#but also he would love bluetooth headphones that part's true
rip john juniper you would have loved bluetooth headphones
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Bayverse Headcanon: What kind of music do they like?
Idk why I had to do this, but I just had to.
Also, one day I might make more detailed versions of these scenarios.
Warning: Long af, spelling bc I'm dyslexic.
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There are a few sides to the leader in blue. The part that sits in the dojo for hours, meditating in complete silence. Probably one of the few things he had to practice on - meditating with noises all around him. And then there’s the part of him that listens to music, while doing mundane things. Whether it would be cleaning his room, taking a shower, a warm up before training or just chilling in his room or on the rooftops. Leo do enjoy music a lot, he just has clear rules for when he can hear it. No modern music in the dojo! Martial arts should be honored, and to do it in other that silence would be an insult to the arts and the old masters. But outside of the dojo, it would be possible to find Leo with a pair of headphones on every once in a while.
Leo is a rock kid. Not heavy metal - no - that is just not Leo’s kind of music. But old school rock and maybe even glam rock. It was usually music with prominent guitar or bass that he often found himself listening to. It kind of fitted the way he saw himself. Th stoic leader on the rooftop, fighting with an edgy soundtrack in his head. Edgy and cool being the way he described it in his own head. It gave him a slight tingle in his stomach, when he jumped from roof to roof with his headphones on, listening to certain rock songs. He felt like a true leader, jumping high over people’s head, listening to “Zitti E Buoni” by Måneskin. When really feeling it alone in the shower, with the same song booming from his blue bluetooth speaker, he would channel his inner Damiano David, singing along to the fast part without any mistakes. Now, Leo is not usually the one to sing along to songs. He doesn't even hum that often, but when he does, it is usually in the shower. But there was this one time Raph walked past the bathroom, while Leo was screaming his heart out to a Måneskin song. Usually Raph would find a way to make fun of his brother for such a thing, but this time Raph decided not to, mainly because it didn’t sound near as bad as Raph though Leo’s singing would do.
Another artist Leo would be singing along to in the shower is Micheal Jackson. He might even do a few dance moves, but he would NEVER IN HIS LIFE, do them outside of a locked bathroom.
One of Leo’s favorite bands had to be Blur. He really liked Damon Albarn’s voice and the guitar of Graham Coxon, and would often find himself listening to them before going to bed. At one point, Leo even tried to sneak out to see all of Blur play live. Did he get in? Yes. Did he watch them from somewhere just below the roof? Yes. Did the bassist spot Leo, blink in confusion, only to look back up to find the spot Leo had been hiding in empty, with Leo having fled the scene? Yes, and that’s why Leo doesn’t do concerts anymore. But he never told his brothers. Mikey would not be happy to know that Leo had sneaked into a concert, while having told Mikey time and time again that he wasn’t allowed to.
Leo has a thing for languages when it comes to music. He grew up in New York City with English as his first language, with Japanese from Splinter following right after as his second. He decided to learn Spanish, just in case it would get useful, and since he had an Italian first name, he also learned Italien. That would probably explain some of his love for Måneskin. But Leo just really liked languages. He doesn’t have to understand the lyrics in order to enjoy it. One prime example of that is the song “Stefania” by KALUSH and Kalush orchestra, even though it is hip hop in genre. Did Leo understand any Ukrainian? Nope. But did he have a general idea of what the song was about, and found the Ukrainian language beautiful and interesting? Yes, very much. He found the courage of Ukraine inspiring, and would often use that inspiration in his training, which is why this is one of the very few songs he will actually train to outside of warm ups.
A true bedroom song for Leo is “Demoni” by Joker Out. He wouldn’t do much while listening to that. He would just lay in bed with headphones one, eyes closed while either bobbing his head or right foot to the beat. Leo isn't much of a dancer, but more a bobber. That was usually how his brothers knew if he liked a certain song; he would bob his head slightly to the beat. That only fueled Mikey’s imagination, creating a picture in his head of Leo head banging in his room to heavy metal, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Stoic Leo didn’t head bang, but he did move at least his head or foot lightly.
Now, what does Leo’s brothers like about his music taste? Well, to be honest, most of the time they weren’t too sure what kind of music Leo liked. They did know that he was into rock, and they knew very well that at this point that he liked Måneskin and Micheal Jackson. But there was this one time while driving the garbage truck, that Leo somehow got in charge of the aux. None of the guys really knew what to expect, but “Gladiator” by Jann wasn’t it. Mikey even said something along the lines of; “emo Leo doesn’t listen to My Chemical Romance”, causing Leo to remember once again, why he normally didn’t want to be in charge of the aux, and liked keeping his music to himself.
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Raph listens to music quite often. Probably not as often as Mikey, but still at way more than Donnie and Leo. One of the main reasons why Raph listens to so much music is - you probably guessed it - training. He would often lift his weights to the beat of the music, in a way that most humans could only dream of doing. But he would also listen to music on his own, either riding his motorcycle through the streets of New York City at night, or while knitting in his room.
A favorite song of Raphael’s to ride his motorcycle to was “Would You Ever” by Skrillex and Poo Bear. Swerving in and out of traffic, causing people to yell in anger in his direction, or causing groups of girls to giggle and point at the mysterious bad boy that just rode past them. Covered in a helmet and covered in a big leather jacket and cloves, he looks like a big hunk of a man, showing off his motorcycle. But would Raph play his music out loud while riding down the street? Normally he would not. But there was this one time he just couldn’t help himself. Stopping at a red light, Raph found himself beside an open roofed car, filled with giggling human girls. Most of them were tipsy, and Raph wouldn’t be too surprised if the girl in front of the steering wheel was too. Obviously, they had something for big guys, as they started asking about his name, how old he was, where he lived, or if they could get a ride on his motorcycle. Or if he would come ride with them. Raph didn’t say anything, he just pressed a button on his motorcycle, causing the music to disconnect from his helmet, and started playing from his motorcycle speakers. He saluted them, just as the light turned green, riding away while the girls stared at him in awe. In his opinion, it was very much worth it.
Raph has quite a few songs he liked lifting weights to. One of them being “Hello” by Will.I.Am. When Raphael is lifting weights, he will do it proud and loud, playing his music on a red speaker, much to the annoyance of Leonardo, who very much wants to meditate. When it came to boxing, Raph would often listen to Eminem, hyping himself up with the music or the angry lyrics, causing Mikey to ask him what the hell Eminem had done to him, since he would get the need to hit something whenever he heard his voice.
Raph would almost always find a reason to listen to Eminem. When Raph was angry and wanted to hit something; “Kamikaze”. Should Raph ever find himself mad at a woman; “Farewell”. Was Raph ever in a good mood and just wanted to dance and have fun; “Shake that”. But somehow, when Raph was sad, he wouldn’t listen to Emniem. If he was sad and decided to box, he would listen to The Weeknd. Mikey caught on to that pretty fast, and would do his little brother duty to bring up Raph’s mood, whenever he would hear the voice of The Weeknd from Raph's room.
Like Leo, Raph would also listen to music while showering. But it was while being alone in the bathroom, that Raph would listen to much that wasn’t often associated with big angry muscle men like him. It would often be more pop than electronic or hip hop. And god, how Raph hoped none of his brothers would hear him sing along to “i don’t wanna talk about love”, by Micheal Medrano. Raphael could just shut up and shower in silence, but nope, a man got to groove in the shower. Luckily for Raph, only Donnie had heard him once. Had Donnie laughed his ass off as soon as he got to his room afterwards? Yes, oh my god yes he had. But did he tell Mikey and Leo about it? Nope, he did not. But he did tell April and you about it though, and what a laugh you guys had over the phone.
Raph would never admit it to anyone, but he did listen to Madonna, and he did enjoy it. It started with “Future” by Madonna and Quavo, and before he knew it, he was sitting in his room enjoying both “Like A Prayer” and “Like A Virgin”, which led to him singing “Hung Up” in the shower. Madonna would lead to Dua Lipa, and before Raph even realized what was happening, half of his playlist would be pop power women. Loreen, Lady Gaga, old Miley Cyrus songs. And did he know the lyrics? Oh yes he did. And one time, his brothers would catch him listening to at least one of them.
It was one of those days where each turtle seemed to be doing their own thing, which left Raph alone with his work out equipment and his speaker. As usual it started out with Eminem, Juicy J, Kanye West and others, before suddenly “Rendez Vouz” by INNA. That caught Mikey’s attention, and once he heard and saw Raph dance and sing along from his hiding spot, he went to find Leo and Donnie. And oh, how they fought to keep from laughing when Raph started feeling himself too much, working out to “Work Bitch” by Brittney Spears. After that, the phrase “get to work bitch”, was used quite often around Raph.
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The purple scientist is very straightforward with his taste in music. If he likes it, he listens to it. He often has music playing while doing stuff in his lab. Sometimes calming lofi music in hopes that it could get him sleepy, but that usually didn’t work very often. Instead Donnie would often find himself listening to music from the indie scene, or what some people on the internet might call vibey music. Aesthetic music. What aesthetic, you might ask? Well, Donnie had no idea, and he most differently thought that the internet had no idea either. One of these so-called vibe or aesthetic pop songs was “HEAVEN AND BACK” by Chase Atlantic. Tapping away on his computer or connecting whatever hard drive, he found that the music helped him concentrate at the task in front of him.
Though Donnie didn’t seem to notice, his brothers did. Most of the songs he listened to had some not so happy lyrics. Often quite depressive, covered over with bass, keyboard, drum kit and sometimes even a saxophone. At one point Leo had brought this concern up with Donnie, causing the purple turtle shrug.
“Music is music. I listen to what I like”, he said, making another cup of coffee, before going back to work in his lab.
Those few times Donnie finally left his lab to relax in his room, he would read a book, listen to songs like “Quite Quitting” by NOT A TOY. To Donnie, music was mainly background noise, helping him to shut out his loud brothers so he could focus. What the lyrics said didn’t bother him too much. But there is one thing Donnie notices in most of the music he listens to; a smooth bass. It didn’t have to be a loud bass, often becoming part of the background with the drums, being overshadowed by smooth special effects or the singing. Donnie really like bass, but he also like smooth keyboards. There had been times where he had thought of getting a bass or keyboard, or maybe even make them himself. Mikey had his drum set, so Donnie might as well get a few instruments of his own.
Like Leo, Donnie liked to listen to music on the rooftops every once in a while. But unlike his brother, Donnie would usually stay at the same roof, remembering the names of stars, plants and constellations on the sky above him, while listening to songs like “ALIENS” by The Griswolds and Transviolet, wearing big soft headphones. Comfort over looks was important for Donnie, and being a mutant turtle hiding from the people of New York City, he didn’t give a crap about what his headphones look like. He thought they were nice, and he likes to wear them, and that was enough for him. His brothers, on the other hand, thought they were chunky and strange, to which he could only say it was good they were his headphones and not theirs. And it was at nights like those, that Donnie thought of how, maybe his brothers were right about his taste in music. He might be a little different from them, like how the alien was described in the song he was listening to. Not that he worried too much about it. He liked his head and the brain inside it, and with that came being different. That’s just how it was.
But not all the music Donnie listens to is filled with sadness and depression. Songs such as “Strange Clouds” by ufo ufo were a good morning song according to Donnie. When he woke up after finally having had a full night's sleep, he would listen to songs like that, while making breakfast or making his coffee. But then later in the day, sitting in front of the computer screen, once again not being able to sleep, he would listen to stuff like “Numb” by 8 graves. It was the lyrics from that song that had made Leo’s alarm bells ring. Mikey on the other hand wasn’t too worried. He just called Donnie’s music taste “calm edge lord, that doesn’t need to try hard”.
Now, if there was one artist Donatello had to say was his favorite, it would probably be Mystery Skulls, especially “Stronger”. A nice bass in front and center, backed up with synth all around. But Donnie also really liked Luke Black. Way different from all the other music Donnie would listen to, yet he really liked it. He would probably never admit it to his brothers, but he did listen to the lyrics of Luke Black, and he did find it more than a little interesting.
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Mikey - or as he like to call himself; DJ Mikey - listens to music all the time, every day, everywhere, rarely turning down for the sake of any of his brothers, blasting it oh so loud on his orange speaker, only putting headphones on if his brothers threatened him. Or if Master Splinter asked him to.
He sang along, danced along, sometimes even to the embarrassment of others, like the many times he would scream along to “Turn It Up” by Oliver Tree, Little Big and Tommy Cash.
Mikey likes big, loud and up beat music. Something he can move his body to and be his little happy self. It could be anything from pop to hip hop, maybe even electronic or EDM. It would usually consist of him listening to the same few songs over and over again, until he is getting slightly tired of them, while his brothers are ready to rip their heads off, or maybe dig into their skulls to rip their ears out.
With Mikey being his small ADHD self, it wouldn’t be strange for him to listen to music made by people with ADHD for people with ADHD, making a big deal out of it. One of those songs being “Irresponsible” by Emei. There was this one time he almost made Donnie deaf by blasting the song into his ears while scream: "This song is made for me!"
Much to Leo’s annoyance, Mikey didn’t follow his rule of “no music in the dojo”, since Mikey often found it easier to train with music. This man can do all of his katas perfectly, if only “Hypnodancer” by Little Big is playing in the background.
If there is one thing Mikey likes, it is listening to “Pac-man” by Gorillaz, and making eating pizza into his own version of pac man, in which his brothers are the ghosts, and he has to steal pizza from them. At this point, his older brothers know to keep a good eye on their food as soon as that song starts playing... Or if he just plays Gorillaz at all.
Another thing Mikey likes when it comes to music, is when his brothers somehow enjoy what he’s playing. It had happened before, and it would most likely happen again. Mikey sat in the middle of the lair, happily dancing where he sat while reading comics, playing “Go Bananas” by Little Big. Raph didn’t growl at him from his bench press, but instead started to lift the weights on every other beat. Donnie sat at his computer, pressing the keys of his keyboard in beat with the song, probably without noticing. And Leo was bobbing his head ever so slightly while sharpening his katanas. This had Mikey over the moon, which only caused him to want to play more music for his brothers. Every once in a while they would let him do it, just to make their little brother happy. That was the main reason why Mikey is the aux guy.
When Mikey decided to skateboard, he would most often do it with old school hip hop playing. As a turtle in the sewers of New York, that only made sense to him, which is why he often would skate up and down the sewers, vibing with “The Message” by Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five. And of course Mikey could rap the whole thing. Now, this was one of those few songs that Leo, Raph and Donnie didn’t mind Mikey playing over and over again.
But then there were those times on patrol where Mikey just would start singing out of nowhere. When he started breaking into “Sax” by Fleur East, complete with thought out dance moves in the way only Mikey could do it, Raph was ready to throw him off the roof and down to ongoing traffic.
It would be no surprise to tell you that one of Mikey’s favorite artists is Little Big, and that he also loves Gorillaz. But he would also quite often listen to the music that his brothers were playing. He very well knew that Leo loved listening to Blur, and that most of Raph’s playlist was made up of power women, and that Donnie’s secret favorite was Luke Black. And of course Mikey could sing every single word to the songs of his brothers' favorite artists, being the little attentive brother that he is. And because his music taste had room for more than theirs had.
You can tell I’m European, can’t you?
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youarejesting · 3 years
Sly like a… ? Part 8
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 2.2k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
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With Yoongi hauled up in his room, you began speaking with each of the boys and discussing where their learning levels were, you started with Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok, you sat them at the table and started to teach them the basics of the Korean language and Maths they were quick to learn as they weren’t children and by the end of the week, you had them at a mid highschool level.
You taught all of the Hybrids about internet and phone safety, not giving out their number to random people they didn’t know. They all agreed and after a long discussion on scammers and voice phishing, they all seemed to understand.
Learning how to use computer documents and the internet and more, you explained virus’ and online shopping and you explained that you wanted them to have free reign. So, if they had something they wanted to buy to go to you.
“Unless it is something you are not comfortable asking from Y/n then please feel free to ask me instead.” Jimin said, “I can also get you things you might want or need?”
“Okay, now onto the final topic of today is finding a degree, you don’t have to choose exactly what you want to do with your life right now,” You stressed, hoping they knew they had plenty of time to explore their options. “but, maybe think about jobs you might have seen in movies or read about or heard about and I will help you achieve that dream”
You placed down a few booklets of jobs and they looked at you, “Yoongi you are already halfway through your degree and you said you wished to continue it, so you start next week, please let me know if there is anything you need.”
“And afterward if you ever need a job, if this program gets approved, I will need someone like you in my team.” You smiled, ever since the outing to the shop, Yoongi has been quite cold towards you and it hurt but you knew he would understand soon.
Namjoon told you he wanted to be a businessman, you signed him up for a bachelor of commerce and he was speeding through the classes like they were a children's book. But though he knew everything he didn’t exactly understand the point of the essays and assignments.
You talked him through it and explained that they wanted him to show off what he learned so they knew he was smart enough to pass, he still had three more weeks before school started and you were worried he would have already finished all the essays and assignments.
You heard Taehyung saying he wanted to be an actor or maybe a photographer and you wanted his dreams to come true. “if you finish an acting course, maybe Jimin and I can put in good words in some agencies?”
That got you thinking where was the calico, he hadn’t left the house, maybe he was in his room listening to music or something. Your focus was taken up by the two young men in front of you both flicking through the booklets of perspective courses and careers.
“Ooh directing would be fun?” Jungkook pretended to film Taehyung who immediately started acting out a rather elaborate scene worthy of any K-drama, the two laughing at the silly monologue, “or maybe gaming?”
The cheeky grin on Jungkook's face made your heart flutter. He was almost twenty-four, his birthday nearing and if you remembered correctly so was Namjoon’s. They were all classified as adults but were they ever given the chance to just be giggly, playful boys?
It was almost dinner, you stood up and as you walked past the two hybrids you ran your fingers through their hair. Leaning between them, you held their shoulders.
“I will be back, keep thinking and mark any pages with these sticky notes, purple for Kookie and green for TaeTae,” it was strange but both young men turned their head into your neck and nuzzled you for a second a low purr from the feline and a rhythmic wag of the tail from the canine. You went to leave, your heart stuttering at their affection before anything awkward happened.
