#but apparently i did!!!! because i got a 9 😁
gentlehue · 29 days
HIIII MY LOVE UR GETTING UR EXAM RESULTS TODAY so hope everything goes well!!!!! smartest and cutest girl fr 😚💗
HI IM GONNA REPLY TO THIS AND SAY I DID NOT GET A GRADE BELOW A 7 IM GONNA CRY ACTUALLY 😭😭😭😭 gcses were such a weird rocky journey for me actually i went thru the worst periods of my life during them & i wasn’t even taught a lot of them very well so i had to teach myself so much at home in such little time because i realised the importance of taking matters into your own hands a little late 😭😭😭 so while i do wish i did a little better i can’t say i’m not happy w these grades because i AM because i really am proud of myself for managing to pull thru n get these grades w the little PROPER studying i did ☹️ ANYWAYS THABK YOU SO MUCH SIA I LOVE U SOSO MUCH SORRY I USED UOUR ASK TO YAP IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME LMAOOOO
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 6 months
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It’s name is Suit-009 😁🥳
If you are curious I will quickly explain its lore and uh that’s it yah. (I don’t rlly post my ocs like ever but I dunno hour long drive got me being thoughtful as usual)
Humanity is on its last limb, the earth is practically an unlivable husk especially due to immense overpopulation
So basically, there is a group of 9 scientists tasked with finding a habitable place that human can colonize or a place that can be harvested for resources
The team lands on an alien planet and begin research. They are all scientists and all are capable of running and surviving on a spacecraft or in a hostile environment, so that’s not particularly a worry.
The ninth crew member, suit numbered 009, was recruited specifically for his scientific studies, yea they are all scientists but he’s like THE scientist. The guy that’s goes hmm yes nod nod URETHRA! All that.
Anyway they find some crystal fragments and decide to do some extensive research on it due to energy signals coming from it. Having something that creates energy like said crystals would be extremely useful if they could replicate it in some form
009 goes and studies it yea yea whatever. Idc. But like it starts taking awhile and the crew leader 001 (she does have a name it’s Hailey but I dunno abt anyone else I WAS 14.) anyway she goes and is like hey buddy how pal pick up the pace you’re taking long as hell
And he’s like SIR YES SIR, but it’s been a while now and he’s kinda being freaky deaky. None of the other crew realy took notice of him kinda acting tweaked out since they were never really close beyond coworkers unfortunately
But UH OH! The crystals actually have some dumb shit that like attracts things/people to like investigate it (the energy thing) but what it actually does is kinda cause people constantly around it to be like overly obsessed with it and also kinda become stupid
So the thing with the crystals is that if it somehow gets into your blood stream it starts forming more crystals as like a way to grow. They aren’t particular just an inanimate object, it has a goal to grow and it can’t just grow from nothing sooo
Anyway 009 is like tweaked out because it’s actually just a suit with a corpse and crystals piloting it
Eventually Hailey realizes this but I mean it’s not gonna go out without a fight
So suit-009 grabs a fire axe and axes down the entire crew, once it’s finished it just folds over, using the surrounding and remaining biomass to consume and grow yaaaay
Oh just some thing I thought was neat, if you were to pop off the hazmat mask the head would be absent and replaced with a horrible mass of bloody crystals isn’t that exciting
That’s pretty much it yea. Hey by the way did you know I love Dead Space 2, Don’t Escape 3, The Thing, and Alien? Haha yea anyway I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE THE HORRORS OF SPACE I LOVE SPACE I LOVE SPACE SO MUCH SPAAAAAAAACEEEEEEE WOOOOO YEA SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!)!)
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japhan2024 · 17 days
Chapter 3: Spork
Note: this is quite a standalone chapter 😁 so you could only read this one. Or read the entire fic on AO3.
Amanda and Trevor are on a mission to be the first to report a story about an eccentric artist.
Chapter word count: 2.137
Rating: general or teen (alcohol)
Amanda was in a hurry.
The only one who could keep up with her was Trevor. He was her bandana wearing photographer and just as tall as her.
“This could be a big scoop,” she said while walking determinately to her car.
“Isn’t that Giarratana lady the artist who made that huge controversial 9/11 memorial in LA and did a whole performance art thing with it, but she got the year wrong somehow?”
“Yes! She’s crazy. But she’s apparently a genius and we need to get there fast before anyone else is tipped off!”
“Where are we going?”
“Silver Lake dog park.”
“Alright, let’s go!” Trevor threw his gear in the trunk and sat down in the passenger’s seat of the 1995 Portaro, one of the last of its kind.
“I wish new cars were this low-tech,” Trevor mused while playing with the manual window crank.
Amanda sped along the 110.
“I know! I wish they were too! I mean, we’d boil alive without AC, I had to let that be built in. But for the rest, I prefer this old timer over any malfunctioning crap they make these days.”
“Yeah, like at least this one works. Mine doesn’t do shit. Oh well. At least I still have my cars in GTA.”
“In what?”
“Never mind.”
Amanda glanced sideways at Trevor with a smirk on her face.
“I’m just playing with you, I know GTA. I used to watch my sister play, she was a nightmare oh my god. She kept jumping out of a helicopter close to the water, just to see if she could do it without dying, only to die again and again. It was SOMETHING I tell ya. So yeah, I know my games, I am down with the youth and everything.”
Trevor lost it.
“Amanda, there isn’t anyone who is less down with the youth that I know of, than you. And I say this lovingly!”
“HEY! That’s just because you don’t tell me anything!”
They joked back and forth.
“And that’s because I know you won’t understand!”
“Alright, alright, sheesh!” Trevor fondly looked at his colleague. Amanda was so full of enthusiasm, giving it her all every day. They might work at a silly outlet, but she always pursued stories that had a social or environmental impact. And her sharp questioning made the articles so much better. It made Trevor want to follow her anywhere. To the end of the world if need be. Of course, the end of the world wasn’t far off anyway.
“I swear Amanda, we HAVE to play GTA together sometime.”
“Okay! We will!”
“It’s pretty much a Millennial game anyway.”
“Oh shit, I have to take a left here…”
Amanda drove them all the way to a parking lot which faced the entrance of the park. A couple of ancient proud pine trees encircled it.
“Okay, grab your stuff! I think I see something going on already.”
As Amanda and Trevor walked into the park, there was a small group of people standing huddled together. They approached in tall strides.
“Hi! We’re from People.com. Wow, you all look so nice, what an iconic shirt you have! But yeah, we are looking for Angela Giarratana. Do you know where she is?” Amanda asked the group.
“Hii, welcome! Awesome that you’ve come! But she’s already on the lake,” said the guy with the iconic shirt. He had curly, bleached hair, ripped jeans and retro Vans.
“Shit! Trevor, come on, we gotta go!”
“Yes ma’am!”
They reached the lake in no time. It was a nice park, a bit provincial and uninspired maybe, but the lake provided the trees, shrubs and plants with enough water to hold on and create an oasis in the middle of the city.
They spotted a flounder in the middle of the lake, apparently with Angela on it. She was busy doing something, Amanda and Trevor couldn’t make out what.
Angela gestured to a bowrider a couple of yards away. They scuttled towards it.
“You can leave your stuff, Trev, nobody is gonna steal it and you won’t need it on the lake.”
“I guess...”
Trevor looked unsure. But he put his gear down, took his camera and held Amanda’s hand, helping her step onto the boat.
“Thanks. Oooh this is so wobbly…”
Trevor climbed in too and tried to start the motor. It was dead.
Amanda panicked. “Shit shit SHIT! What if the whole thing’s already up and we’re still here!”
“I saw some oars lying around on the shore. Shall I get them?”
Amanda blinked. “Yes. Yes, of course, that’s genius. Trevor, what would I do without you?” She spontaneously kissed him on the cheek.
Smiling abashedly, Trevor rowed them towards Angela’s boat.
“Hi! You guys are right on time!”
A woman with a wild bob-cut, big eyes and an even bigger smile stood up and bowed over to shake their hands above the water.
“I’m Amanda and this is Trevor,” Amanda matched Angela’s smile. “Thank you so much for letting People.com know of this amazing new project you’re revealing today.”
“Oh! Any time! You know, I just want people to hear my message. And you have a lot of readers. So, see this?” Angela gestured to some kind of contraption next to her on the flounder. “This thingy- this motor, will inflate my doggy. I just checked everything. We’re ready to go.”
“Okay alright! Wait! Trevor, do you have a good shot?”
“Maybe we should back up a little?”
“Probably a good idea!” Angela confirmed. “It’s a big girl!”
“I love big girls,” Trevor joked.
Amanda widened her eyes in fake-shock.
Trevor paddled them a bit backwards. When they were in position, Amanda got out her phone.
“I’m also going to live-stream it to our website!”
“Great idea!” Angela shouted from her boat. She started the motor. Trevor had his camera ready.
Angela was shouting even louder now. She had to, because the motor was roaring with an angry fervor. A small crowd had gathered on the shore of the lake.
Something stirred in the lake. Slowly, a shape emerged from the water.
The shape turned into a giant dog. It wasn’t exactly realistic, but it certainly was an artistic impression of a dog.
“This is incredible,” Amanda said, looking at the hovering canine. She got a bit teary-eyed. She filmed for a couple more moments and then ended the stream.
“Why is it called Spork?” Trevor asked.
“Awww,” Amanda wiped her tears, but more were flowing down. “That’s so precious.”
“Yes, sure, hop in!”
Amanda helped Angela into their boat and Trevor got them back to shore safely. The crowd applauded.
“How long will Spork stay here?” Amanda asked Angela when they stood firmly back on land.
“I hope for at least a year. I got a license for that period.” Angela’s voice was a little raspy from all the shouting.
“You kept everything secret for a long time. Why?”
“Well, you know, there’s always people who try and tell our stories for us. I want to do it with my voice, when I think the time is right.”
“I loved your speech. There’s hardly anything more human than to love a pet, isn’t there?”
“Yeah… Angela looked over Amanda’s shoulder. Amanda turned around.
“There he is!”
The guy Amanda talked to earlier came, carrying a small doggy.
“Oh my god, he’s so cute!” Amanda exclaimed. “Can we take a picture of you and Spork, and big Spork?”
“Of course!” Angela posed and Trevor took a couple of shots.
“You can stay here with us if you want, we’re going to have a picnic.”
Amanda and Trevor looked at each other.
“Yeah, sure, why not!” Trevor answered.
They all sat down on the grass, looking at mega-Spork floating in the warm but gentle evening breeze.
“Angela, have you checked that she’s secured, in case of extreme weather?”
“Of course, we’ve taken all appropriate safety measures and gotten the license from the city.”
“I had to ask, I’ll add it to the piece,” Amanda was already typing on her phone.
“You write your articles with your thumbs?” Angela asked, tilting her head and frowning, bemused.
“Honestly, it’s what works fastest for me,” Amanda answered without looking up. “There, I’m finished. Trevor, did you upload the pictures?”
“Of course.”
“Okay… and here we go! Published! Haha, we did it again!”
Amanda and Trevor high-fived.
Angela looked at them excitedly. “That’s amazing!” She said. “You’re so fast, oh my god!”
“The business of getting scoops is cut-throat,” Amanda explained.
“I bet!”
“And I can always add to it, if new stuff comes up. Speaking of…”
A woman in a pink pantsuit and a guy holding her umbrella walked up to the group of people.
“Very good, very impressive,” she said. Her long hair waived in the gentle breeze.
Angela quickly got up and shook the woman’s hand. “Thank you, mayor Catanese!”
Trevor took more pictures.
“I think this piece of art will inspire the people around Silver Lake to treat their pets and each other kindly and help each other out in these trying times.”
“I hope it will.”
The mayor posed for a couple more pictures, shook some hands and then left.
Angela sat down again.
“Politicians always want to be part of other people’s hard work, don’t they,” Trevor joked.
“I mean of course they do, that’s their job basically,” Angela answered. “But it does give me even more publicity.”
“You’re right, I’ve added the mayoral visit to the story just now.” Amanda winked. Angela blushed.
“And according to the statistics, this really bumped up the numbers,” Trevor added.
“You guys. You’re a great duo,” Angela said.
“We do work great together! Did you know we were wannabe actors at first?”
“Isn’t everyone in LA?”
“True. But yeah, I worked with the Groundlings, that was fun. And after I got this job, I randomly met Trevor at a restaurant, and we started talking. He also wanted to be an actor. But he became a chef instead.”
“Yeah, and that was nice for a while, but I just really love cameras and editing… Amanda really came through for me and landed me this photographer spot!”
Amanda smiled and rubbed Trevor’s arm fondly.
“He’s the best!”
Angela was beaming. “Wow, that’s so awesome! Did you know I also perform at our improv theater downtown?”
As it was getting a little cooler, the energy in the park got more and more excited.
“You do? Well, we’d love to come watch your show sometime!”
“You should join me! We could do a little something together maybe?”
“Hello again!” The guy with the curls sat down next to them and handed them a bottle of wine. “Let’s celebrate, right?”
“Yes! Today was a good day.” Angela leaned back and took a deep breath.
“This is Chanse by the way, he’s also an artist AND an improv actor.”
“Nice to meet you, Chanse!”
“Nice to meet you too, oh my god! Do you cuties want some cheese or nuts or something?”
“It’s like you read my mind!” Amanda exclaimed.
“I got you,” Chanse winked.
They had a great time at the picnic, and it was getting darker.
More people came into the park, finally daring to get out of their air-conditioned homes. They largely seemed to love the brand-new piece of art gracing their neighborhood.
