#but also I been watching Therm
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jesterday00 · 2 years ago
I desperately want someone to play multiplayer Terraria with me but like, I also don't know anyone that has Terraria and wants to play it with me
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artzytrash · 7 months ago
Just woke up and need to get out all my thoughts on the Backyard Sports trailer before I go to work
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First of all. THAT'S MY BOY!!! MY SON!! I popped off so hard when I saw him. I LOVE that they aren't trying to "modernise" the game by any means (cus that worked so well for them last time /s) and are retaining the early 2000s feel that makes the OG games so beloved
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KENNY!! MY OTHER SON!! I love that they used his hair and eyes from the atari design. Probably the best thing they could have done with him.
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KIESHA!!! She's so silly. This might be nitpicky but I'm a lil unsure about them making her hair more pointy than round if that makes sense. But it's not a huge deal she still looks great!
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The inclusion of the old character sprites was really cute, good way of showing some characters that didn't appear physically. (Ernie was also in that one promo image but still) (I wish Sally could have appeared in the trailer as herself but I'll take this)
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Favourite screenshots from the trailer. They're stanced tf up. The silly goobers.
Look I'm not saying this is my doing by any means, but it's pretty coincidental that, like immediately after I join the fandom, it gets a revival. And since I've joined I've been imaging what it would be like if they made another game in the series. Has Apollo given me the gift of the prophecy? /j
I'm very excited for this omg. I got hyperfixated on the series from watching one of my favourite streamers (Therm) play it and never actually played the games myself (I can't emulate the old ones currently cus I don't have a working PC), so I'm excited to be able to play them. I am actually looking at getting a PC very soon so maybe I'll actually play a bit of Baseball 97' or 2001 before then.
Also the music from the trailer is gonna be stuck in my head all day now I know it.
Last thing, I WILL be making art to celebrate the occasion, but I'm gonna be pretty busy this week with work, so it might take me a few days. I can probably find some doodles to post in the meantime, and I'm still working on a ton of aged up AU designs so expect more of them soon.
OK I'm done yapping now BYE
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deadweight-at7am · 2 months ago
My birthday is on the 24th and it's such a horrible time to be having a birthday... first of all, it's going to be freezing fucking cold. Like single digits cold here. Everyone is posting on Threads and Bluesky about their BGE bills (for those unaware, BGE is Baltimore Gas and Electric aka the evil empire). It's been an unusually cold January and I remember the last time we had one of these my bill was like $400-500. But you know what? I have budget billing so I said "let it go and be with God". I'm not checking. I live in a drafty old house and keep my therm on 69. I'm not going to freeze to death, ok? Whatever happens is a later problem. I'm not going to ruin my day week month by looking at my heating bill when it's about to be 5 degrees at night.
Then, the orange moron and his moronic sycophants will be in DC for his "event" and I was never going to watch/attend/look anyway but it's bad enough knowing he's that close to where I live yet again.
Plus this birthday isn't even a cool number. I'll be 36. That's not fun. I'm probably going to go ice skating, see a movie and have something good for dinner and let that be that.
Also, started watching Severance. So far so good, it's a very odd show. But very interesting. My sister raves about Ted Lasso so I might also try watching that next.
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deadmegumi · 5 months ago
hey I thought you might like this- its by a youtuber called therm who plays that old Backyard Baseball game from 2001. except he treats the whole thing like he's actually coaching a real little league team, complete with yelling at these computerized little kids when they fuck up a play. he also really knows his baseball, to the point where it is actually really impressive. anyway. its a long video so I don't blame you if you bounce off of it though lol youtu(.)be/l_lg3bNGQck?si=zFD9SQZg6RxD4_yu
been looking for a good playthru to watch while I do hw thank youuu it looks really funny!!
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gammagoop · 1 year ago
i found out who you were through therm almost 2 years ago and im JUST NOW finding out you watch hermitcraft too hello????? :D i didnt know any other hermit/life series watchers watched therm! :DD (scrolling thru your blog i also see doctor who shit and my bsf is obsessed with that show and therm this literally feels like worlds colliding)
gwa!! idk who you are anon but im assuming you found me through my stardew trials era which is awesome, that was such a fun series to be a fan of during its time
and yess i’ve been in hermitcraft fandom on and off for like 4 ish years and i’ve loved doctor who for forever (and recently have been rewatching it) , wonderful that there’s fan crossover in these things
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hawkins-losers · 3 years ago
i would really love to read 68 from the prompts list w steve harrington x reader. “A tender kiss on your lovers chest.” <33
A/N: This was my last Steve request. Also, all I know about basketball I learned from One Tree Hill so please don't yell at me if some therms are not the right ones
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There were thirty seconds left to the game. Thirty seconds to score and change the ex æquo score. Thirty seconds wasn't a lot, but Steve was determined to win this game. It was the last of the season. The game that would decide if they make it to the championship.
On the court, every player was in position, waiting for the ball to drop.
You watch Steve exchange a glance with Tommy, who nodded curtly. The two must've made a game plan privately. Coach hated it when they did that, but their strategies were always better than his.
The whistle blew and the ball was launched and your stomach twisted from stress. Tommy caught it first, dribbling back down the court. He made a pass at Steve who attempted a layup, but a Grizzlies hit it and stole the ball.
You groaned and glanced at the timer. Twenty seconds.
Tommy ran after the guy, trying to steal the ball back, but the guy was a fast runner and managed to shoot before Tommy could reach him. The buzzer went off. Two more points for the Grizzlies, making them the leader of the game.
You checked the timer again and bit your lip. Seven seconds. You weren’t a pessimist, but the Tigers would need a damn miracle to win. Even if they scored another shot, they would be ex æquo - again - and the game would go in overtime.
The referee was given the ball and everyone got into position. Everyone was tired and sweaty, but they needed to give all they had for the last seconds. Steve was at the front, replacing Tommy.
The whistle blew and Steve got the ball. He ran up the court, but was quickly surrounded by Grizzlies trapping him, making it impossible for him to make a pass. That left him no choice but to shoot from behind the three point line. It was risky. Steve had never been the best at these, but he’s practiced lately and got better.
Your fingers were grabbing your pom-poms very tightly. Although you weren’t the one having to score the winning shot, you were very nervous. Go Steve! You can do it.
Behind you, the crowd was on the edge of their seats. Four seconds left.
Steve used half of one of these to glance at you, your eyes connecting briefly for confidence. You nodded, telling him to shoot. It was a stupid move, wasted time, but he needed it. He turned his eyes back to the game and jumped, attempting the three-pointer.
Your heart was beating fast in your chest, watching the ball in the air. The buzzer went off and the ball went in, making everyone cheer loudly.
A scream of victory left your lips, jumping and cheering with the other cheerleaders. They won. They fucking won.
The Tigers and the coach all gathered around their winning point marker, cheering and clapping his shoulder with gleaming smiles.
You dropped your pom-poms and jogged over the group. Steve saw you in the distance and was able to slip away, sporting the same big grin on his lips. He scooped you up in his arms, making you squeal in surprise.
‘’You did it!’’
Steve put you down, but you didn’t stray from him, wrapping your arms around his middle. He was sweaty and a little stinky, but you didn't care.
‘’I did it,’’ he confirmed. 
‘‘I’m poud of you, baby.’‘ You kissed his chest over his jersey, knowing if you kissed him now he’d have red-kissed lips on the team picture. 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring—-stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey  
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pageoftowers · 2 years ago
This is more for myself than anything. Spur of the moment 1am list to see how many I remember lolol
Favorite underrated youtubers list (part one?)
Failboat - My childhood. I was on the ExplodingTNT and Unspeakable Gaming side of youtube as a preteen lmao. He’s still active and plays Kirby and Animal Crossing as well as has a new Minecraft Smp which I’ve been watching
Manlybadasshero - Horror indie games it’s fucking superb I highly suggest if you want to find something weird and interesting as well as a funny title or two!
