#but as of NOW. you know. the moment human lives and futures are at stake. as of NOW that is the way it is. Biden has been shown to cave to
tfw you ask the 'dont vote' psyop account for any alternative courses of action to just letting Trump win and literally install himself as the eternal dictator of the US (the project 2025 plans say enough there I think). And of course they just block you because they didn't actually think anyone would like. try to actually understand their propaganda instead of just swallowing it outright...
#i also don't want that genocidal freak to be the president. but trump is ALSO a genocidal freak. he would not help Gaza and he would#almost certainly devote even more budget for weapons and such bc he doesn't understand the situation but he does understand that#islamophobia sells. quite literally out of the frying pan and into the fire. third parties DON'T win in America. our whole system is built#to make it impossible. it simply will not happen. and the psyop accounts going 'vote jill stein' 'vote cornell west' know that. assuming 75%#of Americans are leftist and everybody votes (as they should)‚ if their votes are split three or four or six ways they lose anyway. and#the actual number of leftist Americans is closer to 60%‚ not 75. enough to win an election handily... if the votes aren't split in a dozen#directions. i literally went to university for political science. this is the most basic polisci 101 shit. it sucks ass - i hope it changes.#but as of NOW. you know. the moment human lives and futures are at stake. as of NOW that is the way it is. Biden has been shown to cave to#pressure. Trump doesn't give a single flying fuck about what the public thinks of him because his voters are going to continue to be his#voters indefinitely. he couldn't be made to stop ever until he decided he was bored of genocide and his voters would cheer for every second#saying youd prefer trump in office is looking at the queer and brown and Black people in your life and saying 'i don't care what happens to#you so long as *my* conscience is clear. as long as the blood isn't on *my* hands its fine by me'
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makingqueerhistory · 2 years
Queer Book Recommendations
Every once in a while I like sharing some queer book recommendations on here as I read a lot and I get requests to share some of the books I love, so here we go! 
Tell Me I'm Worthless: Three years ago, Alice spent one night in an abandoned house with her friends Ila and Hannah. Since then, things have not been going well. Alice is living a haunted existence, selling videos of herself cleaning for money, going to parties she hates, drinking herself to sleep. She hasn’t spoken to Ila since they went into the House. She hasn’t seen Hannah either.
Our Wives Under The Sea: Miri thinks she has got her wife back, when Leah finally returns after a deep sea mission that ended in catastrophe. It soon becomes clear, though, that Leah may have come back wrong. Whatever happened in that vessel, whatever it was they were supposed to be studying before they were stranded on the ocean floor, Leah has carried part of it with her, onto dry land and into their home. 
You Made a Fool of Death with Your Beauty: Feyi Adekola wants to learn how to be alive again.It’s been five years since the accident that killed the love of her life and she’s almost a new person now—an artist with her own studio, and sharing a brownstone apartment with her ride-or-die best friend, Joy, who insists it’s time for Feyi to ease back into the dating scene. Feyi isn’t ready for anything serious, but a steamy encounter at a rooftop party cascades into a whirlwind summer she could have never imagined: a luxury trip to a tropical island, decadent meals in the glamorous home of a celebrity chef, and a major curator who wants to launch her art career.
Silver Under Nightfall: Remy Pendergast is many things: the only son of the Duke of Valenbonne (though his father might wish otherwise), an elite bounty hunter of rogue vampires, and an outcast among his fellow Reapers. His mother was the subject of gossip even before she eloped with a vampire, giving rise to the rumors that Remy is half-vampire himself. Though the kingdom of Aluria barely tolerates him, Remy’s father has been shaping him into a weapon to fight for the kingdom at any cost.
Disintegrate/Dissociate: In her powerful debut collection of poetry, Arielle Twist unravels the complexities of human relationships after death and metamorphosis. In these spare yet powerful poems, she explores, with both rage and tenderness, the parameters of grief, trauma, displacement, and identity. Weaving together a past made murky by uncertainty and a present which exists in multitudes, Arielle Twist poetically navigates through what it means to be an Indigenous trans woman, discovering the possibilities of a hopeful future and a transcendent, beautiful path to regaining softness. 
The Perks of Loving a Wallflower: As a master of disguise, Thomasina Wynchester can be a polite young lady—or a bawdy old man. She’ll do whatever it takes to solve the cases her family takes on. But when Tommy’s beautiful new client turns out to be the highborn lady she’s secretly smitten with, more than her mission is at stake . . . 
It Came from the Closet: Queer Reflections on Horror: Horror movies hold a complicated space in the hearts of the queer community: historically misogynist, and often homo- and transphobic, the genre has also been inadvertently feminist and open to subversive readings. Common tropes—such as the circumspect and resilient “final girl,” body possession, costumed villains, secret identities, and things that lurk in the closet—spark moments of eerie familiarity and affective connection. Still, viewers often remain tasked with reading themselves into beloved films, seeking out characters and set pieces that speak to, mirror, and parallel the unique ways queerness encounters the world. 
Refusing Compulsory Sexuality: A Black Asexual Lens on Our Sex-Obsessed Culture: Everything you know about sex and asexuality is (probably) wrong. The notion that everyone wants sex–and that we all have to have it–is false. It’s intertwined with our ideas about capitalism, race, gender, and queerness. And it impacts the most marginalized among us. For asexual folks, it means that ace and A-spec identity is often defined by a queerness that’s not queer enough, seen through a lens of perceived lack: lack of pleasure, connection, joy, maturity, and even humanity.
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skk-fan-page · 6 months
I promise I took my meds, hear me out: this
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Can give us insight into this
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So: before we get into what it means, I'm going to tell you why these things are related. 15 is probably the best text we have when it comes to dissecting their relationship, and in 15, dazai says 2 things that relate to both raging romantic tension and also dogs.
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This, as well as an arguably more loaded section:
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This. Now bear with me, I really did take my meds, this second excerpt is almost a one to one copy of the dog treats panel. For those of you who have read 15, you'll know that this scene is the set up for chuuya being forced into the mafia. They duel, the "treats" (the sheep) appear, and then they disappear, and only when dazai walks away do both the dog and chuuya realize theyve been ensnared in a weirdly elaborate trap for someone who's supposed to not want anything to do with them.
Not only that, but it establishes that not only does he call chuuya his dog, but "his dog" is part of his future plans, and part of the reason he even has future plans.
Part of the reason that dazai wants to live at that point is to spend time with chuuya.
Now: with that we get back into the dog treat "duel".
First, I'll let you read it and draw your own links, as long as you promise to leave them in the notes
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As a bsd reader, you'll probably know that dazai's plans often revolve around knowing what the other party will do. This is easily reflected in the dog encounter, because dogs don't know anything, and thus their behavior cannot be influenced to an unpredictable point. If you offer a dog a treat, you can count on that dog eating the treat. The problem is that dazai can't connect that motive to the dog's actions, because he specializes in dealings with egotistical people who rank highly in organizations who have massive flaws they overlook. Take him outside of his comfort zone, and he struggles to tilt things in his favor.
This analysis overlooks one teensy massive character trait that shapes the character: Dazai is the type to step on a rake, hit himself in the balls, and stick the landing so well that everyone thinks it was on purpose.
You can only tell what's "the plan" versus what is just improv by how hard he tries to sell that he's in control.
With this new lens, seeing how hard dazai tries to assert "the difference in [his status]" with the dog almost entirely colors the interaction as some sopping wet loser loses at his own game that he started against a small animal.
And now: how does this effect the skk reunion and how does it reflect on their previous relationship?
Well, I'm going to pull out some "oh holy shit... I mean, I meant to do that!" Moments
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This man is going back and forth like it's his job. He doesn't know what to expect because chuuya is far beyond his comfort zone. Hes everything that should make him predictable, and yet he never is. Every time he's taken aback by his target not reacting the way he "should" he pulls another trick out from his sleeve. Even literally, in the lock picking case. Whenever he needs to try to assert that he totally planned this, he goes for another trick.
As with the dog, when dazai walks away, the only thing chuuya was left with was a distinct sense of "this guy needs friends." They're both low stakes interactions that are born from dazai not expecting something and not knowing how to regain control of the situation.
This implies that dazai just doesn't know how to deal with a straightforward person and thus can never predict what chuuya will do, because he runs on an unswayable internal logic that makes him as difficult to manipulate as a human can possibly be.
