#rocks d xebec
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tilapiawongklahan · 29 days ago
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arthrobug · 7 months ago
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Kobylu Week Day 1: Roleswap
Okay silly lore I thought of since I'm free now-
The only ones swapped are Koby and Luffy, and I also adore the Rocks D. Koby AUs so of course I alluded to that lmao, and basically Luffy is just the most unhinged Marine you've ever fucking seen 💀
Rumor that Xebec had a descendant got out a while before Koby was born, around the time Roger was executed. Koby was soon involuntarily abandoned after he was born, since his parents got found out and killed by Marines. He was taken into the care of a communication line of fishermen, who found out Koby's bloodline pretty quickly, but decided to keep it a secret. He was passed island to island to keep his existence a secret (oh hey sorta like Luffy lol), but he was still kidnapped by Alvida at 14. However, Koby was aware of his lineage and was already trained in how to defend himself, and he managed to escape only after a few weeks, albeit badly injured. By pure coincidence, he ran into Red-Haired Shanks, who decided to give Koby some medical attention before dropping him off someplace. In the time they knew each other, Shanks decided to give Koby -instead of his whole hat- the red ribbon attached to his strawhat to Koby. Koby still wears the ribbon as a bandana to this day.
Luffy never met Shanks in this AU, and Garp drilled Marine ideology into his grandson's head harsher than ever, but it of course didn't stick right, and Luffy interprets it in bizarre ways. Luffy is still extremely motivated to find the One Piece, but not to become the King of the Pirates. He just wants to out of spite and boredom.
Luffy and Koby met during the timeskip, about a year after Ace had been wrongly executed. In that time, Koby had become a prominant pirate from both his name and his grandfather's. People assumed he was after the One Piece as well, and they weren't wrong, but Koby's real reason to find the One Piece was to end the era of pirates, not to become King. Luffy had been on a sort of off-site probation after he tried publicly saving Ace (to keep him out of the public's eye/to forcefully make him cool down/to make people believe he was dead), and ran into Koby. Luffy was briefed who Koby was, but couldn't care less, and became good friends with him extremely quickly.
And that's all I got pff, might make a fic might not, anyways see ya tomorrow for the Modern Prompt 👍✨
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cryingpariah · 3 months ago
Ranking different One Piece family theories on a scale from 1 (let’s be sooo forreal rn) to 10 (written in the stars and in Oda's notes) Part 1/??
Disclaimer: just because I give a high ranking on a theory doesn’t mean I like it on a personal level and vice versa. I am trying to be objective about the possibility of these theories becoming canon (I will probably fail).
Dragon's real father is Rocks D Xebec and he married into the Monkey Family via Garp's daughter: big BIG fan of making things up but like cmon…there’s no need to call Maury Garp is definitely the father. 0.5/10
Shanks is Coby's father: probably not canon but god I wish it was it would hilarious!! I support these kinds of delusions 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️! 1/10
Strussen is Persopero's father: absolutely horrific implications given the fact he knew Big Mom when she was 6 (?) and he was a grown ass man. My least favourite part about this theory is that it actually could be true. 7.5/10
Queen is Franky's father: boooooo hisssssss why would Oda do this to Franky nation?!?! Unfortunately probably canon. 9.5/10
Yamato is Big Mom and Kaido's kid: I feel like this would have been talked about?? Or at the very least Big Mom would have snatched Yams up and had him live with her right?? 3/10
Kong is Garp's father/a member of the Monkey D Family: yeah it lines up a little too much. He’s got the same features, the scar around eye, his name is KONG. What else do I gotta say? 8/10
Crocodile is Luffy's other parent: there’s not a lot of evidence behind this one but there’s so much belief and I gotta respect that. 6.5/10 (it’s a 10/10 in my heartttt).
