#but also i am way more critical cause i was the one staring at them pixels for hours on end and they dont look normal anymore
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petrichoraline · 11 months ago
how do I show ppl my gifs and posts are open to criticism like i want actual comments because smth ive been thinking is - is the quality of my last sets that bad or are ppl really not reblogging anymore? if I were to get some anon hate even I'd feel more certain than wtv is happening rn cause I just feel like I'm going crazy
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brucewaynehater101 · 10 months ago
Hemlo! Here are some sparkles and hearts for all the delicious posts and answers!! ✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️✨️💕❤️💖✨️ ✨️
I also have ✨️Questions✨️! In Tim being Bruce's Father Figure AU/headcanon, how do you think Tim's 16th birthday will play out? Will Bruce even plan it? And if he does, will this AU's Alfred go with it? How differently do you think Tim will go about tackling Bruce's lesson on paranoia? And how do you think he'll discipline Bruce after all is said and done? (I am sorry for the many questions 😅😅😅)
The sparkles are really cute. Also, don't know if it was on purpose, but urban dictionary says "hemlo" is how dog's pov says hi???
(Also, I love questions and asks so much. I sometimes take a bit to respond [cause I work nights, so my sleep schedule is whenever I can when I don't work], but I genuinely love all of them).
As far as Tim's 16th birthday, fuck. Alright. I guess this AU/hc can get some more angst. It's been too light and funny lately. Why not?
Tim stares at the object that started it all. It's perched innocently on his desk, but the teen wants nothing more than to shatter it into dusty remains.
Bruce, his son that he willing took responsibility of, his son of three years, thought it was fit to cause Tim to have a mental breakdown. Bruce isn't aware of the true nature of their relationship. Bruce thought it was fit to cause rampant paranoia in a child.
Where had Tim gone wrong?
He thought Bruce was getting better.
Were the sticker charts, the car rides for sleep, the persistent checking for injuries, and the forced self care the wrong moves? Was Tim too harsh? Too soft? Where had Tim failed his son so that he thought this was an acceptable and appropriate set of actions? Why did Bruce do this to him?
He doesn't know.
And Alfred. He thought the two of them were on the same page when it came to parenting Bruce. Were the many discussions over tea, the late night baking, the aid around the house, and the chats during gardening for naught? They were supposed to rely on one another, inform the other when Bruce was going too far, and stop the man. Tim had so many fucking conversations with Alfred on permissive parenting and being a bystander. He thought they were in agreeance.
Not only did Alfred fall back to old and wrongful ways, but he was now an active participation in Bruce's emotional abuse and manipulation. Can Tim even trust Alfred to protect Bruce's kids from Bruce? Was Tim just special?
He doesn't know if it is worse for Alfred to target Tim specifically or for the older man to allow such actions against all of Bruce's children. Both thoughts are unbearable.
The man had the audacity to joke about Tim being of age after this clusterfuck, as if Tim hadn't been an adult in a child's body parenting an adult nearly three times his age. As if Tim hadn't aged a decade in the last three years. As if Tim hadn't done enough.
Gods, Tim is tired. He doesn't think reddit can help him out of this either.
Tim brushes a finger against the offending object as his face screws up in overwhelming grief, frustration, and betrayal. The smooth edges of the cube are cold, and his face feels hot.
He won't cry.
Bruce is a bastard, a man-child who criticized Tim for believing in time travel (as if they both hadn't seen it happen before).
It's infuriating and heartbreaking, but it's not the end. Tim can still fix this. He'll be more vigilant this time as he screws the errant pieces of Bruce's morality and judgment back together. He'll study more parenting books, attend more psychology online courses, and find a therapist he can ask parenting questions to anonymously. There's still more Tim can do.
He can still save his son from himself.
There's still time.
Tim pockets the reminder of his failures towards his son as he goes to Bruce.
He won't ask Bruce to apologize.
He can't.
It's Tim's fault, after all.
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dearweirdme · 2 months ago
One thing that made me stop believing that Taekook is real was when Taehyung posted that Taekook Dream photo on his IG only to be seen going on a late night date with Jennie in Paris a few days after. It made me feel like he posted that TK photo on purpose to feed shippers and keep them occupied while he went to Paris with the person whom he was really in a relationship with.
I know you also think the video was real and not edited in any ways and definitely those were not cosplayers, but then you seemed to convince yourself that everything was just media play even when it was clear that Paris walk was a "soft launch".
I never questioned the bond that Taekook have. We can all see how close they are. I would have love to think it was more than a platonic relationship, but their dating rumors are telling me otherwise and Paris was the last straw for me.
I think Taekook do fanservice as a way to help each other cover up as to whom they are really dating. They do stuff like the Wooga ring, Hello Kitty plushie, the ILY sign, the stares etc etc to feed shippers so when dating rumors emerge, no one would believe in those rumors. Do I make sense?
Hi anon!
I don’t really feel like having yet another conversation about why I feel Taennie isn’t real. I mean, look through my tag system and you’ll find everything I have said on it in the past. I will say something on why I don’t feel you make sense though.
You’re basically contradicting yourself. You think it was a soft launch, but at the same time Tae needed to use Jk to hide his relationship with Jennie. When you soft launch something, you don’t also try to hide it. To me it also makes no sense at all for him to use a rumored queer relationship to hide a straight one. We’re talking about a hugely homophobic country here.
I think your thoughts are heavily based in heteronormative thinking. Because Jk and Tae are just as much a rumored relationship as any of the straight rumored ones. Theirs is the only rumored one though in which we have gotten actual organic clues from (opposed to Taennie which was all fed to us from outsiders).
I would like you to think about this… All throughout his career Tae has been given the narrative of weird/outsider/alienish. When he was a rookie he wasn’t allowed to be visible with the other members until their debut. He then was said to be quirky. His friendships outside of BTS were somewhat used to set him aside. His talk with Jk in ITS was edited in a way that made him look like the one who caused a rift; using his mental health issues. AYS once again put him in a narrative of being a guest.. amongst two people he is super close with. What effect do you think Taennie has had on his image…? It’s once again something that’s made him stand aside. It’s something that for Army’s made him connected to Blinks. It made him part of a dating scandal. In the wider context, Taennie is just another narrative Hybe stuck to him to make him susceptible to fandom criticism.
You are free to think Jk thought about ways to trick shippers before doing his first live in a year.. and came up with the brilliant idea of the Hello Kitty plush.. which ofcourse he made sure to pack up in a convenient place just for this occasion before moving house. I am however convinced that the plushie actually means something to him.
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generic-sonic-fan · 2 months ago
I know this might be niche/20, but... Do you feel writing Metaze (Metal Sonic/Blaze) as a romantic pair ? Thinking about it I was fascinated by their similarities and differences (also in main canon they've never met so it's open to freedom !)
Ah, I'm so sorry for not answering this in a timely fashion!
Regrettably, I'm actually writing an Omega/Blaze fic write now, which is sapping just about all of my very low tolerance for romance writing. However, I'd still love to imagine some headcanons for you!
He/him pronouns for Metal, but I'm happy to modify if you'd prefer different ones!
Blaze x Metal Sonic (Metaze) Headcanons!
I like to imagine they met after Metal ended up in her dimension due to shenanigans from one of Eggman's experiments with the Chaos Emeralds.
Blaze shows up after feeling the disturbance in dimensions and finds him busted up in a crater. She does remember Sonic mentioning something about a robotic copy. . .
But when Metal Sonic gets up, he doesn't attack.
He's doing two things- attempting to reconnect to the Eggnet, and frantically searching his databanks to recognize this purple cat in front of him. He fails both.
Blaze, hesitantly, holds out her hand.
He takes it.
She leads him back to her palace. On the way, she explains where he is, who she is, and where she's taking him.
(She leaves out the part about being Sonic's friend. Something tells her he doesn't need to know.)