As a partnership, they're constantly confusing the fuck out of each other, because dazai is weird and eats dog treats, and because chuuya cannot be understood with the logic dazai excels in.
They know each other but they can never hope to understand each other.
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drdemonprince · 2 years
Do you have any tips for autistics who want to get more comfortable with uncertainty/unpredictability?
You know, for me, two things have helped the most over time.
The first thing has been trying a variety of new things, and having a variety of life experiences (good, bad, weird, and neutral) and really soaking up the humility that comes with all that. The longer I live and the more passions I pursue, the more life surprises me and exposes me to. The more that I learn the vaster and less comprehensible the world seems to be. The idea that a single, feeble biased human like myself could ever have the power to predict what is going to happen (or to control it) now registers as absurd to me.
I used to try and game out every possible contingency for my reality and understand how everything worked, and a lot of that planning did benefit me, but I also wasted years trying to manage my options and never let the future options narrow before me, which of course they always will and must do. Often the outcome that I thought that I wanted wasn't even enjoyable to me, and then life opened up and expanded outward in some completely unanticipated direction that I'd written off. We never know shit, even when we think we do, so trying to know the optimal amount of shit in order to be able to make a decision or feel safe starts to seem just laughable. and when we laugh, even if its a mirthful or bitter laugh at life's uncontrollability, we can relax a bit.
The second thing that helped me was having confidence in my own ability to navigate unpredictable situations. Some of this does come with experience, see above. But it's also a question of self-efficacy. I sometimes have to remind myself that I nearly always figure things out and find a path forward, even if I'm feeling stuck, even if I need help, and especially when a situation is not what I expected it to be. I don't need to know everything about a situation or be able to predict the future -- I've never been able to predict the future, and I've never known everything, and yet here I am. Bad things in life have happened, I've made plenty of boneheaded choices, there have been tragedies, and losses, and traumas, and also unexpected bolts of good luck and unexpected discoveries. And also just a lot of really mundane boring low stakes everyday grinds. And i've been fine, you know. I've figured it out.
I think a lot of the fear of uncertainty is motivated by a desire to always get things right. but there is no right answer to the question of how to live one's life. The other reason we fear uncertainty is because we dread loss. And many of the uncertain negative outcomes that we fear (such as a relative dying, or friendship ending or a romantic relationship losing its spark) are events we have no control over and will eventually happen no matter what and so we've got to make peace with them. I can't say I'm always good at that. I used to have intrusive flashes of people I cared about dying any time I was enjoying a pleasant moment with them. i was so terrified of the uncertainty of loss that i couldnt enjoy what was happening in the present. That doesn't happen now. Largely because I've learned through experience that just about everything ends, whether you bother to worry about it ending or not, but I've been able to continue forging a worthwhile and dynamic life afterward every time a terrible loss has happened.
so yeah. if you fear uncertainty, i recommend having a really rich, wide array of experiences and doing what you can to build up trust in your own ability to handle the unexpected and difficult.
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ecargmura · 8 months
Wonderful Precure Episode 1 Review - Very Wonderful
My review of the new Precure show is finally here! Thanks to Hirogaru Sky, I find the franchise quite entertaining! I can’t wait to see what this show has to offer as it has a different feel to its predecessor!
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While Hirogaru Sky was a more high-stakes, fantasy/storybook type of story with princesses, knights and nefarious villains, Wonderful Precure feels more light-hearted as it seems to have low stakes. I don’t think it’s necessarily bad. Pokemon had its fair share of light-hearted anime series and so does Yugioh; I’m a fan of both franchises, so I know what it’s like to enjoy the mature, darker aspects and the light-hearted ones because both are precious. Remember that the target audience for Precure are little kids.
I love the animal themed premise of Wonderful Precure. It seems that everyone in Animal Town have animal companions and live harmoniously with them. Even the major characters have pets. Iroha Inukai owns a Papillon dog named Komugi. Mayu Nekoyashiki owns a cat named Yuki. Satoru Toyama owns a rabbit named Daifuku. There’s also the classic “other world” that Precure often has that is filled with animals too. The GaruGaru, the episodic villains, all seem to be possessed animals in a way.
The fight scene with the GaruGaru doesn’t seem to be as intense as its predecessor as Komugi doesn’t really do kicks and punches and prefers to use barriers and hugs to purify the enemy. Will this change? I mean, I don’t mind the hugs, but not all animals would be susceptible to them in the future if one were to make assumptions. 
The transformation scene is actually super short. I do like that Komugi moves around a lot in a short sequence. Not all transformation have to be minute long segments that is basically rinse or repeat. This sort of reminds me of the evolution scenes in Digimon Ghost Game where it’s not an entire segment, but a short, brief one that has good animation nonetheless. Given how choppy and messy some transformation scenes in Hirogaru Sky were (I’m looking at you, Majesty and Prism), sometimes, it’s best to keep it short and simple.
The series introduces its first animal Precure as Komugi is granted the power to become a Precure in order to protect her owner Iroha (note that while Tsubasa from Hirogaru Sky is technically a bird who can transform into a boy, he’s more of a bird fairy as he’s a fictional bird race and not an actual animal). As a dog, Komugi has typical dog traits from being a menace to their owners when its time to wake them up to having separation anxiety when apart. In Komugi’s case, her separation anxiety is very bad. She gets upset when Iroha leaves for school and even wishes to become human just so she can spend more time with her. As a Precure and a human, Komugi’s dog traits are still present as she says to the GaruGaru that being bad won’t get you treats and thinking running off means racing. She also speaks childishly given that dogs have the intelligence of a two-year-old, so it makes sense that her words and dialogue are a bit choppy. Since this episode mainly showed Komugi as a dog with crippling separation anxiety, I do wonder if her character arc is about overcoming it. Now, it pegs the question of whether Komugi will lose her Precure/human form towards the end of the series because the Mirror Stone/Wonderful Pact is the reason she is able to transform and become human. Losing it means she reverts back to her dog form, most likely. Given how light-hearted this show seems to be, I can’t help wonder how the depressing moments will come in when the time comes? Props to Toei for using a rather obscure dog breed as the main dog. I don’t think I’ve seen media where a Papillon dog is used as a mascot or as a character in a story. I’m not too familiar with Maria Naganawa as a voice actress, but her voice is super cute. It fits Komugi’s childish and cute nature perfectly; it makes her sound like a kid, which makes sense given dogs behave like children at times.
Iroha is actually a lot different from what I expected of her. I didn’t expect that she’d be so outgoing and polite at the same time. I like that! She greets all the animals she sees but is still able to be a conversation starter as she was the one who went up to talk to Satoru without second thoughts. I do like that she has a strong sense of justice as she wanted to protect the boy and his St. Bernard dog by diverting the GaruGaru’s attention towards her; she also plays volleyball. She also seems to be a bit astute as she quickly realized that the girl standing in front of her is Komugi and that the whole situation became too wonderful for her, as she did wish to be able to talk to animals when she was younger. Oh boy, Iroha is gonna have A LOT of explaining to do with her parents regarding this newly bizarre scenario. Iroha is voiced by Atsumi Tanezaki. I’m quite familiar with the name as she voiced a lot of mainstream anime characters like Anya Forger from Spy x Family and Frieren from Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End. I think Tanezaki is extremely talented as I cannot hear Anya or Frieren in Iroha. 
Satoru and Mayu make small appearances, but their personality is shown a lot. Satoru is a bit reserved, but likes to learn. He’s very interested in learning about the origins and background of the Mirror Stone as it’s called the Mirror Stone, but people’s reflections aren’t shown. He’s also the type that seems to get flustered easily as Iroha tells him that she hopes they’re in the same class together. It makes me wonder if they’ve been friends since elementary school. I’m also curious about Daifuku; that bunny is adorable with its basket and lop-ears. Also, I didn’t expect Takuma Terashima to be his voice actor. If you’re not too familiar with voice actors, Terashima is known for being the voice actor of Mahiru Shirota from Servamp and Shiki from Edens Zero. He’s married to Satomi Satou who voiced Tsubasa’s mother in Hirogaru Sky. In terms of magical girl shows, he’s been on one before this, as he was Gero Akoya from Boueibu (a Magical boy show that parodies usual Magical girl genre). Given that his voice actor is quite reputable, it makes me wonder if he’ll continue the trend of having male Precures. I do wonder who Daifuku’s voice actor is and what gender the bunny rabbit is because Iroha used “-chan” which COULD mean the rabbit is female, but it’s mainly used for pets regarding of gender.