Therm - Does big series. Cult of the Lamb, Wobbledogs, recently Animal Crossing. Does crossovers with youtubers like Seanie Dew on Stardew Valley and terraria
Seanie Dew - Stardew valley very nice
Jihita - Hardcore minecraft but like to the max I suppose really big goals. Really cool youtuber
Fooster - Does a lot of series plays horror and survival. I put on his videos in the background his voice is relaxing
Fisk - Same as Fooster, they collab. Lots of series
Wand Of Sparking - Terraria and Stardew Valley, doesn’t do voice overs you’ll have to read. Honestly his videos calm me down bc I have to read
CJ DEATHBOT - Terraria lot’s of challenges
PaulGG - Hardcore minecraft cool build style
Sandiction - Hardcore minecraft been following him for a year entertaining
Sb737 - Hardcore minecraft also he’s been in MCC and won which is cool
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dungeonofbrandyclafoutis · 2 years ago
LISTEN LISTENS LISTEN. I KNOW YOU WANNA VOTE THECNO. And i get it! He is so so cool and so good at pvp and has a handsome elbow, hit songs, much potatoes and much more BUT LISTEN TO ME. Im pretty new to Tumblr so I don't really know much of how this site works like some veterans in here who've been here since the 2000's so my tak ray be wrong
BUT (There is always a but)
I think I may have some soft general idea!
And THECNOBLADE is NOT cualified for Tumblr sexyman
Well, first from my understanding, Tumblr sexyman must be pathetic soaping WET
Yazzified (i think was the therm)
Religious thingies sometimes
That Fanon characterization
Does thecno check?
Yeah in some, but scar got it harder on that
The THINGS I saw on that man, the fanart, the FICS, the cosplay! The everything!!!! Thecno yes did get some of that but it wasn't as....revealing i think?? I have saw fanart of him in fishnets but that's all.
And also i just think maybe people should kind of check on their own too? Like, people vote thecno bc they know thecno and not scar and so they vote on that basis, but.
Maybe people should check the content creators on the polls! The ones that lost too!!! Like, check of Jimmy solidarity! He is incredibly fun and his content is so nice and i just don't know how to describe it!
Check joe hills! That man wants to WIN NO MATTER THE COST
And is very entertaining to watch from what I've seen! I voted for him bc i hate Wilbur soot and i just found Joe hills funnier but at least I knew about both
That kind of thing you know it??? There are wonderful creators in there that people should absolutely check out but miss of on them out of commodity to vote the ones they know instead of maybe trying something new!!!!!
But if you genuinely just do think that person applies better for the title go for it! I'm just putting this out there to maybe think more your choice or just check out some channels
But yeah! That's why I think you! 🫵 Should either vote scar and consider more your options
Thank you for reading✨💞💖
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katiethezombie · 2 years ago
Over 10 years of being subscribed to AH/LP/RT and a few of their other youtube channels, today I unfollowed them all after all the shit thats been going on.
So I'm gonna do a post on a lot of other YouTube channels that I follow and watch more frequently. I can't and won't say that these are all good people with spotless records, but the content they put out right now is great and I enjoy it (something that I haven't felt toward RT content in the last few years). Some of these channels ahve not updated in some time but I feel that the content they have is still worth a look.
Info under the cut:
Primarily gaming channels:
AlzaboHD and The SocialStreamers mostly CK3 and EU4 content.
AnarchyHD , DayZ server mod who posts content of gameplay and banning cheaters. TheRunningManZ also palys DayZ.
CandyEvie, FlygonHG, Mah-Dry-Bread, Moxie2D , SmallAnt all post pokemon content (usually nuzlockes and other pokemon challenges), along with some other game content (especially MDB and SmallAnt).
Dagnel, Etce, Rinqueen, Therm , Traves post Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley videos along with other games. Etce also plays Splatoon frequently.
ItsJabo, Nerbit, NGPlus, Mitten Squad do many video game challenges (old games from NGPlus and a lot of Fallout and Elder Scrolls from Jabo, MS, and Nerbit)
BedBananas, Criken2, Charborg/CHRBRG, Tomato Gaming/Tomato's Trash I call them the RP gang. Usually they all stream and do RP together in game with a lot of recurring streamers (BrettUltimus, Joefudge, Kiwo, Strippin, Gmart, Lwalman and others).
I recommend the Sub Rosa/SCP/Edwad Emberpants/ videos on Criken's channel, the Hitman videos from Bed, Barotrauma/SCP/ The Long Drive videos from Charborg, and the Dread Hunger streams from Tomato's Trash. They also post solo game content and past streams.
iSyzen and Syntac for ARK Survival gameplay.
tomatoanus covers speedruns and the mechanics behind them.
Skoldire, started following them for their modded Fallout 4 videos. They have a lot of other content as well.
Let's Game It Out, DougDoug, RTGame, CallMeKevin, The Spiffing Brit kind of just sum their gaming style up as chaos.
Nuzzgard , Phasmophobia and other spooky games.
UpIsNotJump , game reviews and some other funny content, and his second channel has old livestreams.
The Horizon, posts videos on minecraft builds meant to crash p2w servers.
Welyn and Willjum, Rust gameplay. Welyn also plays Tarkov and Sea of Theives.
I also follow Dooley Noted and Bruce Green on YT because I follow them on twitch and catch their VODS on these channels, although I haven't watched them in several months. They're some of the few former or current RT employees that I watch along with Matt Bragg and like... Criken/Bed/Tomato.
Primarily Movie, TV/ Pop Culture, or Internet stuff:
Amanda the Jedi (movie reviews)
BREADSWORD (cathartic film critique and analysis)
Bright Sun Films (explores abandoned places and the history behind it)
brutualmoose (Food review, film review, plays old PC games, a good variety channel)
Danny Gonzalez and Drew Gooden (film reviews, general Internet commentary, both former Viners, not the same person)
Dominic Noble (compares book to tv/film adaptations)
Izzzyzzz (Internet Lore videos)
Nick DiRamio (film and tv commentary)
PushingUpRoses (old tv shows summaries and reviews especially for Goosebumps and Murder She Wrote, and talks about old video games)
Sarah Z (breaks down a lot of info on Tumblr topics of old)
Schaffrillas Productions (film commentary especially with animated movies)
Seamus Gorman (Disney film commentary and other animated films as well)
Sideways (Critique on film and film score, very interesting info on how music makes a movie),
Yhara zayd (Film analysis especially around race and gender)
Red Bard (anime and such commentary)
Let's Make Stuff and Learn Stuff! (Travel, Food and Crafting, History and Science Channels)
Dollightful (OOAK Doll maker)
Hanabira工房 (miniatures)
How to Cook That (Ann Reardon debunks dangerous youtube videos and also shows you how to bake)
How To Drink (History of alcoholic drinks along with recipes, quite a few are pop culture based.)
I did a thing (Australian lad making questionably safe gadgets)
MariaLazar (OOAL Doll maker)
Micarah Tewers (sews really cool stuff usually out of curtains)
Ordinary Sausage (Makes sausages with weird ingredients)
Pecos Hank (Professional storm chaser, teaches you about meteorology and also plays some good music)
Peter Brown (lots of cool resin projects and experiments, makes me feel like I'm watching an old PBS show)
Solo Travel Japan (Travels on various Japanese transport, I find it relaxing)
Sugar Bean 슈���빈 (really cute macaron baker)
Survivorman - Les Stroud (Old episodes of Survivorman along with commentary by Les. Gives good tips and practical tips about survival)
You Suck At Cooking (easy recipes to make)
NendoZaiker-SNAIL (cool polymer clay sculpter)
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shuttymcshutfuck · 4 years ago
So deeply hurt
Fandom: The Magnus Archives
Relationships: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood/Tim Stoker/Sasha James (polycule)
Type: Hurt/comfort
Word count: 2,039
TW: crying, hiding pain, fever, internalised ableism
A03 link
Now that he was closer Jon could tell it was a bad day. He could see the tension in Tim’s jaw, the way he swayed ever so slightly when he stood before righting himself, the fake smile he’s plastered on.
or: Tim's having flare up so they have a movie night.