Once in the palace, she finds a notepad and pen so that he can finally respond.
She asks him if he's alright.
He replies, "status: operational."
"Yes, but are you alright?"
She spends the next ten minutes explaining, logically yet warmly, exactly what it means to be "alright" vs "not alright", answering any questions and rebutting any constructive criticism he might have of her definition.
She then waits patiently as Metal stares at his paper and pen.
He writes, "I am alright now. How did you explain so well?"
"It wasn't an intuitive concept for me either, at first," she replies. "I had to figure it out for myself."
And that's when Metal falls head over heels right there.
I imagine the following days are very little-mermaid coded. Blaze takes Metal on a tour of the palace. Seeing that Metal is instead listening intently instead of merely putting up with her for formality's sake (as so many in the royal court often do!), she begins talking more about things that interest her, like her favorite books.
Metal is enraptured by the way she talks. More accurately, the way she treats him as a person. She even waits for him to respond with his pen and paper instead of talking over him!
And she asks him questions as well! She seems genuinely interested in getting to know him! Not Sonic, but the real him!
. . . for better or for worse.
He has to struggle with the game of "how much can I share without giving away that I'm hard-coded to serve a megalomaniac villainous overlord."
But thankfully, Blaze doesn't pry. She understands- she wasn't so eager to share much about herself before she made her first friends either. She doesn't push it.
Moving onto more general headcanons I see for them:
They, as a couple, exist in a comfortable introverted silence.
Yet in between those comfortable silences, they share very sophisticated conversations.
I've always imagined Metal being a bit high-brow about art/literature if he was ever given the chance to be.
And I think Blaze would love discussing the literary techniques of her favorite books.
I think she'd like to read to him. He finds her voice so soothing.
She feels awkward about showing affection in traditional ways, so it's actually Metal that is the super doting, romantic partner of the two.
He loves getting her flowers and holding her hand. Classic, I know.
In return, she enjoys leaning against him. While standing, while sitting, pretty much just whenever.
The first time he felt her purr just about caused him to short-circuit.
As Blaze gets more comfortable with him, she starts to wrap her tail around his waist, and on rare occasions while alone, to nuzzle against his muzzle plating.
Anyways, I also headcanon that they LOVE dancing together.
Please, for your entertainment, imagine Metal in his Neo outfit dancing in a traditional ballroom style with Blaze in her own formal attire.
He's normally a very deferential partner but while dancing I think he'd love to take the lead. Spin her around. Dip her gently towards the floor.
All and all, a very soft and low-key couple, provided that Eggman doesn't interfere and reality comes crashing down.
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naturesgoddess · 2 months ago
"Quit Yelling!"
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{Hey guys :3, I'm like super sick rn so like I'm gonna do this fic for the anon that suggested it! Sorry it took so long. Anyway, my winter break is almost over and I am like devastated. Hope everyone had a great New Year! Anyway, this takes place after the bathroom trap, reblogs and likes are appreciated, thank you! ♡}
Story Contains: Arguing, harsh language, mentions of truama, angst, comforting words and actions, fluff
The look in Adam's eyes says a lot. He's mad, pissed even. He's tried being soft with you, tried being kind and emotionally there, but it hasn't seemed to work for the both of you. Every time you have a problem with his actions or what he says, you keep it inside, letting it marinate in your mind and heart. Whenever he has a problem, despite trying to talk it out like adults, he just criticizes all of your actions harshly, always picking fights with you even though he hates these arguments.
The current situation that lies here revolves around communication. He's mad because you can't seem to speak out about your feelings, which causes him to feel like he's in the dark about your emotions and how you actually feel. In all honesty, you can't blame him for feeling this way. He is absolutely correct, and he does deserve someone who can communicate their emotions thoroughly without having to act immature and keep them hidden away. Yet, you know that he also has a problem with communication, so he must learn how to own up to that as well.
"Listen, I just think you should calm down. I mean, it's clear you have a problem with everything I do, so why do I even bother anymore!? Just quit yelling, you're utterly exaushting to deal with!" You spit out, watching his anger contort into something worse. He can feel his veins fill with hot blood at your words. He's always been a bit of a hot head, yet he's different this time. You know that it's not only your communication skills that are pissing him off. It's something more. Something deeper.
"You wanna talk about my problems when you can't even talk about your own? Isn't that fucking ironic, huh!? You're such a child, you can't even talk to me. I'm so fucking sick of your stupid little attitude, your tone, your personality, everything! Fucking everything! I can't even look at you without wanting to strangle the next living thing that walks its way past me!!" Hes practically going insane over this small altercation, causing you to stare at him like he's actually lost his mind.
And then, the realization comes crashing down onto your shocked face. This isn't the same boy he was before the trap. Adam isn't the boy he used to be. That boy, the one who used to sit outside with you, smoking cigarettes and feeding cats as he complimented your pretty features, has now changed into a traumatized, scared man. What he went through, something you have no idea what it was like, fucked him over more than anything else has. Well, anything but his childhood truama. When he does actually show his emotions, they're heavy. He's never just sad or angry. He's depressed or livid. He needs help.
"Adam.. You need fucking therapy. Go and find someone who cares, because I sure as hell don't. You're a pathetic excuse of a man. You're a boy." You manage to choke out, knowing that every word that escaped your lips were pure lies. You can see his jaw unclench, definitely hurt by your sudden words of anger and sorrow. His ocean eyes look down at the dirty, wooden floor, his nose breathing in the cold air that flows around his dark apartment.
The apartment is silent for the next couple of hours. You shower under some some cold water, leaving a chill down your spine as the shower head spits out the liquid. While stepping out of the cold tub, drying yourself off, brushing your teeth, staring at yourself in the mirror with solemn eyes, you just can't seem to stop thinking about his face, his emotional eyes that make puppies jealous. You only want him to feel loved, yet your words of poison stung his deepest insecurities. You know your souls are intertwined, which makes this pain hurt worse.
Sliding on your long sleep shirt, you slip down to the floor, leaning against the wall that's slowly peeling due to the poor quality. His words linger in your mind, which causes your breathing to hitch. Warm tears sting your eyelids worse than what his words ever did. He's supposed to be your everything, but it seems like neither of you are good for the other. This can't happen, you think in your head. Something needs to change because you know you can't lose your boy.
Suddenly, a knocking sound occurs at the bathroom door. Lazily pushing yourself off the floor to reach for the knob, you turn it and pull the wooden door open. Once you do, you're met with Adam and his regretful face. He's holding his headphones and Walkman in his right hand, his left still raised against the door. "Love.. I'm sorry. I— I was thinking I could maybe brush your hair as you listened to our Playlist on here." He raises the Walkman. "I know I don't usually let people touch this old peice of junk, but I love you, and I want you to know that. I shouldn't have said those things to you, but it's really hard not to lose my temper when you don't talk to me about your emotions. Can you forgive me, babe?"
The sight itself causes you to shed more tears. He's changed into your favorite shirt of his, knowing that it's the one you like to lie against after having a bad day. He's never been the domestic type, but he's different for you. With a sniffle and a nod, you walk right into his arms, burying your sad face into his warm neck.
Sitting in bed, you have the headphones on, listening to whatever song that graces your eardrums. A brush glides through your hair as Adam holds it. Gently and calmly, he makes sure you're okay and that you feel nothing but loved and cared for. These moments are rare, so you know you shouldn't take them for granted. A sudden feeling of Adam's lips graze the back of your neck as he wraps his arms around your waist.
He slips the headphones off your ears, gently peppering your shoulder with soft pecks. "I hope you're not mad anymore. I shouldn't have said what I said. I— I have no excuse for my actions, but I hope you still love me because I know I love you. I'm going to change, so nothing like that happens again, but it means you have to change too. Talk to me. Don't hold it in. Alright?" His words fill your ears, proving his love and devotion for you.