Mayu reminds me a bit of Kokone from Delicious Party Precure with her shy personality, but they’re a bit different. Kokone doesn’t really mind being alone or not having people talk to her while Mayu is a nervous wreck around people. Her cat Yuki’s smug expressions are HILARIOUS! I can see why she’s being memed on social media. Mayu is voiced by Reina Ueda, who’s a rising star as of now. I know her as Kanao from Demon Slayer and Miyo from My Happy Marriage (an excellent show if you like supernatural romantasy). Given that Precure characters are expressive, I can’t wait to see Ueda’s range when it comes to voicing Mayu as it does fall into her usual reserved character tropes, but the first episode alone also disproves it. Yuki, the cat, is voiced by Satsumi Matsuda, who voiced Beryberie in Hirogaru Sky. It’s cool that they get voice actors who voiced characters in past shows in this one.
Iroha’s parents seem intriguing too. Yoko, Iroha’s mother, is A BABE. Holy heck, she is beautiful. I’m a woman and I find her dazzling. I do feel bad for her as Komugi doesn’t seem to like her as much as Iroha or her husband. Speaking of Iroha’s dad, he is JACKED! Wow, I guess Iroha’s athletic sense comes from him. It’s cute to see him in a frilly apron and cooking. Komugi does seem to like him a bit more than Yoko as he gives her food; dogs always obey those who give them food (I would know because my dogs follow my mom around thinking she’ll give them snacks or table scraps when they’re mainly loyal to me).
I’m curious to see what this show has to offer as it is a new Precure show. Will it be cute? Will it be depressing? Will I be able to see cute animals? What I am seeing so far is good, so I can’t wait to see more. What are your thoughts on the premiere?
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spiritf8x · 9 months
Skip and Loafer: Ah, Youth!
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Hi everyone! It's been a while!
I've just finished watching Skip and Loafer, a slice of life anime... It's been a while since I've watched a slice of life anime, especially when it's so relatable for me. I have gone through that period of youth with certain thinking, meeting new people with different personalities, and just simply enjoying life!
Although our youth journeys may not have involved certain famous figures or having a specific large scale event such as cultural event(in Japan), I've come to find a few things in common for us, simply as adolescents (whether becoming one, now or past) and as humans through this anime.
Our story begins with Mitsumi, a girl who is living in the city, Tokyo, for the first time. The moment you see her, you'd just root for her to the end, because of her funny, cheerful vibes and most importantly, her willingness to pursue achieving her goals relentlessly. I admired her for that, to become a government official to solve the problem of depopulation in not just her hometown, but also the other parts of Tokyo. Sounds big, right?
And then, we have the other end of the spectrum, Shima, who doesn't even know about what he'll do in the future, and with his 'whatever' attitude. Although he seems to be a 'happy-go-lucky' person, deep down it was revealed that he had some unhealed trauma in the past as a child actor. He seldom talk to others about his relationship with his family to even his closest friends. So, he doesn't really know how to interact with people, especially his family.
So, when you put this 2 together, you'll get the both of them being freaking wholesome without having to be a couple!!!
(Honestly that's my favourite part, that a guy and a girl can have fun without having any romantic relationship, and that the plot os not just the girl getting all flustered and nervous while interacting with the guy. They act normal and relaxed around each other, and that's something! Please, this is just my own thoughts and opinion, so please don't attack me on this!!)
Jk, the thing is, they are pretty open to learning about and from each other. They also to begin to understand each other more through resolving of conflict, one that Shima had 'never had since elementary school'. I mean, who would want to admit that they're wrong first with their relationship and their impression at stake? That was what Shima admired about Mitsumi- She has the guts to do whatever she feels right, and she has a good moral compass, so technically that is a good thing.
She also has a goal in mind (please refer to the top if confused), which is also something Shima is envious about. With his past, he finds it hard to be able to do anything freely, and that any way of saying 'no' to people's request is a form of 'rebellion', which would offend people and result them in doing mean stuff to him. That happened in the past, and he didn't want to do it again. Not when his model friend is having such a successful career. He wishes to have the same freedom as Mitsumi did. But because of his habits of doing whatever people wanted, he couldn't seem to being himself to think about what he wanted from himself, not even being able to 'answer the question of what is his favorite food'. So you definitely know that Shima had a character development when he finally declared his thought, that he 'likes going to high school'. That made me realize how much he'd grown as a person, and finding his identity and possibly in the future, what he wants to do.
And hopefully, whether he succeeds or not, Mitsumi would bring him to a place to eat.
On Mitsumi's side, she seems like the person you would definitely want to be friends with. Kind, caring, empathetic and hilarious(on her part, really) and relentlessly pursuing her dreams. My respect for her shot up so much when she told Shima that 'it's ok if I trip or fall, because I know how to get up!' She is the kind of girl who is almost the opposite of Shima-open to people, close to her family members, studious and focused, open-minded... you can name a few!
However, one similarity and that same pitfall she had was running around and taking up all the responsibilities. When this becomes too much for her, she breaks down and cries, because of the stresses of not being able to save every single promise from everyone who requested her of something. Shima sees Mitsumi when she was in her worst state, when they were preparing for the upcoming Cultural festival, and that she couldn't get her comments to her classmates because she was busy with other student council work. While Mitsumi wishes to accomplish many goals, she has the tendency to take too much, and when happens, she gets too stressed. Shima understands this, and wanted to comfort her. By bringing her through the steps of his part, while singing 'My Little Rose ', Shima is doing his part to include Mitsumi into their class's play, which she had been so out of touch from, to assure her that what she had done would not spoil the relationship she has with her classmates, if she talks to them and understands where they're coming from. This little part of the play was shown do much on the screen, but it did show one thing- that their friendship is tied between the trust and fun of 2 people.
So after all this blabbering, what now? What has this got to do with youth? Why do i have to sigh at the start of this blog??
Well, Skip and Loafer took me on an adventure or a historical nonfiction of youth, and the depiction was real and raw. Sudden moments and thoughts weaved together shows as who we are as a person. As adolescents, we were in search of our identities, our dreams and aspirations, our relationships and connections, and the memories built from it. See, it's like crocheting from a ball of yarn to form a scarf. Something that you'd hold on dear to. And that's what Skip and Loafer tells us about. Keep an open mind, experience the bittersweet taste of youth, and keep going.
That's it! It close to midnight on my side of the Earth. So to the person reading this, whenever you are, wherever you are, have a great day, and a great night!!
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kenziefear · 6 months
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I was almost married. Almost. But he left me at the altar. When nobody in the village could find him, I went searching myself. When I found him, he was in the arm's of another man.
There was relief in that for a moment. Argyle hadn't left me at the altar for any fault of mine, I just wasn't the kind of person he wanted to marry. But I immediately knew, it would be scandal. Lord of the manor caught with the strange traveler - a handsome man, with these auburn eyes - only spotted at night. He had charmed Argyle. Maybe for the money, the blackmail? Who knew, but they were wrapped together none the less.
I tried to get a closer look, being nosy and intensely curious, but a branch snapped beneath my feet. They both looked up, spotting me. My face felt flush with embarrassment. Quickly, I turned to rush away, so easily spotted in my white wedding gown. But I was snatched aggressively, thrown to the ground and knocked out cold.
When I awoke, I was covered in blood, soaking my dress like a fresh strawberry stain. It was mine, I knew it, but I wasn't in pain. I felt nothing at all except cold.
I've been alive nearly two centuries since then. Not dead, but not alive, just endlessly living on, never aging, never falling sick.
I watched my mother pass, all my friends and remaining family. Eventually my endless youth began to frighten the townsfolk, so I ran to Argyle's manor to hide with him.
His lover had turned us both into the undead, one vampire, one witch. Two people who had seen the world turn over and over again. Most people don't know this, but a witch can live forever when their blood is mixed with that of the undead. Like a potion of youth, they congeal and create eternal life. Unlike Argyle, I could stand the sun, I could eat human food - I received all the gifts of a vampire with none of the downsides! - save for wanting to die.
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When all those who remembered my face passed away and the witch trials went out of style, I returned to the town. I lived in this beautiful Victorian house with my familiar, pouring everything I had into a normal life. I became a fortune teller for the people of the town, advising them through life, giving them potions to help their everyday ailments. Women would come to me for love potions, men would come for a tarot spread. I began to live a life where I could wave to my neighbors and take a jog with no fear of being burned at the stake.