Set vaguely in S1 or S2 but Sasha doesn't get not!them-ed.
As much as Tim joked around and slacked off, he was very rarely late. Especially not almost two hours late. Jon tried to relax as much as possible but with the concerned glances from Martin and Sasha every few minutes through the window in his door and the constant ticking of the clock in his office it was getting harder by the minute. But he had to stay professional, Elias couldn’t know about their relationship. Jon wasn’t ashamed in the slightest, he just didn’t want to get them all fired. Although, that didnt mean he hadn't sent off quite a few messages to him. All of which were unanswered. He was typing another when he heard a voice curse at the top of the stairs. Trying to look as casual as possible but presumably failing miserably, Jon grabbed his cane and rushed to the bottom of the stairs.
“Tim?” Through the fluorescent lights he could barely make out Tim sitting at the top of the stairs, crutches lying next to him. “Do you need a hand?” He tried to keep the worry out of his voice. They’d all agreed that none of them would make a big deal if Jon or Tim were using their aids. He wanted to respect that as best he could since he knew how bad it felt when people would keep pointing it out.
“Ah, no need. I got this!” Jon watched as Tim slowly slid himself and his crutches down each step before using them to stand. Now that he was closer Jon could tell it was a bad day. He could see the tension in Tim’s jaw, the way he swayed ever so slightly when he stood before righting himself, the fake smile he’s plastered on.
“Well, that was one way to do that. I’m sure Martin or Sasha would’ve been able to help.”
“Na, it’s alright. This building’s just inaccessible as shit. I doubt we would’ve been able to all fit together on those weird ass stairs anyway.”
“Well since you’re here now, there’s a statement on your desk I’d like you to look into after you’ve finished compiling the research from yesterday.” Putting his professionalism on as much as he could, Jon went back to his office leaving Tim to get settled at his desk. He shot Martin a quick text to keep an eye on him and tried his best to continue with his work.
Recording a few statements helped distract him for a bit even if he knew that they were all fake. Floating lights, a ‘disappearing’ man and walkie talkie feedback that sounded like words. It wasn’t long until a knock at his door brought him back to the present. “Come in.”
“Hey,” Martin, of course. “I’m going to the breakroom to make myself a cuppa, do you want one?” Jon never understood why Martin always lowered himself when he entered a room. It was like he was trying to take up the least amount of space possible.
“Yes, thank you. I’ll come along, I need to stretch my legs anyway.” Perfect, a completely professional reason to talk to him in relative privacy. “How has he been?” Jon set his cane beside him as he sat at the breakroom table, watching Martin go through the practiced motions of making tea.
“I’m not sure, he looks a bit peaky but he seems alright.” It was days like these that Jon struggled with boundaries the four of them had set. He knows that if Tim needs help, he’ll ask for it. But he also knows how stubborn you can become when you’re in pain, how frustrating it can be, how hard it is to ask for help. “In other news, I was thinking of having a movie night at mine tonight? Tim and Sasha are down, fancy it?” Jon brought himself back, this is something he could do. Something that would help.
“That sounds lovely but why don’t we have it at mine?” Jon took the cup Martin handed him and sipped, perfect as always.
“Uh, sure.” Martin looked a bit hesitant, probably because Jon usually doesn’t offer up his flat if Martin’s already offered. They all know Jon prefers their flats to his because then he can kidnap a jumper or cardigan to feel safer once he has to leave.
“It’s just, my flat’s closer and I think it’s best for Tim and I since there’s a lift.” He wasn’t lying persay, the lift would be better for the two of them but that wasn’t the only reason. He had supplies for bad days at his house. Heat pads, painkillers, ice packs, you name it. And he knew Tim was going to need it. He’d crash soon enough, most likely when they were all finally settled at Jon’s, so he needed to be able to help once Tim let them.
“Oh right, of course. Sounds great, I’ll let them know.”
It wasn’t long until Tim popped into Jon’s office, struggling with the door slightly. “I’ve got that research for you, Boss.” Jon gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk which Tim took quickly. He pulled the file from his bag once he sat down and had his hands free again.
“Tim, I- um. Is there anything i can do?” Jon tried to be as gentle as possible, not wanting to sound patronising.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” So he was still in the stubborn stage, great. “I’m all set for the last hour work wise if that’s what you’re asking.” He stood and Jon could see him hide a wince.
“Okay, I’ll let you get on then. Thank you again for the research.” All Jon got in return was a nod before Tim was out the door as fast as he could be.
The journey to Jon’s flat was nice for once, mostly due to Sasha driving them all instead of having to take the tube. But even just sitting mostly in silence it was comfortable. As soon as they were in his flat he wandered off to get changed into comfier clothes, urging them all to do the same. Once they were all back in the living room he spotted Tim in a familiar jumper, specifically the one Jon was looking for as it was nice and cosy but he left it with Tim. He looked like he needed it more than he did.
Stocked up with snacks and tea, bundled up in Jon’s duvet that he’d asked Martin to bring through, movie night began. After finishing La La Land per Sasha’s request and Howl’s Moving Castle per Martin’s request they decided to order some takeout.
“Tim, do you just want your usual?” Sasha was over at the table, notepad in hand with everyone's orders but his. The only answer she got however was a groan. Jon gently moved him off of his shoulder where he had been resting his head and it was only then he felt the heat coming off Tim’s skin.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Can you wake up for a minute for me please?” Jon watched him blink slowly and he swore he had fallen in love with him all over again.
“Is he alright?” Martin moved the duvet off of their laps and knelt at the feet of Jon and Tim. “Love, you’ve got a bit, uh-” Martin's gaze fell to Jon’s shoulder and when he followed he saw what Martin was clearly holding back a laugh at. Tim had drooled over his shirt.
“Martin, can you go into the cabinet in the kitchen, grab some painkillers, water and the thermometer for me please?” Martin’s face dropped so Jon rushed to calm him. “He’s okay, I think it's just a flare up. Take a breath, Love.” Jon watched him do as asked and head over to the kitchen. “Sasha, just order him his usual as long as it’s not too spicy.”
“Gotcha, I’ll be back in a minute.” She placed a kiss on Jon’s cheek then Tim’s, frowning slightly at the heat before heading to the bedroom to order.
“So, how are you really feeling? All of it, okay?” Jon kept his voice low and soft, channeling all the times Martin had calmed him down from a nightmare, all the times Sasha had comforted when the knock on his office door sounded too familiar, all the times Tim had helped him home once everyone had left because the pain was so bad.
"I'm alright, just being a drama queen as usual." Jon watched as Tim’s eyes filled with tears.
" Tim ." It seemed that Jon had finally chipped at his stubborn exterior just enough to let Tim breathe.
“I…Awful, it just hurts and I’m so tired, I don’t-” Jon pulled him into a hug as he finally let the tears fall, running a hand up and down Tim’s back while the other cradled his head.
“It’s okay, it's okay.” They sat there, Jon whispered sweet nothings until Tim’s sobs had calmed enough that he could speak “What hurts, Love?”
“Everything but my hips hurt the worst. It’s like they’re shooting pain down the rest of my legs.”  Tim pulled back slightly and Jon let him, wiping away Tim’s tears with his thumb.
“Got them Jon, but if it’s a flare up then why do we need the thermometer?” Martin’s eyes flickered over Tim’s face and Jon could tell he was holding back his mother-hen instincts. He trusted Jon and it made his chest warm to think that he trusted Jon enough to let him lead.
“I’m just hot stuff, what can I say?” The joke made them both smile, breaking some of the tension.
“Sometimes during flare ups you can get low grade fevers, I just want to make sure it’s not too high.” Jon explained as Martin kneeled back at their feet.
“Alright, okay.”
“Martin, it’s okay.” Jon reached out and took his hand, the worry practically radiating off of him.
