#but also having zero artistic talent
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jtl-fics · 1 year
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My fanart of Prince Andrew for @emry-stars-art Royal AU.
Andrew going through it feeling things for Abram.
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yes-prisoner · 1 year
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[template taken from here.]
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watchyourdigits · 1 year
I don't want a "modern" actor/actress as a faceclaim or reference for my 1950s-based OC. I want people from that time period, goddammit!
fr I'm about to make my own "faceclaim" directory with exclusively actors/actresses who were in films before the year 1965. I'll need to do some research, of course. And this will certainly take quite some time, but I think it'll be well worth it.
Like, I'm just absolutely sick and goddamn tired of trying to search "1950s actress with DARK HAIR AND DARK EYES FOR CHRIST'S SAKE" into Google and getting the same three (3) people!!
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genderisareligion · 8 months
While Megan Thee Stallion and Nicki Minaj are having very public beef and while I really appreciate Megan's talent for what it is I wanna take this time to spotlight my favorite unproblematic female rapper who's been at it 10+ years whose lyrical mastery alone deserves 500% of the fame Megan and Nicki have:
Angel Haze
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Who also released new music this week and it's 🔥 as usual
Proudly bisexual but prefers and frequently raps about relationships with women, in a deep and meaningful way. "Back To The Woods" (2015) was written after a public breakup and remains my go to heal from heartbreak album
Proudly GNC and I've seen her up close IRL and can confirm she's hot as sin
Not gonna get too into my issue with dick worship in female rap which Megan though I love her is guilty of but Angel here is the much needed antidote. Zero pandering to sex appeal and constantly shitting on men for being worse than her but more famous (she's right). Like I still don't think I've heard her reference dick even once which is a miracle out here
Proudly Native American (Cherokee) and self taught in Tsalagi language
Took Eminem's "Cleaning Out My Closet" and turned it into a brutally honest manifesto about surviving CSA and religious trauma
Fantastic fine artist and painter (always does the cover art)
Can sing her own hooks and kills them
Chill/normal on social media, minds her own business and great to fans (liked several of the comments I've left her)
I really need more people to get into her music, part of why she won't ever blow up like Megan despite (no disrespect it's just facts) absolutely bodying her lyrically is because she's so GNC
If you have a few minutes check out "Gxmes" 🖤
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ohnoitstbskyen · 8 months
So, considering what's going on with Riot right now, do you think Arcane Season 2 got caught up in all of this restructuring?
Yes and no. Arcane season 2 is part of the reason for the restructuring.
As I understand it, internally at Riot, after Arcane was a huge (and more importantly: prestigious!) success, the decision was made to basically hand the entirety of the game's lore and story over to the Entertainment division within Riot. These are the people in large part responsible for projects like Arcane, K/DA, Heartsteel, that animated series China got, all that sort of thing.
The writers at Riot were basically told to flat out stop producing new content and lore for the game - that's why there's BEEN no new story content for League for over a year - because everything was going to be consolidated under the Entertainment division from now on. This is why Riot started talking about "One Runeterra" and "Arcane is going to be canon" and so on.
The success of Arcane convinced executives that what League of Legends needs is a singular cohesive brand with its most successful public property leading the charge, Arcane is going to be the gateway drug, the hook on the end of the line that brings new players and new paying customers into the exciting world of the League of Legends multimedia IP universe!
Nevermind that Arcane's story and worldbuilding is fundamentally incompatible with >checks notes< the overwhelming majority of Runeterra as it exists and enormous compromises would have to be made to either the world of Runeterra or Arcane itself to make it work. Arcane is the big shiny prestigious mainstream Emmy-award winning project that every executive wants to put their name next to, and like companies Pivoting To Video in 2015 because Facebook showed them inflated viewership stats, Riot Games is Pivoting To Arcane. It's better than them pivoting to crypto and NFTs, at least, although I know for a fact that high ranking people at Riot tried to make that happen too.
Now, the primary cause for all of these games industry layoffs is that interest rates aren't zero anymore. Borrowing money isn't free, the curve of constant growth has ever so slightly slowed, taking on debt is becoming a little tiny bit more risky than it was previously, and corporations are responding to this with massive rounds of layoffs and constriction to show "financial responsibility" and prove to shareholders that they are prioritizing core growth strategies and blah blah blah etc. They're also trying to kneecap the growing labor movement in the games industry and exert downwards pressure on wages, but the interest rates seem to have been the main thing.
In Riot's particular case, a secondary reason is they want to pivot the focus of the company to support their One Runeterra pipe dream, so a lot of the people who got fired at Riot are writers, artists, creative leads and sometimes extremely senior and successful staff who are now surplus to requirements. This is also why Riot shut down Riot Forge in the same round of layoffs - can't have a bunch of talented indie devs going off making video games that don't adhere to the new One Runeterra policy. What if someone played Mageseeker and got confused how there can be mages all over Demacia but somehow there are no mages in Arcane's Piltover and Zaun. That's a plot hole! People write snarky articles about that sort of thing. It turns off new consumers! What if Cinema Sins makes a video making fun of it?!?
So yeah. A bunch of cocaine-addled fame hungry executive vultures at Riot are absolutely gagging on their own d*cks to put their name next to Arcane related projects, and since they were going to be screwing hundreds of people out of their careers, healthcare, and in some cases their fucking visa status anyway, it seems to have presented a nice opportunity to clear the board for their latest Visionary Scheme for the company IP.
That is as I understand the situation, anyway. I'm a bitter old man and most of what I hear is second hand and anonymous gossip through my social networks, take what I say with a grain of salt, but I've followed this company for (oh god) twelve years now and I have developed a tragically keen understanding of how its executive class operates.
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kanmom51 · 2 months
JM #1 Billboard achievement
Congrats JM for #1 Billboard Global and Billboard Global 200!!!
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Not a surprise, like at all.
All of the new released Muse songs ranked within the Global 200 chart as well!!!
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And Muse as an album raking #2 in Billboard World Album chart.
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Amazing achievement for JM who not only is tucked away in a remote base doing his army service, but also barely actively participated in any of the promotions for this album and songs.
Yes, there was promotional content pre-recorded, but other than that his presence was close to zero.
Look at the stark difference between his lack of activity and RM's with his album and online presence or Tae just being constantly online and also actively promoting his book.
This is the strength of JM, his talent, his creation, but also the strength of his fan base, those who love him. I have said this before and I will say this again. JM gets a hell of a lot of hate thrown his way. But he is also one of the, if not the most loved members of BTS. Haters are loud and vile and we see their presence because of that. But this here is proof of how much JM is loved, adored. And his fans, some louder and some quieter, their purchase power, the lengths they will go to for JM is immeasurable.
And be assured that JM knows it. He knows he's hated (just like JK knows he is and let us know that he does), but he also knows just how much he is loved!!!
One last thing I wanted to add here, and that is regarding the stark difference between the global charts and the US exclusive Billboard 100 chart...
But I guess that was to be expected now with the changes made to their rules after JM shocked the bejeebers out of them reaching #1 Billboard 100 with Like crazy.
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I will be totally honest here with you guys.
Unlike RM, Face is my favourite album. It being so so personal, him showing us his vulnerability, his struggles was a big part of it. Perhaps also being his solo debut and just being a bad ass album was another part of it.
Don't get me wrong, I do love Muse, have it on repeat in my Spotify playlist. Rebirth being my favourite song (see, RM and I do agree on something, lol), but out of the two, it's Face for me. Nothing will beat Like crazy for me. 🤷🏼
Either way, JM is an amazing artist and deserves this success.
I'm so happy for him!!!
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000marie198 · 1 year
I love it how in the movies and shows, it is never explicitly mentioned that Hiccup and Snotlout are cousins but it is shown throughout the franchise in little moments so accurately that when you tell a fan they are cousins, there is zero doubt. Their whole dynamic screams cousins, whether it be them trying to freaking destroy the other in the funniest ways or caring about the other while still throwing around insults.
That aside, what I really wanted to point out is how similar some of their skills are. A proof they are cousins is that they share some very specific talents that most people on Berk don't have, talents that match in almost a familial manner.
You guys all know Hiccup's perks and personality and talents right? Well, lemme point out some of Snotlout's and see how they match his cousin's.
A strange combination of Loyal to a fault and Rebellious to a fault. This perk doesn't just apply on Snotlout, Hiccup is like this too but in his own way. It depends on the situation and person and their mood most importantly. Hiccup would sneak out to hunt for trolls and go into forest or try and train dragons or sneak out to go on flights when he's not supposed to etc. And Snotlout would trust and listen and have his team's and leader's back even if he doesn't seem to like it at points. He cares about his friends so much (seriously, go watch the entirety of the DreamWorks Dragons series)
Inventive and artistic. Snotlout works at the armoury at the beginning of RTTE, he also invented the sheep launcher. He's also pretty good at stitching. And I'm preeeetty sure he's able to forge his own weapons and armor now same as Hiccup.
Amateur writers who're actually pretty good. Hiccup's narrations are always fun to listen to and they also indicate that he has a knack for being a writer. In an episode of RTTE, Snotlout wrote a book that the gang found to be pretty good. And while Hiccup has artistic skills in drawing and painting and sketching, Snotlout is good at designing and aesthetics.
They both have a strange tendency to go and get hit on the head by lightning. Actually, lightning really seems to love these two.
Interestingly enough, Snotlout is also shown to be pretty persuasive and encouraging to others when needed, whether it be giving a scared kid a peptalk or talking some sense into someone who's being reckless and stubborn.
Tendency to plan something extremely reckless and crazy when there's a time crunch and those plans surprisingly work. Yes, both Hiccup and Snotlout do that quite often.
They love dragons! And yes, I'm aware that by now, the whole gang loves dragons but Hiccup loves them even more. He is obsessed with them and wants to keep them safe, he cares about these creatures so so much! While the other riders love their dragons more than anybody else but not as much as Hiccup, Snotlout cares about dragons almost in a similar way to how Hiccup and Valka do. He sings lullabies to baby fireworms and is so gentle with them. In The Eel Effect, he went into Hiccup mode with a terrible terror (just before he shook the poor guy but that besides the point) and was giving a speech to start a dragon revolution because he appreciates these creatures and genuinely believes they should be treated with full respect
That is all to say, even if it isn't directly told in the movie-verse, it is shown throughout that Hiccup and Snotlout are cousins and both even have some traits and talents in common
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mosaickiwi · 7 months
14DWY As a Drama AU
Hey remember when I said I’d post this in February oopsies!! (don’t ask me about demon!ren i will cry)
Open at your own risk this thing is LONG. Tried to give everyone at least a little something! upon putting this in my drafts i realized olivia exists i'll add her at some point uhhh. Also you can tell how much I love Elanor... hehe
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
The cult classic romantic thriller, 14 Days With You, is now a drama! Coming to all your favorite streaming platforms this summer. A whirlwind romance gone right and wrong that you DON’T want to miss.
Cast List
🖤 Quiet kid that used the after school theater program to delay returning home. Never wanted to perform, but loved doing costumes, make up, and correcting others (in his mind) on how to portray their roles. 
🖤 Spent a little extra time perfecting the costumes of a certain someone who didn't even know they existed. He always traded house chores with his sister so she'd sit in the audience to solely film Tree #2's performance.
🖤 Was an apprentice special effects makeup artist after graduation at first, particularly for horror films, but it didn't exactly pay the bills when they left home.
🖤 Easily rose to the top in their acting career due to his dedication for crafting characters to perfection. 
🖤 Dolly Parton/Lady Gaga-esque in their separation of work and life—completely unrecognizable in their regular civilian attire. Paparazzi have never gotten a picture of them in all their years trying.
🖤 Has zero issues getting into character, but does "method acting" on occasion to make sure people leave them alone on set. And also to fuck with directors and producers they don't like. Notoriously difficult to work with because of it + their overall attitude towards others, still gets hired somehow.
🖤 Got offered the role as the main love interest in 14DWY without an audition, thanks to a previous manipulative pink haired character he played in a film that ended up never being released. (2017 Ren because it's funny)
 Angel (you!)
💜 Participated in the same after school theater program as [REDACTED] and Leon for a few semesters before you got bored of it. Curiosity for acting resurfaced later in life.
💜 Newbie actor at the recently formed talent agency of your friend. Only starred as non-speaking roles or background characters in small productions until the drama. You moved back to Corland Bay after uni for the better industry prospects.
💜 You initially auditioned for a very small role in the drama as an employee in a seaside shop at first, but somehow you wound up as the lead? (un)lucky you.
💜 Feel free to fill in the blank for any whys and hows you think of to fit your OC/self/sona as you so please <3
💖 Normally an actress and casting director, first time as an executive producer for the drama. Dreams of bringing her own romantic screenplays to life. Hasn't quite proven herself the way she wants in the industry to feel confident enough in them. 
💖 Catalyst for the drama being made. A "friend" mistakenly recommended the 14DWY book to her. She absolutely loathes all the psychological horror of it but sees the potential it has.
💖 Also the reason [REDACTED] was immediately cast, and you as well once she saw your chemistry with him while reading for a minor role. He hadn't shown a fraction of as much interest when reading lines with other potential candidates, so she decided to take the risk of an untested talent as the headliner.
💖 Refuses to use her family's name to get her stuff made. She wants her works to speak for themselves. Very picky about who she works with due to her family having hands in most of Corland's entertainment industry so she hardly gets a genuine interaction beyond ass-kissing.
💖 Always partial to working with Conan's small studio since he was the only director to give her any sort of criticism in spite of her family, as gentle and polite as it was. She still cried a little in the dressing room though.
💖 Genuine confusion when Conan wants her to act as both a producer and assist with direction. She only intended to bring it to his interest. But how could she say no to someone whose judgment and opinion she respects so much?
💖 Runs and owns a small scale studio in the Bay that seems to pick and choose its productions at random. It is in fact Alice sneaking into her dad's home office and putting scented stickers on the ones she likes. (She only reads the titles)
💖 Extremely proud of Elanor for getting so far on her own, and would take on one of her dozens of scripts no questions asked if she'd only work up the courage to show him one. So imagine his surprise when she comes to him with a romantic horror instead of one of the fairy tale romances he sees her scribbling notes on during breaks.
💖 While he’s the one with the final say, he does try to let Elanor have as much free reign as possible on the project in the hopes to boost her confidence.
💖 A super-star actress and model that got her start in Corland’s local industry, but quickly hit it big. 
💖 When she isn’t drowning in work, she’ll swing through town to check in on her sister.
