#but also like. when you find out you have a muscle disease you kind of wish you could’ve had 20-30 good years of peak health and. being
wosoamazing · 3 months
McFoord x Child!R
Warnings: Vomiting, Celiac Disease A/N: Doesn't really have a plot and I don't like the ending, only short but at least it's something
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“Ma, I don’t feel good,” you told her as your stomach cramped, you were sitting beside her as you watched some of the girls train, your Ma having a quick break.
“Oh Munchkin, do you think you’re getting a bug?” you shook your head, wrapping your arms around your stomach tighter, “what have you eaten today?” you listed off everything you’d eaten that day. 
“Kyra, did you check the oats were gluten free?” your Ma asked the younger Australian, as you leaned your weight into your Ma’s side, stomach feeling worse by the second.
“Um, no, I thought they were, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise, I should’ve checked anyway just to make sure, I-” “It’s okay really, don’t worry, you didn’t do it on purpose and we know you tried your hardest, could you just tell Cait that Y/N/N is having an episode and to talk to Jonas, I’m just going to take her inside.” Your Ma asked the now guilty girl who nodded before quickly jogging off to your Mum.
“Hey Monkey, you not feeling well?” Your Mum spoke softly to you as she walked into the locker room, you just shook your head slightly in response to her, “Jonas said we were right to go home,” she told your Ma, from just a quick glance it was clear you were quite unwell. You were sitting in your Ma’s lap cured into a ball, her arms tightly wrapped around you, she rocked you slightly back and forth as she murmured comforting words to you, hating how there was nothing she could do to help you. 
“I think the oats Kyra used in the Anzac Biscuits she made for us all weren’t actually gluten free, she felt really bad but I told her not to worry and that it wasn’t her fault, do you want to have a shower and then I will and we can take her home?” Your Mum nodded before quickly heading to the shower.
“That’s it Monkey, let it all out, hopefully it will make you feel better,” your Mum encouraged you as you were hunched over the toilet in the bathroom, stomach harshly ejecting it’s contents, you sat in her lap and she held your hair back with one hand while the other rubbed soft circles into your back.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” your Mum told you as you collapsed back into her, curling into a ball, pressing your side against her front. Your stomach was super bloated but also intensely cramping and you felt really tired.
“Do you think we should try your tablets? Maybe the anti-sick ones first and then you muscle ones?” she asked as her hand carded through your hair.
“P-please,” your voice answered barely above a whisper.
“Okay, let's just stay here until Ma comes out of her shower, I’ll message her to bring them to us,” she murmured into the top of your head before kissing it.
Your Mum’s were quite thankful for their now quiet day, not realising how much they both needed it. Thankfully the anti-nausea meds had worked and you had only thrown up once. Your muscle relaxers helped a bit but you were still in a lot of pain and your stomach was still cramping quite badly. When you arrived home your Mum’s took you into their room, where you almost immediately fell asleep on your Mum. You had moved in your sleep and now you were sleeping on top of your Ma, hand clutching the fabric of your Mum’s shirt to make sure she stayed. They had a movie playing in the background as they organised some things, in the middle of a discussion about the Olympics and whether you would go on camp with your Mum or go and watch some games with your Ma when the doorbell rang. Your Mum pried your hands off of her shirt and quickly got up to find a guilty looking Kyra on the other side of the door when she opened it.
“Kyra? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at training?” Your Mum questioned her.
“I feel really bad about y/n/n, Jonas let me go early, I bought some things for her,” she told your Mum as she presented the gift basket to her. 
“Thank you Kyra, that’s very kind of you, and honestly it’s not your fault, it was an accident, we understand.” Kyra nodded as she fiddled with the bottom of her hoodie, “you can see her if you want, she is currently asleep, and not very well, but I’m sure she won’t mind you coming to say hi,” the young Aussie nodded and followed your Mum through to where you were. You had woken up now, and Katie was helping you drink some water, you were still quite unwell, and looked like you were falling asleep sitting up.
“Monkey, Kyra came to see you,” your Mum told you as she walked into the room.
“Kyra?” you said groggily and she softly nodded her head, the younger girl stepped inside the room and sat down on the bed next to you, to which you climbed into her lap and fell asleep.
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I have a request to make if you’re willing. Platonic yandere lamia shinobu x child reader please.
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Yandere Lamia Shinobu Kocho x Child Reader
War is a terrible place for a child
Even if they’re blindly motivated to help the cause
Shinobu has always thought this but she was also aware that desperate times called for desperate
Hence her early employment as a battle field nurse
Through a series of successes and coincidental massacres
She’s earned her position of a commanding general
Instructing her scientists and exploring her power with chemical warfare
All while strategizing for her army against the enemy lines
Being a lamia in this kind of environment was helpful
The muscle gave her the extra edge above her human compatriots 
making her a valuable asset 
One that needed to be contacted frequently
“I-I huff huff am h-here huff huff for Miss Sh’nbu!”
The entire camp practically swooned when they saw the young messenger waddle into camp
There were other young messengers
Much faster
Much more outspoken about their dreams to become a soldier or pilot one day
But not you 
Not you 
“Uh I h-heard this huff helps people. S-so I’ll just try my best.”
When she first met you she immediately wanted to fire you 
You were far too small
Legs too short
And all the huffing you were doing made her nervous
“How was your trip, little (Y/n)?”
"It was uh okay, here’s your letter by the way.”
“...Those cuts on your knees…”
“I just tripped a little, I’m okay!”
But how could she
Even the apathetically smiling mad lamia scientist couldn’t deny you
As soon as you tiredly ended up curling into her 
She’s determined 
Whether she makes you an intern or even an errand runner
She couldn’t leave you in the position you were in
She looks into your parents 
Finding them to be a struggling couple that sent you to work 
It irks her when she convinces you to let her do blood work and she finds so many horrible diseases beginning to sprout
Of course she wants to cure them…
But the medical expenses are so much and your family can’t afford that
“How about we make a deal? If you relinquish your parental rights to me I’ll be happy to care for them.”
If they don’t immediately hand you over she’s going to get a lot less nice
How impudent
A lamia helping the weaker humans and they can’t do this one thing for her
It just proves her right when they begin to mentally decline
And once the proper authorities agree they’re just not fit to be out of an asylum
You’ll be placed in her care
It’s probably even more of a wrecking ball if you’re life if your reading it out
“Young messenger (Y/n), we regret to inform you….oh.”
“There There (Y/n) here have some tea its sure to relax you.”
“Uh thanks Miss Sh’nbu…”
“If you’d like you can call me Mom.”
Whatever refusal you can articulate fades with the floaty feeling that comes after having a sip of her tea
Being the medicinal genius she is she’ll make sure her dearest human baby will have no problem fitting into their new life
Now some of her generals will have noticed
The odd amount of time Kocho spends with the asylum director or the little human she wraps her tail around 
“A war is no place for a child!” They’ll protest
“How can she? Caring for a human child?” They whisper
So with a single whip of her tail and a smile that threatens to disappear 
She holds her sleeping child to her chest
“You’re absolutely right about that one thing. A war is no place to raise a child…therefore I’ll just have to end this one quickly.”
Dictatorship, absorbing other branches of the army, or creating an ultimate weapon that only she can use or even defecting to the other side if necessary
This war will end so she can devote all her time to raising you
You’ve run so far
And you’re just so young
She promises she’ll prioritize your well-being and her happiness with you
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a-rabid-snake · 23 days
And so, I came to my senses a little bit. I was bored and decided to change the story of "blindness" a little bit, so here it is
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Let's tell you a little bit about the characters and why they look like that
Survival - He is very badly injured, so much so that he behaves devastated. It's because he lost his sister.
Monk - She became a ghost for unknown reasons, she doesn't want to say what happened, but she looks like something bad happened.
Hunter - He was gradually consumed by rot, but when he and Artificer fought against the scavengers, one of the bombs exploded so that his paw was torn off. He can't say how he figured out how to fix the rot in his body, but he uses it for his own purposes
Gourmand - He fought against the furious scavenger, at one point he was stabbed in the eye with a spear, fortunately he survived, but now he walks with an eye patch
Artificer - The symbiosis of emptiness and slugcat. She can create both ordinary explosives and what is in the rubicon. Part of it is to blame for the fact that hunter no longer has a paw. She thinks that everything is fine with her, although this is not quite true
Spearmaster - He has been watching the slugcat for a long time, how much fun they have, how they smile. At some point, he felt incomplete and wanted to be happy like the others. He tore the skin, there should be a mouth there, but unfortunately, it turned out that he did not have the muscles to hold his mouth and to smile. Now he looks creepy and is afraid of him
Rivulet - He was captured by an angry scavenger, he looks very nervous. He was bullied, trying to get information, unfortunately, now he has an injury, he is nervous, twitchy, timid, sometimes mutters something to himself. You can often see him hugging himself and shaking. He also has scars and is missing parts of his gills and fins.
Saint - He is blind until the moment he uses his power. When he uses ascension, he can only see a small part, but rather, something similar to forces with the soul. He lost his eyesight when arti struck him with her claws in a rage. She didn't want it, but the past made itself felt.
Enot - Because of a glitch, he merged with his egg. It is immune to singular explosions, and can also create singularity bombs.
Nightcat - He was swallowed up by some kind of glitch, now his body is not stable, when he tries to open the framework with the program code, they start to glitch. The only slugcat that can see monk and also talk to her
Dude, they're infected with emptiness and fungi, what the hell
Patient Zero - scavenger
Both diseases have three stages
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Infection with dusty fungi
The first stage is a feeling of weakness, fatigue and not wanting to do anything, at this stage it is not yet clear what happened, because it feels like an ordinary disease
The second stage is wool or skin, or any light and colored parts, begin to fade and sometimes acquire gray-green spots. At this stage, hunger disappears, the creature does not feel pain, it just walks and does not think. At this stage, you forget everything you can, you don't have a sense of fear
The third stage - the creature begins to overgrow with mushrooms, it looks very cheerful due to the lack of control in the body. The eyes are wide and empty. In the third stage, the creature only wants to spread the spores and find food
The third stage is the most dangerous, because this disease is transmitted through the air, if you do not close your nose and mouth and inhale spores, then you can start infection
It is recommended to burn the creature already in the second stage, in the second stage they do not feel pain and will not interfere with you. At the third stadium, they will already start to attack you
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Void infestations
At the first stage of the process, nothing changes, except that you have ribbons like echoes
In the second stage, you feel panic and also feel itching all over your body. The ribbons are gradually turning black
At the third stage, a crystallized void grows, at this stage you no longer contrast yourself and want to drown yourself in a sea of emptiness or make someone like you. The infection is transmitted through a bite or blood. It is not recommended to consume infected even in the first stage
I hope I've explained everything. If someone wants to, then you can play around and ask questions to the characters or me
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hey! so i hope this isn’t too creepy/nosey, but im a medical student and i was reading your possible fibromyalgia post and have a couple ideas lol. full important disclaimer that im only partly into my studies and im currently in the hypochondriac phase and also your summary was amazing but a real doc would ask way more questions, so please consult with an actual doc and take everything i say with a grain of salt! but like your symptoms aren’t nothing so i would def encourage finding a doc that you trust to do a proper exam and run some tests. also im operating under the assumption that you’re under 50 lol, bc if you’re over 50ish that’s a whole diff list of possible diagnoses.