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Life became routine, but a routine that didn't bore me. When the time came, I knew I'd be able to move on to the next town, start a life away from any lineage I knew. But for now, I could see Argyle's manor on the hill, visit the woods that hadn't changed since I was born, watch the families grow and flourish around me.
Something I had yet to learn in my years of experience is that things can change instantly, the rug can be swept from underneath you, and there's hardly any chance of seeing your own future plow you over.
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Sonic Squared discuss Amy
Ft. Donut Lord
One day when it was just Sonic and Tom at home, a portal opens up in the living room. Scarf decided to invite himself over. He’s greeted with Sonic yelling at him to move out of the way. Sonic and Tom are having a Mario Kart tournament, and a chili dog dinner is at stake.
“Oh crap, sorry!” Scarf quickly moves out of the way and plops down next to Sonic on the couch. Ozzy is summoned and immediately starts to request pats, which Scarf is happy to provide.
Once the race is over, that’s when Sonic greets his friend “hi other me!! What brings you to my lovely abode?” “Well, I haven’t seen ya in a while. Plus I’m bored. Eggman decided to go on vacation. Nowadays the most exciting thing is Amy dragging me to a community support seminar.” Scarf chuckles and scratches behind his neck.
Sonic puts down his controller and gets a mischievous look on his face “ooh~ like a date?” Tom cuts in “yea I’ve been wondering, are you and Amy a thing?”
Scarf forgets how to breathe and chokes on oxygen “no! No no we’re just really good friends is all!” His watch buzzes, and there’s static. Flyer upgraded the watches to be able to communicate despite being in different universes.
Amy’s voice is heard “Sonic, are you there?” “Yea, Ames.” “Oh good! I got worried, I was only getting static for a bit. I wanted to know what kind of desserts you want for our picnic.. and don’t say you want anything with mints in it, I just witnessed Tails blow all of his life savings.” Scarf laughs “that’s Tails for ya! And oh, uhm.. I don’t know if this is dessert or not, but some steam buns would be nice!” “You’re in luck, it looks like they just put out some fresh ones” “Sweet!! I’ll see you later!” “Bye bye!”
Sonic and Tom look at each other. Then look at Scarf who is looking fondly at his watch. “What’s this I hear about a picnic?” Tom asks, “I can give you some advice on flirting if you want-“ “Hey, I’ll have you know I’m a master at flirting.. and I’m not flirting with Amy. It’s just a nice friendly picnic in the sun with just the two of us together.” Scarf pauses and realizes what his last sentence implies. He puts his head in his hands.
Tom decides to leave the poor guy alone.. for now. “Hey Sonic, any girls catch your eye?” Tom asks, raising an eyebrow. “No! Dad, all the girls I’ve been surrounded by consistently are human! I’m not into humans. And when I do run into girls from my own planet whenever Tails, Knux, and I visit there to see some Chao’s, they don’t even say anything, they just look at me.” Sonic makes a fair point. “I can’t wait for you to have your own Amy so I can bother you about it” Scarf teases, playfully shoving Sonic, “nooooo dad, other me is threatening to harass future me” Sonic frowns, making the other two laugh.
Tom begins “Amy seems like a really nice girl, Sonic. Whether or not you want to peruse a relationship with her, or anyone else, that’s your call to make. You’re only 13! You’ve got plenty of time, so don’t worry about it.” Scarf nods, “your old mans right.” “I’m not old!”
“He is right, father, you are aging.” Knuckles and everyone else has returned. Tails runs to hug his dad and brother. He even offers a hug to Scarf, who thinks for a moments. He opts to just give the lil dude a Pat on the head. He’s not a hugger.
Maddie greets her little alien son with a tight squeeze and smooch on he lil forehead.. then goes to greet her husband with a kiss on the lips. Scarf laughs as Sonic and Tails go “ewww”.
“Heya Maddie. We were just talking about other Sonic being in love with Amy-“
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Warning: Mentions of Death, Violence,Depression, Suicide, Breaking Up, Torture, Blood, Explicit Language.
Chapter 12
Last Part To The Series Betrayal
Master List for Betrayal Series
Audrey watched in horror as everyone she knew as friends or family. Betrayed her. She had to make a choice save herself and Eddie or burn the world. And sit upon her throne of blood, watch the work burn. She had already lost everyone she loved. Bucky watched helplessly as the woman he loved turn in a powerful creature. This was his fault. He wanted to make things right. But it hurt so much watching her fall apart again.
Not knowing what to say he looked to his beloved.
“Wanda Darling”
“I know”
“I love you Vis”
“And I love you Wanda”
Tears rolling down her cheeks she held back her sobs.
Vision wiped away her tears. With a wave of his hands he resumed time. Wanda touched his face.
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“Audrey please wait don’t do this?”
Wanda held out her hand
“Audrey let us help you please. This isn’t the way to do this.”
“I know you lost a lot. We have seen the future. And its not gonna end the you want it too.”
“I’m sorry Eddie doesn’t make it. And ……an……you ……..(sobs) you kill everyone in a fit of rage.
Audrey stood in silence.
“Eddie is gone Audrey”
“Venom! Let me think!”
“Venom he’s all we have?”
“Audrey save him for us”
Audrey turned towards everyone.
She reverted back to her human form. Falling to her knees she started crying. Rubbing her eyes she couldn’t hold back the pain.
Looking up at everyone. Anger in heart she couldn’t show weakness to anyone.
Venom tried to find a a way to comfort her. She kneel down in front of the glass. Looking at Eddie. Watching him closely she noticed him breathing.
“Wanda, Vision don’t do this?”
Tony watched the couple look at each other once again.
“Tony you don’t know what’s at stake here. She could enslave the world. And take away everything in a heartbeat. Millions of lives will be lost. Just trust us.”
Bucky rushed to Bruce to check on Steve. The gash in his neck and chest started to close up slowly. Bucky tried so hard to hold back his tears. But the tears fell on Steve.
“Wake Up Punk, it’s supposed to be Till The End Of The Line?”
“Sergeant Barnes I have to get him out of here. Steve is gonna be okay he’s stable now.”
Bucky moved out of the way. Watching the medical personnel take Steve to the medical wing.
“Audrey Stop This!”
His back still facing her he wiped away his tears. Clearing his throat he spoke in a calm demeanor. He held back his pain. Hoping that his voice wouldn’t crack.
“I’m sorry for what I did it’s all my fault. It has always been my fault. The day you lost your dad was the hardest moment in your life. The day I decided to cheat on you. That was no mistake. I was going through a lot of self doubt and she was there. She made me forget all the pain. I couldn’t stop myself and I couldn’t bring myself to admit the shame. I should’ve been there for you when you needed me the most.”
Wiping away his stray tears he couldn’t face her. Not like this. He was a crying mess. His heart broken. His mind wandering endlessly about Audrey.
“I don’t deserve you Audrey? You were the beautiful woman that walked into my life and I messed up. I don’t deserve your love. He does.”
Bucky painfully turned around. Wiping away his tears. He sniffled. Eyes red, strays tears fell in the silent room. The smell of her sweat and perfume mixed reminded him of the better days.
Painfully he pointed to Eddie. The man that swept her off her feet. The man that caressed her heart and soul.
“Tony let them go!”
Bucky looked at Tony.
“Umm Excuse me Manchurian Project did you forget her alien boyfriend is a murderer! ”
Tony stepped down from the stairs. Face to face with Bucky.
“Tony Let Them Go!!”
Dry tears stained his face. Looking at Tony in a stoic manner. He stood his ground.
“If we do this we’re no better then them!”
“I’m not comparing us to them. They murder and kidnap anyone. But his he’s a murderer he’s killed people around here. If all of you forgotten there is dozens and dozens of missing people flyers out there. That thing in the cell is responsible. I’m not changing my mind on this he stays locked up and she needs to be restrained or dealt with.”
Tony secretly had Happy escort Pepper to a safe location. He sighed with relief knowing she was safe. Tony conflicted with his thoughts.
“If you hurt him. I promise you I will take everything you love and I will make you watch them take their last pathetic breaths screaming your name TONY STARK!”