💖 Desperately wants to star in one of Elanor’s productions, but respects her sister’s desire for independence. Though she does like to tease about certain casting decisions on the drama when made aware of them.
the rest of the cast are unfortunately very silly i couldn't resist
💖 Started a talent agency out of spite for the terrible castings in their favorite media. Got further invested upon realizing they could read the scripts before the movies or show adaptations were even announced.
💖 The one who pushed you to audition for a minor role in the production once the rumor about who was cast as the main love interest reaches them. They've heard all the horror stories about [REDACTED] so wanted the inside scoop. Horrified and fascinated to find out you get the lead role. It’s like watching a train wreck.
💖 Joined the theater program initially because of you, but got really into it. Moved away to attend a performing arts school until his mother got sick.
💖 Took every wacky infomercial or street performance gig he could find to pay the hospital bills until Teo found out and swooped in.
💖 Eternally grateful for the burden of financial ruin being relieved, so he always accepts the jobs Teo gets for him. He definitely won’t complain since he’s not dressed in an animal costume and shouting nonsensical slogans for cleaning products.
💖 Met Leon through a shared production and quickly bonded. Attended a different performing arts school and met Jae as a child.
💖 Almost the exact opposite of his game character purely for the funnies. Shy, introverted, can’t flirt to save his life. Still a nepo baby but he can hold his own in acting. Doesn’t like his character much, but is extremely jealous of the confidence he oozes.
💖 Leon and Jae are his only friends in the industry so he uses his sway to get them parts if they haven't already gotten a call back. Gets REALLY nervous on set for certain roles so he needs their support.
💖 Attended the same school as Teo when they were kids, and is constantly pitching intentionally bad ideas and joking on set to reassure his friend.
💖 A little bit of a thrill seeker, so does all his own small stunts if he thinks he’s capable. Stands there and gawks watching the more extreme stunts, loudest to clap when they go well.
💖 Kept bringing Maple to the shoots cause how could he even think about leaving her at home? She would occasionally break her leash and wander into a scene for head scratches and kisses. The film crew always booed when a PA came to take her off set.
💖 Completely terrible at caring for plants. Inspired by her role, she starts vlogging about her plant mom journey before shooting even begins. All her advice is completely wrong and terrible. Her personal assistant keeps her in the dark by tending to the plants themselves to fix her mistakes.
💖 Finds out she has a talent for flower arrangement, though. Does thank you vases for the cast and crew on all her future productions that last a lifetime because her PA made sure all the flowers were fake.
(silly on set shenanigans)
🎬 Scenes get retaken quite a bit, since you’re still extremely new to it all. Most of the cast and crew expect anger out of [REDACTED] after the 4th call for a re-shoot on the first day’s library scene, but he’s surprisingly cracking jokes about his dye job and reassuring you that you’re doing great. The infamously ill-tempered actor is smiling somehow… even being patient? Not glaring down his co-star for minor slip ups? They cannot recognize this person.
🎬 Violet and [REDACTED] naturally butt heads on set. She respects their acting, not the actor. Zero hesitation to snap back if he’s getting snarky with a PA. You’re the one people have to beg to separate them, and you’re completely baffled that [REDACTED] doesn’t treat others as nicely as he treats you.
🎬 Even though Elanor is a nervous wreck about the first real thing to ultimately make or break her career, she’s scarily efficient on set—as long as no one distracts her. She does get sidetracked once in a while, only because she loves chatting and answering any questions the cast or crew might have. She even brings one of her own cats to set during a slower day to see if they can get along with Maple. Leaves Conan in charge when the horror scenes are being shot. They’re both put off by how vivid they feel, but Conan at least can grin and bear it. 
🎬 You and Leon manage to catch up on set while [REDACTED] is otherwise occupied shooting said horror scenes. You tease him about a few infomercials you saw when looking up his actor reel, and Leon teases you back about your unlucky streak of being a tree or a rock in every play the theater program put on when y’all were younger. Laughs even harder once he finds out your most prominent roles until then were “unnamed zombie #5 at the bottom of the pile” and “sleeping train passenger.”
🎬 Try as he might, [REDACTED] doesn’t convince Elanor to change up a few crucial parts of the script for his benefit. His offhand threats of leaving the production fall on deaf ears, as she is all too happy to do re-shoots to make Teo the lead. His innocent hints to you about the shoddy script fly over your head for some reason! You love how it's turning out, what does he mean?
🎬 Super shy Teo prefaces and warns his co-stars before acting in every scene of his character being excessively flirty. Most of the actors have worked with him at some point or another beforehand, so they let him go through his routine without issue. Some crew members love the whiplash of him switching between overly courteous and smarmy, others vastly prefer the flirty character and mourn the loss as production comes to a close.
The Build Up
📺 The higher ups pressure Violet to start a short-lived streaming career to boost interest, since she’s hopeless with plants. She amasses a cult following for her MMO reviews, blind raids on new patches, and her wild ride of a Minecraft playthrough. In the end she winds up preferring to play games off stream, but once in a blue moon she’ll do a first time raid stream so her more dedicated fans can join and watch her alliance get wiped. Creative trolling is highly encouraged.
📺 Teo, Jae, and Leon appear on a late night TV show for promotion. It was meant to be for Teo and [REDACTED] at first. (Where’s the leading lover? [REDACTED] refused all promo appearances or sit downs without you being involved in them.) The host plays a clip that Teo’s particularly embarrassed about, and he hides his face in shame when the crowd hoots and hollers praise about his portrayal.
📺 [REDACTED] comes across as doting and overprotective of you once you’re pushed into the spotlight of celebrity, and shows increasingly concerning behaviors as the premiere looms closer. Depending on your response, they’ll back off to a point or dial it up. Interviewers and consumers mistake it as the eccentric actor’s “method acting” so the red flags just slide right past.
📺 Elanor and Conan guest star in a podcast for off-the-cuff romance enthusiasts. Their strangely cagey and joking comments like “there were so many retakes we couldn’t keep track of what was meant to be the actors messing around or part of the final cuts,” and “we’ve actually sent all the reviewers 1 of 14 versions with completely different endings,” leave listeners all the more curious to see the film.
The Climax
🎉 Reception is huge, in good ways for most. The majority of the cast see a surge in popularity if they didn’t already from the hype. 
🎉 Teo bemoans his endless offerings for sarcastic pretty boy jobs, Leon makes enough to get picky about his roles (and pay Teo back), Jae somehow cons a studio into an action film starring Maple—and subsequently adopts every single one of her stunt doubles. 
🎉 Moth throws the agency away to start adapting anime and manga themselves. Elanor finally feels validated enough to bring one of her romantic screenplays to the big screen, starring her sister Kiara and a very enthusiastic Violet as the leading couple. 
🎉 Conan’s studio is overloaded with scripts, and Alice runs out of scented stickers that much quicker. They are severely backlogged send help.
🎉 One determined conspiracy theorist sets out to prove those missing 13 versions of the ending are real, based on minor cuts and inconsistencies purposefully left in the public release.
The End, Roll Credits
choose your own ending
Bad End 💔 - A Falling Star
💔 If you respond negatively to [REDACTED]’s demeanor during shoots and promo: he plays the waiting game, uses his connections and blackmail to make sure all your roles without his name attached don’t garner nearly as much attention as the ones where you’re co-stars.
💔 Your negotiating power quickly plummets as you fall out of demand and end up begging just for the non-speaking roles you once loathed.
💔 The careers of anyone you got close to on set fall apart much faster than yours, before they’re outright blacklisted in the industry.
💔 You begrudgingly call up your last option. He can’t do much for your friends, but their offer to help you make a comeback is always open.
Neutral End 💌 - Just One More Try
💌 If you respond indifferently to [REDACTED]’s demeanor: the drama leads to you getting more offers, though a handful are for playing opposite of [REDACTED], as the on-screen chemistry was too much for studios to ignore for cash grabs.
💌 Elanor has rid herself of the drama’s subsequent rights, despite positive reception, so a sequel sprouts up in the works at a different studio. One that doesn’t mind catering to the whims of their actors when it comes to script integrity.
💌 You arrive on the set to find that not just one, but all of your cast mates except for them were written to have much smaller parts in the sequel. In fact, you rarely find a scene in the revised script where [REDACTED] isn’t alongside you.
💌 Sadly the contract is air tight, just put up with it until it’s over… What’s this clause about further sequels?
Good End 💍 - Off Into the Sunset
💍 If you respond positively to [REDACTED]’s demeanor: you’ll sadly announce at the post premiere press conference that acting was a one-and-done adventure for you. Retired effective immediately, no farewell interviews.
💍 You’re spotted around town for a few weeks in a mask with a tall, darkly dressed companion at your side before you disappear from the public eye and Corland Bay all together.
💍 A few of your friends at least have an idea of where you are, and they meet up with you whenever you're in a nearby city. None of them can recognize the man glued to your side, though. Not that he'd say anything to clue them in.
💍 After months of near inactivity, [REDACTED] mysteriously deletes their socials without a word, sparking confusion and outrage among hardcore fans still desperately hoping for a sequel.
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pinguincic · 8 months
I know it may seem like a pretty problematic choice, but I would really like to see Andrew Koji as Kuai Liang in the next Mortal Kombat movie and I have a few reasons why I would like him to be cast:
1- Andrew looks a little bit like Kuai Liang from MK11:
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In his role as Storm Shadow, even without a beard and with the scar on his eye, he looks like Kuai Liang, he even gives an air of a young Kuai Liang.
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2-He has excellent chemistry with Joe Taslim:
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In the Warrior series you can see the incredible chemistry that both have and they are very good friends in real life. I feel like the relationship they have would help make the fact that Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are brothers believable, it would even feel more natural. Can you imagine a flashback of both brothers in the Lin Kuei played by these two?
3- He also has incredible chemistry with Hiroyuki Sanada:
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In the movie Bullet Train they both play the role of father and son, and despite the little time on screen that we saw them interact together, their chemistry was simply incredible and perfect. With Mr. Sanada being confirmed as Scorpion for the sequel, and knowing all the development that this pair will have until they become allies, wouldn't it be incredible to see them both together again this time playing out the biggest and best-known rivalry in the entire game?
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4-Andrew deserves more recognition:
Seeing what an incredible martial artist and actor he is thanks to his role in Warrior I feel like he hasn't made a name for himself in the industry yet despite also acting in Bullet Train and Snake Eyes and it's sad because he really He deserves people to recognize the incredible talent he has and I feel like a role like Sub Zero in a commercial movie like Mortal Kombat would really help boost his career.
I know that this casting choice is even controversial because Andrew is not Chinese but Japanese and the film has greatly respected the ethnicities of the characters in the saga and I am very happy about this, so I want it to be clear that this is just a fancast and It is something that I would like to happen and they will not listen to me for that reason. Any actor cast in the future for the role will make me happy and satisfied because Kuai Liang is another of my favorite characters in the game despite the fact that many believe otherwise, and whoever plays him in the future will have my support since at the end of the day he will give life to a character that is dear to me.
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
this night together - chapter seven (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter seven: any time now
chapter summary: things are finally back to normal, but how long can that really last?
warnings: references to a/b/o dynamics such as heat and knotting and designations, general reader horny thoughts, masturbation
notes: major love for everyone who's been so patient while i worked on this chapter and this fic in general. i've been going through it recently, but hopefully this is a little fun one before we get back to the smut and angst ♡
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader.......... but we're also featuring some alpha!seonghwa x reader, omega!wooyoung x reader (platonic)
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 9.7K
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
“No, no I’m telling you,” Hongjoong asserts, his eyes full of passion as he leans across the table, “Bowie was the greatest artist of our time. Period.” 
It's at this exact moment that you can see Seonghwa’s eyes go fuzzy as he realizes he’s introduced two of the more argumentative and passionate people he’s ever met to each other, and now he has to live with the consequences. And it’s not even like you and Hongjoong disagree, in reality you’re mostly just agreeing with each other - just loudly and with excitable hand gestures. 
You start going down the deep rabbit hole of Hongjoong’s musical preferences again and Seonghwa starts to look for a natural place to cut in, you can see it on his face, but you’re too focused on debating which of Bowie’s albums is actually the greatest of all time to even care. It’s only the second time you’ve met him, but it clicked with him quickly, and despite barely knowing him, here you are. 
“Favorite era?” Hongjoong recaptures your attention and you lean back in your seat. 
“This is hard,” You admit. 
“Mhm,” Hongjoong takes a sip of his drink and leans forward on the table, “there’s a right answer.” 
“Are we talking style or music?” You counter back. 
“You two,” Seonghwa groans, “I’m getting a headache,” 
“Shush,” Hongjoong slaps his friend’s arm softly, “you wanted us to be friends, right?” 
“At what cost,” Seonghwa smirks as he knocks back his drink. 
“Style or music,” You repeat, nudging Hongjoong. 
“Style,” He narrows his eyes. 
“Thin white duke,” You answer with zero hesitation. 
“Oh,” Seonghwa laughs, “you would,” 
“What?” You laugh, “What could that possibly say about me?” 
Seonghwa shrugs but Hongjoong nods, “He’s right,” 
“Sure,” You roll your eyes. 
“You like a man in a suit, that’s what it says,” Hongjoong laughs, “but I would have picked Berlin era.” 
“So we both like a man in a suit,” You nod at him. 
“You got me there,” He laughs, running a hand through his shock of blue hair. 
“I never hear music like that anymore,” You comment and Hongjoong smiles. 
“I’d love to produce something like that,” He admits, “but you need someone with a much stronger vocal range for that.” 
Seonghwa nods along, and it’s clear it’s not the first time he’s heard this sentiment from Hongjoong. 
“Stronger than the idols KQ has now?” You ask, your eyebrow raised. 
He nods, “It’s not that they’re not good, everyone’s very talented and I enjoy working with them… but the chance to work with someone one in a million is different,” 
“I could see that,” You concede. You don’t know much about music production or vocal performance, but you know a one in a million voice when you hear it. 
“You won’t have to wait long from the buzz I’m hearing,” Seonghwa drops his voice to a bit of a hushed tone even though there’s considerable space between your table and anyone else. 
“I’m not holding my breath,” Hongjoong says, “I don’t want to get my hopes up,” 
“I know it’s a longshot,” Seonghwa offers, “but I’m hearing good things,”
“Me too,” Hongjoong says, “but nothing’s on paper yet, so you know how these things go.” 
“So…” You give them a pointed expression. 
“Right,” Seonghwa leans in, “KQ is currently courting a big name from a group that just disbanded,” 
“To take on a senior group?” 
“No,” Hongjoong shakes his head, “just one of the members, as a solo artist.” 
“Oh,” You drop your voice, “who?” 