"You're right.. I know. I'll change, love. I will. I forgive you.. Now, can you keep me close?" You ask, your eyes fluttering open and meeting his. He agrees, pulling you closer and showering your plump lips with his.
Okay! Uhm, hope you guys liked it! Likes + reblogs are encouraged. Thank you for reading :) ♡
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the-raindeer-king · 3 months ago
Sorry not sorry Nikolai is not a gentle man with the people he doesn't like. And for him to not like you, you have to have done some shit
Just pleaseeese e please with me imagine Nikolai having carefully removed, folded, and set aside his jacket cause it's nice and he doesn't want blood on it. He approaches whoever (maybe someone that belittled his friends? His partner? Who knows) and he's got that semi grin on his face, calm, casual, and the next thing anyone knows, Nikolai has his fist implanted in the offending persons face, throwing his entire body into the punch and sending that person right to the ground. Big guy can pin anyone with ease, I feel that. He's also the type to get in close, casually so, friendly even before he strikes if he can. Big guy but quick with it too (will beat anyone 'in your honor' but part of you wonders if he just loves a tousle knowing you're watching the big guy winning. Like he can prove even if he's older, slightly greyer, he's still the most dangerous bastard around, so he can keep you safe.)
OH MY GAAAWWWDDDD but like hear me out....
(TW: violence)
Nikolai doesn't like having you get mixed up in business. You're well aware of his more shady practices, and you're certainly no saint yourself. Regardless, Nik likes to keep you separated, insisting it's for your own good.
But sometimes worlds collide, and you have to bother him during a meeting.
You knock on the door, waiting to be called inside. Immediately, everyone's staring at you. Some of the gazes are sharp, critical, trying to pinpoint exactly who you are. Some are curious, wondering what this intrusion might mean. And some... some are hungry, unashamedly dragging over your figure, making your skin crawl.
You feel out of place, wearing sweatpants and one of Nik's shirt. Maybe you should have gotten properly dressed, but you'd been in such a rush to find Nikolai, completely forgetting he had business today. Suddenly your reasoning for interrupting them feels less and less important as you hesitate by the door.
Nikolai waves you in. Despite the frown on his face, there's a familiar, fond look in his eyes. Your presence is a fresh glass of water compared to the vultures in this meeting, and Nikolai's always been a little too indulgent when it comes to you.
You scurry into the room, not wanting to waste any more of Nikolai's time. Not that that's how he views your interruption, but you know he's busy. You never get to tell him what you wanted to though, because when you bend over to whisper in Nik's ear, one of the other men says something in a language you don't understand.
Whatever was said couldn't have been good based on everyone else's reactions. It's like all the warmth has been sucked out of the room. All the other men are tense, eyes on Nikolai, who's expression has gone cold. If looks could kill...
The man that spoke, a weaselly looking man with shifty eyes and a gold tooth, smiles like he's made a good joke. "I am just saying. Perhaps a younger man would have taught them some manners," he continues, with an accent you can't place.
Now, Nikolai's age is no secret. He doesn't bother trying to dye out his gray hairs, and sometimes he wakes up with random aches in his body, old injuries coming back to haunt him. But he's still a powerhouse of a man, and he's not afraid to throw his weight around.
The room is silent, quiet enough to hear a pin drop, as Nikolai stands from his chair. He's swift to take his jacket off, draping it over your shoulders. It's expensive, the kind he only wears during these stupid meetings, and it's warm, the scent of his cologne lingering on the fabric. You step back towards the wall, while Nikolai makes his way around the table, rolling up his sleeves as he goes.
The other men know what's about to happen, as they scoot their chairs out of Nikolai's way until he's at the weaselly man's chair. He leans in, smiling like he finds the man's words amusing. Words are spoken, too hushed for you to hear, and when the man opens his mouth to speak, Nikolai strikes.
It's quick. It's precise. A testament of power.
The man's head flies back, snapping against the back of his chair. He lets out a garbled sound of distress, but no one steps in. Not while Nikolai is still beating his face in. By the time Nikolai is done, the man's face is unrecognizable besides the gold tooth that's visible in his whining mouth.
All five men scramble out of their chairs, one grabbing the man that had been beat. None of them say a word, just file out the door, in a rush to get away from the beast that is your boyfriend. The door shuts with a quiet click, leaving you alone with Nikolai.
"You know I don't think you're old."
Dark eyes meet your, an amused smile on Nikolai's face. But you know this was about more that just his age. Disrespect needs to be punished, and dominance must be asserted. The business that Nikolai conducts is inherently violent, power established by taking down those above you. A dog eat dog world. Nothing and nobody gets to make a faux pas without paying for it.
"I know, milaya," Nikolai replies, pulling a handkerchief out of his breast pocket to wipe his hands off. The blood is stark against the whiteness of the fabric.
"Now, what is it you need to tell me?" he asks.
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dykedvonte · 3 months ago
write post about the tulpar crew working at like waffle house also you opinion on what brand of soap they use
Soap first:
Anya washes with dove bar soap first, cucumber cool moisture. Uses one of the Neutrogena liquid soaps like the brown rain bath. Unscented lotions or balms and a very light perfume, thinking something vanilla like or a shea butter. Over the counter cheap perfume that’s a bit to alcoholish but it suits her in a clinical way.
Curly is like high maintenance shower guy. Started because an ex put him onto it and now it's a routine. Special face soap and exfoliating hand brush, bodywash that is way too expensive but he feels dirty without it. Has like a lot of serums and a body oil lotion combo that he has that makes him smell really nice. All of it is uncommon and you need to go to a specific place to get them. Not excessive but he starts tweaking if he runs out of one mid routine.
Daisuke is just as bad as Curly. His bathroom looks like a bath and bodyworks display front. Has a bath bomb for the day, uses a like honey dew mask and soaks. Long as showers and has a teeth cleaning kit. He stare at 9 and isn’t done until 11. Cherry Blossom lotion you can smell him a miles away before you see his ass.
Jimmy uses either unscented dial or Irish springs. Maybe even like the aqua bars from dollar tree. No towel or luffa or anything just rubs his on his hands then washes with the lather. None descript deodorant, mixes with his smell in a weird way. Is the type to do it all at once in the shower, teeth, hair, nails. It’s like all jacked in a way. Shaves his razor blade rarely but thinks his shave is clean always.
Swansea uses like man scents. Sandalwood and driftwood soaps standard rag. Likes to stand in the water, cold shower guy surprisingly, his wife hates it, she never wants to shower with him. No cologne and uses like Old spice because it reminds him of his youth in a nostalgic way. Smells like old man naturally so he just smells like a freshly reupholstered chair and sweat.
Waffle House time:
Anya is the hostess super good at her job but has issues because the waiter is shit and the kitchen is run worse than dashcon. Has ignored a family to rearrange one stack of menues and trips on the grease stains a lot.
Daisuke is the waiter and bus boy and tends to talk and forget about his tables. Once sat and ate off a customers plate with them, whether they enjoyed the company or not doesn’t matter this is a Waffle House
Curly is the manager and is usually dealing with complaints and files in the office. Has had to facilitate more fights after Jimmy was hired but business has improved subsequently…
You’ll see him crying in a booth but he’s real good at acting normal for the customer. Sits with costumers to and it’s awkward cause he’s way too nice to be there.
Jimmy’s the supervisor and cook. He makes the shittiest food that only tastes good if ur coming in shitfaced at like 2 am. Hears a complaint and comes out grease pan in hand ready to “take criticism”
Swansea works there but what he does is between him and god. Sits in a booth playing solitaire and if you come and ask him for anything he mentions how I he did his time for this shift and he’s on an extended break. Treats the fights like a show and dinner.