so the thirst thing you’re talking about is often called polydipsia and is commonly associated with diabetes insipidus. that’s not the normal diabetes you think about, but happens when your body can’t regulate fluids in your body properly. id think of this if you’re also peeing a lot lol. your doc would have to do some kidney tests for that, which wouldn’t be part of the blood panel you mentioned. i’m a little skeptical that it’s hypokalemia bc that would’ve showed up on your blood test results. it could be transient electrolyte imbalances when you exercise so have one of those electrolyte packets when you exercise lol, bc it never hurts to try the easy solutions first, but chronic low potassium should’ve shown up? tho eating sweet potatoes has never hurt.
other things it could be is a lower motor neuron problem bc you mentioned twitches and muscle weakness which is typical for those. i def can’t say more without tests, but look into/get your doc to look into myasthenia gravis or LEMS and see if either of those fit. i think it’s possible bc these often also start with face/upper body symptoms, but would need way more questions/tests to know. it’s unlikely but could also be a glycogen storage disease called McArdle disease bc you describe a second wind thing when you exercise along with exercise intolerance. that’s super rare tho so it’s unlikely unless someone in your family has it/has similar symptoms.
also look into autoimmune stuff like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and sjögrens disease. i have way less useful info on that bc we haven’t gotten to it in class yet lol, but sjögrens looks promising bc you often get dry mouth with it, and it often goes along with rheumatoid arthritis which could explain the joint stuff possibly.
it’s also totally possible this is fibromyalgia, but i would be cautious diagnosing it bc it often comes with fatigue and cognitive stuff which you didn’t mention. it’s also more of a pain thing, and doesn’t include your twitches/dry mouth. it’s def possible, and it was def something i thought of when i saw your symptoms, but personally i would want to rule out other stuff first bc fibromyalgia is pretty vague and often a diagnosis of exclusion when other things don’t fit.
sorry for overwhelming you!! i just saw your post and was like hmmm those symptoms sound like Something. again take my advice with a big grain of salt, but i do really think it’s worth asking your doc about it and getting tests done, bc even if there aren’t cures there are def treatments to help with a bunch of this stuff. it doesn’t sound urgent, but at least from your post your symptoms don’t sound like run of the mill aches and pains. hope you figure stuff out!!
The problem with 'muscles don't work right ouchy and I am also tired' is that it's a symptom for Absolutely Everything That Can Be Wrong With The Body. Is it cancer? Is it a terrible diet and sleep schedule? Who knows!
The doctor ran a diabetes test with the blood panel and it came up negative, but I don't know if that checks for weird kinds of diabetes. (Diabetes does not run in my family until we get very old.) That test was memorable because I have stupid fragile veins that freak out and collapse at the mere sight of a needle so I had to get stabbed nine times, they didn't manage to get the middle reading at all, and in the end they resorted to just stabbing my thumb with one of those diabetes home blood test thingies and manually squeezing my blood out into a tube drop by drop.
I looked up polydipsia and I don't think I have that. I think I just prefer my mouth to be wetter than my salival glands want it to be. 🤷‍♀️I think most of my problems are probably not related to any rare chronic disease, but just run-of-the-mill autism making it hard to look after myself or properly notice and process my physical condition and adapt accordingly. I don't eat enough fresh foods because it's hard to plan with the very short timeframe to prepare and eat them in. I'm uncoordinated and damage my body a lot through overwork or using muscles incorrectly because autism makes it hard to keep track of those things. My mouth feels dry and my skin feels itchy and my muscles feel sore because that's what being autistic feels like. My sleep schedule is garbage because my executive function is garbage and even once I do manage to get myself into the bed I can't just "go to sleep", I pass out when I'm ready to pass out.
I'm not saying it's impossible for anything else to be going on, but I think the known factor is the simplest explanation here. It's 2:30pm and I've been putting off breakfast for five hours. Every time I go into the kitchen I get distracted by housework instead. I am very hungry. This is not behaviour that is conducive to a well-functioning body.
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amorganva · 5 months
Putting down my unhinged theories
I voiced all of these during my playthrough but I wanna put them down anyways Lies of P is a game of lies and I often feel like the game itself is trying to lie to us so...... Compiling Theories
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Carlo and Romeo didn't die of Petrification disease I honestly believe that something else killed both of them. The Petrification disease is just too much of a convenience and would've been used as a cover up. Why else would the stalker be like "Gemini, get rid of them." "I'm so sorry....I was too late" if it was only Carlo contracting the disease. The pose the body is in to me clearly conveys DEAD. And even if he caught the disease, Mr. Geppetto, the amazing Geppetto of the Workshop Union who sends his son to the MONAD CHARITY HOUSE - Valentinus Monad: Leader of the Alchemists - surely, SURELY he would've gotten a cure for his son/be able to afford it. Hell, Geppetto knew of his daughter, Sophia, and of Simon Manus. He had the connections. Giangio cures Antonia after all and she only dies because her organs were too damaged already so the disease was the thing keeping her alive. If caught early on, Carlo would have lived and given Romeo part of his cure seeing as it's implied that Geppetto didn't very much like Romeo - worded as "a grudge." What this grudge is about - getting his son killed or something else....we don't know yet but hopefully will find out.
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2. There's 2 Geminis "Gemini, get rid of them." ...How? He's a cricket guide. Or is he? I honestly think there's a cricket Gemini and a Stalker or puppet Gemini. Or it's one and the same and he's now "atoning" so to speak by helping PCarlo in his cricket form. It feels like Sophia knew Gemini from somewhere because she's like "I see they got Gemini too." And since Sophia knew Carlo as a child from their time at Monad... "Gemini get rid of them" may have been misinterpreted....and subsequently covered up since she was a famous, legendary stalker. Also his name spelled Gemini, to avoid copyright they couldn't go with Jiminy but...they could have also used any other name since most names are based on the original story or versions thereof and the cricket is only ever the cricket. Sticking with Jiminy but spelling it like the astrological twins sign is too much of a coinkydink for me. Gemini was there in the car, the car that Geppetto based his secret workshop in. Mhh..
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3. If Camille acted on instinct saving a baby - something beyond her programming - then PuppetRomeo and P are 100% acting on muscle memory from their lives mixed with puppet strength/speed. Which means that Romeo and Carlo were actually pretty good stalkers-in-training. I talked about this in my Romeo appreciation post but I can totally see live Romeo doing fancy moves like that, like he's dancing, and Carlo just wanting to get things done quick and clean. This lends to my theory that something other than a disease must've gotten to at least Carlo because he'd be more skilled than that. (He took down all major puppets and a demigod thing by himself with the occasional Sophia rewind....no way in hell that's just programming, since P is awakening) Then again we don't know how old exactly he was when he died. But Geppetto made him a young adult puppet and the nameless puppet is clearly not a child (assuming it's Carlo's OG body yes?) so it's safe to think he could've handled himself in combat somewhat by that point. Something more powerful did him in and the game is lying to you and I stand by that until the series is finished and I'm either right or have to concede that it just do be like that and his origin story is just kind of "yeah he died. Nothing more than that. Let's get the plot going." But that feels very Un-Neowiz because this world and its characters are full of easter eggs and research and care that I don't think the devs would just handwave something as big as this.
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4. Not so much a theory as a comment but imagine seeing the guy you had fun talks with, helped out, nerded out with, listened to music with all of a sudden just kills you and every one of your friends. The evil ending is so devastating and I feel the badest for our girl Eugenie she's so sweet. Eugenie and her country and origin will hopefully get more elaboration, maybe Carlo will sail beyond the seas of Krat. Also that literally no one at the hotel seems to realize P is a puppet. Maybe Antonia since she knew Geppetto. But since you are required to lie and P is a special puppet who can lie....easy mistake to make. Venigni would've realized Law 0 much sooner - that Geppetto can create exceptions. Which also makes the Romeo fight even sadder - because P is exempt every other puppet must attack him...he can't help himself. My bro better be revived with some ergo, we need more of him and I think the devs know by now how popular of a character he is...I think...I hope...(alongside the lords of drip - the BRBH) 5. There's not really a timeskip in the lore. Sophia was trapped for a few years...maybe? She knew Carlo and Romeo since they were children at Monad and she's maaaaybe in her late 20s? early 30s? That means that the time between Carlo's and Romeo's deaths can't have been more than a year or two from when the game started. The King of Puppets was created to cover up the true origin of the Frenzy - that's Romeo and he awakened way before Carlo - his model only looks shabby because he literally exploded into flames, not because it's decades old (if you look at the model textures they might look old and grainy but that's literally everything in this game - look at Ps sock textures).
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They were created after Arlecchino - Covenant. Carlo's body proved unstable, volatile - making Geppetto spend more time on a new and improved version of a puppet which is why P looks so human and polished aside from the Legion Arm. I still commend Geppetto for giving his son freckles. He did this for us. Aside from that you'd probably recreate your child the way you knew them and the last G probably heard from his son was the Graduation which would be like 17/18. So he was probably just a little older - like early 20s.
6. Carlo's journey is that of a Heart, a Brain, and Courage. Tying in with the Wizard of Oz, if Dorothy doesn't end up as our player character, I feel like Carlo received his Heart in the first game from Geppetto and Sophia. The second game will focus on recovering more of his memories and personality - the brain. The last game, because it 100% is a trilogy, will focus on the courage to do what's needed to save....Krat? The world? His friends? Who knows - from whatever org Paracelsus belongs to. And then...we go home :)
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This is probably why the game has stuck with me well after having played it multiple times. I love it when it gives you material to theorize with but also isn't so open ended that it's not satisfying, that the story is just whatever you want or gives you nothing to work with. Maybe I should do some Link Click crossover doodles mhh.
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over-particular · 2 years
minimalist self-care habits
One of the biggest misconceptions about taking care of yourself is the systematic and erroneous association of self-care with extreme consumerism. This idea conveys the image of self-care as something reserved to those who can afford it. The truth is, and many already know this, there are countless ways to be good to yourself without spending more than necessary.
☐ Get enough sleep. A child would need 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night. The average is between 7 and 9 hours for an adult. I can never say it enough, but sleep is an important part of our lives. Value it highly. It's an elementary need: not getting enough sleep puts us at risk of developing numerous chronic diseases: such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, coronary heart disease and some types of cancer. You are also more likely to suffer a stroke.
☐ Turn the volume down. Since I'm riding the wave of how we 21st century people are neglecting our health, I also want to stress the importance of auditory health. If, like me, you love to spend hours with headphones on, consider turning down the volume. I know it's much more enjoyable to experience it fully, but having gone through the terrible experience of tinnitus, I bitterly regret it. There is a simple way to track your auditory health: please check your smartphone's headphone safety features.
☐ Don't neglect your medical appointments. I have always been very anxious about it. Not to the point of pulling my hair out, but I used to postpone my appointment so much that I sometimes forgot why I even wanted to go. There are countless of reasons why we may not like to go to the doctor, but the truth is that health issues simply cannot wait. It is equally important to go see your doctor even if you think you are in perfect condition.
