing Derek really knows is that, despite other reports, he seems quiet enough, prefers to work alone, and has the most amazing shade of amber eyes that Derek has ever seen.
Not that he’s looking. Obviously.
OR: A Harry Potter AU where Stiles is a Slytherin transfer student and Derek is the grumpy Gryffindor who falls in love with him.
There are also potions, elves, and falcons involved. Oh, and illegal use of magic. Obviously.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1695293    The Werewolf Who Built his House of Brick by Ionaonie    40k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, h/c, fluff, 
Now that Scott's human again, Derek isn't their problem any more.
So why can't Stiles stop thinking about him?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/484359    That Secret They All Know by Salomonderiel    20k, Stiles/Derek, fluff, 
Somewhere, somehow, along the line, Stiles went from being the human sidekick of his stupid beta, to someone he gives lifts to when there's torrential rain, to being the one who sleeps beside him on the couch.
And god help him, but, for some reason he REALLY can't figure out - he doesn't seem to be doing much to stop this from happening.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2796392    Agent Halewinkle and the Stilinski Cheer Initiative by WhoNatural    6k, Stiles/Derek, AU, fluff, pining,   
PROMPT: Derek is an elf sent to the "mortal world" to bring Christmas spirit back into the Stilinski family and accidentally falls in love with Stiles
He’s a senior Agent of Cheer, decorated numerous times by the Candy Cane Council for his work in bringing joy to the many jovially-challenged families during the jolly season. His attention to detail has been heralded as ‘heartwarming’, ‘inspiring’ and ‘hella swell’ by several respected trade publications.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1787755     Running Towards You by SnowshadowAO3     31k, Stiles/Derek, PTSD, recovery, fluff, 
“It’s 2 A.M.,” Derek says. “What are you doing here?” Stiles turns to him with raised eyebrows. “We haven’t finished Harry Potter,” he says, as if it’s obvious, and Derek just stares at him. “I mean, if you don’t want to know what happens with Fluffy and the dragon, fine. But I personally think that the plot only gets better from here."
In which Derek and Stiles are both broken, but it takes a few paperback novels for them to realize that it makes them fit together just right.
A post-3B Canon Divergence, based on comment that said someone needs to sit Derek down on a couch and read him a nice book.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/613366     A Christmas Hale by Captain_Loki     14k, Stiles/Derek, fluff, 
His mouth began forming the word 'no' in a knee jerk reaction, but it died on his lips when he actually looked at Stiles. There was no pity in his face, no sense of moral obligation or charitable intent, he looked...earnest and nervous and so much the sixteen that he was. He realized with a jolt that had his stomach twisting into something that felt nothing like anger that Stiles wasn't asking for Derek's sake.
- The boys spend Christmas together. There's copious amounts of sarcasm, some sharing of emotions and somewhere along the lines feelings develop.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4632642      "We're Not Dating!" by Glissa     16k, Stiles/Derek, frottage, 
There must be something in the water supply in Beacon Hills. That has to be the only explanation as to why everyone thinks they're dating.
Either that, or there's something Stiles and Derek don't know.
Or: 12 times the pack, and the pack by proxy, think Stiles and Derek are dating but they aren't, and the one time they actually are.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2188908     Better Than Any Flame by alisvolatpropiis     4k, Stiles/Derek, beard kink, 
“You've got something on your face,” Derek says, clearing his throat, resisting the urge to reach up and touch the scraggly beard, to get his mouth on it.
Stiles rolls his eyes but he still leans forward to bump a shoulder against his in greeting. “This thing,” he says, petting it. “Scott and I had a bet to see who could grow a better beard.”
Derek doesn’t even glance over at Scott, who he already knows is clean-shaven; he just holds Stiles’ unnerving stare, trying to figure out the look in those big brown eyes. It's something like innocence, but it's way too knowing, too sure, to be sincere. It's classic Stiles, really. Derek raises one eyebrow at him and strokes his own, better beard, making a show of luxuriating in how full and soft it is. “And you lost so you had to keep yours,” he says finally, fighting a smile.
Stiles tosses his head back in wide-mouthed laughter, and goddammit, Derek wants to lick, wants to taste, wants to feel. Stiles walks past him on his way to the dining room, patting him roughly on the shoulder, winking again. “I missed you too, big guy.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11168268     you’ve got me on pins and needles by jadore_hale    17k, Stiles/Derek, AU, obliviousness, 
“At any rate, I’m not here to steal from you. One of the biggest potentially most important moments in my life is coming up and I find myself in need of a custom tux.”
“A tuxedo?” Derek halted, then tried not to laugh as he gave the kid a good look up and down. “Biggest potentially most important moment of your life?”
Derek picked up the broom and started sweeping, shaking his head. “If you need something for your little costume party, kid, rent something from party city.”
Stiles Stilinski needs THE perfect suit and Derek Hale is just the tailor to make it for him. Only Derek doesn’t exactly know that Stiles is kind of a famous movie star…
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1817704     Introduction to Zero-Sum Anthropology by apocryphal    20k, Stiles/Derek, fluff, snark, 
Stiles buys Derek a set of cooking spoons. Derek retaliates with lunch.
The war begins.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2534624     Cuddle Therapy by alisvolatpropiis     3k, Stiles/Derek, cuddling, 
“Dude, did you know that Derek’s into dudes?” Scott asks the question as he shoves a folded piece of meat lover’s pizza in his mouth, last few words turning to mumbled mush.
Stiles tells himself that’s why he has to ask him to repeat it twice, even though Scott-talking-with-his-mouth-full is practically his second language, mastered when they were first graders, along with Scott-needs-to-use-his-puppy-eyes-now-because-words-are-hard-for-him-sometimes and Scott-talking-while-trying-to-pretend-he’s-not-having-an-asthma-attack (now a dead language thanks to the vigorous application of werewolfdom).
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2356391     I Feel We're Close Enough by samann98    55k, Stiles/Derek, AU, high school, pining, friends with benefits, 
Derek's two friends share a look and even Boyd can’t muster up the strength to deal with his pathetic attempt at denial. “Come on now, Derek, seriously? We know about you and Stiles.”
“Yeah, we know you two are fuck buddies,” Erica adds with a smirk, and Derek buries his head in his hands.
“That’s not exactly the terminology I would use,” he murmurs, his whole face burning with embarrassment.
“How else would you describe having sex with your best friend who has no clue you’re in love with him?” Boyd asks, actually sounding curious about his answer.
Derek lifts his head, opens his mouth to reply, but only ends up making a few ridiculous noises that can’t pass for actual words. When Derek finally just throws his hands up in defeat, admitting, “Okay, fine, that’s exactly how you’d describe it,” Erica and Boyd shake their heads at him.
Or the one in which Derek and Stiles are childhood friends, their freshman year of high school Derek makes the craziest suggestion ever, and four years later Stiles decides to take him up on it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1701203    some kind of karmic-chi love thing by llassah    27k, Stiles/Derek, drugs, 
“Stiles, uh. You know I’m totally on your side? Like, I’ll never not be on your side, ever. But you know that weed’s kind of different for werewolves, right?”
Stiles mashes his face into Scott’s chest, tries to burrow down under the comforter. Scott sighs, pulls back and waits until Stiles is looking at him.
“I know. Just—don’t try and make me be the adult here,” he says, hates the plaintive tone his voice has taken on.
“He’s happy, Stiles. And I can’t believe you’d ever think I’d do that to you, buddy,” he says, ruffling Stiles's hair with a grin as Stiles slaps his hand away and hunkers down again, his ear against Scott’s chest, their feet tangled together.
- Derek Hale comes back to Beacon Hills stoned and happy. Stiles tries not to resent him for it, and mostly fails.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1359397     For Love is Not Ours to Command by weathervaanes    18k, Stiles/Derek, fake relationship, 
Where Derek's skills at thinking on his feet mean that he and Stiles have to act. For the sake of Stiles' dad, of course, for the sake of the pack. No personal interest interference at all, whatsoever. Right.
“Why does my dad say that you and your boyfriend are a bad influence on me?”
“Yeah, what boyfriend? Dude, you are not allowed to not tell me crap like this. You didn't think I'd like be a douchebag or something. Right?”
“No, wait, what? I have no boyfriend.”
“He says you were with him at the police station.”
Stiles blinks. “Uhm. Oh shit.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/682201    walk me down your broken line by geordielover     18k, Stiles/Derek, h/c, angst, fluff, 
The kissing. That’s important, very important. Not that the homicidal lycanthrope dragging him through dirt and fallen leaves isn’t important, but the kiss that follows? The path to this monumental push of lips on lips began even before this ill-fated venture to the Hale house.
The douchebag manhandling him through the forest, hand clamped tight around Stiles’s throat to keep him from screaming, is just a bonus.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/752428    Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie [Cheeseburger Baby] by owlpostagain    17k, Stiles/Derek, AU, fluff, obliviousness, 
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible."
Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant.
"Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."
