#but also a part of him is also conflicted cause he doesn't want to worry others
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nightlyvisitor · 2 years ago
          Which rage language are you?
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usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
snagged it from: @oathofpromises and @darckcarnival​
tagging: @valour-bound , @seeksbrother , @infecdead (adrien!), @braverybled (for sherry!) and anyone else who is curious about the quiz :)
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itsclydebitches · 2 years ago
Just finished Good Omens 2 and I'm honestly boggling at the Aziraphale hate because yes, his decision led to the angsty cliffhanger, but it makes SO much sense for his character. Not just in a "Religious brainwashing and sunk-cost fallacy" kinda way but also a "Aziraphale has no reason to believe this isn't the perfect solution" way. That scene among the nebula is crucial because it establishes that Crowley loved being an angel—reveled in his ability to create and allow his creations to grow kinda like plants—and the only problem was that someone else was calling the shots, someone who wouldn't listen to his criticism. Aziraphale has also spent 6,000+ years watching Crowley do good, all the while forced to deny the fact that he's "nice" lest embracing his original nature get him into trouble with hell. Now, Metatron comes along with an offer that fixes everything in one fell swoop. Crowley can be an angel again, be nice without censure, his ideas and criticisms will hold weight because he'll be answering to Aziraphale, and they'll be together.
It strikes me that Aziraphale isn't there when Crowley sees Gabriel's trial, ergo he likewise doesn't see the (non)acknowledgement that there's an institutional problem up in Heaven. There just happen to have been two archangels who called it quits. Same when Gabriel blurts that phrase out to Crowley. Aziraphale has always been more blind to the ways in which Heaven is "toxic" (for very understandable reasons) and this season he's continually sheltered from new evidence of its structural problems. The plot just preaches to the choir: Crowley. He likewise wouldn't see the conflict Gabriel and Beelzebub have caused as evidence of an underlying problem because that's a problem he and Crowley will no longer share. Why would they be worried about Heaven still being unable to accept partnerships between angels and demons when Crowley will no longer be a demon? And that's something he presumably wants based on Aziraphale's memories of him and the ongoing admission that he's lonely.
The way I see it, they got what they thought they wanted at the start of Season 2. Heaven and Hell are keeping an eye on them, but functionally they're left alone. Crowley can spend all the time he wants with Aziraphale and nothing comes of that except that they're both continually named traitors and the higher-ups grumble about it. If Gabriel had never shown up, things should have been perfect based on Crowley's "Let's just run away and have each other's company" standards. Better, even, considering that they get to be together on their beloved Earth, rather than being bored out in Alpha Centauri without any sushi, plants, books, or Bentleys. And yet... Crowley doesn't strike me as particularly happy. Because, you know, based on that kiss he wants to be with Aziraphale, not just literally be with him, but the point of this post is that his "Let's run away and be an 'us'" falls totally flat when he doesn't explain that specific desire to Aziraphale; the desire to change what an 'us' means. From Aziraphale's perspective they're already an 'us.' That was the entire point of "our side" in Season 1 and now they can continue to be 'us' up in Heaven. Plus, Aziraphale likely sees this as a sacrifice on his part. He will give up his bookshop, his Earthly indulgences, take on the responsibilities of leadership (which I don't think he actually wants for a variety of reasons), and spend the rest of eternity in a place where he's felt so small because he thinks that's what Crowley wants. Crowley was happy as an angel. Crowley wanted them to be together without risk of permanent discorporation. They were able to achieve that after not-Armageddon and he still wasn't happy... so surely those two things together will do the trick. Crowley never actually articulates how he wants their relationship to change and the kiss comes much too late, when he's already rejected what Aziraphale must see as a perfect, selfless solution he's secured for them. Even if Crowley wasn't always moving too fast for him, an overture of romance isn't going to go well after that.
Is this crushing and angsty and devastating as a hiatus? Damn straight, my heart it breaking. But it's a good setup. More importantly, it makes perfect sense for their characters, particularly when they're still talking past one another. Aziraphale is someone who has always moved more slowly as a matter of course, as an angel he has remained immersed in the rhetoric of Heaven, his main avenue of breaking free of that (Crowley) has a huge communication problem (to say nothing of his own denial. He only made headway with the help of Nina and Maggie, seconds before Aziraphale shows up), and Metatron (in a no doubt incredibly manipulative manner) has just offered Aziraphale a job that presumably makes him happy AND Crowley happy AND allows him to maintain the moral this-is-how-the-universe-works perspective he's had since he was literally created. Of course he's going to say yes to all that!! And sure, there are problems in Heaven, Aziraphale isn't completely blind, but he can fix them now that he's in charge. How? Well... he'll figure that out later! Kinda like how he's been making plans on the fly this entire season. That seems logical from his perspective, right? It's not like he's gotten a crash-course in the concept of the master's tools never being able to dismantle the master's house...
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gods-perfect-idiots · 6 months ago
Okay bear with me folks, I have some ~thoughts~ about the Vanessa/Wade relationship (or frankly lack thereof) in Deadpool & Wolverine. I should start by saying that I am analyzing this with the (likely erroneous) assumption that everything on screen is 100% intentional and mindfully written to deepen the characters and inform their arcs. For the record, I don't necessarily believe that's true - there is certainly room for mistakes, lazy writing, confusing plot elements, or in this case, sidelining a potentially strong and important character for nebulous reasons (I'm guessing scheduling conflicts + run time concerns + actor's strike complications but idk for sure). (Also thanks to @gossippool and @kendyroy for encouraging me to post my thoughts instead of just rambling in the tags in the first place, y'all are the realest)
Long rambly post below the cut fyi
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Now, granted, it has been a while since I watched the original Deadpool so I am not as well-versed in their early relationship as I am in the handful of scenes Morena Baccarin has in dp3, but I do think it is pretty canon that Wade generally struggles to express his deeper worries and feelings (without filtering it heavily through crude humor, sex, and pop culture references of course), especially after the events of dp1 and the physical and mental damage he sustains, and Vanessa is frankly no exception despite how much he cares for her. The entire first movie hinges on the fact that he doesn't really believe she could love him in his post-Francis mangled state, which is pretty contrived imo given that the film has established already how bonded they are, and she doesn't strike me as being written to be so shallow as to reject him based on a physical deformity. I mean iirc she wanted to stick around through chemo despite him being literally riddled with inoperable cancer, so she clearly is in it for the long haul (at least in dp1), messiness and all.
Now, in dp2, obviously she is shot and killed early in the film, and Wade spends much of the rest of the film wallowing in his very profound grief, trauma, and guilt over losing her due directly to his violent lifestyle. He goes to prison, he basically gives up on life and seems very resigned to dying once he has the power suppressant collar on, even excited to do so so he can be reunited with her. She is mostly sidelined as a Fuzzy Dead Wife trope basically, but the important thing here is that he spends weeks if not months in the throes of despair over losing the love of his life just as they were trying to start a family, and trying to reach across the boundaries of death to be with her.
Now, my first couple times watching dp3 I was frustrated by the trite narrative presented in the interview scene towards the beginning - specifically Wade's whole "my girl is getting tired of my shtick and I need to show her I matter". It felt contrived and disingenuous, and I just brushed it off as iffy writing, a means to an end, but the more I reflect upon it the more I think it is based in an emotional reality that is just handled with a very light touch by the film in favor of fanservice and Poolverine content (NOT that I'm complaining in the slightest - I think this movie is a masterpiece in many ways, albeit a flawed one but that's beside the point here), which for the record I am not against because I think it lends it an air of realism. This is Wade's story after all, Vanessa is a part of it but it is ultimately about him and his journey.
Basically, I think the combination of what happened to him in dp1 (the brain damage, the trauma, the awareness of the fourth wall, etc) followed by the events of dp2 (Vanessa's death, his grief and the associated guilt and trauma of being the direct cause of her death) led to an unbridgeable emotional gap between the two of them that ultimately leads to their breakup.
It's important to note that I don't think Vanessa has any recollection of her own death, given that Wade goes back and saves her before she can take the bullet, and so of course she can never fully fathom what Wade went through grieving her and their life together and their potential family, for however long he spent between her death and bringing her back with Cable's device. She can try (and she clearly does in the one scene I'll talk about next) but I fear she accepts, maybe even in that scene, that she can never succeed. He is beyond her reach by this point, and vice versa, his experiences having fundamentally changed him.
The one scene we really see from their relationship between dp2 and dp3 is the one where Cassandra mind-gropes Wade in the Void and we see Vanessa struggling to reach Wade across this aforementioned gap - she wants him to open up, she wants him to share what he's going through, she wants him to be the person she initially fell in love with (not even selfishly - to her nothing has changed really, because to her no time has passed). But not only does he not understand what she's really asking for but he responds in such a way that makes me think he has unprocessed issues that are only tangentially related to what she's saying - ie the stuff about mattering, about asking her if she even wants to be with him, etc. And he's not the Wade Wilson she met back in dp1 anymore. He watched her die and grieved her and brought her back, believing it would make everything go back to normal and they could resume their life together as if nothing had changed, but he has been fundamentally changed in a way that she can't grasp, even if he WAS good at externally processing his trauma openly without the artifice of wry jokes. She didn't "come back wrong" - instead, she came back exactly the same as before, but HE'S different now. Not wrong, per se. But changed.
It's an interesting scene because it's obviously a memory, and a crucial one at that, but you can see how Wade is misunderstanding what she's saying, viewing it through the prism of his own lack of self-worth and his own hopelessness - he takes away that she thinks he doesn't matter (even though like he says she didn't actually say that, but I don't think Cassandra invented that wholecloth - I think she pulled it out of his psyche because that's what he believes deep down, hence why his fixation on mattering even though she never said those words exactly), he takes away that she doesn't want to be with him, that she thinks he's nothing. Which would be frustrating as an audience member to witness as a pretty simple misunderstanding which could potentially be solved with one conversation, but it feels believable to me that these two people who have shared a great love would be fundamentally separated by unimaginable, cosmic trauma, and the on conversation they would need to have to rectify the misunderstanding is one that is impossible for Wade to verbalize and equally impossible for Vanessa to conceive of. It was one thing when they had shared trauma like violence and SA in dp1, but what Wade has gone through in dp1 and dp2, humor aside, is unfathomably traumatic, brain-breakingly so even, and that's not even factoring in the possible mental illnesses he now struggles with (I've seen folks suggest schizophrenia, DID, depression, etc. but I won't get into armchair diagnosing a fictional character here - suffice it to say he is canonically unwell as a result of what has happened to him, and yes it manifests as quirky fourth wall breaks and cheeky one-liners, but within the universe of the movies he is undeniably profoundly mentally ill, and that includes this humorous alter ego he created to cope with his trauma).
I think off-screen Vanessa probably really tried to reach him, maybe for years (the six year gap implies to me that they didn't break up immediately, that they tried for a while to stay together), trying to get her Wade back, but that Wade is gone. He struggled to express that to her until eventually he started to feel rejected because he couldn't express his trauma or how much he has changed, because even he can't fully conceive of the gulf that has formed between them. The truth is, he WANTS to be that Wade again, for her and for himself, but that Wade died when she died. Or maybe he had already started dying when Francis got a hold of him in dp1.
Anyway, all this is to say, I think Morena Baccarin WAS criminally underutilized in dp2 and dp3, but I think there is a strong argument to be made for the believability of their breakup regardless. I think even relationships built on enormous love can crumble due to trauma, and what Wade suffers over these movies is mind-bogglingly enormous trauma. It's especially heartbreaking that he blames himself for their relationship ending, talks like she just got tired of him, thought he didn't matter, whatever. But it is a credit to him that he never seems to feel anger towards her about it. He doesn't seem to feel entitled to her, though he longs for her and what they had and what she represented (hope, love, a future, a family), but ultimately she becomes more of a symbol of what he lost when he gained his powers, because let's be super fr right now - even if they had succeeded in having a baby, not only would they have lived in fear of her or the kid getting killed, but ultimately Wade would likely outlive both of them even if they managed to die natural deaths. The moment he gained his powers he was already destined to lose her, which is heartbreaking because she was the only reason he opted for the treatment in the first place - so he could stay with her.
I think a big part of Deadpool & Wolverine is watching Wade continue to process his own motivations (vis-a-vis Vanessa but also his other friends) and how he does eventually let go of the idea of "mattering" in favor of just saving the people he cares about (*cough* and being saved right back *cough* by Wolvie, as the final line and shot implies). And in the process he finds someone new who cares about him, who thinks he matters, who tries to sacrifice himself for him and his friends after mere days of knowing him, who comes home with him at the end of the story, who breaks his own centuries-old patterns, who has also experienced unimaginable grief and trauma, who has struggled with wanting to die and being unable to, who not only matches his crazy but matches his FREAK and also not only won't die on him but CAN'T die on him - and more importantly cannot be randomly killed by a stray bullet.
Idk if any of this makes much sense but I do think if you read between the lines and consider the potency of trauma and grief, guilt and emotional damage at play here, Vanessa and Wade's off-screen breakup is actually pretty realistic, and really heart-breaking to boot.
You can tell she still cares about him in so many ways - she shows up for his birthday party, she shows up to his welcome home party at the end, she finds excuses for physical contact multiple times, her eyes get soft when she looks at him, but there is a distance there that Morena Baccarin does an incredible job of portraying. She cares about him deeply, she has mourned the loss of their potential life together, she has let him go and accepted that the Wade she fell in love with is gone, but she wants him in her life even though she's moving on because she realizes he's gone somewhere she can't follow (literally and figuratively). And she wants him to be happy which is why I fully believe she would immediately clock the Poolverine of it all and not-so-subtly encourage them to make it official.
Anyway. Poolverine forever. Nothing against Vanessa at all - I think she delivers a nuanced and beautiful performance, I think their relationship is sweet and heart-wrenching in large part due to her acting chops, especially given how little she is given to work with - but I think their relationship was sadly doomed from almost the very start, because Wade becomes this traumatized superhuman and Vanessa would always be at risk in his orbit, but also would always on the outside of his multiverse superhero experiences. I think it's weirdly beautiful, even if I am filling in a lot of gaps and giving the writers maybe undue credit.
Anyway... thoughts? Please DM me or write in the tags, I am feral about this movie and just want to talk about it with anyone haha. If you have further insight into these characters too I'd love to hear it - I am by no means an expert in these movies or characters!
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jonivngel · 3 months ago
𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧. (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞.)
𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨
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part 1: sharing is caring; part 2: dinner; part 3: devotion.
"So you made dinner that Friday, set up a table for two, candles, and your favorite silver cutlery, and dressed in a pretty satin dress with a low back. The evening would be a little too perfect considering Suguru wouldn't be there..."