“You can’t say anything,” Seonghwa makes a hand gesture as if to say you’re dead if you do, “but Choi Jongho,” 
The pause between the three of you seems weighty, but you don’t know him and you have to admit it with a little shrug, “I’ve never heard of him,” 
“What?” Hongjoong shakes his head in disbelief, “I mean that’s crazy,” 
“I don’t keep up with it as much as you’d think,” 
“I mean,” Hongjoong blinks, “he’s the one in a million, he’s the voice.” 
“I believe you,” You nod quickly, “I just don’t know him.” 
“Well,” He sighs, “hopefully you will. If our CEO can close the deal,” 
“You really want to produce for him that badly? He’s that good?” You ask. 
“Without question,” He sighs, “I would kill to write him some R&B,” 
“Oh, now there’s a thought,” You lean in. 
“You just need so much more vocal texture,” Hongjoong explains, “but if you heard him, you’d get it.”
You nod along. 
Hongjoong sighs and leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair again, the silver of his many rings catching in the overhead light, “If he signs we could get an album together for early next year,” 
“You really want to work with him that badly?” You nod, “He must be amazing.” 
“He is,” Hongjoong hums, “so cross your fingers.” 
You do and show him your hand, “Done,” 
The server passes by your table and smoothly passes the check towards Seonghwa, but Hongjoong intercepts it with practiced ease and slips his heavier credit card into the billfold before returning it to the server’s waiting hands. 
“Thank you,” The server nods, “I’ll be right back with this.” 
“Thank you, Joong,” Seonghwa smiles, “next time on me,” 
Hongjoong waves his hand and you realize it’s much the same as the last dinner. You wonder just how well producers are paid if this is his casual attitude towards a bill for three people eating rich cuts of meat and having crafted cocktails, but judging from Hongjoong’s lack of concern at the check’s total, he’s paid pretty well. 
“Thank you, Hongjoong,” You echo. 
“Of course,” Hongjoong smiles, and then the bill is back in his hands to sign off before you’re all up and away out the door. 
You walk a little ways with them, in the direction of a much busier block so you can catch a taxi home, all the while Hongjoong and Seonghwa chat about people you’ve yet to meet at the company and old times. They’ve been friends for years, you could gather that even without the download of information Seonghwa gave you after your first dinner out with them. They have an easy way about them that makes you smile, and even though you’re not in on any of these stories or jokes, it still feels comfortable. They both exude cool, in their style and the way they walk and talk, their handsome smiles and the cut of their clothes, but they never stray too far into pretension and it makes you like them both all the more. 
When Hongjoong checks his phone briefly as he walks and hums quietly, Seonghwa makes a disappointed noise with his tongue against his teeth. 
“What?” Hongjoong glances up. 
“Stop thinking about work,” Seonghwa interrupts his brain, “it’s ten o’clock,” 
“Normally I’m still working, you know,” Hongjoong tucks his phone away and makes a face. 
“You do that to yourself, Joong,” Seonghwa comments. 
“I know, I know,” He shrugs, “there’s nothing wrong with working hard.” He swivels his head to you at the same time Seonghwa does. 
“Don’t look at me,” You throw up your hands in surrender, “I can’t help you, Hwa, I’m at the studio late every day.” 
“I have to stop attracting friends who do nothing but work,” Seonghwa says, but he smiles despite his words. 
“Speaking of work,” Hongjoong grins conspiratorially at you, “he said you’re on the choreography team for the new tracks,” 
“Yes,” You catch Seonghwa’s pleased eye, “I’m assisting with it,” 
“How do you like the title song?” He asks. 
“I think it’s an earworm,” You admit, “I’ve been hearing it in my head for days,” 
“Not too commercial?” He asks. 
“I said it was going to be popular,” Seonghwa groans, “not that it’s commercial,” 
“I’m just asking,” Hongjoong throws a hand out to his side to smack Seonghwa’s arm. 
“It’s not,” You shake your head vehemently, “it’s just good, and catchy as hell,” 
“I can’t wait to see what your team does with it,” Hongjoong admits with a sigh, “I’m proud of this album,”
“I’m looking forward to hearing the whole thing,” 
“When it’s finished you should come to the listening party,” He offers, his steps slowing as you make it to the curb of the busier street. 
“I would love to,” You smile, and Seonghwa nods.
“You’ll be alright to get home?” Hongjoong asks, turning towards you. 
“Let me,” Seonghwa steps past you to the edge of the sidewalk and raises an arm out to beckon a taxi over, and a yellow cab flicks its occupied light on and smoothly cuts over to the side lane. 
“Thanks, Hwa,” 
“Come out again soon?” Hongjoong asks, “I didn’t even get to my thoughts on 90s music,”
“Anytime,” You smile as Seonghwa opens up the taxi door for you. 
“I’ll send you some albums,” He adds.
“I love it,” You nod and move to the open door, catching Seonghwa’s eye as you do. 
“See you tomorrow,” He says as you slide into your seat. 
He waits for you to swing your legs inside the car and then shuts the door tight, tapping on the hood and backing away to stand next to Hongjoong. He waves, and as the taxi pulls away they turn to walk back the way you came. 
Things stay perfectly in this new status quo for weeks, your life so much fuller and richer than the first few months you worked at KQ and tried to find inroads of friendship. Now you have dinner from time to time with Seonghwa and Hongjoong, drinks with your new dance troupe trio, workouts with San, coffee breaks with Wooyoung, and a growing sense of normalcy with Yunho and Mingi as you get back to work with them. 
You’re just starting to get comfortable when your phone reminds you that normal never lasts. 
As ever, things change. 
The shift starts with the first real peace offering you get from Yunho, weeks after the first night back in the studio with them. You’re buried in your phone trying to map out the dates of your next heat, paying exactly zero attention to your surroundings as you go through the app on your phone that tracks out your cycle symptoms. One that sends you painfully patronizing push notifications like - Hey girlie! Your heat is scheduled to start anytime in the next two weeks! Be sure to drink lots of water!! - complete with a panting red faced emoji. The last person you really want to see at this second is Yunho, or Mingi for that matter, and to be reminded of everything that happened a few months ago, but you’re never quite so lucky. 
Yunho’s hand enters your eyeline, dropping a coffee on the table in front of you and you jump at the sudden break in your concentration as you snap your phone lock on and let it slip through your fingers. 
“Sorry,” He smiles, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“It’s okay,” You take a steadying breath as you watch him reach for your phone that skid across the floor, “I was just lost in thought,” 
“Mm,” He passes the phone back to you and you’re infinitely grateful for your panic response that locked the phone and darkened the screen to save you any more embarrassment, “is everything okay? You seem a little stressed,” 
“I’m good,” You assure him. 
Adjusting the cap on his head he gestures to the coffee, “Well, either way you looked like you could use one of these,” 
“Thank you,” You smile, trying to let the moment be normal. You had missed him bringing you little things. Before your heat he was always checking up on you, delivering water bottles and protein bars and iced americanos. You can’t help but comment on it as you lift the coffee and give it a shake, “it’s been a while,” 
“I know,” He grimaces, “I’m sorry,” 
“Don’t be,” You brush him off, “I just meant it’s nice, I’m really glad we’re friends again.” 
He swallows a little tightly, glancing to his side, and you know being vulnerable like this isn’t really his favorite thing but he’s trying, “I am sorry though,” he says finally, “Mingi and I shouldn’t have let things get so weird. That was… I mean, this is work. We shouldn’t have let it interfere like that, we should have just talked to you.” 
“Me too,” You murmur, letting him off the hook, “it goes both ways.” 
“Yeah,” He breathes, and then his eyes come up, “but friends? That’s what you want?” 
“Of course,” You nod quickly, the sharp idea of going back to barely talking or looking at each other making you queasy, and the past few weeks of working together with them has felt like a weight off your shoulders. 
There’s a beat between you, and a noise to your right as the door to the break room opens and bodies spill in. Someone shouts your name, but your eyes are holding so tightly to Yunho that you don’t even know who it was, you don’t really care. You need to know that he’s on the same page. 
Yunho nods finally and smiles, “Good, okay, friends,” 
Mingi crashes into him from the side with an arm slung over his shoulders and his face lit up in a bright smile, “Hey,” 
“Hi,” You smile, watching as Yunho crosses his arms loosely and lets Mingi stay clinging onto him. You catch Mingi’s eyes, “You’re in a good mood today,” 
“I guess so,” He shrugs, “it’s a good day,” 
The chair to your side moves and your head snaps over to see San flopping down, a freshly mixed protein smoothie in hand, “You’re late,” he comments and you snap a look to your watch. 
Fifteen minutes late to your training with him, and you grimace, “Shit, I’m sorry,” 
“It’s cool, I’ll just have to remember this when you’re begging to get out of the last set,” His eyebrows quirk up at you playfully. 
Mingi makes a quiet noise and when you look back up at him he’s pouting, “You never let me give you training tips,” 
“That’s because you hate the gym,” You laugh. 
His nose crinkles, “True,” 
Yunho laughs at the exchange and shrugs Mingi off and he looks like he’s about to add something to the conversation, but the door opens again and Dahan and Yujin cut their way through the dining area. 
Yujin catches your eye and smiles, “Ready for today?” 
You nod and try not to seem too terrified, “Definitely,” 
“See you at four,” She says, brushing past your table and heading for the coffee stations at the far side of the room. 
You let out a shaky breath, one you didn’t know you were holding quite so tightly in your chest and Yunho’s brow knits together, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” You assure him, “it’s just a big day for me,” 
“The meeting?” He asks, referring to the session later today where you and the rest of the crew will meet with the girl group members for the first time. You’ve been elected to run them through some of the point choreography, and while everyone will be working together, you’re first and that level of spotlight makes you buzz with anxiety. 
“Yeah,” You shrug, trying to stay casual about it, “it’s not that big of a deal, I know, but I’m still nervous,” 
“You’ve been working like crazy,” San cuts in, smoothing a hand over your fidgeting fingers to calm you down, “you’re going to be fine, when have you ever choked?” 
“You’re right,” You breathe, pulling your hand back and pushing your hair away from your face, “Yujin and Dahan are just very good.” You don’t elaborate, but the idea of teaching choreography in front of them makes your heart thump loudly in your chest. 
“You’re very good,” Mingi dismisses instantly with a noise in his throat. 
“Thanks, Mingi,” 
“It’s first time jitters,” Yunho smiles, “I get them every time we do something new,” 
“You do?” Your eyebrows shoot high. 
“Mhm,” He nods, “actually, I have an idea,” 
“Let’s go for a run,” Yunho checks his watch and then nods. 
“Yunho,” You glance to San, “I don’t know,” 
“It clears my head every time, trust me,” He presses, “something about running outside… it’s definitely going to get you out of your head.” 
“Go,” San nods, brushing off your unspoken concern about ditching him. 
“You don’t mind?” You check with him. 
“Nah,” He grins, pushing himself up to stand and offering you a hand to help you to your feet too, “I’ll just go bother Wooyoung,” 
“I’m sure he’ll thank me for that,” You laugh. 
“He should be so grateful,” San brushes your arm lightly with his fingers and then gives you a warm smile, “but you go, relax, and text me later.” 
“I will,” You nod, and he jogs off. 
You twist back to Yunho and Mingi at the sound of a throat clearing and Mingi shifts from foot to foot, “I’d join you on the run, but,” 
“You hate running,” Yunho finishes for him, “you’re good,” 
There’s a beat of silence between the three of you, and then Yunho clears his throat again, “Meet me out front in ten? I just need to change,” 
“Sure,” You have to do the same, and idly in the back of your mind you wonder if he’s a good runner, the kind of person who makes it look easy. 
“Great,” He smiles and then he’s off. 
Mingi watches him go and then shifts his attention back to you, “You’ll be great today,” 
“You think?” Your nervousness slips out. 
“I know.” He nods, pointed with no room for discussion. 
You swallow tightly, but agree anyway. 
Mingi guides you back out of the pull of your own thoughts when he claps a hand down on your shoulder as he moves past you and around the table, “Just chill,” 
“Chill,” You repeat dumbly. 
“Mhm,” He shrugs, quirking up an eyebrow at you as he pushes through the door and away. 
You’re used to his naturally flirtatious energy, but even a look that intense from him can send your stomach into little flip flops. Your phone dings again in your pocket, the familiar sound of your cycle app sending you another reminder and you don’t even bother to look and see what it says, your lingering gaze on Mingi is enough to tell you. 
Alone in the break room you sigh and run your hands through your hair before shaking the little interaction off and heading out to meet Yunho. By the time you’re out front he’s already there, and you think it’s quite possible that this is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made when you lay eyes on him. He’s dressed comfortably, in shorts and running shoes, but it’s the sleeveless black top that makes your pulse quicken. 
“Alright,” He says as he sees you approaching, “let’s do it.” 
“Okay,” You stretch out your arms in front of you and do your best to focus on your own body and not his and all the ways you’ve seen it move before. 
He waves you along and then starts to run. 
You set a pace together with ease, and you’re not sure if it’s Yunho accommodating you or you accommodating him, but either way you fall into step smoothly as you start jogging through the streets of Seoul. He adjusts the black cap on his head and settles his arms into a comfortable running position and he slowly starts to increase the pace, but you match him smoothly right back. 
“Do you have a route?” You ask between controlled breaths. 
“Yeah,” He nods, gesturing up ahead, “just follow me,” 
You murmur your agreement, and then refocus your eyes ahead and not on the man to your side. He’s right, you do need this. Your shoulders have been tense with stress for days, your body tired and feeling jittery, but the steady steps over the pavement and the cool air have your muscles relaxing already. You stay focused on your breath and the rest starts to melt away. 
“This way,” He directs after a little while heading straight, and he takes a smooth left turn across a busy intersection where the walk signs are lit up for you. 
In the distance is a block of trees marking the start of one of the riverside parks, and you’re sure that’s where he’s running to. You can feel him glancing down at you every so often, making sure you’re still at his side, and it’s oddly comforting to run with him and not alone for once. It’s been a while since you’ve been out like this, you’ve taken to sticking with San in the comfort of the KQ gyms, but with Yunho at your side it feels comfortable and right.��
“Good?” He asks as you push over the next street and into the entrance of the trail, hooking through two lines of trees. 
“Good,” You confirm, “you?” 
He smiles and laughs a little, but keeps running, “Definitely,” 
You push on and keep pace, moving down the pathway through the trees, nothing but the sound of each other’s breath for company. Being cocooned in trees, this close to the water, makes you feel insulated from the city and with every step your worries about the meeting later have started to fall away. 