“I know, I’ve just never been around either of you when you’ve had a flare up before and-” Jon’s eyes fell to his lap, guilt slowly seeping into his bones. He could tell Tim felt the same, squeezing his hand slightly before interrupting Martin. “You have actually, as much as I don’t want to admit it, we are relatively good at hiding them. Which isn’t necessarily a good thing.”
Martin looked to Jon and he nodded. “Right. Well, we can talk about that later.”
“Okay.” He turned to Tim. “Is it alright if i take your temperature, love?” Jon was pretty sure that he would say yes but it was still good to ask, to make sure Tim was comfortable.
“Yeah, alright.” Martin handed him the thermometer and Jon put it in his ear, waiting for the beep before taking it out again and doing it to the other ear.
“Hmm, 38.1 and 38.3. Not bad but still could be better. Let’s get some painkillers and water into you. Sasha’s ordering food just now so you’ll have that soon too.” Tim took them without issues but seemed uncomfortable when Jon mentioned dinner.
“I’m really not hungry just now.”
“Nausea or just no appetite?” Jon didn’t want to force him to eat if he felt nauseous but he needed some form of food in him if he was going to take more painkillers.
“Appetite.” Good, that’s something at least. Something he can work with.
“Why don’t you try some food and if you don’t want what we’ve ordered I’ll make you some toast?” As much as he hated that Tim was in so much pain it felt nice knowing what to do for once. Pain was something he was familiar with, something he knew so much about that it was instinct to him now.
“Alright.” Jon stood up and motioned for him to move along the couch slightly and he complied. He got them situated so Tim was lying down with his head on Jon’s chest and legs over Martin’s lap. He felt Tim curl into him and sigh contentedly. “Jon?”
“Thanks.” Jon ran his fingers through Tim’s hair, watching as his eyes started to shut again.
“Of course, love. You know I’m always here.”
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guardian-of-kandrakar · 4 years ago
30 Days of Witchversary- Day 28
This or that: Comics or cartoon?
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Oh no...THE question jeez okay this is going to be long.
The show to me is better in therms of the writing, like Shagon! The last episode of the first season! The S Is for Self episode (my fave)! How they dealt with trauma S2EP20! I also prefer Will’s and Matt’s relationship in the show actually. The humor was very much my style when I was a kid. But it has... Blunk... why? I’ve always been a big defender of the show since it was such a big part of my childhood but now rewatching I do recognize some problems and flaws but still I think it deserves more love! Season two especially. (Dear queers, the tv show is gayer. 😉)
On the other hand, one of the biggest pro of the comics is the development of some of the relationships - specially Taranee’s - which the show didn’t have as much opportunity to explore. However that is at the same time one of its biggest problems lol, since it had more time with the relationships, for the sake of drama, the writers would create unnecessary problems just to keep things “interesting”. But really the best thing of the comics is, in my opinion, all of the visuals: the art style, the characters expressions, their outfits, the backgrounds, the colours... something that the show couldn't even come close.
I can’t really say from where I prefer the characters but the comics definitely had more time to distribute through all of the characters than the show, but even with this obstacle the show manage to make all of the guardians likeable and also some of the secondary characters.
Therefore, I don’t have a definite because both of them give me so much comfort and nostalgia. If you only watched/read one of them I’d recommend you tried the other one but don’t go with the idea that they’re the same because even though they have the same essence and message, each one is their one thing, and that’s okay! Honestly I’m glad that they’re different because we have even more to enjoy rather them the same story but just in different medias. Love both and have the best of both worlds lmao.
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diagnosed-by-doyle · 5 years ago
His Desire
Pairing: le Comte de Saint Germain x Reader
Genre: smut
Kinks: marking, body worship, oral sex (both ways), self-denial, rough sex, choking
Word Count: 2043
A/N: I know it’s early, but happy Valentine’s Day! I’m not sure if I’ll have anything else ready before Friday, so consider this my Valentine’s post. Also, a big thanks to @ikemencrossedmyth for giving me some lovely ideas for this and future fics!
A knock on my door pulled my attention away from the vanity mirror. “Just a minute!” I quickly removed the remainder of my makeup and hurried to the door. When I opened it, le Comte de Saint Germain, my lover of several months, was waiting on the other side. I grinned at the delightful surprise. “Have you finished the planning?”
He nodded. “Everything is ready for the event. Have you already eaten dinner?”
“I would’ve waited for you if I knew you’d be getting done tonight.”
“That isn’t why I asked.” He stepped into the room then closed and locked the door behind him. “I’ve missed you, ma chérie.” He began to pepper kisses all over my face.
“We just saw each other this morning,” I giggled.
“Yes, but you were only there to deliver the mail. Now,” he backed me up against the wall, “I have time to love you properly.”
The implication behind his words made me bite my lip in anticipation of what was to come. “Then you won’t mind if I do this.” I wrapped my hand around the knot of his tie and yanked him down toward me. I crashed my lips onto his and pushed my tongue into his mouth.
“Mmmm…” Le Comte moaned in approval as he made his tongue dance with mine. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them over my head with one hand. With his free hand, he began to work on the buttons of my blouse. 
“Ahhh…” The noise slipped past my lips as he moved down to my neck. I could feel his fangs nipping and grazing me as he sucked at my skin.
After a few minutes of this torturous, yet sweet activity, he pulled back and smiled apologetically. “I don’t think you’ll be able to cover those up.”
“It’s okay,” I breathed.
“Hm. Let me make it up to you.” Using the wall as leverage, he wrapped my legs around his waist then turned around and sat me on the edge of the bed. After he tossed aside my blouse and corset, he sank to his knees and removed my shoes. Le comte hooked his fingers around my skirt and panties and started to tug. I raised my hips so that he could get them off of me with ease.
He licked his lips hungrily as he looked me over. “You’re always so beautiful, ____.” He pushed his fingers into the top of the thigh-high stocking on my right leg. He took his time pulling it down, and he followed the fabric with his lips, leaving soft, slow kisses down my leg all the way to my foot. He did the same thing with my other leg before spreading my knees apart to give himself more room. The vampire brought himself closer and pulled apart my folds, allowing cold air to touch my womanhood. Not wasting another second, he began to flick his tongue against my most sensitive spot.
“Mh!” I combed my fingers through his thick, soft hair and watched as he continued to work my body in a way that only he could do.
Using the flat of his tongue, he licked up from my entrance to my bundle of nerves. When he finally dipped his tongue into my heat and started to suck, he used his thumb to stimulate my clit.
I threw my head back and relished how amazing he was making me feel. Soon, he had me throbbing from an incredible orgasm that had me clenching the bed sheets.
After wiping off his mouth with the back of his hand, le Comte stood and began to strip himself of his clothing. I quickly hopped off the bed and began helping him. Two sets of hands were faster than one, after all.
Once my love was free of his clothes, I had him sit in the arm chair in the corner of the room. He was confused at first, but he understood as soon as I dropped to my knees in front of him.
“Ah, I see. As long as you’re enjoying yourself, ma bien-aimée.*” He stroked my hair affectionately while I started to pump his already hard member.
I made sure my tongue was nice and wet before I started licking up and down his length. Once I had his member completely wet, I took him into my mouth and slowly bobbed my head and sucked as I worked to pleasure him with my mouth.
I must have been doing a good job. I felt him twitch in my mouth when I looked up at him through my lashes. He started raising his hips up off the chair to push himself deeper into my mouth.
When he finally couldn’t take it anymore, he grabbed a fist full of my hair at the back of my head and pulled me off of his red, throbbing length. He’d been very, very close to coming. If he had let me go any longer, he would have.
He leaned forward and wiped my spit off of my bottom lip with his thumb as I gasped for breath. “You look so naughty right now.” He took a deep breath to try to calm the ache he was feeling deep inside himself. “But I don’t want to finish right now, not before I’ve taken you.”
The pureblood picked me up and walked over to the bed before laying me on the bed and climbing on top of me.
Le Comte’s golden irises were glazed over with lust as he placed his warm palm against my cheek. “Tell me if I get too rough, chérie. I don’t want to hurt you.”
I placed my hand over his and leaned into his touch in an effort to reassure him. “You won’t. You never do.”