They stay open even if they actually reach Waffle House’s huricxan threshold
If Curly or Swansea come in to break up a fight everyone scatters like rats
They all chain smoke and hide it from each other. Only Curly really cares because someone (Jimmy) is smoking in the kitchen. Yes he’s blowing it onto the food.
The crash was Jimmy putting ice in the air fryer and it did hurt Curly but like he’s regularly fine they just put him in the office cause there’s still the hurricane outside
I feel like they are in like West Virginia idk just seems isolated enough. I like the idea this could only happen if they are all southern
The restaurant is infested with many things but the health inspectors can’t rip the B rating off so they just say fuck it
Combined with the soap I think the safest thing to eat at the Waffle House is like ice from the bin but by the time it gets to ur table it likely has like mold spores on it.
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3xen · 1 year ago
just for you; g. s genji is rushed to your operation room, believing it'll be dr. ziegler to operate on him.
n. wrote this on three hours of sleep w school tmr, and i actually liked it sm! idk yall, im getting back into my game plz bare w me.
c. first meeting, mentions of mercy (angela), lowk crack
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“we have a patient in critical condition. he needs to be treated immediately.” god, angela where are you when i need you most? you double-take the patient in the gurney—genji shimada. his name had appeared more than once on your files. but never once was he sent to your aid. dr. ziegler was his primary doctor since she maintained most of his records and regular check-ups. 
the assistant rolled the gurney into the room. “please, notify dr. ziegler of mr. shimada’s status. im sure she’d want to know.” i inform, inspecting the patient with a cringe. his visor is damaged with a dent, wires sprouted from his shoulders, and his left lower limb seemed just too far out of place. 
“will do ma’am, ill be here if you need me.” the assistant left—leaving a tense silence in the air. 
“shimada, are you alright in there?” 
“im alright.” his words came out strained, almost as if he felt the physical pain being done to his body. you acknowledged that. as you moved to his side—determining how to treat the damages, he spoke in a soft voice. “is dr. ziegler unavailable?” and it made you wince. 
“she’s been transferred to overwatch headquarters in switzerland. i am so sorry.” he gave you a quiet hum—observing you through his visor. you looked attractive, beautiful, and it really intrigued him. you spoke in that angelic voice, had observant and quiet motions—he couldn’t wait to bury angela with queries. 
“your cooling system must have been tattered with. the wires don’t usually come out like this do they? reattaching your limb should be easy.. but, your wiring is jumbled—it’ll take a lot of time to install it properly,” in deep concentration, you furrow your brows, crossing your arms over your chest, and then sighed. “and, you must have suffered quite a blow to your face.” 
“ah, just a boulder. nothing special.” 
operations on flesh and bones were completely opposite of cybernetic and robotic parts. there was really no easy way to work around any mechanical part that ran on a code—not without guaranteeing its success.  
you stifled a quiet groan—turning away from your patient. you couldn’t admit to him you’ve never worked on a half-cyborg—actually, no one has in the nepal headquarters! 
“sorry, lets get to work right away.” 
you whisked tools in your hands from around the room—useless or not, you placed them on a moveable cart. “we’ll start on your leg, then work our way up.” 
as the operation began, you worked attentively. this must have been your most daring task yet. 
“doctor,” genji cooed once.
genji cooed again—not being able to make out your coherent words. “doctor.” and it didn’t take long before you sprang up. 
“you are too focused. it makes me worry.” wasn’t that a good trait of a doctor? i pulled back, blinking twice at a loss.
“i suppose you are right..” you directed your eyes toward him. “ive never worked on a specimen like you.”  you unconsciously lowered your head.
“a cyborg?” you nod. 
“only dr. ziegler specializes in those preposterous things..” genji chuckled, causing you to perk up.
“you seem informed about it all.” 
“she only taught me a few things. ive also worked on cassidy’s cybernetic arm aswell. thats my only experience.” genji stared in awe—you picked up fairly quick.
when he arrived at nepal headquarters—wounded, he expected dr. ziegler. his visits with her were short—she was a busy woman, he knew. and when he found himself being in a room with someone other than her, he accepted his fate of chaos and disaster. 
“how long are you stationed here?” 
“about 2 months or so.. they want me back in zurich as soon as possible.” genji nodded in acknowledgment. really, he was intrigued.
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© 3xen
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ask-sebastian · 3 months ago
Movement in her peripheral made Allegra glance up. The comings and goings of Sallow’s owl were a familiar sight, but her usual silent glide across the common room was now accompanied by several more beats of her wings as she manoeuvred the corner and up the stairwell. Allegra frowned but returned to her essay.
A quarter of an hour later, the tawny returned, though, in her path towards the dormitories, she momentarily swerved to one side before righting herself. Allegra gasped and snatched her wand from the table, ready to shoot off a cushioning charm had the owl actually careened. Her brow creased as she watched the owl — Iris, Allegra suddenly recalled from past conversation — pass overhead.
She knew Sallow’s owl was hard-worked. A fact she had tried to assuage by procuring treats for Iris back when- well, before. The witch tutted, swept up parchment and quill with a swish of her wand and hurried for her room.
Whilst her own owl, Axl, delivered both post and the Prophet daily, he had infinitely more free time than Iris. And it showed. The hawk owl was getting rounder in the middle since he had stopped flying long distances between the Nordics and Britain. Allegra also suspected that it was due to the abundance of prey in the Highlands, though Axl knew better than to bring any of his prizes into her presence. She crossed her room, where he was already surveying her sharply, and shot him an apologetic smile.
“Just temporarily? For a fellow owl?”
She soothed his beak with the back of her fingers and let him peck a grasshopper gum from her palm. Still, Axl trilled in displeasure and puffed out his wings, which made Allegra grin at the sight. After a moment, he nipped at her fingertip and then stuck out his leg. Clever bird. Allegra hastily drafted a note and tied it loosely to Axl's outstretched leg. The owl gave her one last reproachful look and took flight a short way across the stairs.
When Sebastian left his room, Axl was atop the ornate console table opposite the door. He gave the wizard a flat, bored hoot as if to say, “I am now of service”, his unamused expression strangely reminiscent of his family’s young mistress. The strand of parchment around his leg read:
For your owl’s sake. And Axl needs the exercise. A.F.
Sebastian ignored the feral screeching and loud crash behind the door as he cast the last of his anti-niffler wards around the entrance. He turned, only to abruptly stop under the flat stare of an owl awaiting him across the landing.
It blinked slowly, giving a low, insouciant hoot, and Sebastian braced a hand against the doorframe, head hung low between his shoulders as he expelled a long sigh towards the floor.
What now?
Sebastian composed himself — cleared his throat and straightened his spine as he rolled and squared his shoulders.
Cast a quick scourgify over his coat, though he anticipated it did little to help the lingering odour.
Smoothing his fingers through his hair again, one critical brow flicked upward as he stepped closer and silently assessed the messenger perched on the table. After a protracted moment, he hummed thoughtfully.
That particular air of imperious apathy was oddly familiar.
The handsome bird stuck out his leg expectantly, and not wanting to further rile of any more wildlife that evening, Sebastian took the proffered note. His brow rose curiously at the initials. Allegra's soft spot for creatures was commonly known (he was under the distinct impression that she preferred them to any human counterpart), and whilst it was obvious that she was doing it for Iris's and Axl's benefit, he hardly expected his fellow Slytherin to skirt so close to granting him a favour. Certainly not out of kindness given their frosty relations.
"Axl, is it?" Sebastian remarked casually as he folded the bit of parchment into a tidy square. His pile of letters never seemed to decrease, and Iris could do with the extra help. The school owls were officially a lost cause and he was not the impractical sort, but that did not mean he would blindly trust the owl of someone with such open dislike for him. Even if said antipathy was (begrudgingly) deserved.
"Should I employ your services, then I trust none of my post shall be diverted along the way."
It wasn't really a question and the owl didn't answer.