Rocks D Xebec is Blackbeard's father: I mean…yeah that would make sense but it’s also kinda boring sorry 😭😭. Would be very meh if this becomes true. 8/10
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mugiwara-lucy · 1 year ago
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Jesus CHRIST talk about a battle of gods! 😱
And I know people are upset we didn't see the Rocks vs Garp and Roger fight in this chapter BUT imho we probably won't see that until Luffy and co. find out about God Valley and potentially visit there (if it wasn't erased by Imu).
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mjrtaurus · 1 month ago
"Where's my other grandma?"
Gabe asks Crocodile this one day when they're reading together in the drawing room. He really shouldn't have been surprised. That particular query was bound to come up at some point, especially since Urpi's been dropping by. If this were a few months ago, he might have shut down or snapped at the boy, but Crocodile is not keen on repeating that mistake. But he also can't lie to his son.
"She passed away, hayati. She's been gone for a long time"
"Oh," he's quiet for a bit as he absent-mindedly tugs at the carpet for a minute "Did someone make a clone of her?"
Croc has to take a deep breath at that. It's not Gabe's fault in the slightest, but they really need to sit him and Gryphon down at some point and explain that regardless of what the Vegapunks cook up in their labs, cloning is not an undo-button for death. There are things and people that truly are lost for good. But that's besides the point.
"I highly doubt it. She died a long time ago and wasn't someone the World Government would have taken notice of ("at least not for that reason" is what's left unsaid)."
"Oh... what was she like?"
Hell if he knows. His mother perished before he had left the haze of infancy, and in a way that was slow and torturous. Of course he doesn't tell Gabe the last part but he's honest once more about being just as in the dark on the details as his son. Well, he did know some things.
"She had hair like mine. And there were patches of her skin that glimmered like jewels. I think they might have been fishman scales"
"Like ours?"
Ours? What could he possibly mean by that?
When he asks, Gabe climbs up on the couch and lifts his shirt sleeve so Crocodile can see the tiniest little patch of lime-green scales growing right under the transparent tube of green blood.
"You have some on your neck next to your bumpies. I saw them when you were carrying me to bed last night. We match! 😊"
(Gabe calls scutes 'bumpies' and I just find that really cute)
“… What… happened to her, Baba?” It’s asked cautiously. There’s something in Gabe that’s always felt uneasy and upset when thinking about this branch of the family tree. He can’t place it, but it all just feels sad.
And maybe that’s why he’s asking about it.
What can Crocodile even say? How can he even explain?
“Hayati… you know how Tayta loves me? How he’s there for me if I’m hurt or sick, or even if it’s just to be there?” Okay, strong start. Let’s hope the comparison he’s setting up actually works.
“Yeah?” Gabe says expectantly, star-bright eyes wide.
“My father- not Pops, just to be clear- wasn’t like that for my mother. He was… not nice to her. Did bad things to her. And to me. He… didn’t love either of us.” He spoke carefully, riding the line between not wanting to sugarcoat and not wanting to distress.
“When I was four, she got very sick… and he wouldn’t help her. One night I feel asleep next to her, and when I woke up… she didn’t. I never even knew her name.” He remembers the rattle of her breath, how her scales and scutes slowly but surely lost their iridescent luster, how her hair had thinned. How still she was… too still…
Gabe looked at him as if what he was saying was the most alien thing he’d ever heard. Crocodile lays a kiss on his brow, and holds him close.
The silence is heavy, but Gabe’s tears haven’t come just yet. He can tell from the quiet that his son is putting pieces of some bigger picture together.
“…Is that why Vang covers his eyes?” The boy asks, resting his head on his father’s shoulder. He sounds… sad.
“It’s part of it…” Crocodile sighs, carding his fingers through starlight silver hair. “Though not all.”
There’s more to Rocks D Xebec than being a horrible partner and father. Much, much more. But for tonight, that’s enough to chew on.
To divert the conversation, he looks over the little scutes and scales that had cropped up on Gabe’s arm. They were new. Very new. Possibly the cause for the irritable streak the child had been having these last few days. And the voracious appetite.