You glance to Yunho and see that his eyes are still focused ahead, but you swallow hard at the pink blush across his cheeks and collarbones, the sweat now visible on his tanned skin. You have such a clear image of him above you, broad hand on your cheek and cock buried inside your body, looking flushed and sweaty just as he does now. 
“Feeling better?” He asks, not slowing his run at all. 
His voice jolts you out of your meandering thoughts, “Hmm?” 
“Are you feeling any better?” He tries again, “less stressed?” 
“A little,” You concede. 
He nods, but keeps moving. The lack of conversation between you both normally feels tight and unnatural, but lately it’s started to feel safe again. He’s always been a person you can just be around, nothing extra, just existing. It finally, finally feels right again. 
You make your way a little further into the park until it starts to curve around with the bend of the river. Yunho gestures up ahead to a block of benches that overlook the water and he glances down at you, “Let’s take a breath there and then double back,” 
As you approach the benches and start to slow, Yunho grins, “It’s gorgeous today,” 
“It really is,” You agree, chest heaving a little at the effort from the run and you focus on deep steady inhales and exhales. 
He walks past the benches and up to the railing at the water, leaning down and resting his elbows on the dark blue painted steel, “That looks fun,” he comments, gesturing towards a group of boats on the water. 
“Mm,” You sigh, leaning next to him, your arms nearly brushing, “especially on a day like today.” 
He nods quietly, his eyes closing for a moment as he soaks up the warm sun, and then he turns towards you and leans against the railing with his hip, “So,” he says, “is it first time jitters, or is something else going on?” 
“W-what do you mean?” His words break you out of your thoughts again, and you didn’t even realize your mind was slipping away somewhere else, but every time he interrupts you it’s painfully obvious to you that you can’t stop worrying. 
“I’ve seen you nervous,” He comments, “this feels like more,” 
You shift towards him and look up, “A little, maybe,” 
“Tell me,” He prompts you, extending his hand for a fraction of a second before he lets it drop back to his thigh. 
Your first thought is that you want to touch him too, but you resist it. 
“Teaching these girls,” You trail off, dropping your eyes again to the ripple of the water as it kisses the rocky shore, “something about doing it in front of Yujin and Dahan… and even you,” 
“Me?” His voice runs high. 
“It’s just scary,” You admit, “I’m sure I’ll get over it.” 
“I don’t want to make you scared,” He murmurs.
  “It’s not that,” You glance up at him, but it’s safer to keep your focus on the water, “I just…. I don’t know if I belong in that room yet, and today all the attention will be on me. I’ve never taught anyone like this before,” 
“Yes, you have,” Yunho finally does touch you, nudging your arm and getting your eyes back on him, “you came up with good stuff for this routine. You taught all of us, and I saw you practicing everything together to show them. You’re ready,” 
“You really believe that?” The words slip out. 
“y/n,” His brow furrows, “of course I do, I wouldn’t have suggested you in the first place if I thought you couldn’t do this.” 
He’s right, you can do this, and with flying colors too if you really set your mind to it, but the question still brews in the back of your brain and you have to ask. “Yunho,” You sigh, “why did you suggest me?” 
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“We weren’t talking,” You explain, “we were barely looking at each other in the studio, but you still pulled me into this project. Why?” 
He’s still for a moment, his eyes flicking over your face and then he sighs, “Because you’re good, and because I know how hard you were working even when we weren’t talking. And because,” he pauses, “because I wanted you there,”
“For me or for my skills?”
“For your skills,” He nods, “the fact that it’s you… well, that just made my choice easier.” 
“You really mean that, don’t you?” You murmur.
  “I do,” He nods, “so be regular nervous all you want, but never doubt your place in the room, okay? I wouldn’t do that to you.” 
“Thank you, Yunho,” 
He nods and looks back out to the water before checking his watch and taking a deep breath, “You ready to head back?” 
“Let’s do it,” You agree with a sigh, shaking out your limbs. 
“Did this help?” He asks as he pushes off the railing. 
“Yeah,” You smile, “I mean, I’m still a little terrified, but I think that’s normal.” 
“Mhm,” He smooths his hand across your shoulders and gives you a squeeze, “plus, I promise you can dance circles around these girls any day of the week,” 
“Oh, shut up,” You roll your eyes, “now you’re laying it on too thick,” 
“I don’t lie,” He grins, “you know that already,” 
You open your mouth to retort but he takes the wind right out of your sails when he starts to jog backwards and he sticks his tongue out to tease you. As he twists around he calls back over his shoulder, “Race you back!”
You scramble forwards, “Hey! No fair, you got a head start,” 
He keeps running, but you hear him laugh, “Catch up then!”
You pump your legs harder, moving as fast as possible as you try to reach him. You watch as he glances back over his shoulder, goading you into pushing yourself harder, something swells in your chest. He’s close, if you just pick it up a little more, focus a little more, you’ll reach him. Maybe pass him. 
“You still with me?” He shouts back, voice light. 
Your heart is pounding in your ears, blood rushing loud, and your chest is screaming with the effort of working your body this hard but you don’t care. You want to win, you need to win. You pump your legs harder, clear your mind, and race. You gain on him inch by inch and you grin when you hear him laugh again, catching you in his peripheral vision as you scream up next to him. He says something but you miss it, your head too focused on every step in front of you. 
When you finally make it back to KQ you all but skid into the back entrance with him, colliding shoulder to shoulder and having to brace yourself on the entryway wall so you don’t pitch right over onto the hardwood floor. 
Yunho’s hands close over your hips to steady you, and you hear his heavy breath above you before he laughs, “Jesus, you’re fast,” 
“You annoyed me,” You wheeze, pressing on your side where a painful, sharp stitch has taken up residence. 
Your fingers brush along his for the barest of seconds and he pulls his hands back instantly before giving you an apologetic smile and pulling off his ball cap to wipe the sweat off his brow with the bottom of his shirt. The quick flash of his abs makes you dizzy. 
“I still won,” Yunho sighs, leaning against the wall. 
You shoot him a look, but you’re still catching your breath and at this point it’s not even worth the fight. As you raise your head to look at him, you suddenly notice the crowded hallway towards the side of the door. Wooyoung and San stand close together, angled towards you but clearly just in halted conversation with Minseok, Yujin, and two of the other dancers. 
Wooyoung gives you a single pointed eyebrow raise. 
“Were you racing?” Minseok asks, glancing between the two of you. 
You make an affirmative noise, all you can do while you recover.
  “Fun,” Wooyoung laughs a little to himself and if you had the energy you’d smack him, but you can’t even bother. 
“Why?” Minseok asks. 
“Why not?” Yunho shrugs and then turns his attention back to you, “Good?” 
“Good,” You nod.
  For a second he looks like he wants to say something else, maybe give you one last encouraging speech, but he just settles on a smile, “See you in there,” 
You nod, smiling back up at him, and then he pushes through the little pocket of your coworkers to get back to the locker rooms. You take another second to catch your breath against the wall, Wooyoung making an expression you need to roll your eyes at, but then you realize. You feel great. 
The nerves from the whole day have dissipated, the surging rush of endorphins from pushing yourself so hard, drowning out anything in your body except adrenaline, joy, and a little exhaustion. You could kiss him. 
At four o’clock, when you walk into the room, you do it with a clear head. In the back of the studio, Yunho smiles. 
A week later, your app dings again and this time it’s right on the money.
You submit the paperwork on Thursday after practice, another lozenge tucked into your cheek as you start to feel the first signs of your upcoming heat. It’s already better than last time, a more familiar kind of cycle than what you last experienced. You’re used to it being mostly mild, a few times a year leaving you achy and sore, and insatiably horny, but nothing like the desperate cramping from before. 
This time you have things down to a predictable science, and though you might have a few moments of serious weakness or deeper feelings of heat, you’d be fine. This time there would be no dizzy desperation, no crying into your pillow in hopes that an alpha would soothe you and take it away. No begging to be claimed. It would be fine. 
You should be fine. 
You leave the paperwork on the back desk and hurry out to catch a ride back home before you start to really feel it, but all you can imagine is Yunho’s face when he picks up the papers and you need to not be in the building when that happens. 
At home you set yourself up for the next few days. Bedroom door locked, a stash of water bottles, a stack of towels, and a bedside table full of charged and ready toys. You get undressed out of your restrictive leggings and tighter clothes, and pull on a simple pair of sleep shorts and a loose oversized top. Fabric that won’t cling or make you hot, just comfortable enough to relax and take it easy as your body starts to sink into heat. 
For a while things are normal and fine, regular aches and pains. You watch a show on your iPad and zone out the feeling, but eventually every little shift of your hips feels sharper, and a low throb starts to pulse inside you. It’s evening when you start to lose focus on the drama you’re watching. Something about the male lead seems familiar to you and your mind keeps drifting. 
You settle back into the cushions to get more comfortable and to try and refocus on the show, but the ghost sensation of lips on your throat makes your eyes drift closed. 
Your hand is pushing under the elastic of your sleep shorts before you can even think it through. 
Your mind keeps replaying the image of Mingi pushing his glasses up into his hair and smiling, the way his hands ran over your body and landed firm on your hips. Yunho’s head between your thighs. Both their fingers searching your body, pushing inside you, pulling you apart over and over again. Their hot breath on your throat. Pretty omega, they called you. Something tumbles in your chest, knots build up in your stomach. Your fingers feel good but they pale in comparison to what you had before and you work yourself up and up but nothing quite comes close to the edge of pleasure you’re looking for. 
You’re my best girl. 
You bite back a moan and push two fingers inside yourself. 
You can almost feel their hands on you, their hot kisses, gentle nips of your skin, but you can’t find the feeling of them inside you. You quicken your hand and replay the images faster in your mind. You miss them, you need them, you want them. You come hard and fast with a shudder, your eyes snapping back open. 
There she is. That’s our girl.
“F-fuck,” You breathe to yourself, pulling your hand out of your shorts. Your chest is heaving, a light sheen of sweat over you, and your core throbs like your body wants you to go again. 
“Oh my god,” You breathe, pushing yourself off the bed and stumbling into the bathroom, “what is wrong with you, get a grip,” 
You shake it off, trying to ignore the fact that you just thought about them while you were getting yourself off. It’s just heat, that’s all it ever is with them, that has to be it. Hot alphas will always scramble your brain at a time like this, you just have to listen to yourself and get a grip.
With a sigh you wash your hands, crawl back into bed, and try to just fall asleep and ignore the images still looping in the back of your brain. 
You don’t sleep though, you can’t. 
You toss and you turn, and you ache, but you don’t sleep. 
Around the third hour of trying to soothe your cramps with a heating pad that you decide to say fuck it and ask for help. You have a small window of time to get to wherever you’ll be spending the duration of your heat, and even though you know with your suppressants this won’t be quite as bad as before, your body still wants.
For a second you think about Mingi. You miss his hands, his easy smile, the way he would slowly stroke your back and massage your hips. You miss his scent, his warmth, and his all encompassing comfort. But things have just started to get back to normal at the studio with him and Yunho and you can’t let a moment of heat weakness lead you back. 
You open your phone, flipping through social media in an attempt to distract your mind but before you know it you have Yunho’s contact open and you’re fighting the urge to call, just to hear his voice for a second. 
Your finger hovers over the button, you can hear his voice in your mind. 
Sweetheart, just tell me where you are, I’m coming to get you. 
You can see it. 
But it’s just your heat. No matter how much Wooyoung likes to tease you about having a crush, it’s just this. Biology you can’t control rewiring your brain and telling you that they’re your perfect match. But you don’t believe in perfect matches or scent pairings. You don’t.
A particularly tight cramp ripples through your middle and you clench your fist through the pain, shifting in your bedding once again, sweat building at your brow. 
In a flash of genius and panic, you close Yunho’s contact card and open another. 
The phone rings and rings. 
He’s busy, you’ve probably missed him, and when he offered he was drunk anyways so he probably doesn’t remember but then suddenly the phone clicks and connects and his warm voice fills your ear, “Hey, y/n,” 
“S-Seonghwa,” You sigh, trying to sound as put together as possible, “hey,” 
“Is everything okay?” He checks, and you hear a little background noise and hope to god he’s not still at the studio. 
“Definitely,” You press your eyes closed and bite the inside of your lip to keep from making a tight, stressed sound. 
“Okay…” He waits a moment and then adds, “then what’s going on? You never call,”
The cramp passes and you take a breath, “Sorry, are you busy? I can call later,” 
“No, no,” He says, “I’m just grabbing a drink with Wooyoung and Joong,” 
“Is that y/n?” You hear Wooyoung in the background, “Tell her to come meet us!”
“Woo,” Seonghwa’s voice sounds a little far from the receiver and then he comes back on the line, “If you’re free, you can come meet us? We were just thinking about dinner, Hongjoong has a new project for us, you might be interested,” 
“Oh,” For a second, in the space between your cramps you forget why you called in the first place, “a new song?” 
“Two,” You can practically hear the smile on Seonghwa’s face. 
“Exciting,” You smile. 
“So what do you say,” Seonghwa says, “come out?” 
You would, you wish you could, but you shake your head, “I can’t, I actually… I’ll be out for a couple of days. I submitted the paperwork this morning,” 
“Are you going somewhere?” He asks, not yet picking up on the obvious. 
“Leave,” You smile at his question. 
“Leave,” He repeats, “oh, oh leave!” 
“Say it louder, Seonghwa,” You groan. 
“Is that why you’re calling?” He says, and a little blush creeps into your cheeks at the thought that he’s with other people and talking to you about this like it’s nothing. 
“Kind of,” You admit, “I don’t know, you’re busy I just remembered what you said, but you don’t have to,” 
“How are you now? I’m at least thirty minutes away, is that too long?” 
Warmth blooms in your chest, “I’m fine, honestly, go have dinner,” 
You can practically see him rolling his eyes when he says, “Stop being a martyr. Listen, I’ll call you right back, okay?” 
“And don’t worry,” He assures, his voice honeyed and warm, “I will call, I’ll only be a minute,” 
“Okay,” You manage, “thank you, Hwa,” 
He says something more but you miss it with the light commotion in the background, and then the line clicks dead. 
It takes two minutes, but he calls you right back. 
“Hey,” You sigh into the receiver. 
“Can you text Woo your address?” Seonghwa asks first, “We’re grabbing a cab,” 
“Oh,” You flip the phone on speaker and start typing, “okay, yeah, I’m… Seonghwa, are you sure?” 
“Mhm,” He replies, “as long as you are.” 
“Give me the phone,” You hear Wooyoung and immediately laugh. 