☐ Be physically active. Always keep in mind that your body, like your mind, needs to be stimulated. Besides allowing you to manage your weight more effectively, sport improve your brain health, reduces health risks and strengthens both your muscles and your bones.
☐ Watch your language. It's more personal, but it introduces a sense of discipline into your mind. The turns of phrase, the informal language, the way we speak, the choice of words, the syntax… Speaking is the perfect expression of the mind. This does not mean abolishing the use of crude words, but rather regaining control, becoming master of your language again. Your words should never exceed your thoughts. In my opinion, a rich language reflects the attention the speaker pays to it. When was the last time you learned a new word?
☐ Clean your space. The cleanliness of your living space has a big impact on your productivity. A messy space can lead to a messy mind. Home is, for many of us, the place we feel most comfortable: keeping your living space clean and organized naturally improves the quality of your life, your sleep and your health. Clean regularly, let the sun shine in and air out daily.
☐ Avoid ads. Easier said than done. But try not to have your mind parasitized by the multitude of advertisements we are flooded with. I don't watch television. I do have access to a music platform so I don't have to deal with the constant stream of ads on YouTube.
☐ Go for a walk. Pretending to discover your city or town anew can do wonders for a mind in need of a little distraction. Check out some of the free events that may be happening near you. Visit a park you've never been to before.
☐ Give yourself a reason to wait. Try to establish a ritual of patience. In other words… You stop binge watching every new show you start and you take your time to appreciate it.
☐ Stimulate your mind. The internet has given us more ways than ever to keep our minds busy. For those who know me a little, I am a big fan of reading. And if physical books can indeed be expensive, you can find some really good ones for free in .pdf format. In fact, some kind souls have even gone so far as to share entire drives of them on Tumblr... Going further in my reflection, I think that the scourge of our century is the intellectual lethargy: everything is at our fingertips, why bother reading a whole book when I have access to a detailed summary of only a few pages? Beyond the spiritual enrichment, it is also a proof of patience to seize a book and give it three hours of your time. I sincerely believe that as human beings, we owe it to ourselves to keep our senses and our minds alert. Reading is a great way to exercise our brain as it helps stimulate our cognitive abilities. It allows us to develop our capacity for memorization, reflection, analysis and imagination. Try coloring for adults (yes, it's a thing: ■ ■). There are also many games for adults online with the aim of stimulating memory and improving concentration (■, ■.). Try solving online puzzles, fake criminal investigations, math problems? Learn how to code (with Codecademy for example, which offers many courses for free). Take language courses. Many general knowledge quizzes are also available to anyone who is interested (■) . The web is a real goldmine in terms of resources and many are available for free.
☐ Finally, this list would be meaningless without me asking you to learn to relax. Give yourself a day off if you need to. It is essential to take it easy, to get your nose out of your planning, to look up from your screen and breathe in some fresh air through the window. I advise all those who try to relax to start a digital detox: we must learn to relax independently, without a screen and regain control over the objects of our stimulation.
My lists are intended to be personal. If you find them useful, that's great. Feel free to rewrite them! Don't hesitate to ask questions or send me your comments and ideas for next articles.
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noir-drabbles · 6 months
Drafts 1
Summary: Just an unfinished solo writing thing while playing Iron Valley. Basically it was just me testing out what it is I wanted, trying to create my own setting and characters, but then my brain got bored of it. So, I figured I may as well dump it here.
(I said I was going to start dumping my drafts here and I am going to commit to it. Drafts will be half actual prose writing and rambles on the side because I want people to enjoy the ideas and characters I have in my head. Hope this is fun!)
(Oh yeah, here's the link to the game I was playing. Lot of reading but it's easy to start and understand. Really does test out one's creative muscles.)
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Today’s Spring pick for the Luminariae Post is as follows:
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When a new branch grows, I always worry for what it may carry. The bark upon the trunk is many years old and yet it still insists on growing new leaves, new buds, and new fruits. A large and wise old tree, and yet it didn’t know age. It didn’t know where it should draw its limits. It simply grew and produced, as it always has, even when the threat of disease was always there.
But I’m not scornful. I’ll simply grab my polished clippers and snap off whatever rot has caught onto the leaves, onto the branches. I’ll eat the fruit it gives me, and carve a flute out of the wood I snipped off.
I’ve been there when you were young, when each new leaf would make me dance in the mud because I keep forgetting not to over water you. When your fruits would spawn out of seemingly nowhere, like your love for the world could not be contained, so you had to give it back as much and as fast as you could.
You’ve long outgrown me. I can’t even climb up to the very top of you as I once used to with my own little sister. You could still support me, but the youth in your new branches are not what they used to be. And yet, you still try and grow just as much fruit as you can, even when it’s no longer anything anyone can eat.
You’re just an old fool. You and I are two of a kind. And that it why you will always be one of my dearest friends.
And every day, I thank you for being who you are.
– Carmen
Heyo, author Noir here. So, the idea I had for this little segment is that every start of the new season, the Luminariae Post would post a submission that was sent to them by one of the residents in this small town of Arbor Hills. Typically they pick submissions that have something to do with the current season, or just a general connection to nature that can be connected to said season. It's also meant for the regular folk to take a peek into a small part of that resident that wrote the piece. Just fluff writing things.
Oh, and Carmen is a big ol dragon man, the one that basically provides the Reader with a house and a job, a nice bouncing point since the Reader starts off with literally nothing, not even clothes. He's a nice man, good roommate and clearly misses having other people live in his house. There's this big tree that the whole town pays their respects towards because of the sheer size and reach of its roots. In fact, most of the plants and trees you find often end up connecting their roots to that big tree, as it provides nutrients to said plants, leading to them weathering even the toughest of disasters. Rumor has it that Carmen was the one that planted that tree when it was a sapling, but that's just a rumor.
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Spring 2
Time: [0/4]
| Forecast: Sunny | Luck: Neutral | Lucky Color: Lemon |
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“Did you hear? Apparently our dear local baker has been in need of a new recipe to put as a potential special.”
“Oh? Which one? Is it that sweetie Ivory or that nutty Obsidian?”
“Don’t be mean Martha. But it is nutty Obsidian. Apparently he’s going a little crazy from lack of inspiration and just wants something new to really make his day pop from grays to happy pinks.”
“Hehehe, well in that case, you think he’ll want to try out some of my homemade cookies? Maybe that’ll perk him right up and get his head out of the pizza oven ashes?”
“Bleh, if you want to kill him… But yes, let’s. I’ll be the merciful one and bring him some of my delicious tea.”
“Let’s poison him together, Lily.”
The idea I had here is basically a cutscene being played out every day, where a couple of characters do something or have a conversation that implies a very long request. The town bulletin is still a thing, but those quests will end up being pretty short. The short requests do change often, I'd say once every two days, while the longer requests are more persistent, changing once every five days. Obsidian is basically this mad scientist-like baker that loves to go crazy with the designs and flavors of his baked goods. And, well, he's prone to losing inspiration and just wants something to get that flow going. He's a pretty intense cosmic star dude, the kind of energy that easy to be overwhelmed with. He has a sister named Ivory who helps out in the bakery, but is mostly found working with wood as the local carpenter. She's not gentle, she has that quiet intensity about her, and is just as wacky with her woods craft. She will get the request done, and will probably add some else to it. A weird feature that you probably won't notice until you accidentally activate it. Like a table that can convert itself into a suit of wood armor. You never know with these two.
Oh, and I have no clue who Martha and Lily are. Just that they're best friends who love to gossip, and were once very competitive rivals in school before someone tried to accuse them of cheating so they'd be unable to participate in theater. Yeah, those two were theater kids, and their rivalry, for the most part, was a fun exaggerated thing on their part that got a liiiiittle too real, but they're good now. They're middle-aged and married to their respective spouses.
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“You doing alright?”
You snapped out of your reverie by a rumbling voice that’s not quite meant to overpower the general noise, so much as it should rumble underneath one’s feet.
You didn’t look at Carmen. You looked at his horns instead, all scratched up and chipped at in all their ridged and curling glory. It’s hard to look at him in the eyes. They aren’t particularly piercing, they’re just filled with a love for the world around him. A gentle and boundless love that he’s willing to share with you, a fellow roommate but a stranger still.
It’s… a lot. Too much. But it’s fine. He’s good and nice. He makes you all those warm and filling meals, and lets you take up a room in his house. You had nowhere else to go, but he gave you a hand anyway.
So, are you doing alright? He did ask.
You hummed out a yes. Because words would be too much in all this noise. The sensation of your throat rumbling, of moving your lips and making a conscious effort not to stutter. You’re already a little on edge as is.
“Hmm,” he copied your tone, though you didn’t know if that meant he believed you or not, “I know there’s a lot of little noises, but a small outing like this is good. It is something to get used to, that’s for certain.”
It’s… yeah, he’s right. It is a lot. Carmen’s farm isn’t exactly all the quiet either, with all the cows, chickens and bees he has, but there’s a different quality to the noise of people. It’s a… a rhythm, of sorts. The livestock back home are always keeping out a listening ear to the nature around them, so their own noises follow that beat, usually. But people… don’t really care, nor can they truly listen.
The rhythm isn’t bad, in the sense that it’s wrong and that people should pay more attention. It’s just… different. Absorbed in their own little pocket of time. And those pockets just, overlap in your ears.
You’ll probably get used to it, in the same way you got used to Carmen when you first woke up to his face looming right over under the arbor. It was an adjustment. The man’s over seven feet tall with a broad frame to fit, built over the years from heavy farm work. But, you suppose that’s the average height of all dragons. Well, his specific branch of dragon anyway. You don’t know any other dragon.
You nodded and let your eyes wander over the sparse crowd around you, to the area you’re both sitting on a bench in.
The village’s center, built around a pretty fountain that’s filled with little seashells, all in various pastel colors of white, blue and pink. One little kid in white sandals had to lay her belly on the ledge of the fountain just to reach in and drop her shell. Her little transparent wings fluttered with her excitement, dropping flecks of pink dust here and there.
A water spout spat right up her nose and the little fairy girl snorted then gave a big powerful sneeze. She launched herself right into the air. Luckily, before you or Carmen could rush right over, her father was right there to catch her.
Chuckling, her fairy father said, “I got a precious gift from the heavens!”
“No!” She yelled, raising her arms high like claws, “I am your worst nightmare! I eat your dreams and your banana splits!”
He gasped, “A monster! Oh no!”
She kicked her feet and lost a sandal in her giggles.
You jumped when Carmen gave chuckles of his own. The sheer volume of his voice never ceases to surprise you, that his happiness can be something so… loud? Strong? It’s solid. Which is kind of dumb now that you think about it. You’ve seen him lift an entire tree trunk with his arms and shoulder alone. It shouldn’t be shocking at all to find that his laugh has just as much power behind it.
But it is, because he would always bend down just so people could hear him. He didn’t like raising his voice just as much as he hated going into the details of his private life.
And with a flinch, Carmen realized as much. He looked to the side, scratched the back of his neck, and sighed out, “Sorry.”
Did you look bug-eyed? You probably did.
You shook your head at Carmen. He doesn’t need to apologize to you. It’s not his fault that you’re easily startled. Besides, he’s the one going out of his way to get you situated in this place. He didn’t have to do it, but he did anyway.