They are very uniform and healthy, like little plates of bright green armor. Crocodile remembers how his had come in a little wonky, with plenty of uneven edges. He takes it as a comfort, knowing Gabe was far healthier and happier than he had been at his age.
Come to think of it, Crocodile’s had only come in when he was sixteen. He imagines early life malnourishment and eventually running out of puberty blockers had something to do with it.
“They itch when they come in, don’t they?” He asks, scarred lips turned into a lopsided smile.
“They feel like feathers, ‘cept more.”
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karinzany · 1 year ago
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The Rocks Pirates
Featuring Rocks D. Xebec, Edward "Whitebeard" Newgate, Charlotte "Big Mom" Linlin, Kaidō of the Beasts, Ōchoku "Wang Zhi", Captain John, Silver Axe, Miss Buckingham Stussy, Shiki the Golden Lion, and "Elder Nyon" Gloriosa.
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"Gourmet Knight" Streusen and a General Zombie from Thriller Bark (Chapter 452).
PS.: It's possible we've also seen Silver Axe's zombie on chapter 452, next to Captain John's.
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johnvenus · 1 year ago
Favorite One Piece Reddit theory right now: Rocks being the Buggy of his era.
A seemingly omnious, terrifying figure connected to so many influential figures but in reality is a clown who lucked his way into this position.
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mo-the-gremlin-dandelion · 2 months ago
Sengoku's Reaction
Happy Coradrag AU Masterlist
Context: https://www.tumblr.com/mo-the-gremlin-dandelion/769492672262062080/happy-coradrag-au-garps-exploits
Sengoku: You slept with Roger, Rayleigh, AND Whitebeard!?
Garp: Give me a break, it was my early twenties!
Sengoku: And your late twenties! Then just on and off until they died!
Garp: Oh like you're any better! Didn't you sleep with Xebec a couple months before God's Valley?
Sengoku: ... I was drunk.
Garp: OoOh I wAs DrUnK! Please, you were head over heels!
Sengoku: Well at least I didn't have a child with a pirate!
Garp: No you just found yours in a junkyard.
Tsuru: Ladies, ladies calm down, you both have poor taste in men.
Garp & Sengoku: Oh shush Mrs. "I had a wonderful and happy marriage!"
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thetwopiece · 11 months ago
Reasons I believe Dragon is actually the son of Rocks D. Xebec
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No eyebrows
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joy-girl · 1 year ago
One piece 1095 spoilers!!
If Kuma and his family knew about the warrior of liberation Nika and they talked about how they'll be set free by him..
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and he was present and then freed at God Valley, that can only hint to one thing...
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either Rocks D Xebec ate the Hito Hito no Mi model Nika... or Gol D Roger did
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0ynes · 1 year ago
"The native hunting competition" really broke me. What a timing to release this chapter too... Anyone who still thinks One Piece isn't political and isn't woke, should just drop it.
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Garp and Roger are on very thin ice. idk what Xebec could be doing that's worse than this. idk what will justify Garp and Roger "protecting the tenryuubito and their slaves", even though so far we only have the marines POV of what happen. One thing is certain, the tenryuubito were protected. So, Garp and Roger start explaining yourselves.
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tilapiawongklahan · 20 days ago
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cryingpariah · 3 months ago
I would like to introduce to you a head canon or theory (really it’s a crackpot idea)
What if Koby is Rock’s Grandson?
That sounds incredibly stupid but hear me out. Koby has been rapidly growing in power since he started training with Garp, of course anyone who trains under Garp is going to be strong but Koby is different.
Koby is advancing in power fairly quickly, he knows some of the 6 powers, has great observation Haki, and he’s got enough Armament Haki control to pull of one of these
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Koby is special, both for the fact that he trains harder than others and also seems to gain power better than others. Helmeppo had the same training from Garp (though Bogard probably taught him more of the sword skills) and he can pull off a small version of this move.