Audrey’s hands pressed against the glass. Her hair covered her face. Anger and sadness coursed her blood. Hearing Tony talk made her skin crawl, her blood boil.
“Tony! Let them go!”
Bucky shouted at Tony again.
“We don’t need blood shed. Just let them go. How can be be so sure it’s him?”
Sam yelled across the room.
Sam watched in horror. He had chosen his side when the chaos begin. But thinking about his decision he had a chance to make it right. Audrey was like a sister to him. She’s been through so much. This wasn’t right.
Wanda held her hands up. A red haze appeared around Eddie’s head.
“Oh my god. How could we have been so wrong. I’m so sorry Audrey. I’m so sorry.”
Wanda Telepathically Speaking To Vision
“Vis it wasn’t him at all. They are here for her. They want her I saw what he saw when he saved her. I’ve made a mistake. This is all my fault I caused this all. I should’ve checked before all of this.” “If he dies the future we saw. Everyone will die.”
Tony tried to reason with himself. He needed the evidence. But the missing people flyers piling up around the city he couldn’t take any chances. Without another thought he set off a silent alarm.
Windows shattering, sounds of boots hitting the granite floors. Audrey’s tears watered up her eyes. Seeing Double Eddie lying on the ground she yelped. It seemed as time slowed down.
Venom had taken over. Protecting Audrey with the Black mass. Cradling her inside he had to do something.
Wanda had fear this. Vision cradled her in his chest to shield her from the massacre. But the air fell silent.
The glass doors had open.
“please……don’t ……….audrey darling wait……..”
“Darling is that you?”
“audrey I heard you in the dark you called my name? I tried to find you. I heard you crying?”
“don’t cry my darling. I love you? I know this isn’t the time and place but venom and me wanted to give you this”
Venom reverted back into Audrey’s body. She came running into the cell. Picking his head off the ground cradling him in her lap. Her tears fell on his face. His kissable pink lips dried with tiny cracks. His eyes still shut. His cheeks pale. He spoke again.
“sorry it’s in my pocket”
Venom quickly reached into Eddie’s pocket only to pull out gum wrappers and a old receipt and lint balls.
“Other pocket”
Venom chuckled. Knowing damn well he was embarrassing Eddie in front of the woman he had fallen head over heels in love with.
Venom pulled out a small velvet box. Carrying it to Eddie’s hand. He placed the small box in his hands. Waiting for Eddie to say something. He watched him grasp the box and slowly try to sit up. Venom exited Audrey body seeping into Eddie’s tired form.
Venom helped Eddie gather his strength. He waited for him to reveal the contents of the box and give his little speech he had been practicing for days.
Venom had given him so much shit about the speech. Telling Eddie it’s too cheesy and she might run away from a loser like him but Eddie knew otherwise.
“Audrey I know we only known each other for awhile now not long but I know deep down you fell head over heels for me when we had first met. The way you smiled at me was enough for me to know I had a chance. I know I scared you when you had met Venom. But you accepted him. And I love that about you but here it goes”
“Oh my god Eddie?!”
Audrey’s face turned bright red.
“What’s that?”
Audrey’s face changed immediately. Holding back her giggle her eyes started to tear up. Venom had started laughing so hard. He had to make an appearance.
Eddie quickly looked into the box only to find a small pebble. Written on it said loser.
Venom couldn’t contain his laughter. Eddie was so embarrassed but shocked that his gift was missing.
“Your sweater pocket Loser”
“Eddie quickly reached into his pocket feeling a small metal ring.”
“Audrey will you do me the honor in running away with me. From all of this, far away so you don’t not have to worry about Hydra.”
“From him”
Eddie pulled from his pocket a ring. He had been saving for leaving the city but after meeting Audrey he knew he wanted forever with her.
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Hearing Eddie say “him”. Bucky knew this was her chance to start something new in her life. As much as it hurt seeing another man take his place he had to help her escape. Without saying another word. Tony and his team swarmed around the cell guns pointing towards them and power dampening collars held ready for the couple.
“Eddie I do.”
Audrey leaned down to kiss Eddie. But Venom shoved Eddie up making him Kiss Audrey. It was as time stopped for the couple stopping to catch their breaths. The room had darken. A red cloud surrounded them.
The cloud started to clear away to reveal they had been teleported out of the city. Where Wanda and Vision stood holding a brown envelope.
“I’m sorry for everything Audrey. I shouldn’t have peeked in his mind a looked around before I knew your side of the story. Forgive me Audrey.”
“In time I will find the will to forgive you Wanda but we have to leave now. Thank you for sparing his life.”
“Hey loser you didn’t tell her I picked out the ring!”
“I did you kept talking about chocolate and tater tot’s”
“I did loser! You did nothing loser!”
Wanda opened the car door Audrey helping her get inside. She watched as they left. Wanda transported themselves back at the tower. With a snap of Vision fingers time resumed.
Everyone still arguing only to notice Audrey and Eddie were no where to be seen. Tony frantically pulled up all camera footage hoping to find a clue. Fury team sent out search parties searching the city for the couple. Wanda and Vision denied any involvement with help them escape.
Bucky left the room with a heavy heart knowing she had gotten away. His love for her hurt. Walking back to his room he wanted to lie down on his bed in hopes she was safe.
On his bed he found a letter.
Dear, James
By the time you’re reading this I will be gone. In this letter holds a spell. Use it whenever you would like it will wipe your mind of our life together. You will not have to bear that burden of a lost love.
I did love you. I always have and I forgive you. I hope you find peace and happiness.
Take care of yourself.
Just as she stated in the letter was a symbol and words written. He held the letter close to his heart. Crying in his room he looked at the letter once again. Reading the words from the letter. A dark red cloud rose from it made his eyes glow blue. The letter disappeared. Buckys laid on the floor only to picked up by a red haze laid gently down on the bed. Where he slept.
The next day he awakened with no memory of the woman who had caused the chaos. Everyone figured Audrey had wiped his mind.
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kaibutsushidousha · 9 months
Memory in Children: Mechanical Choices (Sagrada Reset 3) - Chapter 2: Android Girl (2 years later/August 30th, Wednesday)
The 16-year-old Asai Kei and Haruki Misora sat on the tetrapods under the quiet light of sunset. When Kei opened his eyes again, Haruki was looking straight at him.
"Is the Souma in the photo real? Would pulling this girl outside of the photo really mean resurrecting Souma Sumire?", she mumbled.
It wasn't the first time she asked this question.
Haruki asked this same question when first mentioned the plan to take Souma out of the photo.
(She must be remembering Mari.)
The man-made copy of the dead Kurakawa Mari.
He acknowledged the similarities between the circumstances of Mari and Souma's photo. Both were replicas created by abilities in response to the original's death.
Kei gives the same answer as before.
"I don't know."
Kei didn't know if someone created to be identical to someone qualified as being the same person.
"But Haruki, that's a question that doesn't need an answer. If we see her, we should just smile and talk to her."
He truly meant what he said but he had his misgivings.
He was trying to revive a dead person. And one with Future Sight, no less. Kei knew how a woman with the same ability—the self-proclaimed witch who lost her name—lived her whole life. He couldn't imagine Souma Sumire having a peaceful life after reviving.
(She knew how unsure I'd be right now.)
That's why the Souma in the photo had the MacGuffin on her right hand.
The MacGuffin on her hand was a message to Kei. That tiny rock told him that Souma planned everything. Kei could say for sure that she wanted to be revived.
He still didn't know Souma's motives. Why did she need to die? Why is she coming out of a photo to return to the world? What did she stake her life for? He had no answers. All he knew was that she saw the possibilities of the future and the following events were laid out at her discretion.
(But you know, Souma? I'm a really self-serving guy. I don't care about what you were thinking.)
"I'll pull Souma out of the photo. That's what I've decided to do."
Kei couldn't let her death stay. That was his own selfish and heavy-handed wish.
Haruki nodded.
She agreed with her usual meekness.
(Souma was probably suffering the whole time. She wanted us to notice her pain, which is why she asked that question.)
ー Who is the android?
She was begging them to notice her pain. At the same time, she smiled to pretend things were fine. But that summer, too much of Kei's brain was occupied with Haruki Misora.
(Souma Sumire was strong. Too strong for a 14-year-old girl. That's why she couldn't step off the tracks of her Future Sight. She was unfortunately capable of continuing to walk straight ahead despite it hurting. And she unfortunately reached her goal without anyone realizing her pain. If only she was just a little weaker. She wouldn't have died if she was able to stop a few steps earlier despite knowing that it wasn't optional and it wouldn't lead to the future she wanted.)