He nodded to you then hovered a hand right over your shoulder. He stopped, waited, and when you shifted closer, he patted you. The weight and strength of his bones alone almost made your joint creak.
“I’ll be going on ahead. I need to buy some things for the gardening day this week.” Carmen reached into his pocket and took out a few notes that you don’t really need. He pays you plenty for your services, but saying no to him–especially when he wants to spoil or be nice–just leaves a sour taste in your mouth. He stuffed them in your hands. “Go around, explore. Or relax by the community garden if you’d like. I’ll be by Peach’s place for the most part. I won’t go home unless you want to, okay?”
Ah, here it is, the big send off. You can’t really complain since you asked for this kind of time for yourself, but augh… It’s difficult all the same. You’ve been here for the better part of one year and you’ve yet to make a single friend. You haven’t really been trying, to be perfectly honest. Whenever you go out into the village on your moped, you’re strictly in working mode, schedule and time all planned out. Whenever people would try and talk to you during those hours, you get antsy and anxious.
You hate being off schedule. On top of that, if you weren’t working, you were around Carmen all the time. He’s a friendly and well known face. It’s only natural for people to gravitate towards him rather than you, especially when you would rather hide in his shadow than look at anyone.
You weren’t trying to make friends. Everything was just too unfamiliar for you to do that, or even think of it. And nobody pushed you to do that. In a way, you’re grateful for that, that the people here left you alone for the most part. A nice respect of your time and attention. They made attempts to talk to you, certainly, but that was about where the pushiness ended.
And, now, you’re calmer-ish. You can take the time and try.
You can go anywhere and make a friend.
Augh, you still can’t talk. Words just really don’t want to come out.
Well, baby steps, baby steps.
Carmen has since left you to yourself, with money in your hands. A nice sizable amount. Can’t buy a microwave with it, but you can grab a while feast of pastries if you wanted to.
…you know what? That sounds like a good idea. Having something to munch on while trying to make a friend would help calm you down some. Besides, a lot of people frequent the bakery. Surely you’ll be able to find someone who wants to befriend you.
That and you’ve heard of the gossip between those two women over there. Apparently the local baker needs some help. You don’t have any ideas, but maybe you’ll come up with something by the time you get there?
The crowd didn’t really get any thinner as you walked down the white stone path. Lots of people were gathered in small packs, but they were polite enough to shift slightly out of your way. You followed the scent of bread and soon enough found yourself inside the cozy atmosphere of a bakery.
Honestly, it seemed more like a home than it did a bakery, which makes sense since it looked like a store/home hybrid from the outside. But, rather than a home that seeks to hide emptiness with store bought furniture the owner vaguely likes, each table, chair and even the frame of the mirrors in this place were clearly handmade.
It was small though, and all the furniture had people either gathering or sitting on it. There wasn’t anywhere you could just pick and sit down for an hour or two while you mindlessly pick at your pastry and watch the people go by.
A healthy routine makes for a good base for potential friendships. At least that’s how Carmen puts it. You’re not sure if it’s true, but you may as well try, right?
You walk to the back of the line and wait. At the front, behind the register was someone that you can only describe as a galactic black hole. The white light that makes up what you think is hair slowly swirls around in a clock-wise motion, collecting light like a vent does smoke as it slowly gathers in some dark center you can’t make out. The white light hair fades into a dark shadow dappled with white little star pinpricks, doing nothing to to take away from the bright eyes that look around this way and that.
This person had no mouth to speak of as he nodded and packaged a new box of pan dulce. It’s interesting to you, watching the way their body never quite stabilized into something truly solid, but it was enough for his clothes to hang on. He didn’t have a uniform, it was just a set of comfy billowing clothes that had little tears and big patches over what was probably holes.
His form stretched up, bending in ways a shadow would as he gave the box to the person waiting in line.
“You wanted a surprise and a surprise is what you’ll get!”
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Aaaand this is where I lost my steam, and I had a pretty good pace going too.
Reader is basically this dryad person that was born from the big tree(of which I have yet to name, eh) and as such, has little to no knowledge of many things beyond the general basics. Socializing is obviously not their thing. Many of the towns people just think they're a traveler from afar that suffers from amnesia, but since nobody witnesses the Reader coming out of the tree, it can't really be disputed that they're not a traveler.
There's a biblically accurate angel just, hanging out in Arbor Hills. He's the current master carpenter and boss of Ivory. He spends most of his time sleeping, and in the rare times one manages to make a request to him, you can be sure that whatever furniture he makes will never break, and will even have a little buff to them.
The angel's name is Peach, because someone called him "an absolute peach." With the last name Angel for the sake of simplicity. No matter how you poke and prod at him, you can't get details about his past, you'll just get references about how empty of an existence he was living before coming here. Now he can dream all he likes.
There's a tradition at the start of a new year to share stories you may have or have written. Arbor Hills is all about communal story crafting, so often the whole town will come together to either craft a new fairy tale, or add on to another existing tale. The only rule is that it has to have at least one true event in there, or be based on a true event. So you could have witnessed a bug trip over grass and flip itself over and craft a tale about a malicious weed that seeks to grow and prank all the bugs that nipped at it. That kind of thing. So, one of the Promises is to get ideas and make a story before Spring 1 rolls around. There are usually two groups, one group that's full of people that have written their stories on their own, and the other group that shares their ideas for a group story making session. Perfection is not expected. Just have fun. And if you don't want to make a story, just be a listening ear.
There's also another tradition where, after reaching a certain age, kiddos go to the community garden to pick out a seed they like and plant it somewhere in the town. This tradition does stretch out beyond just for the kids, you can do this as a new adult, or when you reach a huge milestone in your life. Don't worry about having to take incredible care of it, these seeds are magical and are often deeply connected to you. They grow as you grow, and if they get sick, you can be assured that they'll be taken care of by the garden spirits of the forest.
There aren't many dragons to be found. There be different types of dragons, but their lifespan varies quite a bit between them.
Same for the dryad. There's nobody else quite like you, and if there is, they're usually no bigger than the size of your palm. Tiny, squeaky things.
I know I have more things sitting in the brain, but I need to prodded at to really remember. So, if you want to poke at my brain, be my guest!
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briarpatch-kids · 6 months
hi, i love your blog!
no pressure to answer this if no energy or if it's too personal!
I was curious about your ventilator, as I have some similar health issues i think (I have severe ME/CFS, with weakness requiring power chair & often being too weak to breathe well--my O2 is good but I can get out of breath from the overexertion it takes to breathe, haha)
I searched and can't find what the ventilator is specifically for (maybe I'm just not seeing it)
If you're okay answering, what is the ventilator for, and maybe what was the process of getting it? How much does it help?
Thank you, no pressure, appreciate your blog, have a lovely day!!! 💖
It's for co2 build up due to mitochondrial disease weakening my trunk muscles including my diaphragm. I don't breathe often enough or deep enough, so while my oxygen is good, I get paranoid and start to hallucinate. I also just kinda... blank out and spend a lot of time in a haze without it as well. Plus, any kind of respiratory illness just takes forever to go away and turns into pneumonia really quick. (Took me four days to go from rsv to pneumonia, and my oxygen sats dropped to 90 while I was sick for example.)
I would look into getting a sleep study and/or a pulmonary function test if you think you might need one, generally it shows if you aren't breathing enough and shows how your breathing changes when you fatigue. I went from needing a cpap at night only, to needing a bipap at night and having to use it more and more often during the day, to needing a ventilator on bipap 24/7. A lot of people who fatigue out like that, using bipap at night gives your muscles enough of a break and they won't need a portable ventilator during the day. I'm just kind of a weird case because I have a neuromuscular disease.
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crippled-peeper · 1 year
Did something happen that directly caused your spinal cord injury? Or was it a damage over time kind of thing? I have degenerative disc disease and I'm worried it might lead to a spinal cord injury. (Also feel free to delete this ask if you don't feel comfortable answering)
No single specific trauma caused the SCI, it progressively came on over a period of around two weeks but the conditions that caused it had been there a long time. My spinal fusion 10 years ago (scoliosis, ~65°) changed the biomechanics of my spine, causing adjacent degeneration, muscle atrophy, and later, helped cause 4 disc herniations
I was taking Lupron for Endometriosis (I had surgery confirming it in 2020) and steroids for Colitis called Budesonide. I’m fairly certain my bones and ligaments softened cuz of these meds (I was on them a long time, at least 1 year)
My injury, which was basically 4 separate herniations & 1 sequestered disc, a was so unstable that I was stuck laying on the gurney/floor most of the time and even sitting up would make me scream in pain. I had a single thoracic vertebra out of place which caused band-like pain and numbness around my chest and made me pass out from pain too. (this is the big reason why I find the concept of sublexing a vertebrae to be so absurd and ridiculous to me)
Folks who have spinal hardware as extensive as mine are thankfully the minority. I was really lucky to get a discectomy and mobi-c implant instead of a 2nd fusion, which I’m afraid I might need in the future and try not to think about too much.
Spinal surgery has a high rate of dissatisfaction because some treatments become other, bigger problems down the road. Medicine has come a long way but it’s far from perfect. Before you let any surgeon touch you, do a lot of research and try conservative treatments before resorting to permanent things like hardware.
It’s always been my opinion that surgery should be the very last resort. I was not fully educated when I had my fusion and wish I had known how many complications I could have with it. I probably still would’ve gone through with it, but at least then I’d know what to expect later on
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selfshipping-central · 4 months
Hey, hey! Firstly, your theme is so lovely. I adore the colors and the images you chose. May I please request a matchup (romantic) for Hazbin Hotel? I hope you have a lovely day/night 💜💜
I go by Mer or Meredith 💀
My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men.
Personality: Leo, INFJ, 1w9, HP house Ravenclaw. Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I'm very supportive, encouraging, reserved, clumsy, easily flustered, athletic, conscientious, witty and sarcastic. Though I unintentionally come across as intimidating, I'm rather gentle and caring. I'm pretty stoic and some misinterpret it as being emotionless (I honestly just want the best for everyone). I rarely lose my cool. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine–living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. If I've earned someone's trust I will be loyal to them through and through. I can be annoylingly strong-willed and resilient. I actively search for things to be thankful for to remind myself that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I adore challenging myself both intellectually and physically. I am happiest when seeking out information, reason, and understanding. I’m really kinda superstitious…
I work as a foreign language teacher, so my job requires me to have patience, be understanding, able to think on my feet, and creative. I'm incredibly determind and dedicated, which helps push me through difficult days. I strongly encourage those I teach to speak their minds and have open discussions.
My love languages are definitely acts of service and words of affirmation. I don't dislike physical affection when it's from my s/o, but I don't tend to seek it out. If I ever actually want to cuddle, I like to set time aside to do it, so I can fully enjoy holding each other. Quality time is fine, especially when we're just doing our own thing but sitting near each other. I will always appreciate gifts but hate feeling like I owe others.