“Y/n smells nice, doesn’t she?” Taehyung’s voice was low and Jungkook’s answering purr left you feeling a little warm under the collar. The ghosts of their tiny breaths against your neck would not leave you, the skiing tingling under your touch.
Shaking your head trying to clear it of anything that could be deemed impure and strolling the hall until you reached Yoongi’s door. Knocking softly the door opened to reveal Jimin smiling.
“Hello love,” Jimin flashed the dangerous eye smile and you wondered if the boys were nearing their ruts, that would be a conversation after dinner. Yoongi was sitting on the bed looking at the unopened box of headphones, phone, and laptop.
“Am I interrupting something, I can come back later?” you rambled, gesturing down the hall, “I was just wanting to see where everyone was as I was thinking about starting dinner.”
“Yoongi and I were just talking, but I think we have both come to a comfortable conclusion of topics.” He smiled patting the older feline's shoulder, “Thanks for the talk, it's nice to finally have some brothers.”
“Yoongi, I-”
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi interrupted you and his cheeks were dusted pink, he didn’t look up from the bed where all the devices sat. His tail curled around onto his lap and his ears twitched listening intently for your reaction. “Jimin said you weren’t like that and you really just wanted to get us nice things,”
He opened the special hybrid headphones and grinned as they sat on his head like a headband and cupped his ears gently, you opened his phone and found his favorite song hoping to test the headphones.
“Tell me if they work okay, or if they need charge,” standing in front of him you turned the headphones on and attempted to Bluetooth them to the phone. Making sure to turn the volume down before playing the song. His eyes lit up and his tail gave a long elegant swish, he looked so cute and you had to suppress a laugh at how his hair was all bunched up in the headband.
You moved a little closer still and began running your fingers through his hair until it fell over the headband, Yoongi tensed and surprised you by clutching the hem of your overall shorts and nuzzled his face into your stomach, his neck bright red. You froze and gently finished with his hair and stepped back and smiled pausing the song.
“I fixed your hair, cause it was all caught in your headphones,” you explained and he looked down growing almost impossibly red. You reached out and carded your fingers through his hair affectionately. In a gesture that had often calmed Jimin as a child, you rubbed your bare wrist against his neck.
A purr almost ripped through Yoongi as his tail swished dangerously. You stepped away heading for the door, “I just wanted to ask if you wanted to help me make dinner?”
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
hi can u write smth on like headcanons on what type of person would tsukki tendou iwaizumi and kenma crush on 👁👄👁
ooh funfun. this is something i do a lot for characters i write about to make the reader character realistic, so this is right up my alley :3 this focuses primarily on personality rather than physical types (with a small exception)
*just a heads up, this is LONG
the type of person they crush on w/ Tsukishima, Tendou, Iwaizumi, & Kenma
for Tsukki it wouldn’t necessarily be someone exactly like him, but they’d have definite similarities
they’d earn his respect before they’d get his heart
hands down this person needs to have a thick skin. i think generally Tsukki doesn’t outright insult or harshly tease (like with Hinata & Kags) the people he really cares about or has affection for (look at his relationship with Yamaguchi), but he is blunt and sometimes unintentionally snaps or is just straight up mean
if someone is easily affected by that, it’s a no go, sorry
not to say they couldn’t get their feelings hurt, and he would feel bad especially if his crush had already developed, but initially there would need to be a resistance or retort to that kind of thing. they’d understand that his words come from a place of both honesty and care, and any lashing out is just a result of stress and unresolved emotion
yeah he’d be attracted to intelligence and wit
part of me just thinks he enjoys mental stimulation and someone who can make him think not only piques his interest in the person but also makes him enjoy and look forward to spending time with them
at the same time, being able to enjoy comfortable silence is important too
and wit. he’d definitely tease someone he has a crush on though and i’ll tell you why
he has two goals: get them flustered or get them to smile/laugh genuinely
he’d love someone that can tease back, and makes him work for a reaction
and--this is important--makes him smile and laugh
speaks fluent sarcasm
not a pushover, and not afraid to call him out when he goes too far 
they probably have weird habits or specific tastes or something, which he picks up on as the perceptive guy he is occasionally he uses them as fodder for teasing
they’d be someone with layers ha shrek or with personas they switch between easily, like going from sweet to stone-faced roaster
to tack onto the mental stimulation, you know how Yachi said Tsukki treats everything logically and approaches his blocking like a difficult test question? to an extent the same would apply to that person
he’d be figuring out how they tick, what makes them laugh, etc, and in the process of that it turns into a different kind of interest
it takes him a bit to figure out why exactly he likes seeing their smile or spending time with them, or why he cares so much
a certain subtle air of confidence
i think Tsukki would appreciate music taste
someone who is caring and generous, but doesn’t make a big deal out of it
they’d quietly offer help to a classmate if they noticed they’re struggling, or bring back an extra drink for him from the vending machine like it’s the most casual thing in the world
someone that cares about themselves, but not obsessed with themselves
to quote a favorite song of mine: sweet with a mean streak (not mean really, but not afraid to bite back)
* * *
simply put, it wouldn’t be any average person
there would be something about the person that initially caught his eye, something unique that makes them stand out just a little
examples of this could be: a sharp tongue, a book or manga they always have on their desk, a keychain, dyed hair, wearing headphones all the time (he wonders what they’re listening to)
these would be things that make him interested and start paying attention to the person, eventually even striking up a conversation
in terms of personality, I think he’d enjoy someone with a sense of humor. obviously we know he can get along with most people regardless of that (ushijima) even if not everyone understands him, but someone that isn’t thrown off by his dramatic personality and responds in kind would definitely excites him
he likes to chatter, so a good listener and/or someone that’s a good conversationalist would be great tbh
and i’ll just say it, if this person is a manga/anime fan, or just knowledgeable on pop culture in general immediate bonus points. shared passions are great
an acknowledging smile or greeting, especially before they’re acquainted, actually goes a long way bc he has a history of being shunned and mocked by his peers. just that simple kindness which is unfortunate that not treating someone like that would be seen as kind is really important to him before he realizes it
a huge thing i think for him is feeling comfortable being himself around them. that itself allows him to be more open with his emotions and actually develop a crush
so going back to humor and a teasing relationship, it would need to be the type that doesn’t insult things like looks or anything like that. he has a history of insecurity that is still probably present, even if he’s mostly dealt with it, but again, being comfortable is huge. tasteful and dumbass humor only
someone who’s not afraid to say what’s on their mind. he appreciates that kind of directness, and finds it entertaining to an extent
there’s also a certain unpredictability and spontaneity with this person that keeps him on his toes and excites him. he loves a challenge
he’d love someone who shamelessly compliments him. truthfully it’s a bit of an ego thing, but in a specific way:
for Tendou, volleyball is his safe haven. that’s where he grew his confidence and skill and made his friends, so it feels nice for him to have someone appreciate the things he’s good at and cares about when he’s worked so hard for it  
and he loves looking and feeling cool, and being showered in compliments is a great confidence booster heyhey seratonin
he’d love to make them laugh
if they compliment something like his looks, humor, passion, etc that will always really touch his heart. he’d brush it off with an “i know right~?” but in reality he’s freaking out because those are important parts of his self that have really been ignored or unrecognized by most people
this person would become another safe haven where he feels accepted and confident, and genuinely enjoys being around <3
* * *
the first thing i thought of for Iwa is someone authentic
a person who is true to themselves and the people around them
he despises fake people. those types were usually the ones always confessing to Oikawa or improving themselves for him. he just thinks it’s wrong
a nice laugh. i don’t mean pretty and refined necessarily, but one that is genuine and contagious and unforced
maybe it is a naturally pretty or refined laugh, but what matters is that it’s a laugh that is theirs, not for anyone else. that’s what’s attractive to him and makes his heart speed up when he hears it
a person who is thoughtful, considerate, and compassionate. like Tsukishima, he appreciates the quiet type of kindness
but he finds it amusing when they get just a little flustered when another person points it out
another little thing, but he’d probably find someone who’s a bad flirter absolutely adorable
he’d appreciate someone emotionally intelligent and perceptive
this is a person that is usually aware of how others are feeling and is able to adjust themselves to be the most effective in that situation
for example, they can adjust their own behavior to make someone feeling nervous at ease or defuse an angry person getting out of hand
this means their advice and comments are taken much better
tbh i could see him liking someone both reserved or incredibly expressive
so they could be the type that’s an extroverted hard-to-hate ball of sunshine, or a calm individual who’s respected and whose presence is appreciated by everyone
either way, he’d notice it
this is really the exception to the ‘disliking fake people’ thing
and he’s a hot-headed, tough-love kind of guy. his caring nature is often hidden behind that behavior  
so he’d admire that kind of social ability and understanding
another thing that i immediately thought of for what he’s attracted to: passion and ambition
what their passion is is less important than the fire in their eyes when the topic comes up, or they talk about their aspirations and huge, sometimes unattainable goals
this doesn’t mean they have their life figured out, but they care both about the future and living in the moment
this is just a hunch, but he’d probably be more inclined to like an athlete or someone that takes care of their body and physical conditioning
someone who challenges him to be better. someone who understands what it means to be proud and understanding your own imperfections at the same time
a vocal supporter
whether it’s yelling his name from the stands when he makes a spike, or encouraging him to follow his passions after high school, or bragging about him to their friends, having someone unapologetically express their belief in him just makes his heart soar
but really, he likes someone who can cheer him on and tell it like it is when he needs it. he’s a pretty tough cookie so he doesn’t mind bluntness (actually prefers it)
i see him liking someone who can surprise him too
the kind of person to hit him up at midnight to go for a drive under the stars or have a dance party in the park to music from a bluetooth speaker
a passionate, authentic, and level-headed adventurer
* * *
i’ve written so much Kenma recently lots of these traits are probably obvious lmao
first things first, he just needs to be able to vibe with them
it sounds obvious, but it’s really important. just being able to exist and not feel pressure to be someone he’s not is huge
another boy who loves comfortable silence, or someone who can talk and not mind him being minimally responsive sometimes because he is listening he’s just quiet
he’s an actions>words type of person though
so if they ask about his passions and actually show interest in him that’s great, and he notices, but following through is even better
examples: remembering his favorite flavors, engaging in conversation about the game he’s playing then the next day asking if he beat that level he was stuck on, asking how the tournament went when he mentioned how tired he was from consecutive preparatory practices the week before
things that show they do pay attention, and they do care
someone who looks out for him
this comes in many forms: bringing him a drink and snack bc you know he’s been up all night binging a new game and is probably dehydrated and hungry, or gently guiding him by the arm when he’s got his nose in his game and would definitely walk into traffic, or taking over in a conversation when they recognize he’s just hit his social quota
again, actions>words
along with this interest in him, trying to playfully get him to smile or get a reaction out of him would be annoying at first, but eventually would get him more and more flustered
sound contradictory to what i said before about him needing to feel not pressured? it is a little bit. he doesn’t get it either
really it’s the fact that this person wants to show the way he already feels
okay like Tendou, i feel like i have to say that if they play games or at least are knowledgeable about them, or even want to learn about them, it’s immediate bonus points
it’s one of his two loves. they don’t even have to be good at games as long as they can engage or listen to his rant about the history of a series or how the game mechanics differ between two different platformers and why one may be considered smoother gameplay, but it’s actually more restrictive--
you get it
someone who just casually checks in. “how are you doing?” then moves on and doesn’t make a big deal, but will listen if he needs to vent
like Iwa, he likes someone who’s straightforward and genuine
and like Tendou, there’s something about them that is unique that he latches onto
needs someone “interesting” that always brings some new experience
like Tsukki, he likes mental stimulation why do i keep using the others as examples lmao 
they need to have a sense of humor. may surprise you, but he is bffs with Kuroo, and someone witty is someone who’s interesting
he’s always got a lot on his mind, he’s always thinking
they’d need to be someone he feels comfortable conversing with and sharing his thoughts with, and is a good and responsive listener
some sort of intellectual capability
when he gets to the point where he actually seeks out their company, he starts to realize his feelings
and when he does, he’ll feel more nervous initiating interaction (afraid he’ll say or do something wrong) 
they need to be someone who will take the initiative and seek him out too, and that would only intensify his crush
this turned into more of a character analysis,, oops?
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yungidreamer · 4 years
Blackout Part 1
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Summary: When a storm blows in just before finals it throws life into chaos with no power. But the trio’s home becomes a refuge in the storm. A place of warmth and happiness where everyone can gather to ride out the storm and enjoy some time together. Seonghwa and his love, Yeosang, find some special time together. A moment of respite in the storm.
Word count: 6.6k
Content warnings: fluff and smut, this time featuring Seonghwa and Yeosang, sex (m/m), a bathtub, the stress of finals and a blackout across town. Mostly happy bonding with friends and partners by candlelight.
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‘Twas the weekend before finals when all through the city, not a building had power, it was a true pity. An ice storm had blown through late on Thursday coating everything with half an inch of ice bringing down power lines and tree branches. Classes were canceled on Friday and departments mailed out plans for finals, with professors encouraged to make finals something people could take at home if possible to leave halls that might need to be powered by generators for those that absolutely had to take tests on campus.
The dorm halls and residences were dark but at least heated, however, with no promise that power would be restored soon, people were eager to go home for the holidays as soon as possible. Students who were given the option for take home or online files were all making plans to head home early. Those who weren’t were forced to go to pick up meals from the one of the few functional cafeterias on campus. No one was happy with the situation.
In their little house near campus she, Mingi, and Yunho were happy to be in their cozy little home together. They were especially thankful for their fireplace and for the gas stove the place had come with, since it meant the interruption in power hadn’t given them nearly as much trouble as it was giving most of their friends. With the fridge and freezer down, they moved the frozen foods out to the backyard. The weather had remained around freezing since the storm and it would keep it as well as the freezer would have. The things that needed to be kept cool but not frozen, they kept in the little entry porch in a cooler that was just enough to keep things from freezing but was plenty cold. All in all, it was actually pretty nice, minus the fact that they couldn’t watch anything on TV and were only keeping only one phone on at a time. Their travel batteries had been real lifesavers actually.
On Friday evening they learned that Yunho’s chemistry class was keeping their scheduled practical final on Tuesday which he needed to stay for. Mingi’s math teacher, an old crotchety tenured professor, insisted on having an in person final for his 200 + person introduction course. He didn’t trust people not to cheat, nor did he trust the newfangled online tests some people in the department had started using. Luckily that was scheduled for Monday afternoon so it wouldn’t keep them there any longer than Yunho’s. She was lucky and had already been sent her four finals she had left for her classes and was hoping to have them done before they drove home for the long Christmas holiday.
At around 7 that Friday Yunho’s phone rang. It was a frazzled and stressed out Hong Joong wondering if he might be able to come and study with Yunho at their place. With no power he had been studying as much as he could during the daylight hours and making due with a hanging flashlight he had set up in the evening. He grumbled about not being able to make any of the food they had and being stuck with sandwiches for days with no way to cook in the house.
“We can cook here if you want to bring stuff to make some food here,” Yunho offered.
“You can cook?” Hong Joong perked up on the other end of the phone. “Do you have power?”
“No we just have a gas stove and oven,” Yunho explained.
“Wou...would you mind if I came to stay for a little while?” Hong Joong questioned hopefully. “I can bring food. I also have a solar charger we can share to charge phones and stuff. Also a radio I’ve been using to keep me sane.”
“Oh yeah sure, that would be fine,” Yunho agreed. As he finished speaking, he heard a shuffling, and then Hong Joong make an exclamation of objection.
“You can cook?” Came the tight voice of Seonghwa over the line.
“Ye...yes…” Yunho replied slowly.
“Can Yeo and I come study there?” Seonghwa sounded tense and close to begging. “I will cook food and I am good at it. Please. I miss warm food and I want to get out of this tiny dark room. I will do anything.”
“Sure,” Yunho laughed. “You guys can come, too. Maybe bring some candles or light as well as some food to make.”
“Thank you,” Seonghwa’s voice was full of relief as he said it. “I have to call Yeo and tell him to meet me. We will bring whatever we can. Ugh, if only one of our dorms just had one of the functioning cafeterias, I could bear to stay there. I just wish we weren’t going to have to come back and forth.”
“Do you mind if they stay for the weekend?” Yunho covered the mic and whisper asked the other two. When they nodded he brought the phone back to his ear and offered, “You guys could stay the weekend. Just come and bring whatever you need to study and clothes for a couple of days.”
“Seriously?” Seonghwa said, unsure if he could trust what his ears had just heard. It was too good to be true.
“Yeah,” Yunho confirmed. “We have room and it will be good to have everyone together in one place for studying. It will be a big help if you cook and bring extra food, so...yeah, you guys are welcome.”
“Thank you,” Seonghwa said gratefully before passing the phone back to Hong Joong.
“We can stay over?” Hong Joong asked, a note of extra hope entering his voice.
“Yeah, bring what you need,” Yunho confirmed. “Or at least what you can. We will make the best of this studying time and time to get the finals done before the holiday.”
“You guys are the best,” Hong Joong laughed. “Okay, we will see you soon.”
“So we’ll be having some guests it seems,” she said, setting her study material aside for the moment. “Guess that means I should clean up a little.”
“I’ll help,” Mingi offered, closing his math book for the moment.
“Me, too,” Yunho turned off the screen of his phone and set it on the coffee table. The boys redressed their beds to give the guests places to sleep while she cleaned up a little in the kitchen, doing the last of the dishes and checking what they had in their cabinets, thinking about what they might need. Yunho, when he was done making the bed, went out and grabbed more wood for the fireplace. It was starting to get dark and, while the furnace was keeping the house warm, the light and extra coziness it was giving the house was making the blackout much more pleasant.
They had decorated the house for Christmas after getting back from Thanksgiving with their families. They had bought a tree from one of the lots, strung it with colored lights, and bought a cacophony of colorful glass balls and bangles. It wasn’t the sort of tree that would have made it into one of those home life magazines but it was homey. Off on one side of the tree Yunho had eventually discovered a trio of special ornaments she had bought and tucked off to the side. They were little enamel picture frames, each with a photo of one of them, with Our First Christmas Together and the year written on the back. Yunho was in a bright blue oval shaped frame that had a sunburst sort of design under the enamel that caught the light when the tree was lit. Mingi was in a bright red square frame that had a sort of scaled or feathered sort of pattern that seemed to shimmer in the light. Hers was purple and round with little gems that dangled off the bottom. He wasn’t sure how long they had been there before he noticed, but he made sure to bring it to Mingi’s attention when he noticed it. They both loved it and wished they had thought of the gesture first, but of course she had done it. Silently they promised, next year they would surprise her, but this year they could both still get her something amazing for Christmas.