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6,603
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: 18+ ONLY, NSFW! CONTENT, MDNI, infidelity, unprotected sex, cucking (just a lil), polyamory, threesomes, drunk sex, a bit of degradation, praise kink kinda, oral (male on male and male on female), mxmxf sex, mxf penetration, overstimulation, edging, bath sex, kitchen sex, exhibitionism, just overall filth ngl, satosugu is bisexual so gay stuff, fluffy at the end (q up another warning for my sloppy writing lowk)
a/n: hope you enjoy... (part 2 is still my fav but this ain't half as bad ngl). it was supposed to have more plot, but it doesn't because my mind has been reduced to nothing but filth.... my apologies. also sorry for taking so long uni has me dead fr.
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The ‘dinners’, as you began calling them, became a regular thing.
Every Friday, like clockwork, Satoru would text Suguru the name of the restaurant and the time at which you were set to meet. Suguru would ask if you were willing to, to which you always said yes. It was seemingly a one-sided arrangement, he wanted Satoru and you wanted him. A messy conundrum that had you stressing about how long it was going to last and what the outcome would be.
Your relationship with Suguru certainly wasn't the same. The atmosphere assumed a lingering tension caused by a passing thought or mention of Satoru, the sweet scent of his skin remaining infused into your bedsheets, your hair, your clothes... He became a ghost, haunting you day and night until you'd meet again and all your worries would disappear with the scalding feeling of his fingertips exploring every dip and bump of your body. He knew how to make sure you wouldn't forget what it felt like to be had by him, to be so helplessly enchanted by pleasure that nothing else mattered.
It made your head muddled with jealousy conflicting with the growing affection for the shared time between the three of you. It was sinful and depraved, the raw need consuming you entirely until you surrendered fully every time you'd spend the night with them. Satoru became a habit. He became someone to you and you were slowly losing the ability to view him as the other.
He wasn't just someone Suguru convinced you to bring to your bed. It showed in little moments, words of endearment, the way your name would drip from his lips like honey. He was sweet to you. He'd look at you with his beautiful tranquil eyes and your skin would set ablaze with a burning need to feel him deeper, to connect, to get lost in him. You'd forget Suguru was even there. It was a thrill, a newfound nuance to the relationship you three shared. Because in moments like that, when Satoru would kiss you and touch you and look at you with pure devotion, you felt like he didn't care only for Suguru, but for you too.
It scared you, though. How intensely you began feeling for him, how he'd appear in your thoughts during a moment of silence while you washed dishes or did laundry, like it was so mundane, just a thing to be thought about. You would catch yourself remembering the way it felt to be under that intense gaze and you'd scold yourself. You shouldn't be thinking about him, you'd tell yourself, Suguru cheated on you with him, why would you think about him like that?
Then you'd get pissed at yourself because you've gone through the motions a thousand times, your thoughts were looping in circles. He isn't the other - he is, though - but why would he be so sweet… - but, but and but. Over and over again, it drove you insane. And you knew it wasn't like that, that Suguru didn't just cheat mindlessly. He loved you both, and you would've been fine with it had it not been for the nagging feeling of what someone else might think if they found out…
That's why you were terrified beyond words when Suguru suggested you meet Satoru alone.
“I'm sorry, honey,” he sighed, holding your face in his hands and kissing you so sweetly, disarming you of all the bitter words on the tip of your tongue, “I have an important meeting this Friday, it can't be helped.”
Your stomach twisted at the thought. You hadn't been alone in the same room with Satoru, let alone slept with him. Was that what Suguru expected to happen? Why couldn't you simply cancel? Then again, you didn't want Satoru to get the message that you didn't enjoy the time he spent with the two of you… Because you did enjoy it. Thoroughly.
“Okay,” you sighed, tugging on his shirt to bring him closer, his heat warming you to your core, “I'll make him dinner, it's the least I can do to apologize for changing plans. Plus he always takes us out.”
Suguru's smile made your heart skip a beat. “That's a beautiful idea. So sweet. Thank you, baby.” He kissed you again and you smiled, glad that he was okay with it. Not only okay, he seemed happy.
So you made dinner that Friday, set up a table for two, candles, and your favorite silver cutlery, and dressed in a pretty satin dress with a low back. The evening was going to be a little too perfect considering Suguru wasn't going to be there. But if the conversation led you to discuss how you've been feeling about the entire situation, the atmosphere would be at ease with the home-cooked candle-lit dinner.
You finished setting everything up about an hour before he arrived and had been on the edge of your seat ever since. The minutes were passing so slowly, your hands fidgeting with the satin pooling in your lap while you checked eagerly on the time every few minutes. You were secretly hoping he'd be a little late so you'd have more time to mentally prepare yourself. Your hopes were not fulfilled, however, because he showed up right on time, the doorbell startling you and making you jump off the couch.
Opening the door you were met with the sight of Satoru dressed in a white shirt and black pants, white hair fluffy and messy just the way you liked it. His eyes peered at you over the rim of his glasses perched on the tip of his nose, taking you in with the same intensity you’ve grown to revel in. He held a beautiful bouquet of deep purple hydrangeas in one hand and a bottle of pricey champagne in the other.
Your stomach fluttered in delightful excitement, “Hi,” you smiled and let him get in through the door, “Welcome, Satoru.”
He smiled back, the sly smile that told you he was having the time of his life, “Hey,” his voice was smooth, husky, a lilting cadence that made your skin tingle with anticipation. He bent down as he handed you the flowers, warm breath tickling past your ear when he pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek. The gentle nature of the action had you wanting to jump out of your skin because it didn't feel nearly enough of what you needed from him. His scent invaded your senses, drowning out all else as you reveled in the sweetness of vanilla and cinnamon you’ve come to love so much.
Then you realized that moments ago you were stressing about him, about this, and yet here he was, and all your mind and body did was crave his touch.
You were in for a rude awakening by the end of the night, it seemed.
“Thank you, ‘Toru…” you blushed and swiftly showed him to the dining room, which was divided from the kitchen only by a long kitchen island. You took the bottle from him to put in some ice and let him take his seat at the head of the table, which was usually Suguru's seat, but that's what he gets for leaving you alone.
“So, how are you, sweetie?” He asked, crossing his long legs and giving you a once-over, eyes as shameless as ever while they drank you in. His smile only seemed to grow wider.
Your heart started beating faster in an instant once you turned around to plate the food, unable to look at the mischievous glint in his eyes as they devoured you entirely. You were aware that cooking this man dinner and dressing in one of your prettiest dresses was a bold move, a calculated one at that. You were just afraid that you'd let his intoxicating energy get the best of you before you even managed to finish your meal.
“I'm doing well,” you sigh, “Suguru pissed me off cus’ he said he couldn't be with us tonight. Other than that I'm great.”
Satoru chuckled, his chair scraping the floor slightly when he stood up and made his way over to you. “It's okay,” he muttered, appearing next to you, paying close attention to the way your fingers worked skillfully as they arranged the food, “I'll appreciate you for the both of us tonight.”
Was he even aware of the way his words sounded? They made your cheeks flush with the deepest crimson color, your fingers cramping up suddenly and almost making you mess up the food arrangement.
You let out a breathy laugh, nervous with him standing so close and watching you prepare the food so intently, “Thank you, but don't feel like you have to make up for it on his behalf.”
He hummed in response, “Should I take the salad and champagne to the table?”
You nodded and thanked him, finishing up the plates and carrying them to the table as well. He had already opened the bottle of champagne, pouring you a glass and then himself, waiting for you to sit down before he lifted it in cheers.
His smile turned soft and his eyes were full of adoration as your glasses clinked and he said, “Thank you for the dinner.” You could've sworn his cheeks were a tiny bit flushed, he seemed bashful in comparison to all the other times you've seen him, possibly shy because of the genuine act of service you prepared for him.
You smiled, “No problem, sweetheart,” you took a sip of your drink and gestured at the food, “Let's eat before it gets cold. And tell me your honest opinion.”
He nodded eagerly, taking a large bite immediately at your command. His eyes widened and he looked at you like he was about to fall madly in love with you. “This…” he couldn't even finish his sentence, taking another bite like a little child stuffing their mouth full of sweets. He resorted to letting out a stifled groan as he pointed at the food, causing you to laugh at the ridiculous theatrics he was performing to show you how much he liked it.
“Calm down, Satoru, it can't be that good…” you chuckled and took a bite, impressing even yourself at the taste of your dish. “Okay, maybe I outdid myself this time.”
He chuckled, continuing to eat his food as if it was his first meal in a thousand years. It warmed your heart to see him enjoy something you cooked for him and it completely dissipated the tension you felt before he arrived.
You two chatted idly while you finished your food, he brought up how he became a teacher and you brought up your work at a bakery downtown. The matter of jujutsu society and picking sides was understandably a topic too heavy for a friendly dinner, but you found a way to mention you had resigned from the jujutsu world altogether. He didn't dwell on the topic too much, choosing to appreciate the moment of normalcy he was afforded and discuss your recent workplace drama instead. He seemed interested enough in such a mundane topic, perhaps more than that. He was fascinated by it.
“So she was caught with the manager and then he fired the girl who caught them?!” he gawked at you in disbelief, amazed at how messy non-sorcerers could be. The jujutsu world was messy in a different way, everybody was too busy fighting curses to be bothered with such trivialities as who was seeing who. They were also infinitely more skilled at hiding it. The little rendezvous between Satoru, Suguru and you is a case in point.
You explained the rest of the drama while you finished your third glass of champagne, Satoru still being on his second. You switched to a different topic soon enough; time was flying by quickly, and at some point, you had gotten up to wash the dishes while he told you about his favorite bakeries and sweets kiosks.
He got up with you without question, bringing over the remaining plates you couldn't carry, and continued talking, until a comfortable silence fell upon the two of you. You washed the dishes and handed them off to him to dry off and place to the side. His eyes watched you studiously, observing every twitch of your muscle as you worked.
Such a mundane thing it must've been for a sorcerer as great as Satoru Gojo. Washing dishes. It dawned on you that Suguru must've done this on purpose, made you spend time alone with Satoru to get to know him better. In that moment you hated how brilliantly calculated Suguru could be because he was right- being alone with Satoru created space for you to think about him as a person and not just someone to compete with over Suguru.
“What are you thinking about?” He whispered next to your ear and you realized you'd been washing the same dish in silence for about two minutes.
“N-Nothing, sorry…” you muttered, feeling your skin tingle with the sudden proximity of his body.
He hummed, moving your hair gently to the side, exposing your neck to him. He was so close, yet your bodies weren't touching, your entire body contorting with deep yearning just to get a feel of him pressed against you. He chose to tease you instead, his lips ghosting over the curve of your neck, warm breath eliciting goosebumps all over your skin.
“You think Suguru would mind?”
You wanted to fall apart right then, crumble into pieces because you didn't want to stop him. Somehow it felt so wrong to do this without Suguru, but his lips brushing against your neck most tenderly was making your mind fall short of reasons to stop.
“I-I don't know, Satoru-” your words turned into a whiny mewl once he finally kissed you. It was embarrassing how easily he could control your mind with just one kiss. Yet there was no time to dwell on it because he didn’t stop, pressing his lips down your exposed neck and shoulder, giving you loving kisses that had your insides melting.
“You're so pretty,” he muttered, his hands coming to rest on your hips, his body finally pressing up against yours and pinning you against the kitchen counter. “Is this okay?” He asked innocently, fingers tracing the curve of your body, from your hip over the side of your torso and over the neckline of your dress.
“Oh my-” you dropped the dish you were holding in the sink as his hand gently wrapped around your neck and pulled you further into him, your head falling back on his shoulder. He had you caged in place, unable to run or move or resist- at least that's what you told yourself. He had you wrapped around his finger, gasping at every feathery touch over your dress, so light you felt like bursting into tears from the rattling heartbeat in your chest.
“You didn't answer, baby.” He muttered into your skin, words a hushed whisper but fingers getting more bold as they pulled up your dress to reveal your panties and the skin of your abdomen. “Should I touch you more?”
You whimpered and swiftly wrapped your hand around his wrist, guiding his fingers to sink below the waistband of your panties. “Please, ‘Toru-”
“Eager, hm?” He kissed your cheek and ear, making you shudder once his fingers started circling your clit slowly, painfully slow, trying to make you fall further into madness. “Should I just fuck you right here, then?”
You nodded without second thought, the champagne and his fingers both messing with your impulse control until you didn't know how to say no anymore. “Y-Yes, ah- please.” You rocked your hips into his fingers, lips parted in delight as he continues to press his lips to your neck. He was making you fall apart only with his lips and fingers, heavy breaths and whimpers next to your ear making your knees weak for him. He seemed so needy, hips rolling slowly against your ass so you could feel the tightness in his pants, feel how much he wanted you.
“Take your panties off for me, pretty.” He mutters and a sound of his belt unbuckling clinks behind you, but his other hand never leaves your clit as you slide your panties down and let them fall to the floor. You're a whimpering mess, dripping over his fingers and down your thighs, already soaking wet from the tension lingering in the air. The languid, delicate kind of tension that makes your heart beat faster in expectation.
He’s pressed up against the soft flesh of your ass, hard and warm, eager to feel you wrap around him. His hand stops toying with you, guiding his thick tip to slide against your pussy instead. You're half bent over the kitchen sink, holding yourself up with hands on each side of it, your eyes screwed shut. Despite the loud thrum of your own pulse in your head, you can hear the faint gasps of desperation coming from Satoru as his needy hands spread you from behind so he could easily sink into you.
Once he finally does, stretching you so delightfully, you feel like you're about to pass out. He was filling you out completely, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and a groan slipped past your lips.
“F-Fuck-” he mutters and his cock twitches inside of you, sliding so slowly against your insides it made you even more drunk than you already were.
“’Toru-” you whine as he bottoms out, legs quivering from having him nestled so deep.
He starts moving slowly as he pulls you back into his chest, head falling back to its place on his shoulder. “Let me feel you, baby, I just want to feel you, p-please-” he whimpers next to your ear, hips unmoving while he relished in the feeling of your tight pussy swallowing his cock and begging for more. His hands roam over your body, one squeezing your breasts under your dress that he was too impatient to take off, the other coming up to wrap around your throat once more. “So good, baby, ah-”
His hips begin moving languidly, his cock sliding in and out of you so painfully slow that you could feel each and every shape of his thumping veins. It felt intimate, slow, and sweet, something you weren’t used to from Satoru. He was rough and liked to get mean so he could hear you whine and complain. But in that moment he was so lost in you he couldn’t find it in his heart to be mean. You were everything to him in that moment, so beautiful that he had to make love to you as tenderly as he could, show you just how much he liked you. Oh, he didn’t like you- he loved you.
He showed you that with gentle touches and kisses, whispering into your ear about how much he needed you all to himself for once, “S-Suguru can have you any day- ah- any day of the week, I was so happy he’d be away.” His hips crash into your own, making you yelp out at the sudden change in force, “I needed this so bad- f-fuck-” he picks up the pace, the smacking of skin against skin filling the quiet space of the kitchen.