Likes and Dislikes: I love discussing topics that revolve around enigmas (specifically death). It's not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. I like practicing the languages I know, psychology, biology (especially dissections 💜 ), demonology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, history related to war and disease 💜, singing, and exploring my surroundings. Favorite bands atm: Blood cultures, Tardigrade Inferno, Stolen Babies, Otyken, and Tally Hall. Cats and rodents are top tier pets. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments.
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing (learning metal throat singing too), listening to music, playing the piano, dancing, watching horror movies, drawing, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine. I collect living dead dolls and nutcrackers.
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, lean, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. I mostly wear black and white, but also lilac :) My aesthetic is a mix between grunge and dark academia. However, I love mixing bright colors and wacky patterns too!
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
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Lucifer Morningstar!! (Romantic)
Let me start by saying he would totally sit and ponder with you. He's a shy guy so you know.
He's also very supportive and is the kind of boyfriend to stand in the corner and give you a supportive thumbs up when you’re talking to someone new.
“You’ve got this!! I know you do!! I’ll uh- be over here heh-”
He doesn’t find you intimidating, as being the King of Hell everyone more or less respects him to a degree.
You know that one meme with Toothless and Hiccup? The one where he’s tryna hit on the Lightfury?
That’s you two.
Enjoys how caring and gentle you are, and he is so at peace with you around <33 (* ̄3 ̄)╭
Oh my god please talk to him or other in the languages you’ve learnt!!
He will fall so much harder!!
“Oh my… you can speak different languages? Oh my- love that’s amazing!! Tell me- how do you say ‘I love you’?”
Loves your loyalty. It makes him so happy to see that you’re committed as much as he is.
“Never leave me my angel.”
He’s surprised you still look for beauty in a place like Hell but seeing you so determined to find some sort of goodness makes his heart warm and fuzzy.
You two totally sit there and just… learn. Grab and hold on to any sort of information about the world- or heaven- or anything.
Both of you want to learn together and are so creative with your respective arts.
You find his love for the ducks interesting and charming
And he finds the fact that you like his ducks flattering and kind of a relief to be honest.
“Look love!! It’s a duck of you and me!!”
Your determination making him determined to get out of his depressive slump so you’re helping him too!!
Lucifer’s love languages mix with yours well, you’ll praise and help him around the house, he’ll spend time with you and gift you hand made gifts with his love poured into it.
“I’ll come help!! Hold on-”
Loves hearing you talk about your interests and will do some research so he can also participate in the discussion.
“Look at what I found out yesterday angel!”
I’m sorry but animated movie night Fridays are a thing now fight me.
Thinks your glasses are so so so cuteee!!
And he would steal your cardigans again. I don’t make the rules.
Alright this is the last one for tonight I have school tommorow and an English test and it's 11pm so I need my sleep. I'll answer the rest tommorow lovelies <33
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plasticfangtastic · 11 months
Cozy Corner Kinktober Day 26 (day 4 for me)
Prompts: 2. Gloves, 28. Uniform (clerical clothes), Kink of choice-- collar sort of
When the Lion loved the lamb
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A/N: This is a lil’ fic request from @digitalbath2008 after seeing some of my horny posting– hope you like it!, also probably my last for kinktober hopefully I can do more next yr! The OC in this fic is from my original novel/WIP and has been modified to fit this work– his faceclaim is nikolaj coster-waldau if that helps.
Word Count: 3.4 K approx
TW: Priest kink, smut, angst, sex in sacred/religious grounds which I understand might be upsetting for some, not proofread, top homelander, dilf, blood, older man, OC characther, age gap-- HL is in his mid 20's and OC is mid/late 40s, moral corruption.
Sypnosis: Homelander seeks the only absolution he can receive.
Warm afternoon glow paints every inch of the empty parish with speckles of blues and greens, coloring the worn down carpet, hanging lights flicker off– ignoring him all together.
The room smells of old wood, paper and mold.
Yet he does not dare leave, the stale air sticky on his throat, sticks to him more than the narrow walls– the place so small is a cage, a cage filled with frankincense. 
Kneeling in-between chipped and scratched pews, ancient tomes rest in their seat behind him untouched, he whispers words in hopes they would reach something in the ether.
“He doesn’t listen.” 
He turns to the light voice, carrying an old jade vase in tow putting it down with a silent thud, the struggling breeze barely pushes the light skirt fabric of his cassock, his sight creeps slowly towards his face, and the dust stain on the tips of his white gloves– he swallows without relief, his throat its dry and scratchy, he tries to speak but no sounds leaves him as the man takes two steps down from the raised podium– his step has no meaningful weight to it yet the floorboards creak beneath the dull carpet regardless.
“There’s no one there listening to you.”
Cornflower blues meet dry pastures– there’s no light in those eyes, no warmth or life these eyes have come from the other side, lifeless and far away as if they’ve only ever lived within death, his skin is sickly and sun burnt, pale as the long blonde locks coming loose around his temple, as he looks down his old golden frames slide down his long nose.
Homelander counted the few wrinkles on his face-- time had been most kind to him even more to his face than it had been before painting white strokes down his temples, he thinks the pale locks would turn white before his face looked his age.
Homelander wants to answer and argue, to chastise him yet his tongue swells as the man reaches his side, placing an unamused hand on the back of the pew before him.
“What is it that you seek, my son? Service has ended for the evening.” He says softly, his voice is as light as a dried stream– Wanted to converse with our father? Not that it would have mattered… he looks away when he sees you.”
The heat brings the cries of cicadas, louder than the winds breaking through the cracks of the old building.
Homelander drowns in air, unable to speak and breathe, his throat aches, he wants anything to soothe and scratch the discomfort.
“I done… I done something bad.” He manages to speak, pushing the painful drought inside him.
Every inch of his body trembles, staring at his naked hands that reek of blood and flames, that reek of disease.
White fingers slither their way home atop his crossed thumbs, giving them a meaningless squeeze, Homelander barely gasps as if all the strength has been robbed out of his being, he feels every muscle on his hand succumb to the touch of cotton.
He swallows, finding some semblance of relief, the knot unbearable, but he seeks the deluded reprieve after all.
His eyes close shut as that left hand draws a cross on his forehead, whimpering as they abandon him again, tilting his head forward chasing his touch once more but meeting the vacantness of his stare once more.
“Bless me father… It has been so long… so long since I last came.” His voice cracks.
“Why?” He mutters.
“I carry this disease in me… I cannot stop… I cannot… I don’t want to stop… I dunno” He cries– it's the only thing that makes me feel alive anymore. The only warmth I have… but I’m so cold… so empty… yet am full of all these bad things.” he sobs, panting so hard his throat closes after every word.
His eyes sting and blur, and the pain in his throat travels down burying roots in his chest, digging and stabbing and twisting into his lungs until there’s no air left in the world, wheezing, desperate for mortal relief, trembling under his firm hand.
He cups his face with that firm hand, tilting his chin until he’s facing him completely, his body puppetered and steered until he it's clinging on the black threads, his eyelashes glued to each other as he tears up, a weary nervous smile creeps on his face as the touch stays for longer, as his other hand caresses his cheeks, pushing his hair back before burying itself inside wheat fields.
Crooking his neck until it's painful, never making a sound as his nails scratch at the rabat wrapped around his waist in return, desperate to tug and tear apart the woolen cloth.
“Father… please… help me… help me…”
There’s blood clinging to hair– he reeks of death and steel, the once sparkling gold is dulled under the life of another, Homelander eyes are desperate, tears flowing shamelessly as his voice shreds, he leans downwards craning slightly as he pulls him.
There’s no smile on this holy man’s face– all he knows is that he sears his lips shut, his kiss is a flash wildfire, but the flame doesn’t cleanse anything for its too short, too chaste, too pure for him, he sees the red on those soft lips, Homelander’s own tongue licks at the impurity wanting to cleanse the holy man on behalf of God.
He wants more, he yearns and hungers for more, he wishes to be set ablaze, to be consumed by the flame held back on this man’s tongue, he wants nothing more but to be born from the ashes left at his feet.
“Are you seeking absolution?” He speaks into him– penance? You think God will give you any of that, my lost son?” His words are heavy yet are nothing but whispers only for this young man’s ears– I don’t think he will, John.”
John whimpers, tethering the edge before he bawls and drops to the ground, before he loses it all, but John is held firmly, his hands are the only thing with enough strength to yaw him before it's too late, with enough power to help him– yet they do not touch him, hid behind the flimsy cotton, they do not wish to touch him.
He is dirty. He’s carrying illness. 
Touching him will contaminate him, stain him, soil him.
He who is the only pure thing left… he cannot pollute him, The holy man thinks.
“Is okay… I’ll take all your sins… mortal and venial… I’ll take everything for you… for you who our heavenly father has turned away from… for you whom the only mother you’ll ever have cries for… I’ll take it all for you… so you can still bask in their light… so you have no shames nor guilts left– just as I promised.”
Homelander can only smile lightly, his lips trembling still.
The cicadas scream.
His lips drink him whole, Homelander chips at the wood, carving half-moons into the old bench, biting his lips raw– The older man's rawness gnawing at him, like everything else in this miserable agony, it gnaws at him, it carves a deep pain, that never leaves him, never grows dull, a pain that seeks to consume him and reshape him.
He takes the pain with him, he takes all this guilt with his kisses.
It will get worse before it gets better– Homelander thinks.
The cicadas fade behind the sound of his mouth, the quiet ditty of his tongue cloaked behind his endless gasps, he looks down and away, at the dissarrey of rows that he had pushed to make way for him, he looks down not wanting to shame him but he cannot stop… he knows ultimately that he would take all his sins with him including these…  his gaze catching the whiffling wheat coming undone, biting at his fingers unsure of where to go, wanting to bury them on his skin, to meld into him.
His gaze is as endless as the heavens– drool coats his cock, his long flat tongue cleans after himself, he takes him with ease, not gagging, not choking, he takes him as if he’s the very air that he breathes, Homelander can’t look away anymore… All he wants is to watch this spectacle– to see those lips kiss him and pleasure him, he wants to feel all the coldness fade away as he spreads the flames with all his permission.
As his head bobs, Homelander bloodied fingers meet silk, earning a muffled moan.
He comes as his lovers reaction reverberates inside him, knocking his head back like a broken spring as he cries and moans, seeing sprinkles of white before his sight returns.
“Father… Father Amarello, I'm sorry.” There’s nothing to clean him with, but the man doesn’t want it, his messied hair soaked in sweat sticks to his forehead, his cheeks flushed and his collar damp, he offers a sight reserved only for Homelander his tongue holding sin infused seed before swallowing it as if taste sweet like syrup– are you alright?”
“Do you feel empty?” He asks, resting his chin against the padded thigh, his gloved hand giving his half-limp member a couple demanding pumps– have you given me all your sins, my son?”
There’s nothing he wants more in the whole world than for God to let him feel his skin against his own, to feel his nimble fingers pamper him, but no matter how much burdens he willingly harbors on his behalf, that he willingly takes to save Homelander core… he would not touch him with raw.
“… it’s all too heavy.” He whimpers behind pants.
His is a sad smile, jittery knees lift him, planting short kisses, that never grow deep– their tongues are strangers on first name basis. Kissing his forehead, Homelander almost crumbles beneath him, as the hands hold him as if he’s worth more than gold.
As if he’s frail when it's this mortal man with janky knees and unexplained pains that is frail.