"Send them my way," Stiles suggests, finally loading up a forkful of pie. "Apparently I'm incompetent enough that I need to be babysat at all times, because it would be cheaper than dispatching a truck every time I try to use a kitchen appliance."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/687704    The Morning When It's Clear by BarlowGirl    13k, Stiles/Derek, fluff, 
“She makes me have dinner with her and the Sheriff every week,” Derek admits. “She keeps saying I don’t eat well enough. Too much fast food, she says. I keep reminding her I’m a werewolf and then I get a lecture about cholesterol. That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Did you accidentally puppy-dog eye her?” Scott asks seriously.
“I – no? What the hell, no.” He levels a glare at Scott. “And dog jokes aren’t funny.”
Scott laughs. “You totally did. Oh my God. That’s priceless.”
Or: Derek feels, basically.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5137046    It Can All But Break Your Heart by orbiting_saturn     7k, Stiles/Derek, 
Turns out, Derek can’t go anywhere without getting hit on.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3362135     Ruin Me (Take Me Down) by xLostDreamsx    50k, Stiles/Derek, AU, underage, 
Driving his teachers and his Dad crazy with his incessant trouble making, Stiles reluctantly accepts young college student Derek Hale as his ‘babysitter’, his Dad misguidedly believing he will be a positive role model to help guide him back to the straight and narrow.
Unfortunately for the Sheriff, he isn’t quite aware that Derek isn’t quite as up-standing as he appears and at the hands of his smart, young, manipulative son with a head full of ideas, his rather weak moral codes soon crumble.
Or put simply, Derek gives in to Stiles and things get hot and heavy pretty fast.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/817564     the shortest distance between two points (is the line from me to you) by decideophobia    23k, Stiles/Derek, 
“You—I—” Stiles splutters for a second, scrutinizing Derek’s face. He huffs in frustration. “I take it all back. You haven’t changed at all, you’re still acting like a petulant ten-year-old who unleashes his bad mood on others. You know, all Unleash the Derek style.”
“‘Unleash the Derek’?” Derek asks, dubiously.
“Yeah,” Stiles nods, gazing out the window again. “You know, the thing where you dump your bad mood on others, pour your suffocating attitude over everyone around you, twist everything that is said to you into some sort of—insult or whatever. It’s what I used to call it back in high school.”
“Sometimes I get the feeling you were dropped on your head an awful lot as a child,” Derek says appraisingly, eyebrows furrowed.
Stiles snorts. “Yeah, right back at you.”
Derek’s lips quirk in amusement, he arches his eyebrows. “I was, actually. But unlike you I regained full health.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/622475     with metal on our tongues (we'll be dressed in rags) by Rena    18k, Stiles/Derek, AU, 
Double-oh agents are a piece of work; Stiles knew that before he became MI6's new quartermaster. It's cool, he survived Lydia in college, he can deal with stubborn, reckless, trigger-happy operatives. Derek Hale, though, is definitely trying to live up to his predecessor's legacy and make Stiles' life more difficult.
AKA the one where Derek is 007 and Stiles is Q and they bitch and angst their way to a Happy Ending. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/602627    Our Memories Are Numbered by rufflefeather    23k, Stiles/Derek, amnesia, dub-con, 
Stiles’ Jeep grinds to a halt, he sees someone running through the rain, he's not expecting it to be Derek. He's not expecting a Derek without any memories either, or an Alpha pack that's coming for all of them. He probably should've, because lately nothing goes the way he expects.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4639482    'Till You Make It by standinginanicedress    46k, Stiles/Derek, soulmates, pining, fake relationship, 
“I'm saying – let's fake it.”
Derek blinks at him. Hard. Stiles never knew that someone could physically make a blink look hard, but there Derek goes, slamming his lids together like he's fucking exercising them. “Fake it.”
“Pretend, dumbass,” he backhands Derek lightly on his upper arm. “Pretend like we're doing as well as our parents want us to and then they'll be off our backs, right?”
“We don't have to pretend anything, Stiles,” Derek says evenly, in a tone that suggests he'd much rather be yelling. “We're literallysoulmates.”
“That's the beauty of it! It's going to be so fucking easy. I can't believe we never thought of this before,” he runs his hands through his hair and shakes his head in amazement, grinning from ear to ear. “Holy shit. I can't believe I just solved all our problems for us, man.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1166542     Anything You Can Do by Rosada    1k, Stiles/Derek, pre-slash, body swap, 
Based on a prompt by Tumblr user prettiestcaptain: Pissing off a witch is officially on the pack’s no-no list. After Derek and Stiles get their bodies swapped, Stiles decides to explore the werewolf body he is now occupying. Derek is not thrilled at all about it and Scott is having the time of his life.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2259114     Three Marks by sanam     113k, Stiles/Derek, AU, soulmates, slow burn, 
"And then there was pain again, but this time it was in only three places—his arm, below his clavicle, and next to his heart, all on the left side. It felt like the skin was being sliced apart, ripped open, flayed off— And suddenly it was done. Derek looked across the room and saw the boy on the floor, looking about as bad as Derek felt."
Derek and Stiles learn that bonding is probably best done with ridiculous amounts of video games and maybe a little bit of time.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1016307     In My Arm by lurrel    3k, Stiles/Derek, amputation, 
Stiles has to cut off Derek's arm, and it's kind of handsy. An alternate storyline for Magic Bullet (1.04). 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13401471    Stay by Smowkie    18k, Stiles/Derek, 5+1, bed sharing, hypothermia, 
Stiles had just gotten off his fourth long shift in a row and was looking forward to going home to his bed. He had plans to spend the next day, his first day off in more than a week, in bed or on the couch with junk food and bad tv. When he approached his Jeep and saw Derek on the ground next to the passenger door he groaned but hurried over.
“Derek, what the fuck? What happened?”
Or: another 5+1 bed sharing fic that nobody asked for.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3968296     Paint My Spirit Gold by Red_City    84k, Stiles/Derek, AU, mythology, touch starved, temporary character death, 
There was a gift.
There was a curse.
There is a power in the house of Hale, given to the firstborn son of every generation - the ability to turn everything he touches to gold. Though the original intent of the power was thought of as a gift, in reality, it is a dreaded curse that causes the bearer a life of fear, isolation, and danger.
Thus, Prince Derek is born.
[Excerpt from Chapter 22]
He didn’t think much of his hands, or any part of his body, really - but Stiles gaze had lingered enough to make Derek wonder what Stiles’ thought. Now, Stiles honey eyes were fixated on Derek’s hands, running over them like they were something precious rather than tools of death.
“Nothing, I just - I thought they wouldn’t look like normal hands.”
“Because they’re magic,” Stiles said, looking up to meet Derek’s eyes.
“They’re not magic, they’re cursed,” Derek said, tucking his hands back into the sheet.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13308726     The Quickest Way to a Man’s Heart (is Through His Bottomless Pit) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)   54k, Stiles/Derek, AU, slow burn, shy!Derek, pining, 
Pulling open his apartment door, he let out an involuntary shout when something was quite literally thrust into his chest hard enough to have him almost tip backwards. He managed to right himself while keeping hold of what had been shoved at him and looked up in time to see his neighbour striding back towards his apartment.
“You’re going to fucking kill yourself.”
His door slammed.
Stiles blinked at the other man’s door, utterly confused, and looked down at what he was holding.
It was a plastic bag, full of what felt like tupperware, which made no sense to Stiles because when had his neighbour broken into his house to steal his tupperware?
(SNYE - January 11th - Neighbours)
THE SOFTEST hoy shit!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4975684     There's a howling that stays beneath my skin by LunaCanisLupus_22    32k, Stiles/Derek, slow burn, pining, 
Cora inclines her head pointedly and he realises he’s half perched on the deck chair, ready to leap up and fight at a moment's notice. Or run. He shrugs out of his dad’s jacket, folding it over the edge of the chair, and then crosses his arms.
He’s relaxed, okay? He took the jacket off. He’s plenty relaxed.
Or Derek's obligatory vacation fic in South America after he left Beacon Hills (for good?)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3131873     Hallowed Grounds by damnfancyscotch    109k, Stiles/Derek, AU, wolf!Derek, slow burn, 
Everything in Beacon Hills is the same when Stiles comes home from college.
Well, except for the fact that he's a published author now, Scott is halfway across the world with a travelling circus, Erica's epilepsy has been cured, her boss offers him a job too, and there's this weird black dog that seems to be following him around just to judge him.
Oh, and the murders, of course.
But other than that stuff... totally the same old BH.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5821597    Days Like This by rlnerdgirl    18k, Stiles/Derek, slow burn, 
Returning to Beacon Hills is a big step for Derek. He's starting his own business, rebuilding his old family home, and enjoying the feeling of being home. When he runs into the Sheriff and finds himself invited to a Stilinski family dinner, it's not nearly as strange as he would have expected, and when Stiles starts becoming a regular part of his new life, it only feels natural.