“What do you want?” Seonghwa says, clearly not talking to you. 
“Phone,” You hear him say and then after a brief groan, Wooyoung’s voice is in your ear, “Hey, you,” 
“Hey,” Something about him calms you instantly. 
“How far gone are you? Should we pick stuff up on our way or can you come back to my place?” He’s straight and to the point but still gentle, and you’re starting to feel glad that you called them and not anyone else. 
“I’m fine,” You assure him, “I can make it to yours. My roommates are here, I think it would be….” 
“Got it,” He says, “well just rest, we’ll be there soon,” 
Tears well up in your eyes and you sniffle softly, trying to keep it to yourself.
He picks up on the soft sound immediately, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” 
You swallow and wipe away the gathering moisture, “Nothing, you’re both just being so nice,” 
“Aw,” He murmurs, “jagiya you’re one of us now, we always take care of each other.” 
“Is she crying?” You hear Seonghwa’s voice raise an octave in the background. 
“She’s good,” Wooyoung brushes it off, “alright, twenty minutes okay, get your stuff, take a deep breath, and I’ll text you when we’re downstairs.” 
“Thanks, Woo,” You manage. 
“Deep breaths,” He reminds, and then he’s gone. 
You must be insane. You must be fully crazy to invite this type of chaos into your life twice with yet another group of men, but something about this feels right. It feels safe and sure, and something about Wooyoung being an omega too is just making all of this feel so much simpler than last time. At least where your heart is concerned. 
It takes you all twenty minutes to get your things together, but you decide to focus on this instead of what all this chaos might mean. You pack a bag of necessities and then change into something loose but more presentable than your sleep clothes. When your phone buzzes again you don’t even look down at it, you just know that it’s Wooyoung arriving right on the dot and you slip out of your apartment as quietly as you can. 
Downstairs a car waits across the street and when Seonghwa emerges to greet you, he rushes forwards to take your bags. Your cheeks light up with blush and you have to take a half, staggering step backwards, already being outside and in the presence of an alpha your subconscious mind is reacting to him. 
“Let me get these,” Seonghwa says, pulling the bags from your hands, and the touch of his warm skin along yours has a shaky breath leaving your lips.
“Thanks,” You murmur, watching him pack them into the trunk of the cab, and then he turns. 
He takes a good look at you and nods, “Yeah, let’s get you to Woo’s,” 
“Is it obvious?” You cup your cheeks. 
“Not too much,” He assures you, extending his hand for you to take, “but let’s not waste time,” 
“Let’s go,” You nod, and he tugs you forwards gently to get you into the car. You settle into the middle seat between Wooyoung and Seonghwa easily. 
“Doing good?” Wooyoung asks you, trying to be subtle in front of the driver. 
“Mhm,” You nod, and you smile when he laces your fingers together and gives you a squeeze. 
Seonghwa gives the next address to the driver and you’re away. 
It’s quiet at first, all you can focus on is the way the miles slowly tick down on the map the driver is using, and you try to breathe through your mouth in the closed car full of competing scents but it’s nearly impossible. Seonghwa’s scent envelops you easily, especially in the closed air circulation of the car. Warm, like freshly brewed coffee. You close your eyes as a cramp passes through you and you try not to think of him even though his leg keeps bumping into yours every time the car takes a turn. 
The automated sound of a window breaks your concentration and you glance to your side. Seonghwa isn’t looking at you, but he’s cracked the back window a couple of inches, and the pulse of clean air leaves you able to take a shaky inhale and exhale. Wooyoung squeezes your hand again. 
The mileage counter keeps clicking down. Seonghwa’s scent stays present in your mind despite the fresh air. Your stomach tightens. The car takes a particularly curving turn and your body is pressed against Seonghwa’s from knee to shoulder and you squeeze Wooyoung’s hand back instead of letting the whine in your throat bubble out. 
Your stomach clenches again, and then you feel it. A rush of slick as your body prepares, a flushing flood of hot warmth rolling up your body and through your cheeks. Seonghwa’s arm crosses over you like a seatbelt and he closes his hand over your left thigh, his thumb drawing slow circles to keep you steady and protect you from anyone noticing. 
You let yourself glance up at him once more, but he’s still focused out the window, doing his best to comfort you without drawing an ounce of attention. 
“Out front?” The driver asks suddenly, and you realize the building ahead across the intersection must be theirs. 
“That’s perfect,” Seonghwa replies smoothly, “thank you.” 
The minute it takes to cross the intersection feels never ending, and then suddenly things start moving at two-times speed. As the heat cramps increase, Seonghwa’s arm is around your waist and Wooyoung is left hauling your stuff up into the elevator. They get you inside smoothly and as the doors close, Seonghwa lets out a sigh of relief. 
“I thought I was going to have to fight every alpha in the lobby,” Seonghwa laughs as the elevator begins to climb, “are you sure you’re on suppressants?” 
You can’t help but elbow him slightly in the ribs, “Yes,” 
“I’m kidding,” He squeezes you, “you just smell like an extremely edible cake,” 
“Mm,” You murmur as a small cramp passes, “well, you know, this is why I’m on the strong stuff,” 
The elevator doors open and Wooyoung steps out before you, glancing to either side down the apartment hallway before beckoning you both forwards. He gets out his keys and glances over his shoulder at you both, “Which?” 
You tell him the brand as you lean harder on Seonghwa who hushes you softly with a comforting squeeze. 
“Ah,” Wooyoung nods, “no wonder,” 
You open your mouth to ask him what he means by that, but he’s too busy pushing open the door to his apartment and opening it up for you both to slip inside. 
His place is overwhelmingly simple and clean, utilitarian with dark black furniture and gray moody accents, but it suits him. He drops his keys off on the kitchen island and beckons you inside, “Come on in, get comfortable,” 
Seonghwa steers you to the couch and settles you down on the middle cushion, “So, where are we at?” 
Settled onto the couch now, you honestly feel fine. Your back hurts a little, and your joints are a little stiff, but the aching, pulsing pain you felt back at your apartment has mostly dissipated, “I think I’m fine,” 
“I mean,” You cross your legs, your hands itching to wrap a cozy blanket around yourself but finding none, “off meds I was practically feral, this is…. manageable,” 
“Manageable is good,” Seonghwa smiles. 
Wooyoung settles his hand over your yours, soothing your little trembles and then he dips his head to catch your eyes, “I have a room all set up,” 
“You do?” Your eyes widen. 
“Mm,” He tangles your fingers together again and gives you a squeeze, “I used to have a roommate but when he moved out I just converted the second bedroom,” 
“Oh,” You breathe, and you can’t imagine the expense to maintain an apartment large enough to have your very own heat sanctuary, but you dream of the day you get to. 
“Let’s go relax in there,” Wooyoung nods, “maybe you’ll like it and get a little sleep,” 
“Should we talk?” You glance up at Seonghwa. 
“We will,” Seonghwa assures you as he shrugs off his blazer, “but go get comfortable, I’ll start setting up,” 
“Setting up?” You ask, confusion evident in your voice. 
“Ah,” Wooyoung bumps you with his shoulder, “our Seonghwa takes his caretaker responsibilities very seriously,” 
“You’ll want for nothing here, jagiya,” Seonghwa smiles and takes a slight bow, “Wooyoungie is the most pampered omega in Seoul, it will be nice to take care of someone less bratty for a change,” 
You laugh sharply and cover your mouth with your hand, “What have I gotten myself into?” 
“A fun weekend,” Seonghwa smiles, “now relax, let Woo show you the place.” 
Already this feels less stressful than before, and maybe that’s the level of your heat or maybe it’s them, but it feels easy. Wooyoung pulls you up and watches you carefully as you stand to make sure you’re feeling well, and then he guides you down the hall. 
Wooyoung’s nesting room is exactly what you’ve been looking for. The bed in this room isn’t necessarily large, but what it is, is covered in blankets and plush pillows. The second bedroom of his apartment has been so smoothly converted into an office and omega haven that you almost wish you had been here for your last, harder heat. 
“Okay,” Wooyoung walks you in, “there’s a robe on the back of the door you can use, the mini fridge is pretty stocked, and on that shelf by the bed there’s lozenges, wipes, towels, you name it.” 
“Oh my God,” You breathe, scanning over everything as he gestures. 
“And over in that bedside table,” He points out the single nightstand, “there’s pretty much any toy you’ll need.” 
“Oh,” You blush. 
“Hwa and I will be here, of course,” He assures you, “but I like a little extra something,” 
“Right,” You smile, “of course you do,” 
A gentle knock on the door behind you brings you out of your focus, studying every inch of his perfect heat sanctuary and you turn to see Seonghwa leaning against the door frame. 
“How are you feeling?” He asks gently. 
“Like myself,” You tell him honestly, “it’s starting, but it doesn’t feel too bad.” 
“Mm,” He nods, “it probably won’t be quite as bad as last time, but I’m certainly here for whatever you need,” 
“Thank you, Hwa,” You smile, “I can’t thank you enough,” 
His eyes light up with warmth and then he looks over you both, “This is nice,” he comments, “the two of you in here,” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Wooyoung laughs as he leans against the desk, “no one’s ready for your knot yet,” 
A throb pulses through you, but blissfully no one notices. 
“I just think it’s nice,” He shrugs, “two pretty omegas,”
You blush. 
“Oh,” Seonghwa smiles as he notices your pink cheeks, “you liked that,” 
“Hwa,” You protest weakly. 
“Ignore him,” Wooyoung cuts in front of you and leads you back to the bed, “get cozy, you’ll love this.” 
He all but puts you in the bed himself, but in minutes you’re relaxed against the cushions, under cooling sheets and downy comforters. Seonghwa waits in the doorway while you get settled, but once you are he smiles and crosses the room to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“You’re feeling alright?” He asks, reaching for your hand. 
“So far,” You nod, “and this bed is wildly comfortable,” 
“Good,” Seonghwa’s fingers smooth over your wrist, slowly stroking your gland and easing you further, “I’m going to go fix you both something for dinner, and if you need anything in the meantime Wooyoung will be right here,” 
“Okay,” You breathe. 
“I’m going to give Sannie a ring too,” His voice evens out in his chest, low and warm and tender to keep you melting into the bed under you, “is it okay if I tell him you’re here?” 
“Alright then,” He smiles, “just relax,” 
“Feeling pretty relaxed,” You tell him. 
The sound of your phone vibrating on Wooyoung’s desk draws your eyes, but you focus back on Seonghwa when he says, “I’m sure we can relax you more, don’t worry.” 
“You’re forward,” You nudge his thigh. 
“And you called me for sex,” He shrugs, “who’s forward now?” 
Wooyoung laughs sharply and claps his hands, “This weekend is going to be very fun,” 
Your phone buzzes again, then again, and your brows draw together as you look towards it, “Could you,” 
Seonghwa doesn’t let you finish your sentence, he crosses the room quickly and then passes your phone over to you, “I’ll be back in a little while, okay?” 
“Thank you,” 
He nods with a warm expression, and then leaves you and Wooyoung be inside this little cocoon. 
“Glad you called?” Wooyoung grins, cheeky and teasing.
  “Mm,” You sink deeper into the pillows behind you, “I might have to move in, just for this bed,” 
His nose crinkles, “We’ve got to update your space, you should have somewhere like this too,” 
“I’d like that,” You sigh, “someday,” 
Your phone buzzes again. 
“Soon,” Wooyoung dismisses, “until then you can always come here,” 
“Well, that’s really nice of you, but,” You tear your eyes away from him to finally illuminate the screen of your phone and your words die on your lips when you see the messages. 
Yunho’s name on your screen makes your breath quicken and you open the chat. 
hey I got your paperwork. of course it’s fine, but would you please let me know you’re somewhere safe? 
I probably shouldn’t have asked that. 
I just want to make sure you made it home safely, that’s all. If you need help getting home, you know I’m only a phone call away. 
Just… please let me know. 
“y/n?” Wooyoung’s voice breaks through your buzzing brain as you read Yunho’s messages over and over. 
“What?” You manage, glancing up for the briefest second to catch his worried expression. 
“What’s going on?” He asks softly. 
“Um,” You murmur, but then your phone buzzes in your hand again, this time not a message from Yunho at all. 
He’s freaking out a little bit, but I told him you’re probably already home and sleeping. 
Which you are, right? 
The two texts from Mingi hang in front of you and a tense feeling knots up in your throat. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung interrupts again, pushing his way into the bed beside you without preamble and sidling up to your side, “are you crying?”
“No,” You shake your head, “sorry, I just,”
He waits, holding your gaze with his warm brown eyes and attentive nods, and before you know it you’re letting the phone fall into his hands. 
He reads the texts quietly, and then hums, “They’re worried,”
“I know,” Your voice is small. 
“Do you want to respond?” He asks. 
“I don’t know,” You confess honestly. 
“You don’t owe them anything,” He murmurs quietly, locking your phone and setting it to the side so he can turn to you, “I know I keep teasing you about it, but if you wanted to be with them you would have called them. You know how you feel, not me,” 
He smooths your hair back and cups your cheek, gathering you a little closer under the covers. You take a deep, shaky breath, and the sudden scent of him all around you feels like a blanket. Fresh linen and summer salt, like falling into bed after a long day in the sun on the beach. His skin is warm against yours and familiar. 
“Do you really think that?” You ask.
“Mhm,” He all but whispers, “and either way, you don’t owe them a response right now. You owe yourself rest,” 
He gives you a minute, and then rubs his thumb over your cheek, “You want to watch something dumb? Maybe fall asleep on me?” 
You nod, lips locking tight as your throat stays tense. You feel like if you talk about anything else you might start crying, so you let him pull you closer and grab the remote for the TV mounted on the far wall. He doesn’t ask you what you want to watch, he doesn’t push you any further, he knows you need him to just take care of things before you crumble and text them back. 
He selects something funny without putting too much thought into it, and wraps his arm around you as you settle your cheek onto his chest. This was what you were missing so much the last time you went through heat, the steadying comfort of another omega. Your fluttering nerves fall away, and his scent makes you feel warm and your eyes heavy. 
“Woo,” You murmur into his shirt. 
“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” You confess. 
He sighs, fingers finding yours under the comforter, “And you’re mine,” 
You snuggle into him a little more, fingertips brushing the warm hollow of his throat and your heart slowing to a steady, easy rhythm to pump in time with his. Distantly as you fall into sleep, you feel the buzz of your phone again somewhere halfway across the mattress, but this time you don’t even open your eyes. 
Wooyoung silences it when it buzzes again, his words soft against your hair when he says, “It’ll all wait until tomorrow, babe, you just rest easy,” 
You nod, a yawn taking over you and he chuckles.