“Wow, no way!” Amanda noticed that giant Spork had glow in the dark lines on it, spelling the word ‘friendship’.
Trevor took some extra pictures.
“Today was a good day indeed,” Amanda sighed as she laid her head on Trevor’s shoulder. She was drunk.
“Come on, I’ll drive you home,” he said softly. He helped Amanda up. She heavily leaned on him.
“Thank you two again for coming and for writing the article and taking pictures!” Angela also stood up. Amanda launched a big hug on Angela.
“Anytime, love!”
“Alright, alright, time to go.” Trevor ushered Amanda back to the car. It was her turn to sit in the passenger seat.
“I don’t want to go home yet…” Amanda mumbled. A moment later she was fast asleep.
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gioiaalbanoart · 29 days
TIME for another MIXED fried
(writing share / different flavors 😁)
9 lines, kiss something, writing share, favorite line.....
Thank you to @wyked-ao3 here here and here
@tragedycoded here , here and here
@aintgonnatakethis (here, even if it's not kiss) and @jev-urisk here and @the-golden-comet in some open tag 💫
Just so you know this is edited in the sense that I don't inflict you with the pain of my first version writing BUT it will probably change at some point....(but if I share it now I can DAMN move to next chapter so, basically I'm using you 😈)
Wip The scarred angel under the cut with tags
CW just in case Blood, injuries
Truth is, sometimes the best way to go it's just shut up and be there.
Like he'd been reading my mind Herrera breaths out heavily : "So, I didn't say anything, really. I kept my mouth shut and basically just sit there with her."  
He gestures, palms facing upwards, as to underline the memories : "Until eventually social service shown up."
While I picture the scene in my head I'm aware that I don't feel just sorry for someone that has been hurt in that way but I'm drawn to it beyond reasons that I can't narrow down at the moment.
Already my rational brain doesn't cut me any slack because, let's face it, there can't be nothing here but just trivial curiosity.
Brain says.
Herrera interrupts my inner speculation : "Did you see her eyes ?" he asks bluntly.
As if I could have missed that.
I slightly nod to not make it too obvious.
"That's the only thing she gave them back : silence and that killing-fuck-you stare of her".
"She didn't go through social services, didn't she?" I ask cautiously.
Herrera tisks : "By no means!"
He stands up abruptly and fishes for something in the mess of his desk until he recovers a pack of cigarettes.
He looks at me, a silent "Do you mind?" question.
I shake my head no same as I did few days before.
He walks towards the open window and lit the cigarette peering vaguely at the outside world before facing me again : "Social services talked psychiatric facilities as soon as she could be dismissed, since she wasn't speaking." 
He marks a dramatic pause while he sharply inhales the smoke and blows it out waving the cigarette, ashes accidentally falling to the front of his white shirt : "Until they left."
"She talked to you then?" I arch my brow taken aback by the possible hypothesis.
He frowns and anticipates me : "Oh, don't get me wrong, at present day I still don't know shit about what really happened to her, forget who attacked her. She stubbornly  kept not saying a word about it and...." he waves his hand again and more ashes get loose : "...Please, believe me, it's not for lack of me asking!"
Another smoking inhale : "I tried to talk her out of it, insisting that she had to report it, I even got to the point of getting angry at her." 
Herrera sounds rather frustrated at the recollection : "Goes without saying it was like pissing in the wind."
Herrera words hang between us in the silence that idles and I get slightly impatient as I sense he's  holding back again.
As he got offended before I assume it's not because he's ashamed of something and I wonder if somehow he's protecting her.
"So, no social services?" I decide to prompt him.
It snaps him out from his thoughts.
"She was sixteen back then..." is the apparently out of context answer.
"She didn't say it but let it slide first time she came back a couple of years later. I did the math."
The implied evidence strikes me : "She ran away?"
He nods : "Indeed".
I slightly gawk : "How....?".
It hasn't been so long since I was sixteen too even if it does feel now like someone else life, not my own.
I perfectly recall I wasn't that bold but not injured as much neither, nor so much alone.
It stirs in the pit of my chest a complex mix of feelings among which I recognize admiration, sorrow, curiosity and that something else that I can't figure out yet.
"How did she manage to get away?" I ask again, dumbfounded.
Unlike a few days ago there is now an ashtray on the windowsill and the chief snuffs the cigarette into it, a little too harshly : "I'll be damn if I had a clue at the time. Or now, for the matter."
He steps away from the window and plops heavily on his chair, fingers drumming on the edges desk, his gaze intense now.
I want him to keep talking and me to shake off his staring : "So.... she just comes and go?"
A glimpse of curiosity crosses Herrera's gaze but apparently he decides to go my way : "Every now and then. Basically when she needs something."
"She asked for your help today?" I inquire.
Herrera tisks : "She came to dig for information, apparently I wasn't useful"
"And now she's gone." I hear myself say and again I can't put the finger on why I don't like the fact.
"And now she's gone." Herrera confirms.
I acknowledge a sting of frustration.
For some reason Herrera shifts through sympathetic mode.
"Look" he bents slightly across his desk, twining his fingers and he speaks with almost a fatherly tone : "At the time I felt sorrow for the girl, sickened about what she went through even if she didn't gave up the details. After the social workers left she spent few days in recovery and I paid her a visit every single day, even if she didn't seem to care."
He frowns :  "I was there when the doctors toke the bandages off."  
"By then I kind of knew so I asked her, at first, if I could stay. Incredible enough, she said yes"
Herrera's face twitches : "It was a shocking sight".
"I bet it was" I breath out. 
"Even more shocking was to see her letting a single tear roll, just one. Then she stared at the mirror the nurse gave her eyes dry and cold. I couldn't believe it."
He leans against the backrest :  "I didn't know what to say to the girl, so....I said nothing."
Even now Herrera's expression matches what probably felt back then, shock and defeated.
"Anyway" he lets out another sigh : "The following morning she was gone".
Automatically tagged for the next writing share my TSA tag list (ask if you want IN/OUT) 💗 : @wyked-ao3 @saturnine-saturneight @tragedycoded
+ @the-golden-comet @authorcoledipalo @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @aintgonnatakethis @agirlandherquill @avaseofpeonies
+ open tag and lot of coffee ☕☕☕☕
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sun-lit-roses · 2 years
The First Commandment
I’m not going to say I’m prepared for anything this time, because the last episode seemed to take that as a challenge.
Thank you for your comments, I’m learning a lot! The cute doctor has a name (Janet) and will be returning, which is the best news ever. Sam and Jack are apparently A Thing in the fandom, which is interesting and now I’m waiting to see why (???). And the idea of protocols for alien diseases and whatever else they might bring back from this collection of 6-digit planets is funny, which is alarming. On the bright side, I guess that means we’ll see lots of Janet!
Let’s see what season 1, episode 6 brings! The title is... ominous.
A spooky forest! How very Halloween-y.
Uh oh, they’re already in trouble.
Wait, these aren’t our heroes.
Oh no, he’s been shot! Hey, dude, your buddy’s gone!
Did... did he just leave an open gate back to Earth unattended? There HAS to be a rule about that.
Oh no, what are they gonna do with Frakes!
RIP Frakes.
Hang on, why do those guys look like they’re wearing fatigues?
Okay, now it’s our people.
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sci-fi show where they actually put on sunscreen before. Very responsible, I dig it.
I buy the explanation that the Goa’uld had a thing for forests. Makes sense. (And it’s totally not at all because the easiest filming location was probably in a bunch of trees 😁 I like that they took the time to make an in-universe explanation for it, though. That’s fun!)
This must be the planet the one guy escaped from before. The only survivor of SG-9 it sounds like. What explanation did he give when he got back?
Huh, a world with no birds does sound odd.
Spinny vision!
OH no, is Daniel gonna get kidnapped again?
Yay, Jack to the rescue!
It’s someone from Earth!
Wait, he didn’t make it back through the gate?
Aw, buddy, I hate to tell you about Frakes.
Those other guys were in fatigues because they’re a part of SG-9! On the one hand, glad that their whole team wasn’t killed. On the other, oh boy, that’s a heap load of trouble.
It makes a lot of sense, though - every planet we’ve seen so far that SG-1 has visited, they start out thinking the team are gods. If you sent someone through who - hm, has a certain level of egotism or a need for that kind of worship, then it would absolutely be a temptation. I bet when we find this Hanson, he’ll make excuses, like ‘compared to them we are gods, we’re so much more advanced’ and ‘they’re better off’ and ‘they asked us to be their gods’ and a whole lot of other mental gymnastics he’s gone through to excuse his need to be a dictator.
Sorry, got distracted from the episode. Let’s tune back in to Sam refusing a direct order. This’ll go well.
That was a very pointed ‘Captain’ lol
‘Gave back the ring’???? Oooo the plot thickens. Also, she gave back the ring ‘because she knows him.’ That doesn’t sound great. What kind of guy did they put on SG-9? Well, the kind who’s down with fancying himself a god, I guess that question answers itself.
Also, I’m with Jack here. Do you really want to add that sort of emotional involvement to an already complicated situation?
Insubordination is spreading rapidly 😂
‘Does it say colonel anywhere on my uniform?’
No one wants to go home!
Oh good, so we’ve got one person on the retrieval team who used to be romantically involved with the guy and another person who wants revenge on the guy because his friend was killed. This is such a good idea. Fun party, guys!
I genuinely feel bad for Jack leading this mess. Also, bit surprised he isn’t threatening charges to get them to follow orders back through the gate.
‘We’re not on Earth.’ 😁
Why do I feel like the evil radiation is going to be a plot point?
Hey, it’s Evil Dude!
Well Evil Dude’s Minion. Now Evil Dude.
How big are the other SG teams? If they’re all four people, then there’s just the two of them playing god, right? Because Frakes was murdered and Conner escaped. Hansen sounds like he was already a bit off, what’s this fourth guy’s deal?
Would it really be a scifi military-type show if no one complained about the food? 😂 That said, chicken mac and cheese sounds like an interesting experience.
Why does their perimeter alert sound like a car alarm.
Yep, from Connor’s tale it sounds like Hanson started down the slippery slope early - ‘it’ll be safer if we don’t correct them.’
The sun and radiation got to him! Hopefully our group has enough sunblock. I don’t want a rehash of the Rage People with everyone going off the deep end. Let’s save that for the second season.
Oof that’s an escalation right there, ordering the death of the ones who disagree with you.
Also, kind of concerning that Connor is debating the way he wants to die. Man’s been through a lot, he should definitely be getting some counseling.
Evil Dude time!
Has he got them mining something? Or building something?
Is Daniel using a sock as a sleep mask? 😂
They’re doing better with dark vision than the last episode.
Man, I still want a fire stick.
Were they scared off already? Wait, they took Connor!
They’re building a template, sure, that’s very - religious.
Again, why’s this other guy going along with things? Afraid of Hanson turning on him could be a reason, I guess.
‘A soft spot for the lunatic fringe.’ Well, that explains why she’s with the team.
‘He liked control. He had this in him. I’m not surprised’ There are just red flags all over for that relationship. 
Also, loved Daniel talking about how soldiers are crazy and looking back at Jack. Get a little roast in there on your eavesdropping buddy 😂
No, being staked in the sun, just what Connor was afraid of!!
Where’s Jack going?
‘Need help getting in the front door.’ Is Sam going to get to blow something up?? YES
Aw no, she has to flirt with the homicidal maniac, that’s less fun.
I am unsurprised that she isn’t waiting when there’s someone being hurt.
‘We should have stopped her.’ “We would have failed.’ Teal’c is unsurprised as well.
Yeah, Sam! Give him what for!
Jack is unhappy, but also unsurprised. Yeah, everyone pretty much has her number by now. 😂
Time to face the Evil Dude. Dun dun dun....
Yep, thinks he’s saving them, as expected.
‘It’s a matter of definition.’ Oh yeah, he’s deep into Delusionville.
Is that local guy trying to escape? You can do it!
‘Healer of the emotionally wounded.’ Even this guy is unsurprised she showed up - although I don’t think he understands why as well as he thinks he does.
Sam’s got a gun!
Come on, shoot him. Just a little.
Dang it, Sam.
Great, now we have to listen to him talk about how powerful he is.
Okay, I need to pause so I can appreciate Teal’c’s attempt to ‘look friendly.’ 🤣 Yeah, he should really work on that.
Time for a little de-brainwashing session.
‘The sky. Up there.’ I like this kid.
Turning the sky orange? Some sort of protection against the radiation?
Evil Dude time again.
Is he just mixing a bunch of biblical stories together? Why do Evil Dudes always pick that book to get fixated on?
There is a device!
Ooo I’m getting the feeling that I know why he was waiting for Sam to show up. Weird alien devices aren’t his area of expertise - but they are hers.
Actually, since the Prime Directive isn’t a thing, I guess there’s no real reason she couldn’t set it up. Except that it might make the locals think that Jonas really is a god, which wouldn’t be great.
Yep, that’s essentially what he just spelled out. Except that he also wants her to be his ‘goddess.’ Ick.
Huh, well, needing two will put a crimp in Evil Dude’s plan. Time for the team to divide and conquer! Hopefully!
Is Teal’c gonna use the fire stick?!?!
Although how did it blow out a perfect circle? Nevermind, don’t underestimate the might of the fire stick.
Did no one notice Jack taking that guy out? He rolled down the cliff pretty dramatically.
OH NO Guess someone noticed. And they were on their way out.
Jack can’t help but snark even when he’s been captured. I appreciate that.
Ooo Jack’s laying a guilt trip on Sam there. I mean, she did run off on her own. Kinda valid here.