“The first thing Derek notices is that Stiles is taller. The second is that he’s more filled out. This shouldn’t be a surprise. Not living in Beacon Hills doesn’t stop the machine of social media, and it’s not like he hasn’t seen pictures, but it’s different in person. Stiles, now Derek’s height, maybe an inch taller, still has the same wide smile and loose-limbness about him that he did when he was in high school. Between the height and the muscles though, this Stiles wouldn’t make anyone second guess that he played lacrosse. The only thing people would second guess about this Stiles is the fact that he was always on the bench.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11669214     Framed by Nival_Vixen   65k, Stiles/Derek, action, accidental pack acquisition, 
Stiles' first day at the FBI was also going to be his last. That had to be some kind of record, surely?
On his first day at the FBI, Stiles discovers that Derek is wanted for mass murder. Stiles knows that Derek's innocent and is determined to find out who framed him. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12971160     Fully Grown by thedaughterofkings    36k, Stiles/Derek, AU, soulmates, wolf!Derek, 
The pup smells of summer, of heat in the air, lightning in the sky.
No amount of growling sends him running; he just keeps standing there, staring. He's no threat though, smells of sparks but not of fire, no taste of ashes on the tongue.
Satisfied, he turns around, leaving the pup behind, ignoring the acid scent of anxiety and fear that suddenly fills the air.
Stumbling across a wolf in the preserve is not what Stiles expects when he goes for a run the last night before school starts again. But even if the wolf acts more intelligent than a mere animal, he can’t have anything to do with Stiles’ unusual soulmark, four vicious scratches down his forearm, can he?
And what is Kate Argent doing back in Beacon Hills for the first time since the Hale Fire?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4585491    Hunger of the Pine by utsu    48k, Stiles/Derek, slow burn, pining, 
Normal. A word with meaning akin to water, slipping right through his fingertips. Elusive in the long-term; a flickering understanding he accepts and loses track of in a passing moment.
Normal had never, ever seemed an applicable term to a life ridden with werewolves.
or: the one where the pack figures out that Derek and Stiles are in love before Derek and Stiles do.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1820941    In the Early Morning Hours by acolonf6    13k, Stiles/Derek, bed sharing, pining, 
Stiles remembers sleep, remembers it well. Stiles and sleep are totally buds…or at least they used to be. Ever since everything with the nogitsune went down, sleeping just hasn’t been the same.
(Until Derek starts showing up)  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7312444      What You Wont by Spitshine    17k, Stiles/Derek, AU, Shakespeare, trans character, pining, 
Derek’s protests dried up in his throat as Laura’s eyes bled red, but he rolled his eyes and huffed out, “Fine,” knowing full well he was being childish and not caring. All the complaining she did about his taciturnity, and then cutting him off the one time it really mattered. Well, Laura could hardly blame him for the inevitable failure of his so-called marriage if she wouldn’t even let him talk long enough to tell her he had never once felt attraction to a woman.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12408531    When You're Close I Feel the Sparks by Leslie_Knope    39k, Stiles/Derek, AU, high school, 
The guy is hot as hell, sure—leather jacket and glasses, Jesus, be still Stiles' poor, bisexual, beating heart—but more importantly, it must really suck being new on the first day of senior year.
“We’re adopting him,” he decides, tugging Scott and Kira by the elbow in that direction. “Let’s go.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/518799    Apparent Lack of Ceremony by Loz    3k, Scott/Stiles, first time, frottage, friends to lovers, bed sharing, 
Scott keeps climbing into Stiles' bed at night to cuddle. They don't talk about it in the morning.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1110863     A Phenomenon When You Came Along by Loz     17k, Scott/Stiles, road trips, bed sharing, friends to lovers, 
Stiles and Scott embark on a road trip together. This isn't a metaphor (except for how it is.)
“It’s okay, I’m good.”
“Yeah, you’re the best,” Scott replies automatically.
It’s one of their stock phrases, something they’ve said since childhood --- as natural to them as their ability to communicate through eyebrow-raises, their super-secret handshake and their unending loyalty to one another, but Stiles thought they’d retired it when they were fifteen, so he glances at Scott quickly.
“Sometimes I think we’ve forgotten how to be us and then you say something, or look at me a certain way, and it all comes back.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/484734    Came home, like a stone (fell heavy into your arms) by queerly_it_is    10k, Isaac/Scott, first time, friends to lovers, 
In the aftermath of Gerard's final attempt to bring down the pack; Isaac and Scott's friendship becomes something more, as they forge a new connection and learn to trust each other and themselves.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2420705    Like real people do by queerly_it_is    15k, Scott/Stiles, pining, 
Stiles waits until Scott’s focused on the game, eyes narrowed and his tongue poking at the corner of his mouth, fingers tapping at the controller, before he says, “So I think we should kiss.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1595759    Lost and found by holesinthesky    9k, Stiles/Derek, emotional hc, friends to lovers, sexual identity, 
"Most people look at Derek and assume he is having more sex than anyone else in the room."
In which Derek has the worst time, but then it gets better.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2772911    When It Happens by matildajones    5k, Stiles/Derek, AU, high school, fluff, friends to lovers, 
Stiles turns his head and looks up at his friend. “Have you ever thought about it?” Derek asks. “What?” “Thought about us dating.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13560063     Parallels by inatshej    21k, Stiles/Derek, AU, high school, pining, UST, light dom/sub, 
Stiles slowly pulls in a mouthful of curly fries, dumbly focused on the task. ''It's weirdly homoerotic how you do this,'' muses Derek, eyeing him. Stiles chokes and Derek's lips curl up into an almost smile. It's so easy to get the reaction he wants from Stiles. ''Yeah, it's disgusting, Stilinski,'' says Jackson, looking at the boy with distaste. Derek turns to him, letting his eyebrows rise. ''And who asked you, Whittemore?'' Jackson glances at him, surprised. ''I've just agreed with y-'' ''No one cares,'' Derek interrupts him. ''Fuck off.''
https://archiveofourown.org/works/940345     And, And, And- by captainkoirk    8k, Scott/Stiles, bed sharing, friends to lovers, pining, 
Stiles likes to be sure of things, when he can be. It comes with the territory; growing up on the wrong side of gangly, complete with a late growth spurt and a nail-biting habit. Precocious as they come and constantly mistaken for being younger. An ex-prodigy child with a mean streak that grew up too fast because a broad vocabulary means hitting hard and getting your barbs hooked.
Stiles can do tunnel vision with the best of them, knows every Pre and Post iteration of himself, can pick at a moment and know his own inevitable shifting, from Mom's death to his first day of high school to his first brush with lycanthropy. And yet he can't pinpoint when Scott's leg pressed against his own changed from something he wouldn't even register to the sort of thing that twists in his gut and pulls the air from his lungs, because Scott's been his constant when the world won't stop spinning and Stiles wants off, and Stiles can't quantify any of it.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3742582    the place that’s out of view by Loz    10k, Scott/Stiles, soul bond, 
“As far as I can ascertain it’s a proximity curse,” Deaton says, still leading Stiles away from Scott’s house, walking quickly enough it’s nearly a jog. “Your life-forces have been merged. As you come into contact, he weakens and you strengthen.”
“Is it temporary?” Stiles asks. He feels almost normal, now. Close to himself. Sick to his stomach, but not supercharged.
Deaton frowns. “I don’t know.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/468406     Let us Stray 'til Break of Day by Loz    55k, Stiles/Derek, emotional manipulation backfiring, snark, 
Derek decides the best way to get Scott to join his pack is to seduce Stiles first. Derek makes terrible decisions.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/489098     make the most of it by preromantics    12k, Stiles/Derek, sex swap, scent kink, 
In which some witches swap out some pretty important parts on Stiles for new ones, Stiles takes it in stride because things like this happen (right?), this is his life now, supernatural shit all over the place, but Derek definitely does not take in it stride. // Stiles can just roll with this, just like he rolled with werewolves existing and magic existing and various other way more gruesome things than suddenly having a vagina and some pretty, honestly spectacular breasts.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/554708    You let me push under your bones by ellievolia, morphosyntactic    10k, Stiles/Derek, girl!Derek, 
He’s not used to girls sleeping with him in his single bed.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4154790     Wild Horses by thepsychicclam    78k, Stiles/Derek, AU, slow burn, permanent injury, scars, UST, past trauma, 
Derek's a drifter with no home, no destination, and no will to live. Stiles works on his family's failing cattle and horse ranch while all his friends are going off to college. When Derek falls asleep in a random barn, exhausted and half-starved, he doesn't expect to wake up on the other end of the sheriff's shotgun. And Stiles sure as hell doesn't expect his dad to invite the drifter in for breakfast.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2366066     I Might Be A Fool by prettylittlementirosa    35k, Stiles/Derek, AU, 
The thing about Stiles, though, is that for him, turned on and angry are not mutually exclusive feelings. He may be painfully hard but that doesn’t mean he’s not also ready to strangle Derek for having the audacity to act like this is something that’s happening to him, not something that is almost entirely his fault. So when Derek let’s out what must be his hundredth long-suffering sigh, Stiles snaps.