He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips, placing one delicate kiss on my knuckles. “I haven’t been able to see you very much these past few days. I won’t be able to hold anything back, I’m afraid.” His gaze promised that our night would be filled with overwhelming ecstasy. It sent a shiver of excitement down my spine.
I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down toward me so that I could whisper to him seductively. “Do your worst.”
If our clothes weren’t already discarded and forgotten on the floor, I’m certain he would have ripped mine off of my body. Just as I planned, those three little words set him off. Le Comte pushed my thighs apart then eased himself into me, but that would be the only mercy he’d grant. 
Once I gave him the go-ahead, he began to thrust his hips at a slow, steady pace. “Tell me, ____. Does it feel good?”
My mouth opened to respond, but he plunged himself into me with a particularly hard thrust. Instead of words, all that came out was a breathy moan.
“I’ll take that as a ‘yes.’” He chuckled and moved my legs so that my ankles were over his shoulders then leaned down for a better angle.
Soon, his hips were snapping against me relentlessly, making the sounds of our labored breathing, the wetness of my arousal around his member, and skin slapping against skin fill the room. 
Hearing my name on his lips, his voice strained from the sheer amount of pleasure he was feeling--it made me want even more of him.
“Comte! Please--! I need more!”
Le Comte’s irises glowed for a fraction of a second as a low growl formed at the back of his throat. His arm shot forward, and he wrapped his long, slender fingers around my neck. Keeping absolute eye contact with me, he applied a minimal amount of pressure to the sides of my neck.
“Mmm! Yeees!” My shouts of pleasure were probably loud enough for all the residents to hear. But I didn’t care, not right now while I was in the throes of pleasure, courtesy of the most handsome noble in all of Europe. God, he knew every detail of my body and how to make me tick.
“Good girl. Let me hear your beautiful voice.” Le Comte removed his hand from my neck and instead used it to palm my breasts, which were bouncing from the impact of his hips against my core.
Though my mind was hazy, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. The light of the full moon was dimly illuminating the room. It showed that the pureblood’s wonderfully toned body had become shiny with sweat, and his hair had become damp.
“Mngh!” I felt my core tighten when he began to rub furiously at the small bundle of nerves between my thighs. 
“Haaaaah...You’re making this...very difficult for me, ma chérie.
“I can’t--Ah! I can’t help it! I’m almost…!”
“I know.” He moved his lips next to my ear. Feeling his hot panting breaths against my skin only moved me closer to my climax. His voice low and husky, he spoke, “Come for me, ____.”
“Ahh! Fuck!” It wasn’t instantaneous, but it was damn close. His words threw me over the edge, and my whole body began to spasm from the sheer force of my orgasm as I raked my nails down his back.
Le Comte grunted loudly as he struggled to hold on. A slew of French curses that I couldn’t keep up with poured from his mouth as he reached up with his free hand to grip the top of the headboard above me. The muscles in his arm tensed, and he gave a few final thrusts before I could feel his seed begin to fill me. “____!”
At that moment, the headboard began to crack from the force le Comte was exerting. If he noticed, he didn’t pay it any mind. I heard the wood split in two at the same time that the pureblood threw himself over me, making my vision go dark.
Once my eyes adjusted to the sudden change in lighting, I saw that one of the rods that made up the canopy had fallen on top of him. I gazed at him with concern as we both struggled to catch our breath.
“You’re not hurt, are you?” he finally spoke.
“You’re asking me?” I reached up to hold his face in my hands. “What about you?”
He gave me a reassuring smile. “This is nothing.” He took my hands in his and kissed my palms before pulling out of me and sitting back, causing the wood to fall off of him. He raised his eyes to look at the damage. “I’ll have to replace that. Would you be against sleeping with me until I can get your bed fixed? If so, you’re more than welcome to make use of one of the spare rooms.”
I sat up and kissed the tip of his nose. “What kind of question is that? You know I don’t mind sleeping with you.”
“I have to make sure.” He chuckled and placed a chaste kiss on top of my head. “I’ll meet you at la therme, mon amour.” He took my chin in his fingers and looked at me with adoration. “And when we’re done relaxing, I’ll get you some tea and massage you with some medicinal cream. I don’t want you to be so sore in the morning.”
“You don’t have to do all that for me.” I was so touched by how sweet he was being, but he really didn’t have to go to such measures.
“I want to. Let me spoil you, ____. You deserve it.” His eyes trailed down to my neck. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
I shook my head. “No, I enjoyed it.
He looked into my eyes seriously, trying to decide if I was saying that just to try to please him. Finally, he pulled me into his warm embrace. “I don’t know what I’d do if I ever hurt you.” After a moment, he pulled back and got off the bed to pull on his trousers. Once they were secure around his hips, he came back over to the bed and gave me one more passionate kiss. “Try not to keep me waiting too long. Je t'aime.**”
*  ma bien-aimée = my beloved
**  Je t'aime. = I love you.
Please let me know if you want to be (un)tagged.
Tags: @ohsohappyescapes @niphredil-14 @in-words-of-what-maybe @tsubaki3192 @agustd54
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polly-darton · 5 years ago
Where linger the undesired - Remus L. x Sirius B.
Title: Where linger the undesired
Characters: Remus L., Sirius B.
Genre: Romance, hurt/comfort,  porn with a bit o’plot
Rating: E
Chapters: 1
Word count: 2,3K
Disclaimer: All characters and places belong to J. K. Rowling.
Description: After twelve years of hurt and one year of healing Sirius and Remus finally reach a new start. After the events of Goblet of Fire.
Notes: So I saw this amazing fanart and this is what my mind came up with.
Relevant canon information: Sirius didn't trust Remus and that's why he chose Peter to be the secret keeper for the Potters.
Also available on AO3.
More notes at the end.
Lots of feelings.
Enjoy some sad sexy times.
“So, this is where you grew up.” Remus stood up from the chair and walked up to the sink carrying the piled plates.
Sirius nodded, “Now you know why I was so eager to leave.” He drank the rest of the fire whiskey in his glass.
“Your mother seems lovely.” Remus smiled from the corner of his mouth and glanced at Sirius as he waved his wand and the dishes started washing themselves.
“My favorite part.” Sirius raised his empty glass and gave a half-smile as he set it on top of the table.
Sirius was looking a lot better than last time Remus had seen him. His hair was shorter and almost had the same shine it used to back in school days. He was still thinner than he used to, but didn’t resemble a skeleton as much. His features, on the other hand, maybe would never go back to what they were and his eyes had a sort of shadow over them, that Remus could guess the origin of.
Remus, on the other hand, was looking worse than last time they’d met, with his greying hair and patched up robes. His face looked aged, but he still resembled his younger self when he smiled. He also had a shadow on his eyes, and it made Sirius’ gut twist with guilt every time it became prominent.
The last guest had just closed the door as they left number 12, Grimmauld Place, and they were left alone for the first time in almost a year. They hadn’t exactly left in the friendliest of therms when they parted after Remus left his position at Hogwarts, and Sirius went south for cover. Or maybe they left in the friendliest manner possible, considering what they’d gone through.
Old wounds still lingered in the air above them, not allowing for the warm reunion they longed for but weren’t really ready for. It made the atmosphere heavy, even if they didn’t have anything else to say or settle. All cards had been played, and all there was left to do was move on, impossible as it was to go back to the way things were when they were teens.
Remus waved his wand again and their glasses filled with more fire whiskey as he went back to the table and sat across from the other, “How does it feel to be back in action?” He took a sip from his glass and watched as Sirius leant on the back legs of his chair.
“I’m not really back in action, am I?” Sirius couldn’t keep the bitterness from his voice and the frown from his lips, “Still a fugitive accused of mass murder.”
“Welcome to the pariah’s club.” It was Remus’ turn to raise his glass. “Where linger the undesired.”
“You seem very excited.” Sirius drank half of the drink in his glass.
“Gives me something to think about.” Remus didn’t feel like telling that what was coming as excitement was actually nervousness “You sure it’s ok for me to stay here?”