As frail as every person that has withered on his hands.
But he’s not… he has transcendent… he it's the link he has left to heaven.
He takes that vile hand that’s mixed with his own scent and what used to be somebody, kissing its heel distracting him enough to have unnoticed the new opening of his cassock, rabat discarded on a pew’s back, he takes that hand and lets him touch naked skin, letting him feel the warm pit that had formed in his navel.
Homelander finds himself holding Father Amarello’s thigh pushing him towards himself, as his hand explores what little it has, feeling the creamy skin, as he pushes more buttons to come undone, feeling the slight muscles and smooth hairs on his torso.
“Leave them all here… leave them inside me…” He hithers, goosebumps growing on him as sharpened claws trace his hips where his eyes can’t see it– I’ll take them all so you can be clean again.”
Wet heat blankets him, filling his lungs heavily, all he can smell it’s this terrible mold and stale air, the breeze has ceased but the cicadas continue their choir practice, weeds don’t rustle anymore and the sun has turned from gold to a mandarin, the church is envelop in this light, watching over him like the grieving face of the Holy Ghost.
He rutted his hips, body twitching after every thrust, every grunt, every push.
Deeper, hotter, excruciating.
He wants to become one with him, he wants their bodies to become the same if that’s the only way he can touch him, Father’s bareness it's not for him to have, only shameful glimpses are awarded but they aren’t prices they’re accidents– claiming he’s sullied, the fermenting disease leftover by him cannot touch him… he doth not wish to return his evils, he said before.
Homelander wants more… the greed… it's not greed its hunger clamoring for morsels, his teeth sinking against the nape of his neck, dampening the cloth, inhaling the sweet aroma that defines him… inhaling these perfume of myrrh and peaches.
He wants kisses but they cannot, he stops him as his finger hooks inside his mouth, Homelander pants his tongue tracing his lover’s jawline, every push shakes the ground Beneath, kisses paint his face and drinks his sweat but aren't pleased.
Lifting his hips and legs just enough to hit the sweet spot, the man can’t stay silent; his stifled moans are now all that fills these sacred grounds, hanging on his shoulders afraid of drowning, afraid of the way his body is transforming for this lamb.
This carnivorous lamb that seeks to molt its wool– sharp fangs scratch at his ear as he grunts and sobs.
“Don’t fret…” He says quietly, clinging on his shoulders pushing them closer, suffocating himself as his body it's covered in salty-sweet sweat, as his body seeks to wash this young man’s spirit, he bares the agony, for the flames are cleansing– God made me strong for you…. you won’t break me, John.”
He should’ve ignore the boy when he first saw him in the gardens, he should’ve never given him a smile, he should’ve never given him his arms, he should have never tempted this frail soul, he should’ve ran before he had had a chance of defiling God’s gift… now he had to be strong– for this young man’s salvation would save millions… God who blessed this lands with these exalted children, who blessed this land with somebody like John… who came to the misfortune of encountering him… who had the misfortune of tarnishing his guileless soul…  now God turned away in shame as this boy continued to blacken his spirit as he wondered the wilderness without guidance.
So Father Amarello had to fix it… this was God’s test… the reason he had received the call… that one day unbeknown to him, he would have to restore this pristine soul he had broken so that the world could keep its savior.
As he looked at that sobbing boy, as he felt his violent trust filling him more and more with his thick seed, as his stomach grew, and his legs gave up completely– he saw that boy from the garden, that lost boy too shy to come inside, who had no idea how to pray, who was so afraid of the world around him, who smiled at him so warmly as he listened to his practice sermons.
Wanting nothing more but to clean those tears, so he kissed them, drank them and quench his thirst with them.
He would ask forgiveness on his deathbed for this is one sin he doesn’t wish to be forgiven for… his lips linger on those thin lips, his tongue that’s never pampered another woman much less a man, nervously explored how much he’s welcomed.
Homelander takes him as if he’s the first drop of rain after a lifelong drought.
He tastes of him and peaches.
Homelander slows his trust, they deepen but there’s no frightened momentum, just tenderness left, his cock swelling ready to deliver the last of his venial sins, cupping the older man’s head so his head doesn’t touch the carpet any further.
His heart could give up happily, his whole body light, Amarello feels.
His eyes marginally open just to meet half-lit eyes, the prettiest shade of red he’s ever seen meets him, as the lightness makes more sense.
“Please don’t drop me” He mutters, a strange satiated smile looks back at Homelander as the young man realizes what he’s done– I really need to clean the ceiling.” 
Homelander blushes even more than it’s healthy, he lowers them softly, swaying away from the cluttered pews until he’s sitting on the altar where Father Amarello had left that jade vase earlier on.
He looks at the older man straddling his hips, burying his head on his chest, wiping his brow, his hands that had settled so expertly on his back now yearned to discover his hips.
Father Amarello laments his age once more, lifted by invisible strings as the man bounces him on his manhood.
All the strength his mortal body has left amounts to draped arms across his shoulders staying in place on a prayer.
His moans sing his praises, that lost lamb continues to bite, unable to stop that nervous choked laugh as he watches his every expression, watching the holy man crumble delightedly.
His legs just dangling on his sides, his own cock leaking all over Homelander’s suit.
“Father… is okay… you can feel good… too.”
“No… I can’t… is not… it's obscene…” he gasps, closing his eyes harshly, his whole face tense as the boy lifts him further to drop him harshly– please my child… just… just don’t think of this vessel… just empty all your sorrows without thinking of me.”
“But you kissed me.” It bites him, drawing blood that’s not there, he feels that fanged lamb tearing his throat into gorey strips, as bloodied lips seek to swallow his voice– It’s all I can do… I want to thank you for all you do for me.”
Tear stains clean by his gloved hand, he doesn’t know what to say left speechless by the kindness in his voice, his lips tremble but no sound leaves them, Homelander is quick to do as he pleases, as he had done before.
He can’t remember anymore, how much he’s cummed, all he knows it's that the cicadas are gone, that the sun is almost asleep, the blue glow of the incoming night doesn’t take away the sweltering heat, it doesn’t help him feel less suffocated.
Homelander swallows blessings, takes his righteousness with each pump, his tongue messily slobbers all over a member that no longer can stay fully hard, he warms it… with this heat it's just burns him more like it, Homelander thinks as his cheeks hollow around it, watching him cumming dryly as his fingers mix and froth the seed he’d left behind, Amarello’s leg just throw over his shoulder as limp as most of him.
Yet his fist is tight, skin callusing as he grips the carmine beads that tug at the tied rosary on Homelander’s neck, the collar that keeps him calm.
His free hand pumping his cock to the rhythm of his lazy licks.
Homelander lets out a wet hiss before cumming into his palm, slithering towards the older man whose dazed gaze no longer sees anything… woken up from this trance by a familiar flavor– his tongue cleans his fingers until they glisten, sucking on them as hungrily as John had been before, he can only watch at his only lifeline to god washes him with spit with feline grace.
He’s enthralled as the sound digs into his brain, as he sees all that’s wrong with him it's taken away.
This holy man bore all these indignations to help him.
Homelander understand that this world needs him, needs him more than they’ll ever understand– but he cannot be the only one that has to make sacrifices… he can only carry so much burden before he explodes under the weight.
For this man it's benevolent, he’s kind, he’s bounteous in his efforts… in his love, he will carry that weight on his behalf so he can continue his duty.
He cries as the man cups his cheek, his covered hand leaves a print as it struggles to settle on his sharp cheekbones.
“Is alright… John… he isn’t mad at you… just at me…”
“I didn’t mean to kill those people.” he whimpered– I got so angry. I am so sorry for all I’ve done…”
“Don’t think of it any further my son… my soft John… it’s all here… all your sins are gone and now reside in me… give thanks to the lord, for he’s good.” He musters a weak smile– save a life… any life… no matter how wretched… just one as penance my delicate son… continue to use these blessings from the lord… do it for me… do it for my blessing too.”
Melting as he opens his lips ajar with nude fingers, shuddering as he feels his incandencing touch, hotter than the sun could ever be, burning him with tenderness, he’s delicate yet firm.
“No matter what you do… I’ll absolve you… for you are good… you’re a savior… my child.”
“Yes… Father…” he chokes back a sob.
Homelander sits once more looking at all he had almost broken in his fever, feeling light… feeling the room grow bigger, he awaits for the priest as he comes carrying a small basket of peaches.
His hands playing with the carmine rosary as he watches him.
“They’ve sprung like weeds… too many, even the rabbits and deers don’t want them… take some before you leave… you look thin…” he’s voice is pained from the strain on his body, but his concern is genuine– did you hear the sermon today?” 
He nods lightly.
“You know you can come in… I know crowds are hard for you… but you shouldn’t be afraid… but then again I hate public speaking.” he scoffs playfully, taking a ripe peach off the pile.
In this disheveled state he still jumps back as the golden juices spurt, not wanting to dirty his clerical uniform, the juice stains his hand and chin, offering the bitten peach as it drips onto the ground.
He wants nothing but to reject him, but his mouth opens as he falls under the spell of his gaze.
Homelander's heart skips a beat as those lifeless eyes remind him that he’s nothing but a feeble lamb as the old lion still has claws and fangs.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
MultiVillains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plots / Includes: Just some very short, very self indulgent, very fluffy drabbles of them taking care of you while you’re sick because I am dying (: (: (:
Human!Chucky Lee Ray: The bastard climbs through your window (Even though you have told him a million times that he is WELCOME to USE the FRONT DOOR.) not looking for much more than a hook up… and finds you curled up in bed; ‘Dying’, as you tell him.
Poly!Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone: You’ve been totally overworking yourself at the pub recently and today you wake up sick as a dog- and well, there’s no damn way that your partners are going to let you leave the house until you’re 100% better. *This is set in the world of This Oneshot, where they’re in love with you but you’re uncomfortable with the whole thing… but also subconsciously like them a lot too.
Wheezy Weasel: Turns out your boyfriend, who is not the picture of health himself, is actually quite good at taking care of people when they’re sick. You now know how the rest of the Toon Patrol have survived to adulthood. (Sidenote: Especially Smartass. That man does not stop to rest.)
Warnings: Boone and Buckman lightly kidnap you but only out of love, and Wheezy undresses you but its really not sexual at all. Its all fluff ^^
Tag list: @marinerainbow , @miss-understood and @astridflo
Human!Chucky Lee Ray:
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“Easy does it, easy does it… agh!- “
The sound of Chucky toppling through your bedroom window rouses you from your heavy dozing session, and when all the pain comes back to your head and your nose starts dripping once again you let out your own groan; Throwing the blankets over your head to hide from the world. “Chuckyyyy!”
“Fuck, I always forget how high up this damn window is. You should put a step stool here for me, one of these days I’m gonna break my face.” He grumbles, making a cacophony of creaky and flappy sounds as he gets up and brushes himself off. 
“Get outtt,” You groan again, squeezing your eyes shut. His loud voice is grating on your very sensitive earbuds right now. Feeling the bed dip beside your hips, you assume Chucky has sat down and when a hand lands on your waist, you sigh. “… I’m sick, Chucky… “It would be nice if he would comfort you, but you kinda doubt it.