(or the one that was supposed to be a GRΣΣK AU but is mostly just a study in the gratuitous and inconsistent use of punctuation)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12742563     Slow Hands by aussiebee    8k, Stiles/Derek, pining, hand kink, 
Derek is suddenly made aware of Stiles in an entirely new and uncomfortable way; specifically, his hands. His wide, strong, clever and dextrous hands.
Derek is kinda screwed.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12258063     Throw Me to the Wolves by skoosiepants    13k, Stiles/Derek, h/c 
He feels the physical embodiment of devastated, his already too strung-out mind struggling to wall up all the hurt, the rejection—he takes a deep shuddering breath and looks down at the shredded skin on his arms, at the sluggish way they’re weakly healing.
There is nothing, nothing he wants more than to have Derek sweep in and make everything all better. He should have known, though, that something like that would never happen to him.
OR -
Stiles accidentally gets bitten, and everything goes to hell.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11953764     Don't Feed the Wolves by Amazonia_8    30k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, feral!derek, 
Stiles took the dare, because what else was he supposed to do when the whole lacrosse team was chanting his name? Even though the werewolf pack had left Beacon Hills years ago, nobody was stupid enough to set foot on the Hale property.
Except, apparently, Stiles.
Now he's got a feral werewolf following him around town with the sole purpose of claiming Stiles as his own.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12626415    We're caught in stone, you know we might not make it by LunaCanisLupus_22    29k, Stiles/Derek, AU, childhood friends, friends with benefits, 
He does this thing then, while Stiles is watching, rolls his left shoulder a little as if he’s adjusting the books in his arms and suddenly Stiles recognises him from the gesture.
“Oh my god,” he cries, dumping his books, bag and coffee into one big mess on the ground and rushing over to them at once.
Or the one where Derek and Stiles are childhood buddies who lost touch and reconnect by chance at college. Only they end up doing a lot more than just reconnecting.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12689862    This Counts, Right? by we_are_the_story   2k, Stiles/Derek, AU, soulmates, 
Block-lettered versions of the first words your soulmate will say to you are outlined in black when you are born, or your soulmate is born, and are consequently filled in within a minute of the first meet.
Stiles doesn’t think, “You’re going down, 24,” can constitute as a friendly conversation, or a nice, normal beginning, but Stiles never really cared. And he got a lucky number out of it, so that should mean something, right? The only thing is that a number generally means a sport, and he and sports had always had a mutual hatred for one another. But Stiles would never let something as trivial as a disagreement get in the way of being a good friend, so when Scott joined the lacrosse team at school, Stiles did too, took 24 as his number and didn’t expect anything else.
But then it happened. And it was simultaneously worse and better than he could have ever expected.
Or: too many people are injured during a lacrosse game against their rival team and Stiles must step in, only to unexpectedly help ensure a win. Stiles still doesn’t really understand.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11082210    Full Circle by kaistrex (weishen), klimt   19k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, kidnapping, 
Stiles wakes face to face with the muzzle of a black wolf and he does the only thing any sane person would do in such a situation: he screams.
A hand – a furry, claw-tipped but human-shaped hand – comes up to cover his mouth. He follows it with his eyes to a furry wrist disappearing into the sleeve of a leather jacket, up to broad shoulders and to the head of the wolf looming over him sprouting from the collar of a Henley.
A wolf. Wearing clothes.
Stiles sags backwards with relief. It’s okay. He’s just dreaming.
All Stiles had wanted to do was warn a newly-returned-to-town Derek Hale that some unsavoury-looking men had put a target on his back. Instead, he gets kidnapped, turned into some sort of human-fox hybrid by a spell gone wrong and, oh yeah, werewolves are a thing.
This is all Scott’s fault.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12888906    The Hardest Thing In This World by yodasyoyo    4k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, h/c, 
Stiles is not a wolf, but he has the heart of one.
After the Hale fire Derek and Laura go to stay with the Stilinskis, and end up finding more there than they could ever have hoped for
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13130385    When You Wish Upon a Nymph by KaliopeShipsIt    19k, Stiles/Derek, established relationship. accidental pregnancy, mpreg, 
Sheriff Stilinski rescues a nymph who wants to grant him a wish in exchange.
John accidentally wishes for a grandchild and chaos ensues.
A Derek!Mpreg as witnessed from John's POV.
Merry Christmas everyone :)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12278055    Never Letting Go by Captain_Loki   4k, Stiles/Derek, first time, bottom derek, 
Stiles is the first person that Derek has sex with since Kate. Derek is the first person that Stiles has sex with, ever. It happens during that summer researching the Alpha pack.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2113620    What Good Are Rules (If You Can't Break Them) by wishingonalightningbolt   9k, Stiles/Derek, AU, friends with benefits,
Derek is trying to come up with something witty to say in return when he realizes that he’s smiling. He purposefully turns the corners of his mouth down into a dramatic frown. “Fuck you, Stilinski.”
“Wow, you have a way with words.”
In which Derek and Stiles engage in no-strings-attached sex. It works out about as well as you might imagine.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7446664    The Dead of Night by nameloc_ar_115   19k, Stiles/Derek, AU, vampire!stiles, kidnapping, 
What's the point of being captured by deranged scientists who want to experiment on you if you have no one to share it with?
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7064629    Devil Unicorns by CrazyJ    27k,Stilles/Derek, pining, 
“Stiles, Derek’s been gone for almost four months man, he’s not coming back,” Scott said gently, placing his hand on Stiles’ shoulder, knowing his friend needed the support. “If he was going to come back, don’t you think he would have by now?”
The room grew heavy as Scott’s question hung in the air, the truth of his words permeating everything but the thick defence Stiles put up anytime Derek was mentioned. To be honest, Scott didn’t understand it. He had liked the dude, appreciated his help more than he had considered him a friend, seen his value in the pack, but he wasn’t heartbroken that he had left. If he was being completely honest, it was easier now that he was gone, the dude was bad luck and things had been good since he and Braeden had disappeared.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2798522    Hurt Me (to Heal Me) by SushiOwl    51k, Stiles/Derek, AU, BDSM, sub!Derek, 
Stiles likes his job, he does. It's just that his boss is an asshole. Stiles has been working for Hale and Associates for a while now, and he's learned to take Mr Hale's treatment of him with a grain of salt. They're coexisting, more or less. Stiles puts thought of his boss out of his head when he heads to a BDSM club called The Menagerie for the first time. It's a nice night, everything is going well, but everything changes when he sees his boss there.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/602124    Last Day on Earth by Saucery    3k, Stiles/Derek, first time, 
Stiles refuses to die a virgin.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/452969    We Should Become More Adventurous by skoosiepants    8k, Stiles/Derek, AU, 
Werewolves are the kind of horror you only find in books and movies and gay porn, so forgive him for being a little slow on the uptake. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/378434    he is and as he is by jaegermighty    1k, Stiles/Derek, 
First times and muffins. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/943047    my chest is a field full of landmines by Amber    5k, Stiles/Derek, masturbation, 
Derek Hale's emotional problems extend to his penis. Stiles plays therapist.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11013228    At least the Road to Hell is paved, I'm not good with Stairways by lady emebalia (emebalia)   170k, Stiles/Derek, AU, BDSM, disability, 
When Derek signs up on a BDSM dating site, he expects things to be straight forward. Turns out the road ahead has more unexpected turns than he thought. But at least Stiles comes well equipped for twists and turns.
Definitely one of the best BDSM fics i’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. lady emebalia is a fantastic writer.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/5365487    Human is Just a Word by lady emebalia (emebalia)    173k, Stiles/Derek, AU, dub-con, biting kink, 
Getting claimed by a werewolf has so not been on Stiles' agenda for the night. But at least he can choose whose human pet he's going to be. That's a plus, right? 
only the first sex scene is dub-con (due to fuck-or-die/get raped by other character), the rest features enthusiastic consent. There is abuse and one non-con scene featuring two minor characters at the end of the fic tho.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2330807   Pale Skin and Fragile Bone by fakinbrilliance    62k, Stiles/Derek, 
Stiles asks Derek to teach him self-defense. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14996549    Thanks for Thumper, But I Prefer Cheeseburgers by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    58k, Stiles/Derek, AU, Wolf!Derek, mates, 
The wolf’s head whipped around so fast, Stiles felt like he was watching The Exorcist.
Stiles wondered if he could just stand still enough to make the wolf think he was a tree. A very bright red and jean-clad tree. He doubted it, but one could hope.
He knew it was a lost cause when the wolf turned fully, lips pulled back from its sharp teeth—so very sharp, good fucking Lord!—and began walking towards Stiles.
“I didn’t see anything!” Stiles shouted, both hands out in front of himself and sweat instantly breaking out across his skin. “I swear to you! I didn’t see anything! I didn’t see anything! I won’t tell anyone! I won’t! I’ll keep this to myself, until the day I die! I promise! I promise!”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12088854   Stained Glass Windows by KouriArashi    85k, Chris/Peter, AU, kid fic, slow build, 
Peter survives the fire and suddenly finds himself trying to raise children with only a vague notion of what he's doing, while trying to cope with his own grief and find his family's murderer. He ends up turning to Chris Argent for help, and nothing goes as expected.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14334453    Five Times Stiles Fell Out of a Window and the One Time He Jumped by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    14k, Stiles/Derek, 5+1, pining, 
“What are you doing?”
