#but also don't bother correcting me cause i don't care and that's not the point i'm making
stairset · 2 years
I very much agree with the stance that it's very annoying how the MCU is like incapable of presenting genuinely serious, emotional or dramatic scenes without immediately ruining it with some dumb ironic self-aware meme-bait quip and how this has inspired others to imitate it. However I think it's weird how people on Tumblr apparently came to the conclusion that "he's standing right behind me isn't he" style jokes are apparently bad when that kind of gag was already a thing way before the MCU and as far as I can recall the MCU itself has never even used one of those jokes. Like it just feels like such a random thing to focus on.
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scoatneyhall · 4 months
WILD. Was anyone else aware that the Ted Lasso team has gone in and made post-production edits on season 3 episodes, sometime in the last year?
I've been rewatching the finale in advance of the one year anniversary of it airing, and straight off, I noticed that the points total on the graphic looked different to how I remembered it - a much closer race. It stuck out because I remembered being annoyed that they didn't celebrate the moment Richmond got confirmed for the Champions League, as the gap was big enough for it to have happened a while ago, offscreen. I still have a screencap from when the episode aired:
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However, the current copy on Apple has an updated graphic, making the post-production graphic in line with the numbers on the actual physical whiteboard prop and the script mentioning the win streak. See here:
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The corrected copy makes Richmond's points match the whiteboard, but it also puts the teams in 3rd to 5th place much closer to them points-total wise, meaning that now, in the current version of the episode, Richmond only qualified for the UCL in "Mom City," making it make more sense that the start of 3.12 is the first time it gets discussed. Would have been nice to mention that stake in the City match commentary during 3.11, but I genuinely am shocked that they went back in and edited the already-published episodes to clean up the post-production errors. For the record, here's the whiteboard as of 3.08: W10, D9, L6.
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Just in case anyone cares, the order of those results was - 1 draw against Chelsea, 6 wins with Zava, 1 loss against West Ham, the rest of the draws and losses occurring between 3.05 and the loss against Arsenal in 3.07, and then the 4 wins mentioned at the start of 3.08. By the start of 3.12, it's mentioned they are on a 16 game win streak, so that's 22 wins overall, 9 draws, 6 losses, going into the final weekend, hence the updated graphic.
I like that they went in and fixed it - no idea when in the past 12 months that occured - but I also kind of can't believe they bothered? Then again, I can't believe the mistake was made in the first place, as they were so specific with details in the prior seasons, so maybe they couldn't live with it being wrong.
I know there were rumours about a ton of issues in terms of getting these episodes posted in time - right down to the wire, still fixing the edit on the airdate - and it's clear that these details were not checked and confirmed by the poor people in post who were not working off the show bible that lives in the writers heads. I don't blame them at all, I blame the people who got the edit to them late, but it did annoy me during the season a LOT. The maths wasn't mathing, and as we know this is a show that has been careful with dates and timelines and stuff like that.
Anyway! The point is, a) this post about my UCL qualification fantasies is now moot, and b) I went back and checked another post production error that had REALLY pissed me off, which was the dates of texts in Ted's phone in 3.04. Phone dates have always given us the timeline quite strictly before - it's how @belmottetower and I started the timeline in our primer, with Ted arriving in London on January 6, 2020 and then following the football seasons from there to place the season 3 finale in May 2022 - but in 3.04, all the cute texts we see to all the characters in his phone were badly misdated, placing the timeline further in the future. This caused arguments or misunderstandings, at the time about the actual timeline of the show, but it seems this was another detail the producers really wanted to fix and tighten up, as they've gone back and had it edited.
It's weird, because the texts Ted was actually going back to - the messages from Doctor Jacob - were dated correctly as late 2019, and there's even a little easter egg in the form of a US rideshare notification picking him up to go to the airport in America, on 5 January 2020. (Even the area code, 316, is apparently correct to Kansas.) That's all correct even in the original version of the episode, but somehow we then skip a year and place his most recent texts, as of 3.04, in late October 2022, when they should only be in late September or early October 2021. (I found this post on Reddit that screenshotted his phone at the time.) Examples:
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I had to go back and check this, and sure enough, it's been edited to reflect the established timeline - they didn't just redate the year on each message, they also changed a bunch of the chats to be more recent - so rather than dates, his most recent chats with Henry, the Coaches, etc are from "Yesterday," then the first dated texts are in very late September 2021. This matches up pretty perfectly with where they are in a typical Premier League season - they REALLY cleaned it up. Further back, they do just switch the years on the dates, so he still got a picture from Sassy last Valentines Day, and his last one-on-one contact with Jamie is still set before the events of Wembley in 2.08 (FA Cup semi finals are in April, so a few weeks after the March 2021 date on Jamie's chat.)
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My brain is itching because I swear there was a screen of Nate and Ted's text chat at some point too? With Ted reaching out about his new job, on a date that deeply did not work with the timeline? But maybe I imagined it. There's no record of Nate's number in his phone at all now, and the texts date back to before Nate left, so I guess in this version of events, Ted deleted Nate's number and message history.
Anyway, I'm aware that basically no one is going to care about this, but I suspect that the three people who will actually care will REALLY FUCKING CARE. Has anyone else noticed it? Does anyone know when it may have happened? Does anyone know what else might have been changed or fixed? I love details and I love the fact that there is no longer conflicting data about what football seasons the show is covering - it's mid 19/20 to the end of 21/22, end of story - but what a fucking mess the production of season 3 must have been, to end up at this point!
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thecherrytarot · 1 year
𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲.
pick a line to read a channeled message from your person.
listen to : like crazy by park jimin
pile 1 "I think we could last forever"
pile 2 "I'm afraid that everything will disappear"
pile 3 "Just trust me"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏 "𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐 "𝐈'𝐦 𝐚𝐟𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫"
if you felt drawn to pile 3 make sure to check it out as well!
"hey there! don't you know it? I'm the one for you, your lover, your other half, your reflection, your king. I will come to save you, I know this sounds so filmy and cheesy but I will come and save you from that locked tower that feels like is always on fire, don't worry I won't let those flames hurt you ever again. I'll help you with every single thing you worry about and fix them for you, oh wait you don't want me do to that? Alright, I understand that you need to grow on your own but I will help you cause that's what friends and lovers do. They help the people that they care about. Don't feel afraid that you might fall back down through this journey, I'm right behind you, I'll catch you. Let's go ride bicycles and don't worry I'll teach you how to do that properly. My friends call me a simp and say that I am down bad for you they are correct about that no lie but they are wrong about how 'cold' you are towards them. They do not know you as I do, they do not know that you just have your guard up but because you have doubts about trusting your gut instinct, they don't know about your anxiety or how shaky your hands get when talking to strangers but fear not I am here, I'll rub your hands when they shiver, ill do the talking and encourage you to do that, I know you don't feel confident about the language that I speak but dont worry ill help you with that too and im good at correcting peoples grammar lol. Something about our connection makes me feel that this was meant to be, the decisions we made were made for us to meet that day or in your words 'god brought us together as a blessing and an apology for the things that we went through.'"
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑 "𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞"
i feel like many of you thought of your crush/ partner instead of your future spouse, then take however it resonates.
"I have so much to say, you are my favourite topic and also cause I have ADHD and I get hyperactive very easily. Anyway, I feel like you doubt our connection, you doubt if I am the one for you or are you the one for me and heck I even think you were doubting if this pile was for you aha got you, sorry I love teasing you and bothering you, you are just so cute and I love it when your eyes get big when you are surprised because of me, are they big now hehe let me take a picture fake clicking noises see? this is what happens when you date an introvert lol anyway back to the message I have so many doubts, they are filling my head and I can't sleep because of them no no don't worry they aren't always negative they are random but not the point sorry I keep getting distracted but what is the rating of this cause sometimes my thoughts get wild iykwim. I love the way you care for me, ask me in your sweet voice if I slept well or not and when I say no, I love how you let me rest my head on your chest and play with my hair cause you know that relaxes me. I had the best naps of my life in your arms. Please don't leave me, I am afraid that you will someday and I won't get to marry you as I have planned and no i don't wanna marry my games i want to marry you (not my games lol) sometimes i wonder if you feel like this too, these doubts of overthinking and our possible marriage. i feel like you do, so let's hopefully meet and talk about this topic and get it out of our system cause a little birdie told me that it helps."
" 'Just trust me' what a beautiful line, that's me saying that to you just trust me also look for pile 1, there are also messages for us there. I am a mess. I am losing my courage please come find me. I don't know what to do, I thought I would be fine but I am not. I have everything I wanted but this emptiness…it doesn't go away. I have been lonely for so long that I thought I would get used to it but I am not. I don't mind being alone but I mind not having someone to share my happiness, my sadness, my random fun facts, or just anything. I want to have my own family with you and maybe even kids but at the same time, I am afraid. I am so scared that our kids will end up like me and I don't want that to happen, I want our kids to love me and I want them to talk to me about their lives too, I had to cut off contact with my folks and I will never be able to live myself if our kids do the same with me. I am sorry I know I'm only talking about myself when this is supposed to be about you but what can I do? now that I have a chance to talk I'll say what I want to say in real life but am too scared to do so. When I am with you, you are all I can think of. I forget about my worries, my problems and these thoughts and just focus on you explaining something new that you learned today, it is so cute that you get so eager to tell me about it and I love it so much when you say things like 'oh i thought of you when i read/saw this and couldn't wait to tell you about it' it makes me feel so many things and i have never felt so happy. But when you leave those dark thoughts come back to me and haunt me. I feel scared to show you this part of me, you have an image of me being stable in your head and I don't want to taint it by showing you signs of weakness, I was never allowed to do that was i was young. I am sure you are aware that i struggle with my own shit, and i love that you don't force me to open up and patiently wait for me to do so cause you don't like it either when people force you to talk about your problems. Don't worry that day will come sooner than you think and our love will only grow stronger just trust me"
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grimgiggles · 2 months
I dislike jumping into discourses as contentious and subjective and BIG as the discourse over Ludinus' conversation with BH in the last episode, but there is a point that I haven't seen anyone making (idk, maybe people have been making it and I just haven't seen it) about his side of the argument, and I think it's worth consideration.