Mingi had gotten her an antique style pearl choker with a small square panel in front that had a starburst pattern in silver and crystals. He liked the idea of her wearing it, like a mark that she was his, even if everyone didn’t know it. He hadn’t given it to her. He was still deciding if he wanted to give it to her before they went home or save it for when they got back. There were still days to decide, so it stayed tucked far back in one of the drawers in his bedroom, waiting for the right time.
Yunho had bought her a hair comb from a local antique shop. He had gone expecting to get her something simple like earrings but had laid eyes on the ornate, two pronged, silver comb and knew it was what he needed to get her. She often twisted her hair up into easy buns on the back of her head, held there with one or two simple wooden hair sticks she used. This comb, with its gorgeous rococo style curved decorative plate would look perfect sitting in her hair. It was something she would use, which meant he would get to see his gift on her often; just a little something saying she was his.
They had gotten each other something as well. Yunho had bought Mingi a new, expensive pair of Bluetooth headphones he could use when he needed some isolation to keep his mind on studying. His last pair had started to wear out, the battery only lasting three or four hours these days. The new ones were better and would be more forgiving for his usual forgetfulness when it came to putting them on the charger when he was done.
Mingi had bought Yunho a new suit set including dress shirt, jacket, pants, tie, and pocket square. Yunho had noticed that he had outgrown his last set over Thanksgiving and knew that he needed to get something soon but had been putting it off due to school. Mingi had gotten him a steel grey suit with white button up and sky blue tie and pocket square. Honestly, he couldn’t wait to see him in that and really wanted to come up with some date, some occasion to see him in it. The color would go perfectly with his current blond locks he had gotten lightened even a shade brighter during his last visit to the hairdressers. That he was going to give Yunho before he went back home for the holidays, as there was a good chance he might have a reason to wear it then. As long as he brought it back home, since Mingi was dying to take him out in it with their girl.
Before long the house was really ready for guests and for more studying. She pulled out a few more candles and put them on the dining room table to light when people went there to eat or study, whatever might be needed. They had been concentrating the light in the living room, with a few candles around the room and a couple of wall sconces lit that she happened to have. They were remarkably good at lighting the room with their mirrored backs and high hanging light. She had bought them because she liked them, not knowing they would come to be genuinely useful and not just frivolous pretty things she just enjoyed having. 
A little after eight, Hong Joong arrived at their door with a heavy bag in tow behind him, packed with school things, clothes, food, and other useful supplies he thought he could provide. He came into the house, grateful to be in the warmth again after battling icy sidewalks and freshly falling snow that was now coming down. It took him a moment after he took off his coat to take in the room he had entered. The whole place just oozed cozy warmth with its cheery decoration and surprising brightness given that he had been making due with a hanging flashlight.
“Wow,” was all he said when he looked up, taking it all in.
“Welcome to our home,” she greeted him with a hug, helping him take his things into the room. “Is there anything that needs to be kept cold in your stuff?”
“Oh yeah,” he shook his head, bringing himself back to the moment. “This stuff here is perishable.” He pulled out a bag with cheese, milk, meat, condiments, and a few other odds and ends he had that he and Hwa had decided he should take to be useful. “I also have this stuff that needs to be cooked but doesn’t need to be kept cold,” he said, passing a bigger bag to Mingi, who was standing nearby. “I think Hwa and Yeo are going to bring more but this is what I was tasked with bringing.”
“Thank you and make yourself at home,” She said, walking off to put the perishables in the makeshift fridge. “You can take one of the boys’ rooms. The beds have been made. You can leave your stuff in there and pick a place to study. We can do something about food when everyone gets here.”
“You guys are lifesavers,” Hong Joong said as he dragged his bag back towards the bedrooms.
It didn’t take long for Seonghwa and Yeosang to arrive at their front door, laden with food and other things they needed to study and make their place home for a short time. Seonghwa looked like he was ready to cry when he saw the cozy and welcoming interior of their house. After having faced the possibility of having the stress of studying in the dark with bad food, the relief was fresh and sharp.
“I am going to be in your debt for eternity,” he said, dropping his things near the door and drawing a slightly surprised Mingi into a tight hug.
“You’re welcome,” Mingi replied with an amused laugh and a gummy smile.
“This place is really nice,” Yeosang said, taking everything in with a slow scan of the room. “You even have a fireplace...wow.”
“You can put yourselves in the room that Hongjoong didn’t take,” Yunho instructed. “Is there food we need to deal with?”
“Yes but don’t worry about it,” Seonghwa picked up their other things and prepared to take things to the bedrooms. “Let me put things away and then I am going to deal with food. Where am I…” Yunho pointed down the hall and the two boys happily made their way back to take the unoccupied room. They re-emerged from down the hall with Seonghwa’s arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder and one of Yeosang’s slung loosely around his waist in return. Hong Joong appeared behind them, his arms laden with study material.
“Okay,” Seonghwa gave Yeosang a kiss on the side of his head before heading to get the food things he had left near the door. “Show me the kitchen.” Yunho gave an amused chuckle and led him through the wide doors that opened into the kitchen. Seonghwa looked like he was tempted to hug the stove when he laid eyes on it. He was almost in despair at the idea of not having ‘real’ food between now and finals. He instead settled for hugging Yunho again before he set about pulling everything out he had brought so that it could be organized and put away. Yeosang helped to gather the things to be put into the cold as Seonghwa decided what to cook for everyone.
“Is beef stew okay for everyone?” He asked after having taken stock of all the ingredients. Everyone gave affirmative answers and Seonghwa set to work preparing everything to go into the dinner. Yeosang wandered into the kitchen to help and she joined them shortly thereafter, making quick work of the chopping, peeling, and the searing. Soon, all that was left was the hour or so everything needed to simmer in the large pot.
With dinner sorted, everyone settled in around the living room with their books and notes to study. She settled in near the fireplace next to Yunho and Mingi, wrapping herself in a blanket as she pulled out the psych final she had decided to work on first. Yeosang and Seonghwa settled themselves on the smaller loveseat, Yeosang tucked in between his boyfriend’s spread legs as they both studied from large textbooks. Hong Joong stretched out on the couch, his head near the end where Yunho was seated near the fireplace, allowing him to poke at him occasionally as they both studied the material for their final.
By the time dinner was declared done by an ecstatically happy Seonghwa, everyone was ready to take a break from their studying. They served the stew in whatever dishes worked, not having quite enough bowls to go around. She and Hong Joong made do with a couple of large mugs, which were actually much easier to carry into the living room than the bowls. With the plentiful light and warm atmosphere, they decided it was the best place to eat.
“How many finals do you have?” Yeosang asked the room in general as he took a bite of the delicious stew.
“Three,” Mingi replied. “But only one has to be done on campus. The rest were changed to take home stuff given the circumstances.”
“I have four, but they are all take home,” she followed up. “I’m just hoping I can get them all done before we drive home for the holidays.”
“Oh that’s right,” Seonghwa waved his spoon in the direction of the trio. “You guys all came from the same place, didn’t you? Are your families all friends or something?”
“Sort of,” Yunho scrunched up his face a little as he rolled the explanation around in his mind. “They all know each other, but mostly because we know each other, not the other way around.”
“So then how did you all meet,” Yeosang asked as he leaned against his boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Mingi threw us all in the water at summer camp.” Yunho said with a wide grin, successfully eliciting the reaction he hoped from the other boy.
“Hey,” Mingi objected, putting one hand on his hip as he spoke. “I did not...okay I sort of did. But it wasn’t like it sounds.”
“He got better with the canoes,” she noted with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Especially when there wasn’t the threat of ducks.”
“Come on,” Mingi pursed his lips and grumped at the two of them.
“Imagine if you hadn’t,” Yunho reached out to him, stroking his cheek softly. “Our girl might be with San and...well...we would probably be alone or something. Oof, not a pleasant thought really.”
“I guess we really owe those ducks,” she joked, falling into peels of laughter at the thought. Beside her Mingi huffed, pulling her into his lap for a kiss that ate her laughter. Yunho scooted over, wrapping his arms around both of them with the warmest expression on his face. 
“I think you had to be there,” Yeosang faux whispered to his boyfriend, causing him to give a snort of laughter and slap his shoulder playfully.
“I am so single…” Hong Joong sighed, his eyes looking between the two couples who were there in front of him. He tucked into his soup with a shake of his head, glad to be there but also wishing he had someone to bring with him, like his roommate did. Seonghwa glowed when he was around Yeosang, or Sangie, as he often called him, getting groans and eyerolls from those near enough to hear it. He and Hwa had met in a dance class together last year and the two had been nearly inseparable since then.
They finished the stew and Hong Joong, Yunho and Mingi volunteered for dish duty since they hadn’t helped with cooking. Even though it was nearing 11 at that point, most of them wanted to press on with studying.
“Hey love, can you bring in the big bottle of cider?” Yunho asked Mingi as they finished the dishes. Mingi nodded and headed to the porch to bring in the gallon bottle of cider they had bought a few days ago. While Mingi retrieved that, Yunho scoured the cabinets to find the packet of mulling spices they had somewhere.
“Here you go,” Mingi set the heavy glass bottle on the counter, pressing a quick kiss to the side of Yunho’s neck, causing the other boy to blush and giggle. “What are you making?”
“I thought some cider would be good as a sort of desert,” Yunho shrugged.
“Mmmm, good idea,” Mingi moved to hug him from behind, tucking his head in on Yunho’s shoulder as he watched him work. “Warm and cozy.”
“It’s kind of fun having everyone here,” Yunho noted as he lit the burner under the pan. “Don’t you think?”
“Mmm,” Mingi agreed. “It’s more fun than just studying alone would have been. And Seonghwa can cook; that stew was delicious.”
“Maybe we can have them over more often,” Yunho suggested, swaying in the arms of the other boy.
“Sometimes,” Mingi agreed. “I still want time just with the two of you.”
“Of course,” Yunho turned his head and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Time with you is the best part of my day.”
“Yeah?” Mingi asked shyly, flashing him a gummy grin. Yunho made a mhmm sound and moved to put his arms around his shoulders and took his lips in a slow, lazy kiss.
“Awww, am I missing all the fun?” She teased as she joined them in the kitchen, having come to see what had been keeping them since the dishes were done.
“Yes,” Mingi teased, looking at her over his shoulder, not letting go of the man in his arms.
“Poor me,” she pretended to pout. “Good thing I came to check, I suppose.”
“Come here,” Yunho beckoned, pulling slightly out of Mingi’s arms, enough to lift her onto the counter next to them. Mingi took her lips and Yunho nibbled down along the side of her neck below her ear. She gave a moaning giggle into Mingi’s mouth, shivering at the tickling sensation being sent through her.
The hiss of the cider starting to simmer in the pan brought them apart. They portioned the cider into mugs and took them out to the others in the living room. Hong Joong took his mug in his hands, clasping it joyfully and breathing in the fallish scent with a contented grin.
“I forgot how good this stuff could be,” he sighed.  “I swear I haven’t had this in years and I don’t know why.”
“Mmmm,” Seonghwa hummed happily in agreement. “I am loving this all but I am starting to get tired. I think I am going to have to shower and get ready for bed after this. I am pretty sure that the words are just passing through my brain and leaving no mark at this point.”
“Well we have showers and hot water,” she offered. “We even have a nice bathtub if you want to use it.”
“Oh man, it has been so long since I had a bath,” Seonghwa sighed.
“You and Yeo could, uh, share it,” Yunho suggested. “It’s big enough for two if you want to relax a little before you head to sleep.”
“Really?” Seonghwa sat up straighter and sent a look to his boyfriend. It had been a while since they had a place to relax together that wasn’t one of their dorm rooms when their roommates happened to be out.
“If Mingi and I can fit in it, you two should be just fine.” Yunho chucked. “I’ll show you where it is.”
Seonghwa hopped up, taking Yeosang by the hand, and followed Yunho down the hall. They made their way through the shared bedroom to the master bathroom, candles in hand. Yunho pulled out a couple of towels for them and showed them where they kept the bath bombs and scented oils they used in the bath. They thanked him for the help and for the accommodations and let him go on his way. Seonghwa started the bath while Yeosang got their toothbrushes and pajamas from their room for them to change into when they were clean and ready to go to sleep.
The candle light danced off the pale tiles and glinted off the chrome fixtures. The room was warm and cozy as snow fell outside the small distorted window high up on one wall. The sill had a growing line of snow that was building on it as it continued to fall, deafening the world around them. 
Seonghwa stripped his clothes off and slipped into the warm water he had scented with rose. The steam rose from the surface of the water, wafting the scent into the air with it. He shut off the water just before Yeosang returned, clothes and toiletries tucked under his arm. 
“Getting started without me,” he tsked, setting them down on the counter by the sink.
“Just making sure it is perfect,” Seonghwa retorted, sending him a tempting smile. He slid himself under the water, dampening his hair and face in the warm water. He stretched out his hand to his boyfriend, inviting him in with a hungry look through his damp eyelashes. “Come in, the water is fine.”
Yeosang smiled down at him as his hands went to the hem of his shirt, slowly lifting it off over his head. Seonghwa bit his lip as he looked at the smooth stretch of skin he exposed in the flickering light of the room. He could never get enough of him. His slim, muscular body, the soft ripple of his abs that ended in the softest wisp of a happy trail.
Yeosang loved the feel of Hwa’s eyes on him as he undressed. The way he looked at him made him feel like the sexist thing on the planet. There was always a fire in them; an unsated thirst. He loved it, so he took his time as he slowly unfastened the button on his jeans and slid the zipper down. His eyes watched the flash of emotions that crossed Seonghwa’s face as he languidly slid his pants and underwear past his hips and thighs before letting them drop and stepping out of them.
He walked over to the tub and slid into the water, sitting himself on Seonghwa’s waiting lap, looping his arms around his boyfriend's broad shoulders. The water lapped lightly around their chests, filling the near silence of the room. Yeosang let his gaze meet Seonghwa’s with an unbroken intensity, not needing words to tell him how much he wanted him.
Seonghwa leaned forward letting his hands reach up from behind to hold Yeosang’s shoulders as he pressed a kiss to his chest. His lips brushed along the soft skin, feeling their way over the lean muscles of his pecs and up to his collarbone.
“It’s been too long,” Seonghwa whispered against him as Yeosang let his head fall back, allowing his lover more access.
“It’s only been a week,” Yeosang gave a breathy chuckle as he felt the other boy’s lips follow the line of his pulse up the side of his neck.
“That doesn’t count,” Seonghwa protested, one hand traveling up to tangle in the soft blond locks of Yeosang’s hair.
“Oh?” He asked breathlessly.
“Sneaking something in during the twenty minutes it takes for Hongjoong to go get something to eat from downstairs definitely doesn’t count,” Seonghwa clarified sternly, before nipping the soft skin just below Yeosang’s ear.
“I thought you liked the thrill of maybe getting caught,” Yeosang teased. “The possibility of someone seeing you fall apart with just my hand down your pants.”
“Maybe a little,” Seonghwa admitted, his lips quirking into a half smile. “But how could I have said no with all that teasing you were doing all day. Sitting in my lap and grinding your wonderful little ass on me every time you knew someone wouldn’t catch you. Ugh, tease.”
“Like you were any better,” Yeosang pointed out, his hands moving to splay over Seonghwa’s chest. “Slipping your hand in my pocket. You knew that hole was there before you did it, too.”
“That will teach you to put off fixing holes in your clothes,” Seonghwa laughed before bringing Yeosangs lips down to his. Their kiss began as a slow, sensual exploration of their mouths that slowly became more heated as Yeosang pressed Hwa’s head back. He raised himself slightly onto his knees until he loomed over him, leaving Seonghwa breathless and at his mercy.
Yeosang pulled back from the kiss and looked down at the wanton face of his boyfriend. He loved seeing him like this. His assertion that what they had gotten in last week ‘didn’t count’ was pretty fair he decided. A quick shared handjob they could sneak in with the risk of getting caught might be fun, but he loved to see the pleasure dazed face he could bring to him even before he really touched him. He loved taking his time with him, tasting the saltiness of his skin and the sweet flavor of his lips.
“Can I make love to you tonight?” Yeosang asked, kissing his way across Seonghwa’s beautifully high cheekbones.
“Make love to me now,” Seonghwa urged.
“Here?” Yeosang gave a low chuckle. “In someone else’s bathroom?”
“Turnabout is fair play,” He snorted, thinking of the first time he had met those three.
“Mmmm, true,” Yeo admitted, letting one hand sink down to brush the pad of his thumb over the tip of Hwa’s growing erection. “Switch places with me?”
“Sure,” Seonghwa nodded and twisted himself to allow Yeo to sit with his back against the edge of the tub and move him into his lap. Hwa felt his boyfriend’s erection brush against his inner thigh as they switched places, sending a shiver through him. He loved when Yeo was inside him as much as he loved the times the roles were reversed. When he was in his lap, he could look down at that beautifully sculpted face with it’s perfectly symmetrical features. He would never get tired of those warm eyes looking up at him.
Hwa brought his face down to Yeo as he felt the other boy's hands slowly make their way down along his back to the curve of his ass. His fingers brushed over the muscles there, enjoying their softness as he gave them a quick squeeze. With excruciating slowness, he moved the tip on one finger to brush over the pucker of muscle nestled between the soft cheeks.
Hwa let out a sigh and ground himself forward at the sensation of the tentative touch. He knew it wasn’t reluctance that slowed the touch of his lover, but the enjoyment he got from drawing out the moment; from the pleasure he caused with his teasing. When they had the time, there was nothing Yeosang loved more than bringing Hwa near to tears with his teasing before he would take him; waiting for that moment of desperation at his teasing before he would do as he asked. Seeing the hunger and desire twist his features into a mask of craving always gave Yeosang that pang of power and pleasure.