Stiles started so violently that his hands slipped. He was leaning out so far, and his balance had been relying on his hands so much that he just tumbled right out the window, rolling along the slanted roof and letting out a loud shout when he fell over the end.
He landed hard on his side, pain shooting up his shoulder and let out a very loud curse that his neighbours probably all heard. He rolled onto his back with a groan, clutching at his injured shoulder, and opened his previously closed eyes in time to see Derek standing on the roof, staring down at him with the eyebrows.
How was Derek’s entire language just eyebrows?
“What the hell?” Stiles demanded, sitting up and still holding his injured arm. “Where did you come from?”
“The door,” Derek informed him, giving him a look.  
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13417734    The Not So Beauty to Your Not So Beast by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)   64k, Stiles/Derek, AU, royalty, modern, pining, 
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski?”
All eyes instantly turned to Stiles and he felt his stomach drop. They’d taken his dad. They’d actually taken his dad and were here to tell him so.
“Yeah?” he asked in a small voice, feeling ready to be sick.
The second he spoke, two of the four regular guards moved through the rows, the lead guard speaking.
“By order of his Grace Peter Hale, you have been selected to begin your employ under the royal house of Hale.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13444578    Drive Me Crazy by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    1k, Stiles/Derek, road trip, bickering, 
“Stop making that sound,” Derek snapped.
“What sound? There’s no sound.”
“That,” Derek insisted. “That sound!”
“What, me breathing?” Stiles shot back. “There’s no sound, Derek!”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11060220   This Isn't What I Wanted (but I can't keep my filthy fucking mouth shut) by LadySlytherin   26k, Stiles/Derek, 
Alt-S3A, wherein the alpha pack strikes at Derek shortly after taking Erica and Boyd. They kidnap Stiles and bite him, but Sparks aren’t made to be wolves. When the bite doesn’t take, Stiles’ self-preservation instinct makes a choice between dying and surviving at any cost. But the price paid is a steep one, and not something Stiles ever wanted for himself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6544285    Gambling Debts by lady emebalia (emebalia)   141k, Stiles/Derek, AU, BDSM, 
Stiles owns a casino, Peter has a gambling problem and Derek has to pay his uncle's debts. You know the setup, you know where this leads. Or maybe not …
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13881453    Extraordinary by HyperLittleNori (Shiguresan)    109k, Stiles/Derek, AU, disability, 
An awkward encounter with a man of few words in the laundry room of Stiles's building sparks a chain of events that will change the way he sees the world forever. A little story about finding a place for oneself and someone to share that place with.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13938150    in this twilight (i can't see shit) by Anniely    39k, Stiles/Derek, AU, 
About three things Stiles is sure:
First, the people in Beacon Hills are supernaturally gorgeous and he has no idea why he was allowed in. Second, if he hears 'mountain lion' one more time, he's going to do some serious maiming. And third, Derek Hale looks at him like he wants to eat him. And Stiles might just let him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14662854   Something Rotten by HappyJuicyfruit    78k, Stiles/Derek, drug use, prostitution, homelessness, past rape, 
Dammit, this was another reason he hated walking around a big city at night, he always managed to catch glimpses of the dark underbelly. He turned around, planning on going the long way home, but he froze when he heard the voice-
“Let me take you home,” a man said.
“That will cost you more. I get the money before we leave, and I take another hit at your place before we do anything.” Another man slurred.
That voice. It sounded like- Derek’s feet were moving him towards the men before he could think.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15631620    Dress Me Up In Stitches (Or, Five Times Stiles Got Hurt And Hid It, And One Time He Couldn't) by rockmusicplays   22k, Stiles/Derek, 5+1, injury, 
Stiles is determined to help the pack protect the town any way that he can. Derek and Scott keep trying to sideline him for his own safety, but Stiles isn't having it.
Even if it kills him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15503010    Waiting by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    81k, Stiles/Derek, canon-AU, feral!Derek, possessive!Derek, 
Not wanting to think on it took much, Stiles took a step forward and passed his hand between the bars, moving the bleeding side closer to Derek’s mouth.
“Not too close, he bites.”
Stiles snatched his hand away just as Derek had been about to lick at it. The snarl he got in response was not comforting.
“He what?” Stiles asked nervously, turning to Deaton.
The man looked a little amused. “Don’t worry, only if he doesn’t like you.”
“Well, he probably hates me, now!” Stiles insisted, turning back to Derek.
He looked extremely displeased.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/670586    Cross My Soul by ecarian    31k, Stiles/Derek, 
Sometime around mid summer, during the intervening weeks of baseball camp and recovering from baseball camp and the latest Minecraft update, Jinx hops up the plastic step stool to their bed and says, “Derek’s daemon won’t talk to me.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/736142    Messy by blacktofade    1k, Lydia/Stiles, pegging, 
As soft as Stiles appears, he’s surprisingly firm beneath Lydia’s hands. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/758433    Be Sure by blacktofade    1k, Stiles/Derek, watersports, possessive behaviour, 
Stiles likes to think he’s an open-minded guy.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15866892    Magical Encounters by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    105k, Stiles/Derek, AU, phone sex operator, angst, stalking, 
“Shut up and talk to me.”
Spark laughed, and it made Derek’s muscles relax even more. God, even just his voice was enough to calm him down. Derek wished their relationship wasn’t what it was. He knew it could never be anything more, but he wished they’d met under different circumstances.
“Well, which is it? Shut up, or talk to you? Or did you need a little bit of relief?” Spark’s voice lowered and it shot straight to Derek’s groin. “Are you in need of some other services, Derek?”
“Don’t do that,” Derek snapped. He hadn’t meant for it to come out so hostile, but Spark didn’t often use that voice with him. His ‘service’ voice. The one he used to get people off. When Derek was having a normal day, he didn’t mind it so much, but today? No, today he felt it go straight to his dick and he did not want to do that to Spark. He didn’t.
He fucking didn’t!
“Sorry, sorry,” Spark said quickly. “Yeesh, it was a bad day, huh? Okay, no problem, let’s make you happy again. As happy as a grumpy motherfucker like you can be, anyway.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15719427   I'm Lost In You by matildajones    13k, Stiles/Derek, AU, soulmates, coma, 
He knows he should move but a part of him still feels paralyzed. He has clear feelings of not being able to move his body, of not being able to even blink.
“Oh my god,” Stiles says, and he clambers to his feet, feeling dizzy. He easily finds a mirror in the room and then the most gorgeous eyes stare back at him. They’re a sea-green instead of the normal brown that he’s used to.
He’s looking at his soulmate.
Stiles wakes up in his soulmate's body, on his twenty-second birthday, with blurry memories of the past year. Derek doesn't wake up at all.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15869025    The Sun to Rise by andavs    7k, Stiles/Derek, AU, Alpha!Derek, Emissary!Stiles,
Stiles has an imaginary friend. He's kind of a dick.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/941881    You Always Make A Bloody Mess by Sweetsyren    5k, Stiles/Derek, h/c, scars, injury, 
Stiles is used to hiding his scars.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/515709    And You Say You're Alone by taelynhawker   30k, Stiles/Derek,injury, 
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/702099    Thunder, Steal the Wind by qthelights    10k, Stiles/Derek, forced proximity, h/c, injury, frottage, first time, 
Trapped in a thunderstorm with an unknown creature chasing them, Stiles and Derek find they need to trust each other to get through the night.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/648444    Under Pressure (Approximately 7lbs) by shlynn    2k, Stiles/Derek, injury, h/c, 
Stiles breaks his collarbone.
Well, Derek breaks Stiles' collarbone.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/562077    Say it Sweet by morganoconner     4k, Stiles/Derek, h/c, truth serum, 
"Wolfsbane." Derek grits his teeth. "Interrogation blend. Still in my system. It makes me talk."
https://archiveofourown.org/works/614989    Never Cage A Rabid Wolf by tty9    49k, Stiles/Derek, AU, prison, prison appropriate warnings, 
Stiles is sent to prison, and gets assigned to a cell with-
“Hale?!” Scott gasped as his gaze followed Stiles’s. “You got Derek Hale?! Oh boy, man, good luck with that buddy, that guy is a psycho!” His voice had become worryingly high pitched. Stiles’s heart started thumping in his chest, and he swore it actually skipped a beat when Hale looked up at them, his eyes searing into Stiles’s who quickly dropped his head. His beef (or was it pork?) slop suddenly looked very interesting.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/925944    constant as a northern star by Hymn   6k, Stiles/Derek, smut, Derek discovers he loves to bottom
Derek stole a chicken wing from Stiles’ pile, said “You’re special," in a way that was probably meant to be a subtle jab at Stiles’ sanity but really just came out sounding like Derek was having emotions.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1664021    I Can Kill You With My Mind by Snowjob    4k, Stiles/Derek, psychic bond, masturbation, 
Response to an open prompt on tumblr:
I need a fic—no, this fandom needs a fic—wait, THE WORLD NEEDS A FIC where magic!Stiles accidentally forms a telepathic bond with Derek while having sex with someone else.
