#McFoord x R
wosoamazing · 3 months
McFoord x Child!R
Warnings: Vomiting, Celiac Disease A/N: Doesn't really have a plot and I don't like the ending, only short but at least it's something
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“Ma, I don’t feel good,” you told her as your stomach cramped, you were sitting beside her as you watched some of the girls train, your Ma having a quick break.
“Oh Munchkin, do you think you’re getting a bug?” you shook your head, wrapping your arms around your stomach tighter, “what have you eaten today?” you listed off everything you’d eaten that day. 
“Kyra, did you check the oats were gluten free?” your Ma asked the younger Australian, as you leaned your weight into your Ma’s side, stomach feeling worse by the second.
“Um, no, I thought they were, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise, I should’ve checked anyway just to make sure, I-” “It’s okay really, don’t worry, you didn’t do it on purpose and we know you tried your hardest, could you just tell Cait that Y/N/N is having an episode and to talk to Jonas, I’m just going to take her inside.” Your Ma asked the now guilty girl who nodded before quickly jogging off to your Mum.
“Hey Monkey, you not feeling well?” Your Mum spoke softly to you as she walked into the locker room, you just shook your head slightly in response to her, “Jonas said we were right to go home,” she told your Ma, from just a quick glance it was clear you were quite unwell. You were sitting in your Ma’s lap cured into a ball, her arms tightly wrapped around you, she rocked you slightly back and forth as she murmured comforting words to you, hating how there was nothing she could do to help you. 
“I think the oats Kyra used in the Anzac Biscuits she made for us all weren’t actually gluten free, she felt really bad but I told her not to worry and that it wasn’t her fault, do you want to have a shower and then I will and we can take her home?” Your Mum nodded before quickly heading to the shower.
“That’s it Monkey, let it all out, hopefully it will make you feel better,” your Mum encouraged you as you were hunched over the toilet in the bathroom, stomach harshly ejecting it’s contents, you sat in her lap and she held your hair back with one hand while the other rubbed soft circles into your back.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” your Mum told you as you collapsed back into her, curling into a ball, pressing your side against her front. Your stomach was super bloated but also intensely cramping and you felt really tired.
“Do you think we should try your tablets? Maybe the anti-sick ones first and then you muscle ones?” she asked as her hand carded through your hair.
“P-please,” your voice answered barely above a whisper.
“Okay, let's just stay here until Ma comes out of her shower, I’ll message her to bring them to us,” she murmured into the top of your head before kissing it.
Your Mum’s were quite thankful for their now quiet day, not realising how much they both needed it. Thankfully the anti-nausea meds had worked and you had only thrown up once. Your muscle relaxers helped a bit but you were still in a lot of pain and your stomach was still cramping quite badly. When you arrived home your Mum’s took you into their room, where you almost immediately fell asleep on your Mum. You had moved in your sleep and now you were sleeping on top of your Ma, hand clutching the fabric of your Mum’s shirt to make sure she stayed. They had a movie playing in the background as they organised some things, in the middle of a discussion about the Olympics and whether you would go on camp with your Mum or go and watch some games with your Ma when the doorbell rang. Your Mum pried your hands off of her shirt and quickly got up to find a guilty looking Kyra on the other side of the door when she opened it.
“Kyra? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at training?” Your Mum questioned her.
“I feel really bad about y/n/n, Jonas let me go early, I bought some things for her,” she told your Mum as she presented the gift basket to her. 
“Thank you Kyra, that’s very kind of you, and honestly it’s not your fault, it was an accident, we understand.” Kyra nodded as she fiddled with the bottom of her hoodie, “you can see her if you want, she is currently asleep, and not very well, but I’m sure she won’t mind you coming to say hi,” the young Aussie nodded and followed your Mum through to where you were. You had woken up now, and Katie was helping you drink some water, you were still quite unwell, and looked like you were falling asleep sitting up.
“Monkey, Kyra came to see you,” your Mum told you as she walked into the room.