That girl, daring, solitary, and capricious like a stray cat, was the human being who least understood the meaning of freedom. It was like she was controlled by a program from the day of her birth to the day she ceased functioning. Souma Sumire was dominated by the Future Sight ability.
"Kei.", called Haruki Misora.
She looked at him with a timid expression.
"Are you crying?"
Familiar words. He heard this exact phrase two years before.
Kei's answer was different from what it was two years before.
"No, I'm smiling."
Souma's revival. Or the birth of a person identical to her. Whichever it was, it was something meant to be welcomed with smiles. He needed to smile, no matter how forcedly.
Much like he imagines Souma was smiling at her last moments, knowing everything that would happen.
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kiss-my-freckle · 10 months
After everything that happened during Stefan’s ripper phase and Elena being able to move past everything he did. I thought they could get through Elena being a vampire, and I know some of it has to do with Elena’s feelings for Damon, but the biggest issue in my opinion is that Stefan can’t accept who she is now and who she has to be to survive as a vampire.
do you think it's unfair that Elena had to open her veins to the Ripper and accept Stefan's vampirism and Stefan can't let her embrace it before trying to fix her?
I think it's one of the most disgusting things in the show.
Stefan and Elena met at a time when they both needed each other. Stefan's need was a sense of belonging. He hates being a vampire and doesn't want to be part of that life. There's no belonging for him in that world. He's all about the human experience, so he desperately needed to belong in Elena's. He could've gotten that anywhere, but he fixated after saving her because she looks like Katherine. I could list scene after scene regarding Stefan's issue with vampirism. I find it to be one of the most disgusting things in the show because it's not just Elena. He didn't want Vicki to complete her transition, but actually wanted her to die. Instead of snapping her neck to stop her from harming Jeremy and Elena, he staked her. 26 people he didn't want to rescue from the tomb because to him, they're not people. Harper had to stand up against Frederick's torture just to get his respect. Anna may be a vampire, but she died around Jeremy's age, and she's been without her mother for 145 years. Guarantee she spent those years in extreme torment in knowing her mother was desiccating. Even as they readied to open the tomb, he was going to deny her that reunion. A mother and daughter ffs.
Stefan actually forced Damon to become a vampire, then shunned him because that's what he is. He's the kind of person that expects people to live as he lives because he doesn't know how to deal otherwise. Damon never forced his lifestyle on Stefan. Pressure him, yes. But Damon never shoved him in a cellar and forced him to stay there until he drank human blood. He never snapped his neck, took his ring, and kept him in a shed until he "behaved" like a vampire. He never masked human blood and pretended it came from an animal. Unlike Stefan, he doesn't need his brother to live as he does. But Stefan desperately needs Damon to act human. He actually told him to go off and find another town to turn into his own Gas 'n Sip. He'd rather spend an eternity without Damon than have a vampire in his life. Elena only worsened him. For four seasons, he fought to get Damon out of their lives even though she was the only one in 145 years to actually reach him, to gain his trust, to change him. He so much as tried to deny them a friendship.
Elena needed Stefan because death brings a certain darkness. While I hate the fact that she depended on a guy to make her happy, she needed someone to help her move forward. She died the night her parents did - the very person she was when she had parents. So she was not only mourning them, she was trying to figure out who she was in their absence. It's kina like season 6 Elena without Damon because her parents defined her up until that point. "I want you to rediscover yourself in the absence of who defined you. If you feel any hope for the future at all, then you're already better off." I spoke about this before, but Damon and Stefan had different roles in Elena's loss. Stefan helped her move forward after the death of her parents, but the girl that died with them was all Damon. Fans can argue it it all they want, but Stefan treated her like a broken toy from the moment she died, and it's not like Elena was the only one to see it and feel it. Damon did too, and it bothered him. In season 4, Stefan completely negated what she told Matt. "But it's like I knew that he would never stop loving me." Not even a full season later that she told him, "You don't have to love me like this." This girl that welcomed Stefan into her world, gave him that sense of belonging he needed. He took away her own sense of belonging, and to the extent that if it weren't for Damon, it's very likely she would've suicided. Not just with his actions or even just his words, but in the very way he looked at her. Like how dare she come out of that water as something other than human.
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emergencybitch · 1 year
I really wish serious American Anarchists would stop and think for a moment and ask themselves if this rebellion and revolution of pure chaos they seem to get their rocks off to would actually be any better than what we have right now, when they refuse to consider that anarchy and the destruction that is sure to follow real attempts at anarchy will disproportionately harm disabled and chronically ill folk. Like? Do you understand we’re already struggling to survive with the resources we have? Do you understand we’re already being treated as second class citizens?
When your movement disregards that it almost ensures our death because you demolish the few systems set up to help us and our families, and halt the production life saving medical equipment, you’re condemning us to die faster than this current system is, right?
You’re killing us quicker than capitalism ever could. Your actions will result in a near genocide for disabled folk nationally.
Except they do know that, they just don’t care. They don’t care that millions will die, and they don’t care to pay attention to those who always die first. They claim their aim is freedom from oppression, but their movement actually speed runs the current systems end goal in disabled discrimination; erasing us completely.
And they don’t care because it’s the greater good to them. It’s necessary. They see it as liberation but those people already have a leg up on the rest. And you better believe that after disabled folk, those with mental illness and social disorders will be next. Trans people will become a target in the chaos that committed Anarchists strive for, because anarchy yields revolution and war. And that’s not an exaggeration.
But we’re a sacrifice to these people. And it’s wild because, as a person with a pretty debilitating chronic illness, with a father who has MS and a mother who’s had knee problems since the womb and diabetes that requires insulin injections, we’ve always been a sacrifice to the rest of the world. An after thought, or at its worst, literal vermin to be locked and hidden away.
And I’m tired of this world asking me to sacrifice my life, my families lives, and our mentally and emotional well being for the sake of the possibility of a better future, especially when they never have a plan for one anyway. And if they do, it never includes us. They don’t care whether we live or die, they don’t care whether or not their freedom includes everybody or if it just includes themselves. They don’t care that they sound just like the current system to us. It doesn’t matter to them, as long as their “greater good” is achieved.
You’re always asking us to pretend we don’t have a stake in this world too, like we don’t matter. Like we’re not human just like the rest of you. And I’m sick of it.
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Caroline ‘Carrie’ McReid
20 years old (Birthday: 20th January)
Vampire - turned November 2016
Good - Resistance (although in the throes of #existential crisis)
So What Happened?
They flew too close to the sun, you know? Wait-- taking it back a step. Prom --- right? A magical, wonderful night where Carrie danced with her vampire boyfriend Alex and worried too much about their future. About having more time. She had no idea what was in store, not really.
When the news broke that Leo and Effy had been killed in an ‘accident’, the McReids immediately suspected foul play. This was later confirmed in confidence between Karen and Sheriff Bennett. Juliette Palmer was a warlock now and it was bad.
The McReids had been preparing for things to kick off- ideally they’d wanted to stop it before it ever began- but no one could have seen it coming. There were too many of them and they were too strong. Engel had removed the weaknesses from supernaturals (stakes killing vampires, silver hurting werewolves etc) in Havensdale before trapping them all inside.
The move underground happened fast. Once it was clear they couldn’t win the fight, Karen moved fast. And she wasn’t alone. Krystal McReid was still alive and she was here. Thanks to some very powerful magic, a safe place had been created underground, sealed by McReid blood. Founder Festival was only the beginning and they were lucky to make it out, all of them.
That’s when the work had to really begin. The underground #Resistance grew and grew. At first, they were rescuing those on the #1 hit list for the Bad GuysTM and after, gaining new recruits above and below ground for their cause. It was a simple objective: free the town, kill the bad guys and save the day.
There were a lot of highs and lows- losses and gains- from June 2014 to November 2016, including Carrie’s dear friend and comrade Molly Vaughn being turned into a vampire.
They had to do something. That was the sentiment on November, 2016. They had to make a move, take a stand. Something big and powerful. It was time to take them out where they lived, flatten their HQ once and for all. They planned and planned but they didn’t plan enough. No one could have predicted just how badly wrong that mission would go.