Can we just appreciate that it took Sam basically no time to figure out how to turn on an alien device that she’d never seen before? #we love a genius
What have they done to the Stargate?
Uh oh, burying it is not good news.
At least Jack and Connor get to go back.
Or maybe not. He’s going to kill them with the Stargate iris!
AND they have to listen to him go on about how great he is. That’s almost worse.
Yay! Team to the rescue! And the kid gets to use the fire stick. That’s probably fair considering what’s been done to his people.
Did Jonas just hit Sam?! Shoot him with the fire stick, kid.
Time to prove that Evil Dude is evil!
The sky up there really is very orange.
He’s gonna kill Sam!
Way to go, Jack! Definitely winning points against the ‘is he just a jerk’ poll. Also, it’s been Jack to the rescue a lot this episode. I hope he gets a few days off after this.
On the one hand, it’s hard to argue with the angry mob. On the other, watching your former fiance die would be hard in any circumstance.
I think they’re starting to consider the principles of the prime directive on their own: should they come back? have they done enough, too much, already?
See I like this little bonding moment a lot better than the tank top quip. Not sure I see a ship yet, but maybe the beginnings of a friendship. Jack can be okay when he’s not being a creep!
(Though I still think she could have shot Jonas just a little.)
‘There’s so much more outside the cave.’ Was this all a giant Plato’s Cave allegory??
So what’s everyone’s bets on how long before those people are going to get curious about how the Stargate works and start experimenting?
4/5 Gates This was a good time! New planet (woot!), interesting dilemma, got to see some fire stick action, everyone survived (except the evil dudes), what more could I ask for? I’m tempted to give it a five, but I don’t have enough of a frame of reference. That said, this might be my favorite one so far!
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nossbean · 2 years
... to help you with procrastination
5(politic AU),9,42
very kind, nonny, thank you! i got sucked into a meeting yesterday before completing this but it’s procrastination stations again today <3!
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about it's not much (but my money's on you)? Answer it now!
Real talk the first thing that came to mind is, "Did you have any other party names in mind before landing on the Progressive Alliance?" because the answer is YES. I was very tempted to name it Westeros Alliance of Progressive, or WAP for short. 😁
The longer answer I can speak to presently is perhaps “How much did the politics AU change from conception through to what it is now?” and the answer is a lot. The original thing was meant to be much more straight forward romance plot set against the backdrop of a key election. Some of the original shape of the fic will remain intact, but through conversations with theunpaidcritic and reading around some thoughts Courtney Milan had at the time around the romance genre, I found my interest in writing certain keystones of the genre waned and I wanted to explore other options. That isn’t anything against the romance genre (my beloved!) or that some of the things I want to try moving away from will definitely not be in the fic, it may well be that the story carries me there anyway. It’s more that it made the story overall more complex in the writing. Which has been a good challenge, even if it’s taking much longer than I’d have wanted. And hopefully will make me a better writer and also ultimately make for a richer story. At some point I may post some of the original stuff and speak to this in more depth when it’s less spoilery, since I did actually have probably about 60% of the original concept for the fic completed.
Also, Jaime demanded point of view chapters and if there’s one thing the man can do, it’s derail expectations.
9. How do you find new fic to read?
Most of the new fic I've been reading lately (and admittedly, my reading has fallen well behind these last few months) has been from recs on my dash. A little blurb either in-text or in the tags, amazing, that often sells me. I have a handful of reblogs in my drafts now, actually, just waiting for me to finish the fics so I can reblog them myself. I also do sometimes trawl through people's bookmarks on AO3. And I am apparently very basic and am one of the very few people who do look at fic titles to see if they capture my interest! Sometimes if I’m in the specific mood for something, rather than just looking for something which catches my eye, then I’ll filter by a specific tag. Recently I did the fairy tale tag! And came across some real gems :D
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
Absolutely! Several of them, I’ve been incredibly lucky. There are certain comments or commenters who come to mind but without wanting to draw attention to anyone who doesn’t want attention drawn, almost every fic has at least one comment that’s stuck with me. It’s not an exaggeration that every comment is precious: it’s companionable and motivating to know someone has read something and liked it enough to say so! As we’re talking about stand-outs though, the ones that do are the ones where the commenter shares that what they read meant something to them in some way: if that’s the theme, the emotion, the prose or dialogue, that they got a laugh from it or got to see someone do something in a way that moved them, a trope, any of it. It meant something to me to write, so to learn that it meant something to someone to read, that’s a very powerful thing.
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fahrni · 1 year
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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Sorry for the lateness in publishing today. We had a deployment of some services for a project at work and duty calls! I did have my fair share of coffee to get the old noggin going this morning.
Chris Benshoof
Today, with one command and a couple of cores, I’ve decompiled and annotated every Sierra SCI game, and practically every version, and dumped the results on github for everyone to enjoy.
Many moons ago Sierra On-Line was the game company to work for. They were nestled in the woods of Oakhurst, California, and made fun games.
In 1988 or ‘89 I applied for a job as a Tester and was offered a position, but, I’d also been offered a job as a developer at another company for more money. You can guess which job I took. Right, the dev job.
Anywho, if you’re a Sierra On-Line games fan and a developer have fun checking out the code.
Chance Miller, Benjamin Mayo, Zac Hall, and Filipe Espósito • 9to5mac.com
10 million join Threads in under ten hours, boosted by Instagram integration
I installed Threads and gave it a look. It’s a nice app, scrolls a bit slow at times, and has a look that has me questioning what technology they used to build the app. Apparently one of the Slacks I’m a part of has been having that discussion. I’ll be check it out in a bit.
My initial observation is it’s where all the brands and party people hang out.
One thing I really disliked about it is you are forced to see posts from people you don’t follow. That makes your timeline super noisy. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.
Congratulations to the Facebook folks who worked on the app and got it out the door. Now, take the next step in life and quit this disgusting company. 😃
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Definitely a huge difference in privacy between Threads and Mastodon.
I’m all in on Mastodon. ❤️
Chad Hanson • Los Angeles Times
The naturally regenerating giant sequoia forest was so vigorous and lush that, in many places, we had to pull the stems of young sequoias apart just so we could walk between them. There were hundreds of them on almost every acre — many of them already 8 or 9 feet tall.
When I was in Yosemite a couple years back there was a lot of burnt out space with saplings growing all over the place. Here’s hoping the little ones continue to grow like mad.
Chance Miller, Benjamin Mayo, and Zac Hall • 9to5mac.com
Electrify America is the largest alternative to Tesla’s Supercharger network, offering nearly 800 charging stations across the United States. The company offers a CarPlay app that makes it easy to find Electrify America charging stations nearby; the app can also route you directly to those charging stations.
I had to link to this article today because WillowTree may, or may not, have worked on one of the apps mentioned in the article. 😁
Peter Cohen • iMore
Game Porting Toolkit in macOS Sonoma won’t fix what’s broken with Mac games
The TL;DR is Apple doesn’t really care about games and doesn’t really invest time and money to help game developers take a chance on the platform.
EditorDavid • Slashdot
2096 subreddits were still dark on Friday, as PC Magazine shared this update about ongoing protests at Reddit: To stamp out any remaining protests, Reddit is sending “final warnings” to subreddits that decided to permit NSFW content as a way to derail the company’s advertising business.
That number is much bigger than I expected it to be, wowzer!
Reddit really stepped in it, didn’t they? Who’s to say the new moderators of these subreddits won’t pull the same trick once they’re in charge?
Eric Wills • GQ
On a Wednesday afternoon in mid-April, the greatest bowler in the world, perhaps in the history of the sport, sat in a booth in a Bowlero in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, a cold wind lashing outside, and pondered how it had all gone wrong.
I’m not a bowler but I’m somewhat familiar with the sport because my grandmother was a great bowler. Seeing someone over the age of 10 using both hands is odd, but if you can be a champion bowler who cares how many hands you’re using. Right?
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kalims · 2 years
Hi hi! Can i request this with the vice leaders ? You can choose any other character u like to substitute ortho
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‎˃ ᵕ ˂ . . "oh my god something hurts and i don't know what.. but he's my type. oh you meant blood type?"
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basically. "you're losing a lot of blood! what's your type?"
when a magical shift practice goes incredibly wrong you're asked a question you didn't quite process at first.
parts. one , two
characters. vice dorm leaders, floyd, ruggie, ortho.
includes. gn reader.
cw. head injury, violence, blood, mentions of hurting someone heehee.. 😁 platonic for ortho.
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trey clover
he looks away for one second and all of this happens in that span of ONE second? *points at the ramshackle prefect bleeding on the grass* he can't keep his eyes off his underclassmen can he...
when riddle said he wanted the roses red I don't think he meant this.
trey would probably silently wish for the person to get their karma because how much force did they have behind their magic for it to collide to your head and split it open. 😭 if it's his dorm mate then maybe he won't wish violence secretly but still.
^ very unlikely even if he holds you very special in his heart. but then again if you are he'd want to get that sweet karma. hides secret sadistic side
anyways! I think will only smile a little but his main priority is to make sure you are feeling alright when you spill out your type which is him apparently?? he's secretly pleased btw. and he starts giving you unintentional special treatment. you're the first one to taste his pastires mwhehhehe.
overall, trey is more helpful more than the screaming advice and cater who barely did anything but rush into the building to grab his phone. I rate it 9/10 experience, he baked your favorite treat with a feel better card.
was the split head and the headache that made you want to split it again worth trey's baked goods? of course how could you ever doubt. ☹
ruggie bucchi
ruggie: 👁👄👁 this man would joke a lil' to lighten the mood as he recognizes the seriousness of the situation once he sees you struggling to even stand up.
he would take it in a way that depicts that the occurrence is quite normal, but at the same time you're...you. and ruggie is sure humans don't exactly have the higher tolerance to pain compared to other beastmen.
he doesn't mean it in a degrading way okay. ☹
some random student asked for your type and you didn't miss a beat when you said. "hyena with blue eyes." all the hyena's just perk up and eye each other with confusion painting their faces.
savanaclaw: 👁👁👀👁👁 basically eyes are going to you and then to ruggie. the latter just laughs and ushers them away. if he's not the only one that's a hyena with blue eyes, then you gotta specify more prefect. 🤨
as much as he'd like to pretend this didn't happen leona would have his ass if the herbivore's blood stained the terrain. when he said beastmen liked meat I don't think he meant ... your blood, on the rocks, on the floor, dripping behind you as you walk.
if anyone were to walk in they'd probably think you committed a whole ass massacre. 💀
but since it is you, he'll help. you've helped him out a couple times, he should return the favor duh
jade leech
wow thats a lot of blood, good thing he knows how to clean it up! 😁 don't ask why he knows btw. it generally depends where you got hit, if you got hit on a grassy field he'd either just spray some water on it so the blood gets washed off.
but if you're in octavinelle he's gonna have to drag you off somewhere safe or else some kind of sea animal gets attracted to your blood and tries to eat you. 💀 as much as it'd be interesting to see
"my, you've wounded me." he'd probably say this kinda shit and give you that dark hot grin. yeah the one that has anything within his vicinity turning into track stars and booking it.
butttt he wouldn't be phased by blood very much. dare I say he's encountered it plenty of times, usually on his own accord, sometimes not on his own.
maybe jade would be a little suprised because this definitely fell out the circle of his calculations. what a nice suprise! you made his day a lot better prefect 😍😍 now how would you react if he discretly pressed the wound masking it as dabbing?
jk jk
or am I?
7/10 does a great job on taking care of you 👏 but only if you overlook that his smile seems like he's secretly planning your murder and relishing your pain. he is relishing your pain btw because he's a SADIS--
floyd leech
magical shift practices are boring :( so you'd rarely see floyd in one since he's seen it plenty of times until he eventually got bored of taking apart of the same game over and over again.
so just when he's about to step out you literally fly in his path and he almost stepped on you, his mouth was already opening to tease you about how much you wanted him to stay but then you smile at him looking very out of it.
did I mention the blood pouring out of your head? I think this is a good time to mention it.
floyd is still smiling but there's a menacing look on his face when he looks behind him to quickly check who exactly did it to you. it's easy to spot when the most terrified looking person is avoiding his gaze.
atleast someone had the reaction to help the man up and start asking you about how many fingers they were holding up.
okay so I thought this was funny, let's see floyd asking jade a smart thing to say to which his brother replies with asking which blood type you have in case you've possibly lost too much blood! so floyd just tells you and you tell him 😃
"slimy bastards like you apparently.."
awwww he likes you too 😍😍 forgets that you're literally bleeding out and is too happy. what have you done.
6/10 overall, would've been better if he reacted quickly to bring you to the nurse. and you're sure you would've been on time out on a bed for days if you lost more blood.
jamil viper
can his life be more peaceful please which god did he anger in his previous life to deserve this and since he's the vice dorm leader of scarabia he's more exposed to chaos he definitely does not want to be in.
literally does not bat an eyelash when you start listing off his qualities, some being... interestingly going into deep detail, and some he hadn't noticed himself. he's flattered, prefect /sarcastic. really he actually is but he won't be very happy if you die on him.
was that him being overdramatic? jamil? dramatic? maybe but he can't really cross off the possibility of death. so you're in like, top tier premium care even if he's a little reluctant to give up yet again, more hours of his freedom. 🙏
jamil can cook, he can clean, he can take care of you.. what else can you ask for? 🤨 husband material right there fr. you wake up everyday with your breakfast ready... what a nice life. you don't even have to life a finger!