Ludinus values being right over being good.
Most people are thinking one of two things right now:
1. Yes, obviously, so?
2. What's the difference?
Let me put it another way: Ludinus values being correct over being kind. To him, Truth is more important than Compassion. He is the kind of person for whom a hard, blunt truth is a greater expression of love than any expression of softness or gentleness that is not 100% true. I hope that clarifies it.
At this point I want to make it clear that nothing that follows is a justification of Ludinus' actions, or an attempt to make him more sympathetic or anything. This is all exposition and analysis, on my part.
So, when I listened to his conversation with BH, I did not hear him trying to justify his own actions while condemning the gods' very same actions, and I didn't hear him trying to deflect blame for the wrongs he has done or that others have done for him. He admitted that he had done much wrong in pursuit of his goal. He knows the (many different) kinds of people he works with. He knows that there are parallels between him and his enemies (the gods), he KNOWS that he isn't the Good Guy (none of this matters to him). Every time it sounded (because that's what people expected to hear) like he was defending himself, what I heard was factual correction. He wants people to get their details straight. Because that's Truth.
But he believes, he KNOWS (and we don't know if he's right or wrong) that if he accomplishes his goals, everyone in the world will be, on balance, better off for it. For him, this is a labor of love (and sure, it's also motivated by hatred for the gods born from trauma, the two things aren't mutually exclusive). It's a very non-personal, universal - you could even say clinical - kind of love, but it is love.
But (and I know this from experience) it is SO difficult to convey earnest conviction and humility at the same time. It is almost impossible to say "I know I've hurt people and I know that's bad but I swear I swear I SWEAR I am doing this FOR you please LISTEN to me" without coming across exactly the way that Ludinus does: as a villain trying to justify himself. And he knows this, so he doesn't bother trying to make himself look like the Good Guy (again, he doesn't care about being Good, he cares about being Right), even while he DOES try to present his case in a way that he hopes will be understood.
He IS a villain, to be clear.
He has fallen into the classic INTJ villain trap (whaaaat meyers-briggs? In my meta? BTW this is a legitimate mbti stereotype, it's kind of messed up), which goes:
1. The INTJ experiences grief.
2. The INTJ identifies the cause of their suffering as a universal cause of suffering.
3. The INTJ processes their grief by intellectualizing it and devising a way to eliminate the cause of suffering completely, forever. They see this as not only personally cathartic but an act of service to everyone.
4. The INTJ gets tunnel vision about their goals.
5. The INTJ's methods hurt people, which forms an opposition to their goals.
6. Attempts at peaceful resolution fail because the INTJ is usually quite bad at connecting to people and making themselves understood on an emotional level (despite usually being very good at understanding, at least on a surface level, the motivations of others), and most other people simply don't even realize that they are not understanding.
7. One party or the other succeeds, usually with disastrous fallout for both sides. The only way to prevent this is to make a strong personal emotional connection with the INTJ - which is extremely difficult because the grief back in step 1 caused them to retreat WAY behind walls of Intellect, Pragmatism, and Cynicism - and through that connection remind them that actually the ends don't justify the means.
The other thing that makes Ludinus a villain is that he wants to commit genocide (technically he wants to enable genocide). He wants to eliminate an entire population of entities who are, he even conceded himself, basically just people. And he's okay with that, because it will, in his mind, be a net benefit for everyone else, and because in a truly wild subversion, he sees the gods as less than people. His hatred of the gods has morphed in his mind into a weird doctrine of mortal supremacism. He may or may not (personally I'm leaning toward probably not) be Correct about what will happen if he succeeds, but he is Wrong either way.
I digress. I veered a little off my point there, just to make it absolutely clear that I do not agree with Ludinus. He is a Bad Guy who must be Stopped.
We just saw step 6 fail, predictably, because BH and Ludinus spent the whole time talking at cross-purposes. Imogen probably got closest to actually communicating meaningfully with him, with her line of questioning on Predathos, but she didn't get very far because he has no reason to trust her with everything he knows. They were just fishing for more information, and he was just fishing for angles to hook a vessel.
My point is this: that conversation in Aeor was nothing. BH did not score any points, and neither did Ludinus (although he came pretty close with his little trick with Delilah, and he got away with the orb). Neither party came any closer to actually understanding the other or making themselves understood.
All these posts going around celebrating how BH "got him" or whatever are completely.
And so is BH.
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ceasarslegion · 1 month
All the people clowning on that post are ridiculous.
You are not wrong. You are absolutely correct. Living with actual health hazards (there is rotting food on the floor and mildewing clothes) is very different than "I have a mountain of clean clothes that aren't put away cause my depression has been really bad the last few weeks so my room is messy or I can't sit on the left side of the couch". If you can go to work then you can take a day or a half-day off once a month and clean up after yourself for the betterment of yourself and your symptoms. Part of getting better and improving your situation and health (both physical and mental) is doing the work (which YES is hard) to actually care for your body and lived environment.
We talk about other people enabling us to continue bad habits and harmful behaviors but we don't talk enough about the things we do to ourselves. Which are just as if not MORE important. So thank you for saying that! It matters and people need to hear uncomfortable truths!
And anyone who read that post and took personal issue with it because they actually live like that and it made them immensely uncomfortable because of their own shame around it which you literally (and I can't stress this enough) have nothing to do with needs to reevaluate their situation and accept that they can't live without a caretaker because they're at a point in their life where they can't adequately meet their own basic needs. If someone can't legally do it to a child (providing only unclean clothing, biohazard-filled living space, spoiled food, unclean dishes to eat it with, etc.) without it being abused/neglect, then they are not meeting their own needs and I understand that it might hurt to hear that, but it's the truth and it's a disservice to everyone to not say it. If people aren't saying it, then no one knows where the line is that says "if you cross this you need help and you need it NOW".
So, thank you for making that post even though people are losing their minds over it. I'm sure it's hard to hear that you're not doing a good enough job, but sometimes that needs to be said and, yes, they might not be doing a good enough job BECAUSE of a disability or other issues but that changes literally nothing. It's still not good enough and it can be improved only by them intentionally trying to improve it. Dancing around stuff like this and trying to say nothing that will upset/bother/hurt anyone is genuinely a disservice.
10/10 post. Hope you're getting reasonable breaks from the ridiculousness that everyone is throwing at you ❤️ sorry everyone is taking it in SUCH bad faith
^^^ thank you for being the first person who knows how to read
It's. Frustrating. It's so frustrating how absolutely no one wants to take responsibility for themselves the moment it gets hard. The moment it gets uncomfortable they shut down and scream that you're being ableist for asking an adult to take responsibility for themselves even if they have a mental illness.
The thing is, life IS harder when you have a disability, mental or otherwise. But guess what? That is never going to change. The world will not stop for you just because it's unfair. There is no point in kicking your feet and pouting that it's unfair that you have to do more work than that neurotypical person to keep yourself clean and healthy because nobody did that TO you, it just is. And like, life is unfair to everybody. That is the one universal thing we all experience. Sorry I guess?
I also just like, can not stand how people flip their absolute shit the moment I stop talking to them like little kids. I didn't baby them or coo and go "uwu it's okay if you have mold in your house!" so they immediately took me saying "youre an adult, you need to act like one. Idgaf if you're depressed there are still responsibilities you have towards yourself now" as me denying their mental illness and on par with "have you tried not being sad?"
And like dude, if you can't even handle that from some guy online, I shudder to think of how developmentally behind they are from no ones fault but their own. They talk about mental illness like it makes them forever children unable to ever take any responsibility for themselves, and anyone who points out that no, you're still an adult whether you're sick or not and adulthood comes with certain responsibilities as an attack against them. So they attack back even though nobody swung at them, or even said anything they accused me of saying or implying.
And it's infuriating to those of us who actually made the effort. It's infuriating as someone who fought through all the bs that mental illness comes with in order to get better. It doesn't mean I don't struggle, or that I'm somehow cured, and I never once said that cleaning your room would cure your depression btw, but there is a fine line between struggling with your symptoms and letting them win.
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allthoseotherworlds · 10 months
Okay, here's what I am imagining after that weird male-presenting timelord scene. Please imagine Sylvie and Shaun just standing awkwardly to the side the whole time. Also on AO3.
“It's a shame you're not a woman anymore,” Donna was saying, “‘cause she'd have understood. We've got all that power - but there is a way to get rid of it. Something a male-presenting Time Lord will never understand.”
The Doctor watched, confused, as Donna and Rose released the metacrisis energy. He wasn't confused about the release of the energy, of course, now that it had been pointed out as an option. He was so, so grateful that there was a way out of this, a way not to lose the friend he cared so much about and had always regretted losing.
He watched as the remains of golden regeneration energy fizzled away into the air, then turned back to Donna and Rose.