Her Aunt Karen was killed. Jordan wasn’t there when they needed him (lured outside the Dome), when Carrie was captured. When Ruby, Corey and Alex were forced to watch. Edward knew what he was doing all along... He made Alex drink her blood before delivering a fatal blow. Carrie never wanted to be a vampire. Alex saved her life.
From the moment Carrie turned into a vampire, fed human blood to complete the transition, she was rendered useless. Drowning in a sea of overwhelming, heightened emotion, Edward took her out of the fight. And then Ruby... She got herself turned as well. Bloodline hunters shouldn’t be vampires.
That was 6 months ago. She hasn’t recovered and she doesn’t think that they she will. That they can. How can they win this fight? How could they ever?
Wanted Connections
All the #Resistance members!! Especially those who have been hunkered down in the underground. And now, any #good vamps that can help her through these trying times.
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Daveed Diggs Talks 'Extrapolations,' the Impact of Climate Change, & Halle Bailey in 'The Little Mermaid'
In his interview, Diggs best explains Extrapolations by saying, “one of the particular things that science fiction is great at is extrapolating ourselves a little bit, like moving a little bit ahead of our current moment.” In Burns’ episodic series, we see the uncomfortably-near future in digestible Black Mirror-esque vignettes that show all mankind has accomplished like humans on Mars and the cure for cancer, yet the planet itself is crumbling around us. Diggs tells us Burns looks at the bigger picture by zeroing in on personal stories, with a touch of whimsy in dreamlike sequences in which Diggs will tap into his musical roots, and discusses the repercussions of our inaction we’re seeing today.
Transcript under the cut
COLLIDER: I've seen the whole series, it's fantastic. I'm really happy that it was made, it deals with incredibly important subject matter. I'm assuming that's the reason why you got invited or was it just because you saw Scott Burns’ name on the screenplay?
DAVEED DIGGS: Maybe a little bit of both. I mean, I read the two episodes that Marshall is in and fell in love with the story of that particular character. So, yeah, it was the kind of art I want to make that is trying to do something greater than the sum of its parts, and then also it was just a great script.
Yeah, this is also the kind of show that I want to promote because it deals with the most important stuff that we could possibly deal with, you know?
DIGGS: Yeah, yeah. It's funny, I've been thinking about this a lot today while speaking about it, is just that it feels a little silly to create a big splashy show to be like, “Climate change exists,” which feel like table stakes, but that's the problem, it is table stakes. We're not forced to look at it a lot, it just is the world that we're living in. So I think one of the particular things that science fiction is great at is extrapolating ourselves a little bit, like moving a little bit ahead of our current moment and then being like, “Look at yourself. Look at the choice that you're making, and this is the consequences of those actions,” and that's something that this genre is so good at. So, yeah, it's a good use of it.
Also, the show does a really great job at focusing on real people, like just people living their lives, as well as the big issues that the world leaders are trying to tackle, all in one series.
DIGGS: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that was my favorite thing about it really was just these very personal stories. Then, some of the folks we’re looking at are also world leaders, you know? But we're still involved in their personal drama. Some of them are scientists, but we're still involved in their personal drama. [There are] people's jobs and there's the world that we live in, and then [there are] people. Everybody is just people, and we all experience so much of the same things.
One of the things, I think in one of your episodes, it's a very powerful shot of the congregation sitting there all wearing boots–
DIGGS: Rain boots, yeah.
Because our nation is flooded, and that's just the future that's coming.
DIGGS: Yeah, I love that so much. Yeah, that image and that not-too-distant future if you're at what now is about sea level, that's not an unfathomable thing, and it's happened in some places in the world already. That Miami would be in that position is not… is something that building developers, they're already thinking about, right? That land is becoming unusable because it is going to be underwater. I think another thing that the series kind of subtly hints at is that capitalism is a few steps ahead of policy in these discussions always, right? Because it is a better machine and so those are the people out there doing the research being like, “Hey, this is going to be underwater now so if you're going to sell it, you better sell it fast. It's gonna be way harder to sell this when it's underwater.” That stuff is scary.
I think about the fact that I will never move to Florida even if you paid me. For many reasons, but that's one of them. I definitely have to touch on, real fast, your scene partner, I believe her name is Neska [Rose], she is fantastic.
DIGGS: How wonderful is she?
Not only is she fantastic, but the writing between the two of you is just next level and it's really shining a light. I mean, it's just so well done. Can you talk about her performance and the writing of those scenes?
DIGGS: I mean, yeah, obviously those scenes were what got me to do the test. The script’s totally brilliant and it does this thing where she is leading, you know? Marshall is at this somewhat apathetic moment in his life until she comes along and starts challenging him. But she does lead those scenes, so you need an actor who can do, a very young actor who can do that, and she is so wonderful. Day one, I was like, “Oh yeah, it is her scene, that's definitely her scene. I'm definitely along for the ride.” She’s so much fun to work with, and there's the whole dream ballet situation of it too. We got to do a lot of fun stuff together, which is also great.
Was it in the script that they were gonna have you sing, or was it once you got cast Scott was like, “You know, I'm thinking about a song.”?
DIGGS: I honestly don't remember. Yeah, I can't remember. I don't know if it was in there initially, but by the time I got there, I knew it was going to happen. It wasn't sprung on me by the time I showed up, but I think we had some conversations about it where it was like, “Hey, what would you think of…?” I think. Yeah, it's hard for me to remember which came first.
How much of the series have you actually seen?
DIGGS: I've actually just seen the first three. I've read a few of the other ones beforehand, but yeah, I haven't seen the finished versions.
I will just say that it's kind of fantastic. Just throwing that out there. Obviously, like everyone, I've actually heard some good things about The Little Mermaid movie through my little rumor mill of Disney. What does it mean for you to be part of that project?
DIGGS: I mean, I'm sort of stunned. I was stunned that they wanted me to be part of it and then every moment of working on it was like, “Whoa, this is what I get to do right now?” I am also eagerly anticipating the release of it, but what I can tell you is that Halle [Bailey] is unbelievable. I know that because I was next to her a lot of the time while she was learning that role, and yeah, she's… It's really phenomenal.
My last thing for you, what are you actually filming this year? I'm a really big fan of your work and I'm just curious.
DIGGS: Oh man, I mean, some stuff I'm about to go shoot that I don't know where I am with being allowed to talk about it. But movies, back to doing some movies which will be cool, and then yeah, Season 2 of Blindspotting is coming out very soon, middle of April. So, yeah, that's exciting. I’m actually going to go premiere the second season at SXSW next week, so that's very exciting. Yeah, writing a bunch of things. There’s a new Clipping album coming out in the fall. Yeah, a lot of it's going to be a good year.
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spicebiter · 2 years
Well I've finished reading Gantz and there's A Lot to say about it, tbh. I have, overall, very mixed feelings about the series.
On one hand, sexual violence and general sexualization of characters both human and alien (the latter I was not expecting but WOW did the man invent ways to sexually assault shapeshifting entities) is not really high on my list of 'things I hope to see', but I have to begrudgingly admit that as far as the actions of characters in the story go I don't find that this was out of place. It's definitely a lot to take in and isn't always something you expect to happen, but I wouldn't necessarily call their inclusion or depiction gratuitous. Depressingly realistic, perhaps? The pinups at the beginning of most chapters, though, that I don't fuck with. They are neither tasteful or necessary and quite frankly there's simply not enough screen time for the women to justify it- especially early on, when most of the pinups occur.
On the other hand, god damn does this series go hard. Right from the beginning you have a really cool sci-fi horror feel, and tbh for the longest time I was mostly just reading because the art and concepts behind the sci-fi gear and alien design was so cool. From the start Gantz's strong point lies in its consistency juxtaposing the most high tech and unrealistic future gear with the mundanity of modern Earth. Despite killing aliens on the reg and using guns that seem to emit a fucking One Punch Man level hit, the main character of phase one is concerned with getting a girlfriend and losing his virginity, with other characters dealing with their own everyday lives throughout the series.
While the series lacks severely in its pacing, feeling like it drags on in the in-world sense of time while also having SO fucking much happening, I do have to appreciate the underlying sense of build up to the story and the stakes behind it. In the beginning you have a bunch of people who don't know what the hell they're doing and are less concerned with the implications behind their role as alien hunters conscripted by a black sphere than they are with their personal lives, but by the end the fate of humanity as a whole is at stake and the main character, a character I all but loathed in his immaturity and arrogance, is now a character I can actually root for and feel how far he's come. Additionally, the main characters are not the only focus and you see a decent amount of character work done on tertiary characters and their growth/backstories. Even by the beginning of the third and final phase of the series- almost 100 chapters from the end- I found myself fully invested in seeing where multiple characters ended up.