“Ohh… Yeah, that explains the clinical atmosphere in here. You at deaths fucken door, or something?”
Sniffling, you roll over under his hand to face him and nod under the covers. “Yes.”
“You are not, shut up.” Despite his annoyingly harsh words, Chucky slides down to lay on the mattress next to you, above the covers though. “Well, guess I’m not getting any… go back to sleep, then. Just stay under those blankets, I don’t need to be catching whatever disease you caught.”
Peaking just your eyes out from under the blanket and your noise is as nasally as it gets- it makes him snigger but you ignore it. “You’re staying?”
He smirks, yanking the blankets back up over the rest of your head. “It’d be kinda of rude of me, to turn up here to fuck you but just leave cuz I can’t… wouldn’t it?”
“Then I guess I’m staying here.”
“… Thank you.” You know Chucky’s not great with his emotions, he’s always either too hot or too cold but this is an uncharacteristically soft moment for him- you’re going to enjoy it while it lasts.
It jostles you when he moves to get comfortable, stealing a pillow that was half under your head and folding it under his own, sleep entering him voice as he settles down. “Mhm.” Okay. Comforted by the fact he’s going to stay, you let your heavy eyelids fall shut again and snuggle closer to his warm body. “… mm, sleep tight… “
Poly!Mayor Buckman and Granny Boone:
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At first when you wake up and force your body up into a sitting position, you have no clue where you are. You’re squinting around at the unfamiliar bedroom you’re in all alone, feeling a confused sense of dread flood your blood stream- the kind where you don’t move a muscle, just your eyes as you gaze about the room and try to figure out the puzzle.
… Until you’re suddenly thrown into the worst coughing fit of your life- just really terrible. It make syour eyes water and mucus build up in your throat. When it’s over, thankfully, you give a big, terrible sniffle and groan long and hard into your hands. Whatttttttttttttt? No… I can’t be sick… Noooooo… You have a business to be running! Where the fuck are you and where did this virus come from? None of this will at all do-
“You’re awake, then! ~ “The door immediately across from you opens up then, and you’re not even surprised at who comes in- exasperated, yes. Nauseous at the sight of syrup drenched pancakes in her hands, yes.
But not surprised.
“Boone… “You start, and find that you’re voice is as course as it gets, and promptly lose your mouth because- ow.
“I think you should go back to sleep for a while, but I got you some breakfast here to pick at first! You need your strength, sweetheart~ “
I’m not your sweetheart, you think, giving her a deadpanned glare as she comes forward with the stack of sugar dressed up as Breakfast. Usually pancakes would make you happy, but right now with how you’re feeling and your sore throat? Hell no. Just smelling them make you feel like being sick. “… that’s okay.” You force out, despite the pain. “I’m fine. I’m just going to go to wor- “
“Your throat must be killing you,” Boone laments, ignoring you entirely as she sinks down on the bed beside you. “Georges coming with some lemon and honey tea, that’ll fix it right up!”
… that actually does sound pretty helpful. “Thank you, but- “
“Don’t talk honey, we’ve got you.” Boone cuts you off again. Yes, that would be the problem, you sigh in resignation, but go totally stiff when the woman reaches over and tucks some of your hair behind your ear; A deeply concerned look on her face. “Where is that old bastard with the tea?” She seems to mutter to herself, then, and you’re rolling your eyes when he appears.
The mayor takes a seat on the opposite of your legs that Boone is on and wraps your hands around the mug in your lap, wrapped in a tea towel so it doesn’t hurt to hold. “Goodmorning darlin!~ Gotcha some tea, here- careful, its hot.”
Yep- not your darling. But thanks, I didn’t realise that tea was hot. Nodding gratefully nonetheless of your sarcastic inner thoughts, you cup the mug carefully in your lap and your body actually relaxes to the smell- embarrassingly enough. You can feel the stuffiness in your head clearing as the steam wafts up to your face.
Boone’s feeling your forehead, which must feel like a kettle, and frowning. “Make sure you force some food down, too, an empty stomach’ll just make it all worse.”
Taking a glance at the pancake sin her lap, you press your lips together in a straight line quickly and look away. “… How did I get here? Y’all didn’t kidnap me, did you?”
It was a joke, apparently a poor one though because Buckman almost looks guilty when he goes to answer. “Well… not per say… I don’t think… “
What!? “Not per say??”
“Well, you fainted at the pub and we- well, we made an executive decision to just… take you home after that.” Honestly, it’s a mystery to you sometimes that he is the smooth talker in this damn town. You open your mouth to say something about his lack of tact, when the full meaning of his words set in.
“- I fainted??!”
“You’ve been workin’ real hard lately, sweetheart,” Boone explains, producing a damp cloth from a bowl on the side table and pressing it gently to your head. At the same time, her husband pats your hand, and- And it feels good, damnit! You wish you would have the strength right then to fly out of there like a bat from hell, but you just… don’t. Too tired, too sick… too weak. “It was likely to catch up to ya eventually- you really shouldn’t push yourself so hard... ”
“I’m fine- “  
“Oh, so you don’t mind collapsin’ on the floor in front of the whole darn town every now and then?” Buckman cuts in, raising his brows at you- to which you roll your eyes at and turn away from him. Well, no, you don’t enjoy that. “In that case, maybe we should just install some mats- “Turning to Boone, he continues the lark and if looks could kill then your mayor would be dead and buried by now. “What do you think, dear, bear skin or cotton?”
“I’d say both, considering the big ol’ egg forming on their forehead here.” Oh, so it will be twin graves.
“So right.”
“… “Cheeks warm from more than just your fever, you glare at them both hard for a good moment, before being angry at all becomes too exhausting a thought and you just give a deeply frustrated sigh; Lifting the mug to your face and avoiding eye contact with either of them.
Hopefully you get better real quick.
Wheezy Weasel:
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As soon as you admitted that you were sick, Wheezy had you up on your feet and was marching you off to the bathroom. “C’mon… “He mumbles in that lazy drawl of his, closing the door behind you both. You stand there with your arms crossed, just struggling to stand as you watch him reach into the shower and turn the taps on. He feels until the water is a good, hot temperature and steam billows out of the cubical before stepping back and gesturing with his thumb to the stream. “Test that,”
While you reach in delicately and check it yourself, nodding when you get used to it quickly, Wheezy kneels down and starts unlacing your shoes. You drop your arm back down to your side, the limb too heavy to hold up for long, and give your boyfriend a little peculiar smile. “Wheezy… “
“Just relax Y/N, I aint gonna try anything.”
“I believe you… “You’ve been together for nearly half your lives now, seeing eachother naked is not a big deal. I mean, you like it of course, but it doesn’t have to be about- its not always- there’s not always a sexual undertone. You feel comfortable with him, is what you mean.
“Okay, step outta those.”
As you follow his instructions, slipping your feet easily out of the sneakers that he loosened up for you, he gets up again and unbuttons your shirt. “I can take care of myself, you know?”
He gives a huff and rolls his eyes. “As a matter a fact, no, I don’t know that. You tried to go t’ work today. So that means, I’m in charge now.” You can’t help the little, tired grin on your face as you let him help you out of your shirt, even holding your arms up for him when he guides them up into the air so that he can lift your undershirt carefully over your head. “So deal with it.”
“Yes sir.” You tease, getting a rough chuckle from the smoker as he moves onto your pants. Getting more and more tired the more you stand, you take advantage of his presence in front of you and wrap your arms over his shoulders to help hold you up; Letting your head fall forward and your eyelids fall shut while he focuses on unbuckling, unbuttoning and unzipping your bottoms.
Once he shoves your pants and underwear down, you step out of them and he chucks your discarded outfit onto the bench before guiding you towards the shower. “Alright, lock the door when I leave. Don’t need Greasy or Psycho waltzing in here while yer relaxin’.”
“Hmm,” You hum, eyes still closed. When he gives you a kiss on the forehead, though, you open them up slowly and look up at him only slightly adoringly… okay super adoringly, because he’s perfect and oddly kind and you know you’re so lucky to have him. “Okie.”
With his hand still cupping half your face, Wheezy gives you a half stern look. “Stay in there until you feel your sinuses loosen up, okay?”
“Yep~ “
“I’ll bring ya pyjama’s in a couple minutes and leave ‘em on the floor outside. Then go straight t’ bed, and I’ll bring ya some soup.”
“Yes sir… “
“Hm,” He huffs again, a lazy smirk spreading across his face for a moment before he gives you another forehead kiss, pats your back, and leave you to it.
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riddlemethisjeremy · 5 months
On that post about autism winning you put in the tags how cannibalism isn't a great survival food source can you elaborate more on that because I'm genuinely curious
yes actually !!
So there are a few reasons for this
The first one, which im pretty sure i mentioned in the tags, is that human flesh is actually really low on calories.
And i know
"calories bad 😡😡😡 high calorie food isnt good for you etc. etc."
This is a diet culture myth
Calories are actually the human body's main source of long term energy your body converts it into fat to store it and then burns the fat to make energy when food is scarce/when you're using a lot of it at once.
Having a high calorie diet is like pretty good for people in stamina sports because it means they won't burn out too quickly.
When you're in a survival situation where food is scarce, you're gonna want foods either high in sugar so you can get your energy boost straight away (humans are not this because we burn through sugar like its gasoline) or high in calories so that you can preserve your energy and live longer, and so you can last off the same bit of food for longer. Food that is high in calories tend to be filling because your body is getting a bunch of storable energy really quickly and you do not need as much of it at once to live.
Because humans store energy as fat, though, a lot of the calories in it tend to burn when you would be cooking human flesh, meaning that most of the useful survival nutrients likely will be wasted. And making the assumption that this is a city person who is resorting to cannibalism as a final option, they probably would not be able to stomach raw human/not a hundred percent but it could possibly kill you? I know human meat gets compared to pork/chicken quite often and they're both white meats, which you can't eat raw. So in the basic sense of getting energy off of the food you're eating, humans just don't have the correct nutritional balance to sustainably keep you alive you'd have kill and eat another person every like two-three days whereas animals like pigs/goats/sheep you could live off for at least a week before they start to spoil (and even then if you cook it thoroughly uts still technically safe to eat for like almost a month) so if you can find something similar in your wilderness environment do so
Also don't quote me on this but pretty sure a good way to tell for meat with decent calorie intake is muscle vs fat
Beef cows are often bred for muscle as opposed to fat because the fat just lacks nutrients and doesnt satisfy hunger very well
So if you have a himbo friend they're going first just saying
But also humans aren't really naturally built to build muscle as well as they build fat, so either way chances are you'll still end up lacking calorie intake.
Reason number two !!
A pretty fuckin big one
Kuru is a protien disease (i think thats the word). I dont know all the sciency shit but basically inside your brain you have these little chemicals and theyre unique to you. They like float around your body a little and vibe idrk why they're there.
When you ingest human flesh
The other persons little protein things attack your ones.
Most of what i know about the symptoms of kuru come from this one zombie game my dad used to play (z nation or gen z or some shit like that it was a super hardcore survival game) so like dont quote me too much on this
But basically it deteriorates your brain functions. You like start getting forgetful/judgement/risk evaluation gets affected/emotional management fucks off completely (you get all manic sometimes i think and like hysterical laughing is common in later stages) and eventually your brain just kind of in general stops functioning and you die.