“That's incredible! The metacrisis energy was too much for one person to release, but split between two, it's reduced enough to be let go without damage. Brilliant!” He paused. “I'm not sure what gender has to do with it though?”
“Oh, you know,” Donna said. “It's just…” she paused. “I always heard that woman are more emotionally mature, that sort of thing.”
“Actually,” Rose said thoughtfully, “I'm not sure that's true. I've known plenty of women who could use more emotional maturity. Think about Nerys-”
“Oh, that woman!” Donna grumbled. “You may have a point.” She turned back to the Doctor. “It's still not something you'd ever come up with though. I guess I assumed it's because you're a man now.”
“Am I?” The Doctor asked. He didn't know why he said it, really. He mostly let humans assume what they wanted, and it mostly didn't bother him. But it was Donna, and she was clearly accepting and loving towards Rose, and this face seemed much worse at hiding things than his last.
“Well, aren't you?” Donna said. “I mean, you've never corrected anyone.”
“I guess we never did ask your pronouns,” Rose said. “But when you assumed he for the Meep I guess I assumed that meant you were a man.”
“Most people do. The Doctor said. Mostly I let them.”
“But…?” Donna asked gently, and the Doctor was suddenly so proud of her and Rose and the loving relationship they had with each other.
“Well, you know,” the Doctor ran a haha through his hair. “I'm just… the Doctor. Sometimes people think I'm a woman, and sometimes people think I'm a man, and I'm not really either. I'm just the Doctor. I know what humans are like, in this time period, so I mostly use “woman” or “man” because it's what people expect. But it's not… it's not some fundamental thing about me, a defining trait or experience. It's just something to go along with. It's just how other people treat me, not something I am.”
Donna nodded, thoughtfully, but it was Rose who spoke.
“You do… know that gender normally is something people experience and feel strongly about?” she said. “I mean, that's why I'm trans - I just feel it inside. It's not about how other people see me.”
“I'm not sure I've ever felt that,” the Doctor said. “Like I said, I'm just… me. Everything else is just other people.”
“I'm sorry for assuming,” Donna said. “What about pronouns? Do you have a preference?”
“Oh, I don't think so,” the Doctor said, mostly by reflex, before stopping. “Actually, of the available options in English, I think ‘they’ is most accurate. But like I said, it's not that important to me. I just brought it up because,  I don't know, I guess I just wanted you to know.”
“Well, now we know,” Donna said. “Thank you, Doctor.”
“Thank you,” the Doctor said. “Both of you.”
This face was more emotionally open, but even it had its limits apparently, and the Doctor shook themself off and gestured at the exit to the unit compound. “Now, shall we go find the Tardis?”
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lady-byleth · 1 year
A thing that strikes me every time I watch Ace of Diamond is how Miyuki is both an extremely insightful and caring person but at the same time too socially awkward to make use of that
Like, yes, he's an absolute raccoon and gremlin but he plays that up so hard that most people around him think that that's all he is. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
While he's extremely bad at reading people in general and doesn't really understand emotions he is observant enough to recognise behavioral patterns and connect them to what he knows of people's personalities and experiences to draw correct conclusions. And that kind of observation and analysis is not possible if you don't care deeply
And while he will absolutely use this ability for his own amusement he typically utilises it simply to compensate for his own shortcomings in interpersonal relationships. He doesn't know how to comfort or motivate so he redirects instead.
His constant needling, annoying and insulting is his way of channeling his pitchers' nervous energy into their frustration with him and that way they focus on shutting him up instead of worrying about the situation.
But when he notices an actual problem that behaviour disappears immediately and he notifies someone else who can deal with it better.
He was the first to realise Furuya's slacking off was fatigue exacerbated by the summer heat and instantly connected it to having moved to Tokyo from Hokkaido only recently.
He was also the first to recognise Sawamura's crumbling performance as yips and instantly isolated the cause for it too.
But the next step would be seeking conversation and working on a solution, which involves addressing emotions, and that's where he freezes up every time. Because emotions and understanding them as well as seeing what's written between the lines is Kuramochi's thing, not Miyuki's. So he relegates to the coach or Chris instead.
You can also see that he always knows when his usual tactic of pissing someone off won't work and that he always tries to find another way when relegating isn't possible. But because dealing with emotions is his greatest weakness it always ends up either super awkward or straight up backfiring
Even his fight with Zono stemmed from Miyuki being too socially awkward to even remotely understand why Nabe came to him in the first place. It takes Kuramochi pointing out that someone who wanted to quit wouldn't make such an effort taking notes for him to realize he missed something again. And it's that part that makes him the most upset, not Zono arguing with him. And him being upset with himself make the fight only get worse because being as emotionally challenged as he is he doesn't know how to back down either
He's been fully aware of and bothered by this even before the start of the series so his answer was to remove his own brain to mouth filter instead...until this was no longer an option.
When he becomes captain it's suddenly not just about him and the pitchers anymore but the entire team that's looking to him for guidance and his own shortcomings end up affecting everyone
So he starts making the effort to be more open and understanding, tries to connect with the team on a different level and not always rely on his sharp tongue.
And going back from Act 2 to the start of the series you can really see what an emotional journey this all is for him and how much he grows with it. Because first he allows himself to care so much that he puts his own health at risk for the team until he learns to balance this deep caring with his responsibility as captain and becomes the reliable pillar of strength that keeps Seido going straight while Sawamura takes on the role of emotional center
Of course, he's not even close to being done growing and he still messes up but hey, he's only 17 years old by Act 2 and the growth he undergoes in just that one year we experience with him is already impressive
Anyway, this sports manga/anime has better character development than most media that claim to be "character driven" and I'm in love with it
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sea-lanterns · 6 months
tw // : mention of hypersexuality and disorders
i'm not sure if i contributed to the need for that statement or not but i know i sent asks that mentioned hypersexuality in passing some time ago and in case i did cause any kind of problems; first: as someone that's been medically diagnosed with hypersexuality i want to thank you for pointing out the distinction between high libido and hypersexuality. it's an important difference that's severely misunderstood amongst a large amount of people and a topic that should be treated with way more respect than it gets.
second: i would like to apologize if any of my asks came off as fetishy or romanticization, or gave off the impression that i was trying to use hypersexuality interchangeably with high libido. that's never been my intention and again; as someone with an actual medic diagnosis for hypersexuality; i try my hardest to be as careful as i can be to avoid coming off like that because of how harmful it is and i don't want to give off the idea that i'm engaging with bad intentions. i also want to apologize if i ended up pushing you out of your comfort zone with anything i said. i've been following your blog for a very long time and would be really upset with myself if i did anything to offend/bother you. while i don't remember sending anything explicit i do remember bringing the topic up so i wanna make sure you know that had absolutely no ill intent when i did. i never saw the rule against disorders and the thought that even slight mentions could cause issues never occurred to me, so i'll try to do better. you're free to ignore this if you want, but i felt i should write to you anyway just to be sure if there was anything i personally did to contribute to the problem.—🥞
You’re okay 🥞 anon! Thank you for reaching out to me!
No need to feel called out, that statement was posted in regards to a few asks I’ve been seeing lately (not you) that I personally think have been using the term “hypersexuality” as a way to describe their high libido. I just wanted to make the distinction clear so that my fishies are aware that hypersexuality is probably not the right term they are looking for, and it is important to inform them so they can use the correct terminology in the future.
As for the fact that there was no mention of disorders in my rules, I just checked and you are right! Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I’ve updated the rules to include the fact that I don’t write for disorders on all of my blogs, so thank you for mentioning it :)
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joyswonderland1108 · 10 months
Seriously Army?
So she's back home and she's ready to rant and give answers and let you rant with me cause what on earth?
Okay So Jimin had a schedule in Budapest, he left on the 16th which got fuckers panties in a twist because why oh why would Jimin go to the same country JK went to? Didn't you know Budapest is exclusive to JK and JK only? But fear not, a few hours later they were celebrating again because "Jimin will be away for GOLDEN Live on stage" Uhm okay.
Comes the 18th and Jimin is going back home, guess what?
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Right.. Because how fucking dare Jimin goes back to his HOME COUNTRY WHERE HIS PLACE IS, HOW DARE HE? THAT VIXEN!! But yeah gotta love the dedication in manifesting Jimin's presence in JK's GOLDEN Live in stage performance. Anygays..
Damn if you do, damn if you don't. So they're unhappy that Jimin went to Budapest but they're also unhappy that he's going back home.. Exactly how do you make these people happy? We don't know, actually we do they absolutely despise Jimin's existence and the ideal for them is him staying 7 countries away from JK..
MOVING ON, comes d-day of the performance, Joon is there, absolutely adorable, in his whole hotness and cuteness, then someone mentions that apparently according to K-army Jimin was there, well.. False alarm that of course got deleted later (rightfully so) when they got the correct information. But that was enough to rile up that cult which led to this
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(Stole this from jikookreports)
All that from a false alarm too, they didn't even wait for it to be confirmed or anything just the mention of Jimin there was enough to have them foaming at the mouth. Which then was followed by this
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(Stole this from Keira on Twt)
Which ended up being complete bullshit but of course Army hyped it up took it as a fact despite it being unverified news and despite the fact that k-media has been bullshitting on many things before but before i continue.. Notice how none of Joon or Tae's presence in JK's event seem to bother people? Like yes, them being there means they love their maknae, their baby star candy and want to support him but Jimin being there means he's a leech and can't stay home for once. Lovely.
Moving on and this is the cherry on top, this dumb ass, this wet sock, this lab rat, posted this
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Now if the previous post wasn't enough of a lie this uncultured twat decided to make up a whole ass au out of that previous lie and of fucking course 12.4K (now probably more) of "smart" Army ate that shit up.