“Sure. There’s lots of rooms and Kreacher will be delighted to have someone to cuss at.” Sirius emptied the glass into his mouth and swallowed grimacing a little.
“Where is he, by the way?”
“Walburga’s room probably.” Sirius set the glass back down and, when Remus finished his own glass. stood up, “Let’s find you a room.” He grabbed Remus’ suitcase that was left by the door and left the kitchen leading the way upstairs.
Mrs. Black whispered nastily as they passed by the corridor on their way to the higher levels and Sirius fidgeted nervously in a way that made Remus want to hold his hand. He didn’t, instead shoving his hands into his pockets and following the other quietly.
“This was Regulus’ room.” Sirius ran the tips of his fingers over the nameplate on the door, but didn’t stop to look inside or made further comments, “And this is my old room.” He held the door opened and followed in after the other.
Remus couldn’t hold his laughter when he took in the gold and red that decorated the room, “Somehow, it looks exactly the way I thought it would.” He turned, amused, to look at Sirius who still stood by the door, but had a shadow of smile on his lips. “You honor your fame.” “He moved closer to the wall to look at the pictures that were glued there.
Sirius at last entered the room and followed Remus toward the pictures on the wall, “Of mass murderer?” He saw himself and James smiling on the Hogwarts Express and his chest tightened.
Remus turned to give his snarky response, but lost his voice when he saw Sirius so close and with that look in his eyes. His fingers itched to touch him, so he turned around and let them move and touch lightly Sirius’ hand. “I know how hard it is for you.” He said softly.
Sirius didn’t respond with words, instead settling for watching as he intertwined his fingers with Remus’. The feeling of their hands touching, even in such a light way, was so familiar that it sent a chain reaction like shockwaves through their bodies.
Sirius raised his eyes and looked at Remus’ face, so close to his own, and the familiar color of his eyes almost sent tears into his own. “Moony...” He didn’t really know what he wanted to say, he just craved for something he knew only Remus was capable of providing.
“I know.” Was all Remus could come up with as the familiar nickname flooded him with something he had been sure he would never feel again.
They stood just looking at each other until Sirius looked away and at the wall again, and the hopelessness sent Remus forward until their bodies were touching and his arms were around Sirius’ waist.
“I don’t know what to say.” Sirius said against his shoulder with his hands touching Remus’ back.
Remus sighed, “There’s nothing to say.” The dark hair felt nice against his face and Sirius’ body felt right in his arms.
“I’m sorry.” Sirius said anyway.
Remus heart sped up as he realized: “I forgive you.”
Sirius pulled away and pushed the hair away from Remus’ face, searching for something to hold on to. Remus wanted to wash away the darkness that loomed around the other with reassuring words, but instead touched his face with both his hands and ran his thumbs over his cheeks.
Sirius took hold of Remus’ hand again and went to sit on the foot of the bed, keeping his arm outstretched as a sign for the other to do the same. As Remus sat by his side, Sirius started fidgeting with his fingers still held in his hand, keeping his eyes fixed on his own movements.
Remus took a breath and leant in, touching Sirius’ lips with his own very lightly while the fingers of his free hand went up to touch his face again. He licked his lips as Sirius tilted his head towards his touch and closed his eyes when he leant forward to kiss him again, his hand touching Remus’ elbow.
The kiss was shy and temptive as were their touches on each other. Their heartbeats sped as their bodies recognized each other, and they moved closer, their knees touching and their grip on each other’s hand tightening.
Remus moved his hand and laced his fingers in Sirius’ hair, feeling his body heat up as he deepened the kiss, their mouths fitting perfectly.
Sirius pulled away and had to catch his breath as he took in the darkness in Remus’ eyes, “Will you stay the night?”
The words sent a familiar pull to Remus’ gut, “Are you sure?”
“Ok” Remus nodded and licked his lips as Sirius moved to lie on the bed.
Sirius motioned for Remus to follow and watched as he did so, lying by his side facing him. Remus touched his shoulder and leant in to kiss him again, and when Sirius responded he put his hand under his shirt, touching his stomach before landing on his chest, feeling his heartbeat under his palm.
As heat engulfed him, Sirius lied on his back and pulled Remus to lie on top of him, kissing him again, hard and desperate as he felt himself getting hard against the other’s thigh between his legs.
Remus felt the world spin as he touched Sirius over his pants and was able to feel the warmth of his hardness through the fabric as Sirius lost his breath at the touch. 
“It’s been a while for me, so this might go really fast.” Sirius leant his head back into the pillow.
“It’s ok.”Remus smiled and kissed his jaw, still touching him over his pants and pressing his own hard-on against Sirius’ thigh.
Sirius couldn’t keep the words from leaving his lips, “Have you been with anyone else?”
Remus was expecting a question of the sort and had his answer ready: “Is there really an answer to that that would sooth you in any way?”
Sirius took a moment to think about the possible answers – that Remus had been with someone else in his absence, or that he had spent the last twelve years on his own – and realized: “Not really.”
To what Remus responded lightly: “There you are then.” The answer was no, but he had more pressing matters on his hands than the time he spent alone.
Remus kissed Sirius jaw and then his neck, breathing him in and rejoicing at feeling of Sirius in the air surrounding him again. He opened Sirius’ pants and put his hand inside, moving it over his dick and down to his balls before moving back up and wrapping his fingers around the hardened warm flesh. He moved his hand along the length, his lips still close to his pulse, as he felt Sirius’ chest rise and fall under him.
“Do you have any lube?” Sirius blurted out suddenly.
“No.” Remus raises his head to look at him, his hand still stroking him light and slow.
Sirius licked his lips and lifted his head to look at the other, “We’ve done it without it before.” He ran his hands over Remus’ back, pulling his shirt up as his fingers felt the raised skin of both familiar and new scars.
Remus shook his head and kissed him again before lifting his shirt and kissing the center of his chest. He moved over to start licking at a nipple as he placed his fingers under the hem of Sirius’ pants, pushing them down as he raised his hips. Remus moved down his body, kissing and licking at the skin while letting Sirius pull his shirt up his body and over his head.
Remus grabbed hold of Sirius’ dick again and licked a the head, feeling the length hard and warm in his hand. He placed the head between his lips and licked at it again before sliding it further into his mouth, his own cock twitching at Sirius’ moan. He went all the way down on him, until the head lodged at the back of is mouth making Sirius curse and grab his hair. Remus moaned and drool ran down the length as he moved his head up, licking and sucking, and then down again, slowly, reveling in the taste, the scent and the sounds coming from the other.
Sirius thrust his hips forward, and he felt that he could come from the sound of Remus’ moan alone, but he watched as his prick went up and into those pretty lips, Remus’ nose touching his belly with pink coloring his cheeks as drool pooled at the base. He felt hungry for the other, and felt jealous that Remus was fulfilling his own hunger while all he could do was grab at his hair as sweet agony sent his hips forward.
Remus put his arms under Sirius’ thighs and pulled his legs over his shoulder, gripping at the flesh as he swallowed and frowned as Sirius came down his throat, with his back arched and his mouth opened in a beautiful silent scream.
Sirius pulled him up  and undid his pants, impatiently pushing them down and away from his legs. Once done with the clothes, he pulled Remus to straddle him and then sat up, with Remus hot on his lap as his dick pointed at the ceiling.
Sirius spit on his palm and lathered it on the head of Remus’ cock, making it wet before he started jerking him off. He ran his free hand down his back and grabbed a handful of the supple flesh of his ass as he kissed and licked at his nipple, feeling Remus’ prick twitch in his hand as he sucked his stomach in and his chest heaved.
Remus swore and dug his nails into Sirius’ shoulders as he felt his orgasm hit, then he was canting his hips and coming all the up to his chest.
They stayed in the same position breathing hard for a moment, Remus touching Sirius’ neck and Sirius’ hands on Remus’ hips, their foreheads resting against each other with a glint of an old sparkle in their eyes.