10/10 don't judge me I'm biased. he starts treating you normally after though so just relish the luxurious treatment you receive!
rook hunt
oh mon dieu! 😱 this is an absolute disaster!
non non, this won't do. nothing shall ever taint your beauty regardless but that doesn't mean that he'll let it happen.. beauty must always be preserved! oh trickster, how much pain you must be in..
how beautiful the way your crimson blood paints the tiles so.. elegantly!! deadass makes it into some kind of art piece. /hj please convince him that you may think that bleeding out isn't very elegant but I don't think you're in the right mind rn. 🧍‍♀️
why am I wording this like a drama
anyways. I guess you could say that as an eccentric character, it's expected of rook to be overdramatic sometimes but it's mainly out of pure actual worry.
oh prefect, he's very elated that he fits your exact criteria of a lover.. can you hear his heart about to leap out his chest? *dramatic pose* was he a theater kid??
but he'll store your words very safely in the back of his mind. for now he must act accordingly to such a horrifying disaster.. vil wouldn't be too happy if any damage to your head becomes apparent!
...8/10, very nice care. he's part of pomefiore you know. they don't know only about self care. 🙄🙄
ortho shroud
he could tell the person was gonna miss the goal by like two inches and hit your head instead despite being in the stands 🧍‍♀️would help if he wasn't restricted for access.. is that a thing? lets pretend it is.
you think idia didn't give him the necessary equipment to deal with a medical situation? you're absolutely wrong. idia did, so that's why you're already patched up in less than 5 minutes after being hit!
okay so let's pretend you're talking about [insert character] so ortho's gonna be like nodding innocently, actually showing you people that matches your description.
100/10. period.
lilia vanrouge
serious mode activated.
okay it's more subtle compared to others but there's a certain edge to his words that gets every student in vicinity rushing to follow his every single command. a stubborn savanaclaw student? now they're listening because of lilia's voice alone.
oops old habits die hard.
generally I think lilia would take it more faster than others. given how he's probably witnessed it a handful of times. but he definitely hasn't met a human so... airheaded and blunt at the same time, how entertaining.. you really are cute, aren't you?
the most you'll get is a giggle and a smile. but overall he's more focused on treating you, akin to a... fretting mother? I guess his insticts took over for a second.
it's either treating you like a baby or treating it very seriously. he's right in the middle, nothing more, nothing less.
5/10, would rate higher if he didn't make you pass out right after his 'soup' was registered by your tongue. just... you can let him handle everything BUT the food please.. unless you prefer taking care of yourself alone that is 🤔.
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moonstone01 · 2 years
Close Pt. 3
Stranger Things 
Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Word Count: 8.5K
Warnings: Weed, Underage Drinking, SMUT, “Distracted Driving” 😉, Oral (F receiving), Fingering, Protected Vaginal Sex, Praise, Fluff, and also Jealous Reader. 
A/N: I really didn’t need to write this much, but I did anyway because in a way I’m also living vicariously through this as well 😊. I also think this is the most I’ve written so far, I’m very passionate about my Eddie 😁. May or may not write a part 4 depending on how this does because I’m not sure if the people want a part 4. Enjoy this one though 🥰. 
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You wake up on Saturday morning and are hit with two realizations. The first being Halloween. The excitement bubbling in your stomach like a little kid. The second being Eddie. A little while after you got home last night, around 9:30, the phone rang. You rushed to answer the line, knowing exactly who it was. Also not wanting your parents to answer the call. 
You picked up the phone off the hook, smiling to yourself at his haste to call you not even three hours after your encounter. You obviously don’t mind, you quite love it actually. You leaned against the wall, putting the device to your ear.
“Hello, my sweetheart” so now it’s my sweetheart? 
“Hello, my pain-in-the-ass” you laughed, teasing him. “How’d you know it would be me picking up the phone? Could've been talking to my dad.” You giggled at the thought of him calling your dad his sweetheart. 
“Well…considering the fact that it’s 9:33, and old people usually are in bed by now, also the fact the phone was picked up pretty quickly” you could hear his smile through the phone when you laughed at his old people comment. “To which I’m guessing someone misses me?” That smug smirk could be detected in his voice of course. 
“Don’t flatter yourself hon’.” you rolled your eyes playfully. Truthfully, you do miss him, but who are you to admit that to him when he isn’t even yours?
“Did-” he gasped, “Did you just roll your eyes at me?!” 
“Nooo” you drew out, beginning to giggle at the playfulness in his voice.
“Yeah, you totally just rolled your eyes. I could hear them hit the back of your head through the phone!” he mused, the both of you laughing. You’re beginning to think he’s getting to know you too well. It’s like he always keeps you laughing. “Sooo, you know, you left your mixtape in my van”
“Yeah I know, I didn’t realize until I got home” you explained, knowing he would notice the mis-hap with his apparent distaste for your music. 
“Did you maybe leave it here on purpose to have an excuse to see me again? You have my number now, I’m just one call away y/n” he is getting a bit cocky isn’t he?
“Sooo full of yourself I see, it was not on purpose, Munson” you retorted, amused. “But, I’m going to a party tomorrow night, wanna come with? I can get my horrible mixtape from you then.” 
“I’m not a fan of parties, but since this gorgeous girl has asked me to attend, I shall accept your invitation.” 
“Great, uh…do you think you could pick me up for this said party?” you really were asking a lot from him tonight. First the party and now he may or may not be having to drive you both to said party. 
“Of course, as long as you don’t play that GOD awful music in my van on the way there” of course he had a condition. 
“Ugh, fiiine, I will listen to whatever you want” you promise. You don’t mind his music that much, but he certainly minds yours. You gave him your address (after he had to leave the phone to rummage through his bedroom to find a piece of paper and something to write it down with for quite some time) and after going over it a million times to make sure it was right, you said your goodnights. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow sweetheart, goodnight baby” he said sweetly into the phone. You may as well have just dropped dead right then and there. 
“Goodnight Eddie” you grinned to yourself, feeling butterflies in your stomach, and hanging up the phone. He really does make you feel something, more than anyone else ever has in just this short week. You aren’t one to fall for someone in such a short time, but Eddie is just so perfectly himself, he makes it hard not to. You have certainly not had the best with past relationships, none of them even going past six months. He also makes it hard to not think about him, and wonder to yourself how he really feels about you. 
You both haven’t really talked about that? You just assumed he felt the same for you, which in turn leads you to doubt his feelings about you. Is he actually interested? Or is all of this a façade to get into your pants? You’d just have to ask yourself when the time comes. If that's even possible. 
Handing out candy to all the little ones in your neighborhood was something you always enjoyed. As always, the eager ones would start to flood out the streets around 6:30, right before the sun set. You were wearing a costume of your own in preparation for the party you were attending later that night. By now, it was 7:30, and the sun had fully gone down by now. Kids were everywhere wearing colorful costumes under the streetlights of your neighborhood. 
One kid in particular caught your eye as he started to walk up your driveway. He was dressed in a large pumpkin outfit, sort of struggling to walk in it. To make matters worse, a group of kids looking to be a bit older behind him shoved him to the ground, face first, and made a show of laughing at him. You hastily place your large bowl of candy on the entrance table next to the front door. As the group of boys walk their way up the sidewalk, you go out your front door to stop them. 
“Um, no, turn around, you’re not getting candy here” you tell them sternly. They look up to you, clearly offended. 
“Why not?” A boy wearing a werewolf mask asks, as if what they just did to that boy was not evident. You look over to the pumpkin boy, who is gathering the remnant splatter of candy that had split. 
“Get lost. I don’t give candy to kids that like to shove other kids on Halloween.” You point for them to leave, rolling your eyes and making your way over towards the kid who was still trying to get all his candy. He was clearly struggling, the pumpkin costume not making it easy. 
“Hey, need some help?” you approach sincerely. He only nods as he huffs and puffs from the struggle. 
“I love your costume,” you smile up at him as you help him up after collecting all of the candy. You lean in and whisper to him, “I’ll give you extra candy since you were best dressed tonight.” At this, the boy flashes a toothless grin at the news that he was best dressed and he won a prize. You walk with him to your front door to grab the bowl of candy, and grab handfuls on handfuls for the kid. 
“Give those boys the middle finger for me if you see them again, okay?” you lean down and smile at him. He thanks you and continues on to collect more candy for the night. Then, you hear a short honk come from the street. 
Eddie’s van is parked on your street, and he has his window rolled down. 
“Hey there!” he yells across the lawn. “You ready?” He asks with a smile. 
“Yup! Just let me update my parents that candy duty is on them!” you smile back and rush into the house. 
“Mom! Dad! I’m going out, spending the night at Nancy’s!” After hearing the “okay” from the parents, you quickly rush back out of the house with a coat, not wanting your parents to see you’re really being picked up by an Eddie Munson. You climb into the passenger side of his van, to which he starts the van back up. 
“You’re like a princess,” is the first thing he says as you go to buckle your seatbelt and he gets the van moving. 
“What?” You laugh at his comment. 
“That kid, I saw those assholes shove him when I was pulling up,” he looks over to you, “and then I saw princess y/n tell them off and help pumpkin boy recover from that assholery,” he laughs looking back at the road. 
“Well, this princess doesn’t like assholery” you tilt your chin up high. 
“The prettiest princess I ever did see.” He lowers his voice, smiling to himself, then smiling over at you as he turns out of your neighborhood. You can’t help but blush at the way he said that. His compliments are what make your stomach do backflips.  
“Now, where exactly am I going?” He asks, changing the mood back to a more playful one. Shit. Of course you forgot to tell him where the party was at. 
“Oh, you know where lover’s lake is?”
“Yeah, I know a guy who lives there.”
“Well, make your way there and you’ll know which house. It’s supposed to be quite crowded.” 
“Great, and I know they aren’t going to play very good music, so speaking of,” he leans forward to mess with the radio. Loud music starts to erupt from the speakers. “Ahhh yes, music,” Eddie sighs out and begins to tap his hands on the steering wheel to the music. At some point, he reaches over to grab hold of your lower left leg, tapping his fingers to the music still. He really can’t sit still while listening to music can he? You let out a slight laugh through your nose at his fidgeting and subtly tilt your leg more into his touch. 
“What?” He whips his head to look at you with an amused grin, and just as quickly looking back at the road. 
“Nothin, just entertained by the way you can’t sit still listening to this music.” 
“Of course, that’s what metal does, you can’t just not move your body. Honestly, I can’t believe you are sitting so still.” He states matter-a-factly. 
“Well…metal just might not be my favorite genre.” You say hesitantly. He immediately furrows his eyebrows and looks to you as if you were crazy. Here we go. 
You arrive at the house on lover’s lake, it is as you said, quite crowded. You know you won’t be staying long, but you did want to say hi to a few people, and maybe drink a little bit, maybe even dance a little. You also knew that showing up here with Eddie Munson might be controversial, but you showed up knowing you wouldn’t give a damn. 
“You ready?” he makes sure with you as he finally finds a place to park his van. You take off your coat and leave it in the van, showing off your vampire costume. Eddie wasn’t wearing a costume of course, and when you asked why, he told you his costume was “a freak metal head.”
“Yup” you quickly put, and start to exit the van. You both start to walk up to the house, groups of people convened around the front lawn, all wearing costumes and most with red solo cups in hand. The music could be heard from all the way down the street, where you had parked. You enter the house with Eddie trailing close behind, taking in the scene of the crowded space. 
How the hell were you supposed to find Nancy in this place?
“Jesus H. Christ,” Eddie mumbles behind you, “where's the alcohol?” He questions mostly to himself. 
“I know, let’s go look.” You grab his hand and lead him through the crowd of moving bodies. Eddie scoots closer to your body, placing a reassuring hand on your hip as you lead him through. You spot Nancy and Steve chatting by the bowl of punch in the kitchen. There were also bottles of liquor and beer spread across the counter, and half drank cups. 
“Hey mama Steve,” you smile, patting him on the back from behind, “How are your children?” You question as he whips his head around to see who has asked about his group of children. 
“Y/n- oh -I have no idea, I’m surprised they haven’t bothered me for the whole day.” He laughs, taking a step back beside Nancy to add both you and Eddie to the conversation. 
“That’s a blessing.” You laugh. “This is Eddie by the way, he’s a friend of mine.” As you say this, Eddie tenses beside you and drops his hand from yours and goes to put them in his pockets as he flashes a friendly smile at Steve and Nancy. 
“I’m Steve, as you know, and this is Nancy.” Steve says, flashing a friendly smile back. 
“Oh, I’ve heard a lot about you from y/n, Eddie.” Nancy flashes a smile, switching her gaze between you and Eddie. 
“So you’ve heard about me?” Eddie raises an eyebrow looking over to you. Of course Nancy had to let that be known, that you've been discussing him. 
“Oh of course, she told me-” 
“Ha- yeah - Nancy, how are you and Jonathan?” You question, trying to change the discussion onto something else. She noticed the way you called him a friend of yours, the both of you knowing it’s a little more than that. 
“Oh, we’re good,” she falters on her words a little bit. You can tell just from the way she said it that they were not the best. You raise your eyebrows at her, knowing she was not telling the truth, at least the whole truth. 
“Oh what the hell.” Steve suddenly says, looking past you and Eddie towards the entrance to the kitchen. You all turn in the direction of the disturbance. There stood his children, lined up looking for their mama. Max, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin trailing behind, almost getting lost between two people walking past.
“What are you guys doing here? You should not be here.” He says sternly, in mom mode. 
“We need your help with something.” Max tells him seriously. Eddie slides over to the pile of alcohol and grabs two empty solo cups, pouring some of the liquor from one of the bottles into the two cups. He then inspects the punch, making sure it doesn’t look sketchy. After he had decided it was okay to drink, he pours some in both cups along with the liquor. 