“Just sleep,” He murmurs softly, and you do, their messages left unanswered. 
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ironboyxs · 8 months
Unseen Hearts
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: Felix x Male Reader
Word Count: 4652
Summary: Y/N is a young actor and singer on the rise who has great admiration for Stray Kids, especially a certain member with a huskier voice.
p.s. this is the first time I write about kpop on this blog, I hope you like it! In fact, I was extremely inspired because I've never written so much! and another thing: I mention a Korean ideogram in the story, I tried to do my research but my Korean is terrible, forgive any mistakes. and always remembering REQUESTS ARE OPEN, in the pinned there are the fandons for which I write
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You never thought you would be in a serious relationship with a K-pop artist. Of course, you've been a fan of Korean culture since you were 13 and a friend introduced you to the concept of K-pop, dramas and all the rest.
You were lucky enough to have well-off parents who let you study Korean from the age of 13 because you had become completely obsessed with everything about Korea.
But obviously your life didn't revolve around just that, of course you went to shows whenever you could, once you even got a trip to South Korea as a gift to go to a fan meeting.
But one thing that the idol life showed you was that you also wanted to be an artist, you were in doubt between acting and music. After all, you were good at both. In school plays you always got the lead.
Your mother played the piano and from a very early age taught you everything she knew about music, so one of your hobbies, and also a form of therapy, was writing songs.
When you were 18, a family friend who worked for Netflix knew he had a casting call that was a perfect fit for you. You took the test, with zero faith that you would pass.
But it ended up happening, the series was about a fantasy world, four wizard friends fighting an evil entity, you had a lot of fun recording the first season, you made incredible friends, but you never thought the series would be successful.
Until it exploded. And it became the number 1 series on Netflix, with everyone talking about it. And obviously you and your co-stars started doing press tours.
Jimmy Fallon Show
- Hey guys! Welcome back to the Tonight Show! Today we have a very special guest, a talented young man who is having great success with the new Netflix series: Witchbound Chronicles. Let's welcome the amazing Y/N! How are you, Y/N?
- Hi Jimmy! I'm great, thanks for having me here.
- It's a pleasure to have you. Firstly, congratulations on the success of your series! What has the experience been like seeing your face everywhere?
- It's surreal, Jimmy. I never imagined things would happen so quickly. I'm just enjoying every moment.
- This is amazing! Tell us a little about the series. What can fans expect?
- Well, the series is called "Witchbound Chronicles" and it takes place in a completely new world full of magic, fantastic creatures and lots of exciting twists. I play one of the main characters, a young man named Ethan, who discovers he has incredible magical abilities.
- This looks amazing! And what was the audition process like to get the role?
- It was a little crazy, actually. I auditioned without much expectation, and when I got the call that I had gotten the role, I couldn't believe it. It was a dream come true.
- And what was it like working with the cast and crew?
- Everyone was incredible. The cast is very talented, and the team behind the cameras did an incredible job bringing this magical world to life. I learned a lot from all of them.
- I'm sure fans would love to know if there are any funny or interesting behind-the-scenes stories you can share.
- Oh, definitely! One day, we were filming a scene with intense special effects, and one of the animatronics that plays the magical creatures ended up going out of control. It was hilarious to see everyone running for cover, but in the end, everything worked out, and the scene was incredible.
- And what can we expect from the future, Y/N? More projects on the small screen or maybe even the big screen?
- Absolutely, Jimmy! I love acting, and I hope to continue exploring different roles and challenges. Who knows what the future holds, right?
- Hey Y/N, our research team made some interesting discoveries on your social media. It seems like you're a big K-pop fan, is that right?
- Oh yes, Jimmy! I'm completely obsessed with K-pop, it's one of my passions.
- This is amazing! Any specific groups or artists that you really admire?
- For sure! I'm a big fan of Stray Kids.
- Oh, and our team also noticed that you have a certain “bias” as they say in K-pop at Felix! You've been expressing your crush on Felix a lot on social media. Any funny stories or embarrassing moments related to this?
- Well, now that you mention that this is public I would say that all my posts about Felix are kind of funny and embarrassing, actually. I try to keep it light and humorous, but of course, my friends always tease me a little about it.
- That is great! And if Felix or any of the Stray Kids were watching right now, what would you say to them?
- Wow, that's a tough question. I guess I would say how much they mean to me as an artist and as a person. Their work really inspires me, and I really admire their talent.
- I hope Felix sees this and who knows, maybe you can meet one day!
Some time later, on a live that Felix was doing, a fan asked if he had seen this interview.
Chat: Felix, did you see Jimmy Fallon's interview with Y/N, the actor from the series "Witchbound Chronicles"?
- Oh yeah! I saw! It was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling throughout the entire interview.
Chat: Y/N mentioned that he's a big fan of Stray Kids and that he has a crush on you. What was your reaction when you watched this?
- Oh, really? This is so cool! I was very flattered to learn that he is a Stray Kids fan. I think it's an honor when talented people like our work.
Chat: Would you have a message to send to Y/N?
For sure! Y/N, if you're watching, thank you so much for your support! It's amazing to know that you enjoy our work, and who knows, maybe one day we can meet. Keep being amazing!
Chat: It would be great to see a collaboration between Stray Kids and the series' soundtrack, wouldn't it?
- Absolutely! We would love it! Who knows what the future holds for us, right? Let's hope something like this happens.
Meanwhile at your house
- Y/N did you watch Felix's last live? - Your sister came running to ask you.
- No, I saw the notification but I was busy so I couldn't watch it.
- You NEED to see this excerpt!
Your sister takes the phone to you with a cut from the live stream where Felix Yongbok Lee is simply talking about you, and of course you completely freak out!
- Imagine if you could meet him in person?
You stop and reflect for a second
- What is it? - Your sister asks.
- My Twitter account simply has 1001 posts about how handsome and hot I think he is! I need to deprive that now!
- Wow, but it's great that he knows you have a crush on him!
- He already knows because of that stupid interview, I don't need to be embarrassed anymore! - You run out to get your cell phone.
A while later on a gossip page
“Recently Y/N S/N deprived his Twitter account and opened a new one saying that it would be his professional account. Does the young actor have something to hide?”
Months later, with the end of recording the first season of the series, and the end of the press conferences, you feel that it is time to return to music. You had loved that whole period of recording and promoting the series but you felt the urge to write about it all, to put it all in the form of music, and deep in your heart, you wanted to write about something, something that you thought was really silly. actually, but your mother always told you that music was made to express all your feelings.
Unseen Hearts
🎶 Unseen hearts, a world apart,
In the shadows, you're the spark.
A crush so sweet, yet out of reach,
Dreams we chase, lessons we teach. 🎶
- This song is AMAZING! - A music producer friend of your mother said when he heard it.
- Did you really think so? I think it's no big deal.
- Is beautiful! What was the inspiration?
- Ah, silly thing, you know... stupid youthful passion - You said with a bit of shame.
- Y/N, I know you've been wanting to combine acting and music for so long, Bobby can give you that opportunity. – Your mother said
- You have so much potential Y/N. - Said Bobby, the producer and owner of the record company you were now part of.
- Now, ideas for a music video?
The Unseen Hearts video was a success, number 1 in views on YouTube. The clip takes place in a magical setting, reminiscent of the world of the series that you are part of. Include enchanted forests, ancient ruins and mystical locations, having a sense of magic and mystery. The story of the music video centers on you, showing your magical journey in search of your unreachable crush. Throughout the clip you searche for a masked figure who wears a necklace with the Korean character:  리
Comments on Twitter
🌟 Just watched the "Unseen Hearts" music video by @Y/NActorOfficial and I'm absolutely enchanted! The magical symbolism and emotional depth in every scene got me hooked. Matt's talent is truly spellbinding! 🔮💖 #UnseenHearts #Y/NMagic
✨ The "Unseen Hearts" music video is a masterpiece! 🎬✨ Y/N's portrayal of an unattainable crush, wrapped in magical elements, is pure art. The visuals, the symbolism – everything is on point! 🌌🎶 #WitchboundChronicles #MagicalMusic
🌌 Theory time! What if the "Unseen Hearts" video is a metaphor for the struggles we face in expressing our feelings? The crush, shrouded in magic, symbolizes the elusive nature of emotions. Y/N's journey represents the pursuit of self-discovery. 🧐💭 #UnseenHeartsTheory
📜 Lyric interpretation theory: What if the lyrics in "Unseen Hearts" reflect Y/N's emotions towards Felix? The masked figure embodies the lyrical expression of an unspoken crush, with the ideogram pendant serving as a musical symbol of admiration. 🎤💔 #LyricConnection #UnseenHeartsEmotion
🎵 Melodic connection theory: The musical journey in "Unseen Hearts" might represent Y/N's emotional connection to Felix. The masked figure, with Felix's ideogram, is the elusive muse driving the rhythm of Y/N's heart. 🎭💖 #MusicalMuse #UnseenHeartsMelody
The Kelly Clarkson Show
- Hey guys! We're here with the talented Y/N, who recently released the amazing music video "Unseen Hearts." Y/N, first, I want to say that the music video is amazing, but everyone is wondering: what is the meaning behind it?
- Hi Kelly! First of all, thank you for the compliment. You know, "Unseen Hearts" is a magical journey, an exploration of emotions and personal challenges. I wanted to convey the idea of pursuing something that seems unattainable, but at the same time, it is an experience of self-discovery.
- Oh, this is fascinating! And many fans are curious about the character that appears in the clip. Can you tell us more about this?
- Of course, Kelly. The ideogram is an artistic representation, a kind of personal symbol. It's a way to add a layer of mystery to the story, allowing each person to find their own meaning in the song and video.
- I get it, I love this enigmatic approach! And what would you say to fans speculating about the music video?
- Well, it's amazing to see the enthusiasm of the fans and the different interpretations they are creating. The beauty of art is in its subjectivity, right? I love seeing the theories and stories that people are coming up with. It's a gift to see how music resonates in unique ways for everyone.
Live from Felix a few days later
Chat: Hi, Felix! Did you see Y/N's new video, "Unseen Hearts"? What did you think?
- Oh, sure! I watched it, and I have to say Y/N did an amazing job. The magical atmosphere, the emotional narrative, everything was very well done. I really liked.
Chat: And the music? Do you think it has some connection with you? After all, the character with your name appears in the clip!
- Well, it's interesting, right? I think art is interpretive, and each person can have their own vision. If music is an artistic expression, it's hard to say exactly what it means to Y/N. But I loved seeing how fans are creating their own theories and stories around it.
Chat: We are really curious! Do you think Y/N might have been inspired by you for the song?
- You know, Y/N is an incredible artist, and I'm just one of the many artists who can inspire him. I think the beauty of music is its ability to connect with different experiences and emotions. If Y/N found inspiration in something we experienced, it's an honor.
Chat: Hey Felix, we know Y/N mentioned he's a Stray Kids fan. Do you think he could have a crush on you?
- Oh, really? That's kind of funny to think about. I think it's always flattering to know that people admire our work, whether as artists or as people. And well, I don't really know about that. I'm grateful for the fans' support and affection, but personal relationships are something private, right? Let's focus on the music and Y/N's work, which is incredible.
Chat: We're just kidding, Felix! But seriously, what was it like for you to see your character in his video?
It was a pleasant surprise, for sure! Y/N is a talented artist, and it was cool to see that special touch in the video. I think he did a wonderful job of creating something unique and meaningful.
A few weeks later you are invited to perform at the Billboard Music Awards, it would be your first time performing Unseen Hearts in front of such a large audience, you were nervous obviously, but something made you even more nervous.
- Y/N you have no idea what I discovered! - Bobby, who was now your manager, called you excitedly.
- What was it?
- So I was organizing your participation in this year's BMAs, and you know who will be there, STRAY KIDS! They will also participate
You froze, you had followed the news, given interviews, seen Felix's live and knew that everyone already knew the obvious, you had burst out writing a song about the crush you had on a boy you saw once at a fan meeting.
- Y/N… are you there? - Bobby asked from the other side.
- I'm sorry, I just got a little distracted.
- I thought you would be more excited.
- Yes, I'm excited, of course, it's going to be really cool - You said a little disconcerted.
- Now are you ready for the big news?
- My God, is there more?
- It has! So the organization was talking to me, and they asked me if you would be willing to sit at the same table as them, you know, you speak Korean, so you can help the members who don't speak it to fit in.
- I confirmed your place with them of course, I thought you would love it!
- Wait, was the song really about Felix?
- My God Bobby, I thought you were my manager and paid attention to the nuances.
You wanted to pass out obviously.
Billboard Music Awards Day - Red carpet.
- Hi Matt! We are excited to see your performance today. What can we expect from this presentation?
- Hello! I'm looking forward to the night, it's going to be amazing. The performance will be full of energy, with a touch of magic and emotion. I hope everyone enjoys it!
- Good luck! Now, we've heard rumors that you and Stray Kids have a special connection. Any future collaborations on the horizon?
- Well, I'm a big fan of Stray Kids, they're so talented. Who knows what the future holds? I'm always open to surprising collaborations. - You say with a bright smile
- Hmm, intriguing! And regarding the "Unseen Hearts" video, many fans speculate about the inspiration behind it. Any subliminal messages?
- Ah, "Unseen Hearts" is an emotional journey, an exploration of personal feelings and challenges. Fan interpretations are fascinating, and I like to leave the song open to different meanings.
- What about the ideograms? We saw Felix from Stray Kids in the video. Any special meaning? - The interviewer asks with an insinuating smile
- Ideograms are like artistic elements, each one can find its own meaning. Sometimes it's just a way to add a special touch to the visual narrative. - You say, wanting to curse yourself for when you had the brilliant idea of putting one of the ideograms of Felix's name in the music video
Interview with Stray Kids
- And we're here with Stray Kids! You guys are killing it as always. We're curious to know, are there any secret collaborations you have in mind? Maybe something with our dear Y/N, who is also here today?
- Well, you know, we are always open to new musical experiences. Y/N is an amazing artist, so who knows what could happen in the future? - Felix responds.
- Interesting! And speaking of collaborations, we saw Felix's character in Y/N's "Unseen Hearts" video. Any idea what this could mean?
- It seems like Y/N wanted to add a special touch to the video. I don't know if there's a deeper meaning, but it's an honor to be included in his art in some way. - Felix says smiling
- What if we talk about the music itself? Any thoughts on "Unseen Hearts"? - The interviewer says wanting to provoke.