“’Toru…” you whine, feeling him deeper inside of you, your whole body quivering along with your voice, “I-I can’t stand like this-” Your legs and hands were weakening by the second and you couldn’t keep yourself up any longer.
“Sorry, baby, sorry-” he mutters and swiftly picks you up, places you to lay on the kitchen island, and slides back into his place molded deeply into you before you could blink. His hands tugged your dress off and returned to your bare body as you shivered on the cold kitchen counter, groans of delight erupting from deep within his chest at the sight of you laid out for him like a full-course meal.
“T-Toru, Suguru will be-” you gasp as he slams his hips forcefully into yours again, grabbing you by your cheeks to look him in the eyes, a scathing glint flickering to light at the mention of his best friend, “Sorry, I-”
“I don’t give a fuck about him right now,” he spits, lips inches away from yours as he keeps steadily pumping his thick cock into you. His flushed face leans in front of yours, hot breath fanning over your skin, smelling faintly of champagne and mint, “It’s time we get to know each other better, huh?”
You nod, eyes rolling to the back of your head immediately as he starts thumbing circles into your sensitive bulb of nerves, your legs spread as far as they could go while he bullies his cock into you repeatedly. You chant his name, your voice echoing like a prayer through your empty house, Suguru slipping from your mind entirely. You fall apart again and again for him, tears brimming in your eyes as he whines and whimpers your name into your skin. His teeth sink into the soft flesh of your breasts, cock jolting up into your g-spot once you squeak in pain.
“I’m c-close baby, fuuck you feel so good-” he groans, kissing your chest and collarbones, worshiping your body with his hands as they grab and squeeze at every soft part of you, memorizing the feeling by heart.
“’Toru- ah- please, please, please- I need you inside plea-” a loud scream rips your throat and his thrusts become even more merciless than before, your helpless pleas creating a savage monster out of him. He’s pummeling into you so deep and with such force that he pushes you across the kitchen island, your head dangling off of it and making you even dizzier than you already were from the numerous times you came on his cock.
He chokes out your name as he buries himself inside of you, hips stilling while he fills you up to the brim with his cum, your insides sticky and warm, taking everything he’s got. It felt so heavenly that all you could do was whisper his name over and over again, hands gripping feverishly at the unbuttoned shirt he forgot to take off, pulling him to lay atop of you and warm you with his entire body.
You try to catch your breath, letting your head hang off the counter, eyes fluttering open slowly as you calm down from your high. You almost don’t register the dark silhouette leaning against the wall across the dining room, but your heart almost stops in panic as you realize Suguru got home already.
“S-Sugu-” you try to say and he chuckles at your raspy voice, strained from screaming Satoru’s name for the past thirty minutes.
Satoru is too spent to look up, but he mumbles against your skin, “Tell him we’re not done.”
You lift your head to look at him, inspecting the fluffy white locks of hair sticking to your dewy skin with his face buried into your chest. Surely he wasn’t being serious? You’ve already messed up enough by doing this without Suguru, who now watched you with that dangerous, calculating sparkle in his eyes.
“Then I’ll just keep fucking you in front of him.”
He didn’t give you a second to think before pulling out and slamming back into you, the concoction of your messes letting out a dirty squelching sound that make your face heat up with embarrassment at Suguru hearing that. “Let him watch, baby, since he dared leave you alone- hah- with me-”
Suguru’s tie came undone and he draped it over one of the dining chairs, eyes never leaving yours as Satoru kept ramming into you, his fingers gripping your hips so tight they would surely leave your skin bruised for days. Your eyes brimmed with tears once again, guilt swelling up in your chest- but not from letting Satoru do this without your beloved Suguru- it was because you didn’t let him do it sooner.
“Tell Suguru h-how well we got along-” Satoru chuckles and you don’t know whether or not you’re glad that he’s being mean again because it feels so good to be tortured by him.
You whimper and cry out as he fucks you, looking at Suguru who is still standing in the same place, cheeks flushed red from seeing the filthy debauchery unfold right in front of him. Satoru bites your nipple and you squeal, finally finding your voice to say, “W-We got along so well, Sugu-” Another cry rips through your throat and Satoru grins with your other nipple between his teeth, drool pooling in his mouth from the sweet taste of your skin.
Suguru’s words are venomous as they reach your ears in a low grumble laced with lust, “Couldn’t even wait for me to get home, huh? Must’ve gotten along really well-” he chuckles breathily, barely containing himself from pulling out his cock and stuffing it down your throat. He notices the tears falling into your hair with your head being upside down. “Don’t cry, honey, I’m glad.”
“Your sweetheart feels so good ‘n’ tight around my cock, Suguru, you’re missing out-” Satoru chides, feeling your walls flutter desperately around him at the praise. He chuckles, continuing to whisper dirty things about you as if you weren't even there, talking only to Suguru. “Such a good, sweet little pussy, taking me s-so well… She came for me so much, you would’ve loved to see it.”
Suguru looks up at Satoru and you raise your head to see the white-haired man with a grin on his face, your ankles on his shoulders, sweat dripping down from his forehead and down the side of his face. He looks so majestic that it makes you forget Suguru for a second once again, but Suguru’s heavy footsteps tread over to the kitchen island and shift your focus swiftly back to him. He stands next to Satoru, looking between your legs to see the mess you’ve made, eyes darkening with desire.
“Show me.”
Satoru whines while he pulls out of you, stepping back to let Suguru inspect your leaking hole, Satoru’s cum mixed with your slick gushing out of you slowly for him to see. And you knew your lover was just as depraved as you, if not more, but it still caught you by surprise when he bent down to bury his tongue inside of you, making your back arch off the kitchen island when it made contact with your abused clit.
“Sugu- ru- please- n-no-” you choke out, pushing his face back in futile attempts to disconnect his mouth from you. He’s relentless though, lapping up every last drop of your and Satoru’s cum mixed together, groaning in delight as he tastes you two on his tongue.
Satoru is watching it unfold with hazy eyes, spent and unwilling to let himself use his RCT to regain his stamina. It’s way better to watch you cry and beg Suguru to go easy on you, his cock still aching from the overstimulation from your heavenly pussy. “You’re going to break her, Suguru,” he chuckles and finds his pants, deciding it would be best to draw a bath for the three of you while Suguru finished punishing you for- well, for doing exactly what he wanted you to do in the first place.
“You've been bad without me, hmm?” the tone of his words is both scornful and loving, half pouty as he thinks about all the fun you got to have before he got there. And he could see that you were tired, he didn't want to push you too hard. So he pulled back, lightly smacking your clit to see you jump and whimper one last time.
You catch your breath, allowing him to help you sit up and drape his suit jacket over your shoulders. He looks at you with a smug expression, as if he knows he's finally managed to orchestrate your undoing in terms of jealousy and dislike for Satoru. He does, it's evident by the flush on your cheeks and your tired arms that wrap weakly around his neck so you can pull him into a comforting hug. You smell much less like yourself and more like Satoru, vanilla, and cinnamon tangled in your hair and champagne on your breath. He almost understands what it was like for you when it all started.
“You wanna go take a bath with Satoru while I change?” He grins. His eyes fall to your collarbones, peppered with red marks of Satoru's teeth and he chuckles, “He really can't keep doing this…”
You huff and roll your eyes, already pissed at what you're about to say, “Fine,” you mutter, your swollen lips in a pout, “I was wrong. He's nice.”
Suguru's eyes light up in a way you've never seen before, his smile soft and loving, excitement visible on his face for the first time in ages. It makes your heart flutter and your eyes widen in disbelief, mind reeling as it tries to process the beautiful smile on his face that shines through with happiness.
“I'm glad you like him, my love,” he leans in to give you a quick peck before he picks you up and carries you to the bathroom, “Now take a bath, you must be tired.”
You sigh, arms wrapping tightly around his neck while you kiss him on the cheek. “Join us.” you say, “Please?”
He looks at you, his expression still containing that childish excitement you saw earlier. An ache erupted within your chest, a bittersweet feeling at seeing your Suguru smile so brightly. He’d been so melancholic ever since you’ve met him, it worried you if he was just depressed and unable to be helped. Although, it seemed he cared deeply for Satoru and a burden finally fell from his shoulders once he was able to include the white-haired menace back in his life. He was finally content to see you and Satoru getting along. No matter how messy and depraved the method for sorting out your differences was.
Satoru is already in the bath, long legs bent at the knees to be able to fit in it. “You two done talking shit about me behind my back? You know I can hear everything right?”
You stick your tongue out at him before you join him in the bath, splashing him lightly. His nose scrunches up and he splashes you back, making you gasp out in faux shock at his rudeness.
“Stop it, you two…” Suguru grumbles, “You're gonna make a mess.”
You giggle, “You should see the kitchen…”
Satoru huffs, pulling you to lay against him, “You gotta check the pipes, they must be leaking everywher- ah!” he jolts in surprise when you pinch him to shut him up from saying any more embarrassing things.
“Is this how it's gonna be from now on? You two just being unbearable-” Suguru's sarcastic remarks are cut off by both you and Satoru putting all your might into splashing him with as much water as you can. His pants are ruined along with half of his shirt. They stick to his toned body, revealing the outline of his achingly hard cock in his pants.
“Oh, Suguru, you pervert-” Satoru mocks, “You're getting hard just from seeing us together in a bath?”
“Maybe we should put on a show for him again, what do you say?” You turn around to kneel between Satoru's legs, taking his face between your hands. Your lips brush against Satoru's, water splashing as you manage to sit in his lap, tongue darting out to slide against his own in a deep and sensual kiss that has you aching for his cock once again.
Suguru is at a loss of words at how unbelievably sinful the two of you behaved now, his mind reminding him of the times you were too shy to even mention Satoru by name. And now here he was, watching you devour Satoru with just one kiss, your back arching so you could sink further into the warm feeling of his body against your own. It truly was a sight for his sore eyes.
“I-I thought you two were done-” he clears his throat once his voice comes out an octave higher than his usual laid-back tone.
Satoru whimpers as you buck your hips to grind against his cock, head falling back in delight, lips curving into a satisfied grin, “Seems like we’re not.” He chuckles, hands gripping your ass to guide your movements while you kiss and bite his neck to muffle your honeyed whimpers.
“Fucking brats-” Suguru mutters angrily, stripping all of his clothes in a few seconds and stepping into the tub to sit across from Satoru. He can’t believe he’s being excluded and that he’s pouting about it like an ungrateful child.
You glance at him over your shoulder, letting him watch as you wrap your delicate fingers around Satoru’s thick length and guide it back into you- groaning loudly on purpose to see Suguru’s cock jump involuntarily. “You’re so thick, ‘Toru,” you mumble coyly, mouth falling open in pleasure as you start moving up and down his length, “Sugu’ was so mean for leaving me alone… I felt soo empty-”
Before either you or Satoru could react, you’re being ripped away from him, pulled back, and made to stand on all fours in the tub facing Satoru.
“Oh, shit-” Was the last thing you heard Satoru say before Suguru plunged into you without warning, bottoming out immediately.
“You want to be a slut, sweetheart?” He growls next to your ear, malice dripping from his glossy lips, “I’ll show you how sluts should be treated.”
He pulls back his hips, giving you a second to wonder where he went before ramming into you again, and again, and again until you feel like your insides are about to be rearranged. You whine and cry, his name falling from your lips, eyes squeezed shut so you wouldn’t have to look at Satoru who was gazing at you in pure shock and astonishment at what he’d gotten you into.
“Suguru, she’s-” his words are interrupted by Suguru’s fingers being shoved down his throat.
“Hmm, seems like a- hah- good place to shove my cock- fuck- after I’m done with this pussy, i-isn’t it, baby?” He smacks your ass with his free hand while he pounds into you from behind, your walls clenching around him in encouragement.
All you can do is squeal and mewl in response, mind fucked empty with the raw force of Suguru’s savage thrusts. Your arms shake as they hold you up desperately so you don't fall into the water face first, you feel yourself nearing yet another peak, Suguru's cock ravaging you the only thing occupying your thoughts.
Satoru is drooling over Suguru’s fingers, looking at him with those pristine eyes, daring him to do as he promised. And he does. Once you cry out and your legs shake, your walls clenching around him from your orgasm, he pulls away cruelly and pulls Satoru by the hair to fill his mouth up. He whimpers weakly, muscular thighs flexing as he bucks his hips one final time and releases the sticky white spurts down Satoru's throat. He throws his head back and you marvel at the sight of his long hair falling over his broad shoulders, eyes shut tightly and cheeks flushed a dusty pink.
Once he lets Satoru go, the white-haired man gasps for air, swallowing everything Suguru gave him. “Rude.” He mutters, but he's grinning up at Suguru who gives him a scornful look. “You ruined our bath.”
You would've laughed if you weren't so fucking tired from getting used by them like you were their toy. “You two gotta do it without me next week, I deserve a break.” You mutter weakly as you lean your head on Satoru's shoulder, letting his arms wrap around you to keep you steady.
“Why are you acting like you don't enjoy this?” Suguru asks and settles on the opposite side of the tub, sighing out in exhaustion.
You roll your eyes, “I do enjoy it.”
“Then stop complaining.”
You glare at him, “You were complaining about us starting without you a bit ago.”
Satoru snickers, “And you thought we'd be jealous…”
“Whatever.” The dark-haired man huffs and closes his eyes, ignoring you and Satoru entirely.
“Wanna get out of the tub ‘n’ continue without him?” Satoru whispers to you, not caring whether or not Suguru heard him. Which he did.
“Enough.” He growls.
You giggle at him, “You were enjoying the show in the kitchen.”
“You gotta clean that up. Who's idea was it to fuck in the kitchen?”
“I needed my desert,” Satoru shrugs and you roll your eyes.
“You're cleaning it up.”
The three of you mellow out into a comfortable silence, all three tired from the strenuous activity you've been through that night. Satoru is tracing soft circles into your shoulder, holding you with your face nuzzled into the slope of his neck.
You almost fall asleep when Suguru's voice jolts you awake. “You stayin’ the night?”
Satoru nods, “If you'll let me.”
“Of course.”
You find yourself lying between them on your king-sized bed once you are cleaned up and dressed in your sleepwear, Satoru dressed entirely in Suguru's clothes. It's warm and relaxing, and you think about how nervous you were at the beginning of the night. The warmth of their bodies spreads to your chest and you know in your heart this is the only place you'd want to stay forever.
“I love you two,” you mutter in the dead of night, thinking they're already asleep.
Satoru nuzzles his nose into the back of your neck, arms wrapping around you even tighter, “Love you, too.”
Suguru presses his lips to your forehead in a gentle kiss and you can feel how widely he's smiling, “I love you, too.”
You chuckle giddily as you realize Satoru became your favorite person just as much as Suguru's.