“Tell me how much you want me,” Yeo prompted, massaging Hwa’s entrance as he did.
“I need you in me tonight,” Hwa obliged, letting his desire be on full display as he spoke. “I need this moment this week. It’s been so hard and I just want a moment that is just you and just me.”
“I wish I could always take you into my arms like this,” Yeosang admitted as Hwa leaned in to brush his lips over his forehead. “I want to hold you as we go to sleep every night.”
“If only one of us didn’t have a roommate,” Hwa lamented with a sigh. Much as he loved Hong Joong as a friend, lately he had been wanting more space. He wanted privacy and the freedom to do what he wanted, when he wanted.
“Maybe next year we can get our own place, like this one,” Yeosang proposed as he finally pushed one finger inside.
“You want to live with me?” Hwa gave a shuddering sigh and let his head fall slightly back at the sensation.
“Yeah, I want to be with you more,” Yeosang conceded. “I’d love to be with you every night and make love to you in the morning.”
“That sounds like heaven,” Hwa smiled and pressed his lips to Yeosangs.
“Is that a yes,” Yeo questioned, broadening the circles he was making as he worked Hwa’s body open for his entry.
“Yes,” Seonghwa nodded, cupping Yeosangs cheeks in his wet hands and kissing him more deeply. Their tongues battled slowly as Yeosang worked another finger in, then scissored gently to make sure his lover's body was ready for him. 
When Hwa whined with need, Yeosang finally sunk down slightly more in the water and positioned himself to enter Hwa. He let the other boy work himself down his length, going as fast or as slow as he wanted as he took him in. When he was finally all the way down, Hwa let out a breath he had been holding, relishing the sensation of Yeo so deep inside him.
“Fuck, you always feel so good around me,” Yeosang groaned, his hands coming to grip the other boy’s narrow hips.
“I love the way you fill me,” Hwa returned, gripping the sides of the tub for leverage as he prepared to move. He threw his head back and arched as he slowly began to move himself up and down. Yeosang could only admire the smooth, broad expanse of his lover's chest as he moved. In the candlelight he looked divine, droplets of water sparkling over his skin as they dripped down its smoothness. 
“Have I told you today that you are beautiful?” Yeo breathed quietly.
“Next to you, I hardly compare,” Seonghwa leaned in to press his forehead to the other boys, slightly increasing his speed as he moved himself up and down his length. Yeosang’s hand went to encircle the turgid length of Hwa’s erection wanting to bring him as much pleasure as he could.
Hwa’s movements stuttered at the increased sensation, he shuddered and let out a little moan. “Do you think you’ll last longer than me if you do that,” He challenged, his eyes locking on Yeo’s hungrily as he continued to move.
“Yeah I think you’ll come first,” Yeo set his chin with an angle of defiance as he looked up a Hwa with hooded eyes.
“I guess we’ll have to see, won’t we,” Hwa breathed, moving faster and taking him as deeply as he could. The room was filled with the sound of their breathing and the sloshing of the water around them. It was a battle of wills between them and there would be no losers. They both threw themselves into the sensations of pleasure, both the giving and the taking. For the moment there was no one else, nothing else. They were the pleasure and the tension itself.
“I think you’re going to win,” Hwa shuddered, his knuckles going white with the strength of his grip on the curved edges of the tub.
“Then cum for me,” Yeosang demanded with a soft confidence as he expertly moved his hand over Hwa in the way he knew he loved. He watched Hwa’s face with rapt attention as his face and body contorted with the almost painful rise of pleasure he was riding. When his orgasm hit, he paused in his movements, half collapsing forward as his arms and legs quivered from pleasure and exertion. He let out a broken moan, his head lolling forward as he lost himself in the sensation and burst of peaceful satisfaction that filled him up as it passed.
“Can I…” Yeosang asked for permission to move. Seonghwa nodded and braced himself as he tried to catch his breath. Yeo gripped his hips harder and thrust himself up into Hwa as his muscles fluttered around him. He was close and it had been a near race to their finish. It only took a few minutes of his enthusiastic thrusts for him to find his own pleasure, emptying himself into Hwa’s body, loving the way it held him in its warm depths as waves of pleasure rode him.
Seonghwa pressed his lips to the corner of Yeosang’s mouth as he panted, lying limp in the bath beneath him. He looked so beautiful, damp and exhausted by pleasure.
“We definitely need a place with a bathtub.” Seonghwa said as he held Yeo’s face between his hands, his thumbs stroking his cheekbones, leaving droplets of water in their wake.
“Liked this that much, did you,” Yeosang let out a tired scoff and cracked one eye open.
“If I had known you looked this good wet,” Seonghwa joked. “I would have gotten you into a shower or tub months ago.”
“See, you promise that now,” Yeosang gave a dramatic sigh, mischief sparkling in his eyes. “But watch us move in together and have you get bored of me since you can have me anytime you want.”
“Please,” Seonghwa scoffed, and smacked Yeosang’s chest lightly. “As if I would be so fickle.”
“Promise?” Yeosang smiled up at him, pushing a lock of hair off the other boy’s forehead.
“Cross my heart,” he captured the hand as it was pulling away and pressed a kiss to the palm.
They stayed sitting in the cooling water for another couple of moments before Hwa felt strong enough, in both body and spirit, to lift himself off of Yeosang. They both shivered as they finally separated, Hwa giving an unsteady giggle at the sensation. He was able to get himself out of the water, pulling one of the towels off the rack and wrapping it around himself. Yeosang followed, taking the other towel before he pulled the plug on the drain, allowing the water to slowly be siphoned away.
“I think we were a little vigorous,” Seonghwa laughed, feeling the slight puddle on the tiles under their feet.
“Too much water,” Yeosang agreed, dropping the towel he had used on the floor to soak up the water now that he was mostly dry. Seonghwa pulled his pajamas on and hung up his towel to dry and Yeosang did the same when he was satisfied with his sopping up of their little puddle. They brushed their teeth and gathered their dirty clothes under their arms, ready to go to sleep.
They made their way out to the living room, after dropping their things in the room on the way, and bid everyone good night after getting glasses of water from the kitchen. Sex could be very thirsty work. Hand in hand, they padded back down the hall to the room they would occupy during their stay. Crawling in under the covers, Seonghwa curled around the body of the other boy, happily tucking himself along Yeosang from the back.
“Whose room is this, anyway?” Yeosang asked as he laced his fingers with Seonghwa’s where they held him around the waist.
“Mingi’s I think,” Seonghwa replied.
“How many nights do you think he has actually spent in here,” humor danced in Yeosang’s voice as he asked the question.
“Not many,” Seonghwa admitted with a laugh.
“Lucky guy, isn’t he?” Yeosang observed as he closed his eyes with a yawn.
“Not as lucky as me,” Seonghwa muttered as he buried his nose in Yeosang’s neck. Sleep claimed them quickly as the rest of the house also moved to settle in for the night. Outside snow continued to fall, but inside the house was warm and cozy with each room filled with love and contentment. 
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
headcanon dump; clary fray
okay, i headcanon’d that clary read the pjo series, and that rachel is the character she loves the most because she also identifies / see’s a lot of herself within rachel in a lot of ways. but, this is also just in, she also likes nico, especially after she reads the ‘outting’ scene, and how she rereads that after she herself was put in a similar situation. she rereads it and cries her eyes out once again.
clary is the type to crush easy
once again it’s their ANGEL BLOOD connection that draws clary out of her dark trances NOT LOVE
clary is totally a musical nerd. she loves them. she is the gay artist into theatre but didn’t want to go into theatre
the order in which i feel clary would come out & to who:
simon & jace (&seelie court) out of force, everyone assumes she kissed jace and simon and jace keep clary’s secret until she is ready because they saw how hard it was for in the court, because she wasn;t ready
her mother ( if she is alive au’s ) / luke
alec, magnus & izzy around the same time
maia a little later
everyone else, when needed
clary’s life force being tied to johnathan’s didn’t fully sink into her until she tried to kill him. normally, she wouldn’t mind herself dying in the process - she just was in shock that, she was truly the reason johnathan was breathing again, and that he will continue to do so so long as she does.
because who wouldn’t be in shock from when you go and stab someone else, you get the exact injury?
clary? totally a fan of the pjo books. she loved rachel dare, she saw a lot of herself in the mortal girl thrown into a world unknown. even more when she finds herself thrown into a world unknown.
For all of Clary’s life, she has believed herself to be mundane. That things like werewolves, vampires and angels were all myths. The only thing she struggled with was finding herself in the sense of who she liked in a way of dating. She thought she had to date men, as that was what was always shown on TV & in books. Basically it was all around. So, she tried to date guys, nothing ever really clicking. Then things with happened when she turned eighteen. Her identity as a mundane ripped from her, and she saw a shot at a heterosexual relationship with Jace. But that got shattered, and she started to wonder. She adjusted to being a shadowhunter easy enough, and she was still figuring out her sexual identity. The Seelie court is when she was forced to be open about it. She was force to look hard at it. Forced to tell her boyfriend and best friend in front of the Seelie Court that she doesn’t like guys that way. That was her truth deep inside. A part of herself was revealed in a way that it shouldn’t have been.
clary was practically paralysed by the fall, and if simon hadn’t gotten there in time - an iratze or warlock magic wouldn’t have fixed it. it would have been permanent. but this isn’t to say she doesn’t still suffer from pains. the iratze could only heal so much, and she suffers from pains in her back from time to time. it will flare up and she won’t tell anyone because an iratze couldn’t heal the pain. an iratze an only do so much - and will only fix new problems. there will be days where she can’t move at all, or her fighting is way off due to the pain in her back and neck.
as stated in my psa about the shadowhunter divergent i have, i do accept season one’s cl@ce as being there, as well as cl!mon. but i headcanon her as lesbian. yes this is true. i headcanon her as having experienced compulsive heterosexuality, trying to convince herself that she can be attracted to men. but ultimately, when faced with the seelie queen - she is forced to accept this truth, that she does not like males like that.
she didn’t want to do it then and there, because at the time she was still dating simon. she didn’t want to publicly humiliate her best friend - but she had too. she didn’t like that she had to come out that way, because no one should be forced out. but once she is comfortable with her sexuality, she lets people know. luke, izzy & alec being the first few after the court. then maia when she admits a crush on the girl.
clary, remembering every bully who ever bullied simon? you bet! her coming across them once she’s become a shadowhunter and giving them a beating ( verbal or physical )
because i have found it missing;  clary has her septum pierced, and got it at sixteen - simon, so far is the only one who knows as she tends to keep it up
as an artist (or wannabe artist), clary having her phone sitting away from her and not in her pocket while standing is WRONG, she would have it in her pocket and if she was sitting down, that is when her phone would be at her side. the only reason i see her having her phone on the table, way from her; is if she had bluetooth headphones
fun fact: everyone thinks that clary games because of simon, but truly if anyone got the other onto gaming , it was the other way around. she loved the games because she loved the art form, and wanted to play.
if you don’t think that simon was the first person clary told about her sexuality, you’re wrong. he is her best friend, and the person she trust the most (which is why he’s the only one to know about her septum piercing). and it wasn’t a few more months after telling simon that she told her mother and luke.
clary and simon totally dressed up as ginny and harry one year for halloween
another canon divergence: clary does not even suggest the angel idea, instead actually assist jace, because she knows it was hard for him to even think he needed help, let alone ask/seek out help
she is the kind of person, who when feeling attacked will attack back. wither this is verbal or physical (example the first scene in 1x05 with Alec, he was tearing her down, so she fought back)
clary is as big pop culture nerd, she loves it all, she just doesn’t show it like simon does.
clary doesn’t drink (alcohol) anymore, she did when she was younger and with simon when they raided his mother’s supply (and some of her mothers). but, after seeing the damage that elaine’s had done to simon and rebecca, she swore to herself to never get like that. so, she also swore to never drink again, so she could never end up like that.
clary has a scar on her right arm, from when she fell out of a tree. she was trying to climb the highest. jocelyn didn’t realise her daughter was doing this, until she fell out of the tree
clary didn’t bring back jace because she loved him romantically, but because she cared for him and because alec cared for him, because izzy cared for him, because the people she got close to in the shadowworld care about him. and because she felt that if jace were to die in the field, it shouldn’t be by the hands of their father (bc remember jace calls valentine his father)
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shigarakiposts · 5 years
league of villains playlist head cannons
Hey so this is my first love hc post on Tumblr, so if you like it please share and follow for more content. I am currently accepting requests for hc so feel free to drop a request. just remember all nsfw headcanons must be 18+!!!!!!
Shigaraki Tomura- first of all let me begin by saying Shigaraki is the type of guy that will hear a certain song he likes (that others think is not all that good,) and play it on repeat in secret while he broods and sips his ginger ale. This man does not really give a shit about music, and its not his fault. Tomura is just preoccupied with other things than music and the feelings that come with hearing a certain song that “strikes chords” in a heart. He may play music that is from his favorite video games, and maybe some movie soundtracks. He is more invested in listening to music without words because he just feels like all the emotion that stems from lyrics and people talking about their feelings and problems just irritates him and eventually turns music off because he just can't stand listening to the people talk about their lives, he couldn't be bothered with that. he just wants to listen to music so he can have some background noise while he thinks. he just is new to forming relationships, so music particularly love ballads don't register the way they would for others, he is also quite secretive about his music playlists, and does not like to share his feelings about certain songs to others. low-key will get hung up on one particular song for a few weeks and listen to it nonstop while in-between plf meetings, and middle of the night when he can't sleep. absolutely will not wear earbuds, and refuses to accept that they should even exist. he will only wear over the headphones, or bluetooth. fav music style: classical/instrumental 
Dabi- this m-therfucker Dabi is going to open his Spotify app in and play it in the middle of the night on blast (or at a plf meeting)  just in spite of the fact that people around him hate the song while he scrolls on his phone, lounging with a smug grin “I don't give a fuck if people like this, just the fact that they hate it drives me to play it every single time.” he is thinking this as he peeks over at Tomura, who is glaring at him from across the table. Dabi is listening to music that has a lot of self expression, and bass driven. He likes to listen to music that has long drawn out introductions, and sets the mood for the song. It allows him to have a simple distraction, and while Tomura listens to music to have background noise, Dabi likes to listen to the music for the sense of relief he gets when he lights up a smoke, and flips through his playlist, and can focus on the song and what someone else is feeling and he can relate to. it gives Dabi a sense of safety to know that he can forget about his own life and problems for a while and listen to someone else without the burden that comes with forming relationships in real life. Dabi finds some humor in the metalhead culture, and appreciates the piercings and tattoos people have that attend concerts. fav music style: he is attracted to the rock music sound, but also pop punk. 
Himiko Toga- so growing up in school, some of the girls that Toga went to school with had the iPods, and would share music together maybe during meal times, or walking home together. She did not have many friends to share devices with or talk to about music, so she awkwardly discovered her love of music as a way of trying to get along with other kids she went to school with. she is very good at sneaking, so naturally she studied her classmates social circles for a few days, and gathered some information (well you know..) on the music they enjoyed together, and all the concerts that they hoped to go to.. and of course their favorite crushes on all the stars. when she went home she would use youtube as a way to watch videos with the songs for free and also it allowed her to discover more music and eventually discovered the electronic dance music scene where she was inspired by all the people who gathered for the concerts and the costumes they all wore. Toga was impressed with the community of people in the edm scene because they called each other family, and this scene was inclusive of all people, unlike the one at her school which hyper focused music from the top charts, and was considered popular. due to Togas sometimes bashful nature, she finds comfort in the dance music as a counterpart, and allows her to be out of her comfort zone. Toga also finds that she is a part of a “family” as a raver, and enjoys the carefree fun that follows. she will also talk about her favorite groups and new concert coming to town with you for at least an hour, and before she is tempted to knife you, she is going to ask you first “want to come with me next time??” fav music: edm / house / dance 
Mr.Compress- okay so our man here is not only classically trained as a musician, he is ALSO a fking magician.....amazing! we love this guy. Compress has a relationship with music that far surpasses the others around him have with their simple playlists. this man has MULTIPLE playlists and he organizes them depending on their emotions and titles them appropriately. Compress has the widest variety in music as far as knowledge goes compared to his younger counterparts. He is also the only one in the league that has interpersonal relationships and is able to match his comrades with their own playlists and music he choses for them. He will play classical music for Shigaraki when they work on a mission together, or when they have time together because he knows it suits him, and he respects him for that. he will chuckle and wave his hand around when Dabi is blasting Slipknot in the middle of the plf meeting because he is proud he showed Dabi that song! he is always the one who offers to take Toga and Twice to their raves, and is starting to listen to hiphop now that he has worked with some people with the PLF. more often. Compress uses music as a way to communicate his appreciation to others. he is a true gentleman...we love him for that. fav music style: the one he enjoys with others 
Spinner- shuichi boi is so fking shy n soft that if you tried to get him to open up about what he likes, he will probably implode from terror of having to open up to someone. he is very similar to tomura in that aspect, he is private minded, and like to keep his playlist to himself. that being said apparently the one time toga swiped his phone and did catch a glimpse of his playlist, he had a strikingly similar taste in music to Shigaraki. he had the complete dark souls playlist downloaded offline from Spotify so he could listen to it on the go at all times like on missions where signal may be interrupted. He had a variety of video game soundtracks on his playlist, and occasionally a Muse song in-between to separate all the Hans Zimmer. If you want to sneak a peak at Spinners playlist, you may want to do it quickly, your best bet is to ask when you two are alone otherwise he will likely never show you in fear of being ridiculed by Dabi. Spinner will use his playlist as a way to push out some kind of emotion he is feeling that day. Spinner will regularly update his playlists, and enjoys searching for more music to add constantly. He is pretty quiet when he listen to his music, and prefers to listen to it during the afternoon, when he feels his mood shift the heaviest. fav music style: soundtrack 
Twice- okay well Jin is hands down the biggest Gorillaz fan you CANNOT convince me otherwise on this. He has the Plastic Beach album on repeat. Due to the Gorillaz eccentric style and sound, Jin is absolutely in awe of how great he begins to feel when the beat starts, and he can focus on the ever changing tempo, and sounds that are happening. he does not listen to music very much, and due to his quirk effecting him, he is usually preoccupied with other thoughts, and is not interested in learning new songs, or crafting playlists for anything in particular like compress does. Jin is listening to albums that he stumbles upon at random, or by recommendation. that is how he discovered Gorillaz, and ironically his fight with Skeptic only made that even more awkward after Jin found out his company was called feel good inc... you can imagine how upset he truly was inside. “what a douche” is what jin is thinking when he discovers this. on a good day for jin, he will sit back and Toga will set him up with some songs she wants him to listen to with a comfortable pair of “cat” earphones. he enjoys just the act of listening to music itself, and being alive. it makes him feel good, and he uses music as a way to ground himself to others. 