Mind you this post is still up and OP thought it was funny to keep it up and add this
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So not only homeboy Tae was busy today, as seen here
Joon also mentioned that other members, which logically would be Vmin, have a shoot today, which means both weren't there. But this motherfucker was proud about spreading misinformation DURING THE LIVE not even after but decided it was a good idea to post some bullshit before even the live ended so basically disrupting people's attention and creating some whack ass drama instead of focusing on the performance that JK worked hard for.
Now if you did watch the live you know that JK pointed to Joon and asked to give him the mic to give a lil speechy speech, so are you now insinuating that JK is a dick for not acknowledging Tae's presence and only acknowledging Joon? Literally nothing about that post is a cute joke, not the timing of it, not the obvious lie when my boy Tae wasn't even there, just.. How very inconsiderate do you have to be? If YOU don't care about the live then it's on YOU, keep your childishness to yourself and if you still wanna make sick jokes, out of respect, wait for that live to fucking end.
Some people are on the TL while watching the live to hopefully catch some live translations as those offered with the live can be a bit off for now, so having to scroll through your tl and then you come across this shit? I don't know why it is so normalized to hate on Jimin and to disrespect JK, exactly what did this fandom become? Is it that hard to appreciate these boys without creating so much drama, so much hate, so much chaos?
I'm seriously very disappointed, as always, in ARMY cause if that was coming from the cult only then it's nothing new but then again at this point, at this rate, is it even something new that ARMY are engaging in loads of fuckery? No.. Not at all really.
Grow the fuck up.
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nayruwu · 11 months
This ques has been bothering me since I entered in this fandom.... How important is shinya to guren. Guren is surely very important to shinya as even his desire was to 'never give up on guren' but what abt guren. What I mean to say is:-
- guren has a lot of people who he loves and it's often (no, always) difficult to understand what his priority is, it's like his priority changed depending upon the situation,but then when someone is imp to you they are always your priority right?, talk abt shinya then I belive his top priority is guren. Therefore I'd ask 'is shinya guren's priority?'
-shinya has often seen showing his care for guren but that's not case with guren who is a tsundere but even if we talk abt actions guren has done a lot for shinya but he has done the same for 'the others' too I'm not saying he shouldn't but if I were to compare then, 'if shinya was the only one who died then would guren have touched the taboo?'
-guren has had a quiet a few people who are important to him like sakae, mahiru and shinya, again I'm not saying I want guren to consider shinya more important than his *father*, but when talking abt shinya i don't think he has had such people in his life therefore guren is somene 'different' in his life but I guess that's not the case with guren so, 'will it be easy for guren to sideline shinya?'
- finally, if some is important to us we care abt their emotions more than (or in addition to) their physical presence right? But the past few actions of guren he is kind of ignoring shinya's emotions
That's it ( ik that's quite long) but honestly thanku for even giving some time to read this silly question. I can be wrong , and if i am then please correct me.
Also I am not saying I want guren to make shinya his top priority I am just asking his importance in guren's life, and in order to do that I may have compared a few chracters but at the end of the I love guren and shinya and till the time they are happy I'm happy
a long ask requires a long answer. ghostwritten by my lovely friend mr. guren expert because there's no way i could have done this. hope you don't mind!
Those are some. pretty loaded questions with alot of nuance to them, but I'll do my best to reflect on them.
To dive right in, I think "If Shinya was the only one who'd died then, would Guren have touched the taboo" is an absolutely fascinating question to do this case study on. Of course, Guren ending the world was not something that happened exclusively because of the value Shinya holds to Guren. Being predestined, there were multiple factors at play, and I think your question is quite difficult to answer, specifically due the complexity of these circumstances. You're under the assumption that Shinya places a higher value on Guren than Guren does on him, because he never had any other attachments before him, and Guren therefore becomes his priority by default right?
Well I don't think the fact that Guren has attachments outside of Shinya, necessarily takes away from how much Shinya means to him. If anything it elevates that. In resurrection (Book 1, Page 24) it says "If Shinya didn't come back, Guren had violated the taboo for nothing." This idea is brought up multiple times throughout the book and does at the very least imply that had only Shinya lived, Guren would not have been the one to cause the catastrophe. Now while that is not the exact same case scenario, it does affirm the notion that Guren values Shinya's life above the lifes of his other friends, and perhaps, Mahiru if you want to take her into the equation too.
But I also know that Guren didn't only end the world for Shinya's sake, even if that might've been at the forefront of it. While I totally see your point about Guren having things Shinya lacks, you also have to understand that all of the attachments Guren has are under constant threat of being taken from him. By the time Guren ends the world for Shinya, he has already lost Sakae, he never had Mahiru to begin with and he has barely just found companionship with his friends.
(I don't think that comparing Sakae and Shinya's importance to Guren does much to prove a point either way, because Guren has never found himself in a situation where he had to weigh their lives against each other, like he did with Mahiru. When Sakae died, Guren and Shinya had only just begun to be friends in earnest and Shinya was always on Guren's side in trying to lift Sakae's execution order. While Guren does seem to prioritize a duty towards his clan over a duty towards saving Mahiru, Shinya is not within that. Yes, with his clan Guren had a semblance of community that Shinya never did, but i don't think it influenced whether or not he would end up valuing Shinya above it later on.)
I suspect that the fact that this was new for Guren too, friendship without the weight of expectations his Clan or Mahiru placed on him, factored into why Guren was so vulnerable, why he couldn't withstand. Guren didn't exactly have much autonomy under the Hiiragi regime and a big part of why Guren is "a tsundere" as you so delicately put it is because he is afraid that being emotionally attached to something, showing "weakness", wanting to save others, will cause them to be annihilated. And he's right at that, too. It's a threat both the Hiiragi and the curse of the resurrection pose. It's literally what caused him to end the world in the first place.
While Shinya isnt the first person Guren ever loved, he still holds a special symbolic value to him. It's about how they would've won had they died together, it's about weakness as the correct path, it's about reminding Guren of what he believes in and who he wants to be. I think you can most recognize the importance Shinya holds as Guren's moral compass in the last catastrophe book as well as resurrection, and you can see the care Guren has for him in his constant consideration of whether or not what he is doing is right by Shinya. Right in general.
The thing about Guren is that at his core his character motivation is that he wants to save everyone (whether that centeres around the liberation of his clan, or just people he generally deems weak (marginalized so to speak) or the resurrection of all of mankind.) But this isn't an entirely selfless ambition. (Guren's desire to save Mahiru has also always been. conflicted for this reason.)
Guren does acknowledge that this desire also stems from a need of approval, as well as jealousy and want of power. Oftentimes Guren will end up in situations where this is challenged head on, because he cannot in fact commit himself to saving everyone and simultaneously get what he wants, and is therefore forced to choose between the two obstacles.
When confronted with a choice like that, Guren will usually take a fundamentally selfish approach to it, sacrificing others for sake of his own pursuits: risking or sacrificing lives for the sake of saving Mahiru, sacrificing countless lives for sake of resurrecting Shinya (and his other friends), as well as the sacrificing of lives and the human experimentation he was involved in for sake of resurrecting humankind.
See Guren does in fact prioritize Shinya—else he would not end the world for worth of this one life, nor go to such gruelling lengths is finding a way to keep him alive even when the means to do it require him to contradict the principles he believes in. But unlike with Shinya, it is an inherently selfish act for him. While Shinya doesn't want to save Guren for the sake of any personal gain, not giving up on Guren being a purely selfless ambition, Guren is not satisfied with that. The thing I think Guren rationally believes, the moral stance he would take in an argument, is that there is no way to measure the value of a human life and no one is superior to anything. Guren is a very anti authorian character in that regard. Still Guren, in that very selfish irrational way, does value Shinya's life above all others regardless of this belief.
It's not really that Guren doesn't want to prioritize Shinya, I don't think, (because again that is too much of a rational approach to this), but more so that he knows he can't fulfil both a goal of resurrecting all of humanity and peruse his personal wish of keeping his friends alive. But this is what you have to understand right, it's that. Guren doesn't care that that's likely not possible. He will try in vain to keep pursuing both goals at once anyway. And that's where the conflict emerges from. You bring up that you don't think Guren is very considerate of Shinya in this regard, and congrats youre right about that. It is another sacrifice he feels he has to make. Hurting Shinya is a necessity in keeping him alive and I think Guren is sorry about it, but not willing to change it. I don't think Guren's goals and priorities are something that is inconsistent and changes with the circumstances and instead that they are consistent, but constantly at odds with each other.
Tl;dr yes I do think Shinya is a priority for Guren, but unlike how Shinya feels for him in return it is in a much more symbolic manner, often more centered around the idea of Shinya and what he means to Guren and why Guren needs him and than about Shinya himself
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hetalia-club · 3 months
Another rant about my ex hopefully the last one ever as I decided in some self reflecting to distance myself from him entirely, hopefully not even acquaintances.
I need to vent to someone, the problem is I don't have anyone I'm comfortable enough IRL to share all this with without them giving me those sad eyes and a 'there there'. So I'm using my blog. You don't have to read this. feel free to scroll on by. If you don't get triggered easily I would like if you did, you don't have to give me feed back or advice, I'm not looking for that. I'm mostly wanting to get what he did to me in the open so I can hopefully move on with my life. Throwing it into the void of the internet is better than writing it into a book and locking it in a drawer forever. People have to know how terrible he was to me. He shouldn't get off scot-free and have happiness while I still suffer. I tried to keep this as vague as possible and I'm not going to go into deep detail of all my abuse because a lot of it I still don't want to face for myself. Tw for abuse of all kinds. If you read this and at any point think "Hey that sounds kind of like my relationship." This is your wake up call to run far far away and not look back.