“But you really gotta clean up the kitchen tomorrow morning-”
“Shut uuup-” you and Satoru whine, both pinching Suguru, making him laugh before he gives you both a kiss and says goodnight.
tags: @minzxec @thattbitchwiththehair @tykaii @tojbnuy @ilovesugurugeto69
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therandompagesblog · 4 months ago
SKZ Pack: Chapter 6
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Trigger Warnings: none
The journey home was insatiable. It was awkward and quiet. Seungmin had even attempted to turn on the radio while he drove back but Felix turned it off with a huff. There were too many thoughts going around his head. Why did Minho bring her to his home? Why couldn't Minho have warned him? What is she thinking? Does she hate humans? Is Olivia going to pry? What's mum going to think? Felix felt stressed and conflicted. He wasn't annoyed at Y/N whatsoever but the situation put pressure on him. "So how's Chan hyung?" Seungmin asked as he put a dent in the awkward silence. "Jaehee's breaking his bones today. He's not healing. She's worried one of the wolves may have had a poisonous bite and that's caused Chan to struggle to fight the infection and heal." Minho answered plainly as he played with Y/N's hand. Minho looked up and gave her a soft smile as he squeezed her hand. "Why didn't Jaehee pick this up before?" Seungmin asked, there was concern in his voice as he thought about the weeks his alpha was suffering. Minho sighed and looked out of the window. "Because Chan is stubborn. He didn't want Y/N to worry so he's been trying to fight it. He even asked me to try and cut parts out of his leg." Minho stated. "You did what?" Y/N asked worriedly. "I told him it was stupid," Minho muttered. "The things you do for love!" Seungmin clicked his tongue. "Oh. You want to talk about doing things for love. The last time you did something for love you nearly killed yourself." Minho growled, smacking the younger beta's head.
Y/N could see Minho really cared about the younger wolf despite his aggression towards him. It made Y/N smile as she saw the beta glare through the wing mirror. "If puppy asked to sacrifice me in a ritual I would do it," Seungmin stated proudly while the three of them looked at him with concern. They were slightly disturbed by the confession. "That's not normal Minnie," Y/N stated. "She's right," Felix added. "What? It doesn't matter. Anyways. My love is exclusively for Y/N only." Seungmin answered causing them to roll their eyes, but the concern of Seungmin's confession didn't go unnoticed by Minho. Minho was aware of Seungmins intense emotions but he was worried about how this would lie with Y/N, because once Seungmin becomes obsessed he never lets it go. As soon as Seungmin is fixated on something, he will not stop until it's deep within his grasp. It worried Minho and right now Y/N seemed oblivious to it. She seemed unfazed by his words as if he joked about them a lot, and he did make slight comments about her. About owning her. It was strange, but Minho didn't want to alarm anyone, not yet at least, but was it Seungmin he needed to worry about or another wolf in the house?
Seungmin pulled up to the side of the house, parking next to Chan's car before snacking his car door against Chan's car. "Careful." Minho grumbled, causing the beta to shrug. Y/N shook her head and got out of the car noticing Hyunjins car had gone. "He's gone to the shops with Jisung to get you a phone," Minho said. "A phone?" Y/N was confused. "Yeah, because how else are you supposed to know where we are if we're late? It's also easier for you to get a hold of us without using one of us." Minho explained. "Oh." Y/N nodded as she shut the door. "Wait," Felix called as he grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him so that he could embrace her. His head fell straight into her neck tightly. "Felix!" Y/N cooed as she stroked his hair affectionately. "I can explain. Hear me out. There's a reason I never told you and you probably worked it out when you smelt them. And I never wanted them to know or you to find out. And I-" "Felix calm down. It's alright. I don't care what they are. I just want to understand. That is all." Y/N promised as she lifted his head up, looking into his frazzled eyes. It was a secret that some of the wolves didn't know and it was a lot for him to reveal it. "Felix. I want to know." Y/N pleaded. Felix nodded and nudged her towards the car. He could feel Minho listening and he didn't like that.
Y/N opened the car door and sat on the back seat, watching Felix climb in. He was nervous. Y/N could tell. It was the way he kept looking back as if he was going to be caught. Felix took a deep breath and rubbed his face as he built up the courage to tell her. "My father is an omega and my mother is human. My mother doesn't know my father is a werewolf. Fuck. I don't know how to explain this." Felix looked up at the roof of the car as he tried to find the right words. "My father came from an omega pack. He was a part of the revolution against alphas. There were nineteen in their pack, but they were divided in beliefs so a schism happened. My father stayed with his pack. I think there were six or seven. I can't remember what he told me but apparently war happened with a head alpha and when the head omega wanted to take them out my father ran away. He ran because he didn't want to be executed. My mum was carrying Rachel, so he couldn't do that to her. My mum believed he got into some trouble growing up so they moved into the house you saw. Then I came along and then Olivia came." "But how are you a werewolf? I don't understand." Y/N whispered. "I don't know, but my father picked up on the signs and tried to teach me everything he knew. My father believes I could have been a beta because of a recessive gene but who knows? Chan found me through my father who was looking for a werewolf pack at the time to teach me. The thing was Chan had a high opinion of omega packs back then, as long as I was loyal to him, Chan would never hand over my father." Felix stated with an awkward smile as if the whole situation was tough luck. He looked at Y/N whose brown eyes watched him as she tried to piece together what he had said. "I didn't tell you because I didn't know how you would react. Many werewolves are prejudiced or fearful of omega packs. Even Minho hyung despises them along with Hyunjin and Seungmin so it wasn't like I could say anything to them. Only Chan and Jeongin really know. The others have speculation but have never asked. I guess I also worried because of what happened with you and Ateez, I didn't want it to escalate further and target my family." "Oh, Lixie. I'm not mad. I was hurt for three minutes but I knew there was something more because we promised we would always tell each other." Y/N reached out and cupped his face in her hands. Her warmth made him close his eyes. "What I think is an omega pack is pretty cool and I support that because us omegas are treated badly you know."
Felix grunted lowly at her obnoxious thoughts. He didn't need her deciding to rebel against them. "My love. Don't even think about it. You are treated well. If not spoilt." Felix grumbled. "Me spoilt? Definitely not it depends on what you categorise as spoilt." Y/N stated causing him to roll his eyes. "I am sorry I didn't say anything when you came into the room. I kind of panicked and I couldn't exactly say you were my girlfriend when Seungmin had his hands wrapped around you, but then I felt guilty. So. So. So guilty baby. Not only that Rachel is so judgemental and I didn't want her to even have those thoughts about you." Felix stressed causing Y/N to roll her eyes. "I mean technically I am a whore-" Felix put his hand over her mouth, silencing her with a glare. "Do not ever say that. Ever." Felix growled. "Yes, Lixie." Y/N teased as she kissed him. She missed his kisses. They were always so loving and tender. They were delicate, like him. "Do you ever worry something may happen?" Y/N asked. "My father expects it but I worry for my mother and sisters. They never asked to be apart of this world and I want to keep it hidden from them." Felix answered. "If they do I will rebel," Y/N stated as she crossed her arms. "If you do. I can punish you now. You've been claimed." Felix said as his yellow eyes glowed slightly. "Um. Hello. Seungmin is that you?" Y/N teased, causing Felix to growl and chase her out of the car. Things were starting to get better despite the small cracks that were starting to show.
Taglist for the iconic readers:
@galaxy4489 @reallychaoticwoo @leezanetheofficial @mbioooo0000 @jisungs-iced-americano @maybeimmia @hwangrfrnd@wolfo2027 @kayleefriedchicken @leamueller920 @borahae-reads @jennibahng @cookiesandcreammy @jutdwae-flower @danceonmyheyday @jc003 @hpnsfwaddict @linocz @itzreetal987 @skzdreamer13 @liv1sworld @upsidedownchaire @jutdwae-flower @danceonmyheyday @jc003 @hpnsfwaddict @skzdreamer13 @ihttinniee @kingdomofpentagon @pixie0627 @tsunderelino @notevenheretbh1 @catlove83 @h0rnyp0t @hash2013 @hyunmikim @emi-han @iknow-uknow-leeknow @jigglypuff3000 @aalexyuuuhm @missseoulite @ihrtlix @estella-novella @xxeiraxx @atinyrosedoor @skz-ot8-stay @poetryforthesad @emi-han @galaxy4489
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mphoenix-7 · 9 months ago
Bitter Allies [Soap x Reader]
Chapter 5: The Cabin: Day 1 (pt.2)
Summary: Soap being gone for so long has you extremely worried. When he finally shows, you have an exchange of words, and Soap learns that you are human after all.
Word Count: 4,000
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, swearing, strong language, angst, slight panic attack, Soap is still mean?, suggestive language, partial nudity 
A/N: I’m ahead in writing by two characters, but expect weekly updates! Let me know how you’re liking it so far! Also comment some possible scenes you might want to see, sometimes I include them! Enjoy ~
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Bitter Allies • Part 5
The cabin, which had no electricity, was dark now. The sun was setting over the lake, which was beautiful, but you didn't have it in you to enjoy it right now. All you could was pace in the kitchen, the only light and source of heat coming from the embers in the wood stove from when you made food.
Soap was gone. He'd been gone all day. You didn't know what time it was when he left, but the sun had been high in the sky and now it was setting. Your mine was racing.
What if he had gotten hurt and couldn't get back? What if a bear or something killed him? Were there even bears where you are? What if-
There was a groaning sound as the cabin door opened. You gazed snapped over to the door right as Soap was walking through it. He looked tired, but that was to be expected. You don't know where he went or what he did, but you know he hasn't eaten. Unless he ate some berries or something during his time in the woods, but you doubted it.
A mix of emotions hit you as you look at him. Anger at him for being gone for so long, relief that he was back, and conflicted feelings when you feel your eye start to burn with tears. Truth was, you did care about Soap to some extent, and him not coming back after an hour or two scared the hell out of you.
Despite your current state, and after everything that happened this morning, you wanted to keep your voice calm when speaking to him. You didn't want to yell, start another fight, or add more stress. However, the moment you open your mouth, anger burns in your chest like lit gasoline. Knowing you'll combust if you try to speak, you pause, hoping he'll speak first, and stay in your spot in the middle of the kitchen.
Soap's eyes were down as he walks in, not even acknowledging you. His lips were tightly pursed shut, and his body language was tense. He doesn't even spare you a single glance as he makes his way to the where you'd carefully placed all your food rations.
Taking a deep breath, you try to swallow the anger and address him.
"Where have you been?" Your voice shook the slightest bit, but you managed to keep it fairly steady.
Soap doesn't respond. You hear a faint annoyed sigh from him, but that's it. Your anger is boiling over at this point. You tried to ask nice, tried to be calm, but he was going to give you the silent treatment? Act like nothing had happened and like he hadn't made you worried sick for at least the last four hours?
"Soap, where the hell have you been?!" You were shouting now, and your raised voice finally makes Soap's gaze shift over to you. He looks you over a bit before rolling his eyes, returning to flipping through MREs packets to find a meal he wants.
"Don't fucking ignore me, Soap! You can't just leave and be gone for hours like that!"
"Fuck off, States." He grumbles, continuing his search for food. You stare at his back for a long moment, a bit taken back by his response. He really thought it was fine to go out into the woods for hours? To just leave you alone in the middle of the woods wondering if he was ok? Could he really not see how much distress he'd caused you by being gone? Or did he just not care?
You'd been worried about him.
Your chest tightens a bit, hands clenching into fists at your sides. You hated Soap with every fiber of your being, yet you worried when he was gone. You hated that you felt this way about him. You hated that he made you feel this way and now he was acting like it wasn't a big deal.
"Fuck off, States..."
"Don't tell me to fuck off! What gives you the right to leave like that? I didn't know if you were coming back or not." He just keeps ignoring you, his shoulders tense, and you snap. "John! Fucking turn around and answer me!"
That finally gets his attention. He looks back at you, jaw clenched tightly. "What have I told you about calling me that!?" He shouts at you, but you ignore him.
"Can you just listen to me!? I was worried about you, you stupid fucking idiot!" You shout at him, feeling your breath hitch a bit as a sob boils in your throat. You couldn't stop it. Tears started to run down your cheeks. You tried to brush them away, but they just kept coming.
"I sat here for hours! I didn't know where you were. I went outside, and I looked, and looked for you, and I couldn't find you. I thought you got hurt, or-or killed, or a bear got you, or you-you got lost. I didn't know if you were coming back, and I was scared that you weren't going to, and I didn't know what to do!"
You're sobbing by the end of your outburst, giving up on wiping tears away or keeping the sobs down. The stress of the day had gotten to you, and Soap leaving had been the final thing to make you break down. Now you just stood in front of this man that you hated, feeling scared that he'd died while he was gone, and sobbing uncontrollably into your hands.
Soap stood there frozen as he watches you. He'd never seen you cry before. No matter how bad the fights got, you never cried. Or at least not in front of him. He didn't really know what to do, but you were really upset. You're starting to hyperventilate, and he had to admit, he was getting a little worried.
"States, just calm down, lass."  He says in the most gentle voice he's ever used when talking to you. "Stop crying, you're fucking up your breathing." His voice is still gentle, and there's a tinge of worry behind his words as he stays frozen in place.
You try to stop, you really do, cause crying in front of Soap isn't something you like doing, but you can't stop. Now that the wall has been busted down, the water wasn't going to stop until the pressure had been released.
Soap finally moves when you can't seem to stop and turns to one of the shelves behind him to grab a cantina. He unscrews the top and takes your hands, wrapping them around the bottle and then brings it up to your lips. "Here, lass, drink some water. Take some deep breaths for me too, aye?" His hand pressed into your upper back, just steadily remaining there for support.
You do as he says, trying to take a few small sips and wiping at your eyes again. It helps a little, enough to settle you down a bit. You meet Soap's eyes, still sniffling and hiccuping softly. He still had his hand on your back, but he removes it to take the cantina back when you're done.
"I was worried about you..." You repeat, this time in more of a whisper as he puts the bottle back on the shelf.
Soap sighs softly and looks away, down towards the floor. You start to sniffle again, which makes him look at you once more. "Hey now, don't start that again."
"I'm not trying to. I can't help it. I was scared." You defend yourself, breath stuttering slightly.
"Look States, I... I'm sorry. Ok? I didn't mean to make you worry."
You're shocked. Absolutely in pure shock that this man is apologizing to you. He's never apologized to you for anything, and the thing is, he looks genuinely sorry. You stare at him for a long moment, making him uncomfortable.
"Don't look at me like that." He shifts nervously in place, a frown on his features.
You shake your head a bit, snapping yourself out of your state of shock. "Sorry, I've just never... I-I'm glad you're back." You rub your arm nervously. "Please don't.. please don't ever do something like that again."
"I won't." He says simply. "Stop all your crying now, aye? Go wash your face."