“Okay, okay, but you guys need to leave, like, right now.” Steve shoos them, walking out with them to make sure they don’t do anything they aren’t supposed to and to help them with whatever they need. Eddie laughs. 
“Dustin always talks about him,” he chuckles at Steve being heard yelling at one of them.
“NO, STOP that,” probably at Dustin.
“A man can only be jealous of the hold he has on that kid.” He smiles fondly, handing you the cup. You turn to Nancy, to which she promptly gives you a wink and turns to walk to the crowd of dancing bodies. 
“Lets go outside,” you offer, after chugging most of your drink, certainly tasting a lot more of the liquor then you did the punch. 
“No, let's dance.” Eddie counteroffers, having drank most of his cup by now as well. You raise your eyebrows at his suggestion. The end of Call Me by Blondie playing loudly in your ears as Eddie pulls you close to him with his left arm, taking a large sip from his cup. This song really isn’t his scene, so you laugh at his dancing to the song. His hand begins to glide down your back, pulling you in between his thigh, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, cup dangling in your hand. 
The song changes to Tainted Love by Soft Cell. The crowd yells and claps at the song that has begun to play. You stare up into Eddie's eyes, the music drowning out the singing of the crowd. As you both sway to the music, his hand slides down to grip the skin that was being barely covered under your skirt. You look between his lips and his eyes, realizing you both are so close to each other. He growls and moves his hand up squeezing your ass hard at the seducing look you’re giving him. 
He spins you around to face you forward, pulling you flush against him, and leaning down to rest his head on your shoulder. He wraps his arms around your lower stomach, keeping you in place to his lower body. You both have your cups in hand, so you chug the last bit of your drink. You grind against him, feeling the liquor go straight to your head. 
Don’t touch me please! I cannot stand the way you teeease!
The crowd sings drunkenly loudly along to the song. You, however, are getting hot and bothered. 
“You love the way I tease, hm?” Eddie says in your left ear, as if it were a fact. He moves one hand lower, down to your thigh, giving it a squeeze, forcing you to feel the slightest brush of his hard on. Your heavy breathing probably painfully obvious as you move your right hand up to run it through his long hair. He hums in your ear when you bite your lip and give it a tug. 
“We’re just friends though, right?” He says softly, letting go, and pulling away from you, forcing you to let go of your hold on him as well as his hold on you. You’re left stunned as your head spins from the loss of contact, making your way to follow him after he passed you to make his way back to the kitchen. He’s quicker than you thought, and makes his way outside where the pool is, throwing his cup among the many other cups in the large trash can. The way he left so quickly made your mind race dizzily, so instead of going with him, you make your way to the kitchen. 
You go to get more to drink, kind of upset how he just left you there without a warning. Why did he just up and leave like that? And the friend comment? Once you have time to sit and drink another whole drink -more liquor then punch- you make your way outside after pouring another to find Eddie to discuss what just happened. However, you stop dead in your tracks and your heart drops as you see him on a lounge chair, talking to another girl on the lounge chair beside him, laughing in conversation. 
She’s pretty, long ginger hair, a little bit preppy for his style, but either way, you can’t help the rage that comes over you. You don’t know if it was the amount of liquor you had drank, or if this was just true, raw jealousy. Even both. But you found your way marching up to him, dodging people and circling around the perimeter of the pool. 
“Oh, hey bud” Bud? At this, you can’t help what comes next. You fly your drink at his face, not really having all rationale there, but a few people look on at the scene. The girl beside him looks at you in disbelief, as does he. The drink not even making it onto his face but more onto his shirt and some of his chin.
“What the hell y/n, what was that for?” He asks, stunned at your behavior, worry lining his face as he sits up and wipes his chin with his hand. 
“Take me home. Now.” You say sternly and turn to make your way back through the house. You can feel tears pricking in your eyes because seeing him talk to another girl then proceed to call you bud in front of her just seems like a douchey thing to do. What happened to sweetheart? It’s like he really was just trying to get in your pants. You wipe them away aggressively as you push past the bodies of people feeling stupid. You hear his heavy footsteps come through the sliding glass door as you begin to slide through the crowd of people. 
“Y/n wait!” You hear Eddie call through the crowd. No doubt causing a scene. You speed walk, as best as you can, down the stoop and towards the street. 
“Y/n” You hear him growl behind you, having to practically chase you through the party. 
“What happened? What’s wrong?” He asks, falling into step beside you, watching your face in confusion for a sign as to what went wrong. As if he shouldn’t already know. 
“You!” You shout, stopping and spinning towards him with an off balanced wobble. “You left me like that on the dancefloor, then you proceeded to flirt with another girl after saying we were just friends.” You stare up at him, eyes unmoving, slurring your words slightly as they come out. 
“And then,” you scoff, “you call me bud and not sweetheart, in front of her as if you weren’t basically just fucking me in that crowd.” He looks at you with a listening stare as he lets you rant about why you were upset. His shirt stained red from the punch you threw at him. 
“So take me home, I don’t want to spend another second with another,” you pause thinking of something to say “lame douchebag who only wants to use me to get in my pants.” 
He sighs before speaking. 
“Okay, one,” he says gesturing his hands around his body to show off the bright red stain on his shirt, “can we agree that you've had a bit to drink?” He says laughing at the situation, and stops when he notices the frown on your face. He raises his eyebrows and steps closer to you. 
“...We can agree on that.” You tell him in a low voice, realizing that was probably a shitty thing to do. 
“Okay, good, secondly.” He takes a deep breath in and out. “I was not flirting with her, she’s just another one of my clients.” Your heart drops at the knowledge because you started off as one of his clients, tears beginning to prick again in your eyes. You look down at your feet, trying not to cry at the situation in front of you. You felt stupid for causing a scene, but you also felt stupid for catching feelings for him. 
“No no no,” he says leaning down and lifting your chin, hearing you sniffle. “Look at me.” He tells  you. Your eyes look up at him, tears threatening to spill, you would be so embarrassed if you were not drunk right now. 
“You are the only one I want, y/n, and I’m sorry I acted that way, I was just upset you referred to me as a friend when you introduced me to Nancy and Steve. I shouldn’t have done that because we never really talked about it.” He takes a deep breath again, struggling to say what needs to be said. “And…I kinda just assumed you felt the same way about me, but I still doubted it, so when you introduced me that way it kinda… confirmed it.” He shrugged seeing you have calmed down now that he has apologized. 
“I forgive you.” You smile, starting to laugh at his confession. Not because it was humorous, but because your doubts are now solved. He literally felt the exact same way you did about the relationship. He laughs with you, happy that you were happy again. 
“I shouldn’t have left like that, okay? I don’t wanna see you cry, sweetheart.” He grabs your face with both hands on your cheeks and wipes a tear that had accidentally slipped out. You nod in understanding. More understanding than he knew. 
“But, I do not forgive you for staining my white T-shirt,” he looks down at the mess while chuckling. “This will take years for it to clean.” He sighs.
“I’m sorry, it was a bit of an overreaction I guess, I promise I can get that stain out for you.” You laugh at his dilemma you caused. You did feel bad though. 
“Promise me you’ll say yes to take you to skull rock and we’ve got ourselves a truce.” He moves both hands on your hips, waiting for an answer with a raised eyebrow. 
“Okay,” you smile, still a bit drunk. 
He drove up the road a little to a clearing in the woods, where it wouldn’t be that hard to find the rock. The both of you grab flashlights, and you grab your light coat and head through the forest. You’ve actually been to skull rock quite a few times, and have gotten played every time you’ve gone by guys that have offered to take you. So, you know your way to the site. 
“Looks like you know your way around” Eddie comments on you leading the way. “Your little boyfriends bring you up here often?” 
“Unfortunately, yes, and I’ve gotten fucked over every time.” You roll your eyes at some of the memories skull rock holds. Your second boyfriend brought you up here to make out, which turned into something more. Long story short, you gave your very first blowjob at skull rock. Two weeks later, he dumped you. His reasoning being “I need to focus on myself”, turns out, he spread a rumor that you let him put it in the back door at skull rock. Great. 
The second time you went up there, you were seeing a guy who offered to take you. For some reason, even after your last encounter with your ex, you still went. You guys only made out, but nothing more than that. He got angry when you wouldn’t do anything more, so he then spread a rumor that you also let him do the same thing, which was farther from the truth then your first encounter was. 
The third time you made your way to the spot was to smoke and drink with a friend you had made that same year. Nothing special about that visit, it was a fun time, but the friendship you had was not a very long lasting one. 
This all happened your sophomore year, you’re surprised you even remember what way to go. Sophomore year sucked. 
“Well I’m not gonna fuck you over.” He grabs your hand to help you over a large log. “I promise you that.” He looks at you with sincerity. When you made it to skull rock, you shrieked in drunken excitement. 
“There it is!” You exclaim, running as best as possible. You hear him start to run to catch up with you, which wasn’t a difficulty, so when you stopped suddenly and turned around once you reached the rock, Eddie ran right into you. In a quick maneuver, he flipped you both around so he was falling towards the ground. Eddie’s back hitting the ground with you on top of him in a comedic thud and ‘humph’ from him. After a moment of silence, hysterical laughter erupts from you as you place your forehead on his chest. 
“Your face!” You exclaim with laughing tears pricking up at your eyes, barely able to get the words out. He begins to laugh at your hysterics as you look up at him, your hair definitely disheveled. 
“Oh my god…I’m sorry” You try to stop the laughter, but it continues as you look down at the way he is grinning while admiring the way you look on top of him. Both of your laughter are chiming in unasine now. 
“Okay, okay, let's get up, I didn’t take you here just to lay on the ground and laugh.” He says chuckling while sitting up, helping you get up as well. You wipe your tears and grab your flashlight with a ‘whew’, and take a few more steps underneath the rock. He follows behind, standing next to you as you take in the view of the lake behind it. You’ve always loved the view from skull rock, but never got to fully enjoy it. The moon reflected off the water, and you were able to see the lights from the far off houses across the lake. You look over to Eddie, who was also admiring the view. 
“So how did you know how to get here?” You ask him, teasing him, and also wanting to find out about past girlfriends. 
“An old friend.” You raise your eyebrows at him as if to go on. He looks at you, and laughs. 
“Really! We would come up here to smoke.” He pleads, you nod and roll your eyes playfully at his lies. He growls and grabs you by the hips to pull you close rather possessively. His lips immediately attach to your lips in a long, drawn out kiss. 
“I promise, it was just a friend, he lives here actually, taught me all I know.” He pulls back, holding one of your hands and swinging it back and forth. The explanation wasn’t exactly needed, but it was nice to have some reassurance. 
“It’s okay, I didn’t really care either way.” You smile smally. 
“Oh of course you do, you most certainly do after what you pulled tonight!” He points to his shirt again, the both of you letting out small laughs. 
“I’m sorry, Eddie, I should-”
“It’s okay, sweety, I shouldn’t have left you there, I shouldn’t have made you feel that way.” He steps closer to you and grabs your cheek with his right hand and glides a thumb along it. 
“Now, let’s smoke.” He smiles and goes for his pocket where he kept the joint and lighter. You had sobered up by now as much as possible, so you were ready for some more substance. You both sit on the rock facing the water, as you cup your hands over the joint and lighter to prevent the wind from blowing it out for him. Once he gets it going, he takes a few hits and passes it to you. 
“You wanna stay the night at my place?” He asks suddenly. You were planning on staying at Nancy’s, but you were actually hoping you could stay a while longer and extend the night even more with him. 
“Of course I do,” you say after a moment of holding the smoke in your lungs, feeling the familiar burn, “I was hoping you would ask, actually.” 
“Good, because I have it all to myself,” he smirks at you as you pass, “but I also wanna show you my guitar.” Your cunt flutters around nothing at the thought of what you might do when you’re completely alone at his place. Also getting to watch him play the guitar? Hell yes. 
“Mhm, you’ve got to show me my competition.” You say referring to the guitar, smiling as you watch him ghost the smoke. He laughs at your comment, then turns to you, making a motion with his hand to scoot a little bit closer. He blows the smoke he had in his mouth and speaks.
“Shotgun?” He asks, but you’ve never tried it before. You know what it is, and you’ve seen others try it once or twice, but you have never done it yourself. 
“I’ve never shotgunned before.” You say looking at him, wanting him to show you. 
“Okay, just get ready to inhale the smoke I blow out,” He takes a long drag of the joint, grabbing your chin and bringing it ever so closely to his face, almost kissing you. He holds it and looks from your eyes down to your lips, which are slightly parted to intake the smoke. You're leaned forward, unsure when he’s going to blow out the smoke, until he tilts his head and begins to blow the smoke out. You hesitate for a second, then inhale as much of the smoke as you can. You blow it out while looking up at him as he smiles at the scene. The action made him grow slightly hard through his jeans. 
“That was hot,” he laughs. You begin to pull away from his grip on your chin smiling at your success, but his hand slides down to your jaw and encourages you not to do so. He places the joint down beside him and grabs your leg to pull you into his lap. You obliged, and let his hand guide you to straddle him. However, he doesn’t kiss you, but just rubs your back while looking up at you. 
“Eddie?” You say almost in question as to what he is doing. 
“I want you to be mine,” he says while slowing his movements up and down your back, seeing the slight shock in your face. “And I want to be together, to take you on dates, and do the cheesy shit with you. I want to show you off to everyone at school because you are Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson's girl.” You smile at his words. “Hell, I even wanna meet your parents.” He says in almost disbelief at his own words that he actually wants to meet your parents knowing full well they wouldn’t approve. 