At last, Remus had to stand up to grab his wand from his pants, and swayed it to clean up any mess before lying down next to Sirius and pulling the blankets over them. “Is this house always this cold?”
“Always.” Sirius grumbled and threw his leg over Remus’ middle, pulling him close.
Under the blankets they felt warm and secure in a way they hadn’t in ages, and as they closed their eyes and kissed lazyly they could almost pretend they were 18 again and the war they were fighting was still an old one.
Thanks for reading!
I tried to come up with an original title for once, and not just something from a song, and I know it sucks, but I’ll try to get over it and I hope you can do the same.
This is the first story I took more than a few frenzied hours to write so there’s a possibility (gasp) that it’s actually well written???
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pollylynn · 5 years ago
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Title: Koan WC: 1000
They’ve been talking about finding a better home for Buddha since the day Buddha moved in. They’d laughed about it at first—the fact that the movers had parked him right inside the door, hardly clear of the coat closet. Guard Buddha, they had called him, knowing the location was only temporary. 
But it had turned long-term a while back, and now it’s a puzzle, rather than something to chuckle over. It’s something they keep meaning to do, but never quite get around to doing. 
“It can’t be good for him,” he says more days than not as he pulls on his jacket preparatory to following her out the door. “Chaos looking right down on him.” He shakes his head scowls at the painting she knows he doesn’t exactly love. “It can’t be good.” 
“Buddha is fine,” she says, and more often than not she has to tug at his elbow if they’re ever going to actually make it out of the loft. “Chaos rolls off him. Serenity his his thing.” 
“Not much of that lately,” he is inclined to grumble, and it’s perfectly true. 
Serenity, along with privacy, predictability, normalcy, is in short supply at the loft these days, and she wonders if it really bothers him. A lot of the time she knows it shouldn’t bother him, and she’s pretty sure it doesn’t—not really anyway. 
Alexis playing late-night laser tag with a cute boy should have him puffing up in his Papa Bear routine, of course, but it should also have him heaving a sigh of relief, because the weight of sorrow and worry she’s been under since he disappeared seems to be lifting. Martha inviting gentlemen callers to avail themselves of his pajamas should definitely have a petulant ick factor for him, but he worries about Martha, too. He hates to see her writing herself off as too old for anything. 
But some of the time, he seems genuinely on edge. He seems genuinely short tempered and bothered by the loft’s rough and rowdy vibe of late. 
“Maybe it’s an act.” She raises the issue quietly with Buddha on a rare morning where she’s the first one up and the scent of coffee doesn’t spark a sleepy stampede. “Maybe he likes the chaos and he’s just playing it up.” She lifts her eyes to the golden rain of gingko leaves, and a blotted-out sun and it seems like a possibility. 
“What . . . up?” The befuddled question is all but swallowed up by a huge yawn. It’s forgotten in a sloppy, grateful smile as she steers him toward a seat at the counter and slides a mug of coffee his way. “Mmm. Quiet.” He takes a contented sip. “Nice and quiet.” 
It’s an unfortunate incantation. There are sudden bare feet pattering overhead. There are actual, high-heeled feathery mules tapping along the hallway upstairs. There is chatter that grows louder and louder as Martha and Alexis approach. He grips her hand for a desperate moment. He gives her a look that’s equal parts apology and plea. 
“Not quiet,” he whispers, and it’s on the miserable side, but Martha and Alexis arrive and he switches himself on. He’s in dad mode, son mode, eager-to-please-and-be-pleased mode. It happens so quickly she thinks she must’ve imagined the misery. She’d believe it if the bones of her hand weren’t sore. 
She pours coffees all around. She murmurs that she’d better get dressed and leaves the three of them to their chatter. She trails a hand over Buddha’s top knot on her way to the bedroom. “Maybe not an act,” she confides. 
It’s both–and. That’s what comes out over dinner. 
“Maybe I was wrong.” He has to raise his voice to be heard over the noise of the bustling, brightly colored dining room. 
“You usually are.” She opts to go up on tip toe, to cling to his arm and speak right in his ear as they wait for the host to decide which table to give them. “What are you wrong about this time?”  
“Buddha.” He gestures to one, two, six, sixteen happy Buddhas in sixteen different styles, arrayed around the place. “He seems pretty into the chaos.” 
It’s her opening, she decides. She waits for them to get settled at their table, then takes it. 
“Are you?” She plucks the menu from him and takes his hands in hers. She doesn’t elaborate. She lets hm take the question as he will. 
“Am I into chaos?” He toys with her fingers. He’s playful for a moment, but he sees she’s serious and he follows her down the same path. “Chaos is . . . welcome.” He smiles at her. There’s genuine happiness in it, and it’s frazzled around the edges. “And it’s hard.” 
“Hard because . . .?” She trails off, lest she lead the witness, but she wonders if it’s hard because of her—because he’s worried that she’s not into chaos. 
He squeezes her hand, though. He shakes his head, and it’s not that. He doesn’t feel like he’s in the middle of her and his family’s tendency toward the rambunctious, and she’s glad about that. She’s glad it’s so easily dismissed. 
“Tyson’s stalker wall went back years,” he says suddenly. “He watched us for years. And all those people who followed him—Marcus Gates and Amy Barrett and Carl Matthews and what if we come home one night and one of his left-behinds is in my pajamas?” 
His voice is loud, louder, loudest as he goes along, but all the same it is gobbled immediately up by the noise surrounding therm. It is consumed by chatter and light and a cacophony of color. 
“Can’t happen,” she says, every bit as loud. “Will never happen.” 
“How do you know?” It’s plaintive. He wants to believe. 
“I know.” She shakes her fingers loose from the grip he has assumed on them. She snaps open her menu and slides his across the table. “We’ve got a Guard Buddha.” 
A/N: Buddha head. He’s got a lot to think about. Hmm.
images via homeofthenutty
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Frozen 2 Non spoilery review
I want to watch it again to have the movie really sink in
I loved it, just not sure if more or not than the first
Elsa is a goddess
The movie was worth it for Anna and elsa alone and I really like how their friendship has grown (and still grows through out this movie), I mean they were basically strangers in the first movie
But the story was also nice and with important lessons
It was darker and funnier (idk how it’s possible to be both at the same time but ok 😂) than the first
I don’t think there’s a bad scene in the movie, I really liked all of it but for me it felt like something was missing. The movie was being a consistent 7.5/8 until one scene elevated the whole thing to an 11 and from there on out I just felt like the movie was truly needed and justified. No spoiler but it’s the first elsa scene with the hair down. That whole thing was just beautiful and I want to watch that whole thing again and again. That masterpiece of a scene wow I’m speechless. It wasn’t only beautiful in therms of visuals but also storytelling and musically wise. Elsa is god confirmed! After that every elsa scene was true blessing.
I was expecting the movie to be longer so it felt short on that
I also wanted more emotion, I mean the movie was really heavy but the tears didn’t fell and I wanted to cry but didn’t ☹️ but man Olaf almost did it 😭😭
Those dresses that haven’t been on any trailers tho 😏 ugh when I tell u that frozen deserves the Oscar for best costume design... IM NOT LYING Anna and elsa are TRUE FASHIONISTAS
The songs weren’t nearly as iconic as the ones in the first movie (at least on first earring) but they were non the less really great!
Elsa owned her songs so hard! I wish Anna had gotten a more banger of a song but it was ok. KRISTOFFS SONG WAS WOOOW 😂😂 he deserved it!!! I really liked the lyrics of all the songs tho. They were really cleaver on them.
I wanted elsa to fight more using her powers but what we got was also really good
The visuals were so on point! I love how 3D animation is getting better and better each year.
That’s all non spoilery I can recall now
I loved it, glad disney gave us more frozen, go see it!!
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thisisthepartwhereyou · 5 years ago
BEASTARS MINI-STORY # 2: “Alea Iacta Est” by JCL
We are in an office somewhere in the Horns Conglomerate. Juno is standing behind a changing screen, changing her clothes.