- Of course, we all watched the clip and were impressed. The song has a unique vibe, and Y/N's performance is engaging. It's great to see artists exploring different styles. - Bang Chan responds
- It seems like there are a lot of secrets being kept! Speaking of secrets, do you have any future projects that you haven't revealed yet?
- Well, we never reveal all our secrets, do we? You can expect more surprises in the future. - Hyunjin responds, ending the interview.
Later, after the red carpet, you have to face reality and go to your seat next to the members of Stray Kids. You're dying of embarrassment, not only because you meet artists you admire so much, but because you know what the topic of the moment is.
You greet everyone in Korean, trying to be as polite as possible, they are all incredibly kind to you.
When it's time to sit down, it's as if fate hates you, and of course your seat was next to Felix.
- I really enjoyed your series on Netflix. - Felix said trying to start a conversation.
- Serious? Didn't you find it a little too fanciful?
- It's too fanciful, but I like things like that, it's really cool.
- Thank you very much - You said blushing.
He looked incredibly handsome that night, you were trying very hard not to stare.
- I really liked Unseen Hearts too, it's a beautiful song.
- Oh thank you, but it doesn't even compare to your work, I'm still quite an amateur. - You always had this habit of diminishing yourself.
- Hey don't say that, your work is incredible. - He takes a strand of your hair and puts it back. - Your eyes are very E/C
He immediately takes his hand out of your hair and apologizes. There was a slight awkward atmosphere but the touch of his fingers in your hair were still there. “You’re not living a fanfic, focus on reality”, you forced yourself to think.
You didn't want to do it but you had to, you didn't want them to keep bothering the boy because of the damn ideogram in the clip.
- Look at the clip, and the ideogram, I'm sorry they keep disturbing you with this, I saw some of your lives and how embarrassed you were.
- Hey no, I thought it was really cool! Was it really a reference for me?
You look down, well, there was no point in lying anymore, right? At least you would leave with the knowledge that your idol would never see you as anything more
- Yes, it was, but you know we all have crushes on famous people, don't worry, it doesn't mean anything big.
- What a shame - He said looking down
What? - You were shocked.
- I wouldn't mind, you know, if it was a genuine crush.
You didn't have time to respond because Bobby came to call you to say that you needed to get ready for your presentation. You ran away with your heart racing, what did that mean, what did Felix mean?
- Ladies and gentlemen, singing Unseen Hearts Y/N S/N
On the Billboard Music Awards stage, the "Unseen Hearts" moment begins with you positioned center stage, radiating a magnetic presence. The mesmerizing melody fills the room, creating a magical atmosphere that captures everyone's attention.
The scenery is full of fantastic elements, as you immerse yourself in the performance, conveying the emotion of the music through each note. The audience, enveloped by the magic of the presentation, watches attentively.
During the performance, the camera occasionally cuts to the audience, where Felix from Stray Kids is sitting. His eyes meet at various moments, creating a visual connection that transcends the stage. You, while singing, exchange intense glances with Felix in the audience, conveying deep emotions and a unique harmony.
The exchange of glances is loaded with meaning, as if you were sharing your story not only with the audience, but also with Felix. Every facial expression reflects the intensity of the song, as your eyes meet Felix's, conveying a silent, emotional narrative.
At the end of the performance, the audience bursts into applause, recognizing the beauty and emotion of the performance. You, as you come down from the stage, exchange a final look with Felix, a moment that remains suspended in the air before being lost in the effervescence of the applause.
On twitter
🌟 The exchange of looks between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was simply magical! This emotional connection transcended the stage. ✨🎶 #UnseenHeartsMagic
😍 I can't get over the intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix during the performance! Their chemistry is palpable, and "Unseen Hearts" became even more special. 🔥💖 #BBMAs # Y/N xFelixMoment
🧙‍♂️ I'm absolutely delighted with the performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs. The looks between Y/N and Felix added an extra layer of magic to the performance! 🌈🔮 #EnchantedConnection
🎭 "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was an emotional journey! The looks between Y/N and Felix brought a unique depth to the presentation. A masterpiece of connection and magic. 🌌🎶 #MysticalPerformance
🤩 The performance of "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs was a visual and emotional spectacle! Y/N and Felix exchanging looks made everything even more captivating. 😊💫 #KPopMagicMoment
😭 I cried at the beauty of the performance of "Unseen Hearts". The intensity of the looks between Y/N and Felix is heartbreaking. A unique emotional experience. 💔🌟 #BBMAs #EmotionalJourney
🎶 The chemistry between Y/N and Felix during "Unseen Hearts" at the #BBMAs is something that cannot be described in words. A perfect fusion of music, emotion and connection. Angry! 👏🌈 #MusicalAlchemy
🌀 "Unseen Hearts" at #BBMAs left my soul vibrating. The looks between Y/N and Felix transcended the stage, creating a unique and magical experience. 🔮✨ #MysticVibes #UnseenHeartsVibes
You couldn't believe what had just happened, you had performed Unseen Hearts in front of hundreds of people but it was as if you could only see Felix, you were completely embarrassed by it. How could you be so unprofessional to stare at the boy like that? What would they say about you? What would they say about him?
A knock on the dressing room door makes you stand up. It was the boys from Stray Kids and you quickly rushed to open it.
- Y/N, man, you just killed it on stage! It was amazing! - Bang Chan says hugging you.
You're grateful for the compliment, but a wave of self-consciousness hits you. Did they notice your distraction? Did they notice the prolonged glances in Felix's direction?
- Oh, thanks, Chan! I'm glad you liked it. - You say smiling, trying to hide it.
- Did you see the audience? Everyone was mesmerized. It looks like you worked some real magic up there! - Jeongin says.
Everyone laughs, and you join in the laughter, trying to keep your self-critical thoughts away.
- Y/N, that performance was incredible. You brought such a unique energy to the song. - Felix says with a shy smile.
- And I think our friend here needs to speak to you in private. - Changbin says leading the others to leave the room.
Okay, you thought: now he's going to say that what I did was horrible, that it could cause gossip and horrible repercussions for his career. And so you will have ruined the mere chance of having a friendship with someone you admire.
But his response was very different from what you imagined.
- Yeah… I wanted to ask… if you want to go out with me, do you know after the awards?
The initial perplexity is replaced by a mixture of relief and surprise. You expected the worst, but here Felix is, not mentioning anything about the intense stares, but rather extending an invitation to hang out.
- Wow, of course, I would love to! It would be amazing. - You smile trying to hide your surprise.
Felix seems to relax a little, like he's relieved by his answer.
- Great so! Will be cool. The awards are going to be incredible, but I think after that we can relax a little, what do you think?
- I will love it!
- Excellent! See you after the awards, then. - He says with a dazzling smile
He turns to leave the dressing room, and you stay there, processing the unexpected turn of events. What seemed like a potential uncomfortable situation turned into an invitation to hang out. Perhaps the intense looks were perceived differently by Felix.
Later that night…
"Y/N from 'Unseen Hearts' and Felix from Stray Kids spotted holding hands after the Billboard Music Awards!"
"The beginning of a new ship? Y/N and Felix, moments of romance after the awards."
"Fans are ecstatic over photos of Y/N and Felix together. Could this be the start of a new friendship or something more?"
And on Twitter…
😱 Holding hands? This is real? Y/N and Felix together? I'm freaking out! 😍🥰 # #Y/NxFelix  #UnseenHeartsLove
🚢 Is a new ship being born? The internet needs to know! 😏🚀 # Y/Nlix #ShipSpeculation
🌟 The friendship between Y/N and Felix is so beautiful! We loved seeing the two together. 🤝💖 #FriendshipGoals # Y/NAndFelix
🧐 Holding hands? Are we all witnessing the beginning of something special? 🤔🌈 # Y/NAndFelix #SpeculationsRising
📸 Exclusive photos of Matt and Felix leaving the event. Are we seeing the birth of a new partnership? 🤝💫 #CelebrityNews # Y/NFelixMoments
📚 What do you think of a fanfic based on these photos? 😏💕 # Y/NlixFanfic #ShippingDreams
And so maybe Unseen Hearts weren't so unseen...
140 notes · View notes
neil-gaiman · 2 years
I realize you probably didn't see my reblog of your answer to my question (and you don't have to answer this, BTW) but I've TRIED telling my friends I also don't have the patience to write along with having zero writing talent and that didn't work. They're still pushing for a novel about my vampire characters. My only artistic talent is singing.
You are allowed to explain to them the idea that No means No applies to all parts of life.
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derangedanomaly · 10 months
how about Bad sanses x Artist male reader?
Yay! Sure thing :D
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror, Cross, Error)
Nightmare was the last one to find out about your hobby, and that's just because he's too busy to notice. :(
He was about to tell you about some important mission, when he bumped into you drawing a portrait of him.
He couldn't even speak at that time, he was so... confused. But also felt prideful you were drawing him.
Definitely takes it to his room so he could stare at it longer.
"You have a great talent Y/n, such a beauty should be hanged so it could be admired by many." Himself. He was talking about himself. "Do you mind if I took it with me on the way out?"
If you answer positively, he'll just take it. No questions asked. But if you answer negatively... he'll just steal it behind your back. 💀
Look, he just really likes whatever stuff you draw, and the fact you drew him, awoken something in him. He needed to take the portrait with him! (Bro is thirsty as hell 😂)
In all seriousness though, he really admires your skills. Even though he never really says it.... The portrait you drew of him is his motivation, which he also won't admit. Since positivity doesn't do him any good....
Loves to watch when you draw. But wait...you thought he was looking at what you're drawing? Nah.. he's looking at YOU.
In his words, he finds you more breathtaking then any artwork. But it's not like he doesn't like your drawings! He loves them, he just loves you more. ;)
He thinks your face looks really mesmerizing while you're drawing.
Sometimes likes to give you 'some tips'. (Don't listen to him, his tips are actually really bad 😨)
"Use black for shading, it's gonna look amazing! I'm speaking from experience." He's not. Literally has zero experience, just said that so he would impress you. 💀
Sometimes sneaks up on you and runs away with your art supplies. (Annoying as hell.)
Overall a pain in the ass most of the time, but he's your ass. 😂
Admires your talent, and wants to know everything about it. 'What things do you usually draw? What type of artist are you? Can you show him some of your artwork?' he's actually so cute...
After he learned about your talent, he returned day after to your sleeping quarters, and showed you his new knowledge, about your hobby, last night.
Also gives you tips, but unlike Killer, Dust's are actually useful.
You actually learn many new things/tricks that you never knew about!
He's a total sweetheart, keeps checking on you to make sure you won't get lost in your hobby too much. He knows how easy artist's get taken lost in their artwork and don't sleep or eat.
If you'd ask him to model for you, he would in a heartbeat. But it would probably be the most boring pose ever.
Hands in his pockets and shit. 😂
Gets irritated by Killer's wrong tips, and immediately leaves the room once he starts spitting them. He just can't stand the stupid bullshit Killer says every time. 💀
"Oh, you can draw? Can you draw food too?" Was his first question when you told him about your hobby.
He's always hovering over you when you draw, which can be nerve-wracking at times...
So to get him distracted, you suggested that he could draw with you. After thinking your question over, he decided to try it out, so he agreed.
After this, he found out that drawing with you made him relaxed....so he made it his daily activity with you!
He doesn't mind how his drawing looks like a child drew it compared to yours. He isn't really competitive when it comes to these type of things.
He just likes spending time with you ^^
Likes to ask tons of questions. (He finds your voice soothing)
Overall, he just found his excuse for spending time with you! (And a way for him to relax)
Your hobby reminds him of Ink... which he shudders at and... avoids you for awhile. 😢
But you could always sense that he, more than once, glanced at your art.
After getting over his emo sappy phase, he finds the courage to talk to you again.
Wants to compliment you so bad, because it actually looks great, but he's just...shy.
He doesn't know much about your hobby, so he won't give much tips. But if you ask him for an honest opinion, then you can count on that!
He's just a sweet little guy 🥰
His immediate response to your hobby is just: "Oh great...another Ink!"
He isn't exactly 'thrilled' about it. But he doesn't mind it, as long as you don't bond with Ink over it. (Jealous)
Doesn't know much when it comes to creation, but he likes to knit next to you while you draw. It brings you two closer! ^^
Definitely defends you though when someone insults your artwork. Deems that it's just cause you both enjoy artistic hobbies. (Knitting and drawing) but he's really just a big fan of you and your awesome abilities!
If you need any art supplies, they would already be waiting for you on your desk by tomorrow morning. (Stole them from Ink 💀)
Doesn't like it when you're being pessimistic about your skills. He thinks you're awesome as hell!! Why're you bringing yourself down?
He's overall just happy to be able to peacefully enjoy his hobby next to someone he can trust. (Cutie patootie ❤️❤️)
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its-in-the-woods · 4 months
Tumblr media
Chapter 2 of down the rabbit hole
Chapter one here chap three
Pairing: Walton Goggins x You
Rating: Not much for this, brief mention of SA, mention of alcohol.
Slow build like novel damn length okay, Very Fluffy, Pinch of Angst, Relationship Development, Hurt/Comfort, Older man/ Younger(30s) women, Alternative universe, fictional work (IDK WHY BUT I AM PUTTING IT) Probably more as I go.
Synopsis: Working in film as a make-up artist is hard enough, but then Walton Goggins requests you, well it's way too easy to fall down the rabbit hole.
Note: they are both single, all for fun.
WARNING I do not have this all written out, I do have it plotted out, but it may be a little slower for chapters to come out. Please bear with me. If you know a Beta to edit please send them to me.
*Before we get into things. Thank you 100x for all the love. It means the world to me*
Somehow four weeks have slipped by. As always, TV series runs like a machine on fire while driving through a snowstorm. Long days, and even longer nights. You wonder briefly why you chose a profession that meant you average four to five hours of sleep. But then Walton brings the whole trailer their favorite coffee and you just shrug the thought off. Working with the cast and crew was like being in one big dysfunctional family. One part hated each other, one part was fucking each other, and another part just held on for the ride. You liked to think you were in the last group, but sometimes when you caught Liz glowering at you, you wondered if maybe you were in the first group. 
“Why does she hate me?” You ask Trevor as you try to eat lunch. Fish wasn’t your first choice but it’s what they had had. 
“Who?” Trevor asks, munching on some strawberries, how the man ate as much as he did and remained tiny was amazing. 
“Liz.” You sigh moving your fork around the plate.
“Liz hates everyone, don’t take it personally.” He grabbed a couple more pieces of fruit. 
“Have you seen the way she looks at me? Like, why bring me onboard if she was just gonna avoid me like the plague?”
“She’s jealous of you.”