“I know I’m not the best influence, but spending time and getting close to you has made me realize,” he laughs to himself, “that no one has ever made me feel the way you do. So- what I’m trying to say-”
“-Yes- I will be your girlfriend Eddie, I’m yours. And Eddie I feel the exact same way. My parents will love you once they get to know you, and I would love to be Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson’s girl.” You cut him off and smile widely at his rambling about his feelings for you. Eddie grins widely at your words and picks you up suddenly, causing you to wrap your arms around his neck. You squeal at the sudden movement as he wraps your legs around his waist and kisses you deeply with a tight grip on your ass to keep you up. He gives you short kisses all over your cheeks and neck while walking you to the huge wall that holds up the said skull of skull rock. You both giggle at the feeling of being with each other. 
His lips move down to your jaw, and pecks turn into sloppy kisses trailing down your neck. You moan when he reaches a certain spot on your neck, he smirks knowing he found your good spot and begins to suck on it. You unwrap one of your hands from around his neck, sliding it down between you. You sneak your hand over his jeans, feeling how hard he’s gotten. He groans against your neck when you begin to palm him through his jeans. 
“Alright, we need to go home,” he says, letting go of your neck with his lips. Your hand returns around his neck as he begins to walk with you to the car, still attached to his waist. 
“Eddie!” You laugh loudly at the fact that he’s carrying you to the car, forgetting multiple things. “You’re forgetting the flashlights, and the joint, and my coat.” He groans at the fact that you’re right, letting you down so you both can collect your things. Once everything is collected, he grabs your hand and you both make your way back towards the car, laughing the whole way. 
You find the car, and both hop into your designated spots. He turns the car on and reverses out of the spot, and puts it back into drive, making his way back to his trailer. He bites his lip as he slides his right hand over your left leg. You lift your left leg up and turn slightly in your seat, knowing you have your skirt on. He practically moans when his hand glides to your inner thigh, feeling the heat coming from your cunt. 
He glides his hand up and down your inner thigh, only occasionally taking a glance at you because of the road. You’re looking right at him, and his hand that refuses to go where you want it. You slide your underwear over, and let out a slight moan at the cool air hitting your exposed skin. He looks over quickly to see the cause for the noise, and his mouth hangs slightly open when he sees your exposed entrance. 
He then slides his finger through your folds, attention being back on the road. You roll your hips on his fingers, letting him collect your wetness as he teases you more. He leans his arm down slightly to reach your entrance, sliding a middle finger in. You tilt your head back against the door and let out a whimper at his finger slowly curling up into you. His attention being brought back to you for only a few seconds before looking back at the road. In those few seconds, he watched his finger curl up into you as your hole made a slight gushing sound. 
You move your hips up and down to entice him to speed up his finger, legs spread wide open for him. You moan and flinch when he takes his finger out and smacks your clit with his hand, playing with your folds before sliding his finger back in. His speed is now faster than before. You lift your skirt up higher to allow him more access and for something to hold onto for your own sake. He then stops, and slides in another finger, continuing back to that same pace. 
Your breathing is getting heavier as you can barely compose yourself when his fingers are working like this. You’re getting close, and you can feel that familiar feeling in the pit of your stomach starting to form. He elicits a longer, and a lot deeper moan when he leans down slightly in his seat to finger you at a different angle, letting him know you are close. 
“Eddie…” You let out breathlessly. 
“I know baby,” he reassures, feeling your cunt throbbing around his fingers. He then takes his fingers out, sitting back up and flattening his hand, widely going side to side on your clit. Your legs start to shake as you moan out loudly, the sudden pleasure on your clit knocking the wind out of you. This pushes you over the edge. 
“Oh my god!” grabbing onto the seat belt as you scream out, you orgasm as he continues to move back and forth over your clit quickly. He looks over to watch you cum to his fingers. 
“Oh my fuck…” He groans watching you come undone from his work. 
Your legs begin to close, but Eddie slaps your right thigh from closing, causing it to snap back open. You let out another loud moan when his two fingers begin to curl up into you again. With hooded eyes, you look over to him. His brows are furrowed, and he’s biting his bottom lip quite harshly focusing on the road, but also on the speed of his fingers. He’s also speeding to get home, as you were approaching the turn into his trailer park. 
He removes his fingers, and uses his soaking hand to turn into the trailer park, screeching the tires because of how fast he’s going. You sit up, ready to practically run into the trailer. He speeds down the small road, and pulls up rather quickly, having to slam on the brakes in front of his trailer. He looks over to you with a lustful stare and parks the car, effectively turning it off. You both get out at the same time. 
He grabs his keys from his back pocket, running up to the door. Struggling to come up from behind him after you just came, you wrap one arm under his shirt, and the other slides over his cock through his jeans. He groans as he fucks with the key, finally getting it open. The door flies open, as he manhandles you, basically dragging you into the trailer. He slams the door shut, and grabs the underneath of your thighs, indicating for you to jump. You jump and wrap your legs around his waist, his lips sloppily kissing you. His tongue slides into your mouth as he walks you to his bedroom. 
“I don’t even get a house tour?” You break the kiss, laughing at his eagerness. 
“Nope, we can do that afterwards sweetheart.” Flashing a smile, he throws you on the bed. You squeal as you fly backwards, trying to sit up and look around his room, but being cut off by his hot lips attaching back onto yours. He strips your skirt off in a large tug along with your underwear, your vampire vest also being torn off your body. After he throws your vest somewhere, his shirt also comes off, along with his jeans and boxers. You both are exposed now. He begins to lurch towards you, but stops himself to look at you. 
“Fuck you look so sexy right now baby,” he takes a step back and admires the way you are sat up on your elbows, with one leg propped up, cunt and breasts exposed for him. You grin at his reaction, looking down at his fully hard cock. You can see the amount of precum leaking from the tip. He was leaking from watching, mostly listening, to you squirm in his passenger seat. He takes his cock in his hand and strokes it while looking down at you, moving forward to kiss down your neck. The trail of sloppy kisses makes their way to your nipples, his head tilting up looking at you to watch as he sucks on your nipples. Your hand glides through his hair, massaging his scalp as he begins to kiss down your stomach. You know where his lips are going, and you’re not sure if you could take anymore, you just want him to fuck you right now. 
“Eddie, please just fuck me, I need you-” Before you could finish, he flies your thighs up, rolling you up like a pretzel, and starts to lap at your entrance. You whimper out at the contact. He raises his eyebrows as if to say ‘What was that?’ when he flicks his tongue over your clit. The only thing available to hold onto is the sheets, so that's exactly what you hold onto. It’s like he gets off just to pleasuring you, because when he sucks on your clit like a pacifier and you moan loudly, he groans deeply into you. Suddenly, he cups his hands underneath your ass, and stands up, lips still attached to your cunt. You moan again as your neck and upper back are the only thing touching the bed. Both of your legs are over his shoulders, and he stares up and down as he works figure eights over your clit. 
His attention is brought back to your cunt, and he spits on it, sucking on it again. Your back starts to arch into his mouth, and both of your hands fly to his, that are holding you up to his mouth. The moan that you let out is almost pornographic as your legs shake around his head from overstimulation. After he has decided that you’ve had enough, he lets your body drop down to the bed again. 
“I needed to watch your face while I was sucking you.” He said with a breathless laugh, and then bent down to his nightstand to grab a condom. You watched as he ripped it open, rolling it onto his cock. You rolled over onto your left side, and tucked your legs up towards your chest as you propped yourself on one elbow. Almost in a fetal position. 
“Good, lay just like that sweetheart.” He smirked as he started to run his cock through your folds. Your head tilted up a little bit to watch him slide it into you. Sure enough, he begins to push into you. Eddie grabs your ass with his left hand, and squeezes it tightly, the both of you groaning at the stretch around his cock. His cock starts at a slow pace, and you can already tell this new position hits your spot perfectly. The pace increases only a little bit, and you can hear your wetness engulfing his cock. 
“Eddie, faster,” you whine, “pleeaa-” You were about to draw out, but his hips snapped into you sharply, eliciting a gasp. His cock sits still inside you as your mouth hangs open, waiting for him to continue with that same roughness. He looks at you, biting down on his bottom lip hard. And as soon as you nod his hips are snapping into you roughly, moving the bed with a creak each thrust. 
His pace is not as fast as it can go, but the sudden roughness makes you moan his name loudly, causing him to moan as well, grabbing your ass harder with both hands now and angling it better to start drilling into you. 
“Fuck, you take my cock so well, so perfect,” he groans, speeding up a little bit. His body comes forward, and his cock slips almost all the way out and shoots back in quick thrusts. Your hand comes to the back of his head, gripping his long hair as his cock drills into you. He’s fucking you into the mattress, and the desperate look on his face makes your cunt flutter around his cock. He moans and rests his forehead on yours, looking only at you. This is probably the most close and intimate you both have ever been to each other.
“You fuck me so good, it’s yours…I’m yours.” You tell him, and you can feel his cock twitch at your words, your eyes hooded from the intense pleasure coursing through your body. At your words, he grabs your legs and puts them over his shoulders, and leans back down to put his forehead on yours again. He’s dropping into you, causing a loud, repetitive clapping sound and the sound of the bed creaking rapidly to fill the room. 
“All mine,” He groans out, your moan at his words being cut off by each pound into you. You can feel him hitting your spot every thrust, and you throw your head back in pleasure as you can feel yourself reaching your limit. His hand comes up, grabbing your jaw, forcing you to look at him. You can tell he’s close by the way his eyebrows are furrowed, and it seemed to make it worse when he looked down at where your bodies were connected. He let out a loud moan. 
“Oh my fucking God y/n” Your stomach starts to knot, your orgasm coming on suddenly at his words and your shared gaze at the way his cock is sliding in and out of you. You clench and moan, clawing him as he continues to fuck into you. 
“Yes Eddie, fuck!” Your legs shake around his head violently as your orgasm rakes through you, harder than it ever has. You can feel his cock twitch inside you, and he lets out a moan louder than some of yours as he cums inside the condom. The both of you sweaty from the activity. He pulls out, and you whimper at the loss. You watch as he takes the condom off and ties it off, throwing it in his trash can. His body then collapses next to yours, the bed making a dramatic creaking as he lays down next to you. 
“I think…,” he starts to say, but is still catching his breath, “I think that was…the best sex I’ve ever had.” You laugh at his comment. 
“Eddie you said that last time, babe.” You laugh at the fact that now every time you have sex, it’s going to be the newest best sex ever. He turns to you, sitting up on his forearm to look down at you. 
“Did you just call me babe?” 
“Yeaaahh?” You draw out in confusion as to what is exactly wrong with that. He smiles down at you. 
“I love that.” he leans down to kiss you. The kiss turns into a make out, but a slow one. A kiss that is in no rush to finish. He pulls away, and then realizes something. He gets up, and puts his boxers back on, and then turns to his guitar. Of course. 
“Almost forgot.” He smirks at you while grabbing his guitar off the wall, then puts it around him and sits down next to you on the bed. 
“Oh yeah, my competition.” You smile and watch as he begins to play a riff. He is clearly skilled, as he said, he’s been playing since he was three years old. Then he starts to play a song. 
“What’s this song called?” You ask, curious as to what he’s playing.
“Heaven and Hell, by Black Sabbath.” He turns to you and smiles when he stops playing the riff. You like the way it sounds, and you love that your boyfriend is passionate about something. Boyfriend. Eddie is your boyfriend now. After a few minutes of him playing, you can’t help but ponder the thought out loud. 
“I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend now.” You tell him, as you look at him wrapped up in another song that he had started to play. He stops playing again and looks at you. You are still completely naked on his bed. 
“What do you mean by that?” He laughs.
“Because.” You start. “I never imagined you as a boyfriend type. I thought you’d be one of those dark brooding guys like ‘I don’t need anyone, I like being completely alone and by myself’” You lower your voice to sound more masculine. He laughs and puts his guitar up as you speak, protesting your claim as he’s coming towards you to lay down on your naked chest and wrap his arms around your waist. Your stomach flutters at his need to be close to you and the way it feels to have his hair grace over your chest, and his hands wrapped around you. 
“And come to find out,” you trail your fingers along the skin on his back. “He’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met.” He looks up at you with adoring eyes, resting his chin on your upper stomach. “And the hottest,” you smirk down at him. 
“And you’re the sweetest and prettiest lady I’ve ever met, y/n.” He hugs you tighter to him and goes back to resting his head on your breasts. You can feel his body begin to get more and more relaxed against you as you run your fingers along his back in a comfortable silence. 
Then, you hear the snoring. You laugh to yourself, and go to turn his lamp off in his room, unsure when his uncle is supposed to be back. You find yourself then drifting off to sleep as you lay down, still rubbing his back gently. 
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Prompt! I love Hunith and really like when she's depicted as a caring mother but I've always been fascinated by the idea that in her obsession to keep Merlin safe she actually traumatized him and hindered his development (we all remember the "am I a monster?" Line from the pilot).
One day Merlin and the gang (Knights, Arthur and whoever you want) (post magic reveal) are playfully comparing their childhoods, they ask Merlin about his and he refuses to tell them bc he doesn't want to be a Debby Downer but they keep insisting.
Maybe she tried to drown him as a babe hours after his first spell because she would rather do it herself than to have her son ripped away from her. She doesn't follow through with it but came real close.
Maybe he wasn't allowed to go outside for the first 5 years bc his magic is still incredibly temperamental and people could accidentally see it. Maybe she did murder a traveler that saw it and tried to run to tell someone, she doesn't know Merlin was watching.