"Well, I don't have any deliveries for you at the moment, so you can return to your mistr—" Sebastian voice fell away as he tucked his hands in his pockets and his gloved fingers found the velvet pouch. He quickly raised a hand for Axl to wait as he pulled it from his pocket. He rolled it around in his palm in quiet contemplation.
An anonymous delivery by an owl not of his own.
A satisfied smile ghosted across his lips as he offered Axl the pouch.
"To the care of Cassandra (@ask-gryffindors), Head Girl. Gryffindor Tower."
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dearreader · 9 months ago
hello! welcome back to my FMA Characters as Taylor Swift albums!!! please note this was written before ttpd dropped. previous albums are here:
debut, fearless (taylor’s version), speak now (taylor’s version), RED (taylor’s version), 1989 (taylor’s version), 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔲𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫, 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇, 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒌𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒆, 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆
now, let’s discuss the 13 20 21 22 sleepless nights from taylor’s past:
Roy Mustang
- this isn’t a surprise is you follow me considering how often i’ve gone crazy over how roy coded antihero is
- the concept of the album is 13 midnights from taylor’s past that she’s revisiting. though the album feels more like a conversation between taylor’s relationship to fame and her personal life AND from very recent events of finding out when certain songs were written (jack antonoff you petty as bitch i love you) the album has a deeper meaning. while still about 13 nights from taylor’s past it also feels like it’s her trying to find a way to save her current relationship and she’s doing that by looking back at old relationships and how’s those failed/ended or started to understand what is going wrong now.
- it also feels like a threat at times to yogurt boy (ex boyfriend i won’t name) that she can leave though it’s clear she doesn’t want to leave. she wants to make this work because of all he did to help at her lowest of lows and helped show her a different aspect of life she could have. but her partner isn’t giving anything. and she is slowly dying.
- …
- alright now that i’m done with my rant, that very well be edited later because we’re getting new taylore by the fucking day and it’s changing perspectives on EVERYTHING, we can move on
- this album has been criticized for not having as deep of lyrics as her previous two albums (cause people are fucking idiots and can’t read anything past a pop beat ((STARES AT AYHTDWS))) but the album is still full of great lines and songs that show us different sides of taylor.
- i do however think that based off how the album is presented and shown it feels very roy coded. with the album showing different sides of taylor and her past regrets and knowing just how different her life could be if she did just one thing differently (john mayer i am in your fucking walls). this resonates a lot with roy’s character and what we know about his life
- most notably the song anti-hero is roy coded as hell. a monster of your own making and the deep fear of driving the person you love away because of your own hands… that’s roy baby!
- but that theme carry’s over into several other songs such as midnight rain or you’re on your own kid. and while those songs are different stories and from a female perspective, there is still a voice of loneliness in them and your past decisions haunting you and being unable to escape it. that you had wanted of this one thing for so long but now that you got it you fully see the damage it has done not only to you but others and now have to live with the decision. this comes through for taylor as her wanting to be famous and her disliking of celebrity life as she doesn’t see herself as human anymore, while for roy he views himself as a monster for his previous actions and is doing everything he can to try and right his wrongs
- both have a similar view of themselves but also feel like this is their own fault. they both made their bed now they must lie in it.
- so i wander through these nights/i prefer hiding in plain sight/this fourth drink in my hand/these DESPERATE PRAYERS OF A CURSED MAN!/spilling out to you for free…/but darling darling please you wouldn’t take me word for it if you knew who was talking…/if you knew where i was walking…/to a house, not a home, all alone cause nobody’s there…/where i pace in my pen and my friends found people who care…/no one sees you lose when you’re playing solitaire
- (of course user dearreader assigns sad little meow meow as dear reader)
- everything i touch becomes sick with sadness…
- all of me changed like midnight rain/he wanted it comfortable i wanted that pain
- i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser
- sometimes i feel like everyone’s a sexy baby and i’m a monster on the hill/to big to hang out slowly lurching toward your favorite city/pierced through the heart but never killed/did you hear my cover narcissism i disguise as altruism like some kind of congressman?
- do you see the difference? i love how riza walked several steps behind roy while still protected him. riza doesn't put roy in the basement. she’s not afraid of his shine. she lets him bejeweled.
- there are love songs on here that i’ve already talked about being royai coded in their own posts and or me feral posting about royai (labyrinth, sotb, sweet nothing, lavender haze, etc.) and like… yeah that’s there.
- also, while i don’t view the song in this way, it has been pointed out to me how you’re losing me is very Roy vs. Envy coded and i have to acknowledge that here but not in my own heart cause if i do that then ill lose my mind over the song even more than i already do.
- but, that’s my ted talk. thank you all for coming and reading these posts! and remember:
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melishade · 1 year ago
Number 9?
This ask game
Optimus, Gabi, and Porco imprisoned in the Dark Timeline
Optimus lost track of how long he had been Shockwave's prisoner. How long ago was it since he had been captured? How long he has been bound to the berth by his arms and legs.
He could still feel energon leaking from his wounds. He could still feel himself losing his sanity. Not once has he been allowed his own quarters to mull in. All he could do was try his best to memorize Shockwave's schedule. Despite begging and pleading from both him and Gabi, Porco was taken for constant experimentation. And when he returned, he looked worse for wear, taking hours to regenerate from his injuries. Very rarely was Gabi taken for experimentation, but Shockwave would constantly scan her for her vitals, scaring the girl and causing her to tremble. Optimus could tell she was no doubt fearing the worst.
But despite his predicament, Optimus was still trying to find a way out of here. Memorizing Shockwave's schedule, taking peaks at Shockwave's notes while he was in the room, taking note of Shockwave's placement of Gabi and Porco's containers, taking additional note of the health of the humans. He knew he would have to escape with the humans before their conditions became critical. Even after advocating for more rations, Shockwave neglected their health, defaulting to the logic that he could transfer Porco's power, or turn Gabi into a titan.
Shockwave's methods were sadistic and monstrous. Why weren't they able to find him on Cybertron? Why didn't they find a way to apprehend him before Unicron? Why did Unicron have to mess up everything?! Why did-?!
"Optimus." Optimus heard a weak croak call his name. He turned his helm to see Gabi staring at him through the glass container that she was in. The poor girl was huddled into a ball to try and keep herself warm while also making herself small.
"Are you okay?" Gabi asked him.
"I am...," Optimus trailed off. He wouldn't call this situation 'okay', but he had to provide some reassurance, "Functional. Are you alright?"
"What a shitty question to ask." Porco seethed from his prison.
"I'm...not okay," Gabi confessed with a whimper.
"I am sorry," Optimus apologized to her, "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"Could you...," she began, "Tell me another story? Like the Primes?"
"Why the hell would you want to listen to that?" Porco grumbled.
Optimus felt sympathy for her. She wanted another distraction. She desperately wanted another distraction. "I do have a tale about the Quintessions, if you wish to hear."
Gabi raised her head at that. "Quintessions?"
"A strange entity," Optimus continued, "It was an organism with five floating faces connected to one another with elongated claws that could fly."
"Gross," Porco commented, but it was doing the trick. Porco was thinking about something else while Gabi was more intrigued by the story than her own pain.
"Tell me more," Gabi requested.
Optimus continued to fulfill her request and told her about the Quintessions colonization of Cybertron and the ultimate revolution against them.
(Free game: 44-46,10,14, 18, 19, 22,23,26, 32,34-37,39. 20 has been asked.)
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kiealer · 4 months ago
( I saw a parallel and decided to jump for it. If it's too familiar, retreading ground already covered, or even if you're just not feeling it, feel free to ignore 💙 )
Drawn in from the conversation, Dek lingers. Their expression is difficult to place, though 'troubled' may begin to describe it.
When quiet comes, they approach Ninazu.