He may or may not be having an orgasm at the time.
He also may or may not be picturing Derek while doing it. - Jerakeenc
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1533503    Seeing Double. by doctorkaitlyn    62k, Stiles/Derek/Stuart Stilinski, AU, twincest, polyamory, 
Derek had always had a thing for libraries, even before he started working in one. There was nothing like the feeling of having all the knowledge in the world at his fingertips, nothing like the quiet serenity that only books could bring.
One day, that serenity was shattered by two young men, twins to be exact, sitting in the English Literature section and firing off rapid Polish at a completely inexcusable volume. Derek told them to be quiet, like he'd done to dozens of other students, and that should have been the end of it.
In reality, it was just the beginning.
or, that fic where Derek falls for both Stiles and Stuart (and the feeling is definitely mutual.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/899188    Riding the Lightning by Vendelin    23k, Stiles/Derek, AU, temporary amnesia, past torture, 
Stiles finds himself on the doorstep to his home in Beacon Hills, not remembering how he got here or why he’s barefoot. As it turns out, he was abducted a couple of weeks earlier from a college party and bears the same marks on his body as victims of a serial killer his dad just can’t seem to get a hold of. So there he is, with no memories of what happened, the last couple of weeks like a blank line in his mind and knowing all too well that he’s the best shot they have at catching this guy. As a key witness and in acute, assumed danger, he finds himself under surveillance 24/7 and more often than not, his dad’s best Deputy: Derek Hale, is sitting at his kitchen table.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/857035    Just a social construct by queerly_it_is    2k, Danny/Stiles, first time, 
"I really was kidding," Danny says. It'd be more of a put-down if it wasn't said against Stiles' mouth, if his hands weren't on Stiles' hips while Stiles just sort of twitches against the wall he's being pressed into.
He mumbles back, "I really wasn't," trying to get Danny to use more tongue. Stiles is maybe already a little addicted to Danny's tongue. It's a problem.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/850274    Bought the T-Shirt by the_deep_magic    6k, Stiles/Derek, first time, fuck-or-die, 
Stiles needs some help with a thing. (Post-ep for 3x03 "Fireflies")
https://archiveofourown.org/series/34394    And Will Not Be Commanded series by whiskey_in_tea     13k, Stiles/Derek, Derek/Erica, 
He can’t decide if it was worse when Derek was with Erica, when he would touch her shoulder or hip with his fingertips and the perpetual frown of his forehead would smooth out, just for a single, tender second, or now, when his hands are always empty at his sides and Stiles is starting to feel compelled to offer himself to fill them.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/515616    You are the Moon by skoosiepants    10k, Stiles/Derek, AU, wolf!Derek, 
Stuff Stiles doesn’t like to deal with first thing: hot, moist dog breath in his face, a cuddly werewolf creepifying his perfectly normal morning wood with shades of bestiality, and his dad holding his service revolver up against the skull of his bedmate, never mind the fact that his bedmate could possibly be a vicious unhinged rogue omega.    
https://archiveofourown.org/works/532552    You Taste Like Glitter by dizzzylu    1k, Danny/Stiles, first kiss, 
There was a time in Danny's life when he'd have sworn he had better things to do than sit in a club and check out the latest guy his ex is trying to hook up with. That is not the case tonight.
(written for the prompt: Danny sees Stiles at a gay bar and asks him to dance to make his ex jealous, only things get a little out of hand when he realizes Stiles is really into it and is not so straight as Danny thoughtat the Everybody Loves Danny Fanworks Fest)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/546446    Hide Of A Life War by Etharei    26k, minor Stiles/Derek, BAMF!Stiles, hostage situation, injury, 
“We have received confirmation that there is a hostage situation in progress at a warehouse compound two hours out of Los Angeles, following a multiple-vehicle pileup on Highway 101 this morning...”
The one in which Stiles has lived to (legal) adulthood and, along the way, become a bit of a badass himself.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2262240    A Desperate Arrangement by mikkimouse    115k, Stiles/Derek, AU, arranged marriage, 
"I'm sorry, I believe there's something wrong with my hearing," Stiles said. "Because I could have sworn you just told me you set up a betrothal agreement with the Hales. A betrothal agreement involving me. Me."
Scott smiled his easygoing smile and nodded, which told Stiles no, he hadn't misheard a damn thing.
After seven years of lengthy negotiations, the treaty between the Hales and the Argents has fallen apart and the two countries fell into war.
Months later, there's an uneasy truce, thanks to the intervention of King Scott McCall, but it won't last. In a desperate attempt to maintain the peace, the Hales sign a treaty with the McCalls to marry Prince Derek to Prince Stiles Stilinski, King Scott's brother.
In the history of the world, there have been many better ideas.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1935087    my heart's been offline by thepsychicclam    58k, Stiles/Derek, AU, online dating, past drug use, 
31/M/New York. Rich, lays in bed all day, likes to read (aka Derek Hale, son of an Oscar winning actress, brother of one obnoxious reality star and one rebellious fashion designer, hates the paparazzi so much he's a recluse)
26/M/California. Boring office job, likes to read (aka Stiles Stilinski, co-owner of a 100 acre organic farm with his dad and two best friends, writer of obits for a newspaper, has absolutely no life)
Or, where Derek and Stiles meet online, and Stiles has no clue Derek's part of a famous family.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/754219    Alpha Complex by Hatteress (goddammitstacey)    3k, Stiles/Derek, smut, 
"Hold still," Stiles says, hand clamping down on the back of Derek's neck to keep him from turning and it's laughable, really – the thought that that would be enough to hold him. Except it is. Because Stiles' fingers are gripping the nape of Derek's neck, pressure sure and hard and Derek- Derek can't fucking breathe.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8804740    Your Darkness Will Be Rewritten by Omni    11k, Stiles/Derek, AU, incubus!Stiles, 
Stiles is no guardian angel. In fact, as an incubus, he's pretty far from it. But still, it seems he's always there at the right place and the right time to be the protector that Derek didn't even know he needed.
(An alternate timeline where Stiles prevents the Hale fire, and returns to Beacon Hills years later when someone's performing three-fold ritualistic killings.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11342160    Honey, Can't you See (The Bloodstains on my Teeth) by Loup_Aigre, TroubleIWant   44k, Stiles/Derek, canon AU, soulmates, angst, 
“Mr Stilinski.” Deaton’s usually impassive face betrays a hint of surprise today, maybe even disappointment. “You haven’t changed your mind.”
Stiles tips his chin up, smiling against his irritation. “Nope,” he confirms, so cheerily it bites. They had arranged this weeks ago, yet Deaton was apparently betting Stiles wouldn’t go through with it in the end. Fuck that. He doesn’t know what it’s like out there, not really. He can afford to hold himself aloof and uninvolved, knowing his druid power is enough to keep him safe in this little office. Stiles can’t. Scott’s pack has got to protect this whole town, and Stiles’ spark isn’t enough to protect all of them while they do it.
The thing is, magic isn’t like the fairy tales. It’s blood and risk and sacrifice. Nothing comes without a price, and anyone who tries to say different is baiting a hook to gut you on. Stiles knows that, has known it since he was a kid and his mother started training him for the inevitable day when he’d need to fight for his life.
That day had come four years ago when she died, and it hasn’t stopped yet.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/23664     Good Things series by alchemy 10k, Stiles/Derek, first time, smut, power dynamics, 
His social circle consists almost entirely of creatures of the night and men who dress as women; if he ever wants to pop his cherry he’s going to have to make some concessions somewhere. 
https://archiveofourown.org/series/114250    the one where the Hales are related to the Addams series by callunavulgari    8k, Stiles/Derek, AU, uuuuh gore?, 
“So is this a werewolf thing or a you thing?” Stiles asks eventually. He’s half-hysterical, but his heartbeat is still steadier than Derek would have expected it to be. “Because I’m pretty sure Scott would die if I chopped off his head.”
“It’s a me thing,” Derek says. “Well, it’s a Hale thing. A Hale-Addams thing. Look, can you help me reattach this? I’m a bit out of practice, so it’ll be easier if you do it.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/3518480    Better Than Deep-fried Twinkies by shift (clarz)    7k, Stiles/Derek, AU, rodeo, 
There’s a guy sitting cross-legged in the hay, seemingly unconcerned with the cow excrement almost certainly contained within it; Inara’s laid down in front of him, and he’s leaning forward, her huge head cupped tenderly in his hands, his cheek almost touching hers. He looks completely enraptured, staring into her eyes intensely and rubbing her cheeks in slow circles, leaning into her with his whole body like she’s precious and beautiful and everything he ever wanted. It’s weirdly intense, and should really be off-putting, but Inara looks sleepy and calm and happy, and Derek is way too distracted watching the guy’s hands, long-fingered and beautiful, massaging her face tenderly.