I Would just like to put it out there that I am NOT still in love with my ex. I hate that mother fucker. I hate that I probably gave him a confidence boost by trying to get back together. He does not deserve that. He deserves to be as miserable as he made me for 5 years. I genuinely believe he is objectively a terrible person. I know him very well and he is a very manipulative person. I don't think he truly cares about anyone but himself. I think the only reason he wants a GF is for someone to take care of his house chores and 'other' needs. That's it. He does not enjoy being in relationships. He does not like having serious conversations and he is mean as hell when you try and make him do something he does not want to do...which is anything. And he also won't tell you he didn't want to do it until after he did it and then he'll make your life miserable all week.
Was I just 'jealous' that he moved on? No, I don't think that's even correct really. I Truly think I'm petty and I don't want him to be happy. I want him to stay alone and miserable because that's all he deserves really. He mentally abused me for actual years why should he get to have a new girlfriend? He doesn't deserve one. He also STILL has not told me he's seeing anyone which I find INSANE because he texts me all the time. I normally reply lately I've been ignoring him. I know now that I mentioned getting back together he thinks I 'want him' and he gets off on the idea that I'm 'waiting around for him'. Well truly it couldn't be further from the truth. I think I hate him. I hate how he treated me, I hate how he moved on and I hate how he refuses to tell me, I hate his stupid Jeep Truck, I hate his temper, I hate his stupid uggo face, I hate his body, I hate his mustache he never trims no matter how many times I asked, I hate how he would bully me into crying and then once I started crying he would tell me I was over reacting and try and frame it like I were the crazy one and I would believe that I was. You don't have to beat someone to abuse them....Right? No he wouldn't do that...he loves me, he says so all the time so he must mean it, right? Some men are more upfront about their abuse, others hide it in crafty little ways eating away at you until you believe you are the problem. It MUST be you right? He keeps saying so. I mean... he's never hit you. He's never threatened you or scared you, he's never hurt you, or has he? Honestly you can't really remember, but it doesn't sound like something he would do. And he said he didn't. You're just over reacting like he says. You're hysterical. You need help. You should get therapy to make his life easier. You should stop bothering him so much with 'relationship problems' that you probably caused. You're such a bad partner. You're lucky he's with you. Who would want to be? You're actually crazy! You're losing your mind. He said jump, now ask him how high. He bought you designer clothes, how could he be abusive? He spent so much money on you! So what if he just wants you to do 'a little something' to pay him back for it later? It's not asking much. Those sunglasses were 600 dollars. It's just thirty minutes of your life it'll be over soon, don't be dramatic. Oh my god! It's not even that big of a deal you're over reacting again. He said he loves you, if you love him you should give him these things he wants, he gives you what you want, right? right?
Just a small story to help you understand the kind of relationship I was in for 5years. One weekend he asks me if I want to go out to eat. I agree. He tells me I can pick the place. I say I want Outback. I was super into Cheese Fries these few months and they have really good ones. He said okay. Didn't say it didn't sound good or maybe we eat someplace else. He said it sounded good and he would pick me up at 7, cool.
He picks me up and we're talking about dumb shit on the way to town we live in the middle of nowhere so it's a 45 minute drive to any decent civilization. Well about half way there I just casually ask him if he called ahead at Outback. This was right after Covid when everything just started to open back up, so places were doing limited seating, so I knew we would have to call or there was no way we would get a table. He said that, "yes" he did in fact call and he told them 8. After he said this our previous conversation just sort of stopped I would say something and he would give me like a one word answer but he was being really quiet. I knew something was up but didn't pry because he doesn't like that.
We get to Outback, go inside and I ask him. "did you give them your name?" as we wait in line at the host booth. He straight ignores me, pretends i didn't say a word. We finally get up there and i look at him and he just stars ahead at noth and I'm like "Um 2 for 8 under *his last name*" The lady was like "Yeah we don't have anything for 2 at eight at all." I look at him and i was like "Didn't you call?" And he was like "Hua? What? No..." And I was like. "Dude you said you called when i asked you in teh car?" and he goes. "You never asked me if i called, if you did i would have told you no." And i was like. "Why are you lying? I'm not stupid you can't tell me i didn't ask you that it was 20 minutes ago my memory isn't that bad. and he goes. "Okay well I didn't call!" In a loud whisper and then I look to teh lady and was like do you have anything? And she was like it's a 2 hour wait.
So I'm pissed obviously, he's pissed for whatever reason. We leave and when we get back in the car I was like. "Why did you lie to me about something so stupid?" And he starts SCREAMING. Telling me "He knew this would happen" That "I'm just mad because I didn't get my way" That I'm "Spoiled" and "I know you're just mad because we can't eat at Outback you always get this way about food!" and you know I was pretty pissed we were no longer eating at Outback seeing how he told me I could pick the place and I told him I wanted cheese fries. But I was mainly pissed that he just lied to me about something so dumb to my face and like I wouldn't find out when we got there. So he's yelling at me and I'm just sort of meekly trying to plead my case while he flies off the handle like a crazy person over something so dumb. And I was like "Just take me home, I don't want to be here anymore." he panics and was like. "I'm not taking you home I drove all this way to eat I'm not wasting money on gas because you're throwing a bitch fit. Pick somewhere else." So I picked Roadhouse, they also have cheese fries, not as good but beggars can't be choosers. I could tell that this choice irritated him. But he begrudgingly called and I could hear the phone conversation because it was just me and him in the car and the guy on the phone said it was only a 45 minute wait. He got of the phone and looked me in teh eyes and lied to me again saying they said "it was a two hour wait there to." I didn't tell him I heard the dude on the phone say only 45 minutes because I didn't know how he would react and honestly. It's been like 30 minutes now of just sitting in the car and him screaming at me so I'm just like "Pick anywhere I don't fucking care I would rather you took me home but just pick someplace. I will eat road kill at this point if we can just stop fighting" He insisted I pick so I was like "Okay Chilies, let's go there no one is ever there." They also have cheese fries, and our Chilies sucks so there truly is no one ever there idk how they are even still open, I believe it may be some sort of Mafia front, that is the only explanation. The parking lot is always empty.
Then he flips it... See this is how you start to see just how he would wear me down mentally until I just gave up. He goes. "Why do you always get to pick the place we eat?" And I was like "You told me to!" And he was like "Only because You'll get mad if I say anything about where we eat, see you're so mad at me now because we can't eat at Outback like you wanted everything is about you. You never ask where I want to eat." And I was like. "OMG WTF are you talking about!?" which was the first time I raised my voice this entire conversation. So he starts punching the steering wheel over and over again. So hard that the car is literally shaking and he broke the volume control button on his steering wheel. I'm just sitting there looking at him like 😒 when he stops there is like five minutes of silence as he just glares ahead of us in the parking lot and he goes. "How about *insert name of our local sushi place*" And I'm like "That's fine, let's just go anywhere." Then. There is a complete 180 on his personality. He's all smiles on the drive there, opening up a conversation about something (can't remember what) and I'm still seething inside because, that was all so stupid and immature. When we get there it's an hour and 1 1/2 wait and he tells the guy "yeah that's fine we'll wait" Like fuck you...we could have stayed at Outback. I still want French fries you bitch you took me to maybe the one place in town I can't order cheese fries, the whole reason we are out tonight, because I told you I was craving cheese fries. He took me to the bar and he was all flirty and he bought me an expensive drink with his typical. "Anything you want baby" Okay sure anything I want except fucking cheese fries, I guess! This is how he would get when he were trying to show off. But it was all just a mask he could take on and off as easily as normal people blink their eyes. I asked him. "So what was that punching the steering wheel all about?" And he was like. "What do you mean?" And I was like. "How you were repeatedly punching the steering wheel, why were you doing that? Was that supposed to be me or what?" Well if you guessed denial and gaslighting you would be right, though it happened less than 2 hours ago. According to him "I never did that. what are you talking about? I mean I put my hand on the steering wheel but I never punched it." So I dropped it. Why argue with someone who is a pathologically liar? We fought a lot because I never knew when he was telling me the truth because he would lie all the time about the dumbest shit, stuff he KNEW I was there for, conversations he denied happening. Ones I could literally prove with text messages and he would tell me, you took that the wrong way.
These are the kind of fights we had CONSTANTLY. (Along with some other bigger ones involving other things) So yes. They did start to feel normal. Being told I didn't know what I was talking about when I knew better was just a weekly occurrence. I always assumed he was lying to me. He eventually succeeded in convincing me I was 'crazy' and I went and got a major increase on my medication, with the promise from him that he would go to therapy for his anger issues, never happened. He all but forced me to go get on the birth control shot because I couldn't take the pill, it makes me violently ill and I have morning sickness while on it and am miserable every day. And the shot absolutely destroyed my hormones and I don't think my body ever recovered from it to this day. Which he assured me he would pay for, and then after the third shot I asked to him why hasn't he paid me back he claims this never happened and he never said he would pay for my birth control and why would he? It's not his birth control (okay crazy was of looking at it, i guess this is only for me then) So I told him I was going to go off of it because it was 300 bucks every month and I had to drive all the way to Fort Wayne to a woman's clinic. He said "No don't go off it I'll pay" he paid for it once, saw how much it was and was like "Fuck that" Also funnily enough the shot made me lose ALL attraction to him. Once it got regulated in my system I and nothing for him anymore, he disgusted me. Everything he said and did gave me the ick. I was in denial for about 2 years and tried to convince myself I did find him attractive and that it would come back eventually, never did. Both of these were medical abuse btw, I am aware of that now.