"I don't know you, or the one you've taken in by anything but reputation. I claim little knowledge of your critics, as well... but in you, and your quarry, I see something familiar."
Miles above, their home vessel drifted in Earth's orbit, aboard which a certain infamous insect awaited their return. They saw his progress; the subtle ways in which his interests shifted, and his personality evolved. Many others did not.
"You've taken on quite a responsibility. The effort alone is commendable... and I suspect you've already gathered that it will also be thankless. Those critics will not be your last, should your situation grow any more public. At times, it will be grueling. Maybe even hopeless."
"... I am not here to condescend you when I say this. I know the labor of working towards an outcome everyone else believes is impossible. I only ask because I believe it is the one question you must have an answer for, in a position like that which you've taken."
"If, despite everything you have done, your efforts come to nothing, and he threatens the world once more, do you have a plan... and the will to see it through to the end?"
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Where she ought to be alarmed, she isn't. The unfamiliar ki should be a sign of danger, but she feels no urgency. Faced with by all means a stranger, she doesn't act -- merely listens. Her eyes widen upon their words, feeling a spark of what might be hope that someone understands. It takes all her willpower not to sob on the spot, the strain of this emotional weight far too much.
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❝I know,❞ she speaks with great effort. ❝I knew this would happen from the moment I made the decision. I expected as much. I just… I guess I just didn't expect it to be so intense. I didn't think I'd have a hard time handling it. He truly has changed. Just… no one's seen it. No one wants to. I understand the bitterness and the cynicism, but… why throw away the progress of someone who's actually changed? Who's trying? Call me stupid, I don't care, but I… feel bad for him. I want to give him the best chance I can at becoming better.❞ She goes quiet, intent on hearing more of their spiel. They have an inquiry, it seems. For some reason, she finds herself tensing -- nervous. Her heart beats a little faster at the thought at what might leave their mouth.
The question causes her jaw to drop, whether to speak or because of shock, even she isn't sure. The possibility has always loomed over her, that everything she's built will be for nothing, and it will come crumbling down along with the rest of her hope. There's clear pain in her face as she contemplates. The thoughts that cross her mind, she doesn't wish to impart. Conflicts of all manner circle incessantly, but in truth, she does know her answer in an instant. Her once firm stare turns hesitant, and she withdraws that gaze. She carries a heavy burden, indeed. The weight of the world, and more.
❝I think if it came down to it… If nothing I did amounted to anything… I don't have a concise plan, but... ❞ Her fingers curl a little tighter into her palm, jaw clenching. ❝I'd want the final blow. Put an end to it all myself. Fight tooth and nail until it's all over.❞ Her voice wavers, indicative of the tears threatening to breach. ❝My ego isn't worth the lives of everyone else. I'm willing to admit when I'm wrong. If that were to happen, I'd accept the consequences, no matter what comes with them.❞ A solemn reply, but a necessary one, as much as her heart tugs her in another direction. She is soft by nature, to impose any other kind on her would be impossible. Though, she knows to be made of steel when the situation calls for it, no matter how it harms her.
She stares at the stranger for a long moment, but something has changed.
❝… Thank you,❞ she sighs, as if a ton of weight has left along with it. ❝I don't know who you are, either, but… I appreciate this. Let's both be a little bit of solace for each other, yeah? Believe that what we're doing isn't worthless.❞ Finally, she smiles. ❝I wish you nothing but the best in your endeavor.❞
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vexic929 · 1 year ago
@practically-an-x-man Merry (late late late late late) Christmas! I hope I did Jasper justice :)
Warnings: gratuitous references to 80s children's media, description of broken bones and burns, nothing particularly graphic, also Jessie swears like a sailor
Jessie belongs to me but is based on DC characters
"Fuck..." Jessie muttered, her voice modulated even through the shattered Red Hood mask.
Rain beat down hard on her body as she laid in the dark, trying to catch her breath. She'd managed to kill the bastards gunning her down but not before they'd blown up the engine on her bike causing her to crash in a spectacular fiery show. She could feel her legs were burnt beneath her pants and her left leg was sitting at an odd, unnatural angle. She needed to get up before any emergency services showed. The last thing she wanted was to be taken in by the cops and have to explain her way out of another murder.
"God dammit." She hissed as she pushed herself up to a sitting position.
She gritted her teeth against the pain and grabbed her right leg, heaving it up so her foot was flat on the ground. She did the same with her left, biting back a scream as she jarred her broken leg.
"Fucking amateurs." She spat, looking down at her ruined bike.
It was a write off for sure. She looked up as headlights cut through the darkness.
"Shit." She muttered, pushing herself to her feet.
She staggered forward but her left leg refused to support her weight at all and simply crumpled beneath her like wet tissue paper. She fell hard, hitting her head on the pavement, and repeated the expletive with a resigned sigh. The car passed without so much as slowing and she silently thanked Gotham for being the sort of shithole city where a bike on fire and bleeding vigilante didn't warrant a second glance to most people anymore. And then she heard footsteps running towards her. Damn.
Jessie freed a knife from her hip holster, ready for an attack, but relaxed slightly moments later when a petite, neon-haired person bent next to her to help.
"The fuck are you doing?" Jessie asked, more mystified than anything else.
"I saw you fall pretty hard, are you okay?" The stranger asked in a breathless, concerned tone with the slightest Southern accent.
Jessie furrowed her brow, studying them critically. They didn't appear to have any weapons, their body language was tense but not in a threatening way, and - were those scrubs under their rain jacket? Ah, so they weren't completely crazy - just at risk, knowing Gotham.
"Fucking peachy. I'll be fine, kid." Jessie replied gruffly, pushing herself up to a sitting position.
The other person reached for her arm to help support her and Jessie recoiled as if struck. They pulled back and lifted their hands as a sign of peace immediately.
"It looks like your leg is broken. If you let me, I can help you-"
"The fuck you can, Rainbow Brite." Jessie interrupted, pushing herself to her feet unsteadily. "I said I'm fine. Go home to whatever wholesome shit inspires you to play 'good Samaritan' in Gotham of all places."
This time she made it three steps before her leg tried to give out on her again. God, this night was going to be a long one. She leaned against the nearest lamp post and glared at the stranger who was still standing there, watching her with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" Jessie snapped. "I said get lost."
The stranger held up their hands in surrender again.
"Listen, I'm not trying to be a hero or anything but I can't just leave someone injured on the side of the road. Can you at least let me call for help?"
"Call who? Don't you know who the fuck I am?" Jessie asked in disbelief.
The stranger just shrugged, "should I?"
Jessie stared at them for a long moment before bursting into laughter. "You know what? Sure. Fine, kid. You wanna help so bad you can help me, just don't call anybody. No cops, no hospitals." She added the last part with a glare.
The stranger hesitated before agreeing with a small nod of their head. "Okay, deal. Can I at least help you to someplace dry first?"
Jessie shrugged and held out her arm for support. The kid surprised her by actually being able to support most of her weight as she hobbled along, cursing under her breath.
"So what possessed you to become a nurse in Gotham City?" Jessie asked casually, trying to keep her mind off the searing pain shooting up her legs with every step.
"Oh, I'm just helping out, I'm not staying." They said, shifting their grip on Jessie's arm around their shoulders. "I'm from New Orleans."
"That's a long-ass way to come just to help out." Jessie commented, rethinking her earlier assessment of the person's sanity. Maybe Rainbow Brite had a few screws loose after all.
They shrugged. "I like to help. I'm Jasper, by the way."
"Didn't ask. Don't fucking care." Jessie replied, gritting her teeth against another wave of pain.
Jasper just rolled their eyes and continued leading Jessie to a nearby abandoned building. Once inside, they helped Jessie sit down in a relatively clean area and started rummaging through their bag for something they could use to clean the injuries so they could see how bad it actually was. Before they'd found anything, Jessie had pulled out a handful of medical supplies from her utility belt.