JUNO: "You know Louis, it was very nice of you to have a tailor design an outfit just for me."
Louis is standing nearby with his arms behind his back, staring in the opposite direction with a bored expression.
LOUIS: "Don't think too much about it. Many of my father's most important clients will be present at this event, so I can't take you with me and have you look anyhow."
This prompts Juno to stick her head above the screen with an agitated expression.
JUNO: "Anyhow?! Since when have I looked just 'anyhow?!'"
LOUIS: "You misunderstand me. Appearences are everything on these kind of events, as they leave everlasting impressions that could prove to be very helpful later in life. That's basically what these occasions are for: Looking presentable and making valuable connections."
Juno's ears drop at this.
JUNO: "Sounds a bit self-centered for what is supposed to be a charity event..."
Louis gives off an amused little smile.
LOUIS: "Held by shallow and stuffy people, who'll look good as they handle donations entrusted to them by those who has more money than they know what to do with. They call it a charity, but really, it´s just a celebration of ego".
Louis looks over his shoulder, and then notices that Juno is giving him a sad expression. His smile dims and he looks away.
LOUIS: "... But if the money still goes to those in need, who cares if it's for egotistical reasons?"
Juno looks happier at this notion. Louis clears his throat.
LOUIS: "Ehum, anyway, you probably don't have to worry about blending in. This dress is designed to ease them in to you. If they can accept you on first sight, you can act as unrefined as you like. You can act pretty much as you always do."
Juno's expression turns to that of intense annoyance. She clearly didn't like the therm "unrefined" or the implication that she needs to be "eased in to."
JUNO: "Is that how it works for you I wonder, with them pretty suits you wear...!"
She mutters as she sinks back behind the screen. Louis give the changing screen a nervous glance, as he clearly sensed the venom in Juno's tone.
LOUIS: (Did I say something wrong?)
Then he sighs.
LOUIS: (Perhaps it was a bad idea to invite her in the first place?) --- We enter a flashback, seeing the events that lead up to this whole situation.
LOUIS: (The Horns Conglomerate has been a major contributor to this charity for years; it's higher ups are always expected to attend. As the sole heir to the company I can't just skip it)
For starters, we see Louis adoptive father, Oguma, talking to him with a serious expression.
OGUMA: "It is expected of you to be accompanied by a female. If you arrive by yourself it could be misinterpreted as a weakness, especially considering your age. It is unfortunate that Azuki had to leave to continue with her studies, but you can surely bring someone else for the sake of custom."
LOUIS: (It's a good thing that it doesn't have to be a romantic partner) --- LOUIS: (I am also quite glad I didn't have to ask Azuki. That would have been uncomfortable.)
We then go to Azuki, Louis fiance, who is outside a fancy-looking private school in what appears to be midwestern Europe. She does not look happy as she is looking through her textbook, with a noticable, popping vein on her forehead.
AZUKI: "Hmph!" --- LOUIS: (And I can't ask Haru either, considering she's with Legosi)
We are now in Legosi's apartment in the hidden condo. They're sitting at opposite ends of the dinnertable, while Legosi seems to be adjusting a broken tooth with gum, giving off numerous musical melodies though his mouth. Haru looks on with a fascinated expression.
HARU: "Wow, it's like you have a whole backup band in there." --- LOUIS: (I guess through the process of elimination, Juno was the most logical candidate)
Now we're in a café. We see Juno sitting at a table across Louis while drinking from a juicecarton with a straw.  
JUNO: "A charity event?"
LOUIS: (She is a great dancer, has good manners, is considered all around pleasant company by people around her...)
Juno stops sipping from the juice and grabs Louis by the hand. Her tail is wagging and her eyes are gleaming with excitement.
JUNO: "Is that like a party? You're inviting me to come to a party with you?! I've never even been invited to one before!"
Louis looks tense and waves dismissively with his free hand.
LOUIS: "Just as a friend though! I am still engaged you know."
LOUIS: (Considering the complicated feelings that has grown between us, this may indeed have been a bad idea) --- We're back in the present time in the office of the Horns Conglomerate.
LOUIS: (Though, if anybody at the gala thinks we're a couple, I can just explain that we used to be in the drama club together) "Are you finished soon?"
JUNO: "Okay, okay, keep your shirt on!"
Juno walks out from behind the screen. She is wearing a pure white dress with a long skirt, reminiscent of the one worn by Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch (1955), with a see-through shoal draped over her shoulders. Juno gives Louis a cheeky look, hand on hip and everything.
JUNO: "Well? How's this for anyhow?"
Louis stares at her with a stunned expression, like a deer caught in the headlights.
LOUIS: "It is...!" (If I admit that she looks absolutely radiant, she'll take full advantage of it) "It is quite good. Though it is a bit different from what I commissioned from the tailor." (Good, keep up a strong front and deflect the subject)
JUNO: "Well I had to ask for a few modifications. I don't think the original design was meant for a canine; it would have been too restrictive to move in. Also, considering this is a formal affair, I don't want to look like a little lost girl. With this I look more like a young woman who knows where she's at, don't you think?"
Louis gives off a little smile.
LOUIS: "Well, I suppose..." (I guess she does have a good feel for these kind of things. Impressive for someone who claims she has never been to a party before)
JUNO: "Oh, I almost forgot!"
Juno suddenly spins around, revealing that the dress has an exposed back.
JUNO: "What do you think about the back?"
Louis eyes pops out of his skull, like a lovestruck character from a Tex Avery-cartoon.
JUNO: "It's not too daring, is it? The tailor insisted that this was the norm for women on these charities."
LOUIS: "D-Did he now?" (That perverted little BASTARD! Forget the drama club angle, there isn't going to be a single animal in the building who'll think she's just an aquiantence with an outfit like that!)
JUNO: "I mean I think it should be appropriate enough with the shoal."
Juno lets the shoal over her shoulders drop a bit, which further seems to excite Louis. Louis stretches his hands out in front him, approaching Juno like he was zombie or something.
LOUIS: (What is this unnatural desire? I am losing control, my hands are moving by themselves... I want her, I want her NOW!)
Louis hands grab ahold of Juno's shoulders. She looks surprised.
JUNO: "S-Senpai?"
LOUIS: (CRAP! I've lost control, my desire for her is overflowing my common sense...! I need to think of something quick...! Something... Something UNSEXY!)
Louis summons the unsexiest memory he can think of: Legosi in drag. It works like a charm and he simply pulls the shoal back up to Juno's shoulders.
LOUIS: (I have to thank Legosi next time I see him) "If you keep it up at this level, I think it'll be fine."
Juno smiles at this, unaware of what Louis almost did.
JUNO: "Really? And it still works with what you're wearing?"
LOUIS: "A white dress should work just fine with a black tux."
JUNO: "Do you have it here?"
LOUIS: "Sorry, it's at the cleaner." (Actually I have it in my father's office, I just don't want to partially unclothe myself after this)
JUNO: "Aww that's too bad...! I would have loved to see how you look in it.'
LOUIS: "You will soon enough. Now, if that is all, how about lunch?"
Louis turns around to look at his phone. As he does this, Juno notices something: Louis tail is wagging.
LOUIS: "I feel like I could eat a whole three-course meal right now..."
JUNO: "Alea iacta est."
Juno mumbles this at a very low volume. Louis gives her a questioning look.
LOUIS: "Hm?"
Juno quickly turns on full cheerful-mode.
JUNO: "I said I'd like that too! Your treat as always?"
Louis sweatdrops at this.
LOUIS: "Sure..."
JUNO: (I'm onto you. Your tail, your appetite, it's the same for me. Who would've guessed that a deer would show the same signs as a carnivore?)
LOUIS: "You may want to change though. That might a little too extravagant for the cafeteria."
JUNO: "Alright. You go ahead, I'll come as soon as I can." (You better watch your step, senpai)
Louis proceeds to walk out of the room, while Juno goes behind the screen to change back to her regular clothes. Juno gives off a sly expression; this is what she's been waiting for.
JUNO: (The die is cast)
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