Normally you would have snapped at him for telling you what to do, but he's still talking to you softly. Like he's telling you to do something to make you feel better, not just to belittle you. So you nod and make to grab the flashlight to walk out to the pond. Before you get to the door though, he's calling out to you.
"Aye, States. Are you hungry? I'm going to make some food. You want some?"
You look back to him, surprised that he offered. You'd eaten a few hours ago, but you hardly had anything all day. Plus all that worrying you'd done had worked up quite an appetite. "Yeah... That'd be nice." You agree, getting a nod from him as he turns back to picking something from the cabinet.
"Alright. Go wash up. I'll get started." He says, his back to you now. You hesitate a moment more before stepping outside into the cool air.
It's quiet outside, aside from some frogs and an owl. The fresh air feels nice and helps to settle any remaining stress you had. You hear Soap inside, putting more wood onto the fire to get the oven going. It didn't seem real what just happened. You weren't quite sure what to make of any of it.
Sighing softly, trying to push everything that happened today behind you for now, you click on the flashlight and head towards the water. The sun has gone down and the moon is casting a soft light on the water's surface. Once you reach the edge, you scoop some water into your hands and splash it over your face, letting the icy water soothe your puffy cheeks. It feels nice despite the bite it has from the cold. It's just what you need.
Realizing you don't have a towel or anything to dry your face with, you end up just gently patting your face dry with your shirt. You'd be changing for bed soon anyway. You were regretting, however, packing your shorts and an oversized teeshirt to wear as pajamas. They weren't going to be very warm, and despite what you hoped was a new development in your relationship with Soap, you still were not fond of him seeing you in something like that.
The thought of your pajamas made you remember your lack of a bedroll. Maybe you should apologize to Soap for getting so upset with him earlier. It was technically your responsibility to keep track of it, and you doubted Soap would purposely do something like that to you. He was mean, but you didn't think he was that mean. Plus he had just apologized to you. Maybe you should return the favor. Extend the olive branch.
That was going to be hard though...
You sigh softly and get up, heading back into the cabin. Soap managed to get the fire going and now had a pot of what looked to be beans on the stovetop. He'd also laid out two pieces of bread on your plates. You stayed by the door, trying to warm your hands a bit as you watched him stir the pot. After a few seconds, he breaks the silence.
"Feeling better?" He asks, eyes focused on the food he was preparing.
"Yeah." You answer, yelling at yourself to just get the apology out. It was stuck though. Apologizes weren't really your strong suit. Plus making them to someone you had a bad rivalry with made it all that much harder. Instead, you find yourself clearing your throat and changing the topic.
"Uh... So I was thinking maybe we should make a few rules. For both of us to follow." You watch him for his reaction, not sure what you were going to get.
Soap surprisingly nods. "Sure. What were you thinking?" He asks, still not looking at you.
"Well... Maybe rule one should be that we can't go off into the woods alone for more than an hour? Just for safety." You start, which is met with silence. "If we need to go somewhere to cool down, maybe we go to the lake. Or somewhere else close by. I just don't want to have to go looking for you if I need you."
"Sure." Soap finally answers. "I can do that. Anything else?"
You think for a moment, not fully prepared to come up with all the rules by yourself at that very second. "Maybe just small things. Like we can alternate who cooks every night. Let me know before you go bathe. Don't leave dirty clothes or food lying around. Stuff like that." You shrug, watching as steam begins to rise off the pot of beans.
Soap stops stirring them and bangs the spoon on the side of the pan a few times. "That sounds reasonable." He agrees, surprising you by how accepting of this he was. "Come get what you want. I'll eat the rest." He tells you, standing out of the way so you can scoop the beans onto your plate.
You pick up your plate that he'd laid out for you and get your spoon, looking at him before looking down at the beans in the pot. You must have hesitated too long because he's rolling his eyes at you a moment later.
"Come on, I didn't poison them or anything." He grumbles, bits of the old Soap coming back.
"Well, I wasn't thinking that until you said something." You attempt to joke, though you aren't sure if Soap thought it was funny or not. He let out a huff, which might have been a laugh, but you're not sure.
"Just get your beans. I'm starving." He mumbles.
"Yes, sir." You say, getting reminded that he hadn't eaten all day. You didn't want a hangry Soap on your hands.
As you scoop up what you wanted, a very small portion so that he can have more, you hear him actually laugh. It's not a full belly laugh, but he does let out a small, single, chuckle.
"Now that's something I could get used to you saying." He mutters, making you roll your eyes this time. Though for once you aren't really annoyed.
"Yeah, well, don't get used to it." You tell him, setting your plate on the small table in the kitchen and sitting down.
You wait as he dumps the rest out onto his plate. You fully plan on sitting and eating with him. Sure, it still felt like you were walking on eggshells a bit around him, but this was by far the most civil you'd ever been with him. Once he's done scooping everything out onto his plate though, he's heading towards the bedroom without another word.
"Where are you eating?" You ask him when he walks past the available chair.
"On my cot." He answers, pushing the door open and shutting it behind him without another word.
You feel stupid now thinking that Soap was going to sit and eat with you. You don't know why you'd been expecting him to, but, now that he wasn't, it hurt a little bit...
Things probably hadn't actually changed. He was just being a littler nicer because he saw you cry. You stare down at your food, feeling a lot less hungry now, but you eat anyway. No point in wasting it.
Once your plate had been cleaned off the best you could, you set it on one of the shelves, planning on cleaning it tomorrow morning. You then make your way to the bedroom door and knock softly. You don't get a response, and if you listen really closely, you can hear gentle snores.
Opening the door carefully, you see that Soap had fallen asleep. His plate was on the floor next to his cot, scrapped clean. So much for your rule of keeping a tidy space. But you'd let it pass this time since it had been a long day.
Running a hand over your face, you step inside and pick his plate up, carrying it out to the kitchen. You set it alongside yours on the shelf and then you go back to the bedroom to grab your pajamas. You opted to change in the kitchen, just in case Soap woke up, and did so in record time. He was still asleep though when you came back in. However, the second you sat on your cot, making it squeak loudly, he woke up.
"Ah, that damned bed of yours." He grumbles, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
"You were the one who stuck me with this bed." You remind him, making him grumble as he sat up. He places his feet on the floor, looking to the ground.
"Where's my-" he starts, but you already know what he's going to ask about.
"I already put it on the shelf for tomorrow." You tell him.
"Oh. Alright then." He mutters, standing up. He starts to take his shirt off, which had you blushing and raising your brows at him. Then he's taking his pants off, which instantly makes you cover your eyes.
"Oh my God! Don't change in here! I don't want to see you naked!" You yell at him, which has him rolling his eyes at you.
"Oh haud yer wheesht! I'm not getting naked! I sleep in my underwear."
You can hear the sound of his pants being pulled down, and you press your hands more firmly against your eyes. "I don't want to see you in your underwear either!"
"Well I didn't think we'd be sharing a room! I didn't pack pajamas!" He exclaims. "Besides, you're not even wearing pants!"
That made you uncover your eyes, your cheeks burning. "I'm wearing shorts!" You pull your shirt up enough for him to see the shorts you had underneath, and also get an eyeful of Soap in nothing but his underwear. He's in army green boxer briefs, which made his ass and what he was packing in the front look... Not too bad.
"That's practically underwear you're wearing." He claims. "Just think of these as shorts!" He balls his clothes up and tosses them into the suitcase with his clean and still unpacked clothes.
"Those are not shorts! I can see every..."
You trail off, not really wanting to admit that you can see the outline of his dick. You don’t want him to know that you looked. In your defense, it was pretty prominent and obvious feature. You know he isn't even... worked up... yet you can still clearly see it. You didn’t have to stare directly at it to see it.
"Just fucking get into your bed." You say instead, but by the look on Soap's face, he knew exactly what you were going to say.
"No, no, go on. Out with it." He crosses his arms over his chest and stares down at you expectantly.
"Soap, I swear!" You're looking straight ahead, holding up your hand to shield your peripheral vision from him.
"If you like something you see, you can just tell me." He continues to egg you on, making you all the more frustrated with him.
"I'm gonna punch you in the thing I see if you don't get it over to your cot!" You threaten, making him finally leave you alone. He holds his hands up in mock surrender as he goes to his cot.
"Alright fine. Just do me a favor and don't squeak that damn cot of yours all night." He grumbles, getting onto his cot and into his sleeping roll. He rolls onto his side, back facing you.
You finally look over at him once he's laying down and then settle onto your own cot. You lay down on your back, staring up the ceiling and feeling thankful for the chilly air as it cools down your reddened cheeks.
Very quickly though, despite the wood furnace next to you, your arms and legs start to get cold. You tuck up into a ball, cot squeaking while you move, but it's not a position you were going to be able to maintain all night. After only five minutes your legs were cramping up, and you wanted to stretch out again, which caused more obnoxious squeaking.
You keep shifting like this, trying to find the best position to keep yourself warm. It doesn't take long for Soap to let out an annoyed groan.
"States, I swear." He grumbles.
"Sorry, I'm cold." You grumble right back, tucking your legs back up again.
It's silent for a little bit as you try to keep from moving around. You're shivering just slightly, but it wasn't a violent shiver by any means. Sleep was going to be difficult though. You sigh softly, your exhale a little shaky.
"Fucking hell." You hear Soap curse, followed by the sounds of him rustling around.
You'd been lying with your back to him, so you look over your shoulder as he gets up. It was hard to see exactly what he was doing. Despite his bed only being a few feet away from yours, it was dark over in his little corner, and his back was to you. The distinct sound of him unzipping his sleeping roll can be heard though.
"Here." He says after a moment and throws something over at you.
You jump slightly, sitting up to grab at whatever he's just thrown. Feeling it over, you quickly realized it was the thermal liner of his sleeping roll. It wasn't as comfortable as a blanket would be, but it was meant to hold in heat. It would keep you warm.
You look over to Soap, watching him flop back down onto his cot, his back to you once more. You're too stunned to move at first. You never expected Soap to do something so... nice. Especially for you.
"Thanks.." You mutter, getting up slowly to better lay out the lining on your bed.
"If it makes you stop squeaking that damn bed." He grumbles back.
You weren't going to argue with him. Whether he was only giving it to you to keep you from moving around or if he really felt bad you were cold, you didn't care. You were just happy to have some warmth.
The inside of the liner is warm already due to Soap having used it right before. It even sort of smells like him a little bit but, surprisingly, not in a bad way. It smells faintly like cologne, but you can't pick out the specific fragrances.
You lay on your side, facing him this time. The apology you wanted to give him earlier is on the tip of your tongue. It was the least you could do since he'd give you the warmest part of his sleeping roll.
"Hey, Soap?" You call out softly, biting the inside of your cheek as you wait for a confirmation he was listening. He grunts a bit. "I... I'm sorry for what happened earlier." Soap doesn't say anything, and you're not sure what he's thinking. It begins to feel awkward after a moment, so you continue, feeling the need to fill the silence. "...I shouldn't have yelled at you like I did."
"It's fine, States. Just go to bed." He mumbles, making you bite the inside of your cheek again.
"Ok." You mumble back. "Goodnight."
"Night, States."
Silence falls over the room then, and you close your eyes. Soap's liner, while not the most comfortable thing, keeps you warm. The day had been long and stressful, and you weren't sure how things would be tomorrow. You just hoped the days would go by quick.
One day down... six to go...
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m3l0nfl0at · 6 months ago
tell your friends - t. kuroo
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kuroo tetsurou x gn! reader ; secret relationship, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, relationship problems, misunderstanding, insecurity issues on kuroo’s side, happy ending, and readers issues with their parents pops up for a second, 3.2k words
summary: this is a mini fic based off of my fic here, just say yes but this can be read as a stand alone! after you and kuroo make it official, you decide to hide your relationship from your roommate kenma. what happens when kenma confronts you about how you’re acting around kuroo? (aka reader is conflicted about revealing their relationship to roommate!kenma)
melon’s recommended melody: coward - matt maltese
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Ever since Kuroo and you got together, you both decided to keep your relationship a secret from your roommate, Kenma. Now, don’t get me wrong you love your roommate but knowing you’re dating his best friend obviously puts him in an uncomfortable situation between you two. So for now, every time Kuroo comes around to you and Kenma’s apartment you pretend like nothing between you ever happened. That big fight you and Kuroo had that caused you to sleep at Alisa’s for the weekend, poof, doesn’t exist. Kenma notices the weird shift in energy between you two lately, due to his observance but doesn’t want to comment just in case it’s still a touchy situation for you both. Something’s Kenma has noticed between you two includes you blushing more than ever at any mention of Kuroo, Alisa’s playful elbow nudge and teasing eyebrow waggle towards you when Kuroo comes over, and most importantly Kuroo’s silence around you. Kuroo wasn’t usually loud like their friend Bokuto but Kenma would never use the word quiet and Kuroo in a sentence to describe him.
It wasn’t until Kenma noticed your absence in the apartment getting more frequent, every weekend he would knock on your door to find it completely empty and cold. Kenma felt a bit sad, he didn’t want to keep you in an environment you didn’t want to stay in. However, he also felt conflicted. One part of him doesn't want his best friend to stop coming over completely but he also doesn’t want you to feel uncomfortable by his presence. Kenma got worried about you when the weekends of you missing turned into weeks, he knew he had to address this situation somehow without it turning into a dumpster fire of drama. Kenma needed you to know you were not only his roommate but you were also his friend first, he would never want to hurt you or make you feel unwanted. Midthought Kenma hears the door click, signaling that you made it home safely. Even though you think he’s probably asleep, he feels more awake than ever seeing you with a large duffel bag at the door.
“Can I ask where you’ve been?” Turning around you jump, met with Kenma’s striking cat-like eyes. “Ken, what’re you doing up? You scared the crap out of me!” Kenma notices you dodge the question, feeling more suspicious than ever. “So, I’m guessing I can’t ask where you’ve been?”, you feel sick to your stomach. You never wanted to lie to Kenma, you’re only doing this to protect him, right? “I was at Alisa’s, that’s why I have this big bag!”, you sputter out your words fast. Kenma lets his head hang, feeling his hair cover his face before stating the obvious. “You’ve been weird ever since you came back with Kuroo, is everything okay with you two?”, palms sweating, knee’s shaking, and fingers fidgeting as you respond. “Yeah, we’re fine. We’re two peas in a pod, me and that guy!”, you smile obnoxiously wide trying to sell your lie. Kenma laughs, seeing right through you, “If he’s intolerable, you know you can tell me right? You don’t have to run away, I miss you being here. I don’t know what happened to you two after that weekend but obviously it was bad.”