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fmsdraws · 5 years
Metal in the Underground AU: General Info
... So, I’ve had this AU in my mind for about two years now, and I felt the urge to post about it now that I have made a new sprite for it’s Frisk. And since I don’t really plan to make a sprite comic about it, I figured I’d dump the ideas I had here. So you’ll find the information below the cut. 
What’s this AU about? Well, it revolves around a simple question....
What if Frisk was a robot?
That’s right, Metal in the Underground takes a different to most AUs by merely changing the protagonist, and letting the rest of the characters untouched. However, due to the now apparent artificial nature or Frisk, the characters have different reactions, and the way the story unfolds is somewhat different from Undertale’s.
The info you’ll find here is...
-General Backstory -Frisk bio -Changes in the story  -Changes in mechanics
But, I’m sure you’re wondering...
Why is Frisk a robot?
In the year 211X, technology has advanced in a considerable manner, so much so that household robots, and robots in general, are a commonality in this world. Frisk was one of these household units, who lived with a loving family, until their useful life eventually ran its course, and were shipped back to their manufacturer to be dismantled, and their parts reused for future models.
However, a group of scientists was looking for a robot to work with that they could modify for a project they were tasked to do. Since Frisk was the most recent one to arrive, and the one in the best state, they were picked.
What is this “project”?
Several humans had fallen into Mt. Ebott throughout the years, because of this, many protests had arisen from the town living nearby. The gobverment decided to dispatch a team of scientists to develop a robot that was capable enough to at least find whatever happened. Just enough so that the press would stop bothering, anyways. But they also put the team in a tight budget, hence the use of discarded robots.
What was done to Frisk?
When Frisk was brought to the lab, they managed to upgrade them rather well, they got rid of their memories but kept their experiences untouched due to an oversight (they’d know how to deal with something, they just don’t know why), they upgraded their battery life for obvious reasons. They also made their movements more fluid than the standard for their line, making them able to climb out if push came to shove. 
However, they made some rather... questionable choices. Namely, the removal of Frisk’s voice capabilities in favor of a system that would allow the scientists to speak through them should the robot find one of the humans. 
The robot didn’t have memories, anyway. It wouldn’t be able to deal with conflictive situations on their own, right?
How did they end up Underground?
Use your imagination. 
In reality, the robot was told to climb down the hole into the mountain instead of, I don’t know, making them go down safely via ropes or something. The robot lost communication with the scientists as soon as they entered due to the barrier, the wall they were hanging from collapsed, and they promptly fell into the underground.
Thankfully, they landed on a bed of flowers, somewhat cushioning the damage. But still leaving the poor robot stunned for a good while...
What is Frisk like?
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(Note: the eyes do not represent a chara possesion, it is just the color that was set to by their previous owners, and the scientists liked it a lot.)
Name: Frisk (ooc nickname: Mitu) Height: 5′5
Having household been their job in their past “life”, and having retained those experiences, Frisk has a tendency to cling onto people they deem as friendly, and prefer to keep whatever indoors space they’re in tidy and clean. Their lineage of robots also has some special features that in Frisk have remained unchanged. Said features are...
-Alarm clock -Bluetooth sound stereo (hence their headphone-like ears) -Snapshot ability -They can also be patted on the head to get an instant smile from them, which also serves to turn off their alarm.
In general, their line searches affection from their owners. MitU however cannot really connect with monsters due to the fact that they’re, well, monsters. They have a hard time recognizing monsters as people, since they don’t match with their facial scan systems. They can recognize some similarities, such as toriel looking like a goat, but someone like sans they’re lost in even figuring out what he is. 
They’re also somewhat aquaphobic, since they aren’t waterproof. So areas like waterfall are horrendous to go through for them. They can also remain operative even after taking somewhat concerning damage, and even repair themselves provided they’re given the tools (they are not).
All in all, MitU is a kind robot when it comes to humans, they are loyal as a puppy and such. But when it comes to monsters, their morale can be ... bent, depending on their actions during either Genocide or Pacifist routes. (Note: while a genocide route is just about as likely as a pacifist route, a theoretical genocide route is not canon to the AU.)
What changes from the original Undertale story?
For starters, Chara is not present in the story. This is due to the lack of a SOUL on Frisk’s part, meaning they cannot understand certain monsters (Froggits, for example), and they have to guide themselves based on visual aid. They also provide some flavor text themselves. The lack of a SOUL also means that they cannot interact with SAVE files at all, but don’t worry, Flowey the Flower comes to the Rescue!
Mainly for personal amusement, Flowey wants to help Frisk get as far into the underground as possible, and see how they tackle the sheninegans that the underground is filled with. Often times, he’ll give them advice after reloading for anything up ahead. Frisk cannot remember reloads, anyway...
This doesn’t mean that flowey becomes an active partner, he only pops up from time to time to give Frisk advice.
Since Frisk is strictly mute, and has not been taught sign language, they can hardly communicate with Monsters. They try to get their ideas across as clear as possible via pointing and acting, but no one really knows what they’re trying to say. they’re trying their best pls don’t pick on them ;-; As a result, some monsters have different behaviours towards them. 
For instance, Toriel (who is well aware of Frisk being a robot) decides to take the robot with her while she buys her groceries in fear that the robot might not have the best reaction to an encounter. She cooks snail pie, since Frisk can’t have CB pie. They can still take a slice with them for later use, though. 
I envisioned that Toriel has no real reason to stop MitU from leaving, they don’t have a SOUL, anyways, so their death would not mean anything in the long run.
In Snowdin, Frisk tries to play along with Papyrus’ sheninegans to sans’ request. And they succeed for the most part. Sans has seen enough anime to be aware of the fact MitU is a robot, but Papyrus still 100% thinks they’re a human.... Up until he figures it out by himself.
Waterfall goes generally the same, save for the fact that after Frisk falls from the bridge, they’re yet again knocked out cold, and Undyne comes to the dump to... pick them up and bring them to Alphys lab to repair them.
You see, Alphys, like her Undertale counterpart, looks over MitU ever since they step in Snowdin Forest. And she could tell that after the fall they took, they wouldn’t be able to get up. So she called up Undyne to explain the situation, and thus, saved Frisk from eventually being dragged away by the water.
When Frisk is returned back to life, Alphys explains that she rescued them herself, and that there is little to no time to waste. She has to return them to the surface! She also mentions that she modified MitU a bit to suit Hotland’s very unforgiving conditions, plus added a jetpack that comes out of their back. 
MitU also gets to meet Mettaton himself, and they naively agree to do shows with him despite the risk that said shows entail.
And, honestly? Those were basically all the real changes that there are in the main run. Omega Flowey does flow differently due to Frisk lacking a SOUL, but the beats are the same. The Dates don’t vary that much, neither the amalgamates.
In the true pacifist Asriel fight, MitU is able to fully utilize their ACTing skills that they had gained all those years ago with their old family to calm Asriel down. However, in the end, they are destroyed by the final blast that Asriel shoots as his last attack. 
And it is their death that reminds Asriel of the pain he had gone through when Chara passed away while trying to make their plan go through. So he’s quick to undo his wrongs, bring Frisk back, break the barrier, return the souls, and leave to never be seen again. 
Frisk then gets to live with the monsters in the surface from then on. While their scientists do try to take the robot back, to check what they recorded Toriel’s deadly glare guarantees that Frisk shall clean their new home and have fun while doing so for a long while...
What changes in terms of mechanics? (no pun intended)
Frisk has a battery life, as explained earlier, so they need to recharge at several points in the story. It’s indicated via the heart in their chest, which may I add, is also their on/off switch. Their battery drains in turn of how much exploration you make. Note that MitU can and will run out of power in the overworld and in the midst of a fight if you’re not careful.
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The UI is different as well, this was basically a mock up I made a year ago, but it gets the idea across. Their HP is replaced with a damage meter, which the more it grows, the more glitches appear on the UI and on the screen. The battery should be obvious enough.
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And Frisk can also climb up some walls provided they’re colored properly, which can lead to some goodies, or allow them to solve puzzles.
And that would be all of the info I had made. What do you guys think? While I do love the concept of this AU, there was just no driving force to work on anything like a comic for me, plus, I currently work on my other AUs, so my time is already tight as is. 
If anyone has any more questions they’d like answered, I’ll be sure to answer them.
As an addendum: I must ask that people do not RP Mitu!Frisk, steal the few art pieces done for this post, or steal this AU in any shape or form without permission. 
If anyone desires to RP interactions with MitU, I RP them in the Omega Timeline server, along with other characters. It is a highly reccomendable server in my book for any UT fan that likes to RP.
I will also ask that people don’t make a AU wiki entry on this AU, as I may do that myself provided the time is right. 
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cecilspeaks · 6 years
141 - Save Dark Owl Records
The prison of your own mind is undergoing budget cuts.
Welcome to Night Vale.
Today I’d like to open the show with a statement from a local business owner, Michelle Nguyen.
Michelle: An insidious presence has invaded our town. That presence is located in the Night Vale mall and is called the Burger Barn Gladtown Records Express. I’ve seen you shopping there, Night Vale, and I want you to know you’re all murderers with the figurative blood of independent record stores dripping from your hands. “No, no” you’ll say, “that isn’t figurative blood, it’s literal barbecue sauce from the Black Angus barbeque bacon burger and it’s delicious!” You’ll keep blathering on how about “Burger Barn Gladtown Records Express keeps thick juicy beef burgers layered in between your albums, so you can flip past them and impulse eat as you shop. It’s so convenient!” [angrily] Well you know what? Convenience is another words for laziness. When you come to my store, to Dark Owl Records, you have to earn your music! Our extensive underground section is kept literally underground, and you have to dig random holes in the dirt to find it. We don’t provide you with a shovel, you can’t even bring your own. You must use your fingers. Broken knuckles and fingernails peeled back to the quick are the sign of a true music lover. Sometimes, you won’t find music you think you like, but then you realize that the rhythmic grunts and scrapes of bloodied hands into rocky earth is itself music.
Anyway, come to my fundraiser tonight at Dark Owl Records. It’s a party, and parties are the worst, but I don’t have the money to pay my bills anymore and it’s your fault, so just show up and do the right thing, or I’ll go out of business. Ok, thanks!
Cecil: Thank you, Michelle. Our radio station is doing a remote broadcast live today at the Save Dark Owl fundraiser. We’ll do some interviews and there’ll be live bands, and it should be a lot of fun. Hope you see you down here, Night Vale! Come show your support for local small business.
But first, a word from our sponsor. Today’s program is brought to you by the Burger Barn Gladtown Records Express. The popular franchise mashup had its grand opening only three weeks ago and is already a booming success. From their regional frosty treats, like the cactus thorn malt, to their wide selection of best of complication albums. There’s something for everyone at Food Barn Gladtown Records Express. And by popular demand, there’s now extra fry sauce on everything, including the Bluetooth headphones. You don’t even have to ask for it. You have to ask if you don’t want fry sauce, and you have to give a good reason why not, like uh, a signed doctor’s note. Burger Barn Gladtown Records Express. Your community entertainment culture conglomerate.
And now, a public service announcement.
Deb: Hey old friends! Corporeal humans, cor-corporeal humans, former babies, future corpses, this is Deb, a sentient patch of haze, speaking for the department of motor vehicles. We know you haven’t heard from us in a while. But [blows raspberry] we haven’t heard from you either. Relationships are a, [clicks tongue] two-way street, so to speak. But [hiccups], I know there’s been some tension and things have gotten a little weird between us. No need to get into that right now. Or ever again, as far as we’re concerned. But if you wanna come over some time and just talk, just say hi or anything, then the department of motor vehicles will be opening our doors for one hour every weekday between 2 and 3. That’s all we have to give emotionally right now. Self..care. We would like to see you again though just to [emotionally] hear your voice. We hope you’ve been doing well. [hiccups] We’re a little drunk, and it’s late. Man, we just got done watching Carol for the third time in a week. [angrily] And you haven’t really been posting on social media lately, so we just wanna know what’s going on with you. [drinking noises] Again, no pressure, no strings attached, and if it gets crowded you could always take a number as usual. But the DMV wants you to know whether your number 19 or 99, you’re always number 1 to us! [snorts] [cries] We, we miss you. We miss you.
Cecil: Listeners, we’re here live at Dark Owl Records, and the fundraiser is getting off to a great start! People are buying shards of records they dug out of the ground, there’s a cake with thick black frosting and undulating tendrils. Mm, looks delicious! There’s an effigy of the Burger Barn Gladtown Records Express with a lot of long pins sticking out of it. And at the center of all the excitement is Dark Owl owner herself, Michelle Nguyen, and her girlfriend Maureen. What a treat! Hey you two, wanna say hello to all of Night Vale? Ah that’s weird. Uh, Michelle sent me a text right now while simultaneously staring unblinkingly into my eyes from three feet away. Uh, her text says: “We heard the spot you did for Burger Barn Gladtown Rec Ex and we are not speaking to you at this time. Please leave my party, Cecil.” Oh I get it, oh no, this is a, a simple misunderstanding, Michelle. See, in radio journalism, we have a moral responsibility to play ads and make lots of money. I see where you’re confused. Does that help clear things up? Aaand Maureen is pouring ice coffee all over my laptop. I’ll go find a towel, while you go to the weather.
[A Pale Sun Rises Over New York" by Scrawnyman, https://scrawnyman.bandcamp.com]
Michelle: Hey, this is Michelle. Cecil had to go away, but there was a hastily assumed agreement I would take over the show while he’s gone, so here I am, Michelle. Broadcasting live from my own party, which is better than mingling with people and being all social and stuff, right? Uh, no offense to anyone who’s here, but this is the first party I’ve ever agreed to attend and it was only out of desperation. I mean, all parties are born out of some form of desperation. Ugh, parties are the worst! I wish everyone would go home. No, no, don’t go home, it’s so nice that you’re here… I guess. But you know what else is nice? Being alone. Or mostly alone. That’s really what independent record stores stand for, you know? Individuality, independence, isolation. Don’t follow the herd, go home, be alone. It’s the best. 
Oh shoot, I was afraid something like this would happen. I mean, everything’s fine, there’s just a little situation out back. I’m gonna hand the mic over to Maureen while I deal with this.
Maureen: Um, hello? Hey, uh, this is Maureen. Don’t be scared or anything. A-actually be scared, but not about what I’m going to tell you. So what happened is some people were digging in the underground music section and the ground kind of split apart and now there’s a giant, like arthropod thing. Uh, it’s tearing people’s limbs off and whatever. Seems really mad and people are screaming, there’s like a lot of blood, blood is so stupid. But Michelle has it under control now. She’s kicked out everyone but the spider crustacean thing, because it was the only one who wasn’t being fake about its love of music. So yeah um, come on down to the store. Uh remember: we’re here to save Dark Owl! And even though the biggest section is the not for sale rack, there’s still a lot of great things to choose from. I know that some of the best things I’ve ever found have been here. Michelle, for one. Uh, don’t tell her I said that.
Also earlier today, I was crawling around inside the ventilation system, and I thought it would be really narrow and claustrophobic like air closed shafts usually are, but actually it kept growing wider and taller until I could stand up and walk around. I could even run if I wanted to. The ducts and passageways unfolded in front of me and I felt totally lost, but in a good way. I ran and ran and somewhere along the way I lost my flashlight and it didn’t matter. I could see with a sense other than vision, maybe it was taste. Ductways tasted like an everything bagel, and that guided my way. Then I could taste voices outside the vents. A voice I knew well was talking to a customer about a color limited edition single of “Love Will Tear Us Apart” on one side and “Love Will Keep Us Together” on the other. The record’s cover art depicted the eruption of Mount St Helens, but like a year before it actually happened, which makes it super valuable. I followed the taste of their voices, which was like green apples but the artificial candy flavor version, and I ended up in the obsolete media bunker behind the register, where I lay down on a pile of warm Sheena Easton singles and CD-roms filled with corrupted Limewire files. And that’s where I am now. Aand I’m gonna take a nap. Bye! [snoring]
Michelle: Hey Night Vale, I’m back. It’s all under control now. Sorry, I have kind of a contentious relationship with my neighbor Matt. He’s a 15-foot coconut crab that lives underneath the lot behind our store. We usually get along OK, but he really does not like parties, and I should have told him in advance, but I was busy and totally forgot, so my bad. Anyway, I let Matt eat the patrons who were wearing airpods and he was happy, so the party is still going strong. Most of the people are dead or have been kicked out, but I wanna make it clear that the party is still happening. So come on down to Dark Owl Records and save our store! Honestly, things are so much better now that everyone’s gone, so this is really the perfect time to show up. We have some special listening stations where you can browse all your favorite genres, like silence, post-silence, proto-silence, under-silence… I know you guys might not have heard of under-silence yet, but that’s like when the headphones are projecting what’s inside of you back into your own ears and you can hear your internal organs processing blood and fluids, and you’re filled with the awe of how all these seemingly archaic gooey parts can possibly work together to keep you alive and functioning, and you eventually pass out and/or vomit.