So as you can imagine as I was not attracted to him anymore I hardly wanted to sleep with him. But he would guilt trip me for it until I would feel bad and just do whatever he wanted. Even going as far as to mess with me in my sleep, I would pretend I didn't know but I did. It always made me so sad that the next morning he would act as though nothing happened, I know he knew I was awake, I am an extremely light sleeper. It's almost like he liked the idea that I didn't say anything to him about it. But he also knew I wouldn't say anything because I don't like confrontation and I knew he would deny it anyway. And this is just straight up SA
The entire idea of a new relationship to me now just feels so...what's the word I want? Tainted maybe? I don't think I believe in romantic love. I don't think he deserves love. I also don't think he's capable of giving love. I don't think he'll ever change, he has told me before. "This is who I am and I'm not changing for you or anybody." he truly believes he is a nice and good person which is the worst part. He thinks he's just fine the way he is. That everyone else is the problem. But the way I see it there is a common denominator. I should have realized when we first got together that his apprehension to tell me about ANY of his past girlfriends was odd. Not even their names. I still don't know who he's all dated or how many people or anything. Even if he insisted I give him my entire sexual history basically on the first month of our relationship. But I ask him who his last GF was and he gets all "You shouldn't be asking me that, the past is the past, don't worry about it" I thought that was weird he didn't even want to tell me names your GF knowing who your most current ex is, is not weird, it's very normal. He never spoke about them, it was like they never existed. But I knew he dated a girl with a kid once. I asked him about it and he pretended to not know who I was talking about, of course surprise surprise. Before we got together I overheard his cousin at a party say that he is a "very sneaky guy and a liar". She didn't say it in a nice way either she said it with a lot of distain like she was speaking from past experience. She was calling him for what he was and I wish I would have absorbed what she had said. I wish I would have asked her "What do you mean?" I wish could go back in time and tell myself not to say yes to a date with him. I should have known that the first time we ever hung out he pressured me to do things even though I pushed him away multiple times and he kept moving his hand back. I should have know he was terrible I should have been able to see it. I hate myself for not seeing it. I would always give him the benefit of the doubt, I would blame myself for not speaking up, not calling him out. But I know it was all him. He had me right where he wanted me, he knew me better than anyone he knew what I wouldn't react to out of social anxiety. I hate myself, but I hate him more for what he's done to the way I look at all men. Oh how I hate them! They all unfairly get blamed for the way he treated me and it's not fair. I hate that I meet a new man and assume he is terrible, a wolf in sheep's clothing. A liar and manipulator. I always wonder, what is he like when he gets mad? What does he think about the word no? I hate it. I've never hated anyone more. The worst part is I can't let him go. He is still in my mind after 7 months he still creeps in and I think about him. I wonder what he's doing, how he's doing. I hate it. And sometimes i miss him. But why? Why do I miss his abuse? What's wrong with me? What's wrong with him? Why do I fantasies about men who would treat me badly after being with him? Why do I feel like I'm not worthy of being treated like a decent human? Why do I only write relationships that are toxic and depressing with abuse and then apologies only for it to happen again? Is it a way of self therapy or is it something I really secretly desire? Why do I think that's what a relationship should be? Why can't I get him out of my head? Why can't I write cutesy romance with 'love' and kisses, why does it always turn into a tragedy? Why does it not feel like a good 'love' story until I've written abuse in some way? with someone hurting teh others what should be beyond repair for them to just forgive and forget? You all want to know like...the worst part honestly? In hindsight he kinda ugly fuckin' tho, fucking tragic. Like he's not even hot. What's the damn point.
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8bitsupervillain · 3 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi pt. 2
Despite opening the way it did, we still have our pre-horror sillies.
Keiichi can't cook! OH NOOOOOOOOOooooo.
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Truly the average high-school guy's experience knows no border.
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Satoko and Rika save the day, and educate Keiichi on the proper ways of committing arson.
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Again, playing with the mod is great because of the voice acted Meeps.
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Satoko is working on her stand-up routine. Also I'm just tickled by the idea that Keiichi got completely physically overpowered by the small child. How old are Rika and Satoko anyway? I don't know if they ever bothered mentioning it before, I just assume they're ages 10 and 11 respectively. Or the same age probably. I know that when the second chapter did the summation it said Mion was 1X, and I figure she's probably around 18.
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So Satoshi is going to play a much bigger role than he has in the previous chapters eh? Wonder if he'll be an alive participant or a posthumous one?
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A lot of the time whenever I pronounce the word vigor I usually pronounce it vi-gor, instead of the usual pronunciation. A guy I used to work with decided to convey his annoyance with "purity culture" and start nit-picking people pronouncing words, "can't say vinegar because it sounds too close to the n-word" and on and on he went. Basically every word that ends with a grr sound. Also he latched on to "not being able to" pronounce the Guilty Gear character Nagoryuki's name correctly. Then again this is the same guy who got mad when I pointed out he seemed oddly incensed when the various companies did the least bit to pretend to care about pride month. He pulled out the usual argument of "I'm not homophobic/transphobic but" and he tried arguing that I was implying he was. I just thought it was kind of funny how bent out of shape he got over, of all things, gray Skittles.
Speaking of people who decided they can't handle today (seven years ago) "pansy-ass handling of culture" I once had a boss who sang the praises of Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. "They say the n-word in it!" Nothing about the gameplay or anything, just "they say the n-word!" Then he got fired because a customer called him out on the fact he routinely acted like a baby. A forty-year old baby. Please forgive these digressions.
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It's only just now occurred to me, they've never really confirmed one way or the other that Satoshi is actually dead. In chapter two they mention that he disappeared after Watanagashi in 1982, but it's never explicitly said point blank that Satoshi died. Even in chapter one it's only Keiichi's mania and paranoia that says Satoshi died. With this information in hand I would like to put forward my predictions about what this could mean. One: nothing. Kind of a boring option, and the least likely in my opinion. Two: Satoshi is indeed dead. The revelation that he died will be the inciting incident that pushes Satoko over the edge and causes her to start killing. Three: Satoshi's alive, but he's a prick. Not just any prick, but a violent abusive prick that will make this chapter extremely uncomfortable to read. This will push Rika over the edge, and start killing. Of course there's also the fourth option that Satoshi will be alive and just be a swell guy. Then after several hours of Keiichi being an extremely jealous individual Satoshi will die in a Watanagashi-based murder that gets pinned on Keiichi.
Of the four theories I have put forward I think that Prediction Three: Prick Satoshi will wind up being the one that's correct.
Also, I wonder what other baggage Rika's carrying? Is it the stuff about being the last of the Furude shrine maidens? The weight of being one of the people in control of Hinamizawa? Or just the mental strain of having to be the adult at such a young age? I wonder if Satoko is going to get violently protective of Keiichi? Since Rika has suggested using Keiichi as a replacement brother for Satoshi I mean.
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princesspastel8 · 4 months
Chapter 36
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Third POV
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It's been five hours since Jeff last heard from Eboni. She should be home by now. He knows her well, and there's no way she'd stay at a party for that long. Eboni hates crowds, and he knows this. Also, that gut feeling keeps intensifying. He sighs loudly, drawing BEN's attention.
"What's bugging you now?" He asks, not taking his eyes off the TV screen.
"When is she not bugging you in some way?" EJ smirks, sitting next to his fellow killer. "Thought you two made up -"
"We never fought."
EJ and BEN share a look, shaking their heads. "Nah, man. That was definitely a fight." BEN corrects.
"For fucks sake it wasn't -!"
"Things like that happen...well for normal relationships they don't end with a hand print on the other's throat."
"Except the abusive ones." BEN snickers.
"She liked that shit anyway." Jeff huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"That's not the point. Your communication skills are terrible. There's a better way of warning your partner about the people she surrounds herself with." EJ tries to reason, but with Jeff, he knows it's pointless.
"No fuck that! She wasn't listening the first time I told her, so it pissed me off! She's so desperate for friends that she'll drain herself dry for them - for that bitch." Jeff seethes, thinking about Taylor.
"Give the girl a chance. I think you're overreacting." BEN said, rolling his eyes.
"Or maybe you want Eboni to only need you." The cannibal said matter of factly.
Jeff tenses, clenching his teeth. EJ is right - he knows he is, but he sure as hell won't admit it. Eboni should only need Jeff. No one else is good enough for her but him. No one is worth her time but him. That's how it should be, but Eboni is still fighting against that fact - and it pisses him off.
Finally losing patience, he snatches his phone from his back pocket - waiting to see if Eboni has replied to his message, she didn't. The gut feeling grows stronger, causing Jeff to stand to his feet and walk to the front door.
"Where are you going?" BEN asked, not really caring, though.
"To see what's taking my girl so damn long."
Jeff doesn't bother to take his time getting to Eboni's home. He's glad the woods are just across the street from her home. The killer quickly climbs up to her window but also notices her front door is cracked open just a bit. Jeff moves to open her window, jumping inside.
His eyes widen at the sound of glass crushing under his boots. He tilts his head, quickly scanning the room. A mess, like a tornado, ran through here. Then he sees Eboni in the farthest corner of her room, rocking back and forth in a fetal position.