Tears well up in your eyes and for a moment you consider if you’re keeping this secret from him for a selfish reason or truly to protect him. “No, Kenma there’s nothing going on between Kuroo and I, okay? What happened between Kuroo and I that weekend means nothing, so don’t feel that you can’t invite him over. That’s your best friend, and it would kill me if I found out that I caused a rift between you two. I just stay away because he’s a teasing ass, he was like that even before we went away.” Kenma knows you’re being truthful due to you taking your time with your words wanting to convey the message clearly to him. “Well if you don’t mind, I’ll invite him over tomorrow. Is that okay with you?” You nod telling him that you had work tomorrow so you might not come home till later, leaving the conversation with the problem patched up.
The next day Kuroo ends up coming over to talk to Kenma. Various topics come up in the conversation from Kenma’s upcoming stream to how the volleyball season is going for their friends in the league. Yet Kuroo can’t help but notice your absence, questioning Kenma mid conversation. Kenma brushes off saying you had an impromptu day of work ahead of you, wanting to continue the conversation about his upcoming stream till Kuroo interrupts him yet again. “Haven’t they been working a lot more lately? I mean I get work is every day but even on weekends they’re gone? Are they not working themselves to the bone?” Kenma huffs feeling tension arise in the conversation at the mention of you, “Yeah well maybe you should talk to them about it. They were being super weird when I mentioned you yesterday.” Kenma lays himself flatly on the couch suddenly feeling fed up. “What do you mean weird? Everything between us is perfectly fine?” Kenma hears Kuroo’s tone of voice raise slightly at the end of his sentence.
He’s lying, Kenma repeats what he did with you, feline like stare aiming right at Kuroo. Hoping that he would break and tell him the whole story that you failed to tell him yesterday. “Ok well if you were both “perfectly fine” then why did they get all fidgety when I brought you up? I mean I believe them more than you. Since they said what happened between you two that weekend meant nothing but I know you’re both leaving something out.” Kuroo’s ears hear a high monotone pitch, speeding up Kenma’s last sentence and putting it on a constant loop in his head. Kuroo frantically gets up, it means nothing huh? Did you really think that way or were you just saying that to get Kenma off both of your guys’ back? Kuroo gets that you wanted to hide your relationship from Kenma but going to the extreme and saying the weeknd that cemented your relationship meant nothing? Why couldn’t you just tell him, was he embarrassing, did you think he wasn’t worthy enough to be your boyfriend? Kuroo needed to get out of your apartment fast, he needed to talk to you before his head started spinning with false truths.
“Kenma, I’ll talk to you later. I forgot I had a meeting today with MSBY. I’ll tell Shoyo you said hi.” Kuroo doesn’t even give Kenma a second to respond before going outside to get some fresh air. Immediately calling you up for an explanation, only to be met with your voicemail. “When you’re done with work can you head over to mine. I need to talk to you face to face, please.” Hearing Kuroo’s voicemail when you left work felt like you were listening to Kuroo having a panic attack. You knew you had to drop everything to make your way to him quickly before anything else bad happens to him. Shooting Kenma a text that you were going to run an errand before heading to the apartment today. Taking the train to Kuroo’s, you knock on his door opening up only to be met with Kuroo’s blank stare burning a hole into you. “Tetsu, what’s up? Are you okay, you sounded troubled on the phone?” You place your hands on his face, caressing it softly.
Your heart drops when Kuroo takes your hands off his face, “You can’t do this. You can’t run to me and call me sweet names then tell Kenma that what happened that weekend doesn’t matter to you. How long are you going to keep us a secret?” You were silenced knowing Kuroo was speaking the truth, “I’m sorry Kuroo, you’re right. It’s not fair of me to want to keep you a secret knowing that we’re together almost everyday.” Kuroo falls silent still feeling hurt by your actions deciding to let his insecurities take over, “Do you regret being with me?”. You quickly look up baffled, “Tetsu, no absolutely not! Everyday that I wake up to you I’m reminded of everything I did right in my life to be able to be with you. I’m so sorry Tetsu, from here on out I will prove through my actions and my words that you truly mean a lot to me.” You go up to Kuroo to hug him as tight as possible, not wanting to let go of him at this moment. Whispering sweet nothings in his ear to reassure him and ease all of his insecurities.
“I was scared to tell Kenma not because of you but because I’m scared something will change between Kenma and I or even worse something will change between Kenma and you. I would never forgive myself if I was the reason that something bad happened in your friendship. However, what I failed to realize is that by doing this I was causing a rift in our relationship and I’m truly sorry Kuroo. I’m scared of what’ll come after we tell Kenma about us but that doesn’t give me the right to dismiss your feelings and our relationship.” Kuroo stares at you before grabbing your hand, “Well whatever comes we’re going to go through it together, remember?” Kuroo grabs you before pulling you into the couch tickling the sides of your stomach, “Promise me you’ll tell me what’s going on in that big overthinking brain of yours next time.” Your laughter echoes throughout his living room before you shout that you promise in hopes that he’ll stop tickling you.
Kuroo’s reminded that this was just an obstacle in your relationship, the first of many but he’s glad to have a partner that’s as understanding as you. Just as you both stop laughing he’s met with a harsh knock, you both exchange glances at each other than at the door, questioning who it could be? “Kuroo, it’s the weekend you do not have a meeting today liar. I heard you laughing too, so I know you’re in there.” Hearing Kenma at the other end of the door Kuroo shoots you a glance before you grab his hands squeezing them, “In this together, remember?” You get up wanting to show Kuroo you were ready to take initiative for your relationship. Opening the door you greet a confused Kenma, “Hey Ken, what brings you here?”. Kenma’s brows furrow, unsure that you’re even real and standing in front of him right now, “That’s weird because I could ask you the same question? Is this the errand you were talking about?”
You open the door wider showing Kuroo sitting on the couch, Kuroo pats the cushion next to him to get Kenma to sit down. Kenma points at him then to you, still confused as to why you were in Kuroo’s apartment. “Come in Ken, we have some explaining to do.” you shift the conversation knowing that Kenma might need some time to process everything. Kenma sits slowly, not feeling the weird tension he’s felt these past couple of weeks between you and Kuroo. You take a seat right next to Kuroo, grabbing his hand to begin fidgeting with his fingers before he decides to intertwine them. “Ken, Kuroo and I are together, we’ve been together ever since that weekend we came back together.”, looking up you see Kenma’s eyes return back to their relaxed state. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Kenma looks up at both of you, not showing any signs of anger more so confusion.
“To be honest Ken, I was the one who didn’t want to tell you. Kuroo just wanted to do what felt the most comfortable to me. I was scared things would get awkward between us or you two, I didn’t want anything to change.” Kenma notices how softly Kuroo looks at you while you explain your doubts, “I would never hold anything against you two, you’re both old enough to make decisions. As your friend, I’m happy for you both and thank you for telling me. Just next time please tell me sooner, I thought something terrible happened between you two and you were on the verge of moving out.” Kenma knows you always had a hard time opening up due to the problems your family put you through. Yet seeing Kuroo being next to you, caressing your hand making sure you felt safe while opening up hit a soft spot in his heart. Yeah, you guys were going to be together forever and Kenma would never doubt that. Kenma’s never seen Kuroo so soft with someone before, sure Kuroo was a patient person due to his teacher like qualities. However with you he was so careful like you were made out of glass. He looked at you like you were so beautiful yet something that could be broken if not taken care of properly. He knew if anyone was going to go above and beyond for you romantically it would be Kuroo, the guy’s been crazy about you ever since you moved in with Kenma.
Kenma remembers how you used to dislike Kuroo teasing you but what you didn’t know was that, that was how Kuroo showed his affection. You thought he liked Alisa for the longest time because he never teased her but Kenma always laughed at that conclusion. He never teased Alisa because he wasn’t comfortable enough with her, it was always going to be you. Everyone around you knew that one way or another you two would end up together and he’s glad you see it now too. “Is that why you’ve both been acting so weird? I knew something was off, you started blushing whenever Kuroo came over and Kuroo became super quiet anytime I mentioned you.” Kuroo and you looked away from each other feeling suddenly exposed by Kenma analyzing your offbeat yet longing behavior. “I mean Kuroo would never shut up anytime I mentioned you, talking about how cute you were, how you were so caring, and how amazing you handle yourself! So for him to shut up? You must have him in a chokehold.” Kuroo coughs loudly, “Okay that’s enough out of you Kenma. No need to mention the past.” You laugh gently nudging Kuroo aside, “No no, Kenma tell me more.”
Kenma takes a while to remember Kuroo’s strange behavior towards you, “Well after we moved in together Kuroo came over everyday for a week straight because he was trying to work himself up to talk to you. You should’ve seen him, he was practicing talking to you in our bathroom mirror but when you would come home he would suddenly forget everything he practiced.” Kenma and you giggle, Kenma remembering Kuroo’s fake confidence while Kuroo rolls his eyes. “Well that doesn’t matter because they’re mine now, isn’t that right sweetheart?” Kuroo kisses your cheek. Reminiscing on the sleepless nights where you helplessly consumed all of his thoughts, oh how lucky he was now that you’re actually his. Now, he could scream from the rooftops that you were together, post those cringey pictures on social media flaunting his relationship, and he would tell anyone how amazing his partner was to anyone who would be willing to listen.
Kenma grimaces because even though he was happy for you two oblivious idiots, it didn't mean he had to get used to you guys’ PDA. “Well Kuroo they aren’t innocent either.”, you look over at Kenma, laughing. “Ken no offense you have nothing on me, I just thought Kuroo was a teasing jerk.”, Kenma looks over at you while his face says really? “Ok then why would every time I mention Kuroo to you you would start stuttering your words? Or that one time we got drunk and we played truth or dare and you said you wanted to kiss Kuroo even if it was just once?” You rush over to Kenma covering his mouth, “How dare you? You said you would never tell that story!” Kuroo is the one laughing with Kenma, “Aww bunny, you always had a soft spot for me didn’t you? I knew you never hated my teasing you masochist.” You cover your face with your hands feeling more embarrassed than ever, “I hate you both now. You’ve both been demoted from best friend and boyfriend to roommate and boy I tolerate.”
“Kuroo, since I’ve been demoted to roommate, that reminds me. No, you can’t steal my roommate from me. When they’re gone for too long the apartment is eerie and cold.” You slightly pull back from your hands to face Kenma, “Ok Ken from now on, Kuroo will come to our apartment instead of me going to his, so now we’ll both be there.” Kenma nods feeling a bit better that you won’t be going missing from the apartment for so long. “Do I have any say in this?” Kuroo questions before you shake your head jokingly and begin to pet his head. Kuroo deflates knowing he was never going to win in an argument between his two biggest weaknesses, you and Kenma. “So you’re telling me every time you stayed at Alisa’s you were really at Kuroo’s?” Kenma's face scrunches in disgust. “Don’t think like that Ken, gross!” Kuroo, offended, places a hand on his chest. “Plus Ken, we were just going on date’s and having movie night. Nothing like that!”, you shake your hands while Kuroo smirks. “Yeah Kenma, most we did was make out.”, you smack Kuroo’s chest while Kenma makes a bleh noise.
“Well, I’m going to head back to the apartment. Are you guys coming over too?” Kenma looks at the both of you. “Yeah, well I have to grab a bag to stay the night but we’ll meet you there!” Kuroo gets up to go pack for the night ahead while you get up to go bid him farewell. As soon as you reach for the door Kenma stops you, “I’ve never seen Kuroo look at anyone the way he looks at you, you deserve each other.” Kenma closes the door while you stood starstruck, in awe that someone who’s known Kuroo for so long would say that he’s seeing something he’s never seen before. Just as you’re stuck in thought Kuroo comes up from behind you, “You ready baby?” You turn around grabbing Kuroo and pulling him into a deep kiss.
Kuroo pulls back, “Well I was only gone for a couple of minutes but hello to you too, I guess.” Kuroo smirks as you send him a wide smile, “I love you Tetsu, I love you so much.”. Kuroo pulls back shocked that you said you loved him first, stuttering he finds himself speechless at your bold actions. “Close your mouth Tetsu, now let’s go before Kenma leaves us.”, you start taking off but feel a strong tug pulling you back. “I love you too bunny. Now let’s go.” Kuroo pecks your lips sweetly making sure to get the last word just to tease you, that is how he shows his affection after all. Both of you leaving towards your apartment feeling better than when you arrived, you loved Kuroo and that will never have to be kept a secret ever again.
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divider credit to @/vase-of-lilies, @/bunnysrph, and @/thecutestgrotto
@m3l0nfl0at on tumblr. All Rights Reserved. Do not steal, copy, or translate any of my works.
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tizeline · 1 year ago
I'm guessing that after season finale, Leo sneaking out to see Donnie is in secret. Is there a moment where Leo's other brothers find out? Do they feel betrayed, or do they assume it's part of Leo's master plan to have Donnie switch over?
Is there moments Leo stays the night at the lair cuz of tensions at home, or just because he wants to hang out with Donnie more?
Love your AU!!
Okay so here's the thing. Before the season one finale, Leo would always worry so much about living up to expectations, about what his family would think of him. This led to him keeping many secrets, his interest in Lou Jitsu plus human media and pop-culture in general, his frequenting NYC and Run Of The Mill, all of that he would spend years keeping closely hidden from his father and brothers. Then later he'd also have to hide his tense but slowly improving relationship with Donnie and his doubts about Draxum's world domination plan. When the season one finale happens and Leo teams up with Donnie, the cover is blown and essentially all of those closely guarded secrets are exposed.
So after that, Leo is done with secrets, he's tired of putting on an act all the time. His family already knows that he's befriended Donnie at this point, and not in the way they wanted. They know that he interacts with human society, and so what? Instead of hiding this part of himself, Leo does the opposite and brags about it, shoving in their face. Basically any time Leo leaves to go hang out with Donnie he will let everyone know and then teleport away in front of their faces lol. (Jokes on Leo, he is still very much putting on an act, this time it's just an act of indifference. He is very much bothered by the tension between him and his family, especially between him and his dad, but he doesn't want to admit to anyone else or himself that that's the case)
But Leo does absolutely sometimes stay overnight at Donnie's place, both as an act of rebellion but also because Draxum's displeasure with Leo really gets to him and he just doesn't wanna deal with that sometimes.
Both Draxum and Mikey are, uh, a bit salty over the whole Dark Armor fiasco, including Leo's kinda-sorta-not-really-but-also-technically-betrayal. So they have a pretty pissy attitude during this part of the story XD and Leo running yelling about HOW MUCH FUN he's having with HIS TWIN BROTHER and also how Leo was TOTALLY RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING just makes them more annoyed (and they're not even twins??? where did leo get that idea from, what is he on about???).
Meanwhile, Raph does agree with Leo when it comes the fact that destroying humanity is not a very cool thing to do, but he still doesn't exactly vibe with humans. Needless to say, he's a bit conflicted about everything which causes him to usually get caught in the middle of Leo's and Draxum + Mikey's beef where he's stuck trying to play mediator. He's not super happy with Leo running off on his own all the time to hang out with Donnie considering it means interacting with April and Splinter, which he still doesn't trust. It's not until Raph starts tagging along (partly to make sure Splinter isn't gonna kidnap Leo too haha) that he starts agreeing more with Leo's stance on things and realizes that April and Splinter are pretty cool actually.