“Kyra?” you said groggily and she softly nodded her head, the younger girl stepped inside the room and sat down on the bed next to you, to which you climbed into her lap and fell asleep.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Last updated: 25/9/24
Alexia x Reader (platonic) -Injured (Alexia's Version) VIII - R tries to help her brother Jaume come out to their mother [ANGST] -Injured (Alexia's Version): Future IV - R brings home her girlfriend and her new dog, Flower -Melting Pot III - An exploration into what R feels as a glass child [ANGST] -Leaving VIII - Alexia remains clueless as to how you play tennis
Alexia + Jenni x Reader (platonic) -If You Were My Little Girl - Alexia thinks R looks like Jenni and wants to get to the bottom of it [ANGST]
Alexia x Reader (romantic)
-Second Time's The Charm X - R thinks about how frowny her wife has always been
Mapi x Ingrid x Reader (platonic)
-Icy III - R's father comes to watch a match [ANGST] -Heart VI - R meets Patri's birds
Aitana x Reader (platonic)
-Miracle III - Mama Ta-Ta gets upgraded to Mama -Miracle IV - R has been distant and aloof for a few months and Aitana wants to find out why [ANGST]
Mary x Reader (platonic)
-Carnival II - R is homesick so Mary helps
Hardersson x Reader (platonic) -Shirt - Zećira manages to make R wear something she hates -Proud IX - R has fun teasing her moster Frido after the Barcelona v Bayern preseason
Wonze x Reader (platonic)
-Travel Day III - R gets to come to camp for the first time as a baby
Lucy x Ona x Reader (platonic)
-New Girlfriend III - R makes a game for school and doesn't let Lucy see it
Jenni x Reader (platonic)
-Foxes III - R doesn't enjoy touch but makes an exception after Spain loses to Japan
Lotte x Reader (platonic)
-Video IV - R and Lotte go to a soft play place
Irene x Reader (platonic)
-Hair - R helps her mother deal with the red card she got
Katie x Reader (platonic)
-Different II - R finally gets her diagnosis
Rue x Reader (platonic)
-End of the World VI - Rue finds out about R's accidents -End of the World VII - Rue takes R out to the zoo
Lia x Mariona x Reader (platonic) -Helper IV - R shows Mariona around
Barcelona x Reader (platonic)
-Head in the Clouds IV - R spends her first few months with the team
Frida x Emma x Reader (platonic)
-Flag IV - R gets hurt and lost in the forest [ANGST]
Wonze x Reader (platonic)
-Broken III - Keira stresses about R's broken arm in the break room together
Kewis x Reader (platonic)
-Torn VI - R has a very bad seizure and ends up in hospital [ANGST]
McFoord x Reader (platonic)
-Melting Pot IV - R goes to sport's day at school
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woso-lover234 · 4 months
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afterglowkatie · 1 month
Hii! Do you have any plans for future teen / child reader fics? Links on tumblr aren’t working for me so Im not able to check your wip list for it, but I’m just wondering because I think youd ace it. Thanks!
aww thanks!! that means a lot! i do have some plans for teen and child reader fics!