At first, he doesn't recognize her. There's no way this meak, broken-down person is his Eboni. But as he gets closer, as he lowers himself down in front of her - he can see that it's indeed his girl, his Eboni. He moves to touch her, making her flinch back and mumble incoherent words.
"What the hell?" He questions under his breath, noticing how she tries to move further away from him.
In the small amount of time away from each other, something extremely traumatic happened to make Eboni fear him. The killer doesn't really know how to feel. He's terrible at comforting. He hates it, in fact. But seeing his girl in such a broken state and flinching away from him hurts. It hurts really, really badly.
"Eboni....Princess, it's me. Look at me." Jeff forces himself to say.
Eboni slowly opens her eyes, fluttering them to try and clear out her tears, still trying to spill, but the sight of him only makes her cry more. Guilt. The guilt of not having the power to stop what happened to her. The guilt of her body reacting. The guilt of not listening - for not trusting Jeff.
The teen shakes her head, raising her hands to hide her mouth - muffling the sounds of her loud sobs. Jeff inches a bit closer, wanting to pull her hands away, but he refrains from touching her.
"Princess, you have to tell me what happened. I can't fix it if you don't tell me."
Eboni shakes her head, sobbing harder. Fix it? No, no, there's no fixing what happened. There's no healing. Jeff sighs, leaning forward to place both hands against the wall, caging her head. Maybe this position isn't the best idea, considering how Eboni's body trembles - there's not much he can do since touching her would lead to a panic attack. He takes off his hood, pushing his hair out of his face. He frowns, eyes showing genuine concern & a softness that makes Eboni calm down - only slightly.
"Please, Eboni. Tell me everything."
"R...R-R...H-He...s-she....." Eboni tries to say, lips trembling. She doesn't want to say it out loud. She still doesn't want to face the reality of it all.
"Take your time. Don't rush it. Word for word princess, I'll understand." Jeff encourages, though becoming impatient.
"....party...T-Taylor left me...h-he...drugged..raped..r-raped me.." she finally admits, wrapping her arms around herself in shame. She doesn't want him to see the full extent of the damage done.
Did he hear her correctly? Raped? His Eboni...Raped? Drugged? And fucking abandoned? He had to misheard her. There's no way someone dared to touch her, use her, fuck her - there's just no way. But as he stares at her, taking in her appearance - it has to be true. Her wrinkled dress, ripped fishnets, soiled stains on her dress, the dried release in between her thighs, and this smell...this disgusting, foul stench of another male all over her. Someone has touched his property and taken complete advantage of his girl.
A very different Rage.
Eboni notices quickly. The way his sapphire eyes gloss over in a darkness she's never seen before - the bright shade of red shifting almost to a bloody shade. Jeff's body begins to shake, breathing disheveled. The killer can feel his body begin to heat up, and his bones freeze. His eyes begin dialating, losing foucs on the girl in front of him. His body can't stop shaking.
The chanting. Over and over AND OVER AGAIN. He has no control. The bloodlust is so profound that he can taste it on every tastebud existing on his tongue. He shoots to his feet, taking slow, menacing steps towards Eboni's window. Blood, he needs blood - he needs his hands to be drenched in it.
Eboni watches, her iniquity consuming her. She was afraid of this. Afraid that he'd leave her, blame her for being irresponsible - for being too trustworthy. Horrified of the killer, she's grown to love, become disgusted at the fact another man has had her, tainted her.
She should let him go. She should throw her feelings away since, in her mind, he has every right to not want her anymore. The poor girl shakes her head, crawling after him. She grabs his ankle, gripping onto it for dear life. How can she let go of the only person who has ever made life worth living? Finally getting the attention she's been craving for years. There's no way Eboni can let that go - let him go.
"No, no! God Jeff please no! I-I'm sorry! I didn't like it! I hated it! I promise I did! I swear on my life I did! M-My body just...I tried to stop it! It wouldn't listen! I mind left me! I tried not to feel it! I did. I did I DID! My body... wouldn't listen to me! I told him no over and over again! Please believe me! Pl-Please...please Jeff- PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" Eboni screams, voice lace in anguish.
Hearing her voice, Jeff turns around- listening to her words as she sobs onto his boots, glass scraping her knees even more. The voices had calmed down the moment Eboni grabbed his ankle - her touch somehow soothing him. Her loud screams, making his rage melt away.
He lowers himself, holding his arms out to her. Eboni quickly jumps into them, sobbing heavily onto him, as she grips his hoodie for dear life. Jeff rocks her in his arms, whispering soothing words into her ear.
"I'll never leave you. You're my girl, and nothing will ever change that." He tells her as he gently carries the poor girl to her bathroom.
His heartwarming words make Eboni sob even more, wrapping her arms and legs around him. The killer holds her up with one arm, moving to run some bath water. He doesn't add bubbles, only a strawberry bath bomb to make the water pink. Jeff moves to sit the teen onto the toilet sit, but Eboni refuses to let go of him.
"Princess. I have to clean you up." He whispers coolly.
Eboni pouts, slowly pulling away from him. Jeff smiles, moving to take her clothes off, but her body tenses and begins trembling again. He looks at her, Eboni averting her eyes away. He sighs, stepping away.
"I'll be outside the door." He said, walking out of the bathroom and closing the door, leaning against it so he could hear everything.
Eboni slowly removes her clothes, stepping into the tub, and sinks her whole body down under the water. She stays there for a few moments, memories of tonight forcing itself to the forefront. The girl jolts up, gasping and wiping the water from her eyes. She quickly reaches for her face towel and soap.
She soaps up her towel and begins scrubbing her body harshly, not caring about her skin beginning to burn. She needs to feel this. Feel the burn become hotter and hotter. Hopefully, the more she scrubs, the more her tainted body will return back to what it once was.
Unfortunately, that isn't the case since she still feels so disgusted within her own skin. She truly wants to rip her flesh from its bone, but Jeff wouldn't approve. Once she finds herself as clean as she can get, Eboni steps out, wrapping a towel around herself. She drains the bath water, gently knocking on the door for Jeff to open.
He does so, smiling a bit but frowns at her hair. "Let me." He asks.
Eboni nods, allowing the killer to take her back into the bathroom and fix her hair into a bun. He leans forward, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead once he's done. "Let's get you ready for bed."
The girl nods, raising her arms for him to carry her to her bed - which he does. He places her onto the bed, about to move to grab some night clothes for her. Jeff raises a brow, confused as to why she stopped him.
"Yes, Princess? What does my girl need?" He asks smoothly.
"Wanna...wear this.." she whispers, tugging the end of his hoodie.
Jeff smirks, quickly taking his hoodie off and lays it down next to her. "Sweatpants?"
Eboni nods her head, not wanting to feel her skin touch nor rub against itself. Jeff turns away into grab a pair, waiting for Eboni to finish drying herself and getting dressed. Once done, the two of them crawl into bed, not concerned about the mess, and still broken glass all over her room.
The smiling killer wraps his arms around her protectively, rubbing his hand up and down her back in soothing motions. Eboni clings onto his black T shirt, nesting against him - needing his warmth.
This...This is what she was afraid of losing. Eboni never once thought she'd beg someone to stay in her life after an event she truly had no control over - but her mind will always belittle her into believing the rape is her fault. But Jeff's consoling words are enough to put her mind at ease. His strong arms gifting her the security & safety she needs.
"No force on this earth can keep me away from you, princess. Remember that. I'll always be by your side." And with those words, the girl drifts into a dreamless slumber.
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thecluelessdoctor · 1 year
i swear I don't mean to cause arguments, or anything of the sort in the FNAF community but I really need to get this off my chest about a certain ship popular in the fandom.
Now, the fnaf fandom has always had its hand full of immoral, strange, and toxic ships like most fandoms do. But I'm here to talk about William x Henry.
Please note I will be using facts I know, this isn't just opinion. I will also only be stating the vital events that help my point, because the rest is extras There also might be some events mixed up here, please just correct me on that *nicely*
Also if ur gonna say something, please don't be hating. Because you will be blocked, I don't care if you are a mutual or friend or not, you will be blocked if you try picking a fight.
So here is my thing with William x henry. I personally don't mind it too much but sometimes it bothers the hell out of me.
Let's talk about what we know about William and Henry's relationship. We know they were best friends and founded Fredbear's together, and then it is believed 83 happens, where even/chris/ what ever you call him, dies. So that'll fuck up any person so. Yk. ANYWAY, then William kills Charlie. So that's strike one right there, ofc Henry doesn't find out till later I believe but yk.
Now I thInk- when ever Fredbear's got shut down and the open Freddy fazebears is where Henry finds out anyway
Honestly Henry is stupid for not calling the cops like. Fucker you had the proof William murdered your daughter- AH YES LETS GO TO THE NEXT TOPIC- Henry here let's William go. Stupid ass- anyway, so what does William do? Change his name and decide in a British voice "I am going to become Henry's biggest problem."
I don't remember what happens but I am PRETTY SURE William does this in the toy animatronics pizzeria. Then the bite of 87 happens and it's like oh shit.
Now during this time, William finds out about reminant , which I find SO STUPID AND FORCED LIKE- HE CANT JUST BE A MAD MAN?? HE NEEDS TO HAVE A REASON FOR HIS KILLING?? anyway. Willie finds out about reminant and is like 'oo lemme go kill five more kids and watch what happens'
So yeah.
Oh and the fact William *according to what I have read* made Mike be a test subject. If that's not toxic and bad idk what is.