[sighs] I really don’t know what I’ll do if I have to leave this place. I’ve spent so much time here, I don’t even remember where my house is. One night after work, I walked down the street I thought it was on, but nothing looked familiar. And I kept walking for hours. I finally saw my house, but when I walked in, the door opened into the kitchen instead of the living room, and there was this family I’d never seen before eating dinner. There were four large serving bowls of mashed root vegetables on the table. The family didn’t notice me at all, they ate their mush and talked about their days. The mom was worried about the new boss at work, and the son forgot to go to his dentist appointment, and the daughter had a chemistry test that went okay. I didn’t want to freak them out, so I et myself out the back door and kept walking until it as morning. And in the cacophonous creak of dawn, I ended up back at Dark Owl just in time to open for the new day. And it didn’t matter, you know, that I couldn’t find my house because –
Wait, what’s this? An empty-eyed courier child just handed me an envelope. There’s a, there’s a check inside, and it’ a coupon for something called the “100 percent fish hot dog”, and a hand written note. It says, “Hello, my name is Jules, and I’m the franchise owner at the new Burger Barn Gladtown Records Express. Here is the rest of the money for your fundraising goal. When you become a franchise owner like me, you’ll think to yourself, ‘oh cool I’m an entrepreneur now, I’m going to be my own boss. I’m finally going to have agency in my life, you know?’ At least that’s what I thought when I filled out he online personality test that told me I had what it takes. I’m a type 23: outgoing but grounded. I’m detail-oriented but I can also see the big picture. I’m competitive, but I follow the rules. Classic type 23.” The note goes on. “But there are so many rules, Michelle. You have to conform when you’re in a franchise. And if you don’t, you’ll go under. Not merely monetarily, but to this place they refer to only as the cavern. If you end up there, you don’t ever come out again. Anyway, one rule is that we need at least one business competitor to remain open at all times. Until our lobbyists overturn the Sherman anti-trust act, we need Dark Owl Records to stay in business. So please take this money. I don’t wanna go to the cavern. Please, Michelle. Sincerely, Jules.”
OK, not sure how to deal with this right now if I’m honest. This person opened up a rival record franchise, and now they wanna give me money from their corporation to stay in business? I dunno. I need to go soul searching. I need to listen to some ambient room tone tracks used under famous movie scenes. I really like the one from the diner in “When Harry Met Sally”. Whatever, I guess. [steps, door closes]
[steps] Cecil: Night Vale, I’m so sorry I left you. I went to get a towel to clean up the spilled ice coffee, and there was this giant spider lobster thing, he-he cornered me and I couldn’t escape. He just kept talking and talking and god, he was boring! The worst person to run into at a party. I didn’t know how to get out of the conversation without being rude, uh I finally said I’d go grab us both a slice of cake and sidled out of there. I hope everything went OK while I was gone. Let’s see. Oh, there’s no one really left. The radio gear has been abandoned except a sleeping Maureen under my chair. There’s an inordinate amount of blood on the floor, and hey looks like the little cardboard thermometer that shows the fundraising goal has been fully colored in! Wow! We did it Night Vale! I guess that means there’s enough money to keep Dark Owl in business, at least through this month’s bills. That’s the thing about bills, they keep happening.
Well, whatever the future holds, the party was clearly a success. As was this ultra fun remote broadcast. So music lovers, kick back, put on your fry sauce-dosed headphones, listen to your newly purchased album shards, and put some vitamin E cream on those knuckles! Stay tuned next for the cla-cla-clack of CD cases being browsed, like a fluttery little heartbeat in the darkness.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: A good way to tell if an artistic idea is worthwhile is to remember that the most successful video game of all time is “a plumber steps on turtles”, so who knows?
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Realme Buds Q Detailed Review
Realme Buds Q Detailed Review
At Rs. 1999, the Realme Wireless Headset is also the most accessible.
Realme has made considerable progress in a brief timeframe with its sound items. The range, presently six items solid, incorporates wired headphones, remote accessory headphones, and genuine remote earbuds. These have been propelled in pretty much year and a half. Speaking explicitly about obvious remote headphones, Realme has now propelled its third such headset, the Realme Buds Q. At Rs. 1,999, this is the most moderate pair of genuine remote headphones from Realme yet, and furthermore the first from the organization with an in-channel fit.
Situated to take on the Redmi Earbuds S and even the accessory style OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z, the Realme Buds Q is the littlest and lightest yet from the organization. With current determinations and plan, and a guarantee of competent execution at the cost, is the Realme Buds Q the most noteworthy item in Realme's actual remote range yet? Discover in our audit.
The headphones Realme Buds Q just weighs 3.6 g each almost.
I thought the 4.1g load of every one of the Redmi Earbuds S earpieces was amazing, yet inconceivably enough, Realme has figured out how to make the Buds Q significantly lighter. At simply 3.6g each, the Realme Buds Q could scarcely be felt in my ears and was entirely agreeable thus. The in-channel fit and little size of the headphones helped too, giving them satisfactory aloof commotion confinement and a by and large non-vexatious fit.
The headphones have been structured in a joint effort with eminent planner Jose Levy. The headphones and charging case both look like stones and are accessible in three shading alternatives - dark, white, and yellow. I very loved the downplayed style of the dark variation that was sent for audit, and I was additionally satisfied with the trace of Realme's trademark shade of yellow that is obvious within the included ear tips. The case has an attractive cover and there's a Micro-USB port for charging at the back. It's very minimal and fits in my pocket without any problem.
In contrast to other spending choices, the Realme Buds Q has contact touchy controls on every headphone. Be that as it may, these didn't function admirably at all for me. The touch zones are excessively little, and weren't anything but difficult to find when I was wearing the headphones. In any event, when I immovably tapped either zone, it didn't generally react. It regularly arrived at where I'd simply get my cell phone to control playback or to get calls, and this is a significant weakness for the Realme Buds Q.
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The controls are customizable through the Realme Link application, and you can likewise conjure the voice right hand on your cell phone or flip the low-idleness gaming mode utilizing these motions – when they work, obviously. The application additionally lets you see unpleasant battery levels for every one of the headphones (in 10-percent increases).
While we for the most part observe some type of status and battery level markers on either the headphones or the accusing instance of most spending genuine remote alternatives, the Realme Buds Q has none. The best way to know the earbuds are turned on is through sound prompts, and you'll need to depend on your cell phone to disclose to you how much force you have left. You'll possibly realize that the case is out of intensity when the headphones don't get completely energized. This isn't frightfully awkward, yet it is a downside that accompanies the cost.
The Realme Buds Q underpins the SBC and AAC Bluetooth codecs, which is great at the cost and structure factor. The headset has 10mm unique drivers and utilizations Bluetooth 5 for availability. The headphones are IPX4 evaluated for water opposition. There's likewise a low-inactivity gaming mode, which is said to lessen dormancy to around 119ms.
I had the option to get around 3.5 long periods of utilization from the headphones at higher volumes and with blended-use. The case included another four charges for around 14 hours of all-out use per charge cycle. This isn't especially acceptable, however, it's completely adequate given the Rs. 1,999 sticker price of the Realme Buds Q.
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Improved sound quality on the Realme Buds Q
The Realme Buds Air and Realme Buds Air Neo are highlight-filled genuine remote headphones that get a great deal directly at the cost, however, the stable quality hasn't been a solid point for the organization up to this point. With the Realme Buds Q, things are unique. Sound quality is somewhat better as I would like to think, and the headphones at long last stable like they ought to at the cost, helped along by AAC codec support and the in-channel plan.
Realme Buds Q Truly Wireless Earbuds, 30W Dart PowerBank Launched: Check Everything Here
Beginning with Mere Gully Mein from the Gully Boy soundtrack with the volume turned up, the sound was perfect and a lot gentler on the faculties than what we encountered with the Buds Air and Buds Air Neo. The sonic mark and tuning see a few upgrades, and the sound is much progressively adjusted and uniform, therefore. There's as yet an observable bass knock and an unmistakable drop-off in the mid-extend, however, the sound seemed to be more determined and tight than forceful.
There's likewise a decent lot of detail to be heard, especially in a portion of the more novel Indian society instruments utilized toward the beginning of this hip-bounce track. At the point when the bass snare kicked in, it took over the track true to form, however, there was consistently a fair degree of detail to be heard in the gentler components of the track. The rap fragments by Ranveer Singh certainly sounded somewhat milder than we'd have enjoyed given that they are significant pieces of the track, however, the drop-off wasn't considerable enough to remove anything from the character of the track.
Despite the fact that the headphones do sound useful at the cost, the Realme Buds Q isn't a stand-apart entertainer in the classification. Sound isn't exactly as driven and direct us on the correspondingly estimated OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z, so purchasers searching for sound quality ought to consider necklace style headphones for their better sonic capacities.
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At the 90 percent volume level, the Realme Buds Q sound their best. Going to full volume makes the sound somewhat high pitched while diminishing the volume detracts from everything with the exception of the lows. Tuning in to All Of The Lights by Brasstracks, the saxophone riffs sounded sharp and upsetting at the most extreme volume, and excessively dull at anything beneath the 80 percent level.
This unbending nature as far as choosing the correct volume may be vexatious for some, especially in case you're accustomed to tuning in at lower volumes or need to have some capacity to hear your environmental factors. All things considered, even at the 90 percent volume level, the Realme Buds Q wasn't as noisy as would have been the situation on most other reasonable genuine remote headphones.
Realme Buds Q Is Said To Launch In India On June 25 Via Flipkart
he Realme Buds Q was truly acceptable as a without hands headset, notwithstanding the issue with the touch sensor that implied that I, as a rule, needed to answer the consider utilizing my cell phone. I could hear and be heard obviously and had the option to have meaningful discussions utilizing the Buds Q without numerous cases of difficulty. The low-inertness mode for gaming worked precisely as it did on the Realme Buds Air Neo; there was a slight decrease in sound quality, with a comparable improvement in idleness. Nonetheless, that despite everything left a perceptible deferral. In case you're a versatile gamer, don't go discarding your wired headphones right now.
Strangely enough, Realme's most reasonable genuine remote headset additionally conveys the best solid, and I don't signify 'at the cost'. At Rs. 1,999, the Realme Buds Q is a superior alternative than the Realme Buds Air and Buds Air Neo with regards to sound quality. The low weight and straightforward plan additionally function admirably for this pair of headphones. Good execution on calls is a special reward.
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There are unquestionably a few issues with the motion controls, and sound quality isn't exactly as noteworthy as on the comparatively estimated OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z. Be that as it may, you do at present need to pay a slight premium for genuine remote headphones, and the Realme Buds Q offers as much as is conceivable thinking about that. It's a near calamity between the Realme Buds Q and the Redmi Earbuds S, however the Buds Q pretty much edges past as far as sound quality. It's unquestionably worth considering in case you're hoping to purchase a couple of genuine remote headphones at the present time yet need to spend as meager as could be expected under the circumstances.
Value: Rs. 1,999
Extremely light looks great
AAC codec support
Application for work customization, battery levels
Delicate, determined sound
Conventional call quality
Signal controls don't function admirably
Doesn't sound excessively great at low volumes
No marker lights on the headphones or case
Normal battery life
Evaluations (out of 5)
Configuration/comfort: 4
Sound quality: 3
Battery life: 3
Incentive for cash: 4.5
In general: 3.5
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pingko111 · 5 years
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clauscrayon7-blog · 5 years
50 Gift Ideas for Men (A.K.A. Dad, Bro, Possibly Yourself)
Rimowa x Off-White is a dream holiday gift, but for something slightly more affordably priced, this new aluminum style from Away is very cool. Aluminium not only looks great but it can take a beating—an important detail for the guy who doesn’t fly business class.
Away aluminium carry-on bag
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These anti-microbial silver filament socks will be appreciated by outdoor types who know that rag socks are a recipe for sweaty feet, hypebeasts into the construction worker look, and dads. Just all kinds of dads.
American Trench sport socks with silver
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American Trench
There’s a middle ground between your high school-era canvas backpack and one of those luxe leather ones. It’s Coach’s Academy backpack. Durable but nice enough to wear with a suit, and patterned but not childish, it can sit on any set of shoulders.
Coach Academy backpack
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A lot of guys want Nike’s cool new sneaker, but not all of them had the time or intel to snag a pair when they first hit shelves. That’s OK because you, a sneaker intellectual, know that secondary-market prices are reasonable. And you, a dope gift-giver, will remedy the situation.
Nike React Element 87 Sneakers Thunder Blue/Total Orange
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Things we could all stand to do a little more of: exercise, be outdoors, save money, have fun. Give him a $59 ticket to well-balanced-human town by gifting this night-game friendly basketball, then challenging them to a season of after-work games.
Chinatown Market x Smiley for UO smiley basketball
Buy Now
Urban Outfitters
You don’t have to be deep into aromatherapy to appreciate this, the world’s first-ever badass essential oil diffuser. Any mildly stressed out or reasonably pretentious person would enjoy the hell out of this $97 Zen machine.
Campo ceramic essential oil diffuser
Buy Now
This is the best drone out there for most people. It's super-easy to fly, with features in the app that make capturing beautiful cinematic footage with its stabilized 4K camera as easy as it could ever be. Most importantly: It's really, really hard to crash.
DJI Mavic Air
Buy Now
We’re not sure if these vegan organic Australian supplements will actually help you achieve clarity and balance as they promise, but they sure do look good in this handsome set. (Most folks won’t stress the details.)
Bear Perform and Explore supplement gift set
Buy Now
Fancy meal deliveries are the new artisanal popcorn tins: it might seem like a cop out on paper, but your recipient will absolutely annihilate it upon opening. This one will please even the pickiest eaters in your life, even the paleo bros.
Sun Basket organic meal delivery (1 week)
Buy Now
Sun Basket
Paleo vegan organic chocolate might seem like a big, dumb waste of money, until you try paleo vegan organic chocolate and realize it is transcendental. Enlighten someone with this 8-bar gift set from New York’s Hu Kitchen. Hopefully they’ll be kind enough to share.
Hu paleo vegan chocolate bar gift set
Buy Now
It’s hard to find a pair of well-made cowboy boots that aren’t either ridiculously expensive or just plain ridiculous but Austin-based direct-to-consumer brand Tecovas is solving for that. Save a fellow cowboy from going down the wrong path.
Tecovas Shane suede boots
Buy Now
Part denim trucker jacket, part super-soft denim shirt, there are few people that wouldn’t open this gift and promptly wear the hell out of it. In fact, we recommend getting it wrapped immediately so you don’t steal it for yourself.
Buck Mason two pocket field shirt
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Buck Mason
These traditional Mexican blankets always come in handy, whether they’re used for outdoor activities or making a couch look less destroyed. Plus, they’re one of few gifts for men you can get away with not wrapping. Just roll it up, add some ribbon, and you’re golden.
Open Road Goods Mexican thunderbird blanket
Buy Now
No one wants a cheap watch, unless it’s a Timex in which case, yes, they absolutely want one. Even better when it’s one designed in collaboration with Todd Snyder and done in a color combination that goes with absolutely everything.
Timex x Todd Snyder maritime sport watch
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Todd Snyder
Nice headphones are one of our favorite gift ideas for men, especially when they’re wireless and done in crowd-pleasing matte black. We’re all for making a statement but c’mon, buying $300 headphones in cherry red or rose gold is a sin.
Beats Solo wireless on-ear headphones
Buy Now
From Brooklyn to Paris to Japan, stylish guys and striped shirts have a thing going on.
Entireworld striped T-shirt
Buy Now
Pendleton blankets are crowd-pleasers because they’re warm and last forever. Buy one in shades of gray and the staple will work in virtually any home or apartment, not just the log cabins and Brooklyn lofts.
Pendleton Nova throw blanket
Buy Now
It's a valet for your keys and wallet — and also a wireless phone charger. Because the same person who always loses stuff is the same person who leaves their house with their phone at 7% battery.
Courant Catch:3 wireless charging valet
Buy Now
This is the ultimate holiday present for stylish Yankees fans, sporty Gucci fans, and regular guys who know a great jacket when they see one. Yes, $2,450 is dream money but what good would a holiday gift guide be without an opportunity for some magical thinking?
Gucci jacket with NY Yankees patch
Buy Now
If you’re going to buy someone linens, they should be nice ones. Like Brooklinen’s Luxe Core sheets, which are some of the finest we’ve ever slept on. Doesn’t hurt that they come in luxury hotel-inspired stripes and solid colors.
Brooklinen luxury sheet set
Buy Now
For the chef that doesn’t shy away from recipes that take several months to prepare, there’s Copenhagen restaurant Noma’s new book on fermentation. Eater describes it as a “biochemistry book with a side of theory.” So, it’s a cinch.
"The Noma Guide to Fermentation", 2018
Buy Now
The best gifts are the ones the person will use and enjoy but wouldn’t necessarily have bought for themselves. Like say, $65 hand soap from ultra-hip fragrance brand Byredo. Instead of scents like “lemon verbena” you can wash with “suede”, “rose”, and “vetiver”.
Byredo suede hand wash
Buy Now
Neiman Marcus
Pared down design details and an extra thick fabrication take the iconic fleece jacket to luxury town. This is one of the best gift ideas for men who like camping and Italian tailoring, or the Snap-T diehard that deserves to be spoiled.
Best Made Co wool fleece jacket
Buy Now
James Beard Award-winning chef Thomas Keller teaches the fundamentals of cooking in this 36-lesson course by Master Class. If you know someone who loves good food and still makes Hot Pockets for dinner, consider this $90 well spent.
Master Class Thomas Keller cooking class
Buy Now
Master Class
For the person in your life who can’t resist the urge to line up for some deep-friend, unicorn, mermaid concoction, there’s Truff, the new black truffle “luxury lifestyle” hot sauce that’s carried by Neiman Marcus and counts Pharrell, Pusha T, and Oprah as fans.
Truff hot sauce
Buy Now
People who love food don’t want weird flavored salts or infused olive oils. They want the mother of all pepper mills, the Unicorn Magnum Plus, which grinds like you’re cooking for 200, even when you’re just seasoning an omelet.
Unicorn magnum plus pepper mill
Buy Now
This herringbone hat is the perfect gift for the guy that loves his Mets—and his menswear. Designed by Todd Snyder for New Era, this collection spans a range of teams and handsome fabrics. There’s something for every (stylish) MLB fan.
Todd Snyder x New Era NY Mets herringbone hat
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Todd Snyder
Great sound, great power, all in a tiny package with lots of wild color options. The Bluetooth connection is seamless. And the Wonderboom is waterproof, making it the perfect shower or beach speaker, too.