Now, a slew of things that Suck. Spoilers ahead, but nothing that major, honestly. There's a whole leg of the story that splits focus between the alien fighting and... god it just sucks i barely even want to think about it... a cult of vampires trying to kill the alien hunters. This comes completely out of left field with no build up, and no real conclusion, either, as the last (?) of the vampires kinda just disappear 80 or so chapters from the end and show up for a singular panel where they muse over the possible end of the world and that's it! Their reasons behind killing the alien hunters is mentioned briefly as saying they're 'enemies' but with no real evidence to back that up since the vampires attack first and the alien hunters never retaliate out of more than self defense. The entire storyline of these vampires is completely dropped for the final phase of the series and while I was glad to not have to see any more of it I also have to just not know what the fuck that whole thing was about and why it was even a part of the story other than it just Could Be.
While it's not surprising for a manga written by a guy in the early 2000s, I still want to mention that this series is not kind to its female characters. For some, they have agency and character and some interesting moments. But especially in the first 150~ chapters, most women are disposable and/or used to show that certain male characters are garbage rapists. All of them have more interest in the male characters (primarily the primary protagonist Kurono Kei) than literally anything else, including a 23 year old woman with a child who meets the secondary protagonist, a 17 year old high schooler, and within a night decides she's in love with him and that he and his brother should live with her. For all its world building and sci-fi coolness, it can't make up for the less than stellar writing. Sad!
The series concludes quietly. While this is, in some ways, akin to the end of something like Titan A.E and you are left to ponder the possibilities of the future after so much hardship and chaos, and it can be a bit of a release as an ending because there is less to be disappointed in, it also leaves literally nothing to feel disappointment OR joy over. The climax of the series reaches its end, yes, but only for the main and secondary protagonists, really. There are so many loose threads left behind, characters I had grown attached to left unattached to any kind of ending of their own and the factions of humanity that botched the salvation of the world so handily left unaccountable (aside from the death of one small group, not enough to make up for the countless lives lost imo). In the span of less than 30 pages the fate of humanity is up in the air and then everything is over. While it's a somewhat dignified end, especially after such a long period of highs and lows and dread uncertainty, it still left a lot to be desired as far as I'm concerned.
This is not a series I could easily classify as good or bad. There's a lot I enjoyed endlessly about it, and the last third of it was some of the most intense and exciting manga I've ever read. But I also spent so much time thinking 'wow this is really really bad' that it's honestly surprising that I even made it to the end. Every time I thought about giving up, a chapter cliffhanger or thread of plot would pull me back in. It's like a train wreck, but if somehow all the train cars performed a respectable rendition of the Swan Lake ballet before the whole thing ended in a massive fireball. If you like sci-fi horror and don't mind a mind boggling amount nudity and blood and the idiocy of teenagers, Gantz might be just what you need in your life.
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where-dreams-dwell · 16 days
Thinking again about the Eternals and how bad they fumbled that potential. Because you have an Oscar winning director, who ensures breathtaking cinematography, solid performances from capable and exciting actors, with set pieces and choreography that is honesty very good.
And you fuck it up with the script.
It’s the same issue we had with Batman v Superman: there’s 3 good movies fighting for space in 1 film.
Firstly you could focus on relationships, exploring the found family/ageless guardians/eternal love story route with the ‘urgent problem’ just being a more powerful or capable version of the Deviants. From Friends, to The Umbrella Academy, via The Avengers, Avatar the Last Airbender, Big Hero 6 - we love a found family trope, especially if they’ve been brought (back)together to save the world. Ultimately the other Eternals are the only beings on the planet who can truly understand and empathise with each other so let’s explore and show that bond. Tell their story across the ages of the Earth with proper time spent to flesh out these conflicts and moments which define the group as a whole and how they individually relate to one another.
Tell the eternal love story of Sersi and Icarus, but consider the view of the brilliant Only Lovers Left Alive: Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swindon convincingly portray an ageless love, unconcerned with immediate worries. They are currently living apart but both know that eventually they will make their way back to one another, and they are in constant contact across the globe. Sersi and Icarus could be that: they have been/are/will be together but as they measure life by millions of years living separately for a couple of decades is nothing. They will be drawn back together again and in their hearts only the other can truly know and love them for all that they are. Explore this while they fight for the planet they both have come to love.
Or consider the less brilliant but arguably more entertaining eternal love in Hitchcock: Charlize Theron and Will Smith are thousands of years old and have been driven apart by circumstance but now Charlize loves another man and wants to spend his moral lifespan with him. Both acknowledge that it’s inevitable they will be together again as some point in the future but for the next 60ish years they will live apart so she can experience that love. Maybe in the time they’ve been apart Sersi has come to love another and now that war has brought Icarus back into her life and they have to fight together their different assumptions are being tested; Icarus assumed they would fall back into their love, while Sersi wants another 60 years with her mortal lover. All to the backdrop of fighting to wipe out The Deviants forever and be released from their duty.
Secondly you could tell the story of soldiers betrayed by their general and commander, using the same plot from the actual movie. The Eternals are foot soldiers stationed to defend the human population and have devoted their lives to their growth and safety. They’ve even stood aside when other threats revealed themselves (the MCU up to this point) because their mission was Celestially Ordained and to deviate from it would compromise their purpose. To realise that devotion was twisted and they must now stand aside and allow those they spent their lives protecting to die horribly would be traumatic; explore and tell that story. Again we love an underdog discovering they have been lied to or used and turning on their previous corrupt commander; Mission Impossible, Gladiator, all the Bourne movies. We *like* the story of cogs in the machine realising they have been used and standing up for their principals. Have them discover this news earlier and the movie then deals with their decision to accept their assigned role or rebel against their commander. Add Athena’s PTSD and past memory revelations to bring home the stakes of their choice, with a ticking clock counting down to ‘emergence’, and you’ve got a real tragedy brewing,
Furthermore, weave in the power struggle between Sersi and Icarus regarding who will be leading them with Ajax dead. Icarus is the loud and commanding ‘leader” type stepping forward to assume command, but Sersi is the reassuring rock for the team who each member finds themself turning to for advice, guidance, or to ask what she wants to do next with the expectation they will follow her. Or Ajax isn’t dead here but Icarus has fallen in line as her loyal lieutenant, assuming the rest would follow his lead. Instead of the eternal love story being the focus it’s instead a clashing of ideologies and personalities; upon learning of the betrayal and their assumed role Icarus and Sersi react very differently, showcasing what kind of leader they would be. The team being forced to fight one another as they also split along lines of ‘acceptable collateral’ allows for personal stakes and drama for the audience as well; we’ve spent the movie learning about this family and now they’re being forced to destroy one another…? In the words (and voice) of Benoit Blanc ‘it compels me’.
Finally, you could tell the mystery of an unknown threat present on the planet who takes out Ajax without warning or explanation. The team must gather or be gathered to solve the whodunnit, assuming Deviant involvement despite flimsy and unconvincing evidence, and the shared mystery brings the group together once more, forcing them to confront buried history and historic disputes while they plan an attack on the remaining clusters of Deviants. The Umbrella Academy S1 followed similar lines but you’ve got a list of movies that also circle this plot: R.E.D, The A Team, Watchmen. The revelation of betrayal from within doesn’t need to go hand in hand with the Celestials betrayal plot , as long as Icarus has another reason for turning on the team.
This plot could dive more into the tensions and strain of their posting to Earth; they’ve had different opinions on how problems with humans should be solved, leading to fall outs and separations. Sometimes one or other of them has ‘called it wrong’ and another has had to come bail them out of a situation they created. But what unites them was a shared purpose and assumption that they would what’s have one another. Losing that surety is scary and forces character exploration.
All of these ideas were present in the actual movie, but were fighting for screen time to do their plot lines justice. The Eternals was such an interesting concept and honestly was executed well in so many regards. But trying to tell all these tales, while also encompassing the breadth of time and circumstance they encompass, and allow for personality and individuality in each team member to be showcased… that movie is bursting at the seams and the poorer for it.
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