Maybe when he was 9 she brought him to the kitchen before lunch, made him watch her decapitate a live chicken (it's the standard way to prepare and kill chicken for food btw), explained that if people see his magic this will be his fate. She made him watch the butcher of every chicken they cooked that season.
Maybe due to being confined inside and living fairly far from the village he was almost 8 the first time he saw someone other than his mother or the voices she kept him hidden from. She crafted a story of how he was adopted and his parents were friends of hers that died in a fire a few villages over.
I know sometimes I make these prompts too detailed but just do whatever you want. This is just some ideas and not a script. Go big, queen.
(This is #32 on This List)
Ok. So. I've been thinking about this in some capacity every second of my life since it arrived in my inbox, and anon? I'm in love with you.
I adore this concept. We all know I love a bit of angst, but this is top tier, and I'm going to make it really horrifying (I have tweaked it a little to make it more so)😁
SO!! The gang, all post magic reveal and everything, are discussing their childhoods. No real reason, it's just a topic of conversation that happened to come up. Merlin is happily listening in, but not really contributing at all until someone points it out, and he's all "Nah, don't mind me, my childhood was kind of a bummer." and they keep pushing and it's all "Well, it can't have been that bad, doesn't your mum tell you what you were like as a toddler?" and Merlin is like... kinda tense at the mention of his mother, but relationship wise he feels, after everything, they're in a really good place atm and he doesn't want to seem like he's bad talking her, and he also doesn't want to be teased or called out or seem like a bad son, because he knows all of his friends love his mum. So instead it's "Hmm, not really, I got punished a lot as a kid, was kinda naughty I guess." but like... poor boy doesn't understand that what happened.... was not normal, or ok in ANY way, even if he had magic (even post ban repeal, he struggles with the whole monster self image thing). Someone asks "Right, well... what was the worst thing you did, and the worst punishment you ever got?" and Merlin, deadass, without seeing an issue with it (he knows it's a mood killer, but he doesn't know how horrifying it is), says "One day she got really scared of my magic—I kept using it when she told me not to, so I guess it was my fault lol—and she drowned me in the river, then fished me out and buried me in the woods somewhere. That was how we found out I was immortal, because I dug myself out a few days later and wandered home, the whole village had apparently been out looking for me—I told them I just got lost. I don't think she knows I remember, and I plan on keeping it that way.". Everyone is... horrified, and Merlin is all smiling and "Told you it was a bit of a bummer, we get on a lot better now I can control my magic, don't worry." and they have to like... control themselves as they very calmly, very quietly, ask what else Hunith did in the name of keeping him safe.
ANYWAY it's horrifying, and all of them feel super guilty because they'd previously been really fond of Hunith. But yeah, burning him when he used magic, keeping him locked up for years, telling him terrifying bed time stories about evil kings and burning pyres and monsters (knights) coming for him in the night, among other things.
I am SO looking forward to writing this, thank you so MUCH!!!
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askquartzandcord · 3 years
Tumblr media
Things have been super hectic in preparation for my first trip into the dimention! I've been packing some things and Twilight has been talking to me about how he acts and what they did to trap him. Honestly, I don't remember anything she said, but I know it makes her feel better to make sure I'm prepared, so I let her talk as much as she wants!
The cakes threw me a little party tonight! 🥳 It was super fun! We had cake, and pin the tail, and even some sparklers! This pic is one Rarity took of me and Twi 😁
There was a bit of an.....argument at the end though. Apparently Twilight invited her mysterious unicorn friend she's been hanging out with more to meet everyone, but Dashie didn't appreciate it. Between you and me, I think she's been jealous of him because they're getting all of Twi's attention 🤭
Fortunately, Rarity stepped in and used some of her special Crystal magic to calm everyone down. Her powers are so cool!!! I wish I had something like that.
Anyways, it's very late tonight and I've got to get up early, so goodnight to you! 💖
-Rose Q. Pie
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spqromani · 3 years
One Piece Questions
If you are not up to date with the weekly release of manga chapters, don't read this!
This is a personal post, just to help me keep track of stuff while reading through it. But, feel welcome to enlighten me if you have a good answer to one of the questions!
1. Somebody tell me what EXACTLY happened to Kuma?!
Why is he not with the Revolutionary Army? Why did he agree with Vegapunk to turn himself into a cyborg? WHY TF IS HE A SLAVE??? What is his connection with Bonney?
2. What happened at the Reverie?
Who died? Who almost got killed? Are Vivi and Sabo alright?????
ANSWER: ONE PIECE (#1054) So...... Sabo is doing more than just alright, he is an emperor himself now apparently... And like it was predicted, The World Govt. blamed Sabo for Vivi's father death, who was clearly killed by the Gorosei, and Sabo managed to declare war AND RESCUE KUMA??? Congratulations, my dude 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. BUT VIVI HAS GONE MISSING??? EXCUSE ME SIR BUT Why is nobody doing anything to find her???? That should be Fucking No.1 in the list of your priorities!!!!! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! If anything happens to Vivi, I'm slitting my wrists. Good fucking bye! 😡😡 (24/07/22)
3. What "new weapon" is the Navy in possession of that makes them not "need" the Shichibukai anymore?
4. Who did Shanks talk about to the Gorosei?
5. Did Dragon declare the war?
ANSWER: ONE PIECE (#1054) Like I said, war has been declared by the main man himself, Sabo, apparently The World's Protagonist according to the latest chain of events! He did his job right! And apparently, didn't get caught while doing it! Good for him! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 (24/07/22)
6. What are in the 7 chambers of Im-sama?
7. Who wants Vegapunk in Wano? Kaido or Orochi? Why?
8. Is Kaido going to die?
I think Kaido NEEDS to die to finish Wano’s arc. He must go down so the people from Wano can open their borders.
9. What is Kaido's and Yamato's race?
10. What is King's race?
ANSWER: (ONE PIECE #1033) King's a survivor of the Lunaria Tribe, that was extinct. A long time ago, they were called "gods". Apparently, King is super resistant and can survive to any circumstance (???). His wings catch fire, but he hasn't used them to fly until now, just like the skyfolk... (26/11/2021)
11. How are they going to open Wano's borders exactly? They are natural borders.
The reason why it’s so difficult to enter Wano is because of the geography surrounding the country. The island is on top of a mountain accessed by a waterfall that runs down, but the kois run it all the way up. Once you arrive upstairs, there is a whirlpool to drown ships. Even before climbing the mountain, we can see several ships broken apart by the whirlpools.
12. Are we going to see more of the Marines or Govt. in Wano?
Akainu says he’s not going there. But Sengoku planted a good question in his mind. Also, SWORD (X Drake) and CP0 are in Wano, already, apparently to confirm Who’s Who identity and death.
13. Why is Momonosuke's fruit a failure?
The reason why it was left behind in Punk Hazard was because Vegapunk considered it to be a failure. Now, during Wano, the CP0 brought it up again, saying “good it turned out to be a failure”.
14. How far goes Zoro's relation to Wano?
Apparently, Zoro would have a connection to the Shimotsuki family. We know the village Zoro is from is named Shimotsuki Village, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he is a descendant of the Shimotsukis because we have never seen Zoro’s biological parents.
ANSWER: (ONE PIECE #1033) Okay, so I'm happy Zoro is still an orphan with no super important parents that were never mentioned until it became relevant. Kuina's family is a branch of the Shimotsukis. Her grandfather, Kozaburo, forged Enma and left Wano to settle in the East Blue. And then Zoro ended up learning some stuff about swords with him. I loved that!! 😁😁 (26/11/2021)
15. What is Blackbeard after? (Ch. 956)
He says that if the Marine can get their hands on it, he could just take it for himself. I mean, in the translation I read, that’s what he says.
16. And what is his relation to Xebec?
Blackbeard is currently stationed in Hachinosu Island, which used to be the base for the Rocks Pirates. Also, his ship is named The Saber of Xebec.
17. What exactly happened at the God Valley Incident?
38 years ago, the Celestial Dragons and some slaves were at God Valley. To protect them from the Rocks Pirates, Garp and Roger fought together. Apparently, Rocks D. Xebec died during the incident. Also, Big Mom gave Kaidou his devil fruit during the incident.
Why is it not talked about? Why does the WG hide this as well? Why were the Celestial Dragons there? Why did Garp protect them even though he says he doesn’t like them? Why was Roger in the picture as well?
18. And how did it "vanish"?
Apparently, the island disappeared without leaving any trace behind. How did that happen? Who did that?
19. More about SWORD.
Do all SWORD members have an X scar? Does that make Fujitora a SWORD member, perhaps?
20. Where is the Road Poneglyph of Kaido?
So far, Law has found one, but since it doesn’t have the same greyish hue as the first one we see in Zou, it’s not a Road one. Also, Brook has found one poneglyph at Orochi’s Castle at the Flower Capital.
21. WTF did Luffy say that Roger said as well? (Ch.585/Ch.966)
22. Are we going to read anything from Oden's journal at the end of the arc?
I know that, technically, we did during his flashback, but I mean now that Yamato has the journal and gave it to Momo.
23. What did Roger tell Shanks in Lodestar? (Ch.968)
24. Why did he laugh?
25. What's up with this Sun God Nika thing?
Who’s Who says it is a legendary warrior who the slaves believed would free them one day, also that it’s laughs would cure their suffering. Was them made... of rubber?? (03/05/2022)
ANSWER: It's not the Gomu Gomu no Mi. My life is a lie. (Ch.1044)
The other questions still stand tho. (03/05/2022)
27. Why did Zunesha come to Wano so suddenly? And Joy Boy is like a title and not the name of a person??
ANSWER: Apparently Zunesha was there to "open the borders" of Wano. How was it gonna do that? We will never know, Momonosuke sent it away. The other question still stands up.
1. How the F is Luffy going to destroy Fishman Island?
2. What's up with Zoro's scar?
It’s been there forever and it’s never been hinted on. Also, nobody talks about it?? Like, have the others not realized he’s missing an eye this entire time?? Does nobody care enough to ask??
3. Why is Aokiji with the Blackbeard Pirates?
4. What secret(s) does Doflamingo know about Mariejois?
While I think that there is a possibility of it being about the D. name, just like Corazon had something to tell Law, I think he knows way more stuff.
5. What did Corazon mean exactly when he said "The D. are the natural enemies of the Gods"?
I don’t know, but it looks to me that there is something else there. Corazon reminds of a child talking about a nightmare, which makes sense because he was only a child when he left Mariejois and opposite to his brother, he had no intention to recover his connection to that place. So I feel like, this is not the whole information and we can get a full, more accurate view on this saying from Doflamingo, maybe?
6. Why did Fujitora blind himself?
7. Did Bellamy do anything against the Sky Island People? I don’t think so, but...
8. What happened in Baltigo?
9. Does Blackbeard want anything to do with the Revolutionary Army?
10. What crime did Zunesha commit?
11. Who sentenced it to walk forever? Was it other giant elephants? Or Wano people?
12. Why is Momo able to order Zunesha to do stuff??
13. Why did the Kozuki Family and the Minks make an alliance? Why not Wano and the Minks, but specifically the Kozukis?
14. Why do both Wano and Zou preach about the Dawn of the World?
15. What's up with Pudding's race, the third-eye tribe?
I know they are able to use the Voice of All Things to figure out what’s written in the poneglyphs, okay… But why does it work like that, their third eye? Why is that their special ability?
16. What’s the incident in Rocky Port with Law and Coby?
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linz33y · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
@veraynes-blog, you tagged me in this months ago, and I kept telling myself I would fill it out once I got back into posting on AO3. Welp, nature is healing and apparently so is my brain, because that time is now 😁
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Published to AO3? 5.
Counting my WIPs? 10.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
You've Got a Funny Way of Making Friends (Good Omens)
One of a Million (Good Omens)
Sleeping Arrangements (Doctor Who)
Might I Tempt You? (Good Omens)
Long Time, No See (Good Omens)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
Doesn't matter if it's a single word, an emoji smash, or paragraphs of text: if I ever *don't* respond to a comment, please assume AO3 borked and didn't notify me, or I'm dead. Seriously, the immediate serotonin boost I get from seeing a comment notification makes me so, so excited that I have to share some of that joy with a response. I also try to leave comments on other people's fics as often as possible. Gotta pay the love forward <3
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't normally write angst, but this Doctor Who drabble probably fits the bill. (I swear the rest of that drabble series is fluff and humor! 😅)
7. Do you write crossovers?
I don't currently have any published, but I swear to god @veraynes-blog, I have not forgotten about that Hannibal/Venom crossover one-shot that we've discussed on-and-off over the last year. I am determined to finish editing it one of these days 😁🙏
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
No, thank god.
9. Do you write smut?
I wish I could write smut, but alas, it is outside of my wheelhouse.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a couple of my Doctor Who fics have been translated! In fact, AO3 user Clara1998 read the translated version of The Locksmith, and wrote a follow up: 一个The Locksmith的续写 (roughly, A Continuation of the Locksmith). I had to paste it line by line into google translate to read it, but it made me very happy :')
In case anyone wanted to know, my transformative works policy is in my profile on AO3, and I welcome anyone to translate my fics as long as you link back to the original.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Closest thing I've done to a collab was the Masterversary Big Bang, with @mushigo-palm-spores illustrating my fic, Saxon and Jones.
13. All time fav ship?
Oh lord, it changes so often that it's impossible to answer this. Although I will say that I have a special place in my heart for Ineffable Husbands, seeing as the Good Omens series is responsible for my first post on AO3. When season 2 comes out, they'll probably be my fave again for a time 😊.