Stupid ass part one over here goes back to fazbears to harvest the remnant from the animatronics only to get himself killed YAY!
Anyway lets skip to FNaF... 6 I think. Henry/stupid ass part two quite literally trys to kill William again so like. These two are at each other's throats.
That's all I got for now- mostly because that's all I remember rn :') (jeez the FNAf lore is confusing)
I also have personal reasons on why the ship has a bad taste in my mouth but that's a different story.
Also, please note I AM NOT HATING ON YOU FOR ENJOYING THE SHIP. I just needed to get these thoughts out.
Also please, if you enjoy the ship and want to interact with me, try to refrain from bringing it up. Due to bad memories I will likely start unintentionally judging or disliking you and I don't want that
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
Destiny I need your opinion 😭
I stopped being a timothee fan after he made that tasteless joke a few months ago (I was slowly losing interest in him anyways but that was the icing on the cake), and I don’t really care to see anything with him in it. Also, I’ve been VERY vocal about Palestine and the genocide going on is Gaza/Rafah, so I’m very much pro-Palestine. However, between my love for zendaya/florence (& lowkey infatuation with Austin) and all the flodaya press interviews/outfits, I’ve been interested in maybe giving dune 2 a chance. I’ve been seeing thousands of people for months on twitter saying they’re boycotting dune 2 given its appropriating nature and timothee’s lowkey zionistic antics, and I do agree those are valid points. But I’m starting to get an itch to get a dune 2 ticket 😭 internally I feel heavily conflicted and also kind of fraudulent because I’ve been a heavy boycott advocate but now I’m starting to reflect and questioning whether boycotting the movie is even the correct route. I know it’ll ultimately be up to me, but I’d love to hear your thoughts cause I’m fighting a battle with myself on this.
Hey Anon! 👋🏾
I almost feel like your ask is a "Confession Sunday" ask hahaha. 😅
There are a lot of conflicting emotions in this post of yours lol. 🤭
Anyway, I'll be honest, I'm very HESTITANT in even breaching this topic again because I really don't like discussing political issues on my blog. It can be very contentious, divisive, and get people very heated. Not only that, but I feel like no matter what side of the fence you sit on, I always end up getting attacked in my inbox by someone who passionately feels differently from me.
I can't speak on certain issues because I just don't feel comfortable enough with knowing both sides to weigh in on them. So, my disclaimer is that I'm not coming at your question with an "educated" or "well-rounded" political historical viewpoint. I'm just an average person. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I don't like conflict, and I don't like drama. I try to stay out of it as much as possible.
With that said...... TL;DL Version: Anon, you have my permission to watch this movie lol, or not. Basically, do whatever you want lol 😅
The LONG Version: Below 👇
My Honest Opinion?
Like I've said before, people are FREE to do whatever they want with regards to this "Dune: Part 2" movie (and ANY movie for that matter). What bothers one person might not bother another. Ykwim? I just feel like no matter what decision a person makes, they shouldn't be judged for it either way. It's THEIR choice.
Spare yourself the inner turmoil Anon lol. It's JUST a movie. It's not like it's a Governmental declaration, or a formal political statement. As much as Timothee was insensitive and messed up with that SNL skit.... I'm sorry, but he is NOT the only cast member in this film. Nor is he the only individual that worked on it (cast, crew, director, stunt people, etc) And if you have a genuine interest in, or are a fan of some of the OTHER cast members in the film (i.e. Zendaya, Florence, Austin, Rebecca, Christopher Walken, etc.) then why should the rest of the cast be punished just because of the stupid/silly insensitive actions of their ONE cast member?? 🥴
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Is that really fair to the rest of the cast, crew, and others who worked tirelessly HARD on this movie? 🤔 I don't care for what Jonathan Majors did to his gf, but that doesn't mean that I'm personally never going to watch the movie "Creed 3" again. That movie was hard work, and Michael B. Jordan's directorial debut. It was a GOOD film. Why should Michael be punished just cuz his co-star is an a**hole?? 🥴
Another thing.... This movie is going to make BANK regardless of if you or others decide to see it or NOT. 👀
I think if the FILM itself were preaching anti-Palestine rhetoric, or it was a formal declaration of political views on the Gaza/Palestine and Israel conflict, then I think I would feel very differently about this film.
Another thing I wonder: Has Timmy himself come out and said that he is against Gaza/Palestine?? 🤔 (Serious question) Has he provided his stance on the conflict? His "Hamas" skit (which wasn't the entire joke btw) was insensitive, yes, but do we REALLY know his real stance on this issue? Or, did he just underestimate how insensitive that skit was (that he didn't even write btw)?
I also look at how the cast has treated him. The cast KNOWS him personally. If they really had an issue with him, we would know it. You can only hide your disgust for a person for so long....no matter if you're an "actor" or not. It will come out in small ways eventually (i.e. body language, little glances, facial expressions, etc). The fact that the cast seems not only fine with Timmy, but genuinely HAPPY with him is pretty telling to ME.
Like I said, they know him way better than we do. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Lastly, The film is being praised as one of the best films of all time (kind of a stretch if you ask me, but hey, WB loves this type of marketing lol).... It actually seems like it's going to be GOOD film. Are you going to skip it just because of one person? That's just a question for inner reflection. I could see if the movie SUCKED or is getting horrid reviews lol, but it actually seems like the film is being enjoyed tremendously by most people. Many are saying it's even better than Part 1. 👀
With all of that said.....
If it really bothers your conscience that you support Gaza but might want to see this movie that stars Timothee in the lead role, then just do whatever YOU feel is best for YOU Anon. 😊 Imo, nobody should judge you either way, and people online (who don't even know you personally btw) shouldn't have a say on YOUR life. But if it bothers you that deeply, then simply don't watch! It's just as simple as that lol. 😊 Nobody is forcing you to watch, just like nobody should be forcing you to NOT watch.
I'll be curious to see what decision you make Anon lol. You should come back here and tell us. Either way, you won't get any judgement on it from me. If it means anything, you have my "permission" Anon (not that you needed it lol) to go and watch this movie lol. 🤭 Like I said before, it's JUST a movie, it's JUST a piece of art. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
Actually one thing that really bothers me with the whole "No one hated you for being the son of Hades, you just pushed everyone away" thing is that... well, first off as I've said before we know it isn't true because every single POV character we've had since Titan's Curse who's interacted with Nico except Hazel comments on how creepy Nico is for being the son of Hades so it doesn't work even slightly, but also. I mean. Nico spends so much time being told "This thing that you are and cannot stop being is wrong and evil. It's wrong and evil because we've decided it is. Your father, the one adult in your life you can even sort of depend on? He's bad because he's the god of the dead. No, no, it's nothing he's done exactly, in fact when we accused him of a crime before it turned out he was actually a victim in said crime, he didn't do anything; it's what he is and how that's caused him to distance himself from the people who vocally hate him and don't want him around that makes him untrustworthy, and you should also know better than to trust him. He's Hades after all. That makes him bad," with the subtext that Nico very clearly picks up on being "and you're bad because you're like him". Now, if you think about that, you may pick up on a little bit of applicability in there for the story of a kid struggling with internalized homophobia! Just a teensy bit! It was a perfect way of getting into how awful it is to have people you like and care about openly think something about you that you can't change makes you wrong even if they don't realize they're doing it and even if they really do love you (and in fact how in a lot of ways it's worse when you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they do love you aside from That Part) without having to make any characters actually homophobic (thinking the Underworld's creepy is significantly more sympathetic and easier to justify and get characters to work through in a fictional setting than them being real-world bigots would be, after all), and Rick fumbled the ball at the finish line!
If you're reading the whole "Hades and Underworld stuff is Bad And Creepy so Nico is Bad And Creepy" thing as being a metaphor for homophobia (or honestly any other kind of bigotry, but given Nico's problems homophobia fits best) as is really easy to do even before he's revealed to be gay the way that plot point gets dropped in favour of "Well actually it was fine the whole time and Nico just decided that everyone hated him with no evidence other than every POV character except his sister openly thinking he's creepy and at least one person telling him to his face that he shouldn't have trusted his own father who up to that point as far as we know had never lied to him solely because his father is the god of the dead but never mind that, it was all in his head!" kind of feels like Rick's going "Oh, it's not that serious" when uh. incorrect. Which I'm sure wasn't his intention, Rick does try to be sensitive about these things, but it is very much a thing that insisting that a character (whose arc features a huge aspect of overcoming internalized homophobia developed by growing up in the 1930s) saying in no uncertain terms that he's been made to feel unwelcome because of who his father is when we know from the other POV characters' views of him and responses to him that his view of it is correct doesn't need to be taken seriously because "Oh it's all in his head" is... a little uncomfortable! And made worse by the fact that while Will learning to see that the Underworld isn't an inherently awful place is an excellent subplot and we love to see the character growth (and I still firmly believe that Will is infinitely better about it than basically any other character for the primary reason that at least he has a specific reason for thinking the way he does, being in the Underworld is literally killing him and also he's the only character who does learn he was wrong to think that way, so no one start shit about it on this post) he hasn't had that character development at the end of HoO, and the fact that we hear this "You pushed yourself away" viewpoint from someone who also has issues with the Underworld and it's still allowed to stand without argument makes it so much worse. Rick, there's an entire subplot in TSatS about how Nico does in fact still hear even people who genuinely and deeply love him and hate the thought of doing anything to harm him talk shit about his home and how that hurts him and they need to learn to do better. Why are you still trying to say it's all in Nico's head when you keep hammering home that it isn't?
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