Ultimate Ears Wonderboom waterproof Bluetooth speaker
Buy Now
Nice Laundry makes a very strong case for monogrammed dress socks with this ocean-hued gift set. They even do single-letter varsity monograms for the guys who want to wear theirs with Bass Weejuns.
Nice Laundry personal edition socks
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Nice Laundry
For the guy that’s too cool for travel neck pillows, hipster mattress brand Casper makes a square nap pillow that gets the job done. When that guy becomes a father and stops being too cool for travel neck pillows, he can give it to his kid.
Casper nap pillow
Buy Now
If there’s a guy in your life that could use a sneaker upgrade (we see you, dad), Oliver Cabell makes simple, elevated styles for under $200. And the fact that they’re virtually unbranded means they can be worn with anything, from sweats to tailoring.
Oliver Cabell Rennes sneakers in black
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Oliver Cabell
They’re not new, or especially luxurious, but if you’ve got a wireless headphone virgin on your list, AirPods are a gift they’ll deeply appreciate. Getting rid of that tangle of wires around your neck adds ten years to your life.
Apple wireless AirPods
Buy Now
No one over the age of 9 wants Christmas pajamas that match everyone else’s Christmas pajamas. What they want is Nike joggers in some simple, nondescript color like black. Be a hero and make that wish come true.
Nike club jogger
Buy Now
End Clothing
Grooming travel kits are never a bad gift to give or receive, especially when they come from luxe-y brands like Le Labo, who package their sets in bags you’ll keep using long after the shampoo empties out.
Le Labo body and hair travel set
Buy Now
Help the Red Sox fan in your life commemorate this year’s World Series win with this limited-edition Levi’s trucker jacket. This spectator swag might look unassuming from the front, but the back spells out “Boston Red Sox” loud and clear.
Levi's x MLB denim trucker jacket
Buy Now
Buying someone a clothing gift is an iffy idea unless you know for sure that your taste is like “muah.” If DIY Los Angeles T-shirt line Come Tees is on your radar, your taste is like “muah.” (Now all you need to do is justify buying someone other than yourself a $170 T-shirt.)
Come Tees mood control T-shirt
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Come Tees
This Bluetooth-enabled turntable is one part fun gadget, one part sexy home décor, which makes it a solid holiday splurge gift. There’s a decent discount if you buy two—because they know you also want one for yourself.
Love Turntable
Buy Now
Love Turntable
If you aren’t sure which kind of scent to gift, let him decide. And if he isn’t sure, that’s why Hawthorne exists: He can input different variables about his work-life balance, his diet and hobbies and age, and Hawthorne provides him with two scents—one for work, one for play, sold together for $100—tailored to these variables. Their roster of perfumers is incredible, too, with some of the best noses in the business behind each scent.
Hawthorne tailored scents
Buy Now
Wild horses! Dust! Denim! Who wouldn’t appreciate a limited-edition print from Norm Clasen, the guy who shot all of those cool 1980s Marlboro ads. Art might be subjective, but cowboys are universally cool.
Norm Clasen Rope and Rush print
Buy Now
M&P Gallery
For the person on your list that follows basketball, including what all the players wear in the tunnel, some Elder Statesman x NBA cashmere-wear would likely be appreciated. And by appreciated we mean ‘grammed until it can’t be ‘grammed anymore.
The Elder Statesman x NBA New York Knicks fringe scarf
Buy Now
Mr Porter
This bonkers 8-foot-tall steel grill, designed for Best Made Co by Francis Mallmann, allows home cooks to sear, simmer, smoke, and roast simultaneously. When it’s fully loaded with fruit and meat it also looks like it belongs at MoMa. In conclusion: fully worth $2,298.
Best Made Co Mallman's Grill
Buy Now
Best Made Co
Make the spectator in your life feel like they’re part of the team with an extremely legit mesh jersey. Mitchell & Ness makes theirs slim and slightly cropped so it fits like a perfect T-shirt instead of a nightgown. Always good.
Mitchell & Ness Los Angeles Dodgers Mesh Jersey
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Mitchell & Ness
Cool little pocket contraptions make great gifts, especially when they’re as pared down and well designed as this stainless-steel bottle opener, belt clip, and ruler in one. If you’re looking to spend a bit more, The James Brand makes fancy pocket knives too.
The James Brand Knife hook
Buy Now
The Cushion Crew has ribbing to mimic a dress sock, but enough cushioning to keep you comfortable through four hours of open-bar-fueled bad dance moves. And though it’s thin enough to slide into sleeker shoes—your loafers or drivers—it’s thick enough to keep your toes warm should your fancy footwear carry you to freezing locales.
Nike Performance Cushion Crew training socks
Buy Now
Tetra is the e-commerce site for extremely classy pot-smoking swag. Like this hand-carved, Sumi ink-dyed maple wood tray for rolling joints, which comes with a horsehair brush for tidying up after. [Cue: Jazz quietly playing in the background.]
Pat & Kim rib tray and brush set
Buy Now
Shaving cream made with organic essential oil that’s “spicy, warming, and soothing” and comes in fancy packaging is the grooming buy that any man would appreciate. Especially for that first, post-Movember shave.
Marram Co shaving cream
Buy Now
Mr & Mrs Stitch
Fancy winter candles don’t need to come in fussy glass jars or smell like a forest. These sculptural totem candles from Areaware in Brooklyn would hygge-ify any corner, without overpowering the room with the scent of pinecones.
Areaware totem candle set (3 pieces)
Buy Now
Because roughing it is all fun and games until your phone dies and you can’t ‘gram your smores, this compact camp stove provides you with an open flame and charges your devices at the same time.
Biolite CampStove 2 wood camp stove
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Biolite Energy
A little shameless self promotion: Get a year's subscription to the GQ Best Stuff box and your giftee will receive a haul of our editors' favorite gadgets, grooming products, style accessories, and beyond every three months.
The GQ Best Stuff Box
Buy Now
Source: https://www.gq.com/gallery/best-gift-ideas-for-men
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memorytile0-blog · 5 years
50 Gift Ideas for Men (A.K.A. Dad, Bro, Possibly Yourself)
Rimowa x Off-White is a dream holiday gift, but for something slightly more affordably priced, this new aluminum style from Away is very cool. Aluminium not only looks great but it can take a beating—an important detail for the guy who doesn’t fly business class.
Away aluminium carry-on bag
Buy Now
These anti-microbial silver filament socks will be appreciated by outdoor types who know that rag socks are a recipe for sweaty feet, hypebeasts into the construction worker look, and dads. Just all kinds of dads.
American Trench sport socks with silver
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American Trench
There’s a middle ground between your high school-era canvas backpack and one of those luxe leather ones. It’s Coach’s Academy backpack. Durable but nice enough to wear with a suit, and patterned but not childish, it can sit on any set of shoulders.
Coach Academy backpack
Buy Now
A lot of guys want Nike’s cool new sneaker, but not all of them had the time or intel to snag a pair when they first hit shelves. That’s OK because you, a sneaker intellectual, know that secondary-market prices are reasonable. And you, a dope gift-giver, will remedy the situation.
Nike React Element 87 Sneakers Thunder Blue/Total Orange
Buy Now
Things we could all stand to do a little more of: exercise, be outdoors, save money, have fun. Give him a $59 ticket to well-balanced-human town by gifting this night-game friendly basketball, then challenging them to a season of after-work games.
Chinatown Market x Smiley for UO smiley basketball
Buy Now
Urban Outfitters
You don’t have to be deep into aromatherapy to appreciate this, the world’s first-ever badass essential oil diffuser. Any mildly stressed out or reasonably pretentious person would enjoy the hell out of this $97 Zen machine.
Campo ceramic essential oil diffuser
Buy Now
This is the best drone out there for most people. It's super-easy to fly, with features in the app that make capturing beautiful cinematic footage with its stabilized 4K camera as easy as it could ever be. Most importantly: It's really, really hard to crash.
DJI Mavic Air
Buy Now
We’re not sure if these vegan organic Australian supplements will actually help you achieve clarity and balance as they promise, but they sure do look good in this handsome set. (Most folks won’t stress the details.)
Bear Perform and Explore supplement gift set
Buy Now
Fancy meal deliveries are the new artisanal popcorn tins: it might seem like a cop out on paper, but your recipient will absolutely annihilate it upon opening. This one will please even the pickiest eaters in your life, even the paleo bros.
Sun Basket organic meal delivery (1 week)
Buy Now
Sun Basket
Paleo vegan organic chocolate might seem like a big, dumb waste of money, until you try paleo vegan organic chocolate and realize it is transcendental. Enlighten someone with this 8-bar gift set from New York’s Hu Kitchen. Hopefully they’ll be kind enough to share.
Hu paleo vegan chocolate bar gift set
Buy Now
It’s hard to find a pair of well-made cowboy boots that aren’t either ridiculously expensive or just plain ridiculous but Austin-based direct-to-consumer brand Tecovas is solving for that. Save a fellow cowboy from going down the wrong path.
Tecovas Shane suede boots
Buy Now
Part denim trucker jacket, part super-soft denim shirt, there are few people that wouldn’t open this gift and promptly wear the hell out of it. In fact, we recommend getting it wrapped immediately so you don’t steal it for yourself.
Buck Mason two pocket field shirt
Buy Now
Buck Mason
These traditional Mexican blankets always come in handy, whether they’re used for outdoor activities or making a couch look less destroyed. Plus, they’re one of few gifts for men you can get away with not wrapping. Just roll it up, add some ribbon, and you’re golden.
Open Road Goods Mexican thunderbird blanket
Buy Now
No one wants a cheap watch, unless it’s a Timex in which case, yes, they absolutely want one. Even better when it’s one designed in collaboration with Todd Snyder and done in a color combination that goes with absolutely everything.
Timex x Todd Snyder maritime sport watch
Buy Now
Todd Snyder
Nice headphones are one of our favorite gift ideas for men, especially when they’re wireless and done in crowd-pleasing matte black. We’re all for making a statement but c’mon, buying $300 headphones in cherry red or rose gold is a sin.
Beats Solo wireless on-ear headphones
Buy Now
From Brooklyn to Paris to Japan, stylish guys and striped shirts have a thing going on.
Entireworld striped T-shirt
Buy Now
Pendleton blankets are crowd-pleasers because they’re warm and last forever. Buy one in shades of gray and the staple will work in virtually any home or apartment, not just the log cabins and Brooklyn lofts.
Pendleton Nova throw blanket
Buy Now
It's a valet for your keys and wallet — and also a wireless phone charger. Because the same person who always loses stuff is the same person who leaves their house with their phone at 7% battery.
Courant Catch:3 wireless charging valet
Buy Now
This is the ultimate holiday present for stylish Yankees fans, sporty Gucci fans, and regular guys who know a great jacket when they see one. Yes, $2,450 is dream money but what good would a holiday gift guide be without an opportunity for some magical thinking?
Gucci jacket with NY Yankees patch
Buy Now
If you’re going to buy someone linens, they should be nice ones. Like Brooklinen’s Luxe Core sheets, which are some of the finest we’ve ever slept on. Doesn’t hurt that they come in luxury hotel-inspired stripes and solid colors.
Brooklinen luxury sheet set
Buy Now
For the chef that doesn’t shy away from recipes that take several months to prepare, there’s Copenhagen restaurant Noma’s new book on fermentation. Eater describes it as a “biochemistry book with a side of theory.” So, it’s a cinch.
"The Noma Guide to Fermentation", 2018
Buy Now
The best gifts are the ones the person will use and enjoy but wouldn’t necessarily have bought for themselves. Like say, $65 hand soap from ultra-hip fragrance brand Byredo. Instead of scents like “lemon verbena” you can wash with “suede”, “rose”, and “vetiver”.
Byredo suede hand wash
Buy Now
Neiman Marcus
Pared down design details and an extra thick fabrication take the iconic fleece jacket to luxury town. This is one of the best gift ideas for men who like camping and Italian tailoring, or the Snap-T diehard that deserves to be spoiled.
Best Made Co wool fleece jacket
Buy Now
James Beard Award-winning chef Thomas Keller teaches the fundamentals of cooking in this 36-lesson course by Master Class. If you know someone who loves good food and still makes Hot Pockets for dinner, consider this $90 well spent.
Master Class Thomas Keller cooking class
Buy Now
Master Class
For the person in your life who can’t resist the urge to line up for some deep-friend, unicorn, mermaid concoction, there’s Truff, the new black truffle “luxury lifestyle” hot sauce that’s carried by Neiman Marcus and counts Pharrell, Pusha T, and Oprah as fans.
Truff hot sauce
Buy Now
People who love food don’t want weird flavored salts or infused olive oils. They want the mother of all pepper mills, the Unicorn Magnum Plus, which grinds like you’re cooking for 200, even when you’re just seasoning an omelet.
Unicorn magnum plus pepper mill
Buy Now
This herringbone hat is the perfect gift for the guy that loves his Mets—and his menswear. Designed by Todd Snyder for New Era, this collection spans a range of teams and handsome fabrics. There’s something for every (stylish) MLB fan.
Todd Snyder x New Era NY Mets herringbone hat
Buy Now
Todd Snyder
Great sound, great power, all in a tiny package with lots of wild color options. The Bluetooth connection is seamless. And the Wonderboom is waterproof, making it the perfect shower or beach speaker, too.
Ultimate Ears Wonderboom waterproof Bluetooth speaker
Buy Now
Nice Laundry makes a very strong case for monogrammed dress socks with this ocean-hued gift set. They even do single-letter varsity monograms for the guys who want to wear theirs with Bass Weejuns.
Nice Laundry personal edition socks
Buy Now
Nice Laundry
For the guy that’s too cool for travel neck pillows, hipster mattress brand Casper makes a square nap pillow that gets the job done. When that guy becomes a father and stops being too cool for travel neck pillows, he can give it to his kid.
Casper nap pillow
Buy Now
If there’s a guy in your life that could use a sneaker upgrade (we see you, dad), Oliver Cabell makes simple, elevated styles for under $200. And the fact that they’re virtually unbranded means they can be worn with anything, from sweats to tailoring.
Oliver Cabell Rennes sneakers in black
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Oliver Cabell
They’re not new, or especially luxurious, but if you’ve got a wireless headphone virgin on your list, AirPods are a gift they’ll deeply appreciate. Getting rid of that tangle of wires around your neck adds ten years to your life.
Apple wireless AirPods
Buy Now
No one over the age of 9 wants Christmas pajamas that match everyone else’s Christmas pajamas. What they want is Nike joggers in some simple, nondescript color like black. Be a hero and make that wish come true.
Nike club jogger
Buy Now
End Clothing
Grooming travel kits are never a bad gift to give or receive, especially when they come from luxe-y brands like Le Labo, who package their sets in bags you’ll keep using long after the shampoo empties out.
Le Labo body and hair travel set
Buy Now
Help the Red Sox fan in your life commemorate this year’s World Series win with this limited-edition Levi’s trucker jacket. This spectator swag might look unassuming from the front, but the back spells out “Boston Red Sox” loud and clear.
Levi's x MLB denim trucker jacket
Buy Now
Buying someone a clothing gift is an iffy idea unless you know for sure that your taste is like “muah.” If DIY Los Angeles T-shirt line Come Tees is on your radar, your taste is like “muah.” (Now all you need to do is justify buying someone other than yourself a $170 T-shirt.)
Come Tees mood control T-shirt
Buy Now
Come Tees
This Bluetooth-enabled turntable is one part fun gadget, one part sexy home décor, which makes it a solid holiday splurge gift. There’s a decent discount if you buy two—because they know you also want one for yourself.
Love Turntable
Buy Now
Love Turntable
If you aren’t sure which kind of scent to gift, let him decide. And if he isn’t sure, that’s why Hawthorne exists: He can input different variables about his work-life balance, his diet and hobbies and age, and Hawthorne provides him with two scents—one for work, one for play, sold together for $100—tailored to these variables. Their roster of perfumers is incredible, too, with some of the best noses in the business behind each scent.
Hawthorne tailored scents
Buy Now
Wild horses! Dust! Denim! Who wouldn’t appreciate a limited-edition print from Norm Clasen, the guy who shot all of those cool 1980s Marlboro ads. Art might be subjective, but cowboys are universally cool.
Norm Clasen Rope and Rush print
Buy Now
M&P Gallery
For the person on your list that follows basketball, including what all the players wear in the tunnel, some Elder Statesman x NBA cashmere-wear would likely be appreciated. And by appreciated we mean ‘grammed until it can’t be ‘grammed anymore.
The Elder Statesman x NBA New York Knicks fringe scarf
Buy Now
Mr Porter
This bonkers 8-foot-tall steel grill, designed for Best Made Co by Francis Mallmann, allows home cooks to sear, simmer, smoke, and roast simultaneously. When it’s fully loaded with fruit and meat it also looks like it belongs at MoMa. In conclusion: fully worth $2,298.
Best Made Co Mallman's Grill
Buy Now
Best Made Co
Make the spectator in your life feel like they’re part of the team with an extremely legit mesh jersey. Mitchell & Ness makes theirs slim and slightly cropped so it fits like a perfect T-shirt instead of a nightgown. Always good.
Mitchell & Ness Los Angeles Dodgers Mesh Jersey
Buy Now
Mitchell & Ness
Cool little pocket contraptions make great gifts, especially when they’re as pared down and well designed as this stainless-steel bottle opener, belt clip, and ruler in one. If you’re looking to spend a bit more, The James Brand makes fancy pocket knives too.
The James Brand Knife hook
Buy Now
The Cushion Crew has ribbing to mimic a dress sock, but enough cushioning to keep you comfortable through four hours of open-bar-fueled bad dance moves. And though it’s thin enough to slide into sleeker shoes—your loafers or drivers—it’s thick enough to keep your toes warm should your fancy footwear carry you to freezing locales.
Nike Performance Cushion Crew training socks
Buy Now
Tetra is the e-commerce site for extremely classy pot-smoking swag. Like this hand-carved, Sumi ink-dyed maple wood tray for rolling joints, which comes with a horsehair brush for tidying up after. [Cue: Jazz quietly playing in the background.]
Pat & Kim rib tray and brush set
Buy Now
Shaving cream made with organic essential oil that’s “spicy, warming, and soothing” and comes in fancy packaging is the grooming buy that any man would appreciate. Especially for that first, post-Movember shave.