"Just set it, I'll take care of the rest on my own." Jessie said, pouring a bottle full of water over her leg to clean away some of the blood and grit. She grit her teeth and focused on the task at hand, ignoring the concerned looks Jasper was giving her.
"Those burns look at least second degree-" Jasper started.
"I've had worse. You gonna help or not?" Jessie cut them off. The adrenaline was starting to fade now that she was no longer in immediate danger and her head was starting to throb along with the pain in her leg.
Jasper sighed but complied, tugging on a pair of latex gloves from their bag before turning their attention to Jessie's leg. The break wasn't too bad looking up close, maybe a couple of clean fractures through the femur but mostly it seemed in-tact. Or at least, there was minimal bone sticking through the skin.
"This is gonna hurt." Jasper warned, placing one hand on either side of the break. "On three. One, two-"
Jessie let out a string of expletives and squeezed their arm so hard she was certain she left bruises as Jasper set the leg back in place with a sickening crack.
"Fuck." Jessie gasped, her breath coming in short pants now. Her vision swam for a moment before focusing on Jasper's concerned face as they smeared some ointment on the burns before wrapping them up in gauze. "Told you to leave it to me." She muttered.
"You're welcome." Jasper replied dryly, standing up and peeling the gloves off. "You sure you don't want me to call for help?"
Jessie shook her head. "I'll be fine. Now get out of here, Rainbow Brite. Take your Star Sprinkles out of Gotham. They won't do shit around here."
Jasper snorted as they packed their things away and slung their bag over one shoulder. "Maybe not, but at least I tried."
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becrystalamazed · 8 months ago
🎵We come together, state of the art, we’ll never surrender, the kids in the dark 🎶
Video ID under Read More
ID: A fanvid of the 2022 Disney gameshow The Quest, set to the song The Kids in the Dark by All Time Low. It consists of clips of the show's eight teenage contestants - known as Paladins - completing challenges, as well as clips of the characters and monsters they face.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': The clip used for the initial Paladin introductions. A pan-shot to David facing the royals, Serean aiming and drawing back a bowstring, Toshani surprised in Dravus' study, Holden in the Paladin's courtyard, Caden peering around a corner, Ava turning to face the Serpent, Myra in the Paladin's courtyard and Shaan firing a crossbow.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark' - David, then Myra emerges from a portal onto a bridge separately. Serean looks curiously at her surroundings. Toshani also appears through the portal. Shaan looks around him in confusion
'Here we are at the end of a road, a road that's quietly caving in (caving in)': The Paladins, all together, stare in wonder as they walk towards a castle.
'Come to far to pretend that we don't, we don't miss': The Paladins enter the throne room, where King Silas, the Heirs and Dravus are sat. They kneel.
'where we started': The sorceress Tavora throws a ball of magic, which consumes King Magnus.
'Looking back, I see a setting sun, and watch my shadow fade into the floor': King Silas leads the Heirs, the Paladins, Dravus and Mila out of the castle as night falls, carrying lanterns to light their way.
'I am left, standing on the edge': Mila crashes into a palace wall but keeps running as a guard chases her.
'wondering how we got this far, how we got this far': Mila receives the Oracle's Orb from the Fates. She turns to face the Paladins with an expression of awe and disbelief.
'They left us alone, the kids in the dark': Serean runs through a dark courtyard. Myra jumps off a ladder and starts running. Ava turns around.
'To burn out forever or light up a spark': The Paladins run around a corner. David, Ava and Serean run through the marketplace, holding glowing Whispits.
'We come together, state of the art': David, Holden and Myra place their hands on golden handprints on a treasure chest. It unlocks and the Paladins gather around as they open it.
'We'll never surrender': Ava, in a cage, works on untying a knot as the Serpent looms threateningly over her shoulder.
'The kids in the dark, so let the world sing': Myra pulls on a rope to retrieve a glowing vial from the Lake of Lights.
'What a shame': Ava reaches toward one of the magic books in Dravus' study.
'(hey!)': The Paladins jump as the mage Dravus finds them snooping in his study.
'What a shame (hey!)': Prince Emmett ushers the Paladins away from a cauldron that erupts with foaming potion.
'Beautiful scars on critical veins': Mila removes her armour to reveal a bruised battle wound on her lower arm. The Paladins peer at it, concerned.
'Come together, state of the art, we'll never surrender, the kids in the dark': The Paladins jump and duck over the many sweeping arms of the Troll Maiden's heart machine.
'the kids in the dark. (The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark)': The Paladins practise sword drills against each other, moving back and forward. The clanging of their blades occasionally matches the music.
'Here we are at the top of the hill': Mila stares down the Dragior, a humanoid monster with antlers, covered in runes.
'A hill that's quietly crumbling (crumbling)' A sweeping shot of the Paladins holding cages containing rocks above their heads. Holden's arms give way, causing a jug to drop and shatter.
'Been a while since you dressed for the kill, the kill that sent me': David uses a hook to remove the Gem of Courage from the eye of the Witch. David removes the Gem of Strength from the hand of the Dragior. Ava removes the Gem of Wisdom from the forehead of the Serpent. Serean removes the Gem of Resilience from the chest of the Troll Maiden.
'tumbling': David is knocked over by one of the arms of the Troll Maiden's machine. Serean hits a glass jug with a morning star, sending it flying at Holden and Shaan, where it shatters at their feet. They flinch.
'Looking up': A pan-shot up to Prince Emmett and Mila looking out from the battlements of a tower.
'I see a falling star': Mila and Prince Emmett look up at the night sky, glowing with the magic of the Celestial Dome. They make eye contact, smiling.
'And watch its fire burn into the floor': Princess Adaline and Prince Emmett burst into Dravus' study, only to watch him escape through a magic mirror that clatters to the floor.
'And I am left, standing on the edge, wondering why we fall so hard': The Paladins use mirrored shields to direct a glowing green light through the battlements at night.
'Why we fall so hard': A glowing Whispit moves squid-like through the air towards Tavora.
'They left us alone, the kids in the dark': The Paladins run into a wooden labyrinth, the camera following Ava as she dodges through the twists and turns.
'to burn out forever': Serean, then David and Holden, run through the woods.
'or light up a spark': Serean uses a fire crystal to ignite the Torch.
'We come together, state of the art': Myra, Toshani and Holden give food to a beggar outside the palace gates.
'We'll never surrender': Princess Adaline consoles Myra and Toshani.
'The kids in the dark, so let the world sing': David cranks a handle to wind up a crossbow.
'What a shame (hey!)': Ava swings a morning star, smoothly knocking a jug from it's pedestal.
'What a shame (hey!)': David fires the crossbow. The quarrel hits the bullseye.
'Beautiful scars on critical veins': The armour of an injured messenger is removed to reveal the words NAGOTH NOCTUME scrawled in black paint on his inner arm.
'Come together, state of the art, we'll never surrender': Mila and Prince Cederic regroup, back to back in the middle of a battle, before attacking again.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': Ava holds the Sceptre as it glows. David removes the Sword from a stone. Serean lifts up the Torch.
'Woahhhhh': Toshani, David and Holden use a rope to move a boat across the water.
'Woahhhhh (the kids in the dark, the kids in the dark)': Toshani places a stone on top of a tower. David tries to count the stones as his tower topples.
'Woahhhhh': Holden climbs up the side of a tower, silhouetted against the sky.
'Woahhhhh': Holden uses a fire crystal to extinguish a wall of flame and takes a step forward.
'They left us alone, the kids in the dark, to burn out forever': Tavora steps into a courtyard, the Paladins surrounding her. They have their hands hidden behind their backs and the camera cuts to their faces as they stare her down.
'Or light up a spark, we come together state of the art, we'll never surrender, the kids in the dark, so let the world sing': Holden uses the magic of the Divine Crown to fight Tavora as the other Paladins encourage him. He forces her back and she is engulfed in flames.