In which Stiles hits on Derek's cow, then hits on Derek. Also in which Stiles' eyelashes are favorably compared with those of a cow.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4646664    as you are by veterization   34k, Peter/Stiles, 
Stiles runs straight into a tree and suddenly, things are... different. Namely, he's in a world where Peter Hale is his boyfriend.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/486351    Hearts in High-Vis by tourdefierce    7k, Stiles/Derek, smut, exhibitionism, 
It's three days after the events of Master Plan (S2 Finale).
A fic in which Stiles has questions, Derek wants to talk about his feelings, everyone is hurting and not really anything gets resolved or answered but they do manage a puppy-pile.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15741372   The PlayLiszt by dylanssourwolf    21k, Stiles/Derek, AU, hand kink, classical music, 
Dr. Derek Hale is one of the most qualified musicologists in the country. He’s damn proud to be one of the most sought-after specialists in the world; he’s done his fair share of travelling to colleges all over the country to to give insights on the musical structures of some of the most famous pieces of classical literature.
While he can't really play any of those pieces, he does have a particular choice of pianist when it comes to listening. Mieczysław.Derek likes to think he’s in love with the guy, even though he isn’t sure if Mieczysław is a first name or a last name or even a name at all, and he's never once gotten a glimpse of the pianist’s face. It’s about the music, the money-makers, and the guy’s hands are plastered on everything.
The only other pianist who may be well on his way to being as talented as Mieczysław is a student by the name of Stiles Stilinski. He's just come back to school after a semester off and is now taking an independent study with Derek, who's trying desperately not to fall for his student. There's one peculiar thing; Stiles always has his hands mostly covered by fingerless gloves, yet still, Derek swears he's seen them somewhere. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16225304    We Are Here by suburbanmotel    7k, Stiles/Derek, pining, touch starved, h/c, 
Derek is touch starved. Stiles has beautiful hands. And so it goes. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11697558   Bittersweet and Strange, Finding You Can Change (Learning You Were Wrong) by WithMyTeeth (Ylith)    50k, Stiles/Derek, AU, fake dating, sugar daddy, 
When perpetual loner and failwolf extraordinaire Derek Hale finally loses patience with his meddling family, he grabs a confused Stiles Stilinski, unsuspecting diner patron and herbal medicine student, off the street to pose as his new boyfriend. Hijinks ensue. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/10503357    To Build a Home (Of Sorts) by nogitsune_lichen    75k, Stiles/Derek, slow burn, angst, fluff, 
The words were stuck on loop, Stiles’ broken voice repeating them over and over. Derek didn’t realize he was crying until he let out a broken noise, so low he could barely hear it himself. His hands dug into his eyes trying to stop the flow but the tears kept coming. He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think, he couldn’t be strong like he’s supposed to be.
He was weak. So weak.
He walked away from the only person that felt like home.
Somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but acknowledge that by the time he got back, his home would be miles away, once again leaving him all alone.
Or the healing/getting together AU that involves building a house together and a healthy dose of angst.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1047593    You Are series by Livinginfictions     104k Stiles/Derek, fake dating, 
With the Hale pack finally settled and safe, it only makes sense that something would happen to screw it all up. To top it all off, Stiles has to pretend to be Derek's mate, or face a pack of angry Alphas. He's doomed.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15202121    Lost on you by devilscut    51k, Stiles/Derek/Peter, polyamory, incest, 
A deadly encounter with an Alpha changes Stiles' life forever - kicked out and betrayed by his best friend and brother, Scott McCall, he leaves Beacon Hills, but much to his surprise not alone. Ten years down the track, living a life he never dreamed possible, a chance meeting brings back memories of that night - the good and bad mixed with a whole lotta WTF that even now still has him scratching his head as to what happened. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15931463    Door to Door Enquiries by katiemorag    1k, Stiles/Derek, 
John and one of his deputies are carrying out door to door enquiries when Derek Hale answers the door of the final house on the street wearing only a pair of boxers.
Those boxers look really familiar to John.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1142392    lift you to your higher ground by verity    4k, Stiles/Derek, awkward boners, 
Derek takes a deep breath before he looks up. "I was going to Jungle to pick up a guy."
"Huh." Stiles taps his fingers against his bottom lip. They come away red; there's already lipstick on his teeth. "You know, there's an app for that. Grindr. You're—I bet you could just get guys to come over, like pizza delivery."
"I don't like pizza," Derek says.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/781435   Of college boys, old tv shows, trust and heavy petting. by Original_Cypher    7k, Stiles/Derek, neck....kink?, maybe trust kink??,
It's a quiet midday during Spring Break at Derek's. Stiles is set on a lazy afternoon, and judging by the way Derek is sinking into the couch, he won't get any arguments from the sleepy alpha, so he settles for his usual routine of 'petting the werewolf's hair'. It all goes like usual until they make an interesting discovery.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1183982    make something good by verity    7k, Stiles/Derek, kid fic, babysitting, lactation kink, 
Stiles sighs and slouches down in his chair, taps his pencil against his desk irritably. He spent a year and a half fighting evil, being evil, and then fighting evil again, and now he's just—a glorified babysitter.
This is how it ends: not with a bang, but a whimper.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1057876    all wound up in you by verity    2k, Stiles/Derek, fluff, physical disability, bed sharing, knitting,
Stiles's blue project grows steadily, the finished pieces draped over each other haphazardly on one edge of the knitting basket in the living room. Sometimes Derek touches them, squishing the springy wool between his fingertips. Maybe it's an afghan: those are supposed to take a long time to make.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1562651    the devil makes work by llassah    7k, Stiles/Derek, masturbation, awkward sexual situations, 
“It takes Stiles four days to notice something’s wrong. Well it’s not like jerking off three times a day is unusual behavior. The third day, he has his usual good morning session, comes straight home from Lacrosse and jerks off without even taking off his jeans because it’s laundry day tomorrow and it’s not like he’s got standards. And everyone jerks off last thing at night; it’s like a glass of warm milk for your dick.”
Stiles has been hit by a jerking off curse. He might not make it through May unscathed.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/1239916    stem of the bloom by languisity    5k, Stiles/Derek, Nemeton/Stiles, dubious consentacles, first time, 
“I have to fuck that tree,” he tells Scott and Allison at lunch. The cafeteria is packed but Stiles doesn’t bother to keep his voice down.
“Okay,” Scott says. “Wait, what?” He’s been a little slow lately, but that’s forgivable. True Alphahood, darkness in his heart. Those things build up.
“The Nemeton,” Stiles says, rolling a tater tot around in ketchup. “I’m gonna put my dick in it.”
https://archiveofourown.org/works/936514    the dog days are over by M_Leigh    5k, Stiles/Derek, wolf!derek, stiles is a dick, 
"To say that Scott and Stiles are surprised when Derek manages to turn into a wolf – a big one, an actual real-sized wolf that probably weighs twice as much as Stiles on a good day – would be an understatement of the highest caliber, but even so, they’re not half as surprised as Derek himself."
Derek changes into a wolf. He decides to stay that way.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/521237    Lovebitten by LunaCanisLupus_22    10k, Stiles/Derek, awkwardness, 
The one where Derek gets bitten by a lovebug and Stiles is the first person he lays eyes on. Hilarity ensues.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/712284    Your Yoda I will Be by darksylvia    5k, Stiles/Derek, 
Stiles offers to give Derek tactical training.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/762715    may your path be the sound by magneticwave    13k, Melissa/Sheriff, Stiles/Derek, 
This may make Melissa a terrible mother, but things were so much easier when Scott and Stiles were unpopular and spent their weekends on either her or John’s couch, playing Mario Kart and talking about all of the stuff they were never going to be cool enough to do. Scott and Stiles’ weekends now mostly involve blood and Derek Hale.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/698441    Special Collections by hannah_baker    16k, Stiles/Derek, AU, everybody lives, 
Stiles Stilinski is a senior in college working on his thesis. Derek Hale is the grumpy (though inhumanely attractive) special collections librarian. All they needed was a common interest to spark a friendship that becomes more than either of the bargained for.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/703198    A Life Less Ordinary by Jebiwonkenobi    19k, Stiles/Derek, buried alive, giants, 
It takes a few years but eventually they manage to agree on something; Derek Hale is an asshole, and Stiles Stilinski is in love with him.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16303505   Captain’s Log: I am Sly as a Fox by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)    42k, Stiles/Derek, pining, fox!stiles, magical mishap, 
Derek wandered into the store with him, some of the cashiers cooing at Stiles because, yes, yes, he was very cute, thank you. He was getting more attention as a fox than he’d ever gotten as a human.
He just pouted while being carried through the store, one of the girls helping Derek with what he needed and bringing it all to the cash register for him since he seemed reluctant to loosen his grip on Stiles. He probably didn’t want him wiggling free and wreaking havoc across the store.