You turn and raise your eyebrows at him. “What are you talking about?”
Trevor lets out a snort and chomps down on some cheese. “Girl. Don’t play down your talents. You have worked your damn ass off to get here. One of the best makeup artists out there and Liz knows it. Why do you think Mr. Goggins likes you so much?”
You shrug and pick through your food, the fish was not sitting particularly well. “I am not better than anyone else.”
Trevor swats at you playfully, “Shut up. You can wrangle through asshole actors like no one else. You take zero shit from anyone and you get stuff done on time or before they are needed. You’ll be one of the most valued artists in town in no time.” He chuckles and pushes his own plate away. “Just make sure you bring me along with you.”
You grin back at him. Trevor had never jerked you around like most others. He was right, you did a good job and people appreciated your blatant lack of kiss assery. You fiddle with your fork for a moment before deciding that you had enough for the day. 
It was Thursday, which meant the week was almost over. The end was in sight and your bed was calling your name. You’d probably sleep the weekend away and indulge in some overpriced Chinese food. Your thoughts about sweet and sour pork are broken when someone announces they are coming in. Liz walks in and looks you up and down. Dear god, that woman has a chip on her shoulder. She went and pulled out a couple of empty totes. 
“It’s going to be you and Trevor tomorrow and the following week.” She says her lips pressed firmly together, as she talks she goes through drawers grabbing different products.  “Walton is here doing some scenes, Laura will also be here but she shouldn’t be on camera. If she is, I've emailed you notes and pictures.”
You nod, not bothering to look at her as you continue to wash your brushes. Liz continued to add to her bin.  “Sounds good.”
“Look, I know we haven’t been exactly- Friendly.” You turn to look at the woman, she is putting the lid on to the tote. Writing info on a sheet of paper on the top. “But, you do a good job. The director has been very happy with everything. “
“Thank you.” You reply, giving her a small smile. “I appreciate that Liz.”
Liz nods back at you and grabs the tote, waddling out the door. It’s probably the closest you’ve come to liking her. You sit there for a moment, taking in the compliment, maybe things are changing for the better. 
Friday is here, and you decided to bring some timbits to celebrate the end of the week. The usually bustling studio lot was quiet. Construction and Set Dec had busied themselves with various other needs. It was refreshing to have a little quiet. You had even been able to park your car right beside the trailer. As much as you loved the absolute chaos that was a film set, the calm was a nice balm. You knew that before long you would miss the chaos, and it would be back with vengeance. 
Laying things out you felt like you could breathe. You had put on some gothic country on the stero, something that only you and Trevor really enjoyed. Both of you had moved from rural areas to do your job. It was another reason why you enjoyed his company. Trevor had set himself up on the second workspace, the two of you spreading out a little while the boss was away. 
“Hello. Lady and gentleman,” Walton’s voice shrill as he came up the stairs. The man was a never-ending ball of energy. You were positive you could do a month of night shooting and he still would come in chipper as if it was his first day. 
“Hey Walt,” Trevor said with a grin, it was hard not to be happy around the man.
“Excited for the weekend?” You ask as you drape him with a cape, popping off his sunglasses and grabbing his other glasses off the counter. As he rereads some lines. 
“I sure am. It feels like it’s been an extra long week.” He sighed, rubbing at his hazel eyes before grabbing a timbit. “These things are delicious, I am going to steal the whole box..” 
You slap playfully at his hand.“Hey now! Make sure I get a few” He gives you a crooked smile and holds one up. You don’t hesitate to lean forward and let him feed it to you. He swallows and looks up at you, as the realization dawns on you as to what you just did. 
“Well-Umm- Next week doesn’t look to bad,” Trevor pipes, shooting you a look, his voice squeaking slightly.
“This is true, just the three of us enjoying a few short days,” Walton says, you are desperately trying to move past what just happened as you grab a moisturizer and apply it gently. His eyes follow you.
“I can certainly say I will enjoy not having to drive all over the place.” You reply, trying not to let your cheeks flush. Reminding yourself sternly that you were a professional and for Pete’s sake you’d been working together for over a month now. 
“You have the craziest eyes.” He whispers as the two of you look at each other. There is no way of hiding the fact your cheeks are burning. Trevor graciously comes over and starts to fuss with his hair. 
“Thank you,” You reply, words caught in your throat. Turning to start packing your set bag, anything to hide the fact that you were bright red. You look up to see Trevor raising his eyebrows at you. You look away and finish things up before sending Walton off to set.
“What was that?” Trevor drawled as he slid into the chair, the look on his face made you want to crawl under the counter. 
“What was what?” You try to dismiss things even if your face is on fire. What the hell had just happened?
“He just fed you a damn donut hole and you are blushing all over Goggins?” Trevor pushes fiddling with a comb, and you really want to throw something at him. 
You freeze a bit and look up at him in the mirror. “Don’t do that.” 
“Do what? See the fact that you two have been goggling over each other for the last four weeks. You just ate food out of his fingers. Wait what does he taste good?’
You do throw a powder puff at him. “You. You stop it. I don’t know what the hell I was doing. It just kind of happened.” 
Yes, you had noticed the little things, but really the man was friendly with everyone. He had always been touchy-feely, but maybe there had been more that you had missed, including eating food out of his fingers. You remember him kissing you on the cheek yesterday morning before leaving. But there couldn’t be anything there, there was nothing there you repeated to yourself. 
“Oh give me a break. He brings you coffee and touches, and kisses your cheek every day. The man has been fawning all over you.”
You bite your lip and turn to look at your colleague, ‘He does that with everyone, Trevor. He’s just friendly.”
You’re now madly stuffing stuff into your bag trying to get out of this newly warm trailer. Trevor snorts and puts his things into his bag. You wish he would drop it, but he was never good at leaving things alone. 
“You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart,” He giggles in an imitation Southern drawl. The two of you hop out of the trailer. You aren’t sure whether to smack him or hug him, either way, there is a job to be done. 
It was a textbook day, Walton had nailed almost everything. The man could act there was no doubt about that. The character was a belligerent drunk detective trying to solve a cold case. The script was dark, moody, and well horrible. You didn’t shy away from horror, but true crime always made your stomach flipflop. Your stomach also flipped as you watched Walton go from looking like he was gonna bite someone's head off, to all smiles and laughter. 
You, Trevor, and Walton are walking back to the trailer together. It was actually sunny out, a rare moment for the Pacific Northwest. Costumes had been busy with some extras so you decided to start with him and finish with the others. 
“So do you two have any plans for the weekend?” Walton asks, walking in between both of you.
“I think I might have a date on Saturday,” Trevor replied cheerfully. 
“Oooh and who's the lucky fella?” Walton sing-songed.
Trevor looked flush for a moment, “Decon, from props actually.”
Walton chuckles elbowing Trevor “Well that sounds like an excellent Saturday. Man is gonna have some fun.”
Trevor shakes their head and rolls his eyes “He better show or I am going to have to send you both after him”
Walton bares his teeth and growls, which send everyone into a fit of giggles. Decon be aware, there was a madman coming for you. You thought as you get to the trailer opening the door.
“And what about you, little lady,” Walton drawls, that damn southern accent creeping in. 
“Nothing special. Think sleep and Chinese food are calling my name.” You reply as everyone settles in. Really that would be the best way to end the weekend. 
“Oh, Chinese food sounds amazing.” Trevor pipes in, turning on some tunes. 
“Who needs sleep, it's not that important.” Walton chides as you get to work. “I was wondering if you both would like to come to a small bar not far from here. Transport can drive us there and back, a few of us are getting together for some drinks.”
You catch Trevor's gaze, a sly smile spreading across his face. “Oh, I would love that! Little get-together with our mess of a family.”
“What about you?” The lead asks, rubbing your arm. His hands are warm, you’re surprised to feel a few calluses on his fingers. 
“Oh. Yeah sure. That would be good.” You give a small smile, trying not to let your mind wander too far. If you were honest, the prospect of getting together with a bunch of coworkers was low on your want list. But the look on Trevor's face tells you that you aren't allowed to say no. Your stomach clenches as the memory of a wrap party gone wrong rumbles past your mind. You push that down. It had been almost seven years since that happened, these were different people. People you knew and trusted.
“Fantastic, I am excited to have you both there,” Walton exclaims before closing his eyes to let you finish your job. 
Once Walton is released to Costume, you and Trevor busy yourself with cleaning the trailer. Getting extras cleaned up and making sure everything is ready for the early morning come Monday. You can tell Trevor has been watching you but you can't make yourself say anything. Anxiety has pooled in your stomach like a cold stone and you are struggling to shake it.
“What's wrong?” Trevor asks bluntly sitting down in a free chair. You shake your head and keep your hands moving.
“Come on now. I've never seen you get this clammed up over an invitation to a party. To be fair I've actually never seen you go to a party–” Trevor’s words trail off realization washing over his face. “I know you like your peace, and quiet, but what is going on”
You collapse into the other chair with a deep sigh. Trying to find the words, you really didn't want to explain things too much. That said if there was anyone who'd understand it be Trevor.
“When I first got into the industry.” Your mouth feels so dry even at the thought of it. You grab your water bottle taking a swig.“I went to a wrap party. Got drunk and a guy from Sound took advantage of me. So I've never gone to one since.”
Trevor looks shocked, sadness creeping in at the words. “Hon.That is awful.”
“It happened almost a decade ago. It's fine. Just makes me nervous.” You let out a breath. You weren't going for sympathy, despite it being the worst night of your life, all you wanted was understanding.
Trevor comes over and gives you a big hug. You feel tears prickle in the corner of your eyes. As you let yourself sag against him. You were so thankful for this man, that he was understanding and seemed to care about you. 
“Honey, nothing like that is gonna happen to you tonight. We'll go together and enjoy ourselves. And if any man or woman tries to hurt you I will beat them with my handbag” Trevor reassures you with a small smile. You both chuckle at the last statement 
You sniffle a little, grabbing a tissue from the counter to dab at your eyes. “Thank you, Trevor”
He gives you a reassuring nod as you both get ready to go out. You were determined to make it a good night one way or another. 
Chapter three
Maybe.. maybe.. I will post the next chapter tomorrow cause I am too excited not to share it. Likes, comments, and reblogs are so greatly appreciated. Y'all keep this northern person happy.
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agentc0rn · 9 months
Another Pretty Long Character Analysis: Kieran and Nemona - Strength
disclaimer: not claiming this to be objective, just another writing piece full of thoughts done for fun because Kieran is such an interesting, in depth character ever
Okay so I mentioned this in my older post about kieran being the foil of nemona and their shared struggles with being at the top, socially excluded, and how strength as social arbiter displaced them in social settings. Like Kieran, Nemona became overly strong that no one wanted to compete and keep up with. Her passion is misread because of that plus the top statuses she holds as a wealthy multi-talented, high-achieving student. She is a good person and true to herself (her naivety to social cues perhaps is because of her lack of social connections with others). She means well and just want someone to battle with their efforts no matter the outcome and enjoy to the fullest. Battling is her expression of self, her way of enjoyment and connecting with others. Kieran is alike to an extent, with his strength already at a high level (stated by Carmen in the beginning), and his joyous expression seen during our first fight. This is supported by the fact as stated by Drayton how Kieran had fun battling pre-Teal Mask. These two rivals' love for battles run parallel with each other!
However, Kieran's transition reflects a common mindset that artists, athletes, musicians, etc. all resonate with: competitiveness + measure of worth in the things you like the most - you have to be good at them. I feel this strongly as well with art being my major source of passion - I pressured myself into thinking I had to be really good at it and not enjoy for the sake of doing it regardless of skills.
Battling was not only something Kieran liked doing, it was his main source of confidence and self-esteem.
We see that clear in Blueberry Academy, in dialogues and student culture, competitiveness is high, demanding, and brutal. Kieran may have internalized the idea, provided with his insecurity of weakness and his goal to become independent and reliant. Seeing that we were able to defeat him and sister with ease, he grew to admire but also envious of our esteemed strength, how our power seems to be favored by luck (having speical mons like Koraidon), inducing him to believe that if he worked hard, he could get to our level too. To add further, his lifelong admiration of Ogerpon supports his motivation and his aforementioned desire to be stronger. He wanted to be strong and cool as the ogre, not caring what others thought.
What I find interesting is how Kieran and Nemona handles their way of battling with us. Nemona guides you through the journey while challenging herself to learn in new ways - she restarts her journey essentially. For Kieran, even though he has experience, he struggles with the losses against us (confidence issues and again, aside our MC Role, there is some skill difference given that we fought the titans, area zero mons, team star, and gym leaders). He does change up his tactics, but ultimately does not see victory. He ends up restarting in a way back at BB academy. As a result, Kieran becomes more isolated throughout his training arc and his domination in the league. Him strictly calling out others for slacking inadvertently turns him into the fearsome "oni" figure that he idolized and thus earns him an unfavorable reputation as the president (similar status with Nemona) of the League, for instance, a dialogue between two students mentions how how ever since he became champ, the League club became less fun....Despite the contrast of tensity in these circumstances, Nemona is misunderstood in similiar manner with Kieran.
If memory serves correct, Nemona really gets into the battling mood and sometimes forgets about hers and others' limits, but does acknowledge them given a few instances when she does not battle you. Whereas for Kieran, once he entered the extreme zone, he fully devotes himself to strength at the cost of his mental, social and physical well-being. He discards his limits, giving everything he has got that ultimately eats him from the inside. The final scene when he reacts to losing may also show not just his struggle to grasp reality but a literal side effect on his health (no sleep = poor mood, poor thinking)
He desperately clings to the idea that endless training would grant him the guaranteed chance to beat you ("I know I am making the right choice") and no longer enjoys battling. Battling became a constant test of worth, the last and only means of proving himself. Even though he did become stronger, it drained his health, energy, sanity and reputation. Again, in an ironic way, he really became the oni (self filling prophecy).
at the end however, when we reach out to him to be confident in himself, that we needed his help, it gave him that confidence boost. We all believed in him - he really needed that support. Maybe seeing terapagos going berserk had him gain self awareness that he was like that too and how that caused harm to not only himself but to others.
One small thing to point out that he is like Terapagos in a way. Both are small, secluded and strong lads who end up going wayhire with their mass power.
Not to sound corny but I really felt Kieran’s frustration about losing. I was competitive too but soon let go of that. It’s fine to improve yourself but doing that to be better than others as your main reason can really cause burnout. Anyways this is a disorganized list of thoughts I wanted to share but if you read it the entire thing I really do got to say thank you for taking the time to do so.
EDIT: fixed some grammar and stuff because this was just a run-on draft lol
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