'What a shame (hey!)': Holden, Ava and David use shields to push back some soldiers of the Dark Legion.
'What a shame (hey!)': Serean shoots an arrow into a potion bottle, shattering it.
'Beautiful scars on critical veins': Holden uses an axe to cut down Tavora's banner. It flutters to the floor.
'Come together, state of the art': The Paladins and Mila gather in a huddle. They put their hands in the middle and cheer.
'We'll never surrender, the kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': Prince Emmett, Prince Cederic and Princess Adaline hug each other.
'The kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': Prince Emmett, Prince Cederic and Princess Adaline place the Divine Crowns on their heads, before turning to face the Paladins. They kneel.
'We'll never surrender, the kids in the dark, the kids in the dark': The Paladins return home through the portal together. It closes behind them.
End ID
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sol-draws-sometimes · 2 years ago
Disc World bookclub thoughts- Monstrous Regiment
Pages 20-28
Hey @anna-neko ! Did I miss last week… yes. BUT JUST BECAUSE I MISS ONE WEEK DOESN’T MEAN I JUST ABANDON THIS. Look, finals are the week, so these past few weeks have been alot… also I’ve been hyperfocusing on dnd(stares in adhd). I’ve barely read but that’s alright. Once finals are over, I’m going on a roadtrip, so I should have time to read when we’re driving(unless I catch up on critical role…we’ll see).
It’s so late and I’m literally way too tired for nuance. With expectations set, Lets go
“Ankh-Morpork is a godawful city,” he said. “Poisonous, just like its river. Barely fit for humans now, they let everything in—zombies, werewolves, dwarfs, vampires, trolls—“
Something something we live in a society. Cue family talking about how NYC is corrupting the youth or something 🙃. Tbh, insert any big progressive city, and it should work for most of them.
A lot of good stuff in this page(and the next few ones)
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1. Something Something colonialism bad. They[Borogravia] are the bad guys here🏃🏃🏃
2. Cool POV stuff coming back. Especially with the song and what not
3. Damn Strappi’s certainly something
4. I hate nationalism. The line b/w patriotism and nationalism is real hard sometimes. I mean, something something, true patriotism is knowing how your country’s fucked, and wanting to it be better. You fight for change cause you love it, and that is way more patriotic than just blinding fighting for country and defending it, even when it is in the wrong.
5. Uggh, the national anthem. Yes the flag thing is an actual thing we do in US. And certain teachers DO loss their shit if you don’t stand up/sing. Look, it’s not like I’m trying to disregard veterans, it’s just… weird and indoctrinationy. Plus, they added, “Under God,” during the cold war so, that feels even more insidious.
6. Poor Wazzer man. I’m glad he rebels in his own small way. Small acts of rebellion are still rebellious.
7. Learning new phrases! I figured due to context clues, but it’s always good to check.
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Literally this conversation is literally my fucking thoughts
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Uuuuh. War bad! Look. See!
“Well, I’m not buying into it. It’s all trickery. They keep you down and when they piss off some other country, you have to fight for them! It’s only your country when they want you to get killed!” said Tonker.”
Tonker. King Behavior!
And just as they’re going to sleep, so am I.
Fuck this book is good!
Here’s another quote good night!
It’s all lies, she thought muzzily. Some of them are just prettier than others, that’s all. People see what they think is there. Even I’m a lie. But I’m getting away with it.
Ps: I realized last time I stopped at pg 20 but wrote 60… my bad.(should be fixed now tho)
I will add ID text some other date cause I don't have the mental energy rn. I just did, scan text, and copy pasted it into alt w/out checking. If someone besides Anna finds this post and wants them, just @ me in the comment and I'll @ you when I finish this.
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insom-nom-nom-niatic · 2 years ago
Fandom: Vox Machina (Critical Role)
Pairing: Vaxleth
Rating: E (if you are in the fandom of CR... this is like child's play let's be honest)
AN: I have a thing of not liking to go very much over 500 words, so this little drabble is a 2 part thing. It's also my first time getting back in the writing saddle for a very very very long time so... it is what it is. I also am a redhead, we all know what I mean when I say... what I say.
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“Oh sweet Percy, do tell these folks of our last trip to Whitestone.” Vex’ahlia wrapped her fingers tightly around the snowy-haired man beside her. Glancing quickly towards Vax with an all-knowing nod. He quickly turns on his heels, headed for the door, and grabs Keyleths hand on the way. “Oh me too?!” She gasps as she gets whipped from the group. 
Green shoes make the slightest thuds against the hard wood floor panels, sending vibrations through Vax’s knee like an un-rhythmatic massage to the joints while he continued his work on what had to be the grandest lock he’d ever seen.  
“I'm not used to going on the super stealth missions.”
“No? Really?” Vax whispered with a smirk. It was pure luck for both of them that the guard dogs had all been preoccupied with the abundance of guests and Grogs loud belly laughs downstairs. 
“Yeah! Don’t know why though, this is kinda fun.” Vax just smirks at the redhead’s ideals of a ‘joyous’ time. 
2 minutes pass: Keylth is leaning on the door, her forehead rubbing back and forth on the cold wood whilst her eyes roll back and forth. Her red locks covering her features but Vax can tell her ‘joy’ was shortly lived.  
“Vaaaaaaaaaaaax. Hurry uuuuuuuuuuup. This is so boring.”
“I know I know,” she stands to mock his posture and accent in a low tone; “if it was easy, there would be no need for locks.”
Vax slowly cocks his head to meet the woman beside him. His brown eyes glaring up at her green ones peering back, causing slightest giggle echoing in her chest making his heart skip a beat. 
Footsteps begin pounding on the ground down the hall. Only a heartbeat later, the footsteps stop. Keyleth’s eyes widen as she every so slowly takes a step back, peering down the hall at 2 heavily armed guards looking directly her, They move their heads down and back up as they take in the strangers frame. “Uh, hello there.” Keyleth’s fingers fiddle with the side of her dress. 
“Get rid of them,” Vax murmurs. His eyes never leaving the lock he has sworn is ‘almost there’ for over 5 songs now. A small pink nub of tongue peeking through the side of hi lips a another tumbler of the lock settles. 
“How do I do that?” Keyleth wasn;t sure how loud she had spoken. But given how the guards’ faces contourted in confusion made her assume it wasn;t as ‘stealthy’ as she hoped. The guard further to the left gripped the sword tied to his hip a bit more. She could feel a small ball of sweat roll down the back of her neck when both guards began stalking forwards. 
“I don’t know! Do what you red heads do best!” Vax couldn’t help the grin that arose to the corner of his mouth at the words. She was innocent of course, but there was something in that woman that was much more than what she thought she was. 
But as Keyleth stood still, fright taking over her body as she stared at the guards inching closer by the heartbeat, Vax’s words replayed in her mind. She was sure she didn’t understand the meaning of what he had mumbled.  
Then instinct kicked in. 
Keyleth brought her 2 hands together with clenched eyes and a small gasp at what was going to happen. Simultaneously,  2 vines sprung from the floorboards, cracking through the wood and snapping both men together with a quick clash. Both men lay unconscious, possibly dead, in the middle of the hallway. Beside them, the 2 large vines slithered back into the holes they had left gaping on the floor. 
Vax arose to his feet. His mouth hung partially open trying to catch his breath as he stared at the, once formidable foes that are now at their feet, That definitely wasn’t what he meant… but it works he supposed. 
Keyleth stepped back quietly, heals carefully laying flat on the small area rug directly behind. Her ever green eyes still wide as they caught a look at Elven rogue beside her, the glimpse of a smile pulling at his lips caused a knot to begin growing in her stomach, before his smile infectiously rose to her own features.  
She did good?
She did good.
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