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stickyspeckledlight · 3 months ago
Dan Heng, kind of a funny story. See, I happened to come across an entire detailed folder based on me in the data bank. So….thoughts??????
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Cool as water flows.
(Speckled's End of Year Interaction Prompts, 12/2/24 ~ 1/1/25)
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"That explains why you've come here with that apprehensive look on your face," Dan Heng notes, from your pinched expression.
"Sorry," you instinctively school your face---you don't want to come off as too aggressive, because although you DO need answers...you'd prefer them to come without too much conflict and contention, you know? "I'm just...a bit spooked, y'know? I mean, as far as I can tell, no one else has got a folder as detailed as mine."
Dan Heng folds his arms. "That would be because there's simply more information about you out there than there is for any one of us.."
You laugh nervously. "Well, I get March and the Trailblazer---oh, and Mr. Yang, since well...we don't know much about his planet to begin with---but um..." you start fidgeting---realizing that it's a bit awkward to evaluate the informational status of your companions, but um, well, it's also um, not great that there's still so much about you??? "...Himeko, wouldn't there be a lot of info on her?"
Dan Heng raises an eyebrow, "Because...?"
You huff, "You know what? This doesn't matter. I'm just..." you take a deep breath; if you start acting out now, you won't be taken seriously, and that won't help you accomplish anything, "why are things like my favorite foods, clothes, and erm...preferences in there, Dan Heng?"
He regards you blankly. "The sorts of things you posted to your socials?"
"Erm---" you fluster. "Well. Wait. Why do you stalk my socials???" Dan Heng, unlike you, takes it in stride. "I need to keep all info on each member updated. Don't worry, for the most part, all that is contained in the database is entirely public information."
While Dan Heng's explanations are...reasonable enough, you presume, you still can't quite shake off your unease. Dan Heng seems to pick up on this, and adopts an apologetic expression.
"...My apologies if this has caused you discomfort," he bows his head, "Even if I'm not in the wrong, that doesn't mean the emotions you're feeling are invalid either. I'll treat you to a meal."
You jump. Because he really doesn't need to, but also...you don't think you want to be in the same room as him, to be honest...! But...with how he's looking at you, and well----you don't really wanna disappoint him. You want to get along with everyone on board, and if this is just standard database protocol and whatnot, this is something you'll have to live with, right? It'd be undue of you to rock the boat over nothing, and if you DID do that, then you can only imagine how everyone will look at you like you're---
You smile, nervous and embarassed, "Um, you r-really don't have to!" You try.
"I insist." He does not relent.
You feel that Dan Heng is immovable on this matter. So, you simply nod, and follow him out of the database. Even though dinner ends up being nice enough, you never quite get that folder out of the back of your mind.
Meanwhile, Dan Heng wonders when you'll be ready to see the folder where he's amassed every single detail about your life.
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yusuke-of-valla · 6 months ago
The thing about conflicting headcanons re: Yusuke's financial situation post Madarame (ie is he actually poor, does he make money but spends it all on art because he has poor impulse control, is Kosei a money laundering scheme etc.) is that like Yusuke's financial situation is written to facilitate a running gag so it's not consistent.
The school gives him an allowance, but he's also being charged for utilities despite being on a scholarship and so showers in the cold and works in the dark and worries about the electricity bill.
We know he bought those lobsters that one time but realistically how much of his money is being spent on supplies for class vs non-necessities he feels inspired by? Because canvases are expensive and if there's a certain size expectation/requirement you can't save by getting a smaller canvas. So when someone says "he just spends all his money on art" what are we really talking about?
By Strikers he's very excited to have money from an art contest to spend on his friends but was that true during the course of the base game when he was in his slump? Because I have a hard time believing he was even entering competitions
The details don't really make sense because most of these details come from jokes that are never elaborated on into cohesive worldbuilding.
And even if you want to say the issue is just he's got bad spending habits, that's still a situation that would require intervention by an adult probably because uh, no shit?
Yeah of COURSE Yusuke is completely unprepared to live on his own and is incidentally starving himself, he was raised by a dude who convinced him that the only purpose he served was helping his Sensei. In what way would it have benefitted Madarame to prepare Yusuke in any way to live on his own or know how to balance finances, he actively wanted Yusuke reliant on him, because that's how abuse works.
I'm pretty sure Yusuke has never even conceptualized living on his own, and that's not even adding in the detail of Nakanohara being concerned he'd commit suicide if he stayed with Madarame. NO SHIT HE'D BE BAD AT IT? People don't just emerge from the womb capable of money management
In that situation is the proper response really "oh that Yusuke, he just doesn't understand money, it's not a big deal"?
And like regardless, he IS still starving. Like the extent to which you think it's self inflicted aside, he's a 16 year old who will constantly talk about skipping meals and eating sprouts from the park and that sucks. Someone should maybe like talk to him about the root cause of that!
TL;DR: Yusuke's financial situation doesn't make sense because it's not supposed to, so it kind of doesn't matter to me how people headcanon the nature of it, and I fundamentally think it's incorrect to say one option of "poor vs has bad impulse spending habits" is more correct than the other because arguably they both raise the question of "holy shit why is no one stepping in here" if you think about it all the way through
PS. Also I wrote this whole thing because I saw a tweet that was like "one big misconception i see about yusukes character and how he’s treated is people saying “Why doesn’t Joker/Haru give him money when he’s poor?” and the real fact is that he’s not poor (post madarame). He’s just EXTREMELY irresponsible with his spending and spends it all on art," and I was like "idk if that's a misconception really I think a case can be made for both because it doesn't make sense" and then AFTER I wrote it I remebered that I have repository of every Yusuke scene uploaded into my brain and was like "wait if you call Yusuke poor in PQ2 during the Akihiko/Shinjiro/Yusuke quest he'll agree" and then there's also the scene in Tactica where Marie calls him dirt poor and he doesn't disagree with the poor part, just that she insulted dirt
So like my point still stands but I'd ESPECIALLY not call it a misconception to say he's poor when canon material supports it.
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hwnglx · 7 months ago
did jk and sana ever date?
jungkook + sana
based on tarot. i do not know these idols personally. energies are always changing. what i say is NOT straight fact. pls take it with a grain of salt!
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did they date? hie, kioc yes, they did. however, there was a struggle of finding the necessary balance between both their careers and the emotional connection they had. this seemed to have happened during a time in which they both were at a very significant point in their careers, like a peak of some sort, so there was this dilemma of.. how do i make sure i nurture this connection i truly care about, without neglecting the importance of my work. there could've been several times where that caused a conflict between the two.
the hierophant for this question keeps rubbing me the wrong way though. it really doesn't read as romantic in this case (or rarely at all tbh). there's almost this vibe of; the connection we have, as sweet as it is, feels like it doesn't align with what we should be doing right now. i keep hearing external voices and opinions also playing an important factor in making them question their relationship.
how does jungkook feel towards sana? 7op, knop, 8oc, queop&acosw, cha, 9osw
oh boy. when i tell you, he definitely liked her a lot. see, jungkook is the type to feel with his head. (makes sense with that sun conjunct mercury in virgo) he's someone more practical who tends to internalize his feelings and really overthink every detail in his relationships. especially when he was younger, and this definitely happened when he was much more immature, there was this desperate thought of always wanting to do everything right in his romantic connections, which made him overly cautious and hesitant, being unable to open up and express his emotions in a clear manner. he was just in his head all the time. the knight of pentacles is effective and committed, but quite slow in his approach. very nice if you want more of a slow burn in love, however this clashed with sana's desires in this connection.
he didn't bring much passion into the relationship because he was worried to mess things up or turn her off. especially because he adored her, really put her on a pedestal. he thought sana was someone very nurturing, who put a lot of importance into taking care of the people she cherishes, huge potential to be an amazing wife and mother. he also saw her as a person who's witty and smart, but also very driven and determined in her goals, especially financially. i keep getting this feeling jungkook had a bit of an inferiority complex, like i just see him feeling kinda small next to her. i can tell he might hold on to some grudges and resentment to this day. he truly doesn't like the way things ended.
how does sana feel towards jungkook? paow, 4ow, 4oc, kiop, stre
not the awkward page of wands coming out immediately. honestly, sana saw him as a bit of a lost child. (i really can't express it in any other words, i just keep hearing manchild) although i can see them having a playful bond that was exciting and fun at first, she thought his insecurities stood in the way of them forming a stable and happy bond. she wanted a mature and headstrong guy, who knows exactly what he wants and brings fire into the relationship, yet instead dealt with a boyfriend who was very interested, but often walked on eggshells and tried too hard to please her.. like a yes-man. always saying the right thing at the right time, doing everything exactly the way she wants. (very venus in libra) for some people that can get boring after some time. like please disagree with me for once! she has her venus in sag and 🔥 venus' often desire drama in love. they can't stand when things get too boring and stale.
she definitely did like him and i can tell she truly cared (and cares) about him still but i can't lie, i don't see much of an emotional connection on her part. it was a young and cute but more dissatisfying relationship for her.
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schrijverr · 3 months ago
Just curious, what do you think about the season 8b speculation that Buck is going to be kidnapped in addition to or instead of Maddie? I'm semi conflicted personally because I so want to see a Maddie lead storyline but don't want to see a pregnant woman get kidnapped idk
I'm pretty conflicted about it as well, because I love a good Buck getting hurt story line and I love him as a character, so seeing him go through that (especially with those people theorizing no one notices he's missing) would be delicious angst.
And I do also think it would suck if it was Maddie, because not only has she been kidnapped before, she currently has a happy storyline going for her for a change, so I'd hate if they forced her into this again, especially if the focus isn't going to be on her and what it means for her, but reactions to it, specifically Buck's.
However, it's that last bit that has me kind of ugh about it, because ever since moving to ABC the show has gotten more Buck-centric. Now, I love Buck - gestures vaguely at all my fics about him - but what makes 9-1-1 so fun to me is that it's an ensemble cast show. I personally adore Hen and Athena (out of the uniform) and Eddie is actually my favorite character, and Chimney and Bobby are very fun. So, seeing them get pushed to the background for Buck doesn't sit right to me.
If they do go the Buck gets kidnapped route and it's going to mostly focus on Buck, I'm a little worried for the future of the show, because I don't want it to be the Buck & co. show, I want it to be the 118 show. However, I'm down for it if they handle it well. Like, if they want to start the buddie route and focus on Eddie's reaction specifically, then it would serve a purpose, or if it was to kick start Buck's no one will care about me spiral (though both can be achieved by kidnapping Maddie, since Eddie can be in Texas so hate to not be there for Buck this time to get his head on straight causing him to spiral, or it can be Buck losing it bc Chris is gone, Eddie will leave and now he might not get Maddie back, so...)
If they go the Maddie gets kidnapped route, it better have a focus on her and what it means for her character to get kidnapped again, while pregnant and a mother, when she specifically never had kids with Doug, because she didn't feel safe. As well as Chimney breaking down, because he went through hell to get Maddie back during her post-partum depression and they had this whole discussion about how scared he was to do it without her and now he might be losing her. Of course Buck is going to feature heavily in this too, because it's his sister and he already lost her to this very thing before, but I would want it to have space for all the emotional reactions, not just his.
I saw someone theorize that they get kidnapped together, which would be fun, since that person mentioned having Chimney's and Eddie's reactions to it parallel, which could be buddie arc start. And I think it could be fun to see with Buck wanting to sacrifice himself for Maddie, because she's pregnant and has a family at home, while he has nothing anymore, which ties into his spiral that will start that is being mentioned in interviews. Plus, you can have Maddie who will always be his protector first, suddenly have to deal with wanting to sacrifice herself, but now having so much to lose and can she do that to Jee-Yun? To Chimney? As well as having the team collectively lose their minds because their Buckleys have been taken.
Anyway, this is a large ramble that doesn't really answer much, but I think in the end, it can be interesting if it's Buck, but I would prefer it not to be unless well executed and a part of me doesn't see that arc getting executed well. Though I also don't like the fact that Maddie is getting kidnapped to begin with. However, I know the fics are gonna be great regardless in this fandom, so I'm clinging to that lmao
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gingersnaptaff · 1 month ago
Some notes:
Lludd - He's one of the main characters of the story 'Lludd and Llefelys' and is King of Britain. Alongside his brother Llefelys (who married the Queen of Gaul and is now king there) they tackle three mysterious plagues that have come over Britain. 1. The Corianaid who can't be forced out cuz their hearing is so good they anticipate any plots against them, 2. A horrid scream every May Day that makes every pregnant woman miscarry, and 3. Disappearing food and drink - anything Lludd puts in his stores vanishes overnight. Lludd gets council from Llefelys who - once the brothers have used a hunting horn so the Corianaid can't hear them - advises him that the Corianaid can be defeated by a mixture made from a certain insect, while the second plague is two dragons - white representing the Saxons, red repping the Welsh/Britons, fighting each other who can be defeated by making them fight, full into a tub of mead, and then burying them once they're drunk (I assume?), and the third plague is a magician who wants wreck Lludd's day. Lludd has to submerge himself into a vat of cold water so he doesn't sleep and then essentially yells at the magician to stop stealing. He does, to be fair to him. With every plague defeated Lludd then presumably just chills.
Efnisien - OH MAN. HIS NAME MEANS HOSTILE EJEJSJSJSJDJD I call him 'Maimer of Horses' in my Gwyn novel and for GOOD REASON. The half-brother to Bendigeidfran, Manawydan, and Branwen he is nasty. He is slighted to the nth degree when he finds out Branwen is married to Matholwch and so he maims the Irish king's horses by docking their tails and cutting off their lips and eyelids. Matholwch then uses this to ABUSE BRANWEN. Furthermore, when Brân tries to get Branwen back Efnisien takes the opportunity to THROW HIS BABY NEPHEW, GWERN, INTO A FIRE. Efnisien sort of redeems himself when he flings himself into the Paiir Dadeni (cauldron of rebirth) and breaks it in half thus destroying the cauldron and himself but like dhdjdjdjdjdfj
Morgan Tud - They only appear in Geraint ac Enid as Arthur's physician but they are reputed to be the inspo for Morgan/Morgana. I headcanon they're gender-neutral and are secretly a Tylwyth Teg in my book if that sways u.
Olwen - She of the white track. MY WIFE. The woman who Culhwch does nothing for on his quest but still gets. She's the daughter of the giant Ysbaddadden Pencawr and little white trefoils sprout wherever she walks. She's great.