Helmeppo is strong yes and I’d say he’s most above most other marines, but he’s not near Koby’s level. Sure we can say this is because of Koby’s extra training and determination (and I fully support that too) but there’s something about Koby that feels important.
Now let’s take a look at Rocks
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Rocks and Koby share a pretty similar facial shape don’t you think? Flat chin, and a similar nose, even their hair right now looks kinda similar.
If you think it’s just cause of the intense look on Koby’s face here’s another picture for comparison
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Heck we could even call Koby the Rocks. D Xebec of the marines cause of how much he’s definitely going to stir things up for the organization. He (along with many others) will tear down the organization and remake it in a bold and powerful move. Just like how Rocks shook the world when he was alive.
Narratively this would also be an amazing parallel too, The Grandson of Rocks being taught by one of his greatest foes and Luffy becoming the Rocks (only in influence) of the new era.
As for Koby’s parents, well One Piece is full of orphans. Odds are he never met them or he was very young when he lost them.
(Thoughts? I like this Little Theory of mine but I have nothing to base it on)
Rocks D Koby has got quite the ring to it can’t lie. Plus Koby being a member of D clan would make sense, they are known for making history and shaking things up…
Also the idea of Koby and Luffy both embodying different aspects of the major players of the previous is just chefs kiss I love it very much!
I’m pretty sure it was recently revealed that Koby, just like a bunch of powerhouses in the world of One Piece, comes from the East Blue. The only downside to this theory is this could potentially mean Koby is related to Blackbeard which…ew. If we go by the Rocks D Crocodile theory and add the Crocodad on top of that would make Luffy and Koby half siblings !! (RIP to LuKoby nation if it’s real 🫡🫡) (also omg siblings on opposites sides of the war trope 😭😭😭)
In terms of actual canon potential this is (objectively) on the lower side of the spectrum but if we follow the rule of cool and kinda silly that One Piece often does…I say this could very well happen!
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yandlove847 · 1 year ago
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Dead garp au on crack @im-goofball
Xebec:oh your approaching me.....?
Roger:I couldn't beat the living the shit out of you without getting closer....
Xebec:well come closer as you want you little shit!
Garp:for the love of fucking god it's 1am you morons!
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Xebec After meeting garp for a years after his death wanted to hug him but still beef with your younger sibling Roger
(should I make part 2 to do this...?)
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mjrtaurus · 5 months ago
Chiffon and Crocodile both having abusive Rocks Pirates Parents 🤝
Probably started with Chiffon musing about how she's trying to break the cycle of bad parenting and speculating if her mother was always such a monster which has Croc pulling out the whiskey like "oh, girl, that twisted tree has ROOTS"
It’s the good bourbon he stole from a tribute ship headed for Mary Geoise a couple years back. Strong stuff, good year, perfect for the heavier conversations.
The rule of thumb, Crocodile points out, is that if you have to ask yourself if your “parent” is a monster more than once in your life, odds are that they probably are.
Rocks D. Xebec and Charlotte Linlin were monsters. They both wanted to rule the world in their own ways, happily sticking their heads in the clouds and letting the ends justify the horrible means. Perhaps at one time their intentions were good, but the road to Hell is so often paved with them…
It’s why Crocodile initially- and eventually once again- admired Dragon’s way of things. He has no desire to rule, only to see people treated fairly. He focuses on the peaceful transfer of power (as peaceful as you can possibly get with the World Nobles) rather than violent revolution that would leave what’s left of the land in shambles. His mind is on the future, not just for himself, but for the generations to come.
The humanity is there, and it’s exactly what Xebec and Big Mom lacked.
Chiffon agrees, and playfully points out that Crocodile sure does like to talk about his husband when the drinks are strong.
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mugiwara-lucy · 9 months ago
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I STILL believe Imu is Rocks D Xebec 😅
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