- katrina gorry x teen!reader: reader is a footballer like her mum, the oldest and has always helped her mum with looking after harper and koby (even though it was never expected) and she feels guilty about the potential of moving away from her family to further her career in football. and it’s mini just helping her daughter through all those feelings and being supportive and wanting r to do what’s right for her to grow more
- mcfoord x child!reader: i have a few fic ideas but mainly have an idea for a few fics within the same universe kinda. i have an idea where like r is katie’s kid and has katie’s jerseys on her bedroom wall bc it helps her feel close to her mum (it was the easiest way for katie to get r to stay in her own bed instead of always ending up in her mums) and like when r gets more comfortable and closer to caitlin, r ends up asking caitlin for one of her jerseys (she gets the idea to ask at an arsenal match where she sees fans asking/signs asking for jerseys etc) and then gets caitlin to help her put it on her wall and kinda surprises katie with it
another idea is one in that same universe where r asks to go with caitlin to matilda’s camp instead of going to ireland camp with her mum (r and harper together at camp)
that’s all the kind of ideas i have for teen reader and child reader though! i’m always open to ideas as well! i’ll probably get into writing again real soon! 🥰
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wosoamazing · 5 months
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McFoord (Katie McCabe x Caitlin Foord)
Celiac You have celiac disease - Child!R
Different but not Weird R struggles with the fact she is different due to hear hearing - Child!R
Bench Naps You're sick - Teen!R
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There is no ‘I’ in Team R is struggling with her mental health after feeling like she has let down both her National and Club teams - Teen!R
Incident at the trampoline park You get injured at the trampoline park - Child!R
Surprise You surprise your Ma at camp - Child!R
Mum v Ma Your Mum's play against each other for the first time - Child!R
Injuries Confrontations & Apologies Your Ma gets injured, gets mad at you and ends up in hospital, causing her to be on the receiving end of a stern talking to from Viv - Child!R
McFoord Baby Pregnant -> Your Ma is pregnant with you. Birth -> The birth doesn't go quite to plan Home -> You get to go home Firsts -> Your first word & your first steps First Game -> The first big arsenal game you attend
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Different but not weird
McFoord x Child!R
Everything in italics is sign language.
Warnings: Mention of premature birth (corrected ages - nothing in depth), hearing loss, cochlear implants A/N: Not proof read properly and this is probably boring but yeah, hope you like it. (Also thank you to @alotofpockets for the help in coming up with an idea for this fic)
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You were still in the NICU when Katie and Caitlin adopted you, having signed up for fostering to adopt just days before they met you. When the phone call began with “We know it may not be what you’re looking for and it might be a lot to take on,” they were hesitant, agreeing to just meet you and not agreeing to anything yet, wanting to see you and talk to the doctors and nurses to get more of a background on you. However you stole their hearts when they met you and they decided on that day they were going to adopt you. You were very small and spent quite some time in the NICU after they signed up to foster you. There were some concerns over your hearing during your time in the NICU, you had failed your AOAE and all subsequent tests. They thought it was possible it was because you were a premie and that maybe it would improve, however it didn’t, it stayed the same. So at 6 months (corrected age) you underwent surgery to have cochlear implants placed, before undergoing speech therapy.
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“Ears” your Mum asked as you furiously shook your head, “Where did you put them?” she sighed. The most expensive item you owned by far was ‘lost’ somewhere on camp. 
“Looking for these?” One of the physios said as she walked up behind Caitlin, causing your Mum to jump slightly, “Oh story didn’t mean to scare you. She handed them to me during training and told me to hold onto them, and not lose them because you would get mad,”
“Thank you,” you Mum sighed as she took them, you were at an age now where you had started realising you were different. You had noticed how the other kids didn’t have to wear things on the back of their ears, with wires that connected to magnets that stuck on their head, and your Mum had a slight suspicion that another kid at preschool had said something to you about them.
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“Why don’t you want to wear your ears?” Your Mum asked you as she sat down next to you, you were now sitting at the small table in the empty common room as you coloured in.
“Weird,” you replied.
“Do you think they make you weird?” she questioned further, and you nodded, “why do you think that? Because they definitely don’t,” you just looked at her blankly, “Did someone at school say something?” you nodded your head at her slightly, before grabbing your ears to put them back on.
“Said it was weird I had magnets on my head, started to stick things to them when I didn’t have my ears on,” you told her.
“That’s not right, did you tell your teacher? He shouldn’t have done that, next time anyone says something hurtful about your ears you need to tell one of your teachers or at least me or Ma okay,” you nodded, “and you absolutely need to tell a trusted adult when someone is touching your body without your permission and in ways that make you feel uncomfortable okay?” she told you with a sterner voice this time, causing some tears to fall from your eyes, “hey chook, you have no reason to be upset, you’ve done nothing wrong, do you want to have an ear break for the rest of the day? You can put them back on whenever you want, but you can absolutely take them out if you want to, like you always can, you just need to make sure you tell me or Ma when you do so,” you nodded before taking the magnets off your head and handing them to your Mum.