Marram Co shaving cream
Buy Now
Mr & Mrs Stitch
Fancy winter candles don’t need to come in fussy glass jars or smell like a forest. These sculptural totem candles from Areaware in Brooklyn would hygge-ify any corner, without overpowering the room with the scent of pinecones.
Areaware totem candle set (3 pieces)
Buy Now
Because roughing it is all fun and games until your phone dies and you can’t ‘gram your smores, this compact camp stove provides you with an open flame and charges your devices at the same time.
Biolite CampStove 2 wood camp stove
Buy Now
Biolite Energy
A little shameless self promotion: Get a year's subscription to the GQ Best Stuff box and your giftee will receive a haul of our editors' favorite gadgets, grooming products, style accessories, and beyond every three months.
The GQ Best Stuff Box
Buy Now
Source: https://www.gq.com/gallery/best-gift-ideas-for-men
0 notes
dandelliongirl · 7 years
Family Christmas
And heaps of snow.
December has been a wild ride. After my JLPT exam I spent a few days celebrating Independence day with mum and relaxing. The last couple of weeks before submitting my thesis were super busy with proofreading and reformulating a lot of my text. It was a tight schedule but I got it all submitted on the 15th - albeit super hastily. I’ve been both relieved and stressed because I’m happy it’s out of my hands for now but I also fear the feedback I’m going to get. I just hope I won’t have to do anything drastic to it. I do aim for the highest possible grade because I got one from my BA thesis and I’ve kind of set up expectations from all the good feedback I’ve gotten during the process. I want it to be worth the effort and the hours spent.
Dance recital came and went. Did not screw up anything, although the sole of my pointe shoe did snap in the last official show on Sunday evening. We had one extra show on Monday and the stage was littered with torn newspaper where I had to do a bunch of really quick pique turns on the shoe with a broken sole. I’ve never feared pirouettes as much as I did then but somehow I managed and didn’t break anything. Basically all size 5½ shoes were out of stock so I’m going to get a text message to schedule a fitting sometime this or next week.
My ballet gals and I had a little pre-Christmas party where we planned a lot of fun variations for next spring. We’re hopefully doing a pas de quatre from The Awakening of Flora, and me and my friend are doing the pizzicato polka. It’s up to our teachers and rehearsal schedules at this point though. We kind of already ordered a test tutu though and we’re super excited. Fingers crossed it’ll work out.
Christmas week was busy with a thorough Christmas cleaning. I cleared our kitchen cupboards from random used batteries, empty bottles and computer parts, organized our tools and office supplies, organized our walk in closet and bedroom closet, did two loads of laundry, cleaned the toilet, washed the floors and aired out all rugs and textiles. It took me three days and was super exhausting but also cathargic. On the 21st me and my friend went to see Star Wars VIII The Last Jedi. I didn’t really like the movie because of all the death and destruction and dark themes although I can totally see why it has been highly acclaimed. It was objectively a good movie but I just wasn’t feeling inspired or happy after it, which totally has more to do with me being oversensitive rather than anything else. I’m used to playing Animal Crossing and avoiding the news, how do you expect me to see so much death, destruction and depression. The original trilogy is so much more playful and because of the physical effects and stage props and tin can droids it’s easy to see it’s a work of fiction. Modern movie tech makes everything hit too close to home I guess.
I’ve been playing literal hundreds of hours of Animal Crossing Pocket Camp this month. I’m level 37 right now and hunting down Fauna to add to my campsite. I just got Marshal invited yesterday and gosh I love him so much. What an ABSOLUTE cutie pie.♥ I just wish the campers would give out more cotton since all rustic, cute and natural themed items require cotton...
I spent 5 total days with mum and dad over the Christmas holidays. We spent Christmas eve traditionally watching TV, going to place candles for my grand aunts’ grave and memorial stone, going to the sauna and eating an amazing dinner prepared by dad. We had a starter of fish and salad, a main of beetroot casserole, pork with a cream and pepper sauce, sweet potato fries, caramellized red onion with carrots, and a desert of crème brûlée with a mulled wine topping. The only thing that broke tradition this year was coming to spend some time with the bunny and letting him roam free for a while.
I got some really cool gifts even though I wasn’t supposed to get anything besides the insanely nice and expensive Clavinova piano. Dad got me a rad shirt with a dabbing unicorn and some really nice bluetooth headphones. Mum got me all the things that I wished for: a book, a big light box with letters and symbols, and a glass drinking bottle. I went to feed my friend’s cat on Christmas day so she got me the Lottie and Kicks amiibos. (Gosh I hope they make Leif and Luna amiibos at some point, they’re some of my fave NPCs right alongside K.K. Slider, Digby, Celeste and Reese&Cyrus. So basically all AC characters are my favourites lol. My fave villagers are Julian, Flurry and Marshal.) Grandpa gave me an adorable indoor thermometer he’s carved and painted himself and grandmum sent me 50€. My guy’s family got me a soup bowl with choclates in it and his grandpa knit me some new wool socks. They also got the bunny some sawdust for his litter and a bag of grass hay.
On Christmas day me, mum and dad went skiing. It’s been snowing like crazy and everything is so beautiful. It’s supposed to rain for a couple of days so I hope it won’t all melt away though. Skiing was so hard but not as hard as I thought it might be. It’ll take a few tries to get back in shape but we did around 5km, which is really good for a first time. Today we went and practically dug our summer house from a pile of snow. We had a little campfire going and we roasted sausages and had coffee/tea over there. I’ve been dreaming about our summer house a lot lately, and in my dreams it has been threatened by a bear, a leopard and a nearby prison. I’m sure it’s something to do with feeling threatened since the summer house is my safe place. Anyway it was really nice to visit and everything looked so pretty covered knee deep in snow.
I miss my boyfriend so much. I found out that he had skyped with his parents on Christmas and so I confronted him about why he hasn’t told me that he has a working video call connection. He told me he forgot, which obviously indicated that either he was lying or he did not want to, which is why it did not cross his mind to talk to me at any point. Eventually I managed to dig out that he’s been really homesick and Christmas was really hard for him. He also said that he isn’t sure if calling me would make him even more homesick. He’s been concerned about how strongly I’ve reacted to his exchange year. I can’t help it that I feel a lot of things and I was genuinely depressed for a month after he left. And I can’t help it that I do miss him a lot. But there is nothing I could do about it right now so I’m managing. And I’m learning how to be alone and how to be left alone. And I’m learning to be stronger and less selfish. In any case it does make me feel a bit easier to know that he is missing home as well. I would want to know that I’m loved and missed as well though, and it does make me really sad to think that he doesn’t necessarily miss me at all or want me back. I don’t know. I just want to feel loved because right now it feels like a really one sided relationship, and I feel like a backup plan or a safety net he’d like to get rid of but is too afraid to rather than too in love to. If it makes any sense? In any case I’m eternally grateful for my friend who’s been spending time with me weekly, and who’s coming to spend New Years with me. A true friend is so needed right now. And a fluffy bunny.
I’m both excited and anxious for 2018. I’m happy to make some resolutions and reflect on a lot of things at the end of 2017. In the New Year I’m definitely going to continue working on doing as I damn well please instead of fitting my schedules to everybody elses. I’m also thinking of travelling and taking advantage of this stage in-between but I don’t know where to go because my guy hasn’t invited to visit him and I’d like to have some company wherever it is that I’d go to. At the same time I’m definitely anxious regarding the big life changes of graduation and job hunting and everything that comes with becoming an actual adult of sorts. I know life will take me where I need to be and I’m a smart and savvy lady with brains and a working etiquette any employer would be happy to have. Still, there’s no-one who wouldn’t feel nervous in my position.
A few more days of 2017 remain and I’m going to enjoy video games, good company and hopefully some more skiing and winter nature. I also need to get the rest of my resolutions in check. It looks like melting New Years tins is going to be difficult as the EU has banned most tins.. We need to come up with a back up plan if we can’t find any leftover packages.
30 more minutes until new ACPC campers. I’m tired but Fauna is almost on level 7 and I’ve almost got the stuff she needs to join my campsite. I’m going to stay up and see if she’s there.
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Nightclub Athletics Are Injuring Young Athletes
Hot homages have actually been paid out by loved ones, co-workers and friends to the Guardian writer Dan Lucas, who died suddenly final weekend. If EA Athletics is planning to get rid of an underperforming certified title, this would certainly possess even more reason to sack its NBA franchise business, which is actually an extra expensive license, will definitely have more job to get into fighting condition, and after its embarrassing termination is actually now destroyed products in the eyes of many everyone - and all that's without NBA 2K, an item much even more before its own competitors than UFC Undisputed is actually coming from its. Things that is wonderful regarding this publication is actually the kid's uses his creative imagination to show how he will construct a cars and truck. See below to visit wide compilation of vehicle body system covers which is among one of the most significant auto exterior accessories. Apple is going to be actually contending against 29 various other providers that presently have The golden state allows to assess self-driving autos. I have a tendency today a days to only use muscular tissue auto for each of them, however the definition has modified.
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Typically communicating you'll probably discover your finest accessible price at your neighborhood bank or credit union. This is what taking part in sporting activity and physical recreation may do for you right now and later on too. Children at this age will learn from exactly what they view far more compared to any kind of description of just what to perform. Moms and dads, which can easily conduct the correct fundamentals when playing with their children, are offering their little ones a much better odds from very early sporting activity development along with these appropriate display screens. By doing this, you may buy a motor vehicle and start getting a really good begin on developing your credit rating. Yet near the back of the April problem, you'll additionally locate in-depth information on utilized cars. One other way to properly clear away car dents without triggering any damage to the auto's coating task is by taking advantage of a block of solidified carbon dioxide. Athletics medicine professionals must always consider the strength and bodily requirements of the athlete's sport, all unbiased professional evidence, and the chance as well as extent from harm off athletic engagement offered the athlete's disorder. That 2004 emphasis may not be actually one of the most expensive cars and truck, or fastest but perhaps that is actually the cars and truck they last used along with there friend in just before a passing, or even the last one they took on a family trip as well as now they reach appreciate this day-to-day. Visualize a future where all cars and trucks can be guided through a core visitor traffic administration device and jams would pretty much be actually a thing of the past. Dark fish are normally captured with palm pipes from a watercraft, though your correct sportsperson prefers his pole - a strong one some twelve or fifteen feet long. These clip-on earphones are comfortable, along with definitely good-quality rubberised clips. 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Previous NFL gamer for the Tampa florida Bay Buccaneers, Randy Grimes, uses his sports fame to take the concern out right into the available. That implies a couple of points: This is achievable to maintain browsing and also looking for a leasing till a less expensive quote is actually located. In reality, in the absolute most expensive condition to have vehicle, prices are actually $4,088 higher than the national standard to acquire and also have a car for 3 years. This high expense, plus extra expensive gas, makes Washington costly for automobile proprietors, regardless of lower-than-average car insurance coverage fees and routine maintenance expenses. You'll have to make a decision which Apple Check out Sporting activity different colors in order to get, as the entry-level wearable can be found in 4 other shades: Silver, Space Gray, Flower Gold, and also Gold. Get More Info does not strive to appear like an unique electricity vehicle, that is actually just a really good appearing auto that features electric as well as fuel power. In Realistic Summer Sports Simulation, gamers can participate (alone or even along with around 3 close friends) in some unique Olympic Gamings, where trials are actually passed in the most ridiculous means feasible. That takes the benefit from the smartphone's wheelchair to permit you take any visa or mastercard payment anytime, anywhere.
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gayaspheck · 7 years
Needed - a Phan ‘journal’
So, this is my first phanfiction in a while... it’s based on my life and I’ll be (hopefully) updating this daily!
Friday, 27th October, 2017
Trigger warning: depression
It happened at recess. Dan had been joking around with Chris, PJ, and Phil, calling PJ 'daddy'. PJ smirked at him while Phil buried himself in a book, blushing. Dan didn't understand why Phil was blushing, but he wasn't able to ponder it long because of a comment that Chris made.
It was common knowledge that if the group were to ever split apart, it would split into Chris and PJ and Dan and Phil. It was also no surprise to any of the four when, straight after the semester break, Chris had started jokingly calling PJ 'daddy'.
Chris explained it, saying that they had gotten together over the holidays and he was just being a little fucker. That was understandable, considering that this was Chris, but it made Dan feel a sense of loneliness.
It had been almost a year since the 14 year old had dated anyone, and it was a little weird for him. He had always been able to go out with two or three people every year since about year 5, for a few months at a time, genuinely feeling something. So when he entered year 9 and suddenly couldn't get a boyfriend or girlfriend, he was a little... lonely.
Sure, he had great friends, and the person closest to him was Phil, but he just wanted someone to love, someone that he could hug and kiss and vent his feelings to.
That was probably what started all of this mess.
"Dan, do you wanna get wet?" PJ asked Dan from up on the table. Dan had been annoying the crap out of the rest of the group, leaning against a pole with his legs covering the entirety of a seat.
"Sure, daddy." He told PJ with a smirk, watching as he rolled his eyes.
"Well it would've happened anyway because you're not moving your giraffe legs." He retorted, leaning over so that his arms were over Dans lower legs and squirting water from his water bottle onto his hands, probably to wash them.
"Thanks daddy, it's hot today and your water is nice and cool." He laughed, pulling his legs closer to his chest and wiping the water off.
"Oh shut up Dan, don't call PJ 'daddy' just because no one loves you." Chris shot at him. Dan was shocked, to say the least. Chris had never said anything that mean before, and so casually.
Dan glanced over at Phil, seeing that he was still hiding in his book. He sighed, letting his legs slide back down the seat and leaning his back against the pole.
He had been feeling pretty good recently, and all because of that one comment, he wanted to cry.
"Sure, Chris." He mumbled so that only he himself could hear. It was true though, no one loved him. That much was obvious. He was too clingy and desperate, never wanting to let go of the relationship after his partner broke it off.
He grabbed his phone, pulling up his music and shoving the headphones in his ears. He didn't want to listen to any of their conversation, he didn't want to move, he didn't want to do anything.
He could tell that someone was trying to catch his eye, but he didn't care. He just opened Tumblr, deciding that wasting his data was the best option right now. Stupid school blocking literally everything.
He lay his head on the table, turning his music up a little and getting lost in Tumblr for the rest of recess. The comment from Chris kept replaying in his mind, always louder than the music though, making his mood lower and lower.
The bell went seemingly far too late, and Dan didn't want to move. He was fine moping at their bench, and class meant that he would have to participate and talk to other humans. The only human he wanted to talk to right now was Phil, or maybe Louise, but he couldn't for at least one session.
He was in the same elective class as Louise, but they had Dance after recess, which Louise loved. Dan hated it however, not finding the enjoyment people got from dancing. He just couldn't do it, his legs and feet and hips not doing what his brain wanted, causing him to get way too irritable and way too upset. So he just sat in the corner for the whole lesson, reading and videoing Louise (and Cat occasionally) because they were so talented.
Their next class was Drama, which Dan actually enjoyed. He was upset though, and all he wanted was a hug from Phil. He needed to feel wanted, he needed to know that what Chris said surely couldn't be true.
They had just started learning a scripted performance, and it was tough for Dan to focus. The only upside was that once he did manage to focus, his focus wasn't breaking. He got lost in the script, acting it out over and over with Louise, Cat, and another girl he didn't know too well, her name might have been Dolly.
And suddenly it was lunch, meaning that he'd have to sit with Chris again. He couldn't do that. He couldn't put up with Chris' shit again.
He power walked to their table, sighing softly when he saw that Phil was already there. He didn't want to hurt Phil's feelings, but he knew that Chris wouldn't be moving away from the table, and he didn't want to force Phil to.
"I'm just gonna sit around the back today." He murmured as he walked past Phil, sending him a small smile before heading around the back of a building. Almost like clockwork, Chris and PJ showed up, loud and obnoxious as ever.
Dan sighed, cranking his music up as loud as it could go and glaring at his remaining food. He wasn't hungry, he didn't want to eat. Maybe his weight was part of why no one wanted him. Despite only being a tiny 45kgs, he could easily see a stomach on himself.
He watched as Chris, PJ and Phil went on the road behind the building and hid his face in his hand, scrolling through a book on his phone with the other.
"You okay?" Dan heard Phil ask over his music. He nodded, not looking up in case they saw the tears brimming in his eyes. Why couldn't he get lost in his book and music like he usually could?
Chris said plenty of mean things constantly, yet that was the one breaking Dan.
The last two sessions of the day went by pretty quickly, seeing as they were only debating like they did every Friday. Dan only participated because everyone had to say at least one thing, but at least it was a thing he agreed with.
After school, Adrian had a football game and Dans stepmum was still at work, meaning he was home alone. He bluetoothed his phone to the TV and started blaring his music at a level that surely couldn't be good for his hearing. Dan shut his eyes, laying on the couch with his phone on charge and access to anything he wanted, with his favourite songs deafening him. It was like his own personal heaven.
He got a text from Phil, making him smile. He'd briefly dated Phil the past year, so he should be over him by now. It had been over a year, and the relationship had only lasted a couple weeks.
They talked for a bit, Dan bragging about having the house to himself for hours straight and Phil saying that he wished he was there with Dan. Dan wished that too.
He got hungry at around 9pm, so he decided to be a productive human and cook himself some potato gems. Nothing could possibly go wrong when you're deafening yourself to your favourite music and talking to your favourite person whilst trying to cook.
Dan was surprised when that was the case, remembering about his potato gems in the oven at the perfect time. This was another thing he bragged about to Phil, and his smile grew when Phil praised him on his perfect timing.
Dans stepmum came home too early in Dans eyes, causing him to turn off his music and switch to Netflix. Not long after, his dad and Adrian got home, making Dan have to stop using the TV altogether. He went pretty much straight to his room, not wanting to interact with any of them.
He lay awake in his room for hours, trying not to let his depression overcome him, only failing a little bit. A few tears slipped from his eyes which he wiped away hastily, turning his light off. He knew he shouldn't have stayed up so late, especially since he had to play football the next day, but sleep was too hard to even contemplate with the state of mind he was in. It did come eventually, but only because Tumblr had nothing to offer him that wasn't making his mental health spiral downwards.
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