And it takes a little while like a couple weeks or something i think depending on the amount of human flesh you consume.
And like you won't always contract a lethal level of kuru i think, like generally the further away from the brain you are the better off you'll be? Like if you eat a human brain you're practically dead on arrival but if youre munching on toes you have to eat like four or five people's worth to die
Fun fact: the penis is the only place on the human body this protein isnt found which means eating dick is safe.
But yeah kuru is nasty and i do not recommend to the average tumblr user.
Please bear in mind that i am not a science nerd do like the more scientific shit i am not a hundred percent on and you should probably take this with a lil grai of salt because i might have oversimplified or misunderstood something
But this is more or less why cannibalism is not a great survival tactic and should definitely be the last of last resorts
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cottonccat · 6 months
Unrelated to food, also TW for animal disease and infection MLP AU
Maybe someone already made this, I'm yet to see. Normally the infections are more magical, which personally that's more interesting for me.
But I can't stop thinking about rabies ponies. Maybe even prion disease.
Rabies would be interesting because it can affect individual animals differently, they can be really fearful, aggressive or even (in later stages) just... Stand there. Rabies causes certain muscles (?) to give out and it causes animals to look exactly how I saw some MLP infection art look like.
When I was thinking about it, Applejack and Rainbow dash would become ravenous and attack a lot of people, causing even more infected. Rarity and Fluttershy would shut in, scared and paranoid of everything while pinkie completely looses as sense of danger and or fear (as if she ever had) and ends up being attacked by animals in the everfree forest.
As the above shows, all of these were aspects in different infection AUs, that's why I think that the rabies infection would be interesting, a lot of the infections already have rabies vibes to it.
On the other hand, there's prion disease. Not exactly terrifying in "zombies" kind of way, but more in what does to you.
My head insists on making it be real on the "cupcakes universe". Pinkie is selling this pony filled cupcakes and you're telling prion disease wouldn't happen?? Actually, pinkie is the first one to present symptoms.
People that buy from her shop and her friends notice she starts to be more quiet, with more jerky movements. Hysterical laughs are heard in the middle of the night. She eventually stops opening the shop, the friends finally planning an intervention, find her dead while she was baking.
The doctors who tried to see what was wrong with pinkie fing that her brain was covered in holes, which immediately caused them to research the disease, specially because more and more ponies are presenting the same symptoms.
"pinkie infects the entirety of ponyville with her canibal cupcakes, infection AU"
Honestly I didn't do it justice to prion disease. I'd say it's more terrifying than rabies.
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ciaossu-imagines · 1 year
Hi again. I’m here with another Bandō request because I just can’t not. How do you think he would deal with a s/o who has terrible muscle cramps (dystonia) all over their body? It’s something that can happen at any point in time and most often affects their speech. Another thing that often happens is that they need to be helped out of bed (or sometimes chair) by their parents and they don’t especially like asking for help but they can’t always find any other way of escaping their situation so they have to and yet sometimes the parents are annoyed by that fact. They also don’t have much energy and think it’s annoying because they do like going out and doing things, it just takes a lot out of them because of their cramps and lack of energy. I hope it’s an okay request. I totally understand if it’s too much or too specific. Thanks in advance and have a wonderful day ahead.
I’d also like to ask you something else. If I’m not allowed to add it to the ask I’m sorry and I’ll ask again once the event is over. You seem like a kind person and are into two series that I really love so I was wondering whether I could DM you and talk to you (off anon of course). I saw you mention in a post that people can do that if they have different opinions on character interpretations but I don’t and I’m not sure to what extent you’d be alright if someone who just started following you messaged you so I thought I’d ask.
Okay, first off, this is definitely not too much and it’s hyperspecific in all the right ways, actually. I know I don’t often talk about myself or my life on here but as part of the my college courses, we had to do a lot of medical training so this is all shit that I know and love. So your request, where it hit on a disease that I am familiar with, actually makes me so happy! This is my shit! I hope the headcanons will do it justice, though I tried to focus them less on the disease (because anyone living with any kind of medical condition knows that sometimes...it's like they're only the medical condition and nothing more) and more on the impact it has on the relationship between Bandou and his partner.
Also, to answer your second part…UM, YES PLEASE! Seriously, I am so flattered that you want to talk to me and I absolutely love getting to know all my readers, whether they follow me or not, whether they’re new or old…one of the best parts of fandom and of running this blog is the amazing readers I have and getting to know them! Please feel free to message me, not just this anon, but any of you! It doesn’t even need to be for anything specific; all of you guys can legitimately reach out to me at any point to talk about anything and I will do my best to be there for you, though I can be a bit slow in responses as those who do talk to me know, just because I juggle responding around other things! Anyway, onto the headcanons!
Okay, so just in how your ask reads, it sounds like the reader doesn’t really ask for much help, so I’m running on an assumption here that she doesn’t outright tell Bandou about her condition right away, not when they first start dating. And I can see him really caring about her and being really into her, so he’s going to try to be nice and present himself at his best, but it does sometimes annoy him at first because she is slower and she can’t get out and do as much as he’d like to do with her and it’s like she doesn’t have the energy to really keep up with him as much as he’d like her too. And even while he’s trying to be understanding on his best behaviour, I could see him sometimes being insensitive or rude at first out of ignorance and frustration. He’d definitely feel bad about hurting her feelings but sometimes his frustration would just get to be a little too much and he’d sort of lash out or put his foot in his mouth.
She would need to let him in on what is going on with her body and the fact that she does have a medical condition that causes a lot of the things that frustrate him. Once she does let him know, he will feel like a huge asshole because of everything he said or did and the way he acted and he’ll get really standoffish for a couple days because like, he’s not good at handling his feelings so she would have to make some efforts to let him know that it’s okay and that she understands his feelings and doesn’t blame him and she isn’t angry with him.
Again, much like the period ask, Google is going to be this boy’s best friend because he does care about his partner, and he wants to actually know and understand what is going on with them. He’ll spend whole night’s up just searching for information on the condition, on how it can affect them, on what can cause it, on whether it can be cured and once he learns that it can’t, whether it can be managed and how. He’s going to be sending text after text asking them if they’ve tried the botulinum injections, if they take any of the medications to target neurotransmitters that he’s been reading does help, if they have to go to physical therapy, speech therapy, if there’s any special stretches or massages they are supposed to be doing. He’ll honestly go a little overboard, but he really does come from a good place and just wants to understand what they’re working with and how he can help.
If they do get the injections, he’ll want to be at the appointments with them. If they take the medications, he’ll be doing research on the side effects so he can be perfectly prepared to help with them. If they go to speech therapy, he’ll want to go with them (though he’s not allowed in because he generally glares and looks like a thug and he scares their speech therapist and the same goes for physical therapy, where he will plain out try to fight their physical therapist if it looks like the therapist is causing his partner pain and might even try to ask for help from the other HOMRA members to like...burn that particular physical therapist's office to the ground because the fucker obviously shouldn't be in business). And you are goddamn right he’s going to be first in line to offer to rub them down or stretch them out, especially if there’s any opportunity that those will lead them down a far naughtier road.
Honestly, Bandou almost NEEDS to be relied on by his partner. He wants to be someone they’ll ask for help; he wants to be someone they believe can take good care of them. He needs to be someone they trust and if they don’t learn to ask for help, at least from him, that could be a huge contentious point in their relationship because it will seem, in his mind and because of his self-esteem issues, like they’re thinking that he’s not reliable enough or strong enough or man enough to take care of them properly or that they don’t trust him to do so.
He will definitely not get along with their parents. Yeah, he might originally have wanted to get in good with his partner’s parents but the first sign of annoyance on their part with his partner?? He’s got a sharp tongue and they found that out quick and honestly, he would have been down to throw some hands at his partner’s parents if his partner would have just let him…yes, he’s still pouting about that.
He’ll still occasionally get frustrated at his partner’s limitations but it’s not that he’s angry at them so much as he’s angry that they got saddled with this condition, with this burden and he doesn’t know how to handle that properly so he can take it out sometimes on his partner without meaning to, but he’ll slowly get better at apologizing for his moments, at least in his own little ways. And god fucking forbid that anyone else make even the slightest off comment about his partner or the effects that their condition has on their energy, their movements, or especially their speech because….let’s just say that Bandou is part of HOMRA for a reason and he didn’t get to where he is inside HOMRA for no reason.
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chloeangelic · 11 months
Girl the way I want you to drop your working out routine and diet…
Hiiii okay very late answer below SORRY
CW exercise, food/diet, all that. If you have an issue with me posting or talking about this, dont click the read more and then complain about it, capiche? :))))  just move along, nothing to see here
I know a lot of people would answer stuff like this with “i am not a professional” however i am actually an exercise professional with several certifications and licenses, so this is not me giving advice or telling you what you should do, this is just what i personally do. i have a very positive relationship to food and exercise after working out for a decade so im pretty laid back about all of it  
Exercise wise, i lift 3x a week and i pole dance 1-2x a week. As for lifting, i do full body every time, all free weights and no machines. I dont do cardio or abs cause i think its boring and i dont track how many calories i burn cause i dont care. I find it boring to do upper body/leg days so i prefer doing a mix. My set and rep range is anywhere from 3x3 to 4x18 depending on the exercise. I do progressive overload, meaning i do the same 3 sets of different exercises every week but it gets a little more intense every time either in terms of weight increasing or reps increasing. The only exercise i do twice a week is hip thrust. My goals are to build strength and muscle and this has worked well for me so im happy. Sometimes i ditch working out or pole to write but i stay mostly consistent 
Diet wise, i have celiac disease and i dont eat out very often, so those are kinda the two main things. I make all my own food cause i have no other options haha 
The best diet advice i ever received was to have a source of protein, fat and carbs in every meal and thats what i follow. This is gonna sound boring but the things i eat the most are gf bread, eggs, chicken sausages, generic brand nutella, greek yogurt, granola, berries, different varieties of pasta, chicken, fish, beef, prawns, rice, veggies, granola bars, dark chocolate and ice cream (a pint can last me a long time cause i find it v filling for some reason). I usually make the same type of stuff my mom made growing up which is kind of a mix of different stuff. When i have the time, i like making lebanese or palestinian food (my fav food ever is shish tawook), and I also like to put toum (whipped garlic sauce) on everything. When i go out with my friends or order in, i tend to get fried chicken, sushi or middle eastern food. i love candy, cake, cookies and all other desserts yum yum yum i eat dessert every day and idc if anyone has an issue w it
Im the type who loses my appetite if im stressed, and my metabolism has gotten high from working out for so long that it can be difficult to eat enough, especially protein, and that always leaves me feeling v tired and shitty the next day cause i cant sustain the energy expenditure, so i try to make my meals very calorically dense cause theres just a limit to how much i can chew and swallow. i often drink blackberry/cranberry canada dry ginger ale cause they fucking SLAP and also its extra carbs i dont have to shove down my gullet
Thats pretty much it. I take creatine but thats the only supplement i take cause protein powder tastes terrible. I got an ask about creatine and will respond to that soon as well :p
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