“Hey, y/n/n, how is my best buddy going?” Macca exclaimed as she entered the common room, before looking at Caitlin when you didn’t respond, your Mum had done individual training today so they hadn’t seen you yet.
“She can't hear you,” your Mum sighed.
“Oh, is there something going on?” the goalkeeper asked as she sat down next to your MUm, sensing her worry.
“A kid at her preschool told her she was weird because she had magnets stuck to her head, and then apparently when she hasn’t been wearing her implants, he has been sticking things to her head. I am just honestly so mad that the school hasn’t noticed the fact someone is doing this to her, but also that they clearly haven’t properly explained to the kids what they are and how they help even though they told us they would. I just don’t know what to do, I can't force her to wear them but when so few people can communicate with her at things like tomorrow if she doesn’t wear them, I almost have to make her wear them.”
“What if I spoke to her, showed her that I have things to help me hear too. Would that help?” 
“Maybe, are you sure though?” “Of course Cait, I’m here to help, and this is something I would love to help her with, it took me a while to be comfortable with it and so I can’t imagine what it’s like as a kid finding your sense of self and with kids teasing you,”
“Is it alright if I call Katie while you talk to her? I need to tell her,” 
“Of course, I’ve got chook, don’t worry.”
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“Katie, do you have time to talk? It’s important,”
“Of course Cait, just give me a sec and I’ll go up to my room. How was training today?”
“Yeah good, it was just me, just as a precaution but yeah,”
“Okay, I’m in my room now, what did you want to talk to me about?”
“We need to move y/n preschools and have a serious conversation with our current preschool. She took her ears off during training and when I asked why she didn’t want to wear them she told me they are weird. Some kid at preschool has said she is weird for having magnets on her head and he has been sticking things to her head when she hasn’t had her ears on,”
“What, no that's wrong, we’re moving her and putting in a complaint, how haven't they seen it happen, they surely can’t be supervising correctly.” Katie paused, “Shit, Cait, I’m so fucking sorry, I need to go, I forgot we had an extra team meeting today. But I promise you, we will talk this through further and we will fix this for her.” Katie said before she hung up and proceeded to message Steph to see if she could check on Caitlin.
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“Mummy, did you know Macca has hearing aids! She’s so cool, does that mean I’m cool?” you asked as you saw Steph and your Mum enter the room.
“You are always cool chook. No matter what anyone else thinks. You will always be cool and amazing and perfect,” She told you as she picked you up.“I’m sorry for not telling you and Ma and for making you worried and upset. I promise I’ll tell you next time.” “It’s okay chook. I love you so much, never forget that.” She told you as she held you slightly tighter and you buried your head in her neck.
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wosoamazing · 4 months
Requests Open
I only occasionally write - and during Uni semester probably won't write at all. Updates will be very irregular.
Celiac - McFoord x Child!R - You have Celiac Disease and accidentally get exposed to gluten
Alessia & Olympics - Alessia x R - Part 1 - Part 2.1 - Part 2.2
Diabetes & Love - Alessia x Child!R - Alessia's daughter is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (TD1).
Abandoned Part 2 - Leah Williamson x Teen!R - coming soon
Old Master List - any of my older fics - written before June 16 2024 are linked in here it was my masterlist at one stage by now is my old master list
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wosoamazing · 7 months
hello!! i love ur fics and especially ur mcfoord x kid fics!! i was wondering if you were up to write a mcfoord x teen!reader fic, where r are katie and caitlin’s daughter and r plays for arsenal and australia cuz she got offered to play for australia very young like many of them
and australia played in the world cup final against sweden instead of the bronze final, australia come second and lose and since r missed a lot of opportunities she blame herself and break down mentally and shuts down after the final whistle. and she get a lot of hate from the australians and on social media. katie watched the final in the crowd and her and caitlin try to assure r that’s it’s not her fault but she won’t listen and shuts everyone out. until she got back to london and started playing with arsenal again, r was a emotional wreck, after the opening match against liverpool r gets a lot of booing and get shouted hate at. when the match is over she fully break down in the bathroom locker room and hurt herself emotionally by thinking she made a mistake by becoming a footballer cuz she thinks everything is her fault. but the matildas and arsenal girls are there for r cuz they are very protective
fluff and angst, sorry this request was long but i adore mcfoord angst fics cuz it gives me comfort<3 you can decide for yourself of course but i just wanted to request something xoxo!