Pryderi - FINALLY. MY SON MY DISASTER BOI MY BELOVED IDIOT. Pryderi ap Pwyll Pen Annwfn is the son of Pwyll and Rhiannon. He's the main character of The Mabinogion cuz he appears in every branch and it tells u all about his birth, his abduction by a clawed hand when he was a newborn, his adoption by Teyrnon, lord of Gwent-Is-Coed and his wife after they maim the claw when it tries to nick one of their foals during May Day, his eventual reunion with his mam and dad, his battling against Ireland with Manawydan and Bendigeidfran, his being one of the seven men who was left alive at the end of the conflict and who got to have a meal with Brân's head, Manaywdan, Rhiannon, Cigfa, and his adventures in England after Dyfed vanishes into the mist and his eventual death at the hands of Gwydion after Gwydiok STEALS HIS FUCKIN PIGS. He's rash, impetuous, loving, and an excellent fighter in his youth considering he doesn't die at the hands of the undead Irish soldiers, and, in my opinion, reasonably chill until he has to become a blacksmith. PLUS IN CULHWCH AC OLWEN HE AND MANAWYDAN (AND I PRESUME RHIANNON AND CIGFA) ARE IN KING ARTHUR'S RETINUE WHICH IS WHY I AM NOW WRITING A GODDAMN BOOK ABOUT THEM!!!!!!!!! He also is just great. Stan Pryderi. His name means worry/anxiety (Pryder is to worry) and he legit causes 90% of his problems. Something, I think, we can all relate to.
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misc-obeyme · 2 years ago
I love your fat Mc headcannons so much!!! As a chubby person with low self esteem they are honestly really comforting, If you feel like if I’d love to see you write for the datables too.
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Okay, considering I got two requests for this, here it is, part three with the dateables!
(And while I did not include Luke of course, I do think he would be confused about a fat MC having low self esteem. He doesn't get it, but he gets it bothers you and I think he'd just go out of his way to hug you because you're so squishy.)
I would also like to say that I'm really happy that these headcanons have been comforting. I've come a long way in my own self esteem and body image journey and I think that's the only reason I was able to write these at all. It's one thing to say these fictional characters will love and accept you the way that you are, but it's been my experience that real life people will, too. At least, the ones that matter do. The rest can fuck off lol.
Anyway, thank you for the request, lovely anons. I hope you like them!
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dateables x fat GN!MC - NSFW MDNI
Warnings: discussion of weight and body image, suggestive content
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He knows there's something causing you to have some low self esteem, but he isn't sure what it is at first. He observes that you just have this sort of discomfort sometimes. Eventually he just asks Lucifer because he can't figure it out on his own. Mostly because your body size seems completely irrelevant to him and he doesn't know enough about how such things are viewed in human society to understand why you might feel that way. Once he knows the truth, though, he has conflicting feelings. He wants nothing more than to reassure you that it isn't something you even need to worry about, but he's also outraged on your behalf. He's normally very fascinated by human world culture, but this makes him angry.
Diavolo will chat with all the brothers about this aspect of you. He wants to make sure that he isn't contributing to your insecurities at all. He makes sure your RAD uniform fits well and is designed so you're comfortable with how revealing or not revealing it is. He makes sure all the desk chairs at RAD can accommodate you. And he will act swiftly and decisively if he hears anything about rumors or students making fun of you.
If you're in a relationship with him, he will go out of his way to reassure you about your body. He wants you to know that he loves it, just as he loves everything else about you. There is nothing wrong with it at all, MC. He seems to understand that you need to hear him say it. That you need to hear him tell you that when he looks at you, all he sees is perfection. Considering how tall he is, you might actually be able to wear his clothes, too. But if it turns out they fit you just right or are really long but tight around the middle, he's going to think it's the cutest thing ever. He might deliberately buy clothes that are too big for him and then have you wear them so you'll feel like you're drowning in fabric.
But there is no doubt that he prefers when you aren't wearing any clothes at all. He won't let you keep the lights off during sex, he wants to see every part of you. Covers you completely in kisses, lingering over things he's heard you complain about. His favorite thing is to put your legs on his shoulders - he loves to see your whole body shaking beneath him, the way your legs clench against him. He's going to make sure you aren't capable of thinking at all, let alone thinking poorly about yourself.
He knows, of course. He knows exactly what you're dealing with. He can tell if you won't eat too many of his pastries. He'll make your favorites in an attempt to get you to at least take some home with you. He notices the way you move, how you avoid certain types of chairs, the usually over sized clothes that cover every inch, the way you avoid reflective surfaces. He notices all of it. He sees everything. He does his best to redirect you when he thinks you're struggling with something related to this, but he won't say anything to you directly. He's also really good at derailing other people who may say something they think is harmless, but isn't. Just easily changes the topic.
Barbatos takes it upon himself to make you stunning outfits for nearly every event. Any time you need some kind of fancy outfit, he is ready to make you something perfect. It fits you exactly right every time. Somehow, when you look in the mirror, you actually think you look good when you wear what he's made. How did he even manage to do that? He's pleased with himself for making you something so nice, but the way it makes you cry upsets him. He knows you don't often feel this way when you look at yourself. He knows that you cry because it's so rare for you to love the way you look. But it still fills him with a simmering rage that he somehow hides behind his usual smile.
In a relationship, he's going to touch you subtly all the time. Puts his hand on your back, circles his arm around your hip, any opportunity to touch you, he takes it. It's so gentle and nobody else notices, but you are hyper aware of the way his fingertips are always ghosting across you. When you're alone, he'll say everything you need to hear. He will tell you that he loves you for who you are in your entirety - your heart, your mind, your body, all of it. Because each of these things make you who you are and he loves you. Your body is perfect because it belongs to you, MC.
His favorite thing to do is wrap his tail around one of your thighs. Pushes one or both of the tips between them, sneaking it in where you might think it couldn't possibly fit. Considering how he can hide the entire tip of it between your thick legs when you're sitting with them together, he'll do it in public on purpose to rile you up. Then when he gets you alone, he apologizes so sweetly while he undresses you. Takes his time with you, kissing and touching, slowly burying himself in your heat until by the time he really gets going, you're both desperate and moaning.
He doesn't notice unless you spend a decent amount of time with him and then he realizes that you're insecure about your body size. He doesn't know why and he doesn't feel like he can ask you directly, but he can definitely tell. So he takes it upon himself to shield you from anything that he thinks will make it worse. Deliberately tells you how good you look almost every day. You probably catch on because that's a little overkill, but it's sweet so you don't complain about it. Unless it comes up in conversation, he will not ask you about it. You can tell him yourself when you're ready.
As soon as Simeon understands exactly how you feel, you notice a subtle shift in the way he acts about it. There's a sort of underlying anger to the way he will defend you now, the way he will attempt to protect you from things he thinks are causing you to feel bad about yourself. He's angry about it, but he keeps it under wraps, hiding it behind his smile and serene personality. If you're prone to joking about your size as a defense mechanism, he will not like that at all. He frowns and tells you not to talk about yourself like that, even jokingly.
Being in a relationship with him is all of the above, but more intense. You find that he will actually scold you about being down on yourself, though he always follows it up with kisses. He's far more intense and unforgiving of anyone or anything else that causes you discomfort. You'll find he also just takes over feeding you. He's constantly bringing you meals and snacks that he's made. He's worried you won't eat properly. If you want him to, he will sit and eat with you if that's something that helps you feel better. All you have to do is ask him and he'll do whatever he can to make you more comfortable. Just leave it to him, MC.
He always seems perfectly calm and restrained until he gets you alone in his bed. He likes to dress you in lingerie - don't worry if you think it won't fit. He gets it custom made, but you'll never find out exactly where he goes for that. You highly suspect certain clothing-making demons may be involved, but you're far too embarrassed to ask. He just loves to see you only partially covered so he can run his fingertips along the edges of the cloth, teasing you for way too long before finally giving in and ravaging you. He can't stop telling you how perfect your body is when he's inside you.
As a fellow human, he understands immediately why you might be self conscious about your larger body. Solomon has been through most of human history - he's seen all the trends. He knows how bad this particular one happens to be and how long it has persisted among humans. He watches you to see if you decided to try anything drastic - like using a spell or a potion to make yourself thin. He's ready to jump in and stop you if you so much as look it up. He doesn't want you to hurt yourself, but he also wants you to realize that you don't need to change.
Take the opportunity to tell him how you feel. Tell him about why it's so tempting to use magic to change yourself. How different your life could be if you did. He will listen, but he'll also talk you out of it. In the end, it's his expression that changes your mind. He makes some good points, of course, but the way he just looks so upset at the idea really makes you think you probably shouldn't do it.
Don't tell him that you're insecure in a relationship with him because you are asking for trouble. He'll know already of course, but if you say it, it's all over. He's going to say stuff all the time about your size and how perfect it is. He's going to constantly touch you and tease you and get you to do things you would normally never do. If you react dramatically to anything like that, he'll only laugh and do it even more. He likes to show you off, too. Takes you out places especially if he thinks the demon brothers will be there. Keeps an arm around your hips the entire time.
Similarly, if you say you're too fat to do something sexual with him, he's going to do it anyway. You might even say that you're too fat in general and then all bets are off. Saying anything like that to him is going to make him crazy, so you can be sure you will not be sleeping at all that night. Very deliberately chooses positions that you seem uncertain about due to your size. Spends a night just kissing and touching every single spot on your body. Reassures you constantly because even though he just wants to make you feel good, he knows how important it is for you to hear him say it, too. You're stunning, MC. Don't you know how much he loves you?
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part one with the older brothers | part two with the younger brothers
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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mizuki-foreshadowing · 2 months ago
Rui: Runaway Thought Process; Part 1
This is a side story for What's On Your Mind - Exciting Picnic. Rui and Nene run into Mizuki, Ena, Airi, and Shizuku again before heading back down the mountain. Rui is worried about Mizuki but, despite knowing her well, isn't able to read her. All he knows is she won't tell him anything.
During the reunion, Airi, Shizuku, and Ena each give a heartfelt thanks to Rui and Nene, Nene remarking to herself about Airi and Shizuku's idol auras. But Mizuki doesn't say a word.
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We the readers have Mizuki's point of view which not even Ena, who dearly wants to know it, has any idea of, much less Rui, who Mizuki's been (much more successfully) keeping at a distance.
Despite deciding after Secret Distance to swear off closeness with N25, Ena isn't letting Mizuki make that decision for her, and Mizuki learns both that Ena can't be misdirected by her usual tactics and also that despite herself, Mizuki wants to help Ena.
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Those forces will conflict until they eventually become disastrous, but Rui catches an inkling of what might be going on, same as he had back when he saw Mizuki the day he (almost certainly) resolved to be on the mountain at the same time as her. He sees Mizuki dejected and distressed, letting Airi and Shizuku cover for her and draw everyone's attention away, so that she doesn't have to mask when she's feeling so much.
However, Mizuki catches Rui's concerned look for her, and learns Airi and Shizuku aren't enough to let her hide and stew a little longer with her feelings. She puts the mask back on and Rui knows it.
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Interestingly, and sadly, Rui laments that Mizuki being on her guard now means there's no way he can express his concern for her or learn anymore what's wrong.
It carries a certain sting, hinting at what may have happened between them in junior high to get their friendship to take a break and become estranged: Rui's been shut off by Mizuki like this before, and knows there's nothing he can do.
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Nene, who does value Rui's pain and concern, asks him what's bothering him. He tries to shrug it off but Nene already knows it's about Mizuki. She asks Rui if he should go catch up to Mizuki, and talk to her, if he's feeling this way. Rui gives an excuse and shuts down the conversation.
Rui reflects on Mizuki telling him bye just now, trying to dissect what little Mizuki will give him as to what's causing her so much distress, but ultimately, he just can't read her.
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scarlet-moonlight · 4 months ago
This is gonna be a LONG ass post but
I got around to watching Arcane s1 (I watched s2 without finishing s1 because I didn't want to worry about getting spoiled for all the stuff that will inevitably flood the league tags so I just said fuck it, I did know a little bit about what happened during s1) and now that I did, I think I like s2...less?
Like I thought I was confused while watching s2 because I skipped s1 so I might not have known about what was happening (And I did on some, like I didn't know Silco and Vander were close at one point when I saw the flashback with them and Felicia, or that Singed used to be a mentor for Viktor) but..no. Looking at s1 then back at s2 it really does feel night and day. I think the problem is that s1 is great in how down-to earth and realistic the world, the characters and problems they have, but then in s2, suddenly everything became so much more..bigger. And not in a good way. suddenly everything became so much more bloated with too many characters, conflicts that started/showed up that they needed to end in the same season cause they had to make it 2 seasons even though it could've benefitted from another one or at least anotehr act. The animation is great, the music is great, but even that just feels like well.. spectacle for the sake of it. Especially when it comes to the music, because compared to s1 and s2, s2 is just too music heavy. And I was watching s1 with my sister (who is blind reacting to all of arcane from the start) and I feel like if we finish s1 and get to s2 she might not think of it as good as s1 for the same reasons.
MORE IMPORTANTLY THO I realize how oddly ooc Jayce became from s1 to s2, mostly for his relationship between him and Mel that got sidelined in s2 for viktor. And apparently that was intended by the writers because they liked jayvik more (I used to watch Star vs the forces of evil so this is giving me serious flashbacks to the writers hell that became) Yes Jayce and Mel started off as more or less fuck buddies but there were scenes that showed that they cared about each other that they just..kinda threw away in favor of Jayik. I don't hate jayvik and I liked the memes and all but I also dont like just sidelining a woman (A black, woman no less) in favor of a yaoi ship in the grand year of 2024. Like knowing their relationship in s1 it makes me realize how ooc Jayce and Mel were acting towards each other in s2. I don’t care if they ended up canon or not, but they just acted toxic and indifferent to each other for no reason when they did have scwnes in s1 that showed they cared about each other and now I think they just did this just so they could make Jayvik look better and because of how Mel was done dirty despite me loving her character I am now actively going to ship Meljay out of spite (Also fuck you they both look sexy) (and I also like Viktor by himself away from Jayce, preferably him in s1 because of how cute he was and I want to keep him for myself)
For any arcane only fans, I happen to be a selfship/yumeship blog who's favorite charater happens to be in a really popular yaoi ship (made partially implied by canon and making him all thats ever used for when theres so much else that they can do with his lore instead of just making him an accessory to please fandom, huh doesn't that sound familar?) and I know people would hate on me for also being a girl "getting in the way" if i was in any other part of league fandom (at least tumblr is pretty chill) so don't worry we're at two for two here
Again, I like s2, I think they've done a great job but knowing what happened in s1 and then seeing s2 it just made me feel like there was so much missed potential outside of the already confusing plots and pacing issues I experienced on my first watching
and ykw Im gonna repeat what I said in a previous post in that; fuck yall, I wanted the Mel being pregnant rumors to be true just to spite yall (and that the kid would be Rell)
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