He was pretty destructive, he’d admit that.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15452388   Breathing You In by lavenderlotion    29k, Peter/Stiles, PTSD, touch starved, 
“Good morning, kiddo,” his dad said, and the words hurt.
All Stiles wanted to do was step forward and let his dad hug him, allow his father to give him comfort. His father's hugs had always been all-encompassing, the way he would fold himself around Stiles and hold him as tightly as he could.
Stiles stepped around him, careful not to let foreign skin touch anything that was special to him.
Anything he loved.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16225304    We Are Here by suburbanmotel    7k, Stiles/Derek, pining, touch starved, h/c, 
Derek is touch starved. Stiles has beautiful hands. And so it goes.
Onward to Part 2!
18 notes · View notes
mezhane · 5 years
JUST MARRIED (... kinda)
“He did what ?!” Marina shouted out loud , her eyes nearly popping out. She always gives me the best reactions and I love her for that . But we were in public now , and the last thing I wanted was to draw the attention to us . I winced at her high pitched voice and took a sip of my drink.
“Ok, chill the fuck down babe, everyone is looking at us ... I said he kissed me , twice .” Marina and I have no taboos with eachother , but I don’t know why I was embarrassed to tell her that.
“And you kissed him back didn’t you ?! You did right ?! No, don’t even answer that , I know you did !...Why would you kiss him back ?!”
“Well I don’t know bitch, maybe because I’ll be his wife in two months !” I told her throwing my arms in the air .
“Right, I forgot about that... Some part of my brain still hasn’t processed the fact that you’ll be someone’s wife in two months ...” I could feel a tinge if pain in her voice. Me and her had always agreed to marry later, when we figure out what to do with our lives . I grabbed her hand and squeezed it .
“Babe, I know how you feel , and if it feels weird to you, imagine how it feels to me ... This was so unexpected... But I can’t let my parents down they’re counting on me ...” I reassured her, smiling. She scoffed and smirked at me .
“Girl get the fuck out of here, we both know you agreed to this marriage cause you’ve been crazy about Xing since middle school.”
“You’re damn right !” I admitted laughing. She joined me too and stared at me . I could tell she was really concerned .
“ Will you be okay though ? I know Yixing, he’s a good man, but you’re like my twin, and I want to protect you from any danger, including my own family...” I grabbed her hand and held it as tight as I could.
“I’ll be fine don’t worry too much about me and focus on yourself, because you’re next!” I smirked , giving her a wink.
“He’ll no bitch, I’m staying in my parents’ house until I die, you know that !”
The rest of the day was spent like this, just us enjoying our time together and me contemplating my last few times as a single girl. I finally drove Marina back to her place and got home then texted Yixing .
[Me 4:37 pm]
“Helloooooo !!! How is my future husband being ? Pretty busy huh ? I know how it feels, Sam didn’t come home for two days because of the amount of work...”
I locked my phone and decided to binge on stupid reality shows. Yes, they are not intellectually stimulating, but I can’t deny how entertaining it is either. I grabbed my phone twenty minutes after, no answer. 1hour, no answer... 2, 3,4 hours , no answer. I bit my lip realizing how drowned in work he might be. I decided to send a second text, you know, just in case.
[Me 9:00pm]
“Hey, I know you’re super busy and you can’t talk to me right now, but I just wanted to say that you’re doing really well, don’t overwork yourself.”
And with that I did my little night routine and went to bed
Nothing. Still nothing. I mean I know this kind of work requires you to do... overtime, but a week? A whole week without any news ? No, that was just to much. I was ranting at my mirror when I phone buzzed . I ran to grab it and my heart literally dropped when I saw the text .
[Xingie 1:03 am]
I’m okay, thanks.
That’s it? That’s the shit he’s going to give me after being absent for a week ? No problem, I’ll show him .
[Me 1:10 am]
Who’s this ? Your number isn’t saved on my phone, sorry.
Okay, I admit, that was too much. But that’s what he deserved, right?... Right?!
A minute after the text was sent , Xing called me .
“Hi Xingie, everything good, you suddenly remembered you have a fiancée?”
I heard a long sigh coming out of his mouth.
“Where are you right now ? In your room I hope .”
“W-well yeah, where do you expect me to be at this time ?”
“Good. Come out for a minute , I wanna see you .”
I was smiling so hard at the other hand of the phone. I was so proud of myself for some reason. The fact that he came all the way here from work just to see me made me feel some type of way . But I couldn’t let him know that . No . He wasn’t winning this battle .
“I don’t know about this Yixing, do you not see the time ? What makes you think I would want to come out this late ? Do you honestly think you’re gonna make yourself forgiven because you randomly come here to...”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion, Mina come out now. Hurry”
Oh wow , I was in trouble . Not because I was scared of him , but because being man handled by Yixing was oddly arousing to me . I sighed deeply into the phone , feigning annoyance.
“What if my dad catches me ? He’s gonna kill me !” I asked , even though getting caught by my dad was the least of my worries right now.
“I don’t care,find a way” And he hung up just like that. I ran out of my bed and grabbed a pair of leggings. (Not gonna lie, I chose this pair for a reason, they made me look really good) Then, I rushed to my mirror and fixed my hair. I didn’t bother to do anything to my face .Thank god for lashes extensions. I walked out of my room and went down the stairs with feather steps, trying to make less noise as possible. I decided to go for the backyard door, as it provided less chances to get caught . I opened the door and decided to leave it like that , to make it easier to get back to my room after . I spotted Yixing’s car and ran to it . He smiled when he saw me , opening his door for me .
“You came !” He seemed pleasantly surprised about it .
“You didn’t give me that much of a choice now, did you ?” I added smirking.
“I didn’t think you would. Knowing how much of a temper and attitude you have , I must say I’m pretty chocked .”
I fake gasped and clutched my heart. That caused Yixing to burst out in laughter.
“I’m really sorry babygirl. Those days have been hell to me .”
“I know, I feel so bad for getting mad at you when you were just trying to do your job...”I pouted and put my face in my hands .
“No,no, don’t say that! My job is important for sure , but you should always come first...Always.”
I was trying so hard not to smile , which Yixing must have noticed since he chuckled and ruffled my hair.
“Baby?” I just hummed and looked in his direction.
“You know, I could really use a kiss right now.”
Oh fuck. That’s it , I was flustered again ! Honestly, I have to thank the Lord for making me black because I couldn’t deal with the blushing otherwise.
“Y-you want a kiss?” He just hummed and bit his lip . Why was he so hot ?!
I leaned over to him and gave him the most innocent peck before smiling.
“Really? That’s it ? We both know you can do much better... Come here ...”
He patted his lap , gesturing me to come sit on it . He didn’t have to tell me twice. I climbed on him and straddled his hips. He grabbed my face and smiled before locking his lips with mine . Five minutes later, we were making out like crazy and his hands were squeezing my hips, guiding them to grind on him. The idea of grinding on Yixing while making out with him in the middle of the night was driving me completely insane. And judging by his hard on rubbing on the inside of my thigh , I could tell he was affected too. He suddenly pushed his hips up harshly onto my center and I released a long moan.
“Xing, please...” I begged like I was craving his touch. The feeling was so new to me I didn’t know how to act. But I didn’t really mind sounding desperate.
“Fuck baby, don’t moan my name like that... Do you have any idea how dangerous you are ?”
“Dangerous?” I tried to act as innocent as possible, though I knew exactly what he meant.
“Yeah... I wanna fuck the shit out of you ... But I can’t... I shouldn’t. Your dad will murder me if something happens before our wedding. You’re meant to stay pure until we’re officially married.” He said , his hands still going under my shirt.
“I know that Xing, but I want you so bad” I answered as my hand unconsciously travelled from his face down to his belt.
“That’s it , get off me . You’re not helping me keeping my self control.” He ordered with a painful laugh . I got off him and sat in the passenger seat . He kissed my hand then grabbed my face and kissed me passionately one last time .
“I should probably go Xing. I have to wake up early tomorrow.” I rubbed my eyes and yawned.
“Yeah? What are you doing tomorrow?”
“I have to go and pick up my dress Xing...” Why was I embarrassed to tell him that ?
“Oh, right ... Damn , you really are going to be Mrs Zhang huh ?” He joked , smirking down.
“I guess , it’s crazy to me too” I covered my face in excitement.
“It isn’t to me... I figured you would be my wife a while ago, actually.”
“W-what? You knew ?” My eyes widened so much they were gonna pop off.
“Aww baby , you’re so cute ! You still don’t get it ? We were meant to be kitten ! It has always been this way !” He said poking my nose. “Go babe, get loads of sleep. I’ll text you tomorrow, okay ?”
I left his car and quietly got back to my house then my room. As I was lying in bed , I kept thinking about what he said. We were meant to be ? So does that means I was promised to him as soon as I was born ? Too many things happened tonight and I felt like I wouldn’t be able to get any sleep. I will definitely have to have a conversation with my dad tomorrow.
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