This will be out soon, its not exactly as requested but based of it. And thank you for the kind words and very kindly worded request :)
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wosoamazing · 7 months
What is the Mcfoord x child!reader WIP about? Is it a continuation of the other Mcfoord x child!reader?
It's about R struggling in school and not telling anyone but she keeps getting in trouble and Katie and Caitlin find out why and fix the situation.
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wosoamazing · 7 months
Requests & WIPs
Currently my requests are open. I write most things (except for smut) and will write for most players. - The more detailed the request the better. - Please add some info when requesting part 2s (just like what you would like to see). I am happy to do pt 2s but knowing what/why you want a pt2 would help.
Here are my current WIPs and Requested WIPs. If the WIP is a request it will be blue all other WIPS will be pink. Please also note that these WIPs could be released in a day or in a month, I don't have a timeline for them it's juts when I get around to it.
Ingrid x Mapi x R (Platonic) - 14:00 Pt.2
Leah x Teen!R x Ausenal - Qualifiers Pt.2
Leah x Teen!R - Abandoned Pt.2
Lucy x Barça x Teen!R - Lucy's little sister joins Barca, she has ADHD
Barça x Young!R
Leah x Child!R + some Lia - Mummy or Leah Pt.2
Lia x R - 2 fics, both sequels to Our Love Story
Katie x Caitlin - Katie gets a red after injuring R (spin off from Y/N Williamson Barça v Arsenal round 2)
More Y/N Williamson Fics
McFoord Baby - Wedding, Proposal, and more & Injuries, Confrontations and Apologies Pt.2
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
hi I recently sent u a McFoord X child r request and I’m just asking if you got it? Like you don’t have to write it but I’ve been having problems with them not sending properly
I've had a few so if it's any of the ones about Caitlin carrying, the baby being a mini Katie and slightly feral or being forced to bring the kid to a match then yes, I've got it 😊
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Hey!! If you are looking for fluff/romantic fic can I suggest a Katie x Caitlin proposal or wedding with their kiddo r? If it was proposal r could be in on it helping her Ma/Mum plan or if it was the wedding r could be a part of the build up and the big day (we all know r will be the real star of the day)
I tried and tried to do a fic on this in the past and now. But I can't, but I will be writing some HCs on it, as I have had sooo many requests for this but I just for some reason can't manage to write a full fic on it.
So except some McFoord Baby Proposal/Wedding HCs in the near future. (It may be on a different timeline to McFoord baby but still the same R)
(Also I think the main issue with McFoord Baby that has always caused everything else to be hard. Is that I stuffed up the time line...... so yeah....)
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wosoamazing · 3 months
Seeing as you are taking requests, would absolutely love anything McFoord
The hearing loss fic will be McFoord x Child!R (more Caitlin than Katie but yeah)
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wosoamazing · 6 months
Can I ask what part 4 of the Mcfoord baby series will be about? Ive absolutely adored every part so far, u r writing the journey so well x
I'm still thinking about it and what I want to include in it and what I will leave for a different chapter, but I think it will be based on the return to training so like Caitlin leaves to do gym sessions etc and then Caitlin's first full training day back aligns with Katie's first gym rehab day and so they bring in R and the girls get to meet her etc, because the other girls haven't gotten to meet her yet, as Caitlin and Katie wanted to protect her against germs and stuff because she was born early, and because they also didn't want to expose Katie to germs.
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