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I can't think of one? If I want to finish a fic, it lives in my head until I figure out how to execute it, or until I decide I don't want to finish it anymore, at which point it wouldn't fit this category.
15. Writing strengths?
Humor and snappy dialogue. The first draft of my fics are basically screen plays: 90% dialogue, 10% screen direction. Then I spent the next several drafts slamming my head against my keyboard, attempting to fill in the actual scenes.
16. Writing weaknesses?
I definitely struggle with writing serious, emotional scenes. (For someone who finds herself in a puddle of tears near constantly, I am horrible at actually putting ernest expression into words 😂)
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I'm pretty sure I've only ever written made-up alien dialogue, but I'm not against it. However, I'd have to narrow the language options down based on whether or not I know a fluent speaker who could help with translations.
Although, now that I think about it, even though it's not technically fic, @mushigo-palm-spores did help me with the German in this Ace Attorney comic I made a while back. Only the best for Franziska Von Karma <3
18. First fandom you wrote for?
Good Omens was the first that I actually published fic for.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
Unsuprisingly, it's my most recent. So, backstory: the pandemic made it really, really, really hard to write anything that I didn't immediately scrap in a bout of frustration. It's also the reason I have twice as many fandoms with WIPs than I do with published fics lol. It wasn't until around this past July that I got the idea for a little Fullmetal Alchemist multi-chap. It refused to give up on me, even after the first draft collected dust for a few months, and I finally finished editing/started posting chapters last week. Not only did it feel like a massive accomplishment (like, I actually finished! a thing! for the first time in like! a year!!), but I also got such a lovely comment on the first chapter that I cried. I've re-read that comment every day since, and it's been a huge motivator to keep on writing :')
There are still two more chapters that I'll post in the next week or two, but here's the first half of What's Yours is Mine (and What's Mine is Mine) ^_^
20. Tag!
@echospool (but I know you're still recovering from Nano, so no pressure) and anyone else that wants to fill this out <3
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trashbaget · 3 years
pseudo-tagged by @hetheybuck lol thanks
1. why did you choose your url? 🗑🥖 story time: right so like a bajillion years ago i wanted to make a niche meme account on instagram and i had to come up with a sweetass quirky name right & i don’t remember how i got there but it’s a pun on trashbag and baguette and i couldn’t tell you why i decided to spell baguette wrong like that but i like it so this is what it is now & anyway so now i just use it for random shit ‘cause i just think it’s neat
2. any side blogs? 2 i guess, one’s just a spot for me to quick reblog fics & shit to read later but i lowkey keep forgetting about it so i never go back to read the things i put there & also i keep just saving posts to my notes app to read later anyway bc i’m a creature of habit & i never learn. anyway my other one is @911-memergency it’s my 911 meme page & right now i’m literally just posting alignment charts because i love them and i want to 😁📊
3. how long have you been on tumblr? only since jan 5 this year oop 👶✨
4. do you have a queue tag? a what? 👀😅
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? literally to talk to two dead poets society fic writers & be friends with them. things got out of hand and now i live here. ⚰️⚰️🪦 riprip
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? well 1. because it’s karen and i love her. & 2. because i made it and i’m proud of it. 🥰💗
7. why did you choose your header? i just think it’s neat. & also because i wanted to feel like i was being judged everytime i opened tumblr. 🥺😌
8. what’s your post with the most notes? pretty sure it’s this one ✌️😙
9. how many mutuals do you have? uhhh prolly like 15 or something idk 🤷❤️
10. how many followers do you have? 46 apparently lol ❤️✨
11. how many people do you follow? 118 baybee 🥰
12. have you ever made a shitpost? lol yeah <3 it’s all shitposts tbh 💩💩💩❤️
13. how often do you use tumblr a day? don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to
14. did you have a fight or argument with another blog once? who won? no, and i don’t plan on it either because confrontation scares me. <3 i’m just here to make bad jokes and cry. & i win because i say so 🥺😌🏆💖
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? i don’t 😗
16. do you like tag games? fuckin love them! don’t like tagging people though bc i’m one of those people afraid of bothering the hell out of people & also because i don’t really talk to a lot of people on here so i don’t feel comfortable tagging anyone but them & they’re usually the ones that tagged me lmao 🥰🥰
17. do you like ask games? i do!! i rarely get asks when i reblog them because i don’t have a lot of active followers, but i think they’re fun as hell 🥺🥺
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? uhhhh ? idk 👀👀
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? wouldn’t you like to know weather boy 😌🔮🥰
20. tags? no <3 (jk sure: @honestlydarkprincess @sunbeambuck @bazgallaghermilkovich @udontfuckangie)
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mayvelous · 3 years
Washington Trip
Friday, June 25th -
Signed off work at 4pm and after packing all day. Also did my nails ( feet and hands).
Jeremy drove me to the airport and got there around 5pm.
I flew past the security bc the tsa officer let me go to the Precheck line which has no one.😁
I got coffee and a breakfast sandwich at dunkin for dinner and then waiting for Rex.
When we were boarding, the annoying guy officer tagged out duffels which were way smaller than small suitcase to be checked in due to lack of space on the overhead, which was not true. There were lots of space when we got on.
I mostly watched travel show and Eurovision on the flight over. It was just over 5hrs. Landed around 9:30pm Seattle time. We got fish and chips at the airport before getting out luggage which was probably a mistake because we couldn't find our luggage. None of the charts had our flight info and there were 16 carousels. Finally I spotted it behind the information counter. Phew. Rex and I had a slight panic attack.
We took the link one stop to our hotel - Fairfield inn, but had to walk 10 min or so. My shoulders are still hurting the next morning from it. We should have just Lyft it there.
The hotel was decent, though the bedsheets were not the cleanest. They apparently are charging 300 a night now. Rex got a employee discount for under 100. Pretty good! We had hot breakfast (non buffet) style. Met up with khoi and Scott around 10 ish.
We are now trying to get out of the city and head to Fork, WA to Olympic National park.
Saturday, June 26th -
After getting out of Seattle. We took a long 2 hr drive to Lake Quinault and had lunch at the lodge. It was soooo hot 🥵! I got clam chowder which just made me sweat more. Lol. But got some fish and chips since the guy made a mistake and put two in when Rex ordered.
We then hiked to see the world largest spruce tree and also a rainforest .5 mi trail. It was way too hot! I was filling to full from food and liquid, but too hot not to keep drinking more water. So uncomfortable.
The next stop was Ruby beach. We were able to cool down in the car since the drive was around 30min. The small hike to the beach was very nice and full of trees and bushes. The beach was full of black pebbles very little sand. The little sand their we're we're black sand. It was definitely cooler by the ocean. The Pacific ocean is cold but I kept running close so the wave can wash over my feet. So cooling.
We rested awhile before walking along the beach for a bit.
Sunday, June 27th -
Checked into town motel at folks and the front desk guy told us to go early around 7-8am for the hike in Hoh rainforest.
On Monday, June 28th -
We woke up early to beat the heat for our planned hike(s) - Mt storm king trail and the marymere falls. Today is the all time hottest day in the Pacific northwest.. 114 degree frarenhigt. We decided to do the small hike first to see how bad it is, before we decide if we can handle Mt. Storm king.
I already thought the marymere trail was a bit though w the small steep incline, but we decided as a group to do the Mt. Storm king anyway. Smh - shake my head..
It goes down as the most miserable hike. Lmao. It was all inclines and steep ones too. We started that trail around 9:30am and did not make it down until 2pm so 4.5 hrs for a 5.4mi hike.
It was all uphills from the start and I was worried I didn't bring enough water. I brought 2 liters in total. We get to a point in the trail were it is no longer maintained. This part had ropes that allows you to help pull yourself up the steep hills. Then you go through a rocky path on the top in the blazing sun, where you can fall off on either side and die. When we got up there the view was nice, but not nice enough for the actual hike to be worth it. There were also 4-5 ladies sitting on the top photo bombing the view. There were definitely getting sunburned. I was getting burn even for being up there for 1 min.
We were hoping the hike back down would be easier, but no, it was just as heard because of the steepness and the dry soil and little tiny rocks. Basically trying to make us slip and fall every corner. Haha. The ropes parts on my opinion was a bit fun, but I think everyone else hated it. It was dangerous though!
Tuesday,  June 29th -
We slept in a little before heading to the hurricane ridge trail. This is around 4mi with 800 ft of incline which is better than Mt. Storm king. Haha. The weather was supposed to be in the 70s, but it was way hotter up at the top. The entire trail was pave but honestly the view is just as good at the parking lot. The hike was beautiful just endless view of the numerous snow capped mountain tops of Olympic National park. At the top you can see Canada on a good clear day. We couldn't because it was just foggy/cloudy enough. Although it was beautiful, it was still brutal. Lol. The sun was beating down on us and bearly any shades and lots of uphills.
There was a gift shop at the start of the hurricane ridge trail, but most of the stuff says hurricane ridge... We wanted a broader focus on the entire Olympic National park. Afterward we went back into town, Port Angeles and grab lunch at the Next door gastropub. I got fish and chips which were good. We also walked around a little before resting in the motel room.
Before dinner we went to a tap room. The crew each got a flight to taste test different beer. I got Bedford orange cream soda. Haha. Dinner was at the Pho place. Unfortunately them did not have enough staffs, so we although we got to sit and wait.. we didn't get our food until 30-40 min after ordering. I got pho.
Wednesday, June 30th
We checked out of Angeles Motel this morning and headed to the ferry port to get to Whidbey island. The ferry was super big and we got over relatively fast. Even so we were able to get out of the car and walk around the ferry.
Before heading into downtown, we checked out fort Casey which was pretty cool! We saw a group of killer whales swimming around the sound. At first we thought they were dolphins because someone on the ferry said they saw dolphins, but google search noted that dolphins are hard to come by in the water up here as it's a bit too cold for them, instead there are 3 groups of killer whales that are nearby.
For lunch we got pizza which was out pretty decent. Our other option was Thai which would likely be healthier but also 3-4x as expensive. After pizza at Alfey's, we also picked up coffee at Whidbey Coffee. I got the summer seasonal sunset mocha which had blackberry! It was good but super sweet. We then walked around town for a bit and looked at the murals. If Jeremy was here we would have been able to check out all of the small souvenirs shop too, but not with this crew.
We then drove to Ebey's landing which was only okay, the view was not that good. Thank goodness we didn't do the hike just a little walk in and walk out.
We did in fact go to the goose neck trail which was 2.1 mi and way too much ups and downs. It's a Good exercise trail though. The view wasn't that amazing either because it was a cloudy day.
After the hike we drove to our new hotel - buffalo run in. The furnitures in this inn is really well designed. I thought it looks pretty cute. I was happy until we found out none of the restaurants nearby were open yet again. Eyerolled. Seriously was is with WA national park areas. We ended up at a crappy place. I ordered fish and chips again, and it was terrible. I couldn't even finish the last piece.
Agree dinner we returned to our hotel to play games. We played a few hands of monopoly, it wasn't as fun as I remembered. Then we started hearts again... It was fun until Scott and Know got too competitive... Seriously it's just a game after all. Scott was so upset that no one stopped Rex from shooting the moon... Previously khoi got upset that Scott stopped her from shooting the moon, and was blaming rex and I for not helping. Stop pointing fingers already... I didn't care if she shot the moon.. so stupid. So anyways... I didn't care as much as it wasn't fun winning anymore. I did lose the round.. so hopefully everyone was happier. Rex won instead. Definitely makes me not was to vacay with them longer than 3-4 days... Unless of course it's just Khoi and Rex. 😂
Thursday, July 1st -
So we took it slow this morning and had a later start than normal. We got to the visitor center and Khoi, Rex and I all got caps! I got Jeremy a shirt.
We then process to check out a few overlooks including the famous Diablo lake overlook.
Later in the day, we headed to the Maple Pass. We read on alltrials that we needed snow gears to do this trail, and so we decided to go on as far as we can until we had to turn back. What was supposed to be a 5.2 mi trail turned into a 8mi trail. We apparently went the other direction and started the steep incline first and then we decided to keep going. It was definitely the most beautiful hike of this trip. Lots of views of the Rainy Lake and Lake Ann. There were beautiful Meadows and views of glaciers and mountain top. We had to climb a little, walk over snow, just beautiful and adventurous.
We did get lost at the top for around 15-20 min and were circling around. Eventually we turned back and I saw some people coming at the direction that we needed to head down towards.
By the time we got to the car, we had barely enough time to get to our Duck Brand hotel to check in by 8pm. For dinner we went to Carlos 1800 and had Mexican food. Rex got his own room since the hotel didn't actually have a 3rd twin bed.
Friday,  July 2nd - 
We woke up early to get breakfast and head to the whitewater rafting area. It was a beautiful part of the mint green water. The actual rafting was very mild. Mostly flat a little splash here and there and one part where it was a level 3 rafting!
I really the level 3 rafting and would definitely go again but would like more areas w the level 3.
The took up most of the day, then we stopped at the newhalem town and explored the tiny village and did a small hike. We then went back to Winthrop which is an amazing looking Western town. We went to a wine bar, then ate dinner at the old schoolhouse brewery. When we got back to the hotel, we finished up the game of hearts and let Scott win, so he would take us to the airport.
Saturday,  July 3rd - 
We slept in a little and then got breakfast at the rocking horse bakery again before heading out. The intention was to stop and hike at the Ross dam trail, but there were no parking spots available, so we proceeded to the thunder hike trail instead. There were no parking spots available there as well... So we decided to head back